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Metropolitní archiv medicínských obrazových informací (2002)
MEDIMED-Regional Centre for Archiving and Interhospital Exchange of Medicine Multimedia Data (2003)
MEDIMED - Regional PACS Centre in Brno (2004)
Management of Interhospital Processing of Medical Multimedia Data (2004)
Developement of Regional Centre for Medical Multimedia Data Processing (2004)
MeDiMed: a new platform for multimedial cooperation in medicine (2005)
Projekt MeDiMed (2005)
Regionální řešení zpracovávání medicínských obrazových informací (2005)
Regional educational and research centre for processing of medical image information (2005)
Výukový PACS na LF MU (2005)
Projekt MEDIMED - metropolitní PACS archiv v Brně (2005)
Výuka v rámci projektu MeDiMed (2005)
Communication Technology As a Tool to increase Efficiency in Medical Care (2005)
Metropolitan Digital Imaging System in Medicine (2005)
PKI Utilisation for PACS Users Authentication (2006)
Collaborative environment supporting research and education in the area of medical image information (2006)
Opportunity of Current ICT in the Processing of Medical Image Information. (2006)
Využití možností digitálního zpracování obrazových informací pro zvýšení kvality, efektivity a konkurenceschopnosti zdravotnických zarízení (2006)
Improving Education and Cost - Effectiveness in Medical Imaging (2007)
Opportunities of Todays ICT Technologies for Support of Education and Training in Radiology (2007)
Regionání řešení pro podporu medicínských obrazových informací (2007)
Digital tutorial archive (2007)
PACS v gynekologii (2007)
Digitální obrazový archiv (2007)
Projekt MEDIMED - regionální archiv medicínských obrazových dat (2007)
Tříleté fungování výukové databáze MEDIMED: praktické aspekty (2007)
Technology backround of international collaboration on medicine multimedia knowledge base establishment (2008)
Integration of Telemedicine Activities in the Czech Republic (2007)
Use of 3D geometry modelling of osteochondrosis-like iatrogenic lesions as a template for press and fit scaffold seeded with mesenchymal stem cells. (2007)
Ict as Tool for Controlling of Market Relationship and Increasing of Economic Effectiveness in the Area of Processing of Medical Image Data (2008)
Knowledge Management and Cost - Effectiveness in the Area of Medical Image Data (2008)
Mathematical Processing of Syslog Messages from Routers an Switches (2008)
DICOM-based teaching archive: the Czech MeDiMed project (2007)
Výukový PACS a jeho přínos ve výuce na LF MU (2006)
Environment for effective training in medical image diagnostics (2009)
MEDIMED - Regional Centre for Medicine Image Data Processing (2010)
Redundancy in Processing of Medical Image Data (2009)
System for Effective Collaboration in the Area of Medical Imaging (2010)
Current Development of MeDiMed the Regional Centre for Medicine Picture Data Processing (2009)
Mathematical Processing of Event Logs (2010)
Mathematical processing of event logs from nerwork devices (2010)
Systém pro mezinárodní výměnu obrazových informací (2010)
Zkušenosti s provozem Radiologického komunikačního centra (2009)
Sharing the expert medical experience with medical students and specialists (2009)
Service Availability Quantification in Datacommunication Networks (2011)
Regional Medical Imaging System (2011)
System Supporting Effectiveness in Medical Imaging (2011)
Extension of the Shared Regional PACS CenterMeDiMed to Smaller Healthcare Institutions (2012)
Sharing of knowledge and resources in regional medical imaging (2012)
ICT Systems Monitoring (2012)
MEDIMED Shared Regional PACS Center (2013)
Integration Concept in Regional Medical Imaging (2013)
Securing a Publicly Accessible Database of Medical Images Using Watermarking with Direct Diagnose Capability (2014)
Zálohovací a dohledový systém pro InstantPACS (2014)
Watermarking in Regional Medical Imaging (2015)
RONI Size and another Attributes of Representative Sample of Medical Images in Common Hospital Operation, Related to Securing by Watermarking Methods (2016)
A new approach to fully-reversible watermarking in medical imaging with breakthrough visibility parameters (2016)
Reversible Watermarking in Medical Imaging with Zero Distortion in ROI (2017)
Designing Coherent Gesture Sets for Multi-scale Navigation on Tabletops (2018)
Evaluation of Cyber Defense Exercises Using Visual Analytics Process (2018)
DNS Firewall Data Visualization (2019)
Legislativní aspekty dalšího rozvoje v oblasti telemedicíny (2015)
Právní limity nakládání s údaji o zdravotním stavu (2017)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Cyber Defence (2019)
Visual Feedback for Players of Multi-Level Capture the Flag Games: Field Usability Study (2019)
Software pro simulaci obecných i kritických informačních infrastruktur (2019)
Software pro provádění bezpečnostních cvičení a školení (2019)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Network Security Management (2020)
Conceptual Model of Visual Analytics for Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
Geovisto: A Toolkit for Generic Geospatial Data Visualization (2021)
Software pro podporu rozhodování při řešení bezpečnostního incidentu (2020)
Zero Watermarking: Critical Analysis of Its Role in Current Medical Imaging (2021)
Geovisto: Toolkit for Generic Geospatial Data Visualization (2021)
Nettmap2 - Interaktivní nástroj pro zobrazení síťové topologie vizualizující data z Flowmon řešení (2020)
PCAPFunnel: A Tool for Rapid Exploration of Packet Capture Files (2021)
Enhancing Situational Awareness for Tutors of Cybersecurity Capture the Flag Games (2021)
Data-driven insight into the puzzle-based cybersecurity training (2022)
CRUSOE: A Toolset for Cyber Situational Awareness and Decision Support in Incident Handling (2022)
Vizuálně-analytická konzole pro ICS (2021)
Prototypová implementace nástroje pro vizuální analýzu časově orientovaných dat (2021)
Mission-centric Decision Support in Cybersecurity via Bayesian Privilege Attack Graph (2022)
Improving Cybersecurity Incident Analysis Workflow with Analytical Provenance (2022)
Towards a Visual Analytics Workflow for Cybersecurity Simulations (2023)
Towards Interactive Geovisualization Authoring Toolkit for Industry Use Cases (2023)
Kolaborativní prostředí pro členy bezpečnostních týmů (2022)
SW pro dynamickou verifikaci bezpečnostních opatření (2022)
Analýza systému pro podporu efektivní spolupráce distribuovaných zdravotnických týmů (2022)
Using relational graphs for exploratory analysis of network traffic data (2023)
From Bin to Playin’: Give Vintage Objects a New Purpose as Game Controllers (2023)
Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences (2023)
xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool (2023)
Lightweight Impact Assessment and Projection of Lateral Movement and Malware Infection (2023)
Research and Practice of Delivering Tabletop Exercises (2024)
From Paper to Platform: Evolution of a Novel Learning Environment for Tabletop Exercises (2024)
Slovník mediální gramotnosti (2024)
Vulnerability of Students of Masaryk University to Two Different Types of Phishing (2024)
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