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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Analýza proteomu bakterie Paracoccus denitrificans (2003)
The Receiver Domain: Attempts at Biochemical Characterization (2003)
Two-dimensional Electrophoresis in Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Proteome: A Beginning of a Long Story (2003)
Zrání monoblastů BM2 je doprovázeno zvýšenou expresí vimentinu (2003)
Proteomic Analysis of Therapeutically Important Bacteriophage 812 by Combination of Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry (2003)
Towards the Paracoccus denitrificans 2-DE protein database (2003)
Analýza proteomu polyvalentního bakteriofága 812 (2004)
Proteome study on bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans and construction of 2-DE protein database (2004)
Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus sp. nov., a novel 4-nitroguaiacol degrading actinobacterium (2004)
Arabidopsis thaliana proteome influenced by plant hormones cytokinins (2004)
Capillary Electrophoresis of Bacteriophage 812 Proteins Combined with MALDI Mass Spectrometry (2004)
Struktura proteinových profilů rostlin Arabidopsis thaliana s rozdílnými hladinami endogenních cytokininů (2004)
Centrální laboratoř speciálních technik na Masarykově univerzitě (2004)
Protein composition of Paracoccus denitrificans cells grown on various electron acceptors and in the presence of azide (2004)
Effect of endogenous cytokinin levels on the Arabidopsis thaliana proteome (2004)
Srovnávací analýza genomu a proteomu polyvalentních stafylofágů (2004)
Genomic and proteomic characterization of the polyvalent staphylophage 812 (2004)
Změny proteinových spekter A. thaliana vyvolané zvýšením hladin endogenních cytokininů (2004)
Analysis of the polyvalent bacteriophage 812 proteome (2004)
The effects of terminal electron acceptor and sodium azide on the Paracoccus denitrificans protein composition (2004)
Analýza genomu a proteomu polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 (2005)
Versatility of proteome during terminal differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2005)
Versatility of proteome during terminal differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2005)
Analýza proteomu polyvalentního fága (2005)
Proteomic analysis of iron and sulfur oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans using immobilized pH gradients and mass spectrometry (2005)
Cytokinin induced photomorphogenesis in dark-grown Arabidopsis: a proteome analysis (2005)
Indirect quantification of protein modification degree (2005)
Charakterizace proteomu bakteriofága 812 (2005)
Evidence of covalent interaction of fumaric acid esters with sulfhydryl groups in peptides (2005)
Binuclear complexes of lanthanides with 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane dioxide (2006)
Instrumentation strategy for investigation of bacteriophage 812 proteome by on-line combination of capillary electrophoresis, electrochromatography and liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (2005)
Proteom polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága (2006)
Proteom polyvalentního stafylokokového bakteriofága 812 (2006)
Proteomic and bioinformatic analysis of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans using immobilized pH gradients and mass spectrometry (2006)
Role of vimentin in regulation of monocyte/macrophage differentiation (2006)
Proteomic characterization of the polyvalent staphylophage 812 (2006)
Thermostable trypsin conjugates for high-throughput proteomics: synthesis and performance evaluation (2006)
Protein Modification Degree - An Indirect MS Quantitation Approach. (2006)
Pseudomonas moraviensis sp. nov. and Pseudomonas vranovensis sp. nov., soil bacteria isolated on nitroaromatic compounds, and emended description of Pseudomonas asplenii (2006)
Chemotaxonomic Characterisation of Pseudomonads by MALDI-TOF MS (2006)
Využití MALDI-MS pro identifikaci Pseudomonas spp. (2006)
Expression of Glycosylated Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB in Pichia pastoris. (2006)
Expression of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB in Pichia pastoris (2006)
Structural protein analysis of the polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage 812 (2007)
A proteomic analysis of protein variations during differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts (2007)
Structural proteins of the polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage 812 (2007)
17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (2006)
Analysis of salicylic acid in willow barks and branches by an electrochemical method (2007)
Využití MALDI-MS celobuněčných profilů při charakterizaci bakterií rodu Aeromonas (2007)
Bacteria profiling by MALDI-MS: The influence of sample preparation on distinguishing closely related Pseudomonas species (2007)
Phosphopeptide enrichment and MALDI-MS analysis: Chasing for the optimal method (2007)
Senzitivizace B-CLL vzorků in vitro na fludarabin a chlorambucil pomocí monoklonální protilátky rituximab (2007)
Predikce klinického projevu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně s využitím proteomických přístupů (2007)
Prediction of Graft versus Host Disease after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Using Proteomic Approaches (2007)
Predikce klinického projevu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po allogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně s využitím proteomických přístupů (2006)
Zeptomole detection of streptavidin using carbon paste electrode and square-wave voltammetry (2007)
Dvourozměrná elektroforéza v polyakrylamidovém gelu (2D-PAGE), technika pro studium proteomu mnohočetného myelomu (2007)
Two-dimensional molecular profiling of multiple myeloma (2007)
Proteomická analýza markerů rezistence buněk k bortezomibu a thalidomidu u mnohočetného myelomu (2007)
Structure of Bombyx mori chemosensory protein 1 in solution (2007)
Degradation of 4 Nitroguaiacol and Other Nitroaromatic Compounds by Strains of Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus. (2007)
Degradation of 4 Nitroguaiacol and Other Nitroaromatic Compounds by Strains of Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus. (2008)
Two-dimensional molecular profiling of multiple myeloma (2007)
Two-dimensional molecular profiling of multiple myeloma (2007)
Terapeutické monoklonální protilátky senzitivizují in vitro některé B-CLL vzorky s aberacemi genu TP53 k fludarabinu a chlorambucilu (2007)
Hmotnostní spektrometrie a proteomika (2007)
Rituximab senzitizes some B-CLL samples to fludarabine and chlorambucil in vitro, regardless of p53/ATM status (2007)
The application of MALDI MS whole-cell profiles of the genus Pseudomonas (2007)
Evaluation of the possible proteomic application of trypsin from Streptomyces griseus (2008)
Proteomická analýza lidských myelomových buněk ovlivněných přídavkem bortezomibu (2008)
Přítomnost heterozygotní delece ATM nedeterminuje odpověď CLL buněk na fludarabin (2008)
Proteomická analýza vlivu bortezomibu na myelomové buňky (2008)
Presence of heterozygous ATM deletion may not be critical for the response of CLL cells to fludarabine (2008)
Sensitization of B-CLL lymphocytes, quest for a protein marker. Which mass spectrometry quantitative technique will give answer? (2008)
Proteomická analýza vlivu bortezomibu na myelomové buňky (2008)
Proteomic profiling of hESC-derived microvesicles revealed a risk of culture contamination (2008)
Proteomic Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Cells Targeted with Bortezomib (2008)
Nanosecond Time-Dependent Stokes Shift at the Tunnel Mouth of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2009)
The study on the FnrP, NNR and NarR transcription regulator function in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans at global proteome level (2008)
Proteomic Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Cells Targeted with Bortezomib (2008)
Proteomic Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Cells Targeted with Bortezomib. (2008)
Heterozygotní delece ATM nezvyšuje rezistenci CLL buněk na fludarabin (2008)
Cytokinin-induced photomorphogenesis in dark-grown Arabidopsis: a proteomic analysis (2008)
Determination of capsidiol in tobacco cells culture by HPLC (2010)
Presence of heterozygous ATM deletion may not be critical in the primary response of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to fludarabine (2009)
The effect of bortezomib on myeloma cell line (2009)
Biomarker discovery - Detection of minor protein concentration changes using ICPL protein labeling and 2D GE (2009)
Proteomic profiling of human embryonic stem cell-derived microvesicles reveals a risk of transfer of proteins of bovine and mouse origin (2009)
Characterization of Aphrodisin Isoforms (2009)
MALDI MS profiling of bacteria (2009)
Potential bimarkers for early detection of graft-versus-host disease. (2008)
Sensitization of leukemic cells to fludarabine by monoclonal antibody rituximab - identification of responsible genes (2009)
Senzitivizace CLL buněk na fludarabin monoklonální protilátkou rituximab - identifikace zodpovědných genů (2009)
Study of water molecule dynamics at the tunnel openings of haloalkane dehalogenase (2009)
Studium dynamiky molekul vody v ústí tunelu haloalkándehalogenáz (2009)
Differential analysis of red yeast proteins (2009)
Monoclonal antibody rituximab sensitizes a proportion of CLL samples to fludarabine - searching for responsible genes (2009)
Proteomická analýza nádorových buněk (2009)
Gene-expression profiling of graft-versus-host disease by oligonucleotide microarrays (2009)
The study on Fnr-type transcription regulators functions in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics tools (2009)
Unraveling a FNR-based regulatory circuit in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomic and bioinformatic approaches (2009)
Novel OBP genes similar to hamster Aphrodisin in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus (2010)
Unraveling an FNR based regulatory circuit in Paracoccus denitrificans using a proteomics-based approach (2010)
Characterization of a specific 3'- end RNA modification and specific RNA- binding proteins (2009)
Reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně a její predikce proteomickými přístupy. (2007)
Potentional biomarkers for early detection of Graft-versus-host disease. (2007)
Identifikace laktobacilů izolovaných z potravin pomocí PCR a MALDI-TOF MS (2010)
MALDI-MS profiling of lactic acid bacteria (2010)
Stanovení intracelulární koncentrace imatinibu u CML pacientů (2010)
Proteomická analýza proteinů krevní plazmy u mnohočetného myelomu s využitím dvourozměrné elektroforézy v polyakrylamidovém gelu a hmotnostní spektrometrie (2010)
Lactic Acid Bacteria Classification by MALDI MS (2010)
LC-MS/MS Monitoring Human Plasma Proteins Potentionally related to Graft-versus-Host Disease (2010)
The use of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization - Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry whole cell protein/peptide profiles for identification and characterization of lactic acid bacteria (2010)
Proteomic Analysis in Multiple Myeloma Research (2011)
18O-based protein quantitation: influence of separation on quantitation outcome in analysis of Staphylococcus a. enterotoxins (2010)
Identification of intestinal lactobacilli by automated ribotyping and MALDI-TOF MS (2010)
Proteomic investigation of multiple myeloma by LC-MS/MS and 2-DE experimental strategies: a comparative study (2010)
Quantitative differential analysis of plant proteome in a response to hormonal regulations (2010)
Srovnávací proteomická analýza myelomových buněk metodami SDS-PAGE/LC-MS/MS a 2-DE (2010)
Acinetobacter bereziniae sp nov and Acinetobacter guillouiae sp nov., to accommodate Acinetobacter genomic species 10 and 11, respectively (2010)
Gene-expression profile of steroid-refractory acute Graft-versus-host disease. (2010)
Proteom seminální plasmy (2010)
Proteom seminální plasmy (2010)
Sample preparation methods for MALDI-MS profiling of bacteria (2011)
Optimization of mass spectral features in MALDI-TOF MS profiling of Acinetobacter species (2011)
Comparison of multiplex PCRs, (GTG)5-PCR and automated ribotyping for identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from children's intestinal tissues. (2011)
Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Plant Phosphoproteins (2011)
Detection of new protein alterations in human B-lymphoblastoid cell line ARH-77 after bortezomib treatment (2011)
Proteom seminální plazmy u mužů s azoospermií (2011)
Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase in Paracoccus denitrificans is induced by azide and expressed independently on FNR-type regulators (2011)
Laser diode thermal vaporization inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2011)
Characterization of PVL-phages induced from community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus strains (2011)
Bianalytika - Analytické metody v klinické chemii a laboratormí medicíně (2011)
Analysis of Biomolecules through Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Employing Nanomaterials (2011)
Laser diode thermal vaporization ICP MS (2011)
CE-LIF of Green Fluorescent Fusion Proteins for Investigation of Phosphorylation (2011)
Investigation of matrix deposition techniques for high throughput MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging (2011)
Achromobacter marplatensis sp. nov. isolated from a pentachlorophenol-contaminated soil (2011)
Identification of Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from children intestinal mucous tissue samples by MALDI-TOF MS and automated ribotyping (2011)
Identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolates from children's intestinal tissues by MALDI-TOF MS profiling and automated ribotyping (2011)
2D-PAGE Database for Studies on Energetic Metabolism of the Denitrifying Bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans (2012)
Novel laser desorption sample introduction methods for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2011)
Investigation of Matrix Deposition Techniques for High Throughput MALDI MS (2011)
Nové techniky zavádění vzorku do indukčně vázaného plazmatu (2011)
Instrumentace pro luminiscenční spektrometrii (2011)
Specificity of the Arabidopsis Shoot and Root Response to Cytokinins (2011)
Přehled konfigurací MS/MS systémů a jejich aplikace (2011)
Spojení elektromigračních technik a hmotnostní spektrometrie (2011)
Kryogenická postseparační úprava polyakrylamidových gelů prometaloproteomické analýzy kombinací gelové elektroforézy, laserové ablace a hmotnostní spektrometrie s ionizací indukčně vázaným plazmatem (2011)
Genově-expresní profil leukemických pacientů s akutní reakcí štěpu proti hostiteli s využitím microarray analýzy (2011)
Způsob tvorby aerosolu vzorků pro atomové spektrometrické techniky (2011)
Physiological and proteomic approaches to evaluate the role of sterol binding in elicitin-induced resistance (2012)
Kinetics of anaerobic elemental sulfur oxidation by ferric iron in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and protein identification by comparative 2-DE-MS/MS (2012)
Exploration of Beer Proteome Using OFFGEL Prefractionation in Combination with Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis with Narrow pH Range Gradients (2012)
Effects of histone deacetylases inhibitors on histone H4 acetylation state of MEC-1 cells (2011)
The role of c-Myb in control of migration, invasiveness and death of colon carcinoma cells (2012)
Cultivar Variability of Patatin Biochemical Characteristics: Table versus Processing Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) (2012)
Izolát proteinů z brambor s antimikrobiální účinností (2012)
A combined approach for the study of histone deacetylase inhibitors (2012)
Beer fingerprinting by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionisation-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (2012)
Srovnávací proteomická analýza krevní plazmy pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem léčených režimy s bortezomibem (2012)
Different immune response of pigs to Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis infection (2012)
Potential biomarkers for early detection of acute graft-versus-host disease (2012)
Identification of clinical isolates from the genus Staphylococcus by MALDI-TOF MS and conventional phenothypic methods (2012)
Toward reading the sequence of short oligonucleotides from their retention factors obtained by means of hydrophilic interaction chromatography and ion-interaction reversed-phase liquid chromatography (2012)
Identification of lactobacilli isolated from food by genotypic methods and MALDI-TOF MS (2012)
Apoptosis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells Transiently Treated with Imatinib or Dasatinib Is Caused by Residual BCR-ABL Kinase Inhibition (2012)
Gene expression profiling of acute graft-vs-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (2012)
Staphylococcus petrasii sp. nov. including S. petrasii subsp. petrasii subsp. nov. and S. petrasii subsp. croceilyticus subsp. nov., isolated from human clinical specimens and human ear infections (2013)
Determination of the cause of selected canine urolith formation by advanced analytical methods (2012)
Prey-race drives differentiation of biotypes in ant-eating spiders (2012)
The role of sterol binding and surface charge in elicitin-induced resistance (2011)
Proteome Analysis in Arabidopsis Reveals Shoot- and Root-Specific Targets of Cytokinin Action and Differential Regulation of Hormonal Homeostasis (2013)
Arabidopsis shoot and root respond differentially to cytokinins on the proteome, hormonal metabolism and signaling levels (2012)
Proteome regulation in Arabidopsis reveals shoot- and root specific effects of cytokinins on hormonal homeostasis (2012)
Differential proteome regulation in Arabidopsis identifies shoot- and root-specific targets of cytokinin action and reveals tissue specificity of cytokinin effects on hormonal homeostasis (2012)
Proteome regulation in Arabidopsis reveals shoot- and root-specific effects of cytokinins on hormonal homeostasis and cytokinin-ethylene signaling crosstalk (2012)
Apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia cells transiently treated with imatinib or dasatinib is caused by residual BCR-ABL kinase inhibition. (2013)
Classification of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from Antarctic samples (2012)
A combined immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometric approach to determine deltaNp63-interacting partners (2012)
Ferrous iron oxidation by sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and analysis of the process at the levels of transcription and protein synthesis (2013)
Description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. pseudoputida subsp. nov., amended description of Pseudomonas jessenii and description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. jessenii subsp. nov. (2013)
Clinical implication of centrosome amplification and expression of centrosomal functional genes in multiple myeloma (2013)
Pseudomonas prosekii sp. nov., a Novel Psychrotrophic Bacterium from Antarctica (2013)
Molecular heterogeneity and centrosome-associated genes in multiple myeloma (2013)
Chicken innate immune response to oral infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (2013)
ATM mutations uniformly lead to ATM dysfunction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: application of functional test using doxorubicin (2013)
Suppression of Peptide Sample Losses in Autosampler Vials (2013)
Preventing the mixed detergent micelle effect in two-dimensional electrophoresis on Tris-Tricine gels (2013)
No clinical evidence for performing trough plasma and intracellular imatinib concentrations monitoring in patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia (2014)
Characterization of Aeromonas popoffii isolates (2013)
Mammalian DIS3L2 exoribonuclease targets the uridylated precursors of let-7 miRNAs (2013)
Mutace v genu TP53 jsou spojeny s vyšší rezistencí CLL buněk na ofatumumab a rituximab in vitro (2013)
TP53 mutations associate with higher in vitro resistance of CLL cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2013)
Incidence of cytogenetic aberrations in two B lineage subpopulations in multiple myeloma patients analyzed by combination of whole-genome profiling and FISH (2014)
Phenotypic integration in a series of trophic traits: tracing the evolution of myrmecophagy in spiders (Araneae) (2013)
Improvement of MALDI-TOF MS profiling for the differentiation of species within the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex (2013)
New perspectives of valproic acid in clinical practice (2013)
Simple two-dimensional separation platform for peptide analysis (2013)
Epigenetic aspects of HP1 exchange kinetics in apoptotic chromatin (2013)
Multiple roles of cytoskeletal proteins transgelins in breast cancer development and metastasis (2013)
Heterofermentative process in dry fermented sausages - a case report (2013)
The influence of growth conditions on strain differentiation within the Lactobacillus acidophilus group using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry profiling (2013)
Metody izolace vybraných proteinů hlíz brambor (2013)
Study of the retention behavior of trinucleotides in HPLC (2014)
Huwe1-mediated ubiquitylation of dishevelled defines a negative feedback loop in the wnt signaling pathway. (2014)
MALDI-TOF MS Analysis of Anaerobic Bacteria Isolated from Biofilm-Covered Surfaces in Brewery Bottling Halls (2014)
The influence of culture conditions on the identification of Mycobacterium species by MALDI-TOF MS profiling (2014)
Determination of Imatinib in the Blood Cells of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Patients by Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometry (2014)
Výskyt Pectinatus a ostatních striktně anaerobních bakterií v biofilmu v prostředí stáčecí haly pivovaru (2013)
Monensin Inhibits Canonical Wnt Signaling in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells and Suppresses Tumor Growth in Multiple Intestinal Neoplasia Mice (2014)
Cell differentiation along multiple pathways accompanied by changes in histone acetylation status (2014)
In search of ligands and receptors of the pollen tube: the missing link in pollen tube perception (2014)
Combining ferrocene, thiophene and a boronic acid: a hybrid ligand for reagentless electrochemical sensing of cis-diols (2014)
ToPASeq (2014)
Topology Incorporating Pathway Analysis of Expression Data: An Evaluation of Existing Methods (2013)
Differences of seminal plasma proteome in normospermia and nonobstructive azoospermia men (2014)
A simplified method for peptide de novo sequencing using O-18 labeling (2014)
The protein composition of excretory-secretory products of three Trichinella species (2014)
David and Goliath: potent venom of an ant-eating spider (Araneae) enables capture of a giant prey (2014)
H3K56ac distribution in cancer and embryonic cell lines during cell cycle (2014)
Regulation of H3K56ac during cell cycle in mammalian cells (2014)
Use of artificial neural networks for optimization of biogenic amines derivatization (2014)
Functional Analysis of Dishevelled-3 Phosphorylation Identifies Distinct Mechanisms Driven by Casein Kinase 1 epsilon and Frizzled5 (2014)
Improvement in Staphylococcus and Bacillus strain differentiation by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry profiling by using microwave-assisted enzymatic digestion (2014)
přímá kvantifikace proteinů a peptidů pomocí MS (2014)
Acinetobacter bohemicus sp nov widespread in natural soil and water ecosystems in the Czech Republic (2014)
Is there ontogenetic shift in the capture traits of a prey-specialized ant-eating spider? (2014)
Epigenetic aspects of HP1 exchange kinetics in apoptotic chromatin (2013)
Distinct in vitro sensitivity of p53-mutated and ATM-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2014)
Survival and growth of lactic acid bacteria in hot smoked dry sausages (non-fermented salami) with and without sensory deviations (2015)
Acinetobacter gandensis sp nov isolated from horse and cattle (2014)
Lactic acid bacteria in hot smoked dry sausage (non-fermented salami): Thermal resistance of Weissella viridescens strains isolated from hot smoked dry sausages (2015)
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry as a toll in biological sciences (2014)
A novel panel of proteins correlating with lymph node metastasis of low-grade breast cancer as identified by combined proteomics and transcriptomics approach (2014)
Identifikace a kmenová diferenciace izolátů bakterií mléčného kvašení (2014)
The melanoma-associated antigen 1 (MAGEA1) protein stimulates the E3 ubiquitin-ligase activity of TRIM31 within a TRIM31-MAGEA1-NSE4 complex (2015)
Post-Translational Modifications of Histones in Human Sperm (2015)
Acinetobacter seifertii sp nov., a member of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex isolated from human clinical specimens (2015)
Acinetobacter variabilis sp nov (formerly DNA group 15 sensu Tjernberg & Ursing), isolated from humans and animals (2015)
N-Glycome Profiling of Patatins from Different Potato Species of Solanum Genus (2015)
Amino acid composition and nutritional value of four cultivated South American potato species (2015)
Content of 4(5)-methylimidazole, caffeine and chlorogenic acid in commercial coffee brands (2015)
Proteomic responses to a methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress in the wild type and FerB mutant strains of Paracoccus denitrificans (2015)
Complete genome analysis of two new bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
Proteome-wide dataset generated by iTRAQ-3DLCMS/MS technique for studying the role of FerB protein in oxidative stress in Paracoccus denitrificans (2015)
Analysis of cell surface proteome of two variants of MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cells with different migration properties (2013)
Proteomics analysis of cell surface proteins associated with migration of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells (2014)
Analysis of potential prometastatic targets derived from proteomic comparison of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines with different migration capability (2014)
RBM7 subunit of the NEXT complex binds U-rich sequences and targets 3 '-end extended forms of snRNAs (2015)
Complete genome analysis of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
Bio-inspired computational algorithms and their application as a tool for analysis of leaf symptoms (2015)
Proteomická analýza potencionálnych prometastatických cieľov odvodených z porovnania bunečných línií s rôznym migračným potenciálom (2015)
David and the Goliath: potent venom of a ant-eating spider (Araneae) enables capture of a giant prey (2015)
Low glucose depletes glycan precursors, reduces site occupancy and galactosylation of a monoclonal antibody in CHO cell culture (2015)
Evaluation of the MALDI-TOF MS profiling for identification of newly described Aeromonas spp. (2015)
The comparison of functional molecules from excretory-secretory products of two Trichinella species (2015)
Proteome and transcript analysis of Vitis vinifera cell cultures subjected to Botrytis cinerea infection (2015)
Cell cycle-dependent changes in H3K56ac in human cells. (2015)
Major acid endopeptidases of the blood-feeding monogenean Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae) (2016)
Retention behavior of trinucleotides in electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (2015)
Molecular typing of Staphylococcus petrasii strains (2015)
The effect of cryptogein with changed abilities to transfer sterols and altered charge distribution on extracellular alkalinization, ROS and NO generation, lipid peroxidation and LOX gene transcription in Nicotiana tabacum (2015)
Selection of potential probiotic Lactobacillus strains of human origin for use in dairy industry (2015)
Acinetobacter albensis sp nov., isolated from natural soil and water ecosystems (2015)
Lactic acid bacteria in cooked hams - Sources of contamination and chances of survival in the product (2016)
Efficient large-scale preparation and purification of short single-stranded RNA oligonucleotides (2016)
Rapid assignment of malting barley varieties by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation - Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2016)
Taxonomy of haemolytic and/or proteolytic strains of the genus Acinetobacter with the proposal of Acinetobacter courvalinii sp nov (genomic species 14 sensu Bouvet & Jeanjean), Acinetobacter dispersus sp nov (genomic species 17), Acinetobacter modestus sp nov., Acinetobacter proteolyticus sp nov and Acinetobacter vivianii sp nov. (2016)
Complete genomes of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2016)
Deep insight into secretome and transcriptome of Trichinella spiralis and Trichinela pseudospiralis (2016)
Quantitative proteomics of the tobacco pollen tube secretome identifies novel pollen tube guidance proteins important for fertilization (2016)
Identification of AGR2 partners using mass spectrometry with label-free quantification (2012)
Úloha transgelinu v migraci a apoptóze buněk (2014)
Proteomics analysis of cell surface proteins associated with migration of MDAMB-231 breast cancer cells (2013)
Comparative proteomic analysis of sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans CCM 4253 cultures having lost the ability to couple anaerobic elemental sulfur oxidation with ferric iron reduction (2016)
Emergence of the First Catalytic Oligonucleotides in a Formamide-Based Origin Scenario (2016)
Modulations of elicitins activity by changes in proteins surface charge (2013)
The role of lysine residues on elicitins movement and perception in plants (2015)
Elicitin dimers - new players in elicitins biological activity (2015)
Modifications of elicitin biological activity by surface charge altering (2013)
Effects of biotic stress on the proteome of Solanum lycopersicum (2013)
Evolution of the NSE1-NSE3-NSE4 subcomplex of the human SMC5/6 complex (2015)
Efficient Procedure for N-Glycan Analyses and Detection of Endo H-Like Activity in Human Tumor Specimens (2016)
Molekulárna charakteristika kmeňov Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Genomic characterization of Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Evaluation of capacity to detect ability to form biofilm in Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto strains by MALDI-TOF MS (2016)
Sequence-dependent separation of trinucleotides by ion-interaction reversed-phase liquid chromatography A structure-retention study assisted by soft-modelling and molecular dynamics (2016)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae): insight into composition of E/S products and basic characterization of serpin (2016)
Dishevelled is a NEK2 kinase substrate controlling dynamics of centrosomal linker proteins (2016)
Elicitin-Induced Distal Systemic Resistance in Plants is Mediated Through the Protein-Protein Interactions Influenced by Selected Lysine Residues (2016)
Non-Enzymatic Oligomerization of 3 ', 5 ' Cyclic AMP (2016)
Modulation of the Discriminatory Power of MALDI-TOF MS Profiling for Distinguishing between Closely Related Bacterial Strains (2016)
Potenciál bílkovin hlíz brambor v rámci rodu Solanum (2015)
Quantitative mapping of microtubule-associated protein 2c (MAP2c) phosphorylation and regulatory protein 14-3-3 zeta-binding sites reveals key differences between MAP2c and its homolog Tau (2017)
Evaluation of sample preparation protocols for spider venom profiling by MALDI-TOF MS (2017)
Tandem affinity purification of AtTERT reveals putative interaction partners of plant telomerase in vivo (2017)
A proteomic analysis of LRRK2 binding partners reveals interactions with multiple signaling components of the WNT/PCP pathway (2017)
Staphylococcus sciuri bacteriophages double-convert for staphylokinase and phospholipase, mediate interspecies plasmid transduction, and package mecA gene (2017)
Analysis of gene expression and protein synthesis related to hypobiosis of Teladorsagia circumcincta (2017)
Classification of psychrophilic gliding bacteria isolated from Antarctica (2017)
Comparison of typing methods for classification of Antarctic Flavobacterium spp. (2017)
Generation of a Close-to-Native In Vitro System to Study Lung Cells-Extracellular Matrix Crosstalk (2018)
Deep coverage of the beer proteome (2017)
A New Two-Step Chromatographic Procedure for Fractionation of Potato Proteins with Potato Fruit Juice and Spray-Dried Protein as Source Materials (2017)
Tau tubulin kinase 2 phosphorylations in cilia initiation (2017)
KSR proteins link metabolic changes to the MAPK/ERK pathway (2016)
Variations of Histone Modification Patterns: Contributions of Inter-plant Variability and Technical Factors (2017)
Acinetobacter colistiniresistens sp nov (formerly genomic species 13 sensu Bouvet and Jeanjean and genomic species 14 sensu Tjernberg and Ursing), isolated from human infections and characterized by intrinsic resistance to polymyxins (2017)
A novel type I cystatin of parasite origin with atypical legumain-binding domain (2017)
Studium vzájemných interakcí proteinů u extrémně acidofilních bakterií (2017)
Identifikácia potenciálne prometastatických cieľov lokalizovaných na povrchu buniek mamárneho karcinómu (2017)
Parazitičtí jednorodí (Monogenea) - stále neznámé organismy (2018)
Metabolic stress regulates ERK activity by controlling KSR-RAF heterodimerization (2018)
MAMP (microbe-associated molecular pattern)-induced changes in plasma membrane-associated proteins (2017)
Kompletní mezokolická excize (2018)
MS Instrumentation training for students (2016)
Practical course in proteomics for FS MU students (2017)
Practical course in proteomics for FS MU students II (2017)
Summer school in new approaches in experimental biology and omics (2017)
Student training (FEEC BUT) (2017)
Student training (FEEC BUT) II (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course - November 2017 (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course - October 2017 (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course (2017)
Terminology of bioanalytical methods (IUPAC Recommendations 2018) (2018)
Selected characteristics of dry fermented sausages prepared with quick-dry-slice (QDS process) technology and their comparison with traditional products (2018)
Laser microdissection and mass spectrometry: protein analysis of strictly selected tissue from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2018)
Výsledky léčby krizotinibem v léčbě nemalobuněčného ALK pozitivního karcinomu plic v České republice (2018)
Brenner tumor of the ovary - ultrasound features and clinical management of a rare ovarian tumor mimicking ovarian cancer (2018)
Monogenea, fish parasites and their unknown molecules (2018)
Characterization of Staphylococcus petrasii using molecular typing methods and whole genome sequencing (2018)
Filter-Aided Sample Preparation Procedure for Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Plant Histones (2018)
Léčba nemocných s nemalobuněčným karcinomem a mutacemi genu receptoru epidermálního růstového faktoru (2018)
MYC-mediated downregulation of miR-150 contributes to the transformation of follicular lymphoma to DLBCL by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
MYC-mediated downregulation of miR-150 contributes to the transformation of follicular lymphoma by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
Struma ovarii - ultrasound features of a rare tumor mimicking ovarian cancer (2018)
Karcinom plic (2018)
Irradiation by gamma-rays reduces the level of H3S10 phosphorylation and weakens the G2 phase-dependent interaction between H3S10 phosphorylation and gamma H2AX (2018)
The Diverged Trypanosome MICOS Complex as a Hub for Mitochondrial Cristae Shaping and Protein Import (2018)
Dynamics of the Pollen Sequestrome Defined by Subcellular Coupled Omics (2018)
Limitations of routine MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric identification of Acinetobacter species and remedial actions (2018)
Identification and partial characterization of a novel serpin from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Polyopisthocotylea) (2018)
Analysis of Cep164 interactome identifies KIF14 as novel regulator of ciliogenesis (2018)
Prediction potentialof #S#ed microRNAs in glioblastoma patients (2018)
Chirurgická terapie mozkových metastáz – prognostické skórovací systémy a role mikroRNA (2018)
Achieving Thoracic Oncology data collection in Europe: a precursor study in 35 Countries (2018)
Dysregulace dlouhých nekódujících RNA u multiformního glioblastomu a jejich studium s využitím moderních molekulárně-genetických přístupů (2018)
Venom gland size and venom complexity-essential trophic adaptations of venomous predators: A case study using spiders (2018)
Venom of prey-specialized spiders is more toxic to their preferred prey: A result of prey-specific toxins (2018)
Trophic niche, capture efficiency and venom profiles of six sympatric ant-eating spider species (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2018)
Peptest v laboratoři a klinické praxi a jeho možnosti využití k diagnostice EER (2018)
Stav léčby pokročilého nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (NSCLC) v ČR v roce 2018 (2018)
Lze karcinom plic chápat jako chronické onemocnění? Retrospektivní analýza dat pacientůs NSCLC léčených centrovou léčbou (data registru TULUNG) (2018)
Zkušenosti s léčbou v kombinaci bevacizumab s karboplatinou a perorálním vinorelbilnem u pacientů s nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (CSCLC) (2018)
Long Non-Coding RNA analysis in glioblastoma (2018)
Karcinom plic (2018)
Vyšetření kondenzátu vydechovaného vzduchu jako neinvazivní diagnostika GERD (2018)
Evaluation of Important Analytical Parameters of the Peptest Immunoassay that Limit its Use in Diagnosing Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (2019)
Assessment of exhaled breath condensate for non-invasive diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (2018)
Peptest v laboratoři a klinické praxi a jeho možnosti využití k diagnostice EER (2018)
Peptest v laboratoři a klinické praxi a jeho možnosti využití k diagnostice EER (2018)
Proteomic characterization and antifungal activity of potato tuber proteins isolated from starch production waste under different temperature regimes (2018)
Tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKI) in first-line treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) - real life data from Czech republik. In European respiratory Journal 2018 (2018)
Description and comparative genomics of Macrococcus caseolyticus subsp. hominis subsp. nov., Macrococcus goetzii sp. nov., Macrococcus epidermidis sp. nov., and Macrococcus bohemicus sp. nov., novel macrococci from human clinical material with virulence potential and suspected uptake of foreign DNA by natural transformation (2018)
Rapid identification of Intact staphylococcal bacteriophages using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2018)
Isolation and characterization of potential lectin from Adenanthera pavonina seeds (2018)
Dishevelled enables casein kinase 1-mediated phosphorylation of Frizzled 6 required for cell membrane localization (2018)
Changes of electrocatalytic response of bovine serum albumin after its methylation and acetylation (2018)
WNT5A is transported via lipoprotein particles in the cerebrospinal fluid to regulate hindbrain morphogenesis (2019)
BUT students from Faculty of chemistry (2018)
MU students from Faculty of Science 2018 (2018)
Proteomics practical course for MSc students (2018)
MALDI-MS practical training for highschool students (2018)
MALDI-MS profiling course I (2018)
MALDI-MS profiling course II (2018)
MALDI-MS profiling course III (2018)
Student training (FEEC BUT) (2018)
MALDI-MS profiling course IV (2018)
MALDI-MS profiling course V (2018)
MALDI-MS profiling course VI (2018)
Intervertebral disc penetration by antibiotics used prophylactically in spinal surgery: implications for the current standards and treatment of disc infections (2019)
Role hormonální terapie u pacientek s karcinomem děložního těla (2018)
Dishevelled-3 conformation dynamics analyzed by FRET-based biosensors reveals a key role of casein kinase 1 (2019)
Fibroblast growth factor receptor influences primary cilium length through an interaction with intestinal cell kinase (2019)
Chronic Benign CD8+Proliferation: A Rare Affection that Can Mimic a Lymphoma Relapse (2019)
Charakteristika pacientů s NSCLC léčených inhibitory tyrozinkiázy (TKI) první a druhé generace po stanovení diagnózy v ČR (2019)
Clarification of the resection line non-intubated segmentectomy using indocyanine green (2019)
Koncept CME u pravostranné hemikolektomie (2019)
Novinky v imunoterapii karcinomu plic (2019)
Kombinace prediktivních markerů - analýza dat z registrů Tulung a Kelly (2019)
Nemalobuněčný karcinom plic s mutacemi genu receptoru epidermálního růstového katoru (2019)
Common Metabolic Pathways Implicated in Resistance to Chemotherapy Point to a Key Mitochondrial Role in Breast Cancer (2019)
Applicability of Phenylhydrazine Labeling for Structural Studies of Fucosylated N-Glycans (2019)
High-throughput analysis revealed mutations' diverging effects on SMN1 exon 7 splicing (2019)
Pembrolizumab v první linii léčby nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (2019)
Nemalobuněčný karcinom plic s mutacemi genu receptoru epidermálního růstového faktoru (2019)
Léčba maligního mezoteliomu pleury v České republice (2019)
Léčba bevacizumabem v kombinaci s karboplatinou a perorálním vinorelbinem u pacientu s nemalobunečnym karcinomem plic (NSCLC) na Klinice nemocí plicních a TBC, LF MU a FN Brno (2019)
Novinky v imunoterapii karcinomu plic (2019)
Kombinace prediktivních markerů - analýza dat z registrů Tulung a Kelly (2019)
Omics analyses and functional proteins of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2019)
On the molecular role of desmocollin-1 in lymph node metastasis of luminal A breast cancer (2019)
Karcinom plic - současná léčba (2019)
Cílená biologická léčba nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (2019)
Staphylococcus petrasii diagnostics and its pathogenic potential enhanced by mobile genetic elements (2019)
Komplexní genomové profilování u dospělých pacientů se solidními tumory - zkušenosti FN Brno (2019)
WNT signaling inducing activity in ascites predcts poor outcome in ovarian cancer (2019)
Tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKI) in first-line treatment of 470 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) from the Czech Republic (2019)
Chronic inflammation as potential predictive factor of nivolumab therapy in non)small cell lung cancer (2019)
Molekulární klasifikace meduloblastomů pomocí celogenomového expresního profilování (2019)
miR-376b-3p jako biomarker odpovědi na léčbu sunitinibem u pacientů s metastatickým karcinomem ledviny. (2019)
Novinky v imunoterapii karcinomu plic (2019)
Kombinace prediktivních markerů - analýza dat z registrů Tulung a Kelly (2019)
MikroRNA u mnohočetného myelomu (2019)
Chirurgická léčba mozkových metastáz – prognostické skórovací systémy a role mikroRNA (2019)
Ovlivnění diagnostiky primárního lymfomu mozku při současné terapii kortikoidy - kazuistika (2019)
Analýza dlouhých nekódujících RNA v tkáni multiformního glioblastomu a jejich asociace s celkovým přežíváním (2019)
Role určení molekulární podskupiny ependymomu v predikci prognózy – příklady konkrétních pacientů (2019)
Efficient and robust preparation of tyrosine phosphorylated intrinsically disordered proteins (2019)
Globální analýza NF-κB proteinových komplexů v modelu luminálních A nádorů prsu pomocí SEC-LC-MS/MS (2019)
The mechanisms of pro-metastatic role of desmocollin-1 in luminal breast cancer (2019)
Rola genetických predispozícií v chuťových a diétnych preferenciách u študentov zubného lekárstva LF MU (2019)
Capillary electrophoretic analysis of ionic content in exhaled breath condensate and pH monitoring as a non-invasive method in gastroesophageal reflux disease diagnostics (2019)
Farmakoterapie plicních nemocí (2019)
Klinický standrad komplexní péče o pacienty s bronchogenním nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (2019)
Klinický standard komplexní péče o pacienty s bronchogenním malobuněčným karcinomem plic (2019)
Standardní postup při provádění bronchoalveolární laváže a vyšetřování bronchoalveolární tekutiny (2019)
Určení klinického stadia nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (2019)
Effect of primary prevention of tobacco addiction in children - original project (2019)
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer as a chronic disease - a prospective study from the Czech TULUNG registry (2019)
A phase lllb, open.label study of afatinib in EGFR TKI-naive patients with EGFR mutation-positive NSCLC: A biomarker analysis (2019)
Colicin Z, a structurally and functionally novel colicin type that selectively kills enteroinvasive Escherichia coli and Shigella strains (2019)
Hymenobacter humicola sp. nov., isolated from soils in Antarctica (2019)
KIF14 is involved in ciliogenesis via regulation of Aurora A (2019)
Proximity interactome of CEP164 revealed KIF14 as novel ciliogenesis regulator (2018)
Different Modes of Action of Genetic and Chemical Downregulation of Histone Deacetylases with Respect to Plant Development and Histone Modifications (2019)
DNA Damage Changes Distribution Pattern and Levels of HP1 Protein Isoforms in the Nucleolus and Increases Phosphorylation of HP1 beta-Ser88 (2019)
A mcrA gene sequencing and analysis protocol for the Illumina MiniSeq sequencer (2019)
Activity of N-Phenylpiperazine Derivatives Against Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens (2019)
DDA, DIA, či directDIA: závisle, s knihovnou či bez? Praktické porovnání přístupů pro různé typy proteomických experimentů (2019)
Vnitřní lékařství v kostce - Pneumologie (2019)
Bending of DNA duplexes with mutation motifs (2019)
Complex structural variants lead to gene inactivation rather than expression of de novo fusion genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Characterization of causal variants associated with hereditary thrombocytopenias. (2019)
A rare diagnosis: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis, oculocutaneous albinism and thrombocytopathy (2019)
Biologická a klinická analýza souboru nemocných s refrakterní a relabující chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky (2019)
MiR-21 binding site SNP within ITGAM associated with psoriasis susceptibility in women (2019)
Complex structural variants and formation of de novo fusion genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky. (2019)
Cytogenetika u CLL a role komplexního karyotypu. (2019)
Molekulární klasifikace meduloblastomů pomocí celogenomového expresního profilování (2019)
Analysis of Mutational Landscape in Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Identifies Novel Prognostic Markers. (2019)
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Vaccines Contain Non-Structural Protein 1 Antigen and may Elicit NS1-Specific Antibody Responses in Vaccinated Individuals (2020)
Comparative phosphorylation map of Dishevelled 3 links phospho-signatures to biological outputs (2019)
New Genus Fibralongavirus in Siphoviridae Phages of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (2019)
Systém pro přípravu vzorku a identifikaci alespoň jednoho kmene bakteriofága prostřednictvím hmotnostní spektrometrie (2019)
Mouse Lipocalins (MUP, OBP, LCN) Are Co-expressed in Tissues Involved in Chemical Communication (2016)
Phosphorylation of multiple proteins involved in ciliogenesis by Tau Tubulin Kinase 2 (2020)
A novel germline mutation in GP1BA gene in family with hereditary macrothrombocytopenia (2019)
Dysregulated expression of lncRNAs in glioblastoma multiforme and their association with overall survival (2019)
miR-376b and miR-4668 predict therapeutic response to sunitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2019)
Processing of proteomics data in KNIME (2019)
Characterization of Staphylococcus intermedius Group Isolates Associated with Animals from Antarctica and Emended Description of Staphylococcus delphini (2020)
Isoforms of Cathepsin B1 in Neurotropic Schistosomula of Trichobilharzia regenti Differ in Substrate Preferences and a Highly Expressed Catalytically Inactive Paralog Binds Cystatin (2020)
KIF14 controls ciliogenesis via regulation of Aurora A and is important for Hedgehog signaling (2020)
Molecular insights into the architecture of the human SMC5/6 complex (2020)
A Contribution to Analysis of "Czech Beer" Authenticity (2009)
Identification of Anthocyanins in Red Grape, Plum and Capulin by MALDI-ToF MS (2012)
N-Glycan profiling of lung adenocarcinoma in patients at different stages of disease (2020)
The Beta Subunit of Nascent Polypeptide Associated Complex Plays A Role in Flowers and Siliques Development of Arabidopsis thaliana (2020)
Laser capture microdissection in combination with mass spectrometry: Approach to characterization of tissue-specific proteomes of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Polyopisthocotylea) (2020)
Interacting effects of the MAM model of schizophrenia and antipsychotic treatment: Untargeted proteomics approach in adipose tissue (2021)
Biting and binding: an exclusive coercive mating strategy of males in a philodromid spider (2020)
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometric Profiling of Spider Venoms (2020)
Rola katechol-O-metyltransferázy u estrogén-receptor pozitívnych nádorov prsníka (2020)
Desmocollin-1 plays a role in breast cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis and is modulated by parthenolide (2020)
RNF43 truncations trap CK1 to drive niche-independent self-renewal in cancer (2020)
Hymenobacter terrestris sp. nov. and Hymenobacter lapidiphilus sp. nov., isolated from regoliths in Antarctica (2020)
Activity of Smurf2 Ubiquitin Ligase Is Regulated by the Wnt Pathway Protein Dishevelled (2020)
Transgelin contributes to a poor response of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to sunitinib treatment (2020)
Enhanced DNA damage response through RAD50 in triple negative breast cancer resistant and cancer stem-like cells contributes to chemoresistance (2021)
Transgelin negativně přispívá k léčebné odpovědi pacientů s metastatickým reálním karcinomem léčených tyrosinkinasovými inhibitory (2020)
Activation of glycogenolysis and glycolysis in breast cancer stem cell models (2020)
Myeloperoxidase mediated alteration of endothelial function is dependent on its cationic charge (2021)
Comprehensive N-glycosylation mapping of envelope glycoprotein from tick-borne encephalitis virus grown in human and tick cells (2020)
Transcriptomic and Proteomic Insights into Amborella trichopoda Male Gametophyte Functions (2020)
N-Glycome changes reflecting resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer (2021)
Integrated Proteo-Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal Insights into Regulation of Pollen Development Stages and Dynamics of Cellular Response to Apple Fruit Crinkle Viroid (AFCVd)-Infection in Nicotiana tabacum (2020)
YAP-TEAD1 control of cytoskeleton dynamics and intracellular tension guides human pluripotent stem cell mesoderm specification (2021)
Elimination of Viroids from Tobacco Pollen Involves a Decrease in Propagation Rate and an Increase of the Degradation Processes (2020)
NIST Interlaboratory Study on Glycosylation Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies: Comparison of Results from Diverse Analytical Methods (2020)
Bacterial Diversity in the Asphalt Concrete Lining of the Upper Water Reservoir of a Pumped-Storage Scheme (2020)
Identification of CDK11 interactome (2020)
SP3 Protocol for Proteomic Plant Sample Preparation Prior LC-MS/MS (2021)
Classification of a Violacein-Producing Psychrophilic Group of Isolates Associated with Freshwater in Antarctica and Description of Rugamonas violacea sp. nov. (2021)
Development of a Comprehensive Toxicity Pathway Model for 17α-Ethinylestradiol in Early Life Stage Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) (2021)
Transgelin Contributes to a Poor Response of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to Sunitinib Treatment (2021)
DIA-MS Identifies and Validates Transgelin as Protein Contributing to a Poor Response of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to Sunitinib Treatment (2021)
RNF43 inhibits WNT5A-driven signaling and suppresses melanoma invasion and resistance to the targeted therapy (2021)
Proteomic Signatures of Human Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipocytes (2022)
A large-scale assay library for targeted protein quantification in renal cell carcinoma tissues (2021)
Knihovna cílených hmotnostně-spektrometrických assays pro proteotypovou klasifikaci trojitě negativních nádorů prsu získaná pomocí timsTOF Pro (2021)
Characterization of the AGR2 Interactome Uncovers New Players of Protein Disulfide Isomerase Network in Cancer Cells (2022)
A large-scale assay library for targeted protein quantification in renal cell carcinoma tissues (2022)
Oilseed Cake Flour Composition, Functional Properties and Antioxidant Potential as Effects of Sieving and Species Differences (2021)
The yeast mitochondrial succinylome: Implications for regulation of mitochondrial nucleoids (2021)
Questions and Answers Related to the Prebiotic Production of Oligonucleotide Sequences from 3′,5′ Cyclic Nucleotide Precursors (2021)
Assessing the Toxicity of 17 alpha-Ethinylestradiol in Rainbow Trout Using a 4-Day Transcriptomics Benchmark Dose (BMD) Embryo Assay (2021)
DDX21 is a p38-MAPK-sensitive nucleolar protein necessary for mouse preimplantation embryo development and cell-fate specification (2021)
Phosphorylation within Intrinsic Disordered Region Discriminates Histone Variant macroH2A1 Splicing Isoforms-macroH2A1.1 and macroH2A1.2 (2021)
p38-MAPK-mediated translation regulation during early blastocyst development is required for primitive endoderm differentiation in mice (2021)
Identification of metabolic changes leading to cancer susceptibility in Fanconi anemia cells (2021)
Death Receptor 5 (TNFRSF10B) Is Upregulated and TRAIL Resistance Is Reversed in Hypoxia and Normoxia in Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines after Treatment with Skyrin, the Active Metabolite of Hypericum spp. (2021)
Trimethylacetic Anhydride-Based Derivatization Facilitates Quantification of Histone Marks at the MS1 Level (2021)
In vivo and in vitro cell-based model of lung adenocarcinoma from patients with pleural effusion (2021)
Comparative analyses of angiosperm secretomes identify apoplastic pollen tube functions and novel secreted peptides (2021)
Nonenzymatic, Template-Free Polymerization of 3',5' Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate on Mineral Surfaces (2021)
Delineation of a novel environmental phylogroup of the genus Acinetobacter encompassing Acinetobacter terrae sp. nov., Acinetobacter terrestris sp. nov. and three other tentative species (2021)
Arabidopsis bZIP18 and bZIP52 Accumulate in Nuclei Following Heat Stress where They Regulate the Expression of a Similar Set of Genes (2021)
Disruption of NAP1 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana suppresses the fas1 mutant phenotype, enhances genome stability and changes chromatin compaction (2021)
Proteotypová analýza renálního karcinomu ve vztahu k prognóze a terapeutické odpovědi (2021)
ICAM-1 induced rearrangements of capsid and genome prime rhinovirus 14 for activation and uncoating (2021)
The comprehensive interactomes of human adenosine RNA methyltransferases and demethylases reveal distinct functional and regulatory features (2021)
Roles of individual human Dishevelled paralogs in the Wnt signalling pathways (2021)
The oligomeric states of elicitins affect the hypersensitive response and resistance in tobacco (2021)
Green Biotech Workshop (2019)
SINGING Plant Miniconference (2020)
Lyn Phosphorylates and Controls ROR1 Surface Dynamics During Chemotaxis of CLL Cells (2022)
Characterisation of Waterborne Psychrophilic Massilia Isolates with Violacein Production and Description of Massilia antarctica sp. nov. (2022)
Business Research Forum (2021)
CF Day (2021)
Pedobacter fastidiosus sp. nov., isolated from glacial habitats of maritime Antarctica (2022)
Differentiation of Sialyl Linkages Using a Combination of Alkyl Esterification and Phenylhydrazine Derivatization: Application for N-Glycan Profiling in the Sera of Patients with Lung Cancer (2022)
Characterizing toxicity pathways of fluoxetine to predict adverse outcomes in adult fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) (2022)
The essential cysteines in the CIPC motif of the thioredoxin-like Trypanosoma brucei MICOS subunit TbMic20 do not form an intramolecular disulfide bridge in vivo (2022)
Comparative analysis of transcriptomic points-of-departure (tPODs) and apical responses in embryo-larval fathead minnows exposed to fluoxetine (2022)
Role of Nse1 Subunit of SMC5/6 Complex as a Ubiquitin Ligase (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
The Pork Meat or the Environment of the Production Facility? The Effect of Individual Technological Steps on the Bacterial Contamination in Cooked Hams (2022)
Comparative bacteriome analysis of tooth and cystic fluid in patients with apical periodontitis and radicular cyst – pilot study (2022)
CDK11 regulates pre-mRNA splicing by phosphorylation ofSF3B1 (2022)
Molekulárně biologická analýza zubního kamene a mumifikované tkáně Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
XXXIV/252. Mass spectrometry analysis of extracellular vesicles from malignant ascites highlights the role of tumor microenvironment in progression of ovarian cancer (2022)
Proteotype classification of renal cell carcinoma for prognosis and therapy response (2022)
Global SEC-PCP-SILAC mapping reveals protein complexes mediating NF-κB activation in breast cancer (2022)
DIA-MS identifies proteins associated with a poor response of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment (2022)
Proteiny odpovědné za špatnou terapeutickou odpověď metastatických nádorů ledvin na léčbu tyrosinkinasovými inhibitory (2022)
Ecological specialization and reproductive isolation among closely related sympatric ant-eating spiders (2022)
Corynebacterium antarcticum sp. nov., Corynebacterium marambiense sp. nov., Corynebacterium meridianum sp. nov., and Corynebacterium pygosceleis sp. nov., isolated from Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) (2023)
Směs pro zvýšení obsahu silymarinu v pekařských, cukrářských a masných výrobcích a pekařské a/nebo cukrářské a masné výrobky obsahující tuto směs (2022)
The Highest Density of Phosphorylated Histone H1 Appeared in Prophase and Prometaphase in Parallel with Reduced H3K9me3, and HDAC1 Depletion Increased H1.2/H1.3 and H1.4 Serine 38 Phosphorylation (2022)
Histone Variant macroH2A1.1 Enhances Nonhomologous End Joining-dependent DNA Double-strand-break Repair and Reprogramming Efficiency of Human iPSCs (2022)
Spruce versus Arabidopsis: different strategies of photosynthetic acclimation to light intensity change (2022)
Enhanced drug delivery by a prodrug approach effectively relieves neuroinflammation in mice (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Quantitative Acetylomics Uncover Acetylation-Mediated Pathway Changes Following Histone Deacetylase Inhibition in Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (2022)
Staphylococcus aureus Prophage-Encoded Protein Causes Abortive Infection and Provides Population Immunity against Kayviruses (2023)
Green Biotech Workshop 2022 (2022)
CF Day Meeting (2022)
Catechol-O-methyl transferase suppresses cell invasion and interplays with MET signaling in estrogen dependent breast cancer (2023)
Toll-Like Receptor 3 Overexpression Induces Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells, whereas Its Activation Triggers Apoptosis (2022)
Tick-borne encephalitis virus capsid protein induces translational shutoff as revealed by its structural-biological analysis (2022)
Irradiation potentiates p53 phosphorylation and p53 binding to the promoter and coding region of the TP53 gene (2023)
Regulatory dynamics of gene expression in the developing male gametophyte of Arabidopsis (2023)
Staphylococcus brunensis sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens with an SCC-related genomic island outside of the rlmH gene bearing ccrDE recombinase gene complex (LB068) (2023)
DiaPASEF proteotype analysis indicates changes in cell growth and metabolic switch induced by caspase-9 inhibition in chondrogenic cells (2023)
Prognostic value and multifaceted roles of tetraspanin CD9 in cancer (2023)
Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023)
Spatial positioning of preimplantation mouse embryo cells is regulated by mTORC1 and m(7)G-cap-dependent translation at the 8-to 16-cell transition (2023)
Characteristics of N-Glycosylation and Its Impact on the Molecular Behavior of Lupinus angustifolius ?-Conglutin (2023)
New findings on the action of hypericin in hypoxic cancer cells with a focus on the modulation of side population cells (2023)
Desmocollin-1 is associated with pro-metastatic phenotype of luminal A breast cancer cells and is modulated by parthenolide (2023)
Staphylococcus brunensis sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens with a staphylococcal cassette chromosome-related genomic island outside of the rlmH gene bearing the ccrDE recombinase gene complex (2023)
Extraction Protocol for Parallel Analysis of Proteins and DNA from Ancient Teeth and Dental Calculus (2023)
Palaeoproteomic and Genomic Analyses of Bronze Age Population from Unětice Culture, Moravia, Czech Republic (2023)
Global Interactome Mapping Reveals Pro-tumorigenic Interactions of NF-κB in Breast Cancer (2023)
Next generation proteomics identifies a potential protein marker of poor response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2023)
Library-based vs. library-free: a comprehensive DDA/diaPASEF hybrid assay library from triple-negative breast tumors for quantitative DIA data extraction in Spectronaut and DIA-NN (2023)
Transmembrane glycoprotein GPNMB is a potential marker of poor response of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor treatment (2023)
Proteotype classification of renal cell carcinoma for prognosis and therapy response (2023)
Unraveling adipose tissue proteomic landscapes in severe obesity: insights into metabolic complications and potential biomarkers (2023)
A complex role of Arabidopsis CDKD;3 in meiotic progression and cytokinesis (2023)
Proteotype classification of metastatic and localized renal cell carcinomas for prognosis and therapy response (2023)
Proteotype classification of localized and metastatic renal cell carcinoma for prognosis and therapy response (2023)
Proteotypová klasifikace renálního karcinomu (2023)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted Therapy (2023)
Unraveling Epigenetic Changes in A. thaliana Calli: Impact of HDAC Inhibitors (2023)
BABA-induced pathogen resistance: a multi-omics analysis of the tomato response reveals a hyper-receptive status involving ethylene (2023)
Benchmarking of Two Peptide Clean-Up Protocols: SP2 and Ethyl Acetate Extraction for Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate or Polyethylene Glycol Removal from Plant Samples before LC-MS/MS (2023)
A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology (2023)
Cryo-EM structure of a plant photosystem II supercomplex with light-harvesting protein Lhcb8 and α-tocopherol (2023)
Global interactome mapping reveals pro-tumorigenic interactions of NF-κB in breast cancer (2024)
Caspase-9 Is a Positive Regulator of Osteoblastic Cell Migration Identified by diaPASEF Proteomics (2024)
Optimizing ChIRP-MS for Comprehensive Profiling of RNA-Protein Interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana: A Telomerase RNA Case Study (2024)
Proteomic analysis of ascitic extracellular vesicles describes tumour microenvironment and predicts patient survival in ovarian cancer (2024)
Toll-Like Receptor 3 Overexpression Induces Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells, whereas Its Activation Triggers Apoptosis (2022)
N-glycan profiling of tissue samples to aid breast cancer subtyping (2024)
Discriminatory power of MALDI-TOF MS protein profiling analysis of pork meat and meat products (2024)
Proteomic Profiles of Whole Seeds, Hulls, and Dehulled Seeds of Two Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Cultivars (2024)
Comparison of Yield Characteristics, Chemical Composition, Lignans Content and Antioxidant Potential of Experimentally Grown Six Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Cultivars (2024)
Proteomic Profile of Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Products as Influenced by Protein Concentration Method and Cultivar (2024)
Fibrotic extracellular matrix impacts cardiomyocyte phenotype and function in an iPSC-derived isogenic model of cardiac fibrosis (2024)
A hybrid DDA/DIA-PASEF based assay library for a deep proteotyping of triple-negative breast cancer (2024)
Epigenetic and transcriptional control of adipocyte function by centenarian-associated SIRT6 N308K/A313S mutant (2024)
2. Offsite Meeting of the Department of Histology and Embryology (ÚHE): Advancing Science and Collaboration (2024)
Histone Chaperone Deficiency in Arabidopsis Plants Triggers Adaptive Epigenetic Changes in Histone Variants and Modifications (2024)
Linking planar polarity signaling to actomyosin contractility during vertebrate neurulation (2024)
Armed with PRICKLE(3)s: PCP complexes protection against RNF43 (2024)
Proteomic analysis of tetraspanin-deficient extracellular vesicles (2024)
Comparison of phosphopeptide enrichment and LC-MS/MS acquisition methods to study cancer phosphoproteome (2024)
Transmembrane glycoprotein GPNMB is a candidate predictive biomarker and potentially a therapeutic target in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2024)
Linking planar polarity signalling to actomyosin contractility during vertebrate neurulation (2024)
Carboxy-terminal polyglutamylation regulates signaling and phase separation of the Dishevelled protein (2024)
Desmocollin-1 is associated with pro-metastatic phenotype of luminal A breast cancer cells and is modulated by parthenolide (2024)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted therapy (2024)
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