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Atlas rozšíření cévnatých rostlin Národního parku Podyjí/Thayatal : Verbreitungsatlas der Gefässpflanzen des Nationalparks Podyjí/Thayatal (1997)
Změny početnosti netopýrů přezimujících v opuštěných štolách u Malé Morávky (Československo) (1993)
Persistentní organické polutanty v prostředí - dálkový transport a vstupy do prostředí a potravních řetězců. (1993)
Selected West or Central European Taraxacum species and eastern limits of their distribution in Moravia (Czech Republic) (1993)
Rozšíření vybraných ohrožených druhů v CHKO Žďárské vrchy II. Rod Carex L. - regionálně fytogeografická studie (1993)
Německo-český botanický slovník pro určovací klíče (1993)
Neslia Desv. (1992)
Capsella Med. (1992)
Guepinia Bast. (1992)
Thlaspi L. (1992)
Aethionema R. Br. (1992)
Iberis L. (1992)
Lepidium L. (1992)
Cardaria Desv. (1992)
Parnassiaceae S. F. Gray (1992)
Poznámky k výskytu subatlantských psamofytů na jižní Moravě (1993)
Crassulaceae DC. (1993)
Bemerkungen zur Vegetation der primär waldfreien Flächen auf nichtxerothermen Standorten in Flusstälern des Südostrandes des Böhmischen Massivs (1993)
Chenopodium pumilio R. Br., a New Adventive Species for Rumania (1993)
Long-term changes in the field layer of oak and oak-hornbeam forests under the impact of deer and mouflon. (1993)
Syntaxonomy of vegetation of Svjatoj Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal 1. Non forest communities (1993)
História botanického výskumu (1993)
Prevalence nákaz drobných savců hantaviry v Jihomoravském kraji (1993)
Floristické a fytogeografické charakteristika aluvia Rudavy (1993)
Komentovaný pylový kalendář pro alergology a alergiky (1993)
Project Tocoen. The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment Part XXI. Chemical Time Bombs - the contentsof PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs in sediments from Danube river catchment. (1994)
Diptera Brachycera of the agricultural landscape in southern Moravia: Faunistic and biogeographical aspects. (1994)
Project TOCOEN (Toxic Organic Compounds i the ENvironment).The fate of selected organic compounds in the environment. Part XXrt XX. The pollution of environment in Czechoslovakia by selected organic pollutants. In: Environmental Contaminants in Eastern E (1994)
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXI. The contents of PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs i/Fs in sediments from Danube river catchment area. (1994)
TOCOEN Project (1994)
Rozšíření vybraných ohrožených druhů v CHKO Žďárské vrchy III. - Rod Scirpus L. - regionálně fytogeografická studie. (1994)
Pampelišky ze sekce Celtica A. J. Rich. ve Žďárských vrších a přilehlých oblastech (1994)
Cardamine dentata Schult. in Moravia (1996)
Taxonomical notes on Some Baikalian Plants (1994)
The Senecio doria Group in Central and Southeastern Europe (1994)
Květena Železných hor (1994)
Xerothermic Oak Forests in the Middle Váh Basin and the Southern part of the Strážovská hornatina Uppland (1994)
Long- and short-term changes in the bat community of the Kateřinská cave (Moravian karst) - a fundamental assessment. (1994)
Věda a univerzitní studium v intencích oboru (model zoologie) (1995)
Biogeografické členění České republiky (1996)
Vascular plants of the Bol'šoj Čivyrkuj valley, Barguzinskij Range (1995)
Supplements to the flora to the Svjatoj Nos Peninsula - Lake Baikal (1995)
Some plant communities in the Bolšaja Čeremšana valley, Barguzinskij range (1995)
O rozšíření některých cévnatých rostlin na nejjižnější Moravě (1995)
Přírodní poměry nejjižnější Moravy a Záhorské nížiny (1995)
Historie floristického výzkumu nejjižnější Moravy (1995)
Lesní vegetace Národního parku Podyjí/Thayatal. Die Waldvegetation des Nationalparks Podyjí/Thayatal (1995)
Are species with similar ranges confined to similar habitat in a landscape? (1995)
Předběžný přehled společenstev teplomilných doubrav jižní Moravy a západního Slovenska (1995)
Plant communities of the Bol'šoj Čivyrkuj River Valley, Barguzinskij Range, East Siberia (1995)
Sedo-Scleranthetea (1995)
Prispevok botanickej zahrady VSP k zachrannemu projektu "Kaltwasser" v zatopovom uzemi vodnej nadrze Turcek (1995)
Soucasny stav halofytni a psamofytni vegetace jihozapadniho Slovenska (1995)
Doplněk ke květeně Vysokomýtska (1995)
Filipendula Mill. (1995)
Parageum Nakai et Hara (1995)
Geum L. (1995)
Sieben neue Bastarde in der Gattung Epilobium L. (1995)
Koelerio-Corynephoretea (1995)
Festucetea vaginatae (1995)
Crypsietea aculeatae (1995)
Thero-Suaedetea (1995)
Thero-Salicornietea (1995)
Festuco-Puccinellietea (1995)
On a community of small mammals in stacks at low population numbers (1996)
Species diversity and relative abundance of small mammals (Insectivora, Chiroptera, Rodentia) in the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. (1996)
The use of aquatic and soil macroinvertebrates for bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in sediment and soil.Preliminary case study. (1996)
Some preliminary results of Czech/Polish phycological activities at Henryk Arctowski station, King George Island, South Shetlands in Australian summer 1995/1996. (1996)
Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO III. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masar. Brun., Biol., 94 (1996)
The Malaysian soldier flies of the genus Ptecticus Loew, including new records and descriptions of three new species (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (1996)
A new synonym and first description of the larva of Solva completa (Diptera, Xylomyidae) from the Oriental Region (1996)
Contribution to roost ecology of Myotis brandti (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. (1996)
Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Myotis dasycneme (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the Czech Republic (1996)
Biodiversity of multicellular parasites of Leuciscus cephalus L.: comparison of statistical methods. (1996)
Project TOCOEN. (1996)
Mezní recentní výskyty Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L a Lathyrus linifolius (Reichard) Bässler na Českomoravské vysočině (1996)
Biogeografické členění České republiky (1996)
34. floristický kurs České botanické společnosti v Břeclavi II. (1996)
Kvetena lokality Ledove sluje (1996)
Vegetace lokality Ledove sluje (1996)
Genetic variation in Tula hantaviruses: sequence analysis of the S and M segments of strains from Central Europe (1996)
Phytogeographically important elements of the Flora of the Zobor Group (Tribec Mts., Slovakia) (1996)
Flora of the eastern surroundings of the village Stepanov nad Svratkou (1996)
Květena povodí Svratky mezi Ujčovem a Nedvědicí (1996)
Contribution to the American species of Bromus sect. Ceratochloa in Czechoslovakia (1996)
Josef Podpera (1996)
Festuco pallentis-Alyssetum saxatilis na jihozápadní Moravě (1996)
Survey of species composition of woody and herb-rich vegetation in the NNR Mohelno serpentine steppe (1996)
Vladimir Krist (1996)
Jan Smarda (1996)
Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republic: Diptera, Tachinidae, part 2 (1997)
Tachinidae. (1997)
Rhinophoridae (1997)
Hypolepidaceae Pichi-Sermolli (1997)
Laser G., M. et Sch. (1997)
Laserpitium L. (1997)
Peucedanum L. (1997)
Imperatoria L. (1997)
Santalaceae R.Br. (1997)
Obnova luční vegetace a fytogeografické aspekty (1997)
Flóra a vegetace okolí Podivína (1997)
The Plecoptera of the River Vltava (Czech Republic): a Century of Extinction. (1997)
Family Xylomyidae (1997)
European Vegetation Survey: context of the case studies (1997)
Pěstované a zplanělé vytrvalé druhy rodu Helianthus v Evropě (1997)
Flóra piesčitých ekotopov v okrese Galanta (1997)
Wenig bekannte Trockenrasengesellschaften am Südostrand der Böhmischen Masse (1997)
Assessment of mercury content in the Morava river water ecosystem. (1997)
Diptera Syrphidae, Hover Flies. (1997)
Úvod do zoologie obratlovců (1997)
Enzyklopadie der Saugetiere (1997)
Savci (1997)
Preliminary data on the distribution of Rhinolophidae in the Czech Republic and variation in numbers of R.hipposoderos in S-Moravia. (1997)
Family Ptychopteridae (1997)
Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics: Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Sciomyzidae. (1997)
Xylophagidae, Coenomyidae, Xylomyidae, Stratiomyidae, Phaeomyidae, Sciomyzidae and Anthomyiidae. (1997)
Diptera Stratiomyidae, Soldier Flies. (1997)
Diptera Muscidae, Muscid Flies. (1997)
Ptecticum minimus, a new species of Sarginae from West Malaysia including the description of its larva and puparium (Insecta: Diptera: Stratiomyidae). (1997)
Family Coenomyiidae (1997)
Dipterologica bohemoslovaca. Vol. 8. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Biol., 95 (1997)
Czech and Slovak dipterological literature 1986-1995. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Biol., 96 (1997)
Experssing site quality by means of the Species Quality Index (S.Q.I.) on the example of Diptera. (1997)
Opetiidae, Platypezidae. (1997)
The 13th Seminar of Czech and Slovak Dipterists and a review of their previous meetings. (1997)
Long-term development of floodplain forest Diptera (Brachycera) in the lower part of the Dyje River. (1997)
The role of species-abundance models in the evaluation of biodiversity of fish parasites in polluted freshwater environment. ent. (1997)
Atlas rozříření cévnatých rostlin v Národním parku Podyjí/Thayatal (1997)
Cnidium Cusson (1997)
Thermophilous oak forests in the Czech Republic: Syntaxonomical revision of the order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae (1997)
Česká národní fytocenologická databáze: počáteční stav a perspektivy (1997)
Plant communities of the thermophilous oak forests in Moravia (1997)
Die Pflanzengesellschaften der westpannonischen Zwergstrauchheiden und azidophilen Trockenrasen (1997)
Fytocenologický výzkum České republiky (1997)
European Vegetation Survey: case studies (1997)
Sinopteridaceae Koidzumi (1997)
Thelypteridaceae Pichi-Sermolli (1997)
Fumariaceae DC. (1997)
Onagraceae Juss. (1997)
Fuchsia L. (1997)
Ludwigia L. (1997)
Chamaerion (Rafin.) Rafin. (1997)
Epilobium L. (1997)
Basic ecology and vegetation characteristics of the natural foci of hantaviruses in south Moravia (1997)
Potential replacement vegetation: an approach to vegetation mapping of cultural landscapes (1998)
Phenological mapping in a topographically complex landscape by combining field survey with an irradiation model (1998)
Syntaxonomy of vegetation of the Svyatoi Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal. 2. Forests and krummholz in comparison with other regions of northern Buryatia (1998)
Culicidae. (1998)
Opetiidae, Platypezidae (1998)
Ohrožené druhy rostlin severozápadní části Ždánického lesa (1995)
Biodiversity of parasites in freswater environment with respect to pollution. II. Indicative value of Monogenea as a model for comparative statistical evaluations (1998)
PCDDs/Fs in sediments from Morava river catchment area (1998)
Lonchopteridae (1998)
Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO I. Folia Fac. Sci. Univ. Masar. Brun., Biol., 99 (1998)
Chaoboridae (1998)
Xylomyidae, Stratiomyidae (1998)
Xylophagidae, Coenomyiidae, Rhagionidae (1998)
Descriptions of bamboo-inhabiting larvae and puparia of Oriental soldier flies Ptecticus brunettii and P. flavifemoratus (Diptera, Stratiomyidae: Sarginae) with observations on their biology (1998)
A new species of Pachygaster (Diptera: Stratiomyidae, Pachygasterinae) from West Malaysia and Thailand (1998)
Four new Oriental species of Ptecticus, with taxonomic and biological notes on some other species (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (1998)
A new species of Ptecticus Loew (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Sri Lanka (1998)
Family Athericidae (1997)
The Ecological Importance of River Bottom (1995)
Advances in River Bottom Ecology (1998)
The Benthic Community in Artifical Concrete Channels (1995)
The Morava and Elbe River Basins, Czech Republic: A Comparison of Long-term Changes in Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) Biodiversity (1997)
The Impact of Regulated Flow and Altered Temperature Regime on River Bed Macroinvertebrates (1998)
Downstream Effect of Impoundments on Stoneflies: Case Study of an Epipotamal Reach of the Jihlava River, Czech Republic (1995)
Distributional and Quantitative Patterns of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the Czech Republic: A Possibility of Detection of Long-term Environmental Changes of Aquatic Biotopes (1998)
Family Xylophagidae (1997)
Ekologická kritéria pro stanovení minimálních průtoků a vlivu malých vodních elektráren (1997)
Family Stratiomyidae (1997)
Family Sciomyzidae and Family Phaeomyiidae (1998)
Dvoukřídlí (Diptera, Brachycera) Mohelenské hadcové stepi a přilehlého údolí řeky Jihlavy (1997)
Does litter size in common voles increase with age? (1998)
Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO I. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masar. Brun., Biol., 92 (1995)
Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere reserve of UNESCO II. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Biol., 93 (1995)
Kolísání potravní nabídky při změnách početnosti hraboše polního (Microtus arvalis) (1998)
Famiglia Anthomyiidae (1995)
Klíč k určování středoevropských druhů čeledi Fanniidae (Diptera) (1995)
The Fanniidae of Europe (1997)
Monitoring Diptera in southern Moravia by pitfall traps (1995)
Contributions to the taxonomy and biology of Malaysian soldier flies (Diptera Stratiomyidae) (1997)
Adults and larvae of two Ptecticus Loew from peninsular Malaysia (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (1994)
A new species of Odontomyia Meigen (Insecta: Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Sabah, Borneo (1994)
Stratiomyidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Temengor Forest Reserve, Hulu Perak, Malaysia (1995)
A new Pherbellia (Diptera, Sciomyzidae) from Central Europe (1995)
New records of Sciomyzidae (Diptera) from Central Asia (1995)
World distribution of Sciomyzidae based on the list of species (Diptera) (1995)
Microphyte Vegetation. (1996)
The influence of an electricity generating reservoir on the periphytic algae in the river. (1998)
Microbenthos of the Jihlava River after the construction of Dalešice Waterworks. (1990)
Comparative study on micro- meiozoobenthos and periphytic algae in three man-made brooks. (1995)
What is Drusus dohleri Mayer, 1936? (1991)
Microzoobenthos and meiozoobenthos in hyporheal of experimental (artificially constructed) brooks. (1998)
The impact of artificial concrete channel on benthic community. (1993)
Dynamics of the number of bats hibernating in the Moravian Karst in 1983 to 1992 (1994)
The bats Pipistrellus kuhli and Hypsugo savii on the island of Rab (Croatia) (1994)
Field experience with bats in Europe: past, present (and future?) (1995)
Chování (1996)
Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Myotis dasycneme (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the Czech Republic (1996)
Savci (1997)
Emmonsiosis of small mammals (Rodentia, Insectivora) in southwest Moravia, Czech Republic (1997)
Habitat preference and flight activity of bats in a city (1998)
Bioakumulace a bioindikace - základní proces získávání informací pro hodnocení nebezpečnosti a rizik ve vodním prostředí (1997)
Základní schéma vstupních dat pro analýzu rizik ve vodním prostředí (1997)
Retinoic X receptor suppresses v-myb transformation (1998)
Emmonsiosis of small mammals (Rodentia, Insectivora) in the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of the UNESCO (1998)
Bat thanatocenosis with Eptesicus serotinus, Vespertilio murinus and Nyctalus leisleri in a building (1998)
Habitat preference and flight activity of bats in a city (1998)
Dynamics of the number of bats hibernating in the Moravian Karst in 1983 to 1992 (1994)
Cytologie a anatomie rostlin. Návody ke cvičením. (1998)
Research on Allelopathy in Czech Republic. (1998)
Retinoid X receptor alpha suppresses v-Myb transformation (1998)
Galium parisiense - a new alien species for the Czech Republic (1998)
Príspevok k flóre psamofytov v okrese Komárno III. (1998)
Abnormal coloration in Bechstein's bat, Myotis bechsteini. (1994)
A high polyploid Eleocharis uniglumis s.l. (Cyperaceae) from central and southeastern Europe (1998)
Acorellus, Blysmus, Carex, Chlorocyperus, Cladium, Cyperus, Eleocharis, Eriophorum, Pycreus, Rhynchospora, Scirpoides, Scirpus, Schoenoplectus, Schoenus, Trichophorum. (1998)
K zimování netopýrů v podzemních prostorech v okolí Vsetína. (1995)
Fytogeografické aspekty vegetace České republiky (1998)
Moznosti repatriace vodních makrofyt a mokradních rostlin (1998)
Kvetena Kloboucka (1998)
Přírodní rezervace v okolí Klobouk (1998)
Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Smejkal, CSc., in memoriam (31. 10. 1927 - 24. 5. 1997) (1998)
Přírodní a geografické podmínky (1998)
Repatriace ohrozených druhu vodních makrofyt do revitalizovaných mokradu v oblasti Horního lesa (1998)
Co je Dugaldia hoopesii? (1998)
Trendy ve vývoji početnosti netopýrů ve střední Evropě. (1997)
Floristická charakteristika vybraných lokalit širšího okolí energetické soustavy Dukovany-Dalešice (1998)
Relativní početnost a aktivita netopýrů v okolí jaderné elektrárny Dukovany. (1997)
Teplotní poměry a vegetace na lokalitě Sloní hřbet v Národním parku Podyjí (1999)
Ohrožené rostliny města Brna. II. díl. (1999)
Mapa potenciální přirozené vegetace České republiky. Textová část (1998)
K problematice zimování vrápence malého (Rhinolophus hipposideros) na Vsetínsku. (1997)
Vegetation mapping: Theory, methods and case studies (1998)
Netopýři v oblasti vlivu jaderné elektrárny Dukovany. (1998)
Mapa potenciální přirozené vegetace České republiky (1997)
Drobní savci CHKO Poodří a blízkého okolí: I. Insectivora, Rodentia. (1998)
Drobní savci CHKO Poodří a blízkého okolí: II. Chiroptera. (1998)
Community of small terrestrial mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) in dominant habitats of the Protected Landscape Area of Poodří (Czech Republic). (1998)
Diet composition of two owl species in the Odra river floodplain (Czech Republic). (1998)
Faunistický přehled netopýrů moravsko-slezské části Karpat (Česká republika) I. (1998)
Albinismus u netopýrů. (1994)
Netopýři Hlučínska a jejich ochrana. (1996)
Report on a grey colouration in the Daubenton's bat, Myotis daubentoni (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). (1994)
Diplomové a doktorandské práce z teriologie, obhájené na Přírodovědecké fakultě MU v Brně, část II. (1998)
The Following of Dynamics of Antibodies against Borrelia in the Sera of wild - living Rodents (1999)
Comparative study of structures of taxonomic importance in representatives of three genera of the monogenean family Diplozoidae (Palombi, 1949). (1998)
Biodiversity of parasites in freshwater environment in relation to pollution (1997)
Metazoan parasites of fishes from the section of the Vltava River supposed to be affected by the operation of the Temelín nuclear electric power-station, Czech Republic (1997)
Seasonal dynamics of fish abundance below a migration barrier in the lower regulated River Morava (1998)
Antileukemické účinky proteinu RXR (1999)
Monitoring of presence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes ricinus ticks in the years 1996-1998 in park Pisarky (Brno): dark-field microscopy and PCR method (1999)
Equippment for keeping bumble bees (Hymenoptera, Bombus). (1999)
Minimal honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) pollination units - Results of wintering and possibilities of their use in apiculture. (2000)
Different bee species for pollination in enclosure. (2000)
Obtaining and overwintering young bumble bee (Hynenoptera, Bombinae) queens. (2000)
Česno a včely. (The Bees and The Hive Entrance.) (1999)
Poznámky k počtu a názvům evropských druhů netopýrů (1998)
Hmyzožravci a hlodavci Moravského krasu a přilehlých oblastí Drahanské vrchoviny (1998)
Long-term changes in the number of bats in the largest man-made hibernaculum of the Czech Republic (1999)
Synurbanization of the noctule Nyctalus noctula (1999)
Bats of the Palearctic region: a taxonomic, zoogeographical and ecological review (1999)
Thirty years of monitoring bats in the cave Na Turoldu, Czech Republic (1999)
New records of the Testate Amoebae from Norway (1999)
Biodiversity of multicellular parasites of Leuciscus cephalus L.: comparison of statistical methods. (1996)
Regeneration patterns in a Central European dry heathland: effects of burning, sod-cutting and cutting (1999)
Mohla být disturbance příčinou změny jihomoravského suchého trávníku ve vřesoviště? (1999)
Phytogeographical boundary between the Pannonicum and Hercynicum: a multivariate analysis of landscape in the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park, Czech Republic/Austria (1999)
Tilia-dominated calcicolous forests in the Czech Republic from a Central European perspective (1997)
Seasonal distribution of borreliae in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Brno park Pisárky. (2000)
Arenaria grandiflora L. (1999)
Dianthus moravicus Kovanda (1999)
Gladiolus palustris Gaudin (1999)
Hypericum elegans Willd. (1999)
Lathyrus pannonicus Jacq. (1999)
Schoenus ferrugineus L. (1999)
Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. (1999)
Glaux maritima L. (1999)
Lythrum tribracteatum Salzm. (1999)
Peucedanum arenarium Waldst. et Kit. (1999)
Carex dioica L. (1999)
Iris humilis Georgi subsp. arenaria (Waldst. et Kit.) Á. et D. Löve (1999)
Linaria arvensis (L.) Desf. (1999)
Samolus valerandi L. (1999)
Schoenus nigricans L. (1999)
Spergula pentandra L. (1999)
Artemisia santonicum subsp. patens (Neilr.) K. M. Perss. (1999)
Galatella cana (Waldst. et Kit.) Nees (1999)
Galatella punctata (Waldst. et Kit.) Nees (1999)
Senecio doria L. (1999)
Hordeum geniculatum All. (1999)
Tripolium pannonicum (Jacq.) Dobrocz. (1999)
Echium russicum J. F. Gmelin (1999)
Salvia aethiopis L. (1999)
Sedum villosum L. (1999)
Cardamine parviflora L. (1999)
Artemisia pancicii (Janka) Ronn. (1999)
Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. (1999)
Carex divisa Huds. (1999)
Carex parviflora Host (1999)
Carex rupestris All. (1999)
Cirsium brachycephalum Jur. (1999)
Crypsis aculeata (L.) Aiton (1999)
Heleochloa alopecuroides (Piller et Mitterp.) Host ex Roemer (1999)
Heleochloa schoenoides (L.) Host ex Roemer (1999)
Hierochloe odorata (L.) P. Beauv. (1999)
Klasea lycopifolia (Vill.) Á. Löve et D. Löve (1999)
Scorzonera parviflora Jacq. (1999)
Tillaea aquatica L. (1999)
Černé seznamy vymizelých taxonů květen České republiky a Slovenské republiky. (1999)
Bupleurum tenuissimum L. (1999)
Seseli pallasii Besser (1999)
Stipa borysthenica Klokov ex Prokudin in Wulf. (1999)
Viola elatior Fries (1999)
Dichostylis micheliana (L.) Ness (1999)
Taraxacum serotinum (Waldst. et Kit.) Poir. (1999)
Festuca vaginata Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd. subsp. dominii (Kraj.) Soó (1999)
Galium sudeticum Tausch (1999)
Predictive Modeling of the Potential Natural Vegetation Pattern in the Podyjí National Park, Czech Republic (1999)
Activated retinoid receptors suppress the v-myb oncogene (1999)
Retinoid X receptor suppresses transformation by the v-myb oncogene (1999)
Hydnaceous fungi of the Czech Republic and Slovakia (1999)
Pleurotus - klíč a taxonomické poznámky (1999)
The Valeriano simplicifoliae-Caricetum flavae association in the Podhale region (Western Carpathians, Poland): notes on syntaxonomical and succesional relationships. (1999)
Zajímavé nálezy cévnatých rostlin v Bílých Karpatech 2 (1999)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic. Plecoptera: Leuctridae. (1999)
Rostlinná společenstva rašelinišť a slatinišť CHKO Malé Karpaty (1999)
Hydrobiological assessment of stream acidification in the Czech-Moravian Highlands, Czech Republic. (1999)
Poznámky k fytocenologické klasifikaci společenstev mokřadních a slatinných luk CHKO Východné Karpaty a NP Poloniny. (1999)
Floristický příspěvek z Bukovských vrchů a Laborecké vrchoviny. (1999)
Achillea ochroleuca Ehrh. (1999)
Althaea cannabina L. (1999)
Carthamus lanatus L. (1999)
Colchicum arenarium Waldst. et Kit. (1999)
Doronicum hungaricum Reichenb. f. (1999)
Ephedra distachya L. (1999)
Galium parisiense L. (1999)
Galium tenuissimum M. Bieb. (1999)
Herniaria incana Lam. (1999)
Lathyrus laevigatus (Waldst. et Kit.) Gren. (1999)
Lathyrus transsilvanicus (Spreng.) Fritsch. (1999)
Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf. (1999)
Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) Kuntze subsp. hungaricum (Klokov) Soó. (1999)
Pholiurus pannonicus (Host) Trin. (1999)
Thlaspi jankae A.~Kerner (1999)
Príspevok k flóre psamofytov v okrese Komárno III. (1999)
An annotated list of Stratiomyidae (Diptera) from Sri Lanka with taxonomic notes on some genera (1999)
Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO, II. (1999)
Piophilidae (1999)
Aquatic Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. (1999)
Phaeomyiidae, Sciomyzidae (1999)
Sepsidae (1999)
Anthomyiidae (1999)
Fanniidae (1999)
Calliphoridae, Rhinophoridae (1999)
Hippoboscidae (1999)
Oligochaeta of the Morava River Basin: Distribution Patterns, Community Composition and Abundance (1999)
Oligochaeta of the Morava River Basin: Distribution Patterns, Community Composition and Abundance (1999)
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Jeseníky Protected Landscape Area, Czech Republic: A Historical and Present Overview (1999)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic. Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae. (1999)
Plecoptera (1999)
Hydrobiology of the Dyje River in the National Park Podyjí, Czech Republic. (1999)
Megaloptera (1999)
Porifera (1999)
Hydrozoa (1999)
"Turbellaria":Catenulida, Macrostomida, Neorhabdocoela (1999)
Gastrotricha (1999)
Tardigrada (1999)
Acari (1999)
Anostraca (1999)
Notostraca (1999)
Spinicaudata (1999)
Amphipoda (1999)
Decapoda (1999)
Trichoptera (1999)
Ephemeroptera (1999)
Isopoda (1999)
"Turbellaria": Tricladida (1999)
Metoda výběru území použitelná při velkoplošném sběru dat (1999)
Společenstva polních plevelů (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Koukol polní (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Hlaváček letní (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Sveřep stoklasa (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Hořinka východní (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Ostrožka stračka (1999)
Červ a člověk - Caenorhabditis elegans a Homo sapiens sapiens (2000)
Molekulární psychiatrie: perspektivy (2000)
Advances in Czech and Slovak dipterology (1999)
Changes in Protein Composition of Spirochaete Isolates during the passage with the PAGGE method (1999)
Detection Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ticks Ixodes ricinus Using Dark - field Microscopy and Subsequent Single - step PCR (1999)
Aeolosomata, Clitellata: Oligochaeta (1999)
Květena Kloboucka (1998)
Přírodní rezervace v okolí Klobouk (1998)
Acorellus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Blysmus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Carex (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Chlorocyperus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Cladium (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Cyperus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Eriophorum (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Dichostylis (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Pycreus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Scirpoides (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Scirpus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Schoenus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Schoenoplectus (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Trichophorum (Cyperaceae) (1998)
Fytogeografická charakteristika (1993)
Prehľad typov vegetácie (1993)
Ohrozenie flóry (1993)
Orchidey (1993)
Komentáre k význačným druhom (1993)
Změny v druhovém složení flóry jižní Moravy v 19. a 20. století (1993)
Výsledky floristického kursu v Břeclavi (1995) (1996)
Nástin floristické a geobotanické bibliografie nejjižnější Moravy (1996)
Eletrochemical detection of methallothionein in tissues of common carp (2000)
A simple differentiation of two genera Brachylecithum and Lutztrema (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae) based on Borax carmine and Astra blue staining (1999)
Gynandry in Hokkaidocephala Tenora, Gulyaev, Kamiya, 1999 (Anoplocephalidae, Cestoda) parasitizing Rodentia in Japan (1999)
Remarks on tapeworms of the family Hymenolepididae (Cyclophyllidea) parasitizing dormice (Gliridae: Rodentia) in Europe (1999)
Identification of Ag structures of Borrelia spirochaetes and changes in their protein composition during passages with the SDS - PAGGE method (2000)
The following of presence of pathogenic spirochaetes Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato with the method of PCR in haemotophagic and non haematophagic arthropods (2000)
Flóra a vegetace mokřadů v oblasti soutoku Moravy a Dyje (1999)
The tubenose goby (Proterorhinus marmoratus: Perciformes) as paratenic host of the nematode Anguillicola crassus (Dracunculoidea) (2000)
How to evaluate and measure diversity of parasite community: a case study - metazoan parazites of chub (Leuciscus cephalus, L.) under the conditions of environmental stress (1999)
Minuartia L. (1990)
Stellaria L. (1990)
Myosoton Moench (1990)
Corrigiola L. (1990)
Moenchia Ehrh. (1990)
Hypolepidaceae Pichi-Sermolli (1988)
Euphrasia corcontica, eine endemische Art aus dem Gebirge Krkonoše (Riesengebirge, Westsudeten) (1999)
Zwei zur Sektion Polymechana gehörende Minuartia-Arten (Caryophyllaceae) (1999)
Zur Taxonomie und Chorologie von Minuartia orthophylla (Caryophyllaceae) (1991)
Minuartia smejkalii, eine neue Art aus der Minuartia gerardii-Gruppe (Caryophyllaceae) (1988)
Minuartia glaucina, eine neue Art aus der Minuartia verna-Gruppe (1985)
Taxonomische Übersicht der Arten vom Thlaspi jankae-Aggregat (1978)
Thlaspi pawlowskii sp. nova, eine neue Art aus den Ostkarpaten (1973)
K poznání karyologických poměrů druhu Thlaspi hungaricum (1983)
The impact of the Vranov resevoir hydropower station operation on the bottom biota of the Dyje River (Czech Republic) (1999)
Atlas našich nejvýznamnějších alergenních rostlin (1996)
Sledování přítomnosti spirochet se zvláštním zřetelem na Borrelia burgdorferi u hematofágních dipter čeledi Culicidae a roztočů v CHKO Poodří (2000)
Angiotensine convertase et dépendance a la métamphétamine: étude d' association (2000)
Sledování pozitivity na výskyt spirochet se zvláštním zřetelem na Borrelia burgdorferi v sérech, tkáních a orgánech hlodavců v CHKO Poodří (2000)
Ovlivňuje počítač lidský mozek? (2000)
Ohlédnutí za odkazem V. Pospíšila (2000)
Hylocomium brevirostre (Brid.) B.S.G. recentně nalezený mech v České republice (1997)
Monitoring of Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes Ricinus Ticks in Park Pisárky (BRNO) in 1996-1998: Dark-field Microscopy and PCR Method (2000)
Genetic predisposition to metamphetamine dependence - DRD2 and ACE genes (2000)
Effect of a fixation and detection technique to the assesment of apoptosis. (2000)
Metazoan parasites of the recently established tubenose goby (Proterorhinus marmoratus: Gobiidae) population from the South Moravian reservoir, Czech Republic (2000)
Redescription of Anoplocephaloides baeri Rausch, 1976 (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae), parasite of Apodemus argenteus (Rodentia) from Japan (2000)
Pokroky psychiatrie a psychofarmakologie z hlediska vývoje molekulární biologie a genetiky (2000)
Osnovne vzreje čmrljev (2000)
Srovnání anti-onkogenních vlastností retinoidových receptorů RAR a RXR. (2000)
Diversity of freshwater and terrestrial habitats and their oxyphototroph microflora in the Arctowski Station region, South Shetland Islands. (1999)
The influence of the Vranov reservoir hydropower station operation on phytobenthos in the Dyje River (Czech Republic). (1999)
The micro - meiozoobenthic communities in torrential zone of the Dyje River influenced by hydropeaking. (1999)
Functional ralationship between enzymes MAOA and ACE in human brain? (2000)
How many individuals survive winter in intact colonies of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)? (2000)
The two-queen cascade method as an alternative technique for starting bumble bee (Bombus, Hymenoptera, Apidae) colonies in laboratory (Preliminary study) (2000)
Věková struktura driftu kaprovitých ryb (2000)
Stipa eriocaulis - přehlížený druh české flóry (2000)
Insecta: Diptera: Stratiomyidae (2000)
A revision of the Ptecticus tenebrifer species group (Insecta: Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2000)
Opetiidae. (2000)
Platypezidae. (2000)
Diptera in an Industrially Affected Region (North-Western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov Environs) I (2000)
Xylomyidae (2000)
Stratiomyidae (2000)
Formalizované přístupy k fytocenologické klasifikaci vegetace (2000)
Towards unification of national vegetation classifications: A comparison of two methods for analysis of large datasets (2000)
Biosférická rezervace Pálava - nastal čas k jejímu rozšíření? (2000)
Plevelná vegetace vinohradů (2000)
Program péče o krajinu v CHKO Pálava (2000)
Přehled vegetace České republiky. Svazek 2. Hygrofilní, mezofilní a xerofilní opadavé lesy (2000)
Letní výskyt netopýrů v CHKO Poodří (2000)
Drobní zemní savci CHKO Poodří (2000)
Demografická charakteristika významných druhů hlodavců na území CHKO Poodří (2000)
Srovnání metod odchytu drobných zemních savců v lužním lese (2000)
Drobní zemní savci na území CHKO Poodří (1999)
Netopýři (Chiroptera) v CHKO Poodří (1999)
Příspěvek k poznání fauny netopýrů v CHKO Žďárské vrchy (2000)
Central European bat sounds (2000)
Aktivita netopýrů v Moravském krasu (2000)
Plevelová společenstva Žďárských vrchů (2000)
The saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) and ants (Formicidae) of Central European hardwood floodplain forests. (2000)
Příspěvek k poznání ekologie drobných toků znečištěných důlními vodami obsahující vysoké koncentrace železa a manganu (2000)
Novinky a pokroky v poznání ekologie tekoucích vod (2000)
Vliv hydrologických podmínek toku na biotu dna a hyporhealu (Úvod do problematiky) (2000)
Monitoring the presence of borreliae in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Brno park Pisárky, Czech Republic (2000)
Spirochaetes in Aedes species, Culex pipiens pipiens larvae and hibernating Culex pipiens molestus mosquitoes detected with dark field microscopy (DMF) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods (2000)
Ephemeroptera of the Czech Republic: Atlas of distribution (2000)
Indikační potenciál čeledi Chironomidae při hodnocení změn ekologické kvality toků (2000)
Vodní bezobratlí Jižní Moravy se zřetelem na biosférickou rezervaci UNESCO Pálava (2000)
Pošvatky (Plecoptera) Krkonoš (2000)
Makrozoobentos Říčky v Moravském Krasu (2000)
Biocenóza krytenek malych vodních toků. (2000)
The bats of the Moravian Carpathians (Czech Republic) (2000)
Nestedness in assemblages of gyrodactylids (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) parasitising two species of cyprinid - with reference to generalists and specialists (2000)
Co-existence of nine ectoparasites (Dactylogyrus: Monogenea) parasitising the roach (Rutilus rutilus): history and present ecology (2000)
Local and regional influences on patterns of parasite species richness of central European fishes (2000)
The Third Interational Symposium on Monogenea - special issue (1998)
Preface - Third International Symposim on Monogenea (1998)
Streuwiesengesellschaften des Gebirges Hostýnské vrchy und ihre synchorologischen Beziehungen im Bereich der mahrischen Karpaten (2000)
Dactylogyrus carpathicus and D. malleus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasite on gills of barbels (Barbus barbus): infection dynamics and distribution within the population of fish host (2000)
Poznámky k výskytu a cenológii dvoch druhov rodu Montia na Slovensku (2000)
Nové nálezy Eleocharis quinqueflora (Hartmann) O. Schwarz na moravskoslovenském pomezí (2000)
Mechorosty mokřadních, slatinných a rašelinných luk na území Hostýnských vrchů a jejich cenologická vazba (2001)
Rostlinná společenstva mokřadních luk, potočních rákosin a porostů vysokých ostřic v Hostýnských vrších (2000)
Prameništní fytocenózy s převahou mechorostů ve Strážovských vrších (2000)
Zajímavé společenstvo se Sphagnum subnitens v Krušných horách (2000)
Zajímavé ostřice na mokřadech Hostýnských vrchů. (1999)
Coenosia emiliae Lukasheva, 1986 (Muscidae) newly recorded in Central Europe (2000)
Ekologie řas svahových pramenišť (2000)
Ecology of diatoms of sloping springs (2000)
Řasy svahových pramenišť moravsko-slovenského pomezí (1999)
Jestřábníky z rodu Pilosella Hill. ve Žďárských vrších (2000)
Scrophularia L. (2000)
Lamium L. (2000)
Galeobdolon Hudson (2000)
Euphrasia L. (2000)
Lythraceae J. St.-Hil. (1997)
Ochrana přírody (2000)
Flóra cévnatých rostlin (2000)
Flóra a vegetace na soutoku Moravy a Dyje (2000)
Syndrom fragilního X - překvapivý genetický fenomén - a jeho dnešní diagnóza (2000)
The study of presence of spirochetes focused on Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. with PCR method in haematophagous and non haematophagous arthropods (2000)
The study of spirochete positivity focused on Borrelia burgdorferi in sera and heart rinses and tissues of wild-living rodents (2000)
Determination of spirochete isolates and studium of their protein composition with the PAGGE method (2000)
Identification of Lyme borreliosis causal organism and its manifestation at vectors and hosts by immunological methods (ELISA, CFR, PAGGE). (2000)
Identifikace izolátů z klíšťat a divoce žijících hlodavců a studium jejich proteinového složení metodou SDS-PAGGE (2000)
Studium přítomnosti protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi v sérech a vyplašich srdci u divokých zvířat. (2000)
Studium přítomnosti spirochet zaměřené na patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi u hematofágních a nehematofágních zastupců hmyzu (2000)
Květena Žďárských vrchů ve vztahu k okolním regionům a horským oblastem České republiky. (2000)
Rostliny a německé osídlení Žďárských vrchů (2000)
Minulost a současnost fytogeograficky významných druhů západní části Žďárských vrchů (2000)
Fytogeograficky zajímavé druhy Baldského lesa a opukových svahů Modřeckého vrchu jižně od Poličky (2000)
Lidové názvy rostlin ve Žďárských vrších (2000)
Botanická bibliografie Žďárských vrchů (1996)
Játrovky Žďárských vrchů (1996)
Zdrojovky - mizející rostliny čistých vod (1990)
Vybrané regionální chorotypy a jejich uplatnění ve flóře Žďárských vrchů. (1990)
Červený seznam cévnatých rostlin chráněné krajinné oblasti Žďárské vrchy (1990)
Comments on the Genus Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) from the Svjatoj Nos Isthmus, Lake Baikal (1992)
Dějiny botanického výzkumu a základní floristická bibliografie Havlíčkobrodska (1994)
Herbáře, bylináře, květeny (1996)
Distribution of Montia hallii (A. Gray) Greene in the Žďárské vrchy Hills and in adjacent territories (1990)
Contribution to the study of variability of Montia hallii (A. Gray) Greene (1988)
Rozšíření vybraných ohrožených druhů cévnatých rostlin v západní části CHKO Žďárské vrchy I. (1989)
Recentní rozšíření Drosera rotundifolia L. v severozápadní části CHKO Žďárské vrchy (1990)
Úvaha o recentním šíření Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz v severní části Českomoravské vysočiny. (1994)
Nová lokalita Trapa natans L. ve východních Čechách (1994)
Nestedness in assemblages of gyrodactylids (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidea) parasitising two species of cyprinid - with reference to generalists and specialists (2000)
Discrimination between Diplozoon paradoxum, Paradiplozoon homoion, P. megan and P. pavlovskii (Diplozoidae: Monogenea) using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (2000)
GIS povodí Harasky v prostředí AutoCAD Map 2000 (2000)
Vegetace (2000)
Predikční systém PERLA (2000)
Vývoj a testování evropského systému hodnocení ekologického stavu toků podle makrozoobentosu (2000)
Stanovení těžkých kovů v tkáních Okouna říčního (Perca fluviatilis L.) a Kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2001)
Effects of changed thermal regime on chironomid community in a dammed river (A preliminary study) (2000)
Stanovení metallothioneinu v tkáních okouna říčního a kapra obecného(Perca fluviatilis L., Cyprinus carpio L.) (2001)
Poznámky k současnému stavu odborného botanického jmenosloví ve vztahu k databázového programu Turboveg (2000)
Bats of Stránská skála (Brno, Czech Republic) - roosting in spite of disturbance (2000)
Thlaspi finitimum, eine neue Art aus dem Verwandtschaftskreis von Thlaspi jankae (1973)
Hlinecký rodák zoolog Emil Sekera (1997)
Měření fyzikálně-chemických vlastností vody přenosnými přístroji (2000)
Rašeliniště a slatiniště moravskoslovenského pomezí: shrnutí dosavadních poznatků (2000)
Malý výkladový slovník rašelinářský (2000)
Současný stav vápencové stepi na jižních svazích Hádů u Brna (2000)
Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Greece with special emphasis to the Peloponnisos penisula (2000)
Soupis rukopisných (diplomových a doktorandských) prací s botanickýcm zaměřením, vypracovaných na vybraných vysokých školách České republiky v letech 1997-1998 (1999)
Česnek podivný (Allium paradoxum) také na Moravě (2000)
Bryophytes in a block field microrelief: case studies from SW Moravia (2000)
Molecular markers for gyrodactylids (Gyrodactylidae: Monogenea) from five fish families (Teleostei) (2001)
Occurrence of Pseudodactylus anguillae (Yin & Sproston, 1948) and P. bini (Kikuchi, 1929), parasites of eel, Anguilla anguilla L., in Austria (1996)
Chromosome numbers within the Achillea millefolium and the A. distans groups in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2001)
Achillea pratensis (Asteraceae) - a recently recognized species of the Czech flora (2001)
Rybí společenstva podélného profilu řeky Vláry v Bílých Karpatech (2000)
Genetic characterization of six species of diplozoids (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) (2001)
Rostlinné invaze (2001)
WinTopo - nástroj pro vektorizaci dat (2001)
AutoCAD Land Development Desktop 2i (2001)
Problémy s využitím lesnických typologických map v GIS (2001)
Úroveň praktických znalostí přírodnin zájemců o studium učitelství biologie (2001)
Achillea setacea in the Czech Republic, with taxonomic remarks (2001)
Exkurze nebo terénní cvičení? (2001)
Akumulace kadmia a olova ve vybraných orgánech ouklejky pruhované (Alburnoides bipunctatus Bloch, 1782) (2001)
Triglochin maritima na Slanisku u Nesytu (2001)
Výskyt ohrožených druhů plevelů na jižní Moravě (2001)
Katalog biotopů České republiky (2001)
Černý a červený seznam cévnatých rostlin České republiky (stav v roce 2000) (2001)
Diptera in an Industrially Affected Region (North-Western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov Environs) II (2001)
Stanovení MT a těžkých kovů spektrální a elektrochemickou metodou v různých tkáních (2001)
Phytosociological data give biased estimates of species richness (2001)
Species richness and species turnover in a successional heathland (2001)
Bats of the Palearctic Region: a taxonomic and biogeographic review (2000)
Scale-dependent biases in species counts in a grassland (2001)
A mammal species new to the Czech Republic - Savi's pipistrelle Hypsugo savii (2001)
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber, 1774) - Große Hufeisennase (2001)
Rhinolophus euryale Blasius, 1853 - Mittelmeerhufeisennase (2001)
Rhinolophus mehelyi Matschie, 1901 - Mehely-Hufeisennase (2001)
Comparison of enumeration and Jolly-Seber estimation of population size in the common vole Microtus arvalis (2001)
Sciomyzidae (2001)
Phaeomyiidae (2001)
Stratiomyidae, Sciomyzidae (2001)
Additional records of Ptecticus Loew from Sri Lanka, with a new species and a new name (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2001)
Identity of the Oriental and Australasian species of Ptecticus Loew described by J.C.H. de Meijere (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2001)
Sudostasiatische Waffenfliegen aus der Gattung Ptecticus (2001)
Nonparametric evaluation of environmental parameters determining the occurrence of stonefly larvae (Plecoptera) in streams (2001)
Bioaccumulation of harmful pollutants in running water food webs (2001)
Achillea pannonica in the Czech Republic, with taxonomic remarks (2001)
Aggregation of congeneric parasites (Monogenea: Dactylogyrus) among gill microhabitats within one host species (Rutilus rutilus L.). (2001)
Order and disorder in ectoparasite communities: the case of congeneric gill monogeneans (Dactylogyrus spp.). (2001)
Morhometric correlates of host specificity in Dactylogyrus species (Monogenea) parasites of European Cyprinid fish (2001)
Immunomicroscopical observation on the nervous system of adult Eudiplozoon nippnicum (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) (2001)
Water temperature influencing dactylogyrid species communities in roacch, Rutilus rutilus, in the Czech Republic (2001)
Monogenea - paraziti hospodářsky významných druhů ryb (2001)
What can parasites tell us about environmental stress ? (2001)
Faunistic records: Dolichopodidae (2001)
Dead Wood in Floodplain Forests - Biodiversity Multiplier or Forest Pest Breeding-Ground? (2001)
Chemická eliminace "lampenflóry" v jeskynních systémech (2001)
Two Year Phytobenthos Investigation of Petrified Forest Creek at Maritime Antarctic King George Island - Preliminary study. (2001)
Netopýři Hranické propasti (2001)
Drodní zemní savci (Insectivora, Rodentia) mokřadních ekosystémů údolních niv řek Odry, Moravy a Dyje (2000)
Zoologie bezobratlých (2000)
A prediction model of running waters ecosystem in the Czech Republic based on mayfly taxocoenes of undisturbed rhithral streams (2001)
Oligochaeta of the Morava and Odra River basins (Czech Republic): species distribution and community composition (2001)
Kvetena Tomanovej doliny a Žlabu spod Diery v Západných Tatrách (1966)
Vývoj vegetace Národní přírodní rezervace Mohelenská hadcová step v závislosti na řízení ochrany území a na prováděných bioregulačních zásazích. (1997)
Nenápadné, ale významné. Naše nejhojnější trány. (1998)
Jedovaté rostliny kolem nás (2000)
The study of lampflora in the Kateřinská Cave (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic) (2000)
Globulariaceae DC. - koulenkovité (2000)
Scrophulariaceae Juss. - krtičníkovité (2000)
Antirrhinum L. - hledík (2000)
Misopates Rafin. - šklebivec (2000)
Microrrhinum (Endl.) Fourr. - hledíček (2000)
Linaria Mill. - lnice (2000)
New male, larva and puparium of Odontomyia pulcherrima Brunetti (Insecta: Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from the Oriental Region. (2001)
Nástin botanických poměrů okolí Břeclavi (2001)
Exkurze na Obřanskou stráň (2001)
Exkurze na Kamenný vrch (2001)
Exkurze do Mariánského údolí (2001)
Botanicky významné lokality v okolí Valtic (2001)
Flóra a vegetace zámeckého parku ve Valticích (2001)
Ohrožené rostliny města Brna. III. díl. (2001)
Terénní práce ze zoologie (1981)
Terenní cvičení ze zoologie (1981)
Determination and multivariate statistical analysis of biochemical responses to environmental contaminants in feral freshwater fish Leuciscus cephalus (2001)
Quality of the natural environment in the Czech Republic at the regional level. Results of the Košetice Observatory (2001)
Prameniště (2001)
Slatinná a přechodová rašeliniště (2001)
Vrchoviště (2001)
Rašelinné lesy (2001)
Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (2001)
Oxycocco-Sphagnetea (2001)
Vzácné a zajímavé mechorosty rašelinišť a pramenišť moravskoslovenského pomezí (2001)
Nelesní mokřadní vegetace Strážovských vrchů (2001)
The impact of inundation on floodplain forest Brachycera (Diptera) associated with oak logs. (2001)
Repatriace ohrozených druhu vodních makrofyt do revitalizovaných mokradu v oblasti Horního lesa (1998)
Genetic characterization of diplozoid monogenenans (Diplozoidae) (2001)
Morphological abnormalities of the opisthaptor of Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) (2001)
Phylogenetic relatioships among gyrodactylids (Gyrodactylidae): A reflection of subgenera and morphology of opisthaptor (2001)
Diversity of monogenean parasites in Central Europe: present status and perspectives (2001)
Monogenean parasites of 0+ juvenile fish in a floodpalin oxbow (2001)
Changes in microhabitat specificity of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) in relation to parasite ontogenetic development. (2001)
Immunomicroscopic studies on the neuromusculature of the diplozoid monogenean, Eudiplozoon nipponicum, during fusion and maturation. (2001)
Immunomicroscopical studies of the neuromuscular system of the monogenean, Eudiplozoon nipponicum. (2001)
Pleurotoid fungi of the family Polyporaceae in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2001)
Environmentálně šetrná eliminace "lampenflóry" v turisticky přístupných jeskyních (2002)
Plevelová vegetace Bílých Karpat (2001)
Botanický výzkum a ochrana přírody. Sborník prací z konference České botanické společnosti, konané ve dnech 24.-25. listopadu v Praze. (2001)
Sites of Botanical Interest in Moravia (2001)
Slunečnice hlíznatá (topinambur). Helianthus tuberosus L. (2001)
Botanika: Dějiny oboru na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně (2001)
Botanika na Moravě před založením Masarykovy univerzity (2001)
Podtyp 3.7 Travinobylinná společenstva zasolených půd (slaniska) (1999)
Ústav pod vedením prof. Josefa Podpěry: 1921-1951 - Činnost ústavu do začátku třicátých let (2001)
Ústav pod vedením prof. Josefa Podpěry: 1921-1951 - Ústav letech třicátých - do uzavření českých vysokých škol (2001)
Ústav pod vedením prof. Josefa Podpěry: 1921-1951 - Osudy a činnost ústavu a jeho pracovníků ve válečných letech (2001)
Ústav pod vedením prof. Josefa Podpěry: 1921-1951 - Obnovení ústavu po osvobození (2001)
Ústav pod vedením prof. Josefa Podpěry: 1921-1951 - Poslední léta působení Josefa Podpěry na ústavu (2001)
Ústav pod vedením doc. Jana Šmardy: 1951-1959 (2001)
Ústav pod vedením doc. Františka Slavoňovského: 1959-1970 (2001)
Botanika jako součást katedry biologie rostlin: 1971-1990 (2001)
Obnovená katedra botaniky: 1990-2001 (2001)
Herbář katedry botaniky: jeho historie a význam v současnosti (2001)
Knihovna katedry botaniky: její význam a vývoj v letech 1921-2001 (2001)
Octomacrum europaeum (Monogenea: Octomacridae) in Europe: historical and recent perspectives (2002)
Paradiplozoon homoion Bychowsky & Nagibina, 1959 versus P. gracile Reichenbach-Klinke, 1961 (Monogenea): two species or phenotypic plasticity? (2002)
Habitat preference and life startegy of Perla burmeisteriana Claasen, 1936 (Plecoptera) in Centaral European streams (2001)
New records of Plecoptera in Central Europe (2001)
Dynamic patches in meta - hyporhithral zone of streams in the Central Europe (2001)
Check-list of the molluscs (Mollusca) of the Czech Republic (2001)
Taxonomic revision of the genus Alzoniella (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2001)
Vitrea transsylvanica - the new species of a Carpathian snail in the Bohemian Forest (2001)
Present distribution of Lehmannia macroflagellata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Czech Republic (2001)
Life cycles of caseless caddis flies (Trichoptera) and their synchronisation (2001)
Měkkýši (Mollusca) NPR Čertoryje, Jazevčí a Zahrady pod Hájem v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (Česká republika) (2001)
Zajímavé nálezy brouků (Coleoptera) v Bílých Karpatech a jiných částech Moravy (2001)
Současný stav našich hrachovek (Pisidium) a možnosti jejich využití v bioindikaci (2001)
Měkkýši v našich sklenících (2001)
Ostroústka drsná - záhada naší malakofauny (2001)
AQEM project: Preliminary evaluation of data from the Czech Republic (2001)
Taxonomy and systematics of the monogenean family Diplozoidae in the light of the recent knowledge. (2001)
Microhabitat distribution of monogenean parasites of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) under different environmental conditions. (2001)
Usage of image analysis in morphology study of the Thylacicleidus genus (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from two species of Tetraodon (Teleostei: Tetraodontoformes). (2001)
SEM study on morphology and surface topography of Macrogyrodactylus polypteri Malmberg, 1957 from the skin and fins of Calamoichthys calabaricus. (2001)
Coexistence of congeneric monogenean species: morphological similarity, niche separation and reinforcement of reproductive bariers. (2001)
Ancyrocephalid monogeneans of the genus Thylacicleidus Wheeler and Klasen, 1987 from two species of Tetraodon (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae): a comparative study. (2001)
The proposal of a modification of bat-detectoring in the field (2001)
Detectoring of flight activity of Lesser horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus hipposideros, at a cave entrance over a year (2001)
Potential natural vegetation of the Czech Republic (2001)
Přirozená a polopřirozená vegetace údolí řek Oslavy, Jihlavy a Rokytné (1996)
Akumulace rizikových prvků (Ni, Cr, Cu) ve vybraných orgánech ouklejky pruhované (Alburnoides bipunctatus) z řeky Vláry (2001)
Vodní bezobratlí a hydrobiologie řeky Dyje v Národním parku Podyjí (2001)
Determination of diagnostic species with statistical fidelity measures (2002)
Pěnovcová prameniště karpatských pohoří (2002)
Redescription of Andrya cuniculi (Blanchard, 1891) (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae), a parasite of Oryctolagus cuniculus (Lagomorpha) in Spain (2002)
Achillea distans (Asteraceae) confirmed as native in the Bieszczady Mts (SE Poland) (2002)
Letouni (Chiroptera) (2001)
Vegetace a flóra horní Malše (2002)
Odumřelé dřevo a diversita členovců na příkladě jihomoravského tvrdého luhu (2002)
Contribution to the taxonomy and ecology of green cryosestic algae in the summer season 1995-96 at King George Island, S. Shetland Islands (2002)
The plausibility of using Oligochaeta to evaluate running waters in the Czech Republic (2001)
Contribution to our knowledge of macroinvertebrate fauna of the Dyje River downstream of the Nové Mlýny Reservoirs (Czech Republic) (2001)
The life cycle of Sericostoma flavicorne Schneider, 1845 (Trichoptera, Sericostomatidae) (2002)
Chromosome numbers and breeding systems in some species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from Central Europe. (2002)
Současný stav výskytu hrachovky čákované - Pisidium tenuilineatum (Mollusca: Bivalvia) v České republice (2001)
Stanovení koncentrace metallothioneinu v parazitech ryb rodu ACANTHOCEPHALUS (2002)
Několik fytocenologických zápisů rašelinné vegetace z přírodních rezervací Borkovická blata a Kozohlůdky (2001)
Netopýři zimující v jeskyních v údolí Říčky u Ochozu (Moravský kras) (2001)
Netopýři zimující v opuštěných bunkrech Hlučínska a Opavska (2001)
Netopýři zimující ve štolách pod Jelení cestou u Malé Morávky v Jeseníkách (2001)
Početnost netopýrů zimujících ve dvou jeskyních v severní části Moravského krasu a její dlouhodobé změny (2001)
Protěž žlutobílá v České republice, zatím ještě nikoliv in memoriam (2002)
Bryophyte flora at lamps in public caves in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic) (2001)
The study of "lampflora" in the Kateřinská cave (the Moravia karst, Czech Republic) (2002)
Přírodní památka Kavky. Průvodce výukovou trasou. (2002)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Mikulově (2002)
Vertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO (2002)
Amphibia and Reptilia (2002)
Mammalia: Insectivora and Rodentia (2002)
Mammalia: Chiroptera (2002)
Mammalia: Carnivora, Lagomorpha and Artiodactyla (2002)
CHÚ ve výuce biologie a ekologie (2002)
Zoofobie (2002)
Cytogeografie Eleocharis subser. Eleocharis v jihovýchodní Evropě (2002)
Rod Schoenoplectus (Reichenb.) Palla v České republice: komentáře k rozšíření a určovací klíč středoevropských druhů (2002)
Eleocharis subser. Eleocharis v České republice: komentáře k rozšíření a určovací klíč středoevropských taxonů (2002)
Cirsium heterophyllum a jeho kříženci v České republice (2002)
Variabilita DNA v okruhu Poa pratensis v České republice (2002)
Stichorchis subtriquetrus (Digenea: Cladorchidae) - back to the fauna of the Czech Republic after 200 years (2002)
Louky na Soutoku: zalesňovat, nebo nezalesňovat? (2002)
The class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae in the Western Carpathians: indirect gradient analysis, species groups and their relation to phytosociological classification (2002)
Vegetation composition, main gradient and subatlantic elements in spring fens of the northwestern Carpathian borders (2002)
Spring fen vegetation and water chemistry in the Western Carpathian flysch zone (2002)
Webs, diet, and fecundity of Theridion impressum (Araneae: Theridiidae) (2000)
Preface (2000)
Xysticus slovacus sp. n., a new thomisid spider from Slovakia (Araneae: Thomisidae) (2000)
Second case of a partial albinism in the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula) (2002)
Mark-recapture results and changes in bat abundance at the cave of Na Turoldu, Czech Republic (2002)
Orchestina pavesii (Simon, 1873), an oonopid spider new to Slovakia (Araneae: Oonopidae) (2001)
Effect of ploughing and previous crop on winter wheat pests and their natural enemies under integrated farming system in Slovakia (2001)
A comparative study of the biology and karyotypes of two central European zodariid spiders (Araneae, Zodariidae) (2001)
Feeding preferences and gut contents of three panphytophagous oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) (2001)
Spiders (Araneae) of the Biele Karpaty Mountains (2001)
Two spider species new to Slovakia (Araneae: Theridiidae, Salticidae) (2001)
Susceptibility of the spider Theridion impressum to 17 pesticides (2002)
Revision of the genus Zodarion (Araneae: Zodariidae) in the Czech and Slovak Republics (2002)
Differential effects of formaldehyde concentration and detergent on the catching efficiency of surface active arthropods by pitfall traps (2002)
Mimicry complex in two central European zodariid spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae): how Zodarion deceives ants (2002)
The first species of Thelastoma Leidy, 1849 (Nematoda: Thelastomatidae) parasitising the scorpion Euscorpius italicus (Chactidae: Scorpionidea) (2002)
Hieracia of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve (South Moravia, Czech Republic) (2002)
Schoenoplectus (Rchb.) Palla - skřípinec (2002)
Eleocharis R. Br. - bahnička (2002)
Cirsium Mill. - pcháč (2002)
Achillea L. - řebříček (2002)
Cévnaté rostliny biosférické rezervace Pálava a Podluží (2002)
First records of Theodoxus fluviatilis and Sphaerium solidum (Mollusca) from Slovakia (2002)
Gyraulus parvus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Czech Republic (2002)
Měkkýši Biosférické rezervace Bílé Karpaty (2002)
Plži středoevropských skleníků (2002)
Skutečně poznáte modranku karpatskou? (2002)
Nuclear DNA content variation of Eleocharis palustris agg. in Europe (2002)
Nástin botanických poměrů v okolí Kobylí (2002)
O flóře a vegetaci v okolí Velkých Pavlovic (2002)
Krajem luhů a stepí - Břeclavsko (2002)
Crassulaceae DC. - tlusticovité (2002)
Laserpitium L. - hladýš (2002)
Peucedanum L. - smldník (2002)
Santalaceae R. Br. - santálovité (2002)
Scorzonera L. - hadí mord (2002)
Artemisia L. - pelyněk (2002)
Senecio L. - starček (2002)
Lactuca L. - locika (2002)
Cyperaceae Juss. - šáchorovité (2002)
Scirpus L. - skřípina (2002)
Scirpoides Séguier - kamýšek (2002)
Isolepis R. Br. - bezosetka (2002)
Trichophorum Pers. - suchopýrek (2002)
Blysmus Schult. - skřípinka (2002)
Eriophorum L. - suchopýr (2002)
Cyperus L. - šáchor (2002)
Cladium P. Browne - mařice (2002)
Rhynchospora Vahl (2002)
Schoenus L. - šášina (2002)
Carex L. - ostřice (2002)
Festuca L. - kostřava (2002)
Hierochloe R. Br. - tomkovice (2002)
Calamagrostis Adans. - třtina (2002)
Chromosome numbers and breeding systems of Hieracium bauhini (s. l.) in Central Europe (2002)
Hieracium bauhini Besser a H. densiflorum Tausch v ČR (2002)
Arostrilepis horrida (Linstow, 1901) (Cestoda, Hymenolepididae) from Eothenomys spp. (Rodentia) in Japan (2002)
Biodiversity measures as environmental indicators - is there a space for generalization over various biological communities under different type of stress ? (2002)
Biodiversity and other ecologically weighted indices in bioindication of surface ware quality (2002)
Insecta: Diptera: Sciomyzidae (2002)
A revision of the Oriental Ptecticus species described by G. Enderlein (Stratiomyidae, Diptera) (2002)
The Muscidae (Diptera) of Central Europe (2002)
Vegetation of circumboreal coniferous forests (2002)
Vegetation surveys in the circumboreal coniferous forests: A review (2002)
Context-dependence of diagnostic species: A case study of the Central European spruce forests (2002)
The effects of iron and manganese mine watres on stream biota (Case study of ecological risk assessment) (2002)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během jarního setkání bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v Hajnici u Mirochova (CHKO Třeboňsko) (2002)
A multivariate morphometric study of Senecio paludosus (Compositae) in Central and Western Europe (2002)
The Enchytraeidae of spruce forest plots of different exposure and acid deposition in a German mountain range (2002)
Zur Spinnenfauna der Stammregion stehenden Totholzes in südmährischen Auenwäldern (2002)
Morphology and coexistence of congeneric ectoparasite species: reinforcement of reproductive isolation? (2002)
The occurrence of morphologic abnormalities of the opisthaptor of Paradiplozoon homoion from gudgeons (2002)
Abundance-prevalence relationship of gill congeneric ectoparasites: testing the core satellite hypothesis and ecological specialisation (2002)
Parasites As Pollution Indicators: Evaluation of Indicative Potential of FISH Parasites Using Hierarchically Structured Data (2002)
Gregariny (Gregarina, Apicomplexa) parazitujúce v laboratórnych chovoch hmyzu. (2002)
Akumulace rizikových prvků (Ni, Cr a Cu) ve vybraných orgánech hrouzka obecného (Gobio gobio) ze dvou lokalit řeky Vláry (2002)
Investigating patterns may reveal precesses: evolutionary ecology of monogeneans (2002)
Size-ralated habitat use by bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) in a regulated lowland river (2002)
Use of confocal microscopy for study of the muscle system Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) (2002)
Monogenea of aquarium fishes in the Czech Republic : current state and prospects (1999)
Macrogyrodactylus polypteri Malmberg, 1957 (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from the skin and fins of the bichir, Calamoichthys calabaricus (2000)
Water temperature influencing dactylogyrid species communities in roach, Rutilus rutilus, in the Czech Republic (2001)
Monogenea of the Thylacicleidus genus (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from two species of Tetraodon (Teleostei: Tetraodontiformes) (2000)
Co-existence of nine gill ectoparasites(Dactylogyrus: Monogenea) parasitising the roach (Rutilus rutilus): history and present ecology (2000)
Panoráma biologické a sociokulturní antropologie 3: Primatologie pro antropology (2000)
Nálezy gregarín (Eugregarinida, Apicomplexa) vo viacnôžkach (Myriapoda) na území Slovenska. (2001)
Eugregariny (Gregarina, Apicomplexa) niektorých bezchordátov Slovenska. (2001)
The impact of inundation on floodplain forest Brachycera (Diptera) associated with oak logs (2002)
Minuartia L. (2002)
Stellaria L. (2002)
Aurinia Desv. (2002)
Alyssum L. (2002)
Neslia Desv. (2002)
Capsella Med. (2002)
Thlaspi L. (2002)
Lepidium L. (2002)
Cardaria Desv. (2002)
Scrophularia L. (2002)
Euphrasia L. (2002)
Lamium L. (2002)
Galeobdolon Huds. (2002)
Anthemis L. (2002)
Erechtites Rafin. (2002)
Cichorium L. (2002)
Abnormalities of the attachment clamp of representatives of the family Diplozoidae (Monogenea) (2002)
Recent occurence of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Central Moravia, Czech Republic (2002)
Společenstva roupic (Enchytraeidae) vybraných lokalit v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2002)
Recent results of invertebrate research in South-Moravian floodplains (2002)
The impact of floods on saproxylic floodplain forest invertebrates (2002)
Recenze: Köhler F. 2000: Totholzkäfer in Naturwaldzellen des nördlichen Rheinlands. (2001)
Druhová rozmanitost živočichů Biosférické rezervace Pálava (2003)
Lesní vegetace Hostýnských vrchů (2002)
Fauna pakomárikov (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) severozápadných Čiech (Bílinska) poznamenaného povrchovou ťažbou uhlia (2002)
JUICE - software for vegetation classification (2002)
Sanace a rekultivace po lomové a důlní těžbě (2002)
Vycházka na Hády a do údolí Říčky (2002)
Mechorosty na balvanových mořích v Národním parku Podyjí (2002)
Ohrožená beskydská rašeliniště (2003)
Zur Nomenklatur einiger Taxa aus dem Formenkreis von Thlaspi alpestre L. (1968)
K taxonomii a rozšíření Thlaspi silvestre Jord. subsp. tatrense (Zapal.) Dvořáková (1966)
Zur Taxonomie und Chorologie der Art Minuartia kabylica (2003)
Seasonal dynamics and diversity of weed vegetation in tilled and mulched vineyards (2003)
Recentní výskyt lošáků v Českých zemích (2002)
Nivní malakocenózy v povodí dolní Olšavy (2002)
Zajímavější botanické nálezy z území Moravy v posledních letech (2001)
Microhabitat distribution of Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae and P. bini among and within gill arches of European ell (Anguilla anguilla L.) (2003)
Phylogenetic relationships of the Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1933 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridea): A need of systematic revision of Ancyrocephalinae (2003)
The morphometric variability of the opisthaptoral hard parts of Paradiplozoon homoion (Bychowsky et Nagibina, 1959) from several host species of fish (2002)
Czech National Phytosociological Database: basic statistics of the available vegetation-plot data (2003)
Molecular variability in Poa pratensis agg. in Montana (2003)
Estimating past distribution of vanishing weed vegetation in South Moravia (2003)
Gross anatomy of the muscle systems and associated innervation of Apatemon cobitidis proterorhini metacercaria (Trematoda: Strigeidae), as visualized by confocal microscopy (2003)
Environmentally accetable effect of hydrogen peroxide on cave "lamp-flora", calcite speleothems and limestones (2003)
Vliv okolní krajiny na hnízdění motáka pochopa (Circus aeruginosus) (2002)
Změny v rozšíření některých ohrožených druhů plevelů na jižní Moravě (2003)
Identifikace ekotypů lipnice luční pomocí izoenzymového systému EST (2002)
Development in vitro of the neuromusculature of two strigeid trematodes, Apatemon cobitidis proterorhini and Cotylurus erraticus (2003)
Brief history of bat-research in the Czech part of the Sudetes (2002)
Drobní savci CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví. Část 1. Netopýři - Chiroptera. (2002)
Drobní savci CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví. Část 2. Hmyzožravci a hlodavci - Insectivora et Rodentia (2002)
Další doklady současné expanze areálu myšice temnopásé (Apodemus agrarius) na Moravě (2002)
Netopýři Hranické propasti (2002)
Flight activity of bats at the entrance of a natural cave (2002)
Absolutní a relativní obsah DNA evropských zástupců Eleocharis subser. Eleocharis (Angiospermae, Cyperaceae) (2003)
Parasite communities of freshwater fish under flood conditions (2003)
The microhabitat distribution of two Dactylogyrus species parasitizing the gills of the barbel, Barbus barbus (2003)
Morphometric correlates of host specificity in Dactylogyrus species (Monogenea) parasites of European Cyprinid fish (2001)
Local and regional influences on patterns of parasite species richness of central European fishes (2001)
Morphology and coexistence of congeneric ectoparasite species:reinforcement of reproductive isolation? (2002)
The distribution of Posthodiplostomum cuticola metacercariae in young-of-the-year cyprinid fishes (2002)
Cytochemical studies of the neuromuscular systems of the diporpa and juvenile stages of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea:Diplozoidae) (2003)
Microscopical Evaluation of Neural Connectivity Between Paired Stages of Eudiplozzon nipponicum (Monogenea:Diplozoidae) (2003)
New recorded biting midges from NW Bohemia with comments to the Checklist of Diptera of the Czech and Slovak Republic (Országh,Knoz & Chalupský,1997). (2003)
Identification of European diplozoids (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) by restriction digestion of the ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) (2003)
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gyrodactylus (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) inferred from rDNA ITS region: subgenera versus species groups (2003)
Investigating the genetic basic of Gyrodactylus salaris resistance in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) (2003)
Relations between marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) breeding successfulness and land use (2002)
Statistické srovnání výsledků měření apoptotického a labelling indexu ve vyvíjejícím se střevě lidských zárodku pomocí systémů ACC 4.0 a LUCIA M 3.0. (2001)
Statistické srovnání zhodnocení embryonálních tkání obarvených na apoptózu a proteiny ji regulujících pomocí systémů analýzy obrazu ACC 4.0 a LUCIA 3.0. (2001)
Mechy a řasy v trávníku (2002)
Achillea asplenifolia in Mähren, mit taxonomischen Bemerkungen (2003)
Poznámky k recentnímu rozšíření plevelů v Bílých Karpatech. (2003)
Plot sizes used for phytosociological sampling of European vegetation (2003)
Formalized reproduction of an expert-based phytosociological classification: A case study of subalpine tall-forb vegetation (2003)
Ecology of periphyton in a meltwater stream ecosystem in the maritime Antarctic. (2003)
Spatial Autocorrelation and Fractal Dimension of Alga Species Assemblage in a Gravel Stream of Central Europe. (2003)
Biodiversita bezobratlých vodních toků - teorie a výsledky řek povodí Moravy (2003)
Habitatové preference larev pošvatek čeledi Perlidae a Perlodidae - studie druhu Perla burmeisteriana (2003)
Hostýnské vrchy - fádní karpatské pohoří? (2003)
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gyrodactylus inferred from rDNA ITS region: subgenera versus species groups. (2003)
Minuartia L. (2003)
Stellaria L. (2003)
Myosoton Moench (2003)
Corrigiola L. (2003)
Moenchia Ehrh. (2003)
Parnassiaceae S. F. Gray (2003)
Aethionema R. Br. (2003)
Capsella Med. (2003)
Guepinia Bast. (2003)
Thlaspi L. (2003)
Iberis L. (2003)
Lepidium L. (2003)
Cardaria Desv. (2003)
Neslia Desv. (2003)
Composition and species richness of molluscan communities in relation to vegetation and water chemistry in the Western Carpathian spring fens: the poor-rich gradient (2003)
Species richness and above-ground biomass of poor and calcareous spring fens in the flysch West Carpathians, and their relationships to water and soil chemistry (2003)
Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Myotis dasycneme (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the Czech Republic (1996)
Helminths parasitizing the silvery mole-rat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Rodentia: Bathyergidae) from Malawi (2003)
Výsledky floristického kursu České botanické společnosti v Novém Jičíně (4.-10.července 1999) (2003)
Výsledky floristického kursu České botanické společnosti v Kroměříži (10.-16. července 2000) (2003)
Rozšírenie Senecio paludosus (Asteraceae) na Slovensku (2003)
Travinná, keříčková a křovinná vegetace Národního parku Podyjí/Thayatal (2003)
Taxonomy and nomenclature of Senecio paludosus (Compositae) in Europe (2003)
Are abnormalities of the attachment apparatus of diplozoids normal phenomenon? (2003)
The attachment apparatus of diplozoids: morphological abnormalities (2003)
Morphological abnormalities of the attachment apparatus of diplozoids (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) (2003)
Intenzita výskytu imág a druhová diverzita taxocenóz vrtalek (Diptera: Agromyzidae) v polních a skleníkových kulturách v České republice (2002)
Sinice a řasy slepých ramen Vltavy v I. zóně Šumavského Národního Parku Vltavský luh. (2003)
Algae and cyanoprokaryotic species from peat bog, streams, ponds and aerial biotopes in the region of South Šumava Mts. (2003)
Marvania aerophytica sp. nov. a new subaerial tropical green alga. (2003)
Cirsium heterophyllum in the Czech Republic: Distribution, Hybrization, Ecological and Karyological Remarks (2003)
Entstehung und Gefährdung von Quell-mooren in den Flysch-Karpaten durch menschlichen Einfluß (2003)
Zaujímavé nálezy machorastov vlhkých lúk a rašelinísk Muránskej planiny a susediacich orografických celkov stredného Slovenska (2003)
Floristické kursy České botanické společnosti jako zdroj poznatků o stavu a změnách diversity květeny České republiky (2003)
Resurrection of Proteocephalus sagittus (Grimm, 1872) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) based on morphological and molecular data (2003)
On the efficiency of three schemes of enchytraeid wet funnel extraction (2003)
Epiphytic diatoms of the spring fens in the flysh area of the Western Carpathians (2003)
Minuartia pauciflora, das karpatische Endemit aus der M. verna-Gruppe (2003)
Výsledky kroužkování netopýrů v České republice a na Slovensku, 1948-2000 (2003)
Second record of the Savi's pipistrelle (Hypsugo savii) in the Czech Republic (2003)
Letní výskyt netopýrů v lidských stavbách v Moravském krasu a širším okolí (2003)
Crassulaceae DC. (2003)
Local and regional patterns of species richness in Central European vegetation types along the pH/calcium gradient (2003)
Polypodium x mantoniae and new localities of P. interjectum in the Czech Republic confirmed using flow cytometry (2003)
Saproxylic invertebrates of floodplains, a particularly endangered component of biodiversity (2003)
Reproductive barriers between congeneric monogenean parasites ( Dactylogyrus: Monogenea): attachment apparatus morphology or copulatory organ incompatibility? (2004)
Occurrence of intermediate hosts and structure of digenean communities of (2003)
The structure of host-parasite communities: order and history (2003)
Analýza hodnocení ekologického stavu řek Dyje a Bečvy (2003)
Organické znečištění ve světle současných ekologických metod hodnocení (2003)
The development of a system to assess the ecological quality of streams based on macroinvertebrates - design of the sampling programme within the AQEM project (2003)
Predikční systém PERLA (2003)
Some information on testate amoebae of Iceland. (2003)
Ephemeroptera - environmentální profily druhů, rodů a čeledí (2003)
Sphagnum-mediated successional pattern in the mixed mire in the Muránska planina Mts (Western Carpathians, Slovakia) (2004)
Zodarion rubidum Simon, 1914: Railroad Riders? (2002)
Snímání a analýza zvuků vydávaných pavouky rodu Palpimanus (Araneae: Palpimanidae) (2002)
Change in the community of epigeal spiders and harvestmen (Araneae, Opiliones) with age of an apple orchard (2003)
Additions to the knowledge of Portuguese zodariid spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2003)
How to sample mollusc communities in mires easily (2003)
First records of the introduced slug Deroceras panormitanum (Lessona et Pollonera, 1882) from the Czech Republic (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Agriolimacidae) (2003)
First record of Deroceras panormitanum (Gastropoda, Agriolimacidae) from Slovakia (2003)
Měkkýši "Ženklavského lesa" u Štramberka (severní Morava) (2003)
Současné poznatky o plzáku Arion lusitanicus (Mollusca: Pulmonata) v České republice (2003)
Měkkýši (Mollusca) Rokytenských slepenců (2002)
Present knowledge of distribution of Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay, 1881) in the Czech and Slovak Republics (Gastropoda: Milacidae) (2003)
Chromosome number variability in Central European members of the Festuca ovina nad F. pallens groups (sect. Festuca) (2003)
Letní výskyt netopýrů v lidských stavbách v Moravském krasu a širším okolí (2003)
Mlži rodu Pisidium C. Pfeiffer (Mollusca: Bivalvia) České republiky (2003)
Modranka karpatská, Bielzia coerulans (M. Bielz, 1851), historie známého výskytu a rozšíření na území České republiky (Mollusca: Limacidae) (2003)
Plzák španělský (Arion lusitanicus) - nejzávažnější škůdce mezi měkkýši (2002)
Rozšíření plžů Macrogastra badia a Laciniaria plicata (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) na Šumavě (2002)
Vodní měkkýši Chráněné krajinné oblasti Bílé Karpaty (Česká republika) (2002)
Měkkýši (Mollusca) NPR Kaluža, Nízký Jeseník (Česká republika) (2002)
Anisus septemgyratus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Czech Republic, with notes to its anatomy (2002)
Měkkýši Českého lesa - I. Vybrané lokality v severní části (západní Čechy) (2002)
Cytological and morphological differentiation of Central European taxa of Festuca ser. Psammophilae Pawlus. (2002)
Identification of European diplozoids (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) using the RFLP pattern of second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) (2004)
The first complete monogenean ribosomal RNA gene array; sequence and secondary structure of the Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (2004)
Validation of the name Artemisia pancicii (Asteraceae) (2003)
Kýchavice bílá pravá (Veratrum album subsp. album) v České republice (2003)
Viola mirabilis L. - violka divotvárná (2003)
Změny v pojetí didaktiky biologie na PedF MU v Brně (2004)
Měkkýši Českého lesa - III. Kateřinská kotlina a severní část Čerchovského lesa (Západní Čechy) (2003)
Společenstva měkkýšů lučních svahových pramenišť moravskoslovenského pomezí (2003)
Co víme o pláku španělském (Arion lusitanicus) (2003)
Classification of the western carpathian spring fens based on mollusc communities (2003)
Raphidascaris acus (Bloch, 1779) larvae infections of the stone loach, Barbatula barbatula (L.), from the River Haná, Czech Republic (2004)
Seasonal occurrence and metrical variability of Gyrodactylus rhodei Zitnan, 1964 (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) (2003)
Parasite fauna of European Bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) under different natural conditions (2003)
Helminth communities of juvenile bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Pallas, 1776) in riverine habitat (2003)
Parazitofauna hořavky duhové (Rhodeus sericeus) v podmínkách tekoucích a stojatých vod (2002)
Liší se parazitofauna hořavky duhové v závislosti na věku ryby či typu lokality? (2004)
Vícebuněční paraziti ryb rodu Neogobius, invazních druhů středního Dunaje (2004)
Ekologie společenstev parazitů plůdku jelce tlouště (Leuciscus cephalus L.) (2002)
The parasite community of chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) fry in riverine conditions (2002)
Metazoan parasites of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) in South Moravia, Czech Republic (2002)
Hrachovka kulovitá (Pisidium globulare) - dobrým druhem až po více než 120 letech (2004)
The effects of management and environmental variation on population stage structure in three river-corridor violets (2004)
Bryoflora in block fields in south-western Moravian river valleys (2003)
Výskyt vzácnějších druhů plevelů na Valašsku. (2003)
Zoologie : dějiny oboru na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně (Souvis.) : Botanika : dějiny oboru na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně (Souvis.) (2003)
Sinice a řasy tekoucích a stojatých vod v přírodním parku "Pod Štědrým" (2003)
K výskytu sladkovodní houby Eunapius fragilis (Porifera: Spongillidae) v České republice (2003)
Environmental determinants of variation in Czech Calthion wet meadows: a synthesis of phytosociological data (2004)
Weed vegetation of arable land in Central Europe: Gradients of diversity and species composition (2004)
Can seasonal variation in fen water chemistry influence the reliability of vegetation-environment analyses? (2004)
Záleží akvatickým máloštětinatcům (Oligochaeta) na prostředí ve kterém žijí? (2004)
Troglotrema acutum (Digenea) from carnivores in the Czech Republic (2004)
Weed vegetation in southern Moravia (Czech Republic): a formalized phytosociological classification (2004)
Habitat preferences of aquatic Oligochaeta in a small highland stream (Czech Republic) (2003)
Malý výkladový slovník rašelinářský (2004)
Diet of two Eptesicus bat species in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2004)
Microgeographic Genome Size Differentiation of the Carob Tree, Ceratonia siliqua, at 'Evolution Canyon', Israel (2004)
Assessment of organic pollution effect considering differences between lotic and lentic stream habitats. In: Hering D, Verdonschot P.F.M., Moog O. & Sandin L. (eds), Integrated Assessment of Running Waters in Europe (2004)
Integration of the saprobic system into the European Union Water Framework Directive, Case studies in Austria, Germany and Czech Republic. In: Hering D, Verdonschot P.F.M., Moog O. & Sandin L. (eds), Integrated Assessment of Running Waters in Europe (2004)
Diet of two Eptesicus bat species in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2004)
Interesting records of European Stratiomyidae including description of the female of Nemotelus danielssoni (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2003)
New records of interesting Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) from the Czech Republic and some other Europen countries (2003)
Insecta: Diptera: Muscidae (2004)
New records of Tachinidae (Diptera) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with revised check-list (2003)
Distribution of diatoms and bryophytes on linear transects through spring fens (2004)
Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean. Part 3. Review of bat distribution in Bulgaria (2003)
Evaluation of the long term monitoring of phytoplankton assemblages in a canyon-shape reservoir using multivariate statistical methods. (2004)
New reports of dactylogyridean species (Monogenea) for Central Europe (2004)
Molecular phylogeny of congeneric monogenean parasites (Dactylogyrus): a case of intrahost speciation (2004)
Kopřiva lužní, Urtica kioviensis, na soutoku Moravy a Dyje (2004)
Taxonomic and distributional notes on the little known Australasian species of Ptecticus Loew (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2003)
Supplementary notes to the checklist of Kyrghizian Diptera. III. Xylomyiidae, Stratiomyidae and Sciomyzidae (2002)
Haematophagous biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) collected by means of non-light traps in South Moravia. (2004)
Svalová soustava druhu Eudiplozoon nipponicum a konfokální mikroskopie (2004)
Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) jižní Moravy (NP Podyjí) (2004)
Habitats and interspecific associations of zodariid spiders in the Negev (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2003)
Cesta za tajomstvom solifúg (2004)
A model of the biological control of Acarus siro by Cheyletus eruditus (Acari: Acaridae, Cheyletidae) on grain (2004)
Taxonomy and distribution of Lemanea and Paralemanea (Lemaneaceae, Rhodophyta) in the Czech Republic (2004)
Biomass quantification of epiphytic freshwater rhodophyte Audouinella pygmaea Kützing (2005)
Diversity of cyanobacteria in seepages of King George Island, maritime Antarctica. (2003)
Surface carbohydrates of Eudiplozoon nipponicum pre- and post-fusion (2004)
Pálava na prahu třetího tisíciletí (2003)
Květena cévnatých rostlin biosférické rezervace Pálava a Podluží (2003)
Predatory behavior of two European ant-eating spiders (Araneae, Zodariidae) (2004)
Poor display repertoire, tolerance and kleptobiosis: results of specialization in an ant-eating spider (Araneae, Zodariidae) (2004)
Genome Size Variation in Central European Species of Cirsium (Compositae) and their Natural Hybrids (2004)
Nutritional constraints in ombrotrophic Sphagnum plants under increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe (2004)
Interspecific associations in phytosociological data sets: how do they change between local and regional scale? (2004)
Environmental factors and Carpathian spring fen vegetation: the importance of scale and temporal variation (2004)
Isolation of Chromosomes from Picea abies and their Analysis by Flow Cytometry (2004)
Photosynthetic characteristics of foliose lichens in response to light, temperature and water status of thallus (2004)
Gentianella amarella subsp. amarella v Hostýnských vrších (2004)
Změny v pojetí didaktiky biologie na Pedagogické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2004)
Nové nálezy Veronica scardica na jižní Moravě (2004)
Hieracium bauhini group in Central Europe: chromosome numbers and breeding systems (2004)
Natura 2000 ve vojenských výcvikových prostorech - příklad VVP Boletice (2004)
Chromosome numbers for some species of vascular plants from Europe (2004)
Chorispora tenella a Corispermum canescens na jižní Moravě (2004)
Oak-hornbeam forests of the Czech Republic: geographical and ecological approaches to vegetation classification (2004)
Cytogeographical Survey of Eleocharis subser. Eleocharis in Europe 1: Eleocharis palustris (2004)
Combination morphological and molecular methods for identification of Gyrodactylus species parasitising Barbatula barbatula (2004)
Sezonní dynamika výskytu živorodých monogeneí rodu Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832 parazitujících na mřence mramorované (Barbatula barbatula L., 1758) (2004)
Determinace živorodých monogeneí rodu Gyrodactylus parazitující na mřence mramorované (Barbatula barbatula L., 1758) důležitost kombinace morfologických a molekulárních metod (2004)
The morphometrical analysis of haptoral structures of taxonomic importance monogenean parasite Paradiplozoon homoion (Bychowsky et Nagibina, 1959) (2003)
The InDeVal insertion/deletion evaluation tool: a program for finding target regions in DNA sequences and for aiding in sequence comparison (2004)
Indel patterns of the plastid DNA trnL-trnF region within the genus Poa (Poaceae) (2004)
Subkontinentální doubravy asociace Carici fritschii-Quercetum roboris na Záhoří (2004)
The use of artificial substrates in different growth conditions. (2004)
Trends in species diversity and composition of urban vegetation over three decades (2004)
Diagnostic, constant and dominant species of vegetation classes and alliances of the Czech Republic: a statistical revision (2003)
The database of the Western Carpathian forest vegetation (2003)
Rozšírenie Senecio sylvaticus (Compositae) na Slovensku (2004)
Presence of Skrjabingylus petrowi (Nematoda) in central Europe (2004)
The trnL-F plastid DNA characters of three Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) varieties (2005)
A comparison of Central European and North American populations of Poa pratensis agg. (2001)
Spiders (Araneae) in the biological and integrated pest management of apple in the Czech Republic (2004)
Estimation of the seasonal defecation in the oribatid mite Galumna elimnata (Acari: Oribatida) (2004)
Bryophyte and vascular plant responses to base-richness and water level gradients in Western Carpathian Sphagnum-rich mires (2004)
Desmids (Zygnematophyceae) of the spring fens of a part of West Carpathians (2004)
Nitrogen concentration and delta 15N signature of ombrotrophic Sphagnum mosses at different N deposition levels in Europe (2005)
Investigations on garvel bars and hyporheic zone in an Alpine nad two Hercynian streams in Central Europe (2004)
Suchozemští bezobratlí lužního lesa (2004)
Rhyacodrilus falciformis (Tubificidae) a Aeolosoma spp. (Aeolosomatidae) - "vodní" kroužkovci jako součást půdní mesofauny (2004)
Associations between fish reproductive cycle and the dynamics of metazoan parasite infection (2005)
The first record of Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from the Near East (2003)
New records of interesting Palaearctic Muscidae (Diptera) (2004)
Occurence of freshwater sponges (Porifera, Spongillidae) and sponge-associated organisms in the Dalešice and Mohelno Reservoirs (Czech Republic) (2004)
Pohled na svalovou soustavu Eudiplozoon nipponicum konfokálním mikroskopem (2004)
Systematic status of African populations of Pipistrellus pipistrellus complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), with a description of a new species from Cyrenaica, Libya (2004)
Inventarizační průzkumy (2004)
O rozšíření některých cévnatých rostlin na nejjižnější Moravě II (2004)
2.11 [T7] Slaniska (2004)
Změny luční a pastvinné vegetace Hostýnských vrchů (1969-2002) (2004)
člen podkomise Fyziologie a patologie zvířat komise Zemědělské vědy (2005)
Flight activity and habitat use of four bat species in a small town revealed by bat detectors (2003)
Letová aktivita netopýrů v oblasti vrchu Třesín (Litovelské Pomoraví) (2003)
Habitat use of four bat species in Jablonec n. N. revealed by bat detector (2002)
Discelium nudum (2004)
A contribution to the moss flora of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) (2004)
Mechorosty v blízkosti světel ve třech přístupných jeskyních na severní Moravě (2004)
Bats of the Sudety Mts. (2004)
Mechorosty skal na jihozápadní Moravě (2004)
Mechorosty známé neznámé. Katalog výstavy (2004)
Flight activity and habitat use of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in the floodplain forest (2004)
Diversity of hay meadows in the Czech Republic: major types and environmental gradients (2004)
Typification of the name Carex muricata var. lamprocarpa Wallr. and its nomenclatural consequences (2005)
Zpracování slabých akustických signálů malých živočichů zaznamenaných v neoptimálních podmínkách (2004)
Slimák pestrý - rarita v blízkosti lidských sídel (2004)
Greenhouse gastropods of the Czech Republic: current stage of research (2004)
Malakofauna (Mollusca) navrhované NPP Skalická Morávka (Slezsko, Česká republika) (2003)
Výsledky stopatnáctiletého výzkumu měkkýšů (Mollusca) NPP Šipka u Štramberka (severní Morava) (2003)
Vodní měkkýši Přírodních rezervací Velký Pavlovický rybník, Skučák a Štěpán (Slezsko, Česká republika) (2003)
Měkkýši Přírodních rezervací Pavlovické hůrky, Skalka a Rybníky (severní Morava, Česká republika) (2003)
Vzpomínka na Bohuslava Beneše (2003)
Netopýři Sloupsko-šošůvských jeskyní (Moravský kras) (2003)
Výskyt drobných savců na území Biosférické rezervace Dolní Morava (rozšířená Biosférická rezervace Pálava). Část II. Netopýři - Microchiroptera.. (2003)
Výskyt drobných savců na území Biosférické rezervace Dolní Morava (rozšířená Biosférická rezervace Pálava). Část I. Hmyzožravci a hlodavci - Insectivora et Rodentia. (2003)
Distribution of Pisidium globulare Clessin, 1873 (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with notes to its ecology and morphological characters (2004)
On the processing of freeze-core samples with notes on the impact of sample size (2004)
předseda komise 206 (biologie a ekologie) a komise 2 (přírodni vědy) (2004)
Ecomorphometry of Myotis daubentonii and M. lucifugus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) - a Palearctic-Nearctic comparison (2004)
Rozhovor s třemi vědeckými pracovníky: "Brněnské moře" bez sinic? (2003)
Reclassification of strain CCM132, previously classified as Kocuria varians, as Kocuria carniphila sp. nov. (2005)
Evolution and trans-species polymorphism of MHC class IIB genes in cyprinid fish (2005)
Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Digenea: Diplostomatidae) in intemediate fish hosts: factors contributing to the parasite infection and prey selection by the definitive bird host (2004)
Molecular systematic investigation of the Lemaneaceae (Rhodophyta, Florideophycidae) based on 18S ribosomal DNA sequence data (2005)
A model to explain the origin of a parasite sex-specific population structure. (2004)
Veränderungen in der Teichwirtschaft und ihr Einfluss auf die Vegetation in der Tschechischen Republik : Mit Beispielen von Isoëto-Nanojuncetea-, Littorelletea- und Bidentetea-Arten im Becken von Třeboň (Wittingauer Becken) (2003)
Trpaslíci ze sádek (2004)
Seasonal dynamics of Proteocephalus sagittus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) in stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) from the Haná River, Czech Republic (2004)
Vývoj flóry a vegetace jihomoravského luhu (2004)
Associations between fish reproductive cycle and the dynamics of metazoan parasite infection (2004)
Nivní louky na Břeclavsku - rostlinstvo a historie obhospodařování (2004)
Seasonal occurrence and metrical variability of Gyrodactylus rhodei Žitňan, 1964 (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) (2005)
Vícerozměrný robustní přístup pro kategorizace ovlivněných lokalit biomonitorovací sítě do daných referenčních kategorií. In Ekotoxikologické Biotesty IV (2004)
Triton - komplexní systém pro hodnocení monitoringu vodních toků. (2004)
Datest - verze 2.0 - výukový interaktivní systém pro ekotoxikologické testy a jeho aplikace (2004)
Prehľad rastlinných spoločenstiev uvádzaných z Muránskej planiny a bezprostredne súsediacich území (2004)
The trnL-F plastid DNA region and its application to phylogeographic analysis in Poa pratensis agg. (2005)
Abiotic stream types and species assemblages: Is there any simple linkage? Czech streams and benthic macroinvertebrates as an example (2004)
Tekoucí vody: charakteristika a kategorizace biotopů (2004)
Polyphasic taxonomic study of strain CCM2783 resulting in description of Arthrobacter stackebrandtii sp. nov. (2005)
Vegetation of lowland wet meadows along a climatic continentality gradient in Central Europe (2005)
Achillea L. - řebříček (2004)
Cirsium Mill. - pcháč (2004)
Nematode infections of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Pallas, 1776: Cypriniformes) (2005)
Comparison of natural histories and karyotypes of two closely related ant-eating spiders, Zodarion hamatum and Zodarion italicum (Araneae, Zodariidae) (2005)
Ceratopogonidae of Southern Moravia (NP Podyji) (2004)
K faune koscov Lúčanskej Malej Fatry (2005)
Identity of the Oriental Stratiomyidae described by Camillo Rondani (Diptera) (2005)
Vegetation und Flora im Bereich des Maltsch-Oberlaufs (2005)
Lactuca L. - locika (2004)
Scorzonera L. - hadí mord (2004)
Senecio L. - starček (2004)
Artemisia L. - pelyněk (2004)
Ploidy level variability of some Central European fescues (Festuca subg. Festuca, Poaceae) (2005)
Classification and occurrence of abnormally developed Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea, Diplozoinae) parasitising gudgeon Gobio gobio (2005)
Fluktuační asymetrie diplozoonů (Monogenea; Plathelminthes) - pilotní studie (2004)
Can Morphological Abnormalities of Fish Parasites Be Indicators of Environment Stress? Preliminary ResultsXI (2004)
Morphological Abnormalities of Paradiplozoon homoion (Diplozoidae; Monogenea) as Indicators of Environmental Stress (2005)
Plevelová společenstva obilnin v Hostýnských vrších a přilehlém území Zlínských vrchů: svaz Caucalidion lappulae a Scleranthion annui (2005)
Novinky v taxonomii bakterií (č.12) (2005)
Characterization of presumptive Staphylococcus xylosus strains by SDS-PAGE protein profiles. (2005)
Recording relative water table depth using PVC tape discolouration: Advantages and constraints in fens (2005)
Weissella confusa (basonym Lactobacillus confusus) - první záchyt z hemokultury v České republice (2005)
Evaluation of (GTG)5-PCR for identification of Enterococcus spp. (2005)
The 70th Birthday of Professor Jirí Gaisler, D. Sc. (2005)
Mechorosty nalezené během exkurzí na floristickém kurzu ČBS v Novém Jíčíně (1999) (2004)
Biotypizace a ribotypizace kmenů Aeromonas hydrophila komplexu (2005)
Vojenský újezd Boletice - ostrov bez eutrofizace (2005)
Staphylococcus simiae
sp. nov., isolated from South American squirrel monkeys (2005)
Variability in echolocation calls of Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) during search flight in different habitats (2005)
Classical or molecular systematics in algal taxonomy? Molecular systematic and morphological investigation of the Lemaneaceae (Rhodophyta, Batrachospermales) (2005)
Rastlinné spoločenstvá s druhom Carex lasiocarpa v severnej časti Slovenska (2004)
Akvatická Oligochaeta - máloštětinatci a jejich habitatové preference (2003)
Behavioral non-conditioning assay in insect magnetosensitivity research. (2005)
Genome size in Cirsium and its relation to natural hybridization (2005)
Geographical pattern in genome size of Festuca pallens: phylogeographical interpretation of distribution range of polyploid complex (2005)
Biomonitoring of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera: Nematocera) using car nets (2005)
Diversity of bryophytes on treeless cliffs and talus slopes in a forested central European landscape (2005)
Supervised classification of plant communities with artificial neural networks (2005)
Stratified resampling of phytosociological databases: some strategies for obtaining more representative data sets for classification studies (2005)
Alien plants in temperate weed communities: prehistoric and recent invaders occupy different habitats (2005)
Effects of abiotic factors on species richness and cover in Central European weed communities (2005)
Vegetation types of dry-mesic oak forests in Slovakia (2005)
Vojenský výcvikový prostor Libavá - nová a ojedinělá lokalita žábronožky letní (Branchipus schaefferi Fischer, 1834) na Moravě (2005)
Evaluation of (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting for characterization of enterococci isolated from bryndza cheese (2005)
Can solitary spiders (Araneae) cooperate in prey capture? (2005)
Ant-eating zodariid spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae) of Portugal: additions to the current knowledge (2005)
Natural history and karyotype of some ant-eating zodariid spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae) from Israel (2005)
Predatory characteristics of ant-eating Zodarion spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae): Potential biological control agents (2005)
Temporal stability of morph frequency in central European populations of Adalia bipunctata and A. decempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (2005)
Ecology and palaeoecology of spring fens of the West Carpathians (2005)
The list of Western Carpathian fens under detailed study (2005)
The study area and its geochemical characteristics (2005)
The origin and development of spring fen vegetation and ecosystems - palaeogeobotanical results (2005)
The historical development of the White Carpathian spring fens based on palaeomalacological data (2005)
Present vegetation of spring fens and its relation to water chemistry (2005)
Vascular plants (2005)
Bryophytes (2005)
Testate amoebae (2005)
Molluscs (2005)
Sveřep stoklasa - starobylý plevel obilných polí (2005)
Fine structure of trophozoites of the gregarine Leidyana ephestiae (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) parasitic in Ephestia kuehniella larvae (Lepidoptera). (2005)
First records of gregarines (Gregarina, Apicomplexa) from Slovakia (2003)
Ribotyping of sucrose - negative mesophilic Aeromonas sp. (2005)
Aeromonas hydrophila ssp. dhakensis - first occurrence in Czech Republic confirmed by ribotyping (2005)
Aeromonas spp. as a causative agent of acute diarrhoea in children (2005)
Ribotyping of Lactobacillus helveticus from the Koumiss (2005)
A new species of Pterothominx Freitas, 1959 (Nematoda: Capillariidae) parasitising psittacine bird (Psittaciformes) (2005)
Enterococcus canintestini sp. nov., from faecal samples of healthy dogs (2005)
Enterococcus aquimarinus sp. nov., isolated from sea water (2005)
Faunistické správy zo Slovenska Opiliones: Nemastomatidae, Phalangidae (2004)
Systematics, ecology and distribution of Lemanea and Paralemanea (Rhodophyta, Batrachospermales) in the Czech Republic (2005)
Epiphytic cyanophytes Xenococcus kerneri and Chamaesiphon minutus on the freshwater red alga Paralemanea catenata (Rhodophyta) (2006)
Ceratopogonidae of the Bílina and Duchcov environs (2004)
Cyanobaktérie a riasy na kamenných subtrátoch objektov kultúrno-historického významu v Bratislave (2005)
Vegetation dynamics on exposed pond bottoms in the Českobudějovická basin (Czech Republic) (2005)
Festuca alpina, a new species to the flora of Slovakia (2005)
Nový český stafylokok,
Staphylococcus simiae
Notes on the Bulgarian wetland flora, including new national and regional records (2005)
Plant communities of the subalpine mires and springs in the Vitosha Mt. (2005)
New data on the chorology of some little known adventive species on the banks of the Danube River in Bulgaria (2004)
Bidens frondosa (Asteraceae) - a new allien species for the Bulgarian flora (2004)
Habitat requirements and distribution of Vertigo geyeri (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Western Carpathian rich fens (2005)
Ribotyping of Lactobacillus casei group strains isolated from dairy products (2005)
Revision of the subgenus Meloehelea (genus Atrichopogon; Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (2005)
Phylogenetic relationships within family Stratiomyidae (Diptera) based on both morphological data and 16S rDNA sequences (2005)
Invasions by alien plants in the Czech Republic: a quantitative assessment across habitats (2005)
Vegetation gradients in fishpond mires in relation to seasonal fluctuations in environmental factors (2005)
Hlavní typy nelesní rašeliništní vegetace Třeboňské pánve (2005)
Characterization of Rhodococcus wratislaviensis strain J3 that degrades 4-nitrocatechol and other nitroaromatic compounds (2005)
Sensitive Detection and Separation of Fluorescent Derivatives using Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection with 532 nm Nd:YAG Laser (2006)
Mollusc fauna of the Rychlebské hory (Czech Republic) (2005)
Terénní ekologický kurz na Gymnáziu Brno-Řečkovice (2005)
European oak woodlands: past, present and future (2005)
Fenomén prameništních slatinišť a malakologické konsekvence (2005)
Stanovištní nároky některých ohrožených a vzácných rostlin rašelinišť Třeboňska (2005)
Prostorové změny v rozmístění vegetace v NPR Ruda (CHKO Třeboňsko) za posledních 20 let (2005)
Rašeliništní vegetace v severní části třeboňsko-jindřichohradeckého pomezí (2004)
Enterococcus devriesei sp. nov., associated with animal sources (2005)
Polypodium x mantoniae (P. interjectum x P. vulgare), new hybrid in Romania, confirmed using flow cytometry (2004)
Vertical distribution of fauna in the bed sediment of gravel stream (Czech Republic) (2005)
Life strategies and habitat preferences of two competing species: Erpobdella octoculata and Erpobdella vilnensis (Annelida: Hirudinea) (2005)
First record of Chondrina clienta (Westerlund, 1883) from Bohemia (2005)
Emmonsiosis of subterranean rodents (Bathyergidae, Spalacidae) in Africa and Israel. (2005)
Derivatizace aminokyselin, peptidů a proteinů pro laserem indukovanou fluorescenční detekci v kapilární elektroforéze (2006)
Insecta: Diptera, Stratiomyidae (2004)
Additions and corrections to "The Muscidae (Diptera) of Central Europe" I. (2004)
A new species of Fannia (Diptera, Fanniidae) from Central Europe (2005)
Taxonomic and distributional notes on exotic Ptecticus and Sargus species from some Italian natural history museums (2005)
A small annelid community (Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) during meadow restoration on arable land and in a nearby well-preserved meadow (2005)
The community of small annelids (Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) in the first phase of meadow restoration on arable land (2005)
Development of soil fauna in meadows restored on arable land: Initial phases of successional development (2005)
Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe I: Proceedings of the 7th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology (2005)
Saproxylic beetles of a hardwood floodplain forest canopy (2005)
Výzkum přírodních lesů v ČR a Evropě z pohledu zoologa (2005)
Estonian Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) 2. Results of a faunistic workshop held in May 2004 (2005)
Bankeraceae in Central Europe. 1. (2005)
Ježaté houby / lošáky a korálovce (2005)
Zubní kaz v časném dětství a mikrobiální flóra (2005)
Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka (2005)
Senecio paludosus L. subsp. paludosus (2005)
Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia (Spreng.) Nyman (2005)
Ledum palustre L. (2005)
Population features of hybridization in Viola: two case studies (2005)
Tetraploid and octoploid cytotypes in Senecio jacobaea (Asteraceae) in the Pannonian Basin and Carpathians (2005)
Bankeraceae in Central Europe. 2. (2005)
Veronica opaca Fries (2004)
Adonis flammea Jacq. (2005)
Typha shuttleworthii Koch & Sond. (2005)
Biogeografické členění České republiky. II. díl. (2005)
Paenibacillus mendelii sp. nov., a bacterium from surface-sterilized seeds of Pisum sativum L. (2005)
New similarity indices for the assignment of relevés to vegetation units of an existing phytosociological classification (2005)
Mollusc community patterns and species response curves along a mineral richness gradient: a case study in fens (2006)
Can agrobiont spiders (Araneae) avoid a surface with pesticide residues? (2005)
Horizontal and vertical distribution of spiders (araneae) in sunflowers (2005)
Coreus marginatus (Heteroptera: Coreidae) as a natural enemy of Rumex obtusifolius (Polygonaceae) (2005)
Arboreal spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in pistachio orchards in South Africa (2005)
Tachinidae (2005)
Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from blood samples and their susceptibility to antibiotics (2005)
Za tajemstvím našich sladkovodních ruduch (2006)
Community-level physiological profiles of soil bacteria - statistical analysis (2005)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on planktonic photoautotrophs - evidences on allelopathy? (2005)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on planktonic photoautotrophs (2005)
Practical application of the Perla system in rivers of the Morava River basin (2005)
Can plant community ordinations be affected by various sample plot sizes in grasslands? (2005)
Lindernia dubia in the Czech Republic: distribution and ecology (2005)
Systém hodnocení trofie povrchových vod pomocí fytobentosu (2005)
Local ranges of phytosociological associations: are they reflected in numerical classification? (2006)
Occurence and seasonal dynamics of monogenean parasites of gudgeon (Gobio gobio, L.) in the River Hana (Czech Republic). (2005)
Relationship among Gyrodactylus species (Monogenea) and their fish hosts under experimental conditions. (2004)
Distribution and seasonal occurrence of glochidia on the host fishes. (2000)
Distribution of glochidial larval stages of uniocean mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae) within the populations of host fishes. (1999)
Seasonal and spatial distribution of glochidia of genera Unio and Anodonta on the host fishes. (2000)
Alien species on walls in southern and western Moravia (2005)
The relationship between the developmental instability of a fish host and the ectoparasite Paradiplozoon homoion (2005)
Life cycle of Paradiplozoon homoion (Diplozoidae) under experimental conditions (2005)
Athericidae (2005)
Fanniidae (2005)
Fanniidae (2005)
Muscidae (2005)
Blephariceridae (2005)
Chaoboridae (2005)
Review of dipterological investigations in Podyjí National Psrk (2005)
Ceratopogonidae (2005)
New records of Ptecticus species from Thailand including description of a new species (Stratiomyidae, Diptera) (2005)
Sciomyzidae (2005)
Two new species of Euthycera with records of Middle Asian Sciomyzidae (Diptera) (2005)
Phaeomyiidae (2005)
Stratiomyidae (2005)
Xylomyidae (2005)
Xylophagidae (2005)
Ptychopteridae (2005)
Trophic levels and functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in neotropical streams (2006)
Biological Monitoring of Running Waters in Eastern and Central Europaen Countries (Former Communistic Block) (2006)
Genus Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) collected by non-light traps in South Moravia (2005)
Hodnocení fylogenetických vztahů a taxonomických problémů v čeledi Ceratopogonidae na základě sekvencí 16S rRNA genu (2006)
Microhabitat specificity of Gyrodactylus species Nordmann, 1832 on stone sloach (Barbatula barbatula L., 1758) in the Haná river. (2005)
Molekulárno-genetická analýza tribu Winthemiini (Diptera, Tachinidae): predbežné výsledky (2006)
Seasonal occurrence of Gyrodactylus species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) on the stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) in the Haná River, Czech Republic. (2005)
The identification of Gyrodactylus species parasitising Barbatula barbatula L., 1758 in Central Europe: combination morphologic and molecular methods. (2005)
Ploidy Level Variability in South American Fescues (Festuca L., Poaceae): Use of Flow Cytometry in Up to 5 1/2-year-Old Caryopses and Herbarium Specimens. (2006)
Differences in echolocation calls of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber 1774) and Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Leach 1825) in allo- and syntopic foraging areas (2004)
Distributional status of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774) and P. pygmaeus in the Czech Republic: results of mapping (2004)
Changes in activity and habitat use of the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus revealed by radio-tracking (2005)
Fauna Devínskej Kobyly. (2005)
Distribution of Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus in the Czech Republic (2005)
Changes in activity and habitat use of the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus revealed by radio-tracking (2005)
Are changes in internal roost temperature a good reason for bat movement? (2005)
Diet composition of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in a floodplain forest (2005)
Long-term changes in the numbers of bats hibernating in mass hibernacula on the territory of Moravia (Czech Republic) (2005)
Potravní nabídka, potrava a lovecká aktivita netopýra nejmenšího (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) v (2006)
Atlas ryb, obojživelníků a plazů České a Slovenské republiky (2005)
Kontinuální modelování eroze (2004)
Úskalí přípravy dat pro model AnnAGNPS (2003)
AnnAGNPS - model pro kontinuální simulaci eroze a transportu splavenin (2003)
Small Digital Landscape Model applications for monitoring and management of environmental processes in Haraska Watershed. (2003)
Rokytenské slepence - základní charakteristika klimatická, geologická, botanická, zoologická, ochranářská a legislativní (2002)
Flóra a vegetace zdí na jižní a západní Moravě (2004)
Metazoan parasites of Neogobius fishes in the Slovak section of the River Danube (2005)
The recent distribution and abundance of non-native Neogobius fishes in the Slovak section of the River Danube (2005)
Metazoan parasites of Neogobius species, invasive fishes of the Slovak Danube River. (2004)
Ein Blick über die Grenze - Tschechische Salzstandorte und ihre Vegetation (2006)
Nematode infections of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Pallas, 1776: Cypriniformes) (2005)
Sexual selection for male dominance reduces opportunities for female mate choice in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) (2005)
Platypezidae (2005)
Genetic strructure of Greater Mouse-eared Bat, Myotis myotis, population in the Moravian Karst and its surroundings (2005)
Thermal aspects of Myotis myotis hibernation in two caves of the Moravian Karst (2005)
Changes in activity and habitat use of the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus revealed by radio-tracking (2005)
Long-term changes in the numbers of bats hibernating in mass hibernacula on the territory of Moravia (Czech Republic) (2005)
Trends in numbers of bats in hibernacula of Moravia (Czech Republic) (2005)
A revised diagnosis of Thylacicleidus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) with a redescription of the type species, Thylacicleidus serendipitus, and descriptions of two new species from Southeast Asian pufferfishes (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae) (2005)
Parasite species coexistence and limiting similarity: a multiscale look at phylogenetic, functional and reproductive distances (2005)
Philometroides barbi sp. nov. (Nematoda, Philometridae) from Barbus meridionalis, a new philometrid from European freshwater fish (2005)
Metapopulation biology of marine parasites (2005)
Sexual ornamentation and parasite infection in males of common bream (Abramis brama): a reflection of immunocompetence status or simple cost of reproduction? (2005)
A molecular phylogeny of the Dactylogyridae sensu Kritsky & Boeger (1989) (Monogenea) based on the D1-D3 domains of large subunit rDNA (2006)
MHC variability, life-traits and parasite diversity of European cyprinid fish (2006)
Diversity of Calthion wet meadows in the western part of flysch Carpathians: regional classification based on national formal definitions (2005)
Vliv granivorie na klíčivost semen šťovíku tupolistého (Rumex obtusifolius L.) aneb Coreus marginatus (L.) v roli biologického regulátoru. (2003)
Staphylococcus equorum and Staphylococcus succinus isolated from human clinical specimens (2006)
Enterococcus silesiacus sp. nov. and Enterococcus termitis sp. nov. (2006)
Formalized approaches to Central European phytosociology. (2005)
Diversity of weed vegetation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2006)
Rastlinné spoločenstvá nelesných rašelinísk v oblasti Oravíc (Podtatranská brázda) (2005)
Variability of the Molinion meadows in the Czech and Slovak Republic (2006)
Vegetation of trampled habitats in the Czech Republic: a formalized phytosociological classification (2006)
Identification of Staphylococcus piscifermentans from dog feces (2005)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 12. (2006)
Morphology of Philometroides barbi (Nematoda: Philometroidae), a rare tissue parasite of the Mediterranean barbel Barbus meridionalis (Osteichthyes) (2006)
Specificity and specialization of congeneric monogeneans parasitizing cyprinid fish (2006)
Two remarkable nematodes from the African reedfish Erpetoichthys calabaricus (Polypteriformes: Polypteridae) (2005)
Ohrožená pestrost života na karpatských lučních prameništích (2005)
Měkkýši PR Peliny u Chocně (2006)
Gross anatomy of the muscle system of Eudiplozoon nipponicum as visualised by confocal microscopy (2005)
The occurrence of the freshwater sponge Eunapius fragilis (Porifera, Spongillidae) in the Cezch Republic. Rare or only neglected species? (2006)
Studium fauny saproxylických brouků pomocí nárazových pastí - probíhající výzkum na území BR Dolní Morava (2006)
Biodiversity in environmental bioindication: model measures suitable for various biological communities under different type of stress (2005)
Classification of biological communities in biomonitoring programs suggestion of robust solution (2005)
Parasite communities of leuciscus cephalus under different environmental conditions (2005)
Monogenean parasite of Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) in the Slovak Danube River basin hundred years after its introduction (2004)
Laser desorption-ionization time of flight mass spectrometry of various carbon materials (2006)
Syntaxonomical revision of the Molinion meadows in the Czech Republic (2006)
Stratifikace rizika u pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním pomocí stanovení izovolumického relaxačního času pravé komory tkáňovým dopplerovským zobrazením (2006)
Prales NPR Mionší - malakozoologický ráj v Beskydech (2006)
Habitat preferences of aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida) in the Rokytná River, Czech Republic - a small highland stream (2006)
RF plasma pencil - charakteristics and application (2006)
The variation of testacean assemblages (Rhizopoda) along the complete base-richness gradient in fens: a case study from the Western Carpathians (2006)
Doplněk k netopýrům (Chiroptera) východních Čech se zvláštním zřetelem k aktivitě na horském hřebeni (2005)
Second case of a partial albinism in the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula) (2002)
New isolate of Photorhabdus luminescens ssp. kayaii from the Czech Republic (2006)
Poznámky k vegetaci jedlin v jižních Čechách (2006)
Registry HERCEPTIN a AVASTIN pro monitoring léčby monoklonálními protilátkami (2006)
Can we Monitor Biodiversity as Complex Endpoint for Ecological Risk Assessment? (2006)
The genus Cochlearia L. (Brassicaceae) in the Eastern Carpathians and adjacent area (2006)
Genetic structure among and within peripheral and central populations of three endangered floodplain violets (2006)
Diversity of wetland vegetation in the Bulgarian high mountains, main gradients and context-dependence of the pH role (2006)
Variability of vegetation of exposed pond bottoms in relation to management and environmental factors (2006)
Spectrophotometric analysis of nucleic acid bases in binary and ternary mixtures by partial least squares and artificial neural networks (2006)
Assessment of Ecological State of Surface Waters in ARROW Project: Robust Multivariate Predictive Models (2006)
Investigations on gravel bars and the hyporheic zone in an alpine and two hercynian streams in Central Europe (2006)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 13. (2006)
Automatická morfometrie obrazů mozku z MRI ve výzkumu schizofrenie (2006)
Typification of the names Achillea millefolium var. collina and A. pannonica (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) (2006)
Temporal and spatial distribution of glochidial larval stages of European unionid mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae) on host fishes (2006)
Intraspecific DNA content variability in Festuca pallens on different geographical scales and ploidy levels (2006)
Life strategy of red algae (Rhodophyta) in running water biotops (2006)
Classification of weed vegetation of arable land in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2006)
The behaviour of the mealworm beetle pupa and its conditioned reaction to the geomagnetic field turn. (2006)
Laboratory behavioural assay of insect magnetoreception: magnetosensitivity of Periplaneta americana. (2006)
Plevele v minulosti a dnes (2006)
Plot size - a skeleton in the cupboard of phytosociologists. (2006)
Influence of sample plot size on the data analysis. (2006)
Biological Flora of Central Europe: Viola elatior, V. pumila and V. stagnina (2006)
Hieracium subgen. Pilosella: Pollen viability in sexual, apomictic and sterile plants. (2006)
Hieracium subgen. Pilosella: Progenies diversity in facultative apomictic and sexual taxa. (2006)
Habitat variability and classification of Utricularia communities: comparison of peat depressions in Slovakia and the Třeboň basin (2006)
Occurance of
Staphylococcus nepalensis
strains in different sources including human clinical material (2006)
Implementation of Data Sources for Analysis of Obligatory Level of Taxa Determination for Routine Biomonitoring (2006)
Information System of ARROW Project: Assessment of Ecological State of Surface Waters (2006)
The system for complex monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in the czech republic reservoirs (2006)
Laser Ablation Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (LA-TOF-MS) of “Nitrogen Doped Diamond-Like Carbon (DLN) Nano-Layers” (2006)
Sezónní změny společenstva máloštětinatců (Oligochaeta, Annelida) horského toku Moravskoslezských Beskyd (2006)
The dynamics of Bodícka brána forest vegetation (2006)
Alien plants in different types of ruderal vegetation (2006)
Risk stratification in patients with chronic heart failure by assesment of right ventricular isovolumic relaxation time using tissue Doppler imaging (2006)
Význam izovolumického relaxačního času pravé komory stanoveného tkáňovým dopplerovským zobrazením u pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním (2006)
Two new molluscs (Gastropoda: Euconulidae, Bivalvia: Sphaeridae) from Bulgaria (2006)
Pseudomonas moraviensis sp. nov. and Pseudomonas vranovensis sp. nov., soil bacteria isolated on nitroaromatic compounds, and emended description of Pseudomonas asplenii (2006)
Komunikační rámec pro mezinárodní výměnu environmentálních informací (2006)
Solving basal phylogeny and some taxonomic problems within family Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) using 16S rDNA sequences (2006)
Paenibacillus sepulcri sp. nov., isolated from biodeteriorated mural paintings in the Servilia tomb (2006)
Chemotaxonomic Characterisation of Pseudomonads by MALDI-TOF MS (2006)
První nález pošvatky Euleuctra geniculata (Stephens 1836) v ČR (2004)
Typology of running waters in the Czech Republic: proposal based on combination of biotic and abiotic classification (2003)
Vztah mezi taxonomickou a funkční strukturou společenstev makrozoobentosu (2003)
Ekologický stav toků a jeho indikace různými skupinami vodních organizmů (2004)
Výskyt vodních bezobratlých ve svrchních vrstvách substrátu vyschlého toku (2006)
Analýza reakce makrozoobentosu a fytobentosu na různé typy a intenzitu poškození ekosystému malých toků (2006)
Projekt STAR: interkalibrace metod pro hodnocení ekologického stavu tekoucích vod (2003)
Využití MALDI-MS pro identifikaci Pseudomonas spp. (2006)
Plecoptera (pošvatky) (2006)
DNA ploidy levels and intraspecific DNA content variability in Romanian fescues (Festuca, Poaceae) measured in fresh and herbarium material (2006)
Habitat diversity of central European fens in relation to environmental gradients and an effort to standardise fen terminology in ecological studies (2006)
Report 49-52 (In.: New floristic records in the Balkans: 2) (2006)
Měkkýši Moravského krasu (2006)
Ultrastructural study of developmental stages of Mattesia dispora (Neogregarinorida: Lipotrophidae), a parasite of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera) (2006)
New wetland vascular plants for Bulgaria (2006)
Thelastoma gueyei sp.n. (Nematoda:Thelastomatidae) from the Senegal diplopod Archispirostreptus tumuliporus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae) (2006)
Nové lokality rosičky anglickej (Drosera anglica) na Slovensku (2006)
New possibilities of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry to analyze barley and malt. Highly sensitive detection of mycotoxins. (2006)
Seasonal dynamics of Bythonomus lemani and Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum (Oligochaeta, Annelida) in relation to environmental variables (2006)
Habitat requirements of the Czech Pisidium species (Mollusca: Bivalvia) and possible application to bioindication (2006)
Patterns of plant traits in annual vegetation of man-made habitats in central Europe (2006)
Death feigning in the face of sexual cannibalism (2006)
Effect of Bt-Maize on Epigeic Spiders (Araneae) and Harvestmen (Opiliones) (2006)
How granivorous Coreus marginatus (Heteroptera: Coreidae) recognises its food (2006)
Geographical sexual size dimorphism in an ant-eating spider, Zodarion rubidum (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2006)
Polychaeta (mnohoštětinatci) (2005)
Oligochaeta (máloštětinatci) (2005)
Hirudinea (pijavice) (2005)
Relationships between environmental factors and vegetation in nutrient-enriched fens at fishpond margins (2006)
Flight activity and habitat preference of bats in a karstic area, as revealed by bat detectors (2006)
Activity and shelter selection by Myotis myotis and Rhinolophus hipposideros hibernating in the Kateřinská cave (Czech Republic) (2005)
Flight activity of bats in different forest habitats (2006)
Molecular markers used in phylogenetic studies of Diptera with a methodological overview (2006)
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition promotes carbon loss from peat bogs. (2006)
Statistical determination of diagnostic species for site groups of unequal size (2006)
Výhody funkční metody FASAY při analýze nádorového supresoru p53 u vybraných případů difúzního velkobuněčného B lymfomu (2006)
Vegetation of the rock outcrops and screes in the forest-steppe and steppe belts of the Altai and Western Sayan Mts., southern Siberia (2006)
Beech forest communities in Bulgaria (2006)
Effects of plot size on the ordination of vegetation samples (2006)
Optimalizace sítě maloplošných zvláště chráněných území (2006)
Three new species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from the gills of the bala sharkminnow, Balantiocheilos melanopterus (Cyprinidae), from Thailand (2006)
Monogenea sladkovodních akvarijních ryb v České republice - současný stav a perspektivy (2006)
Fractionation of parasite communities in relation to heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (2006)
Skanovací elektronová mikroskopie tegumentu parazita Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Goto, 1891) ze žaber kapra (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2006)
The associations between MHC genes and metazoan parasites in the fish populations living under the different level of environmental pollution (2006)
Fish mapping of ribosomal DNA and telomeric repeats in model species of Platyhelmithes and Acanthocephala (2006)
Morphological changes of parasite of cyprinid fishes Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea) (2006)
Susceptibility of Prussian carp infected by metacercariae of Posthodiplostomum cuticola (v. Nordmann, 1832) to fish predation (2006)
Gyrodactylus rhodei ŽITŇAN 1964 - Specific parasite of bitterling: epidemiology, variability and spatial distribution (2005)
Epidemiology, co-occurence and microhabitat distribution of gill monogeneans of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in the course winter period. (1998)
Distribuce a lokalizace glochidií na rybích hostitelích (1999)
Molecular and morphological diversity of gyrodactylids (1999)
Parasites of bighead goby Neogobius kessleri in their native and non-native area of distribution (2006)
Časoprostorové vztahy druhů rodu Gyrodactylus a rybích hostitelů v experimentálních podmínkách. (2004)
Aspekty sezónní dynamiky monogeneí v populacích hrouzka obecného (Gobio gobio, L.) (2005)
Could fish farming affect the evolution of virulence of parasites? A study on salmon lice (2006)
Rozšíření a patologický vliv Lernaea cyprinacea (Crustacea, Copepoda) na rybího hostitele (2006)
Arion alpinus Pollonera, 1887 in the Czech Republic (Gastropoda: Arionidae) (2006)
Ultrastructural analysis of developmental stages of Gregarina garnhami (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida), parasite of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria. (2005)
Gregarines and Cryptosporidium: comparison of their early developmental stages on ultrastructural level. (2005)
Ultraštruktúra ranných vývojových štádií gregarin (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) po zanorení do hostiteľskej bunky. (2006)
Mechorosty rybníků a sádek v Českobudějovické pánvi (2005)
Bryophytes on cliffs and talus slopes of south-western Moravia (Czech Republic) (2005)
Bryophytes at lamps in selected public caves in the Czech Republic - past and recent situation (2005)
The cost and benefits in an unusual symbiosis: experimental evidence that bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus) are parasites of unionid mussels in Europe (2006)
Informační potřeby státní správy, nezávislých organizací, podniků, škol a veřejnosti v oblasti životního prostředí (2006)
Bryophytes in public caves in the Czech Republic (2006)
Occurrence of metazoan parasites in Neogobius kessleri and N. melanostomus in the longitudinal profile of the River Danube (2006)
Příspěvek k bryoflóře Tematínskych vrchů (2006)
Food patterns of Neogobius (Perciformes: Gobiidae) species within the longitudinal profile of the Danube River (2006)
Vztah introdukovaného hostitele a místní parazitofauny: Neogobius kessleri ve slovenském úseku Dunaje (2006)
Influence of the microclimate of bat boxes on their occupation by the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus: possible cause of roost switching. (2007)
Can pipistrelles, Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774) and Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Leach, 1825), foraging in a group, change parameters of their signals ? (2007)
Seasonal dynamics in the numbers of parasitic bugs (Heteroptera, Cimicidae): a possible cause of roost switching in bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) (2007)
Bat bugs (Cimex pipistrelli, Heteroptera) and roost switching in bats (2007)
3rd International Conference Bats of Sudety Mts. (2006)
Savi's pipistrelle (Hypsugo savii): bat species breeding in the Czech (2006)
Odour and sexual atractivity as the potential of hybridisation in cryptic bat species (2006)
Výskyt letounů (Chiroptera) na území Javoříčsko-Mladečského krasu v mimohibernačním období (2006)
Metodické poznámky k detektoringu (2006)
The Ecological Status of European Rivers: Evaluation and Intercalibration of Assessment Methods (2006)
Records of Macrogyrodactylus species (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) on the freshwater fishes in National park Niokolo Koba, Senegal (2006)
Výzkum netopýrů v Moravském krasu: historie a současný stav (2006)
Dlouhodobé změny biodiverzity netopýrů: zpráva o nejrozsáhlejším monitorovacím programu 1969-2004 (2005)
Problematika mapování rašelinných borů v České Republice (2006)
Biotopy a jejich vegetační interpretace v ČR (2006)
Savci (Mammalia) PP Hraniční meandry Odry (2006)
Areal and altitudinal distribution of bats in the Czech part of the Carpathians (2006)
Rekultivace blízké přírodě (2005)
Diverzita vápencových lomů a možnosti jejich rekultivace s využitím přirozené sukcese na příkladu Růženina lomu (2006)
Juice program for management, analysis and classification of ecological data (2006)
Zodarion spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae) do not grow well on any ant (2005)
Can agrobiont spiders (Araneae) avoid a surface with pesticide residues? (2006)
Nedotčená malakofauna NPR Razula (Vsetínské vrchy, Česká republika) (2005)
Modern pollen spectra versus vegetation diversity along a continental gradient in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia (2005)
Diversity of vegetation types and modern pollen spektra in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia (2006)
Hungarian oak forests from the Central European perspective. (2006)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
The comparison of two methods of monitoring wetland vegetation dynamics. Case study: Central European fen (2005)
PVC tape discololoration method of recording relative water-table depth: advantages and constraints in fens (2005)
Paraziti původních a nepůvodních populací hlaváče Neogobius kessleri v podélném profilu Dunaje (2006)
Occurrence of metazoan parasites of zebrafish Danio rerio (Cyprinidae) in Bangladesh (2006)
Diverzita cizopasníků invazního druhu ryby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) v povodí Dunaje (2006)
Metazoan parasites of Neogobius kessleri, recently introduced fish species in the Middle Danube basin (2005)
Statistické metody v analýze dat z DNA mikročipů (2006)
Identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from dental caries of children (2006)
Novinky v taxonomii enterokoků (2006)
Charakteristika laktobacilů osídlujících zubní povlak v dočasné dentici (2006)
ERIC-PCR fingerprinting of presumptive Aeromonas caviae strains isolated from surface waters (2006)
Perloočky a klanonožci (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) CHKO Kokořínsko (2006)
Princip hnízdovitosti (nestedness) druhového složení: výpočet a ekologické interpretace (2006)
Copepoda (1999)
Vertikální distribuce plazivek a hlístic v hyporeálu štěrkovitého toku. (2006)
The role of major histocompatibility complex diversity in vigour of fish males (Abramis brama L.) and parasite selection (2007)
How to evaluate the influence of sediment size structure on the lotic invertebrate community composition (2004)
A link between MHC diversity and metazoan parasites in chub (Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758). (2005)
Specificity and specialization of Dactylogyrus species parasitising cyprinid fish (2005)
Metodika odběru meiobentosu (2003)
A link between immunocompetence of chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) and parasitism (2005)
Host specificity of congeneric monogeneans (Dactylogyrus) in cyprinid fish (2005)
A link between variability of MHC IIB genes and metazoan parasites in the selected populations of the chub (Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1958) (2005)
MHC gény triedy IIB u kaprovitých rýb: vzťahy medzi MHC variabilitou a diverzitou parazitov (2006)
Planktonní Cladocera a Copepoda vybraných tůní BR Pálava (2003)
Meiofauna tekoucích vod a její adaptace k prostředí (2004)
Význam hydromorfologie toků pro stanovení jejich ekologického stavu (2004)
Indication potential of chironomid larvae evaluated within the response of macroinvertebrate community to degradation of small streams (2006)
Biológia a ultraštruktúra gregarin (Gregarina, Apicomplexa) (2004)
Gregariny (Gregarina, Apicomplexa) niektorých zástupcov Myriapoda a Insecta (2003)
Faunistic notes: Chironomidae (2006)
Structure of macroinvertebrate communities studied across hierarchically organized habitats of large river (2005)
Fragmenty lužného lesa v poľnohospodárskej krajine na modelovom území Pomoravia (2006)
Classification of terrestrial molluscan communities in the middle-danubian alluvial woodland (SW Slovakia) (2006)
River restoration in the Czech Republic: ecological consequences of hydromorphological conditions in the Bečva River (2005)
Multiscale effect of hydromorphology and landuse on the structure of oligochaetes inhabiting small streams (2005)
Distributional patterns and the dynamics of the aquatic biota within a large lowland river: the aims of a complex study on the Becva River (2005)
The response of chironomid larvae to hydraulic conditions: Synorthocladius semivirens (Kieffer, 1909) in two rivers (2006)
Macrophytes and diatoms - major results and conclusions from the STAR (2006)
Tracking of phytobenthos response to degradation gradients studied within small streams (2006)
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Czech Republic (2006)
The ecological effect of drought on the macroinvertebrate fauna of a small intermittent stream - an example from the Czech Republic (2007)
Effects of physical factors on chironomid larvae distribution at a mesohabitat scale. (2006)
TenS4+ (n = 1–4) clusters in the gas phase (2006)
Continuous soil lost modeling in the Haraska Watershed – an application of 4D digital landscape model (2006)
Rozšíření Myotis bechsteinii (Kuhl,1818) v České republice (2006)
Electroosmotic Flow Changes Due to Interactions of Background Electrolyte with Polyethyleneimine Coating in Capillary Zone Electrophoresis of Proteins (2006)
The prognostic value of right ventricular isovolumic relaxation time assessed by tissue doppler imaging in patients with chronic heart failure (2006)
Monogeneans of freshwater ornamental fish imported into the Czech Republic from Southeast Asia (2005)
A review of the Oriental Hermetia bicolor group with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2006)
Two new species of Euthycera with records of Middle Asian Sciomyzidae (Diptera) (2006)
Vířilkovití a mouchovití (Fanniidae et Muscidae, Diptera) CHKO Kokořínsko (2006)
Athericidae, Coenomyiidae, Xylophagidae, Rhagionidae, Xylomyidae, Stratiomyidae, Hilarimorphidae, Dryomyzidae, Paheomyiidae, Sciomyzidae (2006)
Anthomyiidae (květilkovití) (2005)
Fanniidae, Muscidae (2006)
Fanniidae, Muscidae (2005)
Fauna (2006)
Ptychopteridae, Xylomyidae, Stratiomyidae, Sciomyzidae (2005)
Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Tachina (Diptera, Tachinidae): preliminary results on the basis of 16S rDNA sequences (2006)
A revised check-list of biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2006)
Evaluation of the use of Artificial Neural Networks in Taxonomy: towards automating insect identification. (2006)
Faunistic Records: Diptera, Platypezidae, Lindneromyia hungarica, Chandler, 2001 (2006)
Umělé neuronové sítě a taxonomická klasifikace v entomologii (2006)
Artificial neural networks for insect identification. (2006)
Tachinidae Robineau-Desvoidy 1830. (2006)
Opetiidae (2006)
Platypezidae (2006)
Platypezidae (Diptera) (2005)
Tachinidae (Diptera) (2005)
Ceratopogonidae Newman, 1834 (2006)
Characterization of staphylococcal type strains by whole-cell protein analysis and (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting. (2006)
Simultaneous determination of molybdenum(VI) and tungsten(VI) and its application in elemental analysis of polyoxometalates (2006)
Průkaz neobvyklých novobiocin rezistentních stafylokoků v humánním klinickém materiálu. (2006)
Capillary Electrophoretic Separation and Kinetic Study of Inert Copper(II) Complexes of 1,8-bis(methylphosphonate) Derivative of Cyclam (2006)
The impact of cattle pasturage on small annelids (Annelida: Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) in grasslands of the White Carpathians (Czech Republic) (2006)
From mowing to grazing: Does the change in grassland management affect soil annelid assemblages? (2006)
Diversity and ecology of soil annelids in urban greens of a medium-sized city - Project outline and preliminary results (2006)
Fridericia monochaeta brunensis spp. n. - a northern or eastern subspecies? (2006)
The small annelids (Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) of a South Moravian floodplain forest with a disturbed water regime (2006)
On a species-poor enchytraeid community of peculiar composition (2006)
Půdní bezobratlí (2006)
The present distribution of Liometopum microcephalum in South Moravia (2005)
Výskyt vzácného mravence lužního v NPR Křivé jezero (2005)
7th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae (2006)
7th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology (2003)
8th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology (2005)
Hydrotaea aenescens (Wiedemann, 1830) - moucha americká a Muscina angustifrons (Loew, 1858) - moucha východní (2006)
Sperm banking before gonadotoxic treatment - 11 years experience (2006)
Review of dipterological investigations in Podyjí National Park (2005)
Mravenec Liometopum microcephalum - významný druh jihomoravských luhů (2003)
Alkylphenols in muscle of fish from rivers in the Czech Republic (2006)
The small annelids (Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) of a South Moravian floodplain forest with a disturbed water regime (2005)
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Cross-sectional transverse area and hyperintensities on MR (2006)
The impact of cattle pasture on small annelids (Annelida: Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) in grasslands of the White Carpathians (Czech Republic) (2004)
Consequences of the advance in Fridericia taxonomy for our knowledge of Czech and Slovak enchytraeid faunas (2005)
The impact of high game density on enchytraeids in a mixed forest (2005)
6th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology (2005)
The community of small annelids (Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) in the first phase of meadow restoration on arable land (2003)
Development of soil fauna in meadows restored on arable land: Initial phases of successional development (2003)
The impact of inundation on floodplain forest Brachycera (Diptera) associated with oak logs (2001)
Evaluation of xenoestrogenic potential of propylparaben in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2006)
Philometra ovata (Nematoda: Philometroidea): a potential sentinel species of heavy metal accumulation. (2007)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
Haematological and biochemical profile of harvest-size carp during harvest and post-harvest storage (2006)
The STAR project: context, objectives and approaches (2006)
Biogeografické členění ČR (2010)
Unusual karyotype diversity in the European spiders of the genus Atypus (Araneae: Atypidae) (2006)
A comparison between emergence and return activity in pipistrelle bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus (2006)
The PERLA system in the Czech Republic: a multivariate approach for assessing the ecological status of running waters (2006)
Húsenice Galleria mellonella pod drobnohľadom alebo čo nevieme o ich vnútornej štruktúre. (2007)
Raltitrexed plus oxaliplatin in the second-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. (2006)
Identity, larva and distribution of the Oriental soldier fly, Odontomyia ochropa (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2007)
A comparison of the European Water Framework Directive physical typology and RIVPACS-type models as alternative methods of establishing reference conditions for benthic macroinvertebrates (2006)
Kontinuální modelování eroze. Aplikace modelu AnnAGNPS v povodí Harasky (2004)
Pipistrellus pygmaeus and two more species of bats recorded on the Island of Kefalonia, Greece (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) (2006)
On some "forgotten" samples of small mammals from the Western Tatra Mts - Roháče Mts (Slovakia) (Insectivora, Rodentia, Carnivora) (2006)
Motýlí hostitelé kuklic (Diptera: Tachinidae) (2007)
The species of the group Simulium reptans (Diptera, Simuliidae) (2005)
Fine structure of invasion and development of Cryptosporidium muris in experimentally infected host (2007)
Histological aspects of extremities and integumental structures of Galleria mellonella caterpillars (2007)
Tracheal and digestive system of wax moth caterpillars, Galleria mellonella: a histological study (2007)
Observations on the parasitoid fly, Exorista larvarum (Diptera, Tachinidae): a preliminary study (2007)
Nález druhu Neurohelea luteitarsis (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) v ČR (2007)
Environmental Management Systems and Sustainable Development in the Practice of Czech Companies (2006)
Rozšíření netopýra velkouchého (Myotis bechsteinii) v České republice (2006)
Výskyt bakteriocínovej aktivity u kmeňov Enterococcus haemoperoxidus a Enterococcus moraviensis, izolátov z povrchových vôd (2006)
Biochemical characterization of chicken skin microflora. (2007)
Environmental Accounting in the Czech Republic (2006)
Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from human blood cultures (2007)
Kde má hmyz svůj magnetoreceptor - v tykadlech Periplaneta americana zřejmě není. (2007)
National reports on the history and practice of bat banding. Czech Republic. (2005)
Distribution of the alien freshwater snail Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in the Czech Republic (2007)
Species-area relationships in the spring fen mollusc communities (2007)
Mollusca (měkkýši) (2005)
Contribution of ICTs to the Environmental and Human Risk (2006)
Automated Processing and Visualization of Data from Environmental Biomonitoring Networks: Case Study of Freshwater Ecosystems (2006)
Kompas a mapa. Orientace v geomagnetickém poli. (2007)
Continuous soil lost modeling in the Haraska Watershed – an application of 4D digital landscape model (2006)
člen POK 206 (2006)
člen OK 02 (2006)
Experimental design in intraspecific organelle DNA sequence studies I: haplotype detection methods (2007)
Ekologie malých a středních toků v povodích České republiky (2006)
Nové a zajímavé larvy dvoukřídlých (Diptera) na fyšových prameništích (2006)
Živorní cyklus a potrava Polycentropus flavomaculatus (Pictet, 1834) (Trichoptera, Polycentropidae) (2006)
Předseda podkomise 206 a člen komise 2 přírodní vědy (2006)
Seasonal shifts in chemotype composition of Microcystis sp. communities in the pelagial and the sediment of a shallow reservoir (2007)
Lesní vegetace Bošácké doliny v CHKO Biele Karpaty (2007)
Sphagnum distribution patterns along environmental gradients in Bulgaria (2007)
Modern distribution patterns of snails and plants in the Western Carpathian spring fens: is it a result of historical development? (2007)
Aggregation characteristics of three species of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) at hibernation sites (2007)
Nuptial gifts of male spiders: sensory exploitation of the female's maternal care instinct or foraging motivation? (2007)
Combined effect of an antifeedant a-amylase inhibitor and a predator Cheyletus malaccensis in controlling the stored-product mite Acarus siro (2007)
Contamination of soil with Toxocara eggs in urban (Prague) and rural areas in the Czech Republic (2007)
Phenology of the Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Morava River Flood Plain (2005)
A Deformable Registration Method for Automated Morphometry of MRI Brain Images in Neuropsychiatric Research (2007)
Woodland mollusc communities along environmental gradients in the East Carpathians (2007)
Relationship of the blood pressure and nutritional state of the patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The study of 117 patients in the years 2000-2005 (2007)
Mechanizmy magnetorecepce. Jak živočichové vnímají magnetické pole Země. (2007)
Tenebrio beetle pupae show a conditioned behavioural response to pulse rotations of a geomagnetic field. (2007)
Right ventricular isovolumic relaxation time assessed by tissue doppler imaging in the risk stratification in patients with chronic heart failure (2007)
Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Leuciscus cephalus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) and cross-species amplification within the family Cyprinidae. (2007)
Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Neogobius kessleri (Perciformes, Gobiidae) and cross-species amplification within the family Gobiidae (2007)
The screening of parasites and viral pathogens of small mammals from a farm in southern Finland, and genetic identification of the Finnish house mouse, Mus musculus (2007)
Does geography matter in hybrid sterility in house mice? (2005)
Výber významných taxónov nárastových siníc/cyanobaktérií vyskytujúcich sa v referenčných tokoch Slovenska so zreteľom na ich dôležité odlišovacie znaky (2007)
Predictive Modeling of Biological Communities in Biomonitoring Network: Case Study of ARROW Project of WFD EU Implementation in the Czech Republic (2007)
Type Specific and Multi-Metric Model for Evaluation of Ecological State of Surface Waters: Case Study of ARROW Project of WFD EU Implementation in the Czech Republic (2007)
Plant communities of silver fir (Abies alba) forests in southeastern Bohemia. (2007)
Kameň a živá príroda (2007)
Deep river valleys - one of the hot spots of biodiversity in Central Europe. (2007)
Mineralogicko-petrologická a fykologická charakteristika hypergénneho prostredia Tuhárskeho krasu Západných Karpát (2007)
The onthogenetic study of the Kentrosphaera gibberosa var gibberosa Vodenitsharov et Benderliev strain isolated from the underground Jewish cemetery Chatam Sófer (2007)
Využití MALDI-MS celobuněčných profilů při charakterizaci bakterií rodu Aeromonas (2007)
Morphology and larval development of the parasitoid fly Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) (2007)
Random Distribution Pattern and Non-adaptivity of Genome Size in a Highly Variable Population of Festuca pallens (2007)
Geologické, botanické a zoologické zajímavosti Moravskobudějovicka a Jemnicka (2007)
Výskyt vegetace širokolistých suchých trávníků svazu Bromion u Nové Vsi na Třebíčsku (2007)
Morphological characterization of three subaerial Calothrix species (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) (2007)
Occurence of tetraploid and octoploid cytotypes in Senecio jacobaea ssp. jacobaea (Asteraceae) in Pannonia and the Carpathians (2007)
How to evaluate the influence of sediment size structure on the lotic invertebrate community composition? (2006)
Biodiverzita kultivovatelných prokaryot v Hranické propasti (2007)
Investigation of Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) life cycle under experimental conditions (2007)
Formalized classification of thermophilous oak forests in the Czech Republic: what brings the Coctail method? (2007)
Sampling design in large-scale vegetation studies: Do not sacrifice ecological thinking to statistical purism! (2007)
Experimental design in intraspecific organelle DNA sequence studies II: Haplotype detection by Chemical Cleavage of Mismatch (CCM) using SYBR Green II staining (2007)
GC Content in Plant Genomes (2007)
Pollen stainability in facultatively apomictic Pilosella hawkweeds (Asteraceae). (2007)
The role of facultatively apomictic mothers in the generation of ploidy variation in two model populations of hawkweeds (Hieracium subgen. Pilosella, Asteraceae). (2007)
Eumodicogryllus bordigallensis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in the Czech Republic (2007)
Is GC-content Correlated with Genome Size in Plants (2007)
A contribution to the Bulgarian bryoflora (2007)
ARROW - Assessment of ecological state of surface waters in the Czech Republic (2007)
Testing the Species pool hypothesis for mire vegetation: exploring the influence of pH specialists and habitat history (2007)
Properties of the strains Enterococcus haemoperoxidus and E. moraviensis, new species among enterococci (2007)
A rapid PCR-based test for species identification of two cryptic bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus and its application on museum and dropping samples (2007)
Distributional status of Nyctalus leisleri in the Czech Republic (2005)
Homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 in seminal plasma (2007)
Analýza výsledků ultrazvukové kontroly embryotransferu (2007)
Model of the evaluation of ecological state of surface waters in the Czech Republic: The Arrow project for the implementation of the WFD EU (2007)
Records 1-32. In Natcheva R. (compiler). New bryophyte records in the Balkans: 2 (2007)
Gonadoliberine analogues administration for ovarian function protection during chemotherapy (2007)
Revision of Central European taxa of Festuca ser. Psammophilae Pawlus: morphometrical, karyological and AFLP analysis (2007)
Asymmetries in the attachment apparatus of a gill parasite (2007)
Prevence poškození ovariálních funkcí aplikací analog gonadoliberinu u pacientek léčených pro Hodgkinův lymfom (2007)
Temperature-dependent population growth of three species of stored product mites (Acari: Acaridida) (2007)
The prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from Prague, rural areas, and shelters of the Czech Republic (2007)
Size and taxonomic constraints determine the seed preferences of Carabidae (Coleoptera) (2007)
The distribution of purse-web Atypus spiders (Araneae: Mygalomorphae) in central Europe is constrained by microclimatic continentality and soil compactness (2007)
Feeding and metabolic rate of Galumna elimata (C. L. Koch. 1841) (Acari: Oribatida) under different temperatures (2007)
Effect of habitat on Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla nest predation in the absence of corvid predators (2007)
Seasonal changes in immunocomptence and parasitism in chub (Leuciscus cephalus), a freshwater cyprinid fish. (2007)
Dactylogyrus species parasitizing European Barbus species: morphometric and molecular variability (2007)
Effects on small weirs on fish parasite communities (2007)
Tenebrio beetle magnetic orientation is sensitive to wavelength of light and inclination. (2007)
Where do insects have their magnetoreceptor? Antennae of cockroach are not likely candidates. (2007)
A multiplex set of microsatellite markers for the scarlet rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) (2007)
News from Bulgaria: Most important spring fen complex under threat (2007)
Formal definitions of Slovakian mire plant associations and their application in regional research (2007)
Louky a mezofilní pastviny (2007)
A brief insight into the species-area relationships of spring fen mollusc communities (2007)
Land snail faunas in Polish forests: history, geography and ecology (2007)
Anatomy, distribution, and ecology of the slug Arion alpinus Pollonera, 1887 (Gastropoda: Arionidae) (2007)
Pupilloidea (Pupiliidae, Vertiginidae, Valloniidae, Gastrocoptinae) of the Altay - a travel in space and time (2007)
Výsledky floristického kursu České botanické společnosti ve Slavkově u Brna (9.-14. července 2006) (2007)
Biodiversity: a Principle of Life in the Hands of Computational Science (2007)
Species-Abundance Diversity: from Biodiversity Indices to Multivariate Analyses and Computer-Assisted Simulations (2007)
Multivariate Analyses of Diversity Data for Community Ecology (2007)
Data Analysis and Processing of Biomonitoring Data in the ARROW Project for the Evaluation of Ecological Status of Surface Waters in the Czech Republic According to WFD EU (2007)
Environmental control of the vegetation pattern in deep river valleys of the Bohemian Massif (2007)
Minerotrofné rašeliniská (Trieda Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae) v tatranskej oblasti (2006)
Chenopodium murale L. (2006)
Subulispora biappendiculata, anamorph sp. nov. from Borneo (Malaysia) and a review of the genus (2007)
GC content and average chromosome size evolution in grasses (2007)
Genome size variation in species with holokinetic chromosomes (Cyperaceae) (2007)
Correlation between GC content ond genome size in plants (2007)
Strategies of coexistence of two species: Erpobdella octoculata and E. vilnensis (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) (2007)
Dva nové druhy pijavic (Hirudinida) Alboglossiphonia hyalina (O. F. Müller, 1774) a Glossiphonia verrucata (Fr. Müller, 1844) pro Českou republiku (2007)
The mayfly (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) taxocoene under varying hydrologic conditions - a Central European case study (2007)
Structure and species richness of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Western Carpathian spring fens (2007)
New and interesting records of Plecoptera (Insecta) from the Czech Republic (2006)
Faunisticky zajímavé nálezy chrostíků (Insecta: Trichoptera) z Moravskoslezských Beskyd (2006)
Druhová skladba a struktura společenstva makrozoobentosu flyšových pramenišť (2006)
The Diptera taxocoenoses in the Western Carpathian spring fens: preliminary results (2007)
A review of the Oriental Culcua with descriptions of seven new species (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2007)
Thricops albibasalis (Zetterstedt, 1849) and some other records of interesting Fanniidae and Muscidae (2007)
Preoperative Radiotherapy and Concomitant Capecitabine Treatment Induce Thymidylate Synthase and Thymidine Phosphorylase mRNAs in Rectal Carcinoma (2007)
Drift aktivity of macroinvertebrates in an intermittent stream: a case study from the Czech Republic. (2007)
Circadian Changes in Feeding Activity and Diet of Hydropsyche saxonica (Trichoptera) (2007)
Vertical Distribution of Invertebrates in Bed Sediments of a Gravel Stream in the Czech Republic (2007)
Metody detekce alterovaných oblastí DNA z dat CGH arrays (2006)
Flow cytometry, a suitable method for detection of ploidy level and reproductive variability within the hawkweeds populations, Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (2007)
Comparative study of the femoral organ in Zodarion spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2007)
Proposal of Interoperability Framework of the Czech Republic in Environmental Information Exchange (2007)
Distribution of benthic invertebrates in a small stream (2007)
Seasonal changes of an oligochaetous Clitellata (Annelida) community in a mountain stream (2007)
Data Analysis and Processing of Biomonitoring Data in the Arrow Project for the Evaluation of Ecological State of Surface Waters in the Czech Republic According to WFD EU (2007)
Odours and sexual attraction - or hybridising potential in cryptic species (2007)
Microclimate and bugs (Cimicidae): a possible cause of roost switching by vespertilionid bats (2007)
Semiotics of an advertisement call of a male bat, Pipistrellus nathusii (2007)
The advertisement song of Pipistrellus nathusii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae): a complex message containing acoustic signature of individuals (2008)
Diet composition and foraging activity of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in a floodplain forest (2008)
Wetlands succession in Ruda Nature Reserve, Czech Republic (2007)
Generalized Aspergillosis in a Fifteen-Year-Old Child (2007)
Presence and species identification of the gapeworm Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Railliet, 1899) (Syngamidae: Nematoda) in a semi-wild population of Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) in Indonesia (2008)
The new nematode,Pongobius hugoti sp.n. from the orangutan Pongo abelii (Primates:Hominidae). (2007)
Poznámky k současnému rozšíření Veronica agrestis v České republice (2007)
Významné nálezy cévnatých rostlin v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Bílé Karpaty a v přilehlém okolí: nové druhy pro území (2007)
Plant indicator values as a tool for land mollusc autecology assessment (2007)
Molluscs of the Bukovské vrchy Mts in the Slovakian part of the Východné Karpaty Biosphere Reserve (2006)
Měkkýši svahové kaskády pěnovců, slínů a almů u Liptovské Lužné v Nízkých Tatrách (2007)
Subfosilní měkkýši ložiska slatin u Spišské Bielé východně od Vysokých Tater (2007)
Experimental design in intraspecific organelle DNA sequence studies III: statistical measures of sampling success (2007)
Novinky v nabídce kontrolních kmenů České sbírky mikroorganismů (2007)
Density-dependent habitat selection in nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos C. L. Brehm) in selected windbreaks of SW Slovakia (2007)
Ancestral Chromosomal Blocks Are Triplicated in Brassiceae Species with Varying Chromosome Number and Genome Size (2007)
Zoologie obratlovců (2007)
Netopýři Hranické propasti (2006)
Characterization of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis isolated from surface waters (2007)
Misidentification of Streptococcus mutans strains isolated from dental caries as Lactobacillus sp. (2007)
The relationship between developmental instability of gudgeon Gobio gobio and abundance or morphology of its ectoparasite Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea) (2007)
Advances in River Bottom Ecology (RIVER BOTTOM VI) (2007)
Assemblage structure and altitudinal distribution of lady beetles (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in the mountain spruce forests of Poľana Mountains, the West Carpathians (2007)
Ribotyping and Biotyping of Staphylococcus epidermidis Isolated from Hospital Environment (2007)
Viviparous monogenea on grey bichir, Polypterus senegalus Cuvier in the National park Niokolo Koba (Senegal, West Africa) (2007)
A comparative analysis of the diagnostic features for identification of viviparous monogeneans from the genus Macrogyrodactylus Malmberg, 1957 (2007)
Morphometrical comparison of three members of the Gyrodactylus nemachili-like species group (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) on Barbatula barbatula L. in Czech Republic, with a reinstatement of Gyrodactylus papernai Ergens & Bychowsky, 1967 (2008)
The record of monogenean parasites of the genus Macrogyrodactylus Malmberg, 1957 (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) on freshwater fish in Senegal, West Africa. (2007)
R project: powerful tool for vegetation data analysis and visualization. (2007)
Alzheimer disease: Malnutrition and Nutritional Support (2007)
Morfometrická a molekulární charakteristika druhu Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) ze senegalského gekona (Tarentola parvicarinata) (2007)
Ekologický stav příměstského toku (2007)
Malé vodní toky v zemědělské krajině (2007)
Aspergillus sepsis and cellular immunity disorder in fifteen-year-old girl (2007)
Jaké jsou vlastnosti hojných druhů polních plevelů? (2007)
Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) from the Senegal gecko (Tarentola parvicarinata): morphometrical and molecular characteristics (2007)
About generic classification of Raillietnema synodontisi Vassiliades, 1973 (Nematoda: Atractidae) (2007)
Diversity of metazoan parasites of freshwater fish of West Africa - in the light of recent knowledge (2007)
A new genus and species of pinworm from sumatran orangutan Pongo abelii (2007)
Ascaridia hermaphrodita (Nematoda) nyní také v ČR - SEM studie (2007)
Studium hlístic z rodu Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) metodami SEM (2007)
Nový rod a druh hlístice parazitující u orangutana Pongo abelii (Primates: Hominidae) ze Sumatry (Indonesie) (2007)
Reports 51-57 (In.: New floristic records in the Balkans: 6) (2007)
Characterization of Staphylococcus sp. deposited in the Czech Collection of Microorganisms (2007)
Jaké faktory podmiňují rostlinné invaze na antropogenních stanovištích v České republice? (2007)
Polyfázová identifikace kmenů Aeromonas encheleia (2007)
Využití rep-PCR pro identifikaci klinicky významných druhů stafylokoků (2007)
Hlavní typy rašelinišť ve střední Evropě z botanického hlediska (2007)
Plant attributes determining the regional abundance od weeds on central European arable land (2008)
Diverzita a dynamika lesného porastu na vybranej trvalej ploche na Podunajskej nížine (2007)
The role of base saturation and altitude in habitat differentiation within Philonotis in springs and mires of three different European regions (2007)
Měkkýši (2007)
Kryokozervace spermatu před gonadotoxickou léčbou - 11 let zkušeností (2007)
Homocystein, cystein a glutathion ve folikulární tekutině a krvi při ovariální stimulaci FSH. (2007)
Evidence for woodlice-specialization in Dysdera spiders: behavioural versus developmental approaches (2007)
Biology of Galeodes caspius subfuscus (Solifugae, Galeodidae) (2007)
The spider genus Dysdera (Araneae, Dusderidae) in Central Europe: revision and natural history (2007)
Rybí spolecenstva aluvia stredního toku reky Gambie, NP Niokolo Koba, Senegal (2006)
Experimental study on host switching ability of gyrodactylid parasites (Monogenea) between related fish species (2007)
Paraziti nepůvodního hlaváčkovce amurského Perccottus glenii (Odontobutidae) v povodí řeky Visly (2007)
Fish community in the floodoplain of the middle Gambia River in Senegal. (2007)
Metazoan parasites of Amur sleeper Perccottus glenii (Odontobutidae) in the Wloclavski reservoir (2007)
A new genus and two new species of Hygromiidae (Pulmonata) from southern Siberia (2007)
Testing of different sub-sampling designs applied on multihabitat samples of stream macroinvertebrates (2004)
Multiplex panels of polymorphic microsatellite loci for two cryptic bat species of the genus Pipistrellus, developed by cross-species amplification within the family Vespertilionidae (2007)
Spatial and temporal activity patterns of Myotis myotis in postlactation period (2007)
Bat bugs (Cimicidae, Heteroptera): a possible cause of roost switching by bats (2007)
Využití rep-PCR v bakteriální taxonomii (2007)
Revision of caryological data to the genus Festuca (2007)
New record in Eleocharis (2007)
Revision of caryological data to the genera Cirsium, Eleocharis, Milium, Schoenoplectus, and Triglochin (2007)
Revision of caryological data to the genus Achillea (2007)
Effects of metazachlor on vitellogenin induction in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2007)
Shifts in the ecological behaviour of plant species between two distant regions: evidence from the base richness gradient in mires (2008)
Development of the larval parasitoid fly, Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) with emphasis on its movements and attachment strategy to the host tissue (2007)
Přístupnost webových stránek orgánů státní správy (2007)
Cross-sectional transverse area and hyperintensities on magnetic resonance imaging in relation to the clinical picture in cervical spondylotic myelopathy (2007)
Identifikace bakterií mléčného kvašení v mase baleném v podmínkách ochranné atmosféry (2007)
Prevention of ovarian damage during chemotherapy by gonadoliberine analogues administration. (2007)
Prevention of ovarian damage during chemotherapy by gonadoliberine analogues administration (2007)
Ovarian function preservation dutiny chemotherapy with gonadoliberine analogues (2007)
Revision of caryological data to the genus Armeria. (2007)
Revision of caryological data to the genera Drosera, Echinochloa, Elytrigia, Eragrostis, Eriophorum, Fallopia, Isolepis, Laserpitium, Limonium, Lolium, Nardus, and Oxyria. (2007)
Revision of caryological data to the genera Peucedanum, Phalaris, Pholiurus, Podospermum, Polygonum, Rhynchospora, Schoenus, Scirpoides, Scirpus, Scorzonera, Sorghum, Thesium, Tragus, Trichophorum, and Vulpia. (2007)
Homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 in seminal plasma of males with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia and azoospermia (2007)
An Ultrastructural Comparison of the Attachment Sites Between Gregarina steini and Cryptosporidium muris (2007)
Klinický význam 18-F-FDG-pozitronové emisní tomografie u folikulárního lymfomu (2007)
IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 4 (2007)
Isolation of Candida sp. in dental plaque of ECC affected children (2007)
Identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from dental caries of children (2007)
The seasonal changes in immunocompetence and condition status in chub (Leuciscus cephalus): the potential associations to the metazoan parasites. (2007)
Vztah imunokompetence jelce tlouště (Leuciscus cephalus) a parazitace mnohobuněčnými cizopasníky (2007)
A link between major histocompatibility complex (MHC class IIB) genetic variability and parasite diversity in chub (Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) (2007)
Parasite diversity and major histocompatibility complex: the variation in MHC class IIB in six European populations of chub (Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) (2007)
Genetic variability of MHC class IIB genes associated with parasite diversity in European populations of chub (Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) (2007)
Parasites, MHC allelic diversity and microsatellite variability among European populations of chub (Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) (2007)
A link between variability of MHC IIB genes and metazoan parasites in the selected populations of the chub ( Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 ) (2005)
A link between MHC diversity and metazoan parasites in chub ( Leuciscus cephalus ) (2005)
Candida dubliniensis v dutině ústní u dětí se zvýšenou kazivostí chrupu (2007)
Present and Historical Occurrence of Metazoan Parasites in Neogobius kessleri (Pisces: Gobiidae) in the Bulgarian Section of the Danube River (2006)
Parasite infection and condition status of Neogobius kessleri and N. melanostomus (Gobiidae) in their native and non-native area of the Danube River distribution (2007)
The microsatellite variability and parasitism in native and introduced populations of four Neogobius species (Gobiidae) (2007)
Neoadjuvantní chemoterapie u pokročilého spinocelulárního karcinomu jazyka a dutiny úst (2006)
Vzteklina netopýrů v Evropě a v České republice (2007)
Comparative external morphology of developmental stages of gastric Cryptosporidium spp. from endothermic and poikilothermic hosts (2007)
Čo sa stane s epimeritom eugregarín (Apicomplexa) po uvoľnení trofozoita? (2007)
Gregarina vs. Cryptosporidium: Naozaj sú podobné? (2004)
Morfologická variabilita epimeritov gregarín (Apicomplexa) (2005)
Vývoj oocýst neogregariny Mattesia dispora (Neogregarinorida: Lipotrophidae) na úrovni ultraštruktúry (2006)
Plant species richness in continental southern Siberia: effects of pH and climate in the context of the species pool hypothesis. (2007)
Parasitism, life history traits and immune defence in cyprinid fish from Central Europe (2008)
Penetration and encapsulation of the larval parasitoid, Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the factitious host Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (2007)
Survival strategy of the larval parasitoid, Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the factitious host Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (2007)
The course of diagnosis of autistic patients: the delay between recognition of the first symptoms by parents and correct diagnosis (2007)
Kazuistika kontaktu dětí s netopýrem nakaženým vzteklinou a rozbor situace výskytu vztekliny u netopýrů v Evropě a v ČR (2006)
Additions and corrections to "The Muscidae of Central Europe" II. Two new species of Spilogona (Diptera Muscidae) (2007)
Description of the Oriental Stratiomys reducta, new species, and its larva and puparium (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2007)
Aeromonas spp. jako původce akutních průjmů dětí do jednoho roku. (2006)
Acute gastroenteritis caused by Aeromonas jandaei - importance of identification to the species level. (2005)
Aeromonas spp. v klinickém materiálu (2005)
Comparison of parasite fauna and fish condition between native and non-native population of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the Danube River (2007)
Celoplošná příprava půdy v lesích a její důsledky pro biodiverzitu. (2007)
Charakteristika mikroflóry povrchu chlazené drůbeže. (2007)
Boletice (2007)
Selekcia prostredia hniezdiacimi druhmi v prostredí NPR Osobitá, Západné Tatry (2007)
Příroda České republiky, Průvodce faunou, Savci (2007)
Alzheimer Disease: Malnutrition and Nutritional Support - comprative and intervention study (2007)
Riziko malnutrice a nutriční podpora u Alzheimerovy choroby (2007)
Slanisko u Nesytu (2007)
Genetic variation and phylogeography of free-living mouse species (genus Mus) in the Balkans and the Middle East (2007)
Geographic phenetic variation of two eastern-Mediterranean non-commensal (2008)
Detailed population genetic structure of two migratory cryptic species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus) in continental Europe (2007)
Významné nálezy cévnatých rostlinna území Národního parku Podyjí od roku 1995 (2007)
Vliv vybraných pesticidů na nitrifikační a respirační aktivitu půdních mikroorganismů (2007)
Dvoukřídlí (2007)
Robustní metody hodnocení genových expresních dat. (2007)
Trends in background levels of persistent organic pollutants at Kosetice observatory, Czech Republic. Part I. Ambient air and wet deposition 1988-2005. (2007)
Trends in background levels of persistent organic pollutants at Kosetice observatory, Czech Republic. Part II. Aquatic and terrestric environments 1988-2005. (2007)
Artificial neural networks for fly identification: A case study from the genera Tachina and Ectophasia (Diptera, Tachinidae) (2007)
Palaearctric and Oriental species of Craspedometopon Kertész (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2007)
Annotated tachinid-host catalogue for the Czech Republic. Preliminary information. (2007)
Artificial neural networks for insect identification. (2007)
Regional species pools of vascular plants in habitats of the Czech Republic (2007)
Hieracium subgen. Pilosella: pollen stainability in sexual, apomictic and sterile plants (2008)
Nízká genetická strukturovanost a geografická izolace u středoevropských populací netopýra hvízdavého (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) (2007)
Aktivita a diverzita společenstev netopýrů v lesním prostředí. (2007)
Flight activity of bats in a forest (2007)
Semi-dry grasslands along a climatic gradient across Central Europe: Vegetation classification with validation (2007)
Consequences of the advance in Fridericia taxonomy for our knowledge of Czech and Slovak enchytraeid faunas (2007)
The impact of high game density on enchytraeids in a mixed forest (2007)
Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe II (2007)
The present distribution and nest tree characteristics of Liometopum microcephalum (Panzer, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in South Moravia (2007)
Preliminary results on the interaction of Liometopum microcephalum (Panzer, 1798) with other ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (2007)
From mowing to grazing: Does the change in grassland management affect soil annelid assemblages? (2007)
Long-term monitoring of fluvisols in Zlín region, Czech Republic (2007)
The impact of pedestrian activity on soil annelids in urban greens (2007)
European Atrichopogon biting midges of the subgenus Meloehelea (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (2007)
Nové poznatky o nearktických druhoch podrodu Meloehelea (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) (2007)
New host and country records for European Tachinidae (Diptera) (2007)
Taxonomie prokaryot (2007)
TIES2007, 18th annual meeting of the International Environmetrics Society (2007)
The role of MHC variability in fish immuncompetence, condition and parasite selection in fish males (Abramis brama L.) (2007)
The analysis of the associations between variability of selected MHC genes and infection of metazoan parasites in Carassius auratus gibelio, the host with the pecular reproductive strategy. (2007)
Development of IFN-gamma resistance is associated with attenuation of SOCS genes induction and constitutive expression of SOCS 3 in melanoma cells (2007)
Long-term outcome with interstitial brachytherapy boost in the treatment of women with early-stage breast cancer (2007)
Kryokozervace spermatu před gonadotoxickou léčbou - 11 let zkušeností (2007)
Analýza vlivu environmentální zátěže modelových lokalit na společenstva vícebuněčných cizopasníků jelce tlouště (2007)
The impact of environmental stress on chub (Leuciscus cephalus) and their parasites (2007)
Alzheimer Disease - Malnutrition and Nutritional Support (2007)
High-dose therapy and autologous transplantation in poor prognosis patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in first remission (2007)
The application of a steady and unsteady state environmental distribution models on environmental concentrations of PAHs measured in Košetice station between 1996 and 2004 (2007)
Selection of indicative species for evaluation of ecological state: Case study on benthic macroinvertebrates focused on Random forest method (2007)
Laser ablation synthesis of phosphorus sulphides, selenides and ternary PpSqSer clusters from various precursors (2008)
Data mining ve výuce klinických a zdravotnických oborů. (2007)
The ARROW project: implementation of WFD ES demands in evaluation of ecological state of surface waters in the Czech Republic. (2007)
Predictive Modeling of Biological Communities in Biomonitoring Network: Case Study of ARROW: The Arrow project for the implementation of the WFD EU. (2007)
The evaluation of ecological status of surface waters in the ARROW project: implementation of the WFD in the Czech Republic. (2007)
Zhoubné nádory ledvin v souvislosti s životním stylem a pracovním prostředím (2007)
Characterization of Genetic Diversity and Structure Analysis within Pea (Pisum Sativum L.) Germplasm at Agritec Ltd. Collection (2007)
Ultrasound-guided vs. clinical touch embryotrasnfer – results analysis. (2007)
Prostor pro nový vědní obor matematická biologie v biomedicínském výzkumu. (2007)
Prostor pro nový vědní obor matematická biologie v analýze dat molekulárně genetického výzkumu. (2007)
Genome size and GC content evolution of Festuca: Ancestral expansion and subsequent reduction (2008)
Subimaginal and adult activity of a mayfly, Ecdyonurus silvaegabretae (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) at the type locality (the Šumava Mountains, Czech Republic (2007)
Brucellosis of the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) (2007)
Vegetace České republiky 1. Travinná a keříčková společenstva (2007)
Biodiverzita kultivovatelných prokaryot z Hranické propasti a možnosti uplatnění těchto mikroorganizmů při utváření karbonátových speleotém (2007)
Flóra a vegetace Vojenského újezdu Boletice (2007)
Polymorfismus genu pro apolipoprotein E u dětských nádorových onemocnění. Výsledky u pacientů Kliniky dětské onkologie Brno (2007)
Genome size microscale divergence of Cyclamen persicum in Evolution canyon, Israel (2008)
Úvod (2007)
Vymezení vegetačních jednotek a jejich interpretace (2007)
Project Vegetation of the Czech Republic: Preface and summary of methods (2007)
Alpínská vřesoviště (2007)
Acidofilní alpínské trávníky (2007)
Bazifilní alpínské trávníky (2007)
Subalpínská vysokobylinná a křovinná vegetace (2007)
Vegetace jednoletých halofilních travin (2007)
Vegetace jednoletých sukulentních halofytů (2007)
Slaniskové trávníky (2007)
Smilkové trávníky a vřesoviště (2007)
Pionýrská vegetace písčin a mělkých půd (2007)
Písečné stepi (2007)
Suché trávníky (2007)
Linkages among land-use, water quality, physical habitat conditions and selected macroinevertebrate assemblages of the Hron River (Slovakia) (2007)
Cecilioides petitiana in Slovakia - a second record after more than 60 years (2008)
Checklist of the molluscs (Mollusca) of the Slovak Republic (2007)
Klinický význam 18F-FDG-pozitronové emisní tomografie u folikulárního lymfomu (2007)
The composition and richness of Danubian floodplain forest land snail faunas in relation to forest type and flood frequency (2008)
Regional integrated background monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) - the Central European trends and background levels based on the results of the long-term monitoring in Kosetice observatory, Czech Republic, 1988-2005 (2007)
The application of MALDI MS whole-cell profiles of the genus Pseudomonas (2007)
Limnology of streams in the Poloniny National Park (the East Carpathians, Slovakia) (2007)
Land snail distribution patterns within a site: the role of different calcium sources (2008)
Reports 7-11 (In New bryophyte records in the Balkans: 3) (2007)
Alzheimer disease - Malnutrition and Nutritional Support (2007)
Relationship of the Blood Pressure and Nutritional State of the Patients with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. (2007)
Gradients in species composition of Central European arable weed vegetation (2008)
Taxonomic problems in the subgenus Meloehelea Wirth of the genus Atrichopogon Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) inferred from both morphological and molecular characters (2008)
First record of the ectoparasitic biting midge, Atrichopogon (Meloehelea) oedemerarum Stora from the Neotropical region (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (2008)
The puparium and mature larva of the flat-footed fly Lindneromyia hungarica Chandler, 2001 (Diptera: Platypezidae). (2008)
Utilization of waters in rural region by anglers - motivation and conflicts. (2007)
Which factors determine plant invasions in man-made habitats in the Czech Republic? (2008)
Morphometric and molecular characteristics of Labeonema synodontisi n. comb. (Nematoda: Atractidae) from the West African fishes (2008)
Monogenean assemblages and the apparent transmission capability of monogeneans between related fish species: an experimental study (2008)
Diverzita fragmentov lužných lesov na modelových územiach juhozápadného Slovenska (2007)
Bezobratlí (2008)
Recent distribution of Sphaerium nucleus (Studer, 1820) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) in the Czech Republic (2008)
Perennial ruderal vegetation of the Czech Republic: a new vegetation survey (2008)
Native and alien weed species richness and diversity under different regime of disturbances (2008)
Mire vegetation of the Muránska Planina Mts: formalised classification, ecology, main environmental gradient and influence of geographical position (2008)
The Balkan wet grassland vegetation: a prerequisite to better understanding of European habitat diversity (2008)
Which factors determine plant invasions in vegetation of man-made habitats in the Czech Republic? (2008)
The Seasonal Changes in Oxidative Burst of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2008)
17th International Workshop European Vegetation Survey. Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions. 1-5 May 2008, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Abstracts and Excursion Guides (2008)
Podyjí National Park: botanical excursion guide (2008)
Pavlov Hills: botanical excursion guide (2008)
Habitat invasions by alien plants: a quantitative comparison among Mediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions of Europe (2008)
Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia (2008)
Separating habitat invasibility by alien plants from the actual level of invasion (2008)
Kinetics of biomarkers, bioaccumulation and elimination of peptide toxins microcystions in different freshwater fish species (2008)
Global diversity of dipteran families (Insecta Diptera) in freshwater (excluding Simuliidae, Culicidae, Chironomidae, Tipulidae and Tabanidae) (2008)
Sciomyzidae (2008)
Hypercoagulation during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass detected with thromboelastography (2007)
Is Lepidoglyphus pilosus (C.L.Koch) a true species or a form of L. destructor (Acari: Glycyphagidae)? Morphometrical analysis (2007)
Spiders (Araneae) of the family Oonopidae in the Czech Republic (2007)
Erratum to Comparative study of the femoral organ in Zodarion spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2008)
Dietary and prey-capture adaptations by which Zodarion germanicum, an ant-eating spider (Araneae: Zodariidae), specialises on the Formicinae (2008)
Eleocharis palustris subsp. waltersii, a new name for E. palustris subsp. vulgaris (2008)
Taxonomic review and phylogenetic analysis of central European Eresus species (Araneae: Eresidae) (2008)
How oniscophagous spiders overcome woodlouse armour (2008)
Phylogeny, chromosome number and genome size evolution in Physarieae (Brassicaceae). (2008)
Hvězdnice sivá (Aster canus), Christian Ferdinand Hochstetter a dva málo známé prameny ke květeně Moravy (2008)
Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka (2007)
Změny ve složení a početnosti naší netopýří fauny (2008)
The first records of Aegopinella ressmanni (Westerlund, 1883) in the Czech Republic extends its distribution range northwards (2008)
The first record of Macrogyrodactylus species (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) on freshwater fishes in Senegal with the description of Macrogyrodactylus simentiensis sp. nov., a parasite of Polypterus senegalus Cuvier (2008)
Využití bioluminiscenční bakterie Escherichia coli pro stanovení aktivity komplementového systému kaprovitých ryb (2008)
Diplogyrodactylus martini n. g. et sp. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae), a new gyrodactylid on grey bichir, Polypterus senegalus (Polypteridae) from Senegal (West Africa) (2008)
Gyrodactylids on the freshwater fishes of Senegal (2008)
Pálava (2007)
Morphological characters useful for the delimitation of taxa within Viola subsect. Viola (Violaceae): A morphometric study from the West Carpathians (2008)
Mollusc diversity patterns in Central European fens: hotspots and conservation priorities (2008)
Determination of Ergosterol Levels in Barley and Malt Varieties in the Czech Republic via HPLC (2008)
Newsletter on Enchytraeidae No. 10: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, May 25-28, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic (2007)
Fridericia brunensis sp. n. (Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) - a new European enchytraeid species similar to F. monochaeta Rota, 1995 (2007)
The small annelids (Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) of a South Moravian floodplain forest with disturbed water regime (2007)
On a species-poor enchytraeid community of peculiar composition (2007)
Monitoring saproxylických brouků: od sběru dat po jejich interpretaci (2008)
The saproxylic beetles of Dlúhý hrúd, an old-growth remnant on the Lower Dyje River (Czechia) (2008)
Studium "společenstev" saproxylických brouků pomocí letových nárazových pastí: zkušenosti s metodou a první výsledky výzkumu (2008)
Monitoring saproxylických brouků: od sběru dat po jejich interpretaci (2008)
Beyond the paradigms of cospeciation and host-switch: is sympatric speciation an important mode of speciation for parasites? (2008)
Metazoan parasites of freshwater cyprinid fish (Leuciscus cephalus): testing biogeographical hypotheses of species diversity (2008)
Dactylogyrids (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from the gills of Labeo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from West Africa (2008)
Dactylogyrids (Plathelminthes: Monogenea) from the gills of Labeo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from West Africa (2007)
Monogeneans (Dactylogyridae: Ancyrocephalinae) from the gills of Characid fishes from West Africa (2008)
Dactylogyrids (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from the gills of Labeo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from West Africa (2008)
Genetic diversity, phylogeography and parasitism among European populations of chub (Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) (2008)
Distribution and genome size variation in the beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis from "Evolution Canyon", Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, compared to the silo population in the Haifa Bay (2007)
Lesní vegetace v údolí Vltavy severně od Zlaté Koruny (okres Český Krumlov) (2008)
Morphological analysis of the cellular interactions between the eugregarine Gregarina garnhami (Apicomplexa) and the epithelium of its host, the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria. (2008)
Cryptosporidia: epicellular parasites embraced by the host cell membrane. (2008)
New species of Cryptosporidium Tyzzer, 1907 (Apicomplexa) from amphibian host: morphology, biology and phylogeny. (2008)
Growth inhibition test on subaerial microalgae applied in urban areas (2008)
Distribution and communities of Crypsis aculeata and Heleochloa schoenoides in Slovakia (2008)
Changes in nutrient limitation of spring fen vegetation along environmental gradients in the West Carpathians (2008)
Changes during the 20th century in species composition of synanthropic vegetation in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2008)
Letnění rybníka Nesyt v roce 2007 (2008)
Pavúky (Arachnida, Araneae) východnej časti Kozích Chrbtov (2007)
Colour characteristics of the blunt egg pole: cues for recognition of parasitic eggs as revealed by reflectance spectrophotometry (2007)
Ultraviolet and green parts of the colour spectrum affect egg rejection in the song thrush (Turdus philomelos) (2007)
Diptera: Anthomyiidae.Faunistic records from the Czech Republic -235 (2007)
The recent knowledge of the Czech and Slovak fauna of the family Anthomyiidae (Diptera) and a problem of the females identification (2007)
Anthomyiidae. (2006)
Anthomyiidae (2006)
Květilka očima zemědělce a pohledem přírodovědce. (2006)
Květilky (Anthomyiidae, Diptera) CHKO Kokořínsko Root-maggot flies (Anthomyiidae, Diptera) of Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area (2006)
Influence of liming on the epigeic spider (Araneae) community of the Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic) (2008)
Interactions between the larval endoparasitoid, Exorista larvarum (Diptera) and its factitious host Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera) (2008)
Annotated host-catalogue for the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the Czech Republic. (2007)
Bat bugs (Cimicidae, Heteroptera): a possible cause of roost switching by bats (2008)
Cimex pipistrelli (Heteroptera, Cimicidae) and the dispersal propensity of bats: an experimental study (2008)
Fylogenéza západopalaearktických druhov rodu Tachina (Diptera, Tachinidae) na základe morfologických a molekulárnych dát. (2007)
Využitie umelých neurónových sietí (ANN) pre determináciu hmyzu. (2007)
Insect identification using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) (2008)
Identification of antifungal proteins in the barley and malt caryopsis by mass spectrometry (2008)
Determination of deoxynivalenol levels in barley, malt and intermediate products of malting process by high performance liquid chromatography and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (2008)
Morphometric and molecular characterization of Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda, Pharyngodonidae) from the Senegal gecko (Tarentola parvicarinata) (2008)
Seasonal changes in complement activity of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2008)
The seasonal changes in immunocompetence of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and the potential associations to metazoan parasites (2008)
Immunological parameters and parasite infection in chub Leuciscus cephalus in heavily poluted watershed (2008)
Významné nálezy cévnatých rostlin na území Národního parku podyjí od roku 1995 (2007)
Distribution of freshwater red algal family Lemaneaceae (Rhodophyta) in the Czech Republic: an update (2008)
Migration distance and the effect of North Atlantic Oscillation on the spring arrival of birds in Central Europe (2008)
Alien flora on walls in southern and western Moravia (2008)
Stipa ucrainica (Poaceae): a recently recognized native species of the Bulgarian flora (2008)
Genome size in Cyperaceae (2008)
GC content, genome size and chromosome size evolution in grasses and other monocots (2008)
Quantification of retrotransposon in Festuca pallens population varying in genome size (2008)
Bats of Sudety Mts. (2008)
Visual identification of Myotis mystacinus and M. brandtii in hibernacula: the Czech-Polish-German cross-border project (2008)
Complete and partial albinism: new records of the albino Lesser horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus hipposideros) in the Jeseníky Mts. (Czech Republic) (2008)
Varying levels of female promiscuity in four Apodemus mice species (2008)
DNA ploidy level variability of some fescues (Festuca subg. Festuca, Poaceae) from Central and Southern Europe measured in fresh plants and herbarium specimens (2008)
Intrapopulation genome size dynamics in Festuca pallens (2008)
Eugregarines and cryptosporidia: peculiar parasites with epicellular development (2008)
Vápence v roklinách Slovenského raja - bohatý mikroekosystém (2008)
Colonization by waterbirds of artificial lakes after surface mining: a case study (2008)
Co-occurrence based assessment of species habitat specialization is affected by the size of species pool: reply to Fridley et al. (2007) (2009)
Comparison of habitat requirements of the mosses Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Scorpidium cossonii and Warnstorfia exannulata in different parts of temperate Europe (2008)
Violales. Fialkotvaré (2008)
Calthion palustris Tüxen 1937 (2007)
Deschampsion cespitosae Horvatić 1930 (2007)
Molinion caeruleae Koch 1926 (2007)
Roost switching and activity patterns in the soprano pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, during lactation (2008)
Ecology of Leuctra geniculata (Plecoptera: Leuctridae),an Atlantomediterranean species on the north-eastern border of its area (2008)
Assessing biological control of Acarus siro by Cheyletus malaccensis under laboratory conditions: Effect of temperatures and prey density (2008)
Analysis of the stridulation in Solifuges (Arachnida: Solifugae) (2008)
Aged pesticide residues are detrimental to agrobiont spiders (Araneae) (2008)
Solifugy, tajemni tvorove z pouste (2008)
Application of polyacrylamide GE and MS for antifungal proteins in the barley and malt caryopsis (2008)
The seasonal changes of immunocompetence and infection of metazoan parasites in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2008)
Nested patterns in hyporheic meta-communities: the role of body morphology and penetrability of sediment (2008)
Generalized aspergillosis in a fifteen-year-old child (2008)
Note on morphology of two nematode species Ascaridia hermaphrodita and Ascaridia platyceri (Nematoda): scanning electron microscope study (2008)
The relationships of modern pollen spectra to vegetation and climate along a steppe-forest-tundra transition in southern Siberia, explored by decision trees (2008)
Interpretation of the last-glacial vegetation of eastern-central Europe using modern analogues from southern Siberia (2008)
Comparison of three methods for phytobenthos quantification (2006)
Isopole Gomphonema tergestinum oder heteropole Reimeria sinuata? (2006)
Kosce (Arachnida, Opiliones) Starohorských vrchov (Stredné Slovensko) (2010)
Spiders (Araneae) from the Panský diel (Starohorské vrchy Mts, Slovakia) (2008)
Seasonal variation in parasite occurrence and microhabitat distribution of monogenean parasites of gudgeon Gobio gobio (L.) (2008)
Helminthological Days 2006-2008 Book of Abstracts (2008)
Spring fens as a unique biotope of stonefly larvae (2008)
Collections of the Czech Republic stoneflies by E. Křelinová and J. Raušer (2008)
Comparison of metazoan parasite communities of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in European Rivers: effect of latitude, geographic distance and host phylogeny (2008)
Polymorphism of DAB genes and variation in parasite species diversity in European populations of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) (2008)
New records of the Alcathoe bat, Myotis alcathoe in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2008)
A revision of Pegadomyia Kertész with description of a new genus and four new species (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2008)
A new species of Sargus Fabricius, 1798 from Europe (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2008)
A review of the Oriental Campeprosopa species (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2008)
The role of MHC in sexual selection in European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) (2008)
The microsatellite variability and parasitism in native and introduced populations of four Neogobius species (Gobiidae) (2008)
Commercial pistachio orchards in south Africa maintain a lower density and diversity of epigeic spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) (2008)
Rostlinné invaze v České republice: situace, výzkum a management (2008)
Návrh české terminologie vztahující se k rostlinnými invazím (2008)
European map of alien plant invasions based on the quantitative assessment across habitats (2009)
Vliv vypouštění nečištěných splaškových vod na malý vodní tok (2008)
Merlíky - opomíjení průvodci našich cest (2008)
Halophilous diatoms in Czech running waters, Towards two rare diatom species Pleurosira laevis and Bacillaria paxillifera (2007)
Řasová a sinicová flóra malého horského potoka Lubná v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2007)
Algologická studie rašelinných okrajů rybníků v Třeboňské pánvi (2007)
Masový výskyt obrněnky Peridiniopsis kevei v nádrži Vranov (2007)
Halophilous diatoms in Czech running waters: Pleurosira laevis and Bacillaria paxillifera (2007)
Diatom Assemblages of Western Carpathian Spring Fens along poor-rich (pH/calcium) gradient (2008)
Konference České algologické společnosti (2007)
Larval morphology and anatomy of the parasitoid Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae), with an emphasis on cephalopharyngeal skeleton and digestive tract. (2009)
Atlas fytobentosu (2008)
I ryby mají své roupy (2008)
Nový pohled na roupy (Nematoda: Enterobiinae) parazitující u čeledi Hominidae (Primates) (2008)
Two remarkable pinworms (Nematoda: Enterobiinae) parasitizing orangutan (Pongo abelii) in Sumatra (Indonesia) (2008)
Helminths parasitizing Sumatran Orang-utans: a survey and new findings (2008)
Resurrection of Bertiella satyri (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) parasitizing the Orangutan (Pongo abelii: Primates) in Indonesia (2008)
Psárky Alopecurus aequalis a A. geniculatus v České republice: jejich určování a rozšíření (2008)
Vegetace suchých acidofilních trávníků v oblasti třebíčského žulosyenitového plutonu (2008)
Vliv změny režimu kosení na druhové složení mokřadních luk (2008)
Údržba travních porostů (2008)
On the mass occurrence of two rare saproxylic beetles, Cucujus cinnaberinus (Cucujidae) and Dircea australis (Melandryidae), in South Moravian floodplain forests (2008)
Dvanáct let výzkumu rostlinných invazí v České republice a ve světě (2008)
Projekty 6. rámcového programu Evropské unie zaměřené na biologické invaze: DAISIE a ALARM (2008)
Invaze nepůvodních druhů v rostlinných společenstvech (2008)
Phytosociology (2008)
Frontiers of vegetation science - An evolutionary angle (2008)
Vybrané vzácné rostliny (2008)
Vegetace (2008)
Plzák alpský a sítovka dravá - nejnovější přírůstky české malakofauny (2008)
17. Měkkýši (2008)
Měkkýši (Mollusca) Žďárských vrchů (2008)
15. Zoogeografie (2008)
Distribution of abundance and genome size variability in the grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) (2008)
The fauna of temperate European floodplain forests (2008)
Výzkum saproxylických brouků ve zvláště chráněných územích (2008)
The saproxylic beetles of Dlúhý hrúd, an old-growth remnant on the Lower Dyje River (Czechia) (2008)
Low population genetic structuring of two cryptic bat species suggests their migratory behaviour in continental Europe (2009)
Population dynamics and vertical distribution of a population of Hrabeiella periglandulata (Annelida) in South Moravia (Czech Republic) (2008)
The effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on terrestrial annelids in urban soils (2008)
Proposal to conserve the name Achillea pannonica against A. seidlii (Asteraceae) (2008)
Artificial intelligence in pest insect monitoring. (2009)
Thrips (Thysanoptera) identification using artificial neural networks (2008)
Annotated host catalogue for the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the Czech Republic (2009)
Stlačenkovití (Diptera: Opetiidae a Platypezidae) Jizerských hor a Frýdlantska (2008)
Brněnsko (2008)
Muchničkovití (Diptera: Simuliidae) Jizerských hor a Frýdlantska (2008)
Dvoukřídlí (Diptera) čeledí Xylophagidae (drvohlodkovití), Coenomyiidae a Rhagionidae (číhalkovití) Jizerských hor a Frýdlantska (2008)
Pakomárcovití (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Jizerských hor a Frýdlantska (2008)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Summer School on Computational Biology (2007)
Extinction of the genus Neurohelea (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in Europe? (2008)
Subgenus Meloehelea (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the Neotropical Region? (2008)
Bráněnkovití (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Jizerských hor a Frýdlantska (2008)
Vláhomilkovití (Diptera: Phaeomyiidae, Sciomyzidae) Jizerských hor a Frýdlantska (2009)
Bromus lanceolatus Roth (2007)
Stellaria pallida (Dumort.) Crép. (2007)
Geranium sibiricum L. (2008)
Amaranthus deflexus L. (2008)
Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. (2008)
Bromus commutatus Schrader (2008)
Potentilla supina subsp. paradoxa (Torr. & A. Gray) Soják (2008)
Sclerochloa dura (L.) P. Beauv. (2008)
Stellaria pallida (Dumort.) Crép. (2008)
Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pallas) O. Kuntze (2008)
Veronica filiformis Sm. (2008)
Viola suavis M. Bieb. (2008)
Additions and corrections to The Muscidae of Central Europe III. A new species of Coenosia Meigen, 1826 from Central Europe (Diptera, Muscidae) (2008)
Vliv úkrytových parazitů, štěnic druhu cimex pipistrelli (Heteroptera) na netopýry (2008)
Varying levels of female promiscuity in four Apodemus mice species (2008)
Ecological indicators/Saprobic System (2008)
Mapping of distribution of the orders Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the Czech Republic (2008)
Nález albinotických vrápenců malých (Rhinolophus hipposideros) v Hrubém Jeseníku (2007)
Geranium divaricatum Ehrh. (2008)
Orobanche purpurea Jacq. (2008)
Distribution and variability in genome size of the beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis at "Evolution Canyon" Lower Nahal Oren, compared to Silo population in Haifa Bay (in hebrew) (2008)
7. setkání mladých mykologů 2005 (2007)
Zajímavé a vzácné luční houby nalezené během Týdne mykologických exkurzí v Orlických horách (2007) na lokalitách Přední Ochoz a PR Hořečky. (2008)
Trifolium retusum L. (2008)
Vicia lutea L. (2008)
How to express topographically complex landscape in vegetation data analysis? (2008)
Čím mohou podrobné fenologické mapy území s členitým reliéfem přispět bioklimatologickému výzkumu? (2008)
Je třeba oprášit zašlý lesk fenologických pozorování? (2008)
Characterization of nanostructured diamond-like carbon coatings deposited in single and dual frequency capacitive discharges (2008)
Species richness in European steppes : role of productivity, soil depth and pH (2008)
What are the main drivers of species richness in European steppes? (2008)
Faunistic records from Czech Republic and Slovakia Psychodidae. (2007)
Environmental correlates of species richness in Czech upland grasslands (2007)
Relating species diversity in vegetation samples to environmental factors: potentials and limitations (2007)
Dvoukřídlí (Diptera) (2008)
Application of an unsteady state environmental distribution model to a decadal time series of PAH concentrations in Central Europe (2009)
Predictive spatial modelling of POPs background concentrations in the area of Czech Republic (2008)
Drobní kroužkovci (Annelida: Enchytraeidae, Tubificidae, Aeolosomatidae) (2008)
Vliv pastvy na půdní faunu (2008)
Vývoj půdní fauny na zatravňovaných plochách na lokalitě Výzkum (2008)
Parasites and their impacts on orangutan health (2009)
Comprehensive cross-amplification of microsatellite multiplex sets across the rodent genus Microtus (2009)
Cytochrome b phylogeography of chamois (Rupicapra spp.). Population contractions, expansions and hybridisations governed the diversification of the genus (2009)
The origin and phylogenetic relationships of Microtus bavaricus based on karyotype and mitochondrial DNA sequences (2007)
A recent record of the predatory bush cricket Saga pedo Pallas, 1771, in the Pouzdřanská step Steppe (southern Moravia) (2008)
Nová lokalita žluťuchy jednoduché svízelovité (Thalictrum simplex subsp. galioides) v Polabí a několik pozoruhodných souvislostí (2008)
Variation in life-cycle between three rare and endangered floodplain violets in two regions: implications for population viability and conservation (2009)
New plant associations from Bulgarian mires (2008)
Stanovení vybraných parametrů imunitního systému ryb (2009)
Stanovení celkové hladiny IgM u sladkovodních ryb (2009)
Humorální složky nespecifické antibakteriální imunity psů a jejich stanovení (2009)
Paternita sýce rousného (Aegolius funereus) (2008)
Vegetation of trampled habitats in the Czech Republic: a formalized phytosociological classification (2008)
Kapverdy - Makaronésie v Sahelu (2009)
How can we effectively restore species richness and natural composition of a Molinia-invaded fen? (2009)
Pijavice (Clitellata: Hirudinida) České republiky: check-list, nové nálezy a poznámky k šíření druhů (2009)
Changes in vegetation types and Ellenberg indicator values after 65 years of fertilizer application in the Rengen Grassland Experiment, Germany (2009)
Effects of different fidelity measures and contexts on the determination of diagnostic species (2009)
Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 1. Rozdíly v invadovanosti velkých území (2009)
Chironomid larvae in two types of Western Carpathian spring fens differing in mineral richness (2009)
Diversity of Diptera larvae in the Western Carpathian spring fens (2009)
Vegetace biologických, integrovaných a konvenčních vinohradů na jižní Moravě (2009)
Rostlinná společenstva zdí na jižní a západní Moravě (2008)
Impact of reservoirs and channelization on lowland river macroinvertebrates: A case study from Central Europe (2009)
A new Nearctic species of Atrichopogon (Meleohelea) and a redescription of Atrichopogon (M.) chilensis Ingram & Macfie (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (2009)
Phylogeny and affiliation of European Anthomyzidae (Diptera) based on mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA (2009)
Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Festuca pannonica, F. valesiaca and F. pseudodalmatica (Poaceae) (2009)
Proposal to reject the name Festuca pannonica (Poaceae) (2009)
SEM and LM Observations on Parapharyngodon micipsae (Nematoda, Pharyngodonidae) from Senegal (2009)
Influence of forest ecosystems on the outflow water quality, fauna and flora - methodical selection of sites, evaluation factors and preliminary results of macrozoobentos, fytobentos and chemical analyses. (2007)
Linking JUICE and R: New developments in visualization of unconstrained ordination analysis (2009)
Akumulace microcystinů v rybách a potravních řetězcích (2008)
Morfologie, ekologie a současné rozšíření toxické invazivní sinice Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (2008)
Vliv nepůvodních druhů na biotickou homogenizaci středoevropských měst (2009)
The distribution of chironomid larvae and oligochaetes within a stony-bottomed river stretch: the role of substrate and hydraulic characteristics (2009)
Flóra Přírodní rezervace Suché skály (2009)
Sensitivity and Data Uncertainty Analysis of an Environmental Distribution Model (2009)
Contrasting patterns of variation in urban populations of Cepaea (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): a tale of two cities (2009)
Jak se vede vřetenci horskému - z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2009)
Distribution of Bithynia leachii (Sheppard, 1823) and Bithynia troschelii (Paasch, 1842) (Gastropoda: Bithyniidae) in the Czech Republic (2009)
Spatial distribution of cyanobacteria and algae from the tombstone in a historic cemetery in Bratislava, Slovakia (2009)
Life-history of the parthenogenetic oonopid spider, Triaeris stenaspis (Araneae: Oonopidae) (2009)
Viola elatior, V. pumila and V. stagnina in Austria, Czechia and Slovakia: a story of decline (2009)
Cyanobakterie jako biodeteriogeny stavebních materiálů (2009)
Arable weed vegetation of the northeastern part of the Czech Republic: effect of environmental factors on species composition (2009)
Kalužnatkovití (Diptera: Thaumaleidae) Jizerských hor (2008)
Species groups of Oriental Ptecticus Loew including descriptions of ten new species with a revised identification key to the Oriental species (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2009)
Occurrence of Lucilla scintilla (R. T. Lowe, 1852) and Lucilla singleyana (Pilsbry, 1890) in the Czech and Slovak Republics - with remarks how to distinguish these two non-native minute snails (2009)
Brief exposure of Blattella germanica (Blattodea) to insecticides formulated in various microcapsule sizes and applied on porous and non-porous surfaces (2009)
Prey and predatory behavior of two zodariid species (Araneae, Zodariidae) (2009)
Seed availability and gap size influence seedling emergence of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) in grasslands (2009)
Prey range of the predatory mite Cheyletus malaccensis (Acari: Cheyletidae) and its efficacy in the control of seven stored-product pests (2009)
Combination of the antifeedant bean flour and the predator Cheyletus malaccenis suppresses storage mites under laboratory conditions (2009)
Can ant-eating Zodarion spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae) develop on a diet optimal for polyphagous predators (2009)
Moderní analýza biologických dat. 1. Zobecněné lineární modely v prostředí R (2009)
Enrichning ploidy level diversity: the role of apomictic and sexual biotypes of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (Asteraceae) that coexist in polyploid populations (2009)
Vliv oteplených důlních vod na fytobentos toku Nedvědička (2009)
Morphology of
Brevimulticaecum heterotis
(Ascarididae: Nematoda) studied by SEM and ESEM (2009)
Interesting findings of two members of the genus
(Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae, Linstowiinae) from reptiles (Senegal, Africa) (2009)
Mexiconema africanum
sp. n. (Nematoda: Daniconematidae) from the catfish
Auchenoglanis occidentalis
from Lake Turkana, Kenya (2009)
Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 2. Invadovanost a invazibilita rostlinných společenstev (2009)
Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 3. Obecné příčiny invazibility společenstev (2009)
Invasion success of alien plants: do habitat affinities in the native distribution range matter? (2009)
Classification of inland Bolboschoenus-dominated vegetation in Central Europe (2009)
Chorological spectra of arable weed vegetation types in the Czech Republic (2009)
Jak přežít sucho aneb cesta do hlubin žouželí duše v poněkud parném létě (2009)
Selected arthropod groups of the Panský diel massif (Starohorské vrchy Mts, Slovakia) (2009)
Computation of Extraction Equilibria (2008)
Metazoan parasites and balancing selection at MHC class IIB genes in the wild populations of freshwater cyprinid fish (Leuciscus cephalus) (2009)
Analysis of significant surface structures of selected parasite taxa using the scanning eletron microscopy (2009)
17th HELMINTHOLOGICAL DAYS 2009 Book of Abstracts (2009)
Bat casualties by road traffic (Brno-Vienna) (2009)
Historie chiropterologie v Čechách a na Moravě od nejstarších zpráv po publikaci Netopýři Československa (1957) (2008)
Aplikovaná hydrobiologie (2008)
Eugregarine trophozoite detachment from the host epithelium via epimerite retraction: Fiction or fact? (2009)
Spatial model of persistent organic pollutants volatilization from soil: connection of deterministic and stochastic approach (2009)
Model vytěkávání perzistentních polutantů z půdy na území ČR (2009)
Vliv atmosférických koncentrací PAHs na vývoj koncentrací v půdě: modelářský přístup na datech z observatoře v Košeticích 1996-2007. (2009)
Effects of different cultivation types on native and alien weed species richness and diversity in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2009)
Interactions between immunocompetence, somatic condition, and parasitism in the chub in early spring (2009)
Nálezy a ztráty jihomoravských slanisk - hvězdnice sivá (2009)
Snail faunas in the Southern Ural forests and their relations to vegetation: an analogue of the Early Holocene assemblages of Central Europe? (2010)
New and previously described species of Dactylogyrus and Dogielius (Dactylogyridae) from the gills of three Labeo species (Cyprinidae) in Senegal (2009)
A systematic survey of monogeneans (Dactylogyridae: Ancyrocephalinae) of characiform fishes from Senegal (2009)
Od Hraběte po současnost - aneb co víme o máloštětinatých červech v Čechách (2009)
Assesing relationships between chemical exposure, parasite infection, fish health and fish ecological status: A case study using chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in the Bílina river, Czech Republic (2009)
The response of chironomid larvae to hydraulic conditions: Synorthocladius semivirens (Diptera: Chironomidae) in two different rivers (2008)
The effect of environmental conditions on the taxonomic and functional structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region (2008)
Analysis of stream macroinvertebrates response to environmental conditions: research support of the Water Framework Directive implementation in the Czech Republic (2009)
Environmentální profily jepic (Ephemeroptera) České republiky (2009)
Cytogenetics of diplozoid monogeneans parasitizing fish genus Abramis (2009)
Životní cykly jepic (Ephemeroptera) a jejich význam pro detekci změn vodních ekosystémů (2009)
Molecular phylogeny of specific monogeneans parasitizing african freshwater fish of Cichlidae (2009)
Distribution and biology of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Czech Republic: present status and perspectives (2009)
Monogenean parasites of cichlid fishes from Senegal: morphology and species diversity (2008)
Habitatové preference jepic (Ephemeroptera) v tocích kolinního stupně (Oslava a Chvojnice) (2005)
Seasonal dynamics and distribution of metazoan parasites of gudgeon (Gobio gobio L.) (2006)
Habitatové preference larev Ephemera danica a Heptagenia sulphurea (Ephemeroptera) v ritrálním a potamálním toku (Chvojnice a Oslava) (2006)
Molecular phylogeny of monogeneans parasitizing African fish of Cichlidae inferred from ribosomal DNA sequences (2009)
Freshwater leeches (Annelida: Clitellata: Hirudinida) of the Czech Republic (Central Europe): check-list, new records, and remarks on species distributions (2009)
A European warm waters neophyte Shinnersia rivularis - new alien species to the Slovak flora (2009)
Diversity of subalpine and alpine vegetation of the eastern part of the Nízke Tatry Mts in Slovakia: major types and environmental gradients (2009)
The immunoecological study of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from experimental pond (2009)
The seasonal changes of innate immunity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2009)
GENASIS: System for the Assessment of Environmental Contamination by Persistent Organic Pollutants (2009)
Parazitofauna původní a nepůvodní populace hlaváčů Neogobius kessleri a Neogobius melanostomus na Dunaji (2008)
Invasive fish species Neogobius melanostomus (Gobiidae) in the Danube River: parasite fauna and condition status in native and non-native area of distribution (2008)
Overwinter body condition and parasite infection in 0+ European bitterling with respect to fish size (2009)
The effect of batch spawning on parasite infection and condition of 0+ European bitterling before and during overwintering (2009)
Dactylogyrids (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from the gills of the African carp, Labeo coubie Rüppell (Cyprinidae), from Senegal, with descriptions of three new species of Dactylogyrus and the redescription of Dactylogyrus cyclocirrus Paperna, 1973 (2009)
The preliminary study of the selected immune and physiological parameters in diploids and triploids of Carassius auratus (2009)
Different microscopic approaches to research on monogenean parasite Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2009)
The use of different microscopic techniques for the study of monogenean parasite Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2009)
Studying of Nematode Morphology with Three Kinds of Methods: LM, CLSM and SEM (2009)
A new genus and species of Ototretine firefly from Sri Lanka (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) (2009)
Identification and taxonomy of the West Palaearctic species of Tachina Meigen (Tachinidae, Diptera) based on male terminalia and molecular analyses. (2009)
ANN in Science: Entomology., pp. 23-32. In, Havel J. & Vaňhara J., Redes neuronales en Ciencia. (2009)
The occurrence of leeches (Hirudinida) on localities with different anthropogenic influence (2009)
Comparison of clitellate assemblages (Annelida: Clitellata) in two different mineral types of spring fens: the response in permanent fauna abundance and species richness (2009)
Ichtyoparasitology of the Lake Turkana, Kenya - project progress report (2009)
Rocks and walls: natural versus secondary habitats (2009)
Neofyty na zdech v České republice (2009)
Redes neuronales en Ciencia (2009)
Výzkum netopýrů (Chiroptera) na Jesenicku: historie, současnost a další perspektivy (2009)
Dynamics and vertical distribution of a Hrabeiella periglandulata (Annelida) population in South Moravia, Czech Republic (2009)
The effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals on terrestrial annelids in urban soils (2009)
Range expansion of an endangered beetle: Alpine Longhorn Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) spreads to the lowlands of Central Europe (2009)
Has Tilia x euchlora a detrimental effect on soil annelids in urban greens? (2009)
The saproxylic beetles of Dlúhý hrúd, an old-growth remnant on the Lower Dyje River (Czechia) (2009)
Telomere analysis of platyhelminths and acanthocephalans by FISH and Southern hybridization (2009)
Occurrence of Camphorosma annua PALL. in Slovakia: past and present (2009)
Hodnocení stavu habitatů z hlediska ochrany (2009)
Výsledky mapování biotopů jako podklad pro optimalizaci sítě maloplošných chráněných území (2009)
Monitoring biotopů (2009)
Ecology, distribution and conservation of Vertigo species of the European Importance in Slovakia (2009)
How do cryptosporidia establish their unique niche within the host epithelium? (2009)
Cryptosporidia: Epicellular parasites embraced by the host cell membrane (2009)
Eugregarine trophozoite detachment from the host epithelium via epimerite retraction: Fiction or fact? (2009)
Jsou štěnice Cimex pipistrelli významným stresorem i pro filopatrické druhy netopýrů? (2009)
Rozeznají netopýři úkryty na základě olfaktorických signálů? (2009)
Palingenia longicauda (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera, Palingeniidae): Do refugia in the Danube basin still work? (2009)
Note to the effects of environmental conditions on the occurrence of benthic water bug Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae. (2009)
On morphology and distribution of Neurohelea luteitarsis (Waltl) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Europe (2009)
The structure and species richness of the diatom assemblages of the Western Carpathian spring fens along the gradient of mineral richness (2009)
Spring fens as a unique biotope of stonefly larvae (Plecoptera): species richness and species composition gradients (2009)
Revision of the stonefly collections (Plecoptera) by E. Křelinová and J. Raušer from the Czech Republic (2009)
Variabilita vodních organismů v závislosti na minerální bohatosti západokarpatských slatinišť (2009)
Automatic radiotelemetry system: new technology in ecological field studies (2009)
Monitoring of bats and their collision with wind turbines (2009)
Patterns of land snail diversity over a gradient of habitat degradation: a comparison of three Czech cities (2009)
River discharge drives recruitment success of the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus in a regulated river in central Europe (2009)
Kroužkovci (2007)
Resource distribution mediated male reproductive success through its effect on territory defensibility (2008)
The effect of mining water on phytobenthic assemblages in a running water - Contribution to the water temperature regime in rivers (2009)
Prostorová distribuce makrozoobentosu na malé škále: srovnání dvou minerálně odlišných slatinišť (2009)
Přirozená a polopřirozená vegetace Vizovické pahorkatiny (2009)
Sex-specific kleptoparasitic foraging in ant-eating spiders (2009)
How glyphosate altered the behaviour of agrobiont spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) and beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (2009)
Weather and survival of broadleaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius L.) in an unmanaged grassland (2009)
Capture efficiency of an ant-eating spider, Zodariellum asiaticum (Araneae: Zodariidae), from Kazakhstan (2009)
Stenochrus portoricensis new to the Czech Republic (Schizomida, Hubardiidae) (2009)
The influence of sample plot size on evaluations with Ellenberg indicator values (2009)
Determining the important environmental variables controlling plant species community composition in mesotrophic grasslands in Great Britain (2009)
Fish and macrozoobenthos in the Vlára stream drainage area (Bílé Karpaty Mountains) (2007)
Vliv záplavy na reprodukci ryb (2006)
Effects of managed flooding on fish assemblages in man-made floodplain water bodies (2005)
Ploidy level and reproductive behaviour in the facultatively apomictic high-polyploid Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (2009)
Dvě významné lokality pleistocénních slínů při severovýchodním okraji Prahy (2009)
Mollusc communities in the Western Carpathian fens: ecological and paleoecological patterns (2009)
Disjunct occurrences of plant species in the refugial mires of Bulgaria (2009)
Maps of the level of invasion of the Czech Republic by alien plants (2009)
The global invasion success of Central European plants is related to distribution characteristics in their native range and species traits (2009)
Modified TWINSPAN classification in which the hierarchy respects cluster heterogeneity (2009)
Řídká blana u Zahájí na Českobudějovicku - významná lokalita vodní a mokřadní flóry a vegetace (2009)
Překvapení v opuštěném lomu - nová lokalita přesličky různobarvé v České republice (2009)
Holocene history of West-Carpathian calcareous fen vegetation (2009)
Diverzita květeny středoevropských velkoměst (2009)
Vegetace sešlapávaných stanovišť (2009)
Jednoletá vegetace polních plevelů a ruderálních stanovišť (2009)
Suchomilná ruderální vegetace s dvouletými a vytrvalými druhy (2009)
A comparison of genetic variation at major histocompatibility complex and microsatellite loci in the wild populations of freshwater cyprinid Leuciscus cephalus across geographical scale (2009)
Gyrodactylus species (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) on the cichlid fishes of Senegal, with the description of Gyrodactylus ergensi n. sp from Mango tilapia, Sarotherodon galilaeus L. (Teleostei: Cichlidae) (2009)
Gyrodactylids (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) of the cichlid fishes of Africa (2009)
Scale-dependence of species richness in European dry grasslands. (2009)
Surface pollen-vegetation relationships in the forest-steppe, taiga and tundra landscapes of the Russian Altai Mountains (2009)
Weed vegetation and its conservation value in three management systems of Hungarian winter cereals on base-rich soils (2009)
Vegetation-plot data and databases in Europe: an overview (2009)
Parasitic infection in common carp wounded by cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) attacks (2009)
Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace (2009)
Co říká 11 fytocenologických snímku o vlivu celoplošné přípravy půdy na bylinné patro lužních lesu? (2009)
A kde se v téhle řece vlastně líbí máloštětinatým červům? -- Charakter a distribuce společenstev máloštětinatců ve velkém nížinném toku. (2009)
The first record of a natural hybrid of the roach Rutilus rutilus and nase Chondrostoma nasus in the Danube River Basin, Czech Republic: morphological, karyological and molecular characteristics (2009)
Genome size inheritance in intraspecific crosses within diploid and within tetraploid plants of Festuca pallens varying in genome size (2009)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 22. podzimních bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Železných horách (2009)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 256: Coleoptera: Eucnemidae (2008)
Diversity of Enchytraeidae (Annelida: Clitellata) in habitats within the Magnesian Limestone Plateau of County Durham, UK. (2009)
Enchytraeids and earthworms (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae) of parks in the city of Brno, Czech Republic (2009)
Vodní ploštice (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha) Rolavských vrchovišť (2009)
Alpine und subalpine Silikatvegetation des Nationalparks Niedere Tatra. Slowakei. (2009)
Carex limosa (2008)
Senecio doria (2008)
Thalictrum minus (2008)
A review of the Holarctic Sepedon fuscipennis and S. spinipes groups with description of a new species (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) (2009)
The proposed Úvalský rybník Nature Monument, an important refuge for wetland insects in South Moravia (Czech Republic): A species inventory of Odonata, Heteroptera and Coleoptera (partim) with the first Czech record of Corixa panzeri (Corixidae) (2009)
Influence of ecological factors on breeding success of grebes (Podicipediformes) at fishponds (2005)
Contribution to the sampling methods for the monitoring of phytophilous macroinvertebrates in pond littoral (2006)
Příspěvek k metodice odběru fytofilních bezobratlých v rybničním litorálu (2006)
Probable breeding of Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis in high elevation in Biogradska Gora National Park (2006)
Hnízdní úspěšnost potápek (Podicipediformes) na rybnících a faktory, které ji ovlivňují (2007)
Inner horizontal distribution and diversity of phytophilous aquatic macroinvertebrates in wide reed (Phragmites australis) beds of pond littoral (2007)
Prostorová distribuce a diverzita vodních bezobratlých v rybničních litorálních porostech (2008)
Biomonitoring of heavy metals in fishpond littorals - their content in aquatic snails, reed stems and bottom sediments. (2008)
Vliv managementových zásahů na vývoj společenstva vodních bezobratlých v rybnících (2009)
Pijavice České republiky na počátku 21. století (2009)
Významní ptáci Chřibů a jejich monitoring (2009)
On Gyrodactylus species (Monogenea: Gyrodctaliydae) from the African Cichlid fishes (2009)
The larva and puparium of the Oriental Pegadomyia pruinosa Kertész, with a world list of the described Pachygastrinae larvae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) (2009)
Diplogyrodactylus martini n. g. et sp. (Gyrodactylidae), a new gyrodactylid on grey bichir, Polypterus senegalus (Polypteridae) from Senegal (West Africa) (2009)
Diversity of Macrogyrodactylus spp. (Monogenea:Gyrodactylidae) across Africa: molecular and morphological comparisons (2009)
First record of alien crustaceans Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet, 1831) and Jaera istri Veuille, 1979 from the Czech Republic (2009)
A review of the soldier flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) of Sardinia (2009)
Bythinella hansboetersi Glöer et Pešić, 2006 (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) in Bulgaria: its morphology, molecular distinctness and phylogeography (2009)
Habitats and land use as determinants of plant invasions in the temperate zone of Europe (2010)
Redescription of Parapharyngodon micipsae (Seurat 1917) (Nematoda Pharyngodonidae) from the new host Tarentola parvicarinata Joger 1980 (Squamata Gekkonidae) (2009)
Fanniidae (2009)
New record of a rare parasitic fly Adapsilia coarctata Waga (Diptera: Pyrgotidae) from Europe (2009)
New records of Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) from Lithuania (2009)
Tachinidae (Diptera) from the Dukštu Ažuolynas forest (Neris Regional Park) (2009)
Tachinidae. (2009)
Imputation of environmental variables for vegetation plots based on compositional similarity (2010)
Xylophagidae, Stratiomyidae, Rhagionidae (2009)
Sciomyzidae, Phaeomyiidae (2009)
Survival of Rumex obtusifolius L. in an unmanaged grassland (2009)
ANTROPOLOGICKÝ SLOVNÍK (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění) aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk (2009)
Identification of Central European species of Botanophila Lioy, 1864, based on the female terminalia (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) (2009)
Dosévání druhů do obnovované louky (2008)
Travinnobylinná vegetácia Slovenska - elektronický expertný systém na identifikáciu syntaxónov (2007)
Diagnostic, constant and dominant species of the higher vegetation units of Slovakia (2008)
Parasite assemblages of European bitterling ( Rhodeus amarus ), composition and effects of habitat type and host body size (2008)
The interaction between an introduced fish host and local parasite fauna: Neogobius kessleri in the middle Danube River (2009)
A new species of diplozoid parasite described from Iranian fish Rutilus frisii kutum. (2009)
Diversity of monogenean parasites of freshwater fish of West Africa in the light of recent knowledge (2009)
Endoparasitic dactylogyrids (Monogenea) from the fish digestive system: a new species from the oesophagus of Hoplichthys citrinus (Scorpaeniformes) off the Chesterfield Islands, New Caledonia (2009)
Five new monogenean species from the gills of Mulloidichthys vanicolensis (Perciformes: Mullidae) off New Caledonia, with the proposal of Volsellituba n. gen. and Pennulituba n. gen. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) (2009)
Five new monogenean species from the gills of Mulloidichthys vanicolensis (Perciformes: Mullidae) off New Caledonia (2009)
Coevolutionary patterns in congeneric monogeneans: a review of Dactylogyrus species and their cyprinid hosts (2008)
Morphometric and molecular characteristics of Labeonema synodontisi n. comb. (Nematoda: Atractidae) from the West African fishes (2008)
Can monogeneans be a good biological model ? (2009)
Fytogeografie (2009)
Výzkum obnovy travních porostů (2008)
Kosce (Arachnida, Opiliones) Východnej časti Kozích Chrbtov (2010)
Predation activity of two winter-active spiders (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Philodromidae) (2010)
Pavúky (Aranea) in: Mašán P., Mihál I. (eds) Pavúkovce Cerovej vrchoviny (2010)
Faktory ovlivňující druhovou bohatost a strukturu taxocenóz dvoukřídlých na slatiništích Západních Karpat (2010)
Two cases of mother-infant cannibalism in orangutans (2009)
Mitochondrial phylogeography of the European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus, yields evidence on refugia for steppic taxa in the southern BalkansMitochondrial phylogeography of the ground squirrel (2009)
Genetic conflict outweighs heterogametic incompatibility in the mouse hybrid zone? (2008)
There is no heterotic effect upon developmental stability in the ventral side of the skull within the house mouse hybrid zone (2008)
Spatially Resolved Distribution Models of POP Concentrations in Soil: A Stochastic Approach Using Regression Trees (2009)
New Horizons of Genomic in situ Hybridization (2010)
Ecosystem concept in assessment of running waters degradation (2009)
Koexistence taxonů z čeledi pakomárovitých v tekoucích vodách: význam faktorů prostředí a struktury společenstva (2009)
Phytobenthos of small streams in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy and Javorníky Mountains (2010)
Occurence and co-occurence of stream chironomids: associations with environmental gradients and community characteristics (2009)
Description of Lemuricola (Lemuricola) pongoi-male (Nematoda: Enterobiinae) parasitising orangutan Pongo abelii (2010)
Mechorosty DP lomu Mokrá a EVL Sivický les (2007)
Putování výstavy Zelená krása mechorostů, aneb jak se státi bryologem (2007)
Nová bryologická literatura XVIII (2007)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 20. podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v NP Šumava (2007)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 14. jarního setkání Bryologickolichenologické sekce v Ruprechtově na Drahanské vrchovině (2007)
Příspěvek k bryoflóře NPR Trčkov (Orlické hory) (2007)
Mechorosty (2008)
The mosses Orthodontium lineare and Dicranum tauricum in nature reserves in the Žďárské vrchy Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic) (2008)
The influence of light and nutrient availability on herb layer species richness in oak-dominated forests in central Bohemia (2009)
Prohlášení České botanické společnosti aneb deset témat pro českou lesnickou politiku (2009)
Genome size and base composition in Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleoptera: Sylvanidae) and differences between native (feral) and silo pest populations in Israel (2010)
Natural hybridization and genome size (2009)
Flowering overlap as a predictor of natural hybridization frequency in nature (2009)
Nové možnosti využití metody GISH u rostlin (2009)
Využití metody průtokové cytometrie v botanice a zoologii (2009)
TaToo project: Tagging Tool on a Semantic Discovery Framework (2009)
Ferulago confusa Velen. (2009)
Amsinckia lycopsoides (Lehm.) Lehm. (2009)
Cyanobacterium Petalonema alatum Berk. ex Kirchn. - species variability and diversity (2010)
Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link (2009)
Stachys setifera C. A. Mey. (2009)
Comparison of macroinvertebrate feeding strategies in streams from Asia, South America and Europe (2008)
The ecological status of European rivers: evaluation and intercalibration of assessment methods (2006)
The ASSESS-HKH project: Context, approaches, objectives and results (2008)
Contribution to the knowledge of aquatic macroinvertebrates from Hindu Kush-Himalaya (2008)
Understanding intraspecific variation in genome size in plants (2010)
Quantification of retrotransposons in Eleocharis using degenerate real-time PCR (2009)
Use of flow cytometry in research on apomictic plants (2010)
Land snail species richness and abundance at small scales: the effects of distinguishing between live individuals and empty shells (2010)
Studie genomů pavoukovců: obsahy DNA a poměry AT/GC (2009)
Insight into DNA contents and base composition of Arachnid genomes (2009)
Gilia achilleifolia Benth. (2009)
Druhová bohatost trávníků ze svazu Cirsio-Brachypodion a její příčiny (2010)
Can tissue element concentration patterns at the individual-species level indicate the factors underlying vegetation gradients in wetlands? (2010)
Differences in trait compositions between rocky natural and artificial habitats (2010)
Feeding habits of two sympatric mustelid species, European polecat Mustela putorius and stone marten Martes foina, in the Czech Republic. (2009)
Multikriteriální hodnocení malých příměstských toků pro účely navrhování opatření (2010)
Reports 85-91 (In.: New floristic records in the Balkans: 13) (2010)
A new genus and species of ototretine firefly from Borneo (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) (2010)
SEM observation on Procamallanus (Procamallanus) laeviconchus (Wedl, 1861) (2010)
Structure of cephalic end and eggs of
Cithariniella khalili
Petter, Vassiliades & Troncy, 1972 (Pharyngodonidae) (2010)
Hlístice čeledi Camallanidae z afrických sladkovodních ryb (2010)
The origin and vegetation development of the Rejvíz pine bog and the history of the surrounding landscape during the Holocene (2010)
Biodiversity of green algae in urban habitats of Central Europe: autecology, ecology and biogeographic patterns (2010)
Do species feel overheated in the River Nedvědička? (2010)
Monogeneans (Dactylogyridae: Ancyrocephalinae) from the gills of Hydrocynus brevis and Citharinus citharus citharus in Senegal (2010)
Use of electron and fluorescence microscopy for study of gregarine epicyte and contractile elements (2010)
Světlušky podčeledi Ototretinae a evoluce bioluminiscence (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), (2010)
Evolution of neoteny in Elateroidea inferred from 18S rRNA a 16S rRNA: question of multiple origin and reversal; EU Improving Human Potential - Research Facility Access Program, Natural History Museum London. (2002)
Comparison of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) taxocenes of permanent and intermittent Central European small streams via species traits (2010)
Taxonomicky a molekulárně zajímavé cyanoprokaryoty rodu Petalonema (2010)
Nematodes of Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) from freshwater fishes in Senegal, with a key to species (2010)
Kombinace morfologických přístupů k vyhodnocení ontogenetických a fylogenetických adaptací diplozoonů (Monogenea) k ektoparazitickému způsobu života (2010)
Morphological study of adult parasite Eudiplozoon nipponicum by different microscopic techniques (2010)
Structure of kinship in population of Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funerus (2009)
Deterministic assembly of land snail communities according to species size and diet (2010)
Jsou morfologicky degradované toky zdrojem tepelného znečištění vody? (2010)
Selection of indicative taxa for river habitats: a case study on benthic macroinvertebrates using indicator species analysis and the random forest methods (2010)
Tradiční management jako klíč pro zachování saproxylické biodiverzity: Brouci v dutinách hlavatých vrb (2009)
Viability of an Osmoderma barnabita population in a pollard willow stand at Vojkovice (Czech Republic) (2010)
The surface topography of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) developmental stages parasitizing carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2010)
18th HELMINTHOLOGICAL DAYS 2010, Book of Abstracts (2010)
Habitats of relict terrestrial snails in southern Siberia: lessons for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironments of full-glacial Europe (2010)
Modern analogues from the Southern Urals provide insights into biodiversity change in the early Holocene forests of Central Europe (2010)
Pattern of local plant species richness along a gradient of landscape topographical heterogeneity: result of spatial mass effect or environmental shift? (2010)
Is there intraguild predation between winter-active spiders (Araneae) on apple tree bark? (2010)
Survival rate of bat bugs (Cimex pipistrelli, Heteroptera) under different microclimatic conditions (2010)
Cyanoprokaryotes of genus Petalonema - taxonomically and molecularly interesting taxa (2010)
Preliminary studies on the durability of damselfly (Odonata: Zygoptera) exuviae (2010)
Olfactory discrimination between two cryptic species of bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus (2010)
Do two cryptic pipistrelle bat species differ in their autumn and winter roosting strategies within the range of sympatry? (2010)
Rousettus aegyptiacus in the Mediterranean: Distribution, chorology and perspective (2010)
Czech and Slovak bat monitoring schemes: Experiences, results, inspirations (2010)
Phylogeography of Pipistrellus pipistrellus species group: radiation and reticulation (2010)
Advertisement calls of Pipistrellus nathusii: Complex message of individual males (2010)
BAARA Biological AutomAted RAdiotelemetry system: New technology in ecological fiel studies (2010)
Social behavior and vocalization of two cryptic bat species (2010)
One bushman and two quasi-villagers: Roost selection in three cryptic whiskered bats (Myotis alcathoe, M. mystacinus, M. brandtii) (2010)
Spatial activity and diet of Rousettus aegyptiacus in Cyprus: Does conservation of the only European fruit bat depend on supporting alien plants? (2010)
The symparty of Miniopterus schreibersii schreibersii and Miniopterus s. pallidus in three caves: the smoking gun for their elevation to full species status (2010)
Is the only european population of fruit bats close to extinction? (2010)
Importance of forest fragments in agricultural landscape to bats (2010)
Occurrence of bats in prefab houses in the Czech republic and their conservation (2010)
Are bats able to sniff out their roosts? (2010)
The variability of echolocation and social calls of cryptic pipistrelles across western Palaearctic (2010)
15th International Bat Research Conference Prague, 23-27 August 2010 (2010)
Summer monitoring of bat populations (2010)
Olfactory communication in cryptic species of pipistrelles, Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus (2010)
Microclimate or bat bugs (Cimicidae): possible cause of roost switching by vespertilionid bats (2010)
Roost switching and activity pattern of the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus revealed by radio-tracking (2010)
Variability of pipistrelle echolocation calls. Can bats, foraging in a group, change parameters of their signals ? (2010)
Results of bat census in the city of Brno (2010)
Taxonomic approach to the Dinera carinifrons species-group (Tachinidae) using different identification methods. (2010)
Are the Immunocompetence and the Presence of Metazoan Parasites in Cyprinid Fish Affected by Reproductive Efforts of Cyprinid Fish? (2010)
Cyanobacteria and algae as significat actors of biodeterioration (2010)
Ensayo de inhibición de El Estuco (2007)
Co-occurrence based measure of species habitat specialization: What does it really mean? (2010)
(Wedl, 1862) - really the only species of the subgenus
parasiting fish in Africa? (2010)
The effect of environmental parameters on algal assemblages in human-impacted suburban brooks (2010)
Natural and stressor drivers of invertebrate communities interacting in longitudinal dimension of stream ecosystems: from pilot studies to regional patterns (2010)
Hump-shaped species richness pattern along the elevation gradient in Taiwan: A result of mid-domain effect or heterogeneity? (2010)
Forest Vegetation Classification of Taiwan: an Analysis of the National Vegetation Database (2009)
A molecular analysis of Sciomyzidae (Diptera). (2010)
Phylogeny of flat-footed flies (Diptera, Platypezidae) based on mitochondrial gene analyses (2010)
New views on the taxonomy of Tachina spp. (Tachinidae): West Palaearctic species. (2010)
Sphagnum rubellum, extrémně vzácný druh na jesenických vrchovištích: výsledky terénního průzkumu a revize herbářových položek (2010)
Stabilizing selection on genome size in a population of Festuca pallens under condition of intensive intraspecific competition (2010)
Clotting factors and eicosanoids protect against nematode infections (2011)
Vegetation diversity of mesic meadows and pastures in the West Carpathians (2010)
Ethanol-fixed material used for both classical and molecular identification purposes: Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) as a case parasite species (2010)
Specialized pinworms of orang-utan (
Pongo abelii
: Hominidae) from Sumatra (2010)
How many species of the subgenus
is really exist in African freshwater fishes? (2010)
Vliv úkrytového parazita na netopýry a rychlost rekolonizace úkrytu (2010)
Patologické zmeny žalúdka myši ako následok kryptosporídiózy (2010)
Analysis of the host-parasite interactions in gastric pathogen Cryptosporidium muris (2010)
How sexual are the asexuals? (2010)
Pollen viability and natural hybridization of Central European species of Cirsium (2010)
A new cytotype of Jacobaea vulgaris (Asteraceae): frequency, morphology and origin (2010)
Monitoring biologické rozmanitosti vinic na jižní Moravě (2010)
Slovník zoologických termínov a taxónov (2010)
The evolution of base composition in monocots (2010)
The insecure future of Bulgarian refugial mires: economic progress versus Natura 2000 (2010)
Vertigo botanicorum sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Vertiginidae) - a new whorl-snail from the Russian Altai Mountains (2010)
Krajiny zamrzlé v čase I. Jižní Sibiř - současná analogie střední Evropy v době ledové (2010)
Krajiny zamrzlé v čase II. Jižní Ural - současná analogie střední Evropy ve starém a středním holocénu (2010)
Endemická vřetenovka opavská v kritickém ohrožení – z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2010)
The benthic community in running water changed by thermal regime (2010)
Review of the genus Ceratopriomorphus Pic, 1922 (Coleoptera: Lycidae) (2010)
Juncaginaceae Rich. - bařičkovité (2010)
Možnosti využití registračních teploměrů v dlouhodobém sledování vodního prostředí (2010)
Komentovaný seznam měkkýšů zjištěných ve volné přírodě České a Slovenské republiky (2010)
Pupilla pratensis in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and its distinction from P. muscorum and P. alpicola based on multidimensional analysis of shell measurements (Gastropoda: Pupillidae) (2010)
Aquatic oligochaetes (Annelida: Clitellata) of the Czech Republic: check-list, new records, and ecological remarks (2010)
Terminologický zoologický slovník (2010)
Společenstva mnohobuněčných parazitů jelce tlouště (Leuciscus cephalus): testování biogeografických hypotéz druhové diverzity (2010)
Association between major histocompatibility complex class IIB alleles and metazoan parasite load in populations of European chub (Leuciscus cephalus): testing of balancing selection (2010)
The response of chironomid assemblages (Diptera: Chironomidae) to hydraulic conditions: a case study in a gravel-bed river (2010)
Redescription, systematic status and molecular characterisation of Multicaecum heterotis Petter, Vassiliades et Marchand, 1979 (Nematoda: Heterocheilidae), an intestinal parasite of Heterotis niloticus (Osteichthyes: Arapaimidae) in Africa (2010)
Land snail faunas in Polish forests: patterns of richness and composition in a post-glacial landscape (2010)
Specialist ant-eating spiders selectively feed on different body parts to balance nutrient intake (2010)
Coercive copulation in two sexually cannibalistic camel-spider species (Arachnida: Solifugae) (2010)
The negative effect of some selective insecticides on the functional response of a potential biological control agent, the spider Philodromus cespitum (2010)
Organic matter and fine grains as possible determinants of spatial and seasonal variability in bed sediment fauna: A case study from a Hercynian gravel stream (2010)
A brute-force approach to vegetation classification (2010)
Specimen identification from time-series photographs using plastron morphometry in Testudo graeca ibera (2010)
Variabilita opaskovců (Annelida: Clitellata) na minerálně-trofickém gradientu prameništních slatinišť: srovnání velké a malé prostorové škály (2010)
Habitatové preference pijavic (Hirudinida) ve stojatých vodách Českého středohoří (2010)
The alliances Arrhenatherion, Cynosurion and Trifolion medii in western Bulgaria - environmental gradients and ecological limitations (2010)
Floristic diversity of an eastern Mediterranean dwarf shrubland: the importance of soil pH (2010)
Correlated evolution of LTR retrotransposons and genome size in the genus Eleocharis (2010)
Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, Czech Republic: species diversity and taxocenoses of sandstone watercourses (2010)
Pijavka lékařská (Hirudo medicinalis Linnaeus, 1758) – výskyt druhu ve střední Evropě a hledání příčin jeho kritického ohrožení v České republice (2010)
Condition status and parasite infection of Neogobius kessleri and N. melanostomus (Gobiidae) in their native and non-native area of distribution of the Danube River (2010)
Fish parasites in the Lake Turkana Kenya (2009)
Macrozoobenthos response to environmental degradation in a heavily modified stream: Case study the Upper Elbe River, Czech Republic (2010)
Polyphasic approach applying artificial neural networks, molecular analysis and postabdomen morphology to West Palaearctic Tachina spp. (Diptera, Tachinidae) (2011)
Rozlišovanie druhov Simulium reptans a Simulium galeratum (Diptera, Simuliidae) v štádiu kukiel. (2004)
Bromo moesiacae-Stipetum epilosae - a new association from the relict mountain steppe vegetation in South-Western Bulgaria (2010)
Sampling efficiency of Gerking sampler and sweep net in pond emergent littoral macrophyte beds (2010)
Distribution and diversity of littoral macroinvertebrates within extensive reed beds of a lowland pond (2010)
Vliv odbahnění na společenstvo vodních bezobratlých v rybničním litorálu (2010)
Výzkum vodních bezobratlých na vrchovištích a přechodových rašeliništích (2010)
The summer drainage of Nesyt Fishpond in 2007: a successful conservation measure or ecological catastrophe? (2010)
Molecular phylogeny of monogeneans parasitizing African freshwater Cichlidae inferred from LSU rDNA sequences (2010)
Nutrient stoichiometry in Sphagnum along a nitrogen deposition gradient in highly polluted region of Central-East Europe (2011)
Kde dnes znamená včera. Jihosibiřské refugium doby ledové (2010)
Dry grasslands in the Western Carpathians and the northern Pannonian Basin: a numerical classification (2010)
Structure, diversity and evolutionary patterns of expressed MHC class IIB genes in chub (Squalius cephalus), a cyprinid fish species from Europe (2011)
Plant species of the Central European flora as aliens in Australia (2010)
Contrasting patterns in the invasions of European terrestrial and freshwater habitats by alien plants, insects and vertebrates (2010)
Mapping invasion by alien plants in Europe (2010)
OptimClass: Using species-to-cluster fidelity to determine the optimal partition in classification of ecological communities (2010)
Katalog biotopů České republiky. Druhé vydání (2010)
Parasite hybridization in African Macrogyrodactylus spp. (Monogenea, Platyhelminthes) signals historical host distribution (2010)
The epidermal structure of Carassius gibelio: a link with ploidy status in spawning and postspawning periods (2010)
The distribution of arctic-alpine elements within high-altitude vegetation of the Western Carpathians in relation to environmental factors, life forms and phytogeography (2010)
Současný stav lokalit druhů Meesia triquetra a Paludella squarrosa (Meesiaceae) v České republice (2010)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 304. Coleoptera, Hydraenidae (2010)
Biogeografie (2010)
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in entomology (2010)
Aplicaciones de Redes Neuronales en Ciencia (2010)
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in entomology. (2010)
Increasing Incidence of Geomyces destructans Fungus in Bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2010)
Artificial intelligence, a challenge for semiautomatic thrips identification (2010)
Dlouhodobé změny taxocenózy jepic (Ephemeroptera) ritrálních úseků toků v povodí Moravy a Odry (2010)
Prostorová variabilita hyporeosu v toku s ovlivněným průtokovým režimem (2010)
Experiences in rearing of Bombus lucorum L. (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in captivity (2010)
Cooperation among worker of Bombus terrestris and queens of several bumble bee (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) species in starting colonies (2010)
Tachinidae Robineau-Desvoidy 1830. (2009)
Platypezidae Fallén, 1815, Opetiidae Rondani, 1856 (2009)
A review of the Korean Sciomyzidae (Diptera) with taxonomic and distributional notes (2010)
A new genus and three new species of Oriental Oxycerini (Diptera: Stratiomyidae: Stratiomyinae) with notes on new generic synonyms in two other stratiomyine genera (2010)
The West-Carpathian tufa fens – a 17-thousand-year-old history (2010)
Co je to fytocenologický snímek (2010)
Velký Kosíř u Prostějova - významný mezník v rozšíření teplomilných doubrav na Moravě (2009)
Neobvyklá lokalita chruplavníku rolního (Polycnemum arvense) u Náměště nad Oslavou a několik poznámek k ekologii druhu (2010)
Fenomén subkontinentálních doubrav: diverzita, dynamika a historie jednoho neobyčejného společenstva (2010)
Fytogeografická charakteristika Litomyšlska (2010)
Turboveg check-up (2010)
Časoprostorová aktivita netopýra velkého (Myotis myotis) v postlaktačním období (2010)
New records of Hypsugo savii in the Czech Republic (2010)
Biodiverzita živočichů v lesních porostech (2010)
Biodiverzita živočichů v lesních porostech (2010)
Vertical distribution of saproxylic beetle flight activity (2010)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 301: Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae (2010)
Harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) of the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) Sekáči (Arachnida, Opiliones) Tater (Slovensko) (2010)
Závisí ochrana kyperských kaloňů na podpoře výskytu invazních rostlin? Prostorová a potravní aktivita kaloně egyptského (Rousettus aegyptiacus) na Kypru ve vrcholném létě (2010)
Swarmingové chování dvou kryptických druhů netopýrů (Pipistrellus pipistrellus a P. pygmaeus) v blízkosti jejich zimoviště (2010)
Mitochondrial DNA confirms low genetic variation of the greater mouse-eared bats, Myotis myotis, in Central Europe (2010)
Mechanisms of radiation in a bat group from the genus Pipistrellus inferred by phylogeography, demography and population genetics (2010)
Cave visitation by temperate zone bats: effects of climatic factors (2010)
Microsatellite markers confirm extensive population fragmentation of the endangered Balkan palaeoendemic Martino s vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi) (2010)
Activity and ecological parameters of bat hibernation in caves of the Moravian Karst (2010)
Bats and bat research in the Moravian Karst: 1850-2010 (2011)
Temporal pattern of activity of Pipistrellus pipistrellus in the Hranická Chasm (2010)
Přehled výskytu vztekliny v Evropě a v ČR, zaměřeno na netopýry (2010)
Aphid secretions as an Alternative Glycid source for Cuckobee species of the genus Sphecodes (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) (2010)
Lekníny (rod Nymphaea) v jižních Čechách (2010)
Iris L. - kosatec (2010)
Jsou degradované úseky toků zdrojem tepelného znečištění vody? (2010)
Natural history of the Iberian solifuge Gluvia dorsalis (Solifuges: Daesiidae). (2010)
Nová bryologická literatura XIX (2008)
Nová bryologická literatura XX (2008)
Nová bryologická literatura XXII (2010)
Nová bryologická literatura XXIII (2010)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 16. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS ve Svatošských skalách na Karlovarsku (2009)
Bryophytes on rock cliffs in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (2009)
Mechorosty – součást naší přírody (2009)
Mechorosty vybraných lokalit Drahanské, Hornosvratecké a Zábřežské vrchoviny (2009)
Environmental factors structuring bryophyte species composition in block fields in south-western Moravia (Czech Republic) (2010)
Temperature Preference and Respiration of Acaridid Mites (2010)
Bryoflóra vybraných pískovcových výchozů na Vsetínsku (2009)
Současný stav populací druhů Helodium blandowii (Thuidiaceae) a Scorpidium scorpioides (Calliergonaceae) v České republice (2010)
Diversity of bryophytes in show caves in Slovenia and relation to light intensities (2010)
The moss Rhabdoweisia crenulata (Mitt.) H. Jameson in the Czech Republic and adjacent regions (2010)
Mech Pseudobryum cinclidioides (Huebener) T. J. Kop. v Moravskoslezských Beskydech v kontextu recentních údajů z ČR a SR (2010)
Susceptibility to parasite infection in sympatric and allopatric population of European bitterling - field experiment (2010)
Pupilla pratensis (Gastropoda: Pupillidae) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - its known distribution, ecology and conchometrical distinction from P. muscorum and P. alpicola (2010)
Chromosome numbers of Carex (2011)
Host-parasite interactions in sympatric and allopatric population of European bitterling - field experiment (2010)
Mollusc assemblages in fens of southern Scandinavia: variation along the gradient of mineral richness (2010)
Nutrient concentrations in Sphagnum capitula as indicators of nutrient availability to bog plants (2010)
Alpine wetlands in the West Carpathians: vegetation survey and vegetation–environment relationships (2011)
Rozšíření vybraných typů přirozené a polopřirozené vegetace (2009)
Viola montana and V. persicifolia (Violaceae): Two names to be rejected (2010)
Doprovodné rostliny (2010)
(1985) Proposal to conserve the name Viola elatior against V. hornemanniana and Viola stipulacea (Violaceae) (2010)
(1983-1984) Proposals to reject the names Viola montana and V. persicifolia (Violaceae) (2010)
Some faunistic data on the bats of Italy (2010)
Emergence patterns of dragonflies from a small pool in South Moravia (Czech Republic) (2010)
Symposium Říční dno VII (2010)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum in focus: monogenean exhibiting a highly specialized adaptation for ectoparasitic lifestyle (2011)
Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies (2011)
Symposium Říční dno VII. Sborník abstraktů a příspěvků. (2010)
Antibacterial methods based on bioluminescent bacteria (2011)
Stereoscopic scanning electron micrographs of head structures of parasitic vertebrate nematode (2011)
Teritoriální chování u netopýrů (2011)
Ovlivňuje druh hostitele ontogenezi a přežívání štěnice Cimex pipistrelli? (2011)
Telemetrie koroptve polní (Perdix perdix): Předběžné výsledky projektu (2009-2010) (2011)
Rizika přežívání koroptve polní: sezónní proměnlivost, vliv věku a pohlaví (2011)
"Saranče žlutokřídlá" a její výskyt v ČR (2011)
Analýza populačního trendu Saga pedo (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) na okraji areálu: hojnější nebo intenzivněji studována? (2011)
Distribution and habitat requirements of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs in the Bohemian Forest. (2010)
Occurrence of the vegetative propagules in the moss Orthotrichum stramineum Hornsch. - a new piece of knowledge. (2007)
Vývoj rozšíření neofytického mechu Campylopus introflexus v České republice. (2006)
Interesting records of Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. (Metzgeriales) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. (2006)
Genetická struktura severní části areálu kaloně Rousettus aegyptiacus (2011)
Je jediná evropská populace kalonů na pokraji vymření? (2011)
Úkrytová ekologie tří kryptických druhů netopýrů (Myotis alcathoe, Myotis mystacinus, Myotis brandtii) žijících v sympatrii (2011)
Prostorová aktivita a potrava kyperských kaloňů v extrémních obdobích roku (2011)
GTAG: Architecture of Miniature Transmitter for Radio Tracking with Position Logging (2011)
Biologie skupiny "Oligocheta" (2010)
Two new Patagonian species of Atrichopogon (Meloehelea) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (2011)
Bias in vegetation databases? A comparison of stratified-random and preferential sampling (2011)
Nematodes of freshwater fishes in West Africa (2008)
Experimental study of the longevity of Paradiplozoon homoion stages (2007)
The effect of environmental stress on parasite communities of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in model localities (2008)
Comparative karyology of diplozoid species from fish hosts Abramis spp- (2009)
Scanning electron microscope observations of nematodes of the genus Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) (2007)
Vliv morfologie koryta a způsobu využití okolní krajiny člověkem na charakter společenstva máloštětinatých červů („Oligochaeta“): hodnocení na více úrovních prostorové škály (2008)
The effect of Lernaea cyprinacea (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) infection on fish host (2007)
The effect of fish dominance status on the relationship between fecundity and virulence of salmon lice (2007)
Metazoan parasite species richness and diversity of european bitterling: effect of geographical and phylogenetic distance (2009)
Spatial variation in species diversity and composition of metazoan parasite communities of the European bitterling across its geographical range (2009)
Monogenean parasites distribution in Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) introduced in Europe (2009)
Differences in species diversity and composition of monogenean parasite assemblages of the European bitterling along its distribution area (2009)
Immunocompetence and parasitism in tench (Tinca tinca L.) with different ploidy level (2010)
Vliv dominance lososa obecného (Salmo salar L.) na vztah plodnosti a virulence parazitického korýše Lepophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer, 1837). (2010)
Vliv intenzity pohlavního výběru na kondici a parazitární napadení hořavky duhové (2006)
Effects of black spot disease on the biology of the fish intermediate host (2008)
Ektoparaziti introdukovaných populací slunečnice pestré Lepomis gibbosus v Evropě (2008)
May natural parasite infection affect the reproduction success of European bitterling? (2010)
May parasite infection affect the reproductive success in European bitterling? (2007)
Prostorová distribuce a morfometrická variabilita přichycovacích struktur žaberních monogeneí slunečnice pestré Lepomis gibbosus (2009)
Relationship between the bitterling fish and freshwater mussels in recent and ancient sympatric populations (2010)
Utilization of lentic waterbodies for fish reproduction and parasite dispersal (2006)
Coevolutionary dynamics between the European bitterling and freshwater mussels in Central Europe and Pontic region (2009)
Koevoluční dynamika ve vztahu hořavek a sladkovodních mlžů: srovnání oblasti střední Evropy a Malé Asie (2010)
Tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas, 1814) has joined three other Ponto-Caspian gobies in the Vistula River (Poland) (2008)
Flood duration determines the reproduction success of fish in artificial oxbows in a floodplain of a potamal river (2010)
Breeding resource distribution affects selection gradients on male phenotypic traits: experimental study on lifetime reproductive success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus amarus) (2009)
Invasive gobies in the Danube: invasion success facilitated by availability and selection of superior food resources (2009)
The bitterling–mussel coevolutionary relationship in areas of recent and ancient sympatry (2010)
Five new monogenean species from the gills of Mulloidichthys vanicolensis (Perciformes: Mullidae) off New Caledonia, with the proposal of Volsellituba n. g. and Pennulituba n. g. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) (2010)
Kryptosporídie: epicelulárne parazity v objatí hostiteľskej bunky, alebo keď zdanie klame (2010)
Gregarines: Humble subtenants or highly sophisticated parasites? (2010)
Gregarines: ‘primitive' apicomplexans or highly sophisticated parasites? (2010)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum in focus: monogenean parasite exhibiting a highly specialized adaptation for ectoparasitic life. (2010)
Nanotrema niokoloensis sp. nov. and a redescription of N. citharini Paperna, 1969 (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) from the gills of Citharinus citharus citharus (Characiformes, Citharinidae) from Senegal (2011)
Gregariny: skromní podnájomníci alebo rafinovaní paraziti? (2010)
Parasite fauna of native and non-native populations of two goby species (Gobiidae) in the longitudinal profile of the River Danube (2006)
Kryptosporídie: epicelulárne parazity v objatí membrány hostiteľskej bunky (2009)
Standardizace experimentálních přístupů k manipulaci s gregarinami: příprava modelů pro imunohistochemické studie (2009)
Čo sa stane s epimeritom eugregarín (Apicomplexa) po uvoľnení trofozoita? (2007)
Dactylogyridi (Monogenea) z jícnu hlubokomořské ryby Hoplichthys citrinus (Scorpaeniformes: Hoplichthyidae) (2010)
Diversity of monogeneans (Monopisthocotylea: Dactylogyridae) from freshwater fishes of the Turkana Lake, Kenya: current state and prospects (2010)
Comparative karyological analysis of four diplozoid species (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), gill parasites of cyprinid fishes (2011)
Aplikovaná hydrobiologie (2010)
Na velikosti záleží – trpasličí plži na otevřených slatiništích (2011)
Nález hlístice Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Railiet,1899) (Syngamidae:Nematoda) u orangutanů (Pongo pygmeus abelii) ze severní Sumatry (2006)
Zrnovka slatinná (Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871), Gastropoda) - staronový druh našich mokřadů (2010)
Ekologie zrnovky alpské (Pupilla alpicola) v Západních Karpatech (2011)
Společenstva měkkýšů na slatiništích jižní Skandinávie: změny podél gradientu minerální bohatosti (2010)
Ochrana a ekologie reliktního plže Vertigo geyeri v Západních Karpatech a Polsku (2011)
Parasites species diversity and infection intensity of orangutan - ecology factors with an emphasis on food items in their diet (2010)
Record of the gapeworm Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Railiet, 1899) (Syngamidae: Nematoda) in semi-wild population of Sumatran orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelii Lesson, 1827) in Indonesi (2007)
Gastrointestinal parasites of orangutan (Pongo abelii) (2009)
Vodní máloštětinatci (Annelida: Clitellata) České republiky (2011)
Predictive power of vegetation and environmental factors for explaining variation of meadow snail communities (2008)
Meadow snail communities : influence of environmental factors and relation to vegetation (2009)
Společenstva plžů a rostlin lučních stanovišť: analýza vzájemných vztahů a vlivu vybraných faktorů prostředí (2010)
Využití vegetace a Ellenbergových indikačních hodnot při studiu ekologie suchozemských plžů (2010)
Medicinal use of plants by orang-utans (2010)
Význam ekologického vinohradnictví pro ochranu přírody a krajiny (2011)
Botrychium lunaria (2010)
Botrychium matricariifolium (2010)
Carex alba (2010)
Centaurea stenolepis (2010)
Coeloglossum viride (2010)
Cyperus michelianus (2010)
Dianthus superbus subsp. superbus (2010)
Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica (2010)
Geranium sanguineum (2010)
Malaxis monophyllos (2010)
Typha shuttleworthii (2010)
The combined effect of waterlogging, extractable P and soil pH on α-diversity: a case study on mesotrophic grasslands in the UK (2011)
Cryptochrome 2 necessary for magnetosensitivity of American cockroach Periplaneta americana. (2011)
Environmental factors influencing herb layer productivity in Central European oak forests: insights from soil and biomass analyses and a phytometer experiment (2011)
Hemolymph clotting and immunity. (2011)
The role of the river and its floodplain in land mollusc distribution in a fragmented landscape (2010)
Karpatská bazická slatiniště v historickém přehledu – příběh dlouhý 17 tisíc let (2011)
Disentangling the effects of water chemistry and substratum structure on moss-dwelling unicellular and multicellular micro-organisms in spring-fens (2011)
Testing a relict distributional pattern of fen plant and terrestrial snail species at the Holocene scale: a null model approach (2011)
Species richness and composition patterns of clitellate (Annelida) assemblages in the treeless spring fens: the effect of water chemistry and substrate (2011)
Floodplain corridor and slope effects on land mollusc distribution patterns in a riverine valley (2011)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 293: Coleoptera: Corylophidae (2010)
The small annelids (Annelida: Enchytraeidae, Rhyacodrilinae, Aeolosomatidae) in soils of three forests in the White Carpathians (Czech Republic) (2010)
Erratum - Correction to the article “Has Tilia x euchlora a detrimental effect on soil annelids in urban greens?” (2010)
Constructing Phylogenetic Trees Based on Intra-Group Analysis of Human Mitochondrial DNA (2011)
Diverzita biotických společenstev: Kauzální analýza variability v prostoru a čase (2011)
Problematika kultivace mikroskopických vláknitých řas rodu Klebsormidium a jejich ontogeneze (2011)
Freshwater diatoms of Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean) (2011)
From light microscopy to microradiology: selected imaging methods in helminthology (2011)
SEM and molecular characterization of Dujardinascaris madagascariensis (Heterocheilidae) - gastric crocodile nematode (2011)
The seasonal changes in innate immunity of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2011)
Diversity of Central European urban biota: effects of human-made habitat types on plants and land snails (2011)
Pathogenicity of four entomopathogenic nematodes species to G. mellonella larvae (2011)
Genetic diversity of the class II major histocompatibility DRA locus in European, Asiatic and African domestic donkeys (2011)
Small-Scale Distribution of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Two Spring Fens with Different Groundwater Chemistry (2011)
Are fish immune systems really affected by parasites? An immunoecological study of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). (2011)
Biotic homogenization of Central European urban floras depends on residence time of alien species and habitat types (2011)
Prehistoric origin of extremely species-rich semi-dry grasslands in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. (2011)
The relationships between the bog vegetation and water chemistry: difference between single samples and long-term averages (2011)
Morphologically uniform bats Hipposideros aff. ruber (Hipposideridae) exhibit high mitochondrial genetic diversity in southeastern Senegal (2011)
The composition of Diptera assemblages along the gradient of mineral richness in the spring fens (2011)
Subfossil chironomid head capsules of filled up shallow lake Jurský Šůr near Bratislava, Slovakia - preliminary results (2011)
Taxocenózy jepic (Ephemeroptera), pošvatek (Plecoptera) a chrostíků (Trichoptera) pramenných stružek Západních Karpat (2010)
Testing community assembly predictions for nominal and continuous plant traits in species-rich grasslands (2011)
Paludella squarrosa (Hedw.) Brid. in the Slovak Republic (2011)
Cyanophytes on limestone rocks in the Szopczański Gorge (Pieniny Mountains) - their ecomorphology and ultrastructure (2011)
Is species richness and composition of spring fen vegetation dependent on contact communities? (2008)
EIV in zoological research: an example of mollusc assemblages along a moisture gradient from fens to grasslands (2010)
Effect of sex, age and social status on the mortality risk of the grey partridge (2011)
Alliance Arrhenatherion elatioris in West Bulgaria (2011)
Determinační znaky středoevropských larev druhů rodu Electrogena ZURWERRA & TOMKA, 1985 (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) (2011)
Interactions between Liometopum microcephalum (Formicidae) and other dominant ant species of sympatric occurrence (2011)
Znovu o rozrazilu pamětníkolistém, Veronica acinifolia (2011)
Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler (2011)
Potentilla turkestanica, a rare species new to the flora of Russia (2011)
Macroinvertebrate assemblages of fen streamlets in the Outer Western Carpathian Mts (2011)
Familiální výskyt balancované a nebalancované formy translokace t(1;12) v rodině se dvěma postižnými dětmi (2011)
Dispersal limitation in central European urban communities (2011)
Flóra a vegetace přírodních parků Kornatický potok a Kamínky jihovýchodně od Plzně (2010)
GTAG: architecture and design of miniature transmitter with position logging for radio telemetry (2011)
European habitats as donors of alien plant species for other continents (2010)
Habitat preferences of invasive plant species in the floodplain of the lower Morava River, Czech Republic (2006)
Riparian and coastal habitats are the most important donors of invasive plants of European origin (2011)
Is species richness of small spring fens influenced by the spatial mass effect? (2011)
Comparison of two semiquantitative methods for collecting free-living leeches (2011)
Assemblages of leeches (Hirudinida, Clitellata) and predictor models of their habitat preferences (2011)
Netopýři Hranické propasti po 10 letech (2011)
Environmental and spatial controls of biotic assemblages in a discrete semi-terrestrial habitat: comparison of organisms with different dispersal ability sampled in the same plots (2011)
Long-term vegetation changes in bogs exposed to high amospheric deposition, aerial liming and climate fluctuation (2011)
Subaerial cyanobacteria and algae across Central European cities (2011)
Freshwater diatoms of Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean) (2011)
One microbial bioassay for a method of cyanobacterial and algal removal (2011)
Structure of Vertebral Arch in Human and in Selected Mammals (2011)
Mollusc communities in Bulgarian fens: predictive power of the environment, vegetation, and spatial structure in an isolated habitat (2011)
Mollusc assemblages in palaeoecological reconstructions: an investigation of their predictive power using transfer function models (2011)
Ecological and historical determinants of Western Carpathian populations of Pupilla alpicola (Charpentier, 1837) in relation to its present range and conservation (2011)
Forest snail faunas from Transylvania (Romania), and their relationship to the faunas of Central and Northern Europe (2011)
Habitat requirements and distribution of Gyraulus rosmaessleri (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in northwestern Bohemia (2011)
Trpasličí plži na slatiništích - proč je dobré být malý (2011)
Central European fens: isolated mollusc communities in space and time (2011)
Zařízení pro sledování pohybu zvířat opatřených vysílači (2011)
The wave towards a new steady state: effects of earthworm invasion on soil microbial functions (2011)
Die Totholzfauna der südmährischen March-Thaya-Auen (2011)
Health and ornamentation in Grey partridge (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Prameniště jako modelová stanoviště pro sledování komunikace populací v říční síti (2011)
Prameny jako modelové habitaty pro výzkum komunikace mezi populacemi v rámci říční sítě (2011)
Biological diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates as a tool for water management (2011)
A parasitoid wasp induces overwintering behaviour in its spider host (2011)
Host specificity and temporal and seasonal shifts in host preference of a web-spider parasitoid Zatypota percontatoria (2011)
Alarming decline in the sole European population of fruit bats: is human activity or climate responsible? (2011)
Anthriscus nitida (Wahlenb.) Hazsl. (2011)
Arctium nemorosum Lej. (2011)
Cichorium endivia L. (2011)
Corallorhiza trifida Chatel. (2011)
Dianthus sylvaticus Willd. (2011)
Epilobium alsinifolium Vill. (2011)
Equisetum variegatum Weber et Mohr (2011)
Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz (2011)
Ligusticum mutellina (L.) Crantz (2011)
Výsledky floristického kursu České botanické společnosti v Šumperku (2.-10.7.1982) (2009)
Myrrhis odorata (L.) Scop. (2011)
Peucedanum palustre (L.) Moench (2011)
Reseda luteola L. (2011)
Senecio subalpinus Koch (2011)
Symphytum tuberosum L. (2011)
Trifolium alexandrinum L. (2011)
Utricularia bremii Heer (2011)
Ornithopus sativus Brot. (2011)
Body architecture of the parasitic worm (2011)
Carex tomentosa L. - ostřice plstnatá (2010)
Filipendula vulgaris Mill. - tužebník obecný (2010)
Triglochin palustris L. - bařička bahenní (2010)
Syndróm bieleho nosa – vážna hrozba pre zimujúce netopiere (2011)
Genetic diversity in populations (2011)
Do ant-mimics imitate cuticular hydrocarbons of their models? (2011)
Ecology of Arachnida alien to Europe (2011)
Global patterns of guild composition and functional diversity of spiders (2011)
Armoured spiderman: morphological and behavioural adaptations of a specialised araneophagous predator (Araneae: Palpimanidae) (2011)
Trophic strategy of ant-eating Mexcala elegans (Araneae: Salticidae): Looking for evidence of evolution of prey-specialization (2011)
Is the evolution of innacurate mimicry a result of selection by a suit of predators? A case study using myrmecomorphic spiders (2011)
Update to the zodariid spider fauna of the Iberian Peninsula and Madeira (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2011)
Sexual cannibalism in the European garden spider Araneus diadematus: the roles of female hunger and mate size dimorphism (2011)
Life-history constraints in inaccurate Batesian myrmecomorphic spiders (Araneae: Corinnidae, Gnaphosidae) (2011)
Intersexual trophic niche partitioning in an ant-eating spider (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2011)
Assessment of color and behavioral resemblance to models by inaccurate myrmecomorphic spiders (Araneae) (2011)
Sperm storage and copulation duration in a sexually cannibalistic spider (2011)
Contributions to the distribution and ecology of Carex hordeistichos Vill. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2011)
The evolution and meaning of DNA base composition in monocots (2011)
Universal relation between genome and stomatal size across tracheophytes and putative genome expansion during terrestrialization of plants (2011)
Biotopové preference koroptve polní (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Effect of selected ecological factors on parasites infection of Sumatran orang-utan (Pongo abelii) in two different localities of their natural habitat. (2011)
The relationship between the mercuryconcentration in fish musclesand scales/fins and its significance (2011)
Hodnocení vlivu využití krajiny na chemismus a společenstva fytobentosu malých toků (2011)
At the north-eastern extremity: variation in Cepaea nemoralis around Gdańsk, northern Poland (2011)
Synanthropic vegetation of the Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris alliance in the Czech Republic (2011)
Consequent effects of the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) predation on parasite infection and body condition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2012)
Vliv fragmentace porostů a typu lesa na společenstva netopýrů (2011)
Analysis of anatomical and functional traits of xylem in Humulus lupulus L. stems (2011)
Včely v zahradách (2010)
Čmeláci na zahradě (2010)
Vliv oteplených důlních vod na společenstvo máloštětinatých opaskovců (Annelida,Clitellata) (2011)
Population structure of permanent fauna in Carpathian spring fens - preliminary results (2011)
Dvoukřídlí (Diptera) prameništních slatinišť: vliv minerálně-trofického gradientu (2011)
Vliv environmentálních gradientů na společenstvo pijavic (Clitellata: Hirudinida) v podmínkách stojatých a tekoucích vod České republiky (2011)
New morphological data on the first-stage larvae of two Procamallanus species (Nematoda: Camallanidae) based on SEM studies (2011)
Redescription and resurrection of Bertiella satyri (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae) parasitizing the orangutan (Pongo abelii) in Indonesia (2011)
Long-term changes of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) taxocoenoses: a case study from the Czech Republic (2011)
Dlouhodobé změny taxonomické a funkční struktury taxocénů jepic (Ephemeroptera) v povodí Moravy a Odry v České republice (2011)
Sdílíme tasemnice s našimi nejbližšími příbuznými? Molekulární a morfologická studie anoplocephalidních tasemnic z primátů (2011)
Ecofaunistic characteristic of dragonflies in Czech Silesia (2006)
Vývoj společenstva bezobratlých na dně tůní (2008)
Rotační model sukcese (2008)
The succession of dragonfly communities in ponds (2008)
A review of the Oriental and Australasian Ptilocera species (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2011)
Říční dřevo ve vodních tocích ČR (2011)
Notes on distribution of Bombus cryptarum (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Moravian territory (Czech Republic) and its laboratory rearing. (2011)
Dovednosti žáků ve výuce přírodopisu (2011)
Dovednosti žáků a učitelů ve výuce přírodopisu (2011)
Evaluating the stability of the classification of community data (2011)
Successful invaders co-opt pollinators of native flora and accumulate insect pollinators with increasing residence time (2011)
Floristic diversity patterns in the White Carpathians Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic (2011)
Vegetation change in Southeast Greenland? Tasiilaq revisited after 40 years (2011)
Heterogeneity-constrained random resampling of phytosociological databases (2011)
Parciální regrese ložisek Erdheimovy-Chesterovy nemoci v CNS po léčbě 2-chlorodeoxyadenosinem a jejich kompletní vymizení při léčbě lenalidomidem (2011)
Vegetace České republiky 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace (2011)
Journal development, vegetation survey and the restoration of invaded ecosystems (2011)
Competition, invasion effects versus invasiveness and fuzzy classification (2011)
Vegetation survey: a new focus for Applied Vegetation Science (2011)
The Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD): a new resource for vegetation science (2011)
Die mitteleuropäischen Datenbanken im Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD) (2011)
Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change (2012)
The innovation of the STAPHYtest 16 identification kit produced by PLIVA-Lachema Diagnostioka s.r.o. (2006)
Measurements of genomic GC content in plant genomes with flow cytometry: a test for reliability (2012)
Genome size and DNA base composition of geophytes: the mirror of phenology and ecology? (2012)
The role of the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus, Cyprinidae) in parasite accumulation and transmission in riverine ecosystems (2011)
Monogenean parasites of introduced pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) in the Danube River Basin (2011)
The role of European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus, Cyprinidae) in parasite accumulation and transmission in aquatic ecosystems (2011)
Fish assemblages and their parasites in the Lake Turkana, Kenya (2011)
Parasite fauna of native and non-native populations of Neogobius melanostomus (Gobiidae) in the longitudinal profile of the Danube River (2011)
Host-parasite interactions in sympatric and allopatric populations of European bitterling (2011)
Vytvoření webové stránky zaměřené na chov hmyzu, entomofágii a přežití v přírodě (2011)
The effect of fish ploidy level on the structure of metazoan parasite communities of tench (Tinca tinca L.) (2011)
Are arboreal spiders associated with particular tree canopies? (2011)
The variability of MHC genes and parasite diversity in two cyprinid species, C. toxostoma and C. nasus, in hybrid zone (2011)
Metodologie stanovení variability alel MHC genů u ryb čeledi Cyprinidae (2011)
Modified sample preparation from ethanol fixed material for identification of Eudiplozoon nipponicum as a case parasite species for the combined morphological and molecular characterization (2010)
Variability of major histocompatibility complex class IIB genes in Chondrostoma nasus and Chondrostoma toxostoma and their respective hybrids (2010)
The freshwater leeches (Clitellata: Hirudinida) of the Czech Republic – preference of different types of water bodies (2011)
Traditional and diversified crops in South Moravia (Czech Republic): Habitat preferences of common vole and mice species. (2011)
Depleted genetic variation of the European ground squirrel in Central Europe in both microsatellites and the major histocompatibility complex gene: implications for conservation (2011)
Časové změny v aktivitě Pipistrellus pipistrellus v blízkosti úkrytu v Hranické propasti (Česká republika) (2010)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
19th HELMINTHOLOGICAL DAYS 2011, Book of Abstracts (2011)
Jasnost a strukturovanost jako aspekt kvality výuky v biologii (2011)
Distribution of stoneflies of the family Taeniopterygidae (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic: earlier data, new records and recent distributional changes (2011)
Historic and current distribution of an endangered stonefly Perla grandis (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in the Czech Republic (2011)
Exploration of factors at catchment and floodplain scales targeted to modelling structure of river macroinvertebrate communities in the Morava River basin (2011)
Atlas rozšíření suchozemských plžů v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2011)
Šipákové doubravy na Vysočině. (2011)
A record of Juncus sphaerocarpus from dry grasslands near Rokytná (Moravia, Czech Republic). (2011)
Scanning electron microscopy focused on the key characteristics of the genus Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) (2011)
Evidence for Centromere Drive in the Holocentric Chromosomes of Caenorhabditis (2012)
Biotic homogenization of Central European urban floras depends on residence time of alien species and habitat types (2012)
Kožní a mimokožní projevy histiocytózy z Langerhansových buněk v obrazech (2012)
Vybrané druhy jepic čeledi Heptageniidae v České republice - možnost jejich využití jako indikátoru klimatické změny (2011)
An improved method for nematode infection assays in Drosophila larvae (2012)
The impact of sediment removal on the aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage in a fishpond littoral zone (2011)
Lead, mercury and cadmium content in bottom sediments, reed (Phragmites australis) beds and great pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis) in fishponds and the role of littoral zones in their accumulation (2011)
Review of the genus Hyperstoma (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) (2011)
Vodní režim a vegetační skladba jizerskohorských vrchovišť (2011)
Jak měnící se živinové poměry vrchovišť Jizerských hor a Jeseníků ovlivňují dekompozici: transplantační experiment (2011)
Sperm and embryo analysis of similar t(7;10) translocations transmitted in two families (2011)
Five new species of the genus Gyrodactylus (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) on African catfishes (2011)
Enzymatic activity at monogenean parasites (2011)
Parasite hybridization in African Macrogyrodactylus spp. (Monogenea:Gyrodactylidae) signal historical host distribution (2010)
Molecular phylogeny of African gyrodactylid monogeneans (2011)
The description of five new species of Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832 (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) parasitizing African catfishes (2011)
Biochemical observation of the enzymatic activity in fish parasites (2011)
Infection of Gyrodactylus species on African catfish: an example of morphological and molecular diversity of monogenean parasites over African continent (2011)
Prognostic impact of p53 aberrations for R-CHOP-treated patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2011)
Výuka biogeografie na Geografickém ústavu MU (2011)
Wax moth (Galleria mellonella) as a bio-indicator model in ecotoxicological studies on cadmium (2012)
Vliv a funkce antimikrobiálních proteinů v bílku u prekociálních ptáků (2012)
Habitat preferences and conservation of Vertigo geyeri (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Slovakia and Poland (2012)
Bromus arvensis L. - sveřep rolní (2011)
Reliktný druh Catoscopium nigritum (Bryophyta) na slatinných rašeliniskách Západných Karpát (Slovensko) (2011)
Makrozoobentos pramenných stružek na slatiništích moravsko-slovenského pomezí (2012)
The effect of different DNA isolation protocols and AFLP fingerprinting optimizations on error rate estimates in the bryophyte Campylopus introflexus (2012)
The second site of Pupilla alpicola (Charpentier, 1837) and the first recent record of Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871) in Poland (2012)
Radiation in Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissooidea) in the Balkans (2012)
Západokarpatská pěnovcová slatiniště – příběh dlouhý 17 tisíc let (2012)
Pomalí nebo rychlí? Šíření suchozemských plžů (2012)
Malakofauna polských slatinišť – velká neznámá (2012)
Nová bryologická literatura XXV. (2011)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 17. jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání v Chřibech (2011)
Prostorové uspořádání suchozemských (2012)
Bryofloristický příspěvek z Tišnovska (2011)
Rozšíření suchozemských plžů v CHKO Bílé Karpaty – výsledek patnáctiletého snažení (2012)
Rousettus aegyptiacus (Pteropodidae) in the Palaearctic: list of records and revision of the distribution range (2011)
First record of Schreiber's bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl, 1817), in the Czech Republic (2011)
Úkryty a lovecká aktivita netopýrů v parcích města Olomouce (2011)
Kruhatka Matthiolova (Cortusa matthioli) v Sudetech aneb anti-Hendrych (2011)
Nové poznatky o rozšíření prorostlíku prutnatého (Bupleurum affine) na Moravě (2011)
Rozšíření vybraných taxonů cévnatých rostlin v CHKO Beskydy a blízkém okolí (Výsledky mapování flóry z let 2006–2009) (2011)
The evolution in the genus Carex (Cyperaceae) - the use of flow cytometry (2011)
Measurements of DNA base composition with flow cytometry and DNA temperature melting (2011)
Mechorosty a cévnaté rostliny mokřadní lokality Kolo na Předních loukách v Bílých Karpatech (2011)
Genome Size and DNA Base Composition of Geophytes: the Mirror of Phenology and Ecology? (2011)
Evaluation of the Czech core collection of Trifolium pratense, including morphological, molecular and phytopathological data (2012)
Oochoristica koubeki n. sp. (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae) from African Chamaeleo senegalensis (Chamaeleonidae) and emendation of the genus Oochoristica Lühe, 1898 (2012)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 325 : Coleoptera: Ptinidae (2011)
Life history and virulence are linked in the ectoparasitic salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (2012)
Monitoring vstavače trojzubého (Orchis tridentata) v Národní přírodní rezervaci Strabišov-Oulehla v období 1997–2010 (2011)
Temporal and spatial macroinvertebrate variance compared: crucial role of CPOM in a headwater stream (2012)
The response of chironomid assemblages to mineral richness gradient in the Western Carpathian spring fens (2011)
The variation of base composition in plant genomes (2012)
The genus Pinnularia (Bacillariophyta) on Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean) (2012)
Clitocybula familia (Fungi, Agaricales) – taxonomy, distribution, ecology and first records in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2011)
Environmental control of species richness and composition in upland grasslands of the southern Czech Republic (2012)
Zvěšinec, dymnivka a další cizokrajní (d)obyvatelé zdí v České republice (2011)
Metazoan parasites in two congeneric cyprinid fish species (Chondrostoma nasus and C. toxostoma) and their respective hybrids (2011)
Parasite infection of 0+ juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis) in different habitats of reservoir (2011)
Rozdílnost fenologických fází rostlin přirozených lesních a stepních lokalit Moravy (2010)
A comparison of two sampling schemes in phytosociology - preferential and stratified random (2010)
Srovnání Bílých Karpat, Pálavy a Podyjí z hlediska alfa a beta diverzity (2011)
Botanická fotogalerie nejen pro odborníky ( (2011)
Srovnání stratifikovaného-náhodného a preferenčního způsobu rozmísťování fytocenologických snímků: studie lesní vegetace Moravského krasu (2008)
TURBOVEG CHECK-UP: Access application for checking relevés (2011)
The combined effect of waterlogging, extractable P and soil pH on alpha-diversity: a case study on mesotrophic grasslands in the UK (2011)
Multiple Pleistocene refugia and postglacial colonization in the European chub (Squalius cephalus) revealed by combined use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers (2012)
Native and alien floras in urban habitats: a comparison across 32 cities of central Europe (2012)
Yarncliff Wood at Hathersage: initial assessment of the impacts of sixty years of sheep exclosure on an upland Pennine ancient wood (2011)
Longitudinal and altitudinal changes of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups in neotropical streams: a test of the River Continuum Concept (2007)
Local-scale species–energy relationships in fish assemblages of some forested streams of the Bolivian Amazon (2007)
Body size, ecological tolerance and potential for water quality bioindication in the genus Anacroneuria (Plecoptera : Perlidae) from South America (2007)
Too good to be true: Pitfalls of using mean Ellenberg indicator values in vegetation analyses (2012)
Structure of the cephalic end and eggs of female Cithariniella khalili Petter, Vassiliades et Troncy, 1972 (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae), a parasite of African fishes (2012)
Light and scanning electron microscopy of arctic anisakid larvae (2012)
Inferring species networks from gene trees in high-polyploid North American and Hawaiian violets (Viola, Violaceae) (2012)
Taxonomy and distribution of Cerastium pumilum and C. glutinosum in Central Europe (2012)
Histopathology Confirms White-Nose Syndrome in Bats in Europe (2012)
Viola x palmata L. (Violaceae) new for Austria and Europe (2012)
GIS a jeho využití v botanice (2012)
Life-history traits controlling the survival of Tillaea aquatica: a threatened wetland plant species in intensively managed fishpond landscapes of the Czech Republic (2012)
XXII. Kurs a minisymposium pro mladé české a slovenské algology, CHANTRANSIA 2011 (2011)
Určování věku u sýce rousného (Aegolius funereus) (2012)
The species richness–productivity relationship in the herb layer of European deciduous forests (2012)
Short-term response of soil spiders to cover-crop removal in an organic olive orchard in a Mediterranean setting (2012)
The age of island-like habitats impacts habitat specialist species richness (2012)
Dispersal limitation is stronger in communities of microorganisms than macroorganisms across Central European cities (2012)
Bat bugs (Cimex pipistrelli) and their impact on non-dw elling bats (2012)
Moderní analýza biologických dat 2. Lineární modely s korelacemi v prostředí R (2012)
Saproxylic beetles in an isolated pollard willow stand and their association with Osmoderma barnabita (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) (2012)
Anisakid nematode larvae from fishes of Petunia Bay (Svalbard) (2012)
How to distinguish crocodile ascarides (2012)
A coprological survey of pinniped parasites from James Ross Island (Antarctica) (2012)
The remarkable nematode of the genus Subulura Molin, 1860 parasitizing in Otus scops (Strigiformes) in the Czech Republic (2012)
Tapeworms of Slow Loris with a new record of family Anoplocephalidae (2012)
Variation in the shell colour and banding polymorphism of Cepaea nemoralis (L.) in rular areas around Wrocław (2012)
Antiviral effect of HPMPC (Cidofovir), entrapped in cationic liposomes: In vitro study on MDBK cell and BHV-1 virus. (2012)
Monogeneans of West African Cichlid Fish: Evolution and Cophylogenetic Interactions (2012)
Hodnocení vlivu využití krajiny na společenstva fytobentosu malých toků (2012)
Variabilita vodních opaskovců (Clitellata) na slatiništích vnějších Západních Karpat (2012)
Plecoptera taxocenoses and degradation of watercourses in the Czech Republic: changes after 50 years (2012)
Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) species inventory of the Caucasus Mountains (2012)
Co ovlivňuje distribuci larev vodního hmyzu izolovaných slatinišť? Jejich disperze nebo ekologické nároky – úvod do výzkumu. (2012)
Evolutionary history of tree squirrels (Rodentia, Sciurini) based on multilocus phylogeny reconstruction (2012)
Two new species of Pneumia Enderlein (Diptera, Psychodidae, Psychodinae) from the Palaearctic region (2012)
Two new species of Philosepedon Eaton (Diptera, Psychodidae, Psychodinae) from Europe, with comments on subgeneric classification (2012)
Pavel Jiroš, Stano Pekár (2012)
Sex- and age-biased mortality in wild Grey Partridge Perdix perdix populations (2012)
Checklist of vascular plants of the Czech Republic (2012)
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (2nd edition): checklist update, taxonomic diversity and invasion patterns (2012)
Strošek polopásý (Lappula semicincta) v České republice (2012)
Cotoneaster lucidus Schltdl. (2012)
Distribution, habitat ecology, soil seed bank and seed dispersal of threatened Lindernia procumbens and alien Lindernia dubia (Antirrhinaceae) in the Czech Republic (2012)
Differences in decomposition among Sphagnum species in high N polluted summit bogs in the Czech Republic (2012)
Drosophila immune responses against entomopathogenic nematodes (2012)
Eicosanoids mediate hemolymph oxidative and antioxidative response in larvae of Galleria mellonella (2012)
Diverzita mikro- a meiofauny na prameništních slatiništích (2012)
Srovnání dostupného typového materiálu středoevropských zástupců rodu Electrogena Zurwerra & Tomka, 1985 (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) (2012)
Fish parasites beyond the arctic circle: Myxozoa (2012)
Corynosoma acanthocephalans from paratenic hosts in the Weddell Sea, James Ross Island, Antarctica (2012)
Patogenność różnych gatunków nicieni owadobójczych (EPNs) u D. melanogaster oraz G. mellonella (2012)
Differences in mortality rates, dispersal distances and breeding success of commercially reared and wild grey partridges in the Czech agricultural landscape (2013)
Vegetation of the Czech Republic: diversity, ecology, history and dynamics (2012)
Flora and vegetation of the Czech Republic: introduction to special issue dedicated to the centenary of the Czech Botanical Society (2012)
Plant invasions in the Czech Republic: current state, introduction dynamics, invasive species and invaded habitats (2012)
White Carpathian grasslands: can local ecological factors explain their extraordinary species richness? (2012)
High species richness in hemiboreal forests of the northern Russian Altai, southern Siberia (2012)
The seasonal changes of innate immunity of tench, Tinca tinca (L.) with different ploidy level (2012)
Litorální sonda (2012)
Nové a zajímavé nálezy vodních brouků z území České republiky (Coleoptera: Sphaeriusidae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, Georissidae, Hydraenidae, Scirtidae, Elmidae, Dryopidae, Limnichidae, Heteroceridae) (2012)
Ze života potápek na našich rybnících I. (2012)
Ze života potápek na našich rybnících II. (2012)
Vliv manipulace s rybí obsádkou na vodní bezobratlé a ptáky v NPR Lednické rybníky (2012)
Czech National Phytosociological Database (2012)
Nové lokality druhu Himantoglossum adriaticum (Orchidaceae) v horskej skupine Drieňova v južnej časti Strážovských vrchov (2012)
Declining genetic diversity and increasing genetic isolation toward the range periphery of Stipa pennata, a Eurasian Feather Grass (2012)
Herbáře včera, dnes a zítra (2012)
The effect of drying up on macroinvertebrate communities in small streams of Central Europe (2012)
Genetická struktura populací blešivce potočního (Gammarus fossarum) v prameništích moravskoslovenského pomezí (2012)
Vysychání toků v období klimatické změny: případová studie strategií přežití vodních bezobratlých (2012)
Jaké vlastnosti je výhodné mít ve vysychavém toku? (2012)
Vliv vysychání na temporární faunu toků na modelové skupině jepice (Ephemeroptera) (2012)
Srovnání bentické fauny intermitentního a permanentního toku v oblasti jižní Moravy (2012)
Long-term changes of mayfly taxocoenosis – a reflection of the Morava River catchment alterations (2012)
Vysychání toků v období klimatické změny: indikace pomocí vodních bezobratlých (2012)
The impact of carp pond management upon macrozoobenthos assemblages in recipient pond canals (2013)
Vliv rybníků na vodní ekosystémy recipientů jižní Moravy (2011)
Rybí společenstva stok rybničních systémů Nesytu a Vrkoče (Jižní Morava, ČR) (2009)
Polyploidy and aneuploidy phenomenon by conjugates - a study focused on genus Spirogyra (2012)
Oak woodland vegetation of Turkey-a first overview based on multivariate statistics (2012)
Poznámky k výskytu zárazy hořčíkové (Orobanche picridis) u Svitav (2012)
Lesostep Jižního Uralu (2012)
Festuca amethystina L. (2012)
Milovice (okr. Břeclav), Lokalita IV, centrum obce. Gravettien. Záchranný výzkum (2011)
Josef Podpěra (1878-1954) (2012)
Variation of snail assemblages in hay meadows: disentangling predictive power of abiotic environment and vegetation (2012)
Jedna špatná a jedna dobrá zpráva o vrkoči Geyerově (Vertigo geyeri) - z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2012)
S ptáky se mohou stěhovat i plži – pěnice hnědokřídlá přenášela skleněnku průsvitnou (2012)
Srovnání metod pro odběr vzorků makrozoobentosu z nebroditelných toků (2012)
Vysychání toků v období klimatické změny aneb jak poznat vysychavý potok když teče (2012)
Parasitic roundworms from Petuniabukta (Svalbard) (2012)
Myxosporea beyond the Arctic circle (2012)
The remarkable nematode of the genus Subulura Molin, 1860 parasitizing in Otus scops (Strigiformes) (2012)
Morphological studies on some African fish nematodes (2012)
Species loss of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic during the 20th century (2012)
Stoneflies (Plecoptera) ot the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) (2012)
Environmental margin and island evolution in Middle Eastern populations of the Egyptian fruit bat (2012)
Syntopic occurrence in Turkey supports separate species status for Miniopterus schreibersii schreibersii and Miniopterus schreibersii pallidus (Mammalia: Chiroptera) (2012)
New insights into the variability of reproduction modes in European populations of Rubus subgen. Rubus: how sexual are polyploid brambles? (2012)
Holocentric Chromosomes (2012)
Classification of the high-mountain coniferous forests in Taiwan (2012)
Pulsed Vector Magnetic Potential Field Existence (2012)
Niche Relationships of Carnivores in a Subtropical Primary Forest in Southern Taiwan (2012)
Comparison of MODIS land surface temperature and ground-based observed air temperature in complex topography (2012)
Slatiny Západních Karpat v prostoru a čase: ekologie a paleoekologie nejen společenstev měkkýšů (2012)
Prostorová diverzita společenstev vodních bezobratlých na prameništních slatiništích v Západních Karpatech (2012)
Středoevropské populace reliktního plže vrkoče Geyerova (Vertigo geyeri) – nové nálezy, ekologie a ochrana (2012)
Ekologický kontrast ostrovních stanovišť – změny v zastoupení specialistů a generalistů chrostíků (Trichoptera) na slatiništích rozdílné minerální bohatosti (2012)
Patterns of bryophyte and vascular plant richness in European subalpine springs (2012)
Origin and contrasting succession pathways of the Western Carpathian calcareous fens revealed by plant and mollusc macrofossils (2012)
How a Sphagnum fuscum-dominated bog changed into a calcareous fen: the unique Holocene history of a Slovak spring-fed mire (2012)
Species richness, community specialization and soil-vegetation relationships of managed grasslands in a geologically heterogeneous landscape (2012)
Invasion of central-European habitats by the moss Campylopus introflexus (2012)
When Polyploidy is Going to Sleep: Tempo and Modes of Karyotype evolution in Holocentrics (2012)
TY-3 gypsy Copy Number is Correlated with Genome Size in Subtribe Hieraciinae (Lactuceae, Asteraceae) (2012)
Nové poznatky o biologii pcháče žlutoostenného (Cirsium brachycephalum) (2012)
A phylogenetic analysis of Sciomyzidae (Diptera) and some related genera (2013)
Effect of intra-seasonal variability on vegetation data (2012)
Chamois introductions to Central Europe and New Zealand (2012)
Multilocus phylogeny of arvicoline voles (Arvicolini, Rodentia) shows small tree terrace size (2012)
Skin structure and hair morphology of different body parts in the Common Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) (2012)
Do we need soil moisture measurements in the vegetation–environment studies in wetlands? (2013)
Změny velikosti jaderných pórů po aplikaci terapeutického ultrazvuku (2012)
Savci České republiky: popis, rozšíření, ekologie, ochrana (2012)
Evolution of genome size in Carex (Cyperaceae) in relation to chromosome number and genomic base composition (2013)
Zařízení pro sledování pohybu zvířat opatřených vysílači (2012)
An overview of the Gyrodactylus (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) species parasitizing African catfishes, and their morphological and molecular diversity (2012)
Gyrodactylus malalai sp. nov. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Redbelly tilapia, Tilapia zillii (Gervais) (Teleostei: Cichlidae) in the Lake Turkana, Kenya (2012)
X. Czech and Slovak Parasitolgical Days (2012)
African gyrodactylid monogeneans in phylogenetic and morphological focus (2012)
Diverse African cichlids and their gyrodactylid parasites: hidden morphological and molecular diversity of Gyrodactylus species (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) (2012)
Tiny worms from a mighty continent: high diversity and new phylogenetic lineages of African monogeneans (2012)
Afrogyrodactylus Paperna, 1968 (Gyrodactylidae: Monogenea) parasites of alestid fishes (2012)
Poznámky k používání průměrných Ellenbergových indikačních hodnot při analýze vegetačních dat (2012)
Obnova vegetace suchých trávníků v bývalém vápencovém lomu Hády (2012)
Restoration of dry grassland vegetation in the abandoned Hády limestone quarry near Brno (2012)
Obnova druhově bohatého listnatého lesa na deponiích vápencového lomu Mokrá (2012)
Experimental restoration of species-rich deciduous forest on mining deposits in Mokrá limestone quarry (2012)
Vývojové cykly acidotolerantních pošvatek (2012)
A comparison of two semi-quantitative methods for free-living leeches (Clitellata: Hirudinida) collecting (2012)
Estimation of herbaceous biomass from species composition and cover (2012)
Fish diversity in the Niokolo Koba National Park, middle Gambia River basin, Senegal (2012)
The response of chironomid assemblages to mineral richness gradient in the Western Carpathian helocrenes (2012)
Fish assemblages and their parasites in Lake Turkana, Kenya (2012)
Mate quality, not aggressive spillover, explains sexual cannibalism in a size dimorphic spider (2012)
Evolution of stenophagy in spiders (Araneae): evidence based on the comparative analysis of spider diets (2012)
Prey-race drives differentiation of biotypes in ant-eating spiders (2012)
The effect of low- and high-fiber diets on the population of entodiniomorphid ciliates Troglodytella abrassarti in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). (2012)
Selective olfactory attention of a specialised predator to intraspecific chemical signals of its prey (2012)
Spiders (Araneae) in the pesticide world: an ecotoxicological review (2012)
Vliv přítoku důlních vod na společenstvo máloštětinatých opaskovců řeky Nedvědičky (2012)
Vliv ekologických faktorů na složení společenstva máloštětinatých opaskovců "Oligochaeta" (Clitellata) v rybničním ekosystému (2012)
Revision of the Festuca alpina group (Festuca section Festuca, Poaceae) in Europe (2012)
Na jih za severskými rašeliništi (2012)
Effect of parasite infection on overwinter mortality in juvenile fish (2012)
Monogeneans of West African cichlid fish: Evolution and cophylogenetic interactions (2012)
Phylogeny, evolution and coevolutionary interactions in host-parasite system Cichlidae-Monogenea (2012)
Evolution and diversification of cichlid parasites (2012)
Aplicaciones de Redes Neuronales (ANN) en Ciencia. (2012)
Foliar N concentration and d15N signature reflect the herb layer species diversity and composition in oak-dominated forests (2012)
Sophisticated adaptations of Gregarina cuneata (Apicomplexa) feeding stages for epicellular parasitism (2012)
Které faktory ovlivňují společenstvo pijavic (Clitellata: Hirudinida)? Srovnání tekoucích a stojatých vod (2012)
Gregarine cell cortex: What differs them from the other apicomplexans? (2011)
In vitro development of eugregarine gametocysts. (2011)
Development of Cryptosporidium muris in experimental conditions: preliminary study. (2011)
Life cycle of Cryptosporidium muris in experimental conditions (2012)
Phylogenetic study on early emerging apicomplexans with emphasis on genera Eleutheroschizon and Siedleckia. (2012)
Cell motility in marine early emerging apicomplexans (2012)
Biodiversity of apicomplexans from marine invertebrates (2012)
Sinuolinea infections in the urinary system of Cynoscion species (Sciaenidae) and phylogenetic position of the type species of Sinuolinea Davis, 1917 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) (2012)
The application of electron microscopy to the study of Toxoplasma gondii and Besnoitia besnoiti tachyzoites maintained in vitro (2012)
Role of residual sexuality in apomictic plants: detection, rate and manifestation in populations of Pilosella (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) (2012)
Facultative apomixis in Pilosella and its role in evolution (2012)
Didaktika přírodopisného učiva ve speciálních a rozšiřujících odborných předmětech na PdF MU (2012)
Terrestrial assemblages of small annelids (Clitellata: Enchytraeidae, Naididae) in beech-fir old growths of the Beskids Protected Landscape Area (Czechia) – results of a rapid assessment (2012)
First records of Parergodrilus heideri (Annelida: "Polychaeta") from North America (2012)
Recolonization of bat roost by bat bugs (Cimex pipistrelli): could be parasite load a cause of bat roost switching? (2013)
Archamoeba infection manifested by granulomatous inflammatory lesions in European tench, Tinca tinca (L.) (2012)
Does invasive Chondrostoma nasus shift the parasite community structure of endemic Parachondrostoma toxostoma in sympatric zones? (2012)
The effect of interspecific hybridization on the structure of metazoan parasite communities in cyprinid fish (2012)
Metazoan parasites of Ponto-Caspian gobies introduced into the Rhine River (2012)
Invazní rostliny v České republice a jejich vliv na biodiverzitu (2012)
Rodinné stříbro české vegetace: máme u nás něco, co jinde nemají? (2012)
Ekosystémy Sibiře: analogie zaniklé přírody střední Evropy (2012)
Aquatic insects of the Bohemian Forest glacial lakes: Diversity, long-term changes, and influence of acidification (2012)
A revision of the genus Rosapha Walker (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2012)
Imunitní systém včel a metody stanovení jednotlivých imunitních parametrů (2013)
Přirozená imunita ryb (2013)
Koagulace hemolymfy hmyzu a její úloha v imunitních reakcích (2013)
Metodika sledování vrozené imunity ptáků (2013)
Málo známé moruše a bourci (2012)
Integrovaný systém ochrany rostlin (2013)
Zajímavé nálezy vzácných mechorostů ve starých sedimentech (2012)
Late-Glacial and Holocene history of the Western Carpathian calcareous fens (2012)
Formation, succession and landscape history of Central-European summit raised bogs: A multiproxy study from the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (2013)
Plant species richness-productivity relationships in a low-productive boreal region (2013)
Adephagan and hydrophiloid water beetles (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, and Hydrophilidae) of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic). (2011)
Poznámky k entomofauně bývalé pískovny u Pamferovy Huti (SZ Šumava) (2010)
Pakomárovití (Diptera: Chironomidae) prameništních slatinišť na gradientu minerální bohatosti: záležitost chemie vody, nebo substrátu? (2012)
Vliv letnění a manipulace s rybími obsádkami na mokřadní biotu v NPR Lednické rybníky (2011)
Rozsáhlé rákosiny jako refugium pro společenstva mokřadních bezobratlých v rybničním litorálu (2011)
BAARA (Biologický AutomAtizovaný RAdiotelemetrický) systém: nová technologie v ekoetologických studiích (2013)
Host specifity of bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) (2013)
Reprodukční biologie kaloně egypského (R. aegyptiacus) v oblasti východního Středomoří: sezónní polyestrie u temperátního letouna (2013)
Geografická a vnitropopulační variabilita parazitace muchule Eucampsipoda aegyptia na kaloni egyptském Rousettus aegyptiacus v oblasti západního Palearktu (2013)
Ogcodes fumatus (Diptera: Acroceridae) Reared from Philodromus cespitum (Araneae: Philodromidae), and First Evidence of Wolbachia Alphaproteobacteria in Acroceridae (2012)
Trophobiosis in the arboricolous ant Liometopum microcephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) (2013)
Hookeria lucens (2012)
Aneura maxima (2012)
Buxbaumia aphylla (2012)
Callicladium haldanianum (2012)
Heterocladium dimorphum (2012)
Mechorosty v údolí Říčky a na Hádech (2012)
Terénní exkurze bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS – důležitý zdroj poznatků o bryo- a lichenoflóře ČR a SR (2012)
Nová bryologická literatura XXVI (2012)
Avipoxvirus in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) (2008)
Novel pH dependent lectin from bioluminescent bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens (2012)
Differences in the ultrastructure of two selected taxa of phytoplankton in a thermally stratified Lake Holzmaar (Germany) (2012)
Induction of sexual reproduction in Spirogyra clones – does an universal trigger exist? (2013)
Within-host competition and diversification of macro-parasites (2012)
Heavy metals in two host-parasite systems: tapeworm vs. fish (2012)
The effect of ploidy and temporal changes in the biochemical profile of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): a cyprinid fish species with dual reproductive strategies (2013)
Variability, structure and selection of MHCIIB genes in Chondrostoma toxostoma and Chondrostoma nasus in hybrid zones (2012)
Parasite diversity and microsatellite variability in native and introduced populations of four Neogobius species (Gobiidae) (2012)
Description of new diplozoid species from the gills of the Garra rufa (Heckel, 1843) (Cyprinidae) from Turkey (2012)
The variability of MHC IIB class genes in two congeneric cyprinids and its influence on the composition of metazoan parasite communities (2012)
The variability and expression of MHC genes and their rolein host-parasite interactions (2012)
Botanická fotogalerie a další pomůcky k určování rostlin (2013)
Prostorová diverzita společenstev vodních bezobratlých na prameništních slatiništích v Západních Karpatech (2013)
PVU II polymorfismus genu pro estrogen receptor alfa (ESRA) a kostní fenotyp, naše zkušenosti. (2012)
Co může hydrobiolog zkoumat na suchu aneb vzpomínky na budoucnost našich toků (2013)
Potentilla x nebulosa (Rosaceae), a new intersectional nothospecies from the Altai Mountains (2013)
Illustrated Guide to Culture Collection of Free-living Amoebae (2013)
Microorganism assemblages in the spring fens: the effect of groundwater chemistry (2013)
How is broad-scale distribution pattern in different animal groups explained by climate, natural habitats and land-cover while accounting for spatial autocorrelation? (2013)
Artificial Neural Networks Identification: mayor step towards integrative taxonomy (2012)
Rozšíření škárky hvězdicovité v ČR a poznámky k její ekologii. (2012)
Exceptionally poor land snail fauna of central Yakutia (NE Russia): climatic and habitat determinants of species richness (2013)
Odborné štúdie a účelové monitorovanie bioty v úseku Dunaja Bratislava - Chľaba v rámci strategického posudzovania vplyvov Sústavy vodných diel Gabčíkovo - Nagymaros na životné prostredie" : (2. priebežná správa) (2011)
Phenomenon Spirogyra - microevolution agents polyploidy and aneuploidy by conjugates (2013)
Red List of vascular plants of the Czech Republic: 3rd edition (2012)
Two unusual records of the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). (2011)
Two new species of Cichlidogyrus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing the gills of African cichlid fishes (Perciformes) from Senegal: morphometric and molecular characterization (2013)
Where do they come from and where do they go? European natural habitats as donors of invasive alien plants globally (2013)
The role of species sorting and dispersal on structuring the aquatic invertebrate assemblages of isolated spring fens (2013)
Kozinec bezlodyžný (Astragalus exscapus) – dosud součástí flóry Znojemska (2012)
The wave towards a new steady state: effects of earthworm invasion on soil microbial functions (2011)
Preliminary report on fish diversity at the Prince Gustav Channel, the northern part of the James Ross Island, Antarctica (2012)
New data on bat species affected by white-nose syndrome in the Czech Republic, Europe (2013)
Long-term changes of aquatic insect assemblages in the lotic ecosystems (2013)
Redescription of cystacanths of Corynosoma pseudohamanni Zdzitowiecki, 1984 (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) from paratenic fish hosts (2013)
Změny taxocenóz jepic (Ephemeroptera) v moravských tocích jako odraz antropogenních vlivů v povodí v průběhu 20. století (2012)
A preliminary study on diversity and ecology of soil diatoms in urban habitats (2013)
Rozsivky jako indikátor kvality vody v řece Rokytné (2013)
Změny společenstev fytobentosu řeky Dřevnice – hodnocení ekologického stavu v prostoru a čase (2013)
Record of the gapeworm Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Railiet, 1899) (Syngamidae : Nematoda) in a semi-wild population of sumatran Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus abelii lesson, 1827) in Indonesia (2008)
Alcathoe bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: distributional status, roosting and feeding ecology (2009)
Subulura mackoi n. sp. (Nematoda: Subuluridae) and the zoogeography of subulurids parasitizing birds (2013)
Dlouhodobá remise multicentrické Castlemanovy choroby u vysoce předléčeného pacienta po monoterapii lenalidomidem (2013)
Výsledky floristického kurzu v Domažlicích 4.-10. července 2010 (2012)
Snail’s perspective and palaeoreferences (2013)
Vrkoč rašelinný – další z glaciálních reliktů – z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2013)
Indikace vysychání toků pomocí vodních bezobratlých a tvorba map toků ohrožených rizikem vyschnutí (2013)
Paradoxy ochrany přírody (2013)
SEM of surface morphological structures of nematodes (Rictulariidae) parasitizing the Javan slow loris, Nycticebus javanicus in Indonesia (2013)
Preliminary study on parasitofauna of Antarctic fishes in the proximity of James Ross Island (Prince Gustav Channel, Weddell Sea) (2013)
The impact of forest management on changes in composition of terricolous lichens in dry acidophilous Scots pine forests (2013)
Tracing decadal environmental change in ombrotrophic bogs using diatoms from herbarium collections and transfer functions (2013)
Plant seedlings in a species-rich meadow: effect of management, vegetation type and functional traits (2013)
Jak se dělá seznam (2013)
Small-scale distribution of terrestrial snails: patterns of species richness and abundance related to area (2013)
Dipteran assemblages of spring fens closely follow the gradient of groundwater mineral richness (2013)
Transport of bugs of the genus Cimex (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) by bats in western Palaearctic (2013)
Pipistrellus kuhlii, a bat species breeding and hibernating in the Czech Republic (2013)
Molecular phylogeny of fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) revisited: position of Manotinae, Metanepsiini, and other enigmatic taxa as inferred from multigene analysis (2013)
Paleoreconstruction of ecological changes in filled up lake using subfossil chironomids - preliminary results from the Vihorlat Mts, Slovakia (2013)
Ulva flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae) from the Wielkopolska region (West Poland): a new observation on the ultrastructure of vegetative cells (2013)
Populační ekologie živočichů v příkladech (2013)
Naši pavouci – pexeso (2013)
Bioluminescence determination of antibacterial activity of Bombyx mori and Galleria mellonella haemolymph (2013)
Vliv lektinů z bakterie Photorhabdus luminescens na imunitu hmyzu (2013)
New insights to insect response to the infection by nematobacterial complex (2013)
Soil matters: soil variables remarkably increase explained variation of tree beta diversity in forest dynamics plot (2013)
Distribution of habitat specialists in semi-natural grasslands (2013)
Small-scale diversity patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates in spring fens: the importance of species replacement and richness differences in various taxonomic groups (2013)
Land snail richness and abundance along a sharp ecological gradient at two sampling scales: disentangling relationships (2013)
Refugial populations of glacial relict Vertigo species in Central Europe (2013)
Comparison of plant and snail diversity patterns in the White Carpathian Mts. (Czech Republic) across forest and grassland habitats (2013)
Patterns of land snail succession in Central Europe over the last 15.000 years: main changes along environmental, spatial and temporal gradients (2013)
Forest snail faunas from Crimea (Ukraine), an isolated and incomplete Pleistocene refugium (2013)
Description of Pristina armata n. sp. (Clitellata: Naididae: Pristininae) from a carnivorous plant (Nepenthes sp.) in Borneo, Indonesia (2013)
Diverzita mikro-meiofauny na řekách Rokytné a Loučce (2013)
Diverzita drobných savců v horské rekreační chatě během 40 let (2013)
Holocenní sukcese měkkýšů na bělokarpatských slatiništích (2013)
Changes in species richness and species composition of vascular plants and bryophytes along a moisture gradient (2013)
Multilocus phylogeography of the European ground squirrel: cryptic interglacial refugia of continental climate in Europe (2013)
MHC Class IIB Exon 2 Polymorphism in the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) Is Shaped by Selection, Recombination and Gene Conversion (2013)
Hominids and palaeoenvironments in the Moravian Karst during Marine Isotope Stage 3: new excavations in Pod Hradem Cave, Czech Republic (2013)
Diversity and biotic homogenization of urban land-snail faunas in relation to habitat types and macroclimate in 32 Central European cities (2013)
Refugial populations of Vertigo lilljeborgi and V. genesii (Vertiginidae): new isolated occurrences in central Europe, ecology and distribution (2013)
Environmental determinants of leech assemblage patterns in lotic and lenitic habitats (2013)
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Enteritidis infection of pigs and cytokine signalling in palatine tonsils. (2012)
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of Drosophila larvae infected by entomopathogenic nematodes shows involvement of complement, recognition and extracellular matrix proteins (2014)
Plasmachemical modifications of cellulose for biomedical application (2013)
Electrospinning of biopolymers based on gelatin and oxidized cellulose (2013)
Can we detect intermittency of streams by using benthic invertebrates? (2013)
Comparison of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages of an Intermittent and a Permanent Brook in the Czech Republic (2013)
Slatiniště jako refugia glaciálních reliktů – nové izolované nálezy suchozemských plžů rodu vrkoč (Vertigo) (2013)
Unexpected diversity of Gyrodactylus species (Monogenea:Gyrodactylidae) parazitising cichlids of Southern Africa (2013)
Cichlids in Southern Africa: attractive hosts for Gyrodactylus species (2013)
Experimental restoration of coppice-with-standards: Response of understorey vegetation from the conservation perspective (2013)
Indication of stream intermittency using aquatic macroinvertebrates - examples of EPT taxa use (2013)
Beiträge zur bryofloristichen Erforschung der Schweiz - Folge 8 (2013)
The occurrence of the relict plant, Trichophorum pumilum, in the Western Carpathians in the context of its distribution and ecology in Eurasia (2013)
Holocene history of a Cladium mariscus-dominated calcareous fen in Slovakia: vegetation stability and landscape development (2013)
Šúr, a former late-glacial and Holocene lake at the westernmost margin of the Carpathians (2013)
History, recent variability and restoration of oligotrophic wetlands: editorial (2013)
Vegetation diversity of salt-rich grasslands in Southeast Europe (2013)
Taxonomy of the genus Electrogena (Heptageniidae: Ephemeroptera) - good old taxonomy with new tools (2013)
Polyphasic taxonomy of the genus Electrogena (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) in Central Europe (2013)
Diversity and assemblage patterns of microorganisms structured by the groundwater chemistry gradient in spring fens (2013)
Spatial and temporal patterns of Ellenberg nutrient values in forests of Germany and adjacent regions - a survey based on phytosociological databases (2013)
Floristic-ecological mapping in the Northern Kimberley, Western Australia: Field survey methods and mapping protocols (2013)
Long-term and contemporary environmental conditions as determinants of the species composition of bog organisms (2013)
Impoverishment of recent floodplain forest mollusc fauna in the lower Ohře River (Czech Republic) as a result of prehistoric human impact (2013)
Ecological contrast of spring fens for caddisflies: changes in specialists/generalists ratio along the mineral richness gradient (2013)
The odd fraction [c] in variation partitioning: a case study on fine scale variation in oak forest herb layer (2013)
Ecological indicator values and life history traits of terricolous lichens of the Western Carpathians (2013)
Využití softwarového hodnocení aglutinačních reakcí v medicínské laboratorní praxi (2013)
Fylogenetická diverzita vegetace velkých evropských měst (2012)
Phylogenetic diversity of urban habitats with different levels of disturbance (2013)
Diversity of european urban vegetation (2011)
Dry grasslands of NW Bulgarian mountains: first insights into diversity, ecology and syntaxonomy (2013)
Bee immune system and methods evaluating its immune parameters (2013)
Vegetation–environment relationships in alpine mires of the West Carpathians and the Alps (2013)
Nutrient reserves may allow for genome size increase: evidence from comparison of geophytes and their sister non-geophytic relatives (2013)
The Evolution of Genome Size and Base Composition in Cyperid Clade (2013)
Functional studies on transcriptone profiles of Drosophila larvae infected by entomopathogenic nematodes (2013)
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis upon entomopathogenic nematode infection of Drosophila (2013)
Holokinetic Drive in the Karyotype Evolution of Monocots (2013)
Effects of changes in management on resistance and resilience in three grassland communities (2013)
Functional traits in a species-rich grassland and a short-term change in management: Is there a competition-colonisation trade-off? (2013)
Better environmental data may reverse conclusions about niche- and dispersal-based processes in community assembly (2013)
Classification of Taiwan forest vegetation (2013)
Environment, vegetation and greenness (NDVI) along the North America and Eurasia Arctic transects (2012)
The enigma of eugregarine epicytic folds: Where gliding motility originates? (2013)
Corispermum gmelinii Bunge (2013)
Scolymus maculatus L. (2013)
Botanické součty, rozdíly a podíly (2013)
Nové poznatky o ekologii společenstev měkkýšů a rostlin ze slatinišť východního Polska (2013)
Na pomoc pedagogické praxi (2013)
ValDat - databáze valenčních charakteristik taxonů makrozoobentosu v ČR (2009)
Two different lineages of bedbug (Cimex lectularius) reflected in host specificity (2013)
Zhodnocení výskytu netopýrů na území České republiky a vymezení nevhodných území pro výstavbu větrných elektráren (2013)
Vliv expertimentální pastvy na lesní podrost v NP Podyjí (2013)
Přelety netopýrů (2013)
Identification clusters of traffic accidents with animals on Czech road network (2013)
Assortative mating by aggressiveness type in orb weaving spiders (2013)
Mate with the young, kill the old: reversed sexual cannibalism and male mate choice in the spider Micaria sociabilis (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) (2013)
The effect of stored barley cultivars, temperature and humidity on population increase of Acarus siro, Lepidoglyphus destructor and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (2013)
Phenotypic integration in a series of trophic traits: tracing the evolution of myrmecophagy in spiders (Araneae) (2013)
Hymenopteran parasitoids of the ant-eating spider Zodarion styliferum (Simon) (Araneae, Zodariidae) (2013)
Pre-adaptive shift of a native predator (Araneae, Zodariidae) to an abundant invasive ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) (2013)
Side effect of synthetic pesticides on spiders (2013)
Evolutionary ecology: linking traits, selective pressures and ecological factors (2013)
Artificial neural networks in online semiautomated pest discriminability: an applied case with 2 Thrips species (2014)
Taxonomic approach to the tachinid flies Dinera carinifrons (Fallén) (Diptera: Tachinidae) and Dinera fuscata Zhang and Shima using molecular and morphometric data (2013)
Projekt BIOSUCHO aneb lze využít vodní bezobratlé při detekci vysychavých toků? (2013)
Effects of drought on the composition and structure of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages – a case study (2013)
Molluscs of the Czech and Slovak Republics (2013)
Měkkýši (Mollusca) (2013)
At the Central European - Balkan transition: forest land snail faunas of the Banat contrasted with those of the Carpathian chain (2013)
Unique calcareous fens in the Western Carpathians: how the millennial-scale age and history affects recent species richness and composition (2013)
The whole Holocene development of vegetation of the Inner West Carpathians - Pannonian borderland: spreading of mesophilous trees, continuity of open grasslands and human impact (2013)
Měkkýši na slatiništích - otázka reliktů a srovnání s vegetací (2013)
Vývoj vegetace východního Slovenska v pozdním glaciálu a holocénu (2013)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 25. podzimních Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Novohradských horách (2013)
Fylogenetická diverzita vegetace velkých evropských měst (2013)
Mechorosty mokřadních biotopů na vybraných lučních enklávách Krkonoš (2013)
Společenstva mechorostů na horských prameništích Hrubého Jeseníku a hlavní ekologické faktory, které je ovlivňují (2013)
Patterns of land snail assemblages along a fine-scale moisture gradient (2013)
Did we measure enough environmental variables? Insights from multiscale spatial analysis (2013)
Chamaecyparis forest in Taiwan (2013)
Distance decay of floristic composition along temperature and moisture gradient in Taiwan (2013)
Vegetace a flóra PR Pod Kamenným vrchem v CHKO Žďárské vrchy (2013)
Příspěvek k poznání bryoflóry západních Krkonoš (2013)
Results of the bryofloristic courses of the Department of Botany, University of South Bohemia, in 2012 and 2013 (2013)
The molecular and morphometrical description of a new diplozoid species from the gills of the Garra rufa (Heckel, 1843) (Cyprinidae) from Turkey - including a commentary on taxonomic division of Diplozoidae (2013)
Genomic porosity between invasive Chondrostoma nasus and endangered endemic Parachondrostoma toxostoma (Cyprinidae): The evolution of MHC IIB genes (2013)
Přírodní památka Domorazské louky (Moravská brána, Česká republika) – mechorosty, cévnaté rostliny a vegetace (2013)
Slatinná louka „Nad Horníkem“ na Velkomeziříčsku – zanikající unikátní hadcový mokřad (2012)
Carex xmoravica (C. caryophyllea x C. fritschii), a new nothospecies identified by morphological and anatomical characters (2013)
Dub balkánský (Quercus frainetto) – nová lokalita na jihozápadní Moravě a zhodnocení výskytu v České republice (2013)
Mezní výskyt teplomilných doubrav v PR Střemošická stráň u Luže na Chrudimsku (2013)
Vřesovec čtyřřadý (Erica tetralix) – novinka v květeně Slavkovského lesa (2013)
Tiny worms from a mighty continent: high diversity and new phylogenetic lineages of African monogeneans (2013)
The latest news from African gyrodactylid world (2013)
Hi, my name is Afrogyrodactylus Paperna 1968 (Gyrodactylidae: Monogenea). and I have three new members. (2013)
New gyrodactylid parasite from Moon fish, Citharinus citharus (Characiformes: Citharinidae) from the Kenyan Lake Turkana (2013)
Diverse world of African gyrodactylid parasites (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) under molecular and morphological magnifying glass (2013)
Doplněk k rozšíření druhu Paludella squarrosa na Českomoravské vrchovině (2013)
Scale- and taxon-dependent biodiversity patterns of dry grassland vegetation in Transylvania (Romania). (2014)
Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Czech Republic: species checklist, distribution and protection status (2013)
Nové nálezy vrkoče Geyerova potvrzují jeho ohroženost – z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2013)
Weeds shift from generalist to specialist: narrowing of ecological niches along a north-south gradient (2014)
Penetration and encapsulation of larval endoparasitoid, Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the factitious host Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (2014)
Life cycle of Cryptosporidium muris in two rodents with different responses to parasitization (2014)
Analysis of Plant Meiotic Chromosomes by Chromosome Painting (2013)
Porovnávacia fylogeografia východoafrickej oblasti Somali-Maasai na príklade modelovej skupiny hlodavcov (2012)
Innate immunity receptors in tropical and temperate zone passerines (2013)
Predatory versatility enhances local trophic specialisation in a cosmopolitan carnivorous predator (2011)
Functional response type 4 of myrmecophagous spiders (2012)
Functional response type 4 of myrmecophagous spiders (2013)
Physiological efficiency and trade-offs in adaptations of the ant-eating Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2013)
Stridulation in araneophagic spiders prevents cannibalism (2012)
Funkční odpověď typu 4 u pavouků (2011)
Funkční odpověď u myrmekofágních pavouků (2010)
Lokální specializace a kondiční strategie v lovu kořisti u pavouka Oecobius navus (2011)
Křižák Leviellus thorelli v České republice (2009)
Stridulation in araneophagic spiders prevents cannibalism (2013)
Fyziologická efektivita zpracování kořisti u myrmekofágního pavouka druhu Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2013)
Fyziologická efektivita zpracování kořisti u myrmekofágního pavouka druhu Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2014)
Variation of the major histocompatibility complex genes in the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix, Galliformes) (2011)
Variation of the major histocompatibility complex genes in the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix; Galliformes) (2012)
Comparative phylogeography of annual Nothobranchius fishes from southern Mozambique (2013)
Analýza genů hlavního histokompatibilního komplexu u zástupce hrabavých, koroptve polní (Perdix perdix; Galliformes) (2012)
Struktura MHC a jeho vliv na pohlavní výběr monogamního zástupce hrabavých, koroptve polní (2013)
Population genetic structure of annual Nothobranchius fishes in southern Mozambique (2012)
Genetická struktura halančíků rodu Nothobranchius v jižním Mosambiku (2012)
Řeky jako bariéry toku genů - ale pro ryby? Komparativní fylogeografie halančíků rodu Nothobranchius ze savan jižního Mosambiku (2013)
The effect of social environment on mating tactic of male Endler’s guppy (Poecilia wingei) (2012)
Nový řád pavoukovců pro Českou republiku (2010)
Nový řád pavoukovců pro Českou republiku (2009)
Lokální specializace a kondiční strategie v lovu kořisti u pavouka Oecobius navus (2011)
Lokální specializace a kondiční strategie v lovu kořisti u pavouka Oecobius navus (2010)
Reversní sexuální kanibalismus u pavouka druhu Micaria sociabilis (2010)
Reversní sexuální kanibalismus u pavouka druhu Micaria sociabilis (2011)
Factors affecting frequency of reversed sexual cannibalism in Micaria sociabilis (2011)
Mate young, kill old: reversed sexual cannibalism and male mate choice in spiders (2012)
Reversed sexual cannibalism in Micaria sociabilis (2012)
Mate young, kill old: reversed sexual cannibalism and male mate choice in spiders (2013)
Mating plugs in the spider Micaria sociabilis (Gnaphosidae): origin, efficacy and female control (2013)
Kairomone use for microhabitat search in an ant-mimicking spider (2013)
Kairomone use for microhabitat search in an ant-mimicking spider (2012)
Kairomone use for microhabitat search in an ant-mimicking spider (2013)
Stridulation in araneophagic spiders prevents cannibalism (2013)
Assemblages and vertical stratification of flight activity of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in floodplain (oak-dominated) and montane (fir-beech) forests. (2012)
Srovnání taxocenóz a vertikální stratifikace letové aktivity kůrovců (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) v tvrdém luhu a horských jedlobučinách (2012)
Coleopterofauna horských jedlobučin CHKO Beskydy (2013)
Ohlédnutí za činností ZČ HB Kolovrátek na PP Kudlačena (2013)
Coleopterofauna horských jedlobučin CHKO Beskydy (2013)
Coleopterofauna horských jedlobučin CHKO Beskydy (2013)
Koexistence a rozdělení niky u pavouků rodu Philodromus (2012)
Metodika hodnocení ekologického stavu velkých řek podle makrozoobentosu (2014)
Koexistence a rozdělení niky pavouků rodu Philodromus (2012)
Využití databáze SALAMANDER pro analýzy biologických aspektů vlivu vysychání na drobné vodní toky (2014)
Eko-evoluční dynamika niky umožňuje koexistenci mezi třemi blízce příbuznými druhy pavouků rodu Philodromus. (2012)
Letmé nahlédnutí do defenzivního chování pavouků rodu Philodromus. (2012)
Individuální specializace pavouků rodu Philodromus (2013)
Lze různé lovecké strategie euryfágních pavouků použít jako proxy pro jejich funkční odlišnost? (2013)
Význam viničních teras pro vzácné a ohrožené druhy xerotermních pavouků (2013)
Lovecká strategie jako měkký funkční znak euryfágních pavouků (2013)
Coexistence among three Philodromus species (Araneae, Phildromidae) (2012)
Different degree of individual specialisation in three Philodromus species (Araneae: Philodromidae) is caused by influence of different selection pressures (2013)
Do vineyard terraces act as a refuge for xerothermic spiders in high-pressure agriculture landscape? (2013)
High Prevalence and Species Diversity of Helicobacter spp. Detected in Wild House Mice (2012)
Osobnostní charakteristiky a reprodukční strategie u samců hořavky duhové (Rhodeus amarus) (2011)
The effect of social environment on mating tactic of male Endler's guppy (Poecilia wingei) (2012)
Development and characterization of multiplex panels of microsatellite markers for Syphacia obvelata, a parasite of the house mouse (Mus musculus), using a high throughput DNA sequencing approach (2012)
The effect of social environment on alternative mating tactics in male Endler's guppy, Poecilia wingei (2014)
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013-31 May 2013 (2013)
Habitat use of Myotis emarginatus in a small-scale cultural landscape (2013)
Observations on some basal apicomplexans from marine invertebrates (2013)
Phylogenetic position of the archigregarine Selenidium sp. as inferred from molecular phylogeny analysis using 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rDNA sequences (2012)
Simulace hybridní zóny myši domácí pomocí mnohogenomových rekombinantních kmenů (2014)
Dactylogyrus communities in Barbus meridionalis and B. barbus from hybrid zone in southern France (2013)
Does genetic introgression influence monogenean parasite community in the Barbus hybrid zone of the southern France? (2013)
Cell motility in basal apicomplexans from marine invertebrates (2013)
Characterization of stefis from parasitic helminths (2013)
Comparison of cystatins of four species of helmints (2013)
Cell motility in early emerging apicomplexans with emphasis on gregarines and protococcidia (2013)
Genetic diversity of Eastern African gerbils of genus Gerbilliscus reveals history of Somali-Maasai savanna (2013)
Analysis of distribution of genetic lineages of African rodents – DNA barcoding using next-generation sequencing and museum samples (2013)
First observations on agamococcidian Rhytidocystis sp. from White Sea polychaete Travisia forbesii (2013)
Genetická diverzita pieskomilov z rodu Gerbilliscus odhaľuje históriu Somali-Maasai savany vo Východnej Afrike (2014)
Morphology of developmental stages of Rhytidocystis sp. n. (Agamococcidia) from White Sea polychaete Travisia forbesii (2013)
DNA barcoding muzeijných vzoriek a NGS: ako to (ne)funguje? (2014)
Phylogeny of parasitic Apicomplexa as inferred from molecular and morphological analyses (2013)
Remarks to taxonomy of Eugregarinida (Apicomplexa) as inferred from 18S rDNA phylogenetic analysis (2013)
Fascinating attachment strategy of protococcidian Eleutheroschizon duboscqi (2013)
Bioactive molecules of the blood-feeding monogenean Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2013)
Monogenean bioactive molecules at the parasite-host interface (2013)
Diversity of oviparous monogeneans (Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) (2013)
Diversity of oviparous monogeneans (Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) (2013)
Genetic diversity and parasitism in the hybrid zone betwen common and mediterranean barbel (genus Barbus) in France (2012)
Genetic diversity and parasitism in the hybrid zone of two cyprinid species: common and mediterranean barbels (genus Barbus) in France (2013)
Význam vlivu prostředí a schopnosti šíření na utváření společenstev vodních bezobratlých na prameništních slatiništích (2014)
Diversity of the Western Carpathian flysch grasslands: Do extremely species-rich plant communities coincide with a high diversity of snails? (2014)
Fossil records of Marstoniopsis insubrica (Küster, 1853) suggest its wide distribution in Central Europe during the Early Holocene (2013)
Diverzita a biotická homogenizace suchozemských plžů ve vztahu k typům stanovišť a klimatu 32 středoevropských měst (2014)
Sukcese suchozemských měkkýšů České republiky a Slovenska za posledních 15 000 let (2014)
Prvý nález živej populácie ulitníka Vertigo moulinsiana (Dupuy, 1849) na Podunajskej nížine (2014)
Oxidační stres jako mediátor kondiční závislosti karotenoidních ornamentů v pohlavním výběru u ptáků (2014)
Genetic consequences of population decline in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) populations in the Czech and Slovak Republics (2011)
The use of historical museum specimens to study genetic variability and structure of the Eurasian otter populations (2011)
Historická DNA – cenný zdroj informácií pre štúdium genetickej variability a struktury populácií vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) (2011)
Oocyst or sporocyst? Another enigma in the development of cryptosporidia (2013)
Electron microscopic visualization of alterations in rodent gastric tissue induced by Cryptosporidium muris (2013)
Noninvasive hormone monitering in big cats using a universal enzyme immunoassay (2011)
High prevalence and species diversity of Helicobacter detected in free-ranging house mice (poster) (2011)
Genetic structure of a nematode parasite (Trichuris muris) across the European House Mouse Hybrid Zone (2013)
‘Hybrid Zone in Hybrid Zone; Syphacia obvelata genetic structure in mouse hybrid zone’ (2011)
High prevalence and species diversity of Helicobacter detected in free-ranging house mice (poster) (2012)
Hybrid Zone in Hybrid Zone; Syphacia obvelata (parasite) genetic structure in Mice (host) Hybrid Zone. (2011)
‘Host Parasite Co-evolution: Case of nematode Parasites (Syphacia obvelata, Trichuris muris) and Host (Mus musculus) in Mouse Hybrid Zone.’ (2012)
Genetic structure of a nematode parasite (Trichuris muris) across the European House Mouse Hybrid Zone Wasim Uddin (Presentation) (2013)
VĚDA VŠEMI SMYSLY, PhD project competition winner 2013 (2013)
Individuální rozdíly v rychlosti metabolismu ektotermů během zimování: neprobádaná surovina pro přírodní selekci (2014)
Patterns of fine-scale species richness across Bulgarian dry grasslands (2013)
Rozšíření třtiny pobřežní (Calamagrostis pseudophragmites /Haller f./ Koeler) na řece Ostravici (2013)
Vegetace České republiky 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace (2013)
Vliv prostředí na zdravotní stav a orientaci samců sýkory koňadry (Parus major) (2014)
Biological activities of selected polyphenol-1 rich fruits related to immunity and gastrointestinal health (2014)
Prostorovost Brna (2011)
A coprological survey of parasites of wild carnivores in Ireland (2013)
Patterns of selection on Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte binding antigens after the colonisation of the New World (2014)
Vliv polymorfismu TLR4 na prozánětlivou odpověď u sýkory koňadry (Parus major) (2014)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 37 (2013)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 36 (2013)
Novinka pro pylové alergiky (2013)
Pylový diář - novinka pylovým alergikům (2013)
Hrabeiella periglandulata (Annelida: "Polychaeta") - do apparent differences in chaetal ultrastructure indicate the existence of several species in Europe? (2013)
Enchytraeid assemblages (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) of two old growth forests in the Porcupine Mountains (Michigan, USA) (2013)
The enchytraeid assemblage (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) of a Sandhill prairie site in Nebraska, USA (2013)
Does interspecific hybridization affect host specificity of parasites in cyprinid fish? (2013)
MHC genes and parasitism in Carassius gibelio, a diploid-triploid fish species with dual reproduction strategies (2013)
Speciation in Thaparocleidus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing Asian pangasiid catfishes (2013)
Lymnaea palustris and Lymnaea fuscus are potential but uncommon intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica in Sweden (2013)
Community stability and instability in ectoparasites of marine and freshwater fish (2013)
Evolution in congeneric monogeneans: from diversification to community structure (2013)
Evolution of host specificity in monogeneans parasitizing African cichlid fish. (2014)
Evolution and determinants of host specificity of monogeneans parasitizing African cichlid fish. (2013)
Evolution of host specificity in monogeneans of Cichlidogyrus/Scutogyrus group parasitizing African cichlid fish. (2013)
Monogeneans parasitizing African cichlid fishes: current knowledge and future perspectives. (2013)
Diversity, phylogeny and evolution of cichlid parasites. (2012)
Parasite speciation as an overlooked cause of species richness in ancient lakes: the case of monogenean cichlid parasites of Lake Tanganyika. (2013)
Two new species of Cichlidogyrus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing the gills of African cichlid fishes (Perciformes). (2012)
Southern Africa: Neglected area of viviparous monogeneans research (2014)
Host specificity in bed bug (Cimex lectularius): a cross-feeding experiment. (2012)
Dangerous prey is associated with a type 4 functional response in spiders (2013)
Local trophic specialisation in a cosmopolitan spider (Araneae) (2013)
Towards a consistent classification of European grasslands (2013)
Assessing vegetation change using vegetation-plot databases: a risky business (2014)
Temperate trees and shrubs as global invaders: the relationship between invasiveness and native distribution depends on biological traits (2014)
Wetland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea in central Italy (2013)
The reed die-back syndrome and its implications for floristic and vegetational traits of Phragmitetum australis (2013)
Two new species of Lophoteles including the first record of this genus in the Oriental Region (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2013)
A new species of Glochinomyia Kertész from Papua New Guinea (Diptera: Stratiomyidae, Pachygasterinae) (2013)
A cornucopia for Sciomyzidae (Diptera) (2013)
Fish diversity of Gambia River floodplain (Senegal) and Turkana Lake (Kenya), two fish communities endangered by dam construction (2013)
Alien species pools: another determinant of the habitat level of invasion (2013)
Evropské biotopy jako zdroje nepůvodních druhů rostlin (2011)
Which factors are important for plant invasion in the river floodplains? (2011)
European natural habitats as global donors of invasive plants (2012)
Mohou biotopy druhů v primárním areálu ovlivnit jejich invazi v sekundárním areálu? (2012)
Landscape effects on diversity of semi-natural grasslands (2014)
Estimation of species number in different habitat types and ecotones at several spatial scales (2013)
Evolution of sex determination systems with heterogametic males and females in Silene (2013)
Technologie sekvencování - minulost, současnost a budoucnost. (2013)
Technologie sekvenování a fragmentační analýzy (2013)
Technologie sekvenování a fragmentační analýzy (2012)
Technologie sekvenování a fragmentační analýzy (2011)
Technologie sekvenování a fragmentační analýzy (2010)
Monogenean parasites in two cyprinid species (Parachondrostoma toxostoma and Chondrostoma nasus) in sympatric zones of southern France (2013)
Červená kniha květeny jižní části Čech (2013)
Foraging preferences of lactating females of greater-mouse eared bat (Myotis myotis) in "Nietoperek" Natura 2000 site. (2011)
Fish MHC genes - quality vs quantity (2013)
Effect of phosphorus availability on the selection of species with different ploidy levels and genome sizes in a long-term grassland fertilization experiment (2013)
Diet Quality Limits Summer Growth of Field Vole Populations (2014)
New and interesting records of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia V (2013)
Bentická fauna pěnovcových potoků na Velké podkrušnohorské výsypce (2014)
Species diversity of small mammals in a highland recreation cottage within 40 years (Rodentia, Eulipotyphla, Chiroptera) (2013)
Picky spiders (2014)
Physiological efficiency and trade-offs in adaptations of the ant-eating Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2014)
Medieval Horse Stable; The Results of Multi Proxy Interdisciplinary Research (2014)
How does vegetation sampling in different parts of the growing season influence classification results and analyses of beta-diversity? (2014)
Vegetation and hydrogeology along the distribution range of Centaurium somedanum, an endemic plant of mountain calcareous springs (2013)
The temperature dimension of the seed germination niche in fen wetlands (2013)
A local dormancy cline is related to the seed maturation environment, population genetic composition and climate (2013)
Mountain biodiversity patterns in Southern Europe and North Africa (2013)
Mollusc and plant assemblages controlled by different ecological gradients at Eastern European fens (2014)
Microscopic visualization of the body organisation in diplozoids (2013)
20th Helminthological Days, Programme and Abstracts (2013)
A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is an important tool for the detailed study of morphological characters of Ascaris lumbricoides (Nematoda) parasitizing the orangutan (Pongo abelii) in Indonesia. (2013)
The study of host-parasite interactions using different microscopic methods (2012)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum: host-parasite interactions in blood-feeding diplozoids (2011)
Dactylogyrids (Monogenea: Polyonchoinea) parasitizing goatfishes of Parupeneus (Perciformes: Mullidae) off New Caledonia: what is the real Haliotrema? (2013)
Overwinter body condition, mortality and parasite infection in two size classes of 0+ year juvenile European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (2013)
Přichází jaro a s ním i pylové alergie (2014)
Genome size and genomic GC content evolution in the miniature genome-sized family Lentibulariaceae (2014)
Enigmatic Ethiopian endemic rodent Muriculus imberbis (Rüppell 1842) represents a separate lineage within genus Mus (2015)
Do rivers and human-induced habitat fragmentation affect genetic diversity and population structure of the European ground squirrel at the edge of its Pannonian range? (2013)
Population genetics of chamois in the contact zone between the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains: uncovering the role of habitat fragmentation and past management (2013)
Strong population genetic structuring in an annual fish, Nothobranchius furzeri, suggests multiple savannah refugia in southern Mozambique (2013)
Contrasted evolutionary histories of two Toll-like receptors (Tlr4 and Tlr7) in wild rodents (MURINAE) (2013)
First evidence of independent pseudogenization of Toll-like receptor 5 in passerine birds (2014)
The role of environment and dispersal mode in metacommunity structuring of aquatic invertebrates at isolated spring fens. (2014)
Intermittent streams in Central Europe _ future challenges for limnologists (2014)
Intermittent streams _ a neglected phenomenon in Central Europe? (2014)
Maps of drought risk _ principals of their construction (2014)
Testing of different approaches for the indication of stream intermittency in the Czech Republic _ the BIODROUGHT project (2014)
The risk of drying out of small streams: preliminary classification of the Czech Republic area (2014)
Impact drought on mayfly taxocoenoses (2014)
Biogeografické regiony České republiky (2013)
Myxozoa in high Acrctic: Survey on the central part of Svalbard archipelago (2014)
Experimental evidence for parasite-induced over-winter mortality in juvenile Rhodeus amarus (2014)
Dactylogyrids (Monogenea) parasitizing African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) in Zimbabwe (2014)
Cysteine peptidase inhibitors of helminths (2014)
The protein inhibitors of peptidases from Eudiplozoon nipponicum and their preparation in recombinant form by using the cell-free expression systems (2014)
Holokinetic Drive: Centromere drive in chromosomes without centromeres (2014)
Patterns of land-snail succession in Central Europe over the last 15,000 years: main changes along environmental, spatial and temporal gradients (2014)
Land snail diversity and composition in relation to ecological variations in Central European floodplain forests and their history (2014)
Biodiversity surrogate effectiveness in two habitat types of contrasting gradient complexity (2014)
Cystatins of the parasitic nematodes from the genus Trichinella (2014)
Komunikují mezi sebou populace blešivců v pramenech, aneb kdo je tajemný taxikář karpatských hvozdů? (2014)
The immunity and parasitism in Gibel Carp (Carassius gibelio), a species with dual form of reproduction (2014)
Kompozice pro přípravu modifikovaných želatinových nanovláken a nanovlákna (2014)
Adaptive phylogeography: functional divergence between haemoglobins derived from different glacial refugia in the bank vole (2014)
Bioluminescent assay for evaluating antimicrobial activity in insect haemolymph (2014)
Recent artificial vineyard terraces as a refuge for rare and endangered spiders in a modern agricultural landscape (2014)
Monogeneans (Dactylogyridae) from the gills of African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) in Kenya and Zimbabwe (2014)
Exploring the cystatins of helminths (2014)
Diplozoid monogeneans: newly identified details of ultrastructure (2014)
Rizika vysychání toků - očekávané dopady klimatické změny na jejich oživení (2014)
Dipteran fauna of the Western Carpathian spring fens (2014)
The detection, rate and manifestation of residual sexuality in apomictic populations of Pilosella (Astreraceae, Lactuceae) (2014)
High plant diversity of grasslands in a landscape context: A comparison of contrasting regions in Central Europe (2014)
Preimaginal stages and biology of Bactericera lyrata (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Triozidae) (2014)
First record of the Australian genus Platyobria Taylor, 1987 from Europe and P. biemani sp. nov. as a potential pest of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) (2014)
Poznatky o rozšíření druhu Bombus cryptarum (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) na Moravě a jeho laboratorním chovu. (2011)
Toll-like receptor repertoire in grey partridge (2010)
Structure and variability of Toll-like receptor genes in Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Identification of Toll-like receptor genes in Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) (2011)
Nová bryologická literatura XXVIII (2014)
Jestřábník hroznatý (Hieracium racemosum) v České republice (2014)
Antioxidant, antimicrobial and neutrophil-modulating activities of herb extracts (2014)
Chemiluminescent determination of reactive oxygen species using Pholasin luminophore in birds and insect phagocytes (2014)
Kůrovci (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) jedlobukových lesů CHKO Beskydy (2014)
Effect of logging intensity on a community of bark beetles and their predators in montane beech-fir forests (2014)
Assemblage compostion and vertical stratification of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in temperate lowland and montane forests (2014)
Vertical stratification of saproxlic beetle assemblages in a lowland floodplain forest and a mountain forest (2014)
The importance of species replacement and richness differences in small-scale diversity patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates in spring fens (2014)
Conspicuous behaviour of killifish Nothobranchius furzeri : the effect of natural Apatemon sp. infection (2014)
Temporal effects on host - parasite associations in sympatric goby fishes naturalized in the area of introduction (2014)
Multiplex panels of polymorphic microsatellite loci for bat bug (Cimex pipistrelli) in Central Europe. (2014)
The seasonal changes of innate immunity of tench, Tinca tinca (L.) with different ploidy level (2014)
Functional divergence and population replacement in British bank voles (2014)
Pathogenicity of nematobacterial complexes and its development (2014)
Trends in species diversity of lotic stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic over five decades (2014)
Reconstruction of ecological changes during the Late glacial in small filled lake in Western Carpathians, Slovakia (2014)
Natural habitats matter: Determinants of spatial pattern in the composition of animal assemblages of the Czech Republic (2014)
Aplikace pozemního laserového skenování v geovědních disciplínách (2014)
Is different degree of individual specialization in three spider species caused by distinct selection pressures? (2014)
Host specificity in bed bugs and its implication for bat conservation (2014)
Erythrocyte size in bats - factor determining host choice in Cimicids (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) (2014)
Creating a bat inventarisation in Flemish Brabant by use of complementary research methods (2014)
Ultrastructural study on diplozoid monogeneans – new revelations and perspectives (2014)
Základy fylogenetické analýzy (2014)
Spatial variation of metazoan parasite communities in bitterling fish across its geographical distribution (2014)
Potential for host - switch in Gyrodactylus proterorhini in the area of introduction (2014)
Analysis of rodent museum samples using DNA barcoding and next-generation sequencing (2014)
Molecular phylogeny of Eastern African gerbils (Gerbilliscus) reveals the history of SOmali-Maasai savannah (2014)
Personality traits, reproductive behaviour and alternative mating tactics in male European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus (2012)
Seminář k průběžným výsledkům projektu „BIOSUCHO“ (2014)
Landscape classification of the Czech Republic based on the distribution of natural habitats (2014)
Projekt BIOSUCHO - vědecká východiska, principy bioindikace, data, plánované výstupy (2014)
Testování indikace sucha na datech z rutinního biomonitoringu ČR (2014)
Bat research and conservation in "Nietoperek" bat reserve (Western Poland) (2014)
Infection of honeybee larvae by entomopathogenic nematodes - natural model to study honeybee immunity (2014)
Archeologický průzkum terénních reliktů karpatského bojiště na východním Slovensku, teoreticko-metodologický úvod (2014)
Motility of Siedleckia nematoides (Apicomplexa): Structural changes of cytoskeletal structures after drugs application (2014)
Epifytické mechorosty údolí Černé Ostravice (2013)
Epifytické mechorosty údolí Černé Ostravice (2013)
Importance of recent artificial vineyard terraces for xerothermophilic spiders in high-pressure agriculture landscape (2014)
Lovecká strategie jako "měkký" funkční znak euryfágních pavouků (2014)
Vineyard terraces as a refuge for rare and endangered spiders in a modern agriculture landscape (2014)
Effect of canopy openness on distribution of sibling species from Pardosa lugubris-group (Araneae, Lycosidae) (2014)
Are distinct hunting strategies of euryphagous spiders linked to their trophic functional distinction? (2014)
Changes in coexistence mechanisms with spatial scale and management type in the spider communities from vineyard terraces (2014)
Implications of behavioral traits of an intra-guild predator for biological control (2014)
Vliv emisního zatížení na epifytické mechorosty (Bryophyta) na dubech (Quercus spp.) (2013)
Boldness, aggression and locomotor activity in four Nothobranchius species (2014)
Chironomidae of spring fens: mechanisms driving compositional changes on local and regional spatial scale. (2014)
The protein composition of excretory-secretory products of three Trichinella species (2014)
Ekologický kontrast pramenišť pro chrostíky: změny v poměru specialistů a generalistů podél gradientu minerální bohatosti (2014)
Reproductive allotment in N. furzeri: field and experimental data (2014)
Alternative intrapopulation life-history strategies and their trade-offs in an African annual fish (2014)
Female bias in the adult sex ratio of African annual fishes: interspecific differences, seasonal trends and environmental predictors (2014)
Dactylogyrus communities in the Barbus hybrid zone of southern France (2014)
Effect of hybridization between common and mediterranean barbel on the composition of the monogenean parasite communities in southern France. (2014)
Indication of postmating isolation between two sibling species of spiders (2014)
Male and female venom glands in a sexually stinging scorpion (Arachnida , Scorpiones) (2014)
Sexual conflict in spiders (2014)
Strong matrilineal structure in common pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) is associated with variability in echolocation calls (2014)
White-Nose Syndrome Fungus: A Generalist Pathogen of Hibernating Bats (2014)
Responses of cell lines to the real and simulated inoculations with Cryptosporidium muris oocysts. (2014)
Gametocyst and oocysts morphology of Urospora travisiae, an extraordinary eugregarine from marine polychaete (2014)
Jestřábník okoličnatý (Hieracium umbellatum) v České republice (2014)
Bromus bromoideus (Lej.) Crép. (2014)
Erichloa procera (Retz.) C. E. Hubb. (2014)
Lithospermum arvense agg. (2014)
Unimodal Latitudinal Pattern of Land-Snail Species Richness across Northern Eurasian Lowlands (2014)
Effect of maternal origin on monogenean infection in fish hybrids (2014)
Land snail richness and abundance along a sharp ecological gradient at two sampling scales: disentangling relationships (2014)
Landscape history, calcareous fen development and historical events in the Slovak Eastern Carpathians (2014)
Cepaea nemoralis (l.) in Göteborg, S.W. Sweden: variation in a recent urban invader (2014)
Oocysts and gametocyst morphology of extraordinary coelomic gregarine Urospora travisiae from marine polychaete (2014)
Development of new agamococcidia Rhytidocystis sp. from Travisia forbesii (2014)
Urospora ovalis – coelomic gregarine from the White Sea polychaete Travisia forbesii (2014)
Phylogenetic relationships between pinworms (Nematoda: Enterobiinae) parasitising the critically endangered orang-utan, according to the characterisation of molecular genomic and mitochondrial markers. (2014)
Everything is new: host, parasite and insight into taxonomic division of Diplozoidae (2014)
Fine structure of Polyrhabdina sp. (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida), with emphasis on the taxonomic position of polyrhabdinides (2014)
David and Goliath: potent venom of an ant-eating spider (Araneae) enables capture of a giant prey (2014)
The effect of individual relatedness on colony performance in group-living Cyrtophora citricola (2014)
Coding-sequence variability in TLR4 in tropical and temperate zone passerines (2014)
Mezidruhová variabilita Toll-like receptoru 4 u vybraných druhů pěvců tropického a mírného pásma (2014)
Is the proportion of alien species in man-made habitats influenced by city size? (2014)
Individuální rozdíly v rychlosti metabolismu ovlivňují ztrátu hmotnosti během zimování u čolků (2014)
Selenidium sp. (Apicomplexa: Archigregarinida) from the intestine of Pygospio elegans (Polychaeta): fine structure and phylogenetic position (2014)
Diversity patterns of Chironomidae in the Western Carpathian spring fens. (2014)
Pseudogymnoascus destructans: Evidence of Virulent Skin Invasion for Bats Under Natural Conditions, Europe (2015)
Arenaviry a hantaviry afrických drobných savců (2014)
Výzkum arenavirů a hantavirů ve východní Africe (2012)
Arenaviruses and hantaviruses in Eastern Africa - preliminary results (2012)
Arenaviruses and hantaviruses in small mammals of Eastern Africa (2013)
Study of species diversity of viviparous monogeneans parasitizing african cichlids: looking for a needle in a haystack (2014)
Hidden diversity of gyrodactylid parasites on cichlids in Zambezi and Limpopo River basin. International Conference on Parasites of Wildlife (2014)
Attachment strategy of Eleutheroschizon dubosqi (Apicomplexa): a protococcidian sharing features of gregarines and cryptosporidian (2014)
Cell motility in sporozoites of Cryptosporidium muris. (2014)
Structural changes of cell lines after the real and simulated inoculations with Cryptosporidium muris oocysts. (2014)
Freezer-fracture technique and artefacts caused by processing conditions. (2014)
Kirkamflata, a new planthopper genus from Socotra island (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae) (2014)
On the occurrence of the stink bug Eysarcoris ventralis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Slovakia, with notes on its distribution in neighbouring countries (2014)
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 359. Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae. (2014)
Morphological diferences between African camallanid nematodes revealed by SEM (2014)
Using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) as a non-invasive method to studying fixed parasites (2014)
In situ dynamic ESEM observations of basic groups of parasites (2014)
Patterns in moss element concentrations in fens across species, habitats, and regions (2014)
Holocene history and environmental reconstruction of a Hercynian mire and surrounding mountain landscape based on multiple proxies (2014)
The Carpathian Mountains: a biodiversity hotspot for freshwater Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) (2014)
Biogeographic patterns of base-rich fen vegetation across Europe (2014)
Small ones and big ones: cross-taxon congruence reflects organism body size in ombrotrophic bogs (2014)
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R.Tx. 1937 (2014)
Parasitofauna of notothenioid fish from Prince Gustav Channel, Weddell Sea, Antarctica – expedition 2014 (2014)
Avipoxvirus in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) (2008)
Štenice a netopýři v praktické ochraně (2014)
Horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) (2012)
Minute moss beetles and riffle beetles (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae, Elmidae) of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) (2012)
Moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) (2012)
Environmental impact of heated mining waters on clitellate (Annelida: Clitellata) assemblages (2014)
Fyzickogeografický sborník 9. Fyzická geografie a životní prostředí (2011)
Rostlinná společenstva pěnovců v údolí Kaviny na Poličsku (2014)
The role of dispersal mode and habitat specialisation in metacommunity structuring of aquatic macroinvertebrates in isolated spring fens (2014)
Vodní hmyz a další pozoruhodná fauna západokarpatských slatinišť (2014)
New data on the karyotype and chromosomal rDNA location in Paradiplozoon megan (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), gill parasite of chubs (2014)
Reproductive seasonality of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) at northern limits of its distribution (2014)
Expanze hmyzu tekoucích vod – otvírá bránu klimatická změna nebo vliv člověka? (2014)
BIODROUGHT project – developing effective tools for retrospective bioindication of dry episodes in stream history and selection of watersheds with drought risk using aquatic macroinvertebrates (2014)
Different approaches to drought capture – how do aquatic invertebrates indicate dry episode in Central European streams? (2014)
Plasma-chemical modifications of cellulose for biomedical applications (2014)
Testing floristic and environmental differentiation of rich fens on the Bohemian Massif (2014)
The effect of hybridization on fish physiology, immunity and blood biochemistry: A case study in hybridizing Cyprinus carpio and Carassius gibelio (Cyprinidae) (2015)
Parasite-associated changes in fish host physiology and behaviour (2014)
Cysteine peptidase inhibitors from blood-feeding fish parasite Eudiploozoon nipponicum (Monogenea). (2014)
Diagnostics of helminths in meat products (2014)
Detection of parasitic helminths in final meat products (2014)
Cystatin of Eudiplozoon nipponicum - exploring the functional molecules of Monogenea (2014)
Do variability and expression level of fish MHC genes play crucial role in parasite load and host immunocompetence? (2014)
Diversity of oviparous monogeneans (Dactylogyridae) parasitising African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) (2014)
Cystatins of Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi and T. pseudospiralis (2014)
Cystatins of the parasitic Nematodes - Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi and T. pseudospiralis (2014)
Umělá inteligence a taxonomie: jsou entomologové ohroženým druhem? (2014)
Redescription and molecular characterisation of Dujardinascaris madagascariensis and a note on D. dujardini (Nematoda: Heterocheilidae), parasites of Crocodylus niloticus, with a key to Dujardinascaris spp. in crocodilians (2014)
Entomologie na Masarykově univerzitě: téměř stoletá cesta z chudobince do kampusu 3. tisíciletí. (2014)
European fen vegetation - synthesis and classification (2014)
GLAMA - Gap Light Analysis Mobile Application (2014)
Tolerance, optimum ranges and ecological requirements of free-living leech species (Clitellata: Hirudinida) (2014)
Molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat family Diadocidiidae and its position within the infraorder Bibionomorpha (Diptera) (2014)
Morphology versus DNA – what will bring clarity to the relationships of phylogenetically unclear genera of Anthomyzidae (Diptera)? (2014)
Rapid detection and identification of mucormycetes in bronchoalveolar lavage samples from immunocompromised patients with pulmonary infiltrates by use of high-resolution melt analysis (2014)
Parasitoid genus-specific manipulation of orb-web host spiders (Araneae, Araneidae) (2014)
Individual variation in amphibian metabolic rates during overwintering: implications for a warming world (2014)
Individual variation in amphibian metabolic rates during overwintering: implications for a warming world (2014)
High vegetation and environmental diversity during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene on the example of lowlands in the Czech Republic (2014)
Pflanzenreste aus den hochmittelalterlichen Bergbaustandorten im Ertzbebirge (2014)
Ploštice, křísi a mery (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Psylloidea) okolí Přebuzi v Krušných horách (2014)
Jumping plant-lice of Socotra Island (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) (2014)
Habitat invasion research: where vegetation science and invasion ecology meet (2014)
Ecology of Tilia sibirica in a continental hemiboreal forest, southern Siberia: An analogue of a glacial refugium of broad-leaved temperate trees? (2014)
Late Pleniglacial vegetation in eastern-central Europe: are there modern analogues in Siberia? (2014)
Preslia: hundred years of exploring central-European flora and vegetation (2014)
The number of vegetation types in European countries: major determinants and extrapolation to other regions (2014)
Environmental drivers of species composition and richness in dry grasslands of northern and central Bohemia, Czech Republic (2014)
Temperate forests in continental East Asia (2015)
Proč je flóra velkoměst pestrá (2014)
Bias due to autocorrelation where no one expects it: the relationship between community-weighted mean traits and environmental variables (2014)
Use of mean Ellenberg indicator values revisited (again) (2014)
Environmental correlates of the fine scale understory variation in oak or hornbeam dominated forests in the Czech Republic (2014)
New records of an alderfly Sialis nigripes (Megaloptera: Sialidae) from the Czech Republic (2014)
Comparative analysis of the macronutrient content of Central European ants (Formicidae): implications for ant-eating predators (2014)
Eat or not to eat: reversed sexual cannibalism as a male foraging strategy in spider Micaria sociabilis (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) (2014)
Trophic niche and predatory behaviour of the goblin spider Triaeris stenaspis (Oonopidae): a springtail specialist? (2014)
Comparative analysis of primary defences in spiders (Araneae) (2014)
Is there ontogenetic shift in the capture traits of a prey-specialized ant-eating spider? (2014)
Is inaccurate mimicry ancestral to accurate in myrmecomorphic spiders (Araneae)? (2014)
Population dynamic of aphids on cereals: digging in the time-series data to reveal regulation caused by temperature (2014)
The role of nurse plants in facilitating the germination of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) seed (2014)
Souprava pro odběr sedimentu z vyschlého dna (2014)
A new species of the genus Mygdonia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) from Madagascar with a key to species (2014)
Utricularia vulgaris v Hodonínské Dúbravě (2014)
Habitat preferences and ventral color variability of Hirudo medicinalis (Clitellata: Hirudinida) (2015)
Variation in species composition explained by spatially autocorrelated environmental variables (2015)
A supervised classification method – Cocktail Determination Key and CoDeK (2014)
Does the number of species or individuals change along temperature and moisture gradients? (2015)
Towards spatial coherence of biogeographical regions (2015)
AFLP: handy for Monogenea! (2014)
Application of NGS techniques for Monogenea. (2014)
Analysis of rodent museum samples using DNA barcoding and next-generation sequencing (2014)
Host-Parasite Interactions: Different Views and Different Perspectives. (2014)
Multigenomic recombinant strains as a tool for simulation of the first contact in a house mouse hybrid zone (2014)
Remarkable record of Dapsa denticollis (Coleoptera: Endomychidae) in northern Slovakia (2014)
Predbežné výsledky mapovania motýľov (Lepidoptera) obce Jalovec a jej okolia na rozhraní Liptovskej kotliny a Západných Tatier (2014)
Niche partitioning and niche filtering jointly mediate the coexistence of three closely related spider species (Araneae, Philodromidae) (2015)
The biocontrol potential of Philodromus (Araneae, Philodromidae) spiders for the suppression of pome fruit orchard pests (2015)
Differences in spider species diversity on grapevine plants on terraced and plain vineyards depending on the type of management (2014)
Host-parasite interactions: a case study of the Barbus hybrid zone (2014)
The effect of individual relatedness on colony performance in group-living Cyrtophora citricola (2014)
The effect of individual relatedness on colony performance in group-living Cyrtophora citricola (2014)
Semi-supervised classification of vegetation: preserving the good old units and searching for new ones (2014)
Reference values for biochemical parameters in blood serum of young and adult alpacas (Vicugna pacos) (2014)
Assessment of selenium status in alpaca (2014)
Genomics of MCMV in the European house mouse hybrid zone (2014)
Centrální Českomoravská vrchovina na prahu vrcholného středověku. Archeologie, geochemie a rozbory sedimentárních výplní niv (2014)
Bizarre distribution of Trocheta cylindrica: a pilot research (2014)
X. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Program a sborník abstraktů. (2012)
21st Helminthological Days 2014, Programme and Abstracts (2014)
Optimization of microscopic procedures for study of monogenean anatomy (2014)
Orangutan faeces under scanning electron microscope (2014)
Student Travel Grant 2014 - 48th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Migration Medicine (2014)
Ekologické aspekty samovolné obnovy fluviálních procesů na řece Bečve (2014)
Význam charakteru říčních koridorů pro biologické a chemické parametry malých vodních toků (2014)
Polní mokřady Znojemska jako refugium významných a vzácných druhů cévnatých rostlin (2014)
Centrální Českomoravská vrchovina na prahu vrcholného středověku. Archeologie, geochemie a rozbory sedimentárních výplní niv (2014)
Moderní analýza biologických dat. 1. Zobecněné lineární modely v prostředí R (2009)
Understanding the extreme species richness of semi-dry grasslands in east-central Europe: a comparative approach (2014)
Early occurrence of temperate oak-dominated forest in the northern part of the Little Hungarian Plain, SW Slovakia (2014)
Hmyz prameništních slatinišť: individuální odpovědi druhů na hlavní gradienty prostředí (2015)
Zoogeografické regiony České republiky (2015)
Immune response of porcine alveolar macrophages to simultaneous infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Haemophilus parasuis (2013)
Immune response of PAMs to simultaneous infection with PRRSV and Haemophilus parasuis (2014)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během podzimních 26. bryologicko-lichenologických dní (2013) v Beskydech (2014)
Vliv intensity lesního hospodaření na společenstva kůrovců a jejich predátorů v horských jedlobučinách (2015)
Ecological and evolutionary significance of genomic GC content diversity in monocots (2014)
Prvé nálezy bzdochy Dyroderes umbraculatus v Českej republike (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) s prehľadom ďalších expanzívnych druhov bzdôch v Českej republike a na Slovensku (2015)
Máloštětinatí opaskovci a jejich odezva na podmínky prostředí na prameništních slatiništích (2015)
From arable land to species-rich semi-natural grasslands: Succession in abandoned fields in a dry region of central Europe (2015)
A Prioritized Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Harvested Plants of Italy (2014)
New occurrence of reed bed decline in southern Europe: Do permanent flooding and chemical parameters play a role? (2014)
Patterns of fine-scale plant species richness in dry grasslands across the eastern Balkan Peninsula. (2015)
Vegetation of Lakes Chiusi and Montepulciano (Siena, central Italy): updated knowledge and new discoveries (2014)
The anArchive taxonomic Checklist for Italian botanical data banking and vegetation analysis: Theoretical basis and advantages (2015)
Ostřice České republiky (2014)
Vegetation diversity of mesic grasslands (Arrhenatheretalia) in the Iberian Peninsula (2014)
Nové nálezy velkých lupenonožců (Crustacea: Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata) na Znojemsku (2014)
Vliv sezóny, ploidie a nákazy na aktivitu komplementu sladkovodních ryb (2015)
Přehled zvláště chráněných a ohrožených druhů hub, lišejníků, rostlin a živočichů Kraslicka (2014)
Vztah vegetace pramenišť západočeské zřídelní oblasti k chemismu prostředí (2014)
Phylogenetic diversity of central-European urban plant communities: effects of alien species and habitat types (2015)
Druhová pestrost západokarpatských slatinišť očima hydro biologa (2015)
Invazní druhy vodních měkkýšů v České republice (2015)
Diverzita a složení společenstev dvoukřídlých na pramenných slatiništích Západních Karpat (2015)
Pakomáři západokarpatských slatinišť (2015)
Central European fen mollusc and plant assemblages in modern and quaternary perspective (2015)
Endangered molluscs of European fens: current data and conservation of glacial relicts (2015)
ESEM observations of basic groups of parasites with note on the interesting mermithid nematode from Caerostris sumatrana Strand, 1915 (2015)
Light and scanning electron microscopic observations of the nematode (Rictulariidae) parasitizing the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in Indonesia (2015)
3rd Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology Hotel Skalní mlýn 24–26 November 2014: Programme and Abstracts (2014)
Studies on acanthocephalans and parasitic nematodes of cold-blooded vertebrates (2014)
Biology and phylogeny of early emerging apicomplexans (2014)
A Complex Distribution of Elongation Family GTPases EF1A and EFL in Basal Alveolate Lineages (2014)
Medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis): a case study of habitat preferences and variability of ventral coloration (2014)
Revision of the genus Afrogyrodactylus Paperna, 1968 (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) with description of two new species from geographically distant localities (2014)
Cichlidogyrus and Enterogyrus (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) infecting Pseudocrenilabrus philander in Nwanedi River (2014)
Clarias gariepinus: A single fish species but how many Gyrodactylus species? (2014)
A single host species but how many Gyrodactylus species? An Anfrican case of Clarias gariepinus (2014)
Corrigenda for the publication "A cornucopia for Sciomyzidae (Diptera)" (2014)
Orientální bráněnky jako modelová skupina dipterologického výzkumu (2014)
New synonymy of Oplodontha minuta (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) with its first record from Socotra Island (2014)
Botanický průzkum Hrabětického lesa (2014)
Ultrastructure and 28S rDNA Phylogeny of Two Gregarines: Cephaloidophora cf. communis and Heliospora cf. longissima with Remarks on Gregarine Morphology and Phylogenetic Analysis (2014)
Alien species pool influences the level of habitat invasion in intercontinental exchange of alien plants (2014)
Native-range habitats of invasive plants: are they similar to invaded-range habitats and do they differ according to the geographical direction of invasion? (2015)
Mid-Holocene bottleneck for central European dry grasslands: Did steppe survive the forest optimum in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic? (2015)
Regional metacommunities in two coastal systems: spatial structure and drivers of plant assemblages (2015)
Nápadné chování afrických halančíků Nothobranchius furzeri infikovaných metacerkariemi motolice Apatemon sp. (2015)
Molecular and ultrastructural characterisation of Balantidium coli parasitizing orang-utans Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus in Indonesia: Possible medicinal use of plants against balantidiasis. (2014)
Disturbances can control fine-scale pedodiversity in old-growth forests: is the soil evolution theory disturbed as well? (2014)
Drivers of herb-layer species diversity in two unmanaged temperate forests in northern Spain (2014)
Ovlivňuje denní doba metabolickou aktivitu fagocytů vlaštovek obecných? (2015)
Population dynamics of Aster pyrenaeus Desf., a threatened species of temperate forest edges: A view of meso- and micro-scales (2014)
Phenotypic plasticity in seed germination relates differentially to overwintering and flowering temperatures (2014)
Decline of dry grassland specialists in Mediterranean high-mountain communities influenced by recent climate warming (2014)
Biogeographic deconstruction of alpine plant communities along altitudinal and topographic gradients (2014)
Environmental niche and distribution of six deciduous tree species in the Spanish Atlantic Region. (2014)
Alpine plant communities in the Picos de Europa calcareous massif (Northern Spain) (2014)
Timberline meadows along a 1000-km transect in NW North America: species diversity and community patterns (2014)
Herbicides Can Negatively Affect Seed Performance in Native Plants (2014)
Analyses of dryland biological soil crusts highlight lichens as an important regulator of microbial communities (2014)
Parasite species coexistence and the evolution of the parasite niche (2015)
Intermediate number of MHC class IIB length variants relates to enlarged perivisceral fat deposits in the blunt-head cichlid Tropheus moorii. (2014)
The Gyrodactylus (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) parasite fauna of freshwater sand gobies (Teleostei, Gobioidei) in their centre of endemism, with description of seven new species (2014)
In vitro selection and characterization of putative probiotics isolated from the gut of Acipenser baerii (Brandt, 1869) (2014)
Parasite biodiversity and fish radiation: combining two models in speciation research. (2014)
The monogenean fauna of cichlids from the Congo River (2014)
Monogenean fish parasites: from biodiversity exploration to a tool in introduced species research. (2014)
Monogenean parasites of cichlids: model systems for speciation and invasion biology? (2014)
A revision of the Tropheus complex from Lake Tanganyika: lessons and caveats in cichlid systematics. (2014)
Vegetation succession in restoration of disturbed sites in Central Europe: the direction of succession and species richness across 19 seres (2014)
Female control of mate plugging in a female-cannibalistic spider (Micaria sociabilis) (2015)
Výsledky floristického kursu České botanické společnosti v Třebíči (3.–8. července 2011) (2014)
Is the clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa extinct in Taiwan, and could it be reintroduced? An assessment of prey and habitat (2015)
Molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Rickettsia vini’ in Ixodes arboricola from the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2015)
Diagnostics of helminths in meat products (2015)
Annulotrema (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from Hydrocynus brevis (Günther) (Characiformes: Alestidae) in Segenal, with descriptions of two new species and remarks on Annulotrema pikei (2014)
Freshwater diatom communities from Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, southern Indian Ocean) (2014)
Insect community on Jurinea cyanoides (Asteraceae), a plant species protected under NATURA 2000 (2015)
Ultrastructure of the digestive tract of Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea) (2015)
Richness of ancient forest plant species indicates suitable habitats for macrofungi (2014)
Aurantiporus alborubescens (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) – first record in the Carpathians and notes on its systematic position. (2014)
Earthworm invasion alters enchytraeid community composition and individual biomass in northern hardwood forests of North America (2014)
Soil fauna across Central European sandstone ravines with temperature inversion: From cool and shady to dry and hot places (2014)
Disease alters macroecological patterns of North American bats (2015)
Distribution and host relations of species of the genus Cimex on bats in Europe (2014)
The BAARA (Biological AutomAted RAdiotracking) System: A New Approach in Ecological Field Studies (2015)
Erythrocyte size as one of potential causes of host preferences in cimicids (Cimex spp., Heteroptera: Cimicidae) (2014)
Macroecological characteristics of bat geomycosis in the Czech Republic: results of five years of monitoring (2014)
Cimicids and bat hosts in the Czech and Slovak Republics: ecology and distribution (2014)
A brief history of the Czech Bat Conservation Trust (2014)
Worker polymorphism in the arboricolous ant Liometopum microcephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae): Is it related to territory size? (2014)
A brief history of research on potworms (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) of North America (2014)
Innate prey preference overridden by familiarisation with detrimental prey in a specialised myrmecophagous predator (2015)
Reflections of Prehistoric and Medieval human activities in floodplain deposits of the Únanovka Stream, South Moravia, Czech Republic (2015)
The ipacts of Tourism on Behavior of Rehabilitated Orangutans (Pongo abelii) in Bukit lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia (2014)
The impact of tourism on the behavior of rehabilitated orangutans ( Pongo abelii ) in Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia (2014)
Food resources and intestinal parasites as limiting factors for boreal vole populations during winter (2014)
Silicon, endophytes and secondary metabolites as grass defenses against mammalian herbivores (2014)
Dlouhodobé ovlivnění chemické a mikrobiologické kvality vody vodním dílem Nové Mlýny (2014)
Effect of habitat conditions on parasite infection in 0+ juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in two Czech reservoirs (2014)
Monogeneans of catfish species Schilbe uranoscopus from Kenya (2014)
Projekt BIOSUCHO aneb jak lze využít vodní bezobratlé při detekci vysychavých toků (2014)
New species of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Cape Verde (2015)
Epilobium adenocaulon and Oenothera glazioviana (Onagraceae): new alien species for the Bulgarian flora (2015)
Detailní populačně-genetická struktura hořavky duhové ve střední Evropě (2015)
Microsatellite loci for population studies of the genus Alburnoides and four other critically endangered and vulnerable cyprinids in the Czech Republic (2015)
First Report on Anisakid Nematodes from South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) in James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
Effects of experimentally increased in ovo lysozyme on egg hatchability, chicks immune response and phenotype in a precocial bird (2015)
Fauna plazivek (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) České a Slovenské republiky: z historie po současnost (2015)
Species assignment in Pupilla (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupillidae): integration of DNA-sequence data and conchology (2015)
Interstadial inland dune slacks in south-west Slovakia: a multi-proxy vegetation and landscape reconstruction (2015)
Mollusc assemblages of Scandinavian fens: species composition in relation to environmental gradients and vegetation (2015)
Vodné mäkkýše ochranársky významných lokalít na Podunajskej nížine (2015)
Post-Translational Modifications of Histones in Human Sperm (2015)
Reproduction barrier between two lineages of bed bug (Cimex lectularius) (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) (2015)
Protococcidian Eleutheroschizon duboscqi, an unusual apicomplexan interconnecting gregarines and cryptosporidia. (2015)
Metazoan parasites of killifish from Mosambique (2015)
Monogenea parasitizing gills of the capelin, Mallotus villosus, in Petuniabukta, Svalbard (2015)
Motility of archigregarine Selenidium sp. parasitizing polychaete Pygospio elegans from White Sea (2015)
Species of Macvicaria (Gigson & Bray, 1982) (Digenea: Opecoelidae) in the Mediterrean and Antarctic (2015)
Examination of Selected Helminth Parasites by Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (2015)
Description of larva and puparium of Oplodontha rubrithorax (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from the Oriental Region (2015)
Novel molecular diagnostic approach for detection of pathogens in meat (2015)
Germination differences between natural and afforested populations of Pinus brutia and Cupressus sempervirens (2014)
Genetic comparison between natural and planted populations of Pinus brutia and Cupressus sempervirens in Syria (2014)
Amino acid composition and nutritional value of four cultivated South American potato species (2015)
Interpretace organických a mechanických metafor ve vědecké konceptualizaci hypertextu (2015)
Významné mechorosty rašelinišť na Českomoravské vrchovině na prahu 21. století (2014)
Proteomic responses to a methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress in the wild type and FerB mutant strains of Paracoccus denitrificans (2015)
Local adaptations in bryophytes revisited: the genetic structure of the calcium-tolerant peatmoss Sphagnum warnstorfii along geographic and pH gradients (2015)
Soil mixing and genesis as affected by tree uprooting in three temperate forests (2015)
Alien plants invade more phylogenetically clustered community types and cause even stronger clustering (2015)
Investigation of structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
Characterization of nine microsatellite markers and development of multiplex PCRs for the Chinese huge mussel Anodonta (Sinanodonta) woodiana Lea, 1834 (Mollusca, Bivalvia) (2015)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIV. (2015)
Představujeme výsledky projektu NAZV (2015)
Award for the best presentation in the category of postgraduate students - 22nd Helminthological Days (2015)
Diagnostika helmintů v masových produktech (2015)
Habitats and ecological niches of root-hemiparasitic plants: an assessment based on a large database of vegetation plots (2015)
Naturalization of central European plants in North America: species traits, habitats, propagule pressure, residence time (2015)
Challenging the view that invasive non-native plants are not a significant threat to the floristic diversity of Great Britain (2015)
Makrozoobentos pěnovcových mokřadů v postindustriální krajině Sokolovska (2015)
Plant alcaloid and probiotics increase resistance of honeybees to nematobacterial infection (2015)
Terrestrial fishes: rivers are barriers to gene flow in annual fishes from the African savanna (2015)
Effects of a co-existence of invasive Barbus barbus and local Barbus meridionalis on the composition of metazoan parasite communities (2015)
Transcriptomic analyses of a monogenean: Next-Generation Sequencing techniques in hands of parasitologists. (2015)
Expression of a cysteine peptidase inhibitor from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea). (2015)
Modelling fine-resolution plant species richness patterns of grasslands and forests in the Czech Republic (2015)
Fine-resolution patterns of plant species richness across European forests (2015)
Professor Vlastimil Baruš has passed away (2015)
Vliv potoků na kolonizaci izolovaných prameništních slatinišť Západních Karpat plazivkami (Copepoda, Crustacea) (2015)
Vliv imisní zátěže na druhové složení společenstev epifytických mechorostů (2015)
Epifytické mechorosty údolí Černé Ostravice (2015)
How does air pollution affect communities of epiphytic bryophytes on oaks? (2015)
Complete genome analysis of two new bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
High genetic diversity declines towards the geographic range periphery of Adonis vernalis, a Eurasian dry grassland plant (2015)
Botanical Excursions in Moravia (2015)
Trophic niche of Oecobius maculatus (Araneae: Oecobiidae): evidence based on natural diet, prey capture success, and prey handling (2015)
Increasing temperature may compensate for lower amounts of dead wood in driving richness of saproxylic beetles. (2015)
Ohrožení brouci CHKO Beskydy (2015)
Vliv množství potravy a rizika predace na růst jepic Cloeon dipterum (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) (2015)
Influence of food availability and predation risk on growth and maturation of Cloeon dipterum (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) (2015)
Vliv množství potravy a rizika predace na růst jepic Cloeon dipterum (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) (2015)
Is there any ecotone effect on species number in fragmented agricultural landscapes? (2015)
Proteome-wide dataset generated by iTRAQ-3DLCMS/MS technique for studying the role of FerB protein in oxidative stress in Paracoccus denitrificans (2015)
Effects of simulated historical tree litter raking on the understorey vegetation in a central European forest (2015)
Sucho v českých zemích: minulost, současnost a budoucnost (2015)
Bioindikace vysychavých toků pomocí vodních bezobratlých – výsledky projektu BIOSUCHO (2015)
Praktické výstupy projektu BIOSUCHO (2015)
Phylogeny and cryptic diversity of the Gammarus fossarum species complex in the Czech and Slovak Republics: first results (2015)
Jepice jako bioindikátory vyschnutí toku (2015)
Jaké vlastnosti pomohou makrozoobentosu přežit vyschnutí toku? (2015)
Bioindication of stream intermittency by macroinvertebrates in temperate streams – results of the BIODROUGHT project (2015)
Which biological traits favored or disqaulify macroinvertebrates during stream drought? (2015)
Mayflies and drought – how survive in the intermittent streams? (2015)
Physiological and condition-related traits in the gynogenetic-sexual Carassius auratus complex: different investments promoting the coexistence of two reproductive forms? (2015)
First record of the widow spider Latrodectus elegans Thorell, 1898 (Araneae, Theridiidae) from Indochina (2015)
Unexpected visitor: mermithid nematode (Mermithidae, Nematoda) – surprised host: Bark Spider, Caerostris sumatrana (Araneae, Araneidae) (2015)
First molecular data for Digeneans from Antarctic fishes (2015)
Morphology and phylogeny of the true bug superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea (Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha) - a preliminary report (2015)
First record of Elasmucha ferrugata (F.) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae) from Montenegro (2015)
Detection of Diverse Novel Bat Astrovirus Sequences in the Czech Republic (2015)
Novel Cryptosporidium bat genotypes III and IV in bats from the USA and Czech Republic (2015)
Monitoring of the restored streams in the Vltavský Luh, Šumava National Park (2015)
Environmental and spatial control of ostracod assemblages in the Western Carpathian spring fens (2015)
The harpacticoid assemblages (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) in the Western Carpathian spring fens in relation to environmental variables and habitat age (2015)
Dynamika revitalizovaného podhorského potoku Hučina (NP Šumava) (2015)
Aquatic insects of spring fens: individual species responses to the main environmental gradients (2015)
Comparison of plant and snail diversity patterns in the White Carpathian Mts (Czech Republic) across forest and grassland habitats (2015)
Using multi-proxy palaeoecology to test a relict status of refugial populations of calcareous-fen species in the Western Carpathians (2015)
Metazoan parasites of the Barbus fishes from a hybrid zone (2015)
First record of the invasive polychaete Hypania invalida (Grube, 1960) in the Czech Republic (2015)
Annulotrema (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) in Lake Turkana, Kenya: morphometric and molecular analyses (2015)
Annulotrema (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from the gills of African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) in Lake Turkana, Kenya, with descriptions of four new species and a redescription of A. elongata Paperna and Thurston, 1969. (2015)
RBM7 subunit of the NEXT complex binds U-rich sequences and targets 3 '-end extended forms of snRNAs (2015)
From Metaphor to Hypertext: an Interplay of Organic and Mechanical Metaphorics in the Context of New Media Discovering (2015)
How to Analyze Metaphors in the Discourse of the Scientific Discovering of New Media? (2015)
Hypertext is Xanadu: an Interplay of Organic and Mechanical Metaphors in Scientific Conceptualization (2015)
Botanical Excursions in Moravia (2015)
Population genetic structure of the European bitterling in central Europe (2015)
Complete genome analysis of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2015)
Changes in the moss layer in Czech fens indicate early succession triggered by nutrient enrichment (2015)
Rozhovory se studenty a vědci Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (2015)
The role of Oligochaeta in the bioindication of stream intermittency – results of the BIODROUGHT project (2015)
The variability of MHC genes and parasite selection in hybrids of common bream (Abramis brama) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) (2015)
Proteomická analýza potencionálnych prometastatických cieľov odvodených z porovnania bunečných línií s rôznym migračným potenciálom (2015)
European glacial relict snails and plants: environmental context of their modern refugial occurrence in southern Siberia (2015)
První případy posmrtné magie na severní Moravě a ve Slezsku (2015)
Imunitní reakce včel (2015)
The Evolution od Diploid-polyploid Complex of Gibel Carp (Carassius gibelio): The Role of Parasites and Different Investment in Physiological Traits (2015)
Two new species of the genus Prosopistoma (Ephemeroptera: Prosopistomatidae) from Iraq and Algeria (2015)
New species of the genus Oligoneuriella Ulmer, 1924 (Ephemeroptera: Oligoneuriidae) from Turkey (2015)
The higher phylogeny of Leptophlebiidae (lnsecta: Ephemeroptera), with description of a new species of Calliarcys Eaton, 1881 (2015)
Decomposition patterns, nutrient availability, species identities and vegetation changes in central-European summit bogs (2015)
Nález ostřice Davallovy (Carex davalliana) v Lubenském lese na Litomyšlsku a poznámky k vegetaci nové lokality a jejího okolí (2015)
The monogenean fauna of selected deepwater cichlids in Lake Tanganyika (2015)
Habitat contrast among spring patches, spring brooks and nearby streams: changes in trichoptera assemblages along the gradient of mineral richness (2015)
Nález kapradě hřebenité (Dryopteris cristata) ve Žďárských vrších (2014)
Efficacy of mate plugging is a result of an interplay between male and female behaviour in Philodromus cespitum (Philodromidae) (2015)
Biological control in winter: Novel evidence for importance of generalist predators (2015)
Is increased efficiency in handling of preferred prey innate or gained by experience? (2015)
David and the Goliath: potent venom of a ant-eating spider (Araneae) enables capture of a giant prey (2015)
Discovery of a monophagous true predator, a termite-eating spider specialist (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) (2015)
Diagnostic panel for foodborne pathogens (2015)
Monogenea in deepwater Lake Tanganyika cichlids: reduced specifity or hidden diversity? (2014)
Molecular characterization of cystatins of Trichinella spp. (2015)
Výskyt Toxoplasma gondii u prasat domácích a divokých chovaných v různých produkčních systémech (2015)
Drivers of temporal changes in temperate forest plant diversity vary across spatial scales (2015)
Evaluation of the MALDI-TOF MS profiling for identification of newly described Aeromonas spp. (2015)
Vliv lokální heterogenity prostředí na taxocenózy rozsivek na prameništních slatiništích (2015)
Braccini, Tommaso: Před Draculou. Archeologie upíra. Recenze Vitovská Slezáková, Monika. Kuděj 1, 2014, č. 1, s. 124-128. (2015)
Investigating the amoebicidal activity of Indonesian plant extracts possibly used as medicinal plants by orangutans (2015)
Gyrodactylus parasites on african cichlids: A view on species diversity, distribution, interspecific relationship and ecological patterns (2015)
An evaluation of different discriminative approaches used for discrimination of cryptic (2015)
Comparison of a trophic niche and capture efficiency between an araneophagous specialist and a generalist (Gnaphosidae, Lamponidae) (2015)
Srovnání loveckých adaptací araneofágního specialisty a generalisty (2015)
Diversity of monogeneans parasitizing freshwater fishes of the Nile river in Sudan: current state and prospects (2015)
The bioinformatic analyses of “-omes” of helminths with special focus on serine peptidases of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2014)
The bioinformatic analyses of “-omes” of helminths with special focus on serine peptidases of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2014)
Preliminary study on metazoan parasites of gobiid fishes (Gobiidae, Actinopterygii) from northern Adriatic Sea (2015)
Basic epidemiological data of anisakid nematode larvae of gobiid fishes (Gobiidae, Actinopterygii) from northern Adriatic Sea (2015)
Cystatin: the cysteine peptidase inhibitor from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2015)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea): Challenge for next-generation sequencing (2015)
Diplozoid monogeneans (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) a unique group of fish parasites in the light of recent knowledge. (2015)
Cysteine peptidase inhibitors of Trichinella spiralis (2015)
The comparison of functional molecules from excretory-secretory products of two Trichinella species (2015)
Phylogenetic structure of plant species pools reflects habitat age on the geological time scale (2015)
Trocheta cylindrica (Hirudinida: Erpobdellidae) – máme v ČR opravdu jen tohoto zástupce rodu? (2015)
Carpathian spring fens versus nearby brooks: what does Trichodrilus strandi (Lumbriculidae) like more? (2015)
Increased habitat complexity improves the suppression of pest Cacopsylla pyri by winter-active spiders. In European congress of arachnology 2015, Brno. 2015. (2015)
Individual behavioural differences in a specialized ant-eating spider Zodarion rubidum. In European congress of arachnology 2015, Brno. 2015. (2015)
Effect of cannopy openness on distribution of epigeal spider communities in former coppiced oak forest stands with implications on forest management. In European congress of arachnology 2015, Brno. 2015. (2015)
The relationship between niche properties and composition of spider communities in vineyard terraces. In European congress of arachnology 2015, Brno. 2015. (2015)
Araneofauna of grapevines under different management regimes - increasing diversity and abundance of spiders in agroecosystem. In European congress of arachnology 2015, Brno. 2015 (2015)
Toxicity effect of a crude extract of Embelia ribes and two commercial pesticides on mortality and foraging behaviour of a potential biocontrol agent Oxyopes lineatipes. In European congress of arachnology 2015, Brno. 2015. (2015)
Effect of canopy openness on distribution of sibling species from Pardosa lugubris-group (Araneae, Lycosidae). In Zoologické dny 2015, Brno. (2015)
Teplotně specifický účinek pesticidů na predační potenciál listovníků (Araneae, Philodromidae). In Zoologické dny 2015, Brno. (2015)
Differences in species diversity of spiders on grape vine on terraced and conventional vineyards depending on the type of management. Zoologické dny 2015, Brno. (2015)
Basic epidemiological data on metazoan parasites of notothenioid fish off James Ross Island (Prince Gustav Channel, Weddell Sea), Antarctica (2015)
Trematode Apatemon sp. manipulates behaviour of killifish Nothobranchius furzeri from Mozambique (2015)
Evil media and the metaphor of a gray zone. Lecture for media studies students at University of Zagreb (2015)
Immune response to nematobacterial infection (2015)
Insect immunity after invasion of entomopathogenic nematodes (2015)
Workshop: At the crossroads between insect immunology, physiology and ecology (2015)
A multilocus assessment of nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data elucidates phylogenetic relationships among European spirlins (Alburnoides, Cyprinidae) (2015)
Mikroskopičtí korýši západokarpatských pramenišť (2015)
Drivers of aquatic macroinvertebrate richness in spring fens in relation to habitat specialization and dispersal mode (2015)
Vegetation mapping of moss-dominated areas of northern part of James Ross Island (Antarctica) and a suggestion of protective measures (2015)
Book of Abstracts, 13th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (2015)
Can oligochaete assemblages predict an ecological type of treeless spring fens? (2015)
13th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (2015)
Předneolitické osídlení horního Pojihlaví. K nálezovému potenciálu Českomoravské vrchoviny (2015)
Karpaty jako centrum diverzity epigeických blešivců: Co nám ukázal výzkum komplexu Gammarus fossarum v Rumunsku a na moravsko-slovenském pomezí (2015)
Biodiversity of freshwater autotrophs in selected wet places in northern coastal ecosystems of James Ross Island (2015)
Borotice (okr. Znojmo) (2015)
Netopýři českých a polských Krkonoš (2015)
XVII. konference České limnologické společnosti a Slovenskej limnologickej spoločnosti „Voda – věc veřejná“ : sborník příspěvků (2015)
Primary Structure of 28S rRNA Gene Confirms Monophyly of FreeLiving Heterotrophic and Phototrophic Apicomplexans (Alveolata) (2015)
The Lateglacial and Holocene in Central Europe: a multi-proxy environmental record from the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic (2015)
Kde všude žijí máloštětinatí opaskovci? (2015)
Bioindikace na rozcestí nebo na scestí (2015)
Historie a současnost výzkumu bezobratlých živočichů na Ústavu botaniky a zoologie Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2015)
Pěnovcové potoky na výsypkách v Sokolovské pánvi – kdo z bezobratlých je osídlí a kdo nepřežije? (2015)
Larvy pakomárů Monopelopia tenuicalcar jsou predátoři vysávající svoji kořist (2015)
Představuje blešivec potoční predačně-disturbační tlak pro drobné bezobratlé na prameništních slatiništích? (2015)
Small herbivores suppress algal accumulation on Agatti atol (2015)
Malakozoologův průbodce makro(ekologií) (2015)
Distribution of Gerris asper and G. lateralis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) in the Czech Republic (2012)
Škeblovky (Crustacea: Spinicaudata) a hrašníci (Crustacea: Laevicaudata) na území České republiky (2013)
Sledování pěnovcových mokřadů na vybraných výsypkách v Sokolovské pánvi (2015)
The impact of fish stock manipulation on aquatic macroinvertebrates and waterfowl in the Lednice Fishponds National Nature Reserve (Czech Republic). (2013)
Radosti a strasti výzkumu vodních bezobratlých ve vrchovištních tůních (2014)
Spoločenstvo bezstavovcov litorálu ako faktor ovplyvňujúci výskyt a hniezdenie vtákov na rybníkoch (2015)
Výzkum polních rozlivů a velkých lupenonohých korýšů (2015)
Vodné bezstavovce ako faktor ovplyvňujúci výskyt vtákov na rybníkoch (2015)
Variabilita společenstev vodních brouků (Coleoptera) v prameništních systémech (2015)
Rozšíření velkých lupenonohých korýšů v České republice jako odraz krajinných změn (2015)
Large Branchiopods in periodically-flooded field wetlands: a challenge for nature conservation in ephemeral agricultural habitats (2015)
Diverzita vodních bezobratlých svahových slatinišť: vliv lokálních faktorů a biogeografických aspektů ve vztahu k stanovištní specializaci a disperzi (2015)
Botanical survey and successional changes of vegetation in pools after restoration project in wetland near the Cisarska cave, Moravian Karst (2015)
Hodnocení rizika vysychání drobných vodních toků v České republice (2015)
European Mire Vegetation Database: a gap-oriented database for European fens and bogs (2015)
Occurrence of gill parasites in the Turkish endemic fish, Squalius fellowesii (Cyprinidae); including new host records. (2015)
Combination of morphometry with molecular methods revealing new parasite species and innovative insight into taxonomy of diplozoids. (2015)
The effect of sample size and resolution on palaeomalacological interpretations: a case study from calcareous-fen deposits (2015)
Harpacticoida (Copepoda, Crustacea) of the Western Carpathian spring fens: influence of climate, nutrients and pH on species ecology (2015)
Diversity and ecology of European fen mollusc fauna: state of the art (2015)
“Omics” and population genetic tools applied on selected species from the class Monogenea (2015)
Evolution of diploid-polyploid Carassius auratus complex (2015)
How can we better understand host-parasite interactions? (2015)
Dactylogyrids from African tetras - morphological and molecular analyses (2015)
Research on diversity of monogeneans from tropical and subtropical fishes (2015)
A multilocus assessment of nuclear and mitochondrial sequencec data elucidates phylogenetic relationship among European spirlins (Alburnoides, Cyprinidae). (2016)
4th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology Programme & Abstracts (2015)
Terra incognita – sequencing projects of monogeneans parasites (2015)
Calcium intolerance of fen mosses: physiological evidence, effects of nutrient availability and successional drivers (2015)
Vojenské újezdy jako útočiště velkých lupenonohých korýšů v české krajině (2015)
Hydrobiolog na suchu aneb hledání otisků vysychání na dně našich toků (2015)
Climatic gradients within temperate Europe and small-scale species composition of lichen-rich dry acidophilous Scots pine forests (2015)
Three Placynthiaceae reported new to Asia from limestone in Turkey, with the description of the apothecia of Placynthium posterulum (2015)
LICHENS (2016)
Hodnocení rizika vysychání drobných vodních toků v České republice (2015)
Savci (Mammalia) PP Hraniční meandry Odry (2006)
Professor Jiří Gaisler, 3 July 1934 - 17 July 2014 (2014)
Extremely low genetic variation in endangered Tatra chamois and evidence for hybridization with an introduced Alpine population (2015)
Metodika retrospektivní bioindikace epizod vyschnutí toků na základě analýzy makrozoobentosu (2015)
Molecular genetics revealing new diplozoid species and coevolutionary relationships between parasites and their hosts. (2015)
Morphological and molecular studies on anisakid parasitic nematodes from Antarctic fish-eating bird. (2015)
Is the proportion of alien species in urban habitats influenced by city size? (2015)
Rank-based biomarker index to assess cadmium ecotoxicity on the earthworm Eisenia andrei (2016)
Sea parasites biodiversity and their basic epidemiology (2015)
Some parasites like it cold: parasitological research progress in Prince Gustav Channel, Antarctica (2015)
In Situ Dynamic ESEM Observationsof Basic Groups of Parasites (2015)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 1 (2015)
Suchozemské ploštěnky naší fauny (2015)
Mapa rizika vysychání drobných vodních toků (2015)
Funde seltener und gefährdeter Pflanzenarten im Weinviertel (Niederösterreich) (2015)
Ein neuer Fundort der Adria-Riemenzunge (Himantoglossum adriaticum, Orchidaceae) im Weinviertel (Niederösterreich) (2015)
Intercontinental comparison of habitat levels of invasion between temperate North America and Europe (2015)
The European chub (Squalius cephalus) as a model organism for studying host-parasite interaction at the molecular level (2015)
Incorporating molecular data in systematics of selected African fish parasites (2015)
The organisation of the body wall and related structures in Paradiplozoon bliccae (2015)
Microscopic imaging techniques for study of diplozoid anatomy (2015)
Cell cycle-dependent changes in H3K56ac in human cells. (2015)
Validations of high-rank syntaxa in Potamogetonetea and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (2015)
Nová lokalita páperca alpínskeho (Trichophorum alpinum) na Slovensku (2015)
Contrasting Holocene environmental histories may explain patterns of species richness and rarity in a Central European landscape (2016)
Historický a prehistorický management luk a jeho případné dnešní aplikace (2015)
Soil thermal buffer and regeneration niche may favour calcareous fen resilience to climate change (2015)
Modelling the Last Glacial Maximum environments for a refugium of Pleistocene biota in the Russian Altai Mountains, SiberiaPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (2015)
A comparative framework for broad-scale plot-based vegetation classification (2015)
Nomenclature adjustments and new syntaxa of the Arctic, alpine and oro-Mediterranean vegetation (2015)
The most species-rich plant communities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with new world records) (2015)
58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science: Understanding broad-scale vegetation patterns. 19–24 July 2015, Brno, Czech Republic. Abstracts (2015)
A test on Ellenberg indicator values in the Mediterranean evergreen woods (Quercetea ilicis) (2015)
An analysis of factors affecting genotyping success from museum specimens reveals an increase of genetic and morphological variation during a historical range expansion of a European spider (2015)
4th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology, International environmental educational, advisory and information centre of water protection Vodňany (IEEAIC), 23–25 November 2015 : Programme & Abstracts (2015)
Reliktní vegetace na mezických stanovištích (2015)
Re-launch of Phytocoenologia: new profile for the classic vegetation ecology journal (2015)
Nelesní vegetace České nížiny: reliktní původ a kulturní transformace (2015)
Biocompatible polymeric nanofibers modified with silk sericin (2015)
Květena a vegetace Přírodní památky Dubová stráň u Dačic (2015)
Ecology of testate amoebae in mires of the Western Carpathians and development of a transfer functions for paleoecological reconstructions (2014)
Carex vaginata – new relict species in the Romanian flora (2015)
Cystatin: the cysteine peptidase inhibitor from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2015)
Monogenea: From sequences to molecules… (2015)
Species richness of vegetation types: fair comparison using standardization to sample completeness rather than sample area (2015)
Excretory system of representatives from family Diplozoidae (Monogenea) (2016)
Major acid endopeptidases of the blood-feeding monogenean Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae) (2016)
Liší se společenstva epifytických mechorostů na dubech v oblastech s různou mírou imisní zátěže? (2015)
Vliv imisní zátěže na druhové složení společenstev epifytických mechorostů (2015)
Lesní vegetace Krumlovského lesa a okolí (2015)
WetVegEurope: a database of aquatic and wetland vegetation of Europe (2015)
Bryologický průzkum bývalého důlního díla Žebračka u Zlatých Hor. (2015)
Bryophytes associated with two tree species and different stages of decay in a natural fir-beech mixed forest in the Czech Republic. (2015)
Výskyt, rizika a detekce nejvýznamnějších jednobuněčných parazitů v potravinách (2015)
Výskyt Toxoplasma gondii v kůzlečím a jehněčím mase určeném ke konzumaci (2015)
Formalized classification of species-poor vegetation: a proposal of a consistent protocol for aquatic vegetation (2015)
Small mammals communities and their parasites in managed lowland forest stands during forest cycle - preliminary results (2015)
Testate amoeba Rhogostoma minus Belar, 1921, associated with nodular gill disease of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) (2016)
Non-invasive genetics of the Eurasian lynx of the Western Carpathians (2015)
Conservation genetics of the Eurasian lynx in the Western Carpathians (2015)
Molecular typing of Staphylococcus petrasii strains (2015)
Host-specific parasites as indicator of evolution and historic dispersion of their hosts: model Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) and cyprinid fish in Perimediterranean area (2015)
Phylogeny of vespertilionid bats with respect to the white-nose syndrome (2012)
Změny lesní vegetace v Hodonínské Dúbravě v posledních 50 letech (2015)
Obraz čarodějnictví na stránkách josefínského a tereziánského zákoníku (2015)
Ecological aspects of fluvial processes recovery at Becva River (2015)
The origin of grasslands in the temperate forest zone of east-central Europe: long-term legacy of climate and human impact (2015)
Habitat-scale evaluation of stream restoration effects: case study at Knehyne Stream (2015)
Influence of life traits and hybridization on parasite community structure in roach (Rutilus rutilus) and common bream (Abramis brama) hybrids (2015)
Ectoparasites may serve as vectors for the white-nose syndrome fungus (2016)
The Spider Assemblage of Olive Groves Under Three Management Systems (2015)
Trophic specialisation in a predatory group: the case of prey-specialised spiders (Araneae) (2015)
Risk Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of Faecal Mice Contaminants in Simulated Agricultural and Food Store (2015)
Discovery of a monophagous true predator, a specialist termite-eating spider (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) (2015)
Výskyt Toxoplasma gondii v kůzlečím a jehněčím mase určeném ke konzumaci (2016)
Proč koroptev zakrývá snůšku až v pokročilé fázi snášení? (2015)
Home range structure and its impact on survival of Grey Partridge (2015)
Range expansion of the invasive house mouse Mus musculus domesticus in Senegal, West Africa: a synthesis of trapping data over three decades, 1983–2014 (2015)
Chamaecyparis montane cloud forest in Taiwan: ecology and vegetation classification (2015)
Frequency of Low Clouds in Taiwan Retrieved from MODIS Data and Its Relation to Cloud Forest Occurrence (2015)
Population genetics and symbiont assemblages support opposing invasion scenarios for the red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) (2016)
Genetic Analyses Suggest Separate Introductions of the Pine Pathogen Lecanosticta acicola Into Europe (2016)
Mapování historie a šíření populací sysla obecného (Spermophilus citellus) (2015)
Myšovití hlodavci tropických lesů jižního Konga (2015)
How to learn about population history – an inference from genetic data (2015)
Population genetic analyses reveal the origin and reproductive mode of the quarantine pathogen Lecanosticta acicola in Europe (2015)
Evolutionary history of the pine needle pathogen Lecanosticta acicola (2015)
Mapping tree density at a global scale (2015)
Responses of honey bee colonies to supplemental feeding with probiotic bacteria (2015)
A study on bioluminescence and photoluminescence in the earthworm Eisenia lucens (2016)
Thirty years unmanaged green roofs: Ecological research and design implications (2016)
Monogenean parasites of Lepomis gibbosus Linnaeus introduced into the River Durance, France (2015)
Příprava biopolymerních nanovláken vhodných pro medicínské aplikace (2015)
Významné baktericidní účinky želatinových nanovláken modifikovaných oxidovanou celulózou (2014)
Gelatin Nanofibers Modified with Oxidized Cellulose with Significant Bactericidal Effects (2014)
Gyrodactylus spp. diversity on African Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822): the result of co-evolutionary strategy? (2015)
Seasonal compositions of monogenean parasites from Psedocrenilabrus philander (Weber, 1897) in the middle Limpopo River Basin (South African region) (2015)
Studium imunitních parametrů ryb (2016)
Změny v patogenitě entomopatogenních hlístovek (2016)
Odpověď hmyzu na nákazu entomopatogenními hlísticemi (2016)
The influence of sex, age and season on the haematological profile of alpacas (Vicugna pacos) in Central Europe (2015)
Pohyby při nízkých tělesných teplotách u netopýrů (2016)
Distribuce plazivek (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) v Západních Karpatech (2016)
Vliv geografické bariéry na populace netopýrů: Genový tok, tahová fenologie a netopýr obrovský v ČR (2016)
External structures of the metathoracic scent gland efferent system in the true bug superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) (2016)
Monogenean parasites from Pseudocrenilabraus philander (Weber, 1897) in the middle Limpopo River Basin (South African region). (2015)
The revision of the genus Afrodiplozoon (Khotenovsky, 1981.) (Monogenea: Diploziodae). (2015)
Afrodiplozoon Khotenovsky, 1981 (Monogenea: Diplozoidae): revision of the genus using multidisciplinary approach. (2015)
Gyrodactylus spp. on African Clarias gariepinus: parasites who preferred co-speciation instead of host switching. (2015)
Seasonal diversity of metazoan parasites of Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Weber, 1897) from the middle Limpopo River basin (2015)
Testing inter-regional variation in pH niches of fen mosses (2016)
Impact of Canopy Openness on Spider Communities: Implications for Conservation Management of Formerly Coppiced Oak Forests (2016)
Temperature-dependent effect of two neurotoxic insecticides on predatory potential of Philodromus spiders (2016)
Sublethal effect of agronomical surfactants on the spider Pardosa agrestis (2016)
Ontogeneze imunitního systému invazního slunéčka Harmonia axyridis (2016)
Utváření a význam pavoučích osobností v ekologické dynamice (2015)
Pozoruhodné floristické nálezy z nivy Moravy mezi Strážnicí a Kunovicemi (2015)
Afrodiplozoon polycotyleus (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) recorded from cyprinids from the luvuvvhu River. Morhpological analysis and molecular characterisation. (2015)
Update of parasitofauna of fishes in the middle Zambezi River and Lake Kariba (2015)
Parasite infections of Pseudocrenilabrus philander and Barbus paludinosus from a RAMSAR wetland in South Africa (2015)
Onchocleidus dispar (Mueller, 1936) (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalinae) on the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides in South Africa: a transcontinental traveller (2015)
Diversity of metazoan parasites and pathological alterations caused by some parasites infecting the Southern mouth-brooder, Pseducrenilabrus philander (Weber, 1897) from the middle Limpopo basin (2015)
Metazoan parasites infecting the souther mouth-brooder, Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Weber, 1897) from Nwanedi and Bubi Rivers (2015)
Ač má pruhy, zebrou není aneb fylogeneze myší rodu Lemniscomys (2016)
Rejskovití hmyzožravci (Soricidae) Konžské republiky (2016)
Poznámky k nálezu zárazy síťnaté (Orobanche reticulata) na Znojemsku (2015)
Obraz čarodějnictví na stránkách josefínského a tereziánského zákoníku (2015)
Modern Analysis of Biological Data. Generalized Linear Models in R (2016)
Na velikosti záleží? Jak velikost sídla ovlivňuje druhové složení vegetace (2015)
First insights into the diversity of gill monogeneans of ‘Gnathochromis’ and Limnochromis (Teleostei, Cichlidae) in Burundi: do the parasites mirror host ecology and phylogenetic history? (2016)
Moravian parasitology school (2016)
What Kundera’s novels offer to their readers? Focused on Kundera’s biography and bibliography (2016)
New Antarctic gregarine from littoral amphipod from James Ross Island (2015)
Diversity of African parasitic copepods (Crustacea) (2015)
Does host ploidy affect the parasitism level? (2015)
Non-native gobies facilitate the transmission of Bucephalus polymorphus (Trematoda) (2015)
Collolechia revisited and re-assessment of ascus characteristics in Placynthiaceae (Peltigerales, Ascomycota (2016)
Differences in the compatibility of infection between the liver flukes Fascioloides magna and Fasciola hepatica in a Colombian population of the snail Galba sp. (2015)
Does carcass decomposition affect soil-dwelling enchytraeids? (2015)
Short note on enchytraeid occurrence in deep layers of urban soils (2015)
Potvrzení výskytu kříska leknínového (Erotettix cyane, Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) v České republice (2015)
Does the parasite-mediated selection drive the MHC class IIB diversity in wild populations of European chub (Squalius cephalus)? (2016)
Selection of potential probiotic Lactobacillus strains of human origin for use in dairy industry (2015)
Acinetobacter albensis sp nov., isolated from natural soil and water ecosystems (2015)
Lactic acid bacteria in cooked hams - Sources of contamination and chances of survival in the product (2016)
Efficient large-scale preparation and purification of short single-stranded RNA oligonucleotides (2016)
Spatial activity and feeding ecology of the endangered northern population of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) (2016)
Gelatin Nanofibers Modified with Oxidized Cellulose with Significant Bactericidal Effects (2014)
Cortinarius prodigiosus-a new species of the subgenus Phlegmacium from Central Europe (2015)
Value of old forest attributes related to cryptogam species richness in temperate forests: A quantitative assessment (2015)
Monogenean fauna of deepwater cichlids in Lake Tanganyika: Do they follow the evolutionary history of their hosts? (2016)
Descriptions of two new Pseudophacopteron species (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Phacopteronidae) inducing galls on Aspidosperma (Apocynaceae) in Brazil (2015)
Applied Hydrobiology (2014)
In vitro excystation of Cryptosporidium muris oocysts and viability of released sporozoites in different incubation media (2016)
Cyto-histological and morpho-physiological responses of common duckweed (Lemna minor L.) to chromium (2016)
Semi-dry grassland restoration in the SE alpine foreland of Austria - A study of early spontaneous colonisation patterns (2015)
Panicum virgatum L. (2015)
Filmové zamyšlení o mizející vodě: dokument Cestou suchých potoků (2016)
The response of Clitellata (Annelida) to environmental gradients in spring fens (2016)
Dactylogyrids (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) of catfishes (Siluriformes) from Sudan (2015)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu terénních bryologických kurzů Jihočeské Univerzity na Šumavě v roce 2014 (2015)
Nová bryologická literatura, XXIX (2015)
Dactylogyrids (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African catfishes (Siluriformes) (2015)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během exkurzí Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Podyjí (duben 2011) (2015)
Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw., Dicranum fulvum Hook., Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw.) D. Mohr, Fissidens pusillus (Wilson) Milde, Pedinophyllum interruptum (Nees) Kaal. (2015)
Mechorosty v Botanické zahradě PřF MU v Brně (2015)
Molecular phylogeny of anoplocephalid tapeworms (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) infecting humans and non-human primates (2015)
A new genus and three new species of tribe Oxycerini (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Oriental region (2015)
Morphology, taxonomy, distribution and relationships of the Afrotropical genus Isomerocera (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2015)
Marine amoebae with cytoplasmic and perinuclear symbionts deeply branching in the Gammaproteobacteria (2015)
Support for the coevolution of Neoparamoeba and their endosymbionts, Perkinsela amoebae-like organisms (2014)
Fine-scale vertical stratification and guild composition of saproxylic beetles in lowland and montane forests: Similar patterns despite low faunal overlap (2016)
Circum-Mediterranean Phylogeography of a Bat Coupled with Past Environmental Niche Modelling: A New Paradigm for the Recolonization of Europe? (2016)
Gastrointestinal Parasites and Ectoparasites in Wild Java Slow Loris (Nycticebus Javanicus). (2013)
Do Cryptosporidium spp., Encephalitozoon spp., Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Giardia spp. Pose Any Risk to Orangutans? (2015)
Cryptosporidium, Giardia and microsporidia in Indonesian orangutans (2014)
Parasites and Natural Antiparasitics in Orangutans (2012)
Gastrointestinal endoarasites parasitizing orang-utans Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus. (2014)
Orangutan parasites (2015)
Investigating the use of medicinal plants by orangutans (genus Pongo Lacépede, 1789: Hominidae) to combat parasitic infection (2013)
Intestinal parasites of wild orangutans in Gunung Palung National Park, Borneo, Indonesia (2016)
Patterns of intestinal parasite infection in wild Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii in Gunung Palung National Park (2016)
Temporal effects on host-parasite associations in four naturalized goby species living in sympatry (2015)
Phylogeny of specific gill monogeneans: a tool for study host biogeography? (2015)
Monitoring biothreat agents (Francisella tularensis, Bacillus anthracis and Yersinia pestis) with a portable real-time PCR instrument (2015)
Proč vysychají naše potoky a řeky? (2016)
Determinační kurz skupiny „OLIGOCHAETA“ (2016)
Cystatiny parazitických hlístic rodu Trichinella a jejich detekce s využitím xMAP technologie (2016)
Cena Dalibora Novotného (2016)
Cena o nejlepší práci mladých autorů do 35ti let (2016)
Invasion of Freshwater Molluscs in the Czech Republic: Time Course and Environmental Predictors (2015)
Šíření nepůvodních druhů vodních měkkýšů v České republice (2015)
Velká nebo malá nádrž? Žádná! Aneb kde hledat klíč k řešení problému sucha (i povodní) (2016)
Vermistella arctica n. sp Nominates the Genus Vermistella as a Candidate for Taxon with Bipolar Distribution (2016)
Vícesezónní sucho - klíčový fenomén formující společenstva našich toků (2016)
Fenomén vysychání toků aneb hydrobiologovy lapálie na suchém dně. (2016)
Diverzita chrostíků (Trichoptera) v prameništních slatiništích Západních Karpat – v čem se liší od okolních potoků? (2016)
Diverzita a ekologie chrostíků (Trichoptera) pramenných stružek slatinišť Západních Karpat (2015)
Druhová bohatost a rozmanitost chrostíků (Trichoptera) v pramenných stružkách slatinišť Západních Karpat (2015)
Redescription of the genus Wachsiella (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Largidae: Physopeltinae) with description of male and comments on its tribal placement (2016)
Rapid assignment of malting barley varieties by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation - Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2016)
Parazitofauna kaprovitých rýb Balkánu so zameraním na rod Dactylogyrus (2016)
Biotic homogenization of urban floras by alien species: the role of species turnover and richness differences (2016)
Vegetation classification and biogeography of European floodplain forests and alder carrs (2016)
European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots (2016)
A quest for species-level indicator values for disturbance (2016)
Disentangling vegetation diversity from climate-energy and habitat heterogeneity for explaining animal geographic patterns (2016)
How to publish a good journal in plant community ecology? (2016)
Applied Vegetation Science in 2016: the leading journal promoting the application of vegetation science (2016)
Preliminary report on piscicolid leeches from notothenioid fishes in Prince Gustav Channel (2016)
Novel electrospun gelatin/oxycellulose nanofibers as a suitable platform for lung disease modeling (2016)
Phylogeny of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) parasites of Balkan Peninsula (2016)
Exploring the transcriptome of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) adult worm (2016)
Male copulatory organs of Annulotrema (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African tetras: Does the size and shape matter? (2016)
Evolution of diploid-polyploid complex of Carassius auratus (2016)
Biokompatibilní polykaprolaktonová nanovlákna modifikovaná sericinem (2016)
Novel non-toxic bactericidal electrospun gelatin/oxycellulose nanofibers for medical applications (2015)
Immune response of pigs to Salmonella enterica serovar Derby and Typhimurium infections (2014)
ELISA test pro stanovení specifických prasečích IgA protilátek proti O-anigenům Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium (2013)
Použití antigenů Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium pro sérologické odlišení infikovaných a vakcinovaných prasat (2015)
Kmen kvasinky produkující rekombinantní prasečí laktoferin (2014)
ELISA test pro sérologické odlišení prasat infikovaných Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium od prasat vakcinovaných vakcínou založenou na inaktivované kultuře Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sérovar Typhimurium (2014)
Inaktivovaná vakcína pro prasata s obsahem antigenů Salmonella Derby, Salmonella Infantis a Salmonella Typhimurium vedoucí k ochraně sajících selat a tlumení salmonel v chovech prasat (2015)
Morphology and molecular phylogeny of coelomic gregarines (Apicomplexa) with different types of motility: Urospora ovalis and U. travisiae from the polychaete Travisia forbesii. (2016)
Flow cytometry may allow microscope-independent detection of holocentric chromosomes in plants (2016)
Estimating paternal efficiency in an agamic polyploid complex: pollen stainability and variation in pollen size related to reproduction mode, ploidy level and hybridogenous origin in Pilosella (Asteraceae) (2016)
Polyploidy in a ‘living fossil’ Ginkgo biloba (2016)
The occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii in domestic pigs and wild boars slaughtered in the Czech Republic (2016)
Real-time PCR a digital PCR v diagnostice parazitů v potravinách (2016)
A modern molecular approach in food safety and food-borne parasitoses (2016)
Diagnostický panel pro alimentární parazity (2016)
Představení xMAP technologie a možností jejího využití (2016)
Fenomén sucha - reakce bioty na vysychání toků a možnosti řešení tohoto problému (2016)
Taxonomy of haemolytic and/or proteolytic strains of the genus Acinetobacter with the proposal of Acinetobacter courvalinii sp nov (genomic species 14 sensu Bouvet & Jeanjean), Acinetobacter dispersus sp nov (genomic species 17), Acinetobacter modestus sp nov., Acinetobacter proteolyticus sp nov and Acinetobacter vivianii sp nov. (2016)
Mites Proctolaelaps superagui sp. nov. and Tropicoseius braziliensis on bromeliad Quesnelia arvensis in Brazil (2016)
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) as indicators of environmental changes in the past five decades: a case study from the Morava and Odra River Basins (Czech Republic) (2015)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea): serpins – inhibitors of serine peptidases (2016)
Inhibitory serinových peptidáz (SERPINY) parazitického organismu Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2016)
Vliv velikosti vzorku a členění vrstev na paleomalakologickou interpretaci: případová studie sedimentů pěnovcových slatinišť (2016)
Beech transcriptome data: “I am stressed!” (2016)
Phylogeny of parasites of the genus Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) on Balkan Peninsula (2016)
A first chironomid-based summer temperature reconstruction (13-5 ka BP) around 49 degrees N in inland Europe compared with local lake development (2016)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXV. (2016)
New method for retrospective bioindication of stream drying up based on the analysis of taxonomical and functional composition of aquatic macroinvertebrates (2016)
Usability of aquatic macroinvertebrates from bottom sediments for the bioindication of drought duration in streams (2016)
Risk assessment of drying up of small streams in the Czech Republic (2016)
Is it better to be big and old or small and young to overcome drought? – a case study of Gammarus fossarum after-drought recolonization of intermittent streams (2016)
Nové poznatky o rozšíření a ekologii nelupenaté houby zubatečku zavěšeného (Irpicodon pendulus) na Moravě (2016)
Three new species of gall-forming psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) from Papua New Guinea, with new records and notes on related species (2016)
Industrial and post-industrial habitats serve as critical refugia for pioneer species of newly identified arthropod assemblages associated with reed galls (2016)
Microannelids of Western Carpathian spring fens: Do hydro- and pedobiological methods yield different results? (2016)
Clitellate assemblages of spring fens in Slovakia with a focus on a fen specialist Trichodrilus strandi (Lumbriculidae) (2016)
Catalogue of type specimens of Sternorrhyncha (Hemiptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
Revision of the Afrotropical genus Fernandea Melichar, 1912 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae), with description of a new species from Equatorial Guinea (2016)
Aquatic invertebrates of calcareous wetlands in post - mining landscape: a comparison with natural calcareous fens (2016)
Diversity of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in springbrooks of the Western Carpathian spring fens: Are their assemblages distinct from neighbouring streams? (2016)
Melanin and carotenoid ornaments are related to the individual condition in free-living grey partridges (Perdix perdix) (2016)
Complete genomes of ETA-converting bacteriophages isolated from impetigo strains of Staphylococcus aureus (2016)
Monogenea: Comparative study of molecules transcribed by mucophagous and hematophagous parasites of fish (2016)
Intraspecific variability in fecundity of Leptophlebia vespertina (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) in seven acidified lakes in the Bohemian Forest (2016)
Deep insight into secretome and transcriptome of Trichinella spiralis and Trichinela pseudospiralis (2016)
Description of Ganymedes yurii sp. n. (Ganymedidae), a New Gregarine Species from the Antarctic Amphipod Gondogeneia sp. (Crustacea) (2017)
FIM Track: a method for tracking Drosophila larval behavior in response to entomopathogenic nematodes. (2016)
Ontogeny of the immune system in harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis (2016)
Honey bee immunity: Its modulation by dietary supplements and probiotics (2016)
Quantitative proteomics of the tobacco pollen tube secretome identifies novel pollen tube guidance proteins important for fertilization (2016)
Diversity patterns of aquatic specialists and generalists: contrasts among two spring-fen mesohabitats and nearby streams (2016)
Spring fen mollusc and plant communities of the western Carpathian Mts: ecology and paleoecology (2016)
Endangered molluscs of European fens: current data and conservation of glacial relicts (2016)
The diversity of aquatic invertebrates in helocrenes: regional and local perspective of the Western Carpathian springs (2016)
Comparative proteomic analysis of sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans CCM 4253 cultures having lost the ability to couple anaerobic elemental sulfur oxidation with ferric iron reduction (2016)
Structure of parasites communities in the hybrids of R. rutilus and A. brama (2016)
Emergence of the First Catalytic Oligonucleotides in a Formamide-Based Origin Scenario (2016)
Immune response of porcine alveolar macrophages to a concurrent infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Haemophilus parasuis in vitro (2015)
The role of lysine residues on elicitins movement and perception in plants (2015)
Elicitin dimers - new players in elicitins biological activity (2015)
Seasonal changes in immune parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brook trout × Arctic charr hybrids (Salvelinus fontinalis × Salvelinus alpinus alpinus). (2016)
Defence reaction against nematobacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster: a role for the adipokinetic hormone and adenosine (2016)
Genetic-based modelling of population history and spread of the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) (2016)
Molecular phylogeny of African striped grass mice (genus Lemniscomys) (2016)
Molecular phylogeny of the genus Praomys (Rodentia: Murinae) with an emphasis on P. jacksoni species complex (2016)
Integrative phylogeography of rodents from Sudanian savanna (2016)
Comparative phylogeography of the Somali-Masai savanna in eastern Africa using small rodents as a model (2016)
New discoveries on the ecology and echolocation of the heart-nosed bat Cardioderma cor with a contribution to the phylogeny of Megadermatidae. (2015)
Pan-African phylogeny of Mus (subgenus Nannomys ) reveals one of the most successful mammal radiations in Africa (2014)
Evolutionary history and species diversity of African pouched mice (Rodentia: Nesomyidae: Saccostomus) (2016)
Evolution of the NSE1-NSE3-NSE4 subcomplex of the human SMC5/6 complex (2015)
Efficient Procedure for N-Glycan Analyses and Detection of Endo H-Like Activity in Human Tumor Specimens (2016)
Deep-water parasite diversity in Lake Tanganyika: description of two new monogenean species from benthopelagic cichlid fishes (2016)
Ecological research of James Ross Island. Ecosystem components-based approach to study structure and function of Antarctic vegetation oases. (2016)
Applying of indicator vertebrate species to environmental assessment in the landscape: Danube - Oder - Elbe water canal, in the Czech republic (2016)
Educational outreaches of the CzechPolar project and associated activities within the Czech Antarctic Programme (2016)
Ultrastructure of Selenidium pendula, the Type Species of Archigregarines, and Phylogenetic Relations to Other Marine Apicomplexa. (2016)
Nematopsis temporariae (Gregarinasina, Apicomplexa, Alveolata) is an intracellular infectious agent of tadpole livers. (2016)
Phylogeny of crustacean apicomplexans as inferred from rDNA, with emphasis on a newly described gregarine from an Antarctic benthic amphipod (2016)
The motility in selenidiid archigregarines (Selenidiidae), an early emerging group of Apicomplexa (2016)
The surface topography of rare monogenean (Octomacrum europaneum) observed by SEM for the first time (2016)
Conservation of the Red Kite Milvus milvus (Aves: Accipitriformes) Is Not Affected by the Establishment of a Broad Hybrid Zone with the Black Kite Milvus migrans migrans in Central Europe (2016)
Is phylogenetic diversity a good proxy for functional diversity of plant communities? A case study from urban habitats (2016)
Neovahlkampfia nana n. sp Reinforcing an Underrepresented Subclade of Tetramitia, Heterolobosea (2017)
Copromyxa laresi n. sp (Amoebozoa: Tubulinea) and Transfer of Cashia limacoides (Page, 1967) to Copromyxa Zopf, 1885 (2017)
Chlamydial seasonal dynamics and isolation of ‘Candidatus Neptunochlamydia vexilliferae’from a Tyrrhenian coastal lake. (2016)
Medium-sized forest snails survive passage through birds’ digestive tract and adhere strongly to birds’ legs: more evidence for passive dispersal mechanisms (2016)
Meesia triquetra, a new relict moss for the Republic of Macedonia (2016)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 2 (2016)
Dark side of the fence: ornamental plants as a source of wild-growing flora in the Czech Republic (2016)
Mechorosty na borce stromů v údolí Černé Ostravice (CHKO Beskydy) (2016)
Mechorosty doubrav národního parku Podyjí na příkladu lokality Lipina (2016)
Jedna špatná a jedna dobrá zpráva o pařezníčku celokrajném (Anacamptodon splachnoides) v Beskydech (2016)
Impacts of old, comparatively stable, treethrow microtopography on soils and forest dynamics in the northern hardwoods of Michigan, USA (2016)
The true response of Fagus sylvatica L. to disturbances: A basis for the empirical inference of release criteria for temperate forests (2016)
Geomorphic controls of soil spatial complexity in a primeval mountain forest in the Czech Republic (2016)
Exposure-related forest-steppe: a diverse landscape type determined by topography and climate (2016)
Jaké jsou dopady opakovaného vysychání toků na jejich oživení? (2016)
Cestou suchých potoků - přednáška a diskuze k filmu (2016)
Cestou suchých potoků: Hrozí nám nedostatek vody, záplavy nebo naopak sucha? (2016)
Sucho jako klíčový fenomén proměňující biotu našich toků (2016)
What is a fen? (2016)
Murine Cytomegalovirus in the European House Mouse Hybrid Zone - From Field Work to Genome Characterization (2016)
Complete genome characterisation and phylogenetic position of Tigray hantavirus from the Ethiopian white-footed mouse, Stenocephalemys albipes (2016)
Limonka Gmelinova ( Limonium gmelinii ) na dálnicích České republiky (2016)
Molecular characterization of Toxoplasma gondii in pork meat from different production systems in the Czech Republic (2016)
Real-time PCR versus digital PCR in diagnostics of food-borne parasites (2016)
Harpacticoids in the Western Carpathian (Central Europe) headwater streams: analyses of between and within-site variation (2016)
In search for a compromise between biodiversity conservation and human health protection in restoration of fly ash deposits: effect of anti-dust treatments on five groups of arthropods (2016)
Lasturnatky Západokarpatských prameništních slatinišť: vliv prostředí a prostoru (2015)
Lasturnatky na prameništních slatiništích v Západních Karpatech (2015)
Cystatins of helminths: characterization of molecules with immunomodulatory potential (2016)
Proteolytic equipment of the blood-feeding monogenean Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2016)
Cystatins of the parasitic nematodes Trichinella spiralis and T. pseudospiralis: xMAP technology in serodiagnostics. (2016)
First insights into the parasite diversity of economically important fish in Lake Tanganyika. (2016)
Towards the spatial coherence of biogeographical regionalizations at subcontinental and landscape scales (2016)
Origin of a boreal birch bog woodland and landscape development on a warm low mountain summit at the Carpathian-Panonnian interface. (2016)
Functional trait differences between native and invasive species across six habitats in the Czech Republic (2016)
Insect immunity after invasion of entomopathogenic nematodes (2016)
Sérodiagnostika hlístic rodu Trichinella s využitím MAGPIX systému (2016)
Student scholarship (2016)
Cystatins of the parasitic nematodes from the genus Trichinella: serodiagnostic assays based on the xMAP-technology. (2016)
Srovnání efektivity a strategie lovu myrmekofágního specialisty a generalisty (2016)
Species of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from cichlids from Zambezi and Limpopo river basins in Zimbabwe and South Africa: evidence for unexplored species richness (2016)
Ad Additamenta XIII correctiones minores (2016)
Molekulárna charakteristika kmeňov Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Genomic characterization of Staphylococcus petrasii (2016)
Non-invasive genetics of the Eurasian lynx of the Western Carpathians (2016)
Genetika rysa ostrovida v Západních Karpatech (2016)
Genetická analýza rysa ostrovida v ČR: aktuální poznatky z analýz vzorků, možnosti využití genetických analýz pro ochranářskou praxi (2016)
Non-invasive genetics of the Eurasian lynx of the Western Carpathians (2016)
Genetika rysa ostrovida v ČR v kontextu střední Evropy (2016)
Different hunting strategies of generalist predators result in functional differences (2016)
Niche differentiation of two sibling wolf spider species, Pardosa lugubris and Pardosa alacris, along a canopy openness gradient (2016)
Intraguild predation among spiders and their effect on the pear psylla during winter (2016)
Effect of increased habitat complexity on pest supression by winter-active spiders. 20th International Congress of Arachnology, Golden, USA, 2.-9.7. 2016 (2016)
The effect of liming on epigeic hunting spiders differs between birch wood stands and grass clearings. 17th International Congress of Soil Zoology. Nara, Japan, 22-26.8. 2016 (2016)
Impact of canopy openness on epigeal spider communities with implications on conservation management of forest biodiversity. 17th International Congress of Soil Zoology. Nara, Japan, 22-26.8. 2016 (2016)
Ground dwelling arthropod assemblages during succesion stages of a commercial lowland forest. 17th International Congress of Soil Zoology. Nara, Japan, 22-26.8. 2016 (2016)
Alteration of predatory behavior of a generalist predator by exposure to two insecticides. 20th International Congress of Arachnology. Golden, USA, 2.-9.7. 2016 (2016)
Early life stages of exotic gobiids fish represent attractive new host for unionid glochidia (2016)
Studentská soutěž Zoologické dny 2016 (2016)
Balkan Vegetation Database: historical background, current status and future perspectives (2016)
Proč vysychaly naše potoky a řeky? (2016)
Statistical comparison of excystation methods in Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (2016)
First record of alien crustaceans Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet, 1831) and Jaera istri Veuille, 1979 from the Czech Republic (2009)
Imunita hmyzu (2016)
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy as a Useful Tool for Taxonomical Documentation of Parasitical Helminths (2016)
White-nose syndrome without borders: Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North America (2016)
Kompozice pro přípravu modifikovaných želatinových nanovláken, nanovlákna a způsob jejich přípravy (2016)
Biogeographical patterns in vertebrate assemblages of the Czech Republic: regional division in the context of species’ distributions in Europe (2016)
Persicaria (L.) Mill. (2016)
Measuring size and composition of species pools: a comparison of dark diversity estimates (2016)
Current European policies are unlikely to jointly foster carbon sequestration and protect biodiversity (2016)
Vliv akumulace dusíku na vřesoviště a suché trávníky v Národním parku Podyjí (2016)
Evaluation of capacity to detect ability to form biofilm in Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto strains by MALDI-TOF MS (2016)
Rhyparoclava pyrrhocoroides, a new genus and species of autapomorphic Rhyparochromidae with clavate antennae from Madagascar (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) (2016)
Dispersal function of recently planted biocorridors (2016)
Drivers of Central European urban land snail faunas: the role of climate and local species pool in the representation of native and non-native species (2016)
A Novel Fucose-Binding Lectin from Photorhabdus luminescens (PLL) with an Unusual Heptabladed beta-Propeller Tetrameric Structure (2016)
Paleoekologický záznam středověkého a novověkého osídlení v nivních sedimentech na pomezí Jevišovické pahorkatiny a Dyjsko-svrateckého úvalu (2016)
Complex patterns of host switching in New World arenaviruses (2012)
Mating and courtship behaviour of two sibling bat species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus) in the vicinity of a hibernaculum (2016)
CenH3 evolution reflects meiotic symmetry as predicted by the centromere drive model (2016)
Příspěvek ke květeně Litomyšlska – nálezy v roce 2014 (2016)
Biotic interactions of meiofaunal metacommunities in isolated spring fens (Central Europe): an insight from large scale (2016)
Zaniklý středověký rybník u Střítěže v kontextu osídlení severovýchodní části Českomoravské vrchoviny ve vrcholném středověku (2016)
Autumn hawkweed (Hieracium sabaudum) in the Czech Republic (2016)
Comment on Altaba (2015): a case of species misidentification? (2016)
At the Central European–Balkan transition: forest land snail faunas of the Banat contrasted with those of the Carpathian chain (2016)
Shape matters: assessing regional variation of Bell Beaker projectile points in Central Europe using geometric morphometrics (2018)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea): the molecules transcribed by hematophagous parasite of fish (2016)
Monogenea: parasite-host interactions at molecular level (2016)
Evolution and genetic variability of the Carassius auratus complex (2016)
Different motility modes in marine gregarines representing the early emerging group of Apicomplexa (2016)
A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of dactylogyrids (Monogenea) parasitizing African tetras (2016)
Glucose determination in fish plasma by two different moderate methods (2016)
Fylogenéza a morfológia bzdôch z nadčeľade Pyrrhocoroidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) – priebežné výsledky (2016)
Priebežné výsledky mapovania bzdôch (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) blízkeho okolia západotatranskej liptovskej obce Jalovec (2016)
Phylogenetic relationships between two cyprinid genera – Telestes and former Rutilus from the perspective of host-specific Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) parasites (2016)
Možnosti a limity raně novověkých výslechových protokolů. Na příkladu vybraných případů čarodějnictví a posmrtné magie (2016)
Hydrologický výzkum a 3D mapování laserovým skenerem soutokové oblasti Sloupského potoka a Bílé vody v Amatérské jeskyni (2015)
Ultrastructure of oocysts and sporozoites of urosporid gregarine from marine polychaete (2016)
Ověření výskytu suchopýru štíhlého (Eriophrum gracile) ve Žďárských vrších (2016)
Absence of positive selection on CenH3 in Luzula suggests that holokinetic chromosomes may suppress centromere drive (2016)
Vegetace Babí skály v údolí Třebůvky u Loštic (2016)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky. 1. (2016)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae): insight into composition of E/S products and basic characterization of serpin (2016)
Effects of settlement size, urban heat island and habitat type on urban plant biodiversity (2017)
Which traits influence the frequency of plant species occurrence in urban habitat types? (2017)
Jak velikost města ovlivňuje druhové složení vegetace? (2016)
Na velikosti záleží? Jak velikost sídla ovlivňuje druhové složení vegetace (2016)
European anthropogenic, semi-natural and natural habitats as sources of naturalized plant species worldwide (2016)
Evolution of genome size and genomic GC content in carnivorous holokinetics (Droseraceae) (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVI. (2016)
Immunocompetence and parasite infection in hybrids of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and common bream (Abramis brama) (2016)
Parasite load and immunity in diploid-polyploid complex of Carassius gibelio (2015)
Suitability of woodlice prey for generalist and specialist spider predators: a comparative study (2016)
Marginal models via GLS: a convenient yet neglected tool for analysis of correlated data in behavioural sciences (2016)
Metabolic specialisation on preferred prey and constraints in the utilization of alternative prey in an ant-eating spider (2016)
Seasonal population dynamics of a specialised termite-eating spider (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) and its prey (Isoptera: Hodotermitidae) (2016)
Life history of the spider parasitoid Zatypota percontatoria (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (2016)
Long-term changes in communities of native coccinellids: population fluctuations and the effect of competition from an invasive non-native species (2016)
A revised and dated phylogeny of cobweb spiders (Araneae, Araneoidea, Theridiidae): A predatory Cretaceous lineage diversifying in the era of the ants (2016)
The role of ultraviolet colour in the assessment of mimetic accuracy between Batesian mimics and their models: a case study using ant-mimicking spiders (2016)
Arthropod fauna recorded in flowers of apomictic Taraxacum section Ruderalia (2016)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 3 (2016)
Organization of ceramic production at a fortified Early Bronze Age settlement in Moravia (Czech Republic) inferred from minimally destructive archaeometry (2018)
Vztah aluvia Dyje a ranně středověkého osídlení na Pohansku u Břeclavi: paleoekologie a geoarcheologie (2015)
Laskavec vykrojený (Amaranthus emarginatus) – nový druh květeny České republiky a poznámky k jeho výskytu na Slovensku, v Maďarsku a Rakousku (2016)
Taxonomic composition and ploidy level among European water frogs (Anura: Ranidae: Pelophylax) in eastern Hungary (2017)
Two new genera of flatid planthoppers from Socotra island (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae) (2016)
Červená kniha ohrožených druhů bezobratlých lužních lesů Biosférické rezervace Dolní Morava (2016)
Metodika monitoringu a sběru dat k určení významných migračních koridorů ptáků a létajících savců na úrovni ČR (2017)
Hrubá mapa významných migračních koridorů ptáků a létajících savců na úrovni ČR (2017)
Molecular phylogeny of African striped grass mice (genus Lemniscomys) (2016)
Molecular phylogeny of the genus Praomys (Rodentia: Murinae) with an emphasis on P. jacksoni species complex (2016)
Discrimination between lineage-specific shelters by bat- and human-associated bed bugs does not constitute a stable reproductive barrier (2017)
Microscopic anatomy of monogenean parasites (2016)
Nové druhy letounů ve fauně České republiky (2016)
Species richness of European fen biota: The effects of water pH and reginal settings in relation to habitat specialization (2016)
Mechy brněnských hřbitovů (2016)
Nová bryologická literatura XXX. (2016)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 20. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Českém lese. (2016)
Regional differences in soil pH niche among dry grassland plants in Eurasia (2017)
The relationship between plant species richness and soil pH vanishes with increasing aridity across Eurasian dry grasslands. (2017)
Metody detekce genového toku v rodu Cirsium (2013)
Hantavirus Strains in East Africa Related to Western African Hantaviruses (2017)
Murine Cytomegalovirus in the European House Mouse Hybrid Zone (2016)
Domination of hillslope denudation by tree uprooting in an old-growth forest (2017)
Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities (2016)
Formalized classification of European fen vegetation at the alliance level (2017)
Za botanickými krásami jižní Kolchidy I. (2017)
Formalized classification of oak-hornbeam forest vegetation in Central and Western Europe: the first insights (2016)
Vegetation of European oak-hornbeam forests – an introduction to the project (2015)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání na Mohelenském mlýně v dubnu 2016 (2016)
Reduced host-specificity in a parasite infecting non-littoral Lake Tanganyika cichlids evidenced by intraspecific morphological and genetic diversity. (2016)
Population structure and reproductive modes of hybridogenetic water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) in Slovakia (2017)
Hydnellum cumulatum (Basidiomycota, Bankeraceae) opět roste v České republice (2016)
Houby (makromycety) NPP Na Špičáku (2016)
xMAP Technology: Applications in Detection of Pathogens (2017)
Pelagic freshwater fish parasites in Lake Tanganyika: do the monogeneans mirror host origin? (2016)
Different parasite origin of freshwater sardines and latids in Lake Tanganyika (2016)
Leeches of notothenioid fishes in Antarctica: new species discovery and phylogenetic position (2016)
Parasites of pelagic fishes in Lake Tanganyika: a marine phenomenon in a freshwater lake (2016)
Decline in parasite diversity promoted by lower host densities in Lake Tanganyika (2016)
Monogenean fauna of pelagic fishes in Lake Tanganyika (2017)
Urban ornamental trees: a source of recent invaders? A case study from European city (2016)
Influence of food availability, predation risk and initial body size on growth and maturation of Cloeon dipterum (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) (2016)
Monogenea: Parasites of fish and their unknown molecules (2017)
Redox-sensitive regulation of macrophage-inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in vitro does not correlate with the failure of apocynin to prevent lung inflammation induced by endotoxin. (2011)
Combining Biodiversity Resurveys across Regions to Advance Global Change Research (2017)
Patterns and environmental drivers of herb layer diversity in lowland dipterocarp forest of Brunei Darussalam (2016)
Small-scale patterns in vegetation and dispersal traits: Is there a link? (2016)
A revised description of Synodontella zambezensis Douëllou et Chishawa, 1995 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from the gills of Synodontis zambezensis (Siluriformes: Mochokidae) from South Africa (2016)
Description of Citharodactylus gagei n. gen. et n. sp (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from the moon fish, Citharinus citharus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire), from Lake Turkana (2017)
First report of metazoan parasites from the cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus philander and the cyprinid Enteromius paludinosus in a South African Ramsar wetland (2016)
Summer School of Fish Parasitology 2016: Parasites of Fish in Africa (2016)
Diversity of larval stages of the family Gryporhynchidae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) in cichlid fish (Perciformes: Cichlidae) from southern Africa (2016)
Ektoparazitické Monogenea antarktických rýb odchytených na lokalite kanál Princa Gustava (2016)
Metchnikovella dogieli sp. n. (Microsporidia: Metchnikovellida), a parasite of archigregarines Selenidium sp. from polychaetes Pygospio elegans (2016)
Dishevelled is a NEK2 kinase substrate controlling dynamics of centrosomal linker proteins (2016)
Molecular and biochemical characterization of cysteine peptidase inhibitor from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2016)
Manual of Central European Muscidae (Diptera) (2016)
Nové poznatky o rozšíření třezalky ozdobné (Hypericum elegans) na Znojemsku (2016)
Ekologie krytenek na karpatských rašeliništích: zhodnocení trénovacího souboru dat a modelů přenosových funkcí pro paleohydrologické rekonstrukce (2017)
New National and Regional Bryophyte Records, 49 (2016)
First report of monogenean flatworms from Lake Tana, Ethiopia: gill parasites of the commercially important Clarias gariepinus (Teleostei: Clariidae) and Oreochromis niloticus tana (Teleostei: Cichlidae) (2016)
Academic capacity building: holding up a mirror (2016)
A distinct island population of threatened freshwater fish: to split or lump? (2016)
Cichlids: A Host of Opportunities for Evolutionary Parasitology (2016)
Testate amoebae communities of a minerotrophic mire: contrasting Sphagnum and brown-moss dominated patches in relation to shell counts (2014)
Trends and events through seven centuries: the history of a wetland landscape in the Czech Republic (2017)
Weak link between dispersal and parasite community differentiation or immunogenetic divergence in two sympatric cichlid fishes (2016)
Oil extraction imperils Africa's Great Lakes (2016)
A phylogeny of Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monogenea, Dactylogyridea) clarifies a host-switch between fish families and reveals an adaptive component to attachment organ morphology of this parasite genus (2015)
Hidden biodiversity in an ancient lake: phylogenetic congruence between Lake Tanganyika tropheine cichlids and their monogenean flatworm parasites (2015)
Parasite introduction with an invasive goby in Belgium double trouble (2015)
A comparative study of Ligophorus uruguayense and L. saladensis (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from Mugil liza (Teleostei: Mugilidae) in southern Brazil (2015)
A scanning electron microscope technique for studying the sclerites of Cichlidogyrus (2015)
Morphology, Molecules, and Monogenean Parasites: An Example of an Integrative Approach to Cichlid Biodiversity (2015)
Complex geographical variation patterns in Tropheus duboisi Marlier, 1959 (Perciformes, Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika (2015)
Ancyrocephalidae (Monogenea) of Lake Tanganyika: IV: Cichlidogyrus parasitizing species of Bathybatini (Teleostei, Cichlidae): reduced host-specificity in the deepwater realm? (2015)
A link between host dispersal and parasite diversity in two sympatric cichlids of Lake Tanganyika (2015)
Ancyrocephalidae (Monogenea) of Lake Tanganyika: Does the Cichlidogyrus parasite fauna, of Interochromis loocki (Teleostei, Cichlidae) reflect its host's phylogenetic affinities? (2015)
Pupilla alluvionica Meng & Hoffmann, 2008: a land snail extant in the Altai refugium recognised for the first time in Central European Early-Middle Pleistocene glacials (2016)
Měkkýši přírodní rezervace U Nového hradu a přilehlé zříceniny (Česká republika) (2016)
Mapovanie obrúbnice americkej, Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) na Slovensku (2017)
Holocenní příběh bělokarpatského pěnovcového prameniště z pohledu malakologů (2017)
Příběh glaciálních reliktů: z lopaty až do sekvenátoru (2017)
Nečekané osudy dvou glaciálních zrnovek: Pupilla loessica a Pupilla alluvionica (2017)
Zoologické dny Brno 2017, Brno, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta MU (2017)
Zoologické dny Brno 2017. Sborník abstraktů z konference 9 .-1 0 . února 2017. (2017)
Neutrální a adaptivní evoluce v druhovém komplexu P. pipistrellus: integrace genetického a bioakustického přístupu (2017)
Předběžné výsledky sledování mateřské kolonie netopýra velkého (Myotis myotis) v úkrytu pomocí IR kamerových systémů (2017)
Cytauxzoon Infections in Wild Felids from Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic Space: Further Evidence for a Different Cytauxzoon Species in European Felids (2016)
Diversity and host specificity of coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in native and introduced squirrel species (2016)
Východní Mediterán - centrum genetické diverzity evropských hořavek (2017)
Termální profil netopýra velkého (Myotis myotis) během hibernace na lokalitách se syndromem bílého nosu (2017)
Změny intenzity podzimní migrace ptáků, netopýrů a tažných nočních motýlů přes Červenohorské sedlo (2017)
Sledování podzimní migrace ptáků, netopýrů a tažných motýlů přes Červenohorské sedlo (2017)
Úspěšnost instalace náhradních úkrytů pro netopýry při zateplování budov (2017)
Testing parasite intimacy: the whipworm Trichuris muris in the European house mouse hybrid zone (2016)
Termální profil netopýrů na zimovištích s výskytem syndromu bílého nosu (2015)
Evolutionary history of the thicket rats (genus Grammomys) mirrors the evolution of African forests since late Miocene (2017)
A pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of the Holocene vegetation updates a perspective on the natural vegetation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
Paleolimnologické lokality Západních Karpat a jejich význam pro rekonstrukci životního prostředí pozdního glaciálu a holocénu (2017)
Škálování prostorové aktivity u letounů (Chiroptera) (2017)
Metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics in giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna) (2016)
Complete mitochondrial genome of the giant liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Digenea: Fasciolidae) and its comparison with selected trematodes (2016)
Effect of Fascioloides magna (Digenea) on fecundity, shell height, and survival rate of Pseudosuccinea columella (Lymnaeidae) (2016)
Comparative Transcriptomic Exploration Reveals Unique Molecular Adaptations of Neuropathogenic Trichobilharzia to Invade and Parasitize Its Avian Definitive Host (2016)
Spatial distribution and risk assessment of metals in agricultural soils (2016)
Polygonum aviculare L. (2016)
Rare macromycetes from raised bogs in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. (Czech Republic). (2013)
Nové druhy české mykobioty z Národního parku Podyjí (Cortinarius scaurotraganoides, Crepidotus ehrendorferi, Lepiota ochraceofulva) a poznámky k jejich ekologii a rozšíření. (2015)
Abdominal sternites and their trichobothria in the true bug superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) (2017)
Fylogeografie a rozšíření afrických myší druhového komplexu Praomys jacksoni (2017)
Cercaria of Schistosoma (2016)
Deeply torpid bats can change position without elevation of body temperature (2017)
New Species of Chiroptera in Czech Fauna (2016)
Revision of the Afrotropical planthopper genus Centromeriana Melichar, 1912 (Hemiptera, Dictyopharidae) (2017)
Nejpočetnější africký hlodavec Mastomys natalensis - nový model pro studium speciace (2017)
Diverzita a molekulární fylogeneze východoafrických bělozubek (Soricidae: Crocidura) (2017)
Bývalá vojenská střelnice v lese Dráby u Vysokého Mýta – zanikající cenná lokalita bazifilních trávníků (2016)
Lappula semicincta (Steven) Popov (2016)
Diversity of beech forest vegetation in the Eastern Alps, Bohemian Massif and the Western Carpathians (2016)
Evaluation of the infectivity and the persistence of Trichinella patagoniensis in muscle tissue of decomposing guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) (2017)
Multilocus phylogeography of a widespread savanna-woodland-adapted rodent reveals the influence of Pleistocene geomorphology and climate change inAfrica's Zambezi region (2015)
Phylogeography and evolutionary history of the Crocidura olivieri complex (Mammalia, Soricomorpha): from a forest origin to broad ecological expansion across Africa (2015)
A new method for assessing food quality in common vole (Microtus arvalis) populations (2015)
Enigmatic Ethiopian endemic rodent Muriculus imberbis (Ruppell 1842) represents a separate lineage within genus Mus (2015)
Carex cespitosa: reappraisal of its distribution in Europe (2014)
European Red List of Habitats - Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats (2016)
Palaeodistribution modelling of European vegetation types at the Last Glacial Maximum using modern analogues from Siberia: Prospects and limitations (2017)
Ochrana jádrovin v ekologické produkci (2016)
Distribution and ecology of Carex secalina in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2012)
Epigean gammarids may have survived millions of years of severe climatic fluctuations in high-latitude refugia throughout the Western Carpathians: evidence from the Gammarus fossarum complex (2017)
Metazoan parasite communities: support for the biological invasion of Barbus barbus and its hybridization with the endemic Barbus meridionalis. (2016)
De-novo development of microsatellite markers for Dactylogyrus vistulae (2016)
Deeply torpid bats can change position without the elevation of body temperature (2017)
Vertikální distribuce vodních kroužkovců na slatiništích Západních Karpat (2017)
Korýši pod pásy tanků (2016)
Mapování ve městě. Hnízdní rozšíření ptáků Brna v letech 2011–2016. (2016)
Vliv odbahňování na bezobratlé živočichy litorálu ve stojatých vodách (2016)
Rybniční rezervace: příliš pomalá cesta k přírodě šetrnému managementu. (2016)
Large branchiopods (Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata) as pilgrims in time and space in Central Europe (2016)
Mapování hnízdního rozšíření ptáků Brna v letech 2011 až 2016 – první výsledky (2016)
Caloparyphus palaearcticus sp.n. (Diptera Stratiomyidae), the first record for the soldier fly genus in the Palaearctic. (2016)
Jak se ptákům asi létá – mírně technický pohled na mechaniku letu ptáků (2016)
Diptera Stelviana. 3.3.19 Sciomyzidae and Phaeomyiidae (2016)
Polní mokřady jako refugium biodiverzity v zemědělské krajině (2016)
Elemental analysis of soils and Salix polaris in the town of Pyramiden and its surroundings (Svalbard) (2016)
Co lze zjistit mapováním ptáků ve městech: případ Brno (2016)
Elicitin-Induced Distal Systemic Resistance in Plants is Mediated Through the Protein-Protein Interactions Influenced by Selected Lysine Residues (2016)
Niche shifts in lichens: are they real or the result of cryptic speciation? A case study in the boreal lichen Cladonia botrytes (2013)
Phylogenetic position of a monotypic Ethiopian endemic rodent genus Megadendromus (Rodentia, Nesomyidae) (2017)
Field test of canopy cover estimation by hemispherical photographs taken with a smartphone (2016)
Sphagnum establishment in alkaline fens: Importance of weather and water chemistry (2017)
The role of vernal species in vegetation classification: a case study on deciduous forests and dry grasslands of Central Europe (2016)
Does succession run towards potential natural vegetation? An analysis across seres (2016)
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp., Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon spp. and Giardia intestinalis in wild, semi-wild and captive orangutans (Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus) on Sumatra and Borneo, Indonesia. (2016)
Only large and highly-connected semi-dry grasslands achieve plant conservation targets in an agricultural matrix (2016)
Can local adaptation research in plants inform selection of native plant materials? An analysis of experimental methodologies (2016)
A review of software tools for spell-checking taxon names in vegetation databases (2016)
Different approaches in grassland analysis – Editorial to the 11th EDGG Grassland Special Feature (2016)
Temporal trends of alien tree invasions in Austrian woodlands (2016)
Phylogeny and Systematics of Leptomyxid Amoebae (Amoebozoa, Tubulinea, Leptomyxida) (2017)
Amoebic infections in freshwater salmonids - a challenge for basic and applied research in ichthyoparasitology (2016)
Příspěvek přírodních věd a archeologie k historické topografii Starého Brna. (2005)
“Biodiversity is Us” – Usage of Zoo in Elementary Education (2016)
Non-Enzymatic Oligomerization of 3 ', 5 ' Cyclic AMP (2016)
Middle- and upper-Holocene woodland history in central Moravia (Czech Republic) reveals biases of pollen and anthracological analysis (2017)
Na křídlech s Donem Quijotem (2014)
Introducing the IAVS Vegetation Classification Working Group (2016)
Molecular phylogeny of the megadiverse insect infraorder Bibionomorpha sensu lato (Diptera) (2016)
The effect of eight common herbicides on the predatory activity of the agrobiont spider Pardosa agrestis (2016)
Contrasting patterns of fine-scale herb layer species composition in temperate forests (2017)
Phylogeny and phylogeography of Altolamprologus: ancient introgression and recent divergence in a rock-dwelling Lake Tanganyika cichlid genus (2017)
Disruption of the chemical communication of the European agrobiont ground-dwelling spider Pardosa agrestis by pesticides (2016)
Mapping plant community ecology (2017)
No evidence for larger leaf trait plasticity in ecological generalists compared to specialists (2017)
Root hemiparasitic plants are associated with high diversity in temperate grasslands (2017)
Novel hantavirus identified in European bat species Nyctalus noctula (2017)
Bat activity in the Czech and Polish part of the Krkonoše Mts. revealed by bat detectors (2017)
Arcto-alpine species at their niche margin: The Western Carpathian refugia of Juncus castaneus and J. triglumis in Slovakia (2017)
Anticipating extinctions of glacial relict populations in mountain refugia (2016)
Constraints on the biological recovery of the Bohemian Forest lakes from acid stress (2016)
Hemiptera records from Lake Spechtensee and from Southern Styria (Austria) (2017)
Pollen and macrofossil evidence of Holocene vegetation changes in a former small lake in the Male Karpaty Mts (SW Slovakia) (2013)
Seed germination traits can contribute better to plantcommunity ecology (2016)
Experimental evidence from Cantabrian mountain heathlands suggests new recommendations for management of Vaccinium myrtillus L (2016)
New country and host records for Lithuanian Tachinidae (Diptera) (2012)
Highland cattle and Radix labiata, the hosts of Fascioloides magna (2014)
Mapovanie obrúbnice americkej, Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) na Slovensku (2017)
A Novel Approach for the Increase in Student's Learning Motivation (2014)
Influence of Surrounding Medium on Metabolic Rates in Alpine Newts, Ichthyosaura alpestris, during Aquatic Phase (2016)
Morphological and ultrastructural studies on Ulva flexuosa subsp pilifera (Chlorophyta) from Poland (2013)
Selection of buildings as maternity roosts by greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) (2014)
Contrasting patterns of polymorphism and selection in bacterial-sensing toll-like receptor 4 in two house mouse subspecies (2014)
The importance of vulnerable areas with potential tourism development: a case study of the Bohemian forest and South Bohemia tourism regions (2014)
Problematic barcoding in flatworms: A case-study on monogeneans and rhabdocoels (Platyhelminthes) (2013)
Influence of Trichobilharzia regenti (Digenea: Schistosomatidae) on the Defence Activity of Radix lagotis (Lymnaeidae) Haemocytes (2014)
Lymnaea cubensis, an experimental intermediate host for Fascioloides magna (2014)
Revision of the subfamily Ototretinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) (2013)
'Who's who' in renal sphaerosporids (Bivalvulida: Myxozoa) from common carp, Prussian carp and goldfish - molecular identification of cryptic species, blood stages and new members of Sphaerospora sensu stricto (2013)
Shaking the myth: Body mass, aggression, steroid hormones, and social dominance in wild house mouse (2015)
Lazy males and hardworking females? Sexual conflict over parental care in a brood parasite host and its consequences for chick growth (2015)
Is there a sex-specific difference between parasitic chicks in begging behaviour? (2015)
The meek inherit the earth: less aggressive wild mice are more successful in challenging situations (2014)
Transgressive segregation in a behavioural trait? Explorative strategies in two house mouse subspecies and their hybrids (2013)
Is water really a barrier for the house mouse? A comparative study of two mouse subspecies (2012)
Contrasting diversity of testate amoebae communities in Sphagnum and brown-moss dominated patches in relation to shell counts (2017)
Shoreline distribution and parasite infection of black-striped pipefish Syngnathus abaster Risso, 1827 in the lower River Danube (2012)
Modulation of the Discriminatory Power of MALDI-TOF MS Profiling for Distinguishing between Closely Related Bacterial Strains (2016)
Bioindicators of intermittence and the creation of Drying risk maps for temporary streams in the Czech Republic (2017)
Cryptic diversity of the Gammarus fossarum species complex (Amphipoda) across Bohemian Massif and Western Carpathians: phylogeny and lineage distribution (2017)
Epigean gammarids may have survived millions of years of severe climatic fluctuations in high-latitude refugia throughout the Western Carpathians: evidence from the complex of Gammarus fossarum (2017)
Traits of native and alien plant species in different habitats of the Czech Republic (2017)
Vysychavé toky – mnoho stran různých mincí (2017)
Biocompatible nanofibers from polycaprolactone modified with silk sericin (2016)
Macroinvertebrate herbivores and epilithon algae community of a stream affected by mineralized heated mining water inflow (2017)
Festuca pseudodalmatica Krajina ex Domin (2014)
Rozšírenie a genetická diverzita vodných skokanov v oblasti juhozápadného Balkánu (2017)
Čo nám dokážu napovedať hostiteľsky špecifické parazity o evolúcii ich hostiteľov – príklad enigmatického Aulopyge huegelii a žiabrových parazitov rodu Dactylogyrus (2017)
Microscopic techniques used for the study of cell cortex architecture in gregarines (2017)
Heterolobosean amoebae from Arctic and Antarctic extremes: 18 novel strains of Allovahlkampfia, Vahlkampfia and Naegleria (2016)
Archaeology or forestry - Do we really need to choose? Case study from the lowland woodland Tvořihrázský les in the Czech Republic (2017)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea: Diplozoidae): Comparative study of transcriptome and secretome of fish parasite (2017)
Epigean gammarids survived millions of years of severe climatic fluctuations in high latitude refugia throughout the Western Carpathians (2017)
A Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm and pedoanthracological data reveal Late Holocene woodland history in the lowlands of the NE Czech Republic (2017)
Host-parasite coevolution in the diploid-polyploid complex of Carassius auratus (2017)
5th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology. Programme & Abstracts (2016)
Mate choice for major histocompatibility complex complementarity in a strictly monogamous bird, the grey partridge (Perdix perdix) (2017)
Variability in coiling technique in LBK pottery inferred by experiments and pore structure micro-tomography analysis (2017)
Technological and provenance analyses of the south-eastern Urnfield culture pottery from the sites of Cinobaňa and Málinec (Poltár region, Slovakia) (2017)
An ultrastructural study of the surface and attachment structures of Paradiplozoon homoion (Bychowsky & Nagibina, 1959) (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) (2017)
Tyglík z objektu jordanovské kultury z rousínova-rousínovce (2017)
Quantitative mapping of microtubule-associated protein 2c (MAP2c) phosphorylation and regulatory protein 14-3-3 zeta-binding sites reveals key differences between MAP2c and its homolog Tau (2017)
Za botanickými krásami jižní Kolchidy II. (2017)
Gravel Bar Vegetation Database (2017)
Redescription of Cichlidogyrus tiberianus Paperna, 1960 and C-dossoui Douellou, 1993 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae), with special reference to the male copulatory organ (2017)
Joining science and policy in capacity development for monitoring progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the global South (2017)
Odomas linnavuorii, a new ground-dwelling leafhopper species from West Africa, with a nomenclatural note on the genus Coronophtus Van Stalle (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Megophthalminae) (2017)
The jumping plant-lice of Laos (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVII. (2017)
Open oakwoods facing modern threats: Will they survive the next fifty years? (2017)
Patterns of functional diversity of two trophic groups after canopy thinning in an abandoned coppice (2017)
Dynamics of herbaceous vegetation during four years of experimental coppice introduction (2017)
The varying roles of environmental drivers of fine-scale diversity in a hyperdiverse tropical rainforest (2017)
Management of semi-natural grasslands benefiting both plant and insect diversity: The importance of heterogeneity and tradition (2017)
Evaluation of sample preparation protocols for spider venom profiling by MALDI-TOF MS (2017)
When lumbriculids (Annelida: Clitellata: Lumbriculidae) have power: clitellate assemblages in some carpathian spring fens (2017)
Testate amoebae inhabiting minerotrophic mires: exploring diversity patterns on a small spatial scale (2017)
Aquatic annelids of the subsurface interstitial zone in the Western Carpathians spring fens (2017)
Structures related to attachment and motility in the marine eugregarine Cephaloidophora cf. communis (Apicomplexa) (2017)
Two new species of Annulotrema (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from Hydrocynus vittatus (Characiformes: Alestidae) in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe (2018)
Wood-inhabiting bryophyte communities are influenced by different management intensities in the past (2017)
Liší se společenstva epifytických mechorostů na dubech v oblastech s různou mírou imisní zátěže? (2017)
Diverzita přirozených lesů České republiky, aneb do pralesů nejen za mechorosty (2017)
Motility in blastogregarines (Apicomplexa): Native and drug-induced organisation of Siedleckia nematoides cytoskeletal elements (2017)
A new view on the morphology and phylogeny of eugregarines suggested by the evidence from the gregarine Ancora sagittata (Leuckart, 1860) Labbe, 1899 (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) (2017)
Chironomidae of the Western Carpathian spring fens: an overview of current research. (2017)
Testing of Piper betle extract on Giardia intestinalis in vivo (2017)
Haloflata gen. nov. - a new genus from salt marshes in Socotra island (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae) (2017)
Catalogue of type specimens of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) deposited in Czech museums (2017)
Invasive Ponto-Caspian gobies in the diet of piscivorous fish in a European lowland river (2017)
Gene classification and mining of molecular markers useful in red clover (Trifolium pratense) breeding (2017)
Cytoskeletal elements of two morphologically distinct coelomic eugregarines Urospora travisiae and Urospora ovalis from marine polychaete Travisia forbesii (2017)
Cytoskeletal elements and motility in the archigregarine Selenidium sp.: observations on native and drug-treated parasites (2017)
Ultrastructural aspects of surface and attachment clamps of Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogena, Diplozoidae) (2017)
Monogenean parasite communities in asexual-sexual Carassius auratus complex (2017)
Microscopic techniques in the study of African parasitic nematodes (2017)
Microscopic anatomy of monogenean parasite Paradiplozoon homoion (2017)
Fekundita jepice Leptophlebia vespertina (Linnaeus, 1758) v prostředí ovlivněném acidifikací (2017)
Body size but not predation risk modulate life history responses to warming in mayfly larvae (2017)
Less common synchronized rewarming in WNS tolerant bats as hibernation strategy (2017)
Miniaturized GPS position logger for tracking of small mammals (2017)
The meat of goat kids and lambs as a possible source of Toxoplasma gondii for consumers (2016)
White-nose syndrome pathology grading in Nearctic and Palearctic bats (2017)
xMAP Technologie: Detekce parazitických agens (2017)
Prize for extraordinary methodological development in helmintology in the category of postgraduate students - 23rd Helminthological Days (2017)
Long-term changes in biological diversity of running waters – the RIVERCHANGE project (2017)
Recent recovery of acid damaged macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Bohemian Forest lakes. (2017)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Polyopisthocotylea: Diplozoidae): transcriptome and secretome analyses of hematophagous fish parasite (2017)
Morphological and molecular diversity of Characidotrema (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae) (2017)
First record of Halyomorpha halys and mass occurrence of Nezara viridula in Slovakia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) (2017)
The Late-Glacial and Holocene history of vegetation in the Slovakian West Carpathians: introducing ongoing multi-proxy project and first results (2013)
Cestou suchých potoků (2017)
The within-site variation of the harpacticoid assemblages in a Western Carpathian heterogenous spring fen (2017)
Recovery of a phytopathogenic bacterium Lonsdalea quercina from a lesser horseshoe bat in Moravian karst, Czech Republic (2018)
Molecular phylogeny of flat-footed flies (Diptera: Platypezidae): main clades supported by new morphological evidence. (2017)
Post-mining calcareous seepages as surrogate habitats for aquatic macroinvertebrate biota of vanishing calcareous spring fens (2017)
Diversity of monogeneans from freshwater fishes in Africa (2017)
Quadriacanthus species (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) in eastern Africa: new species, new records and first insights into interspecific genetic relationships (2017)
Quadriacanthus species (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) in Eastern Africa: morphological and molecular characterization (2017)
Diversity of clawed frogs (Xenopus) in lowland rainforest of the Congo Basin (2017)
Additional records of Tropidothorax leucopterus (Goeze, 1778) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) for Slovakia (2017)
Phylogenetic position of Aulopyge huegelii, enigmatic cyprinid species of Balkan Peninsula, revealed by host specific Dactylogyrus parasites (2017)
Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) parasitizing cyprinids from Balkan Peninsula: phylogeny and relationships to central European species (2017)
Parasites of orangutans (primates: ponginae): An overview (2017)
Serpin from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2017)
Methanogenic system of a small lowland stream Sitka, Czech Republic. (2012)
Molecular diversity and tools for deciphering the methanogen community structure and diversity in freshwater sediments (2013)
Dominance of Methanosarcinales Phylotypes and Depth-Wise Distribution of Methanogenic Community in Fresh Water Sediments of Sitka Stream from Czech Republic (2014)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 4 (2017)
Kozinec žlábkatý (Astragalus sulcatus) na jižní Moravě (2017)
CLO-PLA: a database of clonal and bud-bank traits of the Central European flora (2017)
A proteomic analysis of LRRK2 binding partners reveals interactions with multiple signaling components of the WNT/PCP pathway (2017)
Staphylococcus sciuri bacteriophages double-convert for staphylokinase and phospholipase, mediate interspecies plasmid transduction, and package mecA gene (2017)
Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status assessments (2018)
Atlas rozšíření velkých lupenonožců České republiky (2016)
Aquatic macroinvertebrates of spring-fen helocrenes: species-rich communities structured by environmental filtering (2017)
Calcareous forest seepages acting as biodiversity hotspots and refugia for woodland snail faunas (2017)
Urban ornamental trees: a source of current invaders; a case study from a European City (2017)
Environmental filtering of aquatic insects in spring fens: patterns of species-specific responses related to specialist-generalist categorization (2017)
Analysis of gene expression and protein synthesis related to hypobiosis of Teladorsagia circumcincta (2017)
Non-invasive genetics of the Eurasian lynx of the Western Carpathians (2017)
Porce štěstí s rysem (2017)
Genetika rysa ostrovida (2016)
Ostracods in a heterogeneous spring fen: what drives the spatial and seasonal variation at fine scale (2017)
Microdistribution of ostracods in a heterogeneous spring fen (2017)
Fisheries targets in Lake Tanganyika under the magnifying glass: a look at their monogeneans. (2017)
Metchnikovellids, an evolutionary important yet poorly studied group at the root of microsporidian tree (2017)
Chironomidae of brooks with tufa precipitation: unique biotopes in a post-mining landscape (2017)
Diplozoons (Monogenea): what is the molecular base of their interaction with the host? (2017)
Dolinay M., Necas T., Zimkus B.M., Schmitz A., Fokam E.B. & Gvozdik V.: New data on montane puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachus) from the Cameroon Volcanic Line, African Amphibian Working Group Meeting, Ghana 2017. (2017)
Rozmanizost hybridní zóny myši domácí: porovnání různých transektů (2017)
Pelagic cichlids and their monogenean fauna in Lake Tanganyika: reduced host specificity and support for the classification of host tribes. (2017)
Sustainable fisheries in Lake Tanganyika Population genomics and stakeholder involvement for management of LT clupeids. (2017)
A group of cathepsins L as predominant proteolytic enzymes of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2017)
Inhibition of proteolysis by the hematophagous Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2017)
Stefin of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea): immunomodulator or houskeeping protein? (2017)
Vegetation of oak-hornbeam, scree and ravine forests at lower altitudes in Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine (2017)
Vegetation of low-altitudinal mesophilous forests in south-western Georgia (Colchic Region) (2017)
Pilotní průzkum Rakousko-Uherské zákopové linie na vrchu Staviská (Severovýchodní Slovensko) (2017)
Prevalence Toxoplasma gondii u pernaté zvěře určené k lidské spotřebě v České republice: molekulární detekce pomocí qPCR. (2017)
Candidate gene molecular markers as tools for analyzing genetic susceptibility to Morbillivirus infection in stranded Cetaceans (2017)
Phylogeography of the rare velvety tree ant Liometopum microcephalum (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) (2017)
Diversity of metazoan parasite communities of endemic cyprinid species from the selected areas of Mediterranean (2017)
Congeneric monogeneans in evolutionary and ecological studies (2017)
Monogenean parasites of endemic cyprinid species from the selected areas of Mediterranean (2017)
Genetic diversity of Pelophylax species in south-western Balkans (2017)
Tigray virus - nově popsaný hantavirus u etiopského hlodavce Stenocephalemys albipes (2017)
Tigray virus - hantavirus from the Ethiopian white-footed mouse (Stenocephalemys albipes) (2017)
Biology of Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection in the European House Mouse Hybrid Zone (2017)
Pozoruhodné nálezy Sphagnum affine a ďalších rašelinníkov v severnej časti západných Karpát na Slovensku (2017)
Fluvial vs. Aeolian origin of Pleistocene/Holocene dunes (South Moravia, Czech Republic) (2017)
Expansion of round gobies in a non-navigable river system (2017)
Fast and Reliable Differentiation of Eight Trichinella Species Using a High Resolution Melting Assay (2017)
Vysychání vodních toků – příčiny, důsledky, možná řešení (2017)
Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) communities of cichlids from Lake Tanganyika: taxonomic study and phylogenetic approach of the gill monogeneans infecting Burundese and Congolese cichlid hosts (2017)
Diversity of gill monogeneans in cichlids from Lake Tanganyika: taxonomic and phylogenetic perspectives (2017)
Fisheries targets in Lake Tanganyika: revealing the mystery of their parasite fauna (2017)
Vývoj ptačího společenstva v parku Lužánky (2016)
The first molecular phylogeny of African striped grass mice (genus Lemniscomys) based on multilocus data (2017)
Multilocus phylogeny of East African gerbils (Rodentia, Gerbilliscus) illuminates the history of the Somali-Masai savanna (2017)
Fossils know it best: using a new set of fossil calibrations to improve the temporal phylogenetic framework of murid rodents (Rodentia: Myomorpha: Muroidea: Muridae) (2017)
Skrytý potenciál fosílií: využitie starých fosílnych záznamov pre nové kalibrovanie evolúcie myšovitých hlodavcov (Rodentia: Muridae) (2017)
Cryptic diversity of "Czechoslovak" Gammarus (2017)
The role of predators in shaping macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Western Carpathian spring fens (2017)
Rybník jako součást hospodářství vrchnostenského panství a indikátor podoby krajiny jižního Valašska v 15. až 17. století (2017)
Nedestruktivní průzkum bojiště první světové války na kótě Kobyla (okres Medzilaborce) (2017)
Open tundra persist, but arctic features decline—Vegetation changes in the warming Fennoscandian tundra (2017)
The first record of dactylogyrid parasites from Labeo horie and Labeo niloticus from Sudan (2017)
An evaluation of odor repellent effectiveness in prevention of wildlife-vehicle collisions (2018)
Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. VIII (440-506) (2016)
Keramika v životě prvních zemědělců – případová studie Těšetice-Kyjovice (2017)
Palaeoecology of Mimerbukta, central Svalbard, around 11 000 BP based on fossil biota from uplifted marine terraces (2016)
Classification of psychrophilic gliding bacteria isolated from Antarctica (2017)
Comparison of typing methods for classification of Antarctic Flavobacterium spp. (2017)
Post-mining calcareous seepages as surrogate habitats for aquatic macroinvertebrate biota of vanishing calcareous spring fens (2017)
8th International Symposium on Monogenea. Programme and Abstracts (2017)
Refugial occurrence and ecology of the land snail Vertigo lilljeborgi in fen habitats in temperate mainland Europe (2017)
Expression of genes encoding Toll-like receptors associated with infection by monogenean parasites (2017)
The use of de novo developed microsatellite markers for population genetic study of Dactylogyrus vistulae populations (2017)
Human impact on open temperate woodlands during the middle Holocene in Central Europe (2017)
Decoupling phylogenetic and functional diversity to reveal hidden signals in community assembly (2017)
Oligochaeta (vodní máloštětinatci) (2017)
Associate editor (2015)
Associate editor (2015)
Associate editor (2014)
Mollusca (měkkýši) (2017)
Vrkoči – malí, ale vyjímeční (2017)
Kam se točí ulity (2017)
Pod svícnem bývá tma - identita záhadné fosilní zrnovky z Brna odhalena (2017)
Microsatellite variation in three calcium-tolerant species of peat moss detected specific genotypes of Sphagnum warnstorfii on magnesium-rich bedrock (2017)
Bioindication of stream drying by macroinvertebrates using Czech Biodrought method (2017)
Classification of European beech forests: a Gordian Knot? (2017)
Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (SMIRES) (2017)
White-nose syndrome pathology grading in Nearctic and Palearctic bats (2017)
Deep coverage of the beer proteome (2017)
A New Two-Step Chromatographic Procedure for Fractionation of Potato Proteins with Potato Fruit Juice and Spray-Dried Protein as Source Materials (2017)
Long-lasting imprint of former glassworks on vegetation pattern in an extremely species-rich grassland: a battle of species pools on mesic soils (2017)
The phylogenetic position of the enigmatic Balkan Aulopyge huegelii (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from the perspective of host-specific Dactylogyrus parasites (Monogenea), with a description of Dactylogyrus omenti n. sp. (2017)
Pollen-inferred millennial changes in landscape patterns at a major biogeographical interface within Europe (2017)
Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of the palaeoecological record in a large temperate palaeolake, Šúr, southwest Slovakia: Comparison of pollen, macrofossil and geochemical data (2018)
Middle Pleniglacial pedogenesis on the northwestern edge of the Carpathian basin: A multidisciplinary investigation of the Bíňa pedo-sedimentary section, SW Slovakia (2017)
Sexual dimorphism in venom gland morphology in a sexually stinging scorpion (2017)
Neurons and a sensory organ in the pedipalps of male spiders reveal that it is not a numb structure (2017)
Blumenbergovy "Paradigmy k metaforológii": Zamyšlení nad slovenským překladem (2017)
Wood-inhabiting bryophyte communities are influenced by different management intensities in the past (2017)
Identification of two gill parasites Lamproglena compacta (Copepoda: Lernaeidae) and Paradiplozoon bliccae (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) from endemic Aegean chub (Squalius fellowesii). (2017)
Patterns of parasite distribution in the hybrids of non-congeneric cyprinid fish species: is asymmetry in parasite infection the result of limited coadaptation? (2017)
Keltové z močálů? Aluviální krajina na Pohansku u Břeclavi v době železné (2017)
Zur Frage der Wirkung der Situlenkunst in der Kunstform der Fürstenschicht des 7.-5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. in Mitteleuropa (2017)
Zur Frage der Wirkung der Situlenkunst in der Kunstform der Fürstenschicht des 7.-5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. in Mitteleuropa (2017)
Interruption of the host-parasite co-adaptation by hybridization tested using the monogenean infection in cyprinids (2017)
Parasites of the invasive round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae), in the estuarine zone of the Elbe River, North Sea basin (2017)
Tau tubulin kinase 2 phosphorylations in cilia initiation (2017)
Soil protistology rebooted: 30 fundamental questions to start with (2017)
Convergence and impoverishment of fen communities in a eutrophicated agricultural landscape of the Czech Republic (2017)
Refugial ecosystems in central Asia as indicators of biodiversity change during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (2017)
Flora and vegetation of the Czech Republic (2017)
Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides, a new bryophyte species for Montenegro (2017)
Modern and quaternary perspective of European fen biota: importance of species specialization and habitat age (2017)
Vývoj holocenní bioty mírného pásu: kombinace metod a prostorových škál (představení řešeného projektu) (2017)
Boděnka Ložkova a vrkoč Chytrého – dvě velká jména pro malé plže (2017)
S Lucií Juřičkovou o tom, jaké je to učit se od klasiků a proč studovat plže (2017)
Physical Geography of the Czech Republic (2017)
History of botanical research in the Czech Republic (2017)
Current vegetation of the Czech Republic (2017)
Plant Invasions in the Czech Republic (2017)
Diversity of lowland haymeadows and pastures inWestern and Central Europe (2017)
Bryophytes on river gravel bars in the Balkan mountains: new records and insights into ecology (2017)
Alien plant invasions in European woodlands (2017)
A higher-level classification of the Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands (Central and Eastern Europe) (2017)
Late Holocene environmental changes revealed in sedimentary cores from two infilled lakes in the Kobbefjord area, southwestern Greenland (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVIII (2017)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání na Pálavě v roce 2017 (2017)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 5 (2017)
Could nanopore sequencing help us improve genome assembly of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Polyopisthocotylea, Diplozoidae)? (2017)
Město jako prostředí pro život rostlin (2017)
Alien species pool influences levels of habitat invasion (2017)
Vliv velikosti sídla na druhové složení vegetace (2017)
Antropogenní biotopy Evropy jako zdroj rostlin zdomácnělých ve světě (2017)
Jaké vlastnosti mají rostliny běžné v městských biotopech? (2017)
Vliv klimatu na druhové složení společenstev evropských měst (2017)
Faktory určující biodiverzitu v druhotných, lesům podobných biotopech (2017)
A hemiparasite in the forest understorey: photosynthetic performance and carbon balance of Melampyrum pratense (2018)
Functions of novel serpin from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea). (2017)
The porcupine as “Little Thumbling”: The role of Hystrix cristata in the spread of Helianthus tuberosus (2017)
KSR proteins link metabolic changes to the MAPK/ERK pathway (2016)
Molecular phylogeny of monogeneans (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African freshwater catfishes (Siluriformes) (2017)
Achillea ptarmica (Asteraceae), a scarce and less known species of the Slovak flora (2017)
Parasites of endemic cyprinids from the Balkan Peninsula - host specificity, endemism and diversity of metazoan parasite communities (2017)
Naturalization of European plants on other continents: The role of donor habitats (2017)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 2 (2017)
Auchenorrhyncha (křísi). In: Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. Bezobratlí. (2017)
Psylloidea (mery). In: Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. Bezobratlí. (2017)
Aleyrodoidea (molice). In: Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. Bezobratlí. (2017)
Strepsiptera (řasnokřídlí). In: Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. Bezobratlí. (2017)
Reticulate Pleistocene evolution of Ethiopian rodent genus along remarkable altitudinal gradient (2018)
Variations of Histone Modification Patterns: Contributions of Inter-plant Variability and Technical Factors (2017)
Acinetobacter colistiniresistens sp nov (formerly genomic species 13 sensu Bouvet and Jeanjean and genomic species 14 sensu Tjernberg and Ursing), isolated from human infections and characterized by intrinsic resistance to polymyxins (2017)
The golden mimicry complex uses a wide spectrum of defence to deter a community of predators (2017)
The behavioral type of a top-predator drives the short-term dynamic of intraguild predation (2017)
Capture efficiency and trophic adaptations of a specialist and generalist predator: a comparison (2017)
The effect of increased habitat complexity and density-dependent non-consumptive interference on pest suppression by winter-active spiders (2017)
Revision of eastern Australian ant-mimicking spiders of the genus Myrmarachne (Araneae, Salticidae) reveals a complex of species and forms (2017)
A cost efficient and simple protocol to enrich prey DNA from extractions of predatory arthropods for large scale gut content analysis by Illumina sequencing (2017)
Trophic niche and trophic adaptations of prey-specialised spiders of the Neotropics: a guide (2017)
European distribution for metacercariae of the North American digenean Posthodiplostomum cf. minimum centrarchi (Strigeiformes: Diplostomidae) (2017)
Description of Afrogyrodactylus ardae sp. n. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from Rhabdalestes septentrionalis (Characiformes: Alestidae) in the Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal (2017)
Co-introduction of ancyrocephalid monogeneans on their invasive host, the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmodies in South Africa (2017)
Coevolutionary patterns between host specific monogeneans of genus Dactylogyrus and Peri-mediterranean cyprinids (2017)
A novel type I cystatin of parasite origin with atypical legumain-binding domain (2017)
Effect of Piper betle on Giardia intestinalis infection in vivo (2018)
Breakage or uprooting: How tree death type affects hillslope processes in old-growth temperate forests (2017)
Converse pathways of soil evolution caused by tree uprooting: A synthesis from three regions with varying soil formation processes (2018)
Chřest přeslenitý (Asparagus verticillatus) lokálně zdomácnělý na jižní Moravě (2017)
Macrofungal diversity patterns in central European forests affirm the key importance of old-growth forests (2017)
Historic and geographic surveillance of Pseudogymnoascus destructans possible from collections of bat parasites (2018)
Study of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genes specific for phytoalexin synthesis (2017)
Study of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genes regulating nitrogen fixation and nodulation process (2017)
Barbora Turbaková: Jak jsem potkala šelmu. (2017)
Nález žebratky bahenní (Hottonia palustris) na Svitavsku (2017)
Effect of sample size and resolution on palaeomalacological interpretation: a case study from Holocene calcareous-fen deposits (2018)
Underexplored diversity of gill monogeneans in cichlids from Lake Tanganyika: eight new species of Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from the northern basin of the lake, with remarks on the vagina and the heel of the male copulatory organ (2017)
Syndesmis aethopharynx (Umagillidae, Rhabdocoela, Platyhelminthes) from the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus: First record from the Eastern Mediterranean, phylogenetic position and intraspecific morphological variation (2017)
Occurrence and effect of trematode metacercariae in two endangered killifishes from Greece (2017)
The need for European OneHealth/EcoHealth networks (2017)
Utilitarian framings of biodiversity shape environmental impact assessment in development cooperation (2017)
Parasite escape through trophic specialization in a species flock (2017)
A revision of the species of Evaza Walker described by J.C.H. de Meijere (Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Pachygastrinae) (2017)
Cerastium subtetrandrum (2018)
Xanthium albinum subsp. albinum (2018)
Křísi (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) Jizerských hor, Frýdlantska a okolí Liberce (2017)
Jak sklárna na Hutích ovlivnila dnešní louky (2016)
The first molecular phylogeny of African striped grass mice (genus Lemniscomys) based on multilocus data (2018)
Student award, Mashhad, Iran (2018)
Molekulární fylogeneze afrických savanových myší rodu Lemniscomys založená na multilokusových datech (2018)
Diversity of clawed frogs (Xenopus) in lowland rainforest of the Congo Basin (2018)
Nový druh miniaturní žáby rodu Phrynobatrachus z Kamerunských hor (2018)
Parazitičtí jednorodí (Monogenea) - stále neznámé organismy (2018)
První nález štíhlenky pavoukomilné Metacanthus annulosus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Berytidae) v České republice a její znovuobjevení na Slovensku (2018)
Evolučné vzťahy hostiteľsky špecifických parazitov z rodu Dactylogyrus a kaprovitými rybami južnej Európy (2018)
Effects of selected Indonesian plant extracts on E. cuniculi infection in vivo (2017)
Self-medication by orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) using bioactive properties of Dracaena cantleyi (2017)
Vývoj a aplikace MOL-PCR pro detekci původců bakteriálních infekcí z potravin (2018)
Morphological and Molecular Assessment of Pentastomes from Gulls in Portugal (2017)
Určení věku štěnice domácí (Cimex lectularius) prostřednictvím pteridinů: metodická úskalí (2018)
Response of cell lines to actual and simulated inoculation with Cryptosporidium proliferans (2018)
Architecture of Paradiplozoon homoion: A diplozoid monogenean exhibiting highly-developed equipment for ectoparasitism (2018)
Abdominálne trichobotrie a morfológia abdominálnych ventritov bzdôch z nadčeľade Pyrrhocoroidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) (2018)
Socoflata gen. nov., described for two new planthopper species from the mountains in Socotra island (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae) (2018)
Sociální struktura karpatské populace rysa ostrovida na západním okraji areálu výskytu (2018)
Zajímavé nálezy vzácných mechorostů ve starých sedimentech 2 (2017)
Myší cytomegalovirus a myš domácí v Evropské hybridní zóně (2018)
Murine Cytomegalovirus in wild populations of the European house mouse hybrid zone (2018)
Optimalizace MOL-PCR pro multiplexní detekci patogenů (2018)
First record of arachnophile stilt bug Metacanthus annulosus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Berytidae) in the Czech Republic and its rediscovery in Slovakia (2018)
Hirudinida (pijavice) (2017)
Dynamika potravného správania kaloňa egyptského v oáze Dakhla (2017)
Osm botanicky cenných lokalit v okolí Horní Plané (2017)
Participation of the Czech flora in succession at disturbed sites: quantifying species' colonization ability (2017)
Shell decomposition rates in relation to shell size and habitat conditions in contrasting types of Central European forests (2018)
Červený seznam cévnatých rostlin ČR (2017)
Historie českých červených seznamů cévnatých rostlin (2017)
Kategorie a kritéria IUCN a jejich použití pro červené seznamy cévnatých rostlin ČR (2017)
Suppressing competitive dominants and community restoration with native parasitic plants using the hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus and the dominant grass Calamagrostis epigejos (2017)
Holocentric chromosomes: from tolerance to fragmentation to colonization of the land (2018)
Festuca albensis M. TOMAN (2017)
Environmentální determinanty funkčních charakteristik a životních strategií pěvců Severní Ameriky (2016)
MAMP (microbe-associated molecular pattern)-induced changes in plasma membrane-associated proteins (2017)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu podzimních bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Českém ráji (Sedmihorky) v roce 2015 (2017)
Památný nález pcháče krátkohlavého (Cirsium brachycephalum) na Znojemsku (2017)
Mechorosty, cévnaté rostliny a vegetace přírodních rezervací Halvovský potok a Kutaný (Vsetínské vrchy) (2016)
Nová bryologická literatura XXXI. (2017)
Determination of the age of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) through pteridines: methodical pitfalls (2018)
Habitat requirements of endangered species in a former coppice of high conservation value (2017)
The predatory behaviour of Monopelopia tenuicalcar (Kieffer 1918) larvae in a laboratory experiment (2018)
Recent occurrence of Perotis lugubris (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in the Czech Republic (2017)
Host-specific Dactylogyrus parasites revealing new insights on the historical biogeography of Northwest African and Iberian cyprinid fish (2017)
Four new species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitising the gills of northern Moroccan Luciobarbus Heckel (Cyprinidae): morphological and molecular characterisation (2017)
The first record of the invasive Asian fish tapeworm (Schyzocotyle acheilognathi) from an endemic cichlid fish in Madagascar (2018)
Three new species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae), from Moroccan Cyprinids based on morphological and molecular data (2017)
Coevolution between Anacanthorus spp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) and Serrasalmidae (Characiformes) (2017)
Parasites of freshwater fish: evolutionary and ecological studies (2017)
Parasites of endemic and introduced cichlid fish in Madagascar (2017)
Monogenean parasites and their effect on the expression of Toll-like receptor genes in Abramis brama x Rutilus rutilus hybrid system (2017)
Inspektor Colleno (2018)
Red Queen dynamics in the diploid-polyploid complex of Carassius auratus (2017)
Výsledky floristického kurzu České botanické společnosti v Prachaticích (8. 7. – 13. 7. 2012) (2017)
Temporal field wetlands as biodiversity hot spots in agricultural landscape in the Czech Republic (2017)
Branchiopoda (lupenonožci) (2017)
Heteroptera (ploštice) (2017)
Hydrophiloidea (vodomilové) (2017)
Doc. RNDr. Vít Grulich, CSc. – šedesát let (2017)
A long temporal study of parasitism in asexual-sexual populations of Carassius gibelio: Does the parasite infection support coevolutionary Red Queen dynamics? (2018)
Funde seltener und gefährdeter Pflanzenarten im Weinviertel (Niederösterreich), 2 (2018)
Spoločenstvá vodných bezstavovcov v polných mokradiach s prítomnosťou velkých lupeňonožok (2018)
Polní mokřady (2017)
Jak se žije ptákům v Brně: zajímavosti z mapování hnízdního rozšíření ptáků Brna (2017)
Rozšíření podkornice Aradus obtectus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) a kornatce Peltis grossa (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae) v České republice a jejich první nálezy v Bílých Karpatech (2017)
First records of Parergodrilus heideri (“Polychaeta”: Parergodrilidae) and Hrabeiella periglandulata (“Polychaeta”: Hrabeiellidae) from Slovakia and new records of both species from Czechia (2017)
How to deal with cryptic species in Enchytraeidae, with recommendations on taxonomical descriptions (2017)
Cysteine peptidases of Eudiplozoon nipponicum: a broad repertoire of structurally assorted cathepsins L in contrast to the scarcity of cathepsins B in an invasive species of haematophagous monogenean of common carp (2018)
How variation in prey aposematic signals affects avoidance learning, generalization and memory of a salticid spider (2017)
Complexity in behavioural organization and strongylid infection among wild chimpanzees (2017)
Establishment of Myotis myotis Cell Lines - Model for Investigation of Host-Pathogen Interaction in a Natural Host for Emerging Viruses (2014)
Nerezová aparatura pro filtraci roztaveného vosku přes polymerní vychytávač (2016)
The genus Luticola (Bacillariophyta) on Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (Southern Indian Ocean) with the description of two new species (2017)
Effect of adjacent steppe-like habitats on spider diversity in vine plants (2017)
Functional and morphological traits of epiphytic lichens in the Western Carpathian oak forests reflect the influence of air quality and forest history (2017)
Ferocia gen. Nov., A new centric diatom genus (bacillariophyceae) from the sub-Antarctic region (2017)
Subspecies-specific response to ACTH challenge test in the house mouse (Mus musculus) (2017)
Phylogeny and taxonomy of new and re-examined strains of Tubulinea (Amoebozoa) (2017)
Pathogenic endoparasites of the spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus: patterns of infection in estuaries of South Carolina, USA (2017)
Abiotic factors and biotic interactions jointly drive spider assemblages in nest-boxes in mixed forests (2017)
Metazoan parasites of African annual killifish (Nothobranchiidae): abundance, diversity, and their environmental correlates (2017)
Host specificity and species jumps in fish-parasite systems (2015)
Morphometric and molecular characterization of Gyrodactylus spp. (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from Antarctic notothenioid fish (2017)
Preliminary phylogenetic analyses of Dactylogyrus spp. from Enteromius hosts from the Limpopo and Olifants River systems, South Africa (2017)
Diversity and distribution of species of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 on African cichlids (2017)
Co-introduction of ancyrocephalid monogeneans on their invasive host, the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepéde, 1802) in South Africa (2017)
Description of a new gyrodactylid (Gyrodactylidae: Monogenea) genus from the gills of the bulldog, Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Peters) from Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe (2017)
Enteromius paludinosus (Peters, 1852): host for new species of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) in South Africa (2017)
Morphometric and molecular characterisation of two new species of Enterogyrus Paperna, 1963 (Dactylogyridae: Ancyrocephalinae) from Oreochromis mossambicus in South Africa (2017)
Link between Aggressiveness and Shyness in the Spider Philodromus albidus (Araneae, Philodromidae): State Dependency over Stability (2017)
Prevalence and genetic variability of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in wild rodents from the Italian alps (2017)
New data on the distribution of Peltis grossa and P. gigantea (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae) (2018)
High-resolution and large-extent mapping of plant species richness using vegetation-plot databases (2018)
První výsledky fylogenetické analýzy podčeledi Limnophilinae (Limoniidae) (2018)
The family Urosporidae Léger, 1892: biodiversity, morphological plasticity, and molecular phylogeny, as inferred from SSU rDNA. (2017)
Interesting collections of polypores in the Czech Republic, particularly in Moravia - I (2017)
Effects of disturbance frequency and severity on plant traits: An assessment across a temperate flora (2018)
Glacial refugia and mid-Holocene expansion delineate the current distribution of Castanea sativa in Europe (2018)
Environmental correlates of the Late Quaternary regional extinctions of large and small Palaearctic mammals (2018)
History and environment shape species pools and community diversity in European beech forests (2018)
První nálezy a fenologie netopýra Saviova (Hypsugo savii) na Děčínsku (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) (2018)
Má přítomnost farmak v rybí tkáni vliv na abundanci parazitů? (2018)
Field fortifications of Austro-Hungarian and Russian army from winter 1915 (examples from Northeastern Slovakia) (2018)
Ephemeroptera (jepice) (2017)
Plecoptera (pošvatky) (2017)
Medleria gen. nov. adds to the biodiversity of Flatidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) in the island of Socotra (2018)
Isolated populations of Ixodes lividus ticks in the Czech Republic and Belgium host genetically homogeneous Rickettsia vini (2018)
A multi-analytical archaeometric approach to study white inlay decorations in Bell Beaker pottery from Broudek u Prostějova (Czech Republic) (2018)
Bzdochy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) pohoria Pienin (Západné Karpaty) (2018)
Identification of local factors causing clustering of animal vehicle collisions (2018)
MS Instrumentation training for students (2016)
Practical course in proteomics for FS MU students (2017)
Practical course in proteomics for FS MU students II (2017)
Summer school in new approaches in experimental biology and omics (2017)
Student training (FEEC BUT) (2017)
Student training (FEEC BUT) II (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course - November 2017 (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course - October 2017 (2017)
MALDI-MS profiling course (2017)
Nové poznatky o afroskokanech (Phrynobatrachus) Kamerunské radiace (2018)
Alterations in the health of hibernating bats under pathogen pressure (2018)
Early and middle Holocene ecosystem changes at the Western Carpathian/Pannonian border driven by climate and Neolithic impact (2018)
Monogeneans in the pores (2018)
Future of multiplexing (2018)
A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways (2018)
Cirsium greimleri: a new species of thistle endemic to the Eastern Alps and Dinarides (2018)
Association between pharmaceuticals and parasite infection in natural brown trout (2018)
The forebody organisation in Paradiplozoon homoion: A microscopic study (2018)
Disruption in an alluvial landscape: settlement and environment dynamics in the Alluvium of the river Dyje at the Pohansko archaeological site (Czech Republic) (2019)
A long temporal study of Red Queen dynamics in diploid-polyploid populations of Carassius gibelio (2018)
EU priority habitats: rethinking Mediterranean coastal pine forests (2018)
Phylogenetic relationships among dactylogyrid species from African tetras (2018)
Mechorosty vybraných skal v CHKO Žďárské vrchy – I (2013)
New insights to the coevolutionary relationships of host-specific monogeneans and their peri-Mediterranean cyprinid hosts (2018)
Evolutionary history of host-specific Dactylogyrus parasites (Monogenea) in the selected regions of peri-Mediterranean (2018)
xMAP technology - detection of pathogenic viruses (2018)
Punctum lozeki n. sp. – a new minute land-snail species (Gastropoda: Punctidae) from Siberia and Alaska (2018)
A phylogenetic overview of the genus Vertigo O. F. Müller, 1773 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupillidae: Vertigininae) (2018)
Spring-fen habitat islands in a warming climate: partitioning the effects of mesoclimate air and water temperature on aquatic and terrestrial biota (2018)
Forest snail diversity and its environmental predictors along a sharp climatic gradient in southern Siberia (2018)
Principal factors controlling the species richness of European fens differ between habitat specialists and matrix-derived species (2018)
The course of experimental giardiasis in Mongolian gerbil (2018)
Periodic drying of small watercourses – consequences for the landscape (2018)
Detecting natural selection signal in bat DNA sequences after exposure to white-nose syndrome (2018)
Cytomorphological, ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study of Acanthamoeba cysts and new findings in encystment (2017)
Cryo-SEM of cell cortex architecture and membrane ultrastructure in eugregarines (2018)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIX (2018)
Late Holocene sedimentary record from two infilled lakes, southwestern Greenland (2018)
Jsou pramenná slatiniště ohrožená změnami klimatu? Vliv klimatických podmínek a teploty vody na společenstva vodních bezobratlých (2018)
Výsledky sběrů s detektory kovů – slitky, nálitky, zlomky ingotů (2017)
Projecting potential future shifts in species composition of European urban plant communities (2018)
The influence of air and water temperature on spring fen macroinvertebrates: are they threatened by climate changes? (2018)
Different ways how to survive dry episode: a role of species traits in resistamce and/or resilience to stream intermittence (2018)
Molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat subfamilies Gnoristinae and Mycomyinae, and their position within Mycetophilidae (Diptera) (2019)
Tahle země není pro mokrý, aneb sucho za zrcadlem (2018)
No country for old perennial streams alias Czech drying through the looking glass (2018)
Benthic invertebrates as indicators of stream intermittency (2018)
Infection of the Pseudophoxinus burduricus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) by the Paradiplozoon bliccae (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) - some ecological and genetical aspects (2018)
Vliv vysychání toků na populační strukturu a fekunditu blešivce potočního (Gammarus fossarum) (2018)
Impact of drying up of streams on population structure and fecundity of freshwater gammarid Gammarus fossarum (2018)
Úloha říčního dna jako refugia makrozoobentosu při dlouhotrvajícím vyschnutí toku (2018)
Streambed sediment as an invertebrate refuge during the long-term drying (2018)
Diverzita blešivců Karpatského oblouku - kryptické druhy, kam se podíváš (2018)
Rozlišení osmi druhů parazitických hlístic rodu Trichinella s využitím High Resolution Melting (HRM) analýzy (2018)
Differentiation of Eight Trichinella Species Using a High Resolution Melting Assay. (2018)
Molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii in feathered game intended for human consumption in the Czech Republic (2018)
Laser microdissection and mass spectrometry: protein analysis of strictly selected tissue from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2018)
Společenstva bezobratlých v horských stojatých vodách: vliv acidifikace a charakteru litorálu (2018)
Macroinvertebrate communities of montane standing waters in the Czech Republic and Bavaria: effects of past acidification and littoral zone properties (2018)
Influence of hemiparasitic plants and different management practices on communities of Hemiptera in species-rich grasslands (2018)
Taxonomic review of the planthopper genus Orthopagus (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Dictyopharidae), with descriptions of two new species (2018)
Redescription of Paradiplozoon hemiculteri (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) from the type host Hemiculter leucisculus, with neotype designation (2018)
Vliv klimatických podmínek na opaskovce (Clitellata) prameništních slatinišť Západních Karpat (2018)
Variation of Clitellata (Annelida) assemblages related to water saturation in groundwater-dependent wetlands (2018)
Časová a prostorová distribuce lasturnatek na heterogenním prameništi (2018)
First ultrastructural and molecular phylogenetic evidence from the blastogregarines, an early branching lineage of plesiomorphic Apicomplexa (2018)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 56 (2018)
Sex-dependent differences in anterior commissure and myelin in the neurodevelopmental animal model of schizophrenia (2018)
Sex differences in a neurodevelopmental animal model of schizophrenia: focus on white matter structures and myelin (2017)
Pohlavné rozdiely v štruktúre commissura anterior a myelínu u neurovývojového zvieracieho modelu schizofrénie (2018)
Comparative morphology of the metathoracic scent efferent system, pregenital abdominal ventrites and trichobothria in Pyrrhocoroidea (Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha) (2018)
Bzdochy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) zaznamenané počas 41. VS TOP-u na vybraných lokalitách Pieninského národného parku (2018)
How cyclical and predictable are Central European temperate forest dynamics in terms of development phases? (2018)
Biomechanical effects of trees in an old-growth temperate forest (2018)
The phylogenetic relationships and species richness of host-specific Dactylogyrus parasites shaped by the biogeography of Balkan cyprinids (2018)
Makrozoobentos postindustriálních pěnovcových potoků: srovnání s přirozenými stružkami pěnovcových slatinišť (2018)
Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges (2018)
Interactions of blood-feeding monogenean parasite with the fish host immune system (2018)
Immunomodulatory function of cysteine peptidase inhibitor from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (2017)
Rediscovery of the rare flat bug Mezira tremulae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) in Slovakia (2018)
Monogenea, fish parasites and their unknown molecules (2018)
Can host-specific monogeneans shed new light into evolutionary history of peri-Mediterranean cyprinids? (2018)
Multiple haploids, triploids, and tetraploids found in modern-day "living fossil" Ginkgo biloba (2018)
Non-native freshwater Molluscs in the Czech Republic: time course and environmental predictor. (2017)
Faktory utvářející společenstva měkkýšů nížinných stojatých vod (2018)
Environmental drivers of mollusc assemblage diversity in a system of lowland standing water habitats (2018)
Association Between Pharmaceuticals and Parasite Infection in Natural Brown Trout ( Salmo Trutta ) Populations (2018)
Distribution of alien animal species richness in the Czech Republic (2018)
Origin of the Pleistocene/Holocene dunes in the floodplain of the Dyje river (South Moravia, Czech Republic) (2018)
Development and application of MOL-PCR for the detection of bacterial foodborne infections. (2018)
Cena ministra zemědělství pro mladé vědecké pracovníky pro rok 2018 (2018)
Persistence of a vegetation mosaic in a peripheral region: could turbulent medieval history disrupt Holocene continuity of extremely species-rich grasslands? (2018)
Holocene vegetation history of the Jeseniky Mts: Deepening elevational contrast in pollen assemblages since late prehistory (2018)
Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction in the Mining Town of Freiberg (Lkr. Mittelsachsen) in Saxony, from the 12th Century Onwards (2018)
New data on montane puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachus) from the Cameroon Volcanic Line, African Amphibian Working Group Conference, Kumasi, Ghana, 2017 (2017)
Genomický přístup studia evoluční historie afroskokana Phrynobatrachus auritus ve srovnání se signálem mitochondriální DNA, 33. konference České herpetologické společnosti. Mohelno, 2018 (2018)
Geographic and altitudinal range extension of Arthroleptis palava (Anura: Arthroleptidae) from the Cameroon Volcanic Line (2018)
New data on Trachylepis makolowodei from Central Africa (2018)
Reconstruction of hydrological changes over the last 4000 years in the Puścizna Wielka bog (Southern Poland) based on testate amoebae (2018)
Testing randomized sampling strategy and effect of empty shell exclusion at two contrasting fen sites (2018)
Syntaxonomy of oak-hornbeam forests of Central Europe: new insights into old problems. (2018)
Molecular phylogeny of the genus Praomys (Rodentia: Murinae) with an emphasis on P. jacksoni species complex (2016)
Predátoři suchozemských plžů a specifická poškození ulit jako doklady predace (2018)
Evolutionary history of the Praomys jacksoni species complex (Rodentia: Murinae) in tropical Africa (2018)
Spiny mice of the Zambezian bioregion - phylogeny, biogeography and ecological differentiation within the Acomys spinosissimus complex (2018)
Kofylogeneze hlodavců a jejich parazitů z rodu Pneumocystis. (lecture) (2017)
Neviditelné bariéry ve východoafrické savaně - role klimatu, historie a geomorfologie. (lecture) (2016)
Koevoluce mezi africkými hlodavci a jejich patogeny z rodu Pneumocystis. (poster) (2016)
Cophylogeny between rodents and their pathogens from genus Pneumocystis. (poster) (2016)
Genetic structure of rodents in Zambezian savannah – the role of rivers, mountains and climatic changes. (lecture) (2015)
The case of two calcareous spring fens at the Carpathianpannonian interface in the North West of Slovakia (2018)
Molecular phylogeny and distribution of the most widespread African rodents, the multimammate mice genus Mastomys: a review (2018)
Host subspecific viral strains in European house mice: Murine cytomegalovirus in the Eastern (Mus musculus musculus) and Western house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) (2018)
Rybník Demalka, příspěvek k osídlení severovýchodní části Českomoravské vrchoviny ve středověku (2018)
Araneofágie a lovecké strategie skálovky Poecilochroa senilis (2018)
Spraying silk: Araneophagous hunting strategy used by the ground spider Poecilochroa senilis (Gnaphosidae) (2018)
Blešivec potoční (Gammarus fossarum) v roli predátora (2018)
Velikost těla, nikoliv riziko predace, moduluje odpovědi životní historie larev (2018)
The Romanian Grassland Database (RGD): historical background, current status and future perspectives (2018)
Dehydration-induced changes in spectral reflectance indices and chlorophyll fluorescence of Antarctic lichens with different thallus color, and intrathalline photobiont (2018)
Stridulation can suppress cannibalism in a specialised araneophagous predator (2018)
Monogenean parasites of sardines in Lake Tanganyika: diversity, origin and intra-specific variability (2018)
Monogenean parasites of pelagic fish species in Lake Tanganyika: potential tags for host history and population structure. (2018)
Failure to diverge connected with low rate of molecular evolution in an African freshwater parasitic flatworm (Monogenea, Diplectanidae) (2018)
Příspěvek k lesní vegetaci Štramberského krasu (2018)
Diversity of diplozoid species (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) parasitizing the gills of endemic cyprinids from Mediterranean area (2018)
Diplozoids (Monogenea) from the endemic cyprinid species from Mediterranean area: diversity and phylogeny. (2018)
Holocentric chromosomes may be an apomorphy of Droseraceae (2018)
Neglected aspects of tick-borne rickettsioses (2018)
Invaders among locals: Alien species decrease phylogenetic and functional diversity while increasing dissimilarity among native community members (2018)
Initial commented checklist of Iranian mayflies, with new area records and description of Procloeon caspicum sp n. (Insecta, Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) (2018)
Diversity of Armenian mayflies (Ephemeroptera) with the description of a new species of the genus Ecdyonurus (Heptageniidae) (2018)
Sappinia sp (Amoebozoa: Thecamoebida) and Rosculus sp (SAR: Cercozoa) Isolated From King Penguin Guano Collected in the Subantarctic (South Georgia, Salisbury Plain) and their Coexistence in Culture (2018)
Current view on phylogeny within the genus Flabellula Schaeffer, 1926 (Amoebozoa: Leptomyxida) (2018)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 6 (2018)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 57 (2018)
Kolonizace a vývoj společenstva makrozoobentosu v revitalizovaném toku Hučina (NP Šumava) (2018)
Colonisation of the restored stream by benthic invertebrates: a case study from the Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic) (2018)
Mayfly research in Iran: species diversity and knowledge gaps (2018)
Diversity, distribution and molecular phylogeny of Epeorus (Caucasiron) Kluge, 1997 (Ephemeropteta: Heptageniidae) in the Caucasus Mountains and adjacent areas (2018)
6th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology – Programme & Abstracts (2017)
Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter (2019)
Odkud a kdy k nám přišly nepůvodní druhy měkkýšů (2018)
Vrkoč Geyerův a vrkoč útlý – první nálezy celoevropsky ohrožených plžů ve Slavkovském lese (2018)
Effect of jasplakinolide and cytochalasin D on cortical elements involved in the gliding motility of the eugregarine Gregarina garnhami (Apicomplexa) (2018)
Integrative taxonomy of genus Electrogena (Ephemero ptera: Heptageniidae): the role of innovative morphological analyses for species delimitation (2018)
Obnova druhově bohatých luk v Bílých Karpatech (2018)
Sekundární trávníky a vřesoviště. Úvod (2018)
Early vegetation succession on gravel bars of Czech Carpathian streams (2018)
Extravagancia. Má vôbec zmysel? (2018)
Relict occurrences of boreal brown-moss quaking rich fens in the Carpathians and adjacent territories (2018)
Factors contributing to the coexistence of two reproductive forms of Carassius gibelio in the Czech Republic. (2018)
Informační materiál pro účastníky floristického kurzu České botanické společnosti v Poliččce ve dnech 8. 7.–14. 7. 2018 (2018)
Signatures of diversifying selection and convergence acting on passerine Toll-like receptor 4 in an evolutionary context (2018)
Phylogeography of a widespread sub-Saharan murid rodent Aethomys chrysophilus: the role of geographic barriers and paleoclimate in the Zambezian bioregion (2018)
Modelling the invasion history of Sinanodonta woodiana in Europe: Tracking the routes of a sedentary aquatic invader with mobile parasitic larvae (2018)
Differentiation underground: Range-wide multilocus genetic structure of the silvery mole-rat does not support current taxonomy based on mitochondrial sequences (2018)
Fossils know it best: Using a new set of fossil calibrations to improve the temporal phylogenetic framework of murid rodents (Rodentia: Muridae) (2018)
Ethiopian highlands as a cradle of the African fossorial root-rats (genus Tachyoryctes), the genetic evidence (2018)
Fine-scale genetic structure of the European bitterling at the intersection of three major European watersheds (2018)
Biogeographic implications of small mammals from Northern Highlands in Tanzania with first data from the volcanic Mount Kitumbeine (2018)
Křídelnice krétská (Pteris cretica) – nová nepůvodní kapradina v České republice (2018)
Relationship between pollen and floristic diversity in the recent lake sediments and moss polsters in Central Europe (2018)
Prevention of wildlife-vehicle collisions: An evaluation of odour repellent effectiveness (2018)
Hibernation temperature-dependent Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection intensity in Palearctic bats (2018)
Změny ve složení ptačího společenstva parku Lužánky v Brně mezi lety 1978 a 2016 (2018)
Switches in covering of eggs in grey partridge Perdix perdix clutches during laying and incubation (2018)
Cirsium ×sudae: a new interspecific hybrid between rare Alpine thistles (2018)
Holocene development of two calcareous spring fens at the Carpathian-Pannonian interface controlled by climate and human impact (2018)
Differential role of a persistent seed bank for genetic variation in early vs. late successional stages (2018)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 7 (2018)
Enthostodon hungaricus – nový druh bryoflóry České republiky (2018)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXX (2018)
Species richness and composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Bavarian Forest National Park: Preliminary results of the stream monitoring (2018)
The disturbance regime of an Early Holocene swamp forest in the Czech Republic, as revealed by dendroecological, pollen and macrofossil data (2018)
Molekulární fylogeneze a distribuce nejrozšířenějších afrických hlodavců, myší rodu Mastomys (2018)
Modelling the distribution and compositional variation of plant communities at the continental scale (2018)
Introduction to this special issue on the ecology and evolution of the Carpathian flora (2018)
Pre-industrial composition of woodlands and modern deforestation events in the southern part of the Western Carpathians (2019)
GrassPlot - a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands (2018)
Glacial-relict symptoms in the Western Carpathian flora (2018)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 3 (2018)
Bryum klinggraeffii, a moss new to Georgia – first record for the Greater Caucasus (2018)
Short-term streambed drying events alter amphipod population structure in a central European stream (2019)
Identification and partial characterization of a novel serpin from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Polyopisthocotylea) (2018)
Drivers of mollusc assemblage diversity in a system of lowland lentic habitats (2018)
Dactylogyrids (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from Sudanese Labeo spp., with description of Dogielius sennarensis n. sp. and the redescription of Dogielius flosculus Guégan, Lambert & Euzet, 1989 (2018)
Thesium linophyllon parasitizes and suppresses expansive Calamagrostis epigejos (2018)
Species diversity and phylogeny of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) parasites in Iberian Peninsula (2018)
Mléč bahenní (Sonchus palustris) na Znojemsku (2018)
Co-introduction success of monogeneans infecting the fisheries target Limnothrissa miodon differs between two non-native areas: the potential of parasites as tag for introduction pathway (2019)
First genomic study on Lake Tanganyika sprat Stolothrissa tanganicae: a lack of population structure calls for integrated management of this important fisheries target species (2019)
Water-stress physiology of Rhinanthus alectorolophus, a root-hemiparasitic plant (2018)
Merging of Pedicularis exaltata and P. hacquetii in the Carpathians: from local history to regional phylogeography based on complex evidence (2018)
Mixotrophy in Land Plants: Why To Stay Green? (2018)
Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in a grassland biodiversity hotspot: Hemiparasitic Rhinanthus major does a better job than increased mowing intensity (2018)
Effects of Climate Conditions on Aquatic Clitellata in Western Carpathian Spring Fens (2018)
Sediment characteristics influence benthic macroinvertebrate vertical migrations and survival under experimental water loss conditions (2019)
Zaniklý meandr u Severního předhradí archeologické lokality Pohansko u Břeclavi (2018)
The Chironomidae of the Western Carpathian helocrenes: Metacommunity structuring and its drivers in unique habitats (2018)
Structural and molecular diversity of dactylogyrids parasitizing African characiform fishes (2018)
Galium divaricatum Pourr. ex Lam. (Rubiaceae)- a new species for the flora of Ukraine (2018)
La Chaume (Intervention 894) (2018)
Generalized estimating equations: A pragmatic and flexible approach to the marginal GLM modelling of correlated data in the behavioural sciences (2018)
One generalist or several specialist species? Wide host range and diverse manipulations of the hosts’ web building behaviour in the true spider parasitoid Zatypota kauros (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (2018)
Venom gland size and venom complexity-essential trophic adaptations of venomous predators: A case study using spiders (2018)
Venom of prey-specialized spiders is more toxic to their preferred prey: A result of prey-specific toxins (2018)
Deposition, removal and production site of the amorphous mating plug in the spider Philodromus cespitum (2018)
Resource availability, mating opportunity and sexual selection intensity influence the expression of male alternative reproductive tactics (2018)
Evolution of ant-eating specialization in the basal lineage of Zodariidae (Araneae): the trophic ecology of South American Leprolochus birabeni Mello-Leitao (2018)
Comparison of the capture efficiency, prey processing, and nutrient extraction in a generalist and a specialist spider predator (2018)
Trophic niche, capture efficiency and venom profiles of six sympatric ant-eating spider species (Araneae: Zodariidae) (2018)
Life cycle of Harmonia axyridis in central Europe (2018)
Divergence in host utilisation by two spider ectoparasitoids within the genus Eriostethus (Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) (2018)
Using a new database of plant macrofossils of the Czech and Slovak Republics to compare past and present distribution of hypothetically relict fen mosses. (2018)
A modern analogue of the Pleistocene steppe-tundra ecosystem in southern Siberia (2019)
Diversity and host specificity of monogenean gill parasites (Platyhelminthes) of cichlid fishes in the Bangweulu-Mweru ecoregion (2018)
Monophyly of the species of Hepatozoon (Adeleorina: Hepatozoidae) parasitizing (African) anurans, with the description of three new species from hyperoliid frogs in South Africa (2018)
The first next-generation sequencing approach to the mitochondrial phylogeny of African monogenean parasites (Platyhelminthes: Gyrodactylidae and Dactylogyridae) (2018)
Seven new species of Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing the gills of Congolese cichlids from northern Lake Tanganyika (2018)
Delineating species along shifting shorelines: Tropheus (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from the southern subbasin of Lake Tanganyika (2018)
Six new dactylogyrid species (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) from the gills of cichlids (Teleostei, Cichliformes) from the Lower Congo Basin (2018)
Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities (2018)
Similarity of introduced plant species to native ones facilitates naturalization, but differences enhance invasion success (2018)
Ellenberg-type indicator values for the Czech flora (2018)
Philip Grime's fourth corner: are there plant species adapted to high disturbance and low productivity? (2018)
Long-term investigations and experimental manipulations: Useful perspectives for applied vegetation studies (2018)
National vegetation classification of the Czech Republic: a summary of the approach (2018)
Genetic diversity and demographic history of the Siberian lime (Tilia sibirica) (2018)
Classification of European and Mediterranean coastal dune vegetation (2018)
Linking biodiversity to ecosystems: A task for plant community ecologists (2018)
Beta-diversity of central European forests decreases along an elevational gradient due to the variation in local community assembly processes (2018)
Plant dispersal strategies: a new classification based on the multiple dispersal modes of individual species (2018)
Determination of testosterone and corticosterone in feathers using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (2019)
Genetic constraints of population expansion of the Carpathian lynx at the western edge of its native distribution range in Central Europe (2019)
Genetická variabilita vybraných druhů plazivek (Copepoda, Crustacea) na prameništích Západních Karpat (2018)
Phenology, distribution and first observation of the larva of the rare stink bug Dybowskyia reticulata (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Europe (2018)
Fine structure and Molecular Phylogenetic Position of Two Marine Gregarines, Selenidium pygospionis sp. n. and S. pherusae sp. n., with Notes on the Phylogeny of Archigregarinida (Apicomplexa) (2018)
Diversity of fungi and bacteria in species-rich grasslands increases with plant diversity in shoots but not in roots and soil (2019)
Redescription of the genus Afrodiplozoon Khotenovski, 1981 and its only known species Afrodiplozoon polycotyleus (Paperna, 1973) (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) using a combined multidisciplinary approach (2018)
An annotated list and molecular data on larvae of gryporhynchid tapeworms (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from freshwater fishes in Africa (2018)
Záhadná bzdocha svarínska (Dybowskyia reticulata) – znovuobjavenie na Slovensku po 50 rokoch a prvý nález larvy v Európe (2018)
The global biogeography of polyploid plants (2019)
Pest arthropods with holocentric chromosomes are more resistant to sterilizing ionizing radiation (2019)
Limitations in the screening of potentially anti-cryptosporidial agents using laboratory rodents with gastric cryptosporidiosis (2018)
Fenomén vysychání toků, jeho dopady a možná řešení (2019)
Rastliny zaznamenané počas Floristického kurzu v Zlatých Moravciach (2018)
Non-native parasitic copepod Neoergasilus japonicus (Harada, 1930) utilizes non-native fish host Lepomis gibbosus (L.) in the floodplain of the River Dyje (Danube basin) (2019)
Úvod: Flóra a vegetace antropogenních stanovišť (2018)
Diverzita rostlinných společenstev evropských měst (2018)
Sprimg viremia of cyprinid species and their hybrids (2018)
Holocenní vývoj rašeliniště Kotelnice (Slezské Beskydy, Česká republika) rekonstruovaný nejen pomocí krytenek (2019)
Soubor knoflíků ze zaniklého hřbitova při kostelu sv. Jana v Oboře (Praha – Malá Strana) (2018)
Není včela jako včela – srovnání letní a zimní generace včely medonosné (Apis mellifera) (2019)
Nález hořčíku jestřábníkovitého velkoúborného (Picris hieracioides subsp. umbellata) v NPR Porážky (Bílé Karpaty) a poznámky k jeho výskytu v České republice (2018)
Co nám půda říká o minulosti naší krajiny (2018)
Vzdálená blízká Středoruská vysočina (2018)
Morfologická variabilita afroskokanů druhového komplexu Phrynobatrachus steindachneri (Anura: Phrynobatrachidae) z Kamerunských hor (2019)
Fenomén Velká kotlina 6. Členovci (2018)
Představení a možnosti využití xMAP technologie v oblasti bezpečnosti potravin (2018)
The first record of Corbicula fluminea (O. F. Müller, 1774) in Moravia (SE Czech Republic) (2018)
Holobiont suture zones: Parasite evidence across the European house mouse hybrid zone (2018)
Evolution of the Grey-bellied pygmy mouse group: Highly structured molecular diversity with predictable geographic ranges but morphological crypsis (2019)
Ovlivňuje kontaminace rybníka léčivy parazitaci kapra obecného? (2019)
True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the Cerová vrchovina Upland in Slovakia – preliminary results (2019)
When is a “cryptic” species not a cryptic species: A consideration from the Holarctic micro-landsnail genus Euconulus (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) (2019)
Kritický pohled na kryptické druhy: příběh kuželíků (Euconulus; Gastropoda) (2019)
Evolutionary pattern of the forewing shape in the Neotropical genus of jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Russelliana) (2018)
Vztahy environmentálních faktorů a reprodukčních znaků severoamerických druhů ptáků (2019)
Studentská soutěž Zoologické dny 2019 (2019)
Vliv poloparazitických rostlin a různých způsobů obhospodařování na společenstva pavoukovců (Arachnida) v druhově bohatých travních porostech (2019)
Pokoutník tmavý Eratigena atrica (Araneae: Agelenidae), nový hostitelský druh pro arachnofilní štíhlenku pavoukomilnou Metacanthus annulosus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Berytidae) (2019)
White-nose syndrome detected in bats over an extensive area of Russia (2018)
Pyrenejský polostrov z pohľadu hostiteľsky špecifických parazitov kaprovitých rýb (2019)
Fuel for the pace of life: Baseline blood glucose concentration co-evolves with life-history traits in songbirds (2019)
Rekonstrukční management bezkolencových luk ve VÚ Boletice (2018)
Rostliny v okolí Pohořelic (2018)
Entomopatogenní hlístice a jejich exkretované/sekretované produkty (2019)
Higher-level molecular phylogeny of jumping plant lice (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea) (2019)
Natural selection in bats with historical exposure to white-nose syndrome (2018)
Model změn ve zbarvení ještěrek (2019)
Zloději v síti aneb První kleptoparazitická ploštice v České republice (2019)
Giant house spider Eratigena atrica (Araneae: Agelenidae) – a host species for the stilt bug Metacanthus annulosus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Berytidae) in Central Europe (2019)
Specific damages recognized at land-snail shells can document the rate of predation: differences among predators and habitat types (2018)
Early life stages of exotics gobiids as new host for unionid glochidia (2016)
Zdraví a imunita včel - praktická část (2019)
Evolutionary history and intraspecific variation of the Libyan Jird, Meriones libycus, based on genetic and morphometric data (2019)
XV. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2018)
Transmission of parasites from introduced tilapias: a new threat to endemic Malagasy ichthyofauna (2019)
Phenotypic plasticity in Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribes using a geometric morphometric approach: the roles of host phylogeny and locality Phenotypic plasticity in Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribes using a geometric morphometric approach: the roles of host phylogeny and locality (2018)
Impact of the fish hybridization on the parasite community: specificity, diversity and co-evolution (2018)
The consequences of hybridization on metazoan parasite infection level in cyprinids (2018)
Ecological studies (2018)
Evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions (2018)
A novel perspective on MOL-PCR optimization and MAGPIX analysis of in-house multiplex foodborne pathogens detection assay (2019)
Diversity of monogeneans of freshwater fish and coevolution in monogenean-fish systems (2018)
Diplozoid species of endemic cyprinids from Mediterranean area (2018)
Classifying Subtropical Forests of South Africa: Data Sources and Methods (2018)
Forest Classification: Data-Analytical Experiments on Vertical Forest Layering and Flattened Data (2018)
Classification of the Albany Coastal Forests (2018)
Local extinctions of threatened species of Pedicularis L. in agriculture landscape of southeastern Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (2018)
Classification of Pondoland Scarp Forests (2018)
Classification of the Eastern Scarp Forests (2018)
Cévnaté rostliny národních parků Podyjí a Thayatal (1982-2018) (2018)
Insights into the karyotype and genome evolution of haplogyne spiders indicate a polyploid origin of lineage with holokinetic chromosomes (2019)
Comparative research of photosynthetic processes in selected poikilohydric organisms from Mediterranean and CentralEuropean alpine habitats (2018)
Cévnaté rostliny [ramsarských rašelinišť] (2018)
Cévnaté rostliny [ramsarských rybníků] (2018)
Rakousko-uherská postavení na kopci Staviská ve světle archeologického výzkumu (2019)
Mokřady (2016)
Rákosina u Červeného mlýna – zanikající mokřadní ráj? (2018)
Vodní brouci jako zrcadlo našemu hospodaření s vodou (2018)
Poľné mokrade na južnej Morave: veľke lupeňonôžky a iné vodné bezstavovce v priebehu sukcesie. (2018)
Velcí lupenonožci na Slovensku – po stopách Jána Brteka. (2018)
The enigmatic copepod Hemidiaptomus amblyodon and its endangered temporal habitats (2018)
Nejvzácnější ptáci zemědělské krajiny jižní Moravy. (2018)
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins (2018)
Foraging habitat, home-range size and diet of a Mediterranean bat species, Savi's pipistrelle (2018)
Morphological and taxonomical analysis of the terrestrial diatom genus Humidophila (Bacillariophyta) on Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (Southern Indian Ocean) (2018)
Segetal plant communities of traditional agroecosystems: a phytosociological survey in central Italy (2019)
No trade-offs in interspecific interference ability and predation susceptibility in newt larvae. (2018)
Fractal measures in activity patterns: Do gastrointestinal parasites affect the complexity of sheep behaviour? (2018)
Atlas sinic a řas ČR 1 (2018)
Atlas sinic a řas ČR 2 (2018)
Joint optimization of cluster number and abundance transformation for obtaining effective vegetation classifications (2018)
A Perspective Around Cephalopods and Their Parasites, and Suggestions on How to Increase Knowledge in the Field (2018)
Trávníkové úzkolisté kostřavy a jejich rozlišování (2019)
Global distribution of Carex buekii (Cyperaceae) reappraised (2018)
A new species and two new synonyms of Mongolian Nemotelus (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (2018)
High resilience of plant species composition to coppice restoration - a chronosequence from the oak woodland of Gerolfing (Bavaria) (2018)
Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) associated with lichens from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula) (2018)
Vertical stratification of scolytine beetles in temperate forests (2018)
Spiders and pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones) in old oaks of a Central European floodplain (2018)
The first record of the rare beetle Phloeostichus denticollis W. Redtenbacher, 1842 (Coleoptera:Phloeostichidae) from the Bohemian Forest with a note on the biology of the species (2018)
Does dead wood volume affect saproxylic beetles in montane beech-fir forests of Central Europe? (2019)
Revize moravsko-dolnorakouské arely křivatce českého (Gagea bohemica s. lat.) (2017)
Molecular and Morphological Diversity of the Oxymonad Genera Monocercomonoides and Blattamonas gen. nov. (2018)
Biotic controls on Holocene fire frequency in a temperate mountain forest, Czech Republic (2018)
Old-growth forest fungus Antrodiella citrinella – distribution and ecology in the Czech Republic (2018)
Sucho jako šance pro naše potoky a řeky (2019)
The origin and distribution of obsidian in prehistoric Bohemia (2017)
Genetic and morphological variation in the circumpolar distribution range of Sphagnum warnstorfii: indications of vicariant divergence in a common peatmoss. (2019)
Fortifying the Carpathians : Austro-Hungarian defences in contemporary eastern Slovakia (2019)
Early emerging Apicomplexa from marine invertebrates (2018)
Cytoskeleton and motility in the archigregarine Selenidium pygospionis (Apicomplexa) (2018)
Comparative phylogenetic analysis of Apicomplexa based on 18s, 28s and contig 18s+28s rDNA (2018)
Biology and diversity of apicomplexan parasites from polychaete Travisia forbesii (2014)
Cell motility in marine early emerging apicomplexans (2014)
Motility and host-parasite interactions in early emerging apicomplexans. (2015)
Motility in phylogenetically distant groups of gregarines (Apicomplexa) parasitising marine hosts (2015)
Diversity of basal apicomplexans from marine invertebrates (2015)
Actin and tubulin visualisation in two species of urosporid gregarines from marine polychaete Travisia forbesii (2017)
Bending (nematode-like) movement in ancestral apicomplexans represented by marine archigregarine Selenidium sp. (2017)
Morphological analysis of oocyst wall formation in cryptosporidia: Is the sporocyst really missing? (2015)
Kněžice mramorovaná na Moravě i v Čechách (2019)
Formalized classification of semi-dry grasslands in central and eastern Europe (2019)
GRIMP: A machine-learning method for improving groups of discriminating species in expert systems for vegetation classification (2019)
Applied vegetation science addresses emerging global issues (2019)
Hyrcanian forest vegetation database (2019)
Plant distribution data for the Czech Republic integrated in the Pladias database (2019)
Progress in vegetation science: Trends over the past three decades and new horizons (2019)
Hold position : Case study of non-destructive archaeological survey and spatial analyses of Austro-Hungarian trenches from april 1915 at Staviska hill (Polish-Slovakian border) (2019)
Fortification, mining, and charcoal production: landscape history at the abandoned medieval settlement of Hohenwalde at the Faule Pfutze (Saxony, Eastern Ore Mountains) (2019)
Multilocus phylogeny of the Crocidura poensis species complex (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla): Influences of the palaeoclimate on its diversification and evolution (2019)
Type material comparison of possible cryptic species of the genus Electrogena (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) in Central Europe (2019)
Geoarchaeology of empty spaces: Bibracte case studies (2019)
Étude paléo-environnementale d’un fond de vallon sur le versant oriental du mont Beuvray (2018)
Public awareness of tick-related risks (2019)
Imunita a dlouhověkost včel (2019)
Freshwater mollusc metacommunity structuring in lowland lentic habitats (2019)
Environmental drivers of mollusc assemblage diversity in a system of lowland lentic habitats (2019)
Genome sizes and genomic guanine+cytosine (GC) contents of the Czech vascular flora with new estimates for 1700 species (2019)
Phenology and polyploidy in annual Brachypodium species (Poaceae) along the aridity gradient in Israel (2020)
What can one ditch tell : multi-proxy analysis at oppidum Bibracte (2019)
Trace Element Uptake and Accumulation in the Medicinal Herb Hypericum perforatum L. Across Different Geolithological Settings (2019)
Conservation of the Mediterranean coastal pine woodlands: How can management support biodiversity? (2019)
Contribution to the knowledge of the vascular flora of Miniera di Murlo area (southern Tuscany, Italy) (2019)
Nematodes as a tool to study insect immunity (2019)
Srovnání vegetace říčních náplavů Labe s dalšími řekami napříč Českou republikou (2019)
Numerous cold arousals and rare arousal cascades as a hibernation strategy in European Myotis bats (2019)
Mech Fissidens crassipes v České republice a na Slovensku (2019)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXI (2019)
Recognition of stream drying based on benthic macroinvertebrates: A new tool in Central Europe (2019)
The role of Gammarus fossarum populations as an indicator of previous stream drying (2019)
Are populations of Gammarus fossarum able to reflect stream drying? (2019)
Stream drying acceleration in Central Europe: Trends in aquatic and terrestrial communities (2019)
Combined impact of stream drying and organic pollution on invertebrate seedbank: Experimental rehydration of dry riverbed sediment (2019)
Influence of drying and organic pollution on macroinvertebrate community composition (2019)
Stream drying and stream pollution: similarities in impact on benthic invertebrates (2019)
Macroinvertebrate assemblages of the post-mining calcareous stream habitats: Are they similar to those inhabiting the natural calcareous springs? (2019)
The importance of the spatial heterogeneity for the structuring of macroinvertebrates in spring fens (2019)
Macroinvertebrates of the post-mining calcareous brooks: comparison with the natural calcareous spring brooks (2019)
An unexpected source of invertebrate community recovery in intermittent streams from a humid continental climate (2019)
Parallels and contrasts between intermittently freezing and drying streams: from individual adaptations to biodiversity variation (2019)
Holocene succession patterns of land snails across temperate Europe: East to west variation related to glacial refugia, climate and human impact (2019)
Small-scale Variation of Testate Amoeba Assemblages: the Effect of Site Heterogeneity and Empty Shell Inclusion (2019)
A complete Holocene climate and environment record for the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) derived from a tufa deposit (2019)
First evidence for long-term stasis in wet-tropics land snail community composition (2019)
Cut and covered : Subfossil trees in buried soils reflect medieval forest composition and exploitation of the central European uplands (2020)
Behavioural response in model insect under biological and chemical stress condition (2019)
Photorhabdus lectins disrupt the activity of insect and human immune system (2019)
The Year of the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) with Respect to Its Physiology and Immunity: A Search for Biochemical Markers of Longevity (2019)
Rozrazil hořcovitý (Veronica gentianoides), zapomenutý adventivní druh české květeny (2019)
Excreted/secreted products of entomopathogenic nematodes and their effect on insect immunity (2019)
Landslides increased Holocene habitat diversity on a flysch bedrock in the Western Carpathians (2019)
Molecular response to EBLV-1 infection in bat-derived cell cultures (2019)
Genome-wide associations in multiple bat species (2019)
Proteolysis in eggs of F. hepatica: role in pathology and its regulation (2019)
Scanning the Hyocephalidae: details of their external morphology with respect to phylogenetic relationships within Eutrichophora (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) (2019)
Palynology research of water reservoirs of later mediaeval and post-mediaeval deserted villages in West Bohemia, Czech Republic (2019)
Conservation status of Mediterranean coastal dune habitats: anthropogenic disturbance may hamper habitat assignment (2019)
Environmental drivers of plant assemblages: are there differences between palustrine and lacustrine wetlands? A case study from the northern Apennines (Italy) (2019)
An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types (2019)
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 7 (2019)
Určování věku u hmyzu v závislosti na množství pteridinů v očích: případová studie na štěnicích rodu Cimex (2019)
Age determination in individual wild-caught Cimex lectularius using pteridine concentration (2019)
Aquatic mollusc metacommunity structuring in lentic habitats of two regions differing in trophy level (2019)
Is assortative fertilisation after sperm competition driven by male environment or male genetics in common bedbugs (Cimex lectularius)? (2019)
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 7 (2019)
Farmakoekonomické hodnocení cetuximabu a panitumumabu v 1. linii léčby mCRC v reálné klinické praxi ČR (2019)
Sediment respiration pulses in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (2019)
Evidence for Bronze Age and Medieval tin placer mining in the Erzgebirge mountains, Saxony (Germany) (2020)
První nález včelníku drobnokvětého (Dracocephalum parviflorum) v České republice (2019)
Josef Podpěra (1878–1954): osudy přírodovědce v neklidných dobách (2019)
Extra-pair paternity patterns in European barn swallows Hirundo rustica are best explained by male and female age rather than male ornamentation (2019)
Feather steroid hormone concentrations in relation to age, sex, and molting time in a long distance migratory passerine (2019)
Environmental stability of Western Carpathian spring-fens and its influence on Ostracod assemblages (2019)
Influence of environmental stability on microcrustacean assemblages in Western Carpathian spring-fens (2019)
Súčasný stav poznania bzdôch (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) na poľskej a slovenskej strane pohoria Pienin (2019)
High Resolution Melting Assay: a powerful method usable for species differentiation as well as for detection of polymorphisms associated with anthelmintic resistance? (2019)
Cirsium Mill. – pcháč (2019)
Trichophorum Pers. – suchopýrek (2019)
Eleocharis R.Br. – bahnička (2019)
Juncaginaceae Rich. – bařičkovité (2019)
Schoenoplectus (Rchb.) Palla – skřípinec (2019)
Pcháč Sudův – nejvzácnější ze vzácných kříženců (2019)
Omics analyses and functional proteins of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) (2019)
Motility and cytoskeletal organisation in the archigregarine Selenidium pygospionis (Apicomplexa): observations on native and experimentally affected parasites (2019)
Euphorbia subgen. Chamaesyce (E. humifusa, E. maculata a E. prostrata) (2019)
Repeatability but not heritability of metabolic rate in the alpine newt (2019)
Je li spontana lokomotorna aktivnost ponovljiva u uvjetima različitih tjelesnih temperatura i među jedinkama mladih vodenjaka? (2018)
Alpha diversity of vascular plants in European forests (2019)
Is spontaneous locomotor activity repeatable? A case study on juvenile newts (2018)
Unique Epigenetic Features of Ribosomal RNA Genes (rDNA) in Early Diverging Plants (Bryophytes) (2019)
Drivers of small-scale Diptera distribution in aquatic-terrestrial transition zones of spring fens (2020)
Predátoři suchozemských plžů aneb Co prozradí prázdné ulity o osudu svých bývalých majitelů (2019)
Specific damage recognised on land snail shells as a tool for studying predation intensity: differences related to habitat and predator types (2019)
Oak-hornbeam forests from the European perspective – Currently recognized alliances, a faithful mirror of their floristic variability? (2019)
Freshwater mollusc metacommunities of small ponds in two agricultural regions (2019)
First steps in dating of Celtic fields in the Czech Republic (2019)
Reprodukční kompatibilita hostitelských linií štěnice domácí (2019)
Is distribution of microcrustaceans (Harpacticoida, Ostracoda) in spring habitats temperature dependent? A comparison from regional and local scale (2019)
Když genetika mlčí: morfologická analýza trusu netopýrů (2019)
Aggregational response of bats during forest pest emergence (2019)
Agregační odpověď netopýrů na gradaci škůdců hospodářského lesa (2019)
Príspevok k poznaniu bzdôch (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) NP Poloniny (2019)
Computers on line: Digital archaeology of WWI at Eastern Slovakia (2019)
Evoluce na příkrém gradientu nadmořské výšky: stanovení role genetických a ekologických faktorů v procesu vzniku druhů (2019)
Evolution at altitudinal gradient: assessment of the role of genetic and ecological factors in speciation of Ethiopian rodents (2019)
Factors explaining community contrast of Trichoptera assemblages at insular Western Carpathian spring fens to the adjacent headwaters (2020)
High throughput bioacoustic monitoring and phenology of the greater noctule bat (Nyctalus lasiopterus) compared to other migratory species (2019)
Vliv faktorů prostředí a prostorového uspořádání na diverzitu lesních plžů na jemné prostorové škále (2019)
Remnants of spring fens in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands: the occurrence and coexistence of (not only) molluscan glacial relicts (2018)
Slatiniště na Českomoravské vrchovině: výskyt a koexistence (nejen) měkkýších glaciálních reliktů (2018)
Rys ostrovid - Průběžné výsledky výzkumu největší evropské kočkovité šelmy z příhraniční oblasti České a Slovenské republiky (2019)
Genetic Composition and Social Structure of the Carpathian Lynx at the Western Edge of Its Distribution Range (2019)
Ovlivňuje kontaminace rybníka léčivy kondici a parazitaci kapra obecného? (2019)
Resistance is futile: RNA-sequencing reveals differing responses to bat fungal pathogen in Nearctic Myotis lucifugus and Palearctic Myotis myotis (2019)
Relatedness and roost sharing in a colony of Egyptian fruit bats (2019)
Reakcia hibernujúcich netopierov na rušenie (2019)
The molecular and morphometric identification of Dictyocaulus capreolus in clinically affected roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) (2019)
Monogenean parasites of pelagic fish species in Lake Tanganyika: potential tags for host history and population structure (2019)
Trematode communities in the Lake Tanganyika’s latid perches. (2019)
What can egg-proteases tell us about the pathogenesis caused by trematodes? (2019)
Strategic plan for control of resistant gastrointestinal helminths in grazing ruminants in the Czech Republic (2019)
COST Action: Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers & Ephemeral Streams - outcomes for applied research (2019)
Molecular phylogeny and distribution of the multimammate mice genus Mastomys (2019)
Diverzifikace v "horkém místě" střední Afriky: drápatky z druhové skupiny Xenopus amietii (2019)
Komparativní ptilochronologie a investice do opeření u tropických a temperátních ptáků (2019)
Studentská soutěž, 7. konference České společnosti pro ekologii (2019)
Kavka obecná (Corvus monedula), srovnání rozšíření v Jihomoravském kraji po dvou dekádách (2019)
Mapování vodních toků na jižní Moravě v letech 2018 a 2019 - první výsledky (2019)
Cophylogenetic relationships between Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) ectoparasites and endemic cyprinoids of the north-eastern European peri-Mediterranean region (2020)
Dry grassland vegetation in the Transcarpathian Lowland (western Ukraine) (2019)
Diversity and genome-level molecular phylogeny of African giant shrews (Crocidura olivieri species complex) (2019)
Molecular techniques reveal cryptic diversity of African Crocidura hirta-flavescens species complex (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae) (2019)
New species of Crocidura (Mammalia: Soricidae) from Ethiopia, and a review of shrews from the country (2019)
Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central and Eastern European populations of the barn swallow (2019)
Hyperolius robustus: A Case of Convergent Evolution (2019)
Repeatability of thermal reaction norms for spontaneous locomotor activity in juvenile newts (2019)
O VODĚ A SUCHU V POTOCÍCH A ŘEKÁCH aneb jak připravit naše toky na změnu klimatu a v čem nám mohou vysychající koryta pomoci. (2019)
Halančíci jako nový model pro studium věkem podmíněné spontánní karcinogeneze (2019)
Porovnání fyziologických a imunitních parametrů letních a zimních včel (2019)
Cepaea nemoralis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Poland: patterns of variation in a range-expanding species (2019)
First records of Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) from the Czech Republic outside its native range (2019)
Biogeografie druhové diverzity rostlinných společenstev (2019)
Systematický přehled živočichů a počty druhů v ČR (2019)
Křísi (2019)
Mšicosaví (2019)
On the morphology and possible function of two putative vibroacoustic mechanisms in derbid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Derbidae) (2019)
Conservation efforts for the Croatia's smallest lizard - the snake-eyed skink (2018)
Mothers matter too: benefits of temperature oviposition preferences in newts (2011)
Interactive influence of biotic and abiotic cues on the plasticity of preferred body temperatures in a predator–prey system (2012)
Does developmental acclimatization reduce the susceptibility to predation in newt larvae? (2013)
Effect of temperature extremes on the spatial dynamics of predator-prey interactions: a case study with dragonfly nymphs and newt larvae (2014)
Body size, swimming speed, or thermal sensitivity? Predator-imposed selection on amphibian larvae. (2015)
Interakce dravec-kořist v extrémních teplotách prostředí: příklad larev šídel a čolků. (2013)
Farebný polymorfizmus u jašterice krátkohlavej (Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758) – môže nás ešte prekvapiť? (2008)
Klíč ke květeně České republiky (2019)
CircumMed Pine Forest Database: an electronic archive for Mediterranean and Submediterranean pine forest vegetation data (2019)
Directly Sequenced Genomes of Contemporary Strains of Syphilis Reveal Recombination-Driven Diversity in Genes Encoding Predicted Surface-Exposed Antigens (2019)
First report of hare treponematosis seroprevalence of European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) in the Czech Republic: seroprevalence negatively correlates with altitude of sampling areas (2019)
Molecular phylogeny and timing of evolution of Anthomyza and related genera (Diptera: Anthomyzidae) (2019)
Molecular phylogeny of the Paleogene fungus gnat tribe Exechiini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) revisited: Monophyly of genera established and rapid radiation confirmed (2019)
Muší svět pohledem mikroskopů i zkumavek (2013)
First checklist of the Dutch jumping plant lice since 93 years (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) (2019)
A comparative molecular survey of malaria prevalence among Eastern chimpanzee populations in Issa Valley (Tanzania) and Kalinzu (Uganda) (2016)
No impact of strongylid infections on the detection of Plasmodium spp. in faeces of western lowland gorillas and eastern chimpanzees (2017)
On the Distribution of Rare Moss Helodium blandowii in Slovakia, with Some Remarks on Its Ecology and Conservation (2018)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 8 (2019)
Herbář Masarykovy univerzity jako zdroj informací o biodiverzitě: BRNU goes to GBIF (2019)
The comparative morphology of adult pregenital abdominal ventrites and trichobothria in Pyrrhocoroidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha) (2020)
Caveat consumptor notitia museo: Let the museum data user beware (2019)
The type of nutrient limitation affects the plant species richness-productivity relationship: Evidence from dry grasslands across Eurasia (2019)
Shared affinity of various forest-dwelling taxa point to the continuity of temperate forests (2019)
Silk versus venom: alternative capture strategies employed by closely related myrmecophagous spiders (2019)
The innervation of the male copulatory organ of spiders (Araneae)–a comparative analysis (2019)
Silk- and volatile-based male mate choice in the genital plug-producing spider (2019)
Nest usurpation: a specialised hunting strategy used to overcome dangerous spider prey (2019)
High Specific Efficiency of Venom of Two Prey-Specialized Spiders (2019)
Populační struktura blešivce potočního jako indikátor předchozího vyschnutí toku (2019)
In memoriam of RNDr. Pavel Lauterer (1933 – 2016) (2019)
Moderní analýza biologických dat. 3. díl. Nelineární modely v prostředí R (2019)
Contributi per una flora vascolare di toscana. X (606-663) (2018)
Anaerobic Fungi in Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) Feces: an Adaptation to a High-Fiber Diet? (2018)
Effect of cysteine peptidase inhibitor of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) on cytokine expression of macrophages in vitro (2020)
The ratio between bryophyte functional groups impacts vascular plants in rich fens (2019)
Evolutionary history of Pneumocystis fungi in their African rodent hosts (2019)
Diversity and evolution of African Grass Rats (Muridae: Arvicanthis)-From radiation in East Africa to repeated colonization of northwestern and southeastern savannas (2019)
Annotated checklist, taxonomy and distribution of rodents in Ethiopia (2019)
Genetic variation of the most abundant forest-dwelling rodents in Central Africa (Praomys jacksoni complex): Evidence for Pleistocene refugia in both montane and lowland forests (2019)
Taxonomic and genetic diversity of rodents from the Arsi Mountains (Ethiopia) (2019)
High cryptic diversity of bitterling fish in the southern West Palearctic (2019)
Multiple radiations of spiny mice (Rodentia: Acomys) in dry open habitats of Afro-Arabia: evidence from a multi-locus phylogeny (2019)
New Oligoneuriidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) from Iran (2019)
Spruce representation in zonal woodlands may be overestimated when using pollen spectra from peatlands (2019)
Vegetation and ecological characteristics of the northernmost salt marshes of the European continent (2019)
Parasites of round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, currently invading the Elbe River (2019)
Gyrodactylus ginestrae n. sp. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae), a parasite of the big-scale sand smelt, Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 (Actinopterygii: Atherinidae) from the Black Sea (2019)
The Last Glacial and Holocene history of mountain woodlands in the southern part of the Western Carpathians, with emphasis on the spread of Fagus sylvatica (2020)
Měkkýši (2019)
Plži (2019)
Mlži (2019)
Ploštěnci a strunovci (2019)
Similar responses of native and alien floras in European cities to climate (2019)
Climatically induced temperature instability of groundwater dependent habitats will suppress cold adapted Clitellata species (2020)
Zur Wirkung der Situlenkunst aus die Kunst der Fuerstenschicht des 7.-5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. in Mitteleuropa (2019)
Failure to diverge in African Great Lakes: The case of Dolicirroplectanum lacustre gen. nov. comb. nov. (Monogenea, Diplectanidae) infecting latid hosts (2020)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXII (2019)
Kroužkovci (2019)
Cellulose fibrils formation and organisation of cytoskeleton during encystment are essential for Acanthamoeba cyst wall architecture (2019)
Making them visible and usable - vegetation-plot observations from Fennoscandia based on historical species-quantity scales (2019)
Diversity of dactylogyrids parasitizing African catfishes (Siluriformes) (2019)
Les fétuques du massif vosgien et des territoires ou contrées avoisinants: quelques taxons méconnus, inédits ou nouveaux pour l'Alsace, la dition, la France ou plus largement pour la flore (2019)
Secondary grasslands and heathlands. Introduction (2019)
Restoration of species-rich grasslands in the White Carpathian Mts (2019)
Zdraví a imunita včel II. - praktická část (2020)
Ancient refugia and present-day habitat suitability of native laurophylls in Italy (2019)
Contribution to the vascular flora of Castelvecchio nature reserve (Central Tuscany, Italy) (2018)
The phylogenetic position of Anacanthorus (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) parasitizing Brazilian serrasalmids (Characiformes) (2019)
Walteriella n. g. (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) from the gills of pimelodid catfishes (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) from the Peruvian Amazonia based on morphological and molecular data (2019)
A new genus and four new species of dactylogyrids (Monogenea), gill parasites of pimelodid catfishes (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) in South America and the reassignment of Urocleidoides megorchis (2019)
The effect of single-species Dactylogyrus infection on the expression of immune genes in gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) (2019)
Diversity of monogenean parasite in selected cichlid species from the Amazon River basin (2019)
Shape variation of attachment organ and genetic diversity in Cichlido-gyrus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing ‘Ctenochromis’ horei and Cyprichromis microlepidotus showing contrasting dispersal capacities in Lake Tanganyika (2019)
Enchytraeid assemblages at the foot of a talus slope in Skansbukta on the Arctic island of Spitsbergen (2019)
Proposals (23–25): to conserve the names Galio-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957, Lithospermo-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957 and Stellario-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957 (2019)
Transgressive segregation in a behavioural trait? Explorative strategies in two house mouse subspecies and their hybrids (2013)
Soil charcoal elucidates the role of humans in the development of landscape of extreme biodiversity (2019)
Gradients, species richness and biogeographical links of steppe grasslands in Western Podolia (Ukraine) (2019)
Relative pollen productivity estimates for vegetation reconstruction in central-eastern Europe inferred at local and regional scales (2019)
Report of new maxima of fine-scale vascular plant species richness recorded in East-Central European semi-dry grasslands (2019)
Dva starší nepublikované nálezy pabourovců (Lemonia spp.) (Brahmaeidae, Lepidoptera) na česko-moravském pomezí (2019)
Comeback středoevropské lesostepi (2019)
New data on distribution of the endangered species Viola jooi (Violaceae) in Ukraine (2019)
First record of Festuca amethystina L. from the Transylvanian Basin (Romania) (2019)
Prey and Venom Efficacy of Male and Female Wandering Spider, Phoneutria boliviensis (Araneae: Ctenidae) (2019)
Prey acceptance and conditional foraging behavior in the cribellate-web spider Titanoeca quadriguttata (Araneae: Titanoecidae) (2019)
Global patterns in the biocontrol efficacy of spiders: A meta-analysis (2019)
Spatio-temporal dynamics of Varroa destructor resistance to tau-fluvalinate in Czechia, associated with L925V sodium channel point mutation (2019)
Trophic niche and capture efficacy of an ant-eating spider, Euryopis episinoides (Araneae: Theridiidae) (2019)
Differences in the Phenology of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Native Coccinellids in Central Europe (2019)
Detection of tau-fluvalinate resistance in the mite Varroa destructor based on the comparison of vial test and PCR-RFLP of kdr mutation in sodium channel gene (2019)
Distinct feeding strategies of generalist and specialist spiders (2019)
Factors determining local and seasonal variation in abundance of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Central Europe (2019)
An updated perspective on spiders as generalist predators in biological control (2019)
Do ladybird spiders really mimic ladybird beetles? (2019)
Dynamics of the microbial community during growth of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae in culture (2019)
Ecology and syntaxonomy of Colchic forests in south-western Georgia (Caucasus region) (2019)
First report on mermithid parasitism (Enoplea: Mermithidae) in a Southeast Asian spider (Araneae: Araneidae) (2019)
Characteristics, Main Impacts, and Stewardship of Natural and Artificial Freshwater Environments: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation (2020)
First contribution to the faunistic research of true bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in the Cerová vrchovina Upland (2019)
Additional records of the rare flat bug Mezira tremulae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) from Slovakia (2019)
Reakcia hibernujúcich netopierov na prítomnosť človeka (2019)
Středověká keramika ze zaniklého východního křídla na druhém nádvoří Strakonického hradu (2019)
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 8 (2019)
Secondary contacts of host and parasite: barriers and introgression (2019)
Coriaria myrtifolia-dominated vegetation: Syntaxonomic considerations on a newly found community type in Tuscany (Italy) (2019)
Phenotypic effects of the Y chromosome are variable and structured in hybrids among house mouse recombinant lines (2019)
Diversity loss in grasslands due to the increasing dominance of alien and native competitive herbs (2019)
Actinotignum schaalii as a part of urinary catheter associated microbiota (2019)
Red List of Habitats of the Czech Republic (2019)
Phylogenetic diversity patterns in forests of a putative refugial area in Greece: A community level analysis (2019)
Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases (2019)
Probabilistic key for identifying vegetation types in the field: A new method and Android application (2019)
Four decades of the coexistence of beech and spruce in a Central European old-growth forest. Which succeeds on what soils and why? (2019)
Ecological Specialization Indices for species of the Czech flora (2019)
Geomorphic edge effects in response to abiotic and anthropogenic disturbances in forest ecosystems of the Gorce Mountains, Western Carpathians (2019)
Soil denudation rates in an old-growth mountain temperate forest driven by tree uprooting dynamics, Central Europe (2020)
Driving factors of the growth response of Fagus sylvatica L. to disturbances: A comprehensive study from Central-European old-growth forests (2019)
Woody species-specific disturbance regimes and strategies in mixed mountain temperate forests in the Sumava Mts., Czech Republic (2020)
Tracing the signs of local dispersal in the temperate forest understorey using spatially structured vegetation data (2020)
Cytogenetics of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Diplozoidae): Karyotype, spermatocyte division and 18S rDNA location (2020)
Seroprevalence of Larval Toxocarosis in the Czech Republic (2020)
Morphological and molecular characterization of Apatemon sp. infecting killifish in Mozambique (2019)
Podpěrovské inspirace v botanice (2019)
Stepi západní Ukrajiny (2019)
Stabilita prostředí na prameništních slatiništích a její vliv na společenstva mikrokorýšů (2019)
A novel Kunitz protein with proposed dual function from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) impairs haemostasis and action of complement in vitro (2019)
Poznámky k rozšíření a ekologii mokrýše vstřícnolistého (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium) na východním okraji areálu (2019)
Nový rod afrických žab z čeledi Hyperoliidae (2020)
BIODROUGHT: a macroinvertebrate-based index to identify antecedent drying (2020)
Dynamics of IRES communities (2020)
Jak se to dnes má s včelínkou ozdobnou (Pagodulina pagodula) (Pagodulinidae; Gastropoda) (2020)
Reprodukční kompatibilita hostitelských linií štěnice domácí (Cimex lectularius) (2020)
Vliv potravy samce na fitness samice a kompetici spermií u štěnic, Cimex lectularius (2020)
Seasonal changes of antioxidant capacity in honeybee, Apis mellifera L. (2020)
The effect of adipokinetic hormone on nutrient levels and locomotion of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) (2020)
DNA barcoding of pear psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Psyllidae), a tale of continued misidentifications (2020)
Koevolučné vzťahy medzi hostiteľský špecifickými motolicovcami (Dactylogyrus) a kaprovitými rybami v Stredomorí (2020)
Druhová diverzita a distribúcia motolíc parazitujúcich endemické zelené skokany (rod Pelophylax) na Balkáne (2020)
The effect of Varroa destructor infection on honey bee haemocytes (2020)
16S rRNA sequencing detected Profftella, Liberibacter, Wolbachia, and Diplorickettsia from relatives of the Asian Citrus Psyllid (2020)
Virulence Heterorhabditis bacteriophora a vliv jejich exkretovaných/sekretovaných produktů na imunitní systém Galleria mellonella (2020)
Description and ecophysiology of a new species of Syndesmis Silliman, 1881 (Rhabdocoela: Umagillidae) from the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes, 1846) Mortensen, 1943 in New Zealand (2019)
The good, the bad and the ugly: framing debates on nature in a One Health community (2019)
Only true pelagics mix: comparative phylogeography of deepwater bathybatine cichlids from Lake Tanganyika (2019)
Developing policy-relevant biodiversity indicators: lessons learnt from case studies in Africa (2019)
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Vaccines Contain Non-Structural Protein 1 Antigen and may Elicit NS1-Specific Antibody Responses in Vaccinated Individuals (2020)
Metaspolečenstva sladkovodních měkkýšů (2019)
Co podmiňuje diverzitu měkkýšů v izolovaných krasových vodách střední Albánie? (2020)
Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into development cooperation-highlights from an ALTER-NET-EKLIPSE workshop (2020)
New Genus Fibralongavirus in Siphoviridae Phages of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (2019)
High diversity of fish ectoparasitic monogeneans (Dactylogyrus) in the Iberian Peninsula: a case of adaptive radiation? (2020)
sPlot - A new tool for global vegetation analyses (2019)
TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access (2020)
Characteristics and growth of two-phased bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens (2020)
XVI. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2019)
Den biologie 2019 (2019)
Noc vědců 2019 (2019)
Evolutionary history of the Cameroon radiation of puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachidae: Phrynobatrachus), with descriptions of two critically endangered new species from the northern Cameroon Volcanic Line (2020)
Congruent patterns of functional diversity in saproxylic beetles and fungi across European beech forests (2019)
Colonisation by enchytraeids as a suitable indicator of successful biological reclamation of post-mining technosols using alders (2020)
Saproxylic beetles in tropical and temperate forests - A standardized comparison of vertical stratification patterns (2019)
Abrupt vegetation and environmental change since the MIS 2: A unique paleorecord from Slovakia (Central Europe) (2020)
XVII. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2020)
Mouse Lipocalins (MUP, OBP, LCN) Are Co-expressed in Tissues Involved in Chemical Communication (2016)
From taxonomic deflation to newly detected cryptic species: Hidden diversity in a widespread African squeaker catfish (2019)
Divergent fire history trajectories in Central European temperate forests revealed a pronounced influence of broadleaved trees on fire dynamics (2019)
Evaluating climatic threats to habitat types based on co-occurrence patterns of characteristic species (2019)
Species of Characidotrema Paperna & Thurston, 1968 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from fishes of the Alestidae (Characiformes) in Africa: new species, host-parasite associations and first insights into the phylogeny of the genus (2019)
Similar factors underlie tree abundance in forests in native and alien ranges (2020)
DNA barcoding as a tool for early warning and monitoring alien duckweeds (Lemna the case of Central Italy (2019)
Holocene matters: Landscape history accounts for current species richness of vascular plants in forests and grasslands of eastern Central Europe (2020)
Caractérisation des espaces non-construits de l’oppidum (La Terrasse, Les Grandes Portes, Le Champlain) (2020)
On the morphology and evolution of cicadomorphan tymbal organs (2020)
Srovnání rozšíření a biotopových preferencí kavky obecné (Corvus monedula) v Jihomoravském kraji po dvou dekádách (2020)
Global overview of plot-based vegetation classification approaches (2018)
Lowland pine forests in the northwestern Pannonian Basin: between natural vegetation and modern plantations (2019)
A comparison of four approaches to river landscape delineation The case of small watercourses in the Czech Republic (2019)
Půdní organismy (2019)
GrassPlot v. 2.00 – first update on the database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands (2019)
Contribution to the floristic knowledge of eastern Irpinia and Vulture-Melfese area (Campania and Basilicata, southern Italy) (2019)
A Guide to the Parasites of African Freshwater Fishes (2018)
Slovakia (2017)
The Behavioural Type of a Top Predator Drives the Short-term Dynamic of Intraguild Predation (2017)
Alteration of Predatory Behavior of a Generalist Predator by Exposure to Two Insecticides (2017)
Genome Evolution in Arabideae Was Marked by Frequent Centromere Repositioning (2020)
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records (2020)
Entamoeba histolytica infections in wild and semi-wild orangutans in Sumatra and Kalimantan (2020)
Jihomoravské šibenice v časném novověku (16. až 18. stol.) (2019)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS na Horažďovicku (duben 2018) (2019)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 26. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS na Zlatohorsku v dubnu 2019 (2019)
Investigating the complex story of one ditch — A multidisciplinary study of ditch infill provides insight into the spatial organisation within the oppidum of Bibracte (Burgundy, France) (2020)
A novel perspective on MOL-PCR optimization and MAGPIX analysis of in-house multiplex foodborne pathogens detection assay (vol 9, 2719, 2019) (2019)
From taxonomic deflation to newly detected cryptic species: Hidden diversity in a widespread African squeaker catfish (vol 9, 15748, 2019) (2019)
Planktivorous fish positively select Daphnia bearing advanced embryos (2020)
Jihomoravské šibenice v časném novověku (16. až 18. stol.) (2019)
Jihomoravské šibenice v časném novověku (16. až 18. stol.) (2019)
The impact of Miocene orogeny for the diversification of Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) (2020)
Does predator abundance influence species diversity of equilibrium macroinvertebrate assemblages in spring fens? (2020)
Integrative taxonomic consideration of the Holarctic Euconulus fulvus group of land snails (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) (2020)
Long-term changes of steppe-associated wild bees differ between shell-nesting and ground-nesting species (2020)
Can relict-rich communities be of an anthropogenic origin? Palaeoecological insight into conservation strategy for endangered Carpathian travertine fens (2020)
Habitat extremity and conservation management stabilise endangered calcareous fens in a changing world (2020)
Native Gammarus fossarum affects species composition of macroinvertebrate communities: evidence from laboratory, field enclosures, and natural habitat (2020)
Nest structure, pollen utilization and parasites associated with two west-Mediterranean bees Hymenoptera, Apiformes, Megachilidae) nesting in empty snail shells (2020)
The history of a Pannonian oak woodland - palaeoecological evidence from south-eastern Slovakia (2020)
Editors' Award, experimental approaches, functional traits and ecoinformatics (2012)
Editors' Award, vegetation survey, remote sensing and restoration (2012)
The Effect of Foraging on Bumble Bees, Bombus terrestris, Reared under Laboratory Conditions (2020)
Oak-hornbeam forests of central Europe: a formalized classification and syntaxonomic revision (2020)
Caenidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Iran, with new records and re-description of the nymph of Caenis kopetdagi Kluge, 1985 (2020)
Effects of trichothecene mycotoxin T-2 toxin on haematological and immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2020)
Genomic Blocks in Aethionema arabicum Support Arabideae as Next Diverging Clade in Brassicaceae (2020)
Bioactive Excreted/Secreted Products of Entomopathogenic Nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Inhibit the Phenoloxidase Activity during the Infection (2020)
Repeatability and heritability of metabolic rate in a slow-living ectotherm (2020)
FDA-Approved Drugs Efavirenz, Tipranavir, and Dasabuvir Inhibit Replication of Multiple Flaviviruses in Vero Cells (2020)
An evaluation of field and noninvasive genetic methods for estimating Eurasian otter population size (2009)
Variation of mitochondrial DNA in the Hipposideros caffer complex (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) and its taxonomic implications (2008)
Morphometric key for the discrimination of two wood mice species, Apodemus sylvaticus and A. flavicollis (2009)
Geometric morphometrics - a sensitive method to distinguish diatom morphospecies: a case study on the sympatric populations of Reimeria sinuata and Gomphonema tergestinum (Bacillariophyceae) from the River Becva, Czech Republic (2009)
We all Appreciate the Same Animals: Cross-Cultural Comparison of Human Aesthetic Preferences for Snake Species in Papua New Guinea and Europe (2009)
Past human impact in a mountain forest: geoarchaeology of a medieval glass production and charcoal hearth site in the Erzgebirge, Germany (2020)
Measurement of phagocyte activity in heterotherms (2020)
Spontaneous adenocarcinoma of the gas gland in Nothobranchius fishes (2020)
Good performance of turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri) on pelleted diet as a step towards husbandry standardization (2020)
Development of multiplex microsatellite sets for noninvasive population genetic study of the endangered Tatra chamois (2011)
Asymmetric size and shape variation in the Central European transect across the house mouse hybrid zone (2010)
Revision of the genus Falsocaenia (Coleoptera: Lycidae) (2012)
No Postnatal Maternal Effect on Male Aggressiveness in Wild-Derived Strains of House Mice (2011)
Silver Jubilee of the journal and complexity of global change (2014)
Habitats of Pleistocene megaherbivores reconstructed from the frozen fauna remains (2020)
Classification of the Hyrcanian forest vegetation, Northern Iran (2020)
Applied Vegetation Science in 2020: Editorial (2020)
Thirty years of the Journal of Vegetation Science (2020)
European Boreal Forest Vegetation Database (2020)
Identification and age-dependence of pteridines in bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and bat bugs (C. pipistrelli) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2020)
European Weed Vegetation Database - a gap-focused vegetation-plot database (2020)
Classification of the European marsh vegetation (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) to the association level (2020)
Linking Plant Functional Ecology to Island Biogeography (2020)
CE study of neuroprotective humanin peptide and its derivatives: Interactions with phosphate, sulphate, alkylsulphonates and sulphated-beta-CD (2008)
Preliminary Study of the Genetic Structure of a Chestnut Population in the Czech Republic Based on SSR Analysis (2009)
Karyotypes of three species of molossid bats (Molossidae, Chiroptera) from India and western Africa (2008)
Natural habitat and vegetation types of river gravel bars in the Caucasus Mountains, Georgia (2020)
Taxonomical position of polypore Dichomitus albidofuscus: Donkioporia albidofusca comb. nov. (2010)
Transfer of scientific knowledge to practitioners: Do we need a reform of the journal policy? (2014)
Functional types, climatic change and species richness (2013)
Spatial networks differ when food supply changes: Foraging strategy of Egyptian fruit bats (2020)
Spatial Soil Modeling of Organochlorine Pesticides, Their Pools and Volatilization Fluxes (2011)
Applied Vegetation Science enters its 20th year (2017)
Metazoan parasite communities: support for the biological invasion of Barbus barbus and its hybridization with the endemic Barbus meridionalis (vol 9, 588, 2016) (2017)
Whole genome sequence of the Treponema pallidum subsp. endemicum strain Iraq B: A subpopulation of bejel treponemes contains full-length tprF and tprG genes similar to those present in T. p. subsp. pertenue strains (2020)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIII (2020)
Heptabladed b-propeller lectins PLL2 and PHL from Photorhabdus spp. recognize O-methylated sugars and influence the host immune system (2021)
Differences in spider species diversity on grapevine plants on terraced and plain vineyards depending on the type of management (2014)
Is variable plot size a serious constraint in broad–scale vegetation studies? A case study on fens (2020)
Laser capture microdissection in combination with mass spectrometry: Approach to characterization of tissue-specific proteomes of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Polyopisthocotylea) (2020)
Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick-borne bacterial pathogen (2020)
Complete Chromosomal Sequences of Two Borrelia miyamotoi Samples Obtained from Ixodes ricinus Eggs in Czechia (2020)
Low seasonal variation in greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) blood parameters (2020)
Phagocyte activity reflects mammalian homeo- and hetero-thermic physiological states (2020)
Meiofauna as a model to test paradigms of ecological metacommunity theory (2020)
Towards the pan-European bioindication system: Assessing and testing updated hydrological indicator values for vascular plants and bryophytes in mires (2020)
Egyptian fruit bats do not preferentially roost with their relatives (2020)
Maďarská palebná linie pod vrchem Veretyčiv u obce Habura : Prvotní výsledky výzkumu bojiště první světové války (2019)
Národní park Lagodekhi - za lesy Východního Kavkazu (2020)
Effect of eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors on the haemolymph protein profile of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (2011)
Tracing the Neolithic transition through the first pottery (NeoPot) (2020)
Biology and description of larva and puparium of the Palaearctic soldier fly Stratiomys ruficornis (Diptera : Stratiomyidae) (2008)
Megymenum tuberculatum, a new species of Megymenini from Java and a review of distribution of M. brevicorne (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Dinidoridae) (2020)
Diversity and distribution of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) in Iran, with descriptions of three new species (2020)
The hybrid between Doronicum hungaricum and Doronicum orientale: rare or overlooked? (2020)
Uncharted digenean diversity in Lake Tanganyika: cryptogonimids (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) infecting endemic lates perches (Actinopterygii: Latidae) (2020)
Weak population structure and recent demographic expansion of the monogenean parasite Kapentagyrus spp. infecting clupeid fishes of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa (2020)
Lates perches and their parasite fauna in Lake Tanganyika. (2019)
Differences in the growth rate and immune strategies of farmed and wild mallard populations (2020)
Special Issue: Insects, Nematodes, and Their Symbiotic Bacteria (2020)
Public attitudes toward biodiversity friendly greenspace management in Europe (2020)
Aminokyselinové substituce v izotypech genu B-tubulinu parazitických helmintů Fasciola hepatica a Haemonchus contortus vedoucí ke vzniku anthelmintické rezistence (2020)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 9 (2020)
Calcicolous rock-outcrop lime forests of east-central Europe (2020)
Environmental and genetic male effects on sperm competition in common bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) (2020)
Diversity and genome-level molecular phylogeny of African giant shrews (Crocidura olivieri species complex) (2020)
Využití stabilních izotopů pro studium potravní ekologie suchozemských plžů: případová studie (2020)
Sezónní aklimatizace rychlosti metabolismu a pohybové aktivity u sympatrických druhů obojživelníků (2018)
Termální hry jsou ovlivněny mezidruhovou kompeticí u larev čolků (2016)
Dysphania pumilio (R. Br.) Mosyakin & Clemants (≡ Chenopodium pumilio R. Br.) (2020)
Euphorbia davidii Subils (2020)
Salvia reflexa Hornem. (2020)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 4 (2020)
The use of high resolution melting analysis of ITS-1 for rapid differentiation of parasitic nematodes Haemonchus contortus and Ashworthius sidemi (2020)
Three arenaviruses in three subspecific Natal multimammate mouse taxa in Tanzania: same host specificity, but different spatial genetic structure? (2020)
Wooden Well at the First Farmers’ Settlement Area in Uničov, Czech Republic (2020)
Thermal independence of energy management in a tailed amphibian (2020)
Onchocleidus principalis (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) Co-introduced to Europe with Centrarchid Fish (2020)
Bzdochy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) zaznamenané počas XLIII. VS TOP-u vo vybraných lokalitách Slovenského krasu (2019)
Vegetation affinity of the moss species Meesia triquetra, Paludella squarrosa, Pseudocalliergon trifarium and Scorpidium scorpioides across European regions (2020)
Effect of Daytime and Tree Canopy Height on Sampling of Cacopsylla melanoneura, a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ Vector (2020)
Littoral vegetation predicts mollusc distribution in a network of unconnected small karstic lakes in the Mediterranean zone of Albania. (2021)
Paropeas achatinaceum (Pfeiffer, 1846) and other alien subulinine and opeatine land snails in European greenhouses (Gastropoda, Achatinidae) (2020)
Nouvelle étude paléoenvironnementale de la « Forêt de Quintefeuille » d’après les cortèges malacologiques holocènes : du passé à l’actuel (Graye-sur-mer, Calvados, Normandie) (2020)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2015–2019 (2020)
Kryptické druhy a příběh kuželíků (2020)
Kdo nebo co vyhubilo mamuty? (2020)
Blešivec potoční – neškodný vegetarián, nebo skrytý predátor? (2020)
Formerly coppiced old growth stands act as refugia of threatened biodiversity in a managed steppic oak forest (2020)
Symbiosis between river and dry lands: Phycobiont dynamics on river gravel bars (2020)
Morphometric traits of shells determine external attack and internal utilization marks in the Roman snail in eastern Germany (2020)
Očekávané dopady vybraných typů opatření na hydrologii, hydromorfologii a biotu vodních toků (2020)
Soil moisture and a legacy of prehistoric human activities have contributed to the extraordinary plant species diversity of grasslands in the White Carpathians (2020)
Western-Carpathian mountain spruce woodlands at their southern margin: natural or anthropogenic origin? (2020)
How climate change affects the occurrence of a second generation in the univoltinePyrrhocoris apterus(Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) (2020)
Weather fluctuations drive short-term dynamics and long-term stability in plant communities: A 25-year study in a Central European dry grassland (2020)
Historical museum collections help detect parasite species jumps after tilapia introductions in the Congo Basin (2020)
Native parasitic plants: Biological control for plant invasions? (2020)
Alien flora across European coastal dunes (2020)
Testing macroecological abundance patterns: The relationship between local abundance and range size, range position and climatic suitability among European vascular plants (2020)
Červený seznam biotopů České republiky (2020)
Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale (2020)
Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year-to-year asynchrony (2020)
Does predation by the omnivorous Gammarus fossarum affect small-scale distribution of macroinvertebrates? A case study from a calcareous spring fen (2020)
The 13th African Small Mammal Symposium in Mekelle, Ethiopia, and the evolution of these meetings (2020)
Rodents of Choke Mountain and surrounding areas (Ethiopia): the Blue Nile gorge as a strong biogeographic barrier (2020)
The effect of elevation on haematocrit in Ethiopian rodents (2020)
Environmental pressures on stomatal size may drive plant genome size evolution: evidence from a natural experiment with Cape geophytes (2020)
Is the evolution of carnivory connected with genome size reduction? (2020)
Endopolyploidy is a common response to UV-B stress in natural plant populations, but its magnitude may be affected by chromosome type. (2020)
Elevation-dependent endopolyploid response suggests that plants with holocentric chromosomes are less stressed by UV-B (2021)
Soil, regolith, and weathered rock: Theoretical concepts and evolution in old-growth temperate forests, Central Europe (2020)
Disentangling the evolutionary history of peri-Mediterranean cyprinids using host-specific gill monogeneans (2020)
Intraspecific morphological variation in Cichlidogyrus (Monogenea) parasitizing two cichlid hosts from Lake Tanganyika exhibiting different dispersal capacities (2021)
Estimation of trophic niches in myrmecophagous spider predators (2020)
Jak se vede kriticky ohroženým vodoušům rudonohým (Tringa totanus) ve vysychající krajině jižní Moravy? (2019)
Ploštice (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Jizerských hor (2019)
The effect of population density on growth and survival of a Neotropical annual killifish (2020)
Spermatozoa morphology and reproductive potential in F1 hybrids of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) (2020)
Xylosandrus germanus in Central Europe: Spread into and within the Czech Republic (2020)
Threshold aphid population density for starting oviposition in Harmonia axyridis (2020)
Identification guide to larvae of Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) (2020)
An Updated Checklist of the Sicilian Native Edible Plants: Preserving the Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Century-Old Agro-Pastoral Landscapes (2020)
Unravelling the evolution of Africa's drainage basins through a widespread freshwater fish, the African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus (2020)
Robinia pseudoacacia-dominated vegetation types of Southern Europe: Species composition, history, distribution and management. (2020)
Conservation targets from the perspective of a palaeoecological reconstruction: the case study of Dářko peat bog in the Czech Republic. (2020)
Six new species of Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960 (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from the gills of cichlids (Teleostei: Cichliformes) from the Lomami River Basin (DRC: Middle Congo) (2020)
First record of the American cestode Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy, 1887) (Proteocephalidae) in Europe (2020)
Transformational Mimicry in a Myrmecomorphic Spider (2020)
Zoonotic Parasites of Reptiles: A Crawling Threat (2020)
A new species of Ameloblastella Kritsky, Mendoza-Franco & Scholz, 2000 (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) from South American freshwater catfishes (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) (2020)
Loss of protozoan and metazoan intestinal symbiont biodiversity in wild primates living in unprotected forests (2020)
Colonisation dynamic and diversity patterns of Holocene forest snail fauna across temperate Europe: The imprint of palaeoclimate changes (2020)
Social-ecological assessment of Lake Manyara basin, Tanzania: A mixed method approach (2020)
Temporally consistent species differences in parasite infection but no evidence for rapid parasite-mediated speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish (2020)
Commensalism outweighs phylogeographical structure in its effect on phenotype of a Sudanian savanna rodent (2020)
DISPERSE: a trait database to assess the dispersal potential of European aquatic macroinvertebrates (2020)
An overview of the Dactylosomatidae (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina: Dactylosomatidae), with the description of Dactylosoma kermiti n. sp. parasitising Ptychadena anchietae and Sclerophrys gutturalis from South Africa (2020)
Ecosystem services assessment tools for African Biosphere Reserves: A review and user-informed classification (2020)
Ant-eating spider maintains specialist diet throughout its ontogeny (2020)
Holocene palaeoenvironments from the Direndall tufa (Luxembourg) reconstructed from the molluscan succession and stable isotope records (2020)
Anthelmintická rezistence v českých chovech koz (2020)
Comparative Genomics Underlines Multiple Roles of Profftella, an Obligate Symbiont of Psyllids: Providing Toxins, Vitamins, and Carotenoids. (2020)
Warming erodes individual-level variability in life history responses to predation risk in larvae of the mayflyCloeon dipterum (2020)
Neofoleyellides boerewors n. gen. n. sp. (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) parasitising common toads and mosquito vectors: morphology, life history, experimental transmission and host-vector interaction in situ (2020)
What to do if streams go dry? Behaviour of Balkan Goldenring (Cordulegaster heros, Odonata) larvae in a simulated drought experiment in SW Hungary (2020)
The phylogeny of the African wood mice (Muridae, Hylomyscus) based on complete mitochondrial genomes and five nuclear genes reveals their evolutionary history and undescribed diversity (2020)
EcoHealth reframing of disease monitoring (2020)
Build international biorepository capacity (2020)
EIA-driven biodiversity mainstreaming in development cooperation: Confronting expectations and practice in the DR Congo (2020)
Alternative mating tactics in a cannibalistic widow spider: do males prefer the safer option? (2020)
An amended description of two Gyrodactylus species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) parasitizing Antarctic Notothenioid fish (2020)
Trypanosomes in Eastern and Central European bats (2020)
Tracing the evolution of trophic specialisation and mode of attack behaviour in the ground spider family Gnaphosidae (2020)
Towards establishment of a centralized spider traits database (2020)
Ant-mimicking spider actively selects its mimetic model (Araneae: Gnaphosidae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (2020)
Moderní analýza biologických dat 1 - 1. díl. Zobecněné lineární modely v prostředí R (2020)
Species Separation within, and Preliminary Phylogeny for, the Leafhopper Genus Anoscopus with Particular Reference to the Putative British Endemic Anoscopus duffieldi (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) (2020)
Predatory behavior and sensory morphology of the whip spider Charinus asturius (Arachnida: Amblypygi) (2020)
Biting and binding: an exclusive coercive mating strategy of males in a philodromid spider (2020)
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometric Profiling of Spider Venoms (2020)
Dispersal and life-history traits in a spider with rapid range expansion (2020)
Pax islamita (Araneae: Zodariidae) as a new host of an acrocerid fly from Israel (2020)
Spiders mimic the acoustic signalling of mutillid wasps to avoid predation: startle signalling or Batesian mimicry? (2020)
No ontogenetic shift in the realised trophic niche but in Batesian mimicry in an ant-eating spider (2020)
Geographical Distribution of Ljungan Virus in Small Mammals in Europe (2020)
The relationship between epixylic bryophyte communities and microclimate (2020)
Some parasitological features of Paradiplozoon bliccae (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) infestation in Pseudophoxinus burduricus - an endemic fish species from Doganbaba Creek (Lake Salda, Turkey) (2020)
Human-like telomeres in Zostera marina reveal a mode of transition from the plant to the human telomeric sequences (2020)
The first mitochondrial genomes of endosymbiotic rhabdocoels illustrate evolutionary relaxation of atp8 and genome plasticity in flatworms (2020)
Integrative taxonomic revision of the Ethiopian endemic rodent genus Stenocephalemys (Muridae: Murinae: Praomyini) with the description of two new species (2020)
Ability of plant species to colonise human-disturbed habitats: Role of phylogeny and functional traits (2021)
Chromosomal Evolution and Apomixis in the Cruciferous Tribe Boechereae (2020)
Quantifying colour difference in animals with variable patterning (2020)
Tadpoles of hybridising fire-bellied toads (B. bombina and B. variegata) differ in their susceptibility to predation (2020)
The first record of the genus Microgecko Nikolskii, 1907 for Iraq (2020)
Rostliny zaznamenané na území Floristického kurzu v Bardejove (2020)
Contrasting Environmental Drivers Determine Biodiversity Patterns in Epiphytic Lichen Communities along a European Gradient (2020)
Anacamptis morio - vstavač kukačka (2020)
Centaurea montana - chrpa horská (2020)
Dentaria glandulosa - kyčelnice žláznatá (2020)
Increasing importance of anthelmintic resistance in European livestock: creation and meta-analysis of an open database (2020)
New remarkable records of myrmecophilous spiders (Araneae) in Slovakia (2020)
Habitat scarcity forms an ecological trap for the grey partridge (Perdix perdix) within a central European agricultural landscape (2020)
Winter honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations show greater potential to induce immune response than summer ones after immune stimuli (2021)
59. Floristický kurz České botanické společnosti (2020)
A novel dataset of permanent plots in extremely species-rich temperate grasslands (2020)
Environmental drivers of Sphagnum growth in peatlands across the Holarctic region (2021)
EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats (2020)
Poloparazitické rostliny ve středoevropské krajině: indikátory biodiverzity a ekologičtí inženýři (2020)
Mesomycetozoean parasite Dermocystidium sp. infecting skin of cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz, 1956) (2020)
Anti-predator function of not covering eggs in the initial phase of nesting in Grey Partridge Perdix perdix: a field experiment (2020)
Reproductive senescence in a short-lived fish (2021)
Intra-species differences in population size shape life history and genome evolution (2020)
Fluctuating temperatures extend median lifespan, improve reproduction and reduce growth in turquoise killifish (2020)
Individual-level pace-of-life syndromes in annual killifish are mediated by intersexual and interspecific differences (2020)
Coexistence of two termite-eating specialists (Araneae) (2020)
Natural forests of Pinus pinea in western Turkey: a priority for conservation (2020)
Optimal transformation of species cover for vegetation classification (2020)
Active surveillance for antibodies confirms circulation of lyssaviruses in Palearctic bats (2020)
The socioecology of parasite infection in wild Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia (2020)
Shallow depositional basins as potential archives of palaeoenvironmental changes in southwestern Greenland over the last 800 years (2021)
Physical and geochemical proxy data and diatom stratigraphy in ~800-year sedimentary sequences from two shallow Arctic pond basins, Kobbefjord, SW Greenland (2020)
Development and Inter-Laboratory Validation of Diagnostics Panel for Detection of Biothreat Bacteria Based on MOL-PCR Assay (2021)
Contrasting Impacts of Cultivated Exotics on the Functional Diversity of Domestic Gardens in Three Regions with Different Aridity (2021)
Macroevolutionary patterns in European vegetation (2021)
Drying in newly intermittent rivers leads to higher variability of invertebrate communities (2021)
Trends in flow intermittence for European rivers (2021)
First records raise questions: DNA barcoding of Odonata in the middle of the Mediterranean (2021)
Which landscape and abiotic site factors influence vegetation succession across seres at a country scale? (2021)
Effects of hydroperiod on morphology of tadpoles from highland ponds (2020)
Reproductive compatibility among populations and host-associated lineages of the common bed bug (Cimex lectulariusL.) (2020)
Degradation of fens and wet meadows of southeastern Bohemian-Moravian Highlands after 20 years (2019)
The cichlid-Cichlidogyrusnetwork: a blueprint for a model system of parasite evolution (2021)
Sperm quality, aggressiveness and generation turnover may facilitate unidirectional Y chromosome introgression across the European house mouse hybrid zone (2020)
Individual variation in seasonal acclimation by sympatric amphibians: A climate change perspective (2021)
High fungal substrate specificity limits the utility of environmental DNA to detect fungal diversity in bogs (2021)
No experimental evidence for vector-free, long-range, upstream dispersal of adult Asian clams [Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)] (2021)
Restoration-mediated alteration induces substantial structural changes, but negligible shifts in functional and phylogenetic diversity of a non-target community: a case study from a soda pan (2021)
2020 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales (2020)
Repeatability and heritability of resting metabolic rate in a long-lived amphibian (2021)
Two new species of Crocidura (Mammalia: Soricidae) from Ethiopia and updates on the Ethiopian shrew fauna (2020)
Multilocus phylogeny of African striped grass mice (Lemniscomys): Stripe pattern only partly reflects evolutionary relationships (2021)
Determination of habitat requirements of the glacial relict Nuphar pumila as basis for successful (re-)introductions (2020)
Terrestrial invertebrates along a gradient of deglaciation in Svalbard: Long-term development of soil fauna communities (2021)
Uncovering the diversity of monogeneans (Platyhelminthes) on endemic cypriniform fishes of the Balkan Peninsula: new species of Dactylogyrus and comments on their phylogeny and host-parasite associations in a biogeographic context (2020)
Poor performance of DNA barcoding and the impact of RAD loci filtering on the species delimitation of an Iberian ant-eating spider (2021)
Central-European vegetation types and their optima along successional gradient (2020)
Poorly Vetted Conservation Ranks Can Be More Wrong Than Right: Lessons from Texas Land Snails (2020)
The effect of soil and plant material transplants on vegetation and soil biota during forest restoration in a limestone quarry: A case study (2020)
Morphometric and genetic evidence for cryptic diversity in Gyrodactylus (Monogenea) infecting non-native European populations of Ameiurus nebulosus and A. melas (2020)
High-resolution mollusc record from the Mituchovci tufa (western Slovakia): a reference for the Holocene succession of Western Carpathian mid-elevation forests (2021)
Hedgehogs, Squirrels, and Blackbirds as Sentinel Hosts for Active Surveillance of Borrelia miyamotoi and Borrelia burgdorferi Complex in Urban and Rural Environments (2020)
Wild boar as a potential reservoir of zoonotic tick-borne pathogens (2021)
Taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional composition and homogenization of residential yard vegetation with contrasting management (2020)
Vigour-related traits and immunity in hybrids of evolutionary divergent cyprinoid species: advantages of hybrid heterosis? (2021)
Diversity of monogeneans and tapeworms in cypriniform fishes across two continents (2020)
Revalidation of Enteromius alberti and presence of Enteromius cf. mimus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in the Lake Edward system, East Africa (2020)
Distribution of host-specific parasites in hybrids of phylogenetically related fish: the effects of genotype frequency and maternal ancestry? (2020)
Nález zvonovce liliolistého (Adenophora liliifolia) u Žehuně ve středním Polabí po 75 letech (2020)
The use of High Resolution Melting analysis for reliable differentiation of trichostrongylid nematodes Haemonchus contortus and Ashworthius sidemi (2020)
Microhabitat distributions and species interactions of ectoparasites on the gills of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria, Tanzania (2021)
The synonymy ofHaplochromis pharyngalisandHaplochromis petronius(Cichlidae) (2020)
Vegetation of the European mountain river gravel bars: A formalized classification (2021)
Convergence, divergence or chaos? Consequences of tree trunk decay for pedogenesis and the soil microbiome in a temperate natural forest (2020)
Inflorescence preformation prior to winter: a surprisingly widespread strategy that drives phenology of temperate perennial herbs (2021)
Changes in the radial growth of trees in relation to biogeomorphic processes in an old-growth forest on flysch, Czechia (2020)
Intravitálna diagnostika gastrointestinálnych nematodóz a kvantifikácia ich pôvodcov v českých chovoch oviec (2020)
Best practices in plant cytometry (2021)
Associating physiological functions with genomic variability in hibernating bats (2021)
Middle Pleniglacial pedogenetic dynamics of the peri-Carpathian zone (2019)
Nový objav bohunickej pôdy? Paleopedologický záznam MIS 3 v mestskej časti Brno-Bohunice (2019)
Paleopedologický a paleoklimatický vývoj perikarpatskej oblasti južného Slovenska behom stredného pleniglaciálu (MIS 3) (2019)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIV (2020)
Associations between pharmaceutical contaminants, parasite load and health status in brown trout exposed to sewage effluent in a small stream (2021)
Local perceptions on the state of the pelagic fisheries and fisheries management in Uvira, Lake Tanganyika, DR Congo (2020)
So Closely Related and Yet So Different: Strong Contrasts Between the Evolutionary Histories of Species of the Cardamine pratensis Polyploid Complex in Central Europe (2020)
Four new species of the Hylomyscus anselli group (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania (2020)
Recreation as a threat and an opportunity for endangered plant species of wet meadows (2020)
Molecular communication between the monogenea and fish immune system (2021)
Pathology of Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in two model avian hosts (2021)
Sensitivity of polyphagous (Plodia interpunctella) and stenophagous (Ephestia kuehniella) storage moths to residual insecticides: effect of formulation and larval age (2021)
Alternative pathways in Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Metastrongyloidea: Angiostrongylidae) transmission (2021)
Conservation status of Italian coastal dune habitats in the light of the 4th Monitoring Report (92/43/EEC Habitats Directive) (2020)
Effect of β-1.3/1.6-D-glucan derived from oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus on biomedical, haematological, biochemical, and immunological indices in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2012)
Parasitic flatworms infecting thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata: Infection by the monogeneans Acanthocotyle verrilli and Rajonchocotyle emarginata in Svalbard (2021)
Three new species of Cytauxzoon in European wild felids (2021)
Mumetopia interfeles sp. nov., a new species of Anthomyzidae (Diptera) occurring en masse in an urban grassy habitat in Chile: its taxonomy, phylogeny and biology (2021)
Společenstvo vysokých ostřic s dominantní Carex buxbaumii na Hrabanovské černavě (2020)
Nejstarší nálezy bolševníku velkolepého (Heracleum mantegazzianum) v Čechách (2020)
Ořechokřídlec klandonský (Caryopteris ×clandonensis) zplanělý na Brněnsku (2020)
Plži přírodní rezervace Draplavý v CHKO Beskydy (2020)
Plži přírodní rezervace U Výpustku v CHKO Moravský kras (2020)
Diversity and phylogeny of Paradiplozoon species (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) parasitising endemic cyprinoids in the peri-Mediterranean area, with a description of three new Paradiplozoon species (2021)
Small terrestrial mammal distributions in Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia: a reassessment after 88 years (2020)
Leishmania infantum in Tigers and Sand Flies from a Leishmaniasis- Endemic Area, Southern Italy (2020)
Worldwide Genetic Structure Elucidates the Eurasian Origin and Invasion Pathways of Dothistroma septosporum, Causal Agent of Dothistroma Needle Blight (2021)
Liliová hora u Lulče na Vyškovsku – významná lokalita teplomilné flóry a vegetace (2020)
Étude de l’habitat et des exigences écologiques du Vertigo geyeri Lindholm, 1925 dans le Massif jurassien (2021)
Tracking parallel adaptation of shell morphology through geological times in the land snail genus Pupilla (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Pupillidae) (2021)
Overwintering of Culex modestus and Other Mosquito Species in a Reedbed Ecosystem, Including Arbovirus Findings (2020)
Pipistrellus kuhlii in the Czech Republic: 2007–2020 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) (2020)
Ecological consequences of genome growth and polyploidy (2015)
P selection and genome size evolution in plants (2015)
Haploid and polyploid Ginkgo: From detection to perspectives (2019)
Interesting records of rare bryophytes in old fen deposits 3 (2020)
Křísek leknínový (Erotettix cyane) - znovuobjevený modrý klenot našich mokřadů (2020)
The genome of Draba nivalis shows signatures of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses of the Arctic (2021)
The chromosome-level genome sequence and karyotypic evolution of Megadenia pygmaea (Brassicaceae) (2021)
The Evolution of Chromosome Numbers: Mechanistic Models and Experimental Approaches (2021)
Evolution of Tandem Repeats Is Mirroring Post-polyploid Cladogenesis in Heliophila (Brassicaceae) (2021)
Interphase Chromosome Organization in the Brassicaceae (2020)
A European map of groundwater pH and calcium (2021)
Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation (2021)
Classification of the Mediterranean lowland to submontane pine forest vegetation (2021)
High syphilis seropositivity in European brown hares (Lepus europaeus), Lower Saxony, Germany (2020)
Diclofenac-Induced Cytotoxicity in Cultured Carp Leukocytes (2020)
Nomenclatural changes in Zingiberaceae: Haplochorema is reduced to Boesenbergia (2020)
Genome structure and apomixis in Phoenicaulis (Brassicaceae; Boechereae) (2021)
Thermal dependence and individual variation in tonic immobility varies between sympatric amphibians (2021)
Holocentric Chromosomes Probably Do Not Prevent Centromere Drive in Cyperaceae (2021)
No Evidence for Trade-Offs Between Lifespan, Fecundity, and Basal Metabolic Rate Mediated by Liver Fatty Acid Composition in Birds (2021)
Stable isotope analysis suggests low trophic niche partitioning among co-occurring land snail species in a floodplain forest (2021)
Morphological differentiation of endemic water frogs (Ranidae: Pelophylax) from the southwestern Balkans (2021)
Myxobdella socotrensis sp. nov., a new parasitic leech from Socotra Island, with comments on the phylogeny of Praobdellidae (Hirudinida: Arhynchobdellida) (2021)
Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 12 (2020)
Urinary shedding of leptospires in palearctic bats (2021)
Macroinvertebrate seedbank survival in pristine and nutrient-enriched intermittent streams and its contribution to flow phase communities (2021)
Parasites on parasites: hyper-, epi-, and autoparasitism among flowering plants (2021)
Nové pozoruhodné nálezy chrobákov (Coleoptera) v mestskom parku v Banskej Bystrici, Slovensko (2020)
True bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the Levočské vrchy Mts. and the surroundings of Levoča town (Eastern Slovakia) (2021)
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 8 (2019)
Ecology and vegetation types of oak-hornbeam and ravine forests of the Eastern Greater Caucasus, Georgia (2020)
Effects of in vitro metamorphosis on survival, growth, and reproductive success of freshwater mussels (2021)
Assessment of the biocontrol potential of natural enemies against psyllid populations in a pear tree orchard during spring (2021)
Nuclear phylogenomics, but not mitogenomics, resolves the most successful Late Miocene radiation of African mammals (Rodentia: Muridae: Arvicanthini) (2021)
A Survey on One Health Perception and Experiences in Europe and Neighboring Areas (2021)
The Potential of Rhizoctonia-Like Fungi for the Biological Protection of Cereals against Fungal Pathogens (2021)
Effect of bio-insecticide residues and the presence of predatory cues on mating in a biocontrol spider (2021)
The Rufous Sengi is not Elephantulus—Multilocus reconstruction of evolutionary history of sengis from the subfamily Macroscelidinae (2021)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) and its adaptation to haematophagy as revealed by transcriptome and secretome profiling (2021)
A new genus and species of tachinid flies from Iran (Diptera, Tachinidae, Goniini) (2021)
The biogeography of alien plant invasions in the Mediterranean Basin (2021)
Neophyte invasions in European grasslands (2021)
Congolius, a new genus of African reed frog endemic to the central Congo: A potential case of convergent evolution (2021)
Ontogeny of social hierarchy in two European house mouse subspecies and difference in the social rank of dispersing males (2021)
Ecology and Genetics of Cyperus fuscus in Central Europe—A Model for Ephemeral Wetland Plant Research and Conservation (2021)
Živá suchá voda (2021)
Vysychání toků v povodí Veličky (2021)
Man and a river in the Middle Ages: a unique sequence of floods, human habitation and soil formation on the floodplain of the river Morava (2021)
Landscape evolution around the oppidum of Bibracte (Northern Massif Central, France) from the Late Iron Age to the Post-Mediaeval period (2022)
What determines the mollusc diversity in the isolated karstic lakes of central Albania? (2021)
Diversity and dynamics of zoonotic pathogens within a local community of small mammals (2021)
Helminth communities of endemic cyprinoids of the Apennine Peninsula, with remarks on ectoparasitic monogeneans, and a description of four new Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 species (2021)
Land snail community patterns related to regional habitat conservation status of European spring fens (2021)
Caractérisation des espaces non-construits de l’oppidum (le Porrey, le Verger, le Champlain, la Fontaine du Loup Bourrou) (2021)
Nutrient Acquisition and Attachment Strategies in Basal Lineages: A Tough Nut to Crack in the Evolutionary Puzzle of Apicomplexa (2021)
Plant functional and taxonomic diversity in European grasslands along climatic gradients (2021)
Implementing the formal language of the vegetation classification expert systems (ESy) in the statistical computing environment R (2021)
The relationship between niche breadth and range size of beech (Fagus) species worldwide (2021)
Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe's alien and native floras (2021)
Neglected strongylid nematodes: Metabarcoding reveals hidden transmission patterns between great apes and humans (2021)
Neglected strongylid nematodes: Metabarcoding reveals hidden transmission patterns between great apes and humans (2021)
Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in Mediterranean Turkey (2021)
Plant taxonomic and phylogenetic turnover increases toward climatic extremes and depends on historical factors in European beech forests (2021)
Climate and socio-economic factors explain differences between observed and expected naturalization patterns of European plants around the world (2021)
Plant-based and immunostimulant-enhanced diets modulate oxidative stress, immune and haematological indices in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2021)
Moderní analýza biologických dat. 1. Zobecněné lineární modely v prostředí R (2020)
Moderní analýza biologických dat 2. Lineární modely s korelacemi v prostředí R (2012)
Moderní analýza biologických dat. 3. díl. Nelineární modely v prostředí R (2019)
Phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation (2021)
Different sets of traits explain abundance and distribution patterns of European plants at different spatial scales (2021)
Global patterns and drivers of alpine plant species richness (2021)
Mapping species richness of plant families in European vegetation (2021)
Alien plant invasion hotspots and invasion debt in European woodlands (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXV (2021)
Historické a současné rozšíření plešivky fialové (Calvatia fragilis) v České republice a poznámky k její ekologii (2021)
Residual pools and dry streambed as refugia for macroinvertebrates of intermittent streams (2021)
Bat aggregational response to pest caterpillar emergence (2021)
Histopathology of laboratory-reared Nothobranchius fishes: Mycobacterial infections versus neoplastic lesions (2021)
Swim bladder as a primary site of mycobacterial infection in Nothobranchius 'belly sliders' (2021)
Paběrky z moravskoslezských rudišť I: lnice vonná (Linaria odora) a silenka východní (Silene csereii) (2021)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 10 (2021)
Mitogenomics and Evolutionary History of Rodent Whipworms (Trichuris spp.) Originating from Three Biogeographic Regions (2021)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum: morphofunctional adaptations of diplozoid monogeneans for confronting their host (2021)
The oldest millet herbal beer in the Europe? The ninthcentury BCE bronze luxury bucket from Kladina,Czech Republic (2022)
Multiple Mammarenaviruses Circulating in Angolan Rodents (2021)
Two species of slow worm (Anguis fragilis, A. colchica) present in the Baltic region (2021)
DISKUZNÍ SEMINÁŘ k projektu: TITSMZP703, Vysychání toků a biodiverzita tekoucích vod: vliv přírodních podmínek a antropogenních zásahů (2020)
Molecular and morphological phylogeny of host-specific Dactylogyrus parasites (Monogenea) sheds new light on the puzzling Middle Eastern origin of European and African lineages (2021)
Gene flow in phylogenomics: Sequence capture resolves species limits and biogeography of Afromontane forest endemic frogs from the Cameroon Highlands (2021)
Male diet affects female fitness and sperm competition in human- and bat-associated lineages of the common bedbug, Cimex lectularius (2021)
Genome size doubling arises from the differential repetitive DNA dynamics in the genus Heloniopsis (Melanthiaceae) (2021)
Freshwater snails Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817) and G. laevis (Alder, 1838): a story of the invasion at the population level (2021)
Stream drying bioindication in Central Europe: A Biodrought Index accuracy assessment (2021)
Parazitární zatížení ovcí a koz v aktuálních podmínkách chovů ČR (2021)
Introducing ecosystem engineers for grassland biodiversity conservation: A review of the effects of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus species on plant and animal communities at multiple trophic levels (2021)
Zur Zikaden- und Wanzenfauna von Wasserbüffelweiden und angrenzenden Flächen im Altenburger Land (Thüringen) – Ergebnisse der Sammelexkursionen zur 26. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Zikaden Mitteleuropas 2019 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera) (2020)
Invasion at the population level: a story of the freshwater snails Gyraulus parvus and G. laevis (2021)
Challenges in keeping annual killifish (2022)
A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems (2021)
The identification and semi-quantitative assessment of gastrointestinal nematodes in faecal samples using multiplex real-time PCR assays (2021)
Sharing a bed with mites: preferences of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae in a temperature gradient (2021)
Contrasting Host-Parasite Population Structure: Morphology and Mitogenomics of a Parasitic Flatworm on Pelagic Deepwater Cichlid Fishes from Lake Tanganyika (2021)
Telomeric DNA sequences in beetle taxa vary with species richness (2021)
Evolutionary insights into the eco-phenotypic diversification of Dysdera spiders in the Canary Islands (2021)
The food web in a subterranean ecosystem is driven by intraguild predation (2021)
Microbiome variation during culture growth of the European house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (2021)
The new COST Action European Venom Network (EUVEN)-synergy and future perspectives of modern venomics (2021)
Foraging aggressiveness determines trophic niche in a generalist biological control species (2021)
Fundamental trophic niche of two prey-specialized jumping spiders, Cyrba algerina and Heliophanus termitophagus (Araneae: Salticidae) (2021)
Geographic differentiation of adaptive phenological traits of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) populations (2021)
Linear Peptides—A Combinatorial Innovation in the Venom of Some Modern Spiders (2021)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 5 (2021)
External structures of the metathoracic scent gland efferent system in the true bug superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha) (2021)
Attacking strategies of malacophagous shell-breaking carabid beetles in laboratory experiments (2021)
Evidence from the resurrected family Polyrhabdinidae Kamm, 1922 (Apicomplexa: Gregarinomorpha) supports the epimerite, an attachment organelle, as a major eugregarine innovation (2021)
Seminal fluid and sperm diluent affect sperm metabolism in an insect: Evidence from NAD(P)H and flavin adenine dinucleotide autofluorescence lifetime imaging (2022)
PLL-like lectin family from entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus laumondii (2021)
Acceptance of near-natural greenspace management relates to ecological and socio-cultural assigned values among European urbanites (2021)
Centromere Size Scales With Genome Size Across Eukaryotes (2021)
Holocentric plants are more competitive under higher UV-B doses (2022)
Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats (2021)
Vladimír Řehořek (1933-2021). Botanický polyhistor a životní optimista. (2021)
Vladimír Řehořek (1933-2021). Botanický polyhistor a životní optimista. (2021)
Plant hunting: exploring the behaviour of amateur botanists in the field (2021)
Alien plant invasions in Mediterranean habitats: an assessment for Sicily (2021)
Diversity and species composition of diatom communities of Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands (2021)
Plant trait filtering is stronger in the herb layer than in the tree layer in Greek mountain forests (2021)
What defines insularity for plants in edaphic islands? (2021)
The leaf economic and plant size spectra of European forest understory vegetation (2021)
sPlotOpen - An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots (2021)
Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa Contributes to the Severity of Fish Diseases: A Study on Spring Viraemia of Carp (2021)
Spring water table depth mediates within-site variation of soil temperature in groundwater-fed mires (2021)
Valuable Secondary Habitats or Hazardous Ecological Traps? Environmental Risk Assessment of Minor and Trace Elements in Fly Ash Deposits across the Czech Republic (2021)
Hidden in the plain sight: the unexpected genetic diversity of amphibian's paramphistomous trematodes (2021)
Morphological and molecular diversity of helminths of Eurasian beaver in the Czech Republic (2021)
De novo developed microsatellite markers for monogeneans and their application to study population genetics of generalist Dactylogyrus species (2021)
Cold arousal - A mechanism used by hibernating bats to reduce the energetic costs of disturbance (2021)
Increased speed of movement reduced identification of Batesian ant-mimicking spiders by surrogate predators (2021)
The importance of rip-rap for round goby invasion success – a field habitat manipulation experiment (2021)
Ecological values of intermittent rivers for terrestrial vertebrate fauna (2022)
Disentangling responses to natural stressor and human impact gradients in river ecosystems across Europe (2022)
Strongyloides genotyping: a review of methods and application in public health and population genetics (2021)
Foraging and roosting site sharing in Egyptian fruit bats: the role of key individuals (2019)
Thermophilous oak forests in Slovakia: classification of vegetation and an expert system (2021)
Tetraploids expanded beyond the mountain niche of their diploid ancestors in the mixed-ploidy grass Festuca amethystina L. (2021)
Holocene plant diversity dynamics show a distinct biogeographical pattern in temperate Europe (2021)
A recent find of Ophrys insectifera (Orchidaceae) in Ukraine – will it survive another 100 years? (2021)
Mycorrhizal status is a poor predictor of the distribution of herbaceous species along the gradient of soil nutrient availability in coastal and grassland habitats (2021)
Phylogenetic structure of alien plant species pools from European donor habitats (2021)
Global dispersal and diversification of the genus Schoenus (Cyperaceae) from the Western Australian biodiversity hotspot (2021)
A new classification of Cyperaceae (Poales) supported by phylogenomic data (2021)
Diversity of MHC IIB genes and parasitism in hybrids of evolutionarily divergent cyprinoid species indicate heterosis advantage (2021)
Hide-and-Seek: A Game Played between Parasitic Protists and Their Hosts (2021)
Remarks on spring vegetation (the Montio-Cardaminetea class) in the Republic of North Macedonia (2021)
Drepanocladus lycopodioides rediscovered in the Czech Republic: Abandoned quarries as refugia for endangered fen species (2021)
Strongyloides infections in mountain gorillas (2021)
Update on maxima of fine-scale vascular plant species richness in a Transylvanian steppe meadow (2021)
Genetic characterization of nodular worm infections in Asian Apes (2021)
Seasonal dynamics of prey utilization and individual specialization in a generalist spider in a pear orchard (2021)
Cardinium inhibits Wolbachia in its mite host, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, and affects host fitness (2021)
Restoration of rare bryophytes in degraded rich fens: The effect of sod-and-moss removal (2021)
Colluvial sediments originating from past land-use activities in the Erzgebirge Mountains, Central Europe: occurrence, properties, and historic environmental implications (2021)
De novo developed microsatellite markers in gill parasites of the genus Dactylogyrus (Monogenea): Revealing the phylogeographic pattern of population structure in the generalist parasite Dactylogyrus vistulae (2021)
Relationship between model noxiousness and mimetic accuracy in myrmecomorphic spiders (2021)
Mitogenomics of the endemic Ethiopian rats: looking for footprints of adaptive evolution in sky islands (2021)
Complex reticulate evolution of speckled brush-furred rats (Lophuromys) in the Ethiopian centre of endemism (2021)
Phylogenomics of African radiation of Praomyini (Muridae: Murinae) rodents: First fully resolved phylogeny, evolutionary history and delimitation of extant genera (2021)
Molecular systematics and biogeographic history of the African climbing-mouse complex (Dendromus) (2021)
Redescription of Paradiplozoon opsariichthydis (Jiang, Wu et Wang 1984) Jiang, Wu et Wang, 1989 (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) (2021)
Výsledky floristického kurzu České botanické společnosti v Plasích 7.–13. července 2019 (2021)
Application-based guidelines for best practices in plant flow cytometry (2022)
Carpinus orientalis forests in Georgian Colchis: First insights (2021)
Facebook groups as citizen science tools for plant species monitoring (2021)
Abundance and diversity of edible wild plants in managed boreal forests (2021)
Hepatozoon in Eurasian red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris, its taxonomic identity, and phylogenetic placement (2021)
Longitudinal zonation of larval Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae): abiotic environmental factors and biotic interactions behind the downstream sequence of Central European species (2021)
Penicillin Treatment Failure in Rabbit Syphilis Due to the Persistence of Treponemes (Treponema paraluisleporidarum Ecovar Cuniculus) in the Focus of Infection (2021)
Gradients, species richness and communities in eastern Finnish sloping fens (2021)
Importance of floodplains for water beetle diversity: a crucial habitat for the endangered beetle Graphoderus bilineatus in Southeastern Europe (2021)
A new species of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) from Azerbaijan and Iran (2021)
Dipetalonema graciliformis (Freitas, 1964) from the red-handed tamarins (Saguinus midas, Linnaeus, 1758) in French Guiana (2021)
Land snail assemblages as indicators of regional habitat conservation status of European spring fens. (2021)
Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community diversity across the continental USA (2021)
Syntaxonomy and biogeography of the Irano-Turanian mires and springs (2021)
Historical biogeography, systematics, and integrative taxonomy of the non-Ethiopian speckled pelage brush-furred rats (Lophuromys flavopunctatus group) (2021)
Heterogeneity in patterns of helminth infections across populations of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) (2021)
Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in horses in the Czech Republic (2021)
Post-glacial determinants of regional species pools in alpine grasslands (2021)
Dirofilaria spp. and Angiostrongylus vasorum: Current Risk of Spreading in Central and Northern Europe (2021)
Biogeography of Angolan rodents: The first glimpse based on phylogenetic evidence (2021)
Diversity, distribution, and evolutionary history of the most studied African rodents, multimammate mice of the genus Mastomys: An overview after a quarter of century of using DNA sequencing (2021)
Life-form diversity across temperate deciduous forests of Western Eurasia: A different story in the understory (2021)
Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species (2021)
Short-lived fishes: Annual and multivoltine strategies (2021)
Heterosis versus breakdown in fish hybrids revealed by one-parental species-associated viral infection (2022)
Is gynogenetic reproduction in gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) a major trait responsible for invasiveness? (2021)
Variability and classification of Carpathian calcium-rich fens: breaking the state borders (2021)
The vegetation of rich fens (Sphagno warnstorfii-Tomentypnion nitentis) at the southeastern margins of their European range (2021)
Rapid decreasing of a selected plant species distribution within recent decades as an illustration of gradual local extinction of low-productive wet meadow species in Central Europe (2021)
Reference standards for flow cytometric estimation of absolute nuclear DNA content in plants (2022)
Moss-inhabiting diatom communities from Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, southern Indian Ocean) (2021)
Shedding light on typical species: implications for habitat monitoring (2021)
Ecosystem state assessment after more than 100 years since planting for dune consolidation (2021)
Recognizing the enemy: do predator cues influence hatching in Neotropical annual killifish? (2021)
Long-term continuity of steppe grasslands in eastern Central Europe: Evidence from species distribution patterns and chloroplast haplotypes (2021)
Insights into the diversity, distribution and phylogeny of three ergasilid copepods (Hexanauplia: Ergasilidae) in lentic water bodies of the Morava river basin, Czech Republic (2021)
Integrating morphological and molecular approaches for characterizing four species of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from Moroccan cyprinids, with comments on their host specificity and phylogenetic relationships (2021)
Oxygen isotopes in terrestrial gastropod shells track Quaternary climate change in the American Southwest (2021)
Securing Biodiversity, Functional Integrity, and Ecosystem Services in Drying River Networks (DRYvER) (2021)
Forest floor alteration by canopy trees and soil wetness drive regeneration of a spruce-beech forest (2022)
A tangle of forms and phylogeny: Extensive morphological homoplasy and molecular clock heterogeneity in Bonnetina and related tarantulas (2018)
Phylogenomics and loci dropout patterns of deeply diverged Zodarion ant-eating spiders suggest a high potential of RAD-seq for genus-level spider phylogenetics (2022)
African lates perches (Teleostei, Latidae, Lates): Paraphyly of Nile perch and recent colonization of Lake Tanganyika (2021)
From the Atlantic Coast to Lake Tanganyika: Gill-Infecting Flatworms of Freshwater Pellonuline Clupeid Fishes in West and Central Africa, with Description of Eleven New Species and Key to Kapentagyrus (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) (2021)
The bright side of parasitic plants: what are they good for? (2021)
Linking insect herbivory with plant traits: Phylogenetically structured trait syndromes matter (2021)
Macrofungi on fallen oak trunks in the Bialowieza Virgin forest-Ecological role of trunk parameters and surrounding vegetation (2019)
The Role of Peridomestic Animals in the Eco-Epidemiology of Anaplasma phagocytophilum (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVI (2021)
Molecular survey on tick-borne pathogens and Leishmania infantum in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from southern Italy (2021)
Circulation of Babesia Species and Their Exposure to Humans through Ixodes ricinus (2021)
Quest for the type species of the genus Hepatozoon - phylogenetic position of hemogregarines of rats and consequences for taxonomy (2021)
Species-specific PCR assay for the detection of Babesia odocoilei (2021)
Experimental transmission of Leishmania (Mundinia) parasites by biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (2021)
Hedgehogs and Squirrels as Hosts of Zoonotic Bartonella Species (2021)
Fecal glucocorticoids and gastrointestinal parasite infections in wild western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) involved in ecotourism (2021)
How monoxenous trypanosomatids revealed hidden feeding habits of their tsetse fly hosts (2021)
Detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) using three different methods (2021)
Identification of Tapeworm Species in Genetically Characterised Grey Wolves Recolonising Central Europe (2021)
Interactions between parasitic helminths and gut microbiota in wild tropical primates from intact and fragmented habitats (2021)
Angiostrongylosis in Animals and Humans in Europe (2021)
AcanR3990 qPCR: A Novel, Highly Sensitive, Bioinformatically-Informed Assay to Detect Angiostrongylus cantonensis Infections (2021)
Rising temperature modulates pH niches of fen species (2022)
Fish (2021)
XVIII. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tematikou (2021)
Phytosociological survey of the desert vegetation of Sinai, Egypt (2021)
Scale dependence of species-area relationships is widespread but generally weak in Palaearctic grasslands (2021)
Lignikolné huby NPR Žákova hora (2021)
Měkkýši přírodní rezervace Hutě a jejího okolí v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2021)
Plži přírodní rezervace Poledňana v CHKO Beskydy (2021)
Biochemical and physiological data collection (2021)
New drivers of the evolution of mimetic accuracy in Batesian ant-mimics: size, habitat and latitude (2022)
Weak population-genetic structure of a widely distributed nematode parasite of frogs in the western Palearctic (2021)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2020 (2021)
Tracing the Neolithic through the first pottery (NeoPot) (2021)
The role of the pottery in the Neolithisation of Central Europe (2021)
Fine-grain beta diversity of Palaearctic grassland vegetation (2021)
Unvaccinated child tetanus from nasal toy battery (2021)
Biomechanical and Biochemical Effects of Trees in Soil Evolution and Memory in Temperate Old Growth Forests (2020)
Paběrky z moravskoslezských rudišť II: hrachor řídkokvětý (Lathyrus laxiflorus), silenka přímá (Silene stricta) a několik oprav (2021)
Rybník Demalka, příspěvek k osídlení severovýchodní části Českomoravské vrchoviny ve středověku (2021)
Fish-infecting eukaryotic microorganisms (EMs). (2018)
Histological techniques (2018)
Low-level pathogen transmission from wild to farmed salmonids in a flow-through fish farm (2021)
Use of conditional prey attack strategies in two generalist ground spider species (2022)
Biotic homogenization or riparian refugia? Urban and wild land snail assemblages along a subtropical precipitation gradient (2021)
Vyhodnotenie sprašového profilu s paleolitickými nálezmi z lokality Santovka - Malinovec (2018)
Association of human disturbance and gastrointestinal parasite infection of yellow baboons in western Tanzania (2022)
Climate warming and extended droughts drive establishment and growth dynamics in temperate grassland plants (2022)
Multiplex real-time PCR assays for the identification and semi-quantitative assessment of strongyle nematodes in faeces (2021)
Výmladkové lesy - šance pro lesní hospodáře a naděje pro odolnější krajinu (2021)
Archeologický výzkum rýžoviště v Nové Vésce (místní část obce Staré Město, okres Bruntál) (2021)
Prevalence of strongyle gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep in the Czech Republic (2021)
Detection and semi-quantitative evaluation of gastrointestinal nematodes in faecal matrices using multiplex real-time PCR assays (2021)
Changes of peptidase profile during Fasciola hepatica embryonation (2021)
Changes of the peptidase profile during Fasciola hepatica embryonation evidenced by omics data. (2021)
The distribution of lagomorph syphilis caused by Treponema paraluisleporidarum in Europe (2021)
Onemocnění působená eukaryotickými organismy. Monogenea. (2019)
Onemocnění působená eukaryotickými organismy. Arthropoda. (2019)
Parasitological examination of fish (dissection) – general rules (2018)
Methods to study the principal groups of fish parasites. Ectoparasitic helminths (Monogenea) (2018)
A systematic survey of the parasites of freshwater fishes in Africa. Monogenea (2018)
The genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Arabidopsis centromeres (2021)
The best of both worlds: Combining lineage-specific and universal bait sets in target-enrichment hybridization reactions (2021)
Linked by Ancestral Bonds: Multiple Whole-Genome Duplications and Reticulate Evolution in a Brassicaceae Tribe (2021)
Diphyllin Shows a Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Activity against Multiple Medically Important Enveloped RNA and DNA Viruses (2022)
Genome evolution of the psammophyte Pugionium for desert adaptation and further speciation (2021)
A hypomorphic allele of telomerase uncovers the minimal functional length of telomeres in Arabidopsis (2021)
Novelty and Convergence in Adaptation to Whole Genome Duplication (2021)
On the Origin of Tetraploid Vernal Grasses (Anthoxanthum) in Europe (2021)
Parallelism in gene expression between foothill and alpine ecotypes in Arabidopsis arenosa (2021)
Repeat proliferation and partial endoreplication jointly shape the patterns of genome size evolution in orchids (2021)
Allele Sorting as a Novel Approach to Resolving the Origin of Allotetraploids Using Hyb-Seq Data: A Case Study of the Balkan Mountain Endemic Cardamine barbaraeoides (2021)
Genome structure and evolution in the cruciferous tribe Thlaspideae (Brassicaceae) (2021)
Gradual evolution of allopolyploidy in Arabidopsis suecica (2021)
Integrative Study of Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity in the Eurasian Orchid Genus Neotinea (2021)
Nuclear organization in crucifer genomes: nucleolus-associated telomere clustering is not a universal interphase configuration in Brassicaceae (2021)
Hillslope Processes Affect Vessel Lumen Area and Tree Dimensions (2021)
Interaction between hunting strategy, habitat type and stratum drive intraguild predation and cannibalism (2022)
Gut-content analysis in four species, combined with comparative analysis of trophic traits, suggests an araneophagous habit for the entire family Palpimanidae (Araneae) (2022)
Ancient Biosyntheses in an Oil Crop: Glucosinolate Profiles in Limnanthes alba and Its Relatives (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales) (2022)
Chloroplast phylogenomics in Camelina (Brassicaceae) reveals multiple origins of polyploid species and the maternal lineage of C. sativa (2022)
Shoot: root ratio of seedlings is associated with species niche on soil moisture gradient (2022)
The long history of rich fens supports persistence of plant and snail habitat specialists (2022)
The annual excursion of the Nordic Bryological Society (NBS) and the Finnish Bryophyte Expert Group to Finnish Lapland in 2019 (2022)
The World Spider Trait database: a centralized global open repository for curated data on spider traits (2021)
Complex effects of acidification, habitat properties and fish stock on littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages in montane standing waters (2022)
Zvířata na silnicích (2022)
Genomes, repeatomes and interphase chromosome organization in the meadowfoam family (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales) (2022)
Zvířata na silnicích (2022)
Guanine quadruplexes in the RNA genome of the tick-borne encephalitis virus: their role as a new antiviral target and in virus biology (2022)
Calcicolous rock-outcrop lime forests in the Cantabrian Mountains and the Western Pyrenees (2022)
Des Carpates aux Pyrénées, centrées sur l’Alsace et les Vosges, analyses génétiques de quelques fétuques à feuilles fines (Festuca sect. Festuca) estimées d’intérêt régional à européen : considérations taxinomiques et syntaxinomiques. (2022)
Flow Intermittence Drives the Benthic Algal Composition, Biodiversity and Diatom-Based Quality of Small Hilly Streams in the Pannonian Ecoregion, Hungary (2022)
Molecular phylogeny and speciation patterns in host-specific monogeneans (Cichlidogyrus, Dactylogyridae) parasitizing cichlid fishes (Cichliformes, Cichlidae) in Lake Tanganyika (2022)
Le système pelousaire thermoxérique des gorges de la Tardes et du Haut Cher (nord du Massif central) (2022)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 32. podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Brdech (2021)
Starter feed for carnivorous species as a practical replacement of bloodworms for a vertebrate model organism in ageing, the turquoise killifish Nothobranchius furzeri (2022)
Individual Variation in Thermal Reaction Norms Reveals Metabolic-Behavioral Relationships in an Ectotherm (2022)
Serum and cerebrospinal fluid phosphorylated neurofilament heavy subunit as a marker of neuroaxonal damage in tick-borne encephalitis. (2022)
LOTVS : a global collection of permanent vegetation plots (2022)
Insularity promotes plant persistence strategies in edaphic island systems (2022)
Severoamerický kružník malý v Evropě – příběh s nečekaným koncem (2022)
Měkkýši přírodních památek Kalábová a Kalábová 2 v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2022)
The impact of empirically unverified taxonomic concepts on ecological assemblage patterns across multiple spatial scales (2022)
Ecological niche divergence between extant and glacial land snail populations explained (2022)
Adult Triops cancriformis (Pancrustacea: Notostraca) mediates the hatching rate of its resting eggs (2022)
Environmental stressors alter multiple determinants of individual reproductive output in the acid-tolerant mayfly Leptophlebia vespertina (2022)
Závěrečná výzkumná zpráva projektu TITSMZP707 - Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma (2022)
Výsledek projektu TITSMZP707 –Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma: Hkonc - výsledky promítnuté do schválených strategických a koncepčních dokumentů VaVaI orgánů státní nebo veřejné správy (2021)
Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma - metodický pokyn (2022)
Feather growth and quality across passerines is explained by breeding rather than moulting latitude (2022)
Fuel for the pace of life: Baseline blood glucose concentration co‐evolves with life‐history traits in songbirds (2018)
Endemic lizard Gallotia galloti is a paratenic host of invasive Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Tenerife, Spain (2022)
Niche and geographical expansions of North American trees and tall shrubs in Europe (2022)
Relevant habitats neglected by the Directive 92/43 EEC: the contribution of Vegetation Science for their reappraisal in Sicily (2021)
Unexplored freshwater communities in post-mining ponds: effect of different restoration approaches (2022)
Euro plus Med-Checklist Notulae, 14 (2021)
Helminth fauna of the Eurasian beaver in the Czech Republic with remarks on the genetic diversity of specialist Stichorchis subtriquetrus (Digenea: Cladorchiidae) (2022)
Histology of major organ systems of Nothobranchius fishes: short-lived model species (2022)
Gut content metabarcoding of three widespread Iberian ant-eating spiders reveals specialisation on the same abundant harvester ants (2022)
Proteases of Schistosoma mansoni and Fasciola hepatica eggs (2021)
New testate amoeba-based transfer functions for palaeoecological reconstructions in East-Central Europe (2022)
Vegetation science during hectic times (2021)
Applied Vegetation Science: Editorial 2021 (2021)
Závěrečný diskuzní seminář projektu TITSMZP707 programu BETA II na téma Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma (2021)
Systematic position of the Clicking Frog (Kassinula Laurent, 1940), the problem of chimeric sequences and the revised classification of the family Hyperoliidae (2022)
Tall herb-rich steppe in the peri-Carpathian region of Ukraine and Romania (2022)
Holocene history of the landscape at the biogeographical and cultural crossroads between Central and Eastern Europe (Western Podillia, Ukraine) (2022)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVII (2022)
Diversity, ecology, and community structure of the terrestrial diatom flora from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula) (2022)
Bioactive molecules produced by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora after in vitro stimulation by insect tissue (2022)
Untangling the knots in the evolutionary history of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) and their Squalius hosts (Cyprinoidei) (2022)
Genome diploidization associates with cladogenesis, trait disparity, and plastid gene evolution (2022)
Recurrent Plant-Specific Duplications of KNL2 and its Conserved Function as a Kinetochore Assembly Factor (2022)
Význam makrozoobentosu vysychajících koryt pro přetrvání společenstva v neznečištěných a živinami obohacených intermitentních tocích (2022)
DRYRivERS - mobilní aplikace pro monitoring vysychavých toků určená široké veřejnosti (2022)
Úvod do projektu DRYvER: Ochrana biodiverzity, funkční integrity a ekosystémových služeb ve vysychavých říčních sítích (2022)
Vliv hydromorfologické kvality na biodiverzitu vysychavých toků (2022)
Exploring leaf litter decomposition across drying river networks (2022)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 69 (2022)
Interaction With Fungi Promotes the Accumulation of Specific Defense Molecules in Orchid Tubers and May Increase the Value of Tubers for Biotechnological and Medicinal Applications: The Case Study of Interaction Between Dactylorhiza sp. and Tulasnella calospora (2022)
Dynamics of Whole Virus and Non-Structural Protein 1 (NS1) IgG Response in Mice Immunized with Two Commercial Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccines. (2022)
Sero-epidemiology of tick-borne encephalitis in small ruminants in the Czech Republic (2022)
Evaluating the biological validity of European river typology systems with least disturbed benthic macroinvertebrate communities (2022)
Parasitic protists: Diversity of adaptations to a parasitic lifestyle (2022)
Gastrointestinal symbiont diversity in wild gorilla: A comparison of bacterial and strongylid communities across multiple localities (2022)
Resolving species-level diversity of Beringiana and Sinanodonta mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Japanese archipelago using genome-wide data (2022)
Dry phase duration and periodicity alter clitellate communities in central European intermittent streams (2022)
Biodiverzita očima taxonomů. Když názor představuje problém (2022)
Conservation and restoration of Central European fens by mowing: A consensus from 20 years of experimental work (2022)
Environmental heterogeneity, dispersal mode and habitat specialisation modify within-site beta diversity of spring macroinvertebrates (2022)
Ecology of testate amoebae along an environmental gradient from bogs to calcareous fens in East-Central Europe: development of transfer functions for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions (2022)
C-heterochromatin and NOR distribution in the karyotype of Persian water vole, Arvicola persicus (Mammalia; Rodentia) from Iran (2022)
Co přináší a odnáší vysychavé řeky aneb průvodce suchozemské hydrobiologie (2022)
Závěrečná výzkumná zpráva projektu TITSMZP703 –Vysychání toků a biodiverzita tekoucích vod: vliv přírodních podmínek a antropogenních zásahů (2022)
Metodika hodnocení vlivu vysychání toků na biodiverzitu tekoucích vod pro cílené navrhování zásahů a opatření k omezení negativních dopadů vysychání toků na biodiverzitu (2022)
Hodnocení biodiverzity mokřadních společenstev po realizaci alternativních managementových opatření na stanovištích lučních mokřadů (2022)
Managementová opatření a hodnocení jejich dopadu na biodiverzitu lučního mokřadu (2022)
Feather growth and quality across passerines is explained by breeding rather than moulting latitude (2022)
A remarkable finding of Centroptilum Eaton, 1869 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in Georgia, Turkey and Iran: one new species evidenced by morphology and DNA (2022)
Zvířata na silnicích (2022)
Ashworthius sidemi – invazní parazit přežvýkavé spárkaté zvěře v České republice (2022)
Zamrzlé safari (2022)
Two sides of one medal: Arable weed vegetation of Europe in phytosociological data compared to agronomical weed surveys (2022)
Halophytic flora and vegetation in southern Moravia and northern Lower Austria: past and present (2022)
AgriWeedClim database: A repository of vegetation plot data from Central European arable habitats over 100 years (2022)
The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications (2022)
Drivers of spontaneous and cultivated species diversity in the tropical city of Zhanjiang, China (2022)
Central European forest-steppe: An ecosystem shaped by climate, topography and disturbances (2022)
Substrate associated biogeographical patterns in the north-western Pannonian forest-steppe (2022)
Classification of European bog vegetation of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class (2022)
Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of peptidase expression in Fasciola hepatica eggs developing at host's body temperature (2022)
The Temperate Deciduous Forests of the Northern Hemisphere. A review (2022)
Pladias platform: Technical description of the database structure (2022)
The effect of niche filtering on plant species abundance in temperate grassland communities (2022)
Alien plants tend to occur in species-poor communities (2022)
Collaboration networks and hot topics in the Journal of Vegetation Science (2022)
Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe (2022)
Restoration and management of plant communities in Applied Vegetation Science (2022)
Deciphering “cryptic” nature of European rock-dwelling Pyramidula snails (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) (2022)
Gill monogeneans of neotropical cichlid fish: diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and host-parasite cophylogenetic associations (2022)
New floristic records in the Balkans: 46 (2021)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
A new reference genome for the human hookworm Necator americanus (2022)
Hookworm genes encoding excreted-secreted proteins are transcriptionally upregulated by the host’s immune system (2022)
Závěrečný workshop projektu TITSMZP703 programu TAČR BETA II (2021)
Marine Protected Areas of Sri Lanka: Strengths, Shortcomings and Suggestions for Improvement (2022)
Difference in pollen specialisation in spring bees Andrena vaga (Andrenidae) and Colletes cunicularius (Colletidae) during their nesting season (2022)
New insights into diversity and phylogeny of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) parasitizing cyprinoid fishes in the Middle East (2022)
Uncovering the diversity of Paradiplozoon (monogeneans): still much more to explore? (2022)
Species diversity and phylogeny genus Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) in the Middle East (2021)
Monogeneans and chubs: ancient host-parasite system under the looking glass (2022)
Resistance and resilience traits to drying from rivers in Europe (2022)
Comprehensive research of drying resistance and resilience traits by different biota in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (2022)
Comprehensive research of drying resistance and resilience traits by different biota in intermittent rives and ephemeral streams (2022)
Diversification in Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) follows topographic deformation along the Greater Caucasus range (2022)
Taxonomic evaluation of the "irani-schidlovskii" species complex (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in the Middle East: a morphological and genetic combination (2022)
Kinetochore size scales with chromosome size in bimodal karyotypes of Agavoideae (2022)
Metodika druhové ochrany hub (2022)
Effect of three pest-control management systems on abundance, species richness, and selected traits of spiders (Araneae) assemblage in apple orchard (2024)
Acanthocephalans from amphibians: novel molecular data for Acanthocephalus ranae (Schrank, 1788) (Echinorhynchida: Paracanthocephalidae) parazitising water frogs (Pelophylax spp.) in Slovakia (2022)
Backtracking the historical dispersion of peri-Mediterranean cyprinoids using host-specific Dactylogyrus parasites as a helpful guide (2022)
Specialised chemistry affects insect abundance but not overall community similarity in three rare shrub willows: Salix myrtilloides, S. repens and S. rosmarinifolia (2022)
Latitudinal but not elevational variation in blood glucose level is linked to life history across passerine birds (2022)
Detection of Leptospira species in bat cadavers, Czech and Slovak Republics (2022)
Validation of Medicinal Leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) as a Non-invasive Blood Sampling Tool for Hematology and Biochemistry Profiling in Mammals (2022)
Latitudinal but not elevational variation in blood glucose is linked to life history in passerines (2022)
Performance of bat-derived macrophages at different temperatures (2022)
Hidden in plain sight: novel molecular data reveal unexpected genetic diversity among paramphistome parasites (Digenea: Paramphistomoidea) of European water frogs (2022)
Quercetea pubescentis (2021)
Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae (2021)
Rastlinné spoločenstvá Slovenska. 6. Vegetácia lesov a krovín. (2021)
Co nabízejí koryta vysychavých toků vodní i suchozemské fauně (2022)
Identification of sex chromosomes using genomic and cytogenetic methods in a range-expanding spider, Argiope bruennichi (Araneae: Araneidae) (2022)
A Revised Phylogenetic Classification for Viola (Violaceae) (2022)
LTR retrotransposons in holocentric plants from the Cyperaceae and Juncaceae families (2022)
Historical and contemporary endangered wetland species of the southeastern part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (2021)
Hlaváček letní, rostlina roku 2022, a jeho příbuzní (2022)
Ruderals naturalize, competitors invade: Varying roles of plant adaptive strategies along the invasion continuum (2022)
Ecotones in Central European forest-steppe: Edge effect occurs on hard rocks but not on loess (2022)
Sticking around: Plant persistence strategies on edaphic islands (2022)
Global patterns of vascular plant alpha diversity (2022)
Functional rarity and evolutionary uniqueness of threatened species across different scales and habitats in a Central European flora (2022)
Urban plant diversity in Kazakhstan: Effects of habitat type, city size and macroclimate (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Úsvit suchozemské hydrobiologie aneb „Vzpomínky na budoucnost českých řek II.“ (2022)
Genome polarisation for detecting barriers to geneflow (2023)
Technology and origin of grass-tempered ceramics preceding the Neolithic period in the northern Pannonian Basin (Slovakia) (2022)
Tracing the provenance of the earliest pottery with Sr and Nd isotopes (2022)
Dawn of the Neolithic north of Danube in light of multiproxy analysis of pottery (2022)
Neopot, Tracing the Neolithic transition through the first pottery in Central Europe (2022)
Environment as a driver for color polymorphism in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) (2022)
Ecological niche modelling for color morphs in Sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) (2020)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 6 (2022)
Revision of the Hyperolius concolor group (2022)
Group intrusions by a brood parasitic fish are not cooperative (2022)
Lifespan and telomere length variation across populations of wild-derived African killifish (2022)
Towards a monophyletic classification of Cardueae: restoration of the genus Lophiolepis (= Cirsium p.p.) and new circumscription of Epitrachys (2022)
Rapid macroinvertebrate colonisation in restored channelised streams contiguous with natural stream reaches (2022)
Spatial scaling of pollen-plant diversity relationship in landscapes with contrasting diversity patterns (2022)
Climatic filtering and temporal instability shape the phylogenetic diversity of European alpine floras (2022)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 11 (2022)
Redescription of the Planthopper Bursinia genei (Dufour, 1849), with a New Record from Greece (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae) (2022)
Wolbachia infection dynamics in a natural population of the pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyri (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) across its seasonal generations (2022)
Mayfly Ephemera glaucops (Ephemeroptera, Ephemeridae) recorded in the Czech Republic after almost a century (2022)
Even short-distance dispersal over a barrier can affect genetic differentiation in Gyraulus, an island freshwater snail (2022)
Ecological specialization and reproductive isolation among closely related sympatric ant-eating spiders (2022)
Ummidia insularis new species, first record of the family Halonoproctidae (Araneae: Mygalomorphae) for Hispaniola (2022)
The identification of the missing maternal genome of the allohexaploid camelina (Camelina sativa) (2022)
Transcaucasian Vegetation Database – current state and basic analyses (2022)
Water temperature stability modulates insect thermal responses at spring fens (2022)
Idahoa and Subularia: Hidden polyploid origins of two enigmatic genera of crucifers (2022)
Evidence for reproductive senescence across ray-finned fishes: A review (2022)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2021 (2022)
Suchozemští plži přírodní rezervace Plané loučky a přírodních památek Častava, Hvězda a Kurfürstovo rameno v CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví [Terrestrial gastropods of Plané loučky Nature Reserve and Častava, Hvězda, and Kurfürstovo rameno Nature Monuments in Litovelské Pomoraví PLA] (2022)
Příspěvek k poznání měkkýšů (Mollusca) Národního parku Podyjí [On molluscs (Mollusca) of Podyjí National Park] (2021)
Differences in arthropod communities between grazed areas and grazing exclosures depend on arthropod groups and vegetation types (2023)
Phylogenomics of Anguis and Pseudopus (Squamata, Anguidae) indicates Balkan-Apennine mitochondrial capture associated with the Messinian event (2023)
Stáří vybraných rašelinišť na Českomoravské vrchovině (2022)
An unexpected age-related pattern in feather growth contributes to age-dependent ornament expression in a passerine bird (2022)
The nature of dispersal barriers and their impact on regional species pool richness and turnover (2022)
Structure and evolution of the meso-octoploid genome of Heliophila variabilis (Brassicaceae) (2022)
Obnova zaniklých slanisk u Šakvic na jižní Moravě (2021)
Origin of the central European steppe flora: insights from palaeodistribution modelling and migration simulations (2022)
Alien Species in the Pioneer and Ruderal Vegetation of Ukraine (2022)
Hygrophorus roseodiscoideus Bon & Chevassut: epitypification and updated biogeography of a poorly known but widespread thermophilous species (2022)
Medium-term changes of vegetation composition on fens of the rural landscape, tested using fixed permanent plots (2022)
Vít Grulich (1956–2022) – botanik, učitel, ochranář, cestovatel a popularizátor (2022)
Winter activity of Clubiona spiders and their potential for pest control (2022)
Influence of management practices on arthropod communities in dry species-rich grasslands in the Western Carpathians (2022)
Association between arthropod densities suggests dominance of top-down control of predator-prey food-webs on pear trees during winter (2022)
Influence of management practices on Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera communities in species-rich dry grasslands in the Western Carpathians (2022)
Microbiome of pear psyllids: A tale about closely related species sharing their endosymbionts (2022)
Ako pokračuje zotavovanie šumavských jazier z acidifikácie (2022)
Incongruences between morphology and molecular phylogeny provide an insight into the diversification of the Crocidura poensis species complex (2022)
Co připlouvá a mizí s vysychavými řekami aneb průvodce suchozemské hydrobiologie (2022)
Combined effect of stream drying and nutrient enrichment on macroinvertebrate community: experimental study from artificial stream mesocosms (2023)
Composition and toxicity of venom produced by araneophagous white-tailed spiders (Lamponidae: Lampona sp.) (2022)
Two lines of defense in the pupas of ichneumonid wasp parasitoids associated with spider hosts (2022)
Defences of Arachnids: diversified arsenal used against range of enemies (2022)
Mimetic accuracy and co-evolution of mimetic traits in ant-mimicking species (2022)
Disturbance indicator values for European plants (2023)
Can Sphagnum removal reverse the undesired succession of rich fens under different alkalinity and fertility levels? (2022)
Water beetles (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, Hydraenidae, Elmidae, Psephenidae, Scirtidae) of the Slavíč river basin, Czech Republic (2022)
One or two pups-optimal reproduction strategies of common noctule females (2022)
Blood Parasites and Health Status of Hibernating and Non-Hibernating Noctule Bats (Nyctalus noctula) (2022)
Revitalizace lučního mokřadu a její vliv na vodní bezobratlé živočichy (2022)
Pharmaceutical contamination and biotic factors affecting parasitism in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2022)
Intraerythrocytic Mycoplasma-like organism diagnosed ultrastructurally as an agent of anaemia in laboratory-reared cyprinid hybrids (2022)
Carp edema virus infection associated gill pathobiome: A case report (2022)
Good Practices for Histological Analysis of the Annual Killifish Nothobranchius furzeri (Nothobranchiidae) (2022)
Compositional variation of endangered spring fen biota reflects within-site variation in soil temperature (2023)
Invasion impacts and dynamics of a European-wide introduced species (2022)
Oxygen isotopes of land snail shells in high latitude regions (2022)
Unravelling morphological overlap of the rock-dwelling snails Pyramidula saxatilis (Hartmann, 1842) and P. pusilla (Vallot, 1801) (2022)
Individual experience as a key to success for the cuckoo catfish brood parasitism (2022)
Patterns and drivers of Nothobranchius killifish diversity in lowland Tanzania (2022)
Addition of fungal inoculum increases germination of orchid seeds in restored grasslands (2022)
Hnízdění vodoušů rudonohých (Tringa totanus) na jižní Moravě v letech 2010–2021. (2021)
Vysychavé polní mokřady a jejich význam pro mokřadní ptáky v zemědělské krajině jižní Moravy (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVIII (2022)
Výskyt mechu Meesia uliginosa s. str. v glaciálním sedimentu na Českomoravské vrchovině (2022)
Nest sanitation as an effective defence against brood parasitism (2022)
Telomere length is highly repeatable and shorter in individuals with more elaborate sexual ornamentation in a short-lived passerine (2022)
Návraty leucisticky zbarveného vodouše rudonohého (Tringa totanus) na Slavkovsko (2021)
Moss inhabiting diatoms of Galindez Island, Argentine Islands (the maritime Antarctica) exhibit low diversity and pronounced differentiation (2022)
Suzdalevo Lake (Central Siberia, Russia)-A Tunguska Event-Related Impact Crater? (2022)
Polní mokřady jako refugium biodiverzity v zemědělské krajině (2021)
Bedrock meadows: A distinct vegetation type in northwestern North America (2022)
Švédské valy – zánik další významné brněnské lokality (2022)
Perloočky a veslonôžky v neprodukčných biotopech na južnej Morave: porovnanie poľných rozlivov a novovybudovaných mokradí. (2022)
Společenstva vodních bezobratlých v ohrožených biotopech vysychavých polních rozlivů a jejich dynamika (2022)
Až naprší a (ne)uschne: vodouš rudonohý a další mokřadní ptáci v jihomoravských polních rozlivech (2022)
Vysychavé polní mokřady na jižní Moravě: jedinečné ostrovy života v zemědělské krajině (2022)
Protogynous functional hermaphroditism in the North American annual killifish, Millerichthys robustus (2022)
Unusual egg shape diversity in bitterling fishes (2022)
The sources of sex differences in aging in annual fishes (2022)
Sex chromosome differentiation via changes in the Y chromosome repeat landscape in African annual killifishes Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci (2022)
Individual copy number variation and extensive diversity between major MHC-DAB1 allelic lineages in the European bitterling (2022)
Molecular footprint of parasite co-introduction with Nile tilapia in the Congo Basin (2022)
Morphological and Genetic Divergence in a Gill Monogenean Parasitizing Distant Cichlid Lineages of Lake Tanganyika: Cichlidogyrus nshomboi (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from Representatives of Boulengerochromini and Perissodini (2022)
Host-Specific Parasites Reveal the History and Biogeographical Contacts of Their Hosts: The Monogenea of Nearctic Cyprinoid Fishes (2022)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 27. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Bílých Karpatech (2022)
Geastrum britannicum – nový druh české mykobioty (2022)
Spatial and temporal extents of natural disturbances differentiate deadwood-inhabiting fungal communities in spruce primary forest ecosystems (2022)
Hygrocybe laeta (voskovka veselá) (2022)
Ionomidotis irregularis (ušinka nepravidelná) (2022)
Rodents of the Afar Triangle (Ethiopia): geographical isolation causes high level of endemism (2022)
Biogeographical Importance of the Livingstone Mountains in Southern Tanzania: Comparative Genetic Structure of Small Non-volant Mammals (2022)
A new rodent species of the genus Mus (Rodentia: Muridae) confirms the biogeographical uniqueness of the isolated forests of southern Ethiopia (2022)
Insights into Species Delimitation of Selected Species in the Flowering Plant Genus Medicago section Buceras (Leguminosae) (2022)
Genetic structure and evolution of diploid Cochlearia in Iceland (2022)
2022 taxonomic update of phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales (2022)
A snapshot of rodents and shrews of agroecosystems in Ethiopian highlands using camera traps (2022)
Protected species in grassland habitats of Ukraine (2022)
Approaching a revolution in hemiparasitic plant biology? A commentary on 'Distinguishing carbon gains from photosynthesis and heterotrophy in C-3-hemiparasite-C-3-host-pairs' Comment (2022)
Transcriptome and proteome associated analysis of flavonoid metabolism in haploid Ginkgo biloba (2023)
Priorities for synthesis research in ecologyand environmental science (2023)
Znovu o pozoruhodné bryologické lokalitě Ondrášova skála v Moravskoslezských Beskydech (2022)
Antigenic Proteins from the Excretory-Secretory Products of Toxocara canis Larvae and Evaluation of Their Potential for Immunodiagnostics of Larval Toxocarosis (2022)
Impatiens glandulifera (Balsaminaceae) in Ukraine: history of distribution, ecological and coenotic peculiarities and invasiveness (2022)
Vysychavé polní mokřady a jejich význam pro mokřadní ptáky v zemědělské krajině jižní Moravy (2021)
Historie zoologie na PřF MU (2022)
Historie zoologie - entomologie na PřF MU (2022)
Historie zoologie - vertebratologie na PřF MU (2022)
Historie zoologie - biologie půdy a tlejícího dřeva na PřF MU (2022)
Historie zoologie - malakozoologie na PřF MU (2022)
Historie zoologie - arachnologie na PřF MU (2022)
Založení botanického ústavu, budování výuky, herbářů, zahrady a knihovny (1921-1945) (2022)
Botanické pracoviště po druhé světové válce a v éře socialismu (1945-1989) (2022)
Obnova botanické výuky a výzkumu po roce 1989 a spojení s Katedrou zoologie a ekologie (1990-2005) (2022)
Výzkum vegetace (1990-2022) (2022)
Biosystematika rostlin (1999-2022) (2022)
Ekologie rašelinišť (2006-2022) (2022)
Algologický a mykologický výzkum a výuka těchto oborů v současnosti (2022)
Botanická knihovna - největší dílčí knihovna na fakultě (2022)
Ústavní herbář - herbář Masarykovy univerzity - stoletá sbírka v novém tisíciletí (2022)
Studenti a jejich absolventské práce z botaniky v uplynulých sto letech (2022)
Historie zoologie - hydrobiologie na PřF MU (2022)
Historie parazitologie na PřF MU (2022)
High-depth transcriptome reveals differences in natural haploid Ginkgo biloba L. due to the effect of reduced gene dosage (2022)
Ecological drivers of helminth infection patterns in the Virunga Massif mountain gorilla population (2022)
The winner takes it all: dominance of Calicophoron daubneyi (Digenea: Paramphistomidae) among flukes in Central European beef cattle (2022)
Reviewing taxonomic bias in a megadiverse country: primary biodiversity data, cultural salience, and scientific interest of South African animals (2022)
Further data on the distribution of Dirofilaria spp. in the Czech Republic in dogs (2022)
The distribution of Dermacentorreticulatus in the Czech Republic re-assessed: citizen science approach to understanding the current distribution of the Babesiacanis vector (2022)
A new report of adult Hyalomma marginatum and Hyalomma rufipes in the Czech Republic (2022)
arakno - An R package for effective spider nomenclature, distribution and trait data retrieval from online resources (2022)
Population genomics of introduced Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Repeated introductions since colonial times with multiple sources (2022)
Wealth and land use drive the distribution of urban green space in the tropical coastal city of Haikou, China (2022)
Sarcocystis sp. infection (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) in invasive California kingsnake Lampropeltis californiae (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Gran Canaria (2022)
Haemogregarines of the Genera Haemogregarina, Hemolivia, and Hepatozoon Infecting Vietnamese Freshwater Turtles, with Additional Notes on Primer Specificity and Primer-template Mismatches Affecting Diagnostic Success (2022)
Leishmania tarentolae: A new frontier in the epidemiology and control of the leishmaniases (2022)
Dactylogyridae 2022: a meta-analysis of phylogenetic studies and generic diagnoses of parasitic flatworms using published genetic and morphological data (2022)
Aversive reactions of two invertebrate predators to European red-black insects (2023)
Description of Joyeuxiella pasqualei (Cestoda: Dipylidiidae) from an Italian domestic dog, with a call for further research on its first intermediate host (2022)
Occurrence and diversity of anaerobic gut fungi in wild forest elephants and buffaloes inhabiting two separated forest ecosystems in Central West Africa (2022)
Onemocnění asociované s imunoglobulinem IgG4. Klinické příznaky, diferenciální diagnostika a recentní mezinárodní diagnostická kritéria (2022)
Baylisascaris transfuga (Ascaridoidea, Nematoda) from European brown bear (Ursus arctos) causing larva migrans in laboratory mice with clinical manifestation (2022)
RNAseq Analysis of Brain Aging in Wild Specimens of Short-Lived Turquoise Killifish: Commonalities and Differences With Aging Under Laboratory Conditions (2022)
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) play an important role in the propagation of tick-borne pathogens (2023)
Unexpectedly high diversity of trypanosomes in small sub-Saharan mammals (2022)
Increased plasma cortisol level as acute response to glochidia parasitism (2023)
Gene flow assessment helps to distinguish strong genomic structure from speciation in an Iberian ant-eating spider (2023)
Intact ribosomal DNA arrays of Potentilla origin detected in Erythronium nucleus suggest recent eudicot-to-monocot horizontal transfer (2022)
House mouse subspecies do differ in their social structure (2022)
Evolution of an Apomixis-Specific Allele Class in Supernumerary Chromatin of Apomictic Boechera (2022)
A new species of Collartida Villiers from the Solomon Islands (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) (2022)
Leishmania (Sauroleishmania) tarentolae isolation and sympatric occurrence with Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum in geckoes, dogs and sand flies (2022)
Two new ant-mimicking spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Costa Rica (2022)
Results of Parasitological Monitoring of Beef Cattle Herds in the Czech Republic, With First Description of the Occurrence of Invasive Rumen Fluke Calicophoron daubneyi in Beef Herds (2022)
High Prevalence and Low Diversity of Rickettsia in Dermacentor reticulatus Ticks, Central Europe (2022)
XIX. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2022)
Chlupáčky (rod Pilosella) chráněné krajinné oblasti Jeseníky (2022)
Chromosome size matters: genome evolution in the cyperid clade (2022)
Observation of a longtime unobserved positive establishment of European Habitat Type 6510-grasslands in N-W Germany (2022)
Ecological niches of nitrogen-fixers and parasitic plants in Europe (2022)
Plant clonality in a soil-impoverished open ecosystem: insights from southwest Australian shrublands (2022)
Structural and functional characterization of proteins from Ancylostoma ceylanicum for drug design applications (2023)
The Wapsipinicon: A Gentle Refuge. Rare Plants in Her Realm. (2021)
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (3rd edition): species richness, status, distributions, habitats, regional invasion levels, introduction pathways and impacts (2022)
Three species new to the moss flora of Alaska (2022)
Trophic niche size and overlap in temperate forest land snails are affected by their lifestyle and body size (2023)
Celebrating Mendel, McClintock, and Darlington: On end-to-end chromosome fusions and nested chromosome fusions (2022)
HITS-CLIP analysis of human ALKBH8 reveals interactions with fully processed substrate tRNAs and with specific noncoding RNAs (2022)
Image analysis workflows to reveal the spatial organization of cell nuclei and chromosomes (2022)
The relationship between transposable elements and ecological niches in the Greater Cape Floristic Region: A study on the genus Pteronia (Asteraceae) (2022)
Repeat Dynamics across Timescales: A Perspective from Sibling Allotetraploid Marsh Orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.) (2022)
Parallel local adaptation to an alpine environment in Arabidopsis arenosa (2022)
Transfer of two Arabidella and two Cuphonotus species to the genus Lemphoria (Brassicaceae) and a description of the new species L. queenslandica (2022)
The evolutionary history of Cardamine bulbifera shows a successful rapid postglacial Eurasian range expansion in the absence of sexual reproduction (2022)
Heliophila verna (Brassicaceae), a new species from the Northern Cape of South Africa (2022)
Lake trophic status and hydrological connectivity modify mechanisms underlying mollusc assemblage structuring (2023)
Trends in geographic and gender balance among authors (2023)
Functional characterization and immunogenicity of a novel vaccine candidate against tick-borne encephalitis virus based on Leishmania-derived virus-like particles (2023)
Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) as a biomarker in paediatric and adult tick-borne encephalitis patients. (2023)
První molekulární analýza žáby rodu Lanzarana ze Somálského poloostrova potvrzuje její unikátní pozici v rámci čeledi Ptychadenidae (2023)
Nový druh „růžkatého“ afroskokana (Phrynobatrachus, Phrynobatrachidae) z jihozápadní Demokratické republiky Kongo (2023)
Habitatové nároky rypošovitých: chybějící článek k vyřešení evoluce sociality? (2023)
Complex patterns of ploidy in a holocentric plant clade (Schoenus, Cyperaceae) in the Cape biodiversity hotspot (2023)
Vznik středověkých měst v palynologickém záznamu (2023)
Nelehká situace chráněných mořských oblastí Šrí Lanky (2023)
Monogeneans and chubs: Ancient host-parasite system under the looking glass (2023)
Personality predicts mode of attack in a generalist ground spider predator (2023)
Classification, ecological differentiation, and conservation value of Pontic sandy grasslands in the Southern Buh River Basin (Ukraine) (2022)
Nová suchozemská hydrobiologie - překvapivé výsledky patnáctiletého výzkumu vysychavých toků ve střední Evropě (2023)
Komparační studie mechanických vlastností ručních letek pěvců tropické a temperátní zóny (2023)
Vystresovaní mačové a pohodáři mezi ptáky: Latitudinální variabilita v hladinách steroidních hormonů u pěvců (2023)
Zlatý černohlávek, Zoologické dny 2023 (2023)
Vít Grulich (1956-2022) - botanik, učitel, ochranář, cestovatel a popularizátor (2022)
The benefits of publishing in society-owned scientific journals (2023)
Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species (2023)
Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus - a new member of the bryoflora of Georgia (South Caucasus) (2022)
Transformation of West-Carpathian primeval woodlands into high-altitude grasslands from as early as the Bronze Age (2023)
A Matter of Metals: Copper but Not Cadmium Affects the Microbial Alpha-Diversity of Soils and Sediments — a Meta-analysis (2023)
Big diversity in a small hotspot: two new species of Leptophlebiidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) from New Caledonia (2023)
Effects of thermal stability on microcrustacean assemblages in spring fens (2023)
Higher white-nose syndrome fungal isolate yields from UV-guided wing biopsies compared with skin swabs and optimal culture media (2023)
Dermacentor reticulatus - a tick on its way from glacial refugia to a panmictic Eurasian population (2023)
Trait hypervolumes based on natural history collections can detect ecological strategies that are distinct to biogeographic regions (2023)
Nematoda (2018)
Basic methods to study the principal groups of fish parasites: Endoparasitic helminths (2018)
Kostival hlíznatý úzkolistý (Symphytum tuberosum subsp. angustifolium) ve východních Čechách (2022)
Monogeneans in intergeneric hybrids of leuciscid fish: Is parasite infection driven by hybrid heterosis, genetic incompatibilities, or host-parasite coevolutionary interactions? (2023)
Degradation of ecosystems and loss of ecosystem services (2022)
Climate-trait relationships exhibit strong habitat specificity in plant communities across Europe (2023)
The Ecological Integrity of Spring Ecosystems: A Global Review (2022)
A snapshot of parasites in tropical and subtropical freshwater wetlands: modest attention for major players (2022)
Unrevealing the Mystery of Latent Leishmaniasis: What Cells Can Host Leishmania? (2023)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Simultaneous production of gamma-linolenic acid and carotenoids by a novel microalgal strain isolated from the underexplored habitat of intermittent streams (2023)
Soil erosion rates during the Holocene continuity in a forest-steppe landscape (2023)
Ovipositor of bitterling fishes (Cyprinidae, Acheilognathinae): fine structure from a functional perspective (2023)
Ex situ versus in situ Eurasian lynx populations: implications for successful breeding and genetic rescue (2023)
Subalpine vegetation changes in the Eastern Sudetes (1973-2021): Effects of abandonment, conservation management and avalanches (2023)
Classification of European oak-hornbeam forests and related vegetation types (2023)
Terénní metodika sběru dat (2022)
Rozvoj struktur a prostředí databáze BioLib (2022)
Obecný model zpracování terénních šetření, jejich ověření a předání do NDOP (nálezové databáze ochrany přírody) (2022)
Návrh kategorizace managementových opatření (2022)
Range of metastrongylids (superfamily Metastrongyloidea) of public health and veterinary concern present in livers of the endemic lizard Gallotia galloti of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (2023)
ELAV Intron 8: a single-copy sequence marker for shallow to deep phylogeny in Eupulmonata Hasprunar & Huber, 1990 and Hygrophila Ferussac, 1822 (Gastropoda: Mollusca) (2023)
Radiopaque Nanorobots as Magnetically Navigable Contrast Agents for Localized In Vivo Imaging of the Gastrointestinal Tract (2023)
SeqUIa: Softwarová platforma pro zpracování sekvenování nové generace skrze grafické rozhraní (2022)
Vlajkové druhy lučních mokřadů: jak jim můžeme pomoci? (2021)
Luční mokřady: k čemu slouží a co pro ně můžeme udělat? (2022)
Hybrid susceptibility to Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) parasites infection: a measure of hybrid vigour (2021)
Impact of viral infection on the immune defense in hybridizing fish (2021)
Clinical and Laboratory Parameters of Carp Edema Virus Disease: A Case Report (2023)
Dissolved oxygen saturation is crucial for gas bladder inflation in turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri) (2023)
From fish to cells: Establishment of continuous cell lines from embryos of annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci (2023)
Transcriptome analysis of thermomorphogenesis in ovules and during early seed development in Brassica napus. (2023)
First Study of Ascaris lumbricoides from the Semiwild Population of the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii in the Context of Morphological Description and Molecular Phylogeny (2023)
Cyphelloporia bialoviesensis (Fungi, Agaricales)—a new genus and species for a giant cyphelloid fungus from Białowieża virgin forest in Poland (2023)
Evolution of genome size and GC content in the tribe Carduinae (Asteraceae): rare descending dysploidy and polyploidy, limited environmental control and strong phylogenetic signal (2023)
Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0 (2023)
Monitoring of alien parasites Ashworthius sidemi and Fascioloides magna in wild ruminants in the Czech republic using real-time PCR (2023)
Searching for proteins involved in the infection of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (2023)
Helminth diversity of nutria in Czech republic (2023)
Diverzita helmintov nutrie riečnej (Myocastor coypus) na území Českej republiky (2023)
Radiocarbon dating of grass-tempered ceramic reveals the earliest pottery from Slovakia predates the arrival of farming (2023)
Hybridization may endanger the rare North Apennine endemic Cirsium bertolonii (2023)
Hormone-regulated expansins: Expression, localization, and cell wall biomechanics in Arabidopsis root growth (2024)
Sri Lankan Marine Protected Areas demonstrate low levels of protection and establishment efficiency (2023)
Měřítko, rozsah, zrno a ryby jako lesní rostliny (2023)
Proteases and their inhibitors involved in Schistosoma mansoni egg-host interaction revealed by comparative transcriptomics with Fasciola hepatica eggs (2023)
Ungulate-vehicle crashes peak a month earlier than 38 years ago due to global warming (2023)
An insight into the functional genomics and species classification of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), a haematophagous parasite of the common carp Cyprinus carpio (2023)
Factors affecting the quantity of mitochondria in African small rodents (2023)
Genetic structure of the Central European Apodemus agrarius populations (2023)
Neophyte invasions in European heathlands and scrub (2023)
Morphological and Phylogenetic Study of Protococcidians Sheds Light on the Evolution of Epicellular Parasitism in Sporozoa (Apicomplexa), with the Description of Eleutheroschizon planoratum sp. nov (2023)
Dual role of anti-vector saliva immunity on the outcome of Leishmania infection (2022)
Phylogeographic patterns of frogs from the Central Congolian Lowland Forests (2023)
Land cover and use‑history of large empty spaces at fortified Iron Age hilltop sites; a case study from La Terrasse, Bibracte oppidum (2024)
Phylogenetic diversity is a weak proxy for functional diversity but they are complementary in explaining community assembly patterns in temperate vegetation (2023)
The class Adiantetea in Georgia: a rare relict fern community in the South Caucasus (2024)
Zelkova habrolistá - pamětnice třetihor pod Kavkazem (2023)
Climatically promoted taxonomic homogenization of macroinvertebrates in unaffected streams varies along the river continuum (2023)
Accelerated recovery of lake macroinvertebrates in the third decade since the reversal of acidification (2023)
Muddying the unexplored post-industrial waters: Biodiversity and conservation potential of freshwater habitats in fly ash sedimentation lagoons (2023)
Stationary metal sheets (copper, zinc or brass) in fish tanks prevent Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 infection of rainbow trout: In vivo and in vitro effects (2023)
Diversity, phylogeny and intraspecific variability of Paradiplozoon species (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) parasitizing endemic cyprinoids in the Middle East (2023)
Anticipating where are unknown aquatic insects in Europe to improve biodiversity conservation (2023)
Taxonomic insights and evolutionary history in East Asian terrestrial slugs of the genus Meghimatium (2023)
Direct evidence for intercontinental dispersal of a snail via a bird (2023)
Understanding the evolution of immune genes in jawed vertebrates (2023)
European river typologies fail to capture diatom, fish, and macrophyte community composition (2023)
The future of carbon storage in calcareous fens depends on the balance between groundwater discharge and air temperature (2023)
First record of the planthopper tribe Adenissini (Hemiptera: Caliscelidae) from Socotra Island, with description of a new genus and two new species (2023)
Wolbachia hampers the ability to avoid pesticide exposure in Philodromus spiders but does not alter spider’s personality (2023)
Age-related mating rates among ecologically distinct lineages of bedbugs, Cimex lectularius (2023)
Morphological size determination of moths in bat faeces opens possibilities to prey quantification (2023)
Střevlíci jako predátoři plžů: nečekané způsoby rozlamování ulit (2023)
Anuran phylogeographic patterns in Congo Basin rainforests (2023)
Preliminary results indicate localized adaptation in the duration of unken reflex in fire-bellied toads (Bombina bombina, Bombinatoridae) (2023)
The first molecular analysis of the Lanza’s Frog (Lanzarana largeni) from the Horn of Africa supports its unique position in the family Ptychadenidae (2023)
Species of Ergasilus von Nordmann, 1832 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) from cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika (2023)
Changes in macroinvertebrate biodiversity in major Czech rivers after the year 2000 (2023)
Seed dispersal distance classes and dispersal modes for the European flora (2023)
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt (2023)
First record of the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula, in the Czech Republic (2023)
A trade off between feather growth rate and feather stiffness in tropical and temperate songbirds (2023)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIX (2023)
Revitalizace lučních mokřadů jinak: nová filozofie spolupráce s místními farmami (2023)
Transcriptome Profile Analyses of Head Kidney in Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Common Bream (Abramis brama) and Their Hybrids: Does Infection by Monogenean Parasites in Freshwater Fish Reveal Differences in Fish Vigour among Parental Species and Their Hybrids? (2023)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 7 (2023)
Natural Diet of European Green Lizards, Lacerta viridis (Squamata: Lacertidae): A Comparison of Macroscopic and Molecular Identification Methods (2023)
Environment drives color pattern polymorphism in sand lizards beyond the Gloger's rule (2023)
Vegetation change in acidic dry grasslands in Moravia (Czech Republic) over three decades: Slow decrease in habitat quality after grazing cessation (2023)
Dispersal and invasive stages of Urospora eugregarines (Apicomplexa) from brown bodies of a polychaete host (2023)
Revealing the hidden diversity of Gyrodactylus communities (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) from Nearctic Catostomidae and Leuciscidae fish hosts (Teleostei, Cypriniformes), with descriptions of ten new species (2023)
Psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) in the entomological collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2023)
East-Central Europe. Central Europe - Poland to Carpathian Ukraine (2023)
Bulgaria (2023)
Effect of air pollution on species composition of communities of epiphytic bryophytes with respect to bark chemistry (2019)
XX. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tematikou (2023)
Reconsidering invasion history of common land snails in Japan through genome-wide analyses (2023)
Short and dynamic: succession of invertebrate communities over a hydroperiod in ephemeral wetlands on arable land (2023)
High utility of Ultraconserved Elements (UCE) for disentangling the elusive relationships of tarantulas (2023)
Enchytraeids in imported soil and organic deposits in Pyramiden, an abandoned mining town on Spitsbergen in the High Arctic (2023)
Alien plant invasion across coastal dunes of Ukraine (2023)
Growth, physiology, and stomatal parameters of plant polyploids grown under ice age, present-day, and future CO2 concentrations (2023)
Seasonal beta-diversity of dry grassland vegetation: Divergent peaks of above-ground biomass and species richness (2023)
Bioactive molecules released by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in response to various activation materials (2023)
Heterosis versus breakdown in cyprinid hybrids associated with SVCV infection revealed by transcriptome profile analysis of head kidney (2024)
Nearctic Dactylogyrus species (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) parasitizing cypriniform fishes in the context of morphology and phylogeny, with descriptions of seven new species (2023)
Plant communities with the dominant Elaeagnus angustifolia in Ukraine: classification and distribution (2023)
An Overview of Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae), an Emerging Cause of Human Angiostrongylosis on the Indian Subcontinent (2023)
Egg mimicry, not the sight of a common cuckoo, is the cue for parasitic egg rejection (2023)
Cryptic diversity of Crocidura shrews in the savannahs of Eastern and Southern Africa (2023)
Hibernation strategy - related profound differences in the whole-body fat composition of bats (2023)
A gene copy number arms race in action: X,Y-chromosome transmission distortion across a species barrier (2023)
Historical demography and climatic niches of the Natal multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis) in the Zambezian region (2023)
Spatial distribution of cereal aphids determines their abundance and population density in winter wheat stands (2023)
Age-related changes in sperm traits and evidence for aging costs of sperm production in a sexually promiscuous passerine (2023)
Do threatened species occur in species-rich vegetation? (2023)
Early Jurassic silicified woods from Carapace Nunatak, South Victoria Land, Antarctica (2023)
Decoupled functional and phylogenetic diversity provide complementary information about community assembly mechanisms: A case study of Greek forests (2023)
Rat lungworm survives winter: experimental overwintering of Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae in European slugs (2023)
Identification of potentially zoonotic parasites in captive orangutans and semi-captive mandrills: Phylogeny and morphological comparison (2023)
Low incidence of cannibalism among brood parasitic cuckoo catfish embryos (2023)
Male position in a sexual network reflects mating role and body size (2023)
Importance of stochastic assembly processes influencing beetle communities increases after logging (2023)
Drivers of plant community (in)stability along a sea-inland gradient (2023)
Role of invasive carnivores (Procyon lotor and Nyctereutes procyonoides) in epidemiology of vector-borne pathogens: molecular survey from the Czech Republic (2023)
The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome – the poorly known sister species of Capsella (2023)
Case report: Filarial infection of a parti-coloured bat: Litomosa sp. adult worms in abdominal cavity and microfilariae in bat semen (2023)
Molecular survey of Cytauxzoon spp. and Hepatozoon spp. in felids using a novel real-time PCR approach (2023)
Subspecific rodent taxa as the relevant host taxonomic level for mammarenavirus host specificity (2023)
An integrated leaf trait analysis of two Paleogene leaf floras (2023)
Parallel Evolution of Skull Form in Three Rodent Genera Inhabiting Steep Elevational Gradients of Ethiopian Highlands (2023)
Mechový herbář Kamila Rybníčka: ztracený a znovunalezený pramen k bryoflóře bývalého Československa. 1. Reliktní hnědé mechy (2023)
Distant genetic variants of Anaplasma phagocytophilum from Ixodes ricinus attached to people (2023)
Angie-LAMP for diagnosis of human eosinophilic meningitis using dog as proxy: A LAMP assay for Angiostrongylus cantonensis DNA in cerebrospinal fluid (2023)
Above- and belowground traits along a stress gradient: trade-off or not? (2023)
Response of Parasite Community Composition to Aquatic Pollution in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): A Semi-Experimental Study (2023)
Mediterranean vineyards and olive groves in Croatia harbour some rare and endemic invertebrates (2023)
Genetic polymorphisms in innate immunity genes influence predisposition to tick-borne encephalitis (2023)
Ecology meets archaeology: Past, present and future vegetation-derived ecosystems services from the Nuragic Sardinia (1700-580 BCE) (2023)
The parasites of a successful invader: monogeneans of the Asian topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva, with description of a new species of Gyrodactylus (2023)
The role of paleogeography in Asian monsoon evolution: a review and new insights from climate modelling (2023)
Genomic diversity, evolutionary history, and species limits of the endemic Ethiopian laminate-toothed rats (genus Otomys, Rodentia: Muridae) (2023)
The “southeastern Europe” lineage of the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (sensu lato) identified as Rhipicephalus rutilus Koch, 1844: Comparison with holotype and generation of mitogenome reference from Israel (2023)
Sampling strategy matters to accurately estimate response curves' parameters in species distribution models (2023)
Lack of host specialization despite selective host use in brood parasitic cuckoo catfish (2023)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 12 (2023)
Invasive mammalian wildlife and the risk of zoonotic parasites (2023)
Phylogenomic analyses reveal incongruences between divergence times and fossil records of freshwater snails in East Asia (2023)
Genetic analysis challenges the presence of Ixodes inopinatus in Central Europe: development of a multiplex PCR to distinguish I. inopinatus from I. ricinus (2023)
Insight into Trophic Interactions of Spiders in Olive Groves with Integrated and Ecological Pest Management Using DNA Metabarcoding (2023)
Changes in body size and fertility due to artificial and natural feeding of laboratory common bed bugs (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) (2024)
Pathological findings associated with Dipetalonema spp. (Spirurida, Onchocercidae) infection in two species of Neotropical monkeys from Brazil (2023)
Population growth and respiration in the dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae under different temperature and humidity regimes (2023)
Long-term genetic monitoring of a reintroduced Eurasian lynx population does not indicate an ongoing loss of genetic diversity (2023)
Question of agent of camel balantidiosis solved: Molecular identity, taxonomic solution and epidemiological considerations (2023)
The relationship between spectral and plant diversity: Disentangling the influence of metrics and habitat types at the landscape scale (2023)
Habitat-based biodiversity responses to macroclimate and edaphic factors in European fen ecosystems (2023)
Is there a massive glacial-Holocene flora continuity in Central Europe? (2023)
Comparative mitochondrial phylogeography of water frogs (Ranidae: Pelophylax spp.) from the southwestern Balkans (2023)
The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences (2023)
Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability across different biomes (2023)
The colonial legacy of herbaria (2023)
Traits of dominant plant species drive normalized difference vegetation index in grasslands globally (2023)
Golden mimics use multiple defenses to counter generalist and specialist predators (2023)
Motolice velká poznává Evropu. A pomalu se zabydluje. (2023)
MAPHIS-Measuring arthropod phenotypes using hierarchical image segmentations (2024)
Diagnostika invazní motolice Fascioloides magna (2024)
Formalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe: towards a consistent typology of spring vegetation (2023)
Successful restoration of the Hučina stream in the Šumava National Park (2023)
Diversity and Phylogeny of Gyrodactylus spp. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) across the Strait of Gibraltar: Parasite Speciation and Historical Biogeography of West Mediterranean Cyprinid Hosts (2023)
A complex insight into the Late Quaternary history of Bohemian‑Moravian Highlands summit (2023)
Pronounced turnover of vascular plant species in Central European arable fields over 90 years (2024)
High-resolution ecosystem changes pacing the millennial climate variability at the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in NE-Italy (2023)
EXPERT - een algoritme om vegetatieopnamen toe te delen aan plantengemeenschappen (2023)
Dynamic evolution of size and colour in the highly specialized Zodarion ant-eating spiders (2023)
Host-Shift Speciation Proceeded with Gene Flow in Algae Covering Shells (2023)
An alien parasite in a changing world – Ashworthius sidemi has lost its traditional seasonal dynamics (2023)
Transcaucasian Vegetation Database - a phytosociological database of the Southern Caucasus (2023)
First Records of Introduced Planorbella duryi (Wetherby, 1879) (Gastropoda: Hygrophila: Planorbidae) in Japan (2024)
Strongyloides in non-human primates: significance for public health control (2024)
Despite genetic isolation in sympatry, post-copulatory reproductive barriers have not evolved between bat- and human-associated common bedbugs (Cimex lectularius L.) (2023)
State of the World’s Plants and Fungi 2023 (2023)
The role of livestock grazing in long-term vegetation changes in coastal dunes: a case study from the Netherlands (2023)
Effect of the nutritional quality of primary food on the development, sex ratio, and size of a parasitoid in a quadri-trophic food web (2023)
Is centromere drive reflected in chromosome size? (2023)
Unerwartete Zunahme des FFH-Lebensraumtyps 6510 „Magere Flachland Mähwiesen“ im Auengrünland der Mittleren Wümme (2023)
Self-compatibility and level of heterozygosity in Cirsium (2023)
Constraints on interspecific hybridization intensity of Cirsium oleraceum-rivulare-palustre-acaulon complex (Asteraceae) (2022)
Intravitální detekce a semi-kvantifikace hematofágních hlístic Ashworthius sidemi a Haemonchus spp. založená na qPCR (2024)
Flóra a vegetace Židlochovic (2023)
Fauna Židlochovic a okolí (2023)
Zámecký park (2023)
Genetic diversity, population structure, and genome-wide association analysis of ginkgo cultivars (2023)
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis elicits a detectable NS1 IgG antibody response (2023)
Efficacy and immunogenicity of a veterinary vaccine candidate against tick-borne encephalitis in dogs (2023)
Ruderal vegetation of Kyiv City. II. Class Artemisietea vulgaris (2023)
High prevalence and genetic diversity of Treponema paraluisleporidarum isolates in European lagomorphs (2024)
Fast satellite DNA evolution in Nothobranchius annual killifishes (2023)
Conserved satellite DNA motif and lack of interstitial telomeric sites in highly rearranged African Nothobranchius killifish karyotypes (2023)
Rank-dependency of major urinary protein excretion in two house mouse subspecies (2024)
Biodiversity surveys of grassland and coastal habitats in 2021 as a documentation of pre-war status in southern Ukraine (2023)
Dehtářský a textilní výrobní areál v zázemí středověkého městečka Lukavce – příklad vrcholně středověké kolonizace na Vysočině (2023)
Rostlinné invaze a jejich dopad na biodiverzitu ekosystémů (2023)
Opatření realizovaná za účelem eliminace zarůstání. Workshop projektu Wetland Hemi-Parasite. (2023)
Využití poloparazitických rostlin pro potlačování invazních a expanzivních druhů (2023)
Komplexní ekologická obnova degradovaných a zanikajících slanisek moravské Panonie (2023)
Odborný seminář projektu „Complex ecological restoration of degraded and disappearing salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia“ (2023)
The Expansion of House Mouse Major Urinary Protein Genes Likely Did Not Facilitate Commensalism with Humans (2023)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted Therapy (2023)
Uncovering the diversity of rodents and shrews in the Chebera Churchura National Park, Ethiopia (2023)
Taxonomic position and biogeography of Mus callewaerti, the largest species of the subgenus Nannomys (Rodentia: Muridae) (2022)
Cena za ochranu přírody (2024)
Brace yourselves, winter is coming: the winter activity, natural diet, and prey preference of winter-active spiders on pear trees (2024)
High diversity and sharing of strongylid nematodes in humans and great apes co-habiting an unprotected area in Cameroon (2023)
The first large-scale record of gelada's spatial distribution and population size in Mountain chains of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia (2023)
Spread of biological invasions: The experience of Tilapia species in the Shadegan Wetland, southwest of Iran (2023)
Sensitivity of spiders from different ecosystems to lambda-cyhalothrin: effects of phylogeny and climate (2024)
Circulation of Anaplasma phagocytophilum among invasive and native carnivore species living in sympatry in Poland (2023)
Dactylogyrus spp. (Dactylogyridae, Monogenea) from tinfoil barb, Barbonymus schwanenfeldii imported into South Africa: morphometric and molecular characterisation (2023)
Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in central and eastern Euxine Turkey and SW Georgia (2023)
Two novel Bartonella (sub)species isolated from edible dormice (Glis glis): hints of cultivation stress-induced genomic changes (2023)
Examining vertebrate road mortality on highways passing through protected areas of eastern Ethiopia (2023)
Benchmark for Automatic Clear-Cut Morphology Detection Methods Derived from Airborne Lidar Data (2023)
How to cross the desert if you are small and need mountains? Out-of-Ethiopia dispersal in Afromontane shrews (2024)
Importance of spider prey for development of a specialized araneophagous predator (Araneae: Palpimanidae) (2023)
Revision of the Neotropical genus Trigava O’Brien, 1999 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Dictyopharidae, Nersiini), with descriptions of two new species from Peru and Brazil (2024)
Parasiten unserer Haustiere (2023)
Parasiten auf dem Vormarsch in einer Welt im Wandel (2023)
U nás na dvorku (2023)
Paraziti domácích mazlíčků (2023)
Paraziti na postupu v měnícím se světě (2023)
Increasing feasibility of total blood cell count analysis in field studies: effects of plastic tubes and storage duration (2023)
Diversity and phylogeny of parasitic crustaceans on cichlids from Lake Tanganyika (2022)
Species of Dermoergasilus Ho & Do, 1982 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) from cichlid fishes in Madagascar (2023)
New species of Dermoergasilus Ho & Do, 1982 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Ergasilidae) parasitizing endemic cichlid Paretroplus polyactis (Bleeker) in Madagascar (2024)
Next-generation sequencing reveals hidden genomic diversity in glacial relicts: A case study of Meesia triquetra (2024)
Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 16 (2023)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XL (2023)
Therapeutic activity and biodistribution of a nano-sized polymer-dexamethasone conjugate intended for the targeted treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (2024)
TeloBase: a community-curated database of telomere sequences across the tree of life (2024)
Velcí kopytníci v krajině a jejich potenciál při šíření parazitárních invazí (2024)
Škálování pod hladinou: Vliv měřítka pozorování na biodiverzitu ryb na korálových útesech (2024)
Nástroj pro exploraci vlivu měřítka pozorování na druhovou bohatost (2024)
Songbirds avoid the oxidative stress costs of high blood glucose levels: a comparative study (2024)
Vliv revitalizace na druhové složení a početnost obojživelníků v údolní nivě Spáleného potoka (2024)
Mycena laevigata (Fungi, Agaricales) in the heart of Central Europe – a prominent species of old-growth forests (2023)
Revitalizace lučního mokřadu v údolní nivě Spáleného potoka: odpověď bioindikačních skupin hmyzu na prováděnou péči (2024)
Kvalita vody a biodiverzita degradovaných slanisek moravské Panonie na počátku projektu LIFE in Salt Marshes (2024)
Zooplankton polních mokřadů: unikátní společenstva ovlivněná historií krajiny. (2024)
Společenstva zooplanktonu nově budovaných mokřadů v zemědělské krajině jižní Moravy (2023)
Polní mokřady hostí unikátní společenstva planktonních korýšů. (2023)
First record of earth tongue Hemileucoglossum pusillum (Geoglossales) in the Czech Republic. (2023)
Myšice temnopásá ve střední Evropě – populační genetika na okraji areálu přistěhovalce poslední doby ledové (2024)
Lewinskya affinis var. bohemica - new epiphytic moss in the bryoflora of Germany (2020)
Morfologická variabilita afroskokanů z druhového komplexu Phrynobatrachus auritus napříč jejich areálem výskytu (2024)
Decoupled phylogenetic and functional diversity in European grasslands (2023)
Understanding temporal variability across trophic levels and spatial scales in freshwater ecosystems (2024)
Strongyloides questions—a research agenda for the future (2024)
Důvěřovat či nedůvěřovat, aneb Hamletovo dilema ve veřejných databázích (2024)
Hydnellum gracilipes: nový druh pro Českou republiku (2024)
Out of the ancient lake: Multiple riverine colonizations and diversification of the freshwater snails in the genus Semisulcospira around Lake Biwa (2024)
MAPHIS - Measuring arthropod phenotypes using hierarchical image segmentations (2023)
Regionální směsi osiv jako nástroj pro podporu druhové pestrosti v krajině (2023)
Prof. RNDr. Petr Bureš, Ph.D. – 60 let (2023)
Vyhodnocení fluviálních sedimentů a paleoekologická rekonstrukce prostoru ulice Křenová v Brně (2023)
Kakost rozkladitý (Geranium divaricatum) dosud roste v Třebíči (2023)
Classification of dry grasslands of the Berda River Valley (Ukraine) (2023)
Diversity and distribution of Raunkiær's life forms in European vegetation (2024)
Towards more reproducibility in vegetation research (2024)
Reflecting on two and a half decades of restoration ecology in Applied Vegetation Science (1998-2023) (2024)
Uncovering the monogenean species diversity of cyprinoid fish in Iraq using an integrative approach (2024)
Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0 (2024)
Měkkýši NPR Špraněk: 140 let bádání v Javoříčském krasu (střední Morava, Česká republika) (2023)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2022. (2023)
Flora of the city of Brno, Czech Republic (2024)
Achillea (2023)
Podpora benefičních organismů v ekologické produkci ovoce (2024)
Significant decline in habitat specialists in semi-dry grasslands over four decades (2024)
Blechnum spicant (Blechnaceae) in the Ukrainian flora (2023)
The global distribution of angiosperm genome size is shaped by climate (2024)
Časová dynamika spoločenstva vodných bezstavovcov v poľných mokradiach (2023)
Nálezy vodomila Anacaena bipustulata (Marsham, 1802) na postindustriálních lokalitách a jeho aktuální rozšíření v České republice (2023)
Hnízdění rorýse obecného (Apus apus) ve vybraných městech jižní Moravy (2023)
Kavka obecná (Coloeus monedula) – výsledky inventarizace hnízdišť na jižní Moravě v roce 2019 s doplňky z let 2020 a 2021 (2023)
Zimní nocoviště havranů polních (Corvus frugilegus) a kavek obecných (Coloeus monedula) v oblasti Knížecího lesa u Židlochovic na přelomu tisíciletí (2023)
Nocování havrana polního (Corvus frugilegus) a kavky obecné (Coloeus monedula) na území města Brna v zimách 2011/12–2018/19 (2023)
Hnízdní rozšíření a úspěšnost chocholouše obecného (Galerida cristata) na Brněnsku v roce 2018 (2023)
Hromadná nocoviště špačka obecného (Sturnus vulgaris) v Brně (2023)
Facilitating taxonomy and phylogenetics: An informative and cost-effective protocol integrating long amplicon PCRs and third-generation sequencing (2024)
First insight into strongylid nematode diversity and anthelmintic treatment effectiveness in beef cattle in the Czech Republic explored by HTS metagenomics (2024)
Evaluating plant lineage losses and gains in temperate forest understories: a phylogenetic perspective on climate change and nitrogen deposition (2024)
Alluvial alder forests of the Greater Caucasus, Georgia: ecology, habitats and variability (2023)
Climate regulation processes are linked to the functional composition of plant communities in European forests, shrublands, and grasslands (2024)
Structural, ecological and biogeographical attributes of European vegetation alliances (2024)
Dynamics of the Czech flora over the last 60 years: Winners, losers and causes of changes (2024)
Genetická struktura středoevropských populací myšice temnopásé (Apodemus agrarius) (2023)
Root hemiparasites suppress invasive alien clonal plants: evidence from a cultivation experiment (2024)
Diurnal activity in an insectivorous bat during migration period (2024)
The effect of water turbidity on prey consumption and female feeding patterns in African turquoise killifish (2024)
Understanding excreted/secreted products in Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: Activation Material Insights (2024)
Vigour-related traits of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): do they represent reproduction-associated costs facilitating the coexistence of asexual and sexual forms? (2024)
Nečekaná signalizace: líhnutí vajíček listonoha letního je chemicky modulováno dospělci (2024)
Intercontinental dispersal and niche fidelity drive 50 million years of global diversification in Vertigo; land snails (2024)
Vývoj technologie pro pěstování osiva poloparazitických rostlin a jejich aplikace při redukci invazních druhů nížinných lučních mokřadů: Přednáška pro XXII. seminář z ekologie mokřadů a hydrobotaniky. (2024)
Moderní analýza biologických dat. 4. díl. Analýza času do události a další metody v prostředí R (2024)
Moderní analýza biologických dat. 4. díl. Analýza času do události a další metody v prostředí R (2024)
In vivo vs in vitro activation of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora from the transcriptomics perspective (2024)
Low Genetic and Parasite Diversity of Invasive Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) Expanding in Türkiye (2024)
Faecal egg count reduction test in goats: Zooming in on the genus level (2024)
Alpine and subalpine acidophilous vegetation on the eastern side of the Chiprovska Planina Mts. (2023)
Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe: current hotspots and future scenarios (2024)
Silver mining and landscape changes in medieval Central Europe: Reconstructing ore processing in a buried fir forest on the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Koječín, Czech Republic) (2024)
Populační ekologie živočichů v příkladech (2024)
Entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: Activation of excreted/secreted products release and their identification (2024)
Structure and replication cycle of a virus infecting climate-modulating alga Emiliania huxleyi (2024)
Oogenesis, spermatogenesis and spermiation structures in Lake Tanganyika Synodontis species (Mochokidae, Telostei: Siluriformes) (2024)
New discovery and phylogenetic position of Salsuginus parasite (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) in Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) (2024)
Unveiling the diversity and evolutionary patterns of Gyrodactylus (Gyrodactylidae) communities in Nearctic cypriniform fish hosts: insights from species richness, morphology, and molecular phylogeny (2024)
Subalpine tall-herb vegetation in Bulgaria: diversity and ecology (2024)
The phylogenetic position of Hyperolius sankuruensis (Anura: Hyperoliidae) reveals biogeographical affinity between the central Congo and West Africa, and illuminates the taxonomy of Hyperolius concolor (2024)
Kapitoly z lékařské etiky. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů. (2023)
Habituation to visual stimuli is independent of boldness in a jumping spider (2024)
Fluctuating nature of prehistoric settlement and land use preserved in sedimentary record of vanished gully (2024)
Phylogeny and classification of jumping plant lice of the subfamily Liviinae (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Liviidae) based on molecular and morphological data (2024)
Fluctuating nature of prehistoric settlement and land use preserved in sedimentary record of vanished gully (2024)
In the Footsteps of the Silk Road: Czech-Kyrgyz Geo-environmental Project (2024)
Dexamethasone nanomedicines with optimized drug release kinetics tailored for treatment of site-specific rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases (2024)
Intraspecific variation in Gyrodactylus mediotorus and G. crysoleucas (Gyrodactylidae) from Nearctic shiners (Leuciscidae): evidence for ongoing speciation, host-switching, and parasite translocation (2024)
Diversity, phylogeny, and biogeography of parasitic copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) of freshwater fishes from the Old World – new discoveries and future goals (2024)
Strongyloides questions—a research agenda for the future (2024)
Predační chování pavouků (2024)
Europe-wide spatial trends in copper and imidacloprid sensitivity of macroinvertebrate assemblages (2024)
Brno loanvirus (BRNV) in bats inhabiting the urban area of Brno, Czech Republic (2024)
Afromontane mosaic vegetation acts as a barrier between small mammals from two savannah biomes in northern Ethiopia (2024)
Sensitivity of amphibian embryos to timing and magnitude of present and future thermal extremes (2024)
Diversity, phylogeny, and phylogeography of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) in the Middle East (2023)
Morphological and molecular intraspecific variability in Dactylogyrus lenkorani (Monogenea): what to expect? (2023)
Scaling below the Surface: The Influence of Observation Scale on Fish Biodiversity on Coral Reefs (2024)
Phylogeny, biogeography, and integrative taxonomic revision of the Afro-Arabian rodent genus Ochromyscus (Muridae: Murinae: Praomyini) (2024)
Diversification over deep and shallow temporal scales in the Holarctic genus Perpolita (Gastropoda: Gastrodontidae) (2024)
First record of jumping plant lice of the family Liviidae (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Psylloidea) from Dominican amber (2024)
Multi-decadal improvements in the ecological quality of European rivers are not consistently reflected in biodiversity metrics (2024)
The effect of revitalization on species composition and abundance of amphibians in a valley floodplain (2024)
Role of invertebrate dispersal pathways in intermittent streams recolonisation after rewatering – an in situ experimental study (2024)
Dry stream channels as attractive habitats for multiple biotic groups (2024)
Disentangling environmental drivers of macroinvertebrate community structure: the role of stream drying and wastewater pollution (2024)
What’s the count? The basic descriptive characteristics of the macroinvertebrate communities in the six European case studies of the DRYvER project (2024)
Poaceae Barnhart - lipnicovité, trávy (2024)
Flow intermittence changes the occupancy frequency distribution of stream chironomid assemblages (2024)
Navigating through drying histories: switching roles of connectivityin Trichoptera metacommunity organisation (2024)
Trichophorum Pers. - suchopýrek (2024)
Comprehensive database of drying resistance and resilience traits from drying rivers across Europe (2024)
Vysychání toků jako faktor zásadně ovlivňující biologické hodnocení (2024)
Vysychavé toky ČR a Evropy - odpovědi bioindikačních skupin na sucho a další stresory (2024)
Schoenoplectus (Reichenb.) Palla - skřípinec (2024)
Eleocharis R. Br. - bahnička (2024)
Stipa L. - kavyl (2024)
Alopecurus L. - psárka (2024)
Festuca L. - kostřava (2024)
Bromus L. - sveřep (2024)
Hordeum L. - ječmen (2024)
Hordelymus L. - ječmenka (2024)
Specific anti-SVCV antibodies in hybrids of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) reflect heterosis advantage and genetic breakdown (2024)
Microhabitat diversity - A crucial factor shaping macrofungal communities and morphological trait expression in dead wood (2024)
Intergeneric hybrid origin of the invasive tetraploid Cirsium vulgare (2024)
The first intermediate host of the invasive frog trematode Glypthelmins quieta in Japan (2024)
Hydromorphological degradation modifies long-term macroinvertebrate responses to multiple stressors in Czech lowland rivers (2024)
Hydromorphological degradation modifies long-term macroinvertebrate responses to water quality and climate changes in lowland rivers (2024)
Plant kleptomaniacs: geographical genetic patterns in the amphi-apomictic Rubus ser. Glandulosi (Rosaceae) reveal complex reticulate evolution of Eurasian brambles (2024)
Reproduction-associated pathways in females of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) shed light on the molecular mechanisms of the coexistence of asexual and sexual reproduction (2024)
Stable isotope analysis reveals fish juveniles as a temporal main resource consumed by invasive pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) (2024)
Alpine travellers in the Carpathians: The story of two rock-dwelling snails told by genes and fossils (2024)
Daily feeding habits of the black bullhead catfish (Ameiurus melas) under conditions of high-density population (2023)
Release of Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae from live intermediatehosts under stress (2024)
Nález perloočky lukovky ozdobné (Alona elegans Kurz, 1875) v České Republice po 150 letech (2024)
Historie ovlivňující současnost aneb společenstva zooplanktonu polních mokřadů (2024)
Neglected dipterans in stream studies (2024)
Novel insight into the genetic diversity of strongylid nematodes infecting South-East and East Asian primates (2024)
Hookworm genomics: dusk or dawn? (2024)
Specific anti-SVCV antibodies in hybrids of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) reflect heterosis advantage and genetic breakdown (2024)
Trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum inducing differential immune gene expression in sexual and gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): parasites facilitating the coexistence of two reproductive forms of the invasive species (2024)
High-throughput sequencing of Strongyloides stercoralis - a fatal disseminated infection in a dog (2024)
Slovácké lúky u Lednice: cesta k obnově (2024)
Vliv frekvence a způsobu seče na druhovou diverzitu cévnatých rostlin v suchých trávnících (2024)
Méně kosení, méně diverzity: vliv frekvence kosení na suché trávníky na jižní Moravě. Helena Chytrá (MUNI) (2024)
Méně kosení, méně diverzity: vliv frekvence kosení na vegetaci suchých trávníků na jižní Moravě (2024)
Exkurze na Slanisko Novosedly pro místní komunitu (2024)
Injury-dependent wound care behavior in the desert ant Cataglyphis nodus (2024)
Technology and provenience of the oldest pottery in the northern Pannonian Basin indicates its affiliation to hunter-gatherers (2024)
Molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat subfamilies Sciophilinae and Leiinae (Mycetophilidae), with notes on Sciaroidea incertae sedis (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) (2024)
Stable isotope analysis reveals fish juveniles as a temporal dominant in the diet of invasive pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) (2024)
Weak phylogenetic effect on specialist plant assemblages and their persistence on habitat islands (2024)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2023 (2024)
Genome size is positively correlated with extinction risk in herbaceous angiosperms (2024)
Genome size variation in Cape schoenoid sedges (Schoeneae) and its ecophysiological consequences (2024)
High-throughput sequencing of Strongyloides stercoralis – a fatal disseminated infection in a dog (2024)
New chance for inland salt marshes: restoration using traditional and innovative approaches (2024)
Measuring plant functional specialization in urban environments with Grime's CSR strategies (2024)
The tapestry of the Middle East: diversity and phylogeny of Dactylogyrus parasites reveal the evolutionary pattern in them and their cyprinoid fish hosts (2024)
Unveiling molecular strategies of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: a comparative analysis of in vitro activation and in vivo infection dynamics (2024)
Lilaoshia, replacement name for Liella Burckhardt, Serbina and Malenovský, 2023 (Insecta, Hemiptera, Liviidae) nec Cui and Huo, in Huo and Shu, 1985 (Crustacea, Bradoriida, Alutidae) (2024)
A novel strategy to study apomixis, automixis, and autogamy in plants (2024)
Osobine imunosti i otpornosti organizama na presušivanje diljem povremenih rijeka i bujičnih potoka Europe (2022)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 8 (2024)
<i>Rhipicephalus sanguineus</i> from Hungarian dogs: Tick identification and detection of tick-borne pathogens (2024)
Italian peninsula as a hybridization zone of Ixodes inopinatus and I. ricinus and the prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in I. inopinatus, I. ricinus, and their hybrids (2024)
Predikcia rozšírenia veľkých lupeňonôžok (Branchiopoda, Pancrustacea) v severnej Panónii. (2024)
Veľké lupeňonôžky v severnej Panónií: predikcia ich rozšírenia (2024)
Brown dog ticks collected in Romania and Hungary: molecular identification and pathogens (2024)
R. sanguineus from Hungarian domestic dogs: identification and detection of tick-borne pathogens (2023)
Reciprocal transplant experiments demonstrate a dynamic coevolutionary relationship between parasitic mussel larvae and bitterling fishes (2024)
Exploring small mammal diversity in Georgia (Sakartvelo) through DNA barcoding (2024)
Diversity, phylogeny, and phylogeography of Diversity, phylogeny, and phylogeography of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) in the Middle East: what to expect from? (2024)
East Asian Parakaliella harimensis is in fact Euconulus of a remarkable genetic diversity (2024)
Low potential of fish as a source of infection with Angiostrongylus cantonensis (2024)
Better understanding of drying river networks through project DRYvER using drying resistance and resilience traits (2023)
Drying resistance and resilience traits from rivers in Europe (2023)
LIFE in Salt Marshes, LIFE for amphibians: Complex ecological restoration of degraded and disappearing salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia (2024)
Ecological restoration of salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia: problems and opportunities (2024)
Spontaneous exophytic tumour in Nothobranchius furzeri an aging research model (2024)
Unravelling large-scale patterns and drivers of biodiversity in dry rivers (2024)
Generalist carabid beetles are more malacophagous than previously recognized and cause diversified types of shell damage (2024)
Wing buzzing as a mechanism for generating vibrational signals in psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) (2024)
Geofyzikální průzkum zaniklé sklářské hutě na Žítkové (2024)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XLI (2024)
Native root hemiparasites form haustorial attachments with multiple invasive and expansive species (2024)
Signals of positive selection in genomes of palearctic <i>Myotis</i>-bats coexisting with a fungal pathogen (2024)
Paraziti volně žijících přežvýkavců (2024)
Utilizing direct molecular methods for screening of invasive helminth species in wild ruminants in the Czech Republic (2024)
Haemonchus on the rise – a story about a Czech sheep farm (2024)
Evaluating coprological methods for detecting Ashworthius sidemi in red deer: Implications for diagnosis and management (2024)
Diagnostika gastrointestinálních parazitóz spárkaté zvěře (2024)
Centromere drive may propel the evolution of chromosome and genome size in plants (2024)
Alien plants of Europe: an overview of national and regional inventories (2024)
Host-specific monogeneans parasitizing freshwater fish: The ecology and evolution of host-parasite associations (2024)
Transmembrane glycoprotein GPNMB is a candidate predictive biomarker and potentially a therapeutic target in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2024)
Long-term post-fire recovery of an oribatid mite assemblage: A case study from a temperate coniferous forest (2024)
Festuca makutrensis (Poaceae) in the flora of the Eastern Europe (2024)
Revision of the Festuca marginata "group" (Festuca sect. Festuca, Poaceae) in Southern Europe, with special reference to France, Italy and Greece (2024)
Diversity and functional differentiation of renewal buds in temperate herbaceous plants (2024)
From oxen to tourists : The management history of subalpine grasslands in the Sudeten mountains and its significance for nature conservation (2024)
Time series of freshwater macroinvertebrate abundances and site characteristics of European streams and rivers (2024)
Anthomyza gilviventris in Palaearctic Region: integrative taxonomy, variability and habitat associations of North European population (Diptera: Anthomyzidae) (2024)
Effect of selected Indonesian plants on Giardia intestinalis in experimental in vitro model (2024)
Floristic classification of <i>Geranion sanguinei</i> in South Moravia (Czech Republic) (2024)
Complex ecological restoration of degraded and disappearing salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia (2024)
Na jižní Moravě jako u moře: Příroda a kultura panonských slanisek a podobně exotických biotopů (2024)
ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe (2024)
Proposal (36) to conserve the name Philonotidion seriatae Hinterlang 1992 for the species-poor, bryophyte-dominated, non-calcareous arcticalpine spring vegetation of Europe (2024)
Nomenclatural revision of the syntaxa of European coastal dune vegetation (2024)
The current state of relic rocky grasslands with Sesleria tatrae and Calamagrostis varia in the Eastern Sudetes (Śnieżnik Massif, SW Poland) (2024)
Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in Carpathian mountain grasslands by mowing and application of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus (2024)
Dry grasslands and thorn-cushion communities of Armenia: a first syntaxonomic classification (2024)
Revised taxonomy of Synodontis catfishes (Siluriformes: Mochokidae) from the Lake Tanganyika basin reveals lower species diversity than expected (2024)
The depressed river mussel Pseudanodonta complanata as an occasional host for the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (2024)
The evolution of brood parasitism from host egg predation (2024)
A novel method to estimate the response of habitat types to nitrogen deposition (2024)
Cities Shape the Diversity and Spread of Nonnative Species (2024)
FloraVeg.EU - An online database of European vegetation, habitats and flora (2024)
Integrative delimitation of a new Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) from the Caucasus with a supplement to the identification guide of Caucasian and Irano-Anatolian species (2024)
Water conductivity mediates differences in clitellate assemblages in spring fens and adjacent streams (2024)
Parasitic fish embryos do a "front- flip" on the yolk to resist expulsion from the host (2024)
Far from home: tracing the origin of non-native water frogs (genus Pelophylax) in Malta by molecular markers (2024)
Species of Annulotrema (Monopisthocotylea, Dactylogyridae) parasitising African tetras (Characiformes, Alestidae) in the Phongolo River, South Africa with the description of four new species (2024)
Ecological but Not Biological Traits of European Riverine Invertebrates Respond Consistently to Anthropogenic Impacts (2024)
Effect of plant communities on bacterial and fungal communities in a Central European grassland (2024)
Červený seznam hub (makromycetů) České republiky (2024)
The ghost of ice ages past: Impact of Last Glacial Maximum landscapes on modern biodiversity (2024)
Ecology and Current Distribution of Three Habitat-Specialized Land Snail Species of the Genus <i>Vertigo</i> (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata) in Europe (2024)
Strategický plán kontroly invazních parazitů přežvýkavé spárkaté zvěře v ČR (2024)
Neglected taxa shed light on the diversity and evolution of parasitism strategies in Apicomplexa (2024)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted therapy (2024)
Histoarchitecture of the liver and spleen in the interspecific hybrids of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) (2024)
Workshop: Remote Sensing Methods for Wetland Community and Vegetation Assessment (2024)
Medieval vegetation dynamics and montane-industrial history of the central Ore Mountains, Czech Republic, as reflected by alluvial geoarchives (2024)
Classification of the high-rank syntaxa of the Central and Eastern Balkan dry grasslands with a new hierarchical expert system approach (2024)
Lipid biomarkers and stable isotopes uncover paleovegetation changes in extremely species-rich forest-steppe ecosystems, Central Europe (2024)
Developing a European aquatic macrophyte transfer function for reconstructing past lake-water chemistry (2024)
Landscape heterogeneity shows contrasting spatial patterns but similar temporal changes since the 1840s (2024)
The histone chaperones ASF1 and HIRA are required for telomere length and 45S rDNA copy number homeostasis (2024)
Evolutionary relationships in the African frog family Ptychadenidae, including the first molecular analysis, range extension, and distribution modelling of the monotypic genus Lanzarana (2024)
Herbarium specimens reveal a cryptic invasion of polyploid Centaurea stoebe in Europe (2025)
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