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Determination of Methylmercury by Solid-Phase Microextraction Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (2005)
ET-AAS determination of aluminium after flow injection solvent extraction (2006)
Kumulace a biotransformace těžkých kovů sinicemi (2007)
ET-AAS determination of aluminium in dialysis concentrates after continuous flow solvent extraction (2007)
Stanovení chemických forem rtuti plynovou a kapalinovou chromatografií s detekcí atomovou fluorescenční spektrometrií (2007)
Stanovení methylrtuti ve svalovině ryb pomocí GC-AFS (2007)
Determination of methylmercury in fish muscle by GC-AFS (2007)
Speciation of selenoamino acids in Se-enriched green algae by HPLC-ICP-MS (2008)
Mapping of lead, magnesium and copper accumulation in plant tissues by LA-ICP-MS and LIBS (2009)
Monitoring toxických sinic ve vodárenských nádržích ČR - tradiční a nové toxiny sinic (výsledky sledování z let 1993 - 2008) (2009)
Speciace forem selenu v zelených řasách (2009)
GC-ICP-MS stanovení specií cínu a selenu (2009)
Determination of methylmercury in fish muscle by GC-AFS (2008)
Observation and origin of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the free troposphere over central Europe (2009)
Monitoring povrchové kontaminace cytotoxickými léčivy v nemocničních lékárnách České republiky (2009)
Studium kontaminace pracovišť a profesní expozice zdravotnických pracovníků zajišťujících přípravu a aplikaci protinádorových léčiv (2009)
Moderní metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promoční účinkem (2009)
Effects of cyanobacterial biomass on avian reproduction: a japanese quail model (2009)
Application of passive sampler for monitoring of POPs in ambient air. IV. Model monitoring network in the Czech Republic (MONET_CZ 2007), (2008)
Biochemical responses of juvenile and adult Japanese quails to cyanobacterial biomass (2009)
10th International HCH and Pesticides Forum. "How many obsolete pesticides have been disposed of 8 years after signature of Stockholm Convention" (2009)
Stanovení cisplatiny v buněčné suspenzi po sonodynamické aplikaci ultrazvuku (2010)
Arsenic distribution in sediments of complex catchment (2010)
Neznámé metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promočním účinkem (2009)
Mercury speciation in soil in vicinity of coal beds using sequential extraction (2011)
Electrochemical Modification of a Graphite Platform for a Solid Sampling Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry of Mercury (2010)
Calibration of passive samplers of hydrophobic organic compounds in water: assessment of critical issues in experimental design, data interpretation and field application (2010)
LC-MS analyses of microcystins in fish tissues overestimate toxin levels - critical comparison with LC-MS/MS (2010)
Temporal and spatial variability of cyanobacterial toxins microcystins in three interconnected freshwater reservoirs (2010)
Evaluation of the novel passive sampler for cyanobacterial toxins microcystins under various conditions including field sampling. (2010)
Kontaminace chemoterapeutického stacionáře v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu - hodnocení účinnosti zavedených nápravných opatření (2010)
Distribution and trends of persistent organic pollutants in sediments from the Morava River (2010)
The relationship between the mercuryconcentration in fish musclesand scales/fins and its significance (2011)
Časová a prostorová distribuce hladin persistentních organických polutantů (POPs) ve volném ovzduší s využitím pasivních vzorkovačů na bázi polyuretanové pěny. (2010)
The effect of peroral administration of toxic cyanobacteria on laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba). (2011)
Utilisation of iodine from different sources by sows and their progeny. (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování -Polychlorované bifenyly PCBs (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování - Izomery hexachlorcyklohexanu HCHs (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování - Hexachlorbenzen HCB (2011)
Perzistentní organické polutanty ve volném ovzduší měřené metodou pasivního vzorkování - dichlordifenyltrichloretan a jeho metabolity (DDTs). (2011)
Levels and distribution of dissolved hydrophobic organic contaminants in the Morava river in Zlín district, Czech Republic as derived from their accumulation in silicone rubber passive samplers. (2012)
Studium distribuce prvků v močových kamenech technikou laserové ablace ve spojení s hmotnostní spektrometrií s indukčně vázaným plazmatem (2012)
Urinary calculi – atypical source of information on mercury in human biomonitoring. (2012)
Levels of persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air of Central and Eastern Europe. (2012)
Prvková analýza konkrementů močového traktu. (2012)
Simultaneous determination of metal traces using SPE preconcentration on Amberlite XAD-7 by ICP-MS in environmental water and sample ecotoxicology assessment. (2012)
Macro- and microelements in soil profile of the moss-covered area in James Ross Island, Antarctica. (2012)
Microcystin-RR Like Toxin Identified in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae Strain CCAP 1403/13B Culture. (2012)
Levels of Demethylated Microcystin - RR ([D - Asp3] MCYST-RR) and Five Other Putative Microcystins Identified in a Culture of Planktothrix sp. Strain CCAP 1460/13. (2010)
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Additional Measures Introduced for the Protection of Healthcare Personnel Handling Antineoplastic Drugs (2013)
Stabilizing Agents for Calibration in the Determination of Mercury Using Solid Sampling Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (2012)
Mercury characterisation in urban particulate matter (2013)
Spatial patterns and temporal changes of heavy metal distributions in river sediments in a region with multiple pollution sources (2013)
The effect of iodine from iodine-enriched alga Chlorella spp. on the pork iodine content and meat quality in finisher pigs (2012)
In vivo effects of microcystins and complex cyanobacterial biomass on rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba): Changes in immunological and haematological parameters (2013)
Association of minor and trace elements with mineralogical constituents of urinary stones: A hard nut to crack in existing studies of urolithiasis (2013)
Association of Surface Contamination by Antineoplastic Drugs With Different Working Conditions in Hospital Pharmacies (2014)
Concentrations of microcystins in tissues of several fish species from freshwater reservoirs and ponds (2013)
Weathering and metals mobility in soils at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2013)
Earthworm as Bioindicator of Soil Pollution Around Benghazi City, Libya. (2013)
Novel metabolites in cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii with potencies to inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication (2013)
Speciation of Aluminum FluorideComplexes and Al3+in Environmental Samples using HPLC-ICP-MS. (2013)
Biochemical and histopathological responses of Wistar rats to oral intake of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass (2013)
The endocrine disruptive potential of phytoplankton exudates. (2013)
Outdoor passive air monitoring of semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs): a critical evaluation of performance and limitations of polyurethane foam (PUF) disks (2014)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: Dálnice D1 v úseku Hubová-Ivachnová, celoroční monitoring bioty 2012 (05/11/18S ) (2013)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: "Dálnice D1 v úseku Dubná Skala-Turany, roční monitoring bioty 2013 (07/11/22/S ) (2013)
Stanovení obsahu vybraných perzistentních organických polutantů (POPs) v ovzduší - 13041910389, obj. 46704948 (2013)
Monitoring stavu životního prostředí - půda a monitoring znečištění ovzduší (POPs) v okolí cementáren - 13071110596 (2014)
Stanovení obsahu vybraných persistentních organických polutantů (POPs) v ovzduší na území Ústeckého kraje – 2013. (2013)
Dlouhodobý monitoring environmentálních polutantů ve volném ovzduší na území Jihomoravského kraje (2013)
Provedení chemických analýz na obsah cyklofosfamidu a platiny (2013)
The effect of soil microbial community on mobile portions of mercury in contaminated soil (2014)
Analysis of mercury and other heavy metals accumulated in lichen Usnea antarctica from James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Simultaneous determination of reduced and oxidized glutathione in tissues by a novel liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method: application in an inhalation study of Cd nanoparticles (2014)
Investigating the temporal trends in PAH, PCB and OCP concentrations in Hartbeespoort Dam, South Africa, using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) (2014)
Air-sea exchange and gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean (2014)
Assessment of bioavailable fraction of POPS in surface water bodies in Johannesburg City, South Africa, using passive samplers: an initial assessment (2014)
Annual dynamics of persistent organic pollutants in various aquatic matrices: a case study in the Morava River in Zlin district, Czech Republic (2014)
Effects of combined composting and vermicomposting of waste sludge on arsenic fate and bioavailability (2014)
Retinoid-like activity and teratogenic effects of cyanobacterial exudates (2014)
Evaluation and guidelines for using polyurethane foam (PUF) passive air samplers in double-dome chambers to assess semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in non-industrial indoor environments (2014)
Particle Size Distribution of Halogenated Flame Retardants and Implications for Atmospheric Deposition and Transport (2014)
2D elemental mapping of sections of human kidney stones using laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: Possibilities and limitations (2014)
Seal mummies as mercury source for Antarctic soils (2015)
Trace mercury speciation in specific Antarctic soils (2015)
Preparation and testing of phosphate, oxalate and uric acid matrix-matched standards for accurate quantification of 2D elemental distribution in kidney stone sections using 213 nm nanosecond laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2015)
Long-range atmospheric transport of PAHs, PCBs and PBDEs to the central and eastern Mediterranean and changes of PCB and PBDE congener patterns in summer 2010 (2015)
Pasivní vzorkování volného ovzduší - certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2015)
Air and seawater pollution and air-sea gas exchange of persistent toxic substances in the Aegean Sea: spatial trends of PAHs, PCBs, OCPs and PBDEs (2015)
An experimentally refined tool to assess the risks of the human dermal exposure to herbicide chlorotoluron (2015)
Urinary stones as a novel matrix for human biomonitoring of toxic and essential elements (2016)
Measurements of persistent organic pollutants in Estonian ambient air (1990-2013) (2015)
Časové a prostorové hodnocení koncentrací perzistentních organických polutantů ve volném ovzduší ČR. Specializované mapy s odborným obsahem (Nmap) (2015)
Retinoid compounds associated with water blooms dominated by Microcystis species (2015)
Source identification, spatio-temporal distribution and ecological risk of persistent organic pollutants in sediments from the upper Danube catchment (2015)
Melting Himalayan glaciers contaminated by legacy atmospheric depositions are important sources of PCBs and high-molecular-weight PAHs for the Ganges floodplain during dry periods (2015)
Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons is Worldwide Problem - Results from Measurements at Remote Sites and Modelling (2015)
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in river and ground/drinking water of the Ganges River basin: Emissions and implications for human exposure (2016)
Do high mountain ski areas have contamination caused by perfluorinated compounds? (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva k zajištění informace o hladinách nových a kandidátských POPs (zejména bromované a fluorované látky) ve vnitřním prostředí v rezidenčních budovách v ČR (2015)
Effect of arsenic and cyanobacterial co-exposure on pathological, haematological and immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2015)
Hladiny a rizika cytostatik v prostředí nemocnice České Budějovice (2015)
Stanovení vybraných cytostatik ve stěrech pracovního prostředí (2015)
Seal remains as sources of mercury for Antarctic environment (2016)
Effects of the soil microbial community on mobile proportions and speciation of mercury (Hg) in contaminated soil (2016)
An interlaboratory study on passive sampling of emerging water pollutants (2016)
New experimental data on the human dermal absorption of Simazine and Carbendazim help to refine the assessment of human exposure (2016)
Current implications of past DDT indoor spraying in Oman (2016)
Leaching of mercury from seal carcasses into Antarctic soils (2017)
The response of mercury (Hg) transformation in soil to sulfur compounds and sulfur-rich biowaste application (2016)
An effective clean-up technique for GC/EI-HRMS determination of developmental neurotoxicants in human breast milk (2017)
Developmental neurotoxicants in human milk: Comparison of levels and intakes in three European countries (2017)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Western Mediterranean Sea waters (2016)
Distribution of legacy and emerging semivolatile organic compounds in five indoor matrices in a residential environment (2016)
Pesticides in the atmosphere: a comparison of gas-particle partitioning and particle size distribution of legacy and current-use pesticides (2016)
Perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) in household dust in Central Europe and North America (2016)
Brominated flame retardants in the indoor environment - Comparative study of indoor contamination from three countries (2016)
Exploring the occurrence and distribution of contaminants of emerging concern through unmanned sampling from ships of opportunity in the North Sea (2016)
Sampling artifacts in active air sampling of semivolatile organic contaminants: Comparing theoretical and measured artifacts and evaluating implications for monitoring networks (2016)
Bioluminescent Vibrio fischeri Assays in the Assessment of Seasonal and Spatial Patterns in Toxicity of Contaminated River Sediments (2016)
Pine needles and pollen grains of Pinus mugo Turra - A biomonitoring tool in high mountain habitats identifying environmental contamination (2016)
Pine Needles for the Screening of Perfluorinated Alkylated Substances (PFASs) along Ski Tracks (2016)
Bidirectional air-sea exchange and accumulation of POPs (PAHs, PCBs, OCPs and PBDEs) in the nocturnal marine boundary layer (2016)
In situ calibration of three passive samplers for the monitoring of steroid hormones in wastewater (2016)
Diurnal Variations of Air-Soil Exchange of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, and PBDEs) in a Central European Receptor Area (2016)
Trematomus bernacchii as an indicator of POP temporal trend in the Antarctic seawaters (2016)
Metallothionein modulation in relation to cadmium bioaccumulation and age-dependent sensitivity of Chironomus riparius larvae (2016)
Phytoestrogens in milk: Overestimations caused by contamination of the hydrolytic enzyme used during sample extraction (2016)
Drinking water contaminants from epoxy resin-coated pipes: A field study (2016)
NORMAN interlaboratory study (ILS) on passive sampling of emerging pollutants (2016)
Data o výskytu emergentních polutantů ve vybraných složkách prostředí - Specializované mapy s odborným obsahem (Nmap) (2016)
Data o potenciálních biologických efektech emergentních látek v environmentálních směsích - Specializované mapy s odborným obsahem (Nmap) (2016)
Metodika pasivního vzorkování perfluoroktansulfonátu PFOS, PFOA a vybraných farmak ve vodním prostředí - Certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2016)
Ověřená metodika pasivního vzorkování pro sledování polybromovaných difenyletherů a jiných hydrofobních kontaminantů ve vodním prostředí - Certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2016)
Metodika vzorkování vnitřního prostředí pro analýzy vybraných emergentních polutantů - Certifikovaná metodika (Nmet) (2016)
The variability of standard artificial soils: cadmium and phenanthrene sorption measured by a batch equilibrium method (2017)
Screening for halogenated flame retardants in European consumer products, building materials and wastes (2017)
Tracking polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments and soils from the southwest of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (South eastern part of the GRULAC region) (2017)
Mercury species in formerly contaminated soils and released soil gases (2017)
Characterization of total retinoid-like activity of compounds produced by three common phytoplankton species (2016)
Analysis of brominated flame retardants and their derivatives by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization using gas chromatography coupled to tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (2017)
Závěrečná zpráva k novým metodám získávání informací z ovzduší na špatně dostupných lokalitách (2016)
Studie k riziku používání dentálních amalgámů v ČR – stav populace a odhad rizikových skupin (2016)
IV. etapa vývoje analytických metod pro stanovení perzistentních organických polutantů zařazených do Stockholmské úmluvy v environmentálních matricích v návaznosti na požadavky Globálního monitorovacího plánu (2016)
Stanovení obsahu vybraných perzistentních organických polutantů (POPs) v ovzduší v okolí závodu cementárny Mokrá a cementárny Radotín, Českomoravský cement, a.s. - dlouhodobý, kontinuální monitoring 2007 – 2015 (2016)
Stanovení rtuti a methylrtuti ve specifických antarktických půdách z okolí uhynulých tuleňů (2017)
Passive Air Samplers As a Tool for Assessing Long-Term Trends in Atmospheric Concentrations of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (2017)
Early inflammatory profiling of schwannoma cells induced by lipopolysaccharide (2017)
Butyrate alters expression of cytochrome P450 1A1 and metabolism of benzo[a] pyrene via its histone deacetylase activity in colon epithelial cell models (2017)
The role of Mn and Fe oxides in risk elements retention in soils under different forest types (2017)
Thin-layer chromatography coupled to diode laser thermal vaporization ICP MS (2017)
Thin-layer chromatography combined with diode laser thermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the determination of selenomethionine and selenocysteine in algae and yeast (2018)
Casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibition blocks CLL chemotaxis and delays leukemia onset in the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Organochlorine pesticides in the indoor air of a theatre and museum in the Czech Republic: Inhalation exposure and cancer risk (2017)
Bioindication of PBDEs and PCBs by native and transplanted moss Pleurozium schreberi (2017)
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of three Chilean cities using passive air samplers (2017)
Passive air sampling of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and emerging compounds in Kolkata megacity and rural mangrove wetland Sundarban in India: An approach to regional monitoring (2017)
Assessment of seasonal variations in persistent organic pollutants across the region of Tuscany using passive air samplers (2017)
Organophosphate esters flame retardants in the indoor environment (2017)
Uncertainties in monitoring of SVOCs in air caused by within-sampler degradation during active and passive air sampling (2017)
Investigation of cosolvent application to enhance POPs' mass transfer in partitioning passive sampling in sediment (2017)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of coastal areas of the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Indications for long-term downward trends (2017)
Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls along an east-to-west gradient in subtropical North Atlantic surface water (2017)
Nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - gas-particle partitioning, mass size distribution, and formation along transport in marine and continental background air (2017)
New insights on humic-like substances associated with wintertime urban aerosols from central and southern Europe: Size-resolved chemical characterization and optical properties (2017)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in background air around the Aegean: implications for phase partitioning and size distribution (2017)
Legacy and alternative halogenated flame retardants in human milk in Europe: Implications for children's health (2017)
Contaminants of emerging concern in the open sea waters of the Western Mediterranean (2017)
Phytoestrogens and sterols in waters with cyanobacterial blooms - Analytical methods and estrogenic potencies (2017)
Assessment of non-derivatized beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) neurotoxin in free form in urine of patients with nonspecific neurological symptoms (2017)
Cyanobacteria and microcystin contamination in untreated and treated drinking water in Ghana (2017)
Analysis of Microcystins in Animal Tissues Using LC-MS/MS (2017)
Retention performance of three widely used SPE sorbents for the extraction of perfluoroalkyl substances from seawater (2018)
A method for analysis of marker persistent organic pollutants in low-volume plasma and serum samples using 96-well plate solid phase extraction (2018)
Hypersensitivity to material and environmental burden as a possible cause of late complications of cardiac implantable electronic devices (2018)
Distribution and Mobility Potential of Trace Elements in the Main Seam of the Most Coal Basin (2018)
Records of organochlorine pesticides in soils and sediments on the southwest of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (2018)
Characterizing Spatial Diversity of Passive Sampling Sites for Measuring Levels and Trends of Semivolatile Organic Chemicals (2018)
Are atmospheric PBDE levels declining in central Europe? Examination of the seasonal and semi-long-term variations, gas-particle partitioning and implications for long-range atmospheric transport (2018)
PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in indoor environments - A comparison of indoor contamination in Canada and Czech Republic (2018)
A critical assessment of passive air samplers for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (2018)
New brominated flame retardants and dechlorane plus in the Arctic: Local sources and bioaccumulation potential in marine benthos (2018)
First data on uranium uptake in three nototheniid fishes from Antarctica (James Ross Island) (2018)
Graphene Oxide from Improved Hummers' Method: Is This Material Suitable for Reproducible Electrochemical (Bio)Sensing? (2018)
Revolatilisation of soil-accumulated pollutants triggered by the summer monsoon in India (2018)
A contemporary assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in the ambient air and soil of Azerbaijan (2018)
Hexabromocyclododecane: concentrations and isomer profiles from sources to environmental sinks (2018)
Contamination Profile of DDTs in the Shark Somniosus microcephalus from Greenland Seawaters (2018)
In vitro bioaccessibility of selenoamino acids from selenium (Se)-enriched Chlorella vulgaris biomass in comparison to selenized yeast; a Se-enriched food supplement; and Se-rich foods (2019)
Assessment of geogenic input into Bilina stream sediments (Czech Republic) (2019)
Linking past uses of legacy SVOCs with today's indoor levels and human exposure (2019)
Chasing equilibrium passive sampling of hydrophobic organic compounds in water (2019)
Characterization, source identification and risk associated with polyaromatic and chlorinated organic contaminants (PAHs, PCBs, PCBzs and OCPs) in the surface sediments of Hooghly estuary, India (2019)
Widespread occurrence of retinoids in water bodies associated with cyanobacterial blooms dominated by diverse species (2019)
Application of passive sampling for sensitive time-integrative monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins microcystins in drinking water treatment plants (2019)
Simultaneous determination of cadmium and iron in different kinds of cereal flakes using high-resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrometry (2019)
Concentrations of Thirteen Trace Metals in Scales of Three Nototheniid Fishes from Antarctica (James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula) (2019)
Innovative preconcentration technique on polymer sorbent for simultanoues determination of platinum group metals in the waters and lichen Hypogymnia physodes (2016)
Occurrence and transformation of mercury in formerly contaminated soils due to operation of amalgamation techniques and assessment of consequences (2020)
Fast Formation of Nitro-PAHs in the Marine Atmosphere Constrained in a Regional-Scale Lagrangian Field Experiment (2019)
Bulk atmospheric deposition of persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Central Europe (2019)
Stable-isotope dilution LC-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of microcystin conjugates with cysteine and glutathione in biotic matrices (2019)
Comparability of long-term temporal trends of POPs from co-located active and passive air monitoring networks in Europe (2019)
Multiyear levels of PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and PAHs in background air in central Europe and implications for deposition (2020)
Persistent organic pollutants sorbed in plastic resin pellet - "Nurdles" from coastal areas of Central Chile (2020)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air on small spatial and temporal scales - II Mass size distributions and gas-particle partitioning (2010)
Oxygenated and Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air-Levels, Phase Partitioning, Mass Size Distributions, and Inhalation Bioaccessibility (2020)
Application of a new HPLC-ICP-MS method for simultaneous determination of Al3+ and aluminium fluoride complexes (2015)
Selenium Incorporation to Amino Acids in Chlorella Cultures Grown in Phototrophic and Heterotrophic Regimes (2020)
Hospitals and Pharmacies as Sources of Contamination by Cytostatic Pharmaceuticals: Long-Term Monitoring in the Czech Republic (2020)
Toxic potentials of particulate and gaseous air pollutant mixtures and the role of PAHs and their derivatives (2020)
Marine plastic debris in Central Chile: Characterization and abundance of macroplastics and burden of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (2020)
Field- and model-based calibration of polyurethane foam passive air samplers in different climate regions highlights differences in sampler uptake performance (2020)
Unraveling the Relationship between the Concentrations of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Freshwater Fish of Different Trophic Levels and Water Using Passive Sampling (2020)
Kinetics, Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Studies of the Adsorption Mechanism of PFOS and PFOA Using Inactivated and Chemically Activated Maize Tassel (2020)
Qualitative assessment of 27 current-use pesticides in air at 20 sampling sites across Africa (2020)
Higher chromium levels in hair of obese men (2019)
Multi-year atmospheric concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) at a background site in central Europe (2020)
Application of equilibrium passive sampling to profile pore water and accessible concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants in Danube sediments (2020)
Nitrated monoaromatic hydrocarbons (nitrophenols, nitrocatechols, nitrosalicylic acids) in ambient air: levels, mass size distributions and inhalation bioaccessibility (2021)
Three years of atmospheric concentrations of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygen heterocycles at a central European background site (2021)
Dynamic passive sampling of hydrophobic organic compounds in surface seawater along the South Atlantic Ocean east-to-west transect and across the Black Sea (2021)
Chlorinated and brominated persistent compounds in hard coral, soft coral, and parrotfish from remote Mascarene islands (2021)
Open, High-Resolution EI plus Spectral Library of Anthropogenic Compounds (2021)
Legacy and novel flame retardants from indoor dust in Antarctica: Sources and human exposure (2021)
Hydrothermally synthesized MnO2 nanowires and their application in Lead (II) and Copper (II) batch adsorption (2021)
Raman Microspectroscopic Analysis of Selenium Bioaccumulation by Green Alga Chlorella vulgaris (2021)
The efficiency of antineoplastic drug contamination removal by widely used disinfectants-laboratory and hospital studies (2021)
A simple dilute-and-shoot procedure for the determination of platinum in human pleural effusions using HR-CS GF-AAS (2021)
NPAHs and OPAHs in the atmosphere of two central European cities: Seasonality, urban-to-background gradients, cancer risks and gas-to-particle partitioning (2021)
Levels and risks of antineoplastic drugs in households of oncology patients, hospices and retirement homes (2021)
Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa Contributes to the Severity of Fish Diseases: A Study on Spring Viraemia of Carp (2021)
Mobilita prvků vázaných v říčních sedimentech ovlivněných těžbou uhlí (2021)
Temporal Trends of Persistent Organic Pollutants across Africa after a Decade of MONET Passive Air Sampling (2021)
Trends of Diverse POPs in Air and Water Across the Western Atlantic Ocean: Strong Gradients in the Ocean but Not in the Air (2021)
Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in marine plastic litter from coastal areas of Central Chile (2021)
An adverse outcome pathway based in vitro characterization of novel flame retardants-induced hepatic steatosis (2021)
A comprehensive assessment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in an Indian food basket: Levels, dietary intakes, and comparison with (2021)
Levels and risks of surface contamination by thirteen antineoplastic drugs in the Czech and Slovak hospitals and pharmacies (2022)
Kontaminace cytostatiky v českých a slovenských nemocnicích a lékárnách – monitoring 13 často používaných léčiv (2021)
Application of transesterification derivatization reaction for GC-MS analysis (2021)
Aplikace transesterifikační derivatizační reakce pro GC-MS analýzy (2022)
Application of 96-well plate SPE method for analysis of persistent organic pollutants in low volume blood serum samples (2022)
Current use pesticides in soil and air from two agricultural sites in South Africa: Implications for environmental fate and human exposure (2022)
Seasonal variations in air concentrations of 27 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and 25 current-use pesticides (CUPs) across three agricultural areas of South Africa (2022)
Základy studia environmentálních procesů (2020)
Fundamentals in Environmental Processes Research. Laboratory Course (2020)
Toxicity to bronchial cells and endocrine disruptive potentials of indoor air and dust extracts and their association with multiple chemical classes (2022)
Atmospheric deposition of chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in central Europe analyzed by GC-MS/MS (2021)
Analysis of organic substances in the Danube River surface water by passive sampling (2021)
A release of Ti-ions from nanostructured titanium oxide surfaces (2022)
The Bisphenols Found in the Ejaculate of Men Does Not Pass through the Testes (2022)
Occupational risks of health care personnel administering antineoplastic drugs. Results of the large-scale monitoring in Czech and Slovak hospitals (2020)
Antineoplastic drugs in households of oncology patients (2021)
Comparing total and accessible concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediments and suspended particulate matter in the Danube River (2022)
Linear regression in analytical laboratory using programming languages Python and R (2022)
Comparability of semivolatile organic compound concentrations from co-located active and passive air monitoring networks in Europe (2022)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated, nitrated and oxygenated derivatives in the atmosphere over the Mediterranean and Middle East seas (2022)
Personal care product use and lifestyle affect phthalate and DINCH metabolite levels in teenagers and young adults (2022)
Using large amounts of firefighting foams releases per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) into estuarine environments: A baseline study in Latin America (2022)
Nitro- and oxy-PAHs in grassland soils from decade-long sampling in central Europe (2022)
Emerging investigator series: deposited particles and human lung lining fluid are dynamic, chemically-complex reservoirs leading to thirdhand smoke emissions and exposure (2022)
Pesticide exposure among Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort: Urinary biomarker levels and associated health risks (2022)
Human Exposure to Pesticides in Dust from Two Agricultural Sites in South Africa (2022)
Ice-nucleating particles near two major dust source regions (2022)
Application of metals commonly used in medicine – in vivo model (2022)
Effect of titanium surface nanotubular arrays with nanotubes of two different dimensions on cell behavior (2022)
Method validation for a multi-element panel in human seminal plasma by inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) (2022)
Struktura zanieczyszczeń pyłowych w Polsce na podstawie zautomatyzowanych pomiarów krótkoterminowych (2022)
Metals and Trace Elements in Calcified Valves in Patiens with Acquired Severe Aortic Valve Stenosisi: Is There a Connction with the Degeneration Process ? (2023)
Replacement Flame-Retardant 2-Ethylhexyldiphenyl Phosphate (EHDPP) Disrupts Hepatic Lipidome: Evidence from Human 3D Hepatospheroid Cell Culture (2023)
Effects of pesticide exposure on oxidative stress and DNA methylation urinary biomarkers in Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort (2023)
The exposure of Czech firefighters to perfluoroalkyl substances and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: CELSPAC – FIREexpo case-control human biomonitoring study (2023)
Effect of titanium nanostructured surface on fibroblast behavior (2023)
Exposure to flame retardants in European children - Results from the HBM4EU aligned studies (2023)
Cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins and lipopolysaccharides in aerosols from inland freshwater bodies and their effects on human bronchial cells (2023)
Estimation of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances mass loads in the Danube River using passive sampling (2023)
Bioanalytical and chemical characterization of organic micropollutant mixtures in long-term exposed passive samplers from the Joint Danube Survey 4: Setting a baseline for water quality monitoring (2023)
Enrichment of human nasopharyngeal bacteriome with bacteria from dust after short-term exposure to indoor environment: a pilot study (2023)
Different approaches to explore the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on carbonaceous aerosols at a European rural background site (2023)
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Persistent Organic Pollutants across Europe after 15 Years of MONET Passive Air Sampling (2023)
Firefighters and the liver: Exposure to PFAS and PAHs in relation to liver function and serum lipids (CELSPAC-FIREexpo study) (2023)
Vzorkování vnitřních prostor zdravotnických zařízení a domácností onkologických pacientů za účelem sledování hladin kontaminace cytotoxickými léčivy a omezování souvisejících rizik (2023)
Proposals of guidance values for surface contamination by antineoplastic drugs based on long term monitoring in Czech and Slovak hospitals and pharmacies (2023)
Environmental signature and health risk assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) emitted from a landfill fire in Santiago de Chile (2023)
Biostatistic and machine learning in MALDI mass spectrometry research (2023)
Current-use pesticide exposure pathways in Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort (2023)
Insights into the Chemical Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols from Urban-Industrial and Rural Sites in South-East of Poland During Winter (2023)
Occurrence, Source and Dietary Exposure of Toxic and Essential Elements in the Indian Food Basket (2023)
Intriguing properties of graphite/polysiloxane composite-based pencil electrodes (2024)
Cognitive Performance and Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants in Children: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Analysis of Two European Mother-Child Cohorts (2023)
Atmospheric mercury and its deposition during the phasing out of an amalgam electrolysis plant: temporal, seasonal, and spatial patterns (2023)
Enrichment of human nasopharyngeal bacteriome with bacteria from dust after short-term exposure to indoor environment (2023)
Anti-androgenic activity of novel flame retardants in mixtures: Newly identified contribution from tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate (TDBP-TAZTO) (2023)
New sample preparation method to analyse 15 specific and non-specific pesticide metabolites in human urine using LC-MS/MS (2021)
Organic and inorganic carbon storage in riparian zones of Central European rivers – A comparison of methods for their determination (2024)
A seven-year-based characterization of aerosol light scattering properties at a rural central European site (2024)
Child exposure to organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides measured in urine, wristbands, and household dust and its implications for child health in South Africa: A panel study (2024)
Determination of metal ion levels in circulation in patients with joint replacement (2024)
Internal Flames: Metal(loid) Exposure Linked to Alteration of the Lipid Profile in Czech Male Firefighters (CELSPAC-FIREexpo Study) (2024)
Widespread Pesticide Distribution in the European Atmosphere Questions their Degradability in Air (2024)
A pilot study of seminal plasma analysis in cystic fibrosis patients compared to a healthy population reveals significant changes in its composition. (2024)
Development of a supramolecular solvent–based extraction method for application to quantitative analyses of a wide range of organic contaminants in indoor dust (2024)
Air-soil cycling of oxygenated, nitrated and parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in source and receptor areas (2024)
Occurrence and diffusive air-seawater exchanges of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Fildes Bay, King George Island, Antarctica (2024)
Extremely high levels of PBDEs in children's toys from European markets: causes and implications for the circular economy (2024)
Identification of new endocrine disruptive transthyretin ligands in polluted waters using pull-down assay coupled to non-target mass spectrometry (2024)
Particle size distributions of current-use pesticides in three European atmospheric environments (2024)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their metabolites in bronchoalveolar lavage and urine samples from patients with inhalation injury throughout their hospitalization: A prospective pilot study (2024)
Monitoring of current-use pesticides along a Europe-Arctic transect using ships of opportunity (2024)
Novel flame retardants detected in marine plastic litter in coastal areas in Central Chile (2024)
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