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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Label-free voltammetric detection of single nucleotide mismatches recognized by MutS protein (2007)
Zeptomole detection of streptavidin using carbon paste electrode and square-wave voltammetry (2007)
Spectrometric and voltammetric analysis of urease. Nickel nanoelectrode as an electrochemical sensor (2007)
The determination of avidin in genetically modified maize (2007)
Jednoduché posouzení hladiny transkriptomu za využití elektrochemické detekce (2007)
Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses (2008)
Changes in interfacial properties of alpha-synuclein preceding its aggregation (2008)
Chip-based CE for avidin determination in transgenic tobacco and its comparison with square-wave voltammetry and standard gel electrophoresis (2008)
Nádorové markery u karcinomu prostaty (2009)
Study of Interactions between Metallothionein and Cisplatin by using Differential Pulse Voltammetry Brdicka's reaction and Quartz Crystal Microbalance (2009)
Detection of metallothionein and alpha-methylacyl CoA racemase as potential new markers for prostate carcinoma (2009)
Relationship of metalloproteinases with metallothioneins (2009)
Metallomics of melanoma animal tissues (2009)
Doxorubicin and genomic DNA, new insights in drug-nucleic acids interactions (2009)
Determination of novel tumor markers in prostate carcinoma (2010)
Determination of Metallothionein in prostate tumor cell lines (2010)
Zinc, Metallothionein and Prostate Tumour Cells - Is There Any Relation? (2010)
Zinek a jeho vztah k nádorům prostaty (2010)
Automated pipetting system coupled with micro- and nanoparticles as a new tool for study of nucleic acid (2010)
DNA-doxorubucin interactions revealed by electrochemistry (2010)
Square wave voltammetry as a tool for study of ellipticine-DNA (2010)
Level of matallothionein, glutathione and heat-stable proteins in tumours from patients with head and neck cancer (2010)
Determination of metallothioneins and alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase in patients with prostate carcinoma (2010)
Immunological determination of serum prostate specific antigen in cancer patients and tumor cell lines - New perspective (2010)
Metallothionein – zinc – prostate cancer: pathogenesis and diagnostic use (2010)
Vliv zinku na nádorové buněčné linie odvozené od karcinomu prostaty (2010)
Nové možnosti v laboratorní diagnostice nádoru prostaty (2010)
Pharmaceutical importance of zinc and metallothionein in cell signaling. (2010)
Effects of redox conditions and zinc(II) ions on metallothionein aggregation revealed by chip capillary electrophoresis. (2010)
Serum metallothionein in newly diagnosed patients with childhood solid tumours (2010)
Matrix metalloproteinases. (2010)
Gene Expression of the Endothelin-1 in Vasospastic Flap Pedicle - an Experimental Study on a Porcine Model (2010)
Hladina metalothioneinu v krevním séru u primárních záchytů solidních nádorů dětského věku. (2010)
Změny hladiny metalothioneinu u buněčných linií odvozených z karcinomu prostaty. (2010)
Determination of metallothionein, glutathione and termostable protein fraction concentrations in tumour tissue from head and neck area (2010)
Fourier Transform and Cyclic Loop for Distinguishing Catalytic Metallothionein Signals at Patient with Malignant Tumours. (2010)
Determination of sarcosine as possible tumour marker of prostate tumours. (2010)
Determination of serum prostate specific antigen in patients with tumours of prostate and tumour cell lines. (2010)
Study of metallothionein aggregation in dependence on redox conditions and zinc concentration by using a chip capillary electrophoresis. (2010)
Paramagnetic microparticles in metallothionein and alpha-methylacyl CoA racemase analysis in tumor cell lines derived from prostate carcinoma. (2010)
Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase as a new marker in prostate cancer. (2010)
The effect of zinc ions on MT and specific prostate antigen content in prostatic cancer cell lines. (2010)
Avidin and plant biotechnology to control pests (2010)
. Study of metallothionein aggregation in dependence on redox conditions and zinc concentration by using a chip capillary electrophoresis. (2010)
Robotic microseparation of metallothionein and alpha-methylacyl CoA racemase by use of paramagnetic micro- and nanoparticles. (2010)
Study of zinc-dependent aggregation of metallothionein from human prostatic cancer cell lines. (2010)
Studium agregace metalothioneinu v závislosti na redoxním prostředí a koncentraci zinku pomocí čipové kapilární elektroforézy. (2010)
Heavy metal status in prostate cancer (2011)
Apoptický proliferační expresní profilu nádorových prostatických buněk (2011)
Stanovení sarkosinu v moči pacientů s karcinomem prostaty (2011)
c-Myb-induced migration/invasiveness of breast and colon cells in vitro is not associated with enhanced lung colonization in vivo (2011)
Bioanalytické studium nádorových markerů karcinomu prostaty na úrovni RNA a proteinu (2011)
Clinical importance of matrix metalloproteinases (2011)
Electrophoretic fingerprint metallothionein analysis as a potential prostate cancer biomarker (2011)
Determination of metallothioneins and alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase in tumor prostate diseases (2011)
Analytické nástroje pro sledování komplexů platiny (2011)
Efekt doxorubicinu a elipticinu na buněčné nádorové linie, růstové charakteristiky (2011)
Elektroforetická fingerprintová analýza metalothioneinu u pacientů s adenokarcinomem prostaty (2011)
Stanovení thiolových sloučenin a antioxidační aktivity u pacientů s nádory (2011)
Zinek – molekulární mechanizmy u karcinomu prostaty (2011)
c-Myb regulates MMP1, MMP9 and cathepsin D: Implications for the matrix-dependent breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis (2011)
Microfluidic tool based on the antibodymodified paramagnetic particles for detection of 8-hydroxy-20-deoxyguanosine in urine of prostate cancer patients (2011)
Assays for determination of matrix metalloproteinases and their activity (2011)
Insight to Physiology and Pathology of Zinc(II) Ions and Their Actions in Breast and Prostate Carcinoma (2011)
Isolation of metallothionein from cells derived from aggressive form of high-grade prostate carcinoma using paramagnetic antibody-modified microbeads off-line coupled with electrochemical and electrophoretic analysis (2011)
Caveolin-1 as a potential high-risk prostate cancer biomarker (2012)
Evaluation of alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase, metallothionein and prostate specific antigen as prostate cancer prognostic markers (2012)
Determination prostate specific antigen and testosterone in tumour cell lines with encore zinc and sarcosine as well as in prostate cancer patients (2011)
Determination of sarcosine as possible tumour marker of prostate tumours and routine biochemical tests in urine samples (2011)
Heavy metals in prostate cancer cell lines (2011)
Analysis of thiol compounds and antioxidant activity in patients suffering from malignant disease (2011)
Lanthanum3+ - A new phosphate chelator used in chronic kidney disease - potents apoptosis in PC-3 and 22Rv1 prostate cancer cell lines and healthy prostate cells PNT1A (2011)
Analysis of sarcosine by capillary electrophoresis (2011)
Determination of metallothioneins and alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase in tumor prostate diseases (2011)
Analysis of high-risk prostate cancer markers at RNA and protein level (2011)
High-grade prostate cancer vs. prostate cancer metastases: Difference in gene expression in cell lines (2011)
Analysis of tumor markers in prostate carcinoma at RNA and protein level (2011)
Vliv platinových cytostatik na oxidacni stres a zivotnost bunek (2011)
Novel prostate cancer tumour markers in a cell line model (2011)
Zinc, sarcosine and prostate? Is there any relation revealed by electrochemistry? (2011)
Determination of sarcosine as a potential tumour marker by liquid chromatography with coulometric detection (2011)
Study of Metallothionein Role in Spinocellular Carcinoma Tissues of Head and Neck Tumours using Brdicka Reaction (2012)
Metallothionein Electrochemically Determined using Brdicka Reaction as a Promising Blood Marker of Head and Neck Malignant Tumours (2012)
Femtogram Electroanalytical Detection of Prostatic Specific Antigen by Brdicka Reaction (2012)
Nanotechnologies for society. New designs and applications of nanosensors and nanobiosensors in medicine and environmental analysis (2012)
c-Myb regulates matrix metalloproteinases 1/9, and cathepsin D: implications for matrix-dependent breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis (2012)
Spectrometric and Electrochemical Analysis of Sarcosine as a Potential Prostate Carcinoma Marker (2012)
Regulation of cathepsin D and MMP1/9 by c-Myb is a novel mechanism of the matrix-specific breast cancer cell invasion (2012)
Monitoring of the prostate tumour cells redox state and real-time proliferation by novel biophysical techniques and fluorescent staining (2012)
Effect of zinc(II) ions on the expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic factors in high-grade prostate carcinoma cells (2012)
Immunoextraction of zinc proteins from human plasma using chicken yolk antibodies immobilized onto paramagnetic particles and their electrophoretic analysis (2012)
Mammalian metallothioneins: properties and functions (2012)
Metalothionein a jeho role v detoxikaci těžkých kovů a predispozici k chorobám (2012)
Electrochamical characterization of doxorubicin interaction with DNA (2012)
Determination of lactoferrin in human prostate carcinoma cells (2012)
Detection of selected miRNAs in prostate carcinoma (2012)
Analysis of metallothionein and glutathione in prostate cells as markers of oxidative stress (2012)
A determination of oxidative stress in tumour cells treated with cytostatics (2012)
Association of PSA level with thiols content in patients with prostate carcinoma (2012)
Expression of Bcl-2 and other regulatory genes in tumour prostate cell lines (2012)
Sarkosin v moči pacientů se zhoubným nádorem prostaty (2012)
Redox status expressed as GSH:GSSG ratio as a marker for oxidative stress in paediatric tumour patients (2012)
MicroRNAs and zinc metabolism-related gene expression in prostate cancer cell lines treated with zinc(II) ions (2012)
Determination of oxidative stress and activities of antioxidant enzymes in guinea pigs treated with haloperidol (2013)
Prostate Cancer, miRNAs, Metallothioneins and Resistance to Cytostatic Drugs (2013)
Nové nádorové markery u karcinomu prostaty (2013)
Nádorová onemocnění jako závažný celospolečenský problém (2013)
Biofyzikální studie interakcí DNA s cytostatiky (2013)
Meta-analýza vztahu zinečnatých iontů k nádorovým onemocněním (2013)
Detekce sarkosinu v moči pacientů s karcinomem prostaty (2012)
Prostatický specifický antigen, metalothionein a caveolin-1 jako markery vzniku a rozvoje karcinomu prostaty (2012)
Biodegradabilní komplexy doxorubicinu aplikované na pleteniny pro cílenou léčbu (2012)
Srovnání profilu zinkových proteinů v buňkách karcinomu prostaty vystavených působení Zn (2012)
Analysis of pro- and antiapoptotic genes in prostate cancer (2012)
Effect of zinc(II) ions on the expression of pro and anti-apoptotic factors in high-grade prostate carcinoma cells (2012)
Revealing the role of zinc(II) in prostate cancer pathogenesis (2012)
Hladiny těžkých kovů a jejich vazebných proteinů u diabetiků 2. typu s postižením ledvin (2013)
Microenvironment-dependent function of c-Myb in breast cancer: the focus on the tumor-endothelial cell interactions (2013)
Blood levels of heavy metals and metallothionein in type 2 diabetics with kidney disease (2013)
Effect of sarcosine on antioxidant parameters and metallothionein content in the PC-3 prostate cancer cell line (2013)
The Role of Metallothionein in Oxidative Stress (2013)
Utilization of paramagnetic microparticles for automated isolation of free circulating mRNA as a new tool in prostate cancer diagnostics (2014)
Analýza modifikovaných forem doxorubicinu se sníženou toxicitou (2013)
Analýza exprese genů regulujících apoptózu u nádorových linií prostaty po působení kapsaicinu. (2013)
Interakce doxorubicinu s aminokyselinami jako potenciální činitel snížení terapeutického indexu léčiva (2013)
Analytická onkologie sarkosinu - markeru nádorů prostaty za využití paramagnetických částic (2013)
Analýza exprese methalothioneinu z volně cirkulující mRNA v séru jako potencionálního biomarkeru karcinomu prostaty (2013)
Model karcinomu prostaty rezistentního k cisplatině: změny v buněčném cyklu a viabilitě (2013)
Analýza genů regulujících apoptózu u zinek rezistentních buněčných linií (2013)
Aplikace moderní bioanalytické metody pro monitorování množství doxorubicinu v srdeční tkáni pro hodnocení kardiotoxicity (2013)
Metody proteomické analýzy v onkologii se zaměřením na proteiny obsahující zinek (2013)
Vazba zinečnatých iontů do struktury DNA - interakční studie, vztah k nádorům prostaty (2013)
Role metalothioneinu a zinku u karcinomu prsu (2013)
Expression of Bcl-2 and other regulatory genes in primary cell culture derived from spinocellular tumour of head and neck (2013)
Metallothionein as a spinocellular tumour biomarker: analysis of tumorous tissue samples (2013)
Effect of zinc supplementation on the expression of metallothionein and p53 in mus musculus with induced metastatic breast cancer (2013)
Utilization of paramagnetic microparticles for automatable serum RNA isolation (2013)
Cisplatin-related differences in antioxidant system, apoptosis and cell cyclle in prostate cancer cell lines (2013)
Assessment and modulation of doxorubicin cytotoxicity (2013)
Vliv kapsaicinu na expresi genů asociovaných s apoptózou u prostatických nádorových buněčných linií (2013)
Cisplatina-rezistentní karcinom prostaty: změny v buněčném cyklu a ve viabilitě (2013)
Role zinku a metalothioneinu u karcinomu prsu (2013)
Expresní profil genů asociovaných s apoptózou u primokultur dlaždicobuněčných karcinomů hlavy a krku (2013)
Metalothionein jako imunohistochemický biomarker karcinomů hlavy a krku – výsledky meta-analýzy (2013)
Zinek rezistentní pc-3 linie: expresní a imunocytochemická analýza vybraných genů korespondujících s metabolizmem a transportem zn2+ iontů (2013)
Charakteristika zinek-rezistentních linií ve vztahu k apoptóze (2013)
Analýza nových forem doxorubicinu se sníženou toxicitou (2013)
Sarcosine as a Potential Prostate Cancer Biomarker-A Review (2013)
Haloperidol Cytotoxicity and Its Relation to Oxidative Stress (2013)
Microfluidic chip coupled with modified paramagnetic particles for sarcosine isolation in urine (2013)
Relevance of infection with human papillomavirus: The role of the p53 tumor suppressor protein and E6/E7 zinc finger proteins (Review) (2013)
The regulation of actin cytoskeleton by c-Myb: potential implications for site-specific metastases of breast cancer (2014)
Transendothelial migration in breast cancer metastasis: when does c-Myb step in? (2014)
Molekulární podstata vzniku nežádoucích účinků haloperidolu (2013)
Electrochemical and spectral characterization of microRNAs in relation to prostate cancer (2014)
Cisplatin-resistant prostate cancer model: Differences in antioxidant system, apoptosis and cell cycle (2014)
Effect of Ampicillin, Streptomycin, Penicillin and Tetracycline on Metal Resistant and Non-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2014)
Metallothionein - Immunohistochemical Cancer Biomarker: A Meta-Analysis (2014)
Determination of common urine substances as an assay for improving prostate carcinoma diagnostics (2014)
Metallothionein polymorphisms in pathological processes (2014)
Clinical significance of head and neck squamous cell cancer biomarkers (2014)
Modern Bioanalysis of Proteins by Electrophoretic Techniques (2014)
Serum and Tissue Zinc in Epithelial Malignancies: A Meta-Analysis (2014)
KRAS NF-kappa B is involved in the development of zinc resistance and reduced curability in prostate cancer (2014)
Expression of regulatory genes in tumour cell lines of HN SCC (2014)
Transcriptional programs induced by c-Myb prevent lung seeding of mammary tumors (2014)
Molekulární mechanismy rezistence u nádorového onemocnění prostaty (2014)
Phytotoxic action of naphthoquinone juglone demonstrated on lettuce seedling roots (2014)
gamma-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Covered with Glutathione-Modified Quantum Dots as a Fluorescent Nanotransporter (2014)
Modulation of induced cytotoxicity of doxorubicin by using apoferritin and liposomal cages (2014)
Moesin and Radixin are downregulated by c-Myb in breast carcinomas (2013)
The Electrochemical and Statistical Evaluation of Isolation of Mellitin and Apamin from Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera) Venom (2015)
Spectral and electrochemical analysis of miR-34a-5p (2015)
Electrochemical detection of miR-34a-5p as a promising tool for HNC and PCa diagnosis (2015)
Electrochemical and Spectral Behavior of MicroRNA (miR-34a-5p) (2015)
Novel biophysical determination of miRNAs related to prostate and head and neck cancers (2015)
Label-free bead-based metallothionein electrochemical immunosensor (2015)
Structural effects and nanoparticle size are essential for quantum dots-metallothionein complex formation (2015)
Zinc Resistant Prostate Cell Lines Behaviour Characteristics (2014)
Mechanizmy rezistence modelu karcinomu prostaty s dlouhodobým působením zinku (2015)
Long-term haloperidol treatment prolongs QT interval and increases expression of sigma 1 and IP3 receptors in guinea pig hearts (2015)
3D-printed biosensor with poly(dimethylsiloxane) reservoir for magnetic separation and quantum dots-based immunolabeling of metallothionein (2015)
Paramagnetic Nanoparticles as a Platform for FRET-Based Sarcosine Picomolar Detection (2015)
Virtual screening, ADMET profiling, molecular docking and dynamics approaches to search for potent selective natural molecules based inhibitors against metallothionein-III to study Alzheimer's disease (2015)
17 beta-estradiol-containing liposomes as a novel delivery system for the antisense therapy of ER-positive breast cancer: An in vitro study on the MCF-7 cell line (2015)
Multimodal Holographic Microscopy: Distinction between Apoptosis and Oncosis (2015)
Profil genů asociovaných s apoptózou u primokultur dlaždicobuněčných karcinomů hlavy a krku (2014)
Influence of microbiome species in hard-to-heal wounds on disease severity and treatment duration (2015)
Analýza možností využití detekce gamaH2AX/53BP1 ohnisek a monitorování reparace dvouřetězcových zlomů DNA pro pre-terapeutické stanovení radiosensitivity nádorů hlavy a krku (2015)
Changes in oxidative stress status after administration of doxorubicin-loaded nanocarriers (2015)
Decreasing doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress using nanocarriers (2015)
The mechanisms of resistance in a prostate cancer model with long-term exposure to zinc (2015)
Molecular response of 4T1-induced mouse mammary tumours and healthy tissues to zinc treatment (2015)
Label-free and amplification-free miR-124 detection in human cells (2015)
Regulatory genes in HN SCC cell cultures (2015)
Analýza vlivu působení inhibitorů autofagie na metastatickou prostatickou nádorovou linii PC-3 (2015)
Characterization of cell subpopulations in primary cultures derived from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (2015)
Charakterizace buněčných subpopulací v primárních kulturách odvozených ze spinocelulárních karcinomů hlavy a krku (2015)
Tumour microenvironment as an important player in head and neck cancer progression (2015)
Specific magnetic isolation of HPV-16 E6-bearing plasimd using paramagnetic nanoparticles prior PCR detection (2015)
Expression profiling of selected miRNAs in connection with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (2015)
The role of tumour microenvironment on the clinic-pathological characteristics of head and neck cancers – results based on gene expression characteristics (2015)
Role of zinc ions in advanced prostate cancer model (2015)
The Study and Characterization of Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck and Their Malignant Potential (2015)
Autophagy precedes entosis and self-renewal in metastatic prostate cancer cells PC-3 exposed to reactive oxygen species (2015)
Changes in levels of antioxidant enzymes in prostate cancer cells exposed to effects grape seed extracts (2014)
Matrix metalloproteinases are the HNSCC progression markers (2014)
Growth factor expression profile in tumorous tissue of head and neck tumours: associations with stage and grade (2014)
Metallothionein as a key player in neck squamous cell carcinoma origination - a case control study (2014)
Voltammetric determination of zinc(II) ions level in blood serum of prostate cancer patients revealing their relation with cancer progression (2011)
Level of zinc and glutathione in plasma and whole blood of patients with head and neck squamous cancers (2014)
Zinečnaté ionty jako biomarker nádorových onemocnění: Výsledky meta-analýzy (2014)
Holographic microscopy coupled with fluorescence detection as a tool for analysis of aggressive metastatic prostate cancer cell death (2014)
Different Doxorubicin Formulations Affect Plasma 4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal and Gene Expression of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 3A1 and Thioredoxin Reductase 2 in Rat (2015)
Plumbagin jako aktivátor tvorby reaktivních forem kyslíku v nádorových buňkách prostaty (2014)
Analysis of selected micro RNAs in prostate cancer cell lines (2012)
Sarcosine as a new marker for prostate tumours (2010)
Sarcosine and Its Role As a Marker for Prostate Carcinoma (2010)
Metallothionein is dysregulated in tissue and serum of patients with head and neck squamous cell tumors (2014)
Oxidative Stress Resistance in Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Renewal by Self-Eating (2015)
Prognostic significance of the tumour-adjacent tissue in head and neck cancers (2015)
Oxidation stress in patients with prostate carcinoma (2011)
Influence of Long-Distance Bicycle Riding on Serum/Urinary Biomarkers of Prostate Cancer (2016)
Electrochemical and spectral behaviour of miR-34a-5p (2016)
Prostate tumor attenuation in the nu/nu murine model due to anti-sarcosine antibodies in folate-targeted liposomes (2016)
Electrochemical sensing of etoposide using carbon quantum dot modified glassy carbon electrode (2016)
Relation of exposure to amino acids involved in sarcosine metabolic pathway on behavior of non-tumor and malignant prostatic cell lines (2016)
Evaluation of EGFR as a prognostic and diagnostic marker for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients (2016)
Effect of HPV on tumor expression levels of the most commonly used markers in HNSCC (2016)
Zinc and Copper Homeostasis in Head and Neck Cancer: Review and Meta-Analysis (2016)
Sarcosine up-regulates expression of genes involved in cell cycle progression of metastatic models of prostate cancer (2016)
Comparative study on toxicity of extracellularly biosynthesized and laboratory synthesized CdTe quantum dots (2017)
Expression profiles of miR-29c, miR-200b and miR-375 in tumour and tumour-adjacent tissues of head and neck cancers (2016)
All-in-one detector of circulating mRNA based on a smartphone (2016)
Co-delivery of VP-16 and Bcl-2-targeted antisense on PEG-grafted oMWCNTs for synergistic in vitro anti-cancer effects in non-small and small cell lung cancer (2017)
Nanonosiče jako prostředek redukce doxocubicinem indukované kardiotoxicity (2016)
Patofyziologie v obrazech (2016)
HNSCC Biomarkers Derived from Key Processes of Cancerogenesis (2016)
Předléčebné stanovení radiosenzitivity nádorů hlavy a krku, cesta k individualizované terapii? (2016)
Předléčebné stanovení radiosenzitivity nádorů hlavy a krku (2016)
In vitro stanovení radiosenzitivity nádorů hlavy a krku (2016)
Utilization of LA-ICP-MS for bioimaging (2016)
LA-ICP-MS as a tool for imaging of tumour tissue (2016)
Amino Acid Profiling of Zinc Resistant Prostate Cancer Cell Lines: Associations With Cancer Progression (2017)
Patofyziologie v obrazech (2016)
Měření bio-mechanických vlastností prostatických nádorových buněk s využitím mikroskopie atomárních sil (2017)
Změny aminokyselinového profilu nádorových buněk v souvislosti s progresí karcinomu prostaty a posouzení vlivu akumulace zinečnatých iontů (2017)
Levels of heavy metals and their binding protein metallothionein in type 2 diabetics with kidney disease (2017)
Reduction of Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity Using Nanocarriers: A Review (2017)
gamma H2AX/53BP1 foci as a potential pre-treatment marker of HNSCC tumors radiosensitivity - preliminary methodological study and discussion (2017)
Black Phosphorus Nanoparticles Potentiate the Anticancer Effect of Oxaliplatin in Ovarian Cancer Cell Line (2017)
VPA does not enhance platinum binding to DNA in cisplatin-resistant neuroblastoma cancer cells (2017)
Establishment of oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line and magnetic bead-based isolation and characterization of its CD90/CD44 subpopulations (2017)
Black Phosphorous Potentiated Drug Delivery of Oxaliplatin for Ovarian Cancer Treatment (2017)
DNA reparace u karcinomů hlavy a krku ve vztahu k radiosensitivitě (2017)
Black Phosphorus Nanoparticles - Applicability in Cancer Treatment and Controversy in Their Toxicity Assessment (2017)
DNA Repair in Head and Neck Cancers and their Radiosensitivity (2017)
Transcription factor c-Myb inhibits breast cancer lung metastasis by suppression of tumor cell seeding (2018)
The effect of Benzothiazolone-2 on the expression of Metallothionein-3 in modulating Alzheimer's disease (2017)
DNA reparace u karcinomů hlavy a krku ve vztahu k radiosensitivitě (2017)
Patofyziologie v obrazech (2018)
Pt-based cytostatics: Where are they accumulated? (2017)
Platinum nanoparticles induce damage to DNA and inhibit DNA replication (2017)
Dual-color quantum dots-based simultaneous detection of HPV-HIV co-infection (2018)
MicroRNAs in pathophysiology of acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock (2018)
Analýza celkového přežití pacientů v závislosti na hladinách vybraných aminokyselin v séru (2018)
Role metalothioneinu u linií FaDu a Detroit 562 v odpovědi na cytotoxické látky (2018)
Vybrané kapitoly z buněčné fyziologie (2018)
Effect of prostate cancer cell line supernatant on functional polarization in macrophages (2018)
Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen-Targeted Site-Directed Antibody-Conjugated Apoferritin Nanovehicle Favorably Influences In Vivo Side Effects of Doxorubicin (2018)
Prognostic role of c-Met in head and neck squamous cell cancer tissues: a meta-analysis (2018)
RNA microchip analysis of effect of radiotherapy on model cell lines and primary cultures derived from HNSCC (2018)
Atomic force microscope-based analysis of cancer cell stiffness: its potential as a biomarker of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in head and neck cancer-pilot study (2017)
The role of monocarboxylate transporters MCT-1 and MCT-4 in mechanism of radio- and chemo-resistance in HNSCC (2018)
Post-treatment urinary sarcosine as a predictor of recurrent relapses in patients with prostate cancer (2018)
Determination of causal variants in iherited thrombocytopenias (2018)
PDZ and LIM domain protein 2 (PDLIM2) is connected to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer (2017)
Black Phosphorus Cytotoxicity Assessments Pitfalls: Advantages and Disadvantages of Metabolic and Morphological Assays (2019)
Controversy in Cytotoxicity Assessment of Black Phosphorus Nanoparticles (2018)
Analýza celkového přežití pacientů v závislosti na hladinách vybraných aminokyselin v séru (2018)
Cisplatin enhances cell stiffness and decreases invasiveness rate in prostate cancer cells by actin accumulation (2019)
Effect of tumor microenvironment on pathogenesis of the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review (2019)
Locked and Loaded: Ruthenium(II)-Capped Cucurbit[n]uril-Based Rotaxanes with Antimetastatic Properties (2019)
Cell segmentation methods for label-free contrast microscopy: review and comprehensive comparison (2019)
One-step detection of human papilloma viral infection using quantum dot-nucleotide interaction specificity (2019)
Selectively Oxidized Cellulose with Adjustable Molecular Weight for Controlled Release of Platinum Anticancer Drugs (2019)
Unexpected therapeutic effects of cisplatin (2019)
Prognostic Significance of Serum Free Amino Acids in Head and Neck Cancers (2019)
Charakterizace radiosenzitivity HNSCC buněčných linií FaDu a Detroit 562 (2019)
Vliv cisplatiny a karboplatiny na akumulaci mědi a zinku v nádorové tkáni (2017)
Renální distribuce mědi a platiny – myší model (2018)
Label-Free Nuclear Staining Reconstruction in Quantitative Phase Images Using Deep Learning (2019)
Mechanical Properties of cellulose fibers measured by Brillouin spectroscopy (2020)
Evaluation of the Impact of Imprinted Polymer Particles on Morphology and Motility of Breast Cancer Cells by Using Digital Holographic Cytometry (2020)
Quantitative Phase Dynamics of Cancer Cell Populations Affected by Blue Light (2020)
Caveolin-1 in oncogenic metabolic symbiosis (2020)
Význam fibroblastů asociovaných s nádorem při patogenezi karcinomů v oblasti hlavy a krku (2020)
The Quantitative-Phase Dynamics of Apoptosis and Lytic Cell Death (2020)
Metabolic and Amino Acid Alterations of the Tumor Microenvironment (2021)
HPV, protein p16 and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (2020)
2D Germanane Derivative as a Vector for Overcoming Doxorubicin Resistance in Cancer Cells (2020)
Molecularly imprinted polymers in biological applications (2020)
Ni and TiO2 nanoparticles cause adhesion and cytoskeletal changes in human osteoblasts (2021)
LA-ICP-MS as a sensitive method for detection of nanoparticle-antibody conjugates in immunochemistry analysis (2019)
Iron Complexes of Flavonoids-Antioxidant Capacity and Beyond (2021)
Novel Mitochondria-targeted Drugs for Cancer Therapy (2021)
Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Activity of 3'-Deoxy-3'Fluoroadenosine against Emerging Flaviviruses (2021)
Oxidized polysaccharides for anticancer-drug delivery: What is the role of structure? (2021)
PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides and Structurally Relevant Schiff Bases: Evaluation of Inhibitory Activities against Human Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (2021)
Cell death in head and neck cancer pathogenesis and treatment (2021)
Cellular mechanosensing by means of atomic force microscopy (2021)
Sensitivity to Cisplatin in Head and Neck Cancer Cells Is Significantly Affected by Patient-Derived Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts (2021)
Silicane Derivative Increases Doxorubicin Efficacy in an Ovarian Carcinoma Mouse Model: Fighting Drug Resistance (2021)
You Scratch My Back; I'll Ride on Yours: Metabolic Manipulation in HNSCC Stroma (2020)
The impact of mRNA subtype of cancer-associated fibroblasts on metabolic symbiosis in head and neck cancer (2021)
Supramolecular Coronation of Platinum(II) Complexes by Macrocycles: Structure, Relativistic DFT Calculations, and Biological Effects (2021)
Crosstalk between autophagy inhibitors and endosome-related secretory pathways: a challenge for autophagy-based treatment of solid cancers (2021)
Serum amino acids, head and neck squamous cell cancers prognosis and correlation with in-vitro conditions (2021)
Enhancing cisplatin anticancer effectivity and migrastatic potential by modulation of molecular weight of oxidized dextran carrier (2021)
Mechanobiologie kancerogeneze (2021)
Determination of Renal Distribution of Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Platinum in Mouse Kidney Using LA-ICP-MS (2021)
CBD is not converted to THC in rats: A framework interpretation and discussion (2021)
Self-supervised pretraining for transferable quantitative phase image cell segmentation (2021)
DeepFoci: Deep learning-based algorithm for fast automatic analysis of DNA double-strand break ionizing radiation-induced foci (2021)
Comparison of Metal Nanoparticles (Au, Ag, Eu, Cd) Used for Immunoanalysis Using LA-ICP-MS Detection (2021)
Multimodal image segmentation (2021)
Parametric Deconvolution for Cancer Cells Viscoelasticity Measurements from Quantitative Phase Images (2021)
Septin-microtubule association via a motif unique to isoform 1 of septin 9 tunes stress fibers (2022)
Patofyziologie v obrazech (2022)
Metabolic tricks of cancer cells (2022)
Advances in Cancer Metabolism and Tumour Microenvironment (2022)
Non-psychotropic cannabinoids as inhibitors of TET1 protein (2022)
Cancer cell viscoelasticity measurement by quantitative phase and flow stress induction (2022)
mRNA Subtype of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Significantly Affects Key Characteristics of Head and Neck Cancer Cells (2022)
Metabolická plasticita nádorových buněk (2022)
New-Generation Heterocyclic Bis-Pentamethinium Salts as Potential Cytostatic Drugs with Dual IL-6R and Mitochondria-Targeting Activity (2022)
Pentamethinium salts suppress key metastatic processes by regulating mitochondrial function and inhibiting dihydroorotate dehydrogenase respiration (2022)
Pollen-Based Magnetic Microrobots are Mediated by Electrostatic Forces to Attract, Manipulate, and Kill Cancer Cells (2022)
Prognostic factors for survival in patients with unresectable cancer of biliary origin treated with percutaneous transhepatic drainage (2022)
Způsob přípravy konjugátů s řízenou rychlostí uvolňování léčiva s nosiči protinádorového léčiva na bázi selektivně oxidovaných polysacharidů (2022)
Nanoparticles as tags for protein tissue analysis using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma and mass spectrometry (2019)
Characterization of Colorectal Cancer Cells Using Fluorescent Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Digital Holographic Cytometry (2022)
Self-Propelled Magnetic Dendrite-Shaped Microrobots for Photodynamic Prostate Cancer Therapy (2022)
Circulating Tumor Cell Models Mimicking Metastasizing Cells In Vitro: Discrimination of Colorectal Cancer Cells and White Blood Cells Using Digital Holographic Cytometry (2022)
Hepatocelulární karcinom - prognostická kritéria individualizované léčby (2022)
Analýza typu buněčné smrti kvantitativně-fázovým zobrazováním (2022)
Engine shutdown: migrastatic strategies and prevention of metastases (2023)
Johann Gregor Mendel: the victory of statistics over human imagination (2023)
Safety assessment and redox status in rats after chronic exposure to cannabidiol and cannabigerol (2023)
Magnetically Driven Self-Degrading Zinc-Containing Cystine Microrobots for Treatment of Prostate Cancer (2023)
Autophagy modulators influence the content of important signalling molecules in PS-positive extracellular vesicles (2023)
Hormone-regulated expansins: Expression, localization, and cell wall biomechanics in Arabidopsis root growth (2024)
Cancer-associated fibroblasts: Mediators of head and neck tumor microenvironment remodeling (2023)
Effect of liraglutide on methamphetamine consumption and seeking behavior in a rat model of self-administration (2024)
Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry as a Powerful Tool for Spatially Resolved Analysis: An Experiment for Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (2023)
Olanzapine, but not haloperidol, exerts pronounced acute metabolic effects in the methylazoxymethanol rat model (2024)
The Effect of CNQX on Self-Administration: Present in Nicotine, Absent in Methamphetamine Model (2024)
Changes in gene expression in pressure ulcers debrided by different approaches - a pilot study (2023)
Prostate cancer diagnosed and staged using UV-irradiated urine samples and a paper-based analytical device (2024)
Analyses of Pressure Ulcer Debridement methods: Macroscopic, Histopathological, and Oxidative Stress Assessments (2023)
Hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels with tunable mechanics improved structural and contractile properties of cells (2024)
Protein cargo in extracellular vesicles as the key mediator in the progression of cancer (2024)
Dynamic microvilli sculpt bristles at nanometric scale (2024)
Potent synergistic effects of dulaglutide and food restriction in prevention of olanzapine-induced metabolic adverse effects in a rodent model (2024)
Prenatal MAM exposure raises kynurenic acid levels in the prefrontal cortex of adult rats (2024)
Potenciál GLP-1 receptorového agonisty v normalizaci dysmetabolického fenotypu indukovaného olanzapinem o potkana (2024)
Short-term autophagy inhibition by autophinib or SAR405 does not alter the effect of cisplatin on ATP production in prostate cancer cells (2024)
Investigation of the potential effects of estrogen receptor modulators on immune checkpoint molecules (2024)
Food safety and health concerns of synthetic food colors: an update (2024)
RNAs in tumour-derived extracellular vesicles and their significance in the tumour microenvironment (2024)
Potential of a GLP-1 receptor agonist in normalizing the olanzapine-induced dysmetabolic phenotype in the rat (2024)
Navigating the redox landscape: reactive oxygen species in regulation of cell cycle (2024)
The interplay of transition metals in ferroptosis and pyroptosis (2024)
Cyanine dyes in the mitochondria-targeting photodynamic and photothermal therapy (2024)
Long-term zinc treatment alters the mechanical properties and metabolism of prostate cancer cells (2024)
Safety of tartrazine in the food industry and potential protective factors (2024)
Iron chelators as mitophagy agents: Potential and limitations (2024)
Revealing the Effect of Host-Guest Complementarity in Supramolecular Monofunctional Platinum(II) Drugs (2024)
Curcumin: A Potential Weapon in the Prevention and Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer (2024)
Chronic citalopram effects on the brain neurochemical profile and perfusion in a rat model of depression detected by the NMR techniques – spectroscopy and perfusion (2024)
Advanced Imaging and Mechanical Profiling of Biological Samples with Confocal and Atomic Force Microscopy (2024)
A collateral circulation in ischemic stroke accelerates recanalization due to lower clot compaction (2024)
Glutamine and serum starvation alters the ATP production, oxidative stress, and abundance of mitochondrial RNAs in extracellular vesicles produced by cancer cells (2024)
TET protein inhibitors: Potential and limitations (2023)
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