Přeskočit na horní lištu
Přeskočit na hlavičku
Přeskočit na obsah
Přeskočit na patičku
Vyhledávání publikací
Vyhledávání publikací
Pokročilé vyhledávání
Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Co byste měli vědět, než začnete pracovat s osobním počítačem (1992)
Meta Computing - New Direction in High Performance Computing (1997)
Univerzitní síťová infrastruktura v ČR dnes i zítra (1998)
Výkonné výpočty, vědecká spolupráce a další služby vysokorychlostních sítí (1998)
Haptic Visualization of Molecular Data (1999)
Studying Conformational Behaviour with PHANToM device(s) (1999)
Práva a povinnosti uživatelů informačních technologií na MU (1999)
Hypertext Atlas for Pathology Education (1999)
Handling Cycles in Conformational Behaviour Visualization (2000)
SOFSEM '99 : Theory and Practice of Informatics : 26th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics : Milovy, Czech Republic, November/December 1999 : Proceedings (1999)
ATpar : heterogenní virtuální www-katalog Aleph-Tinlib. (1999)
ATpar : heterogenní virtuální www-katalog Aleph-Tinlib (1999)
Automatizace knihoven MU - ohlédnutí po pěti letech (1998)
Souborný katalog Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (1997)
Novinky v oblasti kooperace knihoven v rámci projektu MOLIN : Download záznamů & Virtuální souborný katalog (1997)
Vyhledávání v Internetu a DUBLIN CORE (1999)
JSTOR - šance i pro humanitní výzkum na MU? (1999)
CD-ROM server Masarykovy univerzity (1996)
Súčasný stav a perspektívy automatizácie v~Univerzitnej knižnici v~Bratislave (1996)
Retrokonverzia katalógu v Bodleian Library, Oxford, Anglicko (1996)
Kanadské zápisky 1. (1999)
Kanadské zápisky 2. (1999)
Kanadské zápisky 3. (1999)
Kanadské zápisky 4. (1999)
XML - o čem a pro koho? (2000)
The Implemantation of an Automated System at the University Library in Bratislava, Slovakia (2000)
XML - příklady aplikací (2000)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Flexibility (2000)
Constraint-based Timetabling with Student Schedules (2000)
"Souborný" katalog Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (1997)
AltaVista - translation service (1998)
Systém JASON (1998)
Navštívili jsme na webu: Citování dokumentů (1999)
EIFL Direct (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Úvod (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Údaje o názvu a odpovědnosti - název (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Údaje o názvu a odpovědnosti - odpovědnost (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Údaje o vydání (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Nakladatelské údaje (2000)
Integrovaná virtuální knihovna Státní technické knihovny v Praze (INV[I]K STK) (1997)
Korporace (a konference) : instrukce k tvorbě a zápisu údajů v záznamech jmenných autorit : doplněk k manuálu Katalog systému TINLIB (1994)
Pravidla AACR. Údaje fyzického popisu (2000)
Elektronické dizertace on-line (2000)
Konsorciální elektronické informační zdroje v akademické sféře ČR (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Údaje o edici (2000)
Akademická konsorcia na elektronické informační zdroje: historie a přehled současných aktivit (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Poznámky (2000)
Pravidla AACR. Údaje o standardním čísle a dostupnosti (2000)
Conformational Analysis as a Testbed for MetaComputer (2000)
Security Infrastructure ot the MetaCenter (2000)
Elektronické informační zdroje na MU (2000)
Počítačová studovna MU zahájila provoz (2000)
Videokonference v aktivních sítích (2000)
Jak se domluvit s Evropou (2000)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Properties (2001)
Active Networks and high speed content delivery (2001)
Mobile Computing (2001)
Elektronické informační zdroje pro vědu, výzkum a výuku v České republice (2001)
Vedecká pamäť univerzity - elektronicky a online (2001)
Mobilní počítání (2001)
Systémový pohled na výběr knihovního systému nové generace a "finský model" (2001)
Mobilita v malém (2001)
An Active Network Architecture: Distributed Computer or Transport Medium (2001)
Přehled elektronických informačních zdrojů pro vědu a výzkum (2001)
Digitální knihovny (2001)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Conformations (2001)
MetaCenter -- Building a Virtual Supercomputer (2001)
GRIDy -- nové aplikace nad sítí (2001)
Teleconferencing Support for Small Groups (2002)
Zrcadla v počítačové síti (2002)
Internetové vysílání workshopu Genetics after the Genome aneb "malý bobřík odvahy" (2002)
Videokonferenční zrcadla (2002)
Jemný úvod do (anti)virové problematiky (2002)
Jak na streamované video? (2002)
Streamovaná multimédia (2002)
Jemný úvod do (anti)spamové problematiky (2002)
Digitální knihovna fotografií MU (2002)
Aleph: nový knihovní systém pro MU (2002)
Komunikace s technologií AccessGrid Point (2002)
Developing a Dialog Library System (2002)
IPsec interoperability tests with respect to deployment as "Last Mile" security solution (2002)
XML Router Configuration Specifications and Architecture Document (2002)
Aktuální oblasti výzkumu digitálních knihoven (2003)
Výzkum digitálních knihoven na MU Brno (2003)
Komunikace s technologií AccesGrid Point (2003)
Jak se dělá divadlo na FI MU (2003)
Internet a Digitálne knižnice (2003)
Haptic rendering of complex force fields (2003)
Building 3D State Spaces of Virtual Environments with a TDS-based Algorithm (2003)
Jak přednášet na dálku aneb virtuální přednáška v Koreji (2003)
RAP - Reflector Administration Protocol (2003)
Portable and Efficient Replacement for Web Services Messaging Protocol (2003)
Synchronizing RTP Packet Reflector (2003)
Aplikace nad vysokorychlostními sítěmi (2003)
IBP Deployment Tests and Integration with DiDaS Project (2003)
User Empowered Virtual Multicast for Multimedia Communication (2004)
Encryption implementation for WBD (2001)
PictureTel 550 H.323 Videoconferencing Tool in Windows 2000 Environment - Installation and Experiences (2001)
DV Technology Overview And Video Camera Tests (2001)
Modulární komunikační reflektor s DV přenosem (2004)
Multimedia Support for Individualized Learning (2004)
Disertace Masarykovy univerzity on-line (2002)
Grid Infrastructure Monitoring as Reliable Information Service (2004)
Distributed Encoding Environment Based on Grids and IBP Infrastructure (2004)
GSIP - An Alternative Web Services Invocation Protocol (2004)
Schizoaromatický Hexaflurocyklotrifosfazen (1998)
Synthesis of Synchronizers (1990)
Základy systémového programování. Operační systém RSX-11M (1989)
Miniprůvodce systémem FoxBASE/dBASE (1992)
Automatizace knihoven na MU v Brně (1992)
Automatizace knihoven MU (1992)
Některé zkušenosti se systémem TINLIB v prostředí českých vysokých škol (1994)
Knihovny MU v Internetu (1995)
Distribuované prostředí pro kódování multimédií (2004)
User-Empowered Programmable Network Support for Collaborative Environment (2004)
Distributed Tracking, Storage, and Re-use of Job State Information on the Grid (2004)
Practical approaches to Grid workload and resource management in the EGEE project (2004)
DiDaS/LoCI Infrastructure for Distributed Video Processing (2004)
Uniform Job Scheduling Model for Distributed Processing Environment with Distributed Storage (2004)
Haptically Driven Travelling Through Conformational Space (2005)
Lambda služby (2004)
Notes on Scalable Models for Synchronous Multimedia Distribution (2004)
Distribuované kódování videa (2004)
Rada programu Informační společnost (2004)
2nd European Across Grids Conference (2004)
International Conference on High Performance Computing (2004)
5th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (2004)
Digitální knihovny - teorie a praxe (2004)
Mobilita napříč sítěmi (2005)
Scalability and Robustness of Virtual Multicast for Synchronous Multimedia Distribution (2005)
Lecture Recording, Processing, Archiving, and Streaming (2005)
Implementace P2P sítě zrcadel v prostředí JXTA (2005)
Ubiquitous User-Empowered Networks of Active Elements (2005)
Bezpečnost v distribuovaném prostředí (2005)
Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms for Multi-Domain Grid Environments (2005)
Bezpečnostní infrastruktura METACentra (2005)
Perun -- Fault-Tolerant Management of Grid Resources (2005)
Distribuované Datové Sklady (2004)
Distribuované výpočty složitých stavových prostorů (2005)
Distribuované Datové Sklady (2005)
Správa soukromých klíčů pomocí hardwarových tokenů (2005)
Akademické lambda sítě u nás a ve světě (2005)
The VOCE (VO Central Europe) Environment (2005)
High-Definition Video at CESNET (2005)
Grid Video Processing: Distributed Approach to Video Processing (2005)
Capability and Attribute Based GRID Monitoring Architecture (2005)
Towards Scalable and Interoperable Grid Monitoring Infrastructure (2005)
A Credential Renewal Service for Long-Running Jobs (2005)
Videokonferenční technologie a přenosy videa (2005)
High-Definition Video Transmissions for Medical Applications and Education (2005)
Multimedia Documents in Teaching Pathology (2005)
Network and Grid Support for Multimedia Distribution and Processing (2005)
Vysílání koncertu k výročí 50 let sboru Kantiléna (2005)
Distribuované datové sklady a protokol IBP (2005)
User Management for Virtual Organizations (2005)
Členství v radě programu AV ČR Informační společnost (2005)
EGEE JRA1 meeting (2005)
Grid Scheduling and Monitoring (2005)
Model of Grid Scheduling Problem (2005)
Videokonference s vysokou kvalitou (2006)
iGrid2005 (2006)
Do Gridu snadno a rychle - prostředí VOCE (2006)
Packet Filtering for FPGA-Based Routing Accelerator (2006)
Konference CESNET 2006 (2006)
Capability languages in C-GMA (2006)
VOCE---A Grid Environment for Central Europe (2006)
VOCE - Central European Production Grid Service (2006)
Routing and Level 2 Addressing in a Hardware Accelerator for Network Applications (2006)
Active Elements for High-Definition Video Distribution (2006)
HD Multi-point Videoconferencing (2006)
Quality of Service Oriented Active Router Design (2006)
Zkušenosti s nasazováním HW tokenů pro uživatele METACentra (2006)
Technologie digitálních knihoven (2006)
Kerberos and PKI Cooperation (2006)
Grid 2005 - 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (2005)
High-definition multimedia for multiparty low-latency interactive communication (2006)
Distributed and collaborative visualization of large data sets using high-speed networks (2006)
Best Practices of User Account Management with Virtual Organization Based Access to Grid (2006)
User Management for Virtual Organizations (2006)
Virtual Environments -- Framework for Virtualized Resource Access in the Grid (2006)
Active Element Network with P2P Control Plane (2006)
Improving Security in Grids Using the Smart Card Technology (2006)
Zdokonalení autentizace použitím jednorázových hesel (2006)
Hardware-constrained Packet Classification (2006)
Autentizační hardwarový token nové generace (2006)
Routing, L2 Addressing, and Packet Filtering in a Hardware Engine (2006)
Bezpečnost v gridech: autentizace uživatelů (2006)
Proceedings of the Second Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2006) (2006)
Distributed Active Element for High-Performance Data Distribution (2006)
MyProxy and EGEE (2006)
Multi-Point Uncompressed HD Conferencing Using UltraGrid (2006)
Uncompressed HD Technology (2006)
Standard Definition Stereoscopic Video (2006)
HDTV streaming (2006)
Designing a Distributed Mediator for the C-GMA Monitoring Architecture (2006)
Low-Latency HD Videoconferencing System with Reflector-Based Multipoint Data Distribution (2006)
Virtualized Access to the Grid Computational Resources (2006)
DML-CZ: The Objectives and the First Steps (2008)
Usage of TPM under Xen (2007)
Haptický model interakce molekul (2006)
Distributed Data Storage with Strong Offline Access Support (2007)
Secure Logistical Networking in Virtual Organizations (2007)
High Definition video ve výuce (2007)
Ithanet - developing en infrastructure of electronic communication for Thalassaemia research (2007)
Enabling Technologies for Teaching an HPC Class as a Distributed Course. (2007)
Secure and Pervasive Collaborative Platform for Medical Applications (2007)
Identity Management in the Grid Environment (2007)
Kerberos and Grid systems (2007)
Message Level Security For Grid Services Using S/MIME (2007)
A Robust and Efficient Mechanism to Distribute Certificate Revocation Information Using the Grid Monitoring Architecture (2007)
Sealed Grid with Downloadable Services (2007)
Network Overhead in Virtual Machines (2007)
Virtualizace rozsáhlé výpočetní infrastruktury (2007)
Community Building in Distance Learning Environments: Using uncompressed high-definition videos as a medium for classroom interactivity. (2007)
Bezpečný distribuovaný úložný prostor (2007)
Streaming HD videa (2007)
Použití jednorázových hesel pro autentizaci v gridovém prostředí (2007)
MediGrid jako prostředek sdílení biomedicínských zdrojů (2007)
Zkušenosti s nasazením PKI v distribuovaném prostředí (2007)
Problematika plánování úloh v prostředí Gridu (2007)
Distributed Active Element in 10Gbps Network (2007)
An Algorithm of State-Space Precomputation Allowing Non-linear Haptic Deformation Modelling Using Finite Element Method (2007)
Videokonference za zdí (2007)
HD Collaborative Framework for Distributed Distance Learning (2007)
Experience with PKI in a Large-scale Distributed Environment (2007)
Secure Logistical Networking in Virtual Organizations (2007)
Virtualized Access to the Grid Computational Resources (2007)
Central European Grid Infrastructure for Generic Applications (2007)
Grid Deployment Using Virtual Machines: METACenter Use-Case (2007)
Trusted Distribution and Utilization of Virtual Machines (2007)
Designing a distributed mediator for the C-GMA monitoring architecture (2007)
Bonding and aromaticity of cyclic phosphazenes viewed as interaction of Dnh fragments (2007)
Projekt e-learning 2006 - pilotní kurzy (2006)
Local Search for Grid Scheduling (2007)
Alea - Grid Scheduling Simulation Environment (2008)
Local Search for Deadline Driven Grid Scheduling (2007)
Grid Simulator with Production Scheduling Algorithms (abstract) (2007)
HD Video in Teaching Environment (2007)
Virtual Classroom with a Time Shift (2007)
MEMICS 2007: Third Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2007)
Nasazení federací ve velkém distribuovaném prostředí: systém pro správu interakcí léků (2007)
Magrathea -- Grid Management Using Virtual Machine (2007)
On Distribution Certificate Revocation Information in Grids (2007)
Contact Modeling in Haptic Interaction Based on Off-line Precomputation Algorithm (2007)
Transparent Security for Collaborative Environments (2007)
Uncompressed HD Video for Collaborative Teaching - An Experiment (2007)
Scheduling Virtual Grids: the Magrathea System (2007)
IPv6 in METACenter (2007)
Distributed Synchronous Infrastructure for Multimedia Streams Transmission and Processing (2007)
Using CRL Push Delivery for Efficient Certificate Revocation Information Distribution in Grids (2007)
Federace identit aneb spolčení totožností (2007)
Virtual Classroom with a Time Shift (2007)
Nonblocking Distributed Replication of Versioned Files (2007)
Přístup k obrazům o vysokém rozlišení pomocí Internetu (2007)
Rozhraní virtuálního mikroskopu pro přístup k histologickým obrazům o velmi vysokém rozlišení (2007)
Hypertextové atlasy patologie 2007 (2007)
Úvod do IPv6 (2008)
Virtuální třída aneb přednáška na dálku (2008)
A federated framework for secure videoconference (2008)
CoUniverse: Framework for Building Self-organizing Collaborative Environments Using Extreme-Bandwidth Media Applications (2008)
High Quality Large Scale Virtual Classroom (2008)
Updates on UltraGrid Platform (2008)
Implementation of DXT Compression for UltraGrid (2008)
UltraGrid-20080530 (2008)
Distributed Synchronous Infrastructure for Multimedia Streams Transmission and Processing (2008)
Effects of Virtualisation on Behaviour and Performance Characteristics of Network Processing (2008)
Jak se dělá digitální matematická knihovna (2007)
Česká digitální matematická knihovna (2008)
DML-CZ Metadata Editor (2008)
Secure and Fault Tolerant Distributed Framework with Mobility Support (2008)
Virtualizing METACentrum Resources Using Magrathea (2008)
MetaCenter Virtual Networks (2008)
IPv6 in METACenter (2008)
Charon GUI: Feature Rich Interface to Distinct Grid Niches (2008)
Haptic Interaction with Soft Tissues Based on State-Space Approximation (2008)
MEMICS 2008, Fourth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2008)
Evaluation of the Introduction of the Use of e-Infrastructure Tools in the Research of Thalassaemia and Other Haemoglobinopathies (2008)
Updates on UltraGrid Platform (2008)
VirtCloud & CoUniverse: On E2E Services for Grids and Multimedia (2008)
UltraGrid (2008)
Job Provenance - Insight into Very Large Provenance Datasets (2008)
MEMICS 2008, Fourth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2008)
Služby ÚVT pro vědu a výzkum (2008)
CoUniverse: Framework for Building Self-Organizing Collaborative Environments Using Extreme-Bandwidth Media Applications (2009)
Experience with Large Scale Simulations on the EGEE Grid for the AUGER collaboration (2008)
Experimental evaluation of job provenance in ATLAS environment (2008)
Multiple Ligand Trajectory Docking Study: Semiautomatic Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using EGEE gLite Services (2007)
MEMICS 2007: Third Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2007)
Alea - Grid Scheduling Simulation Environment (2008)
CoUniverse (2008)
Virtual microscope interface to high resolution histological images (2008)
jSon: Network of Active Elements with Peer-to-Peer Control Plane (2009)
A Federated Framework for Secure Collaborative Systems (2008)
Survey of Authentication Mechanisms for Grids (2008)
Integrovaná správa pověření pro e-learningové systémy (2008)
Easing access to Grids using identity federations (2008)
MetaCenter Virtual Networks (2009)
On-Line Precomputation Algorithm for Real-Time Haptic Interaction with Non-Linear Deformable Bodies (2009)
e-Infrastruktury - komplexní nástroje pro podporu vědy, výzkumu i výuky (2009)
VirtCloud: Virtualising Network for Grid Environments--First Experiences (2009)
VirtCloud: Virtual Network for User-controlled Virtual Clusters (2009)
Virtualizace v gridových infrastrukturách (2009)
Interfacing CoUniverse & Internet2 DCN (2009)
Interfacing CoUniverse & Internet2 DCN (2009)
Virtuální grid: virtualizace krátí cestu do MetaCentra (2009)
Large-Scale Free Energy Calculations as Showcase of Worldwide Grid Usability (2009)
Úskalí PKI v praxi - část II (2009)
Úskalí PKI v praxi - část I (2009)
Experiences with Massive PKI Deployment and Usage (2009)
Grid-enabled Desktop (2009)
Framework for non-Web application integration - CAT (2009)
Kerberos Authentication in Apache (2009)
Network Identity Manager Providers (2009)
Proceedings of the International Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2008) - selected papers (2009)
GColl : A Flexible Videoconferencing Environment for Group-to-Group Interaction (2009)
GColl Group-to-group Videoconferencing System: Design and First Experiences (2009)
Správa dat v gridových systémech (2009)
MEMICS 2009, Fifth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2009)
Zařízení pro skupinové vysílání optických signálů v Internetu a jiných sítích (2009)
DiProNN: Distributed Programmable Network Node (2009)
MetaCentrum, the Czech Virtualized NGI (2009)
Distribuované zpracování obrazu pro virtuální mikroskop (2009)
GColl: A Flexible Videoconferencing Environment for Group-to-Group Interaction (2009)
GColl - group-to-group videoconferencing environment (2009)
Enhanced UDP Packet Reflector -- Erum (2009)
Robust Audio Tool (RAT) Supporting Separate Recording and Playback Audio Devices Selection (2009)
Implementation and Testing of Multiple Walkers Approach Based Free Energy Calculations in the Grid Environment (2009)
Fault-tolerant Access Control in Distributed Environment the MetaCentrum Authorization Infrastructure (2009)
Metadatový editor (2009)
Prezentační systém digitální knihovny DML-CZ (2009)
Česká digitální matematická knihovna - DML-CZ (2009)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI; CESNET technical report 17/2009 (2009)
Catch-All Virtual Organizations - Solution for Heterogeneous and Disperse Grid Users Communities (2010)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI (2010)
Czech Digital Mathematics Library -- DML-CZ (2009)
Souborný katalog ČR (2008)
Haptic Interaction with Complex Models Based on Precomputations (2010)
Real-time visio-haptic interaction with static soft tissue models having geometric and material nonlinearity (2010)
Testy softwarových VoIP klientů (2010)
User Centric Authentication for Web Applications (2010)
Something you may have wanted to know about L&B (2010)
Real Time Monitor of Grid job executions (2010)
CoUniverse Orchestrated Collaborative Environments with Dynamic Circuit Networks (2010)
GColl: enhancing trust in flexible group-to-group videoconferencing (2010)
Design and Implementation of a Production Dynamically Configurable Testbed (2010)
Virtual Multicast (2010)
Network-Based Collaborative Environments (2010)
Grid Security Developments (2010)
grid-CICADA: Efficient Explorer of Conformational Space of Biomolecular Systems (2010)
MetaCentrum Yearbook 2009 (2010)
UltraGrid-20090105 (2009)
UltraGrid2K (2009)
Eye-Control of Videoconferencing Environment Using Common Web-Cameras (2010)
Použití Subversion pro verzování TeXových dokumentů (2011)
MEMICS 2010: Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2010)
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000 (2010)
Comparison of CP and IP Techniques for Data Transfer Planning (2010)
Compression of Vector Field Changing in Time (2010)
Unassisted Lecture Recording at Masaryk University (2010)
H.323 for Medical Application and Virtual Laboratories (2010)
MetaCentrum—e-Infrastructure for Computational and Data Challenges (2010)
Ráno Eduroamisto, večer takisto (2010)
Efficient JPEG2000 EBCOT Context Modeling for Massively Parallel Architectures (2011)
Distributed Storage Framework with Offline Support (2007)
Kterak posluchárny spojovati a ještě záznam poříditi aneb audiovizuální technika na MU (2011)
Centrum CERIT-SC po roce příprav (2011)
Metadata Editor EuDML (2010)
Scientific Journal Processing System with the Capability of Exporting to a Digital Library using MathML (2011)
Building the Czech Digital Mathematics Library upon DSpace System (2008)
Data Transfer Planning with Tree Placement for Collaborative Environments (2011)
Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS'10) -- Selected Papers (2011)
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000 (2011)
Compression of Vector Field Changing in Time (2011)
Web Interface and Collection for Mathematical Retrieval : WebMIaS and MREC (2011)
Česká digitální matematická knihovna a projekt EuDML (2011)
A Race for Security: Identifying Vulnerabilities on 50 000 Hosts Faster than Attackers (2011)
Intelligent logging server (2010)
Jak sledovat zranitelnosti na 50 000 strojích (2011)
Federated Access to Grids (2011)
Easing Access to Grids Using Moonshot (2011)
Low GPU Occupancy Approach to Fast Arithmetic Coding in JPEG2000 (2012)
Otevřený přístup k vědeckým informacím na Masarykově univerzitě (2011)
Peer-to-peer Cooperative Scheduling Architecture for National Grid Infrastructure (2011)
Reputation Based Trust Management System Supporting Collaboration in a Medical Application (2011)
DML-CZ: česká digitální matematická knihovna v roce 2011 (2011)
Building Corpora of Technical Texts : Approaches and Tools (2011)
Redakční systém odborného časopisu s podporou exportu do digitální knihovny (2011)
EGI Security challenge 5: Lehce na cvičišti . . . (2011)
MEMICS 2011, Seventh Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2011)
The Extension of TORQUE Scheduler Allowing the Use of Planning and Optimization Algorithms in Grids (2011)
multiOUT (2011)
MUSE: Multi-Sensor Framework (2011)
UltraGrid Streaming to SAGE (2011)
UltraGrid 0.9 (2011)
UltraGrid 1.0 (2011)
Seminář multimédií (2011)
Využití e-learningového portálu AKUTNE.CZ při studiu medicíny (2011)
MUSE framework 0.1 (2011)
Exploring Trust in Group-to-Group Video-Conferencing (2011)
Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science MEMICS 2011, Seventh International Doctoral Workshop, Revised Selected Papers (2012)
Special issue: The first provenance challenge (2008)
gLite Job Provenance - a job-centric view (2008)
Job Centric Monitoring on the Grid 7 years of experience with L&B and JP services (2008)
Vědecké výpočty v matematické biologii (2012)
Normalization of Digital Mathematics Library Content (2012)
Exploring collaboration in group-to-group videoconferencing (2012)
GPU-specific reformulations of image compression algorithms (2012)
Practical Experiences with Torque Meta-Scheduling in The Czech National Grid (2012)
Towards Peer-to-Peer Scheduling Architecture for the Czech National Grid (2011)
New Fairness and Performance Metrics for Current Grids (2012)
Planning, Predictability and Optimization within the TORQUE Scheduler (2012)
Normalization of Digital Mathematics Library Content (2012)
MathML Canonicalizer (2012)
Toolset for Image and Text Processing and Metadata Enhancements — Value release: Deliverable 7.3 of project EuDML (2012)
The EuDML metadata schema: Deliverable D3.2 of project EuDML (2010)
8th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2012)
Report on available collections and metadata: Deliverable 3.1 of project EuDML (2010)
Local Search Heuristics for Media Streams Planning Problem (2013)
Libkerat - TUIO 2.0 implementation, version 1.0 (2012)
Long Term Preservation of Digital Data—Background Research (2012)
Hypertext Atlases of Pathology (2012)
UltraGrid: Low-Latency High-Quality Video Transmissions on Commodity Hardware (2012)
UltraGrid 1.1 (2012)
CZ02: Remote Collaboration Over 8K Visualization Using UltraGrid and SAGE (2012)
Parallelized LDGM Coding for Demanding Multimedia Applications (2012)
Towards User-Aware Multi-Touch Interaction Layer for Group Collaborative Systems (2013)
MUSE framework 1.0 (2012)
The Biobanking Research Infrastructurec BBMRI_CZ: a Critical Tool to Enhance (2012)
Accessibility Issues in Digital Mathematical Libraries (2013)
GColl2 (2012)
Final report on external imported metadata: Deliverable 3.5 of project EuDML (2013)
Toolset for Image and Text Processing and Metadata Enhancements — Final Release: Deliverable 7.4 of project EuDML (2013)
Towards Machine-Actionable Modules of a Digital Mathematics Library: The Example of DML-CZ (2013)
Media Streams Planning with Transcoding (2013)
Similarity Search for Mathematics: Masaryk University team at the NTCIR-10 Math Task (2013)
GPU-accelerated DXT and JPEG compression schemes for low-latency network transmissions of HD, 2K, and 4K video (2013)
Nemesis - a molecular modeling package (2013)
Real-time JPEG2000 for Digital Cinema and Large-Scale Image Archiving (2013)
DML-CZ: The Experience of a Medium-Sized Digital Mathematics Library (2013)
Choice of Data Transfer Protocols in Remote Storage Applications (2013)
3.5 Million Smartmeters in the Cloud (2013)
Electrostatics' calculation parallel in time (2013)
Parallel methods for calculation of long-range electrostatic interactions (2013)
Advanced implementation of atomic charge calculation with electronegativity equalization (2013)
Fully-automated Occlusion-insensitive Norway Spruce Tree Reconstructions from 3D Point Cloud Data [poster] (2013)
Automatic Tree Reconstruction from its Laser Scan [poster] (2013)
Automatic reconstruction of Norway spruce tree models from LiDAR data (2013)
MathML Canonicalizer 1.0.0 (2014)
Three-dimensional Tree Reconstructions from Terrestrial LiDAR Scans (2013)
RemSig - Bezpečné úložiště digitálních certifikátů (2013)
BBMRI_CZ Index Service (2013)
THALAMOSS Data Management Platform (2013)
VLANManager (2013)
CoUniverse 1.0 (2013)
MUSE framework 1.1.1 (2013)
Technologický pasport MU (2010)
Zadávací aplikace GISTraLiK (2013)
Digitální knihovna fotografií (2013)
Portál elektronických informačních zdrojů (2013)
DML-CZ DSpace (2013)
Metadata Editor FFdigi (2013)
Masaryk University DOI Tools (2013)
FFdigi DSpace (2013)
Systémy pro tvorbu digitálních knihoven (2006)
DML-CZ v systému DSpace (2008)
Konfigurace OAI-PMH v DSpace (2009)
Programování v systému DSpace (API, Manakin/XMLUI) (2010)
Co je (staro)nového v DSpace (2011)
Shibboleth v systému DSpace (2010)
Oktávo – digitální knihovna FF MU (2012)
Use cases: DML-CZ vs. FFdigi (2013)
Genome assembly and annotation for red clover (Trifolium pratense; Fabaceae) (2014)
Digitální knihovna Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (2012)
WebMIaS 1.5 (2014)
Cloud-based Testbed for Simulation of Cyber Attacks (2014)
Math Indexer and Searcher Web Interface: Towards Fulfillment of Mathematicians' Information Needs (2014)
Vulnerability analysis methods for road networks (2014)
ResourceSync: Synchronizace zdrojů na internetu (2014)
Empirical charges for chemoinformatics applications (2013)
Maths Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries (2014)
Perun – Modern Approach for User and Service Management (2014)
Media Streams Planning with Uncertain Link Capacities (2014)
NEEMP – Tool for parameterization of empirical charge calculation method EEM (2014)
Local Search Heuristics for Media Streams Planning with Transcoding (2014)
Math Indexer and Searcher under the Hood: History and Development of a Winning Strategy (2014)
Distributed job scheduling in MetaCentrum (2015)
Convergence of Parareal Algorithm Applied on Molecular Dynamics Simulations (2014)
Toward Natural Multi-User Interaction in Advanced Collaborative Display Environments (2016)
MathCanEval 1.0 (2014)
Impact of Soft Tissue Heterogeneity on Augmented Reality for Liver Surgery (2015)
MUSE framework 1.5 (2014)
Vývoj 3D aplikace v základní verzi (2013)
Vývoj 3D aplikace v plné verzi (2014)
On Proper Simulation of Chromatin Structure in Static Images As Well As in Time-Lapse Sequences in Fluorescence Microscopy (2015)
Kompas - webový GIS Masarykovy univerzity (2014)
GIS of Traditional Folk Culture (2014)
Kompas – webový GIS Masarykovy univerzity (2014)
Using PKI to Provide Credential Delegation in non Web-based Federations (2015)
Monitoring Virtualized Infrastructure in the Context of Grid Job Execution (2013)
Optimizing CUDA code by kernel fusion: application on BLAS (2015)
Acceleration of dRMSD Calculation and Efficient Usage of GPU Caches (2015)
OpenCL Kernel Fusion for GPU, Xeon Phi and CPU (2015)
Zapojení interaktivní výuky do pregraduálního studia akutní medicíny: virtuální pacient, pokročilé simulace a přenosy z operačních sálů (2015)
Nonlinear vs. linear biasing in Trp-cage folding simulations (2015)
Accurate Fitting SAXS Curves with NMR Structure Ensembles (2015)
MUSE framework 2.0 (2015)
Combining Text and Formula Queries in Math Information Retrieval: Evaluation of Query Results Merging Strategies (2015)
Dlouhodobé uchování digitálních informací, Archivematica a projekt LTP-pilot (2015)
Právní aspekty interních směrnic – část I. (2015)
Multicast Routing for High-Quality Multimedia Environments: Deployment and New Problems (2015)
Právní aspekty interních instrukcí – část II. (2015)
KYPO - Kybernetický polygon (2015)
Software pro konfiguraci a monitorování virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
Software pro vizualizaci virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
High-quality and universal empirical atomic charges for chemoinformatics applications (2015)
Ruby Benchmark Suite using Docker (2015)
Archivematica - open source systém pro digitální archivaci (2015)
Mapa bibliografických informací tradiční lidové kultury (2015)
High-performance forward error correction: Enabling multi-gigabit flows and beyond on commodity GPU and CPU hardware in presence of packet loss (2016)
Videokonferenční prostředí pro komunikaci vzdálených skupin a způsob komunikace vzdálených skupin v systému videokonferenčního prostředí (2015)
GIS of Traditional Folk Culture (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva STORK e-Academia pilot (2015)
Math-Aware Search Interfaces for Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML) (2016)
BBMRI-ERIC: the novel gateway to biobanks (2016)
Towards Global Biobank Integration by Implementation of the Minimum Information About Biobank data Sharing (MIABIS 2.0 Core) (2016)
Patient-Specific Biomechanical Modeling for Guidance During Minimally-Invasive Hepatic Surgery (2016)
Preoperative trajectory planning for percutaneous procedures in deformable environments (2016)
Physics-Based Needle Insertion into Heterogeneous Tissues for Pre-operative Planning (2015)
Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine (2015)
Towards an efficient data assimilation in physically-based medical simulations (2015)
Watermarking in Regional Medical Imaging (2015)
Systém pro distribuci dotazníků v počítačových učebnách (2015)
RONI Size and another Attributes of Representative Sample of Medical Images in Common Hospital Operation, Related to Securing by Watermarking Methods (2016)
CoUnSiL: Collaborative Universe for Remote Interpreting of Sign Language in Higher Education (2016)
První návrh cílové infrastruktury pro provoz systému IRIS (2015)
Iterative Optimization of a Multi-compartmental Air Quality Modelling System (2015)
Optimizing Query Performance with Inverted Cache in Metric Spaces (2016)
Math Indexer and Searcher under the Hood: Fine-Tuning Query Expansion and Unification Strategies (2016)
Vývoj postoje k vědeckým informacím a modelu otevřeného přístupu (2016)
A new approach to fully-reversible watermarking in medical imaging with breakthrough visibility parameters (2016)
Memento – cestování časem na webu (2016)
NEEMP – nástroj pro parametrizaci EEM (2016)
CoUnSiL: Videoconferencing Environment for Remote Interpreting of Sign Language in Higher Education (2016)
CoUnSiL: A Videoconferencing Environment for Interpretation of Sign Language (2016)
Uchování digitálního dědictví a systém Archivematica (2016)
Projekt ArcLib – budování systému pro dlouhodobou archivaci digitálních dat v českých knihovnách (2016)
Numerical and experimental investigation of three-dimensional cavitating flow around the straight NACA2412 hydrofoil (2016)
Parametrizace ekvalizace elektronegativity metodou diferenciální evoluce (2016)
Public-Private Cloud Federation Challenges (2015)
NEEMP: software for validation, accurate calculation and fast parameterization of EEM charges (2016)
Guided Optimization Method for Fast and Accurate Atomic Charges Computation (2016)
Accelerated RMSD Calculation for Molecular Metadynamics (2016)
ScaleText: The Design of a Scalable, Adaptable and User-Friendly Document System for Similarity Searches : Digging for Nuggets of Wisdom in Text (2016)
Technology enhanced learning in programming courses – international perspective (2017)
Large-scale cortico-subcortical functional networks in focal epilepsies: The role of the basal ganglia (2017)
Research Challenges in Multimedia Recommender Systems (2017)
Guildlines of Data Quality Issues for Data Integration in the Context of the TPC-DI Benchmark (2017)
Item Contents Good, User Tags Better: Empirical Evaluation of a Food Recommender System (2017)
Popularity-Based Ranking for Fast Approximate kNN Search (2017)
Students’ perspective on the first programming language: C-like or Pascal-like languages? (2018)
Predicting Data Quality Success - The Bullwhip Effect in Data Quality (2017)
Assessing the Quality of Spatio-textual Datasets in the Absence of Ground Truth (2017)
A Survey of Multimedia Recommender Systems: Challenges and Opportunities (2017)
Modelling the Service Value Chain for Smart City (2017)
A Tool for Demonstrating the Data Quality Bullwhip Effect (2017)
Developing an Enterprise Architecture Framework and Services for Smart Cities (2017)
IT-enabled Digital Service Design Principles - Lessons Learned from Digital Cities (2017)
Document-Oriented Middleware: The Way to High-Quality Software (2017)
Reducing the number of mean-square deviation calculations with floating close structure in metadynamics (2017)
Evaluation of community detection algorithms applied to time-series connectivity networks with dynamical structure (2017)
Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search Using Fulltext Search Engines (2017)
Mathematics Index and Search in DSpace (2017)
Direct SAXS Curve Fitting with an Ensable of Conformations (2016)
Nařízení GDPR a jeho implementace na vysokých školách v ČR – jak na to (2017)
Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multigroup Multicast Routing under Uncertainty (2018)
Weather forecast based scheduling for demand response optimization in smart grids (2017)
Planning and Scheduling for Optimizing Communication in Smart Grids (2017)
Innovation and diversity (2017)
Innovation Of The Information Management In Compliance Management Area (2017)
Process Support of Information Security according to COBIT® 5 (2017)
Towards a Common Logging and Monitoring Framework for Critical Infrastructures (2017)
Flexible Similarity Search of Semantic Vectors Using Fulltext Search Engines (2017)
The Impact of Diverse Preprocessing Pipelines on Brain Functional Connectivity (2017)
Identification of "BRAF-Positive" Cases Based on Whole-Slide Image Analysis (2017)
Connection Between Mithraism and Roman Army Garrisons (2017)
Relating the Spread of Early Christianity to the Transportation Network of Ancient Mediterranean (2017)
Investigating Community Detection Algorithms and their Capacity as Markers of Brain Diseases (2017)
Towards Discovering the Limits of Smart Grid Communication Infrastructure (2018)
bio.tools Sum (2017)
CaverDock 1.0 (2017)
Autotuning of OpenCL Kernels with Global Optimizations (2017)
Kernel Tuning Toolkit (2018)
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods in the Mobile Cloud Offloading Paradigm (2017)
Reversible Watermarking in Medical Imaging with Zero Distortion in ROI (2017)
Efficient sparse matrix-delayed vector multiplication for discretized neural field model (2018)
Acceleration of Mean Square Distance Calculations with Floating Close Structure in Metadynamics Simulations (2018)
BiobankUniverse: automatic matchmaking between datasets for biobank data discovery and integration (2017)
A Decentralized IT Architecture for Locating and Negotiating Access to Biobank Samples (2017)
Conception and Implementation of an Austrian Biobank Directory Integration Framework (2017)
BBMRI-ERIC Directory: 515 Biobanks with Over 60 Million Biological Samples (2016)
Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software (2017)
Math Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries (2017)
Investigating Modularity and Its Capacity As a Marker of Neurodegenerative Diseases (2017)
Value-Driven Conceptualization of Services in the Smart City: A Layered Approach (2018)
Smart mobile technologies for the city of the future (2017)
Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology (2018)
Semantic BMS: Allowing usage of building automation data in facility benchmarking (2018)
Loss of information in quantum guessing game (2018)
Evaluation in Multimedia Recommender Systems: A Practical Guide (2018)
The Social Media Perception and Reality -Possible Data Quality Deficiencies between Social Media and ERP (2018)
Exploring Big Data Clustering Algorithms for Internet of Things Applications (2018)
Cost-Sensitive Strategies for Data Imbalance in Bug Severity Classification: Experimental Results (2017)
Smart Grids Co-Simulations with Low-Cost Hardware (2017)
Layered quantum key distribution (2018)
Mapová knihovna munimap (2016)
Quality Management in Big Data (2018)
Computation of Kovanic's Expectedness Distributions with the Help of Parallel Computing - Basic Version (with Special References of Health and Environment) (2017)
Big Data for Internet of Things: A Survey (2018)
Semantic BMS: Ontology for Analysis of Building Operation Efficiency (2017)
Reliability Data for Smart Grids: Where the Real Data can be Found (2018)
Scaling Agile in Large Organizations: Practices, Challenges, and Success Factors (2018)
A Large-Scale Study on Source Code Reviewer Recommendation (2018)
Connection of glycoinformatics databases with Pubchem (2018)
Empirical methods for calculation of partial atomic charges – applicability for proteins? (2018)
Binary Sketches for Secondary Filtering (2019)
Data Quality Problems in TPC-DI Based Data Integration Processes (2018)
How to exploit Recommender Systems in Social Media (2018)
Towards Artificial Priority Queues for Similarity Query Execution (2018)
INDIGO-DataCloud: A platform to facilitate seamless access to e-infrastructures (2018)
Scheduling Challenges in a Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure (2017)
MIaS: Math-Aware Retrieval in Digital Mathematical Libraries (2018)
bio.tools Sum – tool for exploration of summary information about bioinformatics services in bio.tools (2018)
Innovation of the Information System in the Field of Data Archiving (2018)
Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection12th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium (2017)
A Generalized Evaluation Framework for Multimedia Recommender Systems (2018)
A Research Roadmap of Big Data Clustering Algorithms for Future Internet of Things (2019)
cuFFTAdvisor (2018)
Šíření křesťanství v antickém Středomoří (2018)
Measuring Item Similarity in Introductory Programming (2018)
Measurements in two bases are sufficient for certifying high-dimensional entanglement (2018)
Investigating the role of smartness for sustainability: Insights from the Smart Grid domain (2018)
Common ELIXIR Service for Researcher Authentication and Authorisation (2018)
Agile to Lean Software Development Transformation: A Systematic Literature Review (2018)
Smart Grid Testing Management Platform (SGTMP) (2018)
CCL - Charge Calculation Language (2018)
Factoring Personalization in Social Media Recommendations (2019)
Cybersecurity Qualifications (2018)
Šíření „orientálních kultů“ po cestách starověkého Středomoří : Případové studie egyptských kultů a Mithraismu (2018)
microRNA – are you real? (2018)
Indexování a vyhledávání matematických formulí (2018)
SugarSketcher: Quick and Intuitive Online Glycan Drawing (2018)
Computation of Identification of a Gnostical Regression Model, Robust to Both Input and Output Disturbances with the Help of Parallel Computing–Basic Version (2018)
Self-adaptive RFID Authentication for Internet of Things (2020)
Mistakes in UML Diagrams: Analysis of Student Projects in a Software Engineering Course (2019)
Moving to the Edge-Cloud-of-Things: Recent Advances and Future Research Directions (2018)
Moving towards Smart Cities: A Selection of Middleware for Fog-to-Cloud Services (2018)
Analysis of Data Warehouse Architectures: Modeling and Classification (2019)
Quality Management for Big 3D Data Analytics: A Case Study of Protein Data Bank (2019)
Legislativní aspekty dalšího rozvoje v oblasti telemedicíny (2015)
Právní limity nakládání s údaji o zdravotním stavu (2017)
Bioinformatic analysis of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs in malignant B cells (2018)
Performance analysis and autotuning setup of the cuFFT library (2018)
A GPU acceleration of 3-D Fourier reconstruction in cryo-EM (2019)
Data Quality Management Framework for Smart Grid Systems (2019)
Metodika bitové ochrany digitálních dat (2019)
West-Life: A Virtual Research Environment for structural biology (2019)
CaverDock: A Novel Method for the Fast Analysis of Ligand Transport (2020)
STRAIT: A Tool for Automated Software Reliability Growth Analysis (2019)
Recommendations for Smart Grid Security Risk Management (2019)
Smart Grids and Software Testing Process Models (2019)
Toward Robust Fully 3D Filopodium Segmentation and Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy (2019)
BM-index: Balanced Metric Space Index based on Weighted Voronoi Partitioning (2019)
Enhancing Reuse of Data and Biological Material in Medical Research: From FAIR to FAIR-Health (2018)
PhenoMeNal: processing and analysis of metabolomics data in the cloud (2019)
Scaling Big Data Applications in Smart City with Coresets (2019)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Cyber Defence (2019)
Big Data Platform for Smart Grids Power Consumption Anomaly Detection (2019)
CaverDock: a molecular docking-based tool to analyse ligand transport through protein tunnels and channels (2019)
Caver Web 1.0: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
PaaSArch: Quality Evaluation Tool for PaaS Cloud Applications Using Generated Prototypes (2019)
(Do not) trust in ecosystems (2019)
Women Want to Learn Tech: Lessons from the Czechitas Education Project (2019)
Industrial Involvement In Information System Education: Lessons Learned from a Software Quality Course (2019)
Towards Creation of a Reference Architecture for Trust-Based Digital Ecosystems (2019)
A deterministic approach for rapid identification of the critical links in networks (2019)
The Saga Pattern in a Reactive Microservices Environment (2019)
Multi-phase ELAStic Aggregates (MELASA) software tool for modeling anisotropic elastic properties of lamellar composites (2020)
The bio.tools registry of software tools and data resources for the life sciences (2019)
Leveraging European infrastructures to access 1 million human genomes by 2022 (2019)
Exploiting historical data: pruning autotuning spaces and estimating the number of tuning steps (2019)
Exploiting Recommender Systems in Collaborative Healthcare (2019)
Metodika aplikace GDPR na výzkumná data v prostředí vysokých škol v ČR (2018)
Pan-European Data Harmonization for Biobanks in ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC (2019)
Metric Embedding into the Hamming Space with the n-Simplex Projection (2019)
Big Data - overview, basic concepts and practical use in research (2019)
Design of Scalable and Resilient Applications using Microservice Architecture in PaaS Cloud (2019)
Community curation of bioinformatics software and data resources (2020)
Improving Orienteering-based Tourist Trip Planning with Social Sensing (2020)
Perspectives of Big Data Quality in Smart Service Ecosystem (2018)
AtomicChargeCalculator II (2019)
Partial atomic charges for proteins (2019)
Smart Grids Data Analysis: A Systematic Mapping Study (2020)
Analysis of microRNA levels in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with primary brain tumors and metastases (2019)
Enhanced Network Intrusion Detection System Protocol for Internet of Things (2020)
Comparing Maintainability Index, SIG Method, and SQALE for Technical Debt Identification (2020)
Fast Screening of Inhibitor Binding/Unbinding using Novel Software Tool CaverDock (2019)
Cerebrospinal Fluid MicroRNA Signatures as Diagnostic Biomarkers in Brain Tumors (2019)
An Efficient Mutual Authentication Scheme for Internet of Things (2020)
MUNI 100 — Příběh GISu (2019)
Advanced Recommender Systems by Exploiting Social Networks (2019)
Improving Learning System Performance with Multimedia Semantics (2020)
An Enhanced Blockchain-Based Data Management Scheme for Microgrids (2020)
Software pro simulaci obecných i kritických informačních infrastruktur (2019)
Software pro detekci a analýzu napadení KII (2019)
Nástroje pro ověřování bezpečnosti SW/HW a simulaci útoků na prvky kritické informační infrastruktury (2019)
Pozvání do kurzu Úvod do library advocacy pro veřejné knihovny (2019)
Library advocacy– efektivní prosazování zájmů knihoven : představení e-learningového kurzu „Úvod do library advocacy pro veřejné knihovny" (2019)
Seminář Open Science (2020)
Úvod do library advocacy pro veřejné knihovny : e-learningový kurz (2020)
Improving Big Data Clustering for Jamming Detection in Smart Mobility (2020)
A Large-Scale Replication of Smart Grids Power Consumption Anomaly Detection (2020)
Depicting a Conceptual Framework for Smart City (2019)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Network Security Management (2020)
A benchmark set of highly-efficient CUDA and OpenCL kernels and its dynamic autotuning with Kernel Tuning Toolkit (2020)
Research Challenges of Open Data as a Service for Smart Cities (2020)
Verification of Forensic Readiness in Software Development: A Roadmap (2020)
The Suitability of Graph Databases for Big Data Analysis: A Benchmark (2020)
Big Data Processing Tools Navigation Diagram (2020)
Simulation Games Platform for Unintentional Perpetrator Attack Vector Identification (2020)
Caver web: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
Real-life Experience with Private Cloud hosting Heterogeneous Scientific Workloads (2018)
PaaSArch Cloud Prototyper Tool (2019)
Developing the Quality Model for Collaborative Open Data (2020)
Developing Reliable Taxonomic Features for Data Warehouse Architectures (2020)
P2P Web Browser Middleware to Enhance Service Oriented Computing - Analysis and Evaluation (2017)
Blockchain-based Access Control for IoT in Smart Home Systems (2020)
BBMRI-ERIC’s contributions to research and knowledge exchange on COVID-19 (2020)
Exploring Personalized University Ranking and Recommendation (2020)
Library advocacy ve vysokoškolské knihovně (2020)
Reference Architecture for Trust-Based Digital Ecosystems (2020)
Atomic Charge Calculator II: web-based tool for the calculation of partial atomic charges (2020)
Architecture design evaluation of PaaS cloud applications using generated prototypes: PaaSArch Cloud Prototyper tool (2020)
How well a multi-model database performs against its single-model variants: Benchmarking OrientDB with Neo4j and MongoDB (2020)
Non-repudiable provenance for clinical decision support systems (2021)
Exploiting historical data: Pruning autotuning spaces and estimating the number of tuning steps (2020)
FlexAlign: An Accurate and Fast Algorithm for Movie Alignment in Cryo-Electron Microscopy (2020)
A Cross-domain Comparative Study of Big Data Architectures (2020)
Exploratory Analysis of File System Metadata for Rapid Investigation of Security Incidents (2020)
Modelling Service Design and Complexity for Multi-contextual Applications in Smart Cities (2019)
Reflecting upon the role of smart grids in linking smartness and sustainability (2018)
Multi-contextual View to Smart City Architecture (2020)
Building trust in the untrustable (2020)
Service Design for Resilience: A Multi-contextual Modeling Perspective (2020)
Exploring Protein Folding Space with Neural Network Guided Simulations (2020)
SQE charge calculation and its applicability for proteins (2020)
Trust-based Authentication for Smart Home Systems (2021)
Girl-Friendly Computer Science Classroom: Czechitas Experience Report (2020)
Assisting women in career change towards software engineering: experience from Czechitas NGO (2019)
Experimental creation of multi-photon high-dimensional layered quantum states (2020)
Effective measures to foster girls’ interest in secondary computer science education (2021)
Towards Process Mining Utilization in Insider Threat Detection from Audit Logs (2020)
Comparing Maintainability Index, SIG Method, and SQALE for Technical Debt Identification (2020)
Software pro podporu rozhodování při řešení bezpečnostního incidentu (2020)
BinaryCIF and CIFTools-Lightweight, efficient and extensible macromolecular data management (2020)
Towards verifiable evidence generation in forensic-ready systems (2020)
High-performance macromolecular data delivery and visualization for the web (2020)
CATH: increased structural coverage of functional space (2021)
Zero Watermarking: Critical Analysis of Its Role in Current Medical Imaging (2021)
Salivary microRNAs identified by small RNA sequencing as potential predictors of response to intensity-modulated radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients (2020)
ANALYZA – Datový sklad (2020)
ANALYZA – Výpočetní a orchestrační subsystém (2020)
ANALYZA – Vizualizační komponenta – Visilant (2020)
High-Dimensional Pixel Entanglement: Efficient Generation and Certification (2020)
Trust-based Detection Strategy against Replication Attacks in IoT (2021)
Právní aspekty sdílení dat v rámci informačních technologií konceptu Smart City v dopravě a jejich dopady do práva veřejných zakázek (2020)
MiR-215-5p Reduces Liver Metastasis in an Experimental Model of Colorectal Cancer through Regulation of ECM-Receptor Interactions and Focal Adhesion (2020)
Identification and Validation of Circulating Micrornas as Prognostic Biomarkers in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Patients Undergoing Surgical Resection (2020)
Tumor microRNAs Identified by Small RNA Sequencing as Potential Response Predictors in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy (2020)
Goals within Trust-based Digital Ecosystems (2021)
Cloud platforms: An overview considering options for Digital Twin implementation (2021)
A Hybrid Data-driven Model for Intrusion Detection in VANET (2021)
Recent Advances in Machine-Learning Driven Intrusion Detection in Transportation: Survey (2021)
4D-GRAPHS (2021)
Towards Faster Big Data Analytics for Anti-Jamming Applications in vehicular ad-hoc network (2021)
Semi-device-independent random number generation with flexible assumptions (2021)
DeepAlign, a 3D Alignment Method based on Regionalized Deep Learning for Cryo-EM (2021)
Simulation of Ligand Transport in Receptors Using CaverDock (2021)
Learned metric index - proposition of learned indexing for unstructured data (2021)
Quantum Key Distribution Overcoming Extreme Noise: Simultaneous Subspace Coding Using High-Dimensional Entanglement (2021)
Choice of mutually unbiased bases and outcome labeling affecting measurement outcome secrecy (2021)
Using Process Mining for Git Log Analysis of Projects in a Software Development Course (2021)
Co-simulation of Smart Grids: Dynamically Changing Topologies in Failure Scenarios (2021)
Integrating Distributed Tracing into the Narayana Transaction Manager (2021)
ARCLib (2020)
Projekt ARCLib – vývoj open-source řešení pro dlouhodobou archivaci digitálních dokumentů pro knihovny a další paměťové instituce – aktuální stav (2019)
Optimized SQE atomic charges for peptides accessible via a web application (2021)
Metric hull as similarity-aware operator for representing unstructured data (2021)
BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator: Implementing Efficient Access to Biobanks (2021)
Device-independent bounds from Cabello's nonlocality argument (2021)
Enabling Trustworthy and Traceable Research by Non-Repudiable Opaque Provenance in a Distributed Environment (2021)
ISO 23494: Biotechnology – Provenance Information Model for Biological Specimen And Data (2021)
Identification of Unintentional Perpetrator Attack Vectors using Simulation Game: A Case Study (2021)
microRNA – are you real?! (2018)
Model for optimizing quantum key distribution with continuous-wave pumped entangled-photon sources (2021)
Data-driven Learned Metric Index: an Unsupervised Approach (2021)
Kernel Tuning Toolkit 2.0 (2021)
Image Processing in Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Single Particles: The Power of Combining Methods (2021)
Fog Based Energy Efficient Process Framework for Smart Building (2021)
Mol* Viewer: modern web app for 3D visualization and analysis of large biomolecular structures (2021)
Uncovering of cytochrome P450 anatomy by SecStrAnnotator (2021)
Visualization and Analysis of Protein Structures with LiteMol Suite (2020)
Screening of world approved drugs against highly dynamical spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 using CaverDock and machine learning (2021)
Advances in Xmipp for Cryo–Electron Microscopy: From Xmipp to Scipion (2021)
Approximating deformation fields for the analysis of continuous heterogeneity of biological macromolecules by 3D Zernike polynomials (2021)
Using hardware performance counters to speed up autotuning convergence on GPUs (2022)
Similarity Search for an Extreme Application: Experience and Implementation (2021)
Lower bound on the size of a quasirandom forcing set of permutations (2022)
2DProts: database of family-wide protein secondary structure diagrams (2021)
Automated annotations of epithelial cells and stroma in hematoxylin–eosin-stained whole-slide images using cytokeratin re-staining (2022)
Modeling Inconsistent Data for Reasoners in Web of Things (2021)
GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare (2021)
Pathways for Entanglement-Based Quantum Communication in the Face of High Noise (2021)
Searching CUDA code autotuning spaces with hardware performance counters: data from benchmarks running on various GPU architectures (2021)
Představení BBMRI-CZ jako partnera pro výzkum v oblasti translační medicíny (2020)
BBMRI-CZ as a Partner for Personalized Medicine and Translational Medical Research (2020)
Expanding the BBMRI-ERIC Directory into a Global Catalogue of COVID-19–Ready Collections: A Joint Initiative of BBMRI-ERIC and ISBER (2020)
The Data Use Ontology to streamline responsible access to human biomedical datasets (2021)
GA4GH Passport standard for digital identity and access permissions (2021)
Study of PIWI-Interacting RNAs in the pathology of glioblastoma: a new level of glioblastoma stem cell regulation? (2021)
CRUSOE: A Toolset for Cyber Situational Awareness and Decision Support in Incident Handling (2022)
Studium PIWI-interagujících RNA v rámci patologie glioblastomu - nová úroveň regulace glioblastomových kmenových buněk? (2021)
The role of long non-coding RNAs in the BCR-mediated activation of malignant B cells. (2021)
The EurOPDX Data Portal: an open platform for patient-derived cancer xenograft data sharing and visualization (2022)
Complex simulation workflows in containerized high-performance environment (2021)
Property Map Collective Variable as a Useful Tool for a Force Field Correction (2022)
The Cost of Improving the Precision of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Quantum Chemistry (2022)
On bias, variance, overfitting, gold standard and consensus in single-particle analysis by cryo-electron microscopy (2022)
Partial atomic charges for proteins (2021)
QM-like partial atomic charges for proteins available online (2021)
Virtualizované prostředí pro trénink CSIRT týmu (2021)
Implementation of quantum compression on IBM quantum computers (2022)
Improving ligand transport trajectory within flexible receptor in CaverDock (2022)
Mission-centric Decision Support in Cybersecurity via Bayesian Privilege Attack Graph (2022)
Integration of Biobanks in National eHealth Ecosystems Facilitating Long-Term Longitudinal Clinical-Omics Studies and Citizens' Engagement in Research Through eHealthBioR. (2021)
Best-Practice Aspects of Quantum-Computer Calculations: A Case Study of the Hydrogen Molecule (2022)
Finite-Function-Encoding Quantum States (2022)
Self-testing quantum states via nonmaximal violation in Hardy's test of nonlocality (2022)
Position paper on management of personal data in environment and health research in Europe (2022)
Atomic Charge Calculator II – a web service for calculating partial atomic charges (2022)
QM-like partial atomic charges for AlphaFold available online (2022)
Computational enzyme design for metabolic engineering (2021)
Reconstructing of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel using state-of-the-art molecular and bioinformatics tools (2022)
The Common Provenance Model: Capturing Distributed Provenance in Life Sciences Processes (2022)
Lightweight Distributed Provenance Model for Complex Real–world Environments (2022)
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Extended Work on Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques (2022)
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques (2022)
Prediction of QM-like partial atomic charges for alphafold (2022)
Collective Variable for Metadynamics Derived From AlphaFold Output (2022)
Using Kubernetes in Academic Environment : Problems and Approaches (2023)
From DSpace to Islandora : why and how (2022)
Podporujeme nadané prvňáčky (2022)
Detection of Malicious Code in SSH programs. (2022)
Towards a Visual Analytics Workflow for Cybersecurity Simulations (2023)
Digitalia MUNI ARTS – více než digitální knihovna : výzkumná infrastruktura Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a systém Islandora (2022)
Nextflow in Bioinformatics: Executors Performance Comparison Using Genomics Data (2023)
Estimating conformational landscapes from Cryo-EM particles by 3D Zernike polynomials (2023)
Addressing insider attacks via forensic-ready risk management (2023)
AI for Life: Trends in Artificial Intelligence for Biotechnology (2023)
Automatic storing, sharing and archiving datasets with Onedata (2022)
Automating scientific dataset management and processing using Onedata (2022)
Managed Kubernetes — Next Gen Academic Infrastructure? (2022)
How can network traffic lie? (2023)
Alphacharges - a web service for calculating QM-like partial atomic charges for AlphaFold proteins (2022)
Analýza systému pro podporu efektivní spolupráce distribuovaných zdravotnických týmů (2022)
CopAS: A Big Data Forensic Analytics System (2023)
Sada pro odlišení indolentního a agresivního karcinomu prostaty (2023)
Kernel Tuning Toolkit (2023)
Text-to-Motion Retrieval: Towards Joint Understanding of Human Motion Data and Natural Language (2023)
Using relational graphs for exploratory analysis of network traffic data (2023)
Biomarkery jako prognostické a prediktivní faktory u pacientů s hepatocelulárním karcinomem podstupujících radiologické onkologické intervence (2023)
ZART: A Novel Multiresolution Reconstruction Algorithm with Motion-blur Correction for Single Particle Analysis (2023)
Toward a common standard for data and specimen provenance in life sciences (2024)
GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare (2021)
Privacy risks of whole-slide image sharing in digital pathology (2023)
αCharges: partial atomic charges for AlphaFold structures in high quality (2023)
Perception of the Environment (2023)
A survey of the European Open Science Cloud services for expanding the capacity and capabilities of multidisciplinary scientific applications (2023)
xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool (2023)
Nonlocal Temporal Interferometry for Highly Resilient Free-Space Quantum Communication (2023)
Quantum key distribution rates from semidefinite programming (2023)
Distribution of genuine high-dimensional entanglement over 10.2 km of noisy metropolitan atmosphere (2023)
Umpalumpa: a framework for efficient execution of complex image processing workloads on heterogeneous nodes (2023)
An Evaluation of EDAM Coverage in the Tools Ecosystem and Prototype Integration of Galaxy and Workflowhub Systems. (2023)
Building OpenStack Cloud with Kubernetes as Undercloud (2023)
Easy Deployment of Dask and Jupyter Notebooks on Managed Kubernetes (2023)
A Model of Qualitative Factors in Forensic-Ready Software Systems (2023)
A Case Study on the Impact of Forensic-Ready Information Systems on the Security Posture (2023)
Combination of Urinary MiR-501 and MiR-335 With Current Clinical Diagnostic Parameters as Potential Predictive Factors of Prostate Biopsy Outcome (2023)
Cloudification of scientific experimental data using Onedata (2023)
An insight into the functional genomics and species classification of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), a haematophagous parasite of the common carp Cyprinus carpio (2023)
Forensic experts' view of forensic-ready software systems: A qualitative study (2023)
BPMN4FRSS: An BPMN Extension to Support Risk-Based Development of Forensic-Ready Software Systems (2023)
Reproducible experiments with Learned Metric Index Framework (2023)
A Deployable Data as a Service Architecture for Enterprises (2021)
CICM'21 Systems Entries (2021)
The Road Towards Autonomous Cybersecurity Agents: Remedies for Simulation Environments (2024)
Synthesizing Resilient Strategies for Infinite-Horizon Objectives in Multi-Agent Systems (2023)
Towards a Benchmarking Suite for Kernel Tuners (2023)
From DSpace to Islandora: Why and How (2023)
"Be Sustainable Recommendations" for FAIR Resources in Life Sciences research: EOSC-Life's Lessons (2023)
Data Loss Prevention Solution for Linux Endpoint Devices (2023)
pyCaverDock: Python implementation of the popular tool for analysis of ligand transport with advanced caching and batch calculation support (2023)
Zpracování dat na CEITECu (2023)
CoPAS: the Modular Data Analytics Tool (2023)
BIBBOX, a FAIR toolbox and App Store for Life Science Research (2023)
Provenance of specimen and data – A prerequisite for AI development in computational pathology (2023)
Enhancing Data Accessibility: Strategies and Tools for Effective Metadata Management (2023)
Shedding light on the black box of a neural network used to detect prostate cancer in whole slide images by occlusion-based explainability (2023)
Cerebral organoids derived from patients with Alzheimer´s disease with PSEN1/2 mutations have defective tissue patterning and altered development (2023)
SISAP 2023 Indexing Challenge – Learned Metric Index (2023)
Beskar Cloud: OpenStack Deployment on Top of Kubernetes (2023)
Bioactive molecules released by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in response to various activation materials (2023)
Management of life-science data and their metadata (2023)
New ways of protein family visualization in AlphaFold era (2023)
ChannelsDB 2.0: A Comprehensive Database of Protein Tunnels and Pores in AlphaFold Era (2023)
Onedata4Sci: Life-science experimental datasets management system (2023)
Public (Health) Sector and Academia (2023)
ChannelsDB 2.0: a comprehensive database of protein tunnels and pores in AlphaFold era (2024)
Umbrella Data Management Plans to Integrate FAIR Data: Lessons From the ISIDORe and BY-COVID Consortia for Pandemic Preparedness (2023)
Scientific Dataset Management System for the Research Institute Based on Onedata (2024)
By leaps and bounds: From in vitro lung tissue models to fostering collaboration in science (2023)
Introduction to Onedata at CEITEC MU and in Czech National Repository Platform (2023)
Cyberspace 2023 (2023)
Introduction to the new generation EGI container execution platform (2024)
Acceleration of Molecular Simulations by Parametric Time-Lagged tSNE Metadynamics (2024)
Monte Carlo Tree Search with Function Approximation for Risk-constrained Planning and Reinforcement Learning (2023)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome (2024)
EOSC CZ: Towards the development of Czech national ecosystem for FAIR research data (2024)
CzeGPT-2 – Training New Model for Czech Generative Text Processing Evaluated with the Summarization Task (2024)
Data workflows at CEITEC MU (2024)
MAFILDB - technická realizace (2024)
A tissue miRNA expression pattern is associated with disease aggressiveness of localized prostate cancer (2023)
Forensic-Ready Analysis Suite: A Tool Support for Forensic-Ready Software Systems Design (2024)
FREAS: Forensic-Ready Analysis Suite (2024)
Getting your DUCs in a row - standardising the representation of Digital Use Conditions (2024)
AlphaFind: discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
Integration, Cataloguing and FAIRification of Biobank and Clinical Data (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
Leveraging BBMRI-ERIC for XAI Research in Digital Pathology (2024)
Chemically peculiar stars on the pre-main sequence (2024)
Exploring complex service design: Understanding the Diamonds of Context (2019)
Hands-on experience with big data transfer via iRODS and Onedata (2024)
Research Data Management at CEITEC MU (2024)
Proposal for a framework of contextual metadata in selected research infrastructures of the life sciences and the social sciences & humanities (2024)
Validation of cycle conformation in Protein Data Bank (2020)
Rare ring conformations in PDB: Facts or wishful thinking? (2024)
Inverse deformation analysis: an experimental and numerical assessment using the FEniCS Project (2022)
Scaling Learned Metric Index to 100M Datasets (2024)
Forensic experts' view of forensic-ready software systems: A qualitative study (2024)
Quantum Chemistry-Based Prediction of Electron Ionization Mass Spectra for Environmental Chemicals (2024)
Cells, biomaterials, infrastructure; and the value of the data (2024)
2. Offsite Meeting of the Department of Histology and Embryology (ÚHE): Advancing Science and Collaboration (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of ESM Atlas (2024)
Learned Metric Index (2024)
LMI-10: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
GraSR: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
LMI-30: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
Data Management and FAIRification in MAFIL (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind (2024)
Fast, structure-based searching in a large-scale protein data repository (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB v4 (2024)
3D-af-Surfer: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome – data and model (2024)
A methodology for comparing optimization algorithms for auto-tuning (2024)
Towards Dynamic Autotuning of SpMV in CUSP Library (2024)
Efficient Code Region Characterization Through Automatic Performance Counters Reduction Using Machine Learning Techniques (2024)
Interpreting convolutional neural network classifiers applied to laser-induced breakdown optical emission spectra (2024)
Using Polycaprolactone Nanofibers for the Proof-of-Concept Construction of the Alveolar-Capillary Interface (2024)
Test Anxiety Among Czech Pupils in Lower-Secondary Education (2024)
Testová úzkost a sociálně-afektivní indikátory well-beingu v nižším sekundárním vzdělávání (2024)
Speech production under stress for machine learning: multimodal dataset of 79 cases and 8 signals (2024)
RBP-Tar – a searchable database for experimental RBP binding sites (2024)
A dataset of hyperspectral Look-Up Tables for 3.5 million traits and structural combinations of Central European temperate broadleaf forests (2024)
Simulated trait and spectroscopy data to support retrieval of forest biophysical parameters from spaceborne imaging spectroscopy (2024)
High spatial and spectral resolution dataset of hyperspectral look-up tables for 3.5 million traits and structural combinations of Central European temperate broadleaf forests (2024)
Analysis of metadynamics simulations by metadynminer.py (2024)
Data Management of Biological Imaging Data (2024)
By leaps and bounds: From in vitro lung tissue models to fostering collaboration in science (2023)
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