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Ursodeoxycholic Bile Acid as Building Unit of Unprecedented Supramolecular Complexes (2017)
Chemistry of Terpenoids (2017)
Anion Recognition by a Bioactive Diureidodecalin Anionophore: Solid-State, Solution, and Computational Studies (2018)
Calcium signaling affects migration and proliferation differently in individual cancer cells due to nifedipine treatment (2020)
Heads or Tails? Sandwich-Type Metallocomplexes of Hexakis(2,3-di-O-methyl)-alpha-cyclodextrin (2020)
Root response in Pisum sativum under naproxen stress: Morpho-anatomical, cytological, and biochemical traits (2020)
Implications of flavonoids as potential modulators of cancer neovascularity (2020)
Ni and TiO2 nanoparticles cause adhesion and cytoskeletal changes in human osteoblasts (2021)
Role of Sodium/Calcium Exchangers in Tumors (2020)
Calcium has protective impact on cadmium-induced toxicity in lichens (2020)
Hexagonal Microparticles from Hierarchical Self-Organization of Chiral Trigonal Pd3L6 Macrotetracycles (2021)
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of chemical constituents of Broussonetia papyrifera (2020)
Iron Complexes of Flavonoids-Antioxidant Capacity and Beyond (2021)
Novel Mitochondria-targeted Drugs for Cancer Therapy (2021)
Composites of yeast glucan particles and curcumin lead to improvement of dextran sulfate sodium-induced acute bowel inflammation in rats (2021)
Cholinesterase and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Potential and Antioxidant Capacity of Lysimachia verticillaris L. and Isolation of the Major Compounds (2020)
Therapeutic potential of prenylated stilbenoid macasiamenene F through its anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects on LPS-challenged monocytes and microglia (2020)
Natural compounds with dual antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects (2020)
C-Geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit and their antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities (2020)
Antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities of C-Geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. Fruit (2021)
Protizánětlivý potenciál kompozitů kvasinkových glukanových částic a geranylovaného flavonoidu diplakonu (2020)
Screening of Natural Compounds as P-Glycoprotein Inhibitors against Multidrug Resistance (2021)
Alkaloids of Zephyranthes citrina (Amaryllidaceae) and their implication to Alzheimer's disease: Isolation, structural elucidation and biological activity (2021)
Structure Elucidation and Cholinesterase Inhibition Activity of Two New Minor Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids (2021)
Detection of myocardial fibrosis using MRI in rat model (2021)
T1 relaxační čas v detekci myokardiální fibrózy v potkaním modelu (2021)
CBD is not converted to THC in rats: A framework interpretation and discussion (2021)
Flavonol glycosides from aerial parts of Astragalus thracicus Griseb (2021)
Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) Demonstrates Oncostatic Activity in the Therapeutic and Preventive Model of Breast Carcinoma (2021)
Flavonoids Targeting HIF-1: Implications on Cancer Metabolism (2021)
Abietane diterpenes of the genus plectranthus sensu lato (2022)
Direct and Indirect Antioxidant Effects of Selected Plant Phenolics in Cell-Based Assays (2021)
Incorporating natural anti-inflammatory compounds into yeast glucan particles increases their bioactivity in vitro (2021)
Natural Products, the Continuous Source of Therapeutic Molecules for Various Diseases: Literature Landscape Analysis (2021)
Biological activity of Cannabis compounds: a modern approach to the therapy of multiple diseases (2021)
Metabolism of Selected 2-Arylbenzofurans in a Colon In Vitro Model System (2021)
Vliv přírodní minerální vody Vincentka na zánětlivé onemocnění žaludku a duodena u laboratorního potkana. (2022)
PFenylpropanoidy a flavonoid z Helichrysum petiolare Hilliard & B. L. Burtt. (2021)
Fatty Acid Supplementation Affects Skin Wound Healing in a Rat Model (2022)
Bile Acids Transporters of Enterohepatic Circulation for Targeted Drug Delivery (2022)
C-geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit as potential anti-inflammatory agents (2022)
L. Molčanová, T. Štaffová, K. Sušovská, M. Dupľáková, J. Treml, V. Leláková, P. Maršík, K. Šmejkal, Isolation and identification of geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit and their anti-inflammatory activities, Workshop: Recent Progress in Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 23rd–24th June 2022, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Garden of Medicinal plants Hradec Králové, Czech Republic (2022)
L. Molčanová, J. Treml, V. Leláková, P. Maršík, K. Šmejkal, Paulownia tomentosa Steud. as a source of geranylated flavonoids with interesting biological activities, Trends in Natural Products Research: A PSE Young Scientists’ Meeting, 23rd–26th May 2022, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece (2022)
L. Molčanová, S. Dall'Acqua, K. Šmejkal, Isolation and identification of active constituents from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit, 10th Postgraduate and Postdoc Conference, 22nd–23rd January 2020, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic (2020)
L. Molčanová, J. Treml, V. Leláková, T. Kauerová, S. Dall'Acqua, P. Maršík, K. Šmejkal, Prenylated phenolic compounds – isolation, structural analysis and biological activity, Student scientific conference MUNI PHARM 2021, 27th April 2021, Faculty of Pharmacy, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic (online) (2021)
L. Molčanová, Geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa fruit – isolation, structural analysis, and biological activity, “Prize in Pharmacy – Fondation pour la Recherche en Chimie/Université de Strasbourg” supported by the Fondation pour la Recherche en Chimie and the French Embassy in the Czech Republic, 9th September 2021 (online) (2021)
L. Molčanová, J. Treml, V. Leláková, P. Maršík, K. Šmejkal, C Geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit as potential anti-inflammatory agents, 3rd Annual CNPD Conference 2022 “Natural Products and their role in post-Covid time“, 2nd–4th March 2022 (online) (2022)
L. Molčanová, T. Štaffová, K. Sušovská, M. Dupľáková, J. Treml, V. Leláková, P. Maršík, K. Šmejkal, Geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit – isolation, structural analysis, and biological activity, Student scientific conference MUNI PHARM 2022, 28th April 2022, Faculty of Pharmacy, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic (2022)
Rostlinné přípravky a jejich lékové interakce v běžné ambulantní praxi (2021)
Moderní trendy a možnosti v domácím pěstování léčivých rostlin (2021)
Okrasné rostliny jako možný zdroj biologicky aktivních látek – Maclura pomifera (2022)
Polyketide Derivatives in the Resistance of Gerbera hybrida to Powdery Mildew (2022)
Synthesis of C-prenylated analogues of stilbenoid methyl ethers and their cyclic dihydrobenzopyranyl derivatives as potential anti-inflammatory agents (2022)
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Five Medicinal Mushrooms of the Genus Pleurotus (2022)
The role of oxidative stress in the healing of pressure ulcers (2022)
Analýza T1 relaxačního času jako nástroj pro detekci myokardiální fibrózy u potkana (2022)
L. Molčanová, S. Kapalová, L. Vojtová, E. Alvarado, P. Maršík, K. Šmejkal, Isolation and identification of phlorotannins from brown algae Ecklonia radiata (C.Agardh) J.Agardh, Synthesis and Analysis of Drugs 2022, 7. - 9. 9. 2022, Brno, Czech republic (2022)
Isolation and identification of diterpenes of the genus Plectranthus sensu lato (2022)
Analýza EKG u potkanů s myokardiální fibrózou (2022)
Prenylated Flavonoids in Topical Infections and Wound Healing (2022)
Morphological-anatomical study of pea roots under naproxen stress (2022)
Okrasné rostliny jako možný zdroj biologicky aktivních látek – rod katalpa (2021)
Rostlinné přípravky v terapii benigní hyperplazie prostaty (2022)
L. Molčanová, J. Treml, V. Brezáni, M. Dupľáková, T. Štaffová, K. Sušovská, P. Maršík, K. Šmejkal, Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Geranylated Flavonoids from Paulownia Tomentosa Steud. Fruit, Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Development – Advances and Perspectives, 19. – 22. 9. 2022, Iasi, Rumunsko (2022)
Prenylated flavonoids combating mycobacteria (2022)
Synergistic activity of mulberry tree natural compounds against MRSA (2022)
Antimicrobial activity of flavonoid derivatives from Morus alba root bark against MSSA and clinical MRSA isolates (2020)
Synergistic activity of flavonoid derivatives from Morus alba root bark against MRSA isolates (2021)
Prenylated flavonoids – potent antimicrobial agents against tuberculosis (2022)
Anti-inflammatory potential of selected phenolic compounds isolated from Morus alba (2022)
Prenylated phenolics from Morus alba against MRSA infections as a strategy for wound healing (2022)
Signaling pathways in cutaneous wound healing (2022)
Mineral Water Vincentka and its Influence on Mucosal Ulcers (2022)
Slow sulfide donor GYY4137 potentiates effect of paclitaxel on colorectal carcinoma cells (2022)
Involvement of calcium signaling in different types of cell death in cancer (2022)
Nitrogen modulates strontium uptake and toxicity in Hypericum perforatum plants (2022)
Metabolic and Oxidative Changes in the Fern Adiantum raddianum upon Foliar Application of Metals (2022)
Can different type of the pressure ulcers debridement affect oxidative stress parameters? (2022)
Aloe (Aloe vera) (2022)
Calcium-enriched biochar modulates cadmium uptake depending on external cadmium dose (2022)
Allantoin overaccumulation enhances production of metabolites under excess of metals but is not tightly regulated by nitric oxide (2022)
Brněnský den léčivých rostlin " Na počest prof. RNDr. Václava Suchého, DrSc." a Sympozium z dějin farmacie a zdravotnictví (2022)
Česnek kuchyňský (Allium sativum) (2021)
Dříšťál osinatý (Berberis aristata) (2021)
Fazol obecný (Phaseolus vulgaris) (2022)
Gymnéma lesní, Gymnema sylvestre (Gurmar) (2022)
Jestřabina lékařská (Galega officinalis) (2022)
Kopřiva dvoudomá (Urtica dioica) (2022)
Lékořice lysá (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (2022)
Momordica charantia (karela, bitter melon, hořká okurka) (2021)
Morušovník bílý (Morus alba) (2021)
Ženšen pravý (Panax Ginseng) (2022)
There is no burdock like a burdock (2022)
Comparison of phytochemical profile of different parts of Ficus species (2022)
1H NMR-guided isolation of coumarins from Broussonetia papyrifera (2022)
Ficus species: comparison of phytochemical profile and isolation of dominant compounds (2022)
A rapid HPLC-ELSD method for separation of sugars and sugar alcohols in fruits of Czech Sorbus species (2022)
Přehlížené skvosty české přírody (2022)
Protizánětlivé a antioxidační vlastnosti obsahových látek Broussonetia papyrifera (2020)
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of chemical constituents of Broussonetia papyrifera (2020)
Broussonetia papyrifera as a rich source of secondary metabolites (2020)
Bioactive compounds from Broussonetia papyrifera (2020)
Safety assessment and redox status in rats after chronic exposure to cannabidiol and cannabigerol (2023)
Different types of the pressure ulcers debridement affect oxidative stress parameters (2022)
Antithrombotic and antiplatelet effects of plant-derived compounds: a great utility potential for primary, secondary, and tertiary care in the framework of 3P medicine (2022)
Anti-breast cancer effects of phytochemicals: primary, secondary, and tertiary care (2022)
Biologically active xanthones from Maclura pomifera. (2022)
Mercury Content and Amelioration of Its Toxicity by Nitric Oxide in Lichens (2023)
Preparation and Evaluation of a Dosage Form for Individualized Administration of Lyophilized Probiotics (2023)
Insights into HPLC-MS/MS Analysis, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of Astragalus fruticosus against Different Types of Cancer Cell Lines (2022)
Ověření protizánětlivé účinnosti extraktu mochny stříbrné (Potentilla argentea) na modelu dextransulfátové kolitidy u laboratorních potkanů (2023)
Paulownia tomentosa extracts fighting against staphylococcal biofilm formation (2023)
Structure elucidation of diterpenoids isolated from three Plectranthus sensu lato species (2023)
Animal model of mucosal inflammation (gastritis) and its application in balneology (2023)
Flipping hosts in hyperfine fields of paramagnetic guests (2023)
1. místo v soutěži o nejlepší poster na konferenci 71. česko–slovenské farmakologické dny (2023)
Recent progress in the isolation of prenylated flavonoids from Broussonetia papyrifera with potential anti-inflammatory properties (2023)
Recent progress in phytochemical profiling of Ficus species (2023)
Therapeutic Potential of Flavonoids and Tannins in Management of Oral Infectious Diseases-A Review (2023)
TET protein inhibitors: Potential and limitations (2023)
T1 mapping of myocardium in rats using self-gated golden-angle acquisition (2024)
Léčebné konopí a jeho význam pro současnou medicínu (2023)
The main therapeutic applications of cannabidiol (CBD) and its potential effects on aging with respect to Alzheimer’s disease (2023)
Pilot Formulation Study of Ph-sensitive Gels (2023)
Chronic venous insufficiency and venous leg ulcers: Aetiology, on the pathophysiology-based treatment (2024)
Treating Epilepsy with Natural Products: Nonsense or Possibility? (2023)
Špeciálna toxikológia (2023)
Ambiguous changes in photosynthetic parameters of Lemna minor L. after short-term exposure to naproxen and paracetamol: Can the risk be ignored? (2023)
Paulownia tomentosa fruit extracts activity in eradication of Staphylococcus aureus (2023)
Changes in gene expression in pressure ulcers debrided by different approaches - a pilot study (2023)
Comparative Analysis of The Phytochemicals, Cytotoxicity and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Four Annonaceous (Uvaria) Plant Species (2023)
Prenylované rostlinné fenoly jako modulátory buněčné komunikace (2023)
Perspectives on antimicrobial properties of Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit products in the control of Staphylococcus aureus infections (2024)
Cystathionine β-synthase affects organization of cytoskeleton and modulates carcinogenesis in colorectal carcinoma cells (2023)
Sports Activities and Cardiovascular System Change (2023)
Analyses of Pressure Ulcer Debridement methods: Macroscopic, Histopathological, and Oxidative Stress Assessments (2023)
Enhancing Solubility and Bioefficacy of Stilbenes by Liposomal Encapsulation-The Case of Macasiamenene F (2024)
Prenylated phenols with potent anti-inflammatory effects (2023)
Lipophilic Statins Eliminate Senescent Endothelial Cells by inducing Anoikis-Related Cell Death (2023)
The Gold(I) Complex with Plant Hormone Kinetin Shows Promising In Vitro Anticancer and PPARγ Properties (2023)
Vybrané kapitoly z fyziologie (2022)
Okrasné dřeviny jako zdroj biologicky aktivních látek (2023)
Comparison of Metabolic Profiles of Fruits of Arctium lappa, Arctium minus, and Arctium tomentosum (2024)
3. místo v Biologické sekci 22. ročníku Nadnárodní studentské vědecké konference (2024)
Evaluating the anti-inflammatory potential of prenylated (iso)flavonoids from Ficus cyathistipula in an in vitro model of inflammatory response (2024)
Structural Analysis of Diterpenoids Isolated from Three Plectranthus s.l. Species. (2023)
Diterpenes from three Plectranthus s.l. species: Isolation, Structural Analysis, and Biological Activity (2024)
Diterpenes Isolated from Three Different Plectranthus Sensu Lato Species and Their Antiproliferative Activities against Gynecological and Glioblastoma Cancer Cells (2024)
Antiproliferative diterpenes from three Plectranthus s.l. species (2024)
Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignans from Schisandra chinensis with Anti-Inflammatory Effects (2024)
Anticholinesterase Activity of Methanolic Extract of Amorpha fruticosa Flowers and Isolation of Rotenoids and Putrescine and Spermidine Derivatives (2024)
Short-term autophagy inhibition by autophinib or SAR405 does not alter the effect of cisplatin on ATP production in prostate cancer cells (2024)
Investigation of the potential effects of estrogen receptor modulators on immune checkpoint molecules (2024)
Role of the 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase in colon/ colorectal cancers (2024)
Terapeutický potenciál kanabidiolu a kanabigerolu v léčbě akutních ran (2024)
Trends in Natural Products 2024 PSE Young Scientists' Meeting Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE). Bioactive Natural Products in Biology, Pharmacy and Cosmetics. Book of Abstracts (2024)
Determination of PPAR gamma agonistic activity of mimulone and diplacone in nanoparticle formulations (2024)
Slow Sulfide Donor GYY4137 Increased the Sensitivity of Two Breast Cancer Cell Lines to Paclitaxel by Different Mechanisms (2024)
Sex Determination of Human Nails Based on Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in Forensic Context (2023)
Antiproliferační a proapoptotický potenciál nově izolovaných seskviterpenových laktonů z rostliny Schkuhria pinnata u nádorových buněčných linií (2024)
α-Glucosidase inhibitory activity and phytochemical profile of fruit extracts of Czech Sorbus endemics (2024)
Chromatographic separation of xanthones from Maclura pomifera (2024)
Okrasné rostliny jako možný zdroj biologicky aktivních látek - rod Campsis (2024)
Okrasné rostliny jako možný zdroj biologicky aktivních látek - rod Fuchsia (2024)
Cyanine dyes in the mitochondria-targeting photodynamic and photothermal therapy (2024)
Derivatives of putrescine and spermidine from flowers of Amorpha fruticosa L., Fabaceae (2022)
Terapeutický potenciál Schkuhria pinnata, Asteraceae (2023)
Anticholinesterase activity of methanolic extract of Amorpha fruticosa flowers and isolation of putrescine and spermidine derivatives (2024)
Unsymmetric Chiral Ligands for Large Metallo-Macrocycles: Selectivity of Orientational Self-Sorting (2024)
Five New Tamarixetin Glycosides from Astragalus thracicus Griseb. Including Some Substituted with the Rare 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric Acid and Their Collagenase Inhibitory Effects In Vitro (2024)
Impact of Fermentation on the Phytochemical Content andBiological Properties of Moringa oleifera Lam. Shoot Teas (2024)
Five New Tamarixetin Glycosides from Astragalus thracicus Griseb. Including Some Substituted with the Rare 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric Acid and Their Collagenase Inhibitory Effects In Vitro (2024)
Pracovní listy pro praktická cvičení z farmakognozie. Mikroskopie a makroskopie farmakognosticky významných drog (2024)
Teoretické základy praktických cvičení z fyziologie člověka (2024)
Iron chelators as mitophagy agents: Potential and limitations (2024)
Curcumin: A Potential Weapon in the Prevention and Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer (2024)
Undescribed Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids from <i>Zephyranthes citrina</i> and Their Cytotoxicity (2024)
Vybrané mikroskopické preparáty farmaceuticky významných drog (2024)
Praktické fytochemické úlohy pro farmakognozii a fytochemii Návody pro laboratorní cvičení (2024)
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