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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Developmental Control of Telomere Lengths and Telomerase Activity in Plants (1998)
Plant cells express telomerase activity upon transfer to callus culture, without extensively changing telomere lengths (1998)
DNA loop domains in a 1.4-Mb region around the human hprt gene mapped by cleavage mediated by nuclear matrix-associated topoisomerase II (1998)
Using detection of telomerase activityand expression in oncology diagnostics (1999)
Telomerase activity, telomere length and telomere structure in the dicot plant silene latifolia (1999)
P80/ detailní mapování methylcystosinů v oblasti Pa promotoru BCR-ABL lokusu u pacientů s diagnózou CML a dvou modelových buněčných linií, K562 a BV173 (1999)
Sledování aktivity telomerázy v průběhu léčby dětských leukémií (1999)
Dynamics of plant telomeres (1998)
Sledování de novo methylace Pa promotoru v průběhu CML (1998)
DNA methylation state of the CpG island at the Pa promoter within the bcr-abl locus followed in CML patients (1998)
Telomere dynamics during plant development (1998)
Developmenthal control of telomere lengths and telomerase activity in plants (1998)
Telomere dynamics during plant differentiation and dedifferentiation (1998)
Inhibition of plant telomerase by telomere-binding proteins from nuclei of telomerase-negatative tissues (2000)
TAS49-a dispersed repetitive sequence isolated from subtelomeric regions of Nicotiana tomentosiformis chromosomes (1999)
TAS49-a dispersed repetitive sequence isolated from subtelomeric regions of Nicotiana tomentosiformis chromosomes (2000)
Detailed Mapping of Methylcythosine Positions at the CpG Island Surrounding tha Pa Promoter at the bcr-abl Locus in CML Patients in Two Cell Lines, K562 and BV 173 (2000)
Analysis of the G-overhang structures on plant telomeres: evidence for two distinct telomere architectures (2000)
The Health Industry Council (2000)
DNA and Chromatin Structure of Telomere-Subtelomere Junctions in Silene latifolia (2000)
Telomerase Activity,Expression and Telomere in situ Analysis in the Course of Treatment of Childhood Leukemias (2000)
Telomere-binding Proteins from Nuclei of Telomerase-Negative Tissues Inhibit Plant Telomerase (invited lecture) (2000)
Telomerase activity and expression in the course of treatment of acute childhood leukemias (2000)
Telomerase Activity and Expresion and Telomere Analysis in Situ in the Course of Treatment of Childhood Leukemias (2000)
Novel dystrophin mutations revealed by analysis of dystrophin mRNA: alternative splicing suppresses the phenotypic effect of a nonsense mutation (2001)
Columnar Packing of Telomeric Nucleosomes (2001)
Changes in the expression of FGFR3 in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia receiving transplants of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cells (2001)
Transition between two forms of heterochromatin at plant subtelomeres (2001)
In situ localization of short repetitive sequences on extended DNA fibers of Silene latifolia (2001)
Further characterization of telomeric chromatin (2001)
Reversibility of cadmium-induced apoptosis is associated with increased level of telomerase activity in tobacco TBY-2 cells (2001)
Columnar Structure Of Telomeric Chromatin (2001)
In Situ Analysis of Telomeres in Haematological Malignancies (2001)
Analysis of dystrophin mRNA in patients with DMD,BMD and XLDC (2001)
Tiptoeing to chromosome tips: facts, promises and perils of today's human telomere biology (2002)
Analysis of chromosome termini in potato varieties (2002)
Recovery of tobacco cells from cadmium stress is accompanied by DNA repair and increased telomerase activity (2002)
Genomika v koncích - pokroky a perspektivy v biologii telomer (2002)
Chromatin organization at telomere-subtelomere boundaries (2002)
Changes in telomerase activity and expression in the process of butyrate-induced cell differentiation (2002)
DNA and Chromatin Structure in Plant Telomere-Associated Regions (2002)
Unusual telomeres in plants (2002)
Structural Biology of Telomeres (2002)
Genomika v koncích - pokroky a perspektivy v biologii telomer. (2002)
Structure and Maintenance of Chromosome Ends in Plants (2002)
What do we know about key players in the field of plant telomeres (2003)
Comparison of different kinds of probes used for analysis of variant telomeric sequences (2003)
Surprise at chromosome termini of Asparagales plants (2003)
In situ techniques in analysis of telomeres (2003)
Využití in situ technik v analýze telomer nádorových buněk (2003)
Characterisation of two myb-like proteins showing affinity to telomeric DNA sequence from Arabidopsis thaliana (2003)
Characterization of telomere-subtelomere junctions in Silene latifolia (2003)
Telomere-binding proteins from nuclei of monocotyledonous plants (2003)
The absence of Arabidopsis-type telomeres in Cestrum and closely related genera Vestia and Sessea (Solanaceae): first evidence from eudicots (2003)
Changes in Telomerase Activity, Expression and Splicing in Response to Differentiation of Normal and Carcinoma Colon Cells (2003)
Analýza telomer nádorových buněk technikami in situ (2003)
Telomere variability in the monocotyledonous plant order Asparagales (2003)
Proč je biologie telomer, ač módní, přesto užitečná? (2003)
Genotyping of potato varieties using telomere-associated sequences (2003)
Characterisation of two Arabidopsis thaliana myb-like proteins showing affinity to telomeric DNA sequence (2003)
Variability of telomeres in the monocotyledonous plant order Asparagales (2003)
Analysis of Cestrum genome - a plant genus that had lost (TTTAGGG)n telomeres (2003)
What do we know about key players in the field of plant telomeres (2003)
Surprise at chromosome termini of Asparagales plants (2003)
Využití metod slot-blot hybridizace pro screening sekvencí v rostlinných genomech (2003)
Hledání rostlinných telomer-vazebných proteinů prostřednictvím genomického a proteomického přístupu (2003)
Charakterizace dvou myb-like proteinů z Arabidopsis thaliana, které vykazují afinitu k telomerickým sekvencím (2003)
Dual-color real-time telomeric repeat amplification protocol (2003)
The signature of the Cestrum genome suggests an evolutionary response to the loss of (TTTAGGG)n telomeres (2003)
Characterization of two Arabidopsis thaliana myb-like proteins showing affinity to telomeric DNA sequence (2004)
Telomerase as a diagnostic and predictive marker in colorectal carcinoma (2004)
Evolutionary switchpoints in plant telomeres (2004)
Chromatin structure of Asparagales telomeres - old story with a new end? (2004)
Three distinctive types of telomere in the plant group Asparagales (2004)
Využití variability struktury konců chromozómů pro genotypizaci odrůd bramboru (2004)
Studium konců rostlinných chromozomů a jeho aplikace v charakterizaci odrůd bramboru (2004)
An evolutionary change in telomere sequence motif within the plant section Asparagales had significance for telomere nucleoprotein complexes (2004)
Complete DNA sequence of the linear mitochondrial genome of the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis (2004)
Interactions of putative telomere-binding prooteins in Arabidopsis thaliana: identification of functional TRF2 homolog in plants (2004)
Species divergence in Asparagales is associated with the evolution of novel types of telomeres (2004)
How do Alliaceae maintain their telomeres? - revisited (2004)
Linear genomes in yeast mitochondria: implications from an analysis of the complete DNA sequence (2004)
Telomerase activity in multiple myeloma patients (2004)
Interactions among putative telomere-associated proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana in two-hybrid system (2004)
Loss of Arabidopsis-type telomeres in the evolution of Solanaceae (2004)
Polymorphism in subterminal chromosome regions applied for genotyping of potato varieties (2004)
Nucleoprotein complexes of variant telomeres in Asparagales plants (2004)
Application of the myeloma bank (2005)
Comparison of different kinds of probes used for analysis of variant telomeric sequences (2005)
Techniques in plant telomere biology (2005)
Telomeres in evolution and evolution of telomeres (2005)
Structural Variability of Subtelomeres Applied for Genotyping of Selected Potato Varieties (2005)
Stanovení aktivity telomerázy u mnohočetného myelomu (2005)
Minisatellite telomeres in the family Alliaceae are lost with divergence of the genus Allium (2005)
Plant telomerases synthesizing human type of telomeres (2005)
Allium cepa possess proteins able to bind the human- and Arabidopsis-type of telomeric sequence (2005)
Evolution of plant telomeres - step back or forward? (2005)
Arrangement of multiple sequence variants at telomeres of Hyacinthaceae (2005)
Chromatin structure of typical and alternative telomeres (2005)
Analysis of plant telomere-binding proteins (2005)
Evolution of telomere synthesis in the plant order Asparagales (2005)
Analysis of SMN gene regions in patients with spinal muscular atrophy (2005)
Analysis of histopathologic and molecular genetic findings in Czech LGMD2A patients (2005)
Aktivita telomerázy hlavy a krku v benigních a maligních nádorech (2005)
Minisatellite telomeres occur in the family Alliaceae but are lost in Allium (2006)
Detection of telomerase activity by the TRAP assay and its variants and alternatives (2006)
Asparagales telomerases which synthesize the human type of telomeres (2006)
O polidštění rostlinných telomer (2006)
Bioinformatic and image analyses of the cellular localization of the apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID during apoptosis in human cells (2007)
Analysis of histopathologic and molecular pathologic findings in czech LGMD2A patients (2006)
Evoluční změny v syntéze rostlinných telomer (2006)
Studium rostlinných proteinů in vivo (2006)
Correlation between SMN2 copy-number, variations in expression of SMN2 mRNA and clinical outcome in SMA patients treated with phenylbutyrate and valproic acid (2006)
Telomere-associated proteins of typical and alternative telomeres (2006)
Comparison of different kinds of probes used for analysis of variant telomeric sequences (2006)
Detekce ancestrálních telomerových proteinů u Cestrum parqui (Solanaceae) (2006)
New Perspectives in the Treatment of Inherited Neuromuscular Disorders: Innovative Ideas for the Third Millenium (2006)
člen podoborové komise 521 GAČR (2006)
Quantitative analysis of CAPN3 transcripts in LGMD2A patients: involvement of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (2007)
Analysis of point mutations in the SMN1 gene in SMA patients bearing a single SMN1 copy (2007)
Comparison of expression profile of different protein constructs (2007)
Mapping of interaction domains of putative plant telomere preteins (2007)
Characterisation of AtTRB1 binding properties (2007)
HMGB1 associates with TERT and stimulates telomerase activity (2007)
Telomerase activity in head and neck cancer (2007)
In vivo localisation of Arabidopsis thaliana Myb-like proteins (2007)
On Simulating 3D Fluorescent Microscope Images (2007)
Ovlivnění exprese mRNA genu SMN2 inhibitory histonových deacetyláz a jejich vliv na fenotyp spinální svalové atrofie I. a II. typu (2007)
Bioinformatic predictions and image analysis of localization and interactions of endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID in human cells (2007)
Fluorescent microscopy of living cells (2007)
Bioinformatic and image analyses of cellular localization of apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID (2007)
3D CytoGen 0.1 (2007)
3D OptiGen 0.1 (2007)
3D AcquiGen 0.1 (2007)
Myotonic Dystrophy type 2 in South Moravian Region of Czech Republic (2007)
HMGB1 contributes to chromosome stability by telomerase activation (2007)
Plant telomeres and telomerases (2007)
Characterization of telomere G-strand-binding proteins from the plant order Asparagales (2007)
Svalová biopsie u myotonické dystrofie v éře molekulární genetiky (2007)
Characterization of nucleoprotein complexes in plants with human-type telomere motifs (2007)
Hmotnostní spektrometrie a proteomika (2007)
Comparison of transformation efficiency and expression profile of different protein constructs (2007)
Charakterizace vazebných vlastností ATTRB1 (2007)
Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1A combined with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (2007)
Analysis of point mutations in the SMN1 gene in Czech SMA patients (2007)
Spatial Organization, Dynamics, and Associations of Telomeres in Healthy, Telomerase-Positive and ALT Human Cell Lines (2007)
Genotyping of selected potato cultivars based on structural variation of telomere-associated chromosome regions (2007)
Bioinformatic prediction, molecular modelling and image analysis of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID (2008)
Image analysis of localization and translocation of apoptotic proteins in living cells (2008)
Role of alternative telomere lengthening unmasked in telomerase knock-out mutant plants (2008)
Functional characterization of domains in AtTRB1, a putative telomere-binding protein in Arabidopsis thaliana (2008)
Mapping of interaction domains of putative telomere-binding proteins AtTRB1 and AtPOT1b from Arabidopsis thaliana (2008)
Alternative telomere lengthening in development of normal and telomerase knock-out plants (2008)
Telomere repeat binding protein variants show distinct kinetics and energetic nature of DNA-protein interaction (2008)
Analysis of interaction domains of plant telomere-binding proteins AtTRB1 and AtPOT1b (2008)
Evolution, Composition and Interrelated Functions of Telomeres and Subtelomeres: Lessons from Plants (2008)
Interactions of apoptotic proteins AIF and endonuclease G analyzed by bioinformatic predictions, molecular docking, and fluorescent microscopy (2008)
Prediction of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins (2009)
Quantitative analysis of CAPN3 and DMD transcripts: Involvement of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (2008)
Solanaceae: model plant family for research in telomere biology (2008)
Telomerase Activity in Head and Neck Cancer (2008)
Alternative telomere lengthening in development of normal and telomerase knock-out plants (2008)
Molecular analysis of repetitive elements in giant genomes of Fritillaria ( liliaceae) (2008)
Role of alternative telomere lengthening unmasked in telomerase knock-out mutant plants (2008)
Telomerase activity as a diagnostic and prognostic factor in head and neck cancer (2008)
Role of chromatin structure in telomere maintenance (2008)
Analysis of Telomeres and Telomerase (2008)
ALT in plant development (2008)
In vivo dynamics of telomere-associated protein AtTRB1 (2008)
Epigenetika: konec fatalismu v genetice (od genotypu k fenotypu, od pravidel k realitě, od dogmat k jedinečnosti) (2008)
Plant Telomere Binding Proteins: how to design functional antibody? (2008)
Generation of Specific Antibodies Against Plant Telomere Binding Proteins (2008)
Clinical Features of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy in Czech Population (2008)
Klinický obraz facioskapulohumerální svalové dystrofie v české populaci (2008)
Single-Myb-histone proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana: a quantitative study of telomere-binding specifity and kinetics (2009)
Protect and regulate: recent findings on plant POT1-like proteins (2009)
Two faces of Solanaceae telomeres: a comparison between Nicotiana and Cestrum telomeres and telomere-binding proteins (2008)
Decrease in abundance of APE-1/Ref-1 causes failure of BER in human embryonic stem cells in culture (2009)
Role of HMG Box proteins in telomere maintenance of plants and animals (2009)
Arabidopsis telomeric AtTRB1 protein is a nucleolar factor (2009)
Fate of telomere binding proteins after the loss of telomeres (2009)
HMG Box proteins are involved in telomere maintenance in plants and animals (2009)
Mutation in Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF1) disrupts telomere length maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2009)
Two faces of Solanaceae telomeres: a comparison between Nicotiana and Cestrum telomeres and telomere-binding proteins (2008)
Structure function relationships in telomerase genes (2009)
Mechanismus vazby SMH proteinů na telomerickou DNA (2009)
Application of fluorescence anisotropy to monitor protein binding to telomeric DNA (2009)
Analysis of the CLCN1 gene in Czech patients with myotonia congenita (2009)
První zkušenosti s molekulární diagnostikou kongenitální myotonie (2009)
Point mutations in Czech DMD/BMD patients and their phenotypic outcome (2009)
Genetika (2009)
Chloridové kanalopatie (2009)
Myotonické poruchy: klinické spetrum a genový podklad (2009)
Hypomethylace DNA neovlivňuje délku rostlinných telomer (2009)
Analýza délky telomer u mutantů CAF1 Arabidopsis thaliana (2009)
Analýza velkých genomových přeuspořádání v genu pro LDL receptor (2009)
Analýza genů CLCN1 a SCN4A u pacientů s non-dystrofickou myotonií (2009)
Chromatin structure in relation to telomere length maintenance in plants (2009)
Disruption of telomere length maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana by mutation in Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF1) (2009)
In vitro translace a imunoprecipitace: problémy a jejich řešení (2009)
Regulation of telomeres by chromatin associated High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) protein (2009)
Konce chromozomů u rostlinné čeledi Alliaceae (2009)
Analysis of DNA-binding proteins by FRAP AND FLIP (2009)
CESTRUM (Kladivník): zástupce dvouděložných rostlin s neobvyklými telomerami (2009)
Evolutionary response of telomeric proteins to the loss of ancestral telomeres in Solanaceae (2009)
Myotonic disorders in czech population (2009)
AtTRB1, a telomeric DNA-binding protein from Arabidopsis, is concentrated in the nucleolus and shows highly dynamic association with chromatin (2010)
Rad52 Sumoylation Affects the Efficiency of the Recombination and DNA Repair (2009)
Rad52 Sumoylation Affects the Efficiency of the Recombination and DNA Repair (2009)
Rad52 SUMOylation affects the efficiency of the DNA repair (2010)
Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of the biggest plant genomes (2009)
Analysis of histone modification and expression changes of SMN gene after HDAC inhibitor treatment (2008)
Keratin mutations in patients with epidermolysis bullosa simplex: correlations between phenotype severity and disturbance of intermediate filament molecular structure (2010)
Pletencové svalové dystrofie (2010)
Efekt inhibitorů histonových deacetylas na acetylaci histonů, methylaci DNA a expresi genu SMN (2010)
Mutational analysis of CLCN1 and SCN4A genes in Czech patients with non-dystrophic myotonia (2010)
The Nse3/MAGE and Nse4/EID proteins are involved in transcription regulation (2010)
Proteomic Analysis in Multiple Myeloma Research (2011)
Recognition of transcription termination signal by the nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding (Nab)3 protein (2011)
The Solution Structure of the ADAR2 dsRBM-RNA Complex Reveals a Sequence-Specific Readout of the Minor Groove (2010)
Telomere maintenance in liquid crystalline chromosomes of dinoflagellates (2010)
Dysfunction of Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 Induces Shortening of Telomeres and Loss of 45S rDNA in Arabidopsis thaliana (2010)
Single Integration and Spread of a Copia Like Sequence Nested in rDNA Intergenic Spacers of Allium cernuum (Alliaceae) (2010)
Nejvyšší ocenění koncům chromozomů (2010)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (2010)
Genomic characterization of large rearrangements of the LDLR gene in Czech patiens with familial hypercholesterolemia. (2010)
Facioskapulohumerální svalová dystrofie – epigenetické mechanizmy a molekulární diagnostika. (2010)
Chimeric CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 genes identified in Czech patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (2011)
The MAGE and EID proteins affect transcription regulation of target genes (2010)
Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies (2011)
Interactions between the Nse3 and Nse4 Components of the SMC5-6 Complex Identify Evolutionarily Conserved Interactions between MAGE and EID Families (2011)
Comparison of multiplex PCRs, (GTG)5-PCR and automated ribotyping for identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from children's intestinal tissues. (2011)
Detection of new protein alterations in human B-lymphoblastoid cell line ARH-77 after bortezomib treatment (2011)
Proteom seminální plazmy u mužů s azoospermií (2011)
Cabbage family affairs: the evolutionary history of Brassicaceae (2011)
Interpretation of karyotype evolution should consider chromosome structural constraints (2011)
Phylogeny, Genome, and Karyotype Evolution of Crucifers (Brassicaceae) (2011)
Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Chorisporeae (Brassicaceae) (2011)
Cytogenetic studies in vegetable Brassicas (2011)
Role of HMGB Proteins in Chromatin Dynamics and Telomere Maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Using the Telobox to Search for Plant Telomere Binding Proteins (2011)
Non-telomeric activities of telomerase (2011)
DNA hypomethylation increases telomerase activity, but does not change telomere lengths in plants (2010)
Telomere maintenance in plant cells with hypomethylated telomeres and subtelomeres (2011)
Epigenetic maintenance of plant telomeres (2011)
Spectrum of point mutations in Czech DMD/BMD patients and their phenotypic outcome (2011)
The molecular diagnostics of familial hypercholesterolemia in Czech Republic. (2011)
Spectrum of CLCN1 and SCN4A mutations in Czech patients with non-dystrophic myotonias. (2011)
Molecular Mechanisms of Signalling Specificity via Phosphorelay Pathways in Arabidopsis (2011)
Polyethyleneimine coated capillary in nucleotide and short oligonucleotide analysis (2011)
Identification of Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from children intestinal mucous tissue samples by MALDI-TOF MS and automated ribotyping (2011)
Identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolates from children's intestinal tissues by MALDI-TOF MS profiling and automated ribotyping (2011)
Hypomethylating drugs efficiently decrease cytosine methylationin telomeric DNA and activate telomerase without affectingtelomere lengths in tobacco cells (2011)
Methylation of plant telomeric DNA: what do the results say? (2011)
Competitive canalization of PIN-dependent auxin flow from axillary buds controls pea bud outgrowth (2011)
The NSE3/MAGE interactions with NSE4/EID proteins are evolutionarily conserved (2010)
Cytokinin Modulates Endocytic Trafficking of PIN1 Auxin Efflux Carrier to Control Plant Organogenesis (2011)
Polarization of PIN3-dependent auxin transport for hypocotyl gravitropic response in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Prototype cell-to-cell auxin transport mechanism by intracellular auxin compartmentalization (2011)
Cell Plate Restricted Association of DRP1A and PIN Proteins Is Required for Cell Polarity Establishment in Arabidopsis (2011)
Monogenní hypercholesterolémie v dětském a adolescentním věku z pohledu klinického genetika (2011)
Paramutation of tobacco transgenes by small RNA-mediated transcriptional gene silencing (2011)
Molecular analysis of T-DNA insertion mutants identified putative regulatory elements in the AtTERT gene (2011)
Congenital Myotonia Caused by Mutations in the CIC-1 Chloride Channel Gene (2011)
High resolution positioning of intron ends on the nucleosomes (2011)
Spectrum of ClCN1 and SCN4A mutations in Czech patients with non-dystrophic myotonias (2011)
Changes in the expression of FGFR3 in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia receiving transplants of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cells (2001)
From the Interactome to the Functions: Functional Characterisation of Telomerase in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Intermolecular and Interdomain Interaction Analysis of Telomerase in Arabidopsis thaliana (2011)
Effects of histone deacetylases inhibitors on histone H4 acetylation state of MEC-1 cells (2011)
Analysis of the Nse3/MAGE-binding Domain of the Nse4/EID Family Proteins (2012)
Dynamic Evolution of Telomeric Sequences in the Green Algal Order Chlamydomonadales (2012)
MAGE proteiny jako kofaktory buněčných procesů (2012)
Serine phosphorylation and proline isomerization in RNAP II CTD control recruitment of Nrd1 (2012)
C-terminal extension of telomerases: structural and functional analysis (2011)
Developmental silencing of the AtTERT gene is associated with increased H3K27me3 loading and maintenance of its euchromatic environment (2012)
Three TERT genes in Nicotiana tabacum (2012)
HMGB1 gene knockout in mouse embryonic fibroblasts results in reduced telomerase activity and telomere dysfunction (2012)
Screening a cDNA Library for Protein-Protein Interactions Directly in Planta (2012)
A combined approach for the study of histone deacetylase inhibitors (2012)
Dual roles of the SUMO-interacting motif in the regulation of Srs2 sumoylation. (2012)
SUMO Wrestles with Recombination (2012)
Stacking Interactions between Carbohydrate and Protein Quantified by Combination of Theoretical and Experimental Methods (2012)
Synergism of the Two Myb Domains of Tay1 Protein Results in High Affinity Binding to Telomeres* (2012)
Epigenetic regulation of Nicotiana tabacum telomeres (2012)
Epigenetic state of plant telomeres. (2012)
Decrease in Abundance of apurinic/apyrimidinic Endonuclease Causes Failure of Base Excision Repair in Culture-Adapted Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2013)
Lessons learned from 5 years of newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in the Czech Republic: 17-hydroxyprogesterone, genotypes, and screening performance (2012)
New PAH derivatives functionalized by cyclic nitrone framework: Synthetic design, anti-proliferative activity and interaction with DNA (2013)
Multiple levels of meaning in DNA sequences, and one more (2012)
Origin and evolution of genes and genomes. Crucial role of triplet expansions (2012)
Apoptotic cleavage of DNA in human lymphocyte chromatin shows high sequence specificity (2012)
The Ecm11-Gmc2 Complex Promotes Synaptonemal Complex Formation through Assembly of Transverse Filaments in Budding Yeast (2013)
Searching for AtTERT protein-protein interactions (2013)
Screening a cDNAlibrary for protein–protein interactions of the CTE domain of AtTERT directly in planta using bimolecular fluorescence complementation technology (2012)
N-terminal basic domain of genome guarding telomeric protein TRF2 affects its DNA binding affinity (2012)
Stanovení vlivu bazické domény lidského telomerového proteinu TRF2 na vazbu k DNA (2012)
Impact of N-terminal basic domain of protein TRF2 on its DNA binding affinity (2013)
Genome instability in Arabidopsis thaliana fas x rad51B mutants (2013)
Loss of telomeric and rDNA repeats in fas x rad51B double mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants (2012)
Chromatin assembly – instability of rDNA and telomeric repeats in Arabidopsis thaliana (2012)
Instability in chromatin assembly – loss of ribosomal DNA and telomeric repeats in Arabidopsis thaliana (2012)
Synthesis, activity and interaction of nitrone functionalized PAH derivatives (2013)
DNA binding ability of the Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 sub-complex is critical for essential function of the SMC5-6 complex (2013)
Subnuclear partitioning of rRNA genes between the nucleolus and nucleoplasm reflects alternative epiallelic states (2013)
Evolution and function of non-SMC subunits of SMC5/6 complex (2013)
Single-Base Resolution Sequence-Directed Nucleosome Mapping (2013)
Lif1 SUMOylation and its role in non-homologous end-joining (2013)
Srs2 mediates PCNA-SUMO-dependent inhibition of DNA repair synthesis (2013)
Structure-function relationships during transgenic telomerase expression in Arabidopsis (2013)
New perspectives of valproic acid in clinical practice (2013)
Epigenetic aspects of HP1 exchange kinetics in apoptotic chromatin (2013)
A Broad Phylogenetic Survey Unveils the Diversity and Evolution of Telomeres in Eukaryotes (2013)
A telomerase-independent component of telomere loss in chromatin assembly factor 1 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (2013)
A polymerase chain reaction-based approach for evaluation of telomere-associated sequences and interstitial telomeric sequences (2013)
Completion of cell division is associated with maximum telomerase activity in naturally synchronized cultures of the green alga Desmodesmus quadricauda (2013)
Towards functional repertoire of the earliest proteins (2013)
Compensatory nature of Chargaff's second parity rule (2013)
Nucleosomal TATA-switch: Competing orientations of TATA on the nucleosome (2013)
53BP1 Regulates DSB Repair Using Rif1 to Control 5 ' End Resection (2013)
How does protein Rap1 affect interactions of its binding partner TRF2? (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP2 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP3 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP4 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Nová možnost pro detekci AHP5 proteinu z A. thaliana (2013)
Telomeres in plants with hypomethylated genomes (2014)
Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of plant telomeres and telomerase (2011)
Influence of DNA methylation on telomeric repeats in plant models (2010)
Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of telomerase dynamics during Arabidopsis thaliana development (2011)
Developmental maintenance of general epigenetic pattern of the Arabidopsis thaliana TERT (telomerase protein subunit) chromatin (2012)
Compromised telomere maintenance in hypomethylated Arabidopsis thaliana plants (2014)
DNA binding ability of the Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 sub-complex of the SMC5/6 complex is essential in fission yeast (2014)
Plant Genome Stability and Change 2014 (2014)
Human Rap1 Induces TRF2 Release from Telomeric DNA (2014)
Telomere repeat binding proteins are functional components of Arabidopsis telomeres and interact with telomerase (2014)
Telomerase interactome in Arabidopsis thaliana (2014)
How Rap1 Affects TRF2 Recognition of Telomeres? (2014)
Aplikace moderních biochemických a molekulárně-biologických metod na studium interaktomu telomerasy z Arabidopsis thaliana (2014)
Protein folding disease: Familiar Hypercholesterolemia (2014)
Familiární hypercholesterolemie: diagnostika a funkční analýza (2014)
Genetické poradenství v EB Centru FN Brno (2014)
Epigenetic Regulation of Telomere Maintenance (2014)
Chromatin features of plant telomeric sequences at terminal vs. internal positions (2014)
TRF1 negotiates TTAGGG repeat-associated replication problems by recruiting the BLM helicase and the TPP1/POT1 repressor of ATR signaling (2014)
53BP1: pro choice in DNA repair (2014)
Homology-dependent repair is involved in 45S rDNA loss in plant CAF-1 mutants (2015)
Chromosomal association of the SMC5-6 complex is dependent on interaction of its Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 subcomplex with DNA (2014)
Electrochemistry of Nonconjugated Proteins and Glycoproteins. Toward Sensors for Biomedicine and Glycomics (2015)
The path to life's origins. Remaining hurdles (2014)
Bioinformatics Summer School 2014: Theoretical and practical aspects of processing and analysis of sequencing data (2014)
The melanoma-associated antigen 1 (MAGEA1) protein stimulates the E3 ubiquitin-ligase activity of TRIM31 within a TRIM31-MAGEA1-NSE4 complex (2015)
Armadillo/Beta-catenin proteins may function in TERT recruitment into its non-telomeric pathways (2015)
Discovery of a novel ligand that modulates the protein-protein interactions of the AAA plus superfamily oncoprotein reptin (2015)
Srs2 promotes Mus81-Mms4-mediated resolution of recombination intermediates (2015)
Telomere dynamics in the lower plant Physcomitrella patens (2015)
Characterisation of an unusual telomere motif (TTTTTTAGGG)(n) in the plant Cestrum elegans (Solanaceae), a species with a large genome (2015)
Chromatin dynamics of plant telomeres and ribosomal genes (2015)
Contributions of the TEL-patch Amino Acid Cluster on TPP1 to Telomeric DNA Synthesis by Human Telomerase (2015)
Kite Proteins: a Superfamily of SMC/Kleisin Partners Conserved Across Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes (2015)
Microfluidic systems for establishment of stem cell niche (2015)
Yeast mitochondrial HMG proteins: DNA-binding properties of the most evolutionarily divergent component of mitochondrial nucleoids (2016)
How human Rap1 prompts more accurate and selective TRF2 recognition of telomeric DNA? (2015)
The structure and DNA-binding properties of Mgm101 from a yeast with a linear mitochondrial genome (2016)
Holokinetic centromeres and efficient telomere healing enable rapid karyotype evolution (2015)
Chromatin association of the SMC5/6 complex is dependent on binding of its NSE3 subunit to DNA (2016)
Centromere and telomere sequence alterations reflect the rapid genome evolution within the carnivorous plant genus Genlisea (2015)
cDNA Library Screening Identifies Protein Interactors Potentially Involved in Non-Telomeric Roles of Arabidopsis Telomerase (2015)
Human Rap1 modulates TRF2 attraction to telomeric DNA (2015)
A RRM-containing protein might play role in executing non-canonical functions of telomerase (2015)
How specific is TRF2 binding to telomeric DNA? (2014)
Evolution of Telomeres in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Its Possible Relationship to the Diversification of Telomere Binding Proteins (2016)
Revisiting the role of TRF2 basic domain in chromatin maintenance with the most recent structural and functional approaches (2015)
Telomere binding protein TRB1 is associated with promoters of translation machinery genes in vivo (2016)
Evolution of the NSE1-NSE3-NSE4 subcomplex of the human SMC5/6 complex (2015)
Evolution, functions and pathogenesis of the Nse3 (KITE) subunit of the SMC5/6 complex (2016)
Allium telomeres unmasked: the unusual telomeric sequence (CTCGGTTATGGG)(n) is synthesized by telomerase (2016)
Terminal Restriction Fragments (TRF) Method to Analyze Telomere Lengths (2015)
Mapping of Smc6-Nse3 and Smc6-Nse4 interactions within the S.pombe Smc5/6 complex (2016)
Destabilized SMC5/6 complex leads to chromosome breakage syndrome with severe lung disease (2016)
Identification of Nucleolus-Associated Chromatin Domains Reveals a Role for the Nucleolus in 3D Organization of the A. thaliana Genome (2016)
Self-organization of lung epithelial cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (2015)
Transitions between the Arabidopsis-type and the human-type telomere sequence in green algae (clade Caudivolvoxa, Chlamydomonadales) (2016)
Variation of 45S rDNA intergenic spacers in Arabidopsis thaliana (2016)
Phenotypic reversion in fas mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana by reintroduction of FAS genes: variable recovery of telomeres with major spatial rearrangements and transcriptional reprogramming of 45S rDNA genes (2016)
Telomere- and Telomerase-Associated Proteins and Their Functions in the Plant Cell (2016)
Vyhodnocení inter-individuální variability telomer u různých ekotypů Arabidopsis thaliana (2016)
Výlet na konec genomu 1. Jak se kopírují telomery (2017)
Evolution and functions of SMC complexes: new SMC5/6 insights (2016)
KITE proteins: new insights to evolution and dynamics of SMC complexes (2017)
Basic domain of telomere guardian TRF2 reduces D-loop unwinding whereas Rap1 restores it (2017)
Methylation of plant telomeric cytosines (2017)
Variations of Histone Modification Patterns: Contributions of Inter-plant Variability and Technical Factors (2017)
Chromosomal association of the SMC5-6 complex is dependent on interaction of its Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 subcomplex with DNA (2017)
Tissue-specific expression of telomerase reverse transcriptase gene variants in Nicotiana tabacum (2017)
BAL31-NGS approach for identification of telomeres de novo in large genomes (2017)
Evolutionarily Distant Streptophyta Respond Differently to Genotoxic Stress (2017)
Replication of ribosomal DNA in Arabidopsis occurs both inside and outside the nucleolus during S phase progression (2018)
Protection of Arabidopsis Blunt-Ended Telomeres Is Mediated by a Physical Association with the Ku Heterodimer (2017)
COZOID: COntact ZOne IDentifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions (2018)
Basic domain of telomere guardian TRF2 reduces D-loop unwinding whereas Rap1 restores it (gkx812) (vol 45, pg 12170, 2017) (2017)
Filter-Aided Sample Preparation Procedure for Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Plant Histones (2018)
Genetic analysis of a relation between SMC5/6 and SAGA chromatin modifying complex (2018)
Factors of genome stability in moss Physcomitrella patens (2018)
Telomere chromatin in plants with non-canonical telomere repeat (2018)
Rap1 and TRF2 in D-loop unwinding and telomere finding (2018)
Rituximab primarily targets an intra-clonal BCR signaling proficient CLL subpopulation characterized by high CD20 levels (2018)
Genetic analysis of a relation between SMC5/6 and SAGA chromatin modifying complex (2018)
Visualization of the Nucleolus Using Ethynyl Uridine. (2018)
Transgenerational phenotype aggravation in CAF-1 mutants reveals parent-of-origin specific epigenetic inheritance (2018)
Telomere elongation upon transfer to callus culture reflects the reprogramming of telomere stability control in Arabidopsis (2018)
Roles of RAD51 and RTEL1 in telomere and rDNA stability in Physcomitrella patens (2018)
SMC5/6: Multifunctional Player in Replication (2019)
Medgenet Summer School (2018)
Epigenetic pattern of plant telomeres with non-canonical sequence (2019)
Human Telomere Repeat Binding Factor TRF1 Replaces TRF2 Bound to Shelterin Core Hub TIN2 when TPP1 Is Absent (2019)
Quantitative Biology of Human Shelterin and Telomerase: Searching for the Weakest Point (2019)
Multicomponent Yeast Two-Hybrid System: Applications to Study Protein-Protein Interactions in SMC Complexes. (2019)
Visual Analysis of Protein–Protein Interaction Docking Models Using COZOID Tool (2020)
Roles of RAD51 and RTEL1 in telomere and rDNA stability in Physcomitrella patens (2019)
Association of the Smc5/6 complex with chromatin is dependent on interaction of its KITE subunits with DNA (2017)
The plant Pontin and Reptin homologues, RuvBL1 and RuvBL2a, colocalize with TERT and TRB proteins in vivo, and participate in telomerase biogenesis (2019)
Telomeres in Plants and Humans: Not So Different, Not So Similar (2019)
Comparative Dissection of Three Giant Genomes: Allium cepa, Allium sativum, and Allium ursinum (2019)
Holocaust history is not reflected in telomere homeostasis in survivors and their offspring (2019)
Telomerase RNAs in land plants (2019)
The region upstream of the telomerase reverse transcriptase gene is essential for in planta telomerase complementation (2019)
Different Modes of Action of Genetic and Chemical Downregulation of Histone Deacetylases with Respect to Plant Development and Histone Modifications (2019)
A Single Conserved Amino Acid Residue as a Critical Context-Specific Determinant of the Differential Ability of Mdm2 and MdmX RING Domains to Dimerize (2019)
Study of Synthetic Oligonacleotides Containing Guanine by Voltammetry on a Graphite Electrode (2018)
Reduction of the DNA at a Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode:Opening of the Second Half of the Potential Window (2018)
Molecular insights into the architecture of the human SMC5/6 complex (2020)
A role of the Nse4 kleisin and Nse1/Nse3 KITE subunits in the ATPase cycle of SMC5/6 (2020)
Composite 5-methylations of cytosines modulate i-motif stability in a sequence-specific manner: Implications for DNA nanotechnology and epigenetic regulation of plant telomeric DNA (2020)
Two combinatorial patterns of telomerase histone marks in plants with canonical and non-canonical telomere repeats (2020)
No Evidence of Persistence or Inheritance of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants (2020)
Chromatin, Epigenetics and Plant Physiology (2020)
Optimized Detection of Protein-Protein and Protein-DNA Interactions, with Particular Application to Plant Telomeres (2020)
Cell-surface receptors enable perception of extracellular cytokinins (2020)
Cytokinin Forefront Research 2020 (2020)
Developmental roles of Auxin Binding Protein 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2021)
Human-like telomeres in Zostera marina reveal a mode of transition from the plant to the human telomeric sequences (2020)
G4 Structures in Control of Replication and Transcription of rRNA Genes (2020)
Composition and Function of Telomerase-A Polymerase Associated with the Origin of Eukaryotes (2020)
Nucleolar rDNA folds into condensed foci with a specific combination of epigenetic marks (2021)
Human TRF1 exchanges TRF2 bound to TIN2 but tolerates TRF2 in TPP1 presence (2018)
Auxin Does the SAMba: Auxin Signaling in the Shoot Apical Meristem (2021)
Large tandem duplications affect gene expression, 3D organization, and plant-pathogen response (2020)
Tidying-up the plant nuclear space: domains, functions, and dynamics (2020)
Hormonal Regulations of de novo Organogenesis (2021)
The rDNA Loci-Intersections of Replication, Transcription, and Repair Pathways (2021)
Origin and Fates of TERT Gene Copies in Polyploid Plants (2021)
The kinase module of the Mediator complex: an important signalling processor for the development and survival of plants (2021)
Distinct Responses of Arabidopsis Telomeres and Transposable Elements to Zebularine Exposure (2021)
WALTER: an easy way to online evaluate telomere lengths from terminal restriction fragment analysis (2021)
Expansion of rDNA and pericentromere satellite repeats in the genomes of bank voles Myodes glareolus exposed to environmental radionuclides (2021)
Extraordinary diversity of telomeres, telomerase RNAs and their template regions in Saccharomycetaceae (2021)
MELANIE: the quantitative analysis of methylation levels along DNA fibres (2021)
Disruption of NAP1 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana suppresses the fas1 mutant phenotype, enhances genome stability and changes chromatin compaction (2021)
Super-resolution microscopy of chromatin fibers and quantitative DNA methylation analysis of DNA fiber preparations (2021)
G2/M-checkpoint activation in fasciata1 rescues an aberrant S-phase checkpoint but causes genome instability (2021)
Evolution of plant telomerase RNAs: farther to the past, deeper to the roots (2021)
Green Biotech Workshop (2019)
SINGING Plant Miniconference (2020)
The Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop 2021 (2022)
The epigenetic landscape of the plant Telomerase RNA gene (2022)
Evolution of plant telomerase RNAs: farther to the past, deeper to the roots (2022)
ARM protein modulates the strength of the response to DNA damage in Arabidopsis (2022)
Telomere-associated proteins in lower plants (2022)
Involvement of ARM protein in response to drug and biotic/abiotic stimuli (2021)
The impact of histone chaperones ASF1, CAF1 and HIRA on telomeres (2022)
The impact of histone H3 chaperones on telomere stability (2021)
Genomic Stability in Chromatin Remodelling mutants PKR1, PKR2, CHR5, CHR9 and CHR24 (2019)
Genomic Stability in Chromatin Remodelling mutants PKR1, PKR2, CHR5, CHR9 and CHR24 (2019)
Telomere length in human pluripotent stem cells (2022)
A Revealed Imperfection in Concept Drift Correction in Metabolomics Modeling (2022)
Role of Nse1 Subunit of SMC5/6 Complex as a Ubiquitin Ligase (2022)
Telomerase Interaction Partners-Insight from Plants (2022)
Chromatin organization by the SMC5/6 complex. (2022)
Purification of human telomerase TEN domain and its interaction partner TPP1 (2018)
Laser microirradiation as a versatile system for probing protein recruitment and protein-protein interactions at DNA lesions in plants (2022)
Analysis of BRCT5 domain-containing proteins reveals a new component of DNA damage repair in Arabidopsis (2022)
Telomerase RNA in Hymenoptera (Insecta) switched to plant/ciliate-like biogenesis (2023)
Compromised function of ARM, the interactor of Arabidopsis telomerase, suggests its role in stress responses (2022)
Green Biotech Workshop 2022 (2022)
TeloBase: a community-curated database of telomere sequences across the tree of life (2022)
The SAGA histone acetyltransferase module targets SMC5/6 to specific genes (2023)
Cytokinins – Regulators of de novo Shoot Organogenesis (2023)
Characterization of the Physcomitrium patens SMC5/6 complex (2023)
Characterization of TRB proteins in the moss Physcomitrium patens (2023)
Characterization of the NSE6 subunit of the Physcomitrium patens SMC5/6 complex (2022)
Sulfate supplementation affects nutrient and photosynthetic status of Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum differently under prolonged exposure to cadmium (2023)
RUVBL proteins are involved in plant gametophyte development (2023)
Characterization of the conserved features of the NSE6 subunit of the Physcomitrium patens PpSMC5/6 complex (2023)
Completing the TRB family: newly characterized members show ancient evolutionary origins and distinct localization, yet similar interactions (2023)
Unraveling Epigenetic Changes in A. thaliana Calli: Impact of HDAC Inhibitors (2023)
Telomerase RNA gene paralogs in plants - the usual pathway to unusual telomeres (2023)
Histone H1 protects telomeric repeats from H3K27me3 invasion in Arabidopsis (2023)
TeloBase: a community-curated database of telomere sequences across the tree of life (2024)
Identification of the Sequence and the Length of Telomere DNA (2023)
GERONIMO: A tool for systematic retrieval of structural RNAs in a broad evolutionary context (2023)
Telomere Length In Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (2023)
Optimizing ChIRP-MS for Comprehensive Profiling of RNA-Protein Interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana: A Telomerase RNA Case Study (2024)
Characterisation of the Arabidopsis thaliana telomerase TERT-TR complex (2024)
Effects of extensive chromosomal rearrangements in terms of genetics and epigenetics in Arabidopsis thaliana model plant (2023)
Genetic and epigenetic consequences of chromosome editing in Arabidopsis thaliana model plant (2023)
Impacts of CRISPR/Cas-mediated Chromosome Rearrangements on Arabidopsis thaliana Genome (2024)
NSE5 subunit interacts with distant regions of the SMC arms in the Physcomitrium patens SMC5/6 complex (2024)
MEDIATOR SUBUNIT17 integrates jasmonate and auxin signaling pathways to regulate thermomorphogenesis (2022)
The interplay of homology-directed repair pathways in the repair of zebularine-induced DNA–protein crosslinks in Arabidopsis (2024)
Cytokinins regulate spatially specific ethylene production to control root growth in Arabidopsis (2024)
In-section Click-iT detection and super-resolution CLEM analysis of nucleolar ultrastructure and replication in plants (2024)
KU70 and CAF-1 in Arabidopsis: Divergent roles in rDNA stability and telomere homeostasis (2024)
Histone Chaperone Deficiency in Arabidopsis Plants Triggers Adaptive Epigenetic Changes in Histone Variants and Modifications (2024)
Epigenetics and plant hormone dynamics: a functional and methodological perspective (2024)
Visualization of the Nucleolus Using 5′ Ethynyl Uridine (2023)
Integrative approaches to enhance reproductive resilience of crops for climate-proof agriculture (2024)
The histone chaperones ASF1 and HIRA are required for telomere length and 45S rDNA copy number homeostasis (2024)
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