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Vyhledávání publikací
Vyhledávání publikací
Pokročilé vyhledávání
Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Object Oriented Formulation of Classical Graphics Algorithms (1994)
Projektování programových systémů (1994)
Modely klasické a moderní strukturované analýzy informačníchsystémů. (1994)
Virtuální fonty, accents a přátelé (1994)
Grafika v TeXu (2) (1994)
Notes on Compound Word Hyphenation in TeX (1995)
The Joy of TeX2PDF - Acrobatics with an Alternative to DVI Format (1996)
Metoda FUSION (1996)
Algoritmy pocitačové grafiky (1996)
Softwareové inženýrství I (1996)
Form-factor Evaluation with Regional BSP Trees (1996)
Vizualizace (1997)
Word Hy-phen-ation by Neural Networks (1997)
Pár poznámek pro TeXové novice aneb o účelovosti, Occamově břitvě a černobílosti. (1997)
Publishing Encyclopaedia with Acrobat using TeX (1998)
An Experience from a Digitization Project (1998)
Architectures for Global Illumination (1999)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Second International Workshop TSD '99, Plzeň, Czech Republic, September 13-17, 1999 (1999)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. Díl 1, Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných. (1999)
High-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (1999)
The topological organization of chromosomes 9 and 22 in cell nuclei has a determinative role in the induction of t(9,22) translocations and in the pathogenesis of t(9,22) leukemias (1999)
Chromosomes participating in translocations typical of malignant hemoblastoses are also involved in exchange aberrations induced by fast neutrons (1999)
The position of centromeres in interphase nuclei of human leukemic cells during myeloid differentiation and after gamma-irradiation (1999)
Topography of some genes and chromosomes in interphase nuclei of human cells (1999)
Advances in computer analysis of radiation-induced changes in human genome (1999)
Chromatin structure and its cell cycle kinetics in intact and irradiated cell nuclei (1999)
Aberrations induced in chromosome 1, 2 and Y of human lymphocytes by three types of radiation of different LET value as detected by FISH (1999)
High-resolution cytometry : Hardware approaches, image analysis techniques and applications (1998)
Semi-automated FISH-stained interphase nuclei analysis in human genome studies (1998)
Hyphenation on Demand (1999)
Text, Speech, Dialogue : Proceedings of the First Workshop on Text, Speech, Dialogue - TSD 1998, Brno, Czech Republic, September 23-26, 1998 (1998)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. Díl 1, Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných. (1999)
Všech pět pohromadě (1999)
Hyphenation on Demand (1999)
The influence of the cell cycle, differentiation and irradiation on the nuclear location of the ABL, BCR and C-MYC genes in human leukemic cells (2000)
Nuclear topography of the c-myc gene in human leukemic cells (2000)
Object-oriented graphics architectures for global illumination (1998)
Vzdělávání a role univerzity příštího tisíciletí (2000)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Third International Workshop TSD 2000, Brno, Czech Republic, September 13-16, 2000 (2000)
Competing Patterns for Language Engineering (2000)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Third International Workshop TSD 2000, Brno, Czech Republic, September 13-16, 2000 (2000)
Influence of cell fixation on chromatin topography (2000)
Spatial arrangement of genes, centromeres and chromosomes in human blood cell nuclei and its changes during the cell cycle, differentiation and after irradiation (2000)
An efficient algorithm for measurement and correction of chromatic aberrations in fluorescence microscopy (2000)
Topography of genetic loci in tissue samples: towards new diagnostic tool using interphase FISH and high-resolution image analysis techniques (2000)
Ways to the High-Resolution Cytometry Network (2000)
SLT 2001: sborník druhého ročníku semináře o Linuxu a TeXu -- SLT 2001, Skalský Dvůr, Česká republika, 15.--18. února 2001 (2001)
Generování vzorů dělení slov v UNICODE (2001)
Collision Detection with Extended Fixed Direction Hulls (2000)
Kudy vede cesta k bezpečnosti na počátku 3. milénia (2001)
Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Neural Networks (1996)
Theoretical versus experimental resolution in optical microscopy (2001)
Spatial distribution of selected genetic loci in nuclei of human leukemia cells after irradiation (2001)
Exchange aberrations among 11 chromosomes of human lymphocytes induced by gamma-rays (2001)
Combined confocal and wide-field high-resolution cytometry of FISH-stained cells (2001)
Počítač jako tvůrčí a kritický partner v kreativním procesu (2000)
Vývoj paradigmat v počítačové grafice (2001)
Chaos a řád: konvergence pojmů (2001)
Objects with Changeable Roles (2001)
Higher-order chromatin structure of human granulocytes (2001)
FISH Imaging (2001)
Text, speech, dialogue : proceedings of the First Workshop on Text, Speech, Dialogue - TSD ´98, Brno, Czech Republic, September_23-26,_1998 (1998)
Interaction Techniques for Object Selection/Manipulation in Non-Immersive Virtual Environments with Force Feedback (2001)
Pattern Generation Revisited (2001)
Komunikační grafika a její estetické hodnocení (2001)
Cytogenetics of Retinoblastoma (2001)
Digitalization of Otto Encyclopaedia (2001)
Deterministic modeling of the chromatin organization in human cell nuclei (2001)
Advances in high-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (2000)
Chromosomes participating in translocations typical of malignant haemoblastoses are also involved in frequent interchanges induced by densely ionising radiation (2000)
Advances in high-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (2000)
Využití počítačové analýzy obrazu v moderní cytometrii (2001)
The power of computerized light microscopy (2002)
Automated micro axial tomography of cell nuclei after specific labelling by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (2002)
Automated multi-view 3D image acquisition in human genome research (2002)
High-resolution cytometry network project: Towards remote and distributed acquisition, processing and visualisation of 3D image data in human genome research (2002)
Development of software for automated micro-axialtomography (2002)
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models (2002)
Nuclear topography and gene activity (2002)
FISH 3.0 client-server system for 3D optical microscope data storage and analysis (2002)
Spatial distribution of centromeric and subtelomeric DNA sequences in interphase nuclei of human Go and stimulated lymphocytes (2002)
Optimisation of FISH Methodology for the Study of 3D Structure of Cell Nuclei Using Micro Axial Tomography (2002)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: Fifth International Conference TSD 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, September 9-12, 2002 (2002)
Force Interpolation on Triangulated Surfaces (2002)
Lab Presentation - Masaryk University Brno (2002)
Object Model Unifying Wrapping, Replacement and Roled-Objects Techniques (2002)
3D Structure of the human genome: Order in randomness (2002)
Nuclear structure and gene activity in human differentiated cells (2002)
Topography of genetic elements of X-chromosome relative to the cell nucleus and to the chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes (2002)
The 3D structure of human chromosomes in cell nuclei (2002)
Arrangement of chromosome 11 and 22 territories, EWSR1 and FLI-1 genes, and other genetic elements of these chromosomes in human lymphocytes and Ewing sarcoma cells (2003)
SLT 2002: sborník třetího ročníku semináře o Linuxu a TeXu -- SLT 2002, Seč, Česká republika, 7.--10. listopadu 2002 (2002)
Automatizace sazby a skenování formulářů (2002)
Recent Exact Aesthetics Applications (2002)
Exact Aesthetics: Object and Scene to Message (disertační práce) (2002)
Automatizace sazby a skenování formulářů (2002)
Chromatin modifications determined in retinoblastoma (2002)
Cytogenetics of Retinoblastoma (2002)
Způsob stanovení vlastností buněk metodou cytometrie s vysokým rozlišením a zařízení pro jeho provádění (2001)
Context Sensitive Pattern Based Segmentation: A Thai Challenge (2003)
Precise 3D image alignment in micro-axial tomography (2003)
Nuclear and territorial topography of chromosome telomeres in human lymphocytes (2003)
Spatial Haptic Orientation for Visually Impaired People (2003)
Comparison of Accelerating Techniques for Discontinuity Meshing (2003)
Generic Graphics Architecture (2003)
The Font Management with OFS (2003)
Interactive Teaching Materials in PDF using JavaScript (2003)
Rapid Evaluation using Multiple Choice Tests and TeX (2003)
Animations in PDF (2003)
Cytogenetics and cytology of retinoblastomas (2003)
Computer-Aided Aesthetic Evaluation of Visual Patterns (2003)
Multilevel Adaptive Thresholding and Dual Simplex Mesh Deformation as a Tool for Tissue Reconstruction (2003)
Topography of telomeres and structure of chromosome territories in human lymphocytes (2003)
Architecture of chromosomal territories in apoptotic cells (2003)
A network solution for high-resolution image cytometry (2003)
Detailed studies of the human genome 3D structure (2003)
3D Object reconstructions in image cytometry (2003)
Improving measurement precision using automated micro-axial tomography (2003)
Analysis of DNA methylation status of cell nuclei using high-resolution (2003)
Tissue image reconstruction: Localization of nuclei markers and segmentation based on deformable models (2003)
Structural and functional characterization of uncoupling proteins: Alkylsulfonates as probes of UCP transport mechanism (2003)
Tissue Reconstruction Based on Deformation of Dual Simplex Meshes (2003)
Spherical Object Reconstruction Using Simplex Meshes from Sparse Data (2003)
Linear Binary Space Partitions and the Hierarchy of Object Classes (2003)
Nefotorealistické zobrazování ve výtvarné počítačové grafice (2003)
Disertace Masarykovy univerzity on-line (2002)
Topography of genetic loci in the nuclei of cells of colorectal carcinoma and adjacent tissue of colonic epithelium (2004)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 7th International Conference TSD 2004, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11, 2004 (2004)
Multimediální publikování na DVD: projekt 10@FI (2004)
Immersive Virtual Reality for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Following Stroke (2003)
Virtual reality in the rehabilitation of the upper limb after stroke: the user's perspective, (2004)
Animations in pdfTeX-generated PDF (2004)
Animations in pdfTeX-generated PDF (2004)
Produkce filmů a DVD na PC - daleká budoucnost či dnešní realita? (2004)
Applications of Image Registration in Human Genome Research (2004)
Fast Marching 3D Reconstruction of Interphase Chromosomes (2004)
High-Resolution Cytometry Network Project: Client/Server System for 3D Optical Microscope Data Storage and Analysis (2004)
Podivné atraktory: počítačové modelování chaotických struktur (2004)
Vizualizace dat a grafická komunikační rozhraní (2004)
Personality Characteristics and Aesthetic Preference for Chaotic Curves (2004)
Technologie multimediálního publikování na DVD: zkušenosti z projektu 10@FI (2004)
Occlusion Culling with Statistically Optimized Occlusion Queries (2005)
Haptic Rendering using Velocity Driven Level of Detail (2004)
Multimediální publikování na DVD: projekt 10@FI (2004)
Immersive Virtual Reality for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Following Stroke (2004)
Moderní počítačová grafika (2005)
Rapid Image Acquisition of Living Cells and its Limits (2004)
Proceedings of the Second International WordNet Conference, GWC 2004, Brno, Czech Republic, January 20-23, 2004 (2004)
Vyvolávat digitálně (2004)
Vyvoláno v počítači (2004)
Fotit ve správných barvách (2004)
Colocalization of PML bodies and PML/RARalpha microspeckles with up- and down-regulated loci and changes of chromatin structure in APL leukemia cells (2004)
Gene expression in colorectal carcinoma determined by cDNA microarrays using a combination of several evaluation approaches. (2004)
Clustering of genes with similar regulation patterns during monocyte and granulocyte differentiation of HL-60 cells (2004)
Automated image analysis in fluorescence microscopy: From isolated cells to tissues and microarray images (2004)
From Jenalumar to Ultrafast Microscopy of Living Cells (2004)
Methylation of histone H3K9 in human blood cells and in granulocytes of patients with myeloid leukemia (2004)
Image analysis of the movement of sub-cellular structures (2004)
Dynamics of HP1 transgene loci movement and silencing in living cells (2004)
Cytological study of DNA methylation and histone methylation patterns in human cell lines (2004)
In vivo imaging of cell interior using automated high-resolution cytometry (2004)
Automated acquisition and processing of multidimensional image data in confocal in vivo microscopy (2004)
Biophysics of the Genome (2004)
Automated confocal microscopy: The way of achieving both quality and quantity in 3D image cytometry (2004)
Topographic characterization of telomeres in healthy and various tumor cell lines determined in situ and in vivo (2004)
Automated in vivo imaging of cell interior using fluorescent proteins (2004)
Nové možnosti v diagnostice kolorektálního karcinomu s využitím technologie cDNA mikročipů (2004)
Image acquisition and its automation in fluorescence microscopy (2005)
Methylation of histones in myeloid leukemias as a potential marker of granulocyte abnormalities (2005)
Slovenské vzory dělení: čas pro změnu? (2004)
Slovenské vzory dělení: čas pro změnu? (2004)
Hyphenation in TeX - Quo Vadis (1995)
Matematické modely struktur (2004)
EuroTeX 2005 (2005)
DVD 10@FI (2004)
Cena České společnosti pro systémovou integraci v 4. ročníku soutěže eLearning konané v rámci 42. ročníku mezinárodního festivalu Techfilm 2004 za produkt DVD 10@FI (2004)
The Second Global Wordnet Conference 2004 (2004)
Seventh International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD (2004)
Složité struktury s jednoduchou geometrií (2004)
Výuka digitální fotografie na VŠ (2004)
Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2004 (2004)
13th Int'l Conf. in Central Europe on CG, Vis. and Computer Vision (2004)
Spatial Orientation in Buildings Using Models with Haptic Feedback (2005)
Data místo filmu (2005)
A Flexible, Low-Level Scene Graph Traversal with Explorers (2005)
Ke koncepci elektronické podpory výuky v akademickém prostředí (2005)
Pořizování obrazů o velmi vysokém rozlišení metodou skládání (2004)
Analysis of biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2005)
cDNA Microarray Technology as a Tool for Better Understanding of Progress of Malignant Diseases (2005)
SCO 2005 (2005)
From Scanned Image to Knowledge Sharing (2005)
SCO 2005, Sharable Content Objects, 2. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2005)
Standardy v procesech elektronicky podporované výuky (2005)
Dynamic Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Occlusion Culling (2005)
VRECKO: Virtual Reality Framework (2005)
Interaction Techniques in Non-Immersive Virtual Environments - PhD Thesis (2005)
Velocity Driven Haptic Rendering (2005)
Fast Point-Based 3D Alignment of Live Cells (2006)
Extrémní výuka: projekt DVD 10@FI (2005)
DVD 10@FI -- moderní forma šíření studijních materiálů (2005)
Component-Interaction Automata as a Verification-Oriented Component-Based System Specification (2005)
Vysílání koncertu k výročí 50 let sboru Kantiléna (2005)
Visual Browser: A Tool for Visualising Ontologies (2005)
SCO 2006, Sharable Content Objects, 3. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2006)
Proceedings of the Third International WordNet Conference, GWC 2006, Seogwipo, Korea, January 22-26, 2006 (2006)
Standardizace v e-Learningu (2005)
Nuclear levels and patterns of histone H3 modification and HP1 proteins after inhibition of histone deacetylases (2005)
Analysis of biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2005)
Mosaicking of High-resolution Biomedical Images Acquired from Wide-field Optical Microscope (2005)
Složité struktury s jednoduchou geometrií (2004)
Mozaiky geometrickou substitucí (2005)
Workflow in the Digital Mathematics Library Project (2006)
New practical tools for microarray data analysis (2005)
Combination of cDNA microarray technology and fluorescence leads to better understanding of relationships between gene expression and epigenetic regulation (2005)
Normalizační metody ve zpracování dat z DNA Microarrays (2005)
Transcriptional profiling of human CD34+ cells during in vitro differentiation (2005)
Analýza obrazů získaných snímáním microarrays (2005)
Aplikace FDR a FWER testovacích procedur na data ze studie kolorektálního karcinomu (2005)
Důkaz klastrování genů na chromosomových doménách studiem diferenciací buněčných nádorových linií (2005)
Sledování změn genové exprese u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem pomocí cDNA microarrays technologie a jejich diagnostika pomocí transkripčních map (2005)
Enhancement of Images Acquired using Optical Microscope (2005)
Využití deformabilních modelů v obrazové cytometrii (2005)
3D Reconstruction of Interphase Chromosomes (2005)
Improved 3D Reconstruction of Interphase Chromosomes Based on Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering (2006)
Comparative transcriptome maps: a new approach to the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma patients using cDNA microarrays (2006)
Quantitative Analysis of Intracellular Processes in Living Cells (2005)
Mosaicking of High-resolution Biomedical Images Acquired from Wide-field Optical Microscope (2005)
Component-Interaction Automata for Specification and Verification of Component Interactions (2005)
Segmentace buněk v biomedicínském obraze pomocí genetických algoritmů (2005)
Imaging of mitochondrial apoptogenic proteins released during apoptosis in living and fixed cells. (2005)
Analýza lokalizace a interakce fluorescenčně značených molekul v živých i fixovaných lidských buňkách. (2006)
Platforma pro pesonalizaci standardizovaných výukových materiálů (2006)
Statistical techniques for edge detection in histological images (2006)
CESNET Conference 2006, First CESNET Conference on Advanced Communications and Grids (2006)
Optical tracking of microobjects within living cells (2006)
Relevantní standardy v oblasti e-Learningu (2004)
E-learning v kontextu moderních trendů v síti Internet (2006)
Improved statistical edge detection through neural networks (2006)
Fast Rendering of Complex Dynamic Scenes (2006)
Automatic Detection of Histones on Chromosome X in Images of Cell Nuclei (2006)
New Maple solution of the generalized Leibniz problem (2006)
Osobnost a estetické preference pro čtvercové mozaiky 6x6 (2006)
An E-learning 2.0 Environment - Principles, Technology and Prototype (2006)
Component Substitutability via Equivalencies of Component-Interaction Automata (2006)
Component-Interaction Automata Modelling Language (2006)
TSD - Ninth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (2006)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 9th International Conference TSD 2006, Brno, Czech Republic, September 11-15, 2006 (2006)
Fast and Robust Segmentation of Low Contrast Biomedical Images (2006)
Component Placement in Distributed Environment w.r.t. Component Interaction (2006)
Single-cell image analysis of cellular localization and colocalization of endonuclease G, AIF and AMID in living cells (2006)
Tvorba a využití vizuálních ontologií v elektronické podpoře výuky (2006)
Component-Interaction Automata as a Verification-Oriented Component-Based System Specification (2006)
Fast and Robust Segmentation of Low Contrast Biomedical Images (2006)
Estimating Large Local Motion in Live-Cell Imaging Using Variational Optical Flow (2007)
Bioinformatic and image analyses of the cellular localization of the apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID during apoptosis in human cells (2007)
Evaluation of CD34+ - and Lin- -selected cells from peripheral blood stem cell grafts of patients with lymphoma during differentiation in culture ex vivo using a cDNA microarray technique (2006)
Vybrané aplikace technologie cDNA microarrays v onkologickém výzkumu (2006)
New insights into gene positional clustering and its properties supported by large-scale analysis of various differentiation pathways (2007)
Pseudo-real Image Sequence Generator for Optical Flow Computations (2007)
Haptic exploration of buildings for visually impaired persons: Show me the map (2006)
DML-CZ: The Objectives and the First Steps (2008)
Computation of tunnels in protein molecules using Delaunay triangulation (2007)
Manipulating Objects behind Obstacles (2007)
Towards Digital Mathematical Library: Optical Character Recognition of Mathematical Texts (2006)
Transcription density map as a new tool for evaluation of various expression profiles: Ex vivo differentiation of CD34+ cells (2006)
Automated analysis of multi-dimensional biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2006)
Looking for the Role of Metallothioneins in Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Lines (2006)
Focus Function for Biomedical Images as a Result of Genetic Programming (2006)
Software for the computation and visualization of optical flow between two images (2006)
Geometrie islámských hvězdicových vzorů (2006)
Distinct patterns of histone methylation and acetylation in human interphase nuclei (2007)
On Generating Ground-truth Time-lapse Image Sequences and Flow Fields (2007)
What is and What is Not New in Continuous Systems Modeling (2007)
Moderní metodiky, technologie a nástroje pro podporu výuky (E-learning 2.0) (2006)
The Influence of Preprocessing Parameters on Text Categorization (2007)
E-learning a sémantika obrazových dat (2007)
Towards Reliable Autofocusing in Automated Microscopy (2007)
Achieving reusability in e-learning (2007)
SCO 2007, Sharable Content Objects, 4. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2007)
EuroTeX 2007 (2007)
SCO 2007, 4. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2007)
Single-source publishing in multiple formats for different output devices (2007)
Technological Challenges of Teaching Mathematics in a Blended Learning Environment (2007)
Formal Analysis of Component-Based Systems in View of Comp. Interactions (2006)
Metodika provedení videozáznamu e-learningového kurzu a jeho využití (2007)
Component Substitutability via Equivalencies of Component-Interaction Automata (2007)
On Simulating 3D Fluorescent Microscope Images (2007)
Large-scale Microarray Analysis of Protein and mRNA Level Changes in HL-60 Cells (2007)
Effective verification of systems with a dynamic number of components (2007)
Subject-observer specification with component-interaction automata (2007)
A Comparison of Fast Level Set-Like Algorithms for Image Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy (2007)
Reflecting Creation and Destruction of Instances in CBSs Modelling and Verification (2007)
Extensible Approach to the Virtual Worlds Editing (2007)
What Is and What Is Not New in Continuous Systems Modeling (2007)
On Dimensionality of Latent Semantic Indexing for Text Segmentation (2007)
Visualization of Tunnels in Protein Molecules (2007)
Bioinformatic predictions and image analysis of localization and interactions of endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID in human cells (2007)
Single-source publishing in multiple formats for different output devices (2008)
Component-Interaction Automata Approach (CoIn) (2008)
Fluorescent microscopy of living cells (2007)
Bioinformatic and image analyses of cellular localization of apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID (2007)
Text Segmentation Using Context Overlap (2007)
Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards, EUROGRAPHICS 2007 (2007)
Multicriteria tunnel computation (2008)
First Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2007 (2007)
Classification of Multilingual Mathematical Papers in DML-CZ (2007)
Technological Challenges of Teaching Mathematics in a Blended Learning Environment (2008)
Acquiarium 1.0 (2007)
3D CytoGen 0.1 (2007)
3D OptiGen 0.1 (2007)
3D AcquiGen 0.1 (2007)
Interactive Transcription Maps Over Microarray Data (2007)
Expression Profiling of CD34+ of Peripheral Blood of Patients with Lymphoma During ex vivo Granulocytic Differentiation (2007)
Zvýšení využitelnosti obrazových dat ve výuce pomocí získaných sémantických informací (2007)
Detekce ploch v částečně rekonstruované scéně (2007)
Occlusion Culling in Dynamic Scenes (2007)
Rozhraní virtuálního mikroskopu pro přístup k histologickým obrazům o velmi vysokém rozlišení (2007)
Hypertextové atlasy patologie 2007 (2007)
Spatial Organization, Dynamics, and Associations of Telomeres in Healthy, Telomerase-Positive and ALT Human Cell Lines (2007)
Hyperbolické mozaiky na počítači (2007)
Optimizing light throughput in image cytometry (2007)
Automated analysis of multi-dimensional biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2006)
Optimizing light throughput in image cytometry (2007)
Precise simulation of 3D fluorescence microscope image formation (2007)
Analysis of biomedical image data acquired using optical microscopy (2005)
Automation of biomedical image acquisition and processing in optical microscopy: Exploring the structure and function of human genome (2006)
Automation of biomedical image acquisition and analysis in optical microscopy (2007)
Automated confocal microscopy: The way of achieving both quality and quantity in 3D image cytometry (2004)
Simulace degradace obrazu v optické mikroskopii (2007)
Zpracování nových typů obrazových dat v optické mikroskopii (2005)
Počítačové zpracování 2D a 3D obrazů buněk, buněčných jader, chromosomů a genů pomocí automatizované optické mikroskopie (2003)
Automated confocal in vivo microscopy based on spinning disks (2005)
Optimizing light throughput in fluorescence microscopy (2006)
Automated confocal live cell microscopy based on spinning disks (2006)
E-learning 2.0: Methodology, Technology, and Solutions (2006)
JABS-I (2007)
TransMap Viewer (2007)
High-Resolution Image Cytometry of a Large Number of 3D Confocal FISH and Immunofluorescence Stained Cells (2008)
From Pixels and Minds to the Mathematical Knowledge in Digital Library (2008)
A Case Study in Parallel Verification of Component-Based Systems (2008)
Správa více projektů a prezentace jejich výsledků (2008)
Grafika v TeXu (3) (1994)
CSTUG na FI MU (1996)
Od myšlenky ke knize (4) (1995)
Od myšlenky ke knize (3) (1995)
Od myšlenky ke knize (2) (1995)
Od myšlenky ke knize (1) (1994)
Srovnání metod CD34+ a Lin– selekce buněk ze štěpu periferních kmenových buněk pacientů s lymfomy a vyhodnocení jejich ex vivo diferenciace pomocí cDNA microarrays. (2007)
Srovnání dvou metod imunomagnetické separace hematopoetických kmenových buněk (CD34+ a Lin) z transplantátů PBSC pomocí cDNA microarrays během ex vivo kultivace. (2007)
Comparison of two methods of hematopoietic stem cell isolation and evaluation of the ex vivo cultured and differentiated cells with cDNA microarrays. (2007)
SCO 2008, Sharable Content Objects, sborník 5. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2008)
Bioinformatic prediction, molecular modelling and image analysis of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins endonuclease G, AIF, and AMID (2008)
Image analysis of localization and translocation of apoptotic proteins in living cells (2008)
Arbitrarily-Oriented Anisotropic 3D Gaussian Filtering Computed with 1D Convolutions without Interpolation (2008)
Member of Program Committee (2008)
Member of Program Committee (2009)
Member of Program Committee (2008)
Simulation of fluorescence image formation in 3D image cytometry (2008)
Simulation of fluorescence image formation in 3D light microscopy (2008)
Processing of a Large Number of FISH and Immunofluorescence Stained Cells on Confocal Spinning Disk Systems (2008)
A Spell Checker for Esperanto (2008)
Lamin A/C and polymeric actin in genome organization (2008)
DML 2008 workshop (2008)
Automated Classification and Categorization of Mathematical Knowledge (2008)
Proceedings of DML 2008 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (2008)
Automated Processing of TeX-Typeset Articles for a~Digital Library (2008)
Partial Order Reduction for State/Event LTL (2008)
Interactions of apoptotic proteins AIF and endonuclease G analyzed by bioinformatic predictions, molecular docking, and fluorescent microscopy (2008)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 11th International Conference TSD 2008, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11th, 2008 (2008)
Computation of more channels in protein molecules (2008)
Statistical Edge Detection of Concealed Weapons Using Artificial Neural Networks (2008)
The CoIn Tool: Modelling and Verification of Interactions in Component-Based Systems (2008)
Automated Computing of the Maximal Number of Handled Clients for Client-Server Systems (2008)
New approaches to automated cell image acquisition and analysis using fluorescence microscopy (2008)
Modelling and Formal Analysis of Component-Based Systems in View of Component Interaction (2008)
Matematická analýza 3 (2008)
Model Checking of Control-User Component-Based Parametrised Systems (2008)
Model Checking of Control-User Component-Based Parametrised Systems (2008)
Single-cell-based image analysis of high-throughput cell array screens for quantification of viral infection (2009)
Proceedings of Second Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2008 (2008)
An Adaptive Algorithm for Multimodal Focus Functions in Automated Fluorescence Microscopy (2008)
A Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm with Topology Preserving Constraint (2009)
CESNET Conference 2008, Second CESNET Conference on security, middleware and virtualization -- glue of future networks (2008)
Prediction of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins (2009)
Combination of mRNA and protein microarray analysis in complex cell profiling (2009)
Segmentation of Touching Cell Nuclei using a Two-Stage Graph Cut Model (2009)
A Two-Phase Segmentation of Cell Nuclei Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithms (2009)
Gene Expression Profiling During Ex Vivo Granulopoiesis: a Possible Tool for Quality Assessment of CD34+ Cells from Lymphoma Patients (2008)
Formal verification of systems with an unlimited number of components (2008)
Towards Natural Natural Language Processing (2008)
Applications of PDE-Based Image Processing in Fluorescence Microscopy (2008)
Publikování z jednoho zdroje v odlišných formátech pro různá výstupní zařízení (2008)
Fast Method for Computation of Channels in Dynamic Proteins (2008)
A Case Study in Parallel Verification of Component-Based Systems (2008)
Microarray analysis using limited amount of cells (2009)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. (1999)
Gene Expression differences in bone marrow hematoietic stem cell subpopulation (2008)
Plagiarism Detection through Vector Space Models Applied to a Digital Library (2008)
Virtual microscope interface to high resolution histological images (2008)
Automated analysis of siRNA screens of cells infected by hepatitis C and dengue viruses based on immunofluorescence microscopy images (2008)
Evaluation of siRNA Screens of Cells Infected by Hepatitis C and Dengue Viruses based on Immunofluorescence Microscopy (2008)
3D AcquiGen 0.2 (2008)
Acquiarium version 1.6 (2008)
3D CytoGen 0.2 (2008)
3D OptiGen 0.2 (2008)
Generation of Digital Phantoms of Cell Nuclei and Simulation of Image Formation in 3D Image Cytometry (2009)
Cvičení zaměřená na páteř, šíji, horní končetiny, oči a mysl (2009)
Partial Order Reduction for State/Event LTL (2009)
Matematická analýza 3 (2009)
Projekt č.128/2004 Sdílené virtuální světy. Závěrečná zpráva. (2007)
Language Identification on the Web: Extending the Dictionary Method (2009)
Design-Time Reliability Prediction for Software Systems (2009)
Information Content Analysis in Automated Microscopy Imaging using an Adaptive Autofocus Algorithm for Multimodal Functions (2009)
Acquiarium: Free Software for the Acquisition and Analysis of 3D Images of Cells in Fluorescence Microscopy (2009)
On Determinism in Modal Transition Systems (2009)
Checking Thorough Refinement on Modal Transition Systems Is EXPTIME-Complete (2009)
DEEP THOUGHT Web based System for Managing and Presentation of Research and Student Projects (2009)
Inovace počítačové učebny pro grafiku a multimédia (2008)
VRECKO: The Virtual Reality System (2008)
DML-CZ OCR of mathematical texts (2008)
An Improved Precise Multi-contact Haptic Visualization (2009)
SCO 2009, Sharable Content Objects, sborník 6. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2009)
DML 2009 workshop (2009)
SCO 2009, Sharable Content Objects, 6. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2009)
Mathematical Knowledge Management in the DML-CZ project (invited talk 27.11.2008, Kyushu Univ.,JP) (2008)
Mathematical Document Representation and Processing (2008)
A Journal Processing System: Workflow for Import of Born-digital Data into a Digital Library (2008)
Similarity and Classification of Mathematical Papers (2009)
From Minds to Pixels and Back (2008)
Competing Patterns in Language Engineering and Computer Typesetting (2005)
Recompression of Scanned Bitmaps in PDF (2009)
Deep Thought (2008)
MEFANET: Educational Network of Medical Faculties for Developing and Sharing Digital Content on a Common Platform (2009)
Multimediální výukové algortimy na portálu AKUTNE.CZ [ISSN 1803-179X] (2009)
Nové trendy ve výuce neurochirurgie, užití FULL HD endoskopického systému a miniPACS (2009)
Proceedings of DML 2009 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (2009)
CAVER 2.0 (2008)
Computer-Assisted Engineering of Biomolecules (2009)
Building a Web-scale Image Similarity Search System (2010)
MUFIN: A Multi-Feature Indexing Network (2009)
Autofocusing software issues in automated fluorescence microscopy (2009)
Automated search for information content in fluorescence microscopy images using modified autofocusing approach (2009)
Towards Proper Evaluation of Image Analysis Methods Used in Biomedical Research (2009)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2009)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2009)
Time-lapse living cells microscopy of cell line K562 for study of CML-associated proteins dynamics - immobilization of suspension cultured cells (2009)
Prediction of localization and interactions of proteins involved in caspase-independent apoptosis (2009)
An Experience with Building Digital Open Access Repository DML-CZ (2009)
Automated spinning disk confocal microscopy in 3D live cell imaging (2009)
DiProNN: Distributed Programmable Network Node (2009)
Similarity Search in Large Collections of Biometric Data (2009)
Quantification of Fluorescent Spots in Time Series of 3D Confocal Microscopy Images of Endoplasmic Reticulum Exit Sites Based on the HMAX Transform (2010)
Filtering with Anisotropic 3D~Gabor Filter Bank Efficiently Computed with 1D~Convolutions without Interpolation (2010)
Free tools for automated cell image acquisition and analysis (2009)
Chromocentre integrity and epigenetic marks (2010)
Computation of channels in protein dynamics (2009)
Virtual Environment for Designing Geometrical Sculptures (2009)
Prediction of localization and interactions of apoptotic proteins (2009)
CytoPacq (2009)
Generic Similarity Search Engine Demonstrated by an Image Retrieval Application (2009)
Metric Index: An Efficient and Scalable Solution for Similarity Search (2009)
CoPhIR Image Collection under the Microscope (2009)
SUV39h-independent association of HP1b with fibrillarin-positive nucleolar regions (2010)
SUV39h- and A-type Lamin-Dependent Telomere Nuclear Rearrangement (2010)
Proceedings of Third Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2009 (2009)
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Suffer from Centrosomal Overamplification (2009)
Acquiarium: Free image acquisition and analysis software for image cytometry (2009)
Acquiarium: Free Software For Image Acquisition And 3D Analysis Of Fluorescently Labeled Cells (2009)
Enhanced UDP Packet Reflector -- Erum (2009)
Robust Audio Tool (RAT) Supporting Separate Recording and Playback Audio Devices Selection (2009)
Digitisation Workflow in the Czech Digital Mathematics Library (2009)
DML 2009 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada July 8-9th, 2009 Proceedings Preface (2009)
Languages of Mathematics -- Random Walking in the Mathematics of Languages (2009)
TeXové technologie pro digitální matematickou knihovnu (zvaná přednáška pro CSTUG, 21.11.2009, Brno) (2009)
Redundancy Allocation in Automotive Systems using Multi-objective Optimisation (2009)
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA'09) (2009)
Redakční systém odborného časopisu s podporou exportu do digitální knihovny (2009)
JBIG2 komprese (2010)
Citation Crawling (2009)
Constructing High Precision Synonym Sets (2009)
Digitalizácia matematických textov (2006)
Distinct nearest neighbors queries for similarity search in very large multimedia databases (2009)
Česká digitální matematická knihovna - DML-CZ (2009)
Tracking single channel in protein dynamics (2010)
Dynamic visualization of protein secondary structures (2009)
Graph Cuts and Approximation of the Euclidean Metric on Anisotropic Grids (2010)
Acquiarium 2009 (2009)
Divide or not to divide? How to deal with extra centrosomes? (2010)
Automated spinning disk confocal microscopy in 3D live cell imaging (2010)
Space Effective Model Checking for Component-Interaction Automata (2009)
HotSpot Wizard: a web server for protein engineering (2009)
CoIn Tool Set (2009)
Czech Digital Mathematics Library -- DML-CZ (2009)
Testy softwarových VoIP klientů (2010)
Towards a Digital Mathematics Library: from DML-CZ to EuDML (invited talk at Informatics Colloquium FI MU, 4.5.2010) (2010)
To divide or not to divide? How human embryonic stem cells deal with extra chromosomes? (2010)
Software Framework for Topic Modelling with Large Corpora (2010)
Towards a Digital Mathematics Library: from DML-CZ to EuDML (invited talk at SEEDI 2010 conference, 19.5.2010) (2010)
From autofocusing to automatic 3D information content analysis (2010)
Information content analysis in automated microscopy imaging using modified autofocusing approach (2010)
Panel Member (2010)
CytoPacq: A web-based toolbox for simulation of 3D cell imaging and quality control of related image analysis (2010)
Improving Accuracy of Optical Flow of Heeger's Original Method on Biomedical Images (2010)
Quantification of Fluorescent Spots in Time Series of 3-D Confocal Microscopy Images Based on the HMAX Transform (2010)
Acquiarium: Free Software For Image Acquisition And Image Analysis In Cytometry (2010)
Automated Single Cell Based Analysis of siRNA Screens of Human Cells Infected by Hepatitis C and Dengue Viruses Based on Immunofluorescence Microscopy Images (2008)
Automated Analysis of siRNA Screens of Virus Infected Cells Based on Immunofluorescence Microscopy Images (2008)
Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis (2010)
Computer Aided Calligraphy in Haptic Virtual Environment (2010)
X-plain - a Game that Collects Common Sense Propositions (2010)
Dasatinib suppresses MEK/ERK pathway activity without sustained BCR-ABL inhibition and promotes BIM dependent apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukaemia cells. (2010)
Implementing Dynamic Visualization as an Alternative Interface to a Digital Mathematics Library (2010)
A Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm for Region-Based Active Contours (2010)
Proceedings of DML 2010 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (2010)
PDF Enhancements Tools for a Digital Library: pdfJbIm and pdfsign (2010)
Document Engineering for a Digital Library: PDF recompression using JBIG2 and other optimization of PDF documents (2010)
Data Enhancements in a Digital Mathematical Library (2010)
Metadata Editing and Validation for a Digital Mathematics Library (2010)
EuDML--Towards the European Digital Mathematics Library (2010)
DML 2010 workshop (2010)
Towards a Digital Mathematics Library: On the Road (2010)
Image Division Technique in Automated Fluorescence Microscopy with Complex Content (2010)
CAVER Viewer-new tool enhancing computation and visualization of channels in proteins (2010)
Specifics of Open Access Publishing and Retrodigitization in Mathematics: An Experience from DML-CZ and EuDML Projects (invited talk 24.8.2010, COASP, Prague, CZ) (2010)
The role of chromatin condensation during granulopoiesis in the regulation of gene cluster expression (2010)
Alteration in mitochondrial superoxide production by shRNA gene silencing of AIF in various cell lines (2010)
Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm (2010)
A Simple Topology Preserving Max-Flow Algorithm for Graph Cut Based Image Segmentation (2010)
An Improved Riemannian Metric Approximation for Graph Cuts (2011)
Similarity Query Postprocessing by Ranking (2010)
Improving the Image Retrieval System by Ranking (2010)
Visual Video Retrieval System Using MPEG-7 Descriptors (2010)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 13th International Conference TSD 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, September 6-10, 2010 (2010)
Document Engineering for a Digital Library: PDF recompression using JBIG2 and other optimization of PDF documents (2010)
Detecting host factors involved in virus infection by observing the clustering of infected cells in siRNA screening images (2010)
Použití Subversion pro verzování TeXových dokumentů (2011)
Image Division Technique in Pre-acquisition Analysis of Information Content for Automated Microscopy (2011)
Aplikace business inteligence nad daty evidence kontaminovaných míst (2010)
Image Division Technique in Automated Fluorescence Microscopy (2010)
Využití laseru ve světelné mikroskopii při studiu prostorového uspořádání a dynamiky buněčných struktur (2010)
Efficient Computation of Morphological Greyscale Reconstruction (2010)
A Novel Performance Metric For Grey-Scale Edge Detection (2010)
Semantic Role Patterns and Verb Classes in Verb Valency Lexicon (2010)
Engineering of Enzymes by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Engineering of Biocatalysts by Modification of Access Tunnels (2010)
Increasing activity of bacterial biocatalyst with toxic anthropogenic substrate using methods of protein engineering. (2010)
Investigation of Ligand Passage in Proteins Investigation of Ligand Passage in Proteins (2010)
Biophysics of the Genome and Its Interactions (2002)
Biophysics of the Genome (2003)
Biophysics of the Genome (2004)
MEMICS 2010: Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2010)
Localization of genetic elements of intact and derivative chromosome 11 and 22 territories in nuclei of Ewing sarcoma cells (2006)
Directional motion of foreign plasmid DNA to nuclear HP1 foci (2006)
Audio Similarity Retrieval Engine (2010)
Metric index: an efficient and scalable solution for precise and approximate similarity search (2011)
Partial Order Reduction for State/Event LTL with Application to Component-Interaction Automata (2011)
Document Engineering for Digital Libraries (invited talk 5.11.2010,Portsmouth University Computing Seminar,UK) (2010)
Alteration in mitochondrial superoxide production by shRNA gene silencing of AIF in various cell line (2010)
Information Content Analysis in Automated Fluorescence Microscopy (2010)
Boundary Treatment for Young-van Vliet Recursive Zero-Mean Gabor Filtering (2011)
From Bitmaps back to Brains: DML-CZ and EuDML Projects (invited talk 8.11.2010, University of Birmingham AI Seminar, UK) (2010)
Digital phantoms of cell nuclei and the use of simulations in nuclear studies (2010)
On Euclidean Metric Approximation via Graph Cuts (2011)
A novel approach to evaluation of the spatial relationship of fluorescent signals in ImunnoFISH analysis of different kind. (2010)
Proliferation and differentiation potential of CD133+ and CD34+ populations from the bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood (2011)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from centrosomal amplification (2010)
Vyhledávání v matematickém textu (2010)
Body Motion Visualization in Virtual Environment (2010)
CAVER 2.1 (2010)
Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2010 (2010)
Effective Creation of Self-Referencing Citation Records (2010)
Interakční techniky pro modelování ve virtuálním prostředí (2007)
Geometric Sculptures in Virtual Environment (2008)
Model Checking of Control-User Systems (2009)
Genomic stability of stem cells - why should we care (2010)
Acquiring NLP Data by means of Games (2010)
Too much of a good thing can harm: deregulation of centrosome number in human embryonic stem cells (2010)
Subspace Tracking for Latent Semantic Analysis (2011)
A Simple Topology Preserving Max-Flow Algorithm for Graph Cut Based Image Segmentation (2011)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from centrosomal amplification (2011)
Accessibility Issues in a Digital Mathematical Library (2011)
Základy fotografie I (2010)
New path planning method for computation of constrained dynamic channels in proteins (2011)
Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm (2011)
Fast Tracking Algorithm of GFP-Transfected Living Cells Based on the Chan-Vese Model (2011)
Metadata Editor EuDML (2010)
Scientific Journal Processing System with the Capability of Exporting to a Digital Library using MathML (2011)
Recompression of Bitmaps in PDF using JBIG2 format (2010)
Fast Anisotropic Filtering and Performance Evaluation Tool for Optical Flow in Biomedical Image Analysis (2011)
Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS'10) -- Selected Papers (2011)
Efficient Computation of Morphological Greyscale Reconstruction (2011)
Ve světle lamp (2011)
Visual Browser (2010)
Generation of 3D Digital Phantoms of Colon Tissue (2011)
Foreword to the Special Issue on Authoring, Digitalization and Management of Mathematical Knowledge (2010)
Computation of Dynamic Channels in Proteins (2011)
SCO 2011, Sharable Content Objects, 7. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2011)
Tool for Generation of Synthetic Image Datasets for Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy (2011)
E-learning – tradice, současnost a budoucnost (2011)
Modular System for Haptic Interaction with Multi-contact Collision Detection (2011)
Planet Generation: Mimicking the Nature's Way (2011)
Recruitment and activation of a lipid kinase by hepatitis C virus NS5A is essential for integrity of the membranous replication compartment. (2011)
DML 2011 workshop (2011)
Proceedings of DML 2011 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (2011)
Indexing and Searching Mathematics in Digital Libraries -- Architecture, Design and Scalability Issues (2011)
Project EuDML--A First Year Demonstration (2011)
Towards a Digital Mathematics Library: On the Crossroad (2011)
Efficient Computation of Convolution of Huge Images (2011)
Web Interface and Collection for Mathematical Retrieval : WebMIaS and MREC (2011)
Heterogeneity in the kinetics of nuclear proteins and trajectories of substructures associated with heterochromatin (2011)
Virtual Environment Kit for Visual Arts (2011)
Biology and Bioinformatics (2011)
Construction of pollutant-degrading bacteria by protein and metabolic engineering (2011)
In vitro protein and metabolic engineering of a biodegradation pathway (2011)
Biodegradation of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (2011)
Paroxetine Metabolization and Cytochrome P450 2D6: Towards Predictive Models. (2011)
Polymorfizmus CYP2D6 a vliv jednotlivých mutací na fenotypickou konverzi při léčbě paroxetinem (2011)
CAVER 3.0: A Tool For Efficient Analysis Of Tunnels In Dynamic Protein Structures (2011)
Effects of Organic Co-Solvents on Enzyme Activity: In Silico Analysis (2011)
Online Image Annotation (2011)
Computation and Visualization of Surface of Proteins and their Channels (2011)
Evaluation Platform for Content-based Image Retrieval Systems (2011)
Smooth Chan-Vese Segmentation via Graph Cuts (2012)
The effects of CYP2D6 polymorphisms on the paroxetine metabolization (2011)
Road Detection Using Similarity Search (2011)
Convolution of Large 3D Images on GPU and its Decomposition (2011)
Micro axial tomography: A miniaturized, versatile stage device to overcome resolution anisotropy in fluorescence light microscopy (2011)
Endonuclease G interacts with histone H2B, AIF, and DNA topoisomerase II alpha during apoptosis as revealed by FRET analysis of living cells (2011)
I am bound to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people: Why global issues matter. (2011)
Text Activator: A tool to prepare language courses for easy import into Moodle (2011)
MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure? (2011)
The Art of Mathematics Retrieval (2011)
Acetylation-dependent nuclear arrangement and recruitment of BMI1 protein to UV-damaged chromatin (2012)
Interaction of endonuclease G with histone H2B, AIF, and DNA topoisomerase II alpha during apoptosis as revealed by FRET imaging of living cells (2011)
Gensim -- Statistical Semantics in Python (2011)
Prediktivní modely rychlosti metaboloizace CYP2D6 u uživatelů paroxetinu (2011)
Global Issues in the ELT Classroom (2011)
Matematická analýza 3 (2011)
The Art of Mathematics Retrieval (invited talk at Informatics Colloquium FI MU, 8.11.2011) (2011)
SCO 2011, Sharable Content Objects, 7. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2011)
VRECKO 2011: Modulární systém pro tvorbu aplikací ve virtuální realitě (2011)
Math Indexer and Searcher (2011)
Building Corpora of Technical Texts : Approaches and Tools (2011)
member of Programme Committee of DEIMS 2012 workshop (2012)
chair of Programme Committee of DML track of CICM 2012 conference (2012)
Visualization Techniques for Static and Dynamic Protein Molecules and Their Channels (2011)
Redakční systém odborného časopisu s podporou exportu do digitální knihovny (2011)
Applications of 3D confocal cell imaging (2011)
Scalability of Semantic Analysis in Natural Language Processing (2011)
Endonuclease G interacts with histone H2B and DNA topoisomerase II alpha during apoptosis (2012)
Quantification of Golgi Complex Assembly and Disassembly in LiveCell Fluorescence Microscopy Images (2011)
Live cell assays to identify regulators of ER to Golgi trafficking (2012)
Why TEX math search is more relevant now than ever? (2011)
Normalizing for Individual Cell Population Context in the Analysis of High-Content Cellular Screens (2011)
Základy fotografie. Plenér. Grundlagen der Fotografie. Pleinair (2011)
GPU Implementation of Linear Morphological Openings with Arbitrary Angle (2015)
A Hybrid Approach to User Activity Instrumentation in Software Applications (2011)
Fine-Grained Adaptive User Interface for Personalization of a Word Processor: Principles and a Preliminary Study (2011)
Generation of Synthetic Image Datasets for Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy (2012)
Le projet EuDML : état des lieux et premiers résultats (invited talk 1.3.2012, Colloquium UJF, Grenoble, FR) (2012)
Trajectories and nuclear arrangement of PML bodies are influenced by A-type lamin deficiency (2012)
Visibility driven BVH build up algorithm for ray tracing (2012)
CAVER 3.0 (2011)
Traversal methods for GPU ray tracing (2010)
Teacher training in ICT for ELT (2011)
Full day teacher training workshop in ICT in ELT (2011)
Four teacher training workshops in a weekend training course (2011)
Erasmus teacher exchange: presented using web-based tools in vocabulary development. (2011)
Co-presenter of all day workshop at Eurocall annual conference on corpus use in language teaching. (2011)
SCO Presentation of software Text Activator, a tool to prepare language courses for easy import into Moodle (2011)
British Council/NILE: teacher training course (2011)
Incorporating corpora into English language teaching (2011)
Corpus CALL SIG committee member (2011)
TALC Committee member (2011)
Erasmus teaching exchange (2010)
TALC conference (2010)
One day workshops for the Paedagogische Hochschule. (2010)
Presentation on Global Issues book at national teachers conference (2010)
Teacher training in ICT for ELT – blended learning course (2010)
Teacher training in ICT (2010)
Intelligent Computer Mathematics -- 11th International Conference, AISC 2012, 19th Symposium, Calculemus 2012, 5th International Workshop, DML 2012, 11th International Conference, MKM 2012, Systems and Projects (2012)
Alternative Reliable Method for Cytochrome P450 2D6 Poor Metabolizers Genotyping (2013)
Large Corpora for Turkic Languages and Unsupervised Morphological Analysis (2012)
Why TeX math search is more relevant now than ever (invited talk 21.5.2012,Portsmouth University Computing Seminar,UK) (2012)
Arrangement of nuclear structures is not transmitted through mitosis but is identical in sister cells (2012)
Discovering molecules: Pass planning through a gap (2012)
GPU Optimization of Convolution for Large 3-D Real Images (2012)
Predicting drop-out from social behaviour of students (2012)
Normalization of Digital Mathematics Library Content (2012)
JBIG2 Supported by OCR (2012)
Sequence Chart Studio (2012)
Visualization of social media content (2012)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2012)
Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora (2012)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 15th International Conference TSD 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2012 (2012)
Virtual Reality System as a Tool for Education (2012)
HEp-2 Cells Classifier (2012)
Adaptive User Interface Personalization in ERP System (2012)
Knockdown of apoptosis-inducing factor disrupts function of respiratory complex I (2012)
Extension of Tamura Texture Features for 3D Fluorescence Microscopy (2012)
Topography of Dystrophin Exons Relative to the Cell Nucleus and to the Active and Inactive Chromosome X Territory Determined for Human Lymphocytes (2002)
Spatial Arrangement of Chromosome 17 Territory in the Interphase Nucleus of Human Lymphocytes (2002)
Colocalization of PML bodies and PML/RARa microspeckles with up- and down-regulated loci and changes of chromatin structure in APL leukemia cells (2004)
Methylation of histone H3K9 in human blood cells and in granulocytes of patients with myeloid leukemia (2004)
Model of chromosome structure in interphase nuclei of human lymphocytes. (2002)
Nuclear organization and dynamics of the DSB-repair (2006)
Exchange aberrations among 11 chromosomes of human lymphocytes induced by gamma-rays. (2001)
Induction of chronic myeloid leukemia by ionizing radiation: experimental basis for risk estimation. (2001)
Topography of dystrophin exons relative to the cell nucleus and to the active and inactive chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes. (2001)
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models. (2001)
Spatial structure of chromosome 17 territory in the interphase nucleus of human lymphocytes. (2001)
Backbone radial looping model of interphase chromosome. (2002)
Topography of genetic elements of X-chromosome relative to the cell nucleus and to the chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes. (2002)
Repeated fluorescence in situ hybridization and its applications in human genome studies. (2002)
Functional topology of genes regulated by fusion protein PML/RARa. (2003)
Organization of selected loci of chromosomes 7,11, and 20 in cells colorectal carcinoma and adjacent colonic tissue. (2003)
Colocalization of PML bodies and PML/RARa microspeckles with up and downregulated loci and changes of chromatin structure in APL leukemia cells. (2004)
Methylation of histone H3K9 on lysine 9 distinguishes granulocytes of healthy individuals and patients with myeloid leukemia. (2004)
Changes in gene expression induced by PML/RARa fusion protein correlate with the degree of chromatin compaction. (2003)
Large-scale organization of human genome and chromosomal territories in the nucleus of normal and cancer cells and its functional implications. (2003)
Detailed studies of the 3D structure of chromosome territories. (2003)
Changes of nuclear architecture and chromatin structure induced by PML/RARa fusion protein in APL leukemic cells. (2005)
High-Resolution cytometry represents the main technology used in the laboratory of molecular cytology and cytometry. (2006)
Knoocks - Ontology Visualization Plug-in for Protege (2012)
Agilní metodologie řízení vývoje softwaru (2012)
Towards Digital Mathematics Libraries: Collection and Search (invited talk 7.9.2012, Coimbra University, Math Dept, PT) (2012)
Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Math Information Retrieval (2012)
MTW 2012 -- Hybrid Machine Translation, Machine Translation Workshop, Brno, Czech Republic, September 3, 2012 (2012)
Diplomová práce roku 2012 (2012)
Algorithms for Efficient Computation of Convolution (2013)
EuroBachoTEX 2007: Paths to the Future (2008)
EuroBachoTeX 2007 (2007)
The Internet data acquisition techniques for police needs (2012)
Visualization of the discussion content from the Internet (2012)
Analýza a návrh systémov, učební text FI MUNI (2005)
CAVER 3.0: A Tool for the Analysis of Transport Pathways in Dynamic Protein Structures (2012)
POS Annotated 50M Corpus of Tajik Language (2012)
Segmentation from 97% to 100%: Is It Time for Some Linguistics? (2012)
Příprava posteru - výtvarný a estetický vjem (2012)
Časopis Business woman (2012)
Výroční zpráva Unie grafického designu 2012 (2012)
Grafický návrh vzhledu lokomotivy řady 162 pro RegioJet (2012)
Svět Apple, speciál časopisu Mobility (2010)
Výstavní plakát: 10 let ateliéru grafického designu a multimédií FI MU (2010)
6. ročník Virtuálního bienále v Praze 2012 na téma Korupce (2012)
Výstava divadelních plakátů: Jana Malíková & Divadlo Reduta (2010)
Normalization of Digital Mathematics Library Content (2012)
MathML Canonicalizer (2012)
State of the Art of Accessibility Tools: Deliverable D10.1 of project EuDML (2011)
Člen výboru Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu (2010)
Stálá výstava Divadelních plakátů Národního divadla Brno – Divadla Reduta v letech 2008-2011 (2011)
Výuka 3D modelování na FI MU (2012)
3D tisk v sochařství (2012)
Prezentace vlastních uměleckých projektů (2012)
Rekonstrukce podoby egyptské mumie Hereret (2012)
Workshop report: Deliverable D2.2 of EuDML project (2012)
State of the Art of Augmenting Metadata Techniques and Technology: Deliverable 7.1 of project EuDML (2010)
Toolset for Image and Text Processing and Metadata Editing – Initial release: Deliverable 7.2 of project EuDML (2011)
Toolset for Image and Text Processing and Metadata Enhancements — Value release: Deliverable 7.3 of project EuDML (2012)
Association Analyzer Implementation: State of the Art: Deliverable 8.1 of project EuDML (2010)
Toolset for Entity and Semantic Associations – Value Release: Deliverable 8.3 of project EuDML (2012)
Toolset for Entity and Semantic Associations – Initial Release: Deliverable 8.2 of project EuDML (2011)
Digitální rekonstrukce podoby egyptské mumie Hereret (2012)
Rekonstrukce podoby moravskotřebovské mumie. Antropologická analýza a vědecká rekonstrukce podoby obličeje (2012)
15x Miloslav Sonny Halas (2012)
Hrozně důležité je, jak se daný ročník sejde (2012)
The EuDML Search and Browse Service - Final: Deliverable 5.3 of project EuDML (2013)
Vizuální styl Brněnského podzemí pro Turistické informační centrum města Brna (2011)
Sequence Chart Studio: user-friendly drawing and verification tool for MSC (2012)
Report on available collections and metadata: Deliverable 3.1 of project EuDML (2010)
XII. filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2012)
Uspořádání soutěže pro studenty AGDaMM: Webové stránky AGDaMM (2012)
Výzva a organizace účasti studentů AGDaMM na mezinárodní výstavní přehlídce Trienále plakátu v Trnavě (2012)
Výzva a organizace účasti studentů a pedagogů AGDaMM FI MU na mezinárodní výstavě Virtuální Bienále (2012)
Organizace spolupráce studentů AGDaMM FI MU s Centrem vnějších vztahů MU (2012)
Zpracování prací studentů AGDaMM (kalendáře, novoročenky, aj.) pro účely propagace FI MU (2012)
Katalog pro uchazeče o studium na FI MU, veletrh Gaudeamus 2012 (katalog, plakát A2) (2012)
Diplom MU, cena děkana FI MU (2012)
Grafický návrh a realizace značky Výukového projektu Joymind (2011)
Real-time visualization of protein empty space with varying parameters (2013)
JBIG2 Supported by OCR (2012)
Hybrid detectors improved time-lapse confocal microscopy of PML and 53BP1 nuclear body co-localization in DNA lesions (2013)
Reproducing Czech Syntactic Parsing Results Published in CoNLL Tasks (2012)
Detecting Spam in Web Corpora (2012)
MIR 2012 workshop (2012)
Recent Czech Web Corpora (2012)
miR-17-5p Regulates Endocytic Trafficking through Targeting TBC1D2/Armus (2012)
Recognition of Mathematical Texts (2013)
Evaluation of Mathematics Retrieval (2013)
Board member of Teaching and Language Corpora conference committee (2012)
Committee member of CorpusCALL (2012)
Let's Marry: a call for corpus and language acquisition researchers to co-operate (2012)
Stealing a March on Collocations (2012)
Word Sketches – the structured company that words keep (2012)
Using and creating corpora for language teaching and learning (Ful day workshop) (2012)
Give me one good reason why I should use corpora and then tell me how (2012)
Methodentrainings und Materialentwicklung für den Nachbarsprachen-unterricht (2012)
Accessibility Issues in Digital Mathematical Libraries (2013)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2012 conference (2012)
chair of Programme Committee of DML track of CICM 2013 conference (2013)
Segmentation and Shape Tracking of Whole Fluorescent Cells Based on the Chan-Vese Model (2013)
Automatic Quantification of Filopodia-Based Cell Migration (2013)
SpiderLing (2012)
Automated Cell Counting in Bürker Chamber (2013)
Towards 100M Morphologically Annotated Corpus of Tajik (2012)
Final report on external imported metadata: Deliverable 3.5 of project EuDML (2013)
Toolset for Image and Text Processing and Metadata Enhancements — Final Release: Deliverable 7.4 of project EuDML (2013)
EuDML Assessment and Evaluation — Final Report: Deliverable 11.4 of project EuDML (2013)
Toolset for Entity and Semantic Associations – Final Release: Deliverable 8.4 of project EuDML (2013)
XIII. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2013)
Towards Machine-Actionable Modules of a Digital Mathematics Library: The Example of DML-CZ (2013)
Regular Triangulation and Tunnels in Proteins (2007)
CytoPacq v2.0 (2013)
Towards a Realistic Distribution of Cells in Synthetically Generated 3D Cell Populations (2013)
Use of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Derive and Quantify Endothelial Cell-Smooth Muscle Cell Interactions In Vitro (2013)
Similarity Search for Mathematics: Masaryk University team at the NTCIR-10 Math Task (2013)
Intelligent Computer Mathematics MKM, Calculemus, DML, and Systems and Projects 2013, Held as Part of CICM 2013, Bath, UK, July 8-12, 2013. Proceedings (2013)
Joint Proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath, PLMMS and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress at CICM co-located with Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2013) (2013)
Process-based Approach to E-learning (2011)
Massively Parallel Hierarchical Scene Processing with Applications in Rendering (2013)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Geometry-based Algorithm for Detection of Asymmetric Tunnels in Protein Molecules (2013)
Non-invasive analysis of beating parameters in in vitro cardiomyocyte culture (2013)
Deconvolution of huge 3-D images: Parallelization strategies on a multi-GPU system (2013)
Cell cycle dependent changes of H3K56ac levels in cancer and hES cells (2013)
Real-time Visualization and Exploration of Protein Empty Space with Varying Parameters (2013)
Detection of Intramolecular Tunnels Connecting Sequence of Sites in Protein Structures (2014)
In vitro developmental potential of human embryonic stem cell lines evaluated by gene expression analysis of a new set of differentiation markers (2013)
Czech ACM Chapter & Slovakia ACM Chapter Student Project of the Year (ACM SPY) - Third Place (2013)
Efficient k-NN based HEp-2 cells classifier (2014)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2013 conference (2013)
Využití 3D záznamu lidského obličeje pro výuku somatoskopických znaků (2013)
FIDENTIS Analyst 1.3.2 (2015)
Towards the Realistic Natural Language Representations (2013)
Software tools for identification, visualization and analysis of protein tunnels and channels (2013)
Haloalkane dehalogenases: Biotechnological applications (2013)
Geometrical Detection of Pathways in Protein Structures Leading Among More Binding Sites (2014)
Expansion of Access Tunnels and Active-Site Cavities Influence Activity of Haloalkane Dehalogenases in Organic Cosolvents. (2013)
Cell tracking accuracy measurement based on comparison of acyclic oriented graphs (2015)
A Benchmark for Comparison of Cell Tracking Algorithms (2014)
Performance and Sensitivity Evaluation of 3-D Spot Detection Methods in Confocal Microscopy (2015)
MathML Canonicalizer 1.0.0 (2014)
Fotografika (2003)
Zahájení komunikace (2005)
Plody ’06 (2006)
Trojice (2002)
Objective Comparison of Particle Tracking Methods (2014)
On generating benchmark datasets for evaluation of segmentation and tracking algorithms in fluorescence microscopy (2013)
A simple Fourier filter for suppression of the missing wedge ray artefacts in single-axis electron tomographic reconstructions (2014)
DML-CZ DSpace (2013)
Metadata Editor FFdigi (2013)
Masaryk University DOI Tools (2013)
Oktávo – digitální knihovna FF MU (2012)
Use cases: DML-CZ vs. FFdigi (2013)
A performance evaluation of statistical tests for edge detection in textured images (2014)
PredictSNP 1.0 (2013)
XIV. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2014)
RSurf - the Efficient Texture-Based Descriptor for Fluorescence Microscopy Images of HEp-2 Cells (2014)
Comparison of 3D Texture-based Image Descriptors in Fluorescence Microscopy (2014)
Constructive Communication in International Teams: An Experience-Based Guide (2014)
MIaS 1.5 (2014)
MIaSMath 1.5 (2014)
WebMIaS 1.5 (2014)
Social media analysis in one platform (2013)
PRMT1 arginine methyltransferase accumulates in cytoplasmic bodies that respond to selective inhibition and DNA damage (2014)
Cloud-based Security Research Testbed: A DDoS Use Case (2014)
chair of Programme Committee of DML track of CICM 2014 conference (2014)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2014 conference (2014)
The European Digital Mathematical Library: An Overview of Math Specific Technologies (invited talk 24.6.2013, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, JP) (2013)
Digital Mathematical Libraries in the Past, Present and Future (invited talk 8.10.2013, Informatics Colloquium, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ) (2013)
Typesetting$^{-1}$ (TeXperience 2013 talk 28.9.2013, Brejlov, CZ) (2013)
Dual World of TeX Math and MathML (TeXperience 2013 talk 27.9.2013, Brejlov, CZ) (2013)
Math Indexer and Searcher Web Interface: Towards Fulfillment of Mathematicians' Information Needs (2014)
Realizace značky 20. výročí Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2014)
Realizace výstavního plakátu, letáků, katalogu a příprava výstavy Výtvarný plenér Račín 2013 (2013)
Katalog pro uchazeče o studium na FI MU, veletrh Gaudeamus 2013 (katalog, plakát A2, kalendáře) (2013)
Definice a smysl grafického designu (2013)
Základní principy a jazyk grafického designu (2013)
Historie grafického designu (2014)
Příprava posteru - výtvarný a estetický vjem (2014)
Základní principy a jazyk grafického designu (2014)
Definice a smysl grafického designu (2014)
Organizace spolupráce studentů AGD+M FI MU s rektorátem MU na projektu Daruj Muni (2013)
Organizace spolupráce studentů AGD+M FI MU s rektorátem MU na přípravě animovaných spotů pro Univerzitní kino Scala / projekt Daruj Scale (2013)
Organizace soutěže pro studenty AGD+M FI MU o vytvoření propagačních předmětů FI MU (2014)
Organizace soutěže pro studenty AGD+M FI MU o vytvoření maskota FI MU (2014)
Návrh logotypu pro Ateliér grafického designu a multimédií FI MU (2013)
Organizace a výtvarný dohled na vytvoření grafického manuálu Ateliéru grafického designu a multimédií FI MU (2014)
Organizace soutěže pro studenty AGD+M FI MU o vytvoření značky a grafického manuálu projektu E-learning na FF (2014)
Prezentace studentů AGD+M na studentské typografické výstavě první typografické konferenci Ampersand v Brightonu (2013)
Coilin is rapidly recruited to UVA-induced DNA lesions and gamma-radiation affects localized movement of Cajal bodies (2014)
On Proper Simulation of Phenomena Influencing Image Formation in Fluorescence Microscopy (2014)
Semantically Consistent Human Motion Segmentation (2014)
CAVER Analyst 1.0: Graphic tool for interactive visualization and analysis of tunnels and channels in protein structures (2014)
Aktuální stav v oblasti analýzy a vizualizace proteinových struktur (2014)
Isokinetic strenght in leukemia patients prior to and after treatment - pilot study (2014)
Časové řady (2014)
Metodologie výzkumné práce (2014)
Maths Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries (2014)
Boulevard: Affective Adaptive User Interface (2014)
Dialogue-based Information Retrieval from Images (2014)
The role of HIF-1α in the regulation of cardiomyogenesis in vitro (2014)
Průřezová studie dynamických a časových charakteristik chůze české dospělé populace (2014)
Výsledky šetření pohybové aktivity dospělé populace České republiky (2014)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 17th International Conference TSD 2014, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-12, 2014 (2014)
Visualizing Movements of Protein Tunnels in Molecular Dynamics Simulations (2014)
Integrating Motion Tracking Sensors to Human-Computer Interaction with Respect to Specific User Needs (2014)
Bounding Volume Hierarchies versus Kd-trees on Contemporary Many-Core Architectures (2014)
Register Efficient Memory Allocator for GPUs (2014)
Image Analysis of Gene Locus Positions within Chromosome Territories in Human Lymphocytes (2014)
3D Virtual Model Database of Human Faces: Applications in anthropology and forensic sciences (2014)
Visualizing Stable Features in Live Cell Nucleus for Evaluation of the Cell Global Motion Compensation (2014)
Changes in Postural Stability after Coordination Exercise (2014)
Surface-based visualization on human face variation (2014)
Forensic 3D facial identication software (FIDENTIS) (2014)
The role of nutrition and genetics as key determinants of the positive height trend (2014)
Statistika - vícerozměrné metody (2014)
CytoPacq – On-line Framework for Simulating Fluorescence Microscopy Images (2009)
Math Indexer and Searcher under the Hood: History and Development of a Winning Strategy (2014)
Role uživatelského rozhraní při práci s 3D prostorovými daty (2014)
The Importance of Computer Generated Data in Fluorescence Microscopy (2014)
Selected Somatic Parameters by Socio-Cultural Characteristics of Czech Adult Population (2014)
Indicators of obesity and the educational attainment of the Czech female population (2014)
Physical activity as a determinant of diseases, back and joint pains in adult Czech population (2014)
The relationship between relative sitting height and flexibility in the Czech adult population (2014)
RSurf Texture Descriptor (2014)
Texture Analysis Using 3D Gabor Features and 3D MPEG-7 Edge Histogram Descriptor in Fluorescence Microscopy (2014)
Toward a Morphodynamic Model of the Cell (2015)
H3K56ac distribution in cancer and embryonic cell lines during cell cycle (2014)
Regulation of H3K56ac during cell cycle in mammalian cells (2014)
HP1B-dependent recruitment of UBF1 to irradiated chromatin occurs simultaneously with CPDs (2014)
Evaluation of commercial brain-computer interfaces in real and virtual world environment: A pilot study (2014)
Biomechanická analýza pohybového výkonu III (2014)
Fostering Science Teachers Design for Inquiry-Based Learning by Using a Serious Game (2014)
Effects of gender mapping on perception of emotion from upper body movement in virtual characters (2014)
Impact of Modern OpenGL on FPS (2014)
1. místo v Posterové soutěži FI MU (2014)
Časové řady - skripta v PDF ke stažení (2014)
Time series - University textbook [PDF] (2014)
Metodologie výzkumné práce - skripta v PDF ke stažení (2014)
Research methodology - University textbook [PDF] (2014)
An Architecture for Scientific Document Retrieval Using Textual and Math Entailment Modules (2014)
XV. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2015)
MathCanEval 1.0 (2014)
Aplikovaná matematická statistika (2014)
Applied mathematical statistics (2014)
Informatika a vědecké databáze (2014)
Informatics and science databases (2014)
Comparing interaction techniques for serious games through brain-computer interfaces: A user perception evaluation study (2014)
Intelligent Computer Mathematics, International Conference, CICM 2014, Coimbra, Portugal, July 7-11, 2014. Proceedings (2014)
Joint Proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress track at CICM co-located with Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2014) (2014)
Towards a Structure-Aware Information Retrieval (invited talk 25.11.2014, Informatics Colloquium, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ) (2014)
With TeX on the Digital Road of Scientific Texts from Author to the Reader (invited talk 29.10.2014, CSTUG, Mendel University, Brno, CZ) (2014)
Statistika - vícerozměrné metody (2014)
Towards a Meaning-Aware Information Retrieval (invited talk 8.12.2014, NII, Tokyo, Japan) (2014)
Yamraj: Binary-class and Multi-class based Textual Entailment System for Japanese (JA) and Chinese Simplified (CS) (2014)
PredictSNP: Robust and Accurate Consensus Classifier for Prediction of Disease-Related Mutations. (2014)
Math-aware Similarity of Papers in Digital Mathematics Libraries (2014)
NEWRON 0.97 (2014)
On Proper Simulation of Chromatin Structure in Static Images As Well As in Time-Lapse Sequences in Fluorescence Microscopy (2015)
NEWRON – terapeutický software k volnému využití (2015)
Next Step Toward the Automation of Screening for Cervical Cancer (2015)
Časové srovnání vybraných fází kroku v průběhu přirozené chůze u dospělých žen (2014)
Posuzování variability chůze na základě měření plantárního tlaku (2014)
Automated Cell Segmentation in Phase-Contrast Images based on Classification and Region Growing (2015)
Utjecaj mase školske torbe na zdravlje djeteta (2014)
The effect of smoking on visceral fat accumulation in Czech men and women (2014)
Metodologie bakalářské práce (2014)
Výzkumné projekty (2014)
Research Projects (2014)
Metodologie kvalitativního výzkumu (2014)
Qualitative Research Methodology (2014)
Caver Analyst 1.0 (2014)
Možnosti klasifikačních metod (2014)
Metodologie magisterské práce (2014)
Statistika v kinantropologii (2014)
Localized movement and morphology of UBF1-positive nucleolar regions are changed by gamma-irradiation in G2 phase of the cell cycle (2015)
RNA-dependent disassembly of nuclear bodies (2016)
Ateliér grafického designu + multimédií Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity : Studio of Graphic Design + Multimedia Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University (2015)
Pluripotent stem cell lines display variable hematopoietic developmental potential (2015)
Dynamic Network Analysis Architecture for Heterogenenous Unstructured Text Data (2014)
Single-cell analysis of long-range interactions of POU5F1 foci in hESC cells (2015)
Digitization Workflow in the Czech Digital Mathematics Library (2014)
Fibroblast growth factor and canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling cooperate in suppression of chondrocyte differentiation in experimental models of FGFR signaling in cartilage (2015)
Visibility-Based Approach to Surface Detection of Tunnels in Proteins (2015)
Path-planning algorithm for transportation of molecules through protein tunnel bottlenecks (2015)
Automated facial landmark detection, comparison and visualization (2015)
Sub-Volume Averaging of Repetitive Structural Features in Angularly Filtered Electron Tomographic Reconstructions (2014)
Human-computer Interaction in Real 3D and Pseudo-3D Cartographic Visualization: A Comparative Study (2015)
Vliv formy 3D zobrazení geografické informace na její kognitivní zpracování (2016)
Quantification of the 3D Collagen Network Geometry in Confocal Reflection Microscopy (2015)
Characterization of the Role of Collagen Network Structure and Composition in Cancer Cell Migration (2015)
MoleCollar and Tunnel Heat Map Visualizations for Conveying Spatio-Temporo-Chemical Properties Across and Along Protein Voids (2015)
Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art (2015)
TRAgen: A Tool for Generation of Synthetic Time-Lapse Image Sequences of Living Cells (2015)
Building the Ultimate Math Search Engine (2015)
Enhancing Mathematics Information Retrieval (2015)
KYPO: A Tool for Collaborative Study of Cyberattacks in Safe Cloud Environment (2015)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2015 conference (2015)
member of Programme Committee of DEIMS 2016 (2016)
Evaluation of stress conditions in self-defence scenario training (2014)
AnimoAminoMiner: Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Properties in Molecular Dynamics (2016)
Combining Text and Formula Queries in Math Information Retrieval: Evaluation of Query Results Merging Strategies (2015)
How accurate is 3D facial morphology for personal identication? (2015)
Generation of variable human faces from 3D scan dataset (2015)
Cloud-computing based system for analysis of 3D facial data (2015)
Towards Performance Prediction Using In-Game Measures (2015)
Perceived Realism of Crowd Behaviour with Social Forces (2015)
Examining User Experiences Through A Multimodal BCI Puzzle Game (2015)
Human Computer Interaction with Force-feedback (2000)
Object Oriented Formulation of Classical Graphics Algorithms (1994)
Fractal Nature - Generating Realistic Terrains for Games (2015)
The Effect of Prior Gaming Experience in Motor Imagery Training for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Pilot Study (2015)
Vývoj nových léčiv v počítači (2015)
CAVER: Algorithms for Analyzing Dynamics of Tunnels in Macromolecules (2016)
Augmenting the Rubber Hand Illusion (2015)
Derivation of human induced pluripotent stem cells and Advanced Methods of Image Processing (2015)
Biodistribution of non-coated gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles in stem cells (2015)
Register Efficient Dynamic Memory Allocator for GPUs (2015)
Parallel On-Demand Hierarchy Construction on Contemporary GPUs (2016)
Examining Brain Activity While Playing Computer Games (2016)
KYPO - Kybernetický polygon (2015)
Software pro vizualizaci virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
2D/3D Gabor Features and 2D/3D MPEG-7 EHD Features (2015)
Challenges and Benchmarks in Bioimage Analysis (2016)
The fithesis3 class for the typesetting of theses written at the Masaryk University in Brno (2015)
The beamer theme for the typesetting of thesis defense presentations at the Masaryk University in Brno (2015)
Visualization Techniques for 3D Facial Comparison (2015)
The SUMOylation Pathway Restricts Gene Transduction by Adeno-Associated Viruses (2015)
Terminologický tezaurus pro obor zeměměřictví a katastru nemovitostí: Certifikovaná metodika (2015)
Texture Analysis of 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using RSurf 3D Features (2016)
Cell cycle-dependent changes in H3K56ac in human cells. (2015)
FÍ! – kniha komiksů. Konceptuální + intermediální tvorba (2013–2015) Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2015)
Continuous Collision Detection Using Tetrahedral Structures (2015)
Green@CU: An environmental Game for Residential Accommodation (2015)
Creative Thinking Experimentations for Entrepreneurship with A Disruptive, Personalised and Mobile Game-based Learning Ecosystem (2015)
NEWRON – Therapeutic Software for Free usage (2015)
Math-Aware Search Interfaces for Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML) (2016)
Evaluation of a Cultural Heritage Augmented Reality Game (2015)
Localized Movement and Levels of 53BP1 Protein Are Changed by gamma-irradiation in PML Deficient Cells (2016)
Hematopoietic developmental potential is variable in pluripotent stem cell lines (2015)
Accelerated Visualization of Transparent Molecular Surfaces in Molecular Dynamics (2016)
Math Indexer and Searcher under the Hood: Fine-Tuning Query Expansion and Unification Strategies (2016)
Generating various composite human faces from real 3D facial images (2017)
Examining the effect of body ownership in immersive virtual and augmented reality environments (2016)
Vascular Network Formation in Silico Using the Extended Cellular Potts Model (2016)
Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Cavities: State of the Art (2016)
The Aberrant DNA Methylation Profile of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Is Connected to the Reprogramming Process and Is Normalized During In Vitro Culture (2016)
The role of the endoplasmic reticulum stress in stemness, pluripotency and development (2016)
Learning Robust Features for Gait Recognition by Maximum Margin Criterion (2016)
DNA double strand breaks detection in pluripotent stem cells with regard to cell cycle stages (2016)
Projekt ArcLib – budování systému pro dlouhodobou archivaci digitálních dat v českých knihovnách (2016)
Advanced Image Acquisition and Analytical Techniques for Studies of Living Cells and Tissue Sections (2016)
Genomic Stability of the Cells during hiPSC Reprogramming and Endothelial Differentiation (2016)
Application of Sampling-based Path Planning for Tunnel Detection in Dynamic Protein Structures (2016)
Comparative Visualization of Protein Secondary Structures (2017)
Interactive Exploration of Ligand Transportation through Protein Tunnels (2017)
Unfolding and Interactive Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Dynamics. (2016)
Automatic Detection of Laser-Induced Structures in Live Cell Fluorescent Microscopy Images Using Snakes with Geometric Constraints (2016)
Walker-Independent Features for Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data (2016)
Is More Less? How 3D visualization affects cognition (2016)
MitoGen: A Framework for Generating 3D Synthetic Time-Lapse Sequences of Cell Populations in Fluorescence Microscopy (2017)
Mapping of Smc6-Nse3 and Smc6-Nse4 interactions within the S.pombe Smc5/6 complex (2016)
Roma Nova - Teaching History with CG and BCI (2016)
Embodied Morality : The influence of body on moral judgement (2016)
XVI. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2016)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2016 conference (2016)
Brain-Computer Interfaces - A Survey on Interactive Virtual Environments (2016)
Procedural Modeling in Archaeology: Approximating Ionic Style Columns for Games (2016)
PC hra, která pomáhá dětem s autismem (2016)
Comparing Two Commercial Brain Computer Interfaces for Serious Games and Virtual Environments (2016)
Learning Robust Features for Gait Recognition by Maximum Margin Criterion (2016)
Human Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data in Signature Poses (2017)
An Evaluation Framework and Database for MoCap-Based Gait Recognition Methods (2017)
Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Exosomes in Transmission Electron Microscopy (2016)
Virtual cell imaging: A review on simulation methods employed in image cytometry (2016)
Sazba textu označkovaného v jazyce Markdown uvnitř TeXových dokumentů (2016)
Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art Revisited (2017)
ScaleText: The Design of a Scalable, Adaptable and User-Friendly Document System for Similarity Searches : Digging for Nuggets of Wisdom in Text (2016)
Examining User Experiences in a Mobile Augmented Reality Tourist Guide (2016)
Project iMARECULTURE: Advanced VR, iMmersive Serious Games and Augmented REality as Tools to Raise Awareness and Access to European Underwater CULTURal heritagE (2016)
Performance of Matching Algorithms in Non-Standard Expression-Variant Faces (2016)
Paramagnetic nanoparticles in stem cell therapy (2016)
Evaluation of Continuous Collision Detection Accelerated with Tetrahedral Structures (2016)
Non-rigid Contour-Based Registration of Cell Nuclei in 2-D Live Cell Microscopy Images Using a Dynamic Elasticity Model (2018)
Characterization of three-dimensional cancer cell migration in mixed collagen-Matrigel scaffolds using microfluidics and image analysis (2017)
FTutor: An Interactive Guide to the Fundamentals of Frequency Analysis (2017)
3D Modelling and Mapping For Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeology Assets (2017)
EEG correlates of video game experience and user profile in motor-imagery-based brain–computer interaction (2017)
Preface to the special issue on VS-Games 2015 (2017)
Using Activity Led Learning for Teaching Computer Graphics Principles Through Augmented Reality (2017)
Model-Based Generation of Synthetic 3D Time-Lapse Sequences of Motile Cells with Growing Filopodia (2017)
The New CGEMS - Preparing the Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source to Meet the Needs of Educators (2017)
Body Motion Visualisation (2016)
DNA double-strand breaks in human induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming and long-term in vitro culturing (2017)
Výzkum alternativního řešení ovládacího panelu pro monitorovací systémy sítě pomocí infografiky (2016)
Exploring the educational impact of diverse technologies in online Virtual Museums (2017)
TSD 2016, 19th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (2016)
When the Display Matters : A Multifaceted Perspective on 3D Geovisualizations (2017)
Using Markdown Inside TeX Documents (2017)
TeX in Schools? Just Say Yes: the Use Case of TeX Usage at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University (2017)
XVII. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2017)
AnthroVis: Visual Analysis of 3D Mesh Ensembles for Forensic Anthropology (2017)
Towards a Unified Data Storage and Generic Visualizations in Cyber Ranges (2017)
The Complex Tasks with 3D Cartographic Visualization – The Role of Immersion and Interactivity (2017)
Gesichtsdetektion und -erkennung in Videos aus öffentlichen Kamerasystemen (2017)
Hematopoietic developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cell lines is accompanied by the morphology of embryoid bodies and the expression of endodermal and hematopoietic markers (2017)
Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search Using Fulltext Search Engines (2017)
Using Markdown Inside TeX Documents (2017)
TeX in Schools? Just Say Yes: the Use Case of TeX Usage at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University (2017)
Evolution and functions of SMC complexes: new SMC5/6 insights (2016)
Digitální výroba a nové podoby designu, konference Design na hranici, UTB Zlín (2016)
Development and integration of digital technologies addressed to raise awareness and access to European underwater cultural heritage. An overview of the H2020 i-MARECULTURE project (2017)
Nařízení GDPR a jeho implementace na vysokých školách v ČR – jak na to (2017)
Vybrané uživatelské aspekty trojrozměrné vizualizace (2017)
Instant Construction and Visualization of Crowded Biological Environments (2018)
Watergate: Visual Exploration of Water Trajectories in Protein Dynamics (2017)
Protein Tunnel Reprojection for Physico-Chemical Property Analysis (2017)
Tunnel detection in protein structures using sampling-based motion planning (2017)
Člen panelu P202 Informatika (2012)
Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data (2018)
You Are How You Walk: Uncooperative MoCap Gait Identification for Video Surveillance with Incomplete and Noisy Data (2017)
Self-Renewing Early Lung Epithelial Progenitor Cells Differentiated From Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2017)
Identification of altitude profiles in 3D geovisualizations: the role of interaction and spatial abilities (2019)
Multimodal Simulations in Live Cell Imaging (2017)
Timely Feedback in Unstructured Cybersecurity Exercises (2018)
An Immersive Virtual Environment for Collaborative Geovisualization (2017)
Flexible Similarity Search of Semantic Vectors Using Fulltext Search Engines (2017)
Investigating the Effect of User Profile during Training for BCI-based Games (2017)
A Serious Game for Understanding Ancient Seafaring in the Mediterranean Sea (2017)
Image-based surrogate biomarkers for molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer (2017)
Single image reconstruction of human faces using database of depth images (2017)
BrainChat - A Collaborative Augmented Reality Brain Interface for Message Communication (2017)
EEG-based BCI and video games: a progress report (2018)
Utilization of virtual reality for teaching 3D tasks in geography (2017)
Utilization of virtual reality for teaching 3D tasks in geography (2017)
Dirigent proteins in plants: modulating cell wall metabolism during abiotic and biotic stress exposure (2017)
Computational Analysis of Protein Tunnels and Channels (2018)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 19th International Conference TSD 2016, Brno, Czech Republic, September 12-16, 2016 (2016)
TSD 2014, 17th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (2014)
TSD 2012, 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (2012)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2017 conference (2017)
member of Steering Committee of CICM conference series (2015)
CaverDock 1.0 (2017)
Semantic Similarities between Locations based on Ontology (2017)
Particle Tracking Accuracy Measurement Based on Comparison of Linear Oriented Forests (2017)
Vector Space Representations in Information Retrieval (2017)
An objective comparison of cell-tracking algorithms (2017)
EduCoM 1.0. Mobilní aplikace pro sběr dat o výukové komunikaci (2017)
Reprogramming of Adult Peripheral Blood Cells into Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Safe and Accessible Source of Endothelial Cells. (2018)
Correlation-based 2D Registration Method for Single Particle Cryo-EM Images (2017)
Math Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries (2017)
A Haloalkane Dehalogenase From a Marine Microbial Consortium Possessing Exceptionally Broad Substrate Specificity (2018)
Standardized hiPSCs culture – vitronectin coating for cGMP compliant protocol (2017)
A já, nic netušen jim otevřel jsem brány (2017)
Biofeedback s využitím virtuální reality u pacientů s funkčními neurologickými poruchami - pilotní studie (2018)
Segmentation of Actin-Stained 3D Fluorescent Cells with Filopodial Protrusions using Convolutional Neural Networks (2018)
Reprogramming of peripheral blood cells into hiPSCs as a source of endothelial cells (2018)
Replication of ribosomal DNA in Arabidopsis occurs both inside and outside the nucleolus during S phase progression (2018)
Trains and Trees of Thoughts: Towards the Representation of Structural Semantics (invited talk Semiomath workshop, Zurich, 2. 3. 2018) (2018)
TeX na školách? Samozřejmě ano! Příklad užití TeXu na Fakultě informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (2017)
Computational Enzyme Design of Haloalkane Dehalogenases for Yperite Degradation (2018)
COZOID: COntact ZOne IDentifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions (2018)
Simulation of Underwater Excavation Using Dredging Procedures (2018)
Mixed Reality Gamified Presence and Storytelling for Virtual Museums (2018)
Editorial for special issue on interactive virtual environments for serious games (2018)
Computer-assisted engineering of hyperstable fibroblast growth factor 2 (2018)
Automatic detection of laser-induced structures in live cell fluorescent microscopy images using snakes with geometric constraints (2017)
Sampling-based Motion Planning for Tracking Evolution of Dynamic Tunnels in Molecular Dynamics Simulations (2019)
CAVER Analyst 2.0: Analysis and Visualization of Channels and Tunnels in Protein Structures and Molecular Dynamics Trajectories (2018)
Safe Place (2015)
Uplatnění 3d modelování v sochařské praxi (2016)
Trans_Forma / The Bone Phone (2017)
Sborník - aplikace nových technologií v sochařské praxi (2017)
Trans_Forma / The Bone Phone (2017)
Brněnské legendy - projekt Brrrno (2018)
Generativní umění (2017)
Defining Pressure: Examining the State of Objects in Contemporary Making (2017)
Interakce s virtuálním 3D prostředím : od senzomotoriky ke kognici (2018)
Behavior Analysis in Virtual Geovisualizations : Towards Ecological Validity (2018)
FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells with Growing and Branching Filopodia (2018)
Introducing the FIDENTIS 3D Face Database (2018)
Model-Based Generation of Synthetic 3D Time-Lapse Sequences of Multiple Mutually Interacting Motile Cells with Filopodia (2018)
Tubular Network Formation Process Using 3D Cellular Potts Model (2018)
Visual and Quantitative Comparison of Real and Simulated Biomedical Image Data (2019)
Impact of Dehazing on Underwater Marker Detection for Augmented Reality (2018)
MIaS: Math-Aware Retrieval in Digital Mathematical Libraries (2018)
Implementation Notes for the Soft Cosine Measure (2018)
A Model for Eye and Head Motion for Virtual Agents (2018)
Editorial for special issue on serious games and education (2017)
Multiscale Molecular Visualization (2019)
Labels on Levels: Labeling of Multi-Scale Multi-Instance and Crowded 3D Biological Environments (2019)
Visualization of Large Molecular Trajectories (2019)
3-D Quantification of Filopodia in Motile Cancer Cells (2019)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 21st International Conference TSD 2018, Brno, Czech Republic, September 11-14, 2018 (2018)
XVIII. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2018)
How to Exploit Weaknesses in Biomedical Challenge Design and Organization (2018)
Why rankings of biomedical image analysis competitions should be interpreted with care (2018)
Improving Marker-Based Tracking for Augmented Reality in Underwater Environments (2018)
Digitization and Visualization of Folk Dances: A Review (2018)
Embodied VR environment facilitates motor imagery brain–computer interface training (2018)
Foreword to the Special Section on Serious Games and Virtual Environments (2018)
The effect and distribution of the drug perifosine in 2D and 3D colorectal cell cultures (2018)
The effect and distribution of the drug perifosine in 2D and 3D colorectal cell cultures. (2018)
Age and gender-based human face reconstruction from single frontal image (2020)
Weighting of Passages in Question Answering (2018)
member of Programme Committee of TSD 2018 conference (2018)
Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environments for Education in Geography (2019)
Markrabě Jošt Moravský a Baron František Trenck : antropologická digitální rekonstrukce podoby historické osobnosti (2018)
Visual Analysis of Ligand Trajectories in Molecular Dynamics (2019)
DIC Image Segmentation of Dense Cell Populations by Combining Deep Learning and Watershed (2019)
Autoencoders vs. others for anomaly detection (2018)
Automatic Fusion of Segmentation and Tracking Labels (2019)
The role of RNA Polymerase II contiguity and long-range interactions in the regulation of gene expression in human pluripotent stem cells. (2019)
ADC mapy ve vztahu k peritumorózní buněčné infiltraci u glioblastomu (2018)
Fast and accurate compensation of signal offset for T2 mapping (2019)
Computational Analysis of Protein Tunnels and Channels (2017)
Příprava Zpravodaje CSTUG (2018)
Detecting Square Markers in Underwater Environments (2019)
Digitization and Visualization of Movements of Slovak Folk Dances (2019)
Analysis of Long Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Interactive Focus+Context Visualization (2019)
EuroVis 2018 - 20th EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (2018)
Cross-platform Data Analysis Reveals a Generic Gene Expression Signature for Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Cancer (2019)
Semantically Coherent Vector Space Representations (2019)
Soft Cosine Measure: Capturing Term Similarity in the Bag of Words VSM (2019)
Video699: Interconnecting Lecture Recordings with Study Materials (2019)
First-line imatinib in elderly patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia from the CAMELIA registry: Age and dose still matter (2019)
Toward Robust Fully 3D Filopodium Segmentation and Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy (2019)
CytoPacq: A web-interface for simulating multi-dimensional cell imaging (2019)
Markdown 2.7.0: Towards lightweight markup in TeX (2019)
Investigating motion sickness techniques for immersive virtual environments (2019)
Social environment simulation in VR elicits a distinct reaction in subjects with different levels of anxiety and somatoform dissociation (2020)
Investigating Body Transfer Illusion from Human to Monkey Body (2018)
Examining And Enhancing The Illusory Touch Perception In Virtual Reality Using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (2019)
TEM ExosomeAnalyzer: a computer-assisted software tool for quantitative evaluation of extracellular vesicles in transmission electron microscopy images (2019)
CaverDock: a molecular docking-based tool to analyse ligand transport through protein tunnels and channels (2019)
Caver Web 1.0: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
A de novo Ser111Thr variant in aquaporin-4 in a patient with intellectual disability, transient signs of brain ischemia, transient cardiac hypertrophy, and progressive gait disturbance (2018)
Structural Biology and Protein Engineering of Thrombolytics (2019)
On Generative Modeling of Cell Shape Using 3D GANs (2019)
Multiscale Visual Drilldown for the Analysis of Large Ensembles of Multi-Body Protein Complexes (2020)
DockVis: Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Data (2019)
Digital restoration of fragmentary human skeletal remains: Testing the feasibility of virtual reality (2019)
Multimodal Point Distribution Model for Anthropological Landmark Detection (2019)
Visual Analysis of Protein–Protein Interaction Docking Models Using COZOID Tool (2020)
Measuring Students’ Performance on Programming Tasks (2019)
Eye-tracking in VR setting : implementation for cross-cultural research (2019)
Taggle: Combining Overview and Details in Tabular Data Visualizations (2020)
Deep-Learning-Based Segmentation of Small Extracellular Vesicles in Transmission Electron Microscopy Images (2019)
Barbaric Robustness Monitoring Revisited for STL* in Parasim (2019)
Phosphorylation-Dependent Feedback Inhibition of RIG-I by DAPK1 Identified by Kinome-wide siRNA Screening (2017)
Computing multiple guiding paths for sampling-based motion planning (2019)
Underwater augmented reality for improving the diving experience in submerged archaeological sites (2019)
Prediction Score for persisting perfusion defects after pulmonary embolism (2020)
Combined therapy of perifosine and ABT-737 results in higher cytotoxic effect but also induces expression of EMT markers in colon cancer cell lines (2019)
Tumor-specific microenvironment contributes to the perifosine resistance in 3D colorectal cancer (CRC) models (2019)
Quantitative Assessment of Anti-Cancer Drug Efficacy From Coregistered Mass Spectrometry and Fluorescence Microscopy Images of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids (2019)
The Effect of Uncoated SPIONs on hiPSC-Differentiated Endothelial Cells (2019)
Comparison of Trajectories and Quaternions of Folk Dance Movements Using Dynamic Time Warping (2019)
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Pattern Generation (2019)
Progressive Training for Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Gamification and Virtual Reality Embodiment (2019)
Baron Trenck: Nová tvář legendy (2019)
Scale-Space Splatting: Reforming Spacetime for Cross-Scale Exploration of Integral Measures in Molecular Dynamics (2020)
A Mobile Augmented Reality Interface for Teaching Folk Dances (2019)
Drug Penetration Analysis in 3D Cell Cultures Using Fiducial-Based Semiautomatic Coregistration of MALDI MSI and Immunofluorescence Images (2019)
Fantasia Apocalyptica: Česká premiéra (2019)
Quo Vadis, Math Information Retrieval (2019)
Towards Universal Hyphenation Patterns (2019)
XIX. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2019)
„Nikdy z tebe nic nebude!“: Biofeedback s využitím sociálního stresu ve virtuální realitě u pacientů s funkčními neurologickými poruchami (2018)
Fast Screening of Inhibitor Binding/Unbinding using Novel Software Tool CaverDock (2019)
Clinical grade human embryonic stem cells: derivation and characterization (2019)
Novel synergistic culturing approach for efficient and robust differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into endothelial progenitors. (2019)
The moving target of visualization software for an increasingly complex world (2020)
PINGU: Principles of Interactive Navigation for Geospatial Understanding (2020)
Understanding Underwater Photogrammetry for Maritime Archaeology Through Immersive Virtual Reality (2019)
Virtual Reality Assesment of Functional Neurological Symptoms (2016)
Software pro detekci a analýzu napadení KII (2019)
Software pro provádění bezpečnostních cvičení a školení (2019)
Investigating the Learning Process of Folk Dances Using Mobile Augmented Reality (2020)
Mediální mini teorie (2018)
A hybrid augmented reality guide for underwater cultural heritage sites (2020)
HyperLabels: Browsing of Dense and Hierarchical Molecular 3D Models (2021)
XX. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2020)
When Deep Learning Meets Cell Image Synthesis (2020)
Fiducial-based semi-automatic coregistration and analysis of multimodal MALDI MS and immunofluorescent data (2019)
Visualization of Folk-Dances in Virtual Reality Environments (2020)
Analysis of Human Motion Based on AI Technologies: Applications for Safeguarding Folk Dance Performances (2020)
Clinical-Grade Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for Cell Therapy: Characterization Strategy (2020)
Image-based Simulations of Tubular Network Formation (2020)
Condensed U-Net (CU-Net): An Improved U-Net Architecture for Cell Segmentation Powered by 4x4 Max-Pooling Layers (2020)
Assessing the perceived realism of agent grouping dynamics for adaptation and simulation (2019)
Nonstructural carbohydrate-balance response to long-term elevated CO2 exposure in European beech and Norway spruce mixed cultures: biochemical and ultrastructural responses (2017)
VEAAR - Virtual Environment for Archaeological Artefacts Restoration (2017)
Virus-free production of CAR T-cells for the treatment of solid tumors (2020)
An Interactive and Multimodal Virtual Mind Map for Future Workplace (2019)
Visual and Art Education at Universities of Technology (2016)
The 3D hype : Evaluating the potential of real 3D visualization in geo-related applications (2020)
BIAFLOWS: A Collaborative Framework to Reproducibly Deploy and Benchmark Bioimage Analysis Workflows (2020)
DockVis: Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Trajectories (2020)
Munipress. Nakladatelství Masarykovy univerzity. Svoboda slova v zrcadle univerzitních dějin (2019)
Munipress. Nakladatelství Masarykovy univerzity. Svoboda slova v zrcadle univerzitních dějin (2019)
Endothelial Progenitor Cells Produced From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells by a Synergistic Combination of Cytokines, Small Compounds, and Serum-Free Medium (2020)
Markdown 2.8.1: Směle k trůnu odlehčeného značkování v TeXu (2020)
Exploring tilting methods for typing under water (2021)
Redox and Epigenetics in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Differentiation (2021)
Case Studies for Working with Domain Experts (2020)
Visual exploration of large normal mode spaces to study protein flexibility (2020)
Dynamics-function relationship in the catalytic domains of N-terminal acetyltransferases (2020)
Three is Better than One: Ensembling Math Information Retrieval Systems (2020)
Exploratory Analysis of File System Metadata for Rapid Investigation of Security Incidents (2020)
Searching Multiple Approximate Solutions in Configuration Space to Guide Sampling-Based Motion Planning (2020)
BIAS: Transparent reporting of biomedical image analysis challenges (2020)
Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Are Able to Use bFGF Treatment and Represent a Superb Tool for Immunosuppressive Clinical Applications (2020)
Foreword: Special Section on the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) 2019 (2020)
Visilant: Visual Support for the Exploration and Analytical Process Tracking in Criminal Investigations (2021)
ChemVA: Interactive Visual Analysis of Chemical Compound Similarity in Virtual Screening (2021)
Making Markdown into a microwave meal (2020)
EDS-MEMBED: Multi-sense embeddings based on enhanced distributional semantic structures via a graph walk over word senses (2021)
Difuzní léze jater (2020)
Examination of electrodermal and cardio-vascular reactivity in virtual reality through a combined stress induction protocol (2020)
Automatická detekce reflektivního psaní u studentů učitelství (2020)
A Behavioral Assay to Study Effects of Retinoid Pharmacology on Nervous System Development in a Marine Annelid (2019)
Regionalized tissue fluidization is required for epithelial gap closure during insect gastrulation (2020)
Assessing the Learning of Folk Dance Movements Using Immersive Virtual Reality (2020)
When Tesseract Does It Alone: Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts (2020)
Towards Useful Word Embeddings: Evaluation on Information Retrieval, Text Classification, and Language Modeling (2020)
The Art of Reproducible Machine Learning: A Survey of Methodology in Word Vector Experiments (2020)
Cthulhu Hails from Wales: N-gram Frequency Analysis of R'lyehian (2020)
Akutní končetinová ischemie při konkomitantní systémové a plicní embolizaci (2020)
Lactic Acidosis Interferes With Toxicity of Perifosine to Colorectal Cancer Spheroids: Multimodal Imaging Analysis (2020)
Japonské hry pod mikroskopem (2020)
Epigenetic clock as a correlate of anxiety (2020)
BARON TRENCK Nová tvář legendy (2020)
Morfologie Corpus Callosum a klinický stav u pacientů s depresivní poruchou (2020)
Výběr a příprava embryí pro vznik lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk určených k humánní terapii. (2020)
Intrinsic-Extrinsic Convolution and Pooling for Learning on 3D Protein Structures (2021)
On Eliminating Inductive Biases of Deep Language Models (2021)
Česko-Anglický reflektivní dataset (CEReD) (2021)
ANALYZA – Výpočetní a orchestrační subsystém (2020)
ANALYZA – Vizualizační komponenta – Visilant (2020)
VAPOR: Visual Analytics for the Exploration of Pelvic Organ Variability in Radiotherapy. (2020)
Lessons learnt from developing visual analytics applications for adaptive prostate cancer radiotherapy (2020)
Using multiple planning scans to predict organ shape variability during RT for prostate cancer (2020)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 23rd International Conference TSD 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11, 2020 (2020)
The Wavelet-Based Denoising Of Images in Fiji, With Example Applications in Structured Illumination Microscopy (2021)
Aspekty výběru embryí a jejich příprava pro vznik lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk určených k humánní terapii (2021)
Interpretable Document Representations for Fast and Accurate Retrieval of Mathematical Information (2021)
When FastText Pays Attention: Efficient Estimation of Word Representations using Constrained Positional Weighting (2022)
Topology Preserving Segmentation Fusion for Cells with Complex Shapes (2021)
PREVIS: Predictive visual analytics of anatomical variability for radiotherapy decision support (2021)
Virtual Reality with 360-Video Storytelling in Cultural Heritage: Study of Presence, Engagement, and Immersion (2020)
Would You Do It?: Enacting Moral Dilemmas in Virtual Reality for Understanding Ethical Decision-Making (2020)
Underwater Search and Discovery: From Serious Games to Virtual Reality (2020)
Study of Full-body Virtual Embodiment Using noninvasive Brain Stimulation and Imaging (2021)
Evaluating the Potential of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Exploring Underwater Historical Sites (2021)
CAR T-Cell Production Using Nonviral Approaches (2021)
What Players Want: Information Needs of Players on Post-Game Visualizations (2021)
Special Interest Group: The Present and Future of Esports in HCI (2021)
ARCLib (2020)
Projekt ARCLib – vývoj open-source řešení pro dlouhodobou archivaci digitálních dokumentů pro knihovny a další paměťové instituce – aktuální stav (2019)
WebMIaS on Docker: Deploying Math-Aware Search in a Single Line of Code (2021)
Conversational Interfaces in Serious Games: Identifying Potentials and Future Research Directions based on a Systematic Literature Review (2021)
Cryopreserved buffy-coat-derived platelets reconstituted in platelet additive solution: A safe and available product with sufficient haemostatic effectiveness (2021)
Freedom in the Mirror of University History. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of Masaryk University and to all authors in its history who were silenced (2021)
One Size Does Not Fit All: Finding the Optimal Subword Sizes for FastText Models across Languages (2021)
Transfer Learning in Optical Microscopy (2021)
A Comparison of Monoscopic and Stereoscopic 3D Visualizations: Effect on Spatial Planning in Digital Twins (2021)
T-Cell Activation: Post-Infection Diagnostic Tool for COVID-19 (2021)
Freedom in the Mirror of University History. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of Masaryk University and to all authors in its history who were silenced (2021)
New Czechoslovak Hyphenation Patterns, Word Lists, and Workflow (2021)
Vivern – A Virtual Environment for Multiscale Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures (2022)
Foreword: Special section on the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) 2020 (2021)
Bioarteficiální 3D štěp pro meziobratlovou fúzi páteře (2021)
VRdeo: Creating engaging educational material for asynchronous student-teacher exchange using virtual reality (2021)
MUES 6 - Linie lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2021)
Regressive Ensemble for Machine Translation Quality Evaluation (2021)
Ensembling Ten Math Information Retrieval Systems: MIRMU and MSM at ARQMath 2021 (2021)
Data-driven insight into the puzzle-based cybersecurity training (2022)
Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging (2021)
Derivation and characterization of clinical-grade human embryonic stem cells (2021)
Xeno- and feeder-free derivation of two sex-discordant sibling lines of human embryonic stem cells (2021)
Reciprocal Effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Signaling on Dengue Virus Replication and Virion Production (2019)
Automated annotations of epithelial cells and stroma in hematoxylin–eosin-stained whole-slide images using cytokeratin re-staining (2022)
OutSmart! Evaluation of a Serious Game and its Conversational Interface for Reflective Social Media Use (2021)
Let’s Play - Professional Views on Barriers and Potentials in Digital Gaming and E-Sports (2021)
Rrrring & Play: Using a Rotary Dial Telephone as Game Controller (2021)
Derivace lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk za definovaných podmínek (2021)
Application of Super-Resolution Models in Optical Character Recognition of Czech Medieval Texts (2021)
When Tesseract Brings Friends: Layout Analysis, Language Identification, and Super-Resolution in the Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts (2021)
Towards Domain Robustness of Neural Language Models (2021)
Multimodal Imaging of 3D Cell Aggregates (2021)
Unified Nanotechnology Format: One Way to Store Them All (2022)
Metodika vzdělávání pomocí aplikace VR-Pilots pro potřeby základního kurzu a piloty začátečníky (2021)
VR-pilots (2021)
Fast Bridgeless Pyramid Segmentation for Organized Point Clouds (2021)
The transparent minds: methods of creation of 3D digital models from patient specific data (2022)
videomapping BRNO - MINSK (2021)
Brýle pro rozšířenou realitu: letová podpora pilotů ultralehkých letadel - funkční prototyp (2022)
Ověřené technické řešení - propojení AR brýlí se senzory pro piloty ULL (2022)
XXI. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2021)
Geography Education in a Collaborative Virtual Environment : A Qualitative Study on Geography Teachers (2022)
Cytomegalovirus and other herpesviruses after hematopoietic cell and solid organ transplantation: From antiviral drugs to virus-specific T cells (2022)
Characterization of Clinical-Grade Stem Cells: Microscopic, Cellular, Molecular, and Functional Characterization of Stem Cells and Their Products According to Regulatory Requirements for FDA Approval (2022)
Interpretable Gait Recognition by Granger Causality (2022)
AdaptOr: Objective-Centric Adaptation Framework for Language Models (2022)
Computers & Graphics: Special Section on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (2021)
Establishment of human embryonic stem cells for stem-cell therapies (2022)
Implicit Neural Representations for Generative Modeling of Living Cell Shapes (2022)
CATANA: an online modelling environment for proteins and nucleic acid nanostructures (2022)
Exploring Hybrid: A (hybrid) SIG to discuss hybrid conferences (2022)
SIGCHI Turns 40: Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present, and Envisioning the Next 40 (2022)
Equity Talks @SIGCHI (2022)
Esports meets human-computer interaction (2022)
Telomere length in human pluripotent stem cells (2022)
Biomedical Image Synthesis and Simulation - Methods and Applications (2022)
Effect of the Rings: A Visual Story Design Comparing Three Chemical Characters (2023)
Validation and evaluation metrics for medical and biomedical image synthesis (2022)
Methods for Estimating and Improving Robustness of Language Models. (2022)
Computational enzyme design for metabolic engineering (2021)
Applications of deep language models for reflective writings (2023)
Diverse Semantics Representation is King (2022)
Review of cell image synthesis for image processing (2022)
LoopGrafter: a web tool for transplanting dynamical loops for protein engineering (2022)
Markdown 2.10.0: LaTeX themes & snippets, two flavors of comments, and LuaMetaTeX (2021)
Markdown 2.15.0: What's new? (2022)
Markdown 2.10.0: LaTeXová témata a snippety (2021)
Combining Sparse and Dense Information Retrieval: Soft Vector Space Model and MathBERTa at ARQMath-3 Task 1 (Answer Retrieval) (2022)
Macroporous bioceramic scaffolds based on tricalcium phosphates reinforced with silica: microstructural, mechanical, and biological evaluation (2022)
Understanding the impact of statistical and machine learning choices on predictive models for radiotherapy (2022)
Using empirical biological knowledge to infer regulatory networks from multi-omics data (2022)
Segmentation and Tracking of Mammary Epithelial Organoids in Brightfield Microscopy (2023)
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 25th International Conference TSD 2022, Brno, Czech Republic, September 6-9, 2022 (2022)
XXII. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2022)
sMolBoxes: Dataflow Model for Molecular Dynamics Exploration (2023)
Japanese Digital Games in Czech Media Discourse (2022)
Collaborative and individual learning of geography in immersive virtual reality : An effectiveness study (2022)
The Manufacture of Xeno- and Feeder-Free Clinical-Grade Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines: First Step for Cell Therapy (2022)
On-the-fly Adaptation of Patrolling Strategies in Changing Environments (2022)
Podporujeme nadané prvňáčky (2022)
Information Extraction from Business Documents (2022)
Towards General Document Understanding through Question Answering (2022)
Vice-President for Membership and Communication (2022)
Keynote - Bullying Is NOT a Game – But Games Can Help Preventing It (2022)
Upward Influence Tactics: Playful Virtual Reality Approach for Analysing Human Multi-robot Interaction (2022)
More Than Just Gameplay: Making a Case for “Let’s Plays” in Education (2022)
Grow Your Plant: A Plant-Based Game For Creating Awareness About Sustainability Behaviour by Using Renewable Energy (2022)
Marcus or Mira - Investigating the Perception of Virtual Agent Gender in Virtual Reality Role Play-Training (2022)
Overleaf: Kolaborativní webový editor LaTeXu (2021)
Vysokoúrovňové jazyky pro TeX (2022)
Digitální archivace Zpravodaje CSTUGu (2022)
Towards a Visual Analytics Workflow for Cybersecurity Simulations (2023)
Secondary malignancies and survival of FCR-treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Central Europe (2023)
Od regenerace dermis k regeneraci kůže (2022)
Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection (2022)
When Tesseract Meets PERO : Open-Source Optical Character Recognition of Medieval Texts (2022)
HCI Meets Games (2022)
Representation of national game productions in Czech gaming press: Japanese games in global context (2022)
Cartography of Touch: Transformation of touch through anatomical projections (2024)
Using Robots to Facilitate and Improve Social Interaction Between Humans: An Exploratory Qualitative Study with Adults 50+ in the US and Japan (2022)
Socially facilitative robots for older adults to alleviate social isolation: A participatory design workshop approach in the US and Japan (2022)
Histone Variant macroH2A1.1 Enhances Nonhomologous End Joining-dependent DNA Double-strand-break Repair and Reprogramming Efficiency of Human iPSCs (2022)
Kolaborativní prostředí pro členy bezpečnostních týmů (2022)
SW pro dynamickou verifikaci bezpečnostních opatření (2022)
AI for Cancer Patient Empowerment - Interim Results of the AIcope Project (2022)
Do you have time for a survey? Challenges and Lessons Learned from the Recruitment Process for an Online Survey (2023)
Press H to Help: The Impact of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behaviors by Exposure Time (2023)
State of the Art of Molecular Visualization in Immersive Virtual Environments (2023)
Differentiation of high grade glioma and brain metastasis using intravoxel incoherent motion MRI (2022)
Exploring the experience with tangible interactive narrative: Authoring and evaluation of Letters to José (2023)
Integrating Brechtian Concepts in the Design of a Tangible Narrative: The Case of “The Non-myth of the Noble Red” (2022)
The Non-Myth of the Noble Red: Exploring Brechtian Principles of Storytelling and Performance in the Authoring of a Tangible Narrative (2022)
Tangible Narrative: The Intersection of Performance, Interactivity, and Narrative—A Design Case (2022)
Dear Design Journal: A Visual Journey and a Reflective Account of a Practice-Led Doctoral Research (2022)
Visual Exploration of Human Motion Data (2022)
Nástroj LoopGrafter (2022)
From Bin to Playin’: Give Vintage Objects a New Purpose as Game Controllers (2023)
Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences (2023)
Quality control of clinical-grade human embryonic stem cells (2023)
Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks (2023)
Designing for Playfulness in Human-AI Authoring Tools (2023)
» Virtual Skills Lab «-Transdisziplinäres Forschen zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen im digitalen Wandel (2023)
Privacy risks of whole-slide image sharing in digital pathology (2023)
The Cell Tracking Challenge: 10 years of objective benchmarking (2023)
Systém portálu AHISTO (2023)
Nástroj na extrakci pojmenovaných entit a vztahů ze skenovaných textů (2023)
The contribution of donated human embryos suitable for the production of embryonic stem cells to increase the quality of life: Selection and preparation of embryos in the Czech Republic (2023)
Resources and Few-shot Learners for In-context Learning in Slavic Languages (2023)
Soft Alignment Objectives for Robust Adaptation of Language Generation (2023)
Co nám jazykové modely říkají o manželství? (2023)
People and Places of Historical Europe: Bootstrapping Annotation Pipeline and a New Corpus of Named Entities in Late Medieval Texts (2023)
xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool (2023)
A Case Study on the Impact of Forensic-Ready Information Systems on the Security Posture (2023)
IntOMICS: A Bayesian Framework for Reconstructing Regulatory Networks Using Multi-Omics Data (2023)
How do dyslexic children read? Evidence from eye tracking (2023)
A Roadmap for Universal Syllabic Segmentation (2023)
Can In-context Learners Learn a Reasoning Concept from Demonstrations? (2023)
Nápadovník jmen pro tvůrčí psaní v LuaTeXu (2023)
CICM'21 Systems Entries (2021)
A novel biological wound dressing based on perinatal tissues: in vivo experiment on porcine animal model. (2023)
Through Space and Time: Spatio-Temporal Visualization of MOBA Matches (2023)
Lessons Learned from Designing and Implementing Interaction Mechanics for Viewer Participation in Game Streaming (2023)
Predictability and Comprehensibility in Post-Hoc XAI Methods: A User-Centered Analysis (2023)
Vitronectin is a xeno-free and defined surface for the derivation of human embryonic stem cells (2023)
Seberegulované učení vysokoškolských studentů v prostředí e-learningu: Pohled multimodální analytiky učení (2023)
Longitudinal study of epigenetic aging and its relationship with brain aging and cognitive skills in young adulthood (2023)
Affinity for Technology Relates to Group Cohesion for New, But Not Existing, Groups (2023)
XXIII. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2023)
Tracking to Success? A Critical Reflection on Workplace Quantified-Self Technologies from a Humanistic Perspective (2023)
Truncated vitronectin with E-cadherin enables the xeno-free derivation of human embryonic stem cells (2023)
If you weren’t connected tothe Internet, you were not alive”: experience ofusing social technology during COVID-19 inadults 50+ (2023)
Generative modeling of living cells with SO(3)-equivariant implicit neural representations (2024)
Stable Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 and its role in research from dermal regeneration to total skin substitute (2023)
Shedding light on the black box of a neural network used to detect prostate cancer in whole slide images by occlusion-based explainability (2023)
Calc-X and Calcformers: Empowering Arithmetical Chain-of-Thought through Interaction with Symbolic Systems (2023)
Construct and Play: Engaging Students with Visualizations through Playful Methods. (2023)
Symbiotic 9.1 (2022)
A multimodal smartwatch-based interaction concept for immersive environments (2023)
MAPHIS-Measuring arthropod phenotypes using hierarchical image segmentations (2024)
Public (Health) Sector and Academia (2023)
Document Visual Question Answering with CIVQA: Czech Invoice Visual Question Answering Dataset (2023)
Towards Perfection of Machine Learning of Competing Patterns: The Use Case of Czechoslovak Patterns Development (2023)
InVADo: Interactive Visual Analysis of Molecular Docking Data (2024)
Seeing the unseen: Comparison study of representation approaches for biochemical processes in education (2023)
Making A Real Connection: Pro-Social Collaborative Play in Extended Realities – Trends, Challenges and Potentials (2023)
A Roadmap for Universal Syllabic Segmentation (2023)
Making A Real Connection - Workshop @ 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2023) (2023)
Diagnostika dyslexie s využitím eye trackingu a umělé inteligence (2023)
In vitro model of alveolar capillary barrier (2019)
Initial Developments of Teamwork and Mental Health Focused Minigames for the Purpose of Esports Training (2023)
Using Audience Avatars to Increase Sense of Presence in Live-Streams (2023)
Diagnostika dyslexie s využitím eye-trackingu a umělé inteligence pro školní speciální pedagogy (2023)
Diagnostika dyslexie s využitím eye-trackingu a umělé inteligence pro školní psychology (2023)
eDIVE - Software Platform for Education in Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environments (2023)
Bookwander: From Printed Fiction to Virtual Reality—Four Design Approaches for Enhanced VR Reading Experiences (2023)
EbAcraft: Engaging Local Communities in Learning About Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for Coastal Cities in Europe (2023)
Immersive Reading in VR (2023)
Eye movements during reading in children with dyslexia : An eye-tracking study (2023)
Think Twice: Measuring the Efficiency of Eliminating Prediction Shortcuts of Question Answering Models (2024)
Integrative CUT&Tag-RNA-Seq analysis of histone variant macroH2A1-dependent orchestration of human induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming (2023)
Gravitational Cell Detection and Tracking in Fluorescence Microscopy Data (2024)
Exploring the Effects of Metacognitive Prompts on Learning Outcomes in Multimedia Learning (2023)
COMPYDA: An online tool for verifying the similarity of image datasets (2024)
A scoping review of web-cam eye tracking in learning and education (2023)
ImgLib2 and BigDataViewer Hackathon Brno (2023)
Spatiotemporal cell surface generator (2023)
MAPHIS - Measuring arthropod phenotypes using hierarchical image segmentations (2023)
Telomere Length In Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (2023)
Concept and implementation of an adaptive digital hearing training system for cochlear implant aftercare (2024)
Stories from an unfinished prototype: a seemingly never-ending loop of practice and research (2023)
Cell Tracking based on Integer Linear Programming and Probability Scores (2024)
Who benefits and who doesn't in virtual reality learning: An experimental study comparing two types of school (2024)
A.D.A.P.T. Software (2023)
Studying Metacognitive Learning Processes with the Use of Eye-tracking Technology (2024)
Studying Metacognitive Learning Processes with the Use of Eye-tracking Technology (2024)
Diagnostika dyslexie s využitím eye-trackingu a umělé inteligence - souhrnná výzkumná zpráva (2023)
Why is the winner the best? (2023)
Manuál k diagnostické platformě DYSLEX určený pro Pedagogicko-psychologické poradny (2023)
Platforma DYSLEX (2023)
Play and Viz: Using Entertainment Games for Exploring Data Visualizations (2024)
Gray-Box Fuzzing via Gradient Descent and Boolean Expression Coverage (2024)
Symbiotic 10: Lazy Memory Initialization and Compact Symbolic Execution (2024)
Fizzer: New Gray-Box Fuzzer (2024)
Quality Control of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells for Regenerative Therapy (2024)
Possibilities of Using Multi-b-value Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Classification of Brain Lesions (2024)
Hyaline Cartilage Tissue Engineering: 3D Culture of Autologous Chondrocytes in Biodegradable Hydrogels (2024)
Development of a Multilayered 4th Generation Scaffold for Advanced Total Skin Substitutes (2024)
Multilayered cellular skin substitute with biomimetic collagen-chitosan scaffold (2024)
Antarstick: Extracting Snow Height From Time-Lapse Photography (2024)
Self-Training Language Models in Arithmetic Reasoning (2024)
Concept-aware Data Construction Improves In-context Learning of Language Models (2024)
Truncated vitronectin with e-cadherin enables the xeno-free derivation ofhuman embryonic stem cells (2024)
Cell-mediated multilayered 4th generation biomimetic scaffold for single-step total skin substitute: from laboratory to clinical application (2024)
Exploring the Relation between Reading Style and Cognitive Style: an Eye-Tracking Approach (2024)
Design and evaluation of alphabetic and numeric input methods for virtual reality (2024)
Towards the Intervention of Dyslexia: a Complex Concept of Dyslexia Intervention System using Eye-Tracking (2024)
Using Playful Approaches in Education to Create Awareness of Pro-Sustainability Behavior (2024)
CoLEBricks: Co-Designing Virtual Reality Scenarios with Generative Building Blocks (2024)
COMPYDA: An online tool for verifying the similarity of image datasets (2024)
A proposal for a revised meta-architecture of intelligent tutoring systems to foster explainability and transparency for educators (2024)
Introductory Workshop: Introduction to the current state of dyslexia intervention, the possibility of eye-tracking technology and the needs of target users (2024)
Cognition and Artificial Life (2024)
Cognition and Artificial Life 2024. Peer-reviewed proceedings. (2024)
Enhancing Diagnostic Precision in Dyslexia: Introducing the DYSLEX Platform (2024)
Examination of the state of the art of mathematical formula search for zbMATHOpen (2024)
XXIV. Filmový festival Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity (FF FI MU) (2024)
Brain MRI Screening Tool with Federated Learning (2024)
Introductory Workshop: Introduction to the current state of dyslexia intervention, the possibility of eye-tracking technology and the needs of target users (2024)
Mapping the Landscape of Data Visualizations in Schools and Educational Resources (2024)
Between Two Worlds: Analysing the Effects of Immersive and Non-Immersive Prototyping for Participatory Design (2024)
Proceedings of the MuM'23 Workshops on Making a Real Connection and Interruptions and Attention Management co-located with 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Media (MuM 2023) (2024)
Interactive Diagrams for Software Documentation (2024)
The Language of Infographics: Toward Understanding Conceptual Metaphor Use in Scientific Storytelling (2024)
Visual Support for the Loop Grafting Workflow on Proteins (2024)
Who Let the Guards Out: Visual Support for Patrolling Games (2024)
Porous silica-doped calcium phosphate scaffolds prepared via in-situ foaming method (2024)
Make Some Energy: Tangible and Interactive Chemical Reactions (2024)
Concept-aware Data Construction Improves In-context Learning of Language Models (2024)
Nanotilus: Generator of Immersive Guided-Tours in Crowded 3D Environments (2023)
Molecumentary: Adaptable Narrated Documentaries Using Molecular Visualization (2023)
Eye movements when reading pseudo-text in dyslexic children: Evidence from eye-tracking (2024)
Advancing dyslexia intervention with gaze-based interactions in DeveLex software (2024)
A scoping literature review on influencing factors in live-streaming spectatorship experience (2025)
ETDD70: Eye-Tracking Dataset for Classification of Dyslexia using AI-based Methods (2024)
ETDD70: Eye-Tracking Dyslexia Dataset (2024)
2. Offsite Meeting of the Department of Histology and Embryology (ÚHE): Advancing Science and Collaboration (2024)
FoRBT - Using Mobile Augmented Reality for Making Gameplay Immersive and Engaging (2024)
Analýza kazuistik o náročném chování žáků (2024)
ProjectAnatomy: A Handy Tool for Learning Forearm Anatomy with Augmented Physicalisations (2024)
BioMedical Visualization: Past Work, Current Trends, and Open Challenges (2024)
Towards a Taxonomy of In-Game User Interface Visualizations (2024)
Across the Planets - Playful Approach for Learning the Shortest Path Algorithm for Graphs in Augmented Reality (2024)
Ethics and Transparency in Game Data (2024)
Transforming Ideas into Tangible Artifacts: Discovering Making, Makers, and the Making Experience (2024)
Self-training Language Models for Arithmetic Reasoning (2024)
Innovative approach to total skin substitute with 4th generation biomaterials (2024)
Interpreting convolutional neural network classifiers applied to laser-induced breakdown optical emission spectra (2024)
Stories with Style: Narrative, Virtual, and Imaginary Spaces of Reading Fiction in Virtual Reality (2024)
Rozhraní Umělecké dílo mezi fyzickou a virtuální reprezentací (2023)
členka oborové rady Fakulty mediálních komunikací UTB (2023)
Member of the Board of Directors, Digital Stone Project,USA (2022)
Trans_Forma / The Bone Phone. (2017)
Stavební organismus (2022)
Metrics reloaded: recommendations for image analysis validation (2024)
Understanding metric-related pitfalls in image analysis validation (2024)
A Comparative Study of Text Retrieval Models on DaReCzech (2024)
Negation Disrupts Compositionality in Language Models: The Czech Usecase (2024)
Play, watch, analyze, repeat: How do players develop competitive gaming skills? (2025)
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