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Pathophysiology of common variable immunodeficiency - the role of T lymphocytes (1996)
Antigen Presentation by Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) B Cells and Monocytes is Unimpaired (1997)
Defective integration of activating signals derived from the T cell receptor (TCR) and costimulatory molecules in both CD4+ and CD8+ T Lymphocytes of Common Variable immunodeficiency (CVID) Patients (1997)
Common variable immunodeficiency: A defect at the level of T cells (1996)
Vyšetřovací metody v klinické imunologii (1998)
Syndrom hyperimunoglobulinémie M - klinický a laboratorní obraz (1998)
Agammaglobulinaemia in a girl with a mosaic of ring 18 chromosome (1998)
Residual expression of functional MHC class II molecules in twin brothers with MHC class II deficiency is cell type specific (2001)
Double mutant and formaldehyde inactivated TSST-1 as vaccine candidates (2002)
T-lymphocytes in IgA deficiency (2001)
Early manifestation and recognition of C2 complement deficiency in the form of pyogenic infection in infancy (2003)
XXI sjezd českých a slovenských alergologů a klinickcých imunologů (2004)
Age dependency and mutual relations in T- and B- lymphocyte abnormalities in CVID patients (2006)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2007)
Alergologie (2007)
The EUROclass trial: defining subgroups in common variable immunodeficiency. (2008)
Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphic variants predispose to the development of bronchopulmonary complications but have no influence on other clinical and laboratory symptoms or signs of common variable immunodeficiency (2008)
Alergické reakce na jed blanokřídlého hmyzu: diagnostika, léčba, prevence (2009)
Common variable immunodeficiency disorders: division into distinct clinical phenotypes (2008)
Lack of dehydroepiandrosterone in type I and II hereditary angioedema and role of danazol in steroid hormone conversion (2007)
Anti-IgA antibodies in Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID): Diagnostic workup and therapeutic strategy (2007)
Immune response to the herpes simplex type 1 regulatory proteins ICP8 and VP16 in infected persons (2000)
T cell activity and cytokine production in X-linked agammaglobulinemia: Implications for vaccination strategies (1997)
Syndrom zavrženého rodiče? (2006)
Activation via the antigen receptor is impaired in T cells, but not in B cells from patients with common variable immunodeficiency (1996)
The Expression of Fc gamma Receptors on Leukocytes and Clinical Course of Common Variable Imminodeficiency (CVID) (2005)
Progression of selective IgA deficiency to common variable immunodeficiency in a 16 year old boy. (1996)
Vliv substituční imunoglobulinové léčby na plicní funkce nemocných s primárními hypogamaglobulinémiemi (1997)
Těžké kombinované defekty imunity: existují tyto choroby v České republice? (1996)
Vyšetřovací metody v klinické imunologii (2002)
The evaluation of hypersensitivity to tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
The Drug Hypersensitivity to Tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
The evaluation of hypersensitivity to tribenoside (Glyvenol) (2009)
Change in Referral Diagnoses and Diagnostic Delay in Hypogammaglobulinaemic Patients during 28 Years in a Single Referral Centre (2010)
No association of FCRN promoter VNTR polymorphism with the rate of maternal-fetal IgG transfer (2010)
Association of FcRn expression with lung abnormalities and IVIG catabolism in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2010)
Tugendhat Registry: Patients at enrollment (2010)
Vliv rizikových faktorů na výskyt tromboembolické nemoci u dospívajících dívek: tušení souvistlosti. (2010)
Nutnost posunu BCG vakcinace - poučení z komlikací a úmrtí dětí s vrozenými imunodeficiencemi (2010)
Jednoduchá metoda k průkazu CD154 (CD40L) na lymfocytech v periferní krvi (2010)
Jak na bodnutí hmyzem a reakci na alergen? (2010)
Importance of screening of IgG anti-IgA antibodies in hypogammaglobulinemic subjects to prevent anaphylactoid reactions (2010)
Imunologické principy bezpečného očkování dětí (2010)
Sledování přítomnosti cyklofosfamidu ve vnitřním ovzduší a na povrchu materiálního vybavení Masarykova onkologického ústavu (2011)
Utilization of the solid sorbent media in monitoring of airborne cyclophosphamide concentrations and the implications for occupational hygiene (2011)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2011)
Antibody forming cells and plasmablasts in peripheral blood in CVID patients after vaccination (2011)
Intestinální mikroflóra v raném dětství - úloha při rozvoji infekčních a alergických chorob (2011)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
Soluble BAFF Levels Inversely Correlate with Peripheral B Cell Numbers and the Expression of BAFF Receptors (2012)
Tromboembolická nemoc u dospívajících v jihomoravském kraji v letech 2004 - 2010: výskyt známých rizikových faktorů. (2011)
Flow Based Enumeration of Plasmablasts in Peripheral Blood After Vaccination as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Assessing Antibody Responses in Patients with Hypogammaglobulinaemia (2012)
Roztroušená skleróza – prevence infekcí varicella-zoster virem (VZV) před zahájením léčby fingolimodem (2012)
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Additional Measures Introduced for the Protection of Healthcare Personnel Handling Antineoplastic Drugs (2013)
Kinetics of IgM and IgA Antibody Response to 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination in Healthy Subjects (2013)
Quantification of IgM and IgA Anti-Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides by a New ELISA Assay: a Valuable Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool for Common Variable Immunodeficiency (2013)
Nutnost posunu BCG vakcinace - poučení z komplikací a úmrtí dětí s vrozenými imunodeficiencemi (2010)
Vyhodnocení sběru epidemiologických dat u cévních mozkových příhod z registru IKTA. Incidence cévních mozkových příhod v okrese Zlín (2013)
Srovnání epidemiologických dat u akutních cévních mozkových příhod podle metodiky ÚZIS a IKTA ve zlínském okrese a v ČR (2013)
Rizikový profil pacientů s prodělanou ischemickou cévní mozkovou příhodou - analýza dat z registru Ikta (2013)
Dynamika tvorby přirozených antigalaktosylových protilátek v postnatálním období. (2006)
Průkaz přirozených anti-alfa-galaktosylových protilátek v isotypech IgM, IgG a IgA metodou ELISA. (2005)
Zdravotní a sociální ukazatele české populace a vybrané ukázky z dat studie ELSPAC (1991–2012) (2013)
Association of Surface Contamination by Antineoplastic Drugs With Different Working Conditions in Hospital Pharmacies (2014)
Intravenózní a subkutánní imunoglobulinová terapie (2013)
Registr selárních tumorů - RESET: diagnostika a léčba akromegalie v České a Slovenské republice v 21. století (2013)
Toxická epidermální nekrolýza a Stevensův Johnsonův syndrom: současné poznatky (2014)
Přehled záznamů o léčbě pacientů v registru Osteo CZ České osteologické společnosti ČLS JEP (analýza dat o léčbě preparátem FORSTEO a PREOTACT) (2013)
Výsledky současné léčby akromegalie v ČR a SR (2013)
Pathophysiological characterization of drug hypersensitivity to tribenoside (2014)
Clinical picture and treatment of 2212 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (2014)
The distribution of phenotypes in a population of severe COPD (2014)
BCG vaccination in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency: Complications, risks, and vaccination policies (2014)
Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 1.část, Diagnostické přístupy (2014)
Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 2. část, Léčba a novorozenecký screening (2014)
Alergie a autoimunita v komplexu dysregulace imunitního systému (2014)
Atypické laboratorní nálezy při diagnostice celiakie (2014)
Závažná reakce typu generalizovaného bulózního fixního lékového exantému po nimesulidu - popis případu (2014)
Diagnostika vrozených poruch imunity (2014)
Substituční imunoglobulinová léčba (2014)
The presence of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) in umbilical cord blood in both healthy and pre-eclamptic pregnancies and in human breast milk. (2015)
Gender differences in the projection of food preferences into food consumption in Czech adolescents (2015)
Histologie (2014)
Anti-Gal IgM, IgA and IgG Natural Antibodies in Childhood (2015)
Registr pacientů RESET (REgistr SElárních Tumorů): Cushingův syndrom - analýza k 7. 5. 2014 (2014)
Evaluation of medical information quality (2015)
Evaluation of medical information quality (2015)
Practical use of medical terminology in curriculum mapping (2015)
Česká multicentrická výzkumná databáze těžké chronické obstrukční plicní nemoci - popis projektu (2015)
Lokální anestetika v klinické praxi (2015)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2015)
A novel STAT3 gene mutation revealed in a patient with hyper IgE syndrome and severe eczema (2015)
Detection of impaired IgG antibody formation facilitates the decision on early immunoglobulin replacement in hypogammaglobulinemic patients (2015)
Interleukin-6 May Contribute to Mortality in Parkinson's Disease Patients: A 4-Year Prospective Study (2015)
Mother's education and the risk of preterm and small for gestational age birth: a DRIVERS meta-analysis of 12 European cohorts (2015)
Distribuce klinických fenotypů v populaci nemocných s těžkou chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí (pilotní analýza vstupních dat České multicentrické výzkumné databáze těžké CHOPN) (2015)
Gender differences in the treatment of first-episode schizophrenia: Results from the European First Episode Schizophrenia Trial (2015)
Kožní testy v diagnostice lékové alergie. Doporučení Pracovní skupiny pro lékové alergie ČSAKI (2015)
Imunologické aspekty moderní léčby roztroušené sklerózy (2015)
Lidské tělo (2015)
Jak se cítí dialyzovaný pacient? Pilotní výsledky dotazníkového průzkumu v České republice (2015)
Fenotypická heterogenita nemocných s těžkou CHOPN: Vstupní databáze z české multicentrické výzkumné databáze CHOPN (2015)
Psychometric properties of the Czech version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory - comparison between diagnostic groups (2015)
Vliv demografických parametrů, plicních funkčních ukazatelů a HRCT skóre na přežití a klinický průběh pacientů s IPF - analýza Českého registru IPF (2016)
Prevention awareness: the way towards a healthy lifestyle (2016)
Pilotní projekt aplikace zážitkové výchovy ke zdravému životnímu stylu (2016)
Common variants at PVT1, ATG13-AMBRA1, AHI1 and CLEC16A are associated with selective IgA deficiency (2016)
Primární aplikace podtlakové terapie u otevřených zlomenin III. stupně a její vliv na vznik infekčních komplikací (2016)
Fasciotomy closure using negative pressure wound therapy in lower leg compartment syndrome. (2016)
Risk scores for predicting death in COPD patients (2016)
Evolution of COPD phenotypes in time - Czech multicentre research database of severe COPD (2016)
Perceived effectiveness and attitudes of health professionals towards the Czech Incident Reporting System (2016)
Fatální anafylaktická reakce po pobodání včelami – kazuistika (2016)
Teriflunomid v léčbě relabující-remitující formy roztroušené sklerózy - imunomodulační mechanizmy (2016)
Biologická léčba secukinumabem (2016)
Lokální anestetika v klinické praxi (2016)
Imunologický náhled na moderní terapii roztroušené sklerózy (2016)
Diagnostika potravinové alergie metodou imunoblot (2016)
Predictive value of self-rated health in pregnancy for childbirth complications, adverse birth outcomes, and maternal health (2016)
Sociodemographic and delivery risk factors for developing postpartum depression in a sample of 3233 mothers from the Czech ELSPAC study (2017)
Phenotypes of COPD patients with a smoking history in Central and Eastern Europe: the POPE Study (2017)
EMPIRE Registry, Czech Part: Impact of Demographics, Pulmonary Function and HRCT on Survival and Clinical Course in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (2018)
Prospective Assessment of Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2017 Categories and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Phenotypes: Evolution During Two Years (2017)
Parental heights and maternal education as predictors of length/height of children at birth, age 3 and 19 years, independently on diet: the ELSPAC study (2017)
Alfa-Gal syndrom (2017)
Anafylaxe vyvolaná polibkem (2017)
„Cat-pork“ syndrom (2017)
Mother's education and offspring asthma risk in 10 European cohort studies (2017)
Antibodies against Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides and Natural Anti-Galactosyl (Alpha-Gal) in Patients with Humoral Immunodeficiencies (2017)
Cohort Profile: The European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC) in the Czech Republic (2017)
Critical assessment of the research outcomes of European birth cohorts: linking environmental factors with non-communicable diseases (2017)
Interleukin 6 and complement serum level study in Parkinson's disease (2018)
The Impact of Physical Activity during Pregnancy on Weight Gain and Delivery Outcomes (2018)
Role of combined prenatal and postnatal paracetamol exposure on asthma development: the Czech ELSPAC study (2018)
Sleeping habits of adolescents in relation to their physical activity and exercise output: results from the ELSPAC study (2018)
Multiplex Assay for Quantification of Acute Phase Proteins and Immunoglobulin A in Dried Blood Spots (2019)
A Comparative Study of Conservative Functional Treatment versus Acute Ligamentous Repair in Simple Dislocation of the Elbow in Adults (2018)
Estimated dietary iodine intake as a predictor of placental size: evidence from the ELSPAC study (2018)
Dynamics of allergy development during the first 5 years of life (2018)
Early-life exposure to household chemicals and wheezing in children (2019)
Perinatal Maternal Stress and Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases in Later Childhood: An Early Life Programming Perspective (2019)
Imaging of Bronchial Pathology in Antibody Deficiency: Data from the European Chest CT Group (2019)
Estimation of cadmium load from soybeans and soy-based foods for vegetarians (2020)
Estimation of cadmium load from soybeans and soy-based foods for vegetarians (2019)
Identification of microRNA signatures in umbilical cord blood associated with maternal characteristics (2019)
Význam rtg lebky při poraněních hlavy (2019)
Association between Stress Urinary incontinence and Depressive Symptoms after Birth : the Czech eLSpAc Study (2020)
Effects of Early and Systematic Integration of Specialist Palliative Care in Patients with Advanced Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial PALINT (2020)
Dietary pattern longitudinality during 8 years in children: results from the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ) (2021)
Základy vyšetření v klinické imunologii (2020)
Výživa dětí (2021)
Simultaneous quantitative profiling of clinically relevant immune markers in neonatal stool swabs to reveal inflammation (2021)
A model of perinatal stress and childhood wheezing: ELSPAC-CZ cohort (2021)
SWATH-MS identifikácia stathminu ako potenciálneho markeru nádorov endometria u pacientok liečených tamoxifenom analýzou FFPE tkanív (2021)
Cascade of hypertension care in Brno. Kardiovize Study (2021)
Profiling Tryptophan Catabolites of Human Gut Microbiota and Acute-Phase Protein Levels in Neonatal Dried Blood Specimens (2021)
Six-week inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles in mice affects antioxidant defense, immune response, kidneys, intestine and bones (2022)
Tracking of Maternal Physical Activity and Sport Participation over 11 Years: Findings from the Czech ELSPAC Study (2022)
Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Nutritional Status and Physical Activity Levels and a Sports Injury Reported in Children: A Seven-Year Follow-Up Study (2022)
Tracking of anthropometric characteristics from childhood to adolescence: an 8-year follow-up findings from the Czech ELSPAC study (2022)
Longitudinal associations between sport participation and fat mass with body posture in children: A 5-year follow-up from the Czech ELSPAC study (2022)
Advancing tools for human early lifecourse exposome research and translation (ATHLETE) (2021)
Dietary patterns and birth outcomes in the ELSPAC pregnancy cohort (2022)
Personal care product use and lifestyle affect phthalate and DINCH metabolite levels in teenagers and young adults (2022)
Neonatal Diet and Gut Microbiome Development After C-Section During the First Three Months After Birth: A Systematic Review (2022)
Nationwide increases in anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies between October 2020 and March 2021 in the unvaccinated Czech population (2022)
Effect of mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on gut bacteriome of newborns in the first days of their life: a case-control study (2022)
Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Stimulate the Immune Response and Decrease Antioxidant Defense in Mice After Six-Week Inhalation (2022)
Cumulative risk assessment of five phthalates in European children and adolescents (2022)
Development of a questionnaire for a patient-reported outcome after nasal reconstruction (2022)
Birth outcomes, puberty onset, and obesity as long-term predictors of biological aging in young adulthood (2023)
Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in relation to natural infection and vaccination between October 2020 and September 2021 in the Czech Republic: a prospective national cohort study (2023)
The effectiveness of three mobile-based psychological interventions in reducing psychological distress and preventing stress-related changes in the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network in breast cancer survivors: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2023)
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Modulate Systemic Immune Response and Increase Levels of Reduced Glutathione in Mice after Seven-Week Inhalation (2023)
Exposure to flame retardants in European children - Results from the HBM4EU aligned studies (2023)
Harmonized human biomonitoring in European children, teenagers and adults: EU-wide exposure data of 11 chemical substance groups from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014-2021) (2023)
The effect of intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis on neonatal gut and oral bacteriome (2023)
Impact of PFAS exposure on prevalence of immune-mediated diseases in adults in the Czech Republic (2023)
Time Patterns in Internal Human Exposure Data to Bisphenols, Phthalates, DINCH, Organophosphate Flame Retardants, Cadmium and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Europe (2023)
Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid cells by flow cytometry: Comparison to conventional cytology (2023)
The effect of intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis on oral bacteriome in neonates in the first week of theri life - i pilot study (2023)
Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c (2023)
Altered Transcriptome Response in PBMCs of Czech Adults Linked to Multiple PFAS Exposure: B Cell Development as a Target of PFAS Immunotoxicity (2024)
Association between muscle strength and depression in a cohort of young adults (2024)
Impact of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on the oral and fecal bacteriomes of children in the first week of life (2024)
Gene expression patterns associated with PFOA exposure in Czech young men and women (2024)
Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic (2024)
Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults (2024)
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