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Internetová WWW stránka s primární protidrogovou tématikou na serveru rektorátu MU s adresou (1998)
SEM and AquaSEM studies of S. cerevisiae and C. moggii colonies (2002)
In situ nízkovakuová rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie suchých semen borovice černé (Pinus nigra Arn.) a borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris L.) (2002)
In situ low vacuum scanning electron microscopy of pine megagametophyte cell organelles (2002)
Škola, učitel, situace (1995)
Mikroskopická anatomie. Učební text a atlas (2003)
Development of means for the decontamination of supertoxic lethal chemical warfare agents on human skin. (2001)
Development of means for the decontamination of supertoxic lethal chemical warfare agents on human skin (2001)
Isolation and endotoxin activities of lipopolysaccharides from cyanobacterial cultures and complex water blooms and comparison with effects of heterotrophic bacteria and green alga (2008)
Endocrine regulation of the reproduction in crustaceans: Identification of potential targets for toxicants and environmental contaminants (2008)
Genome analysis of staphylococcal exfoliative toxin A converting bacteriophages (2008)
člen vědecké rady Přírodovědecké fakulty Ostravské univerzity (2008)
Kinetics of biomarkers, bioaccumulation and elimination of peptide toxins microcystions in different freshwater fish species (2008)
Genotypová charakterizace kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
produkujících exfoliativní toxin A (2008)
Molekulární diagnostika mírných stafylokokových bakteriofágů (2008)
Transdukce plazmiců determinujících rezistenci k antibiotikům u meticilin rezistentních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
The synthesis and characterization of new aminoadamantane derivatives of hexachloro-cyclo-triphosphazene (2008)
Evoluce bakteriálních genomů (2008)
Charakterizace plazmidů klinických kmenů MRSA a možnosti jejich přenosu transdukujícími bakteriofágy (2008)
Studium profágů konvertujících tvorbu Pantonova-Valentinova leukocidinu a exfoliativního toxinu A u kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Reactions of chlorodithiophosphoric acid pyridinium betaine with aminoadamantanes (2008)
Nové kondenzované dusíkofosforečné cykly (2008)
Genotype variability of the enterotoxin H-positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains isolated from patients and foods in the Czech Republic (2008)
Transduction of antibiotic resistance plasmids in methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
strains (2008)
Characteristics of Panton - Valentine leukocidin positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2008)
Molecular diagnostics of temperate bacteriophages of
Staphylococcus aureus
The virulence gene expression pattern of different clinical isolates of
Staphylococcus aureus
is more heterogeneous than expected from the genomic situation (2008)
Charakterizace PVL-pozitivních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus izolovaných v České republice (2008)
Mobilní genetické elementy a jejich využití v diagnostice stafylokoků (2008)
Transduction of resistance plasmids by bacteriophages induced from methicillin-resistans Staphylococcus aureus strains (2008)
Molecular typing of the enterotoxin H-positive Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from patients and foods in the Czech Republic (2008)
Multiplex PCR strategy for characterization of modular genomic structure of Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages (2008)
Genotypic characteristics of Panton - Valentine leukocidin positive Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2008)
Metodický materiál k výuce první pomoci (2008)
Minulost, přítomnost, budoucnost přírodovědecké fakulty MU (2008)
Genotype analysis of enterotoxin H-positive Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from food samples in the Czech Republic (2008)
Metodický materiál k výuce první pomoci na gymnaziích v Jihomoravském kraji (2008)
Extraction of PCR-ready DNA from Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages using carboxyl functionalized magnetic nonporous microspheres (2009)
Metodický materiál k výuce první pomoci na gymnáziích Jihomoravského kraje (2008)
Analyses of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins, cylindrospermopsins) in the reservoirs of the Czech Republic and evaluation of health risks (2008)
Analytické stanovení významných "tradičních" i "nových" cyanotoxinů. (2008)
"Tradiční" a "nové" cyanotoxiny ve vodách Č.R. (2008)
Lipopolysacharidy sinic, jejich stanovení a související toxicita (2008)
Cylindrospermopsin-nový alkaloidní toxin produkovaný sinicemi v ČR - toxikologie a analýzy (2008)
Monitoring toxických sinic ve vodárenských nádržích ČR - tradiční a nové toxiny sinic (výsledky sledování z let 1993 - 2008) (2009)
Výsledky mezilaboratorních porovnávacích zkoušek pro stanovení microcystinů (2009)
The first occurrence of the cyanobacterial alkaloid toxin cylindrospermopsin in the Czech Republic as determined by immunochemical and LC/MS methods (2009)
Endocrine effects of contaminated sediments on the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum in vivo and in the cell bioassays in vitro (2008)
Interference of PAHs and their N-heterocyclic analogs with signaling of retinoids. (2008)
A novel approach for monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins: development and evaluation of the passive sampler for microcystins (2008)
Akumulace microcystinů v rybách a potravních řetězcích (2008)
Nový přístup ke sledování microcystinů ve vodě - vývoj a optimalizace pasivního vzorkovače (2008)
Microcystin toxicity in green alga-oxidative stress and the role of komplex mixtures in cyanobacterial cells (2008)
Diversity of prophages in dominant Staphylococcus aureus> clonal lineages (2009)
Kinetics of biomarkers, bioaccumulation and elimination of peptide toxins microcystins in different freshwater fish species (2008)
Effects of water-bloom on survival and reproduction of springtail Folsomia candida (2008)
Polychlorinated naphthalenes and other dioxin-like compounds in Elbe River sediments (2008)
Tumor promoting properties of a cigarette smoke prevalent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as indicated by the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication via phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (2008)
New results in the ammonolysis of hexafluorocyclotriphosphazene: Crystal structure of P3N3F5NHP3N3F4NH2 (2009)
Rezistence k antibiotikům a její přenos bakteriofágy u druhu
Staphylococcus aureus
Genotypová charakterizace kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
s produkcí Pantonova - Valentinova leukocidinu souvisejících s případy nekrotizujících pneumonií v ČR (2009)
Úloha plazmidů v rezistenci a virulenci PVL pozitivních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Reaction of chlorodithiophosphoric acid pyridiniumbetaine with adamantane (2009)
Genetika (2009)
Edgar Allan Poe (2009)
Edgar Allan Poe (2009)
Stěry radioaktivních nuklidů z kontaminovaných ploch (2009)
Monitoring povrchové kontaminace cytotoxickými léčivy v nemocničních lékárnách České republiky (2009)
Studium kontaminace pracovišť a profesní expozice zdravotnických pracovníků zajišťujících přípravu a aplikaci protinádorových léčiv (2009)
Studie evaporace vybraných cytostatik a propustnosti ochranných rukavic v rámci výzkumu profesní zátěže zdravotnických pracovníků exponovaných cytotoxickým protinádorovým léčivům (projekt CYTO) (2009)
Moderní metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promoční účinkem (2009)
Assessment of cytotoxicity and specific effects of complex pollutant mixtures in passive and active samples from waste waters and river ecosystem of large city agglomeration (2009)
Hodnocení vlivu čistíren odpadních vod na kvalitu říční vody s využitím in vitro testů (2009)
Biochemical parameters of blood plasma and content of microcystins in tissues of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) from hypertrophic pond with cyanobacterial water bloom (2009)
Toxins produced in cyanobacterial water blooms - toxicity and risks (2009)
Toxiny sinic a jejich účinky na vodní ekosystémy (2009)
Neznámé metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promočním účinkem (2009)
E. A. Poe, Výstava ilustrací a bibliofilií (2010)
Teratogenicity and Embryotoxicity in Aquatic Organisms After Pesticide Exposure and the Role of Oxidative Stress (2011)
Sledování přítomnosti cyklofosfamidu ve vnitřním ovzduší a na povrchu materiálního vybavení Masarykova onkologického ústavu (2011)
Utilization of the solid sorbent media in monitoring of airborne cyclophosphamide concentrations and the implications for occupational hygiene (2011)
Cloning and expression of endolysin and its SH3b-domain from polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage (2011)
Detekce a kvantifikace bakteriálních genů v transdukujících fágových částicích u druhu Staphylococcus aureus pomocí qPCR (2011)
Transdukce penicilinázových plazmidů v rámci komunitního methicilin-rezistentního klonu Staphylococcus aureus USA300 (2011)
The effects of PAHs and N-PAHs on retinoid signalling and Oct-4 expression in vitro. (2011)
Transduction of penicilinase plasmids within community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA 300 clone (2011)
Analysis of spa types distinguished in the exfoliative toxin-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2011)
Characterization of PVL-phages induced from community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus strains (2011)
Cloning, expression and structure determination of SH3b cell wall binding domain of bacteriophage 812 endolysin (2011)
Klonování genů fágových lytických enzymů a jejich funkčních domén (2011)
Detekce a kvantifikace bakteriálních genů v transdukujících fágových částicích u druhu Staphylococcus aureus pomocí qPCR (2011)
Transdukce penicilinázových plazmidů v rámci komunitního meticilin-rezistentního klonu Staphylococcus aureus USA300 (2011)
Kmeny SCV MRSA od pacientů s chronickou infekcí - průkaz, identifikace a problémy při testování citlivosti k antibiotikům (2011)
Wastewater canal Vojlovica, industrial complex Pančevo, Serbia - preliminary ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated sediment (2011)
Accumulation of Microcystins in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., and Effects of a Complex Cyanobacterial Bloom on the Dietetic Quality of Muscles. (2011)
Can cyanobacterial biomass applied to soil affect survival and reproduction of springtail Folsomia candida? (2011)
Identifying the Research and Infrastructure Needs for the Global Assessment of Hazardous Chemicals Ten Years after Establishing the Stockholm Convention (2011)
Modulation of gap-junctional intercellular communication by a series of cyanobacterial samples from nature and laboratory cultures. (2011)
Complex evaluation of ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of antimicrobials oxytetracycline and flumequine used in aquaculture. (2011)
Determination of atrazine in surface waters by combination of POCIS passive sampling and ELISA detection. (2011)
CETOCOEN project: From the Laboratory to the Field and Beyond (2011)
Onemocnění vyvolané Clostridium difficile u geriatrických nemocných hospitalizovaných v letech 2007-2010 na KIGOPL Brno (2011)
Transduction of penicillinase and tetracycline resistance plasmids within methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 clone (2011)
Detection and quantification of bacterial genes of Staphylococcus aureus in transducing phage particles by qPCR (2011)
Effects of Microcystin and Complex Cyanobacterial Samples on the Growth and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Comparison with the Model Oxidative Stressor-Herbicide Paraquat. (2011)
In vitro modulation of intracellular receptor signaling and cytotoxicity induced by extracts of cyanobacteria, complex water blooms and their fractions. (2011)
POCIS sampling in combination with ELISA: Screening of sulfonamide residues in surface and waste waters (2012)
Enantioselective effects of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers on androgen receptor activity in vitro. (2012)
Screening assessment of cyanobacterial embryotoxicity to Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes (Actinopterygii: Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae). (2011)
Estrogenic activity in extracts and exudates of cyanobacteria and green algae. (2012)
The effect of peroral administration of toxic cyanobacteria on laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba). (2011)
Porovnání citlivosti protilátek užívaných k detekci sinicových toxinů v přirodních vodách. (2011)
Distribuce citlivosti druhů (Species Sensitivity Distribution – SSD) – využití pro hodnocení rizik pesticidů v evropských řekách. (2011)
Embryonální test s Danio rerio pro výzkum endokrinní disrupce ve vodním prostředí. (2011)
Jaké je v České republice riziko onemocnění legionelózou? (2012)
Changes in concentrations of hydrophilic organic contaminants and of endocrine-disrupting potential downstream of small communities located adjacent to headwaters. (2012)
Advances and Challenges in Standalone Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems (2012)
Tumor promoting effects of cyanobacterial extracts are potentiated by anthropogenic contaminants - Evidence from in vitro study. (2012)
Oxidative stress and detoxification biomarker responses in aquatic freshwatervertebrates exposed to microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass. (2012)
Přenosné a parazitární nemoci z povolání u zdravotnických pracovníků - prevence, kontrola rizik (2012)
Major clonal lineages in impetigo Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in Czech and Slovak maternity hospitals (2012)
Efficient transfer of antibiotic resistance plasmids by transduction within methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 clone (2012)
SH3b cell wall binding domain of bacteriophage 812 endolysin: Cloning, expression and structure determination (2012)
Genotypic characterization of four major clonal lineages of impetigo Staphylococcus aureus strains (2012)
Detection and quantification of Staphylococcus aureus genes and mobile genetic elements within bacteriophage particles by qPCR (2012)
Zavedení posudkového lékařství do pregraduální výuky na lékařských fakultách. (2012)
První zkušenosti s pregraduální výukou posudkového lékařství na lékařských fakultách (2012)
SH3b cell wall binding domain of bacteriophage 812 endolysin (2012)
Ošetřovatelská perioperační péče (2012)
Comparison of in vitro lytic activities of three bacteriophage preparations Stafal, Staphylon and Pyobacteriophagum liquidum against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
Bacteriophage transduction of mobile genetic elements in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
Legionelóza s profesní souvislostí - kazuistiky z ČR (2013)
Validation of the species sensitivity distribution in retrospective risk assessment of herbicides at the river basin scale-the Scheldt river basin case study (2013)
Staphylococcus petrasii, nový druh stafylokoka z České republiky (2013)
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of novel coagulase-negative staphylococcal species Staphylococcus petrasii isolated from human clinical material (2013)
Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant to polyvalent bacteriophages used for phage therapy (2013)
Characterization of in vitro lytic activity of bacteriophage preparation STAFAL against Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
Resistance mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus strains to polyvalent bacteriophages (2013)
Molecular characterization of a new efficiently transducing bacteriophage identified in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
CHAP domain of tail-associated protein from phage 812 and its lytic activity against Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
In vivo effects of microcystins and complex cyanobacterial biomass on rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba): Changes in immunological and haematological parameters (2013)
Estrogen-, androgen- and aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediated activities in passive and composite samples from municipal waste and surface waters (2013)
Association of Surface Contamination by Antineoplastic Drugs With Different Working Conditions in Hospital Pharmacies (2014)
Concentrations of microcystins in tissues of several fish species from freshwater reservoirs and ponds (2013)
EU-wide monitoring survey on emerging polar organic contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents (2013)
A European perspective on alternatives to animal testing for environmental hazard identification and risk assessment (2013)
The isolation and characterization of lipopolysaccharides from Microcystis aeruginosa, a prominent toxic water bloom forming cyanobacteria (2013)
Expert opinion on toxicity profiling – report from a NORMAN expert group meeting. (2013)
"SchussenAktivplus: reduction of micropollutants and of potentially pathogenic bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake Constance, Germany." (2013)
NORMAN Prioritisation framework for emerging substances - Passive sampling interlaboratory study - data evaluation (2013)
Novel metabolites in cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii with potencies to inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication (2013)
Fish tapeworm Khawia sinensis: an indicator of environmental microcystins? (2013)
Biochemical and histopathological responses of Wistar rats to oral intake of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass (2013)
Do cyanobacteria produce estrogenic compounds? (2012)
Ecotoxicity of complex cyanobacterial blooms - The role of traditional toxins and newly identified bioactive compounds: estrogens and retinoids. (2013)
SchussenAktiv - Eine Modellstudie zur Effizienz der Reduktion der Gehalte an anthropogenen Spurenstoffen durch Aktivkohle in Kläranlagen: Expositions- und Effektmonitoring vor Inbetriebnahme der Adsorptionsstufe auf der Kläranlage Langwiese des AZV Mariatal, Ravensburg (2013)
Acute, chronic and reproductive toxicity of complex cyanobacterial blooms in Daphnia magna and the role of microcystins (2014)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: Dálnice D1 v úseku Hubová-Ivachnová, celoroční monitoring bioty 2012 (05/11/18S ) (2013)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: "Dálnice D1 v úseku Dubná Skala-Turany, roční monitoring bioty 2013 (07/11/22/S ) (2013)
Analyses of endocrine- and dioxin-like effects using a series of in vitro reporter gene assays. (2013)
EU Wide Monitoring Survey on Waste Water Treatment Plant Effluents (2012)
Provedení chemických analýz na obsah cyklofosfamidu a platiny (2013)
The Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec type V from Staphylococcus aureus ST398 is packaged into bacteriophage capsids (2014)
Analyzing the defense strategies of Staphylococcus aureus strains against polyvalent bacteriophages (2014)
Analýza obranných mechanismů kmenů Staphylococcus aureus proti polyvalentním bakteriofágům (2014)
Characteristics of Staphylococcus petrasii, a recently described coagulase-negative species from human clinical specimens (2014)
Simultaneous determination of reduced and oxidized glutathione in tissues by a novel liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method: application in an inhalation study of Cd nanoparticles (2014)
Do predictions from Species Sensitivity Distributions match with field data? (2014)
Europe-wide survey of estrogenicity in wastewater treatment plant effluents: the need for the effect-based monitoring (2014)
Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants at European Legislation Safety Concentrations: How Safe Are They? (2014)
Novel rapid in vitro cytotoxicity test on mammalian cells based on an electrochemical measuring method (2014)
Evoluce genetického elementu SCCmec u rodu Staphylococcus (2014)
CHAP domain of tail-associated protein from phage 812 and its lytic activity against Staphylococcus aureus (2014)
Characterization of host-range mutations in genomes of Staphylococcus Twortlikeviruses (2014)
Can zero-valent iron nanoparticles remove waterborne estrogens? (2015)
Are In Vitro Methods for the Detection of Endocrine Potentials in the Aquatic Environment Predictive for In Vivo Effects? Outcomes of the Projects SchussenAktiv and SchussenAktiv plus in the Lake Constance Area, Germany (2014)
Směsi pesticidů v prostředí a hodnocení jejich účinků (2014)
Výzkum transformačních produktů degradace toxických léčiv novými technologiemi (2014)
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from Czech cystic fibrosis patients: high rate of ribosomal mutation conferring resistance to MLSB antibiotics as a result of long-term and low-dose azithromycin treatment (2015)
Complete genome analysis of two new bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
Očkování v České republice (2015)
Mezoteliom peritonea po profesní expozici azbestu - trnitá cesta k uznání nemoci z povolání (2015)
Complete genome analysis of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
4-Hydroxyphenacyl Ammonium Salts: A Photoremovable Protecting Group for Amines in Aqueous Solutions (2015)
Epidemiologie profesionálních legionelóz v České republice (2015)
Mezoteliom peritonea po profesní expozici azbestu - kazuistika (2015)
Ventilační plicní porucha u pacientů postižených silikózou nebo pneumokoniózou uhlokopa (2015)
Legislatívne zakotvenie hospicovej a paliatívnej starostlivosti v ČR a SR a niekoľko poznámok k úprave v Nemecku a Rakúsku (2015)
Molecular typing of Staphylococcus petrasii strains (2015)
Molekulární charakterizacce plazmidů koaguláza-negativních stafylokoků (2015)
Characterization of variable genomic components in coagulase-negative staphylococci (2015)
Analysis of plasmid dna isolated from strains of Staphylococcus aureus using artificial nucleases (2013)
Štiepenie plazmidovej DNA pomocou iónov Nd3+ (2011)
Výskyt ventilační poruchy plic u osob se silikózou a pneumokoniózou uhlokopa (2015)
Toxic effects of metals on two euryhaline ciliate species adapted to variable salinities (2015)
Assessment of silver nanoparticle toxicity for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish embryos using a novel method controlling the agglomeration in the aquatic media (2015)
Immunomodulatory Potency of Microcystin, an Important Water-Polluting Cyanobacterial Toxin (2015)
Pracovnělékařská problematika v ordinaci praktického lékaře (2016)
Effect of arsenic and cyanobacterial co-exposure on pathological, haematological and immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2015)
Hladiny a rizika cytostatik v prostředí nemocnice České Budějovice (2015)
Simultánní stanovení cyklofosfamidu a 5-fluorouracilu v extraktech/roztocích (2015)
Komunitní péče v ambulancích pracovního lékařství (2015)
Stanovení vybraných cytostatik ve stěrech pracovního prostředí (2015)
Práce s chemickými karcinogeny a cytostatiky ve zdravotnictví - pracovnělékařské požadavky (2016)
Objektivizace pracovní schopnosti zaměstnance (2016)
K otázce profesní etiologie nádorových onemocnění v České republice (2016)
Mobilní genetické elementy koaguláza-negativních stafylokoků přispívající k jejich rezistenci k antibiotikům (2016)
Pohled hygienika na práci s cytostatiky ve zdravotnictví (2016)
Antifoulingové účinky fotokatalytických vrstev na řasy r. Klebsormidium (2016)
Complete genomes of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2016)
Epidemiologie profesionálních legionelóz v České republice v letech 1998 - 2014 (2016)
Aseptické postupy v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu (2016)
Molekulárna charakteristika kmeňov Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Genomic characterization of Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Efficient non-enzymatic cleavage of Staphylococcus aureus plasmid DNAs mediated by neodymium ions (2016)
Genetically modified bacteriophages in applied microbiology (2016)
Silk route to the acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy. Expert round table on acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy (2016)
Efficient plasmid transduction to Staphylococcus aureus strains insensitive to the lytic action of transducing phage (2016)
The evolutionary pathway of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome element (2016)
Immunomodulatory Potency of Microcystin, an Important Water-Polluting Cyanobacterial Toxin (2015)
Temporal and spatial variability of enantiomeric fractions (EFs) of chiral organochlorines in relation to soil properties (2016)
Bioluminescent Vibrio fischeri Assays in the Assessment of Seasonal and Spatial Patterns in Toxicity of Contaminated River Sediments (2016)
Metallothionein modulation in relation to cadmium bioaccumulation and age-dependent sensitivity of Chironomus riparius larvae (2016)
Yeast Biosensors for Detection of Environmental Pollutants: Current State and Limitations (2016)
Phytoestrogens in milk: Overestimations caused by contamination of the hydrolytic enzyme used during sample extraction (2016)
Teratogenic effects of five anticancer drugs on Xenopus laevis embryo (2016)
Drinking water contaminants from epoxy resin-coated pipes: A field study (2016)
Reduction of dioxin-like toxicity in effluents by additional wastewater treatment and related effects in fish (2016)
High intraspecies heterogeneity within Staphylococcus sciuri and rejection of its classification into S. sciuri subsp. sciuri, S. sciuri subsp. carnaticus and S. sciuri subsp. rodentium (2016)
Structure and genome release of Twort-like Myoviridae phage with a double-layered baseplate (2016)
Přestavby chromosomů u onkologických pacientů a u pracovníků v riziku expozice cytostatiky a ionizujícím zářením. (2016)
Characterisation of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates from canine infections and determination of virulence factors using multiplex PCR (2017)
Zbrojní průkaz – přehled změn v posuzování zdravotní způsobilosti žadatelů (2017)
Práce ve zdravotnictví a sledování zdravotních rizik u zaměstanců (2017)
Nemoci z povolání u zdravotníků (2017)
Biomonitoring zdravotníků exponovaných cytostatikům a ionizujícímu záření - první výsledky vyšetření metodou FISH (2017)
Přenos HIV/AIDS u MSM - praktické poznámky soudního znalce (2017)
Biomonitoring zdravotníků exponovaných cytostatikům - první výsledky vyšetření metodou FISH (2017)
Pracovně lékařská péče prováděná praktickým lékařem (2017)
Posuzování zdravotní způsobilosti k práci podle příloh vyhlášky č.79/2013 Sb. o pracovně lékařských službách. (2017)
Biological plausibility as a tool to associate analytical data for micropollutants and effect potentials in wastewater, surface water, and sediments with effects in fishes (2015)
Biomonitoring zdravotníků exponovaných cytostatikům a ionizujícímu záření - první výsledky vyšetření metodou FISH (2017)
Komparativní analýza dvou odlišných linií plazmidů kódujících exfoliativní toxin B u klinických kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Pool of antimicrobial resistance genes in coagulase-negative staphylococci and their transfer among bacterial strains (2017)
Characterization of two highly divergent lineages of exfoliative toxin B-encoding plasmids revealed in impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Work ability of the Czech workforce aged 50+ and the relationship between selected demographic and anthropometric variables (2017)
Two highly divergent lineages of exfoliative toxin B-encoding plasmids revealed in impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Staphylococcus sciuri bacteriophages double-convert for staphylokinase and phospholipase, mediate interspecies plasmid transduction, and package mecA gene (2017)
Application of bacteriophages (2017)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci as a source of antimicrobial resistance genes (2017)
Zdravotní rizika práce ve zdravotnictví (2017)
Collection of staphylococcal polyvalent bacteriophages suitable for phage therapy exhibiting broad lytic host-range on methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (2017)
Spontaneous mutants of staphylococcal polyvalent bacteriophages with broad lytic host-range on Staphylococcus aureus strains are suitable for phage therapy (2017)
Low-cost Experiments to Demonstrate Instrumental Techniques of Analytical Chemistry (2017)
Development of a bioanalytical test battery for water quality monitoring: Fingerprinting identified micropollutants and their Contribution to effects in surface water (2017)
Role of SH3b binding domain in a natural deletion mutant of Kayvirus endolysin LysF1 with a broad range of lytic activity (2018)
Staphylococcus edaphicus sp nov., isolated in Antarctica, harbors the mecC gene and genomic islands with a suspected role in adaptation to extreme environments (2018)
Mixture effects in samples of multiple contaminants - An inter-laboratory study with manifold bioassays (2018)
Novel spontaneous mutants of bacteriophage 812 exhibit multiple genomic changes and increased lytic effect on MRSA strains (2018)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci as a source of antimicrobial resistance genes (2018)
Use of RAPD-PCR for typing staphylococcal phages with a potential for phage therapy (2018)
Variability of antibiotic resistance plasmids in human and veterinary coagulase-negative staphylococci and possibility of their horizontal transfer (2018)
Effect-based monitoring of the Danube River using mobile passive sampling (2018)
Mobile dynamic passive sampling of trace organic compounds: Evaluation of sampler performance in the Danube River (2018)
Co dává rumu jeho aroma aneb je ethylester kyseliny mravenčí skutečně nebezpečnou rumovou trestí? (2018)
Analytical and bioanalytical assessments of organic micropollutants in the Bosna River using a combination of passive sampling, bioassays and multi-residue analysis (2019)
Description and comparative genomics of Macrococcus caseolyticus subsp. hominis subsp. nov., Macrococcus goetzii sp. nov., Macrococcus epidermidis sp. nov., and Macrococcus bohemicus sp. nov., novel macrococci from human clinical material with virulence potential and suspected uptake of foreign DNA by natural transformation (2018)
Silk route to the acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy - part II (2018)
Rapid identification of Intact staphylococcal bacteriophages using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2018)
Přípravek s antibakteriálním účinkem proti stafylokokům vyskytujícím se v prostředí zemědělské prvovýroby (2018)
Přípravek pro léčbu MRSA infekcí hospodářských zvířat s obsahem fágového lyzátu (2018)
Příprava purifikovaného fága S. aureus pro použití ve veterinární praxi (2018)
Variability of resistance plasmids in coagulase-negative staphylococci and their importance as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance (2019)
Lytic and genomic properties of spontaneous host-range Kayvirus mutants prove their suitability for upgrading phage therapeutics against staphylococci (2019)
High genome variability within Kayvirus populations is key to improving their therapeutic efficacy against staphylococci (2019)
Interspecies transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes in coagulase-negative staphylococci (2019)
Staphylococcus petrasii diagnostics and its pathogenic potential enhanced by mobile genetic elements (2019)
New Genus Fibralongavirus in Siphoviridae Phages of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (2019)
Draft genome sequence of the Panton-Valentine leucocidin-producing Staphylococcus aureus Sequence Type 154 strain NRL 08/001, isolated from a fatal case of necrotizing pneumonia (2019)
Neantibiotický přípravek pro léčbu stafylokokových infekcí hospodářských zvířat (2019)
Repeatability and Reproducibility of the RTgill-W1 Cell Line Assay for Predicting Fish Acute Toxicity (2019)
Characterization of Staphylococcus intermedius Group Isolates Associated with Animals from Antarctica and Emended Description of Staphylococcus delphini (2020)
The Student Scientific Conference on Biotechnology & Biomedicine. Conference book (2012)
Phenotypic characterization of new Staphylococcus epidermidis phages able to transfer plasmids and genomic islands (2020)
Genomic properties of new transducing phages and mobile genetic elements of Staphylococcus epidermidis (2020)
DNA damage of ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate: Cis-EHMC can cause more significant effect in comparison with trans-EHMC (2016)
Oxygenated and Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air-Levels, Phase Partitioning, Mass Size Distributions, and Inhalation Bioaccessibility (2020)
Toxic potentials of particulate and gaseous air pollutant mixtures and the role of PAHs and their derivatives (2020)
Seasonal variation of endocrine disrupting potentials of pollutant mixtures associated with various size-fractions of inhalable air particulate matter (2020)
Limits of the Nuclear Ensemble Method for Electronic Spectra Simulations: Temperature Dependence of the (E)-Azobenzene Spectrum (2020)
Airborne PAHs inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication and activate MAPKs in human bronchial epithelial cell line (2020)
Staphylococcus epidermidis Phages Transduce Antimicrobial Resistance Plasmids and Mobilize Chromosomal Islands (2021)
Staphylococcus ratti sp. nov. isolated from a lab rat (2022)
Toxicity to bronchial cells and endocrine disruptive potentials of indoor air and dust extracts and their association with multiple chemical classes (2022)
Comparability of data obtained by suspect and non-target screening and by NORMAN panel of in vitro and in vivo bioassays: results of an interlaboratory study (2021)
Sborník konference didaktitky přírodních věd DidSci+ 2021 (2021)
Global Transcriptomic Analysis of Bacteriophage-Host Interactions between a Kayvirus Therapeutic Phage and Staphylococcus aureus (2022)
Teratogenicity of retinoids detected in surface waters in zebrafish embryos and its predictability by in vitro assays (2022)
Optimalizace izolace reziduální DNA z decelularizovaných tkání (2022)
Porovnání množství izolované aDNA u vzorků pocházejících ze tří historických období (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Staphylococcus aureus Prophage-Encoded Protein Causes Abortive Infection and Provides Population Immunity against Kayviruses (2023)
Alternative antibacterial therapy using bacteriophages: Phage host interactions and phage therapy safety (2022)
Rather die than be taken by the phage: Staphylococcus aureus prophage immunity protein protects population against kayviruses (2022)
Interaction of therapeutic kayvirus phage with Staphylococcus aureus on transcriptomic level (2022)
Transcriptomic landscape of Staphylococcus aureus during phage K infection (2022)
Transkriptomický profil interakce terapeutického bakteriofága z rodu Kayvirus s bakterií Staphylococcus aureus (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Staphylococcus brunensis sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens with an SCC-related genomic island outside of the rlmH gene bearing ccrDE recombinase gene complex (LB068) (2023)
Bioanalytical and chemical characterization of organic micropollutant mixtures in long-term exposed passive samplers from the Joint Danube Survey 4: Setting a baseline for water quality monitoring (2023)
Staphylococcus brunensis sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens with a staphylococcal cassette chromosome-related genomic island outside of the rlmH gene bearing the ccrDE recombinase gene complex (2023)
Genetická konference GSGM 2022 & XXIX. Genetické dny (2022)
Bacteriophages: an alternative or a powerful complement to antibiotics? (2023)
Chiralita známá i neznámá (první část) (2023)
Excursion for Slovak high school students (2023)
Endocrine disrupting potential of total and bioaccessible extracts of dust from seven different types of indoor environment (2024)
Chiralita známá i neznámá (druhá část) (2024)
In vitro assessment of thyroid peroxidase inhibition by chemical exposure: comparison of cell models and detection methods (2024)
The thyroid hormone system disrupting potential of resorcinol in fish (2024)
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