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    1. SECKLEHNER, Julia. A School for Becoming Human? Women Photographers in Anti-fascist Resistance Movements in 1930s Central Europe. In Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). 2024.
    2. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Amateur Networks and Youth Activism: Networks of Central European Social Photography. Prague: fotograf gallery, 2024.
    3. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Amateur Networks, the Bauhaus and Youth Activism: Irena Blühová’s Networks of Social Photography. 2024.
    4. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. Czechoslovakia at the World’s Fairs. Behind the Façade. Online. Budapest/New York: Central European University Press, 2024, 298 pp. ISBN 978-963-386-766-2.
    5. SECKLEHNER, Julia, Jonathan CONLIN and Ozan OZAVCI. De la lumière à l’ombre. Lausanne 1923. Lausanne: Antipodes, 2024, 127 pp. ISBN 978-2-88901-258-9.
    6. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. Designing national pavilions and nations: Czechoslovakia and Bat'a at interwar exhibitions. Online. Antwerpy: Peristyle, 2024, 63 pp. Nice essays 1. ISBN 978-94-643675-4-6. Available from:
    7. SECKLEHNER, Julia. „Eine ausgesprochene Wiener Spezialität ist die Kunstgewerblerin“: Rosalia Rothansls Beiträge in Moderne Welt im Kontext ihrer Zeit. S. Kitzberger, E. Klimpel. Berlin: New Toni Press, 2024.
    8. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Esther Levinger: Constructivism in Central Europe. Journal of East Central European Studies. Germany: -, 2024, vol. 73, No 1. ISSN 0948-8294. Available from:
    9. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Esther Levinger: Constructivism in Central Europe. Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung. Marburg: Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung, 2024, vol. 73, No 1. ISSN 0948-8294. Available from:
    10. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Fashion design and folklore in women's art practice. In Přednáškový cyklus Ženy v umění. 2024.
    11. SECKLEHNER, Julia and Leah ARMSTRONG. Femininity and Design at Work: Online Workshop Series Programme. 2024.
    12. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. From Czechoslovakian Peasants to American Ladies: Folk Art as a Tool of Emancipation in the USA. In Association of Slavic, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies. 2024.
    13. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Gender, craft and war: handicrafts and emancipation in times of crisis, 1918–1945. In 9TH EAM CONFERENCE: Avantgarde and War. 2024.
    14. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Gender, craft and war: handicrafts and emancipation in times of crisis, 1918–1945. 2024.
    15. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. Indigenous design? New Perspectives on Decolonising Design. Panel at CAA conference. 2024.
    16. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Karriere als Emigrantin: Lisl Weil in New York (Career as an immigrant: Lisl Weil in New York). In Marie-Theres Arnbom. Lisel Salzer, Lisl Weil, Hilde Spiel. Drei Künstlerinnen – drei Freundinnen. St Gilgen: Museum Zinkenbacher Malerkolinie, 2024, p. 62–73, 11 pp. ISBN 3-902301-24-4.
    17. NOKKALA MILTOVÁ, Radka, Michaela ŠEFERISOVÁ LOUDOVÁ, Marta FILIPOVÁ, Hana BUDDEUS and Anna PRAVDOVÁ. Konce a (začátky) časů. 8. sjezd historiček a historiků umění (The Endings (and Beginnings) of Times. 8th Congress of Czech Art Historians). 2024.
    18. SECKLEHNER, Julia. ‘Land und Leute’ in the transnational space: Recontextualizing Heimatphotographie in Central Europe. Bielefeld: transcript, 2024, p. 187–210. East Central European Art Histories and Austria. Imperial Pasts – Neoliberal Presences – Decolonial Futures. ISBN 3-8376-7363-4. Available from:
    19. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Lucia Moholy neu gedacht (Rethinking Lucia Moholy). Fotogeschichte : Beiträge zur Geschichte und Ästhetik der Fotografie. Marburg: Jonas Verlag, 2024, vol. 44, No 174, p. 66–68. ISSN 0720-5260.
    20. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. NÁŠ ČESKÝ MILLET? JOŽA UPRKA, LIDOVÉ A ČESKÉ UMĚNÍ (Our Czech Millet? Joža Uprka, folk and Czech art). ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA. 2024, vol. 2022, No 1, p. 69-76. ISSN 0567-8293.
    21. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Avant-Garde and Modernism. First World War Studies. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2024, p. 1-2. ISBN 978-80-246-5121-7. Available from:
    22. SECKLEHNER, Julia. NETZWERK SATIRE. Adolf Hoffmeister, John Heartfield und die Internationale Karikaturenausstellung in Prag, 1934. Online. In Scholl-Schneider, Sarah, Langer-Asam, Theresa, Schmoller, Hildegard. Akteure und Institutionen visueller Medien im deutsch-tschechischen Kontext, Historische Perspektiven und praktische Einblicke. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag, 2024. ISBN 978-3-631-89880-2. Available from:
    23. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. ‘Peasant Gowns’ for American Ladies and the Meaning of Czechoslovak Folk Art. In invited lecture at the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library, Cedar Rapids, USA. 2024.
    24. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Rethinking Modern Austrian Art Beyond the Metropolis. Online. Routledge, 2024.
    25. SECKLEHNER, Julia and Marta FILIPOVÁ. Revisiting Folk Art: Agency, Change and Emancipation. In 8th Congress of Czech Art Historians. 2024.
    26. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Shadow Sides of Modernism: Poldi Wojtek’s Designs for the Salzburg Festival and Austria’s Conservative Modernity. In Robert Dassanowsky and Katherine Arens. Interwar Salzburg. Austrian Culture Beyond Vienna. London: Bloomsbury, 2024, p. 259 - 277. ISBN 979-8-7651-1258-8.
    27. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Socially Engaged Avantgardes: Women’s Networks of Photography in Interwar Central Europe. In MULTIPLE FRAMES FOR LUCIA MOHOLY: Contextualizing Photography, Gender, and Place in the 20th Century. 2024.
    28. SECKLEHNER, Julia. “Socially Engaged Avantgardes: Women’s Networks of Photography in Interwar Central Europe”, Goethe Institut, Prague. Public lecture. 2024.
    29. KRŠIAKOVÁ, Valéria. ŠUŘ a výuka ľudových umení v čase protektorátu Čechy a Morava (1939–1945). In Škola uměleckých řemesel v Brně (1924–2024) v kontextech uměleckoprůmyslového vzdělávání, politiky, kultury a průmyslu (konference). 2024.
    30. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Talk zur Illustratorin und Performancekünstlerin Lisl Weil (Talk about Lisl Weil as a performance artist). In Talk zur Illustratorin und Performancekünstlerin Lisl Weil. 2024.
    31. SECKLEHNER, Julia. ‘The Car and the Dirndl Get Along Well’: Modernity and Tradition in 1930s Austrian Fashion and Tourist Design. Central Europe. London: University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 2024. ISSN 1745-8218. Available from:
    32. FILIPOVÁ, Marta. The Limits of Liberation and the Central European Avant-Garde (ASEEES). 2024.
    33. KRŠIAKOVÁ, Valéria. “To Turn Folk Crafts into the Modern Art Industry of the First Class.” The Organization of ‘Home Industry’ in Interwar Czechoslovakia Inspired by Scandinavia. In Border Control: Excursion, Incursion and Exclusion - Design History Society Annual Conference. 2024.
    34. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Ukrajinský modernismus tehdy a dnes. Art Antiques. Praha, 2024, vol. 2024, No 5, p. 28–32. ISSN 1213-8398.
    35. ŠEFERISOVÁ LOUDOVÁ, Michaela, Marta FILIPOVÁ, Tereza HORÁKOVÁ, Petra LEXOVÁ and Žaneta MARVANOVÁ. Úsměv Mony Lisy (Mona Lisa's Smile). Masarykova univerzita Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2024, 30 pp. MjUNIon.
    36. SECKLEHNER, Julia. Vienna's Modern Girls: Fashion illustration, photography, and cartoons in popular magazines, 1925–1950. In Femininity and Design at Work. 2024.
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Displayed: 4/1/2025 08:05