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Německo-český botanický slovník pro určovací klíče (1993)
Poznámky k výskytu subatlantských psamofytů na jižní Moravě (1993)
Bemerkungen zur Vegetation der primär waldfreien Flächen auf nichtxerothermen Standorten in Flusstälern des Südostrandes des Böhmischen Massivs (1993)
Chenopodium pumilio R. Br., a New Adventive Species for Rumania (1993)
Long-term changes in the field layer of oak and oak-hornbeam forests under the impact of deer and mouflon. (1993)
Syntaxonomy of vegetation of Svjatoj Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal 1. Non forest communities (1993)
Xerothermic Oak Forests in the Middle Váh Basin and the Southern part of the Strážovská hornatina Uppland (1994)
Vascular plants of the Bol'šoj Čivyrkuj valley, Barguzinskij Range (1995)
Supplements to the flora to the Svjatoj Nos Peninsula - Lake Baikal (1995)
Some plant communities in the Bolšaja Čeremšana valley, Barguzinskij range (1995)
Lesní vegetace Národního parku Podyjí/Thayatal. Die Waldvegetation des Nationalparks Podyjí/Thayatal (1995)
Are species with similar ranges confined to similar habitat in a landscape? (1995)
Předběžný přehled společenstev teplomilných doubrav jižní Moravy a západního Slovenska (1995)
Plant communities of the Bol'šoj Čivyrkuj River Valley, Barguzinskij Range, East Siberia (1995)
Vegetace lokality Ledove sluje (1996)
Festuco pallentis-Alyssetum saxatilis na jihozápadní Moravě (1996)
European Vegetation Survey: context of the case studies (1997)
Wenig bekannte Trockenrasengesellschaften am Südostrand der Böhmischen Masse (1997)
Thermophilous oak forests in the Czech Republic: Syntaxonomical revision of the order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae (1997)
Česká národní fytocenologická databáze: počáteční stav a perspektivy (1997)
Plant communities of the thermophilous oak forests in Moravia (1997)
Die Pflanzengesellschaften der westpannonischen Zwergstrauchheiden und azidophilen Trockenrasen (1997)
Fytocenologický výzkum České republiky (1997)
European Vegetation Survey: case studies (1997)
Potential replacement vegetation: an approach to vegetation mapping of cultural landscapes (1998)
Phenological mapping in a topographically complex landscape by combining field survey with an irradiation model (1998)
Syntaxonomy of vegetation of the Svyatoi Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal. 2. Forests and krummholz in comparison with other regions of northern Buryatia (1998)
Teplotní poměry a vegetace na lokalitě Sloní hřbet v Národním parku Podyjí (1999)
Ohrožené rostliny města Brna. II. díl. (1999)
Mapa potenciální přirozené vegetace České republiky. Textová část (1998)
Vegetation mapping: Theory, methods and case studies (1998)
Mapa potenciální přirozené vegetace České republiky (1997)
Regeneration patterns in a Central European dry heathland: effects of burning, sod-cutting and cutting (1999)
Mohla být disturbance příčinou změny jihomoravského suchého trávníku ve vřesoviště? (1999)
Phytogeographical boundary between the Pannonicum and Hercynicum: a multivariate analysis of landscape in the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park, Czech Republic/Austria (1999)
Tilia-dominated calcicolous forests in the Czech Republic from a Central European perspective (1997)
Predictive Modeling of the Potential Natural Vegetation Pattern in the Podyjí National Park, Czech Republic (1999)
Metoda výběru území použitelná při velkoplošném sběru dat (1999)
Společenstva polních plevelů (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Koukol polní (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Hlaváček letní (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Sveřep stoklasa (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Hořinka východní (1999)
Vzácné polní plevele. Ostrožka stračka (1999)
Stipa eriocaulis - přehlížený druh české flóry (2000)
Formalizované přístupy k fytocenologické klasifikaci vegetace (2000)
Towards unification of national vegetation classifications: A comparison of two methods for analysis of large datasets (2000)
Biosférická rezervace Pálava - nastal čas k jejímu rozšíření? (2000)
Plevelná vegetace vinohradů (2000)
Program péče o krajinu v CHKO Pálava (2000)
Přehled vegetace České republiky. Svazek 2. Hygrofilní, mezofilní a xerofilní opadavé lesy (2000)
Plevelová společenstva Žďárských vrchů (2000)
Ochrana přírody (2000)
Flóra cévnatých rostlin (2000)
Flóra a vegetace na soutoku Moravy a Dyje (2000)
Poznámky k současnému stavu odborného botanického jmenosloví ve vztahu k databázového programu Turboveg (2000)
Současný stav vápencové stepi na jižních svazích Hádů u Brna (2000)
Chromosome numbers within the Achillea millefolium and the A. distans groups in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2001)
Achillea pratensis (Asteraceae) - a recently recognized species of the Czech flora (2001)
Rostlinné invaze (2001)
Úroveň praktických znalostí přírodnin zájemců o studium učitelství biologie (2001)
Achillea setacea in the Czech Republic, with taxonomic remarks (2001)
Exkurze nebo terénní cvičení? (2001)
Triglochin maritima na Slanisku u Nesytu (2001)
Výskyt ohrožených druhů plevelů na jižní Moravě (2001)
Katalog biotopů České republiky (2001)
Černý a červený seznam cévnatých rostlin České republiky (stav v roce 2000) (2001)
Phytosociological data give biased estimates of species richness (2001)
Species richness and species turnover in a successional heathland (2001)
Achillea pannonica in the Czech Republic, with taxonomic remarks (2001)
Exkurze na Obřanskou stráň (2001)
Exkurze na Kamenný vrch (2001)
Exkurze do Mariánského údolí (2001)
Botanicky významné lokality v okolí Valtic (2001)
Flóra a vegetace zámeckého parku ve Valticích (2001)
Ohrožené rostliny města Brna. III. díl. (2001)
Botanický výzkum a ochrana přírody. Sborník prací z konference České botanické společnosti, konané ve dnech 24.-25. listopadu v Praze. (2001)
Sites of Botanical Interest in Moravia (2001)
Slunečnice hlíznatá (topinambur). Helianthus tuberosus L. (2001)
Obnovená katedra botaniky: 1990-2001 (2001)
Potential natural vegetation of the Czech Republic (2001)
Přirozená a polopřirozená vegetace údolí řek Oslavy, Jihlavy a Rokytné (1996)
Determination of diagnostic species with statistical fidelity measures (2002)
Achillea distans (Asteraceae) confirmed as native in the Bieszczady Mts (SE Poland) (2002)
Protěž žlutobílá v České republice, zatím ještě nikoliv in memoriam (2002)
Přírodní památka Kavky. Průvodce výukovou trasou. (2002)
CHÚ ve výuce biologie a ekologie (2002)
Zoofobie (2002)
Louky na Soutoku: zalesňovat, nebo nezalesňovat? (2002)
Hieracia of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve (South Moravia, Czech Republic) (2002)
Achillea L. - řebříček (2002)
Cévnaté rostliny biosférické rezervace Pálava a Podluží (2002)
Vegetation of circumboreal coniferous forests (2002)
Vegetation surveys in the circumboreal coniferous forests: A review (2002)
Context-dependence of diagnostic species: A case study of the Central European spruce forests (2002)
Lesní vegetace Hostýnských vrchů (2002)
JUICE - software for vegetation classification (2002)
Sanace a rekultivace po lomové a důlní těžbě (2002)
Vycházka na Hády a do údolí Říčky (2002)
Seasonal dynamics and diversity of weed vegetation in tilled and mulched vineyards (2003)
Czech National Phytosociological Database: basic statistics of the available vegetation-plot data (2003)
Estimating past distribution of vanishing weed vegetation in South Moravia (2003)
Změny v rozšíření některých ohrožených druhů plevelů na jižní Moravě (2003)
Achillea asplenifolia in Mähren, mit taxonomischen Bemerkungen (2003)
Plot sizes used for phytosociological sampling of European vegetation (2003)
Formalized reproduction of an expert-based phytosociological classification: A case study of subalpine tall-forb vegetation (2003)
Hostýnské vrchy - fádní karpatské pohoří? (2003)
Travinná, keříčková a křovinná vegetace Národního parku Podyjí/Thayatal (2003)
Local and regional patterns of species richness in Central European vegetation types along the pH/calcium gradient (2003)
Polypodium x mantoniae and new localities of P. interjectum in the Czech Republic confirmed using flow cytometry (2003)
Validation of the name Artemisia pancicii (Asteraceae) (2003)
Změny v pojetí didaktiky biologie na PedF MU v Brně (2004)
The effects of management and environmental variation on population stage structure in three river-corridor violets (2004)
Weed vegetation of arable land in Central Europe: Gradients of diversity and species composition (2004)
Weed vegetation in southern Moravia (Czech Republic): a formalized phytosociological classification (2004)
Kopřiva lužní, Urtica kioviensis, na soutoku Moravy a Dyje (2004)
Pálava na prahu třetího tisíciletí (2003)
Květena cévnatých rostlin biosférické rezervace Pálava a Podluží (2003)
Interspecific associations in phytosociological data sets: how do they change between local and regional scale? (2004)
Gentianella amarella subsp. amarella v Hostýnských vrších (2004)
Změny v pojetí didaktiky biologie na Pedagogické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2004)
Nové nálezy Veronica scardica na jižní Moravě (2004)
Oak-hornbeam forests of the Czech Republic: geographical and ecological approaches to vegetation classification (2004)
Subkontinentální doubravy asociace Carici fritschii-Quercetum roboris na Záhoří (2004)
Trends in species diversity and composition of urban vegetation over three decades (2004)
Diagnostic, constant and dominant species of vegetation classes and alliances of the Czech Republic: a statistical revision (2003)
The database of the Western Carpathian forest vegetation (2003)
Inventarizační průzkumy (2004)
O rozšíření některých cévnatých rostlin na nejjižnější Moravě II (2004)
2.11 [T7] Slaniska (2004)
Změny luční a pastvinné vegetace Hostýnských vrchů (1969-2002) (2004)
Diversity of hay meadows in the Czech Republic: major types and environmental gradients (2004)
Typification of the name Carex muricata var. lamprocarpa Wallr. and its nomenclatural consequences (2005)
Vegetation of lowland wet meadows along a climatic continentality gradient in Central Europe (2005)
Achillea L. - řebříček (2004)
Diversity of bryophytes on treeless cliffs and talus slopes in a forested central European landscape (2005)
Supervised classification of plant communities with artificial neural networks (2005)
Stratified resampling of phytosociological databases: some strategies for obtaining more representative data sets for classification studies (2005)
Alien plants in temperate weed communities: prehistoric and recent invaders occupy different habitats (2005)
Effects of abiotic factors on species richness and cover in Central European weed communities (2005)
Vegetation types of dry-mesic oak forests in Slovakia (2005)
Vojenský výcvikový prostor Libavá - nová a ojedinělá lokalita žábronožky letní (Branchipus schaefferi Fischer, 1834) na Moravě (2005)
Sveřep stoklasa - starobylý plevel obilných polí (2005)
Vegetation dynamics on exposed pond bottoms in the Českobudějovická basin (Czech Republic) (2005)
Invasions by alien plants in the Czech Republic: a quantitative assessment across habitats (2005)
European oak woodlands: past, present and future (2005)
Population features of hybridization in Viola: two case studies (2005)
New similarity indices for the assignment of relevés to vegetation units of an existing phytosociological classification (2005)
Lindernia dubia in the Czech Republic: distribution and ecology (2005)
Local ranges of phytosociological associations: are they reflected in numerical classification? (2006)
Ein Blick über die Grenze - Tschechische Salzstandorte und ihre Vegetation (2006)
Diversity of weed vegetation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2006)
Genetic structure among and within peripheral and central populations of three endangered floodplain violets (2006)
Variability of vegetation of exposed pond bottoms in relation to management and environmental factors (2006)
Typification of the names Achillea millefolium var. collina and A. pannonica (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) (2006)
Classification of weed vegetation of arable land in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2006)
Influence of sample plot size on the data analysis. (2006)
Biological Flora of Central Europe: Viola elatior, V. pumila and V. stagnina (2006)
Patterns of plant traits in annual vegetation of man-made habitats in central Europe (2006)
Statistical determination of diagnostic species for site groups of unequal size (2006)
Vegetation of the rock outcrops and screes in the forest-steppe and steppe belts of the Altai and Western Sayan Mts., southern Siberia (2006)
Beech forest communities in Bulgaria (2006)
Effects of plot size on the ordination of vegetation samples (2006)
Mechorosty rybníků a sádek v Českobudějovické pánvi (2005)
Bryophytes on cliffs and talus slopes of south-western Moravia (Czech Republic) (2005)
Bryophytes at lamps in selected public caves in the Czech Republic - past and recent situation (2005)
Bryophytes in public caves in the Czech Republic (2006)
Příspěvek k bryoflóře Tematínskych vrchů (2006)
Rekultivace blízké přírodě (2005)
Diverzita vápencových lomů a možnosti jejich rekultivace s využitím přirozené sukcese na příkladu Růženina lomu (2006)
Juice program for management, analysis and classification of ecological data (2006)
Modern pollen spectra versus vegetation diversity along a continental gradient in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia (2005)
Diversity of vegetation types and modern pollen spektra in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia (2006)
Hungarian oak forests from the Central European perspective. (2006)
Lesní vegetace Bošácké doliny v CHKO Biele Karpaty (2007)
Modern distribution patterns of snails and plants in the Western Carpathian spring fens: is it a result of historical development? (2007)
Formalized classification of thermophilous oak forests in the Czech Republic: what brings the Coctail method? (2007)
Sampling design in large-scale vegetation studies: Do not sacrifice ecological thinking to statistical purism! (2007)
Testing the Species pool hypothesis for mire vegetation: exploring the influence of pH specialists and habitat history (2007)
Revision of Central European taxa of Festuca ser. Psammophilae Pawlus: morphometrical, karyological and AFLP analysis (2007)
Louky a mezofilní pastviny (2007)
Environmental control of the vegetation pattern in deep river valleys of the Bohemian Massif (2007)
Plant indicator values as a tool for land mollusc autecology assessment (2007)
Jaké jsou vlastnosti hojných druhů polních plevelů? (2007)
Jaké faktory podmiňují rostlinné invaze na antropogenních stanovištích v České republice? (2007)
Plant attributes determining the regional abundance od weeds on central European arable land (2008)
Revision of caryological data to the genus Achillea (2007)
Plant species richness in continental southern Siberia: effects of pH and climate in the context of the species pool hypothesis. (2007)
Celoplošná příprava půdy v lesích a její důsledky pro biodiverzitu. (2007)
Slanisko u Nesytu (2007)
Regional species pools of vascular plants in habitats of the Czech Republic (2007)
Semi-dry grasslands along a climatic gradient across Central Europe: Vegetation classification with validation (2007)
Vegetace České republiky 1. Travinná a keříčková společenstva (2007)
Úvod (2007)
Vymezení vegetačních jednotek a jejich interpretace (2007)
Project Vegetation of the Czech Republic: Preface and summary of methods (2007)
Alpínská vřesoviště (2007)
Smilkové trávníky a vřesoviště (2007)
Pionýrská vegetace písčin a mělkých půd (2007)
Písečné stepi (2007)
Suché trávníky (2007)
Gradients in species composition of Central European arable weed vegetation (2008)
Which factors determine plant invasions in man-made habitats in the Czech Republic? (2008)
Native and alien weed species richness and diversity under different regime of disturbances (2008)
Which factors determine plant invasions in vegetation of man-made habitats in the Czech Republic? (2008)
17th International Workshop European Vegetation Survey. Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions. 1-5 May 2008, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Abstracts and Excursion Guides (2008)
Podyjí National Park: botanical excursion guide (2008)
Pavlov Hills: botanical excursion guide (2008)
Habitat invasions by alien plants: a quantitative comparison among Mediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions of Europe (2008)
Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia (2008)
Separating habitat invasibility by alien plants from the actual level of invasion (2008)
Eleocharis palustris subsp. waltersii, a new name for E. palustris subsp. vulgaris (2008)
Hvězdnice sivá (Aster canus), Christian Ferdinand Hochstetter a dva málo známé prameny ke květeně Moravy (2008)
Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka (2007)
Pálava (2007)
Morphological characters useful for the delimitation of taxa within Viola subsect. Viola (Violaceae): A morphometric study from the West Carpathians (2008)
Changes during the 20th century in species composition of synanthropic vegetation in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2008)
Letnění rybníka Nesyt v roce 2007 (2008)
Stipa ucrainica (Poaceae): a recently recognized native species of the Bulgarian flora (2008)
Violales. Fialkotvaré (2008)
The relationships of modern pollen spectra to vegetation and climate along a steppe-forest-tundra transition in southern Siberia, explored by decision trees (2008)
Interpretation of the last-glacial vegetation of eastern-central Europe using modern analogues from southern Siberia (2008)
Rostlinné invaze v České republice: situace, výzkum a management (2008)
Návrh české terminologie vztahující se k rostlinnými invazím (2008)
European map of alien plant invasions based on the quantitative assessment across habitats (2009)
Psárky Alopecurus aequalis a A. geniculatus v České republice: jejich určování a rozšíření (2008)
Dvanáct let výzkumu rostlinných invazí v České republice a ve světě (2008)
Projekty 6. rámcového programu Evropské unie zaměřené na biologické invaze: DAISIE a ALARM (2008)
Invaze nepůvodních druhů v rostlinných společenstvech (2008)
Phytosociology (2008)
Frontiers of vegetation science - An evolutionary angle (2008)
Vegetace (2008)
Proposal to conserve the name Achillea pannonica against A. seidlii (Asteraceae) (2008)
Geranium sibiricum L. (2008)
Amaranthus deflexus L. (2008)
Bromus commutatus Schrader (2008)
Species richness in European steppes : role of productivity, soil depth and pH (2008)
What are the main drivers of species richness in European steppes? (2008)
A recent record of the predatory bush cricket Saga pedo Pallas, 1771, in the Pouzdřanská step Steppe (southern Moravia) (2008)
Nová lokalita žluťuchy jednoduché svízelovité (Thalictrum simplex subsp. galioides) v Polabí a několik pozoruhodných souvislostí (2008)
Variation in life-cycle between three rare and endangered floodplain violets in two regions: implications for population viability and conservation (2009)
Changes in vegetation types and Ellenberg indicator values after 65 years of fertilizer application in the Rengen Grassland Experiment, Germany (2009)
Effects of different fidelity measures and contexts on the determination of diagnostic species (2009)
Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 1. Rozdíly v invadovanosti velkých území (2009)
Vegetace biologických, integrovaných a konvenčních vinohradů na jižní Moravě (2009)
Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Festuca pannonica, F. valesiaca and F. pseudodalmatica (Poaceae) (2009)
Proposal to reject the name Festuca pannonica (Poaceae) (2009)
Linking JUICE and R: New developments in visualization of unconstrained ordination analysis (2009)
Vliv nepůvodních druhů na biotickou homogenizaci středoevropských měst (2009)
Viola elatior, V. pumila and V. stagnina in Austria, Czechia and Slovakia: a story of decline (2009)
Arable weed vegetation of the northeastern part of the Czech Republic: effect of environmental factors on species composition (2009)
Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 2. Invadovanost a invazibilita rostlinných společenstev (2009)
Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 3. Obecné příčiny invazibility společenstev (2009)
Invasion success of alien plants: do habitat affinities in the native distribution range matter? (2009)
Classification of inland Bolboschoenus-dominated vegetation in Central Europe (2009)
Chorological spectra of arable weed vegetation types in the Czech Republic (2009)
Effects of different cultivation types on native and alien weed species richness and diversity in Moravia (Czech Republic) (2009)
Nálezy a ztráty jihomoravských slanisk - hvězdnice sivá (2009)
Snail faunas in the Southern Ural forests and their relations to vegetation: an analogue of the Early Holocene assemblages of Central Europe? (2010)
Rocks and walls: natural versus secondary habitats (2009)
Determining the important environmental variables controlling plant species community composition in mesotrophic grasslands in Great Britain (2009)
Maps of the level of invasion of the Czech Republic by alien plants (2009)
The global invasion success of Central European plants is related to distribution characteristics in their native range and species traits (2009)
Modified TWINSPAN classification in which the hierarchy respects cluster heterogeneity (2009)
Diverzita květeny středoevropských velkoměst (2009)
Vegetace sešlapávaných stanovišť (2009)
Jednoletá vegetace polních plevelů a ruderálních stanovišť (2009)
Suchomilná ruderální vegetace s dvouletými a vytrvalými druhy (2009)
Scale-dependence of species richness in European dry grasslands. (2009)
Surface pollen-vegetation relationships in the forest-steppe, taiga and tundra landscapes of the Russian Altai Mountains (2009)
Weed vegetation and its conservation value in three management systems of Hungarian winter cereals on base-rich soils (2009)
Vegetation-plot data and databases in Europe: an overview (2009)
Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace (2009)
Co říká 11 fytocenologických snímku o vlivu celoplošné přípravy půdy na bylinné patro lužních lesu? (2009)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 22. podzimních bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Železných horách (2009)
Habitats and land use as determinants of plant invasions in the temperate zone of Europe (2010)
Imputation of environmental variables for vegetation plots based on compositional similarity (2010)
Dosévání druhů do obnovované louky (2008)
Travinnobylinná vegetácia Slovenska - elektronický expertný systém na identifikáciu syntaxónov (2007)
Diagnostic, constant and dominant species of the higher vegetation units of Slovakia (2008)
Mechorosty DP lomu Mokrá a EVL Sivický les (2007)
Putování výstavy Zelená krása mechorostů, aneb jak se státi bryologem (2007)
Nová bryologická literatura XVIII (2007)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 20. podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v NP Šumava (2007)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 14. jarního setkání Bryologickolichenologické sekce v Ruprechtově na Drahanské vrchovině (2007)
Příspěvek k bryoflóře NPR Trčkov (Orlické hory) (2007)
Mechorosty (2008)
The mosses Orthodontium lineare and Dicranum tauricum in nature reserves in the Žďárské vrchy Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic) (2008)
The influence of light and nutrient availability on herb layer species richness in oak-dominated forests in central Bohemia (2009)
Prohlášení České botanické společnosti aneb deset témat pro českou lesnickou politiku (2009)
Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link (2009)
Stachys setifera C. A. Mey. (2009)
Gilia achilleifolia Benth. (2009)
Differences in trait compositions between rocky natural and artificial habitats (2010)
Biodiversity of green algae in urban habitats of Central Europe: autecology, ecology and biogeographic patterns (2010)
Habitats of relict terrestrial snails in southern Siberia: lessons for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironments of full-glacial Europe (2010)
Modern analogues from the Southern Urals provide insights into biodiversity change in the early Holocene forests of Central Europe (2010)
Pattern of local plant species richness along a gradient of landscape topographical heterogeneity: result of spatial mass effect or environmental shift? (2010)
Monitoring biologické rozmanitosti vinic na jižní Moravě (2010)
Krajiny zamrzlé v čase I. Jižní Sibiř - současná analogie střední Evropy v době ledové (2010)
Krajiny zamrzlé v čase II. Jižní Ural - současná analogie střední Evropy ve starém a středním holocénu (2010)
A brute-force approach to vegetation classification (2010)
Specimen identification from time-series photographs using plastron morphometry in Testudo graeca ibera (2010)
Floristic diversity of an eastern Mediterranean dwarf shrubland: the importance of soil pH (2010)
The summer drainage of Nesyt Fishpond in 2007: a successful conservation measure or ecological catastrophe? (2010)
Kde dnes znamená včera. Jihosibiřské refugium doby ledové (2010)
Dry grasslands in the Western Carpathians and the northern Pannonian Basin: a numerical classification (2010)
Plant species of the Central European flora as aliens in Australia (2010)
Contrasting patterns in the invasions of European terrestrial and freshwater habitats by alien plants, insects and vertebrates (2010)
Mapping invasion by alien plants in Europe (2010)
OptimClass: Using species-to-cluster fidelity to determine the optimal partition in classification of ecological communities (2010)
Katalog biotopů České republiky. Druhé vydání (2010)
Současný stav lokalit druhů Meesia triquetra a Paludella squarrosa (Meesiaceae) v České republice (2010)
Co je to fytocenologický snímek (2010)
Velký Kosíř u Prostějova - významný mezník v rozšíření teplomilných doubrav na Moravě (2009)
Neobvyklá lokalita chruplavníku rolního (Polycnemum arvense) u Náměště nad Oslavou a několik poznámek k ekologii druhu (2010)
Fenomén subkontinentálních doubrav: diverzita, dynamika a historie jednoho neobyčejného společenstva (2010)
Fytogeografická charakteristika Litomyšlska (2010)
Turboveg check-up (2010)
Nová bryologická literatura XIX (2008)
Nová bryologická literatura XX (2008)
Nová bryologická literatura XXII (2010)
Nová bryologická literatura XXIII (2010)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 16. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS ve Svatošských skalách na Karlovarsku (2009)
Bryophytes on rock cliffs in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (2009)
Mechorosty – součást naší přírody (2009)
Mechorosty vybraných lokalit Drahanské, Hornosvratecké a Zábřežské vrchoviny (2009)
Environmental factors structuring bryophyte species composition in block fields in south-western Moravia (Czech Republic) (2010)
Bryoflóra vybraných pískovcových výchozů na Vsetínsku (2009)
Současný stav populací druhů Helodium blandowii (Thuidiaceae) a Scorpidium scorpioides (Calliergonaceae) v České republice (2010)
Diversity of bryophytes in show caves in Slovenia and relation to light intensities (2010)
The moss Rhabdoweisia crenulata (Mitt.) H. Jameson in the Czech Republic and adjacent regions (2010)
Mech Pseudobryum cinclidioides (Huebener) T. J. Kop. v Moravskoslezských Beskydech v kontextu recentních údajů z ČR a SR (2010)
Rozšíření vybraných typů přirozené a polopřirozené vegetace (2009)
Viola montana and V. persicifolia (Violaceae): Two names to be rejected (2010)
Doprovodné rostliny (2010)
(1985) Proposal to conserve the name Viola elatior against V. hornemanniana and Viola stipulacea (Violaceae) (2010)
(1983-1984) Proposals to reject the names Viola montana and V. persicifolia (Violaceae) (2010)
Bias in vegetation databases? A comparison of stratified-random and preferential sampling (2011)
The combined effect of waterlogging, extractable P and soil pH on α-diversity: a case study on mesotrophic grasslands in the UK (2011)
Environmental factors influencing herb layer productivity in Central European oak forests: insights from soil and biomass analyses and a phytometer experiment (2011)
Testing a relict distributional pattern of fen plant and terrestrial snail species at the Holocene scale: a null model approach (2011)
Diversity of Central European urban biota: effects of human-made habitat types on plants and land snails (2011)
Biotic homogenization of Central European urban floras depends on residence time of alien species and habitat types (2011)
Prehistoric origin of extremely species-rich semi-dry grasslands in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. (2011)
Znovu o rozrazilu pamětníkolistém, Veronica acinifolia (2011)
Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler (2011)
Potentilla turkestanica, a rare species new to the flora of Russia (2011)
Dispersal limitation in central European urban communities (2011)
Flóra a vegetace přírodních parků Kornatický potok a Kamínky jihovýchodně od Plzně (2010)
European habitats as donors of alien plant species for other continents (2010)
Riparian and coastal habitats are the most important donors of invasive plants of European origin (2011)
Environmental and spatial controls of biotic assemblages in a discrete semi-terrestrial habitat: comparison of organisms with different dispersal ability sampled in the same plots (2011)
Long-term vegetation changes in bogs exposed to high amospheric deposition, aerial liming and climate fluctuation (2011)
Subaerial cyanobacteria and algae across Central European cities (2011)
Synanthropic vegetation of the Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris alliance in the Czech Republic (2011)
Dovednosti žáků ve výuce přírodopisu (2011)
Dovednosti žáků a učitelů ve výuce přírodopisu (2011)
Evaluating the stability of the classification of community data (2011)
Successful invaders co-opt pollinators of native flora and accumulate insect pollinators with increasing residence time (2011)
Floristic diversity patterns in the White Carpathians Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic (2011)
Vegetation change in Southeast Greenland? Tasiilaq revisited after 40 years (2011)
Heterogeneity-constrained random resampling of phytosociological databases (2011)
Vegetace České republiky 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace (2011)
Journal development, vegetation survey and the restoration of invaded ecosystems (2011)
Competition, invasion effects versus invasiveness and fuzzy classification (2011)
Vegetation survey: a new focus for Applied Vegetation Science (2011)
The Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD): a new resource for vegetation science (2011)
Die mitteleuropäischen Datenbanken im Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD) (2011)
Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change (2012)
Jasnost a strukturovanost jako aspekt kvality výuky v biologii (2011)
Šipákové doubravy na Vysočině. (2011)
A record of Juncus sphaerocarpus from dry grasslands near Rokytná (Moravia, Czech Republic). (2011)
Biotic homogenization of Central European urban floras depends on residence time of alien species and habitat types (2012)
Bromus arvensis L. - sveřep rolní (2011)
Západokarpatská pěnovcová slatiniště – příběh dlouhý 17 tisíc let (2012)
Nová bryologická literatura XXV. (2011)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 17. jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání v Chřibech (2011)
Bryofloristický příspěvek z Tišnovska (2011)
Kruhatka Matthiolova (Cortusa matthioli) v Sudetech aneb anti-Hendrych (2011)
Nové poznatky o rozšíření prorostlíku prutnatého (Bupleurum affine) na Moravě (2011)
Environmental control of species richness and composition in upland grasslands of the southern Czech Republic (2012)
A comparison of two sampling schemes in phytosociology - preferential and stratified random (2010)
Srovnání Bílých Karpat, Pálavy a Podyjí z hlediska alfa a beta diverzity (2011)
Botanická fotogalerie nejen pro odborníky ( (2011)
Srovnání stratifikovaného-náhodného a preferenčního způsobu rozmísťování fytocenologických snímků: studie lesní vegetace Moravského krasu (2008)
TURBOVEG CHECK-UP: Access application for checking relevés (2011)
The combined effect of waterlogging, extractable P and soil pH on alpha-diversity: a case study on mesotrophic grasslands in the UK (2011)
Native and alien floras in urban habitats: a comparison across 32 cities of central Europe (2012)
Inferring species networks from gene trees in high-polyploid North American and Hawaiian violets (Viola, Violaceae) (2012)
Taxonomy and distribution of Cerastium pumilum and C. glutinosum in Central Europe (2012)
Viola x palmata L. (Violaceae) new for Austria and Europe (2012)
GIS a jeho využití v botanice (2012)
Life-history traits controlling the survival of Tillaea aquatica: a threatened wetland plant species in intensively managed fishpond landscapes of the Czech Republic (2012)
The species richness–productivity relationship in the herb layer of European deciduous forests (2012)
Dispersal limitation is stronger in communities of microorganisms than macroorganisms across Central European cities (2012)
Checklist of vascular plants of the Czech Republic (2012)
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (2nd edition): checklist update, taxonomic diversity and invasion patterns (2012)
Strošek polopásý (Lappula semicincta) v České republice (2012)
Cotoneaster lucidus Schltdl. (2012)
Distribution, habitat ecology, soil seed bank and seed dispersal of threatened Lindernia procumbens and alien Lindernia dubia (Antirrhinaceae) in the Czech Republic (2012)
Vegetation of the Czech Republic: diversity, ecology, history and dynamics (2012)
Flora and vegetation of the Czech Republic: introduction to special issue dedicated to the centenary of the Czech Botanical Society (2012)
Plant invasions in the Czech Republic: current state, introduction dynamics, invasive species and invaded habitats (2012)
White Carpathian grasslands: can local ecological factors explain their extraordinary species richness? (2012)
High species richness in hemiboreal forests of the northern Russian Altai, southern Siberia (2012)
Czech National Phytosociological Database (2012)
Declining genetic diversity and increasing genetic isolation toward the range periphery of Stipa pennata, a Eurasian Feather Grass (2012)
Herbáře včera, dnes a zítra (2012)
Oak woodland vegetation of Turkey-a first overview based on multivariate statistics (2012)
Poznámky k výskytu zárazy hořčíkové (Orobanche picridis) u Svitav (2012)
Lesostep Jižního Uralu (2012)
Festuca amethystina L. (2012)
Classification of the high-mountain coniferous forests in Taiwan (2012)
Effect of intra-seasonal variability on vegetation data (2012)
Obnova vegetace suchých trávníků v bývalém vápencovém lomu Hády (2012)
Restoration of dry grassland vegetation in the abandoned Hády limestone quarry near Brno (2012)
Obnova druhově bohatého listnatého lesa na deponiích vápencového lomu Mokrá (2012)
Experimental restoration of species-rich deciduous forest on mining deposits in Mokrá limestone quarry (2012)
Estimation of herbaceous biomass from species composition and cover (2012)
Foliar N concentration and d15N signature reflect the herb layer species diversity and composition in oak-dominated forests (2012)
Didaktika přírodopisného učiva ve speciálních a rozšiřujících odborných předmětech na PdF MU (2012)
Invazní rostliny v České republice a jejich vliv na biodiverzitu (2012)
Rodinné stříbro české vegetace: máme u nás něco, co jinde nemají? (2012)
Ekosystémy Sibiře: analogie zaniklé přírody střední Evropy (2012)
Plant species richness-productivity relationships in a low-productive boreal region (2013)
Vliv letnění a manipulace s rybími obsádkami na mokřadní biotu v NPR Lednické rybníky (2011)
Hookeria lucens (2012)
Aneura maxima (2012)
Buxbaumia aphylla (2012)
Callicladium haldanianum (2012)
Heterocladium dimorphum (2012)
Mechorosty v údolí Říčky a na Hádech (2012)
Terénní exkurze bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS – důležitý zdroj poznatků o bryo- a lichenoflóře ČR a SR (2012)
Nová bryologická literatura XXVI (2012)
Botanická fotogalerie a další pomůcky k určování rostlin (2013)
Potentilla x nebulosa (Rosaceae), a new intersectional nothospecies from the Altai Mountains (2013)
Exceptionally poor land snail fauna of central Yakutia (NE Russia): climatic and habitat determinants of species richness (2013)
Where do they come from and where do they go? European natural habitats as donors of invasive alien plants globally (2013)
Výsledky floristického kurzu v Domažlicích 4.-10. července 2010 (2012)
Jak se dělá seznam (2013)
Diversity and biotic homogenization of urban land-snail faunas in relation to habitat types and macroclimate in 32 Central European cities (2013)
Experimental restoration of coppice-with-standards: Response of understorey vegetation from the conservation perspective (2013)
Spatial and temporal patterns of Ellenberg nutrient values in forests of Germany and adjacent regions - a survey based on phytosociological databases (2013)
Floristic-ecological mapping in the Northern Kimberley, Western Australia: Field survey methods and mapping protocols (2013)
Fylogenetická diverzita vegetace velkých evropských měst (2012)
Phylogenetic diversity of urban habitats with different levels of disturbance (2013)
Diversity of european urban vegetation (2011)
Classification of Taiwan forest vegetation (2013)
Environment, vegetation and greenness (NDVI) along the North America and Eurasia Arctic transects (2012)
Corispermum gmelinii Bunge (2013)
Scolymus maculatus L. (2013)
Botanické součty, rozdíly a podíly (2013)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 25. podzimních Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Novohradských horách (2013)
Fylogenetická diverzita vegetace velkých evropských měst (2013)
Distance decay of floristic composition along temperature and moisture gradient in Taiwan (2013)
Vegetace a flóra PR Pod Kamenným vrchem v CHKO Žďárské vrchy (2013)
Příspěvek k poznání bryoflóry západních Krkonoš (2013)
Results of the bryofloristic courses of the Department of Botany, University of South Bohemia, in 2012 and 2013 (2013)
Přírodní památka Domorazské louky (Moravská brána, Česká republika) – mechorosty, cévnaté rostliny a vegetace (2013)
Slatinná louka „Nad Horníkem“ na Velkomeziříčsku – zanikající unikátní hadcový mokřad (2012)
Carex xmoravica (C. caryophyllea x C. fritschii), a new nothospecies identified by morphological and anatomical characters (2013)
Dub balkánský (Quercus frainetto) – nová lokalita na jihozápadní Moravě a zhodnocení výskytu v České republice (2013)
Mezní výskyt teplomilných doubrav v PR Střemošická stráň u Luže na Chrudimsku (2013)
Vřesovec čtyřřadý (Erica tetralix) – novinka v květeně Slavkovského lesa (2013)
Weeds shift from generalist to specialist: narrowing of ecological niches along a north-south gradient (2014)
Diversity of the Western Carpathian flysch grasslands: Do extremely species-rich plant communities coincide with a high diversity of snails? (2014)
Diverzita a biotická homogenizace suchozemských plžů ve vztahu k typům stanovišť a klimatu 32 středoevropských měst (2014)
Patterns of fine-scale species richness across Bulgarian dry grasslands (2013)
Vegetace České republiky 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace (2013)
Towards a consistent classification of European grasslands (2013)
Assessing vegetation change using vegetation-plot databases: a risky business (2014)
Temperate trees and shrubs as global invaders: the relationship between invasiveness and native distribution depends on biological traits (2014)
Wetland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea in central Italy (2013)
The reed die-back syndrome and its implications for floristic and vegetational traits of Phragmitetum australis (2013)
Alien species pools: another determinant of the habitat level of invasion (2013)
Evropské biotopy jako zdroje nepůvodních druhů rostlin (2011)
Which factors are important for plant invasion in the river floodplains? (2011)
European natural habitats as global donors of invasive plants (2012)
Mohou biotopy druhů v primárním areálu ovlivnit jejich invazi v sekundárním areálu? (2012)
Landscape effects on diversity of semi-natural grasslands (2014)
Estimation of species number in different habitat types and ecotones at several spatial scales (2013)
Evolution of sex determination systems with heterogametic males and females in Silene (2013)
Červená kniha květeny jižní části Čech (2013)
How does vegetation sampling in different parts of the growing season influence classification results and analyses of beta-diversity? (2014)
High plant diversity of grasslands in a landscape context: A comparison of contrasting regions in Central Europe (2014)
Nová bryologická literatura XXVIII (2014)
Jestřábník hroznatý (Hieracium racemosum) v České republice (2014)
Landscape classification of the Czech Republic based on the distribution of natural habitats (2014)
Jestřábník okoličnatý (Hieracium umbellatum) v České republice (2014)
Bromus bromoideus (Lej.) Crép. (2014)
Erichloa procera (Retz.) C. E. Hubb. (2014)
Lithospermum arvense agg. (2014)
Unimodal Latitudinal Pattern of Land-Snail Species Richness across Northern Eurasian Lowlands (2014)
Is the proportion of alien species in man-made habitats influenced by city size? (2014)
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R.Tx. 1937 (2014)
GLAMA - Gap Light Analysis Mobile Application (2014)
Habitat invasion research: where vegetation science and invasion ecology meet (2014)
Ecology of Tilia sibirica in a continental hemiboreal forest, southern Siberia: An analogue of a glacial refugium of broad-leaved temperate trees? (2014)
Late Pleniglacial vegetation in eastern-central Europe: are there modern analogues in Siberia? (2014)
Preslia: hundred years of exploring central-European flora and vegetation (2014)
The number of vegetation types in European countries: major determinants and extrapolation to other regions (2014)
Environmental drivers of species composition and richness in dry grasslands of northern and central Bohemia, Czech Republic (2014)
Temperate forests in continental East Asia (2015)
Proč je flóra velkoměst pestrá (2014)
Semi-supervised classification of vegetation: preserving the good old units and searching for new ones (2014)
Reference values for biochemical parameters in blood serum of young and adult alpacas (Vicugna pacos) (2014)
Assessment of selenium status in alpaca (2014)
Polní mokřady Znojemska jako refugium významných a vzácných druhů cévnatých rostlin (2014)
Understanding the extreme species richness of semi-dry grasslands in east-central Europe: a comparative approach (2014)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během podzimních 26. bryologicko-lichenologických dní (2013) v Beskydech (2014)
Ecological and evolutionary significance of genomic GC content diversity in monocots (2014)
From arable land to species-rich semi-natural grasslands: Succession in abandoned fields in a dry region of central Europe (2015)
A Prioritized Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Harvested Plants of Italy (2014)
New occurrence of reed bed decline in southern Europe: Do permanent flooding and chemical parameters play a role? (2014)
Patterns of fine-scale plant species richness in dry grasslands across the eastern Balkan Peninsula. (2015)
Vegetation of Lakes Chiusi and Montepulciano (Siena, central Italy): updated knowledge and new discoveries (2014)
The anArchive taxonomic Checklist for Italian botanical data banking and vegetation analysis: Theoretical basis and advantages (2015)
Vegetation diversity of mesic grasslands (Arrhenatheretalia) in the Iberian Peninsula (2014)
Phylogenetic diversity of central-European urban plant communities: effects of alien species and habitat types (2015)
Alien species pool influences the level of habitat invasion in intercontinental exchange of alien plants (2014)
Native-range habitats of invasive plants: are they similar to invaded-range habitats and do they differ according to the geographical direction of invasion? (2015)
Mid-Holocene bottleneck for central European dry grasslands: Did steppe survive the forest optimum in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic? (2015)
Regional metacommunities in two coastal systems: spatial structure and drivers of plant assemblages (2015)
Vegetation succession in restoration of disturbed sites in Central Europe: the direction of succession and species richness across 19 seres (2014)
Významné mechorosty rašelinišť na Českomoravské vrchovině na prahu 21. století (2014)
Alien plants invade more phylogenetically clustered community types and cause even stronger clustering (2015)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIV. (2015)
Habitats and ecological niches of root-hemiparasitic plants: an assessment based on a large database of vegetation plots (2015)
Naturalization of central European plants in North America: species traits, habitats, propagule pressure, residence time (2015)
Challenging the view that invasive non-native plants are not a significant threat to the floristic diversity of Great Britain (2015)
Modelling fine-resolution plant species richness patterns of grasslands and forests in the Czech Republic (2015)
Fine-resolution patterns of plant species richness across European forests (2015)
High genetic diversity declines towards the geographic range periphery of Adonis vernalis, a Eurasian dry grassland plant (2015)
Botanical Excursions in Moravia (2015)
Is there any ecotone effect on species number in fragmented agricultural landscapes? (2015)
Botanical Excursions in Moravia (2015)
European glacial relict snails and plants: environmental context of their modern refugial occurrence in southern Siberia (2015)
Nález ostřice Davallovy (Carex davalliana) v Lubenském lese na Litomyšlsku a poznámky k vegetaci nové lokality a jejího okolí (2015)
Phylogenetic structure of plant species pools reflects habitat age on the geological time scale (2015)
Vegetation mapping of moss-dominated areas of northern part of James Ross Island (Antarctica) and a suggestion of protective measures (2015)
Borotice (okr. Znojmo) (2015)
Botanical survey and successional changes of vegetation in pools after restoration project in wetland near the Cisarska cave, Moravian Karst (2015)
Is the proportion of alien species in urban habitats influenced by city size? (2015)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 1 (2015)
Funde seltener und gefährdeter Pflanzenarten im Weinviertel (Niederösterreich) (2015)
Ein neuer Fundort der Adria-Riemenzunge (Himantoglossum adriaticum, Orchidaceae) im Weinviertel (Niederösterreich) (2015)
Intercontinental comparison of habitat levels of invasion between temperate North America and Europe (2015)
Contrasting Holocene environmental histories may explain patterns of species richness and rarity in a Central European landscape (2016)
Modelling the Last Glacial Maximum environments for a refugium of Pleistocene biota in the Russian Altai Mountains, SiberiaPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (2015)
A comparative framework for broad-scale plot-based vegetation classification (2015)
Nomenclature adjustments and new syntaxa of the Arctic, alpine and oro-Mediterranean vegetation (2015)
The most species-rich plant communities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with new world records) (2015)
58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science: Understanding broad-scale vegetation patterns. 19–24 July 2015, Brno, Czech Republic. Abstracts (2015)
Reliktní vegetace na mezických stanovištích (2015)
Re-launch of Phytocoenologia: new profile for the classic vegetation ecology journal (2015)
Nelesní vegetace České nížiny: reliktní původ a kulturní transformace (2015)
Květena a vegetace Přírodní památky Dubová stráň u Dačic (2015)
Species richness of vegetation types: fair comparison using standardization to sample completeness rather than sample area (2015)
Lesní vegetace Krumlovského lesa a okolí (2015)
WetVegEurope: a database of aquatic and wetland vegetation of Europe (2015)
Formalized classification of species-poor vegetation: a proposal of a consistent protocol for aquatic vegetation (2015)
Chamaecyparis montane cloud forest in Taiwan: ecology and vegetation classification (2015)
The influence of sex, age and season on the haematological profile of alpacas (Vicugna pacos) in Central Europe (2015)
Pozoruhodné floristické nálezy z nivy Moravy mezi Strážnicí a Kunovicemi (2015)
Poznámky k nálezu zárazy síťnaté (Orobanche reticulata) na Znojemsku (2015)
Na velikosti záleží? Jak velikost sídla ovlivňuje druhové složení vegetace (2015)
Cyto-histological and morpho-physiological responses of common duckweed (Lemna minor L.) to chromium (2016)
Panicum virgatum L. (2015)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu terénních bryologických kurzů Jihočeské Univerzity na Šumavě v roce 2014 (2015)
Nová bryologická literatura, XXIX (2015)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během exkurzí Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Podyjí (duben 2011) (2015)
Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw., Dicranum fulvum Hook., Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw.) D. Mohr, Fissidens pusillus (Wilson) Milde, Pedinophyllum interruptum (Nees) Kaal. (2015)
Mechorosty v Botanické zahradě PřF MU v Brně (2015)
Biotic homogenization of urban floras by alien species: the role of species turnover and richness differences (2016)
Vegetation classification and biogeography of European floodplain forests and alder carrs (2016)
European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots (2016)
A quest for species-level indicator values for disturbance (2016)
Disentangling vegetation diversity from climate-energy and habitat heterogeneity for explaining animal geographic patterns (2016)
How to publish a good journal in plant community ecology? (2016)
Applied Vegetation Science in 2016: the leading journal promoting the application of vegetation science (2016)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXV. (2016)
Nové poznatky o rozšíření a ekologii nelupenaté houby zubatečku zavěšeného (Irpicodon pendulus) na Moravě (2016)
Is phylogenetic diversity a good proxy for functional diversity of plant communities? A case study from urban habitats (2016)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 2 (2016)
Dark side of the fence: ornamental plants as a source of wild-growing flora in the Czech Republic (2016)
Exposure-related forest-steppe: a diverse landscape type determined by topography and climate (2016)
Limonka Gmelinova ( Limonium gmelinii ) na dálnicích České republiky (2016)
Functional trait differences between native and invasive species across six habitats in the Czech Republic (2016)
Ad Additamenta XIII correctiones minores (2016)
Balkan Vegetation Database: historical background, current status and future perspectives (2016)
Persicaria (L.) Mill. (2016)
Measuring size and composition of species pools: a comparison of dark diversity estimates (2016)
Current European policies are unlikely to jointly foster carbon sequestration and protect biodiversity (2016)
Vliv akumulace dusíku na vřesoviště a suché trávníky v Národním parku Podyjí (2016)
Dispersal function of recently planted biocorridors (2016)
Drivers of Central European urban land snail faunas: the role of climate and local species pool in the representation of native and non-native species (2016)
Příspěvek ke květeně Litomyšlska – nálezy v roce 2014 (2016)
Autumn hawkweed (Hieracium sabaudum) in the Czech Republic (2016)
Vegetace Babí skály v údolí Třebůvky u Loštic (2016)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky. 1. (2016)
Effects of settlement size, urban heat island and habitat type on urban plant biodiversity (2017)
Which traits influence the frequency of plant species occurrence in urban habitat types? (2017)
Jak velikost města ovlivňuje druhové složení vegetace? (2016)
Na velikosti záleží? Jak velikost sídla ovlivňuje druhové složení vegetace (2016)
European anthropogenic, semi-natural and natural habitats as sources of naturalized plant species worldwide (2016)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVI. (2016)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 3 (2016)
Laskavec vykrojený (Amaranthus emarginatus) – nový druh květeny České republiky a poznámky k jeho výskytu na Slovensku, v Maďarsku a Rakousku (2016)
Mechy brněnských hřbitovů (2016)
Nová bryologická literatura XXX. (2016)
Regional differences in soil pH niche among dry grassland plants in Eurasia (2017)
The relationship between plant species richness and soil pH vanishes with increasing aridity across Eurasian dry grasslands. (2017)
Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities (2016)
Formalized classification of European fen vegetation at the alliance level (2017)
Za botanickými krásami jižní Kolchidy I. (2017)
Formalized classification of oak-hornbeam forest vegetation in Central and Western Europe: the first insights (2016)
Vegetation of European oak-hornbeam forests – an introduction to the project (2015)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání na Mohelenském mlýně v dubnu 2016 (2016)
Urban ornamental trees: a source of recent invaders? A case study from European city (2016)
Nové poznatky o rozšíření třezalky ozdobné (Hypericum elegans) na Znojemsku (2016)
Bývalá vojenská střelnice v lese Dráby u Vysokého Mýta – zanikající cenná lokalita bazifilních trávníků (2016)
Lappula semicincta (Steven) Popov (2016)
Diversity of beech forest vegetation in the Eastern Alps, Bohemian Massif and the Western Carpathians (2016)
European Red List of Habitats - Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats (2016)
Palaeodistribution modelling of European vegetation types at the Last Glacial Maximum using modern analogues from Siberia: Prospects and limitations (2017)
Field test of canopy cover estimation by hemispherical photographs taken with a smartphone (2016)
The role of vernal species in vegetation classification: a case study on deciduous forests and dry grasslands of Central Europe (2016)
Does succession run towards potential natural vegetation? An analysis across seres (2016)
Introducing the IAVS Vegetation Classification Working Group (2016)
Mapping plant community ecology (2017)
No evidence for larger leaf trait plasticity in ecological generalists compared to specialists (2017)
Root hemiparasitic plants are associated with high diversity in temperate grasslands (2017)
Traits of native and alien plant species in different habitats of the Czech Republic (2017)
Za botanickými krásami jižní Kolchidy II. (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVII. (2017)
Management of semi-natural grasslands benefiting both plant and insect diversity: The importance of heterogeneity and tradition (2017)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 4 (2017)
Kozinec žlábkatý (Astragalus sulcatus) na jižní Moravě (2017)
CLO-PLA: a database of clonal and bud-bank traits of the Central European flora (2017)
Urban ornamental trees: a source of current invaders; a case study from a European City (2017)
Vegetation of oak-hornbeam, scree and ravine forests at lower altitudes in Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine (2017)
Vegetation of low-altitudinal mesophilous forests in south-western Georgia (Colchic Region) (2017)
Open tundra persist, but arctic features decline—Vegetation changes in the warming Fennoscandian tundra (2017)
Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. VIII (440-506) (2016)
Decoupling phylogenetic and functional diversity to reveal hidden signals in community assembly (2017)
Classification of European beech forests: a Gordian Knot? (2017)
Refugial ecosystems in central Asia as indicators of biodiversity change during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (2017)
Flora and vegetation of the Czech Republic (2017)
Physical Geography of the Czech Republic (2017)
History of botanical research in the Czech Republic (2017)
Current vegetation of the Czech Republic (2017)
Plant Invasions in the Czech Republic (2017)
Diversity of lowland haymeadows and pastures inWestern and Central Europe (2017)
Bryophytes on river gravel bars in the Balkan mountains: new records and insights into ecology (2017)
Alien plant invasions in European woodlands (2017)
A higher-level classification of the Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands (Central and Eastern Europe) (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVIII (2017)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání na Pálavě v roce 2017 (2017)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 5 (2017)
Město jako prostředí pro život rostlin (2017)
Alien species pool influences levels of habitat invasion (2017)
Vliv velikosti sídla na druhové složení vegetace (2017)
Antropogenní biotopy Evropy jako zdroj rostlin zdomácnělých ve světě (2017)
Jaké vlastnosti mají rostliny běžné v městských biotopech? (2017)
Vliv klimatu na druhové složení společenstev evropských měst (2017)
Faktory určující biodiverzitu v druhotných, lesům podobných biotopech (2017)
A hemiparasite in the forest understorey: photosynthetic performance and carbon balance of Melampyrum pratense (2018)
Achillea ptarmica (Asteraceae), a scarce and less known species of the Slovak flora (2017)
Naturalization of European plants on other continents: The role of donor habitats (2017)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 2 (2017)
Chřest přeslenitý (Asparagus verticillatus) lokálně zdomácnělý na jižní Moravě (2017)
Nález žebratky bahenní (Hottonia palustris) na Svitavsku (2017)
Cerastium subtetrandrum (2018)
Xanthium albinum subsp. albinum (2018)
Participation of the Czech flora in succession at disturbed sites: quantifying species' colonization ability (2017)
Suppressing competitive dominants and community restoration with native parasitic plants using the hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus and the dominant grass Calamagrostis epigejos (2017)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu podzimních bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Českém ráji (Sedmihorky) v roce 2015 (2017)
Památný nález pcháče krátkohlavého (Cirsium brachycephalum) na Znojemsku (2017)
Mechorosty, cévnaté rostliny a vegetace přírodních rezervací Halvovský potok a Kutaný (Vsetínské vrchy) (2016)
Nová bryologická literatura XXXI. (2017)
Habitat requirements of endangered species in a former coppice of high conservation value (2017)
Recent occurrence of Perotis lugubris (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in the Czech Republic (2017)
Výsledky floristického kurzu České botanické společnosti v Prachaticích (8. 7. – 13. 7. 2012) (2017)
Funde seltener und gefährdeter Pflanzenarten im Weinviertel (Niederösterreich), 2 (2018)
High-resolution and large-extent mapping of plant species richness using vegetation-plot databases (2018)
Effects of disturbance frequency and severity on plant traits: An assessment across a temperate flora (2018)
Glacial refugia and mid-Holocene expansion delineate the current distribution of Castanea sativa in Europe (2018)
Environmental correlates of the Late Quaternary regional extinctions of large and small Palaearctic mammals (2018)
History and environment shape species pools and community diversity in European beech forests (2018)
Mechorosty vybraných skal v CHKO Žďárské vrchy – I (2013)
Forest snail diversity and its environmental predictors along a sharp climatic gradient in southern Siberia (2018)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIX (2018)
Projecting potential future shifts in species composition of European urban plant communities (2018)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 56 (2018)
Distribution of alien animal species richness in the Czech Republic (2018)
Persistence of a vegetation mosaic in a peripheral region: could turbulent medieval history disrupt Holocene continuity of extremely species-rich grasslands? (2018)
Syntaxonomy of oak-hornbeam forests of Central Europe: new insights into old problems. (2018)
The Romanian Grassland Database (RGD): historical background, current status and future perspectives (2018)
Příspěvek k lesní vegetaci Štramberského krasu (2018)
Invaders among locals: Alien species decrease phylogenetic and functional diversity while increasing dissimilarity among native community members (2018)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 6 (2018)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 57 (2018)
Sekundární trávníky a vřesoviště. Úvod (2018)
Early vegetation succession on gravel bars of Czech Carpathian streams (2018)
Informační materiál pro účastníky floristického kurzu České botanické společnosti v Poliččce ve dnech 8. 7.–14. 7. 2018 (2018)
Křídelnice krétská (Pteris cretica) – nová nepůvodní kapradina v České republice (2018)
Relationship between pollen and floristic diversity in the recent lake sediments and moss polsters in Central Europe (2018)
Differential role of a persistent seed bank for genetic variation in early vs. late successional stages (2018)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 7 (2018)
Enthostodon hungaricus – nový druh bryoflóry České republiky (2018)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXX (2018)
Modelling the distribution and compositional variation of plant communities at the continental scale (2018)
Introduction to this special issue on the ecology and evolution of the Carpathian flora (2018)
GrassPlot - a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands (2018)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 3 (2018)
Bryum klinggraeffii, a moss new to Georgia – first record for the Greater Caucasus (2018)
Thesium linophyllon parasitizes and suppresses expansive Calamagrostis epigejos (2018)
Mléč bahenní (Sonchus palustris) na Znojemsku (2018)
Water-stress physiology of Rhinanthus alectorolophus, a root-hemiparasitic plant (2018)
Merging of Pedicularis exaltata and P. hacquetii in the Carpathians: from local history to regional phylogeography based on complex evidence (2018)
Mixotrophy in Land Plants: Why To Stay Green? (2018)
Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in a grassland biodiversity hotspot: Hemiparasitic Rhinanthus major does a better job than increased mowing intensity (2018)
Galium divaricatum Pourr. ex Lam. (Rubiaceae)- a new species for the flora of Ukraine (2018)
A modern analogue of the Pleistocene steppe-tundra ecosystem in southern Siberia (2019)
Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities (2018)
Similarity of introduced plant species to native ones facilitates naturalization, but differences enhance invasion success (2018)
Ellenberg-type indicator values for the Czech flora (2018)
Philip Grime's fourth corner: are there plant species adapted to high disturbance and low productivity? (2018)
Long-term investigations and experimental manipulations: Useful perspectives for applied vegetation studies (2018)
National vegetation classification of the Czech Republic: a summary of the approach (2018)
Genetic diversity and demographic history of the Siberian lime (Tilia sibirica) (2018)
Classification of European and Mediterranean coastal dune vegetation (2018)
Linking biodiversity to ecosystems: A task for plant community ecologists (2018)
Beta-diversity of central European forests decreases along an elevational gradient due to the variation in local community assembly processes (2018)
Plant dispersal strategies: a new classification based on the multiple dispersal modes of individual species (2018)
Diversity of fungi and bacteria in species-rich grasslands increases with plant diversity in shoots but not in roots and soil (2019)
Úvod: Flóra a vegetace antropogenních stanovišť (2018)
Diverzita rostlinných společenstev evropských měst (2018)
Nález hořčíku jestřábníkovitého velkoúborného (Picris hieracioides subsp. umbellata) v NPR Porážky (Bílé Karpaty) a poznámky k jeho výskytu v České republice (2018)
Co nám půda říká o minulosti naší krajiny (2018)
Vzdálená blízká Středoruská vysočina (2018)
XV. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2018)
Classifying Subtropical Forests of South Africa: Data Sources and Methods (2018)
Forest Classification: Data-Analytical Experiments on Vertical Forest Layering and Flattened Data (2018)
Classification of the Albany Coastal Forests (2018)
Classification of Pondoland Scarp Forests (2018)
Classification of the Eastern Scarp Forests (2018)
Comparative research of photosynthetic processes in selected poikilohydric organisms from Mediterranean and CentralEuropean alpine habitats (2018)
Segetal plant communities of traditional agroecosystems: a phytosociological survey in central Italy (2019)
Joint optimization of cluster number and abundance transformation for obtaining effective vegetation classifications (2018)
Formalized classification of semi-dry grasslands in central and eastern Europe (2019)
GRIMP: A machine-learning method for improving groups of discriminating species in expert systems for vegetation classification (2019)
Applied vegetation science addresses emerging global issues (2019)
Hyrcanian forest vegetation database (2019)
Plant distribution data for the Czech Republic integrated in the Pladias database (2019)
Progress in vegetation science: Trends over the past three decades and new horizons (2019)
Genome sizes and genomic guanine+cytosine (GC) contents of the Czech vascular flora with new estimates for 1700 species (2019)
Conservation of the Mediterranean coastal pine woodlands: How can management support biodiversity? (2019)
Srovnání vegetace říčních náplavů Labe s dalšími řekami napříč Českou republikou (2019)
Mech Fissidens crassipes v České republice a na Slovensku (2019)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXI (2019)
Rozrazil hořcovitý (Veronica gentianoides), zapomenutý adventivní druh české květeny (2019)
První nález včelníku drobnokvětého (Dracocephalum parviflorum) v České republice (2019)
Josef Podpěra (1878–1954): osudy přírodovědce v neklidných dobách (2019)
Euphorbia subgen. Chamaesyce (E. humifusa, E. maculata a E. prostrata) (2019)
Alpha diversity of vascular plants in European forests (2019)
Oak-hornbeam forests from the European perspective – Currently recognized alliances, a faithful mirror of their floristic variability? (2019)
Dry grassland vegetation in the Transcarpathian Lowland (western Ukraine) (2019)
Biogeografie druhové diverzity rostlinných společenstev (2019)
Klíč ke květeně České republiky (2019)
CircumMed Pine Forest Database: an electronic archive for Mediterranean and Submediterranean pine forest vegetation data (2019)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 8 (2019)
Herbář Masarykovy univerzity jako zdroj informací o biodiverzitě: BRNU goes to GBIF (2019)
The type of nutrient limitation affects the plant species richness-productivity relationship: Evidence from dry grasslands across Eurasia (2019)
The ratio between bryophyte functional groups impacts vascular plants in rich fens (2019)
The Last Glacial and Holocene history of mountain woodlands in the southern part of the Western Carpathians, with emphasis on the spread of Fagus sylvatica (2020)
Similar responses of native and alien floras in European cities to climate (2019)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXII (2019)
Making them visible and usable - vegetation-plot observations from Fennoscandia based on historical species-quantity scales (2019)
Secondary grasslands and heathlands. Introduction (2019)
Ancient refugia and present-day habitat suitability of native laurophylls in Italy (2019)
Proposals (23–25): to conserve the names Galio-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957, Lithospermo-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957 and Stellario-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957 (2019)
Soil charcoal elucidates the role of humans in the development of landscape of extreme biodiversity (2019)
Gradients, species richness and biogeographical links of steppe grasslands in Western Podolia (Ukraine) (2019)
Relative pollen productivity estimates for vegetation reconstruction in central-eastern Europe inferred at local and regional scales (2019)
Report of new maxima of fine-scale vascular plant species richness recorded in East-Central European semi-dry grasslands (2019)
Dva starší nepublikované nálezy pabourovců (Lemonia spp.) (Brahmaeidae, Lepidoptera) na česko-moravském pomezí (2019)
Comeback středoevropské lesostepi (2019)
New data on distribution of the endangered species Viola jooi (Violaceae) in Ukraine (2019)
First record of Festuca amethystina L. from the Transylvanian Basin (Romania) (2019)
Ecology and syntaxonomy of Colchic forests in south-western Georgia (Caucasus region) (2019)
Characteristics, Main Impacts, and Stewardship of Natural and Artificial Freshwater Environments: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation (2020)
Diversity loss in grasslands due to the increasing dominance of alien and native competitive herbs (2019)
Red List of Habitats of the Czech Republic (2019)
Phylogenetic diversity patterns in forests of a putative refugial area in Greece: A community level analysis (2019)
Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases (2019)
Probabilistic key for identifying vegetation types in the field: A new method and Android application (2019)
Ecological Specialization Indices for species of the Czech flora (2019)
Podpěrovské inspirace v botanice (2019)
Stepi západní Ukrajiny (2019)
Poznámky k rozšíření a ekologii mokrýše vstřícnolistého (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium) na východním okraji areálu (2019)
sPlot - A new tool for global vegetation analyses (2019)
TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access (2020)
XVI. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2019)
Abrupt vegetation and environmental change since the MIS 2: A unique paleorecord from Slovakia (Central Europe) (2020)
XVII. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2020)
Similar factors underlie tree abundance in forests in native and alien ranges (2020)
DNA barcoding as a tool for early warning and monitoring alien duckweeds (Lemna the case of Central Italy (2019)
Holocene matters: Landscape history accounts for current species richness of vascular plants in forests and grasslands of eastern Central Europe (2020)
Global overview of plot-based vegetation classification approaches (2018)
GrassPlot v. 2.00 – first update on the database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands (2019)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS na Horažďovicku (duben 2018) (2019)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 26. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS na Zlatohorsku v dubnu 2019 (2019)
Can relict-rich communities be of an anthropogenic origin? Palaeoecological insight into conservation strategy for endangered Carpathian travertine fens (2020)
Habitat extremity and conservation management stabilise endangered calcareous fens in a changing world (2020)
Editors' Award, experimental approaches, functional traits and ecoinformatics (2012)
Editors' Award, vegetation survey, remote sensing and restoration (2012)
Oak-hornbeam forests of central Europe: a formalized classification and syntaxonomic revision (2020)
Silver Jubilee of the journal and complexity of global change (2014)
Habitats of Pleistocene megaherbivores reconstructed from the frozen fauna remains (2020)
Classification of the Hyrcanian forest vegetation, Northern Iran (2020)
Applied Vegetation Science in 2020: Editorial (2020)
Thirty years of the Journal of Vegetation Science (2020)
European Boreal Forest Vegetation Database (2020)
Identification and age-dependence of pteridines in bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and bat bugs (C. pipistrelli) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2020)
European Weed Vegetation Database - a gap-focused vegetation-plot database (2020)
Classification of the European marsh vegetation (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) to the association level (2020)
Linking Plant Functional Ecology to Island Biogeography (2020)
Natural habitat and vegetation types of river gravel bars in the Caucasus Mountains, Georgia (2020)
Transfer of scientific knowledge to practitioners: Do we need a reform of the journal policy? (2014)
Functional types, climatic change and species richness (2013)
Applied Vegetation Science enters its 20th year (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIII (2020)
Is variable plot size a serious constraint in broad–scale vegetation studies? A case study on fens (2020)
Towards the pan-European bioindication system: Assessing and testing updated hydrological indicator values for vascular plants and bryophytes in mires (2020)
Národní park Lagodekhi - za lesy Východního Kavkazu (2020)
The hybrid between Doronicum hungaricum and Doronicum orientale: rare or overlooked? (2020)
Public attitudes toward biodiversity friendly greenspace management in Europe (2020)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 9 (2020)
Calcicolous rock-outcrop lime forests of east-central Europe (2020)
Dysphania pumilio (R. Br.) Mosyakin & Clemants (≡ Chenopodium pumilio R. Br.) (2020)
Euphorbia davidii Subils (2020)
Salvia reflexa Hornem. (2020)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 4 (2020)
Vegetation affinity of the moss species Meesia triquetra, Paludella squarrosa, Pseudocalliergon trifarium and Scorpidium scorpioides across European regions (2020)
Formerly coppiced old growth stands act as refugia of threatened biodiversity in a managed steppic oak forest (2020)
Očekávané dopady vybraných typů opatření na hydrologii, hydromorfologii a biotu vodních toků (2020)
Soil moisture and a legacy of prehistoric human activities have contributed to the extraordinary plant species diversity of grasslands in the White Carpathians (2020)
Western-Carpathian mountain spruce woodlands at their southern margin: natural or anthropogenic origin? (2020)
Weather fluctuations drive short-term dynamics and long-term stability in plant communities: A 25-year study in a Central European dry grassland (2020)
Native parasitic plants: Biological control for plant invasions? (2020)
Alien flora across European coastal dunes (2020)
Testing macroecological abundance patterns: The relationship between local abundance and range size, range position and climatic suitability among European vascular plants (2020)
Červený seznam biotopů České republiky (2020)
Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale (2020)
Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year-to-year asynchrony (2020)
An Updated Checklist of the Sicilian Native Edible Plants: Preserving the Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Century-Old Agro-Pastoral Landscapes (2020)
Robinia pseudoacacia-dominated vegetation types of Southern Europe: Species composition, history, distribution and management. (2020)
Conservation targets from the perspective of a palaeoecological reconstruction: the case study of Dářko peat bog in the Czech Republic. (2020)
Colonisation dynamic and diversity patterns of Holocene forest snail fauna across temperate Europe: The imprint of palaeoclimate changes (2020)
The relationship between epixylic bryophyte communities and microclimate (2020)
Ability of plant species to colonise human-disturbed habitats: Role of phylogeny and functional traits (2021)
Contrasting Environmental Drivers Determine Biodiversity Patterns in Epiphytic Lichen Communities along a European Gradient (2020)
59. Floristický kurz České botanické společnosti (2020)
A novel dataset of permanent plots in extremely species-rich temperate grasslands (2020)
Environmental drivers of Sphagnum growth in peatlands across the Holarctic region (2021)
EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats (2020)
Poloparazitické rostliny ve středoevropské krajině: indikátory biodiverzity a ekologičtí inženýři (2020)
Natural forests of Pinus pinea in western Turkey: a priority for conservation (2020)
Optimal transformation of species cover for vegetation classification (2020)
Contrasting Impacts of Cultivated Exotics on the Functional Diversity of Domestic Gardens in Three Regions with Different Aridity (2021)
Macroevolutionary patterns in European vegetation (2021)
Which landscape and abiotic site factors influence vegetation succession across seres at a country scale? (2021)
High fungal substrate specificity limits the utility of environmental DNA to detect fungal diversity in bogs (2021)
Determination of habitat requirements of the glacial relict Nuphar pumila as basis for successful (re-)introductions (2020)
Central-European vegetation types and their optima along successional gradient (2020)
The effect of soil and plant material transplants on vegetation and soil biota during forest restoration in a limestone quarry: A case study (2020)
Taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional composition and homogenization of residential yard vegetation with contrasting management (2020)
Nález zvonovce liliolistého (Adenophora liliifolia) u Žehuně ve středním Polabí po 75 letech (2020)
Vegetation of the European mountain river gravel bars: A formalized classification (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIV (2020)
Conservation status of Italian coastal dune habitats in the light of the 4th Monitoring Report (92/43/EEC Habitats Directive) (2020)
Společenstvo vysokých ostřic s dominantní Carex buxbaumii na Hrabanovské černavě (2020)
Nejstarší nálezy bolševníku velkolepého (Heracleum mantegazzianum) v Čechách (2020)
Ořechokřídlec klandonský (Caryopteris ×clandonensis) zplanělý na Brněnsku (2020)
Liliová hora u Lulče na Vyškovsku – významná lokalita teplomilné flóry a vegetace (2020)
Interesting records of rare bryophytes in old fen deposits 3 (2020)
A European map of groundwater pH and calcium (2021)
Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation (2021)
Classification of the Mediterranean lowland to submontane pine forest vegetation (2021)
Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 12 (2020)
Parasites on parasites: hyper-, epi-, and autoparasitism among flowering plants (2021)
Ecology and vegetation types of oak-hornbeam and ravine forests of the Eastern Greater Caucasus, Georgia (2020)
The biogeography of alien plant invasions in the Mediterranean Basin (2021)
Neophyte invasions in European grasslands (2021)
Ecology and Genetics of Cyperus fuscus in Central Europe—A Model for Ephemeral Wetland Plant Research and Conservation (2021)
Land snail community patterns related to regional habitat conservation status of European spring fens (2021)
Plant functional and taxonomic diversity in European grasslands along climatic gradients (2021)
Implementing the formal language of the vegetation classification expert systems (ESy) in the statistical computing environment R (2021)
The relationship between niche breadth and range size of beech (Fagus) species worldwide (2021)
Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe's alien and native floras (2021)
Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in Mediterranean Turkey (2021)
Plant taxonomic and phylogenetic turnover increases toward climatic extremes and depends on historical factors in European beech forests (2021)
Climate and socio-economic factors explain differences between observed and expected naturalization patterns of European plants around the world (2021)
Phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation (2021)
Different sets of traits explain abundance and distribution patterns of European plants at different spatial scales (2021)
Global patterns and drivers of alpine plant species richness (2021)
Mapping species richness of plant families in European vegetation (2021)
Alien plant invasion hotspots and invasion debt in European woodlands (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXV (2021)
Historické a současné rozšíření plešivky fialové (Calvatia fragilis) v České republice a poznámky k její ekologii (2021)
Paběrky z moravskoslezských rudišť I: lnice vonná (Linaria odora) a silenka východní (Silene csereii) (2021)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 10 (2021)
A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems (2021)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 5 (2021)
Acceptance of near-natural greenspace management relates to ecological and socio-cultural assigned values among European urbanites (2021)
Holocentric plants are more competitive under higher UV-B doses (2022)
Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats (2021)
Vladimír Řehořek (1933-2021). Botanický polyhistor a životní optimista. (2021)
Vladimír Řehořek (1933-2021). Botanický polyhistor a životní optimista. (2021)
Plant hunting: exploring the behaviour of amateur botanists in the field (2021)
Alien plant invasions in Mediterranean habitats: an assessment for Sicily (2021)
Plant trait filtering is stronger in the herb layer than in the tree layer in Greek mountain forests (2021)
What defines insularity for plants in edaphic islands? (2021)
The leaf economic and plant size spectra of European forest understory vegetation (2021)
sPlotOpen - An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots (2021)
Spring water table depth mediates within-site variation of soil temperature in groundwater-fed mires (2021)
Thermophilous oak forests in Slovakia: classification of vegetation and an expert system (2021)
Tetraploids expanded beyond the mountain niche of their diploid ancestors in the mixed-ploidy grass Festuca amethystina L. (2021)
Holocene plant diversity dynamics show a distinct biogeographical pattern in temperate Europe (2021)
A recent find of Ophrys insectifera (Orchidaceae) in Ukraine – will it survive another 100 years? (2021)
Mycorrhizal status is a poor predictor of the distribution of herbaceous species along the gradient of soil nutrient availability in coastal and grassland habitats (2021)
Phylogenetic structure of alien plant species pools from European donor habitats (2021)
Remarks on spring vegetation (the Montio-Cardaminetea class) in the Republic of North Macedonia (2021)
Drepanocladus lycopodioides rediscovered in the Czech Republic: Abandoned quarries as refugia for endangered fen species (2021)
Update on maxima of fine-scale vascular plant species richness in a Transylvanian steppe meadow (2021)
Restoration of rare bryophytes in degraded rich fens: The effect of sod-and-moss removal (2021)
Výsledky floristického kurzu České botanické společnosti v Plasích 7.–13. července 2019 (2021)
Carpinus orientalis forests in Georgian Colchis: First insights (2021)
Facebook groups as citizen science tools for plant species monitoring (2021)
Abundance and diversity of edible wild plants in managed boreal forests (2021)
Gradients, species richness and communities in eastern Finnish sloping fens (2021)
Land snail assemblages as indicators of regional habitat conservation status of European spring fens. (2021)
Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community diversity across the continental USA (2021)
Syntaxonomy and biogeography of the Irano-Turanian mires and springs (2021)
Post-glacial determinants of regional species pools in alpine grasslands (2021)
Life-form diversity across temperate deciduous forests of Western Eurasia: A different story in the understory (2021)
Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species (2021)
Variability and classification of Carpathian calcium-rich fens: breaking the state borders (2021)
The vegetation of rich fens (Sphagno warnstorfii-Tomentypnion nitentis) at the southeastern margins of their European range (2021)
Shedding light on typical species: implications for habitat monitoring (2021)
Ecosystem state assessment after more than 100 years since planting for dune consolidation (2021)
Long-term continuity of steppe grasslands in eastern Central Europe: Evidence from species distribution patterns and chloroplast haplotypes (2021)
The bright side of parasitic plants: what are they good for? (2021)
Linking insect herbivory with plant traits: Phylogenetically structured trait syndromes matter (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVI (2021)
Rising temperature modulates pH niches of fen species (2022)
XVIII. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tematikou (2021)
Scale dependence of species-area relationships is widespread but generally weak in Palaearctic grasslands (2021)
Lignikolné huby NPR Žákova hora (2021)
Fine-grain beta diversity of Palaearctic grassland vegetation (2021)
Paběrky z moravskoslezských rudišť II: hrachor řídkokvětý (Lathyrus laxiflorus), silenka přímá (Silene stricta) a několik oprav (2021)
Climate warming and extended droughts drive establishment and growth dynamics in temperate grassland plants (2022)
Shoot: root ratio of seedlings is associated with species niche on soil moisture gradient (2022)
The long history of rich fens supports persistence of plant and snail habitat specialists (2022)
Calcicolous rock-outcrop lime forests in the Cantabrian Mountains and the Western Pyrenees (2022)
LOTVS : a global collection of permanent vegetation plots (2022)
Insularity promotes plant persistence strategies in edaphic island systems (2022)
Ecological niche divergence between extant and glacial land snail populations explained (2022)
Závěrečná výzkumná zpráva projektu TITSMZP707 - Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma (2022)
Výsledek projektu TITSMZP707 –Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma: Hkonc - výsledky promítnuté do schválených strategických a koncepčních dokumentů VaVaI orgánů státní nebo veřejné správy (2021)
Niche and geographical expansions of North American trees and tall shrubs in Europe (2022)
Relevant habitats neglected by the Directive 92/43 EEC: the contribution of Vegetation Science for their reappraisal in Sicily (2021)
Euro plus Med-Checklist Notulae, 14 (2021)
New testate amoeba-based transfer functions for palaeoecological reconstructions in East-Central Europe (2022)
Vegetation science during hectic times (2021)
Applied Vegetation Science: Editorial 2021 (2021)
Závěrečný diskuzní seminář projektu TITSMZP707 programu BETA II na téma Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma (2021)
Tall herb-rich steppe in the peri-Carpathian region of Ukraine and Romania (2022)
Holocene history of the landscape at the biogeographical and cultural crossroads between Central and Eastern Europe (Western Podillia, Ukraine) (2022)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVII (2022)
Conservation and restoration of Central European fens by mowing: A consensus from 20 years of experimental work (2022)
Ecology of testate amoebae along an environmental gradient from bogs to calcareous fens in East-Central Europe: development of transfer functions for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions (2022)
Hodnocení biodiverzity mokřadních společenstev po realizaci alternativních managementových opatření na stanovištích lučních mokřadů (2022)
Managementová opatření a hodnocení jejich dopadu na biodiverzitu lučního mokřadu (2022)
Zamrzlé safari (2022)
Two sides of one medal: Arable weed vegetation of Europe in phytosociological data compared to agronomical weed surveys (2022)
Halophytic flora and vegetation in southern Moravia and northern Lower Austria: past and present (2022)
AgriWeedClim database: A repository of vegetation plot data from Central European arable habitats over 100 years (2022)
The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications (2022)
Drivers of spontaneous and cultivated species diversity in the tropical city of Zhanjiang, China (2022)
Central European forest-steppe: An ecosystem shaped by climate, topography and disturbances (2022)
Substrate associated biogeographical patterns in the north-western Pannonian forest-steppe (2022)
Classification of European bog vegetation of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class (2022)
The Temperate Deciduous Forests of the Northern Hemisphere. A review (2022)
Pladias platform: Technical description of the database structure (2022)
The effect of niche filtering on plant species abundance in temperate grassland communities (2022)
Alien plants tend to occur in species-poor communities (2022)
Collaboration networks and hot topics in the Journal of Vegetation Science (2022)
Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe (2022)
Restoration and management of plant communities in Applied Vegetation Science (2022)
New floristic records in the Balkans: 46 (2021)
Metodika druhové ochrany hub (2022)
Quercetea pubescentis (2021)
Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae (2021)
Rastlinné spoločenstvá Slovenska. 6. Vegetácia lesov a krovín. (2021)
A Revised Phylogenetic Classification for Viola (Violaceae) (2022)
Hlaváček letní, rostlina roku 2022, a jeho příbuzní (2022)
Ruderals naturalize, competitors invade: Varying roles of plant adaptive strategies along the invasion continuum (2022)
Ecotones in Central European forest-steppe: Edge effect occurs on hard rocks but not on loess (2022)
Sticking around: Plant persistence strategies on edaphic islands (2022)
Global patterns of vascular plant alpha diversity (2022)
Functional rarity and evolutionary uniqueness of threatened species across different scales and habitats in a Central European flora (2022)
Urban plant diversity in Kazakhstan: Effects of habitat type, city size and macroclimate (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 6 (2022)
Spatial scaling of pollen-plant diversity relationship in landscapes with contrasting diversity patterns (2022)
Climatic filtering and temporal instability shape the phylogenetic diversity of European alpine floras (2022)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 11 (2022)
Transcaucasian Vegetation Database – current state and basic analyses (2022)
Stáří vybraných rašelinišť na Českomoravské vrchovině (2022)
The nature of dispersal barriers and their impact on regional species pool richness and turnover (2022)
Obnova zaniklých slanisk u Šakvic na jižní Moravě (2021)
Origin of the central European steppe flora: insights from palaeodistribution modelling and migration simulations (2022)
Hygrophorus roseodiscoideus Bon & Chevassut: epitypification and updated biogeography of a poorly known but widespread thermophilous species (2022)
Medium-term changes of vegetation composition on fens of the rural landscape, tested using fixed permanent plots (2022)
Vít Grulich (1956–2022) – botanik, učitel, ochranář, cestovatel a popularizátor (2022)
Disturbance indicator values for European plants (2023)
Can Sphagnum removal reverse the undesired succession of rich fens under different alkalinity and fertility levels? (2022)
Compositional variation of endangered spring fen biota reflects within-site variation in soil temperature (2023)
Addition of fungal inoculum increases germination of orchid seeds in restored grasslands (2022)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVIII (2022)
Výskyt mechu Meesia uliginosa s. str. v glaciálním sedimentu na Českomoravské vrchovině (2022)
Perloočky a veslonôžky v neprodukčných biotopech na južnej Morave: porovnanie poľných rozlivov a novovybudovaných mokradí. (2022)
Společenstva vodních bezobratlých v ohrožených biotopech vysychavých polních rozlivů a jejich dynamika (2022)
Vysychavé polní mokřady na jižní Moravě: jedinečné ostrovy života v zemědělské krajině (2022)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 27. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Bílých Karpatech (2022)
Geastrum britannicum – nový druh české mykobioty (2022)
Spatial and temporal extents of natural disturbances differentiate deadwood-inhabiting fungal communities in spruce primary forest ecosystems (2022)
Hygrocybe laeta (voskovka veselá) (2022)
Ionomidotis irregularis (ušinka nepravidelná) (2022)
Protected species in grassland habitats of Ukraine (2022)
Approaching a revolution in hemiparasitic plant biology? A commentary on 'Distinguishing carbon gains from photosynthesis and heterotrophy in C-3-hemiparasite-C-3-host-pairs' Comment (2022)
Znovu o pozoruhodné bryologické lokalitě Ondrášova skála v Moravskoslezských Beskydech (2022)
Obnova botanické výuky a výzkumu po roce 1989 a spojení s Katedrou zoologie a ekologie (1990-2005) (2022)
Výzkum vegetace (1990-2022) (2022)
Ekologie rašelinišť (2006-2022) (2022)
Ústavní herbář - herbář Masarykovy univerzity - stoletá sbírka v novém tisíciletí (2022)
Wealth and land use drive the distribution of urban green space in the tropical coastal city of Haikou, China (2022)
XIX. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tématikou (2022)
Observation of a longtime unobserved positive establishment of European Habitat Type 6510-grasslands in N-W Germany (2022)
Ecological niches of nitrogen-fixers and parasitic plants in Europe (2022)
Plant clonality in a soil-impoverished open ecosystem: insights from southwest Australian shrublands (2022)
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (3rd edition): species richness, status, distributions, habitats, regional invasion levels, introduction pathways and impacts (2022)
Three species new to the moss flora of Alaska (2022)
Trends in geographic and gender balance among authors (2023)
Classification, ecological differentiation, and conservation value of Pontic sandy grasslands in the Southern Buh River Basin (Ukraine) (2022)
Vít Grulich (1956-2022) - botanik, učitel, ochranář, cestovatel a popularizátor (2022)
The benefits of publishing in society-owned scientific journals (2023)
Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species (2023)
Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus - a new member of the bryoflora of Georgia (South Caucasus) (2022)
Transformation of West-Carpathian primeval woodlands into high-altitude grasslands from as early as the Bronze Age (2023)
A Matter of Metals: Copper but Not Cadmium Affects the Microbial Alpha-Diversity of Soils and Sediments — a Meta-analysis (2023)
Trait hypervolumes based on natural history collections can detect ecological strategies that are distinct to biogeographic regions (2023)
Kostival hlíznatý úzkolistý (Symphytum tuberosum subsp. angustifolium) ve východních Čechách (2022)
Climate-trait relationships exhibit strong habitat specificity in plant communities across Europe (2023)
The Ecological Integrity of Spring Ecosystems: A Global Review (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Soil erosion rates during the Holocene continuity in a forest-steppe landscape (2023)
Subalpine vegetation changes in the Eastern Sudetes (1973-2021): Effects of abandonment, conservation management and avalanches (2023)
Classification of European oak-hornbeam forests and related vegetation types (2023)
Terénní metodika sběru dat (2022)
Rozvoj struktur a prostředí databáze BioLib (2022)
Obecný model zpracování terénních šetření, jejich ověření a předání do NDOP (nálezové databáze ochrany přírody) (2022)
Návrh kategorizace managementových opatření (2022)
Vlajkové druhy lučních mokřadů: jak jim můžeme pomoci? (2021)
Cyphelloporia bialoviesensis (Fungi, Agaricales)—a new genus and species for a giant cyphelloid fungus from Białowieża virgin forest in Poland (2023)
Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0 (2023)
Neophyte invasions in European heathlands and scrub (2023)
Phylogenetic diversity is a weak proxy for functional diversity but they are complementary in explaining community assembly patterns in temperate vegetation (2023)
The class Adiantetea in Georgia: a rare relict fern community in the South Caucasus (2024)
Zelkova habrolistá - pamětnice třetihor pod Kavkazem (2023)
The future of carbon storage in calcareous fens depends on the balance between groundwater discharge and air temperature (2023)
Seed dispersal distance classes and dispersal modes for the European flora (2023)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIX (2023)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 7 (2023)
Vegetation change in acidic dry grasslands in Moravia (Czech Republic) over three decades: Slow decrease in habitat quality after grazing cessation (2023)
East-Central Europe. Central Europe - Poland to Carpathian Ukraine (2023)
Bulgaria (2023)
XX. Studentská konference s biologickou, ekologickou a geologickou tematikou (2023)
Alien plant invasion across coastal dunes of Ukraine (2023)
Growth, physiology, and stomatal parameters of plant polyploids grown under ice age, present-day, and future CO2 concentrations (2023)
Seasonal beta-diversity of dry grassland vegetation: Divergent peaks of above-ground biomass and species richness (2023)
Plant communities with the dominant Elaeagnus angustifolia in Ukraine: classification and distribution (2023)
Do threatened species occur in species-rich vegetation? (2023)
Early Jurassic silicified woods from Carapace Nunatak, South Victoria Land, Antarctica (2023)
Decoupled functional and phylogenetic diversity provide complementary information about community assembly mechanisms: A case study of Greek forests (2023)
Drivers of plant community (in)stability along a sea-inland gradient (2023)
The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome – the poorly known sister species of Capsella (2023)
An integrated leaf trait analysis of two Paleogene leaf floras (2023)
Mechový herbář Kamila Rybníčka: ztracený a znovunalezený pramen k bryoflóře bývalého Československa. 1. Reliktní hnědé mechy (2023)
Above- and belowground traits along a stress gradient: trade-off or not? (2023)
Ecology meets archaeology: Past, present and future vegetation-derived ecosystems services from the Nuragic Sardinia (1700-580 BCE) (2023)
The role of paleogeography in Asian monsoon evolution: a review and new insights from climate modelling (2023)
Sampling strategy matters to accurately estimate response curves' parameters in species distribution models (2023)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 12 (2023)
The relationship between spectral and plant diversity: Disentangling the influence of metrics and habitat types at the landscape scale (2023)
Habitat-based biodiversity responses to macroclimate and edaphic factors in European fen ecosystems (2023)
Is there a massive glacial-Holocene flora continuity in Central Europe? (2023)
Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability across different biomes (2023)
The colonial legacy of herbaria (2023)
Traits of dominant plant species drive normalized difference vegetation index in grasslands globally (2023)
Formalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe: towards a consistent typology of spring vegetation (2023)
A complex insight into the Late Quaternary history of Bohemian‑Moravian Highlands summit (2023)
Pronounced turnover of vascular plant species in Central European arable fields over 90 years (2024)
High-resolution ecosystem changes pacing the millennial climate variability at the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in NE-Italy (2023)
EXPERT - een algoritme om vegetatieopnamen toe te delen aan plantengemeenschappen (2023)
Transcaucasian Vegetation Database - a phytosociological database of the Southern Caucasus (2023)
The role of livestock grazing in long-term vegetation changes in coastal dunes: a case study from the Netherlands (2023)
Unerwartete Zunahme des FFH-Lebensraumtyps 6510 „Magere Flachland Mähwiesen“ im Auengrünland der Mittleren Wümme (2023)
Flóra a vegetace Židlochovic (2023)
Zámecký park (2023)
Ruderal vegetation of Kyiv City. II. Class Artemisietea vulgaris (2023)
Biodiversity surveys of grassland and coastal habitats in 2021 as a documentation of pre-war status in southern Ukraine (2023)
Využití poloparazitických rostlin pro potlačování invazních a expanzivních druhů (2023)
Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in central and eastern Euxine Turkey and SW Georgia (2023)
Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 16 (2023)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XL (2023)
Mycena laevigata (Fungi, Agaricales) in the heart of Central Europe – a prominent species of old-growth forests (2023)
First record of earth tongue Hemileucoglossum pusillum (Geoglossales) in the Czech Republic. (2023)
Lewinskya affinis var. bohemica - new epiphytic moss in the bryoflora of Germany (2020)
Decoupled phylogenetic and functional diversity in European grasslands (2023)
Hydnellum gracilipes: nový druh pro Českou republiku (2024)
Regionální směsi osiv jako nástroj pro podporu druhové pestrosti v krajině (2023)
Kakost rozkladitý (Geranium divaricatum) dosud roste v Třebíči (2023)
Classification of dry grasslands of the Berda River Valley (Ukraine) (2023)
Diversity and distribution of Raunkiær's life forms in European vegetation (2024)
Towards more reproducibility in vegetation research (2024)
Reflecting on two and a half decades of restoration ecology in Applied Vegetation Science (1998-2023) (2024)
Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0 (2024)
Flora of the city of Brno, Czech Republic (2024)
Achillea (2023)
Significant decline in habitat specialists in semi-dry grasslands over four decades (2024)
Blechnum spicant (Blechnaceae) in the Ukrainian flora (2023)
Evaluating plant lineage losses and gains in temperate forest understories: a phylogenetic perspective on climate change and nitrogen deposition (2024)
Alluvial alder forests of the Greater Caucasus, Georgia: ecology, habitats and variability (2023)
Climate regulation processes are linked to the functional composition of plant communities in European forests, shrublands, and grasslands (2024)
Structural, ecological and biogeographical attributes of European vegetation alliances (2024)
Dynamics of the Czech flora over the last 60 years: Winners, losers and causes of changes (2024)
Root hemiparasites suppress invasive alien clonal plants: evidence from a cultivation experiment (2024)
Alpine and subalpine acidophilous vegetation on the eastern side of the Chiprovska Planina Mts. (2023)
Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe: current hotspots and future scenarios (2024)
Subalpine tall-herb vegetation in Bulgaria: diversity and ecology (2024)
Poaceae Barnhart - lipnicovité, trávy (2024)
Stipa L. - kavyl (2024)
Alopecurus L. - psárka (2024)
Bromus L. - sveřep (2024)
Hordeum L. - ječmen (2024)
Microhabitat diversity - A crucial factor shaping macrofungal communities and morphological trait expression in dead wood (2024)
Alpine travellers in the Carpathians: The story of two rock-dwelling snails told by genes and fossils (2024)
Vliv frekvence a způsobu seče na druhovou diverzitu cévnatých rostlin v suchých trávnících (2024)
Méně kosení, méně diverzity: vliv frekvence kosení na suché trávníky na jižní Moravě. Helena Chytrá (MUNI) (2024)
Méně kosení, méně diverzity: vliv frekvence kosení na vegetaci suchých trávníků na jižní Moravě (2024)
Weak phylogenetic effect on specialist plant assemblages and their persistence on habitat islands (2024)
Measuring plant functional specialization in urban environments with Grime's CSR strategies (2024)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 8 (2024)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XLI (2024)
Native root hemiparasites form haustorial attachments with multiple invasive and expansive species (2024)
Alien plants of Europe: an overview of national and regional inventories (2024)
Floristic classification of <i>Geranion sanguinei</i> in South Moravia (Czech Republic) (2024)
ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe (2024)
Proposal (36) to conserve the name Philonotidion seriatae Hinterlang 1992 for the species-poor, bryophyte-dominated, non-calcareous arcticalpine spring vegetation of Europe (2024)
Nomenclatural revision of the syntaxa of European coastal dune vegetation (2024)
The current state of relic rocky grasslands with Sesleria tatrae and Calamagrostis varia in the Eastern Sudetes (Śnieżnik Massif, SW Poland) (2024)
Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in Carpathian mountain grasslands by mowing and application of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus (2024)
Dry grasslands and thorn-cushion communities of Armenia: a first syntaxonomic classification (2024)
A novel method to estimate the response of habitat types to nitrogen deposition (2024)
Cities Shape the Diversity and Spread of Nonnative Species (2024)
FloraVeg.EU - An online database of European vegetation, habitats and flora (2024)
Effect of plant communities on bacterial and fungal communities in a Central European grassland (2024)
Červený seznam hub (makromycetů) České republiky (2024)
The ghost of ice ages past: Impact of Last Glacial Maximum landscapes on modern biodiversity (2024)
Classification of the high-rank syntaxa of the Central and Eastern Balkan dry grasslands with a new hierarchical expert system approach (2024)
Lipid biomarkers and stable isotopes uncover paleovegetation changes in extremely species-rich forest-steppe ecosystems, Central Europe (2024)
Beyond salinity: Plants show divergent responses to soil ion composition (2024)
Herbarium specimens reveal a cryptic invasion of polyploid Centaurea stoebe in Europe (2025)
Biodiversity promotes resistance but dominant species shape recovery of grasslands under extreme drought (2024)
Drivers of vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen richness in grasslands along a precipitation gradient (central Apennines, Italy) (2024)
Česká flóra: projekt České botanické společnosti na portále iNaturalist (2024)
Stage dependence of Elton's biotic resistance hypothesis of biological invasions (2024)
A deep-learning framework for enhancing habitat identification based on species composition (2024)
Landscape heterogeneity shows contrasting spatial patterns but similar temporal changes since the 1840s (2024)
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