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Design and Evaluation of HTTP Protocol Parsers for IPFIX Measurement (2013)
An Investigation Into Teredo and 6to4 Transition Mechanisms: Traffic Analysis (2013)
Time Series Solver (2013)
Cloud-based Testbed for Simulation of Cyber Attacks (2014)
Cloud-based Security Research Testbed: A DDoS Use Case (2014)
Enhancing Network Security: Host Trustworthiness Estimation (2014)
Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection by Correlation of Modularly Hashed Sketches (2014)
Identifying Operating System Using Flow-based Traffic Fingerprinting (2014)
Network-based HTTPS Client Identification Using SSL/TLS Fingerprinting (2015)
KYPO - Kybernetický polygon (2015)
Software pro konfiguraci a monitorování virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
Software pro vizualizaci virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
HTTPS Traffic Analysis and Client Identification Using Passive SSL/TLS Fingerprinting (2016)
Real-time Analysis of NetFlow Data for Generating Network Traffic Statistics using Apache Spark (2016)
Network Traffic Characterisation Using Flow-Based Statistics (2016)
On Information Value of Top N Statistics (2016)
Stream4Flow: Software for mining and analysis of the large volumes of network traffic (2016)
Toward Stream-Based IP Flow Analysis (2017)
Passive OS Fingerprinting Methods in the Jungle of Wireless Networks (2018)
Systém pro sběr, uchování a analýzu síťových dat velkého rozsahu (2017)
Towards Provable Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis via Semi-Labeled Trace Datasets (2018)
Toward Real-time Network-wide Cyber Situational Awareness (2018)
Stream4Flow: Real-time IP Flow Host Monitoring using Apache Spark (2018)
Reflective Diary for Professional Development of Novice Teachers (2019)
Towards Learning Analytics in Cybersecurity Capture the Flag Games (2019)
Analyzing User Interactions with Cybersecurity Games (2019)
Real-time Pattern Detection in IP Flow Data using Apache Spark (2019)
Quality of Service Forecasting with LSTM Neural Network (2019)
Time Series Analyzer: Software for analysis of performance time series (2018)
IT Operations Analytics: Root Cause Analysis via Complex Event Processing (2019)
Visual Feedback for Players of Multi-Level Capture the Flag Games: Field Usability Study (2019)
Behavior-Aware Network Segmentation using IP Flows (2019)
KYPO4INDUSTRY: A Testbed for Teaching Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems (2020)
What Are Cybersecurity Education Papers About? A Systematic Literature Review of SIGCSE and ITiCSE Conferences (2020)
Benefits and Pitfalls of Using Capture The Flag Games in University Courses (2020)
Evolution of SSL/TLS Indicators and Warnings in Web Browsers (2020)
Software pro simulaci obecných i kritických informačních infrastruktur (2019)
Software pro detekci a analýzu napadení KII (2019)
Conceptual Model of Visual Analytics for Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
On the Impact of Flow Monitoring Configuration (2020)
Teaching Lab: Training Novice Computer Science Teachers (2020)
Cyber Situation Awareness via IP Flow Monitoring (2020)
SoK: Contemporary Issues and Challenges to Enable Cyber Situational Awareness for Network Security (2020)
How Does a Student-Centered Course on Communication and Professional Skills Impact Students in the Long Run? (2020)
Will You Trust This TLS Certificate? Perceptions of People Working in IT (Extended Version) (2020)
The Stack: Unplugged Activities for Teaching Computer Science (2021)
Toward Guidelines for Designing Cybersecurity Serious Games (2021)
Cybersecurity Knowledge and Skills Taught in Capture the Flag Challenges (2021)
Cyberspace 2020 (2020)
Host Behavior in Computer Network: One-Year Study (2021)
Toolset for Collecting Shell Commands and Its Application in Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
Reinforcing Cybersecurity Hands-on Training With Adaptive Learning (2021)
Scalable Learning Environments for Teaching Cybersecurity Hands-on (2021)
Even if users do not read security directives, their behavior is not so catastrophic (2022)
Dataset of Shell Commands Used by Participants of Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
Evaluating Two Approaches to Assessing Student Progress in Cybersecurity Exercises (2022)
How Do Users Chain Email Accounts Together? (2021)
Preventing Cheating in Hands-on Lab Assignments (2022)
Cyberspace 2021 (2021)
Student Assessment in Cybersecurity Training Automated by Pattern Mining and Clustering (2022)
Vizuálně-analytická konzole pro ICS (2021)
Virtualizované prostředí pro trénink CSIRT týmu (2021)
Applications of Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics on Data From Cybersecurity Training (2022)
Usability Insights from Establishing TLS Connections (2022)
Detection of Malicious Code in SSH programs. (2022)
SW pro ovládání nástrojů ofenzivní bezpečnosti (2022)
SW pro statickou verifikaci bezpečnostních opatření (2022)
SW pro dynamickou verifikaci bezpečnostních opatření (2022)
Want to Raise Cybersecurity Awareness? Start with Future IT Professionals. (2023)
Investigating Installers of Security Software in 20 Countries: Individual-and Country-Level Differences (2022)
Lessons Learned from Automated Sharing of Intrusion Detection Alerts: The Case of the SABU Platform (2023)
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