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Arrhythmogenic effect of extracellular K-depletion is prevented by the transverse-axial tubular system in a ventricular cardiac cell model (2002)
Quantitative modelling of effect of transverse-axial tubular system on electricalactivity of cardiac cells: Development of model (2002)
The role of transverse-axial tubular system in ventricular cardiac cell arrhythmogenesis: A simulation study (2002)
Role of TAT-system in cardiac excitability: investigation in a quantitative model of a ventricular cardiac cell (2002)
Quantitative modelling of effect of transverse-axial tubular system on electrical activity of cardiac cells under low [K]e) (2002)
Ajmaline-induced block of sodium current in rat ventricular myocytes (2002)
The effect of ajmaline on ionic currents of rat ventricular myocytes (2002)
Vliv ajmalinu na iontové proudy srdečních buněk potkana (2002)
Vliv ajmalinu na elektrofyziologické vlastnosti membrány komorových kardiomyocytů potkana (2002)
Ajmaline-induced block of potassium currents in rat ventricular myocytes (2002)
Voltage clamp analysis of ajmaline-induced block of potassium currents in rat ventricular myocytes (2002)
Voltage and frequency dependent block of sodium current in cardiac cells: comparison of the effect of antiarrhythmic drugs (2002)
Frequency dependence of Ito and INa block in ventricular cardiomyocytes: comparison of the effect of ajmaline and propafenone (2003)
Frekvenční závislost blokády Ito a INa u komorových srdečních buněk: srovnání vlivu ajmalinu a propafenonu (2003)
Analýza frekvenční závislosti působení antiarytmik na srdeční buňky metodou vnuceného akčního napětí (2003)
Comparison of ajmaline- and propafenone-induced block of Ito in rat ventricular myocytes (2003)
Rate dependent changes of action potential waveform in rat ventricular myocytes. Action potential voltage clamp experiments (2003)
A quantitative model of the cardiac ventricular cell incorporating the transverse-axial tubular system (2003)
Impact of T-tubules on electrical activity of cardiac cells evaluated in a quantitative model (2003)
Quantitative modelling of effect of transverse - axial tubular system on electrical activity of cardiac cells: Development of model II. (2003)
Effect of haloperidol on voltage dependent cardiac ion channels (2004)
Effect of Sigma Ligand Haloperidol on Cardiac Excitability (2004)
Fyziologická cvičení (2004)
Role of INa and Ito in rate-dependent effect of ajmaline: action potential voltage clamp analysis (2004)
Action potential voltage clamp method used in analysis of rate-dependent changes of action potential (2004)
Efficacy of newly synthesized 44Bu ultrashort-acting beta-adrenergic antagonist to isoprenaline-induced tachycardia - comparison with esmolol (2004)
Testování bradykardického účinku nově syntetizovaných potenciálních ultrakrátkých beta blokátorů na laboratorním potkanovi (2004)
Membrane currents underlying rate-dependent changes of action potential in rat ventricular myocytes (2004)
Effect of ajmaline on transient outward current Ito in rat ventricular myocytes (2005)
Quantitative modelling of interaction of propafenone with sodium channels in cardiac cells (2004)
Ionic concentration changes in the tubular system of rat ventricular cardiac cell model (2004)
Quantitative analysis of ionic concentration changes in tubular system of guinea pig ventricular cardiomyocyte (2004)
Physiological consequences of ionic concentration changes in cardiac cell tubular System (2004)
Distribution of ionic concentrations in tubular system of cardiomyocytes (2004)
Modelling the distribution of [Ca2+] within the cardiac t-tubule: effects of Ca2+ current distribution and changes in extracellular [Ca2+] (2004)
Ion concentration changes in transverse-axial tubular system of rat and guinea pig ventricular cardiomyocytes: a simulation study (2004)
Concentration changes in Ca2+ and K+ in the t-tubules of rat and guinea pig as estimated in two models of ventricular myocytes (2004)
Changes of [Ca2+] in the t-tubule lumen during activity may modulate the inotropic state of rat cardiac ventricular myocytes (2004)
A Computational model of the effects of acidosis on intracellular Ca2+ in rat ventricular myocytes (2004)
Účinky sigma ligandu haloperidolu na membránové proudy kardiomyocytů potkana (2005)
Analýza frekvenčně závislých změn průběhu akčního napětí metodou vnuceného akčního napětí u komorových srdečních buněk potkana (2005)
Effect of Sigma Ligand Haloperidol on Transient Outward Potassium Current in Rat Cardiomyocytes (2005)
Fyziologická cvičení (2004)
Effect of ajmaline on action potential and ionic currents in rat ventricular myocytes (2005)
Effect of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol on cardiac excitability (2005)
Action potential voltage clamp analysis of rate-dependent changes of action potential in rat ventricular myocytes (2005)
A novel quantitative description of electrophysiological processes in guinea pig ventricular cardiomyocytes (2005)
Physiological role of transverse-axial tubular system in cardiac ventricular myocytes: a simulation study (2005)
Effects of a persistent sodium current through mutated hNav1.5 sodium channels on intracellular ionic homeostasis in a ventricular cell model (2005)
Quantitative exploration of T-tubular membrane parameters in a model of rat ventricular cardiomyocyte (2005)
Cycling of cations between T-tubular and surface membranes in a model of guinea-pig ventricular cardiomyocyte (2005)
Effects of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol on ionic currents in rat cardiomyocyte (2006)
The Effect Of Perphenazine On Transient Outward Potassium Current In Rat Ventricular Myocytes (2006)
Effect of haloperidol on transient outward potassium current in rat ventricular myocytes (2006)
Ultrashort Bradycardic Effect of Newly Synthetized Compounds (2006)
Effect of ajmaline on course of action potential and ionic membrane currents in rat ventricular myocytes (2005)
Electrophysiological properties of C-terminal KCNQ1 mutation K557E detected in family with long QT syndrome (2006)
Functional defect of three novel SCN5A mutations in patients with Brugada syndrome (2006)
Four novel SCN5A mutations in patients with Brugada syndrome (2006)
Clinical, genetic and biophysical characterization of three novel SCN5A mutations in patients with Brugada syndrome (2006)
Interaction of haloperidol with IKto-channels in cardiac cells: a quantitative model (2006)
A model of IKto-channel function in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes (2006)
The functional role of cardiac T-tubules in a model of rat ventricular myocytes (2006)
Voltage homogenity over the membrane of cardiac cell with a transverse-axial tubular system (2006)
Activity-dependent changes of [Ca2+] in the transverse-axial tubular system reduce SR Ca2+ content and Ca2+ transient amplitude in rat and guinea pig cardiac ventricular myocytes: a simulation study (2006)
Praktická cvičení z Fyziologie (2007)
Physiology Practicals (2007)
The effect of perphenazine on transient outward potassium current in rat ventricular myocytes (2006)
Use of quantitative model to assess the fractional area of t-tubular membrane in ventricular cardiomyocyte (2007)
Physiological consequences of ion concentration changes in the transverse-axial tubular system of rat and guinea pig ventricular cardiomyocytes (2007)
Antiarrhythmic effect of newly synthesized compound 44Bu on model of aconitine-induced arrhythmia - Compared to lidocaine (2007)
K557E mutation in C-terminus of KCNQ1 gene as a cause of long QT syndrome (2007)
Modelling t-tubule function in cardiac ventricular myocytes (2007)
C-terminal SCN5A mutation, F2004L, in Brugada syndrome: new arrhythmogenic concepts (2007)
Subepicardial phase-0 block and discontinuous transmural conduction underlie right-precordial ST-segment elevation in Brugada syndrome by a novel C-terminal SCN5A mutation. (2007)
Effect of the newly synthesized compound 44Bu on model of aconitine induced cardiotoxicity - Compared with lidocaine and propaphenone (2007)
Bradycardia-induced ST elevation in Brugada syndrome (mutation F2004L in SCN5A) is due to discontinuous conduction, not abnormal repolarization (2007)
A model of the guinea-pig ventricular cardiac myocyte incorporating a transverse-axial tubular system (2008)
Quantification of t-tubule area and protein distribution in rat cardiac ventricular myocytes (2008)
Subepicardial phase 0 block and discontinuous transmural conduction underlie right precordial ST-segment elevation by a SCN5A loss-of-function mutation (2008)
Perphenazine-Induced block of sodium and transient outward potassium current: experimental and simulation study (2008)
Resolution of action voltage of cardiac cells into components represented by transferred charges (2008)
Modelling in cardiac electrophysiology (2008)
Modelling the cardiac transverse-axial tubular system (2008)
Changes in action potentials and intracellular ionic homeostasis in a ventricular cell model related to a persistent sodium current in SCN5A mutations underlying LQT3 (2008)
Computer modelling in cardiac cell electrophysiology (2007)
Aconitine-intoxication from the perspective of the occurence of heart rhythm disorders and possibility of therapeutic intervention of a newly synthesized compound 44Bu (2008)
Effect of antipsychotic drug perphenazine on fast sodium current and transient outward potassium current in rat ventricular myocytes (2009)
LQT1 mutation K557E: Clinical and biophysical characteristics including cAMP-mediated regulation (2009)
The role of mammalian cardiac t-tubules in excitation-contraction coupling: experimental and computational approaches (2009)
Simulation of the effects of BAPTA and EGTA on inactivation of ICa in a model of the rat ventricular myocyte (2009)
Model of electrical activity of human right ventricular cardiac cell with description of T-system function (2009)
Analysis of ion concentration changes in transverse-axial tubular system in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2009)
Rat cardiomyocytes and bone marrow cell in coculture (2009)
Effect of Newly Synthesized Compounds 44Bu and 444 on QRS-Complex Width and Fast Sodium Current: Differences between Isomers (2010)
Effect of ethanol on action potential and ionic membrane currents in rat ventricular myocytes (2010)
Physiological consequences of ion concentration changes in transverse-axial tubular system in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2010)
Effect of BAPTA and EGTA on inactivation of ICa in a model of rat ventricular myocyte (2010)
Physiology Practicals (2010)
Effect of BAPTA and EGTA on inactivation of ICa in a model of rat ventricular myocyte (2010)
Physiological consequences of ion concentration changes in transverse-axial tubular system in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2010)
Vliv antiarytmika ajmalinu na elektrofyziologické vlastnosti srdeční buňky pracovního myokardu (2005)
Effect of Ajmaline on Action Potential and Ionic Currents in Rat Ventricular Myocytes with Focus on Transient Outward Current (2005)
Four Novel Mutations in Patients with Brugada Syndrome (2005)
Elektrofyziologické vlastnosti KCNQ1/KCNE1 kanálů s mutací v C konci KCNQ1podjednotky, Lys557Glu, detekovanou u rodiny se syndromem dlouhého QT (2006)
Tři nově detekované mutace u pacientů s Brugadovým syndromem. (2006)
Brugada syndrom (2011)
Antiarrhythmic Effect of Compound 44Bu– Newly Synthesized Ultrashort Acting Beta-adrenolytics (2004)
A new quantitative description of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics in the model of rat ventricular myocyte (2011)
Computer model of the rat ventricular myocyte with different ICa inactivation at the peripheral and t-tubule membranes (2011)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie (2011)
Stratifikace rizika u pacientů s Brugada syndromem (2012)
Advances in patch clamp technique: towards higher quality and quantity (2012)
Role of t-tubules in the control of trans-sarcolemmal ion flux and intracellular Ca2+ in a model of the rat cardiac ventricular myocyte (2012)
A new quantitative description of intracellular and t-tubular Ca2+ dynamics in a model of the rat ventricular cardiomyocyte (2012)
Nové aspekty funkce srdečních t-tubulů (2012)
Effect of ion concentration changes in t-tubules on membrane currents and intracellular Ca2+ transient in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2012)
Physiological consequences of ion concentration changes in transverse-axial tubular system in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2010)
Physiological consequences of ion concentration changes in transverse-axial tubular system in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2010)
Analysis of ion concentration changes in transverse-axial tubular system in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2009)
Model of electrical activity of human right ventricular cardiac cell with description of T-system function (2009)
Arrhythmogenesis in Brugada syndrome: Impact and constrains of current concepts (2013)
Ethanol and its principle metabolite acetaldehyde affect inward rectifier potassium current IK1 in rat ventricular myocytes (2013)
Genetický podklad Brugadova syndromu: od různorodých dysfunkcí iontových kanálů k jednotnému klinickému obrazu (2012)
Vliv konzumace alkoholu na srdeční elektrofyziologii (2014)
Změny draslíkového proudu typu "inward rectifier" (IK1) vyvolané ethanolem a jeho primárním metabolitem acetaldehydem (2014)
Ethanol affects inward rectifier potassium current in rat atrial myocytes and in expressed human Kir2.3 channels (2014)
Effect of ethanol on action potential in ventricular cardiomyocytes: experimental and computational approach (2014)
Dual effect of ethanol on inward rectifier potassium current Ik1 in rat ventricular myocytes (2014)
Ethanol at clinically relevant concentrations affects inward rectifier potassium currents, IK1 and IK(Ach), in rat atrial myocytes (2014)
Alkohol a fibrilace síní (2014)
Effect of Ca2+ Efflux Pathway Distribution and Exogenous Ca2+ Buffers on Intracellular Ca2+ Dynamics in the Rat Ventricular Myocyte: A Simulation Study (2014)
Long-QT mutation p.K557E-Kv7.1: dominant-negative suppression of I-Ks, but preserved cAMP-dependent up-regulation (2014)
Vliv ethanolu a jeho primárního metabolitu acetaldehydu na draslíkový proud typu inward rectifier IK1 v komorových a síňových buňkách potkana (2014)
EKG a dysrytmie v dětském věku (2014)
Formation of Cell-To-Cell Connection between Bone Marrow Cells and Isolated Rat Cardiomyocytes in a Cocultivation Model (2014)
Ovlivnění draslíkového proudu citlivého na acetylcholin u síňových buněk potkana etanolem a nikotinem (2015)
Effect of ethanol on inward rectifier potassium current sensitive to acetylcholine in rat atrial myocytes and on expressed Kir3.1/3.4 channels (2015)
Ethanol and nicotine at clinically relevant concentrations affect acetylcholine-sensitive potassium current (2015)
Acetaldehyde at Clinically Relevant Concentrations Inhibits Inward Rectifier Potassium Current I-K1 in Rat Ventricular Myocytes (2015)
Cardiac inward rectifier potassium current IK1 is inhibited by acetaldehyde at clinically relevant concentrations: a role in arrhythmogenesis related to alcohol consumption? (2015)
Changes of action potential configuration under ethanol related to its effects on inward rectifier currents in rat and guinea-pig cardiomyocytes (2015)
Vliv etanolu na konstitutivně aktivní složku draslíkového proudu citlivého na acetylcholin je srovnatelný u různých živočišných druhů (2015)
Citlivost draslíkového proudu IK1 k působení ethanolu je nižší u síňových než u komorových srdečních buněk potkana (2015)
Kvantitativní model účinku ethanolu na IK1 kanál u komorových srdečních buněk potkana (2015)
Nová metoda stanovení kapacity transverzálního tubulárního systému u intaktních kardiomyocytů (2015)
Srdeční elektrofyziologie: od orgánu po buňky a kanály (2015)
Draslíkový proud citlivý na acetylcholin u síňových srdečních buněk potkana: změny vyvolané působením etanolu a nikotinu (2015)
Účinek etanolu na elektrickou aktivitu srdečních komorových buněk: experimentální a výpočtový přístup (2015)
Alcohol intoxication, arrhythmias and inward rectifiers (2015)
Addictive drugs, arrhythmias, and cardiac inward rectifiers (2017)
Effect of ethanol at clinically relevant concentrations on atrial inward rectifier potassium current sensitive to acetylcholine (2016)
Effect of ethanol and acetaldehyde at clinically relevant concentrations on atrial inward rectifier potassium current I-K1: Separate and combined effect (2016)
Acute effects of ethanol on action potential and intracellular Ca2+ transient in cardiac ventricular cells: a simulation study (2016)
Vliv nikotinu na síňový inward rectifier draslíkový proud citlivý na acetylcholin (2016)
Mutace T309I jako možná „founder„ mutace syndromu dlouhého intervalu QT typu I (2016)
Vliv nikotinu a etanolu na acetylcholinem aktivovanou složku inward rectifier draslíkového proudu (2016)
Vliv nikotinu na konstitutivně aktivní složku inward rectifier draslíkového proudu citlivého na acetylcholin: srovnání s působením etanolu a jeho primárního metabolitu acetaldehydu (2016)
Vliv acetaldehydu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy IK1 a IK(Ach) u izolovaných srdečních buněk potkana (2016)
Změny draslíkového inward rectifier proudu citlivého na acetylcholin IK(Ach) pod vlivem návykových látek: etanol a nikotin (2016)
Acetylcholine-sensitive potassium channels in the heart and their interaction with addictive drugs (2016)
The acceleration of cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells in vitro by serum depletion does not increase the number of developed cardiomyocytes (2017)
Funkční význam hERG: od fyziologické role po cíl protinádorové terapie (2017)
Nicotine at clinically relevant concentrations affects atrial inward rectifier potassium current sensitive to acetylcholine (2017)
Different Densities of Na-Ca Exchange Current in T-Tubular and Surface Membranes and Their Impact on Cellular Activity in a Model of Rat Ventricular Cardiomyocyte (2017)
A modified mathematical model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte incorporating separate t-tubular and surface dyads and submembrane spaces (2017)
T309I-Kv7.1 mutation as a feasible founder LQT1 mutation: clinical, genetic and biophysical analysis (2017)
New method for determination of tubular membrane capacity in intact cardiomyocytes (2017)
Correlation between magnitude of cardiac ionic currents and cell membrane capacity: always positive? (2017)
Mutace T309I v proteinu Kv7.1 asociovaná se syndromem dlouhého QT jako možná „founder“ mutace (2017)
„Founder“ mutace asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT: Česká republika versus svět (2017)
Klinické a genetické charakteristiky mutace T309I-Kv7.1 asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT (2017)
Funkční důsledky mutace T309I v kanálu Kv7.1 asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT (2017)
Stanovení kapacity tubulárního systému u intaktních srdečních buněk novou metodou (2017)
Korelace velikosti iontových proudů a kapacity buněčné membrány: vždy přítomna? (2017)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie a neurověd (2017)
Inward rectifying potassium currents resolved into components: modeling of complex drug actions (2018)
Effect of Transmural Differences in Excitation-Contraction Delay and Contraction Velocity on Left Ventricle Isovolumic Contraction: A Simulation Study (2018)
Funkční dopad mutací T309I a R562S asociovaných se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1 (2018)
Přepočet velikosti iontových proudů na hustotu proudu: je vždy racionální? (2018)
Akutní vliv sildenafilu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy u komorových buněk potkana (2018)
Kombinovaný efekt baria a sildenafilu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy (2018)
Funkční důsledky mutace v genu CLCN1 asociované s kongenitální myotonií (2018)
Acute effect of sildenafil on inward rectifier potassium currents in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes (2018)
Functional analysis of T309I and R562S mutations associated with long QT syndrome type 1 (2018)
Current density as quantity which is not always independent on membrane capacitance (2018)
Novel method for estimation of capacitance of tubular membrane in cardiomyocytes: benefits and limitations (2018)
Funkční analýza mutací asociovaných se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1: význam konfokální mikroskopie (2018)
Výhody a omezení nové metody pro stanovení kapacity tubulární membrány u srdečních buněk (2018)
Kombinovaný efekt baria a sildenafilu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy (2018)
Korelace iontového membránového proudu a kapacity buněčné membrány při měření na buněčných liniích (2018)
Functional analysis of mutant IKs channels associated with long QT syndrome type 1 (2018)
Reversible method for assessment of tubular membrane capacitance in cardiomyocytes (2018)
Kombinovaný efekt baria a sildenafilu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy (2018)
Kombinovaný efekt baria a sildenafilu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy (2018)
Akutní vliv sildenafilu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy u komorových buněk potkana (2018)
Impaired Adrenergic/Protein Kinase A Response of Slow Delayed Rectifier Potassium Channels as a Long QT Syndrome Motif: Importance and Unknowns (2019)
Prodloužený efekt sildenafilu na inward rectifier draslíkové proudy kardiomyocytů (2019)
Effect of sildenafil on expressed human cardiac inwardly rectifying K+ channel Kir2.1 (2019)
Dual effect of aminophylline on inward rectifier potassium current (2019)
Functional characteristics of mutations identified in patients with long QT syndrome type 1, T309I and R562S (2019)
Mutation R591C associated with long QT syndrome type 1: clinical, genetic, and functional analysis (2019)
Inappropriate conversion of current magnitude to current density may misinterpret results (2019)
Dysfunction of Cardiac Ionic Channels as a Base of Arrhythmias: Effect of Drugs or Mutations (2019)
Mutace T309I asociovaná se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1: akumulace IKs jako mechanismus ochrany srdce proti arytmii (2019)
Význam tubulárního systému pro funkci srdečních buněk: metody stanovení kapacity tubulární membrány (2019)
Srdeční inward rectifier draslíkové proudy: jejich protektivní úloha a metody analýzy (2019)
Molecular analysis confirmed common ancestor of 10 Czech families with long QT syndrome carrying C926T-KCNQ1 variant (2019)
The intriguing effect of ethanol and nicotine on acetylcholine-sensitive potassium current IKAch: Insight from a quantitative model (2019)
In silico prediction of the effects of ethanol on cardiac cellular electrophysiology and reentrant arrhythmias (2019)
Unraveling the acute effects of ethanol on cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis: a multi-scale in silico study (2020)
Electrophysiological cellular effects of sex hormones (2020)
Impact of Decreased Transmural Conduction Velocity on the Function of the Human Left Ventricle: A Simulation Study (2020)
Acute effects of alcohol on cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis: Insights from multiscale in silico analyses (2020)
Toward more accurate data in cardiac cellular electrophysiology (2020)
Distribution of data in cellular electrophysiology: Is it always normal? (2020)
Current density as routine parameter for description of ionic membrane current: is it always the best option? (2020)
A new simple approach to estimation of membrane capacitance from current responses to voltage clamp steps (2020)
Long-QT founder variant T309I-Kv7.1 with dominant negative pattern may predispose delayed afterdepolarizations under β-adrenergic stimulation (2021)
Srdeční elektrofyziologie a pohlaví: podklad rozdílů a důsledky pro klinickou praxi (2021)
Dysfunkce na podkladě mutace R562S asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1 (2021)
Aminophylline affects the cardiac rat inward rectifier potassium current in a dual way (2021)
Clinical, genetic and functional analysis of R562S-Kv7.1 mutation associated with long QT syndrome type 1 (2021)
Upgrade of The Langendorff Apparatus Using The Infrared Thermo-Control System and An Intelligent Heater (2020)
ATP-senzitivní draslíkové kanály: klíčoví hráči v patofyziologii mnoha chorob (2021)
Genetika srdečních arytmií (2021)
Divergent estimates of the ratio between Na+-Ca2+ current densities in t-tubular and surface membranes of rat ventricular cardiomyocytes (2021)
Aminophylline Induces Two Types of Arrhythmic Events in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived Cardiomyocytes (2022)
Aminophylline at clinically relevant concentrations affects inward rectifier potassium current in a dual way (2022)
Rok 2021 v přehledu - Anestezie a intenzivní péče v pediatrii (2021)
Nutriční podpora v časné fázi kritického stavu - zaostřeno na množství energie a bílkovin (2021)
Změny elektromechanických vlastností lidských kardiomyocytů v prostředí běžně užívaných bronchodilatancií – aminophyllin, salbutamol, ipratropium (2022)
Combination of Sildenafil and Ba2+ at a Low Concentration Show a Significant Synergistic Inhibition of Inward Rectifier Potassium Current Resulting in Action Potential Prolongation (2022)
Fraction of the T-Tubular Membrane as an Important Parameter in Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology: A New Way of Estimation (2022)
Fourth branchial cleft anomaly in a 7-month-old infant: A case report and literature review (2024)
Mechanická restituce a látky ovlivňující vápníkové transporty v kardiomyocytu (2022)
Assessment of the fraction of t-tubular membrane in cardiomyocytes: a new and reversible approach (2022)
Inherited arrhythmias: from gene variants to ionic channel dysfunctions (2022)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation as an inherited channelopathy? (2022)
Significant cardiac IK1 inhibition and action potential prolongation induced by the combination of sildenafil and Ba2+ at low concentrations (2022)
Změny v elektrické aktivitě varianty Y4734C-RYR2 asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor. (2022)
Action potential characteristics in derived cardiomyocytes of a patient carrying RYR2 variant (2022)
Genetické varianty asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor: role dysfunkce RYR2 kanálu (2022)
Varianta Y4734C-RYR2 asociovaná s idiopatickou fibrilací komor a její dopad na elektrickou aktivitu pacient-specifických kardiomyocytů (2022)
Efekt aminofylinu na elektrickou aktivitu kardiomyocytů derivovaných z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (2022)
Translational research in the field of inherited arrhythmias (2022)
A new approach to the determination of tubular membrane capacitance: passive membrane electrical properties under reduced electrical conductivity of the extracellular solution (2022)
Effects of salbutamol and ipratropium on human stem-cells derived cardiomyocytes’ function (2022)
Inhalační úvody u dětí UP TO DATE (2022)
Vliv polohy hlavy na výkonnost laryngeální masky u pediatrických pacientů: prospektivní randomizovaná studie (2022)
Primární poruchy metabolismu monoaminových neurotransmiterů v klinické praxi (2022)
Primární poruchy metabolismu neurotransmiterů (2022)
Primární neurotransmiterové choroby – jak je můžeme vidět v praxi (2022)
Genová terapie AADC deficitu – výzva pro dětskou neurologii v blízké budoucnosti? (2022)
Deficit dekarboxylázy aromatických L-aminokyselin (AADC-D) v klinické praxi (2022)
Sildenafil affects the human Kir2.1 and Kir2.2 channels at clinically relevant concentrations: Inhibition potentiated by low Ba2+ (2023)
Matematický model jako nástroj pro vysvětlení účinků látek na mechanickou restituci kardiomyocytu morčete (2023)
Modern Paediatric Emergency Department: Potential Improvements in Light of New Evidence (2023)
Modelling genetically linked arrhythmias in vitro (2023)
Funkční analýza varianty S1021Qfs*98 v kanálu KCNH2 (genu hERG) (2023)
Kardiomyocyty diferencované z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk: Výhody a úskalí jejich využití při studiu dědičných arytmií (2023)
Změny spontánní aktivity derivovaných kardiomyocytů s variantou Y4734C-RYR2 za vybraných arytmogenních podmínek (2023)
Nástrahy hodnocení křivky elektrické aktivity u pacient-specifických kardiomyocytů diferencovaných z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (2023)
Modelování v buněčné elektrofyziologii jako metoda zkoumání arytmogenního působení farmak (2023)
Spontaneous electrical activity of cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs of a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and RYR2 variant: impact of isoprenaline and varying concentrations of Ca2+ (2023)
Possible proarrhythmic stimuli in Y4734C-RYR2 variant associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (2023)
Functional consequences of different distribution of NCX and PMCA between t-tubular and surface membranes in a model of the human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2023)
AD GTP-Cyclohydrolase-1 Deficiency (Segawa Syndrome; DYT5a) - Case Report (2023)
Proč nevyužíváme běžná antidepresiva jako ASM, když fenfluramin působí serotoninergně? (2023)
Monoaminové neurotransmitery v teorii a praxi – kazuistika (2023)
Časná diagnostika kardiogenní příčiny SUDEP u pacientů se syndromem Dravetové (2023)
L-DOPA responzivní dystonie – kazuistiky (2023)
DOPLŇKOVÉ ČTENÍ k přednáškám a seminářům z FYZIOLOGIE (2020)
Deficit dekarboxylázy aromatických L‑aminokyselin. Možná častější příčina opožděného psychomotorického vývoje, než by se mohlo zdát (2022)
AADC-geneticky podmínění deficit neurotransmiterů. Kazuistika jediné pacientky v ČR. Je toto onemocnění vzácnější, než vzácné? (2023)
AADC deficit, dědičné vzácne onemocnění s poruchou tvorby neurotransmiterů. (2023)
L-DOPA responzivní dystonie- kazuistiky. (2023)
AD GTP-Cyclohydrolase-1 Deficiency (Segawa Syndrome;DYT5a)- Case Report (2023)
Vybrané kapitoly z fyziologie (2022)
Optogenetic confirmation of transverse-tubular membrane excitability in intact cardiac myocytes (2024)
Vliv varianty S1021Qfs*98 v genu hERG na aktivaci a deaktivaci proteinu Kv11.1 (2024)
Neurodegenerácia a elektrická aktivita: analýza metódou multielectrode array (2024)
Změny neuronální elektrické aktivity pod vlivem glutamátu a snížené exprese miR-142-5p (2024)
Variants in the hERG channel associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: clinical, genetic, and functional analysis (2024)
Analysis of calcium transients in cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs: the variant p. Y4734C in RYR2 vs. unrelated healthy controls (2024)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: a role of variants in the hERG gene (2024)
Effect of isoprenaline and arrhythmogenic conditions on the spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM with Y4734C-RYR2 variant (2024)
The impact of neurodegeneration on the electrical activity of brain tissue: multielectrode array analysis (2024)
Extraction of Cardiac Cell Membrane Fractional -Order Capacitance from Current Response to Voltage Step (2022)
The yield of a comprehensive investigation protocol for the diagnosis of true idiopathic ventricular fibrillation in a real-life clinical setting (2024)
Functional consequences of changes in the distribution of Ca2+ extrusion pathways between t-tubular and surface membranes in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2024)
Lessons on the non-linear path of medical progress and biological complexity from mouse models of the Brugada syndrome (2024)
Teoretické základy praktických cvičení z fyziologie člověka (2024)
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from patients with a RYR2 gene variant c.14201A>G (p.Y4734C): Implications for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (2024)
Idiopatická fibrilace komor a její možný genetický podklad (2024)
Pacient-specifické kardiomyocyty s variantou Y4734C-RYR2: Ca2+ přechody v kontrole a po aplikaci kofeinu (2024)
Analýza variability délky cyklu u pacient-specifických hiPSC kardiomyocytů (2024)
Dopad varianty S1021Qfs*98-hERG na funkci proteinu Kv11.1 (2024)
Excitabilita a její poruchy - představení Výzkumné skupiny Markéty Bébarové (2024)
Ovlivnění spontánní elektrické aktivity hippokampálních neuronů prostřednictvím glutamátu a specifického antagomiru (2024)
Využití metody multielectrode array pro studium dopadu neurodegenerace na elektrickou aktivitu cerebrálních organoidů (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM from a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation under possibly arrhythmogenic conditions (2024)
Salbutamol attenuates arrhythmogenic effect of aminophylline in a hPSC-derived cardiac model (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
Neurodegeneration and hyperexcitability of the brain tissue (2024)
Salbutamol attenuates arrhythmogenic effect of aminophylline in a hPSC-derived cardiac model (2024)
Genetické pozadí pacientů s idiopatickou fibrilací komor (2024)
Aminophylline at clinically relevant concentrations affects inward rectifier potassium current in healthy porcine and failing human cardiomyocytes in a similar manner (2024)
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