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    1. KRATOCHVÍL, Jiří, Petr SEJK, Filip VAŠÍČEK, Lukáš PLCH, Jana BAČOVSKÁ, Eliška ŠEBESTOVÁ and Petr KŘIVÁNEK. Jak citovat: citační styly (How to Cite: Citation Styles). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. Elportál. ISSN 1802-128X.
    2. KRATOCHVÍL, Jiří, Petr SEJK, Filip VAŠÍČEK, Lukáš PLCH, Jana BAČOVSKÁ, Eliška ŠEBESTOVÁ and Petr KŘIVÁNEK. Jak citovat: citační styly (How to Cite: Citation Styles). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. Elportál. ISSN 1802-128X.


    1. BANKOVIČ, Mikuláš, Vít NOVOTNÝ and Petr SOJKA. Application of Super-Resolution Models in Optical Character Recognition of Czech Medieval Texts. In Horák, Rychlý, Rambousek. Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing (RASLAN 2021). Brno: Tribun EU, 2021, p. 11-18. ISBN 978-80-263-1670-1.
    2. LÍŠKA, Martin, Dávid LUPTÁK, Vít STARÝ NOVOTNÝ, Michal RŮŽIČKA, Boris SHMINKE, Petr SOJKA, Michal ŠTEFÁNIK and Makarius WENZEL. CICM'21 Systems Entries. Online. In 978-3-030-81097-9. INTELLIGENT COMPUTER MATHEMATICS (CICM 2021). CHAM: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2021, p. 245-248. ISBN 978-3-030-81096-2. Available from:
    3. NOVOTNÝ, Vít, Michal ŠTEFÁNIK, Dávid LUPTÁK, Martin GELETKA, Petr ZELINA and Petr SOJKA. Ensembling Ten Math Information Retrieval Systems: MIRMU and MSM at ARQMath 2021. Online. In Guglielmo Faggioli. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Bucharest, Romania: M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen, 2021, p. 82-106. ISSN 1613-0073.
    4. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Interpretable Document Representations for Fast and Accurate Retrieval of Mathematical Information. Online. In SIGIR '21: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM, 2021, p. 2705-2705. ISBN 978-1-4503-3621-5. Available from:
    5. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Markdown 2.10.0: LaTeX themes & snippets, two flavors of comments, and LuaMetaTeX. TUGboat. Portland, OR 97208-2311, U.S.A: TUG, 2021, roč. 42, No 2, 8 pp. ISSN 0896-3207. Available from:
    6. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Markdown 2.10.0: LaTeXová témata a snippety (Markdown 2.10.0: LaTeX Themes & Snippets). Zpravodaj CSTUG. Brno: CSTUG, 2021, vol. 31, 1-4, p. 76-82. ISSN 1211-6661. Available from:
    7. NOVOTNÝ, Vít, Eniafe Festus AYETIRAN, Dalibor BAČOVSKÝ, Dávid LUPTÁK, Michal ŠTEFÁNIK and Petr SOJKA. One Size Does Not Fit All: Finding the Optimal Subword Sizes for FastText Models across Languages. In Mitkov, Ruslan and Angelova, Galia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021). Varna, Bulgaria: INCOMA Ltd., 2021, p. 1068-1074. ISBN 978-954-452-072-4. Available from:
    8. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Overleaf: Kolaborativní webový editor LaTeXu (Overleaf, Collaborative Online LaTeX Editor). Zpravodaj CSTUG. Brno: CSTUG, 2021, vol. 31, 1-4, p. 3-8. ISSN 1211-6661. Available from:
    9. ŠTEFÁNIK, Michal, Vít NOVOTNÝ and Petr SOJKA. Regressive Ensemble for Machine Translation Quality Evaluation. Online. In Loïc Barrault et al. Proceedings of EMNLP 2021 Sixth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT 21). Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republi: ACL, 2021, p. 1041-1048. ISBN 978-1-954085-94-7.
    10. LUPTÁK, Dávid, Vít NOVOTNÝ, Michal ŠTEFÁNIK and Petr SOJKA. WebMIaS on Docker: Deploying Math-Aware Search in a Single Line of Code. In Fairouz Kamareddine and Claudio Sacerdotti-Coen. Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 14th International Conference, CICM 2021, Timisoara, Romania, July 26–31, 2021, Proceedings. LNAI 12833. Timisoara, Romania: Springer, 2021, p. 159-164. ISBN 978-3-030-81096-2. Available from:
    11. NOVOTNÝ, Vít, Kristýna SEIDLOVÁ, Tereza VRABCOVÁ and Aleš HORÁK. When Tesseract Brings Friends: Layout Analysis, Language Identification, and Super-Resolution in the Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts. In Horák, Rychlý, Rambousek. Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing (RASLAN 2021). Brno: Tribun EU, 2021, p. 29-39. ISBN 978-80-263-1670-1.


    1. NOVOTNÝ, Vít and Marie STARÁ. Cthulhu Hails from Wales: N-gram Frequency Analysis of R'lyehian. In Aleš Horák, Pavel Rychlý, Adam Rambousek. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing, RASLAN 2020. Brno: Tribun EU, 2020, p. 87-92. ISBN 978-80-263-1600-8.
    2. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Making Markdown into a microwave meal. TUGboat. Portland, OR 97208-2311, U.S.A: TUG, 2020, roč. 41, No 3, 3 pp. ISSN 0896-3207. Available from:
    3. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Markdown 2.8.1: Směle k trůnu odlehčeného značkování v TeXu (Markdown 2.8.1: Boldly Unto the Throne of Lightweight Markup in TeX). Zpravodaj CSTUG. Brno: CSTUG, 2020, vol. 30, 1-2, p. 48-56. ISSN 1211-6661. Available from:
    4. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. The Art of Reproducible Machine Learning: A Survey of Methodology in Word Vector Experiments. In Aleš Horák, Pavel Rychlý, Adam Rambousek. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing, RASLAN 2020. Brno: Tribun EU, 2020, p. 55-64. ISBN 978-80-263-1600-8.
    5. NOVOTNÝ, Vít, Petr SOJKA, Michal ŠTEFÁNIK and Dávid LUPTÁK. Three is Better than One: Ensembling Math Information Retrieval Systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Thessaloniki, Greece: M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen., 2020, vol. 2020, No 2696, p. 93-122. ISSN 1613-0073.
    6. NOVOTNÝ, Vít, Michal ŠTEFÁNIK, Dávid LUPTÁK and Petr SOJKA. Towards Useful Word Embeddings: Evaluation on Information Retrieval, Text Classification, and Language Modeling. In Aleš Horák and Pavel Rychlý and Adam Rambousek. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing, RASLAN 2020. Brno: Tribun EU, 2020, p. 37-46. ISBN 978-80-263-1600-8.
    7. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. When Tesseract Does It Alone: Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts. In Aleš Horák, Pavel Rychlý, Adam Rambousek. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing, RASLAN 2020. Brno: Tribun EU, 2020, p. 3-12. ISBN 978-80-263-1600-8.


    1. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Markdown 2.7.0: Towards lightweight markup in TeX. TUGboat. Portland, OR 97208-2311, U.S.A: TUG, 2019, roč. 40, No 1, p. 25-27. ISSN 0896-3207.
    2. RŮŽIČKA, Michal, Andrea MIRANDA, Lukáš HEJTMÁNEK, Zdeněk VAŠEK, Vlastimil KREJČÍŘ and Miroslav BARTOŠEK. Metodika bitové ochrany digitálních dat (The methodology for bit-level preservation of digital dat). 2019.
    3. LHOTÁK, Martin, Zdeněk VAŠEK and Michal RŮŽIČKA. Projekt ARCLib – vývoj open-source řešení pro dlouhodobou archivaci digitálních dokumentů pro knihovny a další paměťové instituce – aktuální stav (ARCLib – development of open source system for long-term preservation for library digital collections). In LTP 2019: Nové trendy a východiská pri budovaní LTP archívov: zborník príspevkov zo 4. medzinárodnej konferencie o dlhodobej archivácii. Bratislava: Univerzitná knižnica v Bratislave, 2019, p. 53-63. ISBN 978-80-89303-77-9.
    4. SOJKA, Petr, Vít NOVOTNÝ, Eniafe Festus AYETIRAN, Dávid LUPTÁK and Michal ŠTEFÁNIK. Quo Vadis, Math Information Retrieval. In Aleš Horák and Pavel Rychlý and Adam Rambousek. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing, RASLAN 2019. Brno: Tribun EU, 2019, p. 117-128. ISBN 978-80-263-1517-9.
    5. NOVOTNÝ, Vít. Soft Cosine Measure: Capturing Term Similarity in the Bag of Words VSM. 2019.


    1. KREJČÍŘ, Vlastimil. Indexování a vyhledávání matematických formulí (Math formulae index and search). Online. Praha: Albertina icome Praha, 2018, 6 pp. ISSN 1801-2213.
    2. SOJKA, Petr, Michal RŮŽIČKA and Vít NOVOTNÝ. MIaS: Math-Aware Retrieval in Digital Mathematical Libraries. Online. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '18). Torino, Italy: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018, p. 1923-1926. ISBN 978-1-4503-6014-2. Available from:


    1. RŮŽIČKA, Michal, Vít NOVOTNÝ, Petr SOJKA, Jan POMIKÁLEK and Radim ŘEHŮŘEK. Flexible Similarity Search of Semantic Vectors Using Fulltext Search Engines. Online. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1923. Vienna, Austria: Neuveden, 2017, p. 1-12. ISSN 1613-0073.
    2. RŮŽIČKA, Michal. Math Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, 2017, 144 pp. Doctoral Thesis.
    3. KREJČÍŘ, Vlastimil. Mathematics Index and Search in DSpace. In OAI10 DSpace user group meeting (Pre-conference of OAI 10 - The CERN - UNIGE Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication). 2017.
    4. BARTOŠEK, Miroslav, Michal RŮŽIČKA and Václav STUPKA. Nařízení GDPR a jeho implementace na vysokých školách v ČR – jak na to (GDPR Regulation and its Implementation at Universities in the Czech Republic - how to do it). In EUNIS-CZ. Dopad zavedení novely VŠ zákona do IS vysokých škol. 1st ed. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2017, p. 5-14. ISBN 978-80-261-0713-2.
    5. RYGL, Jan, Jan POMIKÁLEK, Radim ŘEHŮŘEK, Michal RŮŽIČKA, Vít NOVOTNÝ and Petr SOJKA. Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search Using Fulltext Search Engines. Online. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, RepL4NLP 2017 c/o ACL 2017. Vancouver, Canada: Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL, 2017, p. 81-90. ISBN 978-1-945626-62-3. Available from:
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