Přeskočit na horní lištu
Přeskočit na hlavičku
Přeskočit na obsah
Přeskočit na patičku
Vyhledávání publikací
Vyhledávání publikací
Pokročilé vyhledávání
Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Komunikace adolescentů v prostředí internetu (2003)
Psychologie a internet: děti dospělými, dospělí dětmi (2003)
Souvislosti reálné a virtuální identity dospívajících (2003)
Komunikace uživatelů internetu: Co výzkumy zjistily a jaký výzkum potřebujeme? (2003)
Psychologické aspekty využívání internetu adolescenty (2004)
Co dělají dospívající na internetu? (2004)
Mění broadband náš život? (2004)
Mapování digitální budoucnosti (2004)
Mapování digitální budoucnosti II. (2004)
Kyberprostor 2004: sekce psychologie a internet (2004)
Dospívání ve virtuální realitě - adolescenti a internet (2004)
Vztahy adolescentů ve virtuálním prostředí v kontextu teorie statusů identity dle Marcii (2005)
Internet v rukou adolescentů: přínos nebo hrozba? (2005)
Identity of Czech Adolescents - Relation of Cyberspace and Reality (2005)
Internet v rukou adolescentů (2005)
Vztahy adolescentů ve virtuálním prostředí v kontextu teorie statusů identity dle Marcii (2005)
Specifika komunikace prostřednictvím internetu pohledem psychologie (2005)
Internetová generace roste (2005)
World Internet Project in the Czech Republic: The rise of the Internet generation? (2005)
Workshop: Psychology and the Internet (2005)
Interpersonální atraktivita ve virtuálním prostředí (2005)
Dospívání na internetu - koníčky, hry a komunikace (2005)
New Media Studies at the Institute for Research on Children, Youth and the Family (2006)
Je lhaní na internetu normální? (2006)
Preferují lidi internet jako prostředek komunikace? (2006)
Interpersonální atraktivita ve virtuálním prostředí (2006)
Czech adolescents' partnership relations and sexuality in the Internet environment (2006)
Connecting Developmental Constructions to the Internet: Identity Presentation and Sexual Exploration in Online Teen Chat Rooms (2006)
Internet use in the Czech Republic: Gender and Age differences (2006)
Czech Internet Report: The Rise of the Internet Generation? (2006)
Czech adolescents on the Internet: multiple communication and its particularities (2006)
Lidé na internetu: jaké jsou možné zisky a rizika? (2006)
Virtual attractivity and partner selection on the Internet (2006)
Vztahy na internetu: fantazie a zklamání (2006)
Cyberspace 2006: workshop Psychology and the Internet (2006)
"Role-playing" hry v kontextu analytické psychologie (2007)
Any Girls Want to Chat Press 911: Partner Selection in Monitored and Unmonitored Teen Chat Rooms (2007)
Online Friendships: New Form of Relationships (2007)
Information Society from a Comparative Perspective: Digital Divide and Social Effects of the Internet (2007)
Lidé na internetu: jaké jsou možné zisky a rizika? (2007)
MMORPG playing of youths and adolescents: addiction and its factors (2007)
Virtual communities and lying: perspective of Czech adolescents and young adults (2007)
Cyberspace 2007, workshop: Psychology and Internet (2007)
Fenomén lhaní v prostředí internetu (2008)
Attributes of Participation in Online Communities among Czech Internet Users (2008)
Attending Online Communities: Culture of Youth? (2008)
Adolescents and young players of MMORPG games: virtual communities as a form of social group (2008)
Matching reality and virtuality: Are adolescents lying on their weblogs? (2008)
Blog jako cesta k porozumění dospívajícím (2008)
Playing MMORPGs: Connections between Addiction and Identifying with a Character (2008)
Czech Adolescents on the Internet: Creating Identity and Risk Behavior (2008)
Internet addiction as a risk factor? Analyzing online behavior among Czech adolescents (2008)
Cyberbullying among Czech Internet users : preliminary results (2008)
World Internet Project - The Czech Republic: The Internet in the Czech Republic 2006 (2007)
The Internet in the Czech Republic 2008: Four Years of WIP in the Czech Republic (2008)
Abhangigkeit und Internet-Applikationen: Spiele, Kommunikation und Sex-Webseiten (2009)
Online Friendship Among Czech Youth: Addition to and Compensation for Real -World Relationships (2009)
Comparing Addictive Behavior on the Internet in the Czech Republic, Chile and Sweden (2009)
Děti a dospívající na internetu: nástrahy a rizika online prostředí (2009)
Cyberbullying among Czech Internet Users: Prevalence across Age Groups (2009)
Online Friendships: Developmental Comparative Study (2009)
Czech Adolescents Weblogs: An Analysis of Visual Contents (2009)
Online komunity v České republice: Analýza členů a jejich sociálního kontextu (2009)
Sebepoškozování v adolescenci : blog jako prostředek vytváření komunity (2009)
Nová média v perspektivě sociálních věd. Editorial. (2009)
Fourteen Is Fourteen and a Girl Is a Girl: Validating the Identity of Adolescent Bloggers (2009)
Problematic Internet Use in the Czech Republic: Comparison Across Age Groups (2009)
Sebepoškozování v adolescenci: kontext reálného versus virtuálního prostředí a subkultur Emo a Gothic (2009)
Online Harassment and Cyberbullying in the Czech Republic: Comparison Across Age Groups (2009)
Addiction to Online Role-Playing Games (2010)
Digital Youth: The Role of Media in Development (2010)
Konstrukce virtuální identity u dospívajících uživatelů internetu (2010)
Finding the meaning of emo in youths’ online social networking. A qualitative study of contemporary Italian emo. (2011)
Internet Use and Electronic Technology (2011)
Digital Youth in Visegrad States: Constructing Identities Online (2011)
Cyberbullying in Context: Direct and Indirect Effects by Low Self-Control Across 25 European Countries. Preliminary results. (2011)
Cyberbullying victims: Telling parents and peers (2011)
Teen’s blogosphere in the Czech Republic: an identity playground of self-presentation and imagined audience (2011)
Associations between online friendship and Internet addiction among adolescents and emerging adults (2012)
Cyberbullying in context: Direct and indirect effects by low self-control across 25 European countries (2012)
Meeting Online Strangers among European Children (2012)
Internet addiction (2012)
Predictors of Adolescents' Excessive Internet Use: A Comparison across European Countries (2012)
Differences in the Teen Blogosphere: Insights from a Content Analysis of English- and Czech-Language Weblogs (2012)
Excessive Internet Use among European Children (2012)
The perception of cyberbullying in adolescent victims (2012)
Exposure to online sexual materials and cross-country differences (2012)
The Effectiveness of Coping Strategies Used by Cyberbullying Victims. (2012)
Motivation of MMORPG Players with Addictive Behaviour in Relation to Internet Use (2012)
Bystanders’ Support of Cyberbullied Schoolmates (2013)
Online obtěžování a kyberšikana. Zpráva projektu „Copingové strategie kyberšikany u adolescentů“ (2012)
The risk of online communities: Who is prone to behavioral change by community members? (2013)
On the Role of Media in Socially Disadvantaged Families (2014)
Perceived Importance and Influence of Online Groups in Early Adolescence: The Role of Intragroup Behavior and Patterns of Interaction (2013)
Personal Self-Disclosure in Online Communities: Role of Members´ Self-Disclosure, Online Disinhibition and Perceived Risk among Czech Adolescents (2013)
Risky online communities in the Czech Republic (2013)
Teenage blogosphere in the era of Facebook: a cluster analysis of what youth blog about (2013)
Extent Matters: Exposure to Sexual Material Among Czech Adolescents (2013)
Negative experiences with meeting online strangers: Adolescent girls’ risk prevention (2013)
Kyberšikana: Průvodce novým fenoménem (2013)
Effectiveness of coping strategies for victims of cyberbullying (2013)
Self-Disclosure in online communities (2014)
Meeting online strangers offline: The nature of upsetting experiences of adolescent girls (2014)
Classification of online problematic situations in the context of youths’ development (2014)
Adolescent Sexuality on the Internet: A Developmental Perspective (2014)
Online only: Which Czech young adults prefer online civic participation? (2014)
Associations Between Independent Self-Construal, Gender-Role Orientation, and Cyber-bullying / Cyber-victimization: Findings from a University Student Sample in North Cyprus (2014)
Personality Perception in Instant Messenger Communication in the Czech Republic and People’s Republic of China (2014)
Meaning of online problematic situations for children. Results of qualitative cross-cultural investigation in nine European countries (2014)
Contextualizing children’s problematic situations online (2014)
Cyberbullying: The Discriminant Factors Among Cyberbullies, Cybervictims, and Cyberbully-Victims in a Czech Adolescent Sample (2015)
Navazování kontaktů online a setkávání se s neznámými lidmi z internetu (2014)
Soukromí a sebe-odhalování na online sociálních sítích (2014)
Online komunity: v čem představují rizika pro dospívající? (2014)
Děti a dospívající online: Vybraná rizika používání internetu (2014)
Děti na internetu (2014)
The impact of digital media on health: children’s perspectives (2015)
Brief report: The bystander effect in cyberbullying incidents (2015)
Living in the Digital Age: Self-Presentation, Networking, Playing, and Participating in Politics (2015)
Stranger Is Not Always Danger: The Myth and Reality of Meetings with Online Strangers (2015)
Children’s privacy management on social network sites (2015)
Online communities and early adolescents (2015)
Predicting Online and Offline Civic Participation among Young Czech Roma: The Roles of Resources, Community Perceptions and Social Norms (2015)
Underage use of social network sites: It’s about friends (2015)
Social Support Seeking in Relation to Parental Attachment and Peer Relationships Among Victims of Cyberbullying (2015)
Empathic responses by cyberbystanders: The importance of proximity (2016)
Internet Addiction (2015)
Living in the Digital Age. Self-Presentation, Networking, Playing, and Participating in Politics (2015)
Prototypový autentizační systém obnovy hesla (2015)
Bystanders’ responses to offline bullying and cyberbullying: The role of empathy and normative beliefs about aggression (2016)
Cyberbullying in Europe: A Review of Evidence from Cross-National Data (2016)
Differences in Coping Strategies for Public and Private Face-to-Face and Cyber Victimization among Adolescents in Six Countries (2016)
Whom to Trust: The Role of Mediation and Perceived Harm in Support Seeking by Cyberbullying Victims (2016)
Individual differences associated with exposure to ‘‘ana-mia’’ websites: An examination of adolescents from 25 European countries (2016)
Bystanders’ supportive and passive responses to cyberaggression (2018)
When Age Matters: Patterns of Participative and Communicative Practices in the Czech Republic (2016)
Differences in attributions for public and private face-to-face and cyber victimization among adolescents in China, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, India, Japan, and the United States (2017)
Vliv individuálních faktorů a školního prostředí na vnímaný přínos školních diskusí o celospolečenských tématech (2016)
Youth interaction with online strangers : experiences and reactions to unknown people on the Internet (2018)
Children’s Experiences and Awareness about Impact of Digital Media on Health (2018)
Youth’s experiences with online strangers: Developmental perspective (2016)
Children’s and adolescent´s experiences and awareness about impact of technology on health (2016)
Differences in Severity and Emotions for Public and Private Face-to-Face and Cyber Victimization Across Six Countries (2017)
Is it important to talk about technologies with eating disorder clients? The health-care professional perspective (2019)
Rules of engagement : Family rules on young children’s access to and use of technologies (2018)
Dealing with meeting strangers danger: Children´s perspectives (2015)
Byl jednou jeden tablet: Děti do 6 - 8 let a digitální technologie. (2016)
Eating Disorders and Digital Technologies (2017)
Who are mobile app users from healthy lifestyle websites? Analysis of patterns of app use and user characteristics (2017)
A large-scale comparative study of beta testers and regular users (2018)
Functions of mHealth applications : A user’s perspective (2019)
Mediation of young children’s digital technology use : The parents’ perspective (2017)
Who crosses the norms? Predictors of the readiness for non-normative political participation among adolescents (2018)
Children’s Perspectives: Perceived Impacts of Digital Media on Health (2017)
Mediation strategies of parents with 7-8 years old children (2017)
The Credibility of Online Health Information from the Perspective of Adolescents and Young Adults: Quantitative and Qualitative Examination. (2017)
Role of school climate and personality in the development of Czech adolescents’ political self-efficacy (2019)
The Chicken or Egg Question of Adolescents’ Political Involvement : Longitudinal Analysis of the Relation Between Young People’s Political Participation, Political Efficacy, and Interest in Politics (2017)
Does ‘clicking’ matter? The role of online participation in adolescents’ civic development (2017)
Experimental large-scale review of attractors for detection of potentially unwanted applications (2018)
The perceived importance of credibility cues for the assessment of the trustworthiness of online information by visitors of health-related websites : The role of individual factors (2018)
Professionals’ Reflections About the Impact of Digital Technologies on Eating Disorders (2018)
Digital Technology, Eating Behaviors, and Eating Disorders (2018)
The Credibility of Online Information from the Perspective of Women Suffering with Eating Disorders (2018)
Mobile Health Interventions for Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep in Adults Aged 50+ : A Systematic Literature Review (2019)
Face-to-face and Cyber Victimization among Adolescents in Six Countries : The Interaction between Attributions and Coping Strategies (2018)
České děti a dospívající na internetu: Zpráva z výzkumu na základních a středních školách. Projekt EU Kids Online IV – Česká republika (2018)
Cyberhate in the context of online risk experiences among youth (2018)
Aktuální problémy mediálního výzkumu (odborný seminář) (2018)
Editorial : Special issue on bystanders of online aggression (2018)
Internet Addiction in Context (2018)
Cyberpsychology. Vol. 12, no. 4 : Bystanders of Online Aggression (2018)
Reálná a potenciální rizika internetu pro dospívající s epilepsií (2018)
Sociodemographic, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Correlates of Using Nutrition, Weight Loss, and Fitness Websites : An Online Survey (2019)
Internet Usage by Women with Eating Disorders during Illness and Recovery (2020)
Excessive internet use by young Europeans : psychological vulnerability and digital literacy? (2020)
Metody počítačového testování kognitivního stylu (2019)
Proč hlupák zůstává hlupákem? A další psychologické fenomény (2019)
Open Science and the Science-Society Relationship (2019)
Bullied Online but Not Telling Anyone : What Are the Reasons for Not Disclosing Cybervictimization? (2018)
The Eye-Tracking Measurement and Cartographic Stimuli (2019)
New Contributions of Multidisciplinary and Empirical Approach to Legal Consciousness (2019)
Who is searching for cyberhate? Cross-cultural comparison of Visegrad countries (2019)
Online Parental Mediation : Associations of Family Members’ Characteristics to Individual Engagement in Active Mediation and Monitoring (2020)
Právní vědomí a legitimita práva v podmínkách demokratického státu (2019)
Aktuální problémy mediálního výzkumu (odborný seminář) (2019)
Postoj ODS k přímé volbě starostů : případová studie (2019)
Do Stereotypes of Mental and Developmental Disorders Predict Bystander Intentions in Cyberbullying? An Application of the Stereotype Content Model (2019)
Cross-Cultural Differences in Cognitive Style, Individualism/Collectivism and Map Reading between Central European and East Asian University Students (2020)
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Online Social Support, Neuroticism, and Web Content Internalization on the Drive for Thinness among Women Visiting Health-Oriented Websites (2020)
Factors influencing interactions between adolescents and unknown people from the internet : Findings from five European countries (2020)
Digitální technologie a poruchy příjmu potravy. Výzkumná zpráva (2018)
Bystander reactions to cyberbullying and cyberaggression : individual, contextual, and social factors (2020)
Reliabilita a konstruktová validita metody Relationship Assessment Scale (2019)
Factor Structure of Two Individualism and Collectivism Scales (2020)
Souběžná validita metod měřících analytický a holistický kognitivní styl – předběžná analýza (2020)
Markers of Sexual Life and Health in Association with Internet Use for Sexual Purposes in Czechs Aged 50 and Older (2021)
The motivation for citizens’ involvement in life sciences research is predicted by age and gender (2020)
Mezinárodní longitudinální výzkum dopadu pandemie covid-19 na vnímání menšin (2020)
Mezinárodní výzkum stresu a copingu v době pandemie covid-19 (2020)
Social relational factors of excessive internet use in four European countries (2020)
Children’s experiences with cyberhate (2020)
EU Kids Online 2020 : survey results from 19 countries (2020)
EU Kids Online 2020 : technical report (2020)
Digital skills, risks and wellbeing among European children : Report on (f)actors that explain online acquisition, cognitive, physical, psychological and social wellbeing, and the online resilience of children and young people (2020)
The Effect of Media and Political Beliefs and Attitudes on Trust in Political Institutions : A Multilevel Analysis on Data from 21 European Countries (2020)
Digital security in families : the sources of information relate to the active mediation of internet safety and parental internet skills (2022)
Legal Consciousness : A Systematic Review of its Conceptualization and Measurement Methods (2021)
Setkání s kybernenávistí u dětí a dospívajících: Data z projektu EU Kids online (2020)
EU KIDS ONLINE: Agrese a nenávist na internetu (2020)
Digital Connectivity During COVID-19 : Access to vital information for every child (2020)
COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak (2021)
User Testing of Mobile Banking Authentication Methods: UX Testing, User Interviews, and Quantitative Survey (2020)
Cyberspace 2020 (2020)
Cyberostracism : Emotional and behavioral consequences in social media interactions (2021)
Aktuální problémy mediálního výzkumu (odborný seminář) (2020)
Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey (2021)
Does living together or apart matter? A longitudinal analysis of relationship formation in later life in association with health, well-being, and life satisfaction (2021)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Use : The Perspective of Women with Eating Disorders Experience (2022)
Who Is Exposed to Harmful Online Content? The Role of Risk and Protective Factors Among Czech, Finnish, and Spanish Adolescents (2021)
A comparison of the performance on extrinsic and intrinsic cartographic visualizations through correctness, response time and cognitive processing (2021)
Individuální rozdíly v kognitivním zpracování různých metod kartografické vizualizace: Experimentální design a pilotní studie (2020)
Technologie eye-trackingu v imerzivní virtuální realitě: Možnosti a limity v interkulturním výzkumu (2020)
Užití testování ekvivalence při hledání důkazů diskriminační validity během vývoje psychodiagnostických metod (2021)
Analýza reakčních časů pomocí difúzních IRT modelů (2021)
Psychometric Properties of the Independent and Interdependent Self-Construal Questionnaire : Evidence from the Czech Republic (2021)
The Associations of COVID-19 Induced Anxiety, Related Knowledge and Protective Behavior (2021)
Information sources about face-to-face meetings with people from the Internet : Gendered influence on adolescents’ risk perception and behavior (2023)
Who Is Smart with Their Smartphones? Determinants of Smartphone Security Behavior (2021)
Development of methods measuring analytic and holistic cognitive style (2021)
Never-ending voyage towards a valid Czech scale of individualism/collectivism (2021)
Development of Prejudice, Fear and Behaviour that Limits Spread of COVID-19 in 6 European Countries (2021)
International Research on Stress and Coping During the Covid-19 Pandemic (2021)
Intergroup Contact Is Linked To Discrimination Against Minorities Through Threat And Attitudes (2021)
Podpora nulové hypotézy a její miskoncepce v psychologii : Teoretické představení testování ekvivalence (2021)
ImGo : A Novel Tool for Behavioral Impulsivity Assessment Based on Go/NoGo Tasks (2021)
The cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of children in Czechia, Poland and Slovakia: Testing the bifactor model (2021)
Towards Personal Data Anonymization for Social Messaging (2021)
Vliv grafických proměnných na rychlost vizuálního vyhledávání na mapách (2021)
Replicating the Disease framing problem during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic : A study of stress, worry, trust, and choice under risk (2021)
How different types of digital skills predict different online activities (2021)
The relation between the cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of adolescents in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia (2022)
Who is exposed to harmful online content? The role of risk and protective factors among Czech, Finnish, and Spanish adolescents (2021)
The direct and indirect effects of online social support, neuroticism, and web content internalization on drive for thinness among visitors of health-oriented websites (2019)
Do Mobile Phone Bans Work? An Analysis of Phone-use Rules in Czech Schools (2019)
A systematic review of empirical studies on risk and protective factors for cyberhate experiences of young people (2021)
The amplification of cyberhate victimisation by discrimination and low life satisfaction: Can supportive environments mitigate the risks? (2021)
Testing innovative methods for research on children’s technology usage (2021)
Validizace počítačových metod měřících analytický a holistický kognitivní styl (2021)
Validita a reliabilita vybraných testů měřících analytický a holistický kognitivní styl (2021)
Repeated Recall of Repeated Events : Accuracy and Consistency (2022)
Associations between Severity and Attributions : Differences for Public and Private Face-to-face and Cyber Victimization (2021)
Prestiž, image, důvěryhodnost a komunitní role knihoven : průzkum postojů veřejnosti ke knihovnám (2021)
Detecting Online Risks and Supportive Interaction in Instant Messenger Conversations using Czech Transformers (2021)
The Influence of Online Advertising on Adolescents’ Perceived Credibility of Information Related to the Fitness/Dietary Supplements (2021)
Feasibility of Real-time Behavior Monitoring Via Mobile Technology in Czech Adults Aged 50 Years and Above : 12-Week Study With Ecological Momentary Assessment (2021)
A Preregistered Validation Study of Methods Measuring Analytic and Holistic Cognitive Styles: What do We Actually Measure and How Well? (2021)
Gender differences in online conversations topics and self-disclosure: Content analysis of Czech adolescents‘ instant messaging conversations (2021)
Cyberspace 2021 (2021)
Usable and secure? User perception of four authentication methods for mobile banking (2022)
Vybrané psychologické aspekty pracovní angažovanosti u středoškolských učitelů (2021)
Excesivní používání internetu českými dospívajícími : Srovnání před a během pandemie Covid-19. (2021)
Big Five traits predict stress and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic : Evidence for the role of neuroticism (2022)
The Roles of Trust, E-health Literacy and Parental Influence in Online Health Information-Seeking Behaviors of Adolescents (2021)
Geografie bariér (2021)
The Necessity of Testing Measurement Invariance in Cross-Cultural Research: Potential Bias in Cross-Cultural Comparisons With Individualism– Collectivism Self-Report Scales (2022)
How much screaming is an orgasm : the problem with coding female climax (2022)
Používání mHealth aplikací u dospívajících (2022)
News Media and Ontological Security: Media Theory Meets Data (2022)
The amplification of cyberhate victimisation by discrimination and low life satisfaction : Can supportive environments mitigate the risks? (2023)
Explaining inequalities in vulnerable children’s digital skills : The effect of individual and social discrimination (2022)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Use:The Perspective of Women with Eating Disorders Experience (2021)
Researching the Links Between Smartphone Behavior and Adolescent Well-being With the FUTURE-WP4 (Modeling the Future: Understanding the Impact of Technology on Adolescent's Well-being Work Package 4) Project: Protocol for an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study (2022)
Researching children’s and adolescents’ experiences with cyberhate (2022)
Adolescents' disease- and fitness-related online health information seeking behaviors : The roles of perceived trust in online health information, eHealth literacy, and parental factors (2022)
Psychometric Properties of the Independent and Interdependent Self-Construal Questionnaire: Evidence From the Czech Republic (2022)
Information and Communication Technologies and Well-Being (2022)
How can empirical measurement help the rule of law flourish? (2022)
Evaluation of Web-Based Health Information From the Perspective of Women With Eating Disorders : Thematic Analysis (2022)
Válka posílila sounáležitost Čechů s demokratickou Evropou a se Západem (2022)
COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Report on the role of critical information skills in recognising mis- and disinformation (2022)
A moderated mediation model for body-positive online content and body image among adolescents (2022)
Ověřovací studie preventivního programu Dobronauti : Zpátky v čase. Výzkumná zpráva (2022)
Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials and Feelings after Exposure among Adolescents in Nine European Countries : The Role of Individual Factors and Social Characteristics (2023)
Researching adolescents’ digital technology usage with a smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) (2022)
Cyberhate in Czech families: Adolescents’ experiences and their caregivers’ knowledge (2022)
Predictors of children’s and young people’s digital engagement in informational, communication, and entertainment activities : findings from ten European countries (2023)
Day-to-day associations between adolescents’ smartphone use before sleep and sleep outcomes (2022)
Adolescents’ Intentional and Unintentional Exposure to Cyberhate: The Role of Digital Skills (2022)
Triangulation of Theoretical and Empirical Conceptualizations Related to the Rule of Law (2023)
Publishing practices in media studies and communications (2022)
The impact of parental mediation on children’s online activities: Two-wave panel study (2022)
Does momma know best? Parental characteristics and their association to parents' knowledge about children's online risks (2022)
Czech Adolescents’ Face-to-Face Meetings With People from the Internet : The Role of Adolescents’ Motives and Expectations (2023)
Coping with Public and Private Face-to-Face and Cyber Victimization among Adolescents in Six Countries : Roles of Severity and Country (2022)
Why, with whom, and what was the outcome? Face-to-face meetings between adolescents and people from the internet (2022)
How risky are meetings with online strangers? The role of information sources in adolescent’s risk perception (2021)
Parental mediation of online interactions and its association with adolescents' contacts with online strangers (2021)
Who is upset after face-to-face meetings with online strangers? The role of individual characteristics among European adolescent (2020)
Adolescents' Interactions with Online Strangers in the Context of Risk-Taking Behavior and Developmental Needs (2019)
Examining reciprocal relationship between social media use and perceived social support among adolescents: A smartphone ecological momentary assessment study (2022)
The role of social networking and instant messaging apps in adolescent exposure to sexually explicit materials: A 14-day window into adolescent smartphone usage (2022)
Parental mediation of online interactions and its relation to adolescents’ contacts with new people online : the role of risk perception (2023)
Cyberspace 2022 (2022)
How do digital skills relate to cyberhate exposure? (2022)
Constructing Datasets from Dialogue Data (2022)
Eating attitudes and depressive symptoms in a LGBTIQ sample in Turkey (2022)
Individual and Parental Factors of Adolescents' mHealth App Use : Nationally Representative Cross-sectional Study (2022)
"I wish I'd have a body like that!" : The effect of social media comments endorsing appearance ideals on body dissatisfaction of adolescents (2022)
The integrative model of ICT effects on adolescents’ well-being : The synthesis of theories (2022)
Bystanders’ victim blaming and minimizing consequences of weight-based cyberhate attacks : The roles of anti-fat attitudes, body-positive online content, and gender (2023)
What do parents know about children's risky online experiences? The role of parental mediation strategies (2023)
Good servant, bad master : How eighty women perceive the influence of pornography on sexual scripts (2023)
Kybernenávist v českých rodinách : Jaké jsou zkušenosti dospívajících a co o nich vědí jejich rodiče a pečovatelé? (2022)
Effects of digital technology on adolescents' wellbeing : An integrative model (iMEW) (2022)
Měření maladaptivních rysů v pracovní psychologii: Předběžné výsledky psychometrické studie (2022)
Měření maladaptivních rysů v pracovní psychologii: Předběžné výsledky psychometrické studie (2022)
Psychologické souvislosti postojů k očkování dětí (2022)
Adolescenti a sexting: rizika a příležitosti (2022)
Porn Studies: Digitální intimita optikou sociálních věd (2022)
Safer Internet Day: Better Internet for Kids? A Closer Look at Adolescents’ Experiences with Cyberhate and Online Disinformation (2023)
Isovists compactness and stairs as predictors of evacuation route choice (2023)
Sharenting: Neškodná aktivita, nebo časovaná bomba? (2023)
Infant attachment in the Czech Republic : Categorical and dimensional findings from a post-communist country (2023)
Investigating Installers of Security Software in 20 Countries: Individual-and Country-Level Differences (2022)
Comparing nonresponders and responders of online intercept surveys: A large-scale experimental ICT security-related study (2022)
Proporcionalita, integrační účinek a legitimita volebního systému do Poslanecké sněmovny: Simulační studie dopadů D’Hondtova dělitele, Imperialiho kvóty a Hareovy kvóty (2024)
Faster ≠ Smarter : Children with Higher Levels of Ability Take Longer to Give Incorrect Answers, Especially When the Task Matches Their Ability (2023)
Classification of Adolescents' Risky Behavior in Instant Messaging Conversations (2023)
Who Is Searching for Cyberhate? Adolescents' Characteristics Associated with Intentional or Unintentional Exposure to Cyberhate (2023)
What do young people need and want to create their digital futures? (2023)
Health-related social media use and COVID-19 anxiety in adolescence : health anxiety as covariate and moderator (2023)
Digital Skills’ Role in Intended and Unintended Exposure to Harmful Online Content Among European Adolescents (2023)
Adolescents’ digital skills: opportunities and risks (2023)
Adolescents’ Online Communication and Self-Disclosure to Online and Offline Acquaintances : Differential Effects of Social Anxiety and Depressed Moods (2024)
Analytic and Holistic Cognitive Style as a Set of Independent Manifests : Evidence from a Validation Study of Six Measurement Instruments (2023)
in panel discussion. Nurturing Digital Well-being: Addressing the Impact of the Digital Environment on Youth Mental Health (2023)
Co s falešnými informacemi? Poznatky z mediálního vzdělávání a příklady z praxe (2023)
Zpravodajství, důvěra v média a dezinformace [webinář] (2022)
Educa(u)tion: Combatting Disinformation through Education (2022)
Does aggressive commentary by streamers during violent video game affect state aggression in adolescents? (2023)
The Role of Digital Skills in Wanted and Unwanted Sexting Among European Adolescents (2023)
From reading style to cognitive style and its possible application : An eye‑tracking and CFT approach (2023)
Perceived legitimacy of antipandemic measures : Findings from west and East Germany, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia at the peak of the COVID-19 crisis (2023)
The Revised Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC-12R): Validity and cross-cultural invariance in an organizational context (2024)
Psychosocial correlates of physical activity resilience: the case of step counts during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Sourcing the Economy: Automated Content Analysis of Journalistic Sourcing Practices in the Czech News (2023)
Are smartphones detrimental to adolescent sleep? An electronic diary study of evening smartphone use and sleep (2023)
Health anxiety in adolescents: the roles of online health information seeking and parental health anxiety (2023)
Psychological processes linking civic engagement to well-being (2023)
Revisiting collective narcissism: sense of community, civic identity, EUpartisanship, and well-being (2023)
‘I wish my body looked like theirs!’ : How positive appearance comments on social media impact adolescents' body dissatisfaction (2023)
Health Anxiety in Adolescents : The Roles of Online Health Information Seeking and Parental Health Anxiety (2024)
The validity of the Czech version of Body Appreciation Scale-2 for adolescents (2023)
The perceived vulnerability to disease scale : Cross-cultural measurement invariance and associations with fear of COVID-19 across 16 countries (2023)
in panel discussion. Open Forum: European Parliament Delegation to the IGF & the Youth IGF. (2023)
In podcast interview. IGF2023 : Daily briefing with Christopher Painter, GFCE President and Natalie Tercova, Youth IGF Leader, Czech Republic. Youth IGF (2023)
Digital Skills of Children and Adolescents (2023)
The integrative model of ICT effects on Adolescents' well-being (iMEW) : The synthesis of theories from developmental psychology, media and communications, and health (2023)
Theoretical Integration of ySKILLS : Towards a New Model of Digital Literacy (2023)
Cyber)victimization among Czech youth: Comparing experiences of non-heterosexual and heterosexual adolescents (2023)
Adolescents‘ intentional and unintentional exposure to cyberhate: The role of digital skills and perceived discrimination (2023)
Exploring cross-cultural variations in visual attention patterns inside and outside national borders using immersive virtual reality (2023)
Children’s exposure to hate messages and violent images online (2023)
The reciprocal relationship between consensual sexting and peer support among adolescents : A three-wave longitudinal study (2024)
A comparison of performance using extrinsic and intrinsic bivariate cartographic visualizations with respect to cognitive style in experienced map users (2023)
Two-factor authentication time: How time-efficiency and time-satisfaction are associated with perceived security and satisfaction (2024)
Web-Based Annotation Tool for Instant Messaging Conversations (2023)
Digital skills among children and youth : A report from a three-wave longitudinal study in 6 European countries (2023)
Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries : A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship (2024)
How are Czech adolescents using their phones? Analysis using objective smartphone data. (2023)
Jsou chytré telefony škodlivé pro spánek adolescentů? (2023)
Eating Attitudes and Depressive Symptoms in a LGBTIQ Sample in Turkey : The Role of Sexual Minority Stress. (2023)
Examining online fitness-related and appearance-related content exposure in online purchasing of fitness products in adolescents. (2023)
The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale : Cross-National Measurement Invariance and Convergent Validity Evidence (2024)
Trust in government moderates the association between fear of COVID-19 as well as empathic concern and preventive behaviour (2023)
Osobní setkání dospívajících s lidmi, které potkali na internetu (2023)
Adolescents’ interactions with people from the internet and the quality of their offline friendships (2023)
Analýza mediálního pokrytí konfliktu Izrael–Hamás z hlediska dodržení zásad veřejné služby v České televizi v období 7. 10.–31. 10. 2023 (Události a Události, komentáře) (2023)
Cyberspace 2023 (2023)
Navigating Adolescent Online Vulnerability (2024)
Výzkum: umělou inteligenci použila třetina Čechů (2024)
Safer Internet Day: Adolescent Vulnerability in the Digital World (2024)
Umělá inteligence a zdraví : Jak čeští dospělí využívají AI (2024)
Examining the Reciprocal Relationship Between Social Media Use and Perceived Social Support Among Adolescents : A Smartphone Ecological Momentary Assessment Study (2024)
Authoritarianism, Trust in Media, and Tolerance Among the Youth : Two Pathways (2023)
AI si může vymýšlet i odkazovat na neexistující zdroje. Při učení ale dokáže být dobrým parťákem (2024)
Bystanders’ victim blaming and minimizing consequences of weight-based cyberhate attacks : The roles of anti-fat attitudes, body-positive online content, and gender (2022)
#BodyPositivity or #BodyNeutrality on social media: Which one is more beneficial for body image? [Poster presentation] (2023)
Psychological capital, social support, work engagement, and life satisfaction: a longitudinal study in COVID‑19 pandemic (2024)
Česko je díky doktorandce součástí osvětové iniciativy o správě internetu (2024)
The Effect of Civic Engagement on Different Dimensions of Well-Being in Youth : A Scoping Review (2024)
Sociální reprezentace právních pojmů: Studie "důstojnosti soudce" a "veřejného pořádku" (2024)
(In)accuracy and Convergent Validity of Daily End-of-day and Single-time Self-reported Estimations of Smartphone Use among Adolescents (2024)
Sourcing the Economy in Times of Crisis: Automated Content Analysis of Journalistic Sourcing Practices in the Czech News (2024)
Time-based Variability in the Presence of Infotainment, Service, and Civic Roles in Czech Quality Press (2024)
Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Ability of Children to Recognize Basic Emotions (2024)
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness (recenze) (2024)
Thriving Through Autonomy : High-Ability Adolescents’ Well-Being Amidst the Pandemic (2024)
Handwriting Quality: Psychometric Properties of Two Evaluation Scales With a Czech Sample (2023)
Slovník mediální gramotnosti (2024)
Exploring the Relation between Reading Style and Cognitive Style: an Eye-Tracking Approach (2024)
Detached, yet welcoming: The antinomy of Ascetics and Humanity in the social representation of dignity of a judge (2024)
Digital skills among youth : A dataset from a three-wave longitudinal survey in six European countries (2024)
Does violence in video games impact aggression and empathy? A longitudinal study of Czech adolescents to differentiate within- and between-person effects (2024)
The Perspective of a Stigmatized Minority on Majority and Another Minority: The Role of Negative Normative Influence in Intergroup Relations (2024)
Confirmatory Nomological Nets with GORICA (2024)
Measuring Scientific Thinking in Children Aged 10-15 (2024)
Empowerment or Pressure? Exploring the Impact of Female Body Depictions in Body Positivity Instagram Posts on Self-Objectification (2024)
Theories of adolescence from a global perspective (2024)
The uncompromising way : Several lessons from homeless journalists (2024)
The Length and Verbal Labels Do Not Matter: The Influence of Various Likert-Like Response Formats on Scales’ Psychometric Properties (2024)
A Dignified Judge’s (Re)Presentation of Self (2024)
Making Nomological Nets Confirmatory with GORICA (2024)
Opening a Pandora’s box of SEM: a systematic review of model characteristics influencing model fit [Poster] (2024)
The persistence of cognitive biases in financial decisions across economic groups (2023)
Addressing theory crisis in (media) psychology with informative hypotheses (2024)
Reflection of Types of Prosocial Behavior During COVID-19 in Collectivistic Asian Countries-India and Indonesia (2022)
System justification as a buffer against perceived threats (2024)
BDI-II : Self-Report and Interview-based Administration Yield the Same Results in Young Adults (2024)
Child Vulnerability in the Digital World (2024)
Official Lies : Mistrust in Media & Political Information and Conspiracy Narratives in the Online Civic Discourse of Global Crises (2024)
Influence of sleep duration and sex on age-related differences in heart rate variability: Findings from program 4 of the HAIE study (2023)
Advancing dyslexia intervention with gaze-based interactions in DeveLex software (2024)
Trust and Political Attitudes of Public Service Media Audiences in a Polarized Society : The Case of Czech Television (2024)
ETDD70: Eye-Tracking Dyslexia Dataset (2024)
Bias-Based Cyberaggression Related To Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Weight: Systematic Review of Young People’s Experiences, Risk and Protective Factors, and the Consequences (2025)
Testing of the Czech questionnaire for identifying children at risk of obstructive sleep apnea (2024)
Apathy and Alienation : Navigating the Role of Disinformation and Active Citizenship (2024)
An inquiry of audience’s appraisals and reactions to cyberhate in news discussions on social media: The role of perceived group entitativity (2024)
BoPo Online, BoPo Offline? Engagement with Body Positivity Posts, Positive Appearance Comments on Social Media, and Adolescents’ Appearance-Related Prosocial Tendencies (2024)
Navigating Beauty Standards on Social Media : Impact of Appearance-Focused Activity on Adolescent Body Dissatisfaction (2024)
The Reciprocal Relationship Between Parental E-health Literacy Mediation and Adolescents' E-health Literacy: A Three-wave Longitudinal Study (2024)
Poskytují různé podoby Likertovy škály stejně validní informace? I : verbální kotvy (2021)
Unraveling the Role of Media in Conspiracy Thinking (2024)
Individual factors of expected and unexpected sexting and the subsequent feelings: A nationally representative study in adolescents (2024)
Daily excessive internet use symptoms in adolescents: Ecological momentary assessment study of symptoms’ daily variability and their predictors (2024)
(In)accuracy and Convergent Validity of Daily End-of-day and Single-time Self-reported Estimations of Smartphone Use among Adolescents (2024)
Longitudinal associations between screen time, bedtime and daytime sleepiness among adolescents: A three-wave panel study (2024)
Leveraging Conceptual Similarities to Enhance Modeling of Factors Affecting Adolescents’ Well-Being (2024)
The Reciprocal Associations between Adolescents’ mHealth App Use, Body Dissatisfaction and Physical Self-Worth : A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study (2024)
Immersed in culture : designing a collaborative virtual reality theatre platform for Mandarin learners : interview with Natálie Káčová, Wei-lun Lu, Čeněk Šašinka, and Alžběta Šašinková (2024)
Speech production under stress for machine learning: multimodal dataset of 79 cases and 8 signals (2024)
Digital Skills’ Role in Intended and Unintended Exposure to Harmful Online Content Among European Adolescents (2024)
What affects bystanders’ responses towards cyberhate in social media news? An experimental study of hate against plus-size people (2024)
Invenio – Complex Screening Assessment System (2024)
New trends in experimental design (2024)
Investigating the Geography of Thought Across Eleven Countries: Cross-Cultural Differences in Analytic and Holistic Cognitive Styles Using Simple Perceptual Tasks and Reaction Time Modeling (2024)
Vyhýbání se médiím v dobách krize (2024)
Systematická review: Vplyv revenge pornografie na psychické zdravie jeho obetí (2024)
Abandoned public: How Disinformation and Elite Disconnect Shape Political Engagement (2024)
Cyberhate targeting the body : Young Czech people’s perceptions of cyberhate that targets weight and physical disability (2024)
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