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Praktická cvičení z biologie. Protokoly - část I. (2002)
S-layers on cell walls of cyanobacteria (2002)
Construction of Treponema pallidum BAC library for functional and genomic apllications. In: Zhao,S. et al. (eds): Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes: Methods and Protocols. (2002)
BAC library of T. pallidum DNA in E. coli. (2002)
Colicins produced by the Escherichia fergusonii strains closely resemble colicins coded by E. coli (2002)
Three recently acknowledged Escherichia species strikingly differ in the incidence of bacteriocinogenic and lysogenic strains (2002)
Praktická cvičení z biologie. Část I. (2002)
The Escherichia fergusonii iucABCD iutA genes are located within a longer chromosomal region similar to pathogenicity islands. (2003)
Systematic cloning of Treponema pallidum open reading frames for protein expression and antigen discovery (2003)
Construction of Treponema pallidum BAC library for functional and genomic applications. (2004)
Genome differences and detection of pathogenic Treponema pallidum subspecies (2004)
Comparative genomics of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum and Treponema paraluiscuniculi. (2004)
Praktická cvičení z biologie. Protokoly - část I. 3. přepracované vydání (2004)
Comparison of the genome of the oral pathogen, Treponema denticola, with other spirochete genomes. (2004)
člen podoborové komise 310 (2004)
FEMS Research Fellowship 2004, Vienna, Austria (2004)
Specifická baktericidní agens v některých nových rodech čeledi Enterobacteriaceae (2004)
Transcriptome of Treponema pallidum: gene expression profile during experimental rabbit infection. (2005)
Hybrid colicins U/Y and their interaction with cognate immunity proteins (2004)
Nukleotidové záměny v genomech blízce příbuzných treponem a jejich detekce (2004)
Interaction of colicins U and Y with recombinant immunity proteins (2004)
Restrikční mapování genomů blízce příbuzných spirochet rodu Treponema (2004)
Hybridní molekuly kolicinů U/Y a jejich interakce s imunitními proteiny (2004)
Hybridní molekuly kolicinů U/Y a jejich interakce s imunitními proteiny (2004)
Restrikční mapování genomů blízce příbuzných spirochet rodu Treponema (2004)
Nukleotidové polymorfismy u blízce příbuzných treponem a jejich detekce (2004)
Treponema pallidum susp. pallidum v postgenomické éře (2004)
Restrikční profil genomů vybraných zástupců rodu Treponema (2004)
Comparative genomics of pathogenic Treponema pallidum species (2003)
Transcriptome of Treponema pallidum: gene expression profiling of treponemes grown in rabbits (2003)
Hybridní molekuly kolicinů U/Y a jejich interakce s imunitním proteinem (2003)
Komparativní genomika patogenních poddruhů Treponema pallidum (2003)
Transkriptom spirochety Treponema pallidum: úroveň genové exprese během experimentální infekce králíků (2003)
Transcriptome of Treponema pallidum: gene expression profile during experimental rabbit infection (2003)
Komparativní genomika patogenních poddruhů treponema pallidum (2003)
Comparative genomics of pathogenic Treponema pallidum subspecies (2003)
Hybridní molekuly kolicinů U/Y a jejich interakce s imunitním proteinem (2003)
Functional genomics as a tool to study pathogenic spirochetes (2003)
Transcriptome of Treponema pallidum: gene expression profile during experimental rabbit infection (2003)
Studium genové exprese u T. pallidum. (2005)
Molekulární interakce mezi kolicinem U a jeho imunitním proteinem. (2005)
Identifikace regulátorů genové exprese u Treponema pallidum. (2005)
Mapování genomů patogenních spirochet. (2005)
Comparison of the genomes of pathogenic treponemes, Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum, ssp. pertenue and Treponema paraluiscuniculi. (2005)
Molekulární interakce kolicinu se svým imunitním proteinem. (2005)
Genomová amplifikace a restrikční mapování patogenních spirochet rodu Treponema. (2005)
Studium domnělých regulátorů genové exprese spirochety Treponema pallidum. (2005)
Komparativní genomika Treponema pallidum technikou genomové hybridizace na oligonukleotidovém čipu. (2005)
Studium domnělých regulátorů genové exprese a sigma 54-závislých promotorů spirochety Treponema pallidum. (2005)
Molekulární rozpoznávání kolicinů U a Y svými imunitními proteiny. (2005)
Genomová hybridizace kmenů T. pallidum Nichols a SS14 na oligonukleotidovém čipu (2005)
Restrikční mapování genomů blízce příbuzných patogenních spirochet rodu Treponema. (2005)
Molekulární interakce kolicinu U se svým imunitním proteinem. (2005)
Restrikční mapování genomů blízce příbuzných spirochet rodu Treponema. (2005)
Molecular recognition of colicin U and Y pore-forming domains by their cognate immunity proteins. (2005)
Comparing genomes of pathogenic and non-pathogenic spirochetes: DNA-microarray hybridizations, whole genome fingerprinting and DNA sequencing. (2005)
Reproducibility of Comparative Genomics Sequencing in Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum. (2005)
Genomics of Treponema. (2005)
člen podoborové komise 310 (2005)
Techniky molekulární biologie a genetiky (2006)
Studium promotorů Treponema pallidum: charakterizace promotorů pro faktor sigma-54. (2006)
Molekulárně-biologická diagnostika spirochety Treponema pallidum v biologickém materiálu. (2006)
Komparativní genomová sekvenace (CGS): nový typ sekvenování bakteriálních genomů. (2006)
Komparativní genomika patogenních kmenů T. pallidum. (2006)
Exoproducts of the strain Escherichia coli H22 inhibiting some enteric pathogens both in vitro and in vivo. (2006)
Recognition of pore-forming colicin Y by its cognate immunity protein. (2006)
Molekulární detekce a typizace Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v klinickém materiálu. (2006)
člen oborové komise 310 (2006)
Incidence of lysogenic, colicinogenic and siderophore producer strains among human saprophytic Escherichia coli. (2006)
Occurence of strains producing specific anti-bacterial inhibitory agents in five genera of Enterobacteriaceae. (2007)
Treponema Genomics. (2005)
Komparativní genomová sekvenace (CGS) kmenů rodu Treponema. (2006)
Detekce původce syfilis Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v klinických vzorcích. (2006)
Komparativní genomika patogenních kmenů T. pallidum. (2006)
Identifikace a charakterizace sigma-54 závislých promotorů Treponema pallidum. (2006)
Oligonucleotide array sequencing of T.pallidum ssp. pallidum strain SS14. (2006)
Comparative Genomics of Treponemes. (2006)
Sekvenace heterologních oblastí genomu T. pallidum sussp. pertenue kmene Samoan D: cesta ke kompletní genomové sekvenci původce yaws. (2006)
Comparison ot the syphilis and yaws spirochete genomes: comparative genome sequencing of T. pallidum ssp. pallidum Samoa D. (2006)
Restrikční mapování blízce příbuzných spirochet rodu Treponema. (2006)
Analýza sigma-54 závislých promotorů spirochety Treponema pallidum. (2006)
Detekce Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v biologickém materiálu, výhledy pro epidemiologii syfilis (2006)
Diagnostika spirochety Treponema pallidum v biologických vzorcích pomocí PCR. (2006)
Detection of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum SS14 from Skin Lesions,Serum, and CSF in an Infant with Congenital Syphilis after Clindamycin treatment of the mother during pragnancy. (2007)
Bakteriocinotypizace kmenů Escherichia coli izolovaných z masa (2007)
Produkce specifických antibakteriálních agens u Salmonella enterica (2007)
Produkce specifických antibakteriálních agens u rodu Yersinia (2007)
Kompletní genomová sekvenace kmene Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue Samoa D: srovnání pyrosekvencování a komparativní genomové sekvenace (2007)
Určení kompletní genomové sekvence kmene Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue CDC-2 (2007)
Detekce a kmenová typizace spirochety Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v biologických vzorcích (2007)
Comparative genomics of closely related treponemal strains (2007)
Analýza sigma 54 závislých promotorových oblastí Treponema pallidum. (2007)
Testování kandidátních lokusů pro typizaci klinických izolátů Treponema pallidum. (2007)
Genetické rozdíly mezi původci yaws a syfilis. (2007)
Produkce specifických antibakteriálních agens u rodů Salmonella a Yersinia. (2007)
PCR diagnostika a molekulární typizace původce syfilis: aktuální problémy PCR detekce. (2007)
Sequencing of Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue Samoa D genome. (2007)
Comparative pathogenomics of spirochetes. (2007)
Určovanie genómovej sekvencie Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum kmeňa Dallas 1 (2007)
Molekulárne mapovanie interakcií kolicinov U a Y s receptorom OmpA (2007)
Typy antibakteriálních agens u Salmonella enterica (2007)
Typy produkovaných antibakteriálních agens u druhů rodu Yersinia. (2007)
Určení kompletní genomové sekvence kmene Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue CDC-2 (2007)
Diagnostika a kmenová typizace spirochety Treponema pallidum v klinickém materiálu. (2007)
Srovnání komparativní genomové sekvenace a pyrosekvenace u Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue Samoa D (2007)
Určení kompletní nukleotidové sekvence plazmidu MCCC7-H22 probiotického kmene Escherichia coli H22 (2007)
Genomová struktura spirochet rodu Treponema. (2007)
Pilotní screening hypervariabilních lokusů v genomu Treponema pallidum u typových kmenů a klinických izolátů (2007)
Srovnání pyrosekvenování a komparativní genomové sekvenace u Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue Samoa D. (2007)
Význam diagnostiky časné syfilis metodou PCR. (2007)
Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum - detekce pomocí metody PCR a kmenová typizace. (2007)
Diagnostika časné syfilis metodou PCR - klinická charakteristika vyšetřovaných a význam vyšetření. (2007)
Diagnostika a kmenová typizace spirochety Treponema pallidum v klinickém materiálu. (2007)
Complete sequence of low-copy-number plasmid MccC7-H22 of probiotic Escherichia coli H22 and the prevalence of mcc genes among human E. coli. (2007)
Charakteristika mikroflóry povrchu chlazené drůbeže. (2007)
Genome Differences between Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum Strain Nichols and T. paraluiscuniculi Strain Cuniculi A (2007)
Genome of Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue Samoa D:Comparison of pyrosequencing and comparative genome sequencing. (2007)
Sekvenace genomů patogenních treponem: Sangerova sekvenace, komparativní genomová sekvenace a pyrosekvenace. (2007)
Pyrosequencing as a tool for whole genome sequencing of Treponema pallidum subspecies. (2007)
Spontánní výskyt lyzogenie a bakteriocinogenie v druzích sedmi rodů čeledi Enterobacteriaceae (2007)
Diagnosis of syphilis by polymerase chain reaction and molecular typing of Treponema pallidum. (2006)
Complete sequence of low-copy-number plasmid MccC7-H22 of probiotic Escherichia coli H22 and the prevalence of mcc genes among human E. coli. (2008)
člen podoborové komise 310 GAČR (2007)
Srovnání typovacích systémů u Treponema pallidum. (2008)
Sekvenace genomu Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue Samoa D: srovnání tří metod celogenomové sekvenace. (2008)
Rozdiely v interakcii kolicínov U a Y s receptorom OmpA. (2008)
A novel Treponema pallidum antigen, TP0136, is an outer membrane protein that binds human fibronectin. (2008)
Complete genome sequence of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum strain SS14 determined with oligonucleotide arrays (2008)
Mapování sekvenčních rozdílů opičího izolátu Treponema pallidum Fribourg-Blanc a lidských patogenních spirochet. (2008)
Spirocheta Treponema pallidum a její detekce v klinickém materiálu. (2008)
Srovnání tří celogenomových sekvenačních metod při sekvenaci genomu Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue Samoa D (2008)
Interakcie kolicínov U a Y s receptorom OmpA. (2008)
Rozdíly ve struktuře genomu u vybraných zástupců rodu Treponema. (2008)
Celogenomové sekvenační metody: srovnání 3 metod při sekvenaci genomu Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue Samoa D. (2008)
člen podoborové komise 310 GAČR (2008)
Zmapovanie interakcií kolicínov U a Y s receptorom OmpA. (2006)
PCR detekce a kmenová typizace spirochety Treponema pallidum v biologickém materiálu. (2008)
Syfilis u pacientů označovaných jako "men having sex with men" - význam přímého průkazu metodou PCR (2008)
Inactivation of colicin Y by intramembrane helix helix interaction with its immunity protein (2008)
Lidský genom: kam kráčí současný výzkum? (2008)
Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum a její detekce v klinickém materiálu. (2008)
Diagnostika časné syfilidy metodou PCR - přínos pro klinickou praxi. (2008)
Bacteriocin types produced by Escherichia coli strains isolated from human and animal samples. (2008)
Genome differences in the genus Treponema. (2008)
Sequencing and molecular typing of hypervariable loci in the Treponema pallidum genomes: characterizations of type strains and clinical isolates. (2008)
Zmapovanie interakcií kolicínov U a Y s receptorom OmpA (2008)
Diagnostika časné syfilidy metodou PCR, přínos pro klinickou praxi. (2008)
Detekce Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v klinickém materiálu. (2009)
Přínos PCR pro diagnostiku časné syfilidy. (2009)
Rezistence T. pallidum k makrolidům (diagnostika a kazustika). (2009)
Macrolide treatment failure in a case of secondary syphilis: a novel A2059G mutation in the 23S rRNA gene of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum. (2009)
Bakteriocín kmeňa Yersinia frederiksenii 27601 (2009)
Mapování sekvenčních rozdílů u rodu Treponema. (2009)
Nová strategie sekvencování celého genomu patogenních spirochet. (2009)
Nový bakteriocín rodu Yersinia. (2009)
Kolicin FY - nový bakteriocín rodu Yersinia. (2009)
Celogenomové restrikční mapování u zástupců rodu Treponema. (2009)
Charakterizace bakteriofágů rodu Salmonella. (2009)
Whole genome amplification and analysis: genome differences in the genus Treponema. (2009)
Molekulárne typovanie bakteriocínov v skupinách kmeňov Escherichia coli. (2009)
Srovnání genomů původců yaws s genomem kmene Nichols, původcem syfilis. (2009)
Whole genome sequencing of pathogenic and nonpathogenic treponemes: comparison of syphilis and yaws strains with T. paraluiscuniculi. (2009)
Screening of macrolide resistance locus in Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum in the Czech Republic. (2009)
Molekulárna typizácia bakteriocínov v skupinách kmeňov Escherichia coli. (2009)
Detekce původce syfilis Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum v klinickém materiálu pomocí nested PCR rekce. (2009)
Diagnostika původce syfilis Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum v klinickém materiálu pomocí nested PCR reakce. (2009)
Molekulární detekce lokusu makrolidové rezistence u klinických izolátů syfilis v České republice. (2009)
Komparativní analýza genomů Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue a Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. (2009)
The complete genome sequence of T. paraluiscuniculi strain Cuniculi A and its comparison with syphilis spirochete genome. (2009)
Characterization of uropathogenic E. coli strains with reduced susceptibility or resistance to extended spectrum cephalosporines. (2009)
Syfilis, diagnostika a kmenová typizace. (2009)
Molekulárně biologická diagnostika původce syfilis Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v klinickém materiálu. (2009)
Clarithromycin treatment failure due to macrolide resistance in Treponema pallidum in a patient with primary syphilis. (2010)
Colicin E1 production is associated with bacteriocin multiproducer strains in uropathogenic Escherichia coli. (2009)
Molekulární detekce syfilis: PCR diagnostika, typizace a detekce makrolidové rezistence u Treponema pallidum. (2010)
členství v panelu P302 lékařských a biologických věd GAČR (2009)
Charakterizace uropatogenních kmenů E. coli rezistentních k širokospektrým cefalosporinům (2010)
Complete genome sequence of T. paraluiscuniculi, strain Cuniculi A: an evidence for adaptation of T. paraluiscuniculi to rabbits. (2010)
Molecular characterization of clinical isolates of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum in the Czech Republic. (2010)
Playing with OmpA: identification of colicin-recognizing epitope of OmpA receptor. (2010)
Srovnání genomů původců yaws a syfilis. (2010)
Bacteriocinogeny in experimental pigs treated with short-term high-dose indomethacin with or without probiotic bacteria Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (2011)
Bacteriocin synthesis in uropathogenic and commensal Escherichia coli: colicin E1 is a potential virulence factor. (2010)
Genome analysis of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum and subsp. pertenue strains by whole genome fingerprinting: most of the genetic differences are localized in six genomic regions. (2010)
Projekt lidského mikrobiomu. (2010)
Najvirulentnější zástupca rodu Treponema - Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum DAL-1 a jeho celogenómová sekvencia. (2010)
Whole genome fingerprinting of 8 strains from the genus Treponema. (2010)
Treponema pallidum: celogenomové rozdíly mezi poddruhy pallidum a pertenue. (2010)
Určení genomové sekvence Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum kmene Mexico A pomocí metody Solexa. (2010)
Najvirulentnější zástupca rodu Treponema (2010)
Nový kolicín rodu Yersinia. (2010)
Diverzita a frekvence výskytu bakteriocinů u lidských komensálních a patogenních kmenů E. coli. (2010)
Celogenomové restrikční mapování u vybraných zástupců rodu Treponema. (2010)
Whole genome fingerprinting of 8 strains from the genus Treponema. (2010)
Incidence of bacteriocin types among human commensal and pathogenic E. coli strains. (2010)
Molekulární typizace bakteriocinů produkovaných bakteriálními kmeny izolovanými z klinického materiálu. (2010)
Celogenomové restrikční mapování u 8 zástupců rodu Treponema. (2010)
Identifikácia bakteriocínov u kmeňov Escherichia coli izolovaných z črevnej flóry pacientov u infekčných a neinfekčných ochorení tráviaceho traktu. (2010)
Identifikácia receptoru nového kolicínu FY. (2010)
Identifikace genetických rozdílů mezi původci yaws a syfilis. (2010)
Výskyt genů kódujících bakteriociny v kmenech E. coli izolovaných z klinického materiálu. (2010)
Identifikácia bakteriocínov u kmeňov Escherichia coli izolovaných z črevnej flóry pacientov s ochoreniami tráviaceho traktu. (2010)
Najvirulentnejší zástupca rodu Treponema - Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum DAL-1 a jeho celogenómová sekvencia. (2010)
Complete Genome Sequence of Treponema paraluiscuniculi, Strain Cuniculi A: The Loss of Infectivity to Humans Is Associated with Genome Decay (2011)
Molekulární detekce, kmenová typizace a stanovení makrolidové rezistence původce syfilis – Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v klinickém materiálu. (2011)
Molecular detection of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum in clinical samples: sequencing of TP0136, TP0548 and 23S rRNA genes. (2011)
Nový kolicín rodu Yersinia (2011)
Identifikácia nových typov antibakteriálnych proteínov produkovaných baktériou Escherichia coli (2011)
Celogenomová sekvence Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum kmene Mexico A: Důkaz horizontálního přenosu genů u treponemat? (2011)
Genetická náchylnost člověka k infekčním chorobám (2011)
Experimental Administration of the Probiotic Escherichia coli Strain Nissle 1917 Results in Decreased Diversity of E. coli Strains in Pigs (2012)
Whole Genome Analyses of Treponemes: New Targets for Strain- and Subspecies- Specific Molecular Diagnostics (2011)
Whole genome sequence of treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum strain Mexico A (2011)
Identification of syphilis susceptibility locus - a pilot study (2011)
Molekulární detekce syfilis, kmenová typizace a stanovení makrolidové rezistence u původce syfilis - Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum v klinickém materiálu. (2012)
Charakterizácia kmeňov Escherichia coli izolovaných od osôb s ochoreniami tráviaceho traktu. (2011)
Genome differences between Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum and Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue. (2011)
Whole genome sequences of yaws spirochetes shed more light on Treponema pallidum genomics. (2011)
Bacteriocinogeny in E. coli phylogroups: commensal E. coli strains produce more often colicins whereas pathogenic strains microcins. (2011)
Genetické studie původce syfilis a jejich význam v objasnění virulence a evoluce treponem. (2011)
Colicin FY – a novel bacteriocin of Yersinia frederiksenii. (2011)
Molecular detection and typing of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum in clinical samples based on sequencing of TP0136, TP0548 and 23S rRNA genes. (2011)
Molecular detection and typing of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum in clinical samples based on sequencing of TP0136, TP0548 and 23S rRNA genes (2011)
Bacteriocin genes among E. coli strains: the incidence depends on genotype and phenotype of E. coli strains (2011)
Whole Genome Sequences of Three Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue Strains: Yaws and Syphilis Treponemes Differ in Less than 0.2% of the Genome Sequence (2012)
Human Escherichia coli strains of different geographical and time source: bacteriocin types and their gene sequences are population-specific (2012)
Zmeny v genetickej výbave kmeňov E. coli izolovaných od pacientov s diagnostikovaným ochorením tráviacej sústavy. (2012)
New antibacterial substance produced by Escherichia coli O104:H4. (2012)
Diverzita kmeňov Escherichia coli izolovaných od pacientov s ochoreniami gastrointestinálneho traktu. (2012)
Whole Genome Sequence of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum, Strain Mexico A, Suggests Recombination between Yaws and Syphilis Strains (2012)
Complete genome sequence of Treponema pallidum strain DAL-1 (2012)
Genetic diversity in Treponema pallidum: Implications for pathogenesis, evolution and molecular diagnostics of syphilis and yaws (2012)
Novel Colicin F-Y of Yersinia frederiksenii Inhibits Pathogenic Yersinia Strains via YiuR-Mediated Reception, TonB Import, and Cell Membrane Pore Formation (2012)
Sequencing-based Molecular Typing of Treponema pallidum Strains in the Czech Republic: All Identified Genotypes are Related to the Sequence of the SS14 Strain (2012)
Kompletní genomová sekvence Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum kmene Mexico A (2011)
Whole genome sequence of Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum strain Mexico A (2011)
Celogenomová sekvence T. pallidum subsp. endemicum kmene Bosnia A (2012)
Novel pore-forming colicin FY identified in the genus Yersinia (2012)
Bakteriociny čeledi Enterobacteriaceae účinkující na patogenní bakterie (2012)
Newly Described Colicin FY from Yersinia frederiksenii Forms Cation Selective Voltage-activated Pores (2012)
Colicin FY – a bacteriocin specifically killing pathogenic strains of Y. enterocolitica (2012)
Identification of cytokinin receptors of Brassica napus (2012)
Nový typ antibakteriálnej substancie produkovaný E. coli O104:H4 (2013)
Novel antibacterial substance produced by Escherichia coli O104:H4. (2013)
Význam bakteriocinogénie v patogenite Escherichia coli. (2013)
Is there a difference between hare syphilis and rabbit syphilis? Cross infection experiments between rabbits and hares (2013)
Whole Genome Sequence of the Treponema Fribourg-Blanc: Unspecified Simian Isolate Is Highly Similar to the Yaws Subspecies (2013)
Structure of rrn operons in pathogenic noncultivable treponemes: sequence but not genomic position of intergenic spacers correlates with classification of Treponema pallidum and Treponema paraluiscuniculi strains (2013)
Celogenomová sekvence bakterie Pragia fontium 26413 (2013)
Identification of genes encoding phage tail-like bacteriocins in Pragia fontium (2013)
Produkce kolicinu FY – nová vlastnost probiotických kmenů? (2013)
Kolicin FY inhibuje růst kmenů Yersinia enterocolitica (2013)
Účinek kolicinu FY na kmeny Yersinia enterocolitica (2013)
Bakteriociny čeledě Enterobacteriaceae: probiotický potenciál kolicinu FY (2013)
Colicin FY inhibits a broad spectrum of Y. enterocolitica isolates (2013)
Comparison of CDC and sequence-based molecular typing of syphilis treponemes: tpr and arp loci are variable in multiple samples from the same patient (2013)
Resequencing of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum Strains Nichols and SS14: Correction of Sequencing Errors Resulted in Increased Separation of Syphilis Treponeme Subclusters (2013)
Escherichia coli strains encoding type 1 fimbriae are more often bacteriocin producers (2013)
Střevní mikrobiota u idiopatických střevních zánětu a kolorektálních neoplazií (2013)
Advances in the Diagnosis of Endemic Treponematoses: Yaws, Bejel, and Pinta (2013)
Unique Activity Spectrum of Colicin FY: All 110 Characterized Yersinia enterocolitica Isolates Were Colicin FY Susceptible (2013)
Nový typ antibakteriálnej substancie produkovaný E. coli O104:H4. (2013)
Identification of gene cluster responsible for production of antimicrobial agents in Pragia fontium (2014)
Antarktické bakterie jako zdroj nových antimikrobiálních látek (2014)
Antibakteriální látky produkováné bakterií Pragia fontium 24613 (2014)
Identifikace genů zodpovědných za produkci antibakteriálních látek u Pragia fontium pomocí náhodné mutageneze (2014)
Sekvenční analýza genomů Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum izolovaných z klinického materiálnu (2013)
Molekulární typizace kmenů Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum v České republice (2014)
Sequencing-based molecular typing of Treponema pallidum strains in the Czech Republic during years 2012-2013 (2014)
Molekulární typizace syfilitických kmenů v České republice v letech 2011-2013 (2014)
Syphilis-causing strains belong to separate SS14-like or Nichols-like groups as defined by multilocus analysis of 19 Treponema pallidum strains (2014)
Molecular Typing of Treponema pallidum in the Czech Republic during 2011 to 2013: Increased Prevalence of Identified Genotypes and of Isolates with Macrolide Resistance (2014)
The Molecular Typing Data of Recently Identified Subtype 11q/j of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum Suggest Imported Case of Yaws. (2014)
Molecular characterization of syphilis treponemes in the Czech Republic and Argentina: several new genotypes were identified among isolates collected in 2013. (2014)
Bakteriocinogénia ako virulentný faktor kmeňov E. coli. (2014)
Význam bakteriocinogénie vo virulencii kmeňov Escherichia coli. (2014)
Characterization of human uropathogenic ESBL-producing Escherichia coli: spread of CTX-M-27-producing B2-O25b-ST131 strains in Brno, Czech Republic. (2014)
Produkcia bakteriocínov ako virulentný faktor kmeňov Escherichia coli. (2014)
Bacteriocin-encoding genes and ExPEC virulence determinants are associated in human fecal Escherichia coli strains (2014)
Antarctic pseudomonads as a source of new antimicrobials (2014)
Analysis of the first draft genome sequence of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum isolated directly from the human clinical sample (2014)
Characterization of Human Uropathogenic ESBL-Producing Escherichia coli in the Czech Republic: Spread of CTX-M-27-Producing Strains in a University Hospital (2014)
Whole Genome Sequence of the Treponema pallidum subsp. endemicum Strain Bosnia A: The Genome Is Related to Yaws Treponemes but Contains Few Loci Similar to Syphilis Treponemes (2014)
Uncultivable Pathogenic Treponemes (2015)
Molecular typing of syphilis: dynamic spectrum of genotypes and increasing rate of macrolide resistant isolates in the Czech Republic during last decade (2014)
Identification of AHK2- and AHK3-like cytokinin receptors in Brassica napus reveals two subfamilies of AHK2 orthologues (2015)
Escherichia coli strains of phylogenetic group B2 and D and bacteriocin production are associated with advanced colorectal neoplasia (2014)
The 2 simultaneously Published "k" Sequence Variants of tp0548 Locus of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum Isolates Differ: The One Published Later Has to Be Renamed as "l" (2015)
Genetic diversity of colicin E1 and fimbriae type I in Escherichia coli strains. (2015)
Cold-active antimicrobial agents produced by Antarctic pseudomonads (2015)
Complete Genome Sequence of Pragia fontium 24613, an Environmental Bacterium from the Family Enterobacteriaceae (2015)
Macrolide Resistance in the Syphilis Spirochete, Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum: Can We Also Expect Macrolide-Resistant Yaws Strains? (2015)
Rezistence původce syfilis, Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, k makrolidovým antibiotikům v České republice a ve světě (2015)
Příprava treponemální DNA izolované přímo z klinického materiálu pro celogenomové sekvenování (2015)
Isolation and amplification of treponemal DNA directly from the patient sample for whole genome sequencing (2015)
Studium střevního mikrobiomu u pacientů s běžným variabilním imunodeficitem (CVID) (2015)
Determinants encoding fimbriae type 1 in fecal Escherichia coli are associated with increased frequency of bacteriocinogeny (2015)
A Retrospective Study on Genetic Heterogeneity within Treponema Strains: Subpopulations Are Genetically Distinct in a Limited Number of Positions (2015)
Isolation of human pathogen Escherichia albertii from faeces of seals (Leptonychos weddelli) in James Ross Island, Antarctica (2013)
Gut microbiome in patients with Antibody deficiency disorders (2016)
Whole genome sequencing of Treponema pallidum DNA directly from human samples (2016)
Treponema pallidum 11qj Subtype May Correspond to a Treponema pallidum Subsp Endemicum Strain (2016)
Treponema pallidum, the syphilis spirochete: making a living as a stealth pathogen (2016)
Colicins U and Y inhibit growth of Escherichia coli strains via recognition of conserved OmpA extracellular loop 1 (2016)
Microcin determinants are associated with B2 phylogroup of human fecal Escherichia coli isolates (2016)
Human extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli strains differ in prevalence of virulence factors, phylogroups, and bacteriocin determinants (2016)
Characterizing the Syphilis-Causing Treponema pallidum ssp pallidum Proteome Using Complementary Mass Spectrometry (2016)
Isolation of Treponema DNA from Necrophagous Flies in a Natural Ecosystem (2016)
Origin of modern syphilis and emergence of a pandemic Treponema pallidum cluster (2017)
Human Treponema pallidum 11q/j isolate belongs to subsp. endemicum but contains two loci with a sequence in TP0548 and TP0488 similar to subsp. pertenue and subsp. pallidum, respectively (2017)
Technologie s vlastnostmi ověřenými in vivo (2016)
Novel Temperate Phages of Salmonella enterica subsp salamae and subsp diarizonae and Their Activity against Pathogenic S-enterica subsp enterica Isolates (2017)
Molecular typing of Treponema pallidum isolates from Buenos Aires, Argentina: Frequent Nichols-like isolates and low levels of macrolide resistance (2017)
Molecular Typing of Syphilis-Causing Strains Among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Patients in Antwerp, Belgium (2017)
Human Escherichia coli isolates from hemocultures: Septicemia linked to urogenital tract infections is caused by isolates harboring more virulence genes than bacteraemia linked to other conditions (2017)
Comparison of five bacterial DNA extraction methods from germ-free mice fecal samples (2017)
Complete genome sequences of two strains of Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue from Ghana, Africa: Identical genome sequences in samples isolated more than 7 years apart (2017)
Complete genome sequence of bacteriophage SEN8, a temperate phage isolated from salmonella enterica subsp. salamae (2017)
Free-Living Enterobacterium Pragia fontium 24613: Complete Genome Sequence and Metabolic Profiling (2017)
Gastrointestinal microbiome in patients with primary immune deficiencies (2017)
Reanalysis of Chinese Treponema pallidum samples: all Chinese samples cluster with SS14-like group of syphilis-causing treponemes (2018)
Characterization of four Escherichia albertii isolates collected from animals living in Antarctica and Patagonia (2018)
Isolated populations of Ixodes lividus ticks in the Czech Republic and Belgium host genetically homogeneous Rickettsia vini (2018)
Macrolide resistance in yaws (2018)
Low-dose versus standard-dose azithromycin for treatment of yaws (2018)
The genome sequence of Pseudomonas prosekii, a novel Antarctic bacterium (2018)
Gene target selection for loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid discrimination of Treponema pallidum subspecies (2018)
Multi-locus sequence typing of Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum present in clinical samples from France: Infecting treponemes are genetically diverse and belong to 18 allelic profiles (2018)
Molecular characterization of Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum in Switzerland and France with a new multilocus sequence typing scheme (2018)
Nonhuman primates across sub-Saharan Africa are infected with the yaws bacterium Treponema pallidum subsp pertenue (2018)
Sequencing of Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum from isolate UZ1974 using Anti-Treponemal Antibodies Enrichment: First complete whole genome sequence obtained directly from human clinical material (2018)
Escherichia coli isolates from patients with inflammatory bowel disease: ExPEC virulence- and colicin-determinants are more frequent compared to healthy controls (2018)
Colicin F-Y inhibits pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in mice (2018)
Bejel in Cuba: molecular identification of Treponema pallidum subsp endemicum in patients diagnosed with venereal syphilis (2018)
Artificial fungal community (fMOCK) as a control of sequencing process in mycobiome research. (2018)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients. (2018)
Complete genome sequences of two strains of Treponema pallidum subsp pertenue from Indonesia: Modular structure of several treponemal genes (2018)
The inositol phosphatase SHIP2 enables sustained ERK activation downstream of FGF receptors by recruiting Src kinases (2018)
First evidence of high-molecular-weight bacteriocin (tailocin) produced by Antarctic Pseudomonas spp. (2018)
Sequence Variation of Rare Outer Membrane Protein beta-Barrel Domains in Clinical Strains Provides Insights into the Evolution of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, the Syphilis Spirochete (2018)
Genetics of human and animal uncultivable treponemal pathogens (2018)
Fibroblast growth factor receptor influences primary cilium length through an interaction with intestinal cell kinase (2019)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients and paired healthy controls sharing the same household (2019)
The Impact of DNA Extraction Methods on Stool Bacterial and Fungal Microbiota Community Recovery (2019)
Bacterial but Not Fungal Gut Microbiota Alterations Are Associated With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Phenotype (2019)
Directly Sequenced Genomes of Contemporary Strains of Syphilis Reveal Recombination-Driven Diversity in Genes Encoding Predicted Surface-Exposed Antigens (2019)
First report of hare treponematosis seroprevalence of European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) in the Czech Republic: seroprevalence negatively correlates with altitude of sampling areas (2019)
Genome sequences of two Antarctic strains of Pseudomonas prosekii: insights into adaptation to extreme conditions (2020)
Colicin Z, a structurally and functionally novel colicin type that selectively kills enteroinvasive Escherichia coli and Shigella strains (2019)
Identification of positively selected genes in human pathogenic treponemes: Syphilis-, yaws-, and bejel-causing strains differ in sets of genes showing adaptive evolution (2019)
MLST typing of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum in the Czech Republic during 2004-2017: Clinical isolates belonged to 25 allelic profiles and harbored 8 novel allelic variants (2019)
Porcine pathogenic Escherichia coli strains differ from human fecal strains in occurrence of bacteriocin types (2019)
Multilocus Sequence Typing of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum in Cuba From 2012 to 2017 (2019)
A public database for the new MLST scheme for Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum: surveillance and epidemiology of the causative agent of syphilis (2019)
Strain diversity of Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue suggests rare interspecies transmission in African nonhuman primates (2019)
Genetic Stability of the Typing Loci Used in the Multilocus Sequence Typing and Enhanced CDC Typing of Syphilis Treponemes (2019)
Colicin U from Shigella boydii Forms Voltage-Dependent Pores (2019)
Bacterial and fungal gut microbiota analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) disorders: paired case-control study (2019)
Bacteriocin production by mucosal bacteria in current and previous colorectal neoplasia (2020)
Administration of the Probiotic Escherichia coli Strain A0 34/86 Resulted in a Stable Colonization of the Human Intestine During the First Year of Life (2020)
Whole genome sequence of the Treponema pallidum subsp. endemicum strain Iraq B: A subpopulation of bejel treponemes contains full-length tprF and tprG genes similar to those present in T. p. subsp. pertenue strains (2020)
Complete Chromosomal Sequences of Two Borrelia miyamotoi Samples Obtained from Ixodes ricinus Eggs in Czechia (2020)
A retrospective study on nested PCR detection of syphilis treponemes in clinical samples: PCR detection contributes to the diagnosis of syphilis in patients with seronegative and serodiscrepant results (2020)
Non-antibiotic antibacterial peptides and proteins ofEscherichia coli: efficacy and potency of bacteriocins (2021)
Genotyping of Treponema pallidumin Cuba (2018-2019): Increased Circulation of Recombinant Genotype and No New Treponema pallidum Subspeciesendemicum Infection Among Syphilis Patients (2020)
No bejel among Surinamese, Antillean and Dutch syphilis diagnosed patients in Amsterdam between 2006-2018 evidenced by multi-locus sequence typing of Treponema pallidum isolates (2020)
High syphilis seropositivity in European brown hares (Lepus europaeus), Lower Saxony, Germany (2020)
The Arg753Gln Polymorphism of Toll-Like Receptor 2 Has a Lower Occurrence in Patients with Syphilis, Suggesting Its Protective Effect in Czech and Slovak Individuals (2021)
A verified genomic reference sample for assessing performance of cancer panels detecting small variants of low allele frequency (2021)
Cross-oncopanel study reveals high sensitivity and accuracy with overall analytical performance depending on genomic regions (2021)
Analysis of Treponema pallidum Strains From China Using Improved Methods for Whole-Genome Sequencing From Primary Syphilis Chancres (2021)
Characterisation of Escherichia coli isolated from Antarctic animals (2021)
Invasion at the population level: a story of the freshwater snails Gyraulus parvus and G. laevis (2021)
Patients With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Show Higher Gut Bacterial Diversity and Levels of Low-Abundance Genes Than the Healthy Housemates (2021)
Systematic Feature Filtering in Exploratory Metabolomics: Application toward Biomarker Discovery (2021)
Escherichia coli Strains Producing Selected Bacteriocins Inhibit Porcine Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) under both In Vitro and In Vivo Conditions (2021)
Pyocin-mediated antagonistic interactions in Pseudomonas spp. isolated in James Ross Island, Antarctica (2022)
Penicillin Treatment Failure in Rabbit Syphilis Due to the Persistence of Treponemes (Treponema paraluisleporidarum Ecovar Cuniculus) in the Focus of Infection (2021)
Genetic diversity of Leptospira isolates in Lao PDR and genome analysis of an outbreak strain (2021)
The distribution of lagomorph syphilis caused by Treponema paraluisleporidarum in Europe (2021)
Pseudomonas prosekii isolated in Antarctica inhibits plantpathogenic strains of Pseudomonas viridiflava and Pseudomonas fluorescens (2021)
R-Type Fonticins Produced by Pragia fontium Form Large Pores with High Conductance. (2023)
PARG and BRCA1-BARD1 cooperative function regulates DNA repair pathway choice during gametogenesis (2022)
Continuous double-strand break induction and their differential processing sustain chiasma formation during Caenorhabditis elegans meiosis (2022)
Whole genome sequences of Treponema pallidum subsp. endemicum isolated from Cuban patients: The non-clonal character of isolates suggests a persistent human infection rather than a single outbreak (2022)
High frequency of Nichols-like strains and increased levels of macrolide resistance in Treponema pallidum in clinical samples from Buenos Aires, Argentina (2022)
Trial of Three Rounds of Mass Azithromycin Administration for Yaws Eradication (2022)
Evolutionary Processes in the Emergence and Recent Spread of the Syphilis Agent, Treponema pallidum (2022)
Syphilis causing strains: differences in growth rates and patients infection characteristics (2022)
Syphilis causing strains: differences in growth rates and patients infection characteristics (2022)
Escherichia coli from biopsies differ in virulence genes between patients with colorectal neoplasia and healthy controls (2023)
"Fearless Faith" : Increasing Risk-taking through Magical Thinking (2023)
"Fearless faith": Increasing Risk-taking through Magical Thinking (2023)
"Neohrožená víra" : zvýšení ochoty riskovat skrze magické myšlení (2023)
Complete genome sequences of five Escherichia coli strains with probiotic attributes (2023)
Lékařská biologie II. Genetika a molekulární medicína (2023)
The genomes of the yaws bacterium, Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue, of nonhuman primate and human origin are not genomically distinct (2023)
Whole Genome Sequence of Treponema Paraluisleporidarum Ecovar Lepus, Strain V3603-13 (2023)
Escheria Coli differs in virulence-associated genes between patients with colorectal neoplazma and healthy controls (2023)
In vitro cultivation of Treponema Pallidum: New tool to study physiology and genetics of the syphilis agent (2023)
RNAseq of Treponema Pallidum during experimental rabbit infection (2023)
Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli in camels: Characteristics and sources of infection (2023)
Low genetic diversity of Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue (TPE) isolated from patients’ ulcers in Namatanai District of Papua New Guinea (2023)
Co-infection with two closely related Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue strains in a yaws patient from Namatanai, Papua New Guinea (2023)
High prevalence and genetic diversity of Treponema paraluisleporidarum isolates in European lagomorphs (2024)
High colonisation by probiotic Escherichia coli A0 34/86 strain is associated with a less diverse microbiome related to children’s age (2024)
Low genetic diversity of Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue (TPE) isolated from patients’ ulcers in Namatanai District of Papua New Guinea: Local human population is infected by three TPE genotypes (2024)
Comparison of sequencing analyses targeting the V1/V2 and V3/V4 regions in the 16S rDNA gene – analysis of bacteriome in oral swabs and esophageal tissues (2023)
16S rDNA sequencing analysis of low-abundance samples spiked with bacterial mock community (2023)
Treponematosis in critically endangered Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Senegal (2024)
The Arg753Gln Polymorphisms in Toll-like Receptor 2 in a Syphilis-Infected and Control Population in The Netherlands: Can Differences in the Number of Self-Reported Sexual Contacts Indicate Protection against Syphilis? (2024)
Optimizing ChIRP-MS for Comprehensive Profiling of RNA-Protein Interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana: A Telomerase RNA Case Study (2024)
Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum strains DAL-1 and Philadelphia 1 differ in generation times in vitro as well as during experimental rabbit infection (2024)
Coinfection of a yaws patient with two closely related Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue strains: A rare event with potential evolutionary implications (2024)
Rare multi-fungal sepsis: a case of triple-impact immunoparalysis (2024)
Majority of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum MLST allelic profiles in the Czech Republic (2004–2022) belong to two SS14-like clusters (2024)
The hare syphilis agent is related to, but distinct from, the treponeme causing rabbit syphilis (2024)
Sequence typing of Haemophilus ducreyi isolated from patients in the Namatanai region of Papua New Guinea: Infections by Class I and Class II strain types differ in ulcer duration and resurgence of infection after azithromycin treatment (2024)
Clinical and genomic diversity of Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum to inform vaccine research: an international, molecular epidemiology study (2024)
Linking planar polarity signaling to actomyosin contractility during vertebrate neurulation (2024)
Linking planar polarity signalling to actomyosin contractility during vertebrate neurulation (2024)
Syphilis framboesiformis (2024)
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