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miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities (2009)
MicroRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia pathogenesis and disease subtype. (2009)
Analýza exprese a funkce microRNA u chronické lymfatické leukémie. (2009)
MicroRNAs expression pattern in aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with p53 abnormalities (2009)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients is dependent on p53 functionality (2009)
Relationship between therapy and clonal evolution of TP53 abnormalities in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
Characterization of 22Q11 deletion in CLL patients. (2009)
MicroRNAs expression pattern in aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities. (2009)
Monoclonal antibody rituximab sensitizes a proportion of CLL samples to fludarabine - searching for responsible genes (2009)
Impact of monoallelic TP53 deffects on survival and DNA damage response in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
MicroRNA isolation and stability in stored RNA samples (2009)
Analýza lehkého řetězce imunoglobulinu lambda u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2009)
Gene-expression profiling of graft-versus-host disease by oligonucleotide microarrays (2009)
p53 inactivation and genomic abberations in chronic myeloid leukemia (2009)
Charakterizace exprese microRNA u CLL pacientů s delecemi 17p13 a 22q11. (2009)
Charakterizace delece 22q11 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2009)
Monoallelic and biallelic inactivation of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: selection, impact on survival, and response to DNA damage. (2009)
Changes to cell cycle regulating proteins and microRNAs in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2009)
Stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukemie: možnosti a vývoj metodických přístupů založených na PCR a RQ-PCR (2009)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and mir-650 role in CLL patients. (2009)
When Size is Not Important: Role of microRNAs in DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2010)
MicroRNA isolation and stability in stored RNA samples (2009)
Analysis of the DNA-binding activity of p53 mutants using functional protein microarrays and its relationship to transcriptional activation (2010)
Loss of the p53 tumor suppressor activity is associated with negative prognosis of mantle cell lymphoma (2010)
Analýza imunoglobulinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2010)
High Expression of Lymphocyte-Activation Gene 3 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells is Associated with Unmutated IGHV and Reduced Treatment-Free Survival. (2010)
Analýza p53 mutací in vitro a in vivo (2010)
Mutace nádorového supresoru p53 jsou negativním prognostickým znakem u lymfomu z buněk plášťové zóny (2010)
Molekulární patogeneze chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2010)
Význam nádorového supresoru p53 u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2010)
MicroRNA v patogenezi chronické lymfocytární leukemie a jejich prognostický význam (2010)
Pathogenesis of CLL (2010)
Molecular genetics of p53, ATM, microRNA, DNA arrays (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
Resekvenační mikročipy: nástroj pro výzkum a diagnostiku chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2010)
Resekvenační mikročipy: nástroj pro výzkum a diagnostiku chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2010)
The origin of 22q11 deletion and microRNA-650 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). (2010)
Subklasifikace ne-Hodgkinských lymfomů pomocí cílených DNA čipů (2010)
Translocation is a frequent mechanism for 17p deletion in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
B-lymphocytes genomic analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2010)
Analysis of microRNAs associated with aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia harbouring inactivated p53 (2010)
Selection and clinical relevance of monoallelic and biallelic TP53 defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
Targeting integrin/CD49D/VLA-4 with natalizumab can inhibit adhesion of malignant B cells and sensitize them to chemoimmunotherapy (2010)
Changes to cell cycle regulating proteins and microRNAs in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2010)
Changes to Cell Cycle Regulating Proteins and microRNAs in Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Neural Lineage (2010)
Application of genomic approaches in hematooncological research and diagnostics (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and miR-650 role in CLL patients (2010)
Manipulation of gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in vitro (2010)
Raritní případ selekce agresivního klonu CLL po terapii (2010)
Alteration of CLL clones during course of the disease accelerated by therapy: teo cases with VH1-69 selection (2010)
Molecular genetics in diagnostics of hematooncological and inherited diseases (2010)
Assessment of adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette subfamily B member 1 (ABCB1) mRNA expression in patients with de novo chronic myelogenous leukemia: the role of different cell types. (2011)
Clonal evolution of malignant populations in potentially biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. (2010)
Interactions with the microenvironment protect lymphoma B-cells from rituximab induced apoptosis and could represent a therapeutic target. (2010)
Inaktivace proteinu p53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie – hlavní výstupy z našich analýz. (2010)
TP53 mutation profile in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: evidence for a disease specific profile from a comprehensive analysis of 268 mutations (2010)
Gene expression profiling in follicular lymphoma and its implication for clinical practise (2011)
Rearrangement of lambda immunoglobulin light chain in CLL is coupled with expression of miRNA-650 (2010)
Analýza mutací nádorového supresoru p53 u pacientů s lymfomy (2010)
Expression of immune-modulatory molecules HLA-G and HLA-E by tumor cells in glioblastomas: An unexpected prognostic significance? (2011)
Schnitzler-syndrom: popis případu, zkušenosti s léčbou glukokortikoidy a preparátem anakinra (Kineret) a sledování cytokinové odpovědi organizmu (2011)
Obecná onkologie (2011)
Invazivní kvasinkové infekce na vybraných hematoonkologických odděleních České a Slovenské republiky – mikrobiologické výsledky projektu CAN CELL (2011)
Role of microRNAs in regulation of UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Similar efficacy of thalidomide- and bortezomib-based regimens for first relapse of multiple myeloma (2011)
Selhání ledvin u pacientky s chronickou B-lymfocytární leukemií (B-CLL) vzniklé na podkladě tvorby odlitkových válců v tubulech ledvin z monoklonálních volných lehkých řetězců (cast nephropathy). (2011)
Lymfoproliferativní onemocnění u pacientů s autoimunitními a infekčními onemocněními: význam antigenní stimulace a zánětlivých procesů (2011)
Plerixafor boost in association with chemotherapy based mobilization. Comparison with mobilization without chemotherapy. (2011)
Plerixafor might overcome the detrimental effect of previous autologous stem cell transplantation on haematopoietic stem cell mobilization in myeloma patients. (2011)
Fludarabine with high-dose cytarabine and sequential reduced-intensity conditioning with allogeneic stem cell transplantation in 24 patients with advanced lymphoid malignancies: efficacy and outcomes. (2011)
Difúzní velkobuněčný B-lymfom (2011)
Successful Anakinra Therapy in 2 Patients with Schnitzler Syndrome (2011)
Bortezomib-based regimen induced complete remission of multiple myeloma with regression of osteolytic lesion in femur (2011)
Schnitzler syndrome: a report on two patients with chronic urticaria and paraproteinemia (2011)
Multiple myeloma associated IgA pemphigus: complete remission after therapy with bortezomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone regimen (2011)
Recurrent spontaneous liver hemorrhage and hemoperitoneum in extensive AL-amyloidosis: case report (2011)
Detection of metastatic spread to lymph nodes in colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles in primary tumors. (2011)
Léčba pacientů s relabovaným/refraktérním Hodgkinovým lymfomem (2011)
Imatinib as the first-line treatment of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia diagnosed in the chronic phase: can we compare real life data to the results from clinical trials? (2011)
The role of p53, p21 and microRNAs in the regulation of human embryonic stem cells response to UVC-induced DNA damage (2011)
MicroRNA-650 expression is coupled with the regulation of immunoglobulin lambda light chain in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Regrese osteolytického ložiska u pacienta s mnohočetným myelomem léčeného klodronátem po úspěšné terapii režimem s bortezomibem (2011)
Genetic polymorphisms associated with risk of venous thromboembolism in multiple myeloma patients treated with thalidomide. (2011)
Multiple Myeloma (2011)
Alogenní transplantace krvetvorných buněk po režimu s redukovanou intenzitou ve složení busulfan, fludarabin a antithymocytární globulin (ATG Fresenius): dlouhodobé výsledky (2011)
Role microRNA v regulaci odpovědi na poškození DNA u lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2011)
Inhibice integrinů a adheze b-lymfocytů v kostní dřeni a lymfatických uzlinách jako nový přístup v terapii lymfonů a leukémií (2011)
Vybrané jednonukleotidové polymorfizmy spojované s rizikem vzniku žilní tromboembolie u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem léčených thalidomidem (2011)
Regulatory role of microRNAs in response to UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Disease-free survival: (non-)parametric estimation (2011)
Chronic graft-versus-host disease: long-term results from a randomized trial on graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis with or without anti-T-cell globulin ATG-Fresenius. (2011)
Úspěšná léčba Erdheimovy-Chesterovy nemoci chemoterapií obsahující 2-chlorodeoxyadenosin. Popis dvou případů a přehled literatury (2011)
Missense mutations located in structural p53 DNA-binding motifs are associated with extremely poor survival in Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
MYB transcriptionally regulates the miR-155 host gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Modern and conventional prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the everyday haematological practice (2011)
Detekce respiračních virů včetně lidského metapneumoviru v tekutině bronchoalveolární laváže a nazofaryngeálních stěrech u hematoonkologických pacientů pomocí molekulárně biologických metod (2011)
Incidence of second malignancies during treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2011)
Chemoimmunotherapy with O-FC in previously untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Clinical and laboratory features of leukemias at the time of diagnosis: An analysis of 1,004 consecutive patients (2011)
Successful alemtuzumab retreatment in progressive B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a multicenter survey in 30 patients (2011)
Association Study of Selected Genetic Polymorphisms and Occurrence of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Multiple Myeloma Who Were Treated With Thalidomide (2011)
Analysis of phenotype of cells in primary cultures derived from lymph node biopsies of patients with lymphomas. (2011)
Concentration of selected cytokines in bone marrow and peripheral blood of patients with lymphoma. (2011)
A novel method for detection of NON-MTC breakpoints in mantle cell lymphoma patients. (2011)
Stromální buňky chrání maligní B-lymfocyty před rituximabem indukovanou apoptózou a inhibice integrinu alfa-4-beta-1 (VLA-4) umožňuje překonat tuto rezistenci (2011)
Kombinace fludarabinu s cytarabinem a následná alogenní transplantace po režimu s redukovanou intenzitou u 24 pacientů s pokročilými lymfoidními malignitami. (2011)
Technické aspekty stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u lymfomů. (2011)
Sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně. (2011)
Klinický význam Bcl2/IgH ve sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u folikulárního lymfomu. (2011)
Využití monitorace minimální reziduální nemoci u mantle cell lymfomu v klinické praxi (2011)
Regulation of miR-155 host gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2011)
Liečba molekulárnych relapsov u pacientov s akútnou myeloidnou leukémiou. (2011)
Účinnost a tolerance dasatinibu v léčbě pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (CML) rezistentních/netolerujících imatinib léčených v podmínkách každodenní klinické praxe. (2011)
Analýza biklonálních /bifenotypických případů chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2011)
Současné trendy v molekulárně-biologické analýze genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a příklady aplikace v praxi. (2011)
Monitorování minimální reziduální nemoci pomocí mutovaného genu NPM1 stanoveného z mRNA a genomové DNA a jeho srovnání s expresí genu WT1 u pacientů s AML (2011)
Detekce a kvantifikace klinicky důležitých zygomycet ve vzorcích BAL a tkání pomocí real-time PCR. (2011)
Použití panfungální PCR pro průkaz původce mykotické infekce u galaktomannan pozitivních vzorků BAT a vzorků tkání od hematoonkologických pacientů s podezřením na invazivní mykotickou infekci. (2011)
Chronická lymfatická leukemie. Informace pro pacienty a jejich blízké (2011)
Treatment of molecular relapse in patients with acute myeloid leukemia using clofarabine monotherapy (2012)
Nilotinib v 1.linii léčby pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií v chronické fázi (2011)
The predictive value of human organic cation transporter 1 and ABCB1 expression levels in different cell populations of patients with de novo chronic myelogenous leukemia (2011)
Whole genome analysis of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2011)
Analýza exprese a funkce microRNA u chronické lymfatické leukémie. (2011)
Pokroky v PCR diagnostice invazivní aspergilózy ze vzorků krve a bronchoalveolární laváže u hematoonkologických nemocných. (2011)
Monitoring of minimal residual disease in mantle cell lymphoma (2011)
Galactomannan detection in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological deseases-the role of factors affecting assay performance (2011)
MiR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 expression levels and O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase methylation status are associated with clinical outcome in glioblastoma patients (2011)
Výsledky multimodální léčby glioblastoma multiforme: konsekutivní série 86 pacientů diagnostikovaných v letech 2003–2009 (2011)
Estimation of current cumulative incidence of leukaemia-free patients and current leukaemia-free survival in chronic myeloid leukaemia in the era of modern pharmacotherapy (2011)
Bortezomib plus rituximab versus rituximab alone in patients with relapsed, rituximab-naive or rituximab-sensitive, follicular lymphoma: a randomised phase 3 trial (2011)
Srovnání metod mutační analýzy EGFR genu pro predikci účinnosti cílené biologické terapie nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (NSCLC) (2011)
Posaconazole plasma concentrations in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. (2011)
Význam bakteriologického screeningu kolonizačních kmenů u hematoonkologických nemocných. (2011)
Rapid method for screening of mucormycetes in clinical samples using high resolution melt analysis confirmed by species-specific real-time PCR. (2011)
FIND - "Fungal infection database" - retrospective analysis of invasive aspergillosis in hematooncological departments in Czech and Slovak Republic between 2001-2009 (2011)
FIND - "Fungal infection database" - retrospective analysis of invasive aspergillosis in hematooncological departments in Czech and Slovak Republic between 2001-2009 (2011)
Voriconazole plasma levels and genetics polymorphism of CYP2C19 in hematooncological patients (2011)
FIND - 'Fungal infection database' - retrospective analysis of invasive aspergillosis in hematooncological departments in Czech and Slovak republic between 2001-2009 (2011)
Inactivation of p53 pathways in CLL patients. (2011)
Analysis of potentially biclonal CLL patients with two or three productive IGH rearrangements. (2011)
Prognosis of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) after combined fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) treatment. (2011)
NON/SCID IL2RGAMMA(-/-) xenograft model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Dasatinib efficacy and tolerance in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients resistant/intolerant to imatinib in the context of real clinical practice management (2011)
Persistent microchimerism in bone marrow: influence of mesenchymal stem cells (2011)
Efficacy and toxicity of the FLAMSA/RIC regimen in 40 patients with high-risk AML: a single centre experience (2011)
Prediction of imatinib therapy response: a role of intracellular transporters hOCT-1 and ABCB1 (2011)
Clofarabine in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia - single center experience (2011)
Treatment of molecular relapse in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Evaluation of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using resequencing microarray platforms (2011)
Rearrangement of lambda immunoglobulin light chain in CLL is coupled with miRNA-650 expression (2011)
Post-translational modifications regulate signalling by Ror1 (2011)
Lenalidomid als neue Therapie-Option fur Castleman-Krankheit: erste Erfahrungen (2011)
Lenalidomid–basiertes Regime bewährt sich bei einer multisystemischen Langerhans-Zellhistiozytose: Fallbericht (2011)
Atypische Manifestation einer primären systemischen Amyloidose: wiederkehrende Leberblutung und Hämoperitoneum (2011)
Erdheim-Chester-Erkrankung und unsere Erfahrungen mit Cladribin Therapie bei zwei Patienten (2011)
Castlemanova choroba (2011)
Schnitzler-syndrom: diagnostika a léčba (2011)
Multiple Myeloma Associated IgA Pemphigus: Treatment With Bortezomib- and Lenalidomide-Based Regimen (2011)
Choroby způsobené ukládáním monoklonálních imunoglobulinů (2011)
Kožní projevy monoklonálních gamapatií – zkušenosti jednoho pracoviště (2011)
Chronická B-lymfocytární leukémie (2011)
Vlasatobuněčná leukémie (2011)
MR dokumentované vymizení infiltrace infundibula hypofýzy u pacientů s histiocytózou z Langerhansových buněk po léčbě 2-chlorodeoxyadenosinem (2011)
Parciální regrese ložisek Erdheimovy-Chesterovy nemoci v CNS po léčbě 2-chlorodeoxyadenosinem a jejich kompletní vymizení při léčbě lenalidomidem (2011)
Interactions with bone marrow stromal cells protect lymphoma B-cells from rituximab induced apoptosis and inhibition of integrin alfa-4-beta-1 (VLA4) can overcome this resistency (2011)
Mutační analýza genu ATM u pacientů s CLL pomocí resekvenačních čipů (2011)
Senzitivizace B-buněčných nádorových linií na fludarabin pomocí inhibice DNA-PK a ATM (2011)
Mutační analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfoctární leukemií (2011)
Gene expression based classification of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (2011)
Detection of clonal evolution and subclonal heterogeneity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using deep sequencing of antioncogene TP53 (2011)
Long-term results of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after reduced-intensity conditioning with busulfan, fludarabine, and antithymocyte globulin (2011)
Transformace folikulárního lymfomu – výjimka nebo pravidlo? (2011)
Prognostic significance of morphological assessment of plasma cells in multiple myeloma. (2011)
Antibiotická profylaxe u hematoonkologických nemocných - doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL, ČHS a ČOS ČLS JEP, S.CH.S. SLS (2011)
Prognóza vysoko rizikovej skupiny monoklonálnej gamapatie nejasného významu (MGUS) a asymptomatického mnohopočetného myelómu (SMM) (2011)
Empirická liečba febrilnej neutropénie u onkohematologických pacientov - odporúčanie odborníkov s podporou CELL, ČHS a ČOS ČLS JEP, S.CH.S. SLS (2011)
The regulation, targets, and clinical relevance of microRNA mir-650 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2011)
Cytogenetic abberation profile of chronic myeloid leukemia and its dynamic changes during imatinib therapy (2011)
Mutational analysis of mir-29 family members in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Distinct genetic lesions drive leuekmogenesis in secondary acute myeloid leukemia (2011)
Využití denaturační vysokotlaké kapalinové chromatografie pro screening změn genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2011)
Bone marrow stromal cells protect lymphoma B-cells from rituximab-induced apoptosis and targeting integrin alfa-4-beta-1 (VLA4) with natalizumab can overcome this resistance (2011)
Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using multicolor flow cytometry versus quantitative real time PCR (2011)
Výsledky recentních velkých randomizovaných studií léčby CLL. (2011)
Patogeneze CLL - pohled v roce 2011 (2011)
New molecular prognostic markers in CLL (2011)
IgVH mutational status in CLL; MRD assessment (2011)
The role of TP53 in CLL (2011)
Evaluation of minimal residual disease IgVH mutational status examinations (2011)
DNA microarrays (aCGH, SNP, gene expression, microRNA expression ...) (2011)
Plerixafor to rescue failing chemotherapy-based stem cell mobilization: it's not too late (2011)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
Léčebná studie Relapsed AML 2001/01, 02 pro děti s relapsem akutní myeloidní leukemie nebo primárně rezistentní nemocí zlepšila jejich nadeji na vyléčení. (2011)
Genově-expresní profil leukemických pacientů s akutní reakcí štěpu proti hostiteli s využitím microarray analýzy (2011)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2011)
Double/Triple productive immunoglobulin rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Sensitization of high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to fludarabine using inhibition of DNA-dependent protein kinase (2011)
Identification of minor proportion p53 mutations selected later by therapy (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Selection of new TP53 mutations by therapy in chronic lymohocytic leukemia (2011)
MicroRNA mutational analysis in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Wnt/PCP pathway regulates B-cell migration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Význam PCR detekce a kvantifikace herpetických virů v bronchoalveolární laváži imunokompromitovaných pacientů. (2011)
Postupy diagnostiky a léčby leukemií a jejich infekčních komplikací u dospělých pacientů : doporučení České leukemické skupiny - pro život (CELL) (2011)
Zkušenosti s používáním bortezomibu (Velcade) v České republice od roku 2004 (2011)
Haematopoietic stem cell mobilization with plerixafor and G-CSF in patients with multiple myeloma transplanted with autologous stem cells (2011)
Identification of prognostic factors for plerixafor-based hematopoietic stem cell mobilization (2011)
MikroRNA jako nové prognostické markery časného metastazování po nefrektomii (2011)
Exprese imunomodulatorních neklasických molekul HLA-G a HLA-E nádorovými buňkami u glioblastomu: neočekávaný prognostický význam? (2011)
Kožní a mimokožní projevy histiocytózy z Langerhansových buněk v obrazech (2012)
Double/Triple productive immunoglobulin rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Srovnání metod používaných při diagnostice mutací genu KRAS a EGFR u kolorektálního karcinomu (CRC) a nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (NSCLC). (2011)
Biologie nádorové buňky: "geny proti člověku" (2011)
MicroRNAs and glioblastoma: roles in core signalling pathways and potential clinical implications (2011)
Pre-transplant positron emission tomography in patients with relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma (2011)
Recommendations of the European Working Group for Adult ALL (2011)
Výsledky chirurgické léčby glioblastoma multiforme ve FN Brno (2011)
Výsledky multimodální léčby a zhodnocení prognostických faktorů u 86 pacientů s glioblastoma multiforme léčených v letech 2003 – 2009 (2011)
Prediktivní faktory v terapii HGG (2011)
Exprese imunomodulatorních neklasických molekul HLA-G a HLA-E u gliobastomů: prognostický význam (2011)
Hematologie a transfuzní lékařství I (2011)
Nové prognostické biomarkery v terapii multiformního glioblastomu (2011)
Mikroprostředí kostní dřeně a jeho role v patogenezi leukemií (2011)
Způsob detekce chromozomální translokace t(11;14)(q13;q32) a oligonukleotidy pro použití při tomto způsobu (2011)
Způsob diagnostiky invazivní aspergilózy a oligonukleotidy pro použití při tomto způsobu (2011)
Novel real-time PCR methods for detection and quantification of mucormycetes in clinical samples. (2011)
Srovnání metod mutační analýzy EGFR genu pro predikci účinnosti cílené biologické terapie nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (NSCLC) (2011)
Vývoj koagulačních markerů chronické diseminované intravaskulární koagulace (DIK) u pacienta s mnohočetnou angiomatózou v průběhu léčby antiangiogenními léky: interferonem alfa, thalidomidem a lenalidomidem (2012)
cswHMM: a novel context switching hidden Markov model for biological sequence analysis (2012)
Funkčná analýza mikroRNA-21 na modely kolorektálného karcinomu. (2011)
Analýzy expresních profilů mikroRNA za účelem diagnostiky metastatického postižení lymfatických uzlin u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem. (2011)
Studium mikroRNA u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem: identifikace biomarkerů a nových terapeutických cílů. (2011)
Detection of lymph node involvement in colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles. (2011)
Detection of metastatic spread to lymph nodes in primary tumors of colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles. (2011)
Zpracování dat z vysoce výkonných sekvenátorů (2011)
Lenalidomid indukoval léčebnou odpověď u pacienta s agresivní multisystémovou formou histiocytózy z Langerhansových buněk (LCH), rezistentní ke 2-chlorodeoxyadenosinu a časně relabující po vysokodávkované chemoterapii ... (2012)
Frequent deletions of JARID2 in leukemic transformation of chronic myeloid malignancies (2012)
BCR-ABL activity measured by 50% inhibitory concentration for imatinib, p-CrkL/CrkL ratio or p-CrkL ratio in CD34+ cells of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia does not predict treatment response. (2012)
Monitoring trough voriconazole plasma concentrations in haematological patients: real life multicentre experience (2012)
Detection and measurement of fungal burden in a guinea pig model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis by novel quantitative nested real-time PCR compared with galactomannan and (1,3)-beta-D-glucan detection. (2012)
Přínos PET-CT vyšetření pro rozhodování o léčbě lokalizované nodulární formy plicní AL-amyloidózy (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Blokáda receptoru pro interleukin-1 preparátem anakinra vedla u pacienta s Erdheimovou-Chesterovou nemocí k vymizení patologické únavy, k poklesu markerů zánětu a ústupu fibrózy v retroperitoneu – popis případu a přehled literárních údajů (2012)
Lenalidomide proved effective in multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis (2012)
Doporučení pro léčbu alemtuzumabem u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) (2012)
Measuring diffuse metabolic activity on FDG-PET/CT: new method for evaluating Langerhans cell histiocytosis activity in pulmonary parenchyma (2012)
Souběžné stanovení vorikonazolu a posakonazolu v plazmě metodou HPLC (2012)
Definitions, methodological, and statistical issues for phase 3 clinical trials in chronic myeloid leukemia: a proposal by the European LeukemiaNet (2012)
Reactivity of the 1,3-beta-D-glucan assay during bacteraemia: limited evidence from a prospective study (2013)
Monitoring of Epstein–Barr virus load in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
"ULTRA-DEEP" sekvenování identifikuje TP53 mutace před jejich klonální selekcí léčbou u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Analýza bodového polymorfismu SNP3 v genu MDM2 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Celluar communication in the pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Mutační analýza genu EGFR u pacientů s nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (NSCLC) ve FN Brno (2012)
Molekulárně-biologické přístupy mutační analýzy genu TP53 u onkologických pacientů. (2012)
MicroRNAs and their target gene networks in renal cell carcinoma (2011)
Úloha microRNA v regulaci signalizace přes B-buněčný receptor a jejich vztah k patogenezi chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2012)
MikroRNA jako nové prognostické markery časného metastazování po nefrektomii. (2011)
MicroRNA in renal cell carcinoma – potential marker for prediction of early metastasis after nephrectomy. (2011)
MicroRNAs in Colorectal Cancer (2011)
MiR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 expression levels and MGMT methylation status are associated with clinical outcome in glioblastoma patients. (2011)
Stanovení polymorfizmů v genech pro gluthathion-S-transferázy v souvislosti s chemoprotektivním účinkem fytochemikálií zeleniny rodu Brassica a jejich vliv na riziko kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Stanovení jednonukleotidových polymorfizmů (SNP) v miR-196-a2, miR-27a a miR-146a a jejich vliv na riziko kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Význam mikroRNA-21 u kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Nekódující RNA u nádorových onemocnění. (2011)
Exprese miR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 a metylační status MGMT promotoru koreluje s klinickou odpovědí u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem. (2011)
Studium vybraných transkribovaných ultrakonzervovaných regionů (T-UCR) u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem (2011)
Identifikace a funkční analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s renálním karcinomem. (2011)
Polymorfismy v genech pro glutathion S-transferázy (GSST1, GSTM1, GSTP1 a GSTA1) a riziko kolorektálního karcinomu v české populaci. (2011)
Studium metylačního stavu promotoru genu pro MGMT metodou high-resolution melting u pacientů s glioblastomem. (2011)
Vliv anti-miR-21 na glioblastomové buněčné linie A172 a T98G (2011)
Nové prognostické biomarkery v terapii multiformního glioblastomu. (2011)
MiRNA-181b and miRNA-181c expression levels may predict survival and response to concomitant chemoradiotherapy with temozolomide in glioblastoma patients. (2011)
Epidemiological, genetic, histological and clinical aspects of triple-negative breast cancers in population of Czech women. (2011)
Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Label, Phase III Trial of Decitabine Versus Patient Choice, With Physician Advice, of Either Supportive Care or Low-Dose Cytarabine for the Treatment of Older Patients With Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (2012)
Léčba chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2012)
Význam fyzické aktivity u pacientů s hematoonkologickými malignitami (2012)
Kladribin je velmi účinným lékem pro léčbu histiocytózy z Langerhansových buněk a vzácných histiocytárních nemocí ze skupiny juvenilního xantogranulomu (2012)
Teleangiectasia hereditaria haemorrhagica – syndrom Osler-Weber-Rendu. Popis případu a zkušeností s léčbou (2012)
Oční víčka se žlutými granulomy a kašel - periokulární xanthogranulom dospělých spojený s astmatem. Popis případu a přehled klinických forem juvenilního xantogranulomu a terapie (2012)
Léčba chronické lymfocytární leukemie režimem FCR se zaměřením na nemocné vyššího věku s významnými přidruženými onemocněními (2012)
Maintenance therapy in Ph negative adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2011)
Metronomic Chemotherapy with the COMBAT Regimen in Advanced Pediatric Malignancies: A Multicenter Experience (2012)
MikroRNA v onkologii (2012)
MicroRNAs Regulate p21(Waf1/Cip1) Protein Expression and the DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2012)
Jak si poradit s nádorovým onemocněním krve? Pomocník pro pacienty nejen s leukemií či lymfomem (2012)
Hematologická onkologie : leukemie a lymfomy v humánní medicíně (2012)
Role of treatment in the appearance and selection of BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutations (2012)
MicroRNAs regulate P21WAF1 / CIP 1 protein expression and the DNA damage response in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) (2012)
Rituximab in combination with high-dose dexamethasone for the treatment of relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Activating mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor gene in non-small cell lung cancer fixed tissue: Analysis and one center experience (2012)
Maintenance Therapy (2011)
A real-time (PCR) for a real life ...? Quantitative evaluation of BCL2/IGH in follicular lymphoma and its implications for clinical practice (2012)
Analysis of Mutations in the BCR-ABL1 Kinase Domain, Using Direct Sequencing Detection of the T315I Mutation in Bone Marrow CD34+Cells of a Patient with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia 6 Months Prior to its Emergence in Peripheral Blood (2012)
ERIC recommendations on TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Human adult Treg microRNA signature: the role of microRNA-31 in FOXP3 regulation. (2011)
The European LeukemiaNet AML Working Party consensus statement on allogeneic HSCT for patients with AML in remission: an integrated-risk adapted approach (2012)
Clinical significance of genetic aberrations in secondary acute myeloid leukemia (2012)
Fertilita u pacientů s Hodgkinovým lymfomem léčených režimem BEACOPP (2012)
Záchranná léčba režimem IGEV u pacientů s Hodgkinovým lymfomem, zkušenosti jednoho centra (2012)
Léčebné výsledky u pacientů s primárním mediastinálním velkobuněčným B-lymfomem, zkušenosti jednoho centra (2012)
Kinetics of bilirubin and liver enzymes is useful for predicting of liver graft-versus-host disease (2012)
Quantitative detection of an IDH2 mutation for minimal residual disease monitoring in acute myeloid leukemia patients and its comparison with mutations in the NPM1 gene (2013)
Cytokine analysis in a patient with relapsing Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (2012)
Lenalidomide: a new treatment option for Castleman disease (2012)
Šestileté sledování pacienta s mnohočetnou angiomatózou postihující skelet, břišní i hrudní dutinu a stěnu trávicí trubice (2012)
Léčba histiocytózy z Langerhansových buněk kladribinem dosáhla u 9 z 10 dospělých pacientů dlouhodobé kompletní remise (2012)
Vliv terapie na selekci a výskyt mutací v BCR-ABL1 kinázové doméně (2012)
Naše zkušenosti s léčbou multicentrické plazmocelulární Castlemanovy choroby s projevy vaskulitidy – popis případu a přehled literatury (2012)
Splenektomie a sepse: pacienti musí být informováni o riziku, musí být vakcinováni a v určitých případech užívat profylakticky antibiotika – editorial (2012)
Molekulární vlastnosti imunoglobulinů a jejich význam v klonální evoluci chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2012)
Mutation status of ATM gene in CLL patients harboring deletion 11Q or TP53 defect (2012)
Inhibice kinázy Chk1 senzitivuje buňky leukemií a lymfomů s mutacemi p53 na chemoterapeutika (2012)
Mutační stav genu ATM u CLL pacientů nesoucích deleci 11q nebo defekty v genu TP53 (2012)
Detailed mutational analysis of TP53 gene reveals high INCI-dence of additional minor proportion mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2012)
P53 mutations affecting DNA-binding have prominent impact on survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Application of panfungal PCR assays for detection of fungal DNA in galactomannan positive BAL samples and in tissue specimens from immunocompromised patients. (2012)
Significance of the PCR detection of respiratory viruses including human metapneumovirus in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and nasopharyngeal swabs in patients with various hematological disorders (2012)
Přenesení t(11;14) pozitivních buněk alogenní transplantací kostní dřeně: 10-letá cesta k mantle cell lymfomu (2012)
Preemptivní imunoterapie molekulárního relapsu u pacientů s mantle cell lymfomem (2012)
Dynamika BCL2/IGH a vztah molekulární a klinické aktivity u folikulárního lymfomu (2012)
Prediktivní a prognostický význam mutací v genechTP53 a ATM u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Dasatinib v léčbě pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií (CML) v chronické fázi (CP) rezistentních či netolerujících imatinib v podmínkách každodenní klinické praxe (2012)
Stanovení fenotypu CD34+ buněk z periferních štěpů kmenových buněk a kostní dřeně průtokovou cytometrií. (2012)
Monitorování dynamiky wild type (WT) a ganciklovir (GCV) - rezistentních CMV kmenů pomocí kvantitativní real-tiem PCR metody (2012)
Clonal heterogeneity in patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia with NPM1 mutations (2013)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies in the Czech and Slovak republics: Fungal InfectioN Database (FIND) analysis, 2005-2009 (2013)
Micafungin as empirical antifungal therapy in hematological patients: a retrospective, multicenter study in the Czech and Slovak Republics (2013)
Inhibice adheze závislé na integrinech jako přístup pro překonání rezistence k rituximabu u b-buněčných lymfomů. (2012)
Efektivita protokolu FLAMSA-RIC s následnou alogenní transplantací u 60 pacientů s rizikovou AML (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2012)
Mutace T315I je nejvýznamnějším faktorem pro regresi onemocnění u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií rezistentních na terapii tyrozin kinázovými inhibitory (2012)
Detekce minimální zbytkové nemoci u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií průtokovou cytometrií a RQ-PCR (2012)
Molekulárně genetické aspekty klonální evoluce chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Úloha microRNA v regulaci signalizace přes b-buněčný receptor a jejich vztah k patogenezi chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2012)
Srovnání kinetiky mutací v genech IDH2 a NPM1 metodou kvantitativní RQ-PCR u pacientů s akutní myloidní leukémií (AML). (2012)
Detekce klonální selekce u CLL pacientů pomocí ultra-deep sekvenování (2012)
Tumor dynamics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with multiple productive IGHV-IGHD-IGHJ rearrangement (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Clonal selection of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia detected by ultra-deep pyrosequencing (2012)
Genomic copy number alternations in high-risk CLL patients harboring TP53 defects: insights from consecutive investigations (2012)
Invazívna mykóza spôsobená Trichosporonom asahii (2012)
Invazívna mykóza gastrointestinálného traktu (2012)
Cladribin bewährt sich in der Erstlinientherapie der Langerhans-Zellhistiozytose bei Erwachsenen (2012)
Analyse von Zytokinen bei Kikuchi-Fujimoto Krankheit unterstützt die potentielle Beziehung zum systemischen Lupus erythematodes (2012)
Kutane Manifestationen der ausgewählten seltenen monoklonalen Gammopathien (2012)
Position der nuklearmedizinischen Darstellung in ausgewählten seltenen onkologischen Diagnosen (2012)
Cladribine therapy in 2 patients with Erdheim-Chester disease (2011)
Lenalidomide proved effective in a patient with relapsing multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis (2011)
Measuring diffuse metabolic activity on PET/CT as a new method for evaluating pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis activity (2011)
Screening methicilin-rezistentních kmenů Staphylococcus aureus, vankomycin-rezistentních enterokoků a enterobaktérií s produkcí širokospektrých beta-laktamáz na hematoonkologických odděleních. Doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL. (2012)
Laboratorní záchyt toxigenních kmenů Cd (Clostridium difficile), epidemiologická opatření a antibiotická léčba CDI (Clostridium difficile Infection) na hematoonkologických odděleních. Doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL. (2012)
Potential biomarkers for early detection of acute graft-versus-host disease (2012)
Účinnost lenalidomidu u vzácných krevních chorob: u histiocytózy z Langerhansových buněk, multicentrické Castlemanovy choroby, POEMS syndromu, Erdheimovy-Chesterovy choroby a angiomatózy. Popis případů a přehled literatury (2012)
MiR-210 expression in tumor tissue and in vitro effects of its silencing in renal cell carcinoma (2013)
Základy moderní pneumoonkologie (2012)
Léčba nemalobuněčného plicního karcinomu gefitinibem (2012)
Specific p53 mutations do not impact results of alemtuzumab therapy among patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Crizotinib v léčbě pokročilého nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (2012)
T315I mutations are clustered with advanced phases contrary to other aberrations in CML patients resistant to TKI therapy (2012)
Deep sequencing identifies TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Defects of ATM gene involving mutation lead to complete elimination of ATM function in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Activation induced deaminase in immune response and cancer (2012)
Application of monoclonal antibodies in treatment of lymphoroproliferative disorders (2012)
Možnost zvýšení citlivosti metod pro detekci mutací EGFR obohacením mutované DNA ve vzorcích metodou mutant enriched PCR (ME-PCR) (2012)
In vitro testování účinnosti na komplementu záviské cytotoxity monoklonálních protilátek určených pro léčbu B-buněčných malignit (2012)
Apoptosis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells Transiently Treated with Imatinib or Dasatinib Is Caused by Residual BCR-ABL Kinase Inhibition (2012)
Efficacy of rituximab in primary immune thrombocytopenia: an analysis of adult pretreated patients from everyday hematological practice (2012)
Gene expression profiling of acute graft-vs-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (2012)
Význam mutací v genech ATM a TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie - implikace pro terapii (2012)
Zavedení molekulární diagnostiky glykogenózy typu III, zajímavý případ uniparentální disomie (2012)
Exprese nestinu i v nádorových buňkách hematologických malignit - leukémií a lymfomů (2012)
currentSurvival: Estimation of CCI and CLFS Functions (2013)
Detekce a identifikace původců mykotických infekcí způsobených vláknitými houbami pomocí metod molekulární genetiky (2012)
Invazivní mykotické infekce u imunokompromitovaných nemocných se zaměřením na aspergilózu a její původce (2012)
Stereotyped B-cell receptors in one-third of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a molecular classification with implications for targeted therapies (2012)
Fludarabine with cytarabine followed by reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with poor-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Mesalamine modulates intercellular adhesion intercellular adhesion through inhibition of p-21 activated kinase-1 (2013)
MASiVEdb: the sirevirus plant retrotransposon database (2012)
MicroRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: from causality to associations and back (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays; an ERIC-wide approach (2012)
Mutational analysis of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different methodological approaches (2012)
Skewing of the T cell receptor gene repertoire and public clonotypes in cytotoxic T cells of patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia: a role for antigen selection in disease development (2012)
Inhibition of Chk1 kinase sensitizes leukemia and lymphoma cell lines with TP53 mutations to chemotherapy (2012)
The target genes and prognostic significance of Mir-150 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays, an ERIC-wide approach (2012)
Microrna-34a as a marker for fludarabine resistance and impairment of p53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Defects of ATM gene involving mutation lead to complete elimination of ATM function in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Clonal selection in the ontogeny and evolution of splenic marginal zone lymphoma confirming the existence of distinct molecular subtypes (2012)
Distinct profiles of in vivo class switch recombination in chronic lymphocytic leukemia subsets with stereotyped B cell receptors, suggestive of distinct modes of activation by antigen (2012)
Active crosstalk with the microenvironment leading to clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with stereotyped IGHV4-34/IGKV2-30 antigen receptors (2012)
T cell receptor gene repertoire restriction in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia with stereotyped IGHV4-34/IGKV2-30 antigen receptors (2012)
A reappraisal of the biological and clinical implications of chromosomal translocations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
High expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase and in vivo class switch recombination in mantle cell lymphoma: further support for antigen involvement in lymphomagenesis (2012)
Sequence variations in miRNA genes are common and may affect their expression in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Antigen receptor stereotypy across B-cell lymphoproliferations: the case of IGHV4-59/IGKV3-20 receptors with rheumatoid factor activity (2012)
Výsledky léčby AL-amyloidózy léčebnými režimy obsahujícími bortezomib, dexametazon a dále cyklofosfamid anebo doxorubucin (2012)
Kožní nežádoucí projevy tyrozinkinázových inhibitorů v léčbě pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií – zkušenosti jednoho centra (2012)
Prognostic Factors Affecting Outcome after Allogeneic Transplantation for Hematological Malignancies from Unrelated Donors: Results from a Randomized Trial (2012)
Program sledování mutací TP53 - spolupráce s vídeňskou akademií věd. (2012)
Korelace prognostických markerů LAG3, LPL a ZAP70 s mutačním stavem IGHV pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2012)
Raritní případ současného výskytu dvou mutací genu EGFR u pacienta s NSCLC z hlediska laboratorní diagnostiky (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays; an eric-wide approach (2012)
Identifikace patogeneticky významných mutací u chronické lymfocytární leukemie pomocí "sekvenování nové generace" (2012)
Analýza IgVH u CLL - mezinárodní spolupráce, nové poznatky (2012)
Význam mutací v genu ATM u CLL pacientů (2012)
Selekce mutací ATM a TP53 - kazuistika (2012)
Vysokokapacitní sekvenování CLL pacientů - identifikace nových genů, např. NOTCH1, SF3B1 a další (2012)
Jak a kdy vyšetřovat p53 u CLL? (2012)
Jak léčit ALL dospělých? (2012)
Systémová mastocytóza, diagnostika a léčba vč. alogenní transplantace kostní dřeně (2012)
Centrum molekulární biologie a genové terapie IHOK LF MU a FN Brno - představení pracoviště (2012)
Molekulárně-biologická diagnostika myeloidních leukémií (2012)
Komplexní molekulárně-biologický pohled na jedno onemocnění - chronickou lymfocytární leukémii (2012)
Invasive mould disease involving the gastrointestinal tract caused by Neosartorya pseudofischeri in a haematological patient (2013)
Onkologie (2012)
Extensive AL Amyloidosis Presenting with Recurrent Liver Hemorrhage and Hemoperitoneum: Case Report and Literature Review (2013)
Transplantace srdce a následná léčba AL-amyloidózy (2013)
The Planar Cell Polarity Pathway Drives Pathogenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by the Regulation of B-Lymphocyte Migration (2013)
Invazívne mykotické infekcie u hematoonkologických pacientov – epidemiológia, rizikové faktory, klinické príznaky a diagnostika (2012)
Způsob stanovení závažnosti a prognózy B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia cells transiently treated with imatinib or dasatinib is caused by residual BCR-ABL kinase inhibition. (2013)
Selection of antigen receptors in splenic marginal-zone lymphoma: further support from the analysis of the immunoglobulin light-chain gene repertoire (2012)
Molekulárně biologická diagnostika mutací genu KRAS a BRAF u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem - zkušenosti laboratorního pracoviště (2013)
Vyšetření mutačního statut p53 v souboru pacientů s MDS před léčbou a v rámci terapie azacytidinem (2013)
Sirevirus LTR retrotransposons: phylogenetic misconceptions in the plant world (2013)
The significance of stereotyped B-cell receptors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
The outcome of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients who relapsed after fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (2013)
Dlouhodobá remise multicentrické Castlemanovy choroby u vysoce předléčeného pacienta po monoterapii lenalidomidem (2013)
Vyhledávání a sledování klonů s mutací TP53 v chronické fázi myeloproliferativních neoplazií (MPN) (2013)
Detekce přestavby EML4/ALK metodou RT-PCR u pacientů s nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (NSCLC). (2013)
Multiple Myeloma Associated Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma: Treatment Response Monitoring by Means of PET/CT Imaging (2013)
Castlemanova choroba: zkušenosti jednoho centra s diagnostikou a léčbou 10 pacientů (2013)
Influence of molecular subgroups on outcome of acute myeloid leukemia with normal karyotype in 141 patients undergoing salvage allogeneic stem cell transplantation in primary induction failure or beyond first relapse (2013)
The analysis of next-generation sequencing data reveals patterns of expression for clustered miRNAs (2013)
The role of immunoglobulin B-cell receptor in follicular lymphoma (2013)
Metodou RT-qPCR k predikci vývoje chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2013)
Wnt-PCP pathway driving pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia participates on normal B-cell development (2013)
Dráha Wnt/PCP ovlivňuje kromě patogeneze chronické lymfocytární leukemie i vývoj B-lymfocytů (2013)
Reaktivace vybraných p53 mutantů u B-buněčných nádorových linií prostřednictvím malých cílených molekul (2013)
Mutace genu ATM narušují aktivaci p53 dráhy po poškození DNA doxorubicinem u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií: využití pro funkční test (2013)
Aktualizovaná doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukémie České CLL skupiny (2013)
Molekulární biologie CLL - význam molekulárních prognostických faktorů (2013)
Význam imunoglobulinového receptoru u folikulárního lymfomu (2013)
The origin of deletion 22q11 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is related to the rearrangement of immunoglobulin lambda light chain locus (2013)
Pairing of T-cell receptor chains via emulsion PCR (2013)
Distinct frequency and profiles of TP53 gene mutations in CLL subgroups with distinct antigen receptors: Evidence for antigen-driven selection of genomci aberrations. (2013)
IgG-switched CLL has a distinct immunogenetic signature from the common MD variant: oncogenetic implications (2013)
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the elderly: a tough one (2013)
MRD level analysis in adult ALL patients. Analysis of the Czech leukemia study group-for life (CELL) (2013)
Low-dose FCR in elderly/comorbid patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL): updated results of project q-lite by Czech CLL study group (2013)
Synthetic lethality in p53 mutated B-cell mylignancies: Chk-1 inhibition and DNA-PK inhibition effect in cell lines and primary CLL cells (2013)
Role of Wnt-5A and non-canonical Wnt signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational safety study of ofatumumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a european research initiative on CLL (EIRC) study (2013)
ATM inactivation disturbs ATM-p53 pathway in response to DNA damage induced by doxorubicin but not fludarabine in CLL cells (2013)
B cell receptor stereotypy makes a clinical difference in CLL: revelations from a multi-institutional series of 4615 cases (2013)
Reactivation of selected p53 mutants in B-cell tumor cell lines using targeted small molecules (2013)
TP53 mutations but not ATM mutations associate with higher in vitro resistance of CLL cells to rituximab (2013)
The expression of a single microRNA -miR-34a - is a reliable marker for impairment of TP53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
CLL: Different ages, dfferent antigen receptor profiles (2013)
Castlemanova choroba: Retrospektivní studie léčebných výsledků u 10 pacientů z jednoho centra (2013)
Evaluation of 5-year imatinib treatment of 458 patients with CP-CML in routine clinical practice and prognostic impact of different BCR-ABL cutoff levels. (2013)
Ruxolitinib v léčbě primární myelofibrózy (2013)
Recommendations on TP53 mutational analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2013)
Mechanism of impaired glucose metabolism during nilotinib therapy in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. (2013)
Combined antifungal approach for the treatment of invasive mucormycosis in patients with hematologic diseases: a report from the SEIFEM and FUNGISCOPE registries. (2013)
MicroRNA miR-150 contributes to the disease aggressiveness and regulation of B-cell receptor signaling (BCR) in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
MicroRNA miR-150 contributes to the disease aggressiveness and regulation of B-cell receptor signalling (BCR) in CLL (2013)
Detekce a kvantifikace Pneumocystis jiroveci ve vzorcích tekutiny z bronchoalveolární laváže u hematoonkologických nemocných pomocí real-time PCR (2013)
Inhibice signalizace B buněčným receptorem: první cílená léčba u chronické lymfocytární leukemie a dalších B buněčných lymfomů (2013)
MicroRNAs and B cell receptor signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
ATM mutations uniformly lead to ATM dysfunction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: application of functional test using doxorubicin (2013)
High-Dose Cytarabine Consolidation With or Without Additional Amsacrine and Mitoxantrone in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Results of the Prospective Randomized AML2003 Trial (2013)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) (2013)
Overview of available p53 function tests in relation to TP53 and ATM gene alterations and chemoresistance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
The p53 pathway induction is not primarily dependent on Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) gene activity after fludarabine treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2013)
No clinical evidence for performing trough plasma and intracellular imatinib concentrations monitoring in patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia (2014)
Current survival measures reliably reflect modern sequential treatment in CML: Correlation with prognostic stratifications (2013)
Combination of fludarabine, amsacrine, and cytarabine followed by reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia (2013)
Complete remission of multiple myeloma associated scleredema after bortezomib-based treatment (2013)
Morbus Castleman: eine Single-Center-Studie von therapeutischen Ergebnissen bei 14 Patienten (2013)
Eine Single-Center-Studie von therapeutischen Ergebnissen bei 70 Patienten mit sehr seltenen onkologischen Erkrankungen (2013)
MicroRNA miR-150 contributes to the proficiency of B-cell receptor signaling (BCR) in malignant B cells (2013)
Mutace v genu TP53 jsou spojeny s vyšší rezistencí CLL buněk na ofatumumab a rituximab in vitro (2013)
NGS analysis of clonal development in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
The expression of micrRNA-34a is a highly reliable for impairment of p53-pathway in CLL: development of clinically applicable assay (2013)
Využití moderních genomických přístupů v diagnostice a léčbě lekémií (2013)
Normal hematopoietic stem cells can be detected in newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia patients and leukemic stem cells can be detected in CML patients after therapy by a multi-technique approach using antigen CD26. (2013)
MicroRNA miR-150 contributes to regulation of B-cell receptro signaling (BCR) and disease aggressiveness in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
The role of two ROR1 ligands - Wnt5a and Wnt5b - in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Analysis of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients harboring TP53 gene aberrations (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational study of ofatumumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a European research initiative on CLL (ERIC) study (2013)
ATM mutations are mutually exclusive with NOTCH1 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2013)
European research initiative on chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (ERIC) guidelines for detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) in CLL using multi-parameter (4-10 CLR) flow cytometry (2013)
TP53 mutations associate with higher in vitro resistance of CLL cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2013)
Nové možnosti detekce fúzního genu EML4-ALK u nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (NSCLC) (2013)
Surface antigen CD26 as a marker for purification of CML stem cells (2013)
Expression of the stem cell marker nestin in leukemia cells (2013)
Rapid screening of bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients for Mucormycetes using PCR followed by high resolution melt analysis (2013)
Can panfungal PCR detect and identify fungal species in culture negative samples from patients suspected of invasive fungal infection? (2013)
Detecting minimal residual disease in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using 8-color flow cytometry protocol in routine hematological practice. (2014)
Prediction of poor outcome in CLL patients following first-line treatment with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (2013)
Erdheim-Chester disease and Schnitzler syndrome: so near, and yet so far (2013)
Nemoc chladových aglutininů nereagující na léčbu glukokortikoidy a na léčbu rituximabem. Jaký postup zvolit pro III. linii léčby? Popis případu a přehled literatury (2013)
PET-CT dokumentovaný rychlý nástup léčebné odpovědi cyklofosfamidu, thalidomidu a dexametazonu u multicentrické formy Castlemanovy nemoci. Popis případu a přehled informací o léčbě (2013)
Cladribine (2-chlorodeoxyadenosine) in frontline chemotherapy for adult Langerhans cell histiocytosis: A single-center study of seven cases (2013)
Giant metastatic testicular tumor (2013)
European LeukemiaNet recommendations for the management of chronic myeloid leukemia: 2013 (2013)
The EUTOS prognostic score: review and validation in 1288 patients with CML treated frontline with imatinib (2013)
The price of drugs for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a reflection of the unsustainable prices of cancer drugs: from the perspective of a large group of CML experts (2013)
Prespecified Candidate Biomarkers Identify Follicular Lymphoma Patients Who Achieved Longer Progression-Free Survival with Bortezomib-Rituximab Versus Rituximab (2013)
SF3B1 mutations frequently occur with both ATM mutations and TP53 mutations in CLL patients (2013)
A systematic search into the role of IGVH gene replacement in shaping the immunoglobulin repertoire of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Differential distribution of recurrent gene mutations in subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with stereotyped B-cell receptros: results from a multicenter project of the european research initiative on CLL in a series of 2482 cases (2013)
Ofatumumab added to dexamethasone in patients with relapsed of refractory chronic lymphocytc leukemia. Results from a phase II study of the czech leukemia study group for life (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational study of ofatumumab in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia (CLL): a european research initiative on CLL (ERIC) study (2013)
The interlaboratory robustness of next-generation sequencing (IRON) study phase II: deep-sequencing analyses of hematological malignancies performed in 8,867 cases by an international network involving 27 laboratories (2013)
Stanovení prognózy pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (CLL) (2013)
Complex patterns of chromosome 11 aberrations in myeloid malignancies target CBL, MLL, DDB1 and LMO2 (2013)
Distinct patterns of novel gene mutations in poor-prognostic stereotyped subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: the case of SF3B1 and subset #2. (2013)
Clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization and conventional cytogenetics after stimulation with CpG oligonucleotides and interleukin-2: A prospective analysis. (2014)
Cytogenetické vyšetření lymfocytů periferní krve po stimulaci IL 2 a CpG oligonukleotidem DSP30 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemiíridization and conventional cytogenetics after stimulation with CpG oligonucleotides and interleukin-2: A prospective analysis. (2013)
Klonální evoluce a selekce mutací TP53 v relapsu chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2013)
Genotypování kmenů klebsiella pneumoniae pomocí metody REP-PCR (2013)
Mutační analýza genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2013)
Efficacy and tolerance of dasatinib after imatinib failure or intolerance for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated in three different hospitals compare well with results achievable in formal clinical trials. (2013)
Selected unquestionable oncologic diagnosis in case of flow cytometry application (2013)
Significant antigens for detection of minimal residual disease in patients with mantle cell lymphoma using flow cytometry approach (2013)
Significant antigens for detection of minimal residual disease in patients with mantle cell lymphoma using flow cytometry approach (2013)
Skin adverse effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the therapy of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia - single centre experience (2013)
The prospective analysis of low level BCR-ABL1 T315I mutation in the CD34+ cells of de novo CML patients (2013)
Nuromuscular toxicity of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the therapy of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (2013)
Are mutations in the IDH2 gene suitable molecular markers for MRD monitoring in AML patienst? (2013)
Klonální evoluce u myeloproliferativních neoplazií a role genu TP53 (2013)
Retrospective analysis of 235 unselected patients with mantle cell lymphoma confirms prognostic relevance of Mantle Cell Lymphoma International Prognostic Index and Ki-67 in the era of rituximab: long-term data from the Czech Lymphoma Project Database (2014)
Atypická fraktura metatarzální kosti u pacienta s mnohočetnym myelomem, který byl dlouhodobě léčen bisfosfonáty (2013)
Salvage lenalidomide in four rare oncological diseases (2013)
Alemtuzumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: final results of a large observational multicenter study in mostly pretreated patients (2014)
Estimation of Current Survival Measures: The currentSurvival Package for R (2013)
The Estimation of Current Survival Measures in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia is Now Available Online (2013)
Transmission of t(11;14)-positive cells by allogeneic stem cell transplant: 10-year journey to mantle cell lymphoma (2014)
Schnitzler-syndrom – paradigma multidisciplinárního přístupu u velmi vzácné diagnózy (2014)
Reálná úloha PCR v diagnostice mykotických infekcí. (2013)
The Effect of Imatinib Treatment Duration on the Quality of the Life of Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (2013)
Exogenous lipoid pneumonia caused by chronic improper use of baby body oil in adult patient (2013)
Laboratorní diagnostika CMV infekce u nemocných s hematologickou malignitou (2013)
Ongoing antigen interactions in splenic marginal zone lymphoma: revelations from the analysis of intraclonal diversification in immunoglobulin light chain genes (2013)
The BCR-ABL1 T315I mutation and additional genomic aberrations are dominant genetic lesions associated with disease progression in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia resistant to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. (2013)
Preparing unbiased T cell receptor and antibody cDNA libraries for the deep next generation sequencing profiling (2013)
MiTCR: software for T cell receptor sequencing data analysis (2013)
Mother and child T cell receptor repertoires: deep profiling study (2013)
Huge overlap of individual TCR beta repertoires (2013)
Diagnostika pneumocystové pneumonie molekulárněbiologickými metodami (2013)
TP53 aberrations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Early response with dasatinib or imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia: 3-year follow-up from a randomized phase 3 trial (DASISION) (2014)
Multivariate and subgroup analyses of a randomized, multinational, phase 3 trial of decitabine vs treatment choice of supportive care or cytarabine in older patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia and poor- or intermediate-risk cytogenetics (2014)
Estimation of the Current Survival Survival Measures in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Metodology and New Software Tools. (2013)
Mechanism of Impaired Glukose Metabolism during Nilotinib Therapy in Patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (2013)
Impact of treatment administration on selection of BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutations (2012)
Temporal dynamics of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with stereotyped IGHV4-34/IGKV2-30 antigen receptors: longitudinal immunogenetic evidence. (2013)
Antigen selection in B-cell lymphomas-Tracing the evidence (2013)
Diagnostika, léčba a profylaxe pneumocystové pneumonie u hematologických nemocných. Doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL (2013)
Diagnostika, léčba a profylaxe EBV infekce/reaktivace/asociované lymfoproliferace u nemocných s hematologickou malignitou. Doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL (2013)
Doporučení odborníků pro prevenci a terapii CMV infekce u hematologických pacientů. Doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL (2013)
Nové perspektivy v patogenezi a diagnostice lymfomu z plášťových buněk (mantle cell lymfomu) (2013)
Molekulární hematologie (2013)
Stereotyped B Cell Receptors in B Cell Leukemias and Lymphomas (2013)
Bone Markers in the Treatment of Cancer Related Bone Disease in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer (2014)
MiRNA profilování v predikci progrese Barretova jícnu v karcinom (2014)
Studium signální dráhy EGFR a expresních profilů mikroRNA v predikci odpovědi na cílenou anti-EGFR terapii u pacientů s metastatickým kolorektálním karcinomem (2014)
Zapojení miR-215 do patogeneze kolorektálního karcinomu (2014)
Globální expresní analýza mikroRNA identifikovala sadu 6 prognostických mikroRNA u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem (2014)
Prediction of cancer progression in Barrett’s esophagus patients using miRNA profiling (2014)
Determination of Imatinib in the Blood Cells of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Patients by Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometry (2014)
Castlemanova choroba v obrazech (2014)
Invasive candidemia/candidiasis on hematological wards in 2000-2012 - a results from FIND - Candida project (2013)
Výskyt zárodečných mutací BRCA1 a BRCA2 genu v konsekutivní kohortě pacientek s triple-negativním karcinomem prsu léčených v MOÚ (2014)
Léčba anakinrou u Schnitzler-syndromu - výsledky první retrospektivní multicentrické studie šesti pacientů z České republiky (2014)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignacies in Czech and Slovak Republics? fungal infection database (find) analysis (2001-2011) - an update (2013)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies in Slovakia: CELL fungal infection database (FIND) analysis, 2005-2011 (2013)
Probable/proven invasive aspergillosis in children with malignancy registered in database FIND, Study on behalf of the Czech Leukemia Study Group for life CELL (2013)
Clostridium difficile infections in patients with hematological malignancy in Czech and Slovak Republic - a retrospective analysis (2014)
Comparison of galactomannan detected in serum/ bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and type of abnormality on pulmonary high-resolution computed tomography in patients with pulmonary invasive aspergillosis (2014)
Prevention of osteonecrosis of the jaw during zolendronat use in the patients with multiple myeloma - experience from one centre (2011)
PET-CT dokumentovaná kompletní 4letá remise Erdheimovy-Chesterovy nemoci po léčbě kladribinem (2014)
Genotypování kmenů Klebsiella pneumoniae pomocí metod rep-PCR a mini-Multi Locus Sequence Typing (mini-MLST) (2014)
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase and fluoroquinolone resistance genes and plasmids among Escherichia coli isolates from zoo animals, Czech Republic. (2013)
Onkologie v obrazech. Makroglosie jako příznak onemocnění kostní dřeně (2014)
Involvement of miR-215 in colorectal cancer pathogenesis (2014)
MiR-31-3p a miR-31-5p predikují odpověď na cetuximab u pacientů s metastatickým kolorektálním karcinomem s nemutovaným onkogenem KRAS (2014)
Změny methylace tumor supresorových genů u hepatocelulárního karcinomu (2014)
Globální expresní analýza mikroRNA identifikovala sadu 6 prognostických mikroRNA u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem (2014)
MiR-215 a její role v patogenezi kolorektálního karcinomu (2014)
Wnt5a and Wnt5b control pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
KRAS NF-kappa B is involved in the development of zinc resistance and reduced curability in prostate cancer (2014)
Dissemination of IncFII(K)-type plasmids in multiresistant CTX-M-15-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates from children in hospital paediatric oncology wards (2012)
Prognostic significance of selected biomarkers in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (2014)
Co vlastně víme o přestavbě genu ALK u NSCLC? (2014)
Crisotinib v léčbě pokročilého nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (2014)
Evaluating Disease and Patient Characteristics which Predict (Retrospectively) Changes in Quality of Life after Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (2014)
Risk Score based on microRNA expression signature is independent prognostic classifier of glioblastoma patients (2014)
Charakterizace kmenů Klebsiella pneumoniae metodami mini-multilokusové sekvenční typizace (mini-MLST) a interrepetitivní polymerázové řetězové reakce (rep-PCR) (2014)
Sekvenování nové generace jako nástroj moderního mikrobiologického výzkumu (2014)
Whole genome sequencing of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains (2014)
Molekulární genetika a individualizovaný přístup v onkologii (2014)
Perspektivy molekulární genetiky v onkologii (2014)
Molekulární genetika v onkologii (2014)
Hematologie a transfuzní lékařství (2014)
Computer applications systems and networks for medical education : MEFANET: Czech and Slovak Medical Faculties Network (2014)
FDG-PET positive pilomatrixoma - Reconsidering multicentricity in Langerhans cell histiocytosis (2014)
MiR-31-3p a miR-31-5p predikují čas do progrese u pacientů s metastatickým kolorektálním karcinomem s nemutovaným onkogenem KRAS léčených cetuximabem (2014)
MiR-215 as an important tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer patients (2014)
Sada 6-ti mikroRNA predikuje celkové přežívání u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem (2014)
Molecular systematics of Barbatosphaeria (Sordariomycetes): multigene phylogeny and secondary ITS structure (2015)
Biological and clinical relevance of mirnas induced in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells during administration of therapy in vivo and in vitro (2014)
Binding of histone H1 to DNA is differentially modulated by redox state of HMGB1 (2014)
TaqMan based real time PCR assay targeting EML4-ALK fusion transcripts in NSCLC (2014)
Detecting human cytomegalovirus drug resistant mutations and monitoring the emergence of resistant strains using real-time PCR (2014)
Multiple productive immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia are mostly derived from independent clones (2014)
Residual cancer lymphocytes in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia after therapy show increased expression of surface antigen CD52 detected using quantitative fluorescence cytometry (2014)
Rapid detection and identification of mucormycetes in bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients with pulmonary infiltrates by use of high-resolution melt analysis (2014)
Diferenciální diagnostika eozinofilie (2014)
TP53 Mutation Analysis in Clinical Practice: Lessons From Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2014)
Chromosomal translocations and karyotype complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A systematic reappraisal of classic cytogenetic data (2014)
Identification of novel sequence variations in microRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Assessment of TP53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia by different assays; an ERIC-wide approach (2014)
Targeted next-generation sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a high-throughput yet tailored approach will facilitate implementation within a clinical setting (2015)
TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different detection methods (2015)
The frequency of TP53 gene defects differs between chronic lymphocytic leukaemia subgroups harbouring distinct antigen receptors (2014)
Recurrent mutations refine prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2015)
MDM2 promotor polymorphism and disease characteristics in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of an individual patient data-based meta-analysis (2014)
Detection of Minimal Residual Disease in Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Establishment of Novel Eight-Color Flow Cytometry Approach (2015)
MicroRNA-155 influences B-cell receptor signaling and associates with aggressive disease in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2014)
BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutational analysis of CD34+ stem/progenitor cells in newly diagnosed CML patients by next-generation sequencing (2014)
Distinct in vitro sensitivity of p53-mutated and ATM-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2014)
Detailed analysis of therapy-driven clonal evolution of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
The impact of SF3B1 mutations in CLL on the DNA-damage response (2015)
Towards error-free profiling of immune repertoires (2014)
DPPIV (CD26) as a novel stem cell marker in Ph plus chronic myeloid leukaemia (2014)
miR-150 influences B-cell receptor signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by regulating expression of GAB1 and FOXP1 (2014)
B-cell receptor signalling and its crosstalk with other pathways in normal and malignant cells (2015)
Prospective analysis of low-level BCR-ABL1 T315I mutation in CD34+ cells of patients with de novo chronic myeloid leukemia (2014)
MicroRNAs in B cell lymphomas: how a complex biology gets more complex (2015)
Hepcidin levels in Diamond-Blackfan anemia reflect erythropoietic activity and transfusion dependency (2014)
IgG-Switched CLL Has a Distinct Immunogenetic Signature from the Common MD Variant: Ontogenetic Implications (2014)
Splenic marginal-zone lymphoma: ontogeny and genetics (2015)
Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis (2014)
Post hoc analysis of the relationship between baseline white blood cell count and survival outcome in a randomized Phase III trial of decitabine in older patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (2015)
Léčba invazivní aspergilózy - doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL (2014)
Léčba invazivního kandidového onemocnění a hematogenní kandidové infekce - doporučení odborníků s podporou CELL (2014)
Complex Analysis of TP53 in Lung Carcinoma (2014)
High level of COBLL1, a novel ROR1 binding partner, identifies chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients with mutated IghV (2014)
Analysis of merkel cell polyomavirus prognostic significance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
SF3B1 mutations in CLL are associated with a defective DNA damage response (2014)
Matched pattern discovery across paired immunoglobulin heavy and light chains in CLL reveals unique subset-defining amino acid associations (2014)
Targeted next-generation sequencing for mutational screening in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a high-throughput yet tailored approach will facilitate implementation within a clinical setting (2014)
NOD/SCID gamma xenograft model of B-cell malignancies using TP53- and/or ATM-deficient cell lines (2014)
Incorporation of next-generation sequencing into ATM gene analysis in patients with CLL and MCL. (2014)
Immunoglobulin heavy variable genes and alleles: new entities, new names and implications for research and prognostication in CLL (2014)
Not ALL IghV3-21 CLL are equal: subset 2 displays a distinctive clinicobiological profile with remarkable similarities to subset 169, its close immunogenetic relative (2014)
The actual role of PCR in the diagnostics of invasive fungal infections (2014)
Rapid detection and identification of medically important Fungi in bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients using PCR followed by high-resolution melting analysis (2014)
Amyloid precursor proteins (APPS) as potential modulators of WNT/PCP pathway in CLL (2014)
13Q deletion as the most frequently gained abrration during CLL course (2014)
Deep sequencing for detailed analysis of TP53 mutations clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Reactivation of mutated p53 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells using prima-1 met. (2014)
BAP1 mutation in a family with malignant mesothelioma and uveal melanoma (2014)
TP53 mutations in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasias (2014)
Blood sample processing significantly affects occurence of alternatively spliced transcripts of TP53 gene (2014)
Wnt3 levels predict time to first treatment in CLL patients (2014)
Significance of genomic abnormalities in evolution of biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Subset-Specific spectra of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with stereotyped B-cell receptors (2014)
Charting unique signatures of somatic hypermutation amongst chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients expressing IGHV4-34 clonotypic B cell receptors (2014)
Clinical impact of stereotyped antigen receptors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Diagnostika genu AML4-ALK a jeho prediktivní význam u nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic (2014)
Cílená terapie u pacientů s nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (2014)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a význam sekvenování nové generace při studiu patogeneze onemocnění (2014)
MicroRNA miR-150 regulates B-cell receptor signaling (BCR) and disease aggressiveness in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Molekulárně genetické metody používané v diagnostice hereditárních nádorových syndromů v OEGN laboratoři v MOÚ (2014)
Raritní onkologické diagnózy v průtokové cytometrii (2014)
Mutace genu TP53 u pacientů s myeloproliferativními neoplasiemi (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Význam mutační analýzy prognostických markerů u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím přístupů další generace sekvenováním (2014)
Wnt/PCP dráha ovlivňuje migraci buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie - uplatňuje se také u nemaligních B-lymfocytů? (2014)
Gentické aberace v B-lymfocytu chronické lymfocytární leukémie - vznik, selekce a dopad na terapii (2014)
Genetické aberace v B-lymfocytu chronické lymfocytární leukémie - vznik, selekce a dopad na terapii (2014)
Co všechno nám mohou napovědět imunoglobulinové geny u chronické lymfatické leukémie (2014)
Molekulární biologie u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2014)
Is checkpoint kinase 1 a suitable molecular target for combination with cancer chemotherapeutics? (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Identifikace MicroRNAs zapojených do reakce na poškození DNA v maligních B lymfocytech a jejich biologická a klinická relevance (2014)
BAP1 syndrom s maligním mesotheliomem a uveálním melanomem (2014)
BRCA1/2, CHEK2 and TP53 testing in Czech high-risk families with breast or ovarian cancer (2014)
Prognostic impact of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in TP53-mutated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Is checkpoint kinase 1 a suitable molecular target for sensitization of TP53-mutated leukemia and lymphoma cells to chemotherapy? (2014)
Deep sequencing for identification of minor-clone TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2015)
Clinical effect of stereotyped B-cell receptor immunoglobulins in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: A retrospective multicentre study (2014)
Age-Related Decrease in TCR Repertoire Diversity Measured with Deep and Normalized Sequence Profiling (2014)
JAK2 inhibitory v léčbě primární myelofibrózy. Dodatek k doporučením pro diagnostiku a léčbu Ph negativních myeloproliferativních onemocnění České pracovní skupiny pro Ph negativní myeloproliferativní onemocnění České hematologické společnosti ČLS JEP (CZEMP) (2014)
Combination of serum microRNA-320a and microRNA-320b as a marker for Waldenström macroglobulinemia (2015)
Circulating MiR-130a monitoring in multiple myeloma patients and patients with extramedullary disease (2014)
Explaining survival differences between two consecutive studies with allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (2014)
Immunoglobulin heavy variable (IGHV) genes and alleles: new entities, new names and implications for research and prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2015)
MicroRNAs in Embryonic Stem Cells (2015)
Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia (2014)
Bioinformatics Summer School 2014: Theoretical and practical aspects of processing and analysis of sequencing data (2014)
Sada pro stanovení prognózy chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2015)
Validace TP53 sady na CLL a FFPE vzorcích (2014)
MiR-31-5p zvyšuje prediktivní hodnotu KRAS/NRAS/BRAF u pacientů s metastatickým kolorektálním karcinomem léčenýmch cetuximabem (2015)
Analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem s využitím sekvenování nové generace (2015)
Diabetes, antidiabetic medications, and pancreatic cancer risk: an analysis from the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (2014)
Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and lung cancer by histological type: A pooled analysis of the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO) (2014)
DHFR-mediated effects of methotrexate in medulloblastoma and osteosarcoma cells: The same outcome of treatment with different doses in sensitive cell lines (2015)
Regulation of microRNA expression based on their common factors and properties (2015)
Regulation of microRNA expression based on their common factors and properties (2015)
MiR-215 is a tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer in vitro and in vivo (2015)
MiRNA profiling in esophageal precancerous for malignancy progression risk assessment (2015)
PET-CT dokumentovaná remise multicentrické formy Castlemanovy choroby po léčbě rituximabem. Popis případu a přehled literatury (2015)
miR-155 and miR-484 Are Associated with Time to Progression in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Sunitinib (2015)
Dynamic changes in microRNA expression profiles reflect progression of Barrett's esophagus to esophageal adenocarcinoma (2015)
Ofatumumab added to dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Results from a phase II study (2015)
Ofatumumab in poor-prognosis chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a Phase IV, non-interventional, observational study from the European Research Initiative on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2015)
Wobble pairs of the HDV ribozyme play specific roles in stabilization of active site dynamics (2015)
NOD/SCID IL2R gamma-null mouse xenograft model of human p53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia and ATM-mutated mantle cell lymphoma using permanent cell lines (2015)
Discovery of a novel ligand that modulates the protein-protein interactions of the AAA plus superfamily oncoprotein reptin (2015)
Fertility status of Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with chemotherapy and adjuvant gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (2015)
Blokáda receptoru pro interleukin-1 preparátem anakinra vedla u pacienta s Erdheimovou-Chesterovou nemocí k vymizení patologické únavy, k poklesu markerů zánětu a ústupu fibrózy v retroperitoneu – popis případu a přehled literárních údajů (2012)
miRNome-wide regulation of microRNA expression (2015)
Functional loss of I kappa B epsilon leads to NF-kappa B deregulation in aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Evaluation of Minim typing for genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates (2015)
Computational study of missense mutations in phenylalanine hydroxylase (2015)
Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses in the Czech Republic (2016)
Zinc Resistant Prostate Cell Lines Behaviour Characteristics (2014)
Infusion of HLA-mismatched peripheral blood stem cells during treatment AML in elderly patients (2014)
Germline mutations in ETV6 are associated with thrombocytopenia, red cell macrocytosis and predisposition to lymphoblastic leukemia (2015)
Hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with intermediate and high-risk AML: results from the randomized Study Alliance Leukemia (SAL) AML 2003 trial (2015)
Bortezomib-Based Therapy for Newly Diagnosed Mantle-Cell Lymphoma (2015)
Long-term haloperidol treatment prolongs QT interval and increases expression of sigma 1 and IP3 receptors in guinea pig hearts (2015)
Cirkulující sérová miR-130a jako marker extramedulárního relapsu mnohočetného myelomu (2015)
Cirkulující mikroRNA v moči u mnohočetného myelomu (2015)
Cirkulující mikroRNA v moči jako biomarker mnohočetného myelomu (2015)
Analysis of Prognostic Significance of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2015)
Kvantifikace ošetřovatelské péče v oboru hematoonkologie (2015)
Limited efficacy of HLA-haploidentical peripheral blood stem cell infusion in treatment of elderly patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia (2017)
Characterization of the HMA7 gene and transcriptomic analysis of candidate genes for copper tolerance in two Silene vulgaris ecotypes (2014)
FLORENCE: a randomized, double-blind, phase III pivotal study of febuxostat versus allopurinol for the prevention of tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) in patients with hematologic malignancies at intermediate to high TLS risk (2015)
Circulating Serum MicroRNA-130a as a Novel Putative Marker of Extramedullary Myeloma (2015)
MicroRNAs in urine are not biomarkers of multiple myeloma (2015)
Distribution of mutations in DNMT3A gene and the suitability of mutations in R882 codon for MRD monitoring in patients with AML (2015)
Ofatumumab retreatment and maintenance in fludarabine-refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients (2015)
Higher-order immunoglobulin sequence relations for major subsets of chronic lymophocytic leukemia: uniqueness versus equivalence (2015)
High-throughput T-cell receptor gene repertoire profilig in chronic lymphocytic leukemia subset 4: further evidence of antigenic stimulation. (2015)
Additional trisomies amongst patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia carving trisomy 12: the partner chromosome makes a diference. (2015)
Dissecting resistence mechanisms in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using whole-exome sequencing: impact of recurrent RPS15 mutations on p53 dysregulation. (2015)
Elimination of mutated p53 protein and induction of p53 downstream genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells using prima-1met. (2015)
13Q deletion in predominant cytogenetic aberration newly aquired during chronic lymohocytic leukemia course irrespective of disease activity and treatment status. (2015)
High resolution cytogenetic mapping and whole exome sequencing reveal a complx pattern of chromosome 6p aberrations in patients with myeloid malignancies. (2015)
Incorporation of humanized niche as a strategy for improving leukemic engraftment in immunodeficient mice (2015)
Engraftment of acute and chronic myeloid leukemia in NOD scid gamma mice (2015)
Parameter Synthesis by Parallel Coloured CTL Model Checking (2015)
High-Performance Discrete Bifurcation Analysis for Piecewise-Affine Dynamical Systems (2015)
MicroRNA expression profiling identifies miR-31-5p/3p as associated with time to progression in wild-type RAS metastatic colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab (2015)
Long non-coding RNA ZFAS1 interacts with CDK1 and is involved in p53-dependent cell cycle control and apoptosis in colorectal cancer (2016)
The EUTOS population-based registry: incidence and clinical characteristics of 2904 CML patients in 20 European Countries (2015)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells are highly susceptible to direct inhibition of checkpoint kinase (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
CD26 antigen is specific for leukemic stem cells in chronic myeloid leukemia and distinguishes patient groups with different ratios of leukemic and healthy stem cells (2015)
Chronic myeloid leukemia: is the real prognosis of newly diagnosed patients really so good? (2015)
Prognostický význam NOTCH1 murací u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2015)
NOTCH mutace u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2015)
Prognostický význam hot spot mutace genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a souvislosti s molekulárně biologickými markery onemocnění (2015)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a jejich klinický význam (2015)
Outcomes of 167 healthy sibling donors after peripheral blood stem cell mobilization with G-CSF 16 mu g/kg/day: efficacy and safety (2015)
Lenalidomide versus investigator's choice in relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma (MCL-002; SPRINT): a phase 2, randomised, multicentre trial (2016)
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation improves survival in patients with AML characterized by a high allelic ratio of mutant FLT3-ITD (2016)
Long-term outcome of patients with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia - A randomized comparison of stem cell transplantation with drug treatment (2016)
Význam minimální zbytkové nemoci u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2015)
Chlorambucil plus ofatumumab versus chlorambucil alone in previously untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (COMPLEMENT 1): a randomised, multicentre, open-label phase 3 trial (2015)
Current history, dealing with huge information: Analysis of survival data with recurrent events (2015)
Refining prognosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with somatically hypermutated B-cell receptors: a novel prognostic index on behalf of the European research initiative on CLL (ERIC) (2015)
Upregulated COBLL1 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients with unmutated IGHV identifies a cohort with inferior prognosis (2015)
International multi-laboratory next-generation sequencing for MRD analysis in ALL. A pilot study by the Euroclonality-NGS consortium (2015)
Molecular genetic diagnostics of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in the Czech republic. (2015)
Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses in the Czech Republic (2015)
Molecular genetic diagnostics of epidermolysis bullosa in the Czech Republic (2015)
MicroRNA-150 influences microenvironmental interactions and prognosis of follicular lymphoma (2015)
Mutační a funkční analýza genu ATM u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2015)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2015)
MicroRNA-150 influences microenvironmental interactions and prognosis of B cell malignancies. (2015)
MicroRNAs in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells. (2015)
MicroRNA involvement in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells (2015)
Akumulace mutací v genu SF3B1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií vykazujících dysfunkci p53 dráhy (2015)
Průkaz oligoklonální chronické lymfocytární leukémie u případů s jedinou fenotypově homogenní populací dle průtokové cytometrie - studie na úrovni jednotlivých buněk (2015)
MicroRNA-150 influences microenvironmental interactions and prognosis of B cell malignancies (2015)
Analysis of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements at the single cell level - proof of chronic lymphocytic leukemia oligoclonality (2015)
The effect of ZAP-70 on adaptor molecule involved in microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells (2015)
Focal adhesion kinase regulation and expression in malignant B cells (2015)
Myopatie při Waldenströmově makroglobulinemii (2015)
Prognostic relevance of MYD88 mutations in CLL: the jury is still out (2015)
Molecular Evidence for Antigen Drive in the Natural History of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (2015)
Not all IGHV3-21 chronic lymphocytic leukemias are equal: prognostic considerations (2015)
Prognostic markers of sarcoidosis: an analysis of patients from everyday pneumological practice (2015)
Treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with monoclonal antibodies, where are we heading? (2015)
Akutní myeloidní leukemie (2015)
Akutní lymfoblastická leukemie (2015)
Impact of rituximab maintenance and maintenance schedule on prognosis in first-line treatment of follicular lymphoma. Retrospective analysis from Czech Lymphoma Study Group (CLSG) database (2016)
Radiotherapy with rituximab may be better than radiotherapy alone in first-line treatment of earlystage follicular lymphoma: is it time to change the standard strategy? (2015)
Cyklofosfamid následovaný busulfanem jako přípravný myeloablativní režim před alogenní transplantací krvetvorných buněk u 20 pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií: toxicita a efektivita (2015)
Raritní případ mnohočetného myelomu: vícečetný solitární plazmocytom kostí bérců a předloktí (2015)
Pokroky v léčbě akutní lymfoblastické leukemie dospělých (2015)
Akutní lymfoblastická leukemie dospělých (2015)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (2015)
Eozinofilie (2015)
Mastocytóza (2015)
Přehled histiocytárních chorob (2015)
Sustained remission of chronic immune thrombocytopenia after discontinuation of treatment with thrombopoietin-receptor agonists in adults (2015)
Oxidative stress as a therapeutic perspective for ATM-deficient chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2015)
Histone H1 Differentially Inhibits DNA Bending by Reduced and Oxidized HMGB1 Protein (2015)
Assessment of p53 and ATM functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (2015)
Complex analysis of the p53 tumor suppressor in lung carcinoma (2016)
tcR: an R package for T cell receptor repertoire advanced data analysis (2015)
MiXCR: software for comprehensive adaptive immunity profilig (2015)
Comparative study reveals better far-red fluorescent protein for whole body imaging (2015)
Sequencing rare T-cell populations (2015)
A mechanism for expansion of regulatory T-cell repertoire and its role in self-tolerance. (2015)
VDJtools: Unifying post-analysis of T cell receptor repertoires (2015)
Microenvironmental interactions up-regulate CD20 expressionin CLL B cells, but confer resistance to rituximab (2015)
Can we predict resistance in CML? - a single center experience (2015)
Interakce buněk CLL s mikroprostředím vede ke zvýšené expresi CD20 přes chemokinovou dráhu CXCR4/SDF-1: Implikace pro léčbu anti-CD20 protilátkami a BCR-inhibitory. (2015)
EGR2 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia - a new bad player? (2015)
Evaluation of minim typing for genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates (2015)
p53 function tests in relation to TP53 gene aberrations (2015)
Porous hydrogels as 3D cell scaffolds mimic the anatomy of bone marrow extracellular matrix. (2015)
Disseminated fusariosis by Fusarium proliferatum in a patient with aplastic anaemia receiving primary posaconazole prophylaxis - case report and review of the literature (2016)
Ibrutinib as Initial Therapy for Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2015)
Ibrutinib combined with bendamustine and rituximab compared with placebo, bendamustine, and rituximab for previously treated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma (HELIOS): a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 study (2016)
Quantitative Profiling of Immune Repertoires for Minor Lymphocyte Counts Using Unique Molecular Identifiers (2015)
Early MRD response as a prognostic factor in adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2016)
MiR-205 functions as a tumor suppressor in adenocarcinoma and an oncogene in squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus (2016)
Monoklonální imunoglobulin a kožní nemoci ze skupiny mucinóz - scleredema adultorum Buschke a scleromyxedema: popis 4 případů a přehled léčebných možností (2015)
ARResT/AssignSubsets: a novel application for robust subclassification of chronic lymphocytic leukemia based on B cell receptor IG stereotypy (2015)
Decreased expression levels of PIWIL1, PIWIL2, and PIWIL4 are associated with worse survival in renal cell carcinoma patients (2016)
Karyotype complexity and prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia (2016)
Invasive aspergillosis in patient with hematological malignancies in Czech, Slovak and Croatian hematooncological departments: Fungal INfection Database (FIND) analysis (2001-2014) - an update (2015)
Charakteristika 1100 případů akutní myeloidní leukémie - reálná data z databáze České leukemické skupiny - pro život (CELL) DATOOL (2015)
Komplexní analýza výsledků získaných z bronchoalveolární laváže prováděných na IHOK v letech 2004-2014 (2015)
Diagnostika a léčba PH negativních myeloproliferativních neoplázií na českých hematologických pracovištích - analýza MIND (Myeloproliferative Neoplasia Database) (2015)
Zkušenosti s léčbou ruxolitinibem (JAKAVI) u pacientů s myelofibrózou na českých hematologických pracovištích. (2015)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies in Czech, Slovak and Croatian hematooncological departments: Fungal INfection Database (FIND) analysis (2001-2014) (2015)
Ofatumumab monotherapy in fludarabine-refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: final results from a pivotal study (2015)
Akutní myeloidní leukémie (2015)
Retrospective Analysis of Minimal Residual Disease-Guided Preemptive Treatment in Patients with AML and MDS - the SAL Study Group Experience (2015)
Hammock: a hidden Markov model-based peptide clustering algorithm to identify protein-interaction consensus motifs in large datasets (2016)
Phylogenetic Reconstruction of the Calosphaeriales and Togniniales Using Five Genes and Predicted RNA Secondary Structures of ITS, and Flabellascus tenuirostris gen. et sp nov. (2015)
Chimérický antigenní receptor T lymfocytů- genová terapie budoucnosti u nádorových onemocnění? (2015)
Non-invasive prognostic protein biomarker signatures associated with colorectal cancer (2015)
Single cell analysis proves the coexistence of NOTCH1 and TP53 mutations within the same cancer cells in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Single cell analysis of IG genes in CLL: Cases with multiple IGH rearrangements are constituted of several independent clones even when indistinguishable by flow cytometry. (2015)
Význam bronchoalveolární laváže při terapii infekčních komplikací hematoonkologicky nemocných, zkušenosti univerzitního pracoviště (2015)
Isavuconazole treatment for mucormycosis: a single-arm open-label trial and case-control analysis (2016)
A genome-wide association study of marginal zone lymphoma shows association to the HLA region (2015)
Analysis of Heritability and Shared Heritability Based on Genome-Wide Association Studies for 13 Cancer Types (2015)
DNMT3A gene: Distribution of the mutations and their stability during treatment in patients with AML (2015)
Genus/species-specific versus panfungal PCR assays for detection and quantification of fungal pathogenes in clinical samples from immunocompromised patients (2015)
ATM mutations in major stereotyped CLL subsets: enrichment in subset #2 is associated with unfavourable outcome (2015)
Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) and B cell receptor signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Microenvironmental interactions up-regulate CD20 expression in CLL B cells through the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis: implications for CD20-targeting antibodies and the use of BCR-inhibitors in combination. (2015)
Vplyv terapie monoklonálnými protilátkami u chronickej lymfocytovej leukémie a B-lymfómov na expresiu antigénu CD20 (2015)
CLL with mutated IGHV4-34 antigen receptors is clinically heterogeneous: Antigen receptor stereotypy makes the difference. (2015)
Minimal residual disease detection in patients with mantle cell lymphoma: a komparative analysis of flow cytometry and RQ-PCR approach. (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show feature sof somatic hypermutation process with prominent diference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronci lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
ATM mutations are stable during the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2015)
COBLL1 as a survival predictor in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients. (2015)
B cell surface molecules expression changes during in-vitro standard cultivation and thein impact on anti-CD20 antibodies efficacy – room for interlaboratory variability. (2015)
Evaluation of Minim typing for genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates. (2015)
Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in patients with mantle cell lymphoma using flow cytometry versus RQ-PCR. (2015)
Detection of CD26 expression in patients with mycosis fungoides. (2015)
Separation of residual malignant cells from peripheral blood of treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
TP53 mutational analysis - methods and approaches, including NGS (2015)
Nové technologie v hematologii - význam celoexomového sekvenování v hematologii a onkologii (2015)
Method of Determination of Diagnosis and Prognosis in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia and oligonucleotides for use in this method (2015)
Autocrine Signaling by Wnt-5a Deregulates Chemotaxis of Leukemic Cells and Predicts Clinical Outcome in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. (2016)
ROR1-based immunomagnetic protocol allows efficient separation of CLL and healthy B cells (2016)
Thrombosis in thrombocythemic Ph-myeloproliferations is associated with higher platelet count prior to the event: results of analyses of prothrombotic risk factors from a registry of patients treated with anagrelide (2016)
Cost-effectiveness of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Treatment Strategies for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase After Generic Entry of Imatinib in the United States (2016)
Gut microbiome in patients with Antibody deficiency disorders (2016)
External performance evaluation study report: Clarigo (2015)
Bioinformatic analysis on T-cell immunoprofiling in relapsed/refractory B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) (2015)
PROCESSING PANEL for EC-NGS bioinformatics immunoprofiler (2015)
CLINICAL PANEL for EC-NGS bioinformatics immunoprofiler (2015)
Srovnání nejčastěji využívaných metod detekce hotspot mutace genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2016)
Změny v prognóze a v léčbě Waldenströmovy makroglobulinemie: přehled literatury a vlastní zkušenosti (2016)
Léčba obinutuzumabem je možná i u velmi starých pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2016)
Utility of voriconazole therapeutic drug monitoring: a meta-analysis (2016)
The role of microRNA in cell cycle regulation and differetiation of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells (2015)
An insight into the role of HMGB proteins in human pluripotent and multipotent cells (2015)
A p.(Glu809Lys) Mutation in the WFS1 Gene Associated with Wolfram-like Syndrome: A Case Report (2016)
Final 5-Year Study Results of DASISION: The Dasatinib Versus Imatinib Study in Treatment-Naive Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients Trial (2016)
European LeukemiaNet recommendations for the management and avoidance of adverse events of treatment in chronic myeloid leukaemia (2016)
Léčba Ph negativních myeloproliferativních neoplázií v roce 2016 (2016)
Usefulness of serum 1,3-b-D-glucan for diagnosis of invasive fungal disease in patients with hematological malignancies: a retrospective analysis. (2016)
Primární antimykotická profylaxe micafunginem v dávce 50mg na den u dospělých pacientů během indukční chemoterapie akutní lymfoblastické leukémie (ALL): hodnocení z pohledu běžné klinické praxe. (2016)
Usefulness of serum 1,3-b-D-glucan for diagnosis of invasive fungal disease in patients with hematological malignancies: a retrospective analysis. (2016)
Primary antifungal prophylaxis (PAP) with micafungin at the dose 50mg per day in adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) during induction chemotherapy: the "real-life" evaluation. (2016)
Quantitative assessment of the CD26+leukemic stem cell compartment in chronic myeloid leukemia: Patient-subgroups, prognostic impact, and technical aspects (2016)
Obinutuzumab plus bendamustine versus bendamustine monotherapy in patients with rituximab-refractory indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma (GADOLIN): a randomised, controlled, open-label, multicentre, phase 3 trial (2016)
Associations of ofatumumab exposure and treatment outcomes in patients with untreated CLL receiving chemoimmunotherapy (2017)
Role of Flow Cytometry in the Diagnosis of Chronic Granulomatous Disease: the Egyptian Experience (2016)
Současné možnosti predikce odpovědi na cílenou anti-EGFR léčbu metastatického kolorektálního karcinomu (2016)
Genome-wide microRNA Expression Profiling in Primary Tumors and Matched Liver Metastasis of Patients with Colorectal Cancer (2016)
The role of microRNA and HMGB proteins in cell cycle regulation and differentiation of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells (2015)
Evaluation of Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis for Rapid Identification of Candida Fungal Infections (2016)
Serum-Based MicroRNA Signatures in Early Diagnosis and Prognosis Prediction of Colon Cancer (2016)
Způsob absolutní kvantifikace exprese miRNA, zejména miR-34a a/nebo miR-150, a jeho použití v diagnostice a prognostice B-buněčných malignit (2016)
Sada pro detekci a identifikaci mykotických patogenů (2016)
PCSK9 inhibitory – nové možnosti v léčbě hypercholesterolemie: U koho budou indikovány? Stanovisko České společnosti pro aterosklerózu (2016)
Genomewide profiling of copy-number alteration in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (2016)
Co-expression of cancer stem cell markers corresponds to a pro-tumorigenic expression profile in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (2016)
Whole-exome sequencing in relapsing chronic lymphocytic leukemia: clinical impact of recurrent RPS15 mutations (2016)
A complementary role of multiparameter flow cytometry and high-throughput sequencing for minimal residual disease detection in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an European Research Initiative on CLL study (2016)
Epigenetic silencing of miR-26A1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma: Impact on EZH2 expression (2016)
Functional analysis of the p.(Leu15Pro) and p.(Gly20Arg) sequence changes in the signal sequence of LDL receptor (2016)
Ten years of DNA diagnostics of epidermolysis bullosa in the Czech Republic (2016)
Cancer stem cell markers in pediatric sarcomas: Sox2 is associated with tumorigenicity in immunodeficient mice (2016)
VDJviz: a versatile browser for immunogenomics data (2016)
Local fitness landscape of the green fluorescent protein (2016)
Dynamics of Individual T Cell Repertoires: From Cord Blood to Centenarians (2016)
Additional trisomies amongst patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia carrying trisomy 12: the accompanying chromosome makes a difference (2016)
Validation of Minim typing for fast and accurate discrimination of extended-spectrum, beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in tertiary care hospital (2016)
Centrosome associated genes pattern for risk sub-stratification in multiple myeloma (2016)
Innovation In the prognostication of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: how far beyond TP53 gene analysis can we go? (2016)
Different spectra of recurrent gene mutations in subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia harboring stereotyped B-cell receptors (2016)
Mutational analysis of primary and metastatic colorectal cancer samples underlying the resistance to cetuximab-based therapy (2016)
Impaired mitophagy in Fanconi anemia is dependent on mitochondrial fission (2016)
Klinické, biochemické a genetické aspekty Wilsonovy choroby (2016)
Long non-coding RNAs in multiple myeloma (2016)
Dlouhé nekódující RNA u mnohočetného myelomu (2016)
Relevance of Actinobaculum schaalii in catheterized patients (2016)
Identification of miRNA expression profiles in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2016)
Whole miRNome Sequencing of Human Epileptic Brain Tissue (2016)
The Wolfram-like syndrome: a case report (2016)
Common variants at PVT1, ATG13-AMBRA1, AHI1 and CLEC16A are associated with selective IgA deficiency (2016)
Rapid detection of fungal pathogens in bronchoalveolar lavage samples using panfungal PCR combined with high resolution melting analysis (2016)
Single-cell analysis of glandular T cell receptors in Sjögren's syndrome (2016)
Rituximab maintenance versus observation alone in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia who respond to first-line or second-line rituximab–containing chemoimmunotherapy: final results of the AGMT CLL-8a Mabtenance randomised trial (2016)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) České skupiny pro chronickou lymfocytární leukemii, sekce České hematologické společnosti ČLS JEP (2016)
Diferenciální diagnostika eozinofilie (2016)
Studium funkčních vlastností sestřihových variant aktivací indukované deaminázy exprimovaných u B buněčných malignit (2016)
Po stopách oligoklonality u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
High-quality full-length immunoglobulin profiling with unique molecular barcoding (2016)
Efficacy and Toxicity of Panitumumab After Progression on Cetuximab and Predictive Value of MiR-31-5p in Metastatic Wild-type KRAS Colorectal Cancer Patients (2016)
Efficacy of Sunitinib in Elderly Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Data from Real-World Clinical Practice (2016)
ATM mutations in major stereotyped subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Enrichment in subset 2 is associated with markedly short telomeres (2016)
Prognostic Significance of Surfactant Protein A, Surfactant Protein D, Clara Cell Protein 16, S100 Protein, Trefoil Factor 3, and Prostatic Secretory Protein 94 in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Sarcoidosis, and Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease (2016)
Studium selekce genomických abnormalit v průběhu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
Chk1 inhibition significantly potentiates activity of nucleoside analogs in TP53-mutated B-lymphoid cells (2016)
Sequencing-based identification of bacteria in polymicrobial clinical samples. (2016)
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition-associated microRNA/mRNA signature is linked to metastasis and prognosis in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (2016)
Muscular dystrophies and myopathies: the spectrum of mutated genes in the Czech Republic (2017)
Novel complex mutation in NPM1 gene in patient with acute myeloid leukemia (2017)
An Immunogenetic Signature of Ongoing Antigen Interactions in Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma Expressing IGHV1-2*04 Receptors (2016)
Exprese CD20 je regulována interakcí CLL buněk s mikroprostředím a rituximab preferenčně eliminuje maligní B buňky s vysoce aktivní signalizací přes B‐buněčný receptor (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 upregulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis (2016)
MicroRNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of B cell leukemias. (2016)
The expression of CD20 on malignant B cells is regulated by chemokine signaling through the CXCR4/SDF1 axis: implications for targeting the microenvironmental interactions. (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis. (2016)
No improvement in long-term overal survival after the introduction of chemo(immuno)therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients belonging to stereotyped subsets 2. (2016)
ATM gene mutations represent a hallmark of mantle cell lymphoma but do not impact patients survival. (2016)
Mutations in SF3B1 gene are selected independently on ATM/TP53 status and reduce the time to first treatment in CLL patients. (2016)
Decreased expression of WNT3, a canonical Wnt pathway ligand is frequent in chronic lymphocytic leukemia progression and identifies patients with short treatment-free survival in mutated IGHV (2016)
Activation induced deaminase splice variants expressed in B cell leukemia and lymphoma do not retain their catalytic activity. (2016)
Molecular activity in follicular lymphoma monitored by BCL2/IGH in the peripheral blood. The old story in a new light? (2016)
Pro-apoptotic effects of prima-1met correlate with Noxa gene induction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2016)
Celotělové ozáření jako součást předtransplantační přípravy (2016)
Checkpoint kinase 1 inhibition potentiates apoptosis and inflicts mitotic failure in CLL-derived MEC-1 cell line. (2016)
A platform for detection of fusion genes in all from target capture next-generation sequencing of DNA and RNA (2016)
Rare recurrent chromosomal abnormalities in CLL detected by conventional cytogenetics after stimulation with CpG-ODN and IL-2 and fish (2016)
Nová kombinace antigenů vhodná pro sledování minimální reziduální nemoci u vlasatobuněčné leukemie metodou průtokové cytometrie. (2016)
Využití celoexomového sekvenování (2016)
Aktualizovaná doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lympfocytární leukémie (CLL) české CLL skupiny. (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 AXIS. (2016)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor P27KIP1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with fuctional ATM/p53 signaling pathway. (2016)
Interakce B lymfocytů s mikroprostředím vedou ke zvýšené expresi CD20 přes aktivaci dráhy CXCR4/SDF-1: význam pro léčbu pacientů s B buněčnou leukémií. (2016)
Mutační analýza pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií – optimalizace hodnocení sekvenačních dat a předběžné výsledky národní studie. (2016)
Studium funkce sestřihových variant aktivací indukované deaminázy. (2016)
Studium selekce nepříznivých genomických abnormalit v relapsu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
Studium klonální kompozice chronické lymfocytární leukemie s vícečetnými imunoglobulinovými přestavbami na úrovni jednotlivých buněk. (2016)
Detailed analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with single TP53 mutation (2016)
When and how to analyse TP53 status (both mutations and 17p deletions) in CLL patients: the ERIC experience. (2016)
Monoallelic TP53 abnormalities in CLL: do they really exist? The frequency and clinical impact of copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (2016)
Effect of a modified base on stability and flexibility of RNA duplexes: molecular dynamics and thermodynamics study. (2016)
Analysis of intrinsic properties of mutation motifs (coldspots-hotspots) in genes associated with inherited disorders using molecular dynamics methods (2016)
Cellular mechanisms regulating CD20 as a target of monoclonal antibody therapy in B-lymphoid malignancies. (2016)
Single cell analysis of clonality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with multiple immunoglobulin gene rearrangement. (2016)
Rituximab preferentially eliminates BCR signaling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells In Vivo (2016)
The role of microRNA-150 in the prognosis and transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2016)
Porous hydrogels as 3D cell scaffolds mimic the anatomy of bone marrow extracellular matrix. (2016)
Raritní nálezy z laboratoře průtokové cytometrie (2016)
Detekce mutací asociovaných s Ph negativními chronickými myeloproliferativními neoplasiemi. (2016)
Význam a metodika stanovení mutací v genu TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2016)
Zisk abnormalit genu TP53 je asociován se změněnou signalizací B-buněčným receptorem (2016)
Analýza exprese ROR1 proteinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2016)
Vyřazení genu CD20 pomocí CRISPR/Cas9 knockoutu nezpůsobí žádný defekt v BCR signalizaci u B-lymfoidních malignit (2016)
Příprava linií rezistentních k působení anti-CD20 monoklonálních protilátek a analýza signálních drah u B-lymfoidních malignit (2016)
Cancer clonal evolution and mutational patterns in leukemia patients and development of software for variant calling. (2016)
Introduction of nanopore sequencing to genomic core facility RNA workflows (2016)
Neinvazivní testování prenatální diagnostika - zkušenosti s testem Clarigo (2016)
Zkušenosti s analýzou genů BRCA1 a BRCA2 pomocí NGS. (2016)
Analýza genových aberací spojených s Ph-like ALL. (2016)
Analýza jednotlivých buněk CLL pacientů se souběžnými mutacemi p53 a NOTCH1. (2016)
Klonální evoluce TP53 mutací a její klinický dopad včetně terapeutických implikací. (2016)
Indikace k alogenním a autologním transplantacím krvetvorných buněk v ČR v roce 2016: doporučení Transplantační sekce České hematologické společnosti ČLS JEP a České onkologické společnosti ČLS JEP (2016)
Serological Approaches (2017)
Horečka nejasného původu, systémové infekce (2016)
Bakteriální infekce (2016)
Terapie pacientek s triple negativním karcinomem prsu (2016)
Triple negativní karcinom prsu - analýza souboru pacientek z Masarykova onkologického ústavu. (2016)
Studium heterogenity mutací v průběhu terapie pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií (2016)
Inzerce materiálu z chromosomu 15 do chromosomu 7 u pacienta s CLL (kazuistika) (2016)
Jumping translokace u hematologických malignit (kazuistiky FN Brno) (2016)
Mutační analýza u de novo AML pacientů s kurativní terapií v České republice (2016)
Minoritní klony s mutací genu TP53 se vyskytují v chronické fázi myeloproliferativních neoplázií nezávisle na léčbě hydroxyureou (2016)
B cell receptor signaling activity is associated with evolution of TP53 defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2016)
Nové technologie v medicíně: CAR T lymfocyty – převratná metoda v léčbě hematologických malignit (2016)
Inhibitory BCR signalizace u CLL: klinické studie vs. běžná klinická praxe (2016)
Klonální evoluce u CLL. (2016)
Cellular mechanisms regulating CD20 as a target of monoclonal antibody therapy in B-lymphoid malignancies (2016)
Low-Burden TP53 mutations occur in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms regardless of hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 status (2016)
Reliability of immune receptor rearrangements as genetic markers for minimal residual disease monitoring (2016)
MEK inhibitors block growth of lung tumours with mutations in ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (2016)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie : Informace pro pacienty a jejich blízké (2016)
Hodnocení pětileté léčby Erdheimovy-Chesterovy nemoci anakinrou – kazuistika a přehled literatury (2016)
Pomalidomid v léčbě mnohočetného myelomu vlastní zkušenosti a přehled literatury (2016)
MiR-429 is linked to metastasis and poor prognosis in renal cell carcinoma by affecting epithelial-mesenchymal transition (2016)
Expression Levels of PIWI-interacting RNA, piR-823, Are Deregulated in Tumor Tissue, Blood Serum and Urine of Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma (2016)
Akutní lymfoblastická leukemie (2016)
Molekulárně genetické vyšetření u akutní myeloidní leukemie (2016)
Akutní leukemie – co by měl praktický lékař vědět (2016)
Invazivní mykotické infekce (2016)
Léčba 14 případů Castlemanovy nemoci: Zkušenosti jednoho centra a přehled literatury (2016)
Sinusová histiocytóza s masivní lymfadenopatií: FDG-PET/CT dokumentovaná parciální remise po léčbě 2-chlorodeoxyadenozinem (2016)
Schnitzlerové syndrom : Diferenciální diagnostika, přehled léčebných možností a popis 5 případů léčených anakinrou (2016)
Invasive infections due to Saprochaete and Geotrichum species: Report of 23 cases from the FungiScope Registry (2017)
Léčba pacienta s opakovaně progradující chronickou lymfocytární leukemií idelasibem a komplikace této léčby (2016)
Léčba idelalisibem u pacienta s nežádoucím účinky ibrutinibu (2016)
Clinical and pathogenic features of ETV6-related thrombocytopenia with predisposition to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2016)
Decreased WNT3 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is a hallmark of disease progression and identifies patients with worse prognosis in the subgroup with mutated IGHV (2016)
Defining severe familial hypercholesterolaemia and the implications for clinical management: a consensus statement from the International Atherosclerosis Society Severe Familial Hypercholesterolemia Panel (2016)
A role for palindromic structures in the cis-region of maize Sirevirus LTRs in transposable element evolution and host epigenetic response (2016)
Analysis of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia from inactive to symptomatic disease prior treatment using whole-exome sequencing. (2016)
A prognostic model comprising only two biomarkers (IGHV mutational status and FISH-cytogenetics) separates patients with different prognosis and simplifies the CLL-IPI (2016)
Tailored approaches for refined prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with mutated versus unmutated immunoglobulin receptors (2016)
Analýza mutací v genu TP53 u MDS pacientů (2016)
Pooling and expanding registries of familial hypercholesterolaemia to assess gaps in care and improve disease management and outcomes: Rationale and design of the global EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (2016)
Structural basis of GM-CSF and IL-2 sequestration by the viral decoy receptor GIF (2016)
Prognostic significance of miR-23b in combination with P-gp, MRP and LRP/MVP expression in non-small cell lung cancer (2016)
TP53 Network (2016)
Overview of data of CML patients in Infinity registry (2016)
A novel multiplex clonality assay for canine B cell proliferations / Improving genetic testing for canine B cell lymphoma (2016)
miRNA profile of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2017)
Biomonitoring zdravotníků exponovaných cytostatikům a ionizujícímu záření - první výsledky vyšetření metodou FISH (2017)
Biomonitoring zdravotníků exponovaných cytostatikům - první výsledky vyšetření metodou FISH (2017)
One reporter for in-cell activity profiling of majority of protein kinase oncogenes (2017)
Biomonitoring zdravotníků exponovaných cytostatikům a ionizujícímu záření - první výsledky vyšetření metodou FISH (2017)
Biofilm formation, antibiotic susceptibility and RAPD genotypes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains isolated from single centre intensive care unit patients (2017)
Fluorescent capillary electrophoresis as a tool for detection of fungi on urinary catheters and ureteral stents (2017)
ARResT/Interrogate: an interactive immunoprofiler for IG/TR NGS data (2017)
Global MicroRNA Expression Profiling Identifies Unique MicroRNA Pattern of Radioresistant Glioblastoma Cells (2017)
Mutational analysis of 206 DE NOVO AML patients below 60 years with curative therapy in Czech republic. (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in NOD SCID GAMMA mouse (2017)
Význam deregulace mikroRNA v molekulární patogenezi a histologické transformaci folikulárního lymfomu (2017)
CALR mutační profil pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
Využití porózního hydrogelu jako 3D scaffoldu pro růst leukemických B lymfocytů (2017)
Encyclopedia of CLL subsets – nový bioinformatický nástroj a unikátní databáze pro výzkum a klinické využití subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2017)
B cell receptor signaling actvity is associated with genomic defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Detekce respiračních virů v nasofaryngeálních stěrech a tekutině z bronchoalveolární laváže u hematoonkologických pacientů. (2017)
Zvyšování limitu detekce BCR-ABL1 pro monitorování zbytkové choroby u pacientů s CML použitím metody ddPCR. (2017)
Mutace v genu NRAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií (AML). (2017)
Studium klonality AML v imunodeficientní myši. (2017)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu Chk1 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53. (2017)
Dopad rekurentních mutací na dobu do progrese po terapiích zahrnujících rituximab v 1. linii u pacientů s CLL. (2017)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Comparison of five bacterial DNA extraction methods from germ-free mice fecal samples (2017)
CD20 knockout cell lines obtained using CRISPR/Cas9 have no significant defect in BCR signaling in B-lymphoid malignancies (2017)
p53 and DNA damage response pathway in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
ToTem – automated software solution for program selection and parameter optimization (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in NSG mouse (2017)
Alogenní transplantace po režimu s redukovanou intenzitou u 25 pacientů s vysoce rizikovou chronickou lymfatickou leukémií (2017)
Polybacterial infective endocarditis and pathogen diagnosis by molecular techniques (2017)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal models (2017)
Pyridoxin dependentní epilepsie - kazuistiky (2017)
FungiScope™—Global Emerging Fungal Infection Registry (2017)
Syndrom Dravetové v pediatrické praxi (2017)
EGR2 mutations define a new clinically aggressive subgroup of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
First report of Sneathia sanguinegens together with Mycoplasma hominis in postpartum prosthetic valve infective endocarditis: a case report (2017)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with functional ATM/p53 signaling pathway (2017)
Recommended Guidelines for Validation, Quality Control, and Reporting of TP53 Variants in Clinical Practice (2017)
Molecular Genetic Background of an Autosomal Dominant Hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic (2017)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A prognostic model comprising only two biomarkers (IGHV mutational status and FISH cytogenetics) separates patients with different outcome and simplifies the CLL-IPI (2017)
COBLL1, LPL and ZAP70 expression defines prognostic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with high accuracy and correlates with IGHV mutational status (2017)
Detailed molecular characterization of a novel IDS exonic mutation associated with multiple pseudoexon activation (2017)
Systematic analysis of splicing defects in selected primary immunodeficiencies-related genes (2017)
Zkušenosti s léčbou ruxolitinibem u pacientu s myelofibrózou a pravou polycytemií na českých hematologických pracovištích (2017)
Restrictions in the T-cell repertoire of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: high-throughput immunoprofiling supports selection by shared antigenic elements (2017)
Immunoglobulin genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: key to understanding the disease and improving risk stratification (2017)
Deregulated expression of long non-coding RNA UCA1 in multiple myeloma (2017)
Molecular variability in adult and childhood epileptogenesis: differences in miRNA profile of adult and infantile rats (2017)
miRNA sequencing shows different gene expression in adult and infantile epilepsy (2017)
Local chemical sympathectomy of rat bone marrow and its effect on marrow cell composition (2017)
Regulation of B-cell receptor signalling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) microenvironment via modulation of GAB1 protein levels. (2017)
Zkušenosti s neinvazivní prenatální diagnostiku – test Clarigo (2017)
Prognostic factors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: When, which and how? (2017)
Detection of let-7 miRNAs in urine supernatant as potential diagnostic approach in non-metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (2017)
Význam deregulace mikroRNA v molekulární patogenezi a histologické transformaci folikulárního lymfomu (2017)
Využití porózního hydrogelu jako 3D scaffoldu pro růst leukemických B lymfocytů (2017)
Novel mutations of the ATP7B gene in Czech families with Wilsons disease (2017)
Alagillův syndrom (2017)
Vzácné formy diabetu mellitu v dětství:Wolfram-like syndrom (2017)
Complex analysis of the TP53 tumor suppressor in mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (2017)
BRCA1 or CDK12 loss sensitizes cells to CHK1 inhibitors (2017)
Úvod do molekulární medicíny. Cvičení (biomarkerové studie) (2017)
Single cell analysis revealed a coexistence of NOTCH1 and TP53 mutations within the same cancer cells in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients (2017)
Mutations of Pre-mRNA Splicing Regulatory Elements: Are Predictions Moving Forward to Clinical Diagnostics? (2017)
Functional and structural characterisation of 5 missense mutations of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (2017)
Label-free chronopotentiometric glycoprofiling of prostate specific antigen using sialic acid recognizing lectins (2017)
rRNA C-Loops: Mechanical Properties of a Recurrent Structural Motif (2017)
DNA mutation motifs in the genes associated with inherited diseases (2017)
Hematologie. Pomocník ke stážím na hematologických pracovištích (2017)
Diferenciální diagnostika eozinofilií a plicní eozinofilní infiltráty (2017)
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with Mutated IGHV4-34 Receptors: Shared and Distinct Immunogenetic Features and Clinical Outcomes (2017)
ScreenPro FH: From the Czech MedPed to International Collaboration. ScreenPro FH Is a Participating Project of the EAS-FHCS (2017)
Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic: More Than 17 Years of Systematic Screening Within the MedPed Project (2017)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal model (2017)
Comparison of miRNA expression profiles in rat model of epilepsy and human mTLE+HS patients (2017)
MicroRNA and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: Whole miRNome profiling of human hippocampus (2017)
Comparison of ready-to-use bioinformatic tools for 16S rRNA amplicon next-generation sequencing data analysis (2017)
A small molecule drug promoting miRNA processing induces alternative splicing of MdmX transcript and rescues p53 activity in human cancer cells overexpressing MdmX protein (2017)
Schimmelpenning syndrom - kazuistika (2017)
Exomové sekvenování v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií (2017)
Jak objevujeme nové nemoci? (2017)
Genetické rizikové faktory progrese Ph negativních myeloproliferací. (2017)
Můžeme mít vrozenou predispozici k akutní myeloidní leukémii? (2017)
Genetické defekty u pacientů s vrozenými trombocytopeniemi. (2017)
Novel antigen combination for minimal residual disease detection in hairy cell leukemia using flow cytometry approach. (2017)
Somatické mutace v genu CALR u pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
Rituximab-mediated release of CLL cells from lymph nodes to periphery: use of CD62L molecule as a marker. (2017)
BCR signalling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells are prone to rituximab mediated elimination in vivo. (2017)
Differential expression of microRNAs in transformation of follicular lymphoma to diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2017)
Down-regulation of miR-150 and up-regulation of its target FOXP1 is associated with transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2017)
Usefulness of chemokine receptor CCR4 for diagnosis of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas by flow cytometry. (2017)
Význam a využití NGS v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií. (2017)
The role of microenvironment in the regulation of B-cell receptor signalling via modulation of GAB1 protein levels (2017)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulate the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
Genesis of new allele at locus D2S1360 in leukemia patient (2017)
Pacritinib versus best available therapy for the treatment of myelofibrosis irrespective of baseline cytopenias (PERSIST-1): an international, randomised, phase 3 trial (2017)
A phase 3 randomized placebo-controlled trial of darbepoetin alfa in patients with anemia and lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (2017)
Evaluation of cardiovascular ischemic event rates in dasatinib-treated patients using standardized incidence ratios (2017)
FCR front-line therapy and quality of life in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Association between quality of response and outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed mantle cell lymphoma receiving VR-CAP versus R-CHOP in the phase 3 LYM-3002 study (2017)
Histiocytóza z indeterminovaných buněk – vymizení kožní infiltrace po ozáření elektronovým svazkem a aplikace 2-chlorodeoxyadenozinu: kazuistika (2017)
Přínos nových inhibitorů angiogeneze (bevacizumab a aflibercept) pro léčbu mnohočetné angiomatózy: kazuistika (2017)
Hematologie (2017)
Characteristics and outcome of patients with therapy-related acute promyelocytic leukemia front-line treated with or without arsenic trioxide (2017)
Novinky v imunoterapii refrakterní a relabující akutní lymfoblastické leukemie dospělých (2017)
Akutní lymfoblastická leukemie dospělých – případ dlouhého došetřování bolestí kyčlí s překvapivým závěrem: kazuistika (2017)
ScreenPro FH – Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe: Basic Epidemiology (2017)
Outcomes of Patients With Long-Term Treatment Response to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Targeted Therapy for Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer (2017)
The level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 Kip1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2017)
Analýza genetických změn CLL nemocných s vývojem resistence k léčbě inhibitorem BTK (2017)
ScreenPro FH – Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe: Rationale and Design (2017)
Fragment analysis represents a suitable approach for the detection of hotspot c.7541_7542delCT NOTCH1 mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Chromosome 6q deletion correlates with poor prognosis and low relative expression of FOXO3 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2017)
Multiple productive IGH rearrangements denote oligoclonality even in immunophenotypically monoclonal CLL (2018)
Next-generation sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: recent findings and new horizons (2017)
Study of structural and elastic properties of DNA mutation motifs using computational methods. (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in patient-derived xenografts. (2017)
Characterization of Non-B DNA structures in complex environment of mammalian cells by in cell NMR spectroscopy (2017)
Monitoring DNA-ligand interactions using in cell NMR spectroscopy (2017)
Cellular structural biology of nucleic acids (2017)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulates the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
Úspěšná léčba ibrutinibem u pacientky s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a nutností antiagregační terapie (2017)
Utilization and efficacy of second-line targeted therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: data from a national registry (2017)
Akutní myeloidní leukemie. In: MAYER, J. (ed.) Léčebné postupy v hematologii. (2016)
Postremission therapy for AML with intermediate risk cytogenetics in first complete remission. (2017)
mTLE v dospělosti a dětství – rozdíly v miRNA profilech dospělých a novorozených potkanů (2017)
Nové léky v terapii akutní myeloidní leukemie u starších pacientů (2017)
The Root Growth-Regulating Brevicompanine Natural Products Modulate the Plant Circadian Clock (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data (2017)
Dynamic of human gut mycobiome in liver-transplant recipients (2017)
Gastrointestinal microbiome in patients with primary immune deficiencies (2017)
Role of miRNAs in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2017)
GLASS:assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Bioinformatical analysis of chromosomal rearrangement in chromothripsis event using whole transcriptome sequencing data (2017)
ToTem – a tool for automated optimization of variant calling pipelines (2017)
Mutational analysis of 231 de novo AML patients below 60 years with curative therapy (2017)
B cell receptor signaling actvity is associated with genomic defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
A new quantitative method for minimal residual disease monitoring based on next generation dequencing and digital PCR principal (2017)
New deep intronic mutation c.1029+384 A>G in SERPING1 gene creates de novo donor splice site and causes aberrant splicing (2017)
Promoter methylation of ROR ligand WNTA associates with its expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
DNA methylation profiling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients carrying stereotyped B-cell receptors: a different cellular origin for subset #2? (2017)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Definitions, associations with other biomarkers and clinical impact, a retrospective study on behalf of ERIC (2017)
Treatment with BCR inhibitors increases ROR1 expression in CLL cells (2017)
Biallelic TP53 gene mutations due to copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity and monoallelic mutations in absence of 17p deletion occur in CLL with comparable frequency (2017)
The Barcelona-Brno biomarkers-only (IGHV mutational status and FISH cytogenetics) prognostic model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Observational study in comorbid patients with CLL receiving first-line rituximab-bendamustine (2017)
ERIC TP53 Network – activities and outcomes (2017)
Basic procedures – sampling, material, sanger sequencing (2017)
GLASS – A tool for assisted Sanger data analysis. (2017)
Concluding remarks. (2017)
TP53 minor clones in clinical practice – case reports. (2017)
Individual taskts involving Sanger and NGS data analysi and work with databases. (2017)
Impact of recurrent mutations on progression-free survival in CLL patients treated with front line rituximab-based regimens. (2017)
Chromothripsis is associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Complex genome rearrangements are associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibition blocks CLL chemotaxis and delays leukemia onset in the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Tracking Low-Burden TP53-mutated subclones during CLL treatment and remission using ROR1 separation (2017)
Transcriptome sequencing provides novel insights into the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Focus on major stereotyped subsets (2017)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Definitions, associations with other biomarkers, and clinical impact (2017)
B cells resistant to CD20 monoclonal antibodies display specific alterations in gene expression profile. (2017)
Contribution of PCR Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Combined with Mixed Chromatogram Software Separation for Complex Urinary Sample Analysis (2017)
Higher rates of molecular response to Peg-IFNa in JAK2V617F vs. Calr mutant MPN patients are due to JAK1-mediated STAT1 activation and autoregulation. (2017)
CLL therapy: Focus on management of R/R patients and patients with p53 defect (2017)
CEITEC research overview (2017)
Whole exome and genome sequencing in CLL (2017)
Mechanisms of resistance to monoclonal antibodies in CLL (2017)
CEITEC laboratories tour (2017)
Low-burden TP53 mutations in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms: association with age, hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 mutational status (2018)
Expression of COBLL1 encoding novel ROR1 binding partner is robust predictor of survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Chromothripsis 18 in multiple myeloma patient with rapid extramedullary relapse (2018)
Reanalysis of Chinese Treponema pallidum samples: all Chinese samples cluster with SS14-like group of syphilis-causing treponemes (2018)
MiR-215-5p is a tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer targeting EGFR ligand epiregulin and its transcriptional inducer HOXB9 (2017)
Investigation of next-generation sequencing data of Klebsiella pneumoniae using web-based tools (2017)
Cellular mechanisms regulating CD20 as a target of monoclonal antibody therapy in B-lymphoid malignancies (2017)
Leukemie z vlasatých buněk (2017)
Prolymfocytární leukemie (2017)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (2017)
Genetika folikulárního lymfomu (2017)
An anaplastic cardiac large cell lymphoma: A case report and analysis of cardiac involvement in newly diagnosed nonHodgkin’s lymphoma from the Czech Lymphoma Study Group (CLSG) database (2017)
Assessment of imatinib as first-line treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia: 10-year survival results of the randomized CML study IV and impact of non-CML determinants (2017)
Evaluation of the Stability of DNA i-Motifs in the Nuclei of Living Mammalian Cells (2018)
MicroRNAs as outcome predictors in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with bevacizumab in combination with FOLFOX (2017)
Transcription factor YY1 can control AID-mediated mutagenesis in mice (2018)
Epigenetické změny jako nový nástroj pro prognostickou stratifikaci pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2017)
Clonal selection in the human V delta 1 T cell repertoire indicates gamma delta TCR-dependent adaptive immune surveillance (2017)
Tracking T-cell immune reconstitution after TCR alpha beta/CD19-depleted hematopoietic cells transplantation in children (2017)
MAGERI: Computational pipeline for molecular-barcoded targeted resequencing (2017)
A high-throughput assay for quantitative measurement of PCR errors (2017)
Application of nonsense-mediated primer exclusion (NOPE) for preparation of unique molecular barcoded libraries (2017)
Stability and function of regulatory T cells expressing the transcription factor T-bet (2017)
Persisting fetal clonotypes influence the structure and overlap of adult human T cell receptor repertoires (2017)
Insertion of the voltage-sensitive domain into circularly permuted red fluorescent protein as a design for genetically encoded voltage sensor (2017)
Antigen receptor repertoire profiling from RNA-seq data (2017)
Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling Induces Integrin alpha 4 beta 1 in T Cells and Promotes a Progressive Neuroinflammatory Disease in Mice (2017)
Considerations and complications of mapping small RNA high-throughput data to transposable elements (2017)
GvL effects in T-prolymphocytic leukemia: evidence from MRD kinetics and TCR repertoire analyses (2017)
High resolution IgH repertoire analysis reveals fetal liver as the likely origin of life-long, innate B lymphopoiesis in humans (2017)
High-Throughput Immunogenetics for Clinical and Research Applications in Immunohematology: Potential and Challenges (2017)
GLASS (2017)
Systematic analysis of BCR-ABL interactome in chronic myeloid leukemia (2017)
Sekvenování nové generace u akutní myeloidní leukemie: Nový pohled na patogenezi a vývoj leukemických klonů (2017)
Sada pro detekci přítomnosti mutací v genu ATM u pacientů s CLL (2017)
Smithův-Lemliův-Opitzův syndrom (2018)
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrom, dva případy našich pacientů (2018)
Monogeneans in the pores (2018)
Identifikace mikrobiomu kolorektálního karcinomu z RNAseq dat nádorové tkáně a jeho korelace s klinickými proměnnými a molekulárními podtypy (2018)
Analysis of Real-world Data on Postremission Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia With Intermediate Risk Cytogenetics in First Complete Remission (2018)
Syndróm Dravetovej s mutáciou v SCN1A géne, genetické aspekty a klinické skúsenosti (2018)
Reproducible diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia by flow cytometry: An European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC) & European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis (ESCCA) Harmonisation project (2018)
The Role of Oncogenic Tyrosine Kinase NPM-ALK in Genomic Instability (2018)
Casein kinase 1 is a therapeutic target in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Výsledky pilotního projektu rekondičního tréninku u pacientů s hematologickými malignitami (2018)
The influence of mutational status and biological characteristics of acute myeloid leukemia on xenotransplantation outcomes in NOD SCID gamma mice (2018)
Discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in chronic myeloid leukaemia (EURO-SKI): a prespecified interim analysis of a prospective, multicentre, non-randomised, trial (2018)
MicroRNA-210 expression during childbirth and postpartum as potential biomarker of acute fetal hypoxia (2018)
Tracking minor clones in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using high-throughput immunoprofiling (2018)
Towards long-term 3D culture of leukemic B cells (2018)
Evolution of genomic abnormalities during leukemia disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2018)
Interactive case session - setting the tone. (2018)
Overview – TP53 aberrations (2018)
Methodological considerations – TP53 aberrations (2018)
Nová doporučení ERIC pro analýzu TP53 mutací u CLL (2018)
Víceklonální CLL (2018)
Úvodní slovo, výroční zpráva ČS CLL a databáze CLLEAR v roce 2018 (2018)
Cytogenetické změny a jejich klinický význam u relabujících a refrakterních CLL nemocných (2018)
Léčba relabované a refrakterní CLL (2018)
Laser microdissection and mass spectrometry: protein analysis of strictly selected tissue from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2018)
Analysis of serum lipids, cardiovascular risk and indication for statin therapy at the start and during imatinib and nilotinib therapy in de novo CML patients, results from real life prosective study (2018)
Ultrasensitive detection of TKI resistant mutations using Illumina NGS in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. (2018)
Použití a infekce centrálních venózních katetrů u hematologických pacientů: situace v České republice a na Slovensku a doporučení v jejich prevenci a diagnostice (2018)
Autozómovo recesívna polycystická choroba obličiek - Vždy iná, a predsa tá istá (2017)
Sequencing of Microdissection-Derived FISH Probes (2017)
Transposable elements in hematological malignancies (2018)
Chromothripsis in acute myeloid leukemia: biological features and impact on survival (2018)
Monogenea, fish parasites and their unknown molecules (2018)
Alagillův syndrom-arteriohepatální dysplázie (2018)
Three novel mutations in the JAG1 gene in Czech families with the Alagille syndrome (2018)
Ph-negativní myeloidní neoplázie na českých hematologických centrech - Myeloproliferative Neoplasia Database (MIND) analýza (2018)
Invazivní mykotické infekce u hematologických pacientů na českých, slovenských a chorvatských hematoonkologických centrech v letech 2001-2017 - analýza dat FIND (Fungal Infection Database) (2018)
Využití detekce 1,3-beta-D-glukanu ze séra a BAL pro diagnostiku invazivních plicních infekcí u hematologických pacientů (2018)
Phylogenetic classification and generic delineation of Calyptosphaeria gen. nov., Lentomitella, Spadicoides and Torrentispora (Sordariomycetes) (2018)
No improvement in long-term survival over time for chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients in stereotyped subsets 1 and 2 treated with chemo(immuno)therapy (2018)
Role of Inosine-Uracil Base Pairs in the Canonical RNA Duplexes (2018)
Moxetumomab pasudotox in relapsed/refractory hairy cell leukemia (2018)
ToTem: a tool for variant calling pipeline optimization (2018)
ERIC recommendations for TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia-update on methodological approaches and results interpretation (2018)
Protein environment affects the water-tryptophan binding mode. MD, QM/MM, and NMR studies of engrailed homeodomain mutants (2018)
Dědičné trombocytopenie (2018)
Inflammatory bowel disease and Clostridium difficile infection: contrasting views of international clinical professionals (2018)
MYC-mediated downregulation of miR-150 contributes to the transformation of follicular lymphoma to DLBCL by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
CD20 supports BCR signaling in an intra clonal aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation of cells and rituximab primarily targets these BCR proficient B cells in vivo (2018)
Studium klonality AML v imunodeficientním myším modelu (2018)
MYC-mediated downregulation of miR-150 contributes to the transformation of follicular lymphoma by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
Inovativní inhibitor proteinu CHK1 indukuje apoptózu u buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53 (2018)
CD20 reguluje signalizaci přes B-buněčný receptor v mikroprostředí chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
CD20 is a direct regulator of B-cell receptor signaling in the microenvironment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Genetické aberace a doba do progrese onemocnění u pacientů s CLL léčených režimy FCR nebo BR v 1. linii (2018)
Effect of NAG/NAG motif of acceptor splice site on pre-mRNA splicing (2018)
The incidence of biopsy-proven transformation in follicular lymphoma in the rituximab era. A retrospective analysis from the Czech Lymphoma Study Group (CLSG) database (2018)
Využití osmibarevné průtokové cytometrie v diagnostice vlasatobuněčné leukemie (2018)
Perzistence mutací v genech asociovaných s klonální hematopoézou v remisi onemocnění zhoršuje celkové přežití pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukemií (AML) (2018)
Kombinace elektroforetické a softwarové separace amplikonů při analýze komplexních bakteriálních vzorků (2016)
Acute purulent pericarditis caused by Clostridium septicum (2017)
Sequencing of Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum from isolate UZ1974 using Anti-Treponemal Antibodies Enrichment: First complete whole genome sequence obtained directly from human clinical material (2018)
Monitorování transkriptu BCR-ABL1 pomocí nového kitu Cepheid Xpert BCR-ABL1 ultra na úrovni MR4,5 (2018)
Sledování hladin BCR-ABL1 pomocí digitální PCR-adaptace EAC protokolu a porovnání se standardní diagnostickou RT-QPCR a GeneXpert systémem (2018)
Ph-like genové aberace u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní ALL v České republice. (2018)
Mutace v genu NRAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukemii (2018)
Detekce minoritních klonů oligoklonální chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím metod sekvenování nové generace (2018)
Využití detekce 1,3-beta-D-glukanu ze séra a BAL pro diagnostiku invazivních plicních infekcí u hematologických pacientů (2018)
Uvolnění buněk chronické lymfocytární leukemie z lymfatického systému do periferie po aplikaci rituximabu (2018)
Epigenetický screening buněk rezistentních k rituximabu odhalil možnou roli inhibitorů Aurora kináz v regulaci exprese CD20 (2018)
Dlouhodobé výsledky alogenních transplantací krvetvorných buněk u 533 pacientů s různými hematologickými malignitami – zkušenost jednoho centra (2018)
Funkční důsledky mutace v genu CLCN1 asociované s kongenitální myotonií (2018)
CLLEAR český registr pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií – kompletní analýza dat (2018)
Stanovení kauzálních variant u dědičných trombocytopenií (2018)
Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema Attacks with Icatibant and Recombinant C1 Inhibitor During Pregnancy (2018)
Bioinformatická platforma pro rutinní využití v diagnostice pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2018)
Changes in telomere length associate with to evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course (2018)
A quarter of NRAS positive patients carry multiple point mutations, each of them localised separately in different alleles (2018)
Evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2018)
Tracking the minor clones in oligoclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia using high-throughput immunoprofiling (2018)
Selective CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits single-agent activity against chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with TP53 mutations (2018)
Genetic aberrations and progression-free survival in CLL patients treated with front line rituximab-based chemoimmunotherapy (FCR/BR): clinical practice experience (2018)
European guidelines for primary antifungal prophylaxis in adult haematology patients: summary of the updated recommendations from the European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia (2018)
Comparison of Real-time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction and Eight-color Flow Cytometry in Assessment of Minimal Residual Disease in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (2018)
Detection of circulating miRNAs in the blood plasma of patients with mTLE+HS (2018)
miRNA screening of infantile and adult rat hippocampal tissues in acute phase of epilepsy (2018)
Analýza mykobiomu aneb chybami se člověk učí. (2018)
Dynamics of human gut microbiome in healthy volunteers from the Czech Republic (2018)
Artificial fungal community (fMOCK) as a control of sequencing process in mycobiome research. (2018)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients. (2018)
C-terminal RUNX1 mutation in familial platelet disorder with predisposition to myeloid malignancies (2018)
JAK2V617F but not CALR mutations confer increased molecular responses to interferon-alpha via JAK1/STAT1 activation (2019)
Rituximab primarily targets an intra-clonal BCR signaling proficient CLL subpopulation characterized by high CD20 levels (2018)
Overall Survival Benefit in Patients With Rituximab-Refractory Indolent Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Who Received Obinutuzumab Plus Bendamustine Induction and Obinutuzumab Maintenance in the GADOLIN Study (2018)
Viral genome changes and the impact of viral genome persistence in myocardium of patients with inflammatory cardiomyopathy (2018)
Insulin resistance is an underlying mechanism of impaired glucose metabolism during nilotinib therapy (2018)
Klinický význam nejčastěji mutovaných genů v buňkách chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
Epigenetic drug screen on resistant CLL cells reveals Aurora kinase inhibitors as enhancers of CD20 expression and sensitizers to treatment with CD20 monoclonal antibodies (2018)
Analýza rozsáhlých přestaveb genomu u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
Epigenetic drug screen on rituximab-resistant cells revealed in unexpected role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression (2018)
Epigenetic drug screen of rituximab resistant cell line revealed possible treatment targets (2018)
Ph-like genové aberace u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní ALL v České republice. (2018)
Rapid typing of Staphylococcus aureus using high-resolution melting analysis – effective tool for hospital epidemiology (2018)
Gene aberrations in adult patients with Ph-like ALL in the Czech Republic. (2018)
Synthetic 3D materials as a tool for long-term culture of leukemic B cells (2018)
Unexpected role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression (2018)
Autosomal dominant hypercholesterolaemia (2018)
Perspektivy rozvoje genomiky – projekt sekvenace statisíce českých genomů a milionu evropských genomů (2018)
A new deep intronic mutation caused aberrant splicing in a family diagnosed with hereditary angioedema (2018)
Detekce patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičného onemocnění metodou celoexomového sekvenování – kazuistiky (2018)
Souhrn konsensu EAS, týkajícího se kauzálního vztahu mezi lipoproteiny o nízké hustotě a aterosklerotickými kardiovaskulárními onemocněními, zpracovaný výborem České společnosti pro aterosklerózu. (2018)
Souhrn konsensu EAS, týkajícího se kauzálního vztahu mezi lipoproteiny o nízké hustotě a aterosklerotickými kardiovaskulárními onemocněními, zpracovaný výborem České společnosti pro aterosklerózu (2018)
Terapie chronické lymfocytární leukemie v roce 2018 (2018)
Dědičné predispozice k leukemiím (2018)
Somatické mutace TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie: na cestě od malých klonů k chemorezistentnímu onemocnění (2018)
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout of TP53 and ATM in HG3 cell line: models for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnsotics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Gene aberrations in adult patients with Ph-negative ALL in the Czech Republic (2018)
Rychlá typizace Staphylococcus aureus pomocí HRM analýzy – efektivní nástroj pro prevenci a kontrolu infekcí v nemocničním prostředí (2018)
Determination of causal variants in iherited thrombocytopenias (2018)
microRNA – are you real? (2018)
microRNA – are you real? (2018)
Celoexomové sekvenování a expresní profilování jako diagnostický podklad pro tvorbu individualizovaných léčebných plánů pro děti se solidními nádory (2018)
Hands on workshops on clinically relevant biomarkers: Cell-intrinsic biomarkers – Recurrent gene mutations: TP53 and beyond (2018)
Biomarker-aided clinical decision making in CLL: conclusions from the workshops and future perspectives. Conclusions on Recurrent gene mutations (2018)
ERIC mission: improving CLL patient care: Setting standards: ERIC harmonization activities (2018)
Phenotype, penetrance, and treatment of 133 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4-insufficient subjects (2018)
Association of HLA class I type with prevalence and outcome of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and mutated nucleophosmin (2018)
Dynamics of microRNA expression during early onset epileptogenesis (2018)
Circulating exosomal long noncoding RNA PRINS-First findings in monoclonal gammopathies (2018)
Complete genome sequences of two strains of Treponema pallidum subsp pertenue from Indonesia: Modular structure of several treponemal genes (2018)
Next-generation sequencing has shown a stable ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae nosocomial strain genetic pool (2018)
Global microRNA analysis in cerebrospinal fluid in glioblastoma patients. (2018)
Frontline bortezomib, rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and prednisone (VR-CAP) versus rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CHOP) in transplantation-ineligible patients with newly diagnosed mantle cell lymphoma: final overall survival results of a randomised, open-label, phase 3 study (2018)
Rapid HRM-based typing methods for cost-effective hospital surveillance of most important (multidrug-resistant) bacterial species (2018)
ClinVar database of global familial hypercholesterolemia-associated DNA variants (2018)
Real-life LDL-C treatment goals achievement in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Results of the PLANET registry (2018)
Genome-wide identification of urinary cell-free microRNAs for non-invasive detection of bladder cancer (2018)
Transplantace kostní dřeně a periferních hematopoetických buněk (2016)
miR-150 downregulation contributes to the high-grade transformation of follicular lymphoma by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
Comparison of Culture and Sequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Consortia Composition in Biofilms of Catheters (2017)
Human native endocarditis caused by Streptococcus canis-a case report (2019)
Seshat: A Web service for accurate annotation, validation, and analysis of TP53 variants generated by conventional and next-generation sequencing (2018)
Clinical Genetic Testing for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (2018)
Circulating PIWI-Interacting RNAs piR-5937 and piR-28876 Are Promising Diagnostic Biomarkers of Colon Cancer (2018)
Identification of microRNAs differentially expressed in glioblastoma stem-like cells and their association with patient survival (2018)
Hladiny vybraných plazmatických mikroRNA u pacientů po srdeční transplantaci odrážejí probíhající celulární rejekci štěpu - primární výsledky sekvenací (2018)
Použití sekvenování nové generace při hledání kandidátních mikroRNA jako biomarkerů rekurence fibrilace síní po katetrové ablaci - pilotní data (2018)
The significance of enzyme and transporter polymorphisms for imatinib plasma levels and achieving an optimal response in chronic myeloid leukemia patients (2018)
Úspěšná léčba rituximabem pro granulomatózně-lymfocytární intersticiální plicní nemoc provázející běžnou variabilní imunodeficienci (2018)
Močové mikroRNA jako potenciální biomarkery karcinomu močového měchýře (2018)
Analýza mikroRNA u extramedulárního relapsu mnohočetného myelomu (2018)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) - 2018 (2018)
Základní bioinformatické pojmy a postupy využívané pro analýzu DNA pomocí sekvenování nové generace (2018)
MicroRNA miR-34a downregulates FOXP1 during DNA damage response to limit BCR signalling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia B cells (2019)
CLL cells cumulate genetic aberrations prior to the first therapy even in outwardly inactive disease phase (2019)
Studium klonality akutní myeloidní leukémie na myších modelech (2019)
Development of selective casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibitors for cancer (2018)
Persistence of mutations during remission in 114 AML patients. (2018)
Charakteristika a výsledky léčby mladších nemocných s AML pod 60 let – data z české databáze DATOOL (2018)
Charakteristika a výsledky léčby nemocných s AML > 60 let – data z české databáze DATOOL (2018)
Ultrasenzitivní detekce mutací způsobujících rezistenci na tyrozinkinázové inhibitory s použitím Illumina NGS platformy u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií (2018)
Targeted next generation sequencing in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2018)
Encyclopedia of CLL Subsets: An Online Knowledgebase forSubsets of CLL Cases with Stereotyped B Cell Receptors (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnostics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Promoter methylation of ROR1 ligand WNT5A associates with its expression in CLL (2018)
Cytogenetické změny a jejich klinický význam u relabujících a refrakterních CLL nemocných (2018)
Častý výskyt dicentrických chromosomů u CLL nemocných s komplexním karyotypem (2018)
Využití NGS a mini-MLST pro sledování nemocniční epidemiologie a řešení outbreaků infekcí spojených s nemocniční péčí (2018)
Vrozené predispozice k hematologickým malignitám existují: přehled poznatků a vlastní nálezy (2018)
Akutní myeloidní leukemie a „next generation sequencing“: zcela nový pohled na patogenezi onemocnění (2018)
Chronická myeloidní leukemie a pět léků – který vybrat? Nebo žádný? (2018)
Chronická lymfatická leukémie: převratné novinky v patogenezi a terapii z poslední doby (2018)
T lymfocyty s chimerickým receptorem (CAR): revoluce v imunoterapii nádorů (2018)
Study of AML clonality in NGS mouse (2018)
Ultra-sensitive detection of tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistant mutations in chronic myeloid leukemia patients using Miseq Illumina next generation sequencing platform (2018)
Overview of the current status of familial hypercholesterolaemia care in over 60 countries - The EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) (2018)
A novel germline mutation in GP1BA gene N-terminal domain in monoallelic Bernard-Soulier syndrome (2018)
Activation-induced deaminase and its splice variants associate with trisomy 12 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Dravetovej syndróm s mutáciou v SCN1A géne - klinické skúsenosti Kliniky detskej neurologie FN Brno (2018)
Bioinformatic analysis of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs in malignant B cells (2018)
The human V delta 2(+) T-cell compartment comprises distinct innate-like V gamma 9(+) and adaptive V gamma 9(-) subsets (2018)
Charakteristika a výsledky léčby mladších nemocných s AML pod 60 let – data z české databáze DATOOL (2018)
CD49b defines functionally mature Treg cells that survey skin and vascular tissues (2018)
Human liver infiltrating gamma delta T cells are composed of clonally expanded circulating and tissue-resident populations (2018)
Characterization of the canine immunoglobulin heavy chain repertoire by next generation sequencing (2018)
Precise tracking of vaccine-responding T cell clones reveals convergent and personalized response in identical twins (2018)
TP53 aberrations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an overview of the clinical implications of improved diagnostics (2018)
A Surprising Photoactivity of Blue Fluorescent Protein TagBFP Allows for Super-Resolution Microscopy (2018)
Evaluation of immune repertoire inference methods from RNA-seq data reply (2018)
Comparative Analysis of B-Cell Receptor Repertoires Induced by Live Yellow Fever Vaccine in Young and Middle-Age Donors (2018)
Exploring the pre-immune landscape of antigen-specific T cells (2018)
Method for identification of condition associated public antigen receptor sequences (2018)
CD8(+) T cells with characteristic T cell receptor beta motif are detected in blood and expanded in synovial fluid of ankylosing spondylitis patients (2018)
Quantitative profiling reveals minor changes of T cell receptor repertoire in response to subunit inactivated influenza vaccine (2018)
Comparative analysis of murine T-cell receptor repertoires (2018)
VDJdb: a curated database of T-cell receptor sequences with known antigen specificity (2018)
Automated shape-based clustering of 3D immunoglobulin protein structures in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Tumor expression of miR-34a-3p is an independent predictor of recurrence in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer and promising additional factor to improve predictive value of EORTC nomogram (2019)
Vzácná onemocnění-deficit aminoacylázy 1 (2019)
CDK12 kinase activity controls G1/S progression by regulating optimal transcription of core DNA replication genes (2018)
Updated results from the phase 3 HELIOS study of ibrutinib, bendamustine, and rituximab in relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (2019)
Impact of gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations on progression-free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with front-line chemoimmunotherapy: Clinical practice experience (2019)
Lymphoproliferation, immunodeficiency and early-onset inflammatory bowel disease associated with a novel mutation in Caspase 8 (2019)
Chronic Benign CD8+Proliferation: A Rare Affection that Can Mimic a Lymphoma Relapse (2019)
Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis Is Superior to Culture in Detecting Candida Species from Samples of Urinary Catheters and Ureteral Stents with Mono- or Polyfungal Biofilm Growth (2019)
Disease-biased and shared characteristics of the immunoglobulin gene repertoires in marginal zone B cell lymphoproliferations (2019)
Tailored approaches grounded on immunogenetic features for refined prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Association between the timing of surgery for complicated, left-sided infective endocarditis and survival (2019)
Klinické, biochemické a genetické aspekty Wilsonovy choroby (2019)
Integrated epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals TP63 as a novel player in clinically aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Different time-dependent changes of risk for evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with mutated or unmutated antigen B cell receptors (2019)
A novel germline mutation of the SFTPA1 gene in familial interstitial pneumonia (2019)
Molecular Techniques Complement Culture-Based Assessment of Bacteria Composition in Mixed Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheter-Related Samples (2019)
Capability of Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis To Distinguish Species of the Candida parapsilosis Complex (2019)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: definitions, associations, and clinical impact (2019)
Gut microbiome analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) patients and paired healthy controls sharing the same household (2019)
Structural and Functional Impact of Seven Missense Variants of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase (2019)
ATM and TP53 mutations show mutual exclusivity but distinct clinical impact in mantle cell lymphoma patients (2019)
Detection and identification of fungi in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from immunocompromised patients using panfungal PCR (2019)
Neutrophil and Granulocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell-Mediated T Cell Suppression Significantly Contributes to Immune Dysregulation in Common Variable Immunodeficiency Disorders (2019)
Neutrophils Are Dysregulated in Patients with Hereditary Angioedema Types I and II in a Symptom-Free Period (2019)
Prospective observational study in comorbid patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia receiving first-line bendamustine with rituximab (2019)
SERPING1 exon 3 splicing variants using alternative acceptor splice sites (2019)
DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation patterns in acute myeloid leukemia patients with mutations in DNMT3A and IDH1/2 and their combinations (2019)
Mutation analysis of ATP7B gene in Czech families with Wilson´s disease. (2019)
Rituximab maintenance overcomes the negative prognostic factor of obesity in CLL: Subgroup analysis of the international randomized AGMT CLL-8a mabtenance trial (2019)
Inherited ichthyoses: molecular causes of the disease in Czech patients (2019)
The Impact of DNA Extraction Methods on Stool Bacterial and Fungal Microbiota Community Recovery (2019)
High-throughput analysis revealed mutations' diverging effects on SMN1 exon 7 splicing (2019)
Impact of acceptor splice site NAGTAG motif on exon recognition (2019)
Detection of a deletion at 22q11 locus involving ZNF280A/ZNF280B/PRAME/GGTLC2 in B-cell malignancies: simply a consequence of an immunoglobulin lambda light chain rearrangement (2019)
The Impact of the International Cooperation On Familial Hypercholesterolemia Screening and Treatment: Results from the ScreenPro FH Project (2019)
Prognostic significance of mutation profile at diagnosis and mutation persistence during disease remission in adult acute myeloid leukaemia patients (2019)
Bacterial but Not Fungal Gut Microbiota Alterations Are Associated With Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Phenotype (2019)
A case of autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia caused by a new variant in the LDL receptor adaptor protein 1 gene (2019)
Alagillův syndrom-arteriohepatální dysplázie: kazuistika (2019)
MicroRNA-15b-5p Predicts Locoregional Relapse in Head and Neck Carcinoma Patients Treated With Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy (2019)
Testing of library preparation methods for transcriptome sequencing of real life glioblastoma and brain tissue specimens: A comparative study with special focus on long non-coding RNAs (2019)
Wilsonova choroba: analýza souboru 35 dětských pacientů (2019)
Bioinformatic pipelines for whole transcriptome sequencing data exploitation in leukemia patients with complex structural variants (2019)
Quality control and quantification in IG/TR next-generation sequencing marker identification: protocols and bioinformatic functionalities by EuroClonality-NGS (2019)
Application of mini-MLST and whole genome sequencing in low diversity hospital extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae population (2019)
Plazmocelulární leukémie – zapomenutá nemoc (2019)
MicroRNA-210 expression during childbirth and postpartum as a potential biomarker of acute fetal hypoxia (2019)
Novel SAMD9 Mutation in a Patient With Immunodeficiency, Neutropenia, Impaired Anti-CMV Response, and Severe Gastrointestinal Involvement (2019)
Novel genetic variant of HPS1 gene in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome with fulminant progression of pulmonary fibrosis: a case report (2019)
The importance of complex karyotype in prognostication and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a comprehensive review of the literature (2019)
Molekulárně-genetická charakterizace nádoru a léčbu šitá na míru u dětí se solidními nádory (2019)
Molekulární klasifikace meduloblastomů pomocí celogenomového expresního profilování (2019)
Identifikace nových prognostických subtypů chronické lymfocytární leukemie použitím dráhového mutačního skóre a strojového učení (2019)
miR-376b-3p jako biomarker odpovědi na léčbu sunitinibem u pacientů s metastatickým karcinomem ledviny. (2019)
Vyšetření dědičných predispozic k nádorovým onemocněním metodou NGS – dosavadní výsledky a nejasné případy. (2019)
Detekce fúzních genů u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií s komplexními chromozomálními přestavbami. (2019)
Processing of Derivational Features for (Semi)Automatic Creation of Dictionary Definitions in the User Interface (CZEDD) for Learning Czech as a Second Language: Suffix -tel and -ista (2019)
Zpracování derivačních rysů pro (polo)automatické vytváření slovníkových definic v uživatelském rozhraní CZEDD pro výuku češtiny jako druhého jazyka: sufix -tel a -ista (2019)
Monitoring DNA-Ligand Interactions in Living Human Cells Using NMR Spectroscopy (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk of seizure induction in developing brain (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk and severity of seizures developing brain (2019)
Next-generation sequencing of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements for clonality assessment: a technical feasibility study by EuroClonality-NGS (2019)
Standardized next-generation sequencing of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene recombinations for MRD marker identification in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; a EuroClonality-NGS validation study (2019)
Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B buněčných lymfoproliferací. (2019)
Novel CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits significant single-agent activity in TP53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2019)
Encyklopedie subsetů CLL – unikátní bioinformatický nástroj a databáze pro analýzu subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů u CLL (2019)
Epidemiologické profilování imunogenetických podskupin chronické lymfocytární leukemie – národní dotazníková studie. (2019)
Charakterizace genových aberací u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní akutní lymfoblastickou leukemií (2019)
MikroRNA u mnohočetného myelomu (2019)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu CHK1 u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s mutacemi v genu TP53 (2019)
Od soukromé korespondence k mluvě afatiků (2019)
Genetické a neurobiologické aspekty komorbidního výskytu poruch autistického spektra a epilepsie (2019)
Haplogenotypy variant genů pro epidermální růstový faktor a jeho receptor asociované s gastroezofageální refluxní chorobou a jejími komplikacemi (2019)
A rare diagnosis: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome i a patient eith pulmonary fibrosis, oculocutaneous albinism and thrombocytopathy (2019)
Význam epidermálního růstového faktoru v etiopatogenezi recidivující aftózní stomatitidy (2019)
A novel EP300 mutation associated with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome type 2 presenting as combined immunodeficiency (2018)
Analýza mluveného projevu u pacientů s afázií (2019)
Analysis of Spoken Speech of Patients with Aphasia (2019)
Lingvistická analýza mluveného projevu pacientů s afázií (2019)
Lingvistická analýza mluveného projevu u pacientů s afázií (2019)
Konvence, kreativita a patologie v mluvené češtině (2019)
Cerebrospinal Fluid MicroRNA Signatures as Diagnostic Biomarkers in Brain Tumors (2019)
Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Blast Crisis Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in the Era of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: A Retrospective Study by the EBMT Chronic Malignancies Working Party (2019)
Deficiency and haploinsufficiency of histone macroH2A1.1 in mice recapitulate hematopoietic defects of human myelodysplastic syndrome (2019)
Single-agent ibrutinib in RESONATE-2 (TM) and RESONATE (TM) versus treatments in the real-world PHEDRA databases for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Bending of DNA duplexes with mutation motifs (2019)
Diagnoses and treatment of chronic lymphatic leukaemia: a trustworthy clinical practice guideline (2019)
Development of 3D drug-testing platform for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2019)
Consequences of NRAS mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. (2019)
Multicentre standardization of minimal residual disease detection and quantitation using the EuroClonality-NGS assay (2019)
Complex structural variants lead to gene inactivation rather than expression of de novo fusion genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
DNA-based BCR-ABL1 analysis provides a „traffic light“ stratification model for chronic myeloid leukemia with implications for treatment free remission (2019)
Gene expression profiling of CD26+ leukemic stem cell population from CML patients. (2019)
Mechanism of leukemia cell adaptation to targeted therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Complex structural variants and de novo fusion gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Characterization of causal variants associated with hereditary thrombocytopenias. (2019)
A comparison of two standardized quantitative RT-PCRs with CE IVD kit for digital PCR in CML patients with different level of BCR-ABL1 transcripts (2019)
A rare diagnosis: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis, oculocutaneous albinism and thrombocytopathy (2019)
Identification of novel chronic lymphocytic leukemia subtypes using germline pathway mutation scores and ensemble clustering (2019)
Clinical impact of genomic analysis in children with B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A pilot study in Slovakia (2019)
Identification of novel chronic lymphocytic leukemia subtypes using pathway mutation scores and consensus clustering (2019)
High Throughput Immunophenotyping and Expression Profiling at Single Cell Level Reveal BCR-ABL1 Dependent Surface Markers of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells (2019)
Multicolor Immunophenotyping of Candidate Leukemic Stem Cell Markers in CD34+CD38- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells. (2019)
Analysis of Mutational Landscape in Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Identifies Novel Prognostic Markers (2019)
Performance of α-CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells in genetically defined classes of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2019)
Comparison of In-house real-time assay and MucorGenius assay performance for testing of clinical samples from immunocompromised patients. (2019)
Epigenetic drug screen on CD20 immunotherapy resistant cells revealed possible role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression regulation. (2019)
Applications of the ARResT/Interrogate bioinformatic platform within ESLHO networks (2019)
Molecular mechanisms of CD19-loss in relapsed B-cell precursor ALL after blinatumomab treatment (2019)
Insights from and implications of clonal evolution on NGS IG/TR marker identification in ALL patient groups (2019)
Elucidation of factors enhancing the expression of CD20 and thereby efficiency of CD20 monoclonal antibodies through epigenetic drug screening of resistant CLL cells (2020)
Nádorová cytogenetika 20 a 21.století: Od konvenční cytogenetiky k „next-generation“ cytogenetice hematologických malignit (2019)
Biologická a klinická analýza souboru nemocných s refrakterní a relabující chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2019)
Cytogenetická a molekulárně biologická analýza genu a proteinu Myc u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2019)
Přestavba chromosomové oblasti 3q26 (MECOM) a její klinický význam u myeloidních malignit. (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky (2019)
Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoproliferací (2019)
Studium abnormální genové exprese spojené s chromothripsí u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2019)
Novel methodology for seeding leukemic B cells into porous scaffolds and for their DNA isolation (2019)
The surprising role of microRNAs in the DNA damage and B cell receptor signalling in malignant B cells (2019)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu checkpoint kinase 1 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53. (2019)
Tandem acceptor splice site in the context of two closely located exons (2019)
First-line therapy for T cell lymphomas: a retrospective population-based analysis of 906 T cell lymphoma patients (2019)
Fluorescent Capillary Electrophoresis Applied to Distinguish Species of Candida parapsilosis Complex (2019)
Bacterial and fungal gut microbiota analysis in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) disorders: paired case-control study (2019)
Actinotignum schaalii as a part of urinary catheter associated microbiota (2019)
Vícečetné mutace genu NRAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií. (2019)
Srovnání počtu a alelické četnosti mutací genu TP53 u pacientů před první terapií a pacientů s relabující/refrakterní chronickou lymfocytární leukemií. (2019)
Srovnání počtu a alelické četnosti mutací genu TP53 u pacientů před první terapií a pacientů s relabující/refrakterní chronickou lymfocytární leukemií. (2019)
Úskalí magnetické rezonance v diagnostice nervosvalových onemocnění. (2019)
Complex structural variants and formation of de novo fusion genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2019)
Diagnostika pacientů s podezřením na Ph-negativní myeloproliferativní neoplázii. (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky. (2019)
Vyšetření dědičných predispozic k nádorovým onemocněním metodou NGS – dosavadní výsledky a nejasné případy. (2019)
Molekulárně – genetická diagnostika mastocytózy. (2019)
Detekce somatických variant u myelodysplastického syndromu: srovnání tří odlišných postupů při přípravě sekvenačních knihoven pro vyšetření panelu genů. (2019)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoprolyferací. (2019)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární keukémií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2019)
Analysis of gene expression in CD26+ CML leukemic stem cell population. (2019)
Cílená inhibice kasein kinázy 1 v léčbě chronické lymfoidní leukémie. (2019)
Searching for transposable elements in hematological malignancies (2019)
LYNX: LYmphoid NGS panel analysis tool. (2019)
Epigenetic drug screen of a CD20-low expressing cell line revealed an unexpected role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression. (2019)
Identification of novel chronic lymphocytic leukemia subtypes using pathway mutation scores and machine learning (2019)
T cell receptor repertoire in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. (2019)
Epigenetic drug screen of CD20-low expressing cell line revealed possible treatment target. (2019)
Minor-clone TP53 mutations in CLL patients entering first-line treatment: clonal evolution and clinical impact. (2020)
LDLR variants in the beta-propeller subdomain and their effect on the protein maturation and unfolded protein response. (2019)
B Cell Receptor Signalling Regulation by Non-coding RNAs. (2019)
Identification of transposable elements in hematological malignancies. (2019)
CD20 in the context of microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells: Implications for targeted therapy. (2019)
A guide to the interpretation of TP53 genetic alterations in CLL. (2019)
How to prepare a TP53 report for clinicians. (2019)
ERIC TP53 certification – results of round 7. (2019)
Překvapivá role micro RNA v odpovědi na poškození DNA a regulaci BCR signalizace u CLL. (2019)
TP53 a nové molekulární prognostické markery u CLL. (2019)
Cytogenetika u CLL a role komplexního karyotypu. (2019)
Molecular diagnostics of Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms. (2019)
Comprehensive NGS panel for analysis of prognostic and predictive markers in lymphoproliferative diseases. (2019)
Assessing suitability of various DNA sources for monitoring leukemia aktivity with WGS. (2019)
Other malignancies in CLL. ERIC/HARMONY project. (2019)
Update on the certification and recertification process. (2019)
TP53 aberrations. (2019)
Telomere dynamics in adult hematological malignancies (2019)
Chromotripse - rozsáhlé chromozomové přestavby a jejich význam u onkologických onemocnění (2019)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie – současné využití moderních prognostických a prediktivních faktorů v diagnostice (2019)
Cílená terapie chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2019)
Mutace genů rodiny RAS u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií (2019)
Encyklopedie subsetů CLL – Unikátní bio informatický nástroj a databáze pro analýzu subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů u CLL (2019)
Molekulární klasifikace meduloblastomů pomocí celogenomového expresního profilování (2019)
Detection and functional analysis of TP53 mutations in CLL (2019)
Familial leukemia associated with thrombocytopenia (2019)
PRIMA-1MET cytotoxic effect correlates with p53 protein reduction in TP53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2020)
Undetectable expression of WNT5A, a gene encoding a ROR1 ligand, defines memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Promoter Methylation of ROR1 Ligand WNT5A associates with Its Expression in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2019)
MiR-376b-3p Is Associated With Long-term Response to Sunitinib in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients (2019)
Identification of microRNA signatures in umbilical cord blood associated with maternal characteristics (2019)
A review of canine B cell clonality assays and primer set optimization using large-scale repertoire data (2019)
Composite lymphoma of concurrent T zone lymphoma and large cell B cell lymphoma in a dog (2019)
The presence of CLL-associated stereotypic B cell receptors in the normal BCR repertoire from healthy individuals increases with age (2019)
International prognostic scoring system for mastocytosis (IPSM): a retrospective cohort study (2019)
Successful rituximabtreatment of granulomatous/lymphocytic interstitial lung disease in commonvariable immunodeficiency. (2018)
Analysis of Mutational Landscape in Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Identifies Novel Prognostic Markers. (2019)
Peripheral blood of CLL patients is repopulated with complement resistant malignant cells one day after rituximab infusion: possible implications for subsequent chemotherapy. (2019)
Clinical and molecular characterisation of czech hereditary angioedema patients. (2017)
HAE caused by a novel deep intronic mutation in SERPING1 indroducing a cryptic exon. (2017)
Personalized Treatment of H3K27M-Mutant Pediatric Diffuse Gliomas Provides Improved Therapeutic Opportunities (2020)
Analysis of serum lipids, cardiovascular risk, and indication for statin use during nilotinib and imatinib therapy in de novo CML patients ? results from real-life prospective study (2020)
Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation improves outcome of adults with t(6;9) acute myeloid leukemia: results from an international collaborative study (2020)
Charakteristika a výsledky léčby pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukemií _> 60 let - data z databáze CELL DATOOL AML (2019)
Změny v epidemiologii invazivních mykotických infekcí v českých a slovenských hematoonkologických centrech v letech 2005-2017: analýza dat FIND (2019)
Léčba relabující/refrakterní akutní lymfoblastické leukemie dnes a zítra (2019)
DNA methylation profiles in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with chemoimmunotherapy (2019)
WNT signaling inducing activity in ascites predicts poor outcome in ovarian cancer (2020)
Co nám může mozkomíšní mok říct o epilepsii a epileptogenezi? (2019)
Role zánětu v etiopatogenezi farmakorezistentní epilepsie a refrakterního status epilepticus. (2020)
Genetické a neurobiologickéí aspekty komorbidního výskytu porucha autistického spektra a epilepsie (2019)
Imatinib dose reduction in major molecular response of chronic myeloid leukemia: results from the German Chronic Myeloid Leukemia-Study IV (2019)
PiggyBac transposon tools for recessive screening identify B-cell lymphoma drivers in mice (2019)
Memory CD4(+) T cells are generated in the human fetal intestine (2019)
Detecting T cell receptors involved in immune responses from single repertoire snapshots (2019)
A Simple RNA Target Capture NGS Strategy for Fusion Genes Assessment in the Diagnostics of Pediatric B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (2019)
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis and connective tissue disorder in humans with impaired JNK1-dependent responses to IL-17A/F and TGF-beta (2019)
The association between vegetation size and surgical treatment on 6-month mortality in left-sided infective endocarditis (2019)
Sada pro stanovení relativního zastoupení alternativních transkriptů genu PLAUR (2019)
Application of Topological Data analysis Methods in Machine Learning based TCR Specificity Prediction Models (2019)
Skin enrichment of nickel-activated CD154+CD4+memory T cells in acute allergic contact dermatitis (2019)
CXCR3 Identifies Human Naive CD8(+) T Cells with Enhanced Effector Differentiation Potential (2019)
Dicier: a Fine-tuned Bioinformatics Pipeline to Detect Micro-RNA Chimeric Reads (2019)
Investigation of microRNA expression profiles related tomorphological heterogeneity in triple-negative breast cancer (2019)
A novel germline mutation in GP1BA gene in family with hereditary macrothrombocytopenia (2019)
Dysregulated expression of lncRNAs in glioblastoma multiforme and their association with overall survival (2019)
First evidence of a paediatric patient with Cornelia de Lange syndrome with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (2019)
Vzácný nález hereditární zátěže u mladé pacientky s hyperkalcemickým malobuněčným karcinomem hrdla dělohy (2019)
Comparison of whole exome sequencing and FoundationOne Heme sequencing panel as tools for precision oncology in paediatric patients with difficult-to-treat solid tumours (2019)
MicroRNA analysis in multiple myeloma and extramedullary disease (2019)
miR-376b and miR-4668 predict therapeutic response to sunitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2019)
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy. Review of the literature and a case report (2016)
Chronická recidivující kopřivka, bolesti kostí i kloubů, horečka nejasného původu a monoklonální imunoglobulin typu IgM = syndrom Schnitzlerové (2018)
Remise „the disease associated/related with immunoglobulin IgG4“ provázeného mnohočetnou lymfadenopatií po léčbě rituximabem a dexametazonem: kazuistika (2018)
Clonal hierarchy of main molecular lesions in acute myeloid leukaemia (2020)
Analýza fluktuace dárců krve mezi státním zařízením transfuzní služby a soukromým plazmaferetickým centrem (2019)
CD20 is dispensable for B-cell receptor signaling but is required for proper actin polymerization, adhesion and migration of malignant B cells (2020)
Performance of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells in genetically defined classes of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm: First retrospective study in the Czech Republic (2020)
Comprehensive Molecular Profiling for Relapsed/Refractory Pediatric Burkitt Lymphomas-Retrospective Analysis of Three Real-Life Clinical Cases-Addressing Issues on Randomization and Customization at the Bedside (2020)
High activation of STAT5A drives peripheral T-cell lymphoma and leukemia (2020)
Novel Illumina-based next generation sequencing approach with one-round amplification provides early and reliable detection of BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutations in chronic myeloid leukemia (2020)
Topology and expressed repertoire of the Felis catus T cell receptor loci (2020)
Blinatumomab vs historic standard-of-care treatment for minimal residual disease in adults with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (2020)
Diagnosis of Bloom Syndrome in a Patient with Short Stature, Recurrence of Malignant Lymphoma, and Consanguineous Origin (2020)
Frontline treatment with the combination obinutuzumab +/- chlorambucil for chronic lymphocytic leukemia outside clinical trials: Results of a multinational, multicenter study by ERIC and the Israeli CLL study group (2020)
Real-world data on efficacy and safety of obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil, rituximab plus chlorambucil, and rituximab plus bendamustine in the frontline treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: TheGO-CLLEARStudy by the CzechCLLStudy Group (2020)
Donor-derived DNA variability in fingernails of acute myeloid leukemia patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation detected by direct PCR (2020)
EZH2 mutations and impact on clinical outcome: an analysis in 1,604 patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (2020)
Diagnostic relevance of 18F-FDG PET/CT in newly diagnosed patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS): Single-center experience (2020)
Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Variants in the Beta-Propeller Subdomain and Their Functional Impact (2020)
High-throughput sequencing of T-cell receptor alpha chain clonal rearrangements at the DNA level in lymphoid malignancies (2020)
How to select older patients with acute myeloid leukemia fit for intensive treatment? (2021)
Analysis of chronic myeloid leukaemia during deep molecular response by genomic PCR: a traffic light stratification model with impact on treatment-free remission (2020)
Elucidation of protein interactions necessary for the maintenance of the BCR-ABL signaling complex (2020)
The proportion of different BCR-ABL1 transcript types in chronic myeloid leukemia. An international overview (2019)
Překvapivý nález v kostní dřeni: co za ním je? (2020)
A five-year follow-up of untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia treated with ofatumumab and chlorambucil: final analysis of the Complement 1 phase 3 trial (2020)
Safety and efficacy of self-administered romiplostim in patients with immune thrombocytopenia: Results of an integrated database of five clinical trials (2020)
European LeukemiaNet 2020 recommendations for treating chronic myeloid leukemia (2020)
Efficacy of bendamustine and rituximab in unfit patients with previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Indirect comparison with ibrutinib in a real-world setting. A GIMEMA-ERIC and US study (2020)
Léčba histiocytózy z Langerhansových buněk u dospělých osob (2020)
Plicní onemocnění a autoimunitní hemolytická anémie asociovaná s IgG4 (2020)
Diagnostika a léčba plicní formy histiocytózy z langerhansových buněk (2020)
(Ne)narušená komunikační schopnost v datech (2020)
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and serum 1,3-beta-d-glucan testing for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis diagnosis in hematological patients: the role of factors affecting assay performance (2020)
Nuclear inclusions of pathogenic ataxin-1 induce oxidative stress and perturb the protein synthesis machinery (2020)
mir-29 influences CD40 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2020)
Capture-based NGS panel for detection of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangements in DNA samples from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2020)
Combination of epigenetic drug screen and CRISPR knockout screen revealed involvement of aurora kinases and Cullin 3 in CD20 regulation (2020)
Interlaboratory comparison of NGS methods for detection of TP53 variants ˂10% VAF: The first phase of an ERIC multicenter study on the clinical impact of low-frequent TP53 variants in CLL (2020)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): a versatile NGS panel for comprehensive analysis of molecular markers with clinical relevance in lymphoproliferative disorders (2020)
High throughput T cell receptor profiling in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma provides a novel deeper insight into the characteristics of the malignant population (2020)
Diagnostic yield of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in haematological patients – single centre 14 years experience (2020)
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screening reveals novel target genes, whose inactivation is able to upregulate surface expression of immunotherapy target CD20 (2020)
Individual molecular response evaluation on both DNA and mRNA BCR-ABL1 level diminished differences in time to molecular response achievement between CML patients with E13A2 vs E14A2 transcript type (2020)
Unexpected variability of donor chimerism in patients fingernails after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation detected by direct PCR (2020)
Generation of humanized bone marrow-like niche for leukemic xenotransplantation in mice: comparison of biomaterials (2020)
Molekulárně-cytogenetická analýza genomové nestability derivátů buněčné linie HEK293 (2020)
Jak a kde přispět svým genomem do nově vznikající české databáze (2020)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lympfoproliferací (2020)
Genomická analýza BCR-ABL1 poskytuje stratifikační model „semaforu“ s možným uplatněním pro předpověď přežití bez léčby u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií (2020)
Analysis mutational landscape in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma identifies novel prognostic markers (2020)
Characterization of pathogenic variants associated with hereditary thrombocytopenias in families from the Czech republic. (2020)
Multicolor immuno-phenotyping of candidate leukemic stem cell markers in CD34+CD38- chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells. (2020)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2020)
A comparison of two standardized quantitative RT-PCRs with CE IVD kit for digital PCR in CML patients with different level of BCR-ABL1 transcripts. (2020)
Functional testing of gene variants in inherited thrombocytopenias. (2020)
Profiling of biological and environmental risk factors in immunogenetic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Epilepsy miRNA Profile Depends on the Age of Onset in Humans and Rats (2020)
Dasatinib treatment long-term results among imatinib-resistant/intolerant patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia are favorable in daily clinical practice (2021)
CML v reálném životě v ČR…jak si stojíme ve srovnání s daty z klinických studií? (2020)
Chronická myeloidní leukemie (CML) (2020)
Familiární plicní fibróza - doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu (2020)
Hematologické kazuistiky nejen pro hematology aneb jak nepřehlédnout leukemii v každodenní praxi (2020)
Akutní myeloidní leukemie (2020)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (2020)
Prolymfocytární leukemie (2020)
Leukemie z vlasatých buněk (2020)
Lymfom z malých lymfocytů/chronická lymfocytární leukemie (SLL/CLL) (2020)
Panel sond pro detekci prognostických a prediktivních markerů lymfoproliferativních onemocnění (2020)
Konvence, kreativita a patologie v mluvené češtině (2020)
miR-29 Modulates CD40 Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by Targeting TRAF4: an Axis Affected by BCR inhibitors (2021)
Klonální evoluce CLL dokumentovaná vývojem TP53 mutací (2020)
MRD negativita v éře nových léčiv pro CLL (2020)
NGS (next generation sequencing, sekvenování nové generace) u AML se stává rutinou. (2020)
NGS panel pro diagnostiku myeloproliferací (2020)
NGS u MDS - praktické aspekty (2020)
Nový komplexní NGS panel pro lymfoidní malignity a jeho využití (2020)
Characteristics and Outcome of Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and t(8;16)(p11;p13): Results from an International Collaboration (2018)
Analýza sérových lipidů, kardiovaskulárního rizika a indikace k hypolipidemické terapii u nemocných s de novo CML léčených imatinibem - výsledky z prospektivní studie (2018)
Diagnostic aspects and considerations (2020)
Léčebné postupy v hematologii (2020)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) (2020)
COVID-19 severity and mortality in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a joint study by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, and CLL Campus (2020)
Epigenetic clock as a correlate of anxiety (2020)
Methscore as a new prognostic tool for complex DNA methylation changes assessment in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. (2020)
Eli Moschowitz - dopis (2020)
Optimization of Dissolution Compartments in a Biorelevant Dissolution Apparatus Golem v2, Supported by Multivariate Analysis (2017)
Identification and functional characterization of new missense SNPs in the coding region of the TP53 gene (2021)
Importance of base-pair opening for mismatch recognition (2020)
Evaluation of two CE-IVD tests for BCR-ABL1 transcript monitoring of chronic myeloid leukemia patients (2021)
International prognostic score for asymptomatic early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
High throughput sequencing data analysis of IG/TR rearranged genes in leukemie clinical research. (2020)
Mutational landscape analysis in systematic anaplastic large cell lymphoma identifies novel prognostic markers. (2020)
The impact of transposable elements in hematological malignances. (2020)
Development of novel patient-derived xenograft model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2020)
Uncovering rare hematological entities: Shwachman-Diamond syndrome in a pair of siblings with neutropenia and recurrent infections. (2020)
Analýza myeloproliferací pomocí sekvenování nové generace (MPN panel). (2020)
Double-hit mutace u pacientky s karcinomem ovaria a neurofibromatózou. (2020)
LYNX – modulární bioinformatický nástroj s uživatelským rozhraním pro analýzu NGS da u pacientů s hematologickými malignitami (2020)
Dědičná trombocytopenie na podkladě patogenní varianty genu MYH9 diagnostikovaná u dospělé ženy. (2020)
Hepatocellular carcinoma: Gene expression profiling and regulation of xenobiotic-metabolizing cytochromes P450 (2020)
Odporúčania pre skríning, diagnostiku, profylaxiu a liečbu hepatitíd u hematoonkologických pacientov – odporúčania CELL (2020)
Revakcinace dospělých pacientů po alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných buněk: doporučení České leukemické skupiny – pro život (2019)
Prevence infekčních stavů u hematologických pacientů po splenektomii a s funkčním hyposplenismem – doporučení CzEch Leukemia Study Group for Life (CELL) (2018)
Ph (BCR-ABL1)-negativní myeloproliferativní neoplázie (D45, D47.1, D47.3). In: Léčebné postupy v hematologii. Doporučení ČHS ČLS JEP (2016)
Chronic myeloid leukemia: is the real prognosis of newly diagnosed patients really so good? (2015)
Rapid screening of bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients for mucormycetes using PCR followed by high resolution melt analysis (2013)
Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies in the Czech and Slovak republics: Fungal InfectioN Database (FIND) analysis, 2005-2009 (2013)
Significance of the detection of respirátory viruses including human metapneumovirus in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and nasopharyngeal swabs in patiens with various hematological disorders (2012)
Prevence infekčních stavů u hematologických pacientů po splenektomii a funkčním hyposplenismem-doporučení Czech Leukemia Study Group for Life (CELL). (2018)
Genomic arrays identify high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia with genomic complexity: a multicenter study (2021)
Molecular status of CML 36 months after TKI discontinuation is highly predictive of subsequent loss of MMR - a report from AFTER-SKI. (2020)
Ponatinib Treatment in CML and Ph+ all patients: real-life data from the Czech registries. (2020)
Přehled článků na poli CML na IHOK (2020)
Ropeginterferon alfa-2b versus standard therapy for polycythaemia vera (PROUD-PV and CONTINUATION-PV): a randomised, non-inferiority, phase 3 trial and its extension study (2020)
Sada pro detekci mutací asociovaných s myelodysplastickým syndromem a chronickou myelomonocytární leukemií (2020)
In Ph+BCR-ABL1(P210+) acute lymphoblastic leukemia the e13a2 (B2A2) transcript is prevalent (2020)
Impact of genetics on the performance of anti-CD 19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Combination of epigenetic drug screen and CRISPR knockout screen as an unbiased approach to reveal possible CD20 therapy improvement (2020)
Clinical features and survival of patients with indolent systemic mastocytosis defined by the updated WHO classification (2020)
Aberrant Methylation of LINE-1 Transposable Elements: A Search for Cancer Biomarkers (2020)
Možnosti imunomodulační terapie epilepsií. (2020)
Assessment of Tumor Mutational Burden in Pediatric Tumors by Real-Life Whole-Exome Sequencing and In Silico Simulation of Targeted Gene Panels: How the Choice of Method Could Affect the Clinical Decision? (2020)
Etiology of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL): Current Directions in Research (2020)
Identification of Disease-associated Traits and Clonotypes in the T Cell Receptor Repertoire of Monozygotic Twins Affected by Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (2020)
IL10RA modulates crizotinib sensitivity in NPM1-ALK(+) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2020)
Measuring Intratumoral Heterogeneity of Immune Repertoires (2020)
Primary and secondary anti-viral response captured by the dynamics and phenotype of individual T cell clones (2020)
Prognostic Factors in Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Long Term Results of the International ALCL99 Trial (2020)
Rare non-Hodgkin lymphoma of childhood and adolescence: A consensus diagnostic and therapeutic approach to pediatric-type follicular lymphoma, marginal zone lymphoma, and nonanaplastic peripheral T-cell lymphoma (2020)
Recurrent gene mutations detected in canine mast cell tumours by next generation sequencing (2020)
SeqURE - a new copy-capture based method for sequencing of unknown Retroposition events (2020)
TCRs with segment TRAV9-2 or a CDR3 histidine are overrepresented among nickel-specific CD4+T cells (2020)
The Determination of Immunomodulation and Its Impact on Survival of Rectal Cancer Patients Depends on the Area Comprising a Tissue Microarray (2020)
CD4(+) T Follicular Helper Cells in Human Tonsils and Blood Are Clonally Convergent but Divergent from Non-Tfh CD4(+) Cells (2020)
The Interplay between CD27(dull) and CD27(brig)(ht) B Cells Ensures the Flexibility, Stability, and Resilience of Human B Cell Memory (2020)
Two subsets of stem-like CD8(+)memory T cell progenitors with distinct fate commitments in humans (2020)
CEITEC PhD Conference (2020)
Akutní lymfoblastická leukemie s nálezem chromozomu Philadelphia a nové tyrosinkinázové inhibitory (2020)
Akutní lymfoblastická leukemie a význam nových léčiv pro navození remise - přemostění k alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných buněk (2020)
Effect of intronic mutations on pseudoexon inclusion (2020)
Molecular status 36 months after TKI discontinuation in CML is highly predictive for subsequent loss of MMR-final report from AFTER-SKI (2021)
Jaké dávky inhibitorů tyrozinkináz jsou v léčbě pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií optimální? (2021)
Final 5-year findings from the phase 3 HELIOS study of ibrutinib plus bendamustine and rituximab in patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (2020)
Prognostic and predictive role of gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results from the pivotal phase III study COMPLEMENT1 (2020)
Functional analysis of germlineETV6 W380Rmutation causing inherited thrombocytopenia and secondary acute lymphoblastic leukemia or essential thrombocythemia (2021)
Primary Cilia Formation Does Not Rely on WNT/β-Catenin Signaling (2021)
Bioinformatic strategies for the analysis of genomic aberrations detected by targeted NGS panels with clinical application (2021)
Two Novel Mutations in the JAG1 Gene in Pediatric Patients with Alagille Syndrome: The First Case Series in Czech Republic (2021)
Characteristics and outcome of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia and t(8;16)(p11;p13): results from an International Collaborative Study (2021)
Loss-of-Function Mutations of BCOR Are an Independent Marker of Adverse Outcomes in Intensively Treated Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (2021)
Cryopreserved buffy-coat-derived platelets reconstituted in platelet additive solution: A safe and available product with sufficient haemostatic effectiveness (2021)
Kryokonzervované směsné trombocyty v náhradním roztoku (2021)
Laboratorní diagnostika imunitně podmíněných trombocytopenií (2021)
Current view of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in primarily resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma (2021)
COVID-19's natural course among ambulatory monitored outpatients (2021)
Dynamic miRNA changes during the process of epileptogenesis in an infantile and adult-onset model (2021)
First Autochthonous West Nile Lineage 2 and Usutu Virus Infections in Humans, July to October 2018, Czech Republic (2021)
Thyroid and androgen receptor signaling are antagonized by mu-Crystallin in prostate cancer (2021)
Cytogenetic and molecular aberrations and worse outcome for male patients in systemic mastocytosis (2021)
Comparative analysis of targeted next-generation sequencing panels for the detection of gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an ERIC multi-center study (2021)
STAT3 and TP53 mutations associate with poor prognosis in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2021)
Genomic landscape of B-other acute lymphoblastic leukemia in an adult retrospective cohort with a focus on BCR-ABL1-like subtype (2021)
The Effect of SF3B1 Mutation on the DNA Damage Response and Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay in Cancer (2021)
Whole exome sequencing reveals NOTCH1 mutations in anaplastic large cell lymphoma and points to Notch both as a key pathway and a potential therapeutic target (2021)
Complex Interplay of Genes Underlies Invasiveness in Fibrosarcoma Progression Model (2021)
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition and microRNA expression are associated with spindle and apocrine cell morphology in triple-negative breast cancer (2021)
microRNA – are you real?! (2018)
Hierarchical distribution of somatic variants in newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukaemia at diagnosis and early follow-up (2021)
Early and late stage MPN patients show distinct gene expression profiles in CD34(+) cells (2021)
Klinická onkologie pro mediky. Solidní nádory, nádory dětského věku a hematologické malignity (2021)
Rapid high-resolution melting genotyping scheme for Escherichia coli based on MLST derived single nucleotide polymorphisms (2021)
Plicní eozinofilní infiltráty (2021)
Genetická varianta genu CTC1 u idiopatické plicní fibrózy a myelodysplastického syndromu: kazuistická sdělení (2021)
The Role of Circulating MicroRNAs in Patients with Early-Stage Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (2021)
The Unfolded Protein Response Is a Major Driver of LCN2 Expression in BCR-ABL- and JAK2V617F-Positive MPN (2021)
COVID-19 infection in adult patients with hematological malignancies: a European Hematology Association Survey (EPICOVIDEHA) (2021)
DSP rs2076295 variants influence nintedanib and pirfenidone outcomes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a pilot study (2021)
Impact of PTPN11 mutations on clinical outcome analyzed in 1529 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (2021)
A severely malnutrished 21-year old patient with CID caused by hypomorhic RAG1 mutations. (2019)
Small RNA Sequencing Identifies PIWI-Interacting RNAs Deregulated in Glioblastoma-piR-9491 and piR-12488 Reduce Tumor Cell Colonies In Vitro (2021)
Doporučené postupy pro diagnostiku, terapii a následnou péči u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (CLL) (2019)
Role of miR-653 and miR-29c in downregulation of CYP1A2 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (2022)
Tisková konference - Účinnost vakcín proti COVID-19 prokázána i u onkologických pacientů (2021)
Remission and Survival after Single Versus Double Induction with 7+3 for Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Results from the Planned Interim Analysis of Randomized Controlled SAL-Daunodouble Trial (2020)
CoVigi phase IV multicentric trial evaluating COVID-19 vaccination adverse events and immune response dynamics in cancer patients: First results on antibody and cellular immunity (2021)
Successful early treatment combining remdesivir with high-titer convalescent plasma among COVID-19-infected hematological patients (2021)
GAB1 Regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: novel therapeutic target (2021)
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of genomic instability of HEK293 cell line derivatives. (2021)
Alelická kompozícia génu BCOR u pacientov s myelodysplastickým syndrómom. (2021)
PI3KD inhibitor idelalisib snižuje hladiny CD20 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie inhibicí IL4-STAT6 signální dráhy. (2021)
Dynamika mutací a chromozomálních aberací v závislosti na aktivitě CLL u neléčených pacientů. (2021)
Přímá mutační analýza genu TP53 bez nutnosti izolace DNA u vzorků periferní krve a kostní dřeně hematoonkologických pacientů. (2021)
Duplikace 8q24 v chronické lymfocytární leukémii: Cytogentická a molekulárně-biologická analýza aberací genu MYC. (2021)
In vivo antigen-negative escape to CART-19 caused by CD19 promotor hypermethylation. (2021)
Ex vivo fenotypizace a monitoring CD19 CAR-T lymfocytů: zkušenosti jednoho centra. (2021)
Vysokodávkovaný aciklovir v profylaxi CMV infekce u hematologických pacientů po alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných buněk – retrospektivní analýza dat. (2021)
Přirozený průběh COVID-19 u primárně ambulantně sledovaných pacientů v JMK – analýza dat pilotního projektu. (2021)
Sledování vzniku a dynamiky CMV kmenů rezistentních na letermovir a další antivirotika u pacientů po alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných buněk. (2021)
Využití multiplex PCR systémů v detekci původců pneumonií u pacientů nejen s COVID-19. (2021)
Efektivita časné léčby COVID-19 kombinující remdesivir a rekonvalescentní plazmu s vysokým titrem u hematologických pacientů. (2021)
Klonální evoluce CLL – význam BCR receptoru a abnormalit genu TP53. (2021)
Pacient-specifické systémy jako cesta ke sledování minimální zbytkové choroby u dalších pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií. (2021)
Palbociclib and ponatinib induce regression of acute myeloid leukemia in patient-derived xenograft model. (2021)
Využití funkční analýzy jako doplňkového nástroje při analýze genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2021)
Klonální evoluce v průběhu Ph negativních myeloproliferativních onemocnění. (2021)
Detekce kauzálních variant u hereditárních nádorových sysndromů kombinací metod NGS a DigiMLPA. (2021)
LYNX: an interactive bioinformatic tool for capture-based next-generation sequencing data analysis in lymphoid malignancies. (2021)
Exploring clonal evolution and causes of therapy failure in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Exploring clonal evolution and genetic causes of therapy failure in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Genetické aberace u dospělých pacientů s B-other akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií v České republice se zaměřením na BCR-ABL1-like akutní lymfoblastickou leukémii. (2021)
Validace prognosticky významných změn metylace DNA u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií při diagnóze. (2021)
Detekce transpozibilních elementů u hematologických malignit. (2021)
Fosforylace proteinu p53: vliv na aktivitu dráhy p53 po poškození DNA u chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2021)
LYNX (Lymphoid next-generation sequencing): NGS panel a bioinformatický nástroj pro integrativní analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoproliferací. (2021)
HALF: Multicentrická akademická studie fáze II vysazující inhibitory tyrozinkináz po dvoustupňové redukci dávky u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií – první výsledky. (2021)
Klinický dopad a evoluce minoritních TP53-mutovaných klonů v kontextu různých terapeutických režimů u CLL. (2021)
CLLEAR – Český registr pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií: analýza dat 2021. (2021)
GAB1 reguluje tonickou AKT signalizaci a migraci buněk chronické lymfatické leukémie: implikace pro kombinační léčbu s BCR inhibitory. (2021)
Klonální evoluce CLL podmíněná léčbou: analýza pomocí celoexomového sekvenování. (2021)
Diferenciální diagnostika eozinofilií v letech 2015-2020 na IHOK FN Brno. (2021)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby. (2021)
3D in vitro modely pro studium hematologických malignit. (2021)
Maskovaná hypodiploidie u pacientů s akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií (2021)
Cytogenetická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií rezistentních k léčbě inhibitory BTK. (2021)
Komplexní cytogenetická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu nemocných s akutní myeloidní leukémií. (2021)
T-buněčný lymfoblastický lymfom (T-LBL) dětského věku s kazuistikou geneticky zajímavého případu (2021)
Functional analysis of new variant GP1BA gene in inherited macrotrombocytopenia. (2021)
Super-enhancer-based identification of a BATF3/IL-2R-module reveals vulnerabilities in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2021)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie 2021 (2021)
Hypermethylation of CD19 promoter enables antigen-negative escape to CART-19 in vivo and in vitro (2021)
Nutriční péče v onkologii, Žilní přístupy a komplikace periferních a centrálních kanyl a portů a léčba těchto komplikací (2021)
IL4-STAT6 signaling induces CD20 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and this axis is repressed by PI3K delta inhibitor idelalisib (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 axis regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
RPS15 mutations rewire RNA translation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
RGDS-Modified Superporous Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)-Based Scaffolds as 3D In Vitro Leukemia Model (2021)
Higher-order connections between stereotyped subsets: implications for improved patient classification in CLL (2021)
Identification of Clinically Relevant Subgroups of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Through Discovery of Abnormal Molecular Pathways (2021)
Global profiling of microRNA expression in brain metastases (2021)
Globální profilování exprese mikroRNA v mozkových metastázách (2021)
Tumour-reactive gamma-delta T cells targeting the EphA2 receptor in B- cell CLL (2018)
Oral azacitidine preserves favorable level of fatigue and health-related quality of life for patients with acute myeloid leukemia in remission: results from the phase III, placebo-controlled QUAZAR AML-001 trial (2021)
LncRNAs LY86-AS1 and VIM-AS1 Distinguish Plasma Cell Leukemia Patients from Multiple Myeloma Patients (2021)
Transcription factor c-Myb: novel prognostic factor in osteosarcoma (2022)
Kongenitální neutropenie u dětí a dospělých (2021)
Integrative Genomic Analysis of Pediatric Myeloid-Related Acute Leukemias Identifies Novel Subtypes and Prognostic Indicators (2021)
COVID-19 severity and mortality in patients with CLL: an update of the international ERIC and Campus CLL study (2021)
Low levels of minimal residual disease after induction chemotherapy for BCR-ABL1-negative acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in adults are clinically relevant (2022)
Disruption of NAP1 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana suppresses the fas1 mutant phenotype, enhances genome stability and changes chromatin compaction (2021)
Nucleotides in both donor and acceptor splice sites are responsible for choice in NAGNAG tandem splice sites (2021)
L-lactate kinetics after abdominal aortic surgery and intestinal ischemia An observational cohort study (2022)
Clinical impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a retrospective, multi-center cohort study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL, in Harmony. (2021)
Real-world evidence on therapeutic strategies and treatment-sequencing in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: An international study of ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL (2021)
Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in IGHV-mutated and IGHV-unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a retrospective, multi-center cohort study by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in harmony. (2021)
Clinical impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a retrospective, multi-center cohort study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL, in harmony. (2021)
Other malignancies in the history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia – a retrospective, multicenter cohort study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL, in harmony. (2021)
Phosphorylation patterns of tumor suppressor P53 and their impact on the P53 pathway activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Detailed analysis of treatment-related clonal evolution in CLL through the identification of abnormal molecular pathways. (2021)
CLLEAR – Czech national registry of CLL patients: complete data analysis 2021. (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 Axis Regulates Homing Capacity and Tonic AKT Activity in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Novel Therapeutic Target. (2021)
IL4-STAT6 Signaling Induces CD20 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and This Axis Is Repressed by PI3Kδ Inhibitor Idelalisib. (2021)
GAB1 – novel regulator of migration capacity and tonic AKT activity in CLL: Implications for combinatorial therapy with BCR inhibitors. (2021)
Ibrutinib Blocks CD40 Signalling in CLL in Vivo by Reducing TRAF4 Levels. (2021)
Patient-derived Xenograft Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Based on Mimicking Its Microenvironment. (2021)
miR-29-TRAF4 axis is a novel regulator of CD40 signaling in malignant B cells. (2021)
miR-29 influences CD40 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): and axis affected by BCR inhibitors. (2021)
Three-dimensional biomaterials as a tool for in vitro culture of leukemic B cells. (2021)
Novel strategies for three-dimensional culture of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. (2021)
Molekulární a epidemiologická charakteristika Staphylococcus aureus dominujících v nemocničním prostředí pomocí HRM analýzy. (2021)
LYNX (Lymphoid next-generation sequencing): NGS panel a bioinformatic tool for integrative analysis of prognostic and predictive markers in B-cell malignancies. (2021)
CD19 promoter hypermethylation as means of antigen-negative escape to CART-19 therapy. (2021)
Data mining of publicly available scRNA-seq datasets: application of machine learning to interrogate normal cellular counterparts of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Detekce a monitorování virové nálože CMV kmenů rezistentních k antivirotikům. (2021)
Database of TP53 mutations in CLL. (2021)
Minor TP53 variants in CLL (2021)
Efficacy and safety of tyrosine kinase inhibitors’ discontinuation after twostep dose reduction in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia – a prospective multi-centre phase II clinical trial (HALF). (2021)
Dynamika mutací a chromozomálních aberací v závislosti na aktivitě CLL u neléčených pacientů. (2021)
Incidence a význam mutací v BCR-ABL1 kinázové doméně u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií léčených tyrozinkinázovými inhibitory – 20 let zkušeností FN Brno. (2021)
Význam použitia panelového NGS testovania u myelodysplastického syndrómu. (2021)
HALF: Národní klinická studie fáze 2 s postupným vysazováním inhibitorů tyrosinové kinázy (TKI) u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií (CML) – průběžné výsledky. (2021)
Využití funkční analýzy jako doplňkového nástroje při analýze genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2021)
Současné možnosti molekulární typizace bakterií způsobujících infekce spojené se zdravotnickou péčí a jejich využití v klinické praxi. (2021)
Acute myeloid leukemia regression induced by palbociclib and ponatinib in patient –derived xenograft model. (2021)
Direct co-culture model for the analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia to bone marrow stromal cells. (2021)
B cell developmental trajectory modeling – Using complex immunophenotype to identify pre-malignant CLL B cell subsets in peripheral blood of healthy donors. (2021)
Half: A prospective Multi-Centre phase II clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of tyrosine kinase inhibitors' discontinuation after two-step dose reduction in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in deep molecular remission. (2021)
Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in the Czech Republic, Analysis of Data from the First Year of the Pandemic (2021)
Chromothripsis in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Driving Force of Genome Instability (2021)
Retroelement activity in hematological malignancies (2021)
Exploring transposone activity in hematological malignances. (2021)
Refined diagnostic criteria for bone marrow mastocytosis: a proposal of the European competence network on mastocytosis (2022)
Asciminib and ponatinib exert synergistic anti-neoplastic effects on CML cells expressing BCR-ABL1(T315I)-compound mutations (2021)
Aggressive systemic mastocytosis with diffuse bone marrow (18) F-FDG uptake (2022)
Use of immune repertoire sequencing to resolve discordant microscopic and immunochemical findings in a case of T cell-rich large B cell lymphoma in a young dog (2021)
UK Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Expert Advisory Group (PRASEAG) (2021)
UK Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Expert Advisory Group (PRASEAG) (2021)
The Role of Autophagy and lncRNAs in the Maintenance of Cancer Stem Cells (2021)
The energy sensor AMPK orchestrates metabolic and translational adaptation in expanding T helper cells (2021)
The Contribution of Autophagy and LncRNAs to MYC-Driven Gene Regulatory Networks in Cancers (2021)
Je možné pomocí časné molekulární odpovědi a její kinetiky předpovědět další osud pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií? (2021)
Sequential inverse dysregulation of the RNA helicases DDX3X and DDX3Y facilitates MYC-driven lymphomagenesis (2021)
Resistance to Targeted Agents Used to Treat Paediatric ALK-Positive ALCL (2021)
Primary post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder of the central nervous system: characteristics, management and outcome in 25 paediatric patients (2021)
Potential and pitfalls of whole transcriptome-based immunogenetic marker identification in acute lymphoblastic leukemia; a EuroMRD and EuroClonality-NGS Working Group study (2021)
Phylogenetic Reassessment, Taxonomy, and Biogeography of Codinaea and Similar Fungi (2021)
Low-burden TP53 mutations in CLL: clinical impact and clonal evolution within the context of different treatment options (2021)
Higher-order immunoglobulin repertoire restrictions in CLL: the illustrative case of stereotyped subsets 2 and 169 (2021)
LYmphoid NeXt-Generation Sequencing (LYNX) Panel A Comprehensive Capture-Based Sequencing Tool for the Analysis of Prognostic and Predictive Markers in Lymphoid Malignancies (2021)
Rituximab induces rapid blood repopulation by CLL cells mediated through their release from immune niches and complement exhaustion (2021)
Gene capture by transposable elements leads to epigenetic conflict in maize (2021)
Deep analysis of neuroblastoma core regulatory circuitries using online databases and integrated bioinformatics shows their pan-cancer roles as prognostic predictors (2021)
Consistent B Cell Receptor Immunoglobulin Features Between Siblings in Familial Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2021)
Alternative splicing of PLAUR gene in macrophage differentiation stages of hereditary angioedema patients (2021)
Longitudinal high-throughput TCR repertoire profiling reveals the dynamics of T-cell memory formation after mild COVID-19 infection (2021)
Protein c-Myb: A new prognostic factor in osteosarcoma (2021)
Izolovaná infiltrace ledviny suspektními leukemickými buňkami - kazuistika s komplexní diferenciální diagnostikou neobvyklého stavu (2022)
Transcription factor c-Myb as a functional driver of osteosarcoma progression (2021)
Lyn Phosphorylates and Controls ROR1 Surface Dynamics During Chemotaxis of CLL Cells (2022)
Unique stem cell subpopulation which ensures mesenchymal regeneration of continuously growing teeth contributes to various tissue organogenesis (2021)
Organoids as a novel powerful in vitro tool for ovarian cancer research (2021)
B cell developmental trajectory modeling based on complex immunophenotype using CyTOF (2021)
Bioinformatický nástroj pro zpracování NGS dat a uživatelské rozhraní - LYNX (2021)
Paediatric Burkitt lymphoma patient-derived xenografts capture disease characteristics over time and are a model for therapy (2021)
UK Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Expert Advisory Group (2021)
Successful early use of anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal neutralizing antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 infected hematological patients - A Czech multicenter experience (2022)
Přídatné cytogenetické abnormality prokázané při diagnóze CML a jejich vliv na prognózu – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2022)
Cévní nežádoucí účinky u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií při terapii inhibitory tyrozinkináz v každodenní klinické praxi – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2021)
Vliv přídatných cytogenetických abnormalit zjištěných při diagnóze chronické myeloidní leukemie na prognózu – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2021)
Effective NPM1 plasmid standards selection for minimal/measurable residual disease monitoring in acute myeloid leukemia. (2022)
A GP1BA Variant in a Czech Family with Monoallelic Bernard-Soulier Syndrome (2022)
Rilzabrutinib, an Oral BTK Inhibitor, in Immune Thrombocytopenia (2022)
Long-term outcomes of polycythemia vera patients treated with ropeginterferon Alfa-2b (2022)
Molecular profiling and clinical implications of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and extramedullary manifestations (2022)
Impact of BCR::ABL1 transcript type on RT-qPCR amplification performance and molecular response to therapy (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Cytogenetics in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: ERIC Perspectives and Recommendations (2022)
The EHA Research Roadmap: Malignant Lymphoid Diseases (2022)
Sequencing Independent Molecular Typing of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates: Approach for Infection Control and Clonal Characterization (2022)
Clonal haematopoiesis as a risk factor for therapy-related myeloid neoplasms in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia treated with chemo-(immuno)therapy (2022)
Duplication of 8q24 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Cytogenetic and Molecular Biologic Analysis of MYC Aberrations (2022)
Lessons learned from MyPal digital health intervention: capitalizing on the patient reported outcomes (PRO) paradigm towards a participatory healthcare for patients with hematological malignancies (2022)
Analysis of ANKRD26 gene 5´UTR variant in a cohort of Czech patients with suspected hereditary hematological disorder (2022)
Disease-specific U1 spliceosomal RNA mutations in mature B-cell neoplasms. (2022)
Combined drug and CRISPR/CAS9 screening reveals specific targets for SF3B1- and NOTCH1- mutated CLL cells. (2022)
Dynamics of genomic aberrations in relation to disease activity in untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage (2022)
Subclonal architectureof chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL (2022)
Acute myeloid leukemia suppression by palbociclib and ponatinib in patient-derived xenograft (2022)
Ways to the Genome of Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Genetic background of leukemia in the context of clinical practice (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel´s skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of the founder of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel - a case study (2022)
Reconstructing of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel using state-of-the-art molecular and bioinformatics tools (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Very rare near-haploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia resistant to immunotherapy and CAR-T therapy in 19-year-old male patient (2022)
Analysis of Czech genomes for theranostics (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity inEIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings (2022)
LYNX: A web-based bioinformatic tool for targeted next-generation sequencing data analysis and visualization in lymphoid malignancies. (2022)
Long-read whole genomes sequencing used to detect complex chromosomal rearrangements (2022)
Comparison of DNA and RNA-based approaches for the genetic characterization and stratification of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2022)
Long read targeted sequencing enables genomic analysis of translocation hotspots in lymphoproliferative diseases (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage (2022)
KMT2C methyltransferase domain regulated INK4A expression suppresses prostate cancer metastasis (2022)
RNA kink-turns are highly anisotropic with respect to lateral displacement of the flanking stems (2022)
BRG1 and NPM-ALK Are Co-Regulated in Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma; BRG1 Is a Potential Therapeutic Target in ALCL (2022)
The Absence of Retroelement Activity Is Characteristic for Childhood Acute Leukemias and Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (2022)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
Single and multiple point NRAS mutations in acute myeloid leukemia: a study of 327 well molecularly characterized patients. (2022)
Next-generation sequencing in children with epilepsy: The importance of precise genotype–phenotype correlation (2022)
Molekulárně biologická analýza zubního kamene a mumifikované tkáně Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
2022-RA-1304-ESGO Molecular testing of endometrial carcinoma brings growing opportunity to identify patients with inherited risk of cancer (2022)
XXXIV/252. Mass spectrometry analysis of extracellular vesicles from malignant ascites highlights the role of tumor microenvironment in progression of ovarian cancer (2022)
Tisíc českých a milion evropských genomů (2022)
IL4-STAT6 signaling induces CD20 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and this axis is repressed by PI3Kδ inhibitor idelalisib. (2022)
HALF: Prospective multi-centre phase II clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of tyrosine kinase inhibitors discontinuation after two-step dose reduction in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in deep molecular remission. (2022)
Novel strategies for three-dimensional culture of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. (2022)
Sekvenování dlouhých nekódujících RNA v exozomech u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem (2022)
Retroelement activity in hematological malignances. (2022)
Interrogating the molecular heterogeneity of chronic lymphocytic leukemia through computational approaches. (2022)
Versatile coculture systém to study chronic lymhocytic leukemia proliferation. (2022)
The role of long non-coding RNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells. (2022)
CLLue: an interactive bioinformatic tool for data exploration, segregation, and important variables selection. (2022)
Gene expression analysis on single cell level uncovers the subclonal architecture of chromosomes in a leukemia patient with multiple chromosomal aberrations. (2022)
In-frame deletions and insertions in the TP53 gene identified in leukemia patients result in p53 protein inactivation. (2022)
Driver genes for chronic lymphocytic leukemia can be affected not only by mutations but also by complex genomic rearrangements. (2022)
Pathogenic germline variants of TP53 gene are rare in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
Exploring clonal evolution in CLL: Analysis by whole exome sequencing. (2022)
Expansions of tumor-reactive Vdelta1 gamma-delta T cells in newly diagnosed patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (2023)
Současná role cytogenomiky v diagnostice a prognostické stratifikaci hematologických malignit. (2022)
Cesty ke genomu Gregora Johanna Mendela. (2022)
Detekce rozsáhlých delecí a duplikací v genech spojených s neuromuskulárním onemocněním. (2022)
Kazuistiky pacientů s neuromuskulárním onemocněním a neobvyklým typem dědičnosti. (2022)
Komplexní cytogenomická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu pacientů s myeloidními malignitami se zaměřením na cílenou analýzu genu MECOM. (2022)
Komplexní analýza nádorového genomu pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem. (2022)
Moderní léčba chronické lymfocytární leukemie – příklad personalizované hematologické léčby. (2022)
Impact of additional mutations in ISM and SSM on OS and PFS (PR37) (2022)
Genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby a stanovení jejich funkčního dopadu. (2022)
Delece 22q12 u pacienta s bilaterálním schwannomem zachycená kombinací metod NGS, MLPA a array-CGH. (2022)
Korelácia chromozomálnych aberácií zistených metodou aCGH s expresiou vybraných génov u pacientov s difúznym vel´kobunkovým B-lymfómom. (2022)
Realita zapojení molekulárně biologických metod do diagnostiky a stratifikace lymfoproliferativních onemocnění. (2022)
Přínos a úskalí sekvenačních metod v diagnostice hematologických malignit. (2022)
Adaptace buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie na cílenou léčbu BCR inhibitory. (2022)
Complex genomic analysis in myelodysplastic syndrome using combination of molecular cytogenomics and next-generation sequencing approaches. (2022)
Involvement of Small Non-Coding RNA and Cell Antigens in Pathogenesis of Extramedullary Multiple Myeloma (2022)
BRD4 degradation blocks expression of MYC and multiple forms of stem cell resistance in Ph+ chronic myeloid leukemia (2022)
Secondary malignancies and survival of FCR-treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Central Europe (2023)
Modelling chronic lymphocytic leukaemia microenvironment. (2022)
RYR1 variants in Czech patients with neuromuscular disorders and malignant hyperthermia (2022)
Integrated NGS testing and cfDNA analysis as an approach for aggregate tumor characterization and monitoring in a patient with aggressive lymphoma invading the central neural system. (2022)
Identification of genetic aberrations in multiple myeloma patients with low tumour burden using comprehensive NGS testing. (2022)
CLLue: an interactive bioinformatic tool for data exploration, segregation, and important variables selection. (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
.: Scaffold- and gel-based culture systems for in vitro studies of leukemic B cells. (2022)
Diagnostic aspects and considerations and Clinical interpretation and signifikance. (2022)
Léčebné postupy v hematologii - aktualizace 2022 (2022)
Letermovir u pacientů po alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných buněk – přehled literatury (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in the activation of circumjacent pathways upon DNA damage (2023)
Impact of the Types and Relative Quantities of IGHV Gene Mutations in Predicting Prognosis of Patients With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2022)
HALF: Multicentrická akademická studie fáze II vysazující inhibitory tyrozinkináz po dvoustupňové redukci dávky u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií – dosavadní výsledky. (2022)
GAB1 as novel therapeutic target in B lymphoid and myeloid malignancies (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity in EIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings. (2022)
The Prognostic Impact of HMGCLL1 Gene Variant on Treatment Outcomes in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Patients: Adverse Impact on the Response, Failure, and Progression with Imatinib Which Can be Abrogated By the Use of 2nd Generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Upfront Therapy (2022)
Somatic mutations are frequently detected in CML patients before treatment-free remission (TFR) attempt with tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) discontinuation but with uncertain predictive valu efor Tfr failure (2022)
Pan-Stakeholder core outcome set (COS) definition for hematological malignancies within the framework of harmony and harmony PLUS projects (2022)
A comprehensive DNA methylome analysis of stereotyped and non-stereotyped CLL reveals an epigenetic signature with strong clinical impact encompassing IGHV status, stereotypes and IGLV3-21R110 (2022)
Chromatin organization by the SMC5/6 complex. (2022)
TP53 in CLL: Minor clones, Recommendations' update & Database. (2022)
Results of the survey on a possible update of TP53 Recommendations. (2022)
Sekvenování mikroRNA v mozkových metastázách jako nový diagnostický nástroj (2022)
Zanubrutinib or Ibrutinib in Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2023)
Diferenciální diagnostika leukocytózy a leukopenie (2022)
I přes úspěchy české onkologie není cesta pacienta systémem vždy přímá. Národní onkologický program a peníze z plánu obnovy by to mohly změnit (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
Na nejmodernější terapie současné platební modely nestačí. Ty nové se neobejdou bez dat z klinické praxe, ale kde je vzít? (2022)
decoupleR: Ensemble of computational methods to infer biological activities from omics data (2022)
Memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is associated with specific methylation profile of WNT5A promoter and undetectable expression of WNT5A gene (2022)
Evolution of TP53 abnormalities during CLL disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2022)
Tyrosine phosphatases regulate resistance to ALK inhibitors in ALK(+) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2022)
Nextflow in Bioinformatics: Executors Performance Comparison Using Genomics Data (2023)
Different patterns of immune system activation in hereditary angioedema based on disease severity (2022)
Tesidolumab (LFG316) for treatment of C5-variant patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (2022)
Design of the VIALE-M phase III trial of venetoclax and oral azacitidine maintenance therapy in acute myeloid leukemia (2022)
Postremission cytopenia management in patients with acute myeloid leukemia treated with venetoclax and azacitidine in VIALE-A (2022)
Distinct p53 phospohrylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage. (2022)
Chasing the epigenetic landscape to enhance CAR-T cell activity by preventing CD19 antigen escape in relapsed models. (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening revealed genes involved in CD20 regulation. (2022)
Chasing the epigenetic landscape to enhance CAR-T cell activity by preventing CD19 antigen escape in relapsed models. (2022)
Procalcitonin kinetics following abdominal aortic surgery and its value for postoperative intestinal ischaemia detection (2023)
Imunitní odpověď na vakcinaci proti covid-19 -průběžné výsledky studie CoVigi (2022)
Cerebral organoids in disease modeling. (2022)
HALF: Multicentrická akademická studie fáze II vysazující inhibitory tyrozinkináz po dvoustupňové redukci dávky u pacientů s chornickou myeloidní leukémií – dosavadní výsledky. (2022)
Thrombotic and bleeding complications in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and severe COVID-19: a study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL (2022)
Funkční efekt nově identifikované varianty v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4. (2023)
Analýza variant genu ANKRD 26 v 5´ nepřekládané oblasti u kohorty pacientů s podezřením na dědičné hematologické onemocnění. (2023)
Acute myeloid leukemia suppression by palbociclib and ponatinib in patient-derived xenograft. (2023)
Komplexní cytogenomická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu pacientů s myeloidními malignitami pacientů s myeloidními malignitami se zaměřením na cílenou analýzu genu MECOM. (2023)
Scaffold- and gel-based culture systems for in vitro studies of leukemic B cells. (2023)
Subclonal architecture of chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL. (2023)
Dynamics of genomic aberrations in relation to disease activity in untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Comprehensive NGS testing allows integrated assessment of individual patient prognosis in multiple myeloma. (2023)
CLL ASH 2022 (2023)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Different classes of genomic inserts contribute to human antibody diversity (2022)
PDGFR beta promotes oncogenic progression via STAT3/STAT5 hyperactivation in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel's skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
G.J. Mendel Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky (2022)
G.J. Mendel pohledem antropologie a genetiky (2022)
Genomic abnormalities of TP53 define distinct risk groups of paediatric B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (2022)
DNVI Den národních vědeckých infrastruktur MŠMT (2022)
Noc vědců: Všemi smysly (2022)
An international plan for education, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the July 2022 Bicentennial of Gregor Mendel's Birth in Brno Czechia (2022)
Celebrating and commemorating the 2022 bicentennial of Mendel 's birth, the exhumation of Mendel's body for archeologic, anthropologic, and genomic research (2022)
Rychlá molekulární typizace Pseudomonas aeruginosa pro účely nemocniční epidemiologie. (2022)
Dosavadní zkušenosti s léčbou ropeginterferonem alfa-2b u pacientů s Ph negativními myeloproliferacemi na Interní hematologické a onkologické klinice LF MU a FN Brno (2022)
Sexually dimorphic microRNAs dysregulation in neonatal recurrent seizure models (2022)
Primary Lymphomas of the Breast: A Review (2022)
PYCARD acts as tumor suppressor in osteosarcoma (2022)
Kinetics of D-lactate and ischemia-modified albumin after abdominal aortic surgery and their ability to predict intestinal ischemia (2023)
Etické zásady pro používání a sdílení genomických dat z výzkumu (2022)
RYR1 variants in Czech patients with neuromuscular disorders and malignant hyperthermia (2022)
Genetická identifikace kosterních pozůstatků Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
Synthetic long reads reconstruction using molecular barcoding (2022)
Povrchové markery leukemických kmenových buněk u chronické myeloidní leukemie (2023)
Zanubrutinib Versus Ibrutinib in Relapsed/Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma: Interim Analysis of a Randomized Phase III Trial (2023)
Characterisation of Macrophage Response to Nickel Nanoparticles and Ions Released from Biomaterials (2023)
Unsupervised meta-clustering identifies risk clusters in acute myeloid leukemia based on clinical and genetic profiles (2023)
Management of pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas: Review of current diagnosis and treatment options (2023)
Methodical considerations (2023)
U jakého pacienta s CLL indikovat terapii novými léky? (2023)
Jak klinicky interpretovat výsledky TP53 analýz u chronické lymfocytární leukemie v kontextu dostupných terapeutických režimů (2023)
Alterations of cohesin complex genes in acute myeloid leukemia: differential co-mutations, clinical presentation and impact on outcome (2023)
Rapid Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa International High-Risk Clones Based on High-Resolution Melting Analysis (2023)
Safety of AFM11 in the treatment of patients with B-cell malignancies: findings from two phase 1 studies (2023)
Final analysis. Final results of the ERIC project on minor TP53 mutation study. (2023)
FOXO1-RICTOR AXIS induces adaptive increase in AKT activity during BCR inhibitor therapy in CLL: Implications for combination therapy. (2023)
IKZF1 alterations have a negative impact on early molecular response and survival of adult patients with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated treated with GMALL 07/2003 protocol in Czechia. (2023)
Humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-COV-2 natural infection or vaccination in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): A study by ERIC, The European research initiative on CLL. (2023)
The final analysis of the international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, in Harmony. (2023)
Single-cell RNA-sequencing enables tracking and characterization of rare CLL cells with the potential to cause refractoriness. (2023)
P669: Analysis of factors influencing the decision to stop TKI treatment in CML patients in deep molecular response. (2023)
RNA sekvenovanie jednotlivých buniek umožňuje charakterizáciu a sledovanie zriedkavých CLL buniek s potenciálom navodiť refraktérne ochorenie. (2023)
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin s Midostaurinem v intenzivní léčbě CD33/FLT3+ AML – aktualizovaná data. (2023)
Single cell analýza u pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukemií (2023)
Charakteristika a výsledky léčby Ropegenterferonem ALFA2B u pacientů s Ph negativními myeloproliferacemi. (2023)
Opinion: What defines high-risk CLL in the post-chemoimmunotherapy era? (2023)
Je vysazení TKI po předchozí dvoustupňové redukci jejich dávky úspěšné a bezpečné? Aktuální stav celonárodní studie HALF u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií. (2023)
Editorial: Biology and treatment of high-risk CLL (2023)
Alterace IKZF1 mají negativní vliv na dosažení časné molekulární odpovědi a celkové přežití u dospělých pacientů s BCP-ALL léčených podle protokolu GMALL 07/. (2023)
Hodnocení minimální zbytkové choroby u nemocných s De Novo akutní myeloidní leukemií léčených kombinovanou terapií Azacitidine a Venetoclax. (2023)
Analysis of factors influencing the decision to stop TKI treatment in CML patients in deep molecular response (2023)
Small RNA Sequencing Identifies a Six-MicroRNA Signature Enabling Classification of Brain Metastases According to their Origin (2023)
New Multilocus Sequence Typing Scheme for Enterococcus faecium Based on Whole Genome Sequencing Data (2023)
Molekulární testování karcinomu endometria - analýza prvních zkušeností z klinické praxe (2023)
Germline variant of CTC1 gene in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis and myelodysplastic syndrome (2023)
Integrativní diagnostika u pacienta s agresivním lymfomem postihujícím centrální nervový systém: využití komplexního NGS panelu a analýzy cfDNA (2023)
Mezinárodní sdílení genomických dat - co nás čeká a co nás nemine? (2023)
Myeloidní neoplázie spojeny s cytotoxickou léčbou a jejich souvislost s klonálnou hematopoesou – kazuistika. (2023)
Nově identifikovaná varianta v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4 a její funkční dopad. (2023)
Analýza genetického pozadia transformácie do sekundárnej akútnej myeloidnej leukémie u pacientov s Ph-negatívnymi myeloproliferáciami. (2023)
FOX01-rictor AXIS induces AKT phosporylation during CLL cell adaptation to BCR inhibitors: Implications for combinatorial therapy. (2023)
AML engraftment in humanized ossicles is not governed by biomaterial selection. (2023)
CCL2/MCP-1, interleukin-8, and fractalkine/CXC3CL1: Potential biomarkers of epileptogenesis and pharmacoresistance in childhood epilepsy (2023)
Myeloid lineage cells evince distinct steady-state level of certain gene groups in dependence on hereditary angioedema severity (2023)
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin plus midostaurin in conjunction with standard intensive therapy for FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia patients - Czech Center experience (2023)
Mast cell leukemia: clinical and molecular features and survival outcomes of patients in the ECNM Registry (2023)
European Competence Network on Mastocytosis (ECNM): 20-Year Jubilee, Updates, and Future Perspectives (2023)
Perturbance of B cell subsets in MBL and CLL patients (2023)
Direct co-culture model of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: CK1 inhibition counteracts the protective effect of bone marrow stromal cells. (2023)
The role of casein kinase 1 inhibition in treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Biomaterial selection does not affect AML engraftment in humanized ossicles. (2023)
Rozsáhlá delece 22q12 u pacienta s oboustranným Schwannomem, mentální retardací, percepční sluchovou poruchou a epilepsií. (2023)
Evropská iniciativa 1+ Milion genomů – mezinárodní projekt zaměřený na sdílení genomických dat. (2023)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (2023)
Prolymfocytární leukemie (2023)
Leukemie z vlasatých buněk (2023)
Deciphering cellular and molecular principles of Choroid Plexus (ChP) branching morphogenesis (2023)
Chromatin conformation analysis reveals genome structural and functional complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Application of long-read sequencing for detection of complex chromosomal rearrangements. (2023)
Clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Školení klinického hodnocení pro IHOK (2022)
Cerebral organoids derived from patients with Alzheimer´s disease with PSEN1/2 mutations have defective tissue patterning and altered development (2023)
Screening of LAMP2 expression in peripheral white blood cells by flow cytometry effectively identifies Danon disease among young females with advanced heart failure. (2019)
Extensive, 3.8 Mb-Sized Deletion of 22q12 in a Patient with Bilateral Schwannoma, Intellectual Disability, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Epilepsy (2023)
Low incidence of severe acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease in a long-term retrospective study with ATG Grafalon routine use (2023)
Glasdegib plus intensive or non-intensive chemotherapy for untreated acute myeloid leukemia: results from the randomized, phase 3 BRIGHT AML 1019 trial (2023)
High-dose aciclovir in CMV infection prophylaxis after allogeneic HSCT: a single-center long-term experience (2023)
Momelotinib long-term safety and survival in myelofibrosis: integrated analysis of phase 3 randomized controlled trials (2023)
ROSEWOOD: A Phase II Randomized Study of Zanubrutinib Plus Obinutuzumab Versus Obinutuzumab Monotherapy in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (2023)
Momelotinib in Myelofibrosis Patients With Thrombocytopenia: Post Hoc Analysis From Three Randomized Phase 3 Trials (2023)
Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depending on IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status: a study by ERIC in HARMONY (2023)
Plastic response of macrophages to metal ions and nanoparticles in time mimicking metal implant body environment (2024)
Mutated IKZF1 is an independent marker of adverse risk in acute myeloid leukemia (2023)
Genetic findings in Czech patients with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (2023)
Resolving chromatin organization in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Web-based bioinformatic tool LYNX: LYmphoid NeXt-generation sequencing data analysis and visualization in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Enhanced in vitro culture of leukemic cells: Insights from collagen scaffolds and carboxymethyl cellulose-polyethylene glycol gel. (2023)
Application of long-read sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with complex karyotype. (2023)
Hide and seek retroelement activity in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Exploring the mechanisms of Venetoclax resistence via drug screening and genome-wide CRISPR screening. (2023)
Identification of novel targets that upregulate CD20 expression in rituximab-resistant cells with the use of genomewide CRISPR screening. (2023)
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening revealed genes involved in CD20 regulation. (2023)
Genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby. (2023)
Komplexní diagnostika hereditárních nádorových syndromů pomocí NGS panelu Bronco a dalších molekulárních metod. (2023)
Nové trendy v sekvenování nové generace a jejich aplikace v onkologické diagnostice. (2023)
Korelace fenotypu a genotypu u dvou rodin s hereditární sférocytózou. (2023)
Genetické pozadie progresie Ph-negatívnych myeloproliferácií do sekundárnej akútnej myeloidnej leukémie - kazuistika. (2023)
Cytogenetický screening pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií léčených inhibitorem Brutonovy tyrozinkinázy. (2023)
Analýza genomu nemocných s akutní myeloidní leukémií (AML) metodou optického mapování (OGM). (2023)
Intronová varianta v RAD50 způsobující neefektivní rozpoznávání místa větvení a neočekávaný aberantní sestřih. (2023)
Transcription factor FoxO1 Mediates Adaptive Increase in Akt Activity and Cell Survival During BCR Inhibitor Therapy in CLL. (2023)
Complex cytogenomic and molecular biological analysis of the tumor genome of patients with myeloid mylignancies with a focus on targeted analysis of the MECOM gene. (2023)
The role of clonal hematopoiesis variants in the development of myeloid neoplasms post cytotoxic therapy - case series. (2023)
The role of clonal hematopoiesis in the development of myeloid neoplasms post cytotoxic therapy - prospective study. (2023)
Genomic aberrations detected in circulating tumor DNA from cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of patients with primary and secondary CNS lymphomas with negative flowcytometry. (2023)
Varianta v genu CYCS způsobující trombocytopenii 4 zvyšuje kaspázovou aktivitu. (2023)
A web-based bioinformatic tool LYNX for targeted LYmphoid NeXt- generation sequencing data analysis and visualization for hematooncology. (2023)
Tracking CLL cells with aberrations in the TP53 gene using scRNA-seq in relapsed/refractory patients. (2023)
The interplay between BcR signaling and the p53 pathway upon DNA damage in primary CLL cells. (2023)
Distinct p53 Phosphorylation Patterns in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Where They Come from and How They Affect p53 Function. (2023)
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening revealed genes involved in CD20 regulation in rituximab-resistant cells. (2023)
Laboratories Can Reliably Detect Clinically Relevant Variants in the TP53 Gene below 10 % Allelic Frequency: A Multicenter Study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL. (2023)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
CLLue: Searching for connections among clinical, biological, and molecular features in the dataset of leukemia patients. (2023)
Exploring patterns in clinical, biological, and molecular data of leukemia patients with CLLue. (2023)
Uncovering retroelement activity in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Detection of multiexon deletions and duplications in genes associated with neuromuscular disorders (2023)
Foxo1-Rictor axis mediates adaptive increase in Akt activity and cell survival during BCR inhibitor therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Genetic background of Czech myopathy patients. (2024)
The role of long non-coding RNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells. (2023)
Coculture model with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 for study chronic lymphocytic leukemia proliferation. (2023)
Nekódující RNA v biologii maligních B lymfocytů. (2023)
Transkripční faktor FoxO1 v adaptaci chronické lymfocytární leukémie na cílenou léčbu. (2023)
Inhibition of acute myeloid leukemia using palbociclib and ponatinib in a patient-derived xenograft model. (2023)
Impact of an intronic variant in RAD50 on RNA splicing due to inefficient branch point recognition. (2023)
Phenotype-genotype corellation in two families with hereditary spherocytosis. (2023)
Solving complex karyotypes in leukemia samples using long-read sequencing. (2023)
Nové sekvenační přístupy pro diagnostiku CLL. (2023)
Risk stratification – How to assess TP53 aberrations and IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status (2023)
A forskolin-mediated increase in cAMP promotes T helper cell differentiation into the Th1 and Th2 subsets rather than into the Th17 subset (2023)
Volná cirkulující DNA a její potenciál v diagnostice a léčbě maligních lymfomů (2023)
The evolving landscape of COVID-19 and post-COVID condition in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL (2023)
Prognostic Impact of Organomegaly in Mastocytosis: An Analysis of the European Competence Network on Mastocytosis (2023)
Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in HARMONY (2023)
Prevence a léčba kardiovaskulárních a krvácivých komplikací u nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií léčených inhibitory Brutonovy kinázy (2023)
Běžná variabilní imunodeficience a granulomatózní/lymfocytární intersticiální plicní nemoc (2023)
Cévní nežádoucí účinky u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií při terapii inhibitory tyrozinkináz v každodenní klinické praxi – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2023)
Bosutinib v terapii chronické myeloidní leukemie v každodenní praxi – analýzy z databáze INFINITY (2023)
Targeted depletion of TRBV9<sup>+</sup> T cells as immunotherapy in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis (2023)
Therapy of adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia based on pediatricinspired protocols in the Czech republic in 2007-2020 (2023)
Outcomes in patients with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia receiving hematopoietic cell transplantation using real-world data from harmony. (2023)
Loss of IκBε accelerates disease development in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
IGH Rearrangement Evolution in Adult <i>KMT2A</i>-rearranged B-cell Precursor ALL: Implications for Cell-of-origin and MRD Monitoring (2023)
Somatic <i>TP53</i> mutations are preleukemic events in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2023)
The SNP rs460089 in the gene promoter of the drug transporter OCTN1 has prognostic value for treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with imatinib (2024)
Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of second neoplasms in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia: the PETHEMA-PALG experience (2024)
Integrative NGS testing reveals clonal dynamics of adverse genomic defects contributing to a natural progression in treatment-naïve CLL patients (2024)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela (2023)
Large-scale template-based structural modeling of T-cell receptors with known antigen specificity reveals complementarity features (2023)
De novo accelerated phase of chronic myeloid leukemia should be recognized even in the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (2024)
MethScore as a new comprehensive DNA methylation-based value refining the prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia (2024)
Novel bimodal TRBD1-TRBD2 rearrangements with dual or absent D-region contribute to TRB V-(D)-J combinatorial diversity (2023)
The use of non-functional clonotypes as a natural calibrator for quantitative bias correction in adaptive immune receptor repertoire profiling (2023)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
Functional analysis of LDLR variants using flow cytometry (2023)
Functional analysis of LDLR variants using flow cytometry and western blot (2023)
Mutations in myeloid transcription factors and activated signaling genes predict chronic myeloid leukemia outcomes (2024)
Why are not all eligible chronic myeloid leukemia patients willing to attempt tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation? A Czech nationwide analysis related to the TKI stopping trial HALF (2024)
Piwi-interacting RNAs in blood serum detected by small RNA sequencing as potential diagnostic biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma (2024)
Cílená léčba v hematoonkologii, nové léky. (2011)
Unveiling the dynamics and molecular landscape of a rare chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation driving refractoriness: insights from single-cell RNA sequencing (2024)
The 1+Million Genomes Minimal Dataset for Cancer (2024)
Long-term follow-up of VIALE-A: Venetoclax and azacitidine in chemotherapy-ineligible untreated acute myeloid leukemia (2024)
Long-term treatment with rilzabrutinib in patients with immune thrombocytopenia (2024)
Management and outcome of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in blast phase in the tyrosine kinase inhibitor era - analysis of the European LeukemiaNet Blast Phase Registry (2024)
Splicing analysis of STAT3 tandem donor suggests non-canonical binding registers for U1 and U6 snRNAs (2024)
Minimal Residual Disease Status Predicts Outcome in Patients With Previously Untreated Follicular Lymphoma: A Prospective Analysis of the Phase III GALLIUM Study (2024)
Real-world data on diagnostics, treatment and outcomes of patients with hairy cell leukemia: The HCL-CLLEAR study (2024)
IκBε deficiency accelerates disease development in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
In-cell NMR suggests that DNA i-motif levels are strongly depleted in living human cells (2024)
ERIC recommendations for TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia-2024 update (2024)
Stromal cells engineered to express T cell factors induce robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations allowing the identification of RAF inhibitors as anti-proliferative drug (2024)
Serum chemistry profiling and prognostication in systemic mastocytosis: a registry-based study of the ECNM and GREM (2024)
ROP-ET: a prospective phase III trial investigating the efficacy and safety of ropeginterferon alfa-2b in essential thrombocythemia patients with limited treatment options (2024)
Fostering Palliative Care Through Digital Intervention: A Platform for Adult Patients With Hematologic Malignancies (2021)
Consolidation of <i>Chloridium</i>: new classification into eight sections with 37 species and reinstatement of the genera <i>Gongromeriza</i> and <i>Psilobotrys</i> (2022)
Expression of the immune checkpoint inhibitors on gamma-delta T cells in chronic myeloid leukemia patients during TKI therapy (2024)
Fungal infection frequency in newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukaemia patients treated with venetoclax plus azacitidine with or without antifungal prophylaxis (2024)
Health-related quality of life and symptoms of chronic myeloid leukemia patients after discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors: results from the EURO-SKI Trial (2024)
Realizing precision medicine in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Remaining challenges and potential opportunities (2024)
Reproduction-associated pathways in females of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) shed light on the molecular mechanisms of the coexistence of asexual and sexual reproduction (2024)
European Stop Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Trial (EURO-SKI) in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Final Analysis and Novel Prognostic Factors for Treatment-Free Remission (2024)
Plain language summary of zanubrutinib or ibrutinib in chronic lymphocytic leukemia that is resistant to treatment or has come back after treatment (2024)
Changes in bone marrow fibrosis during momelotinib or ruxolitinib therapy do not correlate with efficacy outcomes in patients with myelofibrosis (2024)
Prevalence of fungal DNAemia mediated by putatively non-pathogenic fungi in immunocompromised patients with febrile neutropenia: a prospective cohort study (2024)
VERIFY: A randomized controlled phase 3 study of the hepcidin mimetic rusfertide (PTG-300) in patients with polycythemia vera (PV). (2024)
Asciminib in Newly Diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (2024)
VEXAS syndrom - nově popsané autoinflamatorní onemocnění s hematologickými symptomy. Popis případu a přehled literatury (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous disease (2024)
A novel thrombocytopenia-4-causing CYCS gene variant decreases caspase activity: Three-generation study (2024)
Efficacy of ixazomib, lenalidomide, dexamethasone regimen in daratumumab-exposed relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients: A retrospective analysis (2024)
JUN mediates the senescence associated secretory phenotype and immune cell recruitment to prevent prostate cancer progression (2024)
Impact of thrombocytopenia-associated c.-118C>T and c.-140C>G ANKRD26 5’UTR variants in three-generational pedigree (2024)
The Genomic Landscape of Lymphomas Invading the Central Nervous System Inferred from Cell-Free DNA by Integrative NGS Analysis and the Diagnostic Benefit Compared to Flow Cytometry (2024)
Dual Nature of MoO3 Particles in Human-Derived Macrophage Milieu (2024)
Dysregulation of microRNA among multiple myeloma, extramedullary disease, and plasma cell leukemia patients (2023)
Gamma-delta T cells in newly diagnosed patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2024)
Innate effector gamma-delta T cells in newly diagnosed patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2024)
Clinical efficacy and safety of first-line nilotinib or imatinib therapy in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia-Nationwide real life data (2024)
Large TRAPPC11 gene deletions as a cause of muscular dystrophy and their estimated genesis (2024)
Oral decitabine/cedazuridine versus intravenous decitabine for acute myeloid leukaemia: A randomised, crossover, registration, pharmacokinetics study (2024)
Therapeutic strategies and treatment sequencing in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: An international study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL (2024)
FoxO1/Rictor axis induces a non-genetic adaptation to Ibrutinib via Akt activation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
The non-canonical BAF chromatin remodeling complex is a novel target of spliceosome dysregulation in SF3B1-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
Léčivé přípravky s CAR-T lymfocyty a jejich reálná dostupnost pro české a slovenské pacienty (2024)
Patient-reported outcomes in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma treated with zanubrutinib plus obinutuzumab versus obinutuzumab monotherapy: results from the ROSEWOOD trial (2024)
Dysregulation of microRNA in Waldenström macroglobulinemia (2024)
Circulating plasma cells in multiple myeloma (2024)
Recurrent somatic mutations of FAT family cadherins induce an aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2024)
Cell-autonomous IL6ST activation suppresses prostate cancer development via STAT3/ARF/p53-driven senescence and confers an immune-active tumor microenvironment (2024)
Are del(17p) with concurrent TP53 mutation, and isolated TP53 mutation really equivalent? (2024)
Functional impact of ANKRD26 variant c.-140>G in inherited thrombocytopenia (2024)
Sekvenátor Aviti v portfoliu CF Genomika - praktické zkušenosti s přístrojem (2024)
Záchyt patogenních variant u pacientů Intern, hematologické a onkologické kliniky s podezřením na dědičnou formu nádorového onemocnění (2024)
Klonální kompetice a alterace molekulárních drah u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika epilepsií a epileptických syndromů (2024)
Detekce klinicky významné varianty genu MYD88 ve volné DNA získané z tekutých biopsií pacientů s lymfomy postihujícími centrální nervovou soustavu: likvor nebo plazma? (2024)
Analýza repetic u myotonické dystrofie 1 pomocí nanopórového sekvenování (2024)
Potenciál pokročilých genomických metod pro analýzu komplexního karyotypu: příklad využití u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
In-frame varianty genu TP53 nalezené v leukemických buňkách dospělých pacientů vedou ke ztrátě proteinu: mezinárodní studie (2024)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika nesyndromatických ichtyóz (2024)
Odhalme neviditelná místa genomu s technologií optického mapování - naše zkušenosti na Moravě (2024)
TP53-related clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in CLL (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in relapsed multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous plasmacytomas (2024)
Co-culture with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 expressing stromal cells induces robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations (2024)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted therapy (2024)
Optické mapování genomu a jeho přínos v diagnostice mnohočetného myelomu (2024)
Vysokokapacitní cytogenomické metody pro analýzu komplexního karyotypu u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
Retrospektivní vyšetření přestaveb genů IGL, IGK a MYC u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2024)
Cytogenomická a molekulárně biologická analýzanádorového genomu pacientů s myeloidními malignitami se zaměřením na akutní myeloidní leukémii s komplexními změnami a na analýzu genu MECOM (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in relapsed multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous plasmacytomas (2024)
Léčba dospělých pacientů s akutní lymfoblastovou leukemií v České republice v letech 2007–2020 (2024)
Additional booster doses in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia induce humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 similar to natural infection regardless ongoing treatments: A study by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL (2024)
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