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Flow-based Monitoring of Honeypots (2013)
POSTER: Reflected attacks abusing honeypots (2013)
DNSAnomDet (2014)
libanim - JavaScript animation library (2013)
Systém pro automatizaci zpracování hlášení z nástrojů pro detekci anomálií (2013)
Cloud-based Security Research Testbed: A DDoS Use Case (2014)
POSTER: Dragging Attackers to Honeypots for Effective Analysis of Cybernetic Threats (2014)
Detection of DNS Traffic Anomalies in Large Networks (2014)
PhiGARo: Automatic Phishing Detection and Incident Response Framework (2014)
A Survey on Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (2014)
Deploying Honeypots and Honeynets: Issue of Privacy (2015)
Network-based HTTPS Client Identification Using SSL/TLS Fingerprinting (2015)
Security Monitoring of HTTP Traffic Using Extended Flows (2015)
A Survey of Methods for Encrypted Traffic Classification and Analysis (2015)
KYPO - Kybernetický polygon (2015)
Software pro konfiguraci a monitorování virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
KYPO – A Platform for Cyber Defence Exercises (2015)
HTTPS Traffic Analysis and Client Identification Using Passive SSL/TLS Fingerprinting (2016)
A Performance Benchmark of NetFlow Data Analysis on Distributed Stream Processing Systems (2016)
Real-time Analysis of NetFlow Data for Generating Network Traffic Statistics using Apache Spark (2016)
Detecting Advanced Network Threats Using a Similarity Search (2016)
On Information Value of Top N Statistics (2016)
Practical Multi-pattern Matching Approach for Fast and Scalable Log Abstraction (2016)
Study of attack using honeypots and honeynets lessons learned from time-oriented visualization (2015)
Exchanging Security Events: Which And How Many Alerts Can We Aggregate? (2017)
Stream4Flow: Software for mining and analysis of the large volumes of network traffic (2016)
Honeypots and honeynets: issues of privacy (2017)
A Graph-based Representation of Relations in Network Security Alert Sharing Platforms (2017)
Honeypot Testbed for Network Defence Strategy Evaluation (2017)
Network Defence Strategy Evaluation: Simulation vs. Live Network (2017)
Analyzing an Off-the-Shelf Surveillance Software: Hacking Team Case Study (2017)
On the Sequential Pattern and Rule Mining in the Analysis of Cyber Security Alerts (2017)
Protection of personal data in security alert sharing platforms (2017)
Big Data Sanitization and Cyber Situational Awareness: A Network Telescope Perspective (2019)
Situational Awareness: Detecting Critical Dependencies and Devices in a Network (2017)
Toward Stream-Based IP Flow Analysis (2017)
KYPO Cyber Range: Design and Use Cases (2017)
Towards a Common Logging and Monitoring Framework for Critical Infrastructures (2017)
Lessons Learned From Complex Hands-on Defence Exercises in a Cyber Range (2017)
Designing Coherent Gesture Sets for Multi-scale Navigation on Tabletops (2018)
Passive OS Fingerprinting Methods in the Jungle of Wireless Networks (2018)
Systém pro sběr, uchování a analýzu síťových dat velkého rozsahu (2017)
Passive OS Fingerprinting Prototype Demonstration (2018)
Community Based Platform for Vulnerability Categorization (2018)
Enhancing Cybersecurity Skills by Creating Serious Games (2018)
Towards Predicting Cyber Attacks Using Information Exchange and Data Mining (2018)
Assessing Internet-wide Cyber Situational Awareness of Critical Sectors (2018)
Machine Learning Fingerprinting Methods in Cyber Security Domain: Which one to Use? (2018)
CRUSOE: Data Model for Cyber Situation Awareness (2018)
Rapid Prototyping of Flow-Based Detection Methods Using Complex Event Processing (2018)
Towards Provable Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis via Semi-Labeled Trace Datasets (2018)
Evaluation of Cyber Defense Exercises Using Visual Analytics Process (2018)
Data-Driven Intelligence for Characterizing Internet-scale IoT Exploitations (2018)
Survey of Attack Projection, Prediction, and Forecasting in Cyber Security (2019)
Real-time Pattern Detection in IP Flow Data using Apache Spark (2019)
Threat Detection Through Correlation of Network Flows and Logs (2018)
Mistakes in UML Diagrams: Analysis of Student Projects in a Software Engineering Course (2019)
Current Issues of Malicious Domains Blocking (2019)
DNS Firewall Data Visualization (2019)
Normalization of Unstructured Log Data into Streams of Structured Event Objects (2019)
AIDA Framework: Real-Time Correlation and Prediction of Intrusion Detection Alerts (2019)
GDPR Compliance in Cybersecurity Software: A Case Study of DPIA in Information Sharing Platform (2019)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Cyber Defence (2019)
Trace-Share: Towards Provable Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis (2019)
Software pro inteligentní analýzu bezpečnostních událostí (iABU) (2019)
Visual Feedback for Players of Multi-Level Capture the Flag Games: Field Usability Study (2019)
An Algorithm for Message Type Discovery in Unstructured Log Data (2019)
Systém pro sdílení a analýzu bezpečnostních událostí (2019)
Using TLS Fingerprints for OS Identification in Encrypted Traffic (2020)
Network Monitoring and Enumerating Vulnerabilities in Large Heterogeneous Networks (2020)
Software pro simulaci obecných i kritických informačních infrastruktur (2019)
Software pro detekci a analýzu napadení KII (2019)
Nástroje pro ověřování bezpečnosti SW/HW a simulaci útoků na prvky kritické informační infrastruktury (2019)
Nástroj pro zmírňování a potlačování útoků na kritickou informační infrastrukturu (2019)
Software pro provádění bezpečnostních cvičení a školení (2019)
Predictions of Network Attacks in Collaborative Environment (2020)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Network Security Management (2020)
Conceptual Model of Visual Analytics for Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
Predictive Cyber Situational Awareness and Personalized Blacklisting: A Sequential Rule Mining Approach (2020)
Verification of Forensic Readiness in Software Development: A Roadmap (2020)
Secure software modeling methods for forensic readiness (2020)
Simulation Games Platform for Unintentional Perpetrator Attack Vector Identification (2020)
Graph-based models in prediction and projection of cyber attacks (2020)
Traffic and Log Data Captured During a Cyber Defense Exercise (2020)
SoK: Contemporary Issues and Challenges to Enable Cyber Situational Awareness for Network Security (2020)
Predictive Methods in Cyber Defense: Current Experience and Research Challenges (2021)
Dataset of intrusion detection alerts from a sharing platform (2020)
Geovisto: A Toolkit for Generic Geospatial Data Visualization (2021)
Software pro evidenci zranitelností v počítačové síti (2020)
Webová aplikace pro vizualizaci bezpečnostní situace v počítačové síti (2020)
Software pro podporu rozhodování při řešení bezpečnostního incidentu (2020)
Software pro aplikaci reaktivních opatření na prvcích aktivní obrany počítačové sítě (2020)
Towards verifiable evidence generation in forensic-ready systems (2020)
ANALYZA – Datový sklad (2020)
ANALYZA – Výpočetní a orchestrační subsystém (2020)
ANALYZA – Vizualizační komponenta – Visilant (2020)
Geovisto: Toolkit for Generic Geospatial Data Visualization (2021)
A Dashboard for Cyber Situational Awareness and Decision Support in Network Security Management (2021)
Towards an Efficient Detection of Pivoting Activity (2021)
Nettmap2 - Interaktivní nástroj pro zobrazení síťové topologie vizualizující data z Flowmon řešení (2020)
Adaptér pro systém pro správu zdrojů (2020)
Stream-Based IP Flow Analysis (2021)
PCAPFunnel: A Tool for Rapid Exploration of Packet Capture Files (2021)
Enhancing Situational Awareness for Tutors of Cybersecurity Capture the Flag Games (2021)
Enriching DNS Flows with Host-Based Events to Bypass Future Protocol Encryption (2021)
GRANEF: Utilization of a Graph Database for Network Forensics (2021)
Toolset for Collecting Shell Commands and Its Application in Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
Scalable Learning Environments for Teaching Cybersecurity Hands-on (2021)
System for Continuous Collection of Contextual Information for Network Security Management and Incident Handling (2021)
Graph-Based CPE Matching for Identification of Vulnerable Asset Configurations (2021)
Graph-based Network Traffic Analysis for Incident Investigation (2021)
Risk-Oriented Design Approach For Forensic-Ready Software Systems (2021)
Game Achievement Analysis: Process Mining Approach (2022)
Cybersecurity Analysis via Process Mining: A Systematic Literature Review (2022)
Data-driven insight into the puzzle-based cybersecurity training (2022)
Towards a Data-Driven Recommender System for Handling Ransomware and Similar Incidents (2021)
Cloud Native Data Platform for Network Telemetry and Analytics (2021)
Process Mining Usage in Cybersecurity and Software Reliability Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review (2022)
HTTPS Event-Flow Correlation: Improving Situational Awareness in Encrypted Web Traffic (2022)
CRUSOE: A Toolset for Cyber Situational Awareness and Decision Support in Incident Handling (2022)
Toward Graph-Based Network Traffic Analysis and Incident Investigation (2022)
Identification of Attack Paths Using Kill Chain and Attack Graphs (2022)
Vizuálně-analytická konzole pro ICS (2021)
Prototypová implementace nástroje pro vizuální analýzu časově orientovaných dat (2021)
Aspects of Forensic-Ready Software Systems in Public Service Domain (2021)
Kyberbezpečnost lékařských přístrojů (2021)
Virtualizované prostředí pro trénink CSIRT týmu (2021)
Incident Investigation: From Packets to Graph-Based Analysis (2022)
Encrypted Web Traffic Dataset: Event Logs and Packet Traces (2022)
Handling Internet Activism during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: A Campus Network Perspective (2022)
Mission-centric Decision Support in Cybersecurity via Bayesian Privilege Attack Graph (2022)
Business Process Model and Notation for Forensic-Ready Software Systems (2022)
Improving Cybersecurity Incident Analysis Workflow with Analytical Provenance (2022)
SoK: Applications and Challenges of using Recommender Systems in Cybersecurity Incident Handling and Response (2022)
Limiting the Size of a Predictive Blacklist While Maintaining Sufficient Accuracy (2022)
Current Challenges of Cyber Threat and Vulnerability Identification Using Public Enumerations (2022)
ObservableDB: An Inverted Index for Graph-Based Traversal of Cyber Threat Intelligence (2022)
Discovering coordinated groups of IP addresses through temporal correlation of alerts (2022)
The 2nd International Workshop on Graph-based network Security (GraSec 2021) (2021)
The 3rd International Workshop on Graph-based network Security (GraSec 2022) (2022)
Complex Networks in Cybersecurity: Applications and Challenges (2022)
Towards a Visual Analytics Workflow for Cybersecurity Simulations (2023)
Towards Interactive Geovisualization Authoring Toolkit for Industry Use Cases (2023)
Dohledové centrum pro monitorování výrobních informačních systémů (2022)
Software pro integrovaný datový pohled na chráněnou infrastrukturu (2022)
Software pro podporu orchestrace bezpečnosti a řízení životního cyklu hrozeb (2022)
Kolaborativní prostředí pro členy bezpečnostních týmů (2022)
SW pro ovládání nástrojů ofenzivní bezpečnosti (2022)
SW pro statickou verifikaci bezpečnostních opatření (2022)
SW pro dynamickou verifikaci bezpečnostních opatření (2022)
Addressing insider attacks via forensic-ready risk management (2023)
Capability Assessment Methodology and Comparative Analysis of Cybersecurity Training Platforms (2023)
Event-Flow Correlation for Anomaly Detection in HTTP/3 Web Traffic (2023)
How can network traffic lie? (2023)
Organizační, technický a právní model sdíleného SOC (2022)
Analytická studie rozvoje a nasazení SOC (2022)
Using relational graphs for exploratory analysis of network traffic data (2023)
From Bin to Playin’: Give Vintage Objects a New Purpose as Game Controllers (2023)
Passive Operating System Fingerprinting Revisited: Evaluation and Current Challenges (2023)
Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences (2023)
On the Provision of Network-Wide Cyber Situational Awareness via Graph-Based Analytics (2023)
Recommending Similar Devices in Close Proximity for Network Security Management (2023)
xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool (2023)
A Model of Qualitative Factors in Forensic-Ready Software Systems (2023)
A Case Study on the Impact of Forensic-Ready Information Systems on the Security Posture (2023)
Forensic experts' view of forensic-ready software systems: A qualitative study (2023)
BPMN4FRSS: An BPMN Extension to Support Risk-Based Development of Forensic-Ready Software Systems (2023)
Lessons Learned from Automated Sharing of Intrusion Detection Alerts: The Case of the SABU Platform (2023)
Cyber Key Terrain Identification Using Adjusted PageRank Centrality (2024)
Data Loss Prevention Solution for Linux Endpoint Devices (2023)
A review on graph-based approaches for network security monitoring and botnet detection (2024)
The 4th International Workshop on Graph-based Approaches for CyberSecurity (GRASEC 2023) (2023)
Lightweight Impact Assessment and Projection of Lateral Movement and Malware Infection (2023)
Unraveling Network-based Pivoting Maneuvers: Empirical Insights and Challenges (2024)
Identification of Device Dependencies Using Link Prediction (2024)
Research and Practice of Delivering Tabletop Exercises (2024)
From Paper to Platform: Evolution of a Novel Learning Environment for Tabletop Exercises (2024)
Forensic-Ready Analysis Suite: A Tool Support for Forensic-Ready Software Systems Design (2024)
FREAS: Forensic-Ready Analysis Suite (2024)
Adversary Tactic Driven Scenario and Terrain Generation with Partial Infrastructure Specification (2024)
The 5th International Workshop on Graph-based Approaches for CyberSecurity (GRASEC 2024) (2024)
Theory and Practice of Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs and Further Steps (2024)
Forensic experts' view of forensic-ready software systems: A qualitative study (2024)
Hierarchical Modeling of Cyber Assets in Kill Chain Attack Graphs (2024)
The Evolution of the CRUSOE Toolset: Enhancing Decision Support in Network Security Management (2024)
Machine Learning in Intrusion Detection: An Operational Perspective (2024)
1st Workshop on Network Security Operations (NeSecOr) (2024)
IoT Security and Provisioning in Cyber-Enabled Niche Critical Infrastructure (2024)
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