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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Can Epileptologists Without Access to Intracranial E eliably the International League Against Epilepsy Classification of the Localization-Related Epileptic Syndromes? (1997)
Dystonie: porucha programu nebo výkonu pohybu? (1997)
Change in pattern of cervical dystonia might be the cause of benefit loss in patients treated by botulinum toxin (1997)
Chronické mozkové elektrody (1997)
Interhemispheric EEG coherence after corpus callosotomy (1997)
Lateralization of the P22/N30 Component of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials of the Median Nerve in Patients With Cervical Dystonia (1997)
Nodulární heterotopie se sekundární gelastickou epilepsií (video-stereo-EEG studie) (1997)
Paraneoplastická neurologická onemocnění - laboratorní diagnostika a klinický obraz (1997)
Possible mechanism of functional dystonia of the hand induced by a psychological conflict (1997)
Atypical lymphocytes in cerebrospinal fluid resembling neoplastic involvement of hematopoetic origin in various neuroinfections (1996)
Cytologie mozkomíšního moku a zobrazovací metody v diagnostice nádorových onemocnění CNS (1996)
Readiness potentials related to self-initiated movement and to movement preceded by time estimation: A comparison (1996)
Spatiotemporal analysis of interictal spikes. A stereoelectroencephalographic study (1995)
The classification of epilepsies confronted with stereo-electroencephalography (1995)
A spatiotemporal analysis of interictal spikes (1995)
Anticholinergic action of benzodiazepines (1993)
Polygraphic detection of the leading muscle in dystonias (1994)
Intracerebral recording of movement related readiness potentials in epileptic patients (1994)
Localization of cerebral generators of readiness potentials (1994)
The classification of epilepsies in the ligt of stereoelectroencephalography (1994)
Localization of cerebral generators of readiness potentials (1994)
Slow cortical potentials related to time estimation (1994)
Antikonvulzivní terapie neepileptických neurologických onemocnění (1997)
Cervikální dystonie (1996)
Struktura péče o refrakterní epilepsie v Centru pro epilepsie v Brně (1998)
Dlouhodobá remise cervikální dystonie navozená léčbou botulotoxinem A - signál možného ovlivnění centrálního dystonického mechanismu? (1998)
Neurophysiological aspects of botulinum toxin treatment (1998)
Botulotoxin A v léčbě spasticity způsobené dětskou mozkovou obrnou. (1998)
Inracerebral recording of potentials accompanying simple limb movements: a SEEG study in epileptic patients (1998)
Bereitschaftpotential (přípravný motorický potenciál) v oblasti bazálních ganglií. Abstrakta. (1998)
Pseudoepileptic Seizures: A Video-EEG Study. Abstracts. (1998)
Vagová- neurogenně zprostředkovaná synkopa (vagovazální synkopa) v rámci diferenciální diagnostiky poruch vědomí.Abstrakta. (1998)
Posterior thalamus is involved in the movement preparation and activity.A SEEG study of Readiness Potential,Movement Accompanying Potential,CNV,P3 and evoked potentials. Abstracts. (1998)
Intracerebral registration of P3 and its latery control using different paradigms. Abstracts. (1998)
High doses of primidone as a treatment for postural tremor in various neurological diseases.Abstracts. (1998)
Movement preparation in the basal ganglia. A SEEG study. Abstracts. (1998)
Subarachnoidálně lokalizované cysty v klinické praxi. Abstrakta. (1998)
ERP in response to subliminal target stimuli. Abstracts. (1998)
Effect of subthreshold target stimuli on event-related potentials (1998)
Sfenoidální elektrody v přípravě chirurgické terapie epilepsie (srovnání skalpového, semiinvazivního a stereoEEG vyšetření). (1998)
Intracarotid Methohexital-Induced Epileptiform Activity in TLE.Abstracts. (1998)
Gesturální stereotypie - příznak frontální nebo temporální? Abstrakta. (1998)
Indukce epileptické aktivity po intrakarotickém podání methohexitalu. Abstrakta. (1998)
Movement-related cortical potentials - an intracerebral study of epileptics. Abstarcts. (1998)
Kortiko-subkortikální interakce v přípravě a provedení pohybu. Abstrakta. (1998)
Paroxysmální bolestivá dystonie dolní čelisti. Abstrakta. (1998)
Sociální problémy a epilepsie (sociologická studie). Abstrakta. (1998)
Centrum pro epilepsie Brno. Abstrakta. (1998)
Intracerebral registration of the SEP component P22/N30 and the effect of active movement and its planning (1998)
Intracerebral recording of P22/N30 median SEP component and change of its amplitude caused by active movement and mental movement simulation (1998)
P22/N30 precentral component of the median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials in cervical dystonia patients and the change of its lateralization after successful botulinum toxin treatment. (1998)
Lateralization of the P22/N30 precentral cortical component of the median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials is different in the patients with tonic and tremulous form of cervical dystonia (1998)
Blink reflex in patients with facial hemispasm (1998)
Social and economical aspects of treatment of cervical dystonia with botulinum toxin A (1998)
The change in smmoth pursuit eye movements in L-DOPA naive parkinsonian patients following administration of subcutaneous apomorphine (1998)
Indukce změny pohybového vzorce u dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou navozená současnou léčbou rehabilitační a botulotoxinem A. (1998)
Ke stému výročí narození prof. MUDr. Miroslava Křivého (1995)
Učebnice speciální neurologie (1999)
Porucha iniciace chůze a její behaviorální ovlivnění (1999)
Indukce změny pohybového vzorce u dětí postižených dětskou mozkovou obrnou navozená současnou léčbou rehabilitační a botulotoxinem A. (1999)
Lateralization of the P22/N30 precentral cortical component of the median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials is different in patients with tonic or tremulous form of cervical dystonia. (1999)
Treatment of facial and oro-linguo-mandibular tardive dystonie by botulinum toxin A: evidence of a long-lasting effect. (1999)
Dystonie - mechanismy, diagnostika a léčba (1999)
SPECT a depresivní porucha (1999)
Psychicky indukované neepileptické (pseudoepileptické) záchvaty (1999)
Parallel Information Processing in Motor Systems:Intracerebral Recordings of Readiness Potential and CNV in Human Subjects. (2000)
Antiepileptic Pharmacotherapy with Slow-Release Carbamazepine-Clinical and Pharmacokinetic Investigations. (1999)
Parkinsonova nemoc a příbuzná onemocnění v praxi. (1999)
The role of frontal and temporal lobes in visual discrimination task - depth ERP studies (1999)
Diagnostika Parkinsonských syndromů. (1999)
Profesionální syndrom karpálního tunelu (1999)
Minimální diagnostický a terapeutický standard u pacientů s epilepsii. (1999)
Dichotomie vizuální percepce. Doktorandská dizertační práce. (1999)
Cognitive and movement related potentials in the basal ganglia. A SEEG study in epileptic patients.Abstract. (1999)
Analysis of the Interictal and Ictal EEG Activity Recorded in the Basal Ganglia in Epileptic Patients during Invasive Video-EEG.Abstract. (1999)
Diagnosis and Managing Cognitive Changes.Abstract. (1999)
Ictal activity Recorded in the Basal Ganglia. A video-EEG Study. Abstracts (1999)
Hodnocení změn mozkové cirkulace při testu na nakloněné rovině u pacientů s neurokardiogenní synkopou (1999)
Neurologická problematika v intenzivní medicíně (2000)
Význam sympatického cholinergního systému v patofyziologii vazodepresorického typu neurokardiogenní synkopy (2000)
Autoregulation of brain cirgulation in patients with vasodepressoric type of vasovagal syncope (2000)
Nové laboratorní metody u depresivní poruchy / Abstrakta/ (2000)
Amantadine infusion in treatment of motor fluctuations and dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease (2000)
Cortical activation in self-paced versus externally cued movements:a hypothesis (2000)
Myoklonus (2000)
Neuropsychiatrická konfrontace. (2000)
Fokální epilepsie dospělých (2000)
Suppression of L-DOPA induced dyskinesias in advanced Parkinsons disease by continuous subcutaneous infusions of apomorphine: results of one year, prospective follow-up. (2000)
The impact of botulinum toxin treatment on cortical excitability and inhibition in dystonia (2000)
Alterations of motor cortical excitability and inhibition in patients with cervical dystonia: a pilot study (2000)
Cortical and subcortical distribution of sensory and cognitive operations. A contingent negative variation SEEG study (2000)
Terapie psychických poruch u epilepsie. (2000)
Soudobé trendy ve výzkumu neuroprotekce - aktuální role topiramátu. (2000)
Unconscious processing of visual stimuli (evidence from intracerebral ERP recordings). (2000)
Preoperative and intraoperative monitoring in epilepsy surgery (2000)
Effect of vagal nerve stimulation on auditory and visual event-related potentials. (2000)
Event-related potentials and unilateral vagal nerve stimulation in epileptic patients. (2000)
Současné možnosti chirurgické léčby epilepsie a její limitace. (2000)
Inverzní Antonův syndrom - disociace percepce a vědomí? (2000)
Záchvatová onemocnění. (2000)
Pre-surgical evaluation for epilepsy surgery - European Standards. (2000)
Diferenciální diagnostika epileptických a neepileptických (pseudoepileptických) záchvatů v klinické praxi. (2000)
Antiepileptic drugs in adult difficult-to-treat epilepsies (2000)
Slow Potentials Related to Movement Preparation and Execution Recorded in Cortex and Basal Ganglia in Human Subjects. (2000)
Anamnestic and clinical features in unitemporal and bitemporal functional impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy. (2000)
A SEEG study of motor preparation and activity in cortex,thalamus and basal ganglia. (2000)
Intracranial recordings of readiness potential and event-related desynchronisation in hand and foot movements. (2000)
Electrophysiological changes preceding voluntary movement in epileptic patients recorded with depth electrodes. (2000)
EEG and motor responses to target stimuli in an oddball paradigm: SEEG recordings in epileptic patients. (2000)
Učebnice obecné neurologie (1993)
Učebnice speciální neurologie (1992)
Minimální diagnostický a terapeutický standard u pacientů s epilepsií I (1997)
Minimální diagnostický a terapeutický standard u pacientů s epilepsií II (1998)
Minimální diagnostický a terapeutický standard u pacientů s epilepsií III (1999)
Minimální diagnostický a terapeutický standard u pacientů s epilepsií IV (1999)
Minimální diagnostický a terapeutický standard u pacientů s epilepsií I-V (2000)
Standard diagnostických a léčebných výkonů u epilepsie (1998)
Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes - patients` cohort profile in the Czech Republic. (2001)
Intracerebral Recording of Readiness Potential Induced by a Complex Motor Task (2001)
Movement-related potentials in the basal ganglia: a SEEG readiness potential study (2001)
Léčba posturálního třesu rozdílné etiologie primidonem. (2001)
Event-related potentials,CNV,readiness potential,and movement accompanying potential recorded from posterior thalamus in human subjects.A SEEG study. (2001)
Pergolid mesylát (Permax) jako adjuvantní léčba Parkinsonovy nemoci - prospektivní, otevřená, šstiměsíční studie (2001)
Basal ganglia involvement in sensory and cognitive processing. A depth electrode CNV study in human subjects. (2001)
Faktory predikující rychlejší progresi Parkinsonovy nemoci (2001)
Iktální vomitus - lateralizační příznak u epilepsie temporálního laloku (2001)
Intracerebral event-related potentials to subthreshold target stimuli. (2001)
Effects of vagal nerve stimulation on auditory and visual event-related potentials. (2001)
Skryté poznání (2001)
Vaskulární parkinsonský syndrom - historie a současnost. (2001)
Electrophysiological responses to target and frequent stimuli recorded by intra-cerebral electrodes during visual odd-ball paradigm in human (2001)
Steep U-shaped EEG potentials preceding the movement in oddball paradigm: Their role in movement triggering (2001)
A SEEG study of ERPs in motor corticles and the basal ganglia. (2001)
Intracerebral recordings of ERD/ERS and P3 in visual oddball paradigm. (2001)
The impact of L-Dopa on intracortical inhibition and facilitation - A paired TMS study with L-Dopa - naive Parkinsonian patients. (2001)
Intracerebral recordings of visual event-related potentials on reaction errors. (2001)
Clinical and electrophysiological seizure characteristics of patients with unitemporal and bitemporal epilepsy. (2001)
The role of the basal ganglia in human epilepsy. (2001)
Cognitive potentials in motor and premotor cortices and in the basal ganglia. (2001)
Minimální diagnostický a terapeutický standard u pacientů s epilepsií VI (2001)
P3 waveform in oddball paradigm can be time locked to target stimulus or the motor response (2001)
Potentials evoked by non-target stimuli in visual oddball setup (intra-cerebral study in humans) (2002)
Is the potential evoked by visual stimulus dependent on verbal instruction, which determined the stimulus significance? (2002)
Neurologická problematika v intenzivní medicíně. (2003)
Neurologická problematika v intenzívní medicíně (2003)
Intracortical excitability in early parkinsonian patients - a one year follow-up paired TMS study (2002)
Cognitive potentials in the basal ganglia - cortical circuits. A SEEG study. (2002)
Intracerebral somatosensory event-related potentials:effect of response type (button-pressing versus mentalcouting) on P3 distribution within human brain. (2002)
A SEEG study of ERP in motor and premotor cortices and in the basal ganglia. (2002)
Interictal and Ictal EEG Activity in the Basal Ganglia: An SEEG Study in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. (2002)
The trend in public attitudes in the Czech Republic towards persons with epilepsy. (2002)
Effect of vagal nerve stimulation on interictal epileptiform discharges: a scalp EEG study (2002)
Atypical language dominance in left temporal lobe epilepsy as a result of reorganisation of language functions (2002)
Ictal dystonia in frontal lobe epilepsy: an invasive video-EEG study. (2002)
Error processing - evidence from intracerebral ERP recordings (2002)
Příznak "tření nosu" u pacientů s epilepsií temporálního laloku. (2002)
Thalamický syndrom opomíjení (neglect syndrom). (2002)
Depression and brain perfusion: a SPECT study (2000)
Dystonia: A Disorder of Motor Programming or Motor Execution? (2002)
Abnormalities of cortical excitability and cortical inhibition in cervical dystonia: evidence from somatosensory evoked potentials and paired transcranial magnetic stimulation recordings (2003)
A SEEG study of ERP in motor and premotor cortices and in the basal ganglia. (2003)
Ictal limb dystonia in temporal lobe epilepsy. An invasive video-EEG finding. (2003)
Epileptic Dystonia. An Intracranial EEG Study. (2003)
Atypical hemispheric language dominance in left temporal lobe epilepsy as a result of the reorganization of language functions. (2003)
Erps to target and frequent stimuli in visual oddball paradigm (SEEG study) (2003)
Identical event-related potentials to target and frequent stimuli of visual oddball task recorded by intracerebral electrodes (2003)
Vztah vln P3 k podnětu a odpovědi ve zrakovém oddball paradigmatu (2003)
Časové charakteristiky P3 vln "U" tvaru registrovaných intracerebrálními elektrodami u lidí (2003)
Časové charakteristiky korové aktivace navozené neterčovými podněty v oddball úloze (intracerebrální studie u člověka) (2003)
Evokované EEG odpovědi ve frekvenčním pásmu 5,5-15 Hz ve vizuálním oddball paradigmatu (SEEG studie) (2003)
Časové charakteristiky P3 vln tvaru U registrovaných intracerebrálními elektrodami (2003)
Effect of vagal nerve stimulation on patients with bitemporal epilepsy. (2003)
Pramipexole and pergolide in the treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease:a national multicentre prospective randomized study. (2003)
Intracerebral recordings of the Bereitschaftspotential and related potentials in cortical and subcortical structures in human subjects. (2003)
Cortical and subcortical distribution of middle and long latency auditory and visual evoked potentials in a cognitive (CNV) paradigm. (2003)
Post-stimulus auditory and visual evoked potentials in the cognitive paradigm:stereoEEG recording from the temporal lobe and basal ganglia. (2003)
Temporal characteristics of cortical activation induced by non-target stimulus in visual oddball setup (intra-cerebral study in humans) (2003)
Evoked EEG responses in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in visual oddball paradigm (SEEG study) (2003)
Temporal characteristics of U-shaped P-3 waves registered with intracerebral electrodes in humans (2003)
Galantamine added to olanzapine improves prefrontal cortex functioning in schizophrenia: a case fMRI study. (2004)
Encoding and hippocampal activation in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: a fMRI study (2004)
Učebnice obecné neurologie (2003)
Neurologie pro sestry (1999)
Optimalizace skupinové analýzy fMRI v závislosti na prostorovém vyhlazení (2004)
Vliv prostorového vyhlazení snímků na výsledky skupinové analýzy ve fMRI (2004)
Handedness Shift as a COnsequence of Motor Cortex Reorgnization After Early Functional Impairment in Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - An fMRI Case Report (2004)
Lokalizace korových řečových center a hodnocení jejich lateralizace pomocí funkční MRI (2004)
fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominance using various methods in laterality index calculation (2004)
Nové metody v určení řečově dominantní hemisféry pomocí fMRI (2004)
Určení řečové dominantní hemisféry pomocí fMRI - nové metody výpočtu lateralizačního indexu (2004)
Intracerebrally recorded ERPs in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in visual oddball paradigm (2004)
Intracerebral ERP correlated with fMRI findings in the study of auditory oddball paradigms (2004)
Variability of peak amplitude latencies of the visual P3 wave obtained in averaging the sweeps with equal stimulus-response intervals (2004)
Unruptured intracranial aneurysm as a cause of focal epilepsy: an excellent postoperative outcome after intra-arteial treatment (2004)
How to treat tremor - A 1729 opinion. (2004)
Cognitive potentials in the basal ganglia - frontocortical circuits. An intracerebral recording study. (2004)
Parkinsonova nemoc: Doporučené postupy diagnostiky a léčby. II. Pozdní stadium. (2004)
Cognitive and movement related potentials in the basal ganglia. (2004)
Porucha paměti a aktivace hipokampu u první epizody schizofrenie (2005)
Cortical and subcortical distribution of cognitive operations: A contingent negative variation depth electrode study (2000)
Parallel processing of cognitive evoked potentials in the frontal cortex and basal ganglia. An intracerebral study (2001)
The impact of pergolide treatment on the sexual functions of men with Parkinsons disease: An open, prospective follow-up (2003)
Wilsonova nemoc a epilepsie (2001)
Úloha inhibitorů katechol-O-metyl-transferázy (COMT) v léčbě pozdních komplikací Parkinsonovy nemoci- účinnost a bezpečnost entakaponu (2002)
Grafospasmus (písařská křeč): dlouhodobá léčba botulotoxinem A (2002)
Praktické použití botulotoxinu A v léčbě spasticity dospělé populace (2002)
Wegeners granulomatosis: ischemic stroke as the first clinical manifestation (case study) (2002)
The effect of apomorphine administration on smooth pursuit ocular movements in early Parkinsonian patients (2003)
Excessive daytime sleepiness and "sleep attacks" induced by entacapone (2003)
Intracortical inhibition and facilitation are impaired in patients with early Parkinsons disease: a paired TMS study (2003)
Synchronization of gamma oscillations increases functional connectivity of human hippocampus and inferior-middle temporal cortex during repetitive visuomotor events (2004)
Socioekonomické aspekty terapie faciálních dyskinezí botolotoxinem A (1996)
Penile erections and hypersexuality induced by pergolide treatment in advanced, fluctuating Parkinsons disease (2002)
Functional benefit of botulinum toxin (Dysport) in the treatment of dynamic equinus cerebral palsy spasticity: a prospective, multicentre, double-blind, placebo controlled study (2004)
Suppression of L-DOPA induced dyskinesias in advanced Parkinsons disease by continuous subcutaneous infusions of apomorphine- Results of one year, prospective follow-up (2002)
Levodopa-induced dyskinesias and continuous subcutaneous infusions of apomorphine: Results of a two-year, prospective follow-up (2002)
Senzitivita a specificita zátěžové polymyografie v diferenciální diagnostice tremoru horních končetin (2002)
The selective gating of the N30 cortical component of the somatosensory evoked potentials of median nerve is different in the mesial and dorsolateral frontal cortex: evidence from intracerebral recordings (2003)
The impact of motor activity on intracerebral ERPs: P3 latency variability in modified auditory odd-ball paradigms involving a motor task (2003)
Letter to the editor-reply (2004)
Pergolide mesylate can improve sexual dysfunction in patients with Parkinsons disease: the results of an open, prospective, 6 month follow-up (2004)
Cognitive potentials in the basal ganglia-frontocortical circuits. An intracerebral recording study (2004)
efficacy and safety of standardised 500 unit dose of Dysport (Clostridium botulinum toxin type A haemaglutinin compplex) in a heterogenous cervical dystonia popupation: results of a prospective, multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, (2001)
Neurofyziologické vyšetřovací metody v klinické neurologické praxi (2000)
Senzitivní příznaky Parkinsonovy nemoci (2001)
Diagnostika a klinické příznaky Parkinsonovy nemoci (2001)
Kontingentní negativní variace (CNV)- Teoretické aspekty a praktické použití v neurovědách a psychiatrii (2001)
Pozdní komplikace Parkinsonovy nemoci- klinické projevy, léčba (2002)
Evokované potenciály v diagnostice roztroušené sklerózy mozkomíšní (2002)
Diferenciální diagnostika centrálních okohybných poruch z pohledu klinické neurologické praxe. Část I. Fyziologie centrální okulomotoriky (1995)
Diferenciální diagnostika centrálních okohybných poruch z pohledu klinické neurologické praxe. Část I. Patologie centrální okulomotoriky (1995)
Multisystémová atrofie- nový nosologický koncept (1996)
Genetika dystonií (2003)
Zobrazení funkce hipokampu u prvních episod schizofrenie (2005)
Optimization of fMRI Group Analysis Using Various Spatial Smoothing Parameters (2005)
Funkční magnetická rezonance - úvod do problematiky (2005)
Aplikace zobrazovacích metod u prvních epizod schizofrenie (2006)
Optimization of fMRI group analysis using spatial smoothing (2005)
fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominancy - new methods of laterality index calculation (2005)
Reorganization of language-related neuronal networks in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy - an fMRI study. (2005)
Combined event related fMRI and intracerebral ERP study of an auditory oddball task. (2005)
Dropped head syndrome in severe intractable epilepsies with mental retardation. (2005)
Intracerebral error-related negativity in a simple go/no-go task. (2005)
Lateralized ictal immobility of the upper limb in pstients with temporal lobe epilepsy. (2005)
The effect of response type (motor output versus mental counting) on the intracerebral distribution of the slow cortical potentials in an externally cued (Contingent negative Variation) paradigm (2005)
Cerebellum contributes to motor timing and prediction. Behavioral and fMRI study in healthy subjects and patients with spinocerebellar ataxia. (2005)
The effect of response type on the intracerebral distribution of the slow cortical potentials in contingent negative variation paradigm (2005)
Cerebellum contributes to motor timing and prediction. (2005)
Update on spinocerebellar ataxias (2005)
Pregradual and Postgradual Medical System in the USA (2005)
Intracerebral P3-like waveforms and the length of the stimulus-response interval in a visual oddball paradigm. (2005)
Cognitive performance in people with Parkinson's disease and mild or moderate depression: effects of dopamine agonists in an add-on to L-dopa therapy. (2005)
Cognitive functioning after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with cerebrovascular disease without dementia: a pilot study of seven patients. (2005)
Repetitivní transkraniální magnetická stimulace a možnosti jejího potencionálního terapeutického využití u extrapyramidových onemocnění. (2005)
Parkinsonova nemoc, antiparkinsonika a kognitivní funkce. (2005)
Rostral cingulate motor area and paroxysmal alien hand syndrome. (2005)
Epilepsy surgery in the Czech Republic. (2005)
Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens. (2005)
Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens (2005)
Electrophysiological response to target and frequent stimuli in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in a visual oddball paradigm (2005)
Early sensory ERPs in oddball paradigm (SEEG study) (2005)
Cognitive- and Movement- Related Potentials Recorded in the Human basal ganglia. (2005)
Epilepsy surgery in the Czech Republic. (2005)
18. český a slovenský epileptologický sjezd (2005)
III. levočské pracovné dni neuropsychiatrie a algeziológie vo vertebrológii. (2005)
Možnosti využití generických antiepileptik v terapii epilepsií v každodenní praxi (2005)
Autismus (2004)
Asociace behaviorálních poruch autistického spektra a řečových poruch s epilepsií a epileptoformními EEG abnormalitami (2004)
Neuropediatrické aspekty péče o pacienta trpícího spasticitou (2004)
Interictal epileptic spikes averaging in scalp EEG. (1996)
Event-related potentials - a new tool for implicit perception study? (1996)
Neurokardiogenní synkopa - interiktální a iktální EEG studie. (2001)
Stimulace nervus vagus v terapii farmakorezistentní terapie. (2002)
Covert vision sign. (2002)
Účinnost levetiracetamu u pacientů s farmakorezistentní epilepsií. (2003)
Význam funkční magnetické rezonance pro hodnocení kognirivních pochodů v lidském mozku. Lokalizace "oddball" úkolem aktivovaných neuronálních populací. (2003)
Intracerebral somatosensory event-related potentials: Effect of response type (button pressing versus mental counting) on P3-like potentials within the human brain. (2003)
Topiramát v dlouhodobé terapii farmakorezistentní parciální epilepsie. (2004)
Neglect syndrom a "příznak skrytého vidění" (2002)
"Epileptická psychóza" - kontroverzní hledání souvislostí. (2002)
Stáří a epilepsie. (2003)
Česká verze Mini mental state testu (MMS). (1995)
Koncepce péče o pacienty s epilepsií v ČR. (2004)
Stimulace nervus vagus v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie. (2004)
Koncepce péče o pacienty s epilepsií v ČR. (2004)
Kognitivní a behaviorální neurologie. (2004)
P3 and ERD/ERS in a visual oddball paradigm. A depth EEG study from the mesial temporal structures. (2006)
Farmakorezistentní epilepsie. (2004)
Complete Loss of the Cytoplasmic Carboxyl Terminus of the KCNQ2 Potassium Channel: A Novel Mutation in a Large Czech Pedigree with Benign Neonatal Convulsions or Other Epileptic Phenotypes. (2004)
Face processing in first episode schizophrenia: A FMRI study (2006)
Impact of differences between real and predicted time series on GLM fMRI analysis (2006)
Simulations of fMRI data sets (2006)
Simulations of Functional MRI Time Series (2006)
Reduction of prefrontal gray matter volume in first-episode schizophrenia independent of risperidon treatment (2006)
Impaired hippocampal function in first-episode schizophrenia (2006)
Prefrontal but not temporal gray matter changes in males with first-episode schizophrenia (2007)
Event-related desynchronization and synchronization in a visual oddball task (a stereoelectroencephalic study) (2006)
P3 and ERD/ERS in a visual oddball paradigm. A depth EEG study from the mesial temporal structures. (2006)
Rostral cingulate motor area and paroxysmal alien hand syndrome. (2006)
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the thalamus in patients with typical absence epilepsy. (2006)
Combining advances neuroimaging techniques in presurgical workup of non-lesional intractable epilepsy. (2006)
Morfologické koreláty neurologických měkkých příznaků u první epizody schizofrenie (2007)
The effect of response type (motor output versus mental counting) on the intracerebral distribution of the slow cortical potentials in an externally cued (CNV) paradigm. (2007)
Myoklonus – srovnání účinnosti léčby podle typu ovlivněných neurotransmiterových systémů (2006)
Suppression of L-dopa induced dyskinesias in advanced Parkinson's disease by continuous subcutaneous infusions of apomorphine results of a two year, prospective follow-up (2006)
The long-lasting improvement of sexual dysfunction in patients with advanced, fluctuating Parkinson's disease induced by pergolide: evidence from the results of an open, prospective, one-year trial (2005)
The long-lasting improvement of sexual dysfunction in patients with advanced, fluctuating Parkinson's disease induced by pergolide: Results of an open, prospective, six months and one-year follow-up (2005)
Synchrozation of ECoG activity during response to non-target stimuli in oddball task: An exploration in epileptic patients (2006)
Changes of oscillatory activity in a visual oddball task (sEEG study) (2006)
Correlation between stimulus-response intervals and peak amplitude latencies of visual P3 Waves (2006)
Intracerebral ERD/ERS in voluntary movement and in cognitive visuomotor task. (2006)
Vascular parkinsonism - an update (2006)
An event-related fMRI study of self-paced alphabetically ordered writing of single letters (2006)
Gray matter correlates of neurological soft signs in males with first-episode schizophrenia (2007)
Optic neuritis in pediatric patients- clinical evaluations of the 10 years follow-up. (2007)
Impaired predictive motor timing in patients with cerebellar disorders (2007)
Elektromyografická diagnostika u akutní zánětlivé demyelinizační polyradikuloneurotidy. Retrospektivní hodnocení a srovnání s mezinárodními diagnostickými kritériemi (2007)
Epilepsie v těhotenství (2005)
Optic neuritis in pediatric patients- clinical evaluations of the 10 years follow-up. (2007)
Migréna v dětském věku (2007)
Zhoršování epileptických záchvatů a epilepsií antiepileptiky - je to možné? (2007)
Epileptochirurgické řešení kavernózního hemangiomu asociovaného s fokální kortikální dysplazií při sekundární temporální epilepsii:kazuistika (2007)
Autismus. Neurologické, bahaviorální a kognitivní projevy (2006)
Epilepsie temporálního laloku u dětí (2006)
Epilepsie temporálního laloku u dětí (2006)
Autistické spektrum (2007)
Ovlivnění exprese mRNA genu SMN2 inhibitory histonových deacetyláz a jejich vliv na fenotyp spinální svalové atrofie I. a II. typu (2007)
Disturbed intracortical excitability in early Parkinson's disease is l-DOPA dose related: A prospective 12-month paired TMS study. (2007)
Modifications of cognitive and motor tasks affect the occurrence of event-related potentials in the human cortex. (2007)
Využitie botulotoxínu v terapii sialorrhei u Parkinsonovej choroby (2007)
Transkraniální magnetická stimulace (2003)
A family with multiple members affected by late-onset Pompe disease due to the R224W (670>T) mutation: Potential candidates for enzyme replacement therapy (abstract). (2007)
fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominance using various methods of laterality index calculation. (2007)
Impact of inaccurate knowledge of experimental stimulus time-course on GLM fMRI analysis (2007)
Stimulační léčba v terapii funkčních poruch CNS (2007)
Neuronavigace při operaci pro farmakorezistentní epilepsii (2007)
Effective connectivity in target stimulus processing: A dynamic causal modeling study of visual oddball task. (2007)
Functional abnormalities in the primary orofacial sensorimotor cortex during speech in Parkinson's disease. (2007)
An event-related fMRI study of self-paced writing of simple dots (2006)
Surgical aspects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation (2007)
Surgical aspects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation (2007)
Vagus nerve stimulation removal - indications and surgical aspects (2007)
Mapování řečového a motorického kortexu funkční magnetickou rezonancí a kortikální stimulací (2007)
Surgical aspects of subthalamic stimulation (2007)
Mapování řečového a motorického kortexu funkční magnetickou rezonancí a kortikální stimulací (2007)
Glaucoma drainage implants in the treatment of refractory glaucoma in pediatric patients. (2007)
Optic neuritis in paediatric patients: Clinical manifestations, etiology, therapy and visual outcomes in long-term follow up. (2007)
Water immersion and physiotherapy in patients with Parkinson disease (2007)
Modifications of cognitive and motor tasks affect the occurrence of event-related potentials in the human cortex. (2007)
Anterior opercular syndrome in frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquin-only immunoreactive neuronal changes. (2007)
Případ nejasné progredující encefalopatie (2007)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzeimer's disease - clinical and neuropathological considerations in two cases. (2007)
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Possible Target for Modulating Dyskinesias in Parkinson's Disease by repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. (2008)
Doporučené postupy pro léčbu Alzheimerovy nemoci a dalších onemocnění spojených s demencí. (2007)
Psychiatrické symptomy Parkinsonovy nemoci: diagnostika a léčba. (2007)
The course of diagnosis of autistic patients: the delay between recognition of the first symptoms by parents and correct diagnosis (2007)
Léčebný potenciál lamotriginu v terapii epilepsie v dětství a adolescenci (2007)
Neurologické nemoci, u kterých je nutná spolupráce s ortopedem (2007)
Symptomatická terapie neuropatické bolesti u dětských onkologických pacientů pregabalinem (2007)
Migréna v dětském věku (2007)
Canavanova-van Bogaertova-Bertrandova leukodystrofie (2007)
Leukodystrofie se známým metabolickým defektem: X-vázaná adrenoleukodystrofie (2007)
Epileptic seizures in Angelman syndrome children (2007)
Germinoma of pineal and sellar region in a patient with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: a case report (2007)
Gliomy nízkého stupně u dětí - (ne)jenom chirurgické řešení? Retrospektivní analýza dat souboru KDO FN Brno (2007)
Využití somatosenzorických evokovaných potenciálů v dětské intenzivní medicíně (2007)
Univerzálnímí rizikovými faktory asociovanými s poruchami řeči u dětí s autismem jsou epilepsie a/nebo epileptiformní abnormita a lateralita jiná než praváctví (2007)
Specifika migrén v dětském věku (2007)
Dítě s Canavanovou nemocí (2007)
Psychogenní neepileptické záchvaty - konverzní křeče (2007)
Význam video EEG u neonatálních záchvatů (2007)
Noční frontální epilepsie (2007)
Nová antiepileptika u dospělých - nové informace (2007)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí na KDO FN Brno (2007)
Meduloblastom: Současný management léčby. Léčebné výsledky na Klinice dětské onkologie LF MU a FN Brno v letech 2000 - 2006 (2007)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí na KDO FN Brno (2007)
Frontotemporální demence - třetí nejčastější demence neurodegenerativního původu (2007)
Farmakoterapie Parkonsonovy nemoci (2007)
Information flow within prefrontal cortex during target stimulus processing: A direct transfer function (DTF) analysis of human depth EEG signal (2007)
Ictal semiology in focal epilepsies (2007)
Executive functions processed in the frontal lateral temporal cortices: Intracerebral study. (2007)
Cognitive potentials in the basal ganglia. (2007)
Repetitive Transcranial Stimulation for Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease (2007)
Leukodystrofie - Canavanova nemoc - kazuistika (2007)
Substrakční iktální SPECT koregistrovaný s MRI (SISCOM) v diagnostice farmakorezistentní epilepsie. (2007)
Limity a úskalí. (2007)
Nežádoucí účinky nových antileptik. (2007)
Kombinace dvou epileptických syndromů (lezionální temporální epilepsie a juvenilní myoklonické epilepsie) (2007)
Paměť a evokované potenciály. (2007)
Cognitive potentials in the basal ganglia. (2007)
DaTSCAN for diagnosis. (2007)
Antiagregancia a antikoagulancia v prevenci a v léčbě cévních mozkových příhod (2007)
Současný stav a perspektivy trombolytické terapie část 1 (2007)
Současný stav a perspektivy trombolytické terapie část 2 (2007)
Frontotemporální lobární degenerace (2007)
Duální antiagregační terapie v prevenci mozkového infarktu (2007)
Nové poznatky o duální antiagregační terapii v prevenci cévní mozkové příhody (2007)
Kognitivní poruchy a demence. (2007)
Repetitivní transkraniální magnetická stimulace (rTMS) a paměť. (2007)
Unilateral haemorrhage in globus pallidus externus improving the parkinsonian symptomatology bilaterally and L- DOPA related hallucinations. (2007)
Cognitive potentials in the basal ganglia. (2007)
Funkční mozkové koreláty spojené s účinností rTMS na negativní příznaky schizofrenie (2008)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí na KDO FN Brno (2007)
Balneotherapy in patients with Parkinson's disease (2007)
Mapování řečového a motorického kortexu fMRI a KS u pacientů s mozkovými nádory (2008)
A pilot study on systemic thrombolysis followed by low molecular weight heparin in ischemic stroke (2006)
Okamžik rozchodu event-related potenciálů v terčové a neterčové odpovědi visuálního oddball paradigmatu (2008)
Calling 911 in Response to Stroke. A Nationwide Study Assessing Definitive Individual Behavior (2008)
Telemedicine-Guided Carotid and Transcranial Ultrasound. A Pilot Feasibility Study (2006)
Early Recanalization Rates and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Tandem Internal Carotid Artery/Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion and Isolated Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (2005)
A Pilot Randomized Clinical Safety Study of Sonothrombolysis Augmentation With Ultrasound Activated Perflutren Lipid Microspheres for Acute Ischemic Stroke (2008)
Accuracy of Serial National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Scores to Identify Artery Status in Acute Ischemic Stroke (2007)
Vztah dysfunkce autonomního nervového systému ke klinickému hodnocení postižení u Parkinsonovy nemoci (2008)
Epilepsia, epileptiform abnormalities, non-right-handedness, hypotonia and severe decreased IQ are associated with language impairment in autism (2007)
Autonomní nervový systém v různých stádiích postižení Parkinsonovou nemocí (2008)
Dlouhodobé výsledky chirurgické léčby chronické obrny n.VI. u dětí a dospělých. (2008)
Výskyt epileptických záchvatů a/nebo epileptiformní abnormiy u dětí s atypickým autismem. (2008)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí (retrospektivní analýza dat) (2008)
Complicated relationship between autism with regression and epilepsy. (2008)
Preoperative Functional MR Imaging in Patients with Brain Tumors (2008)
Evoked and induced EEG responses in a visual oddball task (SEEG study) (2008)
The divergence points of target and non- target event - related potentials exhibiting identical initial course in visual oddball task (2008)
Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task (2008)
Morfologie mozku predikuje globální funkční úroveň v průběhu jednoletého sledování pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie. (2008)
Baseline gray matter volume in later good and poor functioning schizophrenia patients in one-year follow-up after the first episode schizophrenia. (2008)
Onemocnění mozečku (2007)
Novinky v transkraniální magnetické stimulaci (2008)
Pozdní hybné komplikace Parkinsonovy nemoci; wearing-off a další motorické fluktuace. (2008)
Účasť cerebella na kognitívnych a nemotorických funkciách v obraze funkčnej magnetickej rezonancie (2008)
Dlouhodobá léčba spasticity dolních a horních končetin botulotoxinem A u dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou: Retrospektivní studie. (2008)
Functional coupling between anterior prefrontal cortex (BA10) and hand muscle contraction during intentional and imitative motor acts. (2008)
Recurrent Miller Fisher syndrome with abnormal neuromuscular transmission: a case report. (2007)
Effects of ropinirole on nonmotor symptoms of early and advanced Parkinson disease: a prospective multicentre study. (2008)
Changes of oscillatory activity during visual oddball task (SEEG study) (2008)
Neural correlates of affective picture processing - a depth EEG study (2008)
Participation of the subthalamic nucleus in executive functions: An intracerebral recording study. (2008)
Vliv rTMS na kortikální spoje subtalamického jádra. (2008)
Neuritis optica u dětí - dlouhodobé klinické sledování (2008)
Stereotaktická neurostimulace v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie - historie a současnost (2008)
Problematika neurochirurgického řešení tumoru mozku s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2008)
Surgical complications of DBS (2008)
Intraoperační monitoring u resekčních výkonů pro epilepsii (2008)
Předoperační zobrazovací vyšetření u farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2008)
Brain tumor as a cause of pharmacoresistant epilepsy (2008)
Úloha stereoencefalografie v diagnostice a terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2008)
Chirurgické komplikace systémů hluboké mozkové stimulace - příčiny a možnosti řešení (2008)
Morphology of fronto-temporal Regions and Word Generation in First-episode Schizophrenia (2008)
Sexuální dysfunkce u žen s epilepsií a jejich příčiny. (2008)
Dlouhodobá účinnost resekčních epileptochirurgických zákroků 5 let od operace. (2008)
Kardiovaskulární příčiny poruch vědomí (synkopy) v adolescenci. (2008)
Correlation study of optimized voxel-based morphometry and 1H MRS in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE/HS). (2008)
Effects of spatial smoothing on fMRI group inferences (2008)
Analýza default mode sítě (DMS) u zdravých dobrovolníků: pilotní studie (2008)
Nepřesnosti v provedení fMRI experimentu a jejich vliv na výsledky statistické analýzy (2008)
Simulace fMRI dat (2008)
Neurofyziologická diagnostika - včera, dnes a zítra. (2008)
Fyzioterapie u roztroušené sklerózy mozkomíšní (2008)
Sympatický nervový systém v různých stádiích postižení Parkinsonovou nemocí (2008)
General anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery (GALA): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (2008)
Nezávislé prediktory mortality dekompresivní hemikraniektomie u pacientů s akutním mozkovým ischemickým infarktem v povodí střední mozkové tepny - celonárodní retrospektivní studie (2008)
Distribution, duration and spectral characteristics of interictal high-frequency oscillations recorded using standard depth macroelectrodes in patienth with cortical dysplasia. (2008)
Demence u Parkinsonovy nemoci. (2008)
Doporučené postupy pro diagnostiku Alzheimerovy nemoci a dalších onemocnění spojených s demencí. (2008)
Striatal Dopamine Transporter Imaging Correlates with Depressive Symptoms and Tower of London Task Performance in Parkinson's Disease. (2008)
Handedness in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE/HS) (2008)
Leváctví u pacientů s temporální epilepsií a meziotemporální sklerózou (MTLE/HS) (2008)
Informace o projektu časné diagnostiky Pompeho nemoci u vysoce rizikové populace dětí a mladistvých v ČR (2008)
Klasická infantilní forma Pompeho nemoci (2008)
Periferní neuropatie u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí a syndromem neklidných nohou (2008)
Handedness in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE/HS) (2008)
Projekt vyhledávání Pompeho nemoci v ČR pomocí metody suché kapky (2008)
Projekt vyhledávání Pompeho nemoci v ČR pomocí metody suché kapky (2008)
Vyhledávání Pompeho nemoci v dospělé populaci ČR (2008)
Kongenitální svalové dystrofie. Prezentace vlastních případů. 22. český a slovenský neurologický sjezd. Olomouc, 27.-30.11.2008. (2008)
Movement sequencing abilities and basal ganglia morphology in first-episode schizophrenia (2009)
Efficacy and safety of oral fumarate in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIb study. (2008)
Neurocognitive Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease Without Dementia (2008)
The cognitive event-related potentials in the basal ganglia: invasive studies. (2008)
Deprese u Parkinsonovy nemoci. (2008)
Vliv transkraniální magnetické stimulace cerebella na motoriku horní končetiny a depresi u pacientů v časném stadiu Parkinsonovy nemoci - pilotní studie (2008)
Metody hodnocení efektivní konektivity z dat fMRI (2008)
Inaccuracy In Subject's Behavioral Response - Impact On Analysis Of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data (2008)
Comparison Of Analytic Methods For Evaluation Of Functional And Effective Brain Connectivity From fMRI Data (2008)
Gliomatosis cerebri manifestující se symptomatickými epileptickými záchvaty a problematika antiepileptické terapie (2008)
Zonisamid. (2008)
Heart valve abnormalities in Parkinson's disease treated with dopamine agonists. (2008)
Treatment results of low-grade gliomas in children ( a retrospective data analysis). (2008)
Malignant intracranial germioma in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: cholesterol homeostasis possibly connecting morphogenesis and cancer development. (2008)
Effects of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation ( rTMS) of the prefrontal cortex on executive and behavioural function in patiens with Parkinson´s disease ( PN) (2008)
Sexual functions in women wift focal epilepsy. A preliminary study. (2007)
Sexual functions in women with focal epilepsy. A preliminary study. (2007)
Correlation Study of Optimized Voxel-Based Morphometry and H MRS in Patients With Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Hippocampal Sclerosis. (2009)
Intracerebral P3 wave in relation to the movement in a visual oddball task (2009)
Kognitivní deficit u schizofrenie a možnosti jeho remediace. (2009)
Long-term assessment of the efficacy and tolerability of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of lower limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: comparison of dosing frequency. (2009)
Directional Functional Coupling of Cerebral Rhythms Between Anterior Cingulate and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Areas During Rare Stimuli: A Directed Transfer Function Analysis of Human Depth EEG Signal. (2009)
Patologické hráčství u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2009)
Handbook on Neurovascular Ultrasound, Therapeutic transcranial doppler sonography (2006)
Secondary generalization in seizures of temporal lobe origin: Ictal EEG pattern. (2009)
Vagus nerve stimulation: Longitudinal follow-up patients treated for 5 years. (2009)
Outcome of Patients With Negative CT Angiography Results for Arterial Occlusion Treated With Intravenous Thrombolysis (2009)
Effect of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on Reaction time, Clinical features and Cognitive function in patients with Parkinsons disease. (2009)
Levetiracetam in a broad population of patients with refractory epilepsy: interim results of the international SKATE trial. (2006)
Neural correlates of affective picture processing - A depth ERP study. (2009)
Prophylaxis of thrombotic and embolic events in acute ischemic stroke with the low-molecular-weight heparin certoparin - Results of the PROTECT trial (2006)
Event-related desynchronization/synchronization in the putamen. An SEEG case study (2003)
Klinicky významná změna kognitivního výkonu při léčbě antidepresivy. (2009)
Intracerebral recording of cortical activity related to self-paced voluntary movements: a Bereitschaftpotential and event-related desynchronization/synchronization. SEEG study. (2006)
Kognitivní výkon u deprese: související faktory (2009)
Intracerebral recording of cortical activity related to self-paced voluntary movements: a Bereitschchaftspotential and event-related desynchronization/synchronizaton. SEEG study. (2006)
Serum inflammatory biomarkers in Parkinson's disease. (2009)
A systematic review on the diagnosis and treatment of primary (idiopathic) dystonia and dystonia plus syndromes: report of an EFNS/MDS-ES Task Force. (2006)
Rotigotine transdermal patch enables rapid titration to effective doses in advanced-stage idiopathic Parkinson disease: Subanalysis of a parallel group, open-label, dose-escalation study (2006)
Neurodegenerativní demence (2009)
Sexual dysfunctions and blood hormonal profile in men with focal epilepsy (2006)
Long-term levetiracetam treatment of epilepsy patients: Clinical audit (2006)
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the thalamus in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (2007)
Advanced diagnostics and surgical treatment for epilepsy (2006)
Autonomní nervový systém u parkinsonovy choroby (2009)
Efekt repetitivní transkraniální magnetické stimulace (rTMS) prefrontálního kortexu (IFC, DLPFC) na exekutivní a behaviorální funkce u pacientů s Parkinsonovou chorobou (PN). (2008)
Vybrané kapitoly z dětské neurologie (2008)
Temporal charakteristics of intracerebral P3 wave in a visual oddball task (2009)
Cognitive load during a visual oddball task displays differential impact on beta 2-band phase synchrony (2009)
Rufinamid-nová možnost v léčbě Lennoxova-Gastautova syndromu (2008)
Source-based morphometry of gray matter volume in the first-episode schizophrenia (2009)
Deep brain stimulation in acute management of status dystonicus. (2009)
Intracerebral visual P3-like potential of the human brain is a heterogeneous phenomenon (2009)
Diferences in synchronization between various brain regions in the beta-2 band EEG frequencies (2009)
Cognitive network interactions and beta 2 coherence in processing non-target stimuli in visual oddball task (2009)
Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task (2009)
The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the cerebellum on the upper limb performance and depressive symptoms in early Parkinson´s disease patients, pilot study (2009)
Obecná terapie akutního mozkového infarktu (2009)
Léčba akutního mozkového infarktu (2009)
Gray matter morphology and the level of functioning in one-year follow-up of first-episode schizophrenia patients. (2009)
Vagus nerve stimulation: Longitudinal follow-up of patients treated for 5 years (2009)
Experience with childhood epilepsy surgery in adult epileptological center (2009)
Neuromodulace z pohledu neurochirurga - minulost , současnost a náhled budoucnosti (2009)
Chirurgické aspekty hluboké mozkové stimulace (2009)
Calculation of realiability maps with respect to inaccuracy in fMRI data (2010)
Evaluation of Functional Network Connectivity in Event-related fMRI Data based in ICA and Time-frequency Granger Causality (2009)
Metody pro analýzu funkční integrace ve funkčním zobrazování magnetickou rezonancí (2009)
Souvislosti klinických psychologických a genetických markerů a jejich vývojové trendy u chlapců s hyperkinetickou poruchou - longitudinální studie. (2009)
Předoperační mapování elokventního kortexu funkční magnetickou rezonancí (2008)
DNET jako příčina farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2009)
Lezionální stereotaktické operace v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2009)
Prefrontal functional connectivity in remission after the first episode of schizophrenia (2009)
Epileptochirurgie - minulost, současný stav a vyhlídky do budoucnosti (2009)
Méně obvyklé indikace hluboké mozkové stimulace a vagové stimulace (2009)
Možnosti epileptochirurgie u nemocných po mozkové hypotermii (2009)
Současné možnosti vagové stimulace - literární přehled a vlastní zkušenosti (2009)
Úloha stereoencefalografie v diagnostice a terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2009)
Long-term levetiracetam treatment in patients with epilepsy: 3-year follow up. (2010)
High Doses of Rotigotine Transdermal Patch: Results of an Open-Label, Dose-Escalation Trial in Patients With Advanced-Stage, Idiopathic Parkinson Disease (2009)
Secondary generalization in seizures of temporal lobe origin. Ictal EEG pattern in a SEEG study (2009)
Cognitive activities in the subthalamic nukleus. Invasive studies. (2009)
Vascular pathology in patients with idiopathic Parkinson s disease. (2009)
fMRI v hodnocení vštípivosti a rekognice informací u schizofrenie (2010)
The Degenerative Dementias (2009)
Doporučené postupy pro terapii Alzheimerovy nemoci a ostatních demencí (2009)
Doporučené postupy pro diagnostiku Alzheimerovy nemoci a ostatních demencí (2009)
Akutní stavy s extrapyramidovou symptomatikou (2009)
Soucasné možnosti diagnostiky a terapie Parkinsonovy nemoci (2009)
Predictive motor timing performance dissociates between early diseases of the cerebellum and Parkinson's disease (2010)
Léčba dystonií (2009)
Paliativní péče o pacienty s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2010)
Vliv repetitivní transkraniální magnetické stimulace cerebella na motoriku horní končetiny u pacientů v iniciálním stadiu Parkinsonovy nemoci- pilotní studie (2010)
Surgical treatment of epilepsy (2009)
Aerobic training combined with resistance exercise in ischemic heart disease (2010)
Low frequency electrical stimulation and muscle strenght in patients with severe heart failure (2010)
Efekt kombinovaného aerobního a odporového tréninku u pacientů s ischemickou chorobou srdeční (2010)
Brain activation patterns during rTMS treatment of schizophrenia (2010)
Cognitive deficit in schizophrenia and its remediation (2010)
Epilepsie spojené s poruchami metabolizmu pyridoxinu - kazuistika (2010)
Počítačová kognitivní remediace u pacientů se schizofrenií (2010)
Cosmic inheritance rules: Implications for health care and science (2010)
Blood pressure, heart rate and melatonin cycles synchronization with the season, earth magnetism and solar flares (2010)
Baroreflex open-loop gain during 24 hours (2010)
Circadian blood pressure variation analysed from 7-day ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients with ischaemic heart disease (2010)
Low frequency electrical stimulation and muscle strenght in patients with severe heart failure (2010)
Cardiopulmonary exercise training in patients with ischemic heart disease: systolic function and quality of life (2010)
Seven day blood pressure monitoring in patients after myocardinal infarction in secondary phase of cardiovascular rehabilitation (2010)
Impact of combined exercise training on quality of life and exercise tolerance in patients with diabetes melitus and stable coronary artery disease (2010)
Monitorování krevního tlaku v klinické praxi a biologické rytmy (2010)
Pokyny pro vypracování magisterské diplomové práce (2010)
Výskyt sexuálních dysfunkcí u pacientů s epilepsií (2010)
Paroxysmální alien hand syndrom nebo RINCH u epilepsie frontálního laloku ? Videokazuistika + přehled literatury věnované alien hand fenoménu a RINCH. (2010)
Porovnání tíže afázie u demence a cévní mozkové příhody pomocí MASTcz a její vztah k tíži kognitivního deficitu (2010)
Standardizace české verze The Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICUcz) (2010)
Personalized chronobiologic cybercare; other chronomics' progress by transdisciplinary cycles' congruences: season's appreciations 2009 (2010)
Porovnání účinku kombinovaného tréninku na vybrané parametry u skupiny nemocných s anginou pectoris a po infarktu myokardu (2010)
Preoperative functional MR imaging in patients with brain tumors and epilepsy (2010)
Praktická cvičení z klinické fyziologie pro bakalářské studium Specializace ve zdravotnictví (2010)
Source-Based Morphometry of Gray Matter Volume in Men With First-Episode Schizophrenia (2010)
Spiroergometry before and after ambulatory exercise training in patients after acute myocardial infarction (2010)
Arterial stiffness in czech population measured by Vasera1500 (2010)
Cardiovascular parameters and baroreflex sensitivity in parkinson's disease (2010)
Combination aerobic and resistant training in multiple sclerosis (2010)
Cardiovascular rehabilitation programme in men after acute myocardial infarction (2010)
Rehabilitační programy a jejich srovnávání v průběhu hemodialýzy u pacientů v terminálním stádiu chronické renální insuficience (2010)
Ucelená rehabilitace pacientů po arteroplastice kolenního kloubu u žen (2010)
Variabilita srdeční frekvence u roztroušené sklerozy mozkomíšní (2010)
Druhá fáze kardiovaskulární rehabilitace pacientů s ischemickou chorobou srdeční (2010)
Úspěšnost následné léčebné rehabilitace v závislosti na míře funkčního postižení pacientů s cévní mozkovou příhodou (2010)
Mental couting is reflected in the event related brain potentials of the temporal lobe (2010)
Vliv kombinovaného tréninku na kardiorespirační zdatnost u diabetiků 2.typu po akutní koronární příhodě (2010)
Aerobní kapacita a rizikové faktory sdružené v metabolickém syndromu u obézních žen (2010)
Spektrální analýza variability srdeční frekvence u roztroušené sklerózy mozkomíšní (2010)
Variability krevního tlaku a nové možnosti její diagnostiky v klinické praxi (2010)
Nové postupy v intradialytické rehabilitaci chronicky hemodialyzovaných pacientů (2010)
II.dny fyzioterapie, zdraví a pohybová aktivita (2010)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the cerebellum (2010)
Correspondence on ''Outcome measures used in studies of botulinum toxin in childhood cerebral palsy: a systematic review''. (2010)
Současné trendy v léčbě Parkinsonovy nemoci (2010)
Gender differences in motor and non-motor clinical manifestation of Parkinson's disease-analysis of the EWO study (2010)
Srovnání účinnosti antidepresiv a rTMS (vlastní data) (2010)
Zkouška vizuální pozornosti – příspěvek k validizaci metody (pilotní studie) (2010)
Assessing the left ventricle diastolic function in group of patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and regular physical activity (2010)
Kde hledat nemocné s adultní formou Pompeho nemoci? (2010)
Zkouška vizuální pozornosti (ZVP): nonverbální test u pacientů s afázií (2010)
Aphasia and its relation to severity of cognitive deficit in dementia (2010)
Agrafie u afázie a demence (2010)
Occurence and lateralizing value of "rare" peri-ictal vegetative symptoms in temporal lobe epilepsy (2010)
Zavedení molekulárně-genetické diagnostiky Vitamín B6 dependentních epilepsií, první kazuistika. (2010)
Funkční konektivita prefrontálního kortexu v remisi po první epizodě schizofrenie (2010)
Výsledky efektivnosti tréninku kognitivních funkcí u pacientů se schizofrenií na Psychiatrické klinice v Brně (2010)
The level of frontal-temporal beta-2 band EEG synchronization distinguishes anterior cingulate cortex from other frontal regions (2010)
Interictal high-frequency oscillations indicate seizure onset zone in patients with focal cortical dysplasia. (2010)
Deep brain stimulation - computer planning correlated with electrophysiological monitoring (2010)
Dynamic Granger causality based on Kalman filter for evaluation of functional network connectivity in fMRI data. (2010)
Kardiovaskulární rehabilitace u žen s chronickou ischemickou chorobou srdeční (2010)
2 cm inching u fokální neuropatie nervus ulnaris v oblasti lokte. (2010)
Noninvasive methods in cardiology 2010 (2010)
Rehabilitační program u nemocných s chronickou ischemickou chorobou srdeční: ovlivnění kvality života v závislosti na velikosti ejekční frakce (2010)
1 Hz cerebellum rTMS can modify the voluntary movements of the upper limb in early Parkinson’s disease patients. (2010)
An optimized voxel-based morphometric study of gray matter changes in patients with left-sided and right-sided mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE/HS). (2010)
Záchvatové stavy neepileptického původu. (2010)
Korelace polymorfismů kandidátních genů pro ADHD (genů pro DRD2, DAT1, COMT, MAOB, BDNF, IL 2, IL 6) s charakteristikami kognitivního výkonu souvisejícími s "jádrovými" příznaky ADHD u adolescentních chlapců (2010)
Paroxyzmální alien hand syndrom nebo RINCH u epilepsie frontálního laloku? (2010)
Effect of chronic vagal nerve stimulation on interictal epileptiform discharges. (2010)
. Lateralized ictal dystonia of upper and lower limbs in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. (2010)
Ucelená rehabilitace u akutní cévní mozkové příhody (2010)
Variabilita srdeční frekvence v chronické fázi po ischemické cévní mozkové příhodě (2010)
Elektromyostimulation of leg extensor improves the vasomotion in patients with chronic heart failure (2010)
Peri-ictal yawning lateralizes the seizure onset to the no-dominant hemisphere in patients with tempoval lobe epilepsy. (2010)
Exercise training in chronic congestive heart failure: comparison of bicycle training and muscle electrical stimulation (2010)
Antiepileptika a jejich klinické hodnocení. (2010)
Somaticky podmíněné neepileptické záchvaty. (2010)
Vliv kombinovaného vytrvalostního/silového tréninku na vyriabilitu srdeční frekvence u mužů s chronickou ischemickou chorobou srdeční (2010)
Vysazování antiepileptik u pacientů s plně kompenzovanou epilepsií. (2010)
Idiosynkratické nežádoucí účinky antiepileptik a jejich klinický význam. (2010)
U dívek a žen ve fertilním věku se bez valproátu neobejdeme. (2010)
Quality of life after DBS STN in Parkinson's disease can be related to the stimulation amplitude (2010)
Time-frequency and spectral analysis of auditory executive event-related potentials in subthalamic nucleus (2010)
The effect of cortical repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognitive event-related potentials recorded in the subthalamic nucleus. (2010)
Gradual onset of dyskinesia induced by mirtazapine (2010)
Účast odlišných neuronálních sítí při řešení jednoduchého senzorimotorického úkolu (SEEG Studie) (2010)
ERPs recorded by depth electrodes during a simple auditory reaction time paradigm (2010)
Functional integration of the brain after detection of rare target stimuli - a depeth EEG study (2010)
Functional integration of the brain after detection of rare target stimuli - a depth EEG study (2010)
Event-related potentials recorded in a simple sensorimonitor task in epileptic patients (stereo-electroencephalographic study) (2010)
Answer to Letter to the Editor: Vascular risk factors do not contribute to motor and cognitive impairment in Parkinson s Disease by Dr Sławek et al (2010)
Cognitive event-related potentials and oscillations in the subthalamic nukleus. (2010)
Vliv kombinovaného tréninku na kardiorespirační zdatnost u diabetiků 2.typu po akutní koronární příhodě. (2010)
Kognitivní výkon u depresivní poruchy (2010)
Kraniocerebrální poranění a úmrtí u nemocných s epilepsií (2010)
Synkopy. Bednařík J, Ambler Z, Růžička E. et al. V: Klinická neurologie. (2010)
Possibilities of Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Treatment Resistant Depression - Preliminary Report (2010)
Non-motor symptoms in 217 patients with Parkinson's disease as measured by MOCA and MADRS - analysis of the EWO study (2010)
Využití vagové stimulace v terapii funkčních poruch (2010)
Analýza "default mode" sítě u zdravých dobrovolníků (2010)
Pyridoxin-dependentní epilepsie - nové trendy v diagnostice a terapii (2010)
Klinický obraz Pompeho choroby v dětství a adolescenci (2010)
Idiopatická epilepsie (2010)
Časová prodleva v diagnostice klasické infantilní a juvenilní formy Pompeho choroby (2010)
Genetické aspekty idiopatických generalizovaných epilepsií - přehledová přednáška (2010)
Pompeho nemoc - diagnostika, diferenciální diagnostka, terapie (2010)
Projekt časné diagnostiky Pompeho nemoci u vysoce rizikové populace dětí a mladistvých v ČR (2010)
Intravenózní levetiracetam - nová možnost v terapii status epilepticus i u dětí (2010)
Na dávce závislé (časné) nežádoucí účinky antiepileptik v dětství a mládí (2010)
Strategie léčby status epilepticus u novorozenců a kojenců (2010)
Pyridoxine-dependent Epilepsy: New strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment (2010)
Intradialytická elektrostimulace extenzorů dolních končetin v rámci rehabilitace hemodialyzovaných pacientů (2010)
Sexuální dysfunkce. (2010)
Katameniální epilepsie. (2010)
Stručná epileptologie pro praxi (2010)
Nationwide study of decompressive surgery for malignant supratentorial infarction in the Czech Republic: utilization and outcome predictors (2010)
Effects of dopamine agonists on neuropsychiatric symptoms of Parkinsons disease (2010)
EFNS guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Alzheimers disease (2010)
Jeden rok po hluboké mozkové stimulaci pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí - neuropsychologické výsledky (2010)
Hyperintenzivní léze reagující na steroidy u pacienta s Creutzfeldt-Jakobovou nemocí (2010)
Demence s Lewyho tělísky a demence u Parkinsonovy nemoci. Kontroverze. Nejedná se o stejnou diagnózu (2010)
Koncepce mírné kognitivní poruchy u Alzheimerovy nemoci a Parkinsonovy nemoci (2010)
Deprese u Parkinsonovy nemoci (2010)
Pacient s TIA u praktického lékaře – diagnóza, kterou nelze bagatelizovat (2010)
Electrophysiological correlates of the executive functions (2008)
Congenital epidural cyst in atypical localization (2009)
International study of the cardio ankle vascular index (CAVI) as the useful parameter toevaluate the atherosclerosis in Russia, China, E.U. and Japan (2010)
Assesment of the left ventricle diastolic function in a group of patients with chronic ischaemic heart disease and regular physical activity (2010)
Depression as a prominent cause of sexual dysfunction in women with epilepsy (2011)
The executive functions in frontal and in temporal cortices. A flanker task intracerebral recording study (2011)
Impulse Control Disorders in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (2011)
DYT 6-A Novel THAP1 Mutation With Excellent Effect on Pallidal DBS (2011)
Cerebrovaskulární patologie přispívá k mortalitě pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2010)
Heidenhainova varianta Creutzfeldtovy-Jakobovy nemoci – kazuistika (2011)
Diagnostické možnosti zkoušky vizuální pozornosti: Validizace metody – zohlednění faktoru věku (2011)
A predictive statistical model for post-stroke delirium (2011)
Agrafie u Alzheimerovy demence (2011)
Prediktivní model rozvoje deliria po akutní cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Maximum-uncertainty linear discrimination analysis of first-episode schizophrenia subjects (2011)
The Neural Substrate of Predictive Motor Timing in Spinocerebellar Ataxia (2011)
Nejčastější chyby a omyly v diagnostice a léčbě Parkinsonovy nemoci (2011)
Kognitivní evokované potenciály (2011)
Kvalita života po hluboké mozkové stimulaci u pacientů s pokročilou Parkinsonovou nemocí (2011)
Involvement of the subthalamic nucleus in cognitive functions — A concept (2011)
Post-stroke delirium assessment and epidemiology, European Journal of Neurology, 18, suppl. 2, s. 424-424 (2011)
Psychosémantické aspekty vybraných fotografií z IAPS. (2009)
Is the Cerebellum a Potential Target for Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease? Results of 1-Hz rTMS on Upper Limb Motor Tasks (2011)
Validace české verze "The Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit" (CAM-ICUcz), incidence a prognóza deliria po cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Prediktivní statistický model delíria po cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Functional Connectivity in Remission after the First Episode of Schizophrenia (2011)
Motorické aspekty poruch řeči u Parkinsonovy nemoci a jejich hodnocení (2011)
Efekt bipolární formy elektrostimulace na fokální neuropatii nervus ulnaris v oblasti lokte - pilotní studie (2011)
Geneticky determinované epileptické encefalopatie (2011)
Hippocampal P300 recorded during a simple auditory reaction time task (intracerebral study). (2011)
Specifika diagnostiky afázie (2011)
Pragmaticky orientovaná terapie afázie (2011)
Skríning deliria: The Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM ICUcz) (2011)
Screening fatických poruch: The Mississippi Aphasia Screening Test (MASTcz) (2011)
Diagnostika afázie jako východisko logopedické intervence: Komunikace a handicap (2011)
Syndrom Guillainův - Barrého: logopedická intervence (kasuistika) (2011)
Etické aspekty v praxi klinického logopeda (2011)
Standardization of Educational Web Platform among All Medical Schools in the Mefanet project (2011)
Kognitivně komunikační poruchy v rámci syndromu demence (2011)
Prediktivní statistický model rozvoje deliria po cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Neurální komponenty motivačních a rozhodovacích procesů v lidském mozku (2011)
Subjektivně vnímané pozornostní obtíže a výkon v pozornostních testech (2012)
Vliv antiepileptik na kostní metabolismus. (2011)
Léčitelná svalová dystrofie (2011)
Mozkové infarkty v dětském věku. (2011)
Juvenilní forma Pompeho choroby. (2011)
Efektivnost VNS u fokálních epilepsií v dětském věku. (2011)
Dlouhodobá účinnost chirurgické léčby u pacientů s extratemporální epilepsií (2011)
Resekční epileptochirurgie u pacientů s perirolandickou epilepsií (2011)
Iktální bradykardie a asystolie u pacientů s fokální epilepsií - retrospektivní studie (2011)
“MRI-negative PET-positive” temporal lobe epilepsy: Invasive EEG findings, histopathology, and postoperative outcomes (2011)
Peri-ictal bed leaving in temporal lobe epilepsy: Incidence and lateralizing value (2011)
Dynamic modeling of neuronal responses in fMRI using cubature Kalman filtering (2011)
Farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2011)
Eslikarbazepin (2011)
Ictal and peri-ictal oscillations in the human basal ganglia in temporal lobe epilepsy (2011)
Talairach's technique of stereoencephalography with planning software (2011)
Parkinsonské fenotypy – na cestě k nové nozologii atypických parkinsonských syndromů (2011)
Mezinárodní kooperativní škála k hodnocení ataxie (2011)
Škála k hodnocení dystonie (2011)
Balizmus (2011)
Myoklonus (2011)
Involvement of the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus internus in attention (2011)
Škála MDS-UPDRS u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2011)
Does repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation have a positive effect on working memory and neuronal activation in treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia? (2012)
The Role of the Inferior Frontal Gyri in Cognitive Processing of Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Pilot rTMS Study (2011)
Mild cognitive impairment exists in Parkinson's disease (2011)
Selection of Optimal Parameters for Automatic Analysis of Speech Disorders in Parkinson's Disease (2011)
Cognitive and psychiatric disturbances in Parkinson’s disease (2011)
Dementia after DBS Surgery: A Case Report and Literature Review (2011)
Instrumental activities of daily living in Parkinson's disease dementia as compared with Alzheimer's disease: Relationship to motor disability and cognitive deficits: A pilot study (2011)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie (2011)
Poststroke delirium incidence and outcomes: Validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) (2012)
Does WOQ-9 help to recognize symptoms of non-motor wearing-off in Parkinson’s disease? (2012)
Chirurgické komplikace systémů hluboké mozkové stimulace (2011)
Identifikace cílových struktur pro funkční stereotaktické výkony (2011)
BG-12 reduces evolution of new enhancing lesions to T1-hypointense lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis (2011)
Standardization of the Czech Version of The Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICUcz) (2010)
Využití perkutánní endoskopické gastrostomie – přehled indikací, popis techniky a současné trendy v neurologii (2012)
Unveiling the mystery of déja vu: The structural anatomy of déja vu (2012)
Postictal psychosis and its electrophysiological correlates in invasive EEG: A case report study and literature review (2012)
Možnosti vagové stimulace mimo epileptochirurgii (2012)
Farmakorezistentní epilepsie po kraniocerebrálním poranění (2012)
Analytické zpracování MR obrazů v diagnostice farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2012)
Late divergence of target and nontarget ERPs in a visual oddball task (2012)
The role of voxel-based morphometry in the detection of cortical dysplasia within the temporal pole in patients with intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2012)
MR traktografie jako předoperační vyšetření u pacientů s mozkovým nádorem (2012)
Multimodální neurozobrazování pomocí simultánního EEG-fMR (2012)
Sulcus temporalis superior a jeho funkční význam (2012)
Epilepsie a úzkostné poruchy (2012)
Towards a predictive model for post-stroke delirium (2012)
Léčba farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2012)
Nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (2012)
Estimation of neuronal responses from fMRI data (2011)
Cognitive effects of long-term treatment with waking-hour subcutaneous apomorphine infusions in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (2011)
Influence of location of paresis on site of pneumonia in stroke (2012)
Vliv novorozenecké žloutenky na vznik autizmu (2012)
Hluboká mozková stimulace u rezistentní obsedantně kompulzivní poruchy (2012)
Incidence a rizikové faktory pooperačního deliria (2012)
Essential Tremor, the Cerebellum, and Motor Timing: Towards Integrating Them into One Complex Entity (2012)
P-3 like wave occurs in diverse contexts of the target and nontarget ERPs elicited in human brain during visual oddball task (2012)
Cooperation of remote brain regions during target variant of visual oddball task (2012)
Synchronized activation of frontal and temporal regions during target variant of visual oddball task (2012)
Iowa Gambling Task in patients with early-onset Parkinson's disease: strategy analysis (2012)
The Neurocognitive Networks of the Executive Functions (2012)
Dysimunitní kraniální neuropatie u pacienta s Burkittovým lymfomem infiltrujícím caudu equinu (2012)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace (DFK) (2012)
Diagnostika deficitů vizuální pozornosti u pacientů s afázií (2012)
Hodnocení efektivity konverzačního tréninku skupinovou formou u pacientů s chronickou afázií (2012)
Role komunikačního partnera při logopedické intervenci pacienta s chronickou afázií: kasuistika (2012)
Tets 3F dysartrický profil – normativní hodnoty řeči (2012)
Hodnocení efektu rTMS na paraklinické aspekty řeči pacientů s IPD (2012)
Dysfagie – uvedení do problematiky (2012)
Vývoj a použití nástrojů pro diagnostiku neurogenních poruch komunikace u dospělých (2012)
Klinický logoped součástí dysfagiologického týmu (2012)
Klinický logoped součástí dysfagiologického týmu (2012)
Grey-white matter abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis: Inter-observer analysis, histopathological findings, and correlation with clinical variables (2012)
Vagus nerve stimulation in children - surgical outcomes (2012)
Subthalamic electrode implantation using MicroDrive system and microrecording data (2012)
The mesiotemporal lession pathology findings of temporal epileptic patients excluded mesiotemporal sclerosis (2012)
Diagnostické možnosti zobrazovacích metod v hodnocení morfologického korelátu kognitivních změn u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2012)
Neurogénne poruchy komunikácie u dospelých (2012)
Afázie a možnosti jejího skríninkového stanovení pomocí Mississippi Aphasia Screening Test – české verze (MASTcz) (2012)
Logopedie (2011)
Brain Functional Connectivity of Male Patients in Remission After the First Episode of Schizophrenia (2013)
Neparaneoplastická limbická encefalitida s pozitivitou anit-LGI1 protilátek (2012)
Intracranial EEG seizure-onset patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy and their association with outcome, localization and histopathology (2012)
Genetické aspekty "idiopatických" epilepsií (2012)
Mutace v genu pro nikotinový acetylcholinový receptor potvrzená u pacientů s autosomálně dominantní noční frontální epilepsií (2012)
Long-term outcome of surgery in patiens with extratemporal epilepsy (2012)
Geneticky podmíněná autosomálně dominantní noční frontální epilepsie (2012)
Dlouhodobá účinnost a ekonomická efektivnost terapie VNS u dětí s farmakorezistentní fokální epilepsií (2012)
Long term efficacy and hospitalization rate in children with refractory focal epilepsy treated by vagus nerve stimulation (2012)
Long-term vagus nerve stimulation in children with focal epilepsy (2013)
Neurologie pro nelékařské obory (2012)
Tolerability and safety of perampanel: two randomized dose-escalation studies (2012)
Awareness of Intention: the Phenomeon and its Neural Correlates (2012)
Do the basal ganglia inhibit seizure activity in temporal lobe epilepsy? (2012)
Impairment of Brain Vessels May Contribute to Mortality in Patients With Parkinson's Disease (2012)
Conscious Experience of Motor Intentions and its Experimental Investigation (2013)
The role of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the Tower of London task performance: repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study in patients with Parkinson's disease (2012)
Default Mode Network and Extrastriate Visual Resting State Network in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Dementia (2012)
The default mode network integrity in patients with Parkinson's disease is levodopa equivalent dose-dependent (2012)
EFNS-ENS Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of disorders associated with dementia (2012)
Nové léky v terapii epilepsie (2012)
The posterior medial cortex is involved in visual but not in verbal memory encoding processing: an intracerebral recording study (2013)
Kognitivní fungování pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie (2013)
Human studies of functional MRS at 7T with semi-LASER (2013)
Emoční reakce vyvolaná textovými zdravotními varováními na obalech tabákových výrobků u dětí staršího školního věku a adolescentů (2013)
Mnestické a pozornostní funkce u pacientů s první atakou schizofrenie (2012)
Rozdíly v sebesystému u alkoholiků, gamblerů a toxikomanů (2012)
Rare neurological presentation of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (2013)
On the Time Course of Synchronization Patterns of Neuronal Discharges in the Human Brain during Cognitive Tasks (2013)
Generalized myoclonus as a prominent symptom in a patient with FTLD-TDP (2013)
Intracerebrally recorded high frequency oscillations: Simple visual assessment versus automated detection (2013)
Fenomenologie volní akce: motorické intence a pocit záměru (2013)
Functional anatomy of outcome evaluation during Iowa Gambling Task performance in patients with Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study (2013)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace [DFK]: normativní data (2013)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace [DFK]: u pacientů s afázií (2013)
Nové možnosti terapie kombinovaného deficitu dysartrie s afázií (2013)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace [DFK] jako východisko pragmaticky orientované terapie (2013)
Vyšetření fatických funkcí [VFF]: normativní data (2013)
Vyšetření fatických funkcí [VFF]: výkony pacientů s afázií (2013)
Afázie - Skupinová forma práce (2013)
Terapie deficitu kapacity verbální paměti s využitím PC - kazuistika (2013)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace u pacientů s afázií (2013)
Functional neuroanatomy of vocalization in patients with Parkinson's disease (2012)
Dementia Diagnosis and Treatment in Czech Neurological and Psychiatric Practices (2012)
Nová klinická kritéria pro diagnostiku Alzheimerovy nemoci po 27 letech (2012)
Akutní neuropsychiatrické symptomy Wilsonovy nemoci, léčba a problematika non-compliance: kazuistika mladého pacienta (2012)
Effect of BOLD signal properties on accuracy of DCM estimation (2013)
Simulace efektivní konektivity v BOLD datech (2013)
Superior temporal sulcus and social cognition in dangerous drivers (2013)
Hippocampal negative event-related potential recorded in humans during a simple sensorimotor task occurs independently of motor execution (2013)
Intravenózní trombolýza u cerebrální venózní trombózy (2009)
Dosing of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Often Differs from 0.9 mg/kg, but Does Not Affect the Outcome (2013)
Safety of performing CT angiography in stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis (2010)
Cerebrální venózní trombóza (2010)
Komentář k článku “Nitrolební žilní trombóza maskovaná migrénou” (2010)
Dystonia and the cerebellum: A new field of interest in movement disorders? (2013)
Searching for effective connectivity underlying the evoked response in SEEG (2013)
Acoustic evaluation of short-term effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on motor aspects of speech in Parkinson's disease (2013)
Epilepsy, cognition, and neuropsychiatry (Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind, part 2) (2013)
Hippocampal metabolism in subjects with type 1 diabetes and hypoglycemia unawareness (2013)
Subthalamic electrode implantation using the MicroDrive system and the importance of microrecording data (2013)
Intracranial EEG seizure onset patterns in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy and their relationship to other variables (2013)
Rhythmic ictal nonclonic hand (RINCH) motions in temporal lobe epilepsy: Invasive EEG findings, incidence, and lateralizing value (2013)
The Mechanisms of Movement Control and Time Estimation in Cervical Dystonia Patients (2013)
Association Between the Basal Ganglia and Large-Scale Brain Networks in Epilepsy (2013)
Hot Topics:fMRS (2013)
Similar circuits but different connectivity patterns between the cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and supplementary motor area in early Parkinson's disease patients and controls during predictive motor timing (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing [presentation] (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing (2013)
Brain MRI abnormalities in Mucopolysacharidosis Type I: Cross-sectional Study (2014)
Resting-State Networks in Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease (2014)
Perampanel, a novel, non-competitive, selective AMPA receptor antagonist as adjunctive therapy for treatment-resistant partial-onset seizures (2013)
DBS amplitude setting can improve aspects of quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease (2013)
Oscillatory changes in cognitive networks activated during a three-stimulus visual paradigm: An intracerebral study (2013)
Adjunctive brivaracetam for uncontrolled focal and generalized epilepsies: Results of a phase III, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose trial (2014)
Copying You Copying Me: Interpersonal Motor Co- Ordination Influences Automatic Imitation (2013)
Stress-Induced Alterations of Left-Right Electrodermal Activity Coupling Indexed by Pointwise Transinformation (2013)
Response to: Conclusions should be supported by the data presented (2013)
The role of brain shift, patient age, and Parkinson's disease duration in the difference between anatomical and electrophysiological targets for subthalamic stimulation (2013)
Diffusion tensor imaging detects dopaminergic neuronal degeneration in methamphetamine animal model of Parkinson's disease. (2014)
Typ C – osobnost či copingová strategie? (2013)
Correlations between BOLD and neurochemical responses measured in the human visual cortex at 7T (2014)
Feasibility and reproducibility of neurochemical profile quantification in the human hippocampus at 3T (2014)
Impulse control disorders and related behaviors (2013)
Proměnlivá tvář parkinsonské neurodegenerace (2013)
The boundaries of epilepsy: Where is the limit? A reply to Labate and Gambardella (2013)
Neuropsychiatric aspects of the on/off phenomen (2013)
Statistical significance of task related deep brain EEG dynamic changes in the time-frequency domain (2013)
Analysis of Evoked Deep Brain Connectivity (2013)
Syncope with atypical trunk convulsions in a patient with malignant arrhythmia (2013)
Lateralizační příznaky u epilepsie temporálního laloku (2013)
Hluboká mozková stimulace u Parkinsonovy nemoci (2013)
Periorální myoklonie s absencemi – videokazuistiky (2013)
Stimulace nervus vagus a její postavení v současné klinické praxi (2013)
Comparing the effects of cortical resection and vagus nerve stimulation in patients with nonlesional extratemporal epilepsy (2013)
Epilepsy, behavior, and art (Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind, part 1) (2013)
Post-movement ERPs elicited during target variant of visual oddball task (2013)
Cognitive Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases–Clinician’s Perspective. (2014)
Hippocampal Neurochemical Profile of Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) as Measured by ¹H - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) (2014)
Intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke occurring during hospitalization for transient ischemic attack (2014)
Kolaterální cirkulace mozku - potenciální cíl terapie mozkových infarktů (2013)
Comparing fMRI data processing methods with respect to possible inaccuracy (2012)
Involvement of region-specific HRF in classical analysis of event-related fMRI data (2012)
Dataset exploration tool for fMRI group analysis (2012)
Evokované potenciály vyvolané po správné odpovědi ve vizuálním oddball úkolu (2014)
mask_explorer_1 - Matlab Tool for Dataset Exploration Suitable for fMRI Group Analysis (2012)
Test 3F Dysartrický profil – normativní hodnoty řeči v češtině (2013)
Diagnostika afázie (2013)
Diagnostika dysartrie (2013)
Addenbrooke´s Cognitive Examination: Normative Study for Czech Population (2014)
Hippocampal Neurochemical Profile of Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) as Measured by ¹H - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) (2014)
Analýza sítí pacientů s Alzheimerovou nemocí pomocí teorie grafů: vliv výběru parcelačního atlasu (2014)
Perampanel Study 207: long-term open-label evaluation in patients with epilepsy (2012)
Projekt osobnosti pacienta jako spoludeterminanta úspěšnosti onkologické léčby: kvalita života pacientek s karcinomem mammy - pilotní retrospektivní analýza (2014)
Aplikace poznatků psychoneuroimunologie v kontextu komplexní onkologické léčby karcinomu prsu (2014)
Long-term outcome and predictors of resective surgery prognosis in patients with refractory extratemporal epilepsy (2014)
Méně obvyklé indikace hluboké mozkové stimulace (2014)
Long-term seizure outcome in patients with juvenile absence epilepsy; a retrospective study in a tertiary referral center (2014)
Complex Motor-Cognitive Factors Processed in the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus: An Intracerebral Recording Study (2015)
Quality of life and first epizode of schizophrenia (2014)
Cognition and schizophrenia: Neuropsychological profile, dynamics, psychopatology and pharmacotherapy (2014)
Subthalamic nucleus involvement in executive functions with increased cognitive load: a subthalamic nucleus and anterior cingulate cortex depth recording study (2014)
Serum inflammatory biomarkers in Parkinson's disease. (2009)
Making Text Content Accessible for Users with Dyslexia in Czech (2014)
Non-invasive brain stimulation of the right inferior frontal gyrus may improve attention in early Alzheimer’s disease: A pilot study (2014)
Influence of levodopa on brain network: graph theory study based on expert knowledge and AAL atlas (2014)
Intensive high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in schizophrenia: A case study (2014)
Functional Imaging of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia During Predictive Motor Timing in Early Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Idiopatické generalizované epilepsie (2014)
Quality of Life Profile In First Episode Schizophrenia (2014)
Cognitive functions in patients with acute phase of bipolar disorder (2014)
Subjektivní vnímání kvality života během první epizody schizofrenie (2014)
Kognitivní funkce u pacientů v akutní fázi bipolární afektivní poruchy (2014)
Léčba Parkinsonovy nemoci (2014)
An evaluation of traffic-awareness campaign videos: empathy induction is associated with brain function within superior temporal sulcus (2014)
Neurofyziologie obranného chování (2014)
Jak se cítíte „teď a tady“? Neuronální pozadí emočního uvědomění (2014)
Texts for Users with Dyslexia. (2014)
Zařízení pro odezvu pacienta vyšetřovaného magnetickou rezonancí (2014)
Importance of weak connections in functional network analysis of left TLE (2014)
Evaluating Disease and Patient Characteristics which Predict (Retrospectively) Changes in Quality of Life after Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (2014)
Small-nerve-fiber pathology in critical illness documented by serial skin biopsies (2015)
Sigmoid function parameter stability in anatomically informed priors for dynamic causal models (2014)
Influence of underlying network structure on accuracy of DCM estimation (2014)
Copingové strategie u pacientek s karcinomem mammy (2014)
Profesionální syndrom karpálního tunelu (2014)
Computer applications systems and networks for medical education : MEFANET: Czech and Slovak Medical Faculties Network (2014)
Multimodální přístup k funkčnímu zobrazení mozku (2014)
Long-term therapy of benign essential blepharospasm and facial hemispasm with botulinum toxin A: retrospective assessment of the clinical and quality of life impact in patients treated for more than 15 years (2014)
Motor cortex plasticity and excitability in Parkinson's disease (2014)
Mismatch negativity-like potential (MMN-like) in the subthalamic nuclei in Parkinson’s disease patients (2014)
Elektrofyziologie (2014)
Comments on Knake S, et al. Status epilepticus: A critical review. Epilepsy & Behavior 2009;15:10-14 (2014)
The modulatory role of subthalamic nucleus in cognitive functions - A viewpoint. (2015)
A longitudinal diffusion kurtosis imaging study in TNWT-61 transgenic mouse model of Parkinson´s disease: comparison with conventional diffusion tensor imaging (2015)
Default Mode Network Connectivity Patterns associated with Visual Processing at Different Stages of Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Disruption of Resting Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer's Patients and At-Risk Subjects (2014)
Disturbed Default Mode Network Connectivity Patterns in Alzheimer's Disease Associated with Visual Processing (2014)
Grey Matter Changes in Cognitively Impaired Parkinson's Disease Patients (2014)
Decision support framework for Parkinson's disease based on novel handwriting markers (2015)
Ictal and postictal semiology in patients with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (2014)
Effect of partial drug withdrawal on the lateralization of interictal epileptiform discharges and its relationship to surgical outcome in patients with hippocampal sclerosis (2014)
Analysis of in-air movement in handwriting: A novel marker for Parkinson's disease (2014)
Hodnocení písma u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2014)
Česká verze Autonomic Scale for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease (CSOPA-AUT) - dotazníku k hodnocení přítomnosti a závažnosti příznaků autonomních dysfunkcí u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2014)
A novel cognitive fMRI task to assess brain mechanisms underlying visual processing and attention (2014)
Effect of L-Dopa on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Dlouhodobá terapie intraduodenální levodopou - kazuistika tří pacientů (2014)
Intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke: standard and potential future applications (2014)
Increased Pulsatility of the Intracranial Blood Flow Spectral Waveform on Transcranial Doppler Does Not Point to Peripheral Arterial Disease in Stroke Patients (2015)
Factors Influencing Door-to-Imaging Time: Analysis of the Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke-EAST Registry (2014)
Safety of early endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis: an international multicenter study (2014)
Odor Identification in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Subtypes (2014)
Kardiovaskulární regulace u alexithymicky laděných osob (2014)
Neurochemical and BOLD Responses in Activated Blob and Interblob Neuronal Populations Measured in the Human Visual Cortex at 7T (2015)
Limity zkoušky verbální fluence v diferenciální diagnostice neurologických onemocnění (2014)
Ivabradine and outcomes in chronic heart failure (SHIFT): a randomised placebo-controlled study (2010)
Preictal Dynamics of EEG Complexity in Intracranially Recorded Epileptic Seizure A Case Report (2014)
Aplikace botulotoxinu do musculus tibialis posterior z mediálního přístupu (2014)
Hippocampal Volume in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (2015)
Hippocampal glucose transport kinetics in subjects with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH) (2015)
mask_explorer_2 - Nástroj v Matlabu pro exploraci datasetů při skupinové fMRI analýze (2015)
Movement sequencing abnormalities in schizophrenia: Changes in cortical activity during finger-tapping task (2015)
Zvyšování kapacity motorického učení u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí: Využití rytmické počítačové hry (2014)
Pacienti s Parkinsonovou nemocí a „Test 3F Dysartrický profil“ (2014)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace (DFK) u osob s afázií (2014)
Gray matter atrophy influences cognitive after-effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (2015)
Modern Techniques of Epileptic Focus Localization (2014)
Epidemiological Study of Neurodegenerative Parkinsonism in "Hornacko", a Specific Region of the South-eastern Moravia, Czech Republic (2014)
Exploring task-related variability in fMRI data using fluctuations in power spectrum of simultaneously acquired EEG (2015)
Feasibility and reproducibility of neurochemical profile quantification in the human hippocampus at 3T (2015)
Neurochemical and BOLD responses during neuronal activation measured in the human visual cortex at 7 Tesla (2015)
Kvalita života pacientek s karcinomem mammy: pilotní prospektivní analýza (2015)
Vztah kvality života a typu léčby u žen s karcinomem prsu: pilotní studie (2015)
Pathology of Vessels Supplying the Brain in Patients with Parkinson's Disease (2011)
Neuropsychologický výkon u pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie (2015)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace (DFK) – validace originálního českého testu (2015)
Neuroonkologické aspekty u nemocných s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2015)
Mentální procesy následující po provedení volního pohybu během vizuálního oddball úkolu - intracerebrální studie (2015)
Physical Exercise Keeps the Brain Connected: Biking Increases White Matter Integrity in Patients With Schizophrenia and Healthy Controls (2015)
Effects of exercise therapy on white matter integrity in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls – a longitudinal DTI study (2014)
Effects of exercise on white matter integrity in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls (2014)
Physical exercise keeps the brain connected (2014)
Proceedings of the workshop on Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia and Cortical Connections Unmasked in Health and Disorder Held in Brno, Czech Republic, October 17th, 2013 (2015)
Customizing Individual Needs of Accessing Text Information for Users with Dyslexia (2015)
Distinct Pattern of Gray Matter Atrophy in Mild Alzheimer’s Disease Impacts on Cognitive Outcomes of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation (2015)
Long-term outcomes in patients after epilepsy surgery failure (2015)
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Detects Microstructural Alterations in Brain of alpha-Synuclein Overexpressing Transgenic Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot Study (2015)
The non-target stimuli of the oddball task activate loci in the primary motor cortex: a case study of a patient with depth electrodes (2014)
Sensitivity of PPI analysis to differences in noise reduction strategies (2015)
Overcoming the evening/weekend effects on time delays and outcomes of endovascular stroke therapy: the Calgary Stroke Program experience. (2013)
Not all "successful" angiographic reperfusion patients are an equal validation of a modified TICI scoring system. (2014)
Rekanalizační terapie akutní ischemické cévní mozkové příhody (2014)
MicroRNA: From Molecular Biology to Clinical Practice (2015)
Defining Formal Letter Similarity for Purposes of Accessing Web Information by Users with Dyslexia and Other Reading Disorders (2016)
Glioblastoma Multiforme in a Patient with Isolated Hemimegalencephaly (2015)
Význam magnetické rezonance v diagnostice epilepsie (2015)
Validation of Stroke Diagnosis in the National Registry of Hospitalized Patients in the Czech Republic (2015)
Using high-gamma oscillations to track the neural dynamics of volitional action (2015)
Jak měřit vědomí: metodologie časového určení vědomých prožitků (2015)
Threshold for NIH stroke scale in predicting vessel occlusion and functional outcome after stroke thrombolysis (2015)
Psychological Benefits of Nonpharmacological Methods Aimed for Improving Balance in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review (2015)
Grey matter atrophy in mild Alzheimer‘s disease impacts on cognitive effects of noninvasive brain stimulation (2015)
Seizures Following Ischemic Stroke: Frequency of Occurrence and Impact on Outcome in a Long-Term Population-Based Study (2016)
microRNAs in Cerebrovascular Disease (2015)
Functional connectivity alterations and their relation to pathophysiological changes in mild cognitive impairment (2015)
Examining Brain Activity While Playing Computer Games (2016)
The contribution of white matter lesions (WML) to Parkinson's disease cognitive impairment symptoms: A critical review of the literature (2016)
The contribution of white matter lesions to Parkinson's disease motor and gait symptoms: a critical review of the literature (2016)
Patofyziológia vzniku motorických nežiaducich účinkov dlhodobej dopaminergnej liečby Parkinsonovej choroby (2015)
Diffusion Kurtosis imaging detecting changes in white matter induced by alpha-synuclein accumulation in TNWT-61 mouse model of Parkinson's disease (2015)
Microstructural changes is gray matter of alpha synuclein overexpressing transgenic mouse model of Parkinson's disease: a diffusion weighted imaging study (2014)
Response to "Failed epilepsy surgery: It is not too late" (2015)
Memorix anatomy : comprehensive book of human anatomy in English and Latin (2015)
Development of Liposomes Loaded With Computed Tomogratphy Contrast Agent for Thrombus Imaging (2015)
CT perfusion and multiphase CT angiography in malignant brain edema prediction in patients with acute ischemic stroke (2015)
Inter-areal frontal lobe communication during rest: A depth eeg connectivity study (2015)
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in ADHD (2015)
An fMRI investigation into the effect of preceding stimuli during visual oddball tasks (2015)
Impact of cognitive stimulation on ripples within human epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampus (2015)
Predikce míry a intenzity psychologického distresu po onkologické léčbě u pacientek s karcinomem mammy pomocí psychologických a biologických proměnných (2015)
Addenbrookský kognitivní test – orientační normy pro českou populaci (2015)
Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination and Individual Domain Cut-Off Scores for Discriminating between Different Cognitive Subtypes of Parkinson's Disease (2015)
Robust and complex approach of pathological speech signal analysis (2015)
DNAJC13 p.Asn855Ser mutation screening in Parkinson's disease and pathologically confirmed Lewy body disease patients (2015)
IAPRD annual report-2014 (2015)
Role for the microtubule-associated protein tau variant p.A152T in risk of alpha-synucleinopathies (2015)
Linking Essential Tremor to the Cerebellum: Physiological Evidence (2016)
Stroke in two territories within 24 hours in patient with cardiomyopathy (2015)
Interleukin-6 May Contribute to Mortality in Parkinson's Disease Patients: A 4-Year Prospective Study (2015)
Third International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind: Part 1 (2015)
Third International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind: Part 2 (2015)
The Role of Anterior Nuclei of the Thalamus: A Subcortical Gate in Memory Processing: An Intracerebral Recording Study (2015)
Predictors of the need for intensive care unit admission following supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage (2014)
Epidemiology Stroke Program in the Czech Republic – Is the National Registry of Hospitalized Patients Valid for Further Epidemiological Research? (2014)
Incidence and Characteristics of Post-Stroke Seizures: A Population-Based Study (2015)
Incidence and determinants of diagnosis of dementia after stroke: a population-based study in Rochester, MN (2015)
Frequency of Occurrence and Predictors of Myocardial Infarction after Incident Ischemic Stroke: a Population-Based Study (2015)
Incidence of Hospitalized Stroke in the Czech Republic from the National Registry of Hospitalized Patients (2015)
Stroke Etiology And The Risk Of Post-stroke Seizure: A Long-term Population-based Cohort Study (2015)
Porous hydrogels as 3D cell scaffolds mimic the anatomy of bone marrow extracellular matrix. (2015)
Connectivity of Superior Temporal Sulcus During Target Detection (2016)
Impact of Parkinson's disease and levodopa on resting state functional connectivity related to speech prosody control (2016)
The clinical phenomenology and associations of trick maneuvers in cervical dystonia (2016)
Vztah socioekonomických determinant, sociální opory a průběhu onkologické léčby u českých starších žen s karcinomem prsu: pilotní studie (2015)
Predicting psychological distress after primary oncological treatment in elderly breast cancer survivors: Retrospective study (2015)
Zvládání psychické zátěže při diagnóze karcinomu prsu a jeho léčbě (2015)
Local field potential power of subthalamic nucleus in human brain is not related to scalp EEG topography dynamics in rest (2015)
Structural covariance mapping delineates medial and medio-lateral temporal networks in déja vu (2016)
Co-ordinated structural and functional covariance in the adolescent brain underlies face processing performance (2016)
Assessing progress of Parkinson's disease using acoustic analysis of phonation (2015)
White matter alterations in Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) in the human brain (2016)
Intenzifikovaná transkraniální magnetická stimulace v léčbě negativních příznaků u schizofrenie v dvojitě slepé studii- prvotní výsledky (2016)
Functional MRS at 7T and long TE (2016)
Metabolic changes in activated human visual cortex during mild hypoxia (2016)
Long-Term Treatment of Focal Dystonias (Cervical and Writer’s Cramp): Clinical and Quality of Life Impact (2015)
Úvod k hlavnímu tématu spasticita (2015)
Rotating frame MRI in human subjects with Multiple Sclerosis (2016)
Atypické parkinsonské syndromy (2015)
A critical review on Vascular parkinsonism literature since 2006 Branislav Vesely, Czech Republic (2015)
Post-movement processing in visual oddball task - Evidence from intracerebral recording (2016)
The primary motor cortex is involved in the control of a non-motor cognitive action (2016)
Neurocognitive Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease Without Dementia (2008)
Jeden rok po hluboké mozkové stimulaci u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí - neuropsychologické výsledky. (2010)
Is the risk of postsurgery memory decline after temporal lobe surgery age dependent? (2013)
Is nucleus subthalamicus involved in thinking? Separation of conscious and subconscious cognition component in the subthalamic nucleus using P300 and MMN protocols. (2015)
The utility of -synuclein as biofluid marker in neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review of the literature (2016)
Predicting Vitality Change in Older Breast Cancer Survivors after Primary Treatment – an Approach Based on Using Time-related Difference of Pro-inflammatory Marker C-reactive Protein (2016)
White matter alterations in type 1 diabetes (T1D) as revealed by T1w/T2w ratio (2016)
Comprehensive white matter assessment in Mucopolysaccharidosis type I – a DTI study (2016)
MRI signatures of the brain of PD and iRBD subjects (2016)
A 5 years neurological natural history of mucolipidosis type IV (2016)
Preoperative Visual Memory Performance as a Predictive Factor of Cognitive Changes after Deep Brain Stimulation of Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson's Disease (2016)
Altered corticostriatal connectivity in Parkinson’s disease is related to cognitive impairment (2016)
Altered corticostriatal connectivity in Parkinson’s disease and its relation to cognitive impairment (2016)
Emerging Technology Enabling Dyslexia Users To Read and Perceive Written Text Correctly (2016)
Emerging Technology Enabling Dyslexia Users To Read and Perceive Written Text Correctly (2016)
Penalised Reduction & Classification Toolbox (2016)
Neurologické syndromy sdružené s protilátkami proti membránovým a synaptickým antigenům (2015)
Psychosocial Modulators of Motor Learning in Parkinson's Disease (2016)
Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosing adult-onset Niemann-Pick disease type C (2016)
Neural network of predictive motor timing in the context of gender differences (2016)
CZU - fMRI studie (2015)
Využití CT perfuze a multifázické CT angiografie v predikci rozvoje maligního mozkového edému u pacientů s akutním mozkovým infarktem (2016)
Progredující spasticita, kognitivní deficit a nevýbavné kortikální motorické evokované potenciály jako klinické příznaky pravděpodobné primární laterální sklerózy – kazuistika (2011)
Konsenzus a návrh k algoritmu léčby - mechanická trombektomie u akutního mozkového infarktu : Výsledky intervenčních studií MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, SWIFT PRIME, EXTEND-IA, REVASCAT (2016)
Využití CT perfuze a multifázické CT angiografie v predikci rozvoje maligního mozkového edému u pacientů s akutním mozkovým infarktem (2016)
Validation of the Czech version of the FACT-B scale for measuring quality of life in breast cancer patients (2016)
fMRI studie inovované verze Go/Nogo task u zdravých jedinců (2016)
Pacient si stěžuje na bolesti v páteři nebo na únavu a slabost. Jak rozeznám, zda je příčinou spondylartróza, věk nemocného anebo mnohočetný myelom? (2016)
Unique White Matter Microstructural Patterns in ADHD Presentations-A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study (2016)
Change in Quality of Life Measured over Time in Czech Women with Breast Cancer (2016)
Zvládání psychické zátěže při diagnóze karcinomu prsu a jeho léčbě (2015)
Combining network and partial least square analyses: epilepsy case study (2016)
Depression and anxiety after acute myocardial infarction treated by primary PCI (2016)
Ipsilateral Sinus Hypoplasia and Poor Leptomeningeal Collaterals as Midline Shift Predictors (2016)
Using Supporting Visual Elements in Text for People with Dyslexia (2016)
Primární motorická kůra je aktivována během nemotorické kognitivní úlohy: kazuistika pacienta vyšetřeného intracerebrálními elektrodami (2016)
Dyslexia Assistive Tool for Users Speaking Czech (2016)
Neurovývojový pohled na vývoj obranných mechanismů a regulaci emocí (2016)
Examining the effect of body ownership in immersive virtual and augmented reality environments (2016)
MikroRNA u cerebrovaskulárních onemocnění - od patofyziologie k potenciálním biomarkerům (2016)
Late-stage alpha-synuclein accumulation in TNWT-61 mouse model of Parkinson's disease detected by diffusion kurtosis imaging (2016)
Dynamics of Local Field Potential Power of Subthalamic Nucleus in Relation to Scalp Recorded Electrical Activity of Resting Human Brain (2016)
What You Have Is Not What You See (2016)
Kortikální mozková inhibice ve vztahu ke klozapinu (2016)
Komplexní léčba poruch příjmu potravy a její realita v systému DRG (2016)
Neurobiologie emocí a emočních regulací (2016)
Emoční regulace u poruch příjmu potravy - pilotní výsledky (2016)
Intenzivní akutní péče v psychiatrii (2016)
Artificial Neural Networks for First-episode Schizophrenia Classification Based on MRI Data (2016)
Altered Neural Correlate of the Self-Agency Experience in First-Episode Schizophrenia-Spectrum Patients: An fMRI Study (2016)
Neuronal substrate and effective connectivity of abnormal movement sequencing in schizophrenia (2016)
Screening of Psychological Distress 4.5 Years after Diagnosis in Breast Cancer Patients Compared to Healthy Population (2016)
Deja vu experiences in healthy Czech adults (2016)
Brivaracetam for the treatment of epilepsy (2016)
Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Chromosome 8 Aberrations in Patients With Multiple Myeloma Examined in 2 Different Stages, at Diagnosis and at Progression/Relapse (2016)
Validační studie české verze Bostonského testu pojmenování (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii – zhodnocení iniciálních zkušeností (2016)
Psychické poruchy a kardiovaskulární onemocnění (2016)
Effect of Different Preprocessing Options on Functional Connectivity Studied by Network Analysis (2016)
Impact of ROI coverage on representative signals in atlas based parcellations (2016)
Effect of Preprocessing Pipeline on Functional Connectivity Analysis (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii – zhodnocení našich iniciálních zkušeností (2016)
Hybridní výkony v léčbě CLI (2016)
Mask_explorer: A tool for exploring brain masks in fMRI group analysis (2016)
Roma Nova - Teaching History with CG and BCI (2016)
Elektrofyziologické koreláty impulzivity v Go/NoGo úkolu (2016)
Abnormal movement sequencing in schizophrenia and related cortical activation patterns (2015)
Hippocampal volume in first-episode schizophrenia and longitudinal course of the illness (2016)
Need for Cognitive Closure and Processing of Emotionally Ambiguous Interpersonal Stimuli: An fMRI Pilot Study (2016)
Distinguishing impulsivity phenotypes and their neural correlates (2016)
What's the meaning of this? A behavioral and neurophysiological investigation into the principles behind the classification of visual emotional stimuli (2016)
Neuromodulation in Hypertension (2016)
Brain-Computer Interfaces - A Survey on Interactive Virtual Environments (2016)
Procedural Modeling in Archaeology: Approximating Ionic Style Columns for Games (2016)
Identification of miRNA expression profiles in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2016)
Whole miRNome Sequencing of Human Epileptic Brain Tissue (2016)
Methodical approaches to PCR based quantification of miRNA in epilepsy (2016)
Comparing Two Commercial Brain Computer Interfaces for Serious Games and Virtual Environments (2016)
Psychofyziologické koreláty regulace emocí během expozice vlastnímu obrazu v zrcadle u pacientek s poruchami příjmu potravy (2016)
Elektrofyziologické koreláty teorie mysli evokované Tematickým apercepčním testem (2016)
Zobrazení u pacientů s akutní ischemickou CMP do 6 hodin. Jaká varianta je optimální? (2016)
Zobrazení u pacientů s akutní ischemickou CMP po 6 hodinách. Můžeme spolehlivě identifikovat pacienty vhodné pro trombektomii? (2016)
Zobrazení u pacientů s akutní ischemickou CMP do 6 hodin. Jaká varianta je optimální? (2016)
Zobrazení u pacientů s akutní ischemickou CMP po 6 hodinách. Můžeme spolehlivě identifikovat pacienty vhodné pro trombektomii? (2016)
Malignant catatonia due to anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis in a 15-year-old girl: case report and summary of current knowledge (2016)
Examining User Experiences in a Mobile Augmented Reality Tourist Guide (2016)
Random Subspace Ensemble Artificial Neural Networks for Firstepisode Schizophrenia Classification (2016)
Evokovaná odpověď v Go/NoGo úkolu ve vztahu k impulzivitě (2016)
Token Test – česká normativní studie pro seniory a pacienty s neurodegenerativním onemocněním mozku (2016)
Kognitivní a sociálně-kognitivní funkce u pacientů s cervikální dystonií (2016)
Kardiomyopatie v MR obraze (2016)
Jak psychosomatická medicína stojí v cestě psychosomatickému přístupu v medicíně (2016)
Autismus by proxy: případová studie (2016)
Project iMARECULTURE: Advanced VR, iMmersive Serious Games and Augmented REality as Tools to Raise Awareness and Access to European Underwater CULTURal heritagE (2016)
Knowledge and attitudes of Masaryk University medical students towards electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (2016)
Long-term approach to patients with postsurgical seizures (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii - zhodnocení našich zkušeností (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii - zhodnocení našich zkušeností (2016)
What can be found in scalp EEG spectrum beyond common frequency bands. EEG-fMRI study (2016)
Porous hydrogels as 3D cell scaffolds mimic the anatomy of bone marrow extracellular matrix. (2016)
Měření elektrofyziologických korelátů behaviorální inhibice (2016)
fMRI studie behaviorální inhibice u zdravých lidí: metodologie a výsledky (2016)
Supervised, Multivariate, Whole-Brain Reduction Did Not Help to Achieve High Classification Performance in Schizophrenia Research (2016)
Using ASL method for monitoring of brain perfusion changes in rat models of schizophrenia (2016)
High-Frequency Oscillations in the Human Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus (2016)
Speech prosody impairment predicts cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease (2016)
Semiautomatická segmentace MR obrazu krční míchy a její aplikace při analýze parametrůtenzoru difúze u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2016)
Predictive Motor Timing and the Cerebellar Vermis in Schizophrenia: An fMRI Study (2016)
Efficacy and safety of abobotulinumtoxinA liquid formulation in cervical dystonia: A randomized-controlled trial (2016)
Incidence of Hospitalized Stroke in the Czech Republic: The National Registry of Hospitalized Patients. (2017)
The High Frequency of Guideline-Approved and Guideline-Disapproved Medication Use in Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack (2016)
Mají buněčné terapie budoucnost v léčbě extrapyramidových onemocnění? NE (2016)
Trial-to-trial Adaptation: Parsing out the Roles of Cerebellum and BG in Predictive Motor Timing (2016)
Differences between mesial and neocortical magnetic-resonance-imaging-negative temporal lobe epilepsy (2016)
Management tranzitorní ischemické ataky a minor stroke (2016)
MR vyšetření skafolunátního vazu ve vysokém rozlišení s použitím mikroskopické cívky: srovnání s přímou MR artrografií a artroskopickými nálezy (2016)
Cena rektora pro nejlepší studenty magisterských studijních programů: (2012)
Inter-Rater Reliability for Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction with TICI 2c Category (2017)
NBIA – neurodegenerace s akumulací železa (2016)
Jsou nemotorické projevy Parkinsonovy nemoci indikací k léčbě pomocí hluboké mozkové stimulace subthalamických jader? NE (2016)
Cerebellar Dysfunction and Ataxia in Patients with Epilepsy: Coincidence, Consequence, or Cause? (2016)
Sporadická forma meningioangiomatózy (2016)
Liposomal nanocarriers for plasminogen activators (2016)
Should We Treat a Patient's Symptoms or Angiography Image in TIA? Two Case Reports (2016)
Single-Phase Versus Multiphase CT Angiography in Middle Cerebral Artery Clot Detection-Benefits for Less Experienced Radiologists and Neurologists (2017)
Epileptochirurgická léčba zlepšuje kvalitu života - výsledky dotazníkové studie (2016)
Factors responsible for early postoperative mental alterations after bilateral implantation of subthalamic electrodes (2017)
Biological confounders for the values of cerebrospinal fluid proteins in Parkinson's disease and related disorders (2016)
Test-Retest Reproducibility of Neurochemical Profiles with Short-Echo, Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy at 3T and 7T (2016)
Motion and emotion: anxiety-axial connections in Parkinson's disease (2017)
Nežádoucí metabolické účinky aripiprazolu v polyI:C modelu schizofrenie u potkana (2017)
Evaluation of handwriting kinematics and pressure for differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (2016)
Frequency-independent characteristics of high-frequency oscillations in epileptic and non-epileptic regions (2017)
Prosodic analysis of neutral, stress-modified and rhymed speech in patients with Parkinson's disease (2016)
Behaviorální účinky aripiprazolu ve vývojovém modelu schizofrenie (2017)
The effects of different preprocessing pipelines on network measures of functional connectivity (2016)
Large-scale cortico-subcortical functional networks in focal epilepsies: The role of the basal ganglia (2017)
Metabolické komplikace u hospitalizovaných depresivních nemocných (2017)
Nikotinismus u schizofrenie a možnosti jeho léčby (2017)
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Schizophrenia (2016)
Impulzivita u ADHD a její farmakologická léčba (2016)
Analýza stop na lidské temenní kosti z lokality Nízké Lešnice (2017)
Emotion recognition and Theory of mind in schizophreia: a voxel-based meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies (2016)
Funkčné zmeny mozgu počas spracovávania sociálnych informácii u schizofrénie: multimodálna meta-analýza neurozobrazovacích štúdií. (2016)
Feasibility and Reproducibility of Neurochemical Profiling in the Human Hippocampus at 7T. (2017)
The effect of sex on neurochemical profile quantified from the human brain at 7T (2017)
White matter alterations in mucopolysaccharidosis type I assessed by automated DTI analysis (2017)
Factors Associated with the Need for Intensive Care Unit Admission Following Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Triage ICH Model. (2017)
Intracerebral event-related responses to empathy-eliciting stimuli within the cingulate cortex (2017)
The increase of whole-cortex blood flow during hypoglycemia is greater in patients with type 1 diabetes than in non-diabetic subjects, irrespective of the patient awareness of hypoglycemia (2017)
3D Modelling and Mapping For Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeology Assets (2017)
The influence of theta burst stimulation on cognitive functions as assessed by fMRI Stroop task (2017)
Fuzzy Model of Dyslexic Users Built with Linguistic Pattern Categories (2017)
EEG correlates of video game experience and user profile in motor-imagery-based brain–computer interaction (2017)
Preface to the special issue on VS-Games 2015 (2017)
Impulse control disorders in patients with young-onset Parkinson's disease: A cross-sectional study seeking associated factors (2016)
Terapeutův stín aneb už jsou ti zatracení pacienti zase tady (2017)
Using Activity Led Learning for Teaching Computer Graphics Principles Through Augmented Reality (2017)
The New CGEMS - Preparing the Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source to Meet the Needs of Educators (2017)
Permeability surface area product analysis in malignant brain edema prediction – A pilot study (2017)
Současné modely, testy a metodologické aspekty měření impulzivity v psychologii a psychiatrii (2017)
Dopady pracovně rehabilitačního programu na psychopatologii a kvalitu života u pacientů s chronickým průběhem schizofrenie (2017)
Overview of data of CML patients in Infinity registry (2016)
Sociodemographic and delivery risk factors for developing postpartum depression in a sample of 3233 mothers from the Czech ELSPAC study (2017)
miRNA profile of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2017)
Exploring the educational impact of diverse technologies in online Virtual Museums (2017)
HARDI dMRI imaging of cervical spinal cord (2017)
Emotion regulation during looking in the mirror in patients with eating disorder (2017)
Emoční uvědomění u adolescentů – pilotní studie ověřující základní psychometrické vlastnosti české verze Škály úrovně emočního uvědomění pro děti LEAS-C (2017)
Anti-NMDAR encefalitida v dětském věku – kazuistika (2017)
Risperidone increases the cortical silent period in drug-naive patients with first-episode schizophrenia: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study (2017)
Early and progressive microstructural brain changes in mice overexpressing human alpha-Synuclein detected by diffusion kurtosis imaging (2017)
The long-term development of public attitudes towards people with epilepsy in the Czech Republic: 1981, 1984, 1998 and 2009 studies (2017)
Elektrokonvulzivní terapie v léčbě adolescentních pacientů s katatonní symptomatologií (2017)
Neurozobrazovací kazuistika (2017)
Selected psychometric properties of the Czech Version of the FACT-B Scale (Version 4) for Measuring Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients (2016)
Token test - validační studie české verze u osob vyššího věku a pacientů s neurodegenerativním onemocněním mozku (2017)
Application of fuzzy logic in dyslexia user modelling to design customizing assistive technology (2017)
Designing Fuzzy Apparatus to Model Dyslexic Individual Symptoms for Clinical Use (2017)
Electroconvulsive Therapy in the Treatment of Patient With Depressive Disorder After Traumatic Brain Injury, Intracranial Bleeding, and Polytrauma (2017)
Noninvasive Brain Stimulation and Implications for Nonmotor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease. (2017)
Elektrokonvulzivní terapie v léčbě dětských a adolescentních pacientů (2017)
Elektrokonvulzivní terapie u pacientů s depresivním syndromem po traumatickém poranění mozku (2017)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal models (2017)
Emotion recognition and theory of mind in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies (2018)
Transition of attachment hierarchy from early to late adolescence: Latent class and latent transition analyses (2017)
Designing Fuzzy Apparatus to Model Dyslexic Individual Symptoms for Clinical Use (2017)
Epilepsie (2017)
Kognitivní deficit u Alzheimerovy demence (2006)
Neuropsychologické vyšetření (2006)
Klasická forma Huntingtonovy nemoci manifestovaná asymetrickým parkinsonským syndromem s rigiditou odpovídající na levodopu (2009)
Aripiprazole-induced adverse metabolic alterations in polyI:C neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia in rats (2017)
Pyridoxin dependentní epilepsie - kazuistiky (2017)
Multi-center machine learning in imaging psychiatry: A meta-model approach (2017)
Syndrom Dravetové v pediatrické praxi (2017)
moodler : A new R package to easily fetch data from Moodle (2017)
Oscillatory reactivity to effortful cognitive processing in the subthalamic nucleus and internal pallidum: a depth electrode EEG study (2017)
Emotional and Interoceptive Awareness and Its Relationship to Restriction in Young Women with Eating Disorders and Healthy Controls: a Cascade from Emotional to Behavioral Dysregulation (2017)
Development and integration of digital technologies addressed to raise awareness and access to European underwater cultural heritage. An overview of the H2020 i-MARECULTURE project (2017)
Sociálna kognícia u schizofrénie: výskum, meranie a liečba (2017)
Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Shaken Hearts and Confused Minds: Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Deceptions of the Heart: The Influence of False Cardiac Feedback on Autonomic Markers of Arousal (2017)
Stable Scalp EEG Spatiospectral Patterns Across Paradigms Estimated by Group ICA (2018)
Neurological and Neuropsychological Investigation in Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Defects (2017)
Early Anterior Temporal Artery Can Masquerade as Patent Middle Cerebral Artery on Transcranial Doppler in Acute Ischemic Stroke (2014)
Ultrasonography (2015)
Ischemic Stroke and Homonymous Visual Field Defects (2017)
Acute Isolated Central Facial Palsy as Manifestation of Middle Cerebral Artery Ischemia (2016)
Molecular variability in adult and childhood epileptogenesis: differences in miRNA profile of adult and infantile rats (2017)
miRNA sequencing shows different gene expression in adult and infantile epilepsy (2017)
An Immersive Virtual Environment for Collaborative Geovisualization (2017)
Emotion processing abnormalities in eating disorders: An fMRI pilot study (2017)
Zobrazování a psychodiagnostika: Funkční neuroanatomie Tematického apercepčního testu (2017)
Social cognition and idiopathic isolated cervical dystonia (2017)
Potřeba kognitivního uzavření a zpracování emočně nejednoznačných sociálních podnětů: fMRI pilotní studie (2016)
The Impact of Diverse Preprocessing Pipelines on Brain Functional Connectivity (2017)
Investigating the Effect of User Profile during Training for BCI-based Games (2017)
A Serious Game for Understanding Ancient Seafaring in the Mediterranean Sea (2017)
BrainChat - A Collaborative Augmented Reality Brain Interface for Message Communication (2017)
EEG-based BCI and video games: a progress report (2018)
HDAC1 and HDAC3 underlie dynamic H3K9 acetylation during embryonic neurogenesis and in schizophrenia-like animals (2018)
Arterial spin labelling detects posterior cortical hypoperfusion in non-demented patients with Parkinson's disease (2017)
Neural correlates of Behavioral inhibition in healthy people and in patients with borderline personality disorder and ADHD (2017)
Neuroimaging of behavioral inhibition: methodology and an fMRI study in healthy people (2017)
Utilization of virtual reality for teaching 3D tasks in geography (2017)
Predictors of quality of life in Czech female breast cancer survivors following treatment with special interest to coping strategies (2017)
Investigating Community Detection Algorithms and their Capacity as Markers of Brain Diseases (2017)
Neurozobrazovací kazuistika (2016)
Primární progresivní apraxie řeči (2017)
Anti-NMDAR protilátky u demyelinizačních onemocnění (2017)
Český národní registr Guillainova-Barrého syndromu (2017)
České verze sebeposuzovacích modelů impulzivity Barrattovy škály a škály UPPS-P a jejich psychometrické charakteristiky (2017)
Systematická evaluace center provádějících mechanické trombektomie u akutního mozkového infarktu v České republice za rok 2016 (2017)
Determining Dyslexic User Model Membership Using Fuzzy Approach (2018)
Neural evidence for defective top-down control of visual processing in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease (2017)
Changes in connectivity of the posterior default network node during visual processing in mild cognitive impairment: staged decline between normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (2017)
Parkinson disease detection from speech articulation neuromechanics (2017)
24-Hour Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score Assessment in Post-Stroke Spasticity Development in Patients with a First Documented Anterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke (2018)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal model (2017)
MicroRNA and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: Whole miRNome profiling of human hippocampus (2017)
Poly(I:C) model of schizophrenia in rats induces sex-dependent functional brain changes detected by MRI that are not reversed by aripiprazole treatment (2018)
Transkraniální magnetická stimulace v doporučeních a běžné klinické praxi (2017)
Současné možnosti léčby akutních dystonií a tardivních dyskinezí (2017)
Temporal lobe epilepsy? Things are not always what they seem (2017)
Mechanical thrombectomy performs similarly in real world practice: a 2016 nationwide study from the Czech Republic (2018)
Akutní a tardivní dystonie a dyskineze (2017)
Metabolické komplikace u hospitalizovaných pacientů s depresivní poruchou (2017)
Disruption in Cerebellar and Basal Ganglia Networks During a Visuospatial Task in Cervical Dystonia (2017)
Chromosome 6q deletion correlates with poor prognosis and low relative expression of FOXO3 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2017)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii - zhodnocení našich zkušeností (2017)
Kognitivní deficit u depresivní poruchy a těžké depresivní fáze s psychotickými příznaky (2017)
Intensive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation changes EEG microstates in schizophrenia: A pilot study (2018)
Atypical handedness in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2017)
Archeozoologické spracovanie zvieracích pozostatkov zo šibenice pri Slavkove (2017)
Very High-Frequency Oscillations: Novel Biomarkers of the Epileptogenic Zone (2017)
Detekce časných mikrostrukturálních změn u myšího modelu Parkinsonovy nemoci pomocí difuzního MR (2017)
Speech disorders in Parkinson's disease: early diagnostics and effects of medication and brain stimulation (2017)
mTLE v dospělosti a dětství – rozdíly v miRNA profilech dospělých a novorozených potkanů (2017)
Incidence cévní mozkové příhody v Evropě – systematická review (2017)
Intravenous thrombolysis for patients with in-hospital stroke onset: propensity-matched analysis from the Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke-East registry (2017)
Assessing Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease Using Analysis of Hypokinetic Dysarthria (2017)
Leaving a legacy of stroke in Europe: A community of dedicated professionals is changing the face of stroke in Europe (2017)
Past & Future of Stroke Care in Europe (2017)
Theta Burst Stimulation Induces Changes In Dorsal Attentional Network (2017)
Predictive value of preoperative statistical parametric mapping of regional glucose metabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2018)
Intenzivní RTMS (I-RTMS) v léčbě negativních přiznaků schizofrenie a změna EEG mikrostavů (2017)
rTMS v léčbě impulzivity u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti. (2017)
Zobrazování a neurostimulace v psychiatrii (2017)
Neural processes involved in cognitive and affective Theory of mind: validation of verbal task (2017)
Zobrazování domén sociální kognice a jejích poruch u schizofrenie (2017)
Investigating Modularity and Its Capacity As a Marker of Neurodegenerative Diseases (2017)
Historie biologické nefarmakologické léčby schizofrenie za uplynulých 60 let (2018)
Vzťah medzi cytokinmi, neurokogníciou a sociálnou kogniciou: Biologické markery tvoriace endofenotypy u schizofrénie (2018)
Účinky clozapinu na celulární úrovni (2018)
Biofeedback s využitím virtuální reality u pacientů s funkčními neurologickými poruchami - pilotní studie (2018)
Kognitivní deficit u depresivní porucha a elektrokonvulzivní terapie (2018)
Znalosti a postoje psychiatrických pacientů týkající se elektrokonvulzivní terapie (2018)
rTMS léčba u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti (2018)
Type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycemia are associated with reduced brain gray matter volumes (2017)
The Role of High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Parkinsonian Disorders: Pushing the Boundaries Forward (2017)
Modular framework for detection of inter-ictal spikes in iEEG (2017)
Electrophysiological correlates of functional brain abnormities in major depressive disorder: microstate analysis on high-density EEG in resting conditions (2017)
Electrophysiological brain abnormities in major depressive disorder: microstate analysis on high-density EEG in resting condition (2018)
Využití MRI ASL metody pro porovnání změn perfuze mozku v různých neurovývojových animálních modelech schizofrenie (2018)
Autoimunitní epilepsie (2017)
Co vlastně znamená výsledek genetického testování epilepsie pro pacienta, rodiče a lékaře? (2017)
Přínos genetického testování u pacientů se syndromem Dravetové a klinicko-genetické korelace (2017)
Striato-cortical Connections in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases: Relation to Cognition (2017)
Demence s Lewyho tělísky s klinickým obrazem sporadické Creutzfeldtovy-Jakobovy choroby (2017)
Sociální kognice u schizofrenie souvisí s fronto-limbickou konektivitou (2018)
Public stroke education: Current status worldwide and projects to increase awareness in the Czech Republic (2017)
Predictors for Cerebral Edema in Acute Ischemic Stroke Treated With Intravenous Thrombolysis (2017)
Multiway Array Decomposition of EEG Spectrum: Implications of Its Stability for the Exploration of Large-Scale Brain Networks (2017)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie a neurověd (2017)
DysHelper – The Dyslexia Assistive Approach User Study (2018)
DysHelper – The Dyslexia Assistive User Experience (2018)
Intravenous thrombolysis for ischemic stroke in the golden hour: propensity-matched analysis from the SITS-EAST registry (2017)
Nomenklatura založená na neurovědách (2018)
Long-Term Cognitive Decline in Dementia with Lewy Bodies in a Large Multicenter, International Cohort (2017)
Neurobehavioural evaluation of rehabilitation programs for dangerous drivers (2018)
Theta burst stimulation enhances connectivity of the dorsal attention network in young healthysubjects: An exploratory study (2018)
Interrater variability for CT angiography evaluation between neurologists and neuroradiologist in acute stroke patients (2017)
Impact of stress induced by life threating situation on the brain of holocaust survivors and their offspring. A neuroimaging study. (2017)
Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation of the superior temporal gyrus on motor speech disorder in Parkinson's disease (2017)
Eligibility for mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: A phase IV multi-center screening log registry (2016)
Kožní léze komplikující Parkinsonovu nemoc (2017)
Assessing freezing of gait in parkinson's disease using analysis of hypokinetic dysarthria View Document (2017)
Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation of the superior temporal gyrus on motor speech disorder in Parkinson's disease (2017)
Identification of Hypokinetic Dysarthria Using Acoustic Analysis of Poem Recitation (2017)
Vowel articulation distortion in parkinson’s disease (2017)
Morphoscopical approach in material agent analysis: Cut marks produced by stone and metal tools from Early Bronze Age site Pasohlávky (Czech Republic) (2018)
Detection of hypokinetic dysarthria in patients with Parkinson´s disease with 3F test (2018)
Osteologická analýza lidských a zvířecích pozůstatků z polykulturní lokality Jevišovka – Nová (2017)
fMRI neurofeedback (2018)
Simulation of Underwater Excavation Using Dredging Procedures (2018)
Mixed Reality Gamified Presence and Storytelling for Virtual Museums (2018)
Adolescents’ multiple versus single primary attachment figures, reorganization of attachment hierarchy, and adjustments : the important people interview approach (2018)
Editorial for special issue on interactive virtual environments for serious games (2018)
Na Mindfulness/Všímavosti založené programy pro podporu duševního zdraví zdravotníků: evidence-based duchovní růst a cesta k životní spokojenosti (2018)
Cerebellum and dystonia: The story continues. Will the patients benefit from new discoveries? (2018)
Syndróm Dravetovej s mutáciou v SCN1A géne, genetické aspekty a klinické skúsenosti (2018)
The influence of EEG-detected nocturnal centrotemporal discharges on the expression of core symptoms of ADHD in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS): A prospective study in a tertiary referral center (2018)
Analysis of diffusion tensor measurements of the human cervical spinal cord based on semiautomatic segmentation of the white and gray matter (2018)
Perinatal stress and human hippocampal volume: Findings from typically developing young adults (2018)
Learning Curve in Anatomo-Electrophysiological Correlations in Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation (2018)
The course of experimental giardiasis in Mongolian gerbil (2018)
Využití transkraniální magnetické stimulace u hraniční poruchy osobnosti (2018)
Neuro-behaviorální profil impulzivity u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti (2018)
Behaviorální intervence – nástroj primární prevence ECC (2018)
Behavioral intervention: a tool in early childhood caries prevention. (2018)
Kompletní syndrom a. choroidea anterior v řečově nedominantní hemisféře na podkladě ischemického iktu (2018)
Short-term effect of simple mindfulness practices on emotional state in hospitalized adolescents with mental disorders: a pilot study (2018)
A dual-fMRI investigation of the iterated Ultimatum Game reveals that reciprocal behaviour is associated with neural alignment. (2018)
Could Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Help Patients with Visual Snow? (2018)
The mystery of the cerebellum: clues from experimental and clinical observations (2018)
Diffusion kurtosis imaging detects early microstructural changes in dorsal motor nucleus of vagus in intragastric rotenone mouse model of Parkinson’s disease (2018)
Impact of Dehazing on Underwater Marker Detection for Augmented Reality (2018)
Syndrom GLUT-1 deficience – expandující klinické spektrum léčitelného onemocnění (2018)
Amygdala reactivity and connectivity during social and non-social aversive stimulation in social anxiety disorder (2018)
A Model for Eye and Head Motion for Virtual Agents (2018)
Editorial for special issue on serious games and education (2017)
Interleukin 6 and complement serum level study in Parkinson's disease (2018)
Morphological changes of cerebellar substructures in temporal lobe epilepsy: A complex phenomenon, not mere atrophy (2018)
Shoda v hodnocení čerstvých ischemických změn pomocí ASPECT skóre mezi neurologem a intervenčním neuroradiologem u pacientů s akutní mozkovou ischemií (2018)
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treating Impulsivity in Borderline Personality Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2018)
Treatment Outcomes in Patients Treated with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in "Slovak Registry of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia" (CAMELIA SK) (2016)
An updated diagnostic approach to subtype definition of vascular parkinsonism - Recommendations from an expert working group (2018)
Influence of dose, gender, and cigarette smoking on clozapine plasma concentrations (2018)
The relationship between cytokines, neurocognition and social cognition in patients with schizophrenia (2018)
Impact of 123 i-ioflupane spect on real-life clinical decision making - follow up of 99 patients (2017)
Atlas of the normal intracranial electroencephalogram: neurophysiological awake activity in different cortical areas (2018)
Older Age and Longer Epilepsy Duration Do Not Predict Worse Seizure Reduction Outcome after Vagus Nerve Stimulation (2018)
Ultraearly Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Mobile Stroke Unit and Hospital Settings: A Comparative Analysis (2018)
Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke after a Reversal of Dabigatran Anticoagulation with Idarucizumab: A Real-World Clinical Experience (2018)
Prehospital stroke scale (FAST PLUS Test) predicts patients with intracranial large vessel occlusion (2018)
Processing of Emotion in Functional Neurological Disorder (2018)
Probabilistic functional tractography of the human cortex revisited (2018)
CLLEAR český registr pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií – kompletní analýza dat (2018)
Diferenciální diagnostika a hodnocení mnohočetných plicních uzlů (nodularit) z pohledu radiologa a hrudního chirurga. Naše zkušenosti se značením plicních ložisek pod CT s následnou VTS klínovitou resekcí. (dvojpřednáška – spolupráce intervenčního radiologa a hrudního chirurga). (2018)
Improving Marker-Based Tracking for Augmented Reality in Underwater Environments (2018)
Digitization and Visualization of Folk Dances: A Review (2018)
Embodied VR environment facilitates motor imagery brain–computer interface training (2018)
Foreword to the Special Section on Serious Games and Virtual Environments (2018)
Single-center long-term results of vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy: A 10-17 year follow-up study (2018)
Detection of circulating miRNAs in the blood plasma of patients with mTLE+HS (2018)
miRNA screening of infantile and adult rat hippocampal tissues in acute phase of epilepsy (2018)
Early manifestation of spasticity after first stroke in the territory of the internal carotid artery: A prospective multicenter study (2018)
Changes in Connectivity and Local Synchrony after Cognitive Stimulation - Intracerebral EEG Study (2018)
Social decision-making in the brain: Input-state-output modelling reveals patterns of effective connectivity underlying reciprocal choices. (2019)
Hidden Languages in Brain: a Case fMRI Study (2018)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény pro periferní bypass (2018)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény pro periferní bypass (2018)
Insulin resistance is an underlying mechanism of impaired glucose metabolism during nilotinib therapy (2018)
Dynamics of microRNA expression during early onset epileptogenesis (2018)
Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Czech Republic: Technical Results from the Year 2016 (2018)
Základy obecné neurologie pro studenty bakalářského studia ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence (2018)
Základy speciální neurologie pro studenty bakalářského studia ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence (2018)
Neuroimaging and clinical outcomes of oral anticoagulant-associated intracerebral hemorrhage (2018)
Disruption of Multiple Distinctive Neural Networks Associated With Impulse Control Disorder in Parkinson's Disease (2018)
Účinky klozapinu na celulární úrovni (2018)
Are the subthalamic nucleus, internal globus pallidus and thalamus involved in thinking? (2018)
Autism, impulsivity and inhibition a review of the literature (2018)
Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030 (2018)
Association of Clinical, Imaging, and Thrombus Characteristics With Recanalization of Visible Intracranial Occlusion in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke (2018)
White matter alterations in Parkinson's disease with normal cognition precede grey matter atrophy (2018)
New endemic familial parkinsonism in south Moravia, Czech Republic and its genetical background (2018)
Hippocampal involvement in nonpathological deja vu: Subfield vulnerability rather than temporal lobe epilepsy equivalent (2018)
Identification and Monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease Dysgraphia Based on Fractional-Order Derivatives of Online Handwriting (2018)
Tuning Neuromodulation Effects by Orientation Selective Deep Brain Stimulation in the Rat Medial Frontal Cortex (2018)
Quantitative Analysis of Relationship Between Hypokinetic Dysarthria and the Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease (2018)
Changes in Phonation and Their Relations with Progress of Parkinson’s Disease (2018)
Theory of Mind Skills Are Related to Resting-State Frontolimbic Connectivity in Schizophrenia (2018)
Medikace u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti (2018)
Kvalita života u poruch se zvýšenou impulzivitou (2018)
rTMS treatment of emotion regulation in patients with borderline personality disorder (2018)
Impulzivita pacientů s Parkinsonovou chorobou s poruchou kontroly impulzů a bez poruchy kontroly impulzů (2018)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with borderline personality disorder (2018)
E-Health ve výzkumu: systém pro správu, administraci a vyhodnocování dotazníkových metod (2018)
Innovative real-time fMRI neurofeedback protocol for management of emotion regulation impairment in patients with borderline personality disorder (2018)
Nově vzniklý refrakterní status epilepticus a syndromy z blízkého spektra (NORSE/FIRES) (2018)
Generalizovaný konvulzivní status epilepticus v dětském věku (2018)
Mikrostrukturální parametry odvozené z difuzního MR pro časnou diagnostiku cervikální myelopatie (2018)
Vliv rizikových faktorů na mortalitu ischemických cévních mozkových příhod – koimunitní studie Brno (2018)
Prediktory dlouhodobé mortality u primárního intracerebrálního krvácení - komunitní studie Brno (2018)
In-vivo zobrazování mikrostrukturálních parametrů lidské krční míchy ve vysokém úhlovém a prostorovém rozlišení (2018)
ELFday0214: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Motivace v e-learningu) (2014)
ELFday0914: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Spolupráce a kritické myšlení) (2014)
ELFday0215: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Samostatnost a kreativita) (2015)
ELFday0915: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Mobilní technologie v akademickém prostředí) (2015)
ELFday0216: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Jak lépe poznat své studenty) (2016)
Real-time rMRI neurofeedback u pacientů s poruchami regulace emocí (2018)
Column-specific microstructural changes in patients with non-myelopathic degenerative compression of the cervical spinal cord revealed by diffusion MRI (2019)
Novel HARDI-ZOOMit protocol detects changes in spinal cord microstructure by patients with asymptomatic degenerative cervical myelopathy (2019)
Evaluation of different cerebrospinal fluid and white matter fMRI filtering strategies—Quantifying noise removal and neural signal preservation (2019)
Nová definice status epilepticus a možnosti jeho farmakologické léčby (2018)
Management generalizovaného konvulzivního status epilepticus- upt to date (2018)
Sledování a hodnocení kognitivních funkcí u dětských pacientů s epilepsii na Klinice dětské neurologie LF MU a FN Brno (2018)
(Auto)imunitní epilepsie (2018)
Dravetovej syndróm s mutáciou v SCN1A géne - klinické skúsenosti Kliniky detskej neurologie FN Brno (2018)
"Time is money" (2018)
Reálná a potenciální rizika internetu pro dospívající s epilepsií (2018)
Přínosy a limitacea SPM-PET v předchirurgické diagnostice u dětských kandidátů resekční epileptochirurgie: glomal normalization versus assymetry index metodika (2018)
Hemodynamické a zánětlivé parametry u prvních epizod schizofrenie (2019)
Klinické dopady impulzivity u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti (2019)
Využití elektrokonvulzivní terapie u dětí a adolescentů v České republice (2019)
Použití rTMS v léčbě deprese po cévní mozkové příhodě (2019)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in borderline personality disorder - case series (2019)
Emotional impulsivity is connected to suicide attempts and health care utilization in patients with borderline personality disorder (2019)
fMRI neurofeedback in emotion regulation: A literature review (2019)
Global Scales for Cognitive Screening in Parkinson's Disease: Critique and Recommendations (2018)
Reply: MoCA for Cognitive Screening in Parkinson's Disease: Beware of Floor Effect (2018)
European trends in epilepsy surgery (2018)
Spatial-temporal-spectral EEG patterns of BOLD functional network connectivity dynamics (2018)
Robustness of Representative Signals Relative to Data Loss Using Atlas-Based Parcellations (2018)
Developmental origins of depression-related white matter properties: Findings from a prenatal birth cohort (2019)
Subtype definition of vascular parkinsonism (2018)
Emotional stimuli candidates for behavioural intervention in the prevention of early childhood caries: a pilot study. (2019)
Fenomenologie: Mindfulness dle Edmunda Husserla (2019)
Detecting Square Markers in Underwater Environments (2019)
Digitization and Visualization of Movements of Slovak Folk Dances (2019)
Consensus paper: Decoding the Contributions of the Cerebellum as a Time Machine. From Neurons to Clinical Applications (2019)
Profesionál ve zdravotnictví, nebo člověk, který léčí: Lidská medicína cestou oslovení lidskosti v nás (2019)
Empatie, jako rizikový faktor rozvoje syndromu vyhoření: od empatie k soucitu (2019)
Is Font Type and General Recommendation Really Playing Role in Dyslexic Comfortable Reading? (2019)
Mindfulness: evidence - based duchovní růst a cesta k životní spokojenosti zdravotníků (2019)
Neurofyziologie emočních regulací a kůže (2018)
Professional guideline versus product label selection for treatment with IV thrombolysis: An analysis from SITS registry (2018)
A signature pattern of cortical atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies: A study on 333 patients from the European DLB consortium (2019)
Safety of urgent endarterectomy in acute non-disabling stroke patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis: an international multicenter study (2019)
Patterns of Grey Matter Atrophy at Different Stages of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases and Relation to Cognition (2019)
Neuromechanical Modelling of Articulatory Movements from Surface Electromyography and Speech Formants (2019)
Vowel Articulation Dynamic Stability Related to Parkinson's Disease Rating Features: Male Dataset (2019)
Perampanel as monotherapy and adjunctive therapy for focal onset seizures, focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures and as adjunctive therapy of generalized onset tonic-clonic seizures (2019)
Diminished N1/P2 Suppression after Delayed Cardiac Feedback (2018)
Non-invasive stimulation of the auditory feedback area for improved articulation in Parkinson's disease (2019)
Current treatment of behavioral and cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's disease (2019)
Compliance with ethical rules for scientific publishing in biomedical Open Access journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports (2019)
Všichni moji blízcí : adolescenti a dospělí kolem nich (2018)
Proměny vazbové hierarchie od adolescence k mladé dospělosti (2018)
Rodičovské konflikty očima adolescentů (2018)
Rodiče a výchova : spolu, či proti sobě? (2018)
Single-Centre Experience with Patients Selection for Mechanical Thrombectomy Based on Automated Computed Tomography Perfusion Analysis-A Comparison with Computed TomographyCT Perfusion Thrombectomy Trials (2019)
Intracerebral EEG Artifact Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks (2019)
Prenatal Stress, Mood, and Gray Matter Volume in Young Adulthood (2019)
Investigating motion sickness techniques for immersive virtual environments (2019)
O empatii, soucitu a lidskosti v medicíně (2019)
Is own body really aversive stimulus in eating disorder? Is their subjective and physical reaction similar? (2019)
Efficient use of micro-services architecture for eMental Health care development in the Czech republic (2019)
Effect of vacuum-compression therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome as a part of physiotherapy - pilot study (2019)
Diffusion kurtosis imaging detects brain microstructural alterations in three mouse models of Parkinson’s disease (2019)
MRI findings induced by antipsychotic treatment and animal models os chizophrenia-like pathology (2019)
Functional changes detected in different neurodevelopmental animal models of schizophrenia-like phenotypes (2019)
Social environment simulation in VR elicits a distinct reaction in subjects with different levels of anxiety and somatoform dissociation (2020)
Investigating Body Transfer Illusion from Human to Monkey Body (2018)
Examining And Enhancing The Illusory Touch Perception In Virtual Reality Using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (2019)
Prevalence symptomů úzkosti a deprese a jejich vliv na kvalitu života u pacientů v paliativní onkologické léčbě: projekt PALINT (2019)
Diffusion tensor and restriction spectrum imaging reflect different aspects of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease (2019)
Structural and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Dementia With Lewy Bodies (2019)
Feasibility and efficacy of an educational programme to increase awareness of stroke and heart attack in children (2019)
Impaired Self-Other Distinction and Subcortical Gray-Matter Alterations Characterize Socio-Cognitive Disturbances in Multiple Sclerosis (2019)
Autosomal dominant temporal lobe epilepsy associated with heterozygous reelin mutation: 3 T brain MRI study with advanced neuroimaging methods (2019)
Abnormalities in brain electric microstates in depression: microstate analysis on high-density EEG in resting conditions (2018)
EEG Microstates in patients treated by STN DBS (2018)
Evokovaná odpověď v Go/NoGo úkolu u hraničního typu emočně-nestabilní poruchy osobnosti (2018)
Elektrofyziologie klidového stavu u depresivní poruchy: analýza mozkových mikrostavů (2018)
Analýza EEG mikrostavů u pacientů s hlubokou mozkovou stimulací subthalamického jádra (2018)
Asymmetric effective brain connectivity in depression during rest: analysis of high-density electroencephalography (2019)
Electrophysiological brain abnormalities in depression: microstate analysis on resting high-density EEG (2019)
Asymmetry of effective connectivity during resting conditions in major depressive disorder:analysis on high-density EEG (2019)
Neural Scaffolding as the Foundation for Stable Performance of Aging Cerebellum (2019)
Hippocampal high frequency oscillations in unilateral and bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2019)
EEG Reactivity Predicts Individual Efficacy of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Intractable Epileptics (2019)
Connectivity Between Brain Networks Dynamically Reflects Cognitive Status of Parkinson's Disease: A Longitudinal Study (2019)
Všichni moji blízcí. Adolescenti a dospělí kolem nich (2018)
Všichni moji blízcí. Adolescenti a dospělí kolem nich (2018)
Elektrokonvulzivní terapie v léčbě dětských a adolescentních pacientů (2019)
Učebnice speciální neurologie (2019)
Switch mezi vědomím a nevědomím – elektrofyziologická studie s intracerebrálními elektrodami (2017)
Adaptation of Mismatch Negativity like potential – time duration auditory stimuli in roving paradigm (2019)
Gyrus cinguli kognitivní evokované potenciály a mismatch negativity elektrofyziologická studie s intracerebrálními elektrodami (2018)
EEG Resting-State Large-Scale Brain Network Dynamics Are Related to Depressive Symptoms (2019)
Prevalence and evolution of spasticity in patients suffering from first-ever stroke with carotid origin: a prospective, longitudinal study (2019)
Endovascular equipoise shift in a phase III randomized clinical trial of sonothrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke (2019)
Imaging Parkinson's disease using functional and diffusion MRI (2019)
The Influence of False Cardiac Feedback on Autonomic Markers of Arousal (2019)
Proton (1H) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in degenerative cervical spinal cord compression (DCSCC) (2019)
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Detects Microstructural Changes in a Methamphetamine-Induced Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease. (2019)
Dissecting social interaction: dual-fMRI reveals patterns of interpersonal brain-behavior relationships that dissociate among dimensions of social exchange (2019)
Holocaust history is not reflected in telomere homeostasis in survivors and their offspring (2019)
Underwater augmented reality for improving the diving experience in submerged archaeological sites (2019)
Osobní vize lékaře v procesu volby specializace: měkké dovednosti nezbytné pro kompetentní praxi lékaře (2019)
Noc vědců 2019: Šetrně k planetě prostřednictvím pochopení zákonitostí fungování naší mysli: ekologické problémy z hlediska neurovědy, psychoterapie a duchovního růstu (2019)
Kognitivní rezerva a rozvoj demence (2019)
Processing of Emotions in Functional Movement Disorder: An Exploratory fMRI Study (2019)
Perinatální paréza brachiálního plexu na podkladě avulze, řešená konzervativně (2019)
Comparison of Trajectories and Quaternions of Folk Dance Movements Using Dynamic Time Warping (2019)
Brain Morphometry Methods for Feature Extraction in Random Subspace Ensemble Neural Network Classification of First-Episode Schizophrenia (2019)
Multi-feature localization of epileptic foci from interictal, intracranial EEG (2019)
Progressive Training for Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Gamification and Virtual Reality Embodiment (2019)
Impulsivity in patients with borderline personality disorder : a comprehensive profile compared with healthy people and patients with ADHD (2020)
Mindfulness je víc, než jen stažení aplikace: augmentace všímavé praxe prostřednictvím eHealth programů (2019)
Electrophysiological correlates of physiological déjà vu phenomenon (2019)
Cortical excitability and visual discomfort in epilepsy: SEEG study (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk of seizure induction in developing brain (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk and severity of seizures developing brain (2019)
Elektrokonvulzivní terapie v léčbě dětských a adolescentních pacientů (2019)
Analýza chůze a stability u různě léčených pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2019)
A Mobile Augmented Reality Interface for Teaching Folk Dances (2019)
Cognitive effects of dance-movement intervention in a mixed group of seniors are not dependent on hippocampal atrophy (2019)
Optimizing fast first pass complete reperfusion in acute ischemic stroke - the BADDASS approach (BAlloon guiDe with large bore Distal Access catheter with dual aspiration with Stent-retriever as Standard approach) (2019)
Gray Matter Changes in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease and Relation to Cognition (2019)
Genetické a neurobiologické aspekty komorbidního výskytu poruch autistického spektra a epilepsie (2019)
Výskyt Parkinsonovy nemoci v České republice – epidemiologická analýza (2019)
Evaluation of miRNA detection methods for the analytical characteristics necessary for clinical utilization (2019)
Novorozenecké záchvaty (2019)
Gait Analysis of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Relation to Apposite Data Selection (2019)
Clinical Variability in P102L Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome (2019)
Non-invasive brain stimulation to treat cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's disease (2019)
„Nikdy z tebe nic nebude!“: Biofeedback s využitím sociálního stresu ve virtuální realitě u pacientů s funkčními neurologickými poruchami (2018)
Test Vyšetření fatických funkcí (VFF-R) (2019)
Prognostic factors and seizure outcome in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in children with hematological malignancies and bone marrow failure: A retrospective monocentric study (2019)
Understanding Underwater Photogrammetry for Maritime Archaeology Through Immersive Virtual Reality (2019)
Perampanel – kam s ním II? (2019)
PERAMPANEL – kam s ním? (2017)
Novinky ve farmakologické léčbě epilepsie (2015)
Vliv abúzu psychoaktivních látek na průběh a funkční schopnosti u pacientů se schizofrenií (2019)
Gait Analysis of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Relation to Apposite Data Selection (2019)
Safety and efficacy of sonothrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke: a multicentre, double-blind, phase 3, randomised controlled trial (2019)
Safety and Outcome of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Stroke Patients on Prophylactic Doses of Low Molecular Weight Heparins at Stroke Onset (2019)
Structural and functional MRI correlates of T2 hyperintensities of brain white matter in young neurologically asymptomatic adults (2019)
Baroreflex sensitivity is associated with post-stroke infections. An open, prospective study (2019)
Inter-rater reliability between paramedics and neurologists in the assessment of severe hemiparesis in acute stroke (2019)
Lakunární ischemický iktus (2017)
Virtual Reality Assesment of Functional Neurological Symptoms (2016)
EEG spatiospectral patterns and their link to fMRI BOLD signal via variable hemodynamic response functions (2019)
Adaptace a sluchová mismatch negativita - elektrofyziologická studie s intracerebrálními elektrodami (2019)
fMRI-navigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in borderline personality disorder (2019)
fMRI neurofeedback in emotion regulation (2019)
Soothing the emotional brain: modulation of neural activity to personal emotional stimulation by social touch (2019)
Social support modulates subjective and neural responses to sad mental imagery (2020)
Electrophysiological correlates of proactive and reactive inhibitions in a modified go/nogo task (2019)
Kraniocerebrální a míšní poranění (2019)
Risk Factors in Ischemic Stroke Subtypes: a Community-Based Study in Brno, Czech Republic (2020)
Diagnostika ischemických CMP - přehled zobrazovacích metod a jejich využití v praxi (2019)
Meta-awareness jako řešení problému Awareness of Intention (2019)
Funkční stereotaktická neurochirurgie (2019)
Neinvazivní mozková stimulace v behaviorální a kognitivní neurologii. (2018)
Parkinsonova nemoc (2019)
Theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation induced cognitive task-related decrease in activity of default mode network: An exploratory study (2020)
Behavioral and Neuroanatomical Account of Impulsivity in Parkinson's Disease (2020)
Rate and Prognosis of Brain Ischemia in Patients With Lower-Risk Transient or Persistent Minor Neurologic Events (2019)
Consensus statements and recommendations from the ESO-Karolinska Stroke Update Conference, Stockholm 11-13 November 2018 (2019)
Deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus: EEG microstates analysis (2019)
STN DBS in Parkinson’s disease: EEG microstates analysis (2019)
Electrophysiological correlates of proactive and reactive inhibitions in a modified go/nogo task (2019)
Eeg klidová dynamika rozsáhlých mozkových sítí koreluje s depresivní symptomatologií (2019)
Diversity of motor-cognitive performance in patients treated by STN DBS (2018)
Rozhodování a informovanost pacientů o CMP : hledání smysluplných cest (2019)
Lehká mozková poranění - konsenzuální odborné stanovisko České neurologické společnosti ČLS JEP (2019)
Role selektivní endovaskulární embolizace juvenilního angiofibromu nosní dutiny před následnou endoskopickou resekcí . (2019)
Aplikace botulotoxinu u syndromu Freyové. (2019)
Možnosti nefarmakologické léčby epilepsie u dětí (2019)
Ketogenní dieta – účinná nefarmakologická léčba dětské a adolescentní epilepsie (2019)
Akutní stavy v dětské neurologii (2019)
Úvod do dětské neurointenzivní péče (2019)
Syndrom nitrolební hypertenze (2019)
Poruchy vědomí z pohledu neurologa - diagnostika, diferenciální diagnostika, terapie (2019)
Management generalizovaného konvulzivního status epilepticus u dětí - "up to date" (2019)
Možnosti nefarmakologické léčby refrakterního status epilepticus (2019)
Možnosti EEG monitorace status epilepticus (2019)
Cévní mozkové příhody v dětském věku - diagnostika, diferenciální diagnostika, algoritmus terapie (2019)
Akutní neuroinfekce v dětském věku (2019)
Časné operační řešení epileptických encefalopatii (2019)
Prosté chirurgické nebo epileptochirurgické řešení lezionárních epilepsií? (2019)
Implementace brivaracetamu do farmakologického managementu u dětské a adolescentní epilepsie (2019)
Autoimunitní epilepsie (2019)
Vaskulitidy jako jedna z příčin mozkových cévních příhod u dětí (2019)
Léčba superrefraktermního status epilepticus (2019)
Concomitant immunosuppression and ketotherapy in Rasmussen encephalitis: open case report. (2019)
Related Encephalopathy in Family with Biotinidase Deficiency (2019)
NORSE- známá neznámá. (2019)
Co nám může mozkomíšní mok říct o epilepsii a epileptogenezi? (2019)
Role zánětu v etiopatogenezi farmakorezistentní epilepsie a refrakterního status epilepticus. (2020)
Novorozenecké záchvaty – současný pohled na problematiku (2020)
Neuroradiologie v dětské epileptologii- "neurologické minimum" (2019)
Nejpoužívanější operační postupy v dětské epileptochirurgii (2019)
Nová klasifikace novorozeneckých záchvatů (2019)
Briviact u dětí: od teorie k praxi (2019)
Finanční náklady rodiny na péči o dětské pacienty se syndromem Dravetové (2019)
Století ketoterapie (2019)
Dětská elektroencefalografie (2019)
Concentrix: výsledky monocentrické prospektivní postmarketingové studie u pacientů s poruchami pozornosti a aktivity na Klinice dětské neurologie LF MU a FN brno (2019)
Genetické a neurobiologickéí aspekty komorbidního výskytu porucha autistického spektra a epilepsie (2019)
Terapie autizmu v budoucnu: reálné vize nebo science fiction? (2019)
"Dětská neurologie a dětská psychiatrie jsou dvě strany stejné mince"- ADHD a jeho asociace s neurologickými diagnózami (2019)
Moya-moya a etika vyšetřování asymptomatických pacientů (2019)
NREM sleep is the state of vigilance that best identifies the epileptogenic zone in the interictal electroencephalogram (2019)
The contribution of cerebrovascular risk factors, metabolic and inflammatory changes to cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease: preliminary observations (2019)
Ketogenní dieta - účinná nefarmakologická léčba dětské a adolescentní epilepsie (2019)
Getting into sync: Data-driven analyses reveal patterns of neural coupling that distinguish among different social exchanges (2020)
Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): An update (2014-2018) (2020)
Pacientka s MOG-IgG asociovanou optickou neuritidou (2019)
Život zachraňující léčba dystonického statu – kazuistika (2019)
Contribution of white matter lesions to cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease (2019)
Microstructural changes of normal-appearing white matter in Vascular Parkinsonism (2019)
Recurrent Stroke With Rivaroxaban Compared With Aspirin According to Predictors of Atrial Fibrillation Secondary Analysis of the NAVIGATE ESUS Randomized Clinical Trial (2019)
Impairment of brain functions in Parkinson's disease reflected by alterations in neural connectivity in EEG studies: A viewpoint (2019)
Roadmap for a competency-based educational curriculum in epileptology: report of the Epilepsy Education Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy (2019)
Essential tremor-plus: a controversial new concept (2020)
The Experimental Setup for T-2* Mapping in Achilles tendon and Enthesis (2019)
Stable EEG Spatiospectral Sources Using Relative Power as Group-ICA Input (2019)
Neuroimaging biomarkers for clinical trials in atypical parkinsonian disorders: Proposal for a Neuroimaging Biomarker Utility System (2019)
Anterior thalamic deep brain stimulation in epilepsy and persistent psychiatric side effects following discontinuation (2019)
The role of the striatum in visuomotor integration during handwriting: an fMRI study (2020)
Life-long effects of extreme stress on brain structures - a holocaust survivor MRI study (2019)
Stressful Life Events in the Second Half of Pregnancy Predict Visual Network Connectivity in Young Adult Offspring Decades Later (2019)
Assessing the perceived realism of agent grouping dynamics for adaptation and simulation (2019)
Advanced Parkinson's Disease Dysgraphia Analysis Based on Fractional Derivatives of Online Handwriting (2018)
Fractional Derivatives of Online Handwriting: a New Approach of Parkinsonic Dysgraphia Analysis (2018)
Music Information Retrieval Techniques for Determining the Place of Origin of a Music Interpretation (2018)
Monitoring Progress of Parkinson's Disease Based on Changes in Phonation: a Pilot Study (2018)
IAPRD annual report-2016 (2017)
Dissociating Profiles of Social Cognitive Disturbances Between Mixed Personality and Anxiety Disorder (2020)
Doporučení pro mechanickou trombektomii akutního mozkového infarktu - verze 2019 (2019)
Meditation's impact on cognitive functions in mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study (2017)
Statin pretreatment is associated with better outcomes in large artery atherosclerotic stroke (2016)
Are you suffering from a large arterial occlusion? Please raise your arm! (2018)
Towards Identification of Hypomimia in Parkinson's Disease Based on Face Recognition Methods (2018)
Noninvasive Ventilatory Correction in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2017)
Neuroscience of a Wandering Mind: Neural Basis, Changes in Neurodegeneration and a Role of Mindfulness (2018)
Quantitative but Not Qualitative Performance Changes in Predictive Motor Timing as a Result of Overtraining (2020)
Orientation selective deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in rats (2020)
Regional Incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Czech Pediatric Population: 16 Years of Experience (2002–2017) (2020)
An Interactive and Multimodal Virtual Mind Map for Future Workplace (2019)
Primární hypomagnezemie se sekundární hypokalcemií (2020)
Shaken baby syndrome (2020)
Primární non-Hodgkinův B-lymfom centrálního nervového systému (2020)
Machine learning volumetry of ischemic brain lesions on CT after thrombectomy-prospective diagnostic accuracy study in ischemic stroke patients (2020)
You not equal me: individual differences in the structure of social cognition (2020)
A neuroscientific evaluation of driver rehabilitation: Functional neuroimaging demonstrates the effectiveness of empathy induction in altering brain responses during social information processing (2020)
Imagery-induced negative affect, social touch and frontal EEG power band activity (2020)
Human brain connectivity: Clinical applications for clinical neurophysiology (2020)
Diferenciální diagnostika (2020)
Evaluation of untrustworthy journals: Transition from formal criteria to a complex view (2020)
Rotating frame MRI relaxations as markers of diffuse white matter abnormalities in multiple sclerosis (2020)
Incidental Accumulation of Fluciclovine in Neuroendocrine Tumour in a Patient with Oncological Duplicity (2020)
Can repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the visual cortex ameliorate the state of patients with visual snow? (2020)
Comparison of different methods of thrombus permeability measurement and impact on recanalization in the INTERRSeCT multinational multicenter prospective cohort study (2020)
Multicenter intracranial EEG dataset for classification of graphoelements and artifactual signals (2020)
Could the 2017 ILAE and the four-dimensional epilepsy classifications be merged to a new "Integrated Epilepsy Classification"? (2020)
Frequency and Predictors of Major Bleeding in Patients With Embolic Strokes of Undetermined Source NAVIGATE-ESUS Trial (2020)
Assessing the Accuracy of a Deep Learning Method to Risk Stratify Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules (2020)
Validation of an automated ASPECTS method on non-contrast computed tomography scans of acute ischemic stroke patients (2020)
Enhancing and accelerating stroke treatment in Eastern European region: Methods and achievement of the ESO EAST program (2020)
Real-world data on efficacy and safety of obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil, rituximab plus chlorambucil, and rituximab plus bendamustine in the frontline treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: TheGO-CLLEARStudy by the CzechCLLStudy Group (2020)
Prospective Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Monitoring of Changes in Lesions of Hyaline Cartilage of the Knee Joint After Treatment by Microfractures and Implantation of Biological Collagen Type I Matrix Implants (2021)
Prediction of vagal nerve stimulation efficacy - validation of statistic model on external data set, pilot study (2020)
No Evidence of Persistence or Inheritance of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants (2020)
Timing of Recanalization and Functional Recovery in Acute Ischemic Stroke (2020)
Detection of ischemic changes on baseline multimodal computed tomography: expert reading vs. Brainomix and RAPID software (2020)
Trends in One Month and One Year Hemorrhagic Stroke Case Fatality Rates in the Czech Republic between 1998 and 2015 (2020)
Gadolinium labelled nanoliposomes as the platform for MRI theranostics: in vitro safety study in liver cells and macrophages (2020)
Cerebrocerebellar structural covariance in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2020)
From theory to practice: Critical points in the 2017 ILAE classification of epileptic seizures and epilepsies (2020)
Paroxysmal dystonia due to cervical spinal cord tumor (2020)
Pulse pressure variability is associated with unfavorable outcomes in acute ischaemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis (2020)
Intracranial and systemic atherosclerosis in the NAVIGATE ESUS trial: Recurrent stroke risk and response to antithrombotic therapy (2020)
Non-pharmacological management of cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (2020)
Mezinárodní longitudinální výzkum dopadu pandemie covid-19 na vnímání menšin (2020)
Základy vývojové neurologie (2020)
Simple compensation method for improved half-pulse excitation profile with rephasing gradient (2020)
Závažná hypernatremie u kojence s vývojovou vadou centrální nervové soustavy (2020)
Klinické a sociální prediktory kvality života u dětí a mladších dospělých s poruchou autistického spektra (2020)
Kognitivní poruchy u dětí s epilepsií (2020)
Utility of Time-Variant Multiphase CTA Color Maps in Outcome Prediction for Acute Ischemic Stroke Due to Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion (2021)
Examination of electrodermal and cardio-vascular reactivity in virtual reality through a combined stress induction protocol (2020)
Neurovyvojová porucha s mentální retardací spojená s genem PPP2R5D: první případ v České republice. (2020)
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in degenerative cervical spinal cord compression (2020)
Structural Alterations in Deep Brain Structures in Type 1 Diabetes (2020)
The Direct Costs of Dravet's Syndrome before and after Diagnosis Assessment (2021)
Briquet syndrome revisited: implications for functional neurological disorder (2020)
Epilepsy miRNA Profile Depends on the Age of Onset in Humans and Rats (2020)
Multishell Diffusion MRI Reflects Improved Physical Fitness Induced by Dance Intervention (2020)
Microbleeds and the Effect of Anticoagulation in Patients With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source An Exploratory Analysis of the NAVIGATE ESUS Randomized Clinical Trial (2021)
High frequency oscillations in epileptic and non-epileptic human hippocampus during a cognitive task (2020)
Cognitive Processing Impacts High Frequency Intracranial EEG Activity of Human Hippocampus in Patients With Pharmacoresistant Focal Epilepsy (2020)
Disociativní porucha hybnosti, nebo Stiff limb syndrom? (2019)
Individual differences in interoceptive accuracy and prediction error in motor functional neurological disorders: A DTI study (2021)
Editorial: Neuropsychology Through the MRI Looking Glass (2020)
Temporally and sex-specific effects of maternal perinatal stress on offspring cortical gyrification and mood in young adulthood (2020)
MR Diffusion Properties of Cervical Spinal Cord as a Predictor of Progression to Multiple Sclerosis in Patients with Clinically Isolated Syndrome (2021)
Socioekonomické dopady bolestí hlavy - příčiny a možnosti ovlivnění (2020)
Method for prediction of clinical response to VNS therapy in epileptic patients (2020)
Incidence of Stroke and Ischemic Stroke Subtypes: A Community-Based Study in Brno, Czech Republic (2021)
Funkční dystonie - od psychiatrie přes neurologii k neurovědám (2020)
The association between MMP-9 and Choroid plexus volume in schizophrenia (2020)
Cognitive task-related functional connectivity alterations in temporal lobe epilepsy (2020)
Epigenetic clock as a correlate of anxiety (2020)
Maternal Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy and Brain Age in Young Adult Offspring: Findings from a Prenatal Birth Cohort (2020)
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Sawtooth Waves Are Associated with Widespread Cortical Activations (2020)
Simulation training programs for acute stroke care: Objectives and standards of methodology (2020)
Differential diagnosis of tremor syndromes using MRI relaxometry (2020)
Use of high-density EEG in patients with Parkinson's disease treated with deep brain stimulation (2020)
Quantitative assessment of left ventricular longitudinal function and myocardial deformation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients (2021)
Factors influencing therapy choice and clinical outcome in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (2020)
Epilepsie u pacientů s demencí (2020)
Direct oral anticoagulant- vs vitamin K antagonist-related nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (2017)
Thrombectomy vs medical management in low NIHSS acute anterior circulation stroke (2020)
HOBIT- Hodina biologie pro život. Rozšiřující metodické materiály k programu HOBIT. (2021)
Akutní léčba ischemické cévní mozkové příhody - mechanická trombektomie (2020)
Thrombus Migration and Fragmentation After Intravenous Alteplase Treatment The INTERRSeCT Study (2021)
Resting-State Phase-Amplitude Coupling Between the Human Subthalamic Nucleus and Cortical Activity: A Simultaneous Intracranial and Scalp EEG Study (2021)
Processing of emotionally ambiguous stimuli in eating disorders: an fMRI pilot study (2021)
Pacient s Parkinsonovou nemocí v datových zdrojích Národního zdravotnického informačního systému (2020)
Káva; čaj a tabák; interakce a další rizika u pacientů v neurologické ambulanci (2020)
Brittle Biballism-Dystonia in a Pediatric Patient with GNAO1 Mutation Managed Using Pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation (2021)
Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset? (2021)
Kognitivní poruchy u dětí s epilepsií. (2020)
Léčba Duchennovy svalové dystrofie (2020)
Biomarkery u spinální muskulární atrofie (2020)
Kanabinoidy v roce 2020 (2020)
Epilepsie a genetika: na míru šitá farmakoterapie (2020)
Možnosti imunomodulační terapie epilepsií. (2020)
Tak trochu jiný hypothalamický hamartom. (2020)
Syndrom Dravetové – úskalí molekulárně genetické diagnostiky. (2020)
Kognitivní poruchy u dětí s epilepsií – význam jejich dynamického sledování v managementu terapie. (2020)
Střevní mikrobiom u dětí s poruchami autistického spektra (diagnostika a možnosti terapie i výzkumu). (2020)
Concentrix® a jeho užití u pacientů s poruchami pozornosti a aktivity. Praktické multicentrické klinické pozorování. (2020)
Familiární schwanomatóza na podkladě mutace v SMARCB1 genu- nové možnosti terapie. (2020)
Brivaracetam v praxi dětského neurologa (2020)
Patterns of diffusion kurtosis changes in Parkinson's disease subtypes (2020)
The reliability of a deep learning model in clinical out-of-distribution MRI data: A multicohort study (2020)
Suboptimal response to STN-DBS in Parkinson's disease can be identified via reaction times in a motor cognitive paradigm (2020)
Ischaemic Stroke Caused by a Gunshot Wound to the Chest (2020)
Spolehlivost hodnocení vyšetření na magnetické rezonanci po ošetření chondrálních defektů kolenního kloubu (2020)
Srovnání výsledků testování posturální stability na DeskBalance a Imoove (2016)
Assessment of the long-term efficacy and safety of adjunctive perampanel in tonic-clonic seizures: Analysis of four open-label extension studies (2020)
Vliv intenzivní tanečně-pohybové intervence na mikrostrukturní vlastnosti mozkové tkáně u seniorů (2019)
Brain structure changes in nondemented seniors after six-month dance-exercise intervention (2020)
Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) reference based on low-variance signals (2020)
Mozek a ztracené neurony: Alzheimerova a Parkinsonova nemoc (2020)
Twenty-four-hour profile of blood pressure after 60 minutes lasting cardiac exercise training in patiens after myocardial infarction (2010)
Day and night blood pressure variability during seven-day ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (2010)
Heart rate variability in multiple cerebrospinal sclerosis (2010)
Second phase of cardiovascular rehabilitation in patients with ischemic heart disease (2010)
Gait analysis of patients with Parkinson’s disease in relation to apposite data selection (2020)
Emotional Awareness in Schizophrenia Is Associated With Gray Matter Volume of Right Precuneus (2021)
Response to Vagal Stimulation by Heart-rate Features in Drug-resistant Epileptic Patients (2020)
Representation of Parkinson's disease and atypical Parkinson's syndromes in the Czech Republic-A nationwide retrospective study (2021)
Clinically relevant copy-number variants in exome sequencing data of patients with dystonia (2021)
Blood pressure excursions in acute ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis (2021)
You took the words right out of my mouth: Dual-fMRI reveals intra- and inter-personal neural processes supporting verbal interaction (2021)
Imitation or Polarity Correspondence? Behavioural and Neurophysiological Evidence for the Confounding Influence of Orthogonal Spatial Compatibility on Measures of Automatic Imitation (2021)
Successful asymmetrical deep brain stimulation using right subthalamic and left pallidal electrodes in a patient with Parkinson's disease (2024)
The association of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) with hippocampal volume in schizophrenia: a preliminary MRI study (2022)
RAFF-4, Magnetization Transfer and Diffusion Tensor MRI of Lysophosphatidylcholine Induced Demyelination and Remyelination in Rats (2021)
Concentrating stroke care provision in the Czech Republic: The establishment of Stroke Centres in 2011 has led to improved outcomes* (2021)
Neurovývojová porucha s mentální retardací spojená s genem PPP2R5D - první případ v České republice (2021)
Memory outcomes of temporal lobe surgery in adults aged over 45 years (2021)
Stroke 20 20: Implementation goals for intravenous thrombolysis (2021)
Contemporary clinical neurophysiology applications in dystonia (2021)
Development and Testing of Thrombolytics in Stroke (2021)
Diffusion kurtosis imaging detects the time-dependent progress of pathological changes in the oral rotenone mouse model of Parkinson's disease (2021)
Dynamic miRNA changes during the process of epileptogenesis in an infantile and adult-onset model (2021)
Automated fusion of multimodal imaging data for identifying epileptogenic lesions in patients with inconclusive magnetic resonance imaging (2021)
Fyziologie – teorie k praktickým cvičením (2021)
A Novel Statistical Model for Predicting the Efficacy of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Patients With Epilepsy (Pre-X-Stim) Is Applicable to Different EEG Systems (2021)
Safety and outcomes of routine endovascular thrombectomy in large artery occlusion recorded in the SITS Register: An observational study (2021)
The state of stroke services across the globe: Report of World Stroke Organization-World Health Organization surveys (2021)
Autotitrating Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure in Large Vessel Steno-Occlusive Stroke Patients With Suspected Sleep Apnea: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Study (2021)
Scoring Algorithm-Based Genomic Testing in Dystonia: A Prospective Validation Study (2021)
Sex Differences in Diagnosis and Diagnostic Revision of Suspected Minor Cerebral Ischemic Events (2021)
Development of Prejudice, Fear and Behaviour that Limits Spread of COVID-19 in 6 European Countries (2021)
Intergroup Contact Is Linked To Discrimination Against Minorities Through Threat And Attitudes (2021)
The benefit of the diffusion kurtosis imaging in presurgical evaluation in patients with focal MR-negative epilepsy (2021)
A survey of the European Reference Network EpiCARE on clinical practice for selected rare epilepsies (2021)
Colchicine for prevention of vascular inflammation in Non-CardioEmbolic stroke (CONVINCE) - study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2021)
Treat COVID-19, but Not Only COVID-19: Stroke Matters as Well (2022)
Neurofyziologické vyšetřovací metody (2020)
Inferior parietal lobule involved in representation of "what" in a delayed-action Libet task (2021)
Electrodermal Response to Mirror Exposure in Relation to Subjective Emotional Responses, Emotional Competences and Affectivity in Adolescent Girls With Restrictive Anorexia and Healthy Controls (2021)
Semi-automatic measurement of intracranial hemorrhage growth on non-contrast CT (2021)
Content Analysis of Stroke Teleconsultation Recordings in the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic (2021)
MRI Diffusion-Weighted Imaging to Measure Infarct Volume: Assessment of Manual Segmentation Variability (2021)
New Prehospital Triage for Stroke Patients Significantly Reduces Transport Time of EVT Patients Without Delaying IVT (2021)
Pacientka s mnohočetným nádorovým postižením CNS (2020)
Ongoing Leakage Revealed by Second Phase Spot Sign Volume Expansion in Multi-Phase Computed Tomography Angiography Strongly Predicts Intracranial Hemorrhage Growth (2020)
Měření celkového objemu nitrolebního krvácení jako vhodný marker pro hodnocení účinnosti hemostázy u pacientů s multikompartmentovým krvácením po podání antidota inhibitorů faktoru Xa (2018)
Qualitative Analysis of Stroke Call Recordings in High-Volume Comprehensive Stroke Centre (2020)
The Change of Triage Significantly Shortens Prehospital Time Interval for Mechanical Thrombectomy Candidates (2017)
Correction Factor for Each MRI Sequence in Volumetric Analysis of ICH when Evaluating Hematoma Expansion for Patients who Undergo Baseline CT and Followup MRI (2019)
Effect of Apixaban Pretreatment on Alteplase-Induced Thrombolysis: An In Vitro Study (2021)
Ictal connectivity changes induced by pulvinar stimulation correlate with improvement of awareness (2021)
Pediatric Patient with Ischemic Stroke: Initial Approach and Early Management (2021)
Cognitive impairment and depression: Meta-analysis of structural magnetic resonance imaging studies (2021)
Cognitive Aftereffects of Acute tDCS Coupled with Cognitive Training: An fMRI Study in Healthy Seniors. (2021)
Diagnostic contribution and therapeutic perspectives of transcranial magnetic stimulation in dementia (2021)
Non-invasive brain stimulation for speech in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled trial. (2021)
Modulation of Working Memory and Resting-State fMRI by tDCS of the Right Frontoparietal Network (2021)
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Signifies the Joint Impact of Dance Intervention and Cognitive Reserve (2021)
MicroRNAs in the development of resistance to antiseizure drugs and their potential as biomarkers in pharmacoresistant epilepsy (2021)
Educational Program Improved Senior Preparedness to Call 911 as a Response to Stroke (2021)
Automated seizure detection using wearable devices: A clinical practice guideline of the International League Against Epilepsy and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (2021)
Global Impact of COVID-19 on Stroke Care and IV Thrombolysis (2021)
Pregnancy Outcomes in Refractory Epilepsy Patients with Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Long-Term Single-Center Experience (2022)
One-Stop Management to Initiate Thrombolytic Treatment on the Computed Tomography Table Adoption and Results (2021)
Safety and Outcomes of Thrombectomy in Ischemic Stroke With vs Without IV Thrombolysis (2021)
Workbook fyziologie protokoly. Biomedicínská technika a nelékařské obory (2021)
Mezifrekvenční vazba mezi elektrofyziologickou aktivitou lidského subthalamického jádra a mozkové kůry v exekutivně náročném oddball úkolu (2021)
Presymptomatická kompresivní myelopatie a pokročilé magneticko-rezonanční zobrazovací techniky (2021)
Automated detection of cervical spinal cord compression and the reliability of morphometric parameters extracted with the Spinal Cord Toolbox (2021)
In vivo molecular signatures of cervical spinal cord pathology in degenerative compression (2021)
In vivo Molecular Signatures of Cervical Spinal Cord Pathology in Degenerative Compression (2021)
Small RNA Sequencing Identifies PIWI-Interacting RNAs Deregulated in Glioblastoma-piR-9491 and piR-12488 Reduce Tumor Cell Colonies In Vitro (2021)
Predictors of Short- and Long-Term Mortality in Ischemic Stroke: A Community-Based Study in Brno, Czech Republic (2022)
Articulatory network reorganization in Parkinson ? s disease as assessed by multimodal MRI and acoustic measures (2021)
Brain activity in the idiopathic Parkinson's disease (2021)
Impact of Multiphase Computed Tomography Angiography for Endovascular Treatment Decision-Making on Outcomes in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke (2021)
Echocardiographic findings and diagnostic accuracy of echocardiography in patients with ischaemic stroke or Tia: A systematic review protocol (2021)
Rivaroxaban versus aspirin for prevention of covert brain infarcts in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source: NAVIGATE ESUS MRI substudy (2022)
Novel mutations in TRPM6 gene associated with primary hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia. Case report (2021)
Metastatic intracranial spread of adenocarcinoma mimicking Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in two cases (2021)
Interrater Agreement and Detection Accuracy for Medium-Vessel Occlusions Using Single-Phase and Multiphase CT Angiography (2022)
Electrophysiological biomarkers for deep brain stimulation outcomes in movement disorders: state of the art and future challenges (2021)
Altered Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Resting Brain in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies (2021)
Analýza lipidů a jejich izomerů lišících se v poloze dvojné vazby pomocí MOLI MS v kombinaci s off-line ozonizací (2021)
Diagnostika a léčba akutního a chronického srdečního selhání (2019)
Doporučené postupy pro časnou detekci, diagnostiku a léčbu jednotlivých stádií karcinomu prostaty (2020)
Včasné odhalení, diagnostika a léčba invazivního a metastázujícího karcinomu močového měchýře (2021)
Doporučené postupy pro prevenci kardiovaskulárních onemocnění (2021)
Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers (2021)
Generic acquisition protocol for quantitative MRI of the spinal cord (2021)
Global profiling of microRNA expression in brain metastases (2021)
Study of PIWI-Interacting RNAs in the pathology of glioblastoma: a new level of glioblastoma stem cell regulation? (2021)
Role mikroRNA v patogenezi spinální muskulární atrofie (2021)
Memory retrieval in temporal lobe epilepsy is related to functional segregation of the mesiotemporal structures (2021)
18F-FET a 18F-FLT PET/CT V diagnostice low-grade gliomů: pilotní studie (2021)
Detection of myocardial fibrosis using MRI in rat model (2021)
T1 relaxační čas v detekci myokardiální fibrózy v potkaním modelu (2021)
Globální profilování exprese mikroRNA v mozkových metastázách (2021)
Analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s atypickým meningeomem - nové potenciální diagnostické biomarkery (2021)
Kardiologické komorbidity roztroušené sklerózy (2021)
Quality assessment of clinical practice guidelines for perioperative care and use of GRADE: a systematic review protocol (2021)
MALDI MS Imaging of Carbon–Carbon Double Bond Positional Isomers of Lipids Enabled by Off-line Reaction with Ozone (2021)
MALDI-2 MS zobrazovanie izomérov lipidov pomocou off-line ozonizácie v klinických vzorkách (2021)
Epileptogenic zone detection in MRI negative epilepsy using adaptive thresholding of arterial spin labeling data (2021)
Arterial Spin Labeling is a Useful MRI Method for Presurgical Evaluation in MRI-Negative Focal Epilepsy (2021)
Thalamic oscillatory activity may predict response to deep brain stimulation of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (2021)
Mozart effect in epilepsy: Why is Mozart better than Haydn? Acoustic qualities-based analysis of stereoelectroencephalography (2021)
Infantile status epilepticus disrupts myelin development (2022)
Impact of cognitive reserve on dance intervention-induced changes in brain plasticity (2021)
Bidirectional Association Between Sleep and Brain Atrophy in Aging (2021)
Cytokine-chemokine profiles in the hippocampus of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (2022)
Unvaccinated child tetanus from nasal toy battery (2021)
COVID-19 associated Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) in children (2021)
K méně známým počátkům hluboké mozkové stimulace (2021)
Insights into deja vu: Associations between the frequency of experience and amplitudes of low-frequency oscillations in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (2022)
Development and Validation of the 5-SENSE Score to Predict Focality of the Seizure-Onset Zone as Assessed by Stereoelectroencephalography (2022)
Alterations in Sensorimotor and Mesiotemporal Cortices and Diffuse White Matter Changes in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Detected by Adiabatic Relaxometry (2021)
Dance Intervention Impact on Brain Plasticity: A Randomized 6-Month fMRI Study in Non-expert Older Adults (2021)
Cortical network organization reflects clinical response to subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease (2021)
Integrovaná diagnostika difúzních gliomů – update (2021)
Polymorfní low-grade neuroepiteliální tumor mladých - kazuistika (2021)
Polymorphous low-grade neuroepithelial tumor of the young (2021)
Benefits of F-18-FET PET in preoperative assessment of glioma heterogeneity demonstrated in two case reports (2021)
Aminophylline Induces Two Types of Arrhythmic Events in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived Cardiomyocytes (2022)
Srovnání přínosu 18F-FLT PET a 18F-FET PET v diagnostice gliálních nádorů – pilotní studie (2021)
Studium PIWI-interagujících RNA v rámci patologie glioblastomu - nová úroveň regulace glioblastomových kmenových buněk? (2021)
Derivation and Molecular Characterization of a Morphological Subpopulation of Human iPSC Astrocytes Reveal a Potential Role in Schizophrenia and Clozapine Response (2022)
Pre-implant Heart Activity Differs in Responders and Non-responders to Vagal Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Epileptic Patients (2021)
Zkušenosti s radiofrekvenční termokoagulací předpokládané epileptogenní zóny pomocí diagnostických SEEG elektrod (2021)
Predikce efektu vagové stimulace u nemocných s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2021)
Cílové struktury pro hlubokou mozkovou stimulaci - historický vývoj a možná budoucnost (2021)
Aminophylline at clinically relevant concentrations affects inward rectifier potassium current in a dual way (2022)
Is the vertex a good control stimulation site? Theta burst stimulation in healthy controls (2022)
Bilaterální paréza hlasivek v rámci recidivujících ischemických cévních mozkových příhod (2021)
Kinematic Relations during Double Support Phase in Parkinsonian Gait (2022)
Semi-automated detection of cervical spinal cord compression with the Spinal Cord Toolbox (2022)
Výzkumné projekty realizované na Klinice dětské neurologie LF MU a FN Brno (2021)
Dětská elektroencefalografie – interaktivní prakticky zaměřený kurs, věnovaný terminologickým a metodickým novinkám v dětské elektroencefalografii a správné interpretaci interiktálních a iktálních vzorců u dětí. (2021)
Autozomálně dominantní epilepsie temporálního laloku asociovaná s mutací v RELN genu: využití MRI 3T s pokročilými neurozobrazovacími metodami. (2021)
Kurs klinické epileptologie IX (2021)
Analýzy cytokino-chemokinových regulačních sítí u pacientů s hipokampální sklerózou. (2021)
Gut microbiota and autism spectrum disorders (2021)
The role of central autonomic nervous system dysfunction in Takotsubo syndrome: a systematic review (2022)
Addressing Challenges When Applying GRADE to Public Health Guidelines: A Scoping Review Protocol and Pilot Analysis (2022)
Lifelong impact of extreme stress on the human brain: Holocaust survivors study (2021)
Contribution of the multi-echo approach in accelerated functional magnetic resonance imaging multiband acquisition (2022)
Nationwide screening for Fabry disease in unselected stroke patients (2021)
The Necessity of Testing Measurement Invariance in Cross-Cultural Research: Potential Bias in Cross-Cultural Comparisons With Individualism– Collectivism Self-Report Scales (2022)
Frequency of mutations in PRKN, PINK1, and DJ1 in Patients With Early-Onset Parkinson Disease from neighboring countries in Central Europe (2021)
Blind Visualization of Task-Related Networks From Visual Oddball Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Data: Spectral or Spatiospectral Model? (2021)
Automated seizure detection using wearable devices: A clinical practice guideline of the International League Against Epilepsy and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (2021)
Shannon entropy: A novel parameter for quantifying pentagon copying performance in non-demented Parkinson's disease patients (2022)
Vliv přírodní minerální vody Vincentka na zánětlivé onemocnění žaludku a duodena u laboratorního potkana. (2022)
Studijní protokol - robotická terapie chůze pomocí přístroje Lokomat Pro FreeD u pacientů v subakutní fázi ischemické cévní mozkové příhody (2021)
Socioeconomic deprivation in early life and symptoms of depression and anxiety in young adulthood: Mediating role of hippocampal connectivity (2022)
Izolovaná infiltrace ledviny suspektními leukemickými buňkami - kazuistika s komplexní diferenciální diagnostikou neobvyklého stavu (2022)
CoBeN: Mozek a stimulace – nová forma biohackingu? (2021)
Lyn Phosphorylates and Controls ROR1 Surface Dynamics During Chemotaxis of CLL Cells (2022)
Impact of Prenatal Stress on Amygdala Anatomy in Young Adulthood: Timing and Location Matter (2022)
Prenatal stress and its association with amygdala-related structural covariance patterns in youth (2022)
Open Week (2021)
Změny elektromechanických vlastností lidských kardiomyocytů v prostředí běžně užívaných bronchodilatancií – aminophyllin, salbutamol, ipratropium (2022)
Neuroplasticity in Motor Learning Under Variable and Constant Practice Conditions-Protocol of Randomized Controlled Trial (2022)
The SITS-UTMOST: A registry-based prospective study in Europe investigating the impact of regulatory approval of intravenous Actilyse in the extended time window (3-4.5 h) in acute ischaemic stroke (2016)
Combination of Sildenafil and Ba2+ at a Low Concentration Show a Significant Synergistic Inhibition of Inward Rectifier Potassium Current Resulting in Action Potential Prolongation (2022)
Fraction of the T-Tubular Membrane as an Important Parameter in Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology: A New Way of Estimation (2022)
Doporučení pro intravenózní trombolýzu v léčbě akutního mozkového infarktu - verze 2021 (2021)
Modulating neural reactivity to visual reminders of a deceased close person by tactile social support (2019)
Prediktory vizuálnej predstavivosti : senzorická senzitivita, všímavosť a osobnostné dimenzie (2022)
Epidemiologická analýza jako východisko tvorby klinického doporučeného postupu k revaskularizaci myokardu (2022)
Rozvoj telemedicíny v ošetřovatelství v souvislosti s pandemií COVID-19 (2022)
Computer-aided engineering of staphylokinase toward enhanced affinity and selectivity for plasmin (2022)
Ultrashort Door-to-Needle Time for Intravenous Thrombolysis Is Safer and Improves Outcome in the Czech Republic: Nationwide Study 2004 to 2019 (2022)
A brain atlas of axonal and synaptic delays based on modelling of cortico-cortical evoked potentials (2022)
Association of statin pre-treatment with baseline stroke severity and outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke and received reperfusion treatment: An observational study (2023)
Metal Oxide Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Fatty Acids and Their Double Bond Positional Isomers (2022)
Evaluating Rates of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke Among Young Adults With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source The Young ESUS Longitudinal Cohort Study (2022)
Rivaroxaban versus aspirin on functional and cognitive outcomes after embolic stroke of undetermined source: NAVIGATE ESUS trial (2022)
Functional Abilities of an International Post-Stroke Population: Standard Assessment of Global Everyday Activities (SAGEA) Scale (2022)
Socioeconomic and cognitive roots of trait anxiety in young adults (2022)
Analysis of ANKRD26 gene 5´UTR variant in a cohort of Czech patients with suspected hereditary hematological disorder (2022)
Dynamics of genomic aberrations in relation to disease activity in untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage (2022)
Subclonal architectureof chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity inEIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage (2022)
Comparison of CNN-Learned vs. Handcrafted Features for Detection of Parkinson's Disease Dysgraphia in a Multilingual Dataset (2022)
A high-density EEG investigation into the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying differences between personality profiles in social information processing (2022)
The reduction of hippocampal volume in Parkinson's disease (2022)
Actions of a shaken heart: Interoception interacts with action processing (2022)
Analýza T1 relaxačního času jako nástroj pro detekci myokardiální fibrózy u potkana (2022)
Results of full-body CT examination of the embalmed body of N. I. Pirogov (2022)
Twenty-five years of epilepsy surgery at a Central European Center – trends in intervention delay and outcomes (2022)
Prediction of Vagal Nerve Stimulation Efficacy in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy (PRECISE): Prospective Study for Pre-implantation Prediction/Study Design (2022)
Identification of Trait-Associated Molecular Signatures for Precision Psychiatry Using Deep Phenotyping (2022)
Next-generation sequencing in children with epilepsy: The importance of precise genotype–phenotype correlation (2022)
Modification of Brain Functional Connectivity in Adolescent Thoracic Idiopathic Scoliosis by Lower Extremities Position (2022)
Guidelines for telemedicine at the national level (2022)
CZECRIN Výroční vědecká konference 2022 (2022)
Between-Center Variation in Outcome After Endovascular Treatment of Acute Stroke: Analysis of Two Nationwide Registries (2022)
Gliomy mozku - diagnostika a léčba (2022)
Diferenciální diagnostika kruhově se sytících lézí mozku na základě linie zájmu v ADC mapě (2022)
Primární poruchy neurotransmiterů a jejich klinický obraz (2022)
Virtuální realita pro ekologicky validní testování funkcí CNS u duševních poruch (2022)
Group Physiotherapy for Outpatients after COVID-19 in Department of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation, St. Anne’s University Hospital (2021)
Fyzioterapie a pohybová aktivita u epilepsie – přehled (2019)
Skupinová fyzioterapie u pacientů po prodělaném onemocnění COVID-19 (2021)
Zhodnocení efektu skupinové fyzioterapie u pacientů po prodělaném onemocněné COVID-19 (2022)
Health Status and Self-Perception of Health in Czech Roma Community (2022)
The role of generalised reciprocity and reciprocal tendencies in the emergence of cooperative group norms (2022)
Assessment of the fraction of t-tubular membrane in cardiomyocytes: a new and reversible approach (2022)
Inherited arrhythmias: from gene variants to ionic channel dysfunctions (2022)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation as an inherited channelopathy? (2022)
Significant cardiac IK1 inhibition and action potential prolongation induced by the combination of sildenafil and Ba2+ at low concentrations (2022)
Změny v elektrické aktivitě varianty Y4734C-RYR2 asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor. (2022)
Action potential characteristics in derived cardiomyocytes of a patient carrying RYR2 variant (2022)
Genetické varianty asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor: role dysfunkce RYR2 kanálu (2022)
Varianta Y4734C-RYR2 asociovaná s idiopatickou fibrilací komor a její dopad na elektrickou aktivitu pacient-specifických kardiomyocytů (2022)
Efekt aminofylinu na elektrickou aktivitu kardiomyocytů derivovaných z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (2022)
Translational research in the field of inherited arrhythmias (2022)
A new approach to the determination of tubular membrane capacitance: passive membrane electrical properties under reduced electrical conductivity of the extracellular solution (2022)
Gene expression analysis on single cell level uncovers the subclonal architecture of chromosomes in a leukemia patient with multiple chromosomal aberrations. (2022)
In-frame deletions and insertions in the TP53 gene identified in leukemia patients result in p53 protein inactivation. (2022)
Driver genes for chronic lymphocytic leukemia can be affected not only by mutations but also by complex genomic rearrangements. (2022)
Pathogenic germline variants of TP53 gene are rare in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
Exploring clonal evolution in CLL: Analysis by whole exome sequencing. (2022)
Přínos a úskalí sekvenačních metod v diagnostice hematologických malignit. (2022)
Involvement of Small Non-Coding RNA and Cell Antigens in Pathogenesis of Extramedullary Multiple Myeloma (2022)
High frequency ripple oscillations in human memory encoding and recall (2022)
Inter-individual differences in baseline dynamic functional connectivity are linked to cognitive aftereffects of tDCS (2022)
Is non-invasive brain stimulation effective for cognitive enhancement in Alzheimer?s disease? An updated meta-analysis (2022)
Prolonged survival in patients with local chronic infection after high-grade glioma treatment: two case reports (2022)
Secondary malignancies and survival of FCR-treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Central Europe (2023)
Cerebrovascular Complications of COVID-19 Disease in Children: A Single-Center Case Series (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
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Effect of Physiotherapy on Subjective Evaluation Post-COVID Symptoms (2022)
Endoscopic versus open saphenous vein harvest for lower extremity femoro-popliteal bypass (2019)
Importance of experimental evaluation of structural parameters for constitutive modelling of aorta (2023)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in the activation of circumjacent pathways upon DNA damage (2023)
Multimodal combination of neuroimaging methods for localizing the epileptogenic zone in MR-negative epilepsy (2022)
Cathepsin B p.Gly284Val Variant in Parkinson's Disease Pathogenesis (2022)
Differential spatial distribution of white matter lesions in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and cognitive sequelae (2022)
Spolupráce kardiolog-neurolog v léčbě a monitoringu pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2022)
Disulfiram increases the efficacy of 5-fluorouracil in organotypic cultures of colorectal carcinoma (2022)
Vzácná příčina srdečního selhání (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity in EIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings. (2022)
TP53 in CLL: Minor clones, Recommendations' update & Database. (2022)
Results of the survey on a possible update of TP53 Recommendations. (2022)
Blood-Brain Barrier Alterations and Edema Formation in Different Brain Mass Lesions (2022)
Sekvenování mikroRNA v mozkových metastázách jako nový diagnostický nástroj (2022)
ヌクレアーゼの阻害剤としての置換プロパンアミド (2022)
Substituted propanamides as inhibitors of nucleases (2022)
Pathological SORLA protein variant in Alzheimer's disease development (2022)
Registrace a změny kortikální a subkortikální aktivity u idiopatické Parkinsonovy nemoci (2021)
Ošetřovatelské intervence u pacientů s mozkovou příhodou ovlivněné pandemií COVID-19 (2021)
Klinické doporučené postupy v léčbě Parkinsonovy nemoci v ČR (2022)
Hodnocení zátěže pečujících o osoby s epilepsií během pandemie COVID-19 - pilotní studie (2022)
Effects of salbutamol and ipratropium on human stem-cells derived cardiomyocytes’ function (2022)
Jak se vyrovnat se ztrátou? (2022)
Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Mortality (2022)
White matter alterations in MR-negative temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy using fixel-based analysis (2023)
Microstructural changes of normal-appearing white matter in Vascular Parkinsonism (2019)
Memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is associated with specific methylation profile of WNT5A promoter and undetectable expression of WNT5A gene (2022)
Subkortiko-kortikální funkční vztahy lidského mozku během kognitivní zátěže (2022)
Sklerozující mezenteritida (2022)
Spinal Metastasis in a Patient with Supratentorial Glioblastoma with Primitive Neuronal Component: A Case Report with Clinical and Molecular Evaluation (2023)
Primární neurotransmiterové choroby – jak je můžeme vidět v praxi (2022)
WARS2 mutations cause dopa-responsive early-onset parkinsonism and progressive myoclonus ataxia (2022)
Tremor associated with similar structural networks in Parkinson's disease and essential tremor (2022)
Primary stroke prevention worldwide: translating evidence into action (2022)
Teaching Video NeuroImage: Amaurosis Fugax Due to Recurrent Central Retinal Artery Occlusion by Microemboli (2022)
Kolaterálna cirkulácia zlepšuje rekanalizáciu pôsobením alteplázy: in vitro štúdia (2022)
Diagnosis and classification of optic neuritis (2022)
Deep brain stimulation of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus in focal epilepsy (2022)
Factor XIa inhibition with asundexian after acute non-cardioembolic ischaemic stroke (PACIFIC-Stroke): an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo- controlled, phase 2b trial (2022)
Translation of nurse-initiated protocols to manage fever, hyperglycaemia and swallowing following stroke across Europe (QASC Europe): A pre-test/post-test implementation study (2023)
„Off-label“ užití psychofarmak v klinické praxi (2018)
Deep Brain Stimulation during Pregnancy and Delivery: Review of Current Literature (2023)
Distinct p53 phospohrylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage. (2022)
Procalcitonin kinetics following abdominal aortic surgery and its value for postoperative intestinal ischaemia detection (2023)
The importance of CT perfusion for diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke in anterior circulation (2022)
Mineral Water Vincentka and its Influence on Mucosal Ulcers (2022)
Phenotypic spectrum of the SCN1A mutation (from febrile seizures to Dravet syndrome) (2022)
The decline in stroke hospitalization due to COVID-19 is unrelated to COVID-19 intensity (2023)
Interaction of the salience network, ventral attention network, dorsal attention network and default mode network in neonates and early development of the bottom-up attention system (2022)
HLA-E and HLA-F Are Overexpressed in Glioblastoma and HLA-E Increased After Exposure to Ionizing Radiation (2022)
The Significance of MicroRNAs in the Molecular Pathology of Brain Metastases (2022)
Can different type of the pressure ulcers debridement affect oxidative stress parameters? (2022)
Cerebral organoids in disease modeling. (2022)
Current Management of Generalized Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Children (2022)
Vagus nerve stimulation outcome prediction: from simple parameters to advanced models (2022)
Funkční efekt nově identifikované varianty v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4. (2023)
Analýza variant genu ANKRD 26 v 5´ nepřekládané oblasti u kohorty pacientů s podezřením na dědičné hematologické onemocnění. (2023)
Dynamics of genomic aberrations in relation to disease activity in untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Cenobamát (2022)
Sildenafil affects the human Kir2.1 and Kir2.2 channels at clinically relevant concentrations: Inhibition potentiated by low Ba2+ (2023)
Posttraumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth in Three Generations of Czech and Slovak Holocaust Survivors. (2022)
A Brief Physiology of Ion Balance in Mammal Cardiomyocytes (2022)
Destabilization of Ionic Transport Systems in Cardiomyocytes During Hypoxia and Ischemia (2022)
Týden mozku: Efekt tance a dalších nefarmakologických intervencí na mozkové funkce (2022)
Asociace tkáňové exprese miR-196a s Barrettovým jícnem a adenokarcinomem jícnu (2023)
Substituted propanamides as inhibitors of nucleases (2022)
Impacts of cultural factors and mode of administration on item nonresponse for political questions in the European context (2024)
Health-related social media advertising is affected by Message Appeals (2023)
Toward understanding the kinetics of disassembly of ferritins of varying origin and subunit composition (2022)
Role kortikoidů v terapii epilepsie (2022)
Perceptions on basilar artery occlusion management in China versus other countries: Analysis of the after the BEST of BASICS (ABBA) survey (2022)
Extrapontine central myelinolysis with extrapyramidal symptoms in a 14-year-old boy with COVID-19 disease-related PIMS-TS (2022)
Role kortikoidů v terapii epilepsie. (2022)
Současný pohled na problematiku CMP v dětském věku. (2022)
Syndrom Dravetové a COVID-19: může být Covid-19 pro „Draveta“ fatální? (2022)
Maligní katatonie jako manifestace NMDA encefalitidy. (2022)
Anestetika v léčbě epileptického statu. (2022)
Neurostimulace v epileptologii – VNS terapie u dětí od A po Z. (2022)
Imunologické vyšetření likvoru. (2022)
Rozšíření spektra protizáchvatové medikace v dětské epileptologii – zkušenosti z Centra pro epilepsie Brno. (2022)
Proměny v léčbě status epilepticus v poslední dekádě. (2022)
Prognostic factors and seizure outcome in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in children with malignancies. (2022)
Současné přínosy epileptogenetiky. (2022)
Dravetové syndrom v dětském a dospělém věku. (2022)
Léčba dítěte po prvním záchvatu. (2022)
Detekce epileptických záchvatů systémem Embrace 2. (2022)
Brivaracetam (Briviact®) – zkušenosti u dětí. (2022)
Kanabidiol (Epidyolex®) – „up-to-date“ v dětské neurologii. (2022)
Fenfluramin (Fintepla®) – nová možnost v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie u dětí. (2022)
Proměny epileptologie aneb Quo vadis? (2022)
Vaskulitidy centrálního nervového systému u dětí v souvislosti s infekcí Covid-19. (2022)
Na cestě k precizní medicíně: tady jsme dnes, kde budeme zítra? (2022)
Sexually dimorphic microRNAs dysregulation in neonatal recurrent seizure models (2022)
Language impairment in Parkinson’s disease: fMRI study of sentence reading comprehension (2023)
Disulfiram v kombinaci s 5-fluorouracilem jako možná terapie kolorektálního karcinomu (2022)
Wellbeing and national identity in three generations of Czech and Slovak Holocaust survivors (2022)
Efficacy of combined therapy of disulfiram and 5-fluorouracil in organotypic cultures (2022)
Cytotoxicita kombinované terapie disulfiramu s 5-fluorouracilem v organotypických kulturách kolorektálního karcinomu (2022)
Kinetics of D-lactate and ischemia-modified albumin after abdominal aortic surgery and their ability to predict intestinal ischemia (2023)
Global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subarachnoid haemorrhage hospitalisations, aneurysm treatment and in-hospital mortality: 1-year follow-up (2022)
Current Opinions on Optimal Management of Basilar Artery Occlusion: After the BEST of BASICS Survey (2022)
Birth outcomes, puberty onset, and obesity as long-term predictors of biological aging in young adulthood (2023)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for hypokinetic dysarthria in Parkinson's disease enhances white matter integrity of the auditory-motor loop (2023)
Indicatorii de calitate ai atacului cerebral în Republica Moldova – registrul RES-Q (2022)
Léčba akutní epizody schizofrenie - aktualizace doporučených postupů (2023)
Predicting responsiveness to deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease (2023)
Safety assessment and redox status in rats after chronic exposure to cannabidiol and cannabigerol (2023)
Are there differences in EEG between epileptic patients with vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) and healthy controls? (2022)
Vývoj nových trombolytik – strategie testování efektivity trombolýzy na in vivo modelu u potkana . (2022)
From fish to cells: Establishment of continuous cell lines from embryos of annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci (2023)
Simulation-based team training improves door-to-needle time for intravenous thrombolysis (2023)
International study: Global impact of COVID-19 on stroke care - the Polish contribution (2023)
Basilar artery occlusion management: Specialist perspectives from an international survey (2023)
Fulminantní kolitida asociovaná s BRAF/MEK inhibitory u pacienta s metastazujícím melanomem (2023)
The effectiveness of three mobile-based psychological interventions in reducing psychological distress and preventing stress-related changes in the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network in breast cancer survivors: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2023)
Functional connectivity alterations and their relation to pathophysiological changes in MCI with suspected non-AD pathology (2018)
Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Functional Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease (2023)
Video analýza funkčních neurologických poruch hybnosti a posouzení přesnosti zhodnocených výsledků (2023)
Domino-like effect of C112R mutation on ApoE4 aggregation and its reduction by Alzheimer’s Disease drug candidate (2023)
Single-center long-term results of vagus nerve stimulation for pediatric epilepsy: a 10-17-year follow-up study (2023)
Twenty-five years of epilepsy surgery at a Central European comprehensive epilepsy center-Trends in intervention delay and outcomes (2023)
Methodical considerations (2023)
Jak klinicky interpretovat výsledky TP53 analýz u chronické lymfocytární leukemie v kontextu dostupných terapeutických režimů (2023)
Final analysis. Final results of the ERIC project on minor TP53 mutation study. (2023)
Single-cell RNA-sequencing enables tracking and characterization of rare CLL cells with the potential to cause refractoriness. (2023)
Combination of Urinary MiR-501 and MiR-335 With Current Clinical Diagnostic Parameters as Potential Predictive Factors of Prostate Biopsy Outcome (2023)
Long non-coding RNAs enable precise diagnosis and prediction of early relapse after nephrectomy in patients with renal cell carcinoma (2023)
Small RNA Sequencing Identifies a Six-MicroRNA Signature Enabling Classification of Brain Metastases According to their Origin (2023)
Vplyv subjektívnej vizuálnej senzitivity na percepciu času (2023)
Intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring determines the final electrode position for pallidal stimulation in dystonia patients (2023)
Poruchy kardiovaskulárního systému u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2023)
Negative experiences in psychotherapy from clients’ perspective : A qualitative meta-analysis (2024)
Echogenicity of Brain Structures in Huntington's Disease Patients Evaluated by Transcranial Sonography - Magnetic Resonance Fusion Imaging using Virtual Navigator and Digital Image Analysis (2023)
Animal model of mucosal inflammation (gastritis) and its application in balneology (2023)
Nově identifikovaná varianta v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4 a její funkční dopad. (2023)
CCL2/MCP-1, interleukin-8, and fractalkine/CXC3CL1: Potential biomarkers of epileptogenesis and pharmacoresistance in childhood epilepsy (2023)
Ovulatory shift, hormonal changes, and no effects on incentivized decision-making (2023)
Context-dependent memory recall in HMD-based immersive virtual environments (2023)
Lifelong effects of prenatal and early postnatal stress on the hippocampus, amygdala, and psychological states of Holocaust survivors. (2023)
Direct co-culture model of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: CK1 inhibition counteracts the protective effect of bone marrow stromal cells. (2023)
Rozsáhlá delece 22q12 u pacienta s oboustranným Schwannomem, mentální retardací, percepční sluchovou poruchou a epilepsií. (2023)
Výsledky celoexomového sekvenování germinální DNA u dětských pacientů se solidními tumory (2023)
Longitudinal study of epigenetic aging and its relationship with brain aging and cognitive skills in young adulthood (2023)
Optimized procedure for high-throughput transcriptome profiling of small extracellular vesicles isolated from low volume serum samples (2024)
Classification of brain lesions using a machine learning approach with cross-sectional ADC value dynamics (2023)
Transcriptome Profile Analyses of Head Kidney in Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Common Bream (Abramis brama) and Their Hybrids: Does Infection by Monogenean Parasites in Freshwater Fish Reveal Differences in Fish Vigour among Parental Species and Their Hybrids? (2023)
Modelling genetically linked arrhythmias in vitro (2023)
Infekční komplikace u hluboké mozkové stimulace pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2023)
Clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Stroke Volumes and Cerebrovascular Events A 1-Year Follow-up (2023)
Vliv anestezie na rychlost průtoku ve větvích zadní mozkové tepny při transkraniálním dopplerovském vyšetření u potkana (2023)
T1 mapping of myocardium in rats using self-gated golden-angle acquisition (2024)
Low LDL-C goal attainment in patients at very high cardiovascular risk due to lacking observance of the guidelines on dyslipidaemias (2023)
Změny EKG u potkana s indukovanou remodelací myokardu: optimalizace, význam a komplexnost animálních experimentů (2023)
Poměr plazminogen/plazmin jako ukazatel bezpečnosti trombolytické léčby (2023)
Segmented Hair Cortisol Analysis By Online Solid Phase Extraction Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Hodnocení využitelnosti Klinického doporučeného postupu – diagnostika a léčby Parkinsonovy nemoci v klinické praxi (2023)
Safety and Efficacy of Baseline Antiplatelet Treatment in Patients Undergoing Mechanical Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke: Antiplatelets Before Mechanical Thrombectomy (2023)
How registry data are used to inform activities for stroke care quality improvement across 55 countries: A cross-sectional survey of Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q) hospitals (2024)
Penumbral Rescue by normobaric O?=?O administration in patients with ischemic stroke and target mismatch proFile (PROOF): Study protocol of a phase IIb trial (2024)
Stroke Learning Health Systems: A Topical Narrative Review With Case Examples (2023)
Different pieces of the same puzzle: a multifaceted perspective on the complex biological basis of Parkinson's disease (2023)
A Pilot Study on the Functional Stability of Phonation in EEG Bands After Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease (2023)
Relative entropy is an easy-to-use invasive electroencephalographic biomarker of the epileptogenic zone (2023)
Cerebral organoids derived from patients with Alzheimer´s disease with PSEN1/2 mutations have defective tissue patterning and altered development (2023)
Exploration of Various Fractional Order Derivatives in Parkinson's Disease Dysgraphia Analysis (2022)
Parkinson´s disease cardiovascular symptoms: A new complex functional and structural insight (2024)
The state of community health practice in the Czech Republic: Saste Roma project (2023)
Design of a school-based stroke preparedness intervention: challenges in acute diseases recognition (2023)
Funkční analýza varianty S1021Qfs*98 v kanálu KCNH2 (genu hERG) (2023)
Kardiomyocyty diferencované z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk: Výhody a úskalí jejich využití při studiu dědičných arytmií (2023)
Změny spontánní aktivity derivovaných kardiomyocytů s variantou Y4734C-RYR2 za vybraných arytmogenních podmínek (2023)
Nástrahy hodnocení křivky elektrické aktivity u pacient-specifických kardiomyocytů diferencovaných z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (2023)
Modelování v buněčné elektrofyziologii jako metoda zkoumání arytmogenního působení farmak (2023)
Spontaneous electrical activity of cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs of a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and RYR2 variant: impact of isoprenaline and varying concentrations of Ca2+ (2023)
Possible proarrhythmic stimuli in Y4734C-RYR2 variant associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (2023)
Functional consequences of different distribution of NCX and PMCA between t-tubular and surface membranes in a model of the human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2023)
Management terapie u pacienta s imunitně podmíněnou kolitidou při léčbě BRAF/MEK inhibitory (2023)
Možnosti farmakologického ovlivněné obezity u pacientů se schizofrenií (2023)
Parental education, cognition and functional connectivity of the salience network (2023)
Levodopa may modulate specific speech impairment in Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study (2024)
Extensive, 3.8 Mb-Sized Deletion of 22q12 in a Patient with Bilateral Schwannoma, Intellectual Disability, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Epilepsy (2023)
Utility of quantitative MRI metrics in brain ageing research (2023)
Genetic algorithm designed for optimization of neural network architectures for intracranial EEG recordings analysis (2023)
Eslicarbazepine-induced hyponatremia: A retrospective single-center real clinical practice study (2024)
Delivery of acute ischaemic stroke treatments in the European region in 2019 and 2020 (2023)
Shadows of very high-frequency oscillations can be detected in lower frequency bands of routine stereoelectroencephalography (2023)
Dynamic release of neuronal extracellular vesicles containing miR-21a-5p is induced by hypoxia (2023)
Utilization of temporal autoencoder for semi-supervised intracranial EEG clustering and classification (2023)
Endemic parkinsonism: clusters, biology and clinical features (2023)
Interictal high-frequency oscillations, spikes, and connectivity profiles: A fingerprint of epileptogenic brain pathologies (2023)
Brain Areas Predisposing to the Stroke-Related Epilepsy Development (2023)
Resting state networks in prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies (2023)
Otravy jedovatými rostlinami v neurologii - záměny za jedlé nebo léčivé rostliny (2023)
Folklór a duševní pohoda mezi obyvateli jihovýchodní Moravy : tematická analýza (2023)
Biology of Circular RNAs and Methodological Approaches to Their Study (2023)
Molecular portraits of colorectal cancer morphological regions (2023)
Metal Oxide Laser Ionization MS Imaging of Fatty Acids and their Double Bond Positional Isomers (2023)
Změny EKG u potkana s indukovanou remodelací myokardu: Význam, komplexnost a optimalizace animálních experimentů (2023)
Weak coupling of neurons enables very high-frequency and ultra-fast oscillations through the interplay of synchronized phase-shifts (2024)
Multidisciplinary approach for vascular biomechanical studies (2023)
Biaxial stretch can overcome discrepancy between global and local orientations of wavy collagen fibres (2023)
Selected neuroendocrine factors as potential molecular biomarkers of early non-affective psychosis course in relation to treatment outcome: A pilot study (2023)
Multivariate linear mixture models for the prediction of febrile seizure risk and recurrence: a prospective case-control study (2023)
Perinatal maternal mental health and amygdala morphology in young adulthood (2023)
Enhanced in vitro culture of leukemic cells: Insights from collagen scaffolds and carboxymethyl cellulose-polyethylene glycol gel. (2023)
Hide and seek retroelement activity in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby. (2023)
Korelace fenotypu a genotypu u dvou rodin s hereditární sférocytózou. (2023)
The role of clonal hematopoiesis variants in the development of myeloid neoplasms post cytotoxic therapy - case series. (2023)
Varianta v genu CYCS způsobující trombocytopenii 4 zvyšuje kaspázovou aktivitu. (2023)
Entropy in scalp EEG can be used as a preimplantation marker for VNS efficacy (2023)
The Use of Screening Tests in Differential Diagnosis in Nursing Care (2024)
Tracking CLL cells with aberrations in the TP53 gene using scRNA-seq in relapsed/refractory patients. (2023)
The interplay between BcR signaling and the p53 pathway upon DNA damage in primary CLL cells. (2023)
Distinct p53 Phosphorylation Patterns in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Where They Come from and How They Affect p53 Function. (2023)
Laboratories Can Reliably Detect Clinically Relevant Variants in the TP53 Gene below 10 % Allelic Frequency: A Multicenter Study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL. (2023)
Klonální hematopoéza neurčitého potenciálu je možná a dosud nepopsaná příčina cévní mozkové příhody (2023)
Safety and Outcome of Revascularization Treatment in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and COVID-19 The Global COVID-19 Stroke Registry (2023)
The effect of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease reflected in EEG microstates (2023)
Association of Maternal Depression During Pregnancy and Recent Stress With Brain Age Among Adult Offspring (2023)
Czech Stroke Research Network (STROCZECH) – a platform for academic clinical research (2023)
Uncovering retroelement activity in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Phenotype-genotype corellation in two families with hereditary spherocytosis. (2023)
Nové sekvenační přístupy pro diagnostiku CLL. (2023)
Risk stratification – How to assess TP53 aberrations and IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status (2023)
Exploring the impact of intensified multiple session tDCS over the left DLPFC on brain function in MCI: a randomized control trial. (2024)
Functional neuroanatomy of reading in Czech: Evidence of a dual-route processing architecture in a shallow orthography (2023)
A color-tunable single-benzene fluorophore-based sensor for sensitive detection of palladium in solution and living cells (2023)
Comparison of problem-based and team-based learning strategies: a multi-institutional investigation (2023)
Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Ageing (2024)
Prodromal Diagnosis of Lewy Body Diseases Based on Actigraphy (2022)
Neurodynamics of "cognitive conflict": Theory and illustrative case study (2023)
Neuroimaging-based classification of PTSD using data-driven computational approaches: A multisite big data study from the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD consortium (2023)
Interictal invasive very high-frequency oscillations in resting awake state and sleep (2023)
A strategic neurological research agenda for Europe: Towards clinically relevant and patient-centred neurological research priorities (2024)
Metabolic connectivity as a predictor of surgical outcome in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2024)
Vaskulární koridor pro implantaci stimulační elektrody do nucleus anterior thalami – experimentální studie (2023)
LGI1 encefalitida v dětském věku (2023)
Bariatric surgery and its impact on depressive symptoms, cognition, brain and inflammation (2023)
Exploring digital speech biomarkers of hypokinetic dysarthria in a multilingual cohort (2024)
Integrative NGS testing reveals clonal dynamics of adverse genomic defects contributing to a natural progression in treatment-naïve CLL patients (2024)
Molecular Biomarkers of Neuronal Injury in Epilepsy Shared with Neurodegenerative Diseases (2023)
Sex differences in brain atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies (2024)
Možnost ovlivnění duševního zdraví u pacientů s farmakorezistentní schizofrenií – augmentace klozapinu dlouhodobě působícími parenterálními antipsychotiky: série případů (2023)
Analyses of Pressure Ulcer Debridement methods: Macroscopic, Histopathological, and Oxidative Stress Assessments (2023)
Decreased quality of life in Duchenne muscular disease patients related to functional neurological and cardiac impairment (2024)
Specifika EEG vzorců v dětské neurointenzivní péči (2023)
A preliminary choroid plexus volumetric study in individuals with psychosis (2023)
The interacting brain: Dynamic functional connectivity among canonical brain networks dissociates cooperative from competitive social interactions (2023)
Distance from main arteries influences microstructural and functional brain tissue characteristics (2024)
Fyzioterapie u funkčních neurologických poruch hybnosti – principy v kazuistice (2023)
RNA Summer School 2023 (2023)
Dětský Stroke protocol-evidence-based practice. (2023)
Protokol managementu cévní mozkové příhody v dětském věku - up to date. (2023)
Fenfluramin- nová možnost v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie. (2023)
Generation of the Human iPSC Line from Spontaneous Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Patient with ApoE3/3 Genotype and Sex-, Age-, and ApoE-Matched Healthy Control (2024)
Examining the association between posttraumatic stress disorder and disruptions in cortical networks identified using data-driven methods (2024)
Kolorektální karcinom ve stáří (2023)
Late Window Imaging Selection for Endovascular Therapy of Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke: An International Survey (2023)
Několik rad navrhovatelům grantových projektů v oblasti neurověd a duševního zdraví (2023)
Epilepsie (2023)
Intrakraniální tumory v elokventních oblastech: od teorie k praktickému fungování našich pacientů, aneb proč je důležité naslouchat symptomům; kazuistiky. (2023)
Pramipexole and pergolide in the treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease:a national multicentre prospective randomized study (2003)
Biomarkery epileptogeneze a farmakorezistence epilepsie. (2023)
Cévní mozková příhoda v dětském věku a outcome- pohled neurologa. (2023)
Přehled difuzních gliomů dle WHO klasifikace 2021 1. část - difuzní gliomy dospělého typu (2023)
Mapping the burden on caregivers of people with epilepsy during the COVID-19 pandemic - pilot study (2024)
Striato-cortical functional connectivity changes in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies (2024)
The effects of COVID-19 on sleep and general health of Czech patients with epilepsy (2023)
Prodromal Diagnosis of Lewy Body Diseases Based on the Assessment of Graphomotor and Handwriting Difficulties (2022)
Structural parameters defining distribution of collagen fiber directions in human carotid arteries (2024)
Přehled difuzních gliomů dle klasifikace WHO 2021, 2. část - difuzní gliomy dětského typu (2024)
Biomarkers of epileptogenesis and pharmacoresistance in epilepsy- the way from Next-Generation Sequencing and Epigenomics Research to personalised treatment of epilepsy (2023)
A tissue miRNA expression pattern is associated with disease aggressiveness of localized prostate cancer (2023)
Vybrané kapitoly z fyziologie (2022)
Low prevalence of neural autoantibodies in perioperative cerebrospinal fluid samples of epilepsy surgery patients: A multicenter prospective study (2024)
Deprese u schizofrenie: prevalence, diagnostika a důsledky (2023)
Opětovné nasazení klozapinu (2023)
Changes in dynamic functional connectivity in prodromal dementia with Lewy body (2023)
Topological network analysis across brain diseases (2024)
Využití fast eigenvector centrality ke sledování dynamiky fMRI dat v prodromálním stádiu demence s Lewyho tělísky (2023)
Klidové sítě v prodromálním stadiu demence s Lewyho tělísky (2023)
Detekce prodromálního stádia demence s Lewyho tělísky pomocí kombinace metod dynamické funkční konektivity (2023)
State analysis of fMRI in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (2023)
Coupling between beta band and high frequency oscillations as a clinically useful biomarker for DBS (2024)
Case report: Susac syndrome-two ends of the spectrum, single center case reports and review of the literature (2024)
Piwi-interacting RNAs in blood serum detected by small RNA sequencing as potential diagnostic biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma (2024)
Grading system for assessing the confidence in the epileptogenic zone reported in published studies: A Delphi consensus study (2024)
Learn how to interpret and use intracranial EEG findings (2024)
Case report: Insulinoma masquerades as epilepsy - quantitative EEG analysis (2024)
Compliance of patients with atrial fibrillation using new oral anticoagulants - results survey (2024)
Hippocampal subfield volumetric changes after radiotherapy for brain metastases (2024)
Coactivation pattern analysis in prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (2024)
Dynamic functional connectivity in prodromal dementia with Lewy body (2022)
fMRI dynamická funkční konektivita v prodromálním stádiu demence s Lewyho tělísky (2022)
Dynamics of brain activity can reflect early signs of neurodegeneration (2022)
Dynamics of fMRI connectivity associated with attention in patients with Parkinson’s disease (2022)
fMRI dynamická funkční konektivita u pacientů s Parkinsonovou chorobou (2021)
Investigation of long non-coding RNAs in extracellular vesicles from low-volume blood serum specimens of colorectal cancer patients (2024)
Timing matters for accurate identification of the epileptogenic zone (2024)
Unveiling the dynamics and molecular landscape of a rare chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation driving refractoriness: insights from single-cell RNA sequencing (2024)
A Tagging Polymorphism in Fat Mass and Obesity-Associated (FTO) Gene Is Associated with Sepsis Status in Children (2024)
Critical appraisal of the piRNA-PIWI axis in cancer and cancer stem cells (2024)
Reply to: Questioning the cycad theory of Kii ALS-PDC causation (2024)
Endovascular revascularization of vertebrobasilar tandem occlusions in comparison to isolated basilar artery occlusions: A multi-center experience (2024)
Compliance pacientů s fiblilací síní užívajících NOAC - výsledky průzkumu (2024)
Challenges with hippocampal MR spectroscopy as a surrogate for pre-radiotherapy assessment of neurocognitive impairment in patients with brain metastasis (2024)
Precision immuno-oncology approach for four malignant tumors in siblings with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (2024)
Strategies for labelling of exogenous and endogenous extracellular vesicles and their application for in vitro and in vivo functional studies (2024)
ERIC recommendations for TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia-2024 update (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
How to evaluate the efficacy of thrombolysis in vivo. (2024)
Current approach in thrombolytic therapy research – how to break the translational block. (2024)
What does it mean for consciousness to be multidimensional? A narrative review (2024)
Rehabilitace pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním (2010)
Depot psychotropic drugs with a focus on clozapine augmentation with long - acting injectable antipsychotics - experiences in the Czech Republic (2024)
Prenatal exposure to alcohol and its impact on reward processing and substance use in adulthood (2024)
Vliv varianty S1021Qfs*98 v genu hERG na aktivaci a deaktivaci proteinu Kv11.1 (2024)
Neurodegenerácia a elektrická aktivita: analýza metódou multielectrode array (2024)
Změny neuronální elektrické aktivity pod vlivem glutamátu a snížené exprese miR-142-5p (2024)
Variants in the hERG channel associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: clinical, genetic, and functional analysis (2024)
Analysis of calcium transients in cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs: the variant p. Y4734C in RYR2 vs. unrelated healthy controls (2024)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: a role of variants in the hERG gene (2024)
Effect of isoprenaline and arrhythmogenic conditions on the spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM with Y4734C-RYR2 variant (2024)
The impact of neurodegeneration on the electrical activity of brain tissue: multielectrode array analysis (2024)
Klonální hematopoéza neurčitého potenciálu při ischemické cévní mozkové příhodě - studijní protokol (2022)
Extraction of Cardiac Cell Membrane Fractional -Order Capacitance from Current Response to Voltage Step (2022)
Non-invasive stimulation for treating cognitive impairment in Alzheimer disease (2024)
Short-term effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on motor speech in Parkinson's disease: a pilot study (2024)
Imaging Biomarkers in Prodromal and Earliest Phases of Parkinson's Disease (2024)
High frequency oscillations in human memory and cognition: a neurophysiological substrate of engrams? (2024)
Prenatal exposure to air pollution and maternal depression: Combined effects on brain aging and mental health in young adulthood (2024)
MicroRNA-mediated regulation of neurotransmitter receptors in epilepsy: A systematic review (2024)
Cerebral air embolism: neurologic manifestations, prognosis, and outcome (2024)
The yield of a comprehensive investigation protocol for the diagnosis of true idiopathic ventricular fibrillation in a real-life clinical setting (2024)
Functional consequences of changes in the distribution of Ca2+ extrusion pathways between t-tubular and surface membranes in a model of human ventricular cardiomyocyte (2024)
Virtual reality exposure effect in acrophobia: psychological and physiological evidence from a single experimental session. (2024)
Intravenous Thrombolysis in Posterior versus Anterior Circulation Stroke: Clinical Outcome Differs Only in Patients with Large Vessel Occlusion (2024)
Tumor tissue and cerebrospinal fluid microRNA profiles enable the classification of brain metastasis accordingly to their origin (2023)
An invasion front gene expression signature for higher-risk patient selection in stage IIA MSS colon cancer (2024)
Long circulating liposomal platform utilizing hydrophilic polymer-based surface modification: preparation, characterisation, and biological evaluation (2024)
Long-term colchicine for the prevention of vascular recurrent events in non-cardioembolic stroke (CONVINCE) : a randomised controlledtrial (2024)
Variants of NAV3, a neuronal morphogenesis protein, cause intellectual disability, developmental delay, and microcephaly (2024)
Realizing precision medicine in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Remaining challenges and potential opportunities (2024)
Predictors of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage mortality: a community-based study in Brno, Czech Republic (2024)
Lessons on the non-linear path of medical progress and biological complexity from mouse models of the Brugada syndrome (2024)
Total intracranial hemorrhage volume measurement summating all compartments best in traumatic and nontraumatic intracranial bleeding (2024)
Bradykinesia in dystonic hand tremor: kinematic analysis and clinical rating (2024)
Migraine - a borderland disease to epilepsy: near it but not of it (2024)
Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Mortality (vol 24, pg 256, 2022) (2024)
Progress in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Is Needed - Position Statement of European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium (EADC) Investigators (2024)
Utilization, Workflow, and Outcomes of Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With vs Without Premorbid Disability in a National Registry (2024)
Stroke care indicators in the Republic of Moldova - the RES-Q registry (2022)
Objective and subjective factors influencing the prognosis and treatment of functional movement disorders in children and adolescents (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous disease (2024)
A novel thrombocytopenia-4-causing CYCS gene variant decreases caspase activity: Three-generation study (2024)
Interictal stereo-electroencephalography features below 45 Hz are sufficient for correct localization of the epileptogenic zone and postsurgical outcome prediction (2024)
Využití epizomů v genové terapii (2024)
2. Offsite Meeting of the Department of Histology and Embryology (ÚHE): Advancing Science and Collaboration (2024)
Physiology-Inspired Bifocal Fronto-Parietal tACS for Working Memory Enhancement. (2024)
Efficacy of ixazomib, lenalidomide, dexamethasone regimen in daratumumab-exposed relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients: A retrospective analysis (2024)
In vivo stroke preclinical research – exploring efficacy and safety profiles of thrombolytics (Current results and future trends) (2024)
Teoretické základy praktických cvičení z fyziologie člověka (2024)
LABYRINTEM MOZKU: Mozek, zrak a obraz reality (2019)
The promise of episomal gene therapy (2024)
Metabolism of primary high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) cells under limited glutamine or glucose availability (2024)
Estimating the energy of dissipative neural systems (2024)
Cerebrovascular and Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in dementia with Lewy bodies and other dementias (2024)
Prognostic value of the 5-SENSE Score to predict focality of the seizure-onset zone as assessed by stereoelectroencephalography: a prospective international multicentre validation study (2024)
Effectiveness of computed tomography perfusion imaging in stroke management (2024)
Dysregulation of microRNA among multiple myeloma, extramedullary disease, and plasma cell leukemia patients (2023)
Forecasting extremely high ischemic stroke incidence using meteorological time serie (2024)
Subjective visual sensitivity in neurotypical adults: insights from a magnetic resonance spectroscopy study (2024)
Assessment of lumbar paraspinal muscle morphology using mDixon Quant magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): a cross-sectional study in healthy subjects (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
Idiopatická fibrilace komor a její možný genetický podklad (2024)
Pacient-specifické kardiomyocyty s variantou Y4734C-RYR2: Ca2+ přechody v kontrole a po aplikaci kofeinu (2024)
Analýza variability délky cyklu u pacient-specifických hiPSC kardiomyocytů (2024)
Dopad varianty S1021Qfs*98-hERG na funkci proteinu Kv11.1 (2024)
Excitabilita a její poruchy - představení Výzkumné skupiny Markéty Bébarové (2024)
Ovlivnění spontánní elektrické aktivity hippokampálních neuronů prostřednictvím glutamátu a specifického antagomiru (2024)
Využití metody multielectrode array pro studium dopadu neurodegenerace na elektrickou aktivitu cerebrálních organoidů (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM from a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation under possibly arrhythmogenic conditions (2024)
Dissecting social interaction: dual-fMRI reveals patterns of interpersonal brain-behavior relationships that dissociate among dimensions of social exchange (2019)
Bilateral thalamic glioblastoma presenting as parkinsonism: A case report (2024)
Development of white matter in young adulthood: The speed of brain aging and its relationship with changes in fractional anisotropy (2024)
Development of a stereo-EEG based seizure matching system for clinical decision making in epilepsy surgery (2024)
Salbutamol attenuates arrhythmogenic effect of aminophylline in a hPSC-derived cardiac model (2024)
382P Decreased quality of life in Duchenne muscular disease patients related to functional neurological and cardiac impairment (2024)
Lze pomocí poměru hemisfér ex-vivo zobrazených mozků detekovat rekanalizaci po trombolýze u ichemické cévní mozkové příhody? (2024)
Srovnání bezpečnosti alteplázy a tenekteplázy při trombolýze provedené 4 hodiny po indukci ischemické cévní mozkové příhody u normotenzních potkanů. (2024)
Autonomic nervous system education in Europe: EAN/EFAS/INUS survey on curricula and skills in autonomic medicine of European neurology residents and consultants (2024)
Ischemie corpus callosum (2024)
Summer Antarctic expeditions in seasonal stations as analogs for long-duration space exploration missions: A critical review (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
Neurodegeneration and hyperexcitability of the brain tissue (2024)
Brain health and national neurological societies: Results of the European Academy of Neurology survey on brain health awareness and areas of implementation for European countries (2024)
Brain health and national neurological societies: Results of the European Academy of Neurology survey on brain health awareness and areas of implementation for European countries (2024)
Salbutamol attenuates arrhythmogenic effect of aminophylline in a hPSC-derived cardiac model (2024)
Mimicking brain-tumor interactions using cerebral organoids and glioblastoma spheroids to study the migration of glioblastoma cells (2024)
Visualizing the effects of SORLA mutation in Alzheimer’s disease progression (2024)
Pharmacotherapy for behavioural manifestations in frontotemporal dementia: An expert consensus from the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) (2024)
Are del(17p) with concurrent TP53 mutation, and isolated TP53 mutation really equivalent? (2024)
Záchyt patogenních variant u pacientů Intern, hematologické a onkologické kliniky s podezřením na dědičnou formu nádorového onemocnění (2024)
Aminophylline at clinically relevant concentrations affects inward rectifier potassium current in healthy porcine and failing human cardiomyocytes in a similar manner (2024)
Genetické pozadí pacientů s idiopatickou fibrilací komor (2024)
A collateral circulation in ischemic stroke accelerates recanalization due to lower clot compaction (2024)
In-frame varianty genu TP53 nalezené v leukemických buňkách dospělých pacientů vedou ke ztrátě proteinu: mezinárodní studie (2024)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika nesyndromatických ichtyóz (2024)
TP53-related clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in CLL (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in relapsed multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous plasmacytomas (2024)
Early Changes in the Locus Coeruleus in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies (2024)
Epidemiologická studie u farmakorezistentních epileptiků – pilotní studie (2024)
Analýza výjezdů ZZS u pacientů s podezřením na cévní mozkovou příhodu (2024)
Maligní katatonie u pacienta s nediferencovanou schizofrenií (2024)
The use of intervention mapping to guide the development of a school-based intervention to improve emergency medical services activation for stroke (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in relapsed multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous plasmacytomas (2024)
Zhodnocení Klinického doporučeného postupu - diagnostika a léčba Parkinsonovy nemoci z pohledu odborníků z klinické praxe (2024)
Klonální kompetice a alterace molekulárních drah u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
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