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Teleconferencing Support for Small Groups (2002)
Zrcadla v počítačové síti (2002)
Internetové vysílání workshopu Genetics after the Genome aneb "malý bobřík odvahy" (2002)
Videokonferenční zrcadla (2002)
Jemný úvod do (anti)virové problematiky (2002)
Jak na streamované video? (2002)
Streamovaná multimédia (2002)
Komunikace s technologií AccessGrid Point (2002)
IPsec interoperability tests with respect to deployment as "Last Mile" security solution (2002)
XML Router Configuration Specifications and Architecture Document (2002)
Komunikace s technologií AccesGrid Point (2003)
Jak se dělá divadlo na FI MU (2003)
Jak přednášet na dálku aneb virtuální přednáška v Koreji (2003)
RAP - Reflector Administration Protocol (2003)
Portable and Efficient Replacement for Web Services Messaging Protocol (2003)
Synchronizing RTP Packet Reflector (2003)
IBP Deployment Tests and Integration with DiDaS Project (2003)
User Empowered Virtual Multicast for Multimedia Communication (2004)
Encryption implementation for WBD (2001)
PictureTel 550 H.323 Videoconferencing Tool in Windows 2000 Environment - Installation and Experiences (2001)
DV Technology Overview And Video Camera Tests (2001)
Modulární komunikační reflektor s DV přenosem (2004)
Grid Infrastructure Monitoring as Reliable Information Service (2004)
Distributed Encoding Environment Based on Grids and IBP Infrastructure (2004)
GSIP - An Alternative Web Services Invocation Protocol (2004)
Schizoaromatický Hexaflurocyklotrifosfazen (1998)
Distribuované prostředí pro kódování multimédií (2004)
User-Empowered Programmable Network Support for Collaborative Environment (2004)
DiDaS/LoCI Infrastructure for Distributed Video Processing (2004)
Uniform Job Scheduling Model for Distributed Processing Environment with Distributed Storage (2004)
Lambda služby (2004)
Notes on Scalable Models for Synchronous Multimedia Distribution (2004)
Distribuované kódování videa (2004)
Scalability and Robustness of Virtual Multicast for Synchronous Multimedia Distribution (2005)
Lecture Recording, Processing, Archiving, and Streaming (2005)
Implementace P2P sítě zrcadel v prostředí JXTA (2005)
Ubiquitous User-Empowered Networks of Active Elements (2005)
Akademické lambda sítě u nás a ve světě (2005)
High-Definition Video at CESNET (2005)
Grid Video Processing: Distributed Approach to Video Processing (2005)
Videokonferenční technologie a přenosy videa (2005)
High-Definition Video Transmissions for Medical Applications and Education (2005)
Network and Grid Support for Multimedia Distribution and Processing (2005)
Vysílání koncertu k výročí 50 let sboru Kantiléna (2005)
Distribuované datové sklady a protokol IBP (2005)
Videokonference s vysokou kvalitou (2006)
iGrid2005 (2006)
Packet Filtering for FPGA-Based Routing Accelerator (2006)
Active Elements for High-Definition Video Distribution (2006)
HD Multi-point Videoconferencing (2006)
Quality of Service Oriented Active Router Design (2006)
High-definition multimedia for multiparty low-latency interactive communication (2006)
Distributed and collaborative visualization of large data sets using high-speed networks (2006)
Active Element Network with P2P Control Plane (2006)
Distributed Active Element for High-Performance Data Distribution (2006)
Multi-Point Uncompressed HD Conferencing Using UltraGrid (2006)
Uncompressed HD Technology (2006)
Standard Definition Stereoscopic Video (2006)
HDTV streaming (2006)
Low-Latency HD Videoconferencing System with Reflector-Based Multipoint Data Distribution (2006)
High Definition video ve výuce (2007)
Ithanet - developing en infrastructure of electronic communication for Thalassaemia research (2007)
Enabling Technologies for Teaching an HPC Class as a Distributed Course. (2007)
Secure and Pervasive Collaborative Platform for Medical Applications (2007)
Community Building in Distance Learning Environments: Using uncompressed high-definition videos as a medium for classroom interactivity. (2007)
Streaming HD videa (2007)
Distributed Active Element in 10Gbps Network (2007)
Videokonference za zdí (2007)
HD Collaborative Framework for Distributed Distance Learning (2007)
Bonding and aromaticity of cyclic phosphazenes viewed as interaction of Dnh fragments (2007)
Virtual Classroom with a Time Shift (2007)
Transparent Security for Collaborative Environments (2007)
Uncompressed HD Video for Collaborative Teaching - An Experiment (2007)
Distributed Synchronous Infrastructure for Multimedia Streams Transmission and Processing (2007)
Virtual Classroom with a Time Shift (2007)
CoUniverse: Framework for Building Self-organizing Collaborative Environments Using Extreme-Bandwidth Media Applications (2008)
High Quality Large Scale Virtual Classroom (2008)
Updates on UltraGrid Platform (2008)
Implementation of DXT Compression for UltraGrid (2008)
UltraGrid-20080530 (2008)
Distributed Synchronous Infrastructure for Multimedia Streams Transmission and Processing (2008)
MetaCenter Virtual Networks (2008)
Evaluation of the Introduction of the Use of e-Infrastructure Tools in the Research of Thalassaemia and Other Haemoglobinopathies (2008)
Updates on UltraGrid Platform (2008)
VirtCloud & CoUniverse: On E2E Services for Grids and Multimedia (2008)
UltraGrid (2008)
CoUniverse: Framework for Building Self-Organizing Collaborative Environments Using Extreme-Bandwidth Media Applications (2009)
CoUniverse (2008)
jSon: Network of Active Elements with Peer-to-Peer Control Plane (2009)
MetaCenter Virtual Networks (2009)
e-Infrastruktury - komplexní nástroje pro podporu vědy, výzkumu i výuky (2009)
VirtCloud: Virtualising Network for Grid Environments--First Experiences (2009)
VirtCloud: Virtual Network for User-controlled Virtual Clusters (2009)
Interfacing CoUniverse & Internet2 DCN (2009)
Interfacing CoUniverse & Internet2 DCN (2009)
GColl : A Flexible Videoconferencing Environment for Group-to-Group Interaction (2009)
GColl Group-to-group Videoconferencing System: Design and First Experiences (2009)
Zařízení pro skupinové vysílání optických signálů v Internetu a jiných sítích (2009)
MetaCentrum, the Czech Virtualized NGI (2009)
GColl: A Flexible Videoconferencing Environment for Group-to-Group Interaction (2009)
GColl - group-to-group videoconferencing environment (2009)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI; CESNET technical report 17/2009 (2009)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI (2010)
CoUniverse Orchestrated Collaborative Environments with Dynamic Circuit Networks (2010)
GColl: enhancing trust in flexible group-to-group videoconferencing (2010)
Design and Implementation of a Production Dynamically Configurable Testbed (2010)
Virtual Multicast (2010)
Network-Based Collaborative Environments (2010)
UltraGrid-20090105 (2009)
Eye-Control of Videoconferencing Environment Using Common Web-Cameras (2010)
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000 (2010)
Comparison of CP and IP Techniques for Data Transfer Planning (2010)
Unassisted Lecture Recording at Masaryk University (2010)
H.323 for Medical Application and Virtual Laboratories (2010)
Efficient JPEG2000 EBCOT Context Modeling for Massively Parallel Architectures (2011)
Kterak posluchárny spojovati a ještě záznam poříditi aneb audiovizuální technika na MU (2011)
Data Transfer Planning with Tree Placement for Collaborative Environments (2011)
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000 (2011)
Low GPU Occupancy Approach to Fast Arithmetic Coding in JPEG2000 (2012)
multiOUT (2011)
MUSE: Multi-Sensor Framework (2011)
UltraGrid Streaming to SAGE (2011)
UltraGrid 0.9 (2011)
UltraGrid 1.0 (2011)
Seminář multimédií (2011)
Využití e-learningového portálu AKUTNE.CZ při studiu medicíny (2011)
MUSE framework 0.1 (2011)
Exploring Trust in Group-to-Group Video-Conferencing (2011)
Exploring collaboration in group-to-group videoconferencing (2012)
GPU-specific reformulations of image compression algorithms (2012)
Local Search Heuristics for Media Streams Planning Problem (2013)
Libkerat - TUIO 2.0 implementation, version 1.0 (2012)
UltraGrid: Low-Latency High-Quality Video Transmissions on Commodity Hardware (2012)
UltraGrid 1.1 (2012)
CZ02: Remote Collaboration Over 8K Visualization Using UltraGrid and SAGE (2012)
Parallelized LDGM Coding for Demanding Multimedia Applications (2012)
Towards User-Aware Multi-Touch Interaction Layer for Group Collaborative Systems (2013)
MUSE framework 1.0 (2012)
The Biobanking Research Infrastructurec BBMRI_CZ: a Critical Tool to Enhance (2012)
GColl2 (2012)
Media Streams Planning with Transcoding (2013)
GPU-accelerated DXT and JPEG compression schemes for low-latency network transmissions of HD, 2K, and 4K video (2013)
Real-time JPEG2000 for Digital Cinema and Large-Scale Image Archiving (2013)
3.5 Million Smartmeters in the Cloud (2013)
BBMRI_CZ Index Service (2013)
THALAMOSS Data Management Platform (2013)
VLANManager (2013)
CoUniverse 1.0 (2013)
MUSE framework 1.1.1 (2013)
Media Streams Planning with Uncertain Link Capacities (2014)
Local Search Heuristics for Media Streams Planning with Transcoding (2014)
Toward Natural Multi-User Interaction in Advanced Collaborative Display Environments (2016)
MUSE framework 1.5 (2014)
MUSE framework 2.0 (2015)
Multicast Routing for High-Quality Multimedia Environments: Deployment and New Problems (2015)
High-performance forward error correction: Enabling multi-gigabit flows and beyond on commodity GPU and CPU hardware in presence of packet loss (2016)
Videokonferenční prostředí pro komunikaci vzdálených skupin a způsob komunikace vzdálených skupin v systému videokonferenčního prostředí (2015)
BBMRI-ERIC: the novel gateway to biobanks (2016)
Towards Global Biobank Integration by Implementation of the Minimum Information About Biobank data Sharing (MIABIS 2.0 Core) (2016)
Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multigroup Multicast Routing under Uncertainty (2018)
BiobankUniverse: automatic matchmaking between datasets for biobank data discovery and integration (2017)
A Decentralized IT Architecture for Locating and Negotiating Access to Biobank Samples (2017)
Conception and Implementation of an Austrian Biobank Directory Integration Framework (2017)
BBMRI-ERIC Directory: 515 Biobanks with Over 60 Million Biological Samples (2016)
Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software (2017)
Enhancing Reuse of Data and Biological Material in Medical Research: From FAIR to FAIR-Health (2018)
PhenoMeNal: processing and analysis of metabolomics data in the cloud (2019)
Leveraging European infrastructures to access 1 million human genomes by 2022 (2019)
Metodika aplikace GDPR na výzkumná data v prostředí vysokých škol v ČR (2018)
Pan-European Data Harmonization for Biobanks in ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC (2019)
BBMRI-ERIC’s contributions to research and knowledge exchange on COVID-19 (2020)
Non-repudiable provenance for clinical decision support systems (2021)
BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator: Implementing Efficient Access to Biobanks (2021)
Enabling Trustworthy and Traceable Research by Non-Repudiable Opaque Provenance in a Distributed Environment (2021)
ISO 23494: Biotechnology – Provenance Information Model for Biological Specimen And Data (2021)
Automated annotations of epithelial cells and stroma in hematoxylin–eosin-stained whole-slide images using cytokeratin re-staining (2022)
GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare (2021)
BBMRI-CZ as a Partner for Personalized Medicine and Translational Medical Research (2020)
Expanding the BBMRI-ERIC Directory into a Global Catalogue of COVID-19–Ready Collections: A Joint Initiative of BBMRI-ERIC and ISBER (2020)
The Data Use Ontology to streamline responsible access to human biomedical datasets (2021)
Integration of Biobanks in National eHealth Ecosystems Facilitating Long-Term Longitudinal Clinical-Omics Studies and Citizens' Engagement in Research Through eHealthBioR. (2021)
Position paper on management of personal data in environment and health research in Europe (2022)
The Common Provenance Model: Capturing Distributed Provenance in Life Sciences Processes (2022)
Lightweight Distributed Provenance Model for Complex Real–world Environments (2022)
AI for Life: Trends in Artificial Intelligence for Biotechnology (2023)
Toward a common standard for data and specimen provenance in life sciences (2024)
GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare (2021)
Privacy risks of whole-slide image sharing in digital pathology (2023)
xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool (2023)
"Be Sustainable Recommendations" for FAIR Resources in Life Sciences research: EOSC-Life's Lessons (2023)
BIBBOX, a FAIR toolbox and App Store for Life Science Research (2023)
Provenance of specimen and data – A prerequisite for AI development in computational pathology (2023)
Shedding light on the black box of a neural network used to detect prostate cancer in whole slide images by occlusion-based explainability (2023)
Umbrella Data Management Plans to Integrate FAIR Data: Lessons From the ISIDORe and BY-COVID Consortia for Pandemic Preparedness (2023)
Getting your DUCs in a row - standardising the representation of Digital Use Conditions (2024)
Integration, Cataloguing and FAIRification of Biobank and Clinical Data (2024)
Leveraging BBMRI-ERIC for XAI Research in Digital Pathology (2024)
Proposal for a framework of contextual metadata in selected research infrastructures of the life sciences and the social sciences & humanities (2024)
Interpreting convolutional neural network classifiers applied to laser-induced breakdown optical emission spectra (2024)
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