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Náboženství předislámské Arábie (2008)
Bogomiles d'Orient et Cathares d'Occident: Un nécessaire retour aux sources (2008)
Protikacířské pojednání „Odhalení albigenské a lyonské hereze“ (2008)
Bylo a bude, svět tak běží, že s ženou jiného, kdo může, leží: "Alternativní" sexuální morálky a jejich regulace v inkvizičním registru Jakuba Fourniera (2008)
Křesťanství: Proměny na cestě staletími (2009)
Pilar Jiménez Sanchez, Les catharismes: Modeles dissidents du christianisme médiéval (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) (2009)
The Norm-Deviation Model Reconsidered (2010)
Définir les "cathares": Le dualisme dans les registres d'inquisition (2010)
Pilar Jiménez Sanchez, Les catharismes: Modeles dissidents du christianisme médiéval (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) (2010)
La Charte de Niquinta et le rassemblement de Saint-Félix: État de la question (2010)
Édition critique de la Charte de Niquinta selon les trois versions connues (2010)
Označení, typologie a genealogie středověkých herezí: Inspirace a výzvy pro teorii religionistiky (2010)
Cathares et bogomiles: Deux courants, une tradition (2010)
Křesťanství a evropské identity (2011)
Osobní religiozita, náboženství a členství: Případ Armanna „Pungilupa“ z Ferrary (2011)
James B. Given, Inkvizice a středověká společnost: Moc, kázeň a odpor v Languedocu (2011)
Výkonný redaktor časopisu Religio: Revue pro religionistiku (2011)
Bogomils and Cathars: Real or Imagined Genealogical Link? (2011)
The Problem of Manichean-Bogomil-Cathar Relationship (2011)
Current Research in "Alternative" Sexual Morals in Medieval Inquisitorial Records (2011)
Medieval Christian Dualisms: An Introduction (2011)
"Poor of Christ" Not So Poor: A Paradox of the Cathar Heresy (2012)
"Poor of Christ" Not So Poor: A Paradox of the Cathar Heresy (2011)
Theories and Methods for a Case Study Research in Individual Religiosity and Religious Bricolage in Medieval Inquisitional Registers (2011)
Time of Decline, Time of Hope: Scientific, Cultural and Political Engagement of the Study of Religions (2008)
Současné bádání o středověké inkvizici : stav, směřování, perspektivy (2012)
Skeptický a materialistický proud ve středověkém křesťanství : případ z Itálie 13. století (2012)
Introduction to the Discussion “Religious Studies as a Scientific Discipline: A Delusion?” (2012)
Cathars as cultural waste : a global theory of Cathar heresy as "the Other" of a new social order (2012)
Výkonný redaktor časopisu Religio: Revue pro religionistiku (2012)
Should historians care about symmetry? The example of research into Medieval inquisitional records (2012)
Towards a symmetrical approach : the study of religions after postmodern and postcolonial criticism (2012)
Případ nekonfesní religiozity ve středověké Evropě : Bompietro z Boloně (2012)
Legislativní rámec, raný vývoj a průběh inkvizičních procesů ve 13.-14. století (2012)
Forming Identity and Legitimizing Leadership: Why the 12th-13th Century Narratives about the History of Cathar Groups are Not Pure Polemical Fantasy (2013)
Inkviziční záznamy jako pramen historického bádání: Možnosti, omezení, strategie čtení (2012)
Sexuální morálka, koexistence norem a kontrola myšlení ve středověké Evropě : případ Petra Vidala (2013)
Being Fair Towards the Dead? Historians and Power Relations in Research into Inquisitional Records (2013)
Výkonný redaktor časopisu Religio: Revue pro religionistiku (2013)
Pojednání „O katarské herezi v Lombardii“ (1190/1215) (2013)
Hédonistické křesťanství, sexuální morálka a vyjednávání o identitě : Případ Grazidy Lizierové (1320) (2013)
Games with Names: Advances in, and Shortcomings of the Debate on the Invention of Heresy (2014)
Utváření nekonformní náboženské skupiny v záznamech z inkvizičního procesu s oddanými svaté Vilemíny (2014)
Křesťanská apokalyptika ve starověku a středověku (2014)
Formování křesťanství a jeho vývoj do konce středověku (2014)
Vývoj křesťanských rituálů (2014)
Náboženství světa I : Západní tradice (2014)
"Suma o katarech a leonistech" od Raniera Sacconiho (1250) a katarské skupiny ve druhé čtvrtině 13. století (2014)
A Compilation from Old Testament Sapiential Books in the Cathar Manuscript of the Liber de duobus principiis: Critical Edition with Commentary (2015)
"In novissimis temporibus sustinere debent multa scandala et tribulationes et persecutiones": Evidence for Apocalyptic Catharism in Firenze, Conventi sopressi, MS J II 44 (2015)
Exporting Grain and Gods: The Spread of the Cult of Isis and Sarapis on the Ancient Mediterranean Trade Network (2015)
Spatial analysis of police open data as a part of community policing – an example of Pardubice city (Czech Republic) (2015)
Geneze rukopisu "Knihy o dvou principech" a katarský výklad Bible v jeho doplňcích a margináliích (2015)
Directions for the Gods: Key Factors Influencing the Early Spread of the Isiac Cults (2015)
GIS in Historical Research (2015)
Historical Spatial Datasets. Selected Issues (2015)
Editor's Introduction to the Discussion (2016)
Epidemiology of the Egyptian Cults During the Hellenistic Period: Can You Spread it too? (2016)
Generative Historiography of Ancient Religions and the Case of Travelling Deities: How to Model the Spread of Cults in the Ancient Mediterranean (2016)
Le codex cathare occitan de Lyon : Un livre de Peire Autier? (2016)
Visualization and Spatial Analysis of Police Open Data as a Part of Community Policing in the City of Pardubice (Czech Republic) (2016)
Attracting the Gods: How to Model the Spread of the Egyptian Cults in the Ancient Mediterranean (2016)
Kyklades Project (2016)
Probuzeni se vzpomínkou : inkubace v kultu Asklépia a její vliv na fungování paměti (2016)
Agent-Based Modelling And Simulation For The Geospatial Network Model Of The Roman World (2016)
Extending transportation network of the Roman Empire by means of demographic and economic proxies (2016)
Heretical Hands at Work: Reconsidering the Genesis of a Cathar Manuscript (Ms. Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Conv. soppr. J.II.44) (2017)
The Role of Women and Men in the Structures of Dissident Christianity in Medieval Languedoc from the Perspective of Social Network Analysis (2017)
Nové poznatky o původu okcitánského katarského kodexu z Lyonu a tzv. "Lyonského řádu" (2016)
Uncovering the Secret of Christian Success in Terms of Spatial Network Analysis: Introducing the GEHIR project (2017)
The role of texts in the stabilization of pan-Mediterranean religious networks: A case study in geospatial computational modeling of ancient religious history (2017)
Regrowing Egyptian cults: The potential of using modern computational methods in the study of ancient religions (2017)
Connection Between Mithraism and Roman Army Garrisons (2017)
Relating the Spread of Early Christianity to the Transportation Network of Ancient Mediterranean (2017)
Bremmer, Jan N. Initiation into the mysteries of the ancient world (recenze) (2017)
Mezinárodní simultánní čtení Ovidia, 23. 3. 2018 (2018)
Ptolemaic military operations were a dominant factor in the spread of Egyptian cults across the early Hellenistic Aegean Sea (2018)
Spatial predictive modeling of prehistoric sites in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands based on graph similarity analysis (2018)
The Participation of Women (and Some Men) in Languedocian Catharism : A Network Science Perspective II (2018)
Women, Men, and Medieval Heresy : Tackling an Old Question through Network Analysis (2018)
Šíření křesťanství v antickém Středomoří (2018)
Modeling the spread of religion : The spread of Egyptian cults in the Agean Sea throughout the early Hellenistic period (323-167 BCE) (2018)
Mýtus, biblická exegeze a teologie v katarském křesťanství (2018)
Šíření „orientálních kultů“ po cestách starověkého Středomoří : Případové studie egyptských kultů a Mithraismu (2018)
Generative Historiography of Ancient Religions : How to Model the Spread of Religions in the Ancient Mediterranean (2018)
Historical Network Research Conference 2018 (2018)
Spatial constraints on the diffusion of religious innovations : The case of early Christianity in the Roman Empire (2018)
Historian vs. Machine : Testing the Validity of Automated Network Extraction from Inquisitorial Records (2019)
Medieval Inquisitorial Records from the Perspective of Social Network Analysis : Comparing the Automated and the Manual Approaches (2019)
Transgrese, recese, nacionalismus a black metal : Případová studie kapely Peste Noire (2019)
Social Network Analysis of Religious Nonconformism Based on the Records of the Episcopal Investigations of Lollards in Coventry in 1486-1522 (2019)
Assessing the Validity of Social Network Graphs Constructed from Name Co-Occurrence : The Example of Medieval Inquisitorial Records (2019)
The Early Spread of the Isiac Cults in the West Coast of Hellenistic Asia Mino r: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Ptolemaic Political Influence (2019)
Modeling the Ptolemaic Cultural Export : A Quantitative Evaluation of the Spread of the Isiac Cults in the West Coast of Hellenistic Asia Minor (2019)
Mining multiple sources of historical data : The example of a standardized dataset of medieval monasteries and convents in France (2019)
The Identity and Connectivity of the Heretics in Coventry in the Late Middle Ages : Social Network Analysis of Trial Records (2019)
Pokřtění ohněm : Katarské křesťanství ve světle pramenů (12.-14. století) (2019)
Inter-expertise interactions over data transformations (2019)
The spread of early Christianity in its formative phases : primary and secondary centers of the Christian dissemination (2019)
Bájní Inkové (Objev Machu Picchu a incká kultura) (2019)
The Roman Army and the Spread of Mithraism (2019)
Jak Evropa ke křesťanství přišla : Nový pohled na okolnosti christianizace Římské říše (2019)
The role of spatial visual analysis in historical religious studies (2019)
Sociální sítě heretiků : Případ lollardů v Coventry (2020)
Discrete Reaction-Dispersion Equation (2020)
Modeling Cultural Transmission of Rituals in Silico: The Advantages and Pitfalls of Agent-Based vs. System Dynamics Models (vol 18, pg 483, 2018) (2019)
Srovnání přístupu dvou biskupů při vyšetřování hereze v Coventry v letech 1486–1522 (2019)
Etnocentrismus jako součást klasifikací : Srovnání konstrukce hinduismu a středověkých herezí (2019)
Ptolemaic political activities on the west coast of Hellenistic Asia Minor had a significant impact on the local spread of the Isiac cults : A spatial network analysis (2020)
„Mimo církev není spásy“ (2019)
Etika Eudémova (2020)
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and serum 1,3-beta-d-glucan testing for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis diagnosis in hematological patients: the role of factors affecting assay performance (2020)
Entheogens in the Study of Ancient Greek Religion : A Case of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Delphic Oracle (2020)
Macro-historical Aspects of the Christianization of the Roman Empire : From a Subversive Sect to the Foundation of the Christian Empire (2020)
Cesta Izraele k monoteismu (2020)
Hornbeck II, J. P., Bose, M., & Somerset, F. (2016). A Companion to Lollardy. (2019)
Historical Geocoding Assistant (2021)
MAMES – Monitoring, analýza a management epidemických situací: Popis algoritmizace a implementace epidemických modelů a mapování kapacit (2020)
From History to Identity Narrative and Back : Discussing the Beginnings of the Cathars (12th–13th c.) (2021)
Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET) : Bridging Between Medieval History and Innovative Research Methods (2021)
Důsledky pandemie COVID-19 jako jedinečná událost a náboženství jako závislá proměnná : hledání "pohromných" a digitálních příležitostí pro religionistiku (2020)
Démon zrcadlem pravdy : Teologie, morální ponaučení a hereze v porýnském líčení exorcismu z okolí roku 1200 (2021)
Lollard Social Networks : A Case Study Based on Depositions of Heresy Suspects from Kent (2021)
Towards the Social, Spatial, and Discursive Patterns in Medieval Inquisitorial Records : Data Collection and Analysis in the Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET) (2021)
Towards the Social, Spatial, and Discursive Patterns in Medieval Inquisitorial Records : Data Collection and Analysis in the Dissident Networks Project (2021)
An ontology for modelling the social, spatial, and semantic relations in pre-modern written sources (2021)
Data collection in historical network research : An extreme proposal (2021)
Social Connections, Perceptions, and Inquisition Punishments in Medieval Languedoc : A Computational Analysis (2021)
Social Connections, Perceptions, and Inquisition Punishments in Medieval Languedoc : A Computational Analysis (2021)
Guilt by Association? : A computational analysis of the social patterns of inquisition punishments in thirteenth-century Languedoc (2021)
Model the source first! Towards source modelling and source criticism 2.0 (2021)
InkVisitor 1.2 (2021)
Příručka • Pestrá stoa (2021)
Did the Roman Army Help Mithraism to Spread? Mithraism and the Roman Military Infrastructure (2021)
Časopis Sacra 19(1), 2021 (2021)
More than one’s negative ties : The role of friends’ antipathies in high school gossip (2022)
The Minims, Their Rule, and French Religious Society at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century (2020)
Myšlením k myšlení (2020)
The network(s) of Mithraism : discussing the role of the Roman army in the spread of Mithraism and the question of interregional communication (2021)
Brokering or sitting between two chairs? A group perspective on workplace gossip (2022)
Comparing contemporaneous hunter-gatherer and early agrarian settlement systems with spatial point process models: Case study of the Estonian Stone Age. (2022)
Pro sustentatione castrorum: the role of the Hospitaller priory of Hungary in King Matthias Corvinus' anti-Ottoman defensive policies, c.1464-90 (2021)
In confinibus Turcorum : The Men of Matthias Corvinus’s Regime in the Late Fifteenth-Century Hungarian-Ottoman Borderlands (2022)
Righteousness in Early Christian Literature : Distant Reading and Textual Networks (2022)
Affluence, agricultural productivity and the rise of moralizing religion in the ancient Mediterranean (2022)
Talking Heresy : Illicit Speech and the Transmission of Religious Message in the Trial Records of Kent Lollards (1511–12) (2022)
What Social Network Analysis Can Teach us about the Transmission of Dissidence among Kent Lollards (2022)
Utilizing complexity : from thinking religion top-down as complex-adaptive-system towards a bottom-up practice of local null-model building (2022)
Games with Names : Polemics over the ‚Invention‘ of Catharism (2021)
Pretensive Shared Reality : From Childhood Pretense to Adult Imaginative Play (2022)
The inquisitorial punishment of belief : a statistical analysis of the effects of social and theological beliefs in Peter Seila’s register of sentences (1241-2) (2022)
Maximising the Power of Semantic Textual Data : CASTEMO Data Collection and the InkVisitor Application (2022)
Otázky Janovy (2022)
Incrimination Networks in the Inquisition Register of Bologna (1291-1310) (2022)
Building Resources for Georgian Treebanking-based NLP. (2022)
InkVisitor 1.3 (2022)
Networking the Inquisition : Introducing the Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET) (2022)
Hearing voices : reapproaching medieval inquisition records (2022)
‘Pagan’ Practices in Burchard of Worms’ Corrector sive medicus (2022)
Connecting the Isiac Cults : Formal Modeling in the Hellenistic Mediterranean (2022)
Rozhovor s Martinem Tomešem o souvislostech humanitního a technického vzdělání i vztahu osobní religiozity a studia (2022)
The End of Pax Romana : How Roman Emperors Faced Risks and Changes on Coins (2022)
The French Celestine "network" (ca. 1350-1450) : cross-order and lay collaboration in late medieval monastic reform (2022)
Reflections of societal pressures in the iconography of Roman coinage : A quantitative approach (2022)
The Cultural Evolution of Moralizing Religions in the Ancient Mediterranean Project (CEMRAM) : A Distant Reading Approach (2021)
Un approccio digitale ai registri inquisitoriali medievali (2023)
Early heresy : heresy cases in the West, c.1000–c.1150 (v. 0.5.0) (2023)
Medieval heresy as a space for liberation? Investigating the association of verbs with gendered actants in registers of the medieval inquisition (2023)
Beyond connected dots: The future of network analysis in medieval studies (2023)
Středověk (jinak) trvá #9 Digital humanities. Katarská hereze mezi nulami a jedničkami feat. David Zbíral (2022)
Iconographic Trends in Roman Imperial Coinage in the Context of Societal Changes in the Second and Third Centuries CE : A Small-Scale Test of the Affluence Hypothesis (2023)
Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling (CASTEMO) and the InkVisitor Environment : From Sentences in a Source to Statements in a Database (2023)
Beyond Connected Dots - The Future of Network Analysis in Medieval Studies (2023)
A Network Analysis of Incriminations in the Inquisition Register of Bologna (1291-1310) (2023)
A Geographic Perspective on Peter Seila's Inquisition in Quercy, 1241-2 (2023)
Ad extorquendum veritatem : The Situational Production of ‘Truth’ in the Interaction between Inquisitorial and Defendant Agencies at Trial, Giaveno, 1335 (2023)
To accuse or not to accuse : a network analysis of incriminations in a medieval inquisition register (2023)
Maximising the Power of Semantic Textual Data : CASTEMO Data Collection and the InkVisitor Application (2023)
A dependency-driven workflow for analyzing the agency of men and women in a corpus of historical trial documents (2023)
Premonstratensian monasteries in France : interactive map (v. 1.0.3) (2020)
Behind closed doors: What was there to fear from an inquisition? For the inquisitors, quite a lot (2023)
Memories of heresy: The networks of German Waldensians in the late 14th century in inquisition records from Stettin (1392–4) (2023)
Houses of heretics : Cathar religious houses in Languedoc, 1175–1244 (v. 1.0.5) (2019)
Exploring the Influence of Space on Heretical Interactions: A Case Study of Stettin Waldensians (2023)
Matematika a víra (2019)
Mapping Seismic Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean (2023)
Religious houses in the Czech Lands (v. 0.2.0). (2023)
Christian baptisteries: interactive map (v. 1.0.5) (2017)
Remembering and Forgetting in Medieval Inquisitorial Interrogations (2023)
Modeling systems of sentencing in early inquisition trials : Crime, social connectivity, and punishment in the register of Peter Seila (1241–2) (2023)
Historical Texts into Structured Knowledge Graphs : Introducing Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling in InkVisitor (2023)
From Notarial Documents to Knowledge Graphs : Introducing Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling (CASTEMO) and the InkVisitor application (2023)
Proposal for a new empirical measure of heterogeneity of degree distribution for real-world networks: area under the curve of degree ratio versus cumulative added edges/nodes ratio (2023)
Networks of dissent (DISSINET project) : computational modelling of dissident and Inquisitorial cultures in Medieval Europe (2023)
Apocalyptic Asceticism : Completing the edition of Alexander Minorita's Expositio in Apocalypsim as it is found in Cambridge, University Library, MM.5.31 (2023)
Networks and Religious Transformations (2024)
Den panelových diskuzí (o minulosti a budoucnosti české religionistiky) (2023)
Toponymic surnames and the spatiality of heresy prosecutions: Peter Seila’s register of sentences from the Quercy region (Languedoc), 1241–1242 (2024)
Analisi delle reti sociali delle comunità valdesi germanofone nell’ultimo scorcio del XIV secolo (2024)
Heresy and occupation in Bologna around 1300 (2024)
La Charte de Niquinta: vrai ou faux? (2024)
Detecting Inquisitorial Signal in the Inquisition Register of Bologna (1291-1310) through Machine Learning (2024)
The History of Greco-Roman Religions in the Light of Cultural Evolution: A Computational Text Analysis of Ancient Greek Inscriptions (2024)
Stations of the Publicum Portorium Illyrici are a Strong Predictor of the Mithraic Presence in the Danubian Provinces: Geographical Analysis of the Distribution of the Roman Cult of Mithras (2024)
Worshipping Silvanus at Work: Approaching Roman Professional Ecologies as Sacred Landscapes Quantitatively (2024)
Roman portorium as a key predictor of Mithraic presence in the Alpine and Danubian provinces: A spatial network approach (2024)
Ad Extorquendum Veritatem : Denunciations at Inquisitorial Trial in the 14th Century (2023)
How formulaic are inquisition records? Measuring lexical richness and text similarity in a corpus of Latin notarial documents (2024)
Ajalooliste allikate avamine masinöppe vahenditega (2024)
Actions of women vs. actions of men in medieval inquisition records: A corpus-based exploration (2024)
Gender-based denunciations patterns in the apostolic movement in Italy around 1300 : results from a Dynamic Network Actor Model on data from the Bologna inquisition register, 1291–1310 (2024)
Women more likely to be incriminated in a medieval inquisition : results from a Dynamic Network Actor Model on data from the Bologna inquisition register, 1291–1310 (2024)
Tracking the development of derogatory connotations in hate speech against Christian non-conformism in 11th- to12th-century Europe through hypergraphs (2024)
Digital hermeneutics of the inquisitorial protocols from the 14th century : network exploration, inquisitorial strategy and the meaning of the source (2024)
Network hermeneutics : exploring the meaning of a source using network analysis, case of inquisitorial protocols from 14th century Stettin (2024)
Describing “heretication”: comparing the accounts of the Cathar Consolamentum (2024)
Detecting inquisitorial signal in the inquisition register of Bologna (1291-1310) through machine learning (2024)
The heresy trial of Bernard-Othon de Niort and his family, c. 1234-1235 : computing discourses of guilt at the dawn of the Languedocian inquisition (2024)
How formulaic are inquisition records? Some formal corpus-based measurements (2024)
Metrics for the identification of primary centers of government from historical itineraries: Přemysl Otakar II: A case study (2025)
Actions of men and women in medieval dissidence: Corpus data from twenty-five inquisition registers (2024)
Gender and heresy : Actions of men and women in corpus data from twenty-five inquisition registers (2024)
Lexicography for research : Building DISSILEX, a Latin-language lexico-semantic network, to annotate a corpus of medieval inquisition records (2024)
Advanced Network Analysis of Incriminations in the Bologna Inquisition Register (1291–1310) (2024)
Interdisciplinarity of the Study of Religions at Masaryk University: Goals and Expectations According to the Heads of CEDRR, LEVYNA, and DISSINET (2024)
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