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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Cytotoxicita gutaperčových čepů a sealerů (1997)
Production activity of mountain cultivated Norway spruce. III. Foliage distribution within the upper and middle canopy trees. (1993)
Rozložení biomasy jehlic v korunové vrstvě smrkového porostu (1993)
Photosynthesis and limiting factors (1993)
Growth rate and total nonstructural saccharides content in Alopecurum pratensis L. (1993)
The effect of cadmium on the the growth of hypocotyl and root of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). (1993)
Comparison of diurnal changes in nitrate and potassium content in lucerne plants. (1993)
Nitrate movement in xylem flow of lucerne plants. (1993)
Změny růstu a obsahu nitrátů vojtěšky v podmínkách umělého a přirozeného osvětlení. (1993)
Comparison of diurnal changes in nitrate and potassium content in lucerne plants. (1993)
Nitrate movement in xylem flow of lucerne plants. (1993)
Comparison of diurnal changes in nitrate and potassium content in lucerne plants. (1993)
Nitrate movement in xylem flow of lucerne plants. (1993)
Stomatal responses to ABA and IAA in isolated epidermal strips of Vicia faba L. (1993)
Stomatal responses to ABA and IAA in isolated epidermal stripsof Vicia faba L. (1993)
Stomatal responses to ABA and IAA in isolated epidermal strips of Vicia faba L. (1993)
Physiology of stomata and factors responsible for their regulation. I. Potassium, sodium, organic acids. (1993)
Physiology of stomata and factors responsible for their regulation. II. Phytohormones, calcium, carbon dioxide. (1993)
Adaptace čepelí listů genotypů jarního ječmene na sucho a v ztahy k produktivitě. (1993)
Gemisch von Mikroorganismen,dessen Verwendung zur Biodegra- dation von Kohlenwassrstoffen, sovie Verfahren zu seiner Applikation (1993)
Microscopic fungi in Zbrašov aragonite caves (1993)
Směs mikroorganismů, schopných biodegradace uhlovodíků a způsob biodegradace uhlovodíků (1993)
Subgenus Lasiochelea Kieffer 1921 (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae. Forcipomyia) Recorded for the First Time from the Territory of Bhemia and Moravia. (1993)
Světlice barvířská - saflor (1993)
Jak je to s kompasem zvířat? (1993)
Characterization of a cytogenetic adaptive response induced by gamma-radiation in Vicia faba root tip cells. (1993)
Effects of gamma-radiation on sister chromatid exchanges in Vicia faba cells induced by chemical mutagens. (1993)
Co-selection of protein production in living cells. evidováno pod číslem R1049-431 v National Institutes of Health, Bethesda (1993)
Molecular analysis of the genome of staphylococcal phages (1993)
Dicistronic selection for nuclear proteins in living animal cells. (1993)
Subgenus Lasiochelea Kieffer, 1921 (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae, Forcipomyia) recorded for the firs time from the territory of Bohemia and Moavia (1994)
Větvení smrku ztepilého (Picea abies L.). (1994)
Net photosynthesis, growth rate and biomass allocation in a rhizomatous grass Calamagrostis epigejos grown at elevated CO2 concentration. (1994)
Project TOCOEN. The fate of selected organic compounds in the environment. XIX. The phytotoxicity of organic and inorganic pollutants - cadmium. The effect of cadmium on the growth of germinating maize plants (1994)
Reakce vojtěšky a slunečnice na nitrátovou a amonnou výživu ve vodní a pískové kultuře při třech intenzitách světla. (1994)
Reakce vojtěšky a slunečnice na nitrátovou a amonnou výživu ve vodní a pískové kultuře při třech intenzitách světla. (1994)
Fyziologicá regulace růstu transformantů brambor (1994)
Fyziologicá regulace růstu transformantů brambor (1994)
Fyziologicá regulace růstu transformantů brambor (1994)
Ammonia-assimilating enzymes in the basidiomycete fumgus Pleurotus ostreatus (1994)
Přístroj na zneškodňování dřevokazných hub a hmyzu (1994)
Obnova českého hedvábnictví (1994)
Rozsah vědecké spolupráce fyziologů zvířat doma a v zahraničí (1994)
Modulation of Cell Cycle and Proliferation of Human Leucemic Cells by Inhibitors of Eicosanoid Biosynthesis and Ionizing Radiation (1994)
Potvrdí včely existenci kauzativní formace? (1994)
Skall bin bekrafta existens av morfisk resonans? (1994)
Omezení populace Varroa jacobsoni v podletí za současné obnovy díla. (1994)
Nejmenší včelstva. (1994)
Současný stav chovu čmeláků. (The present-time situation in bumble bee managment.) (1994)
Influence of cold on some parameters of the lipid metabolism in haemolymph of praepupae of Galleria mellonella. (1994)
Kompas zvířat a co o něm víme (1994)
Analyses of Pollen Stored by Honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) Colonies during the Blooming Period of Lucerne (Medicago media Pers.) (1994)
General problem in genotoxicity testing. The use of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster bearing human genes in test of genotoxnotoxicity. (1994)
The Use of Micronucleus Test to Characterize Adaptation of Vicia faba Root Tip Cells to Gamma Radiation (1994)
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of the genomic restriction fragments of coagulase-negative staphylococci. (1994)
c-Myb prevents TPA-induced differentiation and cell death in v-Myb transformed monoblasts. (1994)
Arabidopsis Assay for Mutagenicity (1994)
Jednoduchý test k určení Staphylococcus aureus pomocí mutant jeho polyvalentního fága 812 (1994)
Acid phosphatase activity of spring barley in dependence on phosphate nutrition. (1995)
Phytotoxicity studies of benzo(a)pyrene with Lactuca sativa. (1995)
The influence of macromolecular substances on reduction of vascular water conductance and photosynthetic processes in lucerne. (1995)
The use of microorganisms RC-1 Biorem in biodegradation of the hydrocarbon:I. Biodegradation of oil compounds (1995)
The use of microorganisms RC-1 Biorem in degradation of the hydrocarbons. II. Biodegradation of PAHs (1995)
Integrated protection of cultural an historical Monuments (1995)
Ionising Radiation Intesifies the effects of inhibitors of eicosanoid biosynthesis on proliferation of human cancer cells. (1995)
The effects of transforming growth factor-beta 1 under conditions of inhibited lipoxygenase melabolic pathway on cell proliferation and differentation (1995)
Výročí profesora Ringera - objevitele fyziologického roztoku (1995)
Šestinozí zloději z pyramid (1995)
Největší moravský fyziolog (1995)
By-pass of TPA-induced differentiation and cell cycle arrest by the c-Myb DNA-binding domain. (1995)
Transcription Patterns of Sequences on Human Chromosome 21 (1995)
Inhibition of Retinoic Acid Receptor-alpha Results in Growth Arrest of v-myb-transformed Monoblasts (1995)
Retinoic acid receptor alpha suppresses transformation by v-myb (1995)
The influence of incorporated bromodeoxyuridine on mutagenicity testing by sister chromatid exchange induction in Vicia faba root-tip cells. (1995)
An improvement of restriction analysis of bacteriophage DNA using capillary electrophoresis in agarose solution (1995)
Seasonal pattern and vertical distribution of vesicular-abruscular mycorrhizas associated with three grass species grown in acid soil (1996)
The effect of long-term exposure of Lolium perenne L. plants to elevated CO2 and/or elevated air temperature on quantum yield of PS II and net photosynthesis (1996)
Modeling of wild grass production on deforested mountainous areas. Parametrization of model MACROS. (1996)
Nucleoid morphology in the coccal cyanophyte Cyanothece halobia (Chlorococcales, Cyanophyta) - DAPI fluorescence study. (1996)
Variability in nucleoid morphology in some cyanophytes growing under various growth conditions. (1996)
The haploid embryoids development in anther culture of transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). (1996)
Acclimation capability of Calamagrostis epigejos and C. arundinacea to changes in radiation environment. (1996)
Impact of elevated CO2 concentration on interaction between seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and a perennial grass Calamagrostis epigejos. (1996)
Basic characteristics of photosynthesis, respiration, and mineral nutrient uptake in Calamagrostis villosa. (1996)
The growth response of maize to increasing concentrations offluoranthene. (1996)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXVI. The effect of fluoranthene on the germination of plants. (1996)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXVII. The effect of fluoranthene on the growth of lettuce (1996)
Efficiency of nitrate and ammonium nutrition in maize plants at different irradiances. (1996)
Accumulation of aluminium, calcium and magnesium in maize and sunflower plants grown in acidified solutions with aluminium. (1996)
Accumulation of aluminium, calcium and magnesium in maize and sunflower plants grown in acidified solutions with aluminium. (1996)
A mechanistic approach to deriving Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship models for microbial degradation of organic compounds (1996)
Der biologische Abbau von Olen und Fetten in Abwasseren (1996)
Mixture of microorganisms,its use for the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, as well as process for its application (1996)
Ceratopogonidae (1996)
Influence of Intermittent Fasting and High - Fat Diet on Morphological Changes of the Digestive System and on Changes of Lipid Metabolism in the Laboratory Mouse. (1996)
Food Intake and Body Weight in Rats with Daily Food-Availability Restrictions. (1996)
Effect of intermittent feeding with high-fat diet on changesof glycogen, protein and fat content in liver and skeletal muscle in the laboratory mouse (1996)
Domácí a zahraniční vědecká spolupráce v oboru fyziologie zvířat (1996)
Zimování včelstev na medu.(Wintering honey bee colonies on honey.) (1996)
Localization of Prophages of Serological Group B and F on Restriction Fragments Defined in the Restriction Map of
Staphylococcus aureus
NCTC 8325 (1996)
Restrikční analýza genomu bakteriálních virů s využitím kapilarní elektroforézy (1996)
Struktura genomu stafylokokovych fágu 3A a 77 (1996)
Využití pulzní gelové elektroforézy DNA pro ifdentifikaci patogenních stafylokoků a studium jejich genomu (1996)
Sensitivity of the genus Staphylococcus to the polyvalent phage phi812 and its host-range mutants (1996)
Citlivost rodu Staphylococcus k polyvalentnímu fágu 812 a jeho mutantám v rozmezí hostitele (1996)
Genomic variability of
Staphylococcus aureus
and the other coagulase-positive Staphylococcus species estimated by macrorestriction analysis using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (1996)
Effect of Acidification on Salmonella enteritidis in a Defined Medium (1996)
Semi-solid Medium DIASALM for the Isolation of Salmonella enteritidis (1996)
High-voltage electrophoretic identification of residual antibiotics in milk (1996)
Detection of DiGeorge Syndrome by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) Technique (1996)
IX. Antropologické dny, IX Anthropological days (1996)
The use of capillary electrophoresis for analysis of common restriction fragments of Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages (1996)
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza of Calamagrostis villosa supplied with organic and inorganic phosphorus. (1997)
Mykorrhizní symbióza u dospělých terestrických orchidejí - pilotní studie. (1997)
Relation between photosynthetic CO2 fixation and photosystem II activity in perennial ryegrass grown at doubled atmospheric CO2 and elevated air temperature. (1997)
Recovery from photoinhibition in Acer pseudoplatanus seedlings is altered by the form of nitrogen nutrition. (1997)
Interactive effect of aluminium and calcium on root growth of Larix decidua and two co-occuring acidophilous grasses. (1997)
Growth response of spring barley to short- or long-period exposures to fluoranthene. (1997)
The effect of fluoranthene on the germination of plants. (1997)
Růstová odezva jarního ječmene na krátkodobou i dlouhodobou expozici fluoranthenu. (1997)
Regulatory function of stomata. (1997)
Pioneers of allelopathy VIII: Czech allelopathy scientists. (1997)
Vladimír Rypáček. (1997)
Allelopathic interactions between rape (Brassica napus L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.). (1997)
Molecular orbital calculations to describe microbial reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated dioxins. (1998)
A molecular modelling study of the catalytic mechanism of haloalkane dehalogenase: 1. Quantum chemical study of the first reaction step (1997)
Biotransformation of chloro- and bromoalkenes by crude extracts of Rhodococcus erythropolis Y2 (1997)
Some biochemical properties and the classification of a range of bacterial haloalkane dehalogenases (1997)
Mixture of microorganisms RC-1, its use for the biodegradation (1997)
Variabilita morfologie václavek in vitro a fenoloxidázová aktivita kmenů václavek (1997)
Druhové a hostitelské spektrum václavek jižní Moravy (1997)
Taxonmie a determinace václavek (1997)
Use of immobilized cells of the strain Corynebacterium sp. for 4-nitrophenol degradation (1997)
Chromatographic separation of double-stranded DNA fragments. (1997)
Bacterial transformation by electroporation (1997)
The effect of chromatographically purified plasmid DNA on electroporation of Salmonella typhimurium LB 5000 at varioustemperatures (1997)
Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) in the detection of Salmonella contamination of foods (1997)
Estimation of apoptosis in C6 glioma cells treated with antidepresants (1997)
Hmyzí imunita (1997)
Dixidae (1997)
Ceratopogonidae (1997)
Simuliidae (1997)
Ceratopogonidae (Diptera, Nematocera) recorded firstly in the Czech and Slovak Republics. (1997)
Chov čmeláků (The Management of Bumblebees.) (1997)
Minimikupan (1997)
Poznámky k navigaci poštovních holubů (1997)
The influence of static, homogenous magnetic field (B=320mT) on extracardiac pulsations of Tenebrio molitor pupae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). (1997)
Magnetic orientation in insects. (1997)
DNA interaction of bifunctional dinuclear platinum (II) antitumor agents. (1997)
DNA modifications by tumor trans - [PtCl2 (E-iminoether)2]. (1997)
A mechanistic approach to deriving Quantitative Structure-Biodegradability Relationships. A case study: dehalogenation of haloaliphatic compounds. (1996)
Prof. Stanislav Rosypal jubilující (1997)
40. let molekulární biologie na Přírodovědecké fakultě v Brne (1997)
Prof. RNDr. Stanislav Rosypal, DrSc. sedmdesátníkem (1997)
The Contribution for Using of Pascal Triangle in Genetics (1997)
Transgenic Drosophila melanogaster bearing human genes in environmental risk evaluation (1997)
The use of standard tests of genotoxicity and tests in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster in evaluation of risk assessment (1997)
Drosophila melanogaster, Vicia faba and Arabidopsis thaliana short-term bioassays in genotoxicity evaluation air and soil samples from sites surrounding two industrial factories in the Czech Republic (1997)
FISH - our experience with the detection of low fluorescent signals with aid of monochromatic B/W camera COHU 4910 and system for image analysis LUCIA GF (1997)
Phytotoxicity of some Fusarium toxins to red clover and alfa (1997)
Využití výpočetní techniky při výuce molekulární biologie na Přírodovedecké fakultě MU v Brně (1997)
Genové inženýrství rostlin (1997)
Co je genetika? (1997)
Genetická variabilita (1997)
Methods of embryo culture and protoplast fusion for inter specific hybridization in Medicago, Trifolium and Lotus (1997)
Regulation of differentiation in the genus Lotus (1997)
Advantage and disadvantage of using of multiprobe system for FISH (1997)
v-Myb prevents retinoic acid-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells (1997)
Histochemical localization of redirected cytokinin-glucoside-specific beta-glucosidase in transgenic tobacco plants (1997)
Computational site-directed mutagenesis of haloalkane dehalogenase in position 172 (1998)
Mechanism-based Quantitative Structure-Biodegradability Relationships for hydrolytic dehalogenation of chloro- and bromoalkenes (1998)
Computer modelling of microbial hydrolytic dehalogenation (1998)
Quantitative Structure-Function and Structure-Stability Relationships of purposely modified proteins (1998)
QSAR for acute toxicity of saturated and unsaturated halogenated aliphatic compounds (1998)
Repositioning the catalytic triad acid of haloalkane dehalogenase (1997)
Purification and characterization of haloalkane dehalogenase of a new substrate class from g-hexachlorocyclohexane-degrading bacterium (1997)
Quantitative Structure-Function Relationships of the single-point mutants of haloalkane dehalogenase: a multivariate approach (1997)
Comparison of the QSAR models for toxicity and biodegradability of anilines and phenols (1997)
Identification of the catalytic triad in the haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (1999)
Structure-biodegradability relationships for chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (1998)
Molecular modelling to understand the mechanisms of microbial degradation - application to hydrolytic dehalogenation with haloalkane dehalogenases (1997)
Biodegradability prediction (1996)
Vyhodnocování obrazů elektroforetických gelů s využitím počítačových systémů (1998)
Analysis of genomic DNA in TSST-1 positive strains of Staphylococcus aureus using PFGE and PCR methods (1998)
The polyvalent staphylococcal phage 812: its host-range mutants and related phages (1998)
Změny cytoskeletu a proliferační aktivity po účinku ultrazvuku a cytostatik (1998)
Studies on the early childhood caries characteristics (1998)
Složení zubního povlaku u malých dětí postižených mnohočetnou kazivostí (1998)
Historie genetiky populací (1998)
Effects of accelerated iron ions on the mutation distribution in Arabidopsis thaliana shoot apex cells (1998)
Mutagenicity test in Arabidopsis thaliana (1998)
The hidden information in the genetic systems - a view of geneticist (1998)
Cytotoxicity of gutta percha cones and endodontic sealers (1998)
Mendel´s principles and the Hardy-Weinberg law (1998)
Selekce rostlin in vitro na odolnost vůči vybraným patogenům s využitím sekundárních toxických metabolitů (1998)
Selection of embryonic genotypes of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and their utilisation in the selection of plants resistant to fusaric acid (1998)
Oncoprotein v-Myb and retinoic acid receptor alpha are mutual antagonists (1998)
A possible cross-talk of retinoic acid- and TPA-driven differentiation pathways (1998)
Onkoprotein v-Myb zabraňuje apoptóze buněk HL-60 vyvolané působením kyseliny retinové (1998)
Photosynthetic performance of Acer pseudoplatanus L. seedlings as affected by light availability and source of nitrogen. (1999)
DNA cycle sequencing of a common restriction fragment of Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages by capillary electrophoresis using replaceable linear polyacrylamide (1998)
Physical and genetic map of the genome of TM300 (1998)
Influence of prophages in S. aureus genome upon the length polymorphism (RFLP) of restriction fragments separated by pulsed field electrophoresis (1996)
The susceptibility of PS II of Lolium perenne to a sudden fall in air temperature - response of plants grown in elevated CO2 and/or increased air temperature. (1998)
Selekce mutant polyvalentního fága 812 na restrikčně-deficientním kmeni Staphylococcus carnosus F2 (1998)
Molekulární typizace klinicky významných stafylokoků (1998)
Selection of mutants of the polyvalent phage 812 on the restriction-deficient strain Staphylococcus carnosus F-2 (1998)
New approaches used for molecular typing of staphylococci (1998)
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant to oxacillin and polyvalent phage (1998)
Molecular biology of polyvalent staphylococcal phages of the species Twort (1998)
Genomic variability of TSST-1-positive strains of Staphylococcus aureus (1998)
Genomová variabilita a typizace TSST-1 pozitivních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (1998)
Genotoxicity of N-nitroso-N-methylurea and acetone oxime in the transgenic Drosophila carrying the human gene encoding a subunit of glutathione S-transferase (1997)
Delece chromozómu 22q11 u vrozených srdečních vad (1998)
Molekulárně cytogenetický screening syndromu CATCH 22 (1998)
Dva případy malé mozaiky trisomie 21 potvrzené FISH (1998)
Obrazově-analytické metody v biologii a lékařství (1998)
Úvod do molekulární biologie I. Informační makromolekuly. Molekulární biologie prokaryot (1998)
Úroveň cytogenetického poškození lymfocytů populace z okolí JE Dukovany stanovená pomocí mikrojaderného testu (1995)
Spolupráce mezi katedrou genetiky a molekulární biologie PřF MU v Brně a Oddělením lékařské genetiky FDN J.G. Mendela v Brně při výuce a výzkumu v oblasti genetiky člověka (1995)
Retinoic X receptor suppresses v-myb transformation (1998)
Vliv různých faktorů na expresi genů pro pozdní kvetení u Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (1998)
List of bacteria included in 5th edition of catalogue 1994 (1995)
Apoptotic damage of DNA in human leukaemic HL-60 cells treated with C2-ceramide was detected after G1 blockage of the cell cycle (1997)
Arimidex - selektivní inhibitor aromatázy a nová naděje pro pacienty s karcinomem prsu. (1998)
Možnosti léčby karcinomu prsu (1998)
Péče o dutinu ústní při mukozitidě (1998)
A molecular modelling study of the catalytic mechanism of haloalkane dehalogenase: 2. Quantum chemical study of complete reaction mechanism. (1998)
Lymfedém (1998)
Lernen mit Krebs zu leben - Kommentar aus der Republik Tschechien (1998)
Moravská Onkologická Iniciativa - MONKIN (1998)
Fyziologie stresu (1998)
Fyziologie rostlin (1998)
Cytologie a anatomie rostlin. Návody ke cvičením. (1998)
Physiological and Ecological Aspects of Nitrate and Ammonium Nutrition in Plants. (1998)
Behavior of chloroplast nucleoids in
Scenedesmus obliquus
during the vegetative cycle nad under nitrogen straved conditions. (1998)
Motile cells in outdoor mass culture of
Scenedesmus obliquus
II. (1998)
Cytomorphological characters supporting the taxonomic validity of Cyanothece (Cyanoprokaryota) (1998)
Research on Allelopathy in Czech Republic. (1998)
Morfologie a fyziologie rostlin. (1998)
Use of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica for the industrial biodegradation of oils and fats in sewage and biodegradation process using it (1996)
Biodegradace škodlivin (1994)
Biochemical properties and classification of a range of bacterial haloalkane dehalogenases (1997)
Biotransformation of chloro- and bromoalkenes by crude extracts of Rhodococcus erythropolis Y2 (1997)
Molecular modeling to understand the mechanism of microbial degradation:Application to hydrolytic dehalogenation with haloalkane dehalogenases (1997)
Growth parameters of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto at various temperatures (1998)
Směs mikroorganizmů, schopných biodegradace uhlovodíků a způsob biodegradace uhlovodíků (1994)
Use of the Yarrowia lipolytica for the industrial biodegradation of oils and fats in sewage and biodegradation process using it (1996)
Bioderadace škodlivin (1994)
Biodegradace škodlivin (1995)
Biodegradace škodlivin (1996)
The use of microorganismus RC-1 Biorem in biodegradation of hydrocarbons: I.Biodegradation of oil compounds (1995)
The use of microorganismus RC-1 Biorem in degradation of the hydrocarbon: II. Biodegradation of PAHs (1995)
The use of microorganismus RC-1 in biodegradation of the hydrocarbons (1996)
Synthesefaser-Textilien als Bakterientrager in Abwasser-Klaranlagen (1996)
Synthetic Textile Fabrics as Bacterial carriers in sewage treatment plants (1996)
The effect of plasmid DNA sizes and other factors on electroporation of Escherichia coli JM 109 (1998)
Complex genomic and phenotypic characterization of the related species
Staphylococcus carnosus
Staphylococcus piscifermentans
Komplikovaný průběh infekce lidským šestým herpetickým virem u batolete s retinoblastomem (1998)
Leukopenie jako rizikový faktor HHV-6 infekce u dětí se zhoubným nádorem (1998)
Výsledky léčby dětí s akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií a akutní myeloidní leukémií v České republice v 90. letech (1998)
Pozdní somatické následky protinádorové léčby u dětí (1998)
Časné postižení ledvin při léčbě dětských nádorů (1998)
Human herpes virus 6 infection in pediatric cancer patients (1998)
Human herpesvirus 6 infection in children with cancer (1998)
R395W, K497E and P664L: Three missense mutations in the LDL receptor gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (1998)
Nazofaryngeální karcinomy v adolescenci (1998)
Evaluation of STREPTOtest 16 and STAPHYtest 16 for identification of Listeria spp. (1998)
Hyphomycetes from Canadian streams III. Arcispora bisagittaria gen. et sp. nov. (1998)
Filosporella exilis sp. nov. on submerged plant debris from Belarus. (1998)
New species of Filosporella, Pachycladina and Pleuropedium from Canadian streams. (1998)
Hyphomycetes from Canadian streams. IV. Spirosphaera dimorpha sp. nov. (1998)
Delece 22q11 chromozomu u vrozených srdečních vad (VSV) (1998)
Využití polymerázové řetězové reakce (PCR) v bakteriologické diagnostice Listeria monocytogenes (1998)
Purification and Characterization of Glutamine Synthetase from the Basidiomycete Fungus Pleurotus ostreatus (1996)
Localization of prophages of serogroup B and F on Staphylococcus aureus chromosome (1996)
Automatické sekvenování DNA. (1998)
Molecular relationships among Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages based on restriction analysis (1996)
K-ras gene mutations in Czech patients with primary colorectal carcinoma. (1998)
Molecular identification of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) isolates. (1998)
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV): characteristics of RT-PCR products and sequence analysis of the open reading frame 7. (1998)
Sekvenování DNA (1997)
Zkušenosti s využitím kapilárního sekvenátoru ABI PRISM 310 (1997)
Laboratoř molekulární fyziologie rostlin (1998)
Identifikace Pseudomonas stutzeri komerčními soupravami NEFERMtest, NEFERMtest 24 a API 20NE (1998)
Are histidine kinases involved in cytokinin signal transduction? Application of a gene knock-out based function search strategy. (1998)
Use of Rifampicin in T7 RNA Polymerase-Driven Expression of a Plant Enzyme. Rifampicin Improves Yield and Assembly. (1999)
Both RAR and RXR proteins can reverse v-myb transformation (1998)
Retinoid receptors differentially regulate transcriptional activation by v-Myb and c-Myb proteins (1996)
Retinoid X receptor alpha suppresses v-Myb transformation (1998)
The first Isolation of Psychrobacter immobilis from Foods in the Czech Republic (1998)
Identifikace kmenů Citrobacter genomospecies 10 izolovaných ze studniční vody (1999)
Novinky v taxonomii klinicky významných mikrobů (1998)
Taxonomie klinicky významných rodů a druhů čeledí Alcaligenaceae, Flavobacteriacea, Sphingobacteriacea, Rhizobiaceae a rodů Methylobacterium, Roseomonas, Ochrobactrum, Oligella, Afipia a Balneatrix (1999)
Infection of HHV-6 in paediatric cancer patients. Abstract (1998)
New taxa and combinations of aquatic hyphomycetes (1998)
Experience with cryodesication of bacteria and fungi in the CCM. (1998)
Czech Collection of Microorganisms-activities and services (1998)
Investigation of the Enzymic Equipment of a Selected Panel of Bacterial Strain (1998)
Quality control strains of CCM (1998)
The distribution of species of genera Proteus, Morganella and Providencia in human clinical samples and raw materials of animal origin (1998)
Syntéza a purifikace oligonukleotidů (1997)
Laboratoř molekulární fyziologie rostlin (1999)
Occurrence of Enterococcus spp. in Waters (1999)
Taxonomie klinicky významných druhů čeledí Moraxellaceae, Cardiobacteriaceae, Pasteurellaceae a rodů druhu Brucella, Eikenella a Chromobacterium (1999)
Investigation of xerophilic micromycetes in selected foodstuffs. (1998)
Fungi in Moravian Caves (1998)
Izolace druhu Lactococcus garvieae z bovinní mastitidy (1998)
Vztah taxonomie baktérií a diagnostiky v lékařské mikrobiologii (1998)
Monoamine Oxidase A Dinucleotide repeat and Amphetamine dependence (1998)
Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism of the MAOA gene in amphetamine dependent and normal males (1998)
Genetika drogové závislosti (1999)
The Following of Dynamics of Antibodies against Borrelia in the Sera of wild - living Rodents (1999)
Perspektivy molekulární biologie v diagnostice a prevenci závislostí (1999)
Asociační studie vztahu mezi polymorfizmy genů pro DRD2, ACE a AGT a závislostí na amfetaminu (1999)
Biotransformation of 4-Nitrophenol by Corynebacterium sp. Strain 8/3. (1996)
Praktikum z mikrobiologie (1996)
The role of cysteine residues in structure and enzyme activity of a maize beta-glucosidase (1996)
Flavonoids: Novel beta-glucosidase inhibitors (1996)
Katedra antropologie a kosterní nálezy z Pohanska (1994)
Kronika země (1995)
Expedice Titicaca (1995)
Břeclav - Pohansko: Souther Precincts. Anthropological Study (1997)
Ein neuer Fund paläolitischer Kinderzähne aus Dolní Věstonice. Tschechische Republik (1998)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků ze středověkého hřbitova na Domonikánském nám. v Brně (1998)
Nález fragmentu lidského zubu z mezolitické vrstvy v České Lípě (1998)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků objevených na nádvoří zámku ve Slavkově u Brna (1998)
Korunka lidského zubu (1999)
Association study between the D2 dopamine receptor A1 allele and amphetamine dependence (1999)
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in anaerobic soils and sediments (1996)
Sporulation as an effective strategy for the survival of bacteria in a biofilter with discontinuous operation (1999)
Receptory pro retinoidy (1996)
Antileukemické účinky proteinu RXR (1999)
Viry - původci nemocí člověka, zvířat a rostlin (1) (1999)
Viry - původci nemocí člověka, zvířat a rostlin (2) (1999)
Expression, Single-Step Purification and Matrix-Assisted Refolding of a Maize Cytokinin Glucoside-Specific beta-Glucosidase (1999)
Monitoring of presence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes ricinus ticks in the years 1996-1998 in park Pisarky (Brno): dark-field microscopy and PCR method (1999)
Association Between DRD2 Gene and Amphetamine Dependence (1999)
Tetrachloroethene-dehalogenating bacteria (1999)
Construction and characterization of histidine-tagged haloalkane dehalogenase (LinB) of a new substrate class from a gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane-degrading bacterium, Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (1999)
Afinitní chromatografie proteinů na vázaných kovových iontech (1999)
Equippment for keeping bumble bees (Hymenoptera, Bombus). (1999)
Minimal honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) pollination units - Results of wintering and possibilities of their use in apiculture. (2000)
Different bee species for pollination in enclosure. (2000)
Obtaining and overwintering young bumble bee (Hynenoptera, Bombinae) queens. (2000)
Česno a včely. (The Bees and The Hive Entrance.) (1999)
Adiasporomykóza drobných savců na Třebíčsku (1999)
Influence of intermittent Fasting and High-Fat Diet on Morphological Changes of the Digestive System andon Changes of Lipid Metabolism in the Laboratory Mouse. (1996)
The JUN N-terminal kinase activity in sub- and confluent human keratinocytes (1999)
Role of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites in Proliferation, Differentiation and Apoptosis on Human Leukaemic Cell Line HL-60 after TPA Administration (1999)
The Effects of N-3 and N-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Cytokinetic Parameters of Human Adenocarcinoma HT-29 Cell Line (1999)
Effect of Intermittent Feeding With High-Fat Diet on Changes of Glycogen, Protein and Fat Content in Liver and Skeletal Muscle in the Laboratory Mouse (1996)
Effects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) and 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors on differentiation of human promyelocy-TIC HL-60 cells (1996)
The Role of 5-lipoxygenase in TGF-beta 1 Effects on Differentiation of Human Promyelocytic HL-60 Cells (1996)
The Importance of 5-liposygenase in Differentiation of Human Promyelocytic HL-60 Cells (1996)
Analysis of the reaction mechanism and substrate specificity of haloalkane dehalogenases by sequential and structural comparisons (1999)
DNA interactions of antitumor trans - [PtCl2(NH3)(quinoline)] (1998)
DNA Interactions of a Novel Drug, cis[PtCl(NH3)2(N7 - Acyklovir)]+ (1998)
Seasonal distribution of borreliae in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Brno park Pisárky. (2000)
Význam časné endoskopie GIT u dětí (1999)
Význam časné endoskopie GIT u dětí (1999)
Dysgenika a eugenika z pohledu moderní genetiky (1999)
Overproduction and purification of CBP for antibody preparation (1999)
Activated retinoid receptors suppress the v-myb oncogene (1999)
The advantage of PCR method in monitoring of specific chromosomal aberration in children with acute myeloid leukaemia (1999)
Differential effects of Fos and Jun proteins on v-myb-transformed monoblasts (1999)
Klinické důsledky mutací genu CBP (1999)
Nejčastější chromozomální přestavby u dětí s akutní myeloidní leukemií a možnosti jejich sledování na molekulární úrovni (1999)
Retinoid X receptor suppresses transformation by the v-myb oncogene (1999)
Stability of the T-DNA insertional embryonic lethal mutants in Arabidopsis (1999)
Identification and mapping of the T-DNA tagged flower mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed the SUPERMAN epigenetic allele (1999)
Identification and mapping of a T-DNA induced flower mutation in Arabidopsis thaliana (1999)
Současný stav transgenoze pícních leguminóz (1999)
Identification and mapping of the T-DNA tagged flower mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed the SUPERMAN epigenetic allele (1999)
Stability of the T-DNA insertional embryonic lethal mutants in Arabidopsis (1999)
The role of cysteine residues in structure and enzyme activity of a maize beta-glucosidase (1999)
The identification of supernumerary marker chromosomes in five patients by fluorescent in situ hybridization (1999)
Detection of prognostic genetic factors in neuroblastoma using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) (1999)
Využití techniky fluorescenční hybridizace in situ (FISH) v genetické diagnostice (1999)
Genetic manipulation of the location of nitrate reduction and its effects on plant growth. (1999)
A Relationship between K-ras Gene Mutations and Some Clinical and Histologic Variables in Patients with Primary Colorectal Carcinoma (1999)
Human herpesvirus-6 infection in children with cancer (1999)
Gastric carcinoma of childhood (1999)
Lymphotropic herpesviruses in children with cancer (1999)
Cytomegalovirová infekce u dětí se zhoubným nádorovým onemocněním: od sérologie k průkazu virové DNA (1999)
Význam časné endoskopie GIT u dětí (1999)
EBV, CMV and HHV-6 infection in children with cancer: from serology to viral DNA detection (1999)
Differences in the induction of apoptosis after treatment with gamma-irradiation and C2-ceramide (1999)
Strategy for Diagnostics of Muscular Dystrophies Using Methods to Detection of Muscle Cystosceletal Components (1999)
Cytotoxicita endodontických sealerů. (1999)
Dehalogenation of haloalkanes by Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and other mycobacteria (2000)
Červ a člověk - Caenorhabditis elegans a Homo sapiens sapiens (2000)
Molekulární psychiatrie: perspektivy (2000)
Developmental Control of Telomere Lengths and Telomerase Activity in Plants (1998)
Plant cells express telomerase activity upon transfer to callus culture, without extensively changing telomere lengths (1998)
DNA loop domains in a 1.4-Mb region around the human hprt gene mapped by cleavage mediated by nuclear matrix-associated topoisomerase II (1998)
An in Situ Study of Variant Telomeric Repeats in Human Chromosomes (1999)
Telomeric repeat organization-a comparative in situ study between man and rodent (1999)
Molecular Cytogenetics Investigation of The Telomers in a Case of Philadelphia Positive B-ALL with a Single Telomere Expansion (1999)
Angiotensinkonvertáza - vztah k dispozicím k závislosti na amfetaminu (2000)
Using detection of telomerase activityand expression in oncology diagnostics (1999)
Mřížka v nástavkovém včelařství (1992)
Opylování barevných jetelovin (Pollination of some legumes.) (1992)
Telomeráza - aktivita a diagnostické použití u leukémií a solidních tumorů (1999)
Dissection of homologous recombination (1999)
Telomerase activity, telomere length and telomere structure in the dicot plant silene latifolia (1999)
Molecular Dissection of Homologous Recombination (1999)
Targeted deletions created in yeast vectors by recombinational excision (1999)
In situ studies of human telomeres (1999)
P80/ detailní mapování methylcystosinů v oblasti Pa promotoru BCR-ABL lokusu u pacientů s diagnózou CML a dvou modelových buněčných linií, K562 a BV173 (1999)
Sledování aktivity telomerázy v průběhu léčby dětských leukémií (1999)
Dynamics of plant telomeres (1998)
Sledování de novo methylace Pa promotoru v průběhu CML (1998)
DNA methylation state of the CpG island at the Pa promoter within the bcr-abl locus followed in CML patients (1998)
Telomere dynamics during plant development (1998)
Developmenthal control of telomere lengths and telomerase activity in plants (1998)
Telomere dynamics during plant differentiation and dedifferentiation (1998)
Nežádoucí účinky chemoterapie (1998)
Bis(tetra-n-butylammonium) Bis[(mandelato)oxoperoxo-vanadate(V)] mandelic acid solvate (2000)
Changes in Protein Composition of Spirochaete Isolates during the passage with the PAGGE method (1999)
Detection Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ticks Ixodes ricinus Using Dark - field Microscopy and Subsequent Single - step PCR (1999)
The effect of high irradiances on growth, biosynthetic activities and the ultrastructure of the green alga Botryococcus braunii strain DROOP 1950/807-1 (1994)
Generic characters of the simplest cyanoprokaryotes Cyanobium, Cyanobacterium and Synechococcus (1999)
Developmental regulation of the maize Zm-p60.1 gene encoding a beta-glucosidase located to plastids (2000)
Ovlivňuje polymorfizmus I/D ACE dispozice k závislosti na drogách? (2000)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií. (1999)
Catalogue of Cultures, Bacteria, Fungi (1999)
Příprava molekulární sondy pro identifikaci kmenů druhu Staphylococcus aureus (1999)
Microbial communities in caves (1999)
Úloha bakterií při degradaci 4-nitrophenolu (1999)
His-patch Thioredoxin-fusion in Expression of Recombinant Plant Enzyme (2000)
Translational fusions - advancements in expression technology (2000)
Bacteria and biodegradation of 4-nitrophenol (1999)
Growth parameters of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto at various temperatures. (1998)
Emmonsiosis of wild rodents and insectivores in Czechland. (1999)
West Nile fever in Czechland (1999)
West Nile fever - a reemerging mosquito-borne viral disease in Europe. (1999)
Surveillance virů přenosných komáry na Břeclavsku v povodňovém roce 1997. (1999)
Serological surveys for arboviruses in the game animals of southern Moravia (Czech Republic). (1999)
Species identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from tick and human isolates in Styria (Austria) by PCR-RFLP analysis. (1999)
Viry přenášené komáry. (Ohlédnutí za povodní roku 1997 na jižní Moravě). (1999)
Recovery from photoinhibition in Acer pseudoplatanus seedlings is altered by the form of nitrogen nutrition. (1997)
Senzitivita semenáčků javoru klenu (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) vůči fotoinhibici. (1998)
Photosynthetic performance of Acer pseudoplatanus L. seedlings as affected by light availability and source of nitrogen. (1999)
Changes in photosynthetic parameters of evolutionary different species of Triticum and Aegilops grown at high and low nitrogen availability. (1999)
Problémy a perspektivy ekologické fyziologie rostlin. (1999)
Production processes in a grass Calamagrostis epigejos grown at different nitrogen supply. (1999)
Changes in photosynthetic parameters of evolutionary different species of Triticum and Aegilops grown at high and low nitrogen availability. (1999)
Fyziologie rostlin ve službách ekologů: od přání ke skutečnosti. (1999)
Fyziologické adaptace sukulentních rostlin I. Hospodaření s vodou. (1999)
Fyziologické adaptace sukulentních rostlin II. Uhlíkový metabolismus. (1999)
Fyziologické adaptace sukulentních rostlin III. Odolnost k extrémním teplotám a růst.. (1999)
Fyziologické adaptace sukulentních rostlin IV. Atmosférické bromelie. (1999)
Fyziologické adaptace sukulentních rostlin V. Epifytní orchideje. (1999)
Partitioning of nitrate assimilation between root and shoot in Acer pseudoplatanus and Calamagrostis epigejos. (1999)
Rozložení asimilace NO3- mezi kořeny a listy u javoru klenu (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), třtiny křovištní (Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth) a jílku vytrvalého (Lolium perenne L.). (1998)
Photosynthetic characteristics of sun and shade leaves in the canopy of Arbutus unedo L. trees exposed to in situ long-term elevated CO2. (1999)
Oxo Peroxo Glycolato Complexesof Vanadium (V). Crystal Structure of (NBu4)2[V2O2(O2)2(C2H2O3)2].H2O (2000)
Expression of late flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana (2000)
Orchideoidní mykorrhiza - mýty a skutečnost. (1999)
Response of soil microflora and lettuce plants inoculated by VA fungi to different doses of Cd, As , and Be. (1999)
Effect of inoculation by mycorrhizal fungi on lettuce growth. (1999)
Druhové zastoupení citrobakterů ve vodách. (2000)
Identification of Ag structures of Borrelia spirochaetes and changes in their protein composition during passages with the SDS - PAGGE method (2000)
The following of presence of pathogenic spirochaetes Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato with the method of PCR in haemotophagic and non haematophagic arthropods (2000)
A genetic analysis of late flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2000)
Česká sbírka mikroorganismů-aktivity a servisní služby (2000)
Identifikace a možnosti uložení biodegradujících mikroorganismů v CCM (2000)
Genotypová variabilita kmenů Staphylococcus aureus rezistentních k oxacilinu (1999)
Příprava DNA hybridizační sondy pro identifikaci kmenů druhu Staphylococcus aureus (1999)
Molecular typing and detection of toxin-producing strains Staphylococcus aureus (1999)
Nový typ informační molekuly: PNA (2000)
Modifikované syntetické oligonukleotidy (2000)
The influence of the short wavelength ultraviolet irradiation on cytoskeleton and proliferation activity of human skin cells in vitro (1999)
Vliv krátkovlnného UV záření na cytoskelet a proliferaci lidských kožních fibroblastů in vitro (1999)
Cytotoxicita endodontických sealerů (1999)
In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of the root canal cones and sealers (1999)
Analýza plazmidů kmenů druhu Staphylococcus aureus lišících se rezistencí k antibiotikům (2000)
Stanovení polymorfizmu genů pro tvorbu koagulázy, rezistenci k meticilinu a 16S-23S mezerníkových oblastí rDNA genů u Staphylococcus aureus metodou PCR (2000)
Příprava specifických sond pro detekci profágů seroskupin A, B a F v lyzogenních kmenech Staphylococcus aureus (2000)
Změny cytoskeletu lidských epidermoidních buněk A431 v důsledku UV ozáření (1998)
Vliv UV záření na strukturu mikrotubulů v myších fibroblastech (1997)
Changes in the Cytoskeleton and Viability of L929 Fibroblasts Following UV Irradiation (1998)
Změny cytoskeletu a životaschopnosti fibroblastů L929 po UV ozáření (1997)
Vliv mikromanipulací na cytoskelet lidských kožních fibroblastů linie KF-1 (2000)
Změny mikrotubulů buněk linie HL-60 v důsledku kombinovaného působení ultrazvuku a vybraných cytostatik (2000)
Molekulární diagnostika pacientů se syndromem prodlouženého QT intervalu (2000)
Alkaline phosphatase production during sporulation of Bacillus cereus (1999)
The influence of the growth phase of enteric bacteria on electroporation with plasmid DNA (1999)
Three new scolecosporous hyphomycetes from waters in Belarus (1999)
Tenellic acids A-D: new bioactive diphenylether derivatives from the aquatic fungus Dendrospora tenella (1999)
Poznámky k fyziologii dýchání psů (2000)
Inhibition of plant telomerase by telomere-binding proteins from nuclei of telomerase-negatative tissues (2000)
Technique of the modulated chlorophyll fluorescence: basic concepts, useful parameters, and some applications. (1999)
Are the T-DNA mutants amenable to standard recombination analysis? (2000)
Molecular characterization of the Thermomonospora curvata aglA gene encoding a thermotholerant alpha-1,4-glucosidase (2000)
TAS49-a dispersed repetitive sequence isolated from subtelomeric regions of Nicotiana tomentosiformis chromosomes (1999)
Screeningové hodnocení environmentálních rizik v sedimentech regionu Zlín (2000)
Vliv intaktního a modifikovaného fluoranthenu na klíčení a růst klíčních rostlin lociky zahradní (Lactuca sativa, L.) (2000)
Sledování přítomnosti spirochet se zvláštním zřetelem na Borrelia burgdorferi u hematofágních dipter čeledi Culicidae a roztočů v CHKO Poodří (2000)
Angiotensine convertase et dépendance a la métamphétamine: étude d' association (2000)
Sledování pozitivity na výskyt spirochet se zvláštním zřetelem na Borrelia burgdorferi v sérech, tkáních a orgánech hlodavců v CHKO Poodří (2000)
Ovlivňuje počítač lidský mozek? (2000)
Identifikace DNA a antigenních struktur spirochet izolovaných z různých zástupců členovců čeledi Ixodidae, Culicidae metodou PAGGE a PCR (1998)
Monitorování frekvence výskytu spirochet v klíšťatech a komárech ve vybraných lokalitách ČR (1998)
Možnosti zkvalitnění výuky mikrobiologie využitím software pro analýzu obrazu (2000)
Izolace a charakterizace bakterií degradujících 4-nitrokatechol (2000)
Bacteria of the tribe Proteeae - occurrence in raw materials and food, and resistance to antibiotics (2000)
Srovnání některých numerických identifikačních metod. (2000)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií. (2000)
DNA interactions of antitumor trans-/PtCl2(NH3)quinoline/ (1998)
DNA interactions of antitumor tran-[PtCl2(NH3)quinoline] (1997)
Biophysical analysis of DNA interaction with bis platinum compounds (1996)
Kolonizace osob a prostředí popáleninového centra: Molekulární typizace MRSA (2000)
Preparation of specific probes detecting prophages of serogroups A, B and F in lysogenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2000)
Genomic and phenotypic properties of exfoliatin-producing strains of
Staphylococcus aureus
implicated in two outbreaks of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in the Czech Republic (2000)
Characterization of oxacillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococcal strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2000)
Identification of
Staphylococcus aureus
based on PCR amplification of species specific genomic 826 bp sequence derived from 44 kb SmaI-restriction fragment (2000)
Preparation of a speciesspecific molecular probe for identification of Staphylococcus aureus (2000)
Monitoring of Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes Ricinus Ticks in Park Pisárky (BRNO) in 1996-1998: Dark-field Microscopy and PCR Method (2000)
RC1 Consortium for Soil Decontamination : Its Preparation and Use (2000)
Způsob fermentace vázanými živými mikroorganismy a/nebo bezbuněčnými praparáty a/nebo enzymy (1999)
Zařízení pro intenzifikaci fermentace (1999)
Nosič biomasy (1999)
The biological degradation of grease and oil in waste water (1997)
Determination of haloalkane dehalogenase enzymatic activity by capillary zone electrophoresis (2000)
Genetic predisposition to metamphetamine dependence - DRD2 and ACE genes (2000)
Engineering proteins for the degradation of recalcitrant compounds (2000)
Somaclonal variation and embryonic lethal mutations in Arabidopsis (2000)
Stereospecific formation of alpha-hydroxycarboxylato oxo peroxo complexes of vanadium(V). Crystal structure... (2000)
Cyano-bridged bimetallic complexes of copper(II) with nitroprusside. Crystal structure of [Cu(H2NCH2CH2(NH2)CH3)2Fe(CN)5NO]H2O (2000)
Role of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites in Effects of TNF-alfa on Proliferation, Viability, Differentiation and Apoptosis of Human Leukaemic Cell Line HL-60 (2000)
Oxidase activity of Yarrowia lipolytica W1 cells (2000)
Genetic mapping in Arabidopsis thaliana: classical and molecular techniques. (2000)
Stability of Complexes of Aromatic Amides with Bromide Anion: Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (2000)
Ni(II)-piperidinedithiocarbamate complexes with bidentate phosphorus-donor ligands (2000)
Nitrogen-donor base adducts of bis(O,O '-di-isoamyldithiophosphato)nickel(II) (2000)
Pokroky psychiatrie a psychofarmakologie z hlediska vývoje molekulární biologie a genetiky (2000)
Produkce rostlinného enzymu v bakteriálních expresních systémech (2000)
Osnovne vzreje čmrljev (2000)
Some biological aspects of bumble bee (Bombus, Hymenoptera) management. (2001)
Landscape pollination management of Rhophitoides canus Ev. (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae) in seed production of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (2001)
Structure and function of erythropoietin. A review. (2000)
TAS49-a dispersed repetitive sequence isolated from subtelomeric regions of Nicotiana tomentosiformis chromosomes (2000)
Detailed Mapping of Methylcythosine Positions at the CpG Island Surrounding tha Pa Promoter at the bcr-abl Locus in CML Patients in Two Cell Lines, K562 and BV 173 (2000)
Analysis of the G-overhang structures on plant telomeres: evidence for two distinct telomere architectures (2000)
The Health Industry Council (2000)
The effects of RARa and RXRa proteins on growth, viability and differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2000)
CBP is involved in regulation of differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2000)
Partial v-Myb suppression by Fos and Jun proteins (2000)
Srovnání anti-onkogenních vlastností retinoidových receptorů RAR a RXR. (2000)
Využití RT-PCR pro diagnózu akutních myeloidních leukémií u dětí. (2000)
The role of the fos and jun oncogenes in the myeloid differentiation pathway. (2000)
CBP increases sensitivity of v-myb-transformed monoblasts to phorbol ester. (2000)
Detekce chimérických mRNA u akutních myeloidních leukémií technikou RT-PCR. (2000)
Význam specifity ligandu pro protinádorové účinky retinoidových receptorů. (2000)
Stříbrná elektroda jako senzor pro sledování koncentrace zinečnatých iontů v buněčných médiích (2000)
c-Jun is essential for differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts induced by TPA. (2000)
CBP increases sensitivity of v-myb-transformed monoblasts to phorbol ester. (2000)
DNA and Chromatin Structure of Telomere-Subtelomere Junctions in Silene latifolia (2000)
Telomerase Activity,Expression and Telomere in situ Analysis in the Course of Treatment of Childhood Leukemias (2000)
Telomere-binding Proteins from Nuclei of Telomerase-Negative Tissues Inhibit Plant Telomerase (invited lecture) (2000)
Homomeric Interaction Of the Mouse Rad52 Protein (2000)
Induction of apoptosis in HL-60 cells by N(6)-benzyladenosine. (2000)
Functional ralationship between enzymes MAOA and ACE in human brain? (2000)
How many individuals survive winter in intact colonies of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)? (2000)
The two-queen cascade method as an alternative technique for starting bumble bee (Bombus, Hymenoptera, Apidae) colonies in laboratory (Preliminary study) (2000)
Crystal structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (2000)
One Pot Synthesis of Quinazolin-4-yl- and Quinazolin-4-ylidenethioureas by Application of N2-1-(2-Cyanophenyl)-N1-thioxomethylidenebenzene-1-carboximidamide (2000)
Synthesis of 4-Amino-3-cyano-2-dialkylaminoquinolines (2000)
Telomerase activity and expression in the course of treatment of acute childhood leukemias (2000)
Changes in cytoskeleton of HL-60 cells during induced apoptosis (2000)
Geny na prodej (2000)
Reaction of the skin fibroblasts cytoskeleton to micromanipulation (2000)
Reakce aktinového cytoskeletu lidských kožních fibroblastů na mikromanipulační zásah (2000)
Změny aktinového cytoskeletu buněk promyelocytární leukemické linie HL-60 v průběhu diferenciace a apoptózy (2000)
Chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool in physiological plant ecology: Assessment of plant photosynthetic response to long-term elevated CO2. (2000)
Fat and oil removal installation (2000)
Genomic relatedness of
Staphylococcus aureus
phages of the International Typing Set and detection of serogroup A, B, and F prophages in lysogenic strains (2000)
Monitoring the presence of borreliae in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Brno park Pisárky, Czech Republic (2000)
Spirochaetes in Aedes species, Culex pipiens pipiens larvae and hibernating Culex pipiens molestus mosquitoes detected with dark field microscopy (DMF) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods (2000)
Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of a Maize Cytokinin-glucoside-specific b-Glucosidase. (2001)
Molekulární mikrobiologie v diagnostice mykotických infekcí (2000)
Rychlý průkaz mikromycet v krvi metodou PCR-RFLP (2000)
Koliciny obecně a nový kolicin U zvláště. (2000)
Detekce profágů u TSST-1 pozitivních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus pomocí specifických sond (2000)
gastric carcinoma of childhood (1999)
The study of presence of spirochetes focused on Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. with PCR method in haematophagous and non haematophagous arthropods (2000)
The study of spirochete positivity focused on Borrelia burgdorferi in sera and heart rinses and tissues of wild-living rodents (2000)
Determination of spirochete isolates and studium of their protein composition with the PAGGE method (2000)
Identification of Lyme borreliosis causal organism and its manifestation at vectors and hosts by immunological methods (ELISA, CFR, PAGGE). (2000)
Identifikace izolátů z klíšťat a divoce žijících hlodavců a studium jejich proteinového složení metodou SDS-PAGGE (2000)
Studium přítomnosti protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi v sérech a vyplašich srdci u divokých zvířat. (2000)
Studium přítomnosti spirochet zaměřené na patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi u hematofágních a nehematofágních zastupců hmyzu (2000)
TRITON: in silico construction of protein mutants and prediction of their activities (2000)
Effect of the carbon source on assessment of degrading bacteria with the spread-plating technique during in situ bioremediation (2000)
Panoráma biologické a sociokulturní antropologie 2: Genetika (2000)
TRITON: graphic software for rational engineering of enzymes (2001)
Molecular dissection of interactions between Rad51 and members of the recombination-repair group (2001)
Genetic resources conservation in some forage legumes using bumble bee (Bombus terrestris) pollination (2001)
Alkoholizmus a dopaminový receptor D2 - předběžné výsledky asociační studie (2001)
Alkoholizmus a angiotensinkonvertáza - předběžné výsledky asociační studie (2001)
Molekulárně cytogenetická diagnostika Prader-Willi/Angelmanova syndromu. (2000)
Crystal structure of a cytokinic-glucoside-specific beta-glucosidase from Zea mays (2000)
Crystallographic study of the maize cytokinin glucoside-specific beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 (2000)
Double fertilisation of angiosperms 1889-2000 (The origin and significance of flowering plants double fertilisation) (2000)
Dynamics of b-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 ectopic expression during transgenic pollen development: a histochemical approach (1999)
Influence of cell fixation on chromatin topography (2000)
Analýza mutace K329E (A985) způsobující deficit acyl-CoA-dehydrogenasy mastných kyselin o středně dlouhém řetězci (MCAD) v české populaci (2000)
The effect of the site of nitrogen assimilation on plant growth (1999)
Effect of benzyladenine, 4-PU-30 and thidiazuron on millisecond delayed and prompt chlorophyll fluorescence of Dianthus caryophyllus L. axillary buds cultured in vitro (2001)
Studium lokalizace asimilace dusičnanů v rostlinách s využitím klasických a molekulárně biologických metod (2000)
Příjem dusíku a růst recipročních štěpů hráchu odrůdy Juneau a mutantů A317 s nízkou aktivitou nitrátreduktázy (2000)
Identifikace inzerčních mutací v ARR genech dvoukomponentního systému u Arabidopsis thaliana metodami reverzní genetiky (2000)
Virtual PCR (2001)
Application of fluorometric methods to measurements of lichen photosynthetic responses to changing temperature and thallus hydration. (2001)
Nitrogen and base cation uptake in seedlings of Acer pseudoplatanus and Calamagrostis villosa exposed to an acidified environment. (2000)
Soil mineral nitrogen availability was unaffected by elevated atmospheric pCO(2) in a four year old field experiment (swiss face) (2000)
Production processes in a grass Calamagrostis epigejos grown at different soil nitrogen supply. (2000)
Seasonal changes in allocation of nitrogen-rich compounds within a rhizomatous grass Calamagrostis epigejos (2000)
Biophysical methods for stress detection in plants (2000)
Stimulation of nonspecific immunity, haemopoiesis and protection of mice against radiation injury by 1-adamntylamide-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine incorporated in liposomes (2001)
Evaluating sensitiveness of seed germination and root elongation test on fluoranthene in environment (1998)
Detection of fluoranthene effect on primary processes of photosynthesis in maize and sunflower using chlorophyll fluorescence (2000)
CD - ROM for teaching of plant anatomy and cytology (2000)
Effects of fotomodified fluoranthene on Lactuca sativa (L.), Allium cepa (L.) and Solanum lycopersicum (L.) during germination and early seedling development. (2000)
A study of selected physiological characteristics of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2000)
Detection of Francisella tularensis in infected mammals and vectors using probe-based polymerase chain reaction (2000)
Seasonal changes of bird communities in a managed lowland riverine ecosystem (1999)
Measures of species diversity in ecology: an evaluation (2000)
Keratinophilic fungi associated with free-living mammals and birds (2000)
European experience with the West Nile virus ecology and epidemiology: could it be relevant for the New World? (2000)
Migratory birds and spread of West Nile virus in the Western Hemisphere (2000)
Detection of spirochetes in, and isolation from, culicine mosquitoes (2000)
Isolation and morphological characterization of mosquito spirochetes from a Lyme disease endemic area (2000)
West Nile virus investigations in South Moravia, Czechland (2000)
Influence of Chlorella vulgaris on lipid metabolism changes after high-fat feeding in mice (2001)
Cytotoxic effects of colicins E1 and E3 on v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2001)
Detection of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia (2000)
CBP is involved in regulation of differentiation of v-Myb-transformed monoblasts (2000)
Human remains from the Moravian Gravettian: Morphology and taphonomy of isolated elements from Dolní Věstonice II site (2000)
The North Bohemian mesolithic revisited. The excavation seasons 1998 - 1999 (2000)
Odlišné účinky virové a buněčné formy proteinu Jun na monoblasty transformované onkogenem v-myb (2001)
The effects of Fos proteins on myeloid differentiation (2001)
CBP zvyšuje citlivost monoblastů transformovaných onkogenem v-myb k diferenciaci vyvolané TPA a trichostatinem A (2001)
Makrorestrikční analýza genomu a výskyt profágů u exfoliatin-pozitivních kmenů Stahylococcus aureus (2001)
Biochemical characterization of broad-specificity enzymes using multivariate experimental design and a colorimetric microplate assay: characterization of the haloalkane dehalogenase mutants (2001)
Toxicity, uptake and retention of sodium mercaptoborate (BSH) in glial and glioma cells in culture (1997)
Endotoxin release during a pig model of cardiopulmonary bypasse:Preoperative effect of apheresis. Relation to apoptosis. (1997)
Ovlivňuje polymorfizmus TaqI A DRD2 dispozice k alkoholizmu? (2001)
Prasečí model při studiu aktivace programované buněčné smrti během kardiopulmonárního bypassu (1998)
Apoptotic DNA fragmentation in tissues of pigs with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) (1998)
Chemical structure-chromatographic behaviour of antraquinones. QSAR in the series of antraquinones. (1998)
The utilization of immobilized ribonuclease in chromatographic purification of plasmids (1998)
The detection of Salmonella in foods by IMS-PCR (1998)
Chromatographic purification and separation of DNA molecules (1998)
Separace lineárních molekul DNA pomocí HPLC. (1999)
Apoptotické změny DNA detekované v tkáních prasete (1999)
Využití polymerázové řetězové reakce (PCR) pro rychlou a citlivou detekci baktérií rodu Salmonella (1999)
Gastric carcinoma on 9-year-old boy (2000)
Vliv různých konstrukčních uspořádání elektroporačního zařízení na elektrotransformaci bakteriálních buněk plasmidovou DNA (2000)
Vliv experimentálních podmínek na elektrotransformaci bakteriálních buněk plasmidovou DNA (2000)
Detekce programové buněčné smrti v periferní krvi prasečího modelu s mimotělním oběhem (MTO) (2000)
Apoptosis in pig leucocytes during cardiopulmonary bypass (1999)
Characterisation of ribonuclease immobilised on cellulose and HEMA supports (1999)
Immunomagnetic separation in the detection of Salmonella cells from foodstuffs (1999)
Biochemické a fyziologické vlastnosti gramnegativních nefermentujících tyček. (2000)
Taxonomie a diagnostika mikrokoků a makrokoků (1999)
Taxonomie stafylokoků (1999)
Taxonomie leptospir (1999)
Identifikace gramnegativních nefermentujících tyček (1999)
Seznam platných jmen bakterií validně publikovaných do října 1997. (1997)
Identifikace klinicky významných aeromonád a plesiomonád mikrotesty. (1997)
Novinky v taxonomii klinicky významných mikrobů (1997)
Současná nomenklatura patogenních bakterií. (1996)
Identifikace aeromonád pocházejících z vodních zdrojů. (1994)
Identifikace střevních baktérií systémy ENTEROtest 1 a 2 a ENTERO-Rapid. (1992)
Využití soupravy STREPTOtest pro identifikaci enterokoků a viridujících streptokoků. (1992)
Microbiology of Bombus terrestris L. larvae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from laboratory rearing. (1997)
Genetic relationship of strains of Haemophilus aphrophilus, H.paraphrophilus, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans studied by ribotyping. (1993)
Identification of Staphylococcus and Micrococcus species with the STAPHYtest system. (1991)
Identification of staphylococci by the STAPHYtest (1990)
Telomerase Activity and Expresion and Telomere Analysis in Situ in the Course of Treatment of Childhood Leukemias (2000)
Differentiation of the family Vibrionaceae by means of the ENTEROtest (1990)
Bioremediace (2000)
Theodor Martinec (1996)
Sorption of heavy metals onto the cells of Yarrowia lipolytica CCM 4510 (2001)
Stanovení těžkých kovů v tkáních Okouna říčního (Perca fluviatilis L.) a Kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2001)
Sledování genotoxické aktivity volatilních halogenovaných alifatických uhlovodíků (2001)
Sledování stability transgenu u Drosophila melanogaster pomocí teplotní gredientové gelové elektroforézy a sekvencování (2001)
Identification of three novel mutations in the PHKA2 gene in Czech patients with X-linked liver glycogenosis (2001)
Chromatographic separation of lambda DNas (1999)
Properties of RNase immobilized on magnetic particles (1999)
Apoptotic changes in pig leucocytes after phagocytosis of living bacteria (1999)
Effect of preoperative apheresis on the amount of apoptotic cells in peripheral blood of pigs during cardiopulmonary bypass (1999)
Postreceptor effect of antidepressants on C6 glioma cells and NK lymphocytes (1999)
Ribonukleáza A imobilizovaná na různých nosičích a její vlastnosti (2000)
Využití nových metod identifikace baktérií rodu Salmonella v potravinách (2000)
Study of activity of DNase I immobilized on magnetic cellulose (2000)
Retention index system for prediction and identification of retention data in gas-liquid chromatography (2000)
The use of immobilized systems for identification of microorganisms in foodstuffs (2000)
PCR inhibitors in foodstuffs (2000)
DNaseI immobilized on magnetic hydrogel particles in DNA analysis (2000)
PCR sensitivity of Salmonella and Campylobacter determination in foods (2000)
Chromatographic behaviour of linear DNA molecules of defined size (2000)
Characterisation of Ribonuclease A Immobilized on Magnetic Cellulose - and Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)-Based Supports (2000)
Ultrastructure of nuclei of cisplatin-treated C6 glioma cells undergoing apoptosis (2000)
Apoptosis activation in pig leucocytes after phagocytosis of Salmonella typhimurium (2000)
Reaction mechanism and stereochemistry of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA (2001)
Analýza výskytu tularémie na okrese Břeclav v letech 1994-1999 (2001)
Sorpce vybraných těžkých kovů buňkami Yarrowia lipolytica CCM 4510 (2001)
Coordination compounds of nickel with trithiocyanuric acid. Part IV. Structure of [Ni(pmdien)(ttcH)] (pmdien = N,N,N ',N ',N''-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine, ttcH(3) = trithiocyanuric acid) (2001)
Genetické založení doby do kvetení u modelové rostliny Arabidopsis thaliana (2001)
Preparation, physicochemical properties and biological activity of copper(II) complexes with 6-(2-chlorobenzylamino)purine (HL1) or 6-(3-chlorobenzylamino)purine (HL2). The single-crystal X-ray structure of [Cu(H+L2)(2)Cl-3]Cl-2H(2)O (2001)
Potemník moučný používá magnetický kompas - záleží ale na osvětlení. (2001)
5 polymorphisms in the transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) in adult periodontitis (2002)
Změny cytoskeletu buněk linie HL-60 v průběhu apoptózy indukované kyselinou all-trans retinovou (2001)
Synthesis, structure and magnetic behaviour of a two-dimensional cyano-bridged complex [{Cu(ept)}(3)Fe(CN)(6)] (ClO4)(2).5H(2)O [ept =N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-diaminopropane] (2001)
1,6-hexanediammonium dihydrogendecavanadate dihydrate, (H3N-(CH2)(6)-NH3)(2)H2V10O28. 2 H2O (2001)
Cytoskelet buněk myeloidní leukemické linie HL-60 ve vztahu k indukci apoptózy a diferenciace (2001)
Vliv acetylace histonů na diferenciaci monoblastů transformovaných onkogenem v-myb (2001)
Novel dystrophin mutations revealed by analysis of dystrophin mRNA: alternative splicing suppresses the phenotypic effect of a nonsense mutation (2001)
Columnar Packing of Telomeric Nucleosomes (2001)
Navrhování sekvencí oligonukleotidů v molekulární biologii (2001)
Proteinová krystalografie v postgenomické éře (2001)
The crystal structure of rac-N-carboxymethylaspartic acid (2001)
Structural studies of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives; growth hormones with anti-tumor activity (2001)
Iron(II) and Magnesium (III) complexes with non-coordinated trithiocyanuric acid (2001)
Sorpce vybraných těžkých kovů buňkami Yarrowia lipolytica CCM 4510 (2001)
Photodegradation of Halobenzenes in Water Ice (2001)
Vztah TaqI A polymorfizmu genu pro DRD2 k alkoholizmu: podvod 20. století? (2001)
Ovlivňuje počítač lidský mozek II? (2001)
Alkoholizmus a interleukin 6 (2001)
Spectrum of low density lipoprotein receptor mutations in Czech hypercholesterolemic patients (2001)
Bakterie a jejich viry (2001)
Heterogeneity of chlorophyll fluorescence over thalli of several foliose macrolichens exposed to adverse environmental factors: Interspecific differences as related to thallus hydration and high irradiance. (2000)
Enterococcus haemoperoxidus sp. nov. and Enterococcus moraviensis sp. nov., isolated from water (2001)
Bio-active Cu(II), Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives (2001)
Evaluation of ribotyping for characterization and identification of
Enterococcus haemoperoxidus
Enterococcus moraviensis
strains (2001)
Zkušenosti CCM s uložením bakterií při -70C (2001)
Charakteristika fluorescentních eskulin-pozitivních pseudomonád z vod (2001)
Syntéza, charakterizácia a štruktúra oxo-peroxovanadičných komplexov (2001)
Syntéza a studium komplexů železa s trithiokyanurovou kyselinou (2001)
Prvý peroxokomplex vanádu(V) s koordinovaným heteroligandom, derivátom delta-laktónu, tvoreným v reakčnom systéme (2001)
Syntéza komplexov kobaltu(III) s tetradentátnymi chirálnymi ligandmi (2001)
O,O'-Dialkyldithiofosfátové komplexy niklu (2001)
Produkce extracelulárních metabolitů u Pseudomonas pictorum (2001)
Phytotoxicity of iron in relation to its solubility conditions and the effect of ionic strength (2001)
Vliv metabolitů václavky na obrannou reakci rostlin (2001)
Mutace dystrofinového genu u X-vázané dilatační kardiomyopatie a u svalových dystrofií. (2001)
Onkogen v-myb a možnosti jeho suprese (2001)
v-Jun and v-Fos proteins induce dedifferentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2001)
Vliv proteinů Fos na růst a diferenciaci monoblastů transformovaných onkogenem v-myb (2001)
Kolik včel přezimuje v nepodněcovaných včelsvech? (2001)
Včela nebo pestřenka? (2001)
The effect of day length, vernalization and DNA demethylation on the flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana (2001)
Identifikace spirochét se zaměřením na Borrelia burgdorferi v trávicím traktu hematofágních a nehematofágních členovců (2001)
Čtyřleté studium výskytu Borrelia burgdorferi v klíšťatech na lokalitě Pisárky, Brno (2001)
Identifikace Ag struktur patogenních spirochet Borrelia burgdorferi a změny proteinového složení jednotlivých pasáží metodou SDS - gradient PAGE (2001)
Monitorování přítomnosti spirochét v hematofágních členovcích se zaměřením na Borrelia burgdorferi použitím metod DFM a PCR (2001)
Studium pozitivity na přítomnost patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi u divokých zvířat - jako hostitelů nebo přenašečů Lymeské borreliózy (2001)
Identifikace 33 izolátů spirochet a určení patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi u vzorků izolovaných z roztočů, klíšťat, komárů a hlodavců (2001)
Sledování výskytu spirochet v hematofágních členovcích čeledí Culicidae, Simuliidae, Tabanidae a Ixodidae použitím metod DFM a PCR a jejich následná identifikace. (2001)
Enzyme activities of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2001)
Comparative symptomatology of West Nile fever (2001)
Prevalence of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in game animals in South Moravia, Czech Republic (2000)
Přílet ptáků v jihomoravském regionu v roce 1997 (1999)
Selective isolation of Pseudomonas stutzeri from vertebrate faeces on Rambach agar (1998)
Mikrobiální zoonózy a sapronózy (2000)
Activation or detoxification of mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds in transgenic Drosophila expressing human glutathione S-transferase. (2000)
Analýza mutací v transgenu Drosophila melanogaster pomocí teplotní gradientové elektroforézy (TGGE) a sekvencování. (2001)
Toxický a genotoxický účinek volatilních halogenovaných alifatických uhlovodíků na Drosophila melanogaster (2000)
Ještě k otázce počtu jedinců v zimujících včelstvech (2001)
Comparative binding energy (COMBINE) analysis of the substrate specificity of haloalkane dehalogenase from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10 (2001)
Synthesis of spiropyrrolidines and spiropyrrolizidines by 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of azomethine ylides to substituted a-methylene-g-lactones (2001)
Application of fluorometric methods to measurements of lichen photosynthetic responses to changing temperature and thallus hydration. (1999)
The effect of UV irradiation on changes in cytoskeleton and viability of mouse fibroblasts L929 cell line (2000)
Změny cytoskeletu během procesu apoptózy (2001)
Changes in the cytoskeleton during apoptotic cell death (2001)
The loss of sensistivity of Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8511 to the polyvalent and virulent phage 812 following lysogenization with the phage 53. (1968)
Aplication of penicillin method to the isolation of auxotrophic mutants in the penicillinase-positive strain Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8511. (1970)
Increase of isolation frequency of auxotrophic mutants in the penicillinase-positive strain S.aureus NCTC 8511 by using broth as preirradiation medium. (1971)
Determination of growth requirements of auxotrophic mutants in the penicillinase-positive strain Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8511. (1971)
Effect of polyvalent phage 812 on oxidation of endogeneous substrate in cells of Staphylococcus aureus strains (1973)
Effect of polyvalent phage 812 on oxidation of glucose by some strains of Staphylococcus aureus (1973)
Stanovení vitaminu B12 pomocí E.coli M200 na tenké agarové vrstvě (1973)
Vliv polyvalentního fága 812 na oxidační aktivitu buněk S.aureus (1974)
Effect of some carbon compounds on activity of polyvalent staphylophage 812 (1975)
Influence of triphenyltetrazolium chloride and phenazine methosulphate on vitality of staphylococci and staphylophage 812 (1975)
The exertion of differential centrifugation method for partial purification of staphylophage 812 (1975)
Inhibice indukované syntézy beta-galaktozidázy u Staphylococcus aureus po infekci virulentním fágem 812. I. Vliv vkladového poměru (1980)
Inhibice indukované syntézy beta-galaktozidázy u Staphylococcus aureus po infekci virulentním fágem 812. II. Vztah mezi indukcí a fágovou infekcí. (1980)
Růst virulentního stafylofága 812 v syntetickém prostředí (1980)
The influence of phage 812 and its spontaneous mutants on beta-galactosidase activity of cells of Staphylococcus aureus. (1983)
Reduced synthesis of beta-galactosidase of Staphylococcus aureus infected by treated phage 812 particles (1983)
The effect of hypergravitation on metabolic activity in bacterial cells of Staphylococcus aureus (1983)
Changes in the growth of staphylophage 812 induced by homogeneous magnetic field. (1983)
The effect of NaCl and KCl on the growth and metabolic activity of staphylococci (1983)
Změny v produkci virulentních stafylofágů po kultivaci hostitele v homogenním magnetickém poli (1989)
Defects of Pollen Development in Transgenic Tobacco (2001)
Developmental Consequences of ipt Activation in Germinating Tobacco Seedlings (2001)
Insertional Mutants in Arabidopsis Response Regulator Genes (2001)
A Receiver Domain of CKI1 Sensor Kinase: Expression, Purification and Antibody Production (2001)
Regulated Expression of Isopentenyl Transferase in Arabidopsis: System Development. (2001)
Cytokinin Occurrence in Chloroplasts. (2001)
Nitrate Reductase Activity in ipt-Expressing Tobacco. (2001)
Meristem Development in Transgenic Tobacco Seedlings. (2001)
Anatomical Study of ipt Transgenic Tobacco Embryo and Seedling Meristem Development. (2001)
Možnosti stanovení proteinů (2001)
New mixed-donor unsymmetrical P-N-P ligands and their palladium(II) complexes (2001)
Navrhování sekvencí oligonukleotidů (2001)
A Novel System for Regulated Expression of Isopentenyl Transferase Gene, ipt, in Arabidopsis Thaliana. (2001)
Identification of a Cysteine Residue Conferring Sensitivity of a Maize â-Glukosidase to Silver Ion and Alkylation Treatment. (2001)
Expression and Single-Step Purification of the Signal Receiver Domain of CKI1, a Putative Cytokinin Receptor from Arabidopsis Thaliana. (2001)
Insights into the Functional Architecture of the Catalytic Center of a Maize Beta-Glucosidase Zm-p60.1 (2001)
Identification of <I>Staphylococcus aureus</I> based on PCR amplification of species specific genomic 826 bp sequence derived from a common 44-kb <I>Sma</I>I restriction fragment (2001)
Impact of rational antibiotic usage on occurrence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in hematological patients (2001)
TERMINOLOGIE MOLEKULÁRNÍ BIOLOGIE. České odborné termíny, definice a anglické ekvivalenty (2001)
Cytological analysis of embryonic lethal T-DNA mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana (2001)
Gene localization by means of T-DNA tagging in Arabidopsis thaliana (2001)
Úvod do molekulární biologie (1999)
Úvod do molekulární biologie (2000)
Úvod do molekulární biologie (1998)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků připisovaných biskupovi Albertu II. ze Šternberka a jeho synovci Petrovi ze Šternberka a jeho ženě Anně Rebece rozené z Kravař (2001)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků hraběte Josefa Františka Dietrichsteina a knížete Leopolda Ignáce Dietrichsteina (2001)
Antropologická charakteristika staroslovanského obyvatelstva hradiště Pohansko u Břeclavi (2001)
Pohansko u Břeclavi - jižní předhradí.Demografická struktura sídliště a jeho vztah k jiným staroslovanským pohřebištím na území České republiky (2001)
Screening of cyanophytes from mosquito breeding places (mostly rice fields) with emphasis on unicellular species - potential recipients of Bti genes (2001)
Changes in the expression of FGFR3 in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia receiving transplants of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cells (2001)
Transition between two forms of heterochromatin at plant subtelomeres (2001)
One-Pot Quinazolin-4-ylidenethiourea Synthesis via N-(2-Cyanophenyl)benzimidoyl isothiocyanate (2001)
One-Pot Quinazolin-4-yl-thiourea Synthesis via N-(2-Cyano-phenyl)benzimidoyl isothiocyanate (2001)
Isolation of Borrelia afzelii from overwintering Culex pipiens biotype molestus mosquitoes. (1999)
PCR identification of Salmonella cells in food and stool samples after immunomagnetic separation (2001)
Properties of RNase A immobilized on magnetic poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) microspheres (2001)
Properties of nucleases immobilized on hydrophilic polymer particles (2001)
Use of enzymes and proteins immobilized on magnetic polymer particles in bacterial molecular diagnostics (2001)
The influence of metal ions on the activity of immobilized nucleases (2001)
The limitation of PCR in identification of Salmonella cells in foods (2001)
Influence of metal ions on activity and stability of DNase I immobilized on hydrophilic particles (2001)
Application of HEMA-based particles in preparation of samples for PCR identification of Salmonella cells in foods (2001)
Identifikace patogenů potravinového řetězce v přítomnosti inhibitorů PCR (2001)
Vlastnosti DNázy I imobilizované na magnetických nosičích (2001)
Vnitrobuněčné inhibitory PCR v baktériích Salmonella typhimurium (2001)
v-Jun and v-Fos proteins induce dedifferentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2001)
4-leté studium výskytu Borrelia burgdorferiu v klíštatech na parkové lokalitě Pisárky, Brno (2001)
Bakteriální degradace nitroguajakolů a jejich směsí s dalšími nitroaromáty (2001)
Mikroorganismy a mikrobiologie - CD-ROM (2001)
Nadpočetné markerové chromosomy v karyotypu člověka a jejich klinický význam (2001)
The study of antiborrelian antibodies in 110 sera from students on various antigens of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. (2001)
4-Nitroguaiacol as product and substrate of bacterial metabolism (2001)
Borrelia burgdorferi, an agent of Lyme borreliosis, in ticks and haematophagous insects (2001)
Biodegradace směsí nitrofenolů a příbuzných látek (2001)
Intrathalline distribution of an alga Trebouxia sp. and its photosynthetic parameters in Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria decussata (2001)
A molecular cytogenetic and clinical study of patients with the Prader-Willy and Angelman syndromes (2001)
Cytogenetic abnormalities in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma studied by I-FISH and CGH. (2001)
Seasonal development of mycorrhizal extraradical mycelium associated with three mediterranean orchid species (2001)
Glomus mosseae-maize mycorrhizal association grown under different phosphorus supply (2001)
A novel inseted membrane technique for studies of mycorrhizal extraradical mycelium (2001)
Zhodnocení znovuobjeveného fragmentu lidské dolní čelisti č. 21 z Předmostí u Přerova (2001)
Metal complexes as anticancer agents 2. Iron(III) and copper(II) bio-active complexes with N-6-benzylaminopurine derivatives (2001)
Four novel germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in breast and breast-ovarian cancer (2001)
Plectin repeats and modules: strategic cysteines and their presumed impact on cytolinker (2001)
Structure-specificity relationships for haloalkane dehalogenases (2001)
Genetika alkoholismu I: Rodinné a adopční studie a studie dvojčat (2001)
Patologické hráčství (2001)
The Association Study of DRD2, ACE and AGT Gene Polymorphisms and Metamphetamine Dependence (2001)
Alkoholizmus a dopaminový receptor D2 - předběžné výsledky asociační studie (2001)
Alkoholizmus a angiotensinkonvertáza - předběžné výsledky asociační studie (2001)
Molekulárně-genetické metody při detekci iniciačních faktorů familiární hypercholesterolémie u dětí (2001)
Cooling shock induction of protein synthesis by larvae of Galleria mellonella (L.)(Insecta: Lepidoptera) (2001)
Influence of proleg ligature on the protein level in haemolymph of Bombyx mori (L.) larvae (1999)
Lipoxygenase metabolites are negative regulators of differentiation induced by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (2001)
Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Inhibitors Potentiate Antiproliferative, Apoptotic and Differentiation effects of TNFa on human leukemic HL-60 cells (2000)
The Intramolecular Cycloadditon Reaction of N'-Alkyl-N3-[[(2-cyanophenyl)imino](phenyl)methyl]thioureas (2001)
Inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism potentiate tumour necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells (2001)
Terminologický slovník z cytologie a anatomie rostlin (2001)
Toxicita těžkých kovů pro řasy (2001)
Studium příjmu sinic larvami komárů a jejich stravitelnosti pomocí fluorochromu DAPI (2001)
Řasy a sinice v potrave komárů (2001)
In situ localization of short repetitive sequences on extended DNA fibers of Silene latifolia (2001)
Further characterization of telomeric chromatin (2001)
Reversibility of cadmium-induced apoptosis is associated with increased level of telomerase activity in tobacco TBY-2 cells (2001)
Columnar Structure Of Telomeric Chromatin (2001)
In Situ Analysis of Telomeres in Haematological Malignancies (2001)
Analysis of dystrophin mRNA in patients with DMD,BMD and XLDC (2001)
Effects of thallus temperature and hydration on photosynthetic parameters of Cetraria islandica from contrasting habitats. (2001)
The Reactivity Study on N3,N3-(3-Oxapentan-1,5-diyl)-N1-(2-phenyl-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-4-yliden)thiourea (2001)
The Reactivity Study on N3,N3-(3-Oxapentan-1,5-diyl)-N1-(2-phenyl-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-4-yliden)thiourea. Part 2: Reaction with Phenacyl Bromides and Chloroacetic Acid Derivatives (2001)
Histone acetylation contributes to the differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts. (2001)
Výskyt mikrodelece 22q11 v souboru pacientů se syndromem CATCH22. (2001)
Charakteristika atypických kmenů Enterococcus casseliflavus izolovaných ze střeva hlemýžďů Helix aspersa (2001)
Výskyt fluorescentních pseudomonád ve vodách jeskynních systémů (2001)
Genetická ambulance v centru asistované reprodukce. (2001)
Low temperature photoinhibition and recovery in fruticose (
Usnea antarctica
) and foliose (
Umbilicaria decussata
) Antarctic lichen species. (2001)
Photosynthetic response of Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) to thallus temperature and hydration detected by chlorophyll fluorescence. (2001)
Mikroorganismy a biokoroze (2001)
Paris and Arum morphotypes of VAM mycorrhizas (2001)
Changes in microhabitat specificity of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) in relation to parasite ontogenetic development. (2001)
Biodegradace trichorethylenu čistými kulturami bakterií (2001)
Sorpce těžkých kovů buňkami Yarrowia Lipolytika CCM 4510 (2001)
Využití analýzy spektra mastných kyselin a proteinů k identifikaci bakterií komplexu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2001)
Degradation of 4-nitrocatechol and other nitroaromatic compounds by Rhodococcus opacus J3 (2001)
Polycoccum crespoae sp.nov., the first report of a lichenicolous fungus on Chondropsis semiviridis (Parmeliaceae) (2001)
Molekulární základ změny rozmezí hostitele stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 (2001)
Genotype variability of TSST-1 positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains in the Czech Republic (2001)
Charakterizace variability genomu kmenů nového multirezistentního poddruhu
Staphylococcus hominis
v České republice (2001)
Analýza genomu stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 (2001)
Biochemická a molekulární taxonomie grampozitivních koků izolovaných z kůže lam (2001)
Analýza mutací stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 vedoucích ke změně rozmezí hostitele (2001)
Variabilita genomu kmenů multirezistentního poddruhu Staphylococcus hominis subsp. novobiosepticus v České republice (2001)
Genomová typizace exfoliatin-pozitivních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Detekce profágů v kmenech
Staphylococcus aurerus
pomocí druhově specifických sond (2001)
Nové druhy makrokoků izolované z lam (2001)
Psychrobacter immobilis isolated from foods: characteristics and identification. (2001)
Bacillus species in raw milk and in the farm environment. (2001)
Frequency of Bacillus bacteria in raw cows milk and its relation to other hygienic parameters. (2001)
Seasonal variation of forest habitat preferences by birds in a lowland riverine ecosystem (2001)
Česká sbírka mikroorganismů jako centrum biologických zdrojů. (2001)
Zjištění kompletní sekvence genomu methicilin-rezistentního a vankomycin-rezistentního kmene Staphylococcus aureus (2001)
Lesní pěšinky: Etická orientace v pojetí lidské bytosti z hlediska nových biomedicínkých technologií (2001)
Silver Electrode as a Sensor for Determination of Zinc in Cell Cultivation Medium (2002)
Důsledky vrozených a somatických mutací genů, jejichž produkty se účastní přestavby chromatinu (2002)
Uchovávání kultur mikroorganismů ve formě želatinových disků. (2001)
Nabídka kontrolních kmenů České sbírky mikroorganismů. (2001)
Periapikálne zápalové procesy u jedincov zo staroslovanského pohrebiska Pohansko - Pohřebiště okolo kostela (2001)
Symposium prof. Vojtěcha Suka (2001)
The multimedial CD-ROM "Plant cytology and anatomy" (2001)
Effect of fluoranthene on growth and primary processes of photosynthesis in faba bean and sunflower. (2001)
Odezva salátu (Lactuca sativa L.), cibule (Allium cepa L.) a rajčete (Solanum lycopersicum L.) na přítomnost fotomodifikovaného fluoranthenu v prostředí. (2001)
Využití fluorescence chlorofylu k posouzení krátkodobého působeni fluoranthenu na primární procesy fotosyntézy bobu obecného (Vicia faba L.) a slunečnice roční (Helianthus annuus L.). (2001)
Terminologický slovník z cytologie a anatomie rostlin. (2001)
The influence of fluoranthene on the growth and primary processes of photosynthesis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). (2001)
Effect of retinoic acid on the actin cytoskeleton in HL-60 cells (2001)
Antropoplogický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků z kláštera Louka u Znojma (2001)
Dědičnost genů pro pozdní kvetení a jejich interakce s geny odlišného genetického pozadí u Arabidopsis thaliana. (2002)
Interakce iontů kovů s imobilizovanou DNázou I (2002)
Využití imunomagnetické separace při detekci bakterií rodu Salmonella pomocí polymerázové řetězové reakce. (2002)
Chov čmeláků v úlcích na venkovních stanovištích. (2002)
Identifikace terénních kmenů bakterií rodu Salmonella metodou PCR v přítomnosti intracelulárních inhibitorů PCR (2002)
Plasminogen-Activator-Inhibitor-1 Promoter Polymorphism as a Risk Factor for Adult Periodontitis in Non-Smokers (2002)
Cortical actin cytoskeleton in the human oocytes: A comparison with the mouse oocytes (2001)
Čmeláci. Přehled hojnějších druhů a jejich rozlišovacích znaků. (2002)
Můžeme včelám zatopit? - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Včelí mezera. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Praktické důsledky objevu včelí mezery. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Užití membránového vstupu hmotnostního spektrometru v elektrochemii (2002)
Reaction of the Skin Fibroblast Cytoskeleton to Micromanipulation Interventions (2001)
The effect of cadmium ions on the cell cycle of the green flagellate Chlamydomonas noctigama (2002)
Identification of protein fold and catalytic residues of g-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA (2001)
Polymorphism R25P in the gene encoding Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-b1) is a newly identified risk factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2002)
Inhibitory effects of elevated endogenous cytokinins on nitrate reductase in ipt-expressing tobacco are eliminated by short-term exposure to benzyladenine (2002)
Synthesis, crystal structure, and IR spectroscopic characterization of 1,6-hexanediammonium dihydrogendecavanadate (2002)
Rhodococcus jostii sp. nov., isolated from a medieval grave. (2002)
Further findings of spirochaetal microorganism in mosquitoes and ticks in the Czech Republic (2002)
The Detection of Proviral DNA by Semi-nested Polymerase Chain Reaction and Phylogenetic Analysis of Czech Maedi-Visna Isolates Based on gag Gene Sequences (2000)
Mechanismy přestavby chromatinu (2001)
Mutace dystrofinového genu u X-vázané dilatační kardiomyopatie a u svalových dystrofií (2002)
N-(Carboxymethyl)aspartic acid (2002)
Discrimination of Armillaria species based on molecular-biological methods and HPLC. (2002)
Vliv těžkých kovů na koncentraci metallothioneinu u kvasinky YARROWIA LIPOLYTICA (2002)
The role of actin in the apoptotic cell death (2002)
Changes in the cytoskeleton of HL-60 and P19 cells during apoptosis associated with differentiation process. (2002)
A regioselectivity of electrophilic attacks to 5-amino-3-thioxo-3H-1,2-dithiole-4-carboxylic acid functional derivatives. An elucidation of product structures (2002)
Výskyt a identifikace patogenních spirochet Borrelia burgdorferi izolovaných z klíšťat, roztočů, hlodavců a komárů (2002)
Využití molekulárních markerů při genetickém mapování mutací Arabidopsis thaliana (2002)
The relationship among apolipoprotein(a) polymorphisms, the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein, and the very low density lipoprotein receptor genes, and plasma lipoprotein(A) concentration in the Czech population (2002)
Použití PCR-RFLP metodik při určování pozitivity klíšťat na patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi (2002)
Přítomnost patogenní spirochety Borrelia garinii v hibernující samici komára Culex (pipiens) molestus a další nálezy spirochet v komárech (2002)
Srovnání čtyřletého studia 1997-2000 aktivity a pozitivity na Borrelia burgdorferi v Ixodes ricinus s rokem 2001 (2002)
Identification of 33 spirochaete isolates and determination of Borrelia burgdorferi patogen strains using SDS-gradient PAGE and PCR method (2002)
Detekce přítomnosti antiborreliových protilátek u hlodavců (2002)
Čtyřleté studium pozitivity klíšťat na výskyt patogenních borrelií v Brně, Pisárky (2002)
Compass orientation - magnetic sense of animals (2001)
Characterization of yellow-pigmented and motile enterococci isolated from intestines of the garden snail
Helix aspersa
Dystrofinopatie u X-vázané dilatační kardiomyopatie a u svalových dystrofií (2002)
Polymorphism R25P in the gene encoding Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-b1) is a newly identified risk factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2002)
Occurrence of novobiocin resistant Staphylococcus spp on the skin of bats. (1998)
Gram-positive cocci from llamas (1998)
Poznámka k taxonomii salmonel (1999)
Vibrionaceae ve vodách (1998)
Diskuse k návrhu ISO/CD 9308-1 (1998)
Dystrophinopathies in X-linked cardiomyopathy and in muscular dystrophies (2002)
A His-to-Asp phosphorelay modifies the activity of ARR4 on phytochrome signaling. (2002)
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models (2002)
Spatial distribution of centromeric and subtelomeric DNA sequences in interphase nuclei of human Go and stimulated lymphocytes (2002)
Precise characterisation of monoclonal antibodies to the C-terminal region of p53 protein using the PEPSCAN ELISA technique and a new non-radioactive gel shift assay (2000)
Exploring the structure and activity of haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26: evidence for product and water mediated inhibition (2002)
Functionally relevant motions of haloalkane dehalogenases occur in the specificity-modulating cap domains (2002)
Biodegradation of 1,2,3-trichloropropane through directed evolution and heterologous expression of a haloalkane dehalogenase gene (2002)
Impact of Orthogonal Signal Correction (OSC) on the predictive ability of CoMFA models for the ciliate toxicity of nitrobenzenes (2002)
Role of SdiA in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium physiology and virulence (2002)
Synthesis of New 4-(4-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-5-(2-phenylquinazolin-4-yl)-1,3-Thiazol-2-yl)morpholine and N4-(5-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-1,3-oxathiol-2-yliden)-(2-phenylquinazolin-4-yl)-amine (2002)
Cloning, expression and preliminary characterization of novel haloalkane dehalogenase DhmA from Mycobacterium avium N85 (2002)
Mutations in dystrophin and lamins genes in patients with chronic heart failure (2002)
Mutations in dystrophin and lamins genes in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (2002)
Charakterizace bakteriálního kmene J7 a studium jeho degradační aktivity (2002)
Degradation of 4-nitroguaiacol and other nitroaromatic compounds by bacterial strain J7 (2002)
Rhodococcus opacus J3 - the bacterium degrading nitroaromatic compounds (2002)
Synthesis, characterization and antitumour activity of copper(II) 6-(4-chlorobenzylamino)purine complexes. X-ray structure of 6-(4-chloro-benzylamino)purinium perchlorate. (2002)
Oxalatooxoperoxo complexes of vanadium(V) with organic cations (2002)
Caffeic acid affects an induced differentiation process into granulocyte stage in HL-60 myeloid leukaemia cell line (2002)
The microbicidal effect of the silkworm(Bombyx mori)hemocytes is not dependent on oxygen reactive metabolites (2002)
Isoquinoline alkaloids: a 15N NMR and x-ray study. Part 2 (2002)
Detection of procathepsin D in rat milk (2002)
Procathepsin D in breast cancer: What do we know? Effects of ribozymes and other inhibitors (2002)
Use of molecular-biological methods and HPLC for discrimination of Armillaria species in Czech Republic (2002)
Changes in the cytoskeleton of P19 cells during apoptosis associated with induced differentiation (2002)
Induced differentiation and apoptosis in HL-60 cell line modulated by caffeic acid treatment (2002)
The role of actin cytoskeleton in apoptotic cell death (2002)
Detection of the presence of anti-Borrelia antibodies and isolation of Borrelia afzelii from tissues of wild rodents (2002)
The effect of vegetation cover of fruticose lichens on thermal regime of Antarctic coastal oasis (King George Island) (2002)
Gas-exchange measurement of carbon fluxes in stands of Antarctic lichens and mosses (2002)
Určování pozitivity klíšťat na výskyt patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi použitím PCR - RFLP metodik (2002)
5-year study of the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Ixodes ricinus ticks in the town-park locality Brno, Czech republic using DMF, PCR, and RFLP methods (2002)
Identification of 33 isolated strains of Borrelia burgdorferi obtained from various hosts and vectors using RFLP, PCR and gradient PAGE methods (2002)
Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi as a tick-borne pathogens in mosquitoes (2002)
Borrelia burgdorferi - identifikace izolátů patogenních spirochet (2002)
The 3D structure of human chromosomes in cell nuclei (2002)
Pozitivní nálezy Borrelia burgdorfei s.l. v larvách i dospělcích komárů (2002)
Identifikace 33 izolátů Borrelia burgdorferi z různých hostitelů a vektorů metodami gradientové PAGE, PCR, PCR - RFLP (2002)
Incidence of Borrelia burgdorferisensu lato in Ixodes ricinus using dark-field microscopy and subsequent single-step PCR (2002)
Identification of isolated strains of Borrelia from rodent tissues using gradient PAGE and PCR methods (2002)
Infection frequency of Borrelia genospecies in ticks (Ixodes ricinus) in few localities in the Czech Republic (2002)
Průkaz pozitivity Ixodes ricinus na Borrelia burgdorferi metodou PCR (2002)
Víceleté studium incidence původce lymeské borreliózy ve vybraných lokalitách Jižní Moravy (2002)
Detekce přítomnosti protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi v krvi divoce žijících hlodavců (2002)
Seasonal changes of nitrogen storage compounds in a rhizomatous grass Calamagrostis epigeios (2002)
Does the response of perennial ryegrass to elevated CO2 depend on the form of the supplied nitrogen ? (2002)
Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains isolated in poultry (2002)
Genomic and phenotypic variability of multiresistant strains
Staphylococcus hominis
Multiplex PCR for detection of
Staphylococcus aureus
prophages (2002)
Genome analysis of staphylococcal bacteriophage 812 (2002)
Detekce profágů v kmenech
Staphylococcus aureus
pomocí multiplex PCR (2002)
Úvod do molekulární biologie IV. Molekulární biologie rostlinných virů, Priony, Molekulkární evoluce, Vznik života, Metody molekulární biologie, Genové inženýrství (2002)
Characterization of deoxyribonuclease I immobilized on magnetic hydrophilic polymer particles (2002)
Identification of Bifidobacterium strains using PCR (2002)
Utilisation of nonenzymatic hydrolysis of DNAs for characterisation of extrachromosomal elements in different strains of Bifidobacteria (2002)
Immunomagnetic separation of Salmonella cells using newly designed magnetic carriers (2002)
Degradation of plasmid and high-molecular weight DNAs by lanthanide ions (2002)
Chromatographic purification and separation of plasmid and lambda phage DNAs (2002)
Characterisation of Staphylococcus xylosus isolated from bats (2002)
Positive Findings of Borrelia burgdorferi in Culex (C.) pipiens pipiens Larvae in the Surrounding of Brno City determined using the PCR Method (2002)
Dělnice, matky a trubci - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Od vajíčka k larvě. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Vývoj larvy včely dělnice. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Rychlost růstu larev včely dělnice - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Prázdné buňky podněcují včely ke snůšce nektaru. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Mají včely smysl pro kvalitu matky? - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Norská metoda zimování včelstev. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Úly ze železobetonu. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
Zdroje vody pro včely v zimě. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2002)
SEM and AquaSEM studies of S. cerevisiae and C. moggii colonies (2002)
Inceased Ethylene Production Can Account for Some of the Phenotype Alterations Accompanying Activation of a Cytokinin Biosynthesis Gene, ipt, During Germination and Early Seedling Development in Tobacco (2002)
Optimisation of Immunohistochemical Detection of Cytokinins in Transgenic Arabidopsis Seedlings Expressing Activated ipt, a Cytokinin Biosynthesis Gene (2002)
Phenotype alterations accompanying activation of a cytokinin biosynthesis gene, ipt, during germination and early seedling development in tobacco (2002)
Distinct responses to activation of a cytokinin biosynthesis gene, ipt, in tobacco and Arabidopsis seedling development. (2002)
Folding of native and mutant maize beta-glucosidase in E. coli is facilitated by thioredoxin fusion. (2002)
Tobacco and Arabidopsis seedling development upon activation of ipt, a cytokinin biosynthesis gene. (2002)
Study of cytokinin metabolism in tobacco chloroplasts using transgenic plants. (2002)
Occurrence of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus licheniformis strains in the course of UHT milk production (2002)
Monokrystalová rentgenová strukturní analýza (2002)
Differential effects of v-Jun and c-Jun proteins on v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2002)
The effects of Jun proteins on growth and differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2002)
Roscovitine-stabilized p53 suppresses growth and induces differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2002)
Identification of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium genes associated with growth suppression in stationary-phase nutrient broth cultures and in the chicken intestine (2002)
Determination of optimal conditions for detection of acute myeloid leukemia t(18;21) and t(15;17) translocations using RT-PCR (2002)
Halide-stabilizing residues of haloalkane dehalogenases studied by quantum mechanic calculations and site-directed mutagenesis (2002)
Fetal and postnatal development of T-lymphopcyte subpopulations (2002)
Studium nádorově supresivních účinků proteinu p53 na leukemické monoblasty BM2 (2002)
Rozdílné účinky proteinů v-Fos a c-Fos na linii ptačích monoblastů transformovaných onkogenem v-myb (2002)
Copper tolerance in the lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici (Chlorophyta) (2002)
Degradation of nitroaromatics - screening method of automatic determination of degradation profile (2002)
Tiptoeing to chromosome tips: facts, promises and perils of today's human telomere biology (2002)
Analysis of chromosome termini in potato varieties (2002)
Recovery of tobacco cells from cadmium stress is accompanied by DNA repair and increased telomerase activity (2002)
Genomika v koncích - pokroky a perspektivy v biologii telomer (2002)
Serological survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) for tularaemia and brucellosis in South Moravia, Czech Republic (2002)
Serologic survey for antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in rodents and detection of spirochaetes in ticks and fleas in South Moravia (Czech Republic). (2002)
Infekční onemocnění člověka podle zdroje nákazy: antroponózy, zoonózy a sapronózy. (2002)
Hlodavci v zemědělské a lesnické praxi (2002)
Z historie a výsledků laboratoře medicínské zoologie Ústavu biologie obratlovců AV ČR Brno ve Valticích (2002)
Cytoskeleton response ot manipulation stress (2002)
Chromatin organization at telomere-subtelomere boundaries (2002)
Changes in telomerase activity and expression in the process of butyrate-induced cell differentiation (2002)
DNA and Chromatin Structure in Plant Telomere-Associated Regions (2002)
Unusual telomeres in plants (2002)
Structural Biology of Telomeres (2002)
Genomika v koncích - pokroky a perspektivy v biologii telomer. (2002)
Alergické konjunktivitidy jsou spojeny se zvýšenou hladinou IgE v slzách (2002)
Genetický podklad vnímání akutní bolesti (2002)
Frekvence polymorfizmu delta genu pro CCR5 v populaci České republiky a jeho vztah k HIV (2002)
Využití metody HPLC pro detekci polymorfizmu TaqI A genu pro DRD2 (2002)
Gen pro IL-6 má vztah ke vnímání akutní bolesti (2002)
Vztah genu pro interleukin 6 k alkoholizmu (2002)
In situ nízkovakuová rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie suchých semen borovice černé (Pinus nigra Arn.) a borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris L.) (2002)
Lékařská biologie - Genetika. Díl I: Semináře z technologie rekombinantní DNA. Díl II: Praktická cvičení z genetiky. (2001)
Praktická cvičení z biologie. Protokoly - část I. (2002)
In situ low vacuum scanning electron microscopy of pine megagametophyte cell organelles (2002)
Genome analysis of polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage 812 (2002)
Biochemical and molecular taxonomy of gram-positive cocci isolated from skin of llamas (2001)
Physiological and immunological profile after intrauterine immunization (2002)
Effect of reaction parameters on properties of dispersion-polymerized hydrophilic microspheres as supports for immobilization of proteins. (2002)
Discrimination of Armillaria species based on molecular biological methods and HPLC. (2002)
Pig model in the study of apoptotic DNA fragmentation during cardiopulmonary bypass (2002)
Detection of apoptotic DNA ladder in pig leucocytes and its precision using LM-PCR (Ligation mediated polymerase chain reaction) (2002)
Molekulární taxonomie enterokoků izolovaných z povrchových vod [CD-ROM] (2001)
Genetika hyperkinetické poruchy u dětí (2002)
Biologically actice copper(II) and platinum(IV) complexes with cytokinin-derived compounds (2002)
X-ray structures of selected N6-substituted adenine derivatives and their copper(II) complexes (2002)
Úvod do strukturní analýzy monokrystalů (2002)
Molecular typing of exfoliative toxin-producing
Staphylococcus aureus
strains involved in epidermolytic infections (2003)
Pulzní elektroforéza genomové DNA
Staphylococcus aureus
Molekulární genetika bakteriofágů
Staphylococcus aureus
Comparison of MRSA-screen latex agglutination, conventional phenotypic methods and
gene detection for identification of oxacilin resistance in staphylococci (2002)
Preparation of a speciesspecific molecular probe for identification of
Staphylococcus aureus
strains (1999)
Detection of prophages in TSST-1-positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains by means of specific probes (2001)
Polyvalentní stafylokokový fág 812, jeho mutanty v rozmezí hostitele a příbuzné polyvalentní fágy (1999)
Kinetically and Thermodynamically Controlled Domino-Reaction; Synthesis of Novel 1,3-Oxathioles and 1,3-Thiazoles (2002)
Buněčná linie BM2: model pro studium úlohy proteinu v-Myb v transformaci a diferenciaci (2002)
Reakce v tuhé fázi - isomerace N-acylselenomočovin na N-acylisoselenomočoviny (2002)
Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substance - European Regional Report (2002)
Comparison of relative toxic potencies of hydroxylated PCBs and quinones in hepatic and mammary cell lines (2002)
Dvoukomponentni systemy: regulatory odpovedi a prenos signalu u Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Reactivity Study on Morpholine-1-carbothioic acid (2-phenyl-3H-quinazolin-4-ylidene) amide (2002)
Syntheses and Structures of Donor-Acceptor Complexes of Selenium Dioxide with Pyridine and Trimethylamine (2002)
Electrochemical analysis of nucleic acids. (2002)
T-DNA Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with disruption during embryo development. (2002)
Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) Complexes of Trithiocyanuric Acid: The Structure of {N,N'-Bis(3-Aminopropyl)-1,3-Propanediamine}-(Trithiocyanurato)Nickel(II) (2003)
The crystal structures of [(phen)2Cu(mu-tdga)Cu(phen)](NO3)2 x 5H2O and [(H2O)(pmdien)Cu(mu-tdga)Cu(pmdien)(H2O)](ClO4)2 (2003)
Identifikace genu pro endolyzin polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 (2003)
Příprava univerzální sondy pro detekci profágů v kmenech
Staphylococcus aureus
Relative potencies of oxygenated polychlorinated biphenyls to inhibit gap-junctional intercellular communication in WB-F344 cells (2002)
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques (2002)
Non-genotoxic effects of hydroxy-PCBs and PCB-quinones in liver and mammary in vitro models (2002)
Vliv nově syntetizovaných chalkonů na epigenetické faktory karcinogeneze (2002)
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase by PCBs depends on substitution of chlorine ortho-position (2002)
Nongenotoxic modes of action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relative potencies in rat liver cellular models. Ecotoxicological significance of individual compounds in abiotic samples (2002)
Acute inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by polychlorinated biphenyls and their metabolites - relative inhibitory potencies, structure-activity relationship and intracellular singnalling (2002)
In vitro biotesty pro detekci negenotoxických procesů - studie efektů PAHs a hydroxyderivátů PCBs (2002)
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques (2002)
Chemical profile and contribution of PAHs to in vitro toxic potencies of urban particulate matter samples (2002)
Nongenotoxic modes of action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relative potencies in rat liver cellular models. Ecotoxicological significance of individual compounds in abiotic samples (2002)
Vliv nově syntetizovaných chalkonù na epigenetické faktory karcinogeneze (2002)
Lékařská biologie. Část druhá - Genetika (2002)
Comparison of orchid mycorrhiza with other mycorrhizal types with respect to nutrient transfers (2002)
Analýza proteomu bakterie Paracoccus denitrificans (2003)
New Domino-Reaction for the Synthesis of N4-(5-Aryl-1,3-oxathiol-2-yliden)-2-phenylquinazolin-4-amines and 4-[4-Aryl-5-(2-phenylquinazolin-4-yl)-1,3-thiazol-2-yl]morpholine (2002)
Examination of blood from wild-living rodents for the presence of antioborrelian antibodies (2003)
Serological study of dogs for the presence of anti-Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. antibodies (2003)
Identification of Ag structures of Borrelia burgdorferi and protein changes of individual passages using SDS-gradient PAGGE (2002)
Monitoring of presence of spirochetes in haematophagous arthropods focused on Borrelia burgdorferi using DFM and PCR methods (2002)
Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes in midgut of haematophagous and non haematophagou arthropods (2002)
Four-year study of the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Ixodes ricinus ticks in locality Pisárky, Brno (2002)
Roseomonas gilardii - izolace, charakteristika a identifikace českých izolátů z humánních infekcí. (2002)
Mikrobiologický pozdrav od Jošta Lucemburského (2002)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií (č.5) (2002)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií (č.5 - pokračování) (2002)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků z Brna - Líšně, Klicperovy ulice (2002)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií (č.6) (2002)
The influence of fluoranthene on the primary processes of photosynthesis of pea leaf and isolated chloroplasts. (2002)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků ruských vojáků z II. světové války nalezených na lokalitě Nikolčice - Nový dvůr okr. Brno - venkov (2002)
Effect of fluoranthene on photosynthetic parameters of lichens. (2002)
Photoinduced toxicity of PAHs to germination and early seedling development of Allium cepa (L.) and Solanum lycopersicum(L.).. (2002)
Výsledky a zhodnocení aplikace DNA markerů při genetickém mapování u Arabidopsis thaliana (2002)
Genetické modifikace pícních jetelovin (2002)
Borrelie v klíšťatech parazitujících na člověku a profylaxe lymské borreliózy (2003)
Parasites As Pollution Indicators: Evaluation of Indicative Potential of FISH Parasites Using Hierarchically Structured Data (2002)
Reakce [Cu(bappz)](ClO4)2 s K2[M(CN)4]{bappz=N,N'-bis(3-amino-propyl)piperazin, M=Ni(II), Pd(II), Pt(II)} (2002)
Strukturní studie produktů reakce N6-isopentenyladeninu s CuCl2.2H2O, NiCl2.6H2O a ZnCl2.xH20 v prostředí 2M-HCl (2002)
Příprava a studium nikelnatých komplexů s kyselinou thiodiglykolovou a N-donorovými ligandy (2002)
Cytogenetické vyšetření u hematologických malignit (2002)
Bakteriofágy a lyzogenie u
Staphylococcus aureus
Identifikace bakterií druhu Bifidobacterium longum pomocí polymerázové řetězové reakce a restrikční analýzy amplifikované ribozomální DNA (ARDRA) (2003)
Fyziologické charakteristiky podmiňující vysoké kompetiční schopnosti trav rodu Calamagratostis (2002)
Identifikace vybraných druhů baktérií mléčného kvašení pomocí polymerázové řetězové reakce (2003)
The comparison of different methods of bacterial DNA isolation from Lactococcus lactis and its application in PCR-based methods (2003)
Změny proteinového spektra hemolymfy zavíječe voskového (Galleria mellonella L.) během vývoje (2003)
Structure and Maintenance of Chromosome Ends in Plants (2002)
Pomiferin (2003)
The experience using bumblebees as pollinators in regeneration of some forage legumes genetic resources. (2002)
Affecting young queen production in Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera Apoidea) colonies reared in laboratory. (2002)
Different food for Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). (2002)
The basic equipment for rearing Bumble bees (Hymenoptera, Bombus) in laboratory. (A picture series.) (2002)
Renewal of the J. G. Mendel's apiary. (2002)
Stopování včel -Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2003)
Mendlův včelín - památné místo evropského včelařství. (2003)
Tumour necrosis factor-alpha induces apoptosis associated with poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage in HT-29 colon cancer cells (2002)
Tumour necrosis factor-alpha-induced cell death in colon cancer cells (2002)
The colon cancer cell death induced by tumour necrosis factor-alpha and its modulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids (2001)
Interaction of polyunsaturated fatty acids and sodium butyrate in human colon adenocarcinoma cells in vitro (2002)
Vysoce nenasycené mastné kyseliny zvyšují citlivost buněčné línie adenokarcinomu kolonu HT-29 k apoptickým účinkům butyrátu, anti-Fas a TNF-alfa (2001)
The effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids and cytokine TNF-alpha on proliferation and death of human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell line (2000)
Účinky vysoce nenasycených mastných kyselin a cytokinu TNF-alfa na buněčný cyklus, proliferaci a buněčnou smrt lidské linie adenokarcinomu kolonu HT-29 (2000)
The effects of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids on cytokinetic parameters of human adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell line (1999)
Inhibition of procathepsin D stops human cancer growth (2002)
Electrochemical detection of chromosomal translocation T (15;17) as an acute promyelotic leukemie marker (2003)
TaqI A polymorfismus genu pro dopaminový receptor D2 a alkoholismus v České republice (2003)
Mechanismus suprese onkoproteinu v-myb proteinem jun v buňkách BM2: aktivace receptoru pro kyselinu retinovou (2003)
Dynamics of Endogenous Cytokinin Pools in Tobacco Seedlings: A Modelling Approach (2003)
The AtC-VPS Protein Complex Is Localized to the Tonoplast and the Prevacuolar Compartment in Arabidopsis (2003)
A comparison of DNA binding profiles of dinuclear platinum compounds with polyamine linkers and the trinuclear platinum phase II clinical agent BBR3464 (2002)
Application of fluorometric methods to measurements of lichen photosynthetic responses to changing temperature and thallus hydration. (2001)
Nuclear and territorial topography of chromosome telomeres in human lymphocytes (2003)
Study of the Interactions of Anticancer Metal-Based Drugs with DNA. (2001)
Mutational analyses of potassium channel gene KVLQT1 and identification of a novel long-QT syndrome mutation (T309I) (2002)
The occurence of notched T waves in healthy members of LQT families (2002)
Comparison of different formulas of QT interval correction in LQT families during exercise. (2002)
New mutation in the KCNQ1 gene identified in a Czech family with LQT phenotype. (2002)
Srovnání různých metod korekce QT intervalu při zátěži v LQT rodinách (2002)
Identifikace nové mutace genu KCNQ1 v české rodině s fenotypem LQT (2002)
The Receiver Domain: Attempts at Biochemical Characterization (2003)
Two-dimensional Electrophoresis in Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Proteome: A Beginning of a Long Story (2003)
Re-construction of mycobacterial dehalogenase Rv2579 by cumulative mutagenesis of haloalkane dehalogenase LinB (2003)
Zrání monoblastů BM2 je doprovázeno zvýšenou expresí vimentinu (2003)
C766T low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 ( LRP1) gene polymorphism and susceptibility to breast cancer (2003)
Analýza polymorfismu DNA markerů u přírodních pozdně kvetoucích linii Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
The protein spectrum changes of two silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) hybrids during the development (2003)
Ovlivňuje katechol-O-methyltransferasa dispozice k alkoholizmu? (2002)
TaqI A polymorfizmus genu pro dopaminový receptor D2 a jeho vztah k alkoholizmu (2002)
Je angiotensinkonvertáza novým molekulárním markerem dispozic k alkoholizmu? (2002)
The presence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Culex (culex) pipiens larvae proved by the PCR Metod. (2002)
[N-(Carboxylatomethyl)aspartato(3-)](ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) trihydrate (2003)
Dipotassium di-mu-isothiocyanato-kappa4-N:S-bis[(N-salicylidene-DL- valinato-kappa3-O,N,O')cuprate(II)] (2003)
Nickel(II) hexamethyleneiminedithiocarbamate complexes with triphenylphosphine or tributylphosphine (2003)
Asociační studie vztahu polymorfizmu genu pro CCR5 ke vnímání akutní bolesti (2003)
Specific cytoskeleton changes during apoptosis accompanying induced differentiation of HL-60 myeloid leukemia cells. (2003)
Actin as a substrate for activated caspase-3. (2003)
Specific alterations of actin cytoskeleton during apoptosis. (2003)
Nestin expression in cell lines derived from high-grade astrocytomas. (2003)
Palmatine and Berberine Isolation Artifacts (2003)
Mixed ligand complexes of platinum(II) and palladium(II) with cytokinin-derived compounds Bohemine and Olomoucine: X-ray structure of [Pt(BohH(+)-N7)Cl-3].9/5H(2)O {Boh=6-(benzylamino)-2-[(3-(hydroxypropyl)-amino]-9-isopropylpurine, Bohemine} (2003)
Isolation of the psychrotolerant species Bacillus weihenstephanensis from raw cow's milk (2003)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií (č.7) (2003)
Differential roles of Fos and Jun proteins in regulation of differentiation and apoptosis of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2003)
What do we know about key players in the field of plant telomeres (2003)
Comparison of different kinds of probes used for analysis of variant telomeric sequences (2003)
Surprise at chromosome termini of Asparagales plants (2003)
In situ techniques in analysis of telomeres (2003)
Využití in situ technik v analýze telomer nádorových buněk (2003)
Characterisation of two myb-like proteins showing affinity to telomeric DNA sequence from Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Microbial plaque composition in early childhood caries (2000)
Prevention of early childhood caries (2001)
Microbial plaque composition in early childhood caries (2000)
Monitorování dendritických buněk a jejch podtypů v průběhu léčby nemocných s mnohočetným myelomem. (2002)
Diversity of soil bacteria of the genus Arthrobacter isolated for biodegradation of nitroaromatic compounds (2002)
Magnetoreception in the Mealworm Beetle. (2003)
Biodegradation of 4-nitroguaiacol by a new strain of the genus Arthrobacter (2002)
Degradace 4-nitrokatecholu, 5-nitroguajakolu a 3-nitrofenolu kmenem Rhodococcus opacus C6-1 (2002)
Výukový CD-ROM "Mikroorganismy a mikrobiologie" (2002)
Molekulární identifikace genů kódujících tři typy toxinů u Staphylococcus aureus (2002)
Exfoliatiny Staphylococcus aureus původci epidermolytických infekcí (2003)
Detekce a lokalizace genetických determinant faktorů virulence u Staphylococcus aureus pomocí molekulárních sond (2003)
Spectrum of low density lipoprotein receptor mutations in Czech hyperchlosterolemic patients. (2002)
Strategie léčby a prevence mnohočetné kazivosti u malých dětí (1999)
A unique mechanism for protein processing and degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Bioluminiscenční, elektroforetická a biochemická charakteristika nového českého izolátu z rodu Photorhabdus (2003)
Prof. RNDr. Stanislav Rosypal, DrSc. (2002)
O,O '-Dialkyldithiophosphato and O-alkyldithiophosphato nickel(II) complexes with bidentate P-donor ligands (2003)
Metoda přímé detekce specifických genů v koloniích bakterií (2003)
Cloning and characterization of a novel thermostable Mn(II)-dependent 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl 1,2-dioxygenase from a PCB and naphthalene degrading Bacillus sp. JF8 (2003)
Prokaryotický genom (2003)
Vyšetření sér policejních psů na přítomnost antiborreliových protilátek metodou ELISA (2003)
Molekulárno-biologická analýza vankomycin rezistentných enterokokov (2003)
PCR identifikácia enterokokov izolovaných z bryndze (2003)
Proteomic Analysis of Therapeutically Important Bacteriophage 812 by Combination of Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry (2003)
Přítomnost spirochety Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato u roztočů parazitujících u drobných hlodavců (2003)
Phytotoxicity of pyrite and arsenopyrite biodegradation products (2003)
Ectopic overexpression of a Maize beta-glucosidase Disrupts Cytokinin Metabolism in Transgenic Tobacco (2003)
Ectopic Overexpression of a Maize beta-glucosidase may Disrupt Cytokinin Homeostasis in Transgenic Tobacco (2003)
First (Peroxo)vanadium(V) Complex with Heteroligand Formed in Reaction System - Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of K[VO(O2)(omeida)].H2O {omeida = N-[2-(2-oxomorpholine-4-yl)ethyl]iminodiacetato(2-)} (2003)
Případ infekce Babesia microti importované do České republiky z USA (2003)
Polymorfismus genu pro IL-6 má vztah k dispozicím k závislosti na alkoholu (2003)
Retron reverse transcriptase rrtT is ubiquitous in strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (2003)
Anti-procathepsin D Ribozymes inhibit cancer growth via inhibition of procathepsin D secretion (2003)
Hydrophilic particles designed for PCR applications (2003)
Cleavage of double stranded plasmid DNA by lanthanide complexes (2003)
Identification of Lactococcus lactis subspecies using rep-PCR fingerprinting (2003)
Metodické možnosti stanovení počtu CTG/CAG opakování v trinukleotidových repeticích lidského genomu (2003)
Association between -174 G/C polymorphism of interleukin-6 gene and alcoholism (2003)
Molecular and Physiological Characterisation of an Insertion Mutant in the ARR21 Putative Response Regulator Gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Chromatographic behaviour and purification of linear lambda phage and plasmid DNA molecules on 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate-based supports (2003)
Immunomagnetic separation of Salmonella cells using newly designed carriers (2003)
Spatial pattern of low-temperature photoinhibition on thalli of Antarctic lichen species
Umbilicaria antarctica
visualized by a novel approach (2003)
Photosynthesis in two foliose lichen species in response to a changing temperature and dehydration (2003)
Combined effect of NaCl and temperature on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria hirsuta (2003)
Alterations in fast chlorophyll fluorescence rise detect high light stress in photosystem II of antarctic lichen species (2003)
Adsorption and desorption reactions of bicyclic aromatic compounds at polycristalline and Pt(111) studied by DEMS (2003)
Increased level of oxidised glutathion relates to zeaxanthin content in high light-treated Umbilicaria antarctica (2003)
Simulating the low-light intensities of dense vegetation: which plant traits promote the growth of potential invaders? (2003)
Syntheses and Structure Study on 3,3alambda4,4-Trithia-1-azapentalenes and Their 3-Oxa Analogues (2003)
Silkworm (Bombyx mori) hemocytes do not produce reactive oxygen metabolites as a part of defence mechanisms. (2003)
Molekulárně genetické koreláty hyperkinetické poruchy v dětském věku (2003)
Tris(1,10-phenanthroline)sodium 2,4,6-trimercapto-1,3,5-triazin-1-ide (2003)
Towards the Paracoccus denitrificans 2-DE protein database (2003)
Berberine formate-succinic acid (1/1) (2003)
Macrococcus brunensis
sp. nov.,
Macrococcus hajekii
sp. nov. and
Macrococcus lamae
sp. nov., from the skin of llamas (2003)
Molekulárně-biologická analýza kmenů
Enterococcus faecium
VanA u pacientů s hemato-onkologickým onemocněním (2003)
Význam molekulárno-biologických metód v problematike vankomycín-rezistentných enterokokov (2003)
Genetika bolesti (2003)
Genetika a akutní bolest? (2003)
Molekulární psychiatrie: budoucnost molekulární diagnostiky psychických poruch (2003)
Molekulární diagnostika hyperkinetické poruchy v dětském věku (2003)
Sledování reakce u psů a hlodavců na přítomnost Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. a detekce této bakterie u parazitujících roztočů (2003)
Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of a trinuclear cyano-bridged complex [Cu(bappz)(mu-NC)Ni(CN)2(mu-CN)Cu(bappz)](ClO4)2 {bappz=1,4-bis(3-aminopropyl)piperazine} (2003)
PRIMEX 1.0 and VPCR 2.0: Processing genomic sequence data for efficient and accurate simulation of PCR reactions with genomic DNA as template (2003)
Průkaz pozitivity Ixodes ricinus na Borrelia burgdorferi na parkové lokalitě Pisárky, Brno metodou kultivace, DFM, PCR (2003)
Procathepsin D is involved in human cancer development (2002)
Inhibition of cancer growth by Anti-procathepsin D ribozymes (2003)
Inhibition of procathepsin D secretion can stop human breast cancer growth (2002)
Diaquabis(1,10-phenanthroline-kappa2N,N')manganese(II) thiodiglycolate bis(1,10-phenanthroline-kappa2N,N')(thiodiglycolato-kappa2O,O')manganese(II) tridecahydrate (2003)
Nová metoda identifikace DNA markerů využívající genomové databáze Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
The development of new DNA markers for gene localizationin Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Apoptosis during induced neuronal differentiation of EC cell line P19 (2003)
Caffeic acid enhances differentiation of HL-60 myeloid leukemia cells induced by all-trans retinoic acid (2003)
Electrochemical Study of Heavy Metals and Metallothionein in Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica (2003)
Trichostatin A suppresses transformation by the v-myb oncogene in BM2 cells (2003)
Známe a diagnostikujeme Kytococcus schroeteri? (2003)
Topography of telomeres and structure of chromosome territories in human lymphocytes (2003)
Haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26: X-ray crystallographic studies of dehalogenation of brominated substrates (2003)
Application of avidin-biotin technology and adsorptive transfer stripping square-wave voltammetry for detection of DNA hybridization and avidin in transgenic avidin maize (2003)
prof.RNDr.Theodor Martinec,DrSc. (2002)
Comparative binding energy analysis of haloalkane dehalogenase substrates: modelling of enzyme-substrate complexes by molecular docking and quantum mechanical calculations (2003)
Molecular-biology analysis of
Enterococcus faecium
VanA strains in haemato-oncological patients (2003)
Characterization of telomere-subtelomere junctions in Silene latifolia (2003)
Telomere-binding proteins from nuclei of monocotyledonous plants (2003)
The absence of Arabidopsis-type telomeres in Cestrum and closely related genera Vestia and Sessea (Solanaceae): first evidence from eudicots (2003)
Changes in Telomerase Activity, Expression and Splicing in Response to Differentiation of Normal and Carcinoma Colon Cells (2003)
Analýza telomer nádorových buněk technikami in situ (2003)
The putative sensor histidine kinase CKI1 is involved in female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis (2003)
Telomere variability in the monocotyledonous plant order Asparagales (2003)
Proč je biologie telomer, ač módní, přesto užitečná? (2003)
Genotyping of potato varieties using telomere-associated sequences (2003)
Characterisation of two Arabidopsis thaliana myb-like proteins showing affinity to telomeric DNA sequence (2003)
Variability of telomeres in the monocotyledonous plant order Asparagales (2003)
Analysis of Cestrum genome - a plant genus that had lost (TTTAGGG)n telomeres (2003)
Role of alternative splicing in the human dystrophin gene (2003)
What do we know about key players in the field of plant telomeres (2003)
Surprise at chromosome termini of Asparagales plants (2003)
Využití metod slot-blot hybridizace pro screening sekvencí v rostlinných genomech (2003)
Studium alternativních rostlinných telomer (2003)
Characterization of Lactobacillus spp. strains isolated from dairy products (2003)
Characterization of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus licheniformis strains isolated in the process of UHT milk production (2003)
catena-Poly[potassium [copper(II)-mu-isothiocyanato-mu-N-salicylidene-beta-alaninato(2-)]] (2003)
A Five-year Study of the Presence of Borrelia and Antibodies to Borrelia in Small Rodents (2003)
Spirochaetes and pathogenic Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. in mosquitoes (larvae and adults) in the Czech Republic (2003)
Deliberate production of young queens in Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) colonies reared in Laboratory. (2003)
Experience in using bumblebees as pollinators in the regeneration of the genetic resources of some farage legumes. (2003)
Polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein(a) gene, plasma Lp(a) and cardiovascular risk (2003)
DNA diagnostika chlamydiových infekcí (2003)
Renovation of J. G. Mendel's apiary (2003)
Zajímavé údaje o mezistěnách. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2003)
Přínos Američanů ke zdokonalení mezistěn. - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2003)
PRIMEX: rapid identification of oligonucleotide matches in whole genomes (2003)
Typizace rodu Serratia spp. pocházejících z humánního klinického materiálu, živočišného zdroje i prostředí. (2003)
Typizace kmenů Staphylococcus xylosus izolovaných z klinického materiálu (2003)
Use of ribotyping and protein profile analysis in the characterization of beer contaminants (2003)
Molekulární taxonomie enterokoků isolovaných z povrchových vod (2001)
Catalytic mechanism of the haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (2003)
Rational re-design of haloalkane dehalogenases guided by comparative binding energy analysis (2003)
Geny pro Il-6 a DRD2 souvisejí s hyperkinetickou poruchou (2003)
New embryo lethals in Arabidopsis thaliana: basic genetic and morphological study (2003)
Hledání rostlinných telomer-vazebných proteinů prostřednictvím genomického a proteomického přístupu (2003)
Charakterizace dvou myb-like proteinů z Arabidopsis thaliana, které vykazují afinitu k telomerickým sekvencím (2003)
Effects of low-power laser irradiation on cell proliferation (2003)
[N,N'-Bis(3-aminopropyl)ethylenediamine-kappa4N,N',N'',N'''](trithiocyanurato-kappa2N,S)zinc(II) ethanol solvate (2003)
Changes in cell proliferation after lowpower laser irradiation (2003)
Plásty z plastů - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2003)
Ekonom - největší zadem přístupný úl - Významné objevy a zkušenosti. (2003)
Dual-color real-time telomeric repeat amplification protocol (2003)
Ribotyping of lactobacilli isolated from spoiled beer (2003)
The role of mono-atomic steps and of step decoration by Cu on the adsorption and hydrogenatio of benzene and cyclohexene on Pt single crystal electrodes (2003)
Design of specific primers for identification of Armillaria species (2003)
The association study of the relationship between CCR5 gene polymorphism and acute pain reception (2003)
Interspecific hybridisation prospects in the genus Trifolium (2003)
Proteiny Fos: struktura, regulace, úloha v buňce (2003)
Čmeláci pro opylování v izolovaných prostorech. (2003)
The signature of the Cestrum genome suggests an evolutionary response to the loss of (TTTAGGG)n telomeres (2003)
Funkční analýza nádorového supresoru p53 v normální a nádorové tkání pankreatu a v tkáni postižené chronickou pankreatitidou. (2003)
Validation of Putative Enzymes from Genomic Projects: Confirmation of Dehalogenation ARv2ctivity for Mycobacterial Protein 579 (2003)
A cytospin technique for spreading plant metaphases suitable for immunofluorescence studies. (1998)
Modification of Activity and Specificity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 by Engineering of its Entrance Tunnel (2003)
c-Fos but not v-Fos protein induces programmed cell death of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2003)
Reaction in The Solid State. Isomerization of N-Acylselenoureas into N-Acylisoselenoureas (2003)
2,5 Diketo-D-gluconate production by a mixed culture of two newly-isolated strains: Flavimonas oryzihabitans and Pseudomonas cepacia. (2001)
Souvislost genů pro IL-6 a DRD2 s hyperkinetickou poruchou - vlastní výsledky (2004)
Sensitivity of photosystem 2 of Antarctic lichens to high irradiance stress:Fluorometric study of fruticose (Usnea antarctica)and foliose (Umbilicaria decussata) species (2003)
Two-year study of examination of blood from wild rodents for the presence of antiborrelian antibodies (2003)
Summarised data of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. presence in larvae mosquitoes detected by PCR method in the Czech Republic (2004)
Spirochaetes in Culex (C.) pipiens s.l. larvae (2004)
Comparation of immune response of different species of rodents after the antigenic stimulation of B.b. s.l. (2003)
Tvorba specifických protilátek třídy IgM a IgG proti Borrelia afzelii u laboratorně očkovaných myší (2003)
A six-year study of the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in Ixodes ricinus ticks in the town park of Brno, Czech Republic (2003)
Průkaz pozitivity Ixodes ricinus na Borrelia burgdorferi metodou kultivace, DFM, PCR (2003)
Genové a chromozomové změny u embryonálních nádorů CNS a jejich klinický význam (2003)
Racemic vanadium(V) oxo monoperoxo complexes with two achiral bidentate heteroligands. Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure and stereochemistry of K[VO(O2)(ox)(bpy)].3H2O and Pr4N[VO(O2)(ox)(phen)] (2004)
Identification of European diplozoids (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) using the RFLP pattern of second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) (2004)
The effect of different enhancers on the ability of an anti-CD25 ricin chain immunotoxin to deplete cells which are activated in an MLR (2000)
The use of interferon alpha in therapy of chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura in children (2000)
Imunotoxiny (2000)
Molekula CD25 a imunoterapie hematologických malignit (2000)
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (2000)
Nové směry vývoje protinádorové léčby (2003)
Cytomegalovirová infekce u dětí se zhoubným nádorovým onemocněním: od sérologie k průkazu virové DNA (1999)
Genetická příbuznost kmenů
Enterococcus faecium
VanA u pacientů s hemato-onkologickým onemocněním (2003)
Molekulární diagnostika meticilin rezistentních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
izolovaných ve fakultní nemocnici Brno-Bohunice (2004)
Analýza proteomu polyvalentního bakteriofága 812 (2004)
Horizontální přenos genu eta u Staphylococcus aureus (2004)
Multiplex PCR pro identifikaci Staphylococcus aureus produkující exfoliatiny (2004)
Sexuální dimorfismus bource morušového (Bombyx mori, L.) na základě proteinového spektra hemolymfy (2004)
Electrophoretically mediated microanalysis with partial filling technique and indirect or direct detection as a tool for inhibition studies of enzymatic reaction (2004)
Application of Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis for Study of Ezymes (2004)
Porovnání použitelnosti některých metod pro rodovou a druhovou identifikaci bifidobakterií (2003)
Synthesis, solution and crystal structures of dinuclear vanadium(V) oxo monoperoxo complexes with mandelic acid: (NR4)2[V2O2(O2)2(mand)2] . xH2O [R=H, Me, Et; MAND=mandelato(2-)=C8H6O3 2-] (2004)
Genová diagnostika multiformního glioblastomu (2003)
Kultivace buněk solidních tumorů in vitro pro účely genetické diagnostiky (2003)
Molecular cytogenetic and immunochemical study of high-grade astrocytomas (2003)
Molecular cytogenetic characterisation of glioblastoma multiforme by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) (2003)
Molekulárně cytogenetická charakterizace glioblastomu pomocí techniky fluorescenční hybridizace in situ, komperativní genomové hybridizace a spektrálního karyotypování. (2003)
Raphidascaris acus (Bloch, 1779) larvae infections of the stone loach, Barbatula barbatula (L.), from the River Haná, Czech Republic (2004)
Effect of reaction parameters on properties of dispersion-polymerized hydrophilic microspheres as supports for immobilization of proteins (2003)
Magnetic hydrophilic methacrylate-based polymer microspheres designed for polymerase chain reaction applications (2004)
Cleavage of double stranded plasmid DNA by lanthanide complexes (2004)
Magnetic hydrophilic methacrylate-based polymer microspheres designed for PCR-ready DNA isolation (2004)
Polymorfismus prionového genu u ovcí ve vztahu ke scrapii (2004)
Application of ferrite composites and silica magnetic particles to the isolation of genomic DNA (2004)
Testování vlivu magnetických nosičů na bázi celulózy na průběh PCR (2004)
Genetika alkoholizmu II: souhrn asociačních studií z let 1990-2002 - dopaminové receptory (2004)
Proteome study on bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans and construction of 2-DE protein database (2004)
Gen pro COMT ovlivňuje dispozice k alkoholizmu u mužů České republiky (2004)
Testování nosičů aktivovaných ionty lanthanoidů při štěpení plazmidové DNA (2004)
Identifikace bifidobaktérií využívaných v mlékárenském průmyslu pomocí polymerázové řetězové reakce a restrikční analýzy amplfikované ribozomální DNA (2004)
Použití RAPD typizace pro identifikaci Lactococcus lactis. subsp., lactis a subsp. cremoris (2004)
Detritické chromity v kulmských sedimentech Drahanské vrchoviny a jejich tektonický význam (2003)
Jaká je Vaše diagnóza? (2004)
UVC-Protective Effect of Caffeic Acid on Normal and Transformated Human Skin Cells in Vitro (2003)
Ortostatické změny QT intervalu v rodinách se syndromem dlouhého QT (2003)
Orthostatic changes of QT interval in LQT families (2003)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika syndromu dlouhého QT intervalu (2003)
Méně obvyklé parametry hodnocení repolarizační fáze v rodinách se syndromem dlouhého QT intervalu (2003)
Monitorování proarytmického působení nekardiologických preparátů - pilotní studie (2003)
Mutation detection in KCNE1 gene encoding cardiac channel subunit: first experience with using of SSCP analysis by capillary electrophoresis for maximize detection effiency. (2003)
Molecular genetics of the long QT syndrome: screening for mutations in the genes KvLQT1, HERG and KCNE1 in Czech long QT families. (2003)
Troglotrema acutum (Digenea) from carnivores in the Czech Republic (2004)
Enhancement of p53 sequence-specific binding by DNA supercoiling (2004)
Molekulární detekce volných nádorových buněk a mikrometastáz u karcinomu prsu a kolorekta pomocí RT-PCR specifické pro cytokeratiny 19 a 20 (2003)
Analýza chování QT dynamicity ve vztahu k riziku náhlé srdeční smrti - pilotní studie (2003)
The monitoring of proarrhythmic effects of noncardiovascular drugs - a pilot study (2003)
Srovnání různých metod korekce QT intervalu při zátěži v LQT rodinách (2003)
Thioredoxin fusion facilitates correct folding in mutants of a maize beta-glucosidase ZM-P60.1 when expressed in E. coli. (2002)
Tumor suppressive effects of the p53 protein in v-myb-transformed monoblasts BM2 (2003)
Differential effects of transcription coactivators CBP and p300 on v-myb-transfromed monoblasts (2003)
Differential effects of c-Fos and v-Fos proteins on v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2003)
Autofagie je preferovaným typem programované buněčné smrti u monoblastů BM2 stimulovaných kamptotecinem (2004)
Přítomnost protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato u hlodavců a výskyt této spirochety v na nich parazitujících roztočích (2004)
Frekvence výskytu antiborreliových protilátek u populace služebních psů (2004)
DNA polymorfizmus dopaminového receptoru D2 má vztah k hyperkinetické poruše (2004)
Využití metody HPLC pro detekci polymorfizmu Val158Met genu pro COMT (2003)
Gen pro IL-6 má vztah ke vnímání akutní bolesti (2003)
Asociační studie vztahu polymorfizmů genů pro TNF alfa a ACE ke vnímání akutní bolesti (2003)
Studim elektrochemicky indukované dehalogenace fluoro-, chloro- a brombenzenu v kyselém vodném prostředí (2004)
Elektrochemická redukce halogenbenzenů v kyselém vodném prostředí (2004)
Srovnávací fyziologie živočichů (2004)
Variations in ITS of ribosomal DNA of Czech Armillaria species determined by PCR and high performance liquid chromatography (2004)
Peroxovanadium(V) complexes of -hydroxyhippuric acid. The X-ray crystal structure of (NPr4)2[V2O2(O2)2(alpha-hhip)2] .5H2O, [alpha-hhip=alpha-hydroxyhippurato (2-) - C9H7NO4 (2-)] (2004)
Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi from Ixodes ricinus ticks from Southern Moravia, Czech Republic (2004)
Characterization of two Arabidopsis thaliana myb-like proteins showing affinity to telomeric DNA sequence (2004)
Telomerase as a diagnostic and predictive marker in colorectal carcinoma (2004)
High-Light Stress and Photoprotection in
Umbilicaria antarctica
Monitored by Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging and Changes in Zeaxanthin and Glutathione (2004)
Evolutionary switchpoints in plant telomeres (2004)
Chromatin structure of Asparagales telomeres - old story with a new end? (2004)
Three distinctive types of telomere in the plant group Asparagales (2004)
Tools to study plant organelle biogenesis. Point mutation lines with disrupted vacuoles and high-speed confocal screening of green fluorescent protein-tagged organelles. (2003)
The presence of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in rodents and occurence of this spirochaete in the mites parasitizing on them (2004)
Chemiluminescence of lucigenin is dependent on experimental conditions (2004)
Silkworm (Bombyx mori) hemocytes do not produce reactive oxygen metabolites as a part of defence mechanisms (2004)
An analysis of hemolymph protein profiles during the final instar, prepupa and pupa of the silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) (2005)
Comparison of the bioluminescence of Photorhabdus species and subspecies type strains (2004)
Platinum(V) Complex with Adamantylamine as Nonleaving Amine Group: Synthesis, Characterization, and in Vitro Antitumor Activity against a Panel of Cisplatin-Resistant Cancer Cell Lines (2004)
Genomové ostrovy patogenity u bakterií (2004)
Prevalence of borreliae in ixodid ticks from a floodplain forest ecosystem (2003)
Emerging human infectious diseases: anthroponoses, zoonoses, and sapronoses (2003)
Migratory birds and West Nile virus (2003)
Longitudinal surveillance of the tick Ixodes ricinus for borreliae (2003)
Comparison of assays for the detection of West Nile virus antibodies in chicken serum (2003)
Západonilská horečka (2003)
Protectants used in the cryopreservation of microorganisms (2003)
Effect of the salivary gland and midgut extracts from Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus (Acari: Ixodidae) on the growth of Borrelia garinii in vitro (2003)
Screening for West Nile virus infections in susceptible animal species in Austria (2003)
Spring migration of birds in relation to North Atlantic Oscillation (2003)
Host-seeking activity of ixodid ticks in relation to weather variables (2003)
Využití variability struktury konců chromozómů pro genotypizaci odrůd bramboru (2004)
Studium konců rostlinných chromozomů a jeho aplikace v charakterizaci odrůd bramboru (2004)
Di-mu-aqua-bis[(N-salicylidene-beta-alaninato-kappa3 O,N,O')copper(II)] urea disolvate (2004)
Syntheses and study on nickel(II) complexes with thiodiglycolic acid and nitrogen-donor ligands. X-ray structures of [Ni(bpy)(tdga)(H2O)]. 4H2O and [(en)Ni(mu-tdga)2Ni(en)].4H2O (tdgaH2=thiodiglycolic acid) (2004)
The effects of fungicides on extraradical mycelium of orchid mycorrhiza (2003)
Searchable database of soil- and mycorrhiza-related scientific reports (DSM) (2003)
Fast detection of mycotic infections by means of PCR (1999)
Genetický podklad vnímání akutní bolesti (2004)
Medulloblastom/PNET - biologické znaky s prognostickým významem a jejich laboratorní vyšetření ve FN Brno (2004)
Výsledky léčby embryonálních nádorů CNS pacientů Kliniky dětské onkologie LF MU a FN Brno v letech 1998-2003. Na cestě ke kombinovanému stratifikačnímu systému pro medulloblastom/PNET zahrnujícímu molekulární prognostické znaky (2004)
Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus sp. nov., a novel 4-nitroguaiacol degrading actinobacterium (2004)
4-nitrocatechol and 5-nitroguaiacol degradation by Rhodococcus opacus C6-1 isolated from soil (2003)
Degradation of nitroaromatic compounds by bacterial strains P1P and P3A (2003)
Arabidopsis thaliana proteome influenced by plant hormones cytokinins (2004)
Capillary Electrophoresis of Bacteriophage 812 Proteins Combined with MALDI Mass Spectrometry (2004)
Struktura proteinových profilů rostlin Arabidopsis thaliana s rozdílnými hladinami endogenních cytokininů (2004)
Centrální laboratoř speciálních technik na Masarykově univerzitě (2004)
Activation of the DNA-binding ability of latent p53 protein by protein kinase C is abolished by protein kinase CK2 (2004)
Square-Planar Nickel(II) O,O'-Dialkyldithiophosphato Complexes with Triphenylphosphine of the Type [NiX(S2P{OR}2)(PPh3)] (X = Cl, Br, I and NCS) (2004)
The study of presence and identification of spirochetes focused on Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato with PCR and SDS-PAGGE methods in haematophagous and non haematophagous arthropods, wild-living rodents (2001)
Borrelia burgdorferi - identifikace získaných izolátů metodami gradient PAGE, PCR a RFLP (2002)
Výskyt patogenních spirochet Borrelia burgdorferi na parkové lokalitě Brno-Pisárky (2004)
Druhové zastoupení Borrelia burgdorferi na parkové lokalitě Brno-Pisárky (2004)
Occurrence of Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii in Ixodes ricinus Ticks from Southern Moravia, Czech Republic (2004)
Využití informačních zdrojů na internetu v praktických cvičeních z bioinformatiky (URL: http://orion.sci.muni.cz/kgmb/bioinformat/) na Přírodovědecké fakultě MU v Brně (2004)
Programovaná buněčná smrt v-myb transformovaných monoblastů je nezávislá na kaspázách (2004)
Vliv genů doby do kvetení na expresi genu FLC. (2004)
Degradation of nitroaromatic compounds by members of the genus Rhodococcus (2003)
Charakterizace zástupců rodu Rhodococcus a jejich degradační schopnosti (2003)
Biomass quantification of epiphytic freshwater rhodophyte Audouinella pygmaea Kützing (2005)
Příprava vzorku pro analýzu proteomu leukemických buněk BM2 dvourozměrnou elektroforézou (2004)
Degradace 4-nitroguajakolu a 4-nitrofenolu půdními bakteriemi rodu Rhodococcus (2004)
(R)-4-(4-Fluorophenyl)-1-[2-hydroxy-2-(3-methyl-1-benzofuran-2-yl)ethyl]piperazinium chloride propan-1-ol solvate (2004)
Sorting inhibitors (Sortins): Chemical compounds to study vacuolar sorting in Arabidopsis (2004)
Involvement of xanthophyll cycle pigments and glutathione in photoprotection of lichen
Umbilicaria antarctica
First steps towards development of DNA markers for detection of new barley powdery mildew resistance genes (2003)
První kroky na cestě k vývoji DNA markerů pro detekci nových genů odolnosti ječmene k padlí travnímu (2003)
Localization of seven new late-flowering mutations on the genetic map of Arabidopsis thaliana using a newly generated CAPS marker (2004)
Surface carbohydrates of Eudiplozoon nipponicum pre- and post-fusion (2004)
Derivatisation of peptides with osmium tetroxide, 2,2-bipyridine: capillary electrophoretic and MALDITOF mass spectrometric study (2004)
Degradace 4-nitrokatecholu půdními bakteriemi rodu Rhodococcus (2003)
New finds of isolated human teeth in Mesolithic layers of North Bohemia (1999)
A rediscovered fragment of human mandible from Predmosti u Prerova (Czech Republic): Predmosti 21 (2002)
Identifikace kosterních pozůstatků knížete Waltera Xavera Dietrichsteina (2002)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků z Kuřimi, "Díly u Sv. Jána" (2002)
Rekonstrukce podoby členů rodiny Dietrichsteinů (2004)
Úvodní informace o objektu 6/86 s pohozenými lidskými a zvířecími kostrami z doby velkomoravské v Letonicích (2004)
Role of enzymatically inactive procathepsin D in lung cancer (2004)
Caffeic acid enhances differentiation of HL-60 myeloid leukemia cells induced by all-trans retinoic acid (2004)
Apoptosis during induced neuronal differentiation of EC cell line P19 (2004)
Differentiation of HL-60 myeloid leukemia cells induced by all-trans retinoic acid is enhanced in combination with caffeic acid (2004)
Právní a etické aspekty zpracování klinických dat (2004)
Protein composition of Paracoccus denitrificans cells grown on various electron acceptors and in the presence of azide (2004)
The rapid identification of European Armillaria species from soil samples by nested PCR (2004)
Identification of bacteriophage types and their carriage in
Staphylococcus aureus
Photosynthetic characteristics of foliose lichens in response to light, temperature and water status of thallus (2004)
Visualization of high light effects on intrathalline variability of photosynthetic processes in hydrated
Lasallia pustulata
Influence of methylation pathway genes on FLC expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2004)
Může být vnímání bolesti ovlivněno geneticky? (2004)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika toxinogenních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Detection of photochemical processes in Antarctic lichen
Xanthoria elegans
using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. (2004)
Ribotypizace a fenotypová charakteristika kmenů rodu Xenorhabdus (2004)
Příprava hrubého enzymatického preparátu s fosfatázovou aktivitou (2004)
Differences in the susceptibility of
Lasallia pustulata
Umbilicaria antarctica
to high light stress (2004)
Fotochemické procesy fotosyntézy a rýchlosť vývinu kyslíku u lišajníkového fotobionta Trebouxia erici (2004)
Unusual step(s) in the fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction in lichens. (2004)
High light susceptibility of
Xanthoria parietina
monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence (2004)
Detection of the presence of antiborrelian antibodies and isolation of Borrelia afzelii from tissues of wild rodents. (2004)
Identification of 33 isolated strains of Borrelia burgdorferi obtained from various hosts and vectors using RFLP, PCR AND gradient PAGE methods (2004)
Camptothecin induces autophagy of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2004)
Natura 2000 ve vojenských výcvikových prostorech - příklad VVP Boletice (2004)
Výsledky studií o účasti Chlamydia pneumoniae při onemocnění cév aterosklerotického původu (2004)
Elektrochemická dehalogenace fluor-, chlor- a brombenzenu (poster 8P-28) (2004)
The electro-reductive transformation of halogenated benzenes (poster) (2004)
Tissue specific alternative splicing in the gene for AHP5, a histidine-containing phosphotransfer protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (2004)
Characterization of the expression pattren of the Arabidopsis AHP factores gene family (2004)
Adamcova míra existuje již 100 let (2004)
Chromosome numbers for some species of vascular plants from Europe (2004)
Chorispora tenella a Corispermum canescens na jižní Moravě (2004)
Effect of endogenous cytokinin levels on the Arabidopsis thaliana proteome (2004)
Detection of 13q abnormalities in multiple myeloma using immunomagnetically selected plasma cells. (2002)
RAP: a new computer program for de novo identification of repeated sequences in whole genomes (2004)
Synthesis, X-ray and Mössbauer study of iron(II) complexes with trithiocyanuric acid (ttcH3). The X-ray structures of [Fe(bpy)3](ttcH).2bpy.7H2O and [Fe(phen)3](ttcH2)(ClO4). 2CH3OH.2H2O. (2004)
Lyzogénna konverzia exfoliativného toxínu A u Staphylococcus aureus (2004)
Molecular diagnostics of clinically important staphylococci (Review) (2004)
Srovnávací genomika fágů
Staphylococcus aureus
z čeledi
Srovnávací analýza genomu a proteomu polyvalentních stafylofágů (2004)
Klasifikace komplexu
Staphylococcus sciuri
z humánního klinického materiálu (2004)
Cytogeographical Survey of Eleocharis subser. Eleocharis in Europe 1: Eleocharis palustris (2004)
Detection of antiborrelian antibodies in blood of small rodents and the occurence of borreliae in mites parasiting on them (2004)
Species identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from tick, rodent, mite and mosquito isolates in the Czech Republic (2004)
Incidence Lymeské borreliózy v ČR ve srovnání s ostatními velkými městy v Evropě (2004)
Zjišťování přítomnosti protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato u služebních psů a hlodavců a detekce této bakterie u parazitujících roztočů (2002)
Sezonní dynamika výskytu živorodých monogeneí rodu Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832 parazitujících na mřence mramorované (Barbatula barbatula L., 1758) (2004)
1-[2-Ethoxy-2-(3-methyl-1-benzofuran-2-yl)ethyl]-4-(o-tolyl)piperazin-1-ium chloride (2004)
Tlatlancuayin (2004)
Serological confirmation of Borrelia burgdorferi infection in dogs from the Czech Republic (2004)
The InDeVal insertion/deletion evaluation tool: a program for finding target regions in DNA sequences and for aiding in sequence comparison (2004)
Genomic and proteomic characterization of the polyvalent staphylophage 812 (2004)
Comparative phage genomics of family
Staphylococcus aureus
Toxic Shock Syndrome and its causative agents in the Czech Republic (2004)
Update on the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of
Staphylococcus hominis
strains from Czech hospitals (2004)
Characterization of resident bacteriophages and their role in conversion of exfoliative toxin A production in
Staphylococcus aureus
Ribotyping and biotyping of
Staphylococcus sciuri
species group from humans (2004)
PKD2 Mutations in Czech Population with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (2004)
Indel patterns of the plastid DNA trnL-trnF region within the genus Poa (Poaceae) (2004)
Role of enzymatically inactive procathepsin D in lung cancer. (2004)
Imunitní odpověď proti Borrelia afzelii u myší kmene BALB/C (2004)
Molecular, supramolecular and solution structures of peroxovanadium complexes with ON and O3N donor set ligands: two new types of cationic-anionic peroxovanadium(V) peroxovanadates(V) (2004)
Three-Block Bi-Focal PLS (3BIF-PLS) and its Application in QSAR. (2004)
Host response to Borrelia afzelii in BALB/c mice (2004)
Long-term monitoring of the prevalence of spirochaete in Ixodes ricinus in Pisárky lokality, Brno city (2004)
Complex Study of Haloalkane Dehalogenase by Means of Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis (2004)
Rozšírenie Senecio sylvaticus (Compositae) na Slovensku (2004)
Presence of Skrjabingylus petrowi (Nematoda) in central Europe (2004)
Binding of Fatty Acids to b-Cryptogein: Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and Design of Selective Protein Mutants. (2004)
Crystal Structure of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 at 0.95 A Resolution: Dynamics of Catalytic Residues (2004)
Funkní varianty nádorového supresoru p53 (2004)
Vimentin: příklad aktivního zapojení složky cytoskeletu do regulačních procesů buňky (2004)
Ectopic overexpression of a Maize beta-glucosidase Disrupts Cytokinin Metabolism in Transgenic Tobacco. (2004)
Overexpression of a Maize beta-glucosidase Disrupts Cytokinin Metabolism in Transgenic Tobacco (2004)
Ectopic overexpression of a Maize beta-glucosidase Interferes with Cytokinin Homeostasis in Transgenic Tobacco. (2004)
Overexpression of a Maize beta-glucosidase Disrupts Cytokinin Metabolism in Transgenic Tobacco. (2004)
Evaluation of magnetic carriers for DNA isolation and polymerase chain reaction (2004)
Isolation of PCR-ready DNA from dairy products. (2004)
Magnetic supports for molecular diagnostics of microorganismus (2004)
Proteomic capacity of recent fluorescent dyes for protein staining (2004)
Isolation of genomic DNA using magnetic cobalt ferrite and silica particles (2004)
Reclassification of Staphylococcus pulvereri Zakrzewska-Czerwinska et al. 1995 as a later synonym of Staphylococcus vitulinus Webster et al. 1994. (2004)
Zdroje a šíření vankomycin rezistentních enterokoků (2004)
High affinity fucose binding of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin PA-IIL: 1.0 A resolution crystal structure of the complex combined with thermodynamics and computational chemistry approaches (2005)
Synthesis and characterization of vanadium(V) complexes with alpha-hydroxyhippuric acid. The X-ray crystal structure of (NBu4)2[V2O2(O2)2(R-alpha-hhip) (S--hhip)].5H2O,[alpha-hhip = alpha-hydroxyhippurato(2-)] (2004)
Změny proteinových spekter A. thaliana vyvolané zvýšením hladin endogenních cytokininů (2004)
The gametophytic expression of the gene for sensor histidine kinase CKI1 is essential for embryo sac formation in Arabidopsis. (2003)
CKI1, a putative sensor histidine kinase is essential for proper female gametophyte formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2004)
Investigating the role of sensor histidine kinase CKI1 in Arabidopsis using a reverse genetics approach. (2003)
The putative sensor histidine kinase CKI1 is involved in Arabidopsis female gametophyte development. (2003)
Optimalizace přípravy vzorku pro dvourozměrnou elektroforézu (2004)
Analysis of the polyvalent bacteriophage 812 proteome (2004)
An evolutionary change in telomere sequence motif within the plant section Asparagales had significance for telomere nucleoprotein complexes (2004)
Complete DNA sequence of the linear mitochondrial genome of the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis (2004)
Mutations in Czech LGMD2A patients revealed by analysis of calpain3 mRNA and their phenotypic outcome (2004)
Interactions of putative telomere-binding prooteins in Arabidopsis thaliana: identification of functional TRF2 homolog in plants (2004)
Species divergence in Asparagales is associated with the evolution of novel types of telomeres (2004)
How do Alliaceae maintain their telomeres? - revisited (2004)
Linear genomes in yeast mitochondria: implications from an analysis of the complete DNA sequence (2004)
Telomerase activity in multiple myeloma patients (2004)
Interactions among putative telomere-associated proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana in two-hybrid system (2004)
Loss of Arabidopsis-type telomeres in the evolution of Solanaceae (2004)
Polymorphism in subterminal chromosome regions applied for genotyping of potato varieties (2004)
Ribotypizace jako možný přístup pro odlišení biochemicky příbuzných druhů Staphylococcus xylosus a Staphylococcus equorum (2004)
Characterization of Staphylococcus xylosus strains isolated from humans clinical material. (2004)
Identifikace a charakterizace genů determinujících embryogenezi prostřednictvím T-DNA mutací Arabidopsis thaliana. (2004)
Genetic and molecular analysis of T-DNA mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2004)
Příprava vhodných sond pro identifikaci T-DNA mutantů Arabidopsis thaliana metodou Southernova přenosu. (2004)
Identification and mapping of resistance genes to powdery mildew in barley. (2004)
Identification and characterisation of three genes determining embryogenesis by means of T-DNA mutagenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2004)
Identification of interspecific barriers in the genus Trifolium. (2004)
Člen podoborové komise Molekulární biologie, genetika, experimentální onkologie (2004)
Česko-slovenská studentská vědecká konference (2004)
Prognóza nádorů hlavy a krku se zaměřením na nádorový supresor p53 (2004)
Informační zdroje pro molekulární biologii (2004)
Association of the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with IL-6 and DRD2 gene polymorphismus (2004)
Methylation of histones in myeloid leukemias as a potential marker of granulocyte abnormalities (2005)
Bioinformatics II (2004)
Alfred Bader - Chemist and Art Collector (2004)
The Use of Internal Nitrogen Stores in the Rhizomatous Grass Calamagrostis epigejos During Regrowth After Defoliation (2005)
DNA polymorfismus genu pro monoaminooxidázu B ovlivňuje vnímání bolesti (2005)
Photoinduced toxicity of fluoranthene on germination and early development of plant seedling (2004)
Lichens as bioindicators of organic pollutants (2004)
Nestin expression in cell lines derived from high-grade astrocytomas. (2004)
Včelín J. G. Mendela (2005)
Praktická cvičení z biologie. Protokoly - část I. 3. přepracované vydání (2004)
Nucleoprotein complexes of variant telomeres in Asparagales plants (2004)
Výzkum přírodně-ohniskových nákaz v biosférické rezervaci Pálava (2003)
Protilátky k virům přenosným komáry u středočeské populace z oblasti zasažené povodní v roce 2002 (2004)
Borreliae in Ixodes ricinus ticks feeding on humans (2004)
Global weather variability affects avian phenology: a long-term analysis, 1881-2001. (2004)
Klíšťata lužního ekosystému (2004)
Komáři - fenomén lužního lesa (2004)
Ptáci oblasti lužních lesů dolního Pomoraví a Podyjí (2004)
Ptactvo lužního lesa u Lednice (2004)
Characterization of spirochetal isolates from arthrops collected in South Moravia, Czech Republic, using fatty acid methyl esters analysis (2004)
An annotated checklist of pathogenic microorganisms associated with migratory birds (2004)
Mosquitoborne viruses, Czech Republic, 2002 (2005)
Novel flavivirus or new lineage of West Nile virus, Central Europe (2005)
Dlouhodobá studie prevalence Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. v klíšťatech v parku Pisárky, město Brno, ČR. (2004)
Cena AVČR: "Biologie viru West Nile, původce západonilské horečky" (2004)
Cytotoxicita a fototoxicita potenciálního fotosenzibilizátoru indocyninové zeleně u HeLa buněk (2004)
Degradation of 5-nitroguajacol by soil bacteria of the genus Rhodococcus (2004)
Telomerase as a diagnostic and predictive marker in colorectal carcinoma. (2004)
Nádorový supresor p53 zastavuje proliferaci a indukuje diferenciaci monoblastů BM2 (2005)
Reclassification of strain CCM132, previously classified as Kocuria varians, as Kocuria carniphila sp. nov. (2005)
The application of chemotaxonomic methods in reclassification of the strain CCM3356 (2004)
Use of the polyphasic taxonomic aproach for classification of bacteria resistant to nitroaromatic pollutants (2004)
Analýza p53 u spinocelulárních karcinomů hlavy a krku (2004)
The effects of terminal electron acceptor and sodium azide on the Paracoccus denitrificans protein composition (2004)
Toxicity of hydroxylated and quinoid PCB metabolites: inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and activation of aryl hydrocarbon and estrogen receptors in hepatic and mammary cells (2004)
Induction of arylhydrocarbon receptor-mediated and estrogen receptor-mediated activitites, and modulation of cell proliferation by dinaphthofurans (2004)
Obecná zoologie (2005)
Changes in glutathione and xanthophyll cycle pigments in high light-stressed lichens
Umbilicaria antarctica
Lasallia pustulata
Vývoj flóry a vegetace jihomoravského luhu (2004)
Molekulárně-biologická charakteristika lyzogenizujích bakteriofágů (2005)
Analýza polymorfismu kódující oblasti prionového genu ovce a koně (2005)
Analýza genomu a proteomu polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 (2005)
Bacterial pyrite oxidation under different metabolic states of bacteria (2004)
Vztah bakterie Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans oxidující anorganické sirné látky k biooxidaci pyritu (2004)
Některé zdroje spirochetálních infekcí v ČR (2004)
Combining rapid word searches with segment-to-segment alignment for sensitive similarity detection, domain identification and structural modelling (2004)
p53 tumor suppressor inhibits proliferation and induces differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2005)
Versatility of proteome during terminal differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2005)
Regulace a význam exprese vimentinu při diferenciaci monoblastů tranformovaných onkogenem v-myb (2005)
Molekulárně patologická a genetická diagnostika pletencové svalové dystrofie LGMD2A: prezentace prvních případů diagnostikovaných v České republice (2004)
Activity of primary photosynthetic processes in some antarctic lichens and mosses at decreasing water potential of their thalli (2004)
Changes in growth parameters and content of N-storage compounds in roots and rhizomes of Calamagrostis epigejos after repeated defoliation (2004)
The consequences of lower nitrogen availability in autumn for internal nitrogen reserves and spring growth of Calamagrostis epigejos (2005)
Stripping voltammetry of oligonucleotides (2004)
Polyphasic taxonomic study of strain CCM2783 resulting in description of Arthrobacter stackebrandtii sp. nov. (2005)
Patchy Nitrate Availability Alone Contributes to Heterogeneous Responses in Plant Functions and Chemical Composition Impacting Growth (2004)
Molecular Cytogenetic Characterization of Glioblastoma Using the Technique of in situ Fluorescence Hybridization, Comparative Genome Hybridization and Spectral Karyotyping. (2004)
Establishment and characterization of a new cell line derived from human high-grade astrocytoma. (2004)
Detection of the presence of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi in the blood of wild-living rodents (2004)
Quantitative Analysis of Substrate Specificity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (2005)
Determination of tick positivity for pathogenic Borrelia burgdorferi by using PCR-RFLP method (2004)
Identifikace modifikátorových genů pozdního kvetení u Arabidopsis thaliana (2005)
Magnetic microparticulate carriers with immobilized selective ligands in DNA diagnostics (2005)
Magnetic hydrophilic methacrylate-based polymer microspheres for genomic DNA isolation (2005)
RAPD typizace bifidobakterií (2005)
Mendlův přínos pro včelařství byl veliký. (2004)
Borrelia burgdorferi - identification of isolated strains using gradient PAGE, PCR and RFLP methods (2004)
Mohou komáři přenášet lymskou borreliózu? (2005)
Optimalizácia prípravy a spracovanie molekulárne cytogenetických preparátov pre spektrálne karyotypovanie (2005)
Serological Confirmation of Borrelia burgdorferi Infection in Dogs in the Czech Republic (2006)
The presence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in mites parasiting small rodents (2005)
Nenechme se přepočítat včelami aneb včas dodaným prostorem proti rojení. (2005)
Trifunctional dinuclear platinum complexes as DNA-protein cross-linking agent (2004)
Degradation of b-Hexachlorocyclohexane by Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26. (2005)
Mykorhizní symbióza. O soužití hub s kořeny rostlin (2004)
Versatility of proteome during terminal differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2005)
Cílené genetické a epigenetické modifikace leukemických buněk (2005)
Vplyv entomopatogénnych hlíst na proteosyntézu hostiteľa (2005)
Western blot analysis of rodent sera positive to pathogenic Borrelia burgodrferi sensu lato (2004)
Detection of the positivity of Borrelia burgdorferi in Ixodes ricinus by PCR (2004)
Vliv injikace mikroorganismů na imunitní reakce bource morušového Bombyx mori L. (2005)
Uber der larvale Entwicklung der Art Simulium (S.) argyreatum Meigen 1838 (1971)
Construction of Cryptogein Mutants, a Proteinaceous Elicitor from Phytophthora, with Altered Abilities To Induce a Defense Reaction in Tobacco Cells (2005)
Laser ablation generation of cluster ions from concentrated sulfuric and selenic acids (2005)
Lactuca L. - locika (2004)
Scorzonera L. - hadí mord (2004)
Senecio L. - starček (2004)
Artemisia L. - pelyněk (2004)
Výuka chemie a biochemie. Konference českých a slovenských učitelů lékařských fakult (2005)
Bacterial DNA isolation using new designed magnetic particles (2005)
Characterisation of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains in infant faeces samples (2005)
2',4'-Dihydroxy-3-methoxy-alpha,beta-dihydrochalcone and 2',4-dihydroxy-alpha,beta-dihydrochalcone: supramolecular structures formed by O-H...O, C-H...O and stacking interactions (2005)
Genetika a bolest (2004)
Osajin (2005)
Fluktuační asymetrie diplozoonů (Monogenea; Plathelminthes) - pilotní studie (2004)
Can Morphological Abnormalities of Fish Parasites Be Indicators of Environment Stress? Preliminary ResultsXI (2004)
Effects of high-fat and Chlorella vulgaris feeding on changes in lipid metabolism in mice (2001)
Spectrum of mutation and single-nucleotide polymorphism in long QT syndrome genes KCNQ1, KCNH2 and KCNE1. (2004)
Identification of homozygous KCNQ1 mutation in Romano-Ward family. (2004)
Exercise induced changes of T wave pattern in long QT individuals (2004)
Variabilita klinických projevů u pacientů s geneticky potvrzenou diagnózou syndromu dlouhého QT (2004)
X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease: phenotypic expression of a novel mutation Ile127Ser in the GJB1 (connexin 32) gene (2005)
Analysis of tumor suppressor p53 status in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (2004)
Transfekce dendritických buněk v nádorové imunoterapii. (2004)
Prognóza nádorů hlavy a krku se zaměřením na nádorový supresor p53 (2004)
Kvantitativní stanovení antigenů MAGE A-1 a MAGE A-3 s využitím metody PCR v reálném čase na přístroji LightCycler. (2004)
Syndrom prodlouženého QT intervalu a známé kandidátní geny (2004)
Prevalence vankomycin-rezistentních enterokoků v nemocničním a komunitním prostředí (2005)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií (č.12) (2005)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií (č.11) (2004)
CCM jako centrum biologických zdrojů (2004)
Charakterizace kmenů Staphylococcus xylosus a Staphylococcus cohnii z veterinárních zdrojů (2004)
The application of the sds-page method in the classification of gram-positive cocci (2004)
Kontrolní kmeny v České sbírce mikroorganismů (2002)
Bakteriální produkce síranů ve vztahu k biokorozi betonu (2005)
Characterization of presumptive Staphylococcus xylosus strains by SDS-PAGE protein profiles. (2005)
Asaia sp. isolated from sputum samples of immunosuppressed patients. (2005)
Chemical communication in Bombus terrestris bumblebees. (2003)
Weissella confusa (basonym Lactobacillus confusus) - první záchyt z hemokultury v České republice (2005)
Characterization of esculin-positive Pseudomonas fluorescens strains isolated from an underground brook (2004)
Evaluation of (GTG)5-PCR for identification of Enterococcus spp. (2005)
Imunomagnetická separace buněk z kostní dřeně u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem stanovení delece 13q14 použitím interfázní fluorescenční in situ hybridizace (2005)
Využití průtokové cytometrie pro sledování proliferace a diferenciace monoblastů transformovaných onkogenem v-myb (2005)
Biotypizace a ribotypizace kmenů Aeromonas hydrophila komplexu (2005)
Genotypová charakterizace TSST-1 pozitivních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
zachycených v ČR během let 1986 - 2004 (2005)
Staphylococcus simiae
sp. nov., isolated from South American squirrel monkeys (2005)
Borrelióza a co o ní víme (2005)
Řádí borrelióza (2005)
cDNA Microarray Technology as a Tool for Better Understanding of Progress of Malignant Diseases (2005)
Photoprotective mechanisms in foliose lichens have sufficient capacity to cope with a short-term high light stress (2005)
Acclimation of the photobiont and mycobiont partners in the foliose lichen Xanthoria parietina to seasonal changes in solar radiation (2005)
Effect of polyols on photosynthetic response of foliose lichens to sub-zero temperature (2005)
Porovnání standardních prognostických faktorů u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem s delecí 13q14 stanovenou metodou interfázní fluorescenční in situ hybridizace na separovaných a neseparovaných buňkách kostní dřeně. (2005)
Genetika populací (2001)
Praktická cvičení z genetiky (2001)
In vitro testing of vancomycin - gentamicin loaded bone cement to prevent prosthetic joint infection (2005)
Kvantitativní stanovení nádorových antigenů MAGE A-1 a MAGE A-3 metodou real-time PCR na přístroji LightCycler (2005)
CBP sensitizes v-myb-transformed monoblasts to differentiation inducers (2005)
Imunologické monitorování metodou Elispot - První protinádorová vakcína na bázi Id-KLH připravená v ČR a schválená SÚKLEM (2005)
Identification and clinical grade expansion of myeloma-specific T cell clones in patients with multiple myeloma (2005)
Effect of procathepsin D activation peptide on gene expression of breast cancer cells (2006)
Application of the myeloma bank (2005)
Starý známý neznámý TP53, tentokráte u B-CLL. (2005)
Pletencová svalová dystrofie typu 2A - srovnání výsledků analýzy DNA a mRNA genu pro kaplain3 (2005)
Keeping bumble bees for science, education and profit (2003)
Determination of cyanide in microliter samples by CE using on-capillary enzymatic reaction with rhodanese (2005)
Behavioral non-conditioning assay in insect magnetosensitivity research. (2005)
Nádorové antigeny MAGE A-1 ,MAGE A-3 a jejich stanovení metodou real-time PCR (2005)
Cytogenetic abnormalities in patients with multiple myeloma studied by FISH analysis: comparison of simultaneous immunofluorescent labelling of malignant plasma cells and immunomagnetically selected plasma cells (2005)
Occurrence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in humans and animals in the Czech Republic between 2002 and 2004 (2005)
The role of actin in the apoptotic cell death of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. (2005)
Functional analysis of p53 tumor suppressor in yeast (2005)
Biomonitoring of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera: Nematocera) using car nets (2005)
Polymorphisms of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes in patients with allergic diseases in Czech population (2006)
Evaluation of (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting for characterization of enterococci isolated from bryndza cheese (2005)
CREB-binding protein sensitizes v-myb-transformed monoblasts to differentiation inducers (2005)
Staphylococcus simiae
sp. nov. (2005)
Ribotyping of sucrose - negative mesophilic Aeromonas sp. (2005)
Aeromonas hydrophila ssp. dhakensis - first occurrence in Czech Republic confirmed by ribotyping (2005)
Aeromonas spp. as a causative agent of acute diarrhoea in children (2005)
Ribotyping of Lactobacillus helveticus from the Koumiss (2005)
Genomika bakteriofágů (2005)
Analýza proteomu polyvalentního fága (2005)
Enterococcus canintestini sp. nov., from faecal samples of healthy dogs (2005)
Enterococcus aquimarinus sp. nov., isolated from sea water (2005)
Direct and indirect evidence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in patients with significant stenosis of a. carotis of atherosclerotic origin (2004)
Genetické dispozice ADHD: vztah genů pro COMT, ACE a AGT k hyperkinetické poruše v dětském věku (2005)
Onemocnění klinicky připomínající kompresní myelopatii (2004)
Proteomic analysis of iron and sulfur oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans using immobilized pH gradients and mass spectrometry (2005)
Testování SPRI metody izolace DNA pro použití v PCR (2004)
Využití nosičů s karboxylovými skupinami pro PCR charakterizaci bifidobakterií v mléčných výrobcích (2004)
Využití metod založených na PCR pro charakterizaci vybraných druhů rodu Bifidobacterium (2004)
Identification of bifidobacteria by polymerase chain reaction and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (2004)
Typizace bifidobakterií pomocí amplifikačních technik (2005)
Evaluation of amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and species-specific PCR for identification of Bifidobacterium species (2006)
Visualized photosynthetic characteristics of the lichen
Xanthoria elegans
related to daily courses of light, temperature and hydration: a field study from Galindez Island, maritime Antarctica. (2005)
Ceratopogonidae of the Bílina and Duchcov environs (2004)
Racemic monoperoxovanadium(V) complexes with achiral OO and ON donor set heteroligands: synthesis, crystal structure and stereochemistry of [NH3(CH2)(2)NH3][VO(O-2)(ox)(pic)].2H(2)O and [NH3(CH2)(2)NH3][VO(O-2)(ox)(pca)] (2005)
Cytokinin induced photomorphogenesis in dark-grown Arabidopsis: a proteome analysis (2005)
Capillary Electrophoresis Combined with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Native Fluorescence Detection for Protein Analysis (2005)
Rapid Analysis of Protein Differential Abundance Using O18/O16 Labelling and MALDI TOF MS with 2 kHz Laser (2005)
Autophagy is preferred pathway of camptothecin-induced programmed cell death of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2005)
Přírodní zdroje nákazy lymeské borreliózy - hlodavci a jejich paraziti (2005)
Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolates from rodents in some localities of the Czech republic (2005)
Zjišťování výskytu spirochet u členovců parazitujících u drobných hlodavců zaměřené na patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2005)
The presence of spirochetes in arthropods parasiting small rodents focused on the pathogenic Borrelia burgdorfei sensu lato (2005)
NMR study of the [VO(O2)2F]2- ion in solution: Synthesis, vibrational spectra and crystal structure of [NH3CH2CH2NH3][VO(O2)2F] (2005)
Complexation between vanadium (V) and phenyllactate: Synthesis, spectral studies and crystal structure of (NEt4)(NH4)3[V2O2(O2)2(R-3-phlact)2][V2O2(O2)2(S-3-phlact)2].6H2O, [3-phlact = 3-phenyllactato(2-)] (2005)
Embryologie a reprodukce živočichů (2005)
Nový český stafylokok,
Staphylococcus simiae
Molecular analysis of FRI (FRIGIDA) gene in early and late-flowering ecotypes and late-flowering mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2005)
Nestin distribution pattern in GM7 glioblastoma cells. (2005)
Molecular mapping of some Arabidopsis thaliana genes determining leaf shape and chlorophyll defects. (2005)
Identification of interspecific barriers in the genus Lotus. (2005)
Obtaining DNA markers for diversity evaluation in Trifolium pratense cultivars (2005)
Genetic mapping and DNA markers for gene identification in Arabidopsis thaliana (2005)
Isolation and characterization of a novel semi-lethal Arabidopsis thaliana mutant of gene for pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein (2005)
Genetic and molecular analysis of new sources of resistance to powdery mildew in barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) (2005)
Study of Fluorescently Labelled Peptides and Small Proteins Using Capillary Electrophoresis Combined with Laser Induced Fluorescence and MALDI MS Detection (2005)
Study of Derivatization of Peptides and Proteins for Fluorescence Detection Using Capillary Electrophoresis and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (2005)
Addressing the role of vimentin in monocyte/macrophage differentiation using RNAi approach (2005)
Ribotyping of Lactobacillus casei group strains isolated from dairy products (2005)
Revision of the subgenus Meloehelea (genus Atrichopogon; Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (2005)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků z lokalit Ivanovice na Hané 3 a Ivanovice na Hané 3/2. Popelnicová pole a doba halštatská (2004)
Antropologický výzkum kosterních pozůstatků Markéty Františky Lobkowiczové-Dietrichsteinové a jejího manžela Václava Viléma Popela Lobkowicze, pohřbených v kostele sv. Václava v Mikulově (2005)
Hromadný hrob obětí slovansko- maďarského střetu v 9. - 10. století u Brankovic (2005)
Základy osteometrie (2005)
Autophagy is preferred pathway of camptothecin-induced programmed cell death of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2005)
Vliv přítomnosti profágů v genomu
Staphylococcus aureus
na polymorfizmus délky restrikčních fragmentů (RFLP) dělených pulzní elektroforézou (1995)
Identifikace neznámých spirochét v DFM pozitivních vzorcích (2005)
Retargetting a maize beta-glucosidase: Evidence from intact plants that zeatin-O-glucoside is stored in the vacuole. (2005)
Indirect quantification of protein modification degree (2005)
Development of a microtiter plate-based method for determination of degradation profile of nitrophenolic compounds (2006)
Degradation of 5-nitroguaiacol by soil bacteria of the genus Rhodococcus (2004)
Characterization of Rhodococcus wratislaviensis strain J3 that degrades 4-nitrocatechol and other nitroaromatic compounds (2005)
Sensitive Detection and Separation of Fluorescent Derivatives using Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection with 532 nm Nd:YAG Laser (2006)
Two Rhizobial Strains, Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099 and Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, Encode Haloalkane Dehalogenases with Novel Structures and Substrate Specificities (2005)
Overexpression of the Bacterial IPT Gene in Developing Arabidopsis Seedlings Carrying Auxin Reporters. (2005)
Ionizace MALDI a její využití ve spojení se separačními technikami (2005)
Analyzátory doby letu (TOF), QqTOF a TOF/TOF (2005)
TP73 expression in medulloblastoma (2005)
TRITON: graphic software for modelling protein mutants and calculation reaction pathways (2005)
Genetická determinace délky vegetativní fáze u modelové rostliny Arabidopsis thaliana. (2005)
Detekce proteinu p73 v nádorové tkáni meduloblastomu: významný hráč i v karcinogenezi embryonálních nádorů CNS? (2005)
Nádorová biologie meduloblastomu: výsledky vyšetření vybraných molekulárně genetických a cytogenetických znaků na Klinice dětské onkologie FN Brno. (2005)
Creation of a Ribonuclease Abzyme trough Site-directed Mutagenesis (1998)
Monoclonal Antibody Against DNA Adducts with Osmium Structural Probes (1999)
Nitric oxide production by hemocytes of larva and pharate prepupa of Galleria mellonella in response to bacterial lipopolysacharide: cytoprotective or cytotoxic? (2006)
Photosynthesis in Antarctic Lichens in extreme Environments: Plant Stress Physiology Approaches (2005)
Genetika dystonií (2003)
Enterococcus devriesei sp. nov., associated with animal sources (2005)
Prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in hospitalized patients and those living in the community in the Czech Republic (2005)
Size and shape of mycoplasma virus MV-Lg-L 172 DNA (1978)
Base content of the dna of the mycoplasmatales virus MV-Lg-L-172 (1981)
Bacterial DNA isolation using new magnetic polymer microspheres containing carboxyl groups (2005)
Identification of human Bifidobacterium strains using genus and species specific PCR (2005)
Ferrite supports for isolation of DNA from complex samples and polymerase chain reaction amplification (2005)
Application of PCR, rep-PCR and RAPD techniques for typing of Lactococcus lactis strains (2005)
Thin-layer chromatography and Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Oligosaccharides in biological samples (2005)
TOF SIMS and MALDI TOF MS Analysis on different Chromatographic Thin Layers (2005)
Dynamics of xanthophyll cycle pigments in high light treated lichens (2005)
Seasonal dynamics of xanthophyll cycle pigments in lichen Xanthoria parietina. (2005)
The effect of high light on zeaxanthine formation in the foliose lichen Lasallia pustulata (2005)
Isolation of PCR-ready DNA from Mycobacterial cells using magnetic particles (2005)
Polymorfizmy kandidátních genů u hyperkinetické poruchy (2005)
Extent of photoinhibition and the rate of recovery from photoinhibition in lichens depends on modus of high light stress. (2005)
Determination of temperature and light optima for photosynthetic activity and growth of green algal lichen photobionts of the genus Trebouxia (2005)
Jak vznikají nádory? (2005)
Využití průtokové cytometrie pro identifikaci mezidruhových hybridů rodu Trifolium (2005)
Estimation of physiologically-active timein mosses based on in-situ temperature profile data from maritime Antarctica. (2005)
Cílené zásahy do genové exprese a jejich využití při léčbě nádorů (2005)
North Atlantic weather oscillation and human infectious diseases in the Czech Republic, 1951-2003. (2005)
Babesia microti (Piroplasmida: Babesiidae) in nymphal Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) in the Czech Republic (2005)
Přílet tažných ptáků na jižní Moravu v letech 1997-1999. (2005)
Avian botulism at a sugar beet processing plant in South Moravia (Czech Republic) (2005)
Emmonsiosis of subterranean rodents (Bathyergidae, Spalacidae) in Africa and Israel. (2005)
Charakterizace proteomu bakteriofága 812 (2005)
Derivatizace aminokyselin, peptidů a proteinů pro laserem indukovanou fluorescenční detekci v kapilární elektroforéze (2006)
The relationships among various bee genera (Apis mellifera L., Bombus spp., Megachile rotundata F. and Rhophitoides canus Ev) as observed on flowering alfalfa (Medicago sativa (2005)
Sensitive determination of food colorant erythrosine and other xanthene dyes by CE-LIF (2005)
Spectroscopic Characterization of Eu(III) Complexes with New Monophosphorus Acid Derivatives of H4dota (2005)
High-Throughput Axial MALDI-TOF MS Using a 2 kHz Repetition Rate Laser (2006)
Nové možnosti DNA diagnostiky u pacientů s povrchovou keratitidou (2005)
Antropologická rekonstrukce podoby člověka podle lebky (2005)
Comparison of different kinds of probes used for analysis of variant telomeric sequences (2005)
Techniques in plant telomere biology (2005)
Telomeres in evolution and evolution of telomeres (2005)
Structural Variability of Subtelomeres Applied for Genotyping of Selected Potato Varieties (2005)
Stanovení aktivity telomerázy u mnohočetného myelomu (2005)
Plant telomere-binding proteins (2006)
Minisatellite telomeres in the family Alliaceae are lost with divergence of the genus Allium (2005)
Plant telomerases synthesizing human type of telomeres (2005)
Allium cepa possess proteins able to bind the human- and Arabidopsis-type of telomeric sequence (2005)
Evolution of plant telomeres - step back or forward? (2005)
Arrangement of multiple sequence variants at telomeres of Hyacinthaceae (2005)
Chromatin structure of typical and alternative telomeres (2005)
Nuclear levels and patterns of histone H3 modification and HP1 proteins after inhibition of histone deacetylases (2005)
Metody molekulární biologie (2005)
Analysis of plant telomere-binding proteins (2005)
Evolution of telomere synthesis in the plant order Asparagales (2005)
Pět let školního antropologicko-archeologického výzkumu v Divákách (2005)
X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: phenotypic expression of a novel mutation Ile127Ser in the GJB1 (connexin 32) gene (2005)
Polymorphism of DRD2 gene and ADHD (2006)
Reakce na metylfenidát v závislosti na genotypu u dětí s ADHD (2006)
Zubní kaz v časném dětství a mikrobiální flóra (2005)
Prvková analýza vlasů z období středověku a raného novověku (2005)
Postmortální chemické změny kosterních pozůstatků z Dietrichsteinské hrobky v Mikulově (2005)
Intra- and extraneuronal changes of immunofluorescence staining for inflammation-related molecules in the experimental models of peripheral neuropathic pain (2005)
Paenibacillus mendelii sp. nov., a bacterium from surface-sterilized seeds of Pisum sativum L. (2005)
Toxicity of photomodified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthene for lichens (2005)
Slovanští obyvatelé velkomoravského hradiska Pohansko u Břeclavi (2005)
Photosynthesis of lichen symbiotic alga Trebouxia erici as affected by irradiance and osmotic stress (2006)
A dip in the chlorophyll fluorescence induction at 0.22 s in Trebouxia-possessing lichens reflects a fast reoxidation of photosystem I. A comparison with higher plants (2006)
Functional polymer hydrogels for embryonic stem cell support (2006)
The use of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters for indication of phytotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (2005)
Effect of fluoranthene on Hill reaction and chlorophyll fluorescence in pea plants (2005)
Photoinduced change of toxicity of fluoranthene on pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) (2005)
Response of primary processes of photosynthesis in lichens to the presence of fluoranthene (2005)
Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in lichens and pea plants after short-time exposure to fluoranthene (2005)
Affection of photosynthesis in lichens by photomodified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthene (2005)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as a factor affecting the Hill reaction activity. (2005)
Inhibitory effect of fluoranthene on photosynthetic processes in lichens detected by chlorophyll fluorescence (2006)
Genotypic characterization of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1-producing strains of
Staphylococcus aureus
isolated in the Czech Republic (2006)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Activating Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Their Hydroxylated Metabolites Induce Cell Proliferation in Contact-Inhibited Rat Liver Epithelial Cells (2005)
Expressional regulation of CKI1 provides molecular evidence for hormone interplay during Arabidopsis root development (2005)
Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from blood samples and their susceptibility to antibiotics (2005)
Evidence of covalent interaction of fumaric acid esters with sulfhydryl groups in peptides (2005)
Binuclear complexes of lanthanides with 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane dioxide (2006)
Dosavadní výsledky mezioborové spolupráce na nálezech ze starší doby bronzové v Hulíně - U Isidorka (2005)
Ectopic over-expression of the maize beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 interferes with cytokinin homeostasis in transgenic tobacco. (2006)
Genomic imbalance detected in glioblastoma multigorme using high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (2005)
High resolution comparative genomic hybridisation analysis for detecting small constitutional chromosome abnormalities (2005)
The yield of chromosomal aberrations in children with acute leukemia using methods GTG banding, FISH, CGH and HR-CGH (2005)
4-(Diethylamino)salicylaldehyde (2005)
Detection of chromosome 13 abnormalities and 14q32 translocations in multiple myeloma using simultaneous imunofluorescent labelling of malignant plasma cells and fluorescent in situ hybridization (2004)
Our first experience in preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (2005)
Dose response curves: benchmark dose approach of data processing (2005)
Mycobacterial Haloalkane Dehalogenases: Cloning, Biochemical Properties and distribution. (2005)
Způsob výroby opticky aktivních halogenalkanů a alkoholů hydrolytickou dehalogenací katalyzovanou halogenalkandehalogenázami (2005)
Způsob detoxikace sulfidického yperitu psobením halogenalkandehalogenázami (2005)
Myotonická dystrofie typ 2: vzácné nebo časté onemocnění v České republice? (2005)
Člen oborové komise F3 FRVŠ (2005)
3-Amino-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole (2006)
5-Amino-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole (2006)
Life cycle of Paradiplozoon homoion (Diplozoidae) under experimental conditions (2005)
Vývoj enzymového biosenzoru pro detekci chlorovaných pesticidů (2005)
Combination of cDNA microarray technology and fluorescence leads to better understanding of relationships between gene expression and epigenetic regulation (2005)
Transcriptional profiling of human CD34+ cells during in vitro differentiation (2005)
Důkaz klastrování genů na chromosomových doménách studiem diferenciací buněčných nádorových linií (2005)
Sledování změn genové exprese u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem pomocí cDNA microarrays technologie a jejich diagnostika pomocí transkripčních map (2005)
Comparative transcriptome maps: a new approach to the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma patients using cDNA microarrays (2006)
Analysis of SMN gene regions in patients with spinal muscular atrophy (2005)
Analysis of histopathologic and molecular genetic findings in Czech LGMD2A patients (2005)
Myotonická dystrofie typ 2: vzácné nebo časté onemocnění v České republice? (2005)
Ceratopogonidae (2005)
Aktivita telomerázy hlavy a krku v benigních a maligních nádorech (2005)
Nestin expression in the cell lines derived from glioblastoma multiforme. (2006)
Genus Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) collected by non-light traps in South Moravia (2005)
Navržení Biosenzoru pro detekci chlorovaných pesticidů (2006)
Elektrochemické stanovení chloridů na uhlíkových elektrodách (2006)
Analýza obsahu flavonoidů pomocí elektroanalytických technik ve vybraných nutraceutikách (2006)
Enzymový Biosenzor pro detekci chlorovaných pesticidů (2006)
Jednoduchá, rychlá a senzitivní detekce salicylátů v pivu pomocí elektroanalytických technik (2006)
Komparativní genomika prionového genu (2006)
Cell Line RAW264.7 as a model for osteoclastogenesis and methods of its genetic manipulation (2006)
Okadaická kyselina indukuje diferenciaci a apoptózu monoblastů BM2 (2006)
Lipophoriny a zásobní proteiny hmyzí hemolymfy (2006)
Pathogenicity of Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora from Czech Republic to silkworm Bombyx mori and wax moth Galleria mellonella under certain conditions. (2006)
Srovnání tří metod stanovení lysozymu v hemolymfě hmyzu (2006)
Instrumentation strategy for investigation of bacteriophage 812 proteome by on-line combination of capillary electrophoresis, electrochromatography and liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (2005)
Proteom polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága (2006)
Použití metod SSCP a TGGE pro screening kandidátních genů LQTS (2006)
Kazivosť zubov v populácii detí zo staroslovanského pohrebiska Pohansko - "Pohřebiště okolo kostela", Česká Republika (2005)
Kazivosť zubov u dospievajúcich a dospelých jedincov zo staroslovanského pohrebiska Pohansko - "Pohřebiště okolo kostela" pri Břeclavi, Česká republika (2005)
Genotypic characterisation of vancomycin-resistant
Enterococcus faecium
isolates from haemato-oncological patients at Olomouc University Hospital, Czech Republic (2006)
Imaging of mitochondrial apoptogenic proteins released during apoptosis in living and fixed cells. (2005)
Analýza lokalizace a interakce fluorescenčně značených molekul v živých i fixovaných lidských buňkách. (2006)
Mutageneze a mapování jako nástroj při identifikaci genů Arabidopsis thaliana (2006)
Reproduction of Plants (2005)
Association study of promoter polymorphisms within NOS3 gene with allergic diseases (2006)
Optimalizace izolace bakteriální DNA amplifikovatelné v PCR (2006)
Molekulární typizace bakterií rodu Lactobacillus pomocí rep-PCR (2006)
Intracellular trafficking and proteolysis of the auxin efflux facilitator PIN2 in Arabidopsis is proteasomedependent and involved in root gravitropism (2006)
PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux (2006)
A new sensitive method for enzyme studies of rare glucosides (2005)
Apical-basal polarity: why plant cells dont standon their heads (2006)
Development of Arabidopsis and Tobacco Seedling Shoot Apical Meristem after ipt Transcriptional Activation in pOp/LhG4 System (2005)
Arabidopsis Shoot Apical Meristem Development after ipt Transcriptional Activation in pOp/LhG4 System (2005)
Analysis of histopathologic and molecular pathologic findings in Czech LGMD2A patients. (2005)
Gonadal protection with GnRH analogues during chemotherapy cytotoxic dose derived cohort study (OVARONKO). (2006)
Staphylococcus equorum and Staphylococcus succinus isolated from human clinical specimens (2006)
Characterization of Panton-Valentine leukocidin positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2006)
Enterococcus silesiacus sp. nov. and Enterococcus termitis sp. nov. (2006)
Klinická a molekulárně genetické studie u chlapců s hyperkinetickou poruchou v ČR (2005)
Polymorfizmy kandidátních genů u hyperkinetické poruchy (2005)
Thermal stability and energetics of 15-mer DNA duplex interstrand crosslinked by trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (2005)
Enkapsulace tří druhů entomopatogenních hlístovek u G. mellonella a larev brouků čeledi Scarabaeidae (2006)
Variabilita proteinů hemolymfy v populaci mandelinky bramborové, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) (2006)
Porovnání standardních prognostických faktorů u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem s delecí 13q14 stanovenou metodou interfázní fluorescenční in situ hybridizace na separovaných a neseparovaných buňkách kostní dřeně (2005)
Myotonická dystrofie typ 2: vzácné nebo časté onemocnění v ČR (2005)
Cílená léčba v onkologii. (2005)
RNA nádorové vakcíny na bázi dendritikých buněk (2005)
An outbreak of human salmonellosis caused by ampicillin-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis PT13 in the Czech Republic (2006)
Distribution and function of plasmids in Salmonella enterica (2006)
Cats as a risk for transmission of antimicrobial drug-resistant Salmonella (2004)
Transforming growth factor-beta1 inhibits all-trans retinoic acid-induced apoptosis (2006)
Normal and Prostate Cancer Cells Displays Distinct Molecular Profiles of a-Tubulin Posttranslational Modifications (2006)
Neurobiologie hyperkinetické poruchy (2007)
Effect of procathepsin D activation peptide on gene expression of breast cancer cells (2005)
Lack of STAT 1 phosphorylation at TYR 701 by IFNgamma correlates with disease outcome in melanoma patients (2005)
Molecular biology of ADHD: an association study of DAT1, DRD2, DRD4, COMT and MAOB gene polymorphisms with hyperactive disorder in children (2006)
Multiplex PCR for detection of three exfoliative toxin serotype genes in
Staphylococcus aureus
Molekulární diagnostika a epidemiologie MRSA II (2006)
Identification of Staphylococcus piscifermentans from dog feces (2005)
Role genetické variability vybraných antioxidačních enzymů u diabetické nefropatie - pilotní výsledky (2006)
Synthesis, crystal structure and helical ladder-like assembly of a novel terephthalato-bridged binuclear Cu(II) complex: First report on terephthalate bridging under tetraaza macrocyclic environment (2006)
6-(2-Chloro-4-fluorobenzylamino)purine (2006)
The association of monoamine oxidase B functional polymorphism with postoperative pain intensity (2006)
Nové kontrolní kmeny CCM pro testování kultivačních půd (2005)
Control strains of filamentous fungi and yeasts in the Czech collection of microorganisms (2005)
Laser desorption-ionization time of flight mass spectrometry of various carbon materials (2006)
Determination of cyanide in microliter samples by CE using on-capillary enzymatic reaction with rhodanese (2006)
Proteom polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 (2006)
Úvod do molekulární biologie (2006)
Exaktní popis specifity individuálních klonů nádorově reaktivních T lymfocytů pomocí stanovení aminokyselinové sekvence beta řetězce T lymfocytárního receptoru u pacientů s maligním melanomem (2006)
Analýza chlorovaných uhlovodíků s využitím stříbrné a uhlíkové pastové elektrody (2006)
Inhibition of photosynthetic processes in foliose lichens induced by temperature and osmotic stress. (2006)
Annual variation in photoacclimation and photoprotection of the photobiont in the foliose lichen
Xanthoria parietina
Uhlíková elektroda jako senzor pro monitoring stříbrných iontů ve vodách (2006)
d with electrochemical deUsing of flow injection analysis coupletection for a determination of metallothionein (2006)
Rapid detection of yeast infections in patients with febrile neutropenia by PCR-RFLP (2005)
West Nile virus: ecology, epidemiology and prevention (2006)
Klinické vyjádření projevů syndromu dlouhého QT intervalu u pacientů s geneticky potvrzenou diagnózou. (2005)
Osmotic stress at low temperature in Umbilicaria hirsuta, Lasalia pustulata. (2004)
The role of ribitol in resistance of lichens to low temperature effects. (2004)
Method for the estimation of effective concentration of polyols in green algal lichens at low temperature. (2005)
Nádorově specifické antigeny MAGE u mnohočetného myelomu a jejich kvantifikace (2006)
Analysis of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in Czech patients with atopic diseases (2006)
trans-Bis{2-chloro-6-[(3-hydroxybenzyl)amino]-9-isopropylpurine-N7}platinum(II) dimethylformamide disolvate (2006)
New isolate of Photorhabdus luminescens ssp. kayaii from the Czech Republic (2006)
Role of hemolymph factors during in vitro cellular encapsulation of nematodes by the hemocytes of Galleria mellonella (2006)
Počítačové hodnocení intenzity sekrece antigenů systému AB0 do slin (2006)
Proteomic and bioinformatic analysis of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans using immobilized pH gradients and mass spectrometry (2006)
Počítání chromozomů (2006)
Electrochemical determination of flavonoids on a carbon paste electrode in biological samples (2006)
A suggestion of enzymatic biosensor for determination of chlorinated pesticides (2006)
Resolution of overlapped reduction signals in short hetero-oligonucleotides by elimination voltammetry (2006)
Study of nucleic acids interactions with platinum based cytostatics using biosensor (2006)
Electrochemical investigation of metallothionein and apo-metallothionein (2006)
Application of elimination voltammetry for microanalysis of oligonucleotides and nucleic acids bases (2006)
The effects of posttranslational modifications on function of the Bcl-2 protein (2006)
Role of vimentin in regulation of monocyte/macrophage differentiation (2006)
Vyvoj enzymoveho biosenzoru pro detekci chlorovanych pesticidu (2006)
Identification of spirochetes from Ixodes ricinus ticks and Culex (Culex) pipiens s.l. mosquitoes using DFM, PCR, PCR-RFLP and sequenation (2005)
Procentuální zastoupení neznámých spirochet a patogenních borrelií v larvách komárů (2006)
Borik asitin Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) nýn hemolenf protein profili, lipid peroksidasyonu düzeyi ve antioksidan savunma sistemine etkisi (2006)
Vyšetření sér myší BALB/c na přítomnost antiborreliových protilátek metodami ELISA a immunoblotting po imunizaci různými kmeny patogenní Borrelia afzelii (2006)
Antioxidative mechanisms in a lichen
Lasallia pustulata
exposed to light and dehydration stress. s (2006)
Platinum(V) Complex with Adamantylamine as Nonleaving Amine Group: Synthesis, Characterization, and in Vitro Antitumor Activity against a Panel of Cisplatin-Resistant Cancer Cell Lines (2004)
Regulace aktivity osteoklastů: prostor pro terapii některých onemocnění kostí (2006)
High-throughput characterization of enzymes from genomic and proteomic projects-multivariate statistical approach (2006)
Protein engineering of haloalkane dehalogenase LinB: reconstruction of active site and modification of entrance tunnel (2006)
Retinoic acid affects the response of v-Myb-transformed monoblasts to okadaic acid (2006)
Prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in hospitalized patients and those living in the community in the Czech Republic (2006)
Photosynthesis and photoprotection are more influenced by light duration than light intensity in the lichen
Lasallia pustulata
Effects of CpG on selected parameters of immune responce in mice (2006)
Neznámé nové nemoci přenášené klíšťaty (2006)
Sledování prevalence a variability Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. spirochet a jejich identifikace u hematofágních členovců a obratlovců v ČR v roce 2000-2003 (2006)
The behaviour of the mealworm beetle pupa and its conditioned reaction to the geomagnetic field turn. (2006)
Laboratory behavioural assay of insect magnetoreception: magnetosensitivity of Periplaneta americana. (2006)
Characterization of bacteriophage integrase gene families in
Staphylococcus aureus
phages of the International Typing Set (2006)
Molecular diagnostics and characterization of exfoliative toxin A, B and D producing strains of
Staphylococcus aureus
isolated in the Czech Republic (2006)
Proteomic characterization of the polyvalent staphylophage 812 (2006)
Panton - Valentine leukocidin positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains isolated in the Czech Republic in 2004 - 2006 (2006)
Role of genetic variability in antioxidant and DNA reparation enzymes in diabetic nephropathy (2006)
Occurance of
Staphylococcus nepalensis
strains in different sources including human clinical material (2006)
Thermostable trypsin conjugates for high-throughput proteomics: synthesis and performance evaluation (2006)
Protein Modification Degree - An Indirect MS Quantitation Approach. (2006)
On his anniversary. Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884) (2006)
Členka oborové komise FRVŠ F3 (2006)
Analysis of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in Czech patients with atopic diseases (2006)
Minisatellite telomeres occur in the family Alliaceae but are lost in Allium (2006)
Changes in the protein profiles and activities of antioxidant enzymes in fat body of Galleria mellonella in response to boric acid (2006)
Detection of telomerase activity by the TRAP assay and its variants and alternatives (2006)
Asparagales telomerases which synthesize the human type of telomeres (2006)
O polidštění rostlinných telomer (2006)
Study of prezygotic and postzygotic barriers of crossability in the genus Lotus (2006)
Rearing Bombus lapidarius L. (Hymenoptera) in laboratory. (2006)
The Bee-House of J. G. Mendel in Brno (CR) – the Historical Point of the European Beekeeping (2006)
Male marking pheromone of Bombus terrestris: Changes in composition and activity. (2006)
Cría y úso de los abejorros para la pollinización de los recursos genéticos de legumbres forrajeras. (Rearing and using bumblebees for pollination of forage legume genetic resources.) (2006)
Haplotype analysis of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene in IgE-mediated asthma (2006)
Antioxidant and DNA reparation enzyme genetic polymorphism as a pathogenic factor of diabetic nephropathy (2006)
An Integrated Approach to the Prediction of Protein Structure and Function (2004)
Isolation and characterization of a novel semi-lethal Arabidopsis thaliana mutant of gene for pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein (2006)
Identification of barriers to interspecific crosses in the genus Trifolium (2006)
Identification of resistance genes against powdery mildew in four accessions of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum (2006)
Polymorfismy genů pro dopaminové receptory D2 a D4 a pro dopaminový transportér (DAT) u českých hyperkinetických chlapců nesouvisejí s kognitivní poruchou (2006)
Two candidate gene polymorphisms in ADHD children: a case-control study of catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase B (MAOB) genes (2006)
p53 induces differentiation but not apoptosis of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2006)
Curling during desiccation protects the foliose lichen Lobaria pulmonaria against photoinhibition. (2006)
Pseudomonas moraviensis sp. nov. and Pseudomonas vranovensis sp. nov., soil bacteria isolated on nitroaromatic compounds, and emended description of Pseudomonas asplenii (2006)
Dietrichsteinové z Mikulova. Výledky antröpologického výzkumu vybraných příslušníků rodu (2006)
p53 arrests growth and induces differentiation of v-Myb-transformed monoblasts (2006)
Nestin as a marker of transformed cells in brain tumors. (2006)
Molecular cytogenetics in diagnosis of embryonal childhood tumors. (2006)
Paenibacillus sepulcri sp. nov., isolated from biodeteriorated mural paintings in the Servilia tomb (2006)
Study of substrate inhibition by electrophoretically mediated microanalysis in partially filled capillary. (2007)
Chemotaxonomic Characterisation of Pseudomonads by MALDI-TOF MS (2006)
Identifikace individuálních autologních kolonů myelom-reaktivních T lymfocytů (2006)
Synthesis and tautomerism study of 7-substituted pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridines (2006)
Využití MALDI-MS pro identifikaci Pseudomonas spp. (2006)
The gene for interleukin 6: the candidate gene for neuropsychiatric illness? (2006)
A case-control study of the relationship between 13 candidate genes and ADHD (2006)
Expression of Glycosylated Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB in Pichia pastoris. (2006)
The Smc5-Smc6 DNA Repair Complex: Bridging of the SMC5-SMC6 heads by the kleisin, Nse4 ... (2006)
Mechanism of Enhanced Conversion of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane by Mutant Haloalkane Dehalogenase Revealed by Molecular Modeling. (2006)
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships for Toxicity and Genotoxicity of Halogenated Aliphatic Compounds: Wing Spot Test of Drosophila melanogaster. (2007)
The Identification of Catalytic Pentad in the Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhmA from Mycobacterium avium N85: Reaction Mechanism and Molecular Evolution (2006)
Enzymes Fight Chemicals Weapons. (2006)
Phylogenetic Analysis of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2007)
CAVER: A New Tool to Explore Routes from Protein Clefts, Pockets and Cavities (2006)
Identification of Tunnels in Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Inorganic Materials and Molecular Ensembles. (2006)
Electrochemical determination of chlorides on surfaces of carbon electrodes. (2006)
Development of biosensor for determination of chlorinated pesticides. (2006)
Engineering of enantioselective enzyme by cumulative mutagenesis. (2006)
A suggestion of enzymatic biosensor for determination of chlorinated pesticides. (2006)
Solvent Isotope Effects on Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB. (2006)
Mycobacteria as a Source of Haloalkane Dehalogenases: Identification of the Catalytic Pentad within the Structure of DhmA from Mycobacterium avium N85. (2006)
Physical Variables as a Control of Enzyme Stereoselectivity (2006)
Modelling of Product Release and Identification of Export Routes in Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhaA (2006)
Engineering of Enantioselective Haloalkane Dehalogenase by Cumulative Mutagenesis (2006)
Discovery of Stereoselective Haloalkane Dehalogenases: New Tool for Asymmetric Syntheses. (2006)
Expression of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB in Pichia pastoris (2006)
Proteinové inženýrství enzymů (2006)
Development of Enzymatic Biosensor for Determination of Chlorinated Pesticides (2006)
Řízení stereoselektivity enzymu fyzikálně-chemickými parametry (2006)
Natural and Engineered Enantioselective Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2006)
Structure-Based Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenase (2006)
Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhaA from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 Towards Higher Enantioselectivity (2006)
The stereoselectivity and Conformational Stability of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110: The Effect of Temperature and pH (2006)
Computer-assisted Directed Evolution of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhaA Towards Degradation of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (2006)
Keyhole-Lock-Key Model of Enzyme-Substrate Binding (2006)
The Past, the Present and the Future of Czech Biotechnologies (2006)
Application of Functional Protein Microarrays for Detection of p53 Mutant Activity (2006)
Role of p53 Gene Mutation Type in B-CLL Prognosis (2006)
Isolation of microbial DNA by newly designed magnetic particles (2006)
Correlation between the cytogenetic findings and the prognostic factors in the group of patiens from the CMG 2002 clinical study (2006)
Thin-layer Chromatography and Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Oligosaccharides in Biological Samples (2007)
Glutathione and zeaxanthin formation during high light stress in foliose lichens (2006)
Relative quantification of tumor associated antigens MAGE-1 and MAGE-A3 in Multiple myeloma (2006)
Amino acid sequences of T cell receptor reacting against Muptiple myeloma (2006)
Zaměření a zpracování bakalářské práce (2006)
Ethics of Research on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines (2006)
Evoluční genomika (2006)
Miniatlas mikroorganismů (2006)
Aplikace eliminační voltametrie s lineárním scanem pro určení obsahu adeninu a cytosinu v oligonukleotidech o různé velikosti (2006)
Využití eliminační voltametrie v proteomice (2006)
Linearna voltametria a eliminačná voltametria s lineárnou polarizáciou natívneho a denaturovaného hovädzieho sérového albuminu (2006)
A new tool for determination of proteins: Chronopotentiometric stripping analysis (2006)
Determination of alkyl and aryl halides using of electrochemical techniques (2006)
An utilizing of electroanalytical techniques for determination of flavonoids in apples (2006)
Electrochemistry and thiols, is there any advantage? (2006)
Easy and low cost determination of heavy metals in water and foodstuff using screen-printed electrodes (2006)
Determination of ascorbic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrochemical detector (2006)
A determination of salicylic acid in different beers, pharmaceutical drugs and tissues of different species of willows using electroanalytical techniques (2006)
Determination of capsaicin in parts of fruits of different capsicum species using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrochemical detector (2006)
A determination of capsaicin in capsicum by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (2006)
Electrochemical study of naphthoquinones (2006)
Elektrochemicka detekce nukleovych kyselin (2006)
Geographical sexual size dimorphism in an ant-eating spider, Zodarion rubidum (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2006)
Studium polyzomie chromozomu 7, monozomie chromozomu 10, amplifikace genu EGFR a delece genu p53 u multiformního glioblastomu pomocí metody fluorescenční in situ hybridizace (FISH) (2006)
Studium oxidativního stresu v lišejnících a jejich symbiontech (2006)
Vliv imunizace a CPG oligodeoxynukleotidu jako adjuvans na oxidativní vzplanutí fagocytů u myší. (2006)
Identification of 2.3-Mb gene Locus for Congenital Aural Atresia in 18q22.3 Deletion: A Case Report Analysed by Comparative Genomic Hybridization (2006)
Význam a současné možnosti diagnostiky cytogenetických změn u mnohočetného myelomu (2006)
Sedm let působení společné Laboratoře molekulární cytogenetiky Přírodovědecké fakulty MU a Oddělení lékařské genetiky ve FN Brno (2006)
Case with terminal deletion of chromosome 14 and DiGeorge syndrome resulted from unbalanced translocation involving chromosomes 14 and 22 detected by FISH and array-CGH (2006)
Inactivation of p53 and deletion ATM in B-CLL patients in relation to IgVH mutation status and previous treatment (2006)
Detection of chromosomal aberrations in multiple myeloma (2006)
Tvorba protilátek po imunizaci celobuněčným antigenem Borrelia afzelii u myší, adjuvantní efekt CpG ODN. (2006)
Různorodost výskytu kmenů Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato u Ixodes ricinus na lokalitě Brno-Pisárky (1996-2002). (2006)
Isolation, Cultivation and Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies from Ixodes ricinus ticks from South Moravia, Czech Republic. (2007)
Isolation of Borrelia afzelii from overwintering Culex pipiens biotype molestus mosquitoes (2006)
Structural protein analysis of the polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage 812 (2007)
Genetic risk factors for diabetic nephropathy on chromosomes 6p and 7q identified by the set-association approach (2007)
Structural variability of copper-1,10-phenanthroline–oxovanadate hybrid inorganic–organic compounds (2006)
New insights into gene positional clustering and its properties supported by large-scale analysis of various differentiation pathways (2007)
A proteomic analysis of protein variations during differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2007)
Jun: the master regulator in healthy and cancer cells (2006)
Ecotoxicity and bioavailability of phenanthrene (PHE) in polluted soils: comparison on Eisenia andrei Bouché (Oligochaeta Lumbricidae) and Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus) (Insecta Pyralidae) (2006)
Možnosti komparativní genomové hybridizace s vyšším rozlišením (HR-CGH) a array-CGH při detekci prognostických markerů u neuroblastomu (2006)
High-resolution of comparative genomic hybridization improves detection of chromosomal aberrations with prognostic significance in neuroblastoma (2006)
Reaktivace proteinu p53 pomocí Amifostinu - experimentální studie v kvasinkovém expresním systému (2006)
Detection of chromosomal aberrations by FISH, CGH and SKY in cultured and noncultured tumours in children during 2003 and 2005 (2006)
Výhody funkční metody FASAY při analýze nádorového supresoru p53 u vybraných případů difúzního velkobuněčného B lymfomu (2006)
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) by fluoresent in situ hybridization (FISH): case report (2006)
Plazmová tužka - univerzální plazmový zdroj pro lokální úpravy (2006)
Plazmová tužka - univerzální plazmový zdroj pro lokální aplikace (2006)
Cisplatin electrochemical biosensor (2006)
Electrochemical study of S nitrosoglutathione and nitric oxide by carbon fibre NO sensor and cyclic voltammetry - possible way of monitoring of nitric oxide (2006)
Simultaneous determination of eight biologically active thiol compounds using gradient elution-Liquid Chromatography with Coul-Array detection (2006)
An unusual case of congenital muscular dystrophy with mitochodnrial structural abnormalities. (2006)
Isolation of polymerase chain reaction-ready bacterial DNA from Lake Baikal sediments by carboxyl-functionalised magnetic polymer microspheres (2006)
Easy, rapid and sensitive determination of salicylates in beer using electroanalytical techniques (2006)
Influence of magnetic particles on the reproducibility of RAPD and rep-PCR fingerprinting of lactic acid bacteria (2006)
Use of magnetic hydrophilic particles for DNA isolation from dairy products and unusual samples (2006)
Myotonic dystrophy type 2 (2006)
Plant telomere-binding proteins (2006)
Mikrokalorimetrie bilogicky významných molekul (2006)
Analysis of histopathologic and molecular pathologic findings in czech LGMD2A patients (2006)
Evoluční změny v syntéze rostlinných telomer (2006)
Studium rostlinných proteinů in vivo (2006)
Correlation between SMN2 copy-number, variations in expression of SMN2 mRNA and clinical outcome in SMA patients treated with phenylbutyrate and valproic acid (2006)
Molecular genetic diagnostics of myotonic dystrophy and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy in Czech patients (2006)
Experiences with mutation analysis of epidermolysis bullosa in the Czech republic (2006)
Analysis of molecular pathologic findings in Czech LGMD2A patients (2006)
Telomere-associated proteins of typical and alternative telomeres (2006)
Comparison of different kinds of probes used for analysis of variant telomeric sequences (2006)
Disrupting Cytokinin Metabolism in vivo by Altering the Sub-Cellular Location of a Maize beta-Glucosidase (2006)
Retargeting a Maize beta-glucosidase: Evidence from Intact Plants that Zeatin-O-glucoside is Stored in the Vacuole (2006)
Re-exprese nestinu v nádorově transformovaných buňkách: in vitro studie na vybraných typech nádorů (2006)
Screening of genomic imbalances in glioblastoma multiforme using high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (2007)
Genetic heterogenity and functional properties of human intestinal Bifidobacterium strains (2006)
Současné trendy molekulární cytogenetiky v klinické genetice a onkologii (2006)
Taxonomic analysis and reclassification of Bifidobacterium adolescentis CCM 3761 (2006)
A new, sensitive method for enzyme kinetic studies of scarce glucosides. (2006)
Technique of light chain-specific immunofluorescent staining of clonal plasma cells and FISH analysis (2006)
The ABC’s of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae: building blocks of crucifer genomes (2006)
Species identification of Bifidobacterium strains isolated from the stool samples os sucking babies (2006)
Comparative study on the identification of Bifidobacterium strains using DNA fingerprinting methods (2006)
Chromosome arrangement and nuclear architecture but not centromeric sequences are conserved between Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata (2006)
Diving deeper into the crucifer genomes (2006)
Use of an aqueous two-phase system and solid magnetic hydrophilic particles for isolationof PCR-ready DNA from dairy products (2006)
Identification of mycobacterium sp. cells using PCR after isolation of PCR-ready DNA by magnetic microspheres (2006)
Constitutive CKI1 activity modulates cytokinin signaling and regulates vascular tissue development in Arabidopsis. (2006)
Automatická mikroskopie a poziční klonování v přístupech přímé genetiky. (2006)
In situ hybridisation technique for mRNA detection in whole mount Arabidopsis samples. (2006)
In situ hybridization for mRNA detection in Arabidopsis tissue sections. (2006)
Effect of forest clearing on the abundance of Ixodes ricinus ticks and the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. (2006)
Import of West Nile virus infection in the Czech Republic (2006)
Birds and influenza H5N1 virus movement to and within North America (2006)
Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in the tick Ixodes ricinus in the Styrian mountains of Austria (2006)
Ptačí chřipka a tažní ptáci (2006)
Evaluation of fluoranthene phytotoxicity in pea plants by Hill reaction and chlorophyll fluorescence (2006)
Immune Regulatory T Cells in Siblings of Children Suffering from Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (2006)
Toxicita a genotoxicita halogenovaných alifatických uhlovodíků u Drosophila melanogaster (2006)
Detekce ancestrálních telomerových proteinů u Cestrum parqui (Solanaceae) (2006)
Obvyklé a neobvyklé telomery (2006)
Interleukin-18 and its three gene polymorphisms relating to allergic rhinitis (2007)
Bioinformatics III (2006)
Renaturation of telomere-binding proteins fractionated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2006)
Identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from dental caries of children (2006)
Novinky v taxonomii enterokoků (2006)
Charakteristika laktobacilů osídlujících zubní povlak v dočasné dentici (2006)
ERIC-PCR fingerprinting of presumptive Aeromonas caviae strains isolated from surface waters (2006)
A link between immunocompetence of chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) and parasitism (2005)
Buccal dental microwear as a dietary indicator in the Iron age human population from Son Real, Spain (2006)
What has been patented so far? (2005)
Canalization of auxin flow by Aux/IAA-ARF-dependent feed-back regulation of PIN polarity (2006)
Genetic analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sgs1 helicase defines an essential function for the Sgs1-Top3 complex in the absence of SRS2 or TOP1. (2000)
RPA not that different from SSB. (2002)
Of forks and ends. (2002)
Interaction with Rad51 is indispensable for recombination mediator function of Rad52. (2002)
DNA helicase Srs2 disrupts the Rad51 presynaptic filament. (2003)
Rad51 recombinase and recombination mediators. (2003)
Mending the break: two DNA double-strand break repair machines in eukaryotes. (2003)
Chromosome location, genomic organization of the porcine COL10A1 gene and model structure of the NC1 domain. (2003)
Monitoring of cell adhesion and cytotoxicity effect of derivative vitamine E using a piezoelectric biosensor (2006)
Arabidopsis thaliana a současný výzkum rostlinného genomu (2007)
Morfologické, imunohistologické a molekulárně patologické nálezy u lymfomu z plášťových buněk (2005)
Funkční analýza separovaných alel v kvasinkách: spolehlivá metoda k určení statutu nádorového supresoru p53 (2005)
Charakterizace abnormalit v genech p53 a ATM u B-CLL pacientů (2005)
Analysis of temperature sensitive p53 mutants (2006)
Functional analysis of separated alleles in yeast: a reliable method for assesment of the p53 status (2006)
Inaktivace p53 u B-CLL pacientů ve vztahu k mutačnímu stavu IgVH a léčbě (2006)
První zkušenosti s metodou fluorescenční in situ hybridizace při detekci uroteliálního karcinomu. (2006)
Komparatívna genómová hybridizácia s vyšším rozlišením a jej využitie pro diagnostiku a liečbu onkologických pacientov. (2005)
Hydrophilic magnetic particles for molecular diagnostics (2006)
Carboxyl-functionalized magnetic microparticle carrier for isolation and identification of DNA in Dairy products (2006)
c-Jun induces apoptosis of starved BM2 monoblasts by activating cyclin A-CDK2 (2007)
Characterization of staphylococcal type strains by whole-cell protein analysis and (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting. (2006)
Simultaneous determination of molybdenum(VI) and tungsten(VI) and its application in elemental analysis of polyoxometalates (2006)
Průkaz neobvyklých novobiocin rezistentních stafylokoků v humánním klinickém materiálu. (2006)
New Perspectives in the Treatment of Inherited Neuromuscular Disorders: Innovative Ideas for the Third Millenium (2006)
Molekulární diagnostika a charakterizace exfoliatin produkujících kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (2006)
p53 arrests growth and induces differentiation of v-Myb-transformed monoblasts (2007)
The optimization of sample treatment for spectral karyotyping with applications for human tumour cells (2007)
Bioremediace (2007)
Separation of Individual Leukemia-Reactive from Alloreactive T Cells and Selective Depletion of Alloreactivity in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (2006)
Low-frequency magnetic field effect on cytoskeleton and chromatin (2007)
pOp6/LhGR: a stringently regulated and highly responsive dexamethasone-inducible gene expression system for tobacco. (2005)
Sensitive determination of erythrosine and other red food colorants using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection (2007)
Role of tumor suppressor p53 domains in selective binding to supercoiled DNA (2002)
Měření koncentrace metalothioneinu v nádorové tkáni a sliznici pacientů se spinocelulárním karcinomem hlavy a krku (2006)
Analysis of metallothionein content in blood and tumor in patients with head and neck cancer (2007)
Stanovení celkové antioxidační aktivity (TRAP) v hemolymfě hmyzu (2007)
Změny obsahu lysozymu a proteinového spektra hemolymfy zavíječe voskového (Galleria mellonella L.) během vývoje (2007)
New hydrodynamic electrochemical arrangement for cadmium ions detection using thick-film chemical sensor electrodes (2006)
Toxicological aspects of flavonoid interaction with biomacromolecules (2006)
Using of liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector for determination of naphthoquinones in plants and for investigation of influence of pH of cultivation medium on content of plumbagin in Dionaea muscipula (2006)
Naftochinony - biosynteza, vyskyt a metabolismus v rostlinach (2006)
Assimilation of nitrate, ammonium and amide nitrogen by agricultural crops (2006)
Electrochemical sensors for detection of acetylsalicylic acid (2006)
Flow injection analysis coupled with carbon electrodes as the tool for analysis of naphthoquinones with respect to their content and functions in biological samples (2006)
A determination of apo-metallothionein using adsorptive transfer stripping technique in connection with differential pulse voltammetry (2007)
A suggestion of electrochemical biosensor for study of Platinum(II)-DNA interactions (2007)
Resolution of overlapped reduction signals in short hetero-oligonucleotides by elimination voltammetry (2007)
Výskyt bakteriocínovej aktivity u kmeňov Enterococcus haemoperoxidus a Enterococcus moraviensis, izolátov z povrchových vôd (2006)
Biochemical characterization of chicken skin microflora. (2007)
Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from human blood cultures (2007)
Laboratorní cvičení z fyziologie bakterií (2007)
Antropologický výzkum Markéty Františky, hraběnky Dietrichsteinové (2006)
Stanovení bakteriolytické aktivity komplemetu u různých druhů obratlovců metodou biolouminiscence (2007)
Kde má hmyz svůj magnetoreceptor - v tykadlech Periplaneta americana zřejmě není. (2007)
The effects of boric acid-induced oxidative stress on antioxidant enzymes and survivorship in Galleria mellonella (2007)
Structural proteins of the polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage 812 (2007)
Molekulárně biologická charakteristika exfoliatin A konvertujících fágů
Staphylococcus aureus
Biosorption of heavy metals by Pseudomonas putida cells (2006)
Study of prezygotic and postzygotic barriers of crossability in the genus Lotus. (2007)
(N,N,N',N'',N''-Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine-[kappa]3N,N',N'')(trithiocyanurato-[kappa]2N,S)zinc(II) (2007)
[mu]-Trithiocyanurato-[kappa]4N1,S2:N3,S4-bis[(N,N,N',N'',N''-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine-[kappa]3N,N',N'')zinc(II)] perchlorate monohydrate (2007)
Distinct patterns of histone methylation and acetylation in human interphase nuclei (2007)
Uptake, photosynthetic characteristics and membrane lipid peroxidation levels in the lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici exposed to copper and cadmium (2007)
Kompas a mapa. Orientace v geomagnetickém poli. (2007)
17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (2006)
Počítání chromozomů (2006)
Členka oborové komise F3 FRVŠ (2006)
Editorial Advisory Board, Cytologia, International Journal of Cytogenetics and Cell Biology, Tokyo, Japan, (2006)
člen podoborové komise 521 GAČR (2006)
PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND STRESS - Central European Conference (2005)
Miniatlas mikroorganismů (2006)
Peri- and post-operative course of cytokines and metabolic activity of neutrophils in humanliver transplantation (2001)
Copper(II) complexes of tridentate selenobisphenolate ligand in mixed ligand environments: Synthesis, crystal structure, EPR and electrochemical studies (2007)
Interakce okadaické a retinové kyseliny při kontrole diferenciace monoblastů transformovaných onkogenem v-myb (2007)
Fly-net (2007)
Úloha onkoproteinu v-Myb v řízení diferenciace a apoptózy lidských promonocytů U937 (2007)
Lidský nádorový supresor p53 zastavuje růst a indukuje diferenciaci ptačích monoblastů (2007)
Molekulární analýza plazmidů kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
rezistentních k meticilinu (2007)
Mechanizmy magnetorecepce. Jak živočichové vnímají magnetické pole Země. (2007)
Tenebrio beetle pupae show a conditioned behavioural response to pulse rotations of a geomagnetic field. (2007)
Photosynthesis as a bioindicator of environmental contamination by organic pollutants (2007)
Synthesis, crystal structures and catalytic oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons by oxovanadium(V) complexes of aminebis(phenolate) ligands (2007)
5,7-Di-tert-butyl-2-(2-pyridyl)benzo[d]oxazole (2007)
Alternative pathways of programmed cell death are activated in cells with defective caspase-dependent apoptosis (2008)
p53 arrests growth and induces differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2007)
Prodloužení QT intervalu jako důsledek kumulace rizikových faktorů. (2006)
Identification of putative ancestors of the multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium DT104 clone harboring the Salmonella genomic island 1 (2007)
Incidence of the main genetic markers in glioblastoma multiforme is independent of tumor topology (2007)
Exaktní popis specifity individuálních klonů nádorově reaktivních T lymfocytů pomocí stanovení aminokyselinové sekvence beta řetězce T lymfocytárního receptoru u pacientů s maligním melanomem (2006)
Profilování genové exprese u mnohočetného myelomu (2006)
Porovnání standardních prognostických faktorů u pacientů studie CMG 2002 s delecí 13q14 stanovenou molekulárně cytogenetickými metodami (2006)
Application of fluorimetric analysis of plant esterases to study of programmed cell death and effects of cadmium(II) ions (2007)
Analysis of salicylic acid in willow barks and branches by an electrochemical method (2007)
Electrochemical determination of Ag-ions in environment waters and their action on plant embryos (2007)
Cell death induced by sodium nitroprusside and hydrogen peroxide in tobacco BY 2 cell suspension (2007)
Utilizing of electrochemical detection coupled with liquid chromatography for isoflavones detection (2007)
Study of capsaicin content in various parts of pepper fruit by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (2007)
Study of structural changes of lactoferrin using flow injection analysis with electrochemical detection on the surface of glassy carbon electrode (2007)
Possibilities of electrochemical techniques in metallothionein and lead detection in fish tissues (2007)
A sensor for investigating the interaction between biologically important heavy metals and glutathione (2007)
Label-free voltammetric detection of single nucleotide mismatches recognized by MutS protein (2007)
A new tool for distinguishing of different structural forms of lactoferrin (2007)
Determination of bromadiolone in pheasants and foxes by differential pulse voltammetry (2007)
Stanovení korelací mezi cytogenetickými nálezy a prognostickými faktory u pacientů studie CMG 2002 (2006)
Relativní kvantifikace s nádory asociovaných antigenů MAGE-A1 a MAGE-A3 real-time PCR na přístroji LightCycler u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2006)
Nádorově specifické antigeny MAGE u mnohočetného myelomu a jejich kvantifikace. (2006)
Study of electrochemical behaviour of certain flavonoids and influence on sewer rats (2007)
Analysis of nucleic acids by using of carbon paste electrode and flow injection analysis with electrochemical detection (2007)
Electrochemical techniques as tools to detect changes in levels of thiols at patients with tumor diseases (2007)
Flow injection analysis with electrochemical detection as a tool for distinguishing of structural changes of lactoferrin (2007)
Electrochemical study of interaction of glutathione with cisplatin (2007)
Electrochemical analysis of native and denatured of bovine serum albumin (2007)
Sledovani interakce protinadorovych leciv s latkami obsahujicimi thiolovou skupinu (2007)
Amino acid sequences of T cell receptor reacting against Muptiple myeloma (2006)
Exaktní popis specifity individuálních klonů nádorově reaktivních T lymfocytů pomocí stanovení aminokyselinové sekvence beta řetězce T lymfocytárního receptoru u pacientů s maligním melanomem (2006)
Use of Mass Spectrometer for Solid Sample Analysis (2007)
Transketolase (TKT) gene variability as a potencial susceptibility factor for diabetic nephropathy (2007)
Detekce prognosticky významných cytogenetických markerů u meduloblastomu s využitím metod CGH a I-FISH (2007)
Srovnání metod určující biologický věk dětských kosterních pozůstatků (Pohansko - Břeclav) (2007)
Využití MALDI-MS celobuněčných profilů při charakterizaci bakterií rodu Aeromonas (2007)
Regrowth dynamics of Calamagrostis epigejos after defoliation as affected by nitrogen availability. (2007)
Bacteria profiling by MALDI-MS: The influence of sample preparation on distinguishing closely related Pseudomonas species (2007)
Phosphopeptide enrichment and MALDI-MS analysis: Chasing for the optimal method (2007)
Ecophysiological study of Antarctic lichens using manipulated environment approach (2007)
Charakterizace bakteriofágů konvertujících Pantonův-Valentinův leukocidin u
Staphylococcus aureus
Srovnávací genomika fágů
Staphylococcus aureus
konvertujících produkci exfoliatinu A (2007)
Molekulární analýza plazmidů kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
rezistentních k meticilinu (2007)
Vlastnosti kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
produkujících Pantonův-Valentinův leukocidin izolovaných v ČR (2007)
jako častý zdroj nebezpečí pro člověka (2007)
Retinoic acid enhances differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts induced by okadaic acid (2007)
Protein p53 zastavuje proliferaci a indukuje diferenciaci v-myb transformovaných monoblastů (2007)
Statistical evaluation of the occurrence of Ixodes ricinus ticks in the urban locality of Brno Pisárky and the influence of some environment factors on their presence (2007)
The rate of spirochaetal positivity in mosquito larvae (2007)
Antibodies to Borrelia afzelii in heart-rinses of small rodents (2007)
The rate of spirochaetal positivity in mosquito larvae (2007)
Antibodies to Borrelia afzelii in heart-rinses of small rodents (2007)
Detekce Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato v klíštěti obecném (Ixodes ricinus) (2007)
Photoinduced toxicity of fluoranthene on primary processes of photosynthesis in lichens (2007)
Haplotype-based association study between the region of 6p chromosome spanning the AGER - TNFA - LTA - NFKBIL1 - BAT1 and diabetic nephropathy (2007)
Phytotoxic effect of photomodified fluoranthene on primary processes of photosynthesis (2006)
Identification of powdery mildew resistance genes in a new accession of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum using DNA markers (2006)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their effect on the primary processes of photosynthesis (2006)
Use of chlorophyll fluorescence for indication of stress in lower and higher plants (2006)
Interference of N-heterocyclic PAHs with signaling of retinoids (2007)
Senzitivizace B-CLL vzorků in vitro na fludarabin a chlorambucil pomocí monoklonální protilátky rituximab (2007)
Supernetwork identifies multiple events of plastid trnF(GAA) pseudogene evolution in the Brassicaceae (2007)
Use of in vitro culture for risk assessment of PAHs in plants (2006)
Paleopolyploidy And Karyotype Evolution In Crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2007)
Biochemie II praktická cvičení - příprava pracovního materiálu (2007)
Evolutionary and comparative cytogenetics of the Brassicaceae and Cleomaceae (2007)
Vliv fluoranthenu na produkci indikátorů stresu (2007)
Photoinduced toxicity of fluoranthene in pea plants (2007)
Ovlivnění akumulace kadmia v heřmánku pravém interakcí se zinkem (2007)
New insights into comparative phylogenomics of crucifers (Brassicaceae). (2007)
Quantitative analysis of CAPN3 transcripts in LGMD2A patients: involvement of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (2007)
An unusual case of congenital muscular dystrophy with normal serum CK level, external ophtalmoplegia, and white matter changes on brain MRI. (2007)
Analysis of point mutations in the SMN1 gene in SMA patients bearing a single SMN1 copy (2007)
Changes in spectral reflectance of a foliar lichen Umbilicaria hirsuta during desiccation (2007)
Comparison of expression profile of different protein constructs (2007)
Mapping of interaction domains of putative plant telomere preteins (2007)
Characterisation of AtTRB1 binding properties (2007)
HMGB1 associates with TERT and stimulates telomerase activity (2007)
Telomerase activity in head and neck cancer (2007)
In vivo localisation of Arabidopsis thaliana Myb-like proteins (2007)
Speciace metaloproteinů - využití paralelně kombinovaných spektrometrických technik (2007)
Predikce klinického projevu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně s využitím proteomických přístupů (2007)
METALO + PROTEIN = GE + LA + ICP + MS (2007)
Prediction of Graft versus Host Disease after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Using Proteomic Approaches (2007)
Predikce klinického projevu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po allogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně s využitím proteomických přístupů (2006)
Voltammetry of Osmium End-Labeled Oligodeoxynucleotides at Carbon, Mercury, and Gold Electrodes (2007)
Genetic analysis of thirteen accessions of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum resistant to powdery mildew (2007)
Identification of new powdery mildew resistance genes in Hordeum vulgare (2007)
Molecular analysis of Frigida (Fri) gene in late-flowering genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana (2007)
Biodiverzita kultivovatelných prokaryot v Hranické propasti (2007)
MLPA as useful approach for detection of subtelomeric abnormalities in patients with mental retardation and dysmorphic features (2007)
Towards the era of comparative evolutionary genomics in Brassicaceae (2006)
Title: Mechanisms of chromosome number reduction in Arabidopsis thaliana and related Brassicaceae species (2006)
Boric acid-induced effects on protein profiles of Galleria mellonella hemolymph and fat body (2008)
Ecotossicita e biodisponibilita del fenantrene in substrati artificiali: comparazione delle risposte fisiologiche di Eisenia andrei Bouché (Lumbricidae) e Galleria mellonella (L.) (Pyralidae) (2007)
Detekce toxicity životního prostředí s využitím terestrických bakterií s přirozenou luminiscencí (2007)
GC Content in Plant Genomes (2007)
Bees (Apoidea) pollinating Coronilla varia L. (Fabaceae) in Troubsko (South Moravia, Czech Republic). (2007)
From nature to lab and from lab to nature - a concept to support bumblebee (Bombus, Apoidea) diversity. (2007)
Multidetection Platform for Microcolumn Separation of Proteins and Peptides (2007)
On-target laser induced native fluorescence detection of proteins (2007)
The use of Hill reaction activity for evaluation of phytotoxicity of organic compounds (2007)
Changes of content of cytokinins in plants treated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (2007)
Dynamika tvorby zeaxantinu v závislosti na stupni dehydratace stélky lišejníku Lasallia pustulata (2007)
Comparative TOF-SIMS and MALDI TOF-MS analysis on different chromatographic planar substrates (2007)
Stanovení červených potravinářských barviv kapilární elektroforézous laserem indukovanou fluorescenční detekcí (2007)
Capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection in analysis of amino acids, paptides and proteins (2007)
Množství světlosběrných komplexů ovlivňuje stupeň fotoinhibice fotosyntézy u LHC mutantů Arabidopsis thaliana (2007)
The Identification of Catalytic Pentad in the Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhmA from Mycobacterium avium N85: Reaction Mechanism and Molecular Evolution (2007)
Second Step of Hydrolytic Dehalogenation in Haloalkane Dehalogenase Investigated by QM/MM Methods (2008)
Identification of Tunnels in Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Inorganic Materials and Molecular Ensembles (2007)
Stepwise Dissection and Visualization of the Catalytic Mechanism of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Computer Graphics (2007)
The ecology of Mycobacteria: Impact on Animal´s and Human Health (2009)
Identifikace a stanovení příbuznosti kmenů bakterií druhu Bifidobacterium longum pomocí metod molekulární diagnostiky (2007)
Využití molekulárně diagnostických a typizačních metod pro identifikaci bakterií rodu Lactobacillus ve sbírce Laktoflora (2007)
Properties of the strains Enterococcus haemoperoxidus and E. moraviensis, new species among enterococci (2007)
Expression Analysis of B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells with Different Chromosomal Aberrations (2006)
Činitelé ovlivňující sílu a výkonnost včelstva, (2007)
Příprava kvalitních včelstev k zimování. (2007)
Specific Silencing of Mutant Antioncogene p53 by RNA Interference (2006)
Analýza genové exprese B-CLL buněk s různými chromosomálními aberacemi (2006)
Využití genomiky a proteomiky při analýze antionkogenu p53 v nádorových buňkách (2006)
Aplikace DNA čipů u lymfoidních malignit (2006)
Od genomu k proteomu - využití proteinových čipů v onkologii (2006)
Definition and Validation of Novel Prognostic Markers in B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2007)
Vliv externě aplikovaného ribitolu na primární procesy fotosyntézy lišejníku Xanthoparmelia somloensis (Gyelnik) Hale za nízkých teplot. (2007)
Analysis of transactivation capability and conformation of p53 temperature-dependent mutants and their reactivation by amifostine in yeast (2008)
Seasonal changes in immunocomptence and parasitism in chub (Leuciscus cephalus), a freshwater cyprinid fish. (2007)
Tenebrio beetle magnetic orientation is sensitive to wavelength of light and inclination. (2007)
Where do insects have their magnetoreceptor? Antennae of cockroach are not likely candidates. (2007)
Kombinovaný vliv UV-B záření a teploty na parametry fluorescence chlorofylu lišejníků
Xanthoria parietina
Lobaria pulmonaria
Clinical implications of 13q14 and 17p13 deletion, t(4;14) and 1q21 amplification in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma treated by Thalidomide or Bortezomib (Velcade) (2007)
Zeptomole detection of streptavidin using carbon paste electrode and square-wave voltammetry (2007)
Spectrometric and voltammetric analysis of urease. Nickel nanoelectrode as an electrochemical sensor (2007)
Sensitive electrochemical determination of unlabeled MutS protein and detection of point mutations in DNA (2004)
Sensitive electrochemical detection of native and aggregated alpha-synuclein protein involved in Parkinson's disease (2004)
Two-surface strategy in electrochemical DNA hybridization assays: Detection of osmium-labeled target DNA at carbon electrodes (2003)
The determination of avidin in genetically modified maize (2007)
Viry archeí (2007)
Subulispora biappendiculata, anamorph sp. nov. from Borneo (Malaysia) and a review of the genus (2007)
Correlation between GC content ond genome size in plants (2007)
Vliv serotoninu na oxidativní vzplanutí neutrofilů (2006)
Stimulace neutrofilních grenulocytů lipopolysacharidem je spojena s fosforylací regulační podjednotky p47phox NADPH oxidázy (2007)
Identifikace a stanovení příbuznosti probiotických druhů bakterií rodu Bifidobacterium pomocí molekulárně diagnostických metod (2007)
Využití metody ARDRA pro druhovou identifikaci nových kmenů bakterií rodu Bifidobacterium (2007)
Use of multi-N-donor ligands for preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid materials: Crystal structures of ionic [M(aepn)2][Ni(CN)4].H2O and polymeric M(aepn)Ni(CN)4 (M = Zn(II), Cd(II); aepn = N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-propanediamine) (2007)
High light induced ROS and their effects on photoinhibition in
Arabidopsis thaliana
mutants with reduced amount of light harvesting complexes (2007)
Large-scale Microarray Analysis of Protein and mRNA Level Changes in HL-60 Cells (2007)
Chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator of fluoranthene phototoxicity (2007)
Age-dependent changes in structure and function of the male labial gland in Bombus terrestris. (2008)
Effects of UV-B light and temperature on primary photosynthetic processes in two lichen species from contrasting habitats (2007)
Photoinhibition of PS II and ELIP dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to high light stress (2007)
Genome rearrangements in host-range mutants of the plyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage 812 (2007)
Carboxyl-functionalized magnetic microparticle carrier for isolation and identification of DNA in dairy products (2007)
Solid-phase reversed immobilization of bacterial DNA from aqueous two phase system (2007)
Photobiont involvement in lichen sensitivity or tolerance to heavy metals (2007)
Primary photosynthetic processes of lichen phycobiont Trebouxia erici affected by heavy metal and heat stress (2007)
Analýza metaloproteinů pomocí MS - paralelně kombinované techniky GLIM (2007)
Izolace DNA z kultur bakterií pomocí zjednodušeného postupu (vysolování chloridem sodným) (2007)
A simple procedure for isolation of PCR-ready bacterial DNA (2007)
Molecular characteristics of Bifidobacterium strains collected in the Czech Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) and Laktoflora(CCDM) and reclassification of Bifidobacterium adolescentis CCM 3761 as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum (2007)
Genetic heterogeneity and functional properties of newly isolated probiotic Bifidobacterium species (2007)
Dvourozměrná elektroforéza v polyakrylamidovém gelu (2D-PAGE), technika pro studium proteomu mnohočetného myelomu (2007)
Two-dimensional molecular profiling of multiple myeloma (2007)
Molekulární analýza plazmidů kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
rezistentních k meticilinu (2007)
Molekulární analýza podstaty rezistencie lyzogénnych kmeňov
Staphylococcus aureus
k polyvalentnému stafylokokovému bakteriofágu 812 (2007)
Identifikace a charakterizace profágů u PVL-pozitivních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Genotypizace enterotoxin H-pozitivních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
izolovaných z pacientů a potravin (2007)
Srovnávací analýza genomu exfoliatin A konvertujících bakteriofágů druhu
Staphylococcus aureus
Functionalised magnetic nano- and microspheres for molecular diagnostic applications (2007)
Isolation of PCR-ready DNA from real samples containing PCR inhibitors (2007)
Novinky v nabídce kontrolních kmenů České sbírky mikroorganismů (2007)
p73 expression in medulloblastoma: TAp73/DeltaNp73 transcript detection and possible association of p73alpha/DeltaNp73 immunoreactivity with survival. (2007)
Epidemie puchýřnatého onemocnění novorozenců vyvolané kmeny Staphylococcus aureus (2007)
Proteomická analýza markerů rezistence buněk k bortezomibu a thalidomidu u mnohočetného myelomu (2007)
Seasonal variability of photosynthetically active radiation incident on vegetation cover at Vernadsky Station, Galindez Island, Antarctica (2005)
Ovlivnění exprese mRNA genu SMN2 inhibitory histonových deacetyláz a jejich vliv na fenotyp spinální svalové atrofie I. a II. typu (2007)
Ancestral Chromosomal Blocks Are Triplicated in Brassiceae Species with Varying Chromosome Number and Genome Size (2007)
Detekce neobvyklé mutace nádorového supresoru p53 u Burkittova lymfomu: duplikace 30 pb (2007)
Quantitative MALDI MS analysis of food oligosaccharides using artificial neural networks (2007)
Characterization of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis isolated from surface waters (2007)
Misidentification of Streptococcus mutans strains isolated from dental caries as Lactobacillus sp. (2007)
K osmdesátinám Prof. RNDr. Stanislava Rosypala, DrSc. (2007)
Prognostic value of selected chromosomal abnormalities in multiple myeloma patients treated by thalidomide (2007)
Coupling of microcolumn separations to MALDI MS (2007)
Ribotyping and Biotyping of Staphylococcus epidermidis Isolated from Hospital Environment (2007)
Kompenzují nové léky vliv cytogenetických negativních prognostických markerů u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem? (2007)
Clinical implications of chromosomal aberrations (13q14 and 17p13 deletion, translocation t(4;14) and 1q21 amplification) in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma treated by thalidomide or bortezomib (Velcade) (2007)
Analysis of red food colorants using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection (2007)
Do the "new drugs" antagonize the impact of unfavourable cytogenetic markers in multiple myeloma? (2007)
Prognostic impact of 1q21 amplification in patients with multiple myeloma treated by velcade, thalidomide and any conventional chemotherapy (2007)
Prognostický význam amplifikace 1q21 u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem léčených bortezomibem (Velcade), thalidomidem (Myrin) a konvenční chemoterapií (2007)
Comparison of prognostic impact of chromosome 1q21 gain in patients with multiple myeloma treated by Velcade, thalidomide and any conventional therapy (2007)
Prognostic impact of unfavorable cytogenetic abnormalities in multiple myeloma patients treated by bortezomib (velcade) (2007)
Prognostic impact of 1q21 amplification for newly diagnosed and relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients enrolled in Brno, Czech Republic. (2007)
Structure of Bombyx mori chemosensory protein 1 in solution (2007)
Characterization of Haloalkane Dehalogenases DrbA and DmbC: Representatives of Novel Subfamily. (2009)
Degradation of Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane by Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Hexachlorocyclohexane-Utilizing Bacterium Sphingobium sp. MI1205 (2007)
High Occurrence of BRCA1 Intragenic Rearrangements in Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome in the Czech Republic (2007)
Electrochemical Sensing of Chromium-Induced DNA Damage: DNA Strand Breakage by Intermediates of Chromium(VI) Electrochemical Reduction. (2007)
Exploring the Binding Sites of the Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhlA from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10. (2007)
Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of a Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110. (2007)
Weak Activity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB with 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Revealed by X-ray Crystallography and Microcalorimetry (2007)
Meeting Report: Protein Design and Evolution for Biocatalysis (2007)
Design and Evolution of Haloalkane Dehalogenase with Enhanced Conversion of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane by Modification of Access Tunnels (2009)
Comparison of Broad-Specificity Haloalkane Dehalogenases DbjA and DmbA Using Multivariate Statistical Approach. (2008)
Degradation of 4 Nitroguaiacol and Other Nitroaromatic Compounds by Strains of Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus. (2007)
Enzymatic reaction coupled with flow-injection analysis with charged aerosol, coulometric, or amperometric detection for estimation of contamination of the environment by pesticides (2008)
Degradation of 4 Nitroguaiacol and Other Nitroaromatic Compounds by Strains of Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus. (2008)
Stereoselectivity and Conformational Stability of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110: The effect of temperature and pH (2007)
Bioinformatics: Catalyst of Biochemical and Molecular Biologic Research (2007)
Haloalkane Dehalogenases Possess Two Different Structural Bases for Their Enantioselectivity (2007)
Comparative Binding Energy (COMBINE) Analysis of the Substrate Specificity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110. (2007)
Biomolecular Diversity (2007)
Keyhole-Lock-Key Model of Enzymatic Catalysis: Engineering of Tunnels in Proteins with Buried Active Sites (2007)
New Trends in Protein Engineering and White Biotechnologie (2007)
Změna enantioselektivity a substrátové specifity haloalkan dehalogenázy proteinovým inženýrstvím (2007)
Comparative Binding Energy Analysis of Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 (2007)
Development of Enzymatic Biosensors for Detection of Halogenated Environmental Pollutants (2007)
Stereoselektivita a konformační stabilita halogenalkan dehalogenázy DbjA z Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, (2007)
Využití enzymů ve farmaceutických výrobách (2007)
Enzymatic Detoxification of Sulfur Mustard by Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2007)
Crystallization study of three mutant haloalkane dehalogenases derived from dehalogenase DhaA of Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 (2007)
Evolution of Haloalkane Dehalogenase Protein Family (2007)
LinB Enzyme for Detection of Chlorinated Pesticides- Suggestion Design of a New Biosensor (2007)
K osmdesátinám prof. RNDr. Stanislava Rosypala, DrSc. - 50 let molekulární biologie na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2007)
Two-dimensional molecular profiling of multiple myeloma (2007)
Two-dimensional molecular profiling of multiple myeloma (2007)
Vyšetření výplachů srdcí drobných hlodavců na přítomnost protilátek proti Borrelia afzelii (2007)
Chemické složení živé hmoty, cytologie. Pracovní trext pro studium předmětu Bi2080 Obecná zoologie, Díl I. (2007)
Jak vzniká med? (2003)
Antiseptické vlastnosti medu. (2003)
Hodnota medu pro výživu člověka (2003)
Vliv vlhkosti vzduchu na kvalitu medu (2003)
Srovnání výskytu patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato v komárech na některých lokalitách v Česku a Polsku (2007)
On-target (time-resolved) laser induced fluorescence detection (2007)
Laser diode (405 nm) as an excitation source in capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection analysis of GFP-tagged proteins (2007)
Low-temperature limitation of primary photosynthetic processes in Antarctic lichens Umbilicaria antarctica and Xanthoria elegans (2007)
Mutační analýza LQT genů u jedinců s polékovým prodloužením QT intervalu (2006)
Contrasting below- and aboveground responses of two deciduous trees to patchy nitrate availability (2008)
Dynamic changes in root hydraulic properties in response to nitrate availability (2007)
Phenology and autumnal accumulation of N reserves in belowground organs of wetland helophytes Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima affected by nutrient surplus (2008)
Shoot heterogeneity in trees: Consequences of Patchy N availability and vascular transport (2009)
Stresové účinky acidifikovaného prostředí (1996)
Patchy nitrate availability alone contributes to heterogeneity in structure and functions in plants with contrasting vascular architecture (2005)
Water transport in plants under fluctuating nitrogen supply (2006)
Význam mikroRNA-21 v patogenezi kolorektálního karcinomu (2007)
Důsledky využívání různých forem dusíku na vodní provoz rostlin (2007)
Vascular transport in Thuja and Picea: consequences for use of patchy nitrogen? (2007)
Nitrogen-rich compounds support spring re-growth of grass Calamagrostis epigejos. (2000)
Terapeutické monoklonální protilátky senzitivizují in vitro některé B-CLL vzorky s aberacemi genu TP53 k fludarabinu a chlorambucilu (2007)
Purifikace a krystalizace přijímačové domény receptorové histidinkinázy CKI1 (2007)
Characterization of Staphylococcus sp. deposited in the Czech Collection of Microorganisms (2007)
Functional analysis of aglycone-binding site of the maize beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 (2007)
Can organic pollutants influence quantity and quality of yield of cultivated plants? (2007)
Changes of level of endogenous phytohormones as new marker of environmental loading (2007)
Změny oxidativního vzplanutí fagocytů v průběhu imunizace u myší: vliv CpG oligodeoxynukleotidu jako adjuvans (2007)
Dynamika tvorby protilátek u myší po imunizaci celobuněčným borreliovým antigenem a CpG jako adjuvans (2007)
Funkční analýza aglykon-vazebného místa kukuřičné beta-glukozidázy Zm-p60.1 (2007)
Early events in the evolution of the Silene latifolia Y chromosome: male specialization and recombination arrest (2007)
MK17, a specific marker closely linked to the gynoecium suppression region on the Y chromosome in Silene latifolia (2006)
Karyological analysis of an interspecific hybrid between the dioecious Silene latifolia and the hermaphroditic Silene viscosa (2006)
The inter-specific hybrid Silene latifolia x S. viscosa reveals early events of sex chromosome evolution (2005)
Comparison of the X and Y chromosome organization in Silene latifolia (2005)
Rearrangements of ribosomal DNA clusters in late generation telomerase-deficient Arabidopsis (2003)
Immunohistochemical study of DNA methylation dynamics during plant development (2001)
DNA methylation analysis of a male reproductive organ specific gene (MROS1) during pollen development (2002)
Polyfázová identifikace kmenů Aeromonas encheleia (2007)
Využití rep-PCR pro identifikaci klinicky významných druhů stafylokoků (2007)
Early cycling-independent changes to p27, cyclin D2, and cyclin D3 in differentiating mouse embryonal carcinoma cells (2002)
Neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells grown in monolayer. (2002)
Conditions for gene transfection into the HL-60 human leukaemia cell line by electroporation (2002)
Wnt-3a utilizes a novel low dose and rapid pathway that does not require casein kinase 1-mediated phosphorylation of Dvl to activate beta-catenin (2007)
Wnt-5a induces Dishevelled phosphorylation and dopaminergic differentiation via a CK1-dependent mechanism (2007)
Inhibition of endocytosis blocks Wnt signalling to beta-catenin by promoting dishevelled degradation (2007)
beta-arrestin is a necessary component of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in vitro and in vivo (2007)
The Frizzled family of unconventional GPCRs (2007)
Differentiation-specific association of HP1alpha and HP1beta with chromocentres is correlated with clustering of TIF1beta at these sites. (2007)
Distinct nuclear arrangement of active and inactive c-myc genes in control and differentiated colon carcinoma cells. (2006)
Comparative antioxidative properties of selected seed oils (2002)
Seed oils improve lipid metabolism and increase antioxidant potential in rats fed diets containing cholesterol (2003)
Histamine, Dithiaden and human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) in vitro (2003)
Time course of leukocyte response and free radicals release in an early reperfusion injury of the superior mesenteric artery (2003)
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent deregulation of cell cycle control induced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rat liver epithelial cells (2007)
Differentiation-specific association of HP1alpha and HP1beta with chromocentres is correlated with clustering of TIF1beta at these sites (2007)
Comparison of the contents of the main biochemical compounds and the antioxidant activity of some Spanish olive oils as determined by four different radical scavenging tests (2003)
Different response of normal and cancer human colon epithelial cells to dietary fatty acids and endogenous apoptotic regulators of TNF family. (2007)
Inhibition of FMLP-stimulated neutrophil chemiluminescence by blood platelets increased in the presence of the serotonin-liberating drug chloroquine (2003)
Modulation of hypericin photodynamic therapy by pretreatment with 12 various inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism in colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells (2007)
Antioxidative activity of pyridoindoles and N-(alkoxyphenyl)-2-(2-oxo-1-aza-1-cykloalkyl)acetamines in biological, enzymatic a chemical systems (2003)
Necrosis predominates in the cell death of human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells treated under variable conditions of photodynamic therapy with hypericin (2007)
Apoptosis and inhibition of gap-junctional intecellular communication induced by LA-12, a novel hydrophobic platinum(IV) complex (2007)
The effect of (1-3)-B-D-glucans carboxymethylglucan and schizophyllan on human leukocytes in vitro (2003)
Antioxidative properties of Jaffa sweeties and grapefruit and their influence on lipid metabolism and plasma antioxidative potential in Rats (2003)
Effect of different olive oils on bile excretion in rats fed cholesterol-containing and cholesterol-free diets (2003)
Apple and pear peel and pulp and their influence on plasma lipids and antioxidant potentials in rats fed cholesterol-containing diets (2003)
Hsp90 inhibitor Geldanamycin increases the sensitivity of resistant ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line A2780cis to cisplatin (2007)
Dibenzoanthracenes and benzochrysenes elicit both genotoxic and nongenotoxic events in rat liver stem-like cells (2007)
Tumor necrosis factor-α modulates effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell proliferation and expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes in rat liver “stem-like“ cells (2007)
β-Naphthoflavone and 3'-methoxy-4'-nitroflavone exert ambiguous effects on Ah receptor-dependent cell proliferation and gene expression in rat liver 'stem-like' cells (2007)
Concentrations of methylated naphthalenes, anthracenes, and phenanthrenes occurring in czech river sediments and their effects on toxic events associated with carcinogenesis in rat liver cell lines (2007)
Dimethyl sulfoxide potentiates death receptor-mediated apoptosis in the human myeloid leukemia U937 cell line through enhancement of mitochondrial membrane depolarization (2006)
7H-Dibenzoc,gcarbazole and 5,9-dimethyldibenzoc,gcarbazole exert multiple toxic events contributing to tumor promotion in rat liver epithelial stem-like, cells (2006)
Peri- and post-operative course of cytokines and the metabolic activity of neutrophils in human liver transplantation (2001)
Influence of polysulfone and hemophan membranes on phygocytes (2002)
Effect of H1-histamine antagonist dithiaden on human PMN-leukocyte aggregation and chemiluminescence is stimulus dependent (2002)
).: Reactive oxygen metabolites production is inhibited by histamine and H1-antagonist dithiaden in human PMN-leukocyte (2002)
Heparins Increase Endothelial Nitric Oxide Bioavailability by Liberating Vessel-Immobilized Myeloperoxidase (2006)
Different cell cycle modulation following treatment of human ovarian carcinoma cells with a new platinum(IV) complex vs cisplatin (2007)
Phagocyte-derived oxidants and plasma antioxidants in haemodialysed patients. (2007)
Peri- and post-operative course of cytokines and the metabolic activity of neutrophils in human open heart surgery and heart transplantation (2002)
Activation of ERK1/2 and p38 kinases by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rat liver epithelial cells is associated with induction of apoptosis (2006)
Effect of carvedilol on reactive oxygen species and enzymes linking innate and adaptive immunity. (2006)
A comparison of neutrophil chemiluminescence in cuvettes and microtittre plates (2002)
Analysis of plant extracts antimutagenicity using the Ames test and the cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. (2005)
Platinum(IV) complex with adamantylamine overcomes intrinsic resistance to cisplatin in ovarian cancer cells (2006)
Nitric oxide sensor based on carbon fiber covered with nickel porphyrin layer deposited using optimized electropolymerization procedure. (2006)
MK-886 enhances tumour necrosis factor--induced differentiation and apoptosis (2006)
IL-10 does not affect oxidative burst and expression of selected surface antigen on human blood phagocytes in vitro (2004)
Effect of an acute iron overdose on PMN cells chemiluminescence and indices of inner environment in a swine model. (2006)
Pre-treatment of HT-29 cells with 5-LOX inhibitor (MK-886) induces changes in cell cycle and increases apoptosis after photodynamic therapy with hypericin (2006)
Effect of stobadine on opsonized zymosan stimulated generation of reactive oxygen species in human blood cells (2004)
Effect of stilbene resveratrol on haematological indices of rats (2005)
Comparative content of some phytochemicals in Spanish apples, peaches and pears (2002)
In vitro effect of carvedilol on professional phagocytes. (2007)
The influence of beer with different antioxidant potential on plasma lipids, plasma antioxidant capacity, and bile excretion of rats fed cholesterol-containing and cholesterol-free diets (2004)
Hypolipidemic effect of beer proteins in experiment on rats (2002)
The effect of intestinal ischemia duration on changes in plasma antioxidant defense status in rats (2004)
Dealcoholized red and white wines decrease oxidative stress associated with inflammation in rats. (2007)
The influence of carvedilol on production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species by phagocytes (2005)
The influence of wine polyphenols on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species production by rat macrophages RAW 264.7. (2007)
Olive oils improve lipid metabolism and increase antioxidant potential in rats fed diets containing cholesterol (2002)
Blood phagocyte activation during open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. (2006)
Comparative content of some biochemical compound in apples, peaches and pears and their influence on lipids and antioxidant capacity in rats (2002)
Ultrafiltered pig leukocyte extract (IMUNOR(R)) decreases nitric oxide formation and hematopoiesis-stimulating cytokine production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. (2007)
Posttranslational Nitrotyrosination of Alpha-Tubulin Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Inhibits Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (2006)
The Effect of H1-Antihistamines on Oxidative Burst of Phagocytes (2006)
Seasonal changes of immunocompetence and parasitism in chub (Leuciscus cephalus), a freshwater cyprinid fish. (2007)
Interaction of polyunsaturated fatty acids and sodium butyrate during apoptosis in HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells (2005)
Meloxicam, a cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor, supports hematopoietic recovery in gamma-irradiated mice (2006)
Inhibition of chemiluminescence by carvedilol in the cell-free system, whole human blood and blood cells (2005)
Increased antioxidant capacity of serum did not prevent lipid peroxidation in the intermittent ischemia/reperfusion of rat small intestine. (2006)
Novel Therapy for Acute Inflammation: Co-Administration of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitor (2006)
Enhancement of Antinociception by Coadministration of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitors (2006)
Normal and Prostate Cancer Cells Display Distinct Molecular Profiles of Alpha-Tubulin Posttranslational Modifications (2006)
The effect of Hyiodine (hyaluronan combined with KI3 complex) on keratinocytes and immune cells (2006)
Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 Inhibits All-Trans Retinoic Acid-Induced Apoptosis (2006)
Alterations in plasma antioxidants during reperfusion of the ischemic small intestine in rats (2006)
A comparison of chemical systems for luminometric determination of antioxidant activity towards individual reactive oxygen species (2006)
Postnatal functional maturation of blood phagocytes in pig (2006)
Different modulation of TRAIL-induced apoptosis by inhibition of pro-survival pathways in TRAIL-sensitive and TRAIL-resistant colon cancer cells (2006)
Interaction of polyunsaturated fatty acids and sodium butyrate during apoptosis in HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells (2005)
Polyunsaturated fatty acids sensitize human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells to death receptor-mediated apoptosis (2005)
Utilizing of square wave voltammetry to detect flavonoids in the presence of human urine (2007)
Utilizing of electrochemical detection coupled with liquid chromatography for isoflavones detection (2007)
Determination of apo-metallothionein using adsorptive transfer stripping technique in connection with differential pulse voltammetry (2007)
Vyuziti analyzy obrazu, nuklearni magneticke rezonance a Brdickovy reakce pro studium vlivu tezkych kovu na embryonalni smrkove kultury (2007)
Studium obsahu metalothioneinu v krevnim seru pacientu se zmenenou hladinou medi nebo cisplatiny pomoci automatizovane elektrochemicke detekce (2007)
Studium ochranných a signálních sloučenin u rostlin pomocí elektrochemického senzoru (2007)
Study of binding of platinum based cytostatics to DNA structure; Influence of glutathione (2007)
Trichostatin a Suppresses Transformation by the V-Myb Oncogene in Bm2 Cells (2003)
Vybrane analyticke metody pro studium peptidu a proteinu (2007)
Shapes of differential pulse voltammograms and level of metallothionein at different animal species (2007)
Spectrometric and voltammetric analysis of urease -- Nickel nanoelectrode as an electrochemical sensor (2007)
Spojení přípravy vzorků na monolithické koloně a průtokové injekční analyzy - elektrochemické detekce pro stanovení laktoferinu: jednoduché, nenákladné a strukturně poznávací (2007)
Studium elektrochemického chování některých flavonoidů a jejich vliv na potkany (2007)
mRNA isolation by using paramagnetic particles and its electrochemical quantification as a tool for transcriptome analysis (2007)
Exprese a intracelulární lokalizace nestinu v solidních nádorech a v nádorových buněčných liniích (2007)
Nově derivované buněčné linie ze solidních nádorů: základní charakterizace a pilotní studie vlivu LOX/COX inhibitorů na proliferační aktivitu (2007)
Vztah vybraných cytogenetických markerů k histopatologickému vyšetření a prognóze u pacientů s meduloblastomem (2007)
Genetické změny u neuroblastomů středního a vysokého rizika a jejich prognostický význam (2007)
Nestin as a biomarker of transformed cells in solid tumors and tumor cell lines (2007)
Nové možnosti využití techniky adsorptivního přenosu v analýze biologických významných sloučenin (2007)
Palladium biosensor (2007)
Paramagnetic beads coupled with electrochemical detection as a tool to investigate transcriptome (2007)
Electroanalysis of plant thiols (2007)
Electroanalytical techniques for determination of flavonoids (2007)
Hladina metalothioneinu v rybím spermatu (2007)
Investigation of cisplatin-glutathione-DNA interactions (2007)
Jednoduché posouzení hladiny transkriptomu za využití elektrochemické detekce (2007)
Kvantifikace redukovaného a oxidovaného glutathionu ve spermiích určitých druhů ryb (2007)
Application of coulometric detection to the molecular biochemistry (2007)
Coupling of monolithic column sample preparation and flow injection analysis - Electrochemical detection for determination of lactoferrin: easy, low cost and structural distuinguishing (2007)
Determination of isoflavones using liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (2007)
Determination of Metallothionein Content in Patients with Tumor Diseases (2007)
Easy and rapid separation and determination of mRNA from a biological sample by means of paramagnetic beads coupled with electrochemical detection (2007)
A carbon electrode as a tool to determine salinity (2007)
A determination of metallothionein at various birds' species using adsorptive transfer stripping technique coupled with differential pulse voltammetry -- Brdicka reaction (2007)
A new electrochemical assay for determination of phytochelatin synthase activity (2007)
An investigation of glutathione-platinum (II) interactions by means of the flow injection analysis using glassy carbon electrode (2007)
Analýza nukleových kyselin pomocí uhlíkové pastové elektrody a průtokové injekční analýzy s elektrochemickou detekcí (2007)
Exprese izoforem proteinu p73 u meduloblastomu a její prognostický význam (2007)
Nové perspektivy fágové terapie (2007)
The effects of parenteral lipid emulsions on cancer and normal human colon epithelial cells in vitro (2005)
High effectiveness of platinum (IV) complex with adamantylamine in overcoming resistance to cisplatin and suppressing proliferation of ovarian cancer cells in vitro (2005)
Deregulation of cell proliferation by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells reflects both genotoxic and nongenotoxic events (2005)
TRAIL and docosahexaenoic acid cooperate to induce HT-29 colon cancer cell death (2005)
In vitro proliferation of fibrosarcoma cells depends on intact functions of lipoxygenases and cytochrome (2004)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons modulate cell proliferation in rat hepatic epithelial stem-like WB-F344 cells (2004)
The effects of TNF- and inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism on human colon HT-29 cells depend on differentiation status (2004)
Lipoxygenase inhibitors suppress proliferation of G5:113 fibrosarcoma cells in vitro but they have no anticancer activity in vivo (2003)
Ethanol acts as a potent agent sensitizing colon cancer cells to the TRAIL-induced apoptosis (2004)
Disruption of contact inhibition in rat liver epithelial cells by varrious types of AhR ligands (2004)
Lipoxygenase inhibitors enhance tumor suppressive effects of Jun proteins on v-myb-transformed monoblasts BM2 (2003)
New platinum (IV) complex with adamantylamine ligand as a promising anti-cancer drug: comparison of in vitro cytotoxic potential towards A2780/cisR cisplatin-resistent cell line within homologous series of platinum (IV) complexes (2004)
Mapping of the heavy-metal pollutants in plant tissues by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (2007)
Monitoring of the metal accumulation in vegetal tissues by Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (2007)
Řepa cukrovka jako nástroj pro fytoremediaci? (2007)
Využití spektrometrie laserem indukovaného plazmatu pro stanovení olova v rostlinném materiálu (2007)
Zkoumání akumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinných pletivech použitím laserem indukované ablační spektroskopie a diferenční pulzní anodické rozpouštěcí voltametrie (2007)
Změna obsahu obranných thiolových látek a chlorofylu u řepy cukrovky vystavené olovnatým iontům (2007)
Použití spektrometrie laserem buzeného plazmatu pro stanovení distribuce toxických kovů v rostlinném materiálu (2007)
Utilization of the Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy for monitoring of the metal accumulation in plant tissues with high spatial resolution (2007)
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the parotid gland (2007)
Heterogeneity of mantle cell lymphoma (2007)
Využití rep-PCR v bakteriální taxonomii (2007)
Identifikace bakterií mléčného kvašení v mase baleném v podmínkách ochranné atmosféry (2007)
X-vázaná dilatační kardiomyopatie v důsledku mutace genu pro dystrofin(XP21) (2007)
Klinické znaky tumorů u pacientů s abnormální expresí p53 v buňkách maligního melanomu uvey (2007)
Imunohistochemická detekce p53 a p21 v buňkách maligního melanomu uvey. (2007)
Molekulární diagnostika pletencové svalové dystrofie typu 2A. (2007)
Detailed mapping of chromosome 17p deletions reveals HIC1 as a novel tumor suppressor gene candidate telomeric to TP53 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2007)
Retinoic acid enhances differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts induced by okadaic acid (2007)
Rituximab Senzitizes B-CLL Cells with Inactived p53 to fludarabine (2006)
Inactivation of p53 and deletion of ATM in B-CLL patients in relation to IgVH mutation (2006)
Inaktivace p53 a delece ATM v souboru B-CLL pacientů ve vztahu k mutačnímu statusu IgVH a léčbě (2006)
Inaktivace p53 u B-CLL pacientů ve vztahu k mutačnímu stavu IgVH a léčbě (2006)
Myotonická dystrofie 1. a 2. typu : přehled problematiky s přihlédnutím k výskytu MD2 v Jihomoravském regionu. (2007)
Myotonic Dystrophy type 2 in South Moravian Region of Czech Republic (2007)
Punctuated genome size evolution in Liliaceae (2007)
Isolation of Candida sp. in dental plaque of ECC affected children (2007)
Stanovení t(14;18) z punkční biopsie uzliny u folikulárního lymfomu a význem tzv. molekulární uzlinové remise (2007)
Identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from dental caries of children (2007)
HMGB1 contributes to chromosome stability by telomerase activation (2007)
The seasonal changes in immunocompetence and condition status in chub (Leuciscus cephalus): the potential associations to the metazoan parasites. (2007)
Plant telomeres and telomerases (2007)
Characterization of telomere G-strand-binding proteins from the plant order Asparagales (2007)
Svalová biopsie u myotonické dystrofie v éře molekulární genetiky (2007)
Characterization of nucleoprotein complexes in plants with human-type telomere motifs (2007)
Vztah imunokompetence jelce tlouště (Leuciscus cephalus) a parazitace mnohobuněčnými cizopasníky (2007)
Hmotnostní spektrometrie a proteomika (2007)
Comparison of transformation efficiency and expression profile of different protein constructs (2007)
Hemolytická anémie a fulminantní jaterní selhání u 16leté dívky s Wilsonovou chorobou (2007)
Candida dubliniensis v dutině ústní u dětí se zvýšenou kazivostí chrupu (2007)
Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1A combined with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (2007)
Significance of molecular cytogenetic characterization of glioblastoma (2007)
Interaction between effects of vitamin D3 and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in prostate and colon epithelial cells. (2007)
Effect of UV irradiation on chromosome and chromatin of HT-29 cells (2007)
Interaction between effects of vitamin D3 and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in prostate and colon epithelial cells. (2007)
50 Hz magnetic fields in public transportation in Czech Republic (2007)
The use of long-oligonucleotide microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization in prediction of clinical outcome of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2007)
Identifikace potenciálních biomarkerů karcinomů prsu metodou SELDI-TOF MS (2007)
Analýza genomu B-CLL pacientů pomocí array CGH (2007)
Význam stanovení statusu obou alel genu TP53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukémií – vztah k prognóze a léčbě (2007)
Prognostický význam mutačního stavu genu TP53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukémií – význam monitorování obou alel (2007)
Monitoring of the Status of Both P53 Alleles in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia – Relevance to Prognosis and Treatment, (2007)
Importance of Monitoring of Both TP53 Alleles in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2007)
Identification of somatic hypermutations in the TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2007)
p53 Inactivation in CLL: Pattern of 110 TP53 Mutations (2007)
Identification of somatic hypermutations in the TP53 gene in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2008)
Slovník pro studenty antropologie II. M - Ž (2007)
Maligni hypertermie v ČR - současnost a budoucnost (2007)
Unexpected paleopolyploid evolution in Stenopetalum - a genus with the lowest chromosome numbers in the Brassicaceae (2007)
Karyotype evolution in n=7 species from different tribes of the mustard family (Brassicaceae) (2007)
Unexpected paleopolyploid evolution in Stenopetalum - a genus with the lowest chromosome numbers in the Brassicaceae (2007)
Charakterizace vazebných vlastností ATTRB1 (2007)
Prenatal Diagnostics in Dowling-Meara Type of Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex Family (2007)
Mutation Analysis of Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex in the Czech republic (2007)
Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1A combined with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (2007)
Analysis of point mutations in the SMN1 gene in Czech SMA patients (2007)
The use of terrestrial bacteria with natural bioluminescence in environmental toxicology (2007)
Spatial Organization, Dynamics, and Associations of Telomeres in Healthy, Telomerase-Positive and ALT Human Cell Lines (2007)
Nové možnosti DNA diagnostiky u pacientů s povrchovou keratitidou (2005)
Germinoma of pineal and sellar region in a patient with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: a case report (2007)
Neural Differentiation Potentiated by the Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor through Stat3 Signalling in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells (2007)
Elektroanalytické stanovení obsahu MT v krvi u pacientů s karcinomy hlavy a krku (2007)
Celostátní sjezd společnosti lékařské genetiky ČLS JEP a 40. výroční cytogenetická konference 2007 (2007)
Molekulárně genetická analýza Rb1 genu u dětských pacientů s retinoblastomem. Celostátní sjezd společnosti lékařské genetiky ČLS JEP a 40. výroční cytogenetická konference 2007 (2007)
DNA analysis of microdeletions in AZF regions (YQ) in men with reproductive failure (2007)
A real time PCR assay to detect causative mutations of the ryanodine receptor gene. (2007)
Molecular genetic analysis of Rb1 gene - differenciation of hereditary and non-hereditary forms of retinoblastoma (2007)
Výskyt CFTR mutací u nemocných s endosonografickými znaky (EUS) chronické pankreatitidy a hy peramylazémií. (2007)
RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of fetal tissues from a family affected by myotonic dystrophy – A case report. (2007)
Polymorphism at position-308 of the TNF-alpha gene influences outcome of anti-TNF-alpha therapy in rheumatoid arthritis:preliminary results (2007)
Aeromonas spp. jako původce akutních průjmů dětí do jednoho roku. (2006)
Molecular mechanisms underlying reaction of human embryonic stem cells to DNA damage. (2007)
Acute gastroenteritis caused by Aeromonas jandaei - importance of identification to the species level. (2005)
Aeromonas spp. v klinickém materiálu (2005)
Characterization of Serratia isolates from subterranean waters. (2004)
Microbiological findings and clinical significance of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from blood cultures. (2004)
Characterization of pigmented Aeromonas sp. isolated from water. (2002)
Charakteristika mikroflóry povrchu chlazené drůbeže. (2007)
Phagocyte-derived oxidants and plasma antioxidants in hemodialysed patients (2007)
The effect of clarirification on colour, concentration of anthocyanins and polyphenols in red wine (2007)
Comparison of methods for the determination of antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter spp. human and the food chain isolates (2007)
Mikrobiální biofilmy v potravinářském průmyslu (2007)
Diffrentiation of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates from raw material and foodstuffs and food contact surfaces based on the ability to form biofilm (2007)
Food process hygiene, effective cleaning and safety in the food industry (2007)
Výsledky vyšetření mikrodelecí oblasti AZF(Yq) u mužů s reprodukčními problémy (2007)
DNA test mikrodelece v oblasti AZF (Yq) u muže s reprodukční poruchou – naše výsledky (2007)
Pokročilý věk otce – genetická rizika a možnosti genetické analýzy (2007)
Genotyping of patiens with arrhytmias (2007)
Expression of MAGE-A1 and MAGE-A3 in bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma (2007)
Syndrom fragílního X chromozomu typu FRAXE: klinická a molekulárně-genetická diagnostika (2007)
Expression of MAGE-A1 and MAGE-A3 in bone marrow from monoclonal gammapathy to myeloma patients (2007)
Relativní kvantifikace s nádorem asociovaných antigenů u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2006)
Kvantitativní stanovení nádorových antigenů MAGE u pacientů s MGUS a mnohočetným myelomem (2005)
Molecular screening of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome in pregnant women from the Czech Republic. (2007)
Relativní kvantifikace nádorově specifických antigenů MAGE u mnohočetného myelomu. (2005)
Characterization of 8kb deletion in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene (2007)
Microarray technology: a new approach for detection of mutations in ATP7B gene in patients with Wilson disease (2007)
Moderní metody molekulární biologie - genomické a proteomické přístupy a jejich využití v onkologii (2007)
Telomerase activity in breast tumor tissues and its possible use for detection of circulating carcinoma cells (2002)
Advance in molecular diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech population: identification and characterization of large rearrangements in LDLR gene (2007)
Sacral dimple as a skin manifestation of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (2007)
Which mutations are necessary to be analysed for the fetal screening of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome? (2007)
Advance in molecular diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech population: identification and characterization of large rearrangements in LDLR gene (2007)
DNA diagnostika syndromu fragilního X chromosomu typu FARXE: první případy (2007)
Zaměření a zpracování bakalářské práce (2008)
APEX-nový přístup v molekulárně genetické diagnostice Wilsonovy choroby (2007)
Microarray technology – a new approach for detection of mutations in ATP7B gene in patients with Wilson disease (2007)
Microarray technology – a new approach for detection of mutations in ATP7B gene in patients with Wilson disease (2007)
Definice a validace nových prognostických markerů u B-buněčné lymfocytární leukémie. (2007)
Kongenitální adrenální hyperplásie - záhadné případy, kazuistiky (2007)
Vývoj prenatální diagnostiky Smithova - Lemliho.-Opitzova syndromu (2007)
Zavedené metody a postupy při DNA analýze u familiární hypercholesterolémie (2007)
Familiární hypercholesterolémie – mutace v PCSK9 genu (2007)
Molecular analysis of glycogen storage disease type I. (2007)
Difficulty in differential diagnostics of congenital adrenal hyperplasia – family report (2007)
Zavedené metody a postupy při DNA analýze u familiární hypercholesterolémie (2007)
Rituximab senzitizes some B-CLL samples to fludarabine and chlorambucil in vitro, regardless of p53/ATM status (2007)
Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients with 1q21 Amplification Treated by Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Have Shorter Progression-Free Survival Interval (2007)
Monitoring of the Status of Both P53 Alleles in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia – Relevance to Prognosis and Treatment, (2007)
Prospective comparison of response rate and long-term results of Velcade and thalidomid based regimens (2007)
Genetic lesions in multiple myeloma: prognostic and predictive significance in the era of the new drugs (2007)
Prognostic and predictive significance of genetic lesions in multiple myeloma (2007)
Využití tumor infiltrujících lymfocytů u pacientů s metastazujícím melanomem (2007)
Automated confocal in vivo microscopy based on spinning disks (2005)
Automated confocal live cell microscopy based on spinning disks (2006)
Taxonomie prokaryot (2007)
Analýza vlivu environmentální zátěže modelových lokalit na společenstva vícebuněčných cizopasníků jelce tlouště (2007)
The impact of environmental stress on chub (Leuciscus cephalus) and their parasites (2007)
Laser Ablation Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry LA-TOF-MS of Nitrogen Doped Diamond-Like Carbon DLN Nano-Layers (2007)
Molecules Involved in Carcinogenesis (2005)
Anthropological and archeological analysis of unique Eneolithic grave from Olomouc - Nemilany site, Czech Republic (2007)
I. prize, RECETOX competition of Diploma Theses (2007)
Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (2007)
ward of the Rector of the Masaryk University (2007)
Brucellosis of the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) (2007)
Biodiverzita kultivovatelných prokaryot z Hranické propasti a možnosti uplatnění těchto mikroorganizmů při utváření karbonátových speleotém (2007)
Izotopově modifikované sloučeniny, význam a názvosloví (2008)
Možnosti využití časově rozlišené fluorescence při studiu oligonukleotidů (2008)
Brucella microti sp. nov., isolated from the common vole Microtus arvalis. (2008)
The role of chromosomal rearrangements in the evolution of Silene latifolia sex chromosomes. (2007)
Genome analysis of staphylococcal exfoliative toxin A converting bacteriophages (2008)
Retand: A novel family of gypsy-like retrotransposon harboring an amplified tandem repeat. (2006)
High intrachromosomal similarity of retrotransposon long terminal repeats: Evidence for homogenization by gene conversion on plant sex chromosomes? (2007)
An accumulation of a tandem DNA repeats on the Y chromosome in an early stages of sex chromosome evolution. (2006)
Accumulation of chloroplast DNA sequences on the Y chromosome of Silene latifolia. (2006)
An anther- and petal-specific gene SlMF1 is a (2005)
Multicolor FISH mapping of the dioecious model plant, Silene latifolia. (2004)
Duplicative transfer of a MADS box gene to a plant Y chromosome. (2003)
Localization of male-specifically expressed MROS genes of Silene latifolia by PCR on flow-sorted sex chromosomes and autosomes. (2001)
Microsatellite accumulation on the Y chromosome in Silene latifolia (2008)
Oxovanadium(V) complexes of bis(phenolate) ligands with acetylacetone as co-ligand: Synthesis, crystal structure, electrochemical and kinetics studies on the oxidation of ascorbic acid (2007)
Léčba dětí s neuroblastomem na Klinice dětské onkologie v letech 1998-2007. (2007)
The first platinum(IV) complexes involving aromatic cytokinins or cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors derived from 6-benzylaminopurine: X-ray structures of (BohH(2)(2+))[PtCl6].H2O and (RosH(2)(2+))(2)[PtCl6]Cl-2.4H(2)O (2007)
(mu(3)-benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylato)tris-[aqua(N,N,N ',N '',N ''-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine)nickel(II)]tris(perchlorate) 4.25-hydrate (2007)
Molekulární diagnostika Rb1 genu u dětí s retinoblastomem: od DNA k RNA diagnostice. (2007)
(mu(3)-Trithiocyanurato-kappa(6) N-1,S-2 : N-3, S-4 : N-5, S-6) tris[(N,N,N ',N '',N ''-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine-kappa(3) N,N ',N '') zinc(II)] tris(perchlorate) (2007)
(mu(3)-Trithiocyanurato-kappa N-6(1),S-2 : N-3,S-4 : N-5,S-6) tris[(N,N,N ',N '',N ''-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine-kappa N-3,N ',N '')copper(II)] tris(perchlorate) (2007)
Expresní profily vybraných transkripčních faktorů v průběhu osteoklastové diferenciace (2008)
Analýza exprese podjednotek NFkB u buněk leukemické linie BM2 metodou qRT-PCR (2008)
Funkční interakce integrinu beta 3 a transkripčních faktorů c-jun a c-fos během diferenciace buněk RAW264.7 (2008)
Reaction of human embryonic stem cells to UVC-induced DNA damage. (2008)
Analýza efektu inhibice cyklin dependentních kináz na diferenciaci lidských embyonálních kmenových buněk (2008)
Ethical aspects of genetic testing (2007)
člen vědecké rady Přírodovědecké fakulty Jihočeské univerzity (2008)
člen Vědecké rady Přírodovědecké fakulty MU (2008)
člen Vědecké rady Lékařské fakulty MU (2008)
Ektopická exprese organelových variant kukuřičné beta-glukozidázy Zm-p60.1 u transgenního tabáku (2007)
Členka oborové komise oboru Fyziolog.živočichů doktorského stud.programu Biologie na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Členka komise pro státní doktorské zkoušky a obhajoby disert.prací oboru Fyziol.živoč. doktorského stud.programu Biologie na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Členka komise pro státní rigorózní zkoušky a obhajoby rigor.prací oboru Fyziologie živočichů, stud.programu Biologie na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Členka komise pro státní závěr.zkoušky v magister.programu Biologie, obor Obecná biologie, směr Fyziolog.živočichů na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Členka oborové komise oboru Molekul. a buněčná biologie doktor.studij.programu Biologie na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Členka Rady Biofyzikálního ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. (2008)
Členka Rady Biomedicínského centra LF UP Olomouc a BFÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. (2008)
Tajemník České společnosti pro analytickou cytologii (2008)
Místopředseda České společnosti pro analytickou cytologii (2007)
Člen oborové komise oboru Fyziolog.živočichů doktorského stud.programu Biologie na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Člen komise pro státní doktorské zkoušky a obhajoby disert.prací oboru Fyziol.živoč. doktorského stud.programu Biologie na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Člen komise pro státní rigorózní zkoušky a obhajoby rigor.prací oboru Fyziologie živočichů, stud.programu Biologie na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Člen komise pro státní závěr.zkoušky v magister.programu Biologie, obor Obecná biologie, směr Fyziolog.živočichů na PřF MU Brno (2008)
Člen oborové rady oboru Lékařská Biologie na LF MU Brno (2008)
Předseda komise zemědělských věd GAČR (2006)
Člen komise zemědělských věd GAČR (2008)
Předseda subkomise 524 (2008)
Člen VR PřF UPJŠ Košice, SR (2007)
Člen Rady instituce VúVeL (2008)
Předseda České společnosti pro analytickou cytologii (2007)
Čestný předseda České společnosti pro analytickou cytologii (2008)
Místopředseda Dozorčí rady BFÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. (2008)
Jednatel CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology, Brno) (2008)
Vedoucí odd. fyziologie a imunologie živočichů, ÚEB PřF MU Brno (2008)
Geneticke změny u nádorů (2007)
Ablation of Antennae Does Not Disrupt Magnetoreceptive Behavioural Reaction of the American Cockroach to Periodically Rotated Geomagnetic Field. (2008)
Slovník pro studenty antropologie I. A - L (2007)
Glutathione and zeaxanthin formation during high light stress in foliose lichens (2007)
Transport vody a minerálních živin v rostlinách a jejich vzájemné interakce. (2008)
člen vědecké rady Přírodovědecké fakulty Ostravské univerzity (2008)
Spouští se imunitní obrana hostitele po invazi entomopatogenních hlístovek? (2008)
Morfologické srovnání sedmi vybraných hybridů bource morušového (Bombyx mori) (2008)
Stále stejný zavíječ voskový Galleria mellonella? (2008)
Biologicky významné thiolové sloučeniny v udržování vnitřního prostředí buňky (2008)
Off-line capillary electrophoresis laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2008)
člen Dozorčí rady Biofyzikálního ústavu AV ČR (2007)
člen evaluační komise Ústavu živočišné fyziologie a genetiky AV ČR (2007)
Věda a příroda (2007)
Členka oborové komise FRVŠ F3 (2008)
Členka Vědecké rady Lékařské fakulty MU (2008)
Členka Vědecké rady AF MZLU (2008)
Místopředsedkyně výboru Genetické společnosti G. Mendela (2008)
Telomerase activity in breast cancer tissue and circulating (2003)
Age-dependent changes in the chemistry of exocrine glands of Bombus terrestris queens (2008)
Určení pohlaví u dětských kosterních pozůstatků - analýza DNA (2007)
Stabilní izotopy C, N, v souboru skeletů lidu kultury zvoncových pohárů z Hoštic 1 za Hanou (Morava) (2007)
Ethylene regulates root growth through effects on auxin biosynthesis and transport-dependent auxin distribution (2007)
Molecular and cellular aspects of auxin-transport-mediated development (2007)
A unifying new model of cytokinesis for the dividing plant and animal cells (2007)
The application of MALDI MS whole-cell profiles of the genus Pseudomonas (2007)
Multi-instrumental Analysis of Tissues of Sunflower Plants Treated with Silver(I) Ions - Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution (2008)
Prognostic significance of chromosomal changes in patients with multiple myeloma (2008)
Separace amplikonů specifických pro rod Lactobacillus s využitím magnetického nosiče (2008)
Tenebrio beetles use magnetic inclination compass (2008)
Využití buněk vybraných typů nádorů při vývoji protinádorových imunoterapeutických přípravků v autologních a alogenních podmínkách (2007)
Comparative investigations of the influence of H1-antihistamines on the generation of reactive oxygen species by phagocytes (2008)
Inhibitors of NADPH oxidase decrease endotoxin mediated induction of inducible nitric oxide expression in mouse macrophages (2008)
The effect of carvedilol on the oxidative burst of rat phagocytes (2008)
Genotyping of selected potato cultivars based on structural variation of telomere-associated chromosome regions (2007)
Genetická a molekulární analýza Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum - zdroje genů odolnosti k padlí travnímu (2008)
Structural basis for mannose recognition by a lectin from opportunistic bacteria Burkholderia cenocepacia (2008)
Protein p53, stabilizovaný v nádorech mutací, je výrazně fosforylován na serinu 15 a serinu 392 (2004)
Nové léky v onkologii (2008)
Characterization of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis isolated from surface waters (2008)
Člen komise pro státní magisterské zkoušky oboru učitelství biologie. (2008)
Člen oborové komise studijního oboru Fyziologie živočichů (2008)
Člen komise pro státní doktorské zkoušky a obhajoby disertačních prací DSP BIOLOGIE (2008)
Člen komise pro státní nagisterské zkoušky Oboru biologie Specializace fyziologie živočichů. (2008)
Člen komise pro bakalářské zkoušky Oboru obecná biologie. (2008)
Evaluation of the possible proteomic application of trypsin from Streptomyces griseus (2008)
Evidence for degeneration of the Y chromosome in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia (2008)
v-Myb suppresses phorbol ester- and modifies retinoic acid-induced differentiation of human promonocytic U937 cells (2008)
COLIPR (2008)
Proteomická analýza lidských myelomových buněk ovlivněných přídavkem bortezomibu (2008)
Detekce markerů nádorových kmenových buněk u osteosarkomu. (2008)
One-pot domino synthesis of 4-heteroaryl-2-phenyl-quinazolines bearing 5-aryl-l,3-oxathiol-2-ylidene amine and substituted 1,3-thiazole groups (2008)
Expresní profil transkripčního faktoru NFkB v buňkách leukemické linie BM2 (2008)
Expresní profily genů c-jun, c-fos a integrinu beta 3 v průběhu diferenciace buněk RAW264.7 (2008)
Finger, Hand and Foot Imprints: The Evidence of Children on Archaeological Artefacts (2008)
Duration of irradiation rather than quantity and frequency of high irradiance inhibits photosynthetic processes in the lichen
Lasallia pustulata
Overview of sand martin (Riparia riparia) localities in the Czech Republic. (2006)
Hepatitis E virus: a review. (2007)
Detection of Anaplasma DNA in Ixodes ricinus ticks: pitfalls. (2007)
Importance of bird-to-bird transmission for the establishment of West Nile virus. (2007)
Serological evidence of continuing high Usutu virus (Flaviviridae) activity and establishment of herd immunity in wild birds in Austria. (2008)
Socio-economic factors in the differential upsurge of tick-borne encephalitis in Central and Eastern Europe. (2008)
Klinické studie RNA vakcín (2008)
The use of physiological characteristics for comparison of organic compounds phytotoxicity (2008)
Plant response to fluoranthene visualised by imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence (2008)
Subcellular and organ responses of plants to occurrence of organic pollutant (2008)
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Parotid Gland (2007)
Mutageny kolem nás. (2007)
Využití analýzy celkových buněčných proteinů pomocí SDS-PAGE při charakterizaci fluorescentních pseudomonád izolovaných ze speleotém (2008)
CD127neg and FoxP3+ Expression on CD25+CD4+ T Regulatory Cells upon Specific Diabetogeneic Stimulation in High-risk Relatives of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Patients (2008)
The Seasonal Changes in Oxidative Burst of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2008)
Hemocyte-mediated immune response to biological and chemical agents in insects (2008)
Cena České diabetologické společnosti a společnosti Servier za nejlepší originální práci v oblasti diabetologie za rok 2007 (2008)
Irradiance prior to and during desiccation improves the tolerance to excess irradiance in the desiccated state of the old forest lichen
Lobaria pulmonaria
Mutation analysis of candidate genes SCN1B, KCND3 and ANK2 in patients with clinical diagnosis of long QT syndrome (2007)
Short-term responses of photoprotective mechanisms to artificial photoinhibition in Arabidopsis thaliana (2008)
Climate measurements as a part of multidisciplinary project at the James Ross Island, Antarctica (2008)
Studium vlivu olovnatých iontů na cukrovku (2008)
In-gel digestion for mass spectrometric characterization of proteins and proteomes (2008)
Nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of the Golgi phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase Pik1 is regulated by 14-3-3 proteins and coordinates Golgi function with cell growth (2008)
Přítomnost heterozygotní delece ATM nedeterminuje odpověď CLL buněk na fludarabin (2008)
Mutační analýza kandidátních genů SCN1B, KCND3 a ANK2 u pacientů s klinickou diagnózou syndromu dlouhého intervalu QT. (2007)
Molekulární identifikace T-lymfocytárních klonů specifických pro reakci štěpu proti leukémii (2008)
Genotypová charakterizace kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
produkujících exfoliativní toxin A (2008)
Molekulární diagnostika mírných stafylokokových bakteriofágů (2008)
Transdukce plazmiců determinujících rezistenci k antibiotikům u meticilin rezistentních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Proteomická analýza vlivu bortezomibu na myelomové buňky (2008)
Nález meticilin rezistentních Staphylococcus aureus u potravinových zvířat v ČR (2008)
Application of the (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting for rapid identification of staphylococcal species occuring in humans. (2008)
Human embryonic stem cells: stable or vulnerable? (2008)
Overamplification of Centrosomes in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2008)
Human embryonic stem cells can active checkpoint control pathways (2008)
Chemical inhibiition of CDKs drives human embryonic stem cells into differentiation (2008)
Decrease in base excision repair during prolonged in vitro propagation of human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Identification of staphylococci by using commercial kits STAPHYtest 24 and API Staph (2008)
Nickamínek a jeho kultivovatelná bakteriální složka (2008)
Studium regulačních T buněk u pacientů s diabetem 1. typu a u jejich zdravých sourozenců (2007)
Defects in function of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells upon specific diabetogeneic activation in a group of high risk relatives of type 1 diabetes mellitus patients in comparison with healthy controls (2007)
Imunoregulatory populations of CD4+CD25+ T cells and NKT cells in siblings of type 1 diabetes patients (2007)
Defekty ve funkci T-regulačních buněk u vysoce rizikových rodinných příslušníků pacientů s diabetes mellitus typu 1 (2007)
Kinetics of regulatory T cells upon specific diabetogeneic activation in a group of high risk relatives of type 1 diabetes mellitus patients in comparison with healthy controls (2007)
Využití bioluminiscenční bakterie Escherichia coli pro stanovení aktivity komplementového systému kaprovitých ryb (2008)
Off-Line Coupling of Capillary Electrophoresis to Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Elemental Speciation (2008)
A Multidetection Platform for Proteome Analysis (2008)
Bioinformatic prediction, molecular modelling and image analysis of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID (2008)
Image analysis of localization and translocation of apoptotic proteins in living cells (2008)
Combining photometry, fluorimetry and contactless conductometry in on-capillary detection for capillary electrophoresis and nano-liquid chromatography (2008)
A simple MEKC method for the rapid determination of neopterin and creatinine in urine for clinical monitoring in anticancer therapy using UV-LED-photometric and fluorimetric detection (2008)
Capillary electrophoresis with in-line derivatization of amino acids and peptides for the analysis of yeastolates (2008)
funkcionalizované superparamagnetické částice (2007)
Multidetection platform for microcolumn separation of proteins and peptides (2008)
Analytical Chemistry at MU (Seven Years after Barnett) (2008)
Isolation of RNA from brain tumors for use in real-time PCR (2008)
Evaluation of automated ribotyping for characterization of Streptococcus mutans (2008)
Determination of Ergosterol Levels in Barley and Malt Varieties in the Czech Republic via HPLC (2008)
Presence of heterozygous ATM deletion may not be critical for the response of CLL cells to fludarabine (2008)
Sensitization of B-CLL lymphocytes, quest for a protein marker. Which mass spectrometry quantitative technique will give answer? (2008)
Využití DNA čipů v diagnostice a výzkumu leukémií a lymfomů (2008)
Crystals of DhaA Mutants from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 Diffracted to Ultrahigh Resolution: Crystallization and Preliminary Diffraction Analysis. (2008)
Protein Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases: Towards the Change of Reaction Mechanism (2008)
Development of Enzyme Biosensors for Detection of Toxic Halogenated Compounds (2008)
Semi-Rational Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases DHAA Towards Improved Activity with 1,2-Dichloroethane (2008)
Quantitative Comparison of Binding Sites within the Protein Family of Haloalkane Dehalogenases, (2008)
Characterization of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DmbC from Mycobacterium tubercul.sis H37Rv, (2008)
Crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of Rhodococcus rhodocrous NCIMB 13064 DhaA mutants (2008)
Evoluce bičíkatých bakteriofágů z pohledu srovnávací genomiky (2008)
Evoluce bakteriálních genomů (2008)
Studium profágů konvertujících tvorbu Pantonova-Valentinova leukocidinu a exfoliativního toxinu A u kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (2008)
Charakterizace plazmidů klinických kmenů MRSA a možnosti jejich přenosu transdukujícími bakteriofágy (2008)
Charakterizace plazmidů klinických kmenů MRSA a možnosti jejich přenosu transdukujícími bakteriofágy (2008)
Studium profágů konvertujících tvorbu Pantonova-Valentinova leukocidinu a exfoliativního toxinu A u kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Role of alternative telomere lengthening unmasked in telomerase knock-out mutant plants (2008)
Functional characterization of domains in AtTRB1, a putative telomere-binding protein in Arabidopsis thaliana (2008)
Mapping of interaction domains of putative telomere-binding proteins AtTRB1 and AtPOT1b from Arabidopsis thaliana (2008)
Alternative telomere lengthening in development of normal and telomerase knock-out plants (2008)
Telomere repeat binding protein variants show distinct kinetics and energetic nature of DNA-protein interaction (2008)
Analysis of interaction domains of plant telomere-binding proteins AtTRB1 and AtPOT1b (2008)
Evolution, Composition and Interrelated Functions of Telomeres and Subtelomeres: Lessons from Plants (2008)
Synthesis, structure and thermal decomposition of [Ni(NH3)(6)][VO(O-2)(2)(NH3)](2) (2008)
Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and thermal decomposition of two peroxovanadium complexes with coordinated ammonia molecules: [{VO(O-2)2(NH3)}(2){[mu-Cu(NH3)(4)}] and [Zn(NH3)(4)][VO(O-2)(2)(NH3)](2) (2008)
Synthesis, structural characterization, antiradical and antidiabetic activities of copper(II) and zinc(II) Schiff base complexes derived from salicylaldehyde and beta-alanine (2008)
Isolation of PCR-ready DNA from lyophilisates of
fungi and from phages of
Staphylococcus aureus
using magnetic microspheres (2008)
Punctuated genome size evolution in Liliaceae (2007)
Mutation Analysis of Epidermolysis Bullosa in the Czech Republic (2008)
Identifikace a poziční klonování komponent auxinového transportu a buněčné polarity u Arabidopsis thaliana (2007)
Endogenous phytohormones content as a sensitive indicator of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pollution (2008)
Reakce imunitního systému na patogenní bakterie skupiny Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2008)
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato a jiné spirochety v klíšťatech a komárech (2008)
Patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi a hlodavci - identifikace izolátů, vyšetření na přítomnost protilátek (2008)
Klíšťová meningoencefalitida u psů v České republice (2008)
An Improved Method of Phage DNA Isolation Using Magnetic Microspheres (2008)
Oxidation and Nitrosylation of Cysteines Proximal to the Intermediate Filament (IF)-binding Site of Plectin (2007)
Birds. (2008)
Průkaz identity kmenů izolovaných z povrchu zubů a ze zubních kanálků (2008)
Comparison of PCR-ready DNA Isolation Methods from Lactic Acid Bacteria used in Dairy Industry (2008)
Application of Aqueous Phase System and Hydrophilic Magnetic Microspheres for Isolation of Bacterial PCR-ready DNA from Dairy Products (2008)
Pseudomonas putida - vliv kadmia na růst a produkci metalothioneinu podobného proteinu (2008)
Produkce metalothionenům podobného proteinu u Pseudomonas putida CCM 4307 v přítomnosti těžkých kovů (2008)
Monodisperse thermosensitive poly(N-iso-propylacrylamide) microspheres for isolation of genomic DNA (2008)
Divice u Brumovic: Antropologický rozbor kosterního materiálu získaného výzkumem zaniklého středověkého kostela (2008)
Separace amplikonů specifických pro rod Lactobacillus s využitím magnetického nosiče (2008)
Využití PCR při rozlišení živých a mrtvých bakteriálních buněk (2008)
Optimalizace reversibilní adsorpce vysokomolekulární DNA na magnetické nosiče (2008)
Magnetické částice pokryté vybranými polysacharidy (2008)
Identification of Bifidobacterium strains originally isolated from infant stools by molecular biology methods (2008)
Optimization of polymerase chain reaction for detection of live and dead probiotic lactobacillus cells (2008)
Lamin A/C and polymeric actin in genome organization (2008)
In-situ estimation of physiologically active time in Antarctic terrestrial vegetation at manipulated air temperature (2008)
Antarktida znamená unikátní příležitost věnovat se skutečně jenom věde (2008)
An unusual p53 mutation detected in Burkitt´s lymphoma: 30 bp duplication (2008)
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha potentiates genotoxic effects of benzo[a]pyrene in rat liver epithelial cells through upregulation of cytochrome P450 1B1 expression (2008)
Non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls induce a release of arachidonic acid in liver epithelial cells: a partial role of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 signalling. (2008)
Odlišení kmenů druhu Lactobacillus helveticus od fylogeneticky příbuzných druhů Lactobacillus delbrueckii a Lactobacillus acidophilus pomocí biochemických testů a molekulárně genetických metod. (2008)
Utilization of a table-top LIBS experimental setup for monitoring of heavy-metal accumulation in plant species (2008)
Prediction of tryptic peptide retention times by means of soft modelling as a tool for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry driven proteomics (2007)
Řešené příklady z fyzikální chemie IVa : Chemická kinetika. Kinetika jaderných přeměn. (2008)
Řešené příklady z fyzikální chemie IVb : Farmakokinetika. (2008)
Imunohistochemická detekce exprese genu p53 a p21 v buňkách maligního melanomu uvey. (2008)
An interspecific hybrid as a a tool to study phylogenetic relationship in plants using the GISH technique (2007)
Diversity of Antarctic microfungi (2008)
Misidentification of Aquitalea sp. as Aeromonas sobria biovar Sobria on the basis of biotyping (2008)
Cytogenetics phylogenetics: a new way how to apply GISH technique (2007)
Analýza interakcí rodičovských genomů mezidruhového hybrida S. latifolia x S. viscosa na cytogenetické úrovni (2006)
The GISH method used in plant phylogenetics (2008)
A new tool for plant phylogenetics (2007)
Analysis of mitotic and meiotic behaviour of an interspecific hybrid between dioecious Silene latifolia and hermafroditic Silene viscosa (2006)
Cytogenetic analysis of an interspecific hybrid between Silene latifolia and Silene viscosa (2003)
Slovník pro studenty antropologie II. M - Ž (2007)
The effects of Eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors on oxidative stress, antioxidant response and protein profiles in hemolymph of Galleria mellonella larvae (2008)
A short guide to phylogeny reconstruction (2007)
Effects of Conditional IPT-Dependent Cytokinin Overproduction on Root Architecture of Arabidopsis Seedlings (2008)
Consequences of nitrogen deficiency induced by low external N concentration and by patchy N supply in Picea abies and Thuja occidentalis (2009)
Distinct effects of members of the TGFbeta proteins on differentiation of osteoclasts (2008)
Responses of PS II to high light in LHC-deficient Arabidopsis thaliana mutants detected by two chlorophyll fluorescence techniques (2008)
Our methodical process of identification of Malignant hyperthermia causal RYR1 mutations (2008)
Identification of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from ixodid ticks. (2008)
Diversity of cultivable microorganisms isolated from ixodid ticks. (2008)
Identification of lactobacilli isolated from dental caries of children (2008)
The Effect of H1-Antihistamines on Oxidative Burst of Phagocytes. (2005)
The Effect of H1-Antihistamines on Oxidative Burst of Phagocytes (2005)
Chamomile sensitivity to Cd and Zn application (2008)
Proteomická analýza vlivu bortezomibu na myelomové buňky (2008)
Involvement of antioxidants in photoprotection of lichens (2008)
Addition of ribitol into Xanthoparmelia somloensis thallus alters photosynthetic processes in PS II of symbiotic alga at sub-zero temperature (2008)
Interactions of apoptotic proteins AIF and endonuclease G analyzed by bioinformatic predictions, molecular docking, and fluorescent microscopy (2008)
Skríning sekvenčních variant genu RYR1 asociovaných s maligní hypertermií (2006)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika maligní hypertermie (2007)
Serologic survey of potential vertebrate hosts for West Nile virus in Poland (2008)
Serologic survey of wild boars for mosquito-borne viruses in South Moravia (Czech Republic) (2008)
Isolation of Brucella microti from soil (2008)
Ptactvo Islandu (2008)
Aberantní somatická hypermutace u chronické lymfocytární leukemie: jak (asi) vzniká a k čemu vede (2008)
Analysis of <i>A. thaliana</i> resistence to high light stress and reactive oxygen species formation using biophysical methods (2008)
Identification of antifungal proteins in the barley and malt caryopsis by mass spectrometry (2008)
Determination of deoxynivalenol levels in barley, malt and intermediate products of malting process by high performance liquid chromatography and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (2008)
Opomíjené virové infekce přenášené hematofágními členovci v České republice. (2008)
Myeloperoxidase binds to platelets and modulate their physiological functions (2006)
Neural differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells effected by modulation of intracellular redox state (2007)
Functional cross-talk of integrin b3 and AP-1 in differentiating osteoclasts and dendritic cells. (2008)
Retinoic acid-induced neural differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells is effected by modulation of intracelular redox state (2007)
Neural differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells effected by modulation of intracellular redox state (2007)
Retinoic Acid Induced Neuronal Differentiation of P19 Embryonal Carcinoma Cells is Modulated by Antioxidant Treatment (2007)
Retinoic acid induced neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells is modulated by intracellular redox state (2008)
Proteiny rodiny TGFbeta sekretované prostatickými nádorovými buňkami ovlivňují diferenciaci osteoklastů (2008)
Modulace fyziologie plicních epiteliálních buněk během zánětu (2007)
Změna odpovědi myších fagocytů na endotoxin modulací tvorby reaktivních kyslíkových a dusíkových metabolitů (2007)
Alternation of response of lung inflammatory cells to endotoxin by modulation of reactive oxygen species production (2006)
Human embryonic stem cells possess centrosomal abnormalities (2008)
Proteomic profiling of hESC-derived microvesicles revealed a risk of culture contamination (2008)
Měření fyziologických procesů antarktických mechů a lišejníků (2008)
Functional analysis of the susceptibility haplotype in the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products gene and its role in the hyperglycemia-driven pathology (2008)
Genotype variability of the enterotoxin H-positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains isolated from patients and foods in the Czech Republic (2008)
Transduction of antibiotic resistance plasmids in methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
strains (2008)
Characteristics of Panton - Valentine leukocidin positive
Staphylococcus aureus
strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2008)
Molecular diagnostics of temperate bacteriophages of
Staphylococcus aureus
Typing of
Staphylococcus hominis
Characteristics of
Staphylococcus aureus
strains from 5 outbreaks of pemphigus neonatorum in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2008)
The virulence gene expression pattern of different clinical isolates of
Staphylococcus aureus
is more heterogeneous than expected from the genomic situation (2008)
Selektivní deplece aloreaktivních T-lymfocytů a studium protinádorové aktivity specifických klonů T-lymfocytů u pacientů s leukémií (2008)
Využití tumor infiltrujících lymfocytů u pacientů s metastazujícím melanomem (2007)
Využití buněk vybraných typů nádorů při vývoji protinádorových imunoterapeutických přípravků v autologních a alogenních podmínkách (2007)
Selective depletion of alloreactive T lymphocytes in patients with leukemia and renal carcinoma (2007)
Selective depletion of alloreactive T cells and study of anti-tumor activity of specific T cell clones in patients with leukemia and renal carcinoma (2007)
Seasonal changes in complement activity of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2008)
The seasonal changes in immunocompetence of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and the potential associations to metazoan parasites (2008)
Immunological parameters and parasite infection in chub Leuciscus cephalus in heavily poluted watershed (2008)
Migration distance and the effect of North Atlantic Oscillation on the spring arrival of birds in Central Europe (2008)
New Options in Light Emitting Diode-Based Photometric and Fluorimetric Detection Systems for Capillary Electrophoresis and Microfluidic Chips (2008)
Combined detector for on capillary photometric, fluorimetric and contactless conductometric detection in microcolumn separations (2008)
Significance of microRNA-21 in colorectal cancer pathogenesis. (2008)
Heavy metals induce phosphorylation of the Bcl-2 protein by Jun N-terminal kinase (2009)
Promotor and intron variants in the RAGE gene influence its transcriptional activity (2008)
Evaluation of (GTG)5-PCR for rapid identification of Streptococcus mutans (2008)
Regulation of osteoclast differentiation by the TGFbeta proteins secreted by prostate cancer (2008)
Neutrophil priming by soluble glucomannan isolated from Candida utilis (2008)
Modulation of reactive oxygen species production alters responses of lung inflammatory cells to endotoxin (2006)
The effects of TGFb proteins on osteoclast differentiation (2008)
Charakterizace PVL-pozitivních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus izolovaných v České republice (2008)
Mobilní genetické elementy a jejich využití v diagnostice stafylokoků (2008)
Molekulární diagnostika toxinogenních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (2008)
Identifikace a typizace bakterií systémem RiboPrinter. (2008)
Gel electrophoresis of metalloproteins and laser ablation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2008)
Laser ablation process as the key point of GLIM (2008)
Kvantitativní analýza v hmotnostní spektrometrii (2008)
The influence of iNOS enzyme inhibitors on the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species produced by RAW 264.7 (2008)
Off-line capillary electrophoresis laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for elemental speciation (2008)
The influence of iNOS enzyme inhibitors on the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species produced by RAW 264.7 (2008)
Aldose reductase inhibition abolishes glucose-induced endothelial dysfunction (2008)
Effect of carvedilol on nitric oxide production induced by LPS in murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 (2007)
Proteomic Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Cells Targeted with Bortezomib (2008)
Effect of carvedilol on NO production induced by LPS in murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 (2006)
Využití metody real-time PCR vybraných genů u mnohočetného myelomu (2008)
Využití metody real-time PCR (kvantitativní PCR, PCR v reálném čase) v hematologii a studiu mnohočetného myelomu (2008)
Off-Line Coupling of Capillary Electrophoresis to Substrate-Assisted Laser Desorption Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (2008)
A Multidetection Platform for Proteome Analysis (2008)
Inženýrství stereoselektivity enzymů pro aplikace biokatalýzy (2008)
Nanosecond Time-Dependent Stokes Shift at the Tunnel Mouth of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2009)
Modulation of Enantioselectivity in Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA by Engineering of a Surface Loop (2008)
Thermodynamic Analysis of Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA and its Variants DbjA and DbjA+H139A towards Brominated Esters and substituted Bromoalkanes (2008)
HotSpot Wizard: Web Server for Identification of Hot Spots for Mutagenesis Experiments (2008)
Analysis of Substrate Specificities of Wild-type Haloalkane Dehalogenases and their Mutants by Multivariate Statistics (2008)
Pathways and Mechanisms for Product Exit and Water Exchange in Engineered Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhaA Exploredusing Classical and Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics Simulations (2008)
Transduction of resistance plasmids by bacteriophages induced from methicillin-resistans Staphylococcus aureus strains (2008)
Molecular typing of the enterotoxin H-positive Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from patients and foods in the Czech Republic (2008)
Multiplex PCR strategy for characterization of modular genomic structure of Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages (2008)
Genotypic characteristics of Panton - Valentine leukocidin positive Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2008)
Heavy metals induce phosphorylation of the Bcl-2 protein by Jun N-terminal kinase (2008)
Structure-Function Relationships and Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2008)
Automated analysis of proteins using Brdicka reaction (2008)
Chlorophyll fluorescence: A wonderful tool to study plant physiology and plant stress (2008)
Elimination Voltammetry of Oligonucleotides (2008)
Electrochemical biosensor on chip for assessing of heavy metal contamination of aquatic environment (2008)
Electrochemical and spectrometric study of antioxidant activity of pomiferin, isopomiferin, osajin and catalposide (2008)
Electroanalysis of cisplatin-glutathione and cisplatin-DNA interactions (2008)
Employing of electroanalytical techniques for detection of silver(I) ions (2008)
New approach for detection of copper using electrochemical methods (2008)
Metallothionein levels in sperm of various fish species (2008)
A determination of metallothionein in larvae of freshwater midges (Chironomus riparius) using Brdicka reaction (2008)
Employment of electrochemical techniques for metallothionein determination in tumor cell lines and patients with a tumor disease (2008)
An electrochemical detection of metallothioneins at the zeptomole level in nanolitre volumes (2008)
Utilizing of adsorptive transfer stripping technique Brdicka reaction for determination of metallothioneins level in melanoma cells, blood serum and tissues (2008)
Constant current chronopotentiometry and voltammetry of native and denatured serum albumin at mercury and carbon electrodes (2008)
Amperometric sensor for detection of chloride ions (2008)
Analýza profilů genové exprese u mnohočetného myelomu a jeho význam v klinické onkologii (2008)
Identification of alphaB-crystallin, a biomarker of renal cell carcinoma by SELDI-TOF MS (2008)
Molekulární definice rizika jako nový prognostický nástroj pro mnohočetný myelom (2008)
Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight proteomic profiling of breast carcinomas identifies clinicopathologically relevant groups of patients similar to previously defined clusters from cDNA expression (2008)
The study on the FnrP, NNR and NarR transcription regulator function in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans at global proteome level (2008)
The ways leading to identification of potential biomarkers in SELDI-TOF MS based proteomic studies (2008)
Proliferation and apoptosis in early molar morphogenesis - voles as models in odontogenesis (2006)
Proteomic Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Cells Targeted with Bortezomib (2008)
Optimalizace a modifikace postupů kryokonzervace mononukleárních buněk (2008)
Prediction of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins (2009)
Independent origin of sex chromosomes in two species of the genus Silene (2008)
Application of polyacrylamide GE and MS for antifungal proteins in the barley and malt caryopsis (2008)
Výroba protinádorových vakcín v podmínkách správné výrobní praxe (Good Manufactoring Practice – GMP) v čistých prostorách Masarykovy univerzity (2008)
Klidové pozice těla korespondují u švába amerického se severo-jižní a východo-západní geomagnetickou osou. (2008)
Význam sledování exprese nádorových testikulárních antigenů u mnohočetného myelomu a monoklonálních gamapatií (2008)
Identification and characterization of 31 isolates of Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochaetales, Spirochaetaceae) obtained from various hosts and vectors using PCR-RFLP and SDS-PAGE analysis (2008)
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and other spirochetes in ticks and mosquitoes. From borreliae to unknown spirochetes. (2008)
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ectoparasites of small rodents - mites and fleas (2008)
Myeloma Bank - Use in Practice (2008)
The seasonal changes of immunocompetence and infection of metazoan parasites in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2008)
Combined 3-in-1 photometric, fluorimetric and contactless conductometric on-capillary detector for capillary separations: Applicability for simultaneous detection in CE (2008)
Ethylene biosynthesis in pea cultivated in vitro (2008)
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks, mosquitoes and ectoparasites of small rodents - mites and fleas (2008)
Imunoregulační T-lymfocyty u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2008)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky - řešené příklady (2008)
Stanovení hyperdiploidií u mnohočetného myelomu pomocí imunofluorescenčního značení plazmatických buněk a techniky tříbarevné interfázní FISH (2008)
Prognostický význam hyperdiploidie/non-hyperdiploidie u souboru 74 relabovaných pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem léčených bortezomibem a thalidomidem (2008)
Srovnávací fyziologie živočichů (2008)
Praktické úlohy a demonstrace z fyziologie živočichů (2008)
Posouzení tvorby biofilmů u bakterií Enterococcus spp. fenotypovými metodami (2008)
Biologické účinky ionizujícího záření - základní pojmy a veličiny (1) (2008)
Ribotyping and Whole-Cell Protein Analysis of Spirochetes Isolated from Arthropods in the Czech Republic (2008)
Biologické účinky ionizujícího záření (2) (2008)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky (2008)
Combination of mRNA and protein microarray analysis in complex cell profiling (2009)
A longitudinal study of the prevalence of borreliae in ticks in the urban locality of Brno / Pisárky, Czech Republic (2008)
Comparison of Age-dependent Quantitative Changes in the Male Labial Gland Secretion of Bombus Terrestris and Bombus Lucorum (2009)
Sledování imunostimulačního vlivu CpG DNA in vitro (2008)
cDNA Microarray: Gene Expression Profiling of Small Cell Populations (2008)
Role bakteriofágů v patogenezi
Staphylococcus aureus
Nové přístupy v molekulární diagnostice kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
produkujících exfoliatin (2008)
Proteomic Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Cells Targeted with Bortezomib. (2008)
Identification of viable Lactobacillus cells in fermented milk products. (2008)
Identification of bacterial strains of Streptococcus thermophilus species using PCR (2008)
Functionalised magnetic microspheres for molecular diagnostic applications (2008)
Identification and characterisation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria (2008)
Functionalised magnetic microspheres for molecular diagnostic applications (2008)
Identification and characterisation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria (2008)
Molekulární typizace vybraných kmenů bakterií rodu Lactobacillus ze sbírky Laktoflora (2008)
Korelace mezi fenotypovými a molekulárně genetickými metodami identifikace bakterií mléčného kvašení. (2008)
Abnormality v genech TP53 a ATM determinují odpověď CLL buněk na moderní léčbu (2008)
Heterozygotní delece ATM nezvyšuje rezistenci CLL buněk na fludarabin (2008)
Hodnocení dentálních materiálů v dětském zubním lékařství. Průkaz mikroorganismů u dětí postižených ECC. (2008)
The role of repetitive DNA in structure and evolution of sex chromosomes in plants (2009)
Accumulation of Y-specific satellite DNAs during the evolution of Rumex acetosa sex chromosomes (2009)
Molekulární typizace bakterií rodu Lactobacillus ze sbírky Laktoflora (2008)
(mu-5-Carboxybenzene-1,3-dicarboxylato-kappa O-2(1): O-3)bis[bis(2,2 '-bipyridine-kappa N-2,N ')-copper(II)] 5-carboxybenzene-1,3-dicarboxylate 2,2 '-bipyridine solvate tridecahydrate (2008)
Aqua(4-methylquinoline-kappa N)[N-(2-oxidobenzylidene)glycinato-kappa O-3,N,O ']copper(II) hemihydrate (2008)
Preparation and cis-to-trans transformation study of square-planar [Pt(L-n)2Cl(2)] complexes bearing cytokinins derived from 6-benzylaminopurine (L-n) by view of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography (2008)
Crystal structure of {bis[bis(N-salicylidene-kappa O-beta-alaninato-kappa N:kappa O')cobaltate(III)]-trans-mu-[tetraaquacobalt(III)-kappa O-2,O ']} ethanolate - ethanol - water (1:0.5:3.5) (2008)
Možnosti molekulární identifikace individuálních klonů T lymfocytů zodpovědných za reakci štěpu proti nádoru při alogenních transplantacích hematopoetických kmenových buněk (2008)
Synthesis of a new polymorph in [Cu(pyridine-2-carboxylate)(2)] system (2008)
Functional analysis of the aglycone - binding site of the maize beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 (2008)
Identifikace individuálních myelom-specifických klonů T lymfocytů na základě molekulární analýzy T lymfocytárního receptoru beta (2008)
Striktně anaerobní bakterie v pivu a pivovarském provozu (2008)
Optimized Acidification Power Test of Yeast Vitality and its Use in Brewing Practice (2008)
Molekulární identifikace T lymfocytárních klonů specifických pro reakci štěpu proti hostiteli a štěpu proti nádoru (2008)
Changes in interfacial properties of alpha-synuclein preceding its aggregation (2008)
Molecular identification of T-lymphocyte clones specific for graft-versus-leukemia/graft-versus-tumor reaction (2008)
Chip-based CE for avidin determination in transgenic tobacco and its comparison with square-wave voltammetry and standard gel electrophoresis (2008)
Metody klasické a molekulární cytogenetiky v diagnostice mnohočetného myelomu (2008)
Cytokinin-induced photomorphogenesis in dark-grown Arabidopsis: a proteomic analysis (2008)
Změny chromozomálních aberací v průběhu onemocnění a léčby u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2008)
Staphylococcus sp. strains isolated from the common vole - the isolates of a new staphylococcal species (2008)
Identifikace a typizace stafylokoků metodou (GTG)5-PCR. (2008)
Structure of CKI1RD, the receiver domain of the histidine kinase CKI1 from Arabidopsis thaliana (2008)
Mapping of lead, magnesium and copper accumulation in plant tissues by LA-ICP-MS and LIBS (2009)
Role cytokininů v procesu regulace vývoje kořene a organogeneze u Arabidopsis (2007)
The role of cytokinin in regulation of early root development and organogenesis in Arabidopsis (2007)
Significance of molecular cytogenetic characterization of glioblastoma for prediction of patient prognosis (2008)
Characterization of a GM7 glioblastoma cell line showing CD133 positivity and both cytoplasmic and nuclear location of nestin (2009)
Quantitative analysis of CAPN3 and DMD transcripts: Involvement of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (2008)
Solanaceae: model plant family for research in telomere biology (2008)
Telomerase Activity in Head and Neck Cancer (2008)
Alternative telomere lengthening in development of normal and telomerase knock-out plants (2008)
Molecular analysis of repetitive elements in giant genomes of Fritillaria ( liliaceae) (2008)
Chromosomal phylogeny and karyotype evolution in x=7 crucifer species (Brassicaceae) (2008)
Morphometric and genetic differentiation of diploid and hexaploid populations of Aster amellus agg. in a contact zone (2008)
Karyotype Evolution in n=7 Species from Different Crucifer Tribes (2008)
Role of alternative telomere lengthening unmasked in telomerase knock-out mutant plants (2008)
Genotype analysis of enterotoxin H-positive Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from food samples in the Czech Republic (2008)
Telomerase activity as a diagnostic and prognostic factor in head and neck cancer (2008)
Role of chromatin structure in telomere maintenance (2008)
New CAPS Marker for Selection of a Barley Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in the Mla Locus (2009)
Off-line coupling of capillary electrophoresis to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for elemental speciation (2008)
Nové nálezy keramických fragmentů a otisků v gravettienu jižní Moravy (2008)
Analysis of Telomeres and Telomerase (2008)
ALT in plant development (2008)
In vivo dynamics of telomere-associated protein AtTRB1 (2008)
Epigenetika: konec fatalismu v genetice (od genotypu k fenotypu, od pravidel k realitě, od dogmat k jedinečnosti) (2008)
Sequence Structure of Hidden 10.4 base Repeat in the Nucleosomes of C.elegans (2008)
Plant Telomere Binding Proteins: how to design functional antibody? (2008)
Generation of Specific Antibodies Against Plant Telomere Binding Proteins (2008)
Osmium Tetroxide, 2,2´-Bipyridine: Electroactive Marker for Probing Accessibility of Tryptophan Residues in Proteins (2008)
Upřesnění metod určujících biologický věk staroslovanských dětí (2008)
Upřesnění metod určujících biologický věk dětí (2007)
Kosterní materiál v kontextu archeologických nálezů ze sbírek Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci (2008)
Hodnocení stop na stavební keramice ze středověké cihelny v Sezimově Ústí (exkurz 2) (2008)
Úloha chromozomových translokací při vzniku a vývoji mnohočetného myelomu (2008)
Gain/amplification of 1q21 is the most powerful genetic prognostic factor for patients treated by autologous stem cell transplantation (2008)
The poor prognosis associated with gain/amplification of 1q21 in relapsed multiple myeloma patients may be overcome by Velcade based regimen in contrary of thalidomide based regimen (2008)
The poor prognosis associated with gain/amplification of 1q21 in relapsed multiple myeloma patients may be overcome by Velcade based regimen in contrary of thalidomide based regimen (2008)
Abnormality chromozómu 1 u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem a jejich prognostický význam (2008)
Which traits promote growth in the low-light regimes of vegetation gaps? (2009)
Antarkické vegetační oázy 1. Nezaledněná území a jejich kolonizace (2008)
Antarktické vegetační oázy 2. Lišejníky (2008)
Antarktické vegetační oázy 3. Mechorosty (2008)
Antarktické vegetační oázy 4. Kvetoucí rostliny (2008)
Antarktické vegetační oázy 5. České výzkumné aktivity (2008)
Genetická studie dětí z pohřebiště Jižní předhradí - Pohansko (2008)
Určování pohlaví u dětských kosterních pozůstatků z Pohanska-Jižního předhradí pomocí analýzy DNA (dosavadní výsledky) (2007)
Anthropometric study of autistic children (2007)
Sex determination of 4000 years old children and juveniles skeletal remains from Eneolithic burial site Hoštice 1 za Hanou (Czech Republic) by ancient DNA analysis. (2008)
Metody genetického určení pohlaví u kosterního materiálu (2008)
Morphological and cytological variability in interspecific hybrids Trifolium pratense x T. medium (2008)
Identification of resistance genes against powdery mildew in wild barley PI284752 by DNA markers (2008)
Rezistence mezidruhových hybridů Trifolium spp. k viru žluté mozaiky fazolu (2008)
Determination of capsidiol in tobacco cells culture by HPLC (2010)
Clinical Features of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy in Czech Population (2008)
Klinický obraz facioskapulohumerální svalové dystrofie v české populaci (2008)
Metodika pro zjištění postzygotických bariér křižitelnosti u rodu Trifolium a získání mezidruhových hybridů (2008)
Kongenitální svalové dystrofie. Prezentace vlastních případů. 22. český a slovenský neurologický sjezd. Olomouc, 27.-30.11.2008. (2008)
Kongenitální svalové dystrofie. Neuromuskulární kongres. 19. neuromuskulární sympozium. Brno, 23.-24.5.2008 (2008)
Trace elements in bone tissue (2007)
Myelodysplastický syndrom (MDS) (2008)
Akutní myeloidní leukémie (2008)
Myeloproliferativní nemoci obecně (2008)
Chronická myeloidní leukémie (2008)
Polycythaemia vera (PV) a jiné příčiny zvýšeného hematokritu (2008)
Esenciální (primární) trombocytemie (2008)
Chronická idiopatická myelofibróza (agnogenní myeloidní metaplazie) (2008)
Diferenciální diagnostika eozinofilie - sekundární, klonální nebo idiopatická (2008)
Atopické myeloproliferativní choroby (2008)
Maligní non-hodgkinské lymfomy (2008)
Nízce agresivní (indolentní) B-lymfoproliferativní choroby (2008)
Agresivní B-lymfoproliferativní nemoci (2008)
Vysoce agresivní B-lymfoproliferativní choroby (2008)
Chronická B-lymfatická leukemie (2008)
Další chronické lymfatické leukemie (2008)
The dynamic ups and downs of genome size evolution in Brassicaceae (2009)
Identification of bacterial strains of species Lactococcus lactis in hard cheese using PCR (2008)
Identification of bacterial strains of Streptococcus thermophilus species using PCR (2008)
Presence of heterozygous ATM deletion may not be critical in the primary response of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to fludarabine (2009)
Malignant Hyperthermia in Czech Republic - What´s new? (2008)
Nestin expression in osteosarcomas and derivation of nestin/CD133 positive osteosarcoma cell lines. (2008)
The identification of cells with cancer stem cell phenotype in osteosarcomas. (2008)
The influence of LOX/COX inhibitors on the ATRA induced differentiation in neuroblastoma cell lines. (2008)
Cytogenetic changes and clinical outcome in neuroblastoma: A study from the University Hospital Brno. (2008)
Modulation of the antineoplastic effect of retinoids in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cell lines. (2008)
The identification of cells with cancer stem cell phenotype in pediatric solid tumors. (2008)
Identifikace markerů nádorových kmenových buněk v osteosarkomech. (2008)
Vliv LOX/COX inhibitorů na ATRA indukovanou diferenciaci na modelu neuroblastomových a meduloblastomových buněčných linií. (2008)
Antimutagenní účinky zeleného čaje (2003)
Význam cytogenetických změn u relabujících pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem léčených novými typy léků (2008)
Detekce nebalancovaných chromosomových změn u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem pomocí techniky komparativní genomové hybridizace (CGH) (2008)
Kompenzují nové léky vliv cytogenetických negativních prognostických faktorů? Aktualizované výsledky o rok později (2008)
Detekce nebalancovaných chromozómových aberací u mnohočetného myelomu pomocí komparativní genomové hybridizace s vyšším rozlišením (HR-CGH) a techniky Array-CGH (2008)
Beta-Arrestin and casein kinase 1/2 define distinct branches of non-canonical WNT signalling pathways (2008)
Vlastnosti bakteriocínovej substancie produkovanej kmeňom Enterococcus haemoperoxidus, izolátu z povrchovej vody (2008)
Histone H2AX-dependent GABA(A) receptor regulation of stem cell proliferation (2008)
Fibroblast growth factor inhibits interferon gama-STAT1 and interleukin 6-STAT3 signaling in chondrocytes (2009)
Efficacy of high - resolution comparative genomic hybridization in detection of chromosomal abnormalities in children with acute leukemia. (2008)
Identification of rare complete BRCA1 gene deletion using a combination of SNP haplotype analysis, MLPA and array-CGH techniques (2008)
Auxin transport inhibitors impair vesicle motility and actin cytoskeleton dynamics in diverse eukaryotes (2008)
Identification of cryptic chromosomal rearrangements in patients with multiple anomaly syndrome and mental retardation using oligo-based array-CGH. (2008)
The effect of bortezomib on myeloma cell line (2009)
Studium T-regulačních buněk u pacientů s diabetes mellitus typu 1 a jejich zdravých rodinných příslušníků. (2008)
Porušená funkce regulačních T lymfocytů u pacientů s diabetes mellitus 1. typu a jejich rizikových zdravých sourozenců. (2008)
Antimutagenicity of green tea analyzed by tests on microroganisms (2003)
Constitutive CKI1 activity modulates cytokinin signaling and regulates vascular tissue development in Arabidopsis. (2007)
Konstitutivní aktivita CKI1 moduluje cytokininovou signální dráhu a reguluje vývoj vodivých pletiv u Arabidopsis. (2007)
Hormone interactions at the root apical meristem (2008)
Isolation of Candida spp. in dental plaque of ECC affected children (2008)
Molecular Identification of Individual T Cell Clones Specific for Graft-Versus-Leukemia Reaction (2008)
Immune regulation defects in high-risk relatives of children with type 1 diabetes (2008)
Role regulačních T-lymfocytů při vzniku diabetes mellitus 1. typu (2008)
Defektní funkce regulačních T-lymfocytů u pacientů s diabetem mellitem 1. typu a jejich zdravých sourozenců (2008)
Wnt5a regulates ventral midbrain morphogenesis and the development of A9-A10 dopaminergic cells in vitro (2008)
Defective functions of Tregs in high-risk relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes. (2007)
Disturbance of immune regulatory mechanisms in high risk relatives of type 1 diabetic patients. (2007)
Vplyv vybraných chromozómových zmien na celkové prežívanie relabovaných pacientov s mnohopočetným myelomom. (2008)
Lineage specific composition of cyclin D-CDK4/CDK6-p27 complexes reveals distinct functions of CDK4, CDK6 and individual D-type cyclins in differentiating cells of embryonic origin (2008)
Diagnóza mnohočetný myelom – FISH vyšetření buněk CD138+ separovaných metodou MACS. (2008)
Genetický polymorfismus CYP2D6 u pacientů léčených Paroxetinem a modelování mutantních forem CYP2D6 (2008)
Spatiotemporal aspect of cytokinin-auxin interaction in hormonal regulation of the root meristem (2009)
Úloha molekulární cytogenetiky při vyšetřování cytogenetických změn u mnohočetného myelomu (2008)
Cytogenetické nálezy vícečetných chromosomových aberací u pacientů s mentální retardací a faciální dysmorfií (2008)
Mutation Analysis of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa in the Czech Republic (2008)
Současné možnosti cytogenetických vyšetření u hematologických malignit (2008)
Výsledky molekulárně cytogenetické analýzy imunofluorescenčně značených plasmatických buněk u pacientů s MM zařazených ve studii CMG 2002 (2008)
Genetická charakterizace neuroblastomu středního a vysokého rizika pomocá metod FISH, CGH a array-CGH (2007)
Metody používané v hodnocení angiogeneze a jejich význam u mnohočetného myelomu. (2008)
Použití jedno-nukleotidových polymorfizmů u analýzy mnohočetného myelomu. (2008)
Možnost predikce léčebné odpovědi na autologní transplantaci pomocí stanovení vybraných aktivátorů a inhibitorů angiogeneze. (2008)
Stanovení prognózy na základě vyhodnocení angiogeneze (2008)
Srovnání selektivní deplece aloreaktivních T-lymfocytů u pacientů s leukemií a mnohočetným myelomem. (2008)
Klinické výsledky testování aktivity CYP2D6 a jejich srovnání s počítačovým modelováním (2009)
Analysis of STAT1 activation by six FGFR3 mutants associated with skeletal dysplasia undermines dominant role of STAT1 in FGFR3 signaling in cartilage (2008)
Reprodukční medicína (2008)
Genetické testování (2008)
Molekulárně genetická analýza Rb1 genu u dětí s retinoblastomem. (2008)
Alternation of retinoic acid induced neural differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells by reduction of reactive oxygen species intracellular production (2008)
Cytogenetické nálezy detských pacientov so sarkómom makkých tkaniv a kostí (2008)
CXXC5 is a novel BMP4-regulated modulator of Wnt-signaling in neural stem cells (2009)
The Extracellular Domain of Lrp5/6 Inhibits Non-Canonical Wnt Signaling in vivo. (2008)
Novinky v diagnostice a léčbě neuroblastomu. (2008)
Nálezy meticilin rezistentních Staphylococcus aureus u zvířat (2009)
Lipid peroxidation products in plasma of patients with chronic pancreatitis. (2008)
Stanovení vybraných parametrů imunitního systému ryb (2009)
Vybrané metody studia imunitního systému hmyzu (2009)
Fenoloxidáza hmyzu - jak ovlivnit činnost enzymu? (2009)
Detekce tvorby reaktivních kyslíkových metabolitů u larev zavíječe voskového Galleria mellonella (2009)
Stanovení celkové hladiny IgM u sladkovodních ryb (2009)
Humorální složky nespecifické antibakteriální imunity psů a jejich stanovení (2009)
Malignant intracranial germioma in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: cholesterol homeostasis possibly connecting morphogenesis and cancer development. (2008)
Mycorrhizas of Cephalanthera longifolia and Dactylorhiza majalis, two terrestrial orchids (2008)
Biomarker discovery - Detection of minor protein concentration changes using ICPL protein labeling and 2D GE (2009)
Mnoho genů jedna choroba a její diagnostika u novorozenců (2008)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika Epidermolysis bullosa congenita v ČR (2008)
První případ prenatální diagnostiky v rodině s Epidermolysis bullosa simplex- Dowling-Meara (2008)
Inactivation of p53 and amplification of MYCN gene in a terminal lymphoblastic relapse in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient (2009)
Zařazení genetického vyšetření a reprodukční historie u párů s poruchou reprodukce (2008)
Molecular cytogenetic study of immunofluerescently labeled plasma cells and prognostic significance of clonal chromosomal aberrations in 208 Patients with multiple myeloma (2008)
White Matter Involvement in Neuromuscular Disorders (2009)
Survey of repetitive sequences in Silene latifolia with respect to their distribution on sex chromosomes (2008)
Mapping of nutrition and trace elements in plant tissue by LIBS and LA-ICP-MS (2009)
Extraction of PCR-ready DNA from Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages using carboxyl functionalized magnetic nonporous microspheres (2009)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities (2009)
High Trombospondin Level Correlates Closely with Poor Response to Bortezomib Treatment (2009)
Genetika populací (2009)
High HGF Levels are Associated with Response to Bortezomib (2009)
Single-cell c-myc gene expression in relationship to nuclear domains. (2008)
Gain 1q21 vs. Velcade and thalidomide based regimen (2009)
Single-Myb-histone proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana: a quantitative study of telomere-binding specifity and kinetics (2009)
Protect and regulate: recent findings on plant POT1-like proteins (2009)
Two faces of Solanaceae telomeres: a comparison between Nicotiana and Cestrum telomeres and telomere-binding proteins (2008)
The Arabidopsis thaliana response regulator ARR22 is a putative AHP phospho-histidine phosphatase expressed in the chalaza of developing seeds (2008)
Dinuclear fluoro-peroxovanadium(V) complexes with symmetric and asymmetric peroxo bridges: syntheses, structures and DFT studies (2009)
Subcellular Localization and In Vivo Interactions of the Arabidopsis thaliana Ethylene Receptor Family Members (2008)
Cytokinins modulate auxin-induced organogenesis in plants via regulation of the auxin efflux (2009)
The Histidine Kinase AHK5 Integrates Endogenous and Environmental Signals in Arabidopsis Guard Cells (2008)
Separace monocytárních buněk pomocí přístroje Elutra (2009)
Cytokinin regulates root meristem activity via modulation of the polar auxin transport. (2009)
ER-localized PIN5 auxin transporter mediates subcellular homeostasis of phytohormone auxin (2009)
The Nature Of Aberrant Chromosomes In Apomictic Boechera Accessions (2009)
Method of regulation of biomass production in plants, DNA sequences and method of preparation thereof (2009)
Regulatory and memory populations of T-cells in mewly diagnosed patients with multiple sclerosis (2009)
Spinal muscular atrophy in University Hospital Brno, Czech Republik - Genetic counselling, DNA analysis, Prenatal analysis (2008)
Lactobacillus spp. associated with early childhood caries (2009)
Využití destičkových lyzátů při kultivaci mesenchymálních stromálních buněk (2009)
Lipopolysacharidy sinic, jejich stanovení a související toxicita (2008)
Spina musular atrophy in University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic - Genetic counseling DNA analysis, Prenatal Analysis (2008)
High molecular weight FGF2: the biology of a nuclear growth factor (2009)
In vitro labelling of mouse embryonic stem cells with SPIO nanoparticles (2008)
Chromatin structure and epigenetics of tumour cells: a review. (2009)
Identifikace genů rezistence k padlí travnímu u planého ječmene Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum PI391126 (2009)
Chov čmeláků v laboratoři (2008)
Chemické složení živé hmoty a cytologie. (2008)
Proteomic profiling of human embryonic stem cell-derived microvesicles reveals a risk of transfer of proteins of bovine and mouse origin (2009)
Nádorové markery u karcinomu prostaty (2009)
When one chip is not enough: Augmenting the validity of SELDI-TOF proteomic profiles of clinical specimens (2009)
Chimeras and Hybrids: Etymological Background and Further Clarifying Remarks (2009)
Valproic acid induces differentiation and inhibition of proliferation in neural progenitor cells via the beta-catenin-Ras-ERK-p21 Cip/WAF 1 pathway (2008)
Wnt5a is required for endothelial differentiation of embryonic stem cells and vascularization via pathways involving both Wnt/beta-catenin and protein kinase C alfa (2009)
Základní charakteristiky MSC a možnosti jejich kultivace in vitro (2009)
Selektivně depletované alogenní T lymfocyty využitelné pro bezpečnou léčbu nádorů (2009)
Molekulární identifikace alodepletovaných individuálních protinádorových klonů T lymfocytů (2009)
Vliv vysoce nenasycených mastných kyselin a jejich metabolitů na tvorbu reaktivních metabolitů kyslíku buňkami RAW 264.7 (2008)
Serotonin modulates the oxidative burst of human phagocytes via various mechanisms (2007)
Vliv apocyninu a DPI na tvorbu oxidu dusnatého myšími makrofágy po stimulaci endotoxinem (2008)
Vliv vysoce nenasycených mastných kyselin a jejich metabolitů na tvorbu reaktivních metabolitů kyslíku buňkami RAW 264.7. (2008)
Vliv apocyninu a DPI na tvorbu oxidu dusnatého myšími makrofágy po stimulaci endotoxinem (2008)
Carvedilol and adrenergic agonists supress the lipopolysaccharide-induced NO production in RAW 264.7 macrophages via the adrenergic receptors (2009)
Evaluation of traces and residues on three fired clay pellets (2008)
Mikrobiální zoonózy a sapronózy (2007)
Serologic survey of birds for West Nile Flavivirus in southern Moravia (Czech Republic). (2008)
Mosquito-borne viruses in Europe (2008)
Serological survey of domestic animals for tick-borne encephalitis and Bhanja viruses in northeastern Hungary (2009)
Epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis. (2009)
Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. v klíšťatech na ostravských haldách. (2009)
Variable spikes in tick-borne encephalitis incidence in 2006 independent of variable tiock abundance but related to weather (2008)
Characterization of Aphrodisin Isoforms (2009)
MALDI MS profiling of bacteria (2009)
Pohřby ze zásobních jam na okraji únětického pohřebiště v Brně-Tuřanech (2008)
Diversity of prophages in dominant Staphylococcus aureus> clonal lineages (2009)
Detekce subtelomerických aberací u pacientů s mentální retardací a faciální dysmorfií pomocí metody MLPA (2009)
Safe allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for renal cell carcinoma: Novel approach using selective depletion of alloreactive donor T cells. (2008)
První záchyt kmene
Staphylococcus pettenkoferi
v České republice (2009)
ATP measurements in iron-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (2009)
Využití buněk renálního karcinomu při vývoji protinádorových imunoterapeutických přípravků v alogenních podmínkách. (2008)
Nuclear topography of the 1q21 genomic region and Mcl-1 protein levels associated with pathophysiology of multiple myeloma (2009)
In vitro activation of myeloma-specific cytotoxic T cells by hTERT pulsed dendritic cells (2009)
Protein c-Myb snižuje frekvenci apoptózy buněk karcinomu střeva bez účasti cyklooxygenázy 2 (2009)
Removal of paper microbial contamination by atmospheric pressure DBD discharge (2009)
c-Myb expression at different stages of molar tooth germ (2009)
Hromadný hrob u Brankovic (2008)
Utilization of cryogenically cooled ablation cell for GE of metalloproteins with LA ICP MS detection (2009)
Classification of brown pigmented aeromonads isolated from river water (2009)
Detekce chromozomálních aberací pomocí array-CGH u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2008)
Expression of CD27 on plasma cells in multiple myeloma (2009)
Elimination of graft versus host reactivity and preservation of graft versus leukemia and graft versus myeloma effect using selective depletion of donor alloreactive T cells (2009)
The effect of different molecular weight hyaluronan on phagocytes (2009)
Nebezpečí přenosu meticilin rezistentních kmenů S. aureus mezi člověkem a zvířetem (2009)
High expression of LAG3, LPL and ZAP-70 genes in B-CLL strongly correlates with unmutated IgVH and early therapy requirement. (2008)
Potential bimarkers for early detection of graft-versus-host disease. (2008)
Mutational Screening of Human Genes which Are Associated with Long QT Syndrome Occurrence (2007)
Mutational Screening of SCN5A in Patients Suspected of LQTS (2009)
Mutation analysis of candidate genes SCN1B, KCND3 and ANK2 in patients with clinical diagnosis of Long QT syndrome. (2008)
Čmeláci jsou také včely. (2009)
Hlavní zásady chovu čmeláků ve venkovních úlcích. (2009)
Zařazení genetického vyšetření a reprodukční historie párů s poruchou reprodukce (2008)
DNA analysis of CFTR gene on Department of Medical Genetics, University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic (2008)
Mutační analýza genů pro ryanodinové receptory jako časná diagnostika fatálních onemocnění srdce a skeletálního svalstva. (2008)
The Factors Contributing to Genomic Instability of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2008)
How do hESC Sense and Respond to Damage to their DNA? (2008)
Spinal muscular atrophy in University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic – Genetic counselling DNA analysis (2008)
Gene scanning of KCNQ1 and KCNE1 by high-resolution melting analysis (2008)
In vitro activation of myeloma-specific cytotoxic T cells by MUC1 pulsed dendritic cells (2009)
Characterization of T cell receptor beta repertoire in T cell population associated with graft-versus-host and graft-versus-leukemia effect (2009)
MicroRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia pathogenesis and disease subtype. (2009)
Oligo array-based comparative genomic hybridization shows a difference in genomic profiles of multiple myeloma patients with and without cytogenetic negative prognostic factors (2009)
Analýza exprese a funkce microRNA u chronické lymfatické leukémie. (2009)
MicroRNAs expression pattern in aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with p53 abnormalities (2009)
Outcome of Patients With Negative CT Angiography Results for Arterial Occlusion Treated With Intravenous Thrombolysis (2009)
The nematobacterial complex Heterorhabditis Photorhabdus as infection model for Drosophila immunity (2009)
Importance of Enterococcus spp. for Forming a Biofilm (2009)
Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia with autologous transplantation using peripheral blood stem cells or bone marrow cultured in IL-2 followed by IL-2, GM-CSF, and IFN-alpha administration. (2003)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients is dependent on p53 functionality (2009)
Relationship between therapy and clonal evolution of TP53 abnormalities in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
Characterization of 22Q11 deletion in CLL patients. (2009)
Sensitization of leukemic cells to fludarabine by monoclonal antibody rituximab - identification of responsible genes (2009)
MicroRNAs expression pattern in aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
Study of Interactions between Metallothionein and Cisplatin by using Differential Pulse Voltammetry Brdicka's reaction and Quartz Crystal Microbalance (2009)
Sex chromatin and nucleolar analyses in Rumex acetosa L. (2003)
The sex chromosomes of Silene latifolia revisited and revised (2003)
FAST-FISH with laser beam microdissected DOP-PCR probe distinguishes the sex chromosomes of Silene latifolia (2004)
Multicolor FISH mapping of the dioecious model plant, Silene latifolia (2004)
An accumulation of tandem DNA repeats on the Y chromosome in Silene latifolia during early stages of sex chromosome evolution (2006)
Net effect of wort osmotic pressure on fermentation course, yeast vitality, beer flavor, and haze (2009)
Decrease in abundance of APE-1/Ref-1 causes failure of BER in human embryonic stem cells in culture (2009)
Fluoranthene influences endogenous abscisic acid level and primary photosynthetic processes in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants in vitro (2009)
Lipid peroxidation products in plasma of patients with chronic pancreatitis (2008)
RAPD and rep-PCR fingerprinting for characterization of Bifidobacterium species (2008)
Imatinib mesylate efficacy in 72 previously treated Philadelphia-positive chronic myeloid leukemia patients with and without additional chromosomal changes: single-center results (2009)
Quantification of Fructo-Oligosaccharides Based on the Evaluation of Oligomer Ratios using an Artificial Neural Network (2009)
Tumor promoting properties of a cigarette smoke prevalent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as indicated by the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication via phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (2008)
Jedinci v dlouhodobé remisi po ukončení léčby pro nádorové onemocnění dětského věku: vyléčení a následná péče. Prohlášení z ERICE. (2009)
Pulse vector magnetic potential and its influence on live cells (2009)
Role of HMG Box proteins in telomere maintenance of plants and animals (2009)
Arabidopsis telomeric AtTRB1 protein is a nucleolar factor (2009)
Fate of telomere binding proteins after the loss of telomeres (2009)
HMG Box proteins are involved in telomere maintenance in plants and animals (2009)
Mutation in Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF1) disrupts telomere length maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2009)
Two faces of Solanaceae telomeres: a comparison between Nicotiana and Cestrum telomeres and telomere-binding proteins (2008)
Structure function relationships in telomerase genes (2009)
Monitoring of in vitro DNA synthesis and PCR amplification using 7-deaza-purines as electroactive markers (2009)
Comparative Cytogenetics of Wild Crucifers (2009)
Mechanismus vazby SMH proteinů na telomerickou DNA (2009)
Application of fluorescence anisotropy to monitor protein binding to telomeric DNA (2009)
Detekce alodepletovaných protileukemických T lymfocytárních klonů u pacienta s chronickou lymfatickou leukémií (2009)
Čisté experimentální výrobní prostory v podmínkách správné výrobní praxe - jejich charakteristika a produkty (2009)
Expresní profil miRNA u T regulačních lymfocytů pacientů s diabetem 1. typu (2009)
Separace monocytárních buněk pomocí přístroje Elutra (2009)
Selektivní deplece aloreaktivních T-lymfocytů u pacientů s diagnózou leukémie a mnohočetného myelomu (2009)
Myeloma - specific T-cell clones can eliminate tumor cells and their long-term correlate with clinical outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma (2009)
Imunofenotypizace plazmocytů u mnohočetného myelomu (2009)
Genomová profilace myelomových pacientů s nepříznivými cytogenetickými markery pomocí oligonukleotidové array-CGH (2009)
Centrosome amplification in plasma cells and B-cells of multiple myeloma (2009)
T regulatory cells and its influence on monoclonal gammapathy disorders (2009)
Paměťové a regulační populace T-lymfocytů u nově diagnostikovaných pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2009)
Výskyt chromozomálních aberací v endoteliálních buňkách pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2009)
Separace plazmatických buněk z kostní dřeně pacientů s monoklonálními gamapatiemi metodou fluorescenčního třídění (2009)
Odpověď na léčbu bortezomibem koreluje s hladinou HGF v periferní plazmě na počátku léčby u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2009)
Nízká hladina trombospondinu koreluje s nedostatečnou odpovědí na léčbu bortezomibem (2009)
Sledování exprese genů, které mají vliv na prognózu a rezistenci pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2009)
Unraveling the mesopolyploid history of Australian crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2009)
Destičkový lyzát podporuje růst a expanzi mezenchymálních stromálních buněk získaných z malých objemů kostní dřeně. (2009)
Multiple defects in negative regulation of the PKB/Akt pathway sensitise human cancer cells to the antiproliferative effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (2009)
Cloning, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the receiver domain of the histidine kinase CKI1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. (2009)
Purine derivates - separation and characterization by selected methods (2009)
Histological assessment of age at death in long bones of mature and senile individuals of known age (2008)
Continuous electrochemical monitoring of nitric oxide production in murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 (2009)
CAVER 2.0 (2008)
Prognostic value of chromosomal aberrations in relapsed multiple myeloma patients treated by thalidomide (2009)
Decontamination of chemical warfare agent sulphur mustard (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase LinB (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DbjA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmbA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhmA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmbB (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmbC (2009)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DrbA (2009)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DbeA (2009)
Fluorescence spectrophotometer TUH-01 (2008)
Levels of polyols and non-structural saccharides in natural and experimentally affected lichens: Case study in Xanthoparmelia somloensis (2009)
Growth Differentiation Factor-15 secreted by prostate cancer cells inhibits differentiation of osteoclasts (2009)
Separation of PCR-ready DNA from dairy products using magnetic hydrophilic microspheres and poly(ethylene glykol)-NaCl water solutions (2009)
In vitro study of immune response induced by inactivated Bifidobacterium strains (2009)
Comparison of five PCR methods for characterization of Streptococcus mutans (2009)
Bioelektrochemie a fytoremediace (2009)
Automatická příprava vzorku pro elektrochemickou analýzu adiponectinu (2009)
Determination of Heavy Metals in Wine by Stripping Techniques Using a Bismuth Film Deposited on a Carbon Screen-Printed Electrode (2009)
Technologie DNA mikročipů (2009)
Electrochemical and capillary zone electrophoresis study of pyrimidine residues modification by osmium tetroxide, 2,2´-bipyridine. Detection of unpaired and mispaired thymines in DNA heteroduplexes. (2009)
Bio-assessing of environmental pollution via monitoring of metallothionein level using electrochemical detection (2008)
Computational Tools for Designing and Engineering Biocatalysts. (2009)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities. (2009)
Možnosti využití DNA čipů v molekulární diagnostice dědičných onemocnění (2006)
Interactions between immunocompetence, somatic condition, and parasitism in the chub in early spring (2009)
Zavedení DNA čipu do molekulární diagnostiky Wilsonovy choroby (2009)
Testing cryoprotective mechanisms in snow algae and lichen symbiotic algae (2009)
Contrasting evolutionary dynamics between angiosperm and mammalian genomes (2009)
Senzitivizace CLL buněk na fludarabin monoklonální protilátkou rituximab - identifikace zodpovědných genů (2009)
Výskyt CFTR mutací u nemocných s endosonografickými znaky (EUS) chronické pankreatitidy a hyperamylazemií. (2007)
Přírodopis pro 8. ročník - Biologie člověka (2009)
Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of a Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbeA from Bradyrhizobium elkani USDA94. (2009)
Editorial: Protein Design and Engineering for Biocatalysis. (2009)
HotSpot Wizard: a Web Server for Identification of Hot Spots in Protein Engineering. (2009)
Redesigning Dehalogenase Access Tunnels as a Strategy for Degrading an Anthropogenic Substrate. (2009)
Pathways and Mechanisms for Product Release in the Engineered Haloalkane Dehalogenases Explored using Classical and Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics Simulations. (2009)
Sunflower Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Lead (II) Ions (2009)
Study of water molecule dynamics at the tunnel openings of haloalkane dehalogenase (2009)
Engineering of tunnels in proteins with buried active sites (2009)
Quantitative Analyses of Substrate Specifity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase (2009)
Computer-Assisted Engineering of Biomolecules (2009)
Studium dynamiky molekul vody v ústí tunelu haloalkándehalogenáz (2009)
.: Keyhole-Lock-Key Model: Engineering of Tunnels in Proteins with Buried Active Sites (2009)
Snow algae and lichen algae differ in their resistance to freezing temperature: An ice nucleation study (2009)
Radiofrequency magnetic fields disrupt magnetoreception in American cockroach. (2009)
Complex sensory corpuscles in the upper jaw of Horsfield´s tortoise (Testudo horsfieldi) (2009)
Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes:Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. (2008)
Ostrucha křivočará Pelecus cultratus - vzácný objekt ochrany v České republice. (2008)
Sekavčík horský (Sabanejewia balcanica): Genetická diverzita a možnosti obnovy výskytu v povodí Bečvy. (2008)
Elimination Voltammetry as an Analytical Tool for the DNA sensors (2009)
Karas obecný Carassius carassius Linnaeus, 1758 v minulosti obecně rozšířený a v současnosti ohrožený druh v České republice. (2008)
Vranka pruhopoutvá Cottus poecilopus - rozšíření a genetická diverzita v povodí řek Morava, Odra (Česká republika) a Hornád (Slovensko). (2008)
Optima and limits of primary photosynthetic production of three lichen phycobionts of the genus Trebouxia (2009)
Epigenetics of multiple myeloma after treatment with cytostatics and gamma radiation (2009)
Fungicides and insecticides effects on photosynthesis and photoprotective mechanisms in A. thaliana under high light and high temperature stress (2009)
Differential analysis of red yeast proteins (2009)
Does amount of light harvesting complexes play a role in the sensitivity of DCMU-treated Arabidopsis thaliana to high light stress? (2009)
Photosynthetic electron transport at low temperatures in the green algal foliose lichens Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria hirsuta affected by manipulated levels of ribitol (2009)
NMR Structure of the N-Terminal Domain of Capsid Protein from the Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus (2009)
Energetics, conformation and recognition of DNA duplexes modified by methylated analougues of [PtCl(dien)]+ (2009)
An employment of electrochemical methods in nanotechnologies (2009)
Off-line coupling of paramagnetic particles with electrochemical detector as a tool for isolation and detection of adiponectin (2009)
Detection of c-Myb in developing molar tooth germ and surrounding tissues (2009)
Growth/differentiation factor-15 inhibits differentiation into osteoclasts - A novel factor involved in control of osteoclast differentiation (2009)
Copper ions regulate cytotoxicity of disulfiram to myeloid leukemia cells (2009)
Does UV-B influence biomass growth in lichens deficient in sun-screening pigments? (2009)
Assesing relationships between chemical exposure, parasite infection, fish health and fish ecological status: A case study using chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in the Bílina river, Czech Republic (2009)
Seed pod shattering in the genus Lotus and its overcoming (2009)
Mapování distribuce prvků v rostlinách pomocí metod LIBS a LA-ICP-MS (2009)
Developmental changes in phenol-oxidizing activity in the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella L. (2009)
Functional analysis of the common haplotype in the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products gene previously identified as a susceptibility factor for diabetic nephropathy (2010)
Substrate-Assited Laser Desorption Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Elemental Detection in Microcolumn Effluent and Biological Submicroliter Samples (2009)
Spojení CE - ICP MS (2009)
Flow cytometric analysis of T regulatory cells in monoclonal gammopathy patients (2009)
Specific practice in plasma cell separation from the bone marrow of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined dignificance (MGUS) patients (2009)
Tyramine production of technological important strains of Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and Streptococcus (2009)
Characterization of Aeromonas encheleia strains isolated from aquatic environments in the Czech Republic. (2009)
Plasma cell phenotype in multiple myeloma (2009)
Interaction of light and cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana - stress and anthocyanin biosynthesis (2008)
Analysis of the CLCN1 gene in Czech patients with myotonia congenita (2009)
miRNA expression profile of regulatory T cells in patiens with diabetes mellitus type I (2009)
Insulin Decreases Transcription of Three Proteins Associated with Lung Surfactant (2009)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky (2009)
Smrtelné případy pneumonií vyvolané stafylokoky s produkcí Pantonova-Valentinova leukocidinu v ČR (2009)
Antibacterial activity of lysozyme and complement in canine blood sera (2009)
The immunoecological study of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from experimental pond (2009)
The seasonal changes of innate immunity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2009)
Chromatin dynamics during DSB repair (2007)
Chromatin structure influences the sensitivity of DNA to gamma-radiation (2008)
Local changes of higher-order chromatin structure during DSB-repair (2008)
The preliminary study of the selected immune and physiological parameters in diploids and triploids of Carassius auratus (2009)
5 lipoxygenase inhibitors potentiate 1alpha,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 induced monocytic differentiation by activating p38 MAPK pathway (2009)
Monocytic differentiation of leukemic HL-60 cells induced by co-treatment with TNF-alpha and MK886 requires activation of pro-apoptotic machinery (2009)
Glial fibrillary acidic protein, S100Beta and NSE as an indicator of severity of brain injury in children (2009)
Využití metody MLPA při diagnostice pacientů s psychomotorickou retardací (2009)
Prediction of localization and interactions of proteins involved in caspase-independent apoptosis (2009)
Proteomic analysis of A. thaliana influenced by light and cytokinins (2009)
Early cytokinin response proteins and phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by proteome and phosphoproteome profiling (2009)
Early cytokinin response proteins and phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by proteome and phosphoproteome profiling (2009)
Early cytokinin response proteins and phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by proteome and phosphoproteome profiling (2009)
Phosphopeptides analysis using enrichment techniques and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2009)
Phosphopeptides analysis using enrichment techniques and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2009)
Fluorescence based separation of plasma cells (2009)
T regulatory cells in monoclonal gammopathies (2009)
Epigenetics of multiple myeloma (2009)
Monoclonal antibody rituximab sensitizes a proportion of CLL samples to fludarabine - searching for responsible genes (2009)
Impact of monoallelic TP53 deffects on survival and DNA damage response in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
The Histidine Kinases CYTOKININ-INDEPENDENT1 and ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASE2 and 3 Regulate Vascular Tissue Development in Arabidopsis Shoots (2009)
c-Myb prevents apoptosis of colon carcinoma cells in Cox-2-independent manner (2009)
Kvantitativní analýza v MS a HPLC/MS (2009)
Detection of metallothionein and alpha-methylacyl CoA racemase as potential new markers for prostate carcinoma (2009)
Serological examination of songbirds (Passeriformes) for mosquito-borne viruses Sindbis, Tahyna, and Batai in a south Moravian wetland (Czech Republic). (2009)
Presence of the mosquito Anopheles hyrcanus in South Moravia, Czech Republic (2009)
Serologic survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. (2009)
Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling Blockade Promotes Neuronal Induction and Dopaminergic Differentiation in Embryonic Stem Cells (2009)
Molecular pathology of the fibroblast growth factor family. (2009)
Inhibition of canonical Wnt signaling promotes gliogenesis in P0-NSCs. (2009)
Levels of angiogenic factors in patients with multiple myeloma correlate with treatment response (2010)
Separace monocytárních buněk pomocí přístoje ELUTRA (2009)
Occurrence of methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus at a goat breeding farm (2009)
Diversity of microfungi from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2009)
Proteomická analýza nádorových buněk (2009)
MicroRNA isolation and stability in stored RNA samples (2009)
Analýza lehkého řetězce imunoglobulinu lambda u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2009)
Long-term study on vegetation responses to manipulated warming using open top chambers installed in three contrasting Antarctic habitats. (2009)
Cryoproective effects of ribitol on lichen photosynthetic processes. (2009)
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Ice Nucleation Spectrometry (INS). (2009)
Genus I. Enterococcus (ex Thiercelin and Jouhaud 1903) Schleifer and Kilpper-Bälz 1984, 32VP (2009)
The effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals on terrestrial annelids in urban soils (2009)
První zkušenosti s molekulární diagnostikou kongenitální myotonie (2009)
American cockroaches prefer four cardinal geomagnetic positions at rest. (2010)
Rezistence k antibiotikům a její přenos bakteriofágy u druhu
Staphylococcus aureus
Genotypová charakterizace kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
s produkcí Pantonova - Valentinova leukocidinu souvisejících s případy nekrotizujících pneumonií v ČR (2009)
Úloha plazmidů v rezistenci a virulenci PVL pozitivních kmenů
Staphylococcus aureus
Chromatographic (RP-HPLC) analysis of cholesterol and selected phytosterols (2009)
Results of CHIMBRIDS: Summary, Conslusions and Recommendations. (2009)
Interspecies Gestation: Ethical Considerations (2009)
Combined Contactless Conductometric, Photometric and Fluorimetric Single Point Detector for Capillary Separation Methods (2010)
Comparison of plasma cells phenotype in MGUS and MM (2009)
Monitoring of immunosuppressive cytokines in glioblastoma (2009)
Point mutations in Czech DMD/BMD patients and their phenotypic outcome (2009)
Genetika (2009)
Characterization and chromosomal location of powdery mildew resistance genes from wild barley PI282605 (2009)
Mapping of powdery mildew resistance genes in a newly determined accession of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum (2010)
Chromocentre integrity and epigenetic marks (2010)
Genome-Wide Reduction in H3K9 Acetylation During Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation (2009)
H3K9 Acetylation and Radial Chromatin Positioning (2009)
Možnosti modulace ATRA-indukované diferenciace neuroblastomových a meduloblastomových buněčných linií působením LOX/COX inhibitorů. (2009)
Identifikace nestin/CD133 pozitivních buněk v solidních nádorech mesenchymálního původu (2009)
Početní změny genů MYCN a MYCC stanovené metodou I-FISH mají prognostický význam u dětí s meduloblastomem: analýza nádorového materiálu pacientů Kliniky dětské onkologie LF MU a FN Brno (2009)
LOX/COX inhibitors: possible way to potentiate the antineoplastic effect of retinoids in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cell lines. (2009)
MLPA v klinické diagnostice (2009)
Copy number changes of MYCC and MYCN genes detected by I-FISH are useful prognostic markers in children with medulloblastoma: a study from the University Hospital Brno. (2009)
Cancer stem cell markers in selected childhood tumors of mesenchymal origin. (2009)
Cryoproective role of ribitol in Xanthoparmelia somloensis (2009)
Studie možností ovlivnění antineoplastického efektu retinoidů jejich kombinovanou aplikací s LOX/COX inhibitory na modelu neuroblastomových buněčných linií. (2009)
Prognostické biomarkery meduloblastomu: zařazení pacientů do rizikových skupin v nastupující generaci léčebných protokolů. (2009)
Prognostic signification of copy number changes of MYCN and MYCC genes studied by I-FISH method in childhood medulloblastoma. (2009)
Investigation of relationships between barley stress peptides and beer gushing using SDS-PAGE and MS screening (2009)
) Subcellular homeostasis of phytohormone auxin is mediated by the ER-localized PIN5 transporter (2009)
Auxin transport routes in plant development (2009)
Silver(I) Ions Ultrasensitive Detection at Carbon Electrodes-Analysis of Waters, Tobacco Cells and Fish Tissues (2009)
Automated nucleic acids isolation using paramagnetic microparticles coupled with electrochemical detection (2009)
SUV39h-independent association of HP1b with fibrillarin-positive nucleolar regions (2010)
Electrochemical and computational study of doxorubicin interactions with DNA (2009)
SUV39h- and A-type Lamin-Dependent Telomere Nuclear Rearrangement (2010)
Paramagnetic particles with specific sequences of nucleic acids as tools for detection heavy-metal-stress-induced genes' expression in plants (2009)
Comparison of electrochemical and spectrometric detection of-SH moieties (2009)
Adsorptive transfer stripping techniques coupled with voltammetry as a tool for detection of sulphur-containing aminoacids in nanolitres (2009)
Electrochemical detection of low molecular mass thiols (2009)
Živočišné tkáně s přílohou o rozmnožování a vývoji živočichů (2009)
Molekulárně genetická analýza kongenitální adrenální hyperplasie (deficit 21- a 11-β-hydroxylázy) (2009)
Structure and Function of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems (2009)
Flow Cytometric Phenotyping and Analysis of T Regulatory Cells in Monoclonal Gammopathy Patients (2009)
Gain(1)(q21) Defines Group of Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients with Poor Prognosis (2009)
Incidence of Centrosome Amplification in Multiple Myeloma (2009)
Prognostic Significance of Morphological Evaluation of Tumor Cells in Multiple Myeloma (2009)
Changes in gene expression in tobacco with increased cytokinin level (2009)
Electrochemical study of 3-(azidomethylene)dihydrofuran-2 one. (2009)
c-Myb prevents apoptosis of colon carcinoma cells: modulating effects of cyclooxygenase 2? (2009)
Gene-expression profiling of graft-versus-host disease by oligonucleotide microarrays (2009)
p53 inactivation and genomic abberations in chronic myeloid leukemia (2009)
Clinicopathological correlations of cyclooxygenase-2, MDM2, and p53 expressions in surgically resectable pancreatic invasive ductal adenocarcinoma. (2009)
The study on Fnr-type transcription regulators functions in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics tools (2009)
Quantitative proteomic analysis of lung carcinoma cell line transfected by mutant p53 gene sequences (2009)
Unraveling a FNR-based regulatory circuit in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomic and bioinformatic approaches (2009)
Molekulárně-biologická odpověď na intenzivní inzulínovou terapii při plicních resekcích (2010)
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory and Policy Approaches (2009)
Zavedení Wilsonova čipu do molekulární diagnostiky Wilsonovy choroby (2008)
The molecular diagnostics of familial hypercholesterolemia in Czech population (2009)
MAGE (melanoma-associated antigen) Domain structural studies using NMR (2009)
Charakteristika mutací v PAH genu (2009)
Architecture and activities of Structure Maintenance of Chromosome SMC5/6 complex (2009)
Změna v promotorové oblasti s bodovou mutací p.P30L ovlivňuje fenotyp nemoci u deficitu 21-hydroxylázy-kazuistika (2009)
Application of the genotyping microarray in the molecular diagnostics of Wilson disease (2008)
Gene duplication associated with the mutation p.Q318X in 21-hydroxylase deficiency (2008)
Molekulárně genetická analýza kongenitální adrenální hyperplasie (deficit 21- a 11-beta-hydroxylázy) (2009)
MLPA in differential diagnostics of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (2008)
The molecular - genetic analysis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in czech population (21- and 11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency) (2009)
Patients homozygous for F508del are not different at the beginning (2009)
Pathogen entrapment by transglutaminase - a conserved early innate immune mechanism (2010)
Bolesti hlavy u nemocných s aneurysmatem mozkové cévy (2009)
Chiral Aliphatic Hydroxy Compounds in Nature: a Review of Biological Functions and Practical Applications. (2009)
Parasitic infection in common carp wounded by cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) attacks (2009)
Efficacy of baloon dilations of rectosigmoid stenoses (2009)
Monoallelic and biallelic inactivation of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: selection, impact on survival, and response to DNA damage. (2009)
Srs2: the Odd-Job Man in DNA repair (2010)
Identification of a novel frameshift mutation in CFTR gene: description and clinical data. (2009)
Charakterizace exprese microRNA u CLL pacientů s delecemi 17p13 a 22q11. (2009)
Charakterizace delece 22q11 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2009)
Chloridové kanalopatie (2009)
Myotonické poruchy: klinické spetrum a genový podklad (2009)
Pretreatment hepatocyte growth factor and thrombospondin-1 levels predict response to high-dose chemotherapy for multiple myeloma. (2010)
LOX/COX inhibitors may potentiate the antineoplastic effect of retinoids: in vitro study in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cell lines. (2009)
Expression profiling of neuroblastoma cell lines after combined treatment with all-trans retinoic acid and LOX/COX inhibitors (2009)
Influence of LOX/COX inhibitors on cell differentiation induced by all-trans retinoic acid in neuroblastoma cell lines. (2010)
Mapping of nutrition elements and heavy metals in plant tissue slices by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (2009)
Clinicopathological correlations of cyclooxygenase-2, MDM2, and p53 expressions in surgically resectable pancreatic invasive ductal adenocarcinoma (2009)
Prediction of human papillomavirus 16 e6 gene expression and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia progression by methylation status (2009)
microRNA-342, microRNA-191 and microRNA-510 are differentially expressed in T regulatory cells of type 1 diabetic patients (2010)
Monoallelic and biallelic inactivation of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: selection, impact on survival, and response to DNA damage. (2009)
Substituce v promotoru CYP21 genu ovlivňující fenotyp nemoci u pacientů s deficitem 21-hydroxylázy (2009)
Subpopulace T lymfocytů u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2009)
Mikroflóra mäkkého sintra zo slovenských jaskýň (2009)
In Vitro Activation of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes By Muc1 Pulsed Dendritic Cells (2009)
The larva and puparium of the Oriental Pegadomyia pruinosa Kertész, with a world list of the described Pachygastrinae larvae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2009)
Možnosti neuroendoskopické terapie arachnoidálních cyst (2009)
Úloha stereoencefalografie v diagnostice a terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2009)
Changes to cell cycle regulating proteins and microRNAs in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2009)
Individual myeloma specific T-cell clones eliminate tumour cells and correlate with clinical outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma (2010)
Endoskopická problematika jednokomorového hydrocefalu (2009)
Nestin in human solid tumors: an overview (2009)
Diverzita mikroskopických hub Antarktidy (2009)
A bicontinental origin of polyploid Australian/New Zealand Lepidium species (Brassicaceae)? Evidence from genomic in situ hybridization (2009)
Base pair stacking in nucleosome DNA and bendability sequence pattern (2009)
Evolution of protein modularity (2009)
Nucleosome DNA Bendability Matrix (C.elegans) (2009)
Structural relatedness via flow networks in protein sequence space (2009)
Repertoires of the Nucleosome-Positioning Dinucleotides (2009)
The origin of the genetic code and of the earliest oligopeptides (2009)
Voltammetry of Os(VI)-Modified Polysaccharides at Carbon Electrodes (2009)
Contribution to ITS phylogeny of the Brassicaceae, with special reference to some Asian taxa (2009)
Hypomethylace DNA neovlivňuje délku rostlinných telomer (2009)
Analýza délky telomer u mutantů CAF1 Arabidopsis thaliana (2009)
Analýza velkých genomových přeuspořádání v genu pro LDL receptor (2009)
Analýza genů CLCN1 a SCN4A u pacientů s non-dystrofickou myotonií (2009)
Využití DNA čipu v molekulárně genetické diagnostice familiární hypercholesterolemie (2009)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (2009)
The molecular diagnostics of familial hypercholesterolemia in Czech population (2009)
Stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukemie: možnosti a vývoj metodických přístupů založených na PCR a RQ-PCR (2009)
Chromatin structure in relation to telomere length maintenance in plants (2009)
Disruption of telomere length maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana by mutation in Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF1) (2009)
In vitro translace a imunoprecipitace: problémy a jejich řešení (2009)
Regulation of telomeres by chromatin associated High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) protein (2009)
Konce chromozomů u rostlinné čeledi Alliaceae (2009)
Analysis of DNA-binding proteins by FRAP AND FLIP (2009)
Products of lipid peroxidation and selected biochemical and hematological parameters in plasma of patients with chronic pancreatitic (2009)
CESTRUM (Kladivník): zástupce dvouděložných rostlin s neobvyklými telomerami (2009)
Relationship of metalloproteinases with metallothioneins (2009)
Simultaneous Electrochemical Monitoring of Metabolites related to the Xanthine Oxidase pathway using a grinded carbon electrode (2009)
Polyploidy events and karyotype alterations in the genome evolution of crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2009)
Evolutionary response of telomeric proteins to the loss of ancestral telomeres in Solanaceae (2009)
Evaluation of automated ribotyping for characterization of Streptococcus mutans (2009)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and mir-650 role in CLL patients. (2009)
Metallomics of melanoma animal tissues (2009)
Doxorubicin and genomic DNA, new insights in drug-nucleic acids interactions (2009)
The first crystallographic observation of up to the third hydration layer of Cu(II) ion in an unusual 'water-cation layer' templated by an Anderson polyoxometallate (2009)
X-ray structural characterizations of the reaction products between ZnCl2 and 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives in different acidic conditions (2009)
Myotonic disorders in czech population (2009)
Eicosanoids mediate hemolymph oxidative and antioxidative response in larvae of Galleria mellonella L. (2010)
Variants of SCN5A gene and severe arrhythmias (2009)
Multiple defects in negative regulation of the PKB/Akt pathway sensitise human cancer cells to the antiproliferative effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (2009)
Studium evoluce karyotypu v čeledi brukvovitých (Brassicaceae) metodou komparativního chromosomálního paintingu (2009)
Introduction of DNA microarray in molecular diagnostics of Wilson disease (2009)
Naše zkušenosti s metodou Fluorescenční in situ hybridizace při detekci uroteliálního karcinomu (2009)
16S rRNA Gene-Based Identification of Cultured Bacterial Flora from Host-Seeking Ixodes ricinus, Dermacentor reticulatus and Haemaphysalis concinna Ticks, Vectors of Vertebrate Pathogens (2009)
Negative prognostic significance of two or more cytogenetic abnormalities in multiple myeloma patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation (2010)
Gain of 1q21 Is an Unfavorable Genetic Prognostic Factor for Multiple Myeloma Patients Treated with High-Dose Chemotherapy (2010)
Centrosome amplification as a possible marker of mitotic disruptions and cellular carcinogenesis in multiple myeloma (2010)
Co řeka vzala a po čase vydala aneb příklad spolupráce soudního lékaře, forenzního antropologa a forenzního genetika (2009)
ANTROPOLOGICKÝ SLOVNÍK (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění) aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk (2009)
AtTRB1, a telomeric DNA-binding protein from Arabidopsis, is concentrated in the nucleolus and shows highly dynamic association with chromatin (2010)
The molecular phylogeny of freshwater Dothideomycetes (2009)
Evolutionary relationships between aquatic anamorphs and teleomorphs: Tricladium and Varicosporium (2009)
In situ detection of freshwater fungi in an Alpine stream by new taxon-specific fluorescence in situ hybridization probes (2008)
Infusion - related acute reactions in patients receiving different forms of Amphotericin B (2009)
Renal toxicity of high cummulative doses of ifosfamide in patients with Swing sarcina/PNET. (2009)
A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes (2009)
Studium variability genu pro OspC u izolovaných kmenů Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2009)
What is the percentage of pathogenic borreliae in spirochaetal findings of mosquito larvae? (2009)
Fracture Trauma in Slavonic Population from Pohansko u Břeclavi (Czech Republic) (2009)
Paleopathological evaluation of population from Pohansko u Břeclavi (Czech Republic) (2009)
Effects of magnesium binding and beryllofluoridation on a component of the cytokinin signaling pathway studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (2009)
The use of Cox-2 and PPAR gamma signaling in anti-cancer therapies (Review) (2010)
Increased markers of oxidative stress in plasma of patients with chronic pancreatitis (2009)
Lipid peroxidation products in plasma of patients with chornic pancreatitis (2008)
Potential use of barcoding to identify aquatic hyphomycetes. (2010)
Chromatin changes induced by lamin A/C deficiency and the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (2008)
Histone modifications and nuclear architecture: a review. (2008)
Epigenome and chromatin structure in human embryonic stem cells undergoing differentiation. (2008)
Structure and Epigenetics of Nucleoli in Comparison With Non-nucleolar Compartments. (2009)
When Size is Not Important: Role of microRNAs in DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2010)
Bioindication of environmental stress (2009)
Využití suspenzní kultury BY-2 pro studium vlivu organického polutantu (2009)
The use of biochemical and physiological parameters for evaluation of phytotoxicity of organic compounds (2009)
Rapid detection and differentiation of the exfoliative toxin A-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains based on phiETA prophage polymorphisms (2010)
Jak zabránit zavíječi voskovému (G. mellonella) ve spřádání kokonu? (2010)
MicroRNA isolation and stability in stored RNA samples (2009)
Role of PIN-mediated auxin efflux in apical hook development of Arabidopsis thaliana (2010)
Ribotyping and biotyping of Lactobacillus helveticus from the koumiss. (2010)
Indication of health in Grey partridge (Perdix perdix) ornamentation II: immunological traits (2010)
Toxicity of organic pollutant to early developmental stages of Pisum sativum L. and Zea mays L. (2010)
Functionalised magnetic microsphereswith hydrophilic properties for molecular diagnostic applications (2009)
Searching for Genes of Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis Encoding the Bacteriocin Nisin using DNA/DNA Hybridisation (2009)
Improved sensitivity and selectivity of uric acid voltammetric sensing with mechanically grinded carbon/graphite electrodes (2009)
Effects of ELF-EMF on Brain Proteins in Mice (2009)
Nocardia farcinica jako původce abscesu mozku u pacienta s intersticiálním onemocněním plic (2010)
Imunitní odpověď po imunizaci myší BALB/c různými kmeny Borrelia afzelii izolovanými z různých zdrojů (2009)
Analysis of T-rich oligonucleotides labelled with osmium tetroxide 2,2´- bipyridine by capillary zone electrophoresis (2010)
New Horizons of Genomic in situ Hybridization (2010)
Rad52 SUMOylation affects the efficiency of the DNA repair (2010)
Off-line Coupling of Capillary Electrophoresis to Laser Desorption Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (2008)
Anthropological examination of skeletal remains of a princess buried at the Žuráň barrow (South Moravia, Czech Republic) (2009)
Nové možnosti využití metody GISH u rostlin (2009)
Effect of ELF_EMG on brain of mice. (2009)
Staphylococcus microti sp. nov., isolated from the common vole (Microtus arvalis) (2010)
Misconduct and Fraud in Science (2009)
Forum of National Ethics Councils (2009)
Stored Tissue Issue. Ethics of Biobanking (2009)
Why the Biomedical Industry is a Subject of Ethics? (2009)
Stem Cell Research Governance in the Czech Republic (2009)
Justice and Health Care (2009)
Selekce mutací v genu TP53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukemií - stěžejní vliv léčby (2008)
Novel OBP genes similar to hamster Aphrodisin in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus (2010)
In-situ estimation of physiologically active time in Antarctic terrestrial vegetation at manipulated air temperature (2008)
Improved Electrochemical Detection of Purine Nucleobases at Mechanically Roughened Edge-Plane Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode (2009)
HotSpot Wizard: a web server for protein engineering (2009)
Identification of genes participating in the regulation of CKI1 expression using forward genetic approach (2009)
NMR analyses of the receiver domain of CKI1 histidine kinase and its interaction with AHP proteins (2009)
Clinical characterization of a microdeletion syndrome in Xq22.3 in a Czech family (2009)
Chromosome Xq22.3 gene deletion syndrome (ATS-MR) in a Czech family: additional characterization of the clinical and molecular aspects using array-CGH. (2009)
Čo dnes dokáže molekulárna cytogenetika? (2009)
Oligonukleotidová array-CGH a jej využitie v klinickej genetike u pacientov FN brno (2009)
Oligonukleotidová array-CGH a jej využitie v rámci FN Brno (2009)
Molekulární cytogenetika ve službách pacientů s psychomotorickou retardací (2009)
Asistovaná reprodukce, neonatologie, lékařská genetika (2009)
Aplikace molekulárních metod ve šlechtění rostlin (2009)
A Multidetection Platform for Microcolumn Separations (2010)
RP-HPLC with off-line MALDI MS detection of selected sterols (2010)
Preparation of microsamples for elemental analysis of biological samples (2010)
Prognostic signifitation of copy number changes of MYCN and MYCC genes studied by I-FISH in childhood medulloblastoma (2009)
Method of Production of Optically Active Hydrocarbons and Alcohols Using Hydrolytic Dehalogenation Catalysed by Haloalkane Dehalogenases. (2007)
Studium protein-proteinových interakcí in vivo: Y2H, BiFC, MeRA (2009)
Interactions of the receiver domain in histidine kinase receptors with the AHP proteins (2009)
Genetic Interaction Between Lrp6 and Wnt5a During Mouse Development (2010)
Numerical defects in CD8+CD28- T-suppressor lymphocyte population in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis (2010)
Unraveling an FNR based regulatory circuit in Paracoccus denitrificans using a proteomics-based approach (2010)
Probing the subcellular compartmentation of cytokinin conjugation (2008)
Characterization of a specific 3'- end RNA modification and specific RNA- binding proteins (2009)
Physiological study of Antarctic green algal lichen photobionts: An optimized method of isolation and culturing technique (2009)
Variability of oxygen content in different lakes of the James Ross Island as dependent on actual weather conditions (2009)
Crystal structure of the receiver domain of the histidine kinase CKI1 from Arabidopsis thaliana (2009)
Crystal structure of CKI1 receiver domain from Arabidopsis (2009)
Cytogenetická analýza germinálních nádorů. (2009)
Přestavby chromosomu 1 u pacientů s hematologickými malignitami - vybrané kasuistiky. (2009)
Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of the biggest plant genomes (2009)
Metody molekulární biologie (2010)
Structure and Function of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Electronic conference on interactions between antarctic life and environmental factors, IPY-related research (2009)
Findings of Methicillin-Resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus in Livestock (2009)
Mikroklimatická měření jako součást dlouhodobých ekofyziologických studií mechů a lišejníků v polárních oblastech (2009)
Vliv nízkých teplot na základní fyziologické funkce lišejníků: role ribitolu v odolnosti lišejníků vůči mrazu. (2009)
Comparative study of dehydration-response curves of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen and Nostoc communae (2009)
Účinek mrazových teplot na jednobuněčné řasy: Případová studie kryoresistence řas rodu Trebouxia. (2009)
Diversity of microfungi from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2009)
Ecophysiological investigations in Antarctic lichen species. (2008)
Responses of Antarctic lichens to extremes in environment studied by open top chambers and chlorophyll fluorescence technique: Field experience from the James Ross Island and controlled laboratory experiments. (2008)
Stress physiology of Antarctic lichens: Evidence from field and laboratory measurements. (2008)
Současné trendy v bioklimatologii a ekologické fyziologii rostlin (2009)
Review of phenotypic markers used in flow cytometric analysis of MGUS and MM, and applicability of flow cytometry in other plasma cell disorders. (2010)
Molecular diagnostics of multiple myeloma using oligonucleotide array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) (2009)
Genomová profilace mnohočetného myelomu pomocí oligonukleotidové array-CGH (2009)
T Regulatory Naive and Memory cells in Monoclonal Gammopathies (2010)
microRNA-342, microRNA-191 and microRNA-510 are differentially expressed in T regulatory cells of type 1 diabetic patients (2010)
Analysis of the DNA-binding activity of p53 mutants using functional protein microarrays and its relationship to transcriptional activation (2010)
Portable capillary-based (non-chip) capillary electrophoresis (2010)
Fragment mazanice s otiskem textilu z Křižanovic (2008)
Loss of the p53 tumor suppressor activity is associated with negative prognosis of mantle cell lymphoma (2010)
A novel interaction between fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 and the p85 subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase: activation-dependent regulation of ERK by p85 in multiple myeloma cells (2008)
Modulation of gp130 Signalling by Inhibitors of Reactive Oxygen Species Formation in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2009)
FGFR3 promotes synchondrosis closure and fusion of ossification centers through the MAPK pathway (2009)
Modulation of cell proliferation and differentiation of human lung carcinoma cells by the interferon-alpha (2009)
STAT1 and STAT3 do not participate in FGF-mediated growth arrest in chondrocytes (2008)
Drug efflux transporters, MRP1 and BCRP, affect the outcome of hypericin-mediated photodynamic therapy in HT-29 adenocarcinoma cells (2009)
The DGGE technique and 16S rDNA clone libraries analysis as a microbiological indicator of soil degradation (2009)
Actin-binding domain of mouse plectin. Crystal structure and binding to vimentin (2005)
Role of auxin efflux in apical hook development (2009)
Role of auxin efflux in apical hook development (2009)
TP53 abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukemia exhibit a disease specific profile: meta-analysis of 270 mutations. (2008)
Microarray-based detection of novel prognostic markers for chronic lymhocytic leukemia. (2007)
Expression of lymphocyte activation gene 3 predicts IgVH mutational status with 100% sensitivity. (2007)
Reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně a její predikce proteomickými přístupy. (2007)
Potentional biomarkers for early detection of Graft-versus-host disease. (2007)
Změna v promotorové oblasti s bodovou mutací p.P30L ovlivňuje fenotyp nemoci u deficitu 21-hydroxylázy - kazuistika (2008)
Změna v promotorové oblasti s bodovou mutací p.P30L ovlivňuje fenotyp nemoci u deficitu 21-hydroxylázy - kazuistika (2008)
Analysis of histone modification and expression changes of SMN gene after HDAC inhibitor treatment (2008)
Genomic and proteomic approaches to analysis of p53 activity in tumor cells. (2006)
Importance of p53 status detection in patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia - relevance to prognosis and treatment (2006)
Application of functional protein microarrays for detection of p53 mutation activity. (2006)
Komplexní analýza statusu p53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (B-CLL). (2006)
Vang-like protein 2 and Rac 1 interact to regulate adherens junctions (2010)
Characterization of p53 inactivation in B-CLL patiens. (2005)
Expression analysis of B-CLL cells with different IgVH status and presence or absence of 13q14 deletion. (2005)
Analysis of p53 protein in patiens with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2005)
Analýza aktivity proteinu p53 pomocí oligonukleotidových a proteinových čipů. (2005)
Analysis of p53 protein activity using functional protein micoarrays. (2005)
Charakteristika tří pacientů s mikrodelečním syndromem 22q13 - Phelan McDermid (2010)
Využití siRNA a microarrays v onkologii. (2004)
Inaktivace p53 u pacientů s B-CLL - detailní analýza obou alel. (2004)
DNA čipy (microarrays) - účinný nástroj v onkologickém výzkumu a diagnostice. (2004)
Příprava siRNA a její transfekce do nádorových buněk. (2004)
Využitie syntetických siRNA na funkčnú analýzu proterínu p53 pomocou DNA čipov. (2004)
Post-transciptional regulation of antioncogene p53 using siRNA. (2004)
Microarrays a jejich uplatnění v moderní onkologické diagnostice. (2004)
Komplexní analýza dráhy ATM/p53 u B-CLL. (2004)
Použití DNA čipů v diagnostice akutní lymfatické leukémie dětí. (2004)
Regulation of antioncogene p53 expression using siRNA. (2004)
DNA microarrays - the powerful tool for gene expression monitoring. (2004)
Starý známý neznámý TP53, tentokrát u B-CLL. (2004)
Detection of subtelomeric aberrations as a cause of mental retardation (2010)
Mohou čmeláci a včely žít spolu? (2010)
Geneticky modifikované plodiny - to je cesta bez návratu (2010)
Wedelolakton inhibuje proliferaci a indukuje diferenciaci a/nebo apoptózu buněk karcinomu prsu (2010)
Keratin mutations in patients with epidermolysis bullosa simplex: correlations between phenotype severity and disturbance of intermediate filament molecular structure (2010)
The effect of different molecular weight hyaluronan on macrophage physiology (2009)
Comparative evaluation of automated ribotyping and RAPD-PCR for typing of Lactobacillus spp. occurring in dental caries (2010)
c-Myb promotes motility and invasion of breast cancer cells (2010)
Plasma cells in patients with monoclonal gammopathies express neural stem cell marker nestin (2010)
Nestin expression in human tumors and tumor cell lines (2010)
Transactivation by temperature-dependent p53 mutants in yeast and human cells (2010)
Validace procesu přípravy mezenchymálních kmenových buněk podle pravidel GMP pro klinické hodnocení (2010)
Studium expresních profilů mikroRNA za účelem identifikace nových prognostických markerů a zdokonalení stagingu renálního karcinomu (2010)
Cena České diabetologické společnosti a společnosti Servier za nejlepší originální práci v oblasti diabetologie za rok 2009 (2010)
Carbon nutrition of mature green orchid Serapias strictiflora and its mycorrhizal fungus Epulorhiza sp. (2010)
Koncentrace hepatocytárního růstového faktoru a trombospondinu predikuje léčebnou odpověď u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2010)
Mesenchymal stem cells: from lab to clinical trials in Crohn's disease (2010)
Molecular diagnostics of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies. (2010)
Léčba AL-amyloidózy - výsledky jednoho pracoviště a přehled publikovaných zkušeností s novými léky (bortezomibem, thalidomidem a lenalidomidem) u AL-amyloidózy (2010)
Analýza imunoglobulinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2010)
High Expression of Lymphocyte-Activation Gene 3 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells is Associated with Unmutated IGHV and Reduced Treatment-Free Survival. (2010)
An unusual loss of EGFR gene copy in glioblastoma multiforme in a child: a case report and analysis of a successfully derived HGG-02 cell line (2010)
Enhancement of ATRA-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells with LOX/COX inhibitors: An expression profiling study. (2010)
Subcelulární lokalizace nestinu v nádorově transformovaných buňkách (2010)
Exprese CD133 a nestinu v buněčných liniích derivovaných z rhabdomyosarkomu (2010)
Molekulární diagnostika familiární hypercholesterolémie - novinky v analýze LDLR genu v ČR. (2010)
Plasma cell phenotype in MGUS and MM cases (2010)
Production of immune-modulatory nonclassical molecules HLA-G and HLA-E by tumor infiltrating ameboid microglia/macrophages in glioblastomas: A role in innate immunity? (2010)
Pletencové svalové dystrofie (2010)
Epilepsie spojené s poruchami metabolizmu pyridoxinu - kazuistika (2010)
Využití DNA čipu v molekulárně genetické diagnostice familiární hypercholesterolémie (2010)
Characteristics of Panton-Valentine leukocidin positive Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from abscessing pneumonias in the Czech Republic (2010)
Hypodontia: Molecular analysis of PAX9 gene (2010)
Neobvyklé případy z DNA diagnostiky Wilsonovy choroby (2010)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika Pompeho choroby (2010)
Prínos Wilsonovho čípu v diagnostike akutního zlyhania pečene (kasuistika) (2010)
Substrate-assisted laser desorption inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry for determination of copper in myeloid leukemia cells (2010)
Expression cloning of lysis genes from polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage (2010)
Cloning and expression of endolysin and its SH3 domain from polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage (2010)
Analýza sekvenčních změn v LDLR genu: od mutací k rozsáhlým přestavbám a zpět (2010)
Analýza p53 mutací in vitro a in vivo (2010)
Mutace nádorového supresoru p53 jsou negativním prognostickým znakem u lymfomu z buněk plášťové zóny (2010)
Magnetic coupling in EE and EO azido-bridged binuclear copper complexes: Synthesis, structure and magnetic studies (2010)
Crystallization and initial X-ray diffraction studies of the flavoenzyme NAD(P)H:(acceptor) oxidoreductase (FerB) from the soil bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans (2010)
Brain Death - Consent Procedure (2010)
Efekt inhibitorů histonových deacetylas na acetylaci histonů, methylaci DNA a expresi genu SMN (2010)
Molekulární patogeneze chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2010)
Význam nádorového supresoru p53 u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2010)
Identifikace laktobacilů izolovaných z potravin pomocí PCR a MALDI-TOF MS (2010)
Příprava mezenchymálních kmenových buněk pro klinické aplikace (2010)
Vlastnosti kmenů Staphylococcus aureus způsobujících abscedující nekrotizující pneumonie v ČR (2010)
Proteomics uncovers extreme heterogeneity in the Staphylococcus aureus exoproteome due to genomic plasticity and variant gene regulation (2010)
Genomic diversity of two lineages of exfoliative toxin A-converting phages predominating in Staphylococcus aureus strains in Czech Republic (2010)
Bioluminiscenční bakterie jako citlivý prostředek pro měření vlivu pole impulsního vektorového magnetického potenciálu a impulsního magnetického pole (2010)
Centrosome amplification as possible marker of myeloma cell precursors (2010)
Association of plasma cell phenotype with cytogenetic findings in multiple myeloma (2010)
Stem cell marker nestin is expressed in plasma cells of patients with monoclonal gammopathies (2010)
A preliminary study report of T regulatory cells in pre and post treated myeloma patients (2010)
An interim study report of CD44 standard molecule and its variant isoform expression in MGUS and MM (2010)
Manufacturing of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells according to GMP requirements for clinical trials (2010)
Oligonucleotide array-based comparative genomic hybridization analyses of gain 1q21 in multiple myeloma (2010)
Examination of rodents (Rodentia) for emmonsiosis in the Czech Republic, Israel and Africa. (2009)
Zoonotic mosquito-borne flaviviruses: worldwide presence of agents with proven pathogenicity and potential candidates of future emerging diseases. (2010)
Biogeography of tick-borne Bhanja virus (Bunyaviridae) in Europe. (2009)
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) surveillance for arboviruses in an area endemic for West Nile (lineage Rabensburg) and Ťahyňa viruses in Central Europe. (2010)
Epidemiology of West Nile in Europe and in the Mediterranean basin. (2010)
MALDI-MS profiling of lactic acid bacteria (2010)
Magnetoreception of American cockroach is sensitive to intensity of UV light (2010)
Studium T-regulačních a dendritických buněk u pacientů s diabetes mellitus typu 1 a jejich zdravých sourozenců (2010)
T-regulační lymfocyty a tolerogenní dendritické buňky u pacientů s diabetes mellitus typu 1 (2010)
FGFR3 signaling induces a reversible senescence phenotype in chondrocytes similar to oncogene-induced premature senescence (2010)
Stanovení intracelulární koncentrace imatinibu u CML pacientů (2010)
Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Czech republic (2010)
Molecular genetics of p53, ATM, microRNA, DNA arrays (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
Automated Electrochemical Analyzer as a New Tool for Detection of Thiols (2010)
Vertebrate metallothioneins as target molecules for analytical techniques (2010)
Modification of Working Electrode Surface with Carbon Nanotubes as an Electrochemical Sensor for Estimation of Melting Points of DNA (2009)
Monoklonální gamapatie nejasného významu: Možnosti molekulárně cytogenetického vyšetření u osob s nízkou infiltrací kostní dřeně nádorovými plazmocyty (2010)
Korelace flowcytometrických a cytogenetických nálezů u nově diagnostikovaných pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2010)
Proteomická analýza proteinů krevní plazmy u mnohočetného myelomu s využitím dvourozměrné elektroforézy v polyakrylamidovém gelu a hmotnostní spektrometrie (2010)
Association of CD44s and their isoforms with prognostic features of multiple myeloma (2010)
B-cells with centrosome amplification as a possible myeloma cell precursors (2010)
Jednonukleotidové polymorfizmy spojované se zvýšenou rizikovostí k trombóze u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2010)
Heterogenní exprese markeru neuronálních kmenových buněk nestinu u pacientů s monoklonální gamapatií (2010)
Příprava mezenchymálních kmenových buněk podle pravidel správné laboratoní praxe pro aplikaci v léčbě nemoci štěpu proti hostiteli a autoimunitních chorob (2010)
c-Myb promotes invasivity of breast cancer cells (2010)
Transactivation by temperature dependent p53 mutants in yeast and human cells (2010)
Understanding the NMR chemical shifts for 6-halopurines : role of structure, solvent and relativistic effects (2010)
Interpretation of Indirect Nuclear Spin_Spin Couplings in Isomers of Adenine: Novel Approach to Analyze Coupling Electron Deformation Density Using Localized Molecular Orbitals (2010)
Resekvenační mikročipy: nástroj pro výzkum a diagnostiku chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2010)
Lactic Acid Bacteria Classification by MALDI MS (2010)
LC-MS/MS Monitoring Human Plasma Proteins Potentionally related to Graft-versus-Host Disease (2010)
Nematobacterial complex Heterorhabditis-Photorhabdus in immunity studies (2010)
Clotting factors and eicosanoids protect against nematode infections (2010)
Recent research on Galleria mellonella as one from most important insect model organisms (2010)
Kvasinky a stres: z laboratorních podmínek do pivovaru (2010)
Identifikace bakterií rodu Pectinatus ve vzorku kontaminovaného piva (2009)
Genetický základ schopnosti některých kmenů Lactobacillus brevis kazit pivo (2009)
Strictly anaerobic bacteria in beer and in breweries - Identification of the genus Pectinatus (2010)
Některe stresy působící na kvasnice během moderního pivovarského procesu (2008)
Generation of myeloma-specific T cells using dendritic cells loaded with MUC1- and hTERT- drived nonapeptides or myeloma cell apoptotic bodies (2010)
Mutation analysis of Limb girdle muscular dystrophies in the Czech Republic (2010)
Mutational analysis of CLCN1 and SCN4A genes in Czech patients with non-dystrophic myotonia (2010)
Expression of RAN, ZHX-2, and CHC1L genes in multiple myeloma patients and in myeloma cell lines treated with HDAC and Dnmts inhibitors. (2010)
Physiological processes in mosses and lichens in response to local climate: Case study from the James Ross Island, Antarctics (2010)
The use of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization - Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry whole cell protein/peptide profiles for identification and characterization of lactic acid bacteria (2010)
The ice nucleation activity of green algae isolated from low-temperature environments (2010)
Effects of extrenally added ribitol on primary photosynthetic processes at low and freezing temperature in lichen thalli. (2010)
Photosynthetic microorganisms in cold environments. (2010)
Resekvenační mikročipy: nástroj pro výzkum a diagnostiku chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2010)
The origin of 22q11 deletion and microRNA-650 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). (2010)
Subklasifikace ne-Hodgkinských lymfomů pomocí cílených DNA čipů (2010)
Projekt Středoevropské synchrotronové laboratoře - CESLAB (2009)
LC with off-line MALDI mass spectrometry for analysis of bioactive compounds (2010)
Translocation is a frequent mechanism for 17p deletion in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
B-lymphocytes genomic analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2010)
Silene latifolia: The classical model to study heteromorphic sex chromosomes (2010)
Analysis of microRNAs associated with aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia harbouring inactivated p53 (2010)
Selection and clinical relevance of monoallelic and biallelic TP53 defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
DNA interactions of antitumor trans-[PtCl2(NH3)(quinoline)] (1998)
DNA interactions of a novel platinum drug, cis-[PtCl(NH3)(2)(N7-acyclovir)] (1998)
DNA modifications by antitumor trans-[PtCl2(E-iminoether)(2)] (1997)
DNA interactions of bifunctional dinuclear platinum(II) antitumor agents (1997)
DNA based sex determination in children skeletal remains from burial ground Pohansko near Breclav (preliminary results) (2009)
Determination of novel tumor markers in prostate carcinoma (2010)
Determination of Metallothionein in prostate tumor cell lines (2010)
Příspěvek k výzkumu nickamínku ve vybraných jeskyních Moravského krasu (2010)
První záchyt Staphylococcus pseudintermedius z humánního klinického materiálu v České republice (2010)
The effect of ripening and storage conditions on the distribution of tyramine, putrescine and cadaverine in Edam-cheese (2010)
Off-line coupling of microcolumn separations to desorption mass spectrometry (2010)
Array CGH characterization of three patients with deletion 22q13 (2010)
Registr nemocných s esenciální trombocytémií a jinými myeloproliferacemi s trombocytémií léčených Anagrelidem k prvnímu čtvrtletí roku 2010. (2010)
Salivary gland extract from engorged Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) stimulates in vitro growth of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. (2010)
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) fauna in an area endemic for West Nile virus. (2010)
Substrate-assisted laser desorption inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry for determination of biological microsamples (2010)
The role of chromatin condensation during granulopoiesis in the regulation of gene cluster expression (2010)
The Nse3/MAGE and Nse4/EID proteins are involved in transcription regulation (2010)
siRNA-mediated methylation of Arabidopsis telomeres (2010)
Study of valproic acid treatment effect on gene expression in spinal muscular atrophy derived fibroblast cultures using microarrays (2010)
OspC variability analysis of strains isolated in Moravia (Czech Republic) with respect to hypothetical multivalent vaccine (2010)
Analýza variability ospC u kmenů izolovaných na Moravě s ohledem na vývoj hypotetické multivalentní vakcíny (2010)
Separace metaloproteinů v nativním stavu metodou RP-HPLC se stacionární fází na bázi monolitu (2010)
Alteration in mitochondrial superoxide production by shRNA gene silencing of AIF in various cell lines (2010)
Involvement of hormones and KNOXI genes in early Arabidopsis seedling development (2007)
Effects of light intensity on modulation of morphogenesis by cytokinins in Arabidopsis seedlings (2008)
Cytokinins can stimulate Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation at decreased light intensity (2009)
Cytokinins can stimulate Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation at decreased light intensity (2009)
Cytokinin can stimulate Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation at decreased light intensity (2009)
Crosstalk between hormones and the homeobox gene brevipedicellus in arabidopsis thaliana (2007)
Wedelolactone suppresses growth and induces differentiation and apoptosis of breast cancer cells (2010)
The c-Myb protein promotes motility and invasion of breast cancer cells (2010)
Opposing regulation of hypocotyl elongation by cytokinins at low intensity of white and red light (2010)
Opposing regulation of hypocotyl elongation by cytokinins at low intensity of white and red light (2010)
Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor Inhibits Cardiomyogenesis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells via STAT3 Activation (2010)
Cryptochrome a possible link between time and space orientation in insects. (2010)
On-line monitoring of cyanobacteria in raw water (2010)
Využití destičkového lyzátu při kultivacích mesenchymálních kmenových buněk (2010)
Čisté prostory pro přípravu produktů z kmenových buněk (2010)
Použití chladicích gelových pouzder při zpracování kmenových buněk (2010)
Validace zkráceného 48 hodinového testu sterility na přístroji BacT/ALERT 3D (2010)
Identification, subcloning and sequence analysis of Brassica napus genomic DNA coding for potential receptors of the plant hormone cytokinin (2010)
Rekombinantní aktivovaný faktor VII (rFVIIa) v léčbě závažného poporodního krvácení - data z registru UniSeven v České republice (2010)
Genotypová charakterizace meticilin-rezistentních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus izolovaných v Masarykově nemocnici v Ústí nad Labem (2010)
Fetal colon cell line FHC exhibits tumorigenic phenotype, complex karyotype, and TP53 gene mutation (2010)
Detekce bakterií rodu Pectinatus v pivovarském provozu (2010)
Using the FISH method for an identification of genetic alterations in cervical carcinoma ane cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: gain of human telomerase gene (hTERC) (2010)
Databáze DECIPHER a její využití u pacientů s psychomotorickou retardací vyšetřovaných pomocí array CGH (2010)
Proteomic Analysis in Multiple Myeloma Research (2011)
Clotting factors and eicosanoids protect against nematode infections (2011)
Recognition of non-canonical DNA structures in genomic DNA sequences by p53 proteins (2009)
Regulace fosfoenolpyruvátkarboxylasy ze semen kukuřice a jejich možný význam při klíčení. (2007)
Komparace 2D elektroforetických přístupů pro sledování proteomického profilování rostlin (2010)
Novel links between temperature, calcium and cytokinin signaling identified by proteome- and phosphoproteome-wide profiling in Arabidopsis (2010)
Novel links between temperature, calcium and cytokinin signaling identified by proteome- and phosphoproteome-wide profiling in Arabidopsis. (2010)
Změny proteomu a fosfoproteomu v brzké odpovědi na cytokininy v Arabidopsis thaliana (2009)
Isolation of Phosphoproteom and its Application in Study of the Effect of Cytokinin on Plants (2008)
Proteomic Analysis: Uncovering The Signaling Pathways in Plants (2009)
Mechanismy tolerance řas a lišejníků vůči extrémním faktorům prostředí: Detekce fyziologických procesů pomocí pokročilých biofyzikálních a biochemických metod (2010)
Characterization of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from mature maize seeds: Properties of phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms (2010)
Interakce cytokininů a světla v regulaci dlouživého růstu hypokotylů (2010)
Effect of cultivation medium on activity, phosphorylation level and kinetic parameters of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (2009)
Novel links between temperature, calcium and cytokinin signaling identified by proteome- and phosphoproteome-wide profiling in Arabidopsis. (2010)
Cytokininy stimulují prodlužování hypokotylů u Arabidopsis při nízké světelné intenzitě (2009)
Interakce cytokininů, vápenatých kationů a teploty v časné regulaci fosfoproteomu (2010)
Early cytokinin response proteins and phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by proteome and phosphoproteome profiling (2009)
Early cytokinin response proteins and phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by proteome and phosphoproteome profiling (2009)
Characterization of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from seeds of Zea mays (2007)
Candidate markers for powdery mildew resistance genes from wild barley PI284752 (2010)
18O-based protein quantitation: influence of separation on quantitation outcome in analysis of Staphylococcus a. enterotoxins (2010)
Přímá kvantitativní analýza v HPLC-MS (bez izotopového značení) (2010)
Volba separace pro následnou MS kvantifikaci proteinů (2010)
b-arrestins: scaffolds and signalling elements essential for WNT/Frizzled signalling pathways? (2010)
Optimizing of bone marrow- and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells manufacturing for clinical trials according to GMP guidelines (2010)
Optimizing of bone marrow- and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells manufacturing for clinical trials (2010)
Pollen viability and natural hybridization of Central European species of Cirsium (2010)
Negative regulation of Wnt signaling mediated by CK1- phosphorylated Dishevelled via Ror2 (2010)
Application of genomic approaches in hematooncological research and diagnostics (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and miR-650 role in CLL patients (2010)
Manipulation of gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in vitro (2010)
Molekulárně-genetické vyšetření u neurologických pacientů s nervosvalovými poruchami. Možnosti vyšetření ve FN Brno. (2010)
Early Warning Biosensors for Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents. (2010)
Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases and its Modulation by Surface Loop Engineering (2010)
Atomic resolution studies of haloalkane dehalogenases DhaA04, DhaA14 and DhaA15 with engineered access tunnels. (2010)
Development of an enzymatic fiber-optic biosensor for detection of halogenated hydrocarbons. (2010)
Raritní případ selekce agresivního klonu CLL po terapii (2010)
Alteration of CLL clones during course of the disease accelerated by therapy: teo cases with VH1-69 selection (2010)
Systems biology at work (2010)
Biomarkers of lymph node metastasis in low-grade breast cancer: An integrated, proteomics-based approach (2010)
Biomarker discovery in low grade breast cancer: A proteomics based approach (2010)
Biomarker discovery in low-grade breast cancer: An integrated, proteomics-based approach (2010)
Biomarkers of metastatic potential in low grade breast cancer (2010)
Biochemical and structural characterization of novel haloalkane dehalogenase DbeA from Bradyrhizobium elkani USDA94 possesing two halide binding sites (2010)
Effect of organic solvents on structure and function of haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Characterization of novel haloalkane dehalogenase DhcA from extremophilic microorganism Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396 (2010)
Engineering of Enzymes by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Engineering of Biocatalysts by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Využívá potemník hnědý k orientaci magnetické pole? (2009)
Structural studies of homoisoflavonoids: NMR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and theoretical calculations (2010)
Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases and its Modulation by Surface Loop Engineering (2010)
Structure and activity of haloalkane dehalogenases in organic co-solvents (2010)
Zhodnocení produktivity perspektivních jetelovin (2010)
Stabilita produkce píce u jetelotravních směsí (2010)
Role of tunnels in enzymes (2009)
Porovnání kvality píce při rozdílném systému dusíkatého hnojení (2010)
Rozvoj pěstebních technologií pícnin pro produkční a mimoprodukční využití, podkapitola víceleté pícniny. In: Nedělník, Jan a kol 2010: Kapitoly z moderního pícninářství. (2010)
Porovnání kvality píce jetelovin a jejich směsí v prvních užitkových letech ve dvou zásevových cyklech. Konference Avanti Brno. (2009)
Protein Engineering of Biocatalysts (2010)
Aplikace metod molekulární genetiky v klinické mikrobiologii: Zpráva z jednání Pracovní skupiny molekulární mikrobiologie - TIDE (2010)
Klonování a exprese lytických genů polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága (2010)
Increasing activity of bacterial biocatalyst with toxic anthropogenic substrate using methods of protein engineering. (2010)
Optical biosensor based on haloalkane dehalogenase for detection of halogenated hydrocarbons in the environment. (2010)
Struktura a funkce haloalkándehalogenas v organických rozpouštědlech (2010)
Haloalkane dehalogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 with new halide-stabilising residues and unique kinetics (2010)
Investigation of Ligand Passage in Proteins Investigation of Ligand Passage in Proteins (2010)
Structural analysis of DhaA12 mutant of the haloalkane dehalogenase from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064, (2010)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of DhaA wild type and DhaA13 proteins from Rhodococcus rhodochrous (2010)
Kinetics and enantioselectivity of haloalkane dehalogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens c58 (2010)
How do organic solvents affecthaloalkane dehalogenases of haloalkane dehalogenases? (2010)
Establishment of the staphylococcal bacteriophage collection characterized by a reticulate classification system in the Czech Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) (2010)
Molecular Diagnostics of Staphylococcus aureus (2010)
Detekce bakteriálních genů v transdukujících fágových částicích u druhu Staphylococcus aureus (2010)
Transdukce plazmidů s geny rezistence k antibiotikům prostřednictvím profágů kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (2010)
Expression of ELIPs at different light conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana with elevated cytokinin levels (2010)
ABC transporters in mES cells - possible role of p38 MAPK (2010)
Novel links between temperature, calcium and cytokinin signaling identified by proteome- and phosphoproteome-wide profiling in Arabidopsis (2010)
Antibiotic resistance in faecal bacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp.) in feral pigeons (2010)
Automated ribotyping of lactobacilli associated with early childhood caries (2010)
Identification of intestinal lactobacilli by automated ribotyping and MALDI-TOF MS (2010)
Slime production and adhesion properties among lactobacilli isolated from dental caries (2010)
Localization of genetic elements of intact and derivative chromosome 11 and 22 territories in nuclei of Ewing sarcoma cells (2006)
Directional motion of foreign plasmid DNA to nuclear HP1 foci (2006)
c-Myb-induced migration and invasiveness of breast and colon cancer cells are associated with up-regulation of cathepsin D (2010)
Moral independence and the reservation of conscience in health care (2010)
Ontological Status of Human Non-Human Embryonic Chimeras (2010)
Ethics Framework for Synthetic Biology (2010)
Electrochemical Microsensors for the Detection of Cadmium(II) and Lead(II) Ions in Plants (2010)
Mutation analysis of limb girdle muscular dystrophies in the Czech republic (2010)
Analysis of the COL7A1 gene in Czech patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, novel and recurrent mutations. (2010)
Alteration in mitochondrial superoxide production by shRNA gene silencing of AIF in various cell line (2010)
Molekulární diagnostika a genotypizace exfoliatin produkujících kmenů S. aureus izolovaných v České republice (2010)
Dexamethasone and Insulin Affecting SFTPA1 and SFTPA2 mRNA Levels (2010)
Comparison of gene expression profiling between amplified clinical samples using cDNA microarrays (2010)
Recognition of transcription termination signal by the nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding (Nab)3 protein (2011)
The Solution Structure of the ADAR2 dsRBM-RNA Complex Reveals a Sequence-Specific Readout of the Minor Groove (2010)
Investigaciones recientes en Galleria mellonella como uno de los organismos modelo mas importantes (2010)
Low-level copy number changes of MYC genes have a prognostic impact in medulloblastoma (2011)
Proteomic investigation of multiple myeloma by LC-MS/MS and 2-DE experimental strategies: a comparative study (2010)
Vlasy Markéty Františky Dietrichsteinové, provdané Lobkowiczové (2008)
Mykoheterotrofie vs. mykorhizou zprostředkovaná minerální výživa orchidejí (2010)
Anatomické determinanty hydraulické vodivosti stonků chmele (2010)
The role of reversible zeatin glucosylation in the homeostasis of cytokinins. (2010)
Sledování vlivu nanočástic stříbra na viabilitu baktérií a funkci fagocytů (2010)
Interlaboratory study of free monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain quantification (2011)
Effect of tetrahydroiso-alpha-acids on the growth of beer-spoiling and –nonspoiling bacteria (2010)
Potential of chloroplast genome in plant breeding (2010)
Jedinec s deformací hrudní části páteře ze slovanské lokality Pohansko u Břeclavi (Česká Republika) (2010)
Nano- and microparticles for molecular diagnostic applications (2010)
Selective isolation of DNA from food matrices (2010)
Characterisation of potential probiotic Lactobacillus strains of human origin (2010)
Synthesis, spectral (UV-Vis, IR, ESI-MS), magnetic and structural characterizations, and the antimicrobial effect of potassium isothiocyanato-(N-salicylidene-amino-acidato)cuprates (2010)
Fluorimetric determination of hydrogen peroxide production by the haemocytes of the wax moth Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (2010)
Úloha proteinu TGF beta v regulaci miRNA v buňkách high-grade gliomů (2010)
The receiver domain of sensor histidine kinase of CKI1: its dynamic structure and binding specificity. (2010)
Arabidopsis PIS1 encodes the ABCG37 transporter of auxinic compounds including the auxin precursor indole-3-butyric acid. (2010)
Dynamic structure and binding specifity of the receiver domain of sensor histidine kinase CKI1 (2010)
Identification of expression patterns of AHP genes in Arabidopsis thaliana (2010)
In vivo analysis of protein-protein interactions within the two-component signaling network in Arabidopsis. (2010)
Quantitative differential analysis of plant proteome in a response to hormonal regulations (2010)
Cytokinin and Auxin Interactions in Plant Development: Metabolism, Signalling, Transport and Gene Expression (2011)
Identification of Staphylococcus spp. using (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting (2010)
Emergence of tissue polarization from synergy of intracellular and extracellular auxin signaling (2010)
Transgenic plants as a tool for plant hormone function research (2010)
Esenciální trombocytemie a jiné myeloproliferace s trombocytemií léčené Thromboreductinem. Výstupy z databáze Registru k 1. čtvrtletí roku 2010 (2010)
Registry of inherited bleeding disorders in Poland - current status and potential role of the HemoRec database (2010)
Growth/differentiation factor-15 is an abundant cytokine in human seminal plasma (2010)
Economic comparison of recombinant activated factor VII versus plasma-derived activated prothrombin complex concentrate using the hemophilia registries of the Czech Republic (2010)
Srovnávací proteomická analýza myelomových buněk metodami SDS-PAGE/LC-MS/MS a 2-DE (2010)
Frekvence jednonukleotidových polymorfizmů spojených s výskytem trombózy u pacientů s mnohočetným myelome léčených thalidomidem (2010)
Acinetobacter bereziniae sp nov and Acinetobacter guillouiae sp nov., to accommodate Acinetobacter genomic species 10 and 11, respectively (2010)
CAVER 2.1 (2010)
Direct Voltammetric Analysis of DNA Modified with Enzymatically Incorporated 7-Deazapurines (2010)
Telomere maintenance in liquid crystalline chromosomes of dinoflagellates (2010)
Dysfunction of Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 Induces Shortening of Telomeres and Loss of 45S rDNA in Arabidopsis thaliana (2010)
Single Integration and Spread of a Copia Like Sequence Nested in rDNA Intergenic Spacers of Allium cernuum (Alliaceae) (2010)
Gliomy optické dráhy u dětí (2010)
Nejvyšší ocenění koncům chromozomů (2010)
Utilization of electrochemical activity of 7-deazaguanine in the monitoring of PCR amplification of G-rich DNA Strands. (2010)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (2010)
Identification of CYP21A2 mutant alleles in Czech patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (2010)
Analysis of the COL7A1 gene in Czech patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa reveals novel and recurrent mutations (2010)
Fast diploidization in close mesopolyploid relatives of Arabidopsis (2010)
Reciprocal and multi-species chromosome BAC painting in crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2010)
Binding of p53 and its core domain to supercoiled DNA (2001)
Investigations of the supercoil-selective DNA binding of wild type p53 suggest a novel mechanism for controlling p53 function (2004)
Reversible DNA adsorption on the surfaces of different magnetic nano- and microspheres. (2010)
Magnetic Microspheres for DNA Diagnostics and DNA Delivery (2010)
Najvirulentnější zástupca rodu Treponema - Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum DAL-1 a jeho celogenómová sekvencia. (2010)
Najvirulentnější zástupca rodu Treponema (2010)
FineStr: a web server for single-base-resolution nucleosome positioning (2010)
Single-base Resolution Nucleosome Mapping on DNA Sequences (2010)
Nucleosome Positioning by Sequence, State of the Art and Apparent Finale (2010)
Base pair stacking in nucleosome DNA and bendability sequence pattern (2010)
Palylysine-Catalyzed Hydrogen Evolution at Mercury Electrodes (2010)
Využití moderních proteomických metod ve výzkumu rostlin (2010)
Metody analýzy proteomu ve studiu hormonálních regulací rostlin (2010)
Association Study of Ploidy Category with Mitotic Disruption In Multiple Myeloma (2010)
Flow Cytometric Phenotyping and Analysis of CD8 Regulatory and Suppressor Cells In Multiple Myeloma (2010)
Occurrence of Chromosomal Abnormalities In Bone Marrow CD14+monocytes of Multiple Myeloma Patients (2010)
Charakterizace a využití kmenů Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato izolovaných z různých vektorů a hostitelů (2010)
Výskyt infekčních spirochetálních onemocnění Lymeská borrelióza a leptospiróza u kočky domácí (2010)
Microarrays study of valproic acid treatment effect on gene expression in spinal muscular atrophy derived human fibroblast cultures. (2010)
Measurement of serum CTRP-1 and its clinical significance in the diagnostics of the Metabolic Syndrome - a pilot study; (2010)
Comparative analysis of immunodominant protein OspC and FlaB genetic diversity of B. burgdorferi s,l, strains isolated in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2010)
The incidence of infectious spirochetal diseases Lyme borreliosis and leptospirosis in domestic cats (2010)
Phenotypic Analysis of CD19+ Subsets In Monoclonal Gammopathy Patients (2010)
Folikulární lymfom a význam nádorového mikroprostředí. (2010)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patiens with familial hypercholesterolemia. (2010)
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies in Czech Republic (2010)
Septický šok při fatálně probíhající stafylokokové pneumonii: význam Pantonova-Valentinova leukocidinu - kazuistika (2010)
Increasing Incidence of Geomyces destructans Fungus in Bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2010)
Identification of CYP21A2 mutant alleles in Czech patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency. (2010)
HemoRec database - registry of inherited bleeding disorders in Poland (2010)
Is Flow Cytometry Able to Distinguish Monoclonal Gammopathies and/or Multiple Myeloma Subtypes with Good Prognosis? (2010)
Experiences in rearing of Bombus lucorum L. (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in captivity (2010)
Co určuje hmotnost dělnic čmeláka zemního (Bombus terrestris)? (2010)
Cooperation among worker of Bombus terrestris and queens of several bumble bee (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) species in starting colonies (2010)
The molecular – genetic analysis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Czech population (21- and 11-β-hydroxylase deficienty). (2010)
The molecular genetics analysis of 21-hydroxylase deficienty in Czech population. (2010)
The mystery of FDG-PET avidity in follicular lymphoma. Does microenvironment play the key role? (2010)
Subpopulations of T-lymphocytes in patients with multiple sclerosis (2010)
A New Aerosol Generation Technique for Elemental Mass Spectrometry (2010)
Molekulárně cytogenetická vyšetření pacientů s MGUS – zkušenosti z pracoviště BVI v Brně (2010)
Assessment of Immune Regulatory and Suppressor Cells in Monoclonal Gammopathies (2010)
Impact of Chromosomal Abnormalities and Gain of 1q21 in Multile Myeloma (2010)
Array CGH in multiple myeloma: Practical notes and our preliminary results (2010)
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance - possibilities of molecular cytogenetic analysis in patients with low percent of bone marow plasma cells infiltration (2010)
FACS metóda - doležitý krok k úspěšnému molekulárne-cytogenetickému vyšetreniu u pacientov s monoklonálnou gamapatiou nejasného významu (2010)
Vliv fluorescenčně aktivované separace na expresní profil buněk myelomové linie (2010)
A Multidetection Platform for Microcolumn Separations (2010)
Clonal evolution of malignant populations in potentially biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. (2010)
Cytokinin: Novel roles for an old hormone (2010)
LEDs as ideal light sources for capillary-based analytical instrumentation? (2010)
DNA barcoding of fungi: a case study using ITS sequences for identifying aquatic hyphomycete species (2010)
Aquatic hyphomycetes (Deuteromycotina) of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone (2010)
Gene-expression profile of steroid-refractory acute Graft-versus-host disease. (2010)
The molecular – genetic analysis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Czech population. (2010)
Zavedení molekulárně-genetické diagnostiky Vitamín B6 dependentních epilepsií, první kazuistika. (2010)
Principlism and Arete: Two methodological Approaches in Bioethics (2010)
Human activities predominate in determining changing incidence of tick-borne encephalitis in Europe (2010)
Vyšetření komárů na přítomnost arbovirů ma jižní Moravě v letech 2006-2008 (2010)
Microbial Zoonoses and Sapronoses (2011)
Subcellular trafficking of PIN auxin efflux carriers in auxin transport (2010)
Molekulární diagnostika Pompeho choroby - vybrané kazuistiky (2010)
Předmluva (2010)
Využití genotypovacího DNA čipu k detekci mutací v genu LDLR. (2010)
Isolation of granulocytes: Which transcriptome do we analyze neutrophils or eosinophils? (2010)
Využití laserem indukované ablační spektroskopie pro detekci kovů (2010)
Molekulárně genetická analýza kongenitální adrenální hyperplasie (deficit 21- a 11-beta-hydroxylázy). (2010)
Klostridiová kolitida - nový úder známého onemocnění. (2010)
Determination of Plant Thiols by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Coulometric and Amperometric Detection in Lettuce Treated by Lead(II) Ions (2010)
Decapitations in the Medieval Hospital Cemetery from Znojmo, Czech Republic (2009)
Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis (NBSCF) in region Moravia, Czech Republic (2010)
Molekulární problematika deficitu fenylalanin hydroxylasy. (2010)
Facioskapulohumerální svalová dystrofie – epigenetické mechanizmy a molekulární diagnostika. (2010)
DNA diagnostika onemocnění epidermolysis bullosa v České republice. (2010)
Inaktivace proteinu p53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie – hlavní výstupy z našich analýz. (2010)
Chimeric CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 genes identified in Czech patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (2011)
"Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis" in Neck Lymph Nodes of Children and their Environment Examined by Culture and Triplex Quantitative Real-Time PCR (2011)
TP53 mutation profile in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: evidence for a disease specific profile from a comprehensive analysis of 268 mutations (2010)
Gene expression profiling in follicular lymphoma and its implication for clinical practise (2011)
Imbalance in T-cell and cytokine profiles in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (2011)
1 Hz cerebellum rTMS can modify the voluntary movements of the upper limb in early Parkinson’s disease patients. (2010)
Multidisciplinární přístup v léčbě jaterních metastáz kolorektálního karcinomu (2010)
Proteom seminální plasmy (2010)
Proteom seminální plasmy (2010)
Complex analysis of cyclin D1 expression in mantle cell lymphoma (2009)
Určení klonality B-lymfocytů (2010)
Funkční analýza teplotně závislých mutantů p53 v kvasinkách (2010)
Analýza mutací nádorového supresoru p53 u pacientů s lymfomy (2010)
Analýza exprese cyklinu D1 u lymfomu z buněk plášťové zóny (2009)
Izolace DNA z kultur bakterií pomocí zjednodušeného postupu (vysolování chloridem sodným). (2007)
Camille Guérin (2010)
Klinická charakteristika 3 českých rodin s katecholaminergní polymorfní komorovou tachykardií a pilotní výsledky mutační analýzy genu RyR2 (2010)
Výsledky molekulárně genetického vyšetření pacientů Dětské lipidové poradny Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc v rámci projektu MedPed (2010)
Prognostic and predictive impact of cytogenetic changes in relapsed multiple myeloma patients treated with bortezomib or thalidomid based regiments: a Czech group experience (2010)
Mutation analysis of ion channel genes in ventricular fibrillation survivors with coronary artery disease (2010)
Analysis of the COL7A1 gene in Czech patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa reveals novel (2010)
Pyridoxin-dependentní epilepsie - nové trendy v diagnostice a terapii (2010)
Genetické aspekty idiopatických generalizovaných epilepsií - přehledová přednáška (2010)
Klinická charakteristika čtyř českých rodin s katecholaminergní polymorfní komorovou tachykardií a pilotní výsledky mutační analýzy genu RyR (2010)
Clinical characteristic of 4 Czech families with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and pilot results of mutational analysis of RyR gene (2010)
Enhancement of retinoid-induced cell differentiation in cancer therapy. (2010)
Meduloblastom: nejčastější zhoubný nádor mozku u dětí. (2010)
Pyridoxine-dependent Epilepsy: New strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment (2010)
Expression profiling of neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cell lines after combined treatment by all-trans retinoic acid and LOX/COX inhibitors. (2010)
Case: Brain Death – consent procedure (2010)
Second complete remission of relapsed medulloblastoma induced by metronomic chemotherapy. (2010)
Infusion related toxicity of three different amphotericin B formulations and its relation to plasma cytokines (2010)
Ztráta kopie genu pro EGFR u pacienta s multiformním glioblastomem: případová studie a analýza derivované linie. (2010)
The MAGE and EID proteins affect transcription regulation of target genes (2010)
Exprese N-koncových izoforem proteinu p73 v buněčných liniích meduloblastomu (2010)
Dlažba z dobrých úmyslů (2010)
Najvirulentnejší zástupca rodu Treponema - Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum DAL-1 a jeho celogenómová sekvencia. (2010)
Early cytokinin response proteins and phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by proteome and phosphoproteome profiling (2011)
Analysis of the intracellular localization of p73 N-terminal protein isoforms TAp73 and DeltaNp73 in medulloblastoma cell lines (2010)
Intracellular localization of TAp73 and DeltaNp73 protein isoforms in medulloblastoma cell lines. (2010)
Metronomická a Intrathekální chemoterapie dle mezinárodního protokolu - naděje pro děti s relapsem Meduloblastomu ? (2010)
Nádorové onemocnění (2010)
Synchronní výskyt Anaplastického Ependymomu a difúzního Astrocytomu u dítěte. (2010)
Intra spinální Ependymom u dívky s NF2, mozaikou Turnerova syndromu, pozitivitou SRY a berzpříznakovým nosičstvím mutace genu CFTR. (2010)
Diskrepance cytologických likvorových nálezů z komůrky V-P Shuntu a z lumbální punkce u dětí s embryonálním nádorem CNS. (2010)
Rekombinantní aktivovaný faktor VII ( rFVIIa) v léčbě závažného poporodního krvácení: Data z registru UniSeven v České republice. (2010)
Tvorba protilátek proti OspC po imunizaci Borrelia afzelii s CpG jako adjuvans u myší (2010)
Matrix metalloproteinases. (2010)
Hladina metalothioneinu v krevním séru u primárních záchytů solidních nádorů dětského věku. (2010)
Vliv trehalózy v chladícím médiu na funkční vlastnosti kryokonzervovaných spermií kanců (2009)
Determination of metallothionein, glutathione and termostable protein fraction concentrations in tumour tissue from head and neck area (2010)
Changes in functional parameters of cryopreserved boar spermatozoa capacitated in vitro (2009)
Study of metallothionein aggregation in dependence on redox conditions and zinc concentration by using a chip capillary electrophoresis. (2010)
Paramagnetic microparticles in metallothionein and alpha-methylacyl CoA racemase analysis in tumor cell lines derived from prostate carcinoma. (2010)
Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase as a new marker in prostate cancer. (2010)
The effect of zinc ions on MT and specific prostate antigen content in prostatic cancer cell lines. (2010)
Avidin and plant biotechnology to control pests (2010)
. Study of metallothionein aggregation in dependence on redox conditions and zinc concentration by using a chip capillary electrophoresis. (2010)
Study of zinc-dependent aggregation of metallothionein from human prostatic cancer cell lines. (2010)
Studium agregace metalothioneinu v závislosti na redoxním prostředí a koncentraci zinku pomocí čipové kapilární elektroforézy. (2010)
Repeated Genetic Counselling in the Family with Infertility, Cystic Fibrosis and Chromosomal Aberration - case report (2010)
Cytogenetické změny u karcinomu děložního čípku a jejich přínos pro diagnostickou rozvahu. (2010)
Vliv intravenózně podávaného inzulínu na hodnoty krevních plynů při resekci plic- první výsledky (2010)
Long term investigation of resveratrol content in moravian red wines. (2010)
Traumatické léze pánve u germánské kněžny pohřbené v mohyle Žuráň (2010)
Nádory neznámé primární lokalizace (2010)
Cílená léčba bronchioloalveolárního plicního adenokarcinomu inhibitory tyrozinkinázové aktivity EGFR: kazuistika klinicky promptní a výrazné odpovědi a přehled literatury (2010)
Využití fluorescence chlorofylu pro hodnocení fytotoxicity organických polutantů (2010)
Interpretation of cranial injuries at Pohansko near Břeclav in Context of Archaeological data (2010)
Principles of classification of medicinal plants as hyperaccumulators or excluders (2010)
Gene Expression of Somatostatin Receptor 4 Predicts Clinical Outcome of Patients with Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Treated with Somatostatin Analogs (2010)
The pro-metastatic protein anterior gradient-2 predicts poor prognosis in tamoxifen-treated breast cancers (2010)
Současný výskyt anaplastického ependymomu a difúzního astrocytomu u dítěte (2010)
Organic pollutants as a factor influencing plant growth (2010)
Schnitzler-syndrom: popis případu, zkušenosti s léčbou glukokortikoidy a preparátem anakinra (Kineret) a sledování cytokinové odpovědi organizmu (2011)
Zdravotní význam komárů (2010)
Změny v obsahu cytokininů v rostlinách zatížených polycyklickým aromatickým uhlovodíkem (2010)
Organické polutanty a bioindikace jejich vlivu na rostliny (2010)
Fyziologické ukazatele fytotoxického účinku fluoranthenu (2010)
Modulation of acrosome reaction development in boar spermatozoa by caffeine can improve fertilization of porcine oocytes (2010)
Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies (2011)
Antibacterial methods based on bioluminescent bacteria (2011)
Vztah mezi hematologickými a ornamentálními znaky u koroptve polní (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Nf449 is a novel inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (fgfr3) signaling active in chondrocytes and multiple myeloma cells (2010)
Electrochemical Monitoring of Metabolites Related to the Xanthine Oxidase Pathway. (2010)
Inhibition of topoisomerase IIa: Novel function of wedelolactone (2011)
Současné trendy ve fyziologii rostlin v České Republice (2010)
Vliv teploty a ozářenosti na fotosyntetické procesy řas rodu Trebouxia pri kultivaci v tekutém médiu (2010)
Chlamydomonas nivalis, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chloromonas nivalis, Trebouxia asymmetrica, Trebouxia erici, Trebouxia glomerata - soubor 6 multimediálních DVD (2010)
Obecná onkologie (2011)
Apolipoprotein E genotype and traumatic brain injury in children—association with neurological outcome (2007)
Srovnávací fyziologie živočichů (2010)
Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of Purine Derivatives in Human Urine. (2010)
The Potency of Hyaluronan of Different Molecular Weights in the Stimulation of Blood Phagocytes (2010)
Interactions between the Nse3 and Nse4 Components of the SMC5-6 Complex Identify Evolutionarily Conserved Interactions between MAGE and EID Families (2011)
Effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the reactive oxygen and nitrogen species production by RAW 264.7 macrophages (2010)
The effect of lipid peroxidation products on reactive oxygen species formation and nitric oxide production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages (2011)
Different effect of two synthetic coumarin-stilbene hybrid compounds on phagocyte activity (2010)
Redoxně senzitivní regulace exprese inducibilní makrofágové NO syntázy in vitro nekoreluje s neschopností apocyninu zabránit zánětu plic způsobenému endotoxinem (2010)
The effect of environmental stress on parasite communities of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in model localities (2008)
WNT unrelated activities in commercially available preparations of recombinant WNT3a (2010)
Solid-phase extraction of berries’ anthocyanins and evaluation of their antioxidative properties (2010)
Formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in the presence of pinosylvin – an analogue of resveratrol (2010)
Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Promote WNT/beta-Catenin Signaling via Phosphorylation of LRP6 (2011)
Breast cancer-specific mutations in CK1epsilon inhibit Wnt/beta-catenin and activate the Wnt/Rac1/JNK and NFAT pathways to decrease cell adhesion and promote cell migration. (2010)
Sequential activation and inactivation of dishevelled in the Wnt/{beta}-catenin pathway by casein kinases. (2011)
Rostlinné biotechnologie včera, dnes a zítra aneb příprava nového předmětu (2010)
Wnt2 Regulates Progenitor Proliferation in the Developing Ventral Midbrain (2010)
WNT-5A stimulates the GDP/GTP exchange at pertussis toxin-sensitive heterotrimeric G proteins. (2011)
Vliv exogenního cytokininu na vývoj transgenních rostlin Nicotiana tabacum nadprodukujících cytokinin-glukosid specifickou beta-glukosidasu Zm-p60.1 (2010)
Zkušenosti s kultivací explantátů v bioreaktorech RITA (2010)
The role of reversible zeatin glucosylation in the homeostasis of cytokinins (2010)
The Expression of NADPH Oxidases and Production of Reactive Oxygen Species by Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Epithelial Cell Line A549 (2010)
Analysis of the development of transgenic Nicotiana tabacum seedlings overproducing the cytokinin-glucoside specific beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1. (2010)
Modulation of arachidonic and linoleic acid metabolites in myeloperoxidase-deficient mice during acute inflammation (2010)
Shb deficient mice display an augmented TH2 response in peripheral CD4+ T cells (2011)
Amer1/WTX couples Wnt-induced formation of PtdIns(4,5)P(2) to LRP6 phosphorylation. (2011)
Dlouhodobá studie aktivity klíšťat v parku Brno-Pisárky (ČR) a jejich reakce na repelentní látky (2011)
Vliv submerze při různých teplotách vody na přežívání a chování klíšťat. (2010)
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of 168 mutations associated with familial hypercholesterolemia (2011)
Elicitine-membrane interaction is driven by a positive charge on the protein surface: Role of Lys13 residue in lipids loading and resistance induction (2011)
Variation of morphological and agronomic traits in hybrids of Trifolium pratense x T. medium and a comparison with the parental species (2011)
Utajený proteom rostlin: je možné ho odhalit? (2011)
Rostlinné biotechnologie - Současné trendy ve výuce a výzkumu (2010)
Kosterní pozůstatky žuráňské kněžny (2011)
Multilocus PCR typing strategy for differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus siphoviruses reflecting their modular genome structure (2010)
Invazivní kvasinkové infekce na vybraných hematoonkologických odděleních České a Slovenské republiky – mikrobiologické výsledky projektu CAN CELL (2011)
Cryptochrome 2 necessary for magnetosensitivity of American cockroach Periplaneta americana. (2011)
Cena děkana za akademický rok 2008/2009 (2009)
Hemolymph clotting and immunity. (2011)
Role of microRNAs in regulation of UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Similar efficacy of thalidomide- and bortezomib-based regimens for first relapse of multiple myeloma (2011)
Efficacy and safety of pegylated liposomal Doxorubicin in combination with bortezomib for multiple myeloma: effects of adverse prognostic factors on outcome. (2011)
Selhání ledvin u pacientky s chronickou B-lymfocytární leukemií (B-CLL) vzniklé na podkladě tvorby odlitkových válců v tubulech ledvin z monoklonálních volných lehkých řetězců (cast nephropathy). (2011)
Long-term cultivation-induced downregulation of APE1 influences the response of hESCs to acquired DNA damage (2011)
Consequences of base excision repair shortage in adapted human embryonic stem cells on genome integrity (2011)
Monozygotic twins with discordant karyotypes following preimplantation genetic screening and single embryo transfer: case report (2010)
Molekulární biologie (2010)
The Student Scientific Conference on Cancer Research (2011)
Island species radiation and karyotypic stasis in Pachycladon allopolyploids (2010)
Past and present patterns of plant genome evolution: an insight from crucifers (2010)
Between Arabidopsis and cabbage: a decade of crucifer cytogenomics (2010)
Genome duplication and reshuffling: an insight from crucifers (2010)
Robust 1D open rack-like architecture in coordination polymers of Anderson POMs [{Na-4(H2O)(14)}{Cu(gly)}(2)][TeMo6O24] and [{Cu(en)(2)}(3){TeW6O24}]: synthesis, characterization and heterogeneous catalytic epoxidation of olefines (2010)
Moonmilk from caves in the Moravian Karst (2008)
The role of c-Myb in regulation of migration and invasivity of colon carcinoma cells (2011)
Sample preparation methods for MALDI-MS profiling of bacteria (2011)
Optimization of mass spectral features in MALDI-TOF MS profiling of Acinetobacter species (2011)
Genetic characteristics of eighty-seven patients with the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (2011)
Nitrate Contra Auxin: Nutriet Sensing by Roots (2010)
Plasma membrane-bound AGC3 kinases phosphorylate PIN auxin carriers at TPRXS(N/S) motifs to direct apical PIN recycling. (2010)
Polar compounds dominate in vitro effects of sediment extracts (2011)
The Overexpression of Cathepsin D Senzitizes Brest Cancer Cells to TRAIL-induced Apoptosis (2011)
In Vitro Toxicity Profiling of Ultrapure Non-Dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyl (NDL-PCB) Congeners and their Relative Toxic Contribution to PCB-Mixtures in Humans (2011)
Identification and toxicological evaluation of musk fragrances and thiophenes in extracts of river sediment samples (2009)
Lymfoproliferativní onemocnění u pacientů s autoimunitními a infekčními onemocněními: význam antigenní stimulace a zánětlivých procesů (2011)
Genotoxic and nongenotoxic effects of extracts and chromatographic fractions of diesel particulate matter in lung, liver and prostate epithelial cells (2010)
Successful Anakinra Therapy in 2 Patients with Schnitzler Syndrome (2011)
Analýzy globálních profilů exprese mikroRNA u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem za účelem diagnostiky metastatického postižení lymfatických uzlin. (2010)
Detection of metastatic spread to lymph nodes in colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles in primary tumors. (2011)
Galaktosémie, Prader-Willi syndrom a diabetes mellitus 1. typu: dvě kazuistiky našich pacientek (2011)
The seasonal changes in innate immunity of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2011)
Metallochelating liposomes with associated lipophilised norAbuMDP as biocompatible platform for construction of vaccines with recombinant His-tagged antigens: Preparation, structural study and immune response towards rHsp90 (2011)
Death receptors in undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells and its differentiated derivatives (2011)
Role autofagie v cílené léčbě maligního melanomu (2011)
Spojitost mezi vnímáním teploty a signalizací hormonů cytokininů v rostlinách (2011)
(GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting of lactobacilli isolated from cervix of healthy women (2011)
Detachment-mediated resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis is associated with stimulation of the PI3K/Akt pathway in fetal and adenocarcinoma epithelial colon cells (2011)
Minimalizace účinků UV záření na lidské keratinocyty kyselinou hyaluronovou (2011)
The role of p53, p21 and microRNAs in the regulation of human embryonic stem cells response to UVC-induced DNA damage (2011)
Genetic Study of Children from Burial Ground Pohansko near Breclav (preliminary results) (2007)
DNA based sex determination in children skeletal remains from burial ground Pohansko near Breclav (preliminary results) (2008)
Sex determination in children and undeterminable skeletal remains from burial site Pohansko near Breclav (2009)
DNA-based sex determination in fragmented children and undeterminable skeletal remains from burial site The South Outer Precinct (Pohansko near Breclav) (2010)
Antropometrie autistických dětí (2005)
Genetická studie dětí z lokality Pohansko - Jižní předhradí (2006)
MicroRNA-650 expression is coupled with the regulation of immunoglobulin lambda light chain in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Určování pohlaví u dětských kosterních pozůstatků z Pohanska - Jižního předhradí pomocí analýzy DNA (2007)
DNA-based sex determination in children and undeterminable skeletal remains from burial site The South Outer Precinct (2009)
Určování pohlaví u dětských a neurčitelných kosterních pozůstatků z pohřebiště Jižní předhradí (Pohansko u Břeclavi) pomocí analýzy DNA (2010)
Aplikace molekulárně-genetických metod při určování pohlaví dětského a fragmentárního kosterního materiálu (2010)
Anthropometric study of autistic children (2006)
Využití molekulárně biologických metod při studiu kosterních pozůstatků z Pohanska - Jižního předhradí (2010)
Anthropological reconstruction of early medieval population from micro-region Haraska river basin (South Moravia, Czech Republic) (2010)
Diversity of pink pigmented psychrophiles from Antarctica. (2011)
Two novel macrococci from human clinical material. (2011)
Debaryomyces psychrosporus sp. nov., a yeast species from a Venezuelan cave. (2011)
Comparison of multiplex PCRs, (GTG)5-PCR and automated ribotyping for identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from children's intestinal tissues. (2011)
Subjektivní a objektivní moment v etice sociálních důsledků (2011)
Fekální bakterioterapie v léčbě pseudomembranózní kolitidy: slibná terapeutická alternativa? (2011)
Mozkový absces jako manifestace M. Rendu-Osler-Weber (2011)
Pathogenicity of four entomopathogenic nematodes species to G. mellonella larvae (2011)
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker efficacy for maize hybrid identification. (2011)
Účinek ultrazvukového pole na bioluminiscenční bakterie (2011)
Genetic diversity of the class II major histocompatibility DRA locus in European, Asiatic and African domestic donkeys (2011)
Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Plant Phosphoproteins (2011)
Consensus recommendations for risk stratification in multiple myeloma: report of the International Myeloma Workshop Consensus Panel 2 (2011)
Optimizing the use of lenalidomide in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: consensus statement (2011)
Neural stem cell marker nestin as a potential unfavorable factor for multiple myeloma (2011)
Clonality assessment using 8-color flow cytometry (2011)
Induction by lenalidomide and dexamethasone combination increase CD4 and CD8 regulatory cells of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients (2011)
Centrosome associated genes in multiple myeloma (2011)
Regrese osteolytického ložiska u pacienta s mnohočetným myelomem léčeného klodronátem po úspěšné terapii režimem s bortezomibem (2011)
Correlation of gene expression with centrosome amplification in multiple myeloma (2011)
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells are elevated in MGUS and MM patients (2011)
Altered gene expression in multiple myeloma patients with gain of 1q21 locus. (2011)
Plasma cell phenotype correlation with cytogenetic and morphological findings in multiple myeloma (2011)
Neural stem cell marker nestin as a specific marker for plasma cells of multiple myeloma patients. (2011)
Levels of nestin protein correlate with 1q21 gain and hyperdiploidy in multiple myeloma (2011)
Genetic polymorphisms associated with risk of venous thromboembolism in multiple myeloma patients treated with thalidomide. (2011)
Elevated FGFR3 expression as a result of translocation t(4;14) in patients with multiple myeloma (2011)
Multiple Myeloma (2011)
Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undeterminated Significance: Introduction and Current Clinical Issues (2011)
Reclassification of Staphylococcus sp. CCM 2615 as Staphylococcus stepanovicii (2011)
Flow Cytometry in Monoclonal Gammopathies (2011)
Flow Cytometric Phenotyping and Analysis of T Regulatory Cells in Multiple Myeloma Patients (2011)
Genomics in Multiple Myeloma Research (2011)
Polymorphisms Contribution to the Determination of Significant Risk of Specific Toxicities in Multiple Myeloma (2011)
Oligonucleotide-based Array CGH as a Diagnostic Tool in Multiple Myeloma Patients (2011)
Visualization of Numerical Centrosomal Abnormalities by Immunofluorescent Staining (2011)
Impact of Nestin Analysis in Multiple Myeloma (2011)
Magnetoreception of Periplaneta americana under different light conditions (2011)
Alogenní transplantace krvetvorných buněk po režimu s redukovanou intenzitou ve složení busulfan, fludarabin a antithymocytární globulin (ATG Fresenius): dlouhodobé výsledky (2011)
Role microRNA v regulaci odpovědi na poškození DNA u lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2011)
Potenciál kombinace negenotoxických látek SB202190 a gossypolu v cílené terapii maligního melanomu (2011)
Inhibice integrinů a adheze b-lymfocytů v kostní dřeni a lymfatických uzlinách jako nový přístup v terapii lymfonů a leukémií (2011)
Analýza klonality u monoklonálních gamapatií s využitím 8-barevné průtokové cytometrie (2011)
Chromosomal abnormalities in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance patients analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and oligonucleotide based array comparative genomic hybridization (2011)
Genetics and epigenetics of multiple myeloma (2011)
Association of aneuploidy and centrosome abnormalities in myeloma genesis (2011)
Induction by lenalidomide plus dexamethasone elevates regulatory and total lymphocyte populations in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients: A single center study (2011)
Treatment response to bortezomib in multiple myeloma correlates with plasma hepatocyte growth factor concentration and bone marrow thrombospondin concentration (2010)
Detection of new protein alterations in human B-lymphoblastoid cell line ARH-77 after bortezomib treatment (2011)
Analýza fenotypu plazmocytů a korelace s cytogenetickými a morfologickými nálezy u mnohočetného myelomu (2011)
Nestin - prognostický a myelom-specifický marker pro mnohočetný myelom? (2011)
Association of mitotic genes expression and centrosome amplification in multiple myeloma (2011)
Centrosome associated gene expression profile in multiple myeloma (2011)
Advanced 8-colour flow cytometry in analysis of monoclonal gammopathies (2011)
Podmínky správné výrobní praxe (Good Manufacturing Practice -GMP) v čistých prostorách Masarykovy univerzity (2011)
Proteom seminální plazmy u mužů s azoospermií (2011)
Antibacterial agents in innate immunity: comparison of vertebrates and invertebrates (2011)
Nematode infection model for testing of innate immunity in Drosophila (2011)
Are fish immune systems really affected by parasites? An immunoecological study of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). (2011)
Regulatory role of microRNAs in response to UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Nematode infections are affected by insect clotting system (2011)
Immune Response of Chicken Gut to Natural Colonization by Gut Microflora and to Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis Infection (2011)
Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography: ESI–MS/MS of plasmalogen phospholipids from Pectinatus bacterium (2011)
c-Myb-induced migration/invasiveness of breast and colon cells in vitro is not associated with enhanced lung colonization in vivo (2011)
Missense mutations located in structural p53 DNA-binding motifs are associated with extremely poor survival in Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Cloning and expression of endolysin and its SH3b-domain from polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage (2011)
Identifikace kmenů rodu Staphylococcus metodou MALDI-TOF MS (2011)
Detekce a kvantifikace bakteriálních genů v transdukujících fágových částicích u druhu Staphylococcus aureus pomocí qPCR (2011)
Transdukce penicilinázových plazmidů v rámci komunitního methicilin-rezistentního klonu Staphylococcus aureus USA300 (2011)
MYB transcriptionally regulates the miR-155 host gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Modern and conventional prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the everyday haematological practice (2011)
Study of Pseudomonas putida strains deposited at the CCM (2011)
Identifikácia serácií izolovaných z jaskynných vôd Slovenskeho krasu (2011)
RMG - Registr monoklonálních gamapatií (2011)
Základy obecné a speciální embryologie pro klinické embryology (2011)
Synthesis and biocompatibility evaluation of fluorinated, single-tailed glucopyranoside surfactants (2009)
Influence of Zinc(II) and Copper(II) Ions on Streptomyces Bacteria Revealed by Electrochemistry (2011)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2011)
Ryby a mihule v horní části řeky Svratky (2011)
Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase in Paracoccus denitrificans is induced by azide and expressed independently on FNR-type regulators (2011)
Heterogeneity in the kinetics of nuclear proteins and trajectories of substructures associated with heterochromatin (2011)
Využití komerční metody imunochemického odstranění RuBisCO v analýze rostlinného proteomu (2011)
Liposomes with high encapsulation capacity for paclitaxel: Preparation, characterisation and in vivo anticancer effect. (2010)
Development of a Crystallization Protocol for the DbeA1 Variant of Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Bradyrhizobium elkani USDA94 (2011)
Substrate Specificity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2011)
Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analysis of the Wild-Type Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhaA and its Variant DhaA13 Complexed with Different Ligands (2011)
Keyhole-Lock-Key Model of Enzymatic Catalysis (2011)
Biology and Bioinformatics (2011)
Engineering Robust and Efficient Protein Catalysts (2011)
Construction of pollutant-degrading bacteria by protein and metabolic engineering (2011)
In vitro protein and metabolic engineering of a biodegradation pathway (2011)
Molecular bases of enantioselectivity of haloalkane dehalogenase DbjA. (2011)
Stereoselectivity and Conformational Stability of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110: The Effect of pH and Temperature. (2011)
Crystallization and Crystallographic Analysis of the Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 DhaA Mutant DhaA31 and its Complex with 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (2011)
Biochemical Characteristics of the Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase DatA Isolated from the Plant Pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58. (2011)
Biodegradation of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (2011)
Computer-Assisted Enzyme Engineering by Modification of Tunnels, Channels and Gates. (2011)
Interpretation of substituent effects on 13C and 15N NMR chemical shifts in 6-substituted purines (2011)
Crystallization and structural analysis of DhaA31 from Rhodococcus rhodochrous (2011)
Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of Rhodococcus rhodochrous Wild-type DhAa Protein and its Variant DhaA13 Complexed with Different Ligands (2011)
CAVER 3.0: A Tool For Efficient Analysis Of Tunnels In Dynamic Protein Structures (2011)
Effects of Organic Co-Solvents on Enzyme Activity: In Silico Analysis (2011)
Unprecedented pi...pi interaction between an aromatic ring and a pseudo-aromatic ring formed through intramolecular H-bonding in a bidentate Schiff base ligand: crystal structure and DFT calculations (2011)
Characterisation of basal expression of selected cytokines in the liver, spleen, and respiratory, reproductive and intestinal tract of hens (2011)
The role of p63 in cancer, stem cells and cancer stem cells (2011)
Antropologický výzkum kosterních pozůstatků přisuzovaných české královně Konstancii Uherské (1181–6. 12. 1240) (2011)
Liposomal formulation of alpha-tocopheryl maleamide: In vitro and in vivo toxicological profile and anticancer effect against spontaneous breast carcinomas in mice (2009)
Apoptosis and inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication induced by LA-12, a novel hydrophobic platinum(IV) complex (2007)
Age-related changes in selected haematology parameters in rabbits (2009)
Anterior gradient 2: a novel player in tumor cell biology. (2011)
Proteomic profiling of heat- and cold-shock responses in Arabidopsis indicates cross-talk between temperature and cytokinin perception (2011)
Stimulation of hypocotyl elongation by cytokinins in Arabidopsis seedlings grown under limited irradiance - a proteomic analysis (2011)
Modulation of heat-stress responsive proteome in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants with inducibly-increased levels of endogenous cytokinins. (2011)
LPS structure influences protein secretion in Salmonella enterica (2011)
Clinical and laboratory features of leukemias at the time of diagnosis: An analysis of 1,004 consecutive patients (2011)
Familiální výskyt balancované a nebalancované formy translokace t(1;12) v rodině se dvěma postižnými dětmi (2011)
Hydrophobic tail length, degree of fluorination and headgroup stereochemistry are determinants of the biocompatibility of (fluorinated) carbohydrate surfactants (2009)
Synthesis and biocompatibility evaluation of fluorinated, single-tailed glucopyranoside surfactants (2008)
Synthesis and biocompatibility evaluation of partially fluorinated pyridinium bromides (2006)
Plasma HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels in familial hypercholesterolemia: Data from the MedPed CZ database and the Czech population (2011)
Expression and characterization of c-Myb in prenatal odontogenesis (2011)
The expression of Msx2 and Bmp4 in odontogenesis (2011)
Cabbage family affairs: the evolutionary history of Brassicaceae (2011)
Interpretation of karyotype evolution should consider chromosome structural constraints (2011)
Phylogeny, Genome, and Karyotype Evolution of Crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2011)
Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Chorisporeae (Brassicaceae) (2011)
Cytogenetic studies in vegetable Brassicas (2011)
Rare Constitutional Chromosomal Rearrangements Found In Three Probands (2011)
Neuroblastom: Využití array CGH pro detekci genetických změn a stratifikaci pacientů ve FN Brno (2010)
Chromosomal analysis of anaplastic ependymoma and diffuse astrocytoma presenting as synchronous primary brain tumors in a child (case report) (2011)
Stimulation of hypocotyl elongation by cytokinins in Arabidopsis seedlings grown under limited irradiance - a proteomic analysis (2011)
Proteomic profiling of heat- and cold-shock responses in Arabidopsis indicates cross-talk between temperature and cytokinin perception (2011)
Zinek – molekulární mechanizmy u karcinomu prostaty (2011)
Interactive teaching of professional English using multifunctional presentations (2010)
Výskyt bakterií Pectinatus v prostředí pivovaru (2011)
Stress responses in brewing yeast (2011)
Some factors affecting beer quality (2011)
Stress responses in brewing yeast (2011)
Impact of the long-term maintenance method of brewer’s yeast on fermentation course, yeast vitality and beer characteristics (2011)
The effects of wedelolactone on cancer cells depend on its redox state (2011)
Cathepsin D expression as a regulator of breast cancer cell migration and chemosensitivity (2011)
Structure and epigenetics of nucleoli in comparison with non-nucleolar compartments (2009)
Životní pouť muže, jehož kostra byla nalezena u obce Pasohlávky, z hlediska přírodních věd (2011)
In vitro produkce biogenních aminů technologicky významnými bakteriemi mléčného kvašení (2011)
Adhesion of beer-spoiling microorganisms to solid surfaces (2011)
DNA-based sex determination in children and undeterminable skeletal remains from the South Outer Precincts (Pohansko near Břeclav) (2011)
Role of HMGB Proteins in Chromatin Dynamics and Telomere Maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Using the Telobox to Search for Plant Telomere Binding Proteins (2011)
Non-telomeric activities of telomerase (2011)
Streptavidin-modified magnetic poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-g-lycidyl methacrylate) microspheres for selective isolation of bacterial DNA. (2011)
Association of aneuploidy category with centrosome amplification in multiple myeloma (2011)
Light and Cytokinin Interactions in Regulating Elongation of The Arabidopsis Hypocotyl (2011)
Efficiency of PCR-based methods in discriminating Bifidobacterium longum ssp. longum and Bifidobacterium longum ssp. infantis strains of human origin (2011)
Silica coated La0.75Sr0.25MnO3 nanoparticles for magnetically driven DNA isolation. (2011)
Protein c-Myb zvyšuje migraci a invazivitu buněk střevního karcinomu (2011)
Association Study of Selected Genetic Polymorphisms and Occurrence of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Multiple Myeloma Who Were Treated With Thalidomide (2011)
Health and ornamentation in Grey partridge (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Valutazione ecotossicologica di inquinamento da cadmio: comparazione delle risposte su Bombyx mori e su Galleria mellonella. (2011)
A nonfitting method using a spatial sine window transform for inhomogeneous effective-diffusion measurements by FRAP (2011)
Acetylation-dependent nuclear arrangement and recruitment of BMI1 protein to UV-damaged chromatin (2012)
Prameniště jako modelová stanoviště pro sledování komunikace populací v říční síti (2011)
Prameny jako modelové habitaty pro výzkum komunikace mezi populacemi v rámci říční sítě (2011)
Potential anti-aging properties of a hydroglycolic preparation from Epilobium angustifolium preparation from aerial parts (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases, (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2009)
Způsob výroby opticky aktivních halogenalkanů a alkoholů hydrolytickou dehalogenací katalyzovanou halogenalkandehalogenázami (2009)
Everything Under Control: How and When to Die - A Critical Analysis of the Arguments for Euthanasia (2011)
Good Death Within Its Historical Context and as a Contemporary Challenge: A Philosophical Clarification of the Concept of “Euthanasia” (2011)
Využití metody PCR-RFLP k detekci potenciálně invazivních kmenů L. monocytogenes (2011)
Outdoor environment as a source of Listeria monocytogenes in food chain (2012)
Mléko a prostředí mlékárenské výroby: zdroje a cesty šíření Listeria monocytogenes (2011)
Charakteristika izolátů L. monocytogenes různého původu (2011)
The incidence of infectious spirochetal diseases Lyme borreliosis and leptospirosis in cats (2011)
Analysis of nuclear nestin localization in cell lines derived from neurogenic tumors. (2011)
Studium polymorfizmů genu RGH1a spojeného s rezistencí k padlí travnímu u planých ječmenů (2011)
Flow cytometric analysis of CD4 and CD8 regulatory cells before and after lenalidomide plus dexamethasone treatment in multiple myeloma patients (2011)
The necessity of clonality assessment in monoclonal gammopathies (2011)
6th Myeloma workshop: Modern technologies in research of monoclonal gammopathies (2011)
Monitoring of minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma patients: Development and standardization of method. (2011)
Array-CGH in multiple myeloam research (2011)
First experience with whole genome amplification for aCGH investigation of chromosomal abnormalities in MGUS patients (2011)
Molekulární analýza plazmidů u exfoliatin B-produkujících kmenů Staphylococcus aureus izolovaných v letech 1998 – 2008 v České republice (2011)
Transduction of penicilinase plasmids within community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA 300 clone (2011)
Analysis of spa types distinguished in the exfoliative toxin-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in the Czech Republic (2011)
Characterization of PVL-phages induced from community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus strains (2011)
Cloning, expression and structure determination of SH3b cell wall binding domain of bacteriophage 812 endolysin (2011)
Klonování genů fágových lytických enzymů a jejich funkčních domén (2011)
Detekce a kvantifikace bakteriálních genů v transdukujících fágových částicích u druhu Staphylococcus aureus pomocí qPCR (2011)
Transdukce penicilinázových plazmidů v rámci komunitního meticilin-rezistentního klonu Staphylococcus aureus USA300 (2011)
Identifikace stafylokoků metodou MALDI-TOF MS (2011)
Staphylococcus pseudintermedius - "nový" původce raných infekcí po poranění psem a možnosti jeho spolehlivé identifikace (2011)
Kmeny SCV MRSA od pacientů s chronickou infekcí - průkaz, identifikace a problémy při testování citlivosti k antibiotikům (2011)
Původ, fyziologie a identifikace trpasličích Staphylococcus aureus u pacientů s chronickou infekcí (2011)
Vývoj nových DNA markerů pro geny odolnosti k padlí travnímu u ječmene (2010)
DNA hypomethylation increases telomerase activity, but does not change telomere lengths in plants (2010)
Telomere maintenance in plant cells with hypomethylated telomeres and subtelomeres (2011)
Epigenetic maintenance of plant telomeres (2011)
Cryptochrome 2 necessary for magnetosensitivity of American cockroach P. americana (2011)
Mono cationic palladium(II): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity in Suzuki coupling (2011)
Bianalytika - Analytické metody v klinické chemii a laboratormí medicíně (2011)
Transformations of the natural cytokinin N6-isopentenyladenine in aqueous acidic media: structural aspects (2011)
A novel method for detection of NON-MTC breakpoints in mantle cell lymphoma patients. (2011)
Stromální buňky chrání maligní B-lymfocyty před rituximabem indukovanou apoptózou a inhibice integrinu alfa-4-beta-1 (VLA-4) umožňuje překonat tuto rezistenci (2011)
Technické aspekty stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u lymfomů. (2011)
Sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně. (2011)
Klinický význam Bcl2/IgH ve sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u folikulárního lymfomu. (2011)
Využití monitorace minimální reziduální nemoci u mantle cell lymfomu v klinické praxi (2011)
Regulation of miR-155 host gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2011)
Analýza biklonálních /bifenotypických případů chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2011)
Současné trendy v molekulárně-biologické analýze genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a příklady aplikace v praxi. (2011)
Detekce a kvantifikace klinicky důležitých zygomycet ve vzorcích BAL a tkání pomocí real-time PCR. (2011)
Použití panfungální PCR pro průkaz původce mykotické infekce u galaktomannan pozitivních vzorků BAT a vzorků tkání od hematoonkologických pacientů s podezřením na invazivní mykotickou infekci. (2011)
Microfluidic robotic device coupled with electrochemical sensor field for handling of paramagnetic micro-particles as a tool for determination of plant mRNA. (2011)
A new approach how to define coefficient of electroactivity of adenine and its twelve derivatives using flow injection analysis with amperometric detection. (2011)
The chromosomal distribution of microsatellite repeats in the genome of the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus, focusing on the sex chromosomes. (2011)
Plant centromeric retrotransposons: a structural and cytogenetic perspective. (2011)
Microsatellite distribution on sex chromosomes at different stages of heteromorphism and heterochromatinization in two lizard species (Squamata: Eublepharidae: Coleonyx elegans and Lacertidae: Eremias velox). (2011)
Next Generation Sequencing-based Analysis of Repetitive DNA in the Model Dioceous Plant Silene latifolia. (2011)
Dendritické buňky v imunoterapii diabetes mellitus 1. typu (T1D) (2011)
Nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering (2011)
Elektrochemicke metody pro analyzu nukleovych kyselin (2011)
Serologic survey of humans for Flavivirus West Nile in southern Moravia (Czech Republic) (2011)
Governance and ethics of nanosciences and nanotechnologies. In: Nanoethics 2011 (2011)
Whole genome analysis of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2011)
Identification of CYP21A2 mutations in Czech patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency - structural analysis of the chimeric CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 gene. (2011)
A Study of Cytosine Oligonucleotides by Voltammetric and Spectral Methods (2011)
Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in ticks collected in the park of Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic (2011)
Repellency testing by modified moving-object bioassay: animal protection against ticks (2011)
Spectrum of point mutations in Czech DMD/BMD patients and their phenotypic outcome (2011)
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of mutations in the LDLR gene (2011)
The molecular diagnostics of familial hypercholesterolemia in Czech Republic. (2011)
Spectrum of CLCN1 and SCN4A mutations in Czech patients with non-dystrophic myotonias. (2011)
Mutation analysis of Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophies in the Czech Republic. (2011)
Personalized therapy in multiple myeloma according to patient age and vulnerability: a report of the European Myeloma Network (EMN). (2011)
Amputations in Slavonic population from Pohansko near Břeclav (Czech Republic) (2011)
Stem cell marker nestin is expressed in plasma cells of multiple myeloma patients (2011)
The problems of proteinuria measurement in urine with presence of Bence Jones protein (2011)
Monitoring of minimal residual disease in mantle cell lymphoma (2011)
Structure and binding specificity of the receiver domain of sensor histidine kinase CKI1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. (2011)
Molecular Mechanisms of Signalling Specificity via Phosphorelay Pathways in Arabidopsis (2011)
Polyethyleneimine coated capillary in nucleotide and short oligonucleotide analysis (2011)
Galactomannan detection in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological deseases-the role of factors affecting assay performance (2011)
Borelióza psů v České republice (2011)
CE-LIF of Green Fluorescent Fusion Proteins for Investigation of Phosphorylation (2011)
Extreme case of bilateral talipes equinovarus from archaeological records (2011)
Antropologický výzkum kosterních pozůstatků z lokality Ivanovice 3/2 (Padělky za cihelnou (2011)
An overview of anthropological assessment of skeletal material from Břeclav – Pohansko burial sites (history and perspectives) (2011)
Tooth development in children from the Old slavonic period (2011)
MiR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 expression levels and O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase methylation status are associated with clinical outcome in glioblastoma patients (2011)
Výsledky multimodální léčby glioblastoma multiforme: konsekutivní série 86 pacientů diagnostikovaných v letech 2003–2009 (2011)
Toxic effects of nine polycyclic aromatic compounds on Enchytraeus crypticus in artificial soil in relation to their properties. (2011)
Consequent effects of the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) predation on parasite infection and body condition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2012)
Monitoring prevalence Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato v klíšťatech na dvou lokalitách v Brně, testování repelentů (2011)
CETOCOEN project: From the Laboratory to the Field and Beyond (2011)
Význam bakteriologického screeningu kolonizačních kmenů u hematoonkologických nemocných. (2011)
Rapid method for screening of mucormycetes in clinical samples using high resolution melt analysis confirmed by species-specific real-time PCR. (2011)
FIND - "Fungal infection database" - retrospective analysis of invasive aspergillosis in hematooncological departments in Czech and Slovak Republic between 2001-2009 (2011)
FIND - "Fungal infection database" - retrospective analysis of invasive aspergillosis in hematooncological departments in Czech and Slovak Republic between 2001-2009 (2011)
FIND - 'Fungal infection database' - retrospective analysis of invasive aspergillosis in hematooncological departments in Czech and Slovak republic between 2001-2009 (2011)
Achromobacter marplatensis sp. nov. isolated from a pentachlorophenol-contaminated soil (2011)
Anorectal Polyps and Polypoid Lesions (2011)
Polypectomy of Anorectal Polyps and Polypoid Lesions. Why, When, and How? (2011)
c-Myb regulates MMP1, MMP9 and cathepsin D: Implications for the matrix-dependent breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis (2011)
Identification of Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from children intestinal mucous tissue samples by MALDI-TOF MS and automated ribotyping (2011)
Identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolates from children's intestinal tissues by MALDI-TOF MS profiling and automated ribotyping (2011)
The new platinum-based anticancer agent LA-12 induces retinol binding protein 4 in vivo (2011)
Kvantifikace proteinových biomarkerů pomocí hmotnostní spektrometrie pracující v režimu monitorování vybraných reakcí (2011)
2D-PAGE Database for Studies on Energetic Metabolism of the Denitrifying Bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans (2012)
Towards understanding the mechanisms of metastasis in low grade breast cancer: Discovery of new targets via "omics" techniques (2011)
Analysis of anatomical and functional traits of xylem in Humulus lupulus L. stems (2011)
Value of PCR in surgically treated patients with staphylococcal infective endocarditis: a 4-year retrospective study (2012)
Samotářské včely (2011)
Včely v zahradách (2010)
Čmeláci na zahradě (2010)
Population structure of permanent fauna in Carpathian spring fens - preliminary results (2011)
Celogenomová analýza pacientov s mnohopočetným myelomom pomocou oligonukleotidových DNA čipov a motódy array-CGH. (2011)
Vyšetření specifických chromozomových abnormalit u monoklonální gamapatie nejasného významu pomocí interfázní fluorescenční in situ hybridizace (2011)
Induction by lenalidomide and dexamethasone combination enhances myeloid derived suppressor cells of multiple myeloma patients (2011)
Correlation of plasma cell phenotype with cytogenetic and morphological findings in multiple myeloma (2011)
Clonality assessment in monoclonal gammopathies (2011)
Výsledky základní antropologické analýzy kosterních pozůstatků z pohřebiště ve Znojmě Hradišti, sonda Šoba, sezóny 2007 a 2008 (2011)
Hoštice I za Hanou. Výsledky antropologické analýzy pohřebiště lidu kultury zvoncovitých pohárů (2011)
The "blind age assessment": applicability of Greulich and Pyle, Demirjian and Mincer aging methods to a population of unknown ethnic origin (2011)
Distinguishing between perimortem and postmortem fractures: are osteons of any help? (2011)
Specificity of the Arabidopsis Shoot and Root Response to Cytokinins (2011)
The new platinum anticancer agent LA-12 induces Retinol Bionding Protein 4 in vivo (2011)
Identification and functional studies on proteins involved in in low-grade breast cancer metastasis (2011)
An induction of Retinol Binding Protein 4 by new platinum-based anticancer agent LA-12 (2011)
Towards understanding the mechanisms of metastasis in low grade breast cancer: Discovery of new targets with proteomics-driven transcriptomic approach (2011)
How is transgelin involved in the mechanism of breast cancer metastasis? (2011)
Inactivation of p53 pathways in CLL patients. (2011)
Analysis of potentially biclonal CLL patients with two or three productive IGH rearrangements. (2011)
Prognosis of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) after combined fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) treatment. (2011)
NON/SCID IL2RGAMMA(-/-) xenograft model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Evaluation of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using resequencing microarray platforms (2011)
Rearrangement of lambda immunoglobulin light chain in CLL is coupled with miRNA-650 expression (2011)
How do honeybees use their magnetic compass? Can they see the North? (2012)
Gene expression changes in human prostate carcinoma cells exposed to genotoxic and nongenotoxic aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands (2011)
Functional analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants of p53 (2011)
Structural and Functional Characterization of the Wnt Inhibitor APC Membrane Recruitment 1 (Amer1) (2011)
Computer-assisted reading of haemagglutination: Intensity of the ABH antigens secretion into saliva (2011)
Post-translational modifications regulate signalling by Ror1 (2011)
Analysis of chromosomal aberrations in patients with mental retardation using array-CGH technique: a single Czech Centre experience (2011)
Lenalidomid als neue Therapie-Option fur Castleman-Krankheit: erste Erfahrungen (2011)
Lenalidomid–basiertes Regime bewährt sich bei einer multisystemischen Langerhans-Zellhistiozytose: Fallbericht (2011)
Atypische Manifestation einer primären systemischen Amyloidose: wiederkehrende Leberblutung und Hämoperitoneum (2011)
Erdheim-Chester-Erkrankung und unsere Erfahrungen mit Cladribin Therapie bei zwei Patienten (2011)
Castlemanova choroba (2011)
Schnitzler-syndrom: diagnostika a léčba (2011)
Multiple Myeloma Associated IgA Pemphigus: Treatment With Bortezomib- and Lenalidomide-Based Regimen (2011)
The interplay of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and beta-catenin alters both AhR-dependent transcription and Wnt/beta catenin signaling in liver progenitors. (2011)
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in turkey meat production farms in the Czech Republic: National survey reveals widespread isolates with bla(SHV-12) genes on IncFII plasmids (2011)
Neandertal postcranial remains from the Sima de las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo, Murcia, southeastern Spain (2010)
Morphology, body proportions, and postcranial hypertrophy of a female Neandertal from the Sima de las Palomas, southeastern Spain (2011)
Helcococcus kunzii – kolonizace ran nebo patogen? (2011)
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition enables retinoic acid-induced neurogenesis in monolayer culture of embryonic stem cells. (2012)
ABC transporters affect the detection of intracellular oxidants by fluorescent probes. (2011)
No evidence for linkage between the hereditary angiooedema clinical phenotype and the BDKR1, BDKR2, ACE or MBL2 gene. (2011)
Climatic and ecological characteristics of deglaciated area of James Ross Island, Antarctica, with a special respect to vegetation cover (2011)
Czech Polar Reports (2011)
Hypomethylating drugs efficiently decrease cytosine methylationin telomeric DNA and activate telomerase without affectingtelomere lengths in tobacco cells (2011)
Methylation of plant telomeric DNA: what do the results say? (2011)
Rapid, simple and specific cultivation-based method for detection of Pectinatus spp. in brewery samples (2012)
Kožní projevy monoklonálních gamapatií – zkušenosti jednoho pracoviště (2011)
Monitoring prevalence patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2011)
Notes on distribution of Bombus cryptarum (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Moravian territory (Czech Republic) and its laboratory rearing. (2011)
Competitive canalization of PIN-dependent auxin flow from axillary buds controls pea bud outgrowth (2011)
Člověk v povodí Harsaky v 9.-11. stol. (2011)
Escherichia a Shigella - pro klinickou bakteriologii dva dlouho známé rody, přesto taxonomicky stále problematické (2011)
MR dokumentované vymizení infiltrace infundibula hypofýzy u pacientů s histiocytózou z Langerhansových buněk po léčbě 2-chlorodeoxyadenosinem (2011)
Parciální regrese ložisek Erdheimovy-Chesterovy nemoci v CNS po léčbě 2-chlorodeoxyadenosinem a jejich kompletní vymizení při léčbě lenalidomidem (2011)
Pandoraea oxalativorans sp. nov., Pandoraea faecigallinarum sp. nov. and Pandoraea vervacti sp. nov., isolated from oxalate-enriched culture (2011)
Mutační analýza genu ATM u pacientů s CLL pomocí resekvenačních čipů (2011)
Mutační analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfoctární leukemií (2011)
Gene expression based classification of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (2011)
Detection of clonal evolution and subclonal heterogeneity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using deep sequencing of antioncogene TP53 (2011)
Long-term results of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after reduced-intensity conditioning with busulfan, fludarabine, and antithymocyte globulin (2011)
Transduction of penicillinase and tetracycline resistance plasmids within methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 clone (2011)
Medium and protein engineering for improvement of biocatalysis in non-conventional media (2011)
Molecular mechanisms of the effects of organic solvents on activity of haloalkane dehalogenases (2011)
Molekulární podstata působení organických rozpouštědel na strukturu a funkci haloalkandehalogenáz (2011)
The NSE3/MAGE interactions with NSE4/EID proteins are evolutionarily conserved (2010)
The innovation of the STAPHYtest 16 identification kit produced by PLIVA-Lachema Diagnostioka s.r.o. (2006)
Kryogenická postseparační úprava polyakrylamidových gelů prometaloproteomické analýzy kombinací gelové elektroforézy, laserové ablace a hmotnostní spektrometrie s ionizací indukčně vázaným plazmatem (2011)
Endomyokardiální biopsie u recentní dilatační kardiomyopatie – zhodnocení vstupních charakteristik prvních padesáti nemocných (2011)
Detection and quantification of bacterial genes of Staphylococcus aureus in transducing phage particles by qPCR (2011)
Prognostic significance of morphological assessment of plasma cells in multiple myeloma. (2011)
Genetic factors underlying the risk of bortezomib induced peripheral neuropathy in multiple myeloma patients (2011)
Antibiotická profylaxe u hematoonkologických nemocných - doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL, ČHS a ČOS ČLS JEP, S.CH.S. SLS (2011)
Prognóza vysoko rizikovej skupiny monoklonálnej gamapatie nejasného významu (MGUS) a asymptomatického mnohopočetného myelómu (SMM) (2011)
Empirická liečba febrilnej neutropénie u onkohematologických pacientov - odporúčanie odborníkov s podporou CELL, ČHS a ČOS ČLS JEP, S.CH.S. SLS (2011)
Cytokinin Modulates Endocytic Trafficking of PIN1 Auxin Efflux Carrier to Control Plant Organogenesis (2011)
Polarization of PIN3-dependent auxin transport for hypocotyl gravitropic response in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Prototype cell-to-cell auxin transport mechanism by intracellular auxin compartmentalization (2011)
Cell Plate Restricted Association of DRP1A and PIN Proteins Is Required for Cell Polarity Establishment in Arabidopsis (2011)
The regulation, targets, and clinical relevance of microRNA mir-650 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2011)
Mutational analysis of mir-29 family members in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Kazuistika svalové dystrofie typ Emery Dreifuss v důsledku nové mutace v FHL1 genu (2011)
Využití denaturační vysokotlaké kapalinové chromatografie pro screening změn genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2011)
Bone marrow stromal cells protect lymphoma B-cells from rituximab-induced apoptosis and targeting integrin alfa-4-beta-1 (VLA4) with natalizumab can overcome this resistance (2011)
Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using multicolor flow cytometry versus quantitative real time PCR (2011)
Geneticky determinované epileptické encefalopatie (2011)
Monogenní hypercholesterolémie v dětském a adolescentním věku z pohledu klinického genetika (2011)
Výsledky recentních velkých randomizovaných studií léčby CLL. (2011)
Patogeneze CLL - pohled v roce 2011 (2011)
New molecular prognostic markers in CLL (2011)
IgVH mutational status in CLL; MRD assessment (2011)
Evaluation of minimal residual disease IgVH mutational status examinations (2011)
Asymetrie kostí horní končetiny u jedince z Pohanska u Břeclavi (2011)
The two faces of FGF2 in metabolic pathway regulation in hESCs (2011)
Mutant frequency increases with the length of cultivation in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Mutant frequency increases with the length of cultivation in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
The endocrine-disrupting and genotoxic effects of river sediments collected in rural and urban areas of southeast region of the Czech Republic (2011)
The nongenotoxic and genotoxic effects of 24 river sediments collected in southeast region of the Czech Republic (2011)
Borrelia afzelii and immune response of BALB/c mice (2011)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
Paramutation of tobacco transgenes by small RNA-mediated transcriptional gene silencing (2011)
Molecular analysis of T-DNA insertion mutants identified putative regulatory elements in the AtTERT gene (2011)
Androgen Depletion Induces Senescence in Prostate Cancer Cells through Down-regulation of Skp2 (2011)
Congenital Myotonia Caused by Mutations in the CIC-1 Chloride Channel Gene (2011)
Nucleosome Positioning Pattern Derived from Oligonucleotide Compositions of Genomic Sequences (2011)
Role of Everlasting Triplet Expansions in Protein Evolution (2011)
Cracking the chromatin code: Precise rule of nucleosome positioning (2011)
Human nucleosomes: special role of CG dinucleotides and Alu-nucleosomes (2011)
Nucleosome DNA sequence structure of isochores (2011)
High resolution positioning of intron ends on the nucleosomes (2011)
"Anticipated" nucleosome positioning pattern in prokaryotes (2011)
Vocabulary of Definitions of Life Suggests a Definition (2011)
Evaluation of automated ribotyping for characteristization of Streptococcus mutans (2009)
Léčebná studie Relapsed AML 2001/01, 02 pro děti s relapsem akutní myeloidní leukemie nebo primárně rezistentní nemocí zlepšila jejich nadeji na vyléčení. (2011)
Genově-expresní profil leukemických pacientů s akutní reakcí štěpu proti hostiteli s využitím microarray analýzy (2011)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2011)
Double/Triple productive immunoglobulin rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Sensitization of high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to fludarabine using inhibition of DNA-dependent protein kinase (2011)
Identification of minor proportion p53 mutations selected later by therapy (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
MicroRNA mutational analysis in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Wnt/PCP pathway regulates B-cell migration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts to cardiomyocytes (2011)
Analýza souboru pacientů s onemocněním vyvolaným toxinem Clostridium difficile hospitalizovaných na Klinice infekčních chorob v Brně v letech 2007-2010 (2011)
První zkušenosti s fekální bakterioterapií v léčbě relabující pseudomembranózní kolitidy způsobené Clostridium difficile (2011)
The logarithm of the triglyceride/HDL-cholesterol ratio is related to the history of cardiovascular disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (2012)
Clinicopathological correlations of nestin expression in surgically resectable pancreatic cancer including an analysis of perineural invasion (2011)
Honeybee digestive tract - source of probiotic microflora with unexplored healing potential (2011)
Kultivační stanovení bakterií Pectinatus v pivovarském provozu (2011)
Význam PCR detekce a kvantifikace herpetických virů v bronchoalveolární laváži imunokompromitovaných pacientů. (2011)
Bacteriocin genes among E. coli strains: the incidence depends on genotype and phenotype of E. coli strains (2011)
Mezidruhoví hybridi Trifolium pratense x Trifolium medium jako zdroj nové diverzity (2011)
Klinicko-patologické aspekty exprese nestinu v high-grade osteosarkomech (2011)
Early morphogenesis of heterodont dentition in minipigs (2010)
Development and regression of dental lamina in minipig embryos (2009)
Is the process of epithelio-mesenchymal transformation involved in the dental lamina regression? (2009)
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transformation During Tooth Development (2010)
Minipig as a suitable model for maxillofacial surgery (2010)
The pig as an animal model for experimental maxillo-facial surgery (2011)
Existuje u včely medonosné vztah mezi ovogenezí a odolností? (2011)
Mendelův včelín - první výzkumné včelařské pracoviště. (2011)
Identification of cells with cancer stem cell phenotype in rhabdomyosarcoma. (2011)
Zkušenosti s používáním bortezomibu (Velcade) v České republice od roku 2004 (2011)
Nucleosome Positioning Patterns Derived from Human Apoptotic Nucleosomes (2011)
On the Observable Transition to Living Matter (2011)
Studium metylačního stavu promotoru genu pro MGMT metodou high-resolution melting u pacientů s glioblastomem (2011)
Focused directed evolution: theoretical versus real effectiveness of a minimal setup and simple robust screening (2011)
Syntheses and reactivity of alkyl 1-[N-(2-chloro-5-nitro-phenyl)-benzimidoyl] thioureas (2012)
Double/Triple productive immunoglobulin rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Molekulárně-genetická diagnostika genodermatóz. (2011)
Unique Combination of 22q11 and 14qter Microdeletion Syndromes Detected Using Oligonucleotide Array-CGH (2012)
MicroRNAs and glioblastoma: roles in core signalling pathways and potential clinical implications (2011)
The initial experiences with detection of hTERC and MYCC genes in HPV positive cells in cervical carcinoma and cervical intraepithelial dysplasia using Vysis Cervical FISH Probe Kit (2011)
Amplification of hTERC (3q26) and MYCC (8q24) genes in correlation with oncogenic human papilloma virus infection in cervical cancer (2011)
Amplifikace genů hTERC (3q26) a MYCC (8q24)v buňkách napadených lidským papilloma virem (2011)
Regulatory Cells and Multiple Myeloma (2012)
Lung cancer risk attributable to occupational exposures in a multicenter case-control study in Central and Eastern Europe (2011)
Occupational exposure to metal compounds and lung cancer. Results from a multi-center case-control study in Central/Eastern Europe and UK (2011)
Antibodies against lytic and latent Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus antigens and lymphoma in the European EpiLymph case-control study (2011)
Genome-wide association study of HPV seropositivity (2011)
Gastric cancer in individuals with Li-Fraumeni syndrome (2011)
Body mass index and body size in early adulthood and risk of pancreatic cancer in a central European multicenter case-control study (2011)
A genome-wide association study of upper aerodigestive tract cancers conducted within the INHANCE consortium (2011)
Association of JAK-STAT pathway related genes with lymphoma risk: results of a European case-control study (EpiLymph) (2011)
A sex-specific association between a 15q25 variant and upper aerodigestive tract cancers (2011)
Occupational exposure to arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and nickel, and renal cell carcinoma: a case-control study from Central and Eastern Europe (2011)
Genome-wide association study of renal cell carcinoma identifies two susceptibility loci on 2p21 and 11q13.3 (2011)
On the origin and diffusion of BRCA1 c.5266dupC (5382insC) in European populations (2011)
Single nucleotide polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) and tumor protein 73 (TP73) interact with Epstein-Barr virus in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results from the European case-control study EpiLymph (2011)
Exposure to diesel motor exhaust and lung cancer risk in a pooled analysis from case-control studies in Europe and Canada (2011)
Comparison of exposure assessment methods for occupational carcinogens in a multi-centre lung cancer case-control study (2011)
A functional TNFRSF5 polymorphism and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a pooled analysis (2011)
The AIB1 gene polyglutamine repeat length polymorphism and the risk of breast cancer development (2011)
Prevence dědičného rizika nádorů prsu a ovaria (2011)
The distribution and spreading pattern of Dermacentor reticulatus over its threshold area in the Czech Republic -- how much is range of this vector expanding? (2011)
Absence of Lyme disease spirochetes in larval Ixodes ricinus ticks (2012)
An improved method for nematode infection assays in Drosophila larvae (2012)
Nádory centrální nervového systému u dětí. (2011)
Intracellular distribution of N-terminal isoforms of the p73 protein in medulloblastoma cell lines (2011)
Analysis of HGG-02 cell line with loss of EGFR gene copy derived from childhood glioblastoma multirme. (2011)
Sběry klíšťat v Brně v roce 2011 a analýza promořenosti klíšťat patogenními spirochétami (2012)
Centrosomal Disruption As Early Event in Myeloma Development (2011)
Regulatory T Cells Predicts Progression in Previously Untreated Myeloma Patients and Treatment by Cyclophosphamide, Thalidomide Plus Dexamethasone Reduces Regulatory T Cells (2011)
Changes in gene expression in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cell lines during induced differentation by combined treatment with all-trans retinoic acid LOX/COX inhibitors. (2011)
N-terminal P73 protein isoforms in medulloblastoma cell and their involvement in retinoic acid-induced differentation. (2011)
Nádory plexus choroideus u dětí a adolescentů (2010)
CD133 expression and identification of CD133/nestin positive cells in rhabdomyosarcomas and rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines (2011)
Nádory adolescentů a mladých dospělých (2011)
Jon Widom, the Scientist In Memoriam (2011)
Hematologie a transfuzní lékařství I (2011)
Bisprimer—A Program for the Design of Primers for Bisulfite-Based Genomic Sequencing of Both Plant and Mammalian DNA Samples (2012)
The effect of the swim-up and hyaluronan-binding methods on the frequency of abnormal spermatozoa detected by FISH and SCSA in carriers of balanced chromosomal translocations (2012)
Effect of fluoranthene on plant cell model: Tobacco BY-2 suspension culture (2012)
Nové prognostické biomarkery v terapii multiformního glioblastomu (2011)
Determination of eight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and in pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) extracts by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (2012)
Physiological responses of fluoranthene stressed pea plants (2012)
Uptake and transport of PAH fluoranthene in pea (2011)
The use of Lemna minor for evaluation of fluoranthene toxicity (2011)
Deletion of 9p associated with sex reversal: clinical and molecular-cytogenetic analysis of patients (2011)
Prognostic impact of p53 aberrations for R-CHOP-treated patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2011)
Morphology and anatomy of pea and maize roots exposed to organic pollutant (2011)
Early stages of plant ontogenesis in the environment treated by organic pollutant (2011)
Morphology of pea and maize roots in the presence of organic pollutant (2011)
Can organic pollutants influence the productivity of plants? (2011)
Mutace p53 - krok na cestě k nádoru (2011)
Effect of organic pollutant treatment on the growth of pea and maize seedlings (2012)
Understanding the effect of organic pollutant fluoranthene on pea in vitro using cytokinins, ethylene, ethane and carbon dioxide as indicators (2010)
Fluoranthene-induced production of ethylene and formation of lysigenous intercellular spaces in pea plants cultivated in vitro (2011)
Imunoregulační T lymfocyty a jejich ovlivnění léčbou u roztroušené sklerózy (2011)
Liquid chromatography with UV detection as a tool for simultaneous detection of nine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (2010)
Fluoranthene induces changes leading to programmed cell death (2010)
Optimization of method for rapid assay of influence of fluoranthene on cell (2010)
Congenital myotonia caused by mutation in the chloride channel ClC-1 in the South Moravian Region of Czech Republic (2011)
Vliv FLT na růst a vývoj rostlin hrachu a okurek (2011)
An atypical clinical course and molecular genetic finding in glioblastoma multiforme in a child (2011)
Influence of fluoranthene and flurochloridone on growth and production processes of pea (2011)
Chromatographic assay for evaluation of fluoranthene effect on plant cells (2010)
Effect of Mg2+ Binding on the Receiver Domain of the CKI1 Sensory Histidine Kinase from Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Spectrum of ClCN1 and SCN4A mutations in Czech patients with non-dystrophic myotonias (2011)
Effect of fluoranthene on model cell suspension culture of tobacco BY-2 (2010)
Mikroprostředí kostní dřeně a jeho role v patogenezi leukemií (2011)
Způsob detekce chromozomální translokace t(11;14)(q13;q32) a oligonukleotidy pro použití při tomto způsobu (2011)
Způsob diagnostiky invazivní aspergilózy a oligonukleotidy pro použití při tomto způsobu (2011)
Novel real-time PCR methods for detection and quantification of mucormycetes in clinical samples. (2011)
Multifunctional immune-modulatory protein HLA-E identified on both tumor cells and background microenvironment cells in classical Hodkgin lymphoma: Clinical implications. (2011)
Nádorová onemocnění mozku u dětí (2011)
Molekulární diagnostika genu RB1 u dětí s Retinoblastomeme. (2011)
Sixteen years and counting: the current understanding of fibroblast growth factorreceptor 3 (FGFR3) signaling in skeletal dysplasias. (2012)
Wax moth (Galleria mellonella) as a bio-indicator model in ecotoxicological studies on cadmium (2012)
High-grade prostate cancer vs. prostate cancer metastases: Difference in gene expression in cell lines (2011)
Vliv a funkce antimikrobiálních proteinů v bílku u prekociálních ptáků (2012)
The novel JAK inhibitor AZD1480 blocks STAT3 and FGFR3 signaling, resulting insuppression of human myeloma cell growth and survival. (2011)
Magnetic Hydrophilic Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-co-Glycidyl Methacrylate) Microspheres for DNA Isolation from Faeces (2012)
The antiapoptotic protein Api5 and its partner, high molecular weight FGF2, are up-regulated in B cell chronic lymphoid leukemia. (2007)
C-natriuretic peptide: an important regulator of cartilage. (2007)
Comparison of P19-derived neuroprogenitor and naive cell survival after intracerebellar application into B6CBA mice. (2011)
Simple, mammalian cell-based assay for identification of inhibitors of the ErkMAP kinase pathway. (2007)
Fibroblast growth factors 1, 2, 17, and 19 are the predominant FGF ligandsexpressed in human fetal growth plate cartilage. (2007)
Early cycling-independent changes to p27, cyclin D2, and cyclin D3 in differentiating mouse embryonal carcinoma cells. (2002)
Changes in the expression of FGFR3 in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia receiving transplants of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cells (2001)
Nálezy salmonel ve vepřovém mase a masných výrobcích (2011)
Dětská úrazovost v České republice v období let 2009 a 2010 (2011)
Physiological and proteomic approaches to evaluate the role of sterol binding in elicitin-induced resistance (2012)
Studium degradace kosterních pozůstatků pomocí infračervené spektrometrie (2011)
Funkčná analýza mikroRNA-21 na modely kolorektálného karcinomu. (2011)
Detection of metastatic spread to lymph nodes in primary tumors of colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles. (2011)
Antropogenetický výzkum slovanské populace ze Znojma - Hradiště (2011)
Metodika stanovení vlivu osmotického stresu na fyziologický stav pivovarských kvasinek a průběh hlavního kvašení (2012)
8-Oxoguanine in a quadruplex of the human telomere DNA sequence (2012)
Localization of the STAT3 binding site in the MDR1 enhanceosom (2011)
Commonly used ROS-sensitive fluorescent probes are substrates of ABC transporters (2011)
TGF-beta 1-Induced EMT of Non-Transformed Prostate Hyperplasia Cells Is Characterized by Early Induction of SNAI2/Slug (2011)
Kinetics of anaerobic elemental sulfur oxidation by ferric iron in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and protein identification by comparative 2-DE-MS/MS (2012)
TGF-beta1 suppresses IL-6-induced STAT3 activation through regulation of Jak2 expression in prostate epithelial cells (2010)
Dynamic Monitoring of Cellular Remodeling Induced by the Transforming Growth Factor-beta 1 (2009)
Kultura se šňůrovou keramikou v povodí říčky Hané na střední Moravě : pohřební areály z prostoru dálnice D1 v úseku Vyškov - Mořice a dalších staveb (2011)
Neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells - the role of LIF signaling (2009)
Notes on distribution of Bombus cryptarum (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Moravian territory (Czech Republic) and its laboratory rearing. (2011)
Trajectories and nuclear arrangement of PML bodies are influenced by A-type lamin deficiency (2012)
Zpracování dat z vysoce výkonných sekvenátorů (2011)
From the Interactome to the Functions: Functional Characterisation of Telomerase in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Intermolecular and Interdomain Interaction Analysis of Telomerase in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Monitoring vstavače trojzubého (Orchis tridentata) v Národní přírodní rezervaci Strabišov-Oulehla v období 1997–2010 (2011)
c-Myb regulates matrix metalloproteinases 1/9, and cathepsin D: implications for matrix-dependent breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis (2012)
Antropologická identifikace jedinců z hromadného hrobu (2012)
Porovnání výzkumu výplachů srdce a sér z hlodavců jako hostitelů patogenního mikroorganismu Borrelia burgdorferi (onemocnění lymeská borelióza) odchycených v CHKO Poodří v letech 2001–2 a 2010–11 (2011)
Decontamination kit Yperzyme (2011)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmxA (2011)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase Spur (2011)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DpcA (2011)
Sphingobium czechense LL01 sp. nov (2011)
Novosphingobium barchaimii LL02 sp. nov (2011)
Sphingobium baderi LL03 sp. nov (2011)
CAVER 3.0 (2011)
Fluorimetr pro biosensorové měření (2011)
HaloPen (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2012)
Exploration of Beer Proteome Using OFFGEL Prefractionation in Combination with Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis with Narrow pH Range Gradients (2012)
Method of Production of Optically Active Hydrocarbons and Alcohols Using Hydrolytic Dehalogenation Catalysed by Haloalkane Dehalogenases. (2009)
Clinical correlations of miR-21 expression in colorectal cancer patients and effects of its inhibition on DLD1 colon cancer cells (2012)
Klimatologické a glaciologické výzkumy na ostrově Jamese Rosse, Antarktida (2010)
Effects of histone deacetylases inhibitors on histone H4 acetylation state of MEC-1 cells (2011)
Occurrence of MRSA in raw milk in the Czech Republic (2010)
Identification and functional screening of microRNAs highly deregulated in colorectal cancer (2012)
Book Review: "John Turner and Gareth J. Marshall (2011): Climate Change in the Polar Regions. Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK. ISBN 978-0-521-85010-0, hardback, 448 pages." (2011)
Odezva antarktických extremofilních organismů na faktory prostředí studovaná v terénu a pomocí laboratorních experimentů. Přednášející: J. Hájek (2011)
Chirurgická léčba karcinomu prsu (2011)
MicroRNAs predict response to the neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer (2012)
Nitro-oleic acid attenuates the innate immune responses of macrophages stimulated with bacterial endotoxin. (2012)
Účinok hyperglykémie na aktivitu pentózového cyklu in vitro (2012)
Detection and measurement of fungal burden in a guinea pig model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis by novel quantitative nested real-time PCR compared with galactomannan and (1,3)-beta-D-glucan detection. (2012)
Analysis of the Nse3/MAGE-binding Domain of the Nse4/EID Family Proteins (2012)
Vybrané mikroRNA predikují odpověď na neoadjuvantní léčbu u pacientů s rektálním karcinomem. (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
The role of c-Myb in control of migration, invasiveness and death of colon carcinoma cells (2012)
Receptor tyrosine kinases activate canonical WNT/beta catenin signaling via MAP kinase/LRP6 pathway and direct beta-Catenin phosphorylation (2012)
Bent Bone Dysplasia-FGFR2 type, a Distinct Skeletal Disorder, Has Deficient Canonical FGF Signaling (2012)
Exome Sequencing Identifies PDE4D mutations in Acrodysostosis (2012)
Disruption of teeth eruption in piglets with cleft lip with/without cleft palate, (2009)
Charakteristika a výskyt defektní varianty Salmonella Infantis v České republice (2011)
Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5; AAC-11; FIF) is upregulated in human carcinomas in vivo (2012)
Souběžné stanovení vorikonazolu a posakonazolu v plazmě metodou HPLC (2012)
X-vázaný hyper-IgM syndrom. Pacienti v České republice a přehled literatury (2012)
p38 Inhibition ameliorates skin and skull abnormalities in Fgfr2 Beare-Stevenson mice. (2012)
Porovnávání aktivity a promořenosti klíšťat na Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato v jarních měsících 2010 s rokem 2011 na dvou lokalitách v Brně, testování repelentů (2012)
Studie dynamiky výskytu a pozitivity klíšťat na Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato za rok 2011 na parkové lokalitě v Brně. Vymezení rizika v průběhu roku (2012)
Nitro-fatty acids reduce atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. (2010)
The effects of H1-antihistamines on the nitric oxide production by RAW 264.7 cells with respect to their lipophilicity. (2009)
A myeloperoxidase promoter polymorphism is independently associated with mortality in patients with impaired left ventricular function. (2009)
Pathogenic cycle between the endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor asymmetrical dimethylarginine and the leukocyte-derived hemoprotein myeloperoxidase. (2011)
New role for L-arginine in regulation of inducible nitric-oxide-synthase-derived superoxide anion production in raw 264.7 macrophages. (2011)
The effect of hyperglycaemia on parameters affecting activity of pentose phosphate pathway in vitro (2012)
Cultivar Variability of Patatin Biochemical Characteristics: Table versus Processing Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) (2012)
Useful tools in revealing Salmonella outbreaks (2012)
Dynamic Evolution of Telomeric Sequences in the Green Algal Order Chlamydomonadales (2012)
Genomic diversity in two related plant species with and without sex chromosomes – Silene latifolia and S. vulgaris. (2012)
Novel classes of non-coding RNAs and cancer (2012)
Arrangement of nuclear structures is not transmitted through mitosis but is identical in sister cells (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
"ULTRA-DEEP" sekvenování identifikuje TP53 mutace před jejich klonální selekcí léčbou u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Analýza bodového polymorfismu SNP3 v genu MDM2 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Celluar communication in the pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Molekulárně-biologické přístupy mutační analýzy genu TP53 u onkologických pacientů. (2012)
Výskyt a typizace izolátů Listeria monocytogenes v syrovém kravském mléce odebraném na farmách a z prodejních automatů (2012)
Vaccination of chickens with Salmonella Pathogenicity Island (SPI) 1 and SPI2 defective mutants of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. (2012)
Cytokine signaling in splenic leukocytes from vaccinated and non-vaccinated chickens after intravenous infection with Salmonella enteritidis. (2012)
Sledování vybraných parametrů nespecifické imunity koček ve vztahu k určitým zoonózám (leptospiróza, borrelióza) (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2012)
Pletencová svalová dystrofie (2012)
Manažment facio-skapulo-humerálnej svalovej dystrofie na Slovensku - ako sme na tom? (2012)
MiR-34b is associated with clinical outcome in triple-negative breast cancer patients. (2012)
MAGE proteiny jako kofaktory buněčných procesů (2012)
Identification of MicroRNAs associated with early relapse after nephrectomy in renal cell carcinoma patients (2012)
MikroRNA asociované s časným relapsem po nefrektomii u pacientů s renálním karcinomem. (2012)
Cirkulující miRNA v séru pacientů s renálním karcinomem jako potenciální biomarkery. (2012)
HLA-G a HLA-E konotují protichůdný prognostický význam u karcinomu ledviny: HLA-E funguje kontraintuitivně k pT stadiu, Fuhrmannové jadernému gradingu a prognóze. Možné implikace pro imunoterapii. (2012)
MikroRNA jako nové prognostické markery časného metastazování po nefrektomii. (2011)
Analýza expresních profilů mikroRNA za účelem identifikace nových prognostických markerů časného metastazování po nefrektomii (2010)
Identifikace a funkční analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s renálním karcinomem. (2011)
MicroRNA in renal cell carcinoma – potential marker for prediction of early metastasis after nephrectomy. (2011)
Expression Levels of Transcribed Ultraconserved Regions uc.73 and uc.388 Are Altered in Colorectal Cancer (2012)
Multifunctional immune-modulatory protein HLA-E identified in classical Hodgkin lymphoma: Possible implications (2012)
Regulation of cathepsin D and MMP1/9 by c-Myb is a novel mechanism of the matrix-specific breast cancer cell invasion (2012)
Defektní sérotypy rodu Salmonella na území České republiky (2012)
Liší se prevalence klíšťat na Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato na dvou rozdílných lokalitách na území města Brna? (2012)
Nestin expression in high-grade osteosarcomas and its clinical significance (2012)
MicroRNAs Biogenesis, Function and Decay (2012)
Methods for MicroRNAs Discovery and Detection (2012)
MicroRNAs and Lung Cancer (2012)
MicroRNAs and Prostate Cancer (2012)
MicroRNAs and Glioblastoma (2012)
MicroRNA and Glial Tumors: Tiny Relation with Great Potential (2012)
Expression of miR-106b in clear cell renal cell carcinoma is a potential marker for prediction of early metastasis after nephrectomy. (2010)
MiR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 expression levels and MGMT methylation status are associated with clinical outcome in glioblastoma patients. (2011)
Significance of selected microRNAs in renal cell carcinoma. (2010)
MicroRNA profiling in predictive oncology of colorectal cancer. (2010)
Stanovení polymorfizmů v genech pro gluthathion-S-transferázy v souvislosti s chemoprotektivním účinkem fytochemikálií zeleniny rodu Brassica a jejich vliv na riziko kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Stanovení jednonukleotidových polymorfizmů (SNP) v miR-196-a2, miR-27a a miR-146a a jejich vliv na riziko kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Nekódující RNA u nádorových onemocnění. (2011)
Exprese miR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 a metylační status MGMT promotoru koreluje s klinickou odpovědí u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem. (2011)
Studium vybraných transkribovaných ultrakonzervovaných regionů (T-UCR) u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem (2011)
Identifikace a funkční analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s renálním karcinomem. (2011)
Polymorfismy v genech pro glutathion S-transferázy (GSST1, GSTM1, GSTP1 a GSTA1) a riziko kolorektálního karcinomu v české populaci. (2011)
Studium metylačního stavu promotoru genu pro MGMT metodou high-resolution melting u pacientů s glioblastomem. (2011)
Analýza vybraných mikroRNA u glioblastomových kmenových buněk. (2012)
Vliv anti-miR-21 na glioblastomové buněčné linie A172 a T98G (2011)
Nové prognostické biomarkery v terapii multiformního glioblastomu. (2011)
MiRNA-181b and miRNA-181c expression levels may predict survival and response to concomitant chemoradiotherapy with temozolomide in glioblastoma patients. (2011)
Epidemiological, genetic, histological and clinical aspects of triple-negative breast cancers in population of Czech women. (2011)
Antiviral effect of HPMPC (Cidofovir), entrapped in cationic liposomes: In vitro study on MDBK cell and BHV-1 virus. (2012)
Enhancement of immune response towards non-lipidized Borrelia burgdorferi recombinant OspC antigen by binding onto the surface of metallochelating nanoliposomes with entrapped lipophilic derivatives of norAbuMDP. (2012)
Interspecific differences in cryoresistance of lichen symbiotic algae of genus Trebouxia assessed by cell viability and chlorophyll fluorescence. (2012)
Electrochemical analysis of PCR amplicons with incorporated 7-deazapurines (2012)
Serum miR-29a as a Marker of Multiple Myeloma (2013)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky (2012)
Delta Np63 transcriptionally regulates ATM to control p53 Serine-15 phosphorylation (2010)
Enterococcus spp. associated with plants (2012)
Aquitalea peloides sp. nov., isolated from mineral peloids (2012)
Fatální septikémie u člověka vyvolaná Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus (2012)
Response of normal vs. cancer colon cells to short- and long-chain fatty acids (2008)
Modulation of the effects of apoptotic inductors from the TNF family by dietary lipid components (2008)
Mitochondrial pathway in apoptotic and differentiation response of human colon cells to dietary fatty acids and TNF family cytokines (2009)
Food strategies in Central Moravia (Czech Republic) during Final Eneolithic : a case study of Corded Ware culture communities (2012)
Extreme Environments on Earth as Analogues for Life on Other Planets: Astrobiology (2012)
Jan Gloser sedmdesátiletý (2012)
Indikace dopadů stresu na vitalitu in-vitro kultivovaných rostlin pomocí pokročilých metod fluorescence chlorofylu (2011)
A simple and cost-effective cover-glass test for the differentiation between staphylococci and micrococci in clinical laboratory (2012)
Production of biogenic amines by lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria isolated from dairy products and beer (2012)
Occurrence and species distribution of strictly anaerobic bacterium Pectinatus in brewery bottling halls (2012)
Základní metodické přístupy ve studiu mikroRNA (2012)
MikroRNA jako terapeutické cíle (2012)
MikroRNA u karcinomu plic (2012)
MikroRNA u maligního melanomu (2012)
MikroRNA u multiformního glioblastomu (2012)
Recruitment of Oct4 protein to UV-damaged chromatin in embryonic stem cells. (2011)
Tumor-specific histone signature and DNA methylation in multiple myeloma and leukemia cells. (2012)
An effect of histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat on epigenetics of multiple myeloma and leukemia cells (2012)
Izolát proteinů z brambor s antimikrobiální účinností (2012)
Problematika identifikace průmyslových kmenů kvasinek (2012)
New biotechnological products - sanitary napkins with probiotics (2012)
Skin Lesions in a Boy With X-linked Lymphoproliferative Disorder: Comparison of 5 SH2D1A Deletion Cases (2012)
Metronomic Chemotherapy with the COMBAT Regimen in Advanced Pediatric Malignancies: A Multicenter Experience (2012)
MikroRNA v onkologii (2012)
Transactivation and reactivation capabilities of temperature-dependent p53 mutants in yeast and human cells (2012)
Poznámky k přednáškám z molekulární a experimentální embryologie (2012)
MicroRNAs Regulate p21(Waf1/Cip1) Protein Expression and the DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2012)
Alignment of cattle: replication study (2012)
Akt expression and compartmentalization in prediction of clinical outcome in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab. (2012)
Serine phosphorylation and proline isomerization in RNAP II CTD control recruitment of Nrd1 (2012)
The Influence of FGF Inhibitors on The Formation of Mesenchymal Condensation During Chondrogenesis (2012)
Human Escherichia coli strains of different geographical and time source: bacteriocin types and their gene sequences are population-specific (2012)
The molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic: Spectrum of LDLR mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations (2012)
C-terminal extension of telomerases: structural and functional analysis (2011)
MicroRNAs regulate P21WAF1 / CIP 1 protein expression and the DNA damage response in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) (2012)
Vybrané kazuistiky nádorů u adolescentů a mladých dospělých (2012)
Redox State Alters Anti-Cancer Effects of Wedelolactone (2012)
Microarray analýza regionalizace dolní čelisti u myši (2012)
Dlouhé nekódující RNA a jejich význam u nádorových onemocnění (2012)
Knockdown of apoptosis-inducing factor disrupts function of respiratory complex I (2012)
Sanguilutine induces caspase-independent type of cell death modulated by autophagy (2012)
P38 MAPK inhibitors cooperates with endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducing agents to promote apoptosis and modulate ERK pathway activity in melanoma cells (2012)
Anthropological Analysis of Skeletal Remains Found in Ossuary in Budišov nad Budišovkou (2012)
Application of immobilized RNases in molecular biology and biotechnology (2012)
The BRCA1 alternative splicing variant delta14-15 with an in-frame deletion of part of the regulatory serine-containing domain (SCD) impairs the DNA repair capacity in MCF-7 cells (2012)
Sequestration of MBNL1 in tissues of patients with myotonic dystrophy type 2 (2012)
Higher-order chromatin structure in DSB induction, repair and misrepair (2010)
Repair mechanisms of DNA double-strand breaks – Biochemical and Spatio-Temporal Aspects (2012)
Function of Chromatin Structure and Dynamics in DNA Damage, Repair and Misrepair; in press (2012)
The role of higher-order chromatin structure and nuclear topography in DSB induction, repair and chromatin translocation (2009)
The role of chromatin structure in DNA damage and its monitoring (2009)
Induction and repair of DNA double-strand breaks in the context of higher-order chromatin structure. (2010)
Higher-order chromatin structure in DNA double-strand break induction, repair and formation of chromosomal translocations. (2011)
Higher-order chromatin structure in DNA double-strand break induction, repair and formation of chromosomal translocations (2011)
Function of chromatin structure and dynamics in DNA damage, repair and misrepair. (2011)
Current detection possibilities of unstable alleles in the myotonic dystrophy and Huntington's disease loci (2011)
Induction, repair and misrepair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the context of higher-order chromatin structure (2011)
Spatio-Temporal Aspects of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair and Formation of Chromosomal Translocations (2011)
Detection of enterotoxinogenic genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bulk tank cows milk samples in the Czech Republic (2012)
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Fetal Tissues from a Family Affected by Myotonic Dystrophy (2012)
Phosphoproteomic approach for analysis of plant hormonal regulations (2011)
Phosphoproteomics as a tool to reveal hormone regulations in plants (2012)
Repeated fluorescence in situ hybridization and its applications in human genome studies. (2002)
Determination of CTG repeats: Unstable alleles in Myotonic Dystrophy locus. (2002)
Methodological possibilities for the determination of the number of CTG/CAG repeats in triplet repeat units of the human genome. (2003)
Large-scale organization of human genome and chromosomal territories in the nucleus of normal and cancer cells and its functional implications. (2003)
Detailed studies of the 3D structure of chromosome territories. (2003)
New trends in molecular diagnostics and pathogenesis of myotonic dystrophy. (2005)
Nové možnosti molekulární diagnostiky myotonické dystrofie. (2005)
Changes of nuclear architecture and chromatin structure induced by PML/RARa fusion protein in APL leukemic cells. (2005)
Methylation of histones in myeloid leukemias as a potential marker of granulocyte abnormalities, (2005)
Alu mediated regulation of clusters of target genes by Retinoic Acid Receptor (RAR) and its oncogenic variant PML/RAR. (2005)
High-Resolution cytometry represents the main technology used in the laboratory of molecular cytology and cytometry. (2006)
Nuclear Organization and Dynamics of the DSB-repair: Direct Visualization of Double Strand Breaks in Functionally Different Chromatin Domains. (2007)
FISH analýza tkání fetu postiženého kongenitální myotonickou dystrofií. (2007)
Local changes of higher-order chromatin structure during DSB-repair. (2007)
RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of fetal tissues from a family affected by myotonic dystrophy – A case report. (2007)
RNA fluorescence in situ hybriddization analysis of fetal tissues from a family affected by myotonic dystrophy. (2008)
Different sensitivity and response of functionally distinct chromatin domains to DSB induction. (2008)
Direct visualization of DSB induction and repair in gene dense (RIDGE) and gene poor (anti-RIDGE) chromatin domains. (2008)
DSB damage in structurally and functionally distinct higher-order chromatin domains – relationship between nuclear architecture, DSB induction and repair. (2010)
Spatio-temporal questions of DNA double-strand break repair and formation of chromosomal translocations. (2011)
Insulin receptor splicing in human adipose tissue of patients with DM2. (2011)
Comparison of DNA gH2AX/53BP1 foci formation, nuclear distribution and DNA double-strand break repair for skin fibroblasts and lymphocytes either irradiated with gamma-rays or incubated with hydrogen peroxide. (2012)
Chromatin Changes during DSB repair in euchromatin and heterochromatin. (2012)
DNA double-strand break repair in the context of higher-order chromatin structure. (2012)
Unwinding of synthetic replication and recombination substrates by Srs2 (2012)
Dental abrasion on Old Slavonic populations (2012)
Tick-borne viruses in Europe (2012)
Characterization of Rabensburg virus, a flavivirus closely related to West Nile virus of the Japanese encephalitis antigenic group (2012)
A real-time (PCR) for a real life ...? Quantitative evaluation of BCL2/IGH in follicular lymphoma and its implications for clinical practice (2012)
Developmental silencing of the AtTERT gene is associated with increased H3K27me3 loading and maintenance of its euchromatic environment (2012)
Three TERT genes in Nicotiana tabacum (2012)
HMGB1 gene knockout in mouse embryonic fibroblasts results in reduced telomerase activity and telomere dysfunction (2012)
Screening a cDNA Library for Protein-Protein Interactions Directly in Planta (2012)
3D reconstructions of dental lamina development in heterodont dentition (2010)
The Use of Magnetic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microspheres for Separation of DNA from Probiotic Dairy Products (2012)
The inducible increase or decrease in endogenous cytokinin levels has both specific and overlapping effects on proteome and metabolome of Arabidopsis (2012)
Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes (2012)
ERIC recommendations on TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Isolation of DNA from probiotic products using solid carriers (2011)
Využití fluorescencní mikroskopie pri kvantifikaci bakterií ve vodách (2011)
WWOX, a new potential tumor suppressor gene. (2007)
Triple-negativní karcinom prsu: analýza souboru pacientek diagnostikovaných a/nebo léčených v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu v letech 2004 až 2009 (2012)
Human adult Treg microRNA signature: the role of microRNA-31 in FOXP3 regulation. (2011)
Altered glutathione pool in response to short-term high light stress: Is there any interspecific difference in extremophilic lichens? (2012)
Monitoring prevalence patogenu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl) na různých lokalitách se zaměřením na klíšťata (Brno) a na volně žijící hlodavce a jejich roztoče (Poodří, Moravský kras) (2012)
Borelie v klíšťatech v Brně a prevence nemocí přenášených klíšťaty (2012)
Zmeny v genetickej výbave kmeňov E. coli izolovaných od pacientov s diagnostikovaným ochorením tráviacej sústavy. (2012)
New antibacterial substance produced by Escherichia coli O104:H4. (2012)
Diverzita kmeňov Escherichia coli izolovaných od pacientov s ochoreniami gastrointestinálneho traktu. (2012)
Roscovitine-induced apoptosis of H1299 cells depends on functional status of p53 (2012)
The Relationship between PAX9 Gene Mutations and Tooth Agenesis in Czech Population (2012)
Content of biogenic amines and polyamines in beers from the Czech Republic (2012)
Two years experience with CF newborn screening in University Hospital Brno (2012)
Drosophila immune responses against entomopathogenic nematodes (2012)
Eicosanoids mediate hemolymph oxidative and antioxidative response in larvae of Galleria mellonella (2012)
Detection of the mutation D1152H in the CFTR gene in University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic (2012)
An interesting case of an developmental defect of the spine in an archaeological context (2012)
Glutathione and other antioxidative substances as bioindicators of short- and long-tem responses of in vitro cultivated orchids to high radiation stress (2012)
Patogenność różnych gatunków nicieni owadobójczych (EPNs) u D. melanogaster oraz G. mellonella (2012)
A combined approach for the study of histone deacetylase inhibitors (2012)
Economic analysis of recombinant activated factor VII versus plasma-derived activated prothrombin complex concentrate in mild to moderate bleeds: Haemophilia registry data from the Czech Republic (2012)
Epidemie salmonelóz v ČR v roce 2011 (2012)
The seasonal changes of innate immunity of tench, Tinca tinca (L.) with different ploidy level (2012)
Escherichia coli K-12 (pEGFPluxABCDEamp): a tool for analysis of bacterial killing by antibacterial agents and human complement activities on a real-time basis (2012)
La Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Qípar en Caravaca de la Cruz y La Sima de Las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo en Torre Pacheco: Dos ventanas sobre la vida y la muerte del Hombre Fósil en Murcia (2012)
Possibilities of determination of blood groups from historical human remains. Contribution to archeological and anthropologic research (2012)
Nálezy neandrtálců ve Španělsku a jejich kosterní morfologie v eurasijském kontextu (2011)
Blood groups analyses in historical anthropology: Serological versus molecular biological approaches (2012)
Biofilm formation of beer-spoiling microorganisms (2011)
Adhesion of beer-spoiling microorganisms to solid surfaces (2012)
Adhezní vlastnosti anaerobních kontaminantů v pivovarství (2012)
Adhezní vlastnosti anaerobních kontaminantů piva rodu Pectinatus a Megasphaera (2012)
Alterations of the Hsp70/Hsp90 chaperone and the HOP/CHIP co-chaperone system in cancer. (2012)
Growth/differentiation factor-15: prostate cancer suppressor or promoter? (2012)
Hsp90 - cíl protinádorové terapie (2011)
Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. dhakensis - a causative agent of gastroenteritis imported into the Czech Republic (2012)
Removal of heavy metals from wastewater by a Rhodococcus sp. bacterial strain (2012)
Genetická struktura populací blešivce potočního (Gammarus fossarum) v prameništích moravskoslovenského pomezí (2012)
Molekulární vlastnosti imunoglobulinů a jejich význam v klonální evoluci chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2012)
Mutation status of ATM gene in CLL patients harboring deletion 11Q or TP53 defect (2012)
Inhibice kinázy Chk1 senzitivuje buňky leukemií a lymfomů s mutacemi p53 na chemoterapeutika (2012)
Mutační stav genu ATM u CLL pacientů nesoucích deleci 11q nebo defekty v genu TP53 (2012)
Detailed mutational analysis of TP53 gene reveals high INCI-dence of additional minor proportion mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2012)
P53 mutations affecting DNA-binding have prominent impact on survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Functionally active myeloid-derived suppressor cells are increased after lenalidomide plus dexamethasone treatment in previously untreated multiple myeloma patients (2012)
Clinical implication of centrosome amplification and expression of centrosomal functional genes in MM (2012)
Determining of molecular signature for centrosome abnormalities in multiple myeloma (2012)
Flow cytometry as a predictive tool for transpormation of MGUS into MM (2012)
High levels of neural stem cell marker nestin are associated with 1q21 gain and predict whorse reposnse to conventional and novel therapy in multiple myeloma (2012)
Flow cytometry-based enumeration and functional characterization of a novel regulatory cell expressing CD8 phenotype from multiple myeloma patients (2012)
Advantages od polychromatic flow cytometry in monitoring of minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma (2012)
Uplatnění průtokové cytometrie v diagnostice hereditární sférocytózy (2012)
Uplatnění polychromatické průtokové cytometrie při stanovení minumální reziduální nemoci u mnohočetného myelomu (2012)
Functionally suppressive CD8 T regulatory cells are elevated in multiple myeloma patients: a detailed phenotypic, molecular and functonal characterization (2012)
Analýza B lymfocytů a plazmocytů u mnohočetného myelomu (2012)
Význam array-CGH u MGUS (2012)
Fluorescenčně aktivovaná separace buněk – optimální technika pro získání dostatečného počtu plazmatických buněk pro molekulárně cytogenetické vyšetření chromozomových abnormalit u osob s monoklonální gamapatií nejasného významu (2012)
Využití Exon/SNP6 mikročipů v celogenomové analýze u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2012)
Flowcytometrie u monoklonálních gamapatií - zasedání pracovní skupiny (2012)
Flowcytometrická analýza B lymfocytů a plazmocytů u monoklonálních gamapatií (2012)
Co přineslo první sekvenování genomu u mnohočetného myelomu? (2012)
Bone marrow plasma cell separation - validation of separation algorithm (2012)
A comparasion of Salmonella occurence in pork meat and meat products (2011)
Application of panfungal PCR assays for detection of fungal DNA in galactomannan positive BAL samples and in tissue specimens from immunocompromised patients. (2012)
Přenesení t(11;14) pozitivních buněk alogenní transplantací kostní dřeně: 10-letá cesta k mantle cell lymfomu (2012)
Preemptivní imunoterapie molekulárního relapsu u pacientů s mantle cell lymfomem (2012)
Dynamika BCL2/IGH a vztah molekulární a klinické aktivity u folikulárního lymfomu (2012)
Prediktivní a prognostický význam mutací v genechTP53 a ATM u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Characterization of Chicken Spleen Transcriptome after Infection with Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis (2012)
Enterococcus plantarum sp. nov., isolated from plants (2012)
Use of the manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase gene sodA for rapid identification of recently described enterococcal species (2012)
Enterococcus rivorum sp. nov., from water of pristine brooks (2012)
Nálezy vybraných patogenů u drůbeže z tržní sítě (2012)
CAVER 3.0: A Tool for the Analysis of Transport Pathways in Dynamic Protein Structures (2012)
Clinical implication of centrosome amplification and expression of centrosomal functional genes in multiple myeloma (2012)
Plasma cell phenotype in multiple myeloma - retrospective data analysis (2012)
Complex karyotype and translocation t(4;14) define patients with high-risk newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: results of CMG2002 trial (2012)
Induction by lenalidomide and dexamethasone combination increases regulatory cells of patients with previously untreated multiple myeloma (2012)
Identifikace průmyslových kmenů kvasinek (2012)
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen Usnea antarctica. I. Light intensity- and light duration-dependent changes in functioning of photosystem II (2012)
Interspecific differences in photosynthetic efficiency and spectral reflectance in two Umbilicaria species from Svalbard during controlled desiccation (2012)
Comparative analysis of temperature courses in Antarctic lakes of different morphology: Study from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2011)
Summer season variability of dissolved oxygen concentration in Antarctic lakes rich in cyanobaterial mats (2011)
Indikace dopadů stresu na vitalitu in-vitro kultivovaných rostlin pomocí pokročilých metod fluorescence chlorofylu (2011)
Glutation jako marker fotoxidativního stresu u rostlin vystavených různým intenzitám záření. In-vitro studie. (2011)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies in the Czech and Slovak republics: Fungal InfectioN Database (FIND) analysis, 2005-2009 (2013)
Micafungin as empirical antifungal therapy in hematological patients: a retrospective, multicenter study in the Czech and Slovak Republics (2013)
Inhibice adheze závislé na integrinech jako přístup pro překonání rezistence k rituximabu u b-buněčných lymfomů. (2012)
Efektivita protokolu FLAMSA-RIC s následnou alogenní transplantací u 60 pacientů s rizikovou AML (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2012)
Mutace T315I je nejvýznamnějším faktorem pro regresi onemocnění u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií rezistentních na terapii tyrozin kinázovými inhibitory (2012)
Detekce minimální zbytkové nemoci u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií průtokovou cytometrií a RQ-PCR (2012)
Výskyt monofazické varianty Salmonella 9,12:l,v:- v České republice (2012)
Molekulárně genetické aspekty klonální evoluce chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Úloha microRNA v regulaci signalizace přes b-buněčný receptor a jejich vztah k patogenezi chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2012)
Detekce klonální selekce u CLL pacientů pomocí ultra-deep sekvenování (2012)
Tumor dynamics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with multiple productive IGHV-IGHD-IGHJ rearrangement (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Clonal selection of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia detected by ultra-deep pyrosequencing (2012)
Genomic copy number alternations in high-risk CLL patients harboring TP53 defects: insights from consecutive investigations (2012)
Srovnávací proteomická analýza krevní plazmy pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem léčených režimy s bortezomibem (2012)
Úloha chromozomových aberací v patogenezi monoklonální gamapatie nejasného významu (2012)
Invazívna mykóza spôsobená Trichosporonom asahii (2012)
Invazívna mykóza gastrointestinálného traktu (2012)
Kultivační půda pro kultivaci a identifikaci bakterií rodu Pectinatus a způsob odběru stěrů odběrovými tyčinkami (2012)
Analýza moderních prognostických faktorů na buněčné a molekulární úrovni určujících riziko transformace monoklonální gamapatie nejasného významu do mnohočetného myelomu (2012)
Pravidla pro přepravu mikroorganismů (2012)
Cladribine therapy in 2 patients with Erdheim-Chester disease (2011)
Lenalidomide proved effective in a patient with relapsing multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis (2011)
Measuring diffuse metabolic activity on PET/CT as a new method for evaluating pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis activity (2011)
Screening methicilin-rezistentních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus, vankomycin-rezistentních enterokoků a enterobaktérií s produkcí širokospektrých beta-laktamáz na hematoonkologických odděleních. Doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL. (2012)
Laboratorní záchyt toxigenních kmenů Cd (Clostridium difficile), epidemiologická opatření a antibiotická léčba CDI (Clostridium difficile Infection) na hematoonkologických odděleních. Doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL. (2012)
Když sama, tak s kompasem : poziční chování dobytka (2012)
Stacking Interactions between Carbohydrate and Protein Quantified by Combination of Theoretical and Experimental Methods (2012)
Synergism of the Two Myb Domains of Tay1 Protein Results in High Affinity Binding to Telomeres* (2012)
Major clonal lineages in impetigo Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in Czech and Slovak maternity hospitals (2012)
Characteristics and distribution of plasmids in a clonally diverse set of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (2012)
Efficient transfer of antibiotic resistance plasmids by transduction within methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 clone (2012)
Bacteriophages of Staphylococcus aureus efficiently package various bacterial genes and mobile genetic elements including SCCmec with different frequencies (2013)
Molekulárně biologická charakterizace tří ETA bakteriofágů kmenů Staphylococcus aureus izolovaných v českých nemocnicích (2012)
Functionally suppressive CD8 T regulatory cells are increased in patients with multiple myeloma: a cause for immune impairment (2012)
Increased T regulatory cells are associated with adverse clinical features and predict progression in multiple myeloma. (2012)
Different immune response of pigs to Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis infection (2012)
Potential biomarkers for early detection of acute graft-versus-host disease (2012)
Additional genetic abnormalities significantly worsen poor prognosis associated with 1q21 amplification in multiple myeloma patients (2013)
Combining fluorescent in situ hybridization data with ISS staging improves risk assessment in myeloma: an International Myeloma Working Group collaborative project (2013)
Monitoring prevalence patogenu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (bbsl) a Leptospira interrogans s.l. na různých lokalitách se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce a jejich roztoče (Poodří, Moravský kras) (2012)
SH3b cell wall binding domain of bacteriophage 812 endolysin: Cloning, expression and structure determination (2012)
Identification of clinical isolates from the genus Staphylococcus by MALDI-TOF MS and conventional phenothypic methods (2012)
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus and S. aureus SCV isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis (2012)
Genotypic characterization of four major clonal lineages of impetigo Staphylococcus aureus strains (2012)
Detection and quantification of Staphylococcus aureus genes and mobile genetic elements within bacteriophage particles by qPCR (2012)
Structural characterization of Staphylococcus epidermidis peptidoglycan (2012)
Výskyt trpasličích (SCV) Staphylococcus aureus u pacientů s cystickou fibrózou (2012)
A familial case of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins supports paternal imprinting of FOXF1 in human (2013)
Prevalence klíšťat na parkových lokalitách v Brně v roce 2011, v roce nejvyššího výskytu nemocnosti LB v Brně i ČR (2012)
Pulsed Vector Magnetic Potential Field Existence (2012)
MicroRNA expression profile associated with response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer patients. (2012)
MiR-210 expression in tumor tissue and in vitro effects of its silencing in renal cell carcinoma (2013)
Pokus o intaktní vyzvednutí kosterních pozůstatků pro účely genetických analýz (2012)
Application of Molecular Genetic Methods in Anthropological and Paleodemographic Studies of Fragmentary and Damaged Skeletal Material from Rescue Excavations (2012)
Specific p53 mutations do not impact results of alemtuzumab therapy among patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Transfer of humoral and cell-mediated immunity via colostrum in pigs (2011)
Impact of maternally-derived antibodies against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium on the bacterial load in suckling piglets (2012)
Analysis of chromosomal abnormalities in phenotypically normal plasma cells detected by I-FISH in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (2012)
T315I mutations are clustered with advanced phases contrary to other aberrations in CML patients resistant to TKI therapy (2012)
Deep sequencing identifies TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Fenylketonurie jako konformační onemocnění - diagnostika a možnost léčby (2012)
Molecular genetic diagnostics of myotonia congenita and structural analysis of mutations in the CLCN1 gene (2012)
Defects of ATM gene involving mutation lead to complete elimination of ATM function in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Studium efektů missense mutací v enzymu PheOH pomocí teoretických metod (2012)
Whole-genome triplication and species radiation in the southern African tribe Heliophileae (Brassicaceae) (2012)
Phylogenetic analyses of ITS and rbcL DNA sequences for sixteen genera of Australian and New Zealand Brassicaceae result in the expansion of the tribe Microlepidieae (2012)
MikroRNA jako biomarkery a terapeutické cíle u high-grade gliomů (2012)
Význam dlouhých nekódujících RNA u nádorových onemocnění (2012)
Hladiny miR-210 v nádorové tkáni a funkční efekty jejího utlumení na buňky renálního karcinomu (2012)
Metodické aspekty analýzy extracelulárních mikroRNA v moči pro účely diagnostiky urologických nádorů (2012)
MikroRNA jako diagnostické a prognostické biomarkery renálního karcinomu (2012)
Molecular genetic diagnostics of myotonia congenita and analysis of the effects of mutations in the CLCN1 gene on the structure of the dimeric CIC1 chloride channel. (2012)
Vztah mezi mutacemi v genu pro MSX1 a agenezemi zubů v české populaci (2012)
Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of 15 slovak patients with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (2012)
The molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech republic: Spectrum of LDLR mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations (2012)
Spectrum of mutations identified in the cohort of Czech LGMD patients (2012)
Congenital muscular dystrophy with epidermolysis bullosa: A case report (2012)
MicroRNAs are promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets in high-grade gliomas (2012)
MicroRNAs in renal cell carcinoma (2012)
Remote ischaemic preconditioning in coronary artery bypass surgery: a meta-analysis (2012)
Sequence variants of the TNFRSF13B gene in Czech CVID and IgAD patients in the context of other populations (2012)
Epigenetic regulation of Nicotiana tabacum telomeres (2012)
Epigenetic state of plant telomeres. (2012)
Identification of lactobacilli isolated from food by genotypic methods and MALDI-TOF MS (2012)
Hybrid detectors improved time-lapse confocal microscopy of PML and 53BP1 nuclear body co-localization in DNA lesions (2013)
Yeast and its uses (2012)
Skin structure and hair morphology of different body parts in the Common Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) (2012)
Role of immunoglobuline molecules in leukemias and lymphoma (2012)
Treg profiles and tolerogenic dendritic cells in patients with type 1 diabetes (2010)
Vztah rodičovských genomů u mezidruhových hybridů Trifolium pratense x Trifolium medium (2012)
De novo assembly of Trifolium pratense genome. (2012)
Výsledky antropologické analýzy pohřebiště z Hoštic I (2012)
Demografická struktura mladohradištní fáze pohřebiště Diváky - Padělky za humny (2012)
Analýza stopových prvků v kosterním materiálu z mladohradištního období pohřebiště Diváky Padělky za humny (2012)
Rekonstrukce podoby některých pohřbených z mladohradištního pohřebiště u Divák (2012)
Hodnocení sérologických vlastností ABO systému u kosterních pozůstatků z mladohradištní fáze pohřebiště Diváky – Padělky za humny. (2012)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků z lokality Slatinky – Boří. (2012)
Antropologický rozbor kosterních pozůstatků z Prostějova-Čechůvek a Olomouce-Hejčína (2011)
Two new Tricladium species from streams in Alaska. (2012)
Cellular ATP changes in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cultures oxidizing ferrous iron and elemental sulfur (2013)
Development of a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measurement of serum CTRP1 A pilot study: Measurement of serum CTRP1 in healthy donors and patients with metabolic syndrome (2013)
Docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA) in the regulation of colon cell growth and cell death: A review (2012)
Cisplatin and a potent platinum(IV) complex-mediated enhancement of TRAIL-induced cancer cells killing is associated with modulation of upstream events in the extrinsic apoptotic pathway (2011)
Docosahexaenoic acid sensitizes colon cancer cells to apoptotic effect of TRAIL by modulation of lipid and apoptotic signalling pathways (2011)
TGF-beta 1 signaling plays a dominant role in the crosstalk between TGF-beta 1 and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand in prostate epithelial cells (2012)
Analyses of recombinant activated factor VII treatments from clinical practice for rapid bleeding and acute pain control in haemophilia patients with inhibitors (2012)
Dietary fatty acids modulate the effects of TNF family apoptic inducers (2009)
Modulation of TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand apoptosis in colon cancer cells by omega-3 docosahexaenoic fatty acid (2009)
Flow cytometric analysis of TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) internalization (2009)
Gene expression profiling of acute graft-vs-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (2012)
Characterization of Protein Glycosylation in Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica (2012)
Pletencová svalová dystrofie způsobená mutací genu pro anoctamin 5 (LGMD2L) (2012)
Evaluation of Immune Suppression in Multiple Myeloma Patients Treated with Lenalidomide Plus Prednisone and Lenalidomide Alone. (2012)
Extramedullary Relapse of Multiple Myeloma - Plasma Cells Characteristics. (2012)
Sperm meiotic segregation, aneuploidy and high risk of delivering an affected offspring in carriers of non-Robertsonian translocation t(13;15) (2012)
Differentiating between intra- and extracellular chemiluminescence in diluted whole-blood samples (2012)
Aktualizace v nabídce kontrolních kmenů CCM (2012)
Informed consent in health care (2011)
Typizace kmenů Plesiomonas shigelloides (2012)
Nabídka referenčních kmenů České sbírky mikroorganismů (2012)
Taxonomie a ekologie rodu Enterococcus (2012)
The unique role of dietary L-arginine in the acceleration of peritoneal macrophage sensitivity to bacterial endotoxin. (2013)
Syndrom fragilního chromozomu X - 10 let zkušeností s diagnostikou ve Fakultní nemocnici Brno (2012)
Molekulární diagnostika svalových kanalopatií - analýza genů CLCN1, SCN4A a CACNA1S. (2012)
Význam mutací v genech ATM a TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie - implikace pro terapii (2012)
Zavedení molekulární diagnostiky glykogenózy typu III, zajímavý případ uniparentální disomie (2012)
Staphylococcus petrasii sp. nov. including S. petrasii subsp. petrasii subsp. nov. and S. petrasii subsp. croceilyticus subsp. nov., isolated from human clinical specimens and human ear infections (2013)
Decrease in Abundance of apurinic/apyrimidinic Endonuclease Causes Failure of Base Excision Repair in Culture-Adapted Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2013)
Photosynthetic activity in three vascular species of Spitsbergen vegetation during summer season in response to microclimate (2012)
A test of Bombus terrestris cocoon and other common methods for nest initiation in B. lapidarius and B. hortorum (2012)
Zkušenosti s využitím čmeláka zemního (Bombus terrestris L., Apidae) ve šlechtění ozimné řepky (Brassica napus L.). (2012)
Aktivační nádoba pro čmeláky (2011)
Papilární nádor pineální oblasti u dítěte - kazuistika (2012)
Oral bacterial flora studied in old Slavonic populations from 9th century using analysis of dental calculus (2012)
Prey-race drives differentiation of biotypes in ant-eating spiders (2012)
The role of sterol binding and surface charge in elicitin-induced resistance (2011)
Gregarine cell cortex: What differs them from the other apicomplexans? (2011)
In vitro development of eugregarine gametocysts. (2011)
Detection of metal residues on bone using SEM-EDS. Part I: Blunt force injury. (2012)
Preferential binding of IFI16 protein to cruciform structure and superhelical DNA (2012)
A Single Mutation in a Tunnel to the Active Site Changes the Mechanism and Kinetics of Product Release in Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB (2012)
Biochemical Characterization of a Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase from a Cold-Adapted Bacterium (2012)
Superhelical DNA as a preferential binding target of 14-3-3 gamma protein (2012)
Conjugation of 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein and 5(6)-carboxynaphthfluorescein with bovine serum albumin and their immobilization for optical pH sensing (2012)
Detekce a identifikace původců mykotických infekcí způsobených vláknitými houbami pomocí metod molekulární genetiky (2012)
Invazivní mykotické infekce u imunokompromitovaných nemocných se zaměřením na aspergilózu a její původce (2012)
Archamoeba infection manifested by granulomatous inflammatory lesions in European tench, Tinca tinca (L.) (2012)
Stereotyped B-cell receptors in one-third of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a molecular classification with implications for targeted therapies (2012)
Fludarabine with cytarabine followed by reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with poor-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Mesalamine modulates intercellular adhesion intercellular adhesion through inhibition of p-21 activated kinase-1 (2013)
MicroRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: from causality to associations and back (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays; an ERIC-wide approach (2012)
Mutational analysis of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different methodological approaches (2012)
Inhibition of Chk1 kinase sensitizes leukemia and lymphoma cell lines with TP53 mutations to chemotherapy (2012)
The target genes and prognostic significance of Mir-150 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays, an ERIC-wide approach (2012)
Microrna-34a as a marker for fludarabine resistance and impairment of p53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Defects of ATM gene involving mutation lead to complete elimination of ATM function in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
A reappraisal of the biological and clinical implications of chromosomal translocations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Sequence variations in miRNA genes are common and may affect their expression in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Antigen receptor stereotypy across B-cell lymphoproliferations: the case of IGHV4-59/IGKV3-20 receptors with rheumatoid factor activity (2012)
Expansion of Microsatellites on Evolutionary Young Y Chromosome (2013)
Cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) as a Chemical Probe for Study of Guanine Substitution by 7-Deazaguanine in PCR Amplicons (2012)
Aeromonas cavernicola sp. nov., isolated from fresh water of a brook in a cavern (2013)
Lessons learned from 5 years of newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in the Czech Republic: 17-hydroxyprogesterone, genotypes, and screening performance (2012)
Rizikové faktory rekurentního a těžkého průběhu kolitidy vyvolané infekcí Clostridium difficile (2013)
SH3b cell wall binding domain of bacteriophage 812 endolysin (2012)
Vývoj čelistí a podstata souvisejících vývojových poruch (2013)
Funkce FGF při vývoji končetin (2012)
Jak vzniká obličej a co způsobuje poruchy jeho vývoje? (2012)
Diverzita kmeňov Escherichia coli izolovaných od pacientov s ochoreniami gastrointestinálneho traktu (2012)
Multidrug resistance-associated ABC transporters – too much of one thing, good for nothing (2012)
The PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway Controls the Quiescence of the Low-Rhodamine123-Retention Cell Compartment Enriched for Melanoma Stem Cell Activity (2013)
Imunitní systém včel a metody stanovení jednotlivých imunitních parametrů (2013)
Přirozená imunita ryb (2013)
Koagulace hemolymfy hmyzu a její úloha v imunitních reakcích (2013)
Metodika sledování vrozené imunity ptáků (2013)
Málo známé moruše a bourci (2012)
Integrovaný systém ochrany rostlin (2013)
Investigation of an autologous blood treatment strategy for temporomandibular joint hypermobility in a pig model (2013)
Program sledování mutací TP53 - spolupráce s vídeňskou akademií věd. (2012)
Korelace prognostických markerů LAG3, LPL a ZAP70 s mutačním stavem IGHV pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays; an eric-wide approach (2012)
Identifikace patogeneticky významných mutací u chronické lymfocytární leukemie pomocí "sekvenování nové generace" (2012)
Analýza IgVH u CLL - mezinárodní spolupráce, nové poznatky (2012)
Jak a kdy vyšetřovat p53 u CLL? (2012)
Centrum molekulární biologie a genové terapie IHOK LF MU a FN Brno - představení pracoviště (2012)
DNA diagnostika dědičných onemocnění (2012)
Nové genomické přístupy v onkologii (2012)
Invasive mould disease involving the gastrointestinal tract caused by Neosartorya pseudofischeri in a haematological patient (2013)
Onkologie (2012)
Early regression of the dental lamina underlies the development of diphyodont dentitions (2012)
Papilární nádor pineálního regionu u dítěte (2012)
Germinom mozku produkující choriogonadotropin jako příčina předčasné pseudopuberty u dítěte (2012)
Vliv anti-miR-21 na glioblastomové buněčné linie A172 a T98G (2012)
Analýza vybraných mikroRNA u glioblastomových kmenových buněk (2012)
Nádory CNS dětí do 3 let věku na KDO Brno v letech 1998 - 2010 (2012)
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy to treat hydrocephalus in children with brain tumours - a single centre experience (2012)
Genetické aspekty "idiopatických" epilepsií (2012)
Geneticky podmíněná autosomálně dominantní noční frontální epilepsie (2012)
Cancer as a metabolic disease and diabetes as a cancer risk? (2012)
Intraventrikulární tumory u dětí (2012)
Plektinopatie - vzácná příčina svalových onemocnění. Kasuistika (2012)
RECAMO- ...prostřednictvím výzkumu rakoviny k aplikované molekulární onkologii; kde, proč a jak (2012)
Spectrum of mutations identified in the cohort of Czech LGMD patients (2012)
Congenital muscular dystrophy with epidermolysis bullosa: A case report (2012)
Kvantifikace uhlíkaté výživy orchideje Serapias strictiflora a její mykorhizní houby Epulorhiza sp. (2008)
Efekt simulované eutrofizace na kompetici Serapias lingua a Plantago lanceolata (2008)
Inhibitory proteazomu v léčbě mnohočetného myelomu (2013)
Úloha kouření v epigenetické modifikaci fenotypu: nejnovější poznatky o patologických procesech vyvolaných kouřením (2013)
NMR Studies of the Receiver Domain of the CKI1 Sensory Histidine Kinase from Arabidopsis thaliana (2012)
Localization of c-MYB in differentiated cells during postnatal molar and alveolar bone development (2012)
Multifunkční imunomodulační proteiny HLA-E a HLA-G v klasickém Hodgkinově lymfomu: potenciální význam. (2012)
Gain(1)(q21) is an Unfavorable Genetic Prognostic Factor for Patients With Relapsed Multiple Myeloma Treated With Thalidomide but Not for Those Treated With Bortezomib (2013)
Root response in Pisum sativum and Zea mays under fluoranthene stress: Morphological and anatomical traits (2013)
Assessment of biochemical, physiological and histochemical characteristics in Lemna minor treated by fluoranthene (2013)
Plasmids carrying bla(CTX-M-1) and qnr genes in Escherichia coli isolates from an equine clinic and a horseback riding centre (2011)
The effect of cellular environment and p53 status on the mode of action of the platinum derivative LA-12 (2010)
Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Infective Endocarditis Involving Implantable Cardiac Devices (2012)
Novel pH dependent lectin from bioluminescent bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens (2012)
Metagenomic analysis of a southern maritime antarctic soil. (2012)
30. výročí narození prvního „dítěte zezkumavky v České republice (2012)
The effect of ploidy and temporal changes in the biochemical profile of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): a cyprinid fish species with dual reproductive strategies (2013)
Fungal Planet description sheets: 128–153 (2012)
NBS1 plays a synergistic role with telomerase inthe maintenance of telomeres in Arabidopsis thaliana (2012)
Author Response Definition of Life: Navigation through Uncertainties (2012)
Multiple levels of meaning in DNA sequences, and one more (2012)
Origin and evolution of genes and genomes. Crucial role of triplet expansions (2012)
Apoptotic cleavage of DNA in human lymphocyte chromatin shows high sequence specificity (2012)
Hustota stáda ovlivňuje severo-jižní alignment dobytka. (2013)
Magnetický alignment dobytka (2012)
Porovnání metody odhadu věku dožití podle obrusu zubů a kombinované metody u staroslovanských populací (2012)
Endoscopic Third Entriculostomy to Treat Hydrocephalus in Children with Brain Tumours (2012)
The Planar Cell Polarity Pathway Drives Pathogenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by the Regulation of B-Lymphocyte Migration (2013)
Pore water N:P and NH4 +:NO3 alter the response of Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima to extreme nutrient regimes (2013)
PX1 regulates protoxylem cell fate via RNA processing, (2012)
New protein-protein interaction in multistep phosphorelay system of Arabidopsis thaliana (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA57 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA61 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA63 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA80 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA82 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA85 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA88 (2012)
Proteome Analysis in Arabidopsis Reveals Shoot- and Root-Specific Targets of Cytokinin Action and Differential Regulation of Hormonal Homeostasis (2013)
Arabidopsis shoot and root respond differentially to cytokinins on the proteome, hormonal metabolism and signaling levels (2012)
Proteome regulation in Arabidopsis reveals shoot- and root specific effects of cytokinins on hormonal homeostasis (2012)
Differential proteome regulation in Arabidopsis identifies shoot- and root-specific targets of cytokinin action and reveals tissue specificity of cytokinin effects on hormonal homeostasis (2012)
Proteome regulation in Arabidopsis reveals shoot- and root-specific effects of cytokinins on hormonal homeostasis and cytokinin-ethylene signaling crosstalk (2012)
Invazívne mykotické infekcie u hematoonkologických pacientov – epidemiológia, rizikové faktory, klinické príznaky a diagnostika (2012)
Genetický marker RGH1aE1 pro rezistenci k původci padlí travního u ječmene (2012)
Retargeting a maize b-glucosidase to the vacuole – Evidence from intact plants that zeatin-O-glucoside is stored in the vacuole (2012)
Genetický marker RGH1aI1a pro rezistenci k původci padlí travního u ječmene (2012)
Genetický marker RGH1aE2a pro rezistenci k původci padlí travního u ječmene (2012)
Genetický marker RGH1aE2I2 pro rezistenci k původci padlí travního u ječmene (2012)
Wnt5a cooperates with canonical Wnts to generate midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vivo and in stem cells. (2013)
Tiam1 regulates the Wnt/Dvl/Rac1 signaling pathway and the differentiation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. (2013)
SFRP1 and SFRP2 dose-dependently regulate midbrain dopamine neuron development in vivo and in embryonic stem cells. (2012)
Způsob stanovení závažnosti a prognózy B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Biology of Immune Regulation in Multiple Myeloma : Evaluation of immune regulatory cells and their clinical significance in patients with multiple myeloma (2013)
Identification of cytokinin receptors of Brassica napus (2012)
Terénní studie vybraných biochemických a imunologických parametrů u ultra-vytrvalostních běžců na mistrovství ČR v běhu na 100km (2013)
Longitudiální sledování vybraných tréninkových, antropometrických, hematologických, biochemických a dalších parametrů u ultra-vytrvalostních cyklistů a běžců (2013)
Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Promote WNT/beta-Catenin Signaling via Phosphorylation of LRP6 (2011)
Exome capture reveals ZNF423 and CEP164 mutations, linking renal ciliopathies to DNA damage response signaling (2012)
The effects of histamine and 4-methyl-histamine on the oxidative burst of human leukocytes (2012)
Effect of serotonin and related tryptamines on the functional activity of murine phagocytes (2011)
The effects of serotonin and histamine on the functional activity of human leukocytes (2012)
Mutation analysis of RyR2 gene in patients after arrhythmic storm (2012)
The Marker Statistics’ Problem with Occurrence of Tested Phenomena's Outlying Behavior (2012)
Protein identification in biomarker discovery studies based on profiling of intact proteins: Why the challenge? Lesson gained from breast cancer tissues (2012)
Molekulární mechanismy metastazování u low-grade karcinomů prsu: Od proteomického profilování k funkční charakterizaci (2012)
Molecular players in lymph node metastasis of low grade breast cancer: From proteomics-based target discovery to functional characterization (2012)
Validation of prometastatic proteins in low-grade breast cancer by targeted mass spectrometry approach based on selected reaction monitoring (2012)
Transgelin, a protein associated with lymph node metastasis in breast cancer (2012)
Transgelin, an actin associated protein implicated in breast cancer (2012)
Verification of protein targets related to grade, lymph node and hormonal receptor status in breast cancer via selected reaction monitoring with mTRAQ labeling (2012)
Modulation of metabolic activity of phagocytes by antihistamines (2011)
Flavonoids inhibit the respiratory burst of neutrophils in mammals (2012)
Effects of histamine on oxidative burst in phagocytes (2013)
Maligní melanom léčený intenzivní chemoterapií, podobnost histologického obrazu maligního melanomu a nádorů měkkých tkání, kazuistika pacientky (2013)
Molekulárně biologická diagnostika mutací genu KRAS a BRAF u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem - zkušenosti laboratorního pracoviště (2013)
Vyšetření mutačního statut p53 v souboru pacientů s MDS před léčbou a v rámci terapie azacytidinem (2013)
Classification of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from Antarctic samples (2012)
Differential effects of indirubin and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) signalling in liver progenitor cells (2011)
The Interplay of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and β-Catenin Alters Both AhR-Dependent Transcription and Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Liver Progenitors (2011)
Temperature-dependent growth rate and photosynthetic performance of Antarctic symbiotic alga Trebouxia sp. cultivated in a bioreactor (2013)
Formation of Secretory Senescent Cells in Prostate Tumors: The Role of Androgen Receptor Activity and Cell Cycle Regulation (2013)
Automatic cell cloning assay for determining the clonogenic capacity of cancer and cancer stem-like cells (2013)
The outcome of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients who relapsed after fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (2013)
Differential effects of insulin and dexamethasone on pulmonary surfactant-associated genes and proteins in A549 and H441 cells and lung tissue (2013)
A combined immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometric approach to determine deltaNp63-interacting partners (2012)
p63 - An important player in epidermal and tumour development (2012)
A new set of antibodies recognizing p53 homologues, p63 and p73. (2011)
Taxonomická analýza zástupců rodu Serratia izolovaných z jeskynních vod Slovenského krasu (2012)
The role of p63 expression in human breast cancer cells (2012)
Biodegradation of a mixture of mononotrophenols in a packed-bed aerobic reactor (2013)
Old Red sandstone clasts´s modification in subglacial and proglacial environments of Hoerbyebreen and Bertilbreen polythermal glaciers, Svalbard (2013)
Is increased resistance of colorectal carcinoma cells to cytotoxic agents caused by the c-Myb-dependent activation of p38MAPK and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways? (2013)
Circulating miRNAs as new blood-based biomarkers for solid cancers (2013)
MicroRNAs involved in chemo- and radioresistance of high-grade gliomas (2013)
Neoadjuvantní chemoradioterapie v léčbě lokálně pokročilého adenokarcinomu rekta: výsledky z jednoho centra (2013)
Globální expresní analýza mikroRNA u párových vzorků glioblastomů a jejich relapsů (2013)
Možnosti využití některých mikroRNA u multiformního glioblastomu (2013)
Metodické aspekty analýzy extracelulárních mikroRNA v moči pro účely diagnostiky urologických nádorů (2013)
Analýza vybraných mikroRNA u glioblastomových kmenových buněk (2013)
Analýza mikroRNA asociovaných s procesem epiteliálně-mezenchymální tranzice jako potenciálních markerů pro predikci rizika a časný záchyt metastazování u pacientů s renálním karcinomem (2013)
Dlouhé nekódující RNA jsou slibnými biomarkery u nádorových onemocnění (2013)
MiR-215 expression in tumor tissue and in vitro effects of its replacement in colorectal cancer (2013)
Analysis of selected miRNAs in glioblastoma stem cells (2013)
Expression analysis of microRNAs in relation to the chemoradioresistance of glioblastoma (2013)
Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 1 increases sensitivity of v-myb transformed monoblasts to all-trans retinoic acid (2013)
High Frequency of Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of p53 in Glioblastoma (2013)
Microenvironment-dependent function of c-Myb in breast cancer: the focus on the tumor-endothelial cell interactions (2013)
Specific conditions of tumor microenvironment enhance cytotoxicity of disulfiram, tetrathiomolybdate and wedelolactone to breast cancer and neuroblastoma cells (2013)
Lysosomal pathway of the TRAIL-induced apoptosis in breast carcinoma cells-the role of the lysosomal protease cathepsin D (2013)
Comparison of in vitro lytic activities of three bacteriophage preparations Stafal, Staphylon and Pyobacteriophagum liquidum against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
Bacteriophage transduction of mobile genetic elements in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
Vyhledávání a sledování klonů s mutací TP53 v chronické fázi myeloproliferativních neoplazií (MPN) (2013)
Classification of Aeromonas veronii bv. sobria strains isolated from human clinical material (2013)
Multiple Myeloma Associated Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma: Treatment Response Monitoring by Means of PET/CT Imaging (2013)
Description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. pseudoputida subsp. nov., amended description of Pseudomonas jessenii and description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. jessenii subsp. nov. (2013)
High cytokinin levels induce a hypersensitive-like response in tobacco (2013)
Photosynthetic characteristics of lichens of genus Umbilicaria from SW Greenland (Nuuk area) in reponse to thallus dehydration. (2013)
Facilities of J. G. Mendel Antarctic station: Technical and technological solutions with a special respect to energy sources (2013)
Cattle North-South alignment & herd density (2013)
Analysis of B-cells and plasma cells in multiple myeloma (2012)
Cirkulující mikroRNA u monoklonálních gamapatií (2013)
Zavedení detekce minimální residuální choroby pomocí alelově specifické qPCR u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2013)
Polymorfismy v genu P-glycoprotein 1 souvisí s intervaly přežití u nemocných s mnohočetným myelomem léčených bortezomibem (2013)
První zkušenosti s metodou aCGH u 19 jedinců s monoklonální gamapatií nejasného významu (2013)
Amyloidosa: Jak správně diagnostikovat? Kdy zahájit léčbu? (2013)
Evaluation of Novel CD8 T Regulatory Cells in Patients with Multiple Myeloma at Baseline and after Len-Dex Treatment (2013)
Cell Cycle Genes Coexpression in Multiple Myeloma and Plasma Cell Leukemia (2013)
Association of SNPs in P-glycoprotein 1 with Longer Time to Event in Bortezomib-treated Multiple Myeloma Patients (2013)
Serum Microrna as a Marker of Multiple Myeloma (2013)
Effect of DNA Dosage into Gene Expression in Patients with Multiple Myeloma (2013)
The role of microRNAs in mitochondria in cancer (2013)
Cultivation of antarctic alga Trebouxia sp. in a bioreactor: chlorophyll fluorescence-based study of temperature-dependent growth (2012)
Searching for AtTERT protein-protein interactions (2013)
Screening a cDNAlibrary for protein–protein interactions of the CTE domain of AtTERT directly in planta using bimolecular fluorescence complementation technology (2012)
N-terminal basic domain of genome guarding telomeric protein TRF2 affects its DNA binding affinity (2012)
Stanovení vlivu bazické domény lidského telomerového proteinu TRF2 na vazbu k DNA (2012)
Impact of N-terminal basic domain of protein TRF2 on its DNA binding affinity (2013)
c-Myb-řízená deregulace MAPK p38 a JNK: potenciální mechanismus rezistence nádorových buněk kolorekta k cytotoxickým agens (2013)
Characterization of humic substances from King George Island in Antarctica by fluorescence spectroscopy using Kohonen artificial neural networks (2005)
Nálezy salmonel v potravinách v roce 2012 (2013)
Genome instability in Arabidopsis thaliana fas x rad51B mutants (2013)
Loss of telomeric and rDNA repeats in fas x rad51B double mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants (2012)
Chromatin assembly – instability of rDNA and telomeric repeats in Arabidopsis thaliana (2012)
Instability in chromatin assembly – loss of ribosomal DNA and telomeric repeats in Arabidopsis thaliana (2012)
The ice nucleation activity of extremophilic alga (2013)
Nový typ antibakteriálnej substancie produkovaný E. coli O104:H4 (2013)
Novel antibacterial substance produced by Escherichia coli O104:H4. (2013)
Význam bakteriocinogénie v patogenite Escherichia coli. (2013)
Epidemiologická a klinicko-patologická charakteristika pacientů s renálním karcinomem: Analýza 544 případů z jednoho centra (2013)
Contrasting Patterns of Transposable Element and Satellite Distribution on Sex Chromosomes (XY1Y2) in the Dioecious Plant Rumex acetosa (2013)
Advances in purification and separation of posttranslationally modified proteins (2013)
Analysis of B-cells and plasma cells in monoclonal gammopathies (2013)
Circulating microRNA as potential biomarkers of MGUS and MM (2013)
Human Vdelta1 T cells represent a dominant gamma-delta T cell subset in patients with multiple myeloma (2013)
Clinical implication of centrosome amplification and expression of centrosomal functional genes in multiple myeloma (2013)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated disruption of contact inhibition is associated with connexin43 downregulation and inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication (2013)
The role of immunoglobulin B-cell receptor in follicular lymphoma (2013)
Metodou RT-qPCR k predikci vývoje chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2013)
Wnt-PCP pathway driving pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia participates on normal B-cell development (2013)
Dráha Wnt/PCP ovlivňuje kromě patogeneze chronické lymfocytární leukemie i vývoj B-lymfocytů (2013)
Reaktivace vybraných p53 mutantů u B-buněčných nádorových linií prostřednictvím malých cílených molekul (2013)
Mutace genu ATM narušují aktivaci p53 dráhy po poškození DNA doxorubicinem u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií: využití pro funkční test (2013)
Aktualizovaná doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukémie České CLL skupiny (2013)
Molekulární biologie CLL - význam molekulárních prognostických faktorů (2013)
Význam imunoglobulinového receptoru u folikulárního lymfomu (2013)
The origin of deletion 22q11 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is related to the rearrangement of immunoglobulin lambda light chain locus (2013)
Bioluminescence determination of antibacterial activity of Bombyx mori and Galleria mellonella haemolymph (2013)
Pseudomonas prosekii sp. nov., a Novel Psychrotrophic Bacterium from Antarctica (2013)
Inovace výuky mikrobiologie Oddělení mikrobiologie a molekulární biotechnologie, PřF MU Brno (2013)
Factor analysis of subjective psychological experiences and states of football referees (2013)
Salmonella Stanley v České republice (2013)
Vliv lektinů z bakterie Photorhabdus luminescens na imunitu hmyzu (2013)
New insights to insect response to the infection by nematobacterial complex (2013)
Lze predikovat výskyt syndromu diabetické nohy pomocí termografických metod? (2013)
Distinct frequency and profiles of TP53 gene mutations in CLL subgroups with distinct antigen receptors: Evidence for antigen-driven selection of genomci aberrations. (2013)
Synthetic lethality in p53 mutated B-cell mylignancies: Chk-1 inhibition and DNA-PK inhibition effect in cell lines and primary CLL cells (2013)
Role of Wnt-5A and non-canonical Wnt signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational safety study of ofatumumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a european research initiative on CLL (EIRC) study (2013)
ATM inactivation disturbs ATM-p53 pathway in response to DNA damage induced by doxorubicin but not fludarabine in CLL cells (2013)
B cell receptor stereotypy makes a clinical difference in CLL: revelations from a multi-institutional series of 4615 cases (2013)
Reactivation of selected p53 mutants in B-cell tumor cell lines using targeted small molecules (2013)
TP53 mutations but not ATM mutations associate with higher in vitro resistance of CLL cells to rituximab (2013)
The expression of a single microRNA -miR-34a - is a reliable marker for impairment of TP53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
CLL: Different ages, dfferent antigen receptor profiles (2013)
Staphylococcus spp. inhabiting backyard rabbits (2013)
Tumor necrosis factor alpha and its receptors upregulation in dorsal root ganglia of rheumatoid arthritis model (2013)
Molecular heterogeneity and centrosome-associated genes in multiple myeloma (2013)
Funkce proteinu c-Myb ve vybraných aspektech kancerogeneze (2013)
Myeloperoxidase induces the priming of platelets (2013)
The potentiation of myeloperoxidase activity by the glycosaminoglycan-dependent binding of myeloperoxidase to proteins of the extracellular matrix (2013)
Flow cytometric analysis of TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) internalization (2009)
Docosahexaenoic acid sensitizes colon cancer cells to the apoptotic effect of TRAIL (2010)
Docosahexaenoic acid enhances colon cancer cell sensitivity to TRAIL-induced apoptosis (2010)
Signalling pathways and lipid alterations associated with differentiation apoptotic response of colon cancer cells to fatty acids (2011)
Novel platinum cytostatics and potential mechanisms of their action (2011)
Docosahexaenoic acid is a promising agent sensitizing colon cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis (2011)
Flow cytometric analysis of apoptotic molecular changes at the level of mitochondria (2011)
DHA increases apoptotic response of colon cancer cell to TRAIL (2011)
Novel effective strategies for sensitization of colon and prostate cancer cells to trail-induced apoptosis (2011)
Dietary fatty acids in regulation of colon epithelial cell kinetics. (2012)
Docosahexaenoic acid-mediated enhancement of TRAIL-insuced apoptosis is associated with significant changes of sphingolipid metabolism. (2012)
Whole-cell mass spectrometry profiling combined with artificial intelligence as a novel tool for fingerprinting of hESCs (2013)
Salmonela v produktech rostlinného původu - nové nebezpečí? (2013)
30. výročí narození prvního dítěte ze zkumavky (2012)
Phenotype-genotype correlations in patients with Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome (2014)
Mild clinical presentation and prolonged survival of a patient with fumarase deficiency due to the combination of a known and a novel mutation in FH gene. (2013)
Low-Glucose Conditions of Tumor Microenvironment enhance cytotoxicity of tetrathiomolybdate to neuroblastoma cells (2013)
Pro- and anti-tumor effects of wedelolactone in breast cancer cells (2013)
Aktivita klíšťat a jejich promořenost na borrelie v roce 2012 na dvou lokalitách v Brně (2013)
Salmonella outbreaks in the Czech Republic in 2012 caused by rare serotypes (2013)
Epidemické případy salmonelóz v České republice v roce 2012 (2013)
Antimikrobiální rezistence kmenů Listeria monocytogenes pocházejících od lidí a z potravin v České republice (2013)
Antimicrobial resistance of Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from humans in the Czech Republic (2013)
Enterococcus ureilyticus sp. nov. and Enterococcus rotai sp. nov., two urease-producing enterococci from the environment (2013)
Novel FOXF1 Mutations in Sporadic and Familial Cases of Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia with Misaligned Pulmonary Veins Imply a Role for its DNA Binding Domain (2013)
Analysis of plastid and mitochondrial DNA insertions in the nucleus (NUPTs and NUMTs) of six plant species: size, relative age and chromosomal localization (2013)
Odkud pochází „cizí DNA “? (2013)
Genom kukuřice vydává svá tajemství (2012)
Skákající geny v mozku a v rakovinných buňkách (2013)
O čase. O fragmentaci času a pomíjivosti všeho (2013)
Co Gregor Mendel nevěděl? (2013)
Enterococcus alcedinis sp. nov., isolated from common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) (2013)
SPI1 defective mutants of Salmonella enterica induce cross-protective immunity in chickens against challenge with serovars Typhimurium and Enteritidis (2013)
Vaccination of chickens with SPI1-lon and SPI1-lon-fliC mutant of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (2013)
Chicken innate immune response to oral infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (2013)
Cattle on pastures do align along the North–South axis, but the alignment depends on herd density (2013)
Genetika rostlin (2013)
Are Time-Dependent Fluorescence Shifts at the Tunnel Mouth of Haloalkane Dehalogenase Enzymes Dependent on the Choice of the Chromophore? (2013)
Záchyt mírných forem Pompeho choroby v suché krevní kapce (2013)
Molekulární diagnostika neuromuskulárních nemocí ve FN Brno (2013)
Molekulární diagnostika glykogenózy typu III, případ uniparentální disomie (2013)
Molekulární diagnostika kongenitální myotonie, výsledky analýzy genů CLCN1 a SCN4A (2013)
Recommendations on TP53 mutational analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2013)
Role of transcription factor EVI-1 in chondrogenesis (2013)
Spectrum of pathogens identified by molecular methods in patients with acute bacterial meningitis. (2012)
Comparison of molecular and conventional microbiological diagnostic tools in suspected joint infections. (2012)
Expression, function and regulation of Evi-1 during embryonic avian development (2013)
Modulation of Evi-1 expression in chicken embryos. (2013)
Molekulárně genetické aspekty homozygotní FH a situace v ČR (2013)
Syndrom fragilního chromozómu X - expanzivní repetice v lidském genomu (2013)
Detekce a kvantifikace Pneumocystis jiroveci ve vzorcích tekutiny z bronchoalveolární laváže u hematoonkologických nemocných pomocí real-time PCR (2013)
ATM mutations uniformly lead to ATM dysfunction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: application of functional test using doxorubicin (2013)
Towards Clinical Molecular Diagnosis of Inherited Cardiac Conditions: A Comparison of Bench-Top Genome DNA Sequencers (2013)
The role of c-Myb in site-selective metastases of breast tumors: the focus on the tumor-endothelial cell interactions (2013)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Negatively Regulates Expression of the Plakoglobin Gene (Jup) (2013)
SPI-1 encoded genes of Salmonella Typhimurium influence differential polarization of porcine alveolar macrophages in vitro. (2012)
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Enteritidis infection of pigs and cytokine signalling in palatine tonsils. (2012)
Differentiation of Lactobacillus Species by ARDRA (2013)
Molecular characterization of brewing and wine yeast strains in the Czech Republic (2013)
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of Drosophila larvae infected by entomopathogenic nematodes shows involvement of complement, recognition and extracellular matrix proteins (2014)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) (2013)
Plasmachemical modifications of cellulose for biomedical application (2013)
Asymmetric dimethylarginine regulates the lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in macrophages by suppressing the activation of NF-kappaB and iNOS expression (2013)
Nitro-oleic acid regulates the classical and alternative activation of macrophages. (2013)
Electrospinning of biopolymers based on gelatin and oxidized cellulose (2013)
Depositional settings of the Pleistocene continental glaciation sediments in the foothills of Rychleby Mountains and Zlate Hory Highlands, Sudetes Mts., Czechia (2013)
Písečník Hill at the Rychleby Mts. foothills (Sudetes Mts.) - the first described drumlin from Czechia (2013)
Overview of available p53 function tests in relation to TP53 and ATM gene alterations and chemoresistance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Evolution and function of non-SMC subunits of SMC5/6 complex (2013)
Prvý nález Dirofilaria repens v populácii komárov Aedes vexans na Slovensku (2013)
Dirofilaria repens microfilariae in Aedes vexans mosquitoes in Slovakia (2013)
Acidic pH of tumor microenvironment enhances cytotoxicity of disulfiram/Cu2+ complex to breast and colon cancer cells (2013)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Epilobium angustifolium extract demonstrates multiple effects on dermal fibroblasts in vitro and skin photo-protection in vivo (2013)
The comparison of impedance-based method of cell proliferation monitoring with commonly used metabolic-based techniques (2009)
Mass spectrometry in identification of antibiotic resistance (2012)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Urine microRNAs as potential noninvasive biomarkers in urologic cancers? (2014)
Non-invasive analysis of beating parameters in in vitro cardiomyocyte culture (2013)
Proteome and metabolome profiling of cytokinin action in Arabidopsis identifying both distinct and similar responses to cytokinin down- and up-regulation (2013)
Interactions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells with myeloma plasma cells and gamma/delta T cells in MGUS and multiple myeloma patients (2013)
c-Myb increases resistance of colon carcinoma cells to cisplatin by activation of MAPKp38δ and JNK/c-Jun signaling pathways (2013)
Combination of fludarabine, amsacrine, and cytarabine followed by reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia (2013)
Infekčnost a viabilita cystické formy bakterie Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2013)
Využití softwarového hodnocení aglutinačních reakcí v medicínské laboratorní praxi (2013)
Apoptotic molecules in development of teeth, bones and hair follicles (2013)
Modulation of c-Myb during chondrogenesis (2013)
c-Myb siRNA microinjection to modulate hard tissue development ex vivo (2012)
c-MYB in the mouse incisor and hair follicle stem cell niches and surroundIng tissues – correlation with proliferation and apoptosis (2012)
BMP6 in postnatal development of mouse molars and surrounding tissues (2012)
Expresssion of BMP6 in postnatal development of mandibular mouse molars (2012)
Evaluation of the strain identity between isolates from caries lesions and root canals in early childhood caries cases (2013)
Characterization of Aeromonas popoffii isolates (2013)
Aktivita klíšťat a jejich promořenost boreliemi na lokalitě Ruda v Brně v roce 2012 (2013)
TRAIL-induced lysosomal cell death pathway in breast carcinoma cells is upregulated by Cathepsin D (2013)
Nálezy salmonel v potravinách v letech 2011-2012 (2013)
Colicin FY inhibits a broad spectrum of Y. enterocolitica isolates (2013)
Quadruplex-forming sequences occupy discrete regions inside plant LTR retrotransposons (2014)
∆Np63α regulates cell adhesion and EGFR signalling in triple-negative breast cancer cells. (2013)
Odpověď kuřat na infekci různými sérovary Salmonella enterica (2013)
Kompletní sekvence plazmidů rezistence u Salmonella Typhimurium (2013)
Strong Accumulation of Chloroplast DNA in the Y Chromosomes of Rumex acetosa and Silene latifolia (2014)
Complete nucleotide sequence of conjugative resistance-virulence plasmid in Salmonella Typhimurium (2013)
Relapsing endocarditis caused by Enterococcus faecalis forming small colony variants (2013)
Staphylococcus petrasii, nový druh stafylokoka z České republiky (2013)
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of novel coagulase-negative staphylococcal species Staphylococcus petrasii isolated from human clinical material (2013)
Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant to polyvalent bacteriophages used for phage therapy (2013)
Genotyping of converting bacteriophages isolated from clinical Staphylococcus aureus strains produced the exfoliative toxin A (2013)
Complete remission of multiple myeloma associated scleredema after bortezomib-based treatment (2013)
Characterization of in vitro lytic activity of bacteriophage preparation STAFAL against Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
Resistance mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus strains to polyvalent bacteriophages (2013)
Molecular characterization of a new efficiently transducing bacteriophage identified in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
CHAP domain of tail-associated protein from phage 812 and its lytic activity against Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
Rychlá identifikace ESBL-pozitivních klinických vzorků metodou real-time PCR (2013)
Rychlá identifikace ESBL-pozitivních klinických vzorů metodou real-time PCR (2013)
Horská rozjímání - Eseje o hledání smyslu života (2013)
Bee immune system and methods evaluating its immune parameters (2013)
Brewing Microbiology - Wild Yeasts and Methods of Their Detection (2013)
Výskyt zárodečných mutací BRCA1 a BRCA2 genu u pacientek s triple negativním karcinomem prsu (2013)
Genotoxicita a karcinogeneze (2013)
Functional studies on transcriptone profiles of Drosophila larvae infected by entomopathogenic nematodes (2013)
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis upon entomopathogenic nematode infection of Drosophila (2013)
Nová metoda detekce širokospektrých beta-laktamáz SHV a CTX-M typu přímo z klinického materiálu (2013)
Inherent variability in structural and functional traits of xylem among three hop varieties (2013)
Mammalian DIS3L2 exoribonuclease targets the uridylated precursors of let-7 miRNAs (2013)
Stav antimikrobiální rezistence Listeria monocytogenes v České republice (2013)
Deciphering the Diploid Ancestral Genome of the Mesohexaploid Brassica rapa (2013)
Prevalence epidemiologicky významných sérotypů salmonel izolovaných z racků chechtavých v letech 1991-2012 (2013)
Expression of FGF19 in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2013)
Viabilita a infekčnost cystické formy bakterie Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2013)
Flow Cytometry-Based Enumeration and Functional Characterization of CD8 T Regulatory Cells in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Before and After Lenalidomide Plus Dexamethasone Treatment (2014)
Hodnocení revaskularizace dolních končetin pomocí termografických měření a metodika (2013)
Escherichia coli strains encoding type 1 fimbriae are more often bacteriocin producers (2013)
Modulation of cytokinetics in colon cancer cells (2011)
Changes of differentiation and/or apoptotic response of human colon epithelial cells induced by butyrate and polyunsaturated fatty acids are associated with cellular lipid alteration (2011)
Dietary lipids modulate colon cancer cell behaviour (2012)
Fatty acids modulate cell signaling and cytokinetics of colon cancer cells (2012)
Fatty acid modulatory effects on colon epithelial cell signaling (2012)
Fatty acid induced metabolic changes in colon cancer cells (2012)
Interaction of butyrate and polyunsaturated fatty acids modulate apoptotic vs. differentiation response of colon epithelial cells (2012)
Dietary lipids modulatory effects on colon cancer cells (2013)
Modulation of human colon epithelial cell lipid pattern by dietary fatty acids (2013)
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) incorporation as free- or as triacylglycerol-form into human colon epithelial cell lipids (2013)
PPARgamma in colon cancer cell differentiation and death after fatty acid treatment (2013)
Colon cancer cell lipidome and dietary lipids (2013)
Combined treatment of PPARgamma ligand with oxaliplatin affect the cell cycle and death in colon cell line both sensitive and resistant to oxaliplatin (2013)
The role of nuclear receptors in prostate and colon cancer after exposure to fatty acids and PPAR ligands (2012)
Monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira grippotyphosa a Leptospira pomona, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl), Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2010-2012 (2013)
Monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira grippotyphosa a Leptospira pomona, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (bbsl), Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis se zaměřením Na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2010-2012 (2013)
Interaction of Notch and gp130 Signaling in the Maintenance of Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells (2014)
Úloha hypoxie v regulaci exprese ABC-transportérů asociovaných s MDR u (embryonálních) kmenových buněk (2012)
The role of ATP-binding transporters associated with multi-drug resistance in stem cells (2013)
Taxonomic characterisation of Aeromonas hydrophila complex (2013)
Oxaliplatin with PPARg ligand modulate regulation of the cell cycle and cell death of colon tumors (2013)
PCR and restriction analysis of brewing and wine yeasts (2013)
Wild yeasts and methods of their detection - comparison of culture media (2013)
Ovariální stimulace a riziko karcinomu ovaria (2013)
The relationship between MSX1 gene mutation and tooth agenesis in the Czech population (2013)
EMT-related miRNAs as a potential markers for prediction and early detection of metastasis in renal cell carcinoma (2013)
Subgroup-Specific Prognostic Implications of TP53 Mutation in Medulloblastoma (2013)
Cykliny D v regulaci a dysregulaci buněčného cyklu u mnohočetného myelomu (2013)
Degradace proteinů ubikvitin-proteazomovou dráhou (2013)
Anterior gradient 2 and mucin 4 expression mirrors tumor cell differentiation in pancreatic adenocarcinomas, but aberrant anterior gradient 2 expression predicts worse patient outcome in poorly differentiated tumors (2014)
Orientace mezi mořem a souší. Antarktičtí blešivci používají magnetický kompas (2013)
Choice of Data Transfer Protocols in Remote Storage Applications (2013)
Survived spondyloptosis of the thoracic spine in the Early Middle Ages (Czech Republic) (2013)
Mutace v genu TP53 jsou spojeny s vyšší rezistencí CLL buněk na ofatumumab a rituximab in vitro (2013)
The expression of micrRNA-34a is a highly reliable for impairment of p53-pathway in CLL: development of clinically applicable assay (2013)
Využití moderních genomických přístupů v diagnostice a léčbě lekémií (2013)
The role of two ROR1 ligands - Wnt5a and Wnt5b - in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Analysis of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients harboring TP53 gene aberrations (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational study of ofatumumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a European research initiative on CLL (ERIC) study (2013)
ATM mutations are mutually exclusive with NOTCH1 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2013)
TP53 mutations associate with higher in vitro resistance of CLL cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2013)
Rapid screening of bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients for Mucormycetes using PCR followed by high resolution melt analysis (2013)
Myeloma stem cell concepts, heterogeneity and plasticity of multiple myeloma (2013)
Cell cycle genes co-expression in multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia (2013)
Incidence of cytogenetic aberrations in two B lineage subpopulations in multiple myeloma patients analyzed by combination of whole-genome profiling and FISH (2014)
Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index in Subjects with Dyslipidaemia and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors (2013)
Stanovisko výboru ČSAT k doporučením ESC/EAS pro diagnostiku a léčbu dyslipidemií z roku 2011. (2013)
Detecting minimal residual disease in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using 8-color flow cytometry protocol in routine hematological practice. (2014)
Global expression analysis of microRNAs in paired initial and relapsed glioblastoma (2013)
DspA from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus: the First Biochemically Characterized Haloalkane Dehalogenase of Non-Microbial Origin. (2013)
Reclassification of Bifidobacterium stercoris Kim et al. 2010 as a later heterotypic synonym of Bifidobacterium adolescentis (2013)
Software tools for identification, visualization and analysis of protein tunnels and channels (2013)
Haloalkane dehalogenases: Biotechnological applications (2013)
Rosiglitazone-mediated enhancement of LA-12-induced colon cancer cell apoptosis was associated with stimulation of mitochondrial pathway (2012)
Rosiglitazone efficiently sensitizes human colon cancer cells to LA-12-induced apoptosis (2013)
Rosiglitazone-mediated stimulation of LA-12-induced apoptosis is accompanied by changes in colon cancer cell cycle progression. (2013)
Rosiglitazone acts as an efficient modulator of LA-12-induced cytotoxic and cytostatic response of colon cancer cells. (2013)
The novel combination of rosiglitazone and platinum (IV) compound LA-12 exerts cooperative cytotoxic effects in colon cancer cells associated with activation of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. (2013)
Comparison of selected immunological and biochemical parametres in ultra runners and ultra cyclists participating in 24 hour races and multi-stage races. (2013)
Biodiversity of freshwater algae and cyanobacteria on deglaciated northern part of James Ross Island, Antarctica. A preliminary study. (2013)
Sensitivity of Antarctic freshwater algae to salt stress assessed by fast chlorophyll fluorescence transient. (2013)
Cladribine (2-chlorodeoxyadenosine) in frontline chemotherapy for adult Langerhans cell histiocytosis: A single-center study of seven cases (2013)
Crystallographic Analysis of New Psychrophilic Haloalkane Dehalogenases: DpcA from Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5 and DmxA from Marinobacter sp. ELB17 (2013)
Cation-Specific Effects on Enzymatic Catalysis Driven by Interactions at the Tunnel Mouth. (2013)
Photosynthetic processes in two algal species from Antarctic lakes in response to stress factors (2013)
Lichens - a new source or yet unknown host of herbaceaous plant viruses? (2014)
Contribution to canine babesiosis in the Czech Republic. (2012)
An invasive mosquito species Aedes albopictus found in the Czech Republic, 2012. (2012)
Tick-borne encephalitis virus in horses. (2013)
West Nile virus equine serosurvey in the Czech and Slovak Republics. (2013)
Partial genetic characterization of Sedlec virus (Orthobunyavirus, Bunyaviridae). (2013)
Role of HIF-1α in selfrenew and differentiation of neurospheres derived from embryonic stem cells (2013)
CLCN1 Mutations in Czech Patients with Myotonia Congenita, In Silico Analysis of Novel and Known Mutations in the Human Dimeric Skeletal Muscle Chloride Channel (2013)
SF3B1 mutations frequently occur with both ATM mutations and TP53 mutations in CLL patients (2013)
A systematic search into the role of IGVH gene replacement in shaping the immunoglobulin repertoire of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Role of HIF-1α in selfrenewal capacity of neural stem cells (2013)
Differential distribution of recurrent gene mutations in subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with stereotyped B-cell receptros: results from a multicenter project of the european research initiative on CLL in a series of 2482 cases (2013)
Role of HIF-1α in formation and maintenance of neural stem cells using embryonic stem cell in vitro model (2013)
Ofatumumab added to dexamethasone in patients with relapsed of refractory chronic lymphocytc leukemia. Results from a phase II study of the czech leukemia study group for life (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational study of ofatumumab in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia (CLL): a european research initiative on CLL (ERIC) study (2013)
TERT promoter mutations are highly recurrent in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma (2013)
The mechanism of response to hypoxia in embryonic stem cells (2013)
The interlaboratory robustness of next-generation sequencing (IRON) study phase II: deep-sequencing analyses of hematological malignancies performed in 8,867 cases by an international network involving 27 laboratories (2013)
The role of ABC transporters associated with multidrug resistance in stem cells (2013)
Stanovení prognózy pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (CLL) (2013)
The mechanisms of response to hypoxia in embryonic stem cells (2013)
The role of hypoxia in expression of MDR-associated ABC transporters in embryonic stem cells (2012)
Hematopoiesis of mouse embryonic stem cells – the role of p38alpha kinase (2013)
Haematopoiesis in vitro under HIF-1 modulation (2013)
Distinct patterns of novel gene mutations in poor-prognostic stereotyped subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: the case of SF3B1 and subset #2. (2013)
Clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization and conventional cytogenetics after stimulation with CpG oligonucleotides and interleukin-2: A prospective analysis. (2014)
Cytogenetické vyšetření lymfocytů periferní krve po stimulaci IL 2 a CpG oligonukleotidem DSP30 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemiíridization and conventional cytogenetics after stimulation with CpG oligonucleotides and interleukin-2: A prospective analysis. (2013)
Molekulární diagnostika kongenitální adrenální hyperplázie - rozšíření spektra vyšetření (2013)
Molekulární diagnostika dědičných onemocnění kůže (2013)
Klonální evoluce a selekce mutací TP53 v relapsu chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2013)
Genotypování kmenů klebsiella pneumoniae pomocí metody REP-PCR (2013)
Ovariální stimulace a riziko karcinomu ovaria (2013)
Expansion of Access Tunnels and Active-Site Cavities Influence Activity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases in Organic Cosolvents. (2013)
The Effect of a Unique Halide-Stabilising Residue on the Catalytic Properties of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DatA from Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 (2013)
Expression of myosine heavy chain in cardiomyocytes is under control of hypoxia/HIF signaling (2012)
Organic Co-solvents Affect Activity, Stability and Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2013)
Hypoxia dependent control of fetal gene program in heart (2013)
Hypoxia dependent control of myosine heavy chain switch in heart (2013)
Differences in crystallization of two LinB variants from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 (2013)
Engineering Enzyme Stability and Resistance to an Organic Cosolvent by Modification of Residues in the Access Tunnel (2013)
Sphingobium czechense sp nov., isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane dump site (2013)
Novosphingobium barchaimii sp nov., isolated from hexachlorocyclohexane-contaminated soil (2013)
Sphingobium baderi sp nov., isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane dump site (2013)
Interaction of Organic Solvents with Protein Structures at Protein-Solvent Interface (2013)
Inflammatory mediators accelerate metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in rat alveolar type II cels: the role of enhanced cytochrome P450 1B1 expression (2013)
Gates of Enzymes. (2013)
Comparative Chromosomal Mapping of Microsatellites in Leporinus Species (Characiformes, Anostomidae): Unequal Accumulation on the W Chromosomes (2014)
Mutační analýza genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2013)
Diagnostika neuromuskulárních chorob pomocí Sequence Capture - Targeted resequencing (2013)
Monogenní hypercholesterolemie v ordinaci klinického genetika (2013)
Klonální evoluce u myeloproliferativních neoplazií a role genu TP53 (2013)
The paradox of FGFR3 signaling in skeletal dysplasia: Why chondrocytes growth arrest while other cells over proliferate (2014)
Intracellular distribution of the deltaNp73 protein isoform in medulloblastoma cells: a study with newly generated rabbit polyclonal antibodies (2013)
Detection of cancer stem cell markers in sarcomas (2012)
Systemic AL amyloidosis with unusual cutaneous presentation unmasked by carotenoderma (2014)
Alveolární kapilární dysplazie - familiární výskyt (2013)
Immobilization of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 for Biotechnological Applications (2013)
Myeloperoxidase interacts with erythrocytes (2011)
Myeloperoxidase deficiency attenuates the cell death of neutrophils induced by oxidative burst (2013)
Myeloperoxidase modulates phagocyte cell death induced by oxidative burst (2013)
Differentiation of neural crest cells from human embryonic stem cells and their odontogenic induction (2013)
Differentiation of neural crest cells from human embryonic stem cells and their odontogenic induction. (2013)
New mechanisms for an old drug: DHFR- and non-DHFR-mediated effects of methotrexate in cancer cells (2012)
EGFR signaling in the HGG-02 glioblastoma cell line with an unusual loss of EGFR gene copy (2014)
Fully-automated Occlusion-insensitive Norway Spruce Tree Reconstructions from 3D Point Cloud Data [poster] (2013)
Automatic reconstruction of Norway spruce tree models from LiDAR data (2013)
The occurrence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in certain ectoparasites (Mesostigmata, Siphonaptera) of Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus in chosen localities in the Czech Republic (2013)
Activity of the tick Ixodes ricinus monitored in a suburban park in Brno, Czech Republic, in association with evaluation of selected repellents (2013)
Procesy replikace, transkripce a translace (2013)
Unique Activity Spectrum of Colicin FY: All 110 Characterized Yersinia enterocolitica Isolates Were Colicin FY Susceptible (2013)
Antifosfolipidové protilátky a antifosfolipidový syndrom (2013)
Lemna minor exposed to fluoranthene: Growth, biochemical, physiological and histochemical changes (2013)
Nitrate and ammonium ions contents in field minibioreactors with Antarctic freshwater autotrophs (2013)
Nový typ antibakteriálnej substancie produkovaný E. coli O104:H4. (2013)
Antifosfolipidový syndrom (2013)
Three-dimensional Tree Reconstructions from Terrestrial LiDAR Scans (2013)
The variable clinical course of peripartum cardiomyopathy (2014)
X-linked agammaglobulinemia caused by new mutation in BTK gene: A case report (2014)
Review of invasive procedures in patients with FVII and FXI deficiency in University Hospital Brno between the years 2005-2012 (2013)
Těhotenství u žen s von Willebrandovou chorobou (2013)
Anagrelide compared with hydroxyurea in WHO-classified essential thrombocythemia: the ANAHYDRET Study, a randomized controlled trial (2013)
Příprava nemocných k chirurgickým výkonům, předcházení a léčba krvácení (2013)
Standardy péče o nemocné s hemofilií (2013)
Transmission of t(11;14)-positive cells by allogeneic stem cell transplant: 10-year journey to mantle cell lymphoma (2014)
Lemna minor jako indikátor toxicity PAHs? (2013)
Kořenový a foliární příjem, translokace a distribuce 14C-FLT u hrachu (2013)
The isolation and characterization of lipopolysaccharides from Microcystis aeruginosa, a prominent toxic water bloom forming cyanobacteria (2013)
ArrayCGH characterization of a deletion on 2q13 associated with developmental delay and facial dysmorphism (case report) (2012)
Preimplantation genetic screening with used 24sure microarrays, our results and the success of in vitro fertilization cycles (2013)
Chromosomal aberration in cervical cancer: FISH or chips? (2012)
The regulation of actin cytoskeleton by c-Myb: potential implications for site-specific metastases of breast cancer (2014)
Transendothelial migration in breast cancer metastasis: when does c-Myb step in? (2014)
The c-Myb-induced resistance of colon cancer cells to cisplatin is mediated by the p38 MAP kinase (2013)
Eliminace vlivu věku ženy na úspěšnost IVF cyklu s využitím array komparativní genomové hybridizace (aCGH) v rámci preipmplantačního genetického screenigu (PGS) (2013)
Clinical impact of PAI 1 4G/5G gene polymorphism in colorectal carcinoma patients (2013)
Reálná úloha PCR v diagnostice mykotických infekcí. (2013)
Epigenetic aspects of HP1 exchange kinetics in apoptotic chromatin (2013)
A novel panel of proteins correlating with lymph node metastasis of low-grade breast cancer: Towards functional characterization and clinical validation (2013)
A telomerase-independent component of telomere loss in chromatin assembly factor 1 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (2013)
Nucleosomal TATA-switch: Competing orientations of TATA on the nucleosome (2013)
Struktura a funkce intestinální epiteliální bariéry (2013)
Účinnost léčby anagrelidem u nemocných s Ph-negativními myeloproliferativními chorobami: Ovlivnění výskytu trombózy ve výstupech Registru pacientů s diagnozou esencialni trombocytemie a trombocytemie provazejici jine myeloproliferativni onemocneni lecenych Thromboreductinem® ke konci roku 2012 (2013)
Redox state of p63 and p73 core domains regulates sequence-specific DNA binding (2013)
Preferential Binding of Hot Spot Mutant p53 Proteins to Supercoiled DNA In Vitro and in Cells (2013)
Oxidation of p53 family proteins modulates DNA binding properties in vitro and in vivo (2012)
Mutp53 non-B DNA structure binding to intronic sequences modulates gene expression in U251 cells (2009)
Modulation of gene expression in U251 glioblastoma cells by binding of mutant p53 R273H to intronic and intergenic sequences (2009)
Souhrn doporučení 2013 "Diagnostika a léčba systémové AL amyloidózy" (2013)
The BCR-ABL1 T315I mutation and additional genomic aberrations are dominant genetic lesions associated with disease progression in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia resistant to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. (2013)
Nové prediktivní a prognostické faktory u multiformního glioblastomu (2013)
Diagnostika a léčba hemofilie (2013)
KONTAMINACE ODPADNÍCH VOD Escherichia coli O157 (2013)
Zpracování bakalářské práce (2014)
Analysis of Plant Meiotic Chromosomes by Chromosome Painting (2013)
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013-31 May 2013 (2013)
Dactylogyrus communities in Barbus meridionalis and B. barbus from hybrid zone in southern France (2013)
Characterization of stefis from parasitic helminths (2013)
Comparison of cystatins of four species of helmints (2013)
Bioactive molecules of the blood-feeding monogenean Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2013)
Monogenean bioactive molecules at the parasite-host interface (2013)
Výzkum složení zubního kamene u staroslovanských populací (2013)
Zubní kámen jako důležitý bioarcheologický materiál (2013)
Genetic diversity and parasitism in the hybrid zone of two cyprinid species: common and mediterranean barbels (genus Barbus) in France (2013)
Oxidační stres jako mediátor kondiční závislosti karotenoidních ornamentů v pohlavním výběru u ptáků (2014)
53BP1 Regulates DSB Repair Using Rif1 to Control 5 ' End Resection (2013)
Newly discovered genes for resistance to powdery mildew in the subtelomeric region of the short arm of barley chromosome 7H (2013)
Genetika rostlin (2013)
Comparison of DNA extraction methods in terms of yield, purity, long-term storage and downstream manipulation with brewer's yeast chromosomal DNA (2014)
The influence of growth conditions on strain differentiation within the Lactobacillus acidophilus group using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry profiling (2013)
Lincomycin Biosynthesis Involves a Tyrosine Hydroxylating Heme Protein of an Unusual Enzyme Family (2013)
Odrůda Pramedi (2013)
Vliv prostředí na zdravotní stav a orientaci samců sýkory koňadry (Parus major) (2014)
Biological activities of selected polyphenol-1 rich fruits related to immunity and gastrointestinal health (2014)
Role of histamine receptors in the effects of histamine on the production of reactive oxygen species by whole blood phagocytes (2014)
Histamine H4 Receptor: A Novel Drug Target in Immunoregulation and Inflammation (2013)
Histamin and its H4 receptor agonists decrease the reactive oxygen species production in human leukocytes and act as chemoattractants (2013)
Histamin and its H2/H4 receptor agonists decrease the reactive oxygen species production in human leukocytes and may act as a chemoattractant (2013)
Vliv polymorfismu TLR4 na prozánětlivou odpověď u sýkory koňadry (Parus major) (2014)
Písečník u Javorníku - drumlin se zachovalou sukcesí subglaciálních a supraglaciálních sedimentů (2014)
Does interspecific hybridization affect host specificity of parasites in cyprinid fish? (2013)
MHC genes and parasitism in Carassius gibelio, a diploid-triploid fish species with dual reproduction strategies (2013)
Speciation in Thaparocleidus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing Asian pangasiid catfishes (2013)
Lymnaea palustris and Lymnaea fuscus are potential but uncommon intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica in Sweden (2013)
Community stability and instability in ectoparasites of marine and freshwater fish (2013)
Evolution in congeneric monogeneans: from diversification to community structure (2013)
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 Interacts with and Activates TGFbeta-Activated Kinase 1 Tyrosine Phosphorylation and NFkappaB Signaling in Multiple Myeloma and Bladder Cancer (2014)
Evolution of host specificity in monogeneans parasitizing African cichlid fish. (2014)
Evolution and determinants of host specificity of monogeneans parasitizing African cichlid fish. (2013)
Evolution of host specificity in monogeneans of Cichlidogyrus/Scutogyrus group parasitizing African cichlid fish. (2013)
Antitrombin (2013)
Monogeneans parasitizing African cichlid fishes: current knowledge and future perspectives. (2013)
The PCNA Interaction Protein Box Sequence in Rad54 Is an Integral Part of Its ATPase Domain and Is Required for Efficient DNA Repair and Recombination (2013)
Parasite speciation as an overlooked cause of species richness in ancient lakes: the case of monogenean cichlid parasites of Lake Tanganyika. (2013)
The prevalence of exercise-associated hyponatremia in 24-hour ultra-mountain bikers, 24-hour ultra-runners and multi-stage ultra-mountain bikers in the Czech Republic (2014)
Novinky v taxonomii enterokoků (2013)
Classification of Aeromonas spp. strains from human clinical material (2013)
Interspecific hybrids Trifolium pratense x Trifolium medium as the source of new diverzity (2013)
Elucidating molecular mechanisms of cytokinin action in the vascular bundle development of Arabidopsis thaliana (2013)
The molecular phylogeny of aquatic hyphomycetes with affinity to the Leotiomycetes (2013)
Pollutant interactions during the biodegradation of phenolic mixtures with either 2- or 3-mononitrophenol in a continuously operated packed bed reactor (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP2 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP3 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP4 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP5 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Fish diversity of Gambia River floodplain (Senegal) and Turkana Lake (Kenya), two fish communities endangered by dam construction (2013)
Genome assembly and annotation for red clover (Trifolium pratense; Fabaceae) (2014)
Příprava mAb proti rekombinantí formě OspC Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2013)
Evolution of sex determination systems with heterogametic males and females in Silene (2013)
Monogenean parasites in two cyprinid species (Parachondrostoma toxostoma and Chondrostoma nasus) in sympatric zones of southern France (2013)
Benzofurazane as a New Redox Label for Electrochemical Detection of DNA: Towards Multipotential Redox Coding of DNA Bases (2013)
Polymerase synthesis of oligonucleotides containing a single chemically modified nucleobase for site-specific redox labelling (2013)
Strategies for Stabilization and Activation of Biocatalysts in Organic Solvents (2013)
Release of Halide Ions from the Buried Active Site of the Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB Revealed by Stopped-Flow Fluorescence Analysis and Free Energy Calculations. (2013)
Způsob výroby opticky aktivních halogenalkanů a alkoholů hydrolytickou dehalogenací katalyzovanou halogenalkandehalogenázami (2009)
Method of Thermostabilization of a Protein And/or Stabilization Towards Organic Solvents (2013)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2009)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases, (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases, (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2012)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2012)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2013)
Miniaturizovaný příruční fluorimetr (2013)
PredictSNP 1.0 (2013)
E. coli degWT upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli degWT-opt- upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg90R upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg90R-opt upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg31 upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg31-opt upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkan dehalogenáza DatA. (2013)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkan dehalogenáza DspA. (2013)
Selected phenotypic features of BR91, a unique spirochaetal strain isolated from the Culex pipiens mosquito (2014)
Association between Low Levels of Mannan-Binding Lectin and Markers of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy (2013)
Nestin expression throughout multistep pathogenesis of multiple myeloma (2014)
Contribution of regulatory T cells to immunosuppression and disease progression in multiple myeloma patients (2013)
Immunophenotyping in Multiple Myeloma and Others Monoclonal Gammopathies (2013)
Selected immunological and biochemical parametres in ultra runners participating 100km race (2014)
The Drosophila homologue of the amyloid precursor protein is a conserved modulator of Wnt PCP signaling. (2013)
X-linked Agammaglobulinemia in Community-acquired Pneumonia Cases Revealed by Immunoglobulin Level Screening at Hospital Admission (2013)
Exon First Nucleotide Mutations in Splicing: Evaluation of In Silico Prediction Tools (2014)
Molekulární hematologie (2013)
beta-Arrestin Promotes Wnt-induced Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein 6 (Lrp6) Phosphorylation via Increased Membrane Recruitment of Amer1 Protein (2014)
beta-Arrestin Interacts with the Beta/Gamma Subunits of Trimeric G-Proteins and Dishevelled in the Wnt/Ca2+ Pathway in Xenopus Gastrulation (2014)
Huwe1-mediated ubiquitylation of dishevelled defines a negative feedback loop in the wnt signaling pathway. (2014)
Heterogeneity and Plasticity of Multiple Myeloma (2013)
Influence of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis infection on the composition of chicken cecal microbiota (2013)
Chicken faecal microbiota and disturbances induced by single or repeated therapy with tetracycline and streptomycin (2013)
Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in faecal samples from cattle, pigs and poultry (2013)
Influence of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis Infection on the Development of the Cecum Microbiota in Newly Hatched Chicks (2013)
In vivo spread of macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B (MLSB) resistance-A model study in chickens (2014)
Vývoj střevní mikroflóry u kuřat (2011)
X-Linked agammaglobulinemia in a child with Klinefelter’s syndrome (2014)
Development of chicken gut microflora (2011)
Střevní mikroflóra nosnic a změny vyvolané antibiotickouléčbou (2013)
Development of gut Microbiota of EggLayers and Changes Induced by Antibiotic Therapy (2013)
Přehled pacientů s diagnózou X-vázaného lymfoproliferativního onemocnění (XLP) diagnostikovaných v v České republice a na Slovensku (2013)
Annual water temperature courses in two contrasting lakes at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2013)
Inhibice fotosyntézy řasy Klebsormidium sp. kultivované ve fotobioreaktoru: Analýza fotochemických a biochemických procesů v závislosti na opakovaném radiačním stresu (2013)
Lichen Photosynthesis. Scaling from the Cellular to the Organism Level (2014)
Czech Polar Reports (2013)
Czech Polar Reports (2013)
Terénní studie hematologických parametrů a oxidativního vzplanutí u ultra-vytrvalostních cyklistů v závodě na 24 hodin (2014)
Problematika těhotných žen s BCR/ABL negativními myeloproliferativními neoplaziemi (2013)
PRMT1 arginine methyltransferase accumulates in cytoplasmic bodies that respond to selective inhibition and DNA damage (2014)
Disheveled regulates precoupling of heterotrimeric G proteins to Frizzled 6 (2014)
Cloud-based Testbed for Simulation of Cyber Attacks (2014)
From Endothelial Progenitor Cells to Tissue Engineering: How Far Have We Come? (2014)
Soft-tissue extramedullary multiple myeloma prognosis is significantly worse in comparison to bone-related extramedullary relapse (2014)
Antarktické bakterie jako zdroj nových antimikrobiálních látek (2014)
Balanced chromosomal translocations in men: relationships among semen parameters, chromatin integrity, sperm meiotic segregation and aneuploidy (2013)
Near-Infrared Fluorescent 9-Phenylethynylpyronin Analogues for Bioimaging (2014)
Arboviruses pathogenic for domestic and wild animals. (2014)
Regrese metastatického inflamatorního myofibroblastického tumoru pankreatu po chemoterapii- kazuistika (2014)
The Early Innate Response of Chickens to Salmonella enterica Is Dependent on the Presence of O-Antigen but Not on Serovar Classification (2014)
Analýza exprese PIWIL proteinů a vybraných piRNA u renálního karcinomu (2014)
Zvýšená hladina cirkulujících miR-378 a miR-210 v séru pacientů s renálním karcinomem (2014)
Nastavení základních metodických parametrů analýzy miRNA v moči jako potenciálních biomarkerů v uroonkologii (2014)
Globální expresní analýza mikroRNA identifikovala sadu 6 prognostických mikroRNA u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem (2014)
Wild yeasts and methods of their detection - Part II (2014)
MicroRNA signature associated with poor outcome of glioblastoma patients (2014)
The impact of Ras/MAPK/S6K signaling pathway on prediction of clinical outcome in metastatic Her-2 positive breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab (2014)
Cysteine peptidase inhibitors of helminths (2014)
The protein inhibitors of peptidases from Eudiplozoon nipponicum and their preparation in recombinant form by using the cell-free expression systems (2014)
Cystatins of the parasitic nematodes from the genus Trichinella (2014)
MALDI-TOF MS Analysis of Anaerobic Bacteria Isolated from Biofilm-Covered Surfaces in Brewery Bottling Halls (2014)
Tick-transmitted viruses and climate change. (2014)
Rickettsiae in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Czech Republic (2014)
Coilin is rapidly recruited to UVA-induced DNA lesions and gamma-radiation affects localized movement of Cajal bodies (2014)
The immunity and parasitism in Gibel Carp (Carassius gibelio), a species with dual form of reproduction (2014)
Usutu virus in blackbirds (Turdus merula), Czech Republic, 2011-2012 (2014)
Photosynthesis of in vitro-cultivated Boswellia amaero trees as affected by high light doses: A complex fluorometric study. (2014)
Circulating serum microRNAs as novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (2014)
Economic evaluation of rFVIIa high initial dose compared to rFVIIa standard initial dose in patients with haemophilia with inhibitors using the Czech HemoRec registry (2014)
The influence of culture conditions on the identification of Mycobacterium species by MALDI-TOF MS profiling (2014)
Kompozice pro přípravu modifikovaných želatinových nanovláken a nanovlákna (2014)
Adaptive phylogeography: functional divergence between haemoglobins derived from different glacial refugia in the bank vole (2014)
Bioluminescent assay for evaluating antimicrobial activity in insect haemolymph (2014)
Next Generation Sequencing and Research Advances in Monoclonal Gammopathies (2013)
Cisplatin-resistant prostate cancer model: Differences in antioxidant system, apoptosis and cell cycle (2014)
Vulnerability analysis methods for road networks (2014)
Sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine contrarily affect the induction of apoptosis in intestinal epithelial cells (2014)
CAVER Analyst 1.0: Graphic tool for interactive visualization and analysis of tunnels and channels in protein structures (2014)
Clonal Distribution of Monophasic Salmonella enterica Subsp. enterica Serotype 4,[5],12:i:- in the Czech Republic (2014)
Interaction of Dietary Fatty Acids with Tumour Necrosis Factor Family Cytokines during Colon Inflammation and Cancer (2014)
The role of c-Myb in survival signaling pathways of colorectal carcinoma cells (2014)
Exploring the cystatins of helminths (2014)
Staphylococcus aureus in Czech cystic fibrosis patients – prospective study (2014)
Detekce cystické formy Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. u pokusných jednotek BALB/c (2014)
Second Malignancies in Philadelphia-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms–Single-center Experience (2014)
Genes coding properties of newly isolated probiotic species of lactic acid bacteria (2012)
Misidentification of Escherichia albertii strains by ENTEROtest 24 and Biolog GN2 Micro Plate (2014)
Detekce protilátek proti některým patogenním mikroorganismům způsobujícím zoonotická onemocnění (2014)
Výskyt Pectinatus a ostatních striktně anaerobních bakterií v biofilmu v prostředí stáčecí haly pivovaru (2013)
Wedelolactone affects breast cancer cells in biphasic manner (2014)
New family of bacterial lectins with seven bladed beta propeller fold (2014)
Docosahexaenoic acid effectively stimulates TRAIL-induced apoptosis of colon cancer cells at the level of mitochondria (2013)
Targeting mitochondria by docosahexaenoic acid enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis in colon cancer cells (2013)
Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of plant telomeres and telomerase (2011)
Influence of DNA methylation on telomeric repeats in plant models (2010)
Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of telomerase dynamics during Arabidopsis thaliana development (2011)
Developmental maintenance of general epigenetic pattern of the Arabidopsis thaliana TERT (telomerase protein subunit) chromatin (2012)
Invasive candidemia/candidiasis on hematological wards in 2000-2012 - a results from FIND - Candida project (2013)
Patofyziologie a patogeneze salmonelové sepse (2014)
Epidemiological factors influencing the development of relapsing and severe Clostridium difficile infection (2014)
Výskyt zárodečných mutací BRCA1 a BRCA2 genu v konsekutivní kohortě pacientek s triple-negativním karcinomem prsu léčených v MOÚ (2014)
Rapid identification of phenotypic similar Candida species from culture using high resolution melting analysis (2013)
High resolution melting analysis for rapid identification of twenty-five Candida species from culture (2014)
Detekce bakteriální rezistence molekulárně-biologickými metodami. Budeme léčit geny? (2014)
Využití termografických metod u syndromu diabetické nohy (2014)
Možnosti studia transendoteliální migrace in vitro (2014)
On the dynamics and constraints of batch culture growth of the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142. (2012)
Ethylene production may be limited by 2-oxoglutarate availability in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 harboring the ethylene forming enzyme. (2014)
Experimental parametrization and validation of cyanobacterial cell models. (2012)
On the dynamics and constraints of batch culture growth of two cyanobacterial unicellular strains: Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. (2012)
Unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and its recombinant strain with ethylene forming gene: growth optimization and ethylene production. (2012)
Model and validation of mass transfer and cyanobacterial growth in a flat-panel photobioreactor. (2011)
Vliv polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků a toxic kých kovů na růst a primární produkci vybraných druhů řas. (2011)
Cleavage of Bcl-2 by cathepsin D: a novel mechanism of cathepsin D-mediated regulation of apoptosis (2014)
Detekce protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. u hlodavců běheml let 2012-2013 (2014)
The frequency of precocious segregation of sister chromatids in mouse female meiosis I is affected by genetic background (2014)
The role of kinesin 5 in the spindle assembly and maintenance in mammalian oocytes (2013)
The effect of in vitro culture on spindle assembly and maintenance in mammalian oocytes (2014)
Functional Characterization of Spindle Assembly Checkpoint in Oocytes (2014)
Changes of meiosis II spindle introduced by in vitro culture (2014)
Využití průtokové cytometrie pro analýzu mitochondriální buněčné smrti (2014)
Paclitaxel isomerisation in polymeric micelles based on hydrophobized hyaluronic acid (2014)
Changes in foot volume, body composition, and hydration status in male and female 24-hour ultra-mountain bikers (2014)
Znalost rizik a preventivních opatření ve vztahu k nákazám přenášených klíšťaty: srovnání českých a polských studentů (2014)
Mikrobicidní účinek nanočástic stříbra na G+ a G- mikroorganismy (2014)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignacies in Czech and Slovak Republics? fungal infection database (find) analysis (2001-2011) - an update (2013)
The family Enterococcaceae (2014)
The genus Enterococcus (2014)
Classification of Aeromonas spp. isolated from water and clinical sources (2014)
Probable/proven invasive aspergillosis in children with malignancy registered in database FIND, Study on behalf of the Czech Leukemia Study Group for life CELL (2013)
Lactobacillus apis sp. nov., from the stomach of honeybees (Apis mellifera), having an in vitro inhibitory effect on the causative agents of American and European foulbrood (2014)
Vagococcus entomophilus sp. nov., from the digestive tract of a wasp (Vespula vulgaris) (2014)
Toll-like receptor repertoire in grey partridge (2010)
Identification of Toll-like receptor genes in Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) (2010)
Structure and variability of Toll-like receptor genes in Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Identification of Toll-like receptor genes in Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Diverzita humánních izolátů salmonel v Jihomoravském kraji v letech 2009-2012 (2014)
Antioxidant, antimicrobial and neutrophil-modulating activities of herb extracts (2014)
Chemiluminescent determination of reactive oxygen species using Pholasin luminophore in birds and insect phagocytes (2014)
Monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira grippotyphosa a Leptospira pomona, Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2012 a 2013 (2014)
Paleogenetika člověka (2014)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky (2014)
Signalling mechanisms involved in the response of two varieties of Humulus lupulus L. to soil drying: I. changes in xylem sap pH and the concentrations of abscisic acid and anions (2014)
Genotypové odlišnosti technologických kmenů kvasinek rodu Saccharomyces (2014)
Monitoring the influence of antibiotic exposure using Raman spectroscopy (2014)
Raman tweezers on bacteria: Following the mechanisms of bacteriostatic versus bactericidal action (2014)
Clostridium difficile infections in patients with hematological malignancy in Czech and Slovak Republic - a retrospective analysis (2014)
Comparison of galactomannan detected in serum/ bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and type of abnormality on pulmonary high-resolution computed tomography in patients with pulmonary invasive aspergillosis (2014)
Complete nucleotide sequences of IncHI1 plasmids in Salmonella Typhimurium (2014)
phoP, SPI1, SPI2 and aroA mutants of Salmonella Enteritidis induce a different immune response in chickens (2014)
Proteome characterization of chicken T-lymphocyte subpopulations after Salmonella Enteritidis infection (2014)
Characterization of IncHI1plasmids in Salmonella Typhimurium (2014)
Characterisation of microbiota composition and antimicrobial resistance in carriage water of ornamental fish (2014)
Prevalence antibiotické rezistence u importovaných akvarijních ryb a metagenomová analýza (2013)
Seroprevalence study of hepatitis E virus infection in two districts of the Czech Republic. (2014)
Využití imunoenzamtické metody pro průkaz protilátek k vybraným zoonózám (2013)
The effects of biologically active substances in medicinal plants on the metabolic activity of neutrophils (2014)
The role of HIF-1α in the regulation of cardiomyogenesis in vitro (2014)
Effect of anti-TNF-α therapy on neutrophil activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (2014)
DHA-mediated enhancement of TRAIL-induced apoptosis in colon cancer cells is associated with engagement of mitochondria and specific alterations in sphingolipid metabolism. (2014)
Characterization of Microbiota Composition and Presence of Selected Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Carriage Water of Ornamental Fish (2014)
Spectral and intensity sensitivity of insect light-dependent magnetoreception. (2014)
Prevalence, Characterization and Antibiotic Resistance of Salmonella Isolates in Large Corvid Species of Europe and North America Between 2010 and 2013 (2014)
Cytogenetic Prognostication Within Medulloblastoma Subgroups (2014)
Enhancer hijacking activates GFI1 family oncogenes in medulloblastoma (2014)
Genotypování kmenů Klebsiella pneumoniae pomocí metod rep-PCR a mini-Multi Locus Sequence Typing (mini-MLST) (2014)
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase and fluoroquinolone resistance genes and plasmids among Escherichia coli isolates from zoo animals, Czech Republic. (2013)
Surface characteristics and taxonomy of brewing yeasts (2014)
Temporal effects on host - parasite associations in sympatric goby fishes naturalized in the area of introduction (2014)
The Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec type V from Staphylococcus aureus ST398 is packaged into bacteriophage capsids (2014)
The seasonal changes of innate immunity of tench, Tinca tinca (L.) with different ploidy level (2014)
Functional divergence and population replacement in British bank voles (2014)
Pathogenicity of nematobacterial complexes and its development (2014)
Stabilisation of geodetic points in the surroundings of Johann Gregor Mendel Station, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Kampylobakterióza (2014)
The role of autophagy in colon cancer cells (2014)
Characterization of psychrothropic bacteria occurring in soil and water environment at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Analyzing the defense strategies of Staphylococcus aureus strains against polyvalent bacteriophages (2014)
Mikrobiologické laboratorní metody (2014)
Photosynthetic performance of algal/cyanobacterial soil crusts: Interspecific differences attributed to dominant species, size and structure of crust-forming community (2014)
Chemoterapie a její místo v současné léčbě pokročilého hormonálně dependentního karcinomu prsu (2014)
Caspase-7 in tooth germ and hair follicle development and maintenance (2012)
B-Myb/c-Myb expression and proliferation in stem cell niche of mouse incisor and hair follicle (2012)
Stem cells, transcription factors and apoptosis related molecules in hair follicle development and maintenance (2012)
Mouse incisor stem cell niches-a quest for new markers (2012)
Monitoring of climate variability and permafrost active layer on James Ross Island, Maritime Antarctica (2014)
Resistance of Antarctic lichens and freshwater algae from James Ross Island to radiation, temperature, dehydration, UV-B and salt stress assessed by photosynthetic parameters (2014)
Responses of moss and lichen vegetation to manipulated warming: Long-term study exploiting OTC approach at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Mybs in mouse hair follicle development (2014)
Embryonic Toxicity of Nanoparticles (2014)
Úloha miR-338-5p v rezistenci k léčbě u multiformního glioblastomu (2014)
Role PIWIL proteinů a vybraných piRNA v patogenezi RCC a CRC (2014)
Metodické aspekty analýzy mikroRNA v moči jako potenciálních biomarkerů v uroonkologii (2014)
MiR-31-3p a miR-31-5p predikují odpověď na cetuximab u pacientů s metastatickým kolorektálním karcinomem s nemutovaným onkogenem KRAS (2014)
Změny methylace tumor supresorových genů u hepatocelulárního karcinomu (2014)
Globální expresní analýza mikroRNA identifikovala sadu 6 prognostických mikroRNA u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem (2014)
Inhibition of canonical Wnt signaling deregulates expression of CYP1A1 in colon cancer cells (2013)
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated disruption of differentiation status of liver progenitor cells (2011)
Effect of temperature and increased concentration of CO2 on growth and photosynthetic activity of polar alga Trebouxia sp. (2014)
Long-term fluorometric measurements of photosynthetic processes in Antarctic moss Bryum sp. during austral summer season (2014)
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen Usnea antarctica. II. Analysis of non-photochemical quenching mechanisms activated by low to medium light doses (2014)
Visualizing Stable Features in Live Cell Nucleus for Evaluation of the Cell Global Motion Compensation (2014)
Reduced-intensity transplantation in patients older than 60 years withz chronic lymphocytic leukemia: similar reuslts with related and unrelated donor, earlier indication for transplantation could improve transplanta results – single centre experience (2014)
The outcome of reduced-intensity transplantation in elderly patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in comparison with elderly patients transpalnted for acute myeloid leukemia: is there diference in timeliness of indication for transplantation? (2014)
Alogenní transplantce po redukované přípravě (RIT) u pacientů starších 60 let s chronickou lymfatickou leukémií (CLL): srovnatelné výsledky při použití příbuzného či nepříbuzného dárce, časnější indikace k transplantaci by mohla zlepšit výsledky - zkušenosti jednoho centra. (2014)
Outcome of patients with high risk acute myeloid leukaemia relapsed after related and unrelated stem cell transplatation. Single center experience. (2014)
ESCMID and ECMM joint clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of mucormycosis 2013 (2014)
The role of fatty acids in colon cancer cell death and differentiation (2014)
Interactive effects of sodium butyrate and benzo[a]pyrene in colon cancer cell model (2014)
Infection of honeybee larvae by entomopathogenic nematodes - natural model to study honeybee immunity (2014)
Campylospora leptosoma sp nov and characteristics of Campylospora spp., based on morphology and on ITS sequences (2014)
Wnt5a and Wnt5b control pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
The protein composition of excretory-secretory products of three Trichinella species (2014)
ESCMID and ECMM joint clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of systemic phaeohyphomycosis: diseases caused by black fungi (2014)
ESCMID and ECMM joint guidelines on diagnosis and management of hyalohyphomycosis: Fusarium spp., Scedosporium spp. and others (2014)
How can the in vitro culture affect the spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in mammalian oocytes? (2014)
The effect of in vitro culture on spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in mammalian oocytes (2014)
Oocyte Spindle Assembly Checkpoint in Space and Time (2014)
Výsledky studie vybraných parametrů krve koček (Felis catus) ve vztahu k některým zoonózám (leptospiróza, borrelióza) (2014)
Complete sequence of multidrug resistance p9134 plasmid and its variants including natural recombinant with the virulence plasmid of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium (2014)
Exploring synthetic lethal interaction between Checkpoint Kinase 1(CHK1) and DNA replication stress (2014)
Dactylogyrus communities in the Barbus hybrid zone of southern France (2014)
Effect of hybridization between common and mediterranean barbel on the composition of the monogenean parasite communities in southern France. (2014)
Čtyřletý monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira interrograns s.l., Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis, Toxoplasma gondii se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2010-2013 (2014)
Effect of maternal origin on monogenean infection in fish hybrids (2014)
Capacity of Antarctic lichen Xanthoria elegans to synthetize photoprotective secondary compounds is affected by supplemetary UV-B doses (2014)
Daily courses of dissolved oxygen in two microbial-rich Antarctic lakes as affected by photosynthetically active radiation and water temperature (2014)
Photosynthetic studies on Antarctic autotrophs from James Ross Island: Field and aboratory experience (2014)
Simultaneous measurements of PSII activity and thallus temperature during linear cooling. A method to assess interspecific differences in photosynthetic processes in lichens from polar regions. (2014)
Changes in spectral properties and chlorophyll fluorescence of Nostoc commune colonies from Svalbard during dehydration and supplemental UV-B stress (2014)
Amatérské detektorování z pohledu archeologie (2014)
Unusual Occurrence of Salmonella Mikawasima in 2012–2013 in the Czech Republic: Part of a Multistate Outbreak? (2014)
Changes in photosynthesis, pigment composition and glutathione contents in two Antarctic lichens during a light stress and recovery (2014)
Analýza obranných mechanismů kmenů Staphylococcus aureus proti polyvalentním bakteriofágům (2014)
Characteristics of Staphylococcus petrasii, a recently described coagulase-negative species from human clinical specimens (2014)
Ethylene production is reflecting 2-oxoglutarate availability in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 harboring the ethylene forming enzyme. (2014)
Characterization of evolutionary changes to study and engineering of green microalgae (2014)
Charakterizace ETA-fágů indukovaných z klinických kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (2014)
Analýza interakce dvou různých konvertujících bakteriofágů Staphylococcus aureus (2014)
Virulence baktérií Listeria monocytogenes (2014)
Low molecular weight hyaluronan mediated CD44 dependent induction of IL-6 and chemokines in human dermal fibroblasts potentiates innate immune response (2014)
Coding-sequence variability in TLR4 in tropical and temperate zone passerines (2014)
Mezidruhová variabilita Toll-like receptoru 4 u vybraných druhů pěvců tropického a mírného pásma (2014)
Cirkulující MIR-34a a MIR-130a jako biomarkery extramedulární formy mnohočetného myelomu (2014)
Úloha proteinu c-Myb v biologii nádorových buněk kolorekta: nové možnosti boje s nádory rezistentními k chemoterapii? (2014)
Paclitaxel isomerisation in polymeric micelles based on hydrophobized hyaluronic acid (2014)
A Simple Model to Assess the Probability of Invasion in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast Diagnosed by Needle Biopsy (2014)
Human pathogenic borreliae in Ixodes ricinus ticks in natural and urban ecosystem (Czech Republic) (2014)
Dobrá smrt: eutanazie očima studentů medicíny (2014)
Red blood cells serve as intravascular carriers of myeloperoxidase (2014)
Higher anti-tumour efficacy of platinum(IV) complex LA-12 is associated with its ability to bypass M-phase entry block induced in oxaliplatin-treated human colon cancer cells (2013)
Spectral dependence of insect magnetoreception (2014)
Bakteriocinogénia ako virulentný faktor kmeňov E. coli. (2014)
Význam bakteriocinogénie vo virulencii kmeňov Escherichia coli. (2014)
Characterization of human uropathogenic ESBL-producing Escherichia coli: spread of CTX-M-27-producing B2-O25b-ST131 strains in Brno, Czech Republic. (2014)
Produkcia bakteriocínov ako virulentný faktor kmeňov Escherichia coli. (2014)
Rezistence baktérií rodu Salmonella k antimikrobiálním látkám (2014)
Sodium butyrate as a modulator of benzo[a]pyrene toxicity (2014)
PPARγ ligand sensitizes prostate cancer cells to the oxaliplatin treatment (2014)
The effect of caspase-3 inhibition on interdigital tissue regression in explant cultures of developing mouse limbs (2012)
Dissemination of IncFII(K)-type plasmids in multiresistant CTX-M-15-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates from children in hospital paediatric oncology wards (2012)
Detection of apoptosis in paraffin embedded tissues: the influence of tissue type and fixation (2002)
Host response to Borrelia afzelii in BALB/c mice tested by immunoblotting (2013)
In situ dynamic ESEM observations of basic groups of parasites (2014)
Dynamics of caspase-3 activation and inhibition in embryonic micromasses evaluated by a photon-counting chemiluminescence approach (2012)
Cell proliferation and apoptosis in the primary enamel knot measured by flow cytometry of laser microdissected samples (2010)
The effect of cellular environment and p53 status on the mode of action of the platinum derivative LA-12 (2010)
The cell type-specific effect of TAp73 isoforms on the cell cycle and apoptosis (2008)
Improved IgH-based MRD Detection By Using Droplet Digital PCR: a Comparison With Real Time Quantitative PCR in MCL and MM (2013)
Significance of microRNA-21 in colorectal cancer pathogenesis (2008)
The role of c-Myb in oxidative stress: new strategies of anticancer therapy of colorectal carcinomas? (2014)
Intravenous insulin therapy during lung resection does not affect lung function or surfactant proteins (2014)
Upregulation of CYP1B1 expression by inflammatory cytokines is mediated by the p38 MAP kinase signal transduction pathway (2014)
Úloha CDK12 v iniciaci a rozvoji nádorů a její klinické konsekvence (2014)
HER2 signaling downregulation by trastuzumab and suppression of the PI3K/Akt pathway: An unexpected effect on TRAIL-induced apoptosis (2005)
DNA Isolation and serological detection of Toxoplasma gondii in small rodents (2014)
The response of porcine monocyte derived macrophages and dendriric cells to Salmonella Typhimurium and LPS (2014)
Fenomén cirkus: Starobinského metamorfóza bohů v šašky (2014)
Vliv nanočástic stříbra na vybrané imunitní parametry bezobratlých (Galerie Mellonella) (2014)
MiR-205 as a tumor suppressor in adenocarcinoma and oncogene in spinocellular carcinoma of esophageal cancer. (2014)
Mitochondriální DNA pivovarských kvasinek a její využití při rozlišení kvasinek (2014)
MiRNA-378 a miRNA-210 u pacientů s renálním karcinomem a jejich hladiny po odstranění nádoru (2014)
Differential expression of anterior gradient protein 3 in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. (2014)
Virulence characteristics of food and human strains of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2c (2014)
Hematopoietic differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (2014)
HP1B-dependent recruitment of UBF1 to irradiated chromatin occurs simultaneously with CPDs (2014)
Cereblon - nový terapeutický ciel' v liečbe mnohopočetného myelómu (2014)
Bacteriocin-encoding genes and ExPEC virulence determinants are associated in human fecal Escherichia coli strains (2014)
Many faces of embryonic stem cells (2014)
The effect of inhaled nano-sized particles of lead oxide on mouse lungs (2014)
Problematika stanovení bezpečných resekčních okrajů u nádorů parenchymatózních orgánů (2014)
Human Rights as a Fundament of Bioethics (2013)
Metody studia diverzity půdních mikrobiálních společenstev (2014)
Plant Coumestans: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives in Cancer Therapy (2014)
Výsledky léčby gefitinibem dle lokalizace aktivační mutace genu EGFR. (2014)
Léčba pacientů s EGFR WT typem NSCLC a analýza používání erlotinibu z dat registru TULUNG. (2014)
Antarctic pseudomonads as a source of new antimicrobials (2014)
Urinary MicroRNAs as a New Class of Noninvasive Biomarkers in Oncology, Nephrology, and Cardiology (2015)
Risk Score based on microRNA expression signature is independent prognostic classifier of glioblastoma patients (2014)
Characterization of Human Uropathogenic ESBL-Producing Escherichia coli in the Czech Republic: Spread of CTX-M-27-Producing Strains in a University Hospital (2014)
Růstová odezva Lemna minor (L.) na paracetamol (2014)
Charakterizace kmenů Klebsiella pneumoniae metodami mini-multilokusové sekvenční typizace (mini-MLST) a interrepetitivní polymerázové řetězové reakce (rep-PCR) (2014)
Whole genome sequencing of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains (2014)
Hematologie a transfuzní lékařství (2014)
Functional Analysis of Dishevelled-3 Phosphorylation Identifies Distinct Mechanisms Driven by Casein Kinase 1 epsilon and Frizzled5 (2014)
Plasma-chemical modifications of cellulose for biomedical applications (2014)
The effect of hybridization on fish physiology, immunity and blood biochemistry: A case study in hybridizing Cyprinus carpio and Carassius gibelio (Cyprinidae) (2015)
ECOSYS 2014 - Functioning of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems in Changing Environment (2014)
Léčba pacientů s EGFR WT typem NSCLC a analýza používání erlotinibu ve 2. linii léčby pacientů s NSCLC (registr TULUNG) (2014)
Cysteine peptidase inhibitors from blood-feeding fish parasite Eudiploozoon nipponicum (Monogenea). (2014)
Diagnostics of helminths in meat products (2014)
Detection of parasitic helminths in final meat products (2014)
Cystatin of Eudiplozoon nipponicum - exploring the functional molecules of Monogenea (2014)
Brazilský příběh mutace p53 R337H (2014)
Guanine quadruplexes are formed by specific regions of human transposable elements (2014)
Increased mean platelet volume and immature platelet fraction as potential predictors of thrombotic complications in BCR/ABL-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (2014)
On the dynamics and constraints of batch culture growth of the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp ATCC 51142 (2012)
Improvement in Staphylococcus and Bacillus strain differentiation by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry profiling by using microwave-assisted enzymatic digestion (2014)
Cystatins of Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi and T. pseudospiralis (2014)
Cystatins of the parasitic Nematodes - Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi and T. pseudospiralis (2014)
MiR-31-3p a miR-31-5p predikují čas do progrese u pacientů s metastatickým kolorektálním karcinomem s nemutovaným onkogenem KRAS léčených cetuximabem (2014)
Deregulace PIWIL proteinů a vybraných piRNA u RCC a CRC (2014)
Sada 6-ti mikroRNA predikuje celkové přežívání u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem (2014)
Properties of Neural Crest-Like Cells Differentiated from Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2014)
Biological and clinical relevance of mirnas induced in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells during administration of therapy in vivo and in vitro (2014)
Binding of histone H1 to DNA is differentially modulated by redox state of HMGB1 (2014)
TaqMan based real time PCR assay targeting EML4-ALK fusion transcripts in NSCLC (2014)
Instrumentální technika. Obor zdravotní laborant (2014)
Multiple productive immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia are mostly derived from independent clones (2014)
Současné trendy v českém polárním výzkumu 2014 (2014)
Stepwise Enhancement of Catalytic Performance of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB towards Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane. (2014)
A Pseudomonas putida Strain Genetically Engineered for 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Bioremediation. (2014)
Maximizing the Efficiency of Multi-enzyme Process by Stoichiometry Optimization. (2014)
Immobilized Synthetic Pathway for Biodegradation of Toxic Recalcitrant Pollutant 1,2,3-Trichloropropane. (2014)
Rapid detection and identification of mucormycetes in bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients with pulmonary infiltrates by use of high-resolution melt analysis (2014)
Structural and Functional Analysis of a Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase with Two Halide-Binding Sites. (2014)
Fructose 1-Phosphate is the One and Only Physiological Effector of the Cra (FruR) regulator of Pseudomonas putida. (2014)
Microscopic Monitoring Provides Information on Structure and Properties During Biocatalyst Immobilisation. (2014)
Dynamics and Hydration Explain Failed Functional Transformation in Dehalogenase Design. (2014)
Comparison of Catalysis by Haloalkane Dehalogenases in Aqueous Solutions of a Deep Eutectic and Organic Solvents. (2014)
PredictSNP: Robust and Accurate Consensus Classifier for Prediction of Disease-Related Mutations. (2014)
Computer-Assisted Engineering of Synthetic Pathway for Biodegradation of Toxic Persistent Pollutant. (2014)
Computational Tools for Designing and Engineering Enzymes. (2014)
Crystallographic Analysis of 1,2,3–Trichloropropane Biodegradation by Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhaA31 (2014)
Interfacing Microwells with Nanoliter Compartments: A Sampler Generating High-Resolution Concentration Gradients for Quantitative Biochemical Analyses in Droplets (2015)
A sampler for high-resolution concentration gradients in nanoliter compartments for biochemical applications (2014)
A simple device for quantitation of Caspase 3 in individual apoptotic embryonic cells (2012)
Potential of quantum dots for single molecule detection in cell membranes and organelles (2009)
Oční manifestace extrarenálního maligního rhabdoidního tumoru (2014)
Oční manifestace extrarenálního maligního rhabdoidního tumoru (2014)
Akutní myokarditida v kombinaci s traumatickými změnami myokardu po resuscitaci v případu úmrtí dítěte - kazuistika (2014)
Spinocelulárny karcinóm v ložisku cirkumskriptnej sklerodermie (2014)
Recombinant Lectin from insect pathogen Photorhabdus luminisnce: structural and functional studies (2014)
Timing of the Northern Prince Gustav Ice Stream retreat and the deglaciation of northern James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula during the last glacial-interglacial transition (2014)
New methods to reconstruct clast transport history in different glacial sedimentary environments: Case study for Old Red sandstone clasts from polythermal Horbyebreen and Bertilbreen valley glaciers, Central Svalbard (2013)
Your round changes in bacterial enviroment at mendel research station, antarctica (2014)
Characterization of Pseudomonas monteilii CCM 3423 and its physiological potential for biodegradation of selected organic pollutants. (2014)
Hypoxia enhances cytotoxicity of wedelolactone to breast cancer cells (2014)
Detekce bakterií ve smíšeném klinickém vzorku u pacienta s bakteriální meningitidou pomocí kultivace a molekulárně-biologických metod (2013)
Molekulárně-biologická detekce bakterií v polybakteriálních vzorcích močových katétrů a ureterálních stentů (2014)
Transcriptional programs induced by c-Myb prevent lung seeding of mammary tumors (2014)
Recruitment of HP1 beta to UVA-induced DNA lesions is independent of radiation-induced changes in A-type lamins (2014)
Nuclear Structures Surrounding Internal Lamin Invaginations (2014)
Advanced Microscopy Techniques Used for Comparison of UVA- and gamma-Irradiation-Induced DNA Damage in the Cell Nucleus and Nucleolus (2014)
Epigenetic aspects of HP1 exchange kinetics in apoptotic chromatin (2013)
Epigenetics of DNA repair (2013)
c-Myb contributes to endochondral bone development (2014)
Fas ligand in formation of hard tissue (2014)
Ze života kosti: nové molekuly v signálních drahách (2014)
Distribution of BMP6 in the alveolar bone during mouse mandibular molar eruption (2014)
MALDI-TOF fingerprinting of the whole mammalian cell-lines (2014)
Relation of viral etiology of oropharyngeal tumors to the response rate of individual treatment modalities (2014)
Diferenciální diagnostika eozinofilie (2014)
Genome-Wide Screening of Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Multiple Myeloma Patients Using Array-CGH Technique: A Czech Multicenter Experience (2014)
Genome-wide screening of DNA copy number alterations in cervical carcinoma patients with CGH+SNP microarrays and HPV-FISH (2014)
TP53 Mutation Analysis in Clinical Practice: Lessons From Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2014)
Chromosomal translocations and karyotype complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A systematic reappraisal of classic cytogenetic data (2014)
Identification of novel sequence variations in microRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Assessment of TP53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia by different assays; an ERIC-wide approach (2014)
TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different detection methods (2015)
Molecular cytogenetic analyses of hTERC (3q26) and MYC (8q24) genes amplifications in correlation with oncogenic human papillomavirus infection in Czech patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical carcinomas (2015)
The frequency of TP53 gene defects differs between chronic lymphocytic leukaemia subgroups harbouring distinct antigen receptors (2014)
MDM2 promotor polymorphism and disease characteristics in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of an individual patient data-based meta-analysis (2014)
Detection of Minimal Residual Disease in Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Establishment of Novel Eight-Color Flow Cytometry Approach (2015)
BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutational analysis of CD34+ stem/progenitor cells in newly diagnosed CML patients by next-generation sequencing (2014)
Distinct in vitro sensitivity of p53-mutated and ATM-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2014)
Detailed analysis of therapy-driven clonal evolution of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Evaluation of three purely polypropylene meshes of different pore sizes in an onlay position in a New Zealand white rabbit model (2014)
Towards error-free profiling of immune repertoires (2014)
Rozšíření a druhové zastoupení rodu Borrelia v České republice: výsledky několikaletého výzkumu (2014)
Vztah mezi parametry transkraniální dopplerometrie a tkáňovou oxymetrií u pacientů s těžkým subarachnoidálním krvácením (2014)
Cirkulující a extracelulární mikroRNA jako nové potenciální diagnostické markery pro gynekologické malignity (2014)
Interactions among mononitrophenol isomers during biodegradation of their mixtures (2015)
WHO klasifikace nádorů měkkých tkání a kostí 2013: hlavní změny oproti 3. vydání (2014)
Identification of AHK2- and AHK3-like cytokinin receptors in Brassica napus reveals two subfamilies of AHK2 orthologues (2015)
AFLP: handy for Monogenea! (2014)
Application of NGS techniques for Monogenea. (2014)
Different Clinical Utility of Oropharyngeal Bacterial Screening prior to Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy in Oncological and Neurological Patients (2014)
Separation of Methicillin-Resistant from Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus by Electrophoretic Methods in Fused Silica Capillaries Etched with Supercritical Water (2014)
Host-Parasite Interactions: Different Views and Different Perspectives. (2014)
Recommendations on generic names competing for use in Leotiomycetes (Ascomycota) (2014)
Chapter 4: Freshwater Basidiomycota (2014)
Observation of a Brine Layer on an Ice Surface with an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope at Higher Pressures and Temperatures (2014)
Modulation of induced cytotoxicity of doxorubicin by using apoferritin and liposomal cages (2014)
Algal Biomass Analysis by Laser-Based Analytical Techniques-A Review (2014)
Kde končí a začíná diagnóza Ewingova sarkomu - popis dvou neobvyklých kostních nádorů s translokací t(20;22)(EWSR1-NFATc2) (2014)
Normocytární a makrocytární anemie v seniorském věku (2014)
Postižení prsu u hematoonkologických pacientů (2014)
Recent Approaches in Tooth Engineering Research (2014)
Mouse Incisor Stem Cell Niche and Myb Transcription Factors (2015)
Mesenchymal stromal cell labeling by new uncoated superparamagnetic maghemite nanoparticles in comparison with commercial Resovist - an initial in vitro study (2014)
Effect of FGFR inhibitors on chicken limb development (2014)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of ancient human dental calculus treated by chemical conservation (2014)
Host-parasite interactions: a case study of the Barbus hybrid zone (2014)
WNT activation by lithium abrogates TP53 mutation associated radiation resistance in medulloblastoma (2014)
Root and foliar uptake, translocation and distribution of [C-14] fluoranthene in pea plants (Pisum sativum) (2014)
HSP47 and FKBP65 cooperate in the synthesis of type I procollagen (2015)
Genotypové odlišnosti technologických kmenů kvasinek rodu Saccharomyces (2014)
Hemolytické anémie (2014)
Structural and behavioural changes in a rodent developmental disruption model of schizophrenia (2014)
Koncept autonomie v medicíně (2014)
Ľudské práva v paliatívnej starostlivosti (2013)
Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to lung epithelial cells, application of air-liquid and 3D organotypic culture (2014)
The impact of heat stress targeting on the hormonal and transcriptomic response in Arabidopsis (2015)
Optimization of microscopic procedures for study of monogenean anatomy (2014)
Subependymální obrovskobuněčný astrocytom u pacientů s tuberózní sklerózou – farmakologická léčba mTOR inhibitory (2014)
mTOR inhibice: nové možnosti farmakologické léčby nádorů u pacientů s tuberózní sklerózou (2014)
Infekce způsobené netyfovými sérovary salmonel na Klinice infekčních chorob Fakultní nemocnice Brno v letech 2011-2013 - retrospektivní studie (2014)
Primární nádory kůže a postižení kůže v dětské onkologii (2014)
Využití imunoterapie v dětské onkologii (2014)
Nádory ovarií u dětí a adolescentních dívek (2014)
Léčba invazivní aspergilózy - doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL (2014)
Léčba invazivního kandidového onemocnění a hematogenní kandidové infekce - doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL (2014)
Interactive effects of inflammatory cytokine and abundant low-molecular-weight PAHs on inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication, disruption of cell proliferation control, and the AhR-dependent transcription (2015)
Doplnění dlahové osteosyntézy stehenní kosti intramedulárním hřebem - experimentální studie (2014)
Complex Analysis of TP53 in Lung Carcinoma (2014)
Moesin and Radixin are downregulated by c-Myb in breast carcinomas (2013)
High level of COBLL1, a novel ROR1 binding partner, identifies chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients with mutated IghV (2014)
Analysis of merkel cell polyomavirus prognostic significance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
SF3B1 mutations in CLL are associated with a defective DNA damage response (2014)
Targeted next-generation sequencing for mutational screening in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a high-throughput yet tailored approach will facilitate implementation within a clinical setting (2014)
NOD/SCID gamma xenograft model of B-cell malignancies using TP53- and/or ATM-deficient cell lines (2014)
Effect of Crocin and Fluoxetine on CYP2C6 in vivo Metabolic Activity Its Protein Levels in Rat Liver Microsomes (2014)
Incorporation of next-generation sequencing into ATM gene analysis in patients with CLL and MCL. (2014)
Deposits of pyroclastic mass flows at Bibby Hill (Pliocene, James Ross Island, Antarctica) (2014)
Selective In Vitro Anticancer Effect of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded in Hyaluronan Polymeric Micelles (2014)
Immunoglobulin heavy variable genes and alleles: new entities, new names and implications for research and prognostication in CLL (2014)
Not ALL IghV3-21 CLL are equal: subset 2 displays a distinctive clinicobiological profile with remarkable similarities to subset 169, its close immunogenetic relative (2014)
Mikrobiální zoonózy a sapronózy (2014)
The ATRA-induced differentiation of medulloblastoma cells is enhanced with LOX/COX inhibitors: an analysis of gene expression. (2014)
LOX/COX inhibitors enhance the antineoplastic effects of all-trans retinoic acid in osteosarcoma cell lines. (2014)
The actual role of PCR in the diagnostics of invasive fungal infections (2014)
Rapid detection and identification of medically important Fungi in bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients using PCR followed by high-resolution melting analysis (2014)
Amyloid precursor proteins (APPS) as potential modulators of WNT/PCP pathway in CLL (2014)
13Q deletion as the most frequently gained abrration during CLL course (2014)
Deep sequencing for detailed analysis of TP53 mutations clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Reactivation of mutated p53 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells using prima-1 met. (2014)
BAP1 mutation in a family with malignant mesothelioma and uveal melanoma (2014)
TP53 mutations in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasias (2014)
Blood sample processing significantly affects occurence of alternatively spliced transcripts of TP53 gene (2014)
Wnt3 levels predict time to first treatment in CLL patients (2014)
Significance of genomic abnormalities in evolution of biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Subset-Specific spectra of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with stereotyped B-cell receptors (2014)
Antifosfolipidový syndrom a katastrofický antifosfolipidový syndrom (2014)
Charting unique signatures of somatic hypermutation amongst chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients expressing IGHV4-34 clonotypic B cell receptors (2014)
Léčba a profylaxe krvácení transfuzními přípravky a krevními deriváty (2014)
Clinical impact of stereotyped antigen receptors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
The role of high cell density in the promotion of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation of prostate cancer cells (2014)
Protein folding disease: Familiar Hypercholesterolemia (2014)
Diagnostika genu AML4-ALK a jeho prediktivní význam u nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (2014)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a význam sekvenování nové generace při studiu patogeneze onemocnění (2014)
Molekulárně genetické metody používané v diagnostice hereditárních nádorových syndromů v OEGN laboratoři v MOÚ (2014)
Raritní onkologické diagnózy v průtokové cytometrii (2014)
Mutace genu TP53 u pacientů s myeloproliferativními neoplasiemi (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Variant within the apolipoprotein B and its role in pseudo-FH development (2014)
Nový diagnostický algoritmus autosomálně dominantní hypercholesterolémie v ČR (2014)
Kompasová orientace antarktických litorálních korýšů je mimořádně citlivá k působení slabých RF polí (2015)
Familiární hypercholesterolemie: diagnostika a funkční analýza (2014)
Význam mutační analýzy prognostických markerů u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím přístupů další generace sekvenováním (2014)
Magnetorecepce hmyzu - půlstoletí výzkumu za námi a kudy dál (2015)
Wnt/PCP dráha ovlivňuje migraci buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie - uplatňuje se také u nemaligních B-lymfocytů? (2014)
Gentické aberace v B-lymfocytu chronické lymfocytární leukémie - vznik, selekce a dopad na terapii (2014)
Co všechno nám mohou napovědět imunoglobulinové geny u chronické lymfatické leukémie (2014)
Molekulární biologie u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2014)
Immune response of porcine alveolar macrophages to simultaneous infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Haemophilus parasuis (2013)
Immune response of PAMs to simultaneous infection with PRRSV and Haemophilus parasuis (2014)
Is checkpoint kinase 1 a suitable molecular target for combination with cancer chemotherapeutics? (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Identifikace MicroRNAs zapojených do reakce na poškození DNA v maligních B lymfocytech a jejich biologická a klinická relevance (2014)
BAP1 syndrom s maligním mesotheliomem a uveálním melanomem (2014)
Roles of proteome dynamics and cytokinin signaling in root-to-hypocotyl ratio changes induced by shading roots of Arabidopsis seedlings (2015)
BRCA1/2, CHEK2 and TP53 testing in Czech high-risk families with breast or ovarian cancer (2014)
Prognostic impact of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in TP53-mutated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Is checkpoint kinase 1 a suitable molecular target for sensitization of TP53-mutated leukemia and lymphoma cells to chemotherapy? (2014)
Deep sequencing for identification of minor-clone TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Ichthyoses as inherited disorders of lipid metabolism (2014)
Genotyping and virulence factors of Listeria monocytogenes in terms of food safety (2015)
Survival and growth of lactic acid bacteria in hot smoked dry sausages (non-fermented salami) with and without sensory deviations (2015)
Relation of viral etiology of oropharyngeal tumors to the response rate of individual treatment modalities (2014)
Arabidopsis proteome responses to the smoke-derived growth regulator karrikin (2015)
“Bottomsets” of the lava-fed delta of James Ross Island Volcanic Group, Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
A simple microviscometric approach based on Brownian motion tracking (2015)
Clinical effect of stereotyped B-cell receptor immunoglobulins in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: A retrospective multicentre study (2014)
Vliv sezóny, ploidie a nákazy na aktivitu komplementu sladkovodních ryb (2015)
Effect of bovine lactoferrin on MDMF infected by porcine rotavirus A (2014)
Effect of bovine lactoferrin on IPEC infected by porcine rotavirus A (2013)
Hemofilie (2014)
Klinická hlediska krvácení (2014)
Laboratorní diagnostika krvácení (2014)
Léčiva užívaná ke stavění krvácení (2014)
Patofyziologie krevního srážení (2014)
Von Willebrandova choroba (2014)
Krvácení (2014)
JAK2 inhibitory v léčbě primární myelofibrózy. Dodatek k doporučením pro diagnostiku a léčbu Ph negativních myeloproliferativních onemocnění České pracovní skupiny pro Ph negativní myeloproliferativní onemocnění České hematologické společnosti ČLS JEP (CZEMP) (2014)
Causes of death and heart pathology in pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-def ibrillator patients who died in hospital (2014)
One-year outcome following biological or mechanical valve replacement for infective endocarditis (2015)
Novel FBN1 gene mutation and maternal germinal mosaicism as the cause of neonatal form of Marfan syndrome (2014)
Circulating MiR-130a monitoring in multiple myeloma patients and patients with extramedullary disease (2014)
No Major Effect of the CDH1 c.2440-6C > G Mutation on Splicing Detected in Last Exon-Specific Splicing Minigene Assay (2014)
Růst, biochemické a fyziologické změny u Lemna minor vlivem diklofenaku (2014)
Využití genetiky v antropologii (2014)
Identification of a Novel Retrotransposon with Sex Chromosome-Specific Distribution in Silene latifolia (2014)
Possible mechanisms responsible for absence of a retrotransposon family on a plant Y chromosome (2014)
Reclassification of Staphylococcus jettensis De Bel et al. 2013 as Staphylococcus petrasii subsp. jettensis subsp. nov. and emended description of Staphylococcus petrasii Pantucek et al. 2013 (2014)
Corynebacterium imitans izolované z hemokultury u pacienta se suspektní bakterémií-první izolace v humánním klinickém materiálu v České republice (2014)
Modern methods for genetic improvement of Trifolium pratense (2014)
Next-generation sequencing and genome characterization of red clover and its wild relative zig-zag clover (2014)
Characterization of Enterococcus species occuring on terrestrial vegetation (2014)
Zoonotic Dirofilaria repens (Nematoda: Filarioidea) in Aedes vexans mosquitoes, Czech Republic (2014)
Differentiation of Staphylococcus sciuri subspecies (2014)
Phytoestrogen content in clover (Trifolium spp.) and in grass stands depening on treatment and storage (2014)
Hodnocení krmivářských charakteristik odrůdy Pramedi – mezidruhového hybrida Trifolium pratense x Trifolium medium (2014)
Srovnávací analýza repetitivních sekvencí Trifolium pratense a Trifolium medium sekvenováním nové generace (2014)
Evoluce genetického elementu SCCmec u rodu Staphylococcus (2014)
Putative New West Nile Virus Lineage in Uranotaenia unguiculata Mosquitoes, Austria, 2013 (2014)
Staphylococus aureus u pacientů s cystickou fibrózou v České republice – prospektivní studie (2014)
Vector-borne disease intelligence: strategies to deal with disease burden and threats. (2014)
Využití diverzity mikrosatelitních lokusů získaných sekvenováním další generace u jetele (2014)
Characterization of a model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 autotrophic growth in a flat-panel photobioreactor. (2015)
Mechanisms of High Temperature Resistance of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: An Impact of Histidine Kinase 34. (2015)
Ixodes ricinus and its transmitted pathogens in urban and peri-urban areas in Europe: new hazards and relevance for public health. (2014)
CHAP domain of tail-associated protein from phage 812 and its lytic activity against Staphylococcus aureus (2014)
Characterization of host-range mutations in genomes of Staphylococcus Twortlikeviruses (2014)
MicroRNA signature associated with poor outcome of glioblastoma patients (2014)
Biofilm formation on stainless steel by Staphylococcus epidermidis in milk and influence of glucose and sodium chloride on the development of ica-mediated biofilms (2011)
Detekce genově specifických mikrosatelitních markerů jetele lučního (2014)
Testovací sada mikrosatelitních markerů v souboru znaků jetele lučního (2015)
Kmeny šlechtitelského materiálu JEH1F získané z mezidruhového křížence Trifolium pratense x Trifolium medium (2014)
Ovlivňuje denní doba metabolickou aktivitu fagocytů vlaštovek obecných? (2015)
Lactic acid bacteria in hot smoked dry sausage (non-fermented salami): Thermal resistance of Weissella viridescens strains isolated from hot smoked dry sausages (2015)
Biopsy Based Diagnosis of Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Negative Magnetic Resonance Image Finding (2014)
Monogenean parasites of cichlids: model systems for speciation and invasion biology? (2014)
Comparative analysis of heterogeneity of primary photosynthetic processes within fruticose lichen thalli: Preliminary study of interspecific differences (2014)
Diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity of the biological soil crust and lichen: Effects of abiotic factors (Petuniabukta, Svalbard) (2014)
Charakteristika Enterococcus spp. izolovaných z rostlin (2014)
Cytokinins control xylem differentiation program via transcriptional regulation of NST1 and NST3, the master regulators of xylem development. (2014)
Cytokinins regulate development of lignified tissues via control of activity of secondary cell wall master regulators (NST1 and NST3) (2014)
Novel role of cytokinins in development of lignified tissues via control of activity of secondary cell wall master regulators (NST1 and NST3) (2014)
Growth response of Lemna minor L. to paracetamol (2014)
Systematic mapping of WNT-Frizzled interactions reveals functional selectivity by distinct WNT-Frizzled pairs (2015)
Assessment of Frizzled 6 membrane mobility by FRAP supports G protein coupling and reveals WNT-Frizzled selectivity (2014)
Asymmetry of VANGL2 in migrating lymphocytes as a tool to monitor activity of the mammalian WNT/planar cell polarity pathway (2015)
Automated Microscopy in Forward Genetic Screening of Arabidopsis (2014)
Assessment of Frizzled 6membranemobility by FRAP supports G protein coupling and reveals WNT-Frizzled selectivity (2014)
Automated Cell Segmentation in Phase-Contrast Images based on Classification and Region Growing (2015)
Základní principy molekulární biologie (2015)
Palladium(II) complexes of dithiocarbamic acids: synthesis, characterization, crystal structure and DNA binding study (2012)
A water soluble Al3+ selective colorimetric and fluorescent turn-on chemosensor and its application in living cell imaging (2012)
Effect of dehydration on spectral reflectance and photosynthetic efficiency in Umbilicaria arctica and U. hyperborea (2015)
Gradient of algal and cyanobacterial assemblages in a temporary lake with melting water at Solorina Valley, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Mikrobiologická kontrola v pivovaru se zaměřením na pivu škodící mikroorganismy (2015)
The TREC/KREC Assay for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Patients with DiGeorge Syndrome (2014)
Retro operation on the Trp-cage miniprotein sequence produces an unstructured molecule capable of folding similar to the original only upon 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol addition (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS001 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS003 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS004 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS005 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS010 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS006 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS013 (2014)
Geneticky modifikovaná bakterie degradující toxické environmentalní polutanty Ps. putida CF4 deg31 (2014)
Geneticky modifikovaná bakterie Pseudomonas putida CF4 deg 31 pro degradaci toxického environmentálního polutantu 1,2,3-trichlorpropanu na chromosomu (2014)
Geneticky modifikovaná bakterie Pseudomonas putida CF4 pro degradaci toxického environmentálního polutantu 1,2,3-trichlorpropanu na plasmidu. (2014)
Upravený rekombinantní enzym haloalkan dehalogenasa DbeA 01 (2014)
Upravený rekombinantní enzym haloalkan dehalogenase DbeA03 (2014)
Caver Analyst 1.0 (2014)
Upravený rekombinantní enzym haloalkan dehalogenasa DbeA 02 (2014)
Inhibition of beta-catenin signalling promotes DNA damage elicited by benzo[a]pyrene in a model of human colon cancer cells via CYP1 deregulation (2015)
Circulating miRNA-378 and miRNA-210 in patients with renal cell carcinoma and their levels after surgical removal of the tumour (2015)
Výskyt entezopatií medzi obyvateľmi veľkomoravského hradiska Pohansko u Břeclavi (2014)
Localized movement and morphology of UBF1-positive nucleolar regions are changed by gamma-irradiation in G2 phase of the cell cycle (2015)
Monitoring of climate variability and permafrost active layer properties on James Ross Island, Maritime Antarctica (2014)
Metody studia buněčné migrace a invazivity nádorových buněk (2014)
Antropologický výzkum kosterních pozůstatků z trosek bombardéru Petljakov sestřeleného za 2. světové války nad obcí Kobeřice na Moravě (2014)
Antropogenetický výzkum kostrové populace ze Znojma -Hradiště (2014)
Ovarian carcinoma CDK12 mutations misregulate expression of DNA repair genes via deficient formation and function of the Cdk12/CycK complex. (2015)
Simplified protocol for flow cytometry analysis of fluorescently labeled exosomes and microvesicles using dedicated flow cytometer (2015)
Série komplikací po srdeční transplantaci (2014)
Sada pro stanovení prognózy chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2015)
Močové miRNA jako potenciální biomarkery uroteliálního karcinomu močového měchýře (2015)
Exprese PIWIL proteinů a piR-651 u pacientů s renálním karcinomem (2015)
Charakterizace exprese epiteliálních a mezenchymálních markerů zapojených do procesu EMT u pacientů s renálním karcinomem (2015)
Exprese miRNA-31-5p u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem a její funkční vliv na gliobastomové buňky (2015)
Confirmation of Proteus mirabilis from a heart valve sample of a patient with infective endocarditis using broad-range PCR and sequencing (2015)
Cell differentiation of lignified tissues is controlled by cytokinins via negative regulation of master regulators NST1 and NST3 (2015)
The melanoma-associated antigen 1 (MAGEA1) protein stimulates the E3 ubiquitin-ligase activity of TRIM31 within a TRIM31-MAGEA1-NSE4 complex (2015)
Microsatellite loci for population studies of the genus Alburnoides and four other critically endangered and vulnerable cyprinids in the Czech Republic (2015)
First Report on Anisakid Nematodes from South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) in James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
Effects of experimentally increased in ovo lysozyme on egg hatchability, chicks immune response and phenotype in a precocial bird (2015)
DHFR-mediated effects of methotrexate in medulloblastoma and osteosarcoma cells: The same outcome of treatment with different doses in sensitive cell lines (2015)
Neutral Endopeptidase-Resistant C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Variant Represents a New Therapeutic Approach for Treatment of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3-Related Dwarfism (2015)
Fibroblast growth factor and canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling cooperate in suppression of chondrocyte differentiation in experimental models of FGFR signaling in cartilage (2015)
The use of flower-like gold nanoparticles in time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2015)
ZFAS1, long non-coding RNA with significance in colorectal cancer (2015)
Piwi genes and tissue/serum piR-651 are related to clinicopathologic features of renal cell carcinoma (2015)
MiR-215 is a tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer in vitro and in vivo (2015)
Urinary cell-free microRNAs as potential biomarkers of urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder (2015)
MiRNA-31-5p expression in glioblastoma tissue and effects of its replacement in glioblastoma cells (2015)
Role of c-Myb in chondrogenesis (2015)
Caspase-7 in development of ectodermal organs: Apoptosis or differentiation? (2014)
Klonovanie génu domnelej hydrolázy tmpE bakteriofága 812 a jeho expresia pre 3D štruktúrnu analýzu (2015)
Charakteristika genómu dvoch baktériofágov indukovaných zo Staphylococcus sciuri (2015)
Molecular identification of bacteria in polybacterial specimens of urinary catheters and urine of catheterized patients (2015)
miR-155 and miR-484 Are Associated with Time to Progression in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Sunitinib (2015)
Diagnostic and prognostic potential of miR-21, miR-29c, miR-148 and miR-203 in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus (2015)
Analysis of B-Cell Subpopulations in Monoclonal Gammopathies (2015)
Post-Translational Modifications of Histones in Human Sperm (2015)
Effect of Growth Conditions on Flocculation and Cell Surface Hydrophobicity of Brewing Yeast (2015)
Trefoil factor 3 as a marker of intestinal cell damage during sepsis (2015)
Ofatumumab added to dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Results from a phase II study (2015)
Paleopatologické změny v oblasti kyčelního kloubu v dospělé populaci z pohřebiště ve Znojmě-Hradišti (2014)
Rozhodování o péči o novorozence na hranicích viability (2015)
Identification of molecules mediating c-myb-dependent chemoresistance of colorectal carcinoma cells (2015)
Epidemiologická situace u vektora a zástupce hostitele onemocnění LB na vybraných lokalitách v CR - dlouhodobá studie (2015)
Application of fluorescent capillary electrophoresis for rapid diagnosis of fungal infections (2015)
Proceedings: Students in Polar Research Conference 2015 (2015)
Students in Polar Research Conference 2015 (2015)
N-Glycome Profiling of Patatins from Different Potato Species of Solanum Genus (2015)
Amino acid composition and nutritional value of four cultivated South American potato species (2015)
Site-specific Analysis of Protein Hydration Based on Unnatural Amino Acid Fluorescence. (2015)
Balancing the Stability-Activity Trade-off by Fine-Tuning Dehalogenase Access Tunnels. (2015)
A novel mutation leading to a premature stop codon in inlA of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from neonatal listeriosis (2015)
NOD/SCID IL2R gamma-null mouse xenograft model of human p53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia and ATM-mutated mantle cell lymphoma using permanent cell lines (2015)
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent disruption of contact inhibition in rat liver WB-F344 epithelial cells is linked with induction of survivin, but not with inhibition of apoptosis (2015)
Measurement of Chlorophyll a and Carotenoids Concentration in Cyanobacteria (2015)
Characterization of autotrophic growth of a model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in a flat panel photobioreactor (2015)
Proteomic responses to a methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress in the wild type and FerB mutant strains of Paracoccus denitrificans (2015)
Discovery of a novel ligand that modulates the protein-protein interactions of the AAA plus superfamily oncoprotein reptin (2015)
Proceedings: Students in Polar Research Conference 2015 (2015)
Vplyv prostredia na produkciu bakteriocínov u druhu Escherchia coli. (2015)
Genetic diversity of colicin E1 and fimbriae type I in Escherichia coli strains. (2015)
OspC typy a invazivita Bbsl z lokality Pisárky, Brno. Exprese OspC ve vysoké koncentraci, izolace protilátek proti OspC a epitopové mapování OspC (2015)
Investigation of structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
MikroRNA jako neinvazivní biomarkery renálního karcinomu (2015)
Monitoring of land-based glaciers on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula (2015)
Wedelolactone induces growth of breast cancer cells by stimulation of estrogen receptor signalling (2015)
Use of flower-like gold nanoparticles in time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2015)
Sterilization of Escherichia Coli using high frequency atmospheric pressure plasma discharge. (2008)
Nitrogen fertilization does not affect micronutrient uptake in grain maize (Zea mays L.) (2011)
Elektrotransformace Salmonella typhimurium LB 5000 plazmidovou DNA (1996)
Využití elektroporace v procesu transformace G- bakterií (1997)
Mechanické předčištění z pohledu stávající legislativy (2009)
Microbial contamination of the sand from the wastewater treatment plants (2010)
Ověření účinnosti hnojení digestáty z bioplynových stanic na výnos ozimé řepky a ozimé pšenice a změny vybraných agrochemických vlastností půdy. (2010)
Primary treatment of the waste water treatment plant from the point of view of the current legislation (2010)
Use of bio- enzymatic preparations for enhancement biogas production. (2011)
Myeloperoxidase deficiency attenuates the cell death of neutrophils induced by oxidative burst (2015)
Improvement of sequence-based bacteria identification in polybacterial specimens by RipSeq Mixed software (2015)
Představujeme výsledky projektu NAZV (2015)
Experimental platform for microalgae characterization and optimization (2015)
What is more suitable for kohlrabi fertilization - digestate or mineral fertilizers? (2015)
Functional loss of I kappa B epsilon leads to NF-kappa B deregulation in aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Evaluation of Minim typing for genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates (2015)
Toxicita antimikrobiálních krytů ran aneb na co může odpovědět in vitro testování (2015)
Tumor suppressor candidate 3 (TUSC3) prevents the epithelialto- mesenchymal transition and inhibits tumor growth by modulating the endoplasmic reticulum stress response in ovarian cancer cells (2015)
An improved method for the visualization of conductive vessels in Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence stems (2015)
Prevalence, diversity and characterization of enterococci from three coraciiform birds (2015)
Aktuální změny v taxonomii rodu Staphylococcus (2015)
Technika pro zpracování odpadů II (2015)
Biogas and Methane Yield from Rye Grass (2015)
The role of c-Myb in oxidative stress (2015)
Kapradinové porosty - jejich vliv na množství a enzymatickou aktivitu mikroorganizmů v půdách Moravskoslezských Beskyd (2011)
Comparison of the effectiveness of digestate and mineral fertilisers on yields and quality of kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea, L.) (2011)
Application of the Electrospun Nanofibres in Wastewater Treatment (2011)
Effect of mineral fertiliser and digestate application on soil properties and yield and chemical composition of kohlrabi (2011)
Use of electrospun nanofibers for bacteria removal from wastewater treatment plant outlets (2011)
Klíšťata a rizika přenosu nákazy z matky na plod a dítě (2015)
Plant alcaloid and probiotics increase resistance of honeybees to nematobacterial infection (2015)
Cell proliferation on modified DLC thin films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (2015)
Mikrobiální kontaminace odpadů z mechanického čištění odpadních vod (2010)
Kapradinové porosty - jejich vliv na množství a enzymatickou aktivitu mikroorganizmů v půdách Moravskoslezských Beskyd (2010)
Athyrium distentifolium a jeho vliv na enzymatickou aktivitu mikroorganizmů v kyselých horských půdách (2009)
Fosfatázová aktivita mikroorganizmů v půdách rostlinných společenstev ovlivněných klimatickými změnami (2009)
Studium antioxidačního potenciálu a antimikrobiální aktivity extraktů jedlého zimolezu (Lonicera edulis turcz. ex Frein) (Lonicera kamschatica L.) a jejich hybridů (2009)
Sledování vybraných parametrů čistírenských písků a možnost jejich aplikace do půdy (2009)
Šance pro energetické využití bioodpadů z obcí (2008)
Mineralizace dusíku v půdě pod kapradinovými porosty na odlesněných horských plochách ovlivněných kyselými depozicemi (2008)
Microbial respiration and nitrogen transformation in mountain soil (2008)
Microbial nitrogen transformation in soil covered with Athyrium distentifolium in deforested mountain area (2007)
Aktivita půdních mikroorganizmů v lokalitě zatížené ropnými uhlovodíky (2007)
Izolace aktinomycet z půdních vzorků zatížených těžkými kovy a pokus o jejich identifikaci metodou FAME (2005)
Autologous adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction cells application in patients with osteoarthritis (2015)
Curcuma and Scutellaria plant extracts protect chickens against inflammation and Salmonella Enteritidis infection (2015)
The role of Anterior Gradient 2 in breast cancer signaling pathways (2012)
Anterior gradient protein 3 is associated with less aggressive tumors and better outcome of breast cancer patients. (2015)
Onemocnění imunitního systému. In Ondřej Slabý et al.: Molekulární medicína. (2015)
Monogenní dědičné choroby. In Ondřej Slabý et al.: Molekulární medicína. (2015)
Fate of the Molar Dental Lamina in the Monophyodont Mouse (2015)
Instability restricts signaling of multiple fibroblast growth factors (2015)
A novel variant of FGFR3 causes proportionate short stature (2015)
Characterization of Technologically Utilized Saccharomyces Yeast (2015)
Microorganisms role in biogas transformations (2015)
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from Czech cystic fibrosis patients: high rate of ribosomal mutation conferring resistance to MLSB antibiotics as a result of long-term and low-dose azithromycin treatment (2015)
Complete genome analysis of two new bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
Staphylococcus petrasii subsp. pragensis subsp. nov., occurring in human clinical material (2015)
Výuka bioinformatiky pro studenty biologických oborů na Masarykově univerzitě (2012)
Analysis of Prognostic Significance of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2015)
Molecular Classification of Ependymal Tumors across All CNS Compartments, Histopathological Grades, and Age Groups (2015)
Characterization of microalgae growth using flat panel photobioreactor (2015)
Optimalization of cultivation conditions for production of farmaceutic compounds by nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (2015)
Tooth autotransplantations – lessons from animal models: a review (2015)
Surgical Methods in Mouse Tooth Autotransplantation Research (2015)
A two-stage combined trickle bed reactor/biofilter for treatment of styrene/acetone vapor mixtures (2015)
Substrate interactions between 4-nitrophenol and 4-nitrotoluene during biodegradation of their mixture (2016)
Proteome-wide dataset generated by iTRAQ-3DLCMS/MS technique for studying the role of FerB protein in oxidative stress in Paracoccus denitrificans (2015)
Kdy indikovat empirickou antibiotickou léčbu u akutní komunitní gastroenterokolitidy suspektní bakteriální etiologie? (2015)
Funkční charakterizace potenciálně pro-metastatických proteinů u nádorů prsu (2015)
Investigation of the role of PDLIM2 in breast cancer metastasis (2015)
Investigation of pro-metastatic role of PDLIM2 protein in breast cancer using functional proteomics (2015)
First evidence of Babesia venatorum and Babesia capreoli in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Czech Republic (2015)
Physiological and condition-related traits in the gynogenetic-sexual Carassius auratus complex: different investments promoting the coexistence of two reproductive forms? (2015)
Lack of response to unaligned chromosomes in mammalian female gametes (2012)
Limited efficacy of HLA-haploidentical peripheral blood stem cell infusion in treatment of elderly patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia (2017)
Description of Pseudomonas gregormendelii sp. nov., a Novel Psychrotrophic Bacterium from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
Detection of Diverse Novel Bat Astrovirus Sequences in the Czech Republic (2015)
Cold-active antimicrobial agents produced by Antarctic pseudomonads (2015)
Cytokinins control cell differentiation via negative regulation of secondary cell wall master regulators NST1 and NST3 (2015)
The Evolutionary Fate of the Horizontally Transferred Agrobacterial Mikimopine Synthase Gene in the Genera Nicotiana and Linaria (2014)
Characterization of the HMA7 gene and transcriptomic analysis of candidate genes for copper tolerance in two Silene vulgaris ecotypes (2014)
Insect light-dependent magnetoreception is not lost in red (2015)
Impact of cadmium, cobalt and nickel on sequence-specific DNA binding of p63 and p73 in vitro and in cells (2015)
Soil - the non-renewable environmental resource (2015)
Enhancement: Konceptuální ujasnění a základní podoby (2015)
Metal-organic frameworks as matrices for mass spectrometry of biomolecules (2015)
Analysis of cell surface proteome of two variants of MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cells with different migration properties (2013)
Nové trendy ve studiu glykosylace proteinů u onkologických onemocnění (2014)
Utilization of HDX Workbench software for evaluation of H/D data obtained from Orbitrap Elitemass spectrometer (2014)
Srovnání programů pro analýzu dat z metody vodík/deuteriové výměny ve spojení s hmotnostníspektrometrií: HDX Workbench vs. HDExaminer (2015)
Glykanové profilování sér pacientek s rakovinou vaječníku senzitivních na léčbu platinovými deriváty (2015)
Analýza dynamiky oligomerizace proteinu Reptin metodou vodík/deuteriové výměny ve spojení s hmotnostní spektrometrií (2015)
Enzymaticky aktivní katepsin D zvyšuje citlivost prsní nádorové linie MDA-MB-231 k TRAILu (2015)
Proteomics analysis of cell surface proteins associated with migration of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells (2014)
Analysis of potential prometastatic targets derived from proteomic comparison of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines with different migration capability (2014)
phoP, SPI1, SPI2 and aroA mutants of Salmonella Enteritidis induce a different immune response in chickens (2015)
RBM7 subunit of the NEXT complex binds U-rich sequences and targets 3 '-end extended forms of snRNAs (2015)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2015)
Týden lékařské genetiky v Brně : odborné akce, které se konají u příležitosti 150. výročí uveřejnění výsledků Mendelových výzkumů. Sborník abstraktů. Brno 21.–25. září 2015 (2015)
Role of myeloperoxidase in acute lung inflammation in MPO deficient mice - neutrophil cell death induced by oxidative burst (2015)
Complete genome analysis of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
Transposable elements and G-quadruplexes (2015)
CAVER: Algorithms for Analyzing Dynamics of Tunnels in Macromolecules (2016)
Aktivita a pozitivita klíšťat Ixodes ricinus na Bbsl monitorovaná v příměstském parku Brno Pisárky a jejich reakce na vybrané repelenty (2015)
Studium střevního mikrobiomu u pacientů s běžným variabilním imunodeficitem (CVID) (2015)
Antropologické dny 2015 (2015)
The variability of MHC genes and parasite selection in hybrids of common bream (Abramis brama) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) (2015)
Proteomická analýza potencionálnych prometastatických cieľov odvodených z porovnania bunečných línií s rôznym migračným potenciálom (2015)
Circulating Serum MicroRNA-130a as a Novel Putative Marker of Extramedullary Myeloma (2015)
West Nile virus positive blood donation and subsequent entomological investigation, Austria. (2015)
Results of the screening of tick-borne encephalitis virus antibodies in human sera from eight distrists collected two decades apart. (2015)
Monozygotní dvojčata v asistované reprodukci (2010)
Prevalence patogenů Coxiella burnetii, Francisella tularensis a Hantaan virus (Dobrava) , způsobujících zoonotická onemocnění, se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras) v roce 2014 (2015)
Izolace myších monoklonálních protilátek proti OspC proteinu a identifikace vazebných epitopů (2015)
Problematika detektorové prospekce a příklad možné spolupráce (2014)
Imunitní reakce včel (2015)
Distribution of mutations in DNMT3A gene and the suitability of mutations in R882 codon for MRD monitoring in patients with AML (2015)
Advantages and drawbacks of SRM, pseudo-SRM and SWATH targeted proteomics modes in cancer research (2015)
Derivation of human induced pluripotent stem cells and Advanced Methods of Image Processing (2015)
Biodistribution of non-coated gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles in stem cells (2015)
Combination of MiR-378 and MiR-210 Serum Levels Enables Sensitive Detection of Renal Cell Carcinoma (2015)
A role of c-Myb in ossification (2015)
Expression of apoptosis-related genes in the mouse skin during the first postnatal catagen stage, focused on localization of Bnip3L and caspase-12 (2015)
Detection of Bim and Puma in mouse hair follicles using immunofluorescence and TUNEL assay double staining. (2015)
Non-apoptotic role for caspase-7 in hair follicles and the surrounding tissue (2015)
Root and Eruption Defects in c-Fos Mice Are Driven by Loss of Osteoclasts (2015)
Osteogenic Profile of Mesenchymal Cell Populations Contributing to Alveolar Bone Formation (2015)
Cytogenetics in multiple myeloma patients progressing into extramedullary disease (2016)
CGH analysis of early pig IVF embryos reveals a lower incidence but a similar character of aneuploidy as observed in human IVF embryos (2014)
PGS impact on miscarriage rate in poor IVF prognosis patients: 10 years of experience (2014)
Higher-order immunoglobulin sequence relations for major subsets of chronic lymophocytic leukemia: uniqueness versus equivalence (2015)
David and the Goliath: potent venom of a ant-eating spider (Araneae) enables capture of a giant prey (2015)
Additional trisomies amongst patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia carving trisomy 12: the partner chromosome makes a diference. (2015)
Dissecting resistence mechanisms in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using whole-exome sequencing: impact of recurrent RPS15 mutations on p53 dysregulation. (2015)
Elimination of mutated p53 protein and induction of p53 downstream genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells using prima-1met. (2015)
13Q deletion in predominant cytogenetic aberration newly aquired during chronic lymohocytic leukemia course irrespective of disease activity and treatment status. (2015)
Výskyt Toxoplasma gondii u prasat domácích a divokých chovaných v různých produkčních systémech (2015)
Evaluation of the MALDI-TOF MS profiling for identification of newly described Aeromonas spp. (2015)
14C-fluoranthene deposition from young pea plants to aphids (2015)
Potenciální účinky léčiv v akvatickém prostředí (2015)
Detekce cystické a alternativní formy Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. u BALB/c myší (2015)
Changes in immunological and physiological parameters in urine during Antarctic Scientific Expedition (2015)
Porovnání vlivu paracetamolu a diklofenaku na vybrané růstové a biochemické parametry u Lemna minor (2015)
The bioinformatic analyses of “-omes” of helminths with special focus on serine peptidases of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2014)
The bioinformatic analyses of “-omes” of helminths with special focus on serine peptidases of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2014)
The comparison of functional molecules from excretory-secretory products of two Trichinella species (2015)
Do they see it at last? Insect magnetoreception after half a century (2015)
Zařízení pro odběr laboratorních vzorků z různých hloubkových úrovní nádrží mechanicko-biologických čistíren odpadních vod (2015)
Immune response to nematobacterial infection (2015)
Insect immunity after invasion of entomopathogenic nematodes (2015)
Workshop: At the crossroads between insect immunology, physiology and ecology (2015)
Do they see it? Remarks on insect magnetoreception. (2015)
The important role of mitochondria in LA-12-mediated enhancement of TRAIL-induced prostate cancer cell apoptosis (2015)
Novel molecular mechanisms of the LA-12-mediated sensitisation of prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis (2015)
The role of PTEN protein in regulation of cytotoxic effects of platinum complex LA-12 and its combination with rosiglitazone (2015)
Význam mikroRNA u glioblastomových kmenových buněk (2015)
Droplet generating with using microfluidic systems (2014)
Nanostructured surface modifications for stem cell studie (2014)
Molecular biodiversity inventory of the ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic (2012)
A multilocus assessment of nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data elucidates phylogenetic relationships among European spirlins (Alburnoides, Cyprinidae) (2015)
Inventarisation of Molecular Biodiversity of Ichtyofauna of the Czech Republic (2012)
Vegetation mapping of moss-dominated areas of northern part of James Ross Island (Antarctica) and a suggestion of protective measures (2015)
Features of chlorophyll fluorescence transients can be used to investigate low temperature induced effects on photosystem II of algal lichens from polar regions (2015)
Resistance of Antarctic Nostoc sp. colonies to dehydration assessed by chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and spectral reflectance (2015)
Parametry fotosyntézy a syntéza UV-B absorbujících látek se mezidruhově liší u Antarktických lišejníků vystavených doplňkovému UV-B záření (2015)
Biodiversity of freshwater autotrophs in selected wet places in northern coastal ecosystems of James Ross Island (2015)
Rhabdomyolysis and exercise-associated hyponatremia in ultra-bikers and ultra-runners (2015)
Vliv genové exprese kvasinek na senzorický profil piva (2015)
Charakteristika kvasiniek rodu Saccharomyces využívaných v technológiách (2015)
Charakterizace technologicky využívaných kvasinek rodu Saccharomyces (poster) (2015)
Genetic characterisation and comparison of top and bottom fermenting brewing yeast strains used in the Czech Republic (poster) (2015)
Úsměv prosím – barokní portrét (2015)
Plastické břehy videoumění (2015)
Východiska participačního umění: evoluce mýtu v tvorbě Kateřiny Šedé (2015)
Association Between Surgical Indications, Operative Risk, and Clinical Outcome in Infective Endocarditis A Prospective Study From the International Collaboration on Endocarditis (2015)
Salmonella enterica resistant to antimicrobials in wastewater effluents and black-headed gulls in the Czech Republic, 2012 (2015)
The incidence and antibiotic resistance of Salmonella species isolated from cloacae of captive veiled chameleons (2015)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells are highly susceptible to direct inhibition of checkpoint kinase (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
A novel STAT3 gene mutation revealed in a patient with hyper IgE syndrome and severe eczema (2015)
Prospektivní databáze mezinárodní asociace pro studium plicní rakoviny (IASLC) (2015)
Microstructural changes is gray matter of alpha synuclein overexpressing transgenic mouse model of Parkinson's disease: a diffusion weighted imaging study (2014)
Základy obecné mikrobiologie (2015)
Ascites Increases Expression/Function of Multidrug Resistance Proteins in Ovarian Cancer Cells (2015)
HIC1 Tumor Suppressor Loss Potentiates TLR2/NF-kappa B Signaling and Promotes Tissue Damage-Associated Tumorigenesis (2015)
Troy, a Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Family Member, Interacts With Lgr5 to Inhibit Wnt Signaling in Intestinal Stem Cells (2013)
Rapid Identification of Medically Important Candida Isolates Using High Resolution Melting Analysis (2015)
The role of TROP-2 in proliferation, survival and clonogenity of breast cancer cells (2015)
Magneticky podmíněný freezing u hmyzu (2015)
Prognostický význam NOTCH1 murací u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2015)
NOTCH mutace u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2015)
Prognostický význam hot spot mutace genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a souvislosti s molekulárně biologickými markery onemocnění (2015)
Proteome and transcript analysis of Vitis vinifera cell cultures subjected to Botrytis cinerea infection (2015)
Kampylobakteriózy na Klinice infekčních chorob Fakultní nemocnice Brno v letech 2011-2013: retrospektivní studie (2015)
A Forward Genetic Screen for New Regulators of Auxin-mediated Degradation of Auxin Transport Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana (2016)
Putting the brakes on chondrosarcoma (2015)
Refining prognosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with somatically hypermutated B-cell receptors: a novel prognostic index on behalf of the European research initiative on CLL (ERIC) (2015)
Upregulated COBLL1 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients with unmutated IGHV identifies a cohort with inferior prognosis (2015)
MicroRNA involvement in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells (2015)
Průkaz oligoklonální chronické lymfocytární leukémie u případů s jedinou fenotypově homogenní populací dle průtokové cytometrie - studie na úrovni jednotlivých buněk (2015)
Analysis of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements at the single cell level - proof of chronic lymphocytic leukemia oligoclonality (2015)
Zkušenosti s výukou předmětu Zpracování reálných dat (2015)
Atypical nuclear localization of CD133 plasma membrane glycoprotein in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines (2015)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky (2015)
Ultrasonograficky a stereotakticky navigované core-cut biopsie prsu – retrospektivní analýza dat pracoviště FN Brno (2015)
Determinants encoding fimbriae type 1 in fecal Escherichia coli are associated with increased frequency of bacteriocinogeny (2015)
Microarray analysis of mandible regionalization during mouse development (2015)
Not all IGHV3-21 chronic lymphocytic leukemias are equal: prognostic considerations (2015)
Chromatin organization and cytological features of carnivorous Genlisea species with large genome size differences (2015)
Multikinase activity of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitors SU5402, PD173074, AZD1480, AZD4547 and BGJ398 compromises the use of small chemicals targeting FGFR catalytic activity for therapy of short stature syndromes (2016)
Nestin as a marker of cancer stem cells (2015)
Overexpression of the Delta Np73 isoform is associated with centrosome amplification in brain tumor cell lines (2015)
Mikroprostředí nádoru – možnosti výzkumu v podmínkách in vitro (2014)
Funkční testy pro detekci nádorových kmenových buněk (2014)
Evolution of diploid-polyploid Carassius auratus complex (2015)
Capizzi methotrexate with BFM backbone without craniospinal irradiation is effective treatment for pediatric lymphoblastic lymphoma: results from 5 countries with I-BFM LL 09 protocol (2015)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky (2015)
Isolation of human pathogen Escherichia albertii from faeces of seals (Leptonychos weddelli) in James Ross Island, Antarctica (2013)
Characterization of Pseudomonas monteilii CCM 3423 and its physiological potential for biodegradation of selected organics pollutants (2015)
Histologické typy děložních myomů u pacientek v reprodukčním věku a postmenopauze (2015)
A multilocus assessment of nuclear and mitochondrial sequencec data elucidates phylogenetic relationship among European spirlins (Alburnoides, Cyprinidae). (2016)
Mikrobiologie v Antarktidě (2015)
Co-circulation of Usutu virus and West Nile virus in a reed bed ecosystem (2015)
West Nile virus lineage 2 isolated from Culex modestus mosquitoes in the Czech Republic, 2013: expansion of the European WNV endemic area to the North? (2014)
Isolation of Tahyna Virus (California Encephalitis Group) From Anopheles hyrcanus (Diptera, Culicidae), a Mosquito Species New to, and Expanding in, Central Europe (2014)
The common coot as sentinel species for the presence of West Nile and Usutu flaviviruses in Central Europe (2015)
The North Atlantic Oscillation system and plant phenology (2016)
Profil aktivace receptorových tyrozinkináz a mitogenem aktivovaných proteinkináz v terapii Maffucciho syndromu (2015)
Testování účinnosti enzymové terapie na kmenech Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
Molecular response of 4T1-induced mouse mammary tumours and healthy tissues to zinc treatment (2015)
Complex analysis of the p53 tumor suppressor in lung carcinoma (2016)
Response to Letter Regarding Article, "Association Between Surgical Indications, Operative Risk, and Clinical Outcome in Infective Endocarditis: A Prospective Study From the International Collaboration on Endocarditis" (2015)
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease as first clinical manifestation of GATA-2 deficiency in childhood (2015)
Familial hypercholesterolaemia: A global call to arms (2015)
Projekt aktivního vyhledávání pacientů s familiární hypercholesterolémií (2015)
Úskalí zjišťování identity osob v příbuzenských analýzách (2015)
Apocynin and Diphenyleneiodonium Induce Oxidative Stress and Modulate PI3K/Akt and MAPK/Erk Activity in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2016)
Evaluation of minim typing for genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates (2015)
Endolysin a jeho in vitro aktivita vůči kmenům Staphylococcus aureus izolovaných u popálených pacientů a pacientů s chronickou ranou (2015)
Monoklonalní gamapatie nejasného významu s nízkým a vysokým stupněm rizika: výstupy z analýz RMG registru České myelomové skupiny pro praxi (2015)
Ultravytrvalostní závody z pohledu zdraví a amatérského sportu (2013)
Comparison ASL and DCE-MRI Perfusion Map in Small Animal Model of Cancer (2015)
Rank-based biomarker index to assess cadmium ecotoxicity on the earthworm Eisenia andrei (2016)
Inhibition of Akt kinase increases cytotoxicity of metaiodobenzylguanidine to neuroblastoma cells (2015)
Lidská granulocytární anaplasmóza (2015)
Vliv extrémního prostředí Antarktidy na vybrané imunitní parametry (2015)
Death age, seasonality, taphonomy and colonization of seal carcasses from Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula (2016)
Onemocnění člověka způsobená hantaviry - stále opomíjené zoonózy? (2015)
Protein arrays as a tool for signaling pathways profiling in pediatric refractory solid tumors (2015)
Detection of p53 Gene by Using Genomagnetic Assay Combined with Carbon Nanotube Modified Disposable Sensor Technology (2015)
Enzyme-linked electrochemical detection of DNA fragments amplified by PCR in the presence of a biotinylated deoxynucleoside triphosphate using disposable pencil graphite electrodes (2015)
Exacerbation of Substrate Toxicity by IPTG in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) Carrying a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway (2015)
The organisation of the body wall and related structures in Paradiplozoon bliccae (2015)
Microscopic imaging techniques for study of diplozoid anatomy (2015)
Cell cycle-dependent changes in H3K56ac in human cells. (2015)
FireProt: Energy- and Evolution-Based Computational Design of Thermostable Multiple-Point Mutants (2015)
Possible ecological risk of two pharmaceuticals diclofenac and paracetamol demonstrated on a model plant Lemna minor (2016)
Mechanism-Based Discovery of Novel Substrates of Haloalkane Dehalogenases using in Silico Screening (2015)
Potlačení rezistence buněk neuroblastomu na cílenou nádorovou terapii založenou na inhibici kinázy Akt (2015)
Detection of Airborne Inoculum of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and H. albidus during Seasonal Fluctuations Associated with Absence of Apothecia (2016)
Designing and Implementing an Assay for the Detection of Rare and Divergent NRPS and PKS Clones in European, Antarctic and Cuban Soils (2015)
Microfluidic systems for establishment of stem cell niche (2015)
Nanostructured surfaces for studying the cellular interactions (2015)
Biocompatible polymeric nanofibers modified with silk sericin (2015)
Microbial diversity of various agricultural soil sites using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) community profiling. (2009)
Molecular analysis of microbial diversity in vegetated and devegetated forests (2012)
Gene detection, expression and related enzyme activity in soil. (2006)
Microbiological indicators of desertification. (2006)
Isolation of extracellular soil DNA. (2011)
Bead-beating and isolation of environmental nucleic acids. (2015)
Comparison of cell colonies and single cells using image analysis methods and high content screening (2015)
Prevalence patogenů Coxiella burnetii, Francisella tularensis a Hantaan virus (Dobrava) , způsobujících zoonotická onemocnění, se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras) v roce 2014 (2015)
Monitoring prevalence patogenu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (bbsl) a Leptospira interrogans s.l. na různých lokalitách se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce a jejich roztoče (Poodří, Moravský kras) (2015)
Monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira grippotyphosa a Leptospira pomona, Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2012 a 2013 (2015)
Čtyřletý monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira interrograns s.l., Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis, Toxoplasma gondii se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2010-2013 (2015)
Analysis of the giant genomes of Fritillaria (Liliaceae) indicates that a lack of DNA removal characterizes extreme expansions in genome size (2015)
Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies isolated from Ixodes ricinus ticks in the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic (2015)
Využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie v extrémních podmínkách na výzkumných stanicích v Antarktidě (2015)
Major acid endopeptidases of the blood-feeding monogenean Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae) (2016)
Nanostrukturovaný povrch pro studium mezibuněčných interakcí kmenových buněk (2015)
Nanostructured surfaces as a promising tool for studying the cellular interactions (2015)
Novel approach for studying of cell interactions via nanostructured surfaces (2015)
Preparation of nanostructured molecular lawn as tool for studying the cellular interactions (2015)
Legislatívne zakotvenie hospicovej a paliatívnej starostlivosti v ČR a SR a niekoľko poznámok k úprave v Nemecku a Rakúsku (2015)
Výskyt, rizika a detekce nejvýznamnějších jednobuněčných parazitů v potravinách (2015)
Výskyt Toxoplasma gondii v kůzlečím a jehněčím mase určeném ke konzumaci (2015)
Revealing the virion structure of staphylococcal phage 812: Analysis of putative tail hydrolase (2015)
Molecular typing of Staphylococcus petrasii strains (2015)
Necrotizing pneumonia due to clonally diverse Staphylococcus aureus strains producing Panton-Valentine leukocidin: the Czech experience (2016)
Molekulární charakterizacce plazmidů koaguláza-negativních stafylokoků (2015)
Characterization of variable genomic components in coagulase-negative staphylococci (2015)
Triple-negative breast cancer: A single-centre retrospective cohort study of 408 TNBC cases with a focus on elderly patients. (2015)
Analysis of plasmid dna isolated from strains of Staphylococcus aureus using artificial nucleases (2013)
Štiepenie plazmidovej DNA pomocou iónov Nd3+ (2011)
The role of visfatin (PBEF/Nampt) in pregnancy complications (2015)
MiR-205 functions as a tumor suppressor in adenocarcinoma and an oncogene in squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus (2016)
MiRNA-31-5p expression in glioblastoma tissue and effects of its replacement in glioblastoma cells (2015)
Nové trendy ve výzkumu mikroRNA u gliálních nádorů (2015)
Muscle-specific microRNAs in skeletal muscle development (2016)
MiRNA-31-5p expression in glioblastoma tissue and effects of its replacement in glioblastoma cells (2015)
Decreased expression levels of PIWIL1, PIWIL2, and PIWIL4 are associated with worse survival in renal cell carcinoma patients (2016)
Influence of inhaled manganese oxides nanoparticles on mass of internal organs in mice (2015)
Organ weight changes in mice after long-term inhalation exposure to manganese oxides nanoparticles (2015)
Sarcosine as a new marker for prostate tumours (2010)
Sarcosine and Its Role As a Marker for Prostate Carcinoma (2010)
The stabilization of hypoxia inducible factor modulates differentiation status and inhibits the proliferation of mouse embryonic stem cells (2016)
Responses of honey bee colonies to supplemental feeding with probiotic bacteria (2015)
Invasive aspergillosis in patient with hematological malignancies in Czech, Slovak and Croatian hematooncological departments: Fungal INfection Database (FIND) analysis (2001-2014) - an update (2015)
Komplexní analýza výsledků získaných z bronchoalveolární laváže prováděných na IHOK v letech 2004-2014 (2015)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies in Czech, Slovak and Croatian hematooncological departments: Fungal INfection Database (FIND) analysis (2001-2014) (2015)
Chirurgická terapie mozkových metastáz (2015)
Predikce časné progrese multiformního glioblastomu pomocí analýzy vybraných mikroRNA (2015)
Overwintering of Uranotaenia Unguiculata Adult Females in Central Europe: A Possible Way of Persistence of the Putative New Lineage of West Nile Virus? (2015)
Plant responses to ambient temperature fluctuations and water-limiting conditions: a proteome-wide perspective. (2016)
Analysis of pro-inflammatory effects of replication- deficient adenovirus vectors by quantitative proteomics (2013)
Study of pro-inflammatory properties of adenovirus vectors (2013)
Využitie kvantitatívno- proteomickej analýzy pri štúdiu imunomodulačných vlastností adenovírusových vektorov. (2013)
Quantitative proteomic approach to study of pro- inflammatory properties of replication- deficient adenovirus vectors. (2014)
Analýza fosfoproteínov a signálnych dráh kvantitatívno‑ proteomickými metódami (2014)
Adenovírusové vektory v génovej terapii (2015)
Příprava biopolymerních nanovláken vhodných pro medicínské aplikace (2015)
Významné baktericidní účinky želatinových nanovláken modifikovaných oxidovanou celulózou (2014)
Gelatin Nanofibers Modified with Oxidized Cellulose with Significant Bactericidal Effects (2014)
Hammock: a hidden Markov model-based peptide clustering algorithm to identify protein-interaction consensus motifs in large datasets (2016)
Studium imunitních parametrů ryb (2016)
Změny v patogenitě entomopatogenních hlístovek (2016)
Odpověď hmyzu na nákazu entomopatogenními hlísticemi (2016)
Epigenetika v reprodukční medicíně (2015)
Ontogeneze imunitního systému invazního slunéčka Harmonia axyridis (2016)
Effect of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on the immune responses of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2015)
Fully automated pipeline for detection of sex linked genes using RNA-Seq data (2015)
Selecting plants with increased total polyphenol oxidases in the genus Trifolium (2015)
Studium genů jetele (Trifolium spp.) podílejících se na biosyntéze fytoestrogenů (2015)
Šlechtění rostlin v éře genomiky (2015)
Testovací sada specifických markerů v souboru znaků jetele pro hodnocení hybridního charakteru Trifolium pratense x T. medium pro šlechtitelské účely (2016)
A Balance between Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Volumes Controls Spindle Length (2016)
Regulation of spindle length in mouse embryo (2013)
Oocyte spindle assembly checkpoint in space and time (2013)
Emerging horizons for tick-borne pathogens: from the "one pathogen-one disease' vision to the pathobiome paradigm (2015)
Neglected tick-borne pathogens in the Czech Republic, 2011-2014 (2016)
Chronic West Nile virus infection in kea (Nestor nobilis) (2016)
A comparative structural and functional study of leaf traits and sap flow in Dracaena cinnabari and Dracaena draco seedlings (2015)
Hypoxia inducible prolyl hydroxylase PHD3 maintains carcinoma cell growth by decreasing the stability of p27 (2015)
Does host ploidy affect the parasitism level? (2015)
Single cell analysis proves the coexistence of NOTCH1 and TP53 mutations within the same cancer cells in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Single cell analysis of IG genes in CLL: Cases with multiple IGH rearrangements are constituted of several independent clones even when indistinguishable by flow cytometry. (2015)
Time-course study of bacterial and yeast biofilms exposed to antimicrobial agents by Raman spectroscopy (2014)
Cryptochrome 2 mediates directional magnetoreception in cockroaches (2016)
Classification of strain CCM 4446T as Rhodococcus degradans sp. nov. (2015)
Národní informační a vzdělávací portál o onkologických onemocněních dětského věku. (2014)
Aktuální situace v onkologii adolescentů v České republice. (2014)
Thiazolidinediones Regulate the Level of ABC Transporters Expression on Lung Cancer Cells (2015)
Lactic acid bacteria in cooked hams - Sources of contamination and chances of survival in the product (2016)
Alkaline phosphatase in stem cells (2015)
Stem Cell Differentiation on Conducting Polyaniline (2015)
Simple non-invasive analysis of embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes beating in vitro (2016)
Aquitalea pelogenes sp. nov., isolated from mineral peloid (2016)
Gelatin Nanofibers Modified with Oxidized Cellulose with Significant Bactericidal Effects (2014)
První zkušenosti s preimplantačním genetickým screeningem chromozomových abnormalit pomocí komparativní genomové hybridizace na oligonukleotidových DNA mikročipech (2015)
Preimplantační genetická diagnostika chromozomových abnormalit pomocí komparativní genomové hybridizace na oligonukleotidových DNA mikročipech (2014)
A recurrent deletion on chromosome 2q13 is associated with developmental delay and mild facial dysmorphisms (2015)
Conducting polyaniline based cell culture substrate for embryonic stem cells and embryoid bodies (2015)
Detekční proužky (2015)
PredictSNP 2.0 (2015)
HotSpot Wizard 2.0 (2015)
CaverWeb 0,2 (2015)
DsvA from Saccharomonospora viridis DSM 43017 (2015)
Enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmxA from Marinobacter sp. ELB17 purified to homogeneity (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancHLD-Rluc (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancLinB-DmbA (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD1 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD2 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD3 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD4 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD5 (2015)
Device for Detection of Halogenated Hydrocarbons (2016)
Thermostable FGF2 Polypeptide, Use Thereof (2020)
Základy etiky biomedicínského výzkumu (2015)
Molekulární cytogenetika v diagnostice genetických abnormalit u karcinomu děložního hrdla (2013)
Initial experience with determination of hTERC and MYCC genes amplification in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical carcinoma in the Czech Republic (2012)
Základy cytogenetiky, metody vyšetření chromozomů (2015)
Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media: Implications for Industrial Biocatalysis (2015)
Mutational Spectrum, Copy Number Changes, and Outcome: Results of a Sequencing Study of Patients With Newly Diagnosed Myeloma (2015)
Cesta do hlubin "duše" pivovarské kvasinky aneb genetika vs. praxe (2016)
Imported anthropogenic bacteria may survive the Antarctic winter and introduce new genes into local bacterial communities (2016)
Nové terapeutické možnosti achondroplázie a založení registru pro malé lidi v ČR (2015)
Expression of D-type cyclins in mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (2016)
DNMT3A gene: Distribution of the mutations and their stability during treatment in patients with AML (2015)
Genus/species-specific versus panfungal PCR assays for detection and quantification of fungal pathogenes in clinical samples from immunocompromised patients (2015)
ATM mutations in major stereotyped CLL subsets: enrichment in subset #2 is associated with unfavourable outcome (2015)
Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) and B cell receptor signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
CLL with mutated IGHV4-34 antigen receptors is clinically heterogeneous: Antigen receptor stereotypy makes the difference. (2015)
Minimal residual disease detection in patients with mantle cell lymphoma: a komparative analysis of flow cytometry and RQ-PCR approach. (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show feature sof somatic hypermutation process with prominent diference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronci lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
COBLL1 as a survival predictor in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients. (2015)
B cell surface molecules expression changes during in-vitro standard cultivation and thein impact on anti-CD20 antibodies efficacy – room for interlaboratory variability. (2015)
Evaluation of Minim typing for genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates. (2015)
Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in patients with mantle cell lymphoma using flow cytometry versus RQ-PCR. (2015)
Detection of CD26 expression in patients with mycosis fungoides. (2015)
Separation of residual malignant cells from peripheral blood of treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Dietary fatty acids specifically modulate phospholipid patternin colon cells with distinct differentiation capacities (2017)
The role of dietary fatty acids in colon cancer cell death (2015)
Sodium butyrate and benzo[a]pyrene synergistically increase production of reactive oxygen species in colon cancer cells (2015)
Modulation of mitochondrial cardiolipin profile during differentiation/apoptotic response of colon cancer cells to dietary fatty acids (2015)
Computational study of carbonic anhydrase IX (2015)
Gnostical p-Value and Gnostical Power of Test – Promising Evaluation Method of Some Medicine and Biological Data (2015)
Regulation of spindle length in early embryo (2014)
Transition from meiosis into mitosis in early mouse embryo (2014)
Spindle aparatus during transition from meiosis into mitosis (2014)
Signalling Mechanisms Involved in the Response of Two Varieties of Humulus Lupulus L. To Soil Drying: II. Changes in the Concentration of Abscisic Acid Catabolites and Stress-Induced Phytohormones (2016)
Localized Movement and Levels of 53BP1 Protein Are Changed by gamma-irradiation in PML Deficient Cells (2016)
Hematopoietic developmental potential is variable in pluripotent stem cell lines (2015)
Dead fungal mycelium in forest soil represents a decomposition hotspot and a habitat for a specific microbial community (2016)
Biovědy v Antarktidě. Současný stav a perspektivy biologického výzkumu v Antarktidě (2015)
One-year passive warming effect on antarctic lichens Placopsis antarctica (2019)
výkonný editor mezinárodního odborného časopisu Czech Polar Reports (SCOPUS platforma) (2015)
Czech Polar Reports, Vol. 5, No.1, No. 2 (2015)
Stojan a zařízení pro sterilizaci anaerobních kultivačních médií (2016)
Fekální bakterioterapie v léčbě rekurentní kolitidy způsobené Clostridium difficile na Klinice infekčních chorob Fakultní nemocnice Brno v letech 2010–2014 – prospektivní studie (2015)
Method of Determination of Diagnosis and Prognosis in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia and oligonucleotides for use in this method (2015)
Autocrine Signaling by Wnt-5a Deregulates Chemotaxis of Leukemic Cells and Predicts Clinical Outcome in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. (2016)
ROR1-based immunomagnetic protocol allows efficient separation of CLL and healthy B cells (2016)
Imunologické aspekty v onkologii - cirkulující gamma delta T lymfocyty (2015)
Screening for new brewing yeasts in the non- Saccharomyces sector with Torulaspora delbrueckii as model (2016)
Stimulation of ipt overexpression as a tool for elucidation of the role of cytokinins in high temperature responses of Arabidopsis thaliana (2016)
Next-Gen sequencing technologies and applications (2013)
Comparison of DNA-based techniques for differentiation of production strains of ale and lager brewing yeast (2016)
Composition of cultivable enteric bacteria from the intestine of Antarctic fish (family Nototheniidae) (2016)
Molecular characterization of a new efficiently transducing bacteriophage identified in meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2016)
Gut microbiome in patients with Antibody deficiency disorders (2016)
Vliv vířivého proudění na děje v raketovém motoru na tuhé pohonné hmoty (2013)
Flow cytometry in immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis: Short review (2015)
Rapid assignment of malting barley varieties by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation - Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2016)
MALDI TOF MS imaging of 3D neuroblastoma cell cultures (2016)
Important Metabolic Pathways and Biological Processes Expressed by Chicken Cecal Microbiota. (2015)
DNA-based identification and OspC serotyping in cultures of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. isolated from ticks collected in the Moravia (Czech Republic) (2016)
Students’ attitudes to tick risks (2016)
Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in wild small mammals: seroprevalence, DNA detection and genotyping (2016)
c-Myb regulates NOX1/p38 to control survival of colorectal carcinoma cells (2016)
Magnetically induced freezing in cockroach. Effect of interstimulus interval. (2016)
Enzymatically active cathepsin D sensitizes breast carcinoma cells to TRAIL (2016)
High-yield expression of OspC protein from B. burgdorferi, isolation of monoclonal antibodies and epitope mapping (2016)
Novel electrospun gelatin/oxycellulose nanofibers as a suitable platform for lung disease modeling (2016)
The role of HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis in vitro (2015)
The Tools Used for Study of Meiotic Control Mechanism and Spindle Length Control System in Early Mammalian Embryos (2016)
Tools and data services registry: a community effort to document bioinformatics resources (2016)
The Position of His-Tag in Recombinant OspC and Application of Various Adjuvants Affects the Intensity and Quality of Specific Antibody Response after Immunization of Experimental Mice (2016)
Evolution of diploid-polyploid complex of Carassius auratus (2016)
Discovery of Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase Inhibitors (2016)
Biokompatibilní polykaprolaktonová nanovlákna modifikovaná sericinem (2016)
Antibiotic resistance, core-genome and protein expression in IncHI1 plasmids in Salmonella Typhimurium (2016)
Nanostrukturování povrchů jako slibný nástroj pro studium buněčných interakcí kmenových buněk (2016)
An insight into the role of HMGB proteins in human pluripotent and multipotent cells (2015)
Novel non-toxic bactericidal electrospun gelatin/oxycellulose nanofibers for medical applications (2015)
Comparison of cell colonies and singel cells using image analysis methods and high content screening (2015)
Effects of limited water availability on xylem transport in liana Humulus lupulus L (2016)
Linking xylem water storage with anatomical parameters in five temperate tree species (2016)
Možnosti ochrany pred kliešťami (odborná analýza) (2016)
Immune response of pigs to Salmonella enterica serovar Derby and Typhimurium infections (2014)
ELISA test pro stanovení specifických prasečích IgA protilátek proti O-anigenům Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium (2013)
Použití antigenů Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium pro sérologické odlišení infikovaných a vakcinovaných prasat (2015)
Kmen kvasinky produkující rekombinantní prasečí laktoferin (2014)
ELISA test pro sérologické odlišení prasat infikovaných Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium od prasat vakcinovaných vakcínou založenou na inaktivované kultuře Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium (2014)
Inaktivovaná vakcína pro prasata s obsahem antigenů Salmonella Derby, Salmonella Infantis a Salmonella Typhimurium vedoucí k ochraně sajících selat a tlumení salmonel v chovech prasat (2015)
Maternal immunity induced by inactivated S. Typhimurium vaccine is less protective to S. Derby challenge than to S. Typhimurium challenge in suckling piglets (2016)
Distinct kinetics of DNA repair protein accumulation at DNA lesions and cell cycle-dependent formation of γH2AX- and NBS1-positive repair foci (2015)
Classification of psychrotrophic pseudomonads (2016)
Impact of Anions, Cations, and pH on Manganese Accumulation and Toxicity in the Green Alga Scenedesmus quadricauda (2016)
Klasifikace psychrotrofních pseudomonád (2016)
Spore dispersal of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in the Czech Republic (2015)
Molecular based detection of Dothistroma septosporum conidia by air sampling (2015)
In Vitro Maturation of Mouse Oocytes Increases the Level of Kif11/Eg5 on Meiosis II Spindles (2016)
Mobilní genetické elementy koaguláza-negativních stafylokoků přispívající k jejich rezistenci k antibiotikům (2016)
Představení xMAP technologie a možností jejího využití (2016)
Wnt Signaling Inhibition Deprives Small Intestinal Stem Cells of Clonogenic Capacity (2016)
Prototyp odsiřovací kolony (2016)
Česká filosofie medicíny ve 20. století (2015)
Česká filosofie medicíny na počátku 21. století (2015)
Medicína v ontologické perspektivě (2015)
Vascular Network Formation in Silico Using the Extended Cellular Potts Model (2016)
Analýza výskytu vybraných patogenních mikroorganismů u volně žijících hlodavců a hmyzožravců (2016)
Composition of gut microbiota influences resistance of newly hatched chickens to Salmonella Enteritidis infection (2016)
Use of chicken gut microbiota in a protection of newly hatched chickens against S. Enteritidis infection (2016)
Electrochemical Analysis of Sybr Green I and its Interaction with DNA (2015)
The magnetic orientation of the Antarctic amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica is cancelled by very weak radiofrequency fields (2016)
Výzkum zubního kamene u velkomoravských populacích ze Slovenska a Moravy (2016)
Clonal cytogenetics changes in progression of multiple myeloma to extramedullary relapse and plasmocellular leukemia: a case report (2016)
A PBX1 transcriptional network controls dopaminergic neuron development and is impaired in Parkinson’s disease (2016)
Kvasinky non-Saccharomyces a jejich význam v pivovarském průmyslu – I. část –Brettanomyces (Dekkera) (2016)
Kvasinky non-Saccharomyces a jejich význam v pivovarském průmyslu – II část (2016)
Melanin and carotenoid ornaments are related to the individual condition in free-living grey partridges (Perdix perdix) (2016)
Complete genomes of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2016)
Advanced Image Acquisition and Analytical Techniques for Studies of Living Cells and Tissue Sections (2016)
Deep insight into secretome and transcriptome of Trichinella spiralis and Trichinela pseudospiralis (2016)
Nanostructured Surfaces for Studying the Cellular Interactions (2016)
Do human B-lymphocytes avoid aging until 60 years? (2016)
Influence of serum albumin on intracellular delivery of drug-loaded hyaluronan polymeric micelles (2016)
Oleyl-hyaluronan micelles loaded with upconverting nanoparticles for bio-imaging (2015)
FIM Track: a method for tracking Drosophila larval behavior in response to entomopathogenic nematodes. (2016)
Ontogeny of the immune system in harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis (2016)
Honey bee immunity: Its modulation by dietary supplements and probiotics (2016)
Overexpression of c-Myb is associated with suppression of distant metastases in colorectal carcinoma (2016)
Quantitative proteomics of the tobacco pollen tube secretome identifies novel pollen tube guidance proteins important for fertilization (2016)
The Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) in Ancient Dental Calculus for the Reconstruction of Human Habits. (2016)
Description of Pseudomonas gregormendelii sp. nov., a novel psychrotrophic bacterium from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2016)
Identification of AGR2 partners using mass spectrometry with label-free quantification (2012)
Loss of PTEN Facilitates Rosiglitazone-Mediated Enhancement of Platinum(IV) Complex LA-12-Induced Apoptosis in Colon Cancer Cells (2015)
The specific changes in cytochrome c level induced by docosahexaenoic acid in colon cancer cells (2015)
Modulations of cytochrome c level in human colon cancer cells undergoing apoptosis induced by docosahexaenoic acid (2015)
Modulation of cytochrome c in cancer cells undergoing apoptosis and related mechanisms (2016)
Cisplatin or LA-12-mediated stimulation of TRAIL-induced apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells involves Bax/Bak-dependent mitochondria activation (2016)
Proteomics analysis of cell surface proteins associated with migration of MDAMB-231 breast cancer cells (2013)
Duální role proteinu PDLIM2 ve vývoji nádoru prsu (2016)
Characterization of proteome of chicken T lymphocytes following the infection with Salmonella Enteritidis (2016)
Comparative proteomic analysis of sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans CCM 4253 cultures having lost the ability to couple anaerobic elemental sulfur oxidation with ferric iron reduction (2016)
Emergence of the First Catalytic Oligonucleotides in a Formamide-Based Origin Scenario (2016)
Genomewide profiling of copy-number alteration in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (2016)
Immune response of porcine alveolar macrophages to a concurrent infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Haemophilus parasuis in vitro (2015)
Concurrent infection of porcine monocyte-derived macrophages with PRRSV and Haemophilus parasuis (2015)
Positive selection in the SLC11A1 gene in the family Equidae (2016)
The role of lysine residues on elicitins movement and perception in plants (2015)
Mikroskopická analýza transplantovaných zubů u hlodavců (2016)
Seasonal changes in immune parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brook trout × Arctic charr hybrids (Salvelinus fontinalis × Salvelinus alpinus alpinus). (2016)
Toward Modelling and Analysis of Transient and Sustained Behaviour of Signalling Pathways (2016)
Defence reaction against nematobacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster: a role for the adipokinetic hormone and adenosine (2016)
Detection of oncogenic mutations in cervical carcinoma using method "High Resolution Melting" (HRM). (2016)
GFP-like Fluorophores as DNA Labels for Studying DNA-Protein Interactions (2012)
Labelling of nucleosides and oligonucleotides by solvatochromic 4-aminophthalimide fluorophore for studying DNA-protein interactions (2012)
Co-expression of cancer stem cell markers corresponds to a pro-tumorigenic expression profile in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (2016)
Genetic linkage of distinct adaptive traits in sympatrically speciating crater lake cichlid fish (2016)
The identification of Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies isolated from Ixodes ricinus ticks in the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic (2016)
HIF-1alpha Deficiency Attenuates the Cardiomyogenesis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2016)
Evolution of the NSE1-NSE3-NSE4 subcomplex of the human SMC5/6 complex (2015)
Efficient Procedure for N-Glycan Analyses and Detection of Endo H-Like Activity in Human Tumor Specimens (2016)
Allium telomeres unmasked: the unusual telomeric sequence (CTCGGTTATGGG)(n) is synthesized by telomerase (2016)
Ecological research of James Ross Island. Ecosystem components-based approach to study structure and function of Antarctic vegetation oases. (2016)
Educational outreaches of the CzechPolar project and associated activities within the Czech Antarctic Programme (2016)
Nanostructured molecular lawn-powerful tool for studying cellular interactions (2016)
Hyaluronan polymeric micelles for topical drug delivery (2017)
Expression of nestin, CD133 and ABCG2 in relation to the clinical outcome in pediatric sarcomas (2016)
Cancer stem cell markers in pediatric sarcomas: Sox2 is associated with tumorigenicity in immunodeficient mice (2016)
Non-DHFR-mediated effects of methotrexate in osteosarcoma cell lines: epigenetic alterations and enhanced cell differentiation (2016)
Cytokinin controls cell differentiation via negative regulation of secondary cell wall master regulators NST1 and NST3 (2015)
Cytokinins control cell differentiation via regulation of secondary cell wall master switches NST1 and NST3 (2016)
Effects of short-term low temperature stress on chlorophyll fluorescence transients in Antarctic lichen species (2016)
Dehydration-induced responses of primary photosynthetic processes and spectral reflectance indices in Antarctic Nostoc commune (2016)
Some of the metabolic changes in expedition members caused by diet and activities performed during a stay at the Czech Antarctic based (2016)
Predikce pravděpodobnosti výskytu patogenů vybraných zoonóz v populacích hlodavců (2016)
Predikce pravděpodobnosti výskytu patogenů vybraných zoonóz v populacích hlodavců (2015)
Pětiletá studie výskytu protilátek proti vybraným zoonotickým patogenním mikroorganismům v populaci hlodavců, I. část, charakteristika (2016)
Predikce pravděpodobnosti výskytu protilátek proti vybraným zoonotickým patogenním mikroorganismům v populaci hlodavců, II. část- statistika (2016)
Nitro-oleic acid modulates classical and regulatory activation of macrophages and their involvement in pro-fibrotic responses (2016)
Nitrated fatty acids suppress angiotensin II-mediated fibrotic remodelling and atrial fibrillation (2016)
Bone marrow-derived macrophages exclusively expressed caveolin-2: The role of inflammatory activators and hypoxia (2015)
Nitro-oleic acid inhibits vascular endothelial inflammatory responses and the endothelial-mesenchymal transition (2016)
Uterine Fibroid Morphology and Histology with Respect to Reproductive Age (2016)
WNT Stimulation Dissociates a Frizzled 4 Inactive-State Complex with G alpha(12/13) (2016)
CARM1 Modulators Affect Epigenome of Stem Cells and Change Morphology of Nucleoli (2015)
Transient and Prolonged Response of Chicken Cecum Mucosa to Colonization with Different Gut Microbiota (2016)
Is human epididymis protein 4 an effective tool for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant endometrial tumours? (2016)
Insect immunity after invasion of entomopathogenic nematodes (2016)
Molekulárna charakteristika kmeňov Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Genomic characterization of Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Colicins U and Y inhibit growth of Escherichia coli strains via recognition of conserved OmpA extracellular loop 1 (2016)
Classification of Aeromonas spp. isolated from water and clinical sources and distribution of virulence genes (2016)
Proximity Labeling Reveals Molecular Determinants of FGFR4 Endosomal Transport (2016)
MORN5 Expression during Craniofacial Development and Its Interaction with the BMP and TGF beta Pathways (2016)
Polyfázová taxonomie technologicky významných kvasinek (2016)
Terénní studie vybraných biochemických a imunologických parametrů u ultravytrvalostních běžců na mistrovství ČR v běhu na 100 km (2016)
Microcin determinants are associated with B2 phylogroup of human fecal Escherichia coli isolates (2016)
(SALD) ICP-MS to examine the effect of copper on wedelolactone cytotoxicity towards breast cancer cells (2016)
Efficient non-enzymatic cleavage of Staphylococcus aureus plasmid DNAs mediated by neodymium ions (2016)
Virulence factors and resistance to antimicrobials in Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2c isolated from food (2016)
Genetically modified bacteriophages in applied microbiology (2016)
Silk route to the acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy. Expert round table on acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy (2016)
Global microRNA Expression Analysis of Sox-2 positive and Negative Glioblastoma Cells (2016)
A new panel of proteins associated with metastasis in low-grade breast cancer: a role in cell migration and invasiveness (2016)
Efficient plasmid transduction to Staphylococcus aureus strains insensitive to the lytic action of transducing phage (2016)
Human extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli strains differ in prevalence of virulence factors, phylogroups, and bacteriocin determinants (2016)
Metody studia rybí imunity (2016)
Suppression of protein inactivation during freezing by minimizing pH changes using ionic cryoprotectants (2016)
Imunita hmyzu (2016)
Sensitivity of photosynthetic processes to freezing temperature in extremophilic lichens evaluated by linear cooling and chlorophyll fluorescence (2016)
Effects of De-icing Salts on the Respiration of the Microorganisms of Activated Sludge (2016)
Kompozice pro přípravu modifikovaných želatinových nanovláken, nanovlákna a způsob jejich přípravy (2016)
Intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria under the effect of salicylamides derivatives (2016)
Vliv fyzické zátěže na vybrané imunitní a fyziologické parametry (2016)
MALDI MS imaging with scanning laser beam (2016)
Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Exosomes in Transmission Electron Microscopy (2016)
In silico analysis and denaturant prediction as an improvement of PCR-DGGE analysis of complex bacterial specimens. (2014)
Effects of controlled oxidative stress and uncouplers on primary photosynthetic processes in vegetative cells of Antarctic alga Zygnema sp. (2016)
Evaluation of capacity to detect ability to form biofilm in Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto strains by MALDI-TOF MS (2016)
A proteomic approach to the development of DIVA ELISA distinguishing pigs infected with Salmonella Typhimurium and pigs vaccinated with a Salmonella Typhimurium-based inactivated vaccine (2016)
Biomonitoring těžkých kovů s využitím lišejníků Usnea antarctica (2016)
Effect of T-2 toxin-contaminated diet on common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2017)
Genotypová a fenotypová charakterizácia non-Saccharomyces kvasiniek (2016)
Selekce kmene Saccharomyces cerevisiae pro výrobu beta–glukanu v provozním měřítku (2016)
Využitie non-Saccharomyces kvasiniek na výrobu piva (2016)
A Novel Fucose-Binding Lectin from Photorhabdus luminescens (PLL) with an Unusual Heptabladed beta-Propeller Tetrameric Structure (2016)
Prevalence of Propionibacterium acnes in Intervertebral Discs of Patients Undergoing Lumbar Microdiscectomy: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study (2016)
Identification of natural hybrids between Cottus poecilopus, Heckel, 1837, and Cottus gobio, Linnaeus, 1758, at a hybrid zone on the Svratka River (2014)
Hybridization between Cottus gobio and Cottus poecilopus in the Odra River drainage basin (Czech Republic) (2012)
Efficacy and Toxicity of Panitumumab After Progression on Cetuximab and Predictive Value of MiR-31-5p in Metastatic Wild-type KRAS Colorectal Cancer Patients (2016)
An inactivating mutation in intestinal cell kinase, ICK, impairs hedgehog signalling and causes short rib-polydactyly syndrome (2016)
Plant alkaloid sanguinarine and novel potential probiotic strains Lactobacillus apis, Lactobacillus melliventris and Gilliamella apicola promote resistance of honey bees to nematobacterial infection (2017)
Glucose determination in fish plasma by two different moderate methods (2016)
Early changes of the pH of the apoplast are different in leaves, stem and roots of Vicia faba L. under declining water availability (2017)
Partitioning of vessel resistivity in three liana species (2016)
Chk1 inhibition significantly potentiates activity of nucleoside analogs in TP53-mutated B-lymphoid cells (2016)
Puumala virus in bank voles, Lithuania (2017)
Reservoir-Driven Heterogeneous Distribution of Recorded Human Puumala virus Cases in South-West Germany. (2017)
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition-associated microRNA/mRNA signature is linked to metastasis and prognosis in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (2016)
Novel complex mutation in NPM1 gene in patient with acute myeloid leukemia (2017)
Exprese CD20 je regulována interakcí CLL buněk s mikroprostředím a rituximab preferenčně eliminuje maligní B buňky s vysoce aktivní signalizací přes B‐buněčný receptor (2016)
MicroRNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of B cell leukemias. (2016)
Nádorová duplicita u pacienta s maligním melanomem - intraventrikulární papílární meningeom - kazuistika (2016)
The expression of CD20 on malignant B cells is regulated by chemokine signaling through the CXCR4/SDF1 axis: implications for targeting the microenvironmental interactions. (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis. (2016)
Mutations in SF3B1 gene are selected independently on ATM/TP53 status and reduce the time to first treatment in CLL patients. (2016)
Decreased expression of WNT3, a canonical Wnt pathway ligand is frequent in chronic lymphocytic leukemia progression and identifies patients with short treatment-free survival in mutated IGHV (2016)
Pro-apoptotic effects of prima-1met correlate with Noxa gene induction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2016)
Global microRNA Expression Analysis of Sox-2 positive and Negative Glioblastoma Cells (2016)
Freshwater mineral nitrogen and essential elements in autotrophs in James Ross Island, West Antarctica (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 AXIS. (2016)
Úloha microRNA-150 v prognóze a transformaci folikulárního lymfomu. (2016)
Interakce B lymfocytů s mikroprostředím vedou ke zvýšené expresi CD20 přes aktivaci dráhy CXCR4/SDF-1: význam pro léčbu pacientů s B buněčnou leukémií. (2016)
Mutační analýza pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií – optimalizace hodnocení sekvenačních dat a předběžné výsledky národní studie. (2016)
Studium selekce nepříznivých genomických abnormalit v relapsu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
Detailed analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with single TP53 mutation (2016)
Monoallelic TP53 abnormalities in CLL: do they really exist? The frequency and clinical impact of copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (2016)
CTRP1: A Molecular Link between Obesity and Hypertension (2016)
Radioterapie primárních kostních nádorů (2016)
Rituximab preferentially eliminates BCR signaling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells In Vivo (2016)
The role of microRNA-150 in the prognosis and transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2016)
Analýza exprese ROR1 proteinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2016)
Introduction of nanopore sequencing to genomic core facility RNA workflows (2016)
The biology of microRNAs and how to move this into clincal trials in hematological malignancies (2016)
Biologické aspekty FL a transformace (2016)
Direct comparison of ASL and DCE-MRI in a mouse model of cancer (2016)
Instrument development for MALDI MS imaging with scanning laser beam (2016)
Inhaled Cadmium Oxide Nanoparticles: Their in Vivo Fate and Effect on Target Organs (2016)
Paramagnetic nanoparticles in stem cell therapy (2016)
Comparison of the ATH and 2CXM models using low- and high-molecular-weight contrast agents in DCE-MRI (2016)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae): insight into composition of E/S products and basic characterization of serpin (2016)
Microenvironmental interactions between endothelial and lymphoma cells: a role for the canonical WNT pathway in Hodgkin lymphoma (2017)
Self-organization of lung epithelial cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (2015)
Studium heterogenity mutací v průběhu terapie pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií (2016)
Mutační analýza u de novo AML pacientů s kurativní terapií v České republice (2016)
Nové poznatky o patogenezi B buněčných malignit a cesty k cílené léčbě. (2016)
Identifikace rodiny s nosičstvím germinální delece genu SUFU na podkladě diagnózy desmoplastického meduloblastomu u batolete (2016)
Skripta ke cvičení z obecné mikrobiologie, cytologie a morfologie bakterií (2016)
Microscopic anatomy of monogenean parasites (2016)
Rufibacter ruber sp. nov., isolated from fragmentary rock (2016)
The evolutionary pathway of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome element (2016)
The Dynamics of Xylem Sap pH under Drought: a Universal Response in Herbs? (2016)
Engineering a de Novo Transport Tunnel (2016)
PredictSNP2: A Unified Platform for Accurately Evaluating SNP Effects by Exploiting the Different Characteristics of Variants in Distinct Genomic Regions (2016)
HotSpot Wizard 2.0: Automated Design of Site-Specific Mutations and Smart Libraries in Protein Engineering (2016)
Enzyme Based Test Stripes for the Visual or Photographic Detection and Quantitation of Gaseous Sulfur Mustard (2016)
Termická úprava přebytečného kalu, její vliv na produkci a kvalitu bioplynu (2016)
Fluorescence-Based Biosensor for Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants: From Concept to Field Application. (2016)
Biomarkery oxidativního stresu u Lemna minor v přítomnosti diklofenaku a paracetamolu (2016)
Role of Tunnels and Gates in Enzymatic Catalysis (2016)
xMAP Technology: Applications in Detection of Pathogens (2017)
Nitro-oleic acid regulates growth factor-induced differentiation of bone marrow-derived macrophages (2017)
Nitro-Oleic Acid Prevents Hypoxia-and Asymmetric Dimethylarginine-Induced Pulmonary Endothelial Dysfunction (2016)
The crucial role of l-arginine in macrophage activation: what you need to know about it (2015)
Asymmetric dimethyl arginine induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction via activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 and stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (2015)
Immunomodulatory Potency of Microcystin, an Important Water-Polluting Cyanobacterial Toxin (2015)
Protective effects of 10-nitro-oleic acid in a hypoxia-induced murine model of pulmonary hypertension (2014)
On the molecular pharmacology of resveratrol on oxidative burst inhibition in professional phagocytes (2014)
The effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine on nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 and bone marrow-derived macrophages (2014)
Novel insights into the electrochemical detection of nitric oxide in biological systems (2014)
Uric acid modulates vascular endothelial function through the down regulation of nitric oxide production. (2013)
Redox-sensitive regulation of macrophage-inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in vitro does not correlate with the failure of apocynin to prevent lung inflammation induced by endotoxin. (2011)
The effect of uric acid on homocysteine-induced endothelial dysfunction in bovine aortic endothelial cells. (2009)
Housing Systems Influence Gut Microbiota Composition of Sows but Not of Their Piglets (2017)
p53 Specifically Binds Triplex DNA In Vitro and in Cells (2016)
Computational Tools for Designing Smart Libraries (2014)
Effect of gadolinium-based nanoparticles on nuclear DNA damage and repair in glioblastoma tumor cells (2016)
Metastatický primárně neresekabilní karcinom tlustého střeva manifestovaný v graviditě u 38leté pacientky pod klinickým obrazem karcinomu ovaria (2016)
Germinální tumor ovaria manifestovaný život ohrožujícím neuropsychiatrickým syndromem (2016)
p53 binds human telomeric G-quadruplex in vitro (2016)
Wild-type p53 binds to MYC promoter G-quadruplex (2016)
Overexpression of long non-coding RNA TUG1 predicts poor prognosis and promotes cancer cell proliferation and migration in high-grade muscle-invasive bladder cancer (2016)
MiR-429 is linked to metastasis and poor prognosis in renal cell carcinoma by affecting epithelial-mesenchymal transition (2016)
Expression Levels of PIWI-interacting RNA, piR-823, Are Deregulated in Tumor Tissue, Blood Serum and Urine of Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma (2016)
Molekulárně genetické vyšetření u akutní myeloidní leukemie (2016)
First report of Rickettsia raoultii in field collected Dermacentor reticulatus ticks from Austria. (2016)
Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of Hepatozoon spp. in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks and rodents from Slovakia and Czech Republic. (2016)
Molecular survey of arthropod-borne pathogens in sheep keds (Melophagus ovinus), Central Europe. (2016)
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in Bulgaria and Turkey (2016)
Comparison of assays for the detection of West Nile virus antibodies in equine serum after natural infection or vaccination. (2017)
Evaluation of age-dependent treatment strategies for children and young adults with pineoblastoma: analysis of pooled European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP-E) and US Head Start data (2017)
Comparison of Turbulence Models in OpenFOAM for 3D Simulation of Gas Flow in Solid Propellant Rocket Engine (2016)
Dishevelled is a NEK2 kinase substrate controlling dynamics of centrosomal linker proteins (2016)
A novel in situ Silver/Hyaluronan Bio-nanocomposite Fabrics for Wound crossMark and Chronic Ulcer Dressing: In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluations (2017)
Molecular and biochemical characterization of cysteine peptidase inhibitor from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2016)
Circulating microparticles as predictor of thrombotic events in BCR/ABL negative myeloproliferative disorders (2016)
p53 interactions with DNA quadruplexes (2016)
Immune protection of chickens conferred by a vaccine consisting of attenuated strains of Salmonella Enteritidis, Typhimurium and Infantis. (2016)
Activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase in B-cell and plasma cell subsets of monoclonal gammopathy patients and healthy donors (2017)
Sezónní změny fyziologických a imunitních parametrů včely medonosné (2017)
Porovnání vlastností hemolymfy slunéček pocházející z tělní dutiny a z reflexního krvácení (2017)
Study of TEP3 gene in Drosophila melanogaster and its immune response to entomopathogenic nematodes (2017)
18PTKI pazopanib impaires immunostimulatory properties of monocytes: Implication for monocyte-derived DC-based anti-cancer vaccine preparation (2016)
Vliv radiofrekvenčních polí na magnetorecepci hmyzu (2017)
Monitoring the effect of pathogenic nematodes on locomotion of Drosophila larvae (2017)
Analysis of the acute response of Galleria mellonella larvae to potassium nitrate (2017)
Magnetorecepce hmyzu funguje i při červeném světle (2017)
Termická úprava zahuštěného aktivovaného kalu, vliv na produkci a kvalitu bioplynu (2017)
Poloprovozní zařízení na odsiřování bioplynu (2017)
Osteogenic potential of the transcription factor c-MYB (2017)
Decreased WNT3 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is a hallmark of disease progression and identifies patients with worse prognosis in the subgroup with mutated IGHV (2016)
Mikrofluidní čip pro teplotní gradient (2016)
High intraspecies heterogeneity within Staphylococcus sciuri and rejection of its classification into S. sciuri subsp. sciuri, S. sciuri subsp. carnaticus and S. sciuri subsp. rodentium (2016)
Impact of Interspecific Hybridization of T. pratense x T. medium and Backcrossing on Genetic Variability of Progeny (2016)
The apoplasmic pathway via the root apex and lateral roots contributes to Cd hyperaccumulation in the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii (2017)
Vývoj genově specifických DNA markerů pro skríning rostlin ve šlechtění jetele lučního (2016)
Cryo-EM study of slow bee paralysis virus at low pH reveals iflavirus genome release mechanism (2017)
Structure and Genome Release Mechanism of the Human Cardiovirus Saffold Virus 3 (2016)
Structure and genome release of Twort-like Myoviridae phage with a double-layered baseplate (2016)
Virion Structure of Iflavirus Slow Bee Paralysis Virus at 2.6-Angstrom Resolution (2016)
Virion Structure of Israeli Acute Bee Paralysis Virus (2016)
Structure of Aichi Virus 1 and Its Empty Particle: Clues to Kobuvirus Genome Release Mechanism (2016)
Mikroskopická analýza zubního kamene z velkomoravského pohřebiště Devín – Za kostolom (2017)
Effect of WNT5a on chondrogenesis and limb development. (2015)
Cross-talk of FGF and WNT signaling pathways during limb development. (2015)
Effect of WNT5a and WNT7a on chondrogenesis during limb development (2016)
Age-related changes in the tooth–bone interface area of acrodont dentition in the chameleon (2016)
Elicitin-Induced Distal Systemic Resistance in Plants is Mediated Through the Protein-Protein Interactions Influenced by Selected Lysine Residues (2016)
Whole genome amplification effect on segmental copy-number changes and copy-number neutral loss of heterozygosity analysis by oligonucleotide-array based comparative genomic hybridization in human myeloma cell line (2016)
Proliferative kidney disease in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under intensive breeding conditions: Pathogenesis and haematological and immune parameters (2017)
Experiment: Někdo to rád hořké (2016)
Na očích záleží (2016)
Z DNA se dá poměrně přesně vyčíst i podoba člověka (2017)
Předpověď příjmení z DNA. Sci-fi nebo budoucnost? (2017)
High levels of WNT-5A in human glioma correlate with increased presence of tumor-associated microglia/monocytes (2015)
Frizzleds and WNT/beta-catenin signaling - The black box of ligand-receptor selectivity, complex stoichiometry and activation kinetics (2015)
How to make a midbrain dopaminergic neuron (2015)
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of 168 mutations associated with familial hypercholesterolemia (2011)
Non-Enzymatic Oligomerization of 3 ', 5 ' Cyclic AMP (2016)
miR-21, miR-221 and miR-150 Are Deregulated in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Colorectal Cancer (2016)
Light Controls Cytokinin Signaling via Transcriptional Regulation of Constitutively Active Sensor Histidine Kinase CKI1 (2017)
Magnetoreception of invertebrates. (2017)
Storage of pitching yeast in brewery (2017)
Epidemiology and risk factors of Schizophrenia (2016)
Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase (ALOX5) gene polymorphism is associated with Alzheimer's disease and body mass index (2016)
The acceleration of cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells in vitro by serum depletion does not increase the number of developed cardiomyocytes (2017)
Highland cattle and Radix labiata, the hosts of Fascioloides magna (2014)
An inhumation grave of the Baalberge Group of the Funnel Beaker Culture in Držovice na Moravě, Prostějov Distrikt (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2016)
Influence of Trichobilharzia regenti (Digenea: Schistosomatidae) on the Defence Activity of Radix lagotis (Lymnaeidae) Haemocytes (2014)
Lymnaea cubensis, an experimental intermediate host for Fascioloides magna (2014)
A Chaperone Complex Formed by HSP47, FKBP65 and BiP Modulates Telopeptide Lysyl Hydroxylation of Type I Procollagen (2017)
Cryo-electron Microscopy Study of the Genome Release of the Dicistrovirus Israeli Acute Bee Paralysis Virus (2017)
Některé metabolické změny způsobené dietou a aktivitami během letního pobytu na české antarktické základně (2016)
Modulation of the Discriminatory Power of MALDI-TOF MS Profiling for Distinguishing between Closely Related Bacterial Strains (2016)
Characterisation of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates from canine infections and determination of virulence factors using multiplex PCR (2017)
Production of biogas: relationship between methanogenic and sulfate-reducing microorganisms (2017)
Antimicrobial effect of salicylamide derivatives against intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria (2016)
Activity of selected salicylamides against intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria (2015)
Activity and kinetic properties of phosphotransacetylase from intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria (2015)
Activity of Na+/K+-activated Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolase in the cell-free extracts of the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio piger Vib-7 and Desulfomicrobium sp. Rod-9 (2015)
Microalgal adaptive biotechnologies for a sustainable future (2016)
pqsfinder: identification of potential quadruplex forming sequences (2017)
True Nondisjunction of Whole Bivalents in Oocytes with Attachment and Congression Defects (2017)
Wedelolactone Acts as Proteasome Inhibitor in Breast Cancer Cells (2017)
Tajemství žuráňské kněžny (2017)
Studium vlivu mědi na cytotoxicitu wedelolaktonu v buňkách karcinomu prsu pomocí (SALD) ICP MS (2017)
Inhibition of Chk1 enhances colon cancer cell sensitivity to apoptosis induced by platinum (IV) complex LA-12. (2016)
Vliv růstových faktorů na biologickou aktivitu nanostrukturovaných vstřebatelných kožních náhrad: in-vitro a in-vivo experimentální studie (2017)
Assemblage characteristics and diet of fish in the shalloa coastal waters of James Ross Island, Antarctica (2016)
Biocompatible nanofibers from polycaprolactone modified with silk sericin (2016)
Nanovlákenné buněčné nosiče z poly-ε-kaprolaktonu modifikovaného sericinem (2017)
Potenciál bílkovin hlíz brambor v rámci rodu Solanum (2015)
The immune phenotype of three drosophila leukemia models (2017)
Cold adaptation of cell membrane in Antarctic bacteria (2017)
Experimental and theoretical investigation of bezafibrate binding to serum albumins (2016)
The level and distribution pattern of HP1 beta in the embryonic brain correspond to those of H3K9me1/me2 but not of H3K9me3 (2016)
Monocyte Induction of E-Selectin-Mediated Endothelial Activation Releases VE-Cadherin Junctions to Promote Tumor Cell Extravasation in the Metastasis Cascade (2016)
One reporter for in-cell activity profiling of majority of protein kinase oncogenes (2017)
REACH Registr Achondroplázie v roce 2017 (2017)
REACH Registr Achondroplázie v roce 2016 (2016)
Příprava Registru Achondroplázie REACH (2015)
První zpráva o pohlavním a věkovém složení chlapců a děvčat z velkomoravského pohřebiště Znojmo Hradiště (2017)
Vybrané změny a zapojení imunitního systému člověka při infekci Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato; prevalence borrelií a další infekce v souboru klíšťat (2017)
Anti-NMDAR encefalitida v dětském věku – kazuistika (2017)
Optimalizace detekce vybraných patogenních mikroorganismů v jednom vzorku klíštěte pomocí mnohonásobné (multiplex) PCR (2017)
Human Escherichia coli isolates from hemocultures: Septicemia linked to urogenital tract infections is caused by isolates harboring more virulence genes than bacteraemia linked to other conditions (2017)
Fibroblastový růstový faktor jako dynamický regulátor morfogeneze mléčné žlázy (2017)
Modifikace nanovlákenných nosičů pomocí fosfazenu podporuje rozprostření a růst buněk (2017)
Virion Structure of Black Queen Cell Virus, a Common Honeybee Pathogen (2017)
Structure of deformed wing virus, a major honey bee pathogen (2017)
ARResT/Interrogate: an interactive immunoprofiler for IG/TR NGS data (2017)
Quantitative mapping of microtubule-associated protein 2c (MAP2c) phosphorylation and regulatory protein 14-3-3 zeta-binding sites reveals key differences between MAP2c and its homolog Tau (2017)
Combining Pharmacological Countermeasures to Attenuate the Acute Radiation Syndrome-A Concise Review (2017)
Silk sericin-modified nanofibers for the development of in vitro models of lung (2017)
Direct nanopatterning of biomolecules by electron beam lithography for studying of cellular interaction (2017)
Nanofibers modified with hexaamino-cyclo-triphosphazene for tissue engineering applications (2017)
Dissecting the roles of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling in mammary branching morphogenesis using hyperstable FGF2 variants (2017)
Diastereoselective Flexible Synthesis of Carbocyclic C Nucleosides (2017)
Function of heterochromatin protein 1 during DNA repair (2017)
Pedobacter jamesrossensis sp. nov., Pedobacter lithocola sp. nov., Pedobacter mendelii sp. nov. and Pedobacter petrophilus sp. nov., isolated from the Antarctic environment (2017)
Komparativní analýza dvou odlišných linií plazmidů kódujících exfoliativní toxin B u klinických kmenů Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Potential use of barcoding to identify aquatic hyphomycetes (2010)
DNA barcoding of fungi: a case study using ITS sequences for identifying aquatic hyphomycete species (2010)
Aquatic hyphomycetes (Deuteromycotina) of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone (2010)
Mutational analysis of 206 DE NOVO AML patients below 60 years with curative therapy in Czech republic. (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in NOD SCID GAMMA mouse (2017)
Význam deregulace mikroRNA v molekulární patogenezi a histologické transformaci folikulárního lymfomu (2017)
Encyclopedia of CLL subsets – nový bioinformatický nástroj a unikátní databáze pro výzkum a klinické využití subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2017)
Associations of urban environmental pollution with health-related physiological traits in a free-living bird species (2017)
Mutace v genu NRAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií (AML). (2017)
Studium klonality AML v imunodeficientní myši. (2017)
A Novel Role for the BMP Antagonist Noggin in Sensitizing Cells to Non-canonical Wnt-5a/Ror2/Disheveled Pathway Activation (2017)
Role of IFN-α in multifactorial respiratory disease of swine (2017)
Alveolar macrophages vs. Monocyte derived macrophages: different macrophages with different immune response to respiratory pathogens (2016)
Směsná infekce PRRSV a H. parasuis (2016)
Concurrent infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Haemophilus parasuis in two types of porcine macrophages: apoptosis, production of ROS and formation of multinucleated giant cells (2017)
Skripta ke cvičení z obecné mikrobiologie, cytologie a morfologie bakterií (2017)
Desiccation-induced changes in photochemical processes of photosynthesis and spectral reflectance in Nostoc commune (Cyanobacteria, Nostocales) colonies from polar regions (2017)
Dlouhodobá studie prevalence protilátek proti vybraným zoonotickým patogenním mikroorganismům v populaci hlodavců (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in NSG mouse (2017)
High Throughput Screening Method for Identifying Potential Agonists and Antagonists of Arabidopsis thaliana Cytokinin Receptor CRE1/AHK4 (2017)
An automated method to evaluate the enzyme kinetics of b-glucosidases (2016)
Physical activity of Czech schoolchildren in the autumn season (2016)
Comparison of two phages for potencial commercial use – genomes, host spectrum and declaration of nontoxicity (2017)
Pool of antimicrobial resistance genes in coagulase-negative staphylococci and their transfer among bacterial strains (2017)
Evaluation of sample preparation protocols for spider venom profiling by MALDI-TOF MS (2017)
Characterization of two highly divergent lineages of exfoliative toxin B-encoding plasmids revealed in impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Different roles of CD4, CD8 and γδ T-lymphocytes in naive and vaccinated chickens during S. Enteritidis infection. (2017)
Differential protein expression in chicken macrophages and heterophils in vivo following infection with Salmonella Enteritidis (2017)
Biomonitoring of heavy metals using Usnea antarctica lichens (extended abstract) (2016)
Description of three female 24-H Uultra-endurance race winners in various weather conditions and disciplines (2017)
Fermentační testy vstupní suroviny do bioplynových stanic (2017)
First record of a common endolithic lichenized fungus species Catenarina desolata Sochting, Sogaard et Elvebakk. from James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula) (2017)
Short-term responses of primary processes in PS II to low temperature are sensitively indicated by fast chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum (2017)
Red-pink pigmented Hymenobacter coccineus sp. nov., Hymenobacter lapidarius sp. nov. and Hymenobacter glacialis sp. nov., isolated from rocks in Antarctica (2017)
Gene classification and mining of molecular markers useful in red clover (Trifolium pratense) breeding (2017)
Magnetic Separation Methods for the Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis in Various Types of Matrices: A Review (2017)
Flow cytometry in immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis: Short review (2015)
Selective elimination of neuroblastoma cells by synergistic effect of Akt kinase inhibitor and tetrathiomolybdate (2017)
Dlouhověkost včel (2017)
Microscopic techniques in the study of African parasitic nematodes (2017)
Microscopic anatomy of monogenean parasite Paradiplozoon homoion (2017)
COBLL1, LPL and ZAP70 expression defines prognostic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with high accuracy and correlates with IGHV mutational status (2017)
Characterization of novel bangle lectin from Photorhabdus asymbiotica with dual sugar-binding specificity and its effect on host immunity (2017)
Novel bangle lectin from Photorhabdus asymbiotica: sugar-binding specificity, structure and interaction with host immune system (2017)
Faktory ovlivňující produkci senzoricky aktivních látek u pivovarských a vinařských kvasinek (2017)
Ložisková patologie nadledvin novorozence (2017)
Ascorbic acid protects Coccomyxa subellipsoidea against metal toxicity through modulation of ROS/NO balance and metal uptake (2017)
Parallel single-cell analysis of active caspase-3/7 in apoptotic and non-apoptotic cells (2017)
Statins do not inhibit the FGFR signaling in chondrocytes (2017)
Role of Primary Cilia in Odontogenesis (2017)
Poznatky molekulární biologie pomáhají v boji s borreliózou (2017)
Synthesis and Profiling of a Novel Potent Selective Inhibitor of CHK1 Kinase Possessing Unusual N-trifluoromethylpyrazole Pharmacophore Resistant to Metabolic N-dealkylation (2017)
Role of protein farnesylation events in the ABA-mediated regulation of the PinoresinoleLariciresinol Reductase 1 (LuPLR1) gene expression and lignan biosynthesis in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) (2013)
RNAi-mediated pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase gene silencing in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed coat: consequences on lignans and neolignans accumulation (2014)
The role of the qac genes in mediating resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds (2013)
Prevalence of mastitis pathogens in milk from clinically healthy cows (2013)
There is inadequate evidence to support the division of the genus Borrelia (2016)
Corynebacterium species nasopharyngeal carriage in asymptomatic individuals aged 65 years in Germany (2017)
Lost in plasmids: next generation sequencing and the complex genome of the tick-borne pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi (2017)
Bericht zur Influenzaüberwachung in Bayern Saison 2015/16 (2016)
Epidemiology of intramammary infections with Staphylococcus aureus and mastitis streptococci in a dairy cattle herd with a history of recurrent clinical mastitis (2017)
Resistance to the tetracyclines and macrolidelincosamide-streptogramin group of antibiotics and its genetic linkage – a review (2017)
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus mitovirus 1 naturally disperses through the airborne inoculum of its host, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, in the Czech Republic (2017)
Two highly divergent lineages of exfoliative toxin B-encoding plasmids revealed in impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Watergate: Visual Exploration of Water Trajectories in Protein Dynamics (2017)
Melatonin promotes cardiomyogenesis of embryonic stem cells via inhibition of HIF-1 alpha stabilization (2016)
Electrochemical Sensing of Total Antioxidant Capacity and Polyphenol Content in Wine Samples Using Amperometry Online-Coupled with Microdialysis (2012)
Bioavailability and Antioxidant Activity of Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) Polyphenols: in vitro and in vivo Evidences and Possible Mechanisms of Action: A Review (2012)
Different methods for control and comparison of the antioxidant properties of vegetables (2010)
Serotonin and its 5-HT2 receptor agonist DOI hydrochloride inhibit the oxidative burst in total leukocytes but not in isolated neutrophils (2010)
Molecular targets of the natural antioxidant pterostilbene: effect on protein kinase C, caspase-3 and apoptosis in human neutrophils in vitro (2010)
Evaluation of antioxidant activity of medicinal plants containing polyphenol compounds. Comparison of two extraction systems (2010)
Growth suppression of human breast carcinoma stem cells by lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and hydroxyl radical-modified collagen (2010)
Influence of Selenium on Innate Immune Response in Kids (2009)
Interactions of oxidatively modified calf skin collagen with platelets and phagocytes (2009)
H-1-antihistamines and oxidative burst of professional phagocytes (2009)
Effect of carvedilol on the production of reactive oxygen species by HL-60 cells (2008)
Comparison of composition and antioxidant capacity of some cereals and pseudocereals (2008)
The influence of wine polyphenols on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species production by murine macrophages RAW 264.7 (2008)
Nitric oxide sensor based on carbon fiber covered with nickel porphyrin layer deposited using optimized electropolymerization procedure (2007)
Comparison of anti-inflammatory potential of pterostilbene and pinosylvin in vitro and in vivo (2015)
Chk1 Inhibitor SCH900776 Effectively Potentiates the Cytotoxic Effects of Platinum-Based Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Human Colon Cancer Cells (2017)
Tyrosine Kinase Expressed in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, TEC, Controls Pluripotency and Early Cell Fate Decisions of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells via Regulation of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Secretion (2017)
Cyclopropylamine plasma polymers for increased cell adhesion and growth (2017)
Carboxyl-anhydride and amine plasma coating of PCL nanofibers to improve their bioactivity (2017)
WNT5A: a motility-promoting factor in Hodgkin lymphoma (2017)
Angled Growth of the Dental Lamina Is Accompanied by Asymmetrical Expression of the WNT Pathway Receptor Frizzled 6 (2017)
The N-Terminal Part of the Dishevelled DEP Domain Is Required for Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling in Mammalian Cells (2017)
A proteomic analysis of LRRK2 binding partners reveals interactions with multiple signaling components of the WNT/PCP pathway (2017)
Staphylococcus sciuri bacteriophages double-convert for staphylokinase and phospholipase, mediate interspecies plasmid transduction, and package mecA gene (2017)
Activity of ring-substituted 8-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxanilides against intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio piger (2018)
Deregulated expression of long non-coding RNA UCA1 in multiple myeloma (2017)
Application of bacteriophages (2017)
Infantilní hemangiomy. Současné léčebné postupy (2017)
Regular graveyard in the stronghold versus settlement burials in the bailey. Comparison of Early Medieval populations from Pohansko (Czech Republic) (2017)
Raně středověké pohřebiště pod budovou Filozofické fakulty v Praze a výzkum jeho kosterních pozůstatků (2016)
Strontium Analyses of Human Bones from the Southern Suburb of the Early Medieval Stronghold Břeclav – Pohansko (Czech Republic) (2017)
Odezva izolovaných chloroplastů Lemna minor (L.) na diklofenak (2017)
Růstová odezva hrachu setého (Pisum sativum L.) na přítomnost diklofenaku v prostředí (2017)
Serious chronic disease of the cervical spine and trauma in young female of Middle Ages (Czech Republic) (2017)
Inhibition of proteolysis by the hematophagous Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2017)
Stefin of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea): immunomodulator or houskeeping protein? (2017)
Borelióza zamořuje města (2017)
Vyviklat, nekroutit (2017)
The common lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) pectic polysaccharides modulate phagocytic leukocytes and intestinal Peyer's patch cells (2017)
Modulation of neutrophil oxidative burst via histamine receptors (2013)
Francisella tularensis prevalence and load in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks in an endemic area in Central Europe (2017)
Serological survey for West Nile virus in wild artiodactyls, southern Moravia (Czech Republic) (2017)
Vertebrate reservoirs of arboviruses: Myth, synonym of amplifier, or reality? (2017)
Sex differences in oral health in the Early Medieval non-adult population from Znojmo-Hradiště, Czech Republic (2017)
Activation of autophagy and PPAR gamma protect colon cancer cells against apoptosis induced by interactive effects of butyrate and DHA in a cell type-dependent manner: The role of cell differentiation (2017)
Butyrate alters expression of cytochrome P450 1A1 and metabolism of benzo[a] pyrene via its histone deacetylase activity in colon epithelial cell models (2017)
n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids alter benzo[a]pyrene toxicity in a model of human colon cancer cells (2016)
Butyrate plays a supporting role in alterations of lipidome induced by DHA in colon cancer cells (2017)
n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids alleviate benzo[a]pyrene toxicity in human colon cancer cell lines (2017)
Urinary intermediates of tryptophan as indicators of the gut microbial metabolism (2017)
Application of Next-Generation Sequencing in Plant Breeding (2017)
Dvě odlišné linie plazmidů kódujících exfoliativní toxin B identifikované v českých kmenech Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Optimization of media cultivation for intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria (2017)
Analysis of new types of exfoliative toxin B-encoding plasmids carried by impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Adipokinetic hormone and adenosine in Drosophila melanogaster as a part of defence reaction against nematobacterial infection (2017)
Anoxygenic Phototrophic Sulfur Bacteria and Their Application in Purification of Biogas (2017)
Respirometric activity of activated sludge influenced by chemical substances (2017)
Registr Achondroplasie a možnosti léčby souvisejících poruch růstu (2017)
The effect of a 100 km ultra-marathon under freezing conditions on selected immunological and haematological parameters (2017)
Distribution of perifosine in 3D cell aggregates by MALDI MSI (2017)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci as a source of antimicrobial resistance genes (2017)
Molecular typing and genome variability of Staphylococcus petrasii (2017)
Minimal residual disease assessment in multiple myeloma by multiparametric flow cytometry (2017)
Circulating plasma cells in monoclonal gammopathies (2017)
Cell-free DNA — Minimally invasive marker of hematological malignancies (2017)
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) as a dynamic regulator of mammary gland branching morphogenesis (2017)
Applicability of fatty acid composition for separating clinical and environmental Aeromonas spp. (2017)
Classification of psychrophilic gliding bacteria isolated from Antarctica (2017)
Comparison of typing methods for classification of Antarctic Flavobacterium spp. (2017)
Role of fatty acids in cold adaptation of Antarctic psychrophilic Flavobacterium spp (2017)
Mucilaginibacter terrae sp. nov., isolated from Antarctic soil (2017)
Pedobacter psychrophilus sp. nov., isolated from Antarctic fragmentary rock (2017)
A Concise Synthesis of Forskolin (2017)
Význam deregulace mikroRNA v molekulární patogenezi a histologické transformaci folikulárního lymfomu (2017)
Zelenina a bylinky z farem a tržní sítě jako zdroj bakteriální kontaminace? (2017)
Ontogeny of protein concentration, haemocyte concentration and antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli in haemolymph of the invasive harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (2018)
Biofilmy v mäsovom priemysle a indukcia tvorby biofilmu sub-letálnymi koncentráciami troch sledovaných dezinfekčných látok (2016)
Vliv subletálních koncentrací dezinfekčních látek na tvorbu biofilmu v prostředí masného průmyslu (2016)
Caffeine administration alters the behaviour and development of Galleria mellonella larvae (2017)
In vivo study of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad accumulation in secondary target organs (2017)
The effect of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles on target organs (2017)
In vivo study of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad accumulation in secondary target organs (2017)
Complex analysis of the TP53 tumor suppressor in mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (2017)
BRCA1 or CDK12 loss sensitizes cells to CHK1 inhibitors (2017)
Obrazový průvodce anatomií rostlin - Visual Guide to Plant Anatomy (2017)
Identification of a Novel Retrotransposon with Sex Chromosome-Specific Distribution in Silene latifolia (2014)
Overexpression of a flower-specific aerolysin-like protein from the dioecious plant Rumex acetosa alters flower development and induces male sterility in transgenic tobacco (2017)
Spectroscopic insights into quadruplexes of five-repeat telomere DNA sequences upon G-block damage. (2017)
Úvod do molekulární medicíny. Cvičení (biomarkerové studie) (2017)
Applying Cultureomics Followed by Whole Genome Sequencing as the First Step in Improving Chicken Health in Commercial Production (2017)
Recurrent ependymomas of the posterior fossa (2017)
Skripta ke cvičení z obecné mikrobiologie, cytologie a morfologie bakterií (2017)
The role of Chk1 in regulation of apoptosis induced by platinum-based drugs in human prostate cancer cells (2017)
Apoptotic signaling in mouse odontogenesis. (2012)
Caspase-7 participates in differentiation of cells forming dental hard tissues. (2013)
Non-apoptotic functions of caspase-7 during osteogenesis. (2014)
Caspase-7 in molar tooth development. (2012)
Bioluminescence determination of active caspase-3 in single apoptotic cells. (2013)
Onset of osteogenic gene expression and calciotropic regulation during mandibular/alveolar bone formation (2017)
Soil contamination of human dental calculus determined by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (2017)
HDAC1 and HDAC3 underlie dynamic H3K9 acetylation during embryonic neurogenesis and in schizophrenia-like animals (2018)
Flow cytometric analysis of nucleoside transporters activity (2017)
Aspekty vývoje vakcíny proti Lymeské borrelióze ve veterinárním i humánním lékařství – přehled a kandidátní vakcíny (2017)
Hypoxia favors myosin heavy chain beta gene expression in an Hif-1alpha-dependent manner (2017)
TCDD deregulates contact inhibition in rat liver oval cells via Ah receptor, JunD and cyclin A (2008)
Výskyt enteropatogenních yersinií u prasat divokých v České republice (2015)
Využití real-time PCR pro detekci Yersinia enterocolitica ve vzorcích rostlinného původu (2015)
Generation of a Close-to-Native In Vitro System to Study Lung Cells-Extracellular Matrix Crosstalk (2018)
Hematological Profile of Untreated or Ionizing Radiation-Exposed Cyclooxygenase-2-Deficient Mice (2017)
Nanostructure and bioactivity of mouse lung extracellular matrix scaffolds (2017)
Computational Analysis of Protein Tunnels and Channels (2018)
Deep coverage of the beer proteome (2017)
Prevence vybraných zoonóz s využitím produktů na rostlinné bázi (2017)
Keeping up with the Red Queen: the pace of aging as an adaptation (2017)
Increased age-adjusted hazard of death associated with a common single nucleotide polymorphism of the human RAD52 gene in a cardiovascular cohort (2017)
Scanning electron microscopy of dental calculus from Great Moravian necropolis Znojmo-Hradiště (2017)
The connections of Wnt pathway components with cell cycle and centrosome: side effects or a hidden logic? (2017)
Výskyt protilátek proti čtyřem vybraným patogenním mikroorganizmům u volně žijících malých savců (výsledky z r. 2015) (2017)
Antiviral activity of the adenosine analogue BCX4430 against West Nile virus and tick-borne flaviviruses (2017)
Proteomic analyses of signalling complexes associated with receptor tyrosine kinase identify novel members of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 interactome (2018)
Complete genome sequence of bacteriophage SEN8, a temperate phage isolated from salmonella enterica subsp. salamae (2017)
DNA reparace u karcinomů hlavy a krku ve vztahu k radiosensitivitě (2017)
CaverDock 1.0 (2017)
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) hypersignalling leads to hyperplasia of mammary epithelium through a stronger erk pathway activation (2017)
Bifidobacterium apri sp. nov., a thermophilic actinobacterium isolated from digestive tract of wild pigs (Sus scrofa) (2017)
Free-Living Enterobacterium Pragia fontium 24613: Complete Genome Sequence and Metabolic Profiling (2017)
XXXVI Annual Meeting of the European Culture Collections´ Organisation (ECCO 2017) (2017)
ECCO XXXVI Abstracts (2017)
DNA Repair in Head and Neck Cancers and their Radiosensitivity (2017)
TCDD modulates levels of survivin in contact-inhibited liver progenitor cell models (2014)
Disruption of contact inhibition induced by AhR ligands is linked with induction of survivin, but not with inhibition of apoptosis, in rat liver progenitor cell model. (2015)
Deregulation of AhR-dependent CYP1 expression under conditions modulating contact inhibition or cell density in liver cell models (2015)
Deregulation of the AhR-dependent CYP1 expression under conditions modulating contact inhibition or cell proliferation in liver cell models (2016)
Down-regulation of YAP1 and TAZ effectors of Hippo signaling sensitizes liver progenitor cells to apoptosis induction by TCDD (2016)
Induction of apoptosis in undifferentiated liver progenitor cells following down-regulation of YAP1/TAZ and exposure to toxic AhR ligand (2017)
Tau tubulin kinase 2 phosphorylations in cilia initiation (2017)
Můžeme mít vrozenou predispozici k akutní myeloidní leukémii? (2017)
Differential expression of microRNAs in transformation of follicular lymphoma to diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2017)
Down-regulation of miR-150 and up-regulation of its target FOXP1 is associated with transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2017)
Transcription factor c-Myb inhibits breast cancer lung metastasis by suppression of tumor cell seeding (2018)
Genesis of new allele at locus D2S1360 in leukemia patient (2017)
Pečovatelství : péče o zdravé a nemocné dítě (2016)
Ošetřovatelství pro střední zdravotnické školy - 1. ročník (2015)
New modification of cultivation medium for isolation and growth of intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria (2017)
Comparison of Suitability of the Most Common Ancient DNA Quantification Methods (2017)
Tylekodony (2016)
Sukulentní euforbie Kapska (2017)
Antarktida (2013)
Use of Microbial Consortium for Hydrocarbons Degradation (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase LinB116 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by FRESCO with removed disulphide bridge. (2017)
ARQ 087 inhibits FGFR signaling and rescues aberrant cell proliferation and differentiation in experimental models of craniosynostoses and chondrodysplasias caused by activating mutations in FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR3 (2017)
Umbilical cord blood and maternal visfatin (PBEF/NAMPT) concentrations in preterm birth with and without preterm premature rupture of membranes (2018)
Comparison of maternal omentin-1 levels and genetic variability between spontaneous term and preterm births (2018)
Recombinant enzyme gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA01 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by energy-based approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA101 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by evolution-based approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA112 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by energy-based approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA115 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by combine approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC01 carrying thermostabilizing mutations (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC-LT01 carrying thermostabilizing mutations. (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC-LT02 carrying thermostabilizing mutations. (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase eHLD2 (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase eHLD3 (2017)
HTS 1.0 (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC-DJ carrying thermostabilizing mutations. (2017)
Fotonová radioterapie kraniospinální osy s využitím dávkových gradientů (2017)
Pozdní nežádoucí účinky radioterapie u dětí - poznání a perspektivy (2017)
Intestinal Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (2017)
Immunomonitoring of patients treated with personalized dendritic cell-based vaccine (2017)
Intertumoral Heterogeneity within Medulloblastoma Subgroups (2017)
Metronomic therapy has low toxicity and is as effective as current standard treatment for recurrent high-risk neuroblastoma (2017)
KSR proteins link metabolic changes to the MAPK/ERK pathway (2016)
Modulation of melanoma metabolism and viability with hexokinase and mitochondrial complex I inhibitors (2014)
The spectrum of somatic mutations in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance indicates a less complex genomic landscape than that in multiple myeloma (2017)
Accelerating drug development for neuroblastoma - New Drug Development Strategy: an Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer, European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents and International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe Neuroblastoma project (2017)
Gene expression in the chicken caecum is dependent on microbiota composition (2017)
Jak interpretovat účinnost léčby novými antitrombotiky ve výsledcích laboratorních testů (2017)
The Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) in Ancient Dental Calculus for the Reconstruction of Human Habits (2017)
Collection of staphylococcal polyvalent bacteriophages suitable for phage therapy exhibiting broad lytic host-range on methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (2017)
Spontaneous mutants of staphylococcal polyvalent bacteriophages with broad lytic host-range on Staphylococcus aureus strains are suitable for phage therapy (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in patient-derived xenografts. (2017)
Are natural products effective alternatives to synthetic repellents? (2017)
Sub-chronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad distribution and tissue-specific subcellular localization in target organs (2017)
Entomopatogenní hlístice (2017)
Recurrent ependymomas of the posterior fossa (2017)
Recurrent ependymomas of the IV. ventricle (2017)
Recurrent ependymoma of the IV. the ventrikle – a case report (2017)
„Founder“ mutace asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT: Česká republika versus svět (2017)
Klinické a genetické charakteristiky mutace T309I-Kv7.1 asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT (2017)
Reprogramming of Adult Peripheral Blood Cells into Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Safe and Accessible Source of Endothelial Cells. (2018)
Prevalence of ticks and mosquitoes in the Czech Republic in connection with Vector-borne threats growing and Lyme disease (2017)
Study of selected hematological and immunological parameters of crew members of Antarctic expedition (2017)
Výskyt protilátek proti čtyřem vybraným patogenním mikroorganizmům u volně žijících malých savců (výsledky z r. 2015) (2017)
A Haloalkane Dehalogenase From a Marine Microbial Consortium Possessing Exceptionally Broad Substrate Specificity (2018)
The tyrosine Y250 2.39 in Frizzled 4 defines a conserved motif important for structural integrity of the receptor and recruitment of Disheveled. (2017)
Puncture vs. reflex bleeding: Haemolymph composition reveals significant differences among ladybird species (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), but not between sampling methods (2018)
Nové léky v terapii akutní myeloidní leukemie u starších pacientů (2017)
Standardized hiPSCs culture – vitronectin coating for cGMP compliant protocol (2017)
Study of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genes specific for phytoalexin synthesis (2017)
Study of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genes regulating nitrogen fixation and nodulation process (2017)
Cryptic species Anopheles daciae (Diptera: Culicidae) found in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2018)
West Nile virus in overwintering mosquitoes, central Europe (2017)
Transketolase Activity but not Thiamine Membrane Transport Change in Response to Hyperglycaemia and Kidney Dysfunction (2018)
Butyrate and docosahexaenoic acid interact in alterations of specific lipid classes in differentiating colon cancer cells. (2018)
Exploration of Protein Unfolding by Modelling Calorimetry Data from Reheating (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data (2017)
Vliv aplikace sunitinibu v mladém věku na EKG u laboratorního potkana (2017)
Změny růstu potkanů po aplikaci sunitinibu v mladém věku (2017)
Gram-scale Production of Recombinant Microbial Enzymes in Shake Flasks (2018)
Bioremediation 3.0: Engineering Pollutant-Removing Bacteria in the Times of Systemic Biology (2017)
Multi-Enzyme Pathway Optimisation Through Star-Shaped Reachable Sets (2017)
Metagenome-derived Haloalkane Dehalogenases with Novel Catalytic Properties (2017)
NewProt – a Protein Engineering Portal (2017)
Ancestral Haloalkane Dehalogenases Show Robustness and Unique Substrate Specificity (2017)
Different Structural Origins of the Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases toward Linear beta-Haloalkanes: Open–Solvated versus Occluded–Desolvated Active Sites (2017)
FireProt: Web Server for Automated Design of Thermostable Proteins (2017)
Kinetics of Binding of Fluorescent Ligands to Enzymes with Engineered Access Tunnels (2017)
Structure-function Relationships and Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases. (2017)
Adjustment of serum HE4 to reduced glomerular filtration and its use in biomarker-based prediction of deep myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer (2017)
Identifikácia potenciálne prometastatických cieľov lokalizovaných na povrchu buniek mamárneho karcinómu (2017)
GLASS:assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Mutational analysis of 231 de novo AML patients below 60 years with curative therapy (2017)
Promoter methylation of ROR ligand WNTA associates with its expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Treatment with BCR inhibitors increases ROR1 expression in CLL cells (2017)
Biallelic TP53 gene mutations due to copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity and monoallelic mutations in absence of 17p deletion occur in CLL with comparable frequency (2017)
Casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibition blocks CLL chemotaxis and delays leukemia onset in the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Newly identified bangle lectin from Photorhabdus asymbiotica and its role in pathogenesis (2017)
Mapping of the spatial distribution of silver nanoparticles in root tissues of Vicia faba by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) (2017)
Ložišková patologie nadledvin u novorozence (2017)
Inhibitor repurposing reveals ALK, LTK, FGFR, RET and TRK kinases as the targets of AZD1480 (2017)
Postavení warfarinu v současné době (2017)
Expression of COBLL1 encoding novel ROR1 binding partner is robust predictor of survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Possibilities of flow cytometric minimal residual disease monitoring in multiple myeloma. (2017)
The clinical impact of targeted „next-generation“ sequencing in molecular diagnostics of intellectual disabilities and multiple congenital abnormalities (2017)
Case report: rapid and durable response to PDGFR targeted therapy in a child with refractory multiple infantile myofibromatosis and a heterozygous germline mutation of the PDGFRB gene (2017)
DNA reparace u karcinomů hlavy a krku ve vztahu k radiosensitivitě (2017)
Chromothripsis 18 in multiple myeloma patient with rapid extramedullary relapse (2018)
Pyrazolotriazines as inhibitors of nucleases (2017)
Comparative cell cycle transcriptomics reveals synchronization of developmental transcription factor networks in cancer cells (2017)
BMP Signaling Regulates the Fate of Chondro-osteoprogenitor Cells in Facial Mesenchyme in a Stage-Specific Manner (2016)
WNT signaling pathways in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and B cell lymphomas (2017)
The natural compound Jatrophone interferes with Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and inhibits proliferation and EMT in human triple-negative breast cancer (2017)
Uniformity under in vitro conditions: Changes in the phenotype of cancer cell lines derived from different medulloblastoma subgroups. (2017)
Vliv ročního období na fyziologii a imunitu včely medonosné (Apis mellifera L.) (2018)
Membrane-Depolarizing Channel Blockers Induce Selective Glioma Cell Death by Impairing Nutrient Transport and Unfolded Protein/Amino Acid Responses (2017)
Effect of substituents in the first nucleotide of exon on pre-mRNA splicing (2015)
Preparation of nanostructured surfaces to influence hPSC behavior (2018)
FGF2 hypersignalling as a tool to study mammary epithelial branched pattern formation (2018)
Imunita hmyzu a dalších bezobratlých živočichů I. (2018)
IgY protilátky v prevenci a léčbě infekčních onemocnění mláďat - review (2017)
Detection and Quantification of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-eat Vegetables, Frozen Vegetables and Sprouts Examined by Culture Methods and Real-time PCR (2017)
The clinical utility of array-CGH and targeted NGS in idiopathic intellectual disabilities and developmental delays: a case report of SCN2A p.Ala263Val variant (2017)
Kinetic properties of growth of intestinal sulphate-reducing bacteria isolated from healthy mice and mice with ulcerative colitis (2017)
Effect of selected 8-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxanilides on viability and sulfate metabolism of Desulfovibrio piger (2018)
Sledování mikrobiálních rizik spojených s konzumací zeleniny a bylin z farem a tržní sítě (2017)
Vývoj a aplikace MOL-PCR pro detekci původců bakteriálních infekcí z potravin (2018)
Circadian rhythm of insect activity is sensitive to magnetic fields (2018)
Architecture of Paradiplozoon homoion: A diplozoid monogenean exhibiting highly-developed equipment for ectoparasitism (2018)
Izolace norovirů ze vzorků vod (2016)
Izolace norovirů ze vzorků vod (2016)
Brush cytology of the fallopian tube fimbria and its correlation with the histology of high grade serous carcinoma in fallopian tube (2017)
Izolace virových částic ze vzorků pitných a užitkových vod (2016)
Izolace virových částic ze vzorků vod (2016)
Detekce norovirů ve vzorcích vod (2017)
Antibody-mediated modulation of cytokinins in tobacco: organ-specific changes in cytokinin homeostasis (2018)
Lactobacillus caviae sp nov., an obligately heterofermentative bacterium isolated from the oral cavity of a guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) (2017)
Particles with similar LET values generate DNA breaks of different complexity and reparability: a high-resolution microscopy analysis of gamma H2AX/53BP1 foci (2018)
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci with vanA and vanB genes in Australian gulls (2017)
Optimalizace MOL-PCR pro multiplexní detekci patogenů (2018)
Den biologie 2017 (2017)
Sex differences in oral health in the Early Medieval non-adult population from Znojmo-Hradiště, Czech Republic (2017)
Komplexní analýza genomů jedinečných bakteriofágů a plazmidů nesoucích geny pro exfoliativní toxiny A a B u Staphylococcus aureus (2017)
Possibilities of Growing Stillage Usage for Anaerobic Fermentation (2019)
Catalytic Cycle of Haloalkane Dehalogenases Toward Unnatural Substrates Explored by Computational Modeling (2017)
Metabolic stress regulates ERK activity by controlling KSR-RAF heterodimerization (2018)
Model-based Characterization of the Parameters of Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction Under the Effect of Different Initial Density of Desulfovibrio piger Vib-7 Bacterial Cells (2015)
Reprogramming of peripheral blood cells into hiPSCs as a source of endothelial cells (2018)
Polyaniline cryogels: Biocompatibility of novel conducting macroporous material (2018)
Interaction of nanostructured TiO2 biointerfaces with stern cells and biofilm-forming bacteria (2017)
Primary and Activated Sludge Biogas Production: Effect of Temperature (2018)
Methods for Preparation of MS2 Phage-Like Particles and Their Utilization as Process Control Viruses in RT-PCR and qRT-PCR Detection of RNA Viruses From Food Matrices and Clinical Specimens (2015)
Preparation of MS2 Phage-Like Particles and Their Use As Potential Process Control Viruses for Detection and Quantification of Enteric RNA Viruses in Different Matrices (2016)
One-plasmid double-expression His-tag system for rapid production and easy purification of MS2 phage-like particles (2017)
An advanced conjugation strategy for the preparation of quantum dot-antibody immunoprobes (2017)
Quasi-homogeneous biological tissues as a universal tool for study of matrix layer homogeneity in MALDI MSI (2017)
Evaluation of matrix layer homogeneity utilizing quasi-homogeneous biological tissues in MALDI MSI (2018)
Enzyme Tunnels and Gates As Relevant Targets in Drug Design (2017)
Intraoperative fat grafting into the pectoralis and latissimus dorsi muscles – Novel modification of autologous breast reconstruction with extended latissimus dorsi flap (2017)
Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast (2018)
Neural Differentiation Is Inhibited through HIF1 alpha/ beta-Catenin Signaling in Embryoid Bodies (2017)
Differences in anterior-posterior sensitivity of early limb bud cell to FGF/WNT treatment (2017)
Nanoformulace přírodních imunostimulantů (2017)
High-throughput screening of haloalkane dehalogenase libraries based on a pH- sensitive assay using droplet-based microfluidics (2017)
Role of SH3b binding domain in a natural deletion mutant of Kayvirus endolysin LysF1 with a broad range of lytic activity (2018)
FireProt 1.0 (2017)
Odstranění reziduí pesticidů pomocí filtrace vosku přes polymerní vychytávače na poloprovozní aparatuře (2017)
Nerezová aparatura pro filtraci roztaveného vosku přes polymerní vychytávač (2016)
Vosk nad zlato (2017)
Evaluation and improvement of organic semiconductors’ biocompatibility towards fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes (2018)
Characterization of four Escherichia albertii isolates collected from animals living in Antarctica and Patagonia (2018)
Why Differentiation Therapy Sometimes Fails: Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance to Retinoids (2018)
Staphylococcus edaphicus sp nov., isolated in Antarctica, harbors the mecC gene and genomic islands with a suspected role in adaptation to extreme environments (2018)
Organic Electrochemical Transistor Microplate for Real-Time Cell Culture Monitoring (2017)
Printing inks of electroactive polymer PEDOT:PSS: The study of biocompatibility, stability, and electrical properties (2018)
CalFitter 1.0 (2017)
GvL effects in T-prolymphocytic leukemia: evidence from MRD kinetics and TCR repertoire analyses (2017)
High resolution IgH repertoire analysis reveals fetal liver as the likely origin of life-long, innate B lymphopoiesis in humans (2017)
Exkretované/sekretované produkty entomopatogenních hlístic a jejich vliv na imunitu hmyzu (2018)
Intestinal Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (2017)
NewProt 1.0 (2017)
GLASS (2017)
Rychlá detekce životaschopného původce paratuberkulózy metodou phage assay (2018)
Registr Achondroplázie REACH (2018)
Systematic analysis of BCR-ABL interactome in chronic myeloid leukemia (2017)
Multiparameter cytometric analysis of complex cellular response (2018)
Alternative mechanisms of miR-34a regulation in cancer (2017)
Opposite regulation of MDM2 and MDMX expression in acquisition of mesenchymal phenotype in benign and cancer cells (2015)
Lung Neutrophilia in Myeloperoxidase Deficient Mice during the Course of Acute Pulmonary Inflammation (2016)
Hypoxia Downregulates MAPK/ERK but Not STAT3 Signaling in ROS-Dependent and HIF-1-Independent Manners in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2017)
Absence of differences among low, middle, and high molecular weight hyaluronan in activating murine immune cells in vitro (2018)
Ciliopathy Protein Tmem107 Plays Multiple Roles in Craniofacial Development (2018)
Diagnostic imaging modalities and surgical anatomy of the temporomandibular joint in rabbits (2018)
Identification and functional analysis of novel facial patterning genes in the duplicated beak chicken embryo (2015)
The dual role of asporin in breast cancer progression (2016)
Cisplatin or LA-12 enhance killing effects of TRAIL in prostate cancer cells through Bid-dependent stimulation of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway but not caspase-10 (2017)
Epigenetics and chromatin plasticity in embryonic stem cells (2013)
Computational Enzyme Design of Haloalkane Dehalogenases for Yperite Degradation (2018)
Sekvenování nové generace u akutní myeloidní leukemie: Nový pohled na patogenezi a vývoj leukemických klonů (2017)
Looking for inhibitor: structural and functional analysis of novel bangle lectin PHL from Photorhabdus asymbiotica (2018)
The diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the seven bioreactors (2018)
How sunrise and weather affect timing of rooks (Corvus frugilegus) morning departure from the winter communal roost. (2017)
Kompletní analýza vlastností nových inhibitorů kasein kinázy 1 pro léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2017)
Use of Drosophila for studying pathogen-insect interactions (2018)
MS Instrumentation training for students (2016)
Practical course in proteomics for FS MU students (2017)
Practical course in proteomics for FS MU students II (2017)
Summer school in new approaches in experimental biology and omics (2017)
Student training (FEEC BUT) (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course - November 2017 (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course - October 2017 (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course (2017)
A new combination of substrates: biogas production and diversity of the methanogenic microorganisms (2018)
Adipokinetic hormone and adenosine interfere with nematobacterial infection and locomotion in Drosophila melanogaster (2018)
Impact of the access tunnel engineering on catalysis is strictly ligand-specific (2018)
REVIEWERS’ COMMENTS: Kushkevych I. V. Intestinal Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2017. – 320 p. (2018)
Imunita hmyzu a dalších bezobratlých živočichů II. (2018)
HMGB1-mediated DNA bending: Distinct roles in increasing p53 binding to DNA and the transactivation of p53-responsive gene promoters. (2018)
The study of perifosine in colorectal carcinoma spheroids by MALDI TOF MSI and confocal microscopy (2018)
Alternative therapy - antimicrobial effect of commercial phage preparation Stafal® on the genus Staphylococcus including coagulase-negative staphylococci (2018)
The hidden function of egg white antimicrobials: egg weightdependent effects of avidin on avian embryo survival and hatchling phenotype (2018)
Future of multiplexing (2018)
Computer-assisted engineering of hyperstable fibroblast growth factor 2 (2018)
Entomopathogenic nematodes and insect immunity (2018)
The forebody organisation in Paradiplozoon homoion: A microscopic study (2018)
CAVER Analyst 2.0: Analysis and Visualization of Channels and Tunnels in Protein Structures and Molecular Dynamics Trajectories (2018)
Exercise-induced circulating microRNA changes in athletes in various training scenarios (2018)
Microbiological research on James Ross Island focused on rock-inhabiting fungi (2018)
Mezinárodní organizace sbírek kultur mikroorganismů (2017)
Influence of soil gamma-irradiation and spiking on sorption of p,p'-DDE and soil organic matter chemistry (2018)
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 5 (2018)
EU priority habitats: rethinking Mediterranean coastal pine forests (2018)
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 5 (2018)
Plazmidově vázaná rezistence ke kolistinu: hrozba i pro Českou republiku? (2018)
Dissimilatory sulfate reduction of intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria and their association with colitis development (2018)
Impact of acute and subchronic inhalation exposure to PbO nanoparticles on mice (2018)
Biomonitoring práce s genotoxickými látkami a faktory v onkologickém zdravotnickém zařízení (2018)
Lidský papilomavirus - role v karcinogenezi cervixu a možnosti jeho detekce (2018)
Methods for assessing the sensitivity of intestinal lactic acid bacteria to hydrogen sulfide (2018)
Inovativní dermální kolagenová matrix s nanovlákennou vrstvou obohacená o stabilní růstový faktor pro fibroblasty 2 (FGF2): První zkušenosti na in vitro a in vivo modelech (2018)
Preliminary in vitro results of a temporary antimicrobial biopolymer hydrogel optimalization for selected growth factors in partial-thickness skin defects (2018)
Léčba chronické parodontitidy pomocí lipoxinů a resolvinů na zvířecím modelu (2018)
xMAP technology - detection of pathogenic viruses (2018)
How swift is Cry-mediated magnetoreception? Conditioning in an American cockroach shows sub-second response. (2018)
Využití bakteriofágů pro rychlou detekci životaschopného původce paratuberkulózy metodou phage assay (2018)
Ověření kvantifikačních standardů využívaných při real-time PCR pomocí droplet digital PCR (2018)
Casein kinase 1 is a therapeutic target in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Butyrát (2018)
Pyrazolotriazines as inhibitors of nucleases (2018)
Arbidol (Umifenovir): A Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Drug That Inhibits Medically Important Arthropod-Borne Flaviviruses (2018)
Hyaluronic Acid Surface Modified Liposomes Prepared via Orthogonal Aminoxy Coupling: Synthesis of Nontoxic Aminoxylipids Based on Symmetrically alpha-Branched Fatty Acids, Preparation of Liposomes by Microfluidic Mixing, and Targeting to Cancer Cells Expressing CD44 (2018)
Vývoj biopolymerní nanostrukturované dermální náhrady: In vivo studie na prasečím modelu (2018)
Vývoj biopolymerní nanostrukturované dermální náhrady: In vivo studie na prasečím modelu (2018)
Vývoj biopolymerní nanostrukturované dermální náhrady: Ex ovo a in vivo studie (2018)
Přírodní látky v prevenci nemocí přenášených klíšťaty (2018)
Pilot study of Ixodes ricinus ticks preference for human ABO blood groups using a simple in vitro method (2018)
Vitaminy jako pomoc při řešení mužské neplodnosti (2017)
Prevence nemocí přenášených klíšťaty a hmyzem sajícím krev (2017)
Two novel swarming Flavobacterium species isolated from Antarctica (2018)
Primary photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen at subzero temperature: A lab study (2018)
Algal biomass production in central European non-summer and Arctic conditions (2018)
OTC-induced effects on ground thermal regime and moss cover in James Ross Island (2018)
The Effect of Low Temperature on Photosynthetic Processes in an Antarctic Lichen (2018)
Charakterizácia kmeňov Staphylococcus aureus obsahujúcich ostrov patogenity s génom pre exfoliatívny toxín D (2018)
Reakce nádorových buněk na oxidativní stres (2017)
STAT3, stem cells, cancer stem cells and p63 (2018)
Evidence for allosteric effects on p53 oligomerization induced by phosphorylation. (2018)
Histologický atlas LF MU (2018)
The contents and distributions of cadmium, mercury, and lead in Usnea antarctica lichens from Solorina Valley, James Ross Island (Antarctica) (2018)
The influence of mutational status and biological characteristics of acute myeloid leukemia on xenotransplantation outcomes in NOD SCID gamma mice (2018)
Biological role of PLL and PHL – lectins produced by entomopathogenic bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens and Photorhabdus asymbiotica (2018)
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) and zigzag clover (T. medium) – a picture of genomic similarities and differences (2018)
Novel spontaneous mutants of bacteriophage 812 exhibit multiple genomic changes and increased lytic effect on MRSA strains (2018)
Development of molecular methods for the needs of the Army of the Czech Republic (2018)
Ověření účinnosti hnojení digestáty z bioplynových stanic na výnos ozimé řepky a ozimé pšenice a změny vybraných agrochemických vlastností půdy (2010)
Mobile toilets chemicals: its influence on activated sludge microorganisms (2018)
The role of SATb2 in odontogenesis (2018)
Microbiology of brewery production – bacteria of the order Enterobacterales (2018)
Whole genome sequencing and function prediction of 133 gut anaerobes isolated from chicken caecum in pure cultures (2018)
The genome sequence of Pseudomonas prosekii, a novel Antarctic bacterium (2018)
Rapid Identification of Medically Important Candida Isolates Using High Resolution Melting Analysis (2015)
Heavy metals in the environment: Its influence on anaerobic sewage sludge stabilisation (2018)
Digital camera-based lipase biosensor for the determination of paraoxon (2018)
Characterization of a xylanolytic bacterial strain C10 isolated from the rumen of a red deer (Cervus elaphus) closely related of the recently described species Actinomyces succiniciruminis, A. glycerinitolerans, and A. ruminicola. (2018)
Flavobacterium chryseum sp. nov. and Flavobacterium psychroterrae sp. nov., novel environmental bacteria isolated from Antarctica. (2018)
Genetické určení barvy očí u jedinců ze Znojma-Hradiště (2018)
Identification of some lichenised fungi from James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula) using nrITS markers (2018)
Sex-dependent differences in anterior commissure and myelin in the neurodevelopmental animal model of schizophrenia (2018)
Sex differences in a neurodevelopmental animal model of schizophrenia: focus on white matter structures and myelin (2017)
Effect of UV-B radiation on the content of UV-B absorbing compounds and photosynthetic parameters in Parmotrema austrosinense from two contrasting habitats (2018)
Pohlavné rozdiely v štruktúre commissura anterior a myelínu u neurovývojového zvieracieho modelu schizofrénie (2018)
Formation of lactic acid bacteria biofilm: The benefits (2018)
Selected Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Hypoxia and Multidrug Resistance in Monoclonal Gammopathies Patients (2018)
Deacetylation of Histone H4 Accompanying Cardiomyogenesis is Weakened in HDAC1-Depleted ES Cells (2018)
Metabolic activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria from rodents with colitis (2018)
MALDI MSI and immunohistochemistry analysis of colorectal carcinoma spheroids (2018)
Study of lectins from Photorhabdus luminescens bacterium (2018)
Temperature and De-icing Salt, Effect on the Activated Sludge Respiration (2018)
Immunomodulatory function of cysteine peptidase inhibitor from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2017)
Characterization of Staphylococcus petrasii using molecular typing methods and whole genome sequencing (2018)
MicroRNAs in pathophysiology of acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock (2018)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci as a source of antimicrobial resistance genes (2018)
Use of RAPD-PCR for typing staphylococcal phages with a potential for phage therapy (2018)
Development and application of MOL-PCR for the detection of bacterial foodborne infections. (2018)
Cross-correlation analysis of the Desulfovibrio growth parameters of intestinal species isolated from people with colitis (2018)
The woman from the Dolní Věstonice 3 burial: a new view of the face using modern technologies (2018)
Host subspecific viral strains in European house mice: Murine cytomegalovirus in the Eastern (Mus musculus musculus) and Western house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) (2018)
Odhad věku vývoje lokalizované hypoplázie primárních špičáků (LHPC) u dětí z velkomoravského pohřebiště Znojmo-Hradiště (9. - 10. stol. n. l.) (2018)
Dehydration-induced changes in spectral reflectance indices and chlorophyll fluorescence of Antarctic lichens with different thallus color, and intrathalline photobiont (2018)
Solution processable diketopyrrolopyrrole semiconductor: towards bio-electronic applications (2018)
Registr Achondroplasie na Slovensku a v České republice (2018)
Can you make granulation tissue heal periodontitis faster? Experimental treatment using lipoxins and resolvins in rabbit model (2018)
Filter-Aided Sample Preparation Procedure for Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Plant Histones (2018)
MicroRNAs as predictive biomarkers of response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2018)
MikroRNA jako biomarkery odpovědi na léčbu sunitinibem u pacientů s metastatickým karcinomem ledvin – pilotní studie (2018)
FIMTrack: behaviour of Drosophila melanogaster during infection by entomopathogenic nematodes. (2018)
Liposarcoma Retroperitonei Permagnum (2012)
Pragmatický přístup k peroperačnímu hodnocení sentinelových uzlin u karcinomu prsu (2012)
Intramammární uzlina u karcinomu prsu z pohledu chirurga (2017)
Enhanced bioactivity of electrospun PCL and PLLA scaffolds blended with amino-phosphazene (2018)
Holocentric chromosomes may be an apomorphy of Droseraceae (2018)
Advantages in Prognosis of Adult Patients with Ewing Sarcoma: 11-years Experiences and Current Treatment Management (2018)
Diagnostika mutace T790M genu EGFR u pacientů s nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (NSCLC) (2018)
Studium klonality AML v imunodeficientním myším modelu (2018)
Clinicopathological correlation of tumor-associated macrophages in Ewing sarcoma (2018)
Flowering of allergenically important plant species in relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation system and thermal time in the Czech Republic (2018)
Léčivy indukované změny v růstu a morfologii kořenů kukuřice a hrachu (2018)
Interakce diklofenaku s rostlinami na bunečné úrovni: model tabákové suspenze BY-2 (2018)
West Nile virus (lineage 2) in mosquitoes in southern Moravia - awaiting the first autochthonous human cases (2018)
First report of Rickettsia raoultii and Rickettsia helvetica in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks from the Czech Republic (2016)
The invasive Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Czech Republic: Repetitive introduction events highlight the need for extended entomological surveillance (2018)
Effect of Climate and Land Use on the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Tick-Borne Bacteria in Europe (2018)
Inovativní inhibitor proteinu CHK1 indukuje apoptózu u buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53 (2018)
Trends in incidence of childhood cancers in the Czech Republic: population-based analysis of national registries (1994-2014) (2018)
Irisin Maternal Plasma and Cord Blood Levels in Mothers with Spontaneous Preterm and Term Delivery (2018)
Fully Automated Attractor Analysis of Cyanobacteria Models (2018)
Pre-operative Plasma miR-21-5p Is a Sensitive Biomarker and Independent Prognostic Factor in Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Undergoing Surgical Resection (2018)
Inhibition of SHIP2 activity inhibits cell migration and could prevent metastasis in breast cancer cells (2018)
Host-dependent variables: The missing link to personalized medicine (2018)
Perzistence mutací v genech asociovaných s klonální hematopoézou v remisi onemocnění zhoršuje celkové přežití pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukemií (AML) (2018)
Variability of antibiotic resistance plasmids in human and veterinary coagulase-negative staphylococci and possibility of their horizontal transfer (2018)
Escherichia coli isolates from patients with inflammatory bowel disease: ExPEC virulence- and colicin-determinants are more frequent compared to healthy controls (2018)
Colicin F-Y inhibits pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in mice (2018)
Monitorování transkriptu BCR-ABL1 pomocí nového kitu Cepheid Xpert BCR-ABL1 ultra na úrovni MR4,5 (2018)
Mutace v genu NRAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukemii (2018)
Efficient fungal UV-screening provides a remarkably high UV-B tolerance of photosystem II in lichen photobionts (2018)
Prognostic impact of combined immunoprofiles in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients with respect to AJCC 8th edition (2018)
Weak radiofrequency fields rather cancel than only modify the magnetic navigation of insects (2018)
Bioinformatická platforma pro rutinní využití v diagnostice pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2018)
A quarter of NRAS positive patients carry multiple point mutations, each of them localised separately in different alleles (2018)
Selective CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits single-agent activity against chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with TP53 mutations (2018)
Anti-cancer effects of wedelolactone: interactions with copper and subcellular localization (2018)
Could overexpression of an ONCOGENE represent a good prognostic factor in cancer? (2018)
Inflammatory cues induce expression of immune checkpoint molecule CD137 in breast cancer cells (2018)
Variation in the Distribution of Hydrogen Producers from the Clostridiales Order in Biogas Reactors Depending on Different Input Substrates (2018)
Drug efficacy in 3D tumor models (2018)
The effect and distribution of the drug perifosine in 2D and 3D colorectal cell cultures (2018)
The effect and distribution of the drug perifosine in 2D and 3D colorectal cell cultures. (2018)
c-Myb controls inflammatory circuit in breast cancer via NF-kB suppression (2018)
Characterization of a long-chain α-galactosidase from Papiliotrema flavescens (2018)
Transcription factor c-Myb suppresses metastasis in human breast cancer xenograft model (2017)
Trop2 inhibits proliferation and promotes cell survival in low serum conditions in breast cancer cells (2018)
Oxygen evolution rate in Antarctic filamentous alga Stigeoclonium sp. evaluated by optodes relates to chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (2018)
Factors contributing to the coexistence of two reproductive forms of Carassius gibelio in the Czech Republic. (2018)
The effect of upper cortex absence on spectral reflectance indices in Antarctic lichens during thallus dehydration (2018)
Post rapid freezing growth of Antarctic strain of Heterococcus sp. monitored by cell viability and chlorophyll fluorescence (2018)
Současné a budoucí trendy v použití a vývoji dermálních náhrad v rekonstrukční chirurgii (2018)
First in vitro preliminary results of newly developed temporary antibacterial biopolymer hydrogels with selected growth factors (2018)
Influence of circadian clocks on optimal regime of central C-N metabolism of cyanobacteria (2018)
Occurrence of selected viral, bacterial and protozoan pathogens in fresh juices and smoothies in Prague, Czech Republic (2018)
Testing of N-alkoxyphenylhydronaphthalenecarboxamide activity against intestinal sulfate reducing bacteria (2018)
Development of stable FGF2 enriched biopolymer nanostructured dermal substitute: Ex ovo and in vivo study (2018)
Letter to Editor: FS Kaplan, et al., Early clinical observations on the use of imatinibmesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases, Bone (2017) (2018)
Candidate MicroRNA Biomarkers of Therapeutic Response to Sunitinib in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Validation Study in Patients with Extremely Good and Poor Response (2018)
Foodborne Bacterial, Viral, and Protozoan Pathogens in Field and Market Strawberries and Environment of Strawberry Farms (2018)
Identification and targeted sequencing of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genes responsible for nodulation process and nitrogen fixation (2018)
Study and validation of candidate red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genes for leghaemoglobin, a key plant protein involved in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen (2018)
Relationship of epigenetic variability of miR-124 to extracellular matrix remodelling and age-related MMP-3 expression in rheumatoid arthritis (2018)
Innovative collagen-based nanotechnologically modified dermal substitute containing stable fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2): first impression of in-vitro and in-vivo models (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnsotics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Celoexomové sekvenování a expresní profilování jako diagnostický podklad pro tvorbu individualizovaných léčebných plánů pro děti se solidními nádory (2018)
PIWI-piRNA pathway: Setting the pace of aging by reducing DNA damage (2018)
Stress entropic load: New stress measurement method? (2018)
Evolution favours aging in populations with assortative mating and in sexually dimorphic populations (2018)
Život ohrožující hypoglykemie u dětského pacienta s infantilní myofibromatózou na léčbě sunitinibem (2018)
Imunoterapie jako součást individualizované léčby glioblastomu u adolescenta se syndromem konstitučního deficitu v „mismatch repair“ opravném systému (2018)
Nežádoucí účinky cílené protinádorové léčby u pediatrických onkologických pacientů na příkladu sunitinibu (2018)
Sunitinib v pediatrické onkologii - analýza dat z klinických studií, registrů a kazuistik (2018)
Protinádorová vakcína u dětských pacientů - akademické klinické hodnocení – 2 roky zkušeností (2018)
Sunitinib in the Pediatric Clinical Practice (2019)
Circulating exosomal long noncoding RNA PRINS-First findings in monoclonal gammopathies (2018)
Complete genome sequences of two strains of Treponema pallidum subsp pertenue from Indonesia: Modular structure of several treponemal genes (2018)
Dishevelled has a YAP nuclear export function in a tumor suppressor context-dependent manner (2018)
The planar cell polarity protein VANG-1/Vangl negatively regulates Wnt/beta-catenin signaling through a Dvl dependent mechanism (2018)
Pyrazolotriazines as inhibitors of nucleases (2018)
First data on uranium uptake in three nototheniid fishes from Antarctica (James Ross Island) (2018)
Je méně známá lidská granulózní anaplasmóza zároveň i málo významná? (2018)
Analysis of physiological parameters of Desulfovibrio strains from individuals with colitis (2018)
Opioid receptors and opioid peptides in the cardiomyogenesis of mouse embryonic stem cells (2019)
Visual Analysis of Ligand Trajectories in Molecular Dynamics (2019)
Jak je to s toxoplasmou, borreliózou a dalšími infekty u koček? (2018)
Perspectives of application of phototrophic sulfur bacteria in hydrogen sulfide utilization (2018)
Vliv nadměrné fyzické zátěže na zdravotní stav sportovců (2018)
Dysregulace dlouhých nekódujících RNA u multiformního glioblastomu a jejich studium s využitím moderních molekulárně-genetických přístupů (2018)
Imunologická a molekulárně biologická analýza patogenních mikroorganismů získaných z klíšťat ve tkáních malých savců (2018)
Venom gland size and venom complexity-essential trophic adaptations of venomous predators: A case study using spiders (2018)
Venom of prey-specialized spiders is more toxic to their preferred prey: A result of prey-specific toxins (2018)
Epidemiologie nádorů u dětí a adolescentů v období 1994–2016 v České republice (2018)
Epidemiologie nádorů u dětí a adolescentů v období 1994–2016 v České republice (2018)
Možné imunologické důsledky B cílené imunoonkologické léčby (2018)
Immunology follow-up after rituximab treatment in pediatric non Hodgkin lymfoma patients (2018)
Elektronově mikroskopický atlas tkání a orgánů (2019)
Biomonitoring práce s genotoxickými látkami a faktory ve zdravotnickém zařízení (2018)
Long Non-Coding RNA analysis in glioblastoma (2018)
Extensive Genetic Commonality among Wildlife, Wastewater, Community, and Nosocomial Isolates of Escherichia coli Sequence Type 131 (H30R1 and H30Rx Subclones) That Carry bla(CTX-M-27) or bla(CTX-M-15) (2018)
Catechol-O-methyltransferase: a dual-role player in different breast cancer subtypes? (2018)
Dual role of catechol-O-methyltransferase in the context of breast cancer heterogeneity (2018)
The PTH/PTHrP-SIK3 pathway affects skeletogenesis through altered mTOR signaling (2018)
Analysis of pH dose-dependent growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria (2019)
Traffic lights for retinoids in oncology: molecular markers of retinoid resistance and sensitivity and their use in the management of cancer differentiation therapy (2018)
The role of RNA Polymerase II contiguity and long-range interactions in the regulation of gene expression in human pluripotent stem cells. (2019)
Multiplexed Immunosensing Platform Coupled to Hybridization Chain Reaction for Electrochemical Determination of MicroRNAs in Clinical Samples (2019)
The inositol phosphatase SHIP2 enables sustained ERK activation downstream of FGF receptors by recruiting Src kinases (2018)
Nanodiamonds as "artificial proteins": Regulation of a cell signalling system using low nanomolar solutions of inorganic nanocrystals (2018)
Regulation of ciliary function by fibroblast growth factor signaling identifies FGFR3-related disorders achondroplasia and thanatophoric dysplasia as ciliopathies (2018)
Evaluace biologické aktivity dočasného biopolymerního hydrogelu pro vybrané růstové faktory u parciálních kožních defektů animálního modelu (2019)
Dermální náhrady v každodenní medicínské praxi a experimentu (2019)
Úloha proteinu HSP70 v nádorech a jeho využití jako terapeutický cíl. (2018)
Human Stress-inducible Hsp70 Has a High Propensity to Form ATP-dependent Antiparallel Dimers That Are Differentially Regulated by Cochaperone Binding (2019)
Molecular chaperones – workaholics in cancer cells. (2017)
Molekulární chaperony – workoholici v nádorové transformaci. (2017)
Allostery in the human Hsp70 chaperone protein. (2018)
Analysis of extracellular HSP90 in breast cancer cell line. (2018)
Komplexní metodický přístup pro studium aktivace HSF1 v nádorových buňkách. (2018)
Electrophoretic techniques for purification, separation and detection of Kayvirus with subsequent control by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and microbiological methods (2018)
Selektivní biopsie gliálních tumorů mozku (2018)
ADC mapy ve vztahu k peritumorózní buněčné infiltraci u glioblastomu (2018)
Pilotní studie: Selektivní biopsie u high-grade gliálních neoplázií mozku (2018)
Základní bioinformatické pojmy a postupy využívané pro analýzu DNA pomocí sekvenování nové generace (2018)
Studium klonality akutní myeloidní leukémie na myších modelech (2019)
Development of selective casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibitors for cancer (2018)
Persistence of mutations during remission in 114 AML patients. (2018)
Possibilities of flow cytometric minimal residual disease monitoring in multiple myeloma (2018)
Possibilities of flow cytometric MRD monitoring in multiple myeloma. (2018)
Čerstvé džusy a smoothies – sledování výskytu legislativou neregulovaných významných patogenů bakteriálního, virového a parazitárního původu (2018)
Detekce Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. a Leptospira interrogans u rezervoárových hostitelů (2018)
Jak je to s toxoplasmou, borreliózou a dalšími infekty u koček? (2018)
Změny biochemických a imunologických parametrů související se zdravotním stavem při zátěži u vytrvalostních sportovců po sedmi ultramaratonech (MUM) (2018)
Zbytková produkce bioplynu (2018)
Analýzy kapalné frakce digestátu (2019)
Reservoir methanation, 1st phase (2018)
Viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitor 7-deaza-2'-C-methyladenosine prevents death in a mouse model of West Nile virus infection (2019)
Furo[3,2-b]pyridine: A Privileged Scaffold for Highly Selective Kinase Inhibitors and Effective Modulators of the Hedgehog Pathway (2019)
Detekce protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. u volně žijících drobných savců a porovnání citlivosti přímých metod (PCR a kultivace) (2018)
Toxicity of hydrogen sulfide toward sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio piger Vib-7 (2019)
Detection of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in wild-type small mammals and comparison of susceptibility of direct methods (PCR and cultivation) (2018)
Occurence of parasitic microsporidia Encephalitozoon spp. in wild rodents in ZOO Brno (2018)
Occurrence of parasitic microsporidia Encephalitozoon spp. for wild rodents in Brno ZOO (2018)
Encephalitozoon spp. u volně žijících drobných savců – identifikace pomocí nested PCR a genotypizace (2018)
Sledování výše promoření malých savců na vybrané patogenní mikroorganismy, zaměřeno na Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2018)
Imunologická a molekulárně biologická analýza zoonotických mikroorganizmů ve tkáních malých savců (2018)
Konstrukce a testování stability referenčního standardu pro detekci a kvantifikaci Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis v trusu metodou qPCR (2019)
Kvantifikace qPCR standardů s využitím digitální PCR (2019)
Radiofrekvenční šum a chov matek včely medonosné (pilotní studie) (2019)
Není včela jako včela – srovnání letní a zimní generace včely medonosné (Apis mellifera) (2019)
Antarktida – výzkum, jak působí chlad na fyziologické funkce lidského organismu (2018)
klíšťata jsou tu (2018)
Představení a možnosti využití xMAP technologie v oblasti bezpečnosti potravin (2018)
Analysis of binding interfaces of the human scaffold protein AXIN1 by peptide microarrays (2018)
Encyclopedia of CLL Subsets: An Online Knowledgebase forSubsets of CLL Cases with Stereotyped B Cell Receptors (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnostics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Promoter methylation of ROR1 ligand WNT5A associates with its expression in CLL (2018)
Akutní myeloidní leukemie a „next generation sequencing“: zcela nový pohled na patogenezi onemocnění (2018)
Study of AML clonality in NGS mouse (2018)
Klíšťata v Brně a sezóna 2018 (2019)
Cancer stem cells in sarcomas: Getting to the stemness core. (2018)
Kde chytit za hodinu šedesát klíšťat (2018)
Přehradu zamořila klíšťata (2018)
televizní relace o aktivitě klíšťat (2018)
Expression of CD44, EGFR, p16, and their mutual combinations in patients with head and neck cancer: Impact on outcomes of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (2019)
Molekulární analýzy lidského historického zubního kamene (2018)
Výzkum patogenů z historického zubního kamene – první výsledky (2017)
Entomopatogenní hlístice a jejich exkretované/sekretované produkty (2019)
Dystrophin Deficiency Leads to Genomic Instability in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells via NO Synthase-Induced Oxidative Stress (2019)
Effects of Sunitinib and Other Kinase Inhibitors on Cells Harboring a PDGFRB Mutation Associated with Infantile Myofibromatosis (2018)
Den biologie 2018 (2018)
Pharmacological targeting of mitochondria in cancer stem cells: An ancient organelle at the crossroad of novel anti-cancer therapies (2019)
Patogeny přenášené klíšťaty (2018)
Zdraví a imunita včel - praktická část (2019)
Advancement of the cultivation and upscaling of photoautotrophic suspension cultures using Chenopodium rubrum as a case study (2018)
Photoautotrophic cell cultures – a model system for photosynthesis research on cellular level (2018)
Photoautotrophic cell cultures – a model system for photosynthesis research on cellular level (2018)
Ferroptóza jako nový typ buněčné smrti a její role v léčbě rakoviny (2018)
Sensitivity of physiological and biochemical endpoints in early ontogenetic stages of crops under diclofenac and paracetamol treatments (2019)
Follistatin-Like 1 Is Downregulated in Morbidly and Super Obese Central-European Population (2018)
Našli, moji rádcové, našli ? (2018)
Ten pták na stromě u nás ve vsi je sice téměř vždy vrabec, ale občas to může být i kolibřík....aneb kožní projevy zhoubných onemocnění u dětí. (2018)
Zvýšení obsahu metanu v bioplynu pomocí konverze oxidu uhličitého a vodíku (2019)
Rozhlasová relace o klíšťatech na brněnsku (2018)
Jsme pro klíšťata slepá větev. (2018)
Diagnostika dlouhověkosti včel - včelstva (2018)
Why your blood groups determines whether you will be attacked TICKS (2018)
Brno zaplavují klíšťata. Kraj zase piják (Dermacentor) (2018)
Klíšťata útočí, jejich počet překvapuje (2018)
Klíšťata si letos pospíšila (2018)
A novel perspective on MOL-PCR optimization and MAGPIX analysis of in-house multiplex foodborne pathogens detection assay (2019)
Spectral reflectance indices sense desiccation induced changes in the thalli of Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum (2018)
Comparative research of photosynthetic processes in selected poikilohydric organisms from Mediterranean and CentralEuropean alpine habitats (2018)
Limitation of photosynthetic processes in photosystem II in alpine mosses exposed to low temperatures: Response of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (2018)
Tuberózní skleróza - od diagnostiky dítěte k terapii rodiče (2018)
Future prospects of structural studies to advance our understanding of phage biology (2019)
Difusni středočarové H3K27M mutované gliomy v molekulární éře (2018)
Molekulární tumor board - personalizovaná medicína v každodenní praxi (2018)
Prvotní zkušenost s použitím Dinutuximabu-Beta v léčbě Neuroblastomu vysokého rizika (2018)
Molecular Gating of an Engineered Enzyme Captured in Real Time (2018)
Detection of Chloroalkanes by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Microfluidic Chips (2018)
Evolutionary Analysis As a Powerful Complement to Energy Calculations for Protein Stabilization (2018)
Conformational changes allow processing of bulky substrates by a haloalkane dehalogenase with a small and buried active site (2018)
CalFitter: a web server for analysis of protein thermal denaturation data (2018)
HotSpot Wizard 3.0: web server for automated design of mutations and smart libraries based on sequence input information (2018)
Sensitive operation of enzyme-based biodevices by advanced signal processing (2018)
Haloalkane Dehalogenases From Marine Organisms (2018)
Exploration of Enzyme Diversity by Integrating Bioinformatics with Expression Analysis and Biochemical Characterization (2018)
Description and comparative genomics of Macrococcus caseolyticus subsp. hominis subsp. nov., Macrococcus goetzii sp. nov., Macrococcus epidermidis sp. nov., and Macrococcus bohemicus sp. nov., novel macrococci from human clinical material with virulence potential and suspected uptake of foreign DNA by natural transformation (2018)
Silk route to the acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy - part II (2018)
Expert opinion on three phage therapy related topics: Bacterial phage resistance, phage training and prophages in bacterial production strains (2018)
Rapid identification of Intact staphylococcal bacteriophages using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2018)
Computational Analysis of Protein Tunnels and Channels (2017)
Complete genome sequence of the type strain of Macrococcus canis (2018)
Detection of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in wild small mammals and sensitivity of PCR and cultivation (2019)
Správná praxe a kvalita krmení včel pro úspěšné přezimování (2018)
Antimicrobial effect of commercial phage preparation Stafal (R) on biofilm and planktonic forms of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2019)
High c-Myb Expression Associates with Good Prognosis in Colorectal Carcinoma (2019)
Trop-2 plasticity is controlled by epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (2018)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Dependent Metabolism Plays a Significant Role in Estrogen-Like Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Cell Proliferation (2018)
Zdrowie - wszystko o zrowiu Choroby Kleszcze przyciagakonkretna grupa krwi - Ludowa madrošč (2018)
Simultaneous remediation of sediments contaminated with sulfamethoxazole and cadmium using magnesium-modified biochar derived from Thalia dealbata (2019)
The biocompatibility of polyaniline and polypyrrole: A comparative study of their cytotoxicity, embryotoxicity and impurity profile (2018)
Dishevelled enables casein kinase 1-mediated phosphorylation of Frizzled 6 required for cell membrane localization (2018)
Plasticity and intratumoural heterogeneity of cell surface antigen expression in breast cancer (2018)
Přípravek s antibakteriálním účinkem proti stafylokokům vyskytujícím se v prostředí zemědělské prvovýroby (2018)
Přípravek pro léčbu MRSA infekcí hospodářských zvířat s obsahem fágového lyzátu (2018)
Příprava purifikovaného fága S. aureus pro použití ve veterinární praxi (2018)
MALDI MS Imaging at Acquisition Rates Exceeding 100 Pixels per Second (2019)
Autochthonous yeasts as one of the tools to produce wines by original technologies (2019)
Multifaceted activity of cytokinin in leaf development shapes its size and structure in Arabidopsis (2019)
Revitalising the rudimentary replacement dentition in the mouse (2019)
Schwann Cell Precursors Generate the Majority of Chromaffin Cells in Zuckerkandl Organ and Some Sympathetic Neurons in Paraganglia (2019)
New inhibitor of the TAp73 interaction with MDM2 and mutant p53 with promising antitumor activity against neuroblastoma (2019)
Gen. O dědičnosti v našich osudech (2019)
Inhalation of ZnO Nanoparticles: Splice Junction Expression and Alternative Splicing in Mice (2019)
Acidic polysaccharide complexes from purslane, silver linden and lavender stimulate Peyer's patch immune cells through innate and adaptive mechanisms (2017)
Pigment composition, glutathione and tocopherols in green algal and cyanobacterial lichens and their response to different light treatments (2018)
Universal Methods for Transgene Induction Using the Dexamethasone-Inducible Transcription Activation System pOp6/LhGR in Arabidopsis and Other Plant Species (2019)
Flavobacterium circumlabens sp. nov. and Flavobacterium cupreum sp. nov., two psychrotrophic species isolated from Antarctic environmental samples. (2019)
CaverDock: A Novel Method for the Fast Analysis of Ligand Transport (2020)
Variability of resistance plasmids in coagulase-negative staphylococci and their importance as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance (2019)
Diclofenac as an environmental threat: Impact on the photosynthetic processes of Lemna minor chloroplasts (2019)
Genetic variety of plasmid mediated colistin resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from raw meat products (2019)
Temperature effects on photosynthetic performance of Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum: a chlorophyll fluorescence study (2019)
WNT5A is transported via lipoprotein particles in the cerebrospinal fluid to regulate hindbrain morphogenesis (2019)
Comprehensive Modelling Platform (2019)
E-cyanobacterium.org: A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2018)
Sledování vaskularizace pomocí obrazové analýzy z histologických snímků regenerovaných měkkých tkání (2019)
Bilaminární kožní dermální náhrada: Vliv stabilního FGF2 na kapilární denzitu sledovanou pomocí modelů ex-ovo a in vivo (2019)
Microorganisms in an aquifer environment (2019)
Production of biomethane in a deep rock aquifer (2019)
Analysis of Long Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Interactive Focus+Context Visualization (2019)
The impact of NF-kappa B signaling on pathogenesis and current treatment strategies in multiple myeloma (2019)
Lytic and genomic properties of spontaneous host-range Kayvirus mutants prove their suitability for upgrading phage therapeutics against staphylococci (2019)
Radiofrequency noise modifies the insect sense of time. (2019)
Optimization of microalgal growth and cultivation parameters for increasing bioenergy potential: Case study using the oleaginous microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (IPPAS C2) (2019)
Povědomí mladých lidí o otázkách neplodnosti (výzkum) (2019)
Zázraky reprodukční medicíny aneb příběh dětí ze zkumavky (2019)
TE-nester: a recursive software tool for structure-based discovery of nested transposable elements (2018)
Enterovirus particles expel capsid pentamers to enable genome release (2019)
Dishevelled-3 conformation dynamics analyzed by FRET-based biosensors reveals a key role of casein kinase 1 (2019)
Fibroblast growth factor receptor influences primary cilium length through an interaction with intestinal cell kinase (2019)
Stable fibroblast growth factors in burn medicine research (2019)
Public awareness of tick-related risks (2019)
Klíště - střípky a zajímavosti (sled prezentací) (2019)
Evoluce vinařské kvasinky (2018)
Imunita a dlouhověkost včel (2019)
High Skp2 expression is associated with a mesenchymal phenotype and increased tumorigenic potential of prostate cancer cells (2019)
Butyrate interacts with benzo [a] pyrene to alter expression and activities of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes involved in metabolism of carcinogens within colon epithelial cell models (2019)
Adaptive changes in global gene expression profile of lung carcinoma A549 cells acutely exposed to distinct types of AhR ligands (2018)
Global changes in expression and functional profile of lung adenocarcinoma cells exposed to various toxic AhR ligands (2017)
The effects of perifosine on 3D tumour models of colorectal carcinoma (2019)
Nález Acinetobacter baumannii s rezistencí ke kolistinu s genem mcr-4 (2019)
Phenology and polyploidy in annual Brachypodium species (Poaceae) along the aridity gradient in Israel (2020)
Novel de novo frameshift variant in the ASXL3 gene in a child with microcephaly and global developmental delay (2019)
Localised enamel hypoplasia of human primary canines (LHPC) in the Necropolis of Great Moravia in Znojmo-Hradiště (the so called Stronghold of Znojmo, 9th–10th century CE, Czech Republic) and analysis of chemical elements on surface enamel and hypoplastic defect via EDX method (2019)
Acetogenic microorganisms in operating biogas plants depending on substrate combinations (2019)
Hymenobacter amundsenii sp. nov. resistant to ultraviolet radiation, isolated from regoliths in Antarctica (2019)
Sphaerellothecium reticulatum (Zopf) Etayo, a new lichenicolous fungus for Antarctica (2019)
The effect of shock freezing on physiological properties and consequent growth of Antarctic filamentous (Stigeoclonium sp.) and coccal alga (Diplosphaera chodatii) on agar plates (2019)
Open top chamber microclimate may limit photosynthetic processes in Antarctic lichen: Case study from King George Island, Antarctica (2019)
Microclimate variability of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems manipulated by open top chambers: Comparison of selected austral summer seasons within a decade (2019)
Evaluation of photosynthetic processes in Antarctic mosses and lichens exposed to controlled rate cooling: Species-specific responses (2019)
Výskyt plazmidově vázané rezistence ke kolistinu u bakterií z odpadních vod v České republice (2019)
Nematodes as a tool to study insect immunity (2019)
TEM ExosomeAnalyzer: a computer-assisted software tool for quantitative evaluation of extracellular vesicles in transmission electron microscopy images (2019)
Využití granulační tkáně v chirurgické léčbě parodontitidy. Experiment na zvířecím modelu (2019)
Fungal species associated with fruit and vegetables transported to the J.G. Mendel station and the influence of UV-C treatment on their fungal community (2019)
Využití ELISA metody ke stanovení koncentrace IgA ve slinách, výsledky šetření. (2019)
Creation and stability testing of the reference standard for the detection and quantification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in faeces by qPCR (2019)
Quantification of qPCR standards using digital PCR (2019)
High genome variability within Kayvirus populations is key to improving their therapeutic efficacy against staphylococci (2019)
Gastrointestinální stromální tumory rekta - hodnocení dat národního registru s ohledem na využití v klinické praxi (2019)
In-vitro a in-vivo výsledy testování biopolymerního hydrogelu s využitím vybraných růstových faktorů v terapii parciálních kožních defektů (2019)
Development of an innovative nanostructured dermal matrix in combination with a hyperstable form of growth factor for fibroblasts (FGF2): Ex ovo and in vivo study (2019)
CaverDock: a molecular docking-based tool to analyse ligand transport through protein tunnels and channels (2019)
Caver Web 1.0: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
Structural Biology and Protein Engineering of Thrombolytics (2019)
ATM and TP53 mutations show mutual exclusivity but distinct clinical impact in mantle cell lymphoma patients (2019)
Light-Emitting Dehalogenases: Reconstruction of Multifunctional Biocatalysts (2019)
Hippocampal high frequency oscillations in unilateral and bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2019)
Prediction of neuroblastoma cell response to treatment with natural or synthetic retinoids using selected protein biomarkers (2019)
Olanzapine exposure diminishes perfusion and decreases volume of sensorimotor cortex in rats (2019)
Genomic characterization of newly isolated wide-host-range phages of Aeromonas salmonicida (2019)
Hydrogen Sulfide as a Toxic Product in the Small–Large Intestine Axis and its Role in IBD Development (2019)
"Two hit" model as an explanation of variable expressivity of recurrent submicroscopic chromosomal rearrangements in children with intellectual disability and developmental delay (2019)
Základy obecné mikrobiologie (2018)
The clinical benefit of array-based comparative genomic hybridization for detection of copy number variants in Czech children with intellectual disability and developmental delay (2019)
HSPA1A conformational mutants reveal a conserved allosteric pathway in Hsp70 proteins (2019)
Studium alosterie Hsp70 - využití v protinádorové terapii (2019)
The Possibility of Using Spent Coffee Grounds to Improve Wastewater Treatment Due to Respiration Activity of Microorganisms (2019)
Behavioural response in model insect under biological and chemical stress condition (2019)
Photorhabdus lectins disrupt the activity of insect and human immune system (2019)
Fluorescent pH Indicators for Neutral to Near-Alkaline Conditions Based on 9-Iminopyronin Derivatives (2019)
The Year of the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) with Respect to Its Physiology and Immunity: A Search for Biochemical Markers of Longevity (2019)
Inherited ichthyoses: molecular causes of the disease in Czech patients (2019)
Immunomodulatory effects of cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin on innate immune cells (2019)
O magnetických polích, mobilech, včelách, ale také o vědcích (2019)
Excreted/secreted products of entomopathogenic nematodes and their effect on insect immunity (2019)
Possible use of a Nicotiana tabacum ‘Bright Yellow 2’ cell suspension as a model to assess phytotoxicity of pharmaceuticals (diclofenac) (2019)
Possible methods for evaluation of hydrogen sulfide toxicity against lactic acid bacteria (2019)
Lipopolysaccharides from Microcystis Cyanobacteria-Dominated Water Bloom and from Laboratory Cultures Trigger Human Immune Innate Response (2019)
The Effect of Butyrate-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition on Intestinal Defence Mechanisms and the Parenteral Nutrition-Induced Shift in the Gut Microbiota in the Rat Model (2019)
Collagen-based dermal substitute with stable fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2): ex ovo and in vivo impact on neovascularization (2019)
Electrochemical Study of Highly Substituted Titanocene Dihalides (2019)
The cytotoxic effect of newly synthesized ferrocenes against cervical carcinoma cells and their combination with radiotherapy (2018)
Vliv kombinace nově syntetizovaných ferrocenů a radioterapie na nádorové buněčné linie karcinomu děložního hrdla (2019)
The cytotoxic effect of ferrocene derivatives in combination with radiotherapy against cervical carcinoma cells (2019)
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Acquire Responsiveness to TRAIL upon Exposure to Cisplatin (2019)
Mixed Culture of Corn and White Lupine as an Alternative to Silage Made from Corn Monoculture Intended for Biogas Production (2019)
Breast Cancer Classification Based on Proteotypes Obtained by SWATH Mass Spectrometry (2019)
The effects of short-term freezing stress on primary photosynthetic processes in Antarctic moss and lichens (7.-P-24, Bulletin of the Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology and the Physiological Section of the Slovak Botanical Society 1/2019. Plant Biology CS 2019, Programme and Book of Abstracts, p. 99) (2019)
Gene expression profiling of anterio-posterior differences in early limb bud. (2018)
PORCN inhibition stimulates chondrocyte differentiation (2019)
Mikrobiální předúprava fugátu pro membránovou separaci (2019)
Interspecies transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes in coagulase-negative staphylococci (2019)
MicroRNA-15b-5p Predicts Locoregional Relapse in Head and Neck Carcinoma Patients Treated With Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy (2019)
Testing of library preparation methods for transcriptome sequencing of real life glioblastoma and brain tissue specimens: A comparative study with special focus on long non-coding RNAs (2019)
Controlled Oil/Water Partitioning of Hydrophobic Substrates Extending the Bioanalytical Applications of Droplet-Based Microfluidics (2019)
Aluminum contamination of food during culinary preparation: Case study with aluminum foil and consumers’ preferences (2019)
Omics analyses and functional proteins of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2019)
Deep-Learning-Based Segmentation of Small Extracellular Vesicles in Transmission Electron Microscopy Images (2019)
Testování homogenity sublimované matrice na kvazi-homogenních tkáních pomocí MALDI zobrazovací hmotnostní spektrometrie (2019)
On the molecular role of desmocollin-1 in lymph node metastasis of luminal A breast cancer (2019)
Need for novel detection targets in tuberculosis diagnostics of historical specimens - bioinformatic analysis (2019)
Microbial Contamination of Ancient Human Dental Calculus Studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Metagenomic Approach (2019)
Weak radiofrequency fields affect the insect circadian clock (2019)
Primary and secondary processes of photosynthesis in chloroplasts of Lemna minor under the effect of pharmaceuticals (2019)
Tobacco BY-2 cell suspension as a model for assessment of pharmaceuticals phytotoxicity (2019)
Biochemical and cytological changes of tobacco BY-2 cells under diclofenac impact (2019)
New metabolites of diclofenac found in pea and maize (2019)
Růstové a biochemické změny kořenů hrachu a kukuřice pod vlivem antropogenního stresu (2019)
Differentiation of neural rosettes from human pluripotent stem cells in vitro is sequentially regulated on a molecular level and accomplished by the mechanism reminiscent of secondary neurulation (2019)
Sibling relatedness rather than father absence predicts earlier age at menarche in ELSPAC cohort (2019)
The Pathosome: A Dynamic Three-Dimensional View of Disease-Environment Interaction (2019)
6th International Anthropological Congeress of Dr. Aleš Hrdlička - 150th Anniversary of Birth (2019)
All mankind is of one origin (2019)
Male mortality rates mirror mortality rates of older females (2019)
Inhibition of Chk1 enhances cooperative anticancer action of platinum-based drugs and TRAIL via activation of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway (2019)
Potential of technological yeast strains for commercial beta-glucan production using low-cost medium (2019)
Joint adolescent-adult early phase clinical trials to improve access to new drugs for adolescents with cancer: proposals from the multi-stakeholder platform-ACCELERATE (2018)
Antropologická expozice (2019)
Česká antropologie (2004)
Cena Dr. Aleše Hrdličky pro studenty (2019)
Composition and Prevalence of Methanogenic archaea during Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (2019)
Viral Resistance and IFN Signaling in STAT2 Knockout Fish Cells (2019)
Combined therapy of perifosine and ABT-737 results in higher cytotoxic effect but also induces expression of EMT markers in colon cancer cell lines (2019)
Tumor-specific microenvironment contributes to the perifosine resistance in 3D colorectal cancer (CRC) models (2019)
Staphylococcus petrasii diagnostics and its pathogenic potential enhanced by mobile genetic elements (2019)
Weak radiofrequency fields affect the insect circadian clock (2019)
Characteristics of deep aquifer methanogens as key elements in reservoir methanation (2019)
Study of domestication via human dental calculus in the Early Middle Ages (2019)
Application of SEM-EDX in forensic and historic anthropology through dental fillings (2019)
Quantitative Assessment of Anti-Cancer Drug Efficacy From Coregistered Mass Spectrometry and Fluorescence Microscopy Images of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids (2019)
WNT signaling inducing activity in ascites predcts poor outcome in ovarian cancer (2019)
The Sulfate-Reducing Microbial Communities and Meta-Analysis of Their Occurrence during Diseases of Small–Large Intestine Axis (2019)
The Effect of Uncoated SPIONs on hiPSC-Differentiated Endothelial Cells (2019)
Looking at the health of past populations through the lens of human dental calculus (2019)
Plazmocelulární leukémie – zapomenutá nemoc (2019)
Comparative study of plasmids carrying mcr-1 gene in Gram-negative bacteria from raw meat products (2019)
Chirurgická léčba parodontitidy pomocí lipoxinů a resolvinů na zvířecím modelu (2019)
Study of the ability of probiotic bacteria to degrade uremic toxins (2019)
New collagen foam with nanotechnological modification as bi-layer dermal substitute: Influence of stable FGF2 on capillary density in different animal models (2019)
Modřice Plant Anaerobic Digester: Microbial Distribution and Biogas Production (2019)
Isolation and Purification of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (2019)
Tenosynovitis With Psammomatous Calcifications A Distinctive Trauma-Associated Subtype of Idiopathic Calcifying Tenosynovitis With a Predilection for the Distal extremities of Middle-Aged Women-A Report of 23 Cases (2019)
Structure and genome ejection mechanism of Staphylococcus aureus phage P68 (2019)
Molekulárně-genetická charakterizace nádoru a léčbu šitá na míru u dětí se solidními nádory (2019)
Halančíci jako nový model pro studium věkem podmíněné spontánní karcinogeneze (2019)
miR-376b-3p jako biomarker odpovědi na léčbu sunitinibem u pacientů s metastatickým karcinomem ledviny. (2019)
Porovnání fyziologických a imunitních parametrů letních a zimních včel (2019)
Testing DHB matrix sublimation homogeneity on quasi-homogeneous tissues by MALDI MSI (2019)
Webový portál pro analýzu a vizualizaci dětských onkologických dat dostupných v ČR (2019)
Mutation R591C associated with long QT syndrome type 1: clinical, genetic, and functional analysis (2019)
Mutace T309I asociovaná se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1: akumulace IKs jako mechanismus ochrany srdce proti arytmii (2019)
Sulfate Source and Its Role in the Development of Colitis (2019)
Computational Modelling of Metabolic Burden and Substrate Toxicity in Escherichia coli Carrying a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway (2019)
Oct4-mediated reprogramming induces embryonic-like microRNA expression signatures in human fibroblasts (2019)
Complex approach to monitoring athletes in the scope of overtraining prevention (2019)
Labio-lingual asymmetry of cervical loop underlays acrodont tooth development (2019)
Hydrogen Sulfide Effects on the Survival of Lactobacilli with Emphasis on the Development of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (2019)
Novel CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits significant single-agent activity in TP53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2019)
Variabilita v genech pro katalázu a její plazmatické koncentrace u pacientů s recidivující aftózní stomatitidou (2019)
Dabrafenib a Trametinib v léčbě dětských BRAFV600E mutovaných gliomů nízkého stupně malignity (minisérie). (2019)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu CHK1 u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s mutacemi v genu TP53 (2019)
Customized, or randomized approach for H3K27M mutated diffuse midline gliomas? Analysis of 13 biopsy proven patients from two countries (2019)
Analýza dlouhých nekódujících RNA v tkáni multiformního glioblastomu a jejich asociace s celkovým přežíváním (2019)
Naše první zkušenosti s imunoterapií Nivolumabem (protilátkou Anti-PD-1) v léčbě maligních gliomů CNS (2019)
Role určení molekulární podskupiny ependymomu v predikci prognózy – příklady konkrétních pacientů (2019)
Drug Penetration Analysis in 3D Cell Cultures Using Fiducial-Based Semiautomatic Coregistration of MALDI MSI and Immunofluorescence Images (2019)
Zvířata, potraviny a vnější prostředí: zdroj genů mcr kódujících rezistenci ke kolistinu (2019)
Nabídka České sbírky mikroorganismů (2019)
The change in virulence of nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora during storage (2019)
The role of antioxidants in the prediction of honey bee, Apis mellifera L., longevity (2019)
Aktivita klíšťat v blízkosti Brněnské přehrady v roce 2019 (2019)
Vymezení nejdůležitějších parametrů aktivity a pozitivity klíšťat na 4 lokalitách v BRNĚ a jeho okolí (porovnání roků 2016 - 2018) (2019)
Globální analýza NF-κB proteinových komplexů v modelu luminálních A nádorů prsu pomocí SEC-LC-MS/MS (2019)
SWATH-MS identifikácia calcyphosinu a stathminu-1 ako markerov agresivity nádorov endometria s odlišnou špecifitou (2019)
The interspecific variability of ladybird immunity and its response to stress conditions (2019)
The mechanisms of pro-metastatic role of desmocollin-1 in luminal breast cancer (2019)
The role of eicosanoids and nitric oxide in insect reactions mediated by adipokinetic hormone (2019)
Testování bilaminární kožní náhrady obohacené stabilním FGF2 na ex ovo a in vivo modelech (2019)
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) Disrupts Control of Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis in a Human Model of Adult Liver Progenitors. (2019)
Proteomic response to hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in pyrite-grown Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (2019)
In vivo monitoring of tumor distribution of hyaluronan polymeric micelles labeled or loaded with near-infrared fluorescence dye (2018)
DNA jako občanský průkaz. Lekce z genetiky (2019)
Bovine lactoferrin free of lipopolysaccharide can induce a proinflammatory response of macrophages (2016)
Dendritic Cell-Based Immunotherapy in Advanced Sarcoma and Neuroblastoma Pediatric Patients: Anti-cancer Treatment Preceding Monocyte Harvest Impairs the Immunostimulatory and Antigen-Presenting Behavior of DCs and Manufacturing Process Outcome (2019)
Genome sequences of two Antarctic strains of Pseudomonas prosekii: insights into adaptation to extreme conditions (2020)
Dissemination and Comparison of Genetic Determinants of mcr-Mediated Colistin Resistance in Enterobacteriaceae via Retailed Raw Meat Products (2019)
Colicin Z, a structurally and functionally novel colicin type that selectively kills enteroinvasive Escherichia coli and Shigella strains (2019)
The fibroblast surface markers FAP, anti-fibroblast, and FSP are expressed by cells of epithelial origin and may be altered during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (2018)
Gelsolin interacts with LamR, hnRNP U, nestin, Arp3 and beta-tubulin in human melanoma cells as revealed by immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry (2016)
Platinum(IV) complex LA-12 exerts higher ability than cisplatin to enhance TRAIL-induced cancer cell apoptosis via stimulation of mitochondrial pathway (2014)
Full genome sequences and molecular characterization of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains isolated from human patients (2015)
Oil-based adjuvants delivered intradermally induce high primary IgG2 immune response in swine (2017)
Assessment of Immune Response Following Dendritic Cell-Based Immunotherapy in Pediatric Patients With Relapsing Sarcoma (2019)
Differentiation-Independent Fluctuation of Pluripotency-Related Transcription Factors and Other Epigenetic Markers in Embryonic Stem Cell Colonies (2012)
Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in a hydrogel system based on an enzymatically crosslinked tyramine derivative of hyaluronan (2014)
Changes in Cryopreserved Cell Nuclei Serve as Indicators of Processes during Freezing andThawing (2019)
Challenges and contradictions of metal nano-particle applications for radio-sensitivity enhancement incancer therapy (2019)
Brief story on prostaglandins, inhibitors of their synthesis, hematopoiesis, and acute radiationsyndrome (2019)
Chromatin architecture changes and DNA replication fork collapse are critical features in cryopreserved cells that are differentially controlled by cryoprotectants (2018)
Recruitment of 53BP1 proteins for DNA repair and persistence of repair clusters differ for cell typesas detected by single molecule localization microscopy (2018)
Impaired post-irradiation survival of cyclooxygenase-2-deficient mice (2018)
Pharmacological modulation of radiation damage. Does it exist a chance for other substances thanhematopoietic growth factors and cytokines? (2017)
Loss of lamin B receptor is necessary to induce cellular senescence (2017)
Nanodiamonds and nanoparticles as tumor cell radiosensitizers-promising results but an obscuremechanism of action (2017)
Theoretical and experimental study of the antifreeze protein AFP752, trehalose and dimethylsulfoxide cryoprotection mechanism: correlation with cryopreserved cell viability (2017)
Determining omics spatiotemporal dimensions using exciting new nanoscopy techniques to assesscomplex cell responses to DNA damage: Part B-structuromics (2014)
Determining Omics spatiotemporal dimensions using exciting new nanoscopy techniques to assesscomplex cell responses to DNA damage: PART A-radiomics (2014)
HIC1 Expression Distinguishes Intestinal Carcinomas Sensitive to Chemotherapy (2016)
Dlouhé nekódující RNA jako diagnostické biomarkery renálního karcinomu (2019)
Hymenobacter humicola sp. nov., isolated from soils in Antarctica (2019)
Concentrations of Thirteen Trace Metals in Scales of Three Nototheniid Fishes from Antarctica (James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula) (2019)
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Polymerized Oxazoline-Based Thin Films-Antibacterial Properties and Cytocompatibility Performance (2019)
Novorozenecký screening cystické fibrózy a diagnostika CFSPID. (2019)
Occurrence of Thermophilic Microorganisms in Different Full Scale Biogas Plants (2020)
Fast Screening of Inhibitor Binding/Unbinding using Novel Software Tool CaverDock (2019)
Mouse Model of Congenital Heart Defects, Dysmorphic Facial Features and Intellectual Developmental Disorders as a Result of Non-functional CDK13 (2019)
Spore Dispersal Patterns of Fusarium circinatum on an Infested Monterey Pine Forest in North-Western Spain (2017)
Development and testing of a new tick-borne encephalitis virus vaccine candidate for veterinary use (2018)
Spectrophotometric Determination of Phycobiliprotein Content in Cyanobacterium Synechocystis (2018)
Zobrazovanie imunohistochemicky značených rezov sferoidov s využitím zlatých nanočastíc pomocou laserovej ablácie a hmotnostnej spektrometrie s indukčne viazanou plazmou (2019)
Odborná stáž ve výzkumném ústavu IZSLER v Itálii (2019)
Effects of diclofenac on growth and photosynthetic pigments in plants under in vitro conditions (2019)
Study of karyotype structure and evolution in the genus Trifolium (Fabaceae) (2019)
Novel synergistic culturing approach for efficient and robust differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into endothelial progenitors. (2019)
Low infiltration of tumor-associated macrophages in high c-Myb-expressing breast tumors (2019)
Study of variability of genes involved in nitrogen fixation in red cloved (Trifolium pratense L.) (2019)
Šlechtění leguminóz na klíčové agronomické znaky kořene: molekulární šlechtění na efektivitu biologické fixace vzdušného dusíku u jetele lučního (Trifolium pratense L.) (2018)
Contributi per una flora vascolare di toscana. X (606-663) (2018)
Detekce povrchové kontaminace historického zubního kamene skenovací elektronovou mikroskopií (2018)
Two Types of High Inductive Electromagnetic Stimulation and Their Different Effects on Endothelial Cells (2019)
CCL2 Is a Vascular Permeability Factor Inducing CCR2-Dependent Endothelial Retraction during Lung Metastasis. (2019)
Hypericin affects cancer side populations via competitive inhibition of BCRP (2018)
Chondrocyte Cultivationi in Hyaluronan-Tyramine Cross-Linked Hydrogel (2015)
Allelic variants for candidate nitrogen fixation genes revealed by sequencing in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) (2019)
Nontuberculous mycobacteria in the environment of Hranice Abyss, the world's deepest flooded cave (Hranice karst, Czech Republic) (2018)
Effect of cysteine peptidase inhibitor of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) on cytokine expression of macrophages in vitro (2020)
A mcrA gene sequencing and analysis protocol for the Illumina MiniSeq sequencer (2019)
Analysis of Serum Levels of Cytokines, Chemokines, Growth Factors, and Monoamine Neurotransmitters in Patients With Tick-borne Encephalitis: Identification of Novel Inflammatory Markers With Implications for Pathogenesis (2015)
A correlative approach, combining chlorophyll a fluorescence, reflectance, and Raman spectroscopy, for monitoring hydration induced changes in Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum (2019)
Prognostic factors and seizure outcome in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in children with hematological malignancies and bone marrow failure: A retrospective monocentric study (2019)
Can nitrate modulate early plant response to drought? (2019)
Ion-mediated increases in xylem hydraulic conductivity: seasonal differences between coexisting ring- and diffuse-porous temperate tree species (2019)
Nitrate as modulator of the early plant response to drought (2019)
Porcine pathogenic Escherichia coli strains differ from human fecal strains in occurrence of bacteriocin types (2019)
Ligase 3-mediated end-joining maintains genome stability of human embryonic stem cells (2019)
Pathologies of Oral Patterning - Odontogenic Tumors and Cysts (2019)
Současný pohled na HPV asociované karcinomy orofaryngu a roli p16 jako surogátního markeru high-risk HPV (2019)
Vliv velikosti nádorové masy a stavu p16 na léčebné výsledky - dosažení kompletní remise u prospektivně sledovaných pacientů s nádory orofaryngu (2019)
DDA, DIA, či directDIA: závisle, s knihovnou či bez? Praktické porovnání přístupů pro různé typy proteomických experimentů (2019)
Mass spectrometry identification and validation of cell surfaceome associated with breast cancer cell migration and metastasis (2019)
Obesity-induced nucleosome release predicts poor cardio-metabolic health (2019)
AGR2 silencing contributes to metformin-dependent sensitization of colorectal cancer cells to chemotherapy (2019)
Molecular analysis confirmed common ancestor of 10 Czech families with long QT syndrome carrying C926T-KCNQ1 variant (2019)
MicroRNA Biogenesis Pathway Genes Are Deregulated in Colorectal Cancer (2019)
Deficiency of Sprouty Proteins in Mice Resemble Ciliopathic Phenotype (2019)
C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Analogue Therapy in Children with Achondroplasia (2019)
Zdraví a imunita včel II. - praktická část (2020)
Evaluation of photosynthetic processes in Antarctic mosses and lichens exposed to low temperatures (2019)
The role of miR-409-3p in regulation of HPV16/18-E6 mRNA in human cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (2019)
Association of rare non-coding SNVs in the lung-specific FOXF1 enhancer with a mitigation of the lethal ACDMPV phenotype (2019)
Contribution to the vascular flora of Castelvecchio nature reserve (Central Tuscany, Italy) (2018)
Steady-State Levels of Cytokinins and Their Derivatives May Serve as a Unique Classifier of Arabidopsis Ecotypes (2020)
Proteomics Identification and Validation of Desmocollin-1 and Catechol-O-Methyltransferase as Proteins Associated with Breast Cancer Cell Migration and Metastasis (2019)
Induction by lenalidomide and dexamethasone combination increases regulatory cells of patients with previously untreated multiple myeloma (2012)
Emergence of Rare Bovine-Human Reassortant DS-1-Like Rotavirus A Strains with G8P[8] Genotype in Human Patients in the Czech Republic (2019)
Přínos DWI pro vymezování hrani difúzně se šířících high-grade gliálních neoplázií (2019)
Přínos DWI pro vymezování hrani difúzně se šířících high-grade gliálních neoplázií (2019)
The benefits of apparent diffusion coefficient maps for high-grade glioma delineation (2019)
Abscisic acid-mediated modifications of radial apoplastic transport pathway play a key role in cadmium uptake in hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii (2019)
Role of Vertical Transmission of Shoot Endophytes in Root-Associated Microbiome Assembly and Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulation in Sedum alfredii (2019)
Specification of Sprouty2 functions in osteogenesis in in vivo context (2019)
Tree acclimation to limited water availability: Linking intervessel lateral contact and vulnerability to embolism (2019)
Tuftelin and HIFs expression in osteogenesis (2019)
The benefits of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient maps for high-grade glioma delineation (2019)
The benefits of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient maps for high-grade glioma delineation (2019)
Pokroky ve využití organokovových sloučenin při vývoji protinádorových léčiv (2019)
Harmless glucose‐modified ruthenium complexes suppressing cell migration of highly invasive cancer cell lines (2020)
Ferrocenes as new anticancer drug candidates: Determination of the mechanism of action (2020)
Transcriptomic Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in Multiple Myeloma (MM): A New Model to Understand Disease Dissemination (2018)
Human retinal organoids as a tool for investigation of circadian rhythms. (2019)
ATP sulfurylase activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria from various ecotopes (2020)
Secondary contacts of host and parasite: barriers and introgression (2019)
The benefits of apparent diffusion coefficient maps for high-grade glioma delineation (2019)
Consequences of NRAS mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. (2019)
A comparison of two standardized quantitative RT-PCRs with CE IVD kit for digital PCR in CML patients with different level of BCR-ABL1 transcripts (2019)
Nádorová cytogenetika 20 a 21.století: Od konvenční cytogenetiky k „next-generation“ cytogenetice hematologických malignit (2019)
Biologická a klinická analýza souboru nemocných s refrakterní a relabující chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2019)
Cytogenetická a molekulárně biologická analýza genu a proteinu Myc u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2019)
Přestavba chromosomové oblasti 3q26 (MECOM) a její klinický význam u myeloidních malignit. (2019)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu checkpoint kinase 1 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53. (2019)
Coxiella burnetii and Francisella tularensis in wild small mammals from the Czech Republic (2020)
GAPPS - syndrom adenokarcinomu žaludku a mnohočetné polypózy žaludku v 8 rodinách testovaných v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu – prevence vč. profylaktické gastrektomie (2019)
Vícečetné mutace genu NRAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií. (2019)
Origin and Evolution of Diploid and Allopolyploid Camelina Genomes Were Accompanied by Chromosome Shattering (2019)
The story of promiscuous crucifers: origin and genome evolution of an invasive species, Cardamine occulta (Brassicaceae), and its relatives (2019)
Pharmacotherapy preceding monocyte harvest interferes with the potency of monocyte-derived dendritic cell anticancer vaccine (2019)
Srovnání počtu a alelické četnosti mutací genu TP53 u pacientů před první terapií a pacientů s relabující/refrakterní chronickou lymfocytární leukemií. (2019)
Srovnání počtu a alelické četnosti mutací genu TP53 u pacientů před první terapií a pacientů s relabující/refrakterní chronickou lymfocytární leukemií. (2019)
The Influence of Quadruplex Structure in Proximity to P53 Target Sequences on the Transactivation Potential of P53 Alpha Isoforms (2020)
Detekce somatických variant u myelodysplastického syndromu: srovnání tří odlišných postupů při přípravě sekvenačních knihoven pro vyšetření panelu genů. (2019)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární keukémií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2019)
Cílená inhibice kasein kinázy 1 v léčbě chronické lymfoidní leukémie. (2019)
Cytogenetika u CLL a role komplexního karyotypu. (2019)
Other malignancies in CLL. ERIC/HARMONY project. (2019)
An E460D Substitution in the NS5 Protein of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Confers Resistance to the Inhibitor Galidesivir (BCX4430) and Also Attenuates the Virus for Mice (2019)
Mutace genů rodiny RAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií (2019)
Molekulární klasifikace meduloblastomů pomocí celogenomového expresního profilování (2019)
Genome invasion by a hypomethylated satellite repeat in Australian crucifer Ballantinia antipoda (2019)
Undetectable expression of WNT5A, a gene encoding a ROR1 ligand, defines memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Promoter Methylation of ROR1 Ligand WNT5A associates with Its Expression in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2019)
Escape of Tick-Borne Flavivirus from 2′-C-Methylated Nucleoside Antivirals Is Mediated by a Single Conservative Mutation in NS5 That Has a Dramatic Effect on Viral Fitness (2017)
The large genome size variation in the Hesperis clade was shaped by the prevalent proliferation of DNA repeats and rarer genome downsizing (2019)
Nanopatterning Glass Surface For Localization Of Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
Molecular Epidemiology of Hantaviruses in the Czech Republic (2019)
Body Composition Changes During a 24-h Winter Mountain Running Race Under Extremely Cold Conditions (2019)
Kink in Helical Peptides Affects Membrane Pore Formation (2019)
MiR-376b-3p Is Associated With Long-term Response to Sunitinib in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients (2019)
A new species of Acianthera (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae) from Brazil (2019)
Aktivita klíšťat u Brněnské přehrady v minulých letech (2020)
Nemoci a chorobné stavy ryb (2019)
Complete Genome Sequence of a Legionella longbeachae Serogroup 2 Isolate Derived from a Patient with Legionnaires’ Disease (2020)
Seasonal changes of antioxidant capacity in honeybee, Apis mellifera L. (2020)
The effect of adipokinetic hormone on nutrient levels and locomotion of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) (2020)
Empowering Pseudomonas putida with surface-displayed designer protein scaffolds (2019)
Expanding the biocatalytic capabilities of Pseudomonas putida with surface-displayed designer protein scaffolds (2019)
The effect of Varroa destructor infection on honey bee haemocytes (2020)
HSPA1A conformational mutants reveal a conserved structural unit in Hsp70 proteins (2020)
Personalized Treatment of H3K27M-Mutant Pediatric Diffuse Gliomas Provides Improved Therapeutic Opportunities (2020)
Virulence Heterorhabditis bacteriophora a vliv jejich exkretovaných/sekretovaných produktů na imunitní systém Galleria mellonella (2020)
Blind deconvolution estimation of an arterial input function for small animal DCE-MRI (2019)
Dynamics of tumor-specific cfDNA in response to therapy in multiple myeloma patients (2020)
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Vaccines Contain Non-Structural Protein 1 Antigen and may Elicit NS1-Specific Antibody Responses in Vaccinated Individuals (2020)
Different chromosome damage in lymphocytes of newly diagnosed gastrointestinal and breast cancer patients (2020)
Individualization of Treatment Improves the Survival of Children With High-Risk Solid Tumors: Comparative Patient Series Analysis in a Real-Life Scenario (2019)
Phospho-Protein Arrays as Effective Tools for Screening Possible Targets for Kinase Inhibitors and Their Use in Precision Pediatric Oncology (2019)
Comparative Analysis of Putative Prognostic and Predictive Markers in Neuroblastomas: High Expression of PBX1 Is Associated With a Poor Response to Induction Therapy (2019)
ACCELERATE and European Medicine Agency Paediatric Strategy Forum for medicinal product development for mature B-cell malignancies in children (2019)
Comparative phosphorylation map of Dishevelled 3 links phospho-signatures to biological outputs (2019)
New Genus Fibralongavirus in Siphoviridae Phages of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (2019)
The interspecific variability of ladybird immunity (2020)
Draft genome sequence of the Panton-Valentine leucocidin-producing Staphylococcus aureus Sequence Type 154 strain NRL 08/001, isolated from a fatal case of necrotizing pneumonia (2019)
Chemical and sensory properties of fruit jams affected by bamboo fiber fortification (2020)
Neantibiotický přípravek pro léčbu stafylokokových infekcí hospodářských zvířat (2019)
Systém pro přípravu vzorku a identifikaci alespoň jednoho kmene bakteriofága prostřednictvím hmotnostní spektrometrie (2019)
Deaf learners' processing of English textbook material : An eye-tracking study (2020)
Characteristics and growth of two-phased bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens (2020)
Monitoring of Selected Physiological Parameters of Athletes during Sports Leads (Rhabdomyolysis, Hyponatremia, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Hepatocyte Damage) (2019)
Monitoring vybraných fyziologických parametrů sportovců během zátěže vedoucí k onemocnění (Rhabdomyolýza, hyponatrémie, infekce horních cest dýchacích, poškození hepatocytů) (2019)
Vymezení nejdůležitějších parametrů aktivity klíšťat na lokalitách v Brně a jeho okolí (od r. 2016) (2019)
Sledování výše aktivity a promoření klíšťat na vybrané spirochetální mikroorganismy, zaměřeno na Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2019)
WNT signaling inducing activity in ascites predicts poor outcome in ovarian cancer (2020)
Poznatky molekulární biologie pomáhají v boji s borreliózou (2019)
Aktivita klíšťat Ixodes ricinus v lokalitě Brno – Líšeň (2019)
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Protein Stability Provides Decreased Dependence on Heparin for Induction of FGFR Signaling and Alters ERK Signaling Dynamics (2019)
Klíšťata na jaře (2019)
První klíšťata v Brně na jaře (2019)
Pobyt vědce na české základně v Antarktidě 2014-2015 (2019)
Piják lužní se z jihu Moravy šíří po Česku (2019)
Jedna dvě, klíště jde, Ixodes ricinus ticks is monitored in Pozořice (2019)
Bojíte se klíšťat? (2019)
Relace o klíšťatech, rizika nákazy (2019)
Rozhlasová relace k situaci s klíšťaty v Brně a okolí (2019)
Televizní relace o klíšťatech a patogenních mikroorganismech (2019)
Bojíte se klíšťat? Jaká rizika se objevují? (2019)
Analysis of chemical elements on surface enamel and localised enamel hypoplasia of human primary canines (LHPC) via EDX method in the Necropolis of Great Moravia in Znojmo-Hradiště (9th-10th Century, Czech Republic) (2019)
Analysis of chemical elements on surface enamel and localised enamel hypoplasia of human primary canines (LHPC) via EDX method in the Necropolis of Great Moravia in Znojmo-Hradiště (9th-10th Century, Czech Republic) (2019)
Noc vědců 2019 (2019)
Granulation tissue enriched by aspirin and omega-3 fatty acids in healing experimental periodontal lesion (2021)
Syndrom DICER1 (2019)
Epidemiological Trends for Childhood and Adolescent Cancers in the Period 1994–2016 in the Czech Republic (2019)
Účinná imunoterapie glioblastomu u adolescenta se syndromem konstitučního deficitu v mismatch repair opravném systému (2019)
Computational Study of Protein-Ligand Unbinding for Enzyme Engineering (2019)
Mouse Lipocalins (MUP, OBP, LCN) Are Co-expressed in Tissues Involved in Chemical Communication (2016)
Exploring the challenges of computational enzyme design by rebuilding the active site of a dehalogenase (2019)
Anthropological prospection of ossuary situated in Saint James Church in Brno, Czech Republic (2018)
Intracerebellar application of P19-derived neuroprogenitor and naive stem cells to Lurcher mutant and wild type B6CBA mice (2012)
Calcium Signaling in Liver Injury and Regeneration (2018)
Epidermal growth factor receptor as a new target in the treatment of giant cell tumor of bone (2019)
Allograft reconstruction following resection of giant cell bone tumor of the distal forearm and hand (2019)
Fiducial-based semi-automatic coregistration and analysis of multimodal MALDI MS and immunofluorescent data (2019)
Recent Advances in Metabolic Pathways of Sulfate Reduction in Intestinal Bacteria (2020)
Mouse Model of Alagille Syndrome and Mechanisms of Jagged1 Missense Mutations (2018)
Inovativní klinické designy a personalizovaná medicína v dětské onkologii (2018)
Perspektivy v léčbě nejen sarkomů (2019)
Development of Fluorescent Assay for Monitoring of Dehalogenase Activity (2019)
Computational Design of Stable and Soluble Biocatalysts (2019)
Crystal structure of the cold-adapted haloalkane dehalogenase DpcA from Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5 (2019)
Transhalogenation Catalysed by Haloalkane Dehalogenases Engineered to Stop Natural Pathway at Intermediate (2019)
Engineering enzyme access tunnels (2019)
Stable-isotope dilution LC-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of microcystin conjugates with cysteine and glutathione in biotic matrices (2019)
Crystallization and Crystallographic Analysis of a Bradyrhizobium Elkanii USDA94 Haloalkane Dehalogenase Variant with an Eliminated Halide-Binding Site (2019)
Phylo-cytogenomic Analysis of Genome Duplications in Crucifers (2019)
ProTAME Arrest in Mammalian Oocytes and Embryos Does Not Require Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Activity (2019)
Stool sampling and DNA isolation kits affect DNA quality and bacterial composition following 16S rRNA gene sequencing using MiSeq Illumina platform (2019)
Global analysis and validation of miRNA levels in cerebrospinal fluid of brain tumor patients (2019)
The effects of nano-sized PbO on biomarkers of membrane disruption and DNA damage in a sub-chronic inhalation study on mice (2020)
NMDA Receptor Opening and Closing-Transitions of a Molecular Machine Revealed by Molecular Dynamics (2019)
Deciphering the Structural Basis of High Thermostability of Dehalogenase from Psychrophilic Bacterium Marinobacter sp. ELB17 (2019)
An Ultrasensitive Fluorescence Assay for the Detection of Halides and Enzymatic Dehalogenation (2020)
Machine Learning in Enzyme Engineering (2020)
Diagnostický prostředek pro simultánní detekci humánních norovirů (NoV GI a NoV GII), viru hepatitidy A, viru hepatitidy E (HEV-1, HEV-3), adenovirů 40/41 a rotavirů A (2019)
Kvalitativní detekce rotaviru A pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2019)
Kvalitativní detekce norovirů (genogroups GI a GII) pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2019)
Kvalitativní detekce viru hepatitidy A pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2019)
Kvalitativní detekce viru hepatitidy E (HEV-1 a HEV-3) pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2019)
Kvalitativní detekce adenovirů (sérotypy 40 a 41) pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2019)
Dysregulated expression of lncRNAs in glioblastoma multiforme and their association with overall survival (2019)
Accumulation of cyanobacterial oxadiazine nocuolin A is enhanced by temperature shift during cultivation and is promoted by bacterial co-habitants in the culture (2019)
Clinical-Grade Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for Cell Therapy: Characterization Strategy (2020)
Electrochemically prepared composites of graphene oxide and conducting polymers: Cytocompatibility of cardiomyocytes and neural progenitors (2019)
Biodegradable free-standing films from lauroyl derivatives of hyaluronan (2019)
Chronopotentiometric Analysis of Proteins at Charged Electrode Surfaces (2019)
BSA-Polysaccharide Interactions at Negatively Charged Electrode Surface. Effects of Current Density. (2019)
Pseudogemmobacter bohemicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel taxon from the Rhodobacteraceae family isolated from heavy-metal-contaminated sludge (2019)
West Nile virus outbreak in captive and wild raptors, Czech Republic, 2018 (2019)
Reprint of Efficient fungal UV-screening provides a remarkably high UV-B tolerance of photosystem II in lichen photobionts (2019)
MAPK p38alpha Kinase Influences Haematopoiesis in Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids alter benzo[a]pyrene metabolism and genotoxicity in human colon epithelial cell models (2019)
Aspects of intradermal immunization with different adjuvants: The role of dendritic cells and Th1/Th2 response (2019)
Low temperature induced modulation of photosynthetic induction in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana: chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas-exchange measurements (2019)
In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (2019)
LC-MS/MS study of in vivo fate of hyaluronan polymeric micelles carrying doxorubicin (2019)
Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) polyphenols reveal different antioxidant, antimicrobial and neutrophil-modulating activities (2019)
Comparison of the molecular properties of retinitis pigmentosa P23H and N15S amino acid replacements in rhodopsin (2019)
miR-376b and miR-4668 predict therapeutic response to sunitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2019)
Evaluation of immune response in young patients with sarcoma treated by dendritic cell-based immunotherapy (2019)
The characterization of Enterococcus genus: resistance mechanisms and inflammatory bowel disease (2020)
Nano-etched fused-silica capillary used for on-line preconcentration and electrophoretic separation of bacteriophages from large blood sample volumes with off-line MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry identification (2020)
Characterization of Staphylococcus intermedius Group Isolates Associated with Animals from Antarctica and Emended Description of Staphylococcus delphini (2020)
Pseudomonas leptonychotis sp. nov., isolated from Weddell seals in Antarctica (2020)
Possible synergy effect of hydrogen sulfide and acetate produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria on inflammatory bowel disease development (2021)
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity in the gut environment: Meta-analysis of sulfate-reducing and lactic acid bacteria in inflammatory processes (2021)
Correction Alternative mechanisms of miR-34a regulation in cancer (vol 8, 2017) (2018)
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of chloroalkanes in microfluidic chips (2018)
Predicting Treatment Response of Multiple Myeloma Patients Using Tumor Specific cell-free DNA (2019)
Targeted resequencing of genes associated with long QT syndrome in Czech patients: two newly identified likely pathogenic variants in previously investigated patient with negative results (2019)
Bone Pedicle Development and its Association to the Tooth Germ in Acrodont Chameleons (2019)
Is the Enamel Knot Present in Reptiles? (2019)
Haloalkane dehalogenases as a subject for crystallographic studies (2017)
Genome Evolution in Arabideae Was Marked by Frequent Centromere Repositioning (2020)
Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts and Their Importance in the Brewing Industry Part I -Brettanomyces (Dekkera) (2016)
Non-Saccharomyces yeasts and their importance in the brewing industry. Part II (2016)
The depletion of p38alpha kinase upregulates NADPH oxidase 2/NOX2/gp91 expression and the production of superoxide in mouse embryonic stem cells (2019)
Hypoxia/Hif1 Alpha prevents premature neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells through the activation of Hes1 (2020)
Administration of the Probiotic Escherichia coli Strain A0 34/86 Resulted in a Stable Colonization of the Human Intestine During the First Year of Life (2020)
Změny fyziologických a imunitních parametrů včel v průběhu roku (2020)
Surface design of photon-upconversion nanoparticles for high-contrast immunocytochemistry (2020)
Study of Synthetic Oligonacleotides Containing Guanine by Voltammetry on a Graphite Electrode (2018)
Rapid mutational analysis of RASopathy related genes in prenatal diagnosis - our first experience (2018)
Foreign Language Learning Experiences of Deaf and Severely Hard-of-Hearing Czech University Students (2019)
Functional switching based on altered enzyme flexibility via InDel mutagenesis of a reconstructed ancestor (2019)
Caver web: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
Getting out of an egg: Merging of tooth germs to create an egg tooth in the snake (2020)
Chromothripsis 18 in multiple myeloma patient with rapid extramedullary relapse (2019)
Cdk13-/- Mice Exhibit Developmental Delay and Craniofacial Malformations during Embryonic Development (2019)
A novel perspective on MOL-PCR optimization and MAGPIX analysis of in-house multiplex foodborne pathogens detection assay (vol 9, 2719, 2019) (2019)
The Biomania Student Scientific Meeting & EUSynBioS Symposium 2019 (2019)
Vliv zimních teplot na přežívání, energetické zásoby a imunitní systém invazního slunéčka východního (Harmonia axyridis) (2020)
Určení haploskupin mtDNA populací z doby bronzové na území České republiky (2018)
Efficiency of high throughput humat mtDNA sequencing: comparison of ancient samples from Czech Republic and Southern Africa (2019)
Mitochondrial haplogroups of ancient samples from Czech Republic: Comparison of two nearly located burial sites (2019)
Pneumonie spojené se zdravotní péčí u pacientů v intenzivní péči - optimální nastavení iniciální empirické antimikrobiální terapie: výsledky multicentrické observační studie (2017)
Možnosti terapeutického ovlivnění stafylokokových infekcí prostřednictvím bakteriofágů a vybrané metody testování citlivosti stafylokoků in vitro (2020)
Asymmetrical canina meiosis is accompanied by the expansion of a pericentromeric satellite in non-recombining univalent chromosomes in the genus Rosa (2020)
The Student Scientific Conference on Genetically Modified Organisms (2010)
The Student Scientific Conference on Cancer Research (2011)
The Student Scientific Conference on Biotechnology & Biomedicine. Conference book (2012)
The Student Scientific Conference on Biotechnology & Biomedicine 2013. Conference book (2013)
The Biomania Student Scientific Meeting 2017 (2017)
Regional Incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Czech Pediatric Population: 16 Years of Experience (2002–2017) (2020)
Aeromonas (2019)
Nested plant LTR retrotransposons target specific regions of other elements, while all LTR retrotransposons often target palindromes and nucleosome-occupied regions: in silico study (2019)
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Antimicrobial activity of natural soaps tested by Bioscreen methodology (2020)
DNA methylation and genetic degeneration of the Y chromosome in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia (2018)
Study of synthetic oligonucleotides containing guanine by circular dichroism spectroscopy and voltammetry on a pyrolytic graphite electrode (2019)
The Digestion of Waste from Vegetables and Maize Processing (2020)
Activated Sludge Respiration Activity Inhibition Caused by Mobile Toilet Chemicals (2020)
19th Acta Physiologica international symposium WNT Signaling in Physiology and Disease'- a long way from developmental biology to physiology (2012)
Biotransformation of d-xylose to d-xylonate coupled to medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate production in cellobiose-grown Pseudomonas putida EM42 (2020)
The Effect of Foraging on Bumble Bees, Bombus terrestris, Reared under Laboratory Conditions (2020)
Invertebrate Magnetoreception – In Between Orientation and General Sensitivity (2020)
Effects of trichothecene mycotoxin T-2 toxin on haematological and immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2020)
Concordance of various chromosomal errors among different parts of the embryo and the value of re-biopsy in embryos with segmental aneuploidies (2020)
Incidence and origin of meiotic whole and segmental chromosomal aneuploidies detected by karyomapping (2020)
Genomic Blocks in Aethionema arabicum Support Arabideae as Next Diverging Clade in Brassicaceae (2020)
Bioactive Excreted/Secreted Products of Entomopathogenic Nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Inhibit the Phenoloxidase Activity during the Infection (2020)
Phenotypic characterization of new Staphylococcus epidermidis phages able to transfer plasmids and genomic islands (2020)
Stanovení koncentrace IgA a lysozymu ve slinách jako obraz slizniční imunity u sportující mládeže (2020)
FDA-Approved Drugs Efavirenz, Tipranavir, and Dasabuvir Inhibit Replication of Multiple Flaviviruses in Vero Cells (2020)
Cell Proliferation of HaCaT Keratinocytes on Collagen Films Modified by Argon Plasma Treatment (2010)
Reservoir methanation 2nd phase (2020)
Biogas upgrading methods: recent advancements and emerging technologies (2020)
Endoplasmic Reticulum: The Rising Compartment in Auxin Biology (2010)
ZEB1: A Critical Regulator of Cell Plasticity, DNA Damage Response, and Therapy Resistance (2020)
Specific Detection of Escherichia Coli Isolated From Water Samples Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Targeting Four Genes: Cytochrome Bd Complex, Lactose Permease, beta-D-glucuronidase, and beta-D-galactosidase (2008)
CD20 is dispensable for B-cell receptor signaling but is required for proper actin polymerization, adhesion and migration of malignant B cells (2020)
Performance of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells in genetically defined classes of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Purification and characterization of nitrilase from Fusarium solani IMI196840 (2010)
Effect of zinc and cadmium on physiological and production characteristics in Matricaria recutita (2010)
Cytokine mRNA expression in porcine cell lines stimulated by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (2008)
The interaction of butyrate with TNF-alpha during differentiation and apoptosis of colon epithelial cells: Role of NF-kappa B activation (2008)
Age-dependent changes of proinflammatory cytokine production by porcine peripheral blood phagocytes (2008)
Genomic properties of new transducing phages and mobile genetic elements of Staphylococcus epidermidis (2020)
Charakterizace nového druhu stafylokokového bakteriofága čeledi Podoviridae (2020)
Adenosine-5-Phosphosulfate- and Sulfite Reductases Activities of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria from Various Environments (2020)
Potential of technological yeast strains for commercial beta-glucan production using the low-cost medium (2020)
Evaluation of Physiological Parameters of Intestinal Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Isolated from Patients Suffering from IBD and Healthy People (2020)
A Contribution to Analysis of "Czech Beer" Authenticity (2009)
New Luminescence-Based Approach to Measurement of Luciferase Gene Expression Reporter Activity and Adenosine Triphosphate-Based Determination of Cell Viability (2010)
A contribution to lichen biota of the central part of Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago (2010)
The Biomania Student Scientific Meeting & EUSynBioS Symposium 2019. Book of Abstracts (2019)
Enhanced Keratinocyte Cell Attachment to Atelocollagen Thin Films Through Air and Nitrogen Plasma Treatment (2011)
Morphometric Analysis of Antarctic Foliose Lichens Using 3-D Digital Microscopy (2018)
DockVis: Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Trajectories (2020)
Hledání nových repelentů proti klíšťatům (2020)
Psychopatologické poruchy v kontextu (chronické) lymeské borreliózy (2020)
Novel Familial IQSEC2 Pathogenic Sequence Variant Associated With Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy (2020)
Nucleosome positioning rules: Soft and hard disagreements Reply to comments on "Cracking the chromatin code: Precise rule of nucleosome positioning" by Edward N. Trifonov (2011)
A device for investigation of natural cell mobility and deformability (2020)
Osteogenic impact of pro-apoptotic caspase inhibitors in MC3T3-E1 cells (2020)
Portable capillary-based (non-chip) capillary electrophoresis (vol 29, pg 339, 2010) (2010)
The Emerging Role of Noncoding RNAs in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2020)
Metody kultivace striktních anaerobů (2020)
Complex analysis of cyclin D1 expression in mantle cell lymphoma: two cyclin D1-negative cases detected (2009)
Two novel fastidious anaerobes from the genus Bacteroides isolated from chicken gastrointestinal tracts (2020)
Diferenciální diagnostika (2020)
Zacházení s referenčními kmeny v praxi (2020)
Selective Depletion of Alloreactive Donor T Cells Leads to Elimination of Graft-Versus-Host Reactivity and Stimulates Graft-Versus-Leukaemia/Myeloma Effect (2013)
Methanogens Diversity during Anaerobic Sewage Sludge Stabilization and the Effect of Temperature (2020)
Platelet-rich plasma, platelet-rich fibrin, and enamel matrix derivative for oral mucosal wound healing (2020)
Ancient DNA mining from chemically treated and non-treated human dental calculus (2019)
Effects of conditional IPT-dependent cytokinin overproduction on root architecture of Arabidopsis seedlings (vol 49, pg 570, 2008) (2008)
DNA jako občanský průkaz. Lekce z genetiky (2019)
A lipase biosensor using digital camera for the determination of neurotoxic compounds (2018)
Role of myeloperoxidase in the regulated cell death of polymorphonuclear neutrophils undergoing oxidative burst (2016)
Endothelial Progenitor Cells Produced From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells by a Synergistic Combination of Cytokines, Small Compounds, and Serum-Free Medium (2020)
Comprehensive Molecular Profiling for Relapsed/Refractory Pediatric Burkitt Lymphomas-Retrospective Analysis of Three Real-Life Clinical Cases-Addressing Issues on Randomization and Customization at the Bedside (2020)
Engineering of bacterial strains for degradation of environmental pollutants by synthetic biology (2018)
Heptabladed b-propeller lectins PLL2 and PHL from Photorhabdus spp. recognize O-methylated sugars and influence the host immune system (2021)
Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria of the Oral Cavity and Their Relation with Periodontitis—Recent Advances (2020)
Engineering of enzyme gating driven by molecular dynamics, transient kinetics, and single molecule spectroscopy (2018)
Utilization of Digital PCR in Quantity Verification of Plasmid Standards Used in Quantitative PCR (2020)
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Due to Ventricular Fibrillation in a 5-Year-Old Pediatric Patient (2020)
The tumor immune microenvironment and its implications for clinical outcome in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (2020)
Ozonization of Tissue Sections for MALDI MS Imaging of Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Positional Isomers of Phospholipids (2020)
Evolution of sex determination and heterogamety changes in section Otites of the genus Silene (2019)
Hymenobacter artigasi sp. nov., isolated from air sampling in maritime Antarctica (2020)
Description of Massilia rubra sp. nov., Massilia aquatica sp. nov., Massilia mucilaginosa sp. nov., Massilia frigida sp. nov., and one Massilia genomospecies isolated from Antarctic streams, lakes and regoliths (2020)
Phospholipid profiling enables to discriminate tumor- and non-tumor-derived human colon epithelial cells: Phospholipidome similarities and differences in colon cancer cell lines and in patient-derived cell samples (2020)
Effect of eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors on the haemolymph protein profile of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (2011)
Redox and Epigenetics in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Differentiation (2021)
Accelerating drug development for neuroblastoma: Summary of the Second Neuroblastoma Drug Development Strategy forum from Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer and International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe Neuroblastoma (2020)
Chlorophyll a fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy can monitor activation/deactivation of photosynthesis and carotenoids in Antarctic lichens (2020)
Executable Biochemical Space for Specification and Analysis of Biochemical Systems (2020)
Dishevelled at the Crossroads of Pathways (2014)
Photosynthetic performance of Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum when affected by desiccation and low temperatures (2020)
Analysis of K-, and L-band appearance in OJIPs in Antarctic lichens in low and high temperature (2020)
Modeling the effect of heat treatment on fatty acid composition in home-made olive oil preparations (2020)
The community of methanogenic archaea of the underground gas reservoir (2019)
Ring-Substituted 1-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-Carboxanilides Inhibit Proliferation and Trigger Mitochondria-Mediated Apoptosis (2020)
Analyzer for Fluorescent Biosensing Application (2011)
Histone post-translational modifications in Silene latifolia X and Y chromosomes suggest a mammal-like dosage compensation system (2020)
3D Cell Culture Models Demonstrate a Role for FGF and WNT Signaling in Regulation of Lung Epithelial Cell Fate and Morphogenesis (2020)
Childhood survivors of high-risk neuroblastoma show signs of immune recovery and not immunosenescence (2020)
Trop2 signaling in regulation of proliferation and cell survival in low serum conditions (2019)
Differences in the growth rate and immune strategies of farmed and wild mallard populations (2020)
Special Issue: Insects, Nematodes, and Their Symbiotic Bacteria (2020)
ZEB1/miR200c/AGR2: A new regulatory loop modulating the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung adenocarcinomas. (2020)
Ruthenium tetrazene complexes bearing glucose moieties on their periphery. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity. (2020)
Organoids as a personalized medicine tool for ultra-rare mutations in cystic fibrosis: The case of S955P and 1717-2A > G (2020)
SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological modelsAutoři (2020)
Eco-Physiological Screening of Different Tomato Genotypes in Response to High Temperatures: A Combined Field-to-Laboratory Approach (2020)
Chilling effects on primary photosynthetic processes in Medicago sativa: Acclimatory changes after short- and long-term exposure to low temperatures (2020)
Allosteric Communications between Domains Modulate the Activity of Matrix Metalloprotease-1 (2020)
The Cytotoxic Effect of Newly Synthesized Ferrocenes against Cervical Carcinoma Cells Alone and in Combination with Radiotherapy. (2020)
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles functionalized with a dialkoxide diorganotin(IV) compound: In search of more selective systems against cancer cells. (2020)
Caspase Inhibition Affects the Expression of Autophagy-Related Molecules in Chondrocytes (2020)
Enzybiotics LYSSTAPH-S and LYSDERM-S as Potential Therapeutic Agents for Chronic MRSA Wound Infections (2020)
Onset of calciotropic receptors during the initiation of mandibular/alveolar bone formation (2020)
Resolution of Streptococcus suis Serotypes 1/2 versus 2 and 1 versus 14 by PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Method (2020)
Root response in Pisum sativum under naproxen stress: Morpho-anatomical, cytological, and biochemical traits (2020)
Possibilities of Using White Sweetclover Grown in Mixture with Maize for Biomethane Production (2020)
A very rare case of possible actinomycosis of the mandible from the Middle Ages (2020)
Eustress and Distress: Neither Good Nor Bad, but Rather the Same? (2020)
Resistance of Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata to photoinhibition: Analysis of limitation of photosynthetic processes (2020)
Vliv šokového zmrazení na anatomické charakteristiky antarktických lišejníků rodu Usnea a jejich fotobiontů (2020)
Výzkum fyziologických procesů autotrofů z polárních oblastí Země ve vztahu k teplotě: Terénní a laboratorní studie využívající biofyzikální metody měření (2020)
Prevalence, Genetic Diversity, and Temporary Shifts of Inducible Clindamycin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus Clones in Tehran, Iran: A Molecular-Epidemiological Analysis From 2013 to 2018 (2020)
Structure and mechanism of DNA delivery of a gene transfer agent (2020)
Current status and future perspectives of fibroblast growth factor 2 in wound healing (2020)
Elucidation of protein interactions necessary for the maintenance of the BCR-ABL signaling complex (2020)
miR-183/96/182 cluster is an important morphogenetic factor targetingPAX6expression in differentiating human retinal organoids (2020)
Physicochemical Characterization of Home-Made Soap from Waste-Used Frying Oils (2020)
SWATH-MS Analysis of FFPE Tissues Identifies Stathmin as a Potential Marker of Endometrial Cancer in Patients Exposed to Tamoxifen (2020)
Transgelin Silencing Induces Different Processes in Different Breast Cancer Cell Lines (2020)
How Different Are the Molecular Mechanisms of Nodal and Distant Metastasis in Luminal A Breast Cancer? (2020)
Možnosti využití původních druhů kvasinek pro výrobu terroir vín (2020)
The CHK1 inhibitor MU380 significantly increases the sensitivity of human docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cells to gemcitabine through the induction of mitotic catastrophe (2020)
Influence of Protein Modification and Glycosylation in the Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction of Avidin and Neutravidin: An Electrochemical Analysis (2020)
Structure of protein from neck of bacteriophage infecting Staphylococcus aureus (2018)
Structure of a staphylococcal phage connector protein (2019)
Pseudomonas karstica sp. nov. and Pseudomonas spelaei sp. nov., isolated from calcite moonmilk deposits from caves (2020)
Non-antibiotic antibacterial peptides and proteins ofEscherichia coli: efficacy and potency of bacteriocins (2021)
Epidemiologická situace čtyř patogenů u koček, jak je to s toxoplasmou u klíšťat? (2020)
Obsah klíštěte v sobě neskrývá jen DNA borrelií, ale také…toxoplasmy (2020)
Analysis of Bacteriophage-Host Interaction by Raman Tweezers (2020)
The biocompatibility of polyaniline and polypyrrole 2(1): Doping with organic phosphonates (2020)
Trebonia kvetii gen. nov., sp. nov., an acidophilic actinobacterium, and proposal of the new actinobacterial family Treboniaceae fam. nov. (2020)
Detail investigation of toxicity, bioaccumulation, and translocation of Cd-based quantum dots and Cd salt in white mustard (2020)
Transplantace jater jako potenciální kurativní metoda těžké hemofilie A: popis případu a literární přehled (2020)
Heparinem indukovaná trombocytopenie: kazuistika a přehled literatury (2020)
Protease associated domain of RNF43 is not necessary for the suppression of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in human cells (2020)
Heat-resistance of suspect persistent strains of Escherichia coli from cheesemaking plants (2020)
Surface Display of Designer Protein Scaffolds on Genome-Reduced Strains of Pseudomonas putida (2020)
An automated DIY framework for experimental evolution of Pseudomonas putida (2021)
Spatial structure of permafrost and active layer from the James Ross Island, Antarctica: Geological and Microbiological Insights (2020)
Mutations in GRK2 cause Jeune syndrome by impairing Hedgehog and canonical Wnt signaling (2020)
Cell type specific adhesion to surfaces functionalised by amine plasma polymer (2020)
Editorial: Precision/Personalized Pediatric Oncology and Immune Therapies: Rather Customize Than Randomize (2020)
The Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor Trio is required for neural crest cell migration and interacts with Dishevelled (2020)
Next generation sequencing in newborn screening for cystic fibrosis (2020)
The clinical utility of targeted NGS in neurodevelopmental disorders: a case of a girl with pontocerebellar hypoplasia caused by TSEN54 gene pathogenic variants (2020)
Molekulárně-cytogenetická analýza genomové nestability derivátů buněčné linie HEK293 (2020)
Repurposing Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors to Overcome Multidrug Resistance in Cancer: A Focus on Transporters and Lysosomal Sequestration (2020)
Rapid Isolation, Propagation, and Online Analysis of a Small Number of Therapeutic Staphylococcal Bacteriophages from a Complex Matrix (2020)
Development of a 3D bone model for biomedical research (2020)
Serial Xenotransplantation in NSG Mice Promotes a Hybrid Epithelial/Mesenchymal Gene Expression Signature and Stemness in Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells (2020)
Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence may sensitively monitor the responses of lichen photobionts to dehydration stress (2020)
Choroid Plexus: The Orchestrator of Long-Range Signalling Within the CNS (2020)
Vliv nízké teploty na parametry fotosyntézy antarktických/polárních řas a lišejníků. (2020)
MicroRNAs in the Molecular Pathology of Gliomas (2014)
Molekulární patologie gliálních nádorů (2013)
Laboratorní matematika v molekulární medicíně (2015)
In-Depth Bioinformatic Analyses of Nidovirales Including Human SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV Viruses Suggest Important Roles of Non-canonical Nucleic Acid Structures in Their Lifecycles (2020)
Epilepsy miRNA Profile Depends on the Age of Onset in Humans and Rats (2020)
Chromosome aberrations detected by FISH in newly diagnosed cancer patients (2018)
Natural pseurotins and analogs thereof inhibit activation of B-cells and differentiation into the plasma cells (2020)
C59 is a powerful tool to stimulate chondrocyte differentiation (2019)
Variability in the Clearance of Lead Oxide Nanoparticles Is Associated with Alteration of Specific Membrane Transporters (2020)
NANOG/NANOGP8 Localizes at the Centrosome and is Spatiotemporally Associated with Centriole Maturation (2020)
Transcriptional analysis of wheat seedlings inoculated with Fusarium culmorum under continual exposure to disease defence inductors (2020)
N-6-Adenosine Methylation in RNA and a Reduced m(3)G/TMG Level in Non-Coding RNAs Appear at Microirradiation-Induced DNA Lesions (2020)
The colonisation of Czech travellers and expatriates living in the Czech Republic by colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and whole genome characterisation of E. coli isolates harbouring the mcr-1 genes on a plasmid or chromosome: A cross-sectional study (2021)
Serotonin and its metabolites reduce oxidative stress in murine RAW264.7 macrophages and prevent inflammation (2020)
A Clearance Period after Soluble Lead Nanoparticle Inhalation Did Not Ameliorate the Negative Effects on Target Tissues Due to Decreased Immune Response (2020)
Cytoreductive Nephrectomy and Overall Survival of Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Targeted Therapy-Data from the National Renis Registry (2020)
Large-Scale Automated Hollow-Fiber Bioreactor Expansion of Umbilical Cord-Derived Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Neurological Disorders (2020)
Polarized Sonic Hedgehog Protein Localization and a Shift in the Expression of Region-Specific Molecules Is Associated With the Secondary Palate Development in the Veiled Chameleon (2020)
Developmental mechanisms driving complex tooth shape in reptiles (2020)
Expanding the biocatalytic potential of Pseudomonas putida with surface-exposed designer protein scaffolds. (2020)
Engineering the interior and exterior of Pseudomonas putida for biotechnological processing of lignocellulosic substrates. (2020)
Total body irradiation is a crucial risk factor for developing secondary carcinomas after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in childhood (2020)
Methanogenic Microorganisms in Industrial Wastewater Anaerobic Treatment (2020)
Funkční vzorek populačního čipu (2018)
Genotypy rostlin s vyšší fixací vzdušného dusíku (2019)
Sada markerů v genech efektivních pro vyšší fixaci dusíku u jetele lučního (2020)
Cost-effective straightforward method for captured whole mitogenome sequencing of ancient DNA (2021)
The impact of lymphocytosis and CD4/CD8 ratio on the anti-JCV antibody index and clinical data in patients treated with natalizumab (2021)
Effects of wound dressings containing silver on skin and immune cells (2020)
12-O-Tetradecanoylphor bol-13-acetate increases cardiomyogenesis through PKC/ERK signaling (2020)
Human-like telomeres in Zostera marina reveal a mode of transition from the plant to the human telomeric sequences (2020)
Enhanced Antiproliferative Effect of Combined Treatment with Calcitriol and All-Trans Retinoic Acid in Relation to Vitamin D Receptor and Retinoic Acid Receptor alpha Expression in Osteosarcoma Cell Lines (2020)
Decoding the intricate network of molecular interactions of a hyperstable engineered biocatalyst (2020)
Caspase-12 Is Present During Craniofacial Development and Participates in Regulation of Osteogenic Markers (2020)
Chromosomal Evolution and Apomixis in the Cruciferous Tribe Boechereae (2020)
Ethylene-mediated apoplastic barriers development involved in cadmium accumulation in root of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii (2021)
Rola katechol-O-metyltransferázy u estrogén-receptor pozitívnych nádorov prsníka (2020)
Desmocollin-1 plays a role in breast cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis and is modulated by parthenolide (2020)
Mapování nanočástic z biologických vzorků technikou IR LA SP ICP MS (2020)
Metody stanovení vláhové potřeby používané nejen v ovocných sadech (2020)
Trop2: Jack of All Trades, Master of None (2020)
Lactic Acidosis Interferes With Toxicity of Perifosine to Colorectal Cancer Spheroids: Multimodal Imaging Analysis (2020)
Fundamentally different repetitive element composition of sex chromosomes in Rumex acetosa (2021)
RNF43 truncations trap CK1 to drive niche-independent self-renewal in cancer (2020)
Conducting composite films based on chitosan or sodium hyaluronate. Properties and cytocompatibility with human induced pluripotent stem cells (2021)
Efficiency of DNA isolation methods based on silica columns and magnetic separation tested for the detection of mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis in milk and faeces (2020)
Winter honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations show greater potential to induce immune response than summer ones after immune stimuli (2021)
EnzymeMiner: automated mining of soluble enzymes with diverse structures, catalytic properties and stabilities (2020)
A Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Saccharomonospora viridis Strain DSM 43017, a Compost Bacterium with Unusual Catalytic Residues, Unique (S)-Enantiopreference, and High Thermostability (2020)
Childhood cancer epidemiology in the Czech Republic (1994–2016) (2020)
Trends in incidence, survival and mortality of childhood cancer in the Czech republic, 1994–2016 (2020)
Ekologické podmínky pro aktivitu a pozitivitu klíšťat na patogeny na Uherskobrodsku (2020)
Hymenobacter terrestris sp. nov. and Hymenobacter lapidiphilus sp. nov., isolated from regoliths in Antarctica (2020)
Might salivary lysozym be an indicator of prologend intense training load in athletes? A preliminary study in adolescent male gymnasts (2020)
Seasonal changes of spectral reflectance indices in different types of Antarctic vegetation (2020)
Resistance of Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata to photoinhibition: analysis of limitation of photosynthetic processes (2020)
Granulation Tissue Enhanced with Aspirin and Omega-3 PUFAs as a Local Adjunct to the Surgical Treatment of Periodontitis (2021)
Exploration of enzyme diversity: High-throughput techniques for protein production and microscale biochemical characterization (2020)
A Model of Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism of Hydrogen in the Extremophile Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (2020)
Coordinated labio-lingual asymmetries in dental and bone development create a symmetrical acrodont dentition (2020)
gcType: a high-quality type strain genome database for microbial phylogenetic and functional research (2021)
Comparison of Dietary Oils with Different Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid n-3 and n-6 Content in the Rat Model of Cutaneous Wound Healing (2020)
Cytogenetické a molekulárně genetické nálezy u pacientky s ICF2 syndromem - kazuistika (2020)
Targeting Casein Kinase 1 (CK1) in Hematological Cancers (2020)
One-year passive warming effect on antarctic lichens Placopsis antarctica (2021)
Early Changes in Nitrate Uptake and Assimilation Under Drought in Relation to Transpiration (2020)
Development and Inter-Laboratory Validation of Diagnostics Panel for Detection of Biothreat Bacteria Based on MOL-PCR Assay (2021)
Activity of Smurf2 Ubiquitin Ligase Is Regulated by the Wnt Pathway Protein Dishevelled (2020)
Seroprevalence of Antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. and Leptospira interrogans s. l. in Cats in district of Brno and its environs, the Czech Republic (2020)
The Role of Dietary Phenolic Compounds in Epigenetic Modulation Involved in Inflammatory Processes (2020)
TGF-beta regulates Sca-1 expression and plasticity of pre-neoplastic mammary epithelial stem cells (2020)
Slug-expressing mouse prostate epithelial cells have increased stem cell potential (2020)
Toll-Like Receptor 3 in Solid Cancer and Therapy Resistance (2020)
Environmental six-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are potent inducers of the AhR-dependent signaling in human cells (2020)
The Distinct Function and Localization of METTL3/METTL14 and METTL16 Enzymes in Cardiomyocytes (2020)
Cathodic Voltammetric Determination of a Nitro Substituted 1-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxanilide in Dimethyl Sulfoxide in Electrochemical Microcell (2019)
Interfacial properties of p53-DNA complexes containing various recognition elements (2019)
Identification and functional characterization of new missense SNPs in the coding region of the TP53 gene (2021)
Biallelic mutations in LAMA5 disrupts a skeletal noncanonical focal adhesion pathway and produces a distinct bent bone dysplasia (2020)
Transgelin contributes to a poor response of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to sunitinib treatment (2020)
Online English for International Mobilities: A course for students (2020)
Fostering autonomy in learners with special needs: a specialized e-learning course (2020)
Seminář pro učitele angličtiny pracující s neslyšícími a nedoslýchavými studenty (2020)
A prolonged exposure of human lung carcinoma epithelial cells to benzo[a]pyrene induces p21-dependent epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like phenotype (2021)
Environmental Impact of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Their Role in Intestinal Bowel Diseases, and Possible Control by Bacteriophages (2021)
Vigour-related traits and immunity in hybrids of evolutionary divergent cyprinoid species: advantages of hybrid heterosis? (2021)
Characterization of the Complete Nucleotide Sequences of mcr-1-Encoding Plasmids From Enterobacterales Isolates in Retailed Raw Meat Products From the Czech Republic (2021)
The Dynamic Pathosome: A Surrogate for Health and Disease (2020)
Comparative Analysis of Genetic Determinants Encoding Cadmium, Arsenic, and Benzalkonium Chloride Resistance in Listeria monocytogenes of Human, Food, and Environmental Origin (2021)
Novel Thiosemicarbazones Sensitize Pediatric Solid Tumor Cell-Types to Conventional Chemotherapeutics through Multiple Molecular Mechanisms (2020)
The tumour immune microenvironment and its implicationsfor clinical outcome in patients with oropharyngeal squamouscell carcinoma (2020)
Glioblastoma with extracranial metastasis - case report and genetic analysis (2020)
Development of novel patient-derived xenograft model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2020)
Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Microfluidic Chips for Directed Evolution of Enzymes and Environmental Monitoring (2019)
Transgelin negativně přispívá k léčebné odpovědi pacientů s metastatickým reálním karcinomem léčených tyrosinkinasovými inhibitory (2020)
Effect of helical kink in antimicrobial peptides on membrane pore formation (2020)
Impact of Maize Harvest Techniques on Biomethane Production (2021)
Vědecká příprava pro Zubní lékařství (2020)
18F-FDG pozitivní kolorektální polyp připomínající metastázu pokročilého melanomu léčeného ipilimumabem. (2019)
Activity-dependent interdomain dynamics of matrix metalloprotease-1 on fibrin (2020)
Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated Computational Platform for the Study of Protein–Protein Interaction Data (2021)
SARS-CoV-2 hot-spot mutations are significantly enriched within inverted repeats and CpG island loci (2021)
G-quadruplexes in H1N1 influenza genomes (2021)
New records of Oleoguttula mirabilis and Rachicladosporium antarcticum from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2020)
So Closely Related and Yet So Different: Strong Contrasts Between the Evolutionary Histories of Species of the Cardamine pratensis Polyploid Complex in Central Europe (2020)
Dlouhé nekódující RNA a karcinom z renálních buněk (2020)
Intestinal Microbiota and Perspectives of the Use of Meta-Analysis for Comparison of Ulcerative Colitis Studies (2021)
Basic Bioelement Contents in Anaerobic Intestinal Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (2021)
Carp edema virus and immune response in carp (Cyprinus carpio): Current knowledge (2021)
Possible use of ADC in detecting the glioma infiltration (2021)
Kazuistika pacienta se spinální metastázou glioblastomu (2021)
The impact of tunnel mutations on enzymatic catalysis depends on the tunnel-substrate complementarity and the rate-limiting step (2020)
Bacteriophage replication on permissive host cells in fused silica capillary with nanostructured part as potential of electrophoretic methods for developing phage applications (2021)
Salivary microRNAs identified by small RNA sequencing as potential predictors of response to intensity-modulated radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients (2020)
Fluorescent substrates for haloalkane dehalogenases: Novel probes for mechanistic studies and protein labeling (2020)
Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Activity of 3'-Deoxy-3'Fluoroadenosine against Emerging Flaviviruses (2021)
Regulation of the cell cycle in early mammalian embryos and its clinical implications (2019)
Cyclin A1 in Oocytes Prevents Chromosome Segregation And Anaphase Entry (2020)
Aneuploidy during the onset of mouse embryo development (2020)
Revakcinace dospělých pacientů po alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných buněk: doporučení České leukemické skupiny – pro život (2019)
Prevence infekčních stavů u hematologických pacientů po splenektomii a s funkčním hyposplenismem – doporučení CzEch Leukemia Study Group for Life (CELL) (2018)
Rapid screening of bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients for mucormycetes using PCR followed by high resolution melt analysis (2013)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies in the Czech and Slovak republics: Fungal InfectioN Database (FIND) analysis, 2005-2009 (2013)
On line sběr klíšťat na lokalitě Pisárky v Brně v rámci exkurze organizované JCMM (2020)
Monitoring klíšťat a jeho důsledky na parkové lokalitě v Brně (2020)
Klíšťata v kraji útočí (2020)
Za hodinu našli 70 klíšťat (2020)
Za hodinu posbírali 60 klíšťat (2020)
Klíšťata plná nemocí. Mají i toxoplasmu. (2020)
Klíšťata přenášejí nečekané patogeny (2020)
Epidemiologická situace čtyř patogenů u koček, jak je to s toxoplasmou u klíšťat? (2020)
Stanovení koncentrace IgA a lysozymu ve slinách jako obraz slizniční imunity u sportující mládeže (2020)
Prevence infekčních stavů u hematologických pacientů po splenektomii a funkčním hyposplenismem-doporučení Czech Leukemia Study Group for Life (CELL). (2018)
Multi-pathogen infections and Alzheimer's disease (2021)
Phage Amplification Assay for Detection of Mycobacterial Infection: A Review (2021)
Monitoring aktivity a pozitivity klíšťat Ixodes ricinus v lokalitě Brno-Pisárky v roce 2019 (2020)
Research Activities in Dentistry (2021)
Structures of hyperstable ancestral haloalkane dehalogenases show restricted conformational dynamics (2020)
Research of the Effect of Proton Radiation on the Brain Proteome of Mouse (2020)
Evaluating the Influence of a G-Quadruplex Prone Sequence on the Transactivation Potential by Wild-Type and/or Mutant P53 Family Proteins through a Yeast-Based Functional Assay (2021)
Outcomes of BRAF V600E Pediatric Gliomas Treated With Targeted BRAF Inhibition (2020)
Tak trochu jiný hypothalamický hamartom. (2020)
Familiární schwanomatóza na podkladě mutace v SMARCB1 genu- nové možnosti terapie. (2020)
Assessment of Tumor Mutational Burden in Pediatric Tumors by Real-Life Whole-Exome Sequencing and In Silico Simulation of Targeted Gene Panels: How the Choice of Method Could Affect the Clinical Decision? (2020)
Overwintering of Culex modestus and Other Mosquito Species in a Reedbed Ecosystem, Including Arbovirus Findings (2020)
Structural and catalytic effects of surface loop-helix transplantation within haloalkane dehalogenase family (2020)
Neformální proteomický webinář (2020)
Testovací sada k přípravě populačního čipu pro efektivní genotypování a selekci jetele lučního (2020)
Ancient Origin of Two 5S rDNA Families Dominating in the Genus Rosa and Their Behavior in the Canina-Type Meiosis (2021)
4—(1h— imidazol— 5— yl) -1h-pyrrolo (2, 3-b) pyridines for use in the treatment of leukaemias, lymphomas and solid tumors (2021)
Phosphorylation-induced changes in the PDZ domain of Dishevelled 3 (2021)
The genome of Draba nivalis shows signatures of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses of the Arctic (2021)
The chromosome-level genome sequence and karyotypic evolution of Megadenia pygmaea (Brassicaceae) (2021)
Evolution of Tandem Repeats Is Mirroring Post-polyploid Cladogenesis in Heliophila (Brassicaceae) (2021)
Interphase Chromosome Organization in the Brassicaceae (2020)
Abscisic acid-mediated modifications in water transport continuum are involved in cadmium hyperaccumulation in Sedum alfredii (2021)
Diagnostický prostředek pro simultánní detekci influenzy typu A (IVA), influenzy typu B (IVB) a koronaviru SARS-CoV-2 (2021)
c-Myb interferes with inflammatory IL1alpha-NF-kappaB pathway in breast cancer cells (2021)
Changes in haemolymph parameters and insect ability to respond to immune challenge during overwintering (2021)
Light regimen-induced variability of photosynthetic pigments and UV-B absorbing compounds in Luzula sylvatica from Arcto-Alpine tundra (2020)
Otevřené incizní biopsie a ultrazvukově navigované punkční biopsie nádorů pohybového aparátu v oblasti končetin (2020)
Nomenclatural changes in Zingiberaceae: Haplochorema is reduced to Boesenbergia (2020)
Genome structure and apomixis in Phoenicaulis (Brassicaceae; Boechereae) (2021)
Three new species of Boesenbergia (Zingiberaceae) from Thailand and Lao P.D.R. (2019)
Methodology for the Implementation of Internal Standard to Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis of Soft Tissues (2021)
Modulation of Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells by Polypyrrole: The Impact on Neurogenesis (2021)
The Intestinal Carriage of Plasmid-Mediated Colistin-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Tertiary Care Settings (2021)
Tracing dsDNA Virus–Host Coevolution through Correlation of Their G-Quadruplex-Forming Sequences (2021)
Simulation of Ligand Transport in Receptors Using CaverDock (2021)
Spectral properties of Antarctic and Alpine vegetation monitored by multispectral camera: Case studies from James Ross Island and Jeseníky Mts. (2020)
Biometrical analysis and thallus morphology characteristics of Placopsis antarctica from King George Island, Antarctica (2020)
MicroRNAs in Colon Tissue of Pediatric Ulcerative Pancolitis Patients Allow Detection and Prognostic Stratification (2021)
Afinitní nosič pro selektivní vychytávání bakteriofágů a/nebo pro jejich separaci a způsob selektivního vychytávání bakteriofágů a/nebo jejich separace pomocí kapilární elektroforézy (2020)
Ověřená metodika RT-LAMP Detekce viru SARS-CoV-2019 (2020)
The splicing pattern of PLAUR gene changes during monocyte differentiation in patients with hereditary angioedema. (2020)
Desatero o starobylé DNA pro archeology (2020)
Microscopic Methods for Identification of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria from Various Habitats (2021)
Effect of intronic mutations on pseudoexon inclusion (2020)
Analyses of viral genomes for G-quadruplex forming sequences reveal their correlation with the type of infection (2021)
Děti ze zkumavky aneb úvod do reprodukční medicíny (2021)
The SC-35 Splicing Factor Interacts with RNA Pol II and A-Type Lamin Depletion Weakens This Interaction (2021)
Pseurotin D Inhibits the Activation of Human Lymphocytes (2021)
Highly selective inhibitors of protein kinases CLK and HIPK with the furo[3,2-b]pyridine core (2021)
Biothreat xMAP panel – diagnostický prostředek pro simultánní detekci bakterií zneužitelných jako biologické zbraně, konkrétně: Bacilus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis and Brucella spp. (2020)
Kvalitativní detekce bovinního herpesviru 1 pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2021)
Kvalitativní detekce viru SARS-CoV-2 pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2021)
Kvalitativní detekce viru reprodukčního a respiračního syndromu prasat (PRRSV) pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2021)
Kvalitativní detekce Prasečí chřipky pomocí metody MOL-PCR (2021)
The Potential of Rhizoctonia-Like Fungi for the Biological Protection of Cereals against Fungal Pathogens (2021)
Long-QT founder variant T309I-Kv7.1 with dominant negative pattern may predispose delayed afterdepolarizations under β-adrenergic stimulation (2021)
DUCT reveals architectural mechanisms contributing to bile duct recovery in a mouse model for Alagille syndrome (2021)
Pattern of Relapse and Treatment Response in WNT-Activated Medulloblastoma (2020)
Primary Cilia Formation Does Not Rely on WNT/β-Catenin Signaling (2021)
Screening of Natural Compounds as P-Glycoprotein Inhibitors against Multidrug Resistance (2021)
Skp2 and Slug Are Coexpressed in Aggressive Prostate Cancer and Inhibited by Neddylation Blockade (2021)
Staphylococcus epidermidis Phages Transduce Antimicrobial Resistance Plasmids and Mobilize Chromosomal Islands (2021)
How the molecular weight affects the in vivo fate of exogenous hyaluronan delivered intravenously: A stable-isotope labelling strategy (2021)
Underground gas reservoir: the rich source of methanogenic archaea (2021)
Inhibition of Primary Photosynthesis in Desiccating Antarctic Lichens Differing in Their Photobionts, Thallus Morphology, and Spectral Properties (2021)
Thermostable FGF2 Polypeptide, Use Thereof (2021)
Anoxygenic Photosynthesis in Photolithotrophic Sulfur Bacteria and Their Role in Detoxication of Hydrogen Sulfide (2021)
Responses of thallus anatomy and chlorophyll fluorescence-based photosynthetic characteristics of two Antarctic species of genus Usnea to low temperature (2021)
Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Mediated by Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity (2021)
WNT5B in Physiology and Disease (2021)
Provoz na velkokapacitním hematologickém analyzátoru Abbott Alinity hq (2020)
Analysis of putative quadruplex-forming sequences in fungal genomes: novel antifungal targets? (2021)
Capsid opening enables genome release of iflaviruses. (2021)
Development of a reference standard for the detection and quantification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis by quantitative PCR (2021)
Nové možnosti ochrany proti klíšťatům (2021)
Jak mohou škodit polycyklické aromatické uhlovodíky (2021)
A Practical, One-Clinic Visit Protocol for Pharmacokinetic Profile Generation with the ADVATE myPKFiT Dosing Tool in Severe Hemophilia A Subjects (2021)
A cellular and spatial map of the choroid plexus across brain ventricles and ages (2021)
First record of Hyalomma rufipes in the Czech Republic, with a review of relevant cases in other parts of Europe (2020)
Yarrowia lipolytica: a miraculous oil-degrading yeast (2021)
Molecular Physiology of Anaerobic Phototrophic Purple and Green Sulfur Bacteria (2021)
An updated structural model of the A domain of the Pseudomonas putida XylR regulator poses an atypical interplay with aromatic effectors (2021)
Development and Testing of Thrombolytics in Stroke (2021)
Promiscuous Dehalogenase Activity of the Epoxide Hydrolase CorEH from Corynebacterium sp. C12 (2021)
Resistance of Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata to photoinhibition: Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of samples from the western and eastern coasts of the Antarctic Peninsula (2021)
Methylation in Solid Tumors: Functions and Methods of Detection. (2021)
First Autochthonous West Nile Lineage 2 and Usutu Virus Infections in Humans, July to October 2018, Czech Republic (2021)
Flavobacterium flabelliformis sp. Nov. and Flavobacterium geliluteum sp. Nov., Two Novel Multidrug Resistant Psychrophilic Species Isolated from Antarctica (2021)
Co nás učí nádory: Paralely v chování buněk a lidí (2021)
Co nás učí nádory. Paralely v chování buněk a lidí (2021)
Methanothermobacter – prastarý mikroorganismus v moderní biotechnologii (2021)
Neglected strongylid nematodes: Metabarcoding reveals hidden transmission patterns between great apes and humans (2021)
Neglected strongylid nematodes: Metabarcoding reveals hidden transmission patterns between great apes and humans (2021)
Probable overwintering of adult Hyalomma rufipes in Central Europe (2021)
Plant-based and immunostimulant-enhanced diets modulate oxidative stress, immune and haematological indices in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2021)
Co nás učí nádory. Paralely v chování buněk a lidí (2021)
Role of Cell Death in Cellular Processes During Odontogenesis (2021)
Zastoupení mikrobiálních společenstev v půdě v závislosti na formě a dávce dusíku (2021)
Mikrobiologická analýza prachu a nečistot ve vzduchotechnice panelových domů (2021)
Characterisation of Colistin -Resistant Enterobacterales and Acinetobacter Strains Carrying mcr Genes from Asian Aquaculture Products (2021)
Selected viral, protozoan and bacterial agents on minimally processed vegetables and sprouts at point of sale (2021)
Extraordinary diversity of telomeres, telomerase RNAs and their template regions in Saccharomycetaceae (2021)
Streptomyces tardus sp. nov.: A Slow-Growing Actinobacterium Producing Candicidin, Isolated From Sediments of the Trondheim Fjord (2021)
Streptomyces poriferorum sp. nov., a novel marine sponge-derived Actinobacteria species expressing anti-MRSA activity (2021)
An RNA aptamer restores defective bone growth in FGFR3-related skeletal dysplasia in mice (2021)
Hymenobacter caeli sp. nov., an airborne bacterium isolated from King George Island, Antarctica (2021)
Atomic force microscopy and surface plasmon resonance for real-time single-cell monitoring of bacteriophage-mediated lysis of bacteria (2021)
Plant Byproducts as Part of Edible Coatings: A Case Study with Parsley, Grape and Blueberry Pomace (2021)
Classification of a Violacein-Producing Psychrophilic Group of Isolates Associated with Freshwater in Antarctica and Description of Rugamonas violacea sp. nov. (2021)
Structure-Function Relationships and Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2019)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum: morphofunctional adaptations of diplozoid monogeneans for confronting their host (2021)
Electrochemical LAMP-based assay for screening of HPV16/HPV18 infection in cervical samples (2020)
NFAT signaling in human mesenchymal stromal cells affects extracellular matrix remodeling and antifungal immune responses (2021)
Risk Factors Associated with Development of Extramedullary Disease in Multiple Myeloma (2018)
Tumor Specific cfDNA Predicts Treatment Response of Multiple Myeloma Patients (2018)
T-Cell Activation: Post-Infection Diagnostic Tool for COVID-19 (2021)
Predation has small, short-term, and in certain conditions random effects on the evolution of aging (2021)
Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewater and Its Impact on a Receiving River: A Case Study of WWTP Brno-Modřice, Czech Republic (2021)
Characterisation of Escherichia coli isolated from Antarctic animals (2021)
Variation in Ribosomal DNA in the Genus Trifolium (Fabaceae) (2021)
Localization of METTL16 at the Nuclear Periphery and the Nucleolus Is Cell Cycle-Specific and METTL16 Interacts with Several Nucleolar Proteins (2021)
Genetika. Od hrášku po genom (2021)
Determination of initial expansion energy with shadowgraphy in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (2021)
Collagen/Chitosan dermal substitute enriched by hyperstable FGF2, 4 years of development (2021)
Raman Microspectroscopic Analysis of Selenium Bioaccumulation by Green Alga Chlorella vulgaris (2021)
FireProt(DB): database of manually curated protein stability data (2021)
Description of Transport Tunnel in Haloalkane Dehalogenase Variant LinB D147C+L177C from Sphingobium japonicum (2021)
Substrate Anchoring and Flexibility Reduction in CYP153A(M.aq) Leads to Highly Improved Efficiency toward Octanoic Acid (2021)
Substrate inhibition by the blockage of product release and its control by tunnel engineering (2021)
The tetrameric structure of the novel haloalkane dehalogenase DpaA from Paraglaciecola agarilytica NO2 (2021)
Computational design of enzymes for biotechnological applications (2021)
SoluProt: prediction of soluble protein expression in Escherichia coli (2021)
Exploring mechanism of enzyme catalysis by on-chip transient kinetics coupled with global data analysis and molecular modeling (2021)
Structure-activity relationships of dually-acting acetylcholinesterase inhibitors derived from tacrine on N-methyl-D-Aspartate receptors (2021)
Deregulation of signaling pathways controlling cell survival and proliferation in cancer cells alters induction of cytochrome P450 family 1 enzymes (2021)
Complex analysis of skeletons from a mass grave in Brno (2021)
Rapid high-resolution melting genotyping scheme for Escherichia coli based on MLST derived single nucleotide polymorphisms (2021)
New Target for Precision Medicine Treatment of Giant-Cell Tumor of Bone: Sunitinib Is Effective in the Treatment of Neoplastic Stromal Cells with Activated PDGFRβ Signaling (2021)
Effect of Apixaban Pretreatment on Alteplase-Induced Thrombolysis: An In Vitro Study (2021)
MOL-PCR and xMAP Technology A Multiplex System for Fast Detection of Food- and Waterborne Viruses (2021)
Necessity of flow cytometry assessment of circulating plasma cells and its connection with clinical characteristics of primary and secondary plasma cell leukaemia (2021)
Klíšťová encefalitida a očkování (2021)
Zoonotické mikroorganismy v Brně a Uherském Brodě (2021)
Borrelie a chování (ne)infikovaných klíšťat (2021)
A peek into the lives of our ancestors through ancient dental calculus (2021)
Engineering the interior and exterior of Pseudomonas putida for biotechnological processing of lignocellulosic (LC) substrates (2021)
Engineering Pseudomonas putida whole-cell biocatalysts for biotechnological processing of lignocellulosic substrates (2021)
Upgrading Pseudomonas putida by synthetic biology for biotechnological processing of lignocellulosic substrates. (2021)
Accumulation of Securin on Spindle During Female Meiosis I (2021)
Pseudomonas putida consortium for utilisation of oligosaccharides from plant biomass (2021)
Decrease in salivary lysozyme may not be paralleled by a decrease in salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA) after prolonged intense sports load in adolescent male gymnasts. A pilot study (2021)
PLL-like lectin family from entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus laumondii (2021)
Wild Small Mammals and Ticks in Zoos—Reservoir of Agents with Zoonotic Potential? (2021)
Transgelin Contributes to a Poor Response of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to Sunitinib Treatment (2021)
Bioluminescence determination of caspase-3/7 in single osteosarcoma cells. (2021)
Archaeal community dynamics in biogas fermentation at various temperatures assessed by mcrA amplicon sequencing using different primer pairs (2021)
Diversity and species composition of diatom communities of Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands (2021)
Homeostatic model of human thermoregulation with bi-stability (2021)
Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa Contributes to the Severity of Fish Diseases: A Study on Spring Viraemia of Carp (2021)
Application of the Actiphage® Assay to Detect Viable Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Cells in Fresh Sheep and Goat Milk and Previously Frozen Milk and In-Line Milk Filters (2021)
Loss of Sprouty Produces a Ciliopathic Skeletal Phenotype in Mice Through Upregulation of Hedgehog Signaling (2021)
Screening of world approved drugs against highly dynamical spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 using CaverDock and machine learning (2021)
Patients With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Show Higher Gut Bacterial Diversity and Levels of Low-Abundance Genes Than the Healthy Housemates (2021)
Dysfunkce na podkladě mutace R562S asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1 (2021)
Clinical, genetic and functional analysis of R562S-Kv7.1 mutation associated with long QT syndrome type 1 (2021)
Fágová rezistence druhu Staphylococcus aureus (2021)
Distribution of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in the Environment: Cryopreservation Techniques and Their Potential Storage Application (2021)
NAD-capping: a universal RNA modification in Mycobacteria, Archaea and Escherichia coli (2021)
The clinical significance of circulating microparticles concerning thrombosis in BCR/ABL1-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (2021)
Electrochemical bioassay coupled to LAMP reaction for determination of high-risk HPV infection in crude lysates (2021)
Antibodies Related to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Coxiella burnetii, and Francisella tularensis Detected in Serum and Heart Rinses of Wild Small Mammals in the Czech Republic (2021)
On the origin of polyploid Trifolium medium (2021)
Genes associated with biological nitrogen fixation identified using RNAsequencing in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) (2021)
Flavobacterium flabelliforme sp. nov. and Flavobacterium geliluteum sp. nov., Two Multidrug-Resistant Psychrotrophic Species Isolated From Antarctica (2021)
Special Issue: The Application of Microorganisms in Wastewater Treatment (2021)
GENETIKA aneb Od hrášku po genom (2021)
GENETICS or From Pea to Genome (2021)
The steroid-inducible pOp6/LhGR gene expression system is fast, sensitive and does not cause plant growth defects in rice (Oryza sativa) (2021)
Case Report: Contiguous Xq22.3 Deletion Associated with ATS-ID Syndrome: From Genotype to Further Delineation of the Phenotype (2021)
Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial hypervariable region of ancient samples for DNA authentication and screening before high-throughput sequencing (2021)
Soldiers fallen in the Battle of Austerlitz (2021)
MicroRNAs in the development of resistance to antiseizure drugs and their potential as biomarkers in pharmacoresistant epilepsy (2021)
Generation of six human iPSC lines from patients with a familial Alzheimer's disease (n=3) and sex- and age-matched healthy controls (n=3) (2021)
Engineering the protein dynamics of an ancestral luciferase (2021)
Caspases and osteogenic markers—in vitro screening of inhibition impact (2016)
Bromodomain 4 inhibition leads to MYCN downregulation in Wilms tumor (2022)
Challenges of Molecular Analysis of Ancient Dental Calculus (2021)
Introduction to Palaeoproteomics (2021)
Chromosome and Genome Diversity in the Genus Trifolium (Fabaceae) (2021)
Web-based tools for computational enzyme design (2021)
Stabilization of Haloalkane Dehalogenase Structure by Interfacial Interaction with Ionic Liquids (2021)
Small RNA Sequencing Identifies PIWI-Interacting RNAs Deregulated in Glioblastoma-piR-9491 and piR-12488 Reduce Tumor Cell Colonies In Vitro (2021)
DIA-MS Identifies and Validates Transgelin as Protein Contributing to a Poor Response of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to Sunitinib Treatment (2021)
A Preliminary Characterization of a Novel Recombinant Clostridial Collagenase Blend (2021)
Microbiome Associated with Slovak Traditional Ewe's Milk Lump Cheese (2021)
Biomethanation of Carbon Monoxide by Hyperthermophilic Artificial Archaeal Co-Cultures (2021)
Role of miR-653 and miR-29c in downregulation of CYP1A2 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (2022)
Indukovaná bunková smrť bakterií a jej využitie v biotechnológiách (2021)
Pseurotin D Induces Apoptosis through Targeting Redox Sensitive Pathways in Human Lymphoid Leukemia Cells (2021)
Hyaluronidases and hyaluronate lyases: From humans to bacteriophages (2021)
RNF43 inhibits WNT5A-driven signaling and suppresses melanoma invasion and resistance to the targeted therapy (2021)
Novel de novo pathogenic variant in the GNAI1 gene as a cause of severe disorders of intellectual development (2022)
ATPase Activity of the Subcellular Fractions of Colorectal Cancer Samples under the Action of Nicotinic Acid Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (2021)
A Novel Approach to the Viability Determination of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Using Platinum Compounds in Combination With Quantitative PCR (2021)
Kapitoly z lékařské etiky (2021)
Escherichia coli Strains Producing Selected Bacteriocins Inhibit Porcine Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) under both In Vitro and In Vivo Conditions (2021)
Streptococcus suis Isolates—Serotypes and Susceptibility to Antimicrobials in Terms of Their Use on Selected Repopulated Czech Pig Farms (2021)
Biotechnologický potenciál metanogenních archea v podzemním zásobníku plynu (2020)
Underground gas storage as a promising natural methane bioreactor and reservoir? (2022)
Penis as a primary site of an extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma A case report (2021)
Effect of intestinal microbiome, antibiotics, and probiotics in the prevention and management of ulcerative colitis (2022)
Full-Range Optical Imaging of Planar Collagen Fiber Orientation Using Polarized Light Microscopy (2021)
Noncanonical roles of p53 in cancer stemness and their implications in sarcomas (2022)
New records of lichenized fungi for Antarctica (2021)
Power and Weakness of Repetition – Evaluating the Phylogenetic Signal From Repeatomes in the Family Rosaceae With Two Case Studies From Genera Prone to Polyploidy and Hybridization (Rosa and Fragaria) (2021)
3D Printed Skin-Wash Sampler for Sweat Sampling in Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis Using Capillary Electrophoretic Ion Ratio Analysis (2021)
Tumour Microenvironment Stress Promotes the Development of Drug Resistance (2021)
Pyocin-mediated antagonistic interactions in Pseudomonas spp. isolated in James Ross Island, Antarctica (2022)
Kurkumin - co už víme a co je nadějné (2021)
GAB1 Regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: novel therapeutic target (2021)
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of genomic instability of HEK293 cell line derivatives. (2021)
Přímá mutační analýza genu TP53 bez nutnosti izolace DNA u vzorků periferní krve a kostní dřeně hematoonkologických pacientů. (2021)
Molekulárně-genetická diagnostika hereditární hemoragické teleangiektázie. (2021)
Dlouhodobé antimikrobiální působení enzybiotika LYSSTAPH-S na methicilin rezistentní kmeny Staphylococcus aureus způsobujících chronické ranné infekce (2021)
In vivo antigen-negative escape to CART-19 caused by CD19 promotor hypermethylation. (2021)
Efektivita časné léčby COVID-19 kombinující remdesivir a rekonvalescentní plazmu s vysokým titrem u hematologických pacientů. (2021)
Využití funkční analýzy jako doplňkového nástroje při analýze genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2021)
Elucidation and rational de-bottlenecking of semi-synthetic metabolism of D-xylose in Pseudomonas putida (2021)
Engineering Pseudomonas putida for co-utilization of cellobiose with glucose (2021)
Klinický dopad a evoluce minoritních TP53-mutovaných klonů v kontextu různých terapeutických režimů u CLL. (2021)
GAB1 reguluje tonickou AKT signalizaci a migraci buněk chronické lymfatické leukémie: implikace pro kombinační léčbu s BCR inhibitory. (2021)
Neobvyklý cytogenetický nález u probanda s retardací psychomotorického vývoje a stigmatizací – kazuistika. (2021)
Hypermethylation of CD19 promoter enables antigen-negative escape to CART-19 in vivo and in vitro (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 axis regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
Global profiling of microRNA expression in brain metastases (2021)
Vývoj dermální náhrady, kvalitativní testování na zvířecích modelech (2021)
Zvýšená expresia dlhej nekóndujúcej RNA BTN2A3P prispieva k malígnemu fenotypu glioblastomu (2021)
Virus detection methods for different kinds of food and water samples – The importance of molecular techniques (2022)
Hyaluronan: A key player or just a bystander in skin photoaging? (2022)
Globální profilování exprese mikroRNA v mozkových metastázách (2021)
Multimodal Imaging of 3D Cell Aggregates (2021)
Does an Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis among Asymptomatic Patients Improve Prognosis? (2022)
Tumor suppressor role of catechol O-methyl transferase in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer through inhibition of cell invasion via MET signaling (2021)
SWATH-MS identifikácia stathminu ako potenciálneho markeru nádorov endometria u pacientok liečených tamoxifenom analýzou FFPE tkanív (2021)
Zobrazovací imunohistochemická metoda pro značení řezů sferoidů s využitím zlatých nanočástic pomocí laserové ablace a hmotnostní spektrometrie s indukčně vázaným plazmatem (2021)
The first case of Planococcus glaciei found in blood, a report from the Czech Republic (2022)
Staphylococcus ratti sp. nov. isolated from a lab rat (2022)
A large-scale assay library for targeted protein quantification in renal cell carcinoma tissues (2021)
Knihovna cílených hmotnostně-spektrometrických assays pro proteotypovou klasifikaci trojitě negativních nádorů prsu získaná pomocí timsTOF Pro (2021)
Electrochemical LAMP-based assay for detection of RNA biomarkers in prostate cancer (2022)
Eneolitický kostrový pohřební ritus na Moravě ve světle radiokarbonového datování (2021)
Species-specific responses of spectral reflectance and the photosynthetic characteristics in two selected Antarctic mosses to thallus desiccation (2022)
Novel G-quadruplex prone sequences emerge in the complete assembly of the human X chromosome (2021)
Characterization of the AGR2 Interactome Uncovers New Players of Protein Disulfide Isomerase Network in Cancer Cells (2022)
Anterior gradient protein 2 (AGR2) confers chemoresistance through the regulation of ABCG2 transporter in vitro (2021)
Molecular mechanisms underlying the role of the centriolar CEP164-TTBK2 complex in ciliopathies (2022)
Expanding horizons of achondroplasia treatment: current options and future developments (2022)
N-of-1 Trials in Pediatric Oncology: From a Population-Based Approach to Personalized Medicine-A Review (2021)
The foggy world(s) of p63 isoform regulation in normal cells and cancer (2021)
Sagittal suture morphological variation in human archaeological populations (2021)
Transcription factor c-Myb: novel prognostic factor in osteosarcoma (2022)
New Trends in the Detection of Gynecological Precancerous Lesions and Early-Stage Cancers (2021)
Improved osteosarcoma survival with addition of mifamurtide to conventional chemotherapy-Observational prospective single institution analysis (2021)
Ložiskové léze kostí - diagnostické využití imunohistochemie a molekulární patologie (2021)
Do angiosperm tree species adjust intervessel lateral contact in response to soil drought? (2021)
A selective p53 activator and anticancer agent to improve colorectal cancer therapy (2021)
Iron-Chelation Treatment by Novel Thiosemicarbazone Targets Major Signaling Pathways in Neuroblastoma (2022)
Exploring the Emission Pathways in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots for Bioimaging (2021)
Structure elucidation of multicolor emissive graphene quantum dots towards cell guidance (2022)
The Cuban Mummy Project: un proyecto interdisciplinar e internacional para la investigación de las momias existentes en Cuba (2021)
Effectivity of whole-exome sequencing in copy number variant detection in children with neurodevelopmental disorders (2021)
Whole-exome sequencing as an effective tool for the detection of DNA sequence and structural variants in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders (2021)
Hierarchically Structured Polystyrene-Based Surfaces Amplifying Fluorescence Signals: Cytocompatibility with Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (2021)
Cryptochrome-dependent magnetoreception in a heteropteran insect continues even after 24 h in darkness (2021)
MEIS-WNT5A axis regulates development of fourth ventricle choroid plexus (2021)
RPSFT - metoda analýzy přežití pro studie umožňující pacientům přechod na účinnější léčbu (treatment switch) (2021)
Can We Pharmacologically Target Dishevelled: The Key Signal Transducer in the Wnt Pathways? (2021)
Integrovaná diagnostika difúzních gliomů – update (2021)
Polymorphous low-grade neuroepithelial tumor of the young (2021)
Taxonomické změny v rodu Staphylococcus (2020)
Borrelia miyamotoi – another emerging tick-borne pathogen (2021)
Construction of a simple synthetic bacterial consortium with division of labour (2021)
Comparison of Metal Nanoparticles (Au, Ag, Eu, Cd) Used for Immunoanalysis Using LA-ICP-MS Detection (2021)
Refrakterní/Relabující ependymomy - využití multiomického přístupu k sestavení personalizované léčby, 5leté zkušenosti kliniky (2021)
Tail proteins of Podoviridaephage SU10 reorganize into the nozzle for genome delivery (2021)
Conformational changes of short tail fibers enable genome delivery of Podoviridae phage SU10 (2021)
Virion structure and mechanism of genome delivery of bacteriophage SU10 from the family Podoviridae (2021)
Conformational changes of short tail fibers enable genome delivery of Podoviridae phage SU10 (RICCEM-2021) (2021)
Virion Structure and Mechanism of Genome Delivery of Bacteriophage SU10 (2021)
Konstrukce jednoduchého syntetického bakteriálního konsorcia s dělbou práce (2021)
Multiplexní nástroj pro rychlou detekci patogenních virů spojených s kontaminovanou vodou a prostředím (2021)
Studium střevního mikrobiomu po podání klozapinu u laboratorních potkanů – pilotní projekt (2022)
cGMP-compliant production of human induced pluripotent stem cells (2021)
MUNI Innovation Award (2021)
Melasové výpalky – perspektivní substrát pro produkci biometanu (2022)
The effect of polyclonal activators on rabbit B cell antibody production (2020)
Proteotypová analýza renálního karcinomu ve vztahu k prognóze a terapeutické odpovědi (2021)
Bádají, ale i varují veřejnost (2021)
Precizní medicína u dětí s relabovaným a refrakterním neuroblastomem vysokého rizika (2021)
Klíšťata na lokalitách v aglomeraci města Brna (2021)
Klíšťata (2021)
Původci zoonotických onemocnění v ZOO Brno (2021)
Na lovu klíšťat: reportérka Rovnosti v patách bioložce. Podívejte se, co našly (2021)
klíšťata na jaře (2021)
Promořené Brno, 8 různých patogenů v klíšťatech prokázáno! (2021)
Sledování původců zoonotického potenciálu u divokých drobných savců a klíšťat v zoologické zahradě Brno (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 Axis Regulates Homing Capacity and Tonic AKT Activity in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Novel Therapeutic Target. (2021)
GAB1 – novel regulator of migration capacity and tonic AKT activity in CLL: Implications for combinatorial therapy with BCR inhibitors. (2021)
Patient-derived Xenograft Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Based on Mimicking Its Microenvironment. (2021)
Data mining of publicly available scRNA-seq datasets: application of machine learning to interrogate normal cellular counterparts of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Direct co-culture model for the analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia to bone marrow stromal cells. (2021)
B cell developmental trajectory modeling – Using complex immunophenotype to identify pre-malignant CLL B cell subsets in peripheral blood of healthy donors. (2021)
Incorporation of Low Concentrations of Gold Nanoparticles: Complex Effects on Radiation Response and Fate of Cancer Cells (2022)
ICAM-1 induced rearrangements of capsid and genome prime rhinovirus 14 for activation and uncoating (2021)
The Degradation of Hyaluronan in the Skin (2022)
Retinoic Acid Grafted to Hyaluronic Acid Activates Retinoid Gene Expression and Removes Cholesterol from Cellular Membranes (2022)
Computational Enzyme Stabilization Can Affect Folding Energy Landscapes and Lead to Catalytically Enhanced Domain-Swapped Dimers (2021)
Determining the Origin of „the Peruvian Miner“ Mummy, in Havana, Cuba (2021)
Conductive Polymer PEDOT:PSS-Based Platform for Embryonic Stem-Cell Differentiation (2022)
The Historical Development of Cultivation Techniques for Methanogens and Other Strict Anaerobes and Their Application in Modern Microbiology (2022)
Knowledge-driven engineering of bacteria and their biochemical pathways for bioprocessing of waste compounds (2022)
Aseptic meningitis during acute hepatitis E - single center experience (2021)
Analýzy cytokino-chemokinových regulačních sítí u pacientů s hipokampální sklerózou. (2021)
Functional plasma-polymerized hydrogel coatings for electrochemical biosensing (2022)
1H NMR Profiling of Honey Bee Bodies Revealed Metabolic Differences between Summer and Winter Bees (2022)
Název: The role of microRNA and protein-coding genes in the biology of neural stem cells. (2021)
Self-renewal in induced pluripotent stem cells (2021)
Endogenously-Produced Hyaluronan and Its Potential to Regulate the Development of Peritoneal Adhesions (2022)
Interdisciplinární výzkum ostatků Gregora Johanna Mendela a jeho bratří z řádu sv. Augustina, pohřbených ve společném hrobě, na Ústředním hřbitově v Brně (2021)
The genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Arabidopsis centromeres (2021)
Paraphocaeicola brunensis gen. nov., sp. nov., Carrying Two Variants of nimB Resistance Gene from Bacteroides fragilis, and Caecibacteroides pullorum gen. nov., sp. nov., Two Novel Genera Isolated from Chicken Caeca (2022)
Colorectal Tumour Mucosa Microbiome Is Enriched in Oral Pathogens and Defines Three Subtypes That Correlate with Markers of Tumour Progression (2021)
Bioconjugates of photon-upconversion nanoparticles for cancer biomarker detection and imaging (2022)
Naše zkušenosti s laboratorní diagnostikou rotavirů (2019)
The best of both worlds: Combining lineage-specific and universal bait sets in target-enrichment hybridization reactions (2021)
The microorganisms as the possible solution of degradation high-lipid food waste (2022)
Naše zkušenosti s diagnostikou rotavirů (2019)
Diagnostika rotavirů pomocí imunochromatografie, metody EIA a RT-PCR (2019)
Laboratorní monitorování pacientů s hemofilií léčených koncentráty s prodlouženým biologickým poločasem (2021)
Výskyt a laboratorní diagnostika rotavirů (2017)
Insights into the Resistome and Phylogenomics of a ST195 Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Clinical Isolate from the Czech Republic (2021)
Complex Alterations of Fatty Acid Metabolism and Phospholipidome Uncovered in Isolated Colon Cancer Epithelial Cells (2021)
lncRNA PVT1 in the Pathogenesis and Clinical Management of Renal Cell Carcinoma (2021)
Linked by Ancestral Bonds: Multiple Whole-Genome Duplications and Reticulate Evolution in a Brassicaceae Tribe (2021)
Monoclonal antibodies targeting two immunodominant epitopes on the Spike protein neutralize emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (2022)
Diphyllin Shows a Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Activity against Multiple Medically Important Enveloped RNA and DNA Viruses (2022)
Genome evolution of the psammophyte Pugionium for desert adaptation and further speciation (2021)
A hypomorphic allele of telomerase uncovers the minimal functional length of telomeres in Arabidopsis (2021)
The role of Satb2 gene mutation in the progression of late odontogenesis (2021)
Ticks from wildlife animals in South Africa: molecular detection of Rickettsia sp (2021)
Molecular detection of Rickettsia sp. in ticks from wildlife animals living in six provinces of South Africa (2021)
Novelty and Convergence in Adaptation to Whole Genome Duplication (2021)
On the Origin of Tetraploid Vernal Grasses (Anthoxanthum) in Europe (2021)
Parallelism in gene expression between foothill and alpine ecotypes in Arabidopsis arenosa (2021)
Repeat proliferation and partial endoreplication jointly shape the patterns of genome size evolution in orchids (2021)
Scale-Up of Dark Fermentative Biohydrogen Production by Artificial Microbial Co-Cultures (2022)
The influence of soil environment on the degradation of archaeological leather (2022)
Allele Sorting as a Novel Approach to Resolving the Origin of Allotetraploids Using Hyb-Seq Data: A Case Study of the Balkan Mountain Endemic Cardamine barbaraeoides (2021)
Genome structure and evolution in the cruciferous tribe Thlaspideae (Brassicaceae) (2021)
Gradual evolution of allopolyploidy in Arabidopsis suecica (2021)
Integrative Study of Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity in the Eurasian Orchid Genus Neotinea (2021)
Nuclear organization in crucifer genomes: nucleolus-associated telomere clustering is not a universal interphase configuration in Brassicaceae (2021)
Roles of individual human Dishevelled paralogs in the Wnt signalling pathways (2021)
Alternative splicing of PLAUR gene in macrophage differentiation stages of hereditary angioedema patients (2021)
FireProt(ASR): A Web Server for Fully Automated Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction (2021)
Structural Analysis of the Ancestral Haloalkane Dehalogenase AncLinB-DmbA (2021)
Myeloperoxidase Deficiency Alters the Process of the Regulated Cell Death of Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils (2022)
A Helquat-like Compound as a Potent Inhibitor of Flaviviral and Coronaviral Polymerases (2022)
X-ray microtomography imaging of craniofacial hard tissues in selected reptile species with different types of dentition (2022)
Experimental conjugated vaccine against Streptococcus suis (2021)
Editorial: Cellular Mechanisms During Normal and Abnormal Craniofacial Development (2022)
Prognostický význam proteinu c-Myb u osteosarkomu (2021)
Protein c-Myb: A new prognostic factor in osteosarcoma (2021)
Ancient Biosyntheses in an Oil Crop: Glucosinolate Profiles in Limnanthes alba and Its Relatives (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales) (2022)
Chloroplast phylogenomics in Camelina (Brassicaceae) reveals multiple origins of polyploid species and the maternal lineage of C. sativa (2022)
Caspase-8 Deficient Osteoblastic Cells Display Alterations in Non-Apoptotic Pathways (2022)
General inhibition of caspases impacts expression of osteogenic markers in IDG-SW3 osteocytes (2021)
Genetics. From Pea to Genome (2021)
New telomere to telomere assembly of human chromosome 8 reveals a previous underestimation of G-quadruplex forming sequences and inverted repeats (2022)
Conservation and over-representation of G-quadruplex sequences in regulatory regions of mitochondrial DNA across distinct taxonomic sub-groups (2022)
G-quadruplexes in helminth parasites (2022)
Reduced ER–mitochondria connectivity promotes neuroblastoma multidrug resistance (2022)
A viability assay combining palladium compound treatment with quantitative PCR to detect viable Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis cells (2022)
Vliv IFITM1 na „surfaceom“ buněk cervikálního karcinomu (2021)
Regulace kontrolních bodů imunitní reakce u nádorových buněk pomocí Hsp90 inhibitorů (2021)
Transcription factor c-Myb as a functional driver of osteosarcoma progression (2021)
Novel prognostic factors in osteosarcoma (2021)
Local Wnt signalling in the asymmetric migrating vertebrate cells (2022)
Lyn Phosphorylates and Controls ROR1 Surface Dynamics During Chemotaxis of CLL Cells (2022)
Cytomegalovirus and other herpesviruses after hematopoietic cell and solid organ transplantation: From antiviral drugs to virus-specific T cells (2022)
Characterisation of Waterborne Psychrophilic Massilia Isolates with Violacein Production and Description of Massilia antarctica sp. nov. (2022)
Characterization of Clinical-Grade Stem Cells: Microscopic, Cellular, Molecular, and Functional Characterization of Stem Cells and Their Products According to Regulatory Requirements for FDA Approval (2022)
Unique stem cell subpopulation which ensures mesenchymal regeneration of continuously growing teeth contributes to various tissue organogenesis (2021)
Primary Cilia and Kidney Cysts Development in Nek8-deficient Mice (2021)
X-ray Micro computed tomography imaging based collection of reptile skull models for morphological analysis of tooth attachment (2021)
hiPSC derived cardiomyocytes: struggles and hopes (2021)
Are LGR5-positive cells labeling stem cell niche in molars? (2021)
DUSPing mouse embryonic stem cells – role of dual specificity phosphatases in differentiation (2021)
Wnt1 to rule them all: A story about the shared origin of all types of choroid plexi (2021)
Organoids as a novel powerful in vitro tool for ovarian cancer research (2021)
Sweeping DUSP out of the time window (2021)
B cell developmental trajectory modeling based on complex immunophenotype using CyTOF (2021)
Elucidating the Role of Planar Cell Polarity in Amoeboid Cell Migration via Automatic Image Analysis and Tracking (2021)
Loss of Sprouty produces a ciliopathic skeletal phenotype in mice through elongation of primary cilia and upregulation of Hedgehog signaling (2021)
Cyclin-dependent kinase 13-deficiency leads to craniofacial and neurogenesis defects during mouse embryonic development (2021)
Role of LGR5-positive cells during development of craniofacial structures (2021)
The Role of Ciliophaty Protein Tmem107 in the Vertebrate Eye Development (2021)
PORCN inhibition stimulates hypertrophic cartilage through IHH activation (2021)
Role of Shh and Wnt signalling pathways during early incisor and vestibular development (2021)
Cytoskeletal changes and reparative processes in brain exposed to metal nanoparticles (2021)
The Role of Ciliophaty Protein Tmem107 in the Vertebrate Eye Development (2021)
Early molecular determination of the dental and vestibular lamina (2021)
Role of CDK13 in limb morphogenesis (2021)
Fate of mesenchymal LGR5-positive cells during craniofacial development (2021)
Effect of porcupine inhibition on chondrogenesis (2021)
Ztráta Sprouty2/4 u myší vede k ciliopatickému fenotypu (2021)
Buněčné populace na rozhraní zubní a kostní tkáně a jejich role při dynamickém formování akrodontní ankylózy (2021)
Role proteinu Wnt1 ve formování choroidního plexu (2021)
Úloha duálne špecifických fosfatáz v diferenciácii myších embryonálnych kmeňových buniek (2021)
DUSP6, DUSP7, DUSP9 a jejich úloha v rané kardiomyogenezi (2021)
Genomes, repeatomes and interphase chromosome organization in the meadowfoam family (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales) (2022)
PMVEMA-coated upconverting nanoparticles for upconversion-linked immunoassay of cardiac troponin (2022)
The effects of foliar application of phenoxy and imidazoline family herbicides on the limitation of primary photosynthetic processes in Galega orientalis L. (2022)
Designované a syntetizované geny kódující nově zkonstruované proteinové katalyzátory (luciferázy) s ověřenými vlastnostmi (2021)
Thermostable FGF2 polypeptide, use thereof (2021)
Changes in haematological parameters during a summer expedition in Antarctica (2019)
Každý by měl v rámci svých možností pomáhat (2022)
Monitoring aktivity a pozitivity klíšťat Ixodes ricinus v lokalitě brněnské aglomerace lesoparku Brno- Pisárky; vymezení kritické doby výskytu a infekčnosti klíšťat (2022)
Ověřená screeningová metoda: Diagnostika únavy pro mladé sportovce (2021)
Porphyrins and metalloporphyrins as potent inhibitors of the entry process of tick-borne encephalitis virus (2021)
Porphyrins as potent inhibitors of the entry process of tick-borne encephalitis virus (2022)
Guanine quadruplexes in the RNA genome of the tick-borne encephalitis virus: their role as a new antiviral target and in virus biology (2022)
Hydrogelové filmy pro fágovou terapii chronických ran (2022)
No Correlation between Biofilm-Forming Capacity and Antibiotic Resistance in Environmental Staphylococcus spp.: In Vitro Results (2022)
Zdraví a imunita včel (2022)
Global Transcriptomic Analysis of Bacteriophage-Host Interactions between a Kayvirus Therapeutic Phage and Staphylococcus aureus (2022)
Inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles leads to degenerative changes in mouse brains (2021)
Imunita bezobratlých (2022)
Polyhydroxyalkanoates synthesis by halophiles and thermophiles: towards sustainable production of microbial bioplastics (2022)
LuminoCell: a versatile and affordable platform for real-time monitoring of luciferase-based reporters (2022)
4-PBA Treatment Improves Bone Phenotypes in the Aga2 Mouse Model of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (2022)
Guanine quadruplexes in the RNA genome of the tick-borne encephalitis virus: a new antiviral target (2022)
Establishment of human embryonic stem cells for stem-cell therapies (2022)
Serum and cerebrospinal fluid phosphorylated neurofilament heavy subunit as a marker of neuroaxonal damage in tick-borne encephalitis. (2022)
Pedobacter fastidiosus sp. nov., isolated from glacial habitats of maritime Antarctica (2022)
Metagenomic research of the ancient human dental calculus as a potential source for the study of rare infectious diseases (2022)
Czech and Slovak life scripts: the rare case of two countries that used to be one (2020)
Constructing a synthetic pseudomonas putida consortium for utilisation of waste plant biomass oligosaccharides (2022)
Microbial Communities in Underground Gas Reservoirs Offer Promising Biotechnological Potential (2022)
Bioactive molecules produced by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora affects the phenoloxidase system of Galleria mellonella (2022)
Revisiting boundaries of ancient DNA study (2022)
Regulation of choroid plexus development and its functions (2022)
Zoonotic Microorganisms in Ticks in Brno and Uherský Brod (2022)
PDBe-KB: collaboratively defining the biological context of structural data (2022)
Za poslední dva týdny v Brně dvojnásobně vzrostl počet klíšťat. Je to nejvíc za posledních pět let (2022)
Evidence of novel epigenetic marks within Silene latifolia genome (2022)
Up and down the spectrum: upconversion nanocrystal and semiconductor material fused into a single nanocomposite (2022)
Computer-aided engineering of staphylokinase toward enhanced affinity and selectivity for plasmin (2022)
Deep Insights into the Specific Evolution of Fungal Hybrid B Heme Peroxidases (2022)
Expandable Lung Epithelium Differentiated from Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2022)
TACSTD2 upregulation is an early reaction to lung infection (2022)
Aktivita klíšťat roste (2022)
Hard tissues on a chip – development of a platform for generating 3D bone and cartilage cultures. (2022)
Telomere length in human pluripotent stem cells (2022)
Interaction of Proteins with Inverted Repeats and Cruciform Structures in Nucleic Acids (2022)
A GP1BA Variant in a Czech Family with Monoallelic Bernard-Soulier Syndrome (2022)
Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene of sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from human intestine (2014)
Gene Polymorphisms and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (2012)
Minimal Residual Disease–Guided Intermittent Dosing in Patients With Cancer: Successful Treatment of Chemoresistant Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Using Intermittent Lorlatinib Dosing (2022)
Tools for computational design and high-throughput screening of therapeutic enzymes (2022)
Extended Mechanism of the Plasminogen Activator Staphylokinase Revealed by Global Kinetic Analysis: 1000-fold Higher Catalytic Activity than That of Clinically Used Alteplase (2022)
Mechanism-Based Design of Efficient PET Hydrolases (2022)
Colloidal lithography as a novel approach for the development of Ni-nanocavity insulin sensor (2022)
An Innovative Perspective on Metabolomics Data Analysis in Biomedical Research Using Concept Drift Detection (2021)
Gum Karaya-based hydrogel films as carriers for phage therapy of chronic wounds (2022)
Bioactive molecules produced by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora after in vitro stimulation by insect tissue (2022)
Studying the role of PLLs, the family of lectins produced by Photorhabdus sp., the bacterial symbiont of entomopathogenic nematodes (2022)
Metal Oxide Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Fatty Acids and Their Double Bond Positional Isomers (2022)
Genome diploidization associates with cladogenesis, trait disparity, and plastid gene evolution (2022)
Engineering of Pseudomonas putida for fast co-utilization of glucose and cellobiose yields aerobic overproduction of pyruvate (2022)
Monitoring the quality of fortified cold-pressed rapeseed oil in different storage conditions (2022)
Single institutional morphological study of HNSCC focused on perinerual invasion (2021)
Perineural invasion of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck - ten years of experience (2020)
Cytogenetic studies on the sex chromosomes in Silene latifolia – historical insights and recent advances (2022)
The development of dentin microstructure is controlled by the type of adjacent epithelium (2021)
Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells using odontoblasts-specific transcription factors (2021)
Vývoj mikrostruktury dentinu je kontrolován typem přiléhajícího epitelu (2021)
Engineering protein dynamics for the understanding of divergent evolution of the Renilla luciferase (2021)
Comparison between synthetic and natural G4-ligands and the effects of their binding to DNA (2021)
Computational enzyme design for metabolic engineering (2021)
Mendel Lectures 2002–2022 (2022)
Mendel Lectures 2002–2022 (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Serotonin limits generation of chromaffin cells during adrenal organ development (2022)
Fast approximative methods for study of ligand transport and rational design of improved enzymes for biotechnologies (2022)
Klinický benefit celoexomového sekvenování pro detekci vzácných genetických variant u dětských pacientů s neurovývojovými poruchami a vzácnými onemocněními (2022)
Dynamics of Whole Virus and Non-Structural Protein 1 (NS1) IgG Response in Mice Immunized with Two Commercial Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccines. (2022)
Sero-epidemiology of tick-borne encephalitis in small ruminants in the Czech Republic (2022)
LoopGrafter: a web tool for transplanting dynamical loops for protein engineering (2022)
A Nonconventional Archaeal Fluorinase Identified by In SilicoMining for Enhanced Fluorine Biocatalysis br (2022)
CalFitter 2.0: Leveraging the power of singular value decomposition to analyse protein thermostability (2022)
Mechanism-Based Strategy for Optimizing HaloTag Protein Labeling (2022)
Mechanism-guided tunnel engineering to increase the efficiency of a flavin-dependent halogenase (2022)
Application of Canine-Derived Enterococcus faecium DSM 32820 in Dogs with Acute Idiopathic Diarrhoea (2022)
Anxiety in Duckweed–Metabolism and Effect of Diazepam on Lemna minor (2022)
External validation study of endometrial cancer preoperative risk stratification model (ENDORISK) (2022)
National Genome Initiatives in Europe and the United Kingdom in the Era of Whole-Genome Sequencing: A Comprehensive Review (2022)
Macrophage-mediated tissue response evoked by subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles is associated with the alteration of phospholipases C and cholesterol transporters (2022)
Early immune response of two common carp breeds to koi herpesvirus infection (2022)
Subclonal architectureof chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel´s skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of the founder of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel - a case study (2022)
Reconstructing of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel using state-of-the-art molecular and bioinformatics tools (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Analysis of Czech genomes for theranostics (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
Leptospira interrogans Sensu Lato in Wild Small Mammals in Three Moravian Localities of the Czech Republic (2022)
Nebývalá aktivita klíšťat v Česku. Pomáhá jim teplé počasí (2022)
Rekordní aktivita klíšťat (2022)
The clinical benefit of trio-based whole-exome sequencing for the detection of rare pathogenic sequence variants in paediatric patients with undiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders (2022)
“Low-level parental somatic mosaicism detected by exome sequencing in cohort of patients with neurodevelopmental disorders (2022)
Hydrogel drassings for phage therapy of chronic wounds (2022)
Halophytic flora and vegetation in southern Moravia and northern Lower Austria: past and present (2022)
Electrochemical DNA biosensor coupled to LAMP reaction for early diagnostics of cervical precancerous lesions (2022)
Responses of primary photosynthetic processes to repetitive rehydration differ in two representatives of Svalbard moss flora (2022)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
Lišejníky v oblasti Antarktického poloostrova a jejich odolnost vůči chladu a mrazu. (2021)
The interaction of the mitochondrial protein importer TOMM34 with HSP70 is regulated by TOMM34 phosphorylation and binding to 14-3-3 adaptors (2020)
Anticancer pentamethinium salt is a potent photosensitizer inducing mitochondrial disintegration and apoptosis upon red light illumination (2020)
Úloha proteínu HSF1 v nádorovej transformácii (2018)
Engineering CYP153A(M.aq) to Oxyfunctionalize its Inhibitor Dodecylamine Using a LC/MS Based Rapid Flow Analysis Screening (2022)
Upconversion immunoassay with magnetic separation for the detection of cancer biomarkers (2022)
Enhancing the sensitivity of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the detection of nanoparticle-labeled cancerous tissues (2022)
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for indirect detection of breast cancer cells through characteristic nanoparticle labeling (2022)
Poly(HPMAA-co-CBMAA-co-SBMAA) brush coatings with antifouling properties improve the direct detection of bacterial pathogens in complex food samples (2022)
Upconversion-linked immunoassays (ULISA) for food and environmental monitoring and single-molecule (digital) diagnostic assays (2022)
Advanced Immunochemical Biosensors and Assays: From Label-Free to Single-Molecule Detection (2022)
Biosenzory a imunostanovení pro detekci klinicky významných analytů (2022)
Omics-based approach to study honey bee (Apis mellifera) response to parasitic mite Varroa sp. and associated pathogens (2022)
Compatible interaction of Brachypodium distachyon and endophytic fungus Microdochium bolleyi (2022)
Anterior gradient proteins in gastrointestinal cancers: from cell biology to pathophysiology (2022)
Identification of AGR2 Gene-Specific Expression Patterns Associated with Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (2022)
Selected ginsenosides interfere efficiently with hepatitis B virus mRNA expression levels and suppress viral surface antigen secretion. (2022)
Does Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato influence tick behavior? (2022)
Ticks and wild small mammals in Zoological garden Brno, Czech Republic – reservoir of agents with zoonotic potential? (2022)
Ticks in Brno (Czech Republic): 7 different pathogens proven! (2022)
Detekce chlamydiaceae a chlamydia-like organismů ve všech mobilních stádiích I. ricinus (2022)
Leptospira interrogans sensu lato u volně žijících drobných savců z České republiky (2022)
Enterocin M in Interaction in Broiler Rabbits with Autochthonous, Biofilm-Forming Enterococcus hirae Kr8 Strain (2022)
Extracelulární vezikuly u lidí žijících s HIV (2022)
Molecular Research of Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity of Comamonas testosteroni Bacterial Cells under the Hexachlorobenzene Impact (2022)
Modelling of a rare mutation in the GALNT3 gene found in patient with teeth and bone defects using genetically engineered mice (2022)
Is There a Relationship between Biofilm Forming-Capacity and Antibiotic Resistance in Staphylococcus spp.? In Vitro Results (2022)
Detection of Leptospira species in bat cadavers, Czech and Slovak Republics (2022)
sMolBoxes: Dataflow Model for Molecular Dynamics Exploration (2023)
Bakterie rodu Anaplasma a Rickettsia (2022)
Terénní testy potenciálního přírodního repelentu proti klíšťatům (předběžné výsledky) (2022)
Analýza inaktivace chromozomu X u dětí s neurovývojovými onemocněními s X-vázanými chromozomovými abnormalitami (2022)
Exómové sekvenovanie ako účinný nástroj pre detekciu intragénových variantov v počte kópií u detských pacientov s neurovývojovými ochoreniami (2022)
Next-generation sequencing in children with epilepsy: The importance of precise genotype–phenotype correlation (2022)
MicroRNA as an Early Biomarker of Neonatal Sepsis (2022)
Mega-sized pericentromeric blocks of simple telomeric repeats and their variants reveal patterns of chromosome evolution in ancient Cycadales genomes (2022)
Modelling of seasonal immune dynamics of honey bees in response to injury and injection of heat-killed Serratia marcescens (2022)
Strips with oxalic acid and glycerine: is it a reliable way of varroa treatment? (2022)
Winter honey bee (Apis mellifera) populations show greater potential to induce immune responces than summer populations after immune stimuli (2022)
Oxidative stress associated with varroa parasitism: evaluation of lipid peroxidation in infested bees (2022)
Emergence of the invasive Asian bush mosquito Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) japonicus (Theobald, 1901) in the Czech Republic (2022)
Syntetická biologie a biotechnologie pro 21. století (2022)
Microbial degradation of virgin polyethylene by bacteria isolated from a landfill site (2022)
Engineering bacteria, their enzymes, and metabolic pathways for biotechnological processing of waste compounds (2022)
Capillary electrophoretic methods for classification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clones (2022)
DUOFAG® and its journey to conquest diabetic foot infections (2022)
Novel endolysin of S. sciuri phage S10 and its antimicrobial effect on S. aureus (2022)
Phage collection against human and veterinary pathogens (2022)
MB Pharma's Microbial Collection as a Source of New Enzybiotics (2022)
Isolation and characterization of new bacteriophages against clinical isolates Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumanii from University hospital Ostrava (2022)
Bacteria? You shall not PASs! (2022)
Nové metody detekce a hodnocení synergie fága s antibiotikem (2022)
Charakterizace nového stafylokokového podoviru a jeho interakce s hostitelem (2022)
Racionální indikace vyšetření krevního obrazu aneb jak nepřehlédnout leukémii v každodenní praxi (2022)
Racionální indikace vyšetření krevního obrazu aneb jak nepřehlédnout leukémii v každodenní praxi (2022)
Identification of gene-specific signatures associated with AGR2 expression and TGF-β exposure in lung cancer cellular model. (2022)
Identification of expression patterns associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung cancer cellular model. (2022)
The Manufacture of Xeno- and Feeder-Free Clinical-Grade Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines: First Step for Cell Therapy (2022)
Změny koncentrace lysozymu během sportovní činnosti mladých sportovců (2022)
Optimalizace izolace reziduální DNA z decelularizovaných tkání (2022)
Porovnání množství izolované aDNA u vzorků pocházejících ze tří historických období (2022)
Possibilities of obtaining the maximum yield of residual DNA from decellularized tissue (2022)
Ancient pig remains in archeological excavations (2022)
Kančí pach pohledem molekulární genetiky (2022)
Antimicrobial effect of hydrogel matrix based on Gum karaya resin supplemented by the phage preparation on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (2022)
Healthy life: what can we learn from Gregor Johann Mendel and Her Majesty the Queen? (2022)
Possible Processes and Mechanisms of Hexachlorobenzene Decomposition by the Selected Comamonas testosteroni Bacterial Strains (2022)
Volumetric Analysis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Transarterial Chemoembolization and its Impact on Overall Survival. (2022)
Tail proteins of phage SU10 reorganize into the nozzle for genome delivery (2022)
Molekulárně biologická analýza zubního kamene a mumifikované tkáně Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
More Than 2% of Circulating Tumor Plasma Cells Defines Plasma Cell Leukemia-Like Multiple Myeloma (2023)
Koncentrace lysozymu ve slinách sportovců (2022)
Photoautotrophic removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas using purple and green sulfur bacteria (2022)
2022-RA-1304-ESGO Molecular testing of endometrial carcinoma brings growing opportunity to identify patients with inherited risk of cancer (2022)
Pilotní analýza exprese PD-L1 u pacientek s ovariálním karcinomem léčených chemoterapií na bázi platiny (2022)
XXVI/31. První zkušenosti s implementací molekulární klasifikace u karcinomu endometria do reálné klinické praxe (2022)
XXXIV/252. Mass spectrometry analysis of extracellular vesicles from malignant ascites highlights the role of tumor microenvironment in progression of ovarian cancer (2022)
Concentration and diffusion of the redox probe as key parameters for label-free impedimetric immunosensing (2023)
Sharing the Fascination with Genetics in Mendel Museum (2022)
Electrochemical biosensors for analysis of DNA point mutations in cancer research (2023)
Phage-mediated bacterial lysis studied by AFM and SPR (2022)
Detection of cancer biomarkers using immunoassays with upconversion nanoparticles and magnetic preconcentration (2022)
Detekce proteinových biomarkerů pomocí lateral flow testů s foton-upkonverzními nanočásticemi (2022)
Immunomagnetic Assay Using Upconversion Nanoparticles for the Detection of Prostate-Specific Antigen (2022)
Reálné výstupy molekulárně genetického vyšetření u jednotlivých kardiogenetických diagnóz (2022)
Inherited arrhythmias: from gene variants to ionic channel dysfunctions (2022)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation as an inherited channelopathy? (2022)
Změny v elektrické aktivitě varianty Y4734C-RYR2 asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor. (2022)
Action potential characteristics in derived cardiomyocytes of a patient carrying RYR2 variant (2022)
Genetické varianty asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor: role dysfunkce RYR2 kanálu (2022)
Varianta Y4734C-RYR2 asociovaná s idiopatickou fibrilací komor a její dopad na elektrickou aktivitu pacient-specifických kardiomyocytů (2022)
Efekt aminofylinu na elektrickou aktivitu kardiomyocytů derivovaných z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (2022)
Gastro-resistant self-emulsifying pellets as a stable delivery system for volatile monoterpene plant drug (2022)
Translational research in the field of inherited arrhythmias (2022)
Léčba obrovskobuněčného kostního nádoru distálního radia a ulny (2022)
Outcomes of Intercalary Endoprostheses as a Treatment for Metastases in the Femoral and Humeral Diaphysis (2022)
Aerobic overproduction of pyruvate and derived biochemicals in Pseudomonas putida engineered for accelerated co-utilization of cellulosic sugars (2022)
Anaerobic Fermentation of Silage from the Above-Ground Biomass of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) and Maize (Zea mayse L.) As a New and Promising Input Raw Material for Biogas Production (2022)
Geometric Control of Cell Behavior by Biomolecule Nanodistribution (2022)
Short amplicon reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction detects aberrant splicing in genes with low expression in blood missed by ribonucleic acid sequencing analysis for clinical diagnosis (2022)
Epigenetic Regulations of Perineural Invasion in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2022)
Alteration of primary cilia morphology and associated signalling in ameloblastoma (2022)
"Molecular" resection margins in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity - report of the first results of the multidisciplinary view (2022)
Nedávajte si k hodinkám magnet: vplyv magnetického poľa na cirkadiánny rytmus (2022)
Photoautotrophic removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas using purple and green sulfur bacteria (2023)
A case report of aneurysmal bone cyst of the proximal ulna treated with allograft resection after neoadjuvant targeted therapy (2022)
Orthohantaviruses in Reservoir and Atypical Hosts in the Czech Republic: Spillover Infection and Indication of Virus-Specific Tissue Tropism (2022)
Interrogating the molecular heterogeneity of chronic lymphocytic leukemia through computational approaches. (2022)
Versatile coculture systém to study chronic lymhocytic leukemia proliferation. (2022)
Gene expression analysis on single cell level uncovers the subclonal architecture of chromosomes in a leukemia patient with multiple chromosomal aberrations. (2022)
In-frame deletions and insertions in the TP53 gene identified in leukemia patients result in p53 protein inactivation. (2022)
Pathogenic germline variants of TP53 gene are rare in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
백혈병, 림프종 및 고형 종양의 치료에 사용하기 위한 4-(1H-이미다졸-5-일)-1H-피롤로[2,3-b]피리딘 (2022)
Stokrát Antarktida (2022)
Novel antimicrobial genetic elements in methicillin-resistant Macrococcus armenti (2023)
Bacterial Physiology and Biochemistry (2022)
Animal models of tick-borne encephalitis for preclinical antiviral research (2022)
Engineering of Pseudomonas putida for accelerated co-utilization of glucose and cellobiose yields aerobic overproduction of pyruvate explained by an upgraded metabolic model (2023)
Plazmocelulární malignity (mnohočetný myelom, solitární plazmocytom a plazmocelulární leukemie), přehled klinických příznaků, diagnostických kritérií a léčby (2022)
Metodika identifikace chybějících genetických zdrojů ve sbírkách mikroorganismů a strategie zaplnění zjištěných mezer (2021)
Influence of Label and Solid Support on the Performance of Heterogeneous Immunoassays (2022)
Three new records of lichenised fungi for Antarctica (2022)
SEVA 4.0: an update of the Standard European Vector Architecture database for advanced analysis and programming of bacterial phenotypes (2023)
An Assessment of the Bactericidal and Virucidal Properties of ZrN-Cu Nanostructured Coatings Deposited by an Industrial PVD System (2022)
Thiosemicarbazones and selected tyrosine kinase inhibitors synergize in pediatric solid tumors: NDRG1 upregulation and impaired prosurvival signaling in neuroblastoma cells (2022)
Resistance of Streptococcus suis Isolates from the Czech Republic during 2018-2022 (2022)
Magnetron-Sputtered Niobium Nanoparticles for Molecular Imaging of Brain Tissues through Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (2022)
Morphological-anatomical study of pea roots under naproxen stress (2022)
Multilocus Sequence Genotype Heterogeneity in Streptococcus uberis Isolated from Bovine Mastitis in the Czech Republic (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
The identification of the missing maternal genome of the allohexaploid camelina (Camelina sativa) (2022)
Caver Web 1.2 (2022)
MAPityser 2.1 - Analyzátor dat pro mikrofluidní platformu MAPit (2022)
Omics-based analysis of honey bee (Apis mellifera) response to Varroa sp. parasitisation and associated factors reveals changes impairing winter bee generation (2023)
Malignant hyperthermia in Czechia and Slovakia (2022)
MicroPEX Data Analyser 1.0* (2022)
PredictSNP Onco 1.0 (2022)
GAB1 as novel therapeutic target in B lymphoid and myeloid malignancies (2022)
Disulfiram increases the efficacy of 5-fluorouracil in organotypic cultures of colorectal carcinoma (2022)
Synergistic cytotoxicity of perifosine and ABT-737 to colon cancer cells (2023)
Infrared Laser Desorption of Intact Nanoparticles for Digital Tissue Imaging (2022)
Seven-bladed beta-propeller lectins from entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus laumondii (2022)
Knowledge-driven de-bottlenecking of engineered xylose and glucose metabolism in Pseudomonas putida (2022)
Building the SynBio community in the Czech Republic from the bottom up: You get what you give (2022)
Idahoa and Subularia: Hidden polyploid origins of two enigmatic genera of crucifers (2022)
SoluProtMutDB: A manually curated database of protein solubility changes upon mutations (2022)
Fully automated virtual screening pipeline of FDA-approved drugs using Caver Web (2022)
Thiosemicarbazones Can Act Synergistically with Anthracyclines to Downregulate CHEK1 Expression and Induce DNA Damage in Cell Lines Derived from Pediatric Solid Tumors (2022)
Chest X-Ray Abnormality Detection by Using Artificial Intelligence: A Single-Site Retrospective Study of Deep Learning Model Performance (2023)
Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Stimulate the Immune Response and Decrease Antioxidant Defense in Mice After Six-Week Inhalation (2022)
Plazmatem upravenou vodou ošetřené rostliny s vyhodnoceným vlivem aplikace na zdravotní nezávadnost a kvalitu konzumních částí (2022)
Výzkumná zpráva projektu MUNI/31/06202105/2021 (2022)
Binding of DEP domain to phospholipid membranes: More than just electrostatics (2022)
Structural Insights into (Tere)phthalate-Ester Hydrolysis by a Carboxylesterase and Its Role in Promoting PET Depolymerization (2022)
Virtual screening of potential anticancer drugs based on microbial products (2022)
Increased occurrence of Treponema spp. and double-species infections in patients with Alzheimer's disease (2022)
First detection of Bartonella spp. in bat bugs Cimex pipistrelli (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), Central Europe (2022)
Structure and evolution of the meso-octoploid genome of Heliophila variabilis (Brassicaceae) (2022)
Substituted aminothiazoles as inhibitors of nucleases (2022)
Testing of phytogenic compounds for the activity of methanogenic microorganisms and determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (2022)
Inhibition of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Expression Disrupts Cell Proliferation and Alters Energy Metabolism and Fatty Acid Synthesis in Colon Cancer Cells (2022)
Mikrobiální analýza hlubinných ložiskových vod (2022)
Trifluoromethylcinnamanilide Michael Acceptors for Treatment of Resistant Bacterial Infections (2022)
The Newly Sequenced Genome of Pisum sativum Is Replete with Potential G-Quadruplex-Forming Sequences-Implications for Evolution and Biological Regulation (2022)
Enzyme-Catalyzed Polymerization Process: A Novel Approach to the Preparation of Polyaniline Colloidal Dispersions with an Immunomodulatory Effect (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
Six genetically linked mutations in the CD36 gene significantly delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease (2022)
Investigating the Origin and Evolution of Polyploid Trifolium medium L. Karyotype by Comparative Cytogenomic Methods (2023)
Corynebacterium antarcticum sp. nov., Corynebacterium marambiense sp. nov., Corynebacterium meridianum sp. nov., and Corynebacterium pygosceleis sp. nov., isolated from Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) (2023)
Antimikrobiálny účinok hydrogélu na báze Gum Karaye v kombinácii s fágovým preparátom na meticilín rezistentné kmene Staphylococcus aureus (2022)
Memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is associated with specific methylation profile of WNT5A promoter and undetectable expression of WNT5A gene (2022)
Testing of antimicrobial effect of hydrogel matrix based on Gum Karaya resin supplemented by the phage preparation on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains on animal model. (2022)
Expansin-mediated developmental and adaptive responses: A matter of cell wall biomechanics? (2022)
Perloočky a veslonôžky v neprodukčných biotopech na južnej Morave: porovnanie poľných rozlivov a novovybudovaných mokradí. (2022)
Insights into Species Delimitation of Selected Species in the Flowering Plant Genus Medicago section Buceras (Leguminosae) (2022)
Genetic structure and evolution of diploid Cochlearia in Iceland (2022)
Genes Associated with Biological Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency Identified Using RNA Sequencing in Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) (2022)
Multispectral aerial monitoring of a patchy vegetation oasis composed of different vegetation classes. UAV-based study exploiting spectral reflectance indices (2022)
Interspecific differences in desiccation tolerance of selected Antarctic lichens: Analysis of photosystem II effectivity and quenching mechanisms (2022)
First record of the invasive mosquito species Aedes koreicus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Czech Republic (2022)
Hidden Potential of Highly Efficient and Widely Accessible Thrombolytic Staphylokinase (2022)
Different patterns of immune system activation in hereditary angioedema based on disease severity (2022)
Antarctic Lichens under Long-Term Passive Warming: Species-Specific Photochemical Responses to Desiccation and Heat Shock Treatments (2022)
Pharmacological intervention of the FGF-PTH axis as a potential therapeutic for craniofacial ciliopathies (2022)
Kolaterálna cirkulácia zlepšuje rekanalizáciu pôsobením alteplázy: in vitro štúdia (2022)
Vaccine against Streptococcus suis Infection in Pig Based on Alternative Carrier Protein Conjugate (2022)
Greenhouse Photoluminescent PMMA Panels Improve the Agronomical and Physiological Performances of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) (2022)
Patogenní mikroorganismy v klíšťatech způsobující onemocnění (2022)
Nárust počtu klíšťat a ochrana před nimi (2022)
Klíšťata a patogenní mikroorganismy v klíšťatech způsobující onemocnění, ochrana (2022)
Genetika aneb Podivuhodná cesta do jádra buňky (2022)
Intact ribosomal DNA arrays of Potentilla origin detected in Erythronium nucleus suggest recent eudicot-to-monocot horizontal transfer (2022)
Evolution of an Apomixis-Specific Allele Class in Supernumerary Chromatin of Apomictic Boechera (2022)
Sex differences and risk factors for bleeding in Alagille syndrome (2022)
Chasing the epigenetic landscape to enhance CAR-T cell activity by preventing CD19 antigen escape in relapsed models. (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
Chasing the epigenetic landscape to enhance CAR-T cell activity by preventing CD19 antigen escape in relapsed models. (2022)
The future for the application of fibroblast growth factor 2 in modern wound healing (2023)
Deciphering the Role of p53 and TAp73 in Neuroblastoma: From Pathogenesis to Treatment (2022)
Soil analysis in the context of paleogenetics (2022)
Genetika odkrývá tajemství minulosti/Genetics reveal the secrets of the past (2022)
Proteomic analysis of the bone marrow microenvironment in extramedullary multiple myeloma patients (2022)
Nový Ancient DNA Research Team na Ústavu archeologie a muzeologie Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (2021)
DNA Demethylation Switches Oncogenic ΔNp63 to Tumor Suppressive TAp63 in Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2022)
Convergent Assembly of the Tricyclic Labdane Core Enables Synthesis of Diverse Forskolin-like Molecules (2023)
Risk factors for tumors or leukemia development in the first two years of life (2023)
Role of casein kinase 1 in the amoeboid migration of B-cell leukemic and lymphoma cells: A quantitative live imaging in the confined environment (2022)
Advanced database mining of efficient haloalkane dehalogenases by sequence and structure bioinformatics and microfluidics (2022)
Monoklonální gamapatie nejistého významu a monoklonální gamapatie klinického významu (2022)
Brno zamořila klíšťata! V Pisárkách jen za hodinu nasbírali 79 parazitů (2022)
Velkému výskytu klíšťat hraje v posledních dnech do karet především teplé a vlhké počasí (2022)
Nebývalá aktivita klíšťat v Česku. Pomáhá jim teplé počasí. (2022)
Klíšťata v Brně: studie ukázala, že největší riziko je v květnu (2022)
Assessment of digestates prepared from maize, legumes, and their mixed culture as soil amendments: Effects on plant biomass and soil properties (2022)
Přípravky s prodlouženým působením a další možnosti léčby hemofilie (2022)
Constructing a mutualistic Pseudomonas putida consortium for utilisation of plant waste derived oligosaccharides (2022)
Constructing a synthetic cross-feeding Pseudomonas putida consortium for the utilisation of (hemi)cellulose-derived oligosaccharides (2022)
Genetic deconstruction of the porin complement in Pseudomonas putida (2022)
Genová léčba SMA (2022)
Overall survival and event free survival in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma after targeted therapy (2022)
Identification of novel interferon responsive protein partners of human leukocyte antigen A (HLA-A) using cross-linking mass spectrometry (CLMS) approach (2022)
Den biologie podzim 2022 (2022)
Droplet-Based Microfluidic Temperature-Jump Platform for the Rapid Assessment of Biomolecular Kinetics (2022)
First record of mosquito-borne Sindbis virus (genotype I) in the Czech Republic (2022)
Role of LGR5-positive mesenchymal cells in craniofacial development (2022)
IFITM protein regulation and functions: Far beyond the fight against viruses (2022)
Subclonal architecture of chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL. (2023)
Optimalizace syntetických vazebných proteinových lešení na povrchu buněk bakterie Pseudomonas putida (2022)
Příprava rekombinantního lytického systému pro biotechnologie bakterie Pseudomonas putida (2022)
Knowledge-driven engineering of a novel recombinant autolytic system for Pseudomonas putida (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
A Primer on Luminescence Sensing (2023)
Stokrát Antarktida (2022)
Fitness of mCherry Reporter Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Tick Experimental Models. (2022)
Polyelectrolyte coating of cryo-EM grids improves lateral distribution and prevents aggregation of macromolecules (2022)
Long-Range Magnetic Order in Nickel Hydroxide-Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel's skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Designing of Insecticides Against Bemisia tabaci targeting ecdysone receptor (2023)
Image analysis workflows to reveal the spatial organization of cell nuclei and chromosomes (2022)
The relationship between transposable elements and ecological niches in the Greater Cape Floristic Region: A study on the genus Pteronia (Asteraceae) (2022)
Repeat Dynamics across Timescales: A Perspective from Sibling Allotetraploid Marsh Orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.) (2022)
Parallel local adaptation to an alpine environment in Arabidopsis arenosa (2022)
Nabídka České sbírky mikroorganismů (2022)
Analýza mikrobiálního společenstva z fermentoru mikroBPS (2022)
Water potential governs the effector specificity of the transcriptional regulator XylR of Pseudomonas putida (2023)
Artificial Neural Networks Coupled with MALDI-TOF MS Serum Fingerprinting To Classify and Diagnose Pathological Pain Subtypes in Preclinical Models (2023)
G.J. Mendel Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky (2022)
G.J. Mendel pohledem antropologie a genetiky (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Die Lebensgeschichte eines bescheidenen Genies. Genetik oder Die Wundersame Reise in den Zellkern bescheidenen Genies (2022)
Transfer of two Arabidella and two Cuphonotus species to the genus Lemphoria (Brassicaceae) and a description of the new species L. queenslandica (2022)
The evolutionary history of Cardamine bulbifera shows a successful rapid postglacial Eurasian range expansion in the absence of sexual reproduction (2022)
Heliophila verna (Brassicaceae), a new species from the Northern Cape of South Africa (2022)
A protocol for generation and live-cell imaging analysis of primary cilia reporter cell lines (2022)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophages isolated from hospital wastewater and their effect on healthcare-associated strains (2022)
Genetik? Von der Erbse zum Genom (2022)
Functional characterization and immunogenicity of a novel vaccine candidate against tick-borne encephalitis virus based on Leishmania-derived virus-like particles (2023)
Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) as a biomarker in paediatric and adult tick-borne encephalitis patients. (2023)
New directions in the experimental therapy of tick-borne encephalitis. (2023)
Staphylococcus aureus Prophage-Encoded Protein Causes Abortive Infection and Provides Population Immunity against Kayviruses (2023)
Waldenströmova makroglobulinemie, klinické příznaky, přehled léčebných možností a vlastní zkušenosti s léčbou ibrutinibem (2022)
Genetic research of lactase persistence in historical Moravian populations – a pilot study (2022)
ヌクレアーゼの阻害剤としての置換アミノチアゾール (2022)
The New GPI-Anchored Protein, SwgA, Is Involved in Nitrogen Metabolism in the Pathogenic Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus (2023)
Pseurotin D inhibits delayed type IV hypersensitivity response (2022)
Effect of the vaccination against Shiga toxin 2e in a farm with history of oedema disease, caused by atypical Escherichia coli producing Shiga toxin (STEC) (2022)
Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells using odontoblast-specific transcription factors (2022)
Výzkum lokality Nahal Refaim v Izraeli (2022)
Cena dr. Aleše Hrdličky o nejlepší diplomovou práci s antropologickou tématikou (2022)
Catechol-O-methyl transferase suppresses cell invasion and interplays with MET signaling in estrogen dependent breast cancer (2023)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Limits the Inflammatory Responses in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma A549 Cells via Interference with NF-kappa B Signaling (2022)
Pathogenesis of Alzheimer´s disease: Involvement of the choroid plexus (2023)
Toll-Like Receptor 3 Overexpression Induces Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells, whereas Its Activation Triggers Apoptosis (2022)
Discovery of Potent and Exquisitely Selective Inhibitors of Kinase CK1 with Tunable Isoform Selectivity (2023)
Očkování v pediatrické populaci a kritické postoje rodičů k němu (2022)
Dual specificity phosphatase 7 drives the formation of cardiac mesoderm in mouse embryonic stem cells (2022)
Multiple Substrate Binding Mode-Guided Engineering of a Thermophilic PET Hydrolase (2022)
Molecular etiopathogenesis of cystic lesions in oral cavity (2022)
Single-cell protein profiling defines cell populations associated with triple-negative breast cancer aggressiveness (2023)
Role of calcium and primary cilia in the kidney cysts development in Nek8-deficient mice (2022)
Ionization by Au+: a new tool for mass spectrometry of volatile organic compounds (2022)
Lateral flow immunoassay based on photon-upconversion nanoparticles for the detection of protein biomarkers (2022)
c-Myb driven transcriptional program modulates osteosarcoma progression (2022)
PYCARD acts as tumor suppressor in osteosarcoma (2022)
Disulfiram v kombinaci s 5-fluorouracilem jako možná terapie kolorektálního karcinomu (2022)
Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry imaging of immunochemically labeled spheroid sections (2023)
Detekce jednotlivých značek v imunochemickém stanovení (2022)
Nanoparticle tag counting for tissue imaging using infrared laser ablation (2022)
Efficacy of combined therapy of disulfiram and 5-fluorouracil in organotypic cultures (2022)
Cytotoxicita kombinované terapie disulfiramu s 5-fluorouracilem v organotypických kulturách kolorektálního karcinomu (2022)
A new approach to determining the particle transport efficiency of ablation cells (2023)
Pea root responses under naproxen stress: changes in the formation of structural barriers in the primary root in context with changes of auxin and abscisic acid levels (2023)
Alternative antibacterial therapy using bacteriophages: Phage host interactions and phage therapy safety (2022)
Development of direct detection methods for monitoring of therapeutic staphylococcal bacteriophages in clinical samples (2022)
Rather die than be taken by the phage: Staphylococcus aureus prophage immunity protein protects population against kayviruses (2022)
Interaction of therapeutic kayvirus phage with Staphylococcus aureus on transcriptomic level (2022)
Human neutralizing antibodies to cold linear epitopes and subdomain 1 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (2023)
Transcriptomic landscape of Staphylococcus aureus during phage K infection (2022)
Transkriptomický profil interakce terapeutického bakteriofága z rodu Kayvirus s bakterií Staphylococcus aureus (2022)
Irradiation potentiates p53 phosphorylation and p53 binding to the promoter and coding region of the TP53 gene (2023)
Digital and Analog Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein via an Upconversion-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (2023)
Antibiotic Susceptibility, Resistance Gene Determinants and Corresponding Genomic Regions in Lactobacillus amylovorus Isolates Derived from Wild Boars and Domestic Pigs (2023)
Vitality and growth rate of agar plate-cultivated Antarctic microautotrophs: Analysis of PSII functioning by chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (2022)
What does critical temperature tell us about the resistence of polar lichens to freezing stress? Applicability of linear cooling method to ecophysiological studies (2022)
Two sisters with cardiac-urogenital syndrome secondary to pathogenic splicing variant in the MYRF gene with unaffected parents: A case of gonadal mosaicism? (2023)
Magdalena Grambová - návrat tváře? (2021)
Characterisation of Streptococcus suis Isolates in the Czech Republic Collected from Diseased Pigs in the Years 2018-2022 (2023)
Intraperitoneally administered native and lauroyl-modified hyaluronan films: Pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies (2023)
Genetická identifikace kosterních pozůstatků Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
Zubní kámen jako důležitý bioarcheologický materiál (2022)
Electrochemical Analysis of Insulin on Graphite Electrodes (2022)
High-Throughput, Parallel Flow Cytometry Screening of Hundreds of Cell Surface Antigens Using Fluorescent Barcoding (2022)
熱安定性FGF2ポリペプチド及びその使用 (2022)
INSURE: Posuzovací guidelines pro etické komise. Multimediální elektronický výukový materiál (2023)
INSURE: Průvodce vědeckou integritou. Multimediální elektronický výukový materiál (2023)
4-(1H-imidazol-5-yl)-1H-pyrrolo[2, 3-b] pyridines for use in the treatment of leukaemias, lymphomas and solid tumors (2022)
4-(1h- imidazol- 5- yl) -1h-pyrrolo [2, 3-b] pyridines for use in the treatment of leukaemias, lymphomas and solid tumors (2022)
白血病、リンパ腫および固形腫瘍の治療に使用するための4-(1H-イミダゾール-5-イル)-1H-ピロロ[2,3-b]ピリジン (2022)
4-(1h- imidazol- 5- yl) -1h-pyrrolo [2, 3-b] pyridines for use in the treatment of leukaemias, lymphomas and solid tumors (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Yield and water relations of two apple cultivars under irrigation (2023)
GPI anchored proteins in Aspergullus fumigatus and cell wall morphogenesis (2020)
Výhody a omezení 3D organoidů a ex vivo kultivace nádorových tkání v personalizované medicíně pro karcinom prostaty (2022)
Subalpine vegetation changes in the Eastern Sudetes (1973-2021): Effects of abandonment, conservation management and avalanches (2023)
Radiopaque Nanorobots as Magnetically Navigable Contrast Agents for Localized In Vivo Imaging of the Gastrointestinal Tract (2023)
First Expert Elicitation of Knowledge on Possible Drivers of Observed Increasing Human Cases of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Europe (2023)
Nástroj LoopGrafter (2022)
Engine shutdown: migrastatic strategies and prevention of metastases (2023)
Johann Gregor Mendel: the victory of statistics over human imagination (2023)
Safety assessment and redox status in rats after chronic exposure to cannabidiol and cannabigerol (2023)
Substituted aminothiazoles as inhibitors of nucleases (2023)
Effect of longevity and parasitism on immune and physiological parameters of the honey bee (2023)
Molecular weight and gut microbiota determine the bioavailability of orally administered hyaluronic acid (2023)
The Biomania Student Scientific Meeting 2022. Book of Abstracts (2022)
Accelular nanofibrous bilayer scaffold intrapenetrated with polydopamine network and implemented into a full-thickness wound of a white-pig model affects inflammation and healing process (2023)
Sulfur content in foods and beverages and its role in human and animal metabolism: A scoping review of recent studies (2023)
Staphylococcus brunensis sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens with an SCC-related genomic island outside of the rlmH gene bearing ccrDE recombinase gene complex (LB068) (2023)
Clinical and Laboratory Parameters of Carp Edema Virus Disease: A Case Report (2023)
From fish to cells: Establishment of continuous cell lines from embryos of annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci (2023)
Microbiota, Phagocytic Activity, Biochemical Parameters and Parasite Control in Horses with Application of Autochthonous, Bacteriocin-Producing, Probiotic Strain Enterococcus faecium EF 412 (2023)
Biologicky stabilní injektabilní hydrogely pro fágovou terapii infikovaných ran na bázi biopolymerů (2023)
The insect circadian rhythm controlled by the vertebrate Cryptochrome is sensitive to weak electromagnetic fields even in permanent darkness. (2023)
Quality control of clinical-grade human embryonic stem cells (2023)
Fate of Gold Nanoparticles in Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Toward the Imaging of Individual Nanoparticles (2023)
First Study of Ascaris lumbricoides from the Semiwild Population of the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii in the Context of Morphological Description and Molecular Phylogeny (2023)
Size-switchable polymer-based nanomedicines in the advanced therapy of rheumatoid arthritis (2023)
Values in challenging times: strategic crisis management in the EU (2023)
AGR2 and TGF-β associated changes in transcriptome and proteome of cancer cell lines (2023)
2D and 3D cartilage models for drug testing and high throughput screening – the impact of PORCN inhibition on cartilage development. (2022)
Can Deep Learning Reliably Recognize Abnormality Patterns on Chest X-rays? A Multi-Reader Study Examining One Month of AI Implementation in Everyday Radiology Clinical Practice (2023)
The pathways of whole-genome duplications, diploidization, and descending dysploidy in the Biscutelleae (Brassicaceae) (2023)
A unique case of Bloom syndrome with a combination of genetic hits: A lesson from trio-based exome sequencing: A case report (2023)
Thermostable FGF2 polypeptide, use thereof (2023)
Catalytic mechanism for Renilla-type luciferases (2023)
DiaPASEF proteotype analysis indicates changes in cell growth and metabolic switch induced by caspase-9 inhibition in chondrogenic cells (2023)
Inovace exomového sekvenování v molekulární diagnostice dětských neurovývojových onemocnění (2023)
Boar taint through the eyes of genetics: A comparison of the Czech indigenous pig breed and commercial breeds in four gene polymorphisms related to skatole and androstenone levels (2023)
Pseudomonas petrae sp. nov. isolated from regolith samples in Antarctica (2023)
Monitoring of alien parasites Ashworthius sidemi and Fascioloides magna in wild ruminants in the Czech republic using real-time PCR (2023)
Searching for proteins involved in the infection of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (2023)
Helminth diversity of nutria in Czech republic (2023)
Diverzita helmintov nutrie riečnej (Myocastor coypus) na území Českej republiky (2023)
In-depth Temporal Transcriptome Profiling of Monkeypox and Host Cells using Nanopore Sequencing (2023)
Bioprinting vascularized constructs using RGDT-alginate and gelMA bioinks (2023)
Drug repurposing in the context of common bacterial patho-gens: insights from an in vitro study (2022)
Atypický retinoblastóm s maskujúcím syndromom. Dve kazuistiky (2023)
Domino-like effect of C112R mutation on ApoE4 aggregation and its reduction by Alzheimer’s Disease drug candidate (2023)
Stimulative Effects of Lupinus sp. and Melilotus albus Underseed on the Photosynthetic Performance of Maize (Zea mays) in Two Intercropping Systems (2023)
Interannual variation of soil heat flux in a grass-dominated alpine tundra. Preliminary study from the Jeseníky Mts. (2022)
Microbiome Associated with Slovak Raw Goat Milk, Trace Minerals, and Vitamin E Content (2022)
CKB in osteosarcoma progression (2022)
Význam CKB v progresi osteosarkomu (2022)
Creatine kinase B as a pro-metastatic and pro-migratory factor in osteosarcoma (2023)
Creatine kinase B depletion and cyclocreatine treatment affect proliferation, migration and metastasis of osteosarcoma cells (2023)
JAK2V617F mutation and circulating extracellular vesicles in essential thrombocythemia (2023)
Dual mode of IFI16 binding to supercoiled and linear DNA: A closer insight (2023)
Magnetically Driven Self-Degrading Zinc-Containing Cystine Microrobots for Treatment of Prostate Cancer (2023)
Autophagy modulators influence the content of important signalling molecules in PS-positive extracellular vesicles (2023)
The effect of nintedanib on lung functions and survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: real-life analysis of the Czech EMPIRE registry (2023)
Single-cell RNA-sequencing enables tracking and characterization of rare CLL cells with the potential to cause refractoriness. (2023)
In situ field experiment shows the potential of methanogenic archaea for biomethane production from underground gas storage in natural rock environment (2023)
Význam molekulární pitvy v soudním lékařství (2022)
RNA sekvenovanie jednotlivých buniek umožňuje charakterizáciu a sledovanie zriedkavých CLL buniek s potenciálom navodiť refraktérne ochorenie. (2023)
Prognostic value and multifaceted roles of tetraspanin CD9 in cancer (2023)
Endogenously produced hyaluronan contributes to the regulation of peritoneal adhesion development (2023)
An in vitro model that mimics the foreign body response in the peritoneum: Study of the bioadhesive properties of HA-based materials (2023)
Hormone-regulated expansins: Expression, localization, and cell wall biomechanics in Arabidopsis root growth (2024)
Molekulární testování karcinomu endometria - analýza prvních zkušeností z klinické praxe (2023)
Dosage compensation mechanism in plants with young sex chromosomes (2023)
Plasticity of Dental Cell Types in Development, Regeneration, and Evolution (2023)
Cancer-associated fibroblasts: Mediators of head and neck tumor microenvironment remodeling (2023)
Cyanobacterial Harmful Bloom Lipopolysaccharides Induce Pro-Inflammatory Effects in Immune and Intestinal Epithelial Cells In Vitro (2023)
Proteases and their inhibitors involved in Schistosoma mansoni egg-host interaction revealed by comparative transcriptomics with Fasciola hepatica eggs (2023)
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Modulate Systemic Immune Response and Increase Levels of Reduced Glutathione in Mice after Seven-Week Inhalation (2023)
An insight into the functional genomics and species classification of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), a haematophagous parasite of the common carp Cyprinus carpio (2023)
Antiviral activity of singlet oxygen-photogenerating perylene compounds against SARS-CoV-2: Interaction with the viral envelope and photodynamic virion inactivation (2023)
A novel heteroleptic Cu(II)-phenanthroline-UDCA complex as lipoxygenase inhibitor and ER-stress inducer in cancer cell lines (2023)
Včely a elektromagnetické pole - současný pohled na starou otázku (2023)
Editorial for the Special Issue: "Tick-Borne Encephalitis" (2023)
Development of recombinant West Nile virus expressing mCherry reporter protein. (2023)
The Influence of Adjuvant Type on the Immunogenicity of RBD/N Cocktail Antigens as a Vaccine Candidate against SARS-CoV-2 Virus. (2023)
Insect vertebrate-like circadian clock is sensitive to weak magnetic fields. Even in darkness. (2023)
Edible/Biodegradable Packaging with the Addition of Spent Coffee Grounds Oil (2023)
The elucidation of the intrafamilial phenotypic heterogeneity of neurodevelopmental disorders by trio-based exome sequencing (2023)
Different strategies for the detection of copy number variations from exome sequencing data (2023)
Non-invasive monitoring of photosynthetic activity and water content in forest lichens by spectral reflectance data and RGB colors from photographs (2023)
Insight into peculiar adhesion of cells to plasma-chemically prepared multifunctional “amino-glue” surfaces (2023)
Vliv roztoče Varroa destructor na fyziologii a imunitu včely medonosné (2023)
Vliv roztoče Varroa destructor na fyziologii a imunitu včely medonosné (2023)
Detection of Single Ag Nanoparticles Using Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Responses to abiotic and biotic stresses - from the cellular level to fruit development - contributions of the Czech Centre for Experimental Plant Biology. (2023)
Inovace exomového sekvenování v molekulární diagnostice dětských neurovývojových onemocnění. (2023)
Myeloid lineage cells evince distinct steady-state level of certain gene groups in dependence on hereditary angioedema severity (2023)
Targeted treatment of severe vascular malformations harboring PIK3CA and TEK mutations with alpelisib is highly effective with limited toxicity (2023)
Advanced Microscopic and Biosensing Approaches for Monitoring Bacteriophage-Mediated Lysis of Bacteria (2023)
Antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato in Clinically Healthy and Sick Horses: First Report from the Czech Republic (2023)
Analysis of 5S rDNA Genomic Organization Through the RepeatExplorer2 Pipeline: A Simplified Protocol (2023)
Separase and Roads to Disengage Sister Chromatids during Anaphase (2023)
Cerebral Malaria Model Applying Human Brain Organoids (2023)
Zelkova habrolistá - pamětnice třetihor pod Kavkazem (2023)
Variability of Inverted Repeats in All Available Genomes of Bacteria (2023)
In-depth analysis of biocatalysts by microfluidics: An emerging source of data for machine learning (2023)
Identification, characterization, and engineering of glycosylation in thrombolytics (2023)
NADH and NADPH peroxidases as antioxidant defense mechanisms in intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria (2023)
Complete genome sequences of five Escherichia coli strains with probiotic attributes (2023)
Feasibility of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to elucidate elemental changes in human tooth ankylosis (2023)
TET protein inhibitors: Potential and limitations (2023)
Primary cilia and hypoxia-associated signaling in developmental odontogenic cysts in relation to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease-A novel insight (2023)
Comparison of methods for Phage-Antibiotic Synergy (PAS) detection (2023)
The Influence of Selected Insecticides on the Oxidative Response of Atta sexdens (Myrmicinae, Attini) Workers (2023)
Reference českých pacientů s idiopatickou plicní fibrózou do transplantačního centra - data z registru EMPIRE (2023)
Skin and soft-tissue infection caused by epidemiologically relevant strains of Staphylococcus aureus in a porcine model. Our concept of development. (2023)
Vitronectin is a xeno-free and defined surface for the derivation of human embryonic stem cells (2023)
Detecting Pulmonary Lesions in Low-Prevalence Real-World Settings using Deep Learning (2024)
Composition of the commercial phage cocktail Bacteriofag Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its effect against health-care associated Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains from the Czech Republic (2023)
Characterisation of bacteriophages with therapeutic potential against healthcare-associated and multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2023)
Perturbance of B cell subsets in MBL and CLL patients (2023)
Direct co-culture model of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: CK1 inhibition counteracts the protective effect of bone marrow stromal cells. (2023)
The role of casein kinase 1 inhibition in treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
rFVIIIFc v léčbě hemofilie A z pohledu reálné klinické praxe tří center pro léčbu hemofilie v České republice (2023)
Tumor Cell–Intrinsic c-Myb Upregulation Stimulates Antitumor Immunity in a Murine Colorectal Cancer Model (2023)
pyCaverDock: Python implementation of the popular tool for analysis of ligand transport with advanced caching and batch calculation support (2023)
Cena dr. Aleše Hrdličky o nejlepší diplomovou práci s antropologickou tématikou (2022)
Bright photon upconversion in LiYbF4:Tm3+@LiYF4 nanoparticles and their application for singlet oxygen generation and in immunoassay for SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein (2023)
Benzo[b]naphtho[d]thiophenes and naphthylbenzo[b]thiophenes: Their aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated activities and environmental presence (2023)
Staphylococcus brunensis sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens with a staphylococcal cassette chromosome-related genomic island outside of the rlmH gene bearing the ccrDE recombinase gene complex (2023)
Effects of Dietary Zinc and/or an Herbal Mixture on Intestinal Microbiota and Barrier Integrity in Lambs (2023)
In vitro profiling of toxic effects of prominent environmental lower-chlorinated PCB congeners linked with endocrine disruption and tumor promotion (2018)
Atropisomers of 2,2',3,3',6,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 136) exhibit stereoselective effects on activation of nuclear receptors in vitro (2018)
Peas of Mendel‘s Life Revealed by Dental Calculus (2023)
Extraction Protocol for Parallel Analysis of Proteins and DNA from Ancient Teeth and Dental Calculus (2023)
Palaeoproteomic and Genomic Analyses of Bronze Age Population from Unětice Culture, Moravia, Czech Republic (2023)
Stanovení transportní účinnosti SPIRLA ICP MS (2023)
Single-cell sequencing reveals specialized fibroblasts for protecting the skeleton (2023)
BEE-ST Method: 4D-Monitoring of biomineralization dynamics in bones and teeth (2023)
Linking Wnt to Notch signaling using vertebrate embryos (2023)
Zebrafish as a model for ciliopathy caused by Tmem107 loss (2023)
Unraveling molecular mechanisms in cystogenesis: insights from a PKD mouse model (2023)
Insight into St14 (matriptase) role during developmental processes (2023)
Reparative processes and elimination of lead from lung tissue exposed to lead nanoparticles (2023)
Deciphering cellular and molecular principles of Choroid Plexus (ChP) branching morphogenesis (2023)
Examining the role of lipids in the cell and tissue response after exposure to nanoparticles (2023)
PORCN inhibition enhances hypertrophic cartilage differentiation (2023)
Modelling genetically linked arrhythmias in vitro (2023)
SATB2 as a key factor regulating tooth number in the diastemal region (2023)
Molecular profiling of the vestibular lamina highlights a key role for Hedgehog signalling (2023)
Spatiotemporal monitoring of hard tissue development reveals unknown features of tooth and bone development (2023)
Tau accumulation and phosphorylation in choroid plexus cells induced by Aß peptide and inflammation (2023)
MALDI MSI lipidů a jejich izomerů pomocí nové duální matrice Basic blue 7 (2023)
Imunologie (2021)
Gum karaya as biomaterial with promising properties for topical antimicrobial control in burned patients (2023)
Specific alterations of sphingolipid metabolism identified in EpCAM-positive cells isolated from human colon tumors (2020)
Sotosův syndrom (2023)
French Fries’ Color and Frying Process in Relation to Used Plant Oils (2023)
Weird and wonderful – an origin of sex chromosomes in two races of Rumex hastatulus (2023)
Využití tenkých vrstev kovů k ionizaci a stanovení těkavých látek pomocí LDI MS (2023)
Jorvik: a membrane-containing phage that will likely found a new family within Vinavirales (2023)
Dual detection system for cancer-associated point mutations assisted by a multiplexed LNA-based amperometric bioplatform coupled with rolling circle amplification (2023)
Truncated vitronectin with E-cadherin enables the xeno-free derivation of human embryonic stem cells (2023)
Poměr plazminogen/plazmin jako ukazatel bezpečnosti trombolytické léčby (2023)
Towards the xeno-free and chemically defined conditions for 3D vascular network formation in vitro (2023)
Imunoglobulin A (IgA) ve slinách sportovců (2023)
Tau tubulin kinase 1 and 2 regulate ciliogenesis and human pluripotent stem cells-derived neural rosettes (2023)
Stable Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 and its role in research from dermal regeneration to total skin substitute (2023)
Porovnání promoření drobných savců bakterií rodu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato mezi lokalitou skládky, obcí a přírodní lokalitou (2023)
Kurkumovník jako repelent - pilotní terénní studie (2023)
The cultivation of strict anaerobes from various UGS samples (2023)
Neviditelní superhrdinové (2023)
Molecular Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. (Borreliella) and Chlamydia-Like Organism DNA in Early Developmental Stages of Arthropod Vector Species (2023)
Changes in immunological characteristics of summer crew during a short term expedition to Antarctica (2023)
Antibakteriální lyofilizovaná tableta (2023)
Expression dynamics of metalloproteinases during mandibular bone formation: association with Myb transcription factor (2023)
Střevní mikrobiota u splenektomovaných pacientů (2023)
Kurkumovník jako repelent - první terénní studie (2023)
Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., Coxiella burnetii, Erhlichia sp. a Francisella tularensis u volně žijících drobných savců: porovnání tří rozdílných lokalit (okolí skládky, obec a přírodní lokalita) (2023)
SBILib: a handle for protein modeling and engineering (2023)
Deciphering Enzyme Mechanisms with Engineered Ancestors and Substrate Analogues (2023)
Cerebral organoids derived from patients with Alzheimer´s disease with PSEN1/2 mutations have defective tissue patterning and altered development (2023)
Advancing Enzyme's Stability and Catalytic Efficiency through Synergy of Force-Field Calculations, Evolutionary Analysis, and Machine Learning (2023)
Taxonomy of rock-inhabiting fungi from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2023)
Characterization of intracellular membrane structures derived from a massive expansion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane due to synthetic ER-membrane-resident polyproteins (2024)
Summer workshop on BioAFM microscopy 2023 (2023)
Bioactive molecules released by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in response to various activation materials (2023)
Funkční analýza varianty S1021Qfs*98 v kanálu KCNH2 (genu hERG) (2023)
Kardiomyocyty diferencované z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk: Výhody a úskalí jejich využití při studiu dědičných arytmií (2023)
Změny spontánní aktivity derivovaných kardiomyocytů s variantou Y4734C-RYR2 za vybraných arytmogenních podmínek (2023)
Nástrahy hodnocení křivky elektrické aktivity u pacient-specifických kardiomyocytů diferencovaných z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (2023)
Spontaneous electrical activity of cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs of a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and RYR2 variant: impact of isoprenaline and varying concentrations of Ca2+ (2023)
Role of ciliopathy protein TMEM107 in eye development: insights from a mouse model and retinal organoid (2023)
The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome – the poorly known sister species of Capsella (2023)
Possible proarrhythmic stimuli in Y4734C-RYR2 variant associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (2023)
Genetic polymorphisms in innate immunity genes influence predisposition to tick-borne encephalitis (2023)
Caspase-9 as a regulator of cell migration: Proteomic and functional analysis (2023)
Cell Differentiation and Aging Lead To Up-Regulation of FTO, While the ALKBH5 Protein Level Was Stable During Aging but Up-Regulated During in vitro-Induced Cardiomyogenesis (2023)
Effect of Legumes Intercropped with Maize on Biomass Yield and Subsequent Biogas Production (2023)
Flexible and transparent Gum Karaya-based hydrogel film as a matrix for wound healing enriched with antibacterial bacteriophages and antiseptics to suppress and eliminate non-healing bacterial infections (2023)
The importance of AGR2 in ER stress regulation and its impact on cancer cells (2023)
Motolice velká poznává Evropu. A pomalu se zabydluje. (2023)
Diagnostika invazní motolice Fascioloides magna (2024)
A new device for online nanoscale sampling and capillary electrophoresis analysis of plant sap composition (2024)
A new device for online nanoscale sampling and capillary electrophoresis analysis of plant sap composition (2023)
Význam nového prediktivního markeru Schlafen 11 u pacientek s karcinomem ovaria léčených chemoterapií založené na platinovém derivátu – výsledky pilotní analýzy (2023)
Comprehensive genomic profiling and individual therapeutic planning in high-risk/refractory pediatric solid tumors: A single-center real-world study. (2023)
Variability of fluorescence intensity distribution measured by flow cytometry is influenced by cell size and cell cycle progression (2023)
Gut microbiota changes - dysbiotic senescence pattern in the context of viral suppression (2023)
Luminální mikrobiota u lidí žijících s HIV – deplece producentů SCFA (2023)
Multimeric structure of a subfamily III haloalkane dehalogenase-like enzyme solved by combination of cryo-EM and x-ray crystallography (2023)
ChannelsDB 2.0: A Comprehensive Database of Protein Tunnels and Pores in AlphaFold Era (2023)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) play both distinct and common roles in the regulation of colon homeostasis and intestinal carcinogenesis (2023)
Effects of benzo[k]fluoranthene, a potent AhR ligand, on proteosynthesis and glucose metabolic regulators/effectors in liver cell models (2023)
Immortalized human MIHA hepatocyte cell line as a model for analysis of activation of nuclear receptors linked with disruption of lipid metabolism (2023)
Single nanoparticle tag detection in immunoassay by LA ICP MS (2023)
Effects of N-(Alkoxyphenyl)-1-hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxamides on Intestinal Microbial Communities (2023)
Spontaneous formation of carbon dots helps to distinguish molecular fluorophores species (2023)
ER-stress induce epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in expandable lung epithelia derived from pluripotent stem cells (2023)
AI in cancer research: from histology to personalized medicine (2023)
Endoplasmic reticulum stress response of patient-derived pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells (2023)
Improved Screening of Monoclonal Gammopathy Patients by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Bioaktivní hydrogely s fágy pro hojení infekčních ran (2023)
Recognition and coacervation of G-quadruplexes by a multifunctional disordered region in RECQ4 helicase (2023)
InVADo: Interactive Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Data (2024)
Effect of Mycotoxins in Silage on Biogas Production (2023)
ChannelsDB 2.0: a comprehensive database of protein tunnels and pores in AlphaFold era (2024)
Genetická konference GSGM 2022 & XXIX. Genetické dny (2022)
Conformational changes in baseplate required for genome delivery of S. aureus phage phi812 (2023)
Asymmetric reconstructions of immature tick-borne encephalitis virus particles reveal defects caused by the assembly process (2023)
A comparative assessment of a piezoelectric biosensor based on a new antifouling nanolayer and cultivation methods: Enhancing S. aureus detection in fresh dairy products (2023)
An alien parasite in a changing world – Ashworthius sidemi has lost its traditional seasonal dynamics (2023)
Transcaucasian Vegetation Database - a phytosociological database of the Southern Caucasus (2023)
Bacteriophages: an alternative or a powerful complement to antibiotics? (2023)
The microbiological quality of bacteriophage product and its influence on antibacterial phage effect (2023)
Role of Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteriophages in pathogenesis and horizontal gene transfer (2023)
Identification of phage defence systems targeting other viruses infecting bacterial hosts (2023)
Direct detection methods for monitoring of therapeutic staphylococcal bacteriophages in clinical samples (2023)
Strongyloides in non-human primates: significance for public health control (2024)
Unlocking the potential of inedible plant biomass using microbial engineering and synthetic biology (2023)
What can we learn from tumors? Parallels in cell and human behavior (2023)
Circulating tumor cell-derived preclinical models: current status and future perspectives (2023)
Intestinal Paneth cell differentiation relies on asymmetric regulation of Wnt signaling by Daam1/2 (2023)
Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of probiotic properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated from the Gastrointestinal tract of Wild Boars (2023)
Whole-Tree Storage of Non-structural Carbohydrates in Apple and Pear Trees on Size-Controlling Rootstocks (2023)
Stem water potential, stomatal conductance and yield in irrigated apple trees (2023)
Tazemetostat in the therapy of pediatric INI1-negative malignant rhabdoid tumors (2023)
PredictONCO: a web tool supporting decision-making in precision oncology by extending the bioinformatics predictions with advanced computing and machine learning (2024)
Proximal Tibia Tumour Location and Curettage Are Major Risk Factors of Local Recurrence in Giant Cell Tumour of Bone (2023)
FireProt 2.0: web-based platform for the fully automated design of thermostable proteins (2024)
Standard Operating Procedure: Mass spectrometry biotyping of peripheral blood plasma of monoclonal gammopathy patients (2023)
Standard Operating Procedure: Bioanalytical quality control of cGMP/ATMP-grade stem cells and progenitors (2023)
Věda na antarktidě - Rozhovor - #104 (2023)
Alkyl Derivatives of Perylene Photosensitizing Antivirals: Towards Understanding the Influence of Lipophilicity (2023)
Antiviral activity of porphyrins and porphyrin-like compounds against tick-borne encephalitis virus: Blockage of the viral entry/fusion machinery by photosensitization-mediated destruction of the viral envelope (2024)
Tick-borne encephalitis virus: new insights in the virus biology and towards new therapeutic approaches (2023)
Intravitální detekce a semi-kvantifikace hematofágních hlístic Ashworthius sidemi a Haemonchus spp. založená na qPCR (2024)
Nanoparticle tag counting for tissue imaging using single-particle ICP MS (2023)
Laserová desorpce a její využití v MS (2023)
Digital Mass Spectrometry Imaging (2023)
Metal Oxide Laser Ionization MS Imaging of Fatty Acids and their Double Bond Positional Isomers (2023)
Analýza jednotlivých nanočástic hmotnostní spektrometrií indukčně vázaného plazmatu (SP ICP MS) (2023)
Single-particle infrared laser ablation ICP MS for digital imaging of 3D cell aggregates (2023)
Detection and characterization of individual Au nanoparticles using SubAP LDI MSI (2023)
What can we learn from tumors? Parallels in cell and human behavior (2023)
Microbiological insight into various underground gas storages in Vienna Basin focusing on methanogenic Archaea (2023)
Efficient synthesis of novel 2-deoxy-C-nucleosides containing oxa and thiadiazole derivatives and their biological activity (2023)
Development of the miniaturized instrumentation for caspase activity detection (2023)
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis elicits a detectable NS1 IgG antibody response (2023)
Efficacy and immunogenicity of a veterinary vaccine candidate against tick-borne encephalitis in dogs (2023)
Membrane-Targeting Perylenylethynylphenols Inactivate Medically Important Coronaviruses via the Singlet Oxygen Photogeneration Mechanism (2023)
Tick-borne encephalitis: A comprehensive review of the epidemiology, virology, and clinical picture (2023)
A combination of two resistance mechanisms is critical for tick-borne encephalitis virus escape from a broadly neutralizing human antibody (2023)
Synthesis and Antiviral Activity of 2′-Modified L-Nucleoside Analogues. (2023)
Porovnání dvou technik stanovování těkavých látek: ionizace pomocí iontů kovů a ionizace nízkoteplotním plazmatem (2022)
Substituted aminothiazoles as inhibitors of nucleases (2023)
Thermostable FGF2 polypeptide, use thereof (2023)
In vitro model of alveolar capillary barrier (2019)
Možnosti terapeutického ovlivění bakterie Staphylococcus aureus pomocí bakteriofága JK2 (2023)
Prevalence kmenů Staphylococcus aureus produkujících Panton-Valentinův leukocidin izolovaných z ran (2023)
Prevalence kmenů Staphylococcus aureus produkujících Panton-Valentinův leukocidin ze vzorků z ran u pacientů Mikrobiologického ústavu Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně (2023)
Rank-dependency of major urinary protein excretion in two house mouse subspecies (2024)
Vývoj ex-vivo buněčných modelů pro studium heterogenity adenokarcinomu pankreatu (2023)
Sulfate supplementation affects nutrient and photosynthetic status of Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum differently under prolonged exposure to cadmium (2023)
Phylogenomics and genome size evolution in Amomum s. s. (Zingiberaceae): Comparison of traditional and modern sequencing methods (2023)
Guide to General Histology and Microscopic Anatomy (2023)
Nové trendy v sekvenování nové generace a jejich aplikace v onkologické diagnostice. (2023)
Evaluace bioinformatických algoritmů pro detekci variant počtu kopií (CNVs) z exomových dat. (2023)
Direct detection methods for monitoring of therapeutic Staphylococcus bacteriophages in clinical samples (2023)
Pervasive Introgression During Rapid Diversification of the European Mountain Genus Soldanella (L.) (Primulaceae) (2023)
Ambiguous changes in photosynthetic parameters of Lemna minor L. after short-term exposure to naproxen and paracetamol: Can the risk be ignored? (2023)
Tracking CLL cells with aberrations in the TP53 gene using scRNA-seq in relapsed/refractory patients. (2023)
Nový cíl specifické protinádorové léčby mnohočetného myelomu - endoplazmatické retikulum a jeho signální dráhy (2023)
Laboratories Can Reliably Detect Clinically Relevant Variants in the TP53 Gene below 10 % Allelic Frequency: A Multicenter Study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL. (2023)
Zobrazovacia hmotnostná spektrometria nanočastíc za použitia laserovej desorpcie/ionizácie a analyzátora doby letu (2023)
The meso-octoploid Heliophila variabilis genome sheds a new light on the impact of polyploidization and diploidization on the diversity of the Cape flora (2023)
iReenCAM: automated imaging system for kinetic analysis of photosynthetic pigment biosynthesis at high spatiotemporal resolution during early deetiolation (2023)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted Therapy (2023)
Effects of antimicrobials on microbial Raman spectra as the first step for detection of antimicrobialresistance (2023)
Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry imaging of immunochemically labeled spheroids (2023)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
In vivo expression of dental pulp stem cells markers in the forming dental pulp (2022)
Hypoxia inducible factors and dentition related stem cells (2023)
Expression dynamics of dental pulp stem cell markers during dental pulp formation in vivo (2023)
Developmental expression dynamics of stem cell markers and hypoxia-inducible factors in forming dental pulp (2023)
The SAP domain of Ku facilitates its efficient loading onto DNA ends (2023)
Resistance of Primary Photosynthesis to Photoinhibition in Antarctic Lichen Xanthoria elegans: Photoprotective Mechanisms Activated during a Short Period of High Light Stress (2023)
Coculture model with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 for study chronic lymphocytic leukemia proliferation. (2023)
Bleeding pattern and consumption of factor VIII concentrate in adult patients with haemophilia A without inhibitors in the Czech Republic between 2013 and 2021 (Czech National Haemophilia Programme registry data) (2023)
Optické mapování genomu – nová éra klinické cytogenetiky? (2023)
Primární orbitální teratom (2023)
Atypický retinoblastom s maskujícím syndromem (dvě kazuistiky) (2023)
Mitoribosomal synthetic lethality overcomes multidrug resistance in MYC-driven neuroblastoma (2023)
Uveální melanom u patnáctileté dívky (2023)
Antarctica - A unique location for the testing of polymers (2023)
Steroid receptor coactivator TAIMAN is a new modulator of insect circadian clock (2023)
Phenotypic characteristics of environmental Pseudomonas aeruginosa: an in vitro study on epidemiological aspects (2023)
Spectral characteristics of bryophyte carpet and mat subformation showing a vitality-dependent color pattern: Comparison for two distant regions of maritime Antarctica (2023)
Lendemeriella vaczii, a new lichenized fungal species from Antarctic Peninsula-with a key to the genus Lendemeriella (2023)
Extracellular vesicles of the probiotic bacteria E. coli O83 activate innate immunity and prevent allergy in mice (2023)
Cryoresistance of Antarctic endemic lichen Himantormia lugubris: Analysis of photosystem II functionality using a constant-rate cooling approach (2023)
Monitoring Encephalitozoon spp. u zvířat ze zoologických zahrad v České republice. Jsou volně žijící hlodavci rezervoárem Encephalitozoon spp.? (2023)
relace v Radiožurnálu (2023)
Porovnání promoření drobných savců bakterií rodu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu latomezi lokalitou skládky, obcí apřírodní lokalitou (2023)
Nástup klíšťat na lokalitě Pisárky Brno (2023)
Atypical homodimerization revealed by the structure of the (S)-enantioselective haloalkane dehalogenase DmmarA from Mycobacterium marinum (2023)
Genomic and phenotypic comparison of polyhydroxyalkanoates producing strains of genus Caldimonas/Schlegelella (2023)
A forskolin-mediated increase in cAMP promotes T helper cell differentiation into the Th1 and Th2 subsets rather than into the Th17 subset (2023)
20 let diagnostiky maligní hypertermie v České a Slovenské republice. (2023)
První jedinci klíšťat na lokalitě Pisárky Brno v r. 2023 (2023)
První klíšťata se objevují, nárust počtu klíšťat a ochrana před nimi (2023)
Velké množství po dešti a v teple se zvýšil počet. (2023)
Antimicrobial effect of hydrogel matrix based on Gum karaya resin supplemented by the phage preparation on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains in in vivo porcine model of complicated deep skin and soft tissue infection (2023)
Illuminating the mechanism and allosteric behavior of NanoLuc luciferase (2023)
Enhancing oral squamous cell carcinoma prediction: the prognostic power of the worst pattern of invasion and the limited impact of molecular resection margins (2023)
Genetic deconstruction of the porin complement in Pseudomonas putida (2023)
Base editing unravels the role of P. putida porins in carbohydrate metabolism (2023)
Computer-assisted stabilization of fibroblast growth factor FGF-18 (2023)
Salmonella Typhimurium-based inactivated vaccine containing a wide spectrum of bacterial antigens which mimics protein expression changes during different stages of an infection process (2023)
Detection of protein biomarkers using lateral flow immunoassays based on photon-upconversion nanoparticles (2023)
Detection of prostate-specific antigen utilizing immunomagnetic assay with upconversion nanoparticles (2023)
Nanoparticle-Based Bioaffinity Assays: From the Research Laboratory to the Market (2024)
Úlohy z biochemie (2023)
High colonisation by probiotic Escherichia coli A0 34/86 strain is associated with a less diverse microbiome related to children’s age (2024)
Možnosti a výzvy biomolekulární archeologie zubního kamene (2023)
Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 16 (2023)
Soft tissue sarcoma with ZC3H7B::BCOR fusion in a male mimicking low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma - A case report (2023)
Metastasising ameloblastoma or ameloblastic carcinoma? A case report with mutation analyses (2023)
Jak na klíšťata? Nepodceňujte jejich kousnutí, varuje paní Alena a zmiňuje vážné problémy (2023)
Integrative CUT&Tag-RNA-Seq analysis of histone variant macroH2A1-dependent orchestration of human induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming (2023)
Comparison of bioproduction capabilities of xylose-grown Pseudomonas putida strains with exogenous phosphoketolase pathway (2023)
BODIPY-labelled acetylcholinesterase reactivators can be encapsulated into ferritin nanovehicles for enhanced bioavailability in the CNS (2023)
A Hyb-Seq phylogeny of Boechera and related genera using a combination of Angiosperms353 and Brassicaceae-specific bait sets (2023)
Comparison of bioproduction capabilities of xylose-grown Pseudomonas putida strains with exogenous phosphoketolase pathway (2023)
oponent návrhu 20_2023_RV „Detekce spirochét z komplexu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato v environmentálních vzorcích“ (2023)
Oponent návrhu 21_2023_RV „Mapa distribuce spirochét komplexu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Borrelia miyamotoi a Anaplasma spp. v České republice“ (2023)
Oponent návrhu 22_2023_RV „Sbírka izolatů živých spirochetů pocházejících z hospodářských, domácích a volně žijících zvířat v CR.“, (2023)
Exploring new galaxies: Perspectives on the discovery of novel PET-degrading enzymes (2024)
Machine Learning-Guided Protein Engineering (2023)
Therapeutic activity and biodistribution of a nano-sized polymer-dexamethasone conjugate intended for the targeted treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (2024)
Upgrading Pseudomonas putida by systems metabolic engineering for biotechnological processing of lignocellulosic sugars (2023)
Mutualistic bacterial consortium for the co-utilisation of lignocellulosic disaccharides (2023)
Unlocking the potential of inedile plant biomass: From field to fueltank (2023)
Developing a genetic manipulation toolkit for Caldimonas thermodepolymerans (2023)
PUSH-based Strategy to Increase Glycolytic Flux in Pseudomonas putida from co-Utilized Cellulosic Sugars to Biopolymer Precursors (2023)
Upgrading Pseudomonas putida by systems metabolic engineering for lignocellulose biotechnology (2023)
Advanced technologies towards improved HPV diagnostics (2024)
Bafilomycin A1 Molecular Effect on ATPase Activity of Subcellular Fraction of Human Colorectal Cancer and Rat Liver (2024)
Nonmetastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma in Children and Adolescents: Overall Results of the European Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group RMS2005 Study (2023)
Global Brassicaceae phylogeny based on filtering of 1,000-gene dataset (2023)
Impedimetric immunosensor for microalbuminuria based on a WS2/Au water-phase assembled nanocomposite (2023)
ChOP-CT: quantitative morphometrical analysis of the Hindbrain Choroid Plexus by X-ray micro-computed tomography (2024)
Corynebacterium mendelii sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from Adélie penguin oral cavity (2024)
A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology (2023)
Exome sequencing improves the molecular diagnostics of paediatric unexplained neurodevelopmental disorders (2024)
What Tumors Teach Us, Parallels in Cell and Human Behavior (2023)
Genotyping of Campylobacter jejuni and prediction tools of its antimicrobial resistance (2024)
Velcí kopytníci v krajině a jejich potenciál při šíření parazitárních invazí (2024)
Drought and life-history strategies in Heliophila (Brassicaceae) (2024)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela (2023)
Production of recombinant lectin PluLec from Photorhabdus luminescens for neutron crystallography and its structure-functional characterization. (2023)
Formování strukturních bariér primárního kořene hrachu pod vlivem naproxenu a změn hladin fytohormonů (2023)
Cell Tree Rings: the structure of somatic evolution as a human aging timer (2024)
Study of Protein Conformational Dynamics Using Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Společenstva zooplanktonu nově budovaných mokřadů v zemědělské krajině jižní Moravy (2023)
Polní mokřady hostí unikátní společenstva planktonních korýšů. (2023)
Injection-based hairy root induction and plant regeneration techniques in Brassicaceae. (2024)
Cycles of satellite and transposon evolution in Arabidopsis centromeres (2023)
Fully Automated Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction using FireProtASR (2021)
Quantity and quality of minichromosome maintenance protein complexes couple replication licensing to genome integrity (2024)
Průkaz probiotických kultur v komerčních doplňcích stravy na českém trhu (2023)
The role of prickle proteins in vertebrate development and pathology (2024)
Multifunctional graphene quantum dots: A therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative diseases by regulating calcium influx, crossing the blood-brain barrier and inhibiting Aβ-protein aggregation (2024)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
Comparison of Cu+, Ag+, and Au+ Ions as Ionization Agents of Volatile Organic Compounds at Subatmospheric Pressure (2024)
Esenciální olej z kurkumovníku jako repelent (2024)
Porovnání prevalence patogenních mikroorganismů způsobujících nejčastější zoonózy Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., Coxiella burnetii, Erhlichia sp. a Francisella tularensis u volně žijících drobných savců na třech rozdílných lokalitách (okolí skládky, obec a CHKO) (2024)
High-throughput spike detection in greenhouse cultivated grain crops with attention mechanisms based deep learning models (2024)
Comparison of single and double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the detection of biomolecules tagged with photon-upconversion nanoparticles (2024)
Telomere Length In Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (2023)
Hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels with tunable mechanics improved structural and contractile properties of cells (2024)
Bacterial Lactonases ZenA with Noncanonical Structural Features Hydrolyze the Mycotoxin Zearalenone (2024)
Parental conflict in plants: Maternal excess in Silene seeds (2024)
Rumex hastatulus: one species, two karyotypes (2024)
Colonization dynamic and distribution of the endophytic fungus <i>Microdochium bolleyi</i> in plants measured by qPCR (2024)
Effect of soil depth on the structure of bacterial composition in the active layer at five geologically distinct sites on James Ross and Vega Islands in Antarctica (2024)
A Long-Term Study on the Bactericidal Effect of ZrN-Cu Nanostructured Coatings Deposited by an Industrial Physical Vapor Deposition System (2024)
Simulování průběhu skladování zemního plynu s přídavkem vodíku v podzemním zásobníku plynu (2023)
Computer-aided engineering of stabilized fibroblast growth factor 21 (2024)
Prenylated phenols with potent anti-inflammatory effects (2023)
Optimalizace přípravy syngenních myších modelů pro účely studia procesů souvisejících se stresem endoplazmatického retikula (2023)
Využití syngenních myších modelů ke zkoumání vlivu stresu endoplazmatického retikula na karcinom ovaria a ledviny (2023)
Use of Syngeneic Mouse Models to Study the Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Ovarian and Renal Cell Carcinoma (2023)
Comparison of microbial communities and the profile of sulfate-reducing bacteria in patients with ulcerative colitis and their association with bowel diseases: a pilot study (2024)
Bark wounding triggers gradual embolism spreading in two diffuse-porous tree species (2024)
Caspase-9 Is a Positive Regulator of Osteoblastic Cell Migration Identified by diaPASEF Proteomics (2024)
Časová dynamika spoločenstva vodných bezstavovcov v poľných mokradiach (2023)
Thermostable FGF2 Polypeptide, Use Thereof (2023)
INSURE: Posuzovací guidelines pro etické komise (2023)
INSURE: Průvodce vědeckou integritou (2023)
Values in times of crisis: Strategic crisis management in the European Union (2022)
Opinion on democracy in the digital age (2023)
Ochrana účastníků výzkumu v akademickém prostředí (2024)
Chromosome Division in Early Embryos-Is Everything under Control? And Is the Cell Size Important? (2024)
Early onset of APC/C activity renders SAC inefficient in mouse embryos (2024)
Cyanobacterial bloom-associated lipopolysaccharides induce pro-inflammatory processes in keratinocytes in vitro (2024)
Changes in the fatty acid profiles and health indexes of bovine colostrum during the first days of lactation and their impact on human health (2024)
Seed shape and size of Silene latifolia, differences between sexes, and influence of the parental genome in hybrids with Silene dioica (2024)
Synthetically-primed adaptation of Pseudomonas putida to a non-native substrate D-xylose (2024)
Antiviral activity of Deschampsia antarctica plant extracts in vitro (2023)
Alluvial alder forests of the Greater Caucasus, Georgia: ecology, habitats and variability (2023)
Flow cytometry assesment of regulatory lymphocytes in myeloprolifeartive disorders. (2023)
Flow cytometry assesment of regulatory lymphocytes in myeloprolifeartive disorders. (2023)
Analýza imunomodulačních lymfocytů u Ph1- myeloproliferativních onemocnění pomocí průtokové cytometrie (2023)
Analýza imunomodulačních lymfocytů u Ph1- myeloproliferativních onemocnění pomocí průtokové cytometrie (2023)
Gathering insights on the B-cell migration polarity from live-cell imaging of CLL and MCL cells (2023)
Visualisation of Immune Synapse Polarity in Malignant B-cells using Live-Cell Imaging (2023)
Looking into the phenotype and migratory variability of B-cell malignancies (2022)
Experimental Setup for Laser Ablation Synthesis of Nanoparticles (2023)
Emerging roles of prominin-1 (CD133) in the dynamics of plasma membrane architecture and cell signaling pathways in health and disease (2024)
Proteomic analysis of ascitic extracellular vesicles describes tumour microenvironment and predicts patient survival in ovarian cancer (2024)
Brillouin light scattering anisotropy microscopy for imaging the viscoelastic anisotropy in living cells (2024)
A brief tale of two pioneering moments: Europe's first discovery of Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) virus beyond the Soviet Union and the largest alimentary TBE outbreak in history (2024)
Root hemiparasites suppress invasive alien clonal plants: evidence from a cultivation experiment (2024)
Monitoring Drought Tolerance Mechanisms of Sorghum and Maize Under Unevenly Distributed Precipitation (2024)
Orthotopic model for the analysis of melanoma circulating tumor cells (2024)
Induction of somatic embryogenesis and ectopic proliferation in Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth cell suspension culture (2024)
Understanding excreted/secreted products in Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: Activation Material Insights (2024)
Mikrobiologická analýza vzorku degradovaného betonu a digestátu z fermentoru bioplynové stanice (2024)
Vigour-related traits of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): do they represent reproduction-associated costs facilitating the coexistence of asexual and sexual forms? (2024)
Learning to design protein-protein interactions with enhanced generalization (2024)
Revealing data leakage in protein interaction benchmarks (2024)
Changes in Sphingolipid Profile of Benzo[a]pyrene-Transformed Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Are Reflected in the Altered Composition of Sphingolipids in Their Exosomes (2021)
Regulation of Neuroendocrine-like Differentiation in Prostate Cancer by Non-Coding RNAs (2021)
Complex Alterations of Fatty Acid Metabolism and Phospholipidome Uncovered in Isolated Colon Cancer Epithelial Cells (2021)
Polychlorinated environmental toxicants affect sphingolipid metabolism during neurogenesis <i>in vitro</i> (2021)
Toll-Like Receptor 3 Overexpression Induces Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells, whereas Its Activation Triggers Apoptosis (2022)
Identifikace bakteriálně přenosných nemocí z historického zubního kamene (2022)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor as a drug target in advanced prostate cancer therapy - obstacles and perspectives (2024)
Freezing temperature effects on photosystem II in Antarctic lichens evaluated by chlorophyll fluorescence (2024)
Effect of Some Herbicides on Primary Photosynthesis in Malva moschata as a Prospective Plant for Agricultural Grass Mixtures (2024)
Non canonical bases differentially represented in the sex chromosomes of the dioecious plant Silene latifolia (2024)
Sexy ways: the methodical approaches to study plant sex chromosomes (2024)
In vivo vs in vitro activation of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora from the transcriptomics perspective (2024)
Protein cargo in extracellular vesicles as the key mediator in the progression of cancer (2024)
The Impact of Switching to a Second Antifibrotic in Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Retrospective Multicentre Study From the EMPIRE Registry (2024)
Faecal egg count reduction test in goats: Zooming in on the genus level (2024)
Alpine and subalpine acidophilous vegetation on the eastern side of the Chiprovska Planina Mts. (2023)
Intact cell mass spectrometry coupled with machine learning reveals minute changes induced by single gene silencing. (2024)
Entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: Activation of excreted/secreted products release and their identification (2024)
Analysis of Wnt-related gene expression in primary lymphocytes based on publicly available datasets (2024)
Dynamic microvilli sculpt bristles at nanometric scale (2024)
Investigation of long non-coding RNAs in extracellular vesicles from low-volume blood serum specimens of colorectal cancer patients (2024)
Endophyte Inoculation and Elevated Potassium Supply on Productivity, Growth and Physiological Parameters of Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genotypes over Contrasting Seasons (2024)
Integration, Cataloguing and FAIRification of Biobank and Clinical Data (2024)
Truncated vitronectin with e-cadherin enables the xeno-free derivation ofhuman embryonic stem cells (2024)
Subalpine tall-herb vegetation in Bulgaria: diversity and ecology (2024)
Wnt-Notch crosstalk and its impact on embryonic epidermis development using Xenopus embryos (2024)
Revealing the mechanism of the neural tube formation (2024)
Revealing the mechanism of the neural tube formation (2024)
Understanding the Role of Casein Kinase 1α in the regulation of the Notch1 intracellular domain (2023)
Micro CT analysis of head development in Xenopus laevis (2022)
Seeking Help from Mitochondrial Biologists to Decipher the Role of New Mitochondrial Interactors (2022)
Nádory neznámé primární lokalizace. (2021)
Pulsed laser ablation synthesis of fresh Te nanoparticles for matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) applications (2024)
Nádory neznámé primární lokalizace. (2015)
Kapitoly z lékařské etiky. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů. (2023)
Effects of AhR-activating PAHs on glucose transport and metabolism in liver cells (2024)
Detekce bakterií Leptospira interrogans s.l. u malých savců pomocí metody MAT (2024)
The Use Of Maldi Tof Mass Spectrometers As A Kind Of Synthesizer For Laser Ablation Synthesis Of Tellurium Nanoparticles, Various Mixed Clusters And Their Simultaneous Characterization And Analysis (2023)
Laser Ablation Synthesis Of Te Nanoparticles And Their Characterization (2023)
Micro-CT, Mechanical, and Histological Examination of the Effect of Local Adjuvants on Porcine Cortical Bone Following Intralesional Curettage of Bone Tumors (2024)
Diachronic changes in dental health of Bronze Age rural populations from Nahal Refaim, Israel (2024)
Revealings the mechanism of the neural tube formation (2024)
Ligand bias underlies differential signaling of multiple FGFs via FGFR1 (2024)
Unveiling the dynamics and molecular landscape of a rare chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation driving refractoriness: insights from single-cell RNA sequencing (2024)
Enhancing the utility of chromosome 6 and 8 testing in uveal melanoma biopsies (2024)
Short-term autophagy inhibition by autophinib or SAR405 does not alter the effect of cisplatin on ATP production in prostate cancer cells (2024)
Investigation of the potential effects of estrogen receptor modulators on immune checkpoint molecules (2024)
Characterization of Aspergillus fumigatus secretome during sublethal infection of Galleria mellonella larvae (2024)
Inhibition of Chk1 stimulates cytotoxic action of platinum-based drugs and TRAIL combination in human prostate cancer cells (2024)
SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance in the Czech Republic: Spatial and temporal differences in SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations and relationship to clinical data and wastewater parameters (2024)
Insights from ancient burial soils: multiomics approach to the study of diet and parasites (2023)
Complex analyses of ancient soil samples from burial context (2023)
Sedimentární aDNA: nové informace ze starobylých vzorků (2023)
Cena dr. Aleše Hrdličky o nejlepší diplomovou práci s antropologickou tématikou (2022)
Seasonal Photosynthetic Activity in the Crown Compartments of European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) (2024)
Challenges with hippocampal MR spectroscopy as a surrogate for pre-radiotherapy assessment of neurocognitive impairment in patients with brain metastasis (2024)
Precision immuno-oncology approach for four malignant tumors in siblings with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
Identifikácia krvných polymorfizmov ako súčasť interdisciplinárneho výskumu genómu Gregora Johanna Mendela (2024)
Obrus zubů člověka v době bronzové s přihlédnutím ke změnám v důsledku pracovního stresu (2024)
Cryoresistance Diff erences Between Species of Autotrops From Polar Regions Sensed by Chlorophyll Fluorescence (2023)
FasL impacts Tgfb signaling in osteoblastic cells (2024)
Physiological evidence of stress reduction during a summer Antarctic expedition with a significant influence of previous experience and vigor (2024)
Adjuvant radiotherapy after brain metastasectomy: analysis of consecutive cohort of 118 patients from real world practice (2024)
Dexamethasone nanomedicines with optimized drug release kinetics tailored for treatment of site-specific rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases (2024)
AhR-activating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and disruption of glucose metabolism in hepatocyte-like cells (2024)
Early embryogenesis in CHDFIDD mouse model reveals facial clefts and altered cranial neurogenesis (2024)
Peptidomimetics with full antagonistic effect stabilize insulin receptor in novel conformation (2024)
Stromal cells engineered to express T cell factors induce robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations allowing the identification of RAF inhibitors as anti-proliferative drug (2024)
Studium terapeutického potenciálu pseudomonádových fágových preparátů na bakteriální biofilm (2024)
Epizom jako prototyp nové generace genové terapie (2023)
Cultivating Diversity in Palaeogenomics and Palaeoproteomics: Advancing Inclusive Science Education (2024)
Eugenika (2023)
Kurkumovník dlouhý: přírodní ochrana proti klíšťatům a jejich patogenům (2024)
Proč se mladí (ne)chtějí očkovat? (2024)
Patogenita přisátých klíšťat odstraněných z dětí (2024)
Bee-lieve it or not: magnetic field disrupts the rhythm of sleep-wake cycle in bumblebees (2024)
ASO Author Reflections: The Effect of Local Adjuvants on Cortical Bone Following Intralesional Curettage of Bone Tumors (2024)
Brno loanvirus (BRNV) in bats inhabiting the urban area of Brno, Czech Republic (2024)
Antimikrobiální polysacharidový transparentní film pro léčbu raných infekcí (2024)
Injektovatelný gel z přírodní pryskyřice s bakteriofágy pro hojení infikovaných ran (2024)
Soil microorganisms’ role in the bioremediation of various sites contaminated with the cyclic organochlorine pollutant hexachlorobenzene (2024)
Anoxygenic photosynthesis with emphasis on green sulfur bacteria and a perspective for hydrogen sulfide detoxification of anoxic environments (2024)
Utilizing Used Cooking Oil and Organic Waste: A Sustainable Approach to Soap Production (2024)
Vliv varianty S1021Qfs*98 v genu hERG na aktivaci a deaktivaci proteinu Kv11.1 (2024)
Variants in the hERG channel associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: clinical, genetic, and functional analysis (2024)
Analysis of calcium transients in cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs: the variant p. Y4734C in RYR2 vs. unrelated healthy controls (2024)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: a role of variants in the hERG gene (2024)
Effect of isoprenaline and arrhythmogenic conditions on the spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM with Y4734C-RYR2 variant (2024)
Two unusual unbalanced X chromosome rearrangements: a case report (2014)
Evaluation of viscoelastic parameters and photo-based assessment of newly developed dermal substitutes modified with thermostabilized fibroblast growth factor 2 (2024)
Detekce Borrelia miyamotoi v klíšťatech Ixodes ricinus na jižní Moravě – riziko pro veřejné zdraví (2022)
Mapování lokalizace sentinelové uzliny u karcinomu endometria (2024)
Upconversion Nanoparticle-Based Dot-Blot Immunoassay for Quantitative Biomarker Detection (2024)
Single-molecule microfluidic assay for prostate-specific antigen based on magnetic beads and upconversion nanoparticles (2024)
A reusable QCM biosensor with stable antifouling nano-coating for on-site reagent-free rapid detection of E. coli O157:H7 in food products (2024)
Phage therapy combined with Gum Karaya injectable hydrogels for treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus deep wound infection in a porcine model (2024)
Personalized dendritic cell vaccine in multimodal individualized combination therapy improves survival in high-risk pediatric cancer patients (2024)
The structure of immature tick-borne encephalitis virussupports the collapse model of flavivirus maturation (2024)
Navigating the redox landscape: reactive oxygen species in regulation of cell cycle (2024)
Visual Support for the Loop Grafting Workflow on Proteins (2024)
Comparative Genome Analysis and Characterization of the Probiotic Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Wild Boars in the Czech Republic (2024)
Comparative Genomic Analysis and Characterization of Limosilactobacillus mucosae Strains Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Wild Boars in the Czech Republic (2024)
Bakterie mléčného kvašení z trávicího traktu divokých prasat jako potenciální probiotika pro selata (2024)
Vliv synbiotické krmné směsi na zdravotní stav selat po odstavu (2024)
Epizomální genová terapie jako prototyp léčby onkologických onemocnění (2023)
Casein Kinase 1α fine-tunes NOTCH1 intracellular domain stability and function (2024)
Mikrobiální analýza korozního depozitu (2024)
Ex-vivo 3D cellular models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: from embryonic development to precision oncology (2024)
A computational workflow for analysis of missense mutations in precision oncology (2024)
CoVAMPnet: Comparative Markov State Analysis for Studying Effects of Drug Candidates on Disordered Biomolecules (2024)
Non-invasive Assay for Chlorophyll Biosynthesis Kinetics Determination during Early Stages of Arabidopsis De-etiolation (2024)
AggreProt: a web server for predicting and engineering aggregation prone regions in proteins (2024)
Adaptor protein CIN85 modulates drug resistance of human osteosarcoma cells (2024)
Comprehensive overview of adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 roles in cancer (2024)
The interplay of transition metals in ferroptosis and pyroptosis (2024)
Biochemical evidence for conformational variants in the anti-viral and pro-metastatic protein IFITM1 (2024)
Discovery of Two Highly Selective Structurally Orthogonal Chemical Probes for Activin Receptor-like Kinases 1 and 2 (2024)
Adherence to the ISHLT Protocol for the Referral of Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis to the Transplantation Center among of Czech Centers for Interstitial Lung Diseases (2024)
Prospective examination of acquired von Willebrand syndrome co-occurrence in patients with BCR-ABL1-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (2024)
Cyanobacterial harmful bloom lipopolysaccharides: pro-inflammatory effects on epithelial and immune cells in vitro (2024)
Liquid biopsy of peripheral blood using mass spectrometry detects primary extramedullary disease in multiple myeloma patients (2024)
Droplet digital PCR analysis of circulating tumor DNA in molecular diagnostics of colorectal cancer patients. 6th Advances in Circulating Tumor Cells: Liquid Biopsy and Precision Oncology: Where do we stand now? (2023)
Azobenzene-Based Photoswitchable Substrates for Advanced Mechanistic Studies of Model Haloalkane Dehalogenase Enzyme Family (2024)
Luminescent photon-upconversion nanoparticles with advanced functionalization for smart sensing and imaging (2024)
Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticles with Parameters Required for In Vivo Applications: From Synthesis to Parametrization (2024)
Primary multistep phosphorelay activation comprises both cytokinin and abiotic stress responses: insights from comparative analysis of Brassica type-A response regulators (2024)
A chromosome-level genome assembly for the amphibious plant Rorippa aquatica reveals its allotetraploid origin and mechanisms of heterophylly upon submergence (2024)
Localized incompletely resected standard risk rhabdomyosarcoma in children and adolescents: Results from the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group RMS 2005 trial (2024)
Region-specific gene expression profiling of early mouse mandible uncovered SATB2 as a key molecule for teeth patterning (2024)
Tailored antisense oligonucleotides designed to correct aberrant splicing reveal actionable groups of mutations for rare genetic disorders (2024)
Unveiling vertebrate development dynamics in frog Xenopus laevis using micro-CT imaging (2024)
AhR-activating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons disrupt metabolic pathways in human hepatocyte-like cells (2024)
Lipidomic analysis of tetraspanin-deficient extracellular vesicles (2024)
Využití epizomů v genové terapii (2024)
PLAUR alternative splicing in patients with different severity of hereditary angioedema (HAE) (2024)
2. Offsite Meeting of the Department of Histology and Embryology (ÚHE): Advancing Science and Collaboration (2024)
A closed 3D printed microfluidic device for automated growth and differentiation of cerebral organoids from single-cell suspension (2024)
Pre-existing cell subpopulations in primary prostate cancer tumors display surface fingerprints of docetaxel-resistant cells (2024)
Long-term zinc treatment alters the mechanical properties and metabolism of prostate cancer cells (2024)
Uniparental silencing of 5S rRNA genes in plant allopolyploids - insights from Cardamine (Brassicaceae) (2024)
Revealing Alzheimer's Disease Development Mechanisms via iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoids (2023)
High-throughput sequencing of Strongyloides stercoralis – a fatal disseminated infection in a dog (2024)
Application of sous-vide technology in the processing of different apple cultivars and its effect on physico-chemical properties (2024)
Perspektiva prodloužení metabolické dráhy redukce síranu z disimilační na asimilační u sulfát redukujících bakterií (2024)
BenchStab: A tool for automated querying of web-based stability predictors (2024)
Epigenetics and plant hormone dynamics: a functional and methodological perspective (2024)
Mechanism of BCDX2-mediated RAD51 nucleation on short ssDNA stretches and fork DNA (2024)
The promise of episomal gene therapy (2024)
Krevní diferenciál a počet krevních elementů u vytrvalostních sportovců po zátěži (2024)
Metabolism of primary high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) cells under limited glutamine or glucose availability (2024)
Linking planar polarity signaling to actomyosin contractility during vertebrate neurulation (2024)
Revealing the mechanism of the neural tube formations (2024)
Armed with PRICKLE(3)s: PCP complexes protection against RNF43 (2024)
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from patients with a RYR2 gene variant c.14201A>G (p.Y4734C): Implications for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (2024)
Switching on/off aryl hydrocarbon receptor and pregnane X receptor activities by chemically modified tryptamines (2023)
Generation of Caco-2 AhR KO cell model to study the role of AhR in gut inflammatory responses and epithelial barrier integrity (2024)
Creatine kinase B inhibits migration of osteosarcoma cells by regulating EMT marker N-cadherin (2024)
Unveiling molecular strategies of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: a comparative analysis of in vitro activation and in vivo infection dynamics (2024)
Bee-coming disturbed: The impact of electromagnetic fields on bumblebee sleep-wake rhythms (2024)
The archaeal community in sediments of freshwater lakes of north-east Antarctic Peninsula: Structure and diversity (2024)
Lipidomic profiling of extracellular vesicles from tetraspanin-deficient cell lines (2024)
Proteomic analysis of tetraspanin-deficient extracellular vesicles (2024)
AhR-activating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and disruption of glucose metabolism in hepatocyte-like cells (2024)
Single-cell profiling of surface glycosphingolipids opens a new dimension for deconvolution of breast cancer intratumoral heterogeneity and phenotypic plasticity (2024)
Evaluation of potential role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in cellular stress response to benzo[k]fluoranthene exposure in liver cell lines (2024)
Wildlife as Reservoirs of Encephalitozoon Cuniculi and Encephalitozoon Hellem and Molecular Genotyping of Encephalitozoon spp. in Small Mammals in the Czech Republic (2024)
Assessment of lumbar paraspinal muscle morphology using mDixon Quant magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): a cross-sectional study in healthy subjects (2024)
Casein Kinase 1α fine-tunes NOTCH1 intracellular domain stability and functions (2024)
Insights into the diversity of transduced staphylococcal mobilome using Oxford Nanopore sequencing (2024)
The Role of PRICKLE3 in Cell Migration and Mitochondrial Metabolism: Implications for Cancer Metastasis (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
Modeling seasonal immune dynamics of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) response to injection of heat-killed Serratia marcescens (2024)
Short- and long-term clinical outcomes of nintedanib therapy in IPF patients with different phenotypes: A retrospective registry-based study (2024)
Magnetic microbead-based upconversion immunoassay with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy readout for the detection of prostate-specific antigen (2024)
CRISPR-Cas10 Engineering of Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages for biosensing applications (2024)
Spread of staphylococcal mobilome due to different therapeutic approaches (2024)
Native root hemiparasites form haustorial attachments with multiple invasive and expansive species (2024)
Prevalence of Borrelia and Rickettsia in Ixodes ricinus from Chosen Urban and Protected Areas in Poland and the Czech Republic (2024)
Paraziti volně žijících přežvýkavců (2024)
Utilizing direct molecular methods for screening of invasive helminth species in wild ruminants in the Czech Republic (2024)
Haemonchus on the rise – a story about a Czech sheep farm (2024)
Evaluating coprological methods for detecting Ashworthius sidemi in red deer: Implications for diagnosis and management (2024)
Diagnostika gastrointestinálních parazitóz spárkaté zvěře (2024)
The possibility of studying ancient pig DNA from the early Middle Ages (2024)
Pacient-specifické kardiomyocyty s variantou Y4734C-RYR2: Ca2+ přechody v kontrole a po aplikaci kofeinu (2024)
Analýza variability délky cyklu u pacient-specifických hiPSC kardiomyocytů (2024)
Dopad varianty S1021Qfs*98-hERG na funkci proteinu Kv11.1 (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM from a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation under possibly arrhythmogenic conditions (2024)
Primární orbitální teratom - kazuistika (2024)
Atypický retinoblastóm s maskujúcim syndrómom. Dve kazuistiky (2024)
Atypický retinoblastóm s maskujúcim syndrómom. Dve kazuistiky (2024)
Uveální melanom u 15leté dívky - kazuistika (2024)
Slizniční pemfigoid s očním postižením. Série případů (2024)
Mucous membrane pemphigoid diagnostics with western blot analysis (2024)
Výsledky operačního řešení primárního orbitálního teratomu ve sledovacím období 6 let - kazuistika (2024)
Activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling is critical for the tumorigenesis of choroid plexus (2024)
Functional analysis of PLAUR alternative splicing isoforms and they role in the development of immunopathological reactions (2024)
Inverse correlation between TP53 gene status and PD-L1 protein levels in a melanoma cell model depends on an IRF1/SOX10 regulatory axis (2024)
Verification of biological relationships in the Dietrichstein princely family from Mikulov by cranial non-metric traits analysis (Moravia, 17th to 19th centuries) (2024)
Phage Therapy Combined with Gum Karaya Hydrogels for Treatment of Multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Deep Wound Infection in a Porcine Model (2024)
Antimicrobial Efficacy of Cathelicidin Peptides on Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains (2024)
Porcinní model komplikované infekce kůže a měkkých tkání (2024)
Large-scale annotation of biochemically relevant pockets and tunnels in cognate enzyme-ligand complexes (2024)
Flow Cytometry Assesment of the Regulatory Compartment in Philadelphia-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (2024)
Flow Cytometry Assesment of the Regulatory Compartment in Philadelphia-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
Functional 3D in vitro myocardial model (2024)
Streptococcus suis strains with novel and previously undescribed capsular loci circulate in Europe (2024)
Kombinovaná fágová terapie infekcí PVL-pozitivními kmeny Staphylococcus aureus (2024)
Refining genotype-phenotype correlation in complex chromosomal rearrangements using optical genome mapping - case report (2024)
Optické mapování genomu a sekvenování s dlouhým čtením - mají místo v klinické cytogenetice? (2024)
Objasnenie komplexnej chromozomálnej prestavby pomocou optického genómového mapovania (2024)
Metódy detekcie metylačných zmien pri diagnostike syndrómov spôsobených poruchou imprintingu (2024)
Altai Mountains - cradle of hybrids and introgressants: A case study in Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium (Plantaginaceae) (2024)
Kinetochore and ionomic adaptation to whole-genome duplication in Cochlearia shows evolutionary convergence in three autopolyploids (2024)
Biased Retention of Environment-Responsive Genes Following Genome Fractionation (2024)
Výskyt cribra orbitalia u detskej populácie z rane-stredovekej lokality Poddvorov – prvé výsledky (2024)
Development of a porcine model of skin and soft-tissue infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant strains suitable for testing topical antimicrobial agents (2024)
High sensitivity of hop plants (Humulus lupulus L.) to limited soil water availability: the role of stomata regulation and xylem vulnerability to embolism (2024)
Transcriptional and phenotypical alterations associated with a gradual benzo[a]pyrene-induced transition of human bronchial epithelial cells into mesenchymal-like cells (2024)
Ancient hybridization and repetitive element proliferation in the evolutionary history of the monocot genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae) (2024)
Proteomic Insights into Ferric Iron Reduction in Sulfur-Oxidizing Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (2024)
Detekce bakterií Leptospira interrogans s. l. u malých savců pomocí metody MAT (2024)
Detekce Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato u drobných savců v blízkosti skládky komunálního odpadu (2024)
Monitoring Anaplasma phagocytophilum a Rickettsia spp. u klíšťat ve třech zoologických zahradách v České republice (2024)
Patogenita přisátých klíšťat odstraněných z dětí (2024)
Jak přírodní látky odpuzují klíšťata? (2024)
A Hundred Views of Antarctica (2024)
Role mikroorganismů v korozi technologií (2024)
Uplatnění kukuřice na produkci bioplynu (2024)
Linking planar polarity signalling to actomyosin contractility during vertebrate neurulation (2024)
Efficient cloning of linear DNA inserts (ECOLI) into plasmids using site-directed mutagenesis (2024)
Ferrocene- and ruthenium arene-containing glycomimetics as selective inhibitors of human galectin-1 and-3 (2024)
eIF4F controls ERK MAPK signaling in melanomas with BRAF and NRAS mutations (2024)
Carboxy-terminal polyglutamylation regulates signaling and phase separation of the Dishevelled protein (2024)
The pros and cons of nucleic acid-amplified immunoassays—a comparative study on the quantitation of prostate-specific antigen with and without rolling circle amplification (2024)
Mikrobiální koroze kovu a betonu (2024)
The Role of HE4 in the Follow-Up of Advanced Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Cancer-CEEGOG OX-01 Study (2024)
Species determination of animal aDNA samples from archaeological sites (2024)
Analýza polymorfismu citlivosti k PTC v genu TAS2R38 u aDNA - byli naši předkové chutnači? (2024)
Výskyt alel predisponujících k intoleranci lepku v současných a historických populacích (2024)
Využití mikrohaplotypů při analýze aDNA (2024)
Genetické pozadí pacientů s idiopatickou fibrilací komor (2024)
A collateral circulation in ischemic stroke accelerates recanalization due to lower clot compaction (2024)
Objasnenie komplexnej chromozomálnej prestavby pomocou optického genómového mapovania (2024)
Odhalme neviditelná místa genomu s technologií optického mapování - naše zkušenosti na Moravě (2024)
Optické mapování genomu a sekvenování s dlouhým čtením - mají místo v klinické cytogenetice? (2024)
Glutamine and serum starvation alters the ATP production, oxidative stress, and abundance of mitochondrial RNAs in extracellular vesicles produced by cancer cells (2024)
Discriminating fingerprints of chronic neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury using artificial neural networks and mass spectrometry analysis of female mice serum (2024)
Testing the functional dynamics and interoperability of three cell lysis systems across different Pseudomonas putida chassis strains (2024)
Thieno[3,2-b]pyridine: Attractive scaffold for highly selective inhibitors of underexplored protein kinases with variable binding mode (2024)
Retinal organoids in microfluidic systems – formation and early-stage differentiation (2021)
Retinal Organoids on chip: A microfluidic device for formation of retinal organoids (2022)
Co-culture with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 expressing stromal cells induces robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations (2024)
Electrochemical Detection of BRAF V600E Mutation in a Liquid Biopsy Format: LAMPing the Way to an Improved Diagnostics and Treatment (2024)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted therapy (2024)
Histoarchitecture of the liver and spleen in the interspecific hybrids of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) (2024)
Efekt farmaceutických konzervantů na antibakteriální účinek bakteriofágů proti Pseudomonas aeruginosa a Staphylococcus aureus (2024)
Light-triggered reactions in a new "light" of nanoparticles engineering (2024)
Novel cocultivation system to analyze the relationship between cancer and bacteria and its application to evaluate the effects of Bacteroides fragilis on colorectal cancer cells (2024)
Cytogenomika dětských pacientů s Wilmsovým tumorem ve FN Brno (2024)
Polymer nanotherapeutics with the controlled release of acetylsalicylic acid and its derivatives inhibiting cyclooxygenase isoforms and reducing the production of pro-inflammatory mediators (2024)
Photoprotective mechanisms activated in Antarctic moss Chorisodontium aciphyllum during desiccation (2024)
Do spectral reflectance indices distinguish between the greenness in three different moss species in moss banks on Galindez Island (Argentine Islands)? (2024)
Photoinhibition and recovery of primary photosynthesis in Antarctic and subantarctic lichens. Analysis of interspecific differences (2024)
The impact of 3-sulfo-taurolithocholic acid on ATPase activity in patients’ colorectal cancer and normal colon tissues, and its hepatic effects in rodents (2024)
Assembly of the Xrn2/Rat1–Rai1–Rtt103 termination complexes in mesophilic and thermophilic organisms (2024)
Phytochemical S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide from Brassicaceae: a key to health or a poison for bees? (2024)
Exploring the properties of cohesin-dockerin interactions under application-relevant conditions (2024)
Investigating the properties of cohesin-dockerin interactions in biotechnologically relevant conditions (2024)
An initial genome editing toolset for Caldimonas thermodepolymerans (2024)
Pioneering the development of synthetic biology tools for gram-negative PHA-producing thermophiles (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
Indukce životaschopného, ale nekultivovatelného stavu u stafylokoků a jeho dopad na citlivost k fágové terapii (2024)
Phage training: Enhancing bacteriophage efficacy in antibiotic-infused environments (2024)
Phage-Antibiotic Synergy: definition, evaluation & prediction (2024)
Testing components of the CRISPR/Cas system for genetic manipulation of thermophilic bacteria of the genus Caldimonas (2024)
Testing components of the CRISPR/Cas system for genetic manipulation of thermophilic bacteria of the genus Caldimonas (2024)
Programovaná bunková lýza pre biotechnológie baktérie Pseudomonas putida (2024)
Evaluating the functional dynamics and interoperability of three programmable lytic systems in Pseudomonas putida chassis strains (2024)
Strategický plán kontroly invazních parazitů přežvýkavé spárkaté zvěře v ČR (2024)
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