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Expression of toll-like and formyl peptide receptors in choroid plexus after subarachnoid hemorrhage (2019)
Paclitaxel triggers molecular and cellular changes in the choroid plexus (2024)
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Increases Level of Heme Oxygenase-1 and Biliverdin Reductase in the Choroid Plexus (2020)
A study of the effect of DAMPs on choroid plexus using an in-vitro model (2021)
Expression of chemotactic molecules in the choroid plexus following subarachnoid hemorrhage (2021)
Exprese chemokinů CCL2 a CX3CL1 a jejich receptorů v choroidálním plexu po indukci subarachnoidálního krvácení (2021)
The blood-brain barrier and the neurovascular unit in subarachnoid hemorrhage: molecular events and potential treatments (2022)
Changes in blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier integrity as a reaction on peripheral nerve injury (2022)
Effect of subarachnoid hemorrhage on choroid plexus - in-vitro model (2022)
Toward 3D modeling of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (2022)
Cellular and molecular changes in astrocytes following subarachnoid hemorrhage (2022)
Paclitaxel treatment activates receptors for mitochondrial damage associated molecular patterns in the choroid plexus (2019)
Molecular and Cellular Respons of Choroid plexus to Paclitaxel Treatment (2021)
Role of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier to neuroinflammation and Alzheimer's disease (2022)
Genetic structure of the Central European Apodemus agrarius populations (2023)
Tau accumulation and phosphorylation in choroid plexus cells induced by Aß peptide and inflammation (2023)
Chemotherapy alters the Kolmer cell of the choroid plexus (2023)
How to cross the desert if you are small and need mountains? Out-of-Ethiopia dispersal in Afromontane shrews (2024)
Molecular changes in glial cells following subarrachnoidal hemorrhage (2023)
Myšice temnopásá ve střední Evropě – populační genetika na okraji areálu přistěhovalce poslední doby ledové (2024)
Genetická struktura středoevropských populací myšice temnopásé (Apodemus agrarius) (2023)
Tau phosphorylation and neuroinflammatory response to Aβ in choroid plexus cells (2024)
In vitro study of materials for functional replacements in nerve tissue regeneration (2024)
Investigate the Role of Choroid Plexus in Alzheimer’s Disease (2024)
The reaction of choroid plexus to chemotherapy (2024)
Chemotherapy alters the Kolmer cell of the choroid plexus (2024)
Chemotherapy alters the Kolmer cell of the choroid plexus (2024)
Neuropathic pain and immunoreactive dynamics investigating the influence of paclitaxel in brain ventricles (2024)
Chemotherapy alters the Kolmer cell of the choroid plexus (2024)
Choroid plexus and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in disease (2020)
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