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Physiology practicals (1999)
EEG and motor responses to target stimuli in an oddball paradigm: SEEG recordings in epileptic patients. (2000)
Fyziologická cvičení (2001)
Electrophysiological responses to target and frequent stimuli recorded by intra-cerebral electrodes during visual odd-ball paradigm in human (2001)
Steep U-shaped EEG potentials preceding the movement in oddball paradigm: Their role in movement triggering (2001)
Intracerebral recordings of visual event-related potentials on reaction errors. (2001)
P3 waveform in oddball paradigm can be time locked to target stimulus or the motor response (2001)
Potentials evoked by non-target stimuli in visual oddball setup (intra-cerebral study in humans) (2002)
Is the potential evoked by visual stimulus dependent on verbal instruction, which determined the stimulus significance? (2002)
Event related synchronization and desynchronization in intracerebral recordings (2002)
Intracerebral somatosensory event-related potentials:effect of response type (button-pressing versus mentalcouting) on P3 distribution within human brain. (2002)
Error processing - evidence from intracerebral ERP recordings (2002)
Early components of event related potentials in visual oddball paradigm (2003)
Erps to target and frequent stimuli in visual oddball paradigm (SEEG study) (2003)
Identical event-related potentials to target and frequent stimuli of visual oddball task recorded by intracerebral electrodes (2003)
Vztah vln P3 k podnětu a odpovědi ve zrakovém oddball paradigmatu (2003)
Časové charakteristiky korové aktivace navozené neterčovými podněty v oddball úloze (intracerebrální studie u člověka) (2003)
Evokované EEG odpovědi ve frekvenčním pásmu 5,5-15 Hz ve vizuálním oddball paradigmatu (SEEG studie) (2003)
Temporal characteristics of cortical activation induced by non-target stimulus in visual oddball setup (intra-cerebral study in humans) (2003)
Evoked EEG responses in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in visual oddball paradigm (SEEG study) (2003)
Fyziologická cvičení (2004)
Intracerebrally recorded ERPs in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in visual oddball paradigm (2004)
Fyziologická cvičení (2001)
Fyziologická cvičení (2004)
Intracerebral error-related negativity in a simple go/no-go task. (2005)
Intracerebral P3-like waveforms and the length of the stimulus-response interval in a visual oddball paradigm. (2005)
Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens. (2005)
Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens (2005)
Electrophysiological response to target and frequent stimuli in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in a visual oddball paradigm (2005)
Early sensory ERPs in oddball paradigm (SEEG study) (2005)
Event-related desynchronization and synchronization in a visual oddball task (a stereoelectroencephalic study) (2006)
Synchrozation of ECoG activity during response to non-target stimuli in oddball task: An exploration in epileptic patients (2006)
Changes of oscillatory activity in a visual oddball task (sEEG study) (2006)
Correlation between stimulus-response intervals and peak amplitude latencies of visual P3 Waves (2006)
Multiple partial seizure-like symptoms in smokers (2007)
Praktická cvičení z Fyziologie (2007)
Physiology Practicals (2007)
Evoked and induced EEG responses in a visual oddball task (SEEG study) (2008)
Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task (2008)
Changes of oscillatory activity during visual oddball task (SEEG study) (2008)
Neural correlates of affective picture processing - a depth EEG study (2008)
Fyziologie temporálního laloku (2006)
Directional Functional Coupling of Cerebral Rhythms Between Anterior Cingulate and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Areas During Rare Stimuli: A Directed Transfer Function Analysis of Human Depth EEG Signal. (2009)
Patologické hráčství u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2009)
Neural correlates of affective picture processing - A depth ERP study. (2009)
Cognitive load during a visual oddball task displays differential impact on beta 2-band phase synchrony (2009)
Diferences in synchronization between various brain regions in the beta-2 band EEG frequencies (2009)
Cognitive network interactions and beta 2 coherence in processing non-target stimuli in visual oddball task (2009)
Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task (2009)
Predictive motor timing performance dissociates between early diseases of the cerebellum and Parkinson's disease (2010)
Polymorfismus genu MDR1 a výskyt sexuálních poruch při dlouhodobé léčbě paroxetinem(abstrakt) (2011)
The level of frontal-temporal beta-2 band EEG synchronization distinguishes anterior cingulate cortex from other frontal regions (2010)
Vplyv atypických antipsychotík na sexuálnu funkciu u mužov (2011)
2 cm inching u fokální neuropatie nervus ulnaris v oblasti lokte. (2010)
Peri-ictal yawning lateralizes the seizure onset to the no-dominant hemisphere in patients with tempoval lobe epilepsy. (2010)
Liší se mozková aktivita dle úspěšnosti léčby repetitivní transkraniální magnetickou stimulací rTMS? (2011)
Physiology Practicals (2010)
Účast odlišných neuronálních sítí při řešení jednoduchého senzorimotorického úkolu (SEEG Studie) (2010)
ERPs recorded by depth electrodes during a simple auditory reaction time paradigm (2010)
Functional integration of the brain after detection of rare target stimuli - a depeth EEG study (2010)
Functional integration of the brain after detection of rare target stimuli - a depth EEG study (2010)
Event-related potentials recorded in a simple sensorimonitor task in epileptic patients (stereo-electroencephalographic study) (2010)
Současné trendy v akutní léčbě manické epizody bipolární afektivní poruchy (2011)
Nové aspekty stimulace prefrontálního kortexu u schizofrenie (2011)
Měkké neurologické příznaky a efekt léčby u prvních epizod schizofrenie (2011)
Amisulpride therapeutic dose-induced asymptomatic bradycardia (2011)
Rozumí sexu opravdu každý? (2011)
Deprese a její léčba u schizofrenie (2011)
Ovlivnění kognitivních funkcí u pacientů s depresivní poruchou pomocí rTMS (2011)
Umíme správně dávkovat antipsychotikum Risperdal Consta (2011)
Outcome in males with first-episode schizophrenia: 7-year follow-up (2011)
Zlepší monitorování krevních hladin adherenci a efekt léčby u schizofrenie (2011)
Cena Josefa Hynieho za nejlepší publikaci roku 2010 (2011)
V souvislosti s významným životním jubileeem prof. MUDr. Jiřího Rabocha, DrSc., si za brněnskou kliniku dovolujeme uvést několik osobních vzpomínek (2011)
Suicides in males after the first episode of schizophrenia (2011)
Neuronální substrát prefrontální stimulace u pacientů se schizofrenií (2011)
Depression as a prominent cause of sexual dysfunction in women with epilepsy (2011)
Impulse Control Disorders in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (2011)
DYT 6-A Novel THAP1 Mutation With Excellent Effect on Pallidal DBS (2011)
Postavení aripiprazolu v klinické praxi (2011)
White matter abnormalities of the motor network in schizophrenia (2011)
Abnormality bílé hmoty motorické sítě u pacientů se schizofrenií (2011)
Neuropsychiatrické projevy v iniciálních stádiích RS a jejich korelát v neurozobrazovacích metodách (2011)
New treatment possibilities – rTMS (2011)
Ročenka Psychiatrické kliniky za rok 2010 (2011)
Diagnostické možnosti zkoušky vizuální pozornosti: Validizace metody – zohlednění faktoru věku (2011)
A predictive statistical model for post-stroke delirium (2011)
Účinnost dlouhodobě působících injekcí Risperidonu (Risperdal Consta) v léčbě schizofrenní a achizoafektivní poruchy. Dvouleté výsledky studie E-STAR v České a Slovenské republice (2011)
Prediktivní model rozvoje deliria po akutní cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Deprese u schizofrenní poruchy (2011)
Kongres německé asociace pro psychiatrii a psychoterapii (2011)
Augmentace antidepresiv antipsychotiky (2011)
Léčba deprese ve stáří (2011)
Safety of amisulpride in combination with antidepressants under common clinical practice conditions (2011)
Maximum-uncertainty linear discrimination analysis of first-episode schizophrenia subjects (2011)
Současný pohled na léčbu negativních příznaků schizofrenie repetitivní transkraniální magnetickou stimulací (2011)
Léčba deprese ve stáří (2011)
Paroxetine Metabolization and Cytochrome P450 2D6: Towards Predictive Models. (2011)
Polymorfizmus CYP2D6 a vliv jednotlivých mutací na fenotypickou konverzi při léčbě paroxetinem (2011)
Srovnání preparátů pro léčbu erektilní dysfunkce (2011)
Serotonergní antidepresiva v léčbě parafilií (2011)
The effects of CYP2D6 polymorphisms on the paroxetine metabolization (2011)
Automatization of CYP2D6 genotyping in patients under paroxetine treatment (2011)
Augmentace antidepresiv atypickými antipsychotiky v léčbě farmakorezistentní deprese (2011)
The Neural Substrate of Predictive Motor Timing in Spinocerebellar Ataxia (2011)
Nejčastější chyby a omyly v diagnostice a léčbě Parkinsonovy nemoci (2011)
Kognitivní evokované potenciály (2011)
Kvalita života po hluboké mozkové stimulaci u pacientů s pokročilou Parkinsonovou nemocí (2011)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment of depressive disorder (2011)
ACNP (American College of Neuropsychopharmacology) 49th Annual Meeting (2011)
Společně na cestě k moderní psychiatrii (2011)
Prefrontální stimulace a její neuronální koreláty u schizofrenie. (2011)
Bezpečnost a účinnost antipsychotika Serdolect v běžné klinické praxi: výsledky českého naturalistického sledování (2011)
Zlepší monitorování krevních hladin adherenci a efekt léčby u schizofrenie? (2011)
Vliv agomelatinu na sexuální funkce (2011)
Prediktivní modely rychlosti metaboloizace CYP2D6 u uživatelů paroxetinu (2011)
Safety of amisulpride in combination with antidepressants in common clinical practice (2011)
Optimalizace psychofarmakoterapie (2011)
Withdrawal related adverse effects of antipsychotic medication in a patient with first-episode schizophrenia (2011)
Post-stroke delirium assessment and epidemiology, European Journal of Neurology, 18, suppl. 2, s. 424-424 (2011)
Léčba antidepresivy - interakce věku a pohlaví? (2011)
Development of the action observation network during early adolescence: a longitudinal study. (2012)
CYP2D6 phenotyping in clinical practice: serum or urine dextromethorphan/dextrorphan metabolic ratio? (2011)
CYP2D6 phenotype and genotype determination with respect to prediction of therapeutic response in first episode schizophrenia treatment (2011)
Is the Cerebellum a Potential Target for Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease? Results of 1-Hz rTMS on Upper Limb Motor Tasks (2011)
Konektivita mozku u schizofrenie (2011)
Zvýšené zrakové evokované odpovede na vysokofrekvenčné podnety v akútnej epizóde schizofrénie (2011)
Integrita traktů bílé hmoty a sekvencování pohybů u schizofrenie (2011)
Rozpoznávání pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie pomocí MRI (2011)
Patofyziologie deliria tremens, cíle molekulární analýzy (2011)
Konektivita mozku a schizofrenie (2011)
Synchronizácia zrakových evokovaných odpovedí mozgu a jej zmeny pri schizofrénii (2011)
Validace české verze "The Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit" (CAM-ICUcz), incidence a prognóza deliria po cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Prediktivní statistický model delíria po cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Kortiko-cerebelární funkční konektivita a řazení pohybů u schizofrenie (2011)
Duševní poruchy v poporodním období - přehled (2011)
Functional Connectivity in Remission after the First Episode of Schizophrenia (2011)
Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Cortical Excitability in a patient With Long-Term Remission of Schizophrenia: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study (2011)
Occurrence of Robust Psychotic Symptoms Aftes Initial rTMS Treatment Session (2011)
Abnormality bílé hmoty motorické sítě u pacientů se schizofrenií (2011)
Ovlivnění kognitivních funkcí u pacientů s depresivní poruchou pomocí repetitivní transkraniální magnetické stimulace (2011)
Terapie depresivní poruchy repetitivní transkraniální magnetickou stimulací (rTMS) (2011)
Psychické nežádoucí účinky vysokofrekvenční rTMS pravého dorsolaterálního prefrontálního kortexu u dospělého pacienta s ADHD (2011)
Kortikální inhibice u schizofrenie - TMS studie (2011)
Efekt bipolární formy elektrostimulace na fokální neuropatii nervus ulnaris v oblasti lokte - pilotní studie (2011)
The change of brain activity caused by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with negative symptoms of schizophrenia (2011)
Change of cortical inhibition in patients with first episode of schizophrenia (2011)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression (2011)
Faktory ovlivňující volbu a efekt antipsychotik (2011)
Amisulprid v léčbě schizofrenie (2011)
Bupropion s řízeným uvolňováním (2011)
Bupropion s řízeným uvolňováním - nové poznatky a perspektivy (2011)
Geneticky determinované epileptické encefalopatie (2011)
Psychofarmakologická léčba schizofrenie na Psychiatrické klinice LF MU a FN Brno v roce 2010 (2012)
Vliv genotypu a fenotypu CYP2D6 na úspěšnost a snášenlivost terapie risperidonem u prvních epizod schizofrenie (2012)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
Psychiatrická onemocnění (2011)
Comparison of two methods for automatic brain morphometry analysis (2011)
Hippocampal P300 recorded during a simple auditory reaction time task (intracerebral study). (2011)
Prediktivní statistický model rozvoje deliria po cévní mozkové příhodě (2011)
Neurální komponenty motivačních a rozhodovacích procesů v lidském mozku (2011)
Subjektivně vnímané pozornostní obtíže a výkon v pozornostních testech (2012)
Efektivnost VNS u fokálních epilepsií v dětském věku. (2011)
Dlouhodobá účinnost chirurgické léčby u pacientů s extratemporální epilepsií (2011)
Aktivita CYP2D6 u pacientů léčených risperidonem (2011)
rTMS v léčbě negativních příznaků schizofrenie (2012)
Lze predikovat efekt antipsychotické léčby měřením neurologických měkkých příznaků? (2012)
Resekční epileptochirurgie u pacientů s perirolandickou epilepsií (2011)
Iktální bradykardie a asystolie u pacientů s fokální epilepsií - retrospektivní studie (2011)
“MRI-negative PET-positive” temporal lobe epilepsy: Invasive EEG findings, histopathology, and postoperative outcomes (2011)
Peri-ictal bed leaving in temporal lobe epilepsy: Incidence and lateralizing value (2011)
Dynamic modeling of neuronal responses in fMRI using cubature Kalman filtering (2011)
Farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2011)
Eslikarbazepin (2011)
Ictal and peri-ictal oscillations in the human basal ganglia in temporal lobe epilepsy (2011)
Talairach's technique of stereoencephalography with planning software (2011)
Multimodal analysis (DTI, fMRI) neurobiological substrates of neurological soft signs in schizophrenia (2011)
Combination of morphological features for recognition analysis of first-episode schizophrenia patients (2011)
Parkinsonské fenotypy – na cestě k nové nozologii atypických parkinsonských syndromů (2011)
Mezinárodní kooperativní škála k hodnocení ataxie (2011)
Škála k hodnocení dystonie (2011)
Rozpoznávání pacientů s první epizodou schizofrenie s využitím obrazů mozku z MRI (2011)
Recognition of First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients with the Use of Brain Morphometry on MR Images (2011)
Does repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation have a positive effect on working memory and neuronal activation in treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia? (2012)
Bezpečnost a účinnost sertindolu v běžné klinické praxi: výsledky českého naturalistiuckého sledování (2012)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie (2011)
Poststroke delirium incidence and outcomes: Validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) (2012)
Does WOQ-9 help to recognize symptoms of non-motor wearing-off in Parkinson’s disease? (2012)
Rychlost nástupu antipsychotického účinku u počátečních stadií schizofrenie (2011)
Využití perkutánní endoskopické gastrostomie – přehled indikací, popis techniky a současné trendy v neurologii (2012)
Subjektivní vnímání léčby přípravkem Serdolect a její vliv na funkční schopnosti pacientů se schizofrenií - výsledky postmarketingového sledování (2012)
Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and sequencing of movements in schizophrenia (2012)
Unveiling the mystery of déja vu: The structural anatomy of déja vu (2012)
Postictal psychosis and its electrophysiological correlates in invasive EEG: A case report study and literature review (2012)
Možnosti vagové stimulace mimo epileptochirurgii (2012)
Farmakorezistentní epilepsie po kraniocerebrálním poranění (2012)
Analytické zpracování MR obrazů v diagnostice farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2012)
Late divergence of target and nontarget ERPs in a visual oddball task (2012)
The role of voxel-based morphometry in the detection of cortical dysplasia within the temporal pole in patients with intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2012)
Multimodální neurozobrazování pomocí simultánního EEG-fMR (2012)
Sulcus temporalis superior a jeho funkční význam (2012)
Epilepsie a úzkostné poruchy (2012)
Zobrazovací metody u úzkostných poruch (2012)
Nové trendy rozvoje biologické psychiatrie (2012)
Towards a predictive model for post-stroke delirium (2012)
Léčba farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2012)
Estimation of neuronal responses from fMRI data (2011)
Serum dextromethorphan/dextrorphan metabolic ratio for CYP2D6 phenotyping in clinical practice (2012)
Relevance of CYP2D6 variability in first-episode schizophrenia patients treated with risperidone (2012)
Hluboká mozková stimulace u rezistentní obsedantně kompulzivní poruchy (2012)
Outcome prediction in schizophrenia patients based on image data (2012)
Alleviation of extrapyramidal side effects upon switching from risperidone to paliperidone (2011)
Essential Tremor, the Cerebellum, and Motor Timing: Towards Integrating Them into One Complex Entity (2012)
P-3 like wave occurs in diverse contexts of the target and nontarget ERPs elicited in human brain during visual oddball task (2012)
Cooperation of remote brain regions during target variant of visual oddball task (2012)
Synchronized activation of frontal and temporal regions during target variant of visual oddball task (2012)
Centrum interaktivních a multimediálních studijních opor na MU (2012)
Schizofrenie - compliance a adherence: spolupráce při léčbě (2011)
Iowa Gambling Task in patients with early-onset Parkinson's disease: strategy analysis (2012)
Dysimunitní kraniální neuropatie u pacienta s Burkittovým lymfomem infiltrujícím caudu equinu (2012)
Identification of common varants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes (2012)
Grey-white matter abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis: Inter-observer analysis, histopathological findings, and correlation with clinical variables (2012)
Vagus nerve stimulation in children - surgical outcomes (2012)
The mesiotemporal lession pathology findings of temporal epileptic patients excluded mesiotemporal sclerosis (2012)
Motivation analysis on the basis of using TAT in two groups of adolescents (2012)
Brain Functional Connectivity of Male Patients in Remission After the First Episode of Schizophrenia (2013)
Neparaneoplastická limbická encefalitida s pozitivitou anit-LGI1 protilátek (2012)
Intracranial EEG seizure-onset patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy and their association with outcome, localization and histopathology (2012)
Dynamics of neurological soft signs and its relationship to clinical course in patients with first-episode schizophrenia (2012)
Genetické aspekty "idiopatických" epilepsií (2012)
Mutace v genu pro nikotinový acetylcholinový receptor potvrzená u pacientů s autosomálně dominantní noční frontální epilepsií (2012)
Long-term outcome of surgery in patiens with extratemporal epilepsy (2012)
Geneticky podmíněná autosomálně dominantní noční frontální epilepsie (2012)
Dlouhodobá účinnost a ekonomická efektivnost terapie VNS u dětí s farmakorezistentní fokální epilepsií (2012)
Long term efficacy and hospitalization rate in children with refractory focal epilepsy treated by vagus nerve stimulation (2012)
Long-term vagus nerve stimulation in children with focal epilepsy (2013)
Neurologie pro nelékařské obory (2012)
Morfologie mozku a průběh schizofrenie (2013)
Brněnské zkušenosti s monitorováním plazmatických hladin clozapinu (CLO) a olanzapinu (OLA) (2013)
Do the basal ganglia inhibit seizure activity in temporal lobe epilepsy? (2012)
Conscious Experience of Motor Intentions and its Experimental Investigation (2013)
Nové léky v terapii epilepsie (2012)
Brain morphometry of MR images for automated classification of first-episode schizophrenia (2014)
Emoční reakce vyvolaná textovými zdravotními varováními na obalech tabákových výrobků u dětí staršího školního věku a adolescentů (2013)
Hyperkinetická porucha (ADHD) (2013)
Exploring the Development of the Mirror Neuron System: Finding the Right Paradigm (2013)
Vliv repetitivní transkraniální magnetické stimulace na nikotinismus u schizofrenie: otevřená studie (2013)
Dynamika kognitivního deficitu u schizofrenie (2011)
Opět v plné síle (2011)
Valdoxan u mladé ženy s úzkostně depresivní poruchou (2011)
Neurobiologie hyperkinetické poruchy pohledem zobrazovacích metod (2013)
Rare neurological presentation of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (2013)
Stanoení fenotypu a genotypu CYP2D6 s ohledem na predikci terapeutické odpovědi u prvních epizod schizofrenie (2012)
On the Time Course of Synchronization Patterns of Neuronal Discharges in the Human Brain during Cognitive Tasks (2013)
Generalized myoclonus as a prominent symptom in a patient with FTLD-TDP (2013)
Intracerebrally recorded high frequency oscillations: Simple visual assessment versus automated detection (2013)
Functional anatomy of outcome evaluation during Iowa Gambling Task performance in patients with Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study (2013)
Effect of BOLD signal properties on accuracy of DCM estimation (2013)
Simulace efektivní konektivity v BOLD datech (2013)
Superior temporal sulcus and social cognition in dangerous drivers (2013)
Hippocampal negative event-related potential recorded in humans during a simple sensorimotor task occurs independently of motor execution (2013)
Dystonia and the cerebellum: A new field of interest in movement disorders? (2013)
Searching for effective connectivity underlying the evoked response in SEEG (2013)
A detailed analysis of the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on negative symptoms of schizophrenia: A double-blind trial (2013)
Intracranial EEG seizure onset patterns in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy and their relationship to other variables (2013)
Rhythmic ictal nonclonic hand (RINCH) motions in temporal lobe epilepsy: Invasive EEG findings, incidence, and lateralizing value (2013)
The Mechanisms of Movement Control and Time Estimation in Cervical Dystonia Patients (2013)
Association Between the Basal Ganglia and Large-Scale Brain Networks in Epilepsy (2013)
Similar circuits but different connectivity patterns between the cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and supplementary motor area in early Parkinson's disease patients and controls during predictive motor timing (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing [presentation] (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing (2013)
Does skull shape mediate the relationship between objective features and subjective impressions about the face? (2013)
Oscillatory changes in cognitive networks activated during a three-stimulus visual paradigm: An intracerebral study (2013)
Copying You Copying Me: Interpersonal Motor Co- Ordination Influences Automatic Imitation (2013)
Stress-Induced Alterations of Left-Right Electrodermal Activity Coupling Indexed by Pointwise Transinformation (2013)
Neuromodulace u farmakorezistentní OCD (2013)
Porucha řazení pohybů u schizofrenie projevem narušené konektivity mozku (2013)
Metabolic parameters in patients with first episode of schizophrenia: 7-year follow-up study (2013)
Response to antipsychotic treatment in first episode schizophrenia patients and its predictive value to subsequent response (2013)
Léčebné traktorie u pacientů s první epizodou psychózy (2013)
Nefarmakologická léčba schizofrenie (2013)
Metabolický syndrom a schizofrenie (2013)
Remission from first-episode schizophrenia and përsistent functional connectivity abnormalities (2013)
Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity in schizophrenia (2013)
Hluboká mozková stimulace u pacientů s obsedantně kompulzivní poruchou (2013)
A new method for computer aided diagnostics of schizophrenia based on magnetic resonance brain images (2013)
A novel method for computer aided diagnostics of schizophrenia based on magnetic resonance brain images (2013)
Transmission of t(11;14)-positive cells by allogeneic stem cell transplant: 10-year journey to mantle cell lymphoma (2014)
Severe acute dystonia/akathisia after paliperidone palmitate application - a case study (2014)
Psychosis effect on hippocampal reduction in schizophrenia (2014)
Proměnlivá tvář parkinsonské neurodegenerace (2013)
The boundaries of epilepsy: Where is the limit? A reply to Labate and Gambardella (2013)
Statistical significance of task related deep brain EEG dynamic changes in the time-frequency domain (2013)
Analysis of Evoked Deep Brain Connectivity (2013)
Syncope with atypical trunk convulsions in a patient with malignant arrhythmia (2013)
Lateralizační příznaky u epilepsie temporálního laloku (2013)
Periorální myoklonie s absencemi – videokazuistiky (2013)
Stimulace nervus vagus a její postavení v současné klinické praxi (2013)
Comparing the effects of cortical resection and vagus nerve stimulation in patients with nonlesional extratemporal epilepsy (2013)
Epilepsy, behavior, and art (Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind, part 1) (2013)
Limity farmakoterapie závislostí a možnosti jejich překonání (2014)
Neurobiologie ADHD jako východiska její terapie (2014)
rTMS a schizofrenie (2014)
Post-movement ERPs elicited during target variant of visual oddball task (2013)
Involvement of region-specific HRF in classical analysis of event-related fMRI data (2012)
Evokované potenciály vyvolané po správné odpovědi ve vizuálním oddball úkolu (2014)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces cigarette consumption in schizophrenia patients (2014)
STL*: Extending signal temporal logic with signal-value freezing operator (2014)
Memory for Expectation-Violating Concepts: The Effects of Agents and Cultural Familiarity (2014)
Perampanel Study 207: long-term open-label evaluation in patients with epilepsy (2012)
Wavelet Features for Recognition of First Episode of Schizophrenia from MRI Brain Images (2014)
Abnormalities in Myelination of the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle in Patients with Schizophrenia and Deficits in Movement Sequencing (2014)
Alkoholový odvykací stav a delirium - od patofyziologie k léčbě (2014)
Long-term outcome and predictors of resective surgery prognosis in patients with refractory extratemporal epilepsy (2014)
Méně obvyklé indikace hluboké mozkové stimulace (2014)
Long-term seizure outcome in patients with juvenile absence epilepsy; a retrospective study in a tertiary referral center (2014)
Subthalamic nucleus involvement in executive functions with increased cognitive load: a subthalamic nucleus and anterior cingulate cortex depth recording study (2014)
Plazmatické hladiny psychofarmak a efekt léčby u psychických poruch (2014)
Možnosti transkraniální magnetické stimulace v diagnostice duševních poruch (2014)
Functional Imaging of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia During Predictive Motor Timing in Early Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Event-related potentials and their applications (2014)
Léčba Parkinsonovy nemoci (2014)
An evaluation of traffic-awareness campaign videos: empathy induction is associated with brain function within superior temporal sulcus (2014)
Neurofyziologie obranného chování (2014)
Jak se cítíte „teď a tady“? Neuronální pozadí emočního uvědomění (2014)
Emoční uvědomění a regulace emocí u adolescentních dívek s poruchami přijmu potravy (2014)
Identifying craniofacial features associated with prenatal exposure to androgens and testing their relationship with brain development (2015)
Sigmoid function parameter stability in anatomically informed priors for dynamic causal models (2014)
Influence of underlying network structure on accuracy of DCM estimation (2014)
Repetitivní transkraniální magnetická stimulace v léčbě depresivní poruchy- randomizovaná, jednoduše slepá, antidepresivy kontrolovaná studie (2014)
Profesionální syndrom karpálního tunelu (2014)
Computer applications systems and networks for medical education : MEFANET: Czech and Slovak Medical Faculties Network (2014)
Multimodální přístup k funkčnímu zobrazení mozku (2014)
Long-term therapy of benign essential blepharospasm and facial hemispasm with botulinum toxin A: retrospective assessment of the clinical and quality of life impact in patients treated for more than 15 years (2014)
Motor cortex plasticity and excitability in Parkinson's disease (2014)
Mismatch negativity-like potential (MMN-like) in the subthalamic nuclei in Parkinson’s disease patients (2014)
Elektrofyziologie (2014)
Default Mode Network Connectivity Patterns associated with Visual Processing at Different Stages of Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Ictal and postictal semiology in patients with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (2014)
Effect of partial drug withdrawal on the lateralization of interictal epileptiform discharges and its relationship to surgical outcome in patients with hippocampal sclerosis (2014)
Česká verze Autonomic Scale for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease (CSOPA-AUT) - dotazníku k hodnocení přítomnosti a závažnosti příznaků autonomních dysfunkcí u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2014)
Minimal-Counterintuitiveness Revisited: Effects of cultural and ontological violations on concept memorability (2014)
Dlouhodobá terapie intraduodenální levodopou - kazuistika tří pacientů (2014)
Klinické výstupy monitorování plazmatických hladin klozapinu a olanzapinu (2015)
Příčiny změn morfologie hipokampu u schizofrenie (2015)
Epigenetika, kortikální inhibice a antipsychotika (2015)
Účinnost léčby bupropionem a trazodonem snížené sexuální touhy a poruch orgasmu u žen (2015)
Kardiovaskulární regulace u alexithymicky laděných osob (2014)
A Method Combining Locally Linear Embedding and Support Vector Machine for Schizophrenia Diagnostics (2014)
SF3B1 mutations in CLL are associated with a defective DNA damage response (2014)
Targeted next-generation sequencing for mutational screening in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a high-throughput yet tailored approach will facilitate implementation within a clinical setting (2014)
Incorporation of next-generation sequencing into ATM gene analysis in patients with CLL and MCL. (2014)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a význam sekvenování nové generace při studiu patogeneze onemocnění (2014)
Vliv haloperidolu na sociální interakce myší ve vývojovém modelu schizofrenie (2015)
Význam mutační analýzy prognostických markerů u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím přístupů další generace sekvenováním (2014)
Genetické aberace v B-lymfocytu chronické lymfocytární leukémie - vznik, selekce a dopad na terapii (2014)
Prognostic impact of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in TP53-mutated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Preictal Dynamics of EEG Complexity in Intracranially Recorded Epileptic Seizure A Case Report (2014)
Aplikace botulotoxinu do musculus tibialis posterior z mediálního přístupu (2014)
Využití MRI metody ASL v hodnocení změn mozku u POLY I:C modelu schizofrenie u potkanů (2015)
Movement sequencing abnormalities in schizophrenia: Changes in cortical activity during finger-tapping task (2015)
Zvyšování kapacity motorického učení u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí: Využití rytmické počítačové hry (2014)
Image-based Automated Detection of First-episode Schizophrenia: The Importance of Spatial Resolution of Morphological Features and Ensemble Learning (2014)
Disociácia afektívnej a kognitívnej empatie a jej deficit u schizofrénie (2015)
Modern Techniques of Epileptic Focus Localization (2014)
Epidemiological Study of Neurodegenerative Parkinsonism in "Hornacko", a Specific Region of the South-eastern Moravia, Czech Republic (2014)
Exploring task-related variability in fMRI data using fluctuations in power spectrum of simultaneously acquired EEG (2015)
Feasibility and reproducibility of neurochemical profile quantification in the human hippocampus at 3T (2015)
Klinické zkušenosti s monitorováním terapeutických hladin olanzapinu a klozapinu (2015)
Dotazník funkcionální komunikace (DFK) – validace originálního českého testu (2015)
Neuroonkologické aspekty u nemocných s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2015)
Mentální procesy následující po provedení volního pohybu během vizuálního oddball úkolu - intracerebrální studie (2015)
Proceedings of the workshop on Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia and Cortical Connections Unmasked in Health and Disorder Held in Brno, Czech Republic, October 17th, 2013 (2015)
Hledání markerů psychiatrických onemocnění v oblasti neurozobrazovacích metod (2015)
Neuronální koreláty poruch časování motorické odpovědi u schizofrenie (2015)
Combining various types of classifiers and features extracted from magnetic resonance imaging data in schizophrenia recognition (2015)
Long-term outcomes in patients after epilepsy surgery failure (2015)
The non-target stimuli of the oddball task activate loci in the primary motor cortex: a case study of a patient with depth electrodes (2014)
Sensitivity of PPI analysis to differences in noise reduction strategies (2015)
Psychiatrická propedeutika. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů (2011)
Obecná a speciální psychiatrie. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů. (2011)
Zobrazovací metody v psychiatrii: Využití informací o morfologii mozku pro hodnocení neurobiologie duševních nemocí a klinickou praxi. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů (2011)
Sexualita u nemocných s psychickými poruchami. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů (2011)
General and specialized psychiatry. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů (2011)
Glioblastoma Multiforme in a Patient with Isolated Hemimegalencephaly (2015)
Using high-gamma oscillations to track the neural dynamics of volitional action (2015)
It's all in the past: temporal-context effects modulate subjective evaluations of emotional visual stimuli, regardless of presentation sequence (2015)
Psychological Benefits of Nonpharmacological Methods Aimed for Improving Balance in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review (2015)
Emoční komplexita (2014)
Analysis of textual data in psychology (2014)
Lost in the Rhythm : Effects of Rhythm on Subsequent Interpersonal Coordination (2016)
Neurobiology of ADHD From Childhood to Adulthood: Findings of Imaging Methods (2015)
Development of novel paradigms for social neuroscience - ongoing bilateral project (2015)
Response to "Failed epilepsy surgery: It is not too late" (2015)
Zrození self: neurovývojový pohled na integraci a interakci těla a mysli (2015)
Terapie klozapinem a její (nejen) metabolické aspekty (2015)
rTMS v léčbě schizofrenie (2015)
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in ADHD (2015)
An fMRI investigation into the effect of preceding stimuli during visual oddball tasks (2015)
Impact of cognitive stimulation on ripples within human epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampus (2015)
Linking Essential Tremor to the Cerebellum: Physiological Evidence (2016)
Third International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind: Part 1 (2015)
The Role of Anterior Nuclei of the Thalamus: A Subcortical Gate in Memory Processing: An Intracerebral Recording Study (2015)
Using ASL Method for Monitoring of Brain Perfusion Changes in a Rat Model of Schizophrenia and After Chronic Administration of Aripiprazole. (2015)
Connectivity of Superior Temporal Sulcus During Target Detection (2016)
The clinical phenomenology and associations of trick maneuvers in cervical dystonia (2016)
Structural covariance mapping delineates medial and medio-lateral temporal networks in déja vu (2016)
Co-ordinated structural and functional covariance in the adolescent brain underlies face processing performance (2016)
Přírůstek hmotnosti a schizofrenie (2016)
Praktické výstupy klinického monitorování psychofarmak (2016)
Repetitivní transkraniální magnetická stimulace jako augmentace psychofarmak (2016)
Výzkum centra Neurověd CEITEC MU Brno a Psychiatrické kliniky lF MU a FN Brno (2016)
Long-Term Treatment of Focal Dystonias (Cervical and Writer’s Cramp): Clinical and Quality of Life Impact (2015)
Úvod k hlavnímu tématu spasticita (2015)
Atypické parkinsonské syndromy (2015)
Post-movement processing in visual oddball task - Evidence from intracerebral recording (2016)
The primary motor cortex is involved in the control of a non-motor cognitive action (2016)
Is nucleus subthalamicus involved in thinking? Separation of conscious and subconscious cognition component in the subthalamic nucleus using P300 and MMN protocols. (2015)
Autocrine Signaling by Wnt-5a Deregulates Chemotaxis of Leukemic Cells and Predicts Clinical Outcome in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. (2016)
ROR1-based immunomagnetic protocol allows efficient separation of CLL and healthy B cells (2016)
Neurologické syndromy sdružené s protilátkami proti membránovým a synaptickým antigenům (2015)
Psychosocial Modulators of Motor Learning in Parkinson's Disease (2016)
Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosing adult-onset Niemann-Pick disease type C (2016)
Neural network of predictive motor timing in the context of gender differences (2016)
Srovnání nejčastěji využívaných metod detekce hotspot mutace genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2016)
fMRI studie inovované verze Go/Nogo task u zdravých jedinců (2016)
Depression and anxiety after acute myocardial infarction treated by primary PCI (2016)
Primární motorická kůra je aktivována během nemotorické kognitivní úlohy: kazuistika pacienta vyšetřeného intracerebrálními elektrodami (2016)
Neurovývojový pohled na vývoj obranných mechanismů a regulaci emocí (2016)
Kortikální mozková inhibice ve vztahu ke klozapinu (2016)
Komplexní léčba poruch příjmu potravy a její realita v systému DRG (2016)
Neurobiologie emocí a emočních regulací (2016)
Emoční regulace u poruch příjmu potravy - pilotní výsledky (2016)
Intenzivní akutní péče v psychiatrii (2016)
Altered Neural Correlate of the Self-Agency Experience in First-Episode Schizophrenia-Spectrum Patients: An fMRI Study (2016)
Neuronal substrate and effective connectivity of abnormal movement sequencing in schizophrenia (2016)
Deja vu experiences in healthy Czech adults (2016)
Brivaracetam for the treatment of epilepsy (2016)
Způsob absolutní kvantifikace exprese miRNA, zejména miR-34a a/nebo miR-150, a jeho použití v diagnostice a prognostice B-buněčných malignit (2016)
Asymptomatic Elevation of Amylase and Lipase After Olanzapine Treatment (2016)
Psychické poruchy a kardiovaskulární onemocnění (2016)
Brain Image Classification Based on Automated Morphometry and Penalised Linear Discriminant Analysis with Resampling (2015)
Whole-exome sequencing in relapsing chronic lymphocytic leukemia: clinical impact of recurrent RPS15 mutations (2016)
A complementary role of multiparameter flow cytometry and high-throughput sequencing for minimal residual disease detection in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an European Research Initiative on CLL study (2016)
Epigenetic silencing of miR-26A1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma: Impact on EZH2 expression (2016)
Elektrofyziologické koreláty impulzivity v Go/NoGo úkolu (2016)
Additional trisomies amongst patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia carrying trisomy 12: the accompanying chromosome makes a difference (2016)
Abnormal movement sequencing in schizophrenia and related cortical activation patterns (2015)
Innovation In the prognostication of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: how far beyond TP53 gene analysis can we go? (2016)
Different spectra of recurrent gene mutations in subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia harboring stereotyped B-cell receptors (2016)
Hippocampal volume in first-episode schizophrenia and longitudinal course of the illness (2016)
Need for Cognitive Closure and Processing of Emotionally Ambiguous Interpersonal Stimuli: An fMRI Pilot Study (2016)
Distinguishing impulsivity phenotypes and their neural correlates (2016)
What's the meaning of this? A behavioral and neurophysiological investigation into the principles behind the classification of visual emotional stimuli (2016)
Identification of miRNA expression profiles in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2016)
Whole miRNome Sequencing of Human Epileptic Brain Tissue (2016)
Methodical approaches to PCR based quantification of miRNA in epilepsy (2016)
Psychofyziologické koreláty regulace emocí během expozice vlastnímu obrazu v zrcadle u pacientek s poruchami příjmu potravy (2016)
Elektrofyziologické koreláty teorie mysli evokované Tematickým apercepčním testem (2016)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) České skupiny pro chronickou lymfocytární leukemii, sekce České hematologické společnosti ČLS JEP (2016)
Studium funkčních vlastností sestřihových variant aktivací indukované deaminázy exprimovaných u B buněčných malignit (2016)
Po stopách oligoklonality u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
Random Subspace Ensemble Artificial Neural Networks for Firstepisode Schizophrenia Classification (2016)
Evokovaná odpověď v Go/NoGo úkolu ve vztahu k impulzivitě (2016)
Brain activity and connectivity in response to negative affective stimuli: Impact of dysphoric mood and sex across diagnoses (2016)
High-quality full-length immunoglobulin profiling with unique molecular barcoding (2016)
Kognitivní a sociálně-kognitivní funkce u pacientů s cervikální dystonií (2016)
ATM mutations in major stereotyped subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Enrichment in subset 2 is associated with markedly short telomeres (2016)
Studium selekce genomických abnormalit v průběhu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
An Immunogenetic Signature of Ongoing Antigen Interactions in Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma Expressing IGHV1-2*04 Receptors (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 upregulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis (2016)
MicroRNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of B cell leukemias. (2016)
The expression of CD20 on malignant B cells is regulated by chemokine signaling through the CXCR4/SDF1 axis: implications for targeting the microenvironmental interactions. (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis. (2016)
ATM gene mutations represent a hallmark of mantle cell lymphoma but do not impact patients survival. (2016)
Mutations in SF3B1 gene are selected independently on ATM/TP53 status and reduce the time to first treatment in CLL patients. (2016)
Decreased expression of WNT3, a canonical Wnt pathway ligand is frequent in chronic lymphocytic leukemia progression and identifies patients with short treatment-free survival in mutated IGHV (2016)
Activation induced deaminase splice variants expressed in B cell leukemia and lymphoma do not retain their catalytic activity. (2016)
Molecular activity in follicular lymphoma monitored by BCL2/IGH in the peripheral blood. The old story in a new light? (2016)
Long-term approach to patients with postsurgical seizures (2016)
Využití celoexomového sekvenování (2016)
Aktualizovaná doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lympfocytární leukémie (CLL) české CLL skupiny. (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 AXIS. (2016)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor P27KIP1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with fuctional ATM/p53 signaling pathway. (2016)
Úloha microRNA-150 v prognóze a transformaci folikulárního lymfomu. (2016)
Interakce B lymfocytů s mikroprostředím vedou ke zvýšené expresi CD20 přes aktivaci dráhy CXCR4/SDF-1: význam pro léčbu pacientů s B buněčnou leukémií. (2016)
Studium funkce sestřihových variant aktivací indukované deaminázy. (2016)
Studium selekce nepříznivých genomických abnormalit v relapsu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
Studium klonální kompozice chronické lymfocytární leukemie s vícečetnými imunoglobulinovými přestavbami na úrovni jednotlivých buněk. (2016)
Detailed analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with single TP53 mutation (2016)
When and how to analyse TP53 status (both mutations and 17p deletions) in CLL patients: the ERIC experience. (2016)
Monoallelic TP53 abnormalities in CLL: do they really exist? The frequency and clinical impact of copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (2016)
What can be found in scalp EEG spectrum beyond common frequency bands. EEG-fMRI study (2016)
Cellular mechanisms regulating CD20 as a target of monoclonal antibody therapy in B-lymphoid malignancies. (2016)
Single cell analysis of clonality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with multiple immunoglobulin gene rearrangement. (2016)
Rituximab preferentially eliminates BCR signaling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells In Vivo (2016)
The role of microRNA-150 in the prognosis and transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2016)
Porous hydrogels as 3D cell scaffolds mimic the anatomy of bone marrow extracellular matrix. (2016)
Detekce mutací asociovaných s Ph negativními chronickými myeloproliferativními neoplasiemi. (2016)
Význam a metodika stanovení mutací v genu TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2016)
Zisk abnormalit genu TP53 je asociován se změněnou signalizací B-buněčným receptorem (2016)
Analýza exprese ROR1 proteinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2016)
Vyřazení genu CD20 pomocí CRISPR/Cas9 knockoutu nezpůsobí žádný defekt v BCR signalizaci u B-lymfoidních malignit (2016)
Příprava linií rezistentních k působení anti-CD20 monoklonálních protilátek a analýza signálních drah u B-lymfoidních malignit (2016)
Cancer clonal evolution and mutational patterns in leukemia patients and development of software for variant calling. (2016)
Neinvazivní testování prenatální diagnostika - zkušenosti s testem Clarigo (2016)
Zkušenosti s analýzou genů BRCA1 a BRCA2 pomocí NGS. (2016)
Analýza genových aberací spojených s Ph-like ALL. (2016)
Analýza jednotlivých buněk CLL pacientů se souběžnými mutacemi p53 a NOTCH1. (2016)
Měření elektrofyziologických korelátů behaviorální inhibice (2016)
fMRI studie behaviorální inhibice u zdravých lidí: metodologie a výsledky (2016)
Supervised, Multivariate, Whole-Brain Reduction Did Not Help to Achieve High Classification Performance in Schizophrenia Research (2016)
Using ASL method for monitoring of brain perfusion changes in rat models of schizophrenia (2016)
High-Frequency Oscillations in the Human Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus (2016)
Predictive Motor Timing and the Cerebellar Vermis in Schizophrenia: An fMRI Study (2016)
Efficacy and safety of abobotulinumtoxinA liquid formulation in cervical dystonia: A randomized-controlled trial (2016)
Mají buněčné terapie budoucnost v léčbě extrapyramidových onemocnění? NE (2016)
Trial-to-trial Adaptation: Parsing out the Roles of Cerebellum and BG in Predictive Motor Timing (2016)
Differences between mesial and neocortical magnetic-resonance-imaging-negative temporal lobe epilepsy (2016)
Cerebellar Dysfunction and Ataxia in Patients with Epilepsy: Coincidence, Consequence, or Cause? (2016)
Sporadická forma meningioangiomatózy (2016)
Jumping translokace u hematologických malignit (kazuistiky FN Brno) (2016)
Low-Burden TP53 mutations occur in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms regardless of hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 status (2016)
Nežádoucí metabolické účinky aripiprazolu v polyI:C modelu schizofrenie u potkana (2017)
Frequency-independent characteristics of high-frequency oscillations in epileptic and non-epileptic regions (2017)
Behaviorální účinky aripiprazolu ve vývojovém modelu schizofrenie (2017)
Metabolické komplikace u hospitalizovaných depresivních nemocných (2017)
Nikotinismus u schizofrenie a možnosti jeho léčby (2017)
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Schizophrenia (2016)
Impulzivita u ADHD a její farmakologická léčba (2016)
Analýza stop na lidské temenní kosti z lokality Nízké Lešnice (2017)
Emotion recognition and Theory of mind in schizophreia: a voxel-based meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies (2016)
Funkčné zmeny mozgu počas spracovávania sociálnych informácii u schizofrénie: multimodálna meta-analýza neurozobrazovacích štúdií. (2016)
Clinical and pathogenic features of ETV6-related thrombocytopenia with predisposition to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2016)
Decreased WNT3 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is a hallmark of disease progression and identifies patients with worse prognosis in the subgroup with mutated IGHV (2016)
Intracerebral event-related responses to empathy-eliciting stimuli within the cingulate cortex (2017)
Analysis of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia from inactive to symptomatic disease prior treatment using whole-exome sequencing. (2016)
A prognostic model comprising only two biomarkers (IGHV mutational status and FISH-cytogenetics) separates patients with different prognosis and simplifies the CLL-IPI (2016)
Tailored approaches for refined prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with mutated versus unmutated immunoglobulin receptors (2016)
Impulse control disorders in patients with young-onset Parkinson's disease: A cross-sectional study seeking associated factors (2016)
Současné modely, testy a metodologické aspekty měření impulzivity v psychologii a psychiatrii (2017)
Dopady pracovně rehabilitačního programu na psychopatologii a kvalitu života u pacientů s chronickým průběhem schizofrenie (2017)
Sleep Deprivation and Structural Fluctuations in White Matter (2016)
Sociodemographic and delivery risk factors for developing postpartum depression in a sample of 3233 mothers from the Czech ELSPAC study (2017)
miRNA profile of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2017)
Risperidone increases the cortical silent period in drug-naive patients with first-episode schizophrenia: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study (2017)
Neurozobrazovací kazuistika (2017)
Význam deregulace mikroRNA v molekulární patogenezi a histologické transformaci folikulárního lymfomu (2017)
CALR mutační profil pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
Využití porózního hydrogelu jako 3D scaffoldu pro růst leukemických B lymfocytů (2017)
Encyclopedia of CLL subsets – nový bioinformatický nástroj a unikátní databáze pro výzkum a klinické využití subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2017)
B cell receptor signaling actvity is associated with genomic defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu Chk1 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53. (2017)
Dopad rekurentních mutací na dobu do progrese po terapiích zahrnujících rituximab v 1. linii u pacientů s CLL. (2017)
Vliv časové struktury na odkládání studijních úkolů, sebeposuzovanou prokrastinaci a subjektivně prožívaný stres (2017)
CD20 knockout cell lines obtained using CRISPR/Cas9 have no significant defect in BCR signaling in B-lymphoid malignancies (2017)
p53 and DNA damage response pathway in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
ToTem – automated software solution for program selection and parameter optimization (2017)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal models (2017)
Transition of attachment hierarchy from early to late adolescence: Latent class and latent transition analyses (2017)
Aripiprazole-induced adverse metabolic alterations in polyI:C neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia in rats (2017)
Multi-center machine learning in imaging psychiatry: A meta-model approach (2017)
Oscillatory reactivity to effortful cognitive processing in the subthalamic nucleus and internal pallidum: a depth electrode EEG study (2017)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with functional ATM/p53 signaling pathway (2017)
Recommended Guidelines for Validation, Quality Control, and Reporting of TP53 Variants in Clinical Practice (2017)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A prognostic model comprising only two biomarkers (IGHV mutational status and FISH cytogenetics) separates patients with different outcome and simplifies the CLL-IPI (2017)
COBLL1, LPL and ZAP70 expression defines prognostic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with high accuracy and correlates with IGHV mutational status (2017)
Immunoglobulin genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: key to understanding the disease and improving risk stratification (2017)
Sociálna kognícia u schizofrénie: výskum, meranie a liečba (2017)
Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Shaken Hearts and Confused Minds: Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Deceptions of the Heart: The Influence of False Cardiac Feedback on Autonomic Markers of Arousal (2017)
Stable Scalp EEG Spatiospectral Patterns Across Paradigms Estimated by Group ICA (2018)
Neurological and Neuropsychological Investigation in Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Defects (2017)
Molecular variability in adult and childhood epileptogenesis: differences in miRNA profile of adult and infantile rats (2017)
miRNA sequencing shows different gene expression in adult and infantile epilepsy (2017)
Regulation of B-cell receptor signalling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) microenvironment via modulation of GAB1 protein levels. (2017)
Zkušenosti s neinvazivní prenatální diagnostiku – test Clarigo (2017)
Prognostic factors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: When, which and how? (2017)
Emotion processing abnormalities in eating disorders: An fMRI pilot study (2017)
Zobrazování a psychodiagnostika: Funkční neuroanatomie Tematického apercepčního testu (2017)
Social cognition and idiopathic isolated cervical dystonia (2017)
Potřeba kognitivního uzavření a zpracování emočně nejednoznačných sociálních podnětů: fMRI pilotní studie (2016)
Význam deregulace mikroRNA v molekulární patogenezi a histologické transformaci folikulárního lymfomu (2017)
Využití porózního hydrogelu jako 3D scaffoldu pro růst leukemických B lymfocytů (2017)
Complex analysis of the TP53 tumor suppressor in mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (2017)
Single cell analysis revealed a coexistence of NOTCH1 and TP53 mutations within the same cancer cells in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients (2017)
HDAC1 and HDAC3 underlie dynamic H3K9 acetylation during embryonic neurogenesis and in schizophrenia-like animals (2018)
Neural correlates of Behavioral inhibition in healthy people and in patients with borderline personality disorder and ADHD (2017)
Neuroimaging of behavioral inhibition: methodology and an fMRI study in healthy people (2017)
The identification of combinatorial therapeutic approaches with BCR inhibitors in B cell malignancies (2017)
Neural - hormonal responses to negative affective stimuli: Impact of dysphoric mood and sex (2017)
Neurozobrazovací kazuistika (2016)
Orthogonal-compatibility effects confound automatic imitation: implications for measuring self-other distinction (2017)
České verze sebeposuzovacích modelů impulzivity Barrattovy škály a škály UPPS-P a jejich psychometrické charakteristiky (2017)
Nové poznatky o patogenezi folikulárního lymfomu a koncepty cílené léčby (2017)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal model (2017)
Comparison of miRNA expression profiles in rat model of epilepsy and human mTLE+HS patients (2017)
MicroRNA and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: Whole miRNome profiling of human hippocampus (2017)
Poly(I:C) model of schizophrenia in rats induces sex-dependent functional brain changes detected by MRI that are not reversed by aripiprazole treatment (2018)
Exomové sekvenování v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií (2017)
Somatické mutace v genu CALR u pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
BCR signalling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells are prone to rituximab mediated elimination in vivo. (2017)
Differential expression of microRNAs in transformation of follicular lymphoma to diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2017)
Down-regulation of miR-150 and up-regulation of its target FOXP1 is associated with transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2017)
Význam a využití NGS v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií. (2017)
The role of microenvironment in the regulation of B-cell receptor signalling via modulation of GAB1 protein levels (2017)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulate the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
Transkraniální magnetická stimulace v doporučeních a běžné klinické praxi (2017)
Temporal lobe epilepsy? Things are not always what they seem (2017)
Metabolické komplikace u hospitalizovaných pacientů s depresivní poruchou (2017)
Disruption in Cerebellar and Basal Ganglia Networks During a Visuospatial Task in Cervical Dystonia (2017)
The level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 Kip1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2017)
Analýza genetických změn CLL nemocných s vývojem resistence k léčbě inhibitorem BTK (2017)
Multiple productive IGH rearrangements denote oligoclonality even in immunophenotypically monoclonal CLL (2018)
Next-generation sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: recent findings and new horizons (2017)
Atypical handedness in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2017)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulates the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
Archeozoologické spracovanie zvieracích pozostatkov zo šibenice pri Slavkove (2017)
Very High-Frequency Oscillations: Novel Biomarkers of the Epileptogenic Zone (2017)
mTLE v dospělosti a dětství – rozdíly v miRNA profilech dospělých a novorozených potkanů (2017)
Predictive value of preoperative statistical parametric mapping of regional glucose metabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2018)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data (2017)
rTMS v léčbě impulzivity u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti. (2017)
Zobrazování a neurostimulace v psychiatrii (2017)
Neural processes involved in cognitive and affective Theory of mind: validation of verbal task (2017)
Role of miRNAs in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2017)
GLASS:assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Bioinformatical analysis of chromosomal rearrangement in chromothripsis event using whole transcriptome sequencing data (2017)
ToTem – a tool for automated optimization of variant calling pipelines (2017)
B cell receptor signaling actvity is associated with genomic defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
A new quantitative method for minimal residual disease monitoring based on next generation dequencing and digital PCR principal (2017)
Promoter methylation of ROR ligand WNTA associates with its expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
DNA methylation profiling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients carrying stereotyped B-cell receptors: a different cellular origin for subset #2? (2017)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Definitions, associations with other biomarkers and clinical impact, a retrospective study on behalf of ERIC (2017)
Treatment with BCR inhibitors increases ROR1 expression in CLL cells (2017)
Biallelic TP53 gene mutations due to copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity and monoallelic mutations in absence of 17p deletion occur in CLL with comparable frequency (2017)
The Barcelona-Brno biomarkers-only (IGHV mutational status and FISH cytogenetics) prognostic model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
ERIC TP53 Network – activities and outcomes (2017)
Concluding remarks. (2017)
Impact of recurrent mutations on progression-free survival in CLL patients treated with front line rituximab-based regimens. (2017)
Chromothripsis is associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Complex genome rearrangements are associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibition blocks CLL chemotaxis and delays leukemia onset in the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Tracking Low-Burden TP53-mutated subclones during CLL treatment and remission using ROR1 separation (2017)
Transcriptome sequencing provides novel insights into the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Focus on major stereotyped subsets (2017)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Definitions, associations with other biomarkers, and clinical impact (2017)
B cells resistant to CD20 monoclonal antibodies display specific alterations in gene expression profile. (2017)
Zobrazování domén sociální kognice a jejích poruch u schizofrenie (2017)
CEITEC research overview (2017)
CEITEC laboratories tour (2017)
Historie biologické nefarmakologické léčby schizofrenie za uplynulých 60 let (2018)
Vzťah medzi cytokinmi, neurokogníciou a sociálnou kogniciou: Biologické markery tvoriace endofenotypy u schizofrénie (2018)
Účinky clozapinu na celulární úrovni (2018)
Biofeedback s využitím virtuální reality u pacientů s funkčními neurologickými poruchami - pilotní studie (2018)
rTMS léčba u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti (2018)
Low-burden TP53 mutations in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms: association with age, hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 mutational status (2018)
Cellular mechanisms regulating CD20 as a target of monoclonal antibody therapy in B-lymphoid malignancies (2017)
Modular framework for detection of inter-ictal spikes in iEEG (2017)
Využití MRI ASL metody pro porovnání změn perfuze mozku v různých neurovývojových animálních modelech schizofrenie (2018)
Demence s Lewyho tělísky s klinickým obrazem sporadické Creutzfeldtovy-Jakobovy choroby (2017)
Sociální kognice u schizofrenie souvisí s fronto-limbickou konektivitou (2018)
Multiway Array Decomposition of EEG Spectrum: Implications of Its Stability for the Exploration of Large-Scale Brain Networks (2017)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie a neurověd (2017)
Transcription factor YY1 can control AID-mediated mutagenesis in mice (2018)
Nomenklatura založená na neurovědách (2018)
Neurobehavioural evaluation of rehabilitation programs for dangerous drivers (2018)
Epigenetické změny jako nový nástroj pro prognostickou stratifikaci pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2017)
Theta burst stimulation enhances connectivity of the dorsal attention network in young healthysubjects: An exploratory study (2018)
GLASS (2017)
Sada pro detekci přítomnosti mutací v genu ATM u pacientů s CLL (2017)
Osteologická analýza lidských a zvířecích pozůstatků z polykulturní lokality Jevišovka – Nová (2017)
fMRI neurofeedback (2018)
Adolescents’ multiple versus single primary attachment figures, reorganization of attachment hierarchy, and adjustments : the important people interview approach (2018)
Trypanosomatid mitochondrial RNA editing: dramatically complex transcript repertoires revealed with a dedicated mapping tool (2018)
Perinatal stress and human hippocampal volume: Findings from typically developing young adults (2018)
Towards long-term 3D culture of leukemic B cells (2018)
Evolution of genomic abnormalities during leukemia disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2018)
The expression of T-cell specific microRNA associates with the transformation of indolent follicular lymphoma to agressive lymphomas (2018)
A dual-fMRI investigation of the iterated Ultimatum Game reveals that reciprocal behaviour is associated with neural alignment. (2018)
Amygdala reactivity and connectivity during social and non-social aversive stimulation in social anxiety disorder (2018)
Morphological changes of cerebellar substructures in temporal lobe epilepsy: A complex phenomenon, not mere atrophy (2018)
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treating Impulsivity in Borderline Personality Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2018)
ToTem: a tool for variant calling pipeline optimization (2018)
ERIC recommendations for TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia-update on methodological approaches and results interpretation (2018)
Dědičné trombocytopenie (2018)
Influence of dose, gender, and cigarette smoking on clozapine plasma concentrations (2018)
MYC-mediated downregulation of miR-150 contributes to the transformation of follicular lymphoma to DLBCL by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
CD20 supports BCR signaling in an intra clonal aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation of cells and rituximab primarily targets these BCR proficient B cells in vivo (2018)
MYC-mediated downregulation of miR-150 contributes to the transformation of follicular lymphoma by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
CD20 reguluje signalizaci přes B-buněčný receptor v mikroprostředí chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
CD20 is a direct regulator of B-cell receptor signaling in the microenvironment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Older Age and Longer Epilepsy Duration Do Not Predict Worse Seizure Reduction Outcome after Vagus Nerve Stimulation (2018)
Changes in telomere length associate with to evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course (2018)
Evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2018)
Tracking the minor clones in oligoclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia using high-throughput immunoprofiling (2018)
Genetic aberrations and progression-free survival in CLL patients treated with front line rituximab-based chemoimmunotherapy (FCR/BR): clinical practice experience (2018)
Single-center long-term results of vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy: A 10-17 year follow-up study (2018)
Detection of circulating miRNAs in the blood plasma of patients with mTLE+HS (2018)
miRNA screening of infantile and adult rat hippocampal tissues in acute phase of epilepsy (2018)
Changes in Connectivity and Local Synchrony after Cognitive Stimulation - Intracerebral EEG Study (2018)
Social decision-making in the brain: Input-state-output modelling reveals patterns of effective connectivity underlying reciprocal choices. (2019)
Analýza rozsáhlých přestaveb genomu u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
Synthetic 3D materials as a tool for long-term culture of leukemic B cells (2018)
Somatické mutace TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie: na cestě od malých klonů k chemorezistentnímu onemocnění (2018)
Hands on workshops on clinically relevant biomarkers: Cell-intrinsic biomarkers – Recurrent gene mutations: TP53 and beyond (2018)
Biomarker-aided clinical decision making in CLL: conclusions from the workshops and future perspectives. Conclusions on Recurrent gene mutations (2018)
Dynamics of microRNA expression during early onset epileptogenesis (2018)
Účinky klozapinu na celulární úrovni (2018)
Are the subthalamic nucleus, internal globus pallidus and thalamus involved in thinking? (2018)
Hippocampal involvement in nonpathological deja vu: Subfield vulnerability rather than temporal lobe epilepsy equivalent (2018)
miR-150 downregulation contributes to the high-grade transformation of follicular lymphoma by upregulating FOXP1 levels (2018)
Theory of Mind Skills Are Related to Resting-State Frontolimbic Connectivity in Schizophrenia (2018)
Seshat: A Web service for accurate annotation, validation, and analysis of TP53 variants generated by conventional and next-generation sequencing (2018)
rTMS treatment of emotion regulation in patients with borderline personality disorder (2018)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with borderline personality disorder (2018)
Innovative real-time fMRI neurofeedback protocol for management of emotion regulation impairment in patients with borderline personality disorder (2018)
ELFday0214: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Motivace v e-learningu) (2014)
ELFday0914: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Spolupráce a kritické myšlení) (2014)
ELFday0215: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Samostatnost a kreativita) (2015)
ELFday0915: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Mobilní technologie v akademickém prostředí) (2015)
ELFday0216: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Jak lépe poznat své studenty) (2016)
Real-time rMRI neurofeedback u pacientů s poruchami regulace emocí (2018)
Next-generation sequencing library preparation for low input cell-free DNA (2018)
Activation-induced deaminase and its splice variants associate with trisomy 12 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Personality Systems, Spirituality, and Existential Well-Being: A Person-Centered Perspective (2018)
Robustness of Representative Signals Relative to Data Loss Using Atlas-Based Parcellations (2018)
Developmental origins of depression-related white matter properties: Findings from a prenatal birth cohort (2019)
Open Day MUNI 2018 (2018)
Perampanel as monotherapy and adjunctive therapy for focal onset seizures, focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures and as adjunctive therapy of generalized onset tonic-clonic seizures (2019)
Diminished N1/P2 Suppression after Delayed Cardiac Feedback (2018)
Všichni moji blízcí : adolescenti a dospělí kolem nich (2018)
Proměny vazbové hierarchie od adolescence k mladé dospělosti (2018)
Rodičovské konflikty očima adolescentů (2018)
Rodiče a výchova : spolu, či proti sobě? (2018)
Intracerebral EEG Artifact Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks (2019)
Prenatal Stress, Mood, and Gray Matter Volume in Young Adulthood (2019)
Peripubertal cannabidiol treatment rescues behavioral and neurochemical abnormalities in the MAM model of schizophrenia (2019)
Social environment simulation in VR elicits a distinct reaction in subjects with different levels of anxiety and somatoform dissociation (2020)
Impaired Self-Other Distinction and Subcortical Gray-Matter Alterations Characterize Socio-Cognitive Disturbances in Multiple Sclerosis (2019)
Autosomal dominant temporal lobe epilepsy associated with heterozygous reelin mutation: 3 T brain MRI study with advanced neuroimaging methods (2019)
Evokovaná odpověď v Go/NoGo úkolu u hraničního typu emočně-nestabilní poruchy osobnosti (2018)
Hippocampal high frequency oscillations in unilateral and bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2019)
EEG Reactivity Predicts Individual Efficacy of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Intractable Epileptics (2019)
Všichni moji blízcí. Adolescenti a dospělí kolem nich (2018)
Všichni moji blízcí. Adolescenti a dospělí kolem nich (2018)
Učebnice speciální neurologie (2019)
Detergent-modified catalytic and enzymomimetic activity of silver and palladium nanoparticles biotemplated by Pyrococcus furiosus ferritin (2019)
Gyrus cinguli kognitivní evokované potenciály a mismatch negativity elektrofyziologická studie s intracerebrálními elektrodami (2018)
The Influence of False Cardiac Feedback on Autonomic Markers of Arousal (2019)
Dissecting social interaction: dual-fMRI reveals patterns of interpersonal brain-behavior relationships that dissociate among dimensions of social exchange (2019)
Processing of Emotions in Functional Movement Disorder: An Exploratory fMRI Study (2019)
Multi-feature localization of epileptic foci from interictal, intracranial EEG (2019)
Electrophysiological correlates of physiological déjà vu phenomenon (2019)
Cortical excitability and visual discomfort in epilepsy: SEEG study (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk of seizure induction in developing brain (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk and severity of seizures developing brain (2019)
Novel CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits significant single-agent activity in TP53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2019)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu CHK1 u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s mutacemi v genu TP53 (2019)
„Nikdy z tebe nic nebude!“: Biofeedback s využitím sociálního stresu ve virtuální realitě u pacientů s funkčními neurologickými poruchami (2018)
Prevalent anatase crystalline phase increases the cytotoxicity of biphasic titanium dioxide nanoparticles in mammalian cells (2019)
Virtual Reality Assesment of Functional Neurological Symptoms (2016)
Ovlivňují beta-blokátory toxicitu paclitaxelu? (2019)
Development of 3D drug-testing platform for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2019)
Novel methodology for seeding leukemic B cells into porous scaffolds and for their DNA isolation (2019)
Potenciál inhibice proteinu checkpoint kinase 1 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie s mutacemi v genu TP53. (2019)
EEG spatiospectral patterns and their link to fMRI BOLD signal via variable hemodynamic response functions (2019)
Cílená inhibice kasein kinázy 1 v léčbě chronické lymfoidní leukémie. (2019)
Minor-clone TP53 mutations in CLL patients entering first-line treatment: clonal evolution and clinical impact. (2020)
Soothing the emotional brain: modulation of neural activity to personal emotional stimulation by social touch (2019)
Social support modulates subjective and neural responses to sad mental imagery (2020)
Peripubertal treatment with cannabidiol reverses behavioral alterations in Delta 9-THC animal model of schizophrenia (2019)
Meta-awareness jako řešení problému Awareness of Intention (2019)
Theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation induced cognitive task-related decrease in activity of default mode network: An exploratory study (2020)
Lehká mozková poranění - konsenzuální odborné stanovisko České neurologické společnosti ČLS JEP (2019)
Co nám může mozkomíšní mok říct o epilepsii a epileptogenezi? (2019)
Role zánětu v etiopatogenezi farmakorezistentní epilepsie a refrakterního status epilepticus. (2020)
NREM sleep is the state of vigilance that best identifies the epileptogenic zone in the interictal electroencephalogram (2019)
Getting into sync: Data-driven analyses reveal patterns of neural coupling that distinguish among different social exchanges (2020)
Contribution of white matter lesions to cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease (2019)
Stable EEG Spatiospectral Sources Using Relative Power as Group-ICA Input (2019)
Anterior thalamic deep brain stimulation in epilepsy and persistent psychiatric side effects following discontinuation (2019)
Stressful Life Events in the Second Half of Pregnancy Predict Visual Network Connectivity in Young Adult Offspring Decades Later (2019)
Dissociating Profiles of Social Cognitive Disturbances Between Mixed Personality and Anxiety Disorder (2020)
You not equal me: individual differences in the structure of social cognition (2020)
A neuroscientific evaluation of driver rehabilitation: Functional neuroimaging demonstrates the effectiveness of empathy induction in altering brain responses during social information processing (2020)
Performance of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells in genetically defined classes of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Imagery-induced negative affect, social touch and frontal EEG power band activity (2020)
Multicenter intracranial EEG dataset for classification of graphoelements and artifactual signals (2020)
Could the 2017 ILAE and the four-dimensional epilepsy classifications be merged to a new "Integrated Epilepsy Classification"? (2020)
Altered dopamine D3 receptor gene expression in MAM model of schizophrenia is reversed by peripubertal cannabidiol treatment (2020)
Prediction of vagal nerve stimulation efficacy - validation of statistic model on external data set, pilot study (2020)
Direct fluorogenic detection of palladium and platinum organometallic complexes with proteins and nucleic acids in polyacrylamide gels (2020)
Cerebrocerebellar structural covariance in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2020)
From theory to practice: Critical points in the 2017 ILAE classification of epileptic seizures and epilepsies (2020)
Examination of electrodermal and cardio-vascular reactivity in virtual reality through a combined stress induction protocol (2020)
Capture-based NGS panel for detection of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangements in DNA samples from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2020)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): a versatile NGS panel for comprehensive analysis of molecular markers with clinical relevance in lymphoproliferative disorders (2020)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lympfoproliferací (2020)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2020)
Epilepsy miRNA Profile Depends on the Age of Onset in Humans and Rats (2020)
High frequency oscillations in epileptic and non-epileptic human hippocampus during a cognitive task (2020)
Cognitive Processing Impacts High Frequency Intracranial EEG Activity of Human Hippocampus in Patients With Pharmacoresistant Focal Epilepsy (2020)
Disociativní porucha hybnosti, nebo Stiff limb syndrom? (2019)
Temporally and sex-specific effects of maternal perinatal stress on offspring cortical gyrification and mood in young adulthood (2020)
Crosstalk between the transcriptional regulation of dopamine D2 and cannabinoid CB1 receptors in perinatal delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol occurs in schizophrenia: analyses in patients and in animal model of the disease (2021)
Socioekonomické dopady bolestí hlavy - příčiny a možnosti ovlivnění (2020)
Nový komplexní NGS panel pro lymfoidní malignity a jeho využití (2020)
Method for prediction of clinical response to VNS therapy in epileptic patients (2020)
Epigenetic clock as a correlate of anxiety (2020)
Impact of sex and depressed mood on the central regulation of cardiac autonomic function (2020)
Maternal Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy and Brain Age in Young Adult Offspring: Findings from a Prenatal Birth Cohort (2020)
Disrupted Sense of Agency as a State Marker of First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Large-Scale Follow-Up Study (2020)
High throughput sequencing data analysis of IG/TR rearranged genes in leukemie clinical research. (2020)
Development of novel patient-derived xenograft model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2020)
LYNX – modulární bioinformatický nástroj s uživatelským rozhraním pro analýzu NGS da u pacientů s hematologickými malignitami (2020)
Epilepsie u pacientů s demencí (2020)
Experimentální design, zkoumající vliv rámování informací o nemoci COVID-19 na pocit osobního a společenského ohrožení nemocí COVID-19, hodnocení rizika COVID-19, emoční prožívání, změnu chování v reakci na epidemii COVID-19. (2020)
Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) reference based on low-variance signals (2020)
Emotional Awareness in Schizophrenia Is Associated With Gray Matter Volume of Right Precuneus (2021)
Response to Vagal Stimulation by Heart-rate Features in Drug-resistant Epileptic Patients (2020)
You took the words right out of my mouth: Dual-fMRI reveals intra- and inter-personal neural processes supporting verbal interaction (2021)
Imitation or Polarity Correspondence? Behavioural and Neurophysiological Evidence for the Confounding Influence of Orthogonal Spatial Compatibility on Measures of Automatic Imitation (2021)
On the relation of white matter brain abnormalities and the asociality symptoms in schizophrenia outpatients - a DTI study (2021)
The association of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) with hippocampal volume in schizophrenia: a preliminary MRI study (2022)
Functional analysis of germlineETV6 W380Rmutation causing inherited thrombocytopenia and secondary acute lymphoblastic leukemia or essential thrombocythemia (2021)
Memory outcomes of temporal lobe surgery in adults aged over 45 years (2021)
On the Role of Bilateral Brain Hypofunction and Abnormal Lateralization of Cortical Information Flow as Neural Underpinnings of Conventional Metaphor Processing Impairment in Schizophrenia: An fMRI and EEG Study (2021)
The neural substrates of diminished humor comprehension in schizophrenia and its relationship with psychopathology (2021)
Human “barcode”: Link between phosphate intensity changes in human enamel and light microscopy record of accentuated lines (2021)
Dynamic miRNA changes during the process of epileptogenesis in an infantile and adult-onset model (2021)
Automated fusion of multimodal imaging data for identifying epileptogenic lesions in patients with inconclusive magnetic resonance imaging (2021)
A Novel Statistical Model for Predicting the Efficacy of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Patients With Epilepsy (Pre-X-Stim) Is Applicable to Different EEG Systems (2021)
The benefit of the diffusion kurtosis imaging in presurgical evaluation in patients with focal MR-negative epilepsy (2021)
A survey of the European Reference Network EpiCARE on clinical practice for selected rare epilepsies (2021)
Neurofyziologické vyšetřovací metody (2020)
Inferior parietal lobule involved in representation of "what" in a delayed-action Libet task (2021)
Electrodermal Response to Mirror Exposure in Relation to Subjective Emotional Responses, Emotional Competences and Affectivity in Adolescent Girls With Restrictive Anorexia and Healthy Controls (2021)
Cognitive impairment and depression: Meta-analysis of structural magnetic resonance imaging studies (2021)
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Signifies the Joint Impact of Dance Intervention and Cognitive Reserve (2021)
Automated seizure detection using wearable devices: A clinical practice guideline of the International League Against Epilepsy and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (2021)
Pregnancy Outcomes in Refractory Epilepsy Patients with Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Long-Term Single-Center Experience (2022)
GAB1 Regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: novel therapeutic target (2021)
In vivo antigen-negative escape to CART-19 caused by CD19 promotor hypermethylation. (2021)
GAB1 reguluje tonickou AKT signalizaci a migraci buněk chronické lymfatické leukémie: implikace pro kombinační léčbu s BCR inhibitory. (2021)
3D in vitro modely pro studium hematologických malignit. (2021)
Hypermethylation of CD19 promoter enables antigen-negative escape to CART-19 in vivo and in vitro (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 axis regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
RGDS-Modified Superporous Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)-Based Scaffolds as 3D In Vitro Leukemia Model (2021)
Infantile status epilepticus disrupts myelin development (2022)
Cytokine-chemokine profiles in the hippocampus of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (2022)
Insights into deja vu: Associations between the frequency of experience and amplitudes of low-frequency oscillations in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (2022)
Development and Validation of the 5-SENSE Score to Predict Focality of the Seizure-Onset Zone as Assessed by Stereoelectroencephalography (2022)
Dance Intervention Impact on Brain Plasticity: A Randomized 6-Month fMRI Study in Non-expert Older Adults (2021)
Polymorphous low-grade neuroepithelial tumor of the young (2021)
Pre-implant Heart Activity Differs in Responders and Non-responders to Vagal Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Epileptic Patients (2021)
Zkušenosti s radiofrekvenční termokoagulací předpokládané epileptogenní zóny pomocí diagnostických SEEG elektrod (2021)
Predikce efektu vagové stimulace u nemocných s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 Axis Regulates Homing Capacity and Tonic AKT Activity in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Novel Therapeutic Target. (2021)
GAB1 – novel regulator of migration capacity and tonic AKT activity in CLL: Implications for combinatorial therapy with BCR inhibitors. (2021)
Patient-derived Xenograft Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Based on Mimicking Its Microenvironment. (2021)
Three-dimensional biomaterials as a tool for in vitro culture of leukemic B cells. (2021)
Novel strategies for three-dimensional culture of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. (2021)
Analýzy cytokino-chemokinových regulačních sítí u pacientů s hipokampální sklerózou. (2021)
Impact of prenatal maternal cytokine exposure on sex differences in brain circuitry regulating stress in offspring 45 years later (2021)
Sex differences in the association of childhood socioeconomic position and later-life depressive symptoms in Europe: the mediating effect of education (2021)
The role of central autonomic nervous system dysfunction in Takotsubo syndrome: a systematic review (2022)
Blind Visualization of Task-Related Networks From Visual Oddball Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Data: Spectral or Spatiospectral Model? (2021)
Automated seizure detection using wearable devices: A clinical practice guideline of the International League Against Epilepsy and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (2021)
Protein c-Myb: A new prognostic factor in osteosarcoma (2021)
Socioeconomic deprivation in early life and symptoms of depression and anxiety in young adulthood: Mediating role of hippocampal connectivity (2022)
Transcription factor c-Myb as a functional driver of osteosarcoma progression (2021)
Impact of Prenatal Stress on Amygdala Anatomy in Young Adulthood: Timing and Location Matter (2022)
Prenatal stress and its association with amygdala-related structural covariance patterns in youth (2022)
Modulating neural reactivity to visual reminders of a deceased close person by tactile social support (2019)
Prediktory vizuálnej predstavivosti : senzorická senzitivita, všímavosť a osobnostné dimenzie (2022)
Socioeconomic and cognitive roots of trait anxiety in young adults (2022)
A high-density EEG investigation into the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying differences between personality profiles in social information processing (2022)
The reduction of hippocampal volume in Parkinson's disease (2022)
Actions of a shaken heart: Interoception interacts with action processing (2022)
Twenty-five years of epilepsy surgery at a Central European Center – trends in intervention delay and outcomes (2022)
Prediction of Vagal Nerve Stimulation Efficacy in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy (PRECISE): Prospective Study for Pre-implantation Prediction/Study Design (2022)
Identification of Trait-Associated Molecular Signatures for Precision Psychiatry Using Deep Phenotyping (2022)
Virtuální realita pro ekologicky validní testování funkcí CNS u duševních poruch (2022)
The role of generalised reciprocity and reciprocal tendencies in the emergence of cooperative group norms (2022)
High frequency ripple oscillations in human memory encoding and recall (2022)
Multimodal combination of neuroimaging methods for localizing the epileptogenic zone in MR-negative epilepsy (2022)
White matter alterations in MR-negative temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy using fixel-based analysis (2023)
Subkortiko-kortikální funkční vztahy lidského mozku během kognitivní zátěže (2022)
Diagnosis and classification of optic neuritis (2022)
Vagus nerve stimulation outcome prediction: from simple parameters to advanced models (2022)
Cenobamát (2022)
Toward understanding the kinetics of disassembly of ferritins of varying origin and subunit composition (2022)
Sexually dimorphic microRNAs dysregulation in neonatal recurrent seizure models (2022)
Birth outcomes, puberty onset, and obesity as long-term predictors of biological aging in young adulthood (2023)
Are there differences in EEG between epileptic patients with vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) and healthy controls? (2022)
The effectiveness of three mobile-based psychological interventions in reducing psychological distress and preventing stress-related changes in the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network in breast cancer survivors: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2023)
Single-center long-term results of vagus nerve stimulation for pediatric epilepsy: a 10-17-year follow-up study (2023)
Twenty-five years of epilepsy surgery at a Central European comprehensive epilepsy center-Trends in intervention delay and outcomes (2023)
Vplyv subjektívnej vizuálnej senzitivity na percepciu času (2023)
CCL2/MCP-1, interleukin-8, and fractalkine/CXC3CL1: Potential biomarkers of epileptogenesis and pharmacoresistance in childhood epilepsy (2023)
Ovulatory shift, hormonal changes, and no effects on incentivized decision-making (2023)
Context-dependent memory recall in HMD-based immersive virtual environments (2023)
The role of casein kinase 1 inhibition in treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Longitudinal study of epigenetic aging and its relationship with brain aging and cognitive skills in young adulthood (2023)
Relative entropy is an easy-to-use invasive electroencephalographic biomarker of the epileptogenic zone (2023)
Parental education, cognition and functional connectivity of the salience network (2023)
Levodopa may modulate specific speech impairment in Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study (2024)
Genetic algorithm designed for optimization of neural network architectures for intracranial EEG recordings analysis (2023)
Eslicarbazepine-induced hyponatremia: A retrospective single-center real clinical practice study (2024)
Shadows of very high-frequency oscillations can be detected in lower frequency bands of routine stereoelectroencephalography (2023)
Utilization of temporal autoencoder for semi-supervised intracranial EEG clustering and classification (2023)
Interictal high-frequency oscillations, spikes, and connectivity profiles: A fingerprint of epileptogenic brain pathologies (2023)
Otravy jedovatými rostlinami v neurologii - záměny za jedlé nebo léčivé rostliny (2023)
Weak coupling of neurons enables very high-frequency and ultra-fast oscillations through the interplay of synchronized phase-shifts (2024)
Perinatal maternal mental health and amygdala morphology in young adulthood (2023)
Korelace fenotypu a genotypu u dvou rodin s hereditární sférocytózou. (2023)
Entropy in scalp EEG can be used as a preimplantation marker for VNS efficacy (2023)
Association of Maternal Depression During Pregnancy and Recent Stress With Brain Age Among Adult Offspring (2023)
Coculture model with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 for study chronic lymphocytic leukemia proliferation. (2023)
Functional neuroanatomy of reading in Czech: Evidence of a dual-route processing architecture in a shallow orthography (2023)
A color-tunable single-benzene fluorophore-based sensor for sensitive detection of palladium in solution and living cells (2023)
Neurodynamics of "cognitive conflict": Theory and illustrative case study (2023)
Interictal invasive very high-frequency oscillations in resting awake state and sleep (2023)
Metabolic connectivity as a predictor of surgical outcome in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2024)
Bariatric surgery and its impact on depressive symptoms, cognition, brain and inflammation (2023)
The interacting brain: Dynamic functional connectivity among canonical brain networks dissociates cooperative from competitive social interactions (2023)
Low prevalence of neural autoantibodies in perioperative cerebrospinal fluid samples of epilepsy surgery patients: A multicenter prospective study (2024)
Facial emotion processing in patients with borderline personality disorder as compared with healthy controls: an fMRI and ECG study (2024)
Topological network analysis across brain diseases (2024)
Grading system for assessing the confidence in the epileptogenic zone reported in published studies: A Delphi consensus study (2024)
Learn how to interpret and use intracranial EEG findings (2024)
Case report: Insulinoma masquerades as epilepsy - quantitative EEG analysis (2024)
Timing matters for accurate identification of the epileptogenic zone (2024)
Stromal cells engineered to express T cell factors induce robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations allowing the identification of RAF inhibitors as anti-proliferative drug (2024)
Prenatal exposure to alcohol and its impact on reward processing and substance use in adulthood (2024)
Neurodegenerácia a elektrická aktivita: analýza metódou multielectrode array (2024)
Změny neuronální elektrické aktivity pod vlivem glutamátu a snížené exprese miR-142-5p (2024)
The impact of neurodegeneration on the electrical activity of brain tissue: multielectrode array analysis (2024)
High frequency oscillations in human memory and cognition: a neurophysiological substrate of engrams? (2024)
Prenatal exposure to air pollution and maternal depression: Combined effects on brain aging and mental health in young adulthood (2024)
MicroRNA-mediated regulation of neurotransmitter receptors in epilepsy: A systematic review (2024)
Virtual reality exposure effect in acrophobia: psychological and physiological evidence from a single experimental session. (2024)
Interictal stereo-electroencephalography features below 45 Hz are sufficient for correct localization of the epileptogenic zone and postsurgical outcome prediction (2024)
Dysconnectivity of the cerebellum and somatomotor network correlates with the severity of alogia in chronic schizophrenia (2024)
Estimating the energy of dissipative neural systems (2024)
Prognostic value of the 5-SENSE Score to predict focality of the seizure-onset zone as assessed by stereoelectroencephalography: a prospective international multicentre validation study (2024)
Subjective visual sensitivity in neurotypical adults: insights from a magnetic resonance spectroscopy study (2024)
Ovlivnění spontánní elektrické aktivity hippokampálních neuronů prostřednictvím glutamátu a specifického antagomiru (2024)
Využití metody multielectrode array pro studium dopadu neurodegenerace na elektrickou aktivitu cerebrálních organoidů (2024)
Dissecting social interaction: dual-fMRI reveals patterns of interpersonal brain-behavior relationships that dissociate among dimensions of social exchange (2019)
Development of white matter in young adulthood: The speed of brain aging and its relationship with changes in fractional anisotropy (2024)
Neurodegeneration and hyperexcitability of the brain tissue (2024)
Epidemiologická studie u farmakorezistentních epileptiků – pilotní studie (2024)
Co-culture with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 expressing stromal cells induces robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations (2024)
TOAST - Tool for analysis of states (2024)
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