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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Pathophysiology of common variable immunodeficiency - the role of T lymphocytes (1996)
Antigen Presentation by Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) B Cells and Monocytes is Unimpaired (1997)
Defective integration of activating signals derived from the T cell receptor (TCR) and costimulatory molecules in both CD4+ and CD8+ T Lymphocytes of Common Variable immunodeficiency (CVID) Patients (1997)
DNA vakcíny - naděje a obavy (1997)
Serum IgD Levels in Children under Investigation and with Defined immunodeficiency (1997)
Úspěšná gamaglobulinová léčba nemocných s anti-IgA protilátkami (1997)
Intravenous immunoglobulin, splenectomy, and antibiotic prophylaxis in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (1996)
Primární imunodeficity: I. Klasifikace a některé nové etiopatogenetické poznatky (1996)
Laboratorní známky infekce virem hepatitidy C u nemocných s poruchami tvorby protilátek léčených imunoglobulinovými preparáty (1996)
Common variable immunodeficiency: A defect at the level of T cells (1996)
Primary immunodeficiency diseases in a selected population group of the Czech republic (1995)
Immunology - interdisciplinary and integration field of the medicine (1995)
Vedlejší reakce při podávání gamaglobulinových preparátů nemocným s primárními agamaglobulinemiemi (1993)
Laboratorní imunologické nálezy u příbuzných nemocných s běžným variabilním imunodeficitem (1993)
Molekulárně-biologická podstata kombinovaných (T+B) primárních imunodeficitů (1998)
Chronický únavový syndrom (1998)
Delece chromozómu 22q11 u vrozených srdečních vad (1998)
The Mechanism of Erythrocyte Sedimentation in Westergren's examination (1992)
Vyšetřovací metody v klinické imunologii (1998)
Vytváření registru dětí s familiární hypercholesterolémií (1998)
R395W, K497E and P664L: Three missense mutations in the LDL receptor gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (1998)
Plicní komplikace u pacienta s hyper IgE syndromem (1998)
Delece 22q11 chromozomu u vrozených srdečních vad (VSV) (1998)
Neopterin v séru u deficitu IgA a běžného variabilního imunodeficitu. (1999)
Lymphocyte subpopulations in the DiGeorge syndrome. Abstract (1998)
Miroslaus David Poulik - doctor medicinae causa Universitatis Masarykinae Brunensis. (1997)
Diagnostika a terapie primární a sekundární dyslipidémie v dětském věku (1999)
Prevence aterosklerózy u dětí na přelomu tisíciletí (1999)
Prevence ICHS od dětského věku-zkušenosti odborné poradny (1999)
Familiální hypercholesterolemie v ČR (1999)
Isoprinosine does not protect against frequent respiratory tract infections in childhood (1999)
Isoprinosine in the treatment of children with frequent respiratory tract infections and minor T-lymphocyte immunodeficiency (1999)
Syndrom hyperimunoglobulinémie M - klinický a laboratorní obraz (1998)
Diagnostika celiakální sprue (1999)
Výskyt primárních imunodeficiencí v České republice (1999)
Some psychosocial aspects of the treatment of immunodeficient patients (1999)
Nejběznějsí imunofluorescenční obrazy kozních chorob (2000)
Diagnostické vyuzití metody neprímé imunofluorescence v dermatologii (2000)
Gastrointestinální projevy primárních imunodeficiencí (2000)
IgA deficincy in Czech healthy individuals and selected patient groups (2000)
Podtřídy IgG a autoprotilátky u dospělých pacientů se selektivním deficitem IgA (2000)
Léčebné využití nespecifických globulinových derivátů (2000)
Agammaglobulinaemia in a girl with a mosaic of ring 18 chromosome (1998)
Analysis of zinc, iron, and copper levels in patients with common variable immunodeficiency. (1995)
Spectrum of low density lipoprotein receptor mutations in Czech hypercholesterolemic patients (2001)
Molekulárně-genetické metody při detekci iniciačních faktorů familiární hypercholesterolémie u dětí (2001)
Cow's milk-specific cellular and humoral immune responses and atopy skin symptoms in infants from atopic families fed a partially (pHF) or extensively (eHF) hydrolyzed infant formula (2001)
Alergie na kravské mléko v kojeneckém věku - nové pohledy na její vznik a prevenci (2001)
Výskyt autoprotilátek u příbuzných nemocných se selektivním deficitem IgA (2001)
Některé epidemiologické, patogenetické a klinické aspekty selektivního deficitu IgA (2001)
Imunoglobulinová léčba primárních a sekundárních poruch tvorby protilátek (2001)
Primární imunodeficitní stavy u dospělých (2001)
Alergologie a klinická imunologie (2001)
Residual expression of functional MHC class II molecules in twin brothers with MHC class II deficiency is cell type specific (2001)
Double mutant and formaldehyde inactivated TSST-1 as vaccine candidates (2002)
T-lymphocytes in IgA deficiency (2001)
Důsledky přerušení imunoglobulinové léčby u nemocného s X-vázanou agamaglobulinémií (2002)
Exon 1 polymorphism of the B2BKR gene does not influence the clinical status of patients with hereditary angioedema. (2002)
Five novel mutations in the C1 inhibitor gene (C1NH) leading to a premature stop codon in patients with type I hereditary angioedema. (2002)
Citlivost baroreflexu u dětí s účinkem bílého pláště a dětí hypertenzních (2003)
Spectrum of low density lipoprotein receptor mutations in Czech hyperchlosterolemic patients. (2002)
A concurrent occurrence of cutis laxa, Dandy-Walker syndrome and immunodeficiency in a girl (2003)
Early manifestation and recognition of C2 complement deficiency in the form of pyogenic infection in infancy (2003)
Kuhmilchspezifische humorale und zelluläre Immunantwort bei Säuglingen mit hohem Atopierisiko unter Ernährung mit einer Molke-Hydrolysatnahrung (2003)
Člen oborové komise (2004)
XXI sjezd českých a slovenských alergologů a klinickcých imunologů (2004)
Bakteriální imunomodulátory pro ale i proti (2004)
ICOS deficiency in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2004)
Clinical, immunologic and genetic analysis of 29 patients with autosomal recessive hyper-IgM syndrome due to Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase deficiency. (2004)
Wegeners granulomatosis: ischemic stroke as the first clinical manifestation (case study) (2002)
Člen oborové komise (2005)
Homozygotní forma familiárního defektu apo B-100 u sedmileté dívky. (2005)
Alogenní transplantace periferních kmenových krvetvorných buněk po nemyeloablativním režimu (1999)
Age dependency and mutual relations in T- and B- lymphocyte abnormalities in CVID patients (2006)
Screening of minor benzo(c)phenanthridine alkaloids for antiproliferative and apoptotic activities. (2007)
The cytotoxicity of minority benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids (2006)
Selective priming of cord blood mononuclear cells with food allergens (2001)
Specific reactivity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to food antigens, and immunological factors of human colostra (report in Czech) (2001)
člen oborové komise (2006)
Výskyt infekce virem hepatitidy G (HGV) u pacientů léčených intravenózními imunoglobuliny v České republice (2006)
A novel form of non-X-linked hyperigm associated with growth and pubertal disturbances and with lymphoma development. (2006)
Hereditární angioedém v těhotenství (2006)
Complement activation products in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2006)
Běžná variabilní imunodeficience v těhotenství a za porodu (2005)
Postnatal functional maturation of blood phagocytes in pig (2006)
T and B lymphocyte subpopulations and activation/differentiation markers in patients with selective IgA deficiency (2007)
Mapping susceptibility gene locus for IgA deficiency at del(18)(q22.3-q23); report of familial cryptic chromosome t(18q; 10p) translocations (2007)
Impaired Toll-like receptor 8-mediated IL-6 and TNF-alpha production in antigen-presenting cells from patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia (2007)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2007)
Neobvyklý případ syndromu di George (2007)
Závažné infekčné komplikácie deficiencie C2 zložky komplementu (2007)
Respirační manifestace, plicní funkce a HRTC plic u pacientů s běžným variabilním imunodeficitem. (2007)
CD27(+) peripheral blood B-cells are a useful biodosimetric marker in vitro (2007)
Detection of mutations in the C1 inhibitor gene: the confirmation by using different methods of molecular biology (2007)
Alergologie (2007)
Respiratory manifestations, pulmonary function and high-resolution CT scan findings in common variable immune deficiency patients (CVID) (2007)
Hyper IgE syndrom - další z primárních imunodeficitů, u něhož byla poznána genetická podstata (2008)
Toll-like receptor stimulation induces higher TNF-alpha secretion in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with hyper IgE syndrome. (2008)
Gross deletions involving IGHM, BTK, or Artemis: a model for genomic lesions mediated by transposable elements. (2008)
The EUROclass trial: defining subgroups in common variable immunodeficiency. (2008)
Neobvyklé případy poranění obličeje komplikovaný aktinomykózou (2005)
Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphic variants predispose to the development of bronchopulmonary complications but have no influence on other clinical and laboratory symptoms or signs of common variable immunodeficiency (2008)
XV. konference mladých lékařů (2008)
Humoral and Cellular immunity parameters in children with Epidermolysis bullosa congenita. (2008)
První případ prenatální diagnostiky v rodině s Epidermolysis bullosa simplex- Dowling-Meara (2008)
Wiskottův-Aldrichův syndrom - onemocnění vyžadující včasnou transplantaci kmenových buněk krvetvorby. (2009)
Reduced memory B cells in patients with hyper IgE syndrome (2008)
Použití imunostimulačních léků u dětí s častými respiračními infekcemi (2008)
Alergické reakce na jed blanokřídlého hmyzu: diagnostika, léčba, prevence (2009)
Common variable immunodeficiency disorders: division into distinct clinical phenotypes (2008)
Lack of dehydroepiandrosterone in type I and II hereditary angioedema and role of danazol in steroid hormone conversion (2007)
Anti-IgA antibodies in Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID): Diagnostic workup and therapeutic strategy (2007)
Immune response to the herpes simplex type 1 regulatory proteins ICP8 and VP16 in infected persons (2000)
T cell activity and cytokine production in X-linked agammaglobulinemia: Implications for vaccination strategies (1997)
Syndrom zavrženého rodiče? (2006)
Activation via the antigen receptor is impaired in T cells, but not in B cells from patients with common variable immunodeficiency (1996)
Activation of CVID patients´ T cells with conventional antigens and superantigens (1993)
The Expression of Fc gamma Receptors on Leukocytes and Clinical Course of Common Variable Imminodeficiency (CVID) (2005)
Progression of selective IgA deficiency to common variable immunodeficiency in a 16 year old boy. (1996)
Vliv substituční imunoglobulinové léčby na plicní funkce nemocných s primárními hypogamaglobulinémiemi (1997)
Těžké kombinované defekty imunity: existují tyto choroby v České republice? (1996)
Naše zkušenosti se substituční léčbou intravenózním gamaglobulinem (1995)
Vyšetřovací metody v klinické imunologii (2002)
Genotypis versus phenotypic methods in the detection of Listeria monocytogenes prosthetic joint infection (2009)
Cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency in Central Europe: Discrepancy between biochemical and molecular genetic screening for homocystinuric alleles (2001)
Genotypic versus phenotypic methods in detection of Listeria monocytogenes prosthetic joint infection (2009)
Matrix metalloproteinase-9 and matrix metalloproteinase-2 as biomarkers of various courses in multiple sclerosis (2009)
Wiskottův-Aldrichův syndrom onemocnění vyžadující včasnou transplantaci kmenových buněk krvetvorby (2009)
Profiling of polychromatic flow cytometry data on B cells reveals (2009)
Selective IgA deficiency (2009)
The molecular diagnostics of familial hypercholesterolemia in Czech population (2009)
Standard pro léčbu pacientů s autoimunitními nervosvalovými onemocněními intravenózním lidským imunoglobulinem a terapeutickou plazmaferézou (2009)
Běžný variabilní imunodeficit v těhotenství (soubor kazuistik) (2009)
Analýza velkých genomových přeuspořádání v genu pro LDL receptor (2009)
Využití DNA čipu v molekulárně genetické diagnostice familiární hypercholesterolemie (2009)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (2009)
The molecular diagnostics of familial hypercholesterolemia in Czech population (2009)
The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein is required for iNKT cell maturation and function. (2009)
Immunoglobulin D enhances immune surveillance by activating antimicrobial, proinflammatory and B cell-stimulating programs in basophils (2009)
Drug hypersensitivity to tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
The Drug Hypersensitivity to Tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
The evaluation of hypersensitivity to tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
The Drug Hypersensitivity to Tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
Mutations in STAT3 and diagnostic guidelines for hyper-IgE syndrome (2010)
The evaluation of hypersensitivity to tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
Dual luciferase reporter assay system: limitations of its interpretation (2009)
Funkční význam promotorových mutací v genu pro C1 inhibitor popsaných u pacientů stižených hereditárním angioedémem (2008)
Využití DNA čipu v molekulárně genetické diagnostice familiární hypercholesterolémie (2010)
Evaluation of real-time broad-range PCR assay for rapid detection of eubacterial 16S rRNA in heart valve tissue. (2009)
Detekce bakteriálních meningitid pomocí širokospektré PCR. (2010)
Change in Referral Diagnoses and Diagnostic Delay in Hypogammaglobulinaemic Patients during 28 Years in a Single Referral Centre (2010)
No association of FCRN promoter VNTR polymorphism with the rate of maternal-fetal IgG transfer (2010)
Association of FcRn expression with lung abnormalities and IVIG catabolism in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2010)
The production of mannan-binding lectin is dependent upon thyroid hormones regardless of the genotype: A cohort study of 95 patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders (2010)
C1 inhibitor gene promoter mutations: potential role in hereditary angioedema development (2008)
Molecular Detection and Identification of Zygomycetes Species from Paraffin-Embedded Tissues in a Murine Model of Disseminated Zygomycosis: a Collaborative European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Fungal Infection Study (2010)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (2010)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patiens with familial hypercholesterolemia. (2010)
Standard pro léčbu pacientů s autoimunitními nervosvalovými onemocněními intravenózním lidským imunoglobulinem a plazmaferézou (2010)
Standard pro léčbu pacientů s autoimunitními nervosvalovými onemocněními intravenózním lidským imunoglobulinem a terapeutickou plazmaferézou (2010)
Využití genotypovacího DNA čipu k detekci mutací v genu LDLR. (2010)
Léčebné možnosti u hereditárního angioedému ( HAE) (2010)
Spectrum of pathogens in surgically treated infective endocarditis patients. (2009)
Comparison of commercial DNA extraction kits for the detection of bacterial genomic DNA from whole-blood samples using a broad-range PCR. (2009)
Pacineti s chronickou granulomatózní nemocí v České a Slovenské republice. (2010)
Rapid detection of eubacterial 16S rRNA in heart valve tissue in patients with infective endocarditis. (2009)
Experience with molecular methods and culture in detection of staphylococci in surgically treated patients with infective endocarditis. (2009)
Detection of Cardiobacterium valvarum in patient with aortic valve infective endocarditis by broad-range PCR. (2010)
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a patient with hyper-IgE syndrome: Successful treatment with risk-adapted rituximab-based immunochemotherapy (2010)
Myocardial injury is decreased by late remote ischaemic preconditioning and aggravated by tramadol in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomised controlled trial (2010)
Differentiation of Staphylococcus spp. by High-Resolution Melting Analysis (2010)
Hereditární angioedém - opomíjená diagnóza. (2010)
Diagnostika a výsledky chirurgické léčby infekční endokarditidy (2010)
Výsledky molekulárně genetického vyšetření pacientů Dětské lipidové poradny Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc v rámci projektu MedPed (2010)
NOD2 polymorphisms in clinical phenotypes of common variable immunodeficiency disorders. (2010)
Monitoring of CD38high expression in peripheral blood CD8+ lymphocytes in patients after kidney transplantation as a marker of cytomegalovirus infection (2010)
Characterization of Lymphocyte Subsets in Patients with common variable immunodeficiency reveals subsets of naive human B cells marked by CD24 expression (2010)
Nutnost posunu BCG vakcinace - poučení z komlikací a úmrtí dětí s vrozenými imunodeficiencemi (2010)
Jednoduchá metoda k průkazu CD154 (CD40L) na lymfocytech v periferní krvi (2010)
Jak na bodnutí hmyzem a reakci na alergen? (2010)
Importance of screening of IgG anti-IgA antibodies in hypogammaglobulinemic subjects to prevent anaphylactoid reactions (2010)
Imunologické principy bezpečného očkování dětí (2010)
Streptococcus suis: původce purulentních meningoencefalitid nejen ve veterinární oblasti. (2011)
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of 168 mutations associated with familial hypercholesterolemia (2011)
Three missense mutations in the LDL receptor gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (1998)
Hemofagocytující lymfohistiocytóza (2010)
Genetic characteristics of eighty-seven patients with the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (2011)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2011)
Plasma HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels in familial hypercholesterolemia: Data from the MedPed CZ database and the Czech population (2011)
Antibody forming cells and plasmablasts in peripheral blood in CVID patients after vaccination (2011)
Intestinální mikroflóra v raném dětství - úloha při rozvoji infekčních a alergických chorob (2011)
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of mutations in the LDLR gene (2011)
The molecular diagnostics of familial hypercholesterolemia in Czech Republic. (2011)
Value of PCR in surgically treated patients with staphylococcal infective endocarditis: a 4-year retrospective study (2012)
No evidence for linkage between the hereditary angiooedema clinical phenotype and the BDKR1, BDKR2, ACE or MBL2 gene. (2011)
Endomyokardiální biopsie u recentní dilatační kardiomyopatie – zhodnocení vstupních charakteristik prvních padesáti nemocných (2011)
Monogenní hypercholesterolémie v dětském a adolescentním věku z pohledu klinického genetika (2011)
Klinický standard pro léčbu pacientů s autoimunitními nervosvalovými onemocněními intravenózním lidským imunoglobulinem a plazmaferézou – zkrácená verze (2011)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
The logarithm of the triglyceride/HDL-cholesterol ratio is related to the history of cardiovascular disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (2012)
Soluble BAFF Levels Inversely Correlate with Peripheral B Cell Numbers and the Expression of BAFF Receptors (2012)
Recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis: successful treatment with human papillomavirus vaccination (2011)
The creation and progress of the J Project in Eastern and Central Europe (2011)
X-vázaný hyper-IgM syndrom. Pacienti v České republice a přehled literatury (2012)
B-lymphocyte Subpopulations in Patients with Selective IgA Deficiency (2012)
Flow Based Enumeration of Plasmablasts in Peripheral Blood After Vaccination as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Assessing Antibody Responses in Patients with Hypogammaglobulinaemia (2012)
Roztroušená skleróza – prevence infekcí varicella-zoster virem (VZV) před zahájením léčby fingolimodem (2012)
Skin Lesions in a Boy With X-linked Lymphoproliferative Disorder: Comparison of 5 SH2D1A Deletion Cases (2012)
Transplantace hematopoetických buněk u pěti pacientů s chronickou granulomatózní nemocí v České republice (2012)
The molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic: Spectrum of LDLR mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations (2012)
XIX. ročník Konference mladých lékařů (2012)
Nijmegen breakage syndrom – opomíjená primární imunodeficience (2012)
Chronic immune activation in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is associated with elevated serum levels of soluble CD14 and CD25 but not endotoxaemia (2012)
The molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech republic: Spectrum of LDLR mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations (2012)
Remote ischaemic preconditioning in coronary artery bypass surgery: a meta-analysis (2012)
Sequence variants of the TNFRSF13B gene in Czech CVID and IgAD patients in the context of other populations (2012)
Soluble ST2 levels in patients with cardiogenic and septic shock are not predictors of mortality (2012)
Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Infective Endocarditis Involving Implantable Cardiac Devices (2012)
Kinetics of IgM and IgA Antibody Response to 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination in Healthy Subjects (2013)
Quantification of IgM and IgA Anti-Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides by a New ELISA Assay: a Valuable Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool for Common Variable Immunodeficiency (2013)
Nutnost posunu BCG vakcinace - poučení z komplikací a úmrtí dětí s vrozenými imunodeficiencemi (2010)
Outcomes of splenectomy in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID): a survey of 45 patients (2013)
Spectrum of pathogens identified by molecular methods in patients with acute bacterial meningitis. (2012)
Comparison of molecular and conventional microbiological diagnostic tools in suspected joint infections. (2012)
New and recurrent gain-of-function STAT1 mutations in patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis from Eastern and Central Europe (2013)
Přirozené protilátky proti alfa-galaktosylovému epitopu (Galα1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc-R) v onkologii. Enzymová imunoesej (ELISA) k průkazu anti-galaktosylových protilátek isotypu IgM, IgG a IgA v lidském séru. (2008)
Tvorba přirozených protilátek v postnatálním období. (2006)
Přirozené protilátky proti alfa-galaktosylovému epitopu (Galα1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc-R) v sérech nemocných s maligními nádory. (2008)
Dynamika tvorby přirozených antigalaktosylových protilátek v postnatálním období. (2006)
Průkaz přirozených anti-alfa-galaktosylových protilátek v isotypech IgM, IgG a IgA metodou ELISA. (2005)
Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index in Subjects with Dyslipidaemia and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors (2013)
Stanovisko výboru ČSAT k doporučením ESC/EAS pro diagnostiku a léčbu dyslipidemií z roku 2011. (2013)
Cytomegalovirus Disease in Patients with Common Variable Immunodeficiency: Three Case Reports (2014)
XX. ročník Konference mladých lékařů (2013)
Monogenní hypercholesterolemie v ordinaci klinického genetika (2013)
The variable clinical course of peripartum cardiomyopathy (2014)
X-linked agammaglobulinemia caused by new mutation in BTK gene: A case report (2014)
Intravenózní a subkutánní imunoglobulinová terapie (2013)
Invazivní aspergilóza u kojence (2013)
Toxická epidermální nekrolýza a Stevensův Johnsonův syndrom: současné poznatky (2014)
Association between Low Levels of Mannan-Binding Lectin and Markers of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy (2013)
X-linked Agammaglobulinemia in Community-acquired Pneumonia Cases Revealed by Immunoglobulin Level Screening at Hospital Admission (2013)
Exon First Nucleotide Mutations in Splicing: Evaluation of In Silico Prediction Tools (2014)
X-Linked agammaglobulinemia in a child with Klinefelter’s syndrome (2014)
Přehled pacientů s diagnózou X-vázaného lymfoproliferativního onemocnění (XLP) diagnostikovaných v v České republice a na Slovensku (2013)
Protilátky proti sacharidovému epitopu "alfaGal" v séru pacientů po implantaci biologických chlopní (2014)
Rapid identification of phenotypic similar Candida species from culture using high resolution melting analysis (2013)
High resolution melting analysis for rapid identification of twenty-five Candida species from culture (2014)
Pathophysiological characterization of drug hypersensitivity to tribenoside (2014)
Serum inflammatory biomarkers in Parkinson's disease. (2009)
Přirozené protilátky proti alfa(1,3) galaktosylovému epitopu v séru nemocných s maligními nádory (2014)
XXI. ročník Konference mladých lékařů (2014)
ESCMID and ECMM joint clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of mucormycosis 2013 (2014)
ESCMID and ECMM joint clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of systemic phaeohyphomycosis: diseases caused by black fungi (2014)
ESCMID and ECMM joint guidelines on diagnosis and management of hyalohyphomycosis: Fusarium spp., Scedosporium spp. and others (2014)
Clinical picture and treatment of 2212 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2014)
Altered Serum Cytokine Signature in Common Variable Immunodeficiency (2014)
BCG vaccination in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency: Complications, risks, and vaccination policies (2014)
Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 1.část, Diagnostické přístupy (2014)
Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 2. část, Léčba a novorozenecký screening (2014)
Alergie a autoimunita v komplexu dysregulace imunitního systému (2014)
Atypické laboratorní nálezy při diagnostice celiakie (2014)
Závažná reakce typu generalizovaného bulózního fixního lékového exantému po nimesulidu - popis případu (2014)
Detekce bakterií ve smíšeném klinickém vzorku u pacienta s bakteriální meningitidou pomocí kultivace a molekulárně-biologických metod (2013)
Molekulárně-biologická detekce bakterií v polybakteriálních vzorcích močových katétrů a ureterálních stentů (2014)
Autoinflamace: patologický důsledek dysregulace zánětlivé reakce - editorial (2014)
Influence of FCRN expression on lung decline and intravenous immunoglobulin catabolism in common variable immunodeficiency patients (2014)
Diagnostika vrozených poruch imunity (2014)
Substituční imunoglobulinová léčba (2014)
Protein folding disease: Familiar Hypercholesterolemia (2014)
Variant within the apolipoprotein B and its role in pseudo-FH development (2014)
Nový diagnostický algoritmus autosomálně dominantní hypercholesterolémie v ČR (2014)
Familiární hypercholesterolemie: diagnostika a funkční analýza (2014)
One-year outcome following biological or mechanical valve replacement for infective endocarditis (2015)
Novel FBN1 gene mutation and maternal germinal mosaicism as the cause of neonatal form of Marfan syndrome (2014)
No Major Effect of the CDH1 c.2440-6C > G Mutation on Splicing Detected in Last Exon-Specific Splicing Minigene Assay (2014)
Dynamika hladiny interleukinu 6 u pacientů v septickém a kardiogenním šoku a u pacientů s akutním infarktem myokardu s elevacemi ST (2014)
Biopsy Based Diagnosis of Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Negative Magnetic Resonance Image Finding (2014)
The TREC/KREC Assay for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Patients with DiGeorge Syndrome (2014)
The presence of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) in umbilical cord blood in both healthy and pre-eclamptic pregnancies and in human breast milk. (2015)
Confirmation of Proteus mirabilis from a heart valve sample of a patient with infective endocarditis using broad-range PCR and sequencing (2015)
Molecular identification of bacteria in polybacterial specimens of urinary catheters and urine of catheterized patients (2015)
Anti-Gal IgM, IgA and IgG Natural Antibodies in Childhood (2015)
Low ficolin-2 levels in common variable immunodeficiency patients with bronchiectasis (2015)
Application of fluorescent capillary electrophoresis for rapid diagnosis of fungal infections (2015)
Spectrum and Management of Complement Immunodeficiencies (Excluding Hereditary Angioedema) Across Europe (2015)
XXII. ročník Konference mladých lékařů (2015)
Improvement of sequence-based bacteria identification in polybacterial specimens by RipSeq Mixed software (2015)
Lokální anestetika v klinické praxi (2015)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2015)
Pregnancy Outcome in Patients with Common Variable Immunodeficiency (2015)
Studium střevního mikrobiomu u pacientů s běžným variabilním imunodeficitem (CVID) (2015)
Successful renal transplantation in a patient with a Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) gene mutation (2015)
Regulatory B cells in CVID patients fail to suppress multifunctional IFN-gamma+TNF-alpha(+)CD4(+) T cells differentiation (2015)
Association Between Surgical Indications, Operative Risk, and Clinical Outcome in Infective Endocarditis A Prospective Study From the International Collaboration on Endocarditis (2015)
A novel STAT3 gene mutation revealed in a patient with hyper IgE syndrome and severe eczema (2015)
Rapid Identification of Medically Important Candida Isolates Using High Resolution Melting Analysis (2015)
Scleroedema adultorum Buschke a scleromyxedema (2015)
Detection of impaired IgG antibody formation facilitates the decision on early immunoglobulin replacement in hypogammaglobulinemic patients (2015)
Interleukin-6 May Contribute to Mortality in Parkinson's Disease Patients: A 4-Year Prospective Study (2015)
Response to Letter Regarding Article, "Association Between Surgical Indications, Operative Risk, and Clinical Outcome in Infective Endocarditis: A Prospective Study From the International Collaboration on Endocarditis" (2015)
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease as first clinical manifestation of GATA-2 deficiency in childhood (2015)
Familial hypercholesterolaemia: A global call to arms (2015)
Projekt aktivního vyhledávání pacientů s familiární hypercholesterolémií (2015)
Ženy, muži a imunita (2015)
Kožní testy v diagnostice lékové alergie. Doporučení Pracovní skupiny pro lékové alergie ČSAKI (2015)
Imunologické aspekty moderní léčby roztroušené sklerózy (2015)
Gut microbiome in patients with Antibody deficiency disorders (2016)
Role of Flow Cytometry in the Diagnosis of Chronic Granulomatous Disease: the Egyptian Experience (2016)
Evaluation of Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis for Rapid Identification of Candida Fungal Infections (2016)
Hereditary angio-oedema with C1 inhibitor deficiency: Characteristics and diagnostic delay of Czech patients from one centre (2016)
PCSK9 inhibitory – nové možnosti v léčbě hypercholesterolemie: U koho budou indikovány? Stanovisko České společnosti pro aterosklerózu (2016)
Prognosis of Good syndrome: mortality and morbidity of thymoma associated immunodeficiency in perspective (2016)
Functional analysis of the p.(Leu15Pro) and p.(Gly20Arg) sequence changes in the signal sequence of LDL receptor (2016)
Secondary Combined Immunodeficiency in Pediatric Patients after the Fontan Operation: Three Case Reports (2016)
Relevance of Actinobaculum schaalii in catheterized patients (2016)
In silico analysis and denaturant prediction as an improvement of PCR-DGGE analysis of complex bacterial specimens. (2014)
Common variants at PVT1, ATG13-AMBRA1, AHI1 and CLEC16A are associated with selective IgA deficiency (2016)
Recidivující meningitidy a vrozený deficit komplementového systému (2016)
Běžná variabilní imunodeficience - CVID nová diagnostická kritéria ICON (2016)
Fatální anafylaktická reakce po pobodání včelami – kazuistika (2016)
Současné možnosti léčby hereditárního angioedému (2016)
Teriflunomid v léčbě relabující-remitující formy roztroušené sklerózy - imunomodulační mechanizmy (2016)
Biologická léčba secukinumabem (2016)
Lokální anestetika v klinické praxi (2016)
Imunologický náhled na moderní terapii roztroušené sklerózy (2016)
Diagnostika potravinové alergie metodou imunoblot (2016)
18PTKI pazopanib impaires immunostimulatory properties of monocytes: Implication for monocyte-derived DC-based anti-cancer vaccine preparation (2016)
Defining severe familial hypercholesterolaemia and the implications for clinical management: a consensus statement from the International Atherosclerosis Society Severe Familial Hypercholesterolemia Panel (2016)
Pooling and expanding registries of familial hypercholesterolaemia to assess gaps in care and improve disease management and outcomes: Rationale and design of the global EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (2016)
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of 168 mutations associated with familial hypercholesterolemia (2011)
Structural basis of GM-CSF and IL-2 sequestration by the viral decoy receptor GIF (2016)
Common Variable Immunodeficiency patients with a phenotypic profile of immunosenescence present with thrombocytopenia (2017)
Long-term outcomes of 176 patients with X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome treated with or without hematopoietic cell transplantation (2017)
Biofilm formation, antibiotic susceptibility and RAPD genotypes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains isolated from single centre intensive care unit patients (2017)
Fluorescent capillary electrophoresis as a tool for detection of fungi on urinary catheters and ureteral stents (2017)
Infectious complications and immune/inflammatory response in cardiogenic shock patients: A prospective observational study (2017)
When to initiate immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IGRT) in antibody deficiency: a practical approach (2017)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Comparison of five bacterial DNA extraction methods from germ-free mice fecal samples (2017)
Polybacterial infective endocarditis and pathogen diagnosis by molecular techniques (2017)
First report of Sneathia sanguinegens together with Mycoplasma hominis in postpartum prosthetic valve infective endocarditis: a case report (2017)
Detailed molecular characterization of a novel IDS exonic mutation associated with multiple pseudoexon activation (2017)
Systematic analysis of splicing defects in selected primary immunodeficiencies-related genes (2017)
Diagnostika a léčba primárních imunodeficiencí (2017)
Mutations of Pre-mRNA Splicing Regulatory Elements: Are Predictions Moving Forward to Clinical Diagnostics? (2017)
Selective IgM Deficiency: Clinical and Laboratory Features of 17 Patients and a Review of the Literature (2017)
ScreenPro FH: From the Czech MedPed to International Collaboration. ScreenPro FH Is a Participating Project of the EAS-FHCS (2017)
Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic: More Than 17 Years of Systematic Screening Within the MedPed Project (2017)
Comparison of ready-to-use bioinformatic tools for 16S rRNA amplicon next-generation sequencing data analysis (2017)
Alfa-Gal syndrom (2017)
Anafylaxe vyvolaná polibkem (2017)
„Cat-pork“ syndrom (2017)
ScreenPro FH – Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe: Basic Epidemiology (2017)
Immunomonitoring of patients treated with personalized dendritic cell-based vaccine (2017)
ScreenPro FH – Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe: Rationale and Design (2017)
Antibodies against Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides and Natural Anti-Galactosyl (Alpha-Gal) in Patients with Humoral Immunodeficiencies (2017)
Terminally differentiated memory T cells are increased in patients with common variable immunodeficiency and selective IgA deficiency (2017)
Dynamic of human gut mycobiome in liver-transplant recipients (2017)
Gastrointestinal microbiome in patients with primary immune deficiencies (2017)
New deep intronic mutation c.1029+384 A>G in SERPING1 gene creates de novo donor splice site and causes aberrant splicing (2017)
Contribution of PCR Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Combined with Mixed Chromatogram Software Separation for Complex Urinary Sample Analysis (2017)
Effect of substituents in the first nucleotide of exon on pre-mRNA splicing (2015)
CEBPE-Mutant Specific Granule Deficiency Correlates With Aberrant Granule Organization and Substantial Proteome Alterations in Neutrophils (2018)
Rapid Identification of Medically Important Candida Isolates Using High Resolution Melting Analysis (2015)
Interleukin 6 and complement serum level study in Parkinson's disease (2018)
AgCu bimetallic nanoparticles modified by polyvinyl alcohol - the cells viability study in vitro (2018)
Effect of NAG/NAG motif of acceptor splice site on pre-mRNA splicing (2018)
Absence of Surface IgD Does Not Impair Naive B Cell Homeostasis or Memory B Cell Formation in IGHD Haploinsufficient Humans (2018)
Kombinace elektroforetické a softwarové separace amplikonů při analýze komplexních bakteriálních vzorků (2016)
Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema Attacks with Icatibant and Recombinant C1 Inhibitor During Pregnancy (2018)
Analýza mykobiomu aneb chybami se člověk učí. (2018)
Dynamics of human gut microbiome in healthy volunteers from the Czech Republic (2018)
Artificial fungal community (fMOCK) as a control of sequencing process in mycobiome research. (2018)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients. (2018)
Hyper-IgE in the allergy clinic-when is it primary immunodeficiency? (2018)
Viral genome changes and the impact of viral genome persistence in myocardium of patients with inflammatory cardiomyopathy (2018)
Multiplex Assay for Quantification of Acute Phase Proteins and Immunoglobulin A in Dried Blood Spots (2019)
Autosomal dominant hypercholesterolaemia (2018)
A new deep intronic mutation caused aberrant splicing in a family diagnosed with hereditary angioedema (2018)
Souhrn konsensu EAS, týkajícího se kauzálního vztahu mezi lipoproteiny o nízké hustotě a aterosklerotickými kardiovaskulárními onemocněními, zpracovaný výborem České společnosti pro aterosklerózu. (2018)
Souhrn konsensu EAS, týkajícího se kauzálního vztahu mezi lipoproteiny o nízké hustotě a aterosklerotickými kardiovaskulárními onemocněními, zpracovaný výborem České společnosti pro aterosklerózu (2018)
Phenotype, penetrance, and treatment of 133 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4-insufficient subjects (2018)
ClinVar database of global familial hypercholesterolemia-associated DNA variants (2018)
Real-life LDL-C treatment goals achievement in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Results of the PLANET registry (2018)
Hereditární angioedém laryngealní ataky: data z Národního registru primárních imunodeficiencí (2018)
Perioperative management of Hereditary Angioedema (2018)
Možné důsledky anti CD20 terapií nejen u dětí (2018)
Možné imunologické důsledky B cílené imunoonkologické léčby (2018)
Biologická léčba a sekundární hypogamaglobulinemie (2018)
Immunology follow-up after rituximab treatment in pediatric non Hodgkin lymfoma patients (2018)
Comèl-Netherton syndrome (2018)
Projevy imunodeficitů v novorozeneckém období (2018)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Úvod do diagnostiky a léčby primárních a sekundárních imunodeficitů (2018)
A girl with RIDDLE syndrome (2017)
Sekundární hypogamaglobulinemie v dětském věku (2016)
Human native endocarditis caused by Streptococcus canis-a case report (2019)
Idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia (2016)
Idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia five year follow up (2016)
Secondary combine immunodeficiency in patient with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (2017)
Hypogammaglobulinemia, B- cell abnormalities and mental retardation with hyperactivity in two sisters (2017)
Zajímavé imunologické kazuistiky pohledem klinika a laboratoře (2017)
Sekundární hypogamaglobulinemie u onkologických pacientů (2017)
Sekundární hypogamaglobulinemie v pediatrii (2017)
Idiopatická CD4+T lymfocytopenie (2015)
Clinical Genetic Testing for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (2018)
Úspěšná léčba rituximabem pro granulomatózně-lymfocytární intersticiální plicní nemoc provázející běžnou variabilní imunodeficienci (2018)
Dynamics of allergy development during the first 5 years of life (2018)
Overview of the current status of familial hypercholesterolaemia care in over 60 countries - The EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) (2018)
Clinical Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of a New Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin 16.5% (Octanorm [Cutaquig (R)]) in the Treatment of Patients With Primary Immunodeficiencies (2019)
CVID-Associated Tumors: Czech Nationwide Study Focused on Epidemiology, Immunology, and Genetic Background in a Cohort of Patients With CVID (2019)
Gastrointestinal Complications in Primary Immunoglobulin Deficiencies (2019)
Common variable immunodeficiency patients display elevated plasma levels of granulocyte activation markers elastase and myeloperoxidase (2019)
Lymphoproliferation, immunodeficiency and early-onset inflammatory bowel disease associated with a novel mutation in Caspase 8 (2019)
Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis Is Superior to Culture in Detecting Candida Species from Samples of Urinary Catheters and Ureteral Stents with Mono- or Polyfungal Biofilm Growth (2019)
Association between the timing of surgery for complicated, left-sided infective endocarditis and survival (2019)
Primární imunodeficience u dospělých (2019)
Léčba humorálních imunodeficiencí (2019)
Molecular Techniques Complement Culture-Based Assessment of Bacteria Composition in Mixed Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheter-Related Samples (2019)
Capability of Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis To Distinguish Species of the Candida parapsilosis Complex (2019)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients and paired healthy controls sharing the same household (2019)
Neutrophil and Granulocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell-Mediated T Cell Suppression Significantly Contributes to Immune Dysregulation in Common Variable Immunodeficiency Disorders (2019)
Neutrophils Are Dysregulated in Patients with Hereditary Angioedema Types I and II in a Symptom-Free Period (2019)
SERPING1 exon 3 splicing variants using alternative acceptor splice sites (2019)
Early-life exposure to household chemicals and wheezing in children (2019)
The Impact of DNA Extraction Methods on Stool Bacterial and Fungal Microbiota Community Recovery (2019)
Imaging of Bronchial Pathology in Antibody Deficiency: Data from the European Chest CT Group (2019)
High-throughput analysis revealed mutations' diverging effects on SMN1 exon 7 splicing (2019)
Impact of acceptor splice site NAGTAG motif on exon recognition (2019)
Muckle-Wells Syndrome Across Four Generations in One Czech Family: Natural Course of the Disease. (2019)
The Impact of the International Cooperation On Familial Hypercholesterolemia Screening and Treatment: Results from the ScreenPro FH Project (2019)
Bacterial but Not Fungal Gut Microbiota Alterations Are Associated With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Phenotype (2019)
A case of autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia caused by a new variant in the LDL receptor adaptor protein 1 gene (2019)
Novel SAMD9 Mutation in a Patient With Immunodeficiency, Neutropenia, Impaired Anti-CMV Response, and Severe Gastrointestinal Involvement (2019)
Dendritic Cell-Based Immunotherapy in Advanced Sarcoma and Neuroblastoma Pediatric Patients: Anti-cancer Treatment Preceding Monocyte Harvest Impairs the Immunostimulatory and Antigen-Presenting Behavior of DCs and Manufacturing Process Outcome (2019)
Safety of recombinant human C1 esterase inhibitor for hereditary angioedema attacks during pregnancy (2019)
Assessment of Immune Response Following Dendritic Cell-Based Immunotherapy in Pediatric Patients With Relapsing Sarcoma (2019)
Czech Hizentra Noninterventional Study With Rapid Push: Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability, and Convenience of Therapy With 20% Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (2019)
Imunodeficience v rámci diferenciální diagnostiky intersticiálních plicních procesů (2019)
Biomarkery u idiopatické plicní fibrózy - jejich význam pro diagnostiku a prognózu (2019)
Bending of DNA duplexes with mutation motifs (2019)
Tandem acceptor splice site in the context of two closely located exons (2019)
Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis Applied to Distinguish Species of Candida parapsilosis Complex (2019)
Bacterial and fungal gut microbiota analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) disorders: paired case-control study (2019)
Actinotignum schaalii as a part of urinary catheter associated microbiota (2019)
Pharmacotherapy preceding monocyte harvest interferes with the potency of monocyte-derived dendritic cell anticancer vaccine (2019)
Cryopyrinopathy across Generations: Longterm Disease Outcome (2018)
Idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia-Clinical and laboratory characteristics (2019)
Activation of granulocytes in common variable immunodeficiency and hereditary angioedema (2015)
LDLR variants in the beta-propeller subdomain and their effect on the protein maturation and unfolded protein response. (2019)
Successful rituximabtreatment of granulomatous/lymphocytic interstitial lung disease in commonvariable immunodeficiency. (2018)
Clinical and molecular characterisation of czech hereditary angioedema patients. (2017)
HAE caused by a novel deep intronic mutation in SERPING1 indroducing a cryptic exon. (2017)
EuroFlow-Based Flowcytometric Diagnostic Screening and Classification of Primary Immunodeficiencies of the Lymphoid System (2019)
Defects in memory B-cell and plasma cell subsets expressing different immunoglobulin-subclasses in patients with CVID and immunoglobulin subclass deficiencies (2019)
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis and connective tissue disorder in humans with impaired JNK1-dependent responses to IL-17A/F and TGF-beta (2019)
Recombinant human C1 esterase inhibitor as short-term prophylaxis in patients with hereditary angioedema (2020)
The association between vegetation size and surgical treatment on 6-month mortality in left-sided infective endocarditis (2019)
Sada pro stanovení relativního zastoupení alternativních transkriptů genu PLAUR (2019)
S imunoglobulinem IgG4 asociované onemocnění (2018)
Remise „the disease associated/related with immunoglobulin IgG4“ provázeného mnohočetnou lymfadenopatií po léčbě rituximabem a dexametazonem: kazuistika (2018)
Comparison of the characteristics at diagnosis and treatment of children with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) from eight European countries (2020)
Comprehensive Molecular Profiling for Relapsed/Refractory Pediatric Burkitt Lymphomas-Retrospective Analysis of Three Real-Life Clinical Cases-Addressing Issues on Randomization and Customization at the Bedside (2020)
European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) and European Reference Network on Rare Primary Immunodeficiency, Autoinflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases (ERN RITA) Complement Guideline: Deficiencies, Diagnosis, and Management (2020)
Neurological manifestation of immune system dysregulation resulting from CTLA-4 receptor mutation: a case report (2020)
Delece chromozomu 22q11 u vrozených srdečních vad (1998)
International Society of Cardiovascular Infectious Diseases Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Disseminated Mycobacterium chimaera Infection Following Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass (2020)
EuroFlow Standardized Approach to Diagnostic Immunopheneotyping of Severe PID in Newborns and Young Children (2020)
The Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of 82 Patients WithRAGDeficiency Including a c.256_257delAA Founder Variant in Slavic Countries (2020)
Novel XIAP mutation causing enhanced spontaneous apoptosis and disturbed NOD2 signalling in a patient with atypical adult-onset Crohn's disease (2020)
Deep Intronic Mutation in SERPING1 Caused Hereditary Angioedema Through Pseudoexon Activation (2020)
Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Variants in the Beta-Propeller Subdomain and Their Functional Impact (2020)
Reducing the Clinical and Public Health Burden of Familial Hypercholesterolemia: A Global Call to Action (2020)
Plicní onemocnění a autoimunitní hemolytická anémie asociovaná s IgG4 (2020)
Danon disease is an underdiagnosed cause of advanced heart failure in young female patients: a LAMP2 flow cytometric study (2020)
Novel Splicing Variant in the PMM2 Gene in a Patient With PMM2-CDG Syndrome Presenting With Pericardial Effusion: A Case Report (2020)
Genetics of Familial Hypercholesterolemia: New Insights (2020)
Splicing Enhancers at Intron-Exon Borders Participate in Acceptor Splice Sites Recognition (2020)
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation positively affects the natural history of cancer in Nijmegen breakage syndrome (2021)
Stanovisko výboru České společnosti pro aterosklerózu k doporučením ESC/EAS pro diagnostiku a léčbu dyslipidemií z roku 2019 (2020)
Cytogenetické a molekulárně genetické nálezy u pacientky s ICF2 syndromem - kazuistika (2020)
Trichohepatoenteric syndrome in a patient with TTC37 mutations – a case report (2020)
Validní zdroje informací o sekvenčních variantách lidského genomu na příkladu genu pro LDLR. (2020)
Mendelian Susceptibility to Mycobacterial Disease: The First Case of a Diagnosed Adult Patient in the Czech Republic (2020)
Transplantace kmenových buněk krvetvorby u pacientů s chronickou granulomatózní nemocí v České republice a na Slovensku. (2020)
TTC37 defective in the patient with very-early-onset IBD and septic shock (2020)
Clinical and genetic evaluation of PFAPA and hereditary recurrent fevers (2020)
Acquired Angioedema with C1 Inhibitor Deficiency: Occurrence, Clinical Features, and Management: A Nationwide Retrospective Study in the Czech Republic Patients (2021)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2020)
Rehabilitace pacientů s chronickou ischemickou chorobou srdeční a jejich výkonnost (2011)
Kardiovaskulární rehabilitace II. fáze pacientů s ischemickou chorobou srdeční (2011)
Význam poměru respirační výměny pro hodnocení vo2peak při spiroergometrickém vyšetření u mužů a žen s ichs (2011)
Comparison of the mutation spectrum and association with pre and post treatment lipid measures of children with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) from eight European countries (2021)
Actinotignum schaalii: Relation to Concomitants and Connection to Patients’ Conditions in Polymicrobial Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheters and Urines (2021)
The splicing pattern of PLAUR gene changes during monocyte differentiation in patients with hereditary angioedema. (2020)
Effect of intronic mutations on pseudoexon inclusion (2020)
A case of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia with an atypical phenotype and delayed clinical symptoms (2021)
TNFR2 expression is a hallmark of human memory B cells with suppressive function (2021)
Recombinant human C1 esterase inhibitor for hereditary angioedema attacks: A European registry (2021)
Prospective Cohort Study of Infective Endocarditis in People Who Inject Drugs (2021)
Oral once-daily berotralstat for the prevention of hereditary angioedema attacks: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial (2021)
Nijmegen breakage syndrome – a single center experience (2021)
B cell lymphocyte subsets reconstitution and immunoglobulin levels dynamic after rituximab including treatment protocols of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children and adolescents, one centrum experience (2021)
Porucha tvorby protiláteku pacientů s DNARDs (2021)
Primární imunodeficity – vzácná onemocnění (2021)
Časné imunodeficience v dětském věku s dominantním gastrointestinálním postižením, kazuistika pacient s SAMD9 mutací (2021)
The Czech national registry of primary immunodeficiencies diseases (2019)
Deregulation of signaling pathways controlling cell survival and proliferation in cancer cells alters induction of cytochrome P450 family 1 enzymes (2021)
Cytokiny v kondenzátu vydechovaného vzduchu u asthma bronchiale a idopatické plicní fibrózy (2021)
Patients With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Show Higher Gut Bacterial Diversity and Levels of Low-Abundance Genes Than the Healthy Housemates (2021)
Vasculopathy and polyneuropathy associated with a novel mutation in TREX1 (2021)
A severely malnutrished 21-year old patient with CID caused by hypomorhic RAG1 mutations. (2019)
Překvapivá diagnóza MUCKLE-WELLSOVA syndromu v důsledku defektu genu NLRP3 (2021)
Oligogenic inheritance in a very early onset IBD: causal or random association? (2021)
Medical algorithm: Diagnosis and management of antibody immunodeficiencies (2021)
A spectrum of SERPING1 mutations and clinical characterisation of Czech Hereditary Angioedema patients. (2021)
Monogenic autoimmune vasculopathy and polyneuropathy. (2021)
IIntravenous immunoglobulin modulates the number and function of low density neutrophils in patients with CVID (2021)
The role of complosome in CD4 T-cells (2021)
Klinický a imunologický fenotyp pacientov s novo-identifikovanými mutáciami v génoch NFkB. (2021)
B cell lymphocyte subsets reconstitution and immunoglobulin levels dynamic after rituximab including treatment protocols of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children and adolescents, one centrum experience (2021)
Časné imunodeficience v dětském věku s dominantním gastrointestinálním postižením, kazuistika pacient s SAMD9 mutací, (2021)
Atypická mykobateriosa jako původce mnohočetné osteomyelitis u malého dítěte (2021)
Gastroenterologická manifestace primárních imunodefciencí (2021)
CARD11 GOF results in heterogeneous phenotypes associated with autoreactive/oncogenic BCR repertoires (2021)
Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare mould infections: an initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology in cooperation with the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology and the American Society for Microbiology (2021)
Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare yeast infections: an initiative of the ECMM in cooperation with ISHAM and ASM (2021)
Global perspective of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a cross-sectional study from the EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) (2021)
Nucleotides in both donor and acceptor splice sites are responsible for choice in NAGNAG tandem splice sites (2021)
Genetika familiární hypercholesterolemie: aktualizovaná kritéria pro interpretaci variant v genu LDLR (2021)
Možnosti sledování subpopulací B lymfocytů v periferní krvi v rutinní imunologické laboratoři (2021)
Immunosuppression Affects Neutrophil Functions: Does Calcineurin-NFAT Signaling Matter? (2021)
Alternative splicing of PLAUR gene in macrophage differentiation stages of hereditary angioedema patients (2021)
Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19 and Hospital Admission in Patients With Inborn Errors of Immunity-Results From a Multicenter Nationwide Study (2022)
Overview of subcutaneous immunoglobulin 16.5% in primary and secondary immunodeficiency diseases (2022)
Therapeutic options for CTLA-4 insufficiency (2022)
Gut mycobiome dynamics in patients after solid organ transplantation (SOT) (2022)
The Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) Familial Hypercholesterolemia Variant Curation Expert Panel consensus guidelines for LDLR variant classification (2022)
Worldwide experience of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: retrospective cohort study (2022)
Regulation of Th1 proinflammatory response via the complosome in patients with allergic eosinophilic asthma (2022)
Optimalizace metodiky pro výzkum intracelulárního komplementu v CD4+ T-lymfocytech (2020)
Registry-based analysis of Icatibant and C1-inhibitor use in treatment of laryngeal attacks of hereditary angioedema (2022)
COVID-19 and national measures expecting changes in state administration – the case of Czechia (2022)
Sharing the Fascination with Genetics in Mendel Museum (2022)
Effect of mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on gut bacteriome of newborns in the first days of their life: a case-control study (2022)
Common rearrangements of the LDLR gene in the Czech population likely arise from one mutational event. (2022)
Do common infections trigger disease-onset or -severity in CTLA-4 insufficiency? (2022)
Long-term efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a subcutaneous immunoglobulin 16.5% (cutaquig (R)) in the treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (2022)
Paediatric familial hypercholesterolaemia screening in Europe: public policy background and recommendations (2022)
The time is now: Achieving FH paediatric screening across Europe – The Prague Declaration (2022)
Stanovisko ČSAT ke Konsenzu EAS 2021: Lipoproteiny bohaté na triglyceridy a jejich remnantní částice – přehled metabolizmu, role při aterosklerotickém kardiovaskulárním onemocnění a nové terapeutické strategie (2022)
Nature of Low density neutrophils in patients with Common variable immunodeficiency (2022)
Změny v dynamice Th1 odpovědi a eozinofilů u pacientů a alergickým eozinofilním astmatem v sezóně a mimo sezónu (2022)
Effect of immunosuppressive therapy in inflammatory cardiomyopathy: data from The Czech Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy Immunosuppressive Trial (2022)
Different patterns of immune system activation in hereditary angioedema based on disease severity (2022)
Deep intronic mutation in CYBB caused chronic granulomatous disease through pseudoexon activation (2022)
Birch pollen-induced seasonal allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma: implication for allergen-specific immunotherapy in adults. (2022)
Subcutaneous immunoglobulin 16.5% for the treatment of pediatric patients with primary antibody immunodeficiency (2023)
Consensus Recommendations for the Clinical Management of Hematological Malignancies in Patients with DNA Double Stranded Break Disorders (2022)
How to recognize inborn errors of immunity in a child presenting with a malignancy: guidelines for the pediatric hemato-oncologist (2023)
Hepcidin and ferritin levels as markers of immune cell activation during septic shock, severe COVID-19 and sterile inflammation (2023)
Functional tests of B cells are independent of EUROclass classification in CVID patients (2019)
Profiles of birch sensitization in adults considered for allergen immunotherapy: data from the Czech Republic, Central Europe. (2022)
Allergy diagnostics in adults with birch-induced seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivis with focus on indication for allergen immunotherapy (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Die Lebensgeschichte eines bescheidenen Genies. Genetik oder Die Wundersame Reise in den Zellkern bescheidenen Genies (2022)
Genetik? Von der Erbse zum Genom (2022)
ICT Use in Municipal Participatory Budgeting in Czechia: Similar Patterns or Heterogeneity? (2023)
SERPING1 Variants and C1-INH Biological Function: A Close Relationship With C1-INH-HAE (2022)
Etiologie infekční endokarditidy u operovaných pacientů na CKTCH v letech 2018–2019 (2022)
Deficit lyzosomální kyselé lipázy - diferenciální diagnostika a možnosti léčby v roce 2022 (2022)
Intraperitoneally administered native and lauroyl-modified hyaluronan films: Pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies (2023)
Hypersensitivity to tetanus vaccine: retrospective analysis of medical records and tolerance of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 (2023)
An investigational oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor for on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema: atwo-part, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover phase 2 trial (2023)
New development: Covid 19 and changes in public administration-what do we know to date? (2023)
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operation of a city district office: The case study of Czechia (2023)
Genetic characterization of agammaglobulinemia in Czech newborn screening (2023)
Kasuistiky (nejen) z primární pediatrické praxe III. (2023)
B cell subsets reconstitution and immunoglobulin levels in children and adolescents with B non-Hodgkin lymphoma after treatment with single anti CD20 agent dose included in chemotherapeutic protocols: single center and review of the literature (2024)
Endogenously produced hyaluronan contributes to the regulation of peritoneal adhesion development (2023)
An in vitro model that mimics the foreign body response in the peritoneum: Study of the bioadhesive properties of HA-based materials (2023)
PLAUR splicing pattern in hereditary angioedema patients' monocytes and macrophages (2023)
Myeloid lineage cells evince distinct steady-state level of certain gene groups in dependence on hereditary angioedema severity (2023)
2023 Update on European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Statement on Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: new treatments and clinical guidance (2023)
Neutrophil and eosinophil granulocyte immunophenotyping and a burst test (2023)
Neutrophil and eosinophil granulocyte immunophenotyping and a burst test (2023)
PLAUR alternative splice pattern analysis during monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation in healthy volunteers and patients with rheumatoid arthritis and bronchial asthma (2023)
COVID-19 and organizational changes in public administration – preliminary findings from Czechia (2023)
Myocardial injury in COVID-19-bioptic and magnetic resonance results (2022)
Screening of LAMP2 expression in peripheral white blood cells by flow cytometry effectively identifies Danon disease among young females with advanced heart failure. (2019)
Dynamika hladiny surfaktant proteinu D u Covid-19 pozitivních pacientů s ARDS (2023)
Intraoral and maxillofacial abnormalities in patients with autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome (2023)
Systematic Approach Revealed SERPING1 Splicing-Affecting Variants to be Highly Represented in the Czech National HAE Cohort (2023)
Quaternary Benzophenanthridine Alkaloids Act as Smac Mimetics and Overcome Resistance to Apoptosis (2023)
Genetické vyšetření v kardiologii:Souhrnné vyjádření a doporučení odborníků Pracovní skupiny kardiogenetiky při ČAPK/ČKS , SLG a ČSSL a ST při ČLS JEP (2023)
Atypical finding of IGLL1 agammaglobulinemia in Czech NBS (2023)
Komplexní diagnostika hereditárních nádorových syndromů pomocí NGS panelu Bronco a dalších molekulárních metod. (2023)
Intronová varianta v RAD50 způsobující neefektivní rozpoznávání místa větvení a neočekávaný aberantní sestřih. (2023)
Phenotype and oxidative burst of low-density neutrophil subpopulations are altered in common variable immunodeficiency patients (2024)
Impact of an intronic variant in RAD50 on RNA splicing due to inefficient branch point recognition. (2023)
Využití imunofenotypizace neutrofilních a eozinofilních granulocytů v kombinaci s Burst testem (2023)
Laboratorní diagnostika astmatu v imunologii (2023)
Porovnanie diferenciácie a aktivácie monocytov a sledovanie funkčných zmien mitochondrií monocytov prietokovou cytometriou pred analýzou expresie génu PLAUR (2023)
Běžná variabilní imunodeficience a granulomatózní/lymfocytární intersticiální plicní nemoc (2023)
Allergen-specific immunotherapy in adults with birch pollen-related asthma: real life evidence. (2023)
LDLR gene rearrangements in Czech FH patients likely arise from one mutational event (2024)
Genetic risk score in patients with the APOE2/E2 genotype as a predictor of familial dysbetalipoproteinemia (2024)
Epidemiological Changes and Improvement in Outcomes of Infective Endocarditis in Europe in the Twenty-First Century: An International Collaboration on Endocarditis (ICE) Prospective Cohort Study (2000-2012) (2023)
Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in humans with alternative NF-.B pathway deficiency (2023)
Stanovisko ČSAT ke Konsenzu Evropské společnosti pro aterosklerózu: Lipoprotein(a) při aterosklerotických kardiovaskulárních onemocněních a aortální stenóze (2023)
Splicing analysis of STAT3 tandem donor suggests non-canonical binding registers for U1 and U6 snRNAs (2024)
Complex analysis of the national Hereditary angioedema cohort in Slovakia - Identification of 12 novel variants in SERPING1 gene (2024)
Evaluation of respiratory allergies burden and management in primary care and comparative analysis of health care data from Romania, Poland, Czech Republic and Bulgaria - preliminary study (2024)
The Chronic Angioedema Registry (CARE): Rationale, Methods and Implementation (2024)
Personalized dendritic cell vaccine in multimodal individualized combination therapy improves survival in high-risk pediatric cancer patients (2024)
VEXAS syndrom - nově popsané autoinflamatorní onemocnění s hematologickými symptomy. Popis případu a přehled literatury (2024)
Case report: demi-glace sauce as a trigger of anaphylaxis in a patient with alpha-gal syndrome (2024)
Diferenciální diagnostika angioedémů (2024)
PLAUR alternative splicing in patients with different severity of hereditary angioedema (HAE) (2024)
Kdy myslet na hereditární angioedém (HAE)? (2024)
Detecting familial hypercholesterolemia: An observational study leveraging mandatory universal pediatric total cholesterol screening in Slovakia (2024)
Hypersenzitivní reakce na kombinovanou hormonální antikoncepci (2024)
Novorozenecký screening těžké kombinované imunodeficience (SCID) v České republice (2024)
Low CD46 expression on activated CD4+ T cells predict improved Th1 cell reactivity to calcitriol in majority of patients with allergic eosinophilic asthma and healthy donors (2024)
Familial hypercholesterolaemia in children and adolescents from 48 countries: a cross-sectional study (2024)
Timing of Onset of Garadacimab for Preventing Hereditary Angioedema Attacks (2024)
Intracelulární komplement (2024)
Functional analysis of PLAUR alternative splicing isoforms and they role in the development of immunopathological reactions (2024)
Th1 cells in allergic asthma (2024)
Spektrum genetických nálezů v pilotním novorozeneckém screeningu těžké kombinované imunodeficience (2024)
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