Přeskočit na horní lištu
Přeskočit na hlavičku
Přeskočit na obsah
Přeskočit na patičku
Vyhledávání publikací
Vyhledávání publikací
Pokročilé vyhledávání
Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Anglicko-česká terminologie bezpečnosti informačních technologií (1996)
Environmentální výukový systém na střední škole (1998)
Globální optimalizace v počítačové chemii (1996)
Základy počítačové grafiky (1991)
Die Ausbildung der Computertechnik-Lehrer fur Mittelschulen in der CR (1993)
Mesage passing- a software design tool of the future (1993)
Software Team Size Dynamics, Duration and Time Effects (1993)
On a problem concerning dependence spaces (1993)
Notes on the algebraic approach to dependence in informationsystems (1993)
On some correspondences between relational structures and algebras (1993)
On dependence in Wille´s contexts (1993)
Binary and Ternary Relations (1993)
Objektově orientované programování v TURBO PASCALU (1993)
Objektově orientované programování (v Pascalu) (1993)
Algoritmy počítačové grafiky (1993)
Modelování těles v počítačové grafice. (1992)
Softwarové inženýrství (1993)
Operational semantics of concurrent logical systems. (1993)
Public-domain object-oriented databases (1993)
Training of the Secondary School Teachers in Computer Science in the Czech Republic (1994)
Modal mu-Calculus with Distances (1994)
Analytické údaje z programů měst a obcí, původců a okresů (1994)
Výhled odpadového hospodářství České republiky (1994)
Informační systémy pro odpadové hospodářství na okresních úřadech (1994)
Logická struktura chemie. (1994)
D-CICADA - a software for confomational PES Elucidation on network of workstations. (1994)
Distributed CICADA - a case study of a parallelization of computational chemistry software for the distributed computing environment. (1994)
Complexes between osmium tetraoxide bispyridine and DNA: a molecular mechanics study (1994)
A bisection method to find all solutions of system of nonlinear equations. (1994)
Reducts vs. reducing operators (1994)
Finding Dominators in Parallel (1994)
On the Use of Inductive Reasoning in Program Synthesis. (1994)
Object Oriented Formulation of Classical Graphics Algorithms (1994)
Projektování programových systémů (1994)
Modely klasické a moderní strukturované analýzy informačníchsystémů. (1994)
Inductive Logic Programing and Automatic Programming: Towards Three Approaches. (1994)
Towards Program Synthesis From A Small Example Set. (1994)
Scientific Visualisation with Maple (1995)
Počítačové vedení vodohospodářské evidence a odpadů (1995)
Počítačové řízení svozu komunálního a nebezpečného odpadu (1995)
WIM: A Study on Top-Down ILP Program (1995)
Data Mining: hledání znalostí v databázích (1995)
Druhý ročník Středoevropské olympiády v informatice (1995)
Úlohy šesté mezinárodní olympiády v informatice (1995)
Úkoly 6. mezinárodní olympiády v informatice (1995)
Design Principles of Hospital Information System. Proc. of the 7th International IMEKO TC-13 on Measurement in Clinical Medicine "Model Based Biomeasurements" (1995)
Constraint Logic Programming Language with Extensional Fuzzy Sets (1995)
Ability of empirical potencial and semi-empirical quantum chemical methods to describe H-bonding in DNA base pairs; comparison with ab initio results. (1996)
Induktívní učení a jeho aplikace (1996)
Slovník českých synonym (1996)
Genetic algorithms based creation of fuzzy-rule bases for car control (1996)
Automatic creation of Tagaki-Sugeno Controllers (1996)
Automatic generation of the fuzzy-logic based car controllers (1996)
Learning control rules for Tagaki-Sugeno controllers using genetic algorithms (1996)
Neural controllers in real-process control (1996)
Artifical Intelligence Techniques (1996)
High Perfomance Computing (1996)
Genetic Algorithms-Based Evolution of Multiple Parallel PI+PD Fuzzy Controller Systems with Noisy Input Data. (1997)
Solving Prolems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MATLAB. (1997)
Computational Simulation Using Maple. (1997)
Computer Simulation using MAPLE (1997)
How Much Effort is to be Devoted to Noproductive in System Integration 97 (1997)
Fuzzy množiny v řízení a regulaci. Část I. Automatizace. (1997)
Fuzzy množiny v řízení a regulaci. Část II. (1997)
Performance of empirical potentials (AMBER,CFF95,CHARMM, OPLS, POLTEV), semiempirical quantum chemical methods (AM1, MNDO/M, PM3), and ab initio Hartree-Fock method for interaction of DNA bases:comparison with nonempirical beyond Hartree-Fock results (1997)
Hydrogen-bonded trimers of DNA bases and their interaction with metal cations:ab initio quantum-chemical and empirical potential study. (1997)
DESAM - Annotated Corpus for Czech (1997)
Strain Rate Dependence of the Spall Strength of Steels. (1997)
The Use of High Strain Rate Testing tho the Study of TurbineMissile. (1997)
Optimal Trees for Searching in Codebook (1997)
The Role of Computer Professionals in the Information Society (1997)
Developing an Information System of Software Metrics, in Systems Development Methods for the Next Century (1997)
Meta Computing - New Direction in High Performance Computing (1997)
Valence českých sloves (1997)
A Step to Real Multilinguality (1997)
Syllable- Based Speech Synthesis. (1997)
Speech Synthesis of Czech Language in Time Domain and Applications for Visually Impaired (1997)
Svět pojmů a logika. (1995)
Užití jazyka a význam. (1995)
Ještě o pojmu. (1995)
Teorie pojmu: množinová a bolzanovská tradice (1997)
Rules of Existential Quantification into (1997)
Binary and Ternary Relations (1993)
D-CICADA, a Software for Conformational PES Elucidation on Network of Workstations. (1994)
Protecting the identity of doctors in drug prescription analysis (1998)
The Global Internet Trust Register 1999 (1999)
The Global Trust Register 1998 (1998)
Banks, Trusted Third Parties and Electronic Commerce: Position Paper (1999)
Vhodnost kryptografie s veřejnými klíči pro bankovnictví (1999)
The Global Trust Register (1998)
The Eternal Resource Locator: An Alternative Means of Establishing Trust on the World Wide Web (1998)
On the Importance of Trusted Distribution and Authentic Channels for the Distribution of Medical Knowledge (1997)
Management důvěry v rozsáhlých systémech (1997)
Secure Books: Protecting the Distribution of Knowledge (1997)
From zero-knowledge to a practical authentication protocol (1996)
Cryptography, On-Line Loyalty Schemes and Exchange of Near-Money Currencies (1998)
Constraints with Variables'~Annotations and Constraint Hierarchies (1998)
Constraints with Variables'~Annotations (1998)
Publishing Encyclopaedia with Acrobat using TeX (1998)
An Experience from a Digitization Project (1998)
Speech Synthesis Based on the Composed Syllable Segments, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Text, Speech and Dialogue - TSD'98 (1998)
Constraint programming on ECAI-98~-- student's view (1998)
Constraints with Variables'~Annotations (1998)
Mikroprocesory Intel, Pentium a spol. (1994)
Počítačové sítě (1997)
Elektronická pošta - co dobrého a nedobrého nám přináší (1998)
Dialog Based Programming (1998)
Using Dialog Programming for Developing the Speech Oriented Hypertext AUDIS (1998)
Informační systémy a software pro podporu zrakově postižených (1998)
Dialogové systémy a logické programování pro zrakově postižené (1998)
Automatic Segmentation into Syllable Segments (1998)
PHC Format for Managing Data in Phonetic Corpora (1998)
Programming and Visually Impaired People (1998)
The Architecture of the Blind User Oriented Hypertext AUDIS (1998)
Politické a legislativní návaznosti ve světě (1997)
Český Informační zákon. (1997)
Ostatní právní prostředky ochrany dat (1997)
Rozpoznávání českého textu psaného rukou (1998)
Information Technology for Education of Visually Impaired People (1998)
Syllable Segments in Czech (1998)
Prosody Modelling for Syllable-Based Speech Synthesis (1998)
Počítačová podpora navigace zrakově postižených (1997)
Informační systémy pro nevidomé (1997)
Concepts and~Objects (1998)
Pragmatic Meaning (1998)
Bolzano a~Frege o~pojmu (1998)
Approaches to Spatial Data Mining (1999)
TWiM, a tutoring system with ILP features (1998)
Inductive inference to support object-oriented analzsis and (1998)
Knowledge Discovery in Spatial Data by Means of ILP (1998)
Inteligentní vzhledávání na WWW (1998)
The Improvement of Common Statistical Measures (1998)
Quo vadis, data mining? (1997)
New Tools for Disambiguation of Czech Texts (1998)
Hypermédia - homogenní rozhraní k heterogenním systémům (1999)
Význam a úloha principů a norem v etice a morálce. (1998)
Univerzitní síťová infrastruktura v ČR dnes i zítra (1998)
Výkonné výpočty, vědecká spolupráce a další služby vysokorychlostních sítí (1998)
Simulační jádro v C++ (1996)
Analysis of information systems for environmental performance evaluation (1998)
Návrh informačního internetového systému pro tvorbu a distribuci dokumentů (1998)
Development Information System for EMS Implementation (1996)
Systém Maple V je účinnou pomůckou pedagoga (1996)
Distanční vzdělávání (1996)
Modeling Social Processes (1997)
Environmentální management a jeho aspekty v agrárně-potravinářském komplexu (1997)
Introduction to Standards for Internet Communication (1997)
Metadata - A Way to Get Interoperable (1999)
Teoretické otázky etiky (1998)
Súčasné etické téorie (1998)
Praktické otázky etiky a morálky (1998)
Ve věci tolerance-Lockovská rozjímání (1995)
Vybrané kapitoly z nejnovějších československých dějin pro posluchače OV-II (1996)
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum infections in paediatric patients of the infectious mononucleosis councelling centre. Abstract (1998)
Vybrané kapitoly z nejnovějších československých dějin II. (1996)
Statistics of the Syllable Segments for Speech Synthesis of the Czech Language (1998)
Over-Constrained Systems (1999)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Second International Workshop TSD '99, Plzeň, Czech Republic, September 13-17, 1999 (1999)
Speech Sciences and Visually Impaired Students (1999)
Mluvíme s počítačem (1999)
Informační systémy a porozumění přirozenému jazyku (1999)
Dialogové systémy a dialogové strategie (1999)
Modeling of the Information Retrieval Dialogue Systems (1999)
Speech Recognition and Syllable Segments (1999)
Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding: Comparison of Data-Driven Units with Syllable Segments (1999)
Syllable Based Approach to Automatic Prosody Detection; Applications for Dialogue Systems (1999)
User Interfaces for Visually Impaired People (1999)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. Díl 1, Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných. (1999)
Moznosti vyuziti biometrik pri zabezpeceni elektronickych transakci (1999)
Programming Hypertexts in DIALOG (1999)
Text Preprocessing for Czech Speech Synthesis (1999)
Studijní programy Masarykovy univerzity v nové podobě (1999)
Čínské vázy, matematika a počítač (1999)
Vodoznaky a ochrana multimediálních děl (1999)
``Open File'' dialog (1999)
High-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (1999)
The topological organization of chromosomes 9 and 22 in cell nuclei has a determinative role in the induction of t(9,22) translocations and in the pathogenesis of t(9,22) leukemias (1999)
Chromosomes participating in translocations typical of malignant hemoblastoses are also involved in exchange aberrations induced by fast neutrons (1999)
The position of centromeres in interphase nuclei of human leukemic cells during myeloid differentiation and after gamma-irradiation (1999)
Topography of some genes and chromosomes in interphase nuclei of human cells (1999)
Advances in computer analysis of radiation-induced changes in human genome (1999)
Chromatin structure and its cell cycle kinetics in intact and irradiated cell nuclei (1999)
Genetic manipulation of the location of nitrate reduction and its effects on plant growth. (1999)
Aberrations induced in chromosome 1, 2 and Y of human lymphocytes by three types of radiation of different LET value as detected by FISH (1999)
High-resolution cytometry : Hardware approaches, image analysis techniques and applications (1998)
Semi-automated FISH-stained interphase nuclei analysis in human genome studies (1998)
Haptic Visualization of Molecular Data (1999)
Studying Conformational Behaviour with PHANToM device(s) (1999)
Corpus-Based Rules for Czech Verb Discontinuous Constituents (1999)
Nástroje pro zpracování XML a RDF dat (1999)
The Last Man´s Culture-Revisited (1998)
Paradoxy reality? (1998)
Intence a její osud, aneb směřování Descartesovy metafyziky (1998)
Nesmělá pouť za kulturou "posledního člověka" (1998)
Masarykův ruský odkaz mezi 1917 a 1997 (1998)
Konzervace, exhibice, konverzace (1998)
Electronic Education in the Age of E-commerce (1999)
Verb Valency and Semantic Classification of Verbs (1998)
Partial Syntactic Analysis as a Tool for Semiautomatic Verb Valencies Acquisition And Checking (1998)
Determining Type of TIL Construction with Verb Valency Analyser (1998)
Implementation of Efficient and Portable Parser for Czech (1999)
Automatic Structuring of Written Texts (1999)
Semantic Inference in the Human-Machine Communication (1999)
Using TIL for Semantic Analysis of Text (1998)
Actuality and Possibility from the Viewpoint of Transparent Intensional Logic (1999)
"Indirect Correspondence Theory of Truth" Vindicated (1999)
Two levels of Semantics (1999)
Towards disambiguation in Czech corpora (1999)
Implementace spravy dat fonetickeho korpusu v~DIALOGU (1999)
Induktivní logické programování (1999)
Mining lemma disambiguation rules from Czech corpora (1999)
Desambiguace lemmatu: tridy podobnosti (1999)
Phonetic Corpus Based on PHC Format (1999)
Dialogue Interface for Programming in Prolog (1999)
Hyphenation on Demand (1999)
Text, Speech, Dialogue : Proceedings of the First Workshop on Text, Speech, Dialogue - TSD 1998, Brno, Czech Republic, September 23-26, 1998 (1998)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. Díl 1, Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných. (1999)
Všech pět pohromadě (1999)
Práva a povinnosti uživatelů informačních technologií na MU (1999)
Hypertext Atlas for Pathology Education (1999)
Document Multiplicity Elimination and Corpora Management (1999)
User Interfaces for Visually Impaired People (1999)
Dialog - struktura a návrh systému (1999)
Off-line Recognition of Cursive Handwritten Czech Text (1998)
Rusko a střední Evropa (1999)
Globální a lokální prizmatem Masarykova odkazu (1999)
Rámec našeho času (1999)
Řád a ne-řád (1999)
Masaryk a Střední Evropa (1997)
Hyphenation on Demand (1999)
Rámec poválečné politiky prezidenta Masaryka (Paradoxy, kritéria a jistoty portrétu) (1997)
Žít, a nemít proč? (Aneb: Laterna obscura etiky) (1997)
Les trois questions que nous nous posons (1996)
L "entendement" cartésien vu a travers le prisme de la philosophie de J. Locke (1996)
Setrvalý paradox v etice: determinace vs. volba (1996)
Dvě cesty--jeden cíl? (Role zjevení u Descarta a J. A. Komenského) (1996)
Odkaz René Descartesa (1996)
Jubilejní cogitatio? (K 400-letému výročí narození R. Descarta) (1996)
Sedm variací na goedelovské téma (1996)
Perspektiva kontinuity v diskontinuitní perspektivě (1996)
Česká lexikální databáze typu WordNet (v rámci projektu EuroWordNet-2) (1999)
Semantic Annotation of (Czech) Corpus Texts (1999)
Mutual Information in Czech Corpus Eso (1998)
Frekvence vzoru českých substantiv (1998)
Cizí jazyky a naše pravopisná reflexe (1996)
Volá odkaz, anebo jenom symbol? (K připomenutí nejen 14. 9. 1886 Jana Masaryka) (1996)
Současné, či věčné problémy etické teorie (1996)
Rok tolerance (1996)
Konec ontologie? Konec metafyziky, nebo začátek metafyziky nové? (1996)
Je redukcionismus spásná cesta? (1996)
Kráčel maskován, anebo prošel, aniž jsme ho pochopili? (1996)
Rozpaky nad zítřkem muzeí--Reflexe pedagoga (1996)
Perspektivy explanace ve vědě (1995)
Deklarace diferentnosti hodnot a relevance jejich míry (1995)
Žít živým příkladem zodpovědné, kultivované a účinné lásky (1995)
Meditace nad tolerancí (Zamyšlení k Roku tolerance 1995) (1995)
Hodnoty a dějiny (1995)
Úvaha o toleranci (1995)
Corpus Annotation in Inflectional Languages: Czech (1998)
Frekvence vzorů českých substantiv (1998)
Dispersion of Words in a Language Corpus (1999)
Frekvence vzorú českých sloves (Na materiálu Českého nár.korpusu) (1998)
On Synchronous Communication in Concurrent Constraint Programming (1994)
Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and Matlab (1999)
Informační systémy pro vedení evidence odpadů (1999)
Nová úloha Internetu - Informace o nakládání s odpady (1999)
Modeling Social Processes (1999)
Informační společnost a právo na informace o životním prostředí (1999)
Riadenie dokumentácie EMS a jej implementácie v informačnom systéme EMS (1999)
Nové trendy v ekonomickém modelování (1999)
Etymologický slovník jazyka staroslověnského 9, mrьkati-obrěsti (1999)
The influence of the cell cycle, differentiation and irradiation on the nuclear location of the ABL, BCR and C-MYC genes in human leukemic cells (2000)
Estetická míra a geometrie objektu (1999)
Handling Cycles in Conformational Behaviour Visualization (2000)
Genetické algoritmy pro nastavování fuzzy regulátorů (1. část). (1999)
Genetické algoritmy pro nastavování fuzzy regulátorů (2. část). (1999)
Genetické algoritmy pro nastavování fuzzy regulátorů (3. část). (1999)
Genetické algoritmy pro nastavování fuzzy regulátorů (4. část). (1999)
An Application of RBF-Based ANN to Extraction of Rules. (1998)
Classification of Medical Unstructured Text Documents Using the Naive Bayes Algorithm. (1998)
Simple Speech Classification Using Automatically Generated Rules. (1998)
CD-ROM server Masarykovy univerzity (1996)
Nuclear topography of the c-myc gene in human leukemic cells (2000)
Přístup k digitálním mapám pomocí WWW (1999)
Informace o EMS a EMAS na českém Internetu (1999)
Morfologický analyzátor češtiny (1999)
Vzdělávání a role univerzity příštího tisíciletí (2000)
Sdružené informace matrik studentů: integrace dat pro informační systém veřejné správy (2000)
Folková píseň v kontextu 60. - 80. let (2000)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Flexibility (2000)
Constraint-based Timetabling with Student Schedules (2000)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Third International Workshop TSD 2000, Brno, Czech Republic, September 13-16, 2000 (2000)
Competing Patterns for Language Engineering (2000)
Modelling Production Function Using Maple V (1999)
Paradigm of Solving Technical Problems in Information Society (1999)
Sociální a ekonomické aspekty zavádění environmentálního managementu v agrokomplexu (1999)
Paradigm of Solving Problems in Econometrics (2000)
Computer Supported Cooperative Work - Groupware Systems (2000)
Waste Managment Centre of the Slovak Environmental Agency has started to develop a new Slovak Waste Information System (2000)
GCQP -- Multiplatform Graphical User Interface to the CQP corpus manager (2000)
Matriky studentů vysokých škol v ČR a jejich informační hodnota (2000)
Nový zákon o ochraně osobních údajů na vysokých školách (2000)
Generating Source Code by Means of Dialogue and Applications for Learning and Teaching Programming Languages (2000)
Speech Processing Based on Large Heterogeneous Segments (2000)
Application of Dialogue Systems for Teaching and Learning of Programming Languages (2000)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Third International Workshop TSD 2000, Brno, Czech Republic, September 13-16, 2000 (2000)
Active and Passive Strategies in Dialoge Program Generation (2000)
Emotions and Prosody in Dialogues: An Algebraic Approach Based on User Modelling (2000)
Poetické akordy Karla Plíhala na Bítově slyšeti (2000)
Technologie pro elektronické vzdělávání (2000)
XML technologie pro elektronický obchod (2000)
XML: Nejen pro Internet (2000)
Nový zákon o ochraně osobních údajů a outsourcing (2000)
Ochrání nový zákon naše osobní údaje? (2000)
Bubáci elektronické komunikace aneb přemyšlování smírně provokativní (2000)
Response Generation in a Blind User Dialogue System (2000)
Zvuková podpora ve vývojovém prostředí (2000)
ETRDL - digitální knihovna (2000)
Conformational Analysis as a Testbed for MetaComputer (2000)
Security Infrastructure ot the MetaCenter (2000)
Člověk a počítač aneb svítání digitální kultury (2000)
Francis Fukuyama o důvěře jako politické ctnosti (2000)
Problém "mysli a těla" (2000)
Konvence samozřejmá a paradoxní, a jako konstanta proměnná (2000)
Similarity Search in High Dimensional and Metric Spaces (2000)
Estimating Proximity of Metric Ball Regions for Multimedia Data Indexing (2000)
Hypertext System Audis for Visually Impaired Users (2000)
Internal Document Structure of the Blind User Oriented Hypertext AUDIS (2000)
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning with Transparent Intensional Logic (2000)
Komunikace od kouřových signálů k Internetu aneb mám tě přečteného jako e-mail (2000)
Certifikáty veřejných klíčů (2000)
Korpusové manažery a~jejich efektivní implementace (2000)
Informační systém pro nakládání s odpady - Odpadový server České republiky (1999)
Využití Internetu a Intranetu pro servisní služby Škoda Auto a.s. (2000)
Zkušenosti se zaváděním internetového informačního systému o odpadech (1999)
Influence of cell fixation on chromatin topography (2000)
Spatial arrangement of genes, centromeres and chromosomes in human blood cell nuclei and its changes during the cell cycle, differentiation and after irradiation (2000)
An efficient algorithm for measurement and correction of chromatic aberrations in fluorescence microscopy (2000)
Topography of genetic loci in tissue samples: towards new diagnostic tool using interphase FISH and high-resolution image analysis techniques (2000)
Automatic Tagging of Compound Verb Groups in Czech Corpora (2000)
Large Scale Parsing of Czech (2000)
Probabilistic Head-Driven Chart Parsing of Czech Sentences (2000)
The effect of the site of nitrogen assimilation on plant growth (1999)
Effect of benzyladenine, 4-PU-30 and thidiazuron on millisecond delayed and prompt chlorophyll fluorescence of Dianthus caryophyllus L. axillary buds cultured in vitro (2001)
Studium lokalizace asimilace dusičnanů v rostlinách s využitím klasických a molekulárně biologických metod (2000)
Příjem dusíku a růst recipročních štěpů hráchu odrůdy Juneau a mutantů A317 s nízkou aktivitou nitrátreduktázy (2000)
Identifikace inzerčních mutací v ARR genech dvoukomponentního systému u Arabidopsis thaliana metodami reverzní genetiky (2000)
Virtual PCR (2001)
Využití Internetu a Intranetu při tvorbě Regionálního informačního systému o odpadech (2000)
Automatická klasifikace prostorových dat (2000)
On Disambiguation in Czech Corpora (2000)
Recognition and Tagging of Compound Verb Groups in Czech (2000)
Jazyk pro vyhledávání znalostí v prostorových datech (2000)
L'entendement cartésien vu a travers le prisme de la philosophie de J. Locke: La clé (2000)
Central Europe as a Bridge on an Unsettled Exponential into a Simplistic World? (2000)
Činorodým náboženstvím citu k vědecky zaštítěnému léku na krizi "člověka celého" a jeho společnosti (2000)
Videokonference v aktivních sítích (2000)
Aktivní počítačové sítě - jedna z možných budoucností (2000)
Jak se domluvit s Evropou (2000)
Combining the Principal Components Method with Decision Tree Learning (2000)
The Principal Components Method as a Pre-processing Stage for Decision Tree Learning (2000)
Synthesis of formal specifications of predicates: Why and How? (2000)
Ways to the High-Resolution Cytometry Network (2000)
SLT 2001: sborník druhého ročníku semináře o Linuxu a TeXu -- SLT 2001, Skalský Dvůr, Česká republika, 15.--18. února 2001 (2001)
Generování vzorů dělení slov v UNICODE (2001)
A Hashed Schema for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2000)
Approximate Similarity Search in Metric Data by Using Region Proximity (2000)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Properties (2001)
Learning Middlegame Patterns in Chess: A Case Study. (2000)
TEA: A Text Analysis Tool for the Intelligent Text Document Filtering (2000)
Asistovaná reprodukce - její zastoupení ve WWW. (1999)
Rychlé monitorování novinek z oblasti asistované reporodukce - přínos pro kliniku, laboratoř i pacienty. (2000)
Pomůže infertilnímu páru léčení? Přehled současných diagnosticko-terapeutických možností, jejich zhodnocení počítačovou analýzou dokumentů dostupných pomocí Internetu. (2000)
Monitorování asistované reprodukce a reprodukční medicíny pomocí Internetu. (2000)
Pane počítač, pojďte si hrát aneb virtuální paci, paci, pacičky (2001)
Kudy vede cesta k bezpečnosti na počátku 3. milénia (2001)
Ochrana osobních údajů na Masarykově univerzitě (2001)
Filozofická logika: nová cesta? (2000)
Dva druhy propozičních postojů (2000)
Simple Concepts and Simple Expressions (2000)
Separace lineárních molekul DNA pomocí HPLC. (1999)
Informačné zabezpečenie odpadového hospodárstva v Slovenskej republike (2001)
Porovnanie niektorých častí návrhov zákona o odpadoch v ČR a SR (2001)
Como Resolver Problemas em Computacao Científica Usando Maple e MATLAB. Traducao da 3. edicao alerna (2001)
Der Umwelttechnikmart in Tschechien (2000)
Integrované systémy řízení (2000)
Obecné zásady řízení dokumentace (2000)
Srovnání účetního a environmentálního auditu (2000)
Chromatographic behaviour of linear DNA molecules of defined size (2000)
Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Neural Networks (1996)
Navigation and Information System for Visually Impaired People (1997)
Off-line Recognition of Cursive Handwritten Czech Text (1998)
Automatická desambiguace anotovaného korpusu pomocí částečné syntaktické analýzy (1998)
Hybridní systémy pro rozpoznávání vzorů (1998)
Schůzka ve virtuální místnosti (2001)
Active Networks and high speed content delivery (2001)
Mobile Computing (2001)
Profesionálové elektronické komunikace - komunita samotářů, kteří nejsou nikdy sami (2001)
Mobilní počítání (2001)
Theoretical versus experimental resolution in optical microscopy (2001)
Spatial distribution of selected genetic loci in nuclei of human leukemia cells after irradiation (2001)
Exchange aberrations among 11 chromosomes of human lymphocytes induced by gamma-rays (2001)
Workflow správnych procesov v odpadovom hospodárstve Slovenskej republiky (2001)
Štandardy Evropskej Únie v odpadovom hospodárstve (2001)
Matematika v obrazech (2001)
Symbolická matematika (2001)
Počítačoví hackeři aneb mezinárodní Bratrstvo zmutované kočičí pracky (2001)
Mobilita v malém (2001)
Jak si Masarykova univerzita poradila s ochranou osobních údajů (2001)
XML a informační systémy (2001)
An Active Network Architecture: Distributed Computer or Transport Medium (2001)
Automated Parser Construction from a Treebank by means of TBL and ILP (2001)
Optická síť VŠ (1994)
Combined confocal and wide-field high-resolution cytometry of FISH-stained cells (2001)
Aplikace XML pro Internet (2001)
Totalitarismus jako fenomén (2001)
Funkcionalismus a mysl "přirozená" a umělá (2001)
MetaCenter -- A Distributed Computing Center of the Future? (1997)
Post-dějinná racionalita, aneb(o) konec dějin? (2000)
Workflow správních procesů v odpadovém hospodářství (2001)
Využití informační technologie Maple ve výuce matematiky a ekonometrie (2001)
Standard MathML v systému Maple 7 (2001)
An Objective Measure for Assessment of the Concatenative TTS Segment Inventories (2001)
Dialogue Generation of Program Source Codes (2001)
Počítač jako tvůrčí a kritický partner v kreativním procesu (2000)
Vývoj paradigmat v počítačové grafice (2001)
Chaos a řád: konvergence pojmů (2001)
Waste Management Information System of the Slovak Republic (2001)
Analysis of requirements and design of workflow and document flow for waste management administration (2001)
Teleconferencing System for Pathology (2001)
Transformace XML dat: standardy, nástroje, metodika, optimalizace (2001)
A New Czech Morphological Analyser ajka (2001)
Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MATLAB (2001)
Finding Semantically Related Words in Large Corpora (2001)
Efficient Sentence Parsing with Language Specific Features:A Case Study of Czech (2001)
Slovníková data ve formátu XML (2001)
Logical Inference through Entailment Relation (2001)
What Can Be Inferred Without Embracive World-Knowledge (2001)
Finding Semantically Related Words in Large Corpora (2001)
Automatic Processing of Czech Inflectional and Derivative Morphology (2001)
Insertional Mutants in Arabidopsis Response Regulator Genes (2001)
Nitrate Reductase Activity in ipt-Expressing Tobacco. (2001)
Eliptické křivky v kryptografii (2001)
Vyhlazovací splajny (2001)
Higher-order chromatin structure of human granulocytes (2001)
FISH Imaging (2001)
Spherical Object Reconstruction Using Star-Shaped Simplex Meshes (2001)
Text, speech, dialogue : proceedings of the First Workshop on Text, Speech, Dialogue - TSD ´98, Brno, Czech Republic, September_23-26,_1998 (1998)
Standing at the Crossroads: The Future of Central Europe in the Face of Globalization (2001)
Prosvětlí Masarykův stín cestu do informačního (globalizačního) věku? (2001)
Three Approaches to Word Sense Disambiguation for Czech (2001)
Finding Dominators (1983)
Program Strucutedness Recognition (1990)
Analysis of requirements and design of workflow for waste management administration (2001)
Automated Selection of Interesting Medical Text Documents by the TEA Text Analyzer (2002)
Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů na vysokých školách (2001)
Pattern Generation Revisited (2001)
Integrated Modelling for Planning, Scheduling, and Timetabling Problems (2001)
Soft Scheduling (2001)
Komunikační grafika a její estetické hodnocení (2001)
Cytogenetics of Retinoblastoma (2001)
Environmentální vzdělávání na Fakultě informatiky Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2001)
Automatizace správních procesů v oblasti životního prostředí (2001)
Digitalization of Otto Encyclopaedia (2001)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Conformations (2001)
Learning to Parse from a Treebank: Combining TBL and ILP (2001)
Part-of-Speech Tagging by Means of ILP and Active Learning (2001)
Part-of-Speech Tagging by Means of Shallow Parsing, ILP and Active Learning (2001)
Ambiguity Problems in Human-Computer Interaction (2001)
Syntéza řeči založená na slabičných segmentech (2001)
Personality and Emotions - Finite State Modelling by Dialogue Automata (2001)
Algebraic models of Speech Segment Databases (2001)
Semantics of Natural Language Expressions and Inference Verification in TIL (2001)
Automatic Generation of Dialogue Interaces for Web-Based Applications (2001)
Separable Splits of Metric Data Sets (2001)
Similarity Search in Metric Databases through Hashing (2001)
Storing and retrieving Wordnet database (and other structured dictionaries) in XML lexical database management system (2002)
Elektronická podoba SSJČ (2001)
MetaCenter -- Building a Virtual Supercomputer (2001)
GRIDy -- nové aplikace nad sítí (2001)
Chinese Radicals and Top Ontology in EuroWordNet (2001)
The Design of Czech Lexical Database (2001)
Chinese Characters and Top Ontology in EuroWordNet (2002)
Je perspektivní použití strojového učení pro desambiguaci významu slov v češtině? (2001)
Control of the Hypertext System Audis Using the Dialogue Approach (2001)
Deterministic modeling of the chromatin organization in human cell nuclei (2001)
Standing at the Crossroads: The Future of Central Europe in the Face of Globalization (2002)
Dialog Interfaces for Library Systems (2001)
Využitelnost algoritmů strojového učení pro klasifikaci multispektrálního družicového snímku (2001)
Počítačové zpracování přirozeného jazyka (2001)
Modeling Social Processes (2002)
Advances in high-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (2000)
Chromosomes participating in translocations typical of malignant haemoblastoses are also involved in frequent interchanges induced by densely ionising radiation (2000)
Advances in high-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (2000)
Počítačové zpracování přirozeného jazyka (2000)
Diferenciální počet v Maple 7 (2001)
Integrální počet v Maple 7 (2001)
Možnosti částečného financování portálu veřejné správy z prostředků mezinárodních programů (2001)
Luciano Canfora: Dějiny řecké literatury. (2001)
Využití metod strojového učení pro klasifikaci družicových snímků (2001)
Data Structures for Spatial Data Mining (2001)
Skromný (a předběžný) příspěvek k teoriím pravdy (2001)
Purification and correlated measurements of bipartite mixed states (2002)
Symbolické vyhlazování v systému Maple (2002)
Využití počítačové analýzy obrazu v moderní cytometrii (2001)
Evropské trendy v environmentální informatice (2001)
Environmental Decision Support System for Environmental Performance Evaluation (2001)
Rizika propojování finančního a environmentálního účetnictví z pohledu auditora (2001)
Interconnecting financial and environmental accounting and its risks from the point of view of a financial audtior (2001)
Příprava pracovníkú státní správy a samosprávy v oblasti prevence znečišťování živoního prostředí podle standardů Evropské unie. 1. a 2. díl (2001)
Voltammetrie 3-(azidomethylen)dihydrofuran-2-onu (2002)
Inhibitory effects of elevated endogenous cytokinins on nitrate reductase in ipt-expressing tobacco are eliminated by short-term exposure to benzyladenine (2002)
A Duration Model for Czech Text-to-Speech Synthesis (2002)
Koncepce informační infrastruktury výzkumu a vývoje (2001)
The Student Internet Counselling Center - a pilot project (2002)
Filtering of Large Numbers of Unstructured Text Documents by the Developed Tool TEA (2002)
Monitorování asistované reprodukce a reprodukční medicíny pomocí Internetu (2000)
Pomůže infertilnímu páru léčení? -Přehled současných diagnosticko-terapeutických možností, jejich zhodnocení počítačovou analýzou dokumentů dostupných pomocí Internetu (2000)
Struktura chromatinu vyššího řádu v interfázních jádrech buněk lidské krve (2001)
Proceedings of the Third Learning Language in Logic Workshop, LLL 2001 (2001)
Effectivity of Spherical Object Reconstruction Using Star-Shaped Simplex Meshes (2002)
Objevovani znalosti a data mining (2001)
Combining the Principal Components Method with Different Learning Algorithms (2001)
The Normal Translation Algorithm in Transparent Intensional Logic for Czech (2002)
VisDic - A New Tool for WordNet Editing (2002)
E-centrum pro poradenství studentům (2002)
Enviweb - vstupní brána do oboru životního prostředí (2002)
Ochrana osobních údajů a informační systémy - dva roky v nových podmínkách (2002)
Informační systém veřejné správy a jeho vztah k ostatním informačním systémům (2002)
Pedagogické poradenství na Internetu (2002)
Teleconferencing Support for Small Groups (2002)
Zrcadla v počítačové síti (2002)
Internetové vysílání workshopu Genetics after the Genome aneb "malý bobřík odvahy" (2002)
Videokonferenční zrcadla (2002)
Jemný úvod do (anti)virové problematiky (2002)
Jak na streamované video? (2002)
Streamovaná multimédia (2002)
Terapie akutní lymfoblastické leukémie dospělých kombinací sedmi chemoterapeutik v indukční léčbě, intenzivní konsolidaci s autologní transplantací kmenových buněk krvetvorby nebo bez ní a s následnou udržovací léčbou. (2002)
Optimalizace procesů a architektura systému workflow ve státní správě a samosprávě (2002)
Technique for PBSC harvesting in children of weight under 10 kg (2002)
Informační systémy ve veřejné správě Evropské unie (2002)
A His-to-Asp phosphorelay modifies the activity of ARR4 on phytochrome signaling. (2002)
Multimedia in Pathology (2002)
The power of computerized light microscopy (2002)
Automated micro axial tomography of cell nuclei after specific labelling by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (2002)
Automated multi-view 3D image acquisition in human genome research (2002)
High-resolution cytometry network project: Towards remote and distributed acquisition, processing and visualisation of 3D image data in human genome research (2002)
Development of software for automated micro-axialtomography (2002)
Algorithms and data representation in the FISH 3.0 image processing system (2002)
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models (2002)
Nuclear topography and gene activity (2002)
FISH 3.0 client-server system for 3D optical microscope data storage and analysis (2002)
Cell Nuclei Segmentation Using Star-Shaped Simplex Meshes (2002)
Spatial distribution of centromeric and subtelomeric DNA sequences in interphase nuclei of human Go and stimulated lymphocytes (2002)
Precise characterisation of monoclonal antibodies to the C-terminal region of p53 protein using the PEPSCAN ELISA technique and a new non-radioactive gel shift assay (2000)
Informační technologie a trvale udržitelný rozvoj (2001)
Optimisation of FISH Methodology for the Study of 3D Structure of Cell Nuclei Using Micro Axial Tomography (2002)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Fifth International Conference TSD 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, September 9-12, 2002 (2002)
A Procedure for Word Derivational Processes Concerning Lexicon Extension in Highly Inflected Languages (2002)
Implementing neural network computations in Maple (2002)
REMathEx : Reader and Editor of the Mathematical Expressions for Blind Students (2002)
Paradigm of environmental modelling in machine-building industry (2002)
Možnosti využití Internetu ve vysokoškolském poradenství (2002)
Workflow of Environmental Administrative Processes in the Czech Republic (2002)
Word Sense Discrimination for Czech (2002)
Slibuje něco vize milénia? (2002)
Ochrana osobních údajů - srovnání legislativy a aplikace v ČR a SR (2002)
Financování vysokých škol jako nástroj řízení (2002)
Měření a zvyšování výkonnosti administrativních procesů veřejné správy (2002)
A Metric Index for Approximate Text Management (2002)
Glosses in WordNet 1.5 and Their Standardization/Consistency (The Exercise for Balkanet) (2002)
Best Analysis Selection in Inflectional Languages (2002)
Lexical Databases as a Base for Broad Coverage Ontologies (2002)
Lexical Databases in XML: A Case Study of Up-Translation of the Dictionary of Literary Czech Language (2002)
Enhancing Best Analysis Selection and Parser Comparison (2002)
Tools for Semi-Automatic Assignment of Czech Nouns to Declension Patterns (2002)
Committee-Based Selective Sampling with Parameters Set by Meta-Learning (2002)
RAP: Framework for Mining Frequent Datalog Patterns (2002)
An Analysis of Limited Domains for SpeechSynthesis (2002)
Symbolic Segment Dissimilarity Measure and Its Applications in Speech Synthesis (2002)
3D Structure of the human genome: Order in randomness (2002)
Nuclear structure and gene activity in human differentiated cells (2002)
Topography of genetic elements of X-chromosome relative to the cell nucleus and to the chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes (2002)
The 3D structure of human chromosomes in cell nuclei (2002)
Arrangement of chromosome 11 and 22 territories, EWSR1 and FLI-1 genes, and other genetic elements of these chromosomes in human lymphocytes and Ewing sarcoma cells (2003)
SLT 2002: sborník třetího ročníku semináře o Linuxu a TeXu -- SLT 2002, Seč, Česká republika, 7.--10. listopadu 2002 (2002)
Automatizace sazby a skenování formulářů (2002)
Recent Exact Aesthetics Applications (2002)
Exact Aesthetics: Object and Scene to Message (disertační práce) (2002)
Porovnání struktury a obsahu ECDL (European Computer Driving License) s výukou informatických předmětů na ESF (2002)
Výuka informatiky na ESF MU Brno (2001)
Intensional Logic as a Medium of Knowledge Representation and Acquisition in the HIT Conceptual Model (2000)
Výuka s pomocí systému MapleNet (2002)
Chromatographic purification and separation of plasmid and lambda phage DNAs (2002)
Fast choice of separation conditions for analyses by capillary zone electrophoresis usingan information system Xemic (2002)
Efficient relational learning from sparse data (2002)
Exploiting Sampling and Meta-learning for Parameter Setting for Support Vector Machines (2002)
Mining Frequent Patterns in Object-Relational Databases (2002)
Databases of Heterogeneous Segments for Concatenative Speech Synthesis (2002)
On Equations Including Strings (2002)
Evoluce, či revoluce, jako média "spásonosného" řešení sociální otázky (2002)
Informatika pro ekonomy Základy práce v Matlabu (2001)
Informatika pro ekonomy Databázový systém MS ACCESS 97 (2000)
Informatika pro ekonomy Tvorba prezentací v programu MS POWERPOINT 97 (2000)
Informatika pro ekonomy Práce s PC Technické a programové vybavení (2000)
Automatizace sazby a skenování formulářů (2002)
Distinct responses to activation of a cytokinin biosynthesis gene, ipt, in tobacco and Arabidopsis seedling development. (2002)
Tobacco and Arabidopsis seedling development upon activation of ipt, a cytokinin biosynthesis gene. (2002)
Aleph: nový knihovní systém pro MU (2002)
A Procedure for Semiautomatic Building Consistent Dictionary Definitions (2003)
Webové služby - co, proč, jak a za kolik (2002)
Building Complex XSLT Applications (2002)
CED - A Program for Editing Corpora (2002)
Komunikace s technologií AccessGrid Point (2002)
Probabilistic Approach of Reliability Analysis with Respecting Statistical Correlation among Initial Random Quantities (2002)
Modelování a simulace náhodných jevů (2002)
Developing a Dialog Library System (2002)
Je možná racionální diskuse o etických otázkách? (R. M. Hare 1919-2002) (2002)
Odkaz Josefa Kurze v oboru staroslověnské syntaxe (2002)
Kirilometodievistikata - svarzvašto zveno meždu balgarskata i češskata slavistika (2002)
Brněnská jazykovědná slavistika (k nedožitým osmdesátinám Romana Mrázka) (2002)
K metodě a pracovním postupům staroslověnské syntaxe (2002)
Lidská práva jako globální problém (2002)
Chromatin modifications determined in retinoblastoma (2002)
Modelling Dialogue Systems by Finite Automata (2002)
Environmental Education at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno (2002)
Budování národní metadatové infrastruktury (2002)
Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MATLAB (2002)
First Steps and Experiences in European Co-operation for Waste Management (2002)
Krizový management v odpadovém hospodářství (živelné pohromy, ekologické havárie, ...) (2002)
Cytogenetics of Retinoblastoma (2002)
Způsob stanovení vlastností buněk metodou cytometrie s vysokým rozlišením a zařízení pro jeho provádění (2001)
Projekt Portál veřejné správy. Analýza současného stavu (2002)
Dvoukomponentni systemy: regulatory odpovedi a prenos signalu u Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Maple a jeho využití ve výuce matematické analýzy (2002)
Techniky splajnů v Maplu (2002)
Vizualizace iteračních metod řešení rovnic prostředky Maple (2002)
MAPLE a jeho využití při tvorbě učebních textů z pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistiky (2002)
Komplexní řešení pošty za použití OSS (2002)
MapleNet ve výuce (2003)
Context Sensitive Pattern Based Segmentation: A Thai Challenge (2003)
Enviweb and its Role in Public Environmental Communication in the Czech Republic. (2002)
IPsec interoperability tests with respect to deployment as "Last Mile" security solution (2002)
XML Router Configuration Specifications and Architecture Document (2002)
Úvod do Maplu 7 (2002)
Současná pravidla a postupy pro popis informací ve veřejných IS vyspělých zemí (2001)
Použití myšlenky neuroných sítí při kreslení planárních grafů (2002)
Precise 3D image alignment in micro-axial tomography (2003)
Java začínáme programovat : podrobný průvodce začínajícího uživatele (2002)
From Czech Morphology through Partial Parsing to Disambiguation (2003)
Je evoluce ve skocích ještě darwinismem? (2003)
Democracy and Human Rights: The Contemporaneous Globality of Human Rights (2003)
Symptomatic Intravenous Antipyretic Therapy: Efficacy of Metamizol, Diclofenac, and Propacetamol (2002)
Dynamics of Endogenous Cytokinin Pools in Tobacco Seedlings: A Modelling Approach (2003)
Workflow správních procesů v oblasti životního prostředí (2002)
Estetická výstavba české folkové písně v 60. - 80. letech XX. století (2003)
Dětský svět v české próze 60. let XX. století (2003)
Nuclear and territorial topography of chromosome telomeres in human lymphocytes (2003)
Steroids, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin, Homocysteine, Selected Hormones and Markers of Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Patients with Severe Hypothyroidism and Their Changes Following Thyroid Hormone Supplementation (2003)
Dětský svět v české próze 60. let dvacátého století (2003)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů a o změně některých zákonů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů a zákon č. 428/2002 Z. z., o ochrane osobných údajov (srovnání právních úprav vztahujících se k ochraně osobních údajů v ČR a SR) (2002)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 310/2002 Sb. (komentář) (2002)
Packet header matching in Combo6 IPv6 router (2003)
Relations between Inflectional and Derivational Patterns (2003)
Přednášky ze záznamu na FI MU (2003)
Similarity Join in Metric Spaces (2003)
SGML (1997)
Bezpečnost v aktivních sítích (2003)
Region proximity in metric spaces and its use for approximate similarity search (2003)
Present-day Lexical Knowledge Bases - What They Are and What They Need (2003)
PACE - Parser Comparison and Evaluation (2003)
Lexical Databases in XML (2003)
Lexical Semantic Networks and Ontologies in XML, Their Viewing and Authoring (2003)
Lexical Semantic Databases in XML (2003)
Kdo není na internetu,jako by nebyl! (2001)
Improvements in a Dialogue Interface for Library System (2003)
Trojrozměrné rekonstrukce objektů a jejich aplikace v cytometrii (2002)
University Course Timetabling with Soft Constraints (2002)
Limited Assignment Number Search Algorithm (2002)
Soft CLP(FD) (2003)
Propositional Attitudes Revised (2001)
Evaluating trusted electronic documents (2003)
Liberouter, IPv6 router (2003)
Časová hlediska elektronického podepisování (2003)
Bezbarierový web (2003)
Efficiency Determination and Optimisation of Environmental Processes in Public Administration (2003)
Workflow Model and Process Interchange Formats of Public Environmental Administration (2003)
Population Growth Model in Maple (2003)
Different Mathematical Approaches for Environmental Model of Population Growth (2003)
Autentizace v aktivních sítích (2003)
Komunikace s technologií AccesGrid Point (2003)
Přednášky ze záznamu (2003)
Workflow Model of Environmental Municipal Administration in the Czech Republic (2003)
Právní režim informačních systémů obsahujících osobní údaje (2003)
Jak se dělá divadlo na FI MU (2003)
Scalable and Distributed Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2003)
A Path Index for Efficient XML Path Expression Processing (2003)
Access Structures for Advanced Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2003)
The Font Management with OFS (2003)
Interactive Teaching Materials in PDF using JavaScript (2003)
Rapid Evaluation using Multiple Choice Tests and TeX (2003)
Animations in PDF (2003)
Právní aspekty informační politiky ČR (1999)
S čím a jak školy hospodaří - Masarykova univerzita v Brně (2003)
YAPI: Yet another path index for XML searching (2003)
D-Index: Distance Searching Index for Metric Data Sets (2003)
Czech Speech Synthesizer Popokatepetl Based On Word Corpus (2003)
Molecular and Physiological Characterisation of an Insertion Mutant in the ARR21 Putative Response Regulator Gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Cytogenetics and cytology of retinoblastomas (2003)
Automatické generování ontologií ze semistrukturovaných dat (2003)
Chromatographic behaviour and purification of linear lambda phage and plasmid DNA molecules on 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate-based supports (2003)
Nové možnosti v informačnom zabezpečení odpadového hospodárstva SR (2003)
Computer-Aided Aesthetic Evaluation of Visual Patterns (2003)
Data Process Interchange Formats of Public Administration (2003)
Systémy integrovaného managementu (2002)
Diferenciální rovnice druhého a vyšších řádů v Maple 7 - řešené příklady (2001)
Project of IPv6 Router with FPGA Hardware Accelerator (2003)
On Extensions of Process Rewrite Systems: Rewrite Systems with Weak Finite-State Unit (2003)
Process Rewrite Systems with Weak Finite-State Unit (full version of INFINITY'2003 paper) (2003)
Liberouter---New Way in IPv6 Routers (2003)
Globale Umweltinformationssysteme in internationalen Masstab (2003)
Tree Signatures for XML Querying and Navigation (2003)
The Student Counselling Portal of Masaryk University (2003)
Reengineering of Public Environmental Administration (2003)
Searching for Extreme Limits of Environmental Phenomena (2003)
Using Symbolic Computation Systems in Applications (2003)
Location of Pollution Source by Means of Numerical Optimization (2003)
Similarity Join in Metric Spaces Using eD-Index (2003)
Procesní portály veřejné správy (2003)
Datové formáty procesních portálů veřejné správy (2003)
Monitorování instancí správních procesů (2003)
Building 3D State Spaces of Virtual Environments with a TDS-based Algorithm (2003)
Semantic Web Technology - Ontology Extraction from Environmental Webs (2003)
PRIMEX 1.0 and VPCR 2.0: Processing genomic sequence data for efficient and accurate simulation of PCR reactions with genomic DNA as template (2003)
A Comparison of Unit Selection Techniques in Limited Domain Speech Synthesis (2003)
Implementace webových služeb pomocí PHP (2003)
INDEED: a System for Relational Rule Induction in Domains with Rich Space of Constant Terms (2003)
Detecting Annotation Errors in a Corpus by Induction of Syntactic Patterns (2003)
Jak přednášet na dálku aneb virtuální přednáška v Koreji (2003)
Multilevel Adaptive Thresholding and Dual Simplex Mesh Deformation as a Tool for Tissue Reconstruction (2003)
Feature construction with RAP (2003)
Hledání častých vzorů v datech složité struktury (2003)
Inteligentní dokumentace a DocBook (2003)
e-learning a DocBook (2003)
Topography of telomeres and structure of chromosome territories in human lymphocytes (2003)
Architecture of chromosomal territories in apoptotic cells (2003)
A network solution for high-resolution image cytometry (2003)
Detailed studies of the human genome 3D structure (2003)
3D Object reconstructions in image cytometry (2003)
Improving measurement precision using automated micro-axial tomography (2003)
Analysis of DNA methylation status of cell nuclei using high-resolution (2003)
Tissue image reconstruction: Localization of nuclei markers and segmentation based on deformable models (2003)
Structural and functional characterization of uncoupling proteins: Alkylsulfonates as probes of UCP transport mechanism (2003)
Web services for environment e-society (2003)
Kniha versus počítač? (2003)
Architecture of student counselling portals in Czech Republic (2003)
Efficiency Determination and Optimisation of Administrative Processes (2003)
Mathematical model of peripheral blood stem cell harvest kinetics (2003)
RAP - Reflector Administration Protocol (2003)
Processing XML Queries with Tree Signatures (2003)
Tiskový subsystém počítačové studovny (2003)
Encryption of Quantum Information (2003)
Security of the Private Quantum Channel (2002)
Portable and Efficient Replacement for Web Services Messaging Protocol (2003)
On-Demand Secure Collaborative Support (2003)
Studentská divadelní představení (2002)
To be, or not to be; that is the question: aneb králevic dánský po informagicku (2003)
Pozvání do psychologie osobnosti. Člověk v zrcadle vědomí a jednání. (2002)
Vyhledávání v IPv6 směrovači implementovaném v hradlovém poli (2003)
Synchronizing RTP Packet Reflector (2003)
Constructing Personality Model from Observed Communication (2003)
A Finite State Approach in Modeling Human-Computer Interaction (2003)
On Homogeneous Segments (2003)
Elvira - a VoiceXML Platform for Research (2003)
PRIMEX: rapid identification of oligonucleotide matches in whole genomes (2003)
DEB - A Dictionary Editor and Browser (2003)
Lessons Learned from Standardization Efforts in the Context of the BalkaNet Project and the Global Wordnet Association (2003)
Thesauri and Ontologies for Digital Libraries (2003)
Searching for Significant Word Associations in Text Documents Using Genetic Algorithms (2003)
Text Corpus with Errors (2003)
Learning Representative Patterns From Real Chess Positions: A Case Study (2003)
Strojové učení a přirozený jazyk (abtrakt tutoriálu) (2003)
Disambiguation of case siffixes in Basque (2003)
Induktivní logické programování (2003)
Tissue Reconstruction Based on Deformation of Dual Simplex Meshes (2003)
Spherical Object Reconstruction Using Simplex Meshes from Sparse Data (2003)
Vágnost jako nutnost (2003)
Elektronická podpora poradenského procesu na vysoké škole (2003)
Inovace předmětu Systémy integrovaného managementu na Fakultě informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v Brně (2003)
Standardization of Environmental Data and Information Management in the Czech and Slovak Republic (2003)
Lightweight Personalization of XML E-learning Materials (2003)
Doba, v níž žijeme (2003)
Co by neměl ztrácet ze zřetele rozsévač (2003)
Aplikace nad vysokorychlostními sítěmi (2003)
Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Autologous Transplantation Using Peripheral Blood Stem Cells or Bone Marrow Cultured in IL-2 Followed by IL-2, GM-CSF and IFN-a Administration (2003)
Nefotorealistické zobrazování ve výtvarné počítačové grafice (2003)
Multimediální segmentované učební texty (2003)
IBP Deployment Tests and Integration with DiDaS Project (2003)
Studentské divadlo jako umění i psychoterapie, jako multipedagogický projekt (2003)
Ochrana osobních údajů v pracovněprávních vztazích (2003)
User Empowered Virtual Multicast for Multimedia Communication (2004)
Associative Memories for IP Packet Routing (2003)
Bydliště slov dosud nevypelichaného barda strží a skal (2004)
Asynchronní výuka založená na použití multimediálních záznamů (2004)
OpenOffice.org: Cesta k Open Source v kanceláři (2003)
Literatura na pomezí diagnózy (2004)
Hledání maximálních častých vzorů v logice prvního řádu (2004)
Filtering Very Similar Text Documents: A Case Study (2004)
Process Efficiency Determination and Improvement in SME (2003)
Analysis of Environmental Reporting Obligations Compatible with the EU (2004)
Standardization of Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer, Slovakia in the Process of EU Enlargement (2003)
Model of the Object-Oriented Environmental Information - A New Approach in the Environmental Data and Information Management (2003)
Financial and Environmental Audit and Admission of the Czech Republic to EU (2003)
Environmental Data and Information Management in Waste Management Area of the Slovak Republic (2003)
Soft Systems Methodology Applied to Environmental Modeling (2003)
To PAY[T] or not to PAY[T] for Household Waste (2003)
Actuality and Possibility (From the Viewpoint of Transparent Intensional Logic (2003)
Tree Signatures and Unordered XML Pattern Matching (2004)
Monitorování správních procesů (2003)
Modulární komunikační reflektor s DV přenosem (2004)
Multimedia Support for Individualized Learning (2004)
Analysing time aspects of dynamic systems (1992)
Modal logics for timed process algebras (1992)
Disertace Masarykovy univerzity on-line (2002)
Grid Infrastructure Monitoring as Reliable Information Service (2004)
Distributed Encoding Environment Based on Grids and IBP Infrastructure (2004)
GSIP - An Alternative Web Services Invocation Protocol (2004)
VisDic - Wordnet Browsing and Editing Tool (2003)
Types in Transparent Intensional Logic and Easel - a Comparison (2004)
Databázové klastry s virtualním sdílením dat (2004)
A New Approach to Modeling and Solving Minimal Perturbation Problems (2004)
Minimal Perturbation Problem - A Formal View (2003)
A New Labeling Algorithm to Solve Minimal Perturbation Problems: A Preliminary Report (2003)
Víceslovné výrazy a klasifikace českých textů (2004)
Time Stamping of Environmental Information (2004)
Environmental Web Portals as a Tool for Spreading Information in Crisis Situation (2004)
University Course Timetabling with Soft Constraints (2003)
Minimal Perturbation Problem - A Formal View (2003)
GRR: Systém pro získávání znalostí v geografických datech (2003)
Feature construction and parameter setting for Support Vector Machines (2003)
A meta-learning method to select the kernel width in Support Vector Regression (2004)
Monitorování správních procesů (2004)
The Core of the Czech Derivational Dictionary (2004)
Krotká fraška politických pimprlat (2004)
Zrcadlení dětského světa v próze pro dospělé čtenáře (2004)
Inteligentní programy pro mobily? (2004)
Semantic Annotating of Czech Corpus via WSD (2004)
Časové razítkování elektronických dokumentů (2004)
Topography of genetic loci in the nuclei of cells of colorectal carcinoma and adjacent tissue of colonic epithelium (2004)
Prezentace environmentálních informací na webu s~využitím GIS (2003)
Zpracování a prezentace srážkových dat měřících stanica meteorologického radaru pro ČHMÚ (2003)
Zpracování a prezentace srážkových dat pomocí GIS systému GRASS (2003)
Elektronická podpora výuky matematiky s~využitím systému počítačové algebry Maple (2004)
Lexicons in TIL and Verb Valency Frames (2004)
Trustworthiness of signed data (2003)
Nejen matematické teorie o šifrování (2003)
Fragments and Text Categorization (2004)
The Internal Field in Semiconductors (2004)
Portfolio Problems - Solved Online (2004)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 7th International Conference TSD 2004, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11, 2004 (2004)
Multimediální publikování na DVD: projekt 10@FI (2004)
Similarity Search in P2P Networks (2004)
Scalable Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2004)
Designing Indexing Structure for Discovering Relationships in RDF Graphs (2004)
Indexing Structure for Discovering Relationships in RDF Graph Recursively Applying Tree Transformation (2004)
A P2P System for Searching in Metric Spaces (2004)
Unordered XML Pattern Matching with Tree Signatures (2004)
DIJKSTROVŠTINY aneb programování jako věda (1984)
Automatická syntéza programů (1982)
Vztah mezi tvarotvornými a slovotvornými vzory v češtině (2004)
Multimediální technologie ve výuce chemie (2001)
Ilias and its integration with the university information system (2004)
Using information and communication technology academic enterprise in e-learning of mathematics (2004)
Distribuované prostředí pro kódování multimédií (2004)
Implementace webových služeb pomocí PHP (2003)
Web services for environment e-society (2003)
EnviWeb and Environmental Web Services - A case study of environmental Web portal (2004)
Integrace webových služeb s uživatelským rozhraním do webových portálů (2004)
Animations in pdfTeX-generated PDF (2004)
Animations in pdfTeX-generated PDF (2004)
Produkce filmů a DVD na PC - daleká budoucnost či dnešní realita? (2004)
Towards a Fully Automated Tissue Cell Segmentation Method (2004)
A Signature-Based Approach for Efficient Relationship Search on XML Data Collections (2004)
Distributed mining first-order frequent patterns (2004)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 517/2002 Sb. (komentář) (2002)
Geneze zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů a o změně některých zákonů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (2004)
Unsupervised Learning of Rules for Morphological Disambiguation (2004)
DocBook a jeho využití (2004)
Využití e-lerningových nástrojů Maple při výuce matematického modelování (2004)
Vrstvený model kvality workflow systému (2004)
Digitální časová razítka (2004)
Webový portál pro energetický kalkulátor znečištěného území (2004)
Rodné číslo v informačních systémech - dobrý sluha nebo zlý pán (2004)
Nový způsob řízení informačního systému MU (1995)
Rozvoj informačních technologií v celoživotním vzdělávání na CDV MU v Brně (2004)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů a o změně některých zákonů (komentář) (2000)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 227/2000 Sb. (komentář) (2000)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 177/2001 Sb. (komentář) (2001)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 450/2001 Sb. (komentář) (2001)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 107/2002 Sb. (komentář) (2002)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 439/2004 Sb. (komentář) (2004)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 480/2004 Sb. (komentář) (2004)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 309/2002 Sb. (komentář) (2004)
A Scalable Nearest Neighbor Search in P2P Systems (2004)
Applications of Image Registration in Human Genome Research (2004)
Fast Marching 3D Reconstruction of Interphase Chromosomes (2004)
High-Resolution Cytometry Network Project: Client/Server System for 3D Optical Microscope Data Storage and Analysis (2004)
Manažer a právní informace (2004)
Grammatical Heads Optimized for Parsing and Their Comparison with Linguistic Intuition (2004)
Podivné atraktory: počítačové modelování chaotických struktur (2004)
RAP: a new computer program for de novo identification of repeated sequences in whole genomes (2004)
Scalable and Distributed Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2004)
Fundamental Schemes of Digital Time-stamping (2004)
Fuzzy metrics in space of fuzzy numbers (2004)
User-Empowered Programmable Network Support for Collaborative Environment (2004)
Radoslav Nenadál již počtrnácté stále svůj (2004)
Distributed Tracking, Storage, and Re-use of Job State Information on the Grid (2004)
Practical approaches to Grid workload and resource management in the EGEE project (2004)
Environmental Information Management in the Czech Republic with Respect to Reporting Obligation (2004)
Workflow support of corporate environmental communication and reporting (2004)
Vizualizace dat a grafická komunikační rozhraní (2004)
Personality Characteristics and Aesthetic Preference for Chaotic Curves (2004)
Word Association Thesaurus As a Resource for Building WordNet (2004)
Quality Control for Wordnet Development (2004)
Ontologies, Types and Verb Frames (2004)
Adjectives in RussNet (2003)
Word Association Norms as a Unique Supplement of Traditional Language Resources (2004)
Word Association Thesaurus as a Resource for Extending Semantic Networks (2004)
Corpus Analysis for Lexical Database Construction: A Case of Russian and Czech Wordnets (2004)
Manatee, Bonito and Word Sketches for Czech (2004)
Using Corpus Statistics for WordNet Structuring (2004)
Ontologies and Lexical Semantic Networks, Their Editing and Browsing (2004)
Top Ontology as a Tool for Semantic Role Tagging (2004)
The Sketch Engine (2004)
Language Resources in Human-Machine Interfaces - A Case of Czech (2004)
New Features of Wordnet Editor VisDic (2004)
Building Czech Wordnet (2004)
Quality Control and Checking for Wordnet Development: A Case Study of BalkaNet (2004)
Integrating Natural Language Processing into E-learning - A Case of Czech (2004)
Integrating Ontologies into Learning Management Systems - A Case of Czech (2004)
OASIS - A New Tool for the Transformation of XML Knowledge Resources into OWL (2004)
Incremental Parser for Czech (2005)
Sémantický web a jeho technologie (3) (2004)
Adaptace a integrace open-source LMS a Informačního systému Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2004)
Language Resources that Can Facilitate the Dialogue between Civilizations: A Case Study of the BalkaNet project (2004)
Technologie multimediálního publikování na DVD: zkušenosti z projektu 10@FI (2004)
Úvod do LMS ILIAS (2004)
E-learning na Masarykově univerzitě (2004)
Webové aplikační rámce (2004)
Algebraic Approach to Dialogues and Dialogue Systems (2004)
Dialogues for Agent Communication (2004)
DiDaS/LoCI Infrastructure for Distributed Video Processing (2004)
Uniform Job Scheduling Model for Distributed Processing Environment with Distributed Storage (2004)
Haptically Driven Travelling Through Conformational Space (2005)
SPAM - Stálá Pohroma A Mor (2004)
Mining Frequent Patterns in Object-Oriented Data (2004)
Mining first-order maximal frequent patterns (2004)
Multimediální publikování na DVD: projekt 10@FI (2004)
Lambda služby (2004)
Notes on Scalable Models for Synchronous Multimedia Distribution (2004)
Rodné číslo v informačních systémech (2004)
Zdokonalování firemních procesů (2004)
Communication with www in Czech (2004)
Scalable Index Structures in Distributed Environment (2004)
Distribuované kódování videa (2004)
Informační systém Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2004)
Rapid Image Acquisition of Living Cells and its Limits (2004)
Proceedings of the Second International WordNet Conference, GWC 2004, Brno, Czech Republic, January 20-23, 2004 (2004)
Vyvolávat digitálně (2004)
Vyvoláno v počítači (2004)
Fotit ve správných barvách (2004)
Úvod do studia (2004)
Rodné číslo v informačních systémech (2004)
Colocalization of PML bodies and PML/RARalpha microspeckles with up- and down-regulated loci and changes of chromatin structure in APL leukemia cells (2004)
Gene expression in colorectal carcinoma determined by cDNA microarrays using a combination of several evaluation approaches. (2004)
Clustering of genes with similar regulation patterns during monocyte and granulocyte differentiation of HL-60 cells (2004)
Automated image analysis in fluorescence microscopy: From isolated cells to tissues and microarray images (2004)
From Jenalumar to Ultrafast Microscopy of Living Cells (2004)
Methylation of histone H3K9 in human blood cells and in granulocytes of patients with myeloid leukemia (2004)
Image analysis of the movement of sub-cellular structures (2004)
Dynamics of HP1 transgene loci movement and silencing in living cells (2004)
Cytological study of DNA methylation and histone methylation patterns in human cell lines (2004)
In vivo imaging of cell interior using automated high-resolution cytometry (2004)
On the Decidability of Temporal Properties of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata (2005)
An Access Structure for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2004)
An Access Structure for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2004)
"Mem" -- jen nešikovný výraz pro Popperův "3. svět"? (2004)
Berme memetiku vážně? (2004)
Automated acquisition and processing of multidimensional image data in confocal in vivo microscopy (2004)
Biophysics of the Genome (2004)
Automated confocal microscopy: The way of achieving both quality and quantity in 3D image cytometry (2004)
Topographic characterization of telomeres in healthy and various tumor cell lines determined in situ and in vivo (2004)
Automated in vivo imaging of cell interior using fluorescent proteins (2004)
Nové možnosti v diagnostice kolorektálního karcinomu s využitím technologie cDNA mikročipů (2004)
Image acquisition and its automation in fluorescence microscopy (2005)
Methylation of histones in myeloid leukemias as a potential marker of granulocyte abnormalities (2005)
Slovenské vzory dělení: čas pro změnu? (2004)
Slovenské vzory dělení: čas pro změnu? (2004)
Syntactic analysis of natural languages based on context free grammar backbone (2004)
K interpretaci obrazu dětského světa v české próze 60. let dvacátého století (2004)
Hyphenation in TeX - Quo Vadis (1995)
Minimal Perturbation Problem in Course Timetabling (2004)
Iterative Forward Search: Combining Local Search with Maintaining Arc Consistency and a Conflict-based Statistics (2004)
Conflict-based Statistics (2004)
Rada programu Informační společnost (2004)
2nd European Across Grids Conference (2004)
International Conference on High Performance Computing (2004)
5th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (2004)
Adaptive XML Inclusions for the Effective Support of Hybrid Learning (2004)
Technologie zpracování přirozeného jazyka pro elektronickou podporu výuky (2005)
is.muni.cz na novém hardware (2004)
Text, Speech and Dialogue - 7th International Conference (2004)
EuroTeX 2005 (2005)
DVD 10@FI (2004)
Cena České společnosti pro systémovou integraci v 4. ročníku soutěže eLearning konané v rámci 42. ročníku mezinárodního festivalu Techfilm 2004 za produkt DVD 10@FI (2004)
The Second Global Wordnet Conference 2004 (2004)
Seventh International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD (2004)
Access to Law through Information Technologies (2005)
Balkanet Experience (2005)
Enriching WordNet with Derivational Subnets (2005)
Conceptual Systems. (2004)
Výuka digitální fotografie na VŠ (2004)
Combining rapid word searches with segment-to-segment alignment for sensitive similarity detection, domain identification and structural modelling (2004)
Základy slovanské filologie a staroslověnštiny (2002)
Vybrané technické aspekty elektronické podpory univerzitní výuky (2005)
Quality layer model of workflow system (2004)
Mining Relevant Text Documents Using Ranking-Based k-NN Algorithms Trained by Only Positive Examples (2005)
Selecting Interesting Articles Using Their Similarity Based Only on Positive Examples (2005)
Effects of Selected Basic Algorithm Parameters and Data Features on Text Categorization by Support Vector Machines (2005)
Vědecká konference "Právní regulace společnosti informačních sítí" (2005)
Neutron Response Function for BC-523A Scintillation Detector in the Energy Range 0.5 to 20 MeV (2008)
Analýza fenotypu a kinetiky subpopulací CD34+ buněk a lymfocytů dárců periferních hematopoetických kmenových buněk pro alogenní transplantace. (2003)
Digitální knihovny - teorie a praxe (2004)
Data místo filmu (2005)
Úvod do systému Maple (2005)
Mobilita napříč sítěmi (2005)
Scalability and Robustness of Virtual Multicast for Synchronous Multimedia Distribution (2005)
Lecture Recording, Processing, Archiving, and Streaming (2005)
Protokoly transportní vrstvy a jejich kategorizace, transportní protokol ARTP (2005)
Implementace P2P sítě zrcadel v prostředí JXTA (2005)
Ubiquitous User-Empowered Networks of Active Elements (2005)
Alternativní implementace rozsáhlých podnikových databází (2005)
Bezpečnostní infrastruktura METACentra (2005)
Perun -- Fault-Tolerant Management of Grid Resources (2005)
Distribuované Datové Sklady (2004)
Pokročilé řízení kolaborativního prostředí (2005)
Energy Management at Waste Clean up Sites, Avoiding Secondary Air Impacts to Human Health (2006)
Infrastruktura pro zpracování záznamů přednášek (2005)
Distribuované výpočty složitých stavových prostorů (2005)
Systémová implementace elektronické podpory výuky (2005)
Distribuované Datové Sklady (2005)
Corporate environmental communication and reporting (2005)
Analýza a návrh environmentálních datových model a vnějších rozhraní JISŽP kompatibilních s EU - Roční zpráva o průběhu řešení projektu v roce 2003 (2003)
Analýza a návrh environmentálních datových modelů a vnějších rozhraní JISŽP kompatibilních s EU - Roční zpráva o průběhu řešení projektu v roce 2004 (2004)
Complexity and Convergence of Electrostatic and van der Waals Energies within PME and Cutoff Methods (2004)
Emergent Systems and Intelligent Agents for Simulation of Power Systems (2004)
Využití e-learningových nástrojů MAPLE při výuce matematického modelování (2005)
Efficient Processing of Extra-grammatical Sentences: Comparing and Combining two approaches to Robust Stochastic Parsing (2005)
Robust stochastic parsing: comparing two approaches for processing extra-grammatical sentences (2005)
Searching and E-learning System above Digital Sources (2005)
Tool for robust stochastic parsing using optimal maximum coverage (2005)
Systémy pro detekci a prevenci průniků (2005)
Víceúrovňové databázové klastry v prostředí rozsáhlých webových informačních systémů (2005)
Routing and Filtering Decision in a Single Operation (2005)
Vydařený koncert veskrze současný (2005)
Decision Support Tool for Remedial Energy Management (2005)
Akademické lambda sítě u nás a ve světě (2005)
Laboratoř slovesné tvorby na Fakultě informatiky Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2005)
Univerzitní rockování pod modrou oblohou (2005)
Tvorba moderní publikace (2005)
Energetický kalkulátor znečištěných území (2005)
Fundamental Parts Of Infrastructure For Consolidating University Administration (2005)
Informační systém veřejné správy vs. komerční informační systémy (2005)
Registr obyvatel pro 21. století (2005)
Ke koncepci elektronické podpory výuky v akademickém prostředí (2005)
Standardization of the Communication in Environment - Environmental Reporting in the Czech Republic (2005)
Masaryk University Computer Center: Design, Implementation and Experience (2005)
Digital Library for PDA Facilities (2005)
Stereoscopic Video over IP networks (2005)
Jak se stal Locke málem deistou? (2005)
Documenta philosophiae: O identitě a různosti (J. Locke, Esej) (2005)
Zpětné zrcadlo Masaryk? - Tři sondy, také do naší dnešní krize (2005)
Etika a morálka (1998)
Morální hodnoty v současné etice a morálce (1998)
Žít, a nemít proč? - Aneb: Laterna obscura etiky (1998)
Etika, morálka a politika (1998)
Analysis of biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2005)
cDNA Microarray Technology as a Tool for Better Understanding of Progress of Malignant Diseases (2005)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 626/2002 Sb. (komentář) (2004)
Analysis of Environmental Information Management in Czech Republic (2005)
Práce s odhadnutými parametry v environmentálním modelování (2005)
The VOCE (VO Central Europe) Environment (2005)
Návrh podle kontraktu (2005)
SCO 2005 (2005)
Improving Document Reusability with Adaptive XML Inclusions (2005)
Multi-Tiered Database Clusters (2005)
SCO 2005, Sharable Content Objects, 2. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2005)
Standardy v procesech elektronicky podporované výuky (2005)
Combining Routing and ARP to a Single Lookup Operation (2005)
Communication Support as the User Tool (2005)
Blended Learning: Concepts and Frameworks and Tools for Environmental Education (2005)
Úvod do studia (2005)
Nashledanou, paní učitelko! Slečno, budete vystupovat? (2005)
Blended Learning: Concepts and Frameworks and Tools (2005)
Development of National Environmental Reporting System (2005)
Similarity Search: The Metric Space Approach (2005)
VCD: A Visual Formalism for Specification of Heterogeneous Software Architectures (2005)
Způsoby zapojování studentů do výzkumných projektů na FI MU (2005)
High-Definition Video at CESNET (2005)
Grid Video Processing: Distributed Approach to Video Processing (2005)
Similarity Grid for Searching in Metric Spaces (2005)
Specifičnost poetiky písní Karla Kryla (2005)
Videokonference na MU - otázky a praxe (2005)
OLE - A New Ontology Learning Platform (2005)
Efektivita signatur při navigaci v XML (2003)
Routing and Filtering in a Single Operation (2005)
The influence of the empirical parameters to the emission model (2005)
Dealing with estimated parameters in the environmental models (2005)
Komplexní analýza údajů z genových expresních map: výzva onkologického výskumu pro současnou analýzu dat (2005)
A Content-Addressable Network for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2005)
Environmental and sustainability corporate reporting in the Czech Republic (2005)
Sémantický web a jeho technologie (2) (2004)
Formalized Analysis Supporting Automated Scenarios for Environmental Risk Assessment (2005)
Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MATLAB (2004)
Semantic Grid Infrastructure for Applications in Biomedicine (2005)
Počítačové studovny MU (2005)
Analysis and Prediction of the Long-Run Behavior of Probabilistic Sequential Programs with Recursion (2005)
A se mnou přijde zákon ... (2005)
New Meta-grammar Constructs in Czech Language Parser synt (2005)
Robust stochastic parsing using optimal maximum coverage (2005)
Lower and Upper Bounds in Zone-Based Abstractions of Timed Automata (2006)
On Sampled Semantics of Timed Systems (2005)
Test input generation for red-black trees using abstraction (2005)
Enhancing Random Walk State Space Exploration (2005)
Concrete Search with Abstract Matching and Refinement (2005)
Deeper Connections between LTL and Alternating Automata (2005)
Who Burns, or Sooner, Where Does It Burn? (2004)
Capability and Attribute Based GRID Monitoring Architecture (2005)
Kdo hoří, anebo spíše kde hoří? (2004)
The Case Study of Environment Web portal (2005)
The Nationam Web Portal for Cancer Epidemiology in the Czech Republic (2005)
Different approaches to microarray data analysis (2005)
Standardization of Environmental Reporting in the Czech Republic (2005)
Computerised identification of unidentified similarities between known protein motifs and known drugs (2005)
Electronegativity equalization method and atom-bond electronegativity equalization method - implementation, optimization, paralellization and application (2003)
'The Never Ending Story' or 15,000 years of attempts to register inhabitants (2005)
Extrémní výuka: projekt DVD 10@FI (2005)
DVD 10@FI -- moderní forma šíření studijních materiálů (2005)
Vývoj evidence obyvatelstva (2005)
Environmental Information Management and Reporting in the Czech Republic (2005)
Towards Scalable and Interoperable Grid Monitoring Infrastructure (2005)
Infrastructure for Adaptive Workflows in Semantic Grids (2005)
Computing the Expected Accumulated Reward and Gain for a Subclass of Infinite Markov Chains (2005)
Škálovatelnost masívních transakčních systémů (2005)
A Content-Addressable Network for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (2005)
Nástroje pro týmové studentské projekty (2005)
Advanced Authentication of ArcIMS Services (2005)
Smart dust security - key infection revisited (2005)
Forward Onion Encryption Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (2005)
Srovnání protokolů pro "Remotely Keyed Encryption" (2005)
Videokonferenční technologie a přenosy videa (2005)
Data Distribution Models in Network of Active Elements (2005)
High-Definition Video Transmissions for Medical Applications and Education (2005)
Multidimensional Decision Support Tool for Remedial Technologies (2005)
Modern Computer Methods at Optimization of Remedial Process (2005)
Waste Energy Management Calculator (2005)
GRR: data mining in geographic information systems (2005)
Learning genic interactions without expert domain knowledge: Comparison of different ILP algorithms. (2005)
Toward mining of spatiotemporal maximal frequent patterns (2005)
Multimedia Documents in Teaching Pathology (2005)
Komunikační struktura pro simulace elektrorozvodných sítí s použitím multiagentního přístupu (2005)
Multi-Agent Framework for Power Systems Simulation and Monitoring (2005)
Design and Implementation of Multi-Agent System for Analysis of Electrical Power Networks (2006)
Network and Grid Support for Multimedia Distribution and Processing (2005)
Vysílání koncertu k výročí 50 let sboru Kantiléna (2005)
Distribuované datové sklady a protokol IBP (2005)
Transformation of WordNet Czech Valency Frames into Augmented VALLEX-1.0 Format (2005)
A Framework for Rapid Multimodal Application Design (2005)
Aspoň zavři hubu, když se divíš (2005)
Language Resources for Intelligent Processing of Dialogues about Electrical Networks (2006)
Visual Browser: A Tool for Visualising Ontologies (2005)
User Management for Virtual Organizations (2005)
Adapting Web-Based Educational Systems for the Visually Impaired (2005)
Formal Model of a Dialogue (2005)
Optimal Structures of Speech Menus in Speech Based Hypertexts and Dialogue Systems (2005)
Optinizing Speech Menus (2005)
Experiences with e-learning and visions for an intelligent future (2005)
Using Corpora in Language Teaching and Learning (2006)
VerbaLex - New Comprehensive Lexicon of Verb Valencies for Czech (2006)
Localisation - the tools and the people (2005)
Indexing the Distance Using Chord: A Distributed Similarity Search Structure (2005)
Dopis. Sencha se snítkou máty. (2005)
CRC64 Algorithm Analysis and Verification (2005)
Ontology Acquisition for Automatic Building of Scientific Portals (2006)
Natural Language Processing Tools in E-learning (especcially for Czech language) (2005)
Multilingual Person Name Recognition and Transliteration (2005)
Využití nástrojů pro zpracování přirozeného jazyka v e-learningu (2005)
Standardizace v e-Learningu (2005)
Nuclear levels and patterns of histone H3 modification and HP1 proteins after inhibition of histone deacetylases (2005)
Rho-index - An Index for Graph Structured Data (2005)
How Many Dots Are Really Needed for Head-Driven Chart Parsing? (2006)
Analysis of biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2005)
Ontology Learning (2006)
Stereoscopic Video Using DV Format (2005)
A Scalable Nearest Neighbor Search in P2P Systems (2005)
Distributed and Scalable Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces (2004)
Mosaicking of High-resolution Biomedical Images Acquired from Wide-field Optical Microscope (2005)
GHT*: a Peer-to-Peer System for Metric Data (2004)
Motivations of Extensive Incorporation of Uncertainty in OLE Ontologies (2006)
Diferenciální počet pro střední školy v systému MAPLE (2003)
Členství v radě programu AV ČR Informační společnost (2005)
EGEE JRA1 meeting (2005)
Segmentation of texts and biological sequences into lexical and structural units using a machine-learning approach (2005)
Vizualizace znalostí v e-learningu (2006)
DEBVisDic - First Version of New Client-Server Wordnet Browsing and Editing Tool (2005)
Nové nástroje pro českou lexikografii - DEB2 (2006)
Medaile Josefa Hlávky ("významný badatel v oblasti logické analýzy přirozeného jazyka...") (2005)
Epidemiology forecasting with Maple - a SARS study (2005)
Dealing with estimated parameters in the environmental models (2002)
Technological Background of Web Portal SVOD as National Information Platform for Cancer Epidemiology in the Czech Republic (2005)
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction by Machine Learning Methods (2005)
SVOD - Information System for Inventive Analysis of Cancer Epidemiology (2005)
1st Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2005)
Multi-Criteria Soft Constraints in Timetabling (extended abstract) (2005)
Minimal Perturbation Problem in Course Timetabling (2005)
Grid Scheduling and Monitoring (2005)
Model of Grid Scheduling Problem (2005)
Limited Assignments: A New Cutoff Strategy for Incomplete Depth-First Search (2005)
300 let od smrti Johna Locka (2005)
Projekt EMIL (Effective Microarray IntelLigence): přínos metod umělé inteligence pro analýzu microarrays (2005)
Pokus o retrospektivu: O čem Masarykova "Světová revoluce" (možná dosud) je (2005)
Ježíš pro Milana Machovce (2005)
Pár střípků do mozaiky (2005)
Similarity Search - The Metric Space Approach (2006)
Rule-based systems: employing intelligent computer assistant in biomedicine & clinical practice (2005)
Projekt UIRON ("Universal information robot in oncology"): přínos metod umělé inteligence v biomedicíně a klinické praxi (2005)
New practical tools for microarray data analysis (2005)
Problémy spolehlivosti, životnosti a bezpečnosti systémů (2005)
Combination of cDNA microarray technology and fluorescence leads to better understanding of relationships between gene expression and epigenetic regulation (2005)
Normalizační metody ve zpracování dat z DNA Microarrays (2005)
Transcriptional profiling of human CD34+ cells during in vitro differentiation (2005)
Analýza obrazů získaných snímáním microarrays (2005)
Aplikace FDR a FWER testovacích procedur na data ze studie kolorektálního karcinomu (2005)
Důkaz klastrování genů na chromosomových doménách studiem diferenciací buněčných nádorových linií (2005)
Sledování změn genové exprese u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem pomocí cDNA microarrays technologie a jejich diagnostika pomocí transkripčních map (2005)
Využití deformabilních modelů v obrazové cytometrii (2005)
3D Reconstruction of Interphase Chromosomes (2005)
Architektura a konstrukce počítačů (2005)
Quantitative Analysis of Intracellular Processes in Living Cells (2005)
Mosaicking of High-resolution Biomedical Images Acquired from Wide-field Optical Microscope (2005)
Registration and Evaluation System of the Physiological Data (2005)
Rekonfigurace hybridního pohonu pomocí umělé neuronové sítě (2005)
Aktivity ČR v NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (2006)
Systém záznamu poškození cíle (2005)
Nechť studuje kdokoli, kdekoli a kdykoli (FI se podílí na projektu rozvoje nových metod vzdělávání) (2006)
Studenti FI v rámci výuky skládají hudbu (2006)
Vizualizace ontologií ve vyhledávacím systému vědeckých publikací (2006)
Imaging of mitochondrial apoptogenic proteins released during apoptosis in living and fixed cells. (2005)
Formal Verification of a FIFO Component in Design of Network Monitoring Hardware (2006)
Computational biology and its contribution to the education at Faculty of Science and Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic (2005)
SCO 2006 - sborník 3. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky (2006)
Masarykovské návraty (2006)
Projekt DIOS portálové řešení pro vizualizaci léčebných standardů a hodnocení intenzity dávky protinádorové terapie (2006)
Podpora aplikační logiky v J2EE aplikačních rámcích (2005)
Moralista humorně smutný (2006)
Literární taneček o vývoji lidstva (2006)
Implementace lexikálních pravidel v Prologu: Systém pro vzájmený převod českých vět v aktivní a pasivní formě (2004)
BOLE - A New Bio-Ontology Learning Platform (2005)
A flexible technique for the automatic design for approximate string matching architectures (2006)
FOBIA (2006)
From WEB Pages To Dictionary: A Language-Independent Dictionary Writing System (2006)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 413/2005 Sb. (komentář) (2005)
Zákon č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění zákona č. 444/2005 Sb. (komentář) (2005)
Realizace opatření na podporu recyklace SDO vycházející z POH původců (měst a obcí) (2006)
Standardizace environmentálního reportingu v České republice (2006)
Environmental Communication and its Standardization in the Czech Republic (2005)
Interpretace uměleckých textů (2006)
Relevantní standardy v oblasti e-Learningu (2004)
Text Mining for Semantic Relations as a Support Base of a Scientific Portal Generator (2006)
DEBVisDic: Wordnet editor and browser based on DEB II platform (2006)
Empirical Merging of Ontologies A Proposal of Universal Uncertainty Representation Framework (2006)
Architectural Interoperability Checking in Visual Coordination Networks (2006)
Reengineering a modernizace softwarových systémů (2006)
Finding Optimal Solutions of Energetic Remedial Equations with Genetic Algorithms (2006)
Performance Solution of SOA Infrastructure for Knowledge Computing (2006)
WebBootCaT: instant domain-specific corpora to support human translators (2006)
Optimized and parallelized implementation of the electronegativity equalization method and the atom-bond electronegativity equalization method (2006)
Verifying VHDL Designs with Multiple Clocks in SMV (2007)
Current Trends in Environmental Modelling with Uncertainties (2006)
Creating Pictures by Dialogue (2006)
P2P Similarity Search Structures (2006)
M-Chord: A Scalable Distributed Similarity Search Structure (2006)
On Scalability of the Similarity Search in the World of Peers (2006)
Towards Scalability of Similarity Searching (2006)
Obraz dětského světa v literatuře (2006)
Test Input Generation for Java Containers using State Matching (2006)
Reachability in Recursive Markov Decision Processes (2006)
New Maple solution of the generalized Leibniz problem (2006)
Vyhledávání biologicky významných motivů v molekulách léků (2006)
Visualization of Multidimensional Information from Scientific Computations (2006)
Efektivní metody vedení závěrečných prací (2006)
Stochastic Games with Branching-Time Winning Objectives (2006)
Environmental Modelling with Uncertainty (2006)
Solving Waste Management Data Uncertainties. Case Study of South Moravian Region (2006)
Matematické modelování s využitím Maple (2006)
Dolování v geografických textech (2006)
dRAP: A Framework for Distributed Mining Firts-Order Frequent Patterns (2006)
A Contribution to Learning in Temporal Logics (2006)
Mining situations and actions from news (2006)
Srovnání účetního a environmentálního auditu (2000)
Scalable Similarity Search in Computer Networks (2006)
M-Grid: Similarity Searching in Grids (2006)
Designing and Evaluating an Index for Graph Structured Data (2006)
New clients for dictionary writing on the DEB platform (2006)
An Integrated Approach to the Prediction of Protein Structure and Function (2004)
TSD - Ninth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (2006)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 9th International Conference TSD 2006, Brno, Czech Republic, September 11-15, 2006 (2006)
Znalostní management v odpadovém hospodářství ČR a SR (2006)
Chemotaxonomic Characterisation of Pseudomonads by MALDI-TOF MS (2006)
rhoIndex – Designing and Evaluating an Indexing Structure for Graph Structured Data (2006)
Využití MALDI-MS pro identifikaci Pseudomonas spp. (2006)
PATAT 2006: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (2006)
Scheduling with Soft CLP(FD) Solver (2006)
Exploitation of the VerbaLex Verb Valency Lexicon in the Syntactic Analysis of Czech (2006)
Czech Language Parsing using Meta-grammar Formalism with Contextual Constraints (2006)
Platform for Full-Syntax Grammar Development Using Meta-grammar Constructs (2006)
Efficient Processing of Narrow Range Queries in Multi-dimensional Data (2006)
Morfologický analyzátor ajka (2006)
Formal Verification of the CRC Algorithm Properties (2006)
Jednoduchý syntaktický analyzátor (2006)
Dynamic Ontology Lifecycle Scenario in Translational Medicine (2007)
Slečno, budete vystupovat? (2006)
Model Checking of RegCTL (2006)
Servisně-orientovaná architektura systému na výběr dekontaminační strategie (2006)
Performance Solution of SOA Infrastructure for Knowledge Computing (2006)
Report and Prototype of Dynamics in the Ontology Lifecycle (2006)
Garrett Thomson: Locke (2007)
"Homo ludens" - to zní hrdě, aneb fenomén hry (2006)
The Blind and Creating Computer Graphics (2006)
Modeling and Solution of a Complex University Course Timetabling Problem (2007)
Matematický model růstu populací mšic a afidofágů na kukuřičném poli (2006)
Web Pages for Blind People - Generating Web-Based Presentations by means of Dialogue (2006)
Mining actions from reports on flood (2006)
Morfologické značkování korpusu brněnské mluvy (2002)
Visual Coordination Networks (2006)
Morfologické značkování korpusu soukromé korespondence (2006)
State-oriented Maintenance of Electrical Power Systems with Dynamic Multi-agent Network (2006)
New Features in Power Networks Modelling Using the Rice System (2006)
Modelling of Economical Aspects of a Power System Failure (2006)
Reduction and Abstraction Techniques for Model Checking (2006)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
DEB Tools for Merging Linguistic Resources (2006)
Grammar Development for Czech Syntactic Parser with Corpus-based Techniques (2006)
Ontology Acquisition Supported by Imprecise Conceptual Refinement - New Results and Reasoning Perspectives (2006)
Brněnský mluvený korpus a jeho morfologická analýza (2004)
Český WordNet - valence a sémantické role (2005)
Matematické modelování s Maple (2006)
Využití lingvistického softwaru při popisu formálních pravidel tvoření sloves (2006)
Slovesné rámce v češtině (2005)
Logická analýza přirozeného jazyka (2007)
WebBootCat: a Web Tool for Instant Corpora (2006)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
Metric Similarity Search Implementation Framework (MESSIF) (2006)
Extending Community Ontology Using Automatically Generated Suggestions (2007)
Design krátkých interferujících RNA pro umlčení genů (2006)
Life science in practical life (2006)
Teaching with concordancers: just imagine! (2003)
Až Janíček z hory pojede. Baby chodijó pozdě. (2007)
LEMPAS: A Make-Do Lemmatizer for the Swedish PAROLE-Corpus (2006)
MESSIF: Metric Similarity Search Implementation Framework (2007)
Predicate Abstraction with Under-Approximation Refinement (2007)
Current Trends in Environmental Modelling with Uncertainties (2006)
Metody hodnocení kvality dat a softwarové možnosti jejího zlepšení (2006)
Information Systems Service Oriented (2006)
Imprecise Empirical Ontology Refinement: Application to Taxonomy Acquisition (2007)
FlowMon Cache Simulation and Analysis of Inter-Packet Gaps (2006)
Dynamic Integration of Medical Ontologies in Large Scale (2007)
Identification of potential small molecule peptidomimetics similar to motifs in proteins (2007)
Service-Oriented Infrastructure and eGovernment to eBusiness Interoperability (2007)
Semi-automatic Integration of Learned Ontologies into a Collaborative Framework (2007)
Interoperability in eGovernment Services for Environment Protection (2007)
Service-Oriented Decision Support Governance (2009)
Automatic generation of circuits for approximate string matching (2007)
Logická analýza přirozeného jazyka II (2007)
Platím utopence, kafe a rum (2007)
Nearest neighbor search in metric spaces through Content-Addressable Networks (2007)
Problematika plánování úloh v prostředí Gridu (2007)
Věnujeme dost pozornosti jazyku? (Jazyk jako "droga" i lék, ale především dar k rozvíjení lidství) (2006)
Do we concentrate ourselves sufficiently on language? (Language as a drug as well as medicine, but first of all as a gift for the development of humanity) (2007)
Building a Large Lexicon of Complex Valency Frames (2007)
Genomic PCR simulation with hardware-accelerated approximate sequence matching (2007)
Využití MALDI-MS celobuněčných profilů při charakterizaci bakterií rodu Aeromonas (2007)
The Influence of Preprocessing Parameters on Text Categorization (2007)
Similarity Search: The Metric Space Approach (2007)
Model of Radiofrequency Data Acquisition in Ultrasound Transmission Tomography (2005)
Dictionary Management System for DEB Development Platform (2007)
LOBS: Load Balancing for Similarity Peer-to-Peer Structures (2007)
Querying Similarity in Metric Social Networks (2007)
Derivational Relations in Czech WordNet (2007)
A distributed incremental nearest neighbor algorithm (2007)
Gauging the Evolution of Metric Social Network (2007)
Data Quality in Biodiversity Information Management (2007)
PATAT 2006 Conference (2007)
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling VI, Revised Selected Papers (2007)
Strategy Synthesis for Markov Decision Processes and Branching-Time Logics (2007)
Mathematical Model for Hazardous Waste Decontamination Strategy (2007)
Creating Reusable Object within Community Learning (2007)
Software Summer Camp 2007 (2007)
eGovernment Services in Environment - Automate Data Quality Assessment - Czech Republic Approach (2007)
Matematický model pro dekontaminační strategii nebezpečných odpadů (2007)
Local Search for Grid Scheduling (2007)
Alea - Grid Scheduling Simulation Environment (2008)
Penalising Patterns in Timetables: Novel Integer Programming Formulations (2008)
Local Search for Deadline Driven Grid Scheduling (2007)
Grid Simulator with Production Scheduling Algorithms (abstract) (2007)
LOBS: Load Balancing for Similarity Peer-to-Peer Structures (2007)
Project Internet for All - Creating Web Presentations and Graphics by means of a Dialogue System (2007)
Administration Framework for the DEB Dictionary Server (2007)
Adapting web-based educational systems for the visually impaired (2007)
Electronegativity Equalization Method: Parameterization and Validation for Large Sets of Organic, Organohalogene and Organometal Molecule (2007)
Monitorování provozu ve vysokorychlostních sítích na bázi IP toků (2007)
On Dimensionality of Latent Semantic Indexing for Text Segmentation (2007)
BEEM: Benchmarks for Explicit Model Checkers (2007)
Model Classifications and Automated Verification (2008)
Branching-Time Model-Checking of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata (2007)
Adaptive Approximate Similarity Searching through Metric Social Networks (2008)
Adaptive Approximate Similarity Searching through Metric Social Networks (2007)
Setting Layout in Dialogue Generating Web Pages (2007)
Dynamic Scheduling I. (2007)
Stochastic Game Logic (2007)
Scalability Comparison of Peer-to-Peer Similarity Search Structures (2008)
Scaling up the Image Content-based Retrieval (2007)
Rearrangements of ribosomal DNA clusters in late generation telomerase-deficient Arabidopsis (2003)
MESSIF: Metric Similarity Search Implementation Framework (2007)
Text Segmentation Using Context Overlap (2007)
DEB Platform Deployment -- Current Applications (2007)
DEB Platform tools for effective development of WordNets in application to PolNet (2007)
First Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2007 (2007)
Classification of Multilingual Mathematical Papers in DML-CZ (2007)
Dependency and Phrasal Parsers of the Czech Language: A Comparison (2007)
Parsing System with Contextual Constraints (2007)
Effective Methods of Building Slovak-Czech Dictionary (2007)
Reducing the Number of Resulting Parsing Trees for the Czech Language Using the Beautified Chart Method (2007)
Corpus Query System Bonito - Recent Development (2007)
Computer Processing Derivational Relations in Czech (2007)
High-Performance Agent System for Intrusion Detection in Backbone Networks (2007)
Collaborative Attack Detection in High-Speed Networks (2007)
Network Intrusion Detection by Means of Community of Trusting Agents (2007)
Agent-Based Network Intrusion Detection System (2007)
High-Speed Network Traffic Acquisition for Agent Systems (2007)
FlowMon Probe (2007)
Hardware Accelerated FlowMon Probe (2007)
The Relations between Semantic Roles and Semantic Classes in VerbaLex (2007)
Enhancing Anaphora Resolution for Czech (2007)
Displaying Bidirectional Text Concordances in KWIC format (2007)
Morphological Analysis of Law texts (2007)
Power Networks Dialogues - Automatic Analysis and Evaluation of a Domain-Specific Text Corpus (2007)
Morphemic Analysis: A Dictionary Lookup Instead of Real Analysis (2007)
Úspech FI na studentské mezinárodní konferenci MEMICS (2007)
Keyness and Relational Learning (2007)
Epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů ČR on-line na webovém portálu projektu SVOD (2007)
Edukační verze on-line dostupné elektronické hlášenky NOR (2007)
Národní portál epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů ve Slovenské republice (2007)
MetaTrans -- Multilingual Meta-Translator (2007)
Similarity Searching: Towards Bulk-loading Peer-to-Peer Networks (2008)
Verb Valency Semantic Representation for Deep Linguistic Processing (2007)
Derivational Relations in Czech WordNet (2007)
Slovotvorné vztahy v českém WordNetu (2007)
XML as an Agent-Behaviour Definition Language (2007)
Dolphin - a Knowledge base for Transparent Intensional Logic (2007)
The Learning and Question Answering Modes in the Dolphin System for the Transparent Intensional Logic (2007)
Přístupnost webových stránek orgánů státní správy (2007)
An efficient algorithm for building a distributional thesaurus (2007)
Aiding the Data Integration in Medicinal Settings by Means of Semantic Technologies (2007)
A Non-traditional Inference Paradigm for Learned Ontologies (2007)
D2.3.9 Theoretical Aspects for Ontology Lifecycle (2007)
D2.3.8v2 Report and Prototype of Dynamics in the Ontology Lifecycle (2007)
Parallel Model Checking Large-Scale Genetic Regulatory Networks with DiVinE (2008)
Points of View from a Logical Perspective I. (2006)
Points of View from a Logical Perspective II. (2007)
Once More on Analytic vs. Synthetic (2007)
Parmenides Principle (The Analysis of Aboutness) (2005)
The Global WordNet Grid Software Design (2008)
The Development of a Complex-Structured Lexicon based on WordNet (2008)
Enhancing WordNets with Morphological Relations: A Case Study from Czech, English and Zulu (2008)
ICT a řešení digitální knihovny chemoterapeutických režimů (2007)
DIOS – Digitální knihovna chemoterapeutických režimů (2007)
Elektronická knihovna chemoterapeutických režimů a její využití ve vzdělávání lékařů (2007)
Elektronická knihovna chemoterapeutických režimů a její portálové řešení (2007)
On-line dostupná digitální knihovna chemoterapeutických režimů (2007)
Project DIOS: Dose Intensity as Oncology Standard (2007)
Webový portál SVOD: epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů v České republice v on-line dostupných analýzách (2007)
Národný portál epidemiológie zhubných nádorov v SR (2007)
Podpora e-learningu v rámci výzkumných aktivit CESNET (2004)
SystemVerilog verification of VHDL design (2007)
Masaryk a liberalismus (2007)
Mysl autentická, anebo "jen" neurálně odvozená (a epifenomenalistická)? (2007)
Tvorba, interpret a interpretace (2007)
Analysis of biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2005)
Democracy and Human Rights: The Contemporaneous Globality of Human Rights. (2007)
Automated confocal microscopy: The way of achieving both quality and quantity in 3D image cytometry (2004)
Zpracování nových typů obrazových dat v optické mikroskopii (2005)
Počítačové zpracování 2D a 3D obrazů buněk, buněčných jader, chromosomů a genů pomocí automatizované optické mikroskopie (2003)
Automated confocal in vivo microscopy based on spinning disks (2005)
Český národní webový portál epidemiologie nádorů, . Verze 7.0 (2007)
Dostupnosť k informáciám o výskyte zhubných nádorov v SR a legislatívna povinnosť hlásiť ich výskyt (2007)
Webový informačný systém o epidemiológii zhubných nádorov v SR (2007)
mSN: Metric Social Network for Similarity Searching (2007)
Inter-Agent Communication Adaptations for Power Network Processes Simulation (2008)
Mining First-Order Frequent Patterns in e-Commerce Data (2007)
Dolování v datech a e-learning: Případová studie (2007)
Dynamická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu (2007)
Advanced learning techniques for NLP (2007)
dRAP-Independent: A Data Distribution Algorithm for Mining First-Order Frequent Patterns (2007)
Sborník konference DATAKON 2007 (2007)
A Distributed Database System for Developing Ontological and Lexical Resources in Harmony (2008)
Efficiency and Scalability Issues in Metric Access Methods (2008)
May Goedel's Ideas Be Addressed Philosophically? (2008)
Social tagging - the essence of Web 2.0 (2008)
Výuka angličtiny na Fakultě informatiky zintenzivnila (2008)
Na sviňu svět (kniha povídek) (2008)
Nekompromisně napříč (2008)
Studium osob se specifickými nároky na Masarykově univerzitě (2007)
Interoperability in E-Government Services for Environment Protection (2007)
Informační systém Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2004)
The application of MALDI MS whole-cell profiles of the genus Pseudomonas (2007)
Environmentalistika - studijní materiál (2000)
Moderní značkovací jazyky a jejich aplikace (2004)
Programování v jazyce Java - studijní materiál (2002)
Návrh metadatového schématu pro environmentální data (1998)
E-learning na Masarykově univerzitě (4) (2003)
Metadatová infrastruktura (2003)
E-learning na Masarykově univerzitě (3) (2003)
E-learning na Masarykově univerzitě (2) (2003)
E-learning na Masarykově univerzitě (2002)
Customizing of ILIAS and its Integration with the University Information System (2003)
E-learning jako část realizace Státní informační politiky ve vzdělávání (2002)
Dodávky počítačů do škol - konečně aspoň polojasno (2002)
Actual Trends in Environmental Information Systems (1997)
Co přinese intranet podnikovým sítím? (1997)
Hamlet, králevic dánský (2003)
Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Fyzikové (2005)
Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Návštěva staré dámy. (2007)
Josef Prokeš a kolektiv: Nálevna u děkana (2004)
The Diamond Tool: A Way of Effective Development and Utilization of Knowledge (2004)
Support of ProcessingPublic Projectsfor Cohesion Fund Using ICT Tools (2004)
Concepts and Knowledge in Practice (2004)
Computer Processing of Czech Syntax and Semantics (2008)
Using KQML as the Agent Message Content Language in an Electrical Power Network Simulation (2008)
Optimizing KQML for Usage in Power Distribution Network Simulator (2008)
Reachability in Recursive Markov Decision Processes (2008)
From Simple Regulatory Motifs to Parallel Model Checking of Complex Transcriptional Networks (2008)
Aspoň zavři hubu, když se divíš (autorské čtení v divadle Husa na provázku 8.11.2006) (2006)
Autorské čtení Josefa Prokeše v brněnském klubu Leitnerova 4.4.2006 (2006)
Deciding probabilistic bisimilarity over infinite-state probabilistic systems (2008)
Správa více projektů a prezentace jejich výsledků (2008)
Comparison of Multi-Criteria Scheduling Techniques (2008)
Analysis of System Requirements for Neuroinformatic Databases (2007)
CAMNEP: An intrusion detection system for high-speed networks (2008)
Distributed Approach to Neuroinformatics Data Interchange (2008)
Combining Metric Features in Large Collections (2008)
Automatic generation the fault signature table due to classification (2006)
Software Diagnostics for Embedded Systems (2007)
Comparison of Multi-Criteria Scheduling Techniques (2008)
A Branch-and-Cut Procedure for the Udine Course Timetabling Problem (2008)
Dynamic Scheduling (2008)
CAMNEP: Agent-Based Network Intrusion Detection System (2008)
Hardware Accelerated FlowMon Probe (2007)
Hardware-Accelerated Framework for Flow Monitoring of 10Gbit Networks (2008)
Multi-Agent Approach to Network Intrusion Detection (Demo Paper) (2008)
Má královna moderní vědy opravdu balit kufry? (2008)
Kvalita dat v podnikovém environmentálním reportingu v Jihomoravském kraji (2008)
Environmental Reporting Information Quality in Companies of the South Moravian Region (2008)
Web portals of indicator in the Czech Republic and abroad. Comparison of their quality and accessibility. (2008)
Informační podpora integrovaného systému nakládání s odpady (2008)
Analysis of branch indicators of EMS with respect to NACE (2008)
Webové portály indikátorů v ČR a ve světě. Srovnání jejich přístupnosti a kvality. (2008)
Analýza odvětvových indikátorů EMS dle NACE (2008)
Jestlipak poznáte, kdo napsal tyhle verše? (2008)
Detecting Co-Derivative Documents in Large Text Collections (2008)
Evaluating a German Sketch Grammar: A Case Study on Noun Phrase Case (2008)
Czech MWE Database (2008)
Web 2.0 jako groupware pro podporu výuky (2008)
GET READY FOR MASHABILITY! Concepts for Web 2.0 Service Integration (2008)
Automatic Identification of Legal Terms in Czech Legal Texts (2008)
Tools for Managing Multilingual Lexical Resources (2008)
Power Distribution Network Reliability Modeling Based on the Statistical Data and Multi-agent Simulation (2008)
The Satisfiability Problem for Probabilistic CTL (2008)
Semi-automatic Linking of New Czech Synsets Using Princeton WordNet (2008)
Nearest neighbor search in metric spaces through Content-Addressable Networks (2008)
Controller Synthesis and Verification for Markov Decision Processes with Qualitative Branching Time Objectives (2008)
GATE to Accessibility of Computer Graphics (2008)
Conceptual Model of Single Information Space for Environment in Europe (2008)
Primary Environmental Data Quality Model: Proposal of a Prototype of Model Concept (2008)
GDEX: Automatically finding good dictionary examples in a corpus (2008)
Collaborative Approach to Network Behavior Analysis (2008)
Cornetto Tools and Methodology for Interlinking Lexical Units, Synsets and Ontology (2009)
Automated Classification and Categorization of Mathematical Knowledge (2008)
Crawling, Indexing, and Similarity Searching Images on the Web (2008)
A Self-organized System for Content-based Search in Multimedia (2008)
Building Self-Organized Image Retrieval Network (2008)
Key performance indicators for sustainable reporting according to NACE (2008)
Federated eParticipation Systems on Environmental Issues and its role Industrial Ecology (2008)
Information Tools for Supporting Implementation of Integrated Waste Management System in the Framework of the Czech Republic (2008)
Indexing Structure for Graph-Structured Data (2009)
Web-scale System for Image Similarity Search: When the Dreams Are Coming True (2008)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 11th International Conference TSD 2008, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11th, 2008 (2008)
Improving QoS in Computational Grids through Schedule-based Approach (2008)
Secure Remote Configuration of Network Devices - a Case Study (2008)
NETCONF - Secure FlowMon Probe Remote Configuration (2008)
Morfologické značkování mluvených korpusů, zkušenosti a otevřené otázky (2008)
Content-based Image Retrieval on the Web (2008)
File Organizations (2009)
Indexing Metric Spaces (2009)
Hardware-Accelerated Framework for Security in High-Speed Networks (2008)
Flow Based Network Intrusion Detection System using Hardware-Accelerated NetFlow Probes (2008)
Improving Anomaly Detection Error Rate by Collective Trust Modeling (2008)
New Methods for Pruning and Ordering of Syntax Parsing Trees (2008)
Visually Impaired Users Create Web Pages (2008)
Dialogue Based Text Editing (2008)
Dialogue-Based Processing of Graphics and Graphical Ontologies (2008)
Global Issues in English Language Teaching (2008)
Properties of State Spaces and Their Applications (2008)
Fighting State Space Explosion: Review and Evaluation (2008)
Complementarity of Error Detection Techniques (2008)
Hybrid Approach to Sonification of Color Images (2008)
Discounted Properties of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata (2008)
Proceedings of Second Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2008 (2008)
Definition and Concept. Aristotelian Definition Vindicated (2008)
Estimating State Space Parameters (2008)
Software news and updates: Electronegativity equalization method: Parameterization and validation for organic molecules using the Merz-Kollman-Singh charge distribution scheme (2008)
Autorské čtení v Divadle Husa na provázku 23.11.2008 (2008)
Environmentální etika (1998)
Qualitative Reachability in Stochastic BPA Games (2009)
Prognóza nakládání s biodegradabilním odpadem v České republice do roku 2020 (2008)
CoUniverse: Framework for Building Self-Organizing Collaborative Environments Using Extreme-Bandwidth Media Applications (2009)
AI Planning and Scheduling, 15-17 May (2008)
Visual Diagnostics of Vehicle Driver (2008)
Prognóza nakládání s biodegradabilním odpadem v ČR do roku 2020 (2008)
Projekt FEED (Federated eParticipation Systems for Cross-Societal Deliberation on Environmental and Energy Issues) (2008)
Standardizace informačních služeb a ISO 20000 (2008)
Ontologie a jejich aplikace v oblasti vyhledávání informací (2008)
Emodrink z Elsinoru (divadelní hra o 6 obrazech) (2008)
Automatic Web Page Classification (2008)
Recenze sborníku 5. ročníku konference SCO 2008. (2008)
Integration of on-line protein digestion by trypsin in capillary electrophoresis by means of electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (2009)
Towards Czech Morphological Guesser (2008)
Test Suite for the Czech Parser Synt (2008)
Power Networks Dialogs - Enhancing Domain-Specific Text Processing Techniques and Resources (2008)
The Saara Framework: Work in Progress (2008)
Processing Czech Verbal Synsets with Relations to English WordNet (2008)
Business Process Management in e-Learning 2.0 (2008)
Web 2.0 Mashups for Contextualization, Flexibility, Pragmatism, and Robustness (2008)
Inclusive Social Tagging: A Paradigm for Tagging-Services in the Knowledge Society (2008)
Social Tagging und Inclusive Universal Access (2008)
Power Network Simulation Using Real Data and RiceVM (2008)
Agilní vývoj webových aplikací v Grails (2008)
Business Process Management in e-Learning 2.0 (2008)
Integrated Search in Learning Objects Repositories - Vision or Reality? (2008)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. (1999)
Alea - Grid Scheduling Simulation Environment (2008)
Can Complex Valency Frames be Universal? (2008)
Plagiarism Detection through Vector Space Models Applied to a Digital Library (2008)
Relational Data Mining in Crisis Management (2008)
Smysl "smyslu dějin", aneb též o potřebě "falešného vědomí", ale i o "liberalismu" (2008)
Packet Capture Benchmark on 1 GE (2008)
jSon: Network of Active Elements with Peer-to-Peer Control Plane (2009)
Projekt CAMNEP - systém detekce průniku ve vysokorychlostních počítačových sítích (2009)
Jak mravenčí kolonie dobývají znalosti (2008)
DŽEMUj - dobývání znalostí z odpovědníků IS MU (2008)
DZEMUj: A Tool for Mining in e-Learning Tests. Description and Experience (2008)
Predicting Information System Competencies in Small and Medium Enterprises with Data Mining Methods (2008)
E-learningové nástroje v IS MU a výuka logiky (2008)
Vizualizace a analýza výsledků elektronických testů (2008)
High Expression of LAG3, LPL and ZAP-70 Genes in B-CLL Strongly Correlates with Unmutated IgVH and Early Therapy Requirement (2008)
Distance browsing in distributed multimedia databases (2009)
Global issues in the English Language Teaching classroom (2008)
On Algorithmic Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation by LTL Model Checking (2009)
Cornetto Lexical Database System (2008)
Decomposition, reformulation, and diving in university course timetabling (2010)
Syntaktická analýza s využitím postupné segmentace věty (2008)
Process-Oriented Modeling and Infrastructure for Remedial Decision Support System (2009)
Stavební a demoliční odpady v rámci integrovaného systému nakládání s odpady (2009)
First workshop on very large digital libraries -- VLDL 2008 (2008)
MetaCenter Virtual Networks (2009)
Global WordNet Tools (2009)
Scaling to Billion-plus Word Corpora (2009)
e-Infrastruktury - komplexní nástroje pro podporu vědy, výzkumu i výuky (2009)
Language Identification on the Web: Extending the Dictionary Method (2009)
Driver Fatigue Detection Using Video Recording of Face (2008)
Oslovuje nás "TGM"? (2008)
Flow Based Security Awareness Framework for High-Speed Networks (2009)
Accessibility of Graphics and E-learning (2009)
Capillary zone electrophoresis with field enhanced sample stacking as a tool for targeted metabolome analysis of adenine nucleotides and coenzymes in Paracoccus denitrificans (2009)
Data-mining protein structure by clustering, segmentation and evolutionary algorithms (2009)
Interactive Course Timetabling (2009)
Software Summer Camp 2008 (2008)
Analýza bezpečnostních rizik počítačové sítě pomocí NetFlow (2009)
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Neutron Spectrum and Associated Uncertainties (2008)
IPFIX Based Virtual Network Monitoring (2009)
Collaborative approach to network behaviour analysis based on hardware-accelerated FlowMon probes (2009)
NetFlow-based monitoring in the FEDERICA project (2009)
Testovací a diagnostický systém pro benzinové spalovací motory (2006)
Embedded systems and open source (2006)
Open-source programové vybavení pro průmyslové systémy (2006)
Diagnostika programového vybavení pomocí inteligentních diagnostických časovačů (2006)
Digital Multiparameter System for Characterizing the Neutron-Gamma Field in the LR-O Experimental Reactor (2007)
Projekt Liberouter - hardwarová akcelerace pro sledování a analyzování provozu ve vysokorychlostních sítích (2008)
Hardware Acceleration of NetFlow Monitoring (2008)
Architecture model for approximate palindrome detection (2009)
Hardware Acceleration of Approximate Palindromes Searching (2008)
The Advanced Distributed Learning and Training (ADL/ADT) in the Ministry of Defense Department of Military and Civilian Personal Preparation (2009)
Nebýt stádem Hamletů (zamyšlení nad Krylovou písní Rakovina) (2009)
Adaptive Multiagent System for Network Traffic Monitoring (2009)
High expression of LAG3, LPL and ZAP-70 genes in B-CLL strongly correlates with unmutated IgVH and early therapy requirement. (2008)
VirtCloud: Virtual Network for User-controlled Virtual Clusters (2009)
Derivational Relations in Slavonic Languages (2008)
Server for Dictionary Editor and Browser (DEB) Platform (2008)
Morphological Analyzer Ajka (2008)
DEBDict - General Dictionary Browser (2008)
czaccent - Adding Diacritics in Czech (2008)
DEBVisDic - WordNet Editor and Browser (2008)
Trdlo, an Open Source Tool For Building Transducing Dictionary (2008)
M-tree: Metric tree (2008)
Metric Similarity Search Implementation Framework (MESSIF) (2008)
D-index: Distance Index (2008)
GHT*: Distributed Generalized Hyperplane Tree Structure (2008)
M-Chord: Distributed Data Structure for Similarity Search (2008)
Similarity and Classification of Mathematical Papers (2009)
Competing Patterns in Language Engineering and Computer Typesetting (2005)
Milan Kundera: Ptákovina. (inscenace divadelní hry) (2009)
Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia with autologous transplantation using peripheral blood stem cells or bone marrow cultured in IL-2 followed by IL-2, GM-CSF, and IFN-alpha administration. (2003)
Detection and Annotation of Graphical Objects in Raster Images within the GATE Project (2008)
Quality of Data, Information and Indicators in Environmental Systems (2008)
Distributed System for Discovering Similar Documents: From a Relational Database to the Custom-Developed Parallel Solution (2008)
Distributed System for Discovering Similar Documents (2008)
Detection and Annotation of Graphical Objects in Raster Images within the GATE Project (2009)
Ontology and Knowledge Based Approach to Dialogue Systems (2009)
GPU Acceleration of Equations Assembly in Finite Elements Method -- Preliminary Results (2009)
Kontrola plagiátů v seminárních pracích prostřednictvím Odevzdej.cz (2009)
Building a Web-scale Image Similarity Search System (2010)
Fungicides and insecticides effects on photosynthesis and photoprotective mechanisms in A. thaliana under high light and high temperature stress (2009)
Does amount of light harvesting complexes play a role in the sensitivity of DCMU-treated Arabidopsis thaliana to high light stress? (2009)
Query Routing Mechanisms in Self-organizing Search Systems (2009)
MUFIN: A Multi-Feature Indexing Network (2009)
Photosynthetic electron transport at low temperatures in the green algal foliose lichens Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria hirsuta affected by manipulated levels of ribitol (2009)
BioDiVinE: A Tool for Parallel Analysis of Multi-Affine ODE Models (2009)
Improving Host Profiling With Bidirectional Flows (2009)
Kinetic study of cytochrome P450 2C9 reaction with diclofenac by MEKC combined with a sweeping technique (2009)
CZE separation of cellular energetically important metabolites (2009)
Trdlo, an Open Source Tool for Building Transducing Dictionary (2009)
Autorské čtení v Divadle Husa na provázku (2009)
GColl : A Flexible Videoconferencing Environment for Group-to-Group Interaction (2009)
GColl Group-to-group Videoconferencing System: Design and First Experiences (2009)
Czech Vulgarisms in Text Corpora (2009)
Mining Phrases from Syntactic Analysis (2009)
Rozdíly mezi pravdivou a lživou online textovou komunikací (2009)
Computational Analysis of Large-Scale Multi-Affine ODE Models (2009)
BioDiVinE: A Framework for Parallel Analysis of Biological Models (2009)
Towards Self-organizing Search Systems (2010)
Syntaktická struktura Petr byl boxovat: české specifikum, nebo evropské univerzále? (2009)
Diversity of microfungi from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2009)
Zařízení pro skupinové vysílání optických signálů v Internetu a jiných sítích (2009)
Application of sweeping - MEKC combination for monitoring of diclofenac reaction with cytochrome P450 2C9 isoform (2009)
Long-term study on vegetation responses to manipulated warming using open top chambers installed in three contrasting Antarctic habitats. (2009)
Cryoproective effects of ribitol on lichen photosynthetic processes. (2009)
In-capillary approach to drug metabolite generation with subsequent electrophoretic separation (2009)
Developmet of Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis for Drug Metalobite Generation and Separation (2009)
Screening Of Drug Stability Against Microsomes By Means Of Capillary Electrophoresis (2009)
Similarity Search in Large Collections of Biometric Data (2009)
Separation of cellular energetically important compounds by CZE in combination with field enhanced stacking (2009)
Complex Real-life Data Sets in Grid Simulations (2009)
EMMA: Explicit Model Checking Manager (Tool Presentation) (2009)
Using Wordnets and Ontologies for Text-Meaning Assignment - Implementation Details of the KYOTO Project First Phase (2009)
Power Distribution Network Reliability Modeling Based on the Statistical Data and Multi-agent Simulation (2009)
Handling Multilingual Lexical Resources with Web based tools (2008)
Multilingual Features of Complex Valency Frames (2009)
After Half a Century of Slavonic Natural Language Processing (2009)
Czech Word Sketch Relations with Full Syntax Parser (2009)
Syntactic Analysis as Pattern Matching: The SET Parsing System (2009)
FastGrid -- The Accelerated Computation of Potential Maps for Molecular Docking (2009)
FastGrid -- The Accelerated AutoGrid Potential Maps Generation for Molecular Docking (2009)
Exploring Derivational Relations in Czech with the Deriv Tool (2009)
Cryoproective role of ribitol in Xanthoparmelia somloensis (2009)
MetaCentrum, the Czech Virtualized NGI (2009)
Electronegativity Equalization Method - Fast Method For Charge Calculation (2009)
GColl: A Flexible Videoconferencing Environment for Group-to-Group Interaction (2009)
GColl - group-to-group videoconferencing environment (2009)
Functional brain imaging with multi-objective multi-modal evolutionary optimization (2006)
Generic Similarity Search Engine Demonstrated by an Image Retrieval Application (2009)
Metric Index: An Efficient and Scalable Solution for Similarity Search (2009)
CoPhIR Image Collection under the Microscope (2009)
Proceedings of Third Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2009 (2009)
Efficient Grid Scheduling through the Incremental Schedule-based Approach (2011)
Principles of Holism for sequential twig pattern matching (2009)
Structure and Function of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems (2009)
Similarity Searching in Structured and Unstructured P2P Networks (2009)
Gene-expression profiling of graft-versus-host disease by oligonucleotide microarrays (2009)
Monitorování forem výuky informatických předmětů na Fakultě informatiky MU (2009)
Relations between Formal and Derivational Morphology in Czech (2009)
Multi-agent System for Blackout Prevention by means of Computer Simulations (2009)
Languages of Mathematics -- Random Walking in the Mathematics of Languages (2009)
Verb Valency Frames in Czech Legal Texts (2009)
Semantic Classes of Czech Verbs (2009)
Discovering Grammatical Relations in Czech Sentences (2009)
KLAP! ´09 (2009)
Computation of Power Network Steady State by Means of Local Interactions (2009)
Netflow Based System for NAT Detection (2009)
Measuring Coverage of a Valency Lexicon using Full Syntactic Analysis (2009)
Prague Dependency Treebank Annotation Errors: A Preliminary Analysis (2009)
Classification of Errors in Text (2009)
Fast Morphological Analysis of Czech (2009)
Problems of Machine Translation Evaluation (2009)
Shallow Ontology Based on VerbaLex (2009)
Yet Another Formalism for Morphological Paradigm (2009)
Corpus Factory (2009)
Czech Verbs in FrameNet Semantics (2009)
Linking Czech Verb Valency Lexicon VerbaLex with FrameNet (2009)
Domain Collocation Identification (2009)
The Saara Framework: An Anaphora Resolution System for Czech (2009)
Constructing High Precision Synonym Sets (2009)
Mikroprocesory Intel : Pentium a spol. (1994)
Distinct nearest neighbors queries for similarity search in very large multimedia databases (2009)
Diverzita mikroskopických hub Antarktidy (2009)
Semantic Network Integrity Maintenance via Heuristic Semi-Automatic Tests (2009)
Continuous-Time Stochastic Games with Time-Bounded Reachability (2009)
Using DEB Services for Knowledge Representation within the KYOTO Project (2010)
The Notion of Problem, Intuitionism and Partiality (2008)
Are Wooden Tables Necessarily Wooden? Intensional Essentialism Versus Metaphysical Modality (2002)
Od intenzí k hyperintenzím (2009)
Dokázal Quine opravdu, že hranice mezi analytickými a syntetickými větami není přesně definovatelná (2008)
Some Problems Connected with a Procedural Theory of Concepts (2008)
Church's Criticism of Carnap's Intensional Isomorphism from the Viewpoint of TIL (2007)
Semantics of the Axiom (Schema) of Comprehension (2007)
Logical Form (2004)
A procedural Theory of Concepts and the Problem of Synthetic a priori (2004)
Is strong correspondence (theory of truth) possible? (2003)
Ordinary Modalities (2007)
Empirical Concepts (2000)
Two Notions of Concept (2000)
Concepts and Recipes (2009)
On the Nature of Facts (1995)
Three kinds of using the identity sign (1996)
The Modes of Presentation: Concepts (1995)
Analýza genového profilu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli (GVHD) s využitím čipové technologie. (2009)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI; CESNET technical report 17/2009 (2009)
On Building a Self-organizing Search System for Multimedia Retrieval (2010)
Přínos bohemistického pracoviště filozofické fakulty k rozvoji počítačové lingvistiky na brněnské univerzitě (2009)
Emodrink z Elsinoru - premiéra divadelní hry (2009)
Počet lemmat v synsetech VerbaLexu (2009)
Associating Collocations with Dictionary Senses (2009)
Adaptation of Mathematical Test for Visually Impaired in Higher Education - Daily Practice (2009)
Růžový slon v domě a jiné logičnosti (2006)
Tactile Encoding and its Role in Higher Education (2009)
WebGen - software pro generovaní webových stránek pomocí webových dotazníků (2009)
Software pro generování obrázků pomocí dialogu (2009)
Sustainable Data Collections for Neuroinformatic Research (2009)
On the memory consumption of probabilistic pushdown automata (2009)
Validation of capillary electrophoretic method for in-capillary metabolism of dextromethorphan (2010)
Application potential of electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (2010)
Sugestivní metafora "JÁ" jako diskutabilní klíč na cestě k jeho osmyslení (2009)
Nikoli především tělo je dneškem ohroženo, aneb o nedostatcích především duševní hygieny (2009)
Revoluční vpád evoluce do vědy, filosofie a světonázoru (2008)
Nejsme se vším (včetně svých životů, neřkuli s muzei) na předělu? (2008)
Alea 2 - job scheduling simulator (2009)
Filtering Information from Reports on Flood. (2009)
On key words and key patterns in Shakespeare's plays (2009)
Visual Analytics for Educational Data Analysis (2009)
Web competencies in SME (2009)
Geographic data mining with GRR (2009)
Web and ICT Competencies in different types of SME (2009)
E-learningové nástroje v IS MU a výuka logiky (2009)
One-Counter Markov Decision Processes (2010)
Pilotní systém projektu FEED (2009)
Punctuation Detection with Full Syntactic Parsing (2010)
Feedback-based Performance Tuning for Self-organizing Multimedia Retrieval Systems (2010)
NetFlow-based NAT detection module (2009)
Optimization of capillary electrophoretic method for determination of physiologically relevant nucleotides and coenzymes in cell extract (2010)
A model of in vitro drug metabolism testing by in-capillary enzymatic reaction utilizing capillary electrophoresis (2010)
Microbial targeted metabolome analysis of common nucleotides and coenzymes by capillary electrophoresis (2010)
Můžeme se vůbec dívat na vnímané rozhraní času kolem roku 1989 adekvátně? (2010)
On-line diagnostika laserového svařování a její využití pro verifikaci svarů. (2010)
Denotation and Reference (2010)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI (2010)
Manatee/Bonito - A Modular Corpus Manager (2007)
Physiological study of Antarctic green algal lichen photobionts: An optimized method of isolation and culturing technique (2009)
Variability of oxygen content in different lakes of the James Ross Island as dependent on actual weather conditions (2009)
Structure and Function of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Electronic conference on interactions between antarctic life and environmental factors, IPY-related research (2009)
Nástroje pro vizuální analýzu a dobývání znalostí z e-learningových dat (2009)
Mikroklimatická měření jako součást dlouhodobých ekofyziologických studií mechů a lišejníků v polárních oblastech (2009)
Vliv nízkých teplot na základní fyziologické funkce lišejníků: role ribitolu v odolnosti lišejníků vůči mrazu. (2009)
Comparative study of dehydration-response curves of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen and Nostoc communae (2009)
Diversity of microfungi from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2009)
Současné trendy v bioklimatologii a ekologické fyziologii rostlin (2009)
A supernodal formulation of vertex colouring with applications in course timetabling (2010)
Jan Loevenstein a spor o metodu (2009)
Analysis of the DNA-binding activity of p53 mutants using functional protein microarrays and its relationship to transcriptional activation (2010)
Complex university course timetabling (2011)
Projekt obranného výzkumu "CYBER" - bezpečnost informačních a komunikačních systému AČR (2010)
High-performance analysis of biological systems dynamics with the DiVinE model checker (2010)
Branching-Time Model-Checking of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata (2009)
Hardware Acceleration of Approximate Tandem Repeat Detection (2010)
Úvod do matematického modelování (2006)
The Logos of Semantic Structure (2010)
High Expression of Lymphocyte-Activation Gene 3 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells is Associated with Unmutated IGHV and Reduced Treatment-Free Survival. (2010)
Alea 2 - Job Scheduling Simulator (2010)
The importance of complete data sets for job scheduling simulations (2010)
System Demonstration of Interactive Course Timetabling (2010)
Rozvrhování předmetů pro univerzitu (2010)
Romeo & Julian (2010)
The importance of complete data sets for job scheduling simulations (2010)
Automatic Identification of Legal Terms in Czech Law Texts (2010)
Software Framework for Topic Modelling with Large Corpora (2010)
Analýza obtížnosti logických úloh na základě modelů lidského chování (2010)
Hardware Acceleration for Cyber Security (2010)
Chuck Norris aneb Odkud přijde útok? (2010)
NfSen Plugin Supporting the Virtual Network Monitoring (2010)
FEDERICA User Tutorial: Monitoring slices (2010)
CoUniverse Orchestrated Collaborative Environments with Dynamic Circuit Networks (2010)
GColl: enhancing trust in flexible group-to-group videoconferencing (2010)
Design and Implementation of a Production Dynamically Configurable Testbed (2010)
Virtual Multicast (2010)
Network-Based Collaborative Environments (2010)
siRNA selection criteria – statistical analyses of applicability and significance (2007)
X-plain - a Game that Collects Common Sense Propositions (2010)
Difficulty Rating of Sokoban Puzzle (2010)
Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic (2010)
Reachability Games on Extended Vector Addition Systems with States (2010)
Implementing Dynamic Visualization as an Alternative Interface to a Digital Mathematics Library (2010)
Na stopě Chucka Norrise (2010)
Annotating and Describing Pictures -- Applications in E-learning and Accessibility of Graphics (2010)
LC-MS/MS Monitoring Human Plasma Proteins Potentionally related to Graft-versus-Host Disease (2010)
Malware Detection From The Network Perspective Using NetFlow Data (2010)
A Context-Based Grammar Generation in Mixed Initiative Dialogue System for Visually Impaired (2010)
Experiments with Job Scheduling in MetaCentrum (2010)
Physiological processes in mosses and lichens in response to local climate: Case study from the James Ross Island, Antarctics (2010)
Effects of extrenally added ribitol on primary photosynthetic processes at low and freezing temperature in lichen thalli. (2010)
Chuck Norris Botnet (2010)
Photosynthetic microorganisms in cold environments. (2010)
Neutron and Gamma Spectrometry in the Research Reactor LR-0 (2009)
UltraGrid-20090105 (2009)
BAARA Biological AutomAted RAdiotelemetry system: New technology in ecological fiel studies (2010)
Spatial activity and diet of Rousettus aegyptiacus in Cyprus: Does conservation of the only European fruit bat depend on supporting alien plants? (2010)
Stochastic Real-Time Games with Qualitative Timed Automata Objectives (2010)
Using Ontologies for Semi-automatic Linking VerbaLex with FrameNet (2010)
Which XML Storage for Knowledge and Ontology Systems? (2010)
One-Counter Stochastic Games (2010)
Aspect-based Attack Detection in Large-scale Networks (2010)
Vysoké školy musí mít nejen kvalitní výuku, ale také účinnou kontrolu kvality znalostí a schopností studentů (produktů) vysoké školy (2010)
Handling Inaccurate Runtime Estimates by Event-based Optimization (2010)
Determination of drug stability against human liver microsomes by utilization of short-end injection capillary electrophoresis mode (2010)
Application of short-end injection capillary electrophoresis mode for assessment of drug stability against human liver microsomes (2010)
In-capillary nanoreactor based on transverse diffusion of laminar flow profiles for cytochrome P450 2C9 isoform reaction with diclofenac (2010)
Study of Atypical Kinetic Behaviour of Cytochrome P450 2C9 Isoform with Diclofenac at Low Substrate Concentrations by Sweeping-MEKC Combination (2010)
On-line drug metabolites generation and their subsequent target analysis by capillary zone electrophoresis with UV-absorption detection (2010)
Similarity Query Postprocessing by Ranking (2010)
Improving the Image Retrieval System by Ranking (2010)
Visual Video Retrieval System Using MPEG-7 Descriptors (2010)
Eye-Control of Videoconferencing Environment Using Common Web-Cameras (2010)
Clustering of Protein Substructures for Discovery of a Novel Class of Sequence-Structure Fragments (2010)
Proximity-based Order-respecting Intersection for Searching in Image Databases (2011)
Sub-image Searching Through Intersection of Local Descriptors (2010)
On Locality-sensitive Indexing in Generic Metric Spaces (2010)
Recognition of non-canonical DNA structures in genomic DNA sequences by p53 proteins (2009)
Mutp53 non-B DNA structure binding to intronic sequences modulates gene expression in U251 cells (2009)
A Quantitative Evaluation of Word Sketches (2010)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 13th International Conference TSD 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, September 6-10, 2010 (2010)
Využití kapilární elektroforézy pro studium enzymů (2010)
Mechanismy tolerance řas a lišejníků vůči extrémním faktorům prostředí: Detekce fyziologických procesů pomocí pokročilých biofyzikálních a biochemických metod (2010)
Study on a metabolic profile generated by cytochrome P450 2D6 inside the separation capillary (2010)
(Ne)bezpečné HTTPS - část I (2010)
Implementace rozšíření standardu NetFlow o párování toků (2010)
Real-life performance of metric searching (2010)
Semantic Role Patterns and Verb Classes in Verb Valency Lexicon (2010)
Rozpoznávání a četnost víceslovných výrazů v textu (2009)
Towards Disambiguation of Word Sketches (2010)
Adaptive feedback beam shaping of the CO2 welding laser (2010)
The common portal platform in the MEFANET (2010)
Embedded Malware - An Analysis of the Chuck Norris Botnet (2010)
Biophysics of the Genome and Its Interactions (2002)
Biophysics of the Genome (2003)
Biophysics of the Genome (2004)
Integer Programming for Media Streams Planning Problem (2010)
Multi-agent Approach to Power Distribution Network Modelling (2010)
Separation of Attogram Terpenes by CZE with Fluorometric Detection (2010)
Audio Similarity Retrieval Engine (2010)
Metric index: an efficient and scalable solution for precise and approximate similarity search (2011)
The Use of Incremental Schedule-based Approach for Efficient Job Scheduling (2010)
Comparison of CP and IP Techniques for Data Transfer Planning (2010)
Kterak z autorského čtení feministická tragédie vznikla (2010)
Special issue on applications and methodologies for planning and scheduling: editorial (2010)
EMEE - Efektivní monitorování a hodnocení vzdělávání (2010)
Fast syntactic searching in very large corpora for many languages (2010)
Through Low-Cost Annotation to Reliable Parsing Evaluation (2010)
Parameter Scanning by Parallel Model Checking with Applications in Systems Biology (2010)
E-photosynthesis: Web-based platform for modeling of complex photosynthetic processes (2011)
MEFANET report 03 - Medical teaching with the use of advanced technology (2010)
Multi-agent System for Blackout Prevention by Means of Computer Simulations (2011)
Qualitative Reachability in Stochastic BPA Games (2011)
Reprezentace významu sloves (valence a sémantické role) (2010)
MEFANET 2009 presented e-learning as an important part of education in oncology (2010)
E-testing in hematooncology (2010)
Visual Analytics for Building Management (2010)
Towards Detection of Anomalies in Building Management Data (2010)
Virtual Network Monitoring in FEDERICA Project (2010)
(Ne)bezpečné HTTPS - část II (2010)
Hardware Acceleration: An Essential Part of Cyber Security in High-Speed Networks (2010)
Dextromethorphan metabolite profiles generated by in-capillary microreaction and subsequent electrophoretic separation (2010)
Monitoring of Cytochrome P450 2C9 isoform reaction with Diclofenac by In-Capillary System based on Transverse Diffusion of Laminar Flow Profiles (2010)
Dextromethorphan metabolite profiles generated by in-capillary microreaction and subsequent electrophoretic separation (2010)
Legal Terms and Word Sketches: a Case Study (2010)
Space-efficient scheduling of stochastically generated tasks (2010)
Multiword Expressions in Czech (a case study) (2010)
Morphological Analysis of Tajik - Notes and Preliminary Results (2010)
Valency Frames of Polysemous and Homonymous Verbs in VerbaLex (2010)
Reprezentace významu a lokální kontext (2010)
Obecné výpočty na grafických procesorech (2009)
Utilizing Linguistic Resources: Theory and Practical Experience (2010)
How to Analyze Natural Language with Transparent Intensional Logic? (2010)
CzechParl: Corpus of Stenographic Protocols from Czech Parliament (2010)
Editing of VerbaLex (2010)
Automatic Power Load Balancing using a Multi-Agent System (2010)
Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2010 (2010)
Fast and Faster: A Comparison of Two Streamed Matrix Decomposition Algorithms (2010)
Can Corpus Pattern Analysis Be Used in NLP? (2010)
A New Data Format for Czech Morphological Analysis (2010)
Towards Partial Word Sense Disambiguation Tools for Czech (2010)
Effective Creation of Self-Referencing Citation Records (2010)
Not the body is primarily endangered by contemporaneity or, concerning many a shortage of psychical hygiene first of all (2010)
SAFT - Semantic Annotator of Free Text (2011)
Environmentální informační systémy I (2004)
Chuck Norris botnet detection plugin (2010)
Optimalizace separačních podmínek a vývoj metody EMMA pro "in-capillary" studium enzymové aktivity CYP2C9 s diklofenakem (2010)
Efficient JPEG2000 EBCOT Context Modeling for Massively Parallel Architectures (2011)
Gene-expression profile of steroid-refractory acute Graft-versus-host disease. (2010)
A Branch-and-cut Procedure for the Udine Course Timetabling Problem (2012)
Determination of AKR-2 beam and verification at iron and water arrangements (2011)
Towards Text Mining in Technology-Enhanced Learning (2010)
Dolování v textech popisujících výjezdy hasičského záchranného sboru (2010)
Detecting Botnets with NetFlow (2011)
HAMOC - Hardware-Accelerated Monitoring Center (2010)
Jednotná portálová platforma pro sdílení a nabídku elektronického vzdělávacího obsahu v síti lékařských fakult MEFANET ver 1.7 (2010)
Vyhledávání a analýza popisujících výjezdy hasičského záchranného sboru (2011)
MEFANET 2010 (2010)
Acquiring NLP Data by means of Games (2010)
Linking VerbaLex vith FrameNet: Case Study for the Indicate Verb Class (2010)
Speeding Up Latent Semantic Analysis: A Streamed Distributed Algorithm for SVD Updates (2010)
Subspace Tracking for Latent Semantic Analysis (2011)
Výuka logiky na Fakultě informatiky MU Brno. Současnost a perspektivy (2011)
Dětství v české próze 60. let XX. století (2002)
Anotácia dát (2011)
Určení tematické konzistence dokumentu (2011)
Modelování a simulace komplexních systémů. Jak lépe porozumět světu (2011)
Současné trendy ve fyziologii rostlin v České Republice (2010)
Obecná onkologie (2011)
GTAG: Architecture of Miniature Transmitter for Radio Tracking with Position Logging (2011)
SAFT - sémantický anotátor volného textu (2009)
E-learning a výpočtová logika (2010)
Rostlinné biotechnologie včera, dnes a zítra aneb příprava nového předmětu (2010)
Zkušenosti s kultivací explantátů v bioreaktorech RITA (2010)
Bezpečnostní nástrahy protokolu IPv6 (2011)
Two Views on Multiple Mean-Payoff Objectives in Markov Decision Processes (2011)
Ve světě svět - dětství v próze Ladislava Fukse a Bohumila Hrabala (2011)
An Analysis of the Chuck Norris Botnet 2 (2011)
Obsah, forma a kvalita výuky (2010)
Local and Global Models of Three-Phase Power Network State: A Comparison (2010)
FlowMon for Network Monitoring (2010)
Animations for teaching logic (software) (2010)
Syntactic Analysis Using Finite Patterns: A New Parsing System for Czech (2011)
Data Transfer Planning with Tree Placement for Collaborative Environments (2011)
Clustering Techniques for Protein Fragments Analysis (2010)
Abstraction of Biochemical Reaction Systems on Polytopes (2011)
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000 (2011)
Compression of Vector Field Changing in Time (2011)
Tickbox Lexicography (2010)
Systémy integrovaného managementu (2008)
Komentovaný výklad norem ISO 2000 (2008)
The concept of cooperative simulators (2010)
předseda panelu 103, Komise technických věd, Grantová agentura ČR (2011)
Driving simulators (2010)
Branching-Time Model-Checking of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata (2007)
The methods of prediction diagnostics (2010)
Živý pramen "české filosofické reflexe"? (2010)
Umění jako poznání? (2010)
wwwsynt - webové rozhraní analyzátoru synt (2010)
Dvojí časoprostor naléhavosti odkazu TGM a EB. Některé paralely, analogie, ale i nesouměřitelnosti osvitu (2010)
Osm perspektiv vidění možných životních souvislostí (2010)
The KYOTO Database System (2010)
Integer Programming for Media Streams Planning Problem (2011)
Corpus Pattern Analysis Software Tools (2010)
Deriv (2010)
WWWAjka (2010)
Internetová jazyková příručka (2010)
OOCorr (2010)
E-learning punctuation test based on the error corpus (2010)
FinLib -- fast indexing library (2010)
Manatee -- corpus management system (2010)
Bonito2 - web-based graphical user interface to the Manatee system (2010)
DESAM – morfologicky označkovaný korpus českých textů (2010)
MetaTrans (2010)
Corpus Architect (2009)
Majka – rychlý morfologický analyzátor (2009)
Identification of palindrome-forming sequences (2010)
Identification of triplex-forming sequences (2010)
Visual Browser (2010)
A Case Study in Word Sketches - Czech Verb vidět 'see' (2010)
Semi-Automatic Dictionary, Drafting (2010)
EMEE - efektivní sledování a hodnocení vzdělávání (2011)
E-photosynthesis: web software for modeling and analysis of biological processes behind photosynthesis (2010)
Monitoring of Tunneled IPv6 Traffic Using Packet Decapsulation and IPFIX (2011)
The Sketch Engine (2008)
A Lexicographer-Friendly Association Score (2008)
Measuring Performance of Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes using Timed Automata (2011)
Okruh "pozitivních deviantů" dělá divadlo (2011)
Česká folková píseň v kontextu 60. - 80. let 20. století (2011)
Revealing Botnets Using Network Traffic Statistics (2011)
Pulp Fiction (2011)
Digital Processing of Output Signals from Radiation Sensors (2011)
Difficulty Rating of Sudoku Puzzles by a Computational Model (2011)
What Determines Difficulty of Transport Puzzles? (2011)
Media Streams Planning for Larger Groups (2011)
Integer Linear Programming Models for Media Streams Planning (2011)
Integer Linear Programming Models and Cycle Avoidance Methods for Media Streams Planning (2011)
Media Streams Planning (2011)
New Process Management for Emergency Management: Case Study about an Accident of a Vehicle Transporting Dangerous Goods (2011)
Automatic Fusions of CUDA-GPU Kernels for Parallel Map (2011)
Virtual Network Monitoring in FEDERICA Project (2011)
HAMOC - Hardware-Accelerated Monitoring Center (2011)
MEFANET report 04 - Efficient multimedia teaching tools in medical education (2011)
MEFANET 2010: virtual or real medicine? E-learning in morphological fields of medicine (2011)
Computer-based knowledge evaluation in health workers education (2011)
MEFANET after four years of progressing: standardization of educational web platform among medical faculties (2011)
Modelling Three-Phase Power Network with a Multi-Agent System (2011)
Communicative Images (2011)
Haptic Rendering Based on RBF Approximation from Dynamically Updated Data (2011)
Methodology and Recommendations for Crisis Processes (2011)
On Investigating Scalability and Robustness in a Self-organizing Retrieval System (2011)
Reachability in Biochemical Dynamical Systems by Quantitative Discrete Approximation (2011)
On Parameter Synthesis by Parallel Model Checking (2012)
Using of Time Characteristics in Data Flow for Traffic Classification (2011)
A dynamic programming algorithm for identification of triplex-forming sequences (2011)
Online Image Annotation (2011)
Evaluation Platform for Content-based Image Retrieval Systems (2011)
Gödel´s Century (2010)
Fixed-delay Events in Generalized Semi-Markov Processes Revisited (2011)
Using of Flow Statistics for Improvement of Protocol Detection (2011)
MEFANET project: multidimensional quality assessment (2011)
Studie k realizaci strukturované písemné práce žáků se specifickými nároky v rámci maturitní zkoušky zadávané Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (2006)
Effective Parsing Using Competing CFG Rules (2011)
FlowMon for Network Monitoring (2011)
Searching for Sub-images using Sequence Alignment (2011)
Selected Papers from the 2nd International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications SISAP 2009 (2011)
Light source for low-coherence interferometry surface diagnostics (2011)
SISE Semantics Interpretation Concept (2011)
GTAG: architecture and design of miniature transmitter with position logging for radio telemetry (2011)
Tvorba a zveřejňování e-publikací na Masarykově univerzitě (2011)
SmartLib (2011)
Optimizing flow sampling for network anomaly detection (2011)
Problem Response Theory and its Application for Tutoring (2011)
Runtime Analysis of Probabilistic Programs with Unbounded Recursion (2011)
Approximating the Termination Value of One-Counter MDPs and Stochastic Games (2011)
Cycle Avoidance in Integer Programming for Media Streams Planning (2011)
Interactive teaching of professional English using multifunctional presentations (2010)
Employing Subsequence Matching in Audio Data Processing (2011)
Architecture Model for Approximate Tandem Repeat Detection (2011)
Finding the meaning of emo in youths’ online social networking. A qualitative study of contemporary Italian emo. (2011)
Internet Use and Electronic Technology (2011)
Digital Youth in Visegrad States: Constructing Identities Online (2011)
MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure? (2011)
Extrakce korpusových příkladů pro valenční slovník (2011)
Efficient Data Representation of Large Job Schedules (2011)
Metadata Visualization in Digital Libraries (2011)
Bezpečnost řídicích systémů inteligentních budov (2011)
Services for 3D Visualization of Tactical Data in Ground Forces Command and Control System (2011)
Cyberbullying in Context: Direct and Indirect Effects by Low Self-Control Across 25 European Countries. Preliminary results. (2011)
The concept of cooperative simulators (2011)
Digitized two parameter spectrometer for neutron gamma mixed field (2011)
Integrated Lexicographic Platform for the Russian Language (2011)
Time Dimension in the Dolphin Nick Knowledge Base Using Transparent Intensional Logic (2011)
Knowledge Base for Transparent Intensional Logic and Its Use in Automated Daily News Retrieval and Answering Machine (2011)
Teaching Computational Logic: Technology-enhanced Learning and Animations (2011)
Gensim -- Statistical Semantics in Python (2011)
Tactical Data Analysis for Visualization in Three Dimensions (2011)
Syntactic analysis of natural languages based on context free grammar backbone (2008)
Improving the Classification of Study-related Data through Social Network Analysis (2011)
Excalibur - nástroj pro data mining z výukových dat (2011)
Japanese Word Sketches: Advances and Problems (2011)
Komplexní e-publikační systém MEFANET (2011)
Implementace konceptu EMEE do prostředí LMS Moodle (2011)
Building Annotated Corpora without Experts (2011)
Stabilizing the Recall in Similarity Search (2011)
Lying on the Internet (2012)
Vícerozměrné hodnocení kvality v prostředí vzdělávací sítě MEFANET (2011)
Scalability of Semantic Analysis in Natural Language Processing (2011)
Information Extraction for Czech Based on Syntactic Analysis (2011)
Corpus-based Disambiguation for Machine Translation (2011)
A Framework for Authorship Identification in the Internet Environment (2011)
Extended VerbaLex Editor Interface Based on the DEB platform (2011)
Extracting Phrases from PDT 2.0 (2011)
A Bayesian Approach to Query Language Identification (2011)
chared: Character Encoding Detection with a Known Language (2011)
Building a 50M Corpus of Tajik Language (2011)
Mind modeling using Transparent Intensional Logic (2011)
Budování anotovaného korpusu bez odborníků (2011)
Case study of BushBank concept (2011)
Analyzing Time-Related Clauses in Transparent Intensional Logic (2011)
Czech Morphological Tagset Revisited (2011)
Verbs as Predicates: Towards Inference in a Discourse (2011)
USCT-sim: 3D Simulator for Ultrasound Transmission Tomography (2011)
Rapid Development of University Course Timetable (2011)
Nástroje kazuistické výuky pro vzdělávání v klinické medicíně (2011)
MEFANET 2011 (2011)
Automatic Fusions of CUDA-GPU Kernels for Parallel Map (2011)
Light source for low-coherence interferometry combining LED and single mode optical fiber (2011)
předseda Komise technických věd, Garantové agentury ČR (2011)
Modelling Economic Aspects of Power Network Reliability (2011)
Efficient Analysis of Probabilistic Programs with an Unbounded Counter (2011)
Tactical Data Analysis for Visualization in Three Dimensions (2011)
Vehicle’s Power Supply System Wiring and Control (2011)
Hybrid Two-stroke motor drive (2011)
Vehicle Energy Management System (2011)
Rice Power Distribution Network Simulator (2011)
multiOUT (2011)
EMEE – Well-founded feedback in learning management systems (2011)
Problem Solving Tutor (2011)
UltraGrid 0.9 (2011)
UltraGrid 1.0 (2011)
Seminář multimédií (2011)
Smart Power Network Reliability Modelling Using Intelligent Agents (2012)
Integrace EMEE do systémů pro řízení výuky (2011)
Využití e-learningového portálu AKUTNE.CZ při studiu medicíny (2011)
BACnet Monitoring Plugins (2011)
Projekt on-line bibliografické databáze Opus musicum (2009)
Low-cost ontology development (2012)
Migrating Cornetto Lexicon to New XML Database Engine (2012)
Discrimination of neutron and photon signals using time and frequency domain data (2011)
SENEQA - System for Quality Testing of Wordnet Data (2012)
Extending Czech WordNet Using a Bilingual Dictionary (2012)
MUSE framework 0.1 (2011)
Cyberbullying victims: Telling parents and peers (2011)
Teen’s blogosphere in the Czech Republic: an identity playground of self-presentation and imagined audience (2011)
Rozhodující pro zdraví i zdravou školu je cesta ke zdravé mysli: Kde je zakotven příběh o zdraví, a nejen pro školu, a nejen tam nejdřív (2011)
Zkušenost setrvale provokovaná teorií (2010)
Kurt Goedel (a nejen matematika nebo logika) (2010)
Tzv. Goedelovo číslo (2010)
Dvojí časoprostor naléhavosti odkazu TGM a EB (2009)
EMEE – Well-founded feedback in learning management systems (2011)
Standardization of Educational Web Platform among All Medical Schools in the Mefanet project (2011)
Application of Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices (2011)
Multi Feature Indexing Network MUFIN for Similarity Search Applications (2012)
Similarity Query Postprocessing by Ranking (2012)
Automatic Network Protection Scenarios Using NetFlow (2012)
Exploring Trust in Group-to-Group Video-Conferencing (2011)
Obraz dětství v české próze šedesátých let 20. století (2011)
Divadlo na vysokých školách neuměleckého zaměření (2011)
Prediction of significant cruciform structures from sequence in topologically constrained DNA - a probabilistic modelling approach (2012)
cswHMM: a novel context switching hidden Markov model for biological sequence analysis (2012)
Sound-speed image reconstruction in sparse-aperture 3-D ultrasound transmission tomography (2012)
Associations between online friendship and Internet addiction among adolescents and emerging adults (2012)
Dependence of energy distribution in the keyhole on optical parameters of the focusing system in laser welding (2011)
Cyberbullying in context: Direct and indirect effects by low self-control across 25 European countries (2012)
Dialogue Management in Communicative Images (2011)
Meeting Online Strangers among European Children (2012)
Korpusové zpracování korespondenčních textů: problematika morfologického značkování (2011)
LDA-Frames: An Unsupervised Approach to Generating Semantic Frames (2012)
Identifying Walk Cycles for Human Recognition (2012)
Internet addiction (2012)
Predictors of Adolescents' Excessive Internet Use: A Comparison across European Countries (2012)
Web server to identify similarity of amino acid motifs to compounds (SAAMCO) (2008)
Česká folková píseň v kontextu 60.–80. let 20. století (2012)
Modelování a simulace komplexních systémů. Jak lépe porozumět světu (2012)
Long Term Growth of SME from ICT Competencies and Web Presentations (2011)
A Notion of Concept is either Superfluous or Procedural (2011)
Relational Schema Protocol (RSP) (2012)
Modeling and Predicting Students Problem Solving Times (2012)
Klimatologické a glaciologické výzkumy na ostrově Jamese Rosse, Antarktida (2010)
Distance-Time Dependencies of Spatial Coordinates for Gait Recognition (2011)
onion (2011)
Towards an Intelligent Question-Answering System - State-of-the-art in the artificial mind (2012)
jusText (2011)
Stabilization of Branching Queueing Networks (2012)
Space-efficient scheduling of stochastically generated tasks (2012)
Russian lexicographic station (2011)
EUROCALL conference – corpus workshop presentation (2008)
3 week ICT teacher training for Shandong University (2008)
Teacher training workshops: Global Issues (2008)
TALC: corpora in language education research and teaching (2008)
Teacher training in ICT for ELT Norwich (2008)
Teacher training (2007)
Invited presentation on Corpus use at teacher workshop (2007)
British Council: teacher training course (2008)
Distributed Approach to Neuroinformatic Data Interchange (2011)
Using AAM for Visual Diagnostics of Vehicle Driver (2011)
The concept of cooperative simulators (2011)
Digitized Two-Parameter Spectrometer for Neutron-Gamma Mixed Field (2012)
Vědecké výpočty v matematické biologii (2012)
Derivační analyzátor češtiny (2011)
Český WordNet 1.9 PDT (2010)
Výuka logiky pro smyslově postižené (2011)
Finding Multiwords of More Than Two Words (2012)
Large Corpora for Turkic Languages and Unsupervised Morphological Analysis (2012)
Gait Recognition Based on Normalized Walk Cycles (2012)
Discrimination of neutron and photon signals using time and frequency domain data (2012)
Medical faculties educational network: Multidimensional quality assessment (2012)
Query Language for Complex Similarity Queries (2012)
Flow Information Storage Assessment Using IPFIXcol (2012)
Traffic Measurement and Analysis of Building Automation and Control Networks (2012)
Stochastic game logic (2012)
RapH and RapD: two indexes designed for de novo identification of repeats in whole (2005)
Predicting drop-out from social behaviour of students (2012)
A Blog of Their Own (2012)
Similarity Ranking as Attribute for Machine Learning Approach to Authorship Identification (2012)
Authorship Identification to Improve Public Security (2012)
Authorship Attribution: Comparison of Single-layer and Double-layer Machine Learning (2012)
Automatically Optimized GPU Acceleration of Element Subroutines in Finite Element Method (2012)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 15th International Conference TSD 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2012 (2012)
Large-scale similarity data management with distributed Metric Index (2012)
HEp-2 Cells Classifier (2012)
Differences in the Teen Blogosphere: Insights from a Content Analysis of English- and Czech-Language Weblogs (2012)
Excessive Internet Use among European Children (2012)
Topography of Dystrophin Exons Relative to the Cell Nucleus and to the Active and Inactive Chromosome X Territory Determined for Human Lymphocytes (2002)
Spatial Arrangement of Chromosome 17 Territory in the Interphase Nucleus of Human Lymphocytes (2002)
Colocalization of PML bodies and PML/RARa microspeckles with up- and down-regulated loci and changes of chromatin structure in APL leukemia cells (2004)
Methylation of histone H3K9 in human blood cells and in granulocytes of patients with myeloid leukemia (2004)
Model of chromosome structure in interphase nuclei of human lymphocytes. (2002)
Exchange aberrations among 11 chromosomes of human lymphocytes induced by gamma-rays. (2001)
Induction of chronic myeloid leukemia by ionizing radiation: experimental basis for risk estimation. (2001)
Topography of dystrophin exons relative to the cell nucleus and to the active and inactive chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes. (2001)
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models. (2001)
Spatial structure of chromosome 17 territory in the interphase nucleus of human lymphocytes. (2001)
Backbone radial looping model of interphase chromosome. (2002)
Topography of genetic elements of X-chromosome relative to the cell nucleus and to the chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes. (2002)
Repeated fluorescence in situ hybridization and its applications in human genome studies. (2002)
Functional topology of genes regulated by fusion protein PML/RARa. (2003)
Organization of selected loci of chromosomes 7,11, and 20 in cells colorectal carcinoma and adjacent colonic tissue. (2003)
Colocalization of PML bodies and PML/RARa microspeckles with up and downregulated loci and changes of chromatin structure in APL leukemia cells. (2004)
Methylation of histone H3K9 on lysine 9 distinguishes granulocytes of healthy individuals and patients with myeloid leukemia. (2004)
Changes in gene expression induced by PML/RARa fusion protein correlate with the degree of chromatin compaction. (2003)
Large-scale organization of human genome and chromosomal territories in the nucleus of normal and cancer cells and its functional implications. (2003)
Detailed studies of the 3D structure of chromosome territories. (2003)
Changes of nuclear architecture and chromatin structure induced by PML/RARa fusion protein in APL leukemic cells. (2005)
Flow-Based Security Issue Detection in Building Automation and Control Networks (2012)
Generic Subsequence Matching Framework: Modularity, Flexibility, Efficiency (2012)
Generic Subsequence Matching Framework: Modularity, Flexibility, Efficiency (2012)
Common Sense Inference using Verb Valency Frames (2012)
Integrating Dialogue Systems with Images (2012)
Visual Image Search: Feature Signatures or/and Global Descriptors (2012)
On Combining Sequence Alignment and Feature-quantization for Sub-image Searching (2012)
Fast 3D simulation for ultrasound transmission tomography (2012)
Building a 70 billion word corpus of English from ClueWeb (2012)
Setting up for corpus lexicography (2012)
Rule-Based Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages (2012)
Communicative Images – New Approach to Accessibility of Graphics (2012)
Revealing and Analysing Modem Malware (2012)
Efficient Controller Synthesis for Consumption Games with Multiple Resource Types (2012)
Minimizing Expected Termination Time in One-Counter Markov Decision Processes (2012)
Verification of Open Interactive Markov Chains (2012)
MTW 2012 -- Hybrid Machine Translation, Machine Translation Workshop, Brno, Czech Republic, September 3, 2012 (2012)
The perception of cyberbullying in adolescent victims (2012)
Multi-modal image search for large-scale applications (2012)
Honeynet monitoring plugin (2012)
On Expressing and Monitoring Oscillatory Dynamics (2012)
Geolokace a bezpečnost počítačových sítí (2012)
Secure Metric-Based Index for Similarity Cloud (2012)
Quick Algorithms to Calculate Mean Time to Failure and Steady State Availability of Systems (2012)
Digital two-parametric processing of the output data from radiation detectors (2014)
Analysis of a simple model of problem solving times (2012)
Do we need very large corpora? (2011)
Future Trends in Similarity Searching (2012)
Masaryk a náboženství (2012)
Parameter Identification and Model Ranking of Thomas Networks (2012)
Declension of Czech Noun Phrases (2012)
Priority-Based Smart Household Power Control Model (2012)
Query Language for Complex Similarity Queries (2012)
A Unified Educational Platform of Multimedia Support in Education at Medical Faculties of MEFANET Project (2012)
POS Annotated 50M Corpus of Tajik Language (2012)
Educational Data Mining and Teaching Logic (2012)
PRALED – A New Kind of Lexicographic Workstation (2013)
Exposure to online sexual materials and cross-country differences (2012)
MEFANET report 05 - Technology enhanced learning in medical education (2012)
The Effectiveness of Coping Strategies Used by Cyberbullying Victims. (2012)
Motivation of MMORPG Players with Addictive Behaviour in Relation to Internet Use (2012)
New Fairness and Performance Metrics for Current Grids (2012)
Performance and Fairness for Users in Parallel Job Scheduling (2013)
Toolset for Entity and Semantic Associations – Initial Release: Deliverable 8.2 of project EuDML (2011)
Five years of MEFANET: progress and developments (2012)
Strengthening the cooperation in education among medical faculties: the MEFANET project experience and its extensions (2012)
On Approximative Reachability Analysis of Biochemical Dynamical Systems (2012)
A Web-Based Problem Solving Tool for Introductory Computer Science (2012)
John Locke: Esej o lidském chápání (2012)
Approximating the termination value of one-counter MDPs and stochastic games (2013)
Timed Modelling of Gene Networks with Arbitrary Expression Level Discretization (2013)
Determinacy in Stochastic Games with Unbounded Payoff Functions (2013)
Improving Automatic Ontology Developement (2012)
Real-life Curriculum-based Timetabling (2012)
Local Search Heuristics for Media Streams Planning Problem (2013)
Analyzing probabilistic pushdown automata (2013)
15 let studentského divadla Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity 1998-2012 (2012)
Divadelní hry (Emodrink z Elsinoru, Rychlé šípy na kolenou) (2012)
Detecting Spam in Web Corpora (2012)
Modelling Optimal Household Power Consumption (2012)
Smart Household -- Selected Problem Solutions Using Intelligent Controllable Electric Appliances (2013)
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2011 (2011)
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2012 (2012)
Authorship Verification based on Syntax Features (2012)
Building A Thesaurus Using LDA-Frames (2012)
Saara: Anaphora Resolution on Free Text in Czech (2012)
Building Evaluation Dataset for Textual Entailment in Czech (2012)
Long Term Preservation of Digital Data—Background Research (2012)
Recent Czech Web Corpora (2012)
Face-based People Searching in Videos (2013)
Adaptation of Czech Parsers for Slovak (2012)
Linguistic Logical Analysis of Direct Speech (2012)
Bystanders’ Support of Cyberbullied Schoolmates (2013)
Indoor Navigation for Mobile Devices (2012)
Monitorování a evaluace výukových procesů (2012)
Systém pro optimalizaci medicínského kurikula (2013)
Enhancing Czech Parsing with Verb Valency Frames (2013)
Continuous-Time Stochastic Games with Time-Bounded Reachability (2013)
Syntactic parser SET (2012)
Czech Knowledge-Based System with Temporal Reasoning (2012)
Outcomes of using the internet for sexual purposes: fulfilment of sexual desires (2013)
Non-projective dependency parsing using spanning tree algorithms (2005)
Princípy doručovania BI na mobilné zariadenia (2012)
Kolektivní biografií k porozumění nevyjádřenému vědění přítomnému ve výzkumné praxi (2013)
FlowMon - Plugins for HTTP Monitoring (2012)
NetFlow and IPFIX Geolocation Tools (2012)
Tělesné sebepojetí a globální sebehodnocení u obézních pacientů v souvislosti s redukcí tělesné hmotnosti (2012)
Online obtěžování a kyberšikana. Zpráva projektu „Copingové strategie kyberšikany u adolescentů“ (2012)
Netsen - Uživatelské rozhraní pro snímání dat bezdrátových sítí pomocí USB (2012)
Konfigurátor - konfigurace digitálních převodníků teploty (2012)
Indoor User Localization Using Mobile devices (2013)
Zpracování dat dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému (2012)
Angas - analyzátor plynů (2012)
Digitální převodník teploty (2012)
Tři švestky z áleje mého dětství (2012)
Programátorská cvičebnice: algoritmy v příkladech (2012)
The risk of online communities: Who is prone to behavioral change by community members? (2013)
Driving simulators (2010)
Flow Data Collection in Large Scale Networks (2013)
Forecasting of Daily PM10 Concentrations in Brno and Graz by Different Regression Approaches (2012)
Classification of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from Antarctic samples (2012)
R/Bioconductor package for identification of triplex-forming sequences (2013)
Tvořivost ve výuce na fakultě informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2012)
Divadelní hra Rychlé šípy na kolenou, Dlouhé Bidlo vítězí (2012)
Funkční vzor 3D vizualizačního pracoviště (2012)
Metodika pro vizualizaci taktických dat ve 3D pro OTS VŘ PozS (2013)
SpiderLing (2012)
NVGClient - Programový systém pro vizualizaci taktických dat ve 3D pro OTS VŘ PozS (2012)
CzAccent - Simple Tool for Restoring Accents in Czech Texts (2012)
Ovládání a sběr dat z COMBOI-ADC karty pro dvouparametrický spektrometrický systém (2012)
The Sketch Engine as infrastructure for historical corpora (2012)
Tactile Graphics Production and its Principles (2012)
Towards 100M Morphologically Annotated Corpus of Tajik (2012)
Etymologický slovník jazyka staroslověnského 12; popъ₁ - rasti; Doplňky k bibliografickému aparátu III (2004)
Etymologický slovník jazyka staroslověnského 11; patrachъ - -poditi (2002)
E-Simplicity versus e-Complexity: Some Remarks on the Perspectives of the Universal Design for Learning (2012)
Medium aevum redivivum (ke středověké komunikační mentalitě uživatelů webu) (2006)
Vstříc minulosti (2008)
Accessibility of Mathematical and Learning Potential Tests in Real Practice (2012)
Accessible document: a digital paradox (2012)
Meaningful Means of Making Universities Accessible and Their Meaning(fulness) in Practice (2011)
A Methodology for Automatic Sign Language Dictionary Creation (2011)
A Wireless System for Real-Time Distribution of Visually Accessible Synchronous Transcription (Speech-to-Text Reporting) Targeted to Larger Group of Users with Hearing Impairment in Environment of (Not Only) Tertiary Education (2011)
“Guidelined” and “Principled” Web Content Accessibility - What It Means in Practice of Universities (2011)
Toolset for Image and Text Processing and Metadata Enhancements — Final Release: Deliverable 7.4 of project EuDML (2013)
EuDML Assessment and Evaluation — Final Report: Deliverable 11.4 of project EuDML (2013)
Kapitoly z hudebních forem (2004)
Building platform for optimization of medical education (2013)
Description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. pseudoputida subsp. nov., amended description of Pseudomonas jessenii and description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. jessenii subsp. nov. (2013)
Triplex: an R/Bioconductor package for identification and visualization of potential intramolecular triplex patterns in DNA sequences (2013)
Design of a Simple Reliable Voter for Modular Redundancy Implementations (2013)
Designing a Microwave Filter by Studying and Simulating the Discontinuity in the Waveguide (2013)
Neutron emmiter detection (2013)
Pulse separation charakteristic based on their approximation (2013)
On time-average limits in deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (2013)
Contrasting Patterns of Transposable Element and Satellite Distribution on Sex Chromosomes (XY1Y2) in the Dioecious Plant Rumex acetosa (2013)
Predictors of Online and Offline Sexual Activities and Behaviors Among Adolescents (2013)
Media Streams Planning with Transcoding (2013)
Pseudomonas prosekii sp. nov., a Novel Psychrotrophic Bacterium from Antarctica (2013)
Multi Resource Fairness: Problems and Challenges (2014)
Retrieving Similar Movements in Motion Capture Data (2013)
Qualitative modelling and analysis of Photosystem II (2013)
A Comprehensive Web-based Platform For Domain-Specific Biological Models (2013)
Flow-based Network Protection as an Integral Part of an Early Warning System (2011)
Knihovní brána pro zrakově postižené (2013)
Bioinformatika v štúdiu genómov a proteómov (ITAT 2013) (2013)
A Key-Pose Similarity Algorithm for Motion Data Retrieval (2013)
ITAT 2013: Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (Workshops, Posters, and Tutorials) (2013)
In silico search for secondary structures in p53 target genes using R/Bioconductor (2013)
Generovanie simulovaných testovacích dát pre genómové asociačné štúdie (2013)
Exploring Parameter Space of Stochastic Biochemical Systems Using Quantitative Model Checking (2013)
Parameter Estimation for LDA-Frames (2013)
百億語のコーパスを用いた日本語の語彙・文法情報のプロファイリング (2013)
The TenTen Corpus Family (2013)
Web Spam (2013)
Predicting Student Performance in Higher Education (2013)
Course Recommendation from Social Data (2014)
MEFANET 2012 – 6. konference lékařských fakult ČR a SR s mezinárodní účastí na téma e-learning a zdravotnická informatika ve výuce lékařských oborů (2012)
Interactive algorithms for teaching and learning acute medicine in the network of medical faculties MEFANET (2013)
'Follow me, I Want to be Your President'! Analysing the Czech Presidential Election Campaign on Facebook and Twitter (2013)
Discovering the networks: the use of social media in the 2013 Czech presidential elections. (2013)
First Direct Presidential Elections in the Czech Republic: Analysis of Electoral Campaigns (2013)
Testování při výuce medicíny. Konstrukce a analýza testů na lékařských fakultách. (2013)
Solvency Markov Decision Processes with Interest (2013)
Understanding the process of learning touch-screen mobile applications (2013)
Infrastructure of clinical cases for medical education (2013)
Visual Analytics in Environmental Research: A Survey on Challenges, Methods and Available Tools (2013)
arTenTen: a new, vast corpus for Arabic (2013)
Quadruplex-forming sequences occupy discrete regions inside plant LTR retrotransposons (2014)
Pán much (2013)
Perceived Importance and Influence of Online Groups in Early Adolescence: The Role of Intragroup Behavior and Patterns of Interaction (2013)
Personal Self-Disclosure in Online Communities: Role of Members´ Self-Disclosure, Online Disinhibition and Perceived Risk among Czech Adolescents (2013)
Risky online communities in the Czech Republic (2013)
Teenage blogosphere in the era of Facebook: a cluster analysis of what youth blog about (2013)
Fault Collapsing and Test Generation for a Circuit (2013)
Extent Matters: Exposure to Sexual Material Among Czech Adolescents (2013)
Sémantika a překlad (nejen Lockova "understanding") (2013)
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk: Univerzitní přednášky I. (2013)
A framework for monitoring and evaluation of learning processes (2013)
Pedestrian Localization in Closed Environments (2013)
Content-based annotation and classification framework: a general multi-purpose approach (2013)
Profibalet Labutí jezero (2013)
Face Index Application (2013)
New Multi-resource Fairshare Prioritization Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Computing Platforms (2013)
Modeling Students' Learning and Variability of Performance in Problem Solving (2013)
Automatic Detection of Concepts from Problem Solving Times (2013)
Kyberšikana: Průvodce novým fenoménem (2013)
Choice of Data Transfer Protocols in Remote Storage Applications (2013)
Trading Performance for Stability in Markov Decision Processes (2013)
Branching-time model-checking of probabilistic pushdown automata (2014)
An Investigation Into Teredo and 6to4 Transition Mechanisms: Traffic Analysis (2013)
Model Checking of Biological Systems (2013)
Web Application for Semantic Network Editing (2013)
Intrinsic Methods for Comparison of Corpora (2013)
Expanding Translation Memories: Proposal and Evaluation of Several Methods (2013)
Automatic classification of patterns from the Pattern Dictionary of English Verbs (2014)
User-friendly interface of error/correction-annotated corpus for both teachers and researchers (2013)
Fast Construction of a Word-Number Index for Large Data (2013)
Portable Lexical Analysis for Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages (2013)
Towards taggers and parsers for Slovak (2013)
Towards a System of Enhanced Transparency of Medical Curriculum (2013)
Type-based Search of Idiomatic Expression (2013)
Multi-level Clustering on Metric Spaces Using a Multi-GPU Platform (2013)
Preparing VerbaLex Printed Edition (2013)
Acquiring Data for Textual Entailment Recognition (2013)
Semi-automatic Theme-Rheme Identification (2013)
Typos in Czech Corpora (2013)
Methods for Detection of Word Usage over Time (2013)
Graph Mining for Automatic Classification of Logical Proofs (2013)
Tutoring and Automatic Evaluation of Logic Proofs (2013)
Robustness Analysis for Value-Freezing Signal Temporal Logic (2013)
Esther: Introducing an Online Platform for Parameter Identification of Boolean Networks (2013)
Person Tagging in Still Images by Fusing Face and Full-body Detections (2014)
Nová média jako nástroj politické kampaně v České republice: případová studie krajských a senátních voleb 2012 (2013)
Coping with cyberbullying: How can we prevent cyberbullying and how victims can cope with it (2013)
Optimizing User Oriented Job Scheduling within TORQUE (2013)
O čem a jak hovořil Václav Klaus ve svých projevech (2013)
Segmentace textu na věty (2012)
I-COPedu - Informační centrum onkologických pracovišť (2013)
The possibilities of using biological knowledge for filtering pairs of SNPs in GWAS studies: an exploratory study on public protein-interaction and pathway data. (2014)
Uneven distribution of potential triplex sequences in the human genome. In silico study using the R/Bioconductor package triplex. (2014)
Report on the 7th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security (AIMS 2013): Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet (2013)
AKUTNE.CZ algorithms and SEPSIS-Q scenarios as interactive tools for problem based learning sessions in medical education (2013)
Automatic Consumption Optimization with regard to the Green Premium Policy (2013)
Smart Home Modeling with Real Appliances (2014)
Integrating Renewable Energy Sources Using a Smart Household System (2013)
Fotografika (2003)
Zahájení komunikace (2005)
Nekompromisně napříč (2008)
Chrám konzumu (2013)
Trojice (2002)
Jazykové korpusy pomáhají s psaním textů (2014)
System Development for Simulation and Evaluation Emergencies (2012)
Preferential Binding of Hot Spot Mutant p53 Proteins to Supercoiled DNA In Vitro and in Cells (2013)
Effectiveness of coping strategies for victims of cyberbullying (2013)
Quadruplex-forming DNA sequences spread by retrotransposons may serve as genome regulators (2014)
Annotation Game for Textual Entailment Evaluation (2014)
Krajské volby 2012 (2013)
Rozbočovač komunikačního rozhraní (2013)
České prezidentské volby v roce 2013 (2013)
PtTenTen: A corpus for Portuguese lexicography (2014)
Informační systémy (1998)
Constructive Communication in International Teams: An Experience-Based Guide (2014)
The effect of biological shielding on fast neutron and photon transport in the VVER-1000 mock-up model placed in the LR-0 reactor (2013)
Zobrazovací jednotka pro INMAT 57 (2013)
Uspořádání dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému (2014)
Online spectrum processor (2013)
CLAN Photo Presenter: Multi-modal Summarization Tool for Image Collections (2014)
Detection of mixed fields of neutron and photon radiation using 3He and new scintillation materials (2013)
Proceedings of the Conference Universal Learning Design, Brno 2013 (2013)
NVG Client (2013)
Hybrid Book - A New Perspecitve of Synchronized Multimedia Content Publishing (2013)
Universal Access to Presentations and Lectures Using a Real-time Wireless System Distributing Speech-to-text Reports and Mirroring Presentation Screen to Enhance Legibility for Individuals (2013)
The Conference Universal Learning Design, Brno 2013 (2013)
Robustness Analysis of Stochastic Systems (2013)
STL*: Extending signal temporal logic with signal-value freezing operator (2014)
Student Scheduling for Bachelor State Examination (2013)
A Framework for Curriculum Management - The Use of Outcome-based Approach in Practice (2014)
Cloud-based Security Research Testbed: A DDoS Use Case (2014)
Enhancing Network Security: Host Trustworthiness Estimation (2014)
Performance Study of Independent Anchor Spaces for Similarity Searching (2014)
Onboarding strategies for mobile applications (2013)
Flow Monitoring Explained: From Packet Capture to Data Analysis With NetFlow and IPFIX (2014)
Next Generation Application-Aware Flow Monitoring (2014)
Behaviour of the Czech Suffix -ák – A Case Study (2012)
Korean Parsing in an Extended Categorial Grammar (2011)
Words’ Burstiness in Language Models (2011)
Frequency of Low-Frequency Words in Text Corpora (2010)
Legal Terms and Word Sketches - A Case Study (2010)
Temporal Aspects of Knowledge and Information (2009)
Finding Terms in Corpora for Many Languages with the Sketch Engine (2014)
Power Network Reliability Computations Using Multi-Agent Simulation (2012)
Curriculum planning and construction: How to combine outcome-based approach with process-oriented paradigm (2013)
WSNProtectLayer (2014)
Semantically Consistent Human Motion Segmentation (2014)
FaceMatch: Face Detection and Recognition Technology (2014)
The Influence of Social Data on Student Success Prediction (2014)
Solving adversarial patrolling games with bounded error: (extended abstract) (2014)
Extrinsic Corpus Evaluation with a Collocation Dictionary Task (2014)
Effective Corpus Virtualization (2014)
Multi-Resource Aware Fairsharing for Heterogeneous Systems (2015)
Robustness Analysis of Stochastic Biochemical Systems (2014)
Aplikace pro sběr a analýzu dat z dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému (2014)
On the dynamics and constraints of batch culture growth of the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142. (2012)
Experimental parametrization and validation of cyanobacterial cell models. (2012)
On the dynamics and constraints of batch culture growth of two cyanobacterial unicellular strains: Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. (2012)
Unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and its recombinant strain with ethylene forming gene: growth optimization and ethylene production. (2012)
Model and validation of mass transfer and cyanobacterial growth in a flat-panel photobioreactor. (2011)
Verification of Markov Decision Processes using Learning Algorithms (2014)
Technologie pro zpřístupnění výuky matematiky zrakově postiženým na Masarykově univerzitě (2012)
General Solutions for MTTF and Steady-State Availability of NMR Systems (2014)
Application of Digital Signal Processing in Discrimination of Neutrons and Gamma Rays (2014)
ClassificatorScript - Aplikace pro zpracování surových dat z dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému (2014)
Dialogue-based Information Retrieval from Images (2014)
Křesťanství v perspektivě 1700-letého výročí milánského "ediktu" (2014)
Rank Aggregation of Candidate Sets for Efficient Similarity Search (2014)
Privacy-preserving Outsourced Similarity Search (2014)
8th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2014) (2014)
A database of semantic clusters of verb usages (2012)
Biochemical Space: A Framework for Systemic Annotation of Biological Models (2014)
The Sketch Engine: ten years on (2014)
Weak Student Identification: How Technology Can Help (2014)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 17th International Conference TSD 2014, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-12, 2014 (2014)
Rapid prototyping of a web categorization tool (2014)
Media Streams Planning with Uncertain Link Capacities (2014)
A Counter/Discriminator of Neutrons and Gamma Rays (2014)
Quick algorithms for real-time discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays (2015)
Moderní trendy v problematice testování (2014)
HindEnCorp – Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation (2014)
Towards Academic Analytics by Means of Motion Charts (2014)
Analysis of Student Retention and Drop-out using Visual Analytics (2014)
Visual Analytics for Increasing Efficiency of Higher Education Institutions (2014)
NEEMP – Tool for parameterization of empirical charge calculation method EEM (2014)
Disambiguating Verbs by Collocation: Corpus Lexicography meets Natural Language Processing (2014)
Identifying Operating System Using Flow-based Traffic Fingerprinting (2014)
Detection of DNS Traffic Anomalies in Large Networks (2014)
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen Usnea antarctica. II. Analysis of non-photochemical quenching mechanisms activated by low to medium light doses (2014)
Graph Mining and Outlier Detection Meet Logic Proof Tutoring (2014)
Graph Mining for Automatic Classification of Logical Proofs (2014)
Educational data mining for analysis of students’ solutions (2014)
Automatic Adaptation of Author's Stylometric Features to Document Types (2014)
A Survey on Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (2014)
Local Search Heuristics for Media Streams Planning with Transcoding (2014)
Digitalization of spectrometric system for mixed field of radiation (2014)
Capacity of Antarctic lichen Xanthoria elegans to synthetize photoprotective secondary compounds is affected by supplemetary UV-B doses (2014)
Daily courses of dissolved oxygen in two microbial-rich Antarctic lakes as affected by photosynthetically active radiation and water temperature (2014)
Photosynthetic studies on Antarctic autotrophs from James Ross Island: Field and aboratory experience (2014)
Simultaneous measurements of PSII activity and thallus temperature during linear cooling. A method to assess interspecific differences in photosynthetic processes in lichens from polar regions. (2014)
Changes in spectral properties and chlorophyll fluorescence of Nostoc commune colonies from Svalbard during dehydration and supplemental UV-B stress (2014)
Changes in photosynthesis, pigment composition and glutathione contents in two Antarctic lichens during a light stress and recovery (2014)
Characterization of evolutionary changes to study and engineering of green microalgae (2014)
Adaptive Practice of Facts in Domains with Varied Prior Knowledge (2014)
DISA at ImageCLEF 2014: The search-based solution for scalable image annotation (2014)
DISA at ImageCLEF 2014 Revised: Search-based Image Annotation with DeCAF Features (2014)
MDPV - Metric Distance Permutation Vocabulary (2015)
Paraphrase and Textual Entailment Generation (2014)
Paraphrase and Textual Entailment Generation in Czech (2014)
Přelet nad kukaččím hnízdem (2014)
Ontology Based Strategies for Supporting Communication within Social Networks (2014)
Safety Evaluation of Parallel, Standby, and NMR Systems (2014)
Uspořádání vícecestného dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému (2015)
Indoor Pedestrian Localization for Mobile Devices : The model (2014)
ART: Nástroj na určování autorství (2014)
Classification of online problematic situations in the context of youths’ development (2014)
Educational data mining for analysis of students’ solutions (2014)
Emission prediction of a thermal power plant (2014)
Using Problem Solving Times and Expert Opinion to Detect Skills (2014)
Mapping Problems to Skills Combining Expert Opinion and Student Data (2014)
Minimizing Running Costs in Consumption Systems (2014)
Zero-reachability in probabilistic multi-counter automata (2014)
ECOSYS 2014 - Functioning of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems in Changing Environment (2014)
Digitalized two parametric system for gamma/neutron spectrometry (2014)
Digital spectrometric system for characterization of mixed neutron – gamma field in the experimental reactor LR-0 (2016)
Characterization of the Graphite Pile as a Source of Thermal Neutrons (2014)
Implementace diskriminačních metod pro dvouparametrický gama/neutronový spektrometr (2014)
Implementace metod zpracování signálu do FPGA karty COMBOI-ADC4 dvouparametrického spektrometru (2014)
Rozšíření aplikace pro ovládání dvouparametrického spektrometru o zpracování on-line dat (2014)
arTenTen: Arabic Corpus and Word Sketches (2014)
Information Extraction for Czech Based on Syntactic Analysis (2014)
Character-based Language Model (2014)
A System for Predictive Writing (2014)
One System to Solve Them All (2014)
Improving Coverage of Translation Memories with Language Modelling (2014)
Optimization of Regular Expression Evaluation within the Manatee Corpus Management System (2014)
Low Inter-Annotator Agreement = An Ill-Defined Problem? (2014)
SkELL: Web Interface for English Language Learning (2014)
Text Tokenisation Using unitok (2014)
Finding the Best Name for a Set of Words Automatically (2014)
Style Markers Based on Stop-word List (2014)
Intelligent Search and Replace for Czech Phrases (2014)
SQAD: Simple Question Answering Database (2014)
Semiautomatic Building and Extension of Terminological Thesaurus for Land Surveying Domain (2014)
Mapping Czech and English Valency Lexicons: Preliminary Report (2014)
Guanine quadruplexes are formed by specific regions of human transposable elements (2014)
Obžerný opus na hraně prózy a diagnózy (2014)
Ultradian metabolic rhythm in the diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp ATCC 51142 (2013)
On the dynamics and constraints of batch culture growth of the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp ATCC 51142 (2012)
Computer applications systems and networks for medical education : MEFANET: Czech and Slovak Medical Faculties Network (2014)
Partial Grammar Checking for Czech Using the SET Parser (2014)
Hledání autora (2014)
MotionMatch: Motion Recognition Technology (2014)
Visual Concept Ontology for Image Annotations (2014)
Kritické reflexe literárního textu: S anděly i bez nich na sviňu svět (2014)
Efficient Analysis of Probabilistic Programs with an Unbounded Counter (2014)
T. G. Masaryk, Univerzitní přednášky II (2014)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2014)
Why are papers about filters on residuated structures (usually) trivial? (2014)
Fuzzy t-filters and their properties (2014)
Runtime analysis of probabilistic programs with unbounded recursion (2015)
Towards Fast Multimedia Feature Extraction: Hadoop or Storm (2014)
Characterization of a model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 autotrophic growth in a flat-panel photobioreactor. (2015)
A flexible denormalization technique for data analysis above a deeply-structured relational database: biomedical applications (2015)
Building large corpora and tools for computer lexicography (2014)
Comparative analysis of heterogeneity of primary photosynthetic processes within fruticose lichen thalli: Preliminary study of interspecific differences (2014)
Diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity of the biological soil crust and lichen: Effects of abiotic factors (Petuniabukta, Svalbard) (2014)
The impact of digital media on health: children’s perspectives (2015)
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2013 (2013)
Gradient of algal and cyanobacterial assemblages in a temporary lake with melting water at Solorina Valley, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Application of Time Decay Functions and the Elo System in Student Modeling (2014)
A Brief Overview of Metrics for Evaluation of Student Models (2014)
Markov Decision Processes with Multiple Long-Run Average Objectives (2014)
Bioinformatics Summer School 2014: Theoretical and practical aspects of processing and analysis of sequencing data (2014)
Monitoring of climate variability and permafrost active layer properties on James Ross Island, Maritime Antarctica (2014)
Master State Examination Timetabling (2014)
Stochastic Modelling of the Interface between Regulatory Enzymes and Transcription Initiation at Inducible Genes (2014)
CyanoNetwork workshop - Cyanobacterium in silico 2015 (2015)
Scalable Similarity Search for Big Data - Challenges and Research Objectives (2015)
DysTest – Baterie testů pro diagnostiku specifických poruch učení u studentů vysokých škol a uchazečů o vysokoškolské studium. Manuál administrátora (2014)
DysTest – Baterie testů pro diagnostiku specifických poruch učení u studentů vysokých škol a uchazečů o vysokoškolské studium (2014)
Proceedings of the Conference Universal Learning Design, Paris 2014 (2014)
DysTest – Baterie testů pro diagnostiku specifických poruch učení u studentů vysokých škol a uchazečů o vysokoškolské studium. Manuál administrátora (2014)
Kahudův temný dialog se čtenářem (2015)
Interactive Visualizations of Corpus Data in Sketch Engine (2015)
OPTIMED Platform: Curriculum Harmonisation System for Medical and Healthcare Education (2015)
A short note on t-filters, I-filters and extended filters on residuated lattices (2015)
Impact of Adaptive Educational System Behaviour on Student Motivation (2015)
Management and Publishing of Multimedia Dictionary of the Czech Sign Language (2015)
Compact Representation of Photosynthesis Dynamics by Rule-based Models (2015)
Children’s privacy management on social network sites (2015)
An Analysis of Response Times in Adaptive Practice of Geography Facts (2015)
Exploring the Role of Small Differences in Predictive Accuracy using Simulated Data (2015)
Safe Path Planning Using Cell Decomposition Approximation (2015)
Collided path replanning in dynamic environments using RRT and Cell decomposition algorithms (2015)
Characterization of the graphite pile as a source of thermal neutrons (2015)
Pulse-shape discrimination of the new plastic scintillators in neutron–gamma mixed field using fast digitizer card (2015)
Comparison of fast neutron spectra in graphite and FLINA salt inserted in well-defined core assembled in LR-0 reactor (2015)
Advanced Persistent Threat and Spear Phishing Emails (2015)
Motion Images: An Effective Representation of Motion Capture Data for Similarity Search (2015)
Face Image Retrieval Revisited (2015)
Practical use of medical terminology in curriculum mapping (2015)
Assessing similarity models for human-motion retrieval applications (2016)
Interaction among Students with Physical Disabilities in Inclusive Physical Education in Czech Elementary Schools (2015)
Counterexample Explanation by Learning Small Strategies in Markov Decision Processes (2015)
Improving Kinect-Skeleton Estimation (2015)
Polysemy and Synonymy in Syntactic Dependency Networks (2017)
Sbírka řešených úloh z logiky pro informatiky (2015)
The role of information technologies in medical curriculum harmonisation (2015)
Narrow passage identification using cell decomposition approximation and minimum spanning tree (2015)
DEBWrite: Free Customizable Web-based Dictionary Writing System (2015)
Longest-commonest Match (2015)
SemEval-2015 Task 15: A CPA dictionary-entry-building task (2015)
Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: linking lexical data in the digital age. Proceedings of the eLex 2015 conference (2015)
Multi-modal Person Identification (2015)
Nonlinear vs. linear biasing in Trp-cage folding simulations (2015)
Accurate Fitting SAXS Curves with NMR Structure Ensembles (2015)
Coloured Model Checking Approach to Parameter Synthesis for Executable Models in Synthetic Biology (2015)
Model for Performance Analysis of Distributed Stream Processing Applications (2015)
Malicious File Hash Detection and Drive-by Download Attacks (2016)
Object Oriented Formulation of Classical Graphics Algorithms (1994)
Increasing Coverage of Translation Memories with Linguistically Motivated Segment Combination Methods (2015)
Turkic Language Support in Sketch Engine (2015)
Transposable elements and G-quadruplexes (2015)
Deriv— softwarový nástroj pro testování mezí a možností automatické slovotvorné analýzy (2015)
Multicast Routing for High-Quality Multimedia Environments: Deployment and New Problems (2015)
Real-life Curriculum-based Timetabling with Elective Courses and Course Sections (2016)
DNS Query Failure and Algorithmically Generated Domain-Flux Detection (2014)
Tor-based Malware and Tor Connection Detection (2014)
DNS Traffic Analysis for Malicious Domains Detection (2015)
Planning for distributed workflows: constraint-based coscheduling of computational jobs and data placement in distributed environments (2015)
A Metaheuristic for Optimizing the Performance and the Fairness in Job Scheduling Systems (2015)
Planning and optimization in TORQUE resource manager (2015)
Parameter Synthesis by Parallel Coloured CTL Model Checking (2015)
Parameter Synthesis by Model Checking in Formal Biochemical Space (2015)
High-Performance Discrete Bifurcation Analysis for Piecewise-Affine Dynamical Systems (2015)
Biochemical Space: A Language for Formal Description and Annotation of Complex Biological Processes (2015)
Stochastic Modelling of the Interface between Regulatory Enzymes and Transcription Initiation at Inducible Genes (2015)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2015)
PC Member of HSB 2015 (2015)
Fourth International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (2015)
PC Member of SASB 2015 (2015)
Model Checking in Systems Biology (2014)
From Formal Methods to Systems Biology (2014)
PC Member of SASB 2014 (2014)
PC Member of HSB 2014 (2014)
PC Member of MEMICS 2014 (2014)
Exploring Medical Curricula Using Social Network Analysis Methods (2015)
Student Models for Prior Knowledge Estimation (2015)
Use of Time Information in Models behind Adaptive Practice System for Building Fluency in Mathematics (2015)
Improving Sketches for Similarity Search (2015)
Optimizing Performance of Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems Using Timeout Synthesis (2015)
Online identifikace kritických úseků pozemních komunikací pomocí siťových analýz (2015)
POSTER: Network Based Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Detection (2014)
Corpus Based Extraction of Hypernyms in Terminological Thesaurus for Land Surveying Domain (2015)
Proposed Approach for Targeted Attacks Detection (2016)
Blacklist-based Malicious IP Traffic Detection (2015)
Towards Automatic Finding of Word Sense Changes in Time (2015)
Bilingual Terminology Extraction in Sketch Engine (2015)
Software and Data for Corpus Pattern Analysis (2015)
A Versatile Algorithm for Predictive Graph Rule Mining (2015)
Converting the Corpus Query Language to the Natural Language (2015)
Class-Based Outlier Detection: Staying Zombies or Awaiting for Resurrection? (2015)
Economic Aspects of Multi-Source Demand-Side Consumption Optimization in the Smart Home Concept (2015)
Slavonic Corpus for Stylometry Research (2015)
Style & Identity Recognition (2015)
Concurrent Processing of Text Corpus Queries (2015)
Semantic Regularity of Derivational Relations (2015)
AST: New Tool for Logical Analysis of Sentences based on Transparent Intensional Logic (2015)
TIL as Hyperintensional Logic for Natural Language Analysis (2015)
Generating Czech Iambic Verse (2015)
Curriculum Mapping with Academic Analytics in Medical and Healthcare Education (2015)
Technologie pro využití obsahu tezauru pro publikační účely (2015)
Terminologický tezaurus pro obor zeměměřictví a katastru nemovitostí: Certifikovaná metodika (2015)
Webová služba pro publikaci obsahu tezauru (2015)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
On Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Tasks: Is Gold Standard Evaluation Methodology a Good Solution? (2016)
An Experiment with Theme–Rheme Identification (2014)
Walking the tightrope between linguistics and language engineering (2017)
Long-Run Average Behaviour of Probabilistic Vector Addition Systems (2015)
MultiGain: A Controller Synthesis Tool for MDPs with Multiple Mean-Payoff Objectives (2015)
To the memory of Adam Kilgarriff (2015)
Sbírka řešených úloh z logiky pro informatiky (2015)
Hybrid Systems Biology Fourth International Workshop, HSB 2015, Madrid, Spain, September 4-5, 2015. Revised Selected Papers (2015)
Deriv— softwarový nástroj pro testování mezí a možností automatické slovotvorné analýzy (2015)
Search-based image annotation: Extracting semantics from similar images (2015)
Current projects and challenges at Masaryk University (2015)
WiFiBeacon – Proximity Aware Information Delivery (2015)
Automatické generování japonsko-českého slovníku (2013)
Bluetooth Beacon Network Suitability for Crisis Management (2016)
DEBVisDic: Instant Wordnet Building (2016)
Performance Analysis of Distributed Stream Processing Applications Through Colored Petri Nets (2016)
Matematická biologie: e-learningová učebnice [online]. (2015)
Hammock: a hidden Markov model-based peptide clustering algorithm to identify protein-interaction consensus motifs in large datasets (2016)
Changes of Czech Law Demonstrated by Corpus Evidence (2015)
Vizualizace velkých dat (2015)
Student Modeling Based on Problem Solving Times (2015)
Metrics for Evaluation of Student Models (2015)
Neutron-Gamma Classification by Evolutionary Fuzzy Rules and Support Vector Machines (2015)
Systém pro detekci jaderného záření, zejména při letištním tranzitu (2015)
Spektrometrický systém pro detekci gama záření (2015)
Real world evidence: a form of big data, transforming healthcare data into actionable real time (2015)
Modeling Students' Memory for Application in Adaptive Educational Systems (2015)
Model for planning of distributed data production (2015)
Rozvrhování předmětů na Masarykově univerzitě (2015)
Efficient Image Search with Neural Net Features (2015)
Large-scale Image Retrieval using Neural Net Descriptors (2015)
University course timetabling: From theory to practice (2015)
Discovering communities of similar R&D projects (2015)
Retrieval, visualization and validation of affinities between documents (2015)
Generic Private Social Network for Knowledge Management (2015)
Internetová jazyková příručka (2011)
Significant reliability improvement of NMR systems (2015)
Similarity Searching for the Big Data Challenges and Research Objectives (2015)
Neutron and Gamma Spectrometry in the Research Reactor LR-0 (2015)
Řídicí systém pro malý ostrovní systém založeny na agentním principu (2013)
European Union Language Resources in Sketch Engine (2016)
Graded and Word-Sense-Disambiguation Decisions in Corpus Pattern Analysis: a Pilot Study (2016)
Optimizing Query Performance with Inverted Cache in Metric Spaces (2016)
PPP-Codes for Large-Scale Similarity Searching (2016)
VPS-GradeUp: Graded Decisions on Usage Patterns (2016)
Effects of Isoflavone-Enriched Feed on the Rumen Microbiota in Dairy Cows (2016)
Automatic Keyword Extraction from Medical and Healthcare Curriculum (2016)
Word2vec in practice: A similarity analysis of medical and healthcare disciplines (2016)
Dravci z Kénigu (divadelní hra o 17 obrazech) (2016)
NEEMP – nástroj pro parametrizaci EEM (2016)
Individual differences associated with exposure to ‘‘ana-mia’’ websites: An examination of adolescents from 25 European countries (2016)
Prevention awareness: the way towards a healthy lifestyle (2016)
Similarity Searching in Long Sequences of Motion Capture Data (2016)
Sketch Engine for Bilingual Lexicography (2016)
Evaluation of an Adaptive Practice System for Learning Geography Facts (2016)
Impact of Data Collection on Interpretation and Evaluation of Student Models (2016)
Impact of Question Difficulty on Engagement and Learning (2016)
Evaluation of the Impact of Question Difficulty on Engagement and Learning (2016)
Deep insight into secretome and transcriptome of Trichinella spiralis and Trichinela pseudospiralis (2016)
Parametrizace ekvalizace elektronegativity metodou diferenciální evoluce (2016)
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2012: Proceedings Part II (2012)
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2012: Proceedings Part I (2012)
Properties and Applications of Wrong Answers in Online Educational Systems (2016)
Pilotní projekt aplikace zážitkové výchovy ke zdravému životnímu stylu (2016)
Choosing a Student Model for a Real World Application (2016)
What is More Important for Student Modeling: Domain Structure or Response Times? (2016)
Parallel SMT-Based Parameter Synthesis with Application to Piecewise Multi-Affine Systems (2016)
High-Performance Symbolic Parameter Synthesis of Biological Models: A Case Study (2016)
Enhancing Similarity Search Throughput by Dynamic Query Reordering (2016)
RuSkELL: Online Language Learning Tool for Russian Language (2016)
What Do Graded Decisions Tell Us about Verb Uses (2016)
Multilingual CPA: Linking Verb Patterns across Languages (2016)
Semantic word sketches (2015)
English-French Document Alignment Based on Keywords and Statistical Translation (2016)
Sketch Engine for English Language Learning (2015)
DIACRAN: a framework for diachronic analysis (2015)
Longest-commonest match (2015)
Toward Modelling and Analysis of Transient and Sustained Behaviour of Signalling Pathways (2016)
Lexicographic Tools to Build New Encyclopaedia of the Czech Language (2016)
Annotated Amharic Corpora (2016)
AQA: Automatic Question Answering System for Czech (2016)
Social Engineering Attack Strategies and Defence Approaches (2016)
A Survey on Network Security Monitoring Systems (2016)
Visual Anomaly Detection in Educational Data (2016)
Building Corpora for Stylometric Research (2016)
Mohla nám zůstat Masarykova náboženská víra jako živý odkaz? (2014)
Proceedings of the Conference Universal Learning Design, Linz 2016 (2016)
Speeding up Similarity Search by Sketches (2016)
Evaluation and Improvements in Punctuation Detection for Czech (2016)
Annotation of Czech Texts with Language Mixing (2016)
DGRMiner: Anomaly Detection and Explanation in Dynamic Graphs (2016)
MEMICS 2016. 11th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2016)
A Model Checking Approach to Discrete Bifurcation Analysis (2016)
Elo-based Learner Modeling for the Adaptive Practice of Facts (2017)
Adaptive Geography Practice Data Set (2016)
Strojové učení pro analýzu rodinného podnikání (2016)
Graph Mining: Applications (invited talk) (2016)
Finding Definitions in Large Corpora with Sketch Engine (2016)
Compact hybrid real-time hyperspectral imaging system with high effective spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution (2016)
ScaleText: The Design of a Scalable, Adaptable and User-Friendly Document System for Similarity Searches : Digging for Nuggets of Wisdom in Text (2016)
VVER-1000 Physics Experiments Hexagonal Lattices (1.275 cm Pitch) of Low Enriched U(3.3 wt.% U235)O2 Fuel Assemblies in Light Water with Graphite and Fluoride Salt Insertions in Central Assembly (2016)
Measurement and calculation of fast neutron and gamma spectra in well defined cores in LR-0 reactor (2017)
ScaleText (2016)
Between Comparable and Parallel: English-Czech Corpus from Wikipedia (2016)
Czech Grammar Agreement Dataset for Evaluation of Language Models (2016)
Response function calculator for hydrogen filled proportional detector (2016)
Pre-processing Large Resources for Family Names Research (2016)
How to Present NLP Topics to Children? (2016)
Data Structures in Lexicography: from Trees to Graphs (2016)
E-Cyanobacterium.org: A Web-Based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2016)
Bilingual Logical Analysis of Natural Language Sentences (2016)
Options for Automatic Creation of Dictionary Definitions from Corpora (2016)
Evaluating Natural Language Processing Tasks with Low Inter-Annotator Agreement: The Case of Corpus Applications (2016)
Terminology Extraction for Academic Slovene Using Sketch Engine (2016)
Large Scale Keyword Extraction using a Finite State Backend (2016)
Evaluation of the Sketch Engine Thesaurus on Analogy Queries (2016)
Optimizing the Expected Mean Payoff in Energy Markov Decision Processes (2016)
Stability in Graphs and Games (2016)
Trading performance for stability in Markov decision processes (2017)
Tool for apparatus spectrum deconvolution (2016)
DSL Shared task 2016: Perfect Is The Enemy of Good Language Discrimination Through Expectation-Maximization and Chunk-based Language Model (2016)
Semi-automatic mining of correlated data from a complex database: Correlation network visualization (2016)
Stochastic Shortest Path with Energy Constraints in POMDPs: (Extended Abstract) (2016)
Policy Learning for Time-Bounded Reachability in Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes via Doubly-Stochastic Gradient Ascent (2016)
Youth interaction with online strangers : experiences and reactions to unknown people on the Internet (2018)
p53 Specifically Binds Triplex DNA In Vitro and in Cells (2016)
Finding overlapping terms in medical and health care curriculum using text mining methods: rehabilitation representation – a proof of concept (2017)
Wordnet (2016)
Common sense (2016)
Designing Sketches for Similarity Filtering (2016)
Nový encyklopedický slovník češtiny (2016)
Inherent Fusion: Towards Scalable Multi-Modal Similarity Search (2016)
Towards a metadata infrastructure for online dictionaries (2017)
Život ve zdraví jako výzva především mozku? (2016)
Eating online: Professionals' perceptions of links among eating disorders and online behavior (2016)
Applications of the Elo rating system in adaptive educational systems (2016)
Similarity searching for Database Applications (2016)
Children’s Experiences and Awareness about Impact of Digital Media on Health (2018)
Youth’s experiences with online strangers: Developmental perspective (2016)
Children’s and adolescent´s experiences and awareness about impact of technology on health (2016)
„Primární“ těžiště ke zdraví žáka je v učiteli (2015)
Speeding up the multimedia feature extraction: a comparative study on the big data approach (2017)
Analysis of Trends in Data on Transit Bus Dwell Times (2017)
Popularity-Based Ranking for Fast Approximate kNN Search (2017)
Simulations and study of a new scheduling approach for distributed data production (2016)
Has the Answerable Time Come to Us to Find a Globally Satisfactory Human Solution of Religious Questions? (2017)
Teacher-oriented Fairness in Course Timetabling (2016)
Online Problems in Timetabling: Bus Priority at Signalised Junctions (2016)
Network Flows for Data Distribution and Computation (2016)
Word2vec Based System for Recognizing Partial Textual Entailment (2016)
Protokol o testování plastického detektoru v poli radionuklidu Cf-252 (2016)
Protokol o testování proporcionálního detektoru v poli radionuklidu Cf-252 (2016)
pqsfinder: identification of potential quadruplex forming sequences (2017)
Enhancing Similarity-Based Authorship Verification using Corpus (2017)
Formal Biochemical Space with Semantics in Kappa and BNGL (2016)
Neutron/gamma-ray discrimination through measures of fit (2016)
An Ríomhaire Ilteangach (2017)
Optimum filter-based discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays (2016)
Digital data processing of stilbene (2013)
Blind Friendly Maps — Tactile Maps for the Blind as a Part of the Public Map Portal (Mapy.cz) (2016)
Web Guide to Physical Accessibility of Buildings (2016)
From Electronical Questionnaires to Accessible Maths on Web (2016)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 15th International Conference, ICCHP 2016, Linz, Austria, July 13–15, 2016. Part I (2016)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 15th International Conference, ICCHP 2016, Linz, Austria, July 13–15, 2016. Part II (2016)
Ústavní soudci v kvantitativní perspektivě (2017)
Zdeněk Kožmín jako inspirátor svých studentů (2016)
TSD 2016, 19th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (2016)
Behaviour of Collocations in the Language of Legal Subdomains (2014)
Legal Electronic Dictionary for Czech (2012)
The Possibilities of Filtering Pairs of SNPs in GWAS Studies Exploratory Study on Public Protein-interaction and Pathway Data (2014)
Effective and Efficient Similarity Searching in Motion Capture Data (2018)
Advokáti před Ústavním soudem: zaručuje jejich zkušenost úspěch? (2017)
Fast Subsequence Matching in Motion Capture Data (2017)
ARResT/Interrogate: an interactive immunoprofiler for IG/TR NGS data (2017)
HaBiT system (2017)
Set of Ethiopian Web Corpora (2016)
Corpus Annotation Tool (2017)
Malicious SSL Certificate Detection: A Step Towards Advanced Persistent Threat Defence (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Katyně (2017)
Cultivation of photoautotrophic plant suspension cultures in photobioreactors. (2015)
pqsfinder: an exhaustive and imperfection-tolerant search tool for potential quadruplex-forming sequences in R (2017)
Measurement of Neutron Spectra in a Silicon Filtered Neutron Beam Using Stilbene Detectors at the LVR-15 Research Reactor (2017)
The advent of post-editing lexicography (2017)
Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search Using Fulltext Search Engines (2017)
Measuring Similarity of Educational Items Using Data on Learners’ Performance (2017)
Pithya: A Parallel Tool for Parameter Synthesis of Piecewise Multi-Affine Dynamical Systems (2017)
Detecting Attractors in Biological Models with Uncertain Parameters (2017)
Parameter Synthesis of Biological Models by Model Checking: A Case Study (2017)
PITHYA: High-Performance Parameter Synthesis for Biological Models (2017)
Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multigroup Multicast Routing under Uncertainty (2018)
Lexonomy (2017)
Ar thairseach na haoise digití: mionteangacha agus an ríomhaireacht (2017)
How (not) to build a European Dictionary Portal (2017)
Introducing Lexonomy: an open-source dictionary writing and publishing system (2017)
European Dictionary Portal (2016)
Accelerating Corpus Search Using Multiple Cores (2017)
Biochemical Space: A Language for Formal Description and Annotation of Complex Biological Processes (2016)
Biochemical Space: A Framework for Formal Description and Annotation of Complex Biological Processes (2017)
Fast Digital Spectrometer for Mixed Radiation Fields (2017)
Fast Two Parametric Spectrometric System For Experimental MSR/FHR Reactor Dosimetry (2018)
Předseda hodnoticího panelu P103 oborové komise technických věd, Grantová agentura ČR (2013)
člen panelu P103 (2013)
člen panelu P103. : GAČR (2008)
člen podoborové komise č. 102 (Elektrotechnika a kybernetika) oborové komise Technické vědy Grantové agentury České republiky (2006)
předseda podoborové komise č. 102 (Elektrotechnika a kybernetika) oborové komise Technické vědy, Grantové agentury České republiky (2008)
předseda Panelu kybernetiky a zpracování informace (panel 103) Oborové komise technických věd (OK1) Grantové agentury České republiky (2009)
předseda Oborové komise technických věd ( OK1 ) Grantové agentury České republiky (2009)
člen vědecké rady Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky VUT Brno (1992)
Towards High Similarity Search Throughput by Dynamic Query Reordering and Parallel Processing (2017)
Analysis of gene expression and protein synthesis related to hypobiosis of Teladorsagia circumcincta (2017)
Člen oborové komise A FRVŠ (2012)
Fusion Strategies for Large-Scale Multi-modal Image Retrieval (2017)
ConceptRank for search-based image annotation (2018)
A Real-Time Annotation of Motion Data Streams (2017)
Enhancing Effectiveness of Descriptors for Searching and Recognition in Motion Capture Data (2017)
A Web Application for Subsequence Matching in 3D Human Motion Data (2017)
Is it important to talk about technologies with eating disorder clients? The health-care professional perspective (2019)
Rules of engagement : Family rules on young children’s access to and use of technologies (2018)
The roles, technologies play in family life, and how parents manage technology use (2014)
Dealing with meeting strangers danger: Children´s perspectives (2015)
Byl jednou jeden tablet: Děti do 6 - 8 let a digitální technologie. (2016)
Eating Disorders and Digital Technologies (2017)
Who are mobile app users from healthy lifestyle websites? Analysis of patterns of app use and user characteristics (2017)
Členy rady doktorského studijního oboru 4I2 Softwarové systémy (2016)
Cache and Priority Queue Based Approximation Technique for a Stream of Similarity Search Queries (2017)
Timely Feedback in Unstructured Cybersecurity Exercises (2018)
Sketches with Unbalanced Bits for Similarity Search (2017)
Experimental Analysis of Mastery Learning Criteria (2017)
Overview and Future of Czech Wordnet (2017)
Model Checking Approach to Discrete Bifurcation Analysis (2017)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2017)
Lexicography and Natural Language Processing (2017)
Text Punctuation: An Inter-annotator Agreement Study (2017)
Jan Skácel v interpretaci Josefa Prokeše (2017)
Sentence and Word Embedding Employed in Open Question-Answering (2018)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2017)
Biochemical Space: A framework for formal description and annotation of complex biological processes (2017)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2017)
Automated Identification of Domain Preferences of Collocations (2017)
Discrete Bifurcation Analysis with Pithya (2017)
Pavel Materna a třísložková teorie jazyka (2015)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 19th International Conference TSD 2016, Brno, Czech Republic, September 12-16, 2016 (2016)
TSD 2014, 17th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (2014)
TSD 2012, 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (2012)
Functions of mHealth applications : A user’s perspective (2019)
Mediation of young children’s digital technology use : The parents’ perspective (2017)
Biochemical Space: A Language for Formal Description and Annotation of Complex Biological Processes (2015)
Children’s Perspectives: Perceived Impacts of Digital Media on Health (2017)
Mediation strategies of parents with 7-8 years old children (2017)
The Credibility of Online Health Information from the Perspective of Adolescents and Young Adults: Quantitative and Qualitative Examination. (2017)
Provenance-aware optimization of workload for distributed data production (2017)
Response function calculator for organic scintillation detectors (2017)
Manipulative Propaganda Techniques: Technical Report (2017)
ClasificatorScript - leading edge (2017)
HTS 1.0 (2017)
Idiomatic Expressions in VerbaLex (2017)
Visual Descriptors in Methods for Video Hyperlinking (2017)
Recognition of Invoices from Scanned Documents (2017)
New features in DEBVisDic for WordNet Visualization and User Feedback (2017)
Preliminary Thoughts on Issues of Modeling Japanese Dictionaries Using the OntoLex Model (2017)
The Ordered-triple Theory of Language: Its History and the Current Context (2017)
Multilinguality Adaptations of Natural Language Logical Analyzer (2017)
Enlargement of the Czech Question-Answering Dataset to SQAD v2.0 (2017)
KernelTagger – a PoS Tagger for Very Small Amount of Training Data (2017)
Indirect method to estimate distance measurement based on single visual cameras (2017)
Acceleration of Mean Square Distance Calculations with Floating Close Structure in Metadynamics Simulations (2018)
Noc vědců FF MU 2017 (2017)
Protokol o testování plastického scintilátoru v dobře popsaných neutronových polích (2017)
Nástroj pro oddělení fotonové a neutronové odezvy plastického scintilátoru (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data (2017)
Gastrointestinal microbiome in patients with primary immune deficiencies (2017)
GLASS:assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Rapid automatic vehicle manufacturer recognition using Random forest (2017)
Evaluation of Learners' Adjustment of Question Difficulty in Adaptive Practice of Facts (2017)
Should We Give Learners Control Over Item Difficulty? (2017)
Bayesian knowledge tracing, logistic models, and beyond: an overview of learner modeling techniques (2017)
WalDis: Mining Discriminative Patterns within Dynamic Graphs (2017)
Digitální spektrometr (2017)
Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast (2018)
GLASS (2017)
Experimental large-scale review of attractors for detection of potentially unwanted applications (2018)
Efficient Algorithms for Asymptotic Bounds on Termination Time in VASS (2018)
The perceived importance of credibility cues for the assessment of the trustworthiness of online information by visitors of health-related websites : The role of individual factors (2018)
Professionals’ Reflections About the Impact of Digital Technologies on Eating Disorders (2018)
Software Tools for Big Data Resources in Family Names Dictionaries (2018)
Searching for Variable-Speed Motions in Long Sequences of Motion Capture Data (2019)
Measuring predictive performance of user models: The details matter (2017)
Quality Management in Big Data (2018)
Planning of distributed data production for High Energy and Nuclear Physics (2018)
Funkční vzorek rychlé analýzy přijímaných rádiových signálů modulárního odpověďového rušiče (2016)
Je dnes na „českou otázku“ uspokojivá „česká“ odpověď? (2017)
Unfolding of Parametric Boolean Networks (2018)
7th International Workshop on Static Analysis and Systems Biology (SASB 2016) (2018)
Knowledge-based System for Assessing Vitality of Family Businesses in the Czech Republic (2017)
Probabilistic Classification of Skeleton Sequences (2018)
Speeding up Continuous kNN Join by Binary Sketches (2018)
Continuous Time-Dependent kNN Join by Binary Sketches (2018)
Sampling-based Motion Planning for Tracking Evolution of Dynamic Tunnels in Molecular Dynamics Simulations (2019)
Úvod do VHDL (2017)
Authoring Semantic Annotations for Non-Visual Access to Graphics (2018)
Distributed Corpus Search (2018)
Selecting Sketches for Similarity Search (2018)
Recognition of OCR Invoice Metadata Block Types (2018)
Binary Sketches for Secondary Filtering (2019)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2016)
BCSgen: Biochemical Space language software tool (2017)
Towards Artificial Priority Queues for Similarity Query Execution (2018)
Vznésti se s andělem (2018)
WalDis: Mining Discriminative Patterns within Dynamic Graphs (2018)
Solving Patrolling Problems in the Internet Environment (2018)
From Building Corpora for Recognizing Faceted Entailment to Recognizing Relational Entailment (2018)
Combining Cache and Priority Queue to Enhance Evaluation of Similarity Search Queries (2018)
Similarity-Based Processing of Motion Capture Data (2018)
Towards Faster Similarity Search by Dynamic Reordering of Streamed Queries (2018)
Scheduling of mobile robots for transportation and manufacturing tasks (2019)
Enhanced Scheduling for Real-Time Traffic Control (2018)
PITHYA (2018)
University course timetabling and International Timetabling Competition 2019 (2018)
Shareable subentries in Lexonomy as a solution to the problem of multiword item placement (2018)
Practical Post- Editing Lexicography with Lexonomy and Sketch Engine (2018)
Simulating the Impact of Cooperation and Management Strategies on Stress and Economic Performance (2019)
Modifying Hamming Spaces for Efficient Search (2018)
Wordnet Consistency Checking via Crowdsourcing (2018)
Benchmarking of the graphite and fluoride insertions in LR-0 reactor (2016)
Digital Technology, Eating Behaviors, and Eating Disorders (2018)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 21st International Conference TSD 2018, Brno, Czech Republic, September 11-14, 2018 (2018)
Masaryk a náboženství (2018)
Jazyková úroveň zpravodajských vstupů (2018)
The details matter: methodological nuances in the evaluation of student models (2018)
Analysis and design of mastery learning criteria (2018)
Conceptual Issues in Mastery Criteria: Differentiating Uncertainty and Degrees of Knowledge (2018)
Exploring the Utility of Response Times and Wrong Answers for Adaptive Learning (2018)
Measuring Item Similarity in Introductory Programming (2018)
Towards making block-based programming activities adaptive (2018)
Filosofie „s dnešním odstupem času“: stále ještě jako racionálně kýžený projekt? (2018)
Fully Automated Attractor Analysis of Cyanobacteria Models (2018)
OCRMiner (2018)
Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks for Recognizing Partial Entailment (2018)
Removing spam from web corpora through supervised learning using FastText (2017)
Corpus Annotation Pipeline for Non-standard Texts (2018)
Analýza mykobiomu aneb chybami se člověk učí. (2018)
Dynamics of human gut microbiome in healthy volunteers from the Czech Republic (2018)
Artificial fungal community (fMOCK) as a control of sequencing process in mycobiome research. (2018)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients. (2018)
Original or Copy Paste? An Analysis of Czech Disinformation Media Outlets Content (2018)
Using Syntax Analyser SET as a Grammar Checker for Czech (2018)
Influence of circadian clocks on optimal regime of central C-N metabolism of cyanobacteria (2018)
The Credibility of Online Information from the Perspective of Women Suffering with Eating Disorders (2018)
Mobile Health Interventions for Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep in Adults Aged 50+ : A Systematic Literature Review (2019)
Psaní od čarodějnice (2018)
Face-to-face and Cyber Victimization among Adolescents in Six Countries : The Interaction between Attributions and Coping Strategies (2018)
České děti a dospívající na internetu: Zpráva z výzkumu na základních a středních školách. Projekt EU Kids Online IV – Česká republika (2018)
Cyberhate in the context of online risk experiences among youth (2018)
Comments on Czech Morphological Tagset (2018)
csTenTen17, a Recent Czech Web Corpus (2018)
Automatically Created Noun Definitions for Czech (2018)
Towards Czech Answer Type Analysis (2018)
Recurrent Networks in AQA Answer Selection (2018)
An Update of the Manually Annotated Amharic Corpus (2018)
Logical analysis of empirical expressions. What is wrong with empiricism (2018)
Internet Addiction in Context (2018)
Visual Analysis of Ligand Trajectories in Molecular Dynamics (2019)
Autoencoders vs. others for anomaly detection (2018)
To text summarization by dynamic graph mining (2018)
Sustainable long-term WordNet development and maintenance: Case study of the Czech WordNet (2018)
TEVOGS – Vehicle Onboard Guidance System (2018)
Running Linux and FreeRTOS on ZedBoard Zynq-7000 (2017)
Cultivation of photoautotrophic plant suspension cultures in photobioreactors (2015)
Reálná a potenciální rizika internetu pro dospívající s epilepsií (2018)
West-Life: A Virtual Research Environment for structural biology (2019)
Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Scheduling of Mobile Robots (2019)
A New Approach for Semi-automatic Building and Extending a Multilingual Terminology Thesaurus (2019)
Literackie, muzyczne i spoleczne uwarunkowania czeskiejpiosenki folkowej. (2018)
Our Democracy : Czech Adolescents Talk About the Meaning of Democracy and Attitudes Toward Immigrants (2019)
Inclusive Education (2018)
Sociodemographic, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Correlates of Using Nutrition, Weight Loss, and Fitness Websites : An Online Survey (2019)
Comprehensive Modelling Platform (2019)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2018)
Digital Bifurcation Analysis of TCP Dynamics (2019)
Facetal Abstraction for Non-linear Dynamical Systems Based on delta-decidable SMT (2019)
Internet Usage by Women with Eating Disorders during Illness and Recovery (2020)
Performing Feature Selection Before Removing Outliers To Increase Classfier's Accuracy (2018)
Question and Answer Classification in Czech Question Answering Benchmark Dataset (2019)
U studentů informatiky vítáme i tvůrčí činnost. Třeba psaní knih nebo divadlo (2019)
Multi-modal Image Retrieval for Search-based Image Annotation with RF (2018)
Multiple Instance Terminological Thesaurus with Central Management (2018)
Similarity Search in 3D Human Motion Data (2019)
Recognizing User-Defined Subsequences in Human Motion Data (2019)
Benchmarking Search and Annotation in Continuous Human Skeleton Sequences (2019)
TE-nester: a recursive software tool for structure-based discovery of nested transposable elements (2018)
Hyperintensional Reasoning based on Natural Language Knowledge Base (2020)
Business Research Forum : prezentace projektu TL02000146 Webový pravopisný, gramatický a typografický korektor pro český jazyk (2019)
Excessive internet use by young Europeans : psychological vulnerability and digital literacy? (2020)
LSTM-Based Real-Time Action Detection and Prediction in Human Motion Streams (2019)
Understanding Search Queries in Natural Language (2018)
Discovering Continuous Multi-word Expressions in Czech (2018)
BM-index: Balanced Metric Space Index based on Weighted Voronoi Partitioning (2019)
DRAVCI (rozhlasová hra) (2019)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients and paired healthy controls sharing the same household (2019)
VerbaLex - Comprehensive Dictionary of Czech Verb Valencies (2019)
Rozhovor černější než kafe (povídka) (2019)
Červená báseň o modrém kouři (povídka) (2019)
Using fastText on semantic networks (2019)
Similarity Management of Data: The DISA Experience (2019)
Bullied Online but Not Telling Anyone : What Are the Reasons for Not Disclosing Cybervictimization? (2018)
Scheduling of Mobile Robots Using Constraint Programming (2019)
GPs’ perspectives on eHealth use in the Czech Republic : a cross-sectional mixed-design survey study (2019)
Why did she leave? Development of working alliance in a case of psychotherapy for depression (2019)
Den absolventů MU (2019)
Využití případové studie k vysvětlení procesu změny v psychoterapii deprese (2019)
The Impact of DNA Extraction Methods on Stool Bacterial and Fungal Microbiota Community Recovery (2019)
Item Ordering Biases in Educational Data (2019)
Model Checking Approach to the Analysis of Biological Systems (2019)
Measuring Difficulty of Introductory Programming Tasks (2019)
Difficulty and Complexity of Introductory Programming Problems (2019)
High-throughput analysis revealed mutations' diverging effects on SMN1 exon 7 splicing (2019)
Measuring Students’ Performance on Programming Tasks (2019)
Jak uživatelé přemýšlejí o bezpečnosti v kontextu mobilního bankovnictví? (2019)
Towards Adaptive Hour of Code (2019)
Blockly Programming Dataset (2019)
Word Sense Induction Using Word Sketches (2019)
Automating dictionary production: a Tagalog-English-Korean dictionary from scratch (2019)
Exploiting historical data: pruning autotuning spaces and estimating the number of tuning steps (2019)
Imaginace jídla a jeho konzumace : čím více na to myslíme, tím méně toho sníme (2019)
Benchmark Dataset for Propaganda Detection in Czech Newspaper Texts (2019)
First Steps in Recognizing Relational Entailment – Experimental Corpus and Baselines (2019)
Exploiting Open IE for Deriving Multiple Premises Entailment Corpus (2019)
Bacterial but Not Fungal Gut Microbiota Alterations Are Associated With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Phenotype (2019)
Donaha (2019)
Barbaric Robustness Monitoring Revisited for STL* in Parasim (2019)
Kristus Ježíš, anebo Ježíš Kristus? (2019)
Koncept dějin v dějinách posledních dvou století a jeho filosofická reflexe (2019)
Metric Embedding into the Hamming Space with the n-Simplex Projection (2019)
Policy learning in continuous-time Markov decision processes using Gaussian Processes (2017)
Augmenting Spatio-Temporal Human Motion Data for Effective 3D Action Recognition (2019)
Understanding the Gap between 2D and 3D Skeleton-Based Action Recognition (2019)
Mizející Brno (2019)
Postmoderní ponor do podzemního labyrintu slepých pstruhů a lidských osudů (2019)
A genetic algorithm for discriminative graph pattern mining (2019)
Parallel parameter synthesis algorithm for hybrid CTL (2020)
Filtering outliers to improve classification. First results (2019)
Affordable Annotations of the Mobile App Reviews (2019)
Affordable Annotations of the Mobile App Reviews (2019)
Noc vědců 2019: Čeština na FF MU: Fauna a Flóra – Musíme Uchránit (2019)
ADAMiSS: Advanced Data Analysis, Mining and Search, System (2019)
Deciding Fast Termination for Probabilistic VASS with Nondeterminism (2019)
SkELL Corpora as a Part of the Language Portal Sonaveeb: Problems and Perspectives (2019)
Computational Modelling of Metabolic Burden and Substrate Toxicity in Escherichia coli Carrying a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway (2019)
Who is searching for cyberhate? Cross-cultural comparison of Visegrad countries (2019)
Indirect Method Usage of Distance and Error Measurement by Single Optical Cameras (2018)
Využití knihovny fastText k lingvistickému výzkumu (2019)
Online Parental Mediation : Associations of Family Members’ Characteristics to Individual Engagement in Active Mediation and Monitoring (2020)
Počítačová lingvistika v Brně (2019)
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2019 (2019)
Neural Tagger for Czech Language: Capturing Linguistic Phenomena in Web Corpora (2019)
Comparing majka and MorphoDiTa for Automatic Grammar Checking (2019)
Comparing majka and MorphoDiTa for Automatic Grammar Checking (2019)
Evaluation and Error Analysis of Rule-based Paraphrase Generation for Czech (2019)
Structured Information Extraction from Pharmaceutical Records (2019)
Automatically Created Noun Explanations for English (2019)
Czech Question Answering with Extended SQAD v3.0 Benchmark Dataset (2019)
SiLi Index: Data Structure for Fast Vector Space Searching (2019)
Discriminating Between Similar Languages Using Large Web Corpora (2019)
Evaluation of Czech Distributional Thesauri (2019)
A Distributional Multi-word Thesaurus in Sketch Engine (2019)
Uvádění začínajících učitelů v mateřských, základních a středních školách pohledem jeho hlavních aktérů (2019)
Uvádění začínajících učitelů do základních škol : plánovitý, nebo intuitivní proces? (2019)
New Online Proofreader for Czech (2019)
Lingvistická analýza mluveného projevu pacientů s afázií (2019)
Konvence, kreativita a patologie v mluvené češtině (2019)
Semantics of Token Positions in Sentences (2019)
Karel and Karel (Pepper) (2019)
Syntactic Patterns of Czech Multiword Expressions (2019)
Corpus-based Automatic Identification of Multi-word Entry Candidates (2019)
Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2017 conference (2017)
Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference (2019)
Do we need formal language when starting a logical system? (2019)
Modeling and Simulating Communication, Stress, and Productivity in Socio-Economic Structures (2019)
Lexonomy Clinic (2019)
Webová aplikace pro analýzu sentimentu (2019)
Motion Words: A Text-like Representation of 3D Skeleton Sequences (2020)
Propaganda web crawler (2019)
Propaganda analysis and annotation (2019)
Život kolem Jakuba je krutý a smrdí mu z huby (2020)
Exploration of the Robustness and Generalizability of the Additive Factors Model (2020)
Parameter space abstraction and unfolding semantics of discrete regulatory networks (2019)
Formal Analysis of Qualitative Long-Term Behaviour in Parametrised Boolean Networks. (2019)
Bacterial and fungal gut microbiota analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) disorders: paired case-control study (2019)
Software pro detekci a analýzu napadení KII (2019)
Software pro provádění bezpečnostních cvičení a školení (2019)
Investigating the Learning Process of Folk Dances Using Mobile Augmented Reality (2020)
Adversarial Patrolling with Drones (2020)
The Role of Psychological Factors in Older Adults’ Readiness to Use eHealth Technology : Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study (2020)
Audiokniha Na sviňu svět (komplet) (2020)
Audiokniha Aspoň zavři hubu, když se divíš (2020)
Audiokniha Platím utopence, kafe a rum (2020)
Audiokniha Slečno, budete vystupovat? (2020)
Audiokniha SAMOMLUVA K DRUHÝM (2020)
A benchmark set of highly-efficient CUDA and OpenCL kernels and its dynamic autotuning with Kernel Tuning Toolkit (2020)
Propaganda detection tool (2020)
Epidemiological Trends for Childhood and Adolescent Cancers in the Period 1994–2016 in the Czech Republic (2019)
XX. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2020)
Analysis of Human Motion Based on AI Technologies: Applications for Safeguarding Folk Dance Performances (2020)
Simulation Games Platform for Unintentional Perpetrator Attack Vector Identification (2020)
Terapeutická zóna proximálního vývoje (2019)
Improving RNN-based Answer Selection for Morphologically Rich Languages (2020)
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Online Social Support, Neuroticism, and Web Content Internalization on the Drive for Thinness among Women Visiting Health-Oriented Websites (2020)
Laboratorní spektrometr nízkoenergetických neutronů (2019)
Systém pro detekci neutronů ve směsných polích - Energeticky kompenzovaný monitor příkonu dávkového ekvivalentu neutronů (2019)
Measuring Similarity of Educational Items: An Overview (2020)
Managing items and knowledge components: domain modeling in practice (2020)
Accelerating Parameter Synthesis Using Semi-algebraic Constraints (2019)
Approximate String Matching for Detecting Keywords in Scanned Business Documents (2019)
Data-Informed Parameter Synthesis for Population Markov Chains (2019)
Monte Carlo Tree Search for Verifying Reachability in Markov Decision Processes (2018)
Strategy Representation by Decision Trees with Linear Classifiers (2019)
Editing with Search and Exploration for Controlled Languages (2018)
Factors influencing interactions between adolescents and unknown people from the internet : Findings from five European countries (2020)
Nested plant LTR retrotransposons target specific regions of other elements, while all LTR retrotransposons often target palindromes and nucleosome-occupied regions: in silico study (2019)
pqsfinder web: G-quadruplex prediction using optimized pqsfinder algorithm (2020)
Unbounded Orchestrations of Transducers for Manufacturing (2019)
COVID-19 Induced Anxiety and Protective Behaviors During COVID-19 Outbreak: Scale Development and Validation (2020)
Current Challenges in Web Corpus Building (2020)
Effects of Mindfulness Training on Daily Stress Response in College Students : Ecological Momentary Assessment of a Randomized Controlled Trial (2020)
Strangers ante portas : The framing of refugees and migrants in the Czech quality press (2020)
Digitální technologie a poruchy příjmu potravy. Výzkumná zpráva (2018)
Vnímání ve zdravotnictví využitelných informačně-komunikačních technologií českými praktickými lékaři (2020)
Genre Annotation of Web Corpora: Scheme and Issues (2021)
Using fastText on Semantic Networks (2020)
Psí život vlkodlaka mezi lidmi (2020)
Světla i vůně exilové Paříže (2020)
Kočky rozmlženě přeostřené do fantasmagorické exaktnosti (2020)
Hlavičky som urúbala, pod okénko zakopala (2020)
Dětský svět v textech Ladislava Fukse a Bohumila Hrabala (2020)
Anonymizér osobních dat v online konverzacích (2020)
Efficient Analysis of VASS Termination Complexity (2020)
On the Application of Convex Transforms to Metric Search (2020)
Markdown 2.8.1: Směle k trůnu odlehčeného značkování v TeXu (2020)
Techniques for Complex Analysis of Contemporary Data (2020)
ritorik´ija (2006)
ritorъ (2006)
Reinforcement Learning of Risk-Constrained Policies in Markov Decision Processes (2020)
Parameter Synthesis and Robustness Analysis of Rule-Based Models (2020)
Executable Biochemical Space for Specification and Analysis of Biochemical Systems (2020)
Exploiting historical data: Pruning autotuning spaces and estimating the number of tuning steps (2020)
Executable Biochemical Space for Specification and Analysis of Biochemical Systems (2020)
AEON: Attractor Bifurcation Analysis of Parametrised Boolean Networks (2020)
A Report on the 2020 VUA and TOEFL Metaphor Detection Shared Task (2020)
Testing the role of metadata in metaphor identification (2020)
Testing the role of metadata in metaphor identification (2020)
Three is Better than One: Ensembling Math Information Retrieval Systems (2020)
Exploratory Analysis of File System Metadata for Rapid Investigation of Security Incidents (2020)
Executable Biochemical Space for Specification and Analysis of Biochemical Systems (2020)
Visilant: Visual Support for the Exploration and Analytical Process Tracking in Criminal Investigations (2021)
Making Markdown into a microwave meal (2020)
EDS-MEMBED: Multi-sense embeddings based on enhanced distributional semantic structures via a graph walk over word senses (2021)
Vivisekce slavného francouzského spisovatele z Brna (2020)
Pulse-shape discrimination of the new plastic scintillators in neutron–gamma mixed field using fast digitizer card (2015)
Algebra for Complex Analysis of Data (2020)
Towards Scalable Retrieval of Human Motion Episodes (2020)
Digital Bifurcation Analysis of Internet Congestion Control Protocols (2020)
Parallel Parameter Synthesis for Multi-affine Hybrid Systems from Hybrid CTL Specifications. (2020)
Lingvista vs. stroj : Rozdíl ve zpracování jazykových rovin – úskalí, možnosti a meze (2020)
Impact of Methodological Choices on the Evaluation of Student Models (2020)
Beyond binary correctness: Classification of students’ answers in learning systems (2020)
Design and analysis of microworlds and puzzles for block-based programming (2022)
Accelerating Metric Filtering by Improving Bounds on Estimated Distances (2020)
Pivot Selection for Narrow Sketches by Optimization Algorithms (2020)
Exploring Protein Folding Space with Neural Network Guided Simulations (2020)
eBCSgen: A Software Tool for Biochemical Space Language (2020)
Binary Sketches for Secondary Filtering (2020)
Assessing the Learning of Folk Dance Movements Using Immersive Virtual Reality (2020)
A New Variant of Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows (2020)
SQE charge calculation and its applicability for proteins (2020)
Social relational factors of excessive internet use in four European countries (2020)
Towards Process Mining Utilization in Insider Threat Detection from Audit Logs (2020)
When Tesseract Does It Alone: Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts (2020)
Towards Useful Word Embeddings: Evaluation on Information Retrieval, Text Classification, and Language Modeling (2020)
The Art of Reproducible Machine Learning: A Survey of Methodology in Word Vector Experiments (2020)
Cthulhu Hails from Wales: N-gram Frequency Analysis of R'lyehian (2020)
Children’s experiences with cyberhate (2020)
EU Kids Online 2020 : survey results from 19 countries (2020)
EU Kids Online 2020 : technical report (2020)
Digital skills, risks and wellbeing among European children : Report on (f)actors that explain online acquisition, cognitive, physical, psychological and social wellbeing, and the online resilience of children and young people (2020)
The Effect of Media and Political Beliefs and Attitudes on Trust in Political Institutions : A Multilevel Analysis on Data from 21 European Countries (2020)
Digital security in families : the sources of information relate to the active mediation of internet safety and parental internet skills (2022)
Employing Sentence Context in Czech Answer Selection (2020)
Digital Connectivity During COVID-19 : Access to vital information for every child (2020)
Qualitative Controller Synthesis for Consumption Markov Decision Processes (2020)
User Testing of Mobile Banking Authentication Methods: UX Testing, User Interviews, and Quantitative Survey (2020)
Cyberspace 2020 (2020)
The Prisoner's Dilemma in the Workplace: How Cooperative Behavior of Managers Influence Organizational Performance and Stress (2022)
LangSkills online: project closing conference (2020)
Efficient Management and Optimization of Very Large Machine Learning Dataset for Question Answering (2020)
Multilingual Recognition of Temporal Expressions (2020)
Removing Spam from Web Corpora Through Supervised Learning and Semi-manual Classification of Web Sites (2020)
Data Mining from Free-Text Health Records : State of the Art, New Polish Corpus (2020)
High-performance macromolecular data delivery and visualization for the web (2020)
CATH: increased structural coverage of functional space (2021)
Understanding the Limits of 2D Skeletons for Action Recognition (2021)
SARS-CoV-2 hot-spot mutations are significantly enriched within inverted repeats and CpG island loci (2021)
ANALYZA – Datový sklad (2020)
ANALYZA – Výpočetní a orchestrační subsystém (2020)
ANALYZA – Vizualizační komponenta – Visilant (2020)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 23rd International Conference TSD 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11, 2020 (2020)
Efficient Combination of Classifiers for 3D Action Recognition (2021)
Contract Metadata Identification in Czech Scanned Documents (2021)
Úzkost a hněv v politické psychologii (2020)
Does living together or apart matter? A longitudinal analysis of relationship formation in later life in association with health, well-being, and life satisfaction (2021)
A Classification Framework for Practice Exercises in Adaptive Learning Systems (2020)
Learning analytics challenges: trade-offs, methodology, scalability (2020)
Challenging Online Propaganda and Disinformation in the 21st Century (2021)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Use : The Perspective of Women with Eating Disorders Experience (2022)
Accurate prediction of kinase-substrate networks using knowledge graphs (2020)
Letter to the Editor: Significant mutation enrichment in inverted repeat sites of new SARS-CoV-2 strains (2021)
Who Is Exposed to Harmful Online Content? The Role of Risk and Protective Factors Among Czech, Finnish, and Spanish Adolescents (2021)
4D-GRAPHS (2021)
On Training Knowledge Graph Embedding Models (2021)
Learned metric index - proposition of learned indexing for unstructured data (2021)
Challenges Faced by Teaching Assistants in Computer Science Education Across Europe (2021)
Validity and Reliability of Student Models for Problem-Solving Activities (2021)
On the Similarity Search With Hamming Space Sketches (2021)
Symbolic Coloured SCC Decomposition (2021)
The need for standardisation in life science research - an approach to excellence and trust (2020)
Data-Informed Parameter Synthesis for Population Markov Chains (2019)
Efficient Retrieval of Human Motion Episodes Based on Indexed Motion-Word Representations (2021)
Interpretable Document Representations for Fast and Accurate Retrieval of Mathematical Information (2021)
Kurt Gödel’s Religious Worldview: An Immanent Personal Conception (2020)
When FastText Pays Attention: Efficient Estimation of Word Representations using Constrained Positional Weighting (2022)
Replikace efektu formy administrace BDI-II podle Stepankova Georgi et al. (2018) (2021)
Efficient Indexing of 3D Human Motions (2021)
TE-greedy-nester: structure-based detection of LTR retrotransposons and their nesting (2020)
What Can Long Terminal Repeats Tell Us About the Age of LTR Retrotransposons, Gene Conversion and Ectopic Recombination? (2020)
Strategy Representation by Decision Trees in Reactive Synthesis (2018)
WebMIaS on Docker: Deploying Math-Aware Search in a Single Line of Code (2021)
Kritické reflexe současné české prózy (2021)
Content-Based Management of Human Motion Data: Survey and Challenges (2021)
Lingvista versus stroj : Rozdíly ve zpracování jazykových rovin – možnosti, úskalí a meze (2020)
The Associations of COVID-19 Induced Anxiety, Related Knowledge and Protective Behavior (2021)
Povídky s rouškou přes cesty dýchací - a jestli i s úsměvem, to posuďte sami (2021)
Český spor o Milana Kunderu (Vivisekce slavného Pařížana z Brna) (2021)
Metric hull as similarity-aware operator for representing unstructured data (2021)
Better Model, Worse Predictions: The Dangers in Student Model Comparisons (2021)
Information sources about face-to-face meetings with people from the Internet : Gendered influence on adolescents’ risk perception and behavior (2023)
Who Is Smart with Their Smartphones? Determinants of Smartphone Security Behavior (2021)
Computing Bottom SCCs Symbolically Using Transition Guided Reduction (2021)
Interpretable Clustering of Students’ Solutions in Introductory Programming (2021)
Complexity and Difficulty of Items in Learning Systems (2022)
Fast Computation of Strong Control Dependencies (2021)
Experimental Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Educational Items (2021)
One Size Does Not Fit All: Finding the Optimal Subword Sizes for FastText Models across Languages (2021)
FIMSIM: Discovering Communities By Frequent Item-Set Mining and Similarity Search (2021)
Enhancing the Learning Process of Folk Dances using Augmented Reality and Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (2022)
New Czechoslovak Hyphenation Patterns, Word Lists, and Workflow (2021)
Vivern – A Virtual Environment for Multiscale Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures (2022)
Data-driven Learned Metric Index: an Unsupervised Approach (2021)
Organizing Similarity Spaces using Metric Hulls (2021)
The cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of children in Czechia, Poland and Slovakia: Testing the bifactor model (2021)
Regressive Ensemble for Machine Translation Quality Evaluation (2021)
Towards Personal Data Anonymization for Social Messaging (2021)
How different types of digital skills predict different online activities (2021)
The relation between the cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of adolescents in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia (2022)
Softwarové nástroje pro tvorbu odborných tezaurů a slovníků pro potřeby rozvoje národní infrastruktury pro prostorové informace (2021)
New developments in Lexonomy (2021)
Ensembling Ten Math Information Retrieval Systems: MIRMU and MSM at ARQMath 2021 (2021)
Softwarový systém pro vývoj a publikaci Nového encyklopedického slovníku češtiny (2020)
Regstar: Efficient Strategy Synthesis for Adversarial Patrolling Games (2021)
Visualization and Analysis of Protein Structures with LiteMol Suite (2020)
Advances in Xmipp for Cryo–Electron Microscopy: From Xmipp to Scipion (2021)
Patients With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Show Higher Gut Bacterial Diversity and Levels of Low-Abundance Genes Than the Healthy Housemates (2021)
Using hardware performance counters to speed up autotuning convergence on GPUs (2022)
Similarity Search for an Extreme Application: Experience and Implementation (2021)
2DProts: database of family-wide protein secondary structure diagrams (2021)
Who is exposed to harmful online content? The role of risk and protective factors among Czech, Finnish, and Spanish adolescents (2021)
The direct and indirect effects of online social support, neuroticism, and web content internalization on drive for thinness among visitors of health-oriented websites (2019)
Do Mobile Phone Bans Work? An Analysis of Phone-use Rules in Czech Schools (2019)
Automated annotations of epithelial cells and stroma in hematoxylin–eosin-stained whole-slide images using cytokeratin re-staining (2022)
Testing innovative methods for research on children’s technology usage (2021)
Neutron Energy Mapping for Two Different D-T Generator Technologies with a Diamond Detector (2018)
Workshop počítačové lingvistiky (2021)
Searching CUDA code autotuning spaces with hardware performance counters: data from benchmarks running on various GPU architectures (2021)
Escherichia coli Strains Producing Selected Bacteriocins Inhibit Porcine Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) under both In Vitro and In Vivo Conditions (2021)
SPEED21: Speed Climbing Motion Dataset (2021)
New Technology Platform for the Multilingual Sign Language Dictionary (2021)
Application of Super-Resolution Models in Optical Character Recognition of Czech Medieval Texts (2021)
Detecting Online Risks and Supportive Interaction in Instant Messenger Conversations using Czech Transformers (2021)
When Tesseract Brings Friends: Layout Analysis, Language Identification, and Super-Resolution in the Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts (2021)
Precomputed Word Embeddings for 15+ Languages (2021)
Evaluating Long Contexts in the Czech Answer Selection Task (2021)
Towards Domain Robustness of Neural Language Models (2021)
Evaluating the State-of-the-Art Sentence Alignment System on Literary Texts (2021)
DMoG : A Data-Based Morphological Guesser (2021)
When Word Pairs Matter - Analysis of the English-Slovak Evaluation Dataset (2021)
Transferability of General Polish NER to Electronic Health Records (2021)
Website Properties in Relation to the Quality of Text Extracted for Web Corpora (2021)
Development of HAMOD: a High Agreement Multi-lingual Outlier Detection dataset (2021)
Comparing RNN and Transformer Context Representations in the Czech Answer Selection Task (2022)
Who is Selling to Whom – Feature Evaluation for Multi-block Classification in Invoice Information Extraction (2021)
Information Extraction from Scanned Invoice Images using Text Analysis and Layout Features (2022)
Feasibility of Real-time Behavior Monitoring Via Mobile Technology in Czech Adults Aged 50 Years and Above : 12-Week Study With Ecological Momentary Assessment (2021)
Kritické reflexe současné české prózy (2021)
Gender differences in online conversations topics and self-disclosure: Content analysis of Czech adolescents‘ instant messaging conversations (2021)
Cyberspace 2021 (2021)
Usable and secure? User perception of four authentication methods for mobile banking (2022)
Software Tezaurus: nástroje pro podporu systematické a koordinované tvorby odborných tezaurů (2021)
Software Tezaurus: nástroje pro centrální systém tvorby odborných tezaurů (2021)
Software Tezaurus: funkcionalita pro styk s externími systémy (2021)
Visualization of Student-Item Interaction Matrix (2021)
XXI. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2021)
Tracking subjects and detecting relationships in crowded city videos (2022)
Excesivní používání internetu českými dospívajícími : Srovnání před a během pandemie Covid-19. (2021)
Introducing a Gold Standard Corpus from Young Multilinguals for the Evaluation of Automatic UD-PoS Taggers for Italian (2021)
The Roles of Trust, E-health Literacy and Parental Influence in Online Health Information-Seeking Behaviors of Adolescents (2021)
Ze Sokolí skály s andělem (2022)
The EurOPDX Data Portal: an open platform for patient-derived cancer xenograft data sharing and visualization (2022)
Complex simulation workflows in containerized high-performance environment (2021)
Property Map Collective Variable as a Useful Tool for a Force Field Correction (2022)
AHEAD iTec workshop: New trends in combining high security and user experience of mobile applications (2019)
User Perceptions of Usability and Security of Authentication Methods for Mobile Banking on Smartphones (2019)
How much screaming is an orgasm : the problem with coding female climax (2022)
Používání mHealth aplikací u dospívajících (2022)
Data-dependent Metric Filtering (2022)
Nearest-neighbor Search from Large Datasets using Narrow Sketches (2022)
Jak souvisí stres, nedůvěra a nedodržování protiepidemických opatření? – Konstruktivistický pohled na negativní jevy pandemické doby. (2022)
Aeon 2021: Bifurcation Decision Trees in Boolean Networks (2021)
DiPS: A Tool for Data-Informed Parameter Synthesis for Markov Chains from Multiple-Property Specifications (2021)
BDD-Based Algorithm for SCC Decomposition of Edge-Coloured Graphs (2022)
Explaining inequalities in vulnerable children’s digital skills : The effect of individual and social discrimination (2022)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Use:The Perspective of Women with Eating Disorders Experience (2021)
Partial atomic charges for proteins (2021)
QM-like partial atomic charges for proteins available online (2021)
Interpretable Gait Recognition by Granger Causality (2022)
AdaptOr: Objective-Centric Adaptation Framework for Language Models (2022)
Researching the Links Between Smartphone Behavior and Adolescent Well-being With the FUTURE-WP4 (Modeling the Future: Understanding the Impact of Technology on Adolescent's Well-being Work Package 4) Project: Protocol for an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study (2022)
Analyzing and Visualizing Learning Data: A System Designer's Perspective (2021)
P08. 01 Building Personalized Follow-Up Care Through AI by Bringing the Lung Cancer Patient, Data Scientist and Oncologist Together (2021)
On Predicting Recurrence in Early Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (2021)
Adaptive, Intelligent, and Personalized: Navigating the Terminological Maze Behind Educational Technology (2022)
Polyhydroxyalkanoates synthesis by halophiles and thermophiles: towards sustainable production of microbial bioplastics (2022)
Towards Efficient Human Action Retrieval based on Triplet-Loss Metric Learning (2022)
Adolescents' disease- and fitness-related online health information seeking behaviors : The roles of perceived trust in online health information, eHealth literacy, and parental factors (2022)
Exploring attractor bifurcations in Boolean networks (2022)
Deep Learning Analysis of Polish Electronic Health Records for Diagnosis Prediction in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases (2022)
Information and Communication Technologies and Well-Being (2022)
Satellite DNAs and human sex chromosome variation (2022)
Machine learning approaches for predicting the onset time of the adverse drug events in oncology (2022)
Opravidlo (2022)
An Innovative Perspective on Metabolomics Data Analysis in Biomedical Research Using Concept Drift Detection (2021)
On Usefulness of Outlier Elimination in Classification Tasks (2022)
A Revealed Imperfection in Concept Drift Correction in Metabolomics Modeling (2022)
Distinguishing the Types of Coordinated Verbs with a Shared Argument by means of New ZeugBERT Language Model and ZeugmaDataset (2022)
Experience with Abrupt Transition to Remote Teaching of Embedded Systems (2022)
Applications of deep language models for reflective writings (2023)
Diverse Semantics Representation is King (2022)
HiC-TE: a computational pipeline for Hi-C data analysis to study the role of repeat family interactions in the genome 3D organization (2022)
Recognition of Gait Disorders using Deep Learning Approaches (2022)
A moderated mediation model for body-positive online content and body image among adolescents (2022)
Markdown 2.10.0: LaTeX themes & snippets, two flavors of comments, and LuaMetaTeX (2021)
Markdown 2.15.0: What's new? (2022)
Markdown 2.10.0: LaTeXová témata a snippety (2021)
Combining Sparse and Dense Information Retrieval: Soft Vector Space Model and MathBERTa at ARQMath-3 Task 1 (Answer Retrieval) (2022)
Ověřovací studie preventivního programu Dobronauti : Zpátky v čase. Výzkumná zpráva (2022)
Lightweight Distributed Provenance Model for Complex Real–world Environments (2022)
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Extended Work on Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques (2022)
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques (2022)
Collective Variable for Metadynamics Derived From AlphaFold Output (2022)
Analytical Algebra: Extension of Relational Algebra (2022)
eBCSgen 2.0: Modelling and Analysis of Regulated Rule-Based Systems (2022)
Minimizing Expected Intrusion Detection Time in Adversarial Patrolling (2022)
General Optimization Framework for Recurrent Reachability Objectives (2022)
Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials and Feelings after Exposure among Adolescents in Nine European Countries : The Role of Individual Factors and Social Characteristics (2023)
Researching adolescents’ digital technology usage with a smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) (2022)
Machine Learning methods for Predictive Maintenance of Multifunctional Printers (2020)
Digital humanities: Introduction. A 10-week course with practical sessions. (2021)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 25th International Conference TSD 2022, Brno, Czech Republic, September 6-9, 2022 (2022)
XXII. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2022)
sMolBoxes: Dataflow Model for Molecular Dynamics Exploration (2023)
Predictors of children’s and young people’s digital engagement in informational, communication, and entertainment activities : findings from ten European countries (2023)
New Language Identification and Sentiment Analysis Modules for Social Media Communication (2022)
Extracting individual characteristics from population data reveals a negative social effect during honeybee defence (2022)
Day-to-day associations between adolescents’ smartphone use before sleep and sleep outcomes (2022)
Temporary and Permanent Control of Partially Specified Boolean Networks (2023)
Code Quality Defects Across Introductory Programming Topics (2022)
HFT: High Frequency Tokens for Low-Resource NMT (2022)
On-the-fly Adaptation of Patrolling Strategies in Changing Environments (2022)
MSMetaEnhancer: A Python package for mass spectra metadata annotation (2022)
AEON.py: Python library for attractor analysis in asynchronous Boolean networks (2022)
Publishing practices in media studies and communications (2022)
The impact of parental mediation on children’s online activities: Two-wave panel study (2022)
On Selection of Efficient Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm Based on Characteristics of Data (2022)
Who is upset after face-to-face meetings with online strangers? The role of individual characteristics among European adolescent (2020)
Adolescents' Interactions with Online Strangers in the Context of Risk-Taking Behavior and Developmental Needs (2019)
Information Extraction from Business Documents (2022)
Examining reciprocal relationship between social media use and perceived social support among adolescents: A smartphone ecological momentary assessment study (2022)
The role of social networking and instant messaging apps in adolescent exposure to sexually explicit materials: A 14-day window into adolescent smartphone usage (2022)
Towards General Document Understanding through Question Answering (2022)
Cyberspace 2022 (2022)
Overleaf: Kolaborativní webový editor LaTeXu (2021)
Vysokoúrovňové jazyky pro TeX (2022)
Digitální archivace Zpravodaje CSTUGu (2022)
Similarity Search with the Distance Density Model (2022)
Concept of Relational Similarity Search (2022)
GaitQualityAnalyzer (2022)
MUNI-NLP Systems for Lower Sorbian-German and Lower Sorbian-Upper Sorbian Machine Translation @ WMT22 (2022)
Constructing Datasets from Dialogue Data (2022)
Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection (2022)
Parallel, or Comparable? That Is the Question - The Comparison of Parallel and Comparable Data-based Methods for Bilingual Lexicon Induction (2022)
Compiling an Estonian-Slovak Dictionary with English as a Binder (2021)
Piötòst Ché Niènt, Mèi Piötòst - A Manually Revised Lombard-Italian Parallel Corpus (2022)
When Tesseract Meets PERO : Open-Source Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts (2022)
Are Dictionary Definitions of Verbs in Corpora? : Discovering Dead Ends in Generating Explanations of Verbs (2022)
Medical Knowledge Resources for Text-Mining of Health Records in Czech, Polish, and Slovak (2022)
Compressed FastText Models for Czech Tagger (2022)
Blooming Onion: Efficient Deduplication through Approximate Membership Testing (2022)
Manipulative Style Recognition of Czech News Texts using Stylometric Text Analysis (2022)
Utok: The Fast Rule-based Tokenizer (2022)
Semi-Manual Annotation of Topics and Genres in Web Corpora : The Cheap and Fast Way (2022)
Using NVH as a Backbone Format in the Lexonomy Dictionary Editor (2022)
Individual and Parental Factors of Adolescents' mHealth App Use : Nationally Representative Cross-sectional Study (2022)
The integrative model of ICT effects on adolescents’ well-being : The synthesis of theories (2022)
Boundary heat diffusion classifier for a semi-supervised learning in a multilayer network embedding (2022)
An Artificial Intelligence-Based Tool for Data Analysis and Prognosis in Cancer Patients: Results from the Clarify Study (2022)
Integration of Medical and Genomic Information to Enhance Relapse Prediction in Early Stage Lung Cancer Patients (2022)
Unsupervised extraction, labelling and clustering of segments from clinical notes (2022)
Overview of ARQMath-3 (2022): Third CLEF Lab on Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math (Working Notes Version) (2022)
Good servant, bad master : How eighty women perceive the influence of pornography on sexual scripts (2023)
Editio litterarum : 1297 30 IX Protivae de Doubravice, 1312 12 VII Frriderici de Linava, 1313 5. V. Heinrici de Lipá, 1463 4 X Georgii de Poděbrady, 1480 14.IV 1480 Perchtae de Boskovice (2020)
SegmentCodeList: Unsupervised Representation Learning for Human Skeleton Data Retrieval (2023)
Effects of digital technology on adolescents' wellbeing : An integrative model (iMEW) (2022)
Real-World Vehicle Routing using Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (2023)
Psychologické souvislosti postojů k očkování dětí (2022)
Adolescenti a sexting: rizika a příležitosti (2022)
Porn Studies: Digitální intimita optikou sociálních věd (2022)
AI for Cancer Patient Empowerment - Interim Results of the AIcope Project (2022)
Predikce průběhu onkologické léčby na základě podobností pacientek vypočítaných z jejich klinických zpráv (2022)
Safer Internet Day: Better Internet for Kids? A Closer Look at Adolescents’ Experiences with Cyberhate and Online Disinformation (2023)
Rule-based Modelling of Biological Systems Using Regulated Rewriting (2023)
Ethics and IT: Experience with a New Course (2022)
Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies, and the Role of Students (2022)
Towards Design-Loop Adaptivity: Identifying Items for Revision (2022)
State of the Art of Molecular Visualization in Immersive Virtual Environments (2023)
Isovists compactness and stairs as predictors of evacuation route choice (2023)
Evaluation of Automatically Constructed Word Meaning Explanations (2022)
Managed Kubernetes — Next Gen Academic Infrastructure? (2022)
Word Usage Change and the Pandemic: A Computational Analysis of Short-Term Usage Change in the Italian Reddit Community (2022)
Differentiation of high grade glioma and brain metastasis using intravoxel incoherent motion MRI (2022)
Improving Learning Environments: Avoiding Stupidity Perspective (2022)
Planning for high-speed railways in the Czech Republic (2022)
Real-world university course timetabling at the International Timetabling Competition 2019 (2022)
Infant attachment in the Czech Republic : Categorical and dimensional findings from a post-communist country (2023)
Investigating Installers of Security Software in 20 Countries: Individual-and Country-Level Differences (2022)
Comparing nonresponders and responders of online intercept surveys: A large-scale experimental ICT security-related study (2022)
Visual Exploration of Human Motion Data (2022)
Limitations of contract cheating research (2022)
Faster ≠ Smarter : Children with Higher Levels of Ability Take Longer to Give Incorrect Answers, Especially When the Task Matches Their Ability (2023)
MoMaT WebAPI (2022)
Nástroj LoopGrafter (2022)
Classification of Adolescents' Risky Behavior in Instant Messaging Conversations (2023)
Text-to-Motion Retrieval: Towards Joint Understanding of Human Motion Data and Natural Language (2023)
Support for victims of academic misconduct: an interactive portal and support network (2022)
What is the european network for academic integrity and what can it do for you? (2022)
Use of Technology to Assist in Identifying Potential Plagiarism Cases (2022)
Causes, Consequences and Prevention of Scientific Misconduct (2022)
The Agenda for Academic Integrity (2022)
European Network for Academic IntegritySupport of the Victims of Academic Misconduct (2022)
Akademická integrita a plagiátorství (2022)
Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence (2022)
Detekce plagiátorství – aktuální výzvy (2022)
Umělá inteligence a akademická integrita (2023)
Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity (2023)
Multi party signatures and electronic evidence in criminal proceedings (2023)
Health-related social media use and COVID-19 anxiety in adolescence : health anxiety as covariate and moderator (2023)
Privacy risks of whole-slide image sharing in digital pathology (2023)
Real-world Pickup and Delivery Problem with Transfers (2023)
Uncertainty and Dynamicity in Real-world Vehicle Routing (Student Abstract) (2023)
Boolean network sketches: a unifying framework for logical model inference (2023)
The Cell Tracking Challenge: 10 years of objective benchmarking (2023)
Systém portálu AHISTO (2023)
Nástroj na extrakci pojmenovaných entit a vztahů ze skenovaných textů (2023)
Resources and Few-shot Learners for In-context Learning in Slavic Languages (2023)
Digital Skills’ Role in Intended and Unintended Exposure to Harmful Online Content Among European Adolescents (2023)
People and Places of Historical Europe: Bootstrapping Annotation Pipeline and a New Corpus of Named Entities in Late Medieval Texts (2023)
xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool (2023)
ChatGPT and GPT-4: What, How and the Future (2023)
Umpalumpa: a framework for efficient execution of complex image processing workloads on heterogeneous nodes (2023)
Better than XML: Towards a lexicographic markup language (2023)
Avoiding Recursion in the Representation of Subsenses and Subentries in Dictionaries (2023)
Evaluation of the Cross-lingual Embedding Models from the Lexicographic Perspective (2023)
The Role of Digital Skills in Wanted and Unwanted Sexting Among European Adolescents (2023)
Extraction, labeling, clustering, and semantic mapping of segments from clinical notes (2023)
Synergy between imputed genetic pathway and clinical information for predicting recurrence in early stage non-small cell lung cancer (2023)
Machine Learning–Assisted Recurrence Prediction for Patients With Early-Stage Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer (2023)
Reproducible experiments with Learned Metric Index Framework (2023)
Nápadovník jmen pro tvůrčí psaní v LuaTeXu (2023)
Understanding Health Records in West Slavic Languages: Available Resources, Case Study in Oncology (2023)
ENAI Recommendations on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence in Education (2023)
Academic Integrity in Czechia and Slovakia (2024)
European Cooperation in Academic Integrity (2024)
Testing of AI Detection Tools (2023)
Ethical Beliefs and Controversies of Computer Science Teaching Assistants (2023)
CICM'21 Systems Entries (2021)
Průhledy do současné české prózy. Čtení o čtení (2023)
Rapid Ukrainian-English Dictionary Creation Using Post-Edited Corpus Data (2023)
Harnessing artificial intelligence technology and social media data to support Cultural Ecosystem Service assessments (2021)
Synthesizing Resilient Strategies for Infinite-Horizon Objectives in Multi-Agent Systems (2023)
Mean Payoff Optimization for Systems of Periodic Service and Maintenance (2023)
CRANBERRY: Memory-Effective Search in 100M High-Dimensional CLIP Vectors (2023)
Development of Evidence-Based Grammars for Terminology Extraction in OneClick Terms (2023)
Enabling Efficient Threshold Signature Computation via Java Card API (2023)
Corpus-based Bilingual Terminology Extraction using One-Click Terms (2023)
Web corpora for under-resourced languages (2023)
Phenotype Control of Partially Specified Boolean Networks (2023)
Psychosocial correlates of physical activity resilience: the case of step counts during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Sourcing the Economy: Automated Content Analysis of Journalistic Sourcing Practices in the Czech News (2023)
Are smartphones detrimental to adolescent sleep? An electronic diary study of evening smartphone use and sleep (2023)
Health anxiety in adolescents: the roles of online health information seeking and parental health anxiety (2023)
Provenance of specimen and data – A prerequisite for AI development in computational pathology (2023)
Evolutionary Dynamics of LTR Retrotransposons in Holocentric Plants from Juncaceae Family (2023)
Health Anxiety in Adolescents : The Roles of Online Health Information Seeking and Parental Health Anxiety (2024)
Průhledy do současné české prózy. Čtení o čtení (2023)
Shedding light on the black box of a neural network used to detect prostate cancer in whole slide images by occlusion-based explainability (2023)
Biological applications of knowledge graph embedding models (2021)
Biokg: A knowledge graph for relational learning on biological data (2020)
Calc-X and Calcformers: Empowering Arithmetical Chain-of-Thought through Interaction with Symbolic Systems (2023)
SISAP 2023 Indexing Challenge – Learned Metric Index (2023)
The integrative model of ICT effects on Adolescents' well-being (iMEW) : The synthesis of theories from developmental psychology, media and communications, and health (2023)
A multimodal smartwatch-based interaction concept for immersive environments (2023)
Theoretical Integration of ySKILLS : Towards a New Model of Digital Literacy (2023)
ITAT’23: Information technologies – Applications and Theory, September 22–26, 2023, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia (2023)
Alternatives to classical HiC data analysis (2023)
TE-greedy-nester: a tool for reconstruction of transposable elements in plant genomes (2023)
Analysis and classification of long terminal repeat sequences from plant LTR-retrotransposons (2023)
Document Visual Question Answering with CIVQA: Czech Invoice Visual Question Answering Dataset (2023)
Towards Perfection of Machine Learning of Competing Patterns: The Use Case of Czechoslovak Patterns Development (2023)
InVADo: Interactive Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Data (2024)
Children’s exposure to hate messages and violent images online (2023)
Seeing the unseen: Comparison study of representation approaches for biochemical processes in education (2023)
The reciprocal relationship between consensual sexting and peer support among adolescents : A three-wave longitudinal study (2024)
A Roadmap for Universal Syllabic Segmentation (2023)
Two-factor authentication time: How time-efficiency and time-satisfaction are associated with perceived security and satisfaction (2024)
Real-world university course timetablingat the International Timetabling Competition 2019 (2024)
Web-Based Annotation Tool for Instant Messaging Conversations (2023)
How are Czech adolescents using their phones? Analysis using objective smartphone data. (2023)
Jsou chytré telefony škodlivé pro spánek adolescentů? (2023)
Testing of detection tools for AI-generated text (2023)
Can we detect ChatGPT-generated texts in Czech and Slovak languages? (2023)
Challenges of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Research Integrity (2023)
Does Size Matter? - Comparing Evaluation Dataset Size for the Bilingual Lexicon Induction (2023)
Augmenting Stylometric Features to Improve Detection of Propaganda and Manipulation (2023)
Machine learning estimated probability of relapse in early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer patients with aneuploidy imputation scores and knowledge graph embeddings (2024)
Cyberspace 2023 (2023)
bot.zen at LangLearn: regressing towards interpretability (2023)
Monte Carlo Tree Search with Function Approximation for Risk-constrained Planning and Reinforcement Learning (2023)
Accurate sequencing of DNA motifs able to form alternative (non-B) structures (2023)
Unsupervised extraction, classification and visualization of clinical note segments using the MIMIC-III dataset (2023)
Five Years of Language Services (2023)
Reproducibility and Robustness of Authorship Identification Approaches (2023)
Gravitational Cell Detection and Tracking in Fluorescence Microscopy Data (2024)
Optimal Sobolev embeddings for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator (2023)
Umělá inteligence a zdraví : Jak čeští dospělí využívají AI (2024)
Examining the Reciprocal Relationship Between Social Media Use and Perceived Social Support Among Adolescents : A Smartphone Ecological Momentary Assessment Study (2024)
TPMScan: A wide-scale study of security-relevant properties of TPM 2.0 chips (2024)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome (2024)
Curing Cancer with Knowledge Graphs (and other Outrageous Ideas) (2023)
EOSC CZ: Towards the development of Czech national ecosystem for FAIR research data (2024)
Analysis of chimeric reads characterises the diverse targetome of AGO2-mediated regulation (2023)
High-throughput spike detection in greenhouse cultivated grain crops with attention mechanisms based deep learning models (2024)
Entrevista com lideranças na promoção da ética em pesquisa e da integridade acadêmica e científica (2023)
CzeGPT-2 – Training New Model for Czech Generative Text Processing Evaluated with the Summarization Task (2024)
The Landscape of Computational Thinking Problems for Practice and Assessment (2023)
Leveraging response times in learning environments: opportunities and challenges (2024)
Diagnostika dyslexie s využitím eye-trackingu a umělé inteligence - souhrnná výzkumná zpráva (2023)
Overview of Latin American and Iberian corpora in Sketch Engine (2024)
Combining formal methods and Bayesian approach for inferring discrete-state stochastic models from steady-state data (2023)
Why is the winner the best? (2023)
Machine Learning Survival Models for Relapse Prediction in a Early Stage Lung Cancer Patient (2023)
Manuál k diagnostické platformě DYSLEX určený pro Pedagogicko-psychologické poradny (2023)
Platforma DYSLEX (2023)
Recognition of Propaganda Techniques in Newspaper Texts: Fusion of Content and Style Analysis (2024)
Personalized recommendations for learning activities in online environments: a modular rule-based approach (2024)
Adaptive Learning is Hard: Challenges, Nuances, and Trade-offs in Modeling (2024)
Optimizing Local Satisfaction of Long-Run Average Objectives in Markov Decision Processes (2024)
Possibilities of Using Multi-b-value Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Classification of Brain Lesions (2024)
(In)accuracy and Convergent Validity of Daily End-of-day and Single-time Self-reported Estimations of Smartphone Use among Adolescents (2024)
Sourcing the Economy in Times of Crisis: Automated Content Analysis of Journalistic Sourcing Practices in the Czech News (2024)
Time-based Variability in the Presence of Infotainment, Service, and Civic Roles in Czech Quality Press (2024)
Identifying Metadata-Specific Collocations in Text Corpora (2021)
Semi-automatic building of large-scale digital dictionaries (2021)
Antarstick: Extracting Snow Height From Time-Lapse Photography (2024)
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness (recenze) (2024)
AlphaFind: discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
Self-Training Language Models in Arithmetic Reasoning (2024)
Concept-aware Data Construction Improves In-context Learning of Language Models (2024)
A perspective on genetic and polygenic risk scores - advances and limitations and overview of associated tools (2024)
Glossary of terms related to ethics and integrity in education (2024)
Integration, Cataloguing and FAIRification of Biobank and Clinical Data (2024)
ShadowSense: A Multi-annotated Dataset for Evaluating Word Sense Induction (2024)
Fine-Grained Language Relatedness for Zero-Shot Silesian-English Translation (2023)
Design and evaluation of alphabetic and numeric input methods for virtual reality (2024)
Digital skills among youth : A dataset from a three-wave longitudinal survey in six European countries (2024)
Does violence in video games impact aggression and empathy? A longitudinal study of Czech adolescents to differentiate within- and between-person effects (2024)
Brain MRI Screening Tool with Federated Learning (2024)
The Length and Verbal Labels Do Not Matter: The Influence of Various Likert-Like Response Formats on Scales’ Psychometric Properties (2024)
Discord Achievement System for Education Gamification (2024)
Interactive Diagrams for Software Documentation (2024)
The Language of Infographics: Toward Understanding Conceptual Metaphor Use in Scientific Storytelling (2024)
Visual Support for the Loop Grafting Workflow on Proteins (2024)
Who Let the Guards Out: Visual Support for Patrolling Games (2024)
What Johnny thinks about using two-factor authentication on GitHub: A survey among open-source developers (2024)
BDI-II : Self-Report and Interview-based Administration Yield the Same Results in Young Adults (2024)
Uncertainty in real-world vehicle routing (2024)
Real-World Vehicle Routing: from plan to its execution (2024)
Multi-Floor Warehouse Planning (2024)
Validation of cycle conformation in Protein Data Bank (2020)
Make Some Energy: Tangible and Interactive Chemical Reactions (2024)
Inteligencia Artificial en educación: entre riesgos y potencialidades (2024)
Etická hlediska generativní umělé inteligence ve vzdělávání (2024)
Challenges of Generative AI for Academic Integrity (2024)
Ethical Challenges of Generative AI in Academia (2024)
Catalog of Code Quality Defects in Introductory Programming (2024)
Concept-aware Data Construction Improves In-context Learning of Language Models (2024)
Generating High-Quality F0 Embeddings Using the Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoder (2024)
REHAB24-6: Physical Therapy Dataset for Analyzing Pose Estimation Methods (2024)
Influence of sleep duration and sex on age-related differences in heart rate variability: Findings from program 4 of the HAIE study (2023)
Bilingual Lexicon Induction From Comparable and Parallel Data: A Comparative Analysis (2024)
New Human-Annotated Dataset of Czech Health Records for Training Medical Concept Recognition Models (2024)
Advancing the PAM Algorithm to Semi-Supervised k-Medoids Clustering (2024)
Scaling Learned Metric Index to 100M Datasets (2024)
Personalized Similarity Models for Evaluating Rehabilitation Exercises from Monocular Videos (2024)
ETDD70: Eye-Tracking Dataset for Classification of Dyslexia using AI-based Methods (2024)
Towards Personalized Similarity Search for Vector Databases (2024)
ETDD70: Eye-Tracking Dyslexia Dataset (2024)
Cells, biomaterials, infrastructure; and the value of the data (2024)
Workshop on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology WBCB 2023 (2023)
Boosting predictive models and augmenting patient data with relevant genomic and pathway information (2024)
Daily relationship between air pollution, weather, and objectively-measured physical activity in industrial regions (2024)
Analýza kazuistik o náročném chování žáků (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of ESM Atlas (2024)
Learned Metric Index (2024)
LMI-10: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
GraSR: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
LMI-30: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
ProjectAnatomy: A Handy Tool for Learning Forearm Anatomy with Augmented Physicalisations (2024)
BioMedical Visualization: Past Work, Current Trends, and Open Challenges (2024)
The Automatic Determination of Translation Equivalents in Lexicography: What Works and What Doesn’t? (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind (2024)
Fast, structure-based searching in a large-scale protein data repository (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB v4 (2024)
3D-af-Surfer: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome – data and model (2024)
Named Entity Linking in English-Czech Parallel Corpus (2024)
IMGTB: A Framework for Machine-Generated Text Detection Benchmarking (2024)
KInIT at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Fine-tuned LLMs for Multilingual Machine-Generated Text Detection (2024)
The Reciprocal Relationship Between Parental E-health Literacy Mediation and Adolescents' E-health Literacy: A Three-wave Longitudinal Study (2024)
Better Low-Resource Machine Translation with Smaller Vocabularies (2024)
Poskytují různé podoby Likertovy škály stejně validní informace? I : verbální kotvy (2021)
Individual factors of expected and unexpected sexting and the subsequent feelings: A nationally representative study in adolescents (2024)
Daily excessive internet use symptoms in adolescents: Ecological momentary assessment study of symptoms’ daily variability and their predictors (2024)
Interpreting convolutional neural network classifiers applied to laser-induced breakdown optical emission spectra (2024)
Using Polycaprolactone Nanofibers for the Proof-of-Concept Construction of the Alveolar-Capillary Interface (2024)
On Rapid Annotation of Czech Headwords: Analysing the First Tasks of Czech Dictionary Express (2024)
Dictionary Express: First Phases Rapid dictionary-making method for European, Asian and other languages (2024)
Developing Automatic Methods for Teaching Code Quality in Introductory Programming (2024)
(In)accuracy and Convergent Validity of Daily End-of-day and Single-time Self-reported Estimations of Smartphone Use among Adolescents (2024)
Longitudinal associations between screen time, bedtime and daytime sleepiness among adolescents: A three-wave panel study (2024)
Leveraging Conceptual Similarities to Enhance Modeling of Factors Affecting Adolescents’ Well-Being (2024)
The Reciprocal Associations between Adolescents’ mHealth App Use, Body Dissatisfaction and Physical Self-Worth : A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study (2024)
LPGD: A General Framework for Backpropagation through Embedded Optimization Layers (2024)
Backpropagation through combinatorial algorithms: identity with projection works (2023)
Development of the NVH Schema Format for Lexicographic Purposes (2023)
DANTE Resurrected Large Open Source Lexical Data Database for English (2024)
Variable Stabilisation in Boolean Monotonic Model Pools (2022)
Binary decision diagrams on modern hardware (2023)
Trap spaces of multi-valued networks: definition, computation, and applications (2023)
BNClassifier: Classifying Boolean Models by Dynamic Properties (2024)
Synonymní/variantní tvary verbálního substantiva jako problém konzistentní lemmatizace (2024)
RBP-Tar – a searchable database for experimental RBP binding sites (2024)
A dataset of hyperspectral Look-Up Tables for 3.5 million traits and structural combinations of Central European temperate broadleaf forests (2024)
Simulated trait and spectroscopy data to support retrieval of forest biophysical parameters from spaceborne imaging spectroscopy (2024)
High spatial and spectral resolution dataset of hyperspectral look-up tables for 3.5 million traits and structural combinations of Central European temperate broadleaf forests (2024)
Digital Skills’ Role in Intended and Unintended Exposure to Harmful Online Content Among European Adolescents (2024)
Metrics reloaded: recommendations for image analysis validation (2024)
Understanding metric-related pitfalls in image analysis validation (2024)
Negation Disrupts Compositionality in Language Models: The Czech Usecase (2024)
Detection and classification of long terminal repeat sequences in plant LTR-retrotransposons and their analysis using explainable machine learning (2024)
Testovací článek (2010)
Jen test II (2010)
Fantastic Examples and Where to Find Them - Compiling Czech Dataset for Evaluating Dictionary Examples (2024)
STEAM: Počítačová lingvistika (2024)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
Systematická review: Vplyv revenge pornografie na psychické zdravie jeho obetí (2024)
The end of lexicography? Can ChatGPT outperform current tools for post-editing lexicography? (2023)
A New Czech Pipeline in Sketch Engine (2024)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
Derivancze - Derivational Analyzer of Czech (2015)
Beyond Metadata: Leveraging Similarity Search in Molecular Dynamics Data (2024)
SlamaTrain– Representative Training Dataset for Slavonic Large Language Models (2024)
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