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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Pathophysiology of common variable immunodeficiency - the role of T lymphocytes (1996)
Antigen Presentation by Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) B Cells and Monocytes is Unimpaired (1997)
Defective integration of activating signals derived from the T cell receptor (TCR) and costimulatory molecules in both CD4+ and CD8+ T Lymphocytes of Common Variable immunodeficiency (CVID) Patients (1997)
Common variable immunodeficiency: A defect at the level of T cells (1996)
Identifikace a stanovení cizorodých, toxikologicky významných organických látek v materiálech a prostředí. Kap. 3 - Osud vybr vybraných organických polutantů v prostředí (1993)
Identifikace a stanovení cizorodých, toxikologicky významných organických látek v materiálech a prostředí. Kap. 5 - Problémy lémy stanovení PAHs a PCBs v environmentálních vzorcích (1993)
The effect of PAHs on the measurements of TCDD-like toxic potency in chick embryo livers. In: Polycyclic aromatic compounds: synthesis, properties, analytical measurements, oc curence and biological effects. (1993)
The compilation of emission factors for persistent organic pollutants. (1993)
Project TOCOEN. The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part IX. A model source of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs.CDFs. (1993)
Persistentní organické polutanty v prostředí - dálkový transport a vstupy do prostředí a potravních řetězců. (1993)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part X. The PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in soils from from Czechoslovakia - preliminary study. (1993)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic compounds in the environment. Part XI. The PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs in ambient air at area of background GEMS station. Seasonal variations. (1993)
PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs ve volném ovzduší v Československu - výsledky projektu TOCOEN. (1993)
Návrh začlenění národního monitoringu potravních řetězců do systému ostatních aktivit sledování a ovlivňování složek životníhotního prostředí, vytvoření vnějších, zejména mezinárodních vazeb na globální projekty (1993)
TOCOEN Project - goals, state and prospects. (1993)
Soil and sediment contamination by persistent organic pollutants in the Moravian and Slovakian parts of the Danube catchment ment area and some Bohemian sites in the Elbe catchment area (1993)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. XXIII. Sampling and analysis of PCBs, PCDDs/Fs iin ambient air in Bratislava (1994)
Project Tocoen. The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment Part XXI. Chemical Time Bombs - the contentsof PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs in sediments from Danube river catchment. (1994)
Polycyclic aromatic compounds In: Analysis of contaminants in edible aquatic resources. (1994)
Project TOCOEN (Toxic Organic Compounds i the ENvironment).The fate of selected organic compounds in the environment. Part XXrt XX. The pollution of environment in Czechoslovakia by selected organic pollutants. In: Environmental Contaminants in Eastern E (1994)
Emisní faktory pro POPs (1994)
Atmosferický transport POPs vznikajících při spalovacích procesech (1994)
Možnosti snižování vstupů POPs do prostředí (1994)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXI. The contents of PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs i/Fs in sediments from Danube river catchment area. (1994)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXII. The contents of PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs s/Fs in soil from surroundings of Brno municipal waste incinerator. (1994)
PCDDs/Fs - osud v atmosféře (1994)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXIV. The content of PCBs and PCDDs/Fs in high mountain soils. (1994)
TOCOEN Project (1994)
Hazardous Wastes - Sources of harmful persistent organics (1994)
Phytotoxicity studies of benzo(a)pyrene with Lactuca sativa. (1995)
Project TOCOEN. (1995)
Emise a emisní faktory persistentních organických polutantů. (1995)
Polycyklické aromatické uhlovodíky v ovzduší. (1995)
The fate of selected organic compounds in the environment. Part XXVI. The contents of PCBs and PCDDs/Fs in human fat in Czechand Slovak republics (1995)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXVI. The effect of fluoranthene on the germination of plants. (1996)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXVII. The effect of fluoranthene on the growth of lettuce (1996)
Project TOCOEN, Fate of Selected Organic Compounds in the Environment. Part XXVII. Main Sources, Emission Factors and Input of PAHs in the Czech Republic (1996)
Project TOCOEN, Fate of Selected Organic Compounds in the Environment. Part XXVIII. Levels of PAHs and Some Halogenated POPs in Ambient Air in the Czech Republic (1996)
Polycyklické aromatické uhlovodíky (PAHs) v prostředí (1996)
Project TOCOEN. (1996)
Polychlorované dibenzo-p-dioxiny a dibenzofurany (PCDDs/Fs). (1997)
Persistente organische Verbindugen in Nahrugsketten 7 von Bayern und Tschechien. Teil 1: Terrestrische Systeme. (1997)
Persistente organische Verbindugen in Nahrugsketten 7 von Bayern und Tschechien. Teil 2. Aquatische Systeme (1997)
Persistente organische Verbindugen in Nahrugsketten 7 von Bayern und Tschechien. Teil 3: Persistente organische Verbindugen igen in Unteren Teil der Troposphare in Bayern und Tschechien - Zusammenhange von Emission und Kontamination. (1997)
Growth response of spring barley to short- or long-period exposures to fluoranthene. (1997)
The effect of fluoranthene on the germination of plants. (1997)
Růstová odezva jarního ječmene na krátkodobou i dlouhodobou expozici fluoranthenu. (1997)
Some biochemical properties and the classification of a range of bacterial haloalkane dehalogenases (1997)
Současná mikrobiální ekotoxikologie půdy a její přínos pro hodnocení ekologických rizik (1997)
Strategie ČR v oblasti persistentních organických polutantů (POPs). (1997)
Drosophila melanogaster, Vicia faba and Arabidopsis thaliana short-term bioassays in genotoxicity evaluation air and soil samples from sites surrounding two industrial factories in the Czech Republic (1997)
Mechanism-based Quantitative Structure-Biodegradability Relationships for hydrolytic dehalogenation of chloro- and bromoalkenes (1998)
Purification and characterization of haloalkane dehalogenase of a new substrate class from g-hexachlorocyclohexane-degrading bacterium (1997)
Microcystin production and toxicity of picocyanobacteria as a risk factor for drinking water treatment plants (1999)
Project TOCOEN (Toxic Organic Compounds in the Environment), Part XXXI. The occurence of POPs in high mountain ecosystems of the Czech Republic (1998)
The occurence of PCDDs/Fs in high-mountain ecosystems of the Czech Republic (1998)
PCDDs/Fs in sediments from Morava river catchment area (1998)
Evaluation of alternative and standard toxicity assays for screening of environmental samples: Selection of an optimal test battery (1998)
Controlling persistent organic pollutants - what next ? (1998)
Analýza rizik pro životní prostředí - závěrečná zpráva projektu VaV 340/1/96 Ministerstva životního prostředí ČR (1998)
Biochemical properties and classification of a range of bacterial haloalkane dehalogenases (1997)
Vyšetřovací metody v klinické imunologii (1998)
Influence of the way of irradiation and reaction medium upon the reaction of acetalization by microwaves in Synthwave 402 apparatus (1998)
Návrh Protokolu o perzistentních organických polutantech - stávající verze, možná realizace závazků v podmínkách ČR (1998)
Persistent bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals in Central and Eastern Europe: Levels and Risks (1999)
Persisten, Bioaccumulative and Toxica Chemicals in Central and Eastern European Countries - State-of-the-Art Report (1999)
Cyanotoxiny v nádrži Jordán (1999)
Zdroje znečištění ovzduší polycyklickými aromatickými uhlovodíky v povodí řeky Moravy (1998)
Syndrom hyperimunoglobulinémie M - klinický a laboratorní obraz (1998)
Postup přípravy Strategie ČR při realizaci závazků Protokolu o persistentních organických polutantech v rámci Úmluvy o dálkovém znečišťování ovzduší přecházejícím hranice států (1999)
Perzistentní organické polutanty (POPs) (1999)
Současné přístupy k hodnocení ekologických rizik na lokální a regionální úrovni (2000)
Rizika pro životní prostředí a indikátory (2000)
Hodnocení ekologických rizik - identifikace a hodnocení nebezbečnosti - formulace problému (2000)
Persistentní, bioakumulativní a toxické sloučeniny - ekologická a humánní rizika vyplývající z jejich přítomnosti v prostředí (2000)
Metodický rozvoj stanovení půdní mikrobiální biomasy metodou FE - chemická analýza extraktů. (2000)
Strategie využití in vitro testů v analýze environmentálních rizik (2000)
Cyanotoxiny - zdraví obyvatel nebo zdraví ekosystémů ? (2000)
Modelový in vitro systém pro studium polutantů vyvolávajících oxidativní stres (2000)
Srovnání citlivosti 17 ekotoxikologických biotestů pro detekci cyanotoxinů (2000)
Estrogenní aktivita environmentálních vzorků a vybraných organických kontaminantů (2000)
Screeningové hodnocení environmentálních rizik v sedimentech regionu Zlín (2000)
Hodnocení biodostupnosti organických látek půdním mikroorganismům kontaktními testy toxicity (2000)
Analýza a interpretace křivek dávka - odpověď : univerzální problém ekotoxikologie a prediktivní onkologie (2000)
Hodnocení provozu D1 Praha - Brno na vybrané složky životního prostředí (2000)
Rutinní monitoring biologického potenciálu půd ČR - metodické aspekty (2000)
Photochemistry of Chlorobenzene in Ice (2000)
Stimulation of nonspecific immunity, haemopoiesis and protection of mice against radiation injury by 1-adamntylamide-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine incorporated in liposomes (2001)
Methods for detection and quantification of cyanobacterial toxins - a review (2000)
Microbiotests for cyanobacterial toxins prescreening (2000)
Epigenetické mechanismy působení polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků (2000)
PCBs and PCDDs/Fs in the Czech Republic and Central and Eastern European Countries (2000)
Investigation and assessment of POP transboundary transport and accumulation in different media (2000)
Evaluation of cytotoxicity, dioxin-like toxicity and estrogenicity of complex environmental mixtures (2000)
Advances and trends in environmental chemistry - the case of persistent, bioaccumulative nad toxic compounds (PBTs) in the environment (2000)
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals in Central and Eastern Europe - levels and risks (2000)
Persistentní, bioakumulativní a toxické látky v prostředí (2000)
The regional background monitoring of POPs (PAHs, PCBs, OCPs) in the Czech Republic (2000)
The spatial and temporal variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in environmental matrices in the Czech Republic (2000)
Estrogeny v životním prostředí (2000)
Ecological risk assessment - approaches and trends (2000)
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals in Central and Eastern European countries - levels and trends (2000)
The emission inventory of POPs (PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs, HCB) in the Czrech Republic (2000)
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals in the Central and Eastern European countries - state-of-the-art report (2000)
Persistentní organické polutanty v atmosféře a v půdě (2000)
Review of toxicity of cyanobacteria in Slovakia (2000)
Příspěvek biostatistiky ke standardizaci hodnocení testů chemorezistence in vitro (2000)
Možnosti a limitace substrátem indukované respirace při indikaci stresu v půdním prostředí (2000)
Highly mutagenic PAHs occuring in the environment are potent inducers of Ah receptor mediated responses in vitro (2000)
Cyanobacterie a hepatotoxické microcystiny ve vodárenských nádržích v ČR (2000)
Microcystiny v surové a upravené vodě a jejich odstranitelnost na vybraných úpravnách (2000)
Agammaglobulinaemia in a girl with a mosaic of ring 18 chromosome (1998)
Study of activity of DNase I immobilized on magnetic cellulose (2000)
The use of immobilized systems for identification of microorganisms in foodstuffs (2000)
Photodegradation of Halobenzenes in Water Ice (2001)
Activation or detoxification of mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds in transgenic Drosophila expressing human glutathione S-transferase. (2000)
Automated Hot Solvent Extraction and HPLC Determination of Atrazine and its Degradation Products in Soil (2001)
Automated Hot Solvent Extraction of Atrazine and Its Degradation Products from Soil Samples (2000)
Cellular and Biochemical Indices for in Vitro Evaluation of Toxicity of Organic Extracts from River Sediments (1998)
POPs in Ambient Air on the Regional and Local Levels in the Czech Republic (1998)
Novel approach to monitoring of soil biological quality (2001)
A proposal of new indices for soil microbial ecotoxicology (2001)
Methodical progress of microbial biomass determination with classical fumigation-extraction method - further possible improvement in soil microbial ecotoxicology (2000)
Assessment of POP transport and accumulation in the environment. (2001)
Inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism potentiate tumour necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells (2001)
Optimisation of porcine hepatocyte cryopreservation by comparison of viability and enzymatic activity of fresh and cryopreserved cells (2001)
Multiple oxidative stress parametetrs are modulated in vitro by oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons identified in river sediments (2001)
Inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication by environmentally occuring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (2002)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediated activity of mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons determined using in vitro reporter gene assay (2001)
Monitoring river sediments contaminated predominantly with polyaromatic hydrocarbons by chemical and in vitro bioassay techniques (2001)
Aromatase (CYP19) and 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (CYP1A1) activities in human placental samples collected in two Czech Areas Differing in Pollution Rates (2001)
Biochemický monitoring in vitro organických kontaminantů přítomných v ovzduší (2001)
Tumor-promoční aktivita polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků a reálných extraktů vzorků vzduchu (2001)
Biologicky aktivní látky produkované v biofilmech vodárenských systémů (2001)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated and estrogenic activities of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and azaarenes originally identified in extracts of river sediments (2001)
Microcystin-LR and total microcystin in cyanobacterial blooms in the Czech Republic 1993-1998 (2001)
Dissolved microcystins in raw and treated drinking water in the Czech Republic (2001)
In vitro assessment of non-genotoxic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (2001)
Project IDRIS - Ecological Risk Assessment - regional approaches (2001)
Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic Compounds in the Central and Eastern European Countries - State-of-the-Art Report - human exposure (2001)
Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic Compounds in the Central and Eastern European Countries - State-of-the-Art Report - hot spots (2001)
Determination and multivariate statistical analysis of biochemical responses to environmental contaminants in feral freshwater fish Leuciscus cephalus (2001)
The use of a microbial contact toxicity test for evaluating cadmium bioavailability in soil (2001)
Regional background monitoring of PBT compounds. The comparison of the results from measurements and monitoring (2001)
Superstanice EMEP - koncepční přístup (2001)
Emisní inventura POPs (PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs, HCB) v České republice (2001)
Distribution of polcyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among different compartments of river system (2001)
Regional background monitoring of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic compounds in Central Europe - I:Overview of 12 years of TOCOEN project (2001)
Characterization of dioxin-like activity of riverine sediments from the Czech Republic (2001)
Quality of the natural environment in the Czech Republic at the regional level. Results of the Košetice Observatory (2001)
Toxické metabolity produkované mikrobiálními biofilmy vodárenských systémů (2001)
Hexachlorocycklohexanes in the Central and Eastern European countries in the comparison with other part of the world - the results from European measurement and modelling programmes (2001)
UN/ECE and UNEP Chemicals POPs activities. The UNEP/GEF Project Regionally-Based Assessment of Persistent, Toxic Substnaces (2001)
Project IDRIS: Identifying ecological risks in the Czech Republic, an expert system approach for ecological risk assessment (2001)
Regional background monitoring of PBT compounds - the comparison of the results from measurements and modelling (2001)
Project IDRIS II - The development of expert system for ecological risk assessment (2001)
The problem of POPs contamination in CEE countries: from global convention to regional solutions (2001)
Long-term regional monitoring of PBT compounds - the contributions to the validation of global and regional transport models (2001)
Bioavailability and mobility of organic contaminants in soil and sediment samples: a three-step ecotoxicology evaluation (2001)
Occurence, levels and trends in PTS soil contamination (2001)
UNEP GEF Project Regionally-Based Assesment of Persistent Toxic Substances (2001)
Ice (Photo)chemistry. Ice as a Medium for Long-Term (Photo)chemical Transformations - Environmental Implications (2002)
Softwarový standard analýz dat Národního onkologického registru - model karcinomu prsu (2001)
Systém vizualizace dat Národního onkologického registru (software SVOD) (2001)
Risk associated with transport of mercury in food chain of newly established water reservoir (2001)
Hierarchický systém algoritmů pro validaci a analýzu dat NOR - rozbor na modelu karcinomu prsu (2001)
The results of eight year monitoring (1993-1998) of cell-bound and dissolved microcystins LR, RR and YR in the waterbodies of the Czech Republic (2001)
Microcystin content and toxicity of bloom forming, benthic and small unicellular picocyanobacteria in the Czech Republic (2001)
Persistent organic pollutants in UNEP (2001)
R-T&A - MEPOP Activities: 1) monitoring of POPs - measurements and modelling, 2) Ice photochemistry of POPs (2001)
Stockholmská Konvence - regionální projekty (2001)
PBT látky v prostředí - modelování osudu vs. měření, trendy (2001)
Identifikace nového polychlorovaného polutantu ve vzorcích životního prostředí (2001)
Toxafen - opmíjený organochlorový pesticid v prostředí České Republiky (2001)
Stanovení pyrethroidů a jejich degradačních produktů ve volném ovzduší - možnosti monitoringu (2001)
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals - environmental levels and effects (2001)
Background monitoring of POPs in ambient air in Czechia and comparison with model results. (2001)
The level of soil contamination by persistent, toxic chemicals in the region of the Central and Eastern Europe (2001)
Occurence, levels and trends in PTS soil contamination in the Czech Republic (2001)
EMEP Superstanice - koncepční přístupy (2001)
GEF Regional based assessment on persistent toxic substances (2001)
Regionální pozaďový monitoring persistentních, bioakumulativních a toxických látek ve střední Evropě - srovnání výsledků z měření a modelování (2001)
Emisní inventura POPs (PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs, HCB) v České Republice (2001)
Rozdělení hexachlorbenzenu mezi půdu a atmosféru. Validace modelu a výpočtu pomocí SPME (2001)
Combined chemical and bioassay methods for screening of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental samples (2001)
Residual expression of functional MHC class II molecules in twin brothers with MHC class II deficiency is cell type specific (2001)
Double mutant and formaldehyde inactivated TSST-1 as vaccine candidates (2002)
T-lymphocytes in IgA deficiency (2001)
Exploring the structure and activity of haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26: evidence for product and water mediated inhibition (2002)
Impact of Orthogonal Signal Correction (OSC) on the predictive ability of CoMFA models for the ciliate toxicity of nitrobenzenes (2002)
Microwave-assisted Elimination Reaction on a Solid Support: Preparation of 4-(4-Fluorophenyl)-1-methyl-3-methylenepiperidine (2002)
Halide-stabilizing residues of haloalkane dehalogenases studied by quantum mechanic calculations and site-directed mutagenesis (2002)
Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substance - European Regional Report (2002)
Regional background monitoring of PBTs in Central Europe and comparison with model results. Workshop Slowly degradable organics in the atmospheric environment and air-sea exchange (2001)
Effects of cyanobacterial biomass and purified microcystins on malformations in Xenopus laevis: teratogenesis assay (FETAX) (2002)
Comparison of relative toxic potencies of hydroxylated PCBs and quinones in hepatic and mammary cell lines (2002)
Characterization of estrogenic activity of riverine sediments from the Czech Republic (2002)
Assessment of POP transport and accumulation in the environment. EMEP Report 7/2002 (2002)
Registrace onkologických onemocnění v ČR - existuje prostor pro vývoj ? (2002)
Registrace klinických dat pro hodnocení kvality péče v onkologii - případová studie diagnózy C50 (2002)
Persistent organic pollutants in the global environment: Stockholm Convention (2002) and problems of its implementation (2002)
Evaluation of the SOS genotoxicity test - RecA test - a bioluminescence screening tool for the short-term detection of genotoxicity (2002)
POPs Enabling activities to facilitate early action in the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Czech Republic (2002)
Toxaphene congeners levels in various matrices from the Czech environment (2002)
Human health risks of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins) in Brno reservoir (2002)
Contribution of biostatistics to the standardized evaluation fo model dose-response curves in experimental ecotoxicology-software adris, version 1.00 (2002)
Biodiversity measures as environmental indicators - is there a space for generalization over various biological communities under different type of stress ? (2002)
European sources, regional distribution and environmental levels of PCBs (2002)
PCBs in the environment of Slovenia and Croatia as consequence of their accidental release (2002)
PCBs in aquatic ecosystems of the river Elbe and Berlin waters (2002)
Isomer-specific analysis of PCN and dioxin-like compounds in DELORs, technical PCB mixtures from former Czechoslovakia (2002)
Relative potencies of oxygenated polychlorinated biphenyls to inhibit gap-junctional intercellular communication in WB-F344 cells (2002)
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques (2002)
Non-genotoxic effects of hydroxy-PCBs and PCB-quinones in liver and mammary in vitro models (2002)
Vliv nově syntetizovaných chalkonů na epigenetické faktory karcinogeneze (2002)
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase by PCBs depends on substitution of chlorine ortho-position (2002)
Screening of the health risks of biofilms using a battery of in vitro toxicity assays (2002)
Nongenotoxic modes of action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relative potencies in rat liver cellular models. Ecotoxicological significance of individual compounds in abiotic samples (2002)
Using microbial summary parameters as biological indicators of soil quality in long term cultivation of real soils (2002)
Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities around an Industrial Source (2002)
Acute inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by polychlorinated biphenyls and their metabolites - relative inhibitory potencies, structure-activity relationship and intracellular singnalling (2002)
Software SVOD ve verzi 2.00 (2002)
Využití dat NOR pro kontrolu kvality onkologické péče - studie vybraných skupin nádorů podpořená software SVOD (2002)
Biodiversity and other ecologically weighted indices in bioindication of surface ware quality (2002)
Ekotoxikologické Biotesty v expertním systému komplexního hodnocení ekologických rizik - Projekt IDRIS II (2002)
Vícerozměrné hodnocení biologické kvality půd: validace bioindikačních a diskriminačních schopností (2002)
In vitro biotesty pro detekci negenotoxických procesů - studie efektů PAHs a hydroxyderivátů PCBs (2002)
Experimentální možnosti detekce genotoxického potenciálu (2002)
Využití luminiscenčních in vitro testů pro detekci genotoxického potenciálu (2002)
Screening of the health risks of biofilms using a battery of in vitro toxicity assays (2002)
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques (2002)
Inhibition of GJIC by polychlorinated biphenyls: inhibitory potencies and screening for potential mode(s) of action (2002)
Chemical profile and contribution of PAHs to in vitro toxic potencies of urban particulate matter samples (2002)
Nongenotoxic modes of action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relative potencies in rat liver cellular models. Ecotoxicological significance of individual compounds in abiotic samples (2002)
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase by PCBs depends on substitution of chlorine ortho-position (2002)
Vliv nově syntetizovaných chalkonù na epigenetické faktory karcinogeneze (2002)
Photochemical Activity of Organic Compounds in Ice Induced by Sunlight Irradiation: The Svalbard Project (2003)
Re-construction of mycobacterial dehalogenase Rv2579 by cumulative mutagenesis of haloalkane dehalogenase LinB (2003)
Environmental Ice Photochemistry: Monochlorophenols (2003)
Materiály k přednáškám (*.PDF) - Ekotoxikologie Poikilotermů (www.recetox.muni.cz) (2003)
Novel approach to monitoring of the soil biological quality (2003)
Bioindicative value of eco-physiological indices in routine evaluation of soils - a pilot monitoring study in the Czech Republic (2002)
Development of an analytical method for PAH and their derivatives analysis. A utilising of a pressurised solvent extraction and extract clean-up. (2003)
Comparison of the Effects of Ultraviolet, H2O2/UV and Gamma-Irradiation Processes on Frozen and Liquid Water Solutions of Monochlorophenols (2003)
Haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26: X-ray crystallographic studies of dehalogenation of brominated substrates (2003)
Comparative binding energy analysis of haloalkane dehalogenase substrates: modelling of enzyme-substrate complexes by molecular docking and quantum mechanical calculations (2003)
Catalytic mechanism of the haloalkane dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (2003)
Validation of Putative Enzymes from Genomic Projects: Confirmation of Dehalogenation ARv2ctivity for Mycobacterial Protein 579 (2003)
Modification of Activity and Specificity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 by Engineering of its Entrance Tunnel (2003)
Separation of Basic Nitrogen Heterocycles on Octadecylsilane Stationary Phases by RP-HPLC (2003)
Fractionation of Extracts useful for the Semivolatile Organic Compounds Analysis (2003)
Photodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Dichlormethane and Isooctane Solution (2003)
Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles on Different Octadecylsilica Stationary Phases (2003)
Retention Behaviour of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles on Octadecylsilane Sorbents used for their Separation by RP-HPLC (2003)
Development of an analytical method for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives (2004)
Contamination of drinking water in the Czech Republic by microcystins. (2003)
Analyses of microcystins in the biomass of Pseudanabaena limnetica collected in Znojmo reservoir. (2003)
Inhibition of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication by Noncoplanar Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Inhibitory Potencies and Screening for Potential Mode(s) of Action (2003)
Toxicity of crude extract of cyanobacteria for embryos and larvae of carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) (2003)
PCBs in the karstic environment of Slovenia and Croatia as consequence of thein accidental release (2003)
PCB in aquatic ecosystems of the River Elbe and Berlin waters - source oriented monitoring. (2003)
Mobility, bioavailability and toxic effects of cadmium in soil samples. (2003)
Isomer-soecific analysis of chlorinated biphenyls, naphthalenes and dibenzofurans in Delor: polychlorinated biphenyl preparations from the former Czechoslovakia (2003)
PCDDs/Fs contamination of the surroundings of Spolana Neratovice before and after floods 2002. Organohal. Compds (2003)
Spatial and temporal trends in POPs sediment contamination in the Czech Republic. (2003)
UNEP/GEF Project Regional Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances - European Regional Report. (2003)
Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans patterns in the Baltic herring and sprat. (2003)
Polychlorinated biphenyls and chlororganic pesticides in perch (Perca fluviatilis). (2003)
Monitoring microbial biomass and respiration in different soils from the Czech republic -a summary of results (2004)
Informační technologie pro současnou onkologii - sběr a analýza dat (2004)
MEPOP - The atmospheric cycling and Merkury and persistent organic pollutants. EUROTRAC-2 (A EUREKA Environmental Project) (2003)
Health risks of persistent organic pollutants from long-range transboundary air pollution. Point WHO/Convention Task Force on the health aspects o fair pollution (2003)
Toxicita a biodegradabilita látek a odpadů významných ve vodním prostředí (2003)
Odstraňování cyanotoxinů nárostovými společenstvy: modelová studie v mikrokosmech. (2003)
Sublethal effects of short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) identified with frog embryo assay FETAX. Persistent Toxic Substances Contamination of the European Region (2003)
Novel retinoid-specific luciferase reporter gene bioassay for screening of embryotoxic potential. Persistent Toxic Substances Contamination of the European Region (2003)
In vitro inhibition of GJIC in WB-F344 cells by polar derivatives of PAHs. (2003)
Applications of in vitro assays for characterization of non-acute toxic effects of organic environmental pollutants. (2003)
Mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenicity of POPs - characterization with in vitro techniques. (2003)
Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay Xenopus (FETAX) - Metodické aspekty a možnosti využití. (2003)
Assessment of dioxin-like toxicities of water-exposed SPMDs by in vitro reporter gene bioassay. (2003)
Studium mechanismů embryotoxicity - vliv organických polutantů na signálování kyselinou retinovou in vitro. (2003)
Toxic modes of action of polychlorinated biphenyls in liver cells (2003)
Substrátová specifita haloalkandehalogenáz (2004)
Toxicity increases in ice upon containing monochlorophenols upon photolysis: environmental consequences (2004)
Early manifestation and recognition of C2 complement deficiency in the form of pyogenic infection in infancy (2003)
HPLC Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles (2004)
Preparation of 4-(4-fluoropheny)-1-methyl-3-methylenepiperidine by Microwave-assisted Elimination Reaction (2003)
Vedení datového auditu a správná interpretace ukazatelů efektivity mamografického screeningu v České republice (2004)
Photodegradation of organic pollutants on the spruce needle wax surface under laboratory conditions (2004)
Evaluation of functional diversity of soil microbial communities - a case study (2004)
Biochemical analysis of soil organic matter and microbial biomass composition - a pilot study (2003)
XXI sjezd českých a slovenských alergologů a klinickcých imunologů (2004)
Geosmin occurrence in riverine cyanobacterial mats: is it causing a significant health hazard? (2004)
Comparison of 17 biotests for detection of cyanobacterial toxicity (2004)
Oxidative stress biomarkers are modulated in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) exposed to microcystin producing cyanobacterial water blooms. (2004)
Toxicity of hydroxylated and quinoid PCB metabolites: inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and activation of aryl hydrocarbon and estrogen receptors in hepatic and mammary cells (2004)
Induction of arylhydrocarbon receptor-mediated and estrogen receptor-mediated activitites, and modulation of cell proliferation by dinaphthofurans (2004)
Histopathology of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) larvae exposed to cyanobacteria extract (2004)
Outcomes of Repeated Exposure of the Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Cyanobacteria Extract (2004)
RECETOX (Brno, Czech Republic) - history, aims and activities (2004)
The importance of valid parametric data in haematology documented on functional clinical registry (2004)
Health technology assessment in practice: evaluation of the costs and benefits of screening for breast cancer in Czech Republic (2004)
Možnosti a limity využití dat randomizovaných klinických studií v projektech HTA (2004)
Breast cancer and neoadjuvant therapy: any predictive marker (2004)
Možnosti a limity využití dat randomizovaných klinických studií v projektech HTA. (2004)
Informační technologie pro současnou onkologii - sběr a analýza dat. (2004)
Monitorovanie predácie na umelých hniezdach s rôznym počtom umelých vajec. (2004)
Systém centrální validace dat mamografického screeningu v České republice (2004)
Vícerozměrný robustní přístup pro kategorizace ovlivněných lokalit biomonitorovací sítě do daných referenčních kategorií. In Ekotoxikologické Biotesty IV (2004)
Triton - komplexní systém pro hodnocení monitoringu vodních toků. (2004)
Datest - verze 2.0 - výukový interaktivní systém pro ekotoxikologické testy a jeho aplikace (2004)
Degradation of b-Hexachlorocyclohexane by Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26. (2005)
Effects of waste coal-polluted sediments - dioxine-activity, alteration of mammalian steroidogenesis and probable impact on intersex occurrence in freshwater crayfish (2004)
In vitro dioxin-like potencies of N-heterocyclic PAHs (2004)
Chemoprotective and toxic potentials of synthetic and natural chalcones and dihydrochalcones in vitro (2005)
Analytical HPLC Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles. (2005)
The Use of RP-HPLC for Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles (2004)
Reversed Phase HPLC Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles controlled by mobile phase pH (2005)
Stanovení obsahu polycyklických aromatických dusíkatých heterocyklů (2005)
Photodegradation of organic pollutants adsorbed on the spruce needles (2005)
Ecological risk assessment of toxaphene residues in soil (2004)
Effects and ecological risk assessment of short chain chlorinated paraffins in soil. (2005)
Using nematodes in soil ecotoxicology (2005)
Effects of persistent organic pollutants on Caenorhabditis elegans in soil. (2005)
Effects of aza-PAHs to soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (2005)
Microbial assemblages microboring experiments - substrate selectivity. (2004)
Use of the sludge from waste water treatment plant for biomass production heavy metals uptake, ecotoxicity test. (2005)
Studium fototoxicity indocyaninové zeleně in vitro (2005)
The influence of intersections and dead-ends of line-corridor networks on the breeding bird distribution (2005)
Development of a microtiter plate-based method for determination of degradation profile of nitrophenolic compounds (2006)
Habitat selection in the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) and the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) (2005)
Detremination of nitroaromatic explosives and product of their biotransformation by liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis (2005)
Two Rhizobial Strains, Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099 and Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, Encode Haloalkane Dehalogenases with Novel Structures and Substrate Specificities (2005)
Long-term changes in cladoceran assemblages in the Danube floodplain area (Slovak- Hungarian stretch) (2005)
Podkladové materiály (PDF) k výuce obecné ekotoxikologie (2005)
Czech Republic - Management and regulation of the cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins (2005)
Environmental xenobiotics and nuclear receptors-Interactions, effects and in vitro assessment (2005)
Activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by berberine in HepG2 and H4IIE cells: Biphasic effect on CYP1A1 (2005)
Removal of microcystins by biofilms. A microcosm study (2005)
Exploring the natural role of microcystins - a review of effects on photoautotrophic organisms (2005)
Výukový PACS na LF MU (2005)
A small annelid community (Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) during meadow restoration on arable land and in a nearby well-preserved meadow (2005)
Multivariate statistical analysis in community ecology: possibilities and limitations (2005)
The study of a potential photosensitizer indocyanine green in vitro (2005)
Exploring the natural role of cyanobacterial toxin microcystin: evidences on allelopathy ? (2005)
Contribution of biomass burning to atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at three European background sites (2005)
Analysis of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Sediment Samples from the Czech Republic by Short-Column GC/ECNI-MS (2005)
Pharmaceuticals as potential toxic compounds in the environment (2004)
Biochemical responses in Xenopus laevis embryos to N-heterocyclic derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [poster]Biochemical responses in Xenopus laevis embryos to N-heterocyclic derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [poster] (2005)
GFP assay as a sensitive eukaryotic screening model to detect toxic and genotoxic activity of azaarenes (2005)
Effects of organic rich sediment application to spoil dumps - microcosm study (2005)
Ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of cytostatic pharmaceuticals (2005)
Biochemical changes in Daphia magna in response to PAHs and their N-heterocyclic derivatives (2005)
Využití žížal v půdní ekotoxikologii (2003)
New model for evaluation of endocrine disruption of steroidogenesis in H295R cell line (2005)
Community-level physiological profiles of soil bacteria - statistical analysis (2005)
Humic Acids as Potential Activators of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2004)
Toxicity of some endocrine disruptors on Daphnia magna. (2005)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in earthworm ecotoxicology - review (2005)
GFP assay as a sensitive eukaryotic screening model to detect toxic and genotoxic activity of azaarenes (2005)
The use of classical ecotoxicological biotests for testing of special (hospital) waste waters (2005)
Continuous fluorescence determination of formaldehyde in air (2004)
An in vitro model for screening of estrogenic activity of bisphenol-A after metabolization (2005)
Genotoxic activity of a technical toxaphene mixture and its photodegradation products in the SOS genotoxicity tests (2005)
(Eko)toxikologické vlastnosti huminových látek a jejich další neočekávané efekty (2004)
Biochemicals changes in aquatic organisms in response to PAHs and their N-heterocyclic derivatives (2005)
Přehled stanovení formaldehydu a dalších karbonylových sloučenin v ovzduší (2005)
Effect of Humic Substances on Intracellular Receptors (2005)
Disruption of retinoid signalling by 2,3,7,8-TCDD and phthalates on P19/A15 cell line (2005)
Analytical Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles in the mixture with Polycyclioc Aromatic Hydrocarbons and their Derivatives (2005)
Activation of Ah-receptor by humic substances (2005)
Laboratory testing of persistent organic pollutants toxicity on soil microbial biomass - application limits, drawbacks and benefits (2005)
Activation of AH-receptor by humic substances (2005)
Fast and sensitive chemiluminescence determination of formaldehyde in air (2004)
Bioaccumulation of mercury in muscle tissue of fish in the Elbe River (the Czech republic): multispecies monitoring study 1991 1996 (2005)
Assessment of sediment toxicity using Tubifex tubifex. (2005)
Toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass fractions for larvae of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2005)
The Use of Liquid Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis for Determinationof Trinitrotoluenes and Product of their Biotransformation. (2005)
Studium vlivu atmosférických polutantů na stanovení kyseliny dusité s prekoncentrací v cylindrickém dufúzním denuderu (2005)
Integrated assessment of sediments in Brno reservoir (2005)
Stanovení formaldehydu a dalších karbonylových sloučenin v ovzduší v reálném čase (2004)
Results of the monitoring microbial biomass in different fluvisols from Zlín region in the Czech Republic (2005)
Separation of Trinitrotoluenes and Product of their Biotransformation by Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography (2005)
Effects Of Road Deicing Salts On Soil Microorganisms (2005)
Toxicity effects of PANHs to soil invertebrates Folsomia candida and Enchytraeus crypticus (2005)
Health risk assessment case study: Workplace air in cattle and pig farms in the Czech Republic (2005)
Chromatogrphic Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles (2005)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on planktonic photoautotrophs - evidences on allelopathy? (2005)
Determination of Trinitrotoluenes and product of their Biotransformation using liquid chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis (2005)
Chromatographic Enantiomer Separation of Chiral Polutants (2005)
Assessment of Human Health Risk due to Inhalation Exposure in Cattle and Pig Farms in South Moravia (2005)
Evaluation of effects of cyanotoxins using Avian Toxicity Tests (2005)
Relationships among environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment - conceptual approach of RECETOX scientific work (2005)
Environmental Modelling with Uncertainness Case Study of Air (2005)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on planktonic photoautotrophs (2005)
3rd International Conference on Microwave Chemistry (2006)
Sublethal toxic effects of SCCP on early development of Xenopus laevis. (2004)
Retention Behaviour of Basic Azaarenes in Reversed-phase Liquid Chromatography. The effect of mobile phase pH (2005)
Information Systems in Biomonitoring: Challenge for Biology, Data Analysis and Informatics (2005)
HPLC metod za opredeljane na mikrocystini v biomasa ot vodoracli. (2004)
FETAX, modelový test embryotoxicity, malformací a teratogenity vodních obratlovců (2004)
Detekce cyanotoxinů ve vodárenských systémech (2004)
Embryotoxické efekty vodních květů sinic - experimenty s drápatkou vodní (Xenopus laevis) (2004)
Chlorované parafíny (SCCPs) - nebezpečené polutanty životního prostředí s chronickou toxicitou: studie s embryi drápatky Xenopus laevis. (2004)
Natalita a reprodukční toxicita micorcystinů a komplexního vodního květu pro Daphnia magna (chronický 21denní test) (2004)
Toxicity and malformations induced by chlorinated paraffins and non-chlorinated alkanes in Xenopus laevis embryos (2004)
Effects of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass fractions on reproduction and developmental processes in aquatic organisms (2004)
Cyanobacterial blooms change the structure of aquatic communities (2004)
Mechanismy toxicity cyanotoxinů a jejich vliv na zdraví obyvatel a vodní ekosystémy (2004)
Hodnocení zdravotních rizik pro člověka (2004)
Metody detekce a kvantifikace cyanotoxinů (2004)
Microcystins regulation in the Czech Republic (2004)
Effects of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass fractions on reproduction and developmental processes in aquatic organisms (2004)
Removal of microcystins by phototrophic biofilms model microcosm study (2004)
Osud cyanobakteriálního toxinu microcystinu v modelovém mikrokosmu a efekty na fytoplankton (2003)
Concentrations of dissolved microcystins in drinking waters in the Czech republic (2000)
Hodnocení regionálního zatížení ovzduší persistentními organickými látkami (2004)
Laboratory testing of persistent organic pollutants toxicity on soil microbial biomass - application limits, drawbacks and benefits (2005)
Určování zdrojů atmosférických polutantů problematika zpětných trajektorií vzdušných mas (2005)
Evaluating the Long-Range Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants Computation and Analysis of Air Mass Backward Trajectories (2005)
Bioavailability of phenanthrene in artificial and natural soils (2005)
Potential endocrine disrupting effects of clofibric acid (2005)
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the atmosphere and surface soil in the areas of the city Zadar and Mt. Velebit, Croatia (2004)
Perspectives of POPs effects and risk assessment for soil organisms (2005)
Ecological risk assessment of toxaphene residues in soils (2005)
Evaluation the functional diversity of soil microbial communities using a BIOLOG method: in situ and laboratory studies (2005)
Project BAZMON - robust information system for bazal monitoring of soils in organized network of centers. (2005)
Ecotoxicological tests for soil microorganisms in educational interactive database. (2005)
Persistent organic polutants (POPs) in earthworm ecotoxicology - review (2005)
An attempt to improve benchmarking of changes in biological potential of stressed soils (2005)
POPs in soils in the Czech Republic temporal and spatial trends (2005)
Evaluating the functional diversity of soil microorganisms using the BIOLOG method in situ studies and laboratory tests of toxicity (2004)
Evaluation of functional diversity of soil microbial communities - a case study (2004)
Filling the gaps in ecotoxicological profiles of toxaphene and short chain chlorinated paraffins (2004)
Determination of Methylmercury by Solid-Phase Microextraction Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (2005)
Toxicity and biochemical responses og higher plants after exposure to N-heterocyclic PAHs and their unsubstituted analogues (2005)
Effects of waste coal-poluted sediments and possible causes of intersex occurrence in freshwater crayfish (2005)
Effects of sediments contaminated by waste coal in two freshwater invertebrate species - laboratory coexposure with the mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum and the amphipod Gammarus fossarum (2005)
Mycobacterial Haloalkane Dehalogenases: Cloning, Biochemical Properties and distribution. (2005)
Způsob výroby opticky aktivních halogenalkanů a alkoholů hydrolytickou dehalogenací katalyzovanou halogenalkandehalogenázami (2005)
Způsob detoxikace sulfidického yperitu psobením halogenalkandehalogenázami (2005)
Cyanobacterial water blooms seriously change the structure and biodiversity of phytoplankton assemblages (2005)
SVOD - Information System for Inventive Analysis of Cancer Epidemiology (2005)
Analysis of population cancer risk factors in national information system SVOD (2005)
TRITON Complex System for Surface Water Quality Assesment (2005)
Interactive Information System for Ecotoxicological Tests DATEST 2.0. (2005)
Hodnocení chronických efektů ve vodním prostředí v modelech s měkkýši (2004)
Toxiny sinic v pitných vodách (2005)
Systém hodnocení trofie povrchových vod pomocí fytobentosu (2005)
Vývoj enzymového biosenzoru pro detekci chlorovaných pesticidů (2005)
Navržení Biosenzoru pro detekci chlorovaných pesticidů (2006)
Elektrochemické stanovení chloridů na uhlíkových elektrodách (2006)
Enzymový Biosenzor pro detekci chlorovaných pesticidů (2006)
Persistent organic pollutants in the global environment:Stockholm Convention and problems of its implementation (2002)
Stockholm Convention (2001) on persistent organic pollutants:problems of its implementation. (2002)
Persistent organic pollutants in the global environment: Stockholm Convention (2001) and problems of its implementation. (2002)
PCDDs/Fs contamination of the sorroundings of Spolana Neratovice before and after floods 2002 (2003)
PCDDs/Fs in the vicinity of Spolana Neratovice, Czech Republic (2003)
PCDDs/Fs contamionation of the surroundings of Spolana Neratovice efore and after floods 2002. (2003)
UNIDO/GEF Project on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs Convention) in the Central and Eastern European Countries (2003)
PCDDs/Fs contamination of the surroundings of Spolana Neratovice efore and after floods 2002. (2003)
Stockholm Convention (2001) on persistent organic pollutants and problems of its implementation in the Central-East European Region (2003)
Dioxin as unwanted product in manufacturing 2,4,5-T herbicides in Czechia: Health and environmental problems (2003)
Legal aspects of protecting environment against releases of persistent organic pollutants (2004)
Legal aspects of protection against releases of persistent organic pollutants (2004)
Implementation of the Stockholm Convention (2001) on Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Czech Republic (2005)
Ovlivňuje přítomnost lupus antikoagulans antikoagulační léčbu u pacientů s antifosfolipidovým syndromem? (2005)
Určování zdrojů atmosférických polutantů a problematika zpětných trajektorií vzdušných mas - teoretický přehled (2006)
Pressurised solvent extraction of nitrated derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from roadside dust (2006)
ProCglobal u pacientů s antifosfolipidovými protilátkami. (2005)
Kvalita dat mamografického screeningu v České republice. Zkušenosti z centrálního zpracování dat prvního roku programu (2006)
Přínos různé citlivost aPTT reagencie pro diagnostiku inhibitoru lupus antikoagulans. (2005)
Effects and Induction of Glutathione S-transferase by Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) and C-12 alkane (dodecane) in Xenopus laevis Frog Embryo (2006)
Biodiversity in environmental bioindication: model measures suitable for various biological communities under different type of stress (2005)
Bioaccumulation of mercury in fish tissues: age-adjusted multi-species models for fresh water ecosystems (2005)
Classification of biological communities in biomonitoring programs suggestion of robust solution (2005)
Triton a system for analysis of biomonitoring data and its robust solution for multivariate typology of river localities (2005)
Návrh softwarového systému a robustní statistické metody pro hodnocení ekologického stavu v biomonitoringu povrchových vod (2005)
Treatment with TNFá blocking agents in adult patiens with juvenilie idiopathic arthritis derived from the Czech national registry. (2005)
TNF alfa blocking treatment in adult patiens with juvenilie idiopathic arthritis. Clinical efficacy and safety. (2004)
TNFá blocking therapy in adult patient with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, clinical efficacy and safety (2004)
Určování zdrojů persistentních organických polutantů v atmosféře (2006)
Efekty expozice sinicové biomasy u křepelky japonské (Coturnix coturnix japonica) (2006)
Different fate, extractability, bioavailability and toxicity of phenanthrene in natural and artificial soils (2006)
Bioakumulace microcystinu-LR v rybí tkáni (2006)
Využití pasivních vzorkovačů pro detekci cyanotoxinů v povrchových vodách (2006)
Use of passive samplers in monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins (2006)
Bioaccumulation of microcystin-LR in fish tissue (2006)
Use of passive sampling in monitoring of cyanotoxins in water (2006)
Analýza chlorovaných uhlovodíků s využitím stříbrné a uhlíkové pastové elektrody (2006)
Genotoxicity detection of urban air fractions (2006)
Separation of microcystins by capillary electrochromatography in monolithic columns (2006)
Bioakumulace microcystinu-LR v rybí tkáni spojená s účinky na biochemické úrovni (2006)
Koncentrace microcystinů v ČR - dlouhodobé trendy a sezónní variabilita (2006)
Toxicita vodních květů sinic pro ptáky - experimentální model na křepelkách (2006)
Microcystiny v pitných vodách ČR (2006)
The study of cytotoxcicity and phototoxicity of indocyanine green in vitro (2005)
Toxic effects of cyanobacterial biomass in Japanese quail (2006)
A suggestion of enzymatic biosensor for determination of chlorinated pesticides (2006)
Registry HERCEPTIN a AVASTIN pro monitoring léčby monoklonálními protilátkami (2006)
Vyvoj enzymoveho biosenzoru pro detekci chlorovanych pesticidu (2006)
Can we Monitor Biodiversity as Complex Endpoint for Ecological Risk Assessment? (2006)
Assessment of Ecological State of Surface Waters in ARROW Project: Robust Multivariate Predictive Models (2006)
Current Trends in Environmental Modelling with Uncertainties (2006)
Age dependency and mutual relations in T- and B- lymphocyte abnormalities in CVID patients (2006)
High-throughput characterization of enzymes from genomic and proteomic projects-multivariate statistical approach (2006)
Protein engineering of haloalkane dehalogenase LinB: reconstruction of active site and modification of entrance tunnel (2006)
Enhanced Protonation of Cresol Red in Acidic Aqueous Solutions Caused by Freezing (2006)
Avian toxicity of cyanobacterial water blooms (2006)
Microcystin bioaccumulation and biomarker responses in fish exposed to cyanobacterial blooms (2006)
Toxic effects and oxidative stress in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) exposed to cyanobacterial biomass (2006)
Implementation of Data Sources for Analysis of Obligatory Level of Taxa Determination for Routine Biomonitoring (2006)
Information System of ARROW Project: Assessment of Ecological State of Surface Waters (2006)
Mechanism of toxicity and biological methods for detection of cyanotoxins (2006)
The system for complex monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in the czech republic reservoirs (2006)
The dynamics of Bodícka brána forest vegetation (2006)
Komunikační rámec pro mezinárodní výměnu environmentálních informací (2006)
Screening of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in selected riverine sediments and sludge from the Czech Republic (2006)
Stanovení postupu při realizaci závazků České republiky přijatých na mezinárodních konferencích v oblasti vlivu dopravy na stav životního prostředí (2006)
Expression of Glycosylated Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB in Pichia pastoris. (2006)
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships for Toxicity and Genotoxicity of Halogenated Aliphatic Compounds: Wing Spot Test of Drosophila melanogaster. (2007)
The Identification of Catalytic Pentad in the Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhmA from Mycobacterium avium N85: Reaction Mechanism and Molecular Evolution (2006)
Enzymes Fight Chemicals Weapons. (2006)
Development of biosensor for determination of chlorinated pesticides. (2006)
Engineering of enantioselective enzyme by cumulative mutagenesis. (2006)
A suggestion of enzymatic biosensor for determination of chlorinated pesticides. (2006)
Solvent Isotope Effects on Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB. (2006)
Physical Variables as a Control of Enzyme Stereoselectivity (2006)
Engineering of Enantioselective Haloalkane Dehalogenase by Cumulative Mutagenesis (2006)
Discovery of Stereoselective Haloalkane Dehalogenases: New Tool for Asymmetric Syntheses. (2006)
Expression of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB in Pichia pastoris (2006)
Development of Enzymatic Biosensor for Determination of Chlorinated Pesticides (2006)
Řízení stereoselektivity enzymu fyzikálně-chemickými parametry (2006)
Natural and Engineered Enantioselective Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2006)
Structure-Based Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenase (2006)
Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhaA from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 Towards Higher Enantioselectivity (2006)
The stereoselectivity and Conformational Stability of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110: The Effect of Temperature and pH (2006)
Toxicity of complex cyanobacterial samples and their fractions in Xenopus laevis embryos and the role of microcystins (2006)
Informační potřeby státní správy, nezávislých organizací, podniků, škol a veřejnosti v oblasti životního prostředí (2006)
Methods for genotoxicological assessment (2005)
GFP assay as a sensitive eukaryotic screening model to detect toxic and genotoxic activity of azaarenes. (2005)
Hodnocení organického znečištění ovzduší: případová studie městského ovzduší v Sarajevu a Tuzle (Bosna a Hercegovina) (2005)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
Fragmenty lužného lesa v poľnohospodárskej krajine na modelovom území Pomoravia (2006)
Classification of terrestrial molluscan communities in the middle-danubian alluvial woodland (SW Slovakia) (2006)
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Czech Republic (2006)
Photochemical properties of a potential photosensitiser indocyanine green in vitro (2006)
Using nematodes in soil ecotoxicology (2006)
Road transport influence to nearby soils – chemical and biological assessment (2006)
Monitoring of microbial parameters of fluvisols in the Czech Republic (2006)
Effects of toxaphene on soil microorganisms in laboratory incubation test (2006)
Comparison of toxic effects of PAHs and their N-heterocyclic analogues to enchytraeid Enchytraeus crypticus (2006)
Toxicity of selected priority persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to soil springtail Folsomia candida (2006)
Effects of selected organic pollutants to soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (2006)
Efekt chlorovaného parafínu s krátkým řetězcem na půdní organismy (2006)
Vliv zimního solení na půdní mikrobiální společenstva kolem komunikací (2006)
Summary of available knowledge on POPs toxicity in earthworm ecotoxicology (2006)
Comparison of two nematode species – Caenorhabditis elegans and Acoboloides nanus in tests in three media with acridine and hexachlorobenzene (2006)
Star plots to display and simplify evaluation of soil microbial properties for monitoring projects (2006)
SOILETOX - Effects of priority persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on soil organisms (2006)
Effects of selected pesticides and organic substrates on long-term respiration of soil microbial community (2006)
Toxicity of four polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (PANHs) to soil organisms (2006)
Effects of sewage sludge from Prague wastewater treatment plant on soil organisms (2006)
Comparison of toxicity of selected organic pollutants on two soil nematode species (2006)
Oxidative stress in enchytraeidae (E. albidus, E. crypticus) - Establishment and optimalization of methods (2006)
Effect of traffic on survival and reproduction of enchytraeid Enchytraeus crypticus in soils near belt highways (2006)
Relating properties of PAHs and aza-PAHs to their toxic effects on Enchytraeus crypticus (2006)
Effects of selected priority persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on soil organisms (2006)
The impact of cattle pasturage on small annelids (Annelida: Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) in grasslands of the White Carpathians (Czech Republic) (2006)
The impact of cattle pasture on small annelids (Annelida: Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) in grasslands of the White Carpathians (Czech Republic) (2004)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
Environmental Management Systems and Sustainable Development in the Practice of Czech Companies (2006)
Environmental Accounting in the Czech Republic (2006)
Contribution of ICTs to the Environmental and Human Risk (2006)
Exploring the natural role of microcystins - a review of effects on photoautotrophic organisms (2006)
Evaluation of extraction approaches linked with HPLC and ELISA for analyses of microcystin-LR, -RR and -YR in freshwater sediments with variable organic material content. (2006)
GFP assay as a sensitive eukaryotic screening model to detect toxic and genotoxic activity of azaarenes. (2006)
Activation of Ah receptor by pure humic acids. (2006)
Alteration of steroidogenesis in H295R cells by organic sediment contaminants and relationships to other endocrine disrupting effects. (2006)
The 5th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality "Reservoirs - establishing the balance between human use and biotic integrity" (2006)
"Cyanobacterial water blooms: effects, consequences and management" - satellite workshop to RESLIM 5 (2006)
Toxicity and modulations of biomarkers in Xenopus laevis embryos exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their N-heterocyclic derivatives. (2006)
Anthracene, chrysene, their nitro- and methyl-derivatives photostability in isooctane. (2006)
Passive air sampler as a tool for long-term air pollution monitoring: Part 2. Air genotoxic potency screening assessment. (2006)
Oxidation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons by OH radicals photochemically generated from H2O2 in ice. (2006)
Quaternary benzo[c]phenathridine alkaloids sanguinarine and chelerythrine do not affect transcriptional activity of aryl hydrocarbon receptor: Analyses in rat hepatoma cell line H4IIE.luc. (2006)
Effects of N-heterocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbons on survival, reproduction, and biochemical parameters in Daphnia magna. (2006)
The H295R system for evaluation of endocrine-disrupting effects. (2006)
Passive air sampling for persistent organic pollutants: Introductory remarks to the special issue. (2006)
Enhanced protonation of cresol red in acidic aqueous solutions caused by freezing. (2006)
Passive air sampler as a tool for long-term air pollution monitoring: Part 1. Performance assessment for seasonal and spatial variations. (2006)
Contamination of some reservoirs and lakes in Republic of Bulgaria by microcystins. (2006)
Screening of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in selected riverine sediments and sludge from the Czech Republic. (2006)
Analytical method for the determination of chlorinated paraffins in environmental samples using GC-ECNI-ion trap-MS. (2006)
Pressurised solvent extraction of nitrated derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from roadside dust. (2006)
Experimental studies of environmental processes: A practical course in environmental chemistry. (2006)
Initiative for an International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP). (2006)
Determination of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere and their influence on ozone formation. (2006)
Using nematodes in soil ecotoxicology. (2006)
Cytotoxicity and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Activity of N-heterocyclic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Structure-Activity Relationships. (2006)
Seasonal shifts in chemotype composition of Microcystis sp. communities in the pelagial and the sediment of a shallow reservoir (2007)
Metodické možnosti hodnocení zdravotních rizik na populační úrovni s využitím dostupných environmentálních a epidemiologických dat (2007)
Vyhodnocení dálkového transportu persistentních organických polutantů pro regionální observatoř Košetice (2007)
Investigation of air concentrations, trends and long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants (2005)
Vliv půdních vlastností na chování roupic (Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus) v Avoidance testech (2007)
Predictive Modeling of Biological Communities in Biomonitoring Network: Case Study of ARROW Project of WFD EU Implementation in the Czech Republic (2007)
Type Specific and Multi-Metric Model for Evaluation of Ecological State of Surface Waters: Case Study of ARROW Project of WFD EU Implementation in the Czech Republic (2007)
Redistribution of Organic Pollutants in River Sediments and Alluvial Soils Related to Major Floods (2007)
Assessment of retinoic toxicity in several types of complex environmental samples using P19/A15 cell line (2006)
Model pro hodnocení endokrinně-disruptivního potenciálu xenobiotik na úrovni steroidogeneze (2006)
Effects of cyanobacterial biomass on the Japanese quail (2007)
Assessment of retinoic activity in fly ash and air samples from polluted areas using P19/A15 cell line (2007)
Role of oxidative stress in embryotoxicity and teratogenesis in FETAX test (2007)
Effect of different cyanobacterial biomasses and their fractions with variable microcystin content on embryonal development of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). (2007)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on growth of planctonic photoautotrophs (2007)
AhR-mediated and antiestrogenic activity of humic substances (2007)
Využití nového in vitro modelu ke studiu vlivů vybraných environmentálních kontaminantů na retinoidní signálování (2006)
Bioassays as an important tool for evalution of specific toxicity mechanisms of complex environmental mixtures (2006)
Biodegraded petrogenetic substances in billlabong sediments as evidenced by molecular fossils (2006)
Endocrine disruptive and dioxin-like activity of the traffic-contaminated soil of samples (2006)
Modulations of sex determination and reproduction in daphnia magna exposed to endocrine disruptive contaminants (2006)
Extraction efficacy and analyses of multiple cyanobacterial toxins in environmental samples and drinking waters (2006)
The tools for complex analytical and toxicological assessment af cyanobacterial toxins in contaminated waters (2006)
Aktivita dioxinového typu u modelových směsí polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků (2007)
Interference of N-heterocyclic PAHs with signaling of retinoids (2007)
Dioxinová aktivita huminových kyselin a jejich fotodegradačních produktů (2006)
Decrease of humic acids AhR mediated activity after irradiation (2006)
Changes of AhR-mediated activity of humic substances after irradiation (2007)
Evaluation of ecotoxicological risk of sediment contaminated with waste coal using the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum as test organism (2006)
Ecotoxicological evaluation of sediments contaminated by waste coal by in vivo end in vitro bioassays (2006)
Assessment of endocrine disrupto chemicals in contaminated sediments: integrations of in vitro, in vivo and in situ studies (2006)
Can microcystins affect growth and antioxidative and detoxification mechanism of green algae? (2007)
Passive air sampling for assessment of ecological and human health risk potential (2007)
Cyanobacterial toxins in the reservoirs of the czech Republic:concentrations, trends and risk assessment (2007)
Redistribution of organic pollutants in river sediments and alluvial soils related to major floods (2007)
Comparative assessment of reproductive toxicity of contaminated freshwater sediments by in vitro biotests and in vivo assays with invertebrate species (2007)
Pakomáři rodu Chironomus jako modelový organismus v ekotoxikologii (2007)
ET-AAS determination of aluminium after flow injection solvent extraction (2006)
Intersex occurrence in freshwater crustacean Pontastacus leptodactylus in the Czech Republic - biology and environmental factors (2004)
Temporal vs. spatial variations in concentrations of compounds with specific modes of action in river sediment samples (2007)
Reprodukční toxicita uhelných kalů z Ostravsko-Karvinska: chronická expozice sedimentů s písečníkem novozélandským (Prosobranchia, Gastropoda, Mollusca) (2007)
Comparative asessment of reproductive toxicity of contaminated freshwater sediments by in vivo biotests with Potamopyrgus antipodarum and in vitro assays (2007)
ARROW - Assessment of ecological state of surface waters in the Czech Republic (2007)
The Identification of Catalytic Pentad in the Haloalkane Dehalogenase DhmA from Mycobacterium avium N85: Reaction Mechanism and Molecular Evolution (2007)
Využití molekulárně diagnostických a typizačních metod pro identifikaci bakterií rodu Lactobacillus ve sbírce Laktoflora (2007)
Kumulace a biotransformace těžkých kovů sinicemi (2007)
Model of the evaluation of ecological state of surface waters in the Czech Republic: The Arrow project for the implementation of the WFD EU (2007)
System for monitoring and analysis of the environmental data (2007)
Effect of habitat on Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla nest predation in the absence of corvid predators (2007)
Biodiversity: a Principle of Life in the Hands of Computational Science (2007)
Species-Abundance Diversity: from Biodiversity Indices to Multivariate Analyses and Computer-Assisted Simulations (2007)
Multivariate Analyses of Diversity Data for Community Ecology (2007)
Data Analysis and Processing of Biomonitoring Data in the ARROW Project for the Evaluation of Ecological Status of Surface Waters in the Czech Republic According to WFD EU (2007)
Database Solution for Cyanobacterial Bloom Management (2007)
Allelopathy of Planktonic Cyanobacteria (2006)
Preoperative Radiotherapy and Concomitant Capecitabine Treatment Induce Thymidylate Synthase and Thymidine Phosphorylase mRNAs in Rectal Carcinoma (2007)
Effects of Aqueous Extracts from Five Species of the Family Papaveraceae on Selected Aquatic Organisms (2007)
Record of river contamination in modern oxbow lake deposits (Czech Republic): Depositional architecture and sediment contamination (2007)
Modern sedimentary bodies in realigned channel of the river Morava (Czech Republic): The fate of toxic contaminants (2007)
Proposal of Interoperability Framework of the Czech Republic in Environmental Information Exchange (2007)
Data Analysis and Processing of Biomonitoring Data in the Arrow Project for the Evaluation of Ecological State of Surface Waters in the Czech Republic According to WFD EU (2007)
Density-dependent habitat selection in nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos C. L. Brehm) in selected windbreaks of SW Slovakia (2007)
Structure and function of weevil assemblages (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) in epigeon of oak-hornbeam forests in SW Slovakia (2005)
Toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass in birds. (2007)
Effects of co-exposure of Japanese quails to cyanobacterial biomass, lead amd immunological challenge (2007)
Assemblage structure and altitudinal distribution of lady beetles (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in the mountain spruce forests of Poľana Mountains, the West Carpathians (2007)
Characterization of Haloalkane Dehalogenases DrbA and DmbC: Representatives of Novel Subfamily. (2009)
Degradation of Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane by Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Hexachlorocyclohexane-Utilizing Bacterium Sphingobium sp. MI1205 (2007)
Weak Activity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB with 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Revealed by X-ray Crystallography and Microcalorimetry (2007)
Degradation of 4 Nitroguaiacol and Other Nitroaromatic Compounds by Strains of Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus. (2007)
Enzymatic reaction coupled with flow-injection analysis with charged aerosol, coulometric, or amperometric detection for estimation of contamination of the environment by pesticides (2008)
Degradation of 4 Nitroguaiacol and Other Nitroaromatic Compounds by Strains of Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus. (2008)
Stereoselectivity and Conformational Stability of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110: The effect of temperature and pH (2007)
Haloalkane Dehalogenases Possess Two Different Structural Bases for Their Enantioselectivity (2007)
Comparative Binding Energy (COMBINE) Analysis of the Substrate Specificity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110. (2007)
Keyhole-Lock-Key Model of Enzymatic Catalysis: Engineering of Tunnels in Proteins with Buried Active Sites (2007)
Změna enantioselektivity a substrátové specifity haloalkan dehalogenázy proteinovým inženýrstvím (2007)
Comparative Binding Energy Analysis of Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 (2007)
Development of Enzymatic Biosensors for Detection of Halogenated Environmental Pollutants (2007)
Stereoselektivita a konformační stabilita halogenalkan dehalogenázy DbjA z Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, (2007)
Využití enzymů ve farmaceutických výrobách (2007)
Enzymatic Detoxification of Sulfur Mustard by Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2007)
LinB Enzyme for Detection of Chlorinated Pesticides- Suggestion Design of a New Biosensor (2007)
Diverzita a dynamika lesného porastu na vybranej trvalej ploche na Podunajskej nížine (2007)
Outcomes of Repeated Exposure of the Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) to Cyanobacteria Extract (2004)
Informační systém pro analytické zpracování dat Národního onkologického registru - projekt SVOD v roce 2006 (2007)
Deregulation of cell proliferation by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells reflects both genotoxic and nongenotoxic events (2005)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons modulate cell proliferation in rat hepatic epithelial stem-like WB-F344 cells (2004)
Dose response curves data processing (2007)
Effects of metazachlor on vitellogenin induction in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2007)
Metodologické možnosti hodnocení zdravotních rizik na populační úrovni s využitím dostupných environmentálních dat a epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů v ČR (2007)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2007)
Přístupnost webových stránek orgánů státní správy (2007)
Klinický význam 18-F-FDG-pozitronové emisní tomografie u folikulárního lymfomu (2007)
The course of diagnosis of autistic patients: the delay between recognition of the first symptoms by parents and correct diagnosis (2007)
Alergologie (2007)
Selekcia prostredia hniezdiacimi druhmi v prostredí NPR Osobitá, Západné Tatry (2007)
Webový portál SVOD: epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů v České republice v on-line dostupných analýzách (2007)
Biomarkery oxidativního stresu a detoxikace v roupicích - pilotní studie (2007)
Assessing meteorological parameters on the performance of PUF disks passive air samplers for POPs. (2008)
An assessment of air-soil exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides across Central and Southern Europe. (2008)
Photochemical degradation of PCBs in snow. (2007)
Effects of seven organic pollutants on soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (2007)
Effects of toxaphene on soil organisms (2007)
Effects of short chain chlorinated paraffins on soil organisms (2007)
Persistent organic pollutants in soils and sediments from James Ross Island (2008)
Vliv vybraných pesticidů na nitrifikační a respirační aktivitu půdních mikroorganismů (2007)
Post-war levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in air from Serbia determined by active and passive sampling methods. (2007)
A combined approach to the evaluation of organic air pollution - A case study of urban air in Sarajevo and Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina). (2007)
Are the residents of former Yugoslavia still exposed to elevated PCB levels due to the Balkan wars? Part 1: Air sampling in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Hercegovina. (2007)
Are the residents of former Yugoslavia still exposed to elevated PCB levels due to the Balkan wars? Part 2: Passive air sampling network. (2007)
Polymer selection for passive sampling: a comparison of critical properties. (2007)
Trends in background levels of persistent organic pollutants at Kosetice observatory, Czech Republic. Part I. Ambient air and wet deposition 1988-2005. (2007)
Trends in background levels of persistent organic pollutants at Kosetice observatory, Czech Republic. Part II. Aquatic and terrestric environments 1988-2005. (2007)
Source aportionment of atmospheric PAHs in the western Balkans by natural abundance radiocarbon analysis. (2007)
Photochemically induced nitration and hydroxylation of organic aromatic compounds in the presence of nitrate or nitrite in ice. (2007)
Residues of organochlorinated pesticides in soils from the Czech Republic. (2007)
Evaluation of genotoxic and non-genotoxic effects of organic air pollution using in vitro bioassays (2007)
POPs air studies in Central and Southeastern Europe (RECETOX Activities) (2007)
Determination of D- and L-amino acids produced by cyanobacteria using gas chromatography on Chirasil-Val after derivatization with pentafluoropropyl chloroformate (2007)
Spatial and temporal trends of global, regional and local POPs distribution (2008)
Hodnocení časoprostorových trendů zdravotních rizik s využitím pasivního vzorkování volného ovzduší (2007)
Usefulness of three SOS-response tests for genotoxicity detection. (2007)
Influence of hydrodynamics on sediment ecotoxicity (2007)
Multiple Stressors for the Environment: Present and Future Challenges and Perspectives (2007)
Isolation and endotoxin activities of lipopolysaccharides from cyanobacterial cultures and complex water blooms and comparison with effects of heterotrophic bacteria and green alga (2008)
Concentrations and seasonal trends of extracellular microcystins in freshwaters of the Czech Republic - results of the national monitoring program (2007)
Effects of Different Oxygen Saturation on Activity of Complex Biomass and Aqueous Crude Extract of Cyanobacteria During Embryonal Development in Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2007)
Chromosomal Aberrations in Early Embryos of Weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis L.) Exposed to Crude Cyanobacterial Extract and Semipurified Compound of Microcystins, a Pilot Study (2007)
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase by tumor-promoting organic Peroxides and protection by resveratrol (2007)
Ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of cytostatic pharmaceuticals (2007)
Cena akademie věd ČR pro mladé vědecké pracovníky za vynikající výsledky vědecké práce "Vodní květy sinic a cyanotoxiny v nádržích ČR - trendy a nové mechanismy toxicity" (2007)
Publikace biografie v "Who is Who v České republice". (2007)
ní modulace způsobené kontaminovanými sedimenty pomocí sady in vitro biotestů (2007)
Identifikace a výskyt cyanobacteriálního toxinu cylindrospermopsinu ve vodách v ČR (2007)
Akumulace microcystinu v rybách a hodnocení souvisejících zdravotních rizik (2007)
AhR-zprostředkovaná aktivita huminových látek a jejich fotodegradačních produktů (2007)
Využití pasivních vzorkovačů pro detekci cyanotoxinů v povrchových vodách (2007)
Long-term monitoring of fluvisols in Zlín region, Czech Republic (2007)
Konference OVZDUŠÍ 2007 (2007)
Workshop on EU 7th Framework Programme Projects related to air contamination, modelling and toxicology (2007)
Pracovní workshop ke koordinaci Národního monitoringu Toxických Sinic v ČR (2007)
3rd Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2007 (2007)
"From field to lab" and "from lab to field": chemical analyses, in vitro and in vivo bioassays in the study of endocrine disruptive effects observed in situ (2007)
Cena prof. RNDr. Vladimíra Sládečka, DrSc. (2007)
Toxiny sinic v ČR: Nové poznatky o vlivech na lidské zdraví a ekosystémy (celkem 6 přednášek, schůze Československé Společnosti Biologické, pobočka Brno, 17. ledna 2007) (2007)
Microcystin kinetics (bioaccumulation and elimination) and biochemical responses in common carp (cyprinus carpio) and silver carp (hypophthalmichthys molitrix) exposed to toxic cyanobacterial blooms (2007)
Selective effects of H2O2 on cyanobacterial photosynthesis (2007)
Srovnání účinnosti osmi biologicky rozložitelných algicidních přípravků (2007)
Photodynamic therapy against cyanobacteria (2007)
Microcystin kinetics (bioaccumulation, elimination) and biochemical responses in common carp and silver carp exposed to toxic cyanobacterial blooms (2007)
New approach to monitoring cyanotoxins in water (2007)
TIES2007, 18th annual meeting of the International Environmetrics Society (2007)
Extraction of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles from spiked soil samples (2007)
Akumulace a eliminace microcystinů v rybách (Cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) a hodnocení biomarkerů po expozici sinicovou biomasou (2007)
Ovlivnění nutriční hodnoty svaloviny kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio) a tolstolobika bílého (Hyphophthalmichthys molitrix) cyanobakteriemi (2007)
Akumulace a eliminace microcystinů v rybách (Cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) a hodnocení biomarkerů po expozici sinicovou biomasou (2007)
Clean-up of Extracts for Nitrated Derivatives of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Analyses Prior to their Gas Chromatography Determination (2007)
The study of properties of HPLC determination of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (2007)
HPLC separation, detection and Quatification of polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles (2007)
The application of a steady and unsteady state environmental distribution models on environmental concentrations of PAHs measured in Košetice station between 1996 and 2004 (2007)
Selection of indicative species for evaluation of ecological state: Case study on benthic macroinvertebrates focused on Random forest method (2007)
Ekotoxicita a genotoxicita vybraných protinádorových léčiv (2007)
Hodnocení zdravotních rizik spojených s přípravou cytostatik - propustnost ochranných rukavic pro vybraná léčiva (2007)
Data mining ve výuce klinických a zdravotnických oborů. (2007)
The ARROW project: implementation of WFD ES demands in evaluation of ecological state of surface waters in the Czech Republic. (2007)
Predictive Modeling of Biological Communities in Biomonitoring Network: Case Study of ARROW: The Arrow project for the implementation of the WFD EU. (2007)
The evaluation of ecological status of surface waters in the ARROW project: implementation of the WFD in the Czech Republic. (2007)
ET-AAS determination of aluminium in dialysis concentrates after continuous flow solvent extraction (2007)
Selected Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (Vinclozolin, Flutamide, Ketoconazole and Dicofol): Effects on Survival, Occurrence of Males, Growth, Molting and Reproduction of Daphnia magna (2007)
Endocrine regulation of the reproduction in crustaceans: Identification of potential targets for toxicants and environmental contaminants (2008)
Vegetace České republiky 1. Travinná a keříčková společenstva (2007)
Modulation of steroidogenic gene expression and hormone production of H295R cells by pharmaceuticals and other environmentally active compounds (2007)
Compounds with specific modes of action in river sediment samples - temporal and spatial variations also in relation to floods. (2007)
Flood-related redistribution of organic pollutants in river sediments and alluvial soils (2007)
Linkages among land-use, water quality, physical habitat conditions and selected macroinevertebrate assemblages of the Hron River (Slovakia) (2007)
Klinický význam 18F-FDG-pozitronové emisní tomografie u folikulárního lymfomu (2007)
The composition and richness of Danubian floodplain forest land snail faunas in relation to forest type and flood frequency (2008)
Věda a příroda (2007)
Testy únikového chování s půdními bezobratlými (2008)
Regional integrated background monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) - the Central European trends and background levels based on the results of the long-term monitoring in Kosetice observatory, Czech Republic, 1988-2005 (2007)
Limnology of streams in the Poloniny National Park (the East Carpathians, Slovakia) (2007)
Tracing historical record of river contamination in deposits of modern oxbow lake; River Morava (Danube Catchment), Czech Republic (2008)
aro Mutations in Salmonella enterica Cause Defects in Cell Wall and Outer Membrane Integrity (2008)
Organic Pollutant Contamination of the River Tichá Orlice as Assessed by Biochemical Markers (2008)
Diverzita fragmentov lužných lesov na modelových územiach juhozápadného Slovenska (2007)
Kinetics of biomarkers, bioaccumulation and elimination of peptide toxins microcystions in different freshwater fish species (2008)
Zajištění a nabídka výuky analýzy dat a aplikace moderních informačních technologií pro Lékařskou fakultu MU a biologické obory Přírodovědecké fakulty MU (2005)
Hypercoagulation during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass detected with thromboelastography (2007)
Humic Substances: Part 2: Interactions with Organisms (2008)
Award of Excellence - Best Poster Presentation, in: 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment - ISTA12, 12-17/6/2005, Greece, Skiathos Island (2005)
Fate and behaviour of phenanthrene in natural and artificial soils (2008)
The development of phenanthrene catabolism in natural and artificial soils (2008)
Relating properties of PAHs and aza-PAHs to their toxic effects on Enchytraeus crypticus (2007)
Effect of traffic on survival and reproduction of enchytraeid Enchytraeus crypticus in soils near belt highways (2007)
Biomarkers of oxidative stress and detoxification in Enchytraeidae - pilot study (2007)
Distant source areas contributing to persistent organic pollutants in air at a European background monitoring station (2008)
Sampling rate: relation with hydrophobicity in passive sampling (2008)
Kosetice, Czech Republic. Ten years of air pollution monitoring and four years of evaluating the origin of persistent organic pollutants (2008)
Protein Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases: Towards the Change of Reaction Mechanism (2008)
Development of Enzyme Biosensors for Detection of Toxic Halogenated Compounds (2008)
Semi-Rational Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases DHAA Towards Improved Activity with 1,2-Dichloroethane (2008)
Quantitative Comparison of Binding Sites within the Protein Family of Haloalkane Dehalogenases, (2008)
Characterization of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DmbC from Mycobacterium tubercul.sis H37Rv, (2008)
Hypercoagulation during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass detected with thromboelastography (2008)
Zooplankton in a Danube River Arm near Rusovce (Slovakia) (2008)
Stanovení chemických forem rtuti plynovou a kapalinovou chromatografií s detekcí atomovou fluorescenční spektrometrií (2007)
Stanovení methylrtuti ve svalovině ryb pomocí GC-AFS (2007)
Determination of methylmercury in fish muscle by GC-AFS (2007)
Workshop on Humic substances (2007)
Workshop on EU 7th Framework Programme Projects, cooperation with Italy (2007)
Pracovní workshop - koordinace Národního monitoringu Toxických Sinic v ČR (2007)
Comparison of mercury distribution between liver and muscle: a biomonitoring of fish from lightly and heavily contaminated localities (2008)
The EUROclass trial: defining subgroups in common variable immunodeficiency. (2008)
ICT Tools For Environmental And Human Risk Assessment (2008)
Development of an Information System for the Administration of Environmental Monitoring Data (2008)
Ecotoxicity of three types of solid waste on enchytraeids in the reproduction and avoidance tests (2008)
Avoidance behaviour of Enchytraeus albidus induced by carbendazim in relation to exposure time and ageing of soil contamination (2008)
Covalent bonding of azoles to quaternary protoberberine alkaloids (2008)
Factors influencing health status and disability of patients with ankylosing spondylitis in the Czech Republic (2008)
Evidence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Rickettsia helvetica infection in free-ranging ungulates in central Slovakia (2008)
Effects of Conditional IPT-Dependent Cytokinin Overproduction on Root Architecture of Arabidopsis Seedlings (2008)
Sensitivity analysis of RecA genotoxicity test (2008)
Baseline levels of selected biochemical markers in Enchytraeus crypticus (2008)
Chamomile sensitivity to Cd and Zn application (2008)
Chlorobenzenes. Still not well understood (2008)
Trends, Ferntransport und atmosphaerischer Abbau von DDT in und ueber Mitteleuropa (2008)
Effects of Subchronic Exposure to LASSO MTX_ (Alachlor 42% W/V) on Hematological Indices and Histology of the Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio L. (2008)
Toxicity of four nitrogen-heterocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs) to soil organisms (2008)
Speciation of selenoamino acids in Se-enriched green algae by HPLC-ICP-MS (2008)
Inženýrství stereoselektivity enzymů pro aplikace biokatalýzy (2008)
Modulation of Enantioselectivity in Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA by Engineering of a Surface Loop (2008)
Thermodynamic Analysis of Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA and its Variants DbjA and DbjA+H139A towards Brominated Esters and substituted Bromoalkanes (2008)
Oxytetracycline Assay in Pond Sediment (2008)
Automatizace přípravy dat pro modelování imisí některých PAHs z dopravy pomocí GIS v rámci rozptylové studie provedené rozptylovým modelem SYMOS´97 pro město Valašské Meziříčí (2008)
A determination of metallothionein in larvae of freshwater midges (Chironomus riparius) using Brdicka reaction (2008)
Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight proteomic profiling of breast carcinomas identifies clinicopathologically relevant groups of patients similar to previously defined clusters from cDNA expression (2008)
Špecializované informačné technológie v prírodovednom výskume: Mnohorozmerné štatistické analýzy v biológii (2008)
Comparison of three methods for phytobenthos quantification (2006)
Comparison of three methods for phytobenthos quantification (2006)
Atlas fytobentosu (2008)
iEMSs 2008: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Workshop 12: ICT Tools For Environmental And Human Risk Assessment (2008)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Summer School on Computational Biology (2007)
Proceedings of the 4th International Summer School on Computational Biology (2008)
Effects of the herbicide LASSO MTX (alachlor 42% W/V) on biometric parameters and liver biomarkers in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2009)
Mapping of lead, magnesium and copper accumulation in plant tissues by LA-ICP-MS and LIBS (2009)
Užití moderních ICT při řešení problémů environmentálních distribučních modelů (2008)
Solving problems in the environmental distribution models using modern IT (2008)
Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphic variants predispose to the development of bronchopulmonary complications but have no influence on other clinical and laboratory symptoms or signs of common variable immunodeficiency (2008)
Application of an unsteady state environmental distribution model to a decadal time series of PAH concentrations in Central Europe (2009)
Predictive spatial modelling of POPs background concentrations in the area of Czech Republic (2008)
The structured storage of oncological chemoterapeutic regimens (2008)
Determination of capsidiol in tobacco cells culture by HPLC (2010)
Recent trends of persistent organic pollutants in air in central Europe. Air monitoring in combination with air mass trajectory statistics as a tool to study the effectivity of regional chemical policy (2009)
Internet-based system for anti-tumor chemotherapy evaluation (2009)
Zavedení testů únikového chování s půdními kroužkovci (Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus, Eisenia fetida) na území ČR – pilotní studie (2009)
Kontaktní testy toxicity v odpadovém hospodářství (2009)
MSMAD: a computationally efficient method for the analysis of noisy array CGH data (2009)
Leeches as Sensor-bioindicators of River Contamination by PCBs (2009)
Using Supercritical Fluid Extractions to measure the desorption and bioavailability of phenanthrene in soils (2008)
Effects of road deicing salts on soil microorganisms (2008)
Changes in the photosynthetic activity of Microcystis colonies after gut passage through Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) (2008)
Growth assays with mixed cultures of cyanobacteria and algae assessed by in vivo fluorescence: One step closer to real ecosystems? (2008)
Can physicochemical and microbial soil properties explain enantiomeric shifts of chiral organochlorines? (2008)
Field calibration of polyurethane foam (PUF) disk passive air samplers for PCBs and OC pesticides (2008)
Analyses of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins, cylindrospermopsins) in the reservoirs of the Czech Republic and evaluation of health risks (2008)
Algicidal Activity of Phthalocyanines-Screening of 31 Compounds (2008)
Analytické stanovení významných "tradičních" i "nových" cyanotoxinů. (2008)
"Tradiční" a "nové" cyanotoxiny ve vodách Č.R. (2008)
Application of passive sampler for monitoring of POPs in ambient air - Part I: Model monitoring network in the Czech Republic (MONET_CZ), 2006 (2007)
Lipopolysacharidy sinic, jejich stanovení a související toxicita (2008)
Application of passive sampler for monitoring of POPs in ambient air - Part II: Pilot study for development of the monitoring network in the Cetral and Eastern Europe (MONET_CEEC), 2006 (2007)
Možnosti ošetření vodního sloupce nádrží chemickými prostředky (2008)
Application of passive sampler for monitoring of POPs in ambient air - Part V: Pilot study for development of the monitoring network in the Cetral and Eastern Europe (MONET_CEEC), 2007 (2008)
Application of passive sampler for monitoring of POPs in ambient air - Part VI: Pilot study for development of the monitoring network in the Africa (MONET_AFRICA), 2008 (2008)
Reactive oxygen species against cyanobacteria (2008)
Physiological effects of humic substances - danger or benefit? (2008)
Cylindrospermopsin-nový alkaloidní toxin produkovaný sinicemi v ČR - toxikologie a analýzy (2008)
Monitoring toxických sinic ve vodárenských nádržích ČR - tradiční a nové toxiny sinic (výsledky sledování z let 1993 - 2008) (2009)
Výsledky mezilaboratorních porovnávacích zkoušek pro stanovení microcystinů (2009)
The first occurrence of the cyanobacterial alkaloid toxin cylindrospermopsin in the Czech Republic as determined by immunochemical and LC/MS methods (2009)
How much do we know about the POPs in Africa? MONET_AFRICA - Development of the air monitoring of POPs (2008)
Exploring the ways how contaminated soils affect a global fate and cycling of POPs -- conceptual approach (2008)
Atmospheric POP levels and trends in various geographic and climatic conditions derived from passive air sampling (2008)
Mineralogical, chemical and toxicological characterization of the urban air particles (2008)
Quantitative assessment of the effects of chemicals on steroidogenic enzymes in the H295R cell line using real-time quantitative PCR (2004)
Quantitative RT-PCR methods for evaluating toxicant-induced effects on steroidogenesis using the H295R cell line. (2005)
Biochemical parameters in Tubifex tubifex as an integral part of complex sediment toxicity assessment. (2008)
Detecting AhR ligands in sediments using bioluminescent reporter yeast. (2008)
Biliary 1-hydroxypyrene as a biomarker of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish (2008)
Endocrine effects of contaminated sediments on the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum in vivo and in the cell bioassays in vitro (2008)
Disruption of retinoid transport, metabolism and signaling by environmental pollutants (2008)
Interference of PAHs and their N-heterocyclic analogs with signaling of retinoids. (2008)
Interference with hormonal signaling and dioxin-like activity elicited by pollutants in particulate and gaseous air fractions (2009)
Detoxification and oxidative stress responses along with microcystins accumulation in Japanese quail exposed to cyanobacterial biomass. (2008)
Gas/particle partitioning and global distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a modelling approach (2009)
Mass budgets and contribution of individual sources and sinks to the abundance of alpha-HCH, gamma-HCH and PCB-153 in the North Sea (2008)
A novel approach for monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins: development and evaluation of the passive sampler for microcystins (2008)
Akumulace microcystinů v rybách a potravních řetězcích (2008)
Effects of co-exposure to cyanobacterial biomass, lead and immunological challenge in Japanese quails (2008)
Limnologické základy moderních projektů omezení masového rozvoje vodních květů sinic (2008)
Morfologie, ekologie a současné rozšíření toxické invazivní sinice Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (2008)
Global fate and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted from Europe and RussiaGlobal fate and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted from Europe and Russia (2007)
Nový přístup ke sledování microcystinů ve vodě - vývoj a optimalizace pasivního vzorkovače (2008)
Virioplankton and microbial communities in two Czech rivers (Svratka and Morava River) (2008)
Praktické zkušenosti s omezováním rozvoje vodních květů sinic (2009)
Combined exposure to hydrogen peroxide and light - selective effects on cyanobacteria, green algae, and diatoms (2008)
Contamination of some reservoirs and lakes in Republic of Bulgaria by microcystins (2007)
Detection and estimation of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in raw water at the drinking water treatment plant by in vivo fluorescence method (2007)
Představení dvou systémů pro detekci cyanobakterií a jejich toxinů v surové vodě (2007)
Vliv toxinů sinic - microcystinů - na růst a biomarkery u fytoplanktonních organismů (2007)
Levels of persistent organic pollutants in air in China and over the Yellow Sea (2007)
Microcystin toxicity in green alga-oxidative stress and the role of komplex mixtures in cyanobacterial cells (2008)
Evolution of anthropogenic aerosols in the coastal town of Salina Cruz, Mexico: Part III Size-segregated elemental composition analyzed by total-reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (2007)
Multicompartmental fate of persistent substances: Comparison of predictions from multi-media box models and a multicompartment chemistry-atmospheric transport model (2007)
Impact of the regional climate and substance properties on the fate and atmospheric long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants - examples of DDT and gamma-HCH (2006)
A fate and transport ocean model for persistent organic pollutants and its application for the North Sea (2006)
Evolution of anthropogenic aerosols in the coastal town of Salina Cruz, Mexico: Part II Particulate phase chemistry (2006)
Evolution of anthropogenic aerosols in the coastal town of Salina Cruz, Mexico; Part I Particle dynamics and land-sea interactions (2006)
Pico-droplets generated by inkjet printers used for the calibration of ambient aerosols analysis by synchrotron radiation excited total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (SR-TXRF) (2006)
Heavy metals in air of an eastern China coastal urban area and atmospheric deposition to the Yellow Sea (2006)
Bestimmung des Ferntransports von persistenten organischen Spurenstoffen und der Umweltexposition mittels Modelluntersuchungen (2006)
When one chip is not enough: Augmenting the validity of SELDI-TOF proteomic profiles of clinical specimens (2009)
Sensitivity and Data Uncertainty Analysis of an Environmental Distribution Model (2009)
Source identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by diagnostic ratios and positive matrix factorization (2009)
Diagnostické poměry polykondenzovaných aromatických uhlovodíků jako nástroj pro identifikaci jejich zdrojů (2009)
Statistické vyhodnocení zpětných trajektorií vzdušných mas pro regionální observatoř Košetice (2009)
Pine needles and moss as passive samplers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (2009)
Jehlice jako pasivní vzorkovač atmosférického znečištění. Možnosti využití a jejich srovnání s jinými metodami vzorkování ovzduší. (2009)
Complex assessment of endocrine disruptive activity in the river ecosystem using active and passive sampling and bioassays (2008)
A Japanese quail model of single and combined exposure to cyanotoxins, lead and Newcastle virus (2009)
Combination of passive sampling and in vitro bioassays for assessment of river ecosystem contamination by endocrine disruptive compounds (2009)
The involvement of oxidative stress in teratogenity and embryotoxicity of bipyridyl-pesticides (2009)
Compositional changes in fish scale hydroxylapatite during early diagenesis; an example from an abandoned meander (2009)
LA-ICP-MS for heavy metal analysis of fish scales in sediment (2008)
Využití kontrastního ultrazvukového vyšetření v diferenciální diagnostice lymfadenopatií - první zkušenosti (2009)
Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria):ultrastructure in a pelagic and in a benthic ecosystem. (2008)
Effect of Cadmium Chloride on Metallothionein Levels in Carp (2009)
Alergické reakce na jed blanokřídlého hmyzu: diagnostika, léčba, prevence (2009)
Common variable immunodeficiency disorders: division into distinct clinical phenotypes (2008)
Lack of dehydroepiandrosterone in type I and II hereditary angioedema and role of danazol in steroid hormone conversion (2007)
Anti-IgA antibodies in Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID): Diagnostic workup and therapeutic strategy (2007)
Effects of avian co-exposure to natural and anthropogenic compounds on accumulation, detoxification and oxidative stress parameters (2008)
Kinetics of biomarkers, bioaccumulation and elimination of peptide toxins microcystins in different freshwater fish species (2008)
Immune response to the herpes simplex type 1 regulatory proteins ICP8 and VP16 in infected persons (2000)
T cell activity and cytokine production in X-linked agammaglobulinemia: Implications for vaccination strategies (1997)
Syndrom zavrženého rodiče? (2006)
Activation via the antigen receptor is impaired in T cells, but not in B cells from patients with common variable immunodeficiency (1996)
The Expression of Fc gamma Receptors on Leukocytes and Clinical Course of Common Variable Imminodeficiency (CVID) (2005)
Progression of selective IgA deficiency to common variable immunodeficiency in a 16 year old boy. (1996)
Vliv substituční imunoglobulinové léčby na plicní funkce nemocných s primárními hypogamaglobulinémiemi (1997)
Těžké kombinované defekty imunity: existují tyto choroby v České republice? (1996)
Vyšetřovací metody v klinické imunologii (2002)
Vegetation and soil at the terraces of the Dřevnice and the Morava rivers after flood (2008)
Effects fungicides mancozeb and dinocap on carbon and nitrogen mineralization (2009)
Avoidance response of Enchytraeus albidus in relation to carbendazim ageing (2009)
Application of sediments on agricultural soils: status quo, potential, and limits (2008)
Uptake of POPs from contaminated soils to Eisenia fetida at two contaminated hotspots in the Czech Republic (2008)
Effects of water-bloom on survival and reproduction of springtail Folsomia candida (2008)
To what extent is "standardized artificial soil" standard and artificial? (2008)
Soil burdens of persistent organic pollutants. Their levels, fate and risk. Part I. Variation of concentration ranges according to different soil uses and locations (2009)
Soil Burdens of Persistent Organic Pollutants: Their Levels, Fate, and Risks. Part IV. Quantification of Volatilization Fluxes of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Contaminated Soil Surfaces (2009)
Speciace forem selenu v zelených řasách (2009)
Global Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants Under the Stockholm Convention Article 16 on Effectiveness Evaluation. First Regional Monitoring Report Central and Eastern European and Central Asian Region. (2008)
GC-ICP-MS stanovení specií cínu a selenu (2009)
Polychlorinated naphthalenes and other dioxin-like compounds in Elbe River sediments (2008)
Tumor promoting properties of a cigarette smoke prevalent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as indicated by the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication via phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (2008)
Modulation of steroidogenesis by coastal waters and sewage effluents of Hong Kong, China, using the H295R assay (2008)
Dioxin- and POP-contaminated sites-contemporary and future relevance and challenges (2008)
LA-ICP-MS heavy metal analyses of fish scales from sediments of the Oxbow Lake Certak of the Morava River (Czech Republic) (2009)
Minimizing the sample volume for the analyses of PAHs, BTEX and chlorinated hydrocarbons in melted snow. (2009)
Determination of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles in soil using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (2009)
Decontamination of chemical warfare agent sulphur mustard (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase LinB (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DbjA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmbA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhmA (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmbB (2008)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmbC (2009)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DrbA (2009)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DbeA (2009)
Fluorescence spectrophotometer TUH-01 (2008)
Determination of methylmercury in fish muscle by GC-AFS (2008)
Influence of Propylparaben on Vitellogenesis and Sex Ratio in Juvenile Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2009)
Aplikovaná hydrobiologie (2008)
Spatial model of persistent organic pollutants volatilization from soil: connection of deterministic and stochastic approach (2009)
Model vytěkávání perzistentních polutantů z půdy na území ČR (2009)
Vliv atmosférických koncentrací PAHs na vývoj koncentrací v půdě: modelářský přístup na datech z observatoře v Košeticích 1996-2007. (2009)
Pathways and Mechanisms for Product Release in the Engineered Haloalkane Dehalogenases Explored using Classical and Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics Simulations. (2009)
Aplikace rozptylového modelu SYMOS´97 na město Valašské Meziříčí s využitím GIS, srovnání s výsledky pasivního vzorkování (2009)
Air dispersion modeling (2009)
Geographic information system (GIS) and its role in EcoRA (2008)
Can pine needles indicate trends in the air pollution levels at remote sites? (2009)
The effect of environmental conditions on the taxonomic and functional structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region (2008)
Analysis of stream macroinvertebrates response to environmental conditions: research support of the Water Framework Directive implementation in the Czech Republic (2009)
Global environmental cycling of DDT and g-HCH in the 1980s - a study using a coupled atmosphere and ocean general circulation model (2009)
Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background of persistent organic pollutants in Africa (2009)
Long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants to the regional observatory Kosetice, Czech Republic (2009)
Digitální knihovna CHT režimů a portál DIOS nově verzi 2.0 (2009)
Environmentální profily jepic (Ephemeroptera) České republiky (2009)
Životní cykly jepic (Ephemeroptera) a jejich význam pro detekci změn vodních ekosystémů (2009)
Monitoring of POPs in Africa - Passive air sampling results and continental-scale network design (2009)
Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in ambient air of selected African countries and Fiji using passive air samplers (2009)
Which compounds contribute most to elevated airborne exposure and corresponding health risks in the Western Balkans? (2009)
Flood deposits in a modern oxbow lake (Czech Republic): Sedimentary archive of 25-year old river contamination (2009)
GENASIS: System for the Assessment of Environmental Contamination by Persistent Organic Pollutants (2009)
Assessment of POP's contamination of the Svitava and Svratka rivers using selected biochemical markers (2009)
Use of Biochemical Markers for the Assessment of Organic Pollutant Contamination of the Vltava river, Czech Republic (2009)
Propagace technických disciplín v rámci výuky chemie: textil, textilní průmysl a odívání (2009)
Variability of soil microbial properties: effects of sampling, handling and storage (2009)
Photolytic degradation of methyl-parathion and fenitrothion in ice and water: Implications for cold environments (2009)
Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Africa. Part 2: Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background (2009)
Provenance study as a tool for evaluation of natural and anthropogenic origin of heavy metals in modern fluvial sediments (2009)
Soil burdens of persistent organic pollutants - Their levels, fate and risk. Part II. Are there any trends in PCDD/F levels in mountain soils? (2009)
Model Based Methods for Quantification of Autonomous Neural System Interaction with a Cardiovascular System (2009)
Model Based Methods for Quantification of Autonomous Neural System Interaction with a Cardiovascular System (2009)
Cardiac Response to Autonomic Tests with Cold Stimulus in Horses (2009)
Feedback-Feedforward model of cold face test response (2009)
A Web-based Software Package for Clinical Cardiac Autonomic Tests (2009)
Model of Cardiovascular Control During Valsalva Maneuver (2009)
Estimation of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Level during Orthostatic Stress using Artificial Neural Networks (2009)
The study on Fnr-type transcription regulators functions in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics tools (2009)
Unraveling a FNR-based regulatory circuit in bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans using proteomics, transcriptomic and bioinformatic approaches (2009)
Chiral Aliphatic Hydroxy Compounds in Nature: a Review of Biological Functions and Practical Applications. (2009)
Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace (2009)
Avoidance tests of solid waste samples with Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus and Eisenia fetida (2009)
Avoidance test with Enchytraeus albidus: Is avoidance of individual worms comparable to avoidance of grouped worms? (2009)
Effect of metals, with special attention of Cd, content of the Svitava and Svratka rivers on levels of thiol compounds in fish liver and their use as biochemical markers (2009)
Fish biochemical markers as a tool for pollution assessment on the Svitava and Svratka rivers, Czech Republic (2009)
Nový informační systém pro prediktivní hodnocení onkologické zátěže: spolupráce Slovenské a České republiky (2009)
Matematická biologie - studijní obor Přírodovědecké fakulty MU (2009)
Integration of top-k list information inferred from paired rankings. (2009)
Bioinformatics in Genomics and Proteomics Data (2009)
Inference, aggregation and graphics for top-k rank lists. (2009)
E-learning in genomic and proteomic data analysis (2009)
Bullous pemphigoid and internal diseases: A case-control study. (2010)
Interaktivní nástroje pro výuku léčebných standardů cytostatické léčby zhoubných nádorů (2009)
Uroweb, webový portál pro analýzu a vizualizaci epidemiologie, diagnostiky a léčby urologických malignit (2009)
Národní portál epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů ve Slovenské republice [online] (2009)
Uptake of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides from soil and air into radishes (Raphanus sativus) (2008)
The evaluation of hypersensitivity to tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
In vitro assessment of AhR-mediated activities of TCDD in mixture with humic substances (2009)
Metody izolace rozpuštěné oganické hmoty z vod (2009)
Seasonal dynamics of specific activities of sediments and water samples from polluted river-basin (2008)
Enhancement of toxicity of various POPs in consequence of interaction with dissolved humic substances (2009)
Specific toxic effects of complex extracts from gas phase and six fractions of air particulate matter from localities with different pollution sources (2009)
The Drug Hypersensitivity to Tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
Studying the Chemistry and the Large-scale Distribution of Persistent Organic Pollutants - The example of DDT (2010)
Atmospheric lifetime and global distribution and fate of DDT (2010)
In search of the main properties of phthalocyanines participating in toxicity against cyanobacteria (2010)
Specific toxic effects of complex extracts from gas phase and six fractions of air particulate matter from localities with different pollution sources (2009)
Cycling of DDT in the global environment 1950 to 2002: World ocean returns the pollutant (2009)
Schwer abbaubare Chemikalien (2007)
Ecotoxicity of wastes in avoidance tests with Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus and Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta) (2009)
Nové přístupy k hodnocení ekotoxicity tuhých odpadů (2007)
Comparison and characterisation of OECD artificial soils (2009)
The evaluation of hypersensitivity to tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
Bioaccumulation test of persistent organic pollutants in Eisenia fetida: chemical analysis issues (2009)
Význam a použití bioakumulace při studiu biodostupnosti perzistentních organických polutantů v půdách (2009)
Observation and origin of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the free troposphere over central Europe (2009)
Umweltchemie 2007 (2008)
Bioaccumulation test of persistent organic pollutants in Eisenia fetida: chemical analysis issues (2009)
Spatially Resolved Distribution Models of POP Concentrations in Soil: A Stochastic Approach Using Regression Trees (2009)
Temporal changes of specific activities of pollutant mixtures in river compartments - consequences for risk assessment (2009)
Temporal changes of specific activities of pollutant mixtures in river compartments - consequences for risk assessment (2009)
Monitoring povrchové kontaminace cytotoxickými léčivy v nemocničních lékárnách České republiky (2009)
Studium kontaminace pracovišť a profesní expozice zdravotnických pracovníků zajišťujících přípravu a aplikaci protinádorových léčiv (2009)
Studie evaporace vybraných cytostatik a propustnosti ochranných rukavic v rámci výzkumu profesní zátěže zdravotnických pracovníků exponovaných cytotoxickým protinádorovým léčivům (projekt CYTO) (2009)
Soil burdens of persistent organic pollutants. Their levels, fate and risks. Part III. Quantification of the soil burdens and related health risks in the Czech Republic (2010)
The Effects of Sediments Burdened by Sewerage Water Originating in Car Batteries Production in the Klenice River (CZ) (2009)
Moderní metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promoční účinkem (2009)
Assessment of cytotoxicity and specific effects of complex pollutant mixtures in passive and active samples from waste waters and river ecosystem of large city agglomeration (2009)
Dioxin-Like and Endocrine Disruptive Activity of Traffic-Contaminated Soil Samples (2009)
An assessment of PAHs contamination of the Svitava and Svratka rivers, Czech Republic (2009)
Látky narušující hormonální rovnováhu organismů a celková toxicita odpadní vody - Roční studie na ČOV v Brně Modřicích (2010)
Hodnocení vlivu čistíren odpadních vod na kvalitu říční vody s využitím in vitro testů (2009)
Extraction and determination of trinitrotoluenes and produkt of their biotransformation in soil samples. (2009)
Calibration of the silicon rubber passive samplers: Relating sampling rate to hydrophobicity. (2010)
Gas-particle partitioning of persistent organic pollutants in the Western Balkan countries affected by war conflicts (2009)
The effect of humic acid and ash on enantiomeric fraction change of (2010)
Field calibration of polyurethane foam (PUF) disk passive air samplers for PBDEs. (2009)
Identification and determination of trinitrotoluenes and their degradation (2010)
Ecosystem concept in assessment of running waters degradation (2009)
Systémový přístup k analýze funkce systémů lidského organismu (2009)
Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Africa. Part 1: Passive air sampling across the continent in 2008 (2009)
Methodological approaches in ecological risk assessment (EcoRA) (2009)
Koexistence taxonů z čeledi pakomárovitých v tekoucích vodách: význam faktorů prostředí a struktury společenstva (2009)
Occurence and co-occurence of stream chironomids: associations with environmental gradients and community characteristics (2009)
Biochemical parameters of blood plasma and content of microcystins in tissues of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) from hypertrophic pond with cyanobacterial water bloom (2009)
Inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases by cyanobacterial extracts - Indications of novel tumor-promoting cyanotoxins? (2010)
Role stavebního odpadu v integrovaném systému nakládání s odpady (2010)
Toxins produced in cyanobacterial water blooms - toxicity and risks (2009)
Toxiny sinic a jejich účinky na vodní ekosystémy (2009)
Kinetic bacterial bioluminescence assay for the contact sediment toxicity testing - relationships with the matrix composition and contamination (2010)
TaToo project: Tagging Tool on a Semantic Discovery Framework (2009)
Toward the Global Monitoring of POPs. Contribution of the MONET network. (2009)
Effects of cyanobacterial biomass on avian reproduction: a japanese quail model (2009)
Application of passive sampler for monitoring of POPs in ambient air. IV. Model monitoring network in the Czech Republic (MONET_CZ 2007), (2008)
Biochemical responses of juvenile and adult Japanese quails to cyanobacterial biomass (2009)
Assessing the feasibility of employing the passive air samplers for the long-term air quality monitoring programs. (2007)
Photochemical degradation of PCBs in artificial snow. (2007)
The case of Spolana Neratovice. Monitoring the effects of source and the impacts of site remediation. (2007)
PCB amount and environmental contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. (2007)
Contamination of the Czech aquatic environment by short and medium chain chlorinated paraffins. (2006)
Bimolecular photochemical reactions in ice. (2006)
Passive air sampling technique as a tool for establishment of the long-term air monitoring network as well as for the assessment of the old burdens impact. (2006)
Study of the euroepan regional and local trends of Persistent organic pollutants in the ambient air using active and passive sampling. (2006)
Distribution pattern of PCBs, HCB and PeCB using passive air and soil sampling in Estonia. (2010)
Seasonally and regionally determined indication potential of bioassays in contaminated river sediments (2010)
Assessment of contamination of the Svitava and Svratka rivers in the Czech Republic using selected biochemical markers (2010)
10th International HCH and Pesticides Forum. "How many obsolete pesticides have been disposed of 8 years after signature of Stockholm Convention" (2009)
Analytické metody využívané v projektech VC RECETOX (2008)
Method of Production of Optically Active Hydrocarbons and Alcohols Using Hydrolytic Dehalogenation Catalysed by Haloalkane Dehalogenases. (2007)
Grain size, geochemistry and organic pollutants in modern fluvial deposits in eastern Moravia (Czech Republic) (2010)
Unraveling an FNR based regulatory circuit in Paracoccus denitrificans using a proteomics-based approach (2010)
Comparison of macroinvertebrate feeding strategies in streams from Asia, South America and Europe (2008)
Long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants to Košetice observatory (2009)
Chronic toxicity of contaminated sediments on reproduction and histopathology of the crustacean Gammarus fossarum and relationship with the chemical contamination and in vitro effects (2010)
Mitochondrial Toxicity of Microcystin-LR on Cultured Cells: Application to the Analysis of Contaminated Water Samples (2010)
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound of peripheral lymph nodes (2010)
Modern fluvial sediment provenance and pollutant tracing: a case study from the Drevnice River Basin (eastern Moravia, Czech Republic) (2010)
Standardizace hodnocení protinádorové terapie pomocí elektronikcé knihovny chemoterapeutických režimů (2010)
Stanovení cisplatiny v buněčné suspenzi po sonodynamické aplikaci ultrazvuku (2010)
Úloha stavebního odpadu v integrovaném systému nakládání s odpady (2010)
Projektování nakládání s bioodpady v obcích (2010)
Realizace integrovaného systému nakládání s odpady v regionu Šumpersko (2010)
Nakládání s bioodpady v obcích (2010)
Zavádění integrovaného systému nakládání se stavebním odpadem v ČR (2010)
Selection of indicative taxa for river habitats: a case study on benthic macroinvertebrates using indicator species analysis and the random forest methods (2010)
Pine needles as passive sampler of air pollution. Standard operating procedure of their analysis and possible use for bioassay. (2010)
Assessment of Environmental Impact by Persistent Organic Pollutants (2010)
Decadal trends of primary and secondary sources of PCBs in Europe using air mass trajectory statistics (2010)
Bioaccumulation of POPs in earthworms in real and artificial soils (2010)
Intenzifikace ČOV Vranovice pomocí netradičních technologií (2009)
Amoniakální senzor pro DČOV (2009)
Příklad využití elektrokoagulace na odtoku z ČOV (2010)
Vhodné technologie recyklace fosforu z povrchových a odpadních vod (2010)
Manipulace s průtoky nádrže, možnosti omezení rozvoje sinic (2010)
Change in Referral Diagnoses and Diagnostic Delay in Hypogammaglobulinaemic Patients during 28 Years in a Single Referral Centre (2010)
Using human hair as an indicator for exposure to mercury (2009)
Arsenic distribution in sediments of complex catchment (2010)
Úvod do matematického modelování s využitím Maple (2010)
Algicidal and cyanocidal effects of selected isoquinoline alkaloids (2010)
Degradation of natural toxins by phthalocyanines, example of cyanobacterial toxin, microcystin (2010)
Inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication and activation of MAPKs by cyanobacterial extracts (2010)
Signalling mechanisms involved in the inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication by cyanobacterial extracts (2010)
Microcystis-targeted restoration strategies (2010)
On-line kvantifikace sinic v surové vodě (2010)
On-line monitoring of cyanobacteria in raw water (2010)
Natural and stressor drivers of invertebrate communities interacting in longitudinal dimension of stream ecosystems: from pilot studies to regional patterns (2010)
GENASIS national and international monitoring networks for persistent organic pollutants (2010)
Monitoring and Assessment of Environmental Impact by Persistent Organic Pollutants (2010)
No association of FCRN promoter VNTR polymorphism with the rate of maternal-fetal IgG transfer (2010)
Association of FcRn expression with lung abnormalities and IVIG catabolism in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2010)
Profily nízkomolekulárního proteomového spektra získané pomocí hmotnostní spektrometrie SELDI-TOF v sérech pacientů s diseminovaným maligním melanomem: pilotní studie (2009)
Early Warning Biosensors for Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents. (2010)
Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases and its Modulation by Surface Loop Engineering (2010)
Development of an enzymatic fiber-optic biosensor for detection of halogenated hydrocarbons. (2010)
Biomarkers of lymph node metastasis in low-grade breast cancer: An integrated, proteomics-based approach (2010)
Biomarker discovery in low-grade breast cancer: An integrated, proteomics-based approach (2010)
Biochemical and structural characterization of novel haloalkane dehalogenase DbeA from Bradyrhizobium elkani USDA94 possesing two halide binding sites (2010)
Effect of organic solvents on structure and function of haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Engineering of Enzymes by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Engineering of Biocatalysts by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases and its Modulation by Surface Loop Engineering (2010)
Optical biosensor based on haloalkane dehalogenase for detection of halogenated hydrocarbons in the environment. (2010)
Struktura a funkce haloalkándehalogenas v organických rozpouštědlech (2010)
Haloalkane dehalogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 with new halide-stabilising residues and unique kinetics (2010)
Investigation of Ligand Passage in Proteins Investigation of Ligand Passage in Proteins (2010)
Kinetics and enantioselectivity of haloalkane dehalogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens c58 (2010)
Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background of persistent organic pollutants in Africa (2009)
Anthropogenic Impact and Global Climate Change. Description of Validation Scenario in TaToo Project (2010)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on small spatial and temporal scales 2 Mass size distributions and gas-particle partitioning (2010)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on small spatial and temporal scales 1 Levels and variabilities (2010)
Quantification of sources of PCBs to the atmosphere in urban areas: A comparison of cities in North America, Western Europe and former Yugoslavia (2010)
Pathways of PFOA to the Arctic: variabilities and contributions of oceanic currents and atmospheric transport and chemistry sources (2010)
TaToo semantic discovery tools and services (2010)
Joint segmentation of multivariate Gaussian processes using mixed linear models. (2011)
A distinct expression of various gene subsets in CD34+ cells from patients with early and advanced myelodysplastic syndrome (2010)
Funkčná integrita neurosenzorickej sietnice u diabetikov 2. typu (2009)
New insights to gene expression signatures from primary FFPE tumors for the prediction of response to cetuximab in KRAS and BRAF wild-type colorectal cancer (CRC). (2010)
Neznámé metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promočním účinkem (2009)
Modelling of Cancer Dynamics and Comparison of Methods for Survival Time Estimation (2010)
Use of diagnostic ratios for studying source apportionment and reactivity of ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Central Europe (2011)
Contamination of Antarctic snow by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons dominated by combustion sources in the polar region (2010)
Srovnání nakládání s biologickým odpadem v integrovaných systémech nakládání s odpady (2010)
Využití systému Maple ve výuce Matematické analýzy (2011)
Teaching Mathematical Modelling in Biology using Maple (2010)
6th Summer School on Computational Biology (2010)
Validation Scenario for Anthropogenic Impact and Global Climate Change for Tatoo (2010)
Zařízení pro snímání a/nebo monitorování a/nebo analýzu fyziologických signálů z povrchu těla koně (2010)
Increasing Incidence of Geomyces destructans Fungus in Bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2010)
Unveiling heterogeneity of stage II and stage III colorectal cancer by defining molecular subtypes (2010)
Networks of generalized top scoring pairs for robust phenotype classification (2010)
Visualization Techniques for the Integration of Rank Data. (2010)
Disruption of retinoid signalling and differentiation process by PAHs and N-PAHs in vitro (2010)
Interference of some environmental contaminants with retinoid signaling in vitro (2010)
Mitochondrial DNA confirms low genetic variation of the greater mouse-eared bats, Myotis myotis, in Central Europe (2010)
Tugendhat Registry: Patients at enrollment (2010)
Vliv rizikových faktorů na výskyt tromboembolické nemoci u dospívajících dívek: tušení souvistlosti. (2010)
6th Summer School on Computational Biology (2010)
Nutnost posunu BCG vakcinace - poučení z komlikací a úmrtí dětí s vrozenými imunodeficiencemi (2010)
Jednoduchá metoda k průkazu CD154 (CD40L) na lymfocytech v periferní krvi (2010)
Jak na bodnutí hmyzem a reakci na alergen? (2010)
Importance of screening of IgG anti-IgA antibodies in hypogammaglobulinemic subjects to prevent anaphylactoid reactions (2010)
Imunologické principy bezpečného očkování dětí (2010)
Relationship of resistin levels with endometrial cancer risk (2011)
Zrnitostní charakteristika moderních fluviálních sedimentů příkladová studie z východní Moravy (2010)
Stanovenie zloženia železitých okrov Sb ložiska Pernek - Malé Karpaty (2009)
Využitie RTG práškovej difrakcie pri analýze mineralogického zloženia okrových precipitátov (2010)
Zloženie banských vôd a Fe okrových precipitátov v lokalite Pernek - Krížnica (2010)
Problematika testování nanomateriálů (2010)
Mercury speciation in soil in vicinity of coal beds using sequential extraction (2011)
Electrochemical Modification of a Graphite Platform for a Solid Sampling Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry of Mercury (2010)
O analýze dat aneb také Jak si dvě oblasti zpracování dat často nerozumějí (2010)
Aplikovaná hydrobiologie (2010)
Možnosti prevence vzniku odpadů v ČR (2011)
Combined exposure to cyanobacterial biomass, lead and the Newcastle virus enhances avian toxicity (2010)
Teratogenicity and Embryotoxicity in Aquatic Organisms After Pesticide Exposure and the Role of Oxidative Stress (2011)
Enhancement of toxicity of selected POPs and its mixtures in consequence of interaction with dissolved organic matter (2010)
Evidence of synergistic toxicity in birds: experimental co-exposures to cyanobacteria and toxic metal (lead) causes immunosuppressions in Japanese quail (2010)
Effects of algal and cyanobacterial cultures and their fractions on the Xenopus laevis development (2010)
Toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass to birds: effects in testes including detoxification parameters and histology (2010)
Zvýšení toxicity perzistentních organických polutantů v přítomnosti huminových látek (2010)
Seasonal variability of contaminants with specific modes of action in polluted river-basin (2010)
Separation and Determination of Polynitroaromatic Compounds using HPLC/MS/MS (2010)
Determination of explosives and their degradation products in contaminated soil area (2010)
Uplatnění zásad integrovaného systému nakládání s odpady (2011)
Informační podpora integrovaného systému nakládání s odpady (2011)
Určování zdrojů polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků v ovzduší pomocí metody diagnostických poměrů a studium jejich reaktivity (2011)
Design monitorovací sítě pro sledování pozaďových hladin persistentních organických polutantů v Africe (2011)
Software na podporu rozhodování v integrovaném systému nakládání s odpady (2011)
Pan-European survey on the occurrence of selected polar organic persistent pollutants in ground water (2010)
Diffusion coefficients of polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in some polymers (2010)
Calibration of passive samplers of hydrophobic organic compounds in water: assessment of critical issues in experimental design, data interpretation and field application (2010)
LC-MS analyses of microcystins in fish tissues overestimate toxin levels - critical comparison with LC-MS/MS (2010)
Acute Toxicity of the Dissociating Veterinary Antibiotics Trimethoprim to Willow Trees at Varying pH (2010)
Temporal and spatial variability of cyanobacterial toxins microcystins in three interconnected freshwater reservoirs (2010)
Evaluation of the novel passive sampler for cyanobacterial toxins microcystins under various conditions including field sampling. (2010)
Ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of cytotoxic antineoplastic drugs and their metabolites (2010)
Developments in the Use of Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring Pollutants in Water (2010)
Analýza mnohorozměrných dat ve věku personalizované medicíny: trendy a dostupnost pro klinickou praxi (2011)
Kontaminace chemoterapeutického stacionáře v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu - hodnocení účinnosti zavedených nápravných opatření (2010)
Sledování přítomnosti cyklofosfamidu ve vnitřním ovzduší a na povrchu materiálního vybavení Masarykova onkologického ústavu (2011)
Utilization of the solid sorbent media in monitoring of airborne cyclophosphamide concentrations and the implications for occupational hygiene (2011)
Současné trendy v analýze genomických dat (2011)
Global analysis of transcription reveals BCSC-1 as a melanoma tumor suppressor that downregulates MITF (2011)
Rgtsp: a generalized top scoring pairs package for class prediction (2011)
Bioavailability of POPs to earthworms in relationship with soils properties and other factors (2011)
Relationship between gingivitis severity, caries experience and orthodontic anomalies in 13-15-year-old adolescents (2012)
Chemistry of Small Organic Molecules on Snow Grains: The Applicability of Artificial Snow for Environmental Studies (2011)
Distribution and trends of persistent organic pollutants in sediments from the Morava River (2010)
Environmentální informační systémy (2011)
Morphologically uniform bats Hipposideros aff. ruber (Hipposideridae) exhibit high mitochondrial genetic diversity in southeastern Senegal (2011)
Semantics Annotations of Ontology for Scenario: Anthropogenic Impact and Climate Change Issues (2011)
Mathematical model-based markers of autonomic nervous activity during Valsalva Maneuver and comparison to heart rate variability (2011)
Fate and bioavailability of pyrene and lindane in sterile artificial and real soils (2011)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2011)
Podpora výzkumu a vývoje z Evropské unie v Jihomoravském a Moravskoslezském kraji (2011)
Biology and Bioinformatics (2011)
Construction of pollutant-degrading bacteria by protein and metabolic engineering (2011)
In vitro protein and metabolic engineering of a biodegradation pathway (2011)
Molecular bases of enantioselectivity of haloalkane dehalogenase DbjA. (2011)
Stereoselectivity and Conformational Stability of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110: The Effect of pH and Temperature. (2011)
Biochemical Characteristics of the Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase DatA Isolated from the Plant Pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58. (2011)
Biodegradation of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (2011)
Comparison of Time Series Decomposition Methods (2011)
Conceptual Model Enhancing Accessibility of Data from Cancer–Related Environmental Risk Assessment Studies (2011)
GENASIS Information System: A Global Environmental Assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutants (2011)
Global Environmental Assessment Requires Global Functional Searching Engines: Robust Application of TaToo Tools (2011)
Antibody forming cells and plasmablasts in peripheral blood in CVID patients after vaccination (2011)
Intestinální mikroflóra v raném dětství - úloha při rozvoji infekčních a alergických chorob (2011)
Dredged sediments use on agricultural land - evaluation using biochemical markers in Eisenia fetida (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases, (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2009)
Způsob výroby opticky aktivních halogenalkanů a alkoholů hydrolytickou dehalogenací katalyzovanou halogenalkandehalogenázami (2009)
The effects of PAHs and N-PAHs on retinoid signalling and Oct-4 expression in vitro. (2011)
Di-mu-chlorido-bis[diacetonitrilechlorido-oxidovanadium(IV)] (2011)
Syndróm bieleho nosa – vážna hrozba pre zimujúce netopiere (2011)
Genetic diversity in populations (2011)
Interakce mezi chemickymi latkami, prostredim a biologickymi systemy a jejich dusledky na globalni, regionálni a lokalni urovni - INCHEMBIOL. (2011)
The relationship between the mercuryconcentration in fish musclesand scales/fins and its significance (2011)
Hodnocení vlivu využití krajiny na chemismus a společenstva fytobentosu malých toků (2011)
Wastewater canal Vojlovica, industrial complex Pančevo, Serbia - preliminary ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated sediment (2011)
Accumulation of Microcystins in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., and Effects of a Complex Cyanobacterial Bloom on the Dietetic Quality of Muscles. (2011)
Can cyanobacterial biomass applied to soil affect survival and reproduction of springtail Folsomia candida? (2011)
Identifying the Research and Infrastructure Needs for the Global Assessment of Hazardous Chemicals Ten Years after Establishing the Stockholm Convention (2011)
Modulation of gap-junctional intercellular communication by a series of cyanobacterial samples from nature and laboratory cultures. (2011)
Air-sea exchange of semivolatile organic compounds – wind and/or sea surface temperature control of volatilisation studied using a coupled general circulation model (2011)
A novel approach for the characterization of transport and optical properties of aerosol particles near sources – II. Microphysics-chemistry-transport model development and application (2011)
Complex evaluation of ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of antimicrobials oxytetracycline and flumequine used in aquaculture. (2011)
A novel approach for the characterization of transport and optical properties of aerosol particles near sources – I. Measurement of particle backscatter coefficient maps with a scanning UV lidar (2011)
Sources and distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and toxicity of polluted atmosphere aerosols, in: Urban Airborne Particulate Matter: Origins, Chemistry, Fate and Health Impacts (2010)
Enhancement of AhR-mediated activity of selected pollutants and their mixtures after interaction with dissolved organic matter (2011)
Determination of atrazine in surface waters by combination of POCIS passive sampling and ELISA detection. (2011)
Characterization of dioxin-like contamination in soil and sediments from the “hot spot” area of petrochemical plant in Pancevo (Serbia) (2011)
Wet deposition and scavenging efficiency of gaseous and particulate phase polycyclic aromatic compounds at a central European suburban site (2011)
Časová a prostorová distribuce hladin persistentních organických polutantů (POPs) ve volném ovzduší s využitím pasivních vzorkovačů na bázi polyuretanové pěny. (2010)
Use of dredged sediments on agricultural soils from viewpoint of potentially toxic substances. (2011)
Toxic effects of nine polycyclic aromatic compounds on Enchytraeus crypticus in artificial soil in relation to their properties. (2011)
Prostorová distribuce koncentrací perzistentních organických polutantů (POPs) v půdě. (2010)
Spatial Soil Modelling of Organochlorine Pesticides, Their Pools and Volatilization Fluxes (2011)
CETOCOEN project: From the Laboratory to the Field and Beyond (2011)
Návrh indikátorů integrovaného systému nakládání s komunálním odpadem (2011)
Investigation of the Nature of Epidemiological Cancer Data Using Surrogte Data Tests (2011)
Podpora výzkumu a vývoje z Evropské unie (2011)
Projektování nakládání s bioodpady v obcích. (2011)
Architecture of the Validation Scenario 3 (2011)
Economic model of municipal biowaste management (2011)
Molecular mechanisms of the effects of organic solvents on activity of haloalkane dehalogenases (2011)
Molekulární podstata působení organických rozpouštědel na strukturu a funkci haloalkandehalogenáz (2011)
Determination of the Specific Surface Area of Snow Using Ozonation of 1,1-Diphenylethylene (2011)
Alternativní pohled na integrovaný systém nakládání s odpady (2012)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
Spleen size in patients with celiac disease - prospective study (2010)
Dependence of the clinical symptoms on the ultrasound findings by patients with celiac disease – prospective study (2010)
Determination of accuracy of the transit time with respect to defecography in the diagnosis of anorectal dysfunction: use in practice (2010)
Measurement of environmental pollutants using passive sampling devices – a commentary on the current state of the art. (2011)
Passive samplers for chemical substance monitoring and associated toxicity assessment in water. (2011)
Sources of organochlorine pesticides in an urban Mediterranean environment: Volatilisation from soil. (2011)
Effects of Microcystin and Complex Cyanobacterial Samples on the Growth and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Comparison with the Model Oxidative Stressor-Herbicide Paraquat. (2011)
A comparison of POPs bioaccumulation in Eisenia fetida in natural and artificial soils and the effects of aging. (2012)
Extract of Microcystis water bloom affects cellular differentiation in filamentous cyanobacteria Trichormus variabilis (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria). (2011)
Testicular toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass in Japanese quails. (2011)
Exploration of factors at catchment and floodplain scales targeted to modelling structure of river macroinvertebrate communities in the Morava River basin (2011)
Soluble BAFF Levels Inversely Correlate with Peripheral B Cell Numbers and the Expression of BAFF Receptors (2012)
Technické řešení elektronické knihovny chemoterapeutických režimů pro hodnocení léčebných standardů v klinické praxi (2011)
In vitro modulation of intracellular receptor signaling and cytotoxicity induced by extracts of cyanobacteria, complex water blooms and their fractions. (2011)
POCIS sampling in combination with ELISA: Screening of sulfonamide residues in surface and waste waters (2012)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in background air in central Europe - Seasonal levels and limitations for source apportionment (2012)
Geochemical traces of flood layers in the fluvial sedimentary archive; implications for contamination history analyses (2011)
Enantioselective effects of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers on androgen receptor activity in vitro. (2012)
Screening assessment of cyanobacterial embryotoxicity to Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes (Actinopterygii: Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae). (2011)
Estrogenic activity in extracts and exudates of cyanobacteria and green algae. (2012)
The effect of peroral administration of toxic cyanobacteria on laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba). (2011)
Epigenetická toxicita komplexních vzorků cyanobakterií - vliv ozonace a chlorace. (2011)
Porovnání citlivosti protilátek užívaných k detekci sinicových toxinů v přirodních vodách. (2011)
Distribuce citlivosti druhů (Species Sensitivity Distribution – SSD) – využití pro hodnocení rizik pesticidů v evropských řekách. (2011)
Embryonální test s Danio rerio pro výzkum endokrinní disrupce ve vodním prostředí. (2011)
Metody odstraňování endokrinních disruptorů z vod (2011)
Vliv huminových látek na fotodegradaci polutantů ve vodách. (2011)
Využití in vitro biotestů pro hodnocení kontaminace vodního prostředí AhR-aktivními látkami. (2011)
Vzorkovač atmosférické depozice (2012)
Vzorkovač volného ovzduší (2012)
Utilisation of iodine from different sources by sows and their progeny. (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování -Polychlorované bifenyly PCBs (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování - Izomery hexachlorcyklohexanu HCHs (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování - Hexachlorbenzen HCB (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování - dichlordifenyltrichloretan a jeho metabolity (DDTs). (2011)
Chemometric assessment of the semivolatile organic contaminants content in the atmosphere of the selected sites in the Republic of Macedonia. (2011)
Decontamination kit Yperzyme (2011)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmxA (2011)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase Spur (2011)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DpcA (2011)
Sphingobium czechense LL01 sp. nov (2011)
Novosphingobium barchaimii LL02 sp. nov (2011)
Sphingobium baderi LL03 sp. nov (2011)
Fluorimetr pro biosensorové měření (2011)
HaloPen (2011)
Support of Research and Development from European Union in the Czech Republic (2012)
The impact of organochlorines cycling in the cryosphere on their global distributions and fate – 1. Sea ice (2012)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2012)
Environmentální prohlášení o produktu (EPD) versus prohlášení o vlastnostech (DOP), dva nástroje pro trvalou udržitelnost ve stavebnictví (2012)
Method of Production of Optically Active Hydrocarbons and Alcohols Using Hydrolytic Dehalogenation Catalysed by Haloalkane Dehalogenases. (2009)
Multiple Pleistocene refugia and postglacial colonization in the European chub (Squalius cephalus) revealed by combined use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers (2012)
Vědecké výpočty v matematické biologii (2012)
Variability of standard artificial soils: Physico-chemical properties and phenanthrene desorption measured by means of supercritical fluid extraction. (2012)
Histopathology Confirms White-Nose Syndrome in Bats in Europe (2012)
Porovnání analýz skladby SKO v Brně s dalšími lokalitami v ČR, SR a Polsku (2012)
Tromboembolická nemoc u dospívajících v jihomoravském kraji v letech 2004 - 2010: výskyt známých rizikových faktorů. (2011)
Růst a pubertální vývoj u dětí s intrauterinní růstovou retardací v moravské větvi studie ELSPAC (2012)
The impact of organochlorines cycling in the cryosphere on their global distributions and fate – 2. Land ice and temporary snow cover (2012)
Measurement of performance of municipal waste management system in the Czech Republic (2012)
Distribution of Mercury in Rainbow Trout Tissues at Embryo-Larval and Juvenile Stages. (2012)
Levels and distribution of dissolved hydrophobic organic contaminants in the Morava river in Zlín district, Czech Republic as derived from their accumulation in silicone rubber passive samplers. (2012)
Can laboratory toxicity tests explain the pattern of field communities of algae, plants, and invertebrates along a toxicity gradient of post-mining sites? (2011)
Umělá půda pro testy ekotoxicity (2012)
Studium distribuce prvků v močových kamenech technikou laserové ablace ve spojení s hmotnostní spektrometrií s indukčně vázaným plazmatem (2012)
Fractionation and current time trends of PCB congeners: Evolvement of distributions 1950-2010 studied using a global atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (2012)
Vývoj skladby SKO v Brně (2012)
Vztah mezi ukazateli orálního zdraví u 13-15letých dětí skupiny ELSPAC Brno a stupněm vzdělání jejich rodičů (2013)
Ontology-Based Approach to the Discovery of Human Health and Environmental Risks Assessment (2012)
Flow Based Enumeration of Plasmablasts in Peripheral Blood After Vaccination as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Assessing Antibody Responses in Patients with Hypogammaglobulinaemia (2012)
Roztroušená skleróza – prevence infekcí varicella-zoster virem (VZV) před zahájením léčby fingolimodem (2012)
Evolutionary history of tree squirrels (Rodentia, Sciurini) based on multilocus phylogeny reconstruction (2012)
Matrix metalloproteinase 13 genotype in rs640198 polymorphism is associated with severe coronary artery disease (2012)
Vícerozměrné statistické metody v biologii (2012)
Analýza přežití s využitím transformovaného exponenciálního rozdělení (2011)
Transformed Exponential and Weibull Distribution in Survival Analysis (2012)
Linear Modelling of Cardiovascular Parameter Dynamics during Stress-Test in Horses (2012)
Linear Modelling of Cardiovascular Parameter Dynamics during Stress-Test in Horses (2012)
Transformed Weibull Distribution in Survival Analysis (2012)
Faktory ovlivňující experimentování s kouřením: výsledky studie ELSPAC (2012)
Changes in concentrations of hydrophilic organic contaminants and of endocrine-disrupting potential downstream of small communities located adjacent to headwaters. (2012)
Road salts effects on soil chemical and microbial properties at grassland and forest site in protected natural areas. (2012)
Breast cancer suppressor candidate-1 (BCSC-1) is a melanoma tumor suppressor that down regulates MITF (2012)
An Inference and Integration Approach for the Consolidation of Ranked Lists (2012)
Tumor promoting effects of cyanobacterial extracts are potentiated by anthropogenic contaminants - Evidence from in vitro study. (2012)
Fifteen years of monitoring of POPs in the breast milk, Czech Republic, 1994-2009: trends and factors. (2012)
Mathematical model of economics of municipal waste management (2012)
Annotation of Environmental and Epidemiological Systems: TaToo case study (2012)
A combined approach for the study of histone deacetylase inhibitors (2012)
Long-term trends of continental scale PCB patterns studied using a global atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (2012)
Use of passive sampling devices for monitoring and compliance checking of POP concentrations in water. (2012)
Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in air and soil across Azerbaijan. (2012)
Levels and seasonal variations of organochlorine pesticides in urban and rural background air of southern Ghana. (2012)
Oxidative stress and detoxification biomarker responses in aquatic freshwatervertebrates exposed to microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass. (2012)
Obsolete pesticide storage sites and their POP release into the environment: an Armenian case study (2012)
Rozhodovací stromy a lesy (2012)
Predictive spatial modelling of persistent organic polutant concentrations (2012)
Species structure analysis of the Czech Forest Site Classification System Database (2012)
Podpora výzkumu a transfer technologií v Jihomoravském kraji (2012)
Ekonomická a environmentální udržitelnost systému nakládání s BRO (2012)
Determining of molecular signature for centrosome abnormalities in multiple myeloma (2012)
ACE2 gene polymorphisms and invasively measured central pulse pressure in cardiac patients indicated for coronarography (2013)
Species loss of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic during the 20th century (2012)
Persistence of conduct disorders and their relation to early initiation of smoking and alcohol drinking in a prospective ELSPAC Study (2012)
Chamois introductions to Central Europe and New Zealand (2012)
Multilocus phylogeny of arvicoline voles (Arvicolini, Rodentia) shows small tree terrace size (2012)
Srovnání laparotomické a laparoskopické techniky při implantaci peritoneální části shuntu v terapii hydrocefalu (2012)
Identification of a Poor-Prognosis BRAF-Mutant Like Population of Patients With Colon Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30(12):12BB-1295, 2012 (2012)
Evoluční model pesimizace prostředí v Maple (2012)
Signály, časové řady a lineární systémy (2012)
Analýza a klasifikace dat (2012)
A Comprehensive Characterization of Genome-Wide Copy Number Aberrations in Colorectal Cancer Reveals Novel Oncogenes and Patterns of Alterations (2012)
Urinary calculi – atypical source of information on mercury in human biomonitoring. (2012)
PCBs and OCPs on a West-to-East transect: The importance of major currents and net volatilization for PCBs in the Atlantic Ocean. (2012)
Fate and bioavailability of 14C-pyrene and 14C-lindane in sterile natural and artificial soils and the influence of aging. (2012)
Levels of persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air of Central and Eastern Europe. (2012)
Survey of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere of rural, urban and industrial areas of Concepcion, Chile, using passive air samplers. (2012)
On-line data browser for environmental monitoring and associated information systems [online] (2012)
Prostorové modelování koncentrací a zásob pesticidů (2012)
Hlavní degradační faktory půd a jejich hodnocení. (2011)
Rektum.cz – webový portál pro analýzu a vizualizaci epidemiologie, diagnostiky a léčby nádorů rekta [online] (2012)
Guidelines for passive sampling of hydrophobic contaminants in water using silicone rubber samplers. ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences No. 52. (2012)
Prvková analýza konkrementů močového traktu. (2012)
A Single Mutation in a Tunnel to the Active Site Changes the Mechanism and Kinetics of Product Release in Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB (2012)
Conjugation of 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein and 5(6)-carboxynaphthfluorescein with bovine serum albumin and their immobilization for optical pH sensing (2012)
Circulating Levels of B-cell Activating Factor in Paediatric Patients with Malignancy With or without Cancer-Related Cachexia (2012)
Co chutná a nechutná dospívajícím, a co skutečně jedí – preference a konzumace (2012)
Pohlavní rozdíly v potravinových preferencích u adolescentů – přenášejí se i do konzumace? (2012)
Problémy udržitelnosti nově vzniklých vědeckých institucí v České republice a jejich možné řešení (2012)
NKT-like Cells are Expanded in Solid Tumour Patients (2012)
Subjektivní hodnocení vlastního zdraví a jeho souvislosti. Populační studie gravidních žen v Brně. (2012)
Simultaneous determination of metal traces using SPE preconcentration on Amberlite XAD-7 by ICP-MS in environmental water and sample ecotoxicology assessment. (2012)
Investigating the significance of dissolved organic contaminants in aquatic environments: Coupling passive sampling with in vitro bioassays. (2013)
A robust genomic signature for the detection of colorectal cancer patients with microsatellite instability phenotype and high mutation frequency (2012)
Identification of the BRAF-like Signature Predictive of Response Towards MEK Inhibition by Pimasertib (MSC1936369B) in Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines (2012)
Macro- and microelements in soil profile of the moss-covered area in James Ross Island, Antarctica. (2012)
Microcystin-RR Like Toxin Identified in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae Strain CCAP 1403/13B Culture. (2012)
Levels of Demethylated Microcystin - RR ([D - Asp3] MCYST-RR) and Five Other Putative Microcystins Identified in a Culture of Planktothrix sp. Strain CCAP 1460/13. (2010)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA57 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA61 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA63 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA80 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA82 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA85 (2012)
Engineered recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA88 (2012)
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Additional Measures Introduced for the Protection of Healthcare Personnel Handling Antineoplastic Drugs (2013)
Interaction of temperature and an environmental stressor: Moina macrocopa responds with increased body size, increased lifespan, and increased offspring numbers slightly above its temperature optimum (2013)
Longitudinální sledování úrazů v mužské populaci – dlouhodobý sklon k úrazům. (2012)
Týraná a netýraná děvčata – dětství, partnerství, mateřství: longitudinální studie (2012)
Epileptic-like symptoms and stress conditions in adolescents. (2012)
Kinetics of IgM and IgA Antibody Response to 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination in Healthy Subjects (2013)
Quantification of IgM and IgA Anti-Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides by a New ELISA Assay: a Valuable Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool for Common Variable Immunodeficiency (2013)
Stabilizing Agents for Calibration in the Determination of Mercury Using Solid Sampling Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (2012)
Molekulární mechanismy metastazování u low-grade karcinomů prsu: Od proteomického profilování k funkční charakterizaci (2012)
Molecular players in lymph node metastasis of low grade breast cancer: From proteomics-based target discovery to functional characterization (2012)
Polymorfizmy v genu pro laktoferin a jejich vztah k rozvoji zubního kazu (2013)
Colorectal cancer heterogeneity from a gene expression perspective (2013)
Nutnost posunu BCG vakcinace - poučení z komplikací a úmrtí dětí s vrozenými imunodeficiencemi (2010)
Lack of association between lactotransferrin polymorphism and dental caries (2014)
Vyhodnocení sběru epidemiologických dat u cévních mozkových příhod z registru IKTA. Incidence cévních mozkových příhod v okrese Zlín (2013)
Comparison of approaches towards ecotoxicity evaluation for the application of dredged sediment on soil (2013)
Influence of Climate and Land Use Change on Spatially Resolved Volatilization of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) from Background Soils (2013)
Srovnání epidemiologických dat u akutních cévních mozkových příhod podle metodiky ÚZIS a IKTA ve zlínském okrese a v ČR (2013)
Molecular heterogeneity and centrosome-associated genes in multiple myeloma (2013)
Integrated Economic Model of Waste Management: Case Study for South Moravia Region (2013)
BRAF and KRAS mutations as additional risk factors in the context of clinical parameters of patients with colorectal cancer. (2013)
Identification and validation of gene expression subtypes in a large set of colorectal cancer samples. (2012)
Rizikový profil pacientů s prodělanou ischemickou cévní mozkovou příhodou - analýza dat z registru Ikta (2013)
Antiandrogenic activity of humic substances (2012)
Validation of the species sensitivity distribution in retrospective risk assessment of herbicides at the river basin scale-the Scheldt river basin case study (2013)
Polymorfizmus 140A/G v genu pro laktotransferin a jeho vztah k rozvoji zubního kazu a gingivitidy u dětí (2013)
Supercritical fluid extraction of persistent organic pollutants from natural and artificial soils and comparison with bioaccumulation in earthworms (2013)
Interactive algorithms for teaching and learning acute medicine in the network of medical faculties MEFANET (2013)
DIOS - database of formalized chemotherapeutic regimens (2013)
The Fluvisol and sediment trace element contamination level as related to their geogenic and anthropogenic source (2013)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Mass spectrometry in identification of antibiotic resistance (2012)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Multi-Ratio Equilibrium Passive Sampling Method to Estimate Accessible and Pore Water Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediment (2013)
PAHs on a West-to-East Transect Across the Tropical Atlantic Ocean (2013)
Association of genetic variability in selected regions in visfatin (NAMPT) gene with anthropometric parameters and dietary composition in obese and non-obese Central-European population (2013)
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor in maternal plasma and umbilical cord blood from pre-eclamptic and physiological pregnancies (2013)
Non-invasive analysis of beating parameters in in vitro cardiomyocyte culture (2013)
Mapping of Illegal Dumps in the Czech Republic - Using a Crowd-Sourcing Approach (2013)
Estimating Impacts of Environmental Interventions in Monitoring Programs Requires Conceptual Data Models and Robust Statistical Processing (2013)
Tools for Collection, Analysis and Visualization of Data from the Stockholm Convention Global Monitoring Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2013)
Dynamika tvorby přirozených antigalaktosylových protilátek v postnatálním období. (2006)
Průkaz přirozených anti-alfa-galaktosylových protilátek v isotypech IgM, IgG a IgA metodou ELISA. (2005)
Ontogenetická podmíněnost nezaměstnanosti (2014)
GENASIS System Architecture on the Way from Environmental Data Repository towards a Research Infrastructure (2013)
Integration of R Statistical Environment into ICT Infrastructure of GMP and GENASIS (2013)
GENASIS: On-Line Data Browser for Environmental Monitoring and Associated Information Systems (2013)
SVOD – System for Visualizing of Oncological Data and Their Semantic Enhancement (2013)
Preface (2013)
Crocin increases metabolic activity of CYP2C6 (2013)
A solution study of chemical equilibria of physiologically active nucleobases (2013)
Context-dependent interpretation of the prognostic value of BRAF and KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer (2013)
Gene expression patterns unveil a new level of molecular heterogeneity in colorectal cancer (2013)
DUSP 4 expression identifies a subset of colorectal cancer tumors that differ in MAPK activation, regardless of the genotype (2013)
ValDat - databáze valenčních charakteristik taxonů makrozoobentosu v ČR (2009)
Vliv perikoncepční expozice kouření na mužskou reprodukci: poměr pohlaví a nástup puberty (2013)
Modeling of RR intervals (2013)
Linear modelling of the RR interval length sequence (2013)
New Approach to a Parametric Regression in Survival Analysis (2013)
How to design a parametric survival model (2013)
Haloalkane dehalogenases: Biotechnological applications (2013)
Differential role of central and peripheral D2 receptors in the regulation of CYP metabolic activity (2013)
Rizikové prvky v lesních půdách: review (2013)
Stabilita ekologických systémů (2013)
Application of Special Parametric Methods to Model Survival Data (2013)
AR versus ARX Modeling of Heart Rate Sequences Recorded during Stress-Tests (2013)
Epigenetické změny na úrovni tukové tkáně během ontogenetického vývoje z hlediska rizika rozvoje komplexních onemocnění později během života (2013)
Rate Acceleration of the Heterogeneous Reaction of Ozone with a Model Alkene at the Air-Ice Interface at Low Temperatures (2013)
The role of the global cryosphere in the fate of organic contaminants (2013)
Potravinové preference 15letých – studie ELSPAC (2013)
Expansion of Access Tunnels and Active-Site Cavities Influence Activity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases in Organic Cosolvents. (2013)
The Effect of a Unique Halide-Stabilising Residue on the Catalytic Properties of Haloalkane Dehalogenase DatA from Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 (2013)
Engineering Enzyme Stability and Resistance to an Organic Cosolvent by Modification of Residues in the Access Tunnel (2013)
Sphingobium czechense sp nov., isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane dump site (2013)
Novosphingobium barchaimii sp nov., isolated from hexachlorocyclohexane-contaminated soil (2013)
Sphingobium baderi sp nov., isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane dump site (2013)
Immobilization of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 for Biotechnological Applications (2013)
ICT infrastruktura EPOSS & SepsisQ (2013)
AKUTNE.CZ algorithms and SEPSIS-Q scenarios as interactive tools for problem based learning sessions in medical education (2013)
Mercury characterisation in urban particulate matter (2013)
Spatial patterns and temporal changes of heavy metal distributions in river sediments in a region with multiple pollution sources (2013)
The effect of iodine from iodine-enriched alga Chlorella spp. on the pork iodine content and meat quality in finisher pigs (2012)
Receptor modelling of secondary and carbonaceous particulate matter at a southern UK site (2013)
Mineralogical, chemical and toxicological characterization of urban air particles (2013)
The challenge of producing reliable results under highly variable conditions and the role of passive air samplers in the Global Monitoring Plan (2013)
A new liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method using atmospheric pressure photo ionization for the simultaneous determination of azaarenes and azaarones in Dutch river sediments (2013)
Determination of distribution coefficients of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles using solid-phase microextraction (2013)
Evidence of the return of past pollution in the ocean: A model study (2013)
Spatial, seasonal and vertical distributions of currently-used pesticides in the marine boundary layer of the North Sea (2013)
On the Contribution of Biomass Burning to POPs (PAHs and PCDDs) in Air in Africa (2013)
Chemical reactivity and long-range transport potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - a review (2013)
Organochlorine pesticides in soil, moss and tree-bark from North-Eastern Romania (2013)
In vivo effects of microcystins and complex cyanobacterial biomass on rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba): Changes in immunological and haematological parameters (2013)
Assessing triclosan-induced ecological and trans-generational effects in natural phytoplankton communities: a trait-based field method (2013)
Estrogen-, androgen- and aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediated activities in passive and composite samples from municipal waste and surface waters (2013)
Global Monitoring Plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants: visualization and on-line analysis of data from the monitoring reports (2013)
In vitro effects of pollutants from particulate and volatile fractions of air samples-day and night variability (2013)
Association of minor and trace elements with mineralogical constituents of urinary stones: A hard nut to crack in existing studies of urolithiasis (2013)
Zdravotní a sociální ukazatele české populace a vybrané ukázky z dat studie ELSPAC (1991–2012) (2013)
Association of Surface Contamination by Antineoplastic Drugs With Different Working Conditions in Hospital Pharmacies (2014)
Concentrations of microcystins in tissues of several fish species from freshwater reservoirs and ponds (2013)
EU-wide monitoring survey on emerging polar organic contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents (2013)
Revised relative potency values for PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho-substituted PCBs for the optimized H4IIE-luc in vitro bioassay (2013)
Farmakokinetické interakce metamfetaminu a alkoholu (2014)
Weathering and metals mobility in soils at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2013)
Crowdsource Approach for Mapping of Illegal Dumps in the Czech Republic (2013)
The Estimation of Current Survival Measures in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia is Now Available Online (2013)
Behaviorální, emoční a sociální potíže dyslektických dětí během školní docházky (7–15 let) – longitudinální výzkum (2013)
Intravenózní a subkutánní imunoglobulinová terapie (2013)
Oleamid, jeho vliv na metabolickou aktivitu cytochromu P450 a lokomoci u potkana (2014)
A European perspective on alternatives to animal testing for environmental hazard identification and risk assessment (2013)
The isolation and characterization of lipopolysaccharides from Microcystis aeruginosa, a prominent toxic water bloom forming cyanobacteria (2013)
Critical evaluation of a new passive exchange-meter for assessing multimedia fate of persistent organic pollutants at the air-soil interface (2013)
Expert opinion on toxicity profiling – report from a NORMAN expert group meeting. (2013)
Methodology of data collection, management, analysis, and reporting under the Global Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants (2013)
A novel panel of proteins correlating with lymph node metastasis of low-grade breast cancer: Towards functional characterization and clinical validation (2013)
Srovnání laparotomie a laparoskopie při implantaci peritoneální části shuntu v léčbě hydrocefalu (2013)
Registr selárních tumorů - RESET: diagnostika a léčba akromegalie v České a Slovenské republice v 21. století (2013)
Avian high-dose toxicity of cyanobacterial biomass. (2012)
Risk of combined exposure of birds to cyanobacterial biomass containing microcystins, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and anticoagulant. (2012)
Combined exposure of carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) to cyanobacterial biomass and white spot disease. (2012)
"SchussenAktivplus: reduction of micropollutants and of potentially pathogenic bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake Constance, Germany." (2013)
Comparison of extraction techniques for the isolation of explosives and their degradation products from soil (2013)
Passive sampling: An effective method for monitoring seasonal and spatial variability of dissolved hydrophobic organic contaminants and metals in the Danube river (2014)
Concentrations, Fluxes, and Residence Time of PBDEs Across the Tropical Atlantic Ocean (2013)
Modelování rozptylu vybraných atmosférických PAU v ovzduší Valašského Meziříčí pomocí modelu SYMOS'97 a GIS a jeho porovnání s výsledky pasivních odběrů ovzduší. (2013)
Úvod do udržitelného rozvoje: souvislosti environmentálního pilíře. (2013)
Prostorová distribuce zásob HCB v půdě v ČR (2013)
Prostorová distribuce zásob DDT a jeho metabolitů v půdě v ČR (2013)
Interactions between salinity and metal toxicity in euryhaline ciliates (2013)
Stanovení fenotypu CYP1A2 in vivo pomocí kofeinu pro klinické aplikace (2014)
Wet deposition of brominated flame retardants to the Great Lakes basin - Status and trends (2013)
Application of Land Use Regression to Identify Sources and Assess Spatial Variation in Urban SVOC Concentrations (2013)
Combining biota and passive sampling for contaminant monitoring. (2013)
Wo verbleiben langlebige Schadstoffe im Ozean? - Hinweise auf lokale Wiederkehr bereits vergangener Belastungsmaxima (2013)
Earthworm as Bioindicator of Soil Pollution Around Benghazi City, Libya. (2013)
NORMAN Prioritisation framework for emerging substances - Passive sampling interlaboratory study - data evaluation (2013)
Solid phase microextraction of organic pollutants from natural and artificial soils and comparison with bioaccumulation in earthworms (2014)
Novel metabolites in cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii with potencies to inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication (2013)
Speciation of Aluminum FluorideComplexes and Al3+in Environmental Samples using HPLC-ICP-MS. (2013)
Nebezpečné chemické látky a směsi (2013)
Fish tapeworm Khawia sinensis: an indicator of environmental microcystins? (2013)
Biochemical and histopathological responses of Wistar rats to oral intake of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass (2013)
Toxická epidermální nekrolýza a Stevensův Johnsonův syndrom: současné poznatky (2014)
Do cyanobacteria produce estrogenic compounds? (2012)
Analysis of estrogenicity, toxicity and neurotoxicity of Microcystis aerigunosa, Cylidrospermopsis raciborskii and Scenedesmus quadricauda exudates with zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. (2012)
The endocrine disruptive potential of phytoplankton exudates. (2013)
Ecotoxicity of complex cyanobacterial blooms - The role of traditional toxins and newly identified bioactive compounds: estrogens and retinoids. (2013)
Strategies for Stabilization and Activation of Biocatalysts in Organic Solvents (2013)
Release of Halide Ions from the Buried Active Site of the Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB Revealed by Stopped-Flow Fluorescence Analysis and Free Energy Calculations. (2013)
Způsob výroby opticky aktivních halogenalkanů a alkoholů hydrolytickou dehalogenací katalyzovanou halogenalkandehalogenázami (2009)
Method of Thermostabilization of a Protein And/or Stabilization Towards Organic Solvents (2013)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2009)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases, (2010)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases, (2011)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2012)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2012)
Method of detoxication of yperite by using haloalkane dehalogenases (2013)
Miniaturizovaný příruční fluorimetr (2013)
E. coli degWT upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli degWT-opt- upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg90R upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg90R-opt upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg31 upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
E. coli deg31-opt upravená bakterie degradující toxické environmentální polutanty. (2013)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkan dehalogenáza DatA. (2013)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkan dehalogenáza DspA. (2013)
Chemosenzory pro speciační analýzu (2013)
Optické chemosenzory pro analýzu sloučenin obsahující síru (2013)
SchussenAktiv - Eine Modellstudie zur Effizienz der Reduktion der Gehalte an anthropogenen Spurenstoffen durch Aktivkohle in Kläranlagen: Expositions- und Effektmonitoring vor Inbetriebnahme der Adsorptionsstufe auf der Kläranlage Langwiese des AZV Mariatal, Ravensburg (2013)
Composition and effects of inhalable size fractions of atmospheric aerosols in the polluted atmosphere. Part II. In vitro biological potencies (2014)
Benchmarking Organic Micropollutants in Wastewater, Recycled Water and Drinking Water with In Vitro Bioassays (2014)
Acute, chronic and reproductive toxicity of complex cyanobacterial blooms in Daphnia magna and the role of microcystins (2014)
Outdoor passive air monitoring of semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs): a critical evaluation of performance and limitations of polyurethane foam (PUF) disks (2014)
Differences in spatiotemporal variations of atmospheric PAH levels between North America and Europe: Data from two air monitoring projects (2014)
Differences in spatial and temporal variations of atmospheric PAH concentrations between North America and Europe (2013)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: Dálnice D1 v úseku Hubová-Ivachnová, celoroční monitoring bioty 2012 (05/11/18S ) (2013)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: "Dálnice D1 v úseku Dubná Skala-Turany, roční monitoring bioty 2013 (07/11/22/S ) (2013)
Analyses of endocrine- and dioxin-like effects using a series of in vitro reporter gene assays. (2013)
EU Wide Monitoring Survey on Waste Water Treatment Plant Effluents (2012)
Stanovení obsahu vybraných perzistentních organických polutantů (POPs) v ovzduší - 13041910389, obj. 46704948 (2013)
Monitoring stavu životního prostředí - půda a monitoring znečištění ovzduší (POPs) v okolí cementáren - 13071110596 (2014)
Stanovení obsahu vybraných persistentních organických polutantů (POPs) v ovzduší na území Ústeckého kraje – 2013. (2013)
Analýza PCB, PBDE a pesticidů ve vodě, ovzduší a usazeninách řeky Gangy v Indii - O-12038 (2013)
A Framework for Curriculum Management - The Use of Outcome-based Approach in Practice (2014)
Výroční zpráva o realizaci předmětu smlouvy č. MŽP/750/02/CHL/08 v roce 2013 (2013)
Dlouhodobý monitoring environmentálních polutantů ve volném ovzduší na území Jihomoravského kraje (2013)
Provedení chemických analýz na obsah cyklofosfamidu a platiny (2013)
Pilotní studie stavu volného ovzduší v oblasti plánované výstavby spalovny komunálního odpadu ZEVO Chotíkov. (2013)
Risk assessment for the use of Tosylchloramide sodium in Chloramine T (2013)
Matematický model produkce a nakládání s komunálním odpadem (2013)
Model produkce a nakládání s komunálními odpady (2014)
Metoda pro nahrazování zleva cenzorovaných hodnot v časových řadách znečištění ovzduší persistentními polutanty v prostředí jazyka R (2014)
Přehled záznamů o léčbě pacientů v registru Osteo CZ České osteologické společnosti ČLS JEP (analýza dat o léčbě preparátem FORSTEO a PREOTACT) (2013)
Výsledky současné léčby akromegalie v ČR a SR (2013)
Longitudinální studie hodnocení schopností spojených se školním výkonem u žáků s dyslexií a bez dyslexie jejich učiteli. (2014)
The prediction role of indexes of circulating adipokines for common anthropometric and nutritional characteristics of obesity in the obese Central European population (2014)
The EurOPDX consortium: Sharing patient tumor-derived xenografts for collaborative multicentric preclinical trials. (2013)
"Stress entropic load" as a transgenerational epigenetic response trigger (2014)
Two Common Ghrelin Gene Polymorphisms Linked to Anthropometric and Dietary Characteristics of the Central European Population (2014)
The effect of soil microbial community on mobile portions of mercury in contaminated soil (2014)
CAVER Analyst 1.0: Graphic tool for interactive visualization and analysis of tunnels and channels in protein structures (2014)
PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in ambient air in Slovakia. (2008)
PCDD/PCDF, dl-PCB and PBDE serum levels of Slovak general population. (2012)
PCDD, PCDF, PCB and PBDE concentrations in breast milk of mothers residing in selected areas of Slovakia. (2011)
Half-lives of serum PCB congener concentrations in environmentally exposed early adolescents. (2011)
Differences between dioxin-like PCB, non-dioxin-like PCB, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran intake from human milk and infant milk formula by infants in the Michalovce district (Slovakia). (2011)
PCDDs, PCDFs, and dioxin-like PCBs in breast milk and estimation of infant intake. (2010)
Stanovenie vybraných perzistentných organických polutantov pomocou izotopovej zrieďovacej metódy využívajúcej plynovú chromatografiu a vysokorozlišovaciu hmotnostnú spektrometriou. (2010)
Levels of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Food and Feed from Slovakia. (2011)
Cross-species analysis of genetically engineered mouse models of MAPK-driven colorectal cancer identifies hallmarks of the human disease (2014)
"Stress entropic load" as a transgenerational epigenetic response trigger (2014)
Association of a SNP in miR-576-5p binding site of NHLH2 gene with neuroectodermal tumours in paediatrics (2014)
The common polymorphism Val109Asp in the omentin gene is associated with daily energy intake in the Central-European population (2014)
Case study: Prognostic model of Czech municipal waste production and treatment (2014)
Involving Citizens into Mapping of Illegal Landfills and other civic issues in the Czech Republic (2014)
Pathophysiological characterization of drug hypersensitivity to tribenoside (2014)
Topology Incorporating Pathway Analysis of Expression Data: An Evaluation of Existing Methods (2013)
SigHunt: Horizontal Gene Transfer Finder Optimized for Eukaryotic Genomes (2014)
Vliv oleamidu na metabolickou aktivitu CYP2C6 a fagocytární aktivitu potkana (2014)
Prognóza produkce komunálních odpadů do roku 2024 (2014)
Effect of temperature and increased concentration of CO2 on growth and photosynthetic activity of polar alga Trebouxia sp. (2014)
Mathematical and economic model of municipal waste management using Maple (2014)
genasis: Global ENvironmental ASsessment Information System (GENASIS) computational tools (2014)
White-Nose Syndrome Fungus: A Generalist Pathogen of Hibernating Bats (2014)
Characterization of evolutionary changes to study and engineering of green microalgae (2014)
Pseudogymnoascus destructans: Evidence of Virulent Skin Invasion for Bats Under Natural Conditions, Europe (2015)
Test of Four Colon Cancer Risk-Scores in Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Microarray Gene Expression Data (2014)
Connecting gene expression subtypes of colorectal cancer (CRC) with cell lines and drug resistance (2013)
Identification of synthetic lethal interactions with the BRAF oncogene in colorectal cancer (2013)
Distal and proximal colon cancers differ in terms of molecular, pathological, and clinical features (2014)
Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphisms in relation to chronic periodontitis, periodontopathic bacteria and lipid levels (2015)
HPLC-MS Identification of Metabolites of Selected Benzophenanthridine Alkaloids by Rat Liver Microsomes (2014)
Analysis of mercury and other heavy metals accumulated in lichen Usnea antarctica from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Clinical picture and treatment of 2212 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2014)
The PER3 VNTR polymorphism is a predictor of dietary composition in the Central European population (2014)
Polymorphism 140A/G in lactotransferrin gene and its association with development of dental caries and gingivitis in children (2014)
Tribe-specific satellite DNA in non-domestic Bovidae (2014)
The distribution of phenotypes in a population of severe COPD (2014)
Souvislost potravinových preferencí a konzumace (2013)
BCG vaccination in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency: Complications, risks, and vaccination policies (2014)
Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 1.část, Diagnostické přístupy (2014)
Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 2. část, Léčba a novorozenecký screening (2014)
Alergie a autoimunita v komplexu dysregulace imunitního systému (2014)
Atypické laboratorní nálezy při diagnostice celiakie (2014)
Závažná reakce typu generalizovaného bulózního fixního lékového exantému po nimesulidu - popis případu (2014)
Stepwise Enhancement of Catalytic Performance of Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB towards Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane. (2014)
Maximizing the Efficiency of Multi-enzyme Process by Stoichiometry Optimization. (2014)
Immobilized Synthetic Pathway for Biodegradation of Toxic Recalcitrant Pollutant 1,2,3-Trichloropropane. (2014)
Structural and Functional Analysis of a Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase with Two Halide-Binding Sites. (2014)
Microscopic Monitoring Provides Information on Structure and Properties During Biocatalyst Immobilisation. (2014)
Dynamics and Hydration Explain Failed Functional Transformation in Dehalogenase Design. (2014)
Computer-Assisted Engineering of Synthetic Pathway for Biodegradation of Toxic Persistent Pollutant. (2014)
Interfacing Microwells with Nanoliter Compartments: A Sampler Generating High-Resolution Concentration Gradients for Quantitative Biochemical Analyses in Droplets (2015)
Comparison of iPTH values in serum and plasma samples depending on the time and temperature in patients with chronic kidney disease (2014)
The tyrosine phosphatase PTPRO sensitizes colon cancer cells to anti-EGFR therapy through activation of SRC-mediated EGFR signaling (2014)
Patient-Derived Xenograft Models: An Emerging Platform for Translational Cancer Research (2014)
The common polymorphism Val109Asp in the omentin gene is associated with daily energy intake in the Central-European population (2015)
Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions of ozone with representative PAHs and an alkene at the air–ice interface at 258 and 188 K (2014)
Spectroscopic Properties of Benzene at the Air–Ice Interface: A Combined Experimental–Computational Approach (2014)
Diagnostika vrozených poruch imunity (2014)
Substituční imunoglobulinová léčba (2014)
Ekologické aspekty samovolné obnovy fluviálních procesů na řece Bečve (2014)
Vliv krocinu a safranalu na metabolickou aktivitu CYP enzymů u potkana (2015)
Effect of Crocin and Fluoxetine on CYP2C6 in vivo Metabolic Activity Its Protein Levels in Rat Liver Microsomes (2014)
Simultaneous determination of reduced and oxidized glutathione in tissues by a novel liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method: application in an inhalation study of Cd nanoparticles (2014)
Effect of recalculations of air quality monitoring results on awareness on persistent organic pollutants concentrations (2014)
Accumulation Kinetics and Equilibrium Partitioning Coefficients for Semivolatile Organic Pollutants in Forest Litter (2014)
Measurement of environmental pollutants using passive sampling devices - an updated commentary on the current state of the art (2014)
Investigating the temporal trends in PAH, PCB and OCP concentrations in Hartbeespoort Dam, South Africa, using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) (2014)
The variability of standard artificial soils: Behaviour, extractability and bioavailability of organic pollutants (2014)
Uptake kinetics of five hydrophobic organic pollutants in the earthworm Eisenia fetida in six different soils (2014)
Characterization of urban pollution in two cities of the Puglia region in Southern Italy using field measurements and air quality (AQ) model approach (2014)
Time series assessment in the era of Stockholm Convention & GMP (2014)
Longer-term and short-term variability in pollution of fluvial sediments by dioxin-like and endocrine disruptive compounds (2014)
What level of estrogenic activity determined by in vitro assays in municipal waste waters can be considered as safe? (2014)
Comparison of five integrative samplers in laboratory for the monitoring of indicator and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in water (2014)
Composition and effects of inhalable size fractions of atmospheric aerosols in the polluted atmosphere: Part I. PAHs, PCBs and OCPs and the matrix chemical composition (2014)
From the City to the Lake: Loadings of PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs and PCMs from Toronto to Lake Ontario (2014)
Interactive effects of n-TiO2 and 2,3,7,8-TCDD on the marine bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis (2014)
Effect-based assessment of passive air samples from four countries in Eastern Europe (2014)
Do predictions from Species Sensitivity Distributions match with field data? (2014)
Europe-wide survey of estrogenicity in wastewater treatment plant effluents: the need for the effect-based monitoring (2014)
Two organobromines trigger lifespan, growth, reproductive and transcriptional changes in Caenorhabditis elegans (2014)
In situ effects of urban river pollution on the mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum as part of an integrated assessment (2014)
Higher education in environmental sciences with chemistry emphasis: bachelor and master programmes in Europe (2014)
Air-sea exchange and gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean (2014)
The legal framework to manage chemical pollution in India and the lesson from the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (2014)
Environment and human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in India: A systematic review of recent and historical data (2014)
Assessment of bioavailable fraction of POPS in surface water bodies in Johannesburg City, South Africa, using passive samplers: an initial assessment (2014)
Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants at European Legislation Safety Concentrations: How Safe Are They? (2014)
Novel rapid in vitro cytotoxicity test on mammalian cells based on an electrochemical measuring method (2014)
Annual dynamics of persistent organic pollutants in various aquatic matrices: a case study in the Morava River in Zlin district, Czech Republic (2014)
Effects of clofibric acid alone and in combination with 17 beta-estradiol on mRNA abundance in primary hepatocytes isolated from rainbow trout (2014)
Survey of cyanobacterial toxins in Czech water reservoirs-the first observation of neurotoxic saxitoxins (2014)
The SOLUTIONS project: Challenges and responses for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management (2015)
Effects of combined composting and vermicomposting of waste sludge on arsenic fate and bioavailability (2014)
Endocrine, teratogenic and neurotoxic effects of cyanobacteria detected by cellular in vitro and zebrafish embryos assays (2015)
Retinoid-like activity and teratogenic effects of cyanobacterial exudates (2014)
Iron(II,III)-Polyphenol Complex Nanoparticles Derived from Green Tea with Remarkable Ecotoxicological Impact (2014)
Size specific distribution of the atmospheric particulate PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and PAHs on a seasonal scale: Implications for cancer risks from inhalation (2014)
Dispersion modeling of selected PAHs in urban air: A new approach combining dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling (2014)
Does an analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils across China reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox? (2014)
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds Affecting Corticosteroid Signaling Pathways in Czech and Swiss Waters: Potential Impact on Fish (2014)
Evaluation and guidelines for using polyurethane foam (PUF) passive air samplers in double-dome chambers to assess semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in non-industrial indoor environments (2014)
Particle Size Distribution of Halogenated Flame Retardants and Implications for Atmospheric Deposition and Transport (2014)
Pleurozium schreberi as an ecological indicator of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in a heavily industrialized urban area (2015)
Current Challenges in Air Sampling of Semivolatile Organic Contaminants: Sampling Artifacts and Their Influence on Data Comparability (2014)
Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. VI. The sixth year (2013-2014) (2014)
Superoutburst of SDSS J090221.35+381941.9: First measurement of mass ratio in an AM CVn-type object using growing superhumps (2014)
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of agricultural and urban areas in the Province of Buenos Aires in Argentina using PUF disk passive air samplers (2014)
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in composts and digestates from European countries as determined by the in vitro bioassay and chemical analysis (2015)
Effects of enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and trimethoprim on two generations of Daphnia magna (2015)
Can zero-valent iron nanoparticles remove waterborne estrogens? (2015)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and chlorinated pesticides in background air in central Europe - investigating parameters affecting wet scavenging of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (2015)
Diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity of the biological soil crust and lichen: Effects of abiotic factors (Petuniabukta, Svalbard) (2014)
Regionální struktura půdního pokryvu zemědělsky využívaných půd ve vztahu k povodňové zonaci (2013)
2D elemental mapping of sections of human kidney stones using laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: Possibilities and limitations (2014)
Three levels of R language involvement in global monitoring plan warehouse architecture (2015)
Civic Issues Reporting and Involvement of Volunteers as a Phenomenon in the Czech Republic (2015)
Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: State of the science for organic contaminants (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS001 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS003 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS004 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS005 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS010 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS006 (2014)
Rekombinantní enzym haloalkane dehalogenase HTS013 (2014)
Geneticky modifikovaná bakterie degradující toxické environmentalní polutanty Ps. putida CF4 deg31 (2014)
Geneticky modifikovaná bakterie Pseudomonas putida CF4 deg 31 pro degradaci toxického environmentálního polutantu 1,2,3-trichlorpropanu na chromosomu (2014)
Geneticky modifikovaná bakterie Pseudomonas putida CF4 pro degradaci toxického environmentálního polutantu 1,2,3-trichlorpropanu na plasmidu. (2014)
Caver Analyst 1.0 (2014)
The relation of personality factors to classroom sociometric status in secondary school students. (2015)
Zařízení pro vakuový odběr vzorků kapaliny (2014)
Are In Vitro Methods for the Detection of Endocrine Potentials in the Aquatic Environment Predictive for In Vivo Effects? Outcomes of the Projects SchussenAktiv and SchussenAktiv plus in the Lake Constance Area, Germany (2014)
The presence of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) in umbilical cord blood in both healthy and pre-eclamptic pregnancies and in human breast milk. (2015)
A novel panel of proteins correlating with lymph node metastasis of low-grade breast cancer as identified by combined proteomics and transcriptomics approach (2014)
Směsi pesticidů v prostředí a hodnocení jejich účinků (2014)
'Pseudoneurological' symptoms, dissociation and stress-related psychopathology in healthy young adults (2013)
Pressocucurbit[5]uril (2015)
Assessing the potential of autonomous submarine gliders for ecosystem monitoring across multiple trophic levels (plankton to cetaceans) and pollutants in shallow shelf seas (2014)
Výzkum transformačních produktů degradace toxických léčiv novými technologiemi (2014)
Monitoring vlivu stavby dálnice D1 Dubná Skala – Turany na životní prostředí (2014)
Gender differences in the projection of food preferences into food consumption in Czech adolescents (2015)
Histologie (2014)
GLUT2 and TAS1R2 polymorphisms and susceptibility to dental caries (2015)
Anti-Gal IgM, IgA and IgG Natural Antibodies in Childhood (2015)
Levels of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in sediments from Lenga estuary, central Chile (2014)
Site-specific Analysis of Protein Hydration Based on Unnatural Amino Acid Fluorescence. (2015)
Balancing the Stability-Activity Trade-off by Fine-Tuning Dehalogenase Access Tunnels. (2015)
IGF2 is an actionable target that identifies a distinct subpopulation of colorectal cancer patients with marginal response to anti-EGFR therapies (2015)
Asociace polymorfizmů v genech pro glukózový transportér a receptor sladké chuti se zubním kazem (2015)
Analýza haplotypů polymorfizmů v promotoru genu pro interleukin-6 u pacientů s chronickou parodontitidou a diabetem mellitem (2015)
Transformations for Parametric Modeling of Censored Data in Survival Analysis (2015)
Analysis of vitamin D receptor and osteoprotegerin gene polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis (2015)
Linear AR Models for Description of a Stress-Test Heart Rate in Horses (2015)
Investigation of structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
Registr pacientů RESET (REgistr SElárních Tumorů): Cushingův syndrom - analýza k 7. 5. 2014 (2014)
Wedelolactone induces growth of breast cancer cells by stimulation of estrogen receptor signalling (2015)
Anaplasma phagocytophilum prevalence in ticks and rodents in an urban and natural habitat in South-Western Slovakia (2015)
Evaluation of medical information quality (2015)
Evaluation of medical information quality (2015)
TopKLists: a comprehensive R package for statistical inference, stochastic aggregation, and visualization of multiple omics ranked lists (2015)
Practical use of medical terminology in curriculum mapping (2015)
Vliv vybraných kanabinoidních látek na metabolickou aktivitu cytochromu P450 u potkana (2015)
The induction of CYP3A and CYP2C11 activities in rat liver by natural carotenoid lycopene (2015)
Využití průtokové cytometrie pro detekci účinnosti filtrace bakterií v procesech čištění odpadních vod (2012)
Česká multicentrická výzkumná databáze těžké chronické obstrukční plicní nemoci - popis projektu (2015)
Cultivation of photoautotrophic plant suspension cultures in photobioreactors (2015)
Haplotype analysis of interleukin-6 gene promoter polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis and diabetes mellitus (2015)
A Negative Correlation between Mercury Content in Muscle and Body Weight in Carp from Uncontaminated Ponds (2015)
Combined Proteomics and Transcriptomics Identifies Carboxypeptidase B1 and Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) Associated Proteins as Putative Biomarkers of Metastasis in Low Grade Breast Cancer (2015)
Lokální anestetika v klinické praxi (2015)
Establishment and characterization of models of chemotherapy resistance in colorectal cancer: Towards a predictive signature of chemoresistance (2015)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2015)
The Effect of Safranal on the Metabolic Activity of Selected CYP Enzymes in Rat (2015)
Can the Bioactive Compounds of Crocus sativus L. Influence the Metabolic Activity of Selected CYP Enzymes in Rat? (2015)
The effect of tolbutamide on the biotransformation of phenacetine - interaction of marker substrates? (2015)
Differences in food intake and genetic variability in taste receptors between pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus (2015)
Polymorphism in miR-31 and miR-584 binding site in the angiotensinogen gene differentially influences body fat distribution in both sexes (2015)
Prognostic value of human epididymis protein 4 in endometrial cancer and its utility for surgical staging (2015)
4-Hydroxyphenacyl Ammonium Salts: A Photoremovable Protecting Group for Amines in Aqueous Solutions (2015)
A novel STAT3 gene mutation revealed in a patient with hyper IgE syndrome and severe eczema (2015)
Substituované furo[3,2-b]pyridiny pro použití jako léčiva (2015)
Interleukin-17 gene variability and IL-17 plasma levels in patients with chronic periodontitis (2015)
Seal mummies as mercury source for Antarctic soils (2015)
Trace mercury speciation in specific Antarctic soils (2015)
Preparation and testing of phosphate, oxalate and uric acid matrix-matched standards for accurate quantification of 2D elemental distribution in kidney stone sections using 213 nm nanosecond laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2015)
Detection of impaired IgG antibody formation facilitates the decision on early immunoglobulin replacement in hypogammaglobulinemic patients (2015)
Factors Affecting Antioxidant Response in Fish from a Long-term Mercury-Contaminated Reservoir (2015)
A Skull Might Lie: Modeling Ancestral Ranges and Diet from Genes and Shape of Tree Squirrels (2015)
Farmakologické interakce etanolu s vybranými zneužívanými nelegálními látkami (2015)
Interleukin-6 May Contribute to Mortality in Parkinson's Disease Patients: A 4-Year Prospective Study (2015)
Mother's education and the risk of preterm and small for gestational age birth: a DRIVERS meta-analysis of 12 European cohorts (2015)
Extremely low genetic variation in endangered Tatra chamois and evidence for hybridization with an introduced Alpine population (2015)
ToPASeq: an R package for topology-based pathway analysis of microarray and RNA-Seq data (2015)
Propanediurea Dimer Clips (2015)
Introducing Substituents on Cucurbiturils (2015)
Genová variabilita v imunoregulačních faktorech u pacientů s chronickou parodontitidou a diabetes mellitus (2015)
Periodontal status and genetic variability in pro-inflammatory cytokines in patients with diabetes mellitus (2015)
Genetická analýza vybraných cytokinů ve vztahu k chronické parodontitidě u pacientů s/bez diabetu mellitu (2015)
Polymorfizmy v genu pro receptor vitamínu D u ortodontických pacientů se zevní apikální resorpcí (2015)
Variabilita v promotoru genu pro interleukin-6 u pacientů s chronickou parodontitidou (2015)
Polymorfismy v genu pro VDR u ortoontických pacientů se zevní apikální resorpcí (2015)
Polymorfismy v genu pro VDR u ortoontických pacientů se zevní apikální resorpcí (2015)
Exacerbation of Substrate Toxicity by IPTG in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) Carrying a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway (2015)
Bioavailability and mobility of organic contaminants in soil: new three-step ecotoxicological evaluation (2016)
ACE Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism Associated with Caries in Permanent but Not Primary Dentition in Czech Children (2016)
Interleukin-17A Gene Variability in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Periodontitis: Its Correlation with IL-17 Levels and the Occurrence of Periodontopathic Bacteria (2016)
FireProt: Energy- and Evolution-Based Computational Design of Thermostable Multiple-Point Mutants (2015)
Novel LinA Type 3 delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane Dehydrochlorinase (2015)
Mechanism-Based Discovery of Novel Substrates of Haloalkane Dehalogenases using in Silico Screening (2015)
Modelling the Last Glacial Maximum environments for a refugium of Pleistocene biota in the Russian Altai Mountains, SiberiaPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (2015)
Distribuce klinických fenotypů v populaci nemocných s těžkou chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí (pilotní analýza vstupních dat České multicentrické výzkumné databáze těžké CHOPN) (2015)
Analýza sekvencí DNA (2015)
Gender differences in the treatment of first-episode schizophrenia: Results from the European First Episode Schizophrenia Trial (2015)
Metodika hodnocení efektivnosti výdajů obcí na odpadové hospodářství (2015)
Kožní testy v diagnostice lékové alergie. Doporučení Pracovní skupiny pro lékové alergie ČSAKI (2015)
Phylogeny of vespertilionid bats with respect to the white-nose syndrome (2012)
Relationships within phylogeny of vespertilionid bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) (2013)
Ecological aspects of fluvial processes recovery at Becva River (2015)
Habitat-scale evaluation of stream restoration effects: case study at Knehyne Stream (2015)
Can Bioactive Compounds of Crocus sativus L. Influence the Metabolic Activity of Selected CYP Enzymes in the Rat? (2015)
Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in ticks and rodents from urban and natural habitats of South-Western Slovakia (2016)
Ectoparasites may serve as vectors for the white-nose syndrome fungus (2016)
Vyhledávání a validace potenciálních biomarkerů metastazování u nádorů prsu typu luminal A (2015)
Vícerozměrné metody pro analýzu a klasifikaci dat (2015)
Identification of metabolites of selected benzophenanthridine alkaloids and their toxicity evaluation (2016)
Dextromethorphan: Pharmacodynamic and Toxicological Profile (2015)
Imunologické aspekty moderní léčby roztroušené sklerózy (2015)
Determination of alkylphenols in water samples using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry after pre-column derivatization with dansyl chloride (2015)
Matematická biologie: e-learningová učebnice [online]. (2015)
Funkce, časové řady a jejich lineární modely (2015)
Spectroscopic Properties of Naphthalene on the Surface of Ice Grains Revisited: A Combined Experimental Computational Approach (2015)
Lidské tělo (2015)
Future water quality monitoring - Adapting tools to deal with mixtures of pollutants in water resource management (2015)
Impact of Floods and Their Frequency on Content and Distribution of Risk Elements in Alluvial Soils (2015)
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls in food samples from areas with potential sources of contamination in Slovakia (2015)
Exploring the planetary boundary for chemical pollution (2015)
The variability of standard artificial soils: Effects on the survival and reproduction of springtail (Folsomia candida) and potworm (Enchytraeus crypticus) (2015)
Polymer-immobilized ready-to-use recombinant yeast assays for the detection of endocrine disruptive compounds (2015)
Toxic effects of metals on two euryhaline ciliate species adapted to variable salinities (2015)
Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants to and from the Arctic under Present-Day and Future Climate (2015)
Spatial Distribution of Old and Emerging Flame Retardants in Chinese Forest Soils: Sources, Trends and Processes. (2015)
Phytoestrogens and mycoestrogens in surface waters - Their sources, occurrence, and potential contribution to estrogenic activity (2015)
Long-range atmospheric transport of PAHs, PCBs and PBDEs to the central and eastern Mediterranean and changes of PCB and PBDE congener patterns in summer 2010 (2015)
Pasivní vzorkování volného ovzduší - certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2015)
Air and seawater pollution and air-sea gas exchange of persistent toxic substances in the Aegean Sea: spatial trends of PAHs, PCBs, OCPs and PBDEs (2015)
An experimentally refined tool to assess the risks of the human dermal exposure to herbicide chlorotoluron (2015)
Urinary stones as a novel matrix for human biomonitoring of toxic and essential elements (2016)
Measurements of persistent organic pollutants in Estonian ambient air (1990-2013) (2015)
Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Central European Soils with Compound-Specific Triple Isotopes (delta C-13, Delta C-14, and delta H-2) (2015)
Phosphatidylcholine Specific PLC-Induced Dysregulation of Gap Junctions, a Robust Cellular Response to Environmental Toxicants, and Prevention by Resveratrol in a Rat Liver Cell Model (2015)
Časové a prostorové hodnocení koncentrací perzistentních organických polutantů ve volném ovzduší ČR. Specializované mapy s odborným obsahem (Nmap) (2015)
Cryoconite holes on frozen lakes as source of interesting extremophilic and extremotolerant organisms (2015)
Assessing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) using passive air sampling in the atmosphere of one of the most wood-smoke-polluted cities in Chile: The case study of Temuco (2015)
Assessing levels and seasonal variations of current-use pesticides (CUPs) in the Tuscan atmosphere, Italy, using polyurethane foam disks (PUF) passive air samplers (2015)
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Concepcion Bay, central Chile after the 2010 Tsunami (2015)
Retinoid compounds associated with water blooms dominated by Microcystis species (2015)
Interlaboratory study of novel halogenated flame retardants: INTERFLAB (2015)
Source identification, spatio-temporal distribution and ecological risk of persistent organic pollutants in sediments from the upper Danube catchment (2015)
Melting Himalayan glaciers contaminated by legacy atmospheric depositions are important sources of PCBs and high-molecular-weight PAHs for the Ganges floodplain during dry periods (2015)
Interaktivní mapy pro vizualizaci trendů znečištění životního prostředí chemickými látkami. Specializované mapy s odborným obsahem (Nmap) (2015)
Výroční zpráva o plnění předmětu smlouvy č. 8019/8 v roce 2015, Část 3, Vývoj informačního systému GENASIS (2015)
The kinetics of solid-phase microextraction measured for freshly added and aged hydrophobic compounds in two different soils (2015)
Quantifying the Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Partitioning of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals to Silicone Rubber Passive Samplers (2015)
High-throughput concentration-response analysis for omics datasets (2015)
Identification and Characterization of Androgen-Responsive Genes in Zebrafish Embryos (2015)
Assessment of silver nanoparticle toxicity for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish embryos using a novel method controlling the agglomeration in the aquatic media (2015)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in herbaceous Centaurium erythraea affected by various sources of environmental pollution (2015)
Influence of feeding and earthworm density on compound bioaccumulation in earthworms Eisenia andrei (2015)
Immunomodulatory Potency of Microcystin, an Important Water-Polluting Cyanobacterial Toxin (2015)
DDTs and HCHs in sediment cores from the coastal East China Sea (2016)
Air-Seawater Exchange of Organochlorine Pesticides along the Sediment Plume of a Large Contaminated River (2015)
Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in Chinese forest soil: Will combustion become a major source? (2015)
Elevated Mobility of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Soil of a Tropical Rainforest (2015)
Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. VII. The seventh year (2014-2015) (2015)
Linking in Vitro Effects and Detected Organic Micropollutants in Surface Water Using Mixture-Toxicity Modeling (2015)
Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons is Worldwide Problem - Results from Measurements at Remote Sites and Modelling (2015)
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in river and ground/drinking water of the Ganges River basin: Emissions and implications for human exposure (2016)
Application of stir bar sorptive extraction in target analysis and screening of organic substances in surface water and sediments (2015)
Development and comparison of regression models for the uptake of metals into various field crops (2015)
Do high mountain ski areas have contamination caused by perfluorinated compounds? (2015)
Effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields on cell-cell communication in a monolayer (2016)
Hodnocení ekotoxicity kalu kontaminovaného arsenem po jeho fytoremediaci, kompostování a vermikompostování (2015)
Nanopesticidy: přínosy, rizika, hodnocení a legislativní pohled (2015)
Effect of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on the immune responses of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2015)
Jak se cítí dialyzovaný pacient? Pilotní výsledky dotazníkového průzkumu v České republice (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva projektu „Zajištění kontinuity biomonitoringu perzistentních organických polutantů (POPs) pro rok 2015 - odběr vzorků mateřského mléka v ČR“ (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva k zajištění informace o hladinách nových a kandidátských POPs (zejména bromované a fluorované látky) ve vnitřním prostředí v rezidenčních budovách v ČR (2015)
Comment on "Photolysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Water and Ice Surfaces" and on "Nonchromophoric Organic Matter Suppresses Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Photolysis in Ice and at Ice Surfaces" (2015)
Simple non-invasive analysis of embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes beating in vitro (2016)
Effect of arsenic and cyanobacterial co-exposure on pathological, haematological and immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2015)
Applied Hydrobiology (2014)
Detekční proužky (2015)
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in the Atmosphere - A Review Identifying Research Needs (2015)
DsvA from Saccharomonospora viridis DSM 43017 (2015)
Enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmxA from Marinobacter sp. ELB17 purified to homogeneity (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancHLD-Rluc (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancLinB-DmbA (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD1 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD2 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD3 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD4 (2015)
Recombinant ancestral enzyme ancDbjA-DbeA NOD5 (2015)
Device for Detection of Halogenated Hydrocarbons (2016)
Thermostable FGF2 Polypeptide, Use Thereof (2020)
Fenotypická heterogenita nemocných s těžkou CHOPN: Vstupní databáze z české multicentrické výzkumné databáze CHOPN (2015)
Influence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin bioconcentration and toxicity in the marine fish European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva k zajištění účasti expertů ČR na zasedání a podpora implementace Minamatské úmluvy na národní úrovni v roce 2015 (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva ke zpracování návrhu akčních plánů pro hexabromcyklododekan (HBCDD), pentachlorfenol, chlorované naftaleny a hexachlorbutadien (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva k vytvoření vědecké platformy pro zapojení ČR do evropské iniciativy k biomonitoringu (2015)
Technologie vytváření různého stupně hydrofobních povrchů na základě plazmatu a nanotechnologií (2015)
Passive sampling: chemical analysis and toxicological profiling (2015)
Optimalizace nákladů na OH (2015)
Zařízení pro koncentraci solutů s deskovou membránou (2015)
Firmware k ovládání biosensoru (2015)
Dissociative Symptoms and Mother's Marital Status in Young Adult Population (2015)
Cannabinoids and Cytochrome P450 Interactions (2016)
Hladiny a rizika cytostatik v prostředí nemocnice České Budějovice (2015)
Simultánní stanovení cyklofosfamidu a 5-fluorouracilu v extraktech/roztocích (2015)
Stanovení vybraných cytostatik ve stěrech pracovního prostředí (2015)
Rozdíly v příjmu potravy a genetická variabilita v chuťových receptorech mezi ženami s a bez gestačního diabetu (2016)
Accelerated Visualization of Transparent Molecular Surfaces in Molecular Dynamics (2016)
Seal remains as sources of mercury for Antarctic environment (2016)
Effects of the soil microbial community on mobile proportions and speciation of mercury (Hg) in contaminated soil (2016)
Imunosensory pro rychlou detekci patogenních mikroorganismů (2016)
Psychometric properties of the Czech version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory - comparison between diagnostic groups (2015)
An interlaboratory study on passive sampling of emerging water pollutants (2016)
New experimental data on the human dermal absorption of Simazine and Carbendazim help to refine the assessment of human exposure (2016)
Current implications of past DDT indoor spraying in Oman (2016)
Effect-directed analysis supporting monitoring of aquatic environments - An in-depth overview (2016)
Calibration of a passive sampler based on stir bar sorptive extraction for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in water (2016)
A Collaborative Evaluation of LC-MS/MS Based Methods for BMAA Analysis: Soluble Bound BMAA Found to Be an Important Fraction (2016)
Freeze-drying as suitable method to achieve ready-to-use yeast biosensors for androgenic and estrogenic compounds (2016)
Rapid Screening of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors by Effect-Directed Analysis Using LC x LC Fractionation, a High Throughput in Vitro Assay, and Parallel Identification by Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (2016)
Assessment of contaminant fate in catchments using a novel integrated hydrobiogeochemical-multimedia fate model (2016)
Impact of Low Maternal Education on Early Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Europe (2016)
Comparative assessment of the environmental hazards of and exposure to perfluoroalkyl phosphonic and phosphinic acids (PFPAs and PFPiAs): Current knowledge, gaps, challenges and research needs (2016)
Annual dynamics of perfluorinated compounds in sediment: A case study in the Morava River in Zlin district, Czech Republic (2016)
The influence of tree species composition on the storage and mobility of semivolatile organic compounds in forest soils (2016)
Acute Systemic Toxicity: Alternative in Vivo and in Vitro Methods (2016)
Assessing Dicofol Concentrations in Air: Retrospective Analysis of Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling Network Samples from Agricultural Sites in India (2016)
Discovery of Novel Haloalkane Dehalogenase Inhibitors (2016)
Babesia spp. in ticks and wildlife in different habitat types of Slovakia (2016)
Gastroezofageální refluxní choroba a variabilita v genech pro CDX2 a receptor vitaminu D (2016)
Variabilita v genu pro receptor produktů pokročilé glykace (RAGE) u pacientů s chronickou parodontitidou s/bez diabetes mellitus (2016)
Polymorfizmy v génoch pre purinergný receptor a osteoprotegerin vo vzťahu k externej apikálnej resorpcii koreňa u pacientov po ortodontickej liečbě (2016)
Cytokinins influence root gravitropism via differential regulation of auxin transporter expression and localization in Arabidopsis (2016)
Vliv demografických parametrů, plicních funkčních ukazatelů a HRCT skóre na přežití a klinický průběh pacientů s IPF - analýza Českého registru IPF (2016)
The Forecasting Waste Generation Model based on Linked Open Data and the DPSIR Framework. Case study concerning municipal waste in the Czech Republic (2016)
Prevention awareness: the way towards a healthy lifestyle (2016)
Antifoulingové účinky fotokatalytických vrstev na řasy r. Klebsormidium (2016)
Genetic determinants and postorthodontic external apical root resorption in Czech children (2017)
Rapid Immunosensing of Salmonella Typhimurium Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: the Effect of Sample Treatment (2016)
A novel panel of proteins associated with lymph node metastasis in low-grade breast cancer (2016)
Aplikace SWATH-MS v nádorovém výzkumu (2016)
Combined proteomics and transcriptomics identifies carboxypeptidase B1 and NF-kappa B associated proteins as putative biomarkers of metastasis in low grade breast cancer (2015)
Pilotní projekt aplikace zážitkové výchovy ke zdravému životnímu stylu (2016)
Interactive Exploration of Ligand Transportation through Protein Tunnels (2017)
Vliv hlavních obsahových látek Crocus sativus L. na metabolickou aktivitu vybraných CYP enzymů u potkana (2016)
Gelatin-templated Nanostructured Gold for Electrochemical Detection of Glucose in Serum (2016)
Interleukin-8 receptor 2 (CXCR2) gene variability in patients with chronic periodontitis alone or in combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Czech population (2016)
Cytokinins control cell differentiation via regulation of secondary cell wall master switches NST1 and NST3 (2016)
Identification of subtype specific microbiome from tumour tissue RNAseq data in colorectal cancer (2016)
Variability in selected candidate genes for recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a pilot study (2016)
Vliv linaloolu na metabolickou aktivitu CYP2A, CYP2B, CYP3A, CYP2C11 a jeho anxiolytický potenciál u potkana (2016)
Soubor kazuistik z farmakologie (2016)
Is human epididymis protein 4 an effective tool for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant endometrial tumours? (2016)
Vitamin D receptor TaqI gene polymorphism and dental caries in Czech children (2017)
Variabilita v genu pro receptor vitamínu D a predikce rozvoje Barrettova jícnu a/nebo adenokarcinomu ezofagu u pacientů s gastroezofageální refluxní chorobou (2016)
Comparison of extraction techniques for isolation of steroid oestrogens in environmentally relevant concentrations from sediment (2016)
Polymorphisms in genes encoding purinoreceptor and osteoprotegerin and external apical root resorption in children after orthodontic treatment (2016)
Suppression of protein inactivation during freezing by minimizing pH changes using ionic cryoprotectants (2016)
White-nose syndrome without borders: Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North America (2016)
DNA Topoisomerase I Gene Copy Number and mRNA Expression Assessed as Predictive Biomarkers for Adjuvant Irinotecan in Stage II/III Colon Cancer (2016)
Short communication: Pasteurization as a means of inactivating staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, and C in milk (2016)
Soubor kazuistik z farmakologie (2016)
Common variants at PVT1, ATG13-AMBRA1, AHI1 and CLEC16A are associated with selective IgA deficiency (2016)
Leaching of mercury from seal carcasses into Antarctic soils (2017)
The response of mercury (Hg) transformation in soil to sulfur compounds and sulfur-rich biowaste application (2016)
Variabilita v genech pro chuťové receptory, jejich vztah k výběru potravin a asociace se zdravím, resp. chorobami (2016)
Complex patterns of host switching in New World arenaviruses (2012)
Primární aplikace podtlakové terapie u otevřených zlomenin III. stupně a její vliv na vznik infekčních komplikací (2016)
Fasciotomy closure using negative pressure wound therapy in lower leg compartment syndrome. (2016)
Vliv safranalu jako hlavní obsahové látky Crocus sativus na hydroxylace testosteronu jako markerové reakce metabolické aktivity enzymů CYP2A, CYP2B, CYP2C a CYP3A (2016)
Chk1 inhibition significantly potentiates activity of nucleoside analogs in TP53-mutated B-lymphoid cells (2016)
Decision support system for waste management (2016)
Global Monitoring Plan Data Warehouse as a tool for worldwide assessment of persistent organic pollution (2016)
Pro-apoptotic effects of prima-1met correlate with Noxa gene induction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2016)
Mutační analýza pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií – optimalizace hodnocení sekvenačních dat a předběžné výsledky národní studie. (2016)
Farmakologické interakce etanolu s nikotinem a kofeinem (2016)
Bile Acids, Nuclear Receptors and Cytochrome P450 (2016)
The Effect of (-)-Linalool on the Metabolic Activity of Liver CYP Enzymes in Rats (2016)
Calculating Stress: From Entropy to a Thermodynamic Concept of Health and Disease (2016)
Joint analysis of histopathology image features and gene expression in breast cancer (2016)
Risk scores for predicting death in COPD patients (2016)
Evolution of COPD phenotypes in time - Czech multicentre research database of severe COPD (2016)
Creation of MathApps for Maple T.A. Case study differential equations with delay (2016)
Perceived effectiveness and attitudes of health professionals towards the Czech Incident Reporting System (2016)
Pre-treatment VD levels and VDR receptors as potential predictors of occurrence and overall survival in paediatric patients with solid tumours-a single institution pilot study (2016)
The Dynamics of Xylem Sap pH under Drought: a Universal Response in Herbs? (2016)
Engineering a de Novo Transport Tunnel (2016)
PredictSNP2: A Unified Platform for Accurately Evaluating SNP Effects by Exploiting the Different Characteristics of Variants in Distinct Genomic Regions (2016)
HotSpot Wizard 2.0: Automated Design of Site-Specific Mutations and Smart Libraries in Protein Engineering (2016)
Enzyme Based Test Stripes for the Visual or Photographic Detection and Quantitation of Gaseous Sulfur Mustard (2016)
Introducing Substituents on Cucurbiturils (2016)
Interakce oleamidu s biotransformačním systémem cytochromu P450 u potkana (2017)
Fluorescence-Based Biosensor for Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants: From Concept to Field Application. (2016)
An effective clean-up technique for GC/EI-HRMS determination of developmental neurotoxicants in human breast milk (2017)
Developmental neurotoxicants in human milk: Comparison of levels and intakes in three European countries (2017)
Regio- and Enantioselective Sequential Dehalogenation of rac-1,3-Dibromobutane by Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB (2016)
Immunomodulatory Potency of Microcystin, an Important Water-Polluting Cyanobacterial Toxin (2015)
Propanediurea-Based Molecular Clips Bind Halide Anions: An Insight into the Mechanism of Cucurbituril Formation (2016)
Spectroscopic Properties of Anisole at the Air-Ice Interface: A Combined Experimental-Computational Approach (2016)
Photochemical Formation of Dibenzosilacyclohept-4-yne for Cu-Free Click Chemistry with Azides and 1,2,4,5-Tetrazines (2016)
Fatální anafylaktická reakce po pobodání včelami – kazuistika (2016)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Western Mediterranean Sea waters (2016)
A theoretical assessment of microplastic transport in river catchments and their retention by soils and river sediments (2016)
Distribution of legacy and emerging semivolatile organic compounds in five indoor matrices in a residential environment (2016)
Pesticides in the atmosphere: a comparison of gas-particle partitioning and particle size distribution of legacy and current-use pesticides (2016)
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) and metals in scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles from Eastern and Northern Europe: Spatiotemporal patterns, and potential sources (2016)
Temporal and spatial variability of enantiomeric fractions (EFs) of chiral organochlorines in relation to soil properties (2016)
Perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) in household dust in Central Europe and North America (2016)
Brominated flame retardants in the indoor environment - Comparative study of indoor contamination from three countries (2016)
Exploring the occurrence and distribution of contaminants of emerging concern through unmanned sampling from ships of opportunity in the North Sea (2016)
Sampling artifacts in active air sampling of semivolatile organic contaminants: Comparing theoretical and measured artifacts and evaluating implications for monitoring networks (2016)
Teriflunomid v léčbě relabující-remitující formy roztroušené sklerózy - imunomodulační mechanizmy (2016)
Biologická léčba secukinumabem (2016)
Lokální anestetika v klinické praxi (2016)
Imunologický náhled na moderní terapii roztroušené sklerózy (2016)
Diagnostika potravinové alergie metodou imunoblot (2016)
Adiponectin gene variability in relation to body mass index and lipid profile in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and chronic periodontitis (2017)
Vliv hormonálního vyladění v době pelichání na míru exprese ornamentů vlaštovky obecné (Hirundo rustica). (2016)
Use of feathers for analysis of stress and condition in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) (2017)
Využitelnost peří pro analýzu stresu a kondice vlaštovky obecné (Hirundo rustica). (2016)
Seasonality and indoor/outdoor relationships of flame retardants and PCBs in residential air (2016)
Calibration of polydimethylsiloxane and XAD-Pocket passive air samplers (PAS) for measuring gas- and particle-phase SVOCs (2016)
Screening for perfluoroalkyl acids in consumer products, building materials and wastes (2016)
Bioluminescent Vibrio fischeri Assays in the Assessment of Seasonal and Spatial Patterns in Toxicity of Contaminated River Sediments (2016)
Spatiotemporal patterns and potential sources of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles from Europe (2016)
Pine needles and pollen grains of Pinus mugo Turra - A biomonitoring tool in high mountain habitats identifying environmental contamination (2016)
Pine Needles for the Screening of Perfluorinated Alkylated Substances (PFASs) along Ski Tracks (2016)
One-year study of polycyclic aromatic compounds at an urban site in Grenoble (France): Seasonal variations, gas/particle partitioning and cancer risk estimation (2016)
Bidirectional air-sea exchange and accumulation of POPs (PAHs, PCBs, OCPs and PBDEs) in the nocturnal marine boundary layer (2016)
Polymorphisms in Vitamin D Receptor Gene in Orthodontic Patients with External Apical Root Resorption (2016)
POPs in a major conurbation in Turkey: ambient air concentrations, seasonal variation, inhalation and dermal exposure, and associated carcinogenic risks (2016)
Assessing persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Sicily Island atmosphere, Mediterranean, using PUF disk passive air samplers (2016)
Persistent organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in air of the North Sea region and air-sea exchange (2016)
Evaluation of a Conceptual Model for Gas-Particle Partitioning of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Polyparameter Linear Free Energy Relationships (2016)
In situ calibration of three passive samplers for the monitoring of steroid hormones in wastewater (2016)
Diurnal Variations of Air-Soil Exchange of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, and PBDEs) in a Central European Receptor Area (2016)
Passive Sampling in Regulatory Chemical Monitoring of Nonpolar Organic Compounds in the Aquatic Environment (2016)
Predicting the bioaccumulation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in benthic animals in sediments (2016)
Polymers as Reference Partitioning Phase: Polymer Calibration for an Analytically Operational Approach To Quantify Multimedia Phase Partitioning (2016)
Retrospective analysis of "new" flame retardants in the global atmosphere under the GAPS Network (2016)
Trematomus bernacchii as an indicator of POP temporal trend in the Antarctic seawaters (2016)
Occurrence of chlorpyrifos in the atmosphere of the Araucania Region in Chile using polyurethane foam-based passive air samplers (2016)
Legacy and emergent POPs in the marine fauna of NE Greenland with special emphasis on the Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus (2016)
Assessment of the biological and chemical availability of the freshly spiked and aged DDE in soil (2016)
Ecotoxicity of arsenic contaminated sludge after mixing with soils and addition into composting and vermicomposting processes (2016)
Metallothionein modulation in relation to cadmium bioaccumulation and age-dependent sensitivity of Chironomus riparius larvae (2016)
Yeast Biosensors for Detection of Environmental Pollutants: Current State and Limitations (2016)
Activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase in B-cell and plasma cell subsets of monoclonal gammopathy patients and healthy donors (2017)
Impact of acute and chronic inhalation exposure to CdO nanoparticles on mice (2016)
Impact of untreated wastewater on a major European river evaluated with a combination of in vitro bioassays and chemical analysis (2017)
Predictive value of self-rated health in pregnancy for childbirth complications, adverse birth outcomes, and maternal health (2016)
Termální profil netopýra velkého (Myotis myotis) během hibernace na lokalitách se syndromem bílého nosu (2017)
Assessing the societal benefits of river restoration using the ecosystem services approach (2016)
Phytoestrogens in milk: Overestimations caused by contamination of the hydrolytic enzyme used during sample extraction (2016)
Teratogenic effects of five anticancer drugs on Xenopus laevis embryo (2016)
Drinking water contaminants from epoxy resin-coated pipes: A field study (2016)
Reduction of dioxin-like toxicity in effluents by additional wastewater treatment and related effects in fish (2016)
Bioassay battery interlaboratory investigation of emerging contaminants in spiked water extracts - Towards the implementation of bioanalytical monitoring tools in water quality assessment and monitoring (2016)
First inter-laboratory comparison exercise for the determination of anticancer drugs in aqueous samples (2016)
Transient suppression of gap junctional intercellular communication after exposure to 100-nanosecond pulsed electric fields (2016)
Methoxychlor and Vinclozolin Induce Rapid Changes in Intercellular and Intracellular Signaling in Liver Progenitor Cells (2016)
Chemopreventive Agents Attenuate Rapid Inhibition of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication Induced by Environmental Toxicants (2016)
A Temperate Alpine Glacier as a Reservoir of Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Model Results of Incorporation, Transport, and Release (2016)
Distribution of Organophosphate Esters between the Gas and Particle Phase-Model Predictions vs Measured Data (2016)
Organophosphate Esters in Canadian Arctic Air: Occurrence, Levels and Trends (2016)
Global production, use, and emission volumes of short-chain chlorinated paraffins - A minimum scenario (2016)
The precautionary principle and chemicals management: The example of perfluoroalkyl acids in groundwater (2016)
Ten years after entry into force of the Stockholm Convention: What do air monitoring data tell about its effectiveness? (2016)
Assessment of Chemical Impact of Invasive Bryozoan Pectinatella magnifica on the Environment: Cytotoxicity and Antimicrobial Activity of P. magnifica Extracts (2016)
Evaluation of gas-particle partitioning in a regional air quality model for organic pollutants (2016)
Bipartite Graphs for Visualization Analysis of Microbiome Data (2016)
Spatial distribution and risk assessment of metals in agricultural soils (2016)
Existing and emerging cyanocidal compounds: new perspectives for cyanobacterial bloom mitigation (2016)
Superoutburst of CR Bootis: Estimation of mass ratio of a typical AM CVn star by stage A superhumps (2016)
Deeply torpid bats can change position without elevation of body temperature (2017)
NORMAN interlaboratory study (ILS) on passive sampling of emerging pollutants (2016)
Scrape Loading/Dye Transfer Assay (2016)
Mikrofluidní čip pro teplotní gradient (2016)
Growth potential of Yersinia enterocolitica in pasteurised cow's and goat's milk stored at 8 °C and 24 °C (2017)
Milk powder risk assessment with staphylococcus aureus toxigenic strains (2017)
Sociální a preventivní pediatrie v současném pojetí (2016)
Soil Contamination Health Risks in Czech Proposal of Soil Protection Legislation (2016)
Deeply torpid bats can change position without the elevation of body temperature (2017)
Vzorkování půd (2016)
Data o výskytu emergentních polutantů ve vybraných složkách prostředí - Specializované mapy s odborným obsahem (Nmap) (2016)
Data o potenciálních biologických efektech emergentních látek v environmentálních směsích - Specializované mapy s odborným obsahem (Nmap) (2016)
No association of the SNP rs1048261 within 3´UTR of HSPB7 with cardiovascular morbidity in patients with psoriasis; a possible effect on miRNA-mediated translational regulation (2016)
Metodika pasivního vzorkování perfluoroktansulfonátu PFOS, PFOA a vybraných farmak ve vodním prostředí - Certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2016)
Ověřená metodika pasivního vzorkování pro sledování polybromovaných difenyletherů a jiných hydrofobních kontaminantů ve vodním prostředí - Certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2016)
Metodika vzorkování vnitřního prostředí pro analýzy vybraných emergentních polutantů - Certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2016)
Optimalizované zařízení pro tlakové filtrace s deskovými i vinutými membránami (2016)
Zařízení pro koncentraci solutů membránovými procesy (2016)
Experiments in Molecular Subtype Recognition Based on Histopathology Images (2016)
Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework Directive: Recommendations for more efficient assessment and management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources (2017)
Integrating chemical analysis and bioanalysis to evaluate the contribution of wastewater effluent on the micropollutant burden in small streams (2017)
The variability of standard artificial soils: cadmium and phenanthrene sorption measured by a batch equilibrium method (2017)
Screening for halogenated flame retardants in European consumer products, building materials and wastes (2017)
Tracking polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments and soils from the southwest of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (South eastern part of the GRULAC region) (2017)
Using long-term air monitoring of semi-volatile organic compounds to evaluate the uncertainty in polyurethane-disk passive sampler-derived air concentrations (2017)
Preparation and Characterisation of Highly Stable Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2017)
Mercury species in formerly contaminated soils and released soil gases (2017)
Enantioselective Synthesis of Cephalimysins B and C (2017)
Seasonal infestation of birds with immature stages of Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes arboricola (2017)
Characterization of total retinoid-like activity of compounds produced by three common phytoplankton species (2016)
Mnohorozměrné statistické metody používané při výzkumu ptačích společenstev (2017)
Analysis of brominated flame retardants and their derivatives by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization using gas chromatography coupled to tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (2017)
Microalgal adaptive biotechnologies for a sustainable future (2016)
Aktivity Národního centra pro toxické látky, Výroční zpráva o plnění předmětu smlouvy č. 8019/9 v roce 2016, Část 1 (2016)
Závěrečná zpráva k novým metodám získávání informací z ovzduší na špatně dostupných lokalitách (2016)
Studie k riziku používání dentálních amalgámů v ČR – stav populace a odhad rizikových skupin (2016)
IV. etapa vývoje analytických metod pro stanovení perzistentních organických polutantů zařazených do Stockholmské úmluvy v environmentálních matricích v návaznosti na požadavky Globálního monitorovacího plánu (2016)
Individuální rozdíly v učení se cizím jazykům: specifická situace neslyšících (2017)
Chemotype diversity in Planktothrix rubescens (cyanobacteria) populations is correlated to lake depth (2017)
Použití bambusurilů jako receptorů aniontů pro zdravotnické materiály (2016)
Stanovení obsahu vybraných perzistentních organických polutantů (POPs) v ovzduší v okolí závodu cementárny Mokrá a cementárny Radotín, Českomoravský cement, a.s. - dlouhodobý, kontinuální monitoring 2007 – 2015 (2016)
Sociodemographic and delivery risk factors for developing postpartum depression in a sample of 3233 mothers from the Czech ELSPAC study (2017)
Explicit treatment of active-site waters enhances quantum mechanical/implicit solvent scoring: Inhibition of CDK2 by new pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines (2017)
Gold Medal for Michal Bittner from Masaryk University for invention of Equipment for Concentration of Solutes by Pressure Membrane Processes (2016)
Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication: A Functional Biomarker to Assess Adverse Effects of Toxicants and Toxins, and Health Benefits of Natural Products (2016)
Biological plausibility as a tool to associate analytical data for micropollutants and effect potentials in wastewater, surface water, and sediments with effects in fishes (2015)
Vrozená náchylnost k recidivující aftózní stomatitidě (2017)
Association study of interleukin-1 family, interleukin-6, and its receptor gene polymorphisms in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2017)
Genetická variabilita vo vybraných interleukínoch vo vzťahu ku generalizovanej agresívnej parodontitíde v českej populácii (2017)
Analýza polymorfismů v genu pro proteiny zapojené do vývoje skloviny u českých dětí se zubním kazem (2017)
Variabilita genu pro NOD-like receptor (NLRP3) u pacientů s recidivující aftózní stomatitidou (2017)
Stanovení rtuti a methylrtuti ve specifických antarktických půdách z okolí uhynulých tuleňů (2017)
Podklad při tvorbě novely zákona č. 185/2001 Sb., o odpadech - Analýza možnosti navýšení skládkovacího poplatku, hodnocení dopadů na výdaje obcí (2014)
ARResT/Interrogate: an interactive immunoprofiler for IG/TR NGS data (2017)
Komentář k § 2631-2635 občanského zákoníku (2017)
Komentář k § 2358-2383 občanského zákoníku (2017)
Interrogating open issues in cancer precision medicine with patient-derived xenografts (2017)
Diabetes mellitus a orální zdraví (2017)
Diabetes mellitus mellitus a orální zdraví (2017)
Polymorfizmy v genech pro interleukiny a jejich vztah k recidivující aftózní stomatitidě v české populaci (2017)
Differences in food intake and genetic variability in taste receptors between Czech pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus (2018)
Salt, sodium chloride or sodium? Content and relationship with chemical, instrumental and sensory attributes in cooked meat products (2017)
Phenotypes of COPD patients with a smoking history in Central and Eastern Europe: the POPE Study (2017)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Structural Basis of the Interaction of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 with Roscovitine and Its Analogues Having Bioisosteric Central Heterocycles (2017)
Biowaste separation of household waste. Case study of the city of Brno. (2017)
Stress Response Monitoring of Photoautotrophic Higher Plant Suspension Cultures by Fluorescence Imaging for High-Throughput Toxic Compound Screening (2017)
Passive Air Samplers As a Tool for Assessing Long-Term Trends in Atmospheric Concentrations of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (2017)
Léčiva a lékové formy jako rizikové faktory pro zubní kaz (2017)
The NOD-like receptor (NLRP3) gene variability in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2017)
Cultivation of photoautotrophic plant suspension cultures in photobioreactors. (2015)
Biotin[6]uril sulfone dimer: a water-soluble dimeric anion receptor (2017)
Early inflammatory profiling of schwannoma cells induced by lipopolysaccharide (2017)
Nanoparticle-Based Immunochemical Biosensors and Assays: Recent Advances and Challenges (2017)
Vitamin D Receptor as a Potential Gene Therapy Target in Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (2017)
White-nose syndrome pathology grading in Nearctic and Palearctic bats (2017)
Metodologické otázky tvorby evropského soukromého práva (2017)
Recovery of a phytopathogenic bacterium Lonsdalea quercina from a lesser horseshoe bat in Moravian karst, Czech Republic (2018)
Farmakologie pro studenty bakalářských oborů na LF MU (2016)
Watergate: Visual Exploration of Water Trajectories in Protein Dynamics (2017)
Modified posterior pelvic exenteration for advanced ovarian malignancies: a single-institution study of 35 cases (2017)
Deregulated expression of long non-coding RNA UCA1 in multiple myeloma (2017)
EMPIRE Registry, Czech Part: Impact of Demographics, Pulmonary Function and HRCT on Survival and Clinical Course in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (2018)
Bandwidth Selection Problem in Nonparametric Functional Regression (2017)
Butyrate alters expression of cytochrome P450 1A1 and metabolism of benzo[a] pyrene via its histone deacetylase activity in colon epithelial cell models (2017)
Urinary intermediates of tryptophan as indicators of the gut microbial metabolism (2017)
Lymphocyte Galactocerebrosidase Activity by LC-MS/MS for Post-Newborn Screening Evaluation of Krabbe Disease (2017)
A review on mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics: Targeted and data independent acquisition (2017)
Sulfatide Analysis by Mass Spectrometry for Screening of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy in Dried Blood and Urine Samples (2016)
Fluorimetric assays for N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase and arylsulfatase B based on the natural substrates for confirmation of mucopolysaccharidoses types IVA and VI (2015)
Tandem Mass Spectrometry Has a Larger Analytical Range than Fluorescence Assays of Lysosomal Enzymes: Application to Newborn Screening and Diagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidoses Types II, IVA, and VI (2015)
Association of interleukin-8 gene variability with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2017)
Interleukin-17A gene variant and allergic asthma in the Czech population (2017)
Streptococcus mutans and its ability to metabolize various carbohydrates (2017)
Proton pump inhibitors therapy and cyp2c19 gene variability in Czech patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease: pilot study (2017)
Biobanking – the First Step to Successful Liquid Biopsy Experiments (2017)
Image-based surrogate biomarkers for molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer (2017)
Identification of "BRAF-Positive" Cases Based on Whole-Slide Image Analysis (2017)
MErCuRIC1: A phase 1a study of MEK1/2 inhibitor PD-0325901 with cMET inhibitor crizotinib in patients with advanced solid tumours (2016)
Validation of a MEK/MET-specific NGS panel for early phase trial interrogation (2016)
MErCuRIC1: A Phase I study of MEK1/2 inhibitor PD-0325901 with cMET inhibitor crizotinib in RASMT and RASWT (with aberrant c-MET) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients. (2015)
Licenční smlouvy (2017)
Autorské právo a Internet (2017)
In vivo study of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad accumulation in secondary target organs (2017)
In vivo study of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad accumulation in secondary target organs (2017)
Changes in lower extremity blood flow during advancing phases of pregnancy and the effects of special footwear (2017)
Evropské soukromé právo v čase a prostoru. I. díl: Část teoretická, metodologická a systémová (2017)
Immunosensors for detection of pathogenic bacteria (2017)
Variabilita v génoch kódujúcich adipocytokíny, ich plazmatické koncentrácie a vzťah ku klinickým parametrom u pacientov s diabetes mellitus 2. typu a chronickou parodontitídou (2017)
Dirigent proteins in plants: modulating cell wall metabolism during abiotic and biotic stress exposure (2017)
Generation of a Close-to-Native In Vitro System to Study Lung Cells-Extracellular Matrix Crosstalk (2018)
Czech Registry of Monoclonal Gammopathies – Technical Solution, Data Collection and Visualisation (2017)
White-nose syndrome pathology grading in Nearctic and Palearctic bats (2017)
Extraction of outliers from imbalanced sets (2017)
Keeping up with the Red Queen: the pace of aging as an adaptation (2017)
Increased age-adjusted hazard of death associated with a common single nucleotide polymorphism of the human RAD52 gene in a cardiovascular cohort (2017)
Lack of Association between BMP2/DLX3 Gene Polymorphisms and Dental Caries in Primary and Permanent Dentitions (2017)
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) gene variability in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2017)
Expression of virulence genes in Bacillus cereus depending on various carbohydrates (2017)
Acid reflux in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease – genetic predispositions and efficiency of surgical treatment (2017)
Analýza polymorfizmů v genech pro metaloproteinázy u českých dětí se zubním kazem v dočasné a stálé dentici (2017)
Association of matrix metalloproteinases gene variants with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2017)
Gene variability in taste receptors and early childhood caries (2017)
Purinergic receptor (P2RX7) gene variability in Czech patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and/or chronic periodontitis (2017)
Association of specific variants and their combination in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene with reflux esophagitis (2017)
CaverDock 1.0 (2017)
Prospective Assessment of Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2017 Categories and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Phenotypes: Evolution During Two Years (2017)
Sada pro stanovení analytů, její příprava a způsob stanovení analytů (2017)
Comparison of ready-to-use bioinformatic tools for 16S rRNA amplicon next-generation sequencing data analysis (2017)
Účinek superhydrofobních fotokatalyticky aktivních vrstev na regulaci růstu biofoulingu (2017)
Komentář k zákonu o ochranných známkách - Úvod (2017)
Komentář k § 1 zák. č. 441/2003 Sb. (2017)
Komentář k § 15 až 18a zák. č. 441/2003 Sb. (2017)
Komentář k § 29 zák. č. 441/2003 Sb. (2017)
Komentář k § 45a zák. č. 441/2003 Sb. (2017)
Komentář k § 45a, § 51a až §55 zák. č. 441/2003 Sb. (2017)
Protection of the Information under Copyright and Unfair Competition Law (2017)
Unfair Competition as the General Umbrella Stretched over the Information? (2017)
Praktické dopady směrnice č. 2016/943/EU o ochraně nezveřejněného know-how a obchodních informací (obchodního tajemství) (2017)
Dopady směrnice č. 2016/943/EU o ochraně nezveřejněného know-how a obchodních informací (obchodního tajemství) v oblasti soukromého práva (2017)
Czech National Report: Copyright, to be or not to be (2017)
Digital Goods Directive, Portability Regulation and their Impact on License Contracts (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase LinB116 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by FRESCO with removed disulphide bridge. (2017)
Umbilical cord blood and maternal visfatin (PBEF/NAMPT) concentrations in preterm birth with and without preterm premature rupture of membranes (2018)
Comparison of maternal omentin-1 levels and genetic variability between spontaneous term and preterm births (2018)
Parental heights and maternal education as predictors of length/height of children at birth, age 3 and 19 years, independently on diet: the ELSPAC study (2017)
Combinations of common polymorphisms within GSTA1 and GSTT1 as a risk factor for psoriasis in a central European population: a case-control study (2017)
Allelic variants in vitamin D receptor gene are associated with adiposity measures in the central-European population (2017)
Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) in the atmosphere of Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia along north-south transect using polyurethane foam disk as passive air samplers (2016)
Biosensorická špička s DgpA pro detekci v nízké teplotě 10 oC (2017)
Biosensorická špička s DhmeA pro detekci v alkalických podmínkách pH 10 (2017)
Biosensorická špička s LinA a LinB pro detekci beta-HCH (2017)
Recombinant enzyme gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA01 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by energy-based approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA101 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by evolution-based approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA112 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by energy-based approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA115 carrying thermostabilizing mutations by combine approach (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC01 carrying thermostabilizing mutations (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC-LT01 carrying thermostabilizing mutations. (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC-LT02 carrying thermostabilizing mutations. (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase eHLD2 (2017)
Recombinant enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase eHLD3 (2017)
HTS 1.0 (2017)
Alfa-Gal syndrom (2017)
Anafylaxe vyvolaná polibkem (2017)
„Cat-pork“ syndrom (2017)
Recombinant enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase HheC-DJ carrying thermostabilizing mutations. (2017)
Mother's education and offspring asthma risk in 10 European cohort studies (2017)
The spectrum of somatic mutations in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance indicates a less complex genomic landscape than that in multiple myeloma (2017)
The role of Mn and Fe oxides in risk elements retention in soils under different forest types (2017)
Photoswitching of Azobenzene-Based Reverse Micelles above and at Subzero Temperatures As Studied by NMR and Molecular Dynamics Simulations (2017)
Dimeric molecular clips based on glycoluril (2017)
Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma by Mass Spectrometry of Peripheral Blood Plasma and Artificial Intelligence (2017)
Variations of Histone Modification Patterns: Contributions of Inter-plant Variability and Technical Factors (2017)
Antibodies against Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides and Natural Anti-Galactosyl (Alpha-Gal) in Patients with Humoral Immunodeficiencies (2017)
Thin-layer chromatography coupled to diode laser thermal vaporization ICP MS (2017)
Thin-layer chromatography combined with diode laser thermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the determination of selenomethionine and selenocysteine in algae and yeast (2018)
Cucurbit[6]uril monofunctionalized on the methylene bridge position (2017)
Propanediurea-Based Molecular Clips: Do anions influence cucurbituril formation? (2017)
Cucurbit[6]uril monofunctionalized on the methylene bridge position (2017)
Is glomalin an appropriate indicator of forest soil reactive nitrogen status? (2017)
A Haloalkane Dehalogenase From a Marine Microbial Consortium Possessing Exceptionally Broad Substrate Specificity (2018)
Local bandwidth selectors for functional kernel regression (2017)
Historic and geographic surveillance of Pseudogymnoascus destructans possible from collections of bat parasites (2018)
Exploration of Protein Unfolding by Modelling Calorimetry Data from Reheating (2017)
Multi-Enzyme Pathway Optimisation Through Star-Shaped Reachable Sets (2017)
Metagenome-derived Haloalkane Dehalogenases with Novel Catalytic Properties (2017)
NewProt – a Protein Engineering Portal (2017)
Ancestral Haloalkane Dehalogenases Show Robustness and Unique Substrate Specificity (2017)
Different Structural Origins of the Enantioselectivity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases toward Linear beta-Haloalkanes: Open–Solvated versus Occluded–Desolvated Active Sites (2017)
FireProt: Web Server for Automated Design of Thermostable Proteins (2017)
Kinetics of Binding of Fluorescent Ligands to Enzymes with Engineered Access Tunnels (2017)
Structure-function Relationships and Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases. (2017)
Higher energy intake variability as predisposition to obesity: novel approach using Interquartile range (2017)
Gastrointestinal microbiome in patients with primary immune deficiencies (2017)
yy Complete Sequences of IncU Plasmids Harboring Quinolone Resistance Genes qnrS2 and aac(6 ')-Ib-cr in Aeromonas spp. from Ornamental Fish (2016)
Breast cancer classification based on proteotypes obtained by SWATH-MS (2017)
Casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibition blocks CLL chemotaxis and delays leukemia onset in the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Enantioselective Construction of Quaternary Stereocenters by 1,4-Addition of 3(2H)-Furanones to Alkynones (2017)
Určení věku štěnice domácí (Cimex lectularius) prostřednictvím pteridinů: metodická úskalí (2018)
Assessment of PAH Contamination in the Czech Rivers Using a Combination of Chemical and Biological Monitoring. (2014)
Level of hexabromocyclododecane isomers in the tissue of selected commonly consumed fish in Central European countries (2014)
Antibody-mediated modulation of cytokinins in tobacco: organ-specific changes in cytokinin homeostasis (2018)
Evaporating brine from frost flowers with electron microscopy and implications for atmospheric chemistry and sea-salt aerosol formation (2017)
Organochlorine pesticides in the indoor air of a theatre and museum in the Czech Republic: Inhalation exposure and cancer risk (2017)
Towards improved comparability of studies addressing atmospheric concentrations of semivolatile organic compounds based on their sequestration in pine needles (2017)
Changes in Flame Retardant and Legacy Contaminant Concentrations in Indoor Air during Building Construction, Furnishing, and Use (2017)
Bioindication of PBDEs and PCBs by native and transplanted moss Pleurozium schreberi (2017)
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of three Chilean cities using passive air samplers (2017)
Passive air sampling of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and emerging compounds in Kolkata megacity and rural mangrove wetland Sundarban in India: An approach to regional monitoring (2017)
Changes in the lower limb alignment during the gait in advanced phases of pregnancy and the effect of special footwear (2018)
Assessment of seasonal variations in persistent organic pollutants across the region of Tuscany using passive air samplers (2017)
Organophosphate esters flame retardants in the indoor environment (2017)
Uncertainties in monitoring of SVOCs in air caused by within-sampler degradation during active and passive air sampling (2017)
Pyrolysis of oil sludge with calcium-containing additive (2014)
PAHs in indoor and outdoor air from decentralized heating energy production: comparison of active and passive samplingAutoři (2016)
Effect of column bleed on trueness of high-resolution mass spectrometric determination of dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofuranes, and polychlorinated biphenyls (2014)
Cohort Profile: The European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC) in the Czech Republic (2017)
Human biomonitoring as a tool to support chemicals regulation in the European Union Discussion (2017)
New probabilistic risk assessment of ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate: Comparing the genotoxic effects of trans- and cis-EHMC (2017)
Different DNA damage response of cis and trans isomers of commonly used UV filter after the exposure on adult human liver stem cells and human lymphoblastoid cells (2017)
Long-term time trends in human intake of POPs in the Czech Republic indicate a need for continuous monitoring (2017)
Investigation of cis-trans isomer dependent dermatotoxicokinetics of UV filter ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate through stratum corneum in vivo (2017)
Toxicity profiling of marine surface sediments: A case study using rapid screening bioassays of exhaustive total extracts, elutriates and passive sampler extracts (2017)
Aquatic Global Passive Sampling (AQUA-GAPS) Revisited: First Steps toward a Network of Networks for Monitoring Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment (2017)
Partitioning of hydrophobic organic contaminants between polymer and lipids for two silicones and low density polyethylene (2017)
Equilibrium Passive Sampling of POP in Lipid-Rich and Lean Fish Tissue: Quality Control Using Performance Reference Compounds (2017)
Investigation of cosolvent application to enhance POPs' mass transfer in partitioning passive sampling in sediment (2017)
Occurrence of antiparasitic pesticides in sediments near salmon farms in the northern Chilean Patagonia (2017)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of coastal areas of the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Indications for long-term downward trends (2017)
A review of analytical techniques for quantifying microplastics in sediments (2017)
Catalytic Cycle of Haloalkane Dehalogenases Toward Unnatural Substrates Explored by Computational Modeling (2017)
Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls along an east-to-west gradient in subtropical North Atlantic surface water (2017)
Nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - gas-particle partitioning, mass size distribution, and formation along transport in marine and continental background air (2017)
New insights on humic-like substances associated with wintertime urban aerosols from central and southern Europe: Size-resolved chemical characterization and optical properties (2017)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in background air around the Aegean: implications for phase partitioning and size distribution (2017)
Regional modelling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: WRF-Chem-PAH model development and East Asia case studies (2017)
Aerosol Health Effects from Molecular to Global Scales (2017)
Heterogeneous OH Oxidation, Shielding Effects, and Implications for the Atmospheric Fate of Terbuthylazine and Other Pesticides (2017)
The impact of co-combustion of polyethylene plastics and wood in a small residential boiler on emissions of gaseous pollutants, particulate matter, PAHs and 1, 3, 5-triphenylbenzene (2018)
Systemic Inflammation in Midlife: Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Perceived Discrimination (2017)
Perceived Discrimination and Privilege in Health Care: The Role of Socioeconomic Status and Race (2017)
The Role of Perceived Discrimination in Obesity Among African Americans (2017)
Insights into natural organic matter and pesticide characterisation and distribution in the Rhone River (2017)
What Factors Determine the Retention Behavior of Engineered Nanomaterials in Saturated Porous Media? (2017)
Envisioning Nano Release Dynamics in a Changing World: Using Dynamic Probabilistic Modeling to Assess Future Environmental Emissions of Engineered Nanomaterials (2017)
Investigations into titanium dioxide nanoparticle and pesticide interactions in aqueous environments (2017)
Relationships between Atmospheric Transport Regimes and PCB Concentrations in the Air at Zeppelin, Spitsbergen (2017)
Scientific Challenges in the Risk Assessment of Food Contact Materials (2017)
A network perspective reveals decreasing material diversity in studies on nanoparticle interactions with dissolved organic matter (2017)
Legacy and alternative halogenated flame retardants in human milk in Europe: Implications for children's health (2017)
Toward a Comprehensive Global Emission Inventory of C-4-C-10 Perfluoroalkanesulfonic Acids (PFSAs) and Related Precursors: Focus on the Life Cycle of C-8-Based Products and Ongoing Industrial Transition (2017)
Determination of the age of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) through pteridines: methodical pitfalls (2018)
Is Perceived Discrimination in Pregnancy Prospectively Linked to Postpartum Depression? Exploring the Role of Education (2017)
Mercury in canned fish from local markets in the Czech Republic (2017)
Does one size fit all? The role of body mass index and waist circumference in systemic inflammation in midlife by race and gender (2017)
Water-borne pharmaceuticals reduce phenotypic diversity and response capacity of natural phytoplankton communities (2017)
Modelling metaldehyde in catchments: a River Thames case-study (2017)
Contaminants of emerging concern in the open sea waters of the Western Mediterranean (2017)
Determination of selected neurotoxic insecticides in small amounts of animal tissue utilizing a newly constructed mini-extractor (2017)
Human dietary intake and hazard characterization for residues of neonicotinoides and organophosphorus pesticides in Egyptian honey (2017)
Enzyme Tunnels and Gates As Relevant Targets in Drug Design (2017)
Atlas Léčivých rostlin. 2017 (2017)
Rapid in situ toxicity testing with luminescent bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens and Vibrio fischeri adapted to a small portable luminometer (2017)
Critical assessment of the research outcomes of European birth cohorts: linking environmental factors with non-communicable diseases (2017)
Phytoestrogens and sterols in waters with cyanobacterial blooms - Analytical methods and estrogenic potencies (2017)
Assessment of non-derivatized beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) neurotoxin in free form in urine of patients with nonspecific neurological symptoms (2017)
European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters (2017)
Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast (2018)
Spatial Differentiation of Ecosystem Risks of Soil Pollution in Floodplain Areas of the Czech Republic (2017)
Occurrence of Chlorotriazine herbicides and their transformation products in arable soils (2017)
Bioavailability of five hydrophobic organic compounds to earthworms from sterile and non-sterile artificial soils (2017)
Laboratory versus field soil aging: Impact on DDE bioavailability and sorption (2017)
Retinoid-like compounds produced by phytoplankton affect embryonic development of Xenopus laevis (2017)
Does micropollutant removal by solar photo-Fenton reduce ecotoxicity in municipal wastewater? A comprehensive study at pilot scale open reactors (2017)
Toxicity of clomazone and its formulations to zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) (2017)
Bioavailability and toxicity of pyrene in soils upon biochar and compost addition (2017)
Assessment of a novel device for onsite integrative large-volume solid phase extraction of water samples to enable a comprehensive chemical and effect-based analysis (2017)
Development of a bioanalytical test battery for water quality monitoring: Fingerprinting identified micropollutants and their Contribution to effects in surface water (2017)
Protection of Arabidopsis Blunt-Ended Telomeres Is Mediated by a Physical Association with the Ku Heterodimer (2017)
Elasticity and tumorigenic characteristics of cells in a monolayer after nanosecond pulsed electric field exposure (2017)
Speeding up heterogeneous catalysis with an improved highly reusable catalyst for the preparation of enantioenriched secondary alcohols (2017)
High-throughput screening of haloalkane dehalogenase libraries based on a pH- sensitive assay using droplet-based microfluidics (2017)
Chlorination and ozonation differentially reduced the microcystin content and tumour promoting activity of a complex cyanobacterial extract (2017)
Assessment of cyanoprokaryote blooms and of cyanotoxins in Bulgaria in a 15-years period (2000-2015) (2017)
Cyanobacteria and microcystin contamination in untreated and treated drinking water in Ghana (2017)
Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in European waters – recent progress achieved through the CYANOCOST Action and challenges for further research (2017)
FireProt 1.0 (2017)
Weitergehende Abwasserreinigung: Ein wirksames und bezahlbares Instrument zur Verminderung von Spurenstoffen und Keimen im Wasserkreislauf (2017)
Nátěr potlačující růst bakterií se sníženou smáčivostí vodou (2017)
Extraction of Microcystins From Animal Tissues (2017)
CalFitter 1.0 (2017)
NewProt 1.0 (2017)
Bioassay Use in the Field of Toxic Cyanobacteria (2017)
Extraction, Purification, and Testing of LPS from Cyanobacterial Samples (2017)
Extraction of Cyanotoxins from Cyanobacterial Biomass (2017)
Other Cyanobacterial Bioactive Substances (2017)
Analysis of Microcystins in Animal Tissues Using LC-MS/MS (2017)
Lipopolysaccharide Endotoxin (2017)
Adiponectin gene variability and plasma levels in non-obese Czech patients with asthma (2018)
Polymorphisms in genes coding purinoreceptor and osteoprotegerin in relation to external apical root resorption in patients after orthodontic treatment (2018)
A critical comparison of topology-based pathway analysis methods (2018)
Computational Enzyme Design of Haloalkane Dehalogenases for Yperite Degradation (2018)
The difference between type of physical activity on the values of blood pressure in the group of young women (2017)
Sada pro detekci přítomnosti mutací v genu ATM u pacientů s CLL (2017)
Judikatura SDEU v oblasti volného pohybu zboží/služeb a zákazu diskriminace na základě státní příslušnosti (2018)
Vybraná průmyslová práva v sekundárním právu EU a jejich reflexe v judikatuře Soudního dvora (2018)
Benefits of functional PCA in the analysis of single-trial auditory evoked potentials (2019)
Determination of methylmercury in cryptogams by means of GC-AFS using enzymatic hydrolysis (2018)
Effect of Endocannabinoid Oleamide on Rat and Human Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes in In Vitro and In Vivo Models (2018)
Impact of the access tunnel engineering on catalysis is strictly ligand-specific (2018)
Furopyridines as inhibitors of protein kinases (2018)
Association of the NOD-like receptor 3 (NLRP3) gene variability with recurrent aphthous stomatitis in the Czech population (2018)
Lack of association between ENAM gene polymorphism and dental caries in primary and permanent teeth in Czech children (2018)
Exploratory analysis options for functional data (2018)
Computer-assisted engineering of hyperstable fibroblast growth factor 2 (2018)
Identifikace mikrobiomu kolorektálního karcinomu z RNAseq dat nádorové tkáně a jeho korelace s klinickými proměnnými a molekulárními podtypy (2018)
International Association of Law Schools (2017)
Analýza kariogenních bakterií a kvasinek u studentů zubního lékařství - pilotní studie (2018)
Preventivní program Dračí zoubky a pilotní dotazníkové šetření zaměřené na výživu a orální hygienu u dětí s intaktní dočasnou denticí (2018)
Gravident Brno – preventivní program pro těhotné ženy: komunikační kanály (2018)
Sampling-based Motion Planning for Tracking Evolution of Dynamic Tunnels in Molecular Dynamics Simulations (2019)
CAVER Analyst 2.0: Analysis and Visualization of Channels and Tunnels in Protein Structures and Molecular Dynamics Trajectories (2018)
Comparison of the Copenhagen Index versus ROMA for the preoperative assessment of women with ovarian tumors (2018)
Exercise-induced circulating microRNA changes in athletes in various training scenarios (2018)
Tracing the sources of PCDD/Fs in Baltic Sea air by using metals as source markers (2018)
Currently and recently used pesticides in Central European arable soils (2018)
Influence of soil gamma-irradiation and spiking on sorption of p,p'-DDE and soil organic matter chemistry (2018)
Uptake kinetics of pesticides chlorpyrifos and tebuconazole in the earthworm &ITEisenia andrei&IT in two different soils (2018)
Intracellular and extracellular retinoid-like activity of widespread cyanobacterial species (2018)
In vitro assessment of sex steroids and related compounds in water and sediments - a critical review (2018)
Estrogenic activity and contributing compounds in stagnant water bodies with massive occurrence of phytoplankton (2018)
Mixture effects in samples of multiple contaminants - An inter-laboratory study with manifold bioassays (2018)
Impact of acute and subchronic inhalation exposure to PbO nanoparticles on mice (2018)
Retention performance of three widely used SPE sorbents for the extraction of perfluoroalkyl substances from seawater (2018)
Environmental fate and exposure models: advances and challenges in 21st century chemical risk assessment (2018)
Sorption, bioavailability and ecotoxic effects of hydrophobic organic compounds in biochar amended soils (2018)
Bambusuril Anion Receptors (2018)
A novel screening method to identify air pollution by genotoxic compounds (2018)
Neonicotinoid insecticides in pollen, honey and adult bees in colonies of the European honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in Egypt (2018)
Dioxin-like compounds bioavailability and genotoxicity assessment in the Gulf of Follonica, Tuscany (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) (2018)
Tumor-promoting cyanotoxin microcystin-LR does not induce procarcinogenic events in adult human liver stem cells (2018)
Current and historical concentrations of poly and perfluorinated compounds in sediments of the northern Great Lakes - Superior, Huron, and Michigan (2018)
Spatial and temporal trends in poly- and per-fluorinated compounds in the Laurentian Great Lakes Erie, Ontario and St. Clair (2018)
A method for analysis of marker persistent organic pollutants in low-volume plasma and serum samples using 96-well plate solid phase extraction (2018)
Alternative Flame Retardant, 2,4,6-Tris(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine, in an E-waste Recycling Facility and House Dust in North America (2018)
Advancing the Use of Passive Sampling in Risk Assessment and Management of Sediments Contaminated with Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals: Results of an International Ex Situ Passive Sampling Interlaboratory Comparison (2018)
Experimentální stanovení míry arginie u pacienta s hypersenzitivní reakci na topickou aplikaci sulfadiazinu stříbra (2018)
Is the Gaze Behavior During Stair Walking Affected by Pregnancy? (2018)
Analýza polymorfizmů v genech pro metaloproteinázy u pacientů s recidivující aftózní stomatitidou (2018)
Perinatal stress and human hippocampal volume: Findings from typically developing young adults (2018)
Vztah mezi kojením a výskytem závažného kazu raného dětství (2018)
Mikrobiální analýza a orální status u studentů zubního lékařství LF MU (2018)
Determination of in vitro isoflavone degradation in rumen fluid (2018)
Detecting natural selection signal in bat DNA sequences after exposure to white-nose syndrome (2018)
Behaviorální intervence – nástroj primární prevence ECC (2018)
Behavioral intervention: a tool in early childhood caries prevention. (2018)
Association of NOD-like receptor (NLRP3) gene variability with chronic periodontitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus (2018)
Iron and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized with Green Tea Extract: Differences in Ecotoxicological Profile and Ability To Degrade Malachite Green (2018)
Growth and toxin production of Bacillus cereus strains in reconstituted initial infant milk formula (2018)
Plantar pressure sore formation during advanced phases of pregnancy and the effect of special footwear (2018)
Karate today: are there any national differences in the approach? (2018)
Sledování dynamiky růstu Yersinia enterocolitíca v mletém vepřovém mase (2018)
Selected Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Hypoxia and Multidrug Resistance in Monoclonal Gammopathies Patients (2018)
Interleukin 6 and complement serum level study in Parkinson's disease (2018)
Bryomonitoring of element deposition in three walleys in the Tatra Mts (Slovakia) based on X-ray spektrometry. (2012)
In situ monitoring of air pollutants in the Ružomberok area - vascular plants as indicators. (2015)
Phytoindication of the Ecogenotoxic Effects of Vehicle Emissions Using Pollen Abortion Test with Native Flora. (2013)
Accumulation Characteristics of Some Elements in the Moss Polytrichum commune (Bryophytes) Based on XRF Spectrometry (2013)
Physicochemical properties of water courses in Tatra National Park. (2013)
Analýza ekologických faktorov a antropogénnych zásahov ovplyvňujúcich štruktúru ichtyocenóz na Slovensku (2018)
The effect of aging on dynamic gait parameters in elderly men and women (2018)
Graphical User Interfaces and Their Protection in the European Union (2018)
Association of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene variants with dental caries and gingivitis in Czech children (2018)
Polymorphisms in genes linked with folate metabolic pathway in Czech children with dental caries (2018)
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis and gene variability in selected interleukins (2018)
The Impact of Physical Activity during Pregnancy on Weight Gain and Delivery Outcomes (2018)
GMP data warehouse – A supporting tool of effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants (2017)
Cytokinin signalling regulates organ identity via AHK4 receptor in Arabidopsis. (2018)
Inovativní inhibitor proteinu CHK1 indukuje apoptózu u buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53 (2018)
Irisin Maternal Plasma and Cord Blood Levels in Mothers with Spontaneous Preterm and Term Delivery (2018)
Vulvar cancer recurrence - an analysis of prognostic factors in tumour-free pathological margins patients group (2018)
The effect of aging and gender on plantar pressure distribution during the gait in elderly (2018)
Právní ochrana informací (2018)
Security Rights and the Intelectual Property Protection in the Czech Republic (2018)
COFOLA 2019 - sekce Firemní právo a další práva na označení, právní a ekonomické souvislosti (2019)
Consumer Protection and the Portability Regulation (2018)
Consumer Protection and the Portability Regulation (2018)
The Use of Moot-Courts Methods to Teach IP Enforcement (2017)
Zákon o ochranných známkách (č. 441/2003 Sb.) - komentář (2017)
Hypersensitivity to material and environmental burden as a possible cause of late complications of cardiac implantable electronic devices (2018)
Cofola 2018: Část I. Firemní právo a další práva na označení, právní a ekonomické souvislosti (2018)
DNY PRÁVA 2016 – DAYS OF LAW 2016: Část VIII. Právní jednání (2017)
Refusal of the Trademarks Protection on the Grounds of the Public Domain (2018)
Security Rights Over Intellectual Property - Czech National Report (2018)
Consensual Security Rights over Intellectual Property (2018)
Academic mobilities of students with hearing impairment: Welcoming the challenges with specialized online course of written English (2018)
Toxicita metabolitov benzo[c]fenantridinových alkaloidov (2016)
Differences in Interleukin-8 Plasma Levels between Diabetic Patients and Healthy Individuals Independently on Their Periodontal Status (2018)
Variabilita genů pro superoxid dismutázu (SOD) a její plazmatické koncentrace u pacientů s recidivující aftózní stomatitidou (2018)
Serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) variability in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2018)
Furopyridines as inhibitors of protein kinases (2018)
Selective CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits single-agent activity against chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with TP53 mutations (2018)
Inzerčně/deleční polymorfizmus v genu pro angiotenzin konvertující enzym a vybraná onemocnění dutiny ústní u české populace (2018)
Genetics of taste preferences: a pilot study focused on students of Masaryk University (2018)
Využití systému SNaPshot pro identifikaci vybraných jednonukleotidových polymorfizmů v genu kódujícím lektin vázající manózu (MBL) (2018)
Distribution and Mobility Potential of Trace Elements in the Main Seam of the Most Coal Basin (2018)
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis and gene variability in selected interleukins: a case-control study (2018)
Komparativní studie vlivu vybraných rostlinných extraktů na růst bakterie Streptococcus mutans (2018)
Carbohydrate source effects on the transcriptome of Streptococcus mutans (2018)
Variabilita v genu pro myeloperoxidázu (MPO) a její plazmatické koncentrace u pacientů s astmatem: pilotní studie (2018)
Secondary cytoreductive surgery - viable treatment option in the management of platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer (2018)
Extravagancia. Má vôbec zmysel? (2018)
Visible-light-activated photoCORMs: rational design of CO-releasing organic molecules absorbing in the tissue-transparent window (2018)
Toward Serotonin Fluorescent False Neurotransmitters: Development of Fluorescent Dual Serotonin and Vesicular Monoamine Transporter Substrates for Visualizing Serotonin Neurons (2018)
Records of organochlorine pesticides in soils and sediments on the southwest of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (2018)
Characterizing Spatial Diversity of Passive Sampling Sites for Measuring Levels and Trends of Semivolatile Organic Chemicals (2018)
Are atmospheric PBDE levels declining in central Europe? Examination of the seasonal and semi-long-term variations, gas-particle partitioning and implications for long-range atmospheric transport (2018)
Spatial gradients of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air, atmospheric deposition, and surface water of the Ganges River basin (2018)
Analýza polymorfizmů ve vybraných genech u českých pacientů s gastroezofageální refluxní chorobou (2018)
Komparativní studie vlivu vybraných rostlinných extraktů na růst bakterie Streptococcus mutans (2018)
Small-scale spatial variability of flame retardants in indoor dust and implications for dust sampling (2018)
PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in indoor environments - A comparison of indoor contamination in Canada and Czech Republic (2018)
A critical assessment of passive air samplers for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (2018)
Role of combined prenatal and postnatal paracetamol exposure on asthma development: the Czech ELSPAC study (2018)
Effect-based monitoring of the Danube River using mobile passive sampling (2018)
Mobile dynamic passive sampling of trace organic compounds: Evaluation of sampler performance in the Danube River (2018)
New brominated flame retardants and dechlorane plus in the Arctic: Local sources and bioaccumulation potential in marine benthos (2018)
Sleeping habits of adolescents in relation to their physical activity and exercise output: results from the ELSPAC study (2018)
Vztah mezi kojením a výskytem závažného kazu raného dětství (2018)
Vliv onemocnění diabetes mellitus na stav chrupu a parodontu (2018)
Personalizovaná terapie pacientů s gastroezofageální refluxní chorobou - metodika stanovení genového profilu CYP2C19 (2018)
Hibernation temperature-dependent Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection intensity in Palearctic bats (2018)
Multiplex Assay for Quantification of Acute Phase Proteins and Immunoglobulin A in Dried Blood Spots (2019)
Evaluation of the Neuropathic Component of Chronic Low Back Pain (2019)
PIWI-piRNA pathway: Setting the pace of aging by reducing DNA damage (2018)
Stress entropic load: New stress measurement method? (2018)
Evolution favours aging in populations with assortative mating and in sexually dimorphic populations (2018)
Circulating exosomal long noncoding RNA PRINS-First findings in monoclonal gammopathies (2018)
Human White Adipose Tissue Metabolome: Current Perspective (2018)
Xylylene-Glycoluril Macrocycles (2018)
First data on uranium uptake in three nototheniid fishes from Antarctica (James Ross Island) (2018)
Bambusuril Macrocycles Bind Sulfide and Hydrosulfide Anions in Water (2018)
Supramolecular complexes of Bambusuril with Sulfide and Hydrosulfide anions (2018)
Xylylene-Glycoluril Macrocycles (2018)
Xylylene-Glycoluril Macrocycles: A New Bambusuril Derivatives (2018)
Distribution patterns and potential for further spread of three invasive fish species (Neogobius melanostomus, Lepomis gibbosus and Pseudorasbora parva) in Slovakia (2018)
When a river is affected by a reservoir: Trophic interactions and flexibility in feeding strategies of alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus) and European bullhead (Cottus gobio) (2019)
A Comparative Study of Conservative Functional Treatment versus Acute Ligamentous Repair in Simple Dislocation of the Elbow in Adults (2018)
Visual Analysis of Ligand Trajectories in Molecular Dynamics (2019)
Enantioselective Conjugate Additions of 2-Alkoxycarbonyl-3(2H)-furanones (2018)
The Unfolded Protein Response: A Novel Therapeutic Target for Poor Prognostic BRAF Mutant Colorectal Cancer (2018)
Immunomodulatory effects of selected cyanobacterial peptides in vitro (2018)
Identification of algal growth inhibitors in treated waste water using effect-directed analysis based on non-target screening techniques (2018)
Acute and (sub)chronic toxicity of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid on Chironomus riparius (2018)
Assessment of Hepatotoxic Potential of Cyanobacterial Toxins Using 3D In Vitro Model of Adult Human Liver Stem Cells (2018)
Supramolecular binding and release of sulfide and hydrosulfide anions in water (2018)
Visible to NIR Light Photoactivation of Hydrogen Sulfide for Biological Targeting (2018)
Photosensitized Cross-Linking of Tryptophan and Tyrosine Derivatives by Rose Bengal in Aqueous Solutions (2018)
Controlled photorelease of alkynoic acids and their decarboxylative deprotection for copper-catalyzed azide/alkyne cycloaddition (2018)
Effect-based trigger values for in vitro and in vivo bioassays performed on surface water extracts supporting the environmental quality standards (EQS) of the European Water Framework Directive (2018)
Screening and risk management solutions for steroidal estrogens in surface and wastewater (2018)
Effect-based and chemical analytical methods to monitor estrogens under the European Water Framework Directive (2018)
Analytical and bioanalytical assessments of organic micropollutants in the Bosna River using a combination of passive sampling, bioassays and multi-residue analysis (2019)
Concentration/time-dependent dissipation, partitioning and plant accumulation of hazardous current-used pesticides and 2-hydroxyatrazine in sand and soil (2018)
A bacterium-based contact assay for evaluating the quality of solid samples Results from an international ring-test (2018)
In Vitro Inhalation Bioaccessibility of Phthalate Esters and Alternative Plasticizers Present in Indoor Dust Using Artificial Lung Fluids (2018)
Estimation of p,p'-DDT degradation in soil by modeling and constraining hydrological and biogeochemical controls (2018)
Challenges in the Analysis of Novel Flame Retardants in Indoor Dust: Results of the INTERFLAB 2 Interlaboratory Evaluation (2018)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Human native endocarditis caused by Streptococcus canis-a case report (2019)
Association of Glutathione S-Transferase Polymorphisms with Dietary Composition but Not Anthropometry in Obese as Well as Nonobese Individuals (2018)
Estimated dietary iodine intake as a predictor of placental size: evidence from the ELSPAC study (2018)
Determination of testosterone and corticosterone in feathers using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (2019)
14th ESSE Conference (2018)
Pseudorotaxanes based on bambus[6]uril (2018)
Pseudorotaxanes based on bambus[6]uril (2018)
Graphene Oxide from Improved Hummers' Method: Is This Material Suitable for Reproducible Electrochemical (Bio)Sensing? (2018)
Analýza mikroRNA u extramedulárního relapsu mnohočetného myelomu (2018)
Srdeční frekvence sportovců s mentálním postižením během zápasů národního turnaje ve stolním tenise Českého hnutí speciálních olympiád: pilotní studie (2019)
Temperature effect on phase state and reactivity controls atmospheric multiphase chemistry and transport of PAHs (2018)
Revolatilisation of soil-accumulated pollutants triggered by the summer monsoon in India (2018)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as sentinels for the elucidation of Arctic environmental change processes: a comprehensive review combined with ArcRisk project results (2018)
Snow scavenging and phase partitioning of nitrated and oxygenated aromatic hydrocarbons in polluted and remote environments in central Europe and the European Arctic (2018)
Furo[3,2-b]pyridine: A Privileged Scaffold for Highly Selective Kinase Inhibitors and Effective Modulators of the Hedgehog Pathway (2019)
Dynamics of allergy development during the first 5 years of life (2018)
Effects of whole-body electrostimulation and acroyoga based exercise programme on blood pressure in a group of young women (2019)
A contemporary assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in the ambient air and soil of Azerbaijan (2018)
Sorption to soil, biochar and compost: is prediction to multicomponent mixtures possible based on single sorbent measurements? (2018)
What are the effects of soil treatment procedures (sterilization by gamma-irradiation and solvent-assisted spiking) on DDE bioaccumulation by earthworms? (2018)
Hexabromocyclododecane: concentrations and isomer profiles from sources to environmental sinks (2018)
Distinct Speciation of Naphthalene Vapor Deposited on Ice Surfaces at 253 or 77 K: Formation of Submicrometer-Sized Crystals or an Amorphous Layer (2018)
Four years of highly time resolved measurements of elemental and organic carbon at a rural background site in Central Europe (2018)
The influence of past research on the design of experiments with dissolved organic matter and engineered nanoparticles (2018)
Comprehensive Toxic Plants-Phytotoxins Database and Its Application in Assessing Aquatic Micropollution Potential (2018)
Effect of post-activation potentiation by combining heavy squats and sprints on the countermovement long jump (Pilot study) (2019)
Zurich Statement on Future Actions on Per - and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) (2018)
Development of Policy Relevant Human Biomonitoring Indicators for Chemical Exposure in the European Population (2018)
Contamination Profile of DDTs in the Shark Somniosus microcephalus from Greenland Seawaters (2018)
A Novel Class of Schistosoma mansoni Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) Inhibitors Identified by Structure-Based Virtual Screening and In Vitro Testing (2018)
Characterization of Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) Selective Inhibition Reveals Specific Active Site Structural and Functional Determinants (2018)
Isoform-selective HDAC1/16/8 inhibitors with an imidazo-ketopiperazine cap containing stereochemical diversity (2018)
Tri(2,4-di-t-butylphenyl) Phosphate: A Previously Unrecognized, Abundant, Ubiquitous Pollutant in the Built and Natural Environment (2018)
Validation of a Method for Extracting Microplastics from Complex, Organic-Rich, Environmental Matrices (2018)
The gut microbiome and aquatic toxicology: An emerging concept for environmental health (2018)
Exploring the Association of Healthcare Worker Race and Occupation with Implicit and Explicit Racial Bias (2018)
Silicone-water partition coefficients determined by cosolvent method for chlorinated pesticides, musks, organo phosphates, phthalates and more (2018)
Time-Integrative Passive sampling combined with TOxicity Profiling (TIPTOP): an effect-based strategy for cost-effective chemical water quality assessment (2018)
Culture medium mediated aggregation and re-crystallization of silver nanoparticles reduce their toxicity (2018)
Effect of surfactant application practices on the vertical transport potential of hydrophobic pesticides in agrosystems (2018)
Early chemical and toxicological risk characterization of inorganic constituents in surface water from the Canadian oil sands first large-scale end pit lake (2018)
Analysis of binding interfaces of the human scaffold protein AXIN1 by peptide microarrays (2018)
White-nose syndrome detected in bats over an extensive area of Russia (2018)
In vitro bioaccessibility of selenoamino acids from selenium (Se)-enriched Chlorella vulgaris biomass in comparison to selenized yeast; a Se-enriched food supplement; and Se-rich foods (2019)
Chemical (C, N, S, black carbon, soot and char) and stable carbon isotope composition of street dusts from a major West African metropolis: Implications for source apportionment and exposure (2019)
Monitoring wastewater discharge from the oil and gas industry using passive sampling and Danio rerio bioassay as complimentary tools (2019)
Ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues in arable soils of the Czech Republic (2019)
Fuel for the pace of life: Baseline blood glucose concentration co-evolves with life-history traits in songbirds (2019)
Natural selection in bats with historical exposure to white-nose syndrome (2018)
Model změn ve zbarvení ještěrek (2019)
Advancement of the cultivation and upscaling of photoautotrophic suspension cultures using Chenopodium rubrum as a case study (2018)
Cultivation of photoautotrophic plant suspension cultures in photobioreactors (2015)
Photoautotrophic cell cultures – a model system for photosynthesis research on cellular level (2018)
Photoautotrophic cell cultures – a model system for photosynthesis research on cellular level (2018)
Follistatin-Like 1 Is Downregulated in Morbidly and Super Obese Central-European Population (2018)
Assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface soils of urban areas (2017)
Epidemiology of plasma cell leukemia in the Czech Republic (2019)
Mají subtypy HER2 pozitivního karcinomu prsu význam pro klinickou praxi? (2019)
Molecular Gating of an Engineered Enzyme Captured in Real Time (2018)
Detection of Chloroalkanes by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Microfluidic Chips (2018)
Evolutionary Analysis As a Powerful Complement to Energy Calculations for Protein Stabilization (2018)
Conformational changes allow processing of bulky substrates by a haloalkane dehalogenase with a small and buried active site (2018)
CalFitter: a web server for analysis of protein thermal denaturation data (2018)
HotSpot Wizard 3.0: web server for automated design of mutations and smart libraries based on sequence input information (2018)
Sensitive operation of enzyme-based biodevices by advanced signal processing (2018)
Haloalkane Dehalogenases From Marine Organisms (2018)
Exploration of Enzyme Diversity by Integrating Bioinformatics with Expression Analysis and Biochemical Characterization (2018)
High c-Myb Expression Associates with Good Prognosis in Colorectal Carcinoma (2019)
Assessment of geogenic input into Bilina stream sediments (Czech Republic) (2019)
Which Compounds Contribute Most to Elevated Soil Pollution and the Corresponding Health Risks in Floodplains in the Headwater Areas of the Central European Watershed? (2018)
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins (2018)
Introductory Chapter: Biosorption (2018)
Data Descriptor: A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins (2018)
Branched Poly(ethylene imine)s as Anti-algal and Anti-cyanobacterial Agents with Selective Flocculation Behavior to Cyanobacteria over Algae (2018)
MALDI MS Imaging at Acquisition Rates Exceeding 100 Pixels per Second (2019)
Hodnocení svalové síly pacientů indikovaných k totální endoprotéze kyčelního kloubu anterolaterálním přístupem podle Watson Jonese – prospektivní studie (2019)
Developmental origins of depression-related white matter properties: Findings from a prenatal birth cohort (2019)
An investigation of biomaterial adhesion on superhydrophobic or/and photocatalytic active façade treatment (2018)
Laser flash photolysis study of the photoinduced oxidation of 4-(dimethylamino)benzonitrile (DMABN) (2019)
Emotional stimuli candidates for behavioural intervention in the prevention of early childhood caries: a pilot study. (2019)
Our Democracy : Czech Adolescents Talk About the Meaning of Democracy and Attitudes Toward Immigrants (2019)
CaverDock: A Novel Method for the Fast Analysis of Ligand Transport (2020)
Komerční testy pro stanovení rizika rozvoje zubního kazu a onemocnění parodontu (2019)
Bifurcation manifolds in predator–prey models computed by Gröbner basis method (2019)
Interleukin-1 Gene Variability and Plasma Levels in Czech Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus (2019)
Chemokine Receptor 2 (CXCR2) Gene Variants and Their Association with Periodontal Bacteria in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis (2019)
Gröbner Basis Method in FitzHugh-Nagumo Model (2019)
Nové metody v primární prevenci zubního kazu u dětí (2019)
Oleogel-S10 v podpoře reepitelizace donorských míst: prospektivní monocentrické výsledky 3.fáze klinického hodnocení (2019)
Ochrana výsledků tvůrčí činnosti v Listině základních práv a svobod České republiky (2018)
Bilaminární kožní dermální náhrada: Vliv stabilního FGF2 na kapilární denzitu sledovanou pomocí modelů ex-ovo a in vivo (2019)
Molekulárně biologické a jiné testy používané v preventivním zubním lékařství (2019)
Analysis of Long Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Interactive Focus+Context Visualization (2019)
Sequential therapy with bevacizumab and EGFR inhibitors for metastatic colorectal carcinoma: a national registry-based analysis (2019)
Cross-platform Data Analysis Reveals a Generic Gene Expression Signature for Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Cancer (2019)
Pharmacokinetics of trabectedin and olaparib given in combination during a phase 1b trial (NCT 02398058) in patients with advanced and non-resectable bone and soft tissue sarcomas (2018)
Venetoclax penetrates in cerebrospinal fluid and may be effective in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with central nervous system involvement (2019)
Prognostic value of NT-proBNP added to clinical parameters to predict two-year prognosis of chronic heart failure patients with mid-range and reduced ejection fraction - A report from FAR NHL prospective registry (2019)
Vývoj vazby k blízkým osobám od raného dětství do dospělosti : přehledová studie o vazbové hierarchii (2019)
Dishevelled-3 conformation dynamics analyzed by FRET-based biosensors reveals a key role of casein kinase 1 (2019)
Single-Centre Experience with Patients Selection for Mechanical Thrombectomy Based on Automated Computed Tomography Perfusion Analysis-A Comparison with Computed TomographyCT Perfusion Thrombectomy Trials (2019)
A prospective multicenter trial on sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with early-stage cervical cancer (SENTIX) (2019)
Elevated Sera sST2 Is Associated With Heart Failure in Men <= 50 Years Old With Myocarditis (2019)
The coast of giants: an anthropometric survey of high schoolers on the Adriatic coast of Croatia (2019)
Prenatal Stress, Mood, and Gray Matter Volume in Young Adulthood (2019)
Zajímavé případy z klinické praxe (2019)
Stable fibroblast growth factors in burn medicine research (2019)
Do lumbar magnetic resonance imaging changes predict neuropathic pain in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain? (2019)
Autorská práva, public domain a lidská práva (2019)
Oral administration of BDNF and/or GDNF normalizes serum BDNF level in the olfactory bulbectomized rats: A proof of concept study (2019)
Effects of cylindrospermopsin on cultured immortalized human airway epithelial cells (2019)
Molecular Techniques Complement Culture-Based Assessment of Bacteria Composition in Mixed Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheter-Related Samples (2019)
Estimating Mean and Covariance Function in Principal Component Analysis through Conditional Expectation (2019)
Differences in Sensorimotor Skills between Badminton Players and Non-Athlete Adults (2019)
Percentile Curves for Body-Mass Index, Waist Circumference, Waist-To-Height Ratio and Waist-To-Height Ratio(Exp) in Croatian Adolescents (2019)
Numerous cold arousals and rare arousal cascades as a hibernation strategy in European Myotis bats (2019)
Využití granulační tkáně v chirurgické léčbě parodontitidy. Experiment na zvířecím modelu (2019)
The influence of mode of anaesthesia for caesarean delivery on neonatal Apgar scores in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: secondary analysis of the results of an international survey in 2015 (2019)
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Intellectual Disability (2019)
Gastrointestinální stromální tumory rekta - hodnocení dat národního registru s ohledem na využití v klinické praxi (2019)
Development of an innovative nanostructured dermal matrix in combination with a hyperstable form of growth factor for fibroblasts (FGF2): Ex ovo and in vivo study (2019)
CaverDock: a molecular docking-based tool to analyse ligand transport through protein tunnels and channels (2019)
Caver Web 1.0: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
Use of epidemiological analyses in development of colorectal cancer clinical practice guidelines in the Czech Republic (2019)
Czech national project ‘Clinical Practice Guidelines’ methodology and current results (2019)
Physical Fitness and the Level of Pain Intensity in Adolescents: A School-based Study (2019)
Epidemiological analyses for preparation of Clinical Practice Guidelines related to acute coronary syndromes in the Czech Republic (2019)
Epidemiological analyses to inform stroke clinical practice guidelines development (2019)
Use of epidemiological analyses in Clinical Practice Guideline development focused on the diabetic patients treated with insulin (2019)
Human Telomere Repeat Binding Factor TRF1 Replaces TRF2 Bound to Shelterin Core Hub TIN2 when TPP1 Is Absent (2019)
Structural Biology and Protein Engineering of Thrombolytics (2019)
Adipokine gene variability and plasma levels in patients with chronic periodontitis - a case-control study (2019)
Oncological outcome of surgical management in patients with recurrent uterine cancer-a multicenter retrospective cohort study-CEEGOG EX01 Trial (2019)
Časná poporodní anestezie v České a Slovenské republice z pohledu studie OBAAMA-INT – prospektivní observační studie (2019)
Light-Emitting Dehalogenases: Reconstruction of Multifunctional Biocatalysts (2019)
Význam klinických doporučených postupů pro kvalitu nemocniční péče (2019)
Public domain a společné statky (2019)
Autorskoprávní public domain a obecná svoboda jednání (2019)
Autorská práva, public domain a lidská práva (2019)
Pohybová aktivita, zdraví a vybrané aspekty zdatnosti žen v Jihomoravském kraji (2019)
Anthropometric Indices and Some Aspects of Physical Fitness in Croatian Adolescents by Gender (2019)
Transfer of Primary Attachment Figures from Early to Late Adolescence: Four-Cohort and Six-Wave Longitudinal Research (2019)
Early-life exposure to household chemicals and wheezing in children (2019)
Environmental ototoxicants, a potential new class of chemical stressors (2019)
Sleep Quantity and Problems as Mediators of the Eveningness-Adjustment Link during Childhood and Adolescence (2019)
Presence and characterization of microplastics in fish of commercial importance from the Biobio region in central Chile (2019)
Linking past uses of legacy SVOCs with today's indoor levels and human exposure (2019)
Health and ecological risk assessment of emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and artificial sweeteners) in surface and groundwater (drinking water) in the Ganges River Basin, India (2019)
Perinatal Maternal Stress and Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases in Later Childhood: An Early Life Programming Perspective (2019)
Objective Versus Self-Reported Adherence to Airway Clearance Therapy in Cystic Fibrosis (2019)
Fluorescent pH Indicators for Neutral to Near-Alkaline Conditions Based on 9-Iminopyronin Derivatives (2019)
Approach to a Substituted Heptamethine Cyanine Chain by the Ring Opening of Zincke Salts (2019)
The effect of light wavelength on in vitro bilirubin photodegradation and photoisomer production (2019)
Bambusuril analogs based on alternating glycoluril and xylylene units (2019)
Fluorinated Bambusurils as Highly Effective and Selective Transmembrane Cl-/HCO3- Antiporters (2019)
Dynamic Interactions in Synthetic Receptors: A Guest Exchange Saturation Transfer Study (2019)
Passive sampling of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls along the Quequen Grande River watershed, Argentina (2019)
Chasing equilibrium passive sampling of hydrophobic organic compounds in water (2019)
Calibration parameters for the passive sampling of organic UV filters by silicone; diffusion coefficients and silicone-water partition coefficients (2019)
Partitioning and Bioaccumulation of Legacy and Emerging Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals in Mangrove Ecosystems (2019)
SSP silicone-, lipid- and SPMD-water partition coefficients of seventy hydrophobic organic contaminants and evaluation of the water concentration calculator for SPMD (2019)
Urban sources of synthetic musk compounds to the environment (2019)
Prioritization of hazards of novel flame retardants using the mechanistic toxicology information from ToxCast and Adverse Outcome Pathways (2019)
Forty-five Years of Foam: A Retrospective on Air Sampling with Polyurethane Foam (2019)
Exposure of Canadian electronic waste dismantlers to flame retardants (2019)
Flame retardants and plasticizers in a Canadian waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) dismantling facility (2019)
Pesticide residues remaining in soils from previous growing season(s) - Can they accumulate in non-target organisms and contaminate the food web? (2019)
Fate and bioavailability of four conazole fungicides in twelve different arable soils - Effects of soil and pesticide properties (2019)
Developmental toxicity of the fungicide ziram in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2019)
Biological effects of the benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers UV-234 and UV-320 in early-staged zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2019)
Immunomodulatory effects of cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin on innate immune cells (2019)
Detergent-modified catalytic and enzymomimetic activity of silver and palladium nanoparticles biotemplated by Pyrococcus furiosus ferritin (2019)
Toward a Comprehensive Global Emission Inventory of C-4-C-10 Perfluoroalkanesulfonic Acids (PFSAs) and Related Precursors: Focus on the Life Cycle of C-6- and C-10-Based Products (2019)
An overview of worldwide and regional time trends in total mercury levels in human blood and breast milk from 1966 to 2015 and their associations with health effects (2019)
A review of phthalate pharmacokinetics in human and rat: what factors drive phthalate distribution and partitioning? (2019)
Physiology-based toxicokinetic modelling in the frame of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (2019)
Performance of principal component analysis through conditional expectation on longitudinal data (2019)
Future water quality monitoring: improving the balance between exposure and toxicity assessments of real-world pollutant mixtures (2019)
An improved design of a passive sampler for polar organic compounds based on diffusion in agarose hydrogel (2019)
Characterization, source identification and risk associated with polyaromatic and chlorinated organic contaminants (PAHs, PCBs, PCBzs and OCPs) in the surface sediments of Hooghly estuary, India (2019)
Hexagonal Core-Shell SiO2[-MOYI]Cl-]Ag Nanoframeworks for Efficient Photodegradation of the Environmental Pollutants and Pathogenic Bacteria (2019)
Land cover and its transformation in the backward trajectory footprint region of the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (2019)
Can polyethylene passive samplers predict polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) uptake by earthworms and turnips in a biochar amended soil? (2019)
Effects of cyanobacterial toxins on the human gastrointestinal tract and the mucosal innate immune system (2019)
Effect-based methods are key. The European Collaborative Project SOLUTIONS recommends integrating effect-based methods for diagnosis and monitoring of water quality (2019)
Widespread occurrence of retinoids in water bodies associated with cyanobacterial blooms dominated by diverse species (2019)
Bioinformatic, phylogenetic and chemical analysis of the UV-absorbing compounds scytonemin and mycosporine-like amino acids from the microbial mat communities of Shark Bay, Australia (2019)
Application of passive sampling for sensitive time-integrative monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins microcystins in drinking water treatment plants (2019)
Lipopolysaccharides from Microcystis Cyanobacteria-Dominated Water Bloom and from Laboratory Cultures Trigger Human Immune Innate Response (2019)
Cylindrospermopsin induces cellular stress and activation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways in adult human liver stem cells (2019)
The Effect of Butyrate-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition on Intestinal Defence Mechanisms and the Parenteral Nutrition-Induced Shift in the Gut Microbiota in the Rat Model (2019)
Imaging of Bronchial Pathology in Antibody Deficiency: Data from the European Chest CT Group (2019)
Metabolism of obeticholic acid in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) (2019)
Characterization of molecular scores and gene expression signatures in primary breast cancer, local recurrences and brain metastases (2019)
Survival Length after Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Adenocarcinoma in Correlation with Preoperative CT Characteristics and Tumour Resections Margin Assesment (2019)
Collagen-based dermal substitute with stable fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2): ex ovo and in vivo impact on neovascularization (2019)
Baseline investigation on plasticizers, bisphenol A, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the surface soil of the informal electronic waste recycling workshops and nearby open dumpsites in Indian metropolitan cities (2019)
Assessing Air-Surface Exchange and Fate of Mercury in a Subtropical Forest Using a Novel Passive Exchange-Meter Device (2019)
A single pulse of diffuse contaminants alters the size distribution of natural phytoplankton communities (2019)
Effect of heat treatment on activity of staphylococcal enterotoxins of type A, B, and C in milk (2019)
Occurrence of Foodborne Agents at Food Service Facilities in the Czech Republic (2019)
Biostimulation enhanced the biotic degradation of hexabromocyclododecane in sediments (2019)
Chiral Microneedles from an Achiral Bis(boron dipyrromethene): Spontaneous Mirror Symmetry Breaking Leading to a Promising Photoluminescent Organic Material (2019)
Vliv mikrobiomu na vznik a vývoj kolorektálního karcinomu (2019)
Simultaneous determination of cadmium and iron in different kinds of cereal flakes using high-resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrometry (2019)
Molecular response to EBLV-1 infection in bat-derived cell cultures (2019)
Genome-wide associations in multiple bat species (2019)
Rapid discrimination of multiple myeloma patients by artificial neural networks coupled with mass spectrometry of peripheral blood plasma (2019)
Určování věku u hmyzu v závislosti na množství pteridinů v očích: případová studie na štěnicích rodu Cimex (2019)
Age determination in individual wild-caught Cimex lectularius using pteridine concentration (2019)
Breast Cancer Classification Based on Proteotypes Obtained by SWATH Mass Spectrometry (2019)
Extra-pair paternity patterns in European barn swallows Hirundo rustica are best explained by male and female age rather than male ornamentation (2019)
Feather steroid hormone concentrations in relation to age, sex, and molting time in a long distance migratory passerine (2019)
Do the sport dance, classical ballet and Slovakian folklore dance training affect the gait stereotype? (2019)
Prevalence and evolution of spasticity in patients suffering from first-ever stroke with carotid origin: a prospective, longitudinal study (2019)
Controlled Oil/Water Partitioning of Hydrophobic Substrates Extending the Bioanalytical Applications of Droplet-Based Microfluidics (2019)
Analysis of microorganisms, chlorinated hydrocarbons and hyaluronic acid gel using Raman based optofluidic techniques and SERS (2019)
Microbial Contamination of Ancient Human Dental Calculus Studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Metagenomic Approach (2019)
New metabolites of diclofenac found in pea and maize (2019)
Onemocnění dutiny ústní u pacientů s diabetem (2019)
Gait analysis among various age groups: from toddlers to seniors (2019)
Program Správná noha Českého hnutí speciálních olympiád: komparace rozdílů mezi vybranými sporty (2019)
Bambusurils as a mechanistic tool for probing anion effects (2019)
Viewpoints of the target population regarding barriers and facilitators of colorectal cancer screening in the Czech Republic (2019)
Hyperuricemia treatment in acute heart failure patients does not improve their long-term prognosis: A propensity score matched analysis from the AHEAD registry (2019)
Home-based training using neuromuscular electrical stimulation in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: A pilot study (2019)
Sibling relatedness rather than father absence predicts earlier age at menarche in ELSPAC cohort (2019)
The Pathosome: A Dynamic Three-Dimensional View of Disease-Environment Interaction (2019)
Barriers associated with non-participation at screening programmes in the Czech Republic (2019)
Screeningové programy onkologických onemocnění a aktuální výsledky adresného zvaní v České republice (2019)
Hodnocení celkového pokrytí populace kolorektálním screeningem a souvisejícími diagnostickými výkony (2019)
Vyhodnocení adresného zvaní českých občanů do screeningových programů (2019)
Male mortality rates mirror mortality rates of older females (2019)
Study of domestication via human dental calculus in the Early Middle Ages (2019)
Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central and Eastern European populations of the barn swallow (2019)
Influence of artificially generated interocular blur difference on fusion stability under vergence stress (2019)
Looking at the health of past populations through the lens of human dental calculus (2019)
Chirurgická léčba parodontitidy pomocí lipoxinů a resolvinů na zvířecím modelu (2019)
DNY PRÁVA 2018 Část IV. Dopady digitalizace do oblasti soukromého práva (2018)
New collagen foam with nanotechnological modification as bi-layer dermal substitute: Influence of stable FGF2 on capillary density in different animal models (2019)
Senioři tančí (2019)
Relationship between breastfeeding and dental caries in primary dentition (2019)
Mikrobiom jícnu, žaludku a duodena u pacientů s gastroezofageální refluxní chorobou - pilotní studie (2019)
Hydrophilic Divinylbenzene for Equilibrium Sorption of Emerging Organic Contaminants in Aquatic Matrices (2019)
Webový portál pro analýzu a vizualizaci dětských onkologických dat dostupných v ČR (2019)
Career Adaptability and Social Support of Vocational Students Leaving Upper Secondary School (2020)
Populační hodnocení přežití z dat Národního onkologického registru (2019)
Computational Modelling of Metabolic Burden and Substrate Toxicity in Escherichia coli Carrying a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway (2019)
Licenční smlouvy (2019)
Autorské právo a Internet (2019)
Climate finance and green growth: reconsidering climate-related institutions, investments, and priorities in Nepal (2019)
The effect of classical ballet, Slovakian folklore dance and sport dance on static postural control in female and male dancers (2019)
Efekt primární prevence závislosti na tabáku u dětí - originální projekt (2019)
Sportovní trenér: vymezování profese a její různé podoby a problémy (2019)
Subjective Health Complaints in Fifteen-Year-Old Czech Adolescents : The Role of Self-Esteem, Interparental Conflict, and Gender (2019)
Novel CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits significant single-agent activity in TP53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2019)
Variabilita v genech pro katalázu a její plazmatické koncentrace u pacientů s recidivující aftózní stomatitidou (2019)
MikroRNA u mnohočetného myelomu (2019)
Analysis of microRNA levels in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with primary brain tumors and metastases (2019)
Intenzivní rodičovství a jeho souvislost s kvalitou strategické pomoci (scaffolding) matky při společné hře s dítětem předškolního věku (2019)
Tanečně pohybové aktivity pro zdravé seniory a seniory s mírnou kognitivní poruchou (2019)
Cognitive effects of dance-movement intervention in a mixed group of seniors are not dependent on hippocampal atrophy (2019)
Haplogenotypy variant genů pro epidermální růstový faktor a jeho receptor asociované s gastroezofageální refluxní chorobou a jejími komplikacemi (2019)
Testování bilaminární kožní náhrady obohacené stabilním FGF2 na ex ovo a in vivo modelech (2019)
Vztah speciální výkonnosti a úrovně vybraných specifických atletických parametrů u hráčů florbalu (2019)
Rola genetických predispozícií v chuťových a diétnych preferenciách u študentov zubného lekárstva LF MU (2019)
Effect of primary prevention of tobacco addiction in children - original project (2019)
Zátěžová diagnostika v tělovýchovné a sportovní praxi (2019)
Význam epidermálního růstového faktoru v etiopatogenezi recidivující aftózní stomatitidy (2019)
Asociace funkční varianty genu kódujícího receptor pro vitamín D s recidivující aftózní stomatitidou (2019)
Efektivní metodika pro stanovení haplogenotypů lektinu vázajícího manózu a role tohoto receptoru v etiopatogenezi onemocnění dutiny ústní (2019)
Farmakoterapie recidivující aftózní stomatitidy u pacientů s geneticky podmíněnou sníženou schopností metabolizovat kyselinu listovou – pilotní studie (2019)
Position paper on passive sampling techniques for the monitoring of contaminants in the aquatic environment - Achievements to date and perspectives (2015)
Gaze Behavior in Basketball Free Throws Developed in Constant and Variable Practice (2019)
Role genetických predispozic v chuťových a dietních preferencích u studentů zubního lékařství LF MU (2019)
Colicin Z, a structurally and functionally novel colicin type that selectively kills enteroinvasive Escherichia coli and Shigella strains (2019)
Retinoid X Receptor Activation Alters the Chromatin Landscape To Commit Mesenchymal Stem Cells to the Adipose Lineage (2017)
First experiences with a new adhesive bone conduction hearing device in children (2019)
Plasma levels and leucocyte RNA expression of adipokines in young patients with coronary artery disease, in metabolic syndrome and healthy controls (2019)
Assessment of distribution of plantar pressures and foot characteristics during walking in pregnant women (2019)
The influence of hard substratum reflection and calibration profiles on in situ fluorescence measurements of benthic microalgal biomass (2013)
Gravident Brno - preventivní program pro těhotné ženy (2019)
Concentrations of Thirteen Trace Metals in Scales of Three Nototheniid Fishes from Antarctica (James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula) (2019)
Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa through the Combined Effect of Plasma Discharge and Hydrodynamic Cavitation (2020)
Fast Screening of Inhibitor Binding/Unbinding using Novel Software Tool CaverDock (2019)
Partnerské strachy v období mladé dospělosti (2019)
Experiences in Close Relationships : České verze metod pro měření vazby vycházející z dotazníku ECR (2019)
Cerebrospinal Fluid MicroRNA Signatures as Diagnostic Biomarkers in Brain Tumors (2019)
Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma: Real-World Data from the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2019)
Comparison of Different Treatment Modalities Outcomes in Clinically Node-positive Bladder Cancer: Analysis of a Population-based Cancer Registry (2019)
Incidence, treatment strategies and outcomes of acute coronary syndrome with and without ongoing myocardial ischaemia: results from the CZECH-3 registry (2019)
Mezinárodní právo soukromé a právo duševního vlastnictví - kolizní otázky (2019)
Different Modes of Action of Genetic and Chemical Downregulation of Histone Deacetylases with Respect to Plant Development and Histone Modifications (2019)
Size-dependent genotoxicity of silver, gold and platinum nanoparticles studied using the mini-gel comet assay and micronucleus scoring with flow cytometry (2018)
Estimation of cadmium load from soybeans and soy-based foods for vegetarians (2020)
Estimation of cadmium load from soybeans and soy-based foods for vegetarians (2019)
Prognostic factors and seizure outcome in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in children with hematological malignancies and bone marrow failure: A retrospective monocentric study (2019)
Innovative preconcentration technique on polymer sorbent for simultanoues determination of platinum group metals in the waters and lichen Hypogymnia physodes (2016)
Mixture toxicity of microcystin-LR, paraoxon and bromadiolone in Xenopus laevis embryos (2015)
Porcine pathogenic Escherichia coli strains differ from human fecal strains in occurrence of bacteriocin types (2019)
Freshwater Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin Has Detrimental Stage-specific Effects on Hepatic Differentiation From Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
Is colorectal cancer a more aggressive disease in young patients? A population-based study from the Czech Republic (2019)
Obesity-induced nucleosome release predicts poor cardio-metabolic health (2019)
Identification of a Diagnostic Set of Endomyocardial Biopsy microRNAs for Acute Cellular Rejection Diagnostics in Patients after Heart Transplantation Using Next-Generation Sequencing (2019)
Pojetí kontaktního rodičovství v České republice : Tematická analýza (2020)
The effect of selected preservatives on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods (2019)
Analysis of water-soluble fraction of metals in atmospheric aerosols using aerosol counterflow two-jets unit and chemiluminescent detection (2012)
Dimensions of racial identity and perceived discrimination in health care (2016)
High-mountain monitoring of persistent organic pollutants at the basic environmental observatory moussala (2014)
Increasing procoagulant activity of circulating microparticles in patients living with HIV (2020)
Prognostic Value of MicroRNAs in Patients after Myocardial Infarction: A Substudy of PRAGUE-18 (2019)
The Development of Generalized Motor Program in Constant and Variable Practice Conditions (2019)
Prevalence and predictors of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing carotid artery stenting (2019)
Tvorba důvěryhodných klinických doporučených postupů v České republice a v hyperbarické medicíně (2019)
Trustworthy clinical practice guidelines: a national project in the Czech Republic (2019)
National project of the Czech Republic: Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines (2019)
Superhydrofobní vrstva proti zanášení povrchů biologickým materiálem (2019)
Vysoce hydrofobní vrstva s biocidním účinkem (2019)
Ústavněprávní limity ochrany „duševního majetku“ a práva vydavatelů tiskových publikací (2020)
Gene expression profiling of CD26+ leukemic stem cell population from CML patients. (2019)
Sensory profiles and immune-related expression patterns of patients with and without neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve lesion (2019)
Selective coronary angiography, percutaneous coronary intervention and asymptomatic peri-procedural myocardial injury (2019)
Právo duševního vlastnictví (2020)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu checkpoint kinase 1 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53. (2019)
Research and evaluation of exposition to health-affectinig chemicals during indoor fire suppression and usage of extinguishing foams in firefighters - study design (2019)
Assessment of COP characteristics and force-time changes during walking in the third trimester of pregnancy (2020)
Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis Applied to Distinguish Species of Candida parapsilosis Complex (2019)
Bacterial and fungal gut microbiota analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) disorders: paired case-control study (2019)
Actinotignum schaalii as a part of urinary catheter associated microbiota (2019)
MiR-21 binding site SNP within ITGAM associated with psoriasis susceptibility in women (2019)
Impact of a Strength Intervention Program on Change of Hamstrings: Quadriceps Ratio and on Change of 1 Repetition Maximum (2019)
Analysis of gene expression in CD26+ CML leukemic stem cell population. (2019)
Lycopene increases metabolic activity of rat liver CYP2B, CYP2D and CYP3A. (2020)
Distinct cellular responses to replication stress leading to apoptosis or senescence (2019)
Bialternate matrix products and its application in bifurcation theory (2019)
Center manifolds for three-dimensional systems of differential equations (2019)
Center manifolds for two-dimensional systems of differential equations (2019)
Occurrence and transformation of mercury in formerly contaminated soils due to operation of amalgamation techniques and assessment of consequences (2020)
Correlation analysis of olympic-style weightlifting exercises and vertical jumps (2019)
PRIMA-1MET cytotoxic effect correlates with p53 protein reduction in TP53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2020)
Nanopatterning Glass Surface For Localization Of Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
Falls in anaemic hospitalized elderly patients in 2012-2016 - mutual relationships (2019)
Identification of microRNA signatures in umbilical cord blood associated with maternal characteristics (2019)
Radiofrequency ablation in pancreatic cancer (2019)
Risk Factors in Ischemic Stroke Subtypes: a Community-Based Study in Brno, Czech Republic (2020)
Cross-sectional study of the level of basic swimming skills of elementary school pupils in a selected region of the Czech Republic in the years 1995–2015 (2020)
Electrochemical determination of insulin at CuNPs/chitosan-MWCNTs and CoNPs/chitosan-MWCNTs modified screen printed carbon electrodes (2020)
Effect of preservatives on the shelf-life and sensory characteristics of pasteurized liquid whole egg stored at 4 degrees C (2019)
Depth of neuromuscular blockade and the perioperative conditions in laparoscopic surgery in pediatric population: Randomized controlled pilot trial (2020)
Orální mikrobiom u pacientů s nádorovým onemocněním hlavy (2020)
Účinek vybraných konzervantů na růst Listeria monocytogenes v lahůdkářských výrobcích (2019)
The relationship between body composition and foot posture index in Special Olympics athletes (2019)
Calculation of cost-related severity of secondary diagnoses and inpatient cases within the DRG classification system (2019)
Outlier cases detection in diagnoses-related group system using prediction intervals of various parametric distributions (2019)
Oral Microbiota Composition and Antimicrobial Antibody Response in Patients with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (2019)
The association among cervical, anal, and oral HPV infections in high-risk and low-risk women (2019)
Dynamics of tumor-specific cfDNA in response to therapy in multiple myeloma patients (2020)
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Using Focused Linear Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwaves: Single-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial (2020)
Deaf learners' processing of English textbook material : An eye-tracking study (2020)
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Protein Stability Provides Decreased Dependence on Heparin for Induction of FGFR Signaling and Alters ERK Signaling Dynamics (2019)
Porodnické vaginální extrakční operace a jejich vliv na traumatismus matky a dítěte - prospektivní studie (2019)
A benchmark set of highly-efficient CUDA and OpenCL kernels and its dynamic autotuning with Kernel Tuning Toolkit (2020)
Rapid Multiplex Real-Time PCR Method for the Detection and Quantification of Selected Cariogenic and Periodontal Bacteria (2020)
Effect of respiratory muscle training on physical performance in a group of patients with Hodgkin's and Non- Hodgkin's lymphoma (2019)
Význam rtg lebky při poraněních hlavy (2019)
Epidemiological Trends for Childhood and Adolescent Cancers in the Period 1994–2016 in the Czech Republic (2019)
Differences in right-to-left vs left-to-right interventricular conduction times in patients indicated to cardiac resynchronization therapy (2020)
Computational Study of Protein-Ligand Unbinding for Enzyme Engineering (2019)
Exploring the challenges of computational enzyme design by rebuilding the active site of a dehalogenase (2019)
PAHs in Indoor and Outdoor Air from Decentralized Heating Energy Production: Comparison of Active and Passive Sampling (2016)
Gene variability in matrix metalloproteinases in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2020)
Development of Fluorescent Assay for Monitoring of Dehalogenase Activity (2019)
Computational Design of Stable and Soluble Biocatalysts (2019)
Crystal structure of the cold-adapted haloalkane dehalogenase DpcA from Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5 (2019)
Transhalogenation Catalysed by Haloalkane Dehalogenases Engineered to Stop Natural Pathway at Intermediate (2019)
Repeatability and Reproducibility of the RTgill-W1 Cell Line Assay for Predicting Fish Acute Toxicity (2019)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Endocrine Disruption: Role of Testicular Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication and Connexins (2019)
Engineering enzyme access tunnels (2019)
Microbiome and Metabolome Profiles Associated With Different Types of Short Bowel Syndrome: Implications for Treatment (2020)
Investigating levels of organic contaminants in Danube River sediments in Serbia by multi-ratio equilibrium passive sampling (2019)
Dynamics of PCB exposure in the past 50 years and recent high concentrations in human breast milk: Analysis of influencing factors using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model (2019)
Noninvasive determination of toxic stress biomarkers by high-throughput screening of photoautotrophic cell suspension cultures with multicolor fluorescence imaging (2019)
Global simulation of semivolatile organic compounds - development and evaluation of the MESSy submodel SVOC (v1.0) (2019)
Fast Formation of Nitro-PAHs in the Marine Atmosphere Constrained in a Regional-Scale Lagrangian Field Experiment (2019)
Bulk atmospheric deposition of persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Central Europe (2019)
Stable-isotope dilution LC-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of microcystin conjugates with cysteine and glutathione in biotic matrices (2019)
Crystallization and Crystallographic Analysis of a Bradyrhizobium Elkanii USDA94 Haloalkane Dehalogenase Variant with an Eliminated Halide-Binding Site (2019)
Comparability of long-term temporal trends of POPs from co-located active and passive air monitoring networks in Europe (2019)
Multiyear levels of PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and PAHs in background air in central Europe and implications for deposition (2020)
Childhood Sleep Functioning as a Developmental Precursor of Adolescent Adjustment Problems (2020)
Effects of selenium feed supplements on functional properties of eggs (2020)
Hypervalent Iodine Based Reversible Covalent Bond in Rotaxane Synthesis (2019)
Stool sampling and DNA isolation kits affect DNA quality and bacterial composition following 16S rRNA gene sequencing using MiSeq Illumina platform (2019)
Field cyanobacterial blooms producing retinoid compounds cause teratogenicity in zebrafish embryos (2020)
Chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Sources, formation mechanisms, and occurrence in the environment (2020)
Applications for Passive Sampling of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Water—A Review (2021)
Nanoformulations can significantly affect pesticide degradation and uptake by earthworms and plants (2019)
Freshwater ecosystems profit from activated carbon-based wastewater treatment across various levels of biological organisation in a short timeframe (2019)
Epoxidation is the preferred pathway of first-stage metabolism of abiraterone acetate in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) (2019)
Analysis of alkylphenols and bisphenols in soils using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2021)
The effects of nano-sized PbO on biomarkers of membrane disruption and DNA damage in a sub-chronic inhalation study on mice (2020)
Plastic sources: A survey across scientific and grey literature for their inventory and relative contribution to microplastics pollution in natural environments, with an emphasis on surface water (2019)
Resazurin assay for assessment of antimicrobial properties of electrospun nanofiber filtration membranes (2019)
Resilience of Natural Phytoplankton Communities to Pulse Disturbances from Micropollutant Exposure and Vertical Mixing (2019)
Strengthen the European collaborative environmental research to meet European policy goals for achieving a sustainable, non-toxic environment (2019)
Implementation of the Minamata Convention to manage mercury pollution in India: challenges and opportunities (2019)
One-Atom Substitution Enables Direct and Continuous Monitoring of Histone Deacylase Activity (2019)
Enantioselective Behavior of the Fungicide Tebuconazole in Soil (2020)
Phase-transfer extraction for the fast quantification of perchlorate anions in water (2019)
Deciphering the Structural Basis of High Thermostability of Dehalogenase from Psychrophilic Bacterium Marinobacter sp. ELB17 (2019)
HPLC-MS/MS measurement of lidocaine in rat skin and plasma. Application to study the release from medicated plaster (2020)
An Ultrasensitive Fluorescence Assay for the Detection of Halides and Enzymatic Dehalogenation (2020)
Machine Learning in Enzyme Engineering (2020)
Current understanding of potential ecological risks of retinoic acids and their metabolites in aquatic environments (2020)
Persistent organic pollutants sorbed in plastic resin pellet - "Nurdles" from coastal areas of Central Chile (2020)
Evaluation of the OECD P-OV and LRTP screening tool for estimating the long-range transport of organophosphate esters (2020)
Senioři tančí (2019)
Poly- and per-fluoroalkyl compounds in sediments of the Laurentian Great Lakes: Loadings, temporal trends, and sources determined by positive matrix factorization (2019)
Cell-based data to predict the toxicity of chemicals to fish. Commentary on the manuscript by Rodrigues et al., 2019. Cell-based assays seem not to accurately predict fish short-term toxicity of pesticides. Environmental Pollution 252:476-482 (2019)
Identifying urinary microRNAs for heart allograft rejection monitoring using small RNA sequencing - Pilot results (2019)
MAPK p38alpha Kinase Influences Haematopoiesis in Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
Spatial distribution of PAHs in riverbed sediments of the Danube River in Serbia: Anthropogenic and natural sources (2019)
COVID-19: Přehled aktuální situace v ČR (Onemocnění aktuálně MZČR) (2020)
Modelling invasive pathogen load from non-destructive sampling data (2019)
Functional polymer with antifouling effect (2019)
Functional Plasma Polymerized Surfaces for Biosensing (2020)
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of chloroalkanes in microfluidic chips (2018)
European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters (vol 601, pg 1849, 2017) (2018)
Silicone-water partition coefficients determined by cosolvent method for chlorinated pesticides, musks, organo phosphates, phthalates and more (vol 210, pg 662, 2018) (2018)
Developing SAICM into a framework for the international governance of chemicals throughout their Lifecycle: Looking beyond 2020 (2018)
Hyperuricaemia treatment in acute heart failure patients does not improve their long-term prognosis: a propensity score matched analysis from the AHEAD registry (2019)
Predicting Treatment Response of Multiple Myeloma Patients Using Tumor Specific cell-free DNA (2019)
The depletion of p38alpha kinase upregulates NADPH oxidase 2/NOX2/gp91 expression and the production of superoxide in mouse embryonic stem cells (2019)
Photochemical degradation of the environmental pollutants over the worm-like Nd 2 CuO 4 -Nd 2 O 3 nanostructures (2019)
Administration of the Probiotic Escherichia coli Strain A0 34/86 Resulted in a Stable Colonization of the Human Intestine During the First Year of Life (2020)
Development of an antioxidant assay to study oxidative potential of airborne particulate matter (2019)
Vinuté filtrační moduly na bázi přízí modifikovanými vodivými polymery s odolností proti růstu biofilmu (2019)
Principles of Epidemiologic Studies (2020)
Surface design of photon-upconversion nanoparticles for high-contrast immunocytochemistry (2020)
Foreign Language Learning Experiences of Deaf and Severely Hard-of-Hearing Czech University Students (2019)
Anti-alpha gal antibodies in the context of blood group and stool and tumour-adjacent microbiome in colorectal cancer patients (2019)
Functional switching based on altered enzyme flexibility via InDel mutagenesis of a reconstructed ancestor (2019)
Caver web: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
Long working hours and mortality in Central and Eastern Europe: the HAPIEE study (2019)
Maternal characteristics in childhood and smoking at age of 15: Findings from the Czech Republic (2019)
Towards a more reliable assessment of health risks associated with the population exposure to bisphenols (2019)
Risk assessment of EDCs in Europe based on human biomonitoring data (2019)
Prognosis predictors of patients with initial cardiogenic shock complicated acute myocardial infarction treated with primary angioplasty and intense antiplatelet therapy. PRAGUE-18 shock substudy (2019)
Let us empower the WFD to prevent risks of chemical pollution in European rivers and lakes (2019)
Stressful Life Events in the Second Half of Pregnancy Predict Visual Network Connectivity in Young Adult Offspring Decades Later (2019)
The effect of light wavelength on in vitro bilirubin photodegradation and photoisomer production (vol 85, pg 865, 2019) (2019)
Future pesticide risk assessment: narrowing the gap between intention and reality (2019)
"Everything is everywhere": A network analysis of SVOCs indoors with implications for human exposure (2019)
Isomers of photo-unstable compounds should be evaluated as the individual substances due to their potential different exposure effects (2019)
Modelling and Forecasting Waste Generation - DECWASTE Information System (2017)
Fate and transport of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the River Thames catchment - Insights from a coupled multimedia fate and hydrobiogeochemical transport model (2016)
The Influence of Microscopic Inflammation at Resection Margins on Early Postoperative Endoscopic Recurrence After Ileocaecal Resection for Crohn's Disease (2020)
Regional Incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Czech Pediatric Population: 16 Years of Experience (2002–2017) (2020)
Endoscopic recurrence after ileocaecal resection for Crohn's disease relating to microscopic inflammation at resection margins (2020)
Serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) variability in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (2020)
Special footwear designed for pregnant women and its effect on kinematic gait parameters during pregnancy and postpartum period (2020)
LC-MS/MS determination of potential endocrine disruptors of cortico signalling in rivers and wastewaters (vol 406, pg 7653, 2014) (2016)
Combined exposure of Japanese quails to cyanotoxins, Newcastle virus and lead: Oxidative stress responses (vol 74, pg 2082, 2011) (2012)
Významné parametry ovlivňující dynamiku epidemie - model ZSEIAR (2020)
Are Agricultural Soils Dumps for Microplastics of Urban Origin? (2016)
Nový portál pro prezentaci mezinárodní klasifikace nemocí MKN-10 (2020)
Seasonal variations of monosaccharide anhydrides in PM1 and PM2.5 aerosol in urban areas (2010)
Activation of the Nitric Oxide Pathway and Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Acute Kidney Injury (2020)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air on small spatial and temporal scales - II Mass size distributions and gas-particle partitioning (2010)
Combined exposure of Japanese quails to cyanotoxins, Newcastle virus and lead: Oxidative stress responses (2011)
Association between Stress Urinary incontinence and Depressive Symptoms after Birth : the Czech eLSpAc Study (2020)
Oncologic outcome after completing or abandoning (radical) hysterectomy in patients with cervical cancer and intraoperative detection of lymph node positivity; ABRAX (ABandoning RAd hyst in cerviX cancer) (2020)
Complex Reporting of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Czech Republic: Use of an Interactive Web-Based App in Practice (2020)
A Prototype Passive Air Sampler for Measuring Dry Deposition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (2014)
Imagery-induced negative affect, social touch and frontal EEG power band activity (2020)
Measurement of phagocyte activity in heterotherms (2020)
Advances in Optical Single-Molecule Detection: En Route to Supersensitive Bioaffinity Assays (2020)
Fortschritte in der optischen Einzelmoleküldetektion: Auf dem Weg zu höchstempfindlichen Bioaffinitätsassays (2020)
Plasma polymerized surfaces for SPR immunosensing (2020)
Security Rights in Intellectual Property in the Czech Republic (2020)
Atmospheric Transport, Cycling and Dynamics of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) from Source Regions to Remote Oceanic Areas (2013)
DockVis: Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Trajectories (2020)
Mezinárodní právo soukromé a právo duševního vlastnictví – kolizní otázky (2019)
Mezinárodní právo soukromé a právo duševního vlastnictví – kolizní otázky (2019)
Identification and age-dependence of pteridines in bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and bat bugs (C. pipistrelli) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2020)
Zwitterionic Ru(III) Complexes: Stability of Metal-Ligand Bond and Host-Guest Binding with Cucurbit[7]uril (2020)
N-Glycan profiling of lung adenocarcinoma in patients at different stages of disease (2020)
Molecular mechanisms of alkylphenol-mediated endocrine disruption in Leydig cells (2016)
Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology: in greater demand than ever (2017)
Oddíl 3 Majetková práva: §12-18 (2020)
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Zvláštní právo pořizovatele databáze: § 88-94 (2020)
Autorský zákon: Praktický komentář s judikaturou (2020)
Spatial Soil Modeling of Organochlorine Pesticides, Their Pools and Volatilization Fluxes (2011)
Platelet-rich plasma, platelet-rich fibrin, and enamel matrix derivative for oral mucosal wound healing (2020)
Occurrence, Sources and Determination of Metals in Air (2009)
Effects of conditional IPT-dependent cytokinin overproduction on root architecture of Arabidopsis seedlings (vol 49, pg 570, 2008) (2008)
Annexins: A Potential Biomarker for Identifying Tumor Promoting Activity of Environmental Contaminants (2016)
The European MultiPartner IPF registry (EMPIRE): validating long-term prognostic factors in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (2020)
Prospective evaluation of contrast-enhanced ultrasound of breast BI-RADS 3-5 lesions (2020)
Impact of sentinel lymph node frozen section evaluation to avoid combined treatment in early-stage cervical cancer (2020)
15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment-ICCE 2015 Leipzig, 20-24 September 2015 (2017)
Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication, the Archetypal Cell Phone of Tissues, Is an Excellent Biomarker for Assessing Environmental Stressors and Chemopreventive Compounds (2017)
The impact of isomerization on overall human dermal exposure to ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate (2016)
DNA damage of ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate: Cis-EHMC can cause more significant effect in comparison with trans-EHMC (2016)
Recognising molecular subtypes of colon cancer from virtual slides (2018)
Matrix metalloproteinases gene variants and dental caries in Czech children (2020)
Central Pathology Review in SENTIX, a Prospective Observational International Study on Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients with Early-Stage Cervical Cancer (ENGOT-CX2) (2020)
Structural Modifications of Nile Red Carbon Monoxide Fluorescent Probe: Sensing Mechanism and Applications (2020)
Mechanisms of Orthogonal Photodecarbonylation Reactions of 3-Hydroxyflavone-Based Acid-Base Forms (2020)
Monofunctionalized Bambus[6]urils and Their Conjugates with Crown Ethers for Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Inorganic Salts (2020)
Environmentally relevant mixture of S-metolachlor and its two metabolites affects thyroid metabolism in zebrafish embryos (2020)
Diffusion coefficients of polar organic compounds in agarose hydrogel and water and their use for estimating uptake in passive samplers (2020)
Measuring exposure of e-waste dismantlers in Dhaka Bangladesh to organophosphate esters and halogenated flame retardants using silicone wristbands and T-shirts (2020)
Evaluation of chemical and biological contaminants of emerging concern in treated wastewater intended for agricultural reuse (2020)
Engineering of enzyme gating driven by molecular dynamics, transient kinetics, and single molecule spectroscopy (2018)
Composition and mass size distribution of nitrated and oxygenated aromatic compounds in ambient particulate matter from southern and central Europe - implications for the origin (2020)
Oxygenated and Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air-Levels, Phase Partitioning, Mass Size Distributions, and Inhalation Bioaccessibility (2020)
Mathematical modeling of enrichment of estrogens in water samples using reverse osmosis device (2020)
Spatially high-resolved monitoring and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an industrial city (2020)
An Explorative Analysis of ABCG2/TOP-1 mRNA Expression as a Biomarker Test for FOLFIRI Treatment in Stage III Colon Cancer Patients: Results from Retrospective Analyses of the PETACC-3 Trial (2020)
Evaluation of Microbiome-Host Relationships in the Zebrafish Gastrointestinal System Reveals Adaptive Immunity Is a Target of Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Exposure (2020)
Application of a new HPLC-ICP-MS method for simultaneous determination of Al3+ and aluminium fluoride complexes (2015)
Uptake kinetics of four hydrophobic organic pollutants in the earthworm Eisenia andrei in aged laboratory-contaminated natural soils (2020)
First measurement of human exposure to current use pesticides (CUPs) in the atmosphere of central Chile: The case study of Mauco cohort (2020)
Selenium Incorporation to Amino Acids in Chlorella Cultures Grown in Phototrophic and Heterotrophic Regimes (2020)
Repetitorium onemocnění sliznice ústní dutiny (2020)
University textbook on oral mucosal diseases (2020)
Atlas onemocnění sliznice ústní dutiny (2020)
Atlas of Oral Mucosal Diseases (2020)
Metals and PFAS in stormwater and surface runoff in a semi-arid Canadian city subject to large variations in temperature among seasons (2020)
Ex situ determination of freely dissolved concentrations of hydrophobic organic chemicals in sediments and soils: basis for interpreting toxicity and assessing bioavailability, risks and remediation necessity (2020)
Elucidating mechanisms of immunotoxicity by benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Implication of the AHR-IL17/IL22 immune pathway (2020)
Microcystin-LR Does Not Alter Cell Survival and Intracellular Signaling in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells (2020)
ERGO: Breaking Down the Wall between Human Health and Environmental Testing of Endocrine Disrupters (2020)
Occurrence and toxicity of antibiotics in the aquatic environment: A review (2020)
Water Browning Controls Adaptation and Associated Trade-Offs in Phytoplankton Stressed by Chemical Pollution (2020)
Characterization of Equivalent Black Carbon at a regional background site in Central Europe: Variability and source apportionment (2020)
The conversion factor for predicting adenoma detection rate from polyp detection rate varies according to colonoscopy indication and patient sex (2020)
Micrometastases in Sentinel Lymph Nodes Represent a Significant Negative Prognostic Factor in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: A Single-Institutional Retrospective Cohort Study (2020)
More Time Spent in Sedentary Behaviors is Associated with Higher Plantar Pressures in Older Women (2020)
Transcription and Translation Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment (2020)
Left Atrial Appendage Closure Versus Direct Oral Anticoagulants in High-Risk Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (2020)
Interleukin Gene Variability and Periodontal Bacteria in Patients with Generalized Aggressive Form of Periodontitis (2020)
Meniscus transplantation-prospective assessment of clinical results in two, five and ten year follow-up (2021)
Anti-Mullerian hormone as an ovarian reserve marker in women with the most frequent muscular dystrophies (2020)
Heart rate as an independent predictor of long term mortality of acute heart failure patients in sinus rhythm according to their ejection fraction: data from the AHEAD registry (2020)
Functionalizable Antifouling Coatings as Tunable Platforms for the Stress-Driven Manipulation of Living Cell Machinery (2020)
Hospitals and Pharmacies as Sources of Contamination by Cytostatic Pharmaceuticals: Long-Term Monitoring in the Czech Republic (2020)
Ecotoxicology of Environmental Pollutants (2020)
Low seasonal variation in greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) blood parameters (2020)
Phagocyte activity reflects mammalian homeo- and hetero-thermic physiological states (2020)
Hemicucurbiturils (2020)
Effects of Early and Systematic Integration of Specialist Palliative Care in Patients with Advanced Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial PALINT (2020)
3D kinematic analysis of patients’ gait before and after unilateral total hip replacement (2020)
Phospholipid profiling enables to discriminate tumor- and non-tumor-derived human colon epithelial cells: Phospholipidome similarities and differences in colon cancer cell lines and in patient-derived cell samples (2020)
Aktuální výsledky screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu v České republice a potenciální význam kolonické kapslové endoskopie (2019)
COVID-19-related Oral Symptoms: Protocol for a Rapid Review (2020)
Exploiting historical data: Pruning autotuning spaces and estimating the number of tuning steps (2020)
Analyzer for Fluorescent Biosensing Application (2011)
Biologický význam a vývoj mikrobiomu horních cest dýchacích (2020)
Shoe with instep elastic insertion and insole with depressions (2020)
Foot characteristics during walking in 6-14-year-old children (2020)
Higher Levels of Physical Fitness Are Associated with Lower Peak Plantar Pressures in Older Women (2020)
Association between the levels of physical activity and plantar pressure in 6-14-year-old children (2020)
Domain-Specific and Total Sedentary Behavior Associated with Gait Velocity in Older Adults: The Mediating Role of Physical Fitness (2020)
Self-Reported vs Measured Physical Fitness in Older Women (2020)
Normative values for relative schoolbag weight in primary school children aged 6-14 from Czech Republic: A pilot study (2019)
Effects of Winter Road Salting on Soil Microorganisms (2010)
Confocal laser endomicroscopy in the diagnostics of esophageal diseases: a pilot study (2020)
Near-infrared luminescent labels for immunochemical assays and imaging (2020)
Delayed-type Hypersensitivity to Metals in Newly Diagnosed Patients with Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy (2020)
Root response in Pisum sativum under naproxen stress: Morpho-anatomical, cytological, and biochemical traits (2020)
Adipophilin and perilipin 3 positively correlate with total lipid content in human breast milk (2020)
Eustress and Distress: Neither Good Nor Bad, but Rather the Same? (2020)
Socioeconomic characteristics, family structure and trajectories of children's psychosocial problems in a period of social transition (2020)
Sentinel lymph node mapping and intraoperative assessment in a prospective, international, multicentre, observational trial of patients with cervical cancer: The SENTIX trial (2020)
Trial watch : the gut microbiota as a tool to boost the clinical efficacy of anticancer immunotherapy (2020)
Dietary Intake of Acrylamide and Risk of Breast, Endometrial, and Ovarian Cancers: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis (2020)
Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of cyanobacterial toxins from drinking water (2020)
Toxic potentials of particulate and gaseous air pollutant mixtures and the role of PAHs and their derivatives (2020)
Seasonal variation of endocrine disrupting potentials of pollutant mixtures associated with various size-fractions of inhalable air particulate matter (2020)
The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let's cooperate! (2020)
The Effect of Diabetes on Prognosis Following Myocardial Infarction Treated with Primary Angioplasty and Potent Antiplatelet Therapy (2020)
Two Reliable Methodical Approaches for Non-Invasive RHD Genotyping of a Fetus from Maternal Plasma (2020)
Biosensors – Where are the Limits (2020)
Photon-upconversion nanoparticles as a background-free label for the detection of biomarkers and bacteria (2020)
Marine plastic debris in Central Chile: Characterization and abundance of macroplastics and burden of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (2020)
Field- and model-based calibration of polyurethane foam passive air samplers in different climate regions highlights differences in sampler uptake performance (2020)
Assessing Stress in Pregnancy and Postpartum: Comparing Measures (2020)
Suspect and non-targeted screening of chemicals of emerging concern for human biomonitoring, environmental health studies and support to risk assessment: From promises to challenges and harmonisation issues (2020)
Spatial and temporal distribution of the currently-used and recently-banned pesticides in arable soils of the Czech Republic (2020)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in plastic waste of electrical and electronic equipment: a case study in Belarus (2020)
Cyanobacterial lipopeptides puwainaphycins and minutissamides induce disruptive and pro-inflammatory processes in Caco-2 human intestinal barrier model (2020)
Functionalized Chiral Bambusurils: Synthesis and Host-Guest Interactions with Chiral Carboxylates (2020)
Unraveling the Relationship between the Concentrations of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Freshwater Fish of Different Trophic Levels and Water Using Passive Sampling (2020)
Interspecies interactions can enhance Pseudomonas aeruginosa tolerance to surfaces functionalized with silver nanoparticles (2020)
ChemVA: Interactive Visual Analysis of Chemical Compound Similarity in Virtual Screening (2021)
Klinické a sociální prediktory kvality života u dětí a mladších dospělých s poruchou autistického spektra (2020)
Furopyridines as inhibitors of protein kinases (2020)
Gait Speed as a Screening Tool for Foot Pain and the Risk of Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Women: A Cross-Sectional Study (2020)
Effects of Carrying Police Equipment on Spatiotemporal and Kinetic Gait Parameters in First Year Police Officers (2020)
Correlation between relative schoolbag weight and gender and age differences of the schoolchildren in the primary school (2019)
Foot rotation and the risk of falls in older women: A cross-sectional study (2020)
Establishing sex-and age-specific percentile curves for some aspects of physical fitness in adolescents from the City of Zagreb (2020)
Screening kolorektálního karcinomu (2019)
Nákladová efektivita kolorektálního screeningu v České republice (2019)
Hodnocení ukazatelů výkonnosti ve screeningu karcinomu prsu (2019)
Pseudomonas karstica sp. nov. and Pseudomonas spelaei sp. nov., isolated from calcite moonmilk deposits from caves (2020)
Dental cell type atlas reveals stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth (2020)
Non-antibiotic antibacterial peptides and proteins ofEscherichia coli: efficacy and potency of bacteriocins (2021)
Responsiveness to i.v. immunoglobulin therapy in patients with toxic epidermal necrolysis: A novel pharmaco-immunogenetic concept (2020)
NZIP: Národní zdravotnický informační portál (2020)
SIMUportfolio: integrační platforma pro podporu výuky medicíny (2019)
Competitive upconversion-linked immunoassay using peptide mimetics for the detection of the mycotoxin zearalenone (2020)
The microbiome of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease - pilot study (2020)
Effect of 6-Month Fascia-Oriented Training on the Dynamics of Changes and the Height of Vertical Jump in Well-Trained Junior Female Volleyball Players (2019)
Dietary pattern longitudinality during 8 years in children: results from the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ) (2021)
The differences in postural stability between cross-country and alpine skiers with intellectual disabilities (2020)
Ústavněprávní limity ochrany „duševního majetku“ a práva vydavatelů tiskových publikací (2020)
Mezinárodní a vnitrostátní příslušnost soudů ve sporech o zaplacení autorskoprávní licenční odměny (2020)
Model epidemie COVID-19 (2020)
Exploring Protein Folding Space with Neural Network Guided Simulations (2020)
Interactive Online Reporting of Registry of Tuberculosis (2020)
Nákupní preference mladé generace a on-line nakupování (2020)
Zařízení pro čištění kapalin a způsob čištění kapalin s využitím tohoto zařízení (2020)
The prognostic significance of periprocedural infarction in the era of potent antithrombotic therapy. The PRAGUE-18 substudy (2020)
Photon-upconversion Nanoparticles for Single-molecule Sensing and Bioimaging (2020)
Near-infrared Polymethine Dyes for Targeted Biomarker Detection (2020)
Versatile Bioconjugation Strategies of PEG-Modified Upconversion Nanoparticles for Bioanalytical Applications (2020)
Interacting effects of the MAM model of schizophrenia and antipsychotic treatment: Untargeted proteomics approach in adipose tissue (2021)
Stereocontrolled Synthesis of (-)-Bactobolin A (2020)
Natural pseurotins and analogs thereof inhibit activation of B-cells and differentiation into the plasma cells (2020)
Multishell Diffusion MRI Reflects Improved Physical Fitness Induced by Dance Intervention (2020)
Kariérová adaptabilita : její podoby, proměny, souvislosti a role v životě mladých dospělých procházejících středním odborným vzděláváním (2020)
Disentangled Autoencoder for Cross-Stain Feature Extraction in Pathology Image Analysis (2020)
Cytoreductive Nephrectomy and Overall Survival of Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Targeted Therapy-Data from the National Renis Registry (2020)
Conformational flexibility in amidophosphoesters: a CSD analysis completed with two new crystal structures of (C6H5O)2P(O)X [X = NHC7H13 and N(CH2C6H5)2] (2020)
Biomarkery pro neendoskopické vyšetření sliznice jícnu (2020)
Primal-Dual Proximal Splitting and Generalized Conjugation in Non-smooth Non-convex Optimization (2021)
Impact of Hormone Receptor Status on the Behaviour of HER2+Breast Cancer (2020)
Cylindrospermopsin is effectively degraded in water by pulsed corona-like and dielectric barrier discharges (2020)
Antifouling performance of photocatalytic superhydrophobic coatings against Klebsormidium alga (2020)
Are We Exposed to Halogenated Flame Retardants from both Primary and Secondary Sources? (2020)
Cooking loss in retail beef cuts: The effect of muscle type, sex, ageing, pH, salt and cooking method (2021)
Psychometric Characteristics of the ECR-RS, Structure of the Relationship between Global and Specific Attachment – Cross-Validation of the Results Using the Czech and Original Versions of the ECR-RS (2020)
Wavelength-Dependent Photochemistry and Biological Relevance of a Bilirubin Dipyrrinone Subunit (2020)
Different Bacteroides Species Colonise Human and Chicken Intestinal Tract (2020)
Decoding the intricate network of molecular interactions of a hyperstable engineered biocatalyst (2020)
The Czech COPD mortality rate declining, but total deaths increasing (2020)
Temporally and sex-specific effects of maternal perinatal stress on offspring cortical gyrification and mood in young adulthood (2020)
Quantifying colour difference in animals with variable patterning (2020)
Conformationally mobile acyclic cucurbit[n]uril-type receptors derived from an S-shaped methylene bridged glycoluril pentamer (2020)
Ageing effect on conazole fungicide bioaccumulation in arable soils (2021)
Rola katechol-O-metyltransferázy u estrogén-receptor pozitívnych nádorov prsníka (2020)
Photochemistry of a 9-Dithianyl-Pyronin Derivative: A Cornucopia of Reaction Intermediates Lead to Common Photoproducts (2020)
Deciphering the Structure-Property Relations in Substituted Heptamethine Cyanines (2020)
Cyanine-Flavonol Hybrids for Near-Infrared Light-Activated Delivery of Carbon Monoxide (2020)
Blue Sky Catastrophe and FOLD-HOPF Bifuraction in Gavrilov-Shilnikov System (2020)
Julia set (2020)
n-fold bifurcation on Mandelbrot set and complex logistic equation fractal (2020)
Normal form for the Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf Bifurcation and the Neimark-Sacker Torus Bifurcation (2020)
Transformations of phase portraits for linear systems (2020)
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals rapidly affect intercellular signaling in Leydig cells (2020)
Structure-Dependent Effects of Phthalates on Intercellular and Intracellular Communication in Liver Oval Cells (2020)
Ready to go 3D? A semi-automated protocol for microwell spheroid arrays to increase scalability and throughput of 3D cell culture testing (2020)
Watershed Segmentation for Peak Picking in Mass Spectrometry Data (2020)
Time integrative sampling properties of Speedisk and silicone rubber passive samplers determined by chemical analysis and in vitro bioassay testing (2020)
Bat population recoveries give insight into clustering strategies during hibernation (2020)
Kinetics, Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Studies of the Adsorption Mechanism of PFOS and PFOA Using Inactivated and Chemically Activated Maize Tassel (2020)
Chiral conazole fungicides - (Enantioselective) terrestrial bioaccumulation and aquatic toxicity (2020)
Trop2: Jack of All Trades, Master of None (2020)
Conformational Control of the Photodynamics of a Bilirubin Dipyrrinone Subunit: Femtosecond Spectroscopy Combined with Nonadiabatic Simulations (2020)
EnzymeMiner: automated mining of soluble enzymes with diverse structures, catalytic properties and stabilities (2020)
A Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Saccharomonospora viridis Strain DSM 43017, a Compost Bacterium with Unusual Catalytic Residues, Unique (S)-Enantiopreference, and High Thermostability (2020)
Childhood cancer epidemiology in the Czech Republic (1994–2016) (2020)
Trends in incidence, survival and mortality of childhood cancer in the Czech republic, 1994–2016 (2020)
Hymenobacter terrestris sp. nov. and Hymenobacter lapidiphilus sp. nov., isolated from regoliths in Antarctica (2020)
Epidemiologie novotvarů prsu v době organizovaného screeningového programu v České republice (2020)
Predicting protein stability and solubility changes upon mutations: data perspective (2020)
Qualitative assessment of 27 current-use pesticides in air at 20 sampling sites across Africa (2020)
Multi-city comparative PM2.5 source apportionment for fifteen sites in Europe: The ICARUS project (2021)
Examining Endothelial Dysfunction and The Effect of Topical Treatment with Prostaglandin E1 In Diabetics Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (2020)
Might salivary lysozym be an indicator of prologend intense training load in athletes? A preliminary study in adolescent male gymnasts (2020)
Studijní a pracovní strachy mladých dospělých (2020)
Peculiarities of medical care in Antarctic crews with a special respect to dentistry (2020)
Detection of organic dyes by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using plasmonic NiAg nanocavity films (2021)
Oxygen-Rich Plasma-Polymerized Coatings for QCM Biosensing (2020)
Spatial and Temporal Trends in Contamination of the Czech Part of the Elbe River by Mercury Between 1991 and 2016 (2020)
Neurobehavioral effects of cyanobacterial biomass field extracts on zebrafish embryos and potential role of retinoids (2020)
Adsorption of epoxiconazole and tebuconazole in twenty different agricultural soils in relation to their properties (2020)
A review on the stereospecific fate and effects of chiral conazole fungicides (2021)
Exploration of enzyme diversity: High-throughput techniques for protein production and microscale biochemical characterization (2020)
Methods for Understanding the Fate of Nanopesticides in Soil and Water (2020)
Maternal undernutrition and antenatal and postnatal growth trajectories—Epidemiology and pathophysiology (2020)
Passive Sampling of Waterborne Contaminants (2022)
Dotazník zmatení rolí pro adolescenty : Předběžné sdělení o vývoji sebeposuzovací metody (2020)
Tumour-free distance: a novel prognostic marker in patients with early-stage cervical cancer treated by primary surgery (2021)
Sensory and pain modulation profiles of ongoing central neuropathic extremity pain in multiple sclerosis (2021)
Registr FAR NHL a humorální aktivace (2020)
Preskripce a dávkování diuretik u pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním v registru FAR NHL (2020)
Correlation of survival length after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic head adenocarcinoma depending on tumor characteristics detected by means of computed tomography and resection margins status (2020)
Conversion of clinically isolated syndrome to multiple sclerosis: a prospective study (2020)
Association of triple positivity with prognostic parameters and overall survival in a population-based study of 6,122 HER2-positive breast cancer patients: analysis of real-world clinical practice based on a research database (2020)
Epigenetic clock as a correlate of anxiety (2020)
Maternal Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy and Brain Age in Young Adult Offspring: Findings from a Prenatal Birth Cohort (2020)
An analysis of residue alkylphenols and bisphenol A using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2019)
Epidemiology typing and molecular analysis of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus foeclum in haemato-oncological patients. (2020)
Vliv synbiotika ColonFit na symptomy pacientů se syndromem dráždivého tračníku, funkční zácpou a funkčním průjmem (2020)
Nanomedicine of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (2021)
Hexagonal Microparticles from Hierarchical Self-Organization of Chiral Trigonal Pd3L6 Macrotetracycles (2021)
Ocenění časopisem Právník v rámci monotematického čísla "Sto let od přijetí Ústavy Československé republiky" (2020)
Membership in Teaching IP and Fundamental Rights EIPTN (2020)
Online English for International Mobilities: A course for students (2020)
Fostering autonomy in learners with special needs: a specialized e-learning course (2020)
Seminář pro učitele angličtiny pracující s neslyšícími a nedoslýchavými studenty (2020)
Syntheses, Characterizations and Crystal Structures of Two New Racemic Amidophosphoesters: rac-(C6H5O)(cyclo-C6H11NH)P(O)N(C4H8)NP(O)(NH-cyclo-C6H11)(OC6H5) and rac-(p-CH3-C6H4NH)P(O)(OC6H4-p-CH3)(OC6H5) (2020)
A novel accurate LC-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of Z-lumirubin (2020)
Improved multiparametric scrape loading-dye transfer assay for a simultaneous high-throughput analysis of gap junctional intercellular communication, cell density and viability (2020)
Time-Integrative Passive Sampling of Very Hydrophilic Chemicals in Wastewater Influent (2020)
The Dynamic Pathosome: A Surrogate for Health and Disease (2020)
Incidence trends of esophageal cancer in the Czech Republic by histological subtype and stage and prescription rate of acid suppressing drugs (2020)
Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Microfluidic Chips for Directed Evolution of Enzymes and Environmental Monitoring (2019)
The Effect of 8 Weeks of Complex Training Methods on the Countermovement Jump Performance (2020)
Associating physiological functions with genomic variability in hibernating bats (2021)
Airborne PAHs inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication and activate MAPKs in human bronchial epithelial cell line (2020)
Indoor dust and associated chemical exposures (2020)
Obstrukční spánková apnoe ve vztahu k ortodontické léčbě u dětských pacientů (2020)
Použití dermální náhrady v rekonstrukci hlubokých defektů měkkých tkání nejen termální etiologie (2020)
Současný pohled na podávání intravenózních imunoglobulinů u pacientů s toxickou epidermální nekrolýzou (2020)
Vědecká příprava pro Zubní lékařství - cvičení (2020)
Vědecká příprava pro Zubní lékařství (2020)
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course (2021)
Dlouhé nekódující RNA a karcinom z renálních buněk (2020)
Effect of β-1.3/1.6-D-glucan derived from oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus on biomedical, haematological, biochemical, and immunological indices in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2012)
Preparation of feed premix for veterinary purposes (2014)
The effect of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on haematological and biochemical indicators and histopathological changes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2014)
Myeloperoxidase mediated alteration of endothelial function is dependent on its cationic charge (2021)
The impact of tunnel mutations on enzymatic catalysis depends on the tunnel-substrate complementarity and the rate-limiting step (2020)
Salivary microRNAs identified by small RNA sequencing as potential predictors of response to intensity-modulated radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients (2020)
Fluorescent substrates for haloalkane dehalogenases: Novel probes for mechanistic studies and protein labeling (2020)
Protection of Results of the Creative Activity in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic (2021)
A Photochemical/Thermal Switch Based on 4,4'-Bis(benzimidazolio)stilbene: Synthesis and Supramolecular Properties. (2020)
Employment Contracts and the Law Applicable to the Right to a Patent: Czech Considerations (2021)
Higher chromium levels in hair of obese men (2019)
Determination of OH-PAHs using LC-MS/MS in urine samples of young firefighters (2019)
Multi-pathogen infections and Alzheimer's disease (2021)
The Outcomes-based Risk Sharing Model for Targeted Drugs Based on the Czech National Register of Reimbursed Health Services (2020)
Research Activities in Dentistry (2021)
Primal-dual block-proximal splitting for a class of non-convex problems (2020)
Distribution and origin of organic compounds in the condensates from a Mexican high-temperature geothermal field (2021)
Structures of hyperstable ancestral haloalkane dehalogenases show restricted conformational dynamics (2020)
Modeling the Formation, Degradation, and Spatiotemporal Distribution of 2-Nitrofluoranthene and 2-Nitropyrene in the Global Atmosphere (2020)
Visible-to-NIR-Light Activated Release: From Small Molecules to Nanomaterials (2020)
Highlighting the gaps in hazard and risk assessment of unregulated Endocrine Active Substances in surface waters: retinoids as a European case study (2021)
Concentrix® a jeho užití u pacientů s poruchami pozornosti a aktivity. Praktické multicentrické klinické pozorování. (2020)
MiR-215-5p Reduces Liver Metastasis in an Experimental Model of Colorectal Cancer through Regulation of ECM-Receptor Interactions and Focal Adhesion (2020)
Identification and Validation of Circulating Micrornas as Prognostic Biomarkers in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Patients Undergoing Surgical Resection (2020)
Tumor microRNAs Identified by Small RNA Sequencing as Potential Response Predictors in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy (2020)
Transcriptomic and Proteomic Insights into Amborella trichopoda Male Gametophyte Functions (2020)
N-Glycome changes reflecting resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer (2021)
Primary percutaneous coronary intervention is appropriate in transient ST-elevation myocardial infarction (2022)
Structural and catalytic effects of surface loop-helix transplantation within haloalkane dehalogenase family (2020)
Upconversion-Linked Immunoassay for the Diagnosis of Honeybee Disease American Foulbrood (2021)
Gender discrimination and depressive symptoms among child-bearing women: ELSPAC-CZ cohort study (2020)
Multi-year atmospheric concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) at a background site in central Europe (2020)
The influence of microscopic inflammation at resection margins on early postoperative endoscopic recurrence after ileocaecal resection for Crohn’s disease (2021)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2020)
Základní epidemiologická analýza pacientů s dekubity v Národním zdravotnickém informačním systému (2021)
Emerging investigator series: air conditioning filters as a sampler for semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor and near-building air (2020)
A multiannual survey of cadmium content in pig tissues collected in the Czech Republic during the years 2015-2019 (2020)
Differential liver histopathological responses to amphibian chytrid infection (2020)
Ectoparasite load increase in reproductively active sand lizards (2021)
University textbook on oral mucosal diseases (2020)
Mezinárodní klasifikace orofaciální bolesti (ICOP) – oficiální český překlad prvního vydání (2020)
Pohybová aktivita jako účinný prostředek nefarmakologické péče v onkologii (2021)
MAMES – Monitoring, analýza a management epidemických situací: Popis algoritmizace a implementace epidemických modelů a mapování kapacit (2020)
MAMES – Monitoring, analýza a management epidemických situací (2021)
The effect of classical ballet, Slovakian folklore dance and sport dance on static postural control in female and male dancers (2020)
4D-GRAPHS (2021)
Benefits of Nordic Walking (2020)
Upconversion immunoassays for environmental control, food safety, and biomedicine (2021)
Upconversion nanoparticles as labels for histopathological tissue evaluation (2021)
Detection of honeybee bacterial pathogens with upconversion-linked immunosorbent assay (2021)
Highly sensitive immunoassay for human cardiac troponin based on photon-upconversion nanoparticles (2021)
Polymer pencil leads as a porous nanocomposite graphite material for electrochemical applications: The impact of chemical and thermal treatments (2021)
The impact of different types of physical activity on walking as a vital everyday movement in older adults (2020)
Simulation of Ligand Transport in Receptors Using CaverDock (2021)
Effects of low-dose alcohol exposure in adolescence on subsequent alcohol drinking in adulthood in a rat model of depression (2021)
Completion of radical hysterectomy does not improve survival of patients with cervical cancer and intraoperatively detected lymph node involvement: ABRAX international retrospective cohort study (2021)
Covidogram as a simple tool for predicting severe course of COVID-19: population-based study (2021)
Actinotignum schaalii: Relation to Concomitants and Connection to Patients’ Conditions in Polymicrobial Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheters and Urines (2021)
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as a readout method for immunocytochemistry with upconversion nanoparticles (2021)
MicroRNAs in Colon Tissue of Pediatric Ulcerative Pancolitis Patients Allow Detection and Prognostic Stratification (2021)
Risk Factors for Postoperative Bleeding after Adenoidectomy (2021)
Application of equilibrium passive sampling to profile pore water and accessible concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants in Danube sediments (2020)
Portability Regulation and the Consumer Protection (2019)
General Freedom of Action and the New Right for Press Publishers (2019)
Visceral fat area and cardiometabolic risk: The Kardiovize study (2021)
Plastic waste in the terrestrial environment (2020)
Nitrated monoaromatic hydrocarbons (nitrophenols, nitrocatechols, nitrosalicylic acids) in ambient air: levels, mass size distributions and inhalation bioaccessibility (2021)
A New Approach to Evaluate Reproductive Traits in Batch-Spawning Fishes of Indeterminate Fecundity and Asynchronous Oocyte Maturation (2021)
Požadavek přesnosti a objektivní identifikace předmětů ochrany duševního vlastnictví (2021)
Circulating microparticles in patients with chronic hepatitis C and changes during direct-acting antiviral therapy (2021)
Free Radical Isomerizations in Acetylene Bromoboration Reaction (2021)
Rotační stabilita kolenního kloubu 2 roky po rekonstrukci anterolaterálního ligamenta společně s rekonstrukcí LCA: biomechanická studie (2021)
Úskalí laboratorních metod v ovariálním skríninku - doba "-omická"? (2020)
Significant current epidemiological trend: Haematological malignancies as subsequent primary tumours in cancer patients (2021)
Voiding recovery after radical parametrectomy in cervical cancer patients: An international prospective multicentre trial - SENTIX (2021)
Základy anatomie pro využití ve sportu (2021)
Regenerace a výživa ve sportu (2020)
Could the Evaluation of Muscle Strength Imbalances Be Used as a Predictor of Total Hip Arthroplasty? (2021)
Impact of Antibiotics Associated with the Development of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis on Early and Late-Onset Infectious Complications (2021)
A SNaPshot Assay for Determination of the Mannose-Binding Lectin Gene Variants and an Algorithm for Calculation of Haplogenotype Combinations (2021)
Screening of Natural Compounds as P-Glycoprotein Inhibitors against Multidrug Resistance (2021)
Assessment of Chemical Impact of Invasive Bryozoan Pectinatella magnifica on the Environment: Cytotoxicity and Antimicrobial Activity of P. magnifica Extracts (2016)
Visceral Fat Area and Cardiometabolic Risk:The Kardiovize Study (2021)
Human “barcode”: Link between phosphate intensity changes in human enamel and light microscopy record of accentuated lines (2021)
Thermostable FGF2 Polypeptide, Use Thereof (2021)
Photon-upconversion nanoparticles for single-molecule biosensing and imaging (2021)
Near-infrared polymethine fluorophores for targeted biomarker detection (2021)
Importance of Time Watching Television on the association of Physical Activity Level with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors. The Kardiovize Study (2021)
Data sharing system describing the COVID-19 epidemic in the Czech Republic (2021)
Advanced Immunochemical Biosensors and Assays: From Label-Free to Single-Molecule Detection (2021)
Výživa dětí (2021)
Lower-Limb Lymphedema after Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Cervical Cancer Patients (2021)
SETAP: epidemiology and prevention of stroke and transient ischaemic attack in Czech patients with atrial fibrillation (2021)
SEIAR model with ascertainment rate estimate (2021)
Model ZSEIAR (2021)
CCR5 Delta 32 Deletion as a Protective Factor in Czech First-Wave COVID-19 Subjects (2021)
Identification of tumors with NRG1 rearrangement, including a novel putative pathogenic UNC5D-NRG1 gene fusion in prostate cancer by data-drilling a de-identified tumor database (2021)
Molecular Physiology of Anaerobic Phototrophic Purple and Green Sulfur Bacteria (2021)
Development and Testing of Thrombolytics in Stroke (2021)
Promiscuous Dehalogenase Activity of the Epoxide Hydrolase CorEH from Corynebacterium sp. C12 (2021)
ACE I/D polymorphism in Czech first-wave SARS-CoV-2-positive survivors (2021)
Apolipoprotein E4 Allele in Subjects with COVID-19 (2021)
Digital Content Portability and its Relation to Conformity with the Contract (2021)
Immunochemical sensing with photon-upconversion nanoparticles: From analog to digital format (2021)
První případ infekce popálené plochy patogenem Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica (2021)
Conazole fungicides epoxiconazole and tebuconazole in biochar amended soils: Degradation and bioaccumulation in earthworms (2021)
Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study in Diagnostics of H-Type Tracheoesophageal Fistula in Children (2024)
Secular trends in health-related physical fitness among 11-14-year-old Croatian children and adolescents from 1999 to 2014 (2021)
Plant-based and immunostimulant-enhanced diets modulate oxidative stress, immune and haematological indices in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2021)
Arterial Stiffness and Cardiometabolic-Based Chronic Disease: The Kardiovize Study (2021)
Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in European countries in the colorectal cancer screening era: an international population-based study (2021)
MiR-126-3p and MiR-223-3p as Biomarkers for Prediction of Thrombotic Risk in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Primary Angioplasty (2021)
Comparison of Four Bowel Cleansing Agents for Colonoscopy and the Factors Affecting their Efficacy. A Prospective, Randomized Study (2021)
Challenges of using blooms of Microcystis spp. in animal feeds: A comprehensive review of nutritional, toxicological and microbial health evaluation (2021)
Microbiome analysis and predicted relative metabolomic turnover suggest bacterial heme and selenium metabolism are altered in the gastrointestinal system of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to the organochlorine dieldrin (2021)
Neither microcystin, nor nodularin, nor cylindrospermopsin directly interact with human toll-like receptors (2021)
Microbiome Composition and Function in Aquatic Vertebrates: Small Organisms Making Big Impacts on Aquatic Animal Health (2021)
Occurrence, distribution, and bioaccumulation of new and legacy persistent organic pollutants in an ecosystem on King George Island, maritime Antarctica (2021)
Three years of atmospheric concentrations of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygen heterocycles at a central European background site (2021)
One-year measurements of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) markers in the Paris region (France): Concentrations, gas/particle partitioning and SOA source apportionment (2021)
Photon-upconversion nanoparticles as a background-free label in immunosensing and bioimaging (2021)
Digital detection of subfemtomolar concentrations of prostate-specific antigen by single molecule immunosensing (2021)
Dynamic passive sampling of hydrophobic organic compounds in surface seawater along the South Atlantic Ocean east-to-west transect and across the Black Sea (2021)
Targeted and suspect screening of plasticizers in house dust to assess cumulative human exposure risk (2021)
Simultaneous quantitative profiling of clinically relevant immune markers in neonatal stool swabs to reveal inflammation (2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change: Emerging research needs (2021)
Chlorinated and brominated persistent compounds in hard coral, soft coral, and parrotfish from remote Mascarene islands (2021)
Temporal trends in radiometrically dated sediment cores from English lakes show polybrominated diphenyl ethers correlate with brominated but not mixed bromo/chloro dioxins and furans (2021)
Towards harmonised criteria in quality assurance and quality control of suspect and non-target LC-HRMS analytical workflows for screening of emerging contaminants in human biomonitoring (2021)
Open, High-Resolution EI plus Spectral Library of Anthropogenic Compounds (2021)
Atomic force microscopy and surface plasmon resonance for real-time single-cell monitoring of bacteriophage-mediated lysis of bacteria (2021)
A model of perinatal stress and childhood wheezing: ELSPAC-CZ cohort (2021)
Comparison of imidacloprid, propiconazole, and nanopropiconazole effects on the development, behavior, and gene expression biomarkers of the Pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) (2021)
Synthetic Biomimetic Polymethacrylates: Promising Platform for the Design of Anti-Cyanobacterial and Anti-Algal Agents (2021)
Endocrine disrupting potential of replacement flame retardants-Review of current knowledge for nuclear receptors associated with reproductive outcomes (2021)
Flame Retardants-Mediated Interferon Signaling in the Pathogenesis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2021)
Estrogenicity of chemical mixtures revealed by a panel of bioassays (2021)
Comparison of forward and backward gait in males with and without intellectual disabilities (2021)
Structure-Function Relationships and Engineering of Haloalkane Dehalogenases (2019)
Achalasia and acromegaly: co-incidence of these diseases or a new syndrome? (2022)
Association of the CD14 -260C/T polymorphism with plaque-induced gingivitis depends on the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (2022)
Dysglycemia and Abnormal Adiposity Drivers of Cardiometabolic-Based Chronic Disease in the Czech Population: Biological, Behavioral, and Cultural/Social Determinants of Health (2021)
Directly Measured Adherence to Treatment in Chronic Heart Failure: LEVEL-CHF Registry (2021)
Differences in risk profiles and long-term outcomes in acute heart failure patients with preserved and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction in the Czech Republic: The AHEAD registry sub-analysis (2021)
Tumor Specific cfDNA Predicts Treatment Response of Multiple Myeloma Patients (2018)
Treat COVID-19, but Not Only COVID-19: Stroke Matters as Well (2022)
Prediktory pokročilé kolorektální neoplazie ve screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu - průběžné výsledky multicentrické prospektivní studie (2020)
A comparative study of synthetic winged peptides for absolute protein quantification (2021)
Aspergillus fumigatus tryptophan metabolic route differently affects host immunity (2021)
Legacy and novel flame retardants from indoor dust in Antarctica: Sources and human exposure (2021)
Persistence, bioaccumulation and vertical transfer of pollutants in long-finned pilot whales stranded in Chilean Patagonia (2021)
Atmospheric Occurrence of Organochlorine Pesticides and Inhalation Cancer Risk in Urban Areas at Southeast Brazil (2021)
A decade later, reviewing floating marine debris in Northern Chilean Patagonia (2021)
MicroRNAs as theranostic markers in cardiac allograft transplantation: from murine models to clinical practice (2021)
Predation has small, short-term, and in certain conditions random effects on the evolution of aging (2021)
Fluid geochemistry of the Los Humeros geothermal field (LHGF - Puebla, Mexico): New constraints for the conceptual model (2021)
Is centrifugal ultrafiltration a robust method for determining encapsulation efficiency of pesticide nanoformulations? (2021)
Heterogenous mutation spectrum and deregulated cellular pathways in aberrant plasma cells underline molecular pathology of light-chain amyloidosis (2021)
Carbapenemase-Producing Gram-Negative Bacteria from American Crows in the United States (2021)
Variability in retinoid-like activity of extracellular compound mixtures produced by wide spectra of phytoplankton species and contributing metabolites (2021)
Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Cyanobacterial and Algal Extracts—Microcystin and Retinoic Acid Content (2021)
Changes in the concentrations of selected mineral elements in pork meat after sous-vide cooking (2021)
In situ calibration of polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) for monitoring of pharmaceuticals in surface waters (2021)
Calibration of silicone for passive sampling of semivolatile organic contaminants in indoor air (2021)
Hands as Agents of Chemical Transport in the Indoor Environment (2021)
Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from aqueous media using synthesized silver nanocomposite-activated carbons (2021)
A Simple Teabag Equilibrium Passive Sampler using hydrophilic divinylbenzene sorbent for contaminants of emerging concern in the marine environment (2021)
Binding of waterborne pharmaceutical and personal care products to natural dissolved organic matter (2021)
Role of low-latitude forests in modulating forest filter effect on a continental scale: Long-term simulation on PCB-153 in Chinese forests (2021)
Molecular mechanisms of zooplanktonic toxicity in the okadaic acid- producing dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima (2021)
Remodeling of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) lipidome under a stimulated scenario of Arctic warming (2021)
Hepatotoxicity of the anionic surfactant linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) in bullfrog tadpoles (2021)
Metabolic, immunologic, and histopathologic responses on premetamorphic American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) following exposure to lithium and selenium (2021)
Changes in plantar pressure, contact area and contact time symmetry during the gait 4 weeks before and 12 and 24 weeks after unilateral total hip arthroplasty (2021)
Collagen/Chitosan dermal substitute enriched by hyperstable FGF2, 4 years of development (2021)
A broadly cross-reactive monoclonal antibody against hepatitis E virus capsid antigen (2021)
Ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues in soils from vegetable production areas: A case study in S-Nepal (2021)
Psychometric Properties of the Independent 36-Item PID5BF+M for ICD-11 in the Czech-Speaking Community Sample (2021)
Intrinsic atomic interaction at molecular proximal vicinity infer cellular biocompatibility of antibacterial nanopepper (2021)
Towards guidelines for time -trend reviews examining temporal variability in human biomonitoring data of pollutants (2021)
Retrospective HRMS Screening and Dedicated Target Analysis Reveal a Wide Exposure to Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Small Streams (2021)
Hydrothermally synthesized MnO2 nanowires and their application in Lead (II) and Copper (II) batch adsorption (2021)
Raman Microspectroscopic Analysis of Selenium Bioaccumulation by Green Alga Chlorella vulgaris (2021)
The efficiency of antineoplastic drug contamination removal by widely used disinfectants-laboratory and hospital studies (2021)
Transmembrane Transport of Bicarbonate Unravelled** (2021)
Bambusuril Macrocycles as Mediators of Supramolecular Interactions: Application to the Europium Cage Helicate (2021)
FireProt(DB): database of manually curated protein stability data (2021)
Description of Transport Tunnel in Haloalkane Dehalogenase Variant LinB D147C+L177C from Sphingobium japonicum (2021)
Substrate Anchoring and Flexibility Reduction in CYP153A(M.aq) Leads to Highly Improved Efficiency toward Octanoic Acid (2021)
Substrate inhibition by the blockage of product release and its control by tunnel engineering (2021)
The tetrameric structure of the novel haloalkane dehalogenase DpaA from Paraglaciecola agarilytica NO2 (2021)
Computational design of enzymes for biotechnological applications (2021)
SoluProt: prediction of soluble protein expression in Escherichia coli (2021)
Kernel Tuning Toolkit 2.0 (2021)
Exploring mechanism of enzyme catalysis by on-chip transient kinetics coupled with global data analysis and molecular modeling (2021)
Structure-activity relationships of dually-acting acetylcholinesterase inhibitors derived from tacrine on N-methyl-D-Aspartate receptors (2021)
VRdeo: Creating engaging educational material for asynchronous student-teacher exchange using virtual reality (2021)
Area-Level Variation and Human Papillomavirus Vaccination among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States: A Systematic Review (2021)
Sleep, Food Insecurity, and Weight Status: Findings from the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating Study (2021)
COVID-19-Related Misinformation among Parents of Patients with Pediatric Cancer (2021)
Sleep, Food Insecurity, and Weight Status: Findings from the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating Study (2021)
Cannabis use in college: Genetic predispositions, peers, and activity participation (2021)
Understanding neighborhood disadvantage: A behavior genetic analysis (2021)
Links Between Parenting and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: Cross-Cultural Evidence from Ten Countries (2022)
Swiping away the moments that make up a dull day: Narcissism, boredom, and compulsive smartphone use (2021)
Problems of cross-cultural criminology no more! Testing two central tenets of Self-Control Theory across 28 nations (2021)
Cannabis use among cancer survivors in the United States: Analysis of a nationally representative sample (2021)
The Use of Dalbavancin with a Dermal Substitute Application - a Case Report (2021)
Long-term donor-site morbidity after thumb reconstruction with twisted-toe technique (2021)
Upconversion immunoassays for honeybee pathogens: Finalization of joint research project (2021)
Upconversion immunoassays for honeybee pathogens: Progress of joint research project (2020)
Mediace se zapojením dětí na Úřadu pro mezinárodněprávní ochranu dětí (2020)
Reference Data for Fat Mass and Fat-Free Mass Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance in Croatian Youth (2021)
Arterial stiffness and cardiometabolic-based chronic disease: the Kardiovize study (2021)
Prognostic value of oxidative stress in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: A prospective cohort study (2021)
Necessity of flow cytometry assessment of circulating plasma cells and its connection with clinical characteristics of primary and secondary plasma cell leukaemia (2021)
Prognostic value of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I in heart failure patients with mid-range and reduced ejection fraction (2021)
Zoonotické mikroorganismy v Brně a Uherském Brodě (2021)
Influence of physical activity on reaction rate in a selected group of seniors (2021)
Human Infections by Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica: A Mini-Review and the First Report of a Burn Wound Infection after Accidental Myiasis in Central Europe (2021)
Effect of Particle Size and Surface Chemistry of Photon-Upconversion Nanoparticles on Analog and Digital Immunoassays for Cardiac Troponin (2021)
Plants radically change the mobility of PCBs in soil: Role of different species and soil conditions (2020)
A simple dilute-and-shoot procedure for the determination of platinum in human pleural effusions using HR-CS GF-AAS (2021)
Birth weight rather than birth length is associated with childhood behavioural problems in a Czech ELSPAC cohort (2021)
NPAHs and OPAHs in the atmosphere of two central European cities: Seasonality, urban-to-background gradients, cancer risks and gas-to-particle partitioning (2021)
Levels and risks of antineoplastic drugs in households of oncology patients, hospices and retirement homes (2021)
Human Telomere Repeat Binding Factor TRF1 Replaces TRF2 Bound to Shelterin Core Hub TIN2 When TPP1 Is Absent (2021)
Homeostatic model of human thermoregulation with bi-stability (2021)
Plastics in our water: Fish microbiomes at risk? (2021)
Mitochondrial and transcriptome responses in rat dopaminergic neuronal cells following exposure to the insecticide fipronil (2021)
Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa Contributes to the Severity of Fish Diseases: A Study on Spring Viraemia of Carp (2021)
Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Pseurotin A(2) (2021)
Screening of world approved drugs against highly dynamical spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 using CaverDock and machine learning (2021)
Patients With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Show Higher Gut Bacterial Diversity and Levels of Low-Abundance Genes Than the Healthy Housemates (2021)
Cysta nebo tumor v dětském věku (2021)
Mobilita prvků vázaných v říčních sedimentech ovlivněných těžbou uhlí (2021)
Using hardware performance counters to speed up autotuning convergence on GPUs (2022)
Photon-upconversion nanoparticles as a background-free label in lateral flow immunoassays (2021)
Photon-upconversion nanoparticles for the detection of honeybee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae (2021)
Extensive Parapharyngeal Abscess in a 4-Month-Old Infant (2024)
MicroRNAs in the development of resistance to antiseizure drugs and their potential as biomarkers in pharmacoresistant epilepsy (2021)
Cancer incidence trends in the Czech Republic (2021)
Oxidative stress markers, thioredoxin 1 and 8-isoprostane, in relation to ischemic time in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention (2021)
The Role of the Oral Microbiota in the Etiopathogenesis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2021)
Engineering the protein dynamics of an ancestral luciferase (2021)
Visual presentation of clinical practice guidelines, representations of the strength of recommendations and the certainty of evidence and their transformation to GRADE (2021)
Onemocnění sliznice ústní dutiny – repetitorium a atlas (2021)
Prior User Defence Is not Considered a Subjective Right but a Statutory Limitation of Trademark Rights (2021)
Covid-19 Disease as a Challenge for Patent Law and Patent Strategies (2021)
Prediction of Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Czech Adults: Normative Values and Association with Cardiometabolic Health (2021)
Visual transformation for guidelines presentation of the strength of recommendations and the certainty of evidence (2022)
Temporal Trends of Persistent Organic Pollutants across Africa after a Decade of MONET Passive Air Sampling (2021)
Trends of Diverse POPs in Air and Water Across the Western Atlantic Ocean: Strong Gradients in the Ocean but Not in the Air (2021)
Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in marine plastic litter from coastal areas of Central Chile (2021)
Towards a comprehensive characterisation of the human internal chemical exposome: Challenges and perspectives (2021)
Application of land use regression modelling to describe atmospheric levels of semivolatile organic compounds on a national scale (2021)
Global intercomparison of polyurethane foam passive air samplers evaluating sources of variability in SVOC measurements (2021)
Selected Persistent Organic Pollutants in Ambient Air in Turkey: Regional Sources and Controlling Factors (2021)
Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics of the Ortho and Ipso Adducts 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene-OH with O-2 (2021)
Systematic Feature Filtering in Exploratory Metabolomics: Application toward Biomarker Discovery (2021)
The annual recurrence risk model for tailored surveillance strategy in patients with cervical cancer (2021)
Disease network data for the pesticide fipronil in rat dopamine cells (2021)
Web-based tools for computational enzyme design (2021)
Stabilization of Haloalkane Dehalogenase Structure by Interfacial Interaction with Ionic Liquids (2021)
Mass absorption cross-section and absorption enhancement from long term black and elemental carbon measurements: A rural background station in Central Europe (2021)
Oceanic long-range transport of organic additives present in plastic products: an overview (2021)
Addressing Urgent Questions for PFAS in the 21st Century (2021)
Aquatic occurrence of phytotoxins in small streams triggered by biogeography, vegetation growth stage, and precipitation (2021)
Finding essentiality feasible: common questions and misinterpretations concerning the "essential-use" concept (2021)
We need a global science-policy body on chemicals and waste (2021)
An adverse outcome pathway based in vitro characterization of novel flame retardants-induced hepatic steatosis (2021)
Microbiome Associated with Slovak Traditional Ewe's Milk Lump Cheese (2021)
A comprehensive assessment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in an Indian food basket: Levels, dietary intakes, and comparison with (2021)
Unfolding the interaction between microplastics and (trace) elements in water: A critical review (2021)
Spatio-temporal distribution of microplastics in a Mediterranean river catchment: The importance of wastewater as an environmental pathway (2021)
Critical assessment of an equilibrium-based method to study the binding of waterborne organic contaminants to natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) (2021)
Social networks and cognitive function in older adults: findings from the HAPIEE study (2021)
Job loss and lower healthcare utilisation due to COVID-19 among older adults across 27 European countries (2021)
Searching CUDA code autotuning spaces with hardware performance counters: data from benchmarks running on various GPU architectures (2021)
Orální mikrobiota a hojení sliznice dutiny ústní (2021)
Determination of Butyrate Synthesis Capacity in Gut Microbiota: Quantification of but Gene Abundance by qPCR in Fecal Samples (2021)
Cucurbiturils Monofunctionalized on the Methylene Bridge and Their Host-Guest Properties (2021)
Supramolecular hydrogelation via host-guest anion recognition: Lamellar hydrogel materials for the release of cationic cargo (2021)
Antioxidants in patients living with HIV on antiretrovirals (2021)
RNF43 inhibits WNT5A-driven signaling and suppresses melanoma invasion and resistance to the targeted therapy (2021)
Oxidační stres u pacientů s HIV. (2019)
Požadavek přesnosti a objektivní identifikovatelnosti předmětů ochrany a judikatura SDEU ohledně pojmových znaků autorského díla (2021)
Normative data for the 6-min walk test in 11-14 year-olds: a population-based study (2021)
Occurrence and air-water diffusive exchange legacy persistent organic pollutants in an oligotrophic north Patagonian lake (2022)
Escherichia coli Strains Producing Selected Bacteriocins Inhibit Porcine Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) under both In Vitro and In Vivo Conditions (2021)
Představení BBMRI-CZ jako partnera pro výzkum v oblasti translační medicíny (2020)
BBMRI-CZ as a Partner for Personalized Medicine and Translational Medical Research (2020)
Normative Data for Musculoskeletal Fitness in 13,217 Children and Adolescents: The Croatian Fitness (CROFIT) Study (2022)
The Importance of Cardiorespiratory vs. Muscular Fitness in Reducing the Odds of Hypertension in War Veterans: A Population-Based Study (2021)
CoVigi phase IV multicentric trial evaluating COVID-19 vaccination adverse events and immune response dynamics in cancer patients: First results on antibody and cellular immunity (2021)
Photon-upconversion nanoparticles for single-molecule immunoassays (2021)
Overview of the Mechanisms of Action of Selected Bisphenols and Perfluoroalkyl Chemicals on the Male Reproductive Axes (2021)
The effect of left atrial appendage closure on heart failure biomarkers: A PRAGUE-17 trial subanalysis (2021)
Stent Selection for Primary Angioplasty and Outcomes in the Era of Potent Antiplatelets. Data from the Multicenter Randomized Prague-18 Trial (2021)
Trends in the treatment and survival of heart failure patients: a nationwide population-based study in the Czech Republic (2021)
Association between Swallowing-Related Questionnaire Responses and Pathological Signs on Videofluoroscopy in Children (2021)
Karcinom plic - diagnostika a časný záchyt (2021)
Upgrade of The Langendorff Apparatus Using The Infrared Thermo-Control System and An Intelligent Heater (2020)
In vivo knee rotational stability 2 years after the ACL reconstruction using a quadriceps tendon graft with bone block and bone-patellar tendon-bone graft (2021)
Biosensors (2020)
Changes and Differences in Body Composition and Strength Abilities of Athletes in Fitness and Bodybuilding at Different Intervals of Rest (2021)
Green-light photocleavable meso-methyl BODIPY building blocks for macromolecular chemistry (2021)
The Relative Age Effect in Czech U14 Male and Female Tennis Players in 2007–2016 (2021)
Imunostanovení ULISA pro detekci včelích patogenů (2021)
The Impact of Different Periods of Walking Experience on Kinematic Gait Parameters in Toddlers (2022)
Study of PIWI-Interacting RNAs in the pathology of glioblastoma: a new level of glioblastoma stem cell regulation? (2021)
Advanced Immunochemical Biosensing: From Label-Free to Single-Molecule Detection (2021)
Increased TRPV1 gene expression in the tissues of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma (2021)
Vývoj dermální náhrady, kvalitativní testování na zvířecích modelech (2021)
Comparison of the effect of two anti-adhesion materials on the formation of postoperative adhesions after myomectomy – an experimental study on rabbit does (2021)
SWATH-MS identifikácia stathminu ako potenciálneho markeru nádorov endometria u pacientok liečených tamoxifenom analýzou FFPE tkanív (2021)
Proteomic Signatures of Human Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipocytes (2022)
Liability of Hosting ISPs: the Czech Perspective (2021)
LncRNAs LY86-AS1 and VIM-AS1 Distinguish Plasma Cell Leukemia Patients from Multiple Myeloma Patients (2021)
Identification of patients at high risk of secondary extramedullary multiple myeloma development (2022)
Regenerace a výživa ve sportu (2020)
Regenerace a výživa ve sportu (2020)
Post-recurrence survival in patients with cervical cancer (2022)
Ascertainment rate estimate from hospital data used in modelling COVID-19 epidemics (2021)
Úskalí laboratorních metod v ovariálním skríninku - doba "-omická"? (2020)
Dance Intervention Impact on Brain Plasticity: A Randomized 6-Month fMRI Study in Non-expert Older Adults (2021)
Soil Survey as a Tool of Agricultural Soil Protection (2020)
Development of the Czech Childhood Cancer Information System: Data Analysis and Interactive Visualization (2021)
Alcohol dose in septal ablation for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (2021)
Fluorinated Bambus[6]urils for Anion Binding in Water (2021)
Levels and risks of surface contamination by thirteen antineoplastic drugs in the Czech and Slovak hospitals and pharmacies (2022)
Kontaminace cytostatiky v českých a slovenských nemocnicích a lékárnách – monitoring 13 často používaných léčiv (2021)
Cascade of hypertension care in Brno. Kardiovize Study (2021)
Cardiac Resynchronization and Defibrillator Therapy (CRT-D) or CRT Alone (CRT-P) in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure without late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) high-risk markers- CRT-REALITY study - Study design and rationale (2022)
§ 489 [Věci a jejich rozdělení] (2022)
§ 490 [Veřejný statek] (2022)
§ 491-§ 501 [Plody a užitky - Hromadná věc] (2022)
§ 502 - § 504 [Obchodní závod - Obchodní tajemství] (2022)
§ 505 - § 513 [Součást věci a příslušenství věci - Příslušenství pohledávky] (2022)
Self-supervised pretraining for transferable quantitative phase image cell segmentation (2021)
Vegan Diet Is Associated With Favorable Effects on the Metabolic Performance of Intestinal Microbiota: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Omics Study (2022)
Effects of Substituents on Photophysical and CO-Photoreleasing Properties of 2,6-Substituted meso-Carboxy BODIPY Derivatives (2021)
Coordination mechanism of cyanine dyes on the surface of core@active shell β-NaGdF4:Yb3+,Er3+ nanocrystals and its role in enhancing upconversion luminescence (2021)
Pharyngeal Microbial Signatures Are Predictive of the Risk of Fungal Pneumonia in Hematologic Patients (2021)
Profiling Tryptophan Catabolites of Human Gut Microbiota and Acute-Phase Protein Levels in Neonatal Dried Blood Specimens (2021)
Synchronization from mathematician’s perspective (2022)
Studium PIWI-interagujících RNA v rámci patologie glioblastomu - nová úroveň regulace glioblastomových kmenových buněk? (2021)
Derivation and Molecular Characterization of a Morphological Subpopulation of Human iPSC Astrocytes Reveal a Potential Role in Schizophrenia and Clozapine Response (2022)
Effects of biochar on the fate of conazole fungicides in soils and their bioavailability to earthworms and plants (2022)
Ecological Memory of Historical Contamination Influences the Response of Phytoplankton Communities (2021)
Exploring the impacts of microplastics and associated chemicals in the terrestrial environment - Exposure of soil invertebrates to tire particles (2021)
Determining factors for the nano-biocompatibility of cobalt oxide nanoparticles: proximal discrepancy in intrinsic atomic interactions at differential vicinage (2021)
§ 3029 - § 3030 [Ustanovení jiných zákonů - Užití části první hlavy I] (2022)
Survival after recurrence in early-stage cervical cancer patients (2021)
Distress symptoms in older adults: results from the Survey for Health and Retirement in Europe (2021)
Onemocnění sliznice ústní dutiny – repetitorium a atlas (2021)
Promořené Brno, 8 různých patogenů v klíšťatech prokázáno! (2021)
Zařízení pro úpravu kapalin, zejména pro testování vícenásobného oxidačního procesu čištění vodyombinovaný oxidační proces (2021)
Zařízení pro výrobu desinfikantu z pitné nebo surové vody (2021)
Rekonstrukce volnými laloky v oblasti hlavy a krku – pětileté zhodnocení (2022)
The role of long non-coding RNAs in the BCR-mediated activation of malignant B cells. (2021)
The effects of selenium feed supplements on the oxidative stability indicators of egg yolk during the laying period (2021)
The structure of the mouse ADAT2/ADAT3 complex reveals the molecular basis for mammalian tRNA wobble adenosine-to-inosine deamination (2021)
Computational Enzyme Stabilization Can Affect Folding Energy Landscapes and Lead to Catalytically Enhanced Domain-Swapped Dimers (2021)
Passive sampling and benchmarking to rank HOC levels in the aquatic environment (2021)
Long-term trends in the incidence, treatment, hospital fatality and subsequent mortality from acute myocardial infarction in the Czech Republic (2021)
Short-term Outcomes of Water Vapor Therapy (Rezum) for BPH/LUTS in the First Czech Cohort (2021)
Inter-laboratory mass spectrometry dataset based on passive sampling of drinking water for non-target analysis (2021)
Application of transesterification derivatization reaction for GC-MS analysis (2021)
Aplikace transesterifikační derivatizační reakce pro GC-MS analýzy (2022)
Pesticide mixture toxicity assessment through in situ and laboratory approaches using embryo-larval stages of the pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) (2021)
Occurrence of cylindrospermopsin, anatoxin-a and their homologs in the southern Czech Republic-Taxonomical, analytical, and molecular approaches (2021)
Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer (2021)
Algorithm 1017: fuzzyreg: An R Package for Fitting Fuzzy Regression Models (2021)
Characterization of Thermal-Runaway Particles from Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide Batteries and Their Biotoxicity Analysis (2021)
Microbial contamination and occurrence of Bacillus cereus sensu lato, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli on food handlers' hands in mass catering: Comparison of the glove juice and swab methods (2022)
A survey of mercury content in pig tissues carried out in the Czech Republic during years 2015-2019 (2021)
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: Prevalence and Correlation with Other Diagnoses in Physiotherapy Practice—A 5-Year Retrospective Review (2022)
Harmonization and Visualization of Data from a Transnational Multi-Sensor Personal Exposure Campaign (2021)
User-Centred Design of a Final Results Report for Participants in Multi-Sensor Personal Air Pollution Exposure Monitoring Campaigns (2021)
Toxicokinetics of hydrophobic organic compounds in oligochaeta: A critical review (2021)
A critical review of the possible adverse effects of biochar in the soil environment (2021)
Současné možnosti a limity rekonstrukce obličeje a dutiny ústní: pohled maxilo-faciálního chirurga (2021)
Effectiveness of ICD therapy in real clinical practice. The Olomouc ICD Registry (2023)
Development and Characterization of Natural Product Derived Macromolecules Based Interpenetrating Polymer Network for Therapeutic Drug Targeting (2021)
Pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus in patients with heart failure-a nation-wide analysis of contemporary treatment (2023)
Application of 96-well plate SPE method for analysis of persistent organic pollutants in low volume blood serum samples (2022)
Current use pesticides in soil and air from two agricultural sites in South Africa: Implications for environmental fate and human exposure (2022)
Seasonal variations in air concentrations of 27 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and 25 current-use pesticides (CUPs) across three agricultural areas of South Africa (2022)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in human breast milk from Colombia: Spatial occurrence, sources and probabilistic risk assessment (2022)
Innovative electrochemical biosensor for toxicological investigations on algae and cyanobacteria (2022)
What influences cooking losses, tenderness, and juiciness while cooking pork meat? (2021)
PhytoAFP: In Silico Approaches for Designing Plant-Derived Antifungal Peptides (2021)
Accession Site Does Not Influence the Risk of Stroke after Diagnostic Coronary Angiography or Intervention: Results from a Large Prospective Registry (2021)
Functional plasma-polymerized hydrogel coatings for electrochemical biosensing (2022)
External and Terminal Ballistics of Early Bronze Age Lithic Arrowheads: Experimental Verification (2022)
Molecular nanoinformatics approach assessing the biocompatibility of biogenic silver nanoparticles with channelized intrinsic steatosis and apoptosis (2022)
Fate of microplastics in agricultural soils amended with sewage sludge: Is surface water runoff a relevant environmental pathway?* (2022)
Line ferries and cargo ships for the monitoring of marine contaminants of emerging concern: Application along a Europe-Arctic transect (2022)
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals used as common plastic additives: Levels, profiles, and human dietary exposure from the Indian food basket (2022)
Colorectal Tumour Mucosa Microbiome Is Enriched in Oral Pathogens and Defines Three Subtypes That Correlate with Markers of Tumour Progression (2021)
Bioconjugates of photon-upconversion nanoparticles for cancer biomarker detection and imaging (2022)
Základy studia environmentálních procesů (2020)
Fundamentals in Environmental Processes Research. Laboratory Course (2020)
Mercury content in fish from drinking-water reservoirs in the Morava River Basin (Czech Republic) (2022)
The EurOPDX Data Portal: an open platform for patient-derived cancer xenograft data sharing and visualization (2022)
Treatment of cylindrospermopsin by hydroxyl and sulfate radicals: Does degradation equal detoxification (2022)
Instrumental and bioanalytical assessment of pharmaceuticals and hormone-like compounds in a major drinking water source-wastewater receiving Zayandeh Rood river, Iran (2022)
AOP-helpFinder webserver: a tool for comprehensive analysis of the literature to support adverse outcome pathways development (2022)
Toxicity to bronchial cells and endocrine disruptive potentials of indoor air and dust extracts and their association with multiple chemical classes (2022)
Kariérová adaptabilita : její podoby, proměny, souvislosti a role v životě mladých dospělých procházejících středním odborným vzděláváním (2020)
Kariérová adaptabilita : její podoby, proměny, souvislosti a role v životě mladých dospělých procházejících středním odborným vzděláváním (2020)
Effects of lithium and selenium in the tail muscle of American bullfrog tadpoles (Lithobates catesbeianus) during premetamorphosis (2022)
The Associations of Polygenic Scores for Risky Behaviors and Parenting Behaviors with Adolescent Externalizing Problems (2022)
Insights into the molecular targets and emerging pharmacotherapeutic interventions for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (2022)
Six-week inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles in mice affects antioxidant defense, immune response, kidneys, intestine and bones (2022)
Quantitative assessment of multiple pesticides in silicone wristbands of children/guardian pairs living in agricultural areas in South Africa (2022)
A worldwide review of currently used pesticides' monitoring in agricultural soils (2022)
Obuv pro batolata (2021)
Atmospheric deposition of chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in central Europe analyzed by GC-MS/MS (2021)
Tracing the movement of persistent organic pollutants at a high-mountain sampling site by chemometric assessment (2021)
Unexpected Enhancement of Antimicrobial Polymer Activity against Staphylococcus aureus in the Presence of Fetal Bovine Serum (2021)
Applicability of Scrape Loading-Dye Transfer Assay for Non-Genotoxic Carcinogen Testing (2021)
Predictive modelling as a tool for effective municipal waste management policy at different territorial levels (2021)
Occurrence of pyrethroids in the atmosphere of urban areas of Southeastern Brazil: Inhalation exposure and health risk assessment (2021)
FireProt(ASR): A Web Server for Fully Automated Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction (2021)
Structural Analysis of the Ancestral Haloalkane Dehalogenase AncLinB-DmbA (2021)
Synthesis of Urease Inhibitory 2, 4-bis (4-cyanobenzyl)glycoluril using Sandmeyer Reaction and Density Functional Theory Investigation (2021)
Recent insights from comparative animal microbiomics (2021)
Complex simulation workflows in containerized high-performance environment (2021)
Property Map Collective Variable as a Useful Tool for a Force Field Correction (2022)
Collection of human and environmental data on pesticide use in Europe and Argentina: Field study protocol for the SPRINT project (2021)
Spectroscopy and photochemistry of organic compounds in ice (2021)
Currently Used Pesticides’ Occurrence in Soils: Recent Results and Advances in Soil-Monitoring and Survey Studies (2022)
Laboratory analysis of cyanobacterial toxins and bioassays (2021)
Analysis of organic substances in the Danube River surface water by passive sampling (2021)
Cofola 2021: Práva na označení v měnícím se světě (2021)
Elevated epidermal growth factor receptor levels in Barrett’s esophagus (2021)
Comparability of data obtained by suspect and non-target screening and by NORMAN panel of in vitro and in vivo bioassays: results of an interlaboratory study (2021)
Biochar Role in Soil Carbon Stabilization and Crop Productivity (2021)
Laboratory analyses of cyanobacteria and water chemistry (2021)
Chemical Products and Processes: Foundations of Environmentally Oriented Design (2021)
Tracking of Maternal Physical Activity and Sport Participation over 11 Years: Findings from the Czech ELSPAC Study (2022)
Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Nutritional Status and Physical Activity Levels and a Sports Injury Reported in Children: A Seven-Year Follow-Up Study (2022)
Biochar surface functional groups as affected by biomass feedstock, biochar composition and pyrolysis temperature (2021)
The Need for Chemical Simplification As a Logical Consequence of Ever-Increasing Chemical Pollution (2021)
Natural toxins: environmental contaminants calling for attention (2021)
Species-selective targeting of pathogens revealed by the atypical structure and active site of Trypanosoma cruzi histone deacetylase DAC2 (2021)
Tribute to Josef Michl (2021)
Socioeconomic deprivation in early life and symptoms of depression and anxiety in young adulthood: Mediating role of hippocampal connectivity (2022)
Comparison Of Different Methods For Determination Of Exchangeable And Pseudototal Nutrients And Elements Concentrations In Forest Soils (2021)
Vliv IFITM1 na „surfaceom“ buněk cervikálního karcinomu (2021)
Vhodné pohybové aktivity u vybraných skupin zdravotně oslabených jedinců (2022)
Vhodné pohybové aktivity u vybraných skupin zdravotně oslabených jedinců (2022)
Perchlorate Solid-Contact Ion-Selective Electrode Based on Dodecabenzylbambus[6]uril (2022)
Sledování prevalence dekubitů – srovnání národních dat s daty konkrétního poskytovatele zdravotních služeb – Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava (2022)
Lyn Phosphorylates and Controls ROR1 Surface Dynamics During Chemotaxis of CLL Cells (2022)
Unique electrochemical properties of polymer pencil graphite leads (2021)
Characterisation of Waterborne Psychrophilic Massilia Isolates with Violacein Production and Description of Massilia antarctica sp. nov. (2022)
Sestavení a konstrukce zařízení pro jednotlivé oxidační procesy (kavitace + plazma, ozonizace, katalýza s odpovídající kapacitou + diagnostika) (2021)
Základy anatomie pro využití ve sportu. Multimediální elektronický výukový materiál (2021)
Aseptické nekrózy. Přehled nejčastějších zástupců, shrnutí diagnostiky a možností terapie (2021)
Idiopatická avaskulární nekróza hlavice kosti stehenní v ambulanci tělovýchovného lékaře (2021)
Impact of Prenatal Stress on Amygdala Anatomy in Young Adulthood: Timing and Location Matter (2022)
Prenatal stress and its association with amygdala-related structural covariance patterns in youth (2022)
PMVEMA-coated upconverting nanoparticles for upconversion-linked immunoassay of cardiac troponin (2022)
Designované a syntetizované geny kódující nově zkonstruované proteinové katalyzátory (luciferázy) s ověřenými vlastnostmi (2021)
Thermostable FGF2 polypeptide, use thereof (2021)
Association of the angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphisms with recurrent aphthous stomatitis in the Czech population: case-control study (2022)
Change in physical activity and stress during COVID-19 in a sample of older adults with exercise habits (2021)
17th ICCE Satellite Event University Education in Environmental Sciences (2021)
Onemocnění sliznice ústní dutiny – repetitorium a atlas (2020)
A release of Ti-ions from nanostructured titanium oxide surfaces (2022)
Tracking of anthropometric characteristics from childhood to adolescence: an 8-year follow-up findings from the Czech ELSPAC study (2022)
Prevalence dekubitů v době COVID-19 (2022)
Pedobacter fastidiosus sp. nov., isolated from glacial habitats of maritime Antarctica (2022)
Kinetics of Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Septic Shock: A Pilot Study (2022)
Bioaccessibility of PBDEs present in indoor dust: A novel dialysis membrane method with a Tenax TA® absorption sink (2018)
Microplastics Pollution in Chile: Current Situation and Future Prospects (2021)
Calculations of paramagnetic NMR chemical shifts in supramolecular host-guest systems of Ru(III) complexes (2022)
Improving ligand transport trajectory within flexible receptor in CaverDock (2022)
Health-related physical fitness in Slovak youth (2021)
Longitudinal associations between sport participation and fat mass with body posture in children: A 5-year follow-up from the Czech ELSPAC study (2022)
Defining optimal cut-off points for cardiorespiratory fitness to diagnose overweight/obesity in children: a school-based study (2022)
Normative Values for Health-Related Physical Fitness in First-Year Police Officers (2022)
Metagenomic research of the ancient human dental calculus as a potential source for the study of rare infectious diseases (2022)
Advancing tools for human early lifecourse exposome research and translation (ATHLETE) (2021)
Výzkum potenciálních markerů v diagnostice a predikci závažnosti inhalačního traumatu (2022)
Passenger Air Traffic in Central Europe (2022)
Does Pathological Complete Response after Neoadjuvant Therapy Influence Postoperative Morbidity in Rectal Cancer after Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision? (2023)
Přídatné cytogenetické abnormality prokázané při diagnóze CML a jejich vliv na prognózu – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2022)
Vliv přídatných cytogenetických abnormalit zjištěných při diagnóze chronické myeloidní leukemie na prognózu – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2021)
Zoonotic Microorganisms in Ticks in Brno and Uherský Brod (2022)
Endorsement of COVID-19 related misinformation among cancer survivors (2022)
Do the total mercury concentrations detected in fish from Czech ponds represent a risk for consumers? (2022)
Multicompartmental analysis of POPs and PAHs in Concepcion Bay, central Chile: Part I - Levels and patterns after the 2010 tsunami (2022)
Tracking of health-related physical fitness in adolescent girls: a 3-year follow-up study (2022)
The Associations between Plantar Force Distribution and Successfulness in Short-Fire Shooting among Special Police Officers (2022)
Associations between Fat Mass and Fat Free Mass with Physical Fitness in Adolescent Girls: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study (2022)
PDBe-KB: collaboratively defining the biological context of structural data (2022)
Up and down the spectrum: upconversion nanocrystal and semiconductor material fused into a single nanocomposite (2022)
Computer-aided engineering of staphylokinase toward enhanced affinity and selectivity for plasmin (2022)
Deep Insights into the Specific Evolution of Fungal Hybrid B Heme Peroxidases (2022)
Providing Biological Plausibility for Exposure-Health Relationships for the Mycotoxins Deoxynivalenol (DON) and Fumonisin B1 (FB1) in Humans Using the AOP Framework (2022)
Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Activities of Fluorescein-A Diagnostic Angiography Dye (2022)
The Bisphenols Found in the Ejaculate of Men Does Not Pass through the Testes (2022)
The Combined Effects of Television Viewing and Physical Activity on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: The Kardiovize Study (2022)
Association of Picky Eating with Weight and Height-The European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ) (2022)
One planet: one health. A call to support the initiative on a global science-policy body on chemicals and waste (2022)
The Association between ADHD and Environmental Chemicals-A Scoping Review (2022)
Spatio-Temporal Gait Parameters in Association with Medications and Risk of Falls in the Elderly (2022)
Merging the exposome into an integrated framework for "omics" sciences (2022)
Predictors for digital mapping of forest soil organic carbon stocks in different types of landscape (2022)
Parabens and antimicrobial compounds in conventional and "green" personal care products (2022)
Application of a pharmacokinetic model in characterizing sources of polychlorinated biphenyl exposure and determining threshold daily intakes for adverse health effects in infants and toddlers (2022)
Occupational risks of health care personnel administering antineoplastic drugs. Results of the large-scale monitoring in Czech and Slovak hospitals (2020)
Gap junction intercellular communication: A functional biomarker of testicular toxicity (2021)
Toward an "IPCC for chemicals" (2021)
Antineoplastic drugs in households of oncology patients (2021)
Dietary patterns and birth outcomes in the ELSPAC pregnancy cohort (2022)
Sorption and Mobility of Charged Organic Compounds: How to Confront and Overcome Limitations in Their Assessment br (2022)
Bile Acids Transporters of Enterohepatic Circulation for Targeted Drug Delivery (2022)
Nanodiamonds Inhibit Cancer Cell Migration by Strengthening Cell Adhesion: Implications for Cancer Treatment (2021)
Nanodiamond-based photosensitizer: Enhancing photodynamic therapy and inhibiting tumor metastasis (2021)
A portable instrument for monitoring acute water toxicity based on mediated electrochemical biosensor: Design, testing and evaluation (2020)
Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, and associated risk factors in the Czech Republic, Russia, Poland and Lithuania: a cross-sectional study (2022)
The associations between health-related physical fitness and fasting blood glucose in war veterans: a population-based study (2022)
Health-Related Fitness in Slovak High School Students in Presov Region (2022)
Datasets from harmonised metabolic phenotyping of root, tuber and banana crop (2022)
Enhancing Scientific Support for the Stockholm Convention's Implementation: An Analysis of Policy Needs for Scientific Evidence (2022)
Performance comparison of silicone and low-density polyethylene as passive samplers in a global monitoring network for aquatic organic contaminants (2022)
Comparing total and accessible concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediments and suspended particulate matter in the Danube River (2022)
Catheter ablation versus antiarrhythmic drugs with risk factor modification for treatment of atrial fibrillation: a protocol of a randomised controlled trial (PRAGUE-25 trial) (2022)
4-Year Outcomes After Left Atrial Appendage Closure Versus Nonwarfarin Oral Anticoagulation for Atrial Fibrillation (2022)
Control Centre for Intensive Care as a Tool for Effective Coordination, Real-Time Monitoring, and Strategic Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2022)
Effect of Intra-arrest Transport, Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Immediate Invasive Assessment and Treatment on Functional Neurologic Outcome in Refractory Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest A Randomized Clinical Trial (2022)
Oncological outcomes of surgery for isolated retroperitoneal recurrence in renal cancer patients after radical nephrectomy (2022)
Sharing datasets of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Czech Republic (2022)
More Time Spent in Sedentary Behaviors is Associated with Higher Plantar Pressures in Older Women (2020)
Challenges in lower limb lymphoedema assessment based on limb volume change: Lessons learnt from the SENTIX prospective multicentre study (2022)
Tebuconazole and terbuthylazine encapsulated in nanocarriers: preparation, characterization and release kinetics (2022)
The Exposome and Toxicology: A Win-Win Collaboration (2022)
Dynamic [1]rotaxanes via a reversible covalent bond and host-guest anion recognition (2022)
Tools for computational design and high-throughput screening of therapeutic enzymes (2022)
Extended Mechanism of the Plasminogen Activator Staphylokinase Revealed by Global Kinetic Analysis: 1000-fold Higher Catalytic Activity than That of Clinically Used Alteplase (2022)
Mechanism-Based Design of Efficient PET Hydrolases (2022)
Colloidal lithography as a novel approach for the development of Ni-nanocavity insulin sensor (2022)
Potential estrogenic background in aquatic laboratory cultivations (2022)
Teratogenicity of retinoids detected in surface waters in zebrafish embryos and its predictability by in vitro assays (2022)
Photochemistry of (Z)-Isovinylneoxanthobilirubic Acid Methyl Ester, a Bilirubin Dipyrrinone Subunit: Femtosecond Transient Absorption and Stimulated Raman Emission Spectroscopy (2022)
Structure-Photoreactivity Relationship of 3-Hydroxyflavone-BasedCO-Releasing Molecules br (2022)
Chalcogen-based ratiometric reversible BODIPY redox sensors for the determination of enantioselective methionine sulfoxide reductase activity (2022)
Fourth branchial cleft anomaly in a 7-month-old infant: A case report and literature review (2024)
Coupling BODIPY with nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots to address the water solubility of photosensitizers (2022)
Target and suspect screening of 4777 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in river water, wastewater, groundwater and biota samples in the Danube River Basin (2022)
In vitro testicular toxicity of environmentally relevant endocrine-disrupting chemicals: 2D vs. 3D models of prepubertal Leydig TM3 cells (2022)
Multicompartmental analysis of POPs and PAHs in Concepcion Bay, central Chile: Part II-Air-sea exchange during Austral summer (2022)
Local and regional sources of organochlorine pesticides in a rural zone in central Chile (2022)
A High-Risk Profile for Invasive Fungal Infections Is Associated with Altered Nasal Microbiota and Niche Determinants (2022)
Linear regression in analytical laboratory using programming languages Python and R (2022)
Hyperfine chemical shift in host-guest systems of Ru(III) with macrocycles (2022)
The Use of Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in Diagnosing Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (2022)
Transformation of master-slave systems with harmonic terms for improved stability in numerical continuation (2022)
Effects of frustrated coupling, node degree and load distribution on synchronicity in electrical power grids (2022)
The effect of menstrual cycle on perceptual responses in athletes: a systematic review with meta-analysis (2022)
Stručná historie matematické populační dynamiky (2022)
Protection by Vaccines and Previous Infection Against the Omicron Variant of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (2022)
Postscriptum: Matematické modelování covid-19 v Evropě (2022)
Engineering protein dynamics for the understanding of divergent evolution of the Renilla luciferase (2021)
Computational enzyme design for metabolic engineering (2021)
Protection provided by vaccination, booster doses and previous infection against covid-19 infection, hospitalisation or death over time in Czechia (2022)
Fast approximative methods for study of ligand transport and rational design of improved enzymes for biotechnologies (2022)
Prevence vzniku pankreatické píštěle u laparoskopických levostranných pankreatektomií (2022)
Critical review of analytical methods for the determination of flame retardants in human matrices (2022)
RIAssigner: A package for gas chromatographic retention index calculation (2022)
Relative age effect in elite swimmers in U14 Czech Championship (2022)
Information Requirements under the Essential-Use Concept: PFA Case Studies (2022)
Sex-dependent host-microbiome dynamics in zebrafish: Implications for toxicology and gastrointestinal physiology (2022)
LoopGrafter: a web tool for transplanting dynamical loops for protein engineering (2022)
Comparability of semivolatile organic compound concentrations from co-located active and passive air monitoring networks in Europe (2022)
A Nonconventional Archaeal Fluorinase Identified by In SilicoMining for Enhanced Fluorine Biocatalysis br (2022)
CalFitter 2.0: Leveraging the power of singular value decomposition to analyse protein thermostability (2022)
Sleep onset, duration, or regularity: which matters most for child adiposity outcomes? (2022)
Passive Sampling Helps the Appraisal of Contaminant Bioaccumulation in Norwegian Fish Used for Regulatory Chemical Monitoring (2022)
Mechanism-Based Strategy for Optimizing HaloTag Protein Labeling (2022)
Mechanism-guided tunnel engineering to increase the efficiency of a flavin-dependent halogenase (2022)
Porphyrin as a versatile visible-light-activatable organic/metal hybrid photoremovable protecting group (2022)
Cyanine Phototruncation Enables Spatiotemporal Cell Labeling (2022)
Impaired lung function and mortality in Eastern Europe: results from multi-centre cohort study (2022)
Application of Canine-Derived Enterococcus faecium DSM 32820 in Dogs with Acute Idiopathic Diarrhoea (2022)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated, nitrated and oxygenated derivatives in the atmosphere over the Mediterranean and Middle East seas (2022)
In vivo intrinsic atomic interaction infer molecular eco-toxicity of industrial TiO2 nanoparticles via oxidative stress channelized steatosis and apoptosis in Paramecium caudatum (2022)
Genotoxic effects of transboundary pollutants in Pinus mugo in the high mountain habitats (2022)
Research Note: Impact of applied thermal treatment on textural, and sensory properties and cooking loss of selected chicken and turkey cuts as affected by cooking technique (2022)
Anxiety in Duckweed–Metabolism and Effect of Diazepam on Lemna minor (2022)
Candida dubliniensis and Candida albicans associated with early childhood caries in preschool children - a case-control study (2022)
Socioeconomic and cognitive roots of trait anxiety in young adults (2022)
Development of a Multicomponent Intervention to Decrease Racial Bias Among Healthcare Staff (2022)
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals affect Sertoli TM4 cell functionality through dysregulation of gap junctional intercellular communication in vitro (2022)
The complex photochemistry of coumarin-3-carboxylic acid in acetonitrile and methanol (2022)
Harmonization of Human Biomonitoring Studies in Europe: Characteristics of the HBM4EU-Aligned Studies Participants (2022)
Personal care product use and lifestyle affect phthalate and DINCH metabolite levels in teenagers and young adults (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography for Differential Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Lesions: Single-Institutional Prospective Study of Qualitati-ve and Quantitative CEUS Characteristics. (2022)
Změny v zatížení chodidla v prvních sedmi měsících chůze u batolat (2022)
Clozapine Reverses Dysfunction of Glutamatergic Neurons Derived From Clozapine-Responsive Schizophrenia Patients (2022)
Candida species and selected behavioral factors co-associated with severe early childhood caries: Case-control study (2022)
CYP2C19 Gene Profiling as a Tool for Personalized Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis With Proton Pump Inhibitors in Critically Ill Patients-Recommendations Proposal (2022)
eBCSgen 2.0: Modelling and Analysis of Regulated Rule-Based Systems (2022)
Inhalation injury - infectious complications and microbiome of airways. (2022)
Neonatal Diet and Gut Microbiome Development After C-Section During the First Three Months After Birth: A Systematic Review (2022)
Oral microbiota in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (2022)
Výzkumná infrastruktura RECETOX - Laboratoře mikrobiomové analýzy (2022)
Comparative bacteriome analysis of tooth and cystic fluid in patients with apical periodontitis and radicular cyst – pilot study (2022)
Transcultural Lifestyle Medicine in Type 2 Diabetes Care: Narrative Review of the Literature (2023)
How barefoot and conventional shoes affect the foot and gait characteristics in toddlers. (2022)
Monofunctionalized Fluorinated Bambusurils and Their Conjugates for Anion Transport and Extraction (2022)
DFT Analysis of Diels-Alder Reactions for the Preparation of Forskolin Derivatives (2022)
Je časný screening štítné žlázy v těhotenství opravdu důležitý? Co nám ukazují data (2021)
Centre of pressure changes during stance and gait after alcohol intoxication in relationship with habitual alcohol use in young women (2022)
How the COVID-19 pandemic influences the prevalence of pressure injuries in the Czech Republic: A nationwide analysis of a health registry in 2020 (2022)
NECPAL Tool Aids Early Identification of Palliative Care Needs (2022)
Survival and lung function decline in patients with definite, probable and possible idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis treated with pirfenidone (2022)
Příběh jedné generace. CELSPAC: 30 let na cestě (2022)
All-cause and cardiovascular mortality in relation to lung function in the full range of distribution across four Eastern European cohorts (2022)
Tuning of grayscale computer vision systems (2022)
Outside the Safe Operating Space of a New Planetary Boundary for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (2022)
Using large amounts of firefighting foams releases per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) into estuarine environments: A baseline study in Latin America (2022)
Using empirical biological knowledge to infer regulatory networks from multi-omics data (2022)
Engineering CYP153A(M.aq) to Oxyfunctionalize its Inhibitor Dodecylamine Using a LC/MS Based Rapid Flow Analysis Screening (2022)
Upconversion immunoassay with magnetic separation for the detection of cancer biomarkers (2022)
Enhancing the sensitivity of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the detection of nanoparticle-labeled cancerous tissues (2022)
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for indirect detection of breast cancer cells through characteristic nanoparticle labeling (2022)
Poly(HPMAA-co-CBMAA-co-SBMAA) brush coatings with antifouling properties improve the direct detection of bacterial pathogens in complex food samples (2022)
Upconversion-linked immunoassays (ULISA) for food and environmental monitoring and single-molecule (digital) diagnostic assays (2022)
Advanced Immunochemical Biosensors and Assays: From Label-Free to Single-Molecule Detection (2022)
Biosenzory a imunostanovení pro detekci klinicky významných analytů (2022)
Ticks in Brno (Czech Republic): 7 different pathogens proven! (2022)
Nitro- and oxy-PAHs in grassland soils from decade-long sampling in central Europe (2022)
Atmospheric PAHs in rural, urban, industrial and beach locations in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina: sources and health risk assessment (2022)
Interpreting support vector machines applied in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (2022)
Harmonized Quality Assurance/Quality Control Provisions for Nontargeted Measurement of Urinary Pesticide Biomarkers in the HBM4EU Multisite SPECIMEn Study (2022)
Enterocin M in Interaction in Broiler Rabbits with Autochthonous, Biofilm-Forming Enterococcus hirae Kr8 Strain (2022)
To be or not to be degraded: in defense of persistence assessment of chemicals (2022)
Educational gradients in all-cause mortality in two cohorts in the Czech Republic during the early stage of the postcommunist transition (2022)
Cyanine-flavonol hybrids as NIR-light activatable carbon monoxide donors in methanol and aqueous solutions (2022)
Komparace bakteriomu z tumoru a ze sliznic dutiny ústní u pacientů s orálním dlaždicobuněčným karcinomem (2022)
Modelling of a rare mutation in the GALNT3 gene found in patient with teeth and bone defects using genetically engineered mice (2022)
sMolBoxes: Dataflow Model for Molecular Dynamics Exploration (2023)
Bakterie rodu Anaplasma a Rickettsia (2022)
Osteocalcin levels decrease during the treatment of an acute depressive episode (2022)
Enhancing evidence-based healthcare principles in clinical practice guidelines development in the Czech Republic (2022)
Lack of Association between Epidermal Growth Factor or Its Receptor and Reflux Esophagitis, Barrett’s Esophagus, and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Case-Control Study (2022)
Sledování prevalence dekubitů - srovnání národních dat s daty konkrétního poskytovatele zdravotních služeb - Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava (2022)
Enhancing the evidence-based healthcare principles in clinical practice guidelines development in the Czech Republic: a best practice implementation project (2022)
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea in orthodontic patients – the importance of interdisciplinary approach (2022)
Dětská spánkové apnoe z pohledu ortodontisty (2021)
The Prevalence of Menstrual Cycle Disorders in Female Athletes from Different Sports Disciplines: A Rapid Review. (2022)
Molekulárně biologická analýza zubního kamene a mumifikované tkáně Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Comparison of Patients with Reduced and Mildly Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: Intermediate Data from the FAR NHL Registry (2022)
Acute Responses to Resistance Training on Body Composition, Muscular Fitness and Flexibility by Sex and Age in Healthy War Veterans Aged 50-80 Years (2022)
MSMetaEnhancer: A Python package for mass spectra metadata annotation (2022)
Příběh jedné generace. CELSPAC: 30 let na cestě (2022)
XXXIV/252. Mass spectrometry analysis of extracellular vesicles from malignant ascites highlights the role of tumor microenvironment in progression of ovarian cancer (2022)
Linear Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy as a Method for Penile Rehabilitation in Erectile Dysfunction Patients after Radical Prostatectomy: A Randomized, Single-Blinded, Sham-Controlled Clinical Trial (2022)
Gender differences in the effect of a 0.11% breath alcohol concentration on forward and backward gait. (2022)
Princip teritoriality a hraniční určovatel lex loci protectionis v autorskoprávních vztazích (2022)
Phage-mediated bacterial lysis studied by AFM and SPR (2022)
Detection of cancer biomarkers using immunoassays with upconversion nanoparticles and magnetic preconcentration (2022)
Detekce proteinových biomarkerů pomocí lateral flow testů s foton-upkonverzními nanočásticemi (2022)
Immunomagnetic Assay Using Upconversion Nanoparticles for the Detection of Prostate-Specific Antigen (2022)
Socioeconomic position over the life course and impaired lung function of older adults in Central and Eastern Europe: the HAPIEE study (2023)
Association Between Parental Supply of Alcohol and Later Adolescent Alcohol Use in a Highly Permissive Context (2023)
Geometric Control of Cell Behavior by Biomolecule Nanodistribution (2022)
Nationwide increases in anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies between October 2020 and March 2021 in the unvaccinated Czech population (2022)
Specific carbohydrate substrates affected the growth of Bacillus cereus strain isolated from an environmental sample (2022)
Helicobacter analysis in gastric mucosa samples – comparison of two methodical approaches (2022)
The association between polymorphisms in the gene for kallikrein 4 and dental caries in primary and permanent dentition (2022)
Effect of mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on gut bacteriome of newborns in the first days of their life: a case-control study (2022)
The Requirement of Sufficient Precision and Objectivity and the Copyright Protection of Computer Programs (2022)
Pharmacogenetics of proton pump inhibitors and prevalence of the CYP2C19*2 and *17 variants in the Central European population (2022)
Improving IDP theoretical chemical shift accuracy and efficiency through a combined MD/ADMA/DFT and machine learning approach (2022)
Genome polarisation for detecting barriers to geneflow (2023)
The relative age effect in top 100 elite female tennis players in 2007–2016 (2022)
Determinants of depressive symptoms increase in older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Czech cohort study using repeated assessments (2023)
Zvýšené riziko predácie v reprodukčnom období jašterice krátkohlavej (Lacerta agilis) (2022)
Variabilita a změny zbarvení v populacích ještěrky obecné (Lacerta agilis) na dvou vybraných lokalitách Opavska (2022)
Environment as a driver for color polymorphism in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) (2022)
Ecological niche modelling for color morphs in Sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) (2020)
In vivo and in vitro effects of salidroside on liver cytochrome P450 (2022)
Proteiny odpovědné za špatnou terapeutickou odpověď metastatických nádorů ledvin na léčbu tyrosinkinasovými inhibitory (2022)
Involvement of Small Non-Coding RNA and Cell Antigens in Pathogenesis of Extramedullary Multiple Myeloma (2022)
Monkeypox Knowledge and Vaccine Hesitancy of Czech Healthcare Workers: A Health Belief Model (HBM)-Based Study (2022)
Influence of Label and Solid Support on the Performance of Heterogeneous Immunoassays (2022)
Cvičení jako nástroj pro zlepšení kvality života pacientek po léčbě karcinomu prsu (2022)
Secondary malignancies and survival of FCR-treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Central Europe (2023)
Pyrethroids and developmental neurotoxicity-A critical review of epidemiological studies and supporting mechanistic evidence (2022)
Emerging investigator series: deposited particles and human lung lining fluid are dynamic, chemically-complex reservoirs leading to thirdhand smoke emissions and exposure (2022)
A large scale multi-laboratory suspect screening of pesticide metabolites in human biomonitoring: From tentative annotations to verified occurrences (2022)
Pesticide exposure among Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort: Urinary biomarker levels and associated health risks (2022)
GDF11 inhibits adipogenesis and improves mature adipocytes metabolic function via WNT/beta-catenin and ALK5/SMAD2/3 pathways (2022)
The Origin of Teratogenic Retinoids in Cyanobacteria (2022)
Low fruit and vegetable intake is associated with poor self-rated health in the Czech part of the HAPIEE study (2023)
Suspect and non-targeted screening-based human biomonitoring identified 74 biomarkers of exposure in urine of Slovenian children (2022)
LC-HRMS based method for suspect/non-targeted screening for biomarkers of chemical exposure in human urine (2022)
Caver Web 1.2 (2022)
MAPityser 2.1 - Analyzátor dat pro mikrofluidní platformu MAPit (2022)
MicroPEX Data Analyser 1.0* (2022)
PredictSNP Onco 1.0 (2022)
The cardiorespiratory parameter in ice hockey players diagnosed with COVID-19 after the 2020 competitive season: a case study (2022)
Association of Self-Reported Depression Symptoms with Physical Activity Levels in Czechia (2022)
The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry (2022)
Cadmium exposure in adults across Europe: Results from the HBM4EU Studies 2014-2020 (2022)
Evaluation of Staphylococcus aureus growth and staphylococcal enterotoxin production in delicatessen and fine bakery products br (2022)
Effect of fixed orthodontic appliances on gingival status and oral microbiota: a pilot study (2022)
High predation risk decimates survival during the reproduction season (2022)
Vlastnictví zemědělské půdy: Rozvojový stimul, dědictví…prostředek snížení negativních dopadů klimatické změny? (2022)
Association between PM2.5 Exposure and Cardiovascular and Respiratory Hospital Admissions Using Spatial GIS Analysis (2022)
The science-policy interfaces of the European network for observing our changing planet: From Earth Observation data to policy-oriented decisions (2022)
Associations between Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Cardiometabolic Biomarkers in Adults of Czechia: The Kardiovize Study (2022)
Disulfiram increases the efficacy of 5-fluorouracil in organotypic cultures of colorectal carcinoma (2022)
Infrared Laser Desorption of Intact Nanoparticles for Digital Tissue Imaging (2022)
Přehled dostupných populačních dat se zaměřením na seniorní populaci v ČR (2022)
Persistent Problem: Global Challenges to Managing PCBs (2022)
Human Exposure to Pesticides in Dust from Two Agricultural Sites in South Africa (2022)
Maternal gender discrimination and child emotional and behavioural problems: A population-based, longitudinal cohort study in the Czech Republic (2022)
SoluProtMutDB: A manually curated database of protein solubility changes upon mutations (2022)
Fully automated virtual screening pipeline of FDA-approved drugs using Caver Web (2022)
Mikrobiom v nás (2022)
Synthesis of Glycoluril Dimers with the Ability to Form Polymeric Self-Associates in Water (2022)
The Human Mycobiome: Colonization, Composition and the Role in Health and Disease (2022)
Ice-nucleating particles near two major dust source regions (2022)
Youth screen use in the ABCD study (2022)
Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Stimulate the Immune Response and Decrease Antioxidant Defense in Mice After Six-Week Inhalation (2022)
The Relative Age Effect in World Junior Tennis Finals: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study (2022)
CaviPlasma: A plasma source capable of application-scale generation of plasma treated water for agriculture, aquaculture, and medicine (2022)
Identifying Area-Level Disparities in Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage Using Geospatial Analysis (2021)
Predicting Alcohol Dependence Symptoms by Young Adulthood: A Co-Twin Comparisons Study (2021)
Identifying the Best Questions for Rapid Screening of Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Children (2021)
CaviPlasma: A plasma source capable of application-scale generation of plasma treated water for agriculture, aquaculture, and medicine (2022)
CaviPlasma: A large-throughput technology for plasma treatment of contaminated water using peroxide chemistry (2022)
CaviPlasma: A large-throughput technology for plasma treatment of contaminated water using peroxide chemistry (2022)
Application of metals commonly used in medicine – in vivo model (2022)
Structural Insights into (Tere)phthalate-Ester Hydrolysis by a Carboxylesterase and Its Role in Promoting PET Depolymerization (2022)
Virtual screening of potential anticancer drugs based on microbial products (2022)
Prenatal psychosocial stress and children's sleep problems: Evidence from the ELSPAC-CZ study (2022)
Migration of Plasticizers from Polyethylene Terephthalate and Low-Density Polyethylene Casing into Bottled Water: A Case Study From India (2022)
Central Venous Catheter Cannulation in Pediatric Anesthesia and Intensive Care: A Prospective Observational Trial (2022)
Interlinkage Between Persistent Organic Pollutants and Plastic in the Waste Management System of India: An Overview (2022)
Feasibility of Mouth-to-Mouth Ventilation through FFP2 Respirator in BLS Training during COVID-19 Pandemic (MOVERESP Study): Simulation-Based Study (2022)
Increased occurrence of Treponema spp. and double-species infections in patients with Alzheimer's disease (2022)
Follistatin-like 1 and its paralogs in heart development and cardiovascular disease (2022)
Estrogenic and retinoid-like activity in stagnant waters with mass occurrence of water blooms (2022)
Substituted aminothiazoles as inhibitors of nucleases (2022)
Understanding the Intergenerational Cycle of Trauma and Violence: Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Parent-to-Child Aggression Risk (2023)
Polymorphisms in genes expressed during amelogenesis and their association with dental caries: a case-control study (2023)
Centrální a klinické registry, význam interpretace dat pro klinickou medicínu (2022)
The Pilot Evaluation of the Diabetes Prevention Program using the Transcultural Cardiometabolic-BasedChronic Disease Model (The tCMBCD-CZ) in Czechia. (2022)
Základy statistiky ve zdravotnictví (2022)
Synergistic activity of mulberry tree natural compounds against MRSA (2022)
Prenylated flavonoids – potent antimicrobial agents against tuberculosis (2022)
Analytical strategies for chemical exposomics: exploring limits and feasibility (2021)
Effect of titanium surface nanotubular arrays with nanotubes of two different dimensions on cell behavior (2022)
The Serbian paradox: negative attitudes and migration aspirations towards the West (2022)
The Serbian paradox: negative attitudes and migration aspirations towards the West (2022)
The Serbian paradox: negative attitudes and migration aspirations towards the West (2022)
Srce je tamo gde je dom (2022)
Combinatorial pathway disruption is a powerful approach to delineate metabolic impacts of endocrine disruptors (2022)
Hidden Potential of Highly Efficient and Widely Accessible Thrombolytic Staphylokinase (2022)
Morphological and behavioral alterations in zebrafish larvae after exposure to contaminated river sediments collected in different weather conditions (2022)
Learning mitigates genetic drift (2022)
Target Mechanisms of the Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin in Immortalized Human Airway Epithelial Cells (2022)
Highly Efficient and Selective Recognition of Dicyanoaurate(I) by a Bambusuril Macrocycle in Water (2022)
Gene polymorphisms and serum levels of mannose-binding lectin in Czech patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis: A case-control study (2023)
Method validation for a multi-element panel in human seminal plasma by inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) (2022)
City-scale assessment of long-term air quality impacts on the respiratory and cardiovascular health (2022)
Prenylated phenolics from Morus alba against MRSA infections as a strategy for wound healing (2022)
COVID-19 vaccine booster significantly decreases the risk of intensive care unit hospitalization in heart failure patients during the Omicron variant wave: A population-based study (2022)
Relation between Mid-Regional Pro-Adrenomedullin in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure and the Dose of Diuretics in 2-Year Follow-Up-Data from FAR NHL Registry (2022)
The relationship between symptom onset-to-needle time and ischemic outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with primary PCI Observations from Prague-18 Study (2022)
Stratification of lymph node metastases as macrometastases, micrometastases, or isolated tumor cells has no clinical implication in patients with cervical cancer: Subgroup analysis of the SCCAN project (2023)
Students’ Willingness to Communicate in English: Czech Adaptation of Willingness to Communicate Inside the Classroom Scale (2022)
Polymorphism rs7079 in miR-31/-584 Binding Site in Angiotensinogen Gene Associates with Earlier Onset of Coronary Artery Disease in Central European Population (2022)
The future for the application of fibroblast growth factor 2 in modern wound healing (2023)
Impact of admitting department on the management of acute coronary syndrome after an out of hospital cardiac arrest (2023)
Struktura zanieczyszczeń pyłowych w Polsce na podstawie zautomatyzowanych pomiarów krótkoterminowych (2022)
CERVANTES: an international randomized trial of radical surgery followed by adjuvant (chemo) radiation versus no further treatment in patients with early-stage, intermediate-risk cervical cancer (CEEGOG-CX-05; ENGOT-CX16) (2022)
The decline in stroke hospitalization due to COVID-19 is unrelated to COVID-19 intensity (2023)
Role of casein kinase 1 in the amoeboid migration of B-cell leukemic and lymphoma cells: A quantitative live imaging in the confined environment (2022)
Advanced database mining of efficient haloalkane dehalogenases by sequence and structure bioinformatics and microfluidics (2022)
Cirkulující mikroRNA jako biomarkery rejekce u pacientů po srdeční transplantaci: od profilování k validaci kandidátních molekul (2022)
Cerebral organoids in disease modeling. (2022)
Cumulative risk assessment of five phthalates in European children and adolescents (2022)
Efficacy and safety of higher oral doses of azaperone to achieve sedation in pigs (2022)
Droplet-Based Microfluidic Temperature-Jump Platform for the Rapid Assessment of Biomolecular Kinetics (2022)
L-Aspartate and L-Glutamine Inhibit Beta-Aminobutyric Acid-Induced Resistance in Tomatoes (2022)
Vliv vybraných vlastností čerstvého masa na výši hmotnostních ztrát a senzorické vlastnosti po tepelné úpravě (2022)
Hmotnostní ztráty mletého masa při různých druzích tepelné úpravy (2022)
Vliv tepelné úpravy na hmotnostní ztráty a texturní i senzorické vlastnosti kuřecího a krůtího masa (2022)
Current Advances, Research Needs and Gaps in Mycotoxins Biomonitoring under the HBM4EU-Lessons Learned and Future Trends (2022)
Vliv teploty skladování na mikrobiologický profil, aktivitu vody a pH baleného mletého masa (2022)
Zastoupení plynů v ochranné atmosféře balených čerstvých ryb v průběhu skladování (2022)
Variability of modified atmosphere in packaged chicken meat and its changes during shelf life (2022)
Vliv způsobu balení na dynamiku teplotních změn filetů lososa obecného (2022)
Balení a skladování jako faktor ovlivňující vybrané jakostní parametry čerstvých ryb (2022)
Vliv míry porušení teploty při transportu na mikrobiologickou kvalitu vzorků lososa (2022)
Monitoring of temperature changes affected by different types of cod fillet packaging (2022)
The effect of temperature disruption during transport on the microbiological quality of Atlantic cod samples (2022)
Rychlost přizpůsobení teplotě vnějšího prostředí balených filetů tresky obecné (2022)
Vliv porušení teploty při transportu na vybrané jakostní parametry filetů tresky obecné (2022)
Sledování celkového počtu mikroorganismů u vzorků tresky obecné s ohledem na porušení teploty při transportu (2022)
Mikrobiologická kvalita syrového kravského mléka z mléčných automatů v Brně (2022)
Využití PureMilk testů při hodnocení mikrobiologické kvality mléka z mléčných automatů (2022)
ISP Liability and Unfair Competition: Hellshare case (preliminary ruling C-470/22) (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Optimalizovaná kombinovaná hybridní jednotka s kapacitou do 300l/hod (2022)
Metody odhadu parametrů normálního rozdělení v přítomnosti dat pod měřitelným limitem (2022)
Metoda pro odbourávání farmak a pesticidů obsažených ve vodě (2022)
Rule-based Modelling of Biological Systems Using Regulated Rewriting (2023)
The state of the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement implementation on the air quality (2022)
Cílená detekce somatických mutací u pacientů s ameloblastomem: série případů (2023)
Orální bakteriom u pacientů s dlaždicobuněčným karcinomem dle stavu jejich dentice: pilotní studie (2023)
Asociace tkáňové exprese miR-196a s Barrettovým jícnem a adenokarcinomem jícnu (2023)
The Use of Visual Analysis for Gait and Foot Posture in Children with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (2023)
Pilot study: Effect of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip on the Gait. (2022)
ヌクレアーゼの阻害剤としての置換アミノチアゾール (2022)
Effects of Load Carriage on Postural Sway and Relative Ground Reaction Forces in Special Police Officers: A Cross-Sectional Study (2022)
Development of a questionnaire for a patient-reported outcome after nasal reconstruction (2022)
How Different Load Carriage Scenarios Impact the Gait in Police Officers (2023)
Vystresovaní mačové a pohodáři mezi ptáky: Latitudinální variabilita v hladinách steroidních hormonů u pěvců (2023)
Metals and Trace Elements in Calcified Valves in Patiens with Acquired Severe Aortic Valve Stenosisi: Is There a Connction with the Degeneration Process ? (2023)
Single Cerebral Organoid Mass Spectrometry of Cell-Specific Protein and Glycosphingolipid Traits (2023)
Pathogenesis of Alzheimer´s disease: Involvement of the choroid plexus (2023)
Effects of all-trans and 9-cis retinoic acid on differentiating human neural stem cells in vitro (2023)
A haemochromatosis-causing HFE mutation is associated with SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility in the Czech population (2023)
Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Arrest After Alcohol Septal Ablation for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: ASA-SCARRE Risk Score (2022)
Přehled neinzulinové antidiabetické farmakoterapie u osob se srdečním selháním a diabetes mellitus v České republice v roce 2018 (2022)
Negative training responses during the runners' career could cooperate in an early career termination: a case study in top-level female runners from the Slovakian National Team (2022)
Attitude towards physical activities in a group of pregnant woman (2020)
Data Transformation for Clustering Utilization for Feature Detection in Mass Spectrometry (2022)
Effect of Bisphenol S on testicular tissue after low-dose lactation exposure (2022)
The Three-Level Model of Factors Contributing to High-Intensity Intermittent Performance in Male Soccer Players (2022)
Licence, závazky o poskytování digitálního obsahu a služeb digitálního obsahu (2023)
Multiple Substrate Binding Mode-Guided Engineering of a Thermophilic PET Hydrolase (2022)
Safety and Efficacy of Single Incision Sling Versus Midurethral Sling in the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2023)
Molecular etiopathogenesis of cystic lesions in oral cavity (2022)
Aktuální otázky v oblasti práva duševního vlastnictví (2022)
Stories of Global Chemical Pollution: Will We Ever Understand Environmental Persistence? (2022)
Lateral flow immunoassay based on photon-upconversion nanoparticles for the detection of protein biomarkers (2022)
Disulfiram v kombinaci s 5-fluorouracilem jako možná terapie kolorektálního karcinomu (2022)
Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry imaging of immunochemically labeled spheroid sections (2023)
Detekce jednotlivých značek v imunochemickém stanovení (2022)
Nanoparticle tag counting for tissue imaging using infrared laser ablation (2022)
Efficacy of combined therapy of disulfiram and 5-fluorouracil in organotypic cultures (2022)
Cytotoxicita kombinované terapie disulfiramu s 5-fluorouracilem v organotypických kulturách kolorektálního karcinomu (2022)
Physicochemical Aspects of Photoswitching (2022)
Development of direct detection methods for monitoring of therapeutic staphylococcal bacteriophages in clinical samples (2022)
Rather die than be taken by the phage: Staphylococcus aureus prophage immunity protein protects population against kayviruses (2022)
Performance analysis of various features and functions settings on the neural network accuracy (2022)
Birth outcomes, puberty onset, and obesity as long-term predictors of biological aging in young adulthood (2023)
Electrochemical Analysis of Insulin on Graphite Electrodes (2022)
Replacement Flame-Retardant 2-Ethylhexyldiphenyl Phosphate (EHDPP) Disrupts Hepatic Lipidome: Evidence from Human 3D Hepatospheroid Cell Culture (2023)
熱安定性FGF2ポリペプチド及びその使用 (2022)
Expression of cellular and neurodevelopmental markers in cerebral organoids (2019)
Mass spectrometry-based targeted assay for profiling cell-specific and neurodegeneration protein markers in a single cerebral organoid (2021)
Profiling cell-specific, developmental and neurodegenerative protein markers in cerebral organoids (2021)
Mass Spectrometry-Based Targeted Assay for Profiling Cell-Specific, Developmental and Neurodegeneration Protein Markers in a Single Cerebral Organoid (2021)
Mass Spectrometry Quantitative Proteomics and Exploratory Metabolomics for Biomarker Discovery (2021)
Characterization of Gangliosides in Cerebral Organoids: A New Avenue to Study Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Cerebral Changes (2021)
Profiling cell-specific, developmental, and neurodegeneration protein markers in a single cerebral organoid (2021)
Single cerebral organoid mass spectrometry analysis: Towards neurodegenerative diseases (2022)
Characterization of membrane lipids in cerebral organoids (2021)
Advances in mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and quantitative proteomics (2021)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Comparison of social gradient in cardiometabolic health in Czechia and Venezuela: a cross-sectional study (2023)
COVID-19 infodemie (2022)
Accuracy of substance exposure history in patients attending emergency departments after substance misuse; a comparison with biological sample analysis (2023)
Biomimetic polydopamine-modified nanofibrous bilayer scaffolds used for full-thickness skin regeneration in a porcine animal model (2023)
New Developments in the EU Concept of Copyrighted Works (2023)
Pilot evaluation of the diabetes prevention program (DPP) using the transcultural cardiometabolic-based chronic disease model for Czechia (TCMBCD-CZ). (2023)
Nástroj LoopGrafter (2022)
Substituted aminothiazoles as inhibitors of nucleases (2023)
Psychological Distress Among Older Adults During the First Wave of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (2023)
Effects of pesticide exposure on oxidative stress and DNA methylation urinary biomarkers in Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort (2023)
Development of historic monthly land use regression models of SO2, NOx and suspended particulate matter for birth cohort ELSPAC (2023)
Optimalizovaná kombinovaná hybridní jednotka s kapacitou do 300l/hod (2022)
Plazmochemická jednotka pro výrobu desinfekce z vody (2021)
Funkční zařízení pro hybridní kombinovaný oxidační proces (2021)
Accelular nanofibrous bilayer scaffold intrapenetrated with polydopamine network and implemented into a full-thickness wound of a white-pig model affects inflammation and healing process (2023)
All-cause mortality of patients with STEMI, cardiogenic shock and multivessel coronary disease treated with culprit vessel only versus multivessel primary PCI (2022)
Digital Inheritance in relation to virtual worlds in computer games (2023)
From fish to cells: Establishment of continuous cell lines from embryos of annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci (2023)
Trends in outcomes of women with myocardial infarction undergoing primary angioplasty-Analysis of randomized trials (2023)
Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in relation to natural infection and vaccination between October 2020 and September 2021 in the Czech Republic: a prospective national cohort study (2023)
Reading, sharing, creating Pinterest recipes: Parental engagement and feeding behaviors (2023)
Application of AOPs to assist regulatory assessment of chemical risks - Case studies, needs and recommendations (2023)
Biomimetické nanostrukturované dvouvrstvé náhrady modifikované polydopaminem pro regeneraci kůže v plné tloušťce: in vitro a in vivo experimentální studie (2023)
Association of relative abundance of Helicobacteraceae in the stomach in patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma (2023)
Non-invasive approaches for esophageal microbiota analysis: a pilot study (2023)
Monkeypox (mpox)-related knowledge and vaccine hesitancy among czech healthcare professionals (2023)
Assessment of exposure to pesticide mixtures in five European countries by a harmonized urinary suspect screening approach (2023)
The exposure of Czech firefighters to perfluoroalkyl substances and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: CELSPAC – FIREexpo case-control human biomonitoring study (2023)
Člověk jako dílo ve smyslu autorského zákona (2023)
The effectiveness of three mobile-based psychological interventions in reducing psychological distress and preventing stress-related changes in the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network in breast cancer survivors: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2023)
Effect of titanium nanostructured surface on fibroblast behavior (2023)
Menstruační cyklus a jeho vliv na sportovní výkon (2023)
Research Note: A mixture of Bacteroides spp. and other probiotic intestinal anaerobes reduces colonization by pathogenic E. coli strain O78:H4-ST117 in newly hatched chickens (2023)
Thermostable FGF2 polypeptide, use thereof (2023)
Privacy and Technology Law Czech Republic: Information Technology Law (2023)
Common xanthene fluorescent dyes are visible-light activatable CO-releasing molecules (2023)
Accessibility investigation of semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor dust estimated by multi-ratio equilibrium passive sampling (2023)
Performance evaluation of a diffusive hydrogel-based passive sampler for monitoring of polar organic compounds in wastewater (2023)
Occurrence, sources, and spatial variation of POPs in a mountainous tropical drinking water supply basin by passive sampling (2023)
Catalytic mechanism for Renilla-type luciferases (2023)
Implementation of effect biomarkers in human biomonitoring studies: A systematic approach synergizing toxicological and epidemiological knowledge (2023)
Wide-scope target screening characterization of legacy and emerging contaminants in the Danube River Basin by liquid and gas chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (2023)
Wide-Scope Target and Suspect Screening of Antibiotics in Effluent Wastewater from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Europe (2023)
Domino-like effect of C112R mutation on ApoE4 aggregation and its reduction by Alzheimer’s Disease drug candidate (2023)
Microbiome Associated with Slovak Raw Goat Milk, Trace Minerals, and Vitamin E Content (2022)
Coverage by examinations associated with early detection of colorectal neoplasia in the Czech Republic (2023)
Evaluation of neural network feature and function settings on the model performance and accuracy (2023)
Role of adjuvant therapy in intermediate-risk cervical cancer patients - Subanalyses of the SCCAN study (2023)
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the Therapy of Cardiogenic Shock: Results of the ECMO-CS Randomized Clinical Trial (2023)
Efficacy of the intranasal application of azaperone for sedation in weaned piglets (2023)
Methods of Estimating Parameters of Skewed or Truncated Normal Distribution in the Presence of Observations Outside of Measurable Range (2023)
Paulownia tomentosa extracts fighting against staphylococcal biofilm formation (2023)
Dysglycemia-Based Chronic Disease and Lifestyle Medicine: Mechanistic Interpretation Using the Allostatic Load Model (2023)
Cyanobacterial Harmful Bloom Lipopolysaccharides Induce Pro-Inflammatory Effects in Immune and Intestinal Epithelial Cells In Vitro (2023)
Battery of In Vitro Bioassays: A Case Study for the Cost-Effective and Effect-Based Evaluation of Wastewater Effluent Quality (2023)
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Modulate Systemic Immune Response and Increase Levels of Reduced Glutathione in Mice after Seven-Week Inhalation (2023)
Large-scale monitoring and risk assessment of microplastics in the Amazon River (2023)
IntOMICS: A Bayesian Framework for Reconstructing Regulatory Networks Using Multi-Omics Data (2023)
Transmembrane transport of fluoride studied by time-resolved emission spectroscopy (2023)
Meat and fish packaging and its impact on the shelf life - a review (2023)
From science to policy: How European HBM indicators help to answer policy questions related to phthalates and DINCH exposure (2023)
Exposure to flame retardants in European children - Results from the HBM4EU aligned studies (2023)
Harmonized human biomonitoring in European children, teenagers and adults: EU-wide exposure data of 11 chemical substance groups from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014-2021) (2023)
Identification of Real-Life Mixtures Using Human Biomonitoring Data: A Proof of Concept Study (2023)
Pesticides in Small Agricultural Catchments in the Czech Republic (2023)
Transcriptomic responses of bat cells to European bat lyssavirus 1 infection under conditions simulating euthermia and hibernation (2023)
Rapid extraction and analysis of oxidative stress and DNA damage biomarker 8-hydroxy-2 '-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in urine: Application to a study with pregnant women (2023)
Exposure of children and adolescents from Northeastern Slovenia to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (2023)
Requirement of sufficient precision and objectivity and the copyrighted works (2023)
Current exposure to phthalates and DINCH in European children and adolescents - Results from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies 2014 to 2021 (2023)
Addressing chemical pollution in biodiversity research (2023)
ATHLOS Healthy Aging Scale score as the predictor of all-cause mortality in Poland and Czechia (2023)
WP2: Characterizing the internal and the external exposome in the cohort and case-series (2023)
Laboratoře analýzy mikrobiomu - testování nanomateriálu obsahujícího probiotikum a jeho využití v preventivní medicíně (2023)
Cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins and lipopolysaccharides in aerosols from inland freshwater bodies and their effects on human bronchial cells (2023)
Beached microplastics at the Bahia Blanca Estuary (Argentina): Plastic pellets as potential vectors of environmental pollution by POPs (2023)
Association of CDX2 haplogenotype with risk of reflux esophagitis, Barrett´s esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma development (2023)
Microbiome and pharmacotherapy in patients with gastrointestinal disorders (2023)
The effect of intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis on neonatal gut and oral bacteriome (2023)
Molecular markers for risk stratification of early-and late-onset complications in patients with inhalation injury (2023)
Time-trends in human urinary concentrations of phthalates and substitutes DEHT and DINCH in Asian and North American countries (2009-2019) (2023)
Model Evaluation of Indoor Exposure to Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Household Fuel Combustion in Rural Areas of Tibetan Plateau (2023)
How error-prone bioaccumulation experiments affect the risk assessment of hydrophobic chemicals and what could be improved (2023)
Description of the menstrual cycle status, energy availability, eating behavior and physical performance in a youth female soccer team (2023)
Human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of an agricultural area of central Chile and inhalation cancer risk assessments (2023)
Innovative reference materials for method validation in microplastic analysis including interlaboratory comparison exercises (2023)
Marine debris and associated organic pollutants in surface waters of Chiloe acute accent in the Northern Chilean Patagonia (42 degrees-44 degrees S) (2023)
Impact of PFAS exposure on prevalence of immune-mediated diseases in adults in the Czech Republic (2023)
Současný stav chirurgické léčby chronické (2023)
Using real-time ascertainment rate estimate from infection and hospitalization dataset for modeling the spread of infectious disease: COVID-19 case study in the Czech Republic (2023)
Occurrence, source estimation, and risk assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in coastal seawaters from the Quintero Industrial Complex (Valparaiso, Chile) (2023)
Correlation between Zn/Cu ratio and Bisphenol A in seminal plasma in men with varicocele. (2022)
Advanced Microscopic and Biosensing Approaches for Monitoring Bacteriophage-Mediated Lysis of Bacteria (2023)
The association between duration of and indications for proton pump inhibitor use and risk of gastric polyps (2023)
Estimation of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances mass loads in the Danube River using passive sampling (2023)
Passive-Sampler-Derived PCB and OCP Concentrations in the Waters of the World─First Results from the AQUA-GAPS/MONET Network (2023)
Czech Republic – National Legal Summary on Remedies Against Online Piracy of Sports Content (2021)
Bioanalytical and chemical characterization of organic micropollutant mixtures in long-term exposed passive samplers from the Joint Danube Survey 4: Setting a baseline for water quality monitoring (2023)
Candidate genes for obstructive sleep apnea in non-syndromic children with craniofacial dysmorphisms - a narrative review (2023)
Enrichment of human nasopharyngeal bacteriome with bacteria from dust after short-term exposure to indoor environment: a pilot study (2023)
Gene expression and metabolic activity of Streptococcus mutans during exposure to dietary carbohydrates glucose, sucrose, lactose, and xylitol (2023)
Comparison of Fungal Thermophilic and Mesophilic Catalase-Peroxidases for Their Antioxidative Properties (2023)
Levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Antarctic atmosphere over time (1980 to 2021) and estimation of their atmospheric half-lives (2023)
In-depth analysis of biocatalysts by microfluidics: An emerging source of data for machine learning (2023)
New approach methodologies to facilitate and improve the hazard assessment of non-genotoxic carcinogens-a PARC project (2023)
Identification, characterization, and engineering of glycosylation in thrombolytics (2023)
Measuring riverine macroplastic: Methods, harmonisation, and quality control (2023)
Predicting soil organic carbon stocks in different layers of forest soils in the Czech Republic (2023)
Different approaches to explore the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on carbonaceous aerosols at a European rural background site (2023)
Effect of Circadian Rhythm and Menstrual Cycle on Physical Performance in Women: A Systematic Review (2023)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: insights of innovative research into modern clinical care (2023)
Characteristics of the prostate cancer screening process in cancer survivors and in general population: prospective pilot study in the Czech Republic (2023)
Mortality related to pressure ulcers in Czech Republic- Analyses of national health registries (2023)
Primary cilia and hypoxia-associated signaling in developmental odontogenic cysts in relation to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease-A novel insight (2023)
Consent of Right Holder Required for a License Transfer in the Context of a Lease Contract (2023)
Age-related mating rates among ecologically distinct lineages of bedbugs, Cimex lectularius (2023)
Complete coverage by examinations: relationship to colorectal cancer burden and the COVID-19 (2022)
Cost-Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in the Czech Republic (2020)
Proč a jak může ortodontista pomoci s poruchami dýchání ve spánku u dětí? (2023)
Tělesná zdatnost žáků na základních a středních školách. Výuka tělesné výchovy a podpora pohybových aktivit (2023)
Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure Bambus[6]urils Utilizing Orthogonal Protection of Glycolurils (2023)
Untangling the role of biotic and abiotic ageing of various environmental plastics toward the sorption of metals (2023)
pyCaverDock: Python implementation of the popular tool for analysis of ligand transport with advanced caching and batch calculation support (2023)
Longitudinal study of epigenetic aging and its relationship with brain aging and cognitive skills in young adulthood (2023)
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Persistent Organic Pollutants across Europe after 15 Years of MONET Passive Air Sampling (2023)
National analyses of the prevalence of pressure ulcers in patients with spinal cord injury as a basis for systemic change (2023)
Aktivní škola. Inspirace pro podporu pohybových aktivit žáků (2023)
Firefighters and the liver: Exposure to PFAS and PAHs in relation to liver function and serum lipids (CELSPAC-FIREexpo study) (2023)
Reactive Oxygen Species in the Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework: Toward Creation of Harmonized Consensus Key Events (2022)
Dětská spánková apnoe – silně poddiagnostikované onemocnění z pohledu lékaře dětské ORL, neurologa a ortodontisty (2023)
Co mají společné ortodoncie a spánková medicína? (2023)
Optimized procedure for high-throughput transcriptome profiling of small extracellular vesicles isolated from low volume serum samples (2024)
Cost-Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in the Czech Republic (2020)
The Czech National Programme for Early Detection of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – interim results from the pivotal project (2021)
Populační pilotní program časného záchytu karcinomu plic v České republice (2021)
Effects of Dietary Zinc and/or an Herbal Mixture on Intestinal Microbiota and Barrier Integrity in Lambs (2023)
Nové doporučení Rady Evropské unie o screeningu nádorových onemocnění (2023)
Sekundární prevence osteoporotických zlomenin u stárnoucí populace mužů a žen v České republice (2019)
Role sestry ve screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu - samostatné provádění a hodnocení kapslové endoskopie (2020)
Náklady na léčbu kolorektálního karcinomu a nákladová efektivita screeningového programu v České republice (2020)
Indikátory kvality onkologických screeningových programů nová data o intervalových karcinomech (2020)
Prevence a screening kolorektálního karcinomu v České republice (2021)
Fracture Liaison Services: Program koordinované sekundární prevence osteoporotických zlomenin (2021)
Pilotní projekt FLS OSTEO - Sekundární prevence osteoporotických zlomenin (2021)
Informační podpora a výsledky Národního programu screeningu karcinomu prsu v České republice (2021)
Epidemiologie karcinomu prsu (2021)
Časný záchyt diabetické retinopatie s využitím non-mydriatické fundus kamery v ambulanci diabetologa - výsledky pilotního projektu (2021)
Programy prevence osteoporotických zlomenin v České republice (2022)
The Impact Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Colorectal Cancer Screening In The Czech Republic (2021)
Risk Factors Related To Advanced Colorectal Neoplasia In Colorectal Cancer Screening – Interim Results Of Multicentric Prospective Study (2021)
Methods of dealing with attrition bias due to non-random dropout in models with binary outcome (2023)
Datový audit screeningu nádorů tlustého střeva a konečníku a jeho nákladová efektivita (2022)
Direct mailing of self-sample HPV test vs. usual reminder letter to older women non-participating in cervical cancer screening: a prospective study in the Czech Republic (2023)
Increasing participation rate in population-based cancer screening programmes through improvement of invitation letters: pilot study in the Czech Republic (2023)
Population pilot programme for prostate cancer early detection in the Czech Republic: situation analysis and planned design (2023)
Cervical cancer screening in the Czech Republic: Past, present and future (2023)
Twenty years of breast cancer screening in the Czech Republic: performance indicators of the national organised programme (2023)
Optimization of the colorectal cancer screening programme in the Czech Republic: Direct mailing of qFIT to patients (2023)
Informační podpora a monitoring programu časného záchytu karcinomu plic (2021)
Nákladová efektivita kolorektálního screeningu v České republice (2021)
Pilotní projekt časného záchytu tyreopatií v graviditě (2022)
Environment drives color pattern polymorphism in sand lizards beyond the Gloger's rule (2023)
Vzorkování vnitřních prostor zdravotnických zařízení a domácností onkologických pacientů za účelem sledování hladin kontaminace cytotoxickými léčivy a omezování souvisejících rizik (2023)
Multi-detekční analytická metoda pro stanovení markerů cytostatických léčiv v pracovním prostředí nemocnic (2023)
Akční plán pro zlepšení kvality ovzduší ve městě Brně (2023)
Microcystis. (2012)
Poměr plazminogen/plazmin jako ukazatel bezpečnosti trombolytické léčby (2023)
Consumer Protection [Online Sales and Online Services] (2023)
Patent Law (2023)
Trademarks (2023)
Design Protection (Application to Digital Products) (2023)
Protection of Databases (2023)
Protection of Internet Domain Names (2023)
Toxická epidermální nekrolýza: současný pohled na možnosti diagnostiky a terapie v kontextu personalizované medicíny (2023)
Střevní mikrobiota u splenektomovaných pacientů (2023)
Early-Life Temperamental Differences as Longitudinal Predictors of Unintentional Injuries (2024)
Deciphering Enzyme Mechanisms with Engineered Ancestors and Substrate Analogues (2023)
Cerebral organoids derived from patients with Alzheimer´s disease with PSEN1/2 mutations have defective tissue patterning and altered development (2023)
Advancing Enzyme's Stability and Catalytic Efficiency through Synergy of Force-Field Calculations, Evolutionary Analysis, and Machine Learning (2023)
Koncepce rozvoje univerzitního sportu na MU 2021–2025 (2021)
Development and validation of food and nutrition literacy survey (2023)
Challenges in prospective observational studies evaluating pressure ulcer costs: how to price the items correctly (2023)
Oral adverse events following COVID-19 and influenza vaccination in Australia (2023)
The Relative Age Effect at Different Age Periods in Soccer: A Meta-Analysis (2023)
Application of the mass spectrometry to identify protein markers of Alzheimer's disease (2023)
Is the oxidative potential of components of fine particulate matter surface-mediated? (2023)
Parental education, cognition and functional connectivity of the salience network (2023)
Spin-Vibronic Control of Intersystem Crossing in Iodine-Substituted Heptamethine Cyanines (2023)
Czech women's experiences with maternity care – analysis of free text comments (2023)
Proposals of guidance values for surface contamination by antineoplastic drugs based on long term monitoring in Czech and Slovak hospitals and pharmacies (2023)
Can spirometry improve the performance of cardiovascular risk model in high-risk Eastern European countries? (2023)
16S rRNA gene primer choice impacts off-target amplification in human gastrointestinal tract biopsies and microbiome profiling (2023)
In cellulo and in vivo assays for compound testing against Trypanosoma cruzi (2023)
Sulfonothioated meso-Methyl BODIPY Shows Enhanced Uncaging Efficiency and Releases H2Sn (2023)
Denitrification Assays for Testing Effects of Xenobiotics on Aquatic Denitrification and Their Degradation in Aquatic Environments (2023)
Ecological risk assessment of metal pollutants in two agriculturally impacted estuaries (2023)
Proposal for regulatory risk mitigation measures for human pharmaceutical residues in the environment (2023)
Nonprocedural bleeding after left atrial appendage closure versus direct oral anticoagulants: A subanalysis of the randomized PRAGUE-17 trial (2023)
Gut microbiota changes - dysbiotic senescence pattern in the context of viral suppression (2023)
Luminální mikrobiota u lidí žijících s HIV – deplece producentů SCFA (2023)
Industrial source identification of polyhalogenated carbazoles and preliminary assessment of their global emissions (2023)
A Fecal MicroRNA Signature by Small RNA Sequencing Accurately Distinguishes Colorectal Cancers: Results From a Multicenter Study (2023)
Multimeric structure of a subfamily III haloalkane dehalogenase-like enzyme solved by combination of cryo-EM and x-ray crystallography (2023)
ChannelsDB 2.0: A Comprehensive Database of Protein Tunnels and Pores in AlphaFold Era (2023)
Role of microbial phytases in improving fish health (2023)
Environmental signature and health risk assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) emitted from a landfill fire in Santiago de Chile (2023)
Public (Health) Sector and Academia (2023)
Prenatal and Childhood Smoke Exposure Associations with Cognition, Language, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2023)
Effect of various cooking methods on cooking loss, sensory and instrumental properties of pork neck (2023)
Cooking loss in flank, rump, rib eye and striploin steaks The effect of cooking on eating quality parameters (2023)
Next generation proteomics identifies a potential protein marker of poor response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2023)
European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network (2023)
Allometric normalization of handgrip strength in older adults: Which body size parameter is the most appropriate? (2023)
Improved Screening of Monoclonal Gammopathy Patients by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Biostatistic and machine learning in MALDI mass spectrometry research (2023)
Benefity NPWT u multimorbidních pacientů v interních oborech (2023)
Recognition and coacervation of G-quadruplexes by a multifunctional disordered region in RECQ4 helicase (2023)
Centre of pressure changes during stance but not during gait in young women after alcohol intoxication. (2023)
The explanation of educational disparities in adiposity by lifestyle, socioeconomic and mental health mediators (2023)
Olanzapine, but not haloperidol, exerts pronounced acute metabolic effects in the methylazoxymethanol rat model (2024)
Analyzing game statistics and career trajectories of female elite junior tennis players: A machine learning approach (2023)
Trajectories in physical functioning at older age in relation to childhood and adulthood SES and social mobility: a population-based cohort study (2023)
Plastic debris, persistent organic pollutants and their toxicity impacts in coastal areas in Central Chile (2023)
In vivo molecular biocompatibility of Calotropis gigentea contrived smart Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-sulphonic-Silver microgel hybrid with embryonic Danio rerio inferred via intrinsic atomic physiological impacts (2023)
Evaluation of Physicochemical Property Data in the ECHA Database (2023)
A vision for safer food contact materials: Public health concerns as drivers for improved testing (2023)
Time Patterns in Internal Human Exposure Data to Bisphenols, Phthalates, DINCH, Organophosphate Flame Retardants, Cadmium and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Europe (2023)
InVADo: Interactive Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Data (2024)
ChannelsDB 2.0: a comprehensive database of protein tunnels and pores in AlphaFold era (2024)
Transmembrane glycoprotein GPNMB is a potential marker of poor response of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor treatment (2023)
How nematodes respond to nanoformulations of Tebuconazole: a comparison study in single species and community level of nematode (2023)
Komplikationen nach Brustoperationen in der Ästhetischen Chirurgie (2023)
Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid cells by flow cytometry: Comparison to conventional cytology (2023)
Unraveling adipose tissue proteomic landscapes in severe obesity: insights into metabolic complications and potential biomarkers (2023)
Molecular portraits of colorectal cancer morphological regions (2023)
Tuning CH Hydrogen Bond-Based Receptors toward Picomolar Anion Affinity via the Inductive Effect of Distant Substituents (2024)
PredictONCO: a web tool supporting decision-making in precision oncology by extending the bioinformatics predictions with advanced computing and machine learning (2024)
FireProt 2.0: web-based platform for the fully automated design of thermostable proteins (2024)
The Southern European Atlantic diet and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a European multicohort study (2024)
Někdo to rád studené: stres na letní expedici do Antarktidy (2023)
Space Medicine and Human Research in Space Analogs (2023)
Stress research in space analog mission using a novel method based on thermodynamics (2023)
Stres v extrémním prostředí: Antarktida a vesmírné analogické mise (2023)
Jak využít Sílu (vědy) ve vesmíru i na Zemi? (2023)
Výzkum stresu v extremních podmínkach pomocí nové metody založené na termodynamice (2023)
Po Remkovi (2023)
Analogické kosmické mise a Antarktida (2023)
Věda na antarktidě - Rozhovor - #104 (2023)
Výzkum stresu na Antarktidě a vesmírných analogických misích (2023)
Mezi světy: výzkum stresu v těhotenství, pandemii, Antarktidě a cvičných vesmírných misích (2023)
From stress to entropy, and Antarctica to space (2023)
MEEVA: A smart system to estimate and mitigate stress effects during Analogue Astronauts’ EVAs (2023)
First Analog Mission of the Jordan Space Research Initiative: One Small Step for Emerging Space Countries, One Giant Leap for Jordan (2023)
Research Overview of the CHILL-ICE 2 Campaign, August 2022, Hallmundarhraun, Iceland (2023)
The Role of Metaverse in the future of the Space Sector (2023)
The role of the Metaverse in the future of the space sector (2023)
Evoluce lidského pohybu (2023)
Morphological types of sella turcica bridging and sella turcica dimensions in relation to palatal canine impaction: a retrospective study (2023)
Serum concentrations of proinflammatory biomarker interleukin-6 (IL-6) as a predictor of postoperative complications after elective colorectal surgery (2023)
Nanoparticle tag counting for tissue imaging using single-particle ICP MS (2023)
Single-particle infrared laser ablation ICP MS for digital imaging of 3D cell aggregates (2023)
Biological factors and self-perception of stress in relation to freeze-like response in humans (2023)
Epidurální tuková tkáň – nové poznatky a její význam ve spinální chirurgii (2023)
Substituted aminothiazoles as inhibitors of nucleases (2023)
Thermostable FGF2 polypeptide, use thereof (2023)
Management tool for epidemic monitoring, analysis, and visualisation (2023)
Perinatal maternal mental health and amygdala morphology in young adulthood (2023)
Paulownia tomentosa fruit extracts activity in eradication of Staphylococcus aureus (2023)
Proteotype classification of metastatic and localized renal cell carcinomas for prognosis and therapy response (2023)
Proteotype classification of localized and metastatic renal cell carcinoma for prognosis and therapy response (2023)
Effects of antimicrobials on microbial Raman spectra as the first step for detection of antimicrobialresistance (2023)
Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry imaging of immunochemically labeled spheroids (2023)
Current-use pesticide exposure pathways in Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort (2023)
Invited commentary on "Interactions between long-term ambient particle exposures and lifestyle on the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes: insight from a large community-based survey" (2023)
Association of Maternal Depression During Pregnancy and Recent Stress With Brain Age Among Adult Offspring (2023)
The SAP domain of Ku facilitates its efficient loading onto DNA ends (2023)
Countrywide analysis of heat- and cold-related mortality trends in the Czech Republic: growing inequalities under recent climate warming (2024)
Vliv pandemie covidu-19 na akutní pankreatitidu v České republice – pilotní data studie PANACOTA (PANcreatitis Acuta in COvid Time Analysis) (2023)
Has Regulatory Action Reduced Human Exposure to Flame Retardants? (2023)
Biomimetic antimicrobial polymers-Design, characterization, antimicrobial, and novel applications (2023)
Experimental review of different plasma technologies for the degradation of cylindrospermopsin as model water pollutant (2023)
Unlocking India's Potential in Managing Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): Importance, Challenges, and Opportunities (2023)
Occurrence of pesticide residues in indoor dust of farmworker households across Europe and Argentina (2023)
Informační zázemí pro populační pilotní program časného záchytu karcinomu prostaty (2023)
Algoritmus programu časného záchytu karcinomu prostaty a vykazování zdravotních výkonů (2023)
Proč zavádíme program časného záchytu karcinomu prostaty? Datové zázemí pro plánování programu (2023)
Výsledky z evaluace screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu v České republice (2023)
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the occurrence and outcome of cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction (2023)
The Prognosis of Cardiogenic Shock Following Acute Myocardial Infarction-an Analysis of 2693 Cases From a Prospective Multicenter Registry (2023)
Utilization of healthcare services in acute myocardial infarction and the risk of out-of-hospital cardiac death (2024)
Outcomes of patients with myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock treated with culprit vessel-only versus multivessel primary PCI (2024)
Atypical homodimerization revealed by the structure of the (S)-enantioselective haloalkane dehalogenase DmmarA from Mycobacterium marinum (2023)
Prenylované rostlinné fenoly jako modulátory buněčné komunikace (2023)
Perspectives on antimicrobial properties of Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit products in the control of Staphylococcus aureus infections (2024)
Populační pilotní program časného záchytu karcinomu prostaty v ČR: důvody zavedení a algoritmus screeningu (2023)
Monomerization of Phthalocyanines in Water via Their Supramolecular Interactions with Cucurbiturils (2023)
Illuminating the mechanism and allosteric behavior of NanoLuc luciferase (2023)
Examining the applicability of polar organic chemical integrative sampler for long-term monitoring of groundwater contamination caused by currently used pesticides (2023)
Insights into the Chemical Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols from Urban-Industrial and Rural Sites in South-East of Poland During Winter (2023)
Innovate beyond PFAS (2023)
Occurrence, Source and Dietary Exposure of Toxic and Essential Elements in the Indian Food Basket (2023)
Atmospheric Hydroxyl Radical Reaction Rate Coefficient and Total Environmental Lifetime of α-Endosulfan (2023)
Sources of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediments of the East China marginal seas: Role of unintentionally-produced PCBs (2023)
Potvrdil pilotní projekt vyšší výskyt karcinomu prostaty u mužů v dispenzární péči po jiné onkologické diagnóze než u mužů v běžné populaci? (2023)
Potvrdil pilotní projekt vyšší výskyt karcinomu prostaty u mužů v dispenzární péči po jiné onkologické diagnóze než u mužů v běžné populaci? (2023)
Prostascreening.cz – Program časného záchytu karcinomu prostaty [online] (2023)
Program časného záchytu karcinomu plic [online] (2022)
The effect of space travel on human reproductive health: a systematic review (2024)
Synergické účinky dulaglutidu a omezení příjmu potravy v prevenci metabolických nežádoucích účinků vyvolaných olanzapinem u potkanů (2024)
Intriguing properties of graphite/polysiloxane composite-based pencil electrodes (2024)
Physicochemical and biological ageing processes of (micro)plastics in the environment: a multi-tiered study on polyethylene (2023)
A walk in the PARC: developing and implementing 21st century chemical risk assessment in Europe (2023)
Computer-assisted stabilization of fibroblast growth factor FGF-18 (2023)
The Influence of Adiposity Levels on the Relation between Perfluoroalkyl Substances and High Depressive Symptom Scores in Czech Adults (2023)
Policy options to account for multiple chemical pollutants threatening biodiversity (2023)
Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution (2023)
Computational methods for adsorption study in wastewater treatment (2023)
Cognitive Performance and Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants in Children: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Analysis of Two European Mother-Child Cohorts (2023)
A Critical Review on the Opportunity to Use Placenta and Innovative Biomonitoring Methods to Characterize the Prenatal Chemical Exposome (2023)
The long-term effects of consecutive COVID-19 waves on mental health (2024)
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Human Milk (2023)
Plazmatické hladiny FSTL1 a FSLT5 predikují obnovu funkce levé komory u pacientů s nově zjištěnou dilatační kardiomyopatií (2023)
Correlative Chemical Imaging Identifies Amyloid Peptide Signatures of Neuritic Plaques and Dystrophy in Human Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease (2023)
Comparison of ticagrelor and prasugrel just before PCI in NSTE acute coronary syndromes, LIKE-ACCOAST analysis (2023)
Abstract 13625: Laboratory Markers of Effective Endogenous Fibrinolysis in Intermediate-High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism (2023)
Major iatrogenic bile duct injury during elective cholecystectomy: a Czech population register-based study (2023)
Abstract 15489: Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction and Pre-Existing Left Heart Valvular Disease (2023)
Perceived discrimination in primary care: Does Payer mix matter? (2023)
WHO- and UNEP-Coordinated Human Milk Studies 2000–2019: Findings of Chlorinated Paraffins (2023)
WHO- and UNEP-Coordinated Exposure Studies 2000–2019: Findings of Polybrominated Substances (PBDE, HBCDD, PBB 153, PBDD/PBDF) (2023)
Overall Conclusions and Key Messages of the WHO/UNEP-Coordinated Human Milk Studies on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2023)
Time Trends in Human Milk Derived from WHO- and UNEP-Coordinated Exposure Studies, Chapter 1: Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (2023)
Time Trends in Human Milk Derived from WHO- and UNEP-Coordinated Exposure Studies, Chapter 2: DDT, Beta-HCH and HCB (2023)
High colonisation by probiotic Escherichia coli A0 34/86 strain is associated with a less diverse microbiome related to children’s age (2024)
Merging Bambus[6]uril and Biotin[6]uril into an Enantiomerically Pure Monofunctionalized Hybrid Macrocycle (2024)
Time Trends in Human Milk Derived from WHO- and UNEP-Coordinated Exposure Studies, Chapter 3: Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (2023)
The Stockholm Convention, Global Monitoring Plan and its Implementation in Regional and Global Monitoring Reports (2023)
Outlook (Towards Future Studies on Human Milk) (2023)
The explanation of educational disparities in adiposity by lifestyle, socioeconomic and mental health mediators: a multiple mediation model (2024)
Factors affecting diffusion of polar organic compounds in agarose hydrogel applied to control mass transfer in passive samplers (2023)
The Lucigenin Assay: Measuring Anion Transport in Lipid Vesicles (2024)
Exploring new galaxies: Perspectives on the discovery of novel PET-degrading enzymes (2024)
Machine Learning-Guided Protein Engineering (2023)
Early-onset pancreatic cancer: A national cancer registry study from the Czech Republic and review of the literature (2023)
RETRO-POPE: A Retrospective, Multicenter, Real-World Study of All-Cause Mortality in COPD (2023)
The Behavior of Terbuthylazine, Tebuconazole, and Alachlor during Denitrification Process (2023)
Statistical analysis plan for a randomized controlled trial examining pedometer-based walking intervention in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the WATCHFUL trial (2023)
ABCA3 and LZTFL1 Polymorphisms and Risk of COVID-19 in the Czech Population (2023)
Visible-Light-Activated Carbon Monoxide Release from Porphyrin-Flavonol Hybrids (2024)
How to follow the new EU Council recommendation and improve prostate cancer early detection: the Prostaforum 2022 declaration (2023)
Clinical characteristics and mortality in all Czech patients after pacemaker implantation in the last decade (2023)
Detecting horizontal gene transfer among microbiota: an innovative pipeline for identifying co-shared genes within the mobilome through advanced comparative analysis (2024)
Sex and age differences in sST2 in cardiovascular disease (2023)
Recenze závěrečných prací II/2023 (2023)
Mobility Networks as a Predictor of Socioeconomic Status in Urban Systems (2023)
Urban Zoning Using Intraday Mobile Phone-Based Commuter Patterns in the City of Brno (2023)
Can variants, reinfection, symptoms and test types affect COVID-19 diagnostic performance? A large-scale retrospective study of AG-RDTs during circulation of Delta and Omicron variants, Czechia, December 2021 to February 2022 (2023)
Atmospheric mercury and its deposition during the phasing out of an amalgam electrolysis plant: temporal, seasonal, and spatial patterns (2023)
A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology (2023)
Assessing sources and fractions of metals associated with environmental plastics: a case study in Lake Como (Italy) (2023)
Parody of Audio-Visual Works (2024)
Improving the regulatory environmental risk assessment of human pharmaceuticals: Required changes in the new legislation (2023)
Living in poverty and accelerated biological aging: evidence from population-representative sample of U.S. adults (2024)
Bilateral and multiple non-syndromic dentigerous cysts – are they that rare? (2023)
Evaluation of dentin wear after flossing (2023)
Bacteriome of bronchoalveolar lavage in patients with inhalation injury during their hospitalization - a pilot study (2023)
The effect of intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis on oral bacteriome in neonates in the first week of theri life - i pilot study (2023)
Vyšetření rizika mikrobiální kontaminace potravin (2023)
Comparison of sequencing analyses targeting the V1/V2 and V3/V4 regions in the 16S rDNA gene – analysis of bacteriome in oral swabs and esophageal tissues (2023)
Transcriptomic analysis of esophageal tissues and potential biomarkers for differential diagnostics of Barrett´s mucosa and esophageal adenocarcinoma (2023)
Identification on new contaminants of emerging concern: suspect and non-target analysis of marine environmental samples (2023)
Study of Protein Conformational Dynamics Using Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Genetic risk score in patients with the APOE2/E2 genotype as a predictor of familial dysbetalipoproteinemia (2024)
Bacteriome analysis of cystic fluids from odontogenic cysts – a pilot study (2023)
Bacteriomes of dental plaques from teeth affected by apical periodontitis in patients with different periapical lesions: a pilot case-case study (2023)
Bacteriomes of the dorsum of the tongue in children undergoing orthodontic treatment in relation to the mouth breathing (2023)
16S rDNA sequencing analysis of low-abundance samples spiked with bacterial mock community (2023)
Výzkumná infrastruktura RECETOX – metagenomické analýzy a hojení ran (2023)
Introduction of RNAscope method for detection of selected bacteria associated with apical periodontitis (2023)
Enrichment of human nasopharyngeal bacteriome with bacteria from dust after short-term exposure to indoor environment (2023)
The lack of association of selected interleukin 10 polymorphisms with odontogenic cysts in the Czech population (2023)
Verification of diagnosis using CDX2 gene expression in esophageal fresh frozen tissue (2023)
The design of internal standard for mycobiome analysis of clinical samples (2023)
Socioeconomic status and adiposity in childhood cancer survivors: A cross-sectional retrospective study (2024)
Laboratoře analýzy mikrobiomu - ušní, nasální a orální bakteriom (2023)
Bakteriom středního ucha u dětí a mladých dospělých s retrakční kapsou a cholesteatomem (2023)
Pesticide residues with hazard classifications relevant to non-target species including humans are omnipresent in the environment and farmer residences (2023)
Anti-androgenic activity of novel flame retardants in mixtures: Newly identified contribution from tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate (TDBP-TAZTO) (2023)
Potential risk of estrogenic compounds produced by water blooms to aquatic environment (2023)
Cartilage tympanoplasty for retraction pocket of the tympanic membrane in children (2024)
Light-activatable H2S donors (2022)
Questioning the appropriateness of sieving for processing indoor settled dust samples (2022)
New sample preparation method to analyse 15 specific and non-specific pesticide metabolites in human urine using LC-MS/MS (2021)
Fully Automated Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction using FireProtASR (2021)
ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] (2023)
Organic and inorganic carbon storage in riparian zones of Central European rivers – A comparison of methods for their determination (2024)
Assessment of plasma protein C activity in dogs with portosystemic shunt (2023)
Důvěřovat či nedůvěřovat, aneb Hamletovo dilema ve veřejných databázích (2024)
Bažant obecný jako modelový predátor (2024)
Cyanobacterial anatoxin-a does not induce in vitro developmental neurotoxicity, but changes gene expression patterns in co-exposure with all-trans retinoic acid (2024)
A Platform for the Synthesis of Oxidation Products of Bilirubin (2024)
Právo duševního vlastnictví (2020)
Type 1 Autoimmune Pancreatitis in Europe: Clinical Profile and Response to Treatment (2024)
Next generation sequencing reveals a novel nonsense mutation in MSX1 gene related to oligodontia (2019)
Bacterial Lactonases ZenA with Noncanonical Structural Features Hydrolyze the Mycotoxin Zearalenone (2024)
Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c (2023)
Predictive Model of the Risk of Fall Based on Physical Fitness Assessment in Older Adults (2023)
Lung Cancer in the Czech Republic (2023)
Computer-aided engineering of stabilized fibroblast growth factor 21 (2024)
Effects of three tebuconazole nanopesticides on the survival of Daphnia magna (2024)
Pulmonary function and trajectories of cognitive decline in aging population (2024)
Social and environmental stressors and cardiometabolic risk (2023)
Thermostable FGF2 Polypeptide, Use Thereof (2023)
UiO-66-based metal-organic frameworks for CO2 catalytic conversion, adsorption and separation (2024)
Performance comparison of three passive samplers for monitoring of polar organic contaminants in treated municipal wastewater (2024)
Altered Transcriptome Response in PBMCs of Czech Adults Linked to Multiple PFAS Exposure: B Cell Development as a Target of PFAS Immunotoxicity (2024)
Hepatotoxicity of cyanotoxin microcystin-LR in human: Insights into mechanisms of action in the 3D culture model Hepoid-HepaRG (2024)
Licenční smlouvy (2024)
Práva vydavatelů tiskových publikací k jejich užití online (2024)
Závazky ze smluv o poskytování digitálního obsahu nebo služeb digitálního obsahu (2024)
Autorské právo a Internet (2024)
Inheritability of Gaming Accounts of Massive Multiplayer Online Games (Central-European Perspective) (2024)
A seven-year-based characterization of aerosol light scattering properties at a rural central European site (2024)
Cyanobacterial bloom-associated lipopolysaccharides induce pro-inflammatory processes in keratinocytes in vitro (2024)
Multimodal Carbon Monoxide Photorelease from Flavonoids (2024)
Child exposure to organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides measured in urine, wristbands, and household dust and its implications for child health in South Africa: A panel study (2024)
Exposure to benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles in Czech male population and its associations with biomarkers of liver function, serum lipids and oxidative stress (2024)
Gathering insights on the B-cell migration polarity from live-cell imaging of CLL and MCL cells (2023)
Vývoj inovativní zubní nitě - Zubní nit s dvojitou bioaktivní vrstvou deponovanou na povrchu vlákna (2023)
Proteomic analysis of ascitic extracellular vesicles describes tumour microenvironment and predicts patient survival in ovarian cancer (2024)
Photoelectrochemical Enzyme Biosensor for Malate Using Quantum Dots on Indium Tin Oxide/Plastics as a Sensing Surface (2024)
Neobvyklá příčina elevace transamináz (2024)
Learning to design protein-protein interactions with enhanced generalization (2024)
Revealing data leakage in protein interaction benchmarks (2024)
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence for Synthetic Biology (2024)
Sotosův syndrom - kazuistika (2024)
CD14 Polymorphism Is Not Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Central European Population (2023)
Endocrine disrupting potential of total and bioaccessible extracts of dust from seven different types of indoor environment (2024)
Glutathione S-transferase M1, T1, and P1 polymorphisms and periodontitis in a Caucasian population: a case-control study (2024)
Direct mailing of HPV self-sampling kits to women aged 50-65 non-participating in cervical screening in the Czech Republic (2024)
The Impact of Switching to a Second Antifibrotic in Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Retrospective Multicentre Study From the EMPIRE Registry (2024)
Cross sectional study on exposure to BPA and its analogues and semen parameters in Czech men (2024)
Zonulin – nový pomocník v managementu IBD? (2024)
Balancing Initial Copyright Ownership in Czech and Slovak Private International Law (2024)
Diagnostika a terapie inhalačního traumatu v kontextu zavedených postupů i budoucích možností (2024)
Reexamining Precision and Objectivity in Copyright Protection for Non-Traditional Creations (2024)
Hosting (2024)
Indexing (2024)
Nano-enabled pesticides: a comprehensive toxicity assessment of tebuconazole nanoformulations with nematodes at single species and community level (2024)
Release and stability of two tebuconazole nanoformulations in different aquatic media (2024)
Determination of metal ion levels in circulation in patients with joint replacement (2024)
N-glycan profiling of tissue samples to aid breast cancer subtyping (2024)
A perspective on genetic and polygenic risk scores - advances and limitations and overview of associated tools (2024)
Investigation of long non-coding RNAs in extracellular vesicles from low-volume blood serum specimens of colorectal cancer patients (2024)
Changes of serum protein N-glycosylation in cancer (2022)
Metodické přístupy pro analýzu bakteriomu kořenového systému zubu postiženého apikální periodontitidou (2023)
Potent synergistic effects of dulaglutide and food restriction in prevention of olanzapine-induced metabolic adverse effects in a rodent model (2024)
Sotosův syndrom: 2 kazuistiky našich probandů (2024)
Potenciál GLP-1 receptorového agonisty v normalizaci dysmetabolického fenotypu indukovaného olanzapinem o potkana (2024)
Evolution of environmental chemistry study program curricula in tertiary education: a case study and general implications (2024)
Health Policy for Prostate Cancer Early Detection in the European Union and the Impact of Opportunistic Screening: PRAISE-U Consortium (2024)
Metal-organic framework composites for electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (2024)
Polybrominated diphenyl ether contamination in sediments from rivers in the western Niger Delta of Nigeria (2024)
A Tagging Polymorphism in Fat Mass and Obesity-Associated (FTO) Gene Is Associated with Sepsis Status in Children (2024)
Harmonized quality assurance/quality control provisions to assess completeness and robustness of MS1 data preprocessing for LC-HRMS-based suspect screening and non-targeted analysis (2024)
DIMet: an open-source tool for differential analysis of targeted isotope-labeled metabolomics data (2024)
Association between muscle strength and depression in a cohort of young adults (2024)
Central Ring Puckering Enhances the Stokes Shift of Xanthene Dyes (2024)
Physiological evidence of stress reduction during a summer Antarctic expedition with a significant influence of previous experience and vigor (2024)
Interpretace autorského díla (2024)
Evropský systém právní ochrany dat (2024)
System of Data Protection in the EU (2024)
Implementing the TDM Exception in Czech Republic (2024)
Internal Flames: Metal(loid) Exposure Linked to Alteration of the Lipid Profile in Czech Male Firefighters (CELSPAC-FIREexpo Study) (2024)
Widespread Pesticide Distribution in the European Atmosphere Questions their Degradability in Air (2024)
Social and environmental stressors of cardiometabolic health (2024)
Strategy towards producing relevant and reliable data for the hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils (2024)
Determination of PPAR gamma agonistic activity of mimulone and diplacone in nanoparticle formulations (2024)
Prenatal exposure to alcohol and its impact on reward processing and substance use in adulthood (2024)
A pilot study of seminal plasma analysis in cystic fibrosis patients compared to a healthy population reveals significant changes in its composition. (2024)
Evaluation of viscoelastic parameters and photo-based assessment of newly developed dermal substitutes modified with thermostabilized fibroblast growth factor 2 (2024)
Potential of a GLP-1 receptor agonist in normalizing the olanzapine-induced dysmetabolic phenotype in the rat (2024)
Application of human biomonitoring data to support policy development, raise awareness and environmental public health protection among countries within the HBM4EU project (2023)
The mediating role of air pollutants in the association between education and lung function among the elderly, the HAPIEE study (2024)
Personalized dendritic cell vaccine in multimodal individualized combination therapy improves survival in high-risk pediatric cancer patients (2024)
Longer-Term Outcomes of the Yacoub versus Bentall Procedure in a Nationwide Propensity-Matched Comparison (2024)
Socioeconomic status and adiposity in childhood cancer survivors: A cross-sectional retrospective study (2024)
Development of a supramolecular solvent–based extraction method for application to quantitative analyses of a wide range of organic contaminants in indoor dust (2024)
Prenatal exposure to air pollution and maternal depression: Combined effects on brain aging and mental health in young adulthood (2024)
Visual Support for the Loop Grafting Workflow on Proteins (2024)
A computational workflow for analysis of missense mutations in precision oncology (2024)
A fast and reliable LC-MS-MS method for the quantification of saxitoxin in blood plasma samples (2024)
High-Throughput Microbore LC-MS Lipidomics to Investigate APOE Phenotypes (2024)
Structure-Photoreactivity Relationship Study of Substituted 3-Hydroxyflavones and 3-Hydroxyflavothiones for Improving Carbon Monoxide Photorelease (2024)
Investigation of alkyl, aryl, and chlorinated OPFRs in sediments from estuarine systems: Seasonal variation, spatial distribution and ecological risks assessment (2024)
BODIPY-cucurbituril complexes: supramolecular approach toward improvement of photodynamic activity (2024)
Microplastic aging processes: Environmental relevance and analytical implications (2024)
Distribution of pesticides in agroecosystem food webs differ among trophic groups and between annual and perennial crops (2024)
The posterity of Zebrafish in paradigm of in vivo molecular toxicological profiling (2024)
Tracking Aromatic Amines from Sources to Surface Waters (2024)
Assessing pesticide residues occurrence and risks in water systems: A Pan-European and Argentina perspective (2024)
An invasion front gene expression signature for higher-risk patient selection in stage IIA MSS colon cancer (2024)
Cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin disrupts lipid homeostasis and metabolism in a 3D in vitro model of the human liver (2024)
Exploring BPA alternatives - Environmental levels and toxicity review (2024)
Beyond target chemicals: updating the NORMAN prioritisation scheme to support the EU chemicals strategy with semi-quantitative suspect/non-target screening data (2024)
Thermal Truncation of Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes (2024)
Scientometric trends and knowledge maps of global polychlorinated naphthalenes research over the past four decades (2024)
Detrimental consequences of micropolymers associated plasticizers on endocrinal disruption (2024)
GASP: A Pan-Specific Predictor of Family 1 Glycosyltransferase Acceptor Specificity Enabled by a Pipeline for Substrate Feature Generation and Large-Scale Experimental Screening (2024)
Adopting Mechanistic Molecular Biology Approaches in Exposome Research for Causal Understanding (2024)
Epigenetic and transcriptional control of adipocyte function by centenarian-associated SIRT6 N308K/A313S mutant (2024)
CoVAMPnet: Comparative Markov State Analysis for Studying Effects of Drug Candidates on Disordered Biomolecules (2024)
Diagnostic performance of ultrasonography in pre-operative assessment of lymph nodes in patients with cervical cancer (2024)
Sentinel lymph node pathological ultrastaging: Final outcome of the Sentix prospective international study in patients with early-stage cervical cancer (2024)
Resale Price Maintenance Practices as a Continuing Offence (2024)
AggreProt: a web server for predicting and engineering aggregation prone regions in proteins (2024)
Phthalates and substitute plasticizers: Main achievements from the European human biomonitoring initiative HBM4EU (2024)
Innovative analytical methodologies for characterizing chemical exposure with a view to next-generation risk assessment (2024)
Effects of three tebuconazole nanopesticides on the survival of <i>Daphnia magna</i> (2024)
Air-soil cycling of oxygenated, nitrated and parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in source and receptor areas (2024)
Occurrence and diffusive air-seawater exchanges of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Fildes Bay, King George Island, Antarctica (2024)
Spatial distribution and characteristics of plastic pollution in the salt marshes of Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina (2024)
Ecotoxicological impact of dinotefuran insecticide and its metabolites on non-targets in agroecosystem: Harnessing nanotechnology- and bio-based management strategies to reduce its impact on non-target ecosystems (2024)
Simple preparation and high activity for cancer therapy via Zr (IO3)4 nanozyme (2024)
Release and stability of two tebuconazole nanoformulations in different aquatic media (2024)
Ongoing Laboratory Performance Study on Chemical Analysis of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Compounds in Three Aquatic Passive Samplers (2024)
Elucidating the coherent and incoherent reflection of plane-waves in finite thickness media: a practical pedagogical application (2024)
Incidence, Mortality and Survival of Bladder Neoplasms in the Czech Republic in 1977–2017: Time Trend Analysis (2021)
Novel flame retardants detected in marine plastic litter in coastal areas in Central Chile (2024)
Biochemical evidence for conformational variants in the anti-viral and pro-metastatic protein IFITM1 (2024)
Ventilation efficacy during paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (PEDIVENT): simulation-based comparative study (2024)
Rare multi-fungal sepsis: a case of triple-impact immunoparalysis (2024)
Detection of plastic, cellulosic micro-fragments and microfibers in Laternula elliptica from King George Island (Maritime Antarctica) (2024)
The effect of packaging material and adjunct culture on the biogenic amine content, microbiological and textural properties of Dutch-type cheese (2024)
Malabsorpční syndromy (2024)
Investigation of occurrence of aromatic amines in municipal wastewaters using passive sampling (2024)
Organochlorine pesticide contamination of soils and dust from an urban environment in the Niger Delta of Nigeria (2024)
A systematic scoping review of the neurological effects of COVID-19 (2024)
Understanding the Barriers to Prostate Cancer Population-Based Early Detection Programs: The PRAISE-U BEST Survey (2024)
Occurrence of marine plastic litter and plasticizers from touristic beaches of Arauco Gulf in Central Chile (2024)
Making waves: The NORMAN antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes database (NORMAN ARB&ARG)–An invitation for collaboration to tackle antibiotic resistance (2024)
Marine litter pollution in a subantarctic beach of the Strait of Magellan, Punta Arenas, Chile (2024)
Identification of new endocrine disruptive transthyretin ligands in polluted waters using pull-down assay coupled to non-target mass spectrometry (2024)
AQUA-GAPS/MONET-Derived Concentrations and Trends of PAHs and Polycyclic Musks across Global Waters (2024)
Hydrocolpos causing bowel obstruction in a preterm newborn: a case report (2024)
Minimálně invazivní chirurgie karcinomu pankreatu na Chirurgické klinice Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy Univerzity a Fakultní nemocnice Brno (2024)
Cyanobacterial harmful bloom lipopolysaccharides: pro-inflammatory effects on epithelial and immune cells in vitro (2024)
Vývoj v zastoupení odborností pečujících o pacienty s diabetem v Česku (2024)
Metodika sledování nákladovosti (prevence a léčby) dekubitů u hospitalizovaných pacientů v akutní lůžkové péči (2024)
Azobenzene-Based Photoswitchable Substrates for Advanced Mechanistic Studies of Model Haloalkane Dehalogenase Enzyme Family (2024)
Inhalation injury in context of current research topics and beyond (2024)
Frailty index is an independent predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in Eastern Europe: a multicentre cohort study (2024)
Post-vaccination, post-infection and hybrid immunity against severe cases of COVID-19 and long COVID after infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants, Czechia, December 2021 to August 2023 (2024)
CaviPlasma: Energy-efficient large-scale liquid treatment via discharge excited in hydrodynamic cavitation (2024)
CaviPlasma: Energy-efficient large-scale liquid treatment via discharge excited in hydrodynamic cavitation (2024)
How We Perceive Places: Measuring Biomarkers of Stress in Urban Environments Using Personal Exposure Sensors, Deep Learning and Functional Data Analysis (2024)
Zurich II Statement on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs): Scientific and Regulatory Needs (2024)
In vitro assessment of thyroid peroxidase inhibition by chemical exposure: comparison of cell models and detection methods (2024)
Impact of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on the oral and fecal bacteriomes of children in the first week of life (2024)
Odstranění mikroorganismů z vody pomocí technologie Caviplasma s využitím hydrodynamické kavitace (2023)
Využití technologie Caviplasma pro účinnou degradaci organických mikropolutantů ve vzorcích vody (2023)
Quantum Chemistry-Based Prediction of Electron Ionization Mass Spectra for Environmental Chemicals (2024)
Lipidomic analysis of tetraspanin-deficient extracellular vesicles (2024)
A closed 3D printed microfluidic device for automated growth and differentiation of cerebral organoids from single-cell suspension (2024)
Pre-existing cell subpopulations in primary prostate cancer tumors display surface fingerprints of docetaxel-resistant cells (2024)
CELSPAC - FIREexpo - Výzkumná část projektu prevence zdravotních rizik (2024)
Are eco-friendly "green" tires also chemically green? Comparing metals, rubbers and selected organic compounds in green and conventional tires (2024)
Relationship Between Personality Profile and Physical Condition in the CELSPAC-FIREexpo Study of Newly-Recruited Firefighters in Training (2024)
Extracellular metabolomics from in vitro fertilization cultivation media (2024)
High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Human Exposomics: Expanding Chemical Space Coverage (2024)
Reproducible MS/MS library cleaning pipeline in matchms (2024)
Identifying pesticides of high concern for ecosystem, plant, animal, and human health: A comprehensive field study across Europe and Argentina (2024)
Gene expression patterns associated with PFOA exposure in Czech young men and women (2024)
Particle size distributions of current-use pesticides in three European atmospheric environments (2024)
Testing of the Czech questionnaire for identifying children at risk of obstructive sleep apnea (2024)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their metabolites in bronchoalveolar lavage and urine samples from patients with inhalation injury throughout their hospitalization: A prospective pilot study (2024)
BenchStab: A tool for automated querying of web-based stability predictors (2024)
Effects of novel flame retardants tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCIPP) and triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) on function and homeostasis in human and rat pancreatic beta-cell lines (2024)
Mechanism of BCDX2-mediated RAD51 nucleation on short ssDNA stretches and fork DNA (2024)
SARS-CoV-2 viral load is linked to remdesivir efficacy in severe Covid-19 admitted to intensive care (2024)
Armed with PRICKLE(3)s: PCP complexes protection against RNF43 (2024)
Diabetes mellitus in stable chronic heart failure and the combination with humoral activation, their association, and prediction of 2-year adverse outcomes. Data from the FAR NHL registry (2024)
Dysregulation of microRNA among multiple myeloma, extramedullary disease, and plasma cell leukemia patients (2023)
Triphenyl Phosphate Alters Methyltransferase Expression and Induces Genome-Wide Aberrant DNA Methylation in Zebrafish Larvae (2024)
Lipidomic profiling of extracellular vesicles from tetraspanin-deficient cell lines (2024)
Proteomic analysis of tetraspanin-deficient extracellular vesicles (2024)
Effective treatment of pressure ulcers with the npwt in spinal cord injured patients - final results of the case series (2024)
Association between FTO polymorphism and COVID-19 mortality among older adults: A population-based cohort study (2024)
A sub-atmospheric pressure discharge generated in hydrodynamic cavitation for water treatment (2024)
Early life social conditions and adverse experiences are associated with childhood BMI and perceived overeating (2024)
Interaction between long-term air pollution exposure and neighbourhood unemployment on cognitive functions in Central-European aging population (2023)
Living in poverty is associated with accelerated biological aging (2023)
Depressive symptoms modify the association between noise and adiposity biomarkers: Evidence from a population study of Czech adults (2025)
Pulmonary functions and trajectories of cognitive decline in aging population (2023)
Correlating plasma protein profiles with symptomatology and treatment response in acute phase and early remission of major depressive disorder (2024)
Preoperative electrocardiogram in prediction of 90-day postoperative mortality: retrospective cohort study (2024)
Sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction: individual participant data from pooled cohorts (2024)
The effect of cold chain disruption on the microbiological profile of chilled chicken meat (2024)
Infekce respiračními syncytiálními viry (RSV) v České republice – analýza hospitalizací a úmrtí v letech 2017–2022 (2024)
Longitudinal associations between screen time, bedtime and daytime sleepiness among adolescents: A three-wave panel study (2024)
Dysregulation of microRNA in Waldenström macroglobulinemia (2024)
Monitoring of current-use pesticides along a Europe-Arctic transect using ships of opportunity (2024)
Preface: Special Issue on Probing the Open Ocean With the Research Sailing Yacht <i>Eugen Seibold</i> for Climate Geochemistry (2024)
Effects of MCPA and difenoconazole on glyphosate degradation and soil microorganisms☆ (2024)
An overview of the occurrence and remediation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in wastewater-recommendations for cost-effective removal techniques in developing economies (2024)
The interaction between plastics and microalgae affects community assembly and nutrient availability (2024)
Summer Antarctic expeditions in seasonal stations as analogs for long-duration space exploration missions: A critical review (2024)
Selected farm-level crop protection practices in Europe and Argentina: Opportunities for moving toward sustainable use of pesticides (2024)
Large-scale annotation of biochemically relevant pockets and tunnels in cognate enzyme-ligand complexes (2024)
Estimating parameters of truncated and skew normal distribution with observations below limit of quantitation (2024)
Methods of estimating parameters of skewed or truncated normal distribution in the presence of observations outside of measurable range (2024)
Effect of physicochemical parameters on the occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aquatic environment (2024)
Extremely high levels of PBDEs in children's toys from European markets: causes and implications for the circular economy (2024)
A multi-year study monitoring the cadmium content in the tissues of lambs and sheep sampled in the Czech Republic between 2001 and 2022 (2024)
Microplastics in coral from three Mascarene Islands, Western Indian Ocean (2024)
CaviPlasma: parametric study of discharge parameters of high-throughput water plasma treatment technology in glow-like discharge regime (2024)
Tongue microbiota in relation to the breathing preference in children undergoing orthodontic treatment (2024)
Pesticide residues in European sediments: A significant concern for the aquatic systems? (2024)
The thyroid hormone system disrupting potential of resorcinol in fish (2024)
Microplastics originated from agricultural mulching films affect enchytraeid multigeneration reproduction and soil properties (2024)
Endocrine disruption of adipose physiology: Screening in SGBS cells (2024)
Prediction of individual lifetime cardiovascular risk and potential treatment benefit: development and recalibration of the LIFE-CVD2 model to four European risk regions (2024)
Circulating plasma cells in multiple myeloma (2024)
Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic (2024)
Advanced Imaging and Mechanical Profiling of Biological Samples with Confocal and Atomic Force Microscopy (2024)
Carboxy-terminal polyglutamylation regulates signaling and phase separation of the Dishevelled protein (2024)
Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults (2024)
Mikrobiologická kvalita vzorků chlazené drůbeže při porušení teploty skladování (2024)
Is environmental risk assessment possible with the alternatives to acute fish toxicity test? Case study with pharmaceuticals (2024)
Prediction of non-resectability in tubo-ovarian cancer patients using Peritoneal Cancer Index - A prospective multicentric study using imaging (ISAAC study) (2024)
Systematic Review on the Cost Effectiveness of Prostate Cancer Screening in Europe (2024)
Neobvyklá příčina elevace jaterních transamináz u asyptomatického pacienta (2024)
Přínos Karla Knapa ke chráněné a nechráněné složce autorského díla (2024)
Systém ochrany dat v EU (2024)
Efekt farmaceutických konzervantů na antibakteriální účinek bakteriofágů proti Pseudomonas aeruginosa a Staphylococcus aureus (2024)
Comments to "Degli-Innocenti, F. The pathology of hype, hyperbole and publication bias is creating an unwarranted concern towards biodegradable mulch films" [J. Hazard. Mater. 463 (2024) 132923] (2024)
Vitamin B12 intake during pregnancy linked to child speech development and intelligence quotient (2024)
Porodni centar u Brnu jedan je od alata zadovoljstva žena perinatalnom skrbi (2024)
Framing (2024)
Exploring the dynamics of reactive oxygen species from CaviPlasma and their disinfection and degradation potential — the case of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins (2024)
Mnohočetné vývojové odontogenní cysty čelistí (2024)
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