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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Meta Computing - New Direction in High Performance Computing (1997)
Haptic Visualization of Molecular Data (1999)
Studying Conformational Behaviour with PHANToM device(s) (1999)
Handling Cycles in Conformational Behaviour Visualization (2000)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Flexibility (2000)
Conformational Analysis as a Testbed for MetaComputer (2000)
Security Infrastructure ot the MetaCenter (2000)
Videokonference v aktivních sítích (2000)
Jak se domluvit s Evropou (2000)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Properties (2001)
An Active Network Architecture: Distributed Computer or Transport Medium (2001)
Haptic Rendering of Molecular Conformations (2001)
MetaCenter -- Building a Virtual Supercomputer (2001)
Haptic rendering of complex force fields (2003)
Building 3D State Spaces of Virtual Environments with a TDS-based Algorithm (2003)
Grid Infrastructure Monitoring as Reliable Information Service (2004)
Distributed Tracking, Storage, and Re-use of Job State Information on the Grid (2004)
Practical approaches to Grid workload and resource management in the EGEE project (2004)
Haptically Driven Travelling Through Conformational Space (2005)
Perun -- Fault-Tolerant Management of Grid Resources (2005)
Distribuované výpočty složitých stavových prostorů (2005)
Capability and Attribute Based GRID Monitoring Architecture (2005)
Towards Scalable and Interoperable Grid Monitoring Infrastructure (2005)
User Management for Virtual Organizations (2005)
Grid Scheduling and Monitoring (2005)
Packet Filtering for FPGA-Based Routing Accelerator (2006)
Capability languages in C-GMA (2006)
VOCE---A Grid Environment for Central Europe (2006)
Routing and Level 2 Addressing in a Hardware Accelerator for Network Applications (2006)
Best Practices of User Account Management with Virtual Organization Based Access to Grid (2006)
User Management for Virtual Organizations (2006)
Hardware-constrained Packet Classification (2006)
Routing, L2 Addressing, and Packet Filtering in a Hardware Engine (2006)
Proceedings of the Second Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2006) (2006)
Designing a Distributed Mediator for the C-GMA Monitoring Architecture (2006)
Haptický model interakce molekul (2006)
Distributed Data Storage with Strong Offline Access Support (2007)
Secure Logistical Networking in Virtual Organizations (2007)
Network Overhead in Virtual Machines (2007)
Virtualizace rozsáhlé výpočetní infrastruktury (2007)
Bezpečný distribuovaný úložný prostor (2007)
Secure Logistical Networking in Virtual Organizations (2007)
Grid Deployment Using Virtual Machines: METACenter Use-Case (2007)
Designing a distributed mediator for the C-GMA monitoring architecture (2007)
Grid Simulator with Production Scheduling Algorithms (abstract) (2007)
MEMICS 2007: Third Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2007)
Magrathea -- Grid Management Using Virtual Machine (2007)
Scheduling Virtual Grids: the Magrathea System (2007)
IPv6 in METACenter (2007)
Nonblocking Distributed Replication of Versioned Files (2007)
Hypertextové atlasy patologie 2007 (2007)
Úvod do IPv6 (2008)
Effects of Virtualisation on Behaviour and Performance Characteristics of Network Processing (2008)
Secure and Fault Tolerant Distributed Framework with Mobility Support (2008)
Virtualizing METACentrum Resources Using Magrathea (2008)
MetaCenter Virtual Networks (2008)
IPv6 in METACenter (2008)
MEMICS 2008, Fourth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2008)
Job Provenance - Insight into Very Large Provenance Datasets (2008)
MEMICS 2008, Fourth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2008)
Služby ÚVT pro vědu a výzkum (2008)
Experience with Large Scale Simulations on the EGEE Grid for the AUGER collaboration (2008)
Experimental evaluation of job provenance in ATLAS environment (2008)
Multiple Ligand Trajectory Docking Study: Semiautomatic Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using EGEE gLite Services (2007)
MEMICS 2007: Third Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2007)
Virtual microscope interface to high resolution histological images (2008)
MetaCenter Virtual Networks (2009)
e-Infrastruktury - komplexní nástroje pro podporu vědy, výzkumu i výuky (2009)
VirtCloud: Virtualising Network for Grid Environments--First Experiences (2009)
VirtCloud: Virtual Network for User-controlled Virtual Clusters (2009)
Virtualizace v gridových infrastrukturách (2009)
Virtuální grid: virtualizace krátí cestu do MetaCentra (2009)
Správa dat v gridových systémech (2009)
MEMICS 2009, Fifth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2009)
MetaCentrum, the Czech Virtualized NGI (2009)
Distribuované zpracování obrazu pro virtuální mikroskop (2009)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI; CESNET technical report 17/2009 (2009)
Virtual Clusters as a New Service of MetaCentrum, the Czech NGI (2010)
Something you may have wanted to know about L&B (2010)
Real Time Monitor of Grid job executions (2010)
MetaCentrum Yearbook 2009 (2010)
UltraGrid2K (2009)
MEMICS 2010: Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2010)
Compression of Vector Field Changing in Time (2010)
MetaCentrum—e-Infrastructure for Computational and Data Challenges (2010)
Ráno Eduroamisto, večer takisto (2010)
Distributed Storage Framework with Offline Support (2007)
Kterak posluchárny spojovati a ještě záznam poříditi aneb audiovizuální technika na MU (2011)
Centrum CERIT-SC po roce příprav (2011)
Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS'10) -- Selected Papers (2011)
Compression of Vector Field Changing in Time (2011)
Peer-to-peer Cooperative Scheduling Architecture for National Grid Infrastructure (2011)
MEMICS 2011, Seventh Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2011)
The Extension of TORQUE Scheduler Allowing the Use of Planning and Optimization Algorithms in Grids (2011)
Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science MEMICS 2011, Seventh International Doctoral Workshop, Revised Selected Papers (2012)
Special issue: The first provenance challenge (2008)
gLite Job Provenance - a job-centric view (2008)
Job Centric Monitoring on the Grid 7 years of experience with L&B and JP services (2008)
Practical Experiences with Torque Meta-Scheduling in The Czech National Grid (2012)
Towards Peer-to-Peer Scheduling Architecture for the Czech National Grid (2011)
New Fairness and Performance Metrics for Current Grids (2012)
Planning, Predictability and Optimization within the TORQUE Scheduler (2012)
8th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (2012)
Long Term Preservation of Digital Data—Background Research (2012)
Hypertext Atlases of Pathology (2012)
Nemesis - a molecular modeling package (2013)
Choice of Data Transfer Protocols in Remote Storage Applications (2013)
3.5 Million Smartmeters in the Cloud (2013)
Advanced implementation of atomic charge calculation with electronegativity equalization (2013)
Genome assembly and annotation for red clover (Trifolium pratense; Fabaceae) (2014)
Empirical charges for chemoinformatics applications (2013)
NEEMP – Tool for parameterization of empirical charge calculation method EEM (2014)
Distributed job scheduling in MetaCentrum (2015)
Nonlinear vs. linear biasing in Trp-cage folding simulations (2015)
Accurate Fitting SAXS Curves with NMR Structure Ensembles (2015)
High-quality and universal empirical atomic charges for chemoinformatics applications (2015)
NEEMP – nástroj pro parametrizaci EEM (2016)
Parametrizace ekvalizace elektronegativity metodou diferenciální evoluce (2016)
NEEMP: software for validation, accurate calculation and fast parameterization of EEM charges (2016)
Guided Optimization Method for Fast and Accurate Atomic Charges Computation (2016)
Accelerated RMSD Calculation for Molecular Metadynamics (2016)
Reducing the number of mean-square deviation calculations with floating close structure in metadynamics (2017)
Direct SAXS Curve Fitting with an Ensable of Conformations (2016)
Identification of "BRAF-Positive" Cases Based on Whole-Slide Image Analysis (2017)
Acceleration of Mean Square Distance Calculations with Floating Close Structure in Metadynamics Simulations (2018)
Scheduling Challenges in a Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure (2017)
Metodika bitové ochrany digitálních dat (2019)
West-Life: A Virtual Research Environment for structural biology (2019)
Real-life Experience with Private Cloud hosting Heterogeneous Scientific Workloads (2018)
Exploring Protein Folding Space with Neural Network Guided Simulations (2020)
ARCLib (2020)
Similarity Search for an Extreme Application: Experience and Implementation (2021)
Lower bound on the size of a quasirandom forcing set of permutations (2022)
The EurOPDX Data Portal: an open platform for patient-derived cancer xenograft data sharing and visualization (2022)
Complex simulation workflows in containerized high-performance environment (2021)
Property Map Collective Variable as a Useful Tool for a Force Field Correction (2022)
Reconstructing of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel using state-of-the-art molecular and bioinformatics tools (2022)
Collective Variable for Metadynamics Derived From AlphaFold Output (2022)
Using Kubernetes in Academic Environment : Problems and Approaches (2023)
Nextflow in Bioinformatics: Executors Performance Comparison Using Genomics Data (2023)
Automatic storing, sharing and archiving datasets with Onedata (2022)
Automating scientific dataset management and processing using Onedata (2022)
Managed Kubernetes — Next Gen Academic Infrastructure? (2022)
αCharges: partial atomic charges for AlphaFold structures in high quality (2023)
A survey of the European Open Science Cloud services for expanding the capacity and capabilities of multidisciplinary scientific applications (2023)
An Evaluation of EDAM Coverage in the Tools Ecosystem and Prototype Integration of Galaxy and Workflowhub Systems. (2023)
Building OpenStack Cloud with Kubernetes as Undercloud (2023)
Easy Deployment of Dask and Jupyter Notebooks on Managed Kubernetes (2023)
Cloudification of scientific experimental data using Onedata (2023)
Synthesizing Resilient Strategies for Infinite-Horizon Objectives in Multi-Agent Systems (2023)
Enhancing Data Accessibility: Strategies and Tools for Effective Metadata Management (2023)
Beskar Cloud: OpenStack Deployment on Top of Kubernetes (2023)
Management of life-science data and their metadata (2023)
Onedata4Sci: Life-science experimental datasets management system (2023)
Introduction to Onedata at CEITEC MU and in Czech National Repository Platform (2023)
Introduction to the new generation EGI container execution platform (2024)
Acceleration of Molecular Simulations by Parametric Time-Lagged tSNE Metadynamics (2024)
Monte Carlo Tree Search with Function Approximation for Risk-constrained Planning and Reinforcement Learning (2023)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome (2024)
CzeGPT-2 – Training New Model for Czech Generative Text Processing Evaluated with the Summarization Task (2024)
Data workflows at CEITEC MU (2024)
MAFILDB - technická realizace (2024)
AlphaFind: discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
Hands-on experience with big data transfer via iRODS and Onedata (2024)
Research Data Management at CEITEC MU (2024)
Rare ring conformations in PDB: Facts or wishful thinking? (2024)
Quantum Chemistry-Based Prediction of Electron Ionization Mass Spectra for Environmental Chemicals (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of ESM Atlas (2024)
LMI-10: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
GraSR: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
LMI-30: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
Data Management and FAIRification in MAFIL (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind (2024)
Fast, structure-based searching in a large-scale protein data repository (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB v4 (2024)
3D-af-Surfer: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome – data and model (2024)
Analysis of metadynamics simulations by metadynminer.py (2024)
Data Management of Biological Imaging Data (2024)
Scientific Dataset Management System for the Research Institute Based on Onedata (2024)
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