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miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities (2009)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients is dependent on p53 functionality (2009)
Relationship between therapy and clonal evolution of TP53 abnormalities in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
Characterization of 22Q11 deletion in CLL patients. (2009)
Sensitization of leukemic cells to fludarabine by monoclonal antibody rituximab - identification of responsible genes (2009)
Focused microarray for lymphoma diagnostics. (2009)
MicroRNAs expression pattern in aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities. (2009)
Sekvenování lidského genomu - technologie nové generace aneb budeme rutinně sekvenovat lidské genomy? (2009)
Senzitivizace CLL buněk na fludarabin monoklonální protilátkou rituximab - identifikace zodpovědných genů (2009)
Monoclonal antibody rituximab sensitizes a proportion of CLL samples to fludarabine - searching for responsible genes (2009)
Impact of monoallelic TP53 deffects on survival and DNA damage response in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
Intracoronary delivery of bone marrow cells to the acutely infarcted myocardium (2009)
Analýza lehkého řetězce imunoglobulinu lambda u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2009)
Gene-expression profiling of graft-versus-host disease by oligonucleotide microarrays (2009)
Monoallelic and biallelic inactivation of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: selection, impact on survival, and response to DNA damage. (2009)
Charakterizace exprese microRNA u CLL pacientů s delecemi 17p13 a 22q11. (2009)
Charakterizace delece 22q11 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2009)
Monoallelic and biallelic inactivation of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: selection, impact on survival, and response to DNA damage. (2009)
Stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukemie: možnosti a vývoj metodických přístupů založených na PCR a RQ-PCR (2009)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and mir-650 role in CLL patients. (2009)
Analysis of the DNA-binding activity of p53 mutants using functional protein microarrays and its relationship to transcriptional activation (2010)
Analýza imunoglobulinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2010)
High Expression of Lymphocyte-Activation Gene 3 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells is Associated with Unmutated IGHV and Reduced Treatment-Free Survival. (2010)
Způsob stanovení prognózy B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2010)
Analýza p53 mutací in vitro a in vivo (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
Resekvenační mikročipy: nástroj pro výzkum a diagnostiku chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2010)
Sledování minimální reziduální nemoci u mantle cell lymfomu a preemptivní léčba rituximabem v případě molekulárního relapsu (2010)
Resekvenační mikročipy: nástroj pro výzkum a diagnostiku chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2010)
The origin of 22q11 deletion and microRNA-650 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). (2010)
Subklasifikace ne-Hodgkinských lymfomů pomocí cílených DNA čipů (2010)
Multiplex long-range PCR pro detekci t(11;14) u lymfomu z plášťových buněk (2010)
B-lymphocytes genomic analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2010)
Selection and clinical relevance of monoallelic and biallelic TP53 defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
PCR detection of non-mtc T(11;14) translocations in mantle cell lymphoma (2010)
Non-hodgkin lymphoma subtypes classification using focused microarray (2010)
T(14;18) in follicular lymphoma: a real-time (PCR) for a real life...? (2010)
Study of valproic acid treatment effect on gene expression in spinal muscular atrophy derived fibroblast cultures using microarrays (2010)
Custom microarray for non-hodgkin lymphoma classification (2010)
Application of genomic approaches in hematooncological research and diagnostics (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and miR-650 role in CLL patients (2010)
Alteration of CLL clones during course of the disease accelerated by therapy: teo cases with VH1-69 selection (2010)
The composition of the B cell receptor repertoire in 7428 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: one third stereotyped, two thirds heterogeneous - what does this mean? (2010)
Microarrays study of valproic acid treatment effect on gene expression in spinal muscular atrophy derived human fibroblast cultures. (2010)
Folikulární lymfom a význam nádorového mikroprostředí. (2010)
The composition of the B cell receptor repertoire in 7428 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: one third stereotyped, two thirds heterogenous – what does this mean? (2010)
The mystery of FDG-PET avidity in follicular lymphoma. Does microenvironment play the key role? (2010)
Clonal evolution of malignant populations in potentially biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. (2010)
Gene expression profiling in follicular lymphoma and its implication for clinical practise (2011)
A novel method for detection of NON-MTC breakpoints in mantle cell lymphoma patients. (2011)
Technické aspekty stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u lymfomů. (2011)
Sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně. (2011)
Klinický význam Bcl2/IgH ve sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u folikulárního lymfomu. (2011)
Využití monitorace minimální reziduální nemoci u mantle cell lymfomu v klinické praxi (2011)
Analýza biklonálních /bifenotypických případů chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2011)
Whole genome analysis of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2011)
Monitoring of minimal residual disease in mantle cell lymphoma (2011)
Analysis of potentially biclonal CLL patients with two or three productive IGH rearrangements. (2011)
Prognosis of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) after combined fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) treatment. (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Evaluation of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using resequencing microarray platforms (2011)
Mutační analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfoctární leukemií (2011)
Gene expression based classification of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (2011)
Detection of clonal evolution and subclonal heterogeneity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using deep sequencing of antioncogene TP53 (2011)
The regulation, targets, and clinical relevance of microRNA mir-650 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2011)
Mutational analysis of mir-29 family members in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using multicolor flow cytometry versus quantitative real time PCR (2011)
IgVH mutational status in CLL; MRD assessment (2011)
Evaluation of minimal residual disease IgVH mutational status examinations (2011)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2011)
Double/Triple productive immunoglobulin rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Identification of minor proportion p53 mutations selected later by therapy (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
MicroRNA mutational analysis in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Způsob detekce chromozomální translokace t(11;14)(q13;q32) a oligonukleotidy pro použití při tomto způsobu (2011)
Zpracování dat z vysoce výkonných sekvenátorů (2011)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
"ULTRA-DEEP" sekvenování identifikuje TP53 mutace před jejich klonální selekcí léčbou u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Molekulárně-biologické přístupy mutační analýzy genu TP53 u onkologických pacientů. (2012)
A real-time (PCR) for a real life ...? Quantitative evaluation of BCL2/IGH in follicular lymphoma and its implications for clinical practice (2012)
Molekulární vlastnosti imunoglobulinů a jejich význam v klonální evoluci chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Přenesení t(11;14) pozitivních buněk alogenní transplantací kostní dřeně: 10-letá cesta k mantle cell lymfomu (2012)
Preemptivní imunoterapie molekulárního relapsu u pacientů s mantle cell lymfomem (2012)
Dynamika BCL2/IGH a vztah molekulární a klinické aktivity u folikulárního lymfomu (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2012)
Mutace T315I je nejvýznamnějším faktorem pro regresi onemocnění u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií rezistentních na terapii tyrozin kinázovými inhibitory (2012)
Detekce minimální zbytkové nemoci u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií průtokovou cytometrií a RQ-PCR (2012)
Molekulárně genetické aspekty klonální evoluce chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Úloha microRNA v regulaci signalizace přes b-buněčný receptor a jejich vztah k patogenezi chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2012)
Detekce klonální selekce u CLL pacientů pomocí ultra-deep sekvenování (2012)
Tumor dynamics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with multiple productive IGHV-IGHD-IGHJ rearrangement (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Clonal selection of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia detected by ultra-deep pyrosequencing (2012)
Genomic copy number alternations in high-risk CLL patients harboring TP53 defects: insights from consecutive investigations (2012)
Specific p53 mutations do not impact results of alemtuzumab therapy among patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
T315I mutations are clustered with advanced phases contrary to other aberrations in CML patients resistant to TKI therapy (2012)
Deep sequencing identifies TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Role of immunoglobuline molecules in leukemias and lymphoma (2012)
In vitro testování účinnosti na komplementu záviské cytotoxity monoklonálních protilátek určených pro léčbu B-buněčných malignit (2012)
Gene expression profiling of acute graft-vs-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (2012)
Exprese nestinu i v nádorových buňkách hematologických malignit - leukémií a lymfomů (2012)
Stereotyped B-cell receptors in one-third of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a molecular classification with implications for targeted therapies (2012)
Fludarabine with cytarabine followed by reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with poor-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Mesalamine modulates intercellular adhesion intercellular adhesion through inhibition of p-21 activated kinase-1 (2013)
Mutational analysis of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different methodological approaches (2012)
Skewing of the T cell receptor gene repertoire and public clonotypes in cytotoxic T cells of patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia: a role for antigen selection in disease development (2012)
Microrna-34a as a marker for fludarabine resistance and impairment of p53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Clonal selection in the ontogeny and evolution of splenic marginal zone lymphoma confirming the existence of distinct molecular subtypes (2012)
Distinct profiles of in vivo class switch recombination in chronic lymphocytic leukemia subsets with stereotyped B cell receptors, suggestive of distinct modes of activation by antigen (2012)
Active crosstalk with the microenvironment leading to clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with stereotyped IGHV4-34/IGKV2-30 antigen receptors (2012)
T cell receptor gene repertoire restriction in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia with stereotyped IGHV4-34/IGKV2-30 antigen receptors (2012)
High expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase and in vivo class switch recombination in mantle cell lymphoma: further support for antigen involvement in lymphomagenesis (2012)
Sequence variations in miRNA genes are common and may affect their expression in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Antigen receptor stereotypy across B-cell lymphoproliferations: the case of IGHV4-59/IGKV3-20 receptors with rheumatoid factor activity (2012)
Korelace prognostických markerů LAG3, LPL a ZAP70 s mutačním stavem IGHV pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2012)
Identifikace patogeneticky významných mutací u chronické lymfocytární leukemie pomocí "sekvenování nové generace" (2012)
Analýza IgVH u CLL - mezinárodní spolupráce, nové poznatky (2012)
Nové genomické přístupy v onkologii (2012)
The Planar Cell Polarity Pathway Drives Pathogenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by the Regulation of B-Lymphocyte Migration (2013)
Selection of antigen receptors in splenic marginal-zone lymphoma: further support from the analysis of the immunoglobulin light-chain gene repertoire (2012)
The role of immunoglobulin B-cell receptor in follicular lymphoma (2013)
Metodou RT-qPCR k predikci vývoje chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2013)
Molekulární biologie CLL - význam molekulárních prognostických faktorů (2013)
Význam imunoglobulinového receptoru u folikulárního lymfomu (2013)
The origin of deletion 22q11 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is related to the rearrangement of immunoglobulin lambda light chain locus (2013)
Distinct frequency and profiles of TP53 gene mutations in CLL subgroups with distinct antigen receptors: Evidence for antigen-driven selection of genomci aberrations. (2013)
B cell receptor stereotypy makes a clinical difference in CLL: revelations from a multi-institutional series of 4615 cases (2013)
The expression of a single microRNA -miR-34a - is a reliable marker for impairment of TP53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
CLL: Different ages, dfferent antigen receptor profiles (2013)
A Comprehensive Web-based Platform For Domain-Specific Biological Models (2013)
Influence of pulsed electromagnetic and pulsed vector magnetic potential field on the growth of tumor cells (2014)
Molekulárně genetické aspekty homozygotní FH a situace v ČR (2013)
Syndrom fragilního chromozómu X - expanzivní repetice v lidském genomu (2013)
The expression of micrRNA-34a is a highly reliable for impairment of p53-pathway in CLL: development of clinically applicable assay (2013)
Využití moderních genomických přístupů v diagnostice a léčbě lekémií (2013)
Expression of the stem cell marker nestin in leukemia cells (2013)
Detecting minimal residual disease in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using 8-color flow cytometry protocol in routine hematological practice. (2014)
Stanovení prognózy pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (CLL) (2013)
Monogenní hypercholesterolemie v ordinaci klinického genetika (2013)
Transmission of t(11;14)-positive cells by allogeneic stem cell transplant: 10-year journey to mantle cell lymphoma (2014)
The BCR-ABL1 T315I mutation and additional genomic aberrations are dominant genetic lesions associated with disease progression in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia resistant to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. (2013)
Sekvenování nové generace jako nástroj moderního mikrobiologického výzkumu (2014)
Whole genome sequencing of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains (2014)
Biological and clinical relevance of mirnas induced in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells during administration of therapy in vivo and in vitro (2014)
Multiple productive immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia are mostly derived from independent clones (2014)
Identification of novel sequence variations in microRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different detection methods (2015)
Distinct in vitro sensitivity of p53-mutated and ATM-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2014)
Detailed analysis of therapy-driven clonal evolution of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Incorporation of next-generation sequencing into ATM gene analysis in patients with CLL and MCL. (2014)
Not ALL IghV3-21 CLL are equal: subset 2 displays a distinctive clinicobiological profile with remarkable similarities to subset 169, its close immunogenetic relative (2014)
Deep sequencing for detailed analysis of TP53 mutations clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Significance of genomic abnormalities in evolution of biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Clinical impact of stereotyped antigen receptors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Protein folding disease: Familiar Hypercholesterolemia (2014)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a význam sekvenování nové generace při studiu patogeneze onemocnění (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Variant within the apolipoprotein B and its role in pseudo-FH development (2014)
Nový diagnostický algoritmus autosomálně dominantní hypercholesterolémie v ČR (2014)
Familiární hypercholesterolemie: diagnostika a funkční analýza (2014)
Význam mutační analýzy prognostických markerů u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím přístupů další generace sekvenováním (2014)
Gentické aberace v B-lymfocytu chronické lymfocytární leukémie - vznik, selekce a dopad na terapii (2014)
Co všechno nám mohou napovědět imunoglobulinové geny u chronické lymfatické leukémie (2014)
Co nového v molekulární diagnostice FH (2014)
Prognostic impact of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in TP53-mutated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Deep sequencing for identification of minor-clone TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Clinical effect of stereotyped B-cell receptor immunoglobulins in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: A retrospective multicentre study (2014)
Bioinformatics Summer School 2014: Theoretical and practical aspects of processing and analysis of sequencing data (2014)
Validace TP53 sady na CLL a FFPE vzorcích (2014)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2015)
Prognostický význam hot spot mutace genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a souvislosti s molekulárně biologickými markery onemocnění (2015)
MicroRNAs in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells. (2015)
MicroRNA involvement in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells (2015)
Průkaz oligoklonální chronické lymfocytární leukémie u případů s jedinou fenotypově homogenní populací dle průtokové cytometrie - studie na úrovni jednotlivých buněk (2015)
Analysis of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements at the single cell level - proof of chronic lymphocytic leukemia oligoclonality (2015)
Molecular Evidence for Antigen Drive in the Natural History of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (2015)
Not all IGHV3-21 chronic lymphocytic leukemias are equal: prognostic considerations (2015)
Complex analysis of the p53 tumor suppressor in lung carcinoma (2016)
Single cell analysis of IG genes in CLL: Cases with multiple IGH rearrangements are constituted of several independent clones even when indistinguishable by flow cytometry. (2015)
Minimal residual disease detection in patients with mantle cell lymphoma: a komparative analysis of flow cytometry and RQ-PCR approach. (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show feature sof somatic hypermutation process with prominent diference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronci lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
B cell surface molecules expression changes during in-vitro standard cultivation and thein impact on anti-CD20 antibodies efficacy – room for interlaboratory variability. (2015)
Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in patients with mantle cell lymphoma using flow cytometry versus RQ-PCR. (2015)
Next-Gen sequencing technologies and applications (2013)
Metoda pro klasifikaci endoparazitů primátů (2015)
Sekvenování virové DNA z terénních izolátů (2015)
Co-expression of cancer stem cell markers corresponds to a pro-tumorigenic expression profile in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (2016)
Functional analysis of the p.(Leu15Pro) and p.(Gly20Arg) sequence changes in the signal sequence of LDL receptor (2016)
Cancer stem cell markers in pediatric sarcomas: Sox2 is associated with tumorigenicity in immunodeficient mice (2016)
Impaired mitophagy in Fanconi anemia is dependent on mitochondrial fission (2016)
Identification of miRNA expression profiles in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2016)
Studium selekce genomických abnormalit v průběhu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
ATM gene mutations represent a hallmark of mantle cell lymphoma but do not impact patients survival. (2016)
Využití celoexomového sekvenování (2016)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor P27KIP1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with fuctional ATM/p53 signaling pathway. (2016)
Studium klonální kompozice chronické lymfocytární leukemie s vícečetnými imunoglobulinovými přestavbami na úrovni jednotlivých buněk. (2016)
Single cell analysis of clonality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with multiple immunoglobulin gene rearrangement. (2016)
Introduction of nanopore sequencing to genomic core facility RNA workflows (2016)
Neinvazivní testování prenatální diagnostika - zkušenosti s testem Clarigo (2016)
Zkušenosti s analýzou genů BRCA1 a BRCA2 pomocí NGS. (2016)
Analýza genových aberací spojených s Ph-like ALL. (2016)
Interpretace výsledků molekulárně genetického vyšetření u pacientů s FH (2016)
Minoritní klony s mutací genu TP53 se vyskytují v chronické fázi myeloproliferativních neoplázií nezávisle na léčbě hydroxyureou (2016)
Low-Burden TP53 mutations occur in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms regardless of hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 status (2016)
Identifikace rodiny s nosičstvím germinální delece genu SUFU na podkladě diagnózy desmoplastického meduloblastomu u batolete (2016)
Příprava amplikonových knihoven a sekvenování (2016)
Sekvenování bakteriálních genomů (2016)
Exomové sekvenování (2016)
Příprava amplikonových knihoven a sekvenování (UK) (2016)
Příprava amplikonových knihoven a sekvenování (VFU) (2016)
Global MicroRNA Expression Profiling Identifies Unique MicroRNA Pattern of Radioresistant Glioblastoma Cells (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in NOD SCID GAMMA mouse (2017)
CALR mutační profil pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
Studium klonality AML v imunodeficientní myši. (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in NSG mouse (2017)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with functional ATM/p53 signaling pathway (2017)
COBLL1, LPL and ZAP70 expression defines prognostic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with high accuracy and correlates with IGHV mutational status (2017)
Local chemical sympathectomy of rat bone marrow and its effect on marrow cell composition (2017)
Regulation of B-cell receptor signalling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) microenvironment via modulation of GAB1 protein levels. (2017)
Zkušenosti s neinvazivní prenatální diagnostiku – test Clarigo (2017)
Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic: More Than 17 Years of Systematic Screening Within the MedPed Project (2017)
MicroRNA and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: Whole miRNome profiling of human hippocampus (2017)
Exomové sekvenování v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií (2017)
Somatické mutace v genu CALR u pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
Význam a využití NGS v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií. (2017)
The role of microenvironment in the regulation of B-cell receptor signalling via modulation of GAB1 protein levels (2017)
Could nanopore sequencing help us improve genome assembly of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Polyopisthocotylea, Diplozoidae)? (2017)
The level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 Kip1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2017)
Multiple productive IGH rearrangements denote oligoclonality even in immunophenotypically monoclonal CLL (2018)
Study of structural and elastic properties of DNA mutation motifs using computational methods. (2017)
Simulation of AML clonality in patient-derived xenografts. (2017)
Characterization of Non-B DNA structures in complex environment of mammalian cells by in cell NMR spectroscopy (2017)
Monitoring DNA-ligand interactions using in cell NMR spectroscopy (2017)
Cellular structural biology of nucleic acids (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data (2017)
GLASS:assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
B cell receptor signaling actvity is associated with genomic defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Promoter methylation of ROR ligand WNTA associates with its expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
GLASS – A tool for assisted Sanger data analysis. (2017)
Chromothripsis is associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Complex genome rearrangements are associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Tracking Low-Burden TP53-mutated subclones during CLL treatment and remission using ROR1 separation (2017)
CEITEC laboratories tour (2017)
Low-burden TP53 mutations in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms: association with age, hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 mutational status (2018)
The clinical impact of targeted „next-generation“ sequencing in molecular diagnostics of intellectual disabilities and multiple congenital abnormalities (2017)
Investigation of next-generation sequencing data of Klebsiella pneumoniae using web-based tools (2017)
The clinical utility of array-CGH and targeted NGS in idiopathic intellectual disabilities and developmental delays: a case report of SCN2A p.Ala263Val variant (2017)
Evaluation of the Stability of DNA i-Motifs in the Nuclei of Living Mammalian Cells (2018)
Transcription factor YY1 can control AID-mediated mutagenesis in mice (2018)
GLASS (2017)
ÚOCHB student retreat - CEITEC Genomics Core Facility (2017)
CF Genomics Summer Seminar (2016)
CF Genomics Summer Seminar II (2016)
CF Genomics Summer Seminar III (2016)
CF Genomics Summer Seminar IV (2016)
Monogeneans in the pores (2018)
Trypanosomatid mitochondrial RNA editing: dramatically complex transcript repertoires revealed with a dedicated mapping tool (2018)
The influence of mutational status and biological characteristics of acute myeloid leukemia on xenotransplantation outcomes in NOD SCID gamma mice (2018)
MicroRNA-210 expression during childbirth and postpartum as potential biomarker of acute fetal hypoxia (2018)
Laser microdissection and mass spectrometry: protein analysis of strictly selected tissue from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2018)
Autozómovo recesívna polycystická choroba obličiek - Vždy iná, a predsa tá istá (2017)
Sequencing of Microdissection-Derived FISH Probes (2017)
Transposable elements in hematological malignancies (2018)
Monogenea, fish parasites and their unknown molecules (2018)
Dědičné trombocytopenie (2018)
Studium klonality AML v imunodeficientním myším modelu (2018)
Ph-like genové aberace u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní ALL v České republice. (2018)
Bioinformatická platforma pro rutinní využití v diagnostice pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2018)
Tracking the minor clones in oligoclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia using high-throughput immunoprofiling (2018)
Ph-like genové aberace u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní ALL v České republice. (2018)
Gene aberrations in adult patients with Ph-like ALL in the Czech Republic. (2018)
Autosomal dominant hypercholesterolaemia (2018)
Detekce patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičného onemocnění metodou celoexomového sekvenování – kazuistiky (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnsotics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Gene aberrations in adult patients with Ph-negative ALL in the Czech Republic (2018)
Determination of causal variants in iherited thrombocytopenias (2018)
Celoexomové sekvenování a expresní profilování jako diagnostický podklad pro tvorbu individualizovaných léčebných plánů pro děti se solidními nádory (2018)
Dynamics of microRNA expression during early onset epileptogenesis (2018)
ClinVar database of global familial hypercholesterolemia-associated DNA variants (2018)
Základní bioinformatické pojmy a postupy využívané pro analýzu DNA pomocí sekvenování nové generace (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnostics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Promoter methylation of ROR1 ligand WNT5A associates with its expression in CLL (2018)
Next-generation sequencing library preparation for low input cell-free DNA (2018)
Study of AML clonality in NGS mouse (2018)
A novel germline mutation in GP1BA gene N-terminal domain in monoallelic Bernard-Soulier syndrome (2018)
Activation-induced deaminase and its splice variants associate with trisomy 12 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Open Day MUNI 2018 (2018)
A novel germline mutation of the SFTPA1 gene in familial interstitial pneumonia (2019)
Testing of library preparation methods for transcriptome sequencing of real life glioblastoma and brain tissue specimens: A comparative study with special focus on long non-coding RNAs (2019)
Omics analyses and functional proteins of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2019)
MicroRNA-210 expression during childbirth and postpartum as a potential biomarker of acute fetal hypoxia (2019)
Novel genetic variant of HPS1 gene in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome with fulminant progression of pulmonary fibrosis: a case report (2019)
Vyšetření dědičných predispozic k nádorovým onemocněním metodou NGS – dosavadní výsledky a nejasné případy. (2019)
Monitoring DNA-Ligand Interactions in Living Human Cells Using NMR Spectroscopy (2019)
Charakterizace genových aberací u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní akutní lymfoblastickou leukemií (2019)
Characterization of causal variants associated with hereditary thrombocytopenias. (2019)
A rare diagnosis: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis, oculocutaneous albinism and thrombocytopathy (2019)
Multicolor Immunophenotyping of Candidate Leukemic Stem Cell Markers in CD34+CD38- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells. (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky (2019)
Srovnání počtu a alelické četnosti mutací genu TP53 u pacientů před první terapií a pacientů s relabující/refrakterní chronickou lymfocytární leukemií. (2019)
Diagnostika pacientů s podezřením na Ph-negativní myeloproliferativní neoplázii. (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky. (2019)
Vyšetření dědičných predispozic k nádorovým onemocněním metodou NGS – dosavadní výsledky a nejasné případy. (2019)
Molekulárně – genetická diagnostika mastocytózy. (2019)
Detekce somatických variant u myelodysplastického syndromu: srovnání tří odlišných postupů při přípravě sekvenačních knihoven pro vyšetření panelu genů. (2019)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární keukémií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2019)
Analysis of gene expression in CD26+ CML leukemic stem cell population. (2019)
Minor-clone TP53 mutations in CLL patients entering first-line treatment: clonal evolution and clinical impact. (2020)
LDLR variants in the beta-propeller subdomain and their effect on the protein maturation and unfolded protein response. (2019)
Molecular diagnostics of Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms. (2019)
Analysis of Mutational Landscape in Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Identifies Novel Prognostic Markers. (2019)
Co nám může mozkomíšní mok říct o epilepsii a epileptogenezi? (2019)
Role zánětu v etiopatogenezi farmakorezistentní epilepsie a refrakterního status epilepticus. (2020)
Clonal hierarchy of main molecular lesions in acute myeloid leukaemia (2020)
Performance of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells in genetically defined classes of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Matrix metalloproteinases gene variants and dental caries in Czech children (2020)
Interleukin Gene Variability and Periodontal Bacteria in Patients with Generalized Aggressive Form of Periodontitis (2020)
Diagnosis of Bloom Syndrome in a Patient with Short Stature, Recurrence of Malignant Lymphoma, and Consanguineous Origin (2020)
Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Variants in the Beta-Propeller Subdomain and Their Functional Impact (2020)
The microbiome of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease - pilot study (2020)
Nuclear inclusions of pathogenic ataxin-1 induce oxidative stress and perturb the protein synthesis machinery (2020)
Analysis mutational landscape in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma identifies novel prognostic markers (2020)
Characterization of pathogenic variants associated with hereditary thrombocytopenias in families from the Czech republic. (2020)
Multicolor immuno-phenotyping of candidate leukemic stem cell markers in CD34+CD38- chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells. (2020)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2020)
Functional testing of gene variants in inherited thrombocytopenias. (2020)
Biomarkery pro neendoskopické vyšetření sliznice jícnu (2020)
Cost-effective straightforward method for captured whole mitogenome sequencing of ancient DNA (2021)
Validní zdroje informací o sekvenčních variantách lidského genomu na příkladu genu pro LDLR. (2020)
The use of CRISPR/Cas9 technology in the study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2020)
Development of novel patient-derived xenograft model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2020)
Uncovering rare hematological entities: Shwachman-Diamond syndrome in a pair of siblings with neutropenia and recurrent infections. (2020)
Double-hit mutace u pacientky s karcinomem ovaria a neurofibromatózou. (2020)
Dědičná trombocytopenie na podkladě patogenní varianty genu MYH9 diagnostikovaná u dospělé ženy. (2020)
Vědecká příprava pro Zubní lékařství - cvičení (2020)
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course (2021)
Sada pro detekci mutací asociovaných s myelodysplastickým syndromem a chronickou myelomonocytární leukemií (2020)
Method optimizzation and development in CF genomics (2020)
CRISPR/CAS9 technology: a useful tool in the study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Možnosti imunomodulační terapie epilepsií. (2020)
Actinotignum schaalii: Relation to Concomitants and Connection to Patients’ Conditions in Polymicrobial Biofilms of Urinary Tract Catheters and Urines (2021)
Ověřená metodika RT-LAMP Detekce viru SARS-CoV-2019 (2020)
Functional analysis of germlineETV6 W380Rmutation causing inherited thrombocytopenia and secondary acute lymphoblastic leukemia or essential thrombocythemia (2021)
A case of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia with an atypical phenotype and delayed clinical symptoms (2021)
První případ infekce popálené plochy patogenem Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica (2021)
Thyroid and androgen receptor signaling are antagonized by mu-Crystallin in prostate cancer (2021)
STAT3 and TP53 mutations associate with poor prognosis in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2021)
Genomic landscape of B-other acute lymphoblastic leukemia in an adult retrospective cohort with a focus on BCR-ABL1-like subtype (2021)
Cross-oncopanel study reveals high sensitivity and accuracy with overall analytical performance depending on genomic regions (2021)
Hierarchical distribution of somatic variants in newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukaemia at diagnosis and early follow-up (2021)
Human Infections by Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica: A Mini-Review and the First Report of a Burn Wound Infection after Accidental Myiasis in Central Europe (2021)
Vasculopathy and polyneuropathy associated with a novel mutation in TREX1 (2021)
Překvapivá diagnóza MUCKLE-WELLSOVA syndromu v důsledku defektu genu NLRP3 (2021)
Oligogenic inheritance in a very early onset IBD: causal or random association? (2021)
GAB1 Regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: novel therapeutic target (2021)
Přímá mutační analýza genu TP53 bez nutnosti izolace DNA u vzorků periferní krve a kostní dřeně hematoonkologických pacientů. (2021)
In vivo antigen-negative escape to CART-19 caused by CD19 promotor hypermethylation. (2021)
Palbociclib and ponatinib induce regression of acute myeloid leukemia in patient-derived xenograft model. (2021)
Detekce kauzálních variant u hereditárních nádorových sysndromů kombinací metod NGS a DigiMLPA. (2021)
Genetické aberace u dospělých pacientů s B-other akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií v České republice se zaměřením na BCR-ABL1-like akutní lymfoblastickou leukémii. (2021)
Detekce transpozibilních elementů u hematologických malignit. (2021)
GAB1 reguluje tonickou AKT signalizaci a migraci buněk chronické lymfatické leukémie: implikace pro kombinační léčbu s BCR inhibitory. (2021)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby. (2021)
Maskovaná hypodiploidie u pacientů s akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií (2021)
T-buněčný lymfoblastický lymfom (T-LBL) dětského věku s kazuistikou geneticky zajímavého případu (2021)
Functional analysis of new variant GP1BA gene in inherited macrotrombocytopenia. (2021)
Hypermethylation of CD19 promoter enables antigen-negative escape to CART-19 in vivo and in vitro (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 axis regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
Increased TRPV1 gene expression in the tissues of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma (2021)
A spectrum of SERPING1 mutations and clinical characterisation of Czech Hereditary Angioedema patients. (2021)
Monogenic autoimmune vasculopathy and polyneuropathy. (2021)
Kongenitální neutropenie u dětí a dospělých (2021)
Klinický a imunologický fenotyp pacientov s novo-identifikovanými mutáciami v génoch NFkB. (2021)
CARD11 GOF results in heterogeneous phenotypes associated with autoreactive/oncogenic BCR repertoires (2021)
Disruption of NAP1 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana suppresses the fas1 mutant phenotype, enhances genome stability and changes chromatin compaction (2021)
Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare mould infections: an initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology in cooperation with the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology and the American Society for Microbiology (2021)
Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare yeast infections: an initiative of the ECMM in cooperation with ISHAM and ASM (2021)
Global perspective of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a cross-sectional study from the EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) (2021)
Nucleotides in both donor and acceptor splice sites are responsible for choice in NAGNAG tandem splice sites (2021)
Genetika familiární hypercholesterolemie: aktualizovaná kritéria pro interpretaci variant v genu LDLR (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 Axis Regulates Homing Capacity and Tonic AKT Activity in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Novel Therapeutic Target. (2021)
GAB1 – novel regulator of migration capacity and tonic AKT activity in CLL: Implications for combinatorial therapy with BCR inhibitors. (2021)
Patient-derived Xenograft Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Based on Mimicking Its Microenvironment. (2021)
Data mining of publicly available scRNA-seq datasets: application of machine learning to interrogate normal cellular counterparts of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Acute myeloid leukemia regression induced by palbociclib and ponatinib in patient –derived xenograft model. (2021)
Aggressive systemic mastocytosis with diffuse bone marrow (18) F-FDG uptake (2022)
Selective Activation of CNS and Reference PPARGC1A Promoters Is Associated with Distinct Gene Programs Relevant for Neurodegenerative Diseases (2021)
Low-burden TP53 mutations in CLL: clinical impact and clonal evolution within the context of different treatment options (2021)
LYmphoid NeXt-Generation Sequencing (LYNX) Panel A Comprehensive Capture-Based Sequencing Tool for the Analysis of Prognostic and Predictive Markers in Lymphoid Malignancies (2021)
Alternative splicing of PLAUR gene in macrophage differentiation stages of hereditary angioedema patients (2021)
Elevated epidermal growth factor receptor levels in Barrett’s esophagus (2021)
Breakpoints of two duplications in the LDL-receptor gene in the Czech Republic (2021)
Association of the angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphisms with recurrent aphthous stomatitis in the Czech population: case-control study (2022)
Business Research Forum (2021)
CF Day (2021)
Gut mycobiome dynamics in patients after solid organ transplantation (SOT) (2022)
A GP1BA Variant in a Czech Family with Monoallelic Bernard-Soulier Syndrome (2022)
The Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) Familial Hypercholesterolemia Variant Curation Expert Panel consensus guidelines for LDLR variant classification (2022)
Worldwide experience of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: retrospective cohort study (2022)
Analysis of ANKRD26 gene 5´UTR variant in a cohort of Czech patients with suspected hereditary hematological disorder (2022)
Subclonal architectureof chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel´s skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of the founder of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel - a case study (2022)
Reconstructing of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel using state-of-the-art molecular and bioinformatics tools (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Very rare near-haploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia resistant to immunotherapy and CAR-T therapy in 19-year-old male patient (2022)
Analysis of Czech genomes for theranostics (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity inEIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings (2022)
Long-read whole genomes sequencing used to detect complex chromosomal rearrangements (2022)
Long read targeted sequencing enables genomic analysis of translocation hotspots in lymphoproliferative diseases (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
KMT2C methyltransferase domain regulated INK4A expression suppresses prostate cancer metastasis (2022)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
Single and multiple point NRAS mutations in acute myeloid leukemia: a study of 327 well molecularly characterized patients. (2022)
Lack of Association between Epidermal Growth Factor or Its Receptor and Reflux Esophagitis, Barrett’s Esophagus, and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Case-Control Study (2022)
Molekulárně biologická analýza zubního kamene a mumifikované tkáně Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
2022-RA-1304-ESGO Molecular testing of endometrial carcinoma brings growing opportunity to identify patients with inherited risk of cancer (2022)
Helicobacter analysis in gastric mucosa samples – comparison of two methodical approaches (2022)
The association between polymorphisms in the gene for kallikrein 4 and dental caries in primary and permanent dentition (2022)
Effect of mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on gut bacteriome of newborns in the first days of their life: a case-control study (2022)
Tisíc českých a milion evropských genomů (2022)
Common rearrangements of the LDLR gene in the Czech population likely arise from one mutational event. (2022)
Sekvenování dlouhých nekódujících RNA v exozomech u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem (2022)
Interrogating the molecular heterogeneity of chronic lymphocytic leukemia through computational approaches. (2022)
Versatile coculture systém to study chronic lymhocytic leukemia proliferation. (2022)
Gene expression analysis on single cell level uncovers the subclonal architecture of chromosomes in a leukemia patient with multiple chromosomal aberrations. (2022)
Genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby a stanovení jejich funkčního dopadu. (2022)
Delece 22q12 u pacienta s bilaterálním schwannomem zachycená kombinací metod NGS, MLPA a array-CGH. (2022)
Secondary malignancies and survival of FCR-treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Central Europe (2023)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
Conserved MicroRNAs in Human Nasopharynx Tissue Samples from Swabs Are Differentially Expressed in Response to SARS-CoV-2 (2022)
GAB1 as novel therapeutic target in B lymphoid and myeloid malignancies (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity in EIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings. (2022)
Paediatric familial hypercholesterolaemia screening in Europe: public policy background and recommendations (2022)
The time is now: Achieving FH paediatric screening across Europe – The Prague Declaration (2022)
Stanovisko ČSAT ke Konsenzu EAS 2021: Lipoproteiny bohaté na triglyceridy a jejich remnantní částice – přehled metabolizmu, role při aterosklerotickém kardiovaskulárním onemocnění a nové terapeutické strategie (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
Memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is associated with specific methylation profile of WNT5A promoter and undetectable expression of WNT5A gene (2022)
Effect of immunosuppressive therapy in inflammatory cardiomyopathy: data from The Czech Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy Immunosuppressive Trial (2022)
Different patterns of immune system activation in hereditary angioedema based on disease severity (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
Výsledky celoexomového sekvenování germinální DNA u dětských pacientů se solidními tumory (2022)
Funkční efekt nově identifikované varianty v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4. (2023)
Analýza variant genu ANKRD 26 v 5´ nepřekládané oblasti u kohorty pacientů s podezřením na dědičné hematologické onemocnění. (2023)
Acute myeloid leukemia suppression by palbociclib and ponatinib in patient-derived xenograft. (2023)
Scaffold- and gel-based culture systems for in vitro studies of leukemic B cells. (2023)
Subclonal architecture of chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL. (2023)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel's skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Mendel Genetics Conference 2022: Tours at CEITEC (2022)
CF Day Meeting (2022)
SERPING1 Variants and C1-INH Biological Function: A Close Relationship With C1-INH-HAE (2022)
Etiologie infekční endokarditidy u operovaných pacientů na CKTCH v letech 2018–2019 (2022)
Deficit lyzosomální kyselé lipázy - diferenciální diagnostika a možnosti léčby v roce 2022 (2022)
Genetická identifikace kosterních pozůstatků Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
SeqUIa: Softwarová platforma pro zpracování sekvenování nové generace skrze grafické rozhraní (2022)
From fish to cells: Establishment of continuous cell lines from embryos of annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci (2023)
Characterisation of Macrophage Response to Nickel Nanoparticles and Ions Released from Biomaterials (2023)
U jakého pacienta s CLL indikovat terapii novými léky? (2023)
Jak klinicky interpretovat výsledky TP53 analýz u chronické lymfocytární leukemie v kontextu dostupných terapeutických režimů (2023)
FOXO1-RICTOR AXIS induces adaptive increase in AKT activity during BCR inhibitor therapy in CLL: Implications for combination therapy. (2023)
IKZF1 alterations have a negative impact on early molecular response and survival of adult patients with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated treated with GMALL 07/2003 protocol in Czechia. (2023)
Humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-COV-2 natural infection or vaccination in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): A study by ERIC, The European research initiative on CLL. (2023)
The final analysis of the international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, in Harmony. (2023)
Single-cell RNA-sequencing enables tracking and characterization of rare CLL cells with the potential to cause refractoriness. (2023)
RNA sekvenovanie jednotlivých buniek umožňuje charakterizáciu a sledovanie zriedkavých CLL buniek s potenciálom navodiť refraktérne ochorenie. (2023)
Charakteristika a výsledky léčby Ropegenterferonem ALFA2B u pacientů s Ph negativními myeloproliferacemi. (2023)
Alterace IKZF1 mají negativní vliv na dosažení časné molekulární odpovědi a celkové přežití u dospělých pacientů s BCP-ALL léčených podle protokolu GMALL 07/. (2023)
Molekulární testování karcinomu endometria - analýza prvních zkušeností z klinické praxe (2023)
PLAUR splicing pattern in hereditary angioedema patients' monocytes and macrophages (2023)
Germline variant of CTC1 gene in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis and myelodysplastic syndrome (2023)
Myeloidní neoplázie spojeny s cytotoxickou léčbou a jejich souvislost s klonálnou hematopoesou – kazuistika. (2023)
Nově identifikovaná varianta v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4 a její funkční dopad. (2023)
Analýza genetického pozadia transformácie do sekundárnej akútnej myeloidnej leukémie u pacientov s Ph-negatívnymi myeloproliferáciami. (2023)
FOX01-rictor AXIS induces AKT phosporylation during CLL cell adaptation to BCR inhibitors: Implications for combinatorial therapy. (2023)
CCL2/MCP-1, interleukin-8, and fractalkine/CXC3CL1: Potential biomarkers of epileptogenesis and pharmacoresistance in childhood epilepsy (2023)
Myeloid lineage cells evince distinct steady-state level of certain gene groups in dependence on hereditary angioedema severity (2023)
European Competence Network on Mastocytosis (ECNM): 20-Year Jubilee, Updates, and Future Perspectives (2023)
The role of casein kinase 1 inhibition in treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Biomaterial selection does not affect AML engraftment in humanized ossicles. (2023)
Rozsáhlá delece 22q12 u pacienta s oboustranným Schwannomem, mentální retardací, percepční sluchovou poruchou a epilepsií. (2023)
Evropská iniciativa 1+ Milion genomů – mezinárodní projekt zaměřený na sdílení genomických dat. (2023)
Výsledky celoexomového sekvenování germinální DNA u dětských pacientů se solidními tumory (2023)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (2023)
Prolymfocytární leukemie (2023)
Leukemie z vlasatých buněk (2023)
2023 Update on European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Statement on Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: new treatments and clinical guidance (2023)
Transcriptome Profile Analyses of Head Kidney in Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Common Bream (Abramis brama) and Their Hybrids: Does Infection by Monogenean Parasites in Freshwater Fish Reveal Differences in Fish Vigour among Parental Species and Their Hybrids? (2023)
Deciphering cellular and molecular principles of Choroid Plexus (ChP) branching morphogenesis (2023)
Clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
PLAUR alternative splice pattern analysis during monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation in healthy volunteers and patients with rheumatoid arthritis and bronchial asthma (2023)
Myocardial injury in COVID-19-bioptic and magnetic resonance results (2022)
Extensive, 3.8 Mb-Sized Deletion of 22q12 in a Patient with Bilateral Schwannoma, Intellectual Disability, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Epilepsy (2023)
Systematic Approach Revealed SERPING1 Splicing-Affecting Variants to be Highly Represented in the Czech National HAE Cohort (2023)
Genetické vyšetření v kardiologii:Souhrnné vyjádření a doporučení odborníků Pracovní skupiny kardiogenetiky při ČAPK/ČKS , SLG a ČSSL a ST při ČLS JEP (2023)
Plastic response of macrophages to metal ions and nanoparticles in time mimicking metal implant body environment (2024)
Enhanced in vitro culture of leukemic cells: Insights from collagen scaffolds and carboxymethyl cellulose-polyethylene glycol gel. (2023)
Identification of novel targets that upregulate CD20 expression in rituximab-resistant cells with the use of genomewide CRISPR screening. (2023)
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening revealed genes involved in CD20 regulation. (2023)
Genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby. (2023)
Komplexní diagnostika hereditárních nádorových syndromů pomocí NGS panelu Bronco a dalších molekulárních metod. (2023)
Nové trendy v sekvenování nové generace a jejich aplikace v onkologické diagnostice. (2023)
Korelace fenotypu a genotypu u dvou rodin s hereditární sférocytózou. (2023)
Genetické pozadie progresie Ph-negatívnych myeloproliferácií do sekundárnej akútnej myeloidnej leukémie - kazuistika. (2023)
Cytogenetický screening pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií léčených inhibitorem Brutonovy tyrozinkinázy. (2023)
Intronová varianta v RAD50 způsobující neefektivní rozpoznávání místa větvení a neočekávaný aberantní sestřih. (2023)
Transcription factor FoxO1 Mediates Adaptive Increase in Akt Activity and Cell Survival During BCR Inhibitor Therapy in CLL. (2023)
Complex cytogenomic and molecular biological analysis of the tumor genome of patients with myeloid mylignancies with a focus on targeted analysis of the MECOM gene. (2023)
The role of clonal hematopoiesis variants in the development of myeloid neoplasms post cytotoxic therapy - case series. (2023)
The role of clonal hematopoiesis in the development of myeloid neoplasms post cytotoxic therapy - prospective study. (2023)
Varianta v genu CYCS způsobující trombocytopenii 4 zvyšuje kaspázovou aktivitu. (2023)
Tracking CLL cells with aberrations in the TP53 gene using scRNA-seq in relapsed/refractory patients. (2023)
The interplay between BcR signaling and the p53 pathway upon DNA damage in primary CLL cells. (2023)
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening revealed genes involved in CD20 regulation in rituximab-resistant cells. (2023)
Laboratories Can Reliably Detect Clinically Relevant Variants in the TP53 Gene below 10 % Allelic Frequency: A Multicenter Study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL. (2023)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted Therapy (2023)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
Foxo1-Rictor axis mediates adaptive increase in Akt activity and cell survival during BCR inhibitor therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
The role of long non-coding RNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells. (2023)
Coculture model with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 for study chronic lymphocytic leukemia proliferation. (2023)
Nekódující RNA v biologii maligních B lymfocytů. (2023)
Transkripční faktor FoxO1 v adaptaci chronické lymfocytární leukémie na cílenou léčbu. (2023)
Inhibition of acute myeloid leukemia using palbociclib and ponatinib in a patient-derived xenograft model. (2023)
Impact of an intronic variant in RAD50 on RNA splicing due to inefficient branch point recognition. (2023)
Phenotype-genotype corellation in two families with hereditary spherocytosis. (2023)
Solving complex karyotypes in leukemia samples using long-read sequencing. (2023)
Porovnanie diferenciácie a aktivácie monocytov a sledovanie funkčných zmien mitochondrií monocytov prietokovou cytometriou pred analýzou expresie génu PLAUR (2023)
Mimicking Tumor Cell Heterogeneity of Colorectal Cancer in a Patient-derived Organoid-Fibroblast Model (2023)
The evolving landscape of COVID-19 and post-COVID condition in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL (2023)
Prevence a léčba kardiovaskulárních a krvácivých komplikací u nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií léčených inhibitory Brutonovy kinázy (2023)
Běžná variabilní imunodeficience a granulomatózní/lymfocytární intersticiální plicní nemoc (2023)
Therapy of adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia based on pediatricinspired protocols in the Czech republic in 2007-2020 (2023)
Outcomes in patients with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia receiving hematopoietic cell transplantation using real-world data from harmony. (2023)
Integrative NGS testing reveals clonal dynamics of adverse genomic defects contributing to a natural progression in treatment-naïve CLL patients (2024)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela (2023)
Cell Tree Rings: the structure of somatic evolution as a human aging timer (2024)
LDLR gene rearrangements in Czech FH patients likely arise from one mutational event (2024)
Genetic risk score in patients with the APOE2/E2 genotype as a predictor of familial dysbetalipoproteinemia (2024)
CF Day 2023 (2024)
RNA Summer School 2023 (2023)
EGFR stimulation enables IL-6 trans-signalling via iRhom2-dependent ADAM17 activation in mammary epithelial cells (2023)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
Functional analysis of LDLR variants using flow cytometry (2023)
Functional analysis of LDLR variants using flow cytometry and western blot (2023)
Epidemiological Changes and Improvement in Outcomes of Infective Endocarditis in Europe in the Twenty-First Century: An International Collaboration on Endocarditis (ICE) Prospective Cohort Study (2000-2012) (2023)
Radiogenomic markers enable risk stratification and inference of mutational pathway states in head and neck cancer (2023)
Business Research Forum 2023 (2023)
Stanovisko ČSAT ke Konsenzu Evropské společnosti pro aterosklerózu: Lipoprotein(a) při aterosklerotických kardiovaskulárních onemocněních a aortální stenóze (2023)
Unveiling the dynamics and molecular landscape of a rare chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation driving refractoriness: insights from single-cell RNA sequencing (2024)
Splicing analysis of STAT3 tandem donor suggests non-canonical binding registers for U1 and U6 snRNAs (2024)
Complex analysis of the national Hereditary angioedema cohort in Slovakia - Identification of 12 novel variants in SERPING1 gene (2024)
Real-world data on diagnostics, treatment and outcomes of patients with hairy cell leukemia: The HCL-CLLEAR study (2024)
Precision immuno-oncology approach for four malignant tumors in siblings with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (2024)
In-cell NMR suggests that DNA i-motif levels are strongly depleted in living human cells (2024)
Stromal cells engineered to express T cell factors induce robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations allowing the identification of RAF inhibitors as anti-proliferative drug (2024)
Incidental Germline Findings During Comprehensive Genomic Profiling of Pancreatic and Colorectal Cancer: Single-center, Molecular Tumor Board Experience (2024)
Serum chemistry profiling and prognostication in systemic mastocytosis: a registry-based study of the ECNM and GREM (2024)
VEXAS syndrom - nově popsané autoinflamatorní onemocnění s hematologickými symptomy. Popis případu a přehled literatury (2024)
A novel thrombocytopenia-4-causing CYCS gene variant decreases caspase activity: Three-generation study (2024)
PLAUR alternative splicing in patients with different severity of hereditary angioedema (HAE) (2024)
JUN mediates the senescence associated secretory phenotype and immune cell recruitment to prevent prostate cancer progression (2024)
Impact of thrombocytopenia-associated c.-118C>T and c.-140C>G ANKRD26 5’UTR variants in three-generational pedigree (2024)
Detecting familial hypercholesterolemia: An observational study leveraging mandatory universal pediatric total cholesterol screening in Slovakia (2024)
Dual Nature of MoO3 Particles in Human-Derived Macrophage Milieu (2024)
High-throughput sequencing of Strongyloides stercoralis – a fatal disseminated infection in a dog (2024)
Novorozenecký screening těžké kombinované imunodeficience (SCID) v České republice (2024)
Gamma-delta T cells in newly diagnosed patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2024)
Innate effector gamma-delta T cells in newly diagnosed patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2024)
Familial hypercholesterolaemia in children and adolescents from 48 countries: a cross-sectional study (2024)
Transmembrane glycoprotein GPNMB is a candidate predictive biomarker and potentially a therapeutic target in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2024)
Functional analysis of PLAUR alternative splicing isoforms and they role in the development of immunopathological reactions (2024)
FoxO1/Rictor axis induces a non-genetic adaptation to Ibrutinib via Akt activation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
Cell-autonomous IL6ST activation suppresses prostate cancer development via STAT3/ARF/p53-driven senescence and confers an immune-active tumor microenvironment (2024)
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