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aro Mutations in Salmonella enterica Cause Defects in Cell Wall and Outer Membrane Integrity (2008)
Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight proteomic profiling of breast carcinomas identifies clinicopathologically relevant groups of patients similar to previously defined clusters from cDNA expression (2008)
MSMAD: a computationally efficient method for the analysis of noisy array CGH data (2009)
When one chip is not enough: Augmenting the validity of SELDI-TOF proteomic profiles of clinical specimens (2009)
Využití kontrastního ultrazvukového vyšetření v diferenciální diagnostice lymfadenopatií - první zkušenosti (2009)
The study on Fnr-type transcription regulators functions in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics tools (2009)
Unraveling a FNR-based regulatory circuit in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomic and bioinformatic approaches (2009)
Integration of top-k list information inferred from paired rankings. (2009)
Bioinformatics in Genomics and Proteomics Data (2009)
Inference, aggregation and graphics for top-k rank lists. (2009)
E-learning in genomic and proteomic data analysis (2009)
Bullous pemphigoid and internal diseases: A case-control study. (2010)
Unraveling an FNR based regulatory circuit in Paracoccus denitrificans using a proteomics-based approach (2010)
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound of peripheral lymph nodes (2010)
Profily nízkomolekulárního proteomového spektra získané pomocí hmotnostní spektrometrie SELDI-TOF v sérech pacientů s diseminovaným maligním melanomem: pilotní studie (2009)
Biomarkers of lymph node metastasis in low-grade breast cancer: An integrated, proteomics-based approach (2010)
Biomarker discovery in low-grade breast cancer: An integrated, proteomics-based approach (2010)
Joint segmentation of multivariate Gaussian processes using mixed linear models. (2011)
A distinct expression of various gene subsets in CD34+ cells from patients with early and advanced myelodysplastic syndrome (2010)
Funkčná integrita neurosenzorickej sietnice u diabetikov 2. typu (2009)
New insights to gene expression signatures from primary FFPE tumors for the prediction of response to cetuximab in KRAS and BRAF wild-type colorectal cancer (CRC). (2010)
Unveiling heterogeneity of stage II and stage III colorectal cancer by defining molecular subtypes (2010)
Networks of generalized top scoring pairs for robust phenotype classification (2010)
Visualization Techniques for the Integration of Rank Data. (2010)
Analýza mnohorozměrných dat ve věku personalizované medicíny: trendy a dostupnost pro klinickou praxi (2011)
Současné trendy v analýze genomických dat (2011)
Global analysis of transcription reveals BCSC-1 as a melanoma tumor suppressor that downregulates MITF (2011)
Rgtsp: a generalized top scoring pairs package for class prediction (2011)
Spleen size in patients with celiac disease - prospective study (2010)
Dependence of the clinical symptoms on the ultrasound findings by patients with celiac disease – prospective study (2010)
Determination of accuracy of the transit time with respect to defecography in the diagnosis of anorectal dysfunction: use in practice (2010)
Breast cancer suppressor candidate-1 (BCSC-1) is a melanoma tumor suppressor that down regulates MITF (2012)
An Inference and Integration Approach for the Consolidation of Ranked Lists (2012)
Determining of molecular signature for centrosome abnormalities in multiple myeloma (2012)
Srovnání laparotomické a laparoskopické techniky při implantaci peritoneální části shuntu v terapii hydrocefalu (2012)
Identification of a Poor-Prognosis BRAF-Mutant Like Population of Patients With Colon Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30(12):12BB-1295, 2012 (2012)
A Comprehensive Characterization of Genome-Wide Copy Number Aberrations in Colorectal Cancer Reveals Novel Oncogenes and Patterns of Alterations (2012)
NKT-like Cells are Expanded in Solid Tumour Patients (2012)
A robust genomic signature for the detection of colorectal cancer patients with microsatellite instability phenotype and high mutation frequency (2012)
Identification of the BRAF-like Signature Predictive of Response Towards MEK Inhibition by Pimasertib (MSC1936369B) in Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines (2012)
Molekulární mechanismy metastazování u low-grade karcinomů prsu: Od proteomického profilování k funkční charakterizaci (2012)
Molecular players in lymph node metastasis of low grade breast cancer: From proteomics-based target discovery to functional characterization (2012)
Colorectal cancer heterogeneity from a gene expression perspective (2013)
Molecular heterogeneity and centrosome-associated genes in multiple myeloma (2013)
BRAF and KRAS mutations as additional risk factors in the context of clinical parameters of patients with colorectal cancer. (2013)
Identification and validation of gene expression subtypes in a large set of colorectal cancer samples. (2012)
Mass spectrometry in identification of antibiotic resistance (2012)
Context-dependent interpretation of the prognostic value of BRAF and KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer (2013)
Gene expression patterns unveil a new level of molecular heterogeneity in colorectal cancer (2013)
DUSP 4 expression identifies a subset of colorectal cancer tumors that differ in MAPK activation, regardless of the genotype (2013)
A novel panel of proteins correlating with lymph node metastasis of low-grade breast cancer: Towards functional characterization and clinical validation (2013)
Srovnání laparotomie a laparoskopie při implantaci peritoneální části shuntu v léčbě hydrocefalu (2013)
The EurOPDX consortium: Sharing patient tumor-derived xenografts for collaborative multicentric preclinical trials. (2013)
Cross-species analysis of genetically engineered mouse models of MAPK-driven colorectal cancer identifies hallmarks of the human disease (2014)
Topology Incorporating Pathway Analysis of Expression Data: An Evaluation of Existing Methods (2013)
Test of Four Colon Cancer Risk-Scores in Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Microarray Gene Expression Data (2014)
Connecting gene expression subtypes of colorectal cancer (CRC) with cell lines and drug resistance (2013)
Identification of synthetic lethal interactions with the BRAF oncogene in colorectal cancer (2013)
Distal and proximal colon cancers differ in terms of molecular, pathological, and clinical features (2014)
The tyrosine phosphatase PTPRO sensitizes colon cancer cells to anti-EGFR therapy through activation of SRC-mediated EGFR signaling (2014)
Patient-Derived Xenograft Models: An Emerging Platform for Translational Cancer Research (2014)
A novel panel of proteins correlating with lymph node metastasis of low-grade breast cancer as identified by combined proteomics and transcriptomics approach (2014)
IGF2 is an actionable target that identifies a distinct subpopulation of colorectal cancer patients with marginal response to anti-EGFR therapies (2015)
TopKLists: a comprehensive R package for statistical inference, stochastic aggregation, and visualization of multiple omics ranked lists (2015)
Combined Proteomics and Transcriptomics Identifies Carboxypeptidase B1 and Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) Associated Proteins as Putative Biomarkers of Metastasis in Low Grade Breast Cancer (2015)
Establishment and characterization of models of chemotherapy resistance in colorectal cancer: Towards a predictive signature of chemoresistance (2015)
ToPASeq: an R package for topology-based pathway analysis of microarray and RNA-Seq data (2015)
Vyhledávání a validace potenciálních biomarkerů metastazování u nádorů prsu typu luminal A (2015)
A novel panel of proteins associated with lymph node metastasis in low-grade breast cancer (2016)
Aplikace SWATH-MS v nádorovém výzkumu (2016)
Combined proteomics and transcriptomics identifies carboxypeptidase B1 and NF-kappa B associated proteins as putative biomarkers of metastasis in low grade breast cancer (2015)
Cytokinins control cell differentiation via regulation of secondary cell wall master switches NST1 and NST3 (2016)
Identification of subtype specific microbiome from tumour tissue RNAseq data in colorectal cancer (2016)
DNA Topoisomerase I Gene Copy Number and mRNA Expression Assessed as Predictive Biomarkers for Adjuvant Irinotecan in Stage II/III Colon Cancer (2016)
Mutační analýza pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií – optimalizace hodnocení sekvenačních dat a předběžné výsledky národní studie. (2016)
Joint analysis of histopathology image features and gene expression in breast cancer (2016)
Bipartite Graphs for Visualization Analysis of Microbiome Data (2016)
Experiments in Molecular Subtype Recognition Based on Histopathology Images (2016)
Interrogating open issues in cancer precision medicine with patient-derived xenografts (2017)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Image-based surrogate biomarkers for molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer (2017)
Identification of "BRAF-Positive" Cases Based on Whole-Slide Image Analysis (2017)
MErCuRIC1: A phase 1a study of MEK1/2 inhibitor PD-0325901 with cMET inhibitor crizotinib in patients with advanced solid tumours (2016)
Validation of a MEK/MET-specific NGS panel for early phase trial interrogation (2016)
MErCuRIC1: A Phase I study of MEK1/2 inhibitor PD-0325901 with cMET inhibitor crizotinib in RASMT and RASWT (with aberrant c-MET) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients. (2015)
Dirigent proteins in plants: modulating cell wall metabolism during abiotic and biotic stress exposure (2017)
Generation of a Close-to-Native In Vitro System to Study Lung Cells-Extracellular Matrix Crosstalk (2018)
Comparison of ready-to-use bioinformatic tools for 16S rRNA amplicon next-generation sequencing data analysis (2017)
Variations of Histone Modification Patterns: Contributions of Inter-plant Variability and Technical Factors (2017)
yy Complete Sequences of IncU Plasmids Harboring Quinolone Resistance Genes qnrS2 and aac(6 ')-Ib-cr in Aeromonas spp. from Ornamental Fish (2016)
Breast cancer classification based on proteotypes obtained by SWATH-MS (2017)
Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast (2018)
A critical comparison of topology-based pathway analysis methods (2018)
Identifikace mikrobiomu kolorektálního karcinomu z RNAseq dat nádorové tkáně a jeho korelace s klinickými proměnnými a molekulárními podtypy (2018)
Determination of in vitro isoflavone degradation in rumen fluid (2018)
The Unfolded Protein Response: A Novel Therapeutic Target for Poor Prognostic BRAF Mutant Colorectal Cancer (2018)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Dynamics of allergy development during the first 5 years of life (2018)
Cross-platform Data Analysis Reveals a Generic Gene Expression Signature for Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Cancer (2019)
Molecular Techniques Complement Culture-Based Assessment of Bacteria Composition in Mixed Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheter-Related Samples (2019)
The Effect of Butyrate-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition on Intestinal Defence Mechanisms and the Parenteral Nutrition-Induced Shift in the Gut Microbiota in the Rat Model (2019)
Characterization of molecular scores and gene expression signatures in primary breast cancer, local recurrences and brain metastases (2019)
Vliv mikrobiomu na vznik a vývoj kolorektálního karcinomu (2019)
Breast Cancer Classification Based on Proteotypes Obtained by SWATH Mass Spectrometry (2019)
Microbial Contamination of Ancient Human Dental Calculus Studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Metagenomic Approach (2019)
Study of domestication via human dental calculus in the Early Middle Ages (2019)
Looking at the health of past populations through the lens of human dental calculus (2019)
Different Modes of Action of Genetic and Chemical Downregulation of Histone Deacetylases with Respect to Plant Development and Histone Modifications (2019)
Porcine pathogenic Escherichia coli strains differ from human fecal strains in occurrence of bacteriocin types (2019)
Gene expression profiling of CD26+ leukemic stem cell population from CML patients. (2019)
Analysis of gene expression in CD26+ CML leukemic stem cell population. (2019)
Microbiome and Metabolome Profiles Associated With Different Types of Short Bowel Syndrome: Implications for Treatment (2020)
Stool sampling and DNA isolation kits affect DNA quality and bacterial composition following 16S rRNA gene sequencing using MiSeq Illumina platform (2019)
Administration of the Probiotic Escherichia coli Strain A0 34/86 Resulted in a Stable Colonization of the Human Intestine During the First Year of Life (2020)
Anti-alpha gal antibodies in the context of blood group and stool and tumour-adjacent microbiome in colorectal cancer patients (2019)
Regional Incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Czech Pediatric Population: 16 Years of Experience (2002–2017) (2020)
N-Glycan profiling of lung adenocarcinoma in patients at different stages of disease (2020)
Recognising molecular subtypes of colon cancer from virtual slides (2018)
An Explorative Analysis of ABCG2/TOP-1 mRNA Expression as a Biomarker Test for FOLFIRI Treatment in Stage III Colon Cancer Patients: Results from Retrospective Analyses of the PETACC-3 Trial (2020)
Evaluation of Microbiome-Host Relationships in the Zebrafish Gastrointestinal System Reveals Adaptive Immunity Is a Target of Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Exposure (2020)
Biologický význam a vývoj mikrobiomu horních cest dýchacích (2020)
Trial watch : the gut microbiota as a tool to boost the clinical efficacy of anticancer immunotherapy (2020)
Non-antibiotic antibacterial peptides and proteins ofEscherichia coli: efficacy and potency of bacteriocins (2021)
Disentangled Autoencoder for Cross-Stain Feature Extraction in Pathology Image Analysis (2020)
Cytoreductive Nephrectomy and Overall Survival of Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Targeted Therapy-Data from the National Renis Registry (2020)
Different Bacteroides Species Colonise Human and Chicken Intestinal Tract (2020)
Rola katechol-O-metyltransferázy u estrogén-receptor pozitívnych nádorov prsníka (2020)
Watershed Segmentation for Peak Picking in Mass Spectrometry Data (2020)
Hymenobacter terrestris sp. nov. and Hymenobacter lapidiphilus sp. nov., isolated from regoliths in Antarctica (2020)
Epigenetic clock as a correlate of anxiety (2020)
Dlouhé nekódující RNA a karcinom z renálních buněk (2020)
Myeloperoxidase mediated alteration of endothelial function is dependent on its cationic charge (2021)
Transcriptomic and Proteomic Insights into Amborella trichopoda Male Gametophyte Functions (2020)
N-Glycome changes reflecting resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer (2021)
Actinotignum schaalii: Relation to Concomitants and Connection to Patients’ Conditions in Polymicrobial Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheters and Urines (2021)
MicroRNAs in Colon Tissue of Pediatric Ulcerative Pancolitis Patients Allow Detection and Prognostic Stratification (2021)
Microbiome analysis and predicted relative metabolomic turnover suggest bacterial heme and selenium metabolism are altered in the gastrointestinal system of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to the organochlorine dieldrin (2021)
Heterogenous mutation spectrum and deregulated cellular pathways in aberrant plasma cells underline molecular pathology of light-chain amyloidosis (2021)
Carbapenemase-Producing Gram-Negative Bacteria from American Crows in the United States (2021)
MicroRNAs in the development of resistance to antiseizure drugs and their potential as biomarkers in pharmacoresistant epilepsy (2021)
Microbiome Associated with Slovak Traditional Ewe's Milk Lump Cheese (2021)
Determination of Butyrate Synthesis Capacity in Gut Microbiota: Quantification of but Gene Abundance by qPCR in Fecal Samples (2021)
Escherichia coli Strains Producing Selected Bacteriocins Inhibit Porcine Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) under both In Vitro and In Vivo Conditions (2021)
Vegan Diet Is Associated With Favorable Effects on the Metabolic Performance of Intestinal Microbiota: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Omics Study (2022)
Profiling Tryptophan Catabolites of Human Gut Microbiota and Acute-Phase Protein Levels in Neonatal Dried Blood Specimens (2021)
Derivation and Molecular Characterization of a Morphological Subpopulation of Human iPSC Astrocytes Reveal a Potential Role in Schizophrenia and Clozapine Response (2022)
Colorectal Tumour Mucosa Microbiome Is Enriched in Oral Pathogens and Defines Three Subtypes That Correlate with Markers of Tumour Progression (2021)
Metagenomic research of the ancient human dental calculus as a potential source for the study of rare infectious diseases (2022)
Sex-dependent host-microbiome dynamics in zebrafish: Implications for toxicology and gastrointestinal physiology (2022)
Application of Canine-Derived Enterococcus faecium DSM 32820 in Dogs with Acute Idiopathic Diarrhoea (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Comparative bacteriome analysis of tooth and cystic fluid in patients with apical periodontitis and radicular cyst – pilot study (2022)
Using empirical biological knowledge to infer regulatory networks from multi-omics data (2022)
Enterocin M in Interaction in Broiler Rabbits with Autochthonous, Biofilm-Forming Enterococcus hirae Kr8 Strain (2022)
Komparace bakteriomu z tumoru a ze sliznic dutiny ústní u pacientů s orálním dlaždicobuněčným karcinomem (2022)
Molekulárně biologická analýza zubního kamene a mumifikované tkáně Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
Helicobacter analysis in gastric mucosa samples – comparison of two methodical approaches (2022)
Effect of mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on gut bacteriome of newborns in the first days of their life: a case-control study (2022)
Proteiny odpovědné za špatnou terapeutickou odpověď metastatických nádorů ledvin na léčbu tyrosinkinasovými inhibitory (2022)
The Human Mycobiome: Colonization, Composition and the Role in Health and Disease (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Cílená detekce somatických mutací u pacientů s ameloblastomem: série případů (2023)
Orální bakteriom u pacientů s dlaždicobuněčným karcinomem dle stavu jejich dentice: pilotní studie (2023)
Data Transformation for Clustering Utilization for Feature Detection in Mass Spectrometry (2022)
Microbiome Associated with Slovak Raw Goat Milk, Trace Minerals, and Vitamin E Content (2022)
IntOMICS: A Bayesian Framework for Reconstructing Regulatory Networks Using Multi-Omics Data (2023)
WP2: Characterizing the internal and the external exposome in the cohort and case-series (2023)
Laboratoře analýzy mikrobiomu - testování nanomateriálu obsahujícího probiotikum a jeho využití v preventivní medicíně (2023)
The effect of intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis on neonatal gut and oral bacteriome (2023)
Enrichment of human nasopharyngeal bacteriome with bacteria from dust after short-term exposure to indoor environment: a pilot study (2023)
A Fecal MicroRNA Signature by Small RNA Sequencing Accurately Distinguishes Colorectal Cancers: Results From a Multicenter Study (2023)
Next generation proteomics identifies a potential protein marker of poor response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2023)
Transmembrane glycoprotein GPNMB is a potential marker of poor response of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor treatment (2023)
Molecular portraits of colorectal cancer morphological regions (2023)
Proteotype classification of metastatic and localized renal cell carcinomas for prognosis and therapy response (2023)
Proteotype classification of localized and metastatic renal cell carcinoma for prognosis and therapy response (2023)
High colonisation by probiotic Escherichia coli A0 34/86 strain is associated with a less diverse microbiome related to children’s age (2024)
The effect of intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis on oral bacteriome in neonates in the first week of theri life - i pilot study (2023)
Comparison of sequencing analyses targeting the V1/V2 and V3/V4 regions in the 16S rDNA gene – analysis of bacteriome in oral swabs and esophageal tissues (2023)
Transcriptomic analysis of esophageal tissues and potential biomarkers for differential diagnostics of Barrett´s mucosa and esophageal adenocarcinoma (2023)
Bacteriome analysis of cystic fluids from odontogenic cysts – a pilot study (2023)
Bacteriomes of dental plaques from teeth affected by apical periodontitis in patients with different periapical lesions: a pilot case-case study (2023)
16S rDNA sequencing analysis of low-abundance samples spiked with bacterial mock community (2023)
Výzkumná infrastruktura RECETOX – metagenomické analýzy a hojení ran (2023)
Enrichment of human nasopharyngeal bacteriome with bacteria from dust after short-term exposure to indoor environment (2023)
An invasion front gene expression signature for higher-risk patient selection in stage IIA MSS colon cancer (2024)
Impact of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on the oral and fecal bacteriomes of children in the first week of life (2024)
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