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Vyhledávání publikací
Vyhledávání publikací
Pokročilé vyhledávání
Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Mechanika kontinua [Horský, 1984] (1984)
Teoretická mechanika : obecné principy, tuhé těleso (1985)
Teorie relativity (1985)
The Doppler effect - is its physical explanation allways correct? (1993)
Generation method for solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations and its geometrical background (1993)
Influence of defects of thin films on determining their thickness by the method based on white light interference (1993)
A note on the interpretation of E1, E1+delta 1 transitions in Ge (1993)
Kerr-Newman solution and the generating conjecture (1994)
Finite temperature dilaton gravity (1994)
Computation of properties of electrostatic lenses (1994)
The synchrotron production of photons with radiative corrections (1994)
Vznik a vývoj termodynamiky a statistické fyziky (1995)
Approximate expressions for electron lens properties (1995)
Experimental Gas Phase Spectroscopy of Carbon Molecular Structures and diffuse interstellar bands (1995)
Finite-temperature gravitational Čerenkov radiation (1995)
Sadi Carnot a jeho příspěvek k termodynamice (1996)
Základy užité matematiky, geometrie (1996)
Variational sequence in higher order mechanics (1996)
Dynamical theory of diffraction of particles: Ewald's approach. I (1996)
Konzultační cvičení 1 - Consultations 1 (1996)
Multiple diffraction of particles by a system of point scatterers as an exactly soluble problem using the Ewald concept (1996)
Dynamical theory of diffraction of particles: Ewald approach. I. (1996)
On the Som et. al. and van Stockum Solutions (1996)
Optické prvky elektronových mikroskopů (1996)
Accurate computation of higher multipole components of electrostatic and magnetic deflectors with the first order FEM (1996)
The use of the first order FEM for the computation of magnetic electron lenses (1996)
Multiple diffraction of particles by a system of point scatterers as an exactly soluble problem using the Ewald concept (1996)
Conformal Kerr-Schild Ansatz Holds for all Static Spherically Symmetric Space-times (1996)
Technological support of Theoretical Sciences (1996)
On the stationary axisymmetric fields (1996)
Results of the test of astrophysics at secondary schools in Czech Republic and Poland (1996)
Sadi Carnot a jeho přínos k rozvoji termodynamiky (1997)
Atom-od hypotézy k jistotě (1997)
Relativistický vesmír (1997)
Albert Einstein (1997)
An expression for the resolving power of a simple optical system (1997)
Analytical and numerical computation of multipole components of magnetic deflectors (1997)
Third order geometrical and first order chromatic aberrations of electrostatic lenses, a comparison of formulas (1997)
The quantum field theory of laser acceleration (1997)
Čerenkov effect and the Lorentz contraction (1997)
Generating conjecture and some Einstein-Maxwell fields of high symmetry (1998)
Poincaré a magnetický monopól jako elektronová čočka (1998)
An expression for the resolving power of a simple optical system (1997)
Teoretická mechanika (1998)
Jistoty relativistické kosmologie (1998)
Kasner's Generalized Metric (1990)
Predkosc na orbicie eliptycznej (1993)
Laboratory gas phase spectroscopy of carbon molecular structures in relation to diffuse interstellar bands (1998)
Certainties of Relativistic Cosmology (1998)
Dva zamečanija k jubileu E. Macha (1997)
Killingove vektory vo van Stockumovom riešení Einsteinových rovnic (1996)
On a new method of generation of electrovacuum solutions of Einstein-Maxwell solutions and its applications (1995)
Le Temps et la question d'origin le Mythe, La Philosophie et le Principe Anthropique (1994)
Some general remarks on frequency shift in general relativity (1993)
On generation of charged plane symmetric solutions (1992)
Killing vector and Einstein-Maxwell Field (1990)
Killing vectors of vacuum space times and electromagnetic four potentials (1989)
Killing vectors of vacuum space times and Einstein-Maxwell Fields (1989)
150 let od narození Ernsta Macha (1988)
Comparative research of pupils knowledge of astrophysics at secondary schools in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Russia (1994)
Knowledge of Pupils in Astrophysics at Secondary Schools in Czechoslovakia (1994)
Results of the test of astrophysics at secondary schools in Czechoslovakia (1994)
Spectroscopic analysis of alfa Cas (1994)
Spectroscopic study of alfa Cas (1995)
World Beat: Czech Republic (1995)
Výsledky srovnávacího průzkumu vědomostí žáků z astrofyziky na gymnáziích v ČR, liceích v PLR a středních školách v Rusku (1994)
Gravitační interakce koulí se středově souměrným rozložením hmotnosti (1995)
Dlaczego Ksiezyc oddala sie od Ziemi? (1995)
Strefy oddzialywania planet (1997)
Analiza wymiarova v nauczaniu fizyki z astronomia (1997)
Obfitosc komet v nauczanii astronomii (1997)
Variační posloupnost ve fyzikálních teoriích (1998)
The Plane Desk and its Exterior Fields in GR (1987)
Some properties of Ge-roch's singularity (1986)
On the Energy-Momentum Pseudotensors and the Quadrupole formula (1984)
On the analogy between the plane and the spherical solutions of Einstein equations in the vacuum (1981)
On some plane symmetric solutions in General Relativity (1981)
Ke dvěma problémům obecné teorie relativity (1980)
Tenzor energie a hybnosti elektromagnetického pole ve fenomenologické elektrodynaice (1979)
Kapitoly z teoretické fyziky (1978)
Ke dvěma problémům obecné teorie relativity (1977)
The Problem of an Analogy of Birkhoff's Theorem for the Plane Symmetric Gravitational Field (1977)
A Non-static Source of the Taub Solution of Einstein's Equations (1977)
Pole svěrchplotnovo gravitirujuščevo sloja (1976)
Gravitationnoje polje ploskovo sloja (1976)
The stability of a superdense plane plate in General Relativity (1976)
On the Principles and Problems of General Relativity Theory (1975)
Gravitacionne polje ploskovo odnorodnovo sloja (1975)
Stability of a Polytropic Plate in General Relativity (1976)
The gravitational field of a homogeneous plate with a nonzero cosmologigal constant (1975)
An Inhomogeneous Thick Plate in General Relativity (1975)
Principle of Relativity - Principle of General Invariance (1974)
On the plane gravitational condensor with the positive cosmological constant (1974)
K zákonům zachování v obecné teorii relativity (1973)
The Generalized Taub solution (1972)
Obobščenoje rešenie Tauba (1972)
K zákonům zachování v obecné relativitě (1972)
Geometric interpretation of chronometric invariants in general theory of relativity (1971)
Must it really be E=0 ? (1971)
K problému rovinné symetrie v obecné relativitě (1971)
A comment on the plane symmetric solution of Einstein Equations (1970)
K problému rovinné symetrie v obecné relativitě (1970)
The exact static exterior and interior metric of a thick plane plate (1969)
Conservation Laws in General Relativity (1969)
A Comment on Thin Shells in General Relativity (1969)
The gravitational field in general relativity (1968)
Úvod do obecné teorie relativity (1966)
On the Rayski Formulation of the Laws of Conservation for the Exact Static Metric (1966)
On the Rayski Formulation of the laws of conservation in general relativity (1966)
On the enargy of gravitational field (1965)
K těnzoru eněrgii i impulsa v klasičeskoj elektrodinamike (1965)
The energy momentum tensor of static gravitational field (1964)
INTEGRAL OMC Simulator (1998)
Optical Transients (1998)
Optical Investigations of GRBs 960720 and 970402 and Possible Optical Counterparts (1998)
Optical Monitoring Camera Test Device (1998)
Optical Follow-Up Observations of Locburst GRB Locations with OMC Test Camera (1998)
Computer programs for CCD photometry (1998)
OMC Camera Experiment for INTEGRAL and Search for Compton GROBATSE LOCBURST Optical Transients (1998)
Kvantova gravitace - kvantovy prostor (1998)
Atom - od hypotézy k jistotě (1998)
Trivial lagrangians in field theory (1998)
Atmosphere parameters of four K-giants obtained by spectrum fitting (1999)
Model atmospheres for K-giants (1998)
Electron Antibunching (1999)
On the Generating Conjecture. (1999)
Generating Conjecture and Einstein-Maxwell Field of Plane Symmetry (1999)
Nová učebnice astrofyziky (1998)
Zatmění Slunce (1999)
Global Properties of Orthogonal Separable Coordinates for the Klein - Gordon Eq. (1999)
BART, BOOTES and OMC: monitoring of AGNs-blazars (1999)
Searches for possible supernovae - GRBs correlations (1999)
Search for correlations between the BeppoSAX and RXTE GRBs locations and historical supernovae (1999)
The European Observational Network (EON) and Blazar Monitoring (1999)
Constraints on Higher Derivative Operators in Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theory. (1998)
Branes at generalized conifolds and toric geometry. (1999)
Accelerating D-branes. (1998)
Brane Boxes: Bending and Beta functions. (1998)
Atom - from hypothesis to certainty (1999)
Vznik a vývoj termodynamiky a statistické fyziky (1999)
Variational compatibility of force laws (1999)
A note to the representation of the variational sequence in mechanics (1999)
Variačnost a silová pole v klasické fyzice (1998)
Nová generácia detektorov gravitačných vĺn (populárny článok) (1999)
Hyperkahler quotients and Algebraic curves (2000)
The robust detection of stars on CCD images (1999)
Determination of Parameters of K Giants Atmosphere (2000)
Hyperkahler quotients, mirror symmetry and F-theory (2000)
The Kerr-Schild Ansatz for the Nariai Spacetime and the Generating Conjecture (2000)
201. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Mathematical Problems in General Relativity. Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 7.-11. September 1998 (1999)
Prof. RNDr. Jan Horský, DrSc., jubilující (2000)
Postrecenze učebnice "Fyzika pro gymnázia - Molekulová fyzika a termika" (2000)
Two-component stellar wind in hot stars (2000)
Inequalities for Electron-Field Correlation Functions (2000)
Isothermal two-component stellar wind of hot stars (2000)
Physics in a lift and on a turntable (2000)
The relativistic particle as a mechanical system system with non-holonomic constraints (2000)
Variační posloupnost a triviální lagrangiány (2000)
Neparametrizované Lagrangeovy struktury (2000)
Charged universes of the Gödel type with closed timelike curves (2000)
Konzultační cvičení II (1995)
Andrej Dmitrievic Sacharov (2000)
New Einstein-Maxwell Fields of Levi-Civita's Type (2000)
Úlohy z astrofyziky (2000)
Nové planetární soustavy (1999)
Postrecenze učebnice ,,Fyzika pro gymnázia - Astrofyzika" (2000)
The pendulum: a stumbling block of secondary school mechanics (2000)
Representation of the variational sequence in field theory (2000)
Recent results in variational sequence theory (2000)
The variational sequence: Local and global properties (2000)
Electrons as waves - and what will come next? (2000)
Postrecenze učebnice "Fyzika pro gymnázia" - Mechanika (2000)
Postrecenze učebnice "Fyzika pro gymnázia" - Mechanické kmitání a vlnění (2000)
Postrecenze učebnice "Fyzika pro gymnázia - Fyzika mikrosvěta" (2000)
Non-commutative soliton scattering (2000)
Properties and nature of Be stars XX. Binary nature and orbital elements of gamma Cas (2001)
S-duality, Noncritical Open String and Noncommutative Gauge Theory (2000)
Atmospheric extinction at the Brno and Skalnate Pleso Observatories I. Instrumentation, observations and review of data (2000)
Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds I.Nonisothermal three-component wind of hot B stars (2001)
Motions and Structures in an Active Prominence on September 18, 1995 (1999)
V1494 Aquilae (2000)
V1494 Aquilae (2000)
A quantized closed Friedmann model (2001)
E(8) quiver gauge theory amd mirror symmetry. (2001)
Noncommutative multisolitons: moduli spaces, quantization, finite theta effects and stability (2001)
Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar windsII. Gayley-Owocki heating in multitemperature winds of OB stars (2001)
Jak se kosmické sondy dostávají k Marsu ? (2001)
Planetka Onderlička (2001)
Největší pozorovatel v historii astronomie (1996)
A New Conception Teaching of Astrophysics at Secondary Schools (1994)
Kak znajut astronomiju školniki raznych stran (1992)
Sravnitělnyj analiz znanij školnikov po astronomii v SSSR i ČSFR (1991)
Wykorzystanie zadan problemowych w nauczaniu astrofizyki w szkolach srednich (1991)
Knowledge of Pupils in Astrophysics at Secondary Schools in Czechoslovakia (1991)
Comparative Research of Pupils` Knowledge of Astrophysics at Secondary Schools in Czechoslovakia and Poland (1991)
The Relation of Physics and Astronomy in Teaching at Secondary Schools (1996)
Vývoj astronomie v období renesance (1991)
The Relation of Physics and Astronomy in Secondary School Teaching (2000)
Further improvement of the period and new R light curve of CQ UMa (2001)
Atmospheric extinction at the Brno and Skalnate Pleso Observatories II. Interpretaion of Observations. Models of Extinction. Long-term and Seasonal Variations. Prediction. (2001)
Mechanika ve fyzice (2001)
K problematice vztahu fyziky a astrofyziky ve výuce na gymnáziích (1993)
Soustava astronomických pojmů ve výuce na gymnáziích (1992)
Průzkum vědomostí a dovedností žáků z astrofyziky na gymnáziích (1992)
Průzkum vědomostí a dovedností žáků z astrofyziky na gymnáziích v Československu, lyceích v Polsku a středních školách v Rusku (1992)
Immersion objective lenses in electron optics (1992)
The relativistic particle as the mechanical system with. non-holonomic constraints (2001)
The variational sequence: Local and global properites (2001)
Representation of the variational sequence in field theory (2001)
Recent results in variational sequence theory (2001)
Spectra of K type giants alfa Arietis and alfa Cassiopeiae (1985)
Stars in the teaching of astrophysics at grammar schools (1987)
Analiz koncepcii i soděržanija učebnogo matěriala astronomii v sredněj škole v SSSR (1988)
Charged perfect fluid and scalar field coupled to gravity (2001)
Pupils` Knowledge of Astrophysics at Secondary Schools in Czech Republic, Poland and Russia (1993)
Is the border surface of a crystal indeed the weakest point of the dynamical theory of diffraction? (2001)
A note on the problem of scattering from a single atomic plane and a stack of planes. Differences between the Ewald and other diffraction theories (2001)
Fyzika a dopravní nehody (2000)
On the gravitational field of a plane plate in general relativity (1989)
K analogii mezi rovinným a sférickým řešením vakuových gravitačních rovnic (1981)
How to share a continuous-variable quantum secret by optical interferometry (2002)
Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds III. Radiative-acoustic waves in a two-component wind (2002)
Klatskinův nádor - současný stav diagnostiky a léčby ve FN Brno (2002)
Atmospheric Extinction Derived from Cometary Observations (2002)
Mikuláš Koperník (2002)
K problematice výuky spektrální analýzy na gymnáziích (2002)
Mechanika ve fyzice (2002)
The Relation of Physics and Astronomy in Secondary School Teaching (2002)
Einstein - Maxwell fields generated from the gamma-metric and their limits (2002)
Space weather and we (2002)
A cylindrically symmetric solution in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity (2002)
Quantum time evolution of a closed Friedmann model (2002)
Isotropic loop quantum cosmology with matter (2002)
Introduction of "Elementary" O-C Values and Their Applications (2002)
Optika iontových svazků (2002)
CQ UMa - hvězda na celý život (2002)
Výsledky fotometrického studia sedmi uhlíkových hvězd (2002)
Zákryt hviezdy planétkou Lictoria (2002)
Improved period of a slowly rotating cool magnetic CP star HD 188 041 (2003)
Atmospheric Extinction at the Brno and Skalnaté Pleso Observatories. III. Model of extinction derived for Skalnaté Pleso from IHW/IAU medium-band photometrical observation of comets in 1985-90 (2003)
Preliminary analysis of light curves of the seven carbon stars (2003)
Poisson-Lie T plurality (2002)
Rozumíme silám tření? (2002)
Překvapivé demonstrační experimenty (2002)
Maturita z fyziky a přijímací řízení na vysoké školy (2002)
How to Increase the Number of Women in Physics in the Czech Republic? (2002)
Constraint Helmholtz conditions (2002)
Oč jde ve výuce fyziky na gymnáziu (2002)
Výuka astrofyziky na gymnáziích v České republice (2003)
On multicomponent effects in stellar winds of stars at extremely low metallicity (2003)
Representation of the variational sequence by differential forms (2003)
Refluxní choroba jícnu - diagnostika a chirurgická léčba (2003)
Modernizace přípravy učitelů fyziky - důvody, způsoby, výsledky (2003)
Continuous variable (2, 3) threshold quantum secret sharing schemes (2003)
Modeling of Multicomponent Radiatively Driven Stellar Winds Using a Newton-Raphson Method (2003)
Astronomia w dzielach Juliusza Verne a (2003)
Instability Caused by a Multicomponent Nature of Radiatively-driven Stellar Winds (2003)
Poznámky k chirurgii tenkého střeva (2003)
Náš přístup k regionální chemoterapii jater (2003)
Multidisciplinární přístup k jaterním malignitám ve FN Brno - model onkologické indikační komise (2003)
Minimalizace krevních ztrát u velkých jaterních resekcí (2003)
Cholangiokarcinom intrahepatických a extrahepatických žlučových cest (2003)
Differential Invariants of Immersions of Manifolds with Metric Fields (2003)
Efficient sharing of a continuous-variable quantum secret (2003)
Astrophysik in Aufgaben von heute (2003)
Modernisierung in der Ausbildung der Physiklehrer (2003)
Search for forced oscillations in binaries. IV. The eclipsing binary V436 Per revisited (2003)
Migration des stents oesophagiens : approche mini-invasive active (2003)
Radiation induced coronal wind in late B stars (2004)
Locoregional chemotherapy of the liver without the laparotomy (2003)
On spacetimes with 3-parameter isometry group in string-inspired theory of gravity (2001)
Teorie relativity a Globální poziční systém (2003)
Laparoscopic hepatic resections using heat coagulation necrosis - 3-years experience (2003)
Brachistochrona - problém stále živý (2003)
On a solution in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity (2003)
On a new set of orthogonal polynomials (2003)
"Gravitační" katapult (2003)
Rigorous Analysis of Homodyne Detection (2003)
Intéret de la radiofréquence dans les résections hépatiques atypiques pour tumeur maligne - Étude préliminaire a propos de 5 cas (2003)
Aberration integrals for the low-voltage foil corrector (2004)
The sources of errors in first-order FEM for electrostatic lenses (2004)
Description of binary system by artificial neural networks (2004)
Mikuláš Koperník v současné výuce astronomie na základních a středních školách (2004)
NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds I. Method of calculation and first results for O stars (2004)
Kinematic model inversions of hot star recurrent DAC data - tests against dynamical CIR models (2004)
A Charged Rotating Cylindrical Shell (2004)
Vztažné systémy v astronomii (2004)
Aktuální problémy českého fyzikálního vzdělávání (2004)
Sharing quantum secrets (2004)
Properties and nature of Be stars XXIII. Long-term variations and physical properties of kappa Dra (2004)
Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Secret Sharing (2003)
Is quantum secret sharing different than the sharing of a quantum secret? (2003)
V436 Per - rychlé změny v profilu spektra, ano či ne? (2002)
Gravitace a my (2004)
Tailored antireflux surgery-which fundoplication is the best? (2004)
0-brane Quantum Chemistry (2004)
Small surprises in "rolling-physics" experiments (2004)
Differential Invariants of Immersions of Manifolds with Metric Fields (2004)
Operational formulation of homodyne detection (2004)
Současný pohled na život a dílo Mikuláše Koperníka (2004)
Úvod do fyzikální kosmologie (2004)
Hieracium bauhini group in Central Europe: chromosome numbers and breeding systems (2004)
Natural operators of smooth mappings of manifolds with metric fields (2004)
Variational non-holonomic systems in physics (2004)
Challenges to the theories of B stars circumstellar environment (2004)
Bogini po przejsciach (2004)
Chromosome numbers for some species of vascular plants from Europe (2004)
Cytogeographical Survey of Eleocharis subser. Eleocharis in Europe 1: Eleocharis palustris (2004)
Rapid Variations in RS Oph Observed by OMC/INTEGRAL (2004)
The WEBT campaigns on BL Lacertae. Time and cross-correlation analysis of optical and radio light curves 1968-2003 (2004)
The WEBT BL Lacertae Campaign 2001 and its extension. Optical light curves and colour analysis 1994-2002 (2004)
Time resolved spectroscopy of GRB 030501 using INTEGRAL (2003)
OMC: An Optical Monitoring Camera for INTEGRAL. Instrument description and performance (2003)
Frictional heating of a corona (2004)
Decoupling of helium in the winds of chemically peculiar stars (2004)
On reaction thresholds in Doubly Special Relativity (2004)
On a solution in Einstein--Maxwell--dilaton gravity (2004)
Modely strunové kosmologie (2004)
Měření koeficientu odporu vzduchu "C" pomocí digitální fotografie (2004)
Quantum optics without second quantization? (2000)
Weyl metrics and the generating conjecture (2004)
Peroperační manometrie jícnu a možnosti predikce dysfagie v antirefluxní chirurgii (2004)
Tenké střevo - radiologická diagnostika patologických stavů (2003)
Prediction of equilibrium constants in aqueous solution. I. The extrapolation of equilibrium constants to zero ionic strength using PLS, artificial neural networks, and genetic "soft" modelling (2004)
Venuše po přechodu (2004)
The dependence of the energy distribution on the abundances of A-star atmosphere models (2005)
The analyses of the light curves of magnetic CP stars by advanced PCA methods (2005)
NLTE wind models of A supergiants (2005)
Multicomponent stellar winds and chemical peculiarity in A stars (2005)
Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of SN 2004dj (2005)
Synthetic spectra of A supergiants (2005)
Preliminary analysis of photometric variations of central star of planetary nebula Sh 2-71 (2005)
Preliminary analysis of V and Hp light curves of 26 carbon Miras (2005)
Může být peroperační manometrie jícnu využita v predikci dysfagie po antirefluxním výkonu? (2005)
Continuous-variable quantum-state sharing via quantum disentanglement (2005)
Note About Non-BPS and BPS Dp-branes in Near Horizon Region of N Dk-Branes (2005)
Fyzickogeografický sborník 2 - Kulturní krajina (2004)
21. výroční konference Fyzickogeografické sekce České geografické společnosti "Kulturní krajina" (2004)
Úvod aneb KKK (kult kulturní krajiny) (2004)
K problematice výuky astrofyziky na základních a středních školách v ČR (2005)
Může být peroperační manometrie jícnu využita v predikci dysfagie po antirefluxním výkonu? (2005)
Intraoperační manometrie dolního jícnového svěrače u kalibrované laparoskopické antirefluxní chirurgie - předběžné výsledky (2005)
Strings with extended non-Abelian gauge interaction (2005)
Observing with OMC/INTEGRAL (2005)
Observations of Cataclysmic Variables with INTEGRAL (2005)
Nonholonomic variational systems (2005)
Multicomponent stellar winds of He chemically peculiar stars (2004)
Lattice Dynamics of Defect Crystals with Singular Defect Submatrix (1972)
Vibrations of Ionic Crystals Containing Substitutional Defects in the Shell Model (1974)
Užití grup ve fyzice (1974)
Quantum Mechanical Generalization of the Balistic Electron Wind Theory (1980)
Poznámka k analogii "stacionární kvantový stav - stojatá vlna na struně" (1981)
Equilibrium Density Matrix of Conduction Electron Gas in a Simple Model Metallic Bicrystal (1981)
Thermoreflectance of GaS (1981)
Poznámka k analogii "stacionární kvantový stav - stojatá vlna na struně" (1983)
A Note on the Elementary Presentation of Energy Quantization (1983)
Poznámky k výkladu kvantové mechaniky v experimentální učebnici fyziky pro gymnázia (1983)
Úvod do termodynamiky a statistické fyziky (1984)
On Teaching Quantum Mechanics (1988)
Moravsko-slovenský spor o strunu (1988)
Kvantová mechanika v gymnaziální učebnici Fyzika IV (1988)
Lokalizovaný elektron, stojaté vlnění na struně a kvantování energie (1989)
Cvičení z kvantové mechaniky pro posluchače učitelství fyziky (1989)
Problémy popularizace kvantové mechaniky (1989)
Základy termodynamiky a statistické fyziky (1990)
Standardy fyzikálního vzdělávání (1993)
Studium učitelství fyziky na přírodovědecké fakultě MU (1994)
Závěr studia učitelství fyziky a perspektivy dalšího vzdělávání jeho absolventů (1994)
Jsou didaktické technologie nejnaléhavějším problémem ve fyzikálním vzdělávání? (1995)
Atlas of Halpha emission lines and V light curves of 30 carbon Miras (2005)
Sbírka příkladů ze statistické fyziky (1975)
One-dimensional Square-well Potential as a Starting Point for The Elementary Treatment of Energy Quantization (1990)
Spectroscopic study of Am SB2 eclipsing binary HR 6611 (2004)
Mass-Loss and Multicomponent Flow from Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae (2005)
Mechanický tlumený oscilátor (2005)
Note about tachyon kink in nontrivial background (2005)
Supertube dynamics in diverse backgrounds (2005)
Non-holonomic mechanical systems and variational principle (2005)
Trivial constraint variational problem (2006)
Alternativní medicína (2005)
Analýza akustického signálu provázejícího ultrazvukovou kavitaci (2005)
Sledování účinku kavitačního ultrazvuku na larvy korýše Artemia salina (2005)
Lékařská biofyzika včera, dnes a zítra (2005)
Pohyb Slunce, Měsíce a hvězdný katalog v Almagestu (2005)
Studium fototoxicity indocyaninové zeleně in vitro (2005)
Representation of the Variational Sequence by Differential Forms (2005)
Connection induced geometrical concepts (2006)
Wszechswiat na róznych dlugosciach fal (2005)
Pneumatose kystique de lintestin: á propos de deux observations (2005)
Remark about a non-BPS Dp-brane at the tachyon vacuum moving in a curved background (2005)
Comparative study of diffuse barrier discharges in neon and helium (2005)
Vševlnová astrofyzika ve výuce fyziky (2005)
Discrete Fourier transform-based analysis of HeLa cell microtubules after ultrasonic exposure (2005)
On-line database of photometric observations of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2007)
On methods for the light curves extrema determination (2006)
Klaudios Ptolemaios (2005)
Stellar winds and the circumstellar environment of massive first stars (2005)
Challenges to the theories of B stars circumstellar environment (2005)
Linear Spring Oscillator with Two Different Types of Damping (2005)
Charged black holes in compactified space times. (2005)
Apsidal motion in southern eccentric eclipsing binaries: V539 Ara, GG Lup, V526 Sgr and AO Vel (2005)
Light Variations of the Anomalous Central Star of Planetary Nebula Sh 2-71 (2005)
Analysis of acoustic signal incidental to ultrasonic cavitation (2005)
Fotoelektrický jev (2005)
Moderní trendy v českém fyzikálním vzdělávání (2005)
The winds of hot massive first stars (2006)
Učitelé na německé technice v Brně 1849-1945 (2004)
The eccentric eclipsing binary V889 Aquilae (2005)
CCD photometry of neglected eclipsing binaries - KZ Dra, LR Cam and IM Vul (2005)
Zdeněk Kopal's Binary Star Legacy - Preface (2005)
Short Time-Scale Variability in the Light Curve of TW Draconis (2005)
Canonical doubly special relativity (2005)
Damping forces - a friend or a foe in explaining mechanical motion? (2006)
Systém záznamu poškození cíle (2005)
Quantum state sharing with continuous variables (2007)
Codes Normles1 and Normles - light curve examination tools (2006)
Proposal of observational program of CCD monitoring of 30 carbon Miras in V, R and I (2006)
Light variations and angular momentum loss from the He-strong magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 37776 (2005)
The Nature of Light Variations of the He-Strong CP Star HD 37776 (2005)
NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds II. O stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (2006)
On Generalized Gauge-Fixing in the Field-Antifield Formalism (2006)
Non-Commutative Batalin-Vilkovisky Algebras, Homotopy Lie Algebras and the Courant Bracket (2007)
A Note on Semidensities in Antisymplectic Geometry (2006)
Ricci-flat supertwistor spaces. (2006)
Factor ordering in standard quantum cosmology (2006)
The study of cytotoxcicity and phototoxicity of indocyanine green in vitro (2005)
Klaudios Ptolemaios (2006)
Alternativní medicína a klinicky neověřená terapie v onkologii (2005)
Properties and nature of Be stars. XX. Binary nature and orbital elements of gamma Cas (2000)
Intraoperative esophageal manometry during laparoscopic antireflux surgery (2006)
Matematika pro porozumění i praxi I (2006)
Pozegnanie z dziewiata planeta (2006)
Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds IV. On the helium decoupling in the wind of sigma Ori E (2006)
NLTE wind models for SMC stars (2006)
Mass Loss from Massive Zero-Metallicity Stars (2006)
The mass loss from hot Pop III stars (2006)
Generalized Kahler manifolds and off-shell supersymmetry (2007)
Current Algebra of the Pure Spinor Superstring in AdS(5) x S(5) (2006)
Hamiltonian Analysis of Non-Linear Sigma Model on Supercoset Target. (2006)
D1-brane with over critical electric field in AdS(3) and S-brane. (2006)
Dynamics of probe brane in the background of intersecting fivebranes. (2006)
D-brane dynamics in a plane wave background. (2006)
Note about static D1-brane in I-brane background. (2006)
Dynamics of D1-brane in I-brane background. (2005)
Anti-de Sitter D-brane dynamics. (2005)
K určování dráhy Saturna v geocentrické a heliocentrické soustavě (2006)
Pluto již není planetou, z astronomie však nemizí (2006)
DML-CZ: The Objectives and the First Steps (2008)
XXVIII.Dny lékařské biofyziky, Valtice, hotel Hubertus, 25.5 - 27.5.2005 (2005)
Reducible Gauge Algebra of BRST-Invariant Constraints (2007)
CCD times of minima of selected eclipsing binaries (2006)
Short time-scale variability in the light curve of TW Draconis (2006)
The Remarkable Eclipsing Binary TW Draconis (2006)
Relativistic Optics in Gravitational Lensing: The Focus of a Cluster and its Aberrations (2006)
Eclipsing Binaries with Possible Light-Time Effect (2006)
IV Cassiopeiae: a Probable Photometric Triple Star (2006)
Light-Time Effect in the Eclipsing Binaries GO Cyg, GW Cep, AR Aur and V505 Sgr (2006)
Eccentric Eclipsing Binary YY Sagittarii (2006)
Canonical and Non-Canonical DSR (2006)
Observations of Hα, iron, and oxygen lines in B, Be, and shell stars (2006)
Radiative transfer in moving media II. Solution of the radiative transfer equation in axial symmetry (2005)
Spectrum disentangling and orbital solution for κ Dra (2005)
Emergent Line Profiles From Rapidly Rotating Stars (2005)
Radiative transfer in moving media I. Discontinuous finite element method for one-dimesional atmospheres (2003)
Discussion session: How does the B[e] phenomenon fit into current stellar wind and evolution theories? (2006)
Solution of the Radiative Transfer Equation in Rotating Atmospheres and in Winds (2006)
Observations of B[e] stars with the Ondřejov 2m telescope (2006)
Radiative transfer in axial symmetry (2006)
The Solution of the Radiative Transfer Equation in Accretion Discs of Cataclysmic Variables (2005)
Standard model atmospheres for A-type stars and non-LTE effects (2004)
Orbital solution of A-type binaries α Dra and Mizar A using spectrum disentangling (2004)
NLTE model atmospheres with rotation (2004)
The possibility of a disk formation around late B stars (2004)
Calculation of spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres using ALI and a thermal balance method (2003)
NLTE formation of oxygen lines in irradiated stellar atmospheres (2003)
Solution of the radiative transfer equation in axial symmetry (2003)
A computer code for calculation of NLTE model atmospheres using ALI (2003)
Calculation of temperature using thermal balance of electrons (2003)
Limb darkening and line-profile variations in eclipsing binaries (2003)
Discontinuous finite element method in moving media (2003)
Instabilities in radiation driven stellar winds (2003)
Spectral and light variability of Be star 60 Cygni (2003)
Comparison of Wave-Equation Based Versus Measurement-Processing Transducer Calibration for Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography (2006)
RW Lacertae: a New Photometric Triple Star (2006)
Apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: CW Cephei, V478 Cygni, AG Persei, and IQ Persei (2006)
Hot star wind models with new solar abundances (2007)
Radial velocity determination by cross correlation function using a synthetic spectrum as the template and detecting component spectra in SB1 binaries (2007)
Differential Geometry and its Applications, 10-th International Conference (2006)
Eurostring workshop II, young reserchers workshop (2006)
IAU 26-th General Assembly, Prague 2006 (2006)
Principal component analysis - an efficient tool for variable stars diagnostics (2007)
Radiatively Driven Winds of OB Stars - from Micro to Macro (2007)
Rozvíjení schopností žáků v astrofyzikální výuce na gymnáziích (2007)
Linearizing Generalized Kahler Geometry (2007)
Proč vyučovat astrofyziku na gymnáziích (2007)
Noc s kometou (2004)
An unusual complication after a puncture of a. femoralis (a case study). (2006)
Time-dependent simulation of a multicomponent stellar wind (2007)
ZEMĚPIS 6 - 1. díl - Vstupte na planetu Zemi (2007)
Semidensities, Second-Class Constraints and Conversion in Anti-Poisson Geometry (2008)
No Approximate Complex Fermion Coherent States (2007)
Budoucnost ve hvězdách aneb O zániku Mléčné dráhy (2007)
Odd Scalar Curvature in Field-Antifield Formalism (2008)
The light variability of the helium strong star HD 37776 as a result of its inhomogeneous elemental surface distribution (2007)
Embolizace hemangiomů v játrech (2007)
Amyloidosis of the small intestine. (2007)
A shift in the diagnostics of the small intestine tumors. (2007)
Crohn's disease at the small bowel imaging by the ultrasound-enteroclysis. (2007)
Brachytherapy and percutaneous stenting in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma: a prospective randomised study. (2007)
Podmínka úspěchu diagnostiky a minimálně invazivní perkutánní léčby akutní pankreatitidy - těsná spolupráce chirurga a radiologa (2004)
Laparoscopically asisted subtotal colectomy for idiopathic pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (2006)
Intraoperative manometry of the lower esophageal sphincter pressure during laparoscopic antireflux surgery with a mechanical calibration--early results. (2006)
Diagnostika (2006)
Způsoby vyšetření funkčních rezerv jaterního parenchymu (2006)
Lymfadenektomie (2006)
The Hα stellar and interstellar emission in the open cluster NGC 6910 (2007)
Partial Laparoscopic Resection of Inflamed Mediastinal Esophageal Duplication Cyst (2007)
Reduced Sigma-Model on O(N): Hamiltonian Analysis and Poisson Bracket of Lax Connection (2007)
Note about integrability and gauge fixing for bosonic string on AdS(5) x S(5). (2007)
On the universal tachyon and geometrical tachyon. (2007)
Giant Magnon in NS5-brane Background. (2007)
Current Algebra and Integrability of Principal Chiral Model on the World-sheet with General Metric. (2007)
BRST Invariance of Non-local Charges and Monodromy Matrix of Bosonic String on AdS(5) x S**5. (2007)
Pure spinor strings in TsT deformed background. (2007)
Non-Relativistic Non-BPS Dp-brane (2007)
Thematic Mobile Mapping (2008)
An Alternative Physics Textbook for Secondary Schools (2006)
Zajímavé úlohy z mechaniky (2007)
On-line database of photometric observations of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2007)
The ZOO of uvby and Hp light curves of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2007)
Partial Laparoscopic Resection of Inflamed Mediastinal Esophageal Duplication Cyst (2007)
Component-Interaction Automata Approach (CoIn) (2008)
Zkušenosti s léčbou empyému hrudníku během sedmiletého období (2007)
Přínos torakoskopie v diagnostice a léčbě hrudního empyemu (2007)
Využití znalostí farmakokinetiky při léčbě empyemů hrudníku (2007)
Výuka astronomie na základních a středních školách, současný stav a perspektiva (2007)
Multicriteria tunnel computation (2008)
Léčba onemocnění karotických tepen (2007)
Recidivující stenóza vnitřní karotidy u mladého pacienta s M.Crohn a trombocytopenií (2007)
Aorto-enterické a aorto-kavální píštěle (2007)
Aneurysma podkolenní tepny (2007)
Úrazy cévního systému (2007)
Deset kroků do mikrosvěta (2007)
Technological Challenges of Teaching Mathematics in a Blended Learning Environment (2008)
Úvodní výklad kvantových vlastností elektromagnetického záření - fotoelektrický a/nebo Comptonův jev (?) (2007)
Deset kroků do mikrosvěta (2007)
Odd Scalar Curvature in Anti-Poisson Geometry (2008)
Unambiguous coherent state identification: Searching quantum database (2007)
Planetární disky na exotických místech vesmíru (2007)
New N=(2,2) vector multiplets (2007)
A potential for Generalized Kahler geometry (2008)
Observational evidence of interacting processes in the system TW Draconis (2007)
Zaměření a zpracování bakalářské práce (2008)
Persistent organic pollutants in soils and sediments from James Ross Island (2008)
An amateur video camera as a detector of infrared radiation (2008)
Member of the Scientific Committee (2007)
Authorizing Card Payments with PINs (2008)
Věda a příroda (2007)
Highly non-Gaussian states created via cross-Kerr nonlinearity (2008)
The light variations of HD 37776 as a result of the uneven surface distribution of helium and silicon (2007)
Kariérní růst akademických pracovníků MU jako prostředek kvalitativního posílení výzkumu a vzdělávání (2007)
Autorizace elektronických transakcí a autentizace dat i uživatelů (2008)
Kvantové vlastnosti elektromagnetického záření v gymnaziální fyzice (2008)
High-Resolution Image Cytometry of a Large Number of 3D Confocal FISH and Immunofluorescence Stained Cells (2008)
From Pixels and Minds to the Mathematical Knowledge in Digital Library (2008)
Jak daleko je Měsíc aneb od Hipparcha k sondě Hipparcos (2008)
On the importance of the wind emission to the optical continuum of OB supergiants (2008)
Genetická a molekulární analýza Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum - zdroje genů odolnosti k padlí travnímu (2008)
A Case Study in Parallel Verification of Component-Based Systems (2008)
Badminton - interaktivní průvodce (2008)
Halliwickova metoda plavání (2008)
Vliv pohybové aktivity na zdravotní stav střední a starší populace (2008)
Comptonův jev jako základní téma úvodního výkladu kvantových vlastností elektromagnetického záření (2008)
The mass loss from hot Pop III stars (2008)
The influence of clumping on predicted O star wind parameters (2008)
Gaussian Quantum Marginal Problem (2008)
Three Natural Generalizations of Fedosov Quantization (2009)
Nástrahy newtonovské mechaniky (2008)
O profesoru Martinu Černohorském pedagogovi (2008)
Stavba pasivního domu je hledání nových řešení (2008)
Influence of substrate material on plasma indeposition/sputtering reactor: experiment and computer simulation (2008)
Modelling of erythemally effective UVB radiation in dependence on the atmospheric factors (2008)
Climate measurements as a part of multidisciplinary project at the James Ross Island, Antarctica (2008)
Využití metainformací prostorových dat v krizovém řízení (2008)
SCO 2008, Sharable Content Objects, sborník 5. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2008)
Metadata in Risk Management (2008)
Reálné cesty snižování emisí (2008)
The record-breaking rotational deceleration of the He strong CP star HD 37776 (V901 Ori) (2008)
Generating random numbers in hostile environments (2008)
T-duality and Generalized Kahler Geometry. (2008)
Topological Sigma Models with H-Flux. (2008)
Bioinformatic prediction, molecular modelling and image analysis of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID (2008)
Image analysis of localization and translocation of apoptotic proteins in living cells (2008)
Member of Program Committee (2008)
Member of Program Committee (2008)
Simulation of fluorescence image formation in 3D image cytometry (2008)
Simulation of fluorescence image formation in 3D light microscopy (2008)
Physics of everyday life (2008)
Lepage forms in Variational Theories: From Lepage's Idea to the Variational Sequence (2007)
Processing of a Large Number of FISH and Immunofluorescence Stained Cells on Confocal Spinning Disk Systems (2008)
Zajímavé úlohy z mechaniky (2007)
53 Aurigae revisited: a B9Mn + F0m composite spectrum (2008)
Geovizualizace v integovaném záchranném systému ČR (2008)
mCP stars with photometrically simple behaviour (2008)
Web Mapping Technologies in Crisis Management (2008)
The extremely rapid rotational braking of the magnetic helium-strong star HD 37776 (2008)
Remarks on doubly special relativity theories and gravity (2008)
Adaptation Methods In Contextual Cartographic Visualization (2008)
Spatial Information And Crisis Management (2008)
Characterization of near field optical microscope probes (2008)
Geografické informace v zdravotnické záchranné službě a možnosti jejich dynamické vizualizace (2008)
První pomoc ve školských zařízeních (2008)
A pitfall in the calculation of higher order aberrations (2008)
Využití GIS v orgánech činných v krizovém řízení ČR (2008)
GIS And RS Project Teaching/Training (2008)
The Influence of X-ray Emission on the Stellar Wind of O Stars (2008)
Influence of the Frictional Heating on the Wind Line-Profiles of SMC Stars (2008)
Functional characterization of domains in AtTRB1, a putative telomere-binding protein in Arabidopsis thaliana (2008)
Alternative telomere lengthening in development of normal and telomerase knock-out plants (2008)
Současný stav využití geodat v klíčových organizacích krizového řízení v ČR (2008)
Telomere repeat binding protein variants show distinct kinetics and energetic nature of DNA-protein interaction (2008)
Analysis of interaction domains of plant telomere-binding proteins AtTRB1 and AtPOT1b (2008)
Metadatový tok v krizovém řízení: od konceptu k implementaci. Disertační práce. (2008)
Centralized Approach to Large User and Computer Infrastructure (2008)
A Spell Checker for Esperanto (2008)
Lamin A/C and polymeric actin in genome organization (2008)
New period study of the eclipsing binary V865 Cygni (2007)
Orbital period changes of the nova-like cataclysmic variable AC Cancri: evidence of magnetic braking and an unseen companion (2007)
Rapid apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: OX Cassiopeia, PV Cassiopeia, and CO Lacertae (2008)
B.R.N.O. Contributions #34 (2007)
Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Eclipsing Binary GSC 4288 0186 (2007)
In-situ estimation of physiologically active time in Antarctic terrestrial vegetation at manipulated air temperature (2008)
Zdenek Kopal's Binary Star Legacy (2005)
Sociální a emocionální kvalita života dětí po léčbě onkologického onemocnění. Předběžné výsledky z projektu QOLOP (2008)
Brno Quality of Life Longitudinal Study in Pediatric Oncology Patients (QOLOP). Results from the second year of the study. (2008)
Antarktida znamená unikátní příležitost věnovat se skutečně jenom věde (2008)
DML 2008 workshop (2008)
Bohrův model atomu (2008)
Novinky v chirurgické léčbě jaterních metastáz (2008)
Informační soukromí a profilování (2008)
Automated Classification and Categorization of Mathematical Knowledge (2008)
Proceedings of DML 2008 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (2008)
Biometrie a identita člověka - ve forenzních a komerčních aplikacích (2008)
Hvězdná továrna na molekuly Červený nadobr z Velkého psa (2008)
Influence of shadowing on ellipsometric quantities of randomly rough surfaces and thin films (2008)
Optical characterization of non-stoichiometric silicon nitride films (2008)
Perphenazine-Induced block of sodium and transient outward potassium current: experimental and simulation study (2008)
Temps et Espace - Tempo e Spazio - Tiempo y Espacio - Tempo e Espaço (2008)
Partial Order Reduction for State/Event LTL (2008)
The influence of regular physical activities on the level of mental functions and coordination in people over the age of 60 (2008)
Specific rating scale for evaluating forward breakfall (2008)
Alternative Activities in Psychomotricity (2008)
Žonglování (2008)
Interactions of apoptotic proteins AIF and endonuclease G analyzed by bioinformatic predictions, molecular docking, and fluorescent microscopy (2008)
Astronomia w dzielach Juliusza Verne a (2008)
Preparation and characterisation of carbon films prepared from HMDSZ/methane/nitrogen or hydrogen mixture using PECVD (2008)
How Do Teachers, Parents and Pupils Perceive the Impact of ICT on Education? (2008)
Deposition of Nanostructured Diamond-Like Carbon Films in Dual Frequency Capacitive Discharge (2008)
Počítače i uživatelé pod palcem (2008)
The influence of socially economical processes on changes of psychological parameters of the personality of a university student with sport specialization (2008)
Gaussova metoda určování dráhy planetky Ceres (2008)
Science Is an Adventure Under this Dome (2008)
Řešení pro tisíce (2008)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 11th International Conference TSD 2008, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11th, 2008 (2008)
Non-holonomic constraint forces in field theory in physics (2008)
Současné postavení otevřené chirurgie u hepatobiliárních malignit (2008)
Engineering invisibility cloaks, black holes and superantennas with optical fibres (2008)
E-learning a studijní styly u mužů a žen v kurzu Zdravotní tělesné výchovy na Fakultě sportovních studií (2008)
Vliv 3měsíční skupinové kognitivně behaviorální terapie obezity na vybrané rizikové faktory kardiovaskulárních onemocnění. In: sborník abstrakt XV. kongres České internistické společnosti ČLS J. E. Purkyně (2008)
Využití textilních materiálů ve výuce fyzice (2008)
Badminton - interaktivní průvodce (2008)
Posttraumatický rozvoj osobnosti rodičů onkologicky nemocných dětí.Posttraumatický rozvoj osobnosti rodičů onkologicky nemocných dětí. (2008)
Computation of more channels in protein molecules (2008)
Statistical Edge Detection of Concealed Weapons Using Artificial Neural Networks (2008)
Superantenna made of transformation media (2008)
The CoIn Tool: Modelling and Verification of Interactions in Component-Based Systems (2008)
Secilmis bazi sicak yildizlarin HST morote tayflarinda P Cygni profilleri (2008)
New approaches to automated cell image acquisition and analysis using fluorescence microscopy (2008)
Minimal Energy and Factor ordering in Quantum Cosmology (2008)
Matematická analýza 3 (2008)
Chirurgická léčba aneuryzmatu břišní aorty (AAA) u starých nemocných (2008)
Hemodynamický monitoring u operací aneuryzmat abdominální aorty (2008)
Úrazy v cévní chirurgii (2008)
An Adaptive Algorithm for Multimodal Focus Functions in Automated Fluorescence Microscopy (2008)
Infekce v cévní chirurgii - naše zkušenosti (2008)
Endovaskulární léčba aneuryzmat břišní aorty (AAA) u pacientů vysoce rizikových k chirurgickému řešení (2008)
Soulad metadatového editoru INSPIRE a prováděcích pravidel pro metadata (2008)
Biomechanická 3D analýza hodu oštěpem (2008)
Use of e-learning as a tutorial aid in semi practical courses at Faculty of sports studies, Masaryk university (2008)
Changes of Learning styles in E-larning Course at Faculty of Sport Studies (2008)
Leslieho kostka a Ritchieho pokus (2008)
Uhlíková daň (2008)
Fyzikální hledání v enviro-tématice (2008)
CESNET Conference 2008, Second CESNET Conference on security, middleware and virtualization -- glue of future networks (2008)
A Comparative Study of Laplacians and Schroedinger-Lichnerowicz-Weitzenboeck Identities in Riemannian and Antisymplectic Geometry (2009)
Ecology of Leuctra geniculata (Plecoptera: Leuctridae),an Atlantomediterranean species on the north-eastern border of its area (2008)
Prediction of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins (2009)
Identification and characterization of 31 isolates of Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochaetales, Spirochaetaceae) obtained from various hosts and vectors using PCR-RFLP and SDS-PAGE analysis (2008)
Superantenna made of transformation media (2008)
Transmutation of singularities in optical instruments (2008)
Implementace metainformačního katalogu pro krizové řízení (2008)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky - řešené příklady (2008)
Surface morphology of amorphous hydrocarbon thin films deposited in pulsed radiofrequency discharge (2008)
Optical characterization of phase changing Ge2Sb2Te5 chalcogenide films (2008)
Optical quantities of rough films calculated by Rayleigh-Rice theory (2008)
Spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectometry of statistically rough surfaces exhibiting wide intervals of spatial frequencies (2008)
Combination of mRNA and protein microarray analysis in complex cell profiling (2009)
Segmentation of Touching Cell Nuclei using a Two-Stage Graph Cut Model (2009)
Vliv vypouštění nečištěných splaškových vod na malý vodní tok (2008)
Diference v pozátěžové koncentraci laktátu po maximálním běžeckém a cyklistickém (60s) zatížení (2008)
A Two-Phase Segmentation of Cell Nuclei Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithms (2009)
Problém zvaný fotovoltaika (2008)
Proměnné hvězdy (2009)
La seguridad de los pasaportes electrónicos (2008)
Comparison of various plasmachemical processes with respect to the gas temperature (2008)
Grafická úprava rukopisů (2008)
Prevalence nádorů v České republice 1989-2005-2015 (2008)
Místo pozitivní psychologie ve výuce ostatních psychologických disciplín. (2008)
Fyzika horkých hvězd (2007)
Metoda nejmenších čtverců (2003)
Popisná statistika (2003)
Stavba a vývoj vesmíru (2003)
Velmi rozumné rozhodnutí -- pasivní dům (2008)
Psárky Alopecurus aequalis a A. geniculatus v České republice: jejich určování a rozšíření (2008)
Nádory a kartografie (2008)
Možnosti primární prevence kardiovaskulárních chorob v nutriční poradně (2008)
Nanotechnologie pro průmysl a zábavu (2008)
Základy fyziky hvězd (2005)
Towards Natural Natural Language Processing (2008)
Non-holonomic mechanics: A geometrical treatment of general coupled rolling motion (2009)
The influence of inhomogeneities on hot star wind model predictions (2008)
Advanced test of the model stellar atmospheres: the nature of the light variability of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2008)
Optical Characterization of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films (2008)
Modeling of optical constants of diamond-like carbon (2008)
Optical characterization of diamond-like carbon thin films non-uniform in thickness using spectroscopic reflectometry (2008)
Influence of cross-correlation effects on the optical quantities of rough films (2008)
Teoretické a metodologické problémy koordinačních pohybových schopností. (2008)
Wind emission of OB supergiants and the influence of clumping (2008)
Festival vědy (2008)
Noc vědců (2008)
Koncepce pojízdného energeticky vzdělávacího centra (2008)
Koncepce pojízdného vzdělávacího centra se zaměřením na fotovoltaické zdroje enegie a úspory energie (2008)
Zpracování geografických informací ve ztížených podmínkách (2008)
Rotational periods of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2008)
The nature of the light variations of chemically peculiar stars (2008)
Transient Jets in the Symbiotic Prototype Z Andromedae (2009)
Period study of TW Draconis (2008)
Apsidal motion in southern eccentric eclipsing binaries: GL Car, QX Car, NO Pup and V366 Pup (2008)
Absolute dimensions and apsidal motion of the eccentric binary V731 Cephei (2008)
Broadband Invisibility by Non-Euclidean Cloaking (2009)
Entanglement distribution: New concepts and the continuous variable toolbox (2008)
Super-antenna (2008)
Festival vědy 2008 (2008)
Noc vědců 2008 (2008)
Publikování z jednoho zdroje v odlišných formátech pro různá výstupní zařízení (2008)
Scientific activities in school education (2008)
Potenciál využití sluneční energie v Keni (2008)
Fast Method for Computation of Channels in Dynamic Proteins (2008)
A Case Study in Parallel Verification of Component-Based Systems (2008)
DIDACTEX aneb využití textilu ve výuce (2008)
Sluneční vařiče (2008)
Pokustón - Zájmový kroužek pro začínající vědce (2008)
DIDACTEX - Metodika propagace technických oborů ve výuce na ZŠ (2008)
Prezentace zájmového kroužku Pokustón v pořadu ČT (2008)
Zobrazovací metody a diagnostika "urgentního břicha" (2008)
Zobrazovací mmetody v diagnostice a sledování akutní pankreatitidy - Perkutánní léčba komplikací akutní pankreatitidy (2008)
On-line fyzikální laboratoř (2008)
New Minima Times of Selected Eclipsing Binaries (2007)
Photometry of the supersoft X-ray source V Sagittae during its large outburst in 2004 (2006)
Endovaskulární léčba aneuryzmat břišní aorty /AAA) u pacientů vysoce rizikových k chirurgickému řešení (2008)
Budoár Staré Dámy: Dobrou noc, světlo (2008)
Vztah obrazu a zvuku multimediálního díla (2008)
Koncerty kapely Budoár staré dámy (2008)
Updated ephemeris, (O-C) diagrams and light fluctuations of the supersoft X-ray source QR And (2006)
START POINT 2008 (2008)
MOZÁDY, "Mozartovi za zády" -výstava studentů a absolventů KVV PedF MU (2008)
Záludnosti CCD fotometrie (2007)
Labyrint 2, rychlokurz života, prázdninová zážitková akce (2008)
Accretion discs around us. (2007)
Small-bowel tumors in the elderly 65+ years: 10 years of experience (2008)
Tailored antireflux surgery (2008)
Microarray analysis using limited amount of cells (2009)
Limitations and possible improuvements of DLC dielectric response model based on parameterization of density of states (2009)
Optimization of the performance of graded amorphous carbon coatings to steel substrates using PECVD (2008)
Study of thermal stability of Silicon, Oxygen and/or Nitrogen containing Diamon-like Carbon coatings (2008)
New CAPS Marker for Selection of a Barley Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in the Mla Locus (2009)
Characterization of non-uniform diamond-like carbon films by spectroscopic ellipsometry (2009)
Characterization of nanostructured diamond-like carbon coatings deposited in single and dual frequency capacitive discharges (2008)
In vivo dynamics of telomere-associated protein AtTRB1 (2008)
Surface morphology of amorphous hydrocarbon thin films deposited in pulsed radiofrequency discharge (2008)
Preparation and characterisation of carbon films prepared from HMDSZ/Methane/Nitrogen or Hydrogen mixture using PECVD (2008)
Stromy pro Keňu (2008)
Geoinformatika v přípravě učitelů (2008)
Trees for Kenya (2008)
Integrace přírodovědných předmětů na základní škole prostřednictvím úloh z meteorologie a klimatologie (2008)
Experimenty s lidským tělem (2008)
Combating Deforestation in Kenya by Proper Firewood Management (2008)
Gene Expression differences in bone marrow hematoietic stem cell subpopulation (2008)
CNO-driven winds of hot first stars (2009)
The extremely rapid rotational braking of the magnetic helium-strong star HD 37776 (2009)
Identification of resistance genes against powdery mildew in wild barley PI284752 by DNA markers (2008)
Geoinformatika ve veřejné správě (2008)
Geoinformatika ve veřejné správě (2008)
Dobrovolné přispívání na veřejný statek: Jsou čeští studenti jiní? (2009)
Czech Healthcare reform (2006-2010) from the point of view of interest group´s support (2009)
Generating Random Sequences from Fingerprints (2008)
3D AcquiGen 0.2 (2008)
Acquiarium version 1.6 (2008)
3D CytoGen 0.2 (2008)
3D OptiGen 0.2 (2008)
Generation of Digital Phantoms of Cell Nuclei and Simulation of Image Formation in 3D Image Cytometry (2009)
"Cure is not enough" - The Brno Quality of Life Longitudinal Study of Pediatric Oncology Patients ( QOLOP): Results from the second year of the study. (2008)
Brno Quality of Life Longitudinal Study in Pediatric Oncology Patients ( QOLOP). Posttraumatic growth in parents of childhood cancer survivors. (2008)
The influence of electrode gap width on plasma properties of diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge in nitrogen (2009)
Prvé skúsenosti s využitím rádiofrekvenčnej energie při resekčných nefron šetriacich výkonoch při ochoreniach obličiek (2008)
Rovnováhové schopnosti ve vztahu k pohybové aktivitě u populace středního a staršího věku (2008)
HD 152786: a lithium giant? (2007)
CNO driven winds of hot first stars (2009)
Psychomotorická terapie (2008)
D1-brane in beta-Deformed Background (2007)
Note About Redefinition of BRST Operator for Pure Spinor String in General Background (2008)
D-brane Description of New Open String Solutions in AdS(5) (2008)
Magnon like solutions for strings in I-brane background. (2008)
D2 to M2 Procedure for D2-Brane DBI Effective Action (2008)
A string with a Euclidean worldsheet in AdS(5) x S**5. (2008)
Note About Unstable M3-brane Action (2008)
Matematická analýza 3 (2009)
Slunce a jiné hvězdy (2009)
Examples of Homotopy Lie Algebras (2009)
Co nám zanechal Ptolemaios (2009)
Analyses of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins, cylindrospermopsins) in the reservoirs of the Czech Republic and evaluation of health risks (2008)
"Tradiční" a "nové" cyanotoxiny ve vodách Č.R. (2008)
NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds III. Influence of X-ray radiation on wind structure of O stars (2009)
A novel approach for monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins: development and evaluation of the passive sampler for microcystins (2008)
Nový přístup ke sledování microcystinů ve vodě - vývoj a optimalizace pasivního vzorkovače (2008)
Identifikace genů rezistence k padlí travnímu u planého ječmene Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum PI391126 (2009)
Evolutionary Design of Secrecy Amplification Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (2009)
Aplikace regresního modelu UVB záření na data ze stanice J. G. Mendela v Antarktidě (2009)
Ideální plyn v gymnaziálním kurzu fyziky (2009)
Náhlé příhody břišní - pohled chirurga (2008)
Authenticated Key Exchange with Group Support for Wireless Sensor Networks (2009)
Historie výkladu pohybu Měsíce od Hipparcha k Newtonovi (2009)
Matematika pro porozumění i praxi I (2009)
Effect of antipsychotic drug perphenazine on fast sodium current and transient outward potassium current in rat ventricular myocytes (2009)
Climate fluctuations in the Czech Republic during the period 1961-2005 (2009)
Prawa Keplera w nauczaniu fizyki (2009)
Information Content Analysis in Automated Microscopy Imaging using an Adaptive Autofocus Algorithm for Multimodal Functions (2009)
Privacy and Identity (2009)
Acquiarium: Free Software for the Acquisition and Analysis of 3D Images of Cells in Fluorescence Microscopy (2009)
The nature of the light variability of the silicon star HR 7224 (2009)
Effects of childhood malignancy treatment on quality of life: preliminary results of the Qolop project (2008)
How much is privacy worth? (2009)
Digital Multiparameter System for Characterizing the Neutron-Gamma Field in the LR-O Experimental Reactor (2005)
The X-ray emission from Z Canis Majoris during an FUor-like outburst and the detection of its X-ray jet (2009)
Effects of childhood malignancy treatment on quality of life: Preliminary results of the QOLOP project (2008)
Školitel (2008)
Inovace počítačové učebny pro grafiku a multimédia (2008)
Možnosti motivace mládeže ve studiu přírodních věd (2008)
Generating Random and Pseudorandom Sequences in Mobile Devices (2009)
Documentary evidence of economic character as a source for the study of hydrometeorological extremes (2009)
Transformace nových astrofyzikálních poznatků do gymnaziální fyzikální výuky na příkladu Krabí mlhoviny (2009)
VRECKO: The Virtual Reality System (2008)
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and iron oxide nanoparticles in MW plasma torch with Fe(CO)5 in gas feed (2009)
Mechanical and microwave absorbing properties of carbon-filled polyurethane (2009)
Optical Characterization of Ultra-Thin Iron and Iron Oxide Films (2009)
Jednoduchý experiment v přírodovědném vzdělávání: disertační projekt (2008)
Influence of modal loss on the quantum state generation via cross-Kerr nonlinearity (2009)
DML 2009 workshop (2009)
Historie výkladu pohybu Měsíce od Clairauta k Hillovi (2009)
Prediction of erythemally effective UVB radiation by means of nonlinear regression model (2009)
Binaries - key to comprehension of the Universe (2009)
Towards the core of the Quantum Monopole (2008)
Nonabelian generalized gauge multiplets (2009)
Modelling of the reactive sputtering process with non-uniform discharge current density and different temperature conditions (2009)
The Brno Quality of Life Longitudinal Study of Paediatric Oncology Patients (Qolop) (2008)
Embolizace hemangiomů v játrech (2007)
Uptake of POPs from contaminated soils to Eisenia fetida at two contaminated hotspots in the Czech Republic (2008)
Analysis of erythemally effective UV radiation at the Mendel Station, James Ross Island in the period of 2006-2007 (2009)
Genotypic versus phenotypic methods in detection of Listeria monocytogenes prosthetic joint infection (2009)
New Period Investigation of Algol-like Near-Contact Binary EG Cephei (2009)
Composition and functional properties of organosilicon plasma polymers from hexamethyldisiloxane and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (2008)
CAVER 2.0 (2008)
Factors of Competitiveness: Why the Enterprise is Less Successful? The Case of Czech enterprises (2009)
Tip-sample relaxation as a source of uncertainty in nanoscale scanning probe microscopy measurements (2009)
Role of Interest Groups in Brokering Health Policy: The Case of Czech Health-Care Reform (2009)
Competitiveness of Czech Enterprises: What affects the Performance of the Enterprise? (2009)
Literární tapas (2008)
TServer - terminálový server UCN (2008)
Computer-Assisted Engineering of Biomolecules (2009)
User profiling and re-identification: Case of university-wide network analysis (2009)
Autofocusing software issues in automated fluorescence microscopy (2009)
Automated search for information content in fluorescence microscopy images using modified autofocusing approach (2009)
Každý si může nasimulovat skleníkový jev (2009)
Krabí mlhovina ve fyzikální výuce na gymnáziu (2009)
Towards Proper Evaluation of Image Analysis Methods Used in Biomedical Research (2009)
The response of chironomid larvae to hydraulic conditions: Synorthocladius semivirens (Diptera: Chironomidae) in two different rivers (2008)
The effect of environmental conditions on the taxonomic and functional structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region (2008)
Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background of persistent organic pollutants in Africa (2009)
Přispívání na veřejný statek: svádí neosobní kontakt k černému pasažérství? (2009)
Simple Agent-Based Computational Model of Market Without Intermediation (2009)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2009)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2009)
Coupled rolling motion: a student project in non-holonomic mechanics (2009)
Time-lapse living cells microscopy of cell line K562 for study of CML-associated proteins dynamics - immobilization of suspension cultured cells (2009)
On Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism of Non-Commutative Field Theories (2010)
Praktikum z obecné genetiky (2009)
Monitoring of POPs in Africa - Passive air sampling results and continental-scale network design (2009)
An omnidirectional retroreflector based on the transmutation of dielectric singularities (2009)
Biometriky a generování klíčového materiálu (2009)
Prediction of localization and interactions of proteins involved in caspase-independent apoptosis (2009)
An Experience with Building Digital Open Access Repository DML-CZ (2009)
Pension Reform through Voluntary Opt-Out: The Czech Case (2009)
The puzzling binary HD 143418 (2009)
Long-term study on vegetation responses to manipulated warming using open top chambers installed in three contrasting Antarctic habitats. (2009)
Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Africa. Part 2: Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background (2009)
The Value of Location Information: A European-Wide Study (2009)
Towards True Random Number Generation in Mobile Environments (2009)
Mapping of powdery mildew resistance genes in a newly determined accession of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum (2010)
Chromocentre integrity and epigenetic marks (2010)
Precise measurement of thickness distribution of non-uniform thin films by imaging spectroscopic reflectometry (2009)
One Size Does Not Fit All - How to Approach Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks (2009)
Hledá se Polárka (2009)
Computation of channels in protein dynamics (2009)
Remarks on Existence of Proper Action for Reducible Gauge Theories (2010)
Noether's Theorem for a Fixed Region (2009)
Prediction of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins (2009)
CytoPacq (2009)
SUV39h-independent association of HP1b with fibrillarin-positive nucleolar regions (2010)
Lepage forms theory applied (2009)
Výzkum a aplikace nízkoteplotního plazmatu na ÚFE PřF MU v Brně (2009)
"Vynucené" torakochirurgické výkony u rizikových pacientů - kazuistika (2009)
X-ray emission from hydrodynamical simulations in non-LTE wind models (2009)
Santa's Crypto Get-Together 2008 (2008)
Horava-Lifshitz f(R) Gravity (2009)
New p+1 dimensional nonrelativistic theories from Euclidean stable and unstable Dp-branes (2009)
Wilson loops in 3d QFT from D-branes in AdS(4) x CP(3) (2009)
Branes at Quantum Criticality (2009)
Remark About Scaling Limit of ABJ Theory. (2009)
Algebra of Lax Connection for T-Dual Models. (2009)
Návrh portálu pro vizualizaci dat zdravotního stavu obyvatelstva (2009)
Nové mapové technologie v kartografické komunikaci (2009)
Generalized Kähler geometry and Gerbes (2009)
Acquiarium: Free image acquisition and analysis software for image cytometry (2009)
Acquiarium: Free Software For Image Acquisition And 3D Analysis Of Fluorescently Labeled Cells (2009)
New extended superconformal sigma models and Quaternion Kahler manifolds. (2009)
Geometry of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma model with Euclidean worldsheet (2009)
Posuzování uživatelských charakteristik kartografických produktů: interakce člověk a GIS (2009)
Informační systém kvality ovzduší (2009)
Determination of electron density in RF discharge in neon by emission spectroscopy complemented with C-R model and PIC/MC simulation (2009)
Determination of plasma parameters in neon RF discharge by optical emission spectroscopy (2009)
Veletrh nápadů učitelů fyziky 14 - konferenční sborník (2009)
Metodika pro tvorbu a aplikaci didaktických prostředků propagujících vědu a techniku a profesní kariéru v rámci stávajících předmětů fyzika, chemie a technická výchova na základních školách (2009)
Vícerozměrná analýza faktorů hospodářské úspěšnosti (2009)
Chemicky pekuliární hvězdy - zmalované slečny (2009)
Open questions in the magnetic CP stars physics (2009)
Record-breaking rotational braking of CP star V901 Orionis (2008)
Record-breaking rotational braking of magnetic CP star V901 Ori (2008)
HD 143 418 - an interacting binary with a subsynchronously rotating primary. (2009)
AR Aurigae - an excellent O-C laboratory (2009)
Neholonomní síly a Machův princip ve speciální teorii relativity (2009)
An excellent O-C laboratory AR Aurigae (2009)
Rotace v prvním axiomu (2009)
Record-breaking rotational braking of mCP star V901 Orionis (2008)
Anatomie (2009)
Radiologická diagnostika nádorů podjaterní krajiny (2009)
Chemoterapie nádorů duodena (2009)
Nádory pankreatu. Úvod. (2009)
Fotodynamická léčba (PDT) (2009)
Nádory duodena - přehled (2009)
Wireless temperature measurement in the hot filament CVD reactor for deposition of carbon nanotubes (2009)
Předběžná statistická analýza kontinuálního měření osvětlenosti v areálu VŠB-TU Ostrava (2009)
Languages of Mathematics -- Random Walking in the Mathematics of Languages (2009)
Tři malá zamyšlení na téma: Hvězdy a my (2009)
Stále záhadnější silikonová hvězda EE Draconis (2008)
HD 143 418 - an interacting binary with the subsynchronously rotating primary (2009)
Informační systém kvality ovzduší a jeho využití ve výuce (2009)
Educational video from the textile sector as a resource for teaching physics (2009)
An interacting binary with the subsynchronously rotating primary HD 143 418 (2009)
Intraluminálna radiofrekvenčná ablácia (2009)
Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized in Oxygen and Water Low Pressure Discharges used as Reinforcement of Polyurethane Composites (2009)
Ochrana životního prostředí v Keni (2009)
Sample classroom activities based on climate science (2009)
Passivation of iron nanoparticles synthesized in microwave plasma (2009)
Metodika tvorby a využívání didaktických prostředků propagujících vědu, techniku a profesní kariéru: Tvorba výukových pořadů a pracovních listů a jejich následné využití při výuce na ZŠ (2009)
Metodika pro tvorbu a aplikaci didaktických prostředků propagujících vědu a techniku a profesní kariéru v rámci stávajících předmětů fyzika, chemie a technická výchova na základních školách (2009)
Citation Crawling (2009)
První zkušenosti s využitím radiofrekvenční ablace při nefron šetřících operacích na ledvinách (2009)
A new device to monitor the intraoperative lower oesophageal sphincter pressure during the laparoscopic antireflux surgery-the feasibility study (2009)
A new device to monitor the intraoperative lower oesophageal sphincter pressure during the laparoscopic antireflux surgery-the feasibility study (2009)
Česká digitální matematická knihovna - DML-CZ (2009)
The nature of the recent extreme outburst of the Herbig Be/FU Orionis binary Z Canis Majoris (2010)
Nové mapové technologie v kartografické komunikaci (2009)
Invisibility devices (2009)
Initial data on a novel endovascular radiofrequency catheter when used for arterial occlusion in liver cancer (2009)
Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes in MW Plasma Torch with Different Methods of Catalyst Layer Preparation and their Applications (2009)
Graph Cuts and Approximation of the Euclidean Metric on Anisotropic Grids (2010)
Náhodná data generovaná v mobilních zařízeních (2009)
Stability of gold standard and its selected consequences: A reply to prof. Howden (2009)
The streetboard rider: an appealing problem in non-holonomic mechanics. (2010)
Rozměrová analýza v astrofyzikální výuce na středních školách (2010)
Fyzika chladných hvězd (2010)
A Prospect Theoretical Model of Competition and Innovation (2010)
Competition and Profitability (2010)
Note About Classical Dynamics of Pure Spinor String on AdS_5 x S_5 Background (2007)
Stationary Model of a Line Driven Wind with Rotation (2008)
Divide or not to divide? How to deal with extra centrosomes? (2010)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1 - Jezdíme autem (2010)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1 - Jezdíme autem. Učitelův námětovník (2010)
Variability of droughts in the Czech Republic, 1881-2006 (2009)
The Physics of Everyday Life (2010)
The mechanism of the light variability of chemically peculiar stars (2010)
Mass and angular momentum loss of first stars via decretion disks (2010)
HR 7355 - another rapidly braking He-strong CP star? (2010)
Psychomotorická terapie (2009)
Synthesis of iron nanoparticles as precursor for carbon nanostructures growth in atmospheric pressure microwave plasma torch (2010)
Hygienické a mikrobiologické parametry menz pro studenty MU, Brno (2009)
In-situ estimation of physiologically active time in Antarctic terrestrial vegetation at manipulated air temperature (2008)
Estimation of solar UV radiation in maritime Antarctica using nonlinear model including cloud effects (2010)
On-line diagnostika laserového svařování a její využití pro verifikaci svarů. (2010)
Web-Based Approach to the INTEGRAL Data (2009)
Czech projects in variable star research (2009)
Timings of minimum. Estimation or determination? (2009)
Plasma Assisted Immobilization of Flame Retardants (2009)
Lamination of Inorganic Flame Retardant Powders on Plasma Activated Nonwoven Polypropylene Fabric (2008)
Comparison of macroinvertebrate feeding strategies in streams from Asia, South America and Europe (2008)
The ASSESS-HKH project: Context, approaches, objectives and results (2008)
Contribution to the knowledge of aquatic macroinvertebrates from Hindu Kush-Himalaya (2008)
Structure and Function of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Electronic conference on interactions between antarctic life and environmental factors, IPY-related research (2009)
Meteorological measurement and observation at the J. G. Mendel Station, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2009)
Glacio-meteorological measurements on two glaciers at the northern part of James Ross Island, Antarctica (2009)
X-Ray Emission of Cataclysmic Variables Observed by INTEGRAL (2009)
Neviditelnost aneb fyzika neviditelného pláště (2010)
Non-Euclidean Ideas for Broadband Invisibility (2009)
Climate fluctuations at Košetice in the period 1988-2007 (2009)
Kolísání klimatu v České republice (2009)
Combined method of spectroscopic ellipsometry and photometry as an efficient tool for the optical characterisation of chalcogenide thin films (2009)
Modeling of dielectric response of GexSbyTez (GST) materials (2009)
Non-Euclidean Cloaking for Light Waves (2010)
Hlístice čeledi Camallanidae z afrických sladkovodních ryb (2010)
Information Security Summit 2010 - From Technology To Management (2010)
Information content analysis in automated microscopy imaging using modified autofocusing approach (2010)
Acquiarium: Free Software For Image Acquisition And Image Analysis In Cytometry (2010)
Revision of the photometric parameters of BS Cassiopeiae (2010)
Nematodes of Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) from freshwater fishes in Senegal, with a key to species (2010)
Photometric Study of the Very Short Period Shallow Contact Binary DD Comae Berenices (2010)
Adaptive map visualization: from context selection to web service configuration (2010)
A Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm for Region-Based Active Contours (2010)
Document Engineering for a Digital Library: PDF recompression using JBIG2 and other optimization of PDF documents (2010)
18th HELMINTHOLOGICAL DAYS 2010, Book of Abstracts (2010)
Small-load nanoindentation experiments on metals (2010)
Weak wind effects in CNO driven winds of hot first stars (2010)
Inverted-U Relationship between Competition and Innovation: A Survey of Literature. (2010)
Preparation of self-adhesive nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings (2010)
Path Integral Formulation with Deformed Antibracket (2010)
Rapid apsidal motion in V381 Cassiopeiae (2010)
What shall we do with photometric data? (2010)
Optical and mechanical characterization of ultrananocrystalline diamond films prepared in dual frequency discharges (2010)
Band structure of diamond-like carbon films assessed from optical measurements in wide spectral range (2010)
Žonglování jako prostředek prevence sociálně patologických jevů u dětí a mládeže (2010)
Deposition and characterization of nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings prepared by hybrid PVD-PECVD (2010)
Alteration in mitochondrial superoxide production by shRNA gene silencing of AIF in various cell lines (2010)
Mija 400 lat od wydania Gwiezdnego poslance (2010)
Comoving frame models of hot star winds I. Test of the Sobolev approximation in the case of pure line transitions (2010)
Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm (2010)
Competitiveness factors in post-transformation period: The Case of Czech Enterprises (2010)
Vliv kvality na konkurenceschopnost podniků v ČR (2010)
Agent-based Computational Model of Democratic Choice of Redistribution under Almost Perfect Human Mobility (2010)
An Improved Riemannian Metric Approximation for Graph Cuts (2011)
Stabilizing selection on genome size in a population of Festuca pallens under condition of intensive intraspecific competition (2010)
Unusual phenomena of a usual day (2010)
Unusual phenomena of a usual day (2010)
Plazmová syntéza železných nanočástic a jejich aplikace (2010)
Fyzikální akustickooptické hračky (2010)
Competition, Innovation and Technology Gap (2010)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 13th International Conference TSD 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, September 6-10, 2010 (2010)
Ethanol-fixed material used for both classical and molecular identification purposes: Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) as a case parasite species (2010)
Specialized pinworms of orang-utan (
Pongo abelii
: Hominidae) from Sumatra (2010)
Security of Biometric Authentication Systems (2010)
A Novel Performance Metric For Grey-Scale Edge Detection (2010)
802.1X - autentizace v počítačových sítích (2008)
Engineering of Enzymes by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Engineering of Biocatalysts by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Magnetic Chemically Peculiar stars With Unsteady Periods (2011)
NLTE wind models of hot subdwarf stars (2010)
The evolution of base composition in monocots (2010)
Adaptive feedback beam shaping of the CO2 welding laser (2010)
Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background of persistent organic pollutants in Africa (2009)
Fyzika (automobilové) dopravní nehody (2010)
Nové astrofyzikální poznatky (2010)
The meditation on teaching astronomy at secondary schools in Czech Republic and in select states of the world (2010)
MEMICS 2010: Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2010)
Neighbor-based Intrusion Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks (2010)
Neighbor-based Intrusion Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks (2010)
Partial Order Reduction for State/Event LTL with Application to Component-Interaction Automata (2011)
Explozivní děje ve vesmíru (2010)
Přínos učících se metod statistického rozpoznávání obrazů při hledání faktorů konkurenceschopnosti českých podniků (2010)
Threshold effectiveness in contributing to the public good: Experiments involving Czech students (2011)
Perfect imaging with positive refraction (2010)
Zapojení studentů do tvorby e-learningových materiálů pro lékařskou mikrobiologii (2008)
Od vyvěšení prezentace k jednoduchému e-learningu pro výuku lékařské mikrobiologie (2009)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from centrosomal amplification (2010)
Vyhledávání v matematickém textu (2010)
Veřejné statky: Teorie a experiment (2011)
Multicomponent stellar wind from hot subdwarfs stars (2010)
Modelling the light variability of the Ap star epsilon Ursae Majoris (2010)
Wilson Loops from D-branes in AdS(4) X CP**3 with B(NS) Holonomy (2010)
Note About Hamiltonian Dynamics of String in Non-Relativistic D3-Brane Background (2010)
Rotationally modulated variations and the mean longitudinal magnetic field of the Herbig Ae star HD 101412 (2011)
Wherigo aneb další využití GPS přijímače ve výuce (2010)
Festival vědy 2010 - Křížem krážem s GPS (2010)
DIDACTEX aneb textil ve výuce (2010)
New Models of f(R) Theories of Gravity. (2010)
Open String in Non-Relativistic Background (2010)
String in Horava-Lifshitz gravity (2010)
Note about Hamiltonian formalism of healthy extended Horava-Lifshitz gravity (2010)
CAVER 2.1 (2010)
Příroda 4 pro 4. ročník základní školy : učebnice (2010)
Příroda 4 pro 4. ročník základní školy : pracovní sešit (2010)
Příroda 4 pro 4. ročník základní školy : příručka učitele (2010)
Deposition and characterization of n-TiC/a-C:H coatings prepared by hybrid PVD-PECVD (2010)
Suppressed hysteresis behaviour of Ti sputtering in acetylene gas (2010)
Deposition and analyses of nc-TiC/a-C:H coating prepared by balanced magnetron sputtering (2010)
Klimatická gramotnost (2010)
Co s CO2? (2010)
Integrovaná přírodověda 2 - Domácnost svět v malém (2010)
Integrovaná přírodověda 2 - Domácnost svět v malém. Učitelův námětovník (2010)
Horava-Lifshitz gravity and ghost condensation (2010)
Note About Hamiltonian Formalism of Modified F(R) Horava-Lifshitz Gravities and Their Healthy Extension (2010)
CesTa k ochraně čipových karet (2010)
Metody kartografické vizualizace a kvalita rozhodovacích procesů (2010)
The epidermal structure of Carassius gibelio: a link with ploidy status in spawning and postspawning periods (2010)
Coupled rolling motion: considering rolling friction in non-holonomic mechanics. (2010)
Derivatization and analysis of carbon nanotubes (2010)
Pohlady do mikrosveta (2010)
Zlomeniny pátého bederního obratle. (2010)
Predictions of the effect of clumping on the wind properties of O-type stars (2011)
Photometric observations of transiting extrasolar planet Wasp-10b (2010)
Týden vědy - Noc vědců (2010)
Týden vědy - Festival vědy (2010)
Biouhel (2010)
Integrovaná přírodověda 3 - Město a venkov. Učitelův námětovník (2010)
Integrovaná přírodověda 3 - Město a venkov (2010)
X-ray scattering study of oxide precipitates in Cz-Si (2010)
Study on the properties of modified amorphous carbon thin films deposited by PECVD. (2010)
Využití interaktivní tabule vy výuce fyziky (2010)
Santa's Crypto Get-Together 2010 (2010)
Timings of Minima. Estimation or Determination? (2010)
Nature of variations in periods of chemically peculiar stars (2010)
Phenomenologic modelling of light curves (2010)
Phenomenological ephemeris of the HgMn CP eclipsing variable AR Aurigae (2010)
NSVS 1065 3195 Ser: A New Low-Mass Binary (2010)
člen Českého výboru PRODEX (2010)
mCPod - three years later (2010)
Spectroscopy and photometry in Torun (2010)
Photometry at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (2008)
MUNI-FITS-Utils (2010)
Progress in on-line photometric database of mCP stars (2007)
On-line database of photometric observations of mCP stars (2007)
Symposion in Memory of George Placzek (1905-1955) (2005)
Rational Economic Subjects Free ride. What about Czech Students? (2010)
Genomic stability of stem cells - why should we care (2010)
Chirurgická léčba femoroacetabulárního impingementu. (2010)
Treatment of Femoroacetabular impingement syndrom. (2010)
Too much of a good thing can harm: deregulation of centrosome number in human embryonic stem cells (2010)
Lékařská mikrobiologie: Vyšetřovací metody (2010)
Transit timing variation and activity in the WASP-10 planetary system (2011)
Photometry of extrasolar planets (2008)
Binaries - Key to Comprehension of the Universe (2010)
HD 143 418 - an Interacting Binary with a Sub-Synchronously Rotating Primary (2010)
PROSPER pokračování projektu (2010)
A Study of the Herbig Be Binary/FU Orionis Object Z CMa (2010)
Dvojhvězdy se změnami period (2010)
ETD - Exoplanet Transit Database (2010)
Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of the Czech Astronomical Society (2010)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from centrosomal amplification (2011)
On some aspects of teaching hearing-handicapped students in standard courses (2010)
Mass and angular momentum loss via decretion disks (2011)
Internal structure and mineralogy of a zoned anorthite and grossular bearing leucotonalitic pegmatite in serpentinized lherzolite at Ruda nad Moravou, Staré Město Unit, Czech Republic (2010)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum in focus: monogenean exhibiting a highly specialized adaptation for ectoparasitic lifestyle (2011)
NLTE models of Vela X-1 primary wind (2010)
Částicová struktura látek ab initio I (2011)
Open clusters towards the Galactic centre: chemistry and dynamics. A VLT spectroscopic study of NGC 6192, NGC 6404, NGC 6583 (2010)
Public Good Experiments: Options and Limits. (2010)
Plane gravitational waves in real connection variables (2011)
New path planning method for computation of constrained dynamic channels in proteins (2011)
Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm (2011)
Historie výkladu statické teorie slapů na Zemi (2011)
Minerální asociace geikielit-baddeleyit v dolomitických mramorech moravského moldanubika v kontaktní aureole třebíčského plutonu. (2010)
AgriClient - nástroj pro adaptivní prezentaci senzorových dat v zemědělství (2010)
New supersymmetric \sigma-model duality (2010)
Generalized Calabi-Yau metric and Generalized Monge-Ampere equation. (2010)
Off-shell superconformal nonlinear sigma-models in three dimensions. (2011)
Vliv morfologie koryta a způsobu využití okolní krajiny člověkem na charakter společenstva máloštětinatých červů („Oligochaeta“): hodnocení na více úrovních prostorové škály (2008)
Translation and analysis of "Butterflies are free" by Leonard Gershe (2010)
Částicová struktura látek ab initio II : Od objevu elektronu k prvním modelům atomu (2011)
Comparative karyological analysis of four diplozoid species (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), gill parasites of cyprinid fishes (2011)
Variational sequences in mechanics on Grassmann Fibrations (2010)
Higher order Grassmann fibrations and the calculus of variations (2010)
Combined exposure to cyanobacterial biomass, lead and the Newcastle virus enhances avian toxicity (2010)
Teratogenicity and Embryotoxicity in Aquatic Organisms After Pesticide Exposure and the Role of Oxidative Stress (2011)
Evidence of synergistic toxicity in birds: experimental co-exposures to cyanobacteria and toxic metal (lead) causes immunosuppressions in Japanese quail (2010)
Effects of algal and cyanobacterial cultures and their fractions on the Xenopus laevis development (2010)
Toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass to birds: effects in testes including detoxification parameters and histology (2010)
Non-Decomposable Nambu Brackets (2015)
Monetary valuation of people’s private information (2010)
Determination of explosives and their degradation products in contaminated soil area (2010)
Částicová struktura látek ab initio III : Od spekulativních představ o stavbě atomu k jeho jadernému modelu (2011)
Evidence for subwavelength imaging with positive refraction (2011)
Jan a Alžběta Heveliové (2011)
A Note on Angular Momentum Commutators in Light-Cone Formulation of Open Bosonic String Theory (2012)
Climate Conditions of the Permafrost Active Layer Development in Petuniabukta, Billefjorden, Spitsbergen. (2010)
Recent Changes of Permafrost Active Layer on the James Ross Island, Maritime Antarctic. (2010)
Seasonal variation of air temperature at the Mendel Station, James Ross Island in the period of 2006-2009 (2010)
Generation of 3D Digital Phantoms of Colon Tissue (2011)
Conformal cloak for waves (2011)
Monitoring weather situation in the field: an approach based on Sensor observation service (2011)
Comparison of the quality of enterprises in the tourism industry and enterprises from other sectors in the Czech Republic (2011)
Vícečetné nádory nervového systému a další primární novotvary (2011)
Controlling birefringence in dielectrics (2011)
Částicová struktura látek ab initio (2011)
Struktura atomového jádra (2011)
Depth profile analyses of nc-TiC/a-C:H coating prepared by balanced magnetron sputtering (2011)
Efficient Computation of Convolution of Huge Images (2011)
Heterogeneity in the kinetics of nuclear proteins and trajectories of substructures associated with heterochromatin (2011)
Generating Random Numbers in Hostile Environments (2011)
Blazhko effect - a century old challenge (2011)
Virtual Environment Kit for Visual Arts (2011)
CAVER 3.0: A Tool For Efficient Analysis Of Tunnels In Dynamic Protein Structures (2011)
Zákony zachování v moderních variačních teoriích. Odkaz Emmy Noetherové (2011)
Photometric analysis of 8 newly discovered short-period eclipsing binaries at Astronomical Observatory at Kolonica Saddle (2012)
Photometric Observation of Transiting Extrasolar Planet Wasp - 10 b (2010)
Učitelé a integrovaná výuka (2011)
Návrh tvorby mapových znaků pro krizové řízení - scénář povodeň (2011)
Monopoly Supply Chain Management via Rubinstein Bargaining (2011)
Multi-Agent Simulation of Tiebout Model (2011)
Sebehodnocení ve vztahu ke zvládání stresu a atribuci u žáků základních škol (2011)
Zátěžové situace, jejich vnímání a zvládání u žáků základní školy (2011)
Atribuční charakteristiky ve vztahu ke zvládání stresu a sebehodnocení (2011)
Věkové a genderové rozdíly ve zvládání zátěže u adolescentů (2011)
Věkové a genderové rozdíly v sebehodnocení a jeho vlivu na zvládání zátěže v období adolescence (2011)
Endonuclease G interacts with histone H2B, AIF, and DNA topoisomerase II alpha during apoptosis as revealed by FRET analysis of living cells (2011)
Subaerial cyanobacteria and algae across Central European cities (2011)
Freshwater diatoms of Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean) (2011)
One microbial bioassay for a method of cyanobacterial and algal removal (2011)
Vizualizace senzorových dat prostřednictvím mapového klienta (2011)
Invisibility cloaking without superluminal propagation (2011)
Představení a dosavadní výsledky projektu GEOTÝM (2011)
Improved velocity law parameterization for hot star winds (2011)
X-ray emission from hydrodynamical wind simulations in non-LTE models (2011)
The nature of the light variations of chemically peculiar stars CU Vir and HD 64740 (2011)
Mass and angular momentum loss of fast rotating stars via decretion disks (2011)
Vývoj nových DNA markerů pro geny odolnosti k padlí travnímu u ječmene (2010)
Surprising variations in the rotation of the chemically peculiar stars CU Virginis and V 901 Orionis (2011)
Negranitické pegmatity - přehled výzkumů (2010)
Akcesorické minerály jako indikátor geochemické frakcionace v tělesech turmalinických granitů na jihozápadním okraji třebíčského masivu (2010)
Agent-Based Model of an Urban Retail Market (2011)
Gravettian occupation of the Beckov Gate in Western Slovakia as viewed from the interdisciplinary research of the Trenčianske Bohuslavice - Pod Tureckom site (2013)
Jak daleko stad do Ksiezyca? (2011)
Elektronické pasy v praxi (2011)
Magnifying absolute instruments for optically homogeneous regions (2011)
Měření korupce v experimentálním prostředí: Zkušenost z ČR a SR (2011)
Parabolický let aneb Internet a fyzikální myšlení (2011)
Vliv kvality na výkonnost podniků v ČR (2011)
Absolute instruments and perfect imaging in geometrical optics (2011)
METATOYs and optical vortices (2011)
Reference frame and time standard used in INTEGRAL/OMC datasets (2011)
Study of eclipsing binary and multiple systems in OB associations. I. Orion OB1a - IM Monocerotis (2011)
Evaluace kartografických znakových sad v kontextu osobnosti uživatele (2011)
VRECKO 2011: Modulární systém pro tvorbu aplikací ve virtuální realitě (2011)
Calibrating and Comparing Simulators for Wireless Sensor Networks (2011)
Surprisingly small increase of the sedimentation rate in the floodplain of Morava River in the Strážnice area, Czech Republic, in the last 1300 years (2011)
Integrovaná přírodověda 4 - Počasí a podnebí (2011)
Integrovaná přírodověda 4 - Počasí a podnebí. Učitelův námětovník (2011)
Hostinský, Nelson a Schrodingerova rovnice (2011)
The factors aff ecting competitiveness of companies: contribution and limits of the statistical pattern recognition methods. (2011)
Applications of 3D confocal cell imaging (2011)
Positive thinking (2011)
Redescription and resurrection of Bertiella satyri (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae) parasitizing the orangutan (Pongo abelii) in Indonesia (2011)
Use of "Drill" utility of Information System of Masaryk University for non-language medical student education. (2011)
Hot stars in Brno -First decade of research (2011)
Use of Juggling as a Suitable Psychomotor Activity in Persons with Special Needs (2011)
Sub-diffraction-limited imaging in the far-field (2011)
Use of Juggling and a Suitable Psychomotor Activity in Persons with Special Needs (2011)
Testing ePassport Readers using TTCN-3 (2011)
Zamyšlení nad výukou astronomie na středních školách v České republice a ve vybraných státech světa (2011)
Map of Silesia from Martin Helwig by Abraham Ortelius (1570) (2011)
Očekávané počty karcinomů štítné žlázy ve světě (2011)
A triplectic bi-Darboux theorem and para-hypercomplex geometry (2012)
The Triple Star AR Aurigae (2011)
Climatic and ecological characteristics of deglaciated area of James Ross Island, Antarctica, with a special respect to vegetation cover (2011)
CCD photometry with robotic telescope BART (2011)
Spektroskopie od hranolu k HARPSu (2011)
Nové proměnné hvězdy v otevřené hvězdokupě NGC 6378 a jejím okolí (2011)
Characterising the magnetic fields of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 97048, HD 150193, HD 176386, and MWC 480 (2011)
mCPod : Three Years Later (2011)
How the methodology of 3D structure preparation influences the quality of QSPR models? (2011)
Searching for tunnels of proteins - comparison of approaches and available software tools (2011)
SiteBinder – an improved approach for comparing multiple protein structural motifs. Case studies on biologically important motifs (2011)
Study of oxide precipitates in silicon using X-ray diffraction techniques (2011)
Note About Equivalence of F(R)over-tilde and Scalar Tensor Horava-Lifshitz Gravities (2011)
Oxygen precipitation studied by x-ray diffraction techniques (2011)
Historický atlas vybraných území Evropy a Afriky podle Klaudia Ptolemaia (2011)
Attack Detection vs. Privacy - How to Find the Link or How to Hide it? (2011)
Recent studies of magnetic fields in Herbig Ae/Be stars (2011)
Variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry of considerably non-uniform thin films (2011)
Modelling of the ultraviolet and visual SED variability in the hot magnetic Ap star CU Virginis (2012)
Optical characterization of HfO2 thin films (2011)
Measurement of the thickness distribution and optical constants of non-uniform thin films (2011)
Methods for determining and processing 3D errors and uncertainties for AFM data analysis (2011)
Atomic force microscopy analysis of nanoparticles in non-ideal conditions (2011)
Testicular toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass in Japanese quails. (2011)
Adaptive mapping in flood management (2011)
Trojí instalace pamětní desky Ernsta Macha (2010)
Dvacet let od oslav Ernsta Macha v Praze a v Brně (2010)
Rukopis J. T. Blackmore et al.: Ernst Mach’s Prague 1867 to 1895 (2010)
Geoinformation Support for Flood Management in China and the Czech Republic (2011)
Relationship between Quality and Performance: Tourism Companies in the Czech Republic (2011)
Scanning electron microscopy focused on the key characteristics of the genus Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) (2011)
Newtonova translačně-rotační formulace prvního zákona pohybu (2010)
SIM(2) and supergraphs (2011)
Data Recognition and Virtual JD (2011)
The Exceptional Herbig Ae star HD 101412 (2011)
Surprising variations in the rotational periods of CP stars CU Virginis and V901 Orionis (2012)
Hubbleův kosmický dalekohled ve výuce fyziky na středních školách (2012)
Kvalita jako faktor konkurenceschopnosti podniku (2011)
Four Authorization Protocols for an Electronic Payment System (2012)
Integrated science 1 - Going by car (2011)
Integrovaná přírodověda 5 - Šaty dělají člověka. Učitelův námětovník (2011)
Note About Hamiltonian Structure of Non-Linear Massive Gravity (2012)
Map Archive Accessibility Using Thesauri (2011)
Videostudie jednoduchého experimentu v hodinách fyziky na ZŠ (2011)
Lithium-rich giants in the Galactic thick disk (2011)
A Fossil Bulge Globular Cluster revealed by VLT Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (2011)
Analýza experimentů metodou videostudie v hodinách fyziky na ZŠ (2011)
Matematika II pro porozumění i praxi (2012)
Gouy phase for full-aperture spherical and cylindrical waves (2012)
Petroarchaeological investigation of the so-called ‘other stone industry’ from Tell Arbid Abyad, SYRIA (2012)
Antropogenetický výzkum slovanské populace ze Znojma - Hradiště (2011)
Towards loop quantization of plane gravitational waves (2012)
Dependence of energy distribution in the keyhole on optical parameters of the focusing system in laser welding (2011)
Generation of Synthetic Image Datasets for Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy (2012)
Estrogenic activity in extracts and exudates of cyanobacteria and green algae. (2012)
Influence of Self-esteem on Coping in Adolescents: Age and Gender Differences (2011)
A 3-D look into the atmosphere? (2010)
Zpráva o IV. Evropské konferenci pozitivní psychologie (2008)
Ochrana soukromí v bezdrátových senzorových sítích (2012)
Structural parameters and blue stragglers in Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters (2012)
Test reakcí na stres: Vývoj nového grafického projektivního testu pro cílovou skupinu dětí a adolescnetů (2011)
Hot stars in Brno - First decade of research (2012)
Visibility driven BVH build up algorithm for ray tracing (2012)
On the Credibility of Wireless Sensor Network Simulations: Evaluation of Intrusion Detection System (2012)
Genetické aspekty vzniku křišťálů v sileziku, severní Morava (2010)
Akademická a odborná francouzština na FSS/FF a ESF MU (2011)
Human cognition: people in the world and world in their minds. (2012)
CAVER 3.0 (2011)
členka Vědecké rady Akademie věd ČR (od roku 2009) (2012)
členka Akademického sněmu Akademie věd ČR (od prosince 2006) (2012)
členka Vědecké rady Přírodovědecké fakulty Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě (od 2011) (2012)
členka Vědecké rady Masarykovy university (od roku 2004) (2012)
členka meziresortní komise MŠMT pro výzkumné záměry (2012)
Krása fyziky - fyzika krásy (2012)
Hamiltonian Analysis of 2 dimensional Massive Gravity (2012)
Non-Local Gravity from Hamiltonian Point of View (2011)
Note About Weyl Invariant Horava-Lifshitz Gravity (2011)
Covariant Lagrange multiplier constrained higher derivative gravity with scalar projectors (2011)
Summer Science Exhibition 2011 - Invisibility science (2011)
Lagrange Multiplier Modified Horava-Lifshitz Gravity (2011)
U(1) Invariant F((R)-over tilde) Horava-Lifshitz Gravity (2011)
Subwavelength imaging with materials of in-principle arbitrarily low index contrast (2012)
Hamiltonian Analysis of Non-Relativistic Covariant RFDiff Horava-Lifshitz Gravity (2011)
Hamiltonian Analysis of Lagrange Multiplier Modified Gravity (2011)
T Duality For String in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity (2011)
Hamiltonian analysis of the Higgs mechanism for gravity (2011)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1 – Jezdíme autem. Materiál pro učitele (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 2 – Domácnost svět v malém. Materiál pro učitele (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 3 – Město a venkov. Materiál pro učitele (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 4 – Počasí a podnebí. Materiál pro učitele (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 5 – Šaty dělají člověka. Materiál pro učitele (2012)
Non-holonomic mechanics: A practical application of the geometrical theory on fibered manifolds to a planimeter motion. (2012)
The relativistic mechanics in a nonholonomic setting: A unified approach to particles with non-zero mass and massless particles. (2012)
AIFM2 (apoptosis-inducing factor, mitochondrion-associated, 2) (2010)
Evidence for enhanced chromospheric Ca II H and K emission in stars with close-in extrasolar planets (2012)
Extrasolar planetary system WASP-10 (2011)
AV CMi - binary star with surprise (2011)
Time (2011)
Photometry using microtelescopes (2011)
Rotational deceleration and acceleration of magnetic CP stars CU Vir and V901 Ori (2011)
Binary Star Research Using Micro-Telescopes (2012)
Making Accurate O-C Diagrams (2012)
Čas (2011)
Binary star research using „nanotelescopes“ (2011)
Eclipsing binary IM Mon in OB association Ori OB1a (2011)
Rotational period variations in magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 37776 (2011)
Phenomenological modelling — an efficient tool for variable stars research (2011)
Okamžik minima. Odhad nebo určení? (2011)
AV CMi, co o ní víme? (2011)
Restoration of the project PROSPER (2011)
Method of estimating solar UV radiation in high-latitude locations based on satellite ozne retrieval with an improved algorithm (2011)
Klimatické poměry zátoky Petunia, Billefjorden (Špicberky) v období 2008-2010 (2011)
Klimatologické a glaciologické výzkumy na ostrově Jamese Rosse, Antarktida (2010)
Meteorological data and mass balance measurements on Davies Dome and Whisky Glacier in 2006–2010, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2011)
Od objevu atomového jádra k jeho proton-neutronové struktuře (2012)
Traversal methods for GPU ray tracing (2010)
Secure Logging of Retained Data for an Anonymity Service (2010)
APDUPlay 1.0 (2011)
Evolutionary Design of Message Efficient Secrecy Amplification Protocols (2012)
Book Review: "John Turner and Gareth J. Marshall (2011): Climate Change in the Polar Regions. Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK. ISBN 978-0-521-85010-0, hardback, 448 pages." (2011)
Revize nálezů z jeskyně Pod hradem v Moravském krasu (2012)
Odezva antarktických extremofilních organismů na faktory prostředí studovaná v terénu a pomocí laboratorních experimentů. Přednášející: J. Hájek (2011)
The MUNI Photometric Archive (2012)
NSVS 01031772 Cam: A New Low-Mass Triple? (2012)
The relativistic mechanics in a nonholonomic setting : a unified approach to particles with non-zero mass and massless particles (2012)
Ernst Mach - fyzika - filosofie - vzdělávání (2009)
členka Atestační komise Ústavu přístrojové techniky AV ČR (2012)
členka Redakční rady Československého časopisu pro fyziku (2012)
Hydrodynamics of Decretion Disks of Rapidly Rotating Stars (2012)
Comparison of methods of self-absorption and effective branching fractions for metastable densities determination in surface-wave neon plasma (2012)
Emission features in a B[e] binary system V2028 Cyg (2011)
B[e] Phenomenon in a Binary System V2028 Cyg (2010)
Is the B[e] Star V2028 Cyg a Binary (2012)
Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon: I. V2028 Cyg (2012)
Langmuir Probe and Optical Emission Diagnostics of DC Cylindrical Magnetron (2012)
Effectiveness of Charitable Lottery Design: Experimental Evidence from the Czech Republic and Russia (2012)
Law enforcement and data retention in the light of an anonymisation services (2011)
Plane Gravitational Waves and Loop Quantization (2012)
Evoluční návrh protokolů pro amplifikaci bezpečnosti (2010)
Creativity in Language Education (2011)
Variable stars in the open cluster NGC 6738 and its surrounding field (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 4 - Počasí a podnebí. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
GPU Optimization of Convolution for Large 3-D Real Images (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 5 - Šaty dělají člověka. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Hrozba z vesmíru (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1 - Jezdíme autem. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1–6 - Materiál pro učitele (2012)
Případ s chatou (2012)
Lengyelská kultura ve Střelické kotlině (2012)
Modeling of the Be Stars (2012)
Optical alignment and confinement of an ellipsoidal nanorod in optical tweezers: a theoretical study (2012)
Inovace výuky lékařské terminologie s využitím autentické lékařské dokumentace (2012)
Mozaika jazyků na MU - The Mosaic of Languages at Masaryk University - La Mosaique de langues a l'Université Masaryk - El Mosaico de lenguas en la Universidad Masaryk - Vielfalt der Sprachen an der Masaryk Universitat (2012)
Edward de Bono: Six Thinking Hats - Seis Sombreros para Pensar - Les Six Chapeaux de la Réflexion (2012)
Creativity in Language Learning - La Créativité dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères - Creatividad en la enseñanza de idiomas (2012)
A Nephrite Axe from the Jeseník Museum (2012)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 15th International Conference TSD 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2012 (2012)
Horské mezolitické osídlení u Javoří Pily, obec Modrava, okr. Klatovy. (2012)
Petroarcheologický výzkum kamenné industrie z Hoštic I, Hoštic IV a Ivanovic VI (2012)
Zjawiska wybuchowe we Wszechswiecie (2012)
Extension of Tamura Texture Features for 3D Fluorescence Microscopy (2012)
A simple in-class experiment on the efficient production of the pure public good touching the median voter theorem (2012)
Integrated science 1 - Going by car. Teacher‘s book (2012)
Frequency spectra of absolute optical instruments (2012)
Generalized laws of refraction that can lead to wave-optically forbidden light-ray field (2012)
Spherical media and geodesic lenses in geometrical optics (2012)
K historii výkladu pohybu Měsíce (2012)
Gauge theory and SIM(2) superspace (2012)
Quality and Performance of the Company (2012)
Evaluation of Maps for Crisis Management in the Context of User's Cognitive Features (2012)
Knoocks - Ontology Visualization Plug-in for Protege (2012)
Tumor promoting effects of cyanobacterial extracts are potentiated by anthropogenic contaminants - Evidence from in vitro study. (2012)
Výroční konference České geografické společnosti: Nové výzvy pro geografii (2012)
Towards Digital Mathematics Libraries: Collection and Search (invited talk 7.9.2012, Coimbra University, Math Dept, PT) (2012)
MTW 2012 -- Hybrid Machine Translation, Machine Translation Workshop, Brno, Czech Republic, September 3, 2012 (2012)
Albedo ve školním experimentování (2012)
A combined approach for the study of histone deacetylase inhibitors (2012)
Decentralized Punishments in Fighting Corruption: Experimental Evidence from Czech Republic (2012)
X-Ray Photoionized Bubble in the Wind of Vela X-1 Pulsar Supergiant Companion (2012)
Deposition of poly(acrilic acid) on the polypropylene fibers using a pulsed underwater plasma discharge (2012)
Expression écrite : A la recherche du geste sémantique français (2012)
EuroBachoTEX 2007: Paths to the Future (2008)
Senzorové sítě a webové služby v krizovém řízení (2011)
Metallic nanoparticles in a standing wave: optical force and heating (2012)
Influence of decoupling effect on stellar wind variability (2011)
Determination of metastable and ground state density by method of effective branching fractions in Ar, Ar-Ti plasma (2012)
Nemocní s vícečetnými nádory hlavy a krku (2012)
Možnosti aplikace adaptivní kartografie v krizovém řízení (2012)
Suroviny kamenné industrie z kralického pohřebiště / Rohstoffe der Steinindustrie aus dem Kralicer Gräberfeld (2012)
Dynamická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu (2011)
Cuando el sur se convierte en Norte (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 2 - Domácnost svět v malém. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 3 - Město a venkov. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 6 - Robinsonem dnes aneb Jak si poradíme, když… (2012)
Multi-level Privacy Protection Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks (2012)
Využití psychomotorických a žonglérských aktivit a her u osob se speciálními potřebami (2012)
Influence of extreme ultraviolet radiation on the P V ionization fraction in hot star winds (2012)
On the inverse variational problem in nonholonomic mechanics (2012)
Pokus o intaktní vyzvednutí kosterních pozůstatků pro účely genetických analýz (2012)
Application of Molecular Genetic Methods in Anthropological and Paleodemographic Studies of Fragmentary and Damaged Skeletal Material from Rescue Excavations (2012)
Jak interpretovat odezvové funkce (2012)
Fyzikální omyly ve výuce mechaniky (2012)
Meze matematického myšlení, aneb z výuky matematiky pro nematematické obory (2012)
Modeling of Be Stars (2012)
Reparametrization-Invariant Effective Action in Field-Antifield Formalism (2013)
Normalization of Digital Mathematics Library Content (2012)
Infrastruktura pro prostorové informace v Evropském společenství (INSPIRE) (2012)
Globální projekty (2012)
Effective relational dynamics of a nonintegrable cosmological model (2012)
Santa's Crypto Get-Together 2012 (2012)
ŽIRAFA - ŽIvot, RAdost, FAntazie: Přírodovědná soutěž pro nejmladší (2012)
Vektory a skaláry aneb Jak se vypořádat s řešením úloh z mechaniky? (2012)
Kurz klasické mechaniky v úlohách a testech pro e-learning (2012)
Map of the Czech Sokol Community in the year 1913. (2012)
Astronomické úlohy s historickými náměty (2012)
MUNI FITS Archive (2012)
MUNI FITS Photometric Archive (2012)
Datové infrastruktury pro prostorově informační společnost (2012)
Geographic Information for Command and Control Systems: Demonstration of Emergency Support System (2013)
Geographic Geographic Information for Command and Control Systems: Demonstration of Emergency Support (2013)
Michel Butor : comment peindre avec les mots (2012)
Saara: Anaphora Resolution on Free Text in Czech (2012)
Učebnice odborné francouzštiny českých a francouzských nakladatelství (2012)
Meteorologie a klima ve výuce fyzice na základní škole (2012)
Vzdělávání o změně klimatu a jeho cíle (2012)
Obnovitelné zdroje energie, biomasa a biopaliva v Africe. Příležitosti a rizika (2012)
Pokusy s laserovými ukazovátky (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 6 - Robinsonem dnes aneb Jak si poradíme, když… Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy. (2012)
Loop Quantum Gravity Phenomenology: Linking Loops to Observational Physics (2012)
Stage de la Chambre de Commerce et d´Industrie de Paris. Enseigner à communiquer dans les affaires. (2012)
Suggestions d´activités avec une BD (2012)
Development of a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measurement of serum CTRP1 A pilot study: Measurement of serum CTRP1 in healthy donors and patients with metabolic syndrome (2013)
Selected Issues of Wireless Sensor Networks Geovisualization in Agriculture (2012)
Hydrodynamics of Outer Parts of Viscous Decretion Disks of Critically Rotating Stars (2012)
Chemické složení turmalínu z hydrotermálně alterovaných vulkanitů u obce Hlásnice v jižní části šternbersko-hornobenešovského pruhu (2012)
Light as a Disruptor to be Quantified (2012)
The origin and orbit of the old, metal-rich, open cluster NGC 6791. Insights from kinematics (2012)
Adaptation of Czech Parsers for Slovak (2012)
Quadruple-peaked spectral line profiles as a tool to constrain gravitational potential of shell galaxies (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1-6. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Comments About Hamiltonian Formulation of Non-Linear Massive Gravity with Stuckelberg Fields. (2012)
Remark About Hamiltonian Formulation of Non-Linear Massive Gravity in Stuckelberg Formalism. (2012)
Nonlinear massive gravity with additional primary constraint and absence of ghosts (2012)
Hamiltonian analysis of the conformal decomposition of the gravitational field (2012)
Search for the Star-Planet Interaction (2012)
New Photometric Observations of the Transiting Extrasolar Planet TrES-3b (2012)
Globální geoinformační infrastruktury (2012)
Nové poznatky o neovulkanitu v Pohoři u Oder (okres Nový Jičín) (2012)
Photometric study of the star with changing Blazhko effect: TV Bootis (2013)
Known Galactic field Blazhko stars (2013)
Ernest Rutherford - Newton atomové fyziky (2012)
A test of Bombus terrestris cocoon and other common methods for nest initiation in B. lapidarius and B. hortorum (2012)
Zkušenosti s využitím čmeláka zemního (Bombus terrestris L., Apidae) ve šlechtění ozimné řepky (Brassica napus L.). (2012)
PCBs and OCPs on a West-to-East transect: The importance of major currents and net volatilization for PCBs in the Atlantic Ocean. (2012)
epsilon Aurigae 2009-2011 eclipse observations (2012)
Accelerating Biometric Identification (2012)
Možnosti testování souladu s INSPIRE požadavky pomocí Abstract Test Suite (2013)
The nonholonomic inverse variational problem in mechanics (2013)
Apsidal motion in five eccentric eclipsing binaries (2013)
Epidemiologie nádorů děložního hrdla, děložního těla a vaječníků u světové populace (2012)
Catalogue of variable stars in open cluster fields (2012)
The Dwarf project: Eclipsing binaries - precise clocks to discover exoplanets (2012)
BVRI photometry of NGC 3231, NGC 7055, and NGC 7127 (Research Note) (2012)
The Hvar survey for roAp stars (Research Note) I. The survey observations (2012)
Transition from secondary school to university study - an example of a good praxis (2012)
AV CMi preliminary results from photometric study (2012)
Information Security Summit 2012 - Trends, visions,solutions (2012)
Analysis of the continual illuminaton measurement in the area of VSB-Technical University in Ostrava (2012)
Multiplicitní nádory testis (2013)
Period Analyses Without O-C Diagrams (2012)
Eccentricity of Selected Eclipsing Systems (2012)
Magnetic Field Studies of Herbig Ae/Be Stars (2012)
Koncept náboženství v moderní čínské společnosti a jeho vědecká reflexe (2012)
Two Improvements of Random Key Predistribution for Wireless Sensor Networks - Revised Version (2012)
Modely atmosférických jevů (2012)
Československý časopis pro fyziku 62 (2012), 5-6: Fyzikální vzdělávání (ISSN 0009-0700) (2012)
Imunitní systém včel a metody stanovení jednotlivých imunitních parametrů (2013)
Koagulace hemolymfy hmyzu a její úloha v imunitních reakcích (2013)
Integrovaný systém ochrany rostlin (2013)
Northern Binaries in the Evrena Project (2012)
The Photometric Study of Neglected Short-Period Eclipsing Binary BS Vulpeculae (2012)
Využití serpentinitů z jižního Polska na kamennou broušenou industrii (2012)
Orbits of LMC/SMC with recent ground-based proper motions (2012)
Simulations of Shell Galaxies with GADGET-2: Multi-Generation Shell Systems (2011)
Comparing Various Approaches to Simulating the Formation of Shell Galaxies (2011)
Quadruple-Peaked Line-of-Sight Velocity Distributions in Shell Galaxies (2011)
Simulations of Line Profile Structure in Shell Galaxies (2010)
Study of Planck's law with a small USB grating spectrometer (2013)
Lissajous figures drawn by a Blackburn pendulum on phosphorescent foil (2013)
Trophobiosis in the arboricolous ant Liometopum microcephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) (2013)
Cesty za dvojhvězdami (2012)
Současná aktivita Slunce (2012)
Pohyby Země a Měsíce (2012)
Variable stars and eclipsing binaries in open clusters (2012)
Dk154 - česká cesta do Chile (2012)
Eclipsing binaries visual minima timings: To use or not to use? (2012)
TV Boo - třikrát proměnná hvězda (2012)
Objev nového eruptivního trpaslíka (2012)
MUNI FITS fotometrický archiv (2012)
Pitfalls of eclipsing binary data processing (2012)
Život v páru (2011)
Exoplanety (2011)
Pozorování hvězdné oblohy se CCD technikou (2011)
Ve světě dvojhvězd (2011)
Ve světě dvojhvězd. Dvojhvězdy ve světě (2011)
Period changes of the sample of eclipsing binaries with active chromospheres (2012)
Úvod do studia proměnných hvězd (2013)
Základy astronomie I (2013)
Základy astronomie II (2013)
Sbírka praktických a laboratorních úloh I (2013)
Sbírka praktických a laboratorních úloh II (2013)
Zdeněk Kopal's Binary Star Legacy (2004)
Oscillations in TW Draconis (2007)
Obecná astronomie (2013)
Komplexní studium V436 Per (2003)
Fotometrický katalog mCP hvězd (2007)
Reports on New Discoveries (2005)
Thoughts on a Database of Light Curve Extrema of Periodic Variable Stars (2006)
The Brno Regional Network of Observers (B.R.N.O.)-Variable Star Section of the Czech Astronomical Society and Its Activities (2006)
Binarity - a tool for study of stellar characteristics (2009)
Analýza světelných křivek zákrytových dvojhvězd (2006)
Genarlized Kähler geometry in (2,1) superspace (2012)
Raman microspectroscopy of algal lipid bodies: beta-carotene quantification (2012)
Kvalita a výkonnost průmyslových podniků (2012)
Fotokatalýza a projektová výuka na střední a vysoké škole (2012)
Disks Surrounding Be stars: A Stellar Evolution Perspective (2012)
Individualised, Creative and ICT-enhanced: Passing the Baton to Learners (2012)
Entanglement Detection Via Mutually Unbiased Bases (2012)
Creative u-learning: Complex ICT Use at the Masaryk University Language Centre (2011)
Educational video from the textile sector as a resource for teaching physics (2009)
Analýza experimentů metodou videostudie v hodinách fyziky na ZŠ (2011)
Pohybová výchova (2011)
Sample classroom activities based on climate science (2009)
Geografická informace v době směrnice INSPIRE: nalezení, získání a využití dat pro geografický výzkum (2013)
Blažkův jev a hvězdy typu RR Lyrae - analýza světelných křivek (2012)
Využití starých map a nástrojů pro zpřístupnění a jejich analýzu pro výukové účely (2013)
13. česko-slovensko-polský paleontologický seminář (2012)
13. česko-slovensko-polský paleontologický seminář (2012)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2012 conference (2012)
Factors of the Tenure Choice: The Case of the Czech Republic (2012)
Nonholonomic mechanics: A practical application of the geometrical theory on fibred manifolds to a planimeter motion (2013)
Netradiční pohybové aktivity pro studenty Masarykovy univerzity se zdravotním postižením (2013)
Proving the generation of genuine multipartite entanglement in a single-neutron interferometer experiment (2013)
OES diagnostics of underwater diaphragm discharge generated by HV pulses at atmospheric pressure (2012)
First result of the Czech RR Lyrae Stars Observation Project - a new Blazhko star CN Cam (2013)
Zajímavé úlohy z historie astronomie (2013)
Rozbor kamenné štípané industrie ze sídliště Kosoř (okr. Praha-západ) (2012)
En busca de una voz propia: entre la exacerbación y la rebeldía (2012)
Contar la historia a través de las imágenes : un acercamiento a los protagonistas de Esperando a Robert Capa de Susana Fortes (2012)
Spectroscopic Binaries Among lambda Bootis-type Stars (2012)
Developments of the Open Cluster Database WEBDA (2012)
Binary Systems Within Star Clusters (2012)
The inverse variational problem in nonholonomic mechanics (2013)
Výuka astronomie v matematice respektive matematiky v astronomii (2013)
K Newtonově a Eulerově interpretaci nerovností pohybu Jupiteru a Saturnu (2013)
Žonglování jako vhodná psychomotorická aktivita pro jedince se speciálními potřebami. (2012)
Vliv lektinů z bakterie Photorhabdus luminescens na imunitu hmyzu (2013)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1 - Jezdíme autem. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 2 - Domácnost - svět v malém. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 2 - Domácnost - svět v malém. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 3 - Město a venkov. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 4 - Počasí a podnebí. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 5 - Šaty dělají člověka. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 6 - Robinsonem dnes aneb Jak si poradíme, když… Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy. (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1–6. Materiál pro učitele (2012)
Integrovaná přírodověda 1-6. Učitelův námětovník. Metodické a pracovní listy (2012)
Závery konferencie ,,Astronomické vzdelávanie na základných a stredných školách v 21. storočí" (2013)
Vektory a skaláry aneb Jak se vypořádat s řešením úloh z mechaniky? (2013)
Výskyt dalších novotvarů u nemocných s leukemií (2013)
Ultraviolet and visual flux and line variations of one of the least variable Bp stars HD 64740 (2013)
European Credit Systems Compatibility Problems. Concept of mark--weighted credits. (2001)
K prvním letům Slezské univerzity. (2001)
Seifertovy Všecky krásy světa. (2004)
Dreimalige Anbringung der Ernst-Mach-Gedenktafel in Brünn-Chirlitz. (2003)
Překlad Schrödinger, E.: What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell. In: Erwin Schrödinger, Co je život? – Duch a hmota – K mému životu. VUTIUM, Brno 2004. Str. 27-131 (Co je život?). (2004)
Překlad Schrödinger, E.: Autobiographisches. Manuskript. In: Erwin Schrödinger, Co je život? – Duch a hmota – K mému životu. VUTIUM, Brno 2004. Str. 217-240 (K mému životu. Autobiografické črty). (2004)
Třetí Keplerův zákon (1977)
Galaxie ve vyučování fyzice (1978)
Spektrální analýza v astronomii (1980)
Některé poznámky k výkladu tématu ,,Pohyb umělé družice Země" ve vyučování fyzice na gymnáziu (1980)
Viriálová věta ve vyučování astrofyzice na gymnáziu (1980)
Fyzikální pojetí výuky astronomie na gymnáziu (1981)
Zákon zachování momentu hybnosti v kosmogonii (1981)
Základní charakteristiky hvězd v učivu astrofyziky na gymnáziu (1986)
K problematice využití úloh ve výuce astrofyziky na gymnáziu (1987)
K výuce kosmologie na gymnáziu (1987)
Historické aspekty výuky astronomie na gymnáziu (1987)
K prověřování vědomostí žáků z astrofyziky na gymnáziu (1989)
Motivace ve výuce astrofyziky na gymnáziu (1990)
Život a dílo Tychona Brahe (1990)
Problematika vývoje kosmických těles a vesmíru ve výuce astrofyziky na gymnáziu (1989)
H-R diagram v učivu astrofyziky na gymnáziu (1981)
Metody určování vzdáleností v astronomii (1987)
Prototyping the visualization of geographic and sensor data for agriculture (2013)
Encuentro de hispanistas: Brno 2012 (2012)
Hominids and palaeoenvironments in the Moravian Karst during Marine Isotope Stage 3: new excavations in Pod Hradem Cave, Czech Republic (2013)
A photometric study of chemically peculiar stars with the STEREO satellites - II. Non-magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2013)
CzeV283 and CzeV397 - new RR Lyrae stars showing Blazhko effect (2013)
Jakub Havlíček, Cesty božstev: Otázky interpretace náboženství a nacionalismu v moderním Japonsku (recenze) (2012)
Diferenciální operátory v mechanice kapalin (2013)
Experimentální studium náhlého zamrznutí podchlazené vody (2009)
Pokusy s utrafialovým a infračerveným zářením (2008)
The visualization of infrared radiation using thermal sensitive foils (2013)
Antiandrogenic activity of humic substances (2012)
Optical diagnostics of a surface-wave-sustained neon plasma by collisional-radiative modelling and a self-absorption method (2013)
Optical diagnostics of atmospheric-pressure RF discharge generated in rare gases (2013)
Treatment of polypropylene fibers by HV pulse underwater discharge generated in acrylic acid solution at atmospheric pressure (2012)
Space Velocities of Southern Globular Clusters. VII. NGC 6397, NGC 6626 (M28), and NGC 6656 (M22) (2013)
Výuka astronomie v matematice respektive matematiky v astronomii (2013)
Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to the analysis of algal biomass for industrial biotechnology (2012)
Rapid Calculation of Accurate Atomic Charges for Proteins via the Electronegativity Equalization Method (2013)
Úvod do studia proměnných hvězd (2013)
Thermal sensitive foils in physics experiments (2013)
Web 3D Visualization of Noise Mapping for Extended INSPIRE Buildings Model (2013)
Vývoj vzdálených experimentů na katedře fyziky PdF MU (2013)
An Approach to Users with Dyslexia (2013)
Infekčnost a viabilita cystické formy bakterie Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2013)
Podivné hviezdy (2013)
Asteroid rotation excitation by subcatastrophic impacts (2013)
Aktivita klíšťat a jejich promořenost boreliemi na lokalitě Ruda v Brně v roce 2012 (2013)
Multifunkční lavice pro vzdálené experimenty (2013)
Konzultační cvičení z mechaniky a molekulové fyziky. Učební pomůcka pro studenty 1. ročníku fyzikálních oborů. (1982)
A Carbon Nanotube Cable for a Space Elevator (2013)
Suroviny kamenné industrie z kralického pohřebiště (2013)
Bee immune system and methods evaluating its immune parameters (2013)
Konzultační cvičení z mechaniky a molekulové fyziky. (1986)
The Bell Beaker culture in Eastern Central Europe and silicite (flint) axes (2013)
Nutrient reserves may allow for genome size increase: evidence from comparison of geophytes and their sister non-geophytic relatives (2013)
Functional studies on transcriptone profiles of Drosophila larvae infected by entomopathogenic nematodes (2013)
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis upon entomopathogenic nematode infection of Drosophila (2013)
The (non-)variability of magnetic chemically peculiar candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (2013)
Nemocní s karcinomem kolorekta a jejich následné a předcházející novotvary (2013)
Viabilita a infekčnost cystické formy bakterie Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2013)
Competitiveness Factors in Post-transformation Period: The Case of Czech Enterprises (2011)
Monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira grippotyphosa a Leptospira pomona, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl), Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2010-2012 (2013)
Monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira grippotyphosa a Leptospira pomona, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (bbsl), Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis se zaměřením Na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2010-2012 (2013)
Experimenty na dálku (2013)
Noc vědců (2013)
Vývoj vzdálených experimentů na katedře fyziky PdF MU (2013)
On the constraints in optimal managing of natural resources systems (2013)
místopředsedkyně Vědecké Rady Akademie věd ČR (2013)
Towards a photometric metallicity scale for open clusters (2013)
Náměty k projektové výuce fyziky a chemie (2013)
Základní laboratoř (2009)
Two different lineages of bedbug (Cimex lectularius) reflected in host specificity (2013)
Zhodnocení výskytu netopýrů na území České republiky a vymezení nevhodných území pro výstavbu větrných elektráren (2013)
External Sources in Field-Antifield Formalism (2014)
Konzultační cvičení z fyziky. (1976)
Proměny postojů českých politických stran ke vztahu církví a státu v průběhu 19. a 20. století (2013)
Formální pravomoci současných evropských monarchů a jejich reálné využití (2013)
Přelety netopýrů (2013)
Identification clusters of traffic accidents with animals on Czech road network (2013)
Cryptography for (partially) compromised sensor networks (2011)
Lithic raw materials in prehistoric times of eastern Central Europe (2013)
Geologie Mikulova (2013)
Plio-Pleistocene basanitic and melilitic series of the Bohemian Massif: K-Ar ages, major/trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic data (2013)
Testing MOND gravity in the shell galaxy NGC 3923 (2013)
Search for rapid oscillations among seven northern CP stars (2013)
Svět a krajina pohledem z výšky (2013)
O čem a jak hovořil Václav Klaus ve svých projevech (2013)
Following the mechanisms of bacteriostatic versus bactericidal action using raman spectroscopy (2013)
Models of extended decretion disks of critically rotating stars (2013)
Time-dependent modelling of extended thin decretion disks of critically rotating stars (2013)
Nejkrásnější planeta sluneční soustavy Saturn v úlohách (2014)
Map Archive on Institute of Geography, Masaryk University – New Possibilities (2013)
Climate Change Education for Physics Teachers (2013)
Fayet, Michelle, Commeignes, Jean-Denis, Faites une synthèse, (recenze) (2013)
The nonholonomic inverse variational problem in mechanics. (2013)
Searching for the principal source of obsidian used in prehistoric times of Slovakia and Central Europe (2013)
The occurrence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in certain ectoparasites (Mesostigmata, Siphonaptera) of Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus in chosen localities in the Czech Republic (2013)
Activity of the tick Ixodes ricinus monitored in a suburban park in Brno, Czech Republic, in association with evaluation of selected repellents (2013)
Povrchové napětí ve výuce fyziky a chemie (2013)
Lithic raw material base of the Middle Palaeolithic settlement in Bojnice (2013)
Rakovina plic ve vícečetných malignitách (2013)
Poznámka k projektové výuce matematiky a fyziky (2013)
Modelové představy K.E.Ciolkovského (2013)
Satelitní měření a jeho význam pro veřejnost (2013)
Narození dítěte v lidové kultuře východních Slovanů (2013)
SuperWASP data release 1 public again (2014)
Obřady přijetí dítěte do rodiny a společenství u východních a západních Slovanů (2013)
Biochar Hands-on Education (2013)
Vizualizace dat programem Gnuplot ve vzdělávání o změně klimatu (2013)
Data Visualization with Gnuplot in Climate Change Education (2013)
Avian high-dose toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass. (2012)
Risk of combined exposure of birds to cyanobacterial biomass containing microcystins, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and anticoagulant. (2012)
Physical parameters of RR Lyrae type stars DH Peg and UY Cam (2013)
A unique raw material from Early Upper Palaeolithic layers in the Pod hradem Cave (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic) - interpretative problems (2013)
Cena děkana Pedagogické fakulty MU za rok 2013 (2013)
Vegetace České republiky 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace (2013)
Bright Blazhko RRab Lyrae stars observed by ASAS and the SuperWASP surveys (2014)
The Blasgalf database (2014)
Jaké je maximální zrychlení osobního automobilu? (2013)
Spectra of absolute instruments from the WKB approximation (2013)
Multi-focal spherical media and geodesic lenses in geometrical optics (2013)
Dr TIM: Ray-tracer TIM, with additional specialist scientific capabilities (2014)
Playing the tricks of numbers of light sources (2013)
Povrchové napětí a motivace ve fyzice (2013)
Povrchové napětí a motivace ve fyzice (2013)
The role of eclipsing binaries in open cluster research (2014)
Hi-fi phenomenological description of eclipsing binary light variations as the basis for their period analysis (2014)
Incidence of other malignant neoplasms in patients with gynaecological cancers (2013)
On the metallicity of open clusters II. Spectroscopy (2014)
Electron vortex beams (2013)
Are Collapse Models Testable via Flavor Oscillations? (2013)
Příprava mAb proti rekombinantí formě OspC Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (2013)
Macroscopic observables detecting genuine multipartite entanglement and partial inseparability in many-body systems (2013)
Are collapse models testable with quantum oscillating systems? The case of neutrinos, kaons, chiral molecules (2013)
Mara Goyet. Collège brutal (recenze) (2013)
Estimation of species number in different habitat types and ecotones at several spatial scales (2013)
Krajské volby 2012 (2013)
Experimenty na dálku (2013)
Experimenty na dálku (2013)
Povrchové napětí a motivace ve fyzice (2013)
Do cyanobacteria produce estrogenic compounds? (2012)
Analysis of estrogenicity, toxicity and neurotoxicity of Microcystis aerigunosa, Cylidrospermopsis raciborskii and Scenedesmus quadricauda exudates with zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. (2012)
Populations of rotating stars II. Rapid rotators and their link to Be-type stars (2013)
Is bimetric gravity really ghost free? (2013)
České prezidentské volby v roce 2013 (2013)
Spectrophotometric analysis of the 5200A region for peculiar and normal stars (2014)
Rediscussion of the Early Type Eclipsing Binary SV Cen (2013)
Visual Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries: To Use or not to Use? (2013)
Close-in companions to contact binary stars (2013)
Hi-fi phenomenological description of eclipsing binary light variations as the basis for their period analysis (2013)
V2107 Cyg: A Young Cyg OB1 Member Binary System With A Beta Cep Type Pulsating Component (2013)
Solution of basic tasks in eclipsing binary period analysis by genetic and LSM algorithms (2013)
The role of eclipsing binaries in open cluster research (2013)
Close binaries in near and shallow contact stages (2013)
New proposal for non-linear ghost-free massive F(R) gravity: Cosmic acceleration and Hamiltonian analysis (2013)
Hamiltonian Analysis of Minimal Massive Gravity Coupled to Galileon Tadpole Term (2013)
Variable stars in open clusters (2014)
Hamiltonian Formalism of General Bimetric Gravity (2013)
Hamiltonian formalism of particular bimetric gravity model (2013)
Higher derivative gravity with spontaneous symmetry breaking: Hamiltonian analysis of new covariant renormalizable gravity (2013)
Srovnání alternativních pohybových aktivit a her u osob se specifickými nároky v ČR a zahraničí (2013)
Discovery of a new periodic variable star CzeV503 (2013)
The New Photometric Study of a Possible Three-body System AV CMi (2013)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum: host-parasite interactions in blood-feeding diplozoids (2011)
Historie Lagrangeova-Laplaceova důkazu stability sluneční soustavy (2014)
Mřížkové parametry a chvála nomogramů (2014)
Flood Management and Geoinformation Support within the Emergency Cycle (EU Example) (2011)
Stavba atomu - od prvních spekulací k Bohrovu modelu (2014)
Teplocitlivé fólie ve fyzikálních experimentech (2013)
Solution of basic tasks in eclipsing binary period analysis by genetic and LSM algorithms (2014)
Kwee-van Woerden method: To use or not to use? (2014)
V1010 Oph investigated by a cm-class telescope (2014)
CP Stars at La Silla (2014)
Abundance mapping of HD 114365 (2014)
CP Stars at La Silla (2014)
Elementární model tuhnutí vosku (gymnaziální studentský projekt) (2014)
Photoelectric search for peculiar stars in open clusters XV. Feinstein 1, NGC 2168, NGC 2323, NGC 2437, NGC 2547 NGC 4103, NGC 6025, NGC 6633, Stock 2, and Trumpler 2 (2014)
HD 54272, a classical lambda Bootis star and gamma Doradus pulsator (2014)
Experimentální atlas vybraných civilizačních chorob (2013)
Rolling friction - models and experiment. An undergraduate student project. (2014)
Plavba po mori hviezd (2014)
Monitoring the influence of antibiotic exposure using Raman spectroscopy (2014)
Raman tweezers on bacteria: Following the mechanisms of bacteriostatic versus bactericidal action (2014)
Rotation, oscillation and hydrodynamic synchronization of optically trapped oblate spheroidal microparticles (2014)
Discussion of results obtained by the Kwee-van Woerden method (2014)
Mass loss in main-sequence B stars (2014)
Effect of rotational mixing and metallicity on the hot star wind mass-loss rates (2014)
Tíha tělesa: Problematický pojem fyziky? (2014)
Astrofyzikální termodynamika ve výuce fyziky na středních školách (2014)
Dynamics of nonholonomic systems (2014)
Time-dependent modeling of extended thin decretion disks of critically rotating stars (2014)
Study of Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems in OB Associations. II. The Cygnus OB Region: V443 Cyg, V456 Cyg, and V2107 Cyg (2014)
Binary systems at and beyond the short-period limit of WUMa systems (2014)
A probable pre-main sequence chemically peculiar star in the open cluster Stock 16 (2014)
CytoPacq – On-line Framework for Simulating Fluorescence Microscopy Images (2009)
Host response to Borrelia afzelii in BALB/c mice tested by immunoblotting (2013)
MOND prediction of a new giant shell in the elliptical galaxy NGC 3923 (2014)
Hydrogen Atom in Spaces with Compactified Extra Dimensions and Potential Defined by Gauss’ Law (2012)
Characteristics of bright ab-type RR Lyrae stars from the ASAS and WASP surveys (2014)
Semiclassical Double-Inequality on Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation in 1D (2016)
A systematic study of finite field dependent BRST-BV transformations in Sp(2) extended field-antifield formalism (2014)
Gauge Independence in a Higher-Order Lagrangian Formalism via Change of Variables in the Path Integral (2015)
Spektroskopie - mocný nástroj astrofyziky (2014)
Elektronové vlny a krystalové mřížky Část první - teorie (2014)
Magnetorotational instability in decretion disks of critically rotating stars and the outer structure of Be and Be/X-ray disks (2015)
Investigating the possible connection between lambda Bootis stars and intermediate Population II type stars (2014)
The first Delta a observations of three globular clusters (2014)
Neviditelnost – fikce, nebo realita? (2012)
Apsidal motion and a light curve solution for eighteen SMC eccentric eclipsing binaries (2014)
HD 106426, a new multiperiodic delta Scuti variable (2014)
Candida parapsilosis Biofilm Identification by Raman Spectroscopy (2014)
Hydrogen atom in space with a compactified extra dimension and potential defined by Gauss’ law (2015)
Vítězství v soutěži EUCYS 2014 pro Českou republiku (2014)
Symmetries and currents in nonholonomic mechanics (2014)
Plane Gravitational Waves and Flat Space in Loop Quantum Gravity (2014)
Naturalness and Chaotic Inflation in Supergravity from Massive Vector Multiplets (2014)
Higher derivative D-term inflation in new-minimal supergravity (2014)
Quantum volume and length fluctuations in a midi-superspace model of Minkowski space (2015)
Light time effect in the system V2294 Cyg (2014)
CzeV615 - a new eclipsing binary (2014)
A new delta scuti variable CzeV616 Cyg (2014)
O-C diagrams and period changes in stellar systems (2015)
Resolution of Maxwell's fisheye with an optimal active drain (2014)
Inequalities for quantum marginal problems with continuous variables (2014)
Invisible lenses with positive isotropic refractive index (2014)
Unraveling the variability of sigma Ori E (2015)
Wind mass-loss rates in main-sequence B stars (2014)
The origin of light variability in Ap stars (2014)
Modelling the variability of the CP star phi Dra (2014)
Ap stars with variable periods (2014)
Člen redakční rady odborného časopisu (2014)
Člen redakční rady odborného časopisu (2015)
Člen redakční rady odborného časopisu (2013)
Fundamentals of Physics extended (D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker) (2013)
Blazhko effect at the time of Kepler (2015)
Observing RR Lyrae type stars (2015)
Exponential potential for an inflaton with nonminimal kinetic coupling and its supergravity embedding (2014)
Supersymmetry breaking and inflation from higher curvature supergravity (2015)
Chemically peculiar upper main-sequence stars in the Milky Way and beyond (2014)
CCD UBVRI photometry of NGC 6811 (2015)
The CoRoT chemical peculiar target star HD 49310 (2015)
Possible candidates for multiple occurrence of variable stars in the VSX catalogue (2015)
Note About Canonical Formalism for Normalized Gravity And Vacuum Energy Sequestering Model (2015)
Integrability of D1-brane on Group Manifold (2014)
Giant Magnon on Deformed AdS(3)xS(3) (2014)
Mimetic dark matter, ghost instability and a mimetic tensor-vector-scalar gravity (2014)
Can TeVeS be a viable theory of gravity? (2014)
Note about nonrelativistic diffeomorphism invariant gravity action in three dimensions (2014)
Hamiltonian analysis of curvature-squared gravity with or without conformal invariance (2014)
Consistent Extension of Quasidilaton Massive Gravity (2014)
Hamiltonian Formalism of Bimetric Gravity In Vierbein Formulation (2014)
Employing the Technology of Virtual Observatory as the Fundamental Framework for the CCD Photometry Survey (2014)
Is sigma Sculptoris Really a Chemically Peculiar Star? (2015)
Preliminary Study of the Moderately Cool Chemically Peculiar Star BS Circini (2015)
Rayleigh Scattering in the Atmospheres of Hot Stars (2015)
Historie astronomické dynastie Struveových (2015)
New Tools for Finding and Testing Weak Periodic Variability (2015)
The Hvar survey for roAp stars II. Final results (2015)
Revisiting the rigidly rotating magnetosphere model for sigma Ori E – II. Magnetic Doppler imaging, arbitrary field RRM, and light variability (2015)
Symmetries and conservation laws for the Chaplygin sleigh (2015)
Variační počet - přirozený aparát fyziky (2015)
X-ray irradiation of the winds in binaries with massive components (2015)
Formation of polarized spectral lines in atmospheres with horizontal inhomogeneities (2015)
Identification of individual biofilm-forming bacterial cells using Raman tweezers (2015)
Complex linear effective theory and supersymmetry breaking vacua (2015)
Linearized Non-Minimal Higher Curvature Supergravity (2015)
On the initial conditions for inflation with plateau potentials: the R plus R-2 (super)gravity case (2015)
Lambda Bootis stars in the SuperWASP survey (2015)
Byl objev Neptunu náhodný? (2015)
Brownův pohyb jako důkaz částicové struktury látek (2015)
Simulation of Space Charge Effects in Electron Optical System Based on the Calculations of Current Density (2015)
Měsíc ve školní výuce (2015)
Učitelství fyziky versus fyzika, aneb zpět ke kořenům (2015)
Quantum marginal problems (2015)
A comparative study on the reliability of open cluster parameters (2015)
A new catalogue of Stromgren-Crawford uvby beta photometry (2015)
A search for photometric variability in magnetic chemically peculiar stars using ASAS-3 data (2015)
Early Stage of Chemically Peculiar Stars (2015)
Search for variables in the open cluster King 12 (2015)
Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon III. HD 50138 (2016)
Rychlý kurz fotometrie aneb jak září naše Slunce (2015)
Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of the Czech Astronomical Society (2015)
Period analysis of a Blazhko star V0346 Draconis (2015)
Maximum times of RR Lyrae stars (2015)
A systematic study of finite BRST-BV transformations within W-X formulation of the standard and the Sp(2)-extended field-antifield formalism (2016)
Shell galaxies as laboratories for testing MOND (2015)
90 let Botanické zahrady Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (2012)
Seeing through chaos in multimode fibres (2015)
Absolute optical instruments without spherical symmetry (2015)
A simple model for perfect imaging (2015)
Active absorption of electromagnetic pulses in a cavity (2015)
Direct stigmatic imaging with curved surfaces (2015)
The Lissajous Lens: A Three-Dimensional Absolute Optical Instrument without Spherical Symmetry (2015)
Konkurenční schopnost podniků. Analýza faktorů hospodářské úspěšnosti. Druhá etapa (2009)
Využití autentických materiálů a zdrojů v kurzu „Ekonomická a právnická španělština se zaměřením na EU“. (2012)
Biofilm detection by Raman spectrometry (2015)
Využitie Ramanovej spektroskopie pri diagnostike stafylokokov (2015)
Reproducible and time-course study of yeast biofilm by Raman spectroscopy (2014)
Time-course study of bacterial and yeast biofilms exposed to antimicrobial agents by Raman spectroscopy (2014)
Danish 1.54m telescope (La Silla, ESO) (2016)
Phenomenological modelling of eclipsing system light curves (2015)
The Concept of Few-Parameter Modeling of Eclipsing Binary and Exoplanet Transit Light Curves (2015)
Light Variations of Magnetic Chemically Peculiar Stars (2015)
Modelling of variability of the chemically peculiar star phi Draconis (2015)
Near-Contact Binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud (2015)
Visual and ultraviolet flux variability of the bright CP star theta Aurigae (2015)
Extremely Short-Period Contact Binaries (2015)
Planets and Brown Dwarfs Orbiting Evolved Binaries (2015)
On the metallicity of open clusters. III. Homogenised sample (2016)
Magnetic, chemically peculiar (CP2) stars in the SuperWASP survey (2015)
Chemically peculiar stars as seen with 2MASS (2016)
Canonical Analysis of Unimodular Gravity (2015)
Noc vědců 2013, Hvězdárna a planetárium Brno (2013)
Study of Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems in OB Associations III: A Progress Report (2015)
Conformal traceless decomposition of lagrange multiplier modified Hořava–Lifshitz Gravity (2015)
Uniform Gauge for D1-brane in General Background (2015)
D-brane on deformed AdS (3) × S(3) (2015)
Nonprojectable Horava-Lifshitz gravity without the unwanted scalar graviton (2015)
Integrability of a D1-brane on a group manifold with mixed three-form flux (2016)
VarSCAN: Variables in and Near Star Clusters (2015)
Magnetic CVs as a Bright Representative of Close Binaries (2015)
Conference on Living Together: Planets, Host Stars and Binaries (2015)
Living Together: Planets, Host Stars and Binaries (2014)
Variable stars and eclipsing binaries in open clusters (2013)
Polynomials associated with a functional product of the Hermite type (2016)
Non-minimal scalar multiplets, supersymmetry breaking and dualities (2015)
Two new Blazhko stars: XZ UMi and VX Scl (2016)
Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon. II. MWC 342 (2013)
Imaging device and method (2015)
Imaging device and method (2015)
Newtonovo objasnění tajemného pohybu Měsíce (2016)
K výročí objevu Neptunu (2016)
Variational Sequences, Representation Sequences and Applications in Physics (2016)
New analysis of the light time effect in TU Ursae Majoris (2016)
Reports on New Discoveries (2016)
Cyclic variations in O-C diagrams of field RR Lyrae stars as a result of LiTE (2016)
Analysis of light curve of LP Camelopardalis (2016)
Rayleigh scattering in the atmospheres of hot stars (2016)
L'Oeuvre mobile de Michel Butor (2012)
Interaction between supernova ejecta and circumstellar outflowing disks (2016)
Brněnské dny Ernsta Macha 2016 (2016)
Brněnské dny Ernsta Macha 2016 (2016)
Influence of X-ray radiation on the hot star wind ionization state and on the radiative force (2016)
Peranso - Light curve and period analysis software (2016)
CCD UBV photometry of the open cluster NGC 6819 (2016)
Chemically peculiar stars identified in large photometric surveys (2015)
Kdy byla poprvé určena vzdálenost Země - Slunce? (2016)
Time evolution of trapped single cell microorganism (2016)
Holographic Raman tweezers controlled by multi-modal natural user interface (2016)
Influence of Culture Media on Microbial Fingerprints Using Raman Spectroscopy (2015)
Application of advanced light microscopic techniques to gain deeper insights into cheese matrix physico-chemistry (2015)
Diffraction in a scanning electron microscope (2016)
Recent progress in applications of electron vortex beams (2015)
Study of the coherence of the primary beam in the low energy scanning electron microscope (2015)
Measurement of coherence properties of scanning electron microscope (2014)
Stellar wind models of subluminous hot stars (2016)
The nature of the light variability of magnetic Of?p star HD 191612 (2016)
Studium učitelství fyziky versus fyzika, aneb zpět ke kořenům (2016)
K mezinárodní spolupráci ve výuce astrofyziky na středních školách (2016)
CCD UBV photometry and kinematics of the open cluster NGC 225 (2016)
Torsional oscillations and observed rotational period variations in early-type stars (2017)
Fine detrending of raw Kepler and MOST photometric data of KIC 6950556 and HD 37633 (2016)
Hydrodynamical Modeling of Large Circumstellar Disks (2016)
Study of neglected (near-)contact binaries using small telescopes (2016)
Prezentační dovednosti jako součást komunikační kompetence nerodilých uživatelů češtiny. (2013)
Mimořádný úspěch zahraničních mediků v mezinárodní soutěži (2013)
Specifika lékařské češtiny pro cizince na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně. (2013)
Hot stars in Brno (2016)
Člen redakční rady odborného časopisu (2016)
Nejde jen o kyvadlo (2016)
Analysis of the multiple system with chemically peculiar component phi Draconis (2016)
The SERMON project: 48 new field Blazhko stars and an investigation of modulation-period distribution (2016)
Peculiar double-periodic pulsation in RR Lyrae stars of the OGLE collection - I. Long-period stars with dominant radial fundamental mode (2016)
Review of candidates of binary systems with an RR Lyrae component (2016)
Database of candidates for RR Lyrae stars in binary systems - RRLyrBinCan (2016)
RR Lyrae stars in eclipsing systems -- historical candidates (2016)
MOND implications for spectral line profiles of shell galaxies: shell formation history and mass-velocity scaling relations (2015)
Deep imaging of the shell elliptical galaxy NGC3923 with MegaCam (2016)
The calculus of variations on jet bundles as a universal approach for a variational formulation of fundamental physical theories (2016)
Pitfalls of Spectral Reductions and the Calibration Process (2017)
HD 240121-An ACV variable showing anti-phase variations of the B and V light curves (2017)
Search for variables in six Galactic open clusters (2017)
Perfect conformal invisible device with feasible refractive indexes (2016)
Visual defects when extending two-dimensional invisible lenses with circular symmetry into the third dimension (2016)
Ray optics of generalised lenses (2016)
Omnidirectional transformation-optics cloak made from lenses and glenses (2016)
Scattering of waves by the invisible lens (2017)
Photonic crystals composed of Eaton lenses and invisible lenses (2017)
Supersymmetry breaking from complex linear superfield (2016)
Modeling sgB[e] Circumstellar Disks (2017)
Komety ve výuce fyziky na středních školách (2017)
Rayleigh Scattering by Helium in Stellar Atmospheres (2017)
Ultraviolet Variability of B[e] Stars (2017)
Mass and Angular Momentum Loss of B[e] Stars via Decretion Disks (2017)
Temperature dependent growth rates of the upper-hybrid waves and solar radio zebra patterns (2017)
Complex linear superfields, supercurrents and supergravities (2017)
Canonical Description of T-duality for Fundamental String and D1-Brane and Double Wick Rotation (2016)
Restricted f (R) gravity and its cosmological implications (2016)
(p, q)-five brane and (p, q)-string solutions,their bound state and its near horizon limit (2016)
Canonical formulation and path integral for local vacuum energy sequestering (2016)
Note about unstable D-branes with dynamical tension (2016)
(m, n)-String in (p, q)-string and (p, q)-five-brane background (2016)
Hamiltonian Analysis of Mixed Derivative Horava-Lifshitz Gravity (2016)
Kinetic Study of Atmospheric Pressure Nitrogen Plasma Afterglow Using Quantitative Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (2017)
V346 Centauri: Early-type eclipsing binary with apsidal motion and abrupt change of orbital period (2016)
Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope study of the well-known Algol-type binary TWDra (2016)
CSS160603:162117+441254 shows deep eclipses during the ongoing outburst (2016)
Colliding interstellar bubbles in the direction of l=54 degrees (2016)
Revision of the subfamily Ototretinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) (2013)
Početní praktikum (2017)
An investigation of four chemically peculiar stars with photometric periods below 12 h (2017)
Hitomi Constraints on the 3.5 keV Line in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster (2017)
An azimuthally resolved study of the cold front in Abell 3667 (2017)
Time-Dependent Spectral Feature Variations of the FS CMa Star HD 50138 (2017)
Tracing the B[e] Phenomenon with the Narrow-Band delta a Photometric System (2017)
Fluorescence measurement of hydroxyl radicals in a coplanar dielectric barrier discharge ignited in water vapour (2017)
Monitoring of rotational period variations in magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2016)
BRST analysis of the supersymmetric higher spin field models (2015)
Valení - teorie a experiment, gymnaziální studentský projekt (2017)
Zrádná místa a pojmy ve výuce fyziky (2017)
Binary systems with an RR Lyrae component - progress in 2016 (2017)
Hot stars in Brno (2017)
Emission activity of the Be star 60 Cygni (2017)
Galileův Prubíř aneb diskuse o podstatě a poloze komet (2017)
A search for peculiar stars in the open cluster Hogg 16 (2018)
Fluorescence measurement of atomic oxygen concentration in a dielectric barrier discharge (2017)
Superspace higher derivative terms in two dimensions (2017)
Početní praktikum (2017)
Stars with a stable magnetic field: from pre-main sequence to compact remnants (2017)
Početní praktikum (2017)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Hogg 16 peculiar stars (Cariddi+, 2018) (2017)
Vstupte na planetu Zemi - 1. díl (2017)
Rudý posuv v úloze z Fyzikální olympiády (2017)
New inclination changing eclipsing binaries in the Magellanic Clouds (2018)
Effect of axial aberrations on the degree of coherence in SEM (2017)
Comoving frame models of hot star winds II. Reduction of O star wind mass-loss rates in global models (2017)
Brightness Temperature of Radio Zebras and Wave Energy Densities in Their Sources (2017)
TSD 2012, 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (2012)
Nanopatterning of silicon nitride membranes (2016)
Time-dependent numerical modeling of large-scale astrophysical processes: from relatively smooth flows to explosive events with extremely large discontinuities and high Mach numbers (2017)
The Strange Case of OGLE-SMC-ECL-0277 (2017)
On the Nature of Rotation Period Variability of Magnetic Stars (2017)
Polarization and Spectral Energy Distribution in OJ 287 during the 2016/17 Outbursts (2017)
Odd Scalar Curvature in Batalin-Vilkovisky Geometry (2017)
Two-dimensional modeling of density and thermal structure of dense circumstellar outflowing disks (2018)
Interaction of expanding supernova envelope with asymmetric circumstellar environment (2017)
Rotationally modulated variability and pulsations of the He-rich star CPD-62 degrees 2124 with an extraordinarily strong magnetic field (2017)
A New Stellar Outburst Associated with the Magnetic Activities of the K-type Dwarf in a White Dwarf Binary (2017)
1SWASP J200503.05-343726.5: A high mass ratio eclipsing binary near the period limit (2017)
CzeV - The Czech Variable Star Catalogue (2017)
Phenomenological modelling of light curves of non-eclipsing double stars (2017)
Improved measurements of turbulence in the hot gaseous atmospheres of nearby giant elliptical galaxies (2017)
Solar abundance ratios of the iron-peak elements in the Perseus cluster (2017)
The metallicity of the intracluster medium over cosmic time: further evidence for early enrichment (2017)
CHEERS: The chemical evolution RGS sample (2017)
Witnessing the growth of the nearest galaxy cluster: thermodynamics of the Virgo Cluster outskirts (2017)
Radial metal abundance profiles in the intra-cluster medium of cool-core galaxy clusters, groups, and ellipticals (2017)
A uniform metallicity in the outskirts of massive, nearby galaxy clusters (2017)
Novel simulation method of space charge effects in electron optical systems including emission of electrons (2018)
An effective temperature calibration for main-sequence B- to F-type stars using V J H K-s colors (2017)
A fast spinning magnetic white dwarf in the double degenerate, super-Chandrasekhar system NLTT 12758 (2017)
Gaia's view of the lambda Boo star puzzle (2017)
K2 observations of 95 Vir: delta Scuti pulsations in a chromospherically active star (2017)
An investigation of the rotational properties of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2017)
HD 66051, an eclipsing binary hosting a highly peculiar, HgMn-related star (2017)
Photometric Stromgren-H beta Quantification for O and B Stars of Luminosity Class V (2017)
Magnetic B stars observed with BRITE: Spots, magnetospheres, binarity, and pulsations (2017)
Talbot effect for gratings with diagonal symmetry (2018)
Absolute optical instruments, classical superintegrability, and separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (2017)
Jak Kepler dospěl k prvním dvěma zákonům v Astronomia nova (2018)
Shaken Snow Globes: Kinematic Tracers of the Multiphase Condensation Cascade in Massive Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters (2018)
Cosmological Perturbations in Restricted f(R)-Gravity (2017)
SL(2,Z) invariant rotating (m,n) strings in AdS3×S3 with mixed flux (2017)
Two-dimensional f(R) Horava-Lifshitz gravity (2017)
Canonical Analysis of Inhomogeneous Dark Energy Model and Theory of Limiting Curvature (2017)
Carroll Limit of Non-BPS Dp-Brane (2017)
Hamiltonian Analysis of Non-Relativistic Non-BPS Dp-brane (2017)
From Diophantus to supergravity and massless higher spin multiplets (2017)
Integrability of the superstring in AdS(3) xS(2) x S-2 x T-3 (2017)
On non-abelian T-duality and deformations of supercoset string sigma-models (2017)
Condition on Ramond-Ramond fluxes for factorization of worldsheet scattering in anti-de Sitter space (2017)
All symmetric AdS(n<2) solutions of type II supergravity (2017)
Classifying integrable symmetric space strings via factorized scattering (2018)
Complex study of the open cluster NGC 2281 (2018)
Stellar activity and stellar pulsations in ground- and space-based observations (2018)
A spectroscopic and photometric investigation of the mercury-manganese star KIC 6128830 (2018)
A Binary Nature of the Marginal CP Star Sigma Sculptoris (2018)
Imaging device and method (2017)
Imaging device and method (2017)
ALMA observation of the disruption of molecular gas in M87 (2018)
Rotational properties of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2018)
History of the Delta a photometric system (2018)
A Search for Photometrically Variable Magnetic CP Stars in Sky Survey Data (2018)
Observing and modelling magnetic fields in white dwarfs (2018)
Search for variability of five central stars of planetary nebulae (2017)
BRITE photometry of seven B-type stars (2017)
Global hot-star wind models for stars from Magellanic Clouds (2018)
Breaking the Habit: The Peculiar 2016 Eruption of the Unique Recurrent Nova M31N 2008-12a (2018)
Automation of processing and photometric data analysis for transiting exoplanets observed with ESO NIR instrument HAWK-I (2018)
Modeling of interaction between supernova ejecta and aspherical circumstellar material (2018)
N=2 super Yang-Mills theory in projective superspace (2018)
K mezinárodní spolupráci ve výuce astrofyziky na středních školách (2018)
CCD UBV photometric study of five open clusters-Dolidze 36, NGC 6728, NGC 6800, NGC 7209, and Platais 1 (2018)
Orbital parameters and evolutionary status of the highly peculiar binary system HD 66051 (2018)
Keplerovy zákony ve výuce fyziky na gymnáziu (2018)
Studying coherent scattering in the CP stars atmospheres (2018)
Effect of plasma treatment of polymeric tape carriers on wetting behaviour of aqueous ceramic tape casting slurry (2019)
Interstellar polarization and extinction towards the young open cluster NGC 1502 (2018)
Rayleigh scattering as an opacity source in stellar atmospheres (2018)
An ultraviolet study of B[e] stars: evidence for pulsations, luminous blue variable type variations and processes in envelopes (2018)
Creation of electron vortex beams using the holographic reconstruction method in a scanning electron microscope (2018)
Multi-technique investigation of the binary fraction of A-F type candidate hybrid variable stars discovered by Kepler (2018)
Digging for red nuggets: discovery of hot haloes surrounding massive, compact, relic galaxies (2018)
Atmospheric gas dynamics in the Perseus cluster observed with Hitomi (2018)
Measurements of resonant scattering in the Perseus Cluster core with Hitomi SXS (2018)
Temperature structure in the Perseus cluster core observed with Hitomi (2018)
Hitomi observation of radio galaxy NGC 1275: The first X-ray microcalorimeter spectroscopy of Fe-K alpha line emission from an active galactic nucleus (2018)
Atomic data and spectral modeling constraints from high-resolution X-ray observations of the Perseus cluster with Hitomi (2018)
Gas Perturbations in the Cool Cores of Galaxy Clusters: Effective Equation of State, Velocity Power Spectra, and Turbulent Heating (2018)
CzeV293 and CzeV581-Two new high-amplitude double-mode delta Scuti stars (2016)
Discovery of the Blazhko effect in V1065 Aql, CzeV980, FI Sge, and CzeV1242 (2017)
Peculiar double-periodic pulsation in RR Lyrae stars of the OGLE collection - II. Short-period stars with a dominant radial fundamental mode (2017)
Blazhko effect in the Galactic bulge fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars - I. Incidence rate and differences between modulated and non-modulated stars (2017)
KIC 2831097 A short orbital-period candidate RR Lyrae binary (2017)
Petersen diagram revolution (2017)
Searching for the presence of a weak magnetic field in the Be star λ Eri using FORS 2 spectropolarimetric time series (2017)
A cautionary tale of interpreting O-C diagrams: period instability in a classical RR Lyr Star Z CVn mimicking as a distant companion (2018)
Z CVn - Still mysterious (2018)
Spectroscopic monitoring of bright A-F type candidate hybrid stars discovered by the Kepler mission (2018)
K2 Photometry of RR Lyrae Stars (2018)
On the interpretation of the long-term cyclic period variations in RR Lyrae stars (2018)
Photometric differences between modulated and non-Blazhko RRab Lyrae stars in the Galactic bulge (2018)
Search for thermal X-ray features from the Crab nebula with the Hitomi soft X-ray spectrometer (2018)
Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite (2018)
Hitomi X-ray studies of giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar (2018)
Glimpse of the highly obscured HMXB IGR J16318-4848 with Hitomi (2018)
Hitomi X-ray observation of the pulsar wind nebula G21.5-0.9 (2018)
Hitomi observations of the LMC SNR N 132 D: Highly redshifted X-ray emission from iron ejecta (2018)
Co a k čemu je konfromní zobrazení (2018)
Matematika pro porozumění i praxi III (2018)
Authenticating the Presence of a Relativistic Massive Black Hole Binary in OJ 287 Using Its General Relativity Centenary Flare: Improved Orbital Parameters (2018)
Stochastic Modeling of Multiwavelength Variability of the Classical BL Lac Object OJ287 on Timescales Ranging from Decades to Hours (2018)
Differential rotation in magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2018)
Search for young transiting exoplanets within YETI project (2018)
The search for roAp stars: null results and new candidates from Stromgren-Crawford photometry (2018)
An investigation of the photometric variability of confirmed and candidate Galactic Be stars using ASAS-3 data (2018)
On the non-variability of HR 7653 (15 Vul) based on BRITE data (2018)
The Kepler view of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2018)
Kam spěje české fyzikální vzdělávání? (2018)
Light variations due to the line-driven wind instability and wind blanketing in O stars (2018)
Testing Opacities Using the SED Variability of Chemically Peculiar Stars (2018)
METUJE Global Hot Star Wind Models (2018)
Analýza gymnaziálních učebnic fyziky (2018)
Členka redakční rady Československého časopisu pro fyziku (2018)
Československý časopis pro fyziku (2017)
Mass-invariance of the iron enrichment in the hot haloes of massive ellipticals, groups, and clusters of galaxies (2018)
Enrichment of the Hot Intracluster Medium: Observations (2018)
Hot-star wind models with magnetically split line blanketing (2018)
Wind inhibition by X-ray irradiation in HMXBs: the influence of clumping and the final X-ray luminosity (2018)
The nature of light variations in magnetic hot stars (2018)
Hot Atmospheres, Cold Gas, AGN Feedback and the Evolution of Early Type Galaxies: A Topical Perspective (2019)
Thermodynamic properties, multiphase gas, and AGN feedback in a large sample of giant ellipticals (2018)
Technická dokumentace řešení reaktoru pro redukční plazmovou úpravu materiálů (2018)
Low and Ultra-low Energy Scanning Electron Microscopy of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Experiments and Simulations (2018)
Solar chemical composition in the hot gas of cool-core ellipticals, groups, and clusters of galaxies (2018)
The millimagnitude variability of the HgMn star phi Phe (2018)
Research of Hot Stars at Masaryk University (2017)
Possible depletion of metals into dust grains in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies (2019)
Constraining Gas Motions in the Intra-Cluster Medium (2019)
Detection of polarized gamma-ray emission from the Crab nebula with the Hitomi Soft Gamma-ray Detector (2018)
Higher spin superfield interactions with complex linear supermultiplet: conserved supercurrents and cubic vertices (2018)
Trivial solutions of generalized supergravity vs non-abelian T-duality anomaly (2018)
Non-abelian T-duality and Yang-Baxter deformations of Green-Schwarz strings (2018)
6D dual superconformal algebra (2020)
Remark about non-relativistic p-brane (2018)
Canonical analysis of non-relativistic particle and superparticle (2018)
Remark about non-relativistic string in Newton-Cartan background and null reduction (2018)
Note about Hamiltonian formalism for Newton-Cartan string and p-brane (2018)
Canonical formalism of nonrelativistic theories coupled to Newton-Cartan gravity (2018)
Hamiltonian for a string in a Newton-Cartan background (2018)
Experimental demonstration of ray-rotation sheets (2018)
Ray-optical transformation optics with ideal thin lenses makes omnidirectional lenses (2018)
Robustness of light-transport processes to bending deformations of graded-index multimode waveguides (2018)
Global properties of the light curves of magnetic, chemically peculiar stars as a testbed for the existence of dipole-like symmetry in surface structures (2019)
Double plasma resonance instability as a source of solar zebra emission (2018)
Growth Rates of the Upper-Hybrid Waves for Power-Law and Kappa Distributions with a Loss-Cone Anisotropy (2019)
New CCD photometric investigation of the early-type overcontact binary BH Cen in the young star-forming Galactic cluster IC 2944 (2018)
Photometric analysis of the eclipsing polar MN Hya (2018)
Concerning the occurrence of bow shocks around high-mass X-ray binaries (2019)
Variable stars in the field of the young open cluster Roslund 2 (2014)
An analysis of four stellar rings (2018)
Search for stellar spots in field blue horizontal-branch stars (2019)
Universe of Binaries, Binaries in the Universe (2019)
TYC 3637-1152-1-A high amplitude delta Scuti star with peculiar pulsational properties (2019)
Eruption activity of a new eclipsing binary TYC 5112-252-1 (2018)
Transit timing variations, radial velocities, and long-term dynamical stability of the system Kepler-410 (2019)
On the Oosterhoff dichotomy in the Galactic bulge: I. Spatial distribution (2019)
Modeling of interactions between supernovae ejecta and aspherical circumstellar environments (2019)
Substructures associated with the sloshing cold front in the Perseus cluster (2019)
T Tauri stars in the SuperWASP and NSVS surveys (2019)
Evidence of enhanced magnetism in cool, polluted white dwarfs (2019)
Cooling in the X-ray halo of the rotating, massive early-type galaxy NGC 7049 (2019)
Mass-metallicity relation from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and X-ray observations of galaxy groups and clusters (2019)
Performance study of a large CsI(Tl) scintillator with an MPPC readout for nanosatellites used to localize gamma-ray bursts (2019)
Constraints on the chemical enrichment history of the Perseus Cluster of galaxies from high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy (2019)
Interactions between supernova ejecta and assymetric circumstellar material (2019)
Discovery of a Probable Nova in M83 (2019)
Modeling the effects of interaction between supernova ejecta and dense circumstellar material (2019)
Modeling variability of Be stars (2019)
HST/STIS analysis of the first main sequence pulsar CU Virginis (2019)
Motion in central gravitational field with Schwarzschild metric as a non-holonomic system with non-linear constraint: Geometrical setting (2019)
Meze a možnosti matematického myšlení ve výuce fyziky (2019)
Členka redakční rady Československého časopisu pro fyziku (2019)
The effect of horizontal plasma inhomogeneities in 3D NLTE radiation transfer in stellar atmospheres (2019)
HD 99458: First time ever Ap-type star as a S Scuti pulsator in a short period eclipsing binary? (2019)
Keplerovy kroky na cestě k elipse (2019)
Ground-based observations for the BRITE-Constellation Satellites (2019)
Weak Inverse Problem of Calculus of Variations for Geodesic Mappings and Relation to Harmonic Maps (2019)
X-ray spectra of the Fe-L complex (2019)
CAMELOT: Cubesats Applied for MEasuring and LOcalising Transients - Mission Overview (2018)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (2012)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (2013)
Spectroscopy of close visual binary components of the stable shell star 1 Delphini (2016)
Powerful AGN jets and unbalanced cooling in the hot atmosphere of IC 4296 (2019)
COMP2CAT: hunting compact double radio sources in the local Universe (2019)
Partial N=2 supersymmetry breaking and deformed hypermultiplets (2019)
An Overview of the Properties of a Sample of Newly-Identified Magnetic Chemically Peculiar Stars in the Kepler Field (2019)
Towards Comprehension of the Variability of the mCP Star CU Virginis (2019)
The Quasi-WR Star HD 45166 Revisited (2019)
Symmetries in non-holonomic mechanics (2019)
Classification of symmetries of non-holonomic mechanical systems (2019)
Correlations between supermassive black holes, hot atmospheres, and the total masses of early-type galaxies (2019)
Magnetic fields and extraordinarily bright radio emission in the X-ray faint galaxy group MRC 0116+111 (2019)
Visualizing gravitational Bessel waves (2019)
Creation and detection of electron vortex beams in a scanning electron microscope (2019)
Vstupte na planetu Zemi - 1. díl (2019)
Multiplicative renormalizability of Yang-Mills theory with the background field method in the BV-formalism (2020)
Study of eclipsing binary and multiple systems in OB associations V: MQ Cen in Crux OB1 (2019)
A revisit to the enigmatic variable star 21 Comae (2019)
MOBSTER - II. Identification of rotationally variable A stars observed with TESS in sectors 1-4 (2019)
Rotation and pulsation in Ap stars: first light results from TESS sectors 1 and 2 (2019)
epsilon Lupi: measuring the heartbeat of a doubly magnetic massive binary with BRITE Constellation (2019)
CCD UBV photometric and Gaia astrometric study of eight open clusters-ASCC 115, Collinder 421, NGC 6793, NGC 7031, NGC 7039, NGC 7086, Roslund 1 and Stock 21 (2019)
Electrical properties of alumina-based ceramic barrier layers for dielectric barrier discharge (2019)
3-D NLTE Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for stellar wind modeling (2019)
Estimation of the detected background by the future gamma ray transient mission CAMELOT (2019)
Suppressed effective viscosity in the bulk intergalactic plasma (2019)
o Puppis: another Be plus sdO binary? (2012)
Photometric follow-up of the transiting planetary system TrES-3: transit timing variation and long-term stability of the system(star) (2013)
Power density spectra of modes of orbital motion in strongly curved space-time: obtaining the observable signal (2014)
HD 161306: a radiatively interacting Be binary? (2014)
Conserved higher spin supercurrents for arbitrary spin massless supermultiplets and higher spin superfield cubic interactions (2018)
A comprehensive study of the open cluster NGC 6866 (2015)
Interaction of supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models with external higher spin superfields via higher spin supercurrents (2018)
Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 RR Lyrae stars (2019)
High-resolution Transmission Spectroscopy of Four Hot Inflated Gas Giant Exoplanets (2019)
Lack of close-in, massive planets of main-sequence A-type stars from Kepler (2019)
Greening of the brown-dwarf desert EPIC 212036875b: a 51 M-J object in a 5-day orbit around an F7V star (2019)
On the Oosterhoff dichotomy in the Galactic bulge - II. Kinematical distribution (2019)
Detection Limits of Exoplanetary Atmospheres with 2-m Class Telescopes (2019)
Candidates for RR Lyrae in binary systems from the OGLE Galactic bulge survey (2019)
The Transiting Multi-planet System HD15337: Two Nearly Equal-mass Planets Straddling the Radius Gap (2019)
Synergy between professional and amateur astronomers (2019)
The role of small telescopes as a ground-based support for exoplanetary space missions (2019)
A new multi-periodic delta Scuti variable in the field of NS Cep (2019)
Higher Spin Superfield Interactions with the Chiral Supermultiplet: Conserved Supercurrents and Cubic Vertices (2018)
Modeling of hydrodynamic processes within high-mass X-ray binaries (2019)
Flexible Ceramic Substrates for Use as Dielectric Barrier Layer (2019)
HV Generators for DCSBD Discharges and Their Properties (2019)
RC-Probe and Peaks Suppression in DBD Voltage Measurements (2019)
Low-metallicity massive single stars with rotation II. Predicting spectra and spectral classes of chemically homogeneously evolving stars (2019)
Unravelling the baffling mystery of the ultrahot wind phenomenon in white dwarfs (2019)
Periodická tabulka prvků (2019)
Usnea lichen community biomass estimation on volcanic mesas, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2012)
Influence of dielectric barrier composition on electrical properties of coplanar dielectric barrier discharge (2019)
2D Volkov-Akulov Model as a T(T)over-bar Deformation (2019)
Change of fundamental properties of dielectric barrier discharge due to the alumina-based barrier layer composition (2020)
Plazmový zdroj pro předúpravu osiva před mořením (2019)
Ověřená technologie redukční atmosférické plazmy pro modifikaci flexibilních materiálů (2019)
Growth Rates of the Electrostatic Waves in Radio Zebra Models (2019)
TOI-503: The First Known Brown-dwarf Am-star Binary from the TESS Mission (2020)
Ondřejov echelle spectrograph, ground based support facility for exoplanet missions (2020)
Marginal deformations of WZW models and the classical Yang-Baxter equation (2019)
Constraining integrable AdS/CFT with factorized scattering (2019)
Johannes Kepler : Nová astronomie (2020)
Galileo Galilei : Prubíř (2020)
Quantum mechanics and Talbot revivals on a tetrahedron (2019)
Hot subdwarf wind models with accurate abundances I. Hydrogen dominated stars HD 49798 and BD+18 degrees 2647 (2019)
Controlling refractive index of transformation-optics devices via optical path rescaling (2019)
A high-mass-ratio red-dwarf contact binary with an extremely cool close-in red dwarf (2019)
The first view of delta Scuti and gamma Doradus stars with the TESS mission (2019)
Rotational and pulsational variability in the TESS light curve of HD 27463 (2019)
Light rays and waves on geodesic lenses (2019)
Non-relativistic D-brane from T-duality along null direction (2019)
Conformal optical devices based on geodesic lenses (2019)
Properties and nature of Be stars 31. The binary nature, light variability, physical elements, and emission-line changes of HD 81357 (2019)
Transient detection capabilities of small satellite gamma-ray detectors (2019)
Triple Eccentric Systems V0345 Lac, YY Sgr, and DR Vul (2019)
Photometric data around us (2019)
Photometric and spectroscopic investigation of nine Cepheids in the Cassiopeia constellation (2019)
Relativistic and Newton-Cartan particle in de Broglie-Bohm theory (2019)
Nonrelativistic string theory sigma model and its canonical formulation (2019)
Non-relativistic M2-brane (2019)
Note about integrability of non-relativistic string (2019)
(m, n)-string and D1-brane in stringy Newton-Cartan background (2019)
Photometric investigation of contact binaries near the short period limit-1SWASPJ161335.80-284722.2 (2019)
Towards focusing broad band light through a multimode fiber endoscope (2019)
Note about T-duality of non-relativistic string (2019)
CAMELOT: design and performance verification of the detector concept and localization capability (2018)
Untangled modes in multimode waveguides (2016)
Observing the PTPS sample of evolved exoplanet host candidates using the NPOI (2016)
Progress towards omnidirectional transformation optics with lenses (2016)
AGB stars of the Magellanic Clouds as seen within the delta-a photometric system (2019)
On the first delta Scuti-like pulsating Ap star in an eclipsing binary (2020)
Hot star wind mass-loss rate predictions at low metallicity (2019)
Wind inhibition in HMXBs: the effect of clumping and implications for X-ray luminosity (2019)
Ideal-lens cloaks and new cloaking strategies (2019)
Optical triangulations of curved spaces (2020)
Emerging Slovak Space Technologies and Satellites (2017)
Imaging with pairs of skew lenses (2017)
Ideal-lens stars (2017)
Long-Term Spectroscopic Monitoring of B[e] Stars at the Ondrejov Observatory (2017)
Interactions between planets and evolved stars (2016)
Dynamical Evolution of the Disk of the Be Star 60 Cygni (2016)
Low-Cost and High-Speed Atmospheric Plasma Processing of Perovskite Thin Films (2020)
Monitoring Period Variations of Variable Stars using Precise Photometric Surveys (2019)
Delta a Photometric survey of the small magellanic cloud (2019)
Tracing Physical Processes Affecting Spectral Formation in the Low-luminosity B[e] Stars of the FS CMa Group (2019)
Multiple wave scattering on a bordered crystal. Translation symmetry breaking and forbidden reflections (2012)
Functional nano-structuring of thin silicon nitride membranes (2020)
Combined exposure of Japanese quails to cyanotoxins, Newcastle virus and lead: Oxidative stress responses (vol 74, pg 2082, 2011) (2012)
Long-term spectroscopic survey of seven interesting CP stars (2020)
The enigmatic highly peculiar binary system HD 66051 (2020)
Binary fraction of magnetic chemically peculiar stars (2020)
Pulsational properties of ten new slowly pulsating B stars (2020)
Clusterix 2.0: a virtual observatory tool to estimate cluster membership probability (2020)
New and improved rotational periods of magnetic CP stars from ASAS-3, KELT, and MASCARA data (2020)
Petrology, geochemistry, and age of low-Ti mare-basalt meteorite Northeast Africa 003-A: A possible member of the Apollo 15 mare basaltic suite (2009)
The circumbinary dusty disk around the hydrogen-deficient binary star upsilon Sagittarii (2009)
Keplerovy zákony v historii a v soudobých učebnicích (2020)
Influence of substrate material on plasma in deposition/sputtering reactor: experiment and computer simulation (2008)
Spectroscopic analysis of the B/Be visual binary HR 1847 (2010)
Netradiční pohled na šíření světla (2019)
Geometric structure of the Hilbert-Yang-Mills functional (2008)
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey I. Survey presentation (2012)
Shell Galaxies: Dynamical Friction, Gradual Satellite Decay and Merger Dating (2010)
Applications of a constrained mechanics methodology in economics (2011)
Bousso entropy bound in self-gravitating gas of massless particles (2008)
Absolute Magnitudes of Early-type Supergiants from uvby beta Photometry and Parallax Data (2020)
The Ondřejov Exoplanet Group (2020)
Shell Galaxies, Dynamical Friction, and Dwarf Disruption (2010)
Optimalizace amplitudové difrakční mřížky pro tvorbu vírových svazků v elektronovém mikroskopu (2020)
Statistical Coulomb interactions in multi-beam SEM (2019)
Understanding the rotational variability of K2 targets: HgMn star KIC 250152017 and blue horizontal branch star KIC 249660366? (2020)
Multimode fibre: a pathway towards deep tissue fluorescence microscopy (2015)
Untangled modes in multimode fibres for flexible microendoscopy (2015)
Starobinsky inflation from new-minimal supergrayity (2015)
Mapping local interstellar medium with diffuse interstellar bands (2020)
The pulsation properties of lambda bootis stars I. the southern TESS sample (2020)
First apsidal motion and light curve analysis of 162 eccentric eclipsing binaries from LMC (2020)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: LMC 162 eccentric eclipsing binaries light curve (Zasche+, 2020) (2020)
Kinematic distinction of the two subpopulations of X-ray pulsars (2020)
The mergers in Abell 2256: displaced gas and its connection to the radio-emitting plasma (2020)
X-ray signatures of black hole feedback: hot galactic atmospheres in IllustrisTNG and X-ray observations (2020)
How do atomic code uncertainties affect abundance measurements in the intracluster medium? (2020)
What do forbidden light-ray fields look like? (2014)
The BlaS GalF database (2014)
About Tests of Collapse Models and Bell Inequalities at Accelerator Facilities (2012)
Frequency spectra of absolute optical instruments (2012)
The orbit of the old, metal-rich, open cluster NGC 6791 (2012)
Influence of decoupling effect on stellar wind variability (2011)
Mossbauer Effect Study of Iron Thin Films on Si/SiOx Substrate and Iron Phases at Deposited Carbon Nanotubes (2010)
Perfect imaging with positive refraction (2010)
Properties of the Hot Ambient Medium of Early-type Galaxies Hosting Powerful Radio Sources (2020)
A Black Hole Feedback Valve in Massive Galaxies (2020)
X-ray spectra of the Fe-L complex: II. Atomic data constraints from the EBIT experiment and X-ray grating observations of Capella (2020)
Canonical description of T-duality with NSNS background (2020)
Properties of MgAl2O4 doped alumina barrier layers for dielectric barrier discharge (2020)
Supernova explosions interacting with aspherical circumstellar material: implications for light curves, spectral line profiles, and polarization (2020)
A plethora of new, magnetic chemically peculiar stars from LAMOST DR4 (2020)
T-duality of non-relativistic string in torsional Newton-Cartan background (2020)
Blazhko effect in the Galactic bulge fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars - II. Modulation shapes, amplitudes, and periods (2020)
Robust current peak detection method for dielectric barrier discharges (2021)
The first alpha'-correction to homogeneous Yang-Baxter deformations using O(d, d) (2020)
Stellar wind models of central stars of planetary nebulae (2020)
Evidence for radio and X-ray auroral emissions from the magnetic B-type star rho OphA (2020)
Distorted surfaces of magnetic helium-peculiar stars: an application to a Cen (2020)
A photometric study of the short-period eclipsing binary 1SWASP J204932.94-654025.8, showing strong third light (2020)
Two-loop conformal invariance for Yang-Baxter deformed strings (2020)
Multiwavelength classification of X-ray selected galaxy cluster candidates using convolutional neural networks (2020)
It Takes Two Planets in Resonance to Tango around K2-146 (2020)
Note about canonical description of T-duality along light-like isometry (2020)
Combinations of generalized lenses the satisfy the edge-imaging condition of transformation optics (2020)
The nature of the photometric variability of HgMn stars: a test of simulated light curves of phi Phe against the TESS data (2020)
Eclipsing binary research with mini telescopes (2020)
How far can we trust published TESS periods? (2020)
Binary stars with RR Lyrae components - new candidates in the Galactic bulge (2020)
A Rare Low-mass Short-period Eclipsing Binary Candidate With A Close-in Non-coplanar Stellar Companion (2021)
Relaxing unimodularity for Yang-Baxter deformed strings (2020)
Note about covariant Hamiltonian formalism for strings, p-branes and unstable Dp-branes (2020)
The auroral radio emission of the magnetic B-type star rho OphC (2020)
Quantum Correction to Generalized T Dualities (2020)
Unstable D-brane in torsional Newton-Cartan background (2020)
What we can learn from constant stars, and what does constant mean? (2020)
Discovery of the first Ap star in an eclipsing binary system (2020)
Rotational modulation and single g-mode pulsation in the B9pSi star HD 174356? (2020)
A search for pulsation in twenty-one white dwarfs (2020)
What’s New with Landstreet’s Star HD 37776 (V901 Ori)? (2020)
Ultraviolet variability of B, Be, and B[e] stars (2020)
Tracing stellar wind variability from space (2020)
Fundamental parameters for 45 open clusters with Gaia DR2, an improved extinction correction and a metallicity gradient prior (2020)
High-amplitude gamma Doradus variables (2020)
Magnetic field measurements of Kepler Ap/CP2 stars (2020)
Linearita a relativita (2020)
Design of an Impedance-Matched Horn Antenna with Enhanced Directivity Using Conformal Transformation Optics (2020)
The HERMES-Technologic and Scientific Pathfinder (2021)
The scientific payload on-board the HERMES-TP and HERMES-SP CubeSat missions (2021)
A comparison of trapped particle models in low Earth orbit (2020)
GRBAlpha: a 1U CubeSat mission for validating timing-based gamma-ray burst localization (2020)
The simulation framework of the timing-based localization for future all-sky gamma-ray observations with a fleet of CubeSats (2020)
A software toolkit to simulate activation background for high energy detectors onboard satellites (2020)
A summary on an investigation of GAGG:Ce afterglow emission in the context of future space applications within the HERMES nanosatellite mission (2021)
Annealing of proton radiation damages in Si-PM at room temperature (2021)
MIRISIM: a simulator for the Mid-Infrared Instrument on JWST (2021)
Timing techniques applied to distributed modular high-energy astronomy: the H.E.R.M.E.S. project (2021)
K2-280 b - a low density warm sub-Saturn around a mildly evolved star (2020)
White dwarf-open cluster associations based on Gaia DR2 (2021)
Hot gaseous atmospheres of rotating galaxies observed with XMM-Newton (2020)
Waveguide tapering using Conformal transformation optics for ideal transmission (2019)
Spectroscopic investigation of selected lambda Boo - type stars (2018)
tau Ori and tau Lib: Two New Massive Heartbeat Binaries (2018)
The Multiplanet System TOI-421: A Warm Neptune and a Super Puffy Mini-Neptune Transiting a G9 V Star in a Visual Binary (2020)
Canonical analysis of geometrical action for Dp-brane (2021)
Inovace předmětu Výboje v plynech (F3180)-Generace klouzavého obloukového výboje a demonstrace vlivu napájení (2020)
New mercury-manganese stars and candidates from LAMOST DR4 (2021)
Výzkumná zpráva z první etapy řešení projektu FV40114 - Zlepšení adheze UV digitálního tisku na povrchu velkoplošného skla s využitím atmosférického plazmatu (2020)
Correlations between supermassive black holes and hot gas atmospheres in IllustrisTNG and X-ray observations (2021)
Gaussovo určování dráhy nebeských těles (2021)
Remark about T-duality of Dp-branes (2021)
GrailQuest and HERMES: hunting for gravitational wave electromagnetic counterparts and probing space-time quantum foam (2021)
GAIA and TESS: Tools for understanding the Local Universe (2020)
Study of Slowly Rotating CP Stars Observed with TESS (2020)
Clusterix 2.0: a virtual observatory tool to estimate cluster membership probability (2020)
Low-Mass and Sub-stellar Eclipsing Binaries in Stellar Clusters (2020)
TESS Observations of Cepheid Stars: First Light Results (2021)
A study of open clusters Frolov 1 and NGC 7510 using CCD UBV photometry and Gaia DR2 astrometry (2021)
Flare stars in nearby Galactic open clusters based on TESS data (2021)
Orbital solutions derived from radial velocities and time delays for four Kepler systems with A/F-type (candidate) hybrid pulsators (2021)
Optical simulation of quantum mechanics on the Möbius strip, Klein's bottle and other manifolds, and Talbot effect (2021)
Simulations of expected signal and background of gamma-ray sources by large field-of-view detectors aboard CubeSats (2021)
O(D, D) and the string alpha' expansion: an obstruction (2021)
New mass-loss rates of B supergiants from global wind models (2021)
The GATE summer school (2021)
Beam shaping and probe characterization in the scanning electron microscope (2021)
Substructures in the core of Abell 2319 (2021)
Voyage through the hidden physics of the cosmic web (2021)
Stable and unstable Dp-branes in p-brane Newton-Cartan background (2021)
Stochastic light variations in hot stars from wind instability: finding photometric signatures and testing against the TESS data (2021)
A tidally tilted sectoral dipole pulsation mode in the eclipsing binary TIC 63328020 (2021)
Aggregates of clusters in the Gaia data (2021)
Electron vortex beams in the scanning electron microscope (2020)
Magnetic chemically peculiar stars investigated by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (2021)
V680 Mon - a young mercury-manganese star in an eclipsing heartbeat system (2021)
Marginal deformations of a class of AdS3 N = (0, 4) holographic backgrounds (2021)
Updated parameters of 1743 open clusters based on Gaia DR2 (2021)
A Comparison of the Simulations and Observations for a Nearby Spiral Arm (2021)
Memory effect assisted imaging through multimode optical fibres (2021)
The X-CLASS survey: A catalogue of 1646 X-ray-selected galaxy clusters up to z ∼ 1.5 (2021)
Enhanced Doppler Beaming for Dust-enshrouded Objects and Pulsars in the Galactic Center (2021)
Stellar Transits across a Magnetized Accretion Torus as a Mechanism for Plasmoid Ejection (2021)
H-plane horn antenna with enhanced directivity using conformal transformation optics (2021)
A shock near the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster (2021)
A study of the Czernik 2 and NGC 7654 open clusters using CCD UBV photometric and Gaia EDR3 data (2021)
A Survey of Novae in M83 (2021)
Zákony pohybu planet od Keplera po Newtona (2021)
Detection of Low-Energy X-rays Using YSO Scintillation Crystal Arrays for GRB Experiments (2021)
Standardizing reverberation-measured Mg II time-lag quasars, by using the radius–luminosity relation, and constraining cosmological model parameters (2021)
Selection of special dielectric substrates for electrostatic voltage measurement (2021)
Structure of Open Clusters - Gaia DR2 and its limitations (2022)
Predictions for anisotropic X-ray signatures in the circumgalactic medium: imprints of supermassive black hole driven outflows (2021)
Hot Atmospheres of Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters of Galaxies (2020)
Newtonovy pohybové zákony - retrospektiva a současnost. (2021)
TESS survey of rotational and pulsational variability of mercury-manganese stars (2021)
Intrinsic polarization of Wolf-Rayet stars due to the rotational modulation of the stellar wind (2022)
Supernovae in colliding-wind binaries: observational signatures in the first year (2022)
D-brane actions in nonrelativistic string theory and T duality (2021)
TESS cycle 1 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data (2021)
A scaling relationship for non-thermal radio emission from ordered magnetospheres: from the top of the main sequence to planets (2021)
The magnetic system SMSS J1606-1000 as a period bouncer (2021)
INTEGRAL Limits on Past High-energy Activity from FRB 20200120E in M81 (2021)
Covariant Hamiltonian formalism for F(R)-gravity (2021)
String theory at order α′2 and the generalized Bergshoeff-de Roo identification (2021)
The Apparent Tail of the Galactic Center Object G2/DSO (2021)
Selected Chapters on Active Galactic Nuclei as Relativistic Systems (2021)
Hawking-radiation recoil of microscopic black holes (2021)
Lens stars and Platonic lenses (2021)
Learning to denoise astronomical images with U-nets (2021)
Cosmological constraints from gas mass fractions of massive, relaxed galaxy clusters (2022)
A Kepler K2 view of subdwarf A-type stars (2022)
Distributed architectures and constellations for γ-ray burst science (2021)
Electromagnetic signatures of strong-field gravity from accreting black-holes (2022)
A case study of ACV variables discovered in the Zwicky Transient Facility survey (2021)
A solution to the complement of the generalized Luneburg lens problem (2021)
Canonical analysis of new non-relativistic string action and uniform light-cone gauge formulation (2021)
Space applications of GAGG:Ce scintillators: a study of afterglow emission by proton irradiation (2022)
Analytical formulae for trajectory displacement in electron beam and generalized slice method (2020)
Trajectory displacement in a multi beam scanning electron microscope (2021)
Photometric signatures of corotating magnetospheres of hot stars governed by higher-order magnetic multipoles (2022)
Generace aktivního dekontaminačního média pomocí povrchových bariérových výbojů (2021)
Priebeh mikrobiologických testov a výsledky dekontaminácie v aktívnej plynnej atmosfére s obsahom ozónu a peroxidu vodíka v plynnej fáze (2021)
Riešenie napúšťania komory plynnými produktami povrchových bariérových výbojov (2021)
Possible substellar companions in dwarf eclipsing binaries SDSS J143547.87+373338.5, NSVS 7826147, and NSVS 14256825 (2021)
The two eccentric eclipsing binaries in multiple systems: V539 Arae and V335 Serpentis (2022)
Very Large Array Radio Study of a Sample of Nearby X-Ray and Optically Bright Early-type Galaxies (2022)
Directivity enhancement of a cylindrical wire antenna by a graded index dielectric shell designed using strictly conformal transformation optics (2021)
TOI-1268b: The youngest hot Saturn-mass transiting exoplanet (2022)
The cycle of metals in the infalling elliptical galaxy NGC 1404 (2022)
Note about null dimensional reduction of M5-brane (2022)
Exploring Gravitationally Lensed z ≳ 6 X-Ray Active Galactic Nuclei Behind the RELICS Clusters (2022)
Relationships between Stellar Velocity Dispersion and the Atmospheres of Early-type Galaxies (2022)
A Photometric and Astrometric Study of the Open Clusters NGC 1664 and NGC 6939 (2022)
Probing Multiphase Gas in Local Massive Elliptical Galaxies via Multiwavelength Observations (2022)
Symplectic Grassmannians, dual conformal symmetry and 4-point amplitudes in 6D (2022)
HD 183986: A High-contrast SB2 System with a Pulsating Component (2022)
Eigenvalue-flipping algorithm for matrix Monte Carlo (2022)
Catalogue of stars measured in the Geneva seven-colour photometric system (2022)
First Results on RR Lyrae Stars with the TESS Space Telescope: Untangling the Connections between Mode Content, Colors, and Distances (2022)
Constraints on TESS albedos for five hot Jupiters (2022)
New magnetic chemically peculiar stars and candidates in the ATLAS first catalogue of variable stars (2021)
Detection of a Superluminous Spiral Galaxy in the Heart of a Massive Galaxy Cluster (2022)
Do reverberation-measured Hβ quasars provide a useful test of cosmology? (2022)
Studentská geologická konference 2010 (2010)
Nonthermal Emission from Fall-back Clouds in the Broad-line Region of Active Galactic Nuclei (2022)
Keplerovy představy o dynamice pohybu planet (2022)
Jean Baptiste Perrin (1870 - 1942) (2022)
The young HD 73583 (TOI-560) planetary system: two 10-M⊕ mini-Neptunes transiting a 500-Myr-old, bright, and active K dwarf (2022)
TOI-2046b, TOI-1181b, and TOI-1516b, three new hot Jupiters from TESS: planets orbiting a young star, a subgiant, and a normal star (2022)
Red giant - jet interaction in galactic nuclei: Hydrodynamical simulations of repetitive stellar passages (2022)
Architecture Gems in Brno (2022)
Note about string theory with deformed dispersion relations (2022)
Null-dimensional reduction of M2-brane (2022)
Low-Energy Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path of Graphene Measured by a Time-of-Flight Spectrometer (2021)
Wind inhibition by X-ray irradiation in high-mass X-ray binaries (2017)
X-ray irradiation of the stellar wind in HMXBs with B supergiants: Implications for ULXs (2022)
Canonical analysis of non-relativistic string with non-relativistic world-sheet (2022)
Host galaxy magnitude of OJ 287 from its colours at minimum light (2022)
Johann Gregor Mendel a pozorování slunečních skvrn (2022)
Mechanika (2022)
Mechanika (2022)
Athena charged particle diverter simulations: effects of micro-roughness on proton scattering using Geant4 (2022)
Keplerova teorie pohybu primárních planet (2022)
Optimization of plasma-activated media generation for decontamination of thermally sensitive materials (2022)
New formulation of non-relativistic string in AdS5 × S5 (2022)
Mechanika (2022)
X-ray spectra of the Fe-L complex III. Systematic uncertainties in atomic data (2022)
Modified red giants as smoking guns of relativistic nuclear jets (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Alumina ceramic tapes doped by various dopants and their effect on properties of coplanar dielectric barrier discharge (2022)
Properties of Cr-doped Al2O3 as a dielectric barrier layer (2022)
Black-hole activity feedback across vast scales (2022)
The relation between accretion rate and jet power in early-type galaxies with thermally unstable hot atmospheres (2022)
Quick Ultra-VIolet Kilonova surveyor (QUVIK) (2022)
Early results from GRBAlpha and VZLUSAT-2 (2022)
Towards the CAMELOT fleet of GRB detecting nano-satellites: the design concept of the 3U members based on the GRBAlpha and VZLUSAT-2 heritage (2022)
Geant4 simulation of the residual background in the ATHENA wide field imager from protons deflected by the charged particle diverter (2022)
Ruthenium(II)-Tris-pyrazolylmethane Complexes Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth by Disrupting Mitochondrial Calcium Homeostasis (2022)
Analysis of photometric and spectroscopic variability of red supergiant Betelgeuse (2023)
Princip nezávislosti pohybů a skládání rychlostí ve výuce fyziky (2022)
Observation of S4716—a Star with a 4 yr Orbit around Sgr A* (2022)
Bio-dekontaminačná komora na báze plazmou aktivovaného dekontaminačného média (2022)
Mid-infrared Studies of Dusty Sources in the Galactic Center (2022)
The Wind Dynamics of Super-Eddington Sources in FRADO (2022)
Consistency study of high- and low-accreting Mg II quasars: no significant effect of the Fe II to Mg II flux ratio on the radius–luminosity relation dispersion (2022)
Standardizing reverberation-measured C iv time-lag quasars, and using them with standardized Mg ii quasars to constrain cosmological parameters (2022)
Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of quasar CTS C30.10: Dissecting Mg II and Fe II emission regions (2022)
Development of Advanced Dielectric Barrier Discharge with Flexible Ceramic Barrier Layer (2021)
Discovery and origin of the radio emission from the multiple stellar system KQ Vel (2022)
Note about D-branes in Carrollian background (2022)
Completing R4 using O(d, d) (2022)
Lagrangians for nonrelativistic gravity (2022)
Double-layer geodesic and gradient-index lenses (2022)
TOI-1670 b and c: An Inner Sub-Neptune with an Outer Warm Jupiter Unlikely to Have Originated from High-eccentricity Migration (2022)
Wide-Angle Ceramic Retroreflective Luneburg Lens Based on quasi-Conformal Transformation Optics for Mm-Wave Indoor Localization (2022)
Resonant string behavior in a gravitational wave burst (2022)
Periodic variable A-F spectral type stars in the northern TESS continuous viewing zone I. Identification and classification (2022)
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products star (2022)
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy (2022)
Searching for shell stars in LAMOST DR4 by probing the Fe 42 multiplet lines (2022)
Testing a scaling relation between coherent radio emission and physical parameters of hot magnetic stars (2022)
Analysis of eight magnetic chemically peculiar stars with rotational modulation (2022)
The α′2 correction from double field theory (2022)
The detection of magnetic chemically peculiar stars using Gaia BP/RP spectra (2022)
Spherical wedge billiard: From chaos to fractals and Talbot carpets (2022)
Chandra measurements of gas homogeneity and turbulence a intermediate radii in the Perseus Cluster (2023)
HD 60431, the CP2 star with the shortest rotational period Physical parameters and period analysis (2022)
The magnetic braking of the B-type star sigma Ori E (2021)
Companions to Kepler giant stars: A long-period eccentric sub-stellar companion to KIC 3526061 and a stellar companion to HD 187878 (2022)
Magnetic Fields of Newly-Identified MCP Stars in the Kepler Field (2020)
X-ray absorption lines in the warm-hot intergalactic medium: probing Chandra observations with the CAMEL simulations (2023)
Reflectivity of Venus's Dayside Disk During the 2020 Observation Campaign: Outcomes and Future Perspectives (2022)
Radio Emission of Nearby Early-type Galaxies in the Low and Very Low Radio Luminosity Range (2023)
A multifrequency characterization of the extragalactic hard X-ray sky: Presenting the second release of the Turin-SyCAT (2023)
A note on tree factorization and no particle production (2023)
Generalized Jarlskog Invariants, Mass Degeneracies and Echelon Crosses (2021)
Study of five eccentric eclipsing binary systems (2023)
Approximate treatment of noncommutative curvature in quartic matrix model (2023)
A photometric study of NSVS 7453183: a probable quadruple system with long-term surface activity (2023)
B.R.N.O. Contributions #40 Times of minima (2017)
BRITE – constellation Project of astronomical nanosatellites (2016)
Report on observational activity in (summer) 2015 (2016)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
String with deformed dispersion relation (2022)
Microscopic black holes as probes for quantum gravity (2022)
Progress towards a 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for outflow wind modelling (2023)
Praktické početní metody pro fyziky (2023)
Nabitá částice v magnetickém poli elementárně (2023)
Jak daleko lze jít s matematikou pí výuce fyziky? (2023)
Harmonie světa (2023)
Ruthenium(II)-Tris-pyrazolylmethane Complexes Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth by Disrupting Mitochondrial Calcium Homeostasis (2023)
Advanced Algorithms for Bacterial Analysis in Body Fluids Using Raman Tweezers (2023)
Quasar UV/X-ray relation luminosity distances are shorter than reverberation-measured radius–luminosity relation luminosity distances (2023)
X3: A High-mass Young Stellar Object Close to the Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A* (2023)
SDSS-FIRST-selected interacting galaxies Optical long-slit spectroscopy study using MODS at the LBT (2023)
Tajemné písmeno (2017)
„Gravitační“ katapult (2003)
Zavěšení břemene a zachycení pádu do závěsu (2010)
Několik dalších pokusů s termocitlivými fóliemi (2008)
Accretion disks, quasars and cosmology: meandering towards understanding (2023)
Radio jet precession in M 81 (2023)
Dusty plasma in active galactic nuclei (2023)
Expectations for time-delay measurements in active galactic nuclei with the Vera Rubin Observatory (2023)
The peak flux of GRB 221009A measured with GRBAlpha (2023)
Localisation of gamma-ray bursts from the combined SpIRIT plus HERMES-TP/SP nano-satellite constellation (2023)
GRBAlpha: The smallest astrophysical space observatory : I. Detector design, system description, and satellite operations (2023)
Spectral energy distribution profiles from AGN accretion disc in multigap set-up (2023)
Precession-induced Variability in AGN Jets and OJ 287 (2023)
Discovery of extraordinary X-ray emission from magnetospheric interaction in the unique binary stellar system ϵ Lupi (2023)
Graded index all-dielectric lens antenna designed by phase manipulation and optical path rescaling (2023)
Multilayer dripping handrail: Modeling accretion disk dynamics with cellular automaton leaky faucet model (2023)
Gaia21bty: An EXor light curve exhibiting a FUor spectrum (2023)
Einstein and Jordan-frame covariant Hamiltonians for F(R) gravity and their canonical relationships (2023)
The Multi-Hollow Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Usage for the Seeds' Treatment Aimed to the Dustiness Decrease of Free-Floating Particles from Agrochemicals (2023)
EPIC 206197016: A very hot white dwarf orbited by a strongly irradiated red dwarf (2023)
Mikuláš Koperník - člověk a astronom (2023)
N-Indolyl diiron vinyliminium complexes exhibit antiproliferative effects in cancer cells associated with disruption of mitochondrial homeostasis, ROS scavenging, and antioxidant activity (2023)
Proposal for D0-brane anti-D0-brane action (2023)
First photometric investigation of OGLE-SMC-ECL-2063: A low-metallicity massive contact binary in the SMC (2023)
High-velocity CP2 stars in the Galactic halo (2023)
Extrusions and intrusions in the cyclic plastic zone of the growing fatigue crack in polycrystalline copper (2024)
Powerful Radio Sources in the Southern Sky. I. Optical Identifications (2023)
Effects of antimicrobials on microbial Raman spectra as the first step for detection of antimicrobialresistance (2023)
New techniques for gauge theories in projective superspace (2023)
The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission (2024)
Action for N D0-branes invariant under gauged Galilean transformations (2023)
The infalling elliptical galaxy M89: The chemical composition of the AGN disturbed hot atmosphere (2024)
Ram-pressure stripped radio tail and two ULXs in the spiral galaxy HCG 97b (2024)
Controlling light propagation in multimode fibers for imaging, spectroscopy, and beyond (2023)
Discovery of inverse-Compton X-ray emission and estimate of the volume-averaged magnetic field in a galaxy group (2023)
Circumgalactic Medium on the Largest Scales: Detecting X-Ray Absorption Lines with Large-area Microcalorimeters (2023)
PM 1-322: New variable planetary nebula (2023)
Everything that glitters is not gold: V1315 Cas is not a dormant black hole (2023)
Photometric variability of the LAMOST sample of magnetic chemically peculiar stars as seen by TESS (2023)
Uncovering new white dwarf–open cluster associations using Gaia DR3 (2023)
The Evaporating Massive Embedded Stellar Cluster IRS 13 Close to Sgr A*. I. Detection of a Rich Population of Dusty Objects in the IRS 13 Cluster (2023)
The GW Vir Instability Strip in Light of New Observations of PG 1159 Stars: Discovery of Pulsations in the Central Star of A72 and Variability of RX J0122.9-7521 (2023)
Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of intermediate-redshift quasars HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312: Dissecting Mg II, optical Fe II, and UV Fe II emission regions (2023)
Weyl gravity in covariant hamiltonian formalism (2023)
Praktické početní metody pro fyziky (2023)
Powerful Radio Sources in the Southern Sky. II. A Swift X-Ray Perspective (2023)
A General Solution for Double-Layer Gradient-Index and Geodesic Lenses with Rotational Symmetry (2023)
Investigating the outskirts of Abell 133 with Suzaku and Chandra observations (2023)
X-ray metal line emission from the hot circumgalactic medium: probing the effects of supermassive black hole feedback (2023)
A Closed-form Design Method for GRIN Lens Design (2022)
Complex characterisation of Cr-doped α-Al 2O3 for DBD applications (2024)
CAvity DEtection Tool (CADET): pipeline for detection of X-ray cavities in hot galactic and cluster atmospheres (2024)
GRIN Lens Design by Defining Phase Function and Using Optical Path Rescaling (2023)
Phase transitions in a φ4 matrix model on a curved noncommutative space (2023)
Outskirts of Abell 1795: Probing gas clumping in the intracluster medium (2023)
Towards removal of striped phase in matrix model description of fuzzy field theories (2023)
The Fuzzy Onion: A Proposal (2023)
Broad-line region in active galactic nuclei: Dusty or dustless? (2023)
Science with a Small Two-Band UV-Photometry Mission I: Mission Description and Follow-up Observations of Stellar Transients (2024)
High-spectral-resolution Observations of the Optical Filamentary Nebula Surrounding NGC 1275 (2024)
Plasma Treatment of Large-Area Polymer Substrates for the Enhanced Adhesion of UV–Digital Printing (2024)
Powerful Radio Sources in the Southern Sky. III. First Results of the Optical Spectroscopic Campaign (2024)
The Ondřejov Exoplanet Group (2020)
The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse: The photosphere as revealed by tomography over the past 15 years (2024)
Effects of heterogeneous data sets and time-lag measurement techniques on cosmological parameter constraints from Mg II and C IV reverberation-mapped quasar data (2024)
Effect of Extinction on Quasar Luminosity Distances Determined from UV and X-Ray Flux Measurements (2024)
X-ray eruptions every 22 days from the nucleus of a nearby galaxy (2024)
New mass-loss rates of Magellanic Cloud B supergiants from global wind models (2024)
MAD UFOs: Magnetically Arrested Discs with persistent Ultra-Fast Outflows (2023)
TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data (2024)
Shifty invisibility cloaks (2024)
Alive but Barely Kicking: News from 3+ yr of Swift and XMM-Newton X-Ray Monitoring of Quasiperiodic Eruptions from eRO-QPE1 (2024)
Praktické početní metody pro fyziky (2024)
Validation of selected TESS exoplanetary candidates (2024)
Evidence for heavy-seed origin of early supermassive black holes from a z ≈ 10 X-ray quasar (2024)
The nature of medium-period variables on the extreme horizontal branch I. X-shooter study of variable stars in the globular cluster ω Cen (2024)
Science with a Small Two-Band UV-Photometry Mission II: Observations of Stars and Stellar Systems (2024)
Science with a Small Two-Band UV-Photometry Mission III: Active Galactic Nuclei and Nuclear Transients (2024)
Clausius equation for horizons in F(R)-gravity (2023)
Simulation of optomechanical interaction of levitated nanoparticle with photonic crystal micro cavity (2024)
Canonical description of the tachyon kink in general background and Hamiltonian for Dp-brane-anti-Dp-brane system (2024)
A Candidate Supermassive Black Hole in a Gravitationally Lensed Galaxy at Z ≈ 10 (2024)
UV FeII emission model of HE 0413-4031 and its relation to broad-line time delays (2024)
Hot subdwarf wind models with accurate abundances II. Helium-dominated merger products CD-46 8926 and CD-51 11879 (2024)
A case for a binary black hole system revealed via quasi-periodic outflows (2024)
Particle-in-cell simulations of electron-positron cyclotron maser forming pulsar radio zebras (2024)
The astrophysical parameters of chemically peculiar stars from automatic methods (2024)
Praktické početní metody pro fyziky (2024)
Spectral Variability of Supergiant HD21389 (2022)
New cyclometalated Ru(ii) polypyridyl photosensitizers trigger oncosis in cancer cells by inducing damage to cellular membranes (2024)
Unimodular gravity in covariant formalism (2024)
Estimation of radial velocities of BHB stars (2024)
A New Approach to Find the Böhm-Vitense gap (2024)
Observation of the Open Clusters in the UltraViolet (2023)
Keplerovo proslavené Kosmografické mystérium (2024)
Chemically peculiar stars on the pre-main sequence (2024)
Measurement of hydrogen radical concentration in DBD ingited at different frequencies (2024)
Lense–Thirring precession after a supermassive black hole disrupts a star (2024)
Candidate young stellar objects in the S-cluster: Kinematic analysis of a subpopulation of the low-mass G objects close to Sgr A (2024)
Stellar obliquity measurements of six gas giants: Orbital misalignment of WASP-101b and WASP-131b (2024)
The Evaporating Massive Embedded Stellar Cluster IRS 13 Close to Sgr A*. II. Kinematic Structure (2024)
New ACV variables discovered in the Zwicky Transient Facility survey (2024)
Repeating nuclear transients as candidate electromagnetic counterparts of LISA extreme mass ratio inspirals (2024)
Apparent non-variable stars from the Kepler mission (2024)
Periodic variable A-F spectral type stars in the southern TESS continuous viewing zone: I. Identification and classification (2024)
Skrytý význam druhého ohniska eliptické dráhy Měsíce (2024)
Momenty - didaktický problém? (2024)
KvIS na MU a jeho využití k výuce matematiky pro fyzikální obory. (2023)
Členka redakční rady (2016)
Observations of unstudied Open Clusters in the UV (2024)
Evolution of BD-14 3065b (TOI-4987b) from giant planet to brown dwarf as possible evidence of deuterium burning at old stellar ages (2024)
Jaroslav Veverka - učitel (1999)
Different Grain Sizes of MgAl2O4 Doped Alumina and Its Influence on SPD, CDBD, and APTD (2024)
Calculus of Variations on Fibred Manifolds and Variational Physics (2024)
Vstupte na planetu Zemi - 1. díl (2024)
Apsidal motion and TESS light curves of three southern close eccentric eclipsing binaries: GM Nor, V397 Pup, and PT Vel (2024)
Discovery of a Dense Association of Stars in the Vicinity of the Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A* (2024)
Unveiling stellar aurorae: simulating auroral emission lines in hot stars induced by high-energy irradiation (2024)
HD 34736: an intensely magnetised double-lined spectroscopic binary with rapidly rotating chemically peculiar B-type components (2024)
Canonial analysis of general relativity formulated with the new metric f^ab = (-g)^alpha g^ab (2024)
An evaluation of source-blending impact on the calibration of SKA EoR experiments (2024)
Fuzzy onionlike space as a matrix model (2024)
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