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The ABC’s of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae: building blocks of crucifer genomes (2006)
Chromosome arrangement and nuclear architecture but not centromeric sequences are conserved between Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata (2006)
Diving deeper into the crucifer genomes (2006)
Supernetwork identifies multiple events of plastid trnF(GAA) pseudogene evolution in the Brassicaceae (2007)
Paleopolyploidy And Karyotype Evolution In Crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2007)
Evolutionary and comparative cytogenetics of the Brassicaceae and Cleomaceae (2007)
New insights into comparative phylogenomics of crucifers (Brassicaceae). (2007)
Towards the era of comparative evolutionary genomics in Brassicaceae (2006)
Title: Mechanisms of chromosome number reduction in Arabidopsis thaliana and related Brassicaceae species (2006)
GC Content in Plant Genomes (2007)
Correlation between GC content ond genome size in plants (2007)
Ancestral Chromosomal Blocks Are Triplicated in Brassiceae Species with Varying Chromosome Number and Genome Size (2007)
Punctuated genome size evolution in Liliaceae (2007)
Unexpected paleopolyploid evolution in Stenopetalum - a genus with the lowest chromosome numbers in the Brassicaceae (2007)
Karyotype evolution in n=7 species from different tribes of the mustard family (Brassicaceae) (2007)
Unexpected paleopolyploid evolution in Stenopetalum - a genus with the lowest chromosome numbers in the Brassicaceae (2007)
Punctuated genome size evolution in Liliaceae (2007)
Molecular analysis of repetitive elements in giant genomes of Fritillaria ( liliaceae) (2008)
Chromosomal phylogeny and karyotype evolution in x=7 crucifer species (Brassicaceae) (2008)
Morphometric and genetic differentiation of diploid and hexaploid populations of Aster amellus agg. in a contact zone (2008)
Karyotype Evolution in n=7 Species from Different Crucifer Tribes (2008)
The dynamic ups and downs of genome size evolution in Brassicaceae (2009)
The Nature Of Aberrant Chromosomes In Apomictic Boechera Accessions (2009)
Comparative Cytogenetics of Wild Crucifers (2009)
Unraveling the mesopolyploid history of Australian crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2009)
A bicontinental origin of polyploid Australian/New Zealand Lepidium species (Brassicaceae)? Evidence from genomic in situ hybridization (2009)
Polyploidy events and karyotype alterations in the genome evolution of crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2009)
Studium evoluce karyotypu v čeledi brukvovitých (Brassicaceae) metodou komparativního chromosomálního paintingu (2009)
Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of the biggest plant genomes (2009)
Fast diploidization in close mesopolyploid relatives of Arabidopsis (2010)
Reciprocal and multi-species chromosome BAC painting in crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2010)
Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies (2011)
Island species radiation and karyotypic stasis in Pachycladon allopolyploids (2010)
Past and present patterns of plant genome evolution: an insight from crucifers (2010)
Between Arabidopsis and cabbage: a decade of crucifer cytogenomics (2010)
Genome duplication and reshuffling: an insight from crucifers (2010)
Cabbage family affairs: the evolutionary history of Brassicaceae (2011)
Interpretation of karyotype evolution should consider chromosome structural constraints (2011)
Phylogeny, Genome, and Karyotype Evolution of Crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2011)
Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Chorisporeae (Brassicaceae) (2011)
Cytogenetic studies in vegetable Brassicas (2011)
Role of HMGB Proteins in Chromatin Dynamics and Telomere Maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Methylation of plant telomeric DNA: what do the results say? (2011)
Prediction of significant cruciform structures from sequence in topologically constrained DNA - a probabilistic modelling approach (2012)
cswHMM: a novel context switching hidden Markov model for biological sequence analysis (2012)
Three TERT genes in Nicotiana tabacum (2012)
Glutathione and other antioxidative substances as bioindicators of short- and long-tem responses of in vitro cultivated orchids to high radiation stress (2012)
Whole-genome triplication and species radiation in the southern African tribe Heliophileae (Brassicaceae) (2012)
Phylogenetic analyses of ITS and rbcL DNA sequences for sixteen genera of Australian and New Zealand Brassicaceae result in the expansion of the tribe Microlepidieae (2012)
Proteome Analysis in Arabidopsis Reveals Shoot- and Root-Specific Targets of Cytokinin Action and Differential Regulation of Hormonal Homeostasis (2013)
R/Bioconductor package for identification of triplex-forming sequences (2013)
Description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. pseudoputida subsp. nov., amended description of Pseudomonas jessenii and description of Pseudomonas jessenii subsp. jessenii subsp. nov. (2013)
Triplex: an R/Bioconductor package for identification and visualization of potential intramolecular triplex patterns in DNA sequences (2013)
Contrasting Patterns of Transposable Element and Satellite Distribution on Sex Chromosomes (XY1Y2) in the Dioecious Plant Rumex acetosa (2013)
Pseudomonas prosekii sp. nov., a Novel Psychrotrophic Bacterium from Antarctica (2013)
Bioinformatika v štúdiu genómov a proteómov (ITAT 2013) (2013)
ITAT 2013: Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (Workshops, Posters, and Tutorials) (2013)
In silico search for secondary structures in p53 target genes using R/Bioconductor (2013)
Generovanie simulovaných testovacích dát pre genómové asociačné štúdie (2013)
Subnuclear partitioning of rRNA genes between the nucleolus and nucleoplasm reflects alternative epiallelic states (2013)
Quadruplex-forming sequences occupy discrete regions inside plant LTR retrotransposons (2014)
Deciphering the Diploid Ancestral Genome of the Mesohexaploid Brassica rapa (2013)
Massive genomic variation and strong selection in Arabidopsis thaliana lines from Sweden (2013)
The Capsella rubella genome and the genomic consequences of rapid mating system evolution (2013)
An atlas of over 90,000 conserved noncoding sequences provides insight into crucifer regulatory regions (2013)
Arabidopsis KINETOCHORE NULL2 Is an Upstream Component for Centromeric Histone H3 Variant cenH3 Deposition at Centromeres (2013)
Structure-function relationships during transgenic telomerase expression in Arabidopsis (2013)
The More the Merrier: Recent Hybridization and Polyploidy in Cardamine (2013)
The possibilities of using biological knowledge for filtering pairs of SNPs in GWAS studies: an exploratory study on public protein-interaction and pathway data. (2014)
Uneven distribution of potential triplex sequences in the human genome. In silico study using the R/Bioconductor package triplex. (2014)
The widespread crucifer species Cardamine flexuosa is an allotetraploid with a conserved subgenomic structure (2014)
BrassiBase: Introduction to a Novel Knowledge Database on Brassicaceae Evolution (2014)
A telomerase-independent component of telomere loss in chromatin assembly factor 1 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (2013)
Preferential Binding of Hot Spot Mutant p53 Proteins to Supercoiled DNA In Vitro and in Cells (2013)
Quadruplex-forming DNA sequences spread by retrotransposons may serve as genome regulators (2014)
Analysis of Plant Meiotic Chromosomes by Chromosome Painting (2013)
Repair of Site-Specific DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Barley Occurs via Diverse Pathways Primarily Involving the Sister Chromatid (2014)
Loading of the centromeric histone H3 variant during meiosis-how does it differ from mitosis? (2014)
Cardamine hirsuta: a versatile genetic system for comparative studies (2014)
Live and let die: centromere loss during evolution of plant chromosomes (2014)
From transposon to chromosome and polyploidy. An update on cytogenetics and genomics of Arabidopsis (2014)
When fathers are instant losers: homogenization of rDNA loci in recently formed Cardamine X schulzii trigenomic allopolyploid (2014)
Multiple hybridization events in Cardamine (Brassicaceae) during the last 150 years: revisiting a textbook example of neoallopolyploidy (2014)
Guanine quadruplexes are formed by specific regions of human transposable elements (2014)
Significance of genomic abnormalities in evolution of biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a význam sekvenování nové generace při studiu patogeneze onemocnění (2014)
Význam mutační analýzy prognostických markerů u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím přístupů další generace sekvenováním (2014)
Prognostic impact of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in TP53-mutated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Chromatin features of plant telomeric sequences at terminal vs. internal positions (2014)
A flexible denormalization technique for data analysis above a deeply-structured relational database: biomedical applications (2015)
Bioinformatics Summer School 2014: Theoretical and practical aspects of processing and analysis of sequencing data (2014)
Better lower and upper bounds for the minimum rainbow subgraph problem (2014)
Algorithmic and Hardness Results for the Colorful Components Problems (2014)
chromDraw: an R package for visualization of linear and circular karyotypes (2015)
chromDraw: a bioinformatic tool for visualization of linear and circular karyotypes (2015)
Metatranscriptome analysis reveals host-microbiome interactions in traps of carnivorous Genlisea species (2015)
Chromatin organization and cytological features of carnivorous Genlisea species with large genome size differences (2015)
Genome Structure of the Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens and Its Stability on Metalliferous and Nonmetalliferous Soils (2015)
Karyotype evolution in apomictic Boechera and the origin of the aberrant chromosomes (2015)
Evolutionary and Taxonomic Implications of Variation in Nuclear Genome Size: Lesson from the Grass Genus Anthoxanthum (Poaceae) (2015)
Catastrophic chromosomal restructuring during genome elimination in plants (2015)
Analysis of the giant genomes of Fritillaria (Liliaceae) indicates that a lack of DNA removal characterizes extreme expansions in genome size (2015)
A time-calibrated road map of brassicaceae species radiation and evolutionary history (2015)
Genome expansion of Arabis alpina linked with retrotransposition and reduced symmetric DNA methylation (2015)
The Common Ancestral Genome of the Brassica Species (2015)
Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies isolated from Ixodes ricinus ticks in the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic (2015)
Ecological segregation does not drive the intricate parapatric distribution of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of the Arabidopsis arenosa group (Brassicaceae) (2016)
chromDraw: an R package for visualization of linear and circular karyotypes (2016)
Centromere and telomere sequence alterations reflect the rapid genome evolution within the carnivorous plant genus Genlisea (2015)
Recurrent sequence exchange between homeologous grass chromosomes (2015)
Comparative Genome Analysis Reveals Divergent Genome Size Evolution in a Carnivorous Plant Genus (2015)
Min-sum 2-paths problems (2014)
chromDraw for visualization of linear and circular karyotypes (2015)
Evolution of the NSE1-NSE3-NSE4 subcomplex of the human SMC5/6 complex (2015)
Comparative paleogenomics of crucifers: ancestral genomic blocks revisited (2016)
Painting of Arabidopsis Chromosomes with Chromosome-Specific BAC Clones (2016)
Chromosome Preparation for Cytogenetic Analyses in Arabidopsis (2016)
Are B-chromosomes responsible for the extraordinary genome size variation in selected Anthoxanthum annuals? (2016)
How diploidization turned a tetraploid into a pseudotriploid (2016)
Repeated Whole-Genome Duplication, Karyotype Reshuffling, and Biased Retention of Stress-Responding Genes in Buckler Mustard (2016)
The Possibilities of Filtering Pairs of SNPs in GWAS Studies Exploratory Study on Public Protein-interaction and Pathway Data (2014)
Icelandic accession of Arabidopsis thaliana confirmed with cytogenetic markers and its origin inferred from whole-genome sequencing (2017)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Pseudocamelina (Brasssicaceae, tribe Thlaspideae) (2017)
Monophyletic Origin and Evolution of the Largest Crucifer Genomes (2017)
Epistatic and allelic interactions control expression of ribosomal RNA gene clusters in Arabidopsis thaliana (2017)
Diverse genome organization following 13 independent mesopolyploid events in Brassicaceae contrasts with convergent patterns of gene retention (2017)
Unstable Inheritance of 45S rRNA Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana (2017)
The Mediterranean: the cradle of Anthoxanthum (Poaceae) diploid diversity (2017)
A taxonomic Revision of the genus Graellsia (Brassicaceae, tribe Thlaspideae) (2017)
Young inversion with multiple linked QTLs under selection in a hybrid zone (2017)
Multispeed genome diploidization and diversification after an ancient allopolyploidization (2017)
Lessons from Cleomaceae, the Sister of Crucifers (2018)
The Aquilegia genome provides insight into adaptive radiation and reveals an extraordinarily polymorphic chromosome with a unique history (2018)
Hybridization-facilitated genome merger and repeated chromosome fusion after 8 million years (2018)
Morphology and genome size of the widespread weed Cardamine occulta: how it differs from cleistogamic C. kokaiensis and other closely related taxa in Europe and Asia (2018)
Taxonomic status and typification of a neglected name Symphytum leonhardtianum from the Symphytum tuberosum complex (Boraginaceae) (2018)
Post-polyploid diploidization and diversification through dysploid changes (2018)
Brassicales: an update on chromosomal evolution and ancient polyploidy (2018)
Phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Thlaspideae (Brassicaceae) and the recognition of two new genera (2018)
Small genome separates native and invasive populations in an ecologically important cosmopolitan grass (2018)
Interphase chromosome organization and early meiotic chromosome pairing in Brassicaceae species (2018)
Phylogenetics and repeatome analysis of the southern African tribe Heliophileae (2018)
Phylogeny and genome evolution in the tribe Thlaspideae (Brassicaceae) (2018)
Phenology and polyploidy in annual Brachypodium species (Poaceae) along the aridity gradient in Israel (2020)
Comparative Dissection of Three Giant Genomes: Allium cepa, Allium sativum, and Allium ursinum (2019)
Study of karyotype structure and evolution in the genus Trifolium (Fabaceae) (2019)
Origin and Evolution of Diploid and Allopolyploid Camelina Genomes Were Accompanied by Chromosome Shattering (2019)
The story of promiscuous crucifers: origin and genome evolution of an invasive species, Cardamine occulta (Brassicaceae), and its relatives (2019)
Camelina neglecta (Brassicaceae, Camelineae), a new diploid species from Europe (2019)
Healthy Roots and Leaves: Comparative Genome Structure of Horseradish and Watercress (2019)
Genome invasion by a hypomethylated satellite repeat in Australian crucifer Ballantinia antipoda (2019)
The large genome size variation in the Hesperis clade was shaped by the prevalent proliferation of DNA repeats and rarer genome downsizing (2019)
A new species of Acianthera (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae) from Brazil (2019)
Depletion of KNL2 Results in Altered Expression of Genes Involved in Regulation of the Cell Cycle, Transcription, and Development in Arabidopsis (2019)
The H3 histone chaperone NASP(SIM3) escorts CenH3 in Arabidopsis (2020)
Arabidopsis NSE4 Proteins Act in Somatic Nuclei and Meiosis to Ensure Plant Viability and Fertility (2019)
Phylo-cytogenomic Analysis of Genome Duplications in Crucifers (2019)
Genome Evolution in Arabideae Was Marked by Frequent Centromere Repositioning (2020)
Genomic Blocks in Aethionema arabicum Support Arabideae as Next Diverging Clade in Brassicaceae (2020)
Chromatin associations in Arabidopsis interphase nuclei (2014)
Recurrent duplications of the kinetochore assembly genes KNL2 and CENP-C in green plants (2020)
Human-like telomeres in Zostera marina reveal a mode of transition from the plant to the human telomeric sequences (2020)
Chromosomal Evolution and Apomixis in the Cruciferous Tribe Boechereae (2020)
So Closely Related and Yet So Different: Strong Contrasts Between the Evolutionary Histories of Species of the Cardamine pratensis Polyploid Complex in Central Europe (2020)
The genome of Draba nivalis shows signatures of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses of the Arctic (2021)
The chromosome-level genome sequence and karyotypic evolution of Megadenia pygmaea (Brassicaceae) (2021)
The Evolution of Chromosome Numbers: Mechanistic Models and Experimental Approaches (2021)
Evolution of Tandem Repeats Is Mirroring Post-polyploid Cladogenesis in Heliophila (Brassicaceae) (2021)
Interphase Chromosome Organization in the Brassicaceae (2020)
Nomenclatural changes in Zingiberaceae: Haplochorema is reduced to Boesenbergia (2020)
Genome structure and apomixis in Phoenicaulis (Brassicaceae; Boechereae) (2021)
Three new species of Boesenbergia (Zingiberaceae) from Thailand and Lao P.D.R. (2019)
The genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Arabidopsis centromeres (2021)
The best of both worlds: Combining lineage-specific and universal bait sets in target-enrichment hybridization reactions (2021)
Linked by Ancestral Bonds: Multiple Whole-Genome Duplications and Reticulate Evolution in a Brassicaceae Tribe (2021)
Genome evolution of the psammophyte Pugionium for desert adaptation and further speciation (2021)
A hypomorphic allele of telomerase uncovers the minimal functional length of telomeres in Arabidopsis (2021)
Novelty and Convergence in Adaptation to Whole Genome Duplication (2021)
On the Origin of Tetraploid Vernal Grasses (Anthoxanthum) in Europe (2021)
Parallelism in gene expression between foothill and alpine ecotypes in Arabidopsis arenosa (2021)
Repeat proliferation and partial endoreplication jointly shape the patterns of genome size evolution in orchids (2021)
Allele Sorting as a Novel Approach to Resolving the Origin of Allotetraploids Using Hyb-Seq Data: A Case Study of the Balkan Mountain Endemic Cardamine barbaraeoides (2021)
Genome structure and evolution in the cruciferous tribe Thlaspideae (Brassicaceae) (2021)
Gradual evolution of allopolyploidy in Arabidopsis suecica (2021)
Integrative Study of Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity in the Eurasian Orchid Genus Neotinea (2021)
Nuclear organization in crucifer genomes: nucleolus-associated telomere clustering is not a universal interphase configuration in Brassicaceae (2021)
Evolutionary history of two rare endemic conifer species from the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (2021)
Ancient Biosyntheses in an Oil Crop: Glucosinolate Profiles in Limnanthes alba and Its Relatives (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales) (2022)
Chloroplast phylogenomics in Camelina (Brassicaceae) reveals multiple origins of polyploid species and the maternal lineage of C. sativa (2022)
Genomes, repeatomes and interphase chromosome organization in the meadowfoam family (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales) (2022)
Genomic insight into "sky island" species diversification in a mountainous biodiversity hotspot (2019)
Recurrent duplications of kinetochore assembly factor KNL2 and its conserved function in plants (2022)
Genome diploidization associates with cladogenesis, trait disparity, and plastid gene evolution (2022)
Recurrent Plant-Specific Duplications of KNL2 and its Conserved Function as a Kinetochore Assembly Factor (2022)
The identification of the missing maternal genome of the allohexaploid camelina (Camelina sativa) (2022)
Idahoa and Subularia: Hidden polyploid origins of two enigmatic genera of crucifers (2022)
Structure and evolution of the meso-octoploid genome of Heliophila variabilis (Brassicaceae) (2022)
Insights into Species Delimitation of Selected Species in the Flowering Plant Genus Medicago section Buceras (Leguminosae) (2022)
Genetic structure and evolution of diploid Cochlearia in Iceland (2022)
Intact ribosomal DNA arrays of Potentilla origin detected in Erythronium nucleus suggest recent eudicot-to-monocot horizontal transfer (2022)
Evolution of an Apomixis-Specific Allele Class in Supernumerary Chromatin of Apomictic Boechera (2022)
Celebrating Mendel, McClintock, and Darlington: On end-to-end chromosome fusions and nested chromosome fusions (2022)
Image analysis workflows to reveal the spatial organization of cell nuclei and chromosomes (2022)
The relationship between transposable elements and ecological niches in the Greater Cape Floristic Region: A study on the genus Pteronia (Asteraceae) (2022)
Repeat Dynamics across Timescales: A Perspective from Sibling Allotetraploid Marsh Orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.) (2022)
Parallel local adaptation to an alpine environment in Arabidopsis arenosa (2022)
Transfer of two Arabidella and two Cuphonotus species to the genus Lemphoria (Brassicaceae) and a description of the new species L. queenslandica (2022)
The evolutionary history of Cardamine bulbifera shows a successful rapid postglacial Eurasian range expansion in the absence of sexual reproduction (2022)
Heliophila verna (Brassicaceae), a new species from the Northern Cape of South Africa (2022)
From fish to cells: Establishment of continuous cell lines from embryos of annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci (2023)
Evolution of genome size and GC content in the tribe Carduinae (Asteraceae): rare descending dysploidy and polyploidy, limited environmental control and strong phylogenetic signal (2023)
The pathways of whole-genome duplications, diploidization, and descending dysploidy in the Biscutelleae (Brassicaceae) (2023)
Výsledky celoexomového sekvenování germinální DNA u dětských pacientů se solidními tumory (2023)
Transcriptome Profile Analyses of Head Kidney in Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Common Bream (Abramis brama) and Their Hybrids: Does Infection by Monogenean Parasites in Freshwater Fish Reveal Differences in Fish Vigour among Parental Species and Their Hybrids? (2023)
The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome – the poorly known sister species of Capsella (2023)
Self-compatibility and level of heterozygosity in Cirsium (2023)
Phylogenomics and genome size evolution in Amomum s. s. (Zingiberaceae): Comparison of traditional and modern sequencing methods (2023)
Pervasive Introgression During Rapid Diversification of the European Mountain Genus Soldanella (L.) (Primulaceae) (2023)
The meso-octoploid Heliophila variabilis genome sheds a new light on the impact of polyploidization and diploidization on the diversity of the Cape flora (2023)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted Therapy (2023)
The allotetraploid horseradish genome provides insights into subgenome diversification and formation of critical traits (2023)
A Hyb-Seq phylogeny of Boechera and related genera using a combination of Angiosperms353 and Brassicaceae-specific bait sets (2023)
Allopolyploidy: An Underestimated Driver in <i>Juniperus</i> Evolution (2023)
An updated classification of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) (2023)
Global Brassicaceae phylogeny based on filtering of 1,000-gene dataset (2023)
Drought and life-history strategies in Heliophila (Brassicaceae) (2024)
Injection-based hairy root induction and plant regeneration techniques in Brassicaceae. (2024)
RNA Summer School 2023 (2023)
Cycles of satellite and transposon evolution in Arabidopsis centromeres (2023)
Complementing model species with model clades (2024)
Phylogenomics and rapid diversification of the genus <i>Eutrema</i> on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and adjacent regions (2023)
A chromosome-level genome assembly for the amphibious plant Rorippa aquatica reveals its allotetraploid origin and mechanisms of heterophylly upon submergence (2024)
Uniparental silencing of 5S rRNA genes in plant allopolyploids - insights from Cardamine (Brassicaceae) (2024)
Centromere drive may propel the evolution of chromosome and genome size in plants (2024)
Altai Mountains - cradle of hybrids and introgressants: A case study in Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium (Plantaginaceae) (2024)
Kinetochore and ionomic adaptation to whole-genome duplication in Cochlearia shows evolutionary convergence in three autopolyploids (2024)
Biased Retention of Environment-Responsive Genes Following Genome Fractionation (2024)
Ancient hybridization and repetitive element proliferation in the evolutionary history of the monocot genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae) (2024)
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