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Substantiating Daneš's view of givenness as a graded phenomenon (1994)
Substantiating Danes`s view of givenness as a graded phenomenon, in S. Cmejrkova and F. Sticha (eds.),The syntax of sentence and text,pp.119-29, Amsterdam and Philadelphia:Benjamins, 1994 (1994)
Functional Sentence Perspective in Written and Spoken Communications (1995)
On the thematic and the rhematic layers of a text (1995)
A Contribution on a Panel Discussion on Rheme (1995)
Mobility of clause constituents and functional sentence perspective (1995)
Mobility of clouse constituents and functional sentence perspective,in B.H.Partee and P.Sgall (eds.),Discourse and meaning,pp.221-33,Amsterdam and Philadelphia:Benjamins 1995 (1995)
Notes on reduplicative words in English (1998)
Language and ideology: 'Nationalism' and racial coding in Australian personal advertisements (1998)
Impersonality in radio interviews as a manifestation of semantic indeterminacy (1998)
Professor Jan Svartvik - a new doctor honoris causa from Masaryk University (1998)
A Handbook of English Phonetics and Phonology (1998)
The Anti-Irish Stereotype in Molly Keane�s Black Comedy (1998)
Ke 120. výročí narození Františka Chudoby (1998)
Margaret Forster´s Troubled Mothers in the Violent Century (1998)
On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective V (1998)
In memoriam velkého jazykovědce profesora Josefa Vachka (1998)
Answers to questions put to an FSP theorist by Professor E. M. Uhlenbeck (1998)
The Progressive Era In American Historical Fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd Parallel and E. L. Doctorow's Ragtime (1998)
History of Britain (1995)
Thomas Becket in English Poetic Drama (1995)
Social Issues in Agatha Christie's mysteries: class, crime, country, clothes and children (1997)
Shakespearovi současníci a následovníci (1992)
Aké: Wole Soyinka's First Autobiographic Work (1993)
Wole Soyinka: Death and the King's Horseman. ISSN 1211-1791 (1995)
Africké literatury v angličtině - Předmluva a 32 slovníkových hesel (1996)
Wole Soyinka: A Scourge of Hyacinths ISSN 1211-1791 (1997)
Human Relationships in the Novels of Iris Murdoch (1995)
Human Relationships in the Novels of Murdoch (1993)
The Seventieth Birthday of Doc. PhDr. Lidmila Pantůčková, CSc. (1993)
The Green Knight and the Myth of the Green Man (1995)
Lidské vztahy v románech Iris Murdochové (1995)
The Unbridgeable Gulf: the Sense of Division in Jennifer Johnston's The Railway Station Man (1996)
Martin Hilský: Modernisté (1996)
Několik slov úvodem (1997)
Molly Keane's Black Comedy - A Critique of a Class (1997)
The Man in the Passage and other Stories. (1992)
Současná britská literatura (1995)
O současném anglickém slangu (1993)
Frozen forms in Czech and English (1995)
The Czech and the English names of mushrooms (1996)
The first Latin words in English (1996)
Zdvojování jako slovotvorný prostředek v češtině a angličtině (1996)
Básnická a dramatická tvorba Dereka Walcotta (1993)
Karibská literatura v angličtině. Úvodní studie a 21 hesel. (1996)
Communicative purpose as conveyed by functional sentence perspective (1994)
Retrievability span in functional sentence perspective (1995)
A case study in linear modification (On translating Ap. 21.6b) (1996)
Exploring Vilém Mathesius' use of the term theme I-III (1996)
Exploring Vilém Mathesius' use of the term theme IV-VIII (1996)
In memory of Professor Josef Vachek (1996)
Pražská jazykovědná škola a jazykovědné bádání na FF MU (1996)
A tribute to Professor Vachek (1997)
On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective IV (Some thoughts on Marie Luise Thein's critique of the theory) (1997)
Jaroslav Peprník -- a co-builder of an edifice (1997)
Foreword (1997)
Social Identity and its Reflection in Communication (1995)
Text Typology of Personal Advertising (1996)
English Pronouncing Dictionary, 15th edition (1997)
Under Western Eyes: Closely Watched Czechs (1995)
The True North Strong and Free (1995)
The New Literatures and Post-Colonial Studies (1996)
Multiculturalism in Canada (1997)
Historical Fiction and Douglas Glover's The Life and Times of Captain N. (1997)
Kanadská literatura v angličtině (1996)
Development of the State Exam in the Czech Republic (1993)
Testy k učebnici pro jazykové školy II. díl, 1. část - Testy (1991)
Testy k učebnici pro jazykové školy II. díl, 2. část - Pokyny a klíč (1991)
Translating the Introductory Paragraph of Boris Pasternak´s Doctor Zhivago: A Case Study in Functional Sentence Perspective (1999)
The Theory of Functional Sentence Perspective as a Reflection of an Effort towards a Means-ends Model of Language (1999)
Dogs Must Be Carried on the Escalator (1999)
Britské spisovatelky na konci tisíciletí (1999)
Angela Carter´s Mannerism in Rudolf II´s Curious Room (1999)
Daughters of Restlessness (1999)
Darley´s and Tennyson´s Verse Tragedies on Thomas Becket (1999)
A Reader (1999)
Revolutionary America: Two Loyalist Perspectives (1999)
DO THEY MEAN WHAT THEY SAY? Nationalism and Racial Coding in Australian Personal Advertisement (1999)
Synonyms in English and Russian psychiatric terminology (1999)
On Vagueness in Authentic English Conversation (1999)
Czech - English Parallel Electronic Corpus (ČAPEK) (1999)
Josef Vachek: Prolegomena k dějinám Pražské školy jazykovědné (1999)
J. Vachek: Prolegomena k dějinám Pražské školy jazykovědné (1999)
A Reader (1999)
předmluva k Studies in the English Language (1999)
Some Marginal Notes On Polarity and Negation (1999)
A case for approaching vocabulary teaching as a system (1999)
ESP course in Poděbrady 1999 (1999)
Odborná jazyková příprava v Cursu Innovati (1999)
Vyhodnocení evaluačních dotazníků (1999)
ESP or The Echo of September Poděbrady (1999)
Authentic materials in ESP (1999)
Dva nové překlady Hamleta (2000)
The Mercurial Time of Jeanette Winterson's Prose (2000)
Investigations at Five Sites from the Elwood Experimental Field, Will County, Illinois (1992)
Advanced conversation practice : Success at the state exam (2002)
Nucleus position and tone unit length in English and Czech (1996)
On the communicative functions of nucleus bearers (1997)
Pronouns, functional sentence perspective and intonation (1991)
Intonation centre in English and Czech sentences (1995)
Personal pronouns, functional sentence perspective and intonation (1989)
Loose elements in colloquial English (1987)
The internal structure, communicative value and prosodic weight of the English object (1985)
Rudiments of English Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology (2000)
Czech translations of The Ancient Mariner (1997)
The Corded Ware Culture in Moravia and in the Adjacent Part of Silesia (Catalogue) (1999)
Mizení Boha [orig. The Disappearance of God] (1999)
Společensky nezávadná mluva. Praktická slovníková příručka. (1995)
The Structure of the Tone Unit. (2000)
On the capacity of different word classes to signal prosodic prominence (2000)
Definite NP Anaphora: A Pragmatic Approach. By Marit. R. Westergaard. (Review) (1987)
Věra Chase: Vášeň pro broskve (2000)
Isaac Bashevis Singer: Korunka z peří (2000)
Radio Play (Drama Lesson Plan) (2000)
Glosář k učebnici English for Business Studies (Ian MacKenzie) (2001)
KAČENKA: Parallel Corpus of English and Czech Texts (2000)
On the the Use of Italics in English and Czech (1999)
Join In (2000)
Čtyři angličtí mystici 14. století (2000)
Jeanette Wintersons Thematics: Sex(uality), Identity, Love, Ecstasy (2000)
The Subtle Art of Jane Gardam (2001)
The Pitfalls of Cross-Cultural Learning (1998)
The History and the Present State of English Studies in the Czech Republic (2000)
Zrádná slova v angličtině (1996)
An attempt at a quantitative expression of the communicative value of the verb in English and Czech (1968)
The orthography of British trade names (1971)
A note on the quantitative evaluation of the verb in English (1969)
Using a book on law as a textbook of legal English: a case study (2002)
Interpersonal Implications of Participant Identification in News Headlines (2000)
Tomek, J. a kolektiv: Economic Issues and Business Skills, Praha VŠE, Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů 2000 (recenze) (2002)
Seminar for university teachers: English for legal purposes (2001)
Approaches to using authentic materials in legal English ESP classroom (2002)
Courting the Scottish legal system (2001)
Pros of an anti-conference (2001)
Let us present our presentation (2001)
Pilsen brew of ideas (2000)
Vystrčilová, R.: Selected topics from the European Union (review) (2001)
Úvod do studia anglického jazyka (1999)
Tea Stands for Togetherness (2002)
All you need is AMATE - Potřebujeme AMATE, novou asociaci učitelů metodiků? (2002)
On the function of some deverbative nouns in -er (1979)
A contrastive view of adverb frequency in English and Czech (1981)
Diachronní slovník k čítance pro seminář z historického vývoje angličtiny (1983)
Parts of speech and spheres of modality in English and Czech (1983)
Word division and syllabification in English (1985)
A coroner's inquest in eight newspaper versions (1987)
Studying the Art of Provoking (2002)
Register Analysis of News Discourse (2001)
Some special aspects within the Th- and the Rh-layers (2002)
The Loving Gaze of the Everyday in the Words of Michele Robert's Prose (2002)
Maureen Duffy: England. The Making of the Myth. From Stonehenge to Albert Square. London: Fourth Estate 2001, 274 p. (2002)
Perspectivism in Perspective. Anna Grmelová: The World of D.H. Lawrence's Short Fiction (1907-1923) (2002)
Britské spisovatelky do nového tisíciletí: Jeanette Wintersonová, Rose Tremainová (2002)
The Prophetess and Life is a Dream: Two Early Modern Plays on Worldly Prerogative (2002)
Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine: Social Thriller, On The Crocoldile Bird and Asta's Book (2002)
British History, Britain: Geography and Society, English-Speaking Countries (2002)
Advanced Conversation Practice, Success at the State Exam, Teacher's Book (2002)
Exploring Texture in News Discourse (2003)
The intermediary character of courtroom question and answer discourse (2003)
Advanced Conversation Practice - Vocabulary Lists (2002)
In Love with ESP: English for the World of Work (Hornby Trust Summer School, Pécs, 30.6.-12.7.2002) (2002)
Vinnetou tady nebydlí: Antologie současných povídek severoamerických indiánů (2003)
Jakubovská scéna v Londýně (2003)
Do Children Read What the Author Wrote? (2002)
The seventieth birthday of Professor Josef Hladký (2002)
In Memory of Jan Firbas (2001)
Jan Firbas v zrcadle své práce (2003)
Aleš Tichý (Obituary) (1991)
Retrievability and Activation Cost (2000)
Pitch patterns of English and Czech declarative and interrogative sentences (2003)
Jun Qian: Towards a Relational-Perspective Approach to Syntactic Semantics (Review) (2003)
The Workshop that was the Lion's Whiskers (2003)
Profesor Firbas očima studenta (2003)
7th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2002)
Some Problems Concerning the Thematic and the Rhematic Layers in the Text (2000)
Firbasovo stálé poselství (2003)
Internet Language Teaching, Production of Electronic Teaching Material (2002)
100 let od narození prof. Karla Štěpaníka (2003)
recenze: Chromá, M. Česko-anglický právnický slovník s vysvětlivkami, 2001 (2003)
Glosář k učebnici English for Business Studies (Ian MacKenzie) včetně změn v 2. vydání - Second Edition (2002) (2003)
Slovníček k učebnici New Insights into Business (Graham Tullis, Tonya Trappe, Susan Power) (2003)
Britské spisovatelky na přelomu tisíciletí (2003)
William Shakespeare (2004)
John Fletcher (2004)
William Shakespeare, John Fletcher a Král Jindřich VIII.: dva autoři a jedna hra (2004)
Practicing English Grammar by Means of Electronic Drilling Exercises (2003)
Marina Warner's Sibyls and Their Tales (2003)
The uses of the present tense in headlines (2003)
The mixing of modes as a means of resolving the tension between involvement and detachment in news headlines (2003)
Czechoslovak Conference on English and American Studies (1988)
Gradation of Meaning in an English Sentence (2004)
Situational Characteristics of the Discourse of International Governmental Organizations: UNESCO Resolutions and Declarations (2004)
Cultural Intermarriage in Southern Appalachia: Cherokee Elements in Four Selected Novels by Lee Smith (2003)
Cultural Cross-Pollination in Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop (2003)
Testing the Psychological and Social Limits of Female Im/Potency: Transgressive Elements in Elizabeth's Inchbald's A Simple Story (2002)
Učitelé vytvářejí kurzy na webu (2004)
Technology-enhanced Translator Training (2004)
The Hypertextual Mode of Marina Warner's The Leto Bundle (2004)
Maloměsto, velkoměsto [orig. The Town and the City] (2002)
Naši [orig. My People] (2003)
Výpověď otce McGreevyho [orig. The Deposition of Father McGreevy] (2003)
Průvodce cestovatele Amerikou; Co všechno potřebuješ znát o americkém životním stylu (2001)
Sambo tu již nebydlí? Obraz Afroameričanů v americkém filmu 20. století (2003)
Poznámky k e-learningu na vysokých školách (2004)
Úvod (2003)
Fantastic Landscapes and Chimeric Bodies in Sabine Ulibarri's Fairy Fiction (2004)
V Aztlánu jsme přece doma: vymístění a čikánská kulturní obroda v hraničním regionu amerického Jihozápadu / mexického Severu (2004)
Poetry, Culture and the Nation State: (some) recent British perspectives (1993)
Place and Identity in Contemporary Brititsh Fiction (1996)
Placiality: The Renewal of the Significance of Place in Modern Cultural Theory (2000)
Old Places, New Spaces: Recent Developments in British Cultural Geography (1999)
The Poetry of J.H.Prynne: A Suitable Case for Further Critical Treatment? (1989)
A Note on the TO-adjunct and the FOR-adjunct in Their Evaluative Use (1987)
Flight into the Land of ESP. ESP for Secondary Schools - Handbook for Teachers (editor) (2004)
Trickster Fictions and Subversive Storytelling (2004)
Teaching (Alter)Native: Thomas King's Traditional Storytelling as a Means of Subversive Education (2003)
Frederick Philip Grove's Immigrantship and the Theory of Wonder (2003)
2. divadelní dílna japonského kjógenu (2004)
Brno Studies in English (2003)
Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 2 (2004)
Polish Kings in Spanish Hermitages? : A Brief Speculation on Calderón's Possible Inspiration (2002)
Racial Otherness and Conservative Englishness (2003)
Love Lines:Personal Advertisements in Australia and Canada (2004)
On the Semantics of Constructions Expressing Body Part Movements (1989)
The Verbs Fall, Sink, Sag and Droop in Body Part Movements (1996)
A Note on the Semantics of Body Part Movements (1997)
Fantastic Female Figures in the Works of Fay Weldon, Angela Carter, Jeanette Winterson and Marina Warner (2004)
Between language play and language game (2004)
Josef Hladký: Zrádná slova v angličtině (recenze) (1991)
Pamela B. Faber and Ricardo Mairal-Usón: Constructing a Lexicon of English Verbs (review) (2002)
External Temporal Specification in English Verbs of Motion (2003)
Profesor Jan Firbas, humanista (2003)
On Rubbing and Wringing Ones Hands (2004)
Comparing the structures of texts written in English and Czech (2005)
On Trembling and Quivering (2004)
Intentionality of Action in Body Part Movements (1998)
On Impulsive Verbs in Body Part Movements (1999)
Impulsivity and Suppressed Quantization in Body Part Motion Verbs (2000)
Agent-oriented Dynamicity in Body Part Motion Verbs Put, Bring and Hold (2001)
The Internal Semantic Structure of Nod and Shrug (2002)
Spasmodic Body Part Movements (2003)
Personal Advertisements in a Tabloid and a Broadsheet (2003)
Predicting the American Century: a Seminar on Political, Social, and Cultural Issues (2000)
42nd Parallel, Ragtime and Film (1995)
Narrative Cinema as Teachers Pleasure: The Importance of Cinema in the American Studies Classroom (1999)
The Right Thing and after: The Construction of African American Identity in Recent American Film (2001)
Thirteen Ways of Looking at America (2001)
Turning the Peking Duck into a Big Mac: The Art of the Hollywood Remake (Wings of Desire, City of Angels) in: Kafka, Kolář (eds.). American Studies at the Turn of the Millenium (1999)
Spiritualism and Religion in American Film, in: Sweney, Peprník, eds.: Spirituality and Religion in American Culture (2002)
Films by David Cronenberg and the Fantastic Postmodern Body, in: Coelsh-Foisner, Franková (eds.). The Human Figure in (Post-)Modern Fantastic Literature and Film (2004)
Abeceda kultury USA, aneb jak jsem je poznal, I - VII (1999)
Abeceda kultury USA, aneb jak jsem je poznal, VIII - XVII (2000)
Abeceda kultury USA, aneb jak jsem je poznal XVIII - XXVII (2001)
Abeceda kultury USA, aneb jak jsem je poznal XXVIII - XXX (2002)
Abeceda kultury USA, aneb jak jsem je poznal XXXI - XXXIII (2003)
Dějiny anglické literatury od počátků do poloviny 17. století, History of English Literature from the Beginning to the Mid-Seventeenth Century (1994)
Barbara Goldbergová, Nádherní snílci (2002)
Lindon Barrett: Blackness and Value: Seeing Double (2004)
Barbara Tepa Lupack: Literary Adaptations in Black American Cinema: From Micheaux to Morrison (2004)
Úvod do anglické stylistiky (2002)
On Expressing Meaning in English Conversation. Semantic Indeterminacy (2003)
Place and History in Recent British Writing (1998)
A Barking Dog? Manchester Writing and English Regional Culture (2003)
Between tentativeness and certainty: Research into one aspect of translator behaviour (2003)
Chaos [orig. Chaos] (1996)
Čtenáři Turgeněva [orig. Reading Turgenev] (2003)
Literatura a feminismus [orig. Literature and Feminism] (2000)
Války v evropské historii [orig. War in European History] (1997)
Vaše paměť [orig. Your Memory] (1999)
Rozhovor mezi nebem a peklem [orig. A Dialogue Between Haven and Hell] (1998)
Making Music as a Political Act: Or How the Velvet Underground Influenced the Velvet Revolution (2004)
William Shakespeare the National Bard (?) (2004)
Some problems of FSP of a religious text (2003)
Poetic religious text and FSP (2003)
Religious Text: the Thematic and the Rhematic Layers within a Distributional Macrofield (2003)
Flight into the Land of ESP (2004)
recenze: Lennon, Paul: Allusions in the Press: An Applied Linguistic Study, 2004 (a review) (2005)
From Zeroo to Heroo: Word Play and Wayne Rooney in the British Press (2005)
E-Learning for Translators and Interpreters - The Case of LMS Moodle (2004) (2004)
A project that took off - a manual for teachers (2004)
Pilíře Shakespearovy Globe (2004)
Brno Studies in English (2004)
The Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, London. ESU Cultural Seminar 2004 (2004)
Temporal Translation: Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard's Shakespeare in Love (2004)
The (Booker) Prize for Fiction and the Tenor of the Times (2004)
Kapradí: Knihovna překladů raného anglického dramatu (2005)
8th Brno Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2005)
Mezinárodní konference anglistů na Filozofické fakultě (2005)
Malcolm, Cheryl Alexander; Nyman, Jopi, eds. How far Can You Go: Black Eroticism and Sexuality on American Screens (2005)
O některých problémech teletextových titulků (2001)
K šedesátinám Aleše Svobody (2001)
Oxford Advanced Learner's CD-ROM Dictionary (2002)
Oxfordský slovník na CD (2002)
PHILOLOGICA (A Web Content Management System) (2004)
Old English and Middle English Scripts in Unicode (2004)
Dva anglické slovníky na CD-ROM (2004)
Jazykové hry (2004)
The Postmodern Bravura of A.S. Byatt (2005)
Divided Englishness: the North and South of the Mind (2000)
Notes on Translations of Václav Havel's Plays (2004)
E-learning přichází. Sborník příspěvků ze setkání SCO 2004: E-learning přichází (2004)
William Shakespeare a jeho divadlo (2005)
Nesnadné soužití antického mýtu s biblickým příběhem Miltonova Ztraceného ráje (2004)
Authorial Doubts: Metafictional Revision (2005)
Slovníček k učebnici First Insights into Business (2004)
Fiction as Cultural Translation: the Czech Experience (2005)
Ke koncepci elektronické podpory výuky v akademickém prostředí (2005)
Mossad : izraelské tajné války : dějiny izraelské tajné služby : Israeľs secret wars (Orig.) (1996)
Neznalost neomlouvá aneb K tzv. demystifikaci právního jazyka (2005)
Othello (2005)
Hamlet (2005)
Brno Studies in English (2004)
Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings from the Seventh Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2003)
Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 2: Proceedings from the Seventh Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2004)
Attractive Ambiguities: Epistemological Uncertainty in the Work of David Cronenberg, in: Chovanec, Jan, ed.:Theory and Practice in English Studies, Vol. 4 (2005)
Maureen Duffy's European Interest: Illuminations, Restitution (2005)
The Liberal Message Films of the Late 1940s and the Position of African-Americans (2004)
The Serious Comedy of Barbara Trapido's Novels (2005)
World English and Linguistics in Cardiff (2005)
Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 4: Proceedings from The Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2005)
Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 3: Proceedings from The Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2005)
Re-experiencing East European History: Helen Dunmore's Siege and Louise Doughty's Fires in the Dark (2005)
The Novelist, Theory and Reading (2005)
William F. Cody alias Buffalo Bill - propagátor a tvůrce "divokého západu" (2005)
O Williamu Shakespearovi a jeho životech (2005)
Review: Prem Poddar. Violent Civilities: English, India, Culture. Aarhus UP, 2002. (2004)
Kulturní samorost : Vaňkovka: Divadlo nezhýčkaného diváka, Malá divadelní topografie (2000)
Největším problémem Vaňkovky je Vaňkovka sama (2000)
Czeching Out Puns and Clichés in Football Reporting (2005)
The Same Though Different: Tobacco Health Warnings in EU Member States (2008)
The (un)conventional use of the simple past tense in news headlines (2005)
Treating the Teething Troubles of Teamwork (2005)
E-learning for translators and interpreters - the Case of CMS Moodle (2005)
Dům v Umbrii [orig. My House in Umbria] (2005)
Cyrano de Bergerac (2005)
Experiences with e-learning and visions for an intelligent future (2005)
Using Corpora in Language Teaching and Learning (2006)
Christa Buschendorf, ed., Cultural Exchanges between Central/Eastern Europe and America, Proceedings of the East-West American Studies Conf. (ZENAF), 29. May-2 June 2002 (2005)
Arkádie Toma Stopparda (2005)
Immigrants' integration into the mainstream culture in Australia (as reflected in personal advertisements] (2005)
Knowing the language is not enough (2005)
The Presentation Scale in the Theory of Functional Sentence Perspective (2005)
Hudba v alžbětinském divadle (2006)
"There's Magicke in the web of it": the occult dimension of Shakespeare's Othello (2005)
Ian McEwan's Double Atonement (2005)
Jak se píše román [orig. The Practice of Writing] (2003)
Oscillatory Corporeal Verbs from a Semantico-Syntactic Perspective (2005)
The Simple and the Progressive with Single-phase Body Part Movements (2006)
On the Internal Semantic Structure of Verbs of Corporeal Motion from the Perspective of Their Kinetic Structuration (2005)
On One Type of Resultative Minimal Pair with Agentive Verbs of Locomotion (2005)
Phatic Communion in Authentic and Fictional Dialogues as Expression of Social Mutuality (2005)
On Phatic Function of Language (2005)
Disentangling lexical hierarchies. (2005)
Tartuffe (2006)
'Pen, Pencil and Poison' Wilde-Style (2003)
The Poet's Undergarments: the Problematic Concept of Identity in the Life of Gerard Manley Hopkins (2003)
'Scattered Parts': Writing the Life of Gerard Manley Hopkins (2003)
On the Semantics of English Verbs of Locomotion (2005)
'The Divine Friend, Unknown, Most Desired': The Problematic Uranian Poets (2004)
'Little Porcelain Cup in Which Biting Acids Could Be Mixed': Wilde's Sons as the Audience for 'The Young King' (2004)
"Tempting Suggestible Young Men": Pater, Pedagogy, Pederasty (2005)
To Cremate or Bury: Gerard Manley Hopkins, Coventry Patmore, and the Biographical Postmortem (2005)
"In Thy Cedarn Prison Thou Waitest": Johnson's "Ionica" and Uranian Intertextuality (2005)
'Lizard, the Greeks Called It': Guy Davenport and the Uranian Present (2005)
Flight into the Land of ESP (2004)
Snapshots of the California Desert, Sketches of the British Columbia Rainforest : An Ecofeminist Reading of Mary Austins and Emily Carrs Short Prose (2005)
The Speaking Landscape and Multicultural Memory in Haida Gwaii Fiction : A Bioregional Analysis (2005)
Věcný text v české a anglosaské kultuře (2005)
Some difficulties facing native speakers of Czech and Slovak in writing in English (2005)
The existential there-construction in Czech translations (2007)
Dynamic semantic scales in the theory of functional sentence perspective (2005)
On English Signboards (2004)
Lexicology - e-learning course (2005)
TV News Subtitles: yet another instance of "little texts" (2005)
Unpublished translations of Poe's The Raven by František Nevrla (2005)
Spies, Bombers, Liberators and Lovers: Images of Americans in Czech Film (2005)
Three online learners' dictionaries (2005)
Online Dictionaries of Contemporary English (2005)
František Nevrla, překládání Shakespeara a kult E. A. Saudka (2006)
Proměny shakespearovské dramaturgie - v Londýně a Stratfordu (2006)
Shakespearovští odborníci z celého světa se sešli u jednoho stolu (2006)
Shakespeare kočující: herec poutník, divadlo za časů moru a divadlo za časů nelibosti (2006)
Shakespearovská konference na Filozofické fakultě (2006)
Transatlantické železnice v Severní Americe (2006)
Marie Stuartovna, královna skotská, vězenkyně anglická (2006)
Hledač Shakespeara (2006)
Shakespeare a média: Shakespearovy mediální hvězdy (2006)
English Texts With Tests II (2004)
Shakespeare - práce - láska (2006)
Shakespeare potápěčem (2006)
Shakespearovi sportovci (2006)
Chci se dostat na vysokou školu! - Angličtina (review) (2006)
Čtyři rozhlasové + jedna divadelní hra (Políček č. 111, Atentát v přízemí, Noční žokej, Elektrický nůž, Noc potom) (2006)
Shakespeare a lidové veselice (2006)
Bombový útok na Bali z pohledu českých médií (2008)
Brno Studies in English (ročník 2004) (2006)
The (Booker) Prize for Fiction and the Tenor of the Times (2006)
Jane Rogers's Novel Explorations (2006)
Absurdní dramatik Shakespeare (2006)
Shakespearovy slangy a dialekty (2006)
Secreted Desires: The Major Uranians: Hopkins, Pater and Wilde (2006)
Terminological vagueness and achieving referential accuracy (2006)
Expression of hierarchy in the terminology of finance and accounting (2006)
Gor and the Giant: Grotesque Bodies in Social Combat (2006)
Slovníček k učebnici New Insights into Business (Graham Tullis, Tonya Trappe, Susan Power) (2003)
Jak studovat angličtinu ke zkouškám - úvod (2006)
English Comedians in Prague, October 1602 (2006)
Shakespearovy pohádky (2006)
Shakespearova medicína (2007)
August August, august (2006)
"The Woman Underwater:" Rhizomatic Body in Inuit Storytelling (2006)
Teaching with concordancers: just imagine! (2003)
"All that they saw was the message itself:" Textual Calamities in Flaubert and de Mille (2005)
"What happened to the naming in this strange place?" Remapping the Space of Ontario in the (Con)texts of Native Canadian Theatre (2005)
"The Woman Underwater" Rhizomatic Body in Inuit Storytelling (2006)
Contemporary Aboriginal Literature in North America (2005)
The Locative Inversion Construction and the Character of the Path (2006)
Caused Motion Events as Complex Structures (2007)
Diminutive expressions in translation: a comparative study of English and Czech (2007)
Eliška, Evička, Alenka, Carroll a Dodgson (2006)
To Be Able to Sign, Did He Have to Exist? or What's That Hanging in the Head's Office? (2007)
Intonation in English and Czech Dialogues (2007)
Emma Bell Miless Appalachia and Emily Carrs Cascadia: A Comparative Study in Literary Ecology (2006)
Rendell/ Vine: The Historical Universality of Degradation between Nations and Genders (2005)
Čekání na Kojota: současné drama kanadských Indiánů (2007)
Odlišnost proti rozmanitosti: kanadská literatura v etnických antologiích (2007)
Othello v původních barvách: kanadské čili multikulturní divadlo (2007)
Současné strategie zapojování překladů z anglicky psané poezie do české kultury (2006)
Když jsme byli sirotci [orig. When We Were Orphans] (2006)
I manoscritti ´in lingua italiana´ della Moravska zemska knihovna di Brno (2010)
John Bodnar, Blue Collar Hollywood: Liberalism, Democracy, and Working People in American Film (2006)
The Postmodern in Contemporary British Narrative (2006)
London and English Studies: A Conversation Piece (1995)
Exercising the Ghosts of Locality: A Few Notes (1997)
The Significance of Place in the Fictions of Raymond Williams and Iain Sinclair (1998)
Manchester and its Meanings: Towards a Politics of Cultural Devolution (2004)
The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys, by Forrest Reid (2007)
Technology-enhanced Translator Training (Possible Pitfalls and Problems – A Case Study) (2007)
The sixtieth birthday of Ludmila Urbanová (2005)
Enrique Trujillo y su Vocabulario del dialecto gitano (1844) (2010)
Enacting an Imaginary Community: Infotainment in Online Minute-by-Minute Sports Commentaries (2008)
The Role of Nationality Contrasts in the Discursive Construction of an Ingroup Member: the Woodward Case in the Telegraph (2007)
Jazyková integrace v integrující se Evropě: Česká a anglická verze varování o škodlivosti tabákových výrobků (2010)
Tristram a Izauda a jiné hry (2007)
Women Farmers Dream of Home: A Bioregional Analysis of Harriette Simpson Arnows Hunters Horn and Barbara Kingsolvers Prodigal Summer (2007)
Václav Renč a trable s překládáním Shakespeara v 60. letech (2006)
Dreaming the Original: Original and Translation as Two Different Fictional Worlds (2007)
Leiv Egil Breivik, Existential 'There', Studia Anglistica Norvegica 2, Bergen, 1983 (Review). (1985)
Competitive Verbal Interaction in Online Minute-by-Minute Match Reports (2007)
Lee D. Baker (Ed.): Life in America: Identity and Everyday Experience (2007)
Focus on Form: Foregrounding Devices in Football Reporting (2008)
Reference to Normality as a Way of Asserting Ingroup Membership: The Woodward Case in the Media (2009)
From robots to soap operas: 100 years of Czech-English borrowings (2007)
Moon Over Harlem: Edgar G. Ulmer, The Race Movies and the New Negro Agenda (2008)
Sam and Me, Masala and Double Happiness: Multicultural Experience in Canadian Film of the early 1990s (2007)
"Come along, quick, quick, don't keep Father waiting". Family Drama in Edna O'Brien's Virginia (2006)
Zdeněk Stříbrný, Proud času. Stati o Shakespearovi [The Flow of Time. Essays on Shakespeare], Praha: Karolinum 2005, 407 pp. (2007)
Milada Franková is sixty (2006)
Harry Potter a anglická školní pohádka mládí (2007)
Legitimation through Differentiation: Discursive Construction of Jacques Le Worm Chirac as an Opponent to Military Action (2010)
Translation in Times of Open Sources: Need for New Definitions and Approaches? (2007)
Videoconference Techniques in Developing Successful Language Skills and Strategies in ESP Classes (2005)
"I Am Britannia, the Spirit of Our Age": Time Shifting as a Study of the Idea of Progress in Tom Stoppard's Arcadia and Shelagh Stephenson's An Experiment with an Air Pump (2007)
Defining explicitation in translation (2007)
Interaction of Spoken and Written Language in Newspaper Advertising (2006)
Stylistika anglického jazyka (2008)
Phatic Communion and Small Talk in Fictional Dialogues (2007)
Dehumanisation as a discursive strategy in the British popular press (2008)
Directed Motion at the Syntax-Semantics Interface (2008)
"Because Beneath the Lake a Treasure Sank": Dolben as Johnson's Uranian Heir (2008)
Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. S. Řada anglistická. 10 (2005)
Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. S. Řada anglistická. 9 (2004)
Directed Motion at the Syntax-Semantics Interface (2008)
Intertextuality as a Merger of Patterns and Genres (2008)
Is Stylistics a Controversial Branch of Language Study? (2005)
On Indirectness and Implicitness in Authentic English Conversation. (2001)
On Some Sociolinguistic and Pragmatic Aspects of Informal English Conversation (2000)
Some Thoughts on the Phatic Communion and Small Talk in Fictional Dialogues (2003)
English Conversation: Authentic and Fictional (2005)
Some Methodological Remarks on the Current Trends in Linguistic Research (2005)
Implicit and Explicit Dialogic Structure in Fiction (2002)
Accentuation in Authentic English Conversation (2001)
On the Language of Authentic English Conversation (2001)
„Jak psát o odlišnosti: Autobiografické reakce původních obyvatelek Austrálie a Severní Ameriky na mainstreamový feminismus“ (2007)
“Alternative (Hi)Stories in Stolen Generation(s) and Residential School Narratives: Reading Indigenous Life Writings by Doris Pilkington and Shirley Sterling.” (2007)
The Bomb, the Cold War and the Czech Film (2008)
K Yorkshirské tragédii (2008)
Yorkshirská tragédie (2008)
Translating Kyogen into Czech (2008)
Thomas Middleton, "náš druhý Shakespeare"? (2008)
Nový svazek České divadelní encyklopedie (2007)
Relations of Place: Aspects of Late 20th Century Fiction and Theory (2008)
Jak se vyhnout rutině při výuce překladu: Metodologická případová studie (2008)
Explicitation profile and translator style (2008)
Angličtina: Konverzace pro pokročilé.Topic-based Vocabulary for Advanced Learners (2008)
Review of: Joseph Errington (2008). Linguistics in a Colonial World: A Story of Language, Meaning and Power. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing. (2009)
Global Issues in English Language Teaching (2008)
Shakespeare's Gallatheas (2008)
Growing Up in Jane Gardam's Novels (2008)
K (zkoumání) překladu dětské literatury (2008)
Negative media presentation of 'others': Stereotyping Jacque le Worm Chirac as an opponent to military action (2007)
Reforma anglického právního jazyka a hnutí „plain English“ (2008)
Sarah Water's Monument to Women of World War II (2008)
Ema Jelínková: Ambivalence v románech Muriel Sparkové [Ambivalence in the Novels of Muriel Spark]. Olomouc: Periplum 2006, ISBN 80-86624-29-3, 110 pp (2008)
George Peele, Babská povídačka nebo též Báchorka u krbu: alžbětinský quodlibet (2008)
Báchorka u krbu (2008)
Pickelhering 1607 aneb Nový Orfeus z Bohemie (2008)
Shakespeare and His Collaborators over the Centuries (2008)
K otázce normativity judikatury v České republice (2008)
Identity, Liminality and Difference in Mina Shum's Double Happiness (2008)
Global issues in the English Language Teaching classroom (2008)
Obraz druhého v kanadském filmu (2009)
Chatová diskuze jako součást internetové sportovní publicistiky (2010)
The Cult of Cronenberg - A Hunk for Humanitiies (2008)
"Do We Need A Literary Canon? The Politics of Canon (Trans)Formation." Rev. of Literatura v Americe, Amerika v Literatuře (2008)
Joint construction of humour in quasi-conversational interaction (2009)
The Magic Sound of the Magic Flute in Barbara Trapido's Temples of Delight (2009)
An Icon and a Burden: The Postmodern Obsession with the Body in British Fiction (2009)
Reforma anglického právního jazyka: lingvistická perspektiva (2009)
Towards a Static/Dynamic Explicitation Hypothesis? (2008)
Dlouhodobé výsledky autologní transplantace hematopoetických buněk u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem: zkušenost české myelomové skupiny ze studie 4W. (2008)
Identity through Art, Thougth and the Imaginary in the Canadian Space - Art, pensée et imaginaire identitaire de l'espace canadien (2009)
Football, Language and Linguistics. Time-critical Utterances in Unplanned Spoken Language, Their Structures and Their Relation to Non-linguistic Situations and Events: Torsten Müller, Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2007. 390 pp., €78. ISBN 978-3-8233-6356-9 (2009)
The as-if game and literary translation (2009)
Kyberprostor 2008 (2008)
Multilingualism in Football Teams: Methodology of Fieldwork (2009)
Integrating legal English within a tertiary-level linguistics syllabus (2010)
SCO 2009, Sharable Content Objects, sborník 6. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2009)
SCO 2009, Sharable Content Objects, 6. ročník konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2009)
Online Discussion and Interaction: The Case of Live Text Commentary (2010)
Miššíková, G., Mačura, M. (eds) (2008) Topics in Linguistics, Issue 2 - March 2008. Politeness and Interaction.Review. (2009)
Traduire l'argot des jeunes des cités: résultats d'une compétition interuniversitaire pour la traduction de Boumkoeur de Rachid Djaidani (2010)
Circulation des néologismes argotiques chez les jeunes locuteurs: facteurs d'échanges entre les idiolectes et les sociolectes au niveau endo-groupal et exo-groupal (2010)
L’expressivité et la marque lexicographique : étude comparative franco-tcheque d’un corpus du lexique non-standard. Les marques fam., pop., arg. vs expressivité en lexicographies française et tcheque (2011)
Společná smrt milenců v Šinagawě (2009)
Bedřich Smetana: Dalibor (2009)
Il Tresor di Brunetto Latini tra fonti e volgarizzamenti: il caso della Formula vitae honestae (2012)
Euripidés: Ifigenie v Aulidě (2009)
Večer tříkrálový aneb Cokoli chcete: Prazvláštní hra z prazvláštní doby o prazvláštních událostech na prazvláštním místě (2008)
Language of newspapers: Ways of communicating with the reader (2009)
Naming strategies and the issue of identity in newspaper discourse (2009)
"Writing life and baking bread : Beth Brant's multiple identities in writing as witness" (2009)
Recenze knihy Miroslav Bázlik, Patrik Ambrus A Grammar of Legal English (Wolters Kluwer, Iura Edition, Bratislava, 2008, ISBN 978-80-8078-203-0) (2009)
Anglické hry u našich loutkářů a naopak (2009)
Verbal and Visual Representation of 'US' and 'THEM': British Front-Page News on the Iraq War (2009)
The Same Though Different: Tobacco Health Warnings in European Community Member States (2005)
Personal Advertisement: A Mirror of Societal Values? (2009)
Interindividuální aspekty explicitace a implicitace v literárním překladu: první vhled (2009)
Od teorie fikčních světů k literárnímu překladu (2009)
A review of: Liddicoat, Anthony J. (2007): An Introduction to Conversation Analysis. London and New York: Continuum (2009)
La noción de argot en la tradición lingüística hispánica y su primer diccionario: el Diccionario del argot espaňol de Luis Besses (1905) (2011)
EYE Enrich Your English (2009)
Practical language 2B (2009)
Understanding the language of news reporting (2009)
Problematika anglického právního jazyka (2009)
Exploring Cohesion and Coherence in English Discourse (2009)
Reflexiones sobre el estado del gitano-espaňol en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: el caso de Francisco de Sales Mayo y su El gitanismo (1870) (2010)
Český Shakespeare mezi normalizací a koncem milénia (2009)
Pár poznámek k libretu Dalibora (2009)
Milan Lukeš: Divadlo divného našeho věku (2009)
Cena rektora za významný umělecký čin (2009)
Kapradí: knihovna překladů raného anglického dramatu (2006)
Early Modern Reception of Shakespeare on the Continent in Context (2009)
TransEurope II (2008)
člen Umělecké rady Divadelní fakulty Janáčkovy akademie múzických umění v Brně (2009)
Theatralia: Yorick / Divadlo a revoluce (2009)
Intonation Centre Placement in English Utterances of Czech Speakers (2009)
Placement of intonation centre in utterances of Czech speakers of English (2009)
Shakespeare's Influence on Mucedorus (2008)
Newspaper reporting: Cohesive devices as means contributing to the effectiveness of news (2009)
Linguistic Integration within European Integration: Czech and English Versions of Tobacco Product Health Warnings (2010)
Grammar in the Law (2012)
Ronald R. Butters (2012)
Tendencies in intonation centre placement in utterances of Czech users of English and the possible effect on discourse coherence (2009)
Premonstrátský Sen: shakespearovské přesahy na kontinentu v 17. století. (2008)
Good old Shakespeare at the Bezruči Theatre Again (2008)
Which is the Merchant here? and which the jew? (2008)
Stoppard and Shakespeare: A Vivid Collaboration? (2008)
Andreas Gryphius: Absurda Comica - A Mournful Comedy about Pyramus and Thisbe (2008)
Thomas Middleton: Šachová partie (2008)
The distribution of HOWEVER and some other conjuncts in English academic prose (2009)
Conjuncts in English academic prose: their features, functions, and use by male and female authors (2009)
Expressing Imprecision in Research Article Introductions: Formal and Semantic Analysis (2009)
Hedges in Academic Writing: Focus on Research Article Introductions (2009)
Expressing Imprecision in Academic Writing: A Comparative Study (2009)
Communicative dynamism and prosodic prominence of pronouns in English and Czech (2010)
Diskurzní částice v českém a anglickém dialogu (2010)
Initial syntatic elements in Old English and Modern English sentences (2009)
Diversification and its Discontents: Dynamics of the Discipline. Abstracts (2010)
Multilayer Participant Frameworks in Live Text Commentary (2010)
Diversification and its Discontents: Dynamics of the Discipline. 9th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2010)
Verbal Interaction in the Media (2010)
What is 'Ocker' and 'Fair Dinkum'? Australian English, its development and recent trends (2009)
Společenské hodnoty a jejich jazykové ztvárnění v seznamovacích inzerátech. (2010)
Wiki prostředí a Wikipedie jako nástroj výuky (2009)
Academic Typing (2008)
Naming Strategies in Crime Reports in British Press (2010)
Naming Strategies in Crime Reports in British Press (2010)
Cross-Examination Questioning: Lay People as Cross-Examiners (2010)
Representation of the Other in Canadian Film (2009)
Las sociedades marginales (2011)
Mengele in Macon County: The Tuskegee Study and its Film Representation (2009)
A Defence of Uranian Love, by Edward Perry Warren (2009)
člen Umělecké rady Janáčkovy akademie múzických umění v Brně (2010)
člen ediční rady časopisu Opus musicum (2008)
The Locative Inversion Construction and the Character of the Path (2009)
On the Internal Semantic Structure of Verbs of Corporeal Motion from the Perspective of Their Kinetic Structuration (2009)
On the Semantics of English Verbs of Locomotion (2009)
On One Type of Resultative Minimal Pair with Agentive Verbs of Locomotion. (2009)
On Trembling and Quivering (2009)
K anafoře v angličtině a češtině a jejímu překladu (2010)
On Right and Wrong Uses of Translation Theory: A Case Study and Implications for Research (2010)
Explicitly on implicitation: Two tendencies in the use of experiential implicitation (2010)
Martin Procházka: Transversals (Review) (2009)
Going down the Road for the Red Violin: The Trajectory of Canadian Feature Film during the Last Forty Years (2010)
On Internal Structures of Verbal Meanings (2010)
Understanding Patterns of Meaning in Language (2010)
In Honour of Josef Vachek (2009)
Margita Havlíčková: Profesionální divadlo v královském městě Brně 1668-1733 (2010)
The Language of Comic Narratives. Humor Construction in Short Stories (2011)
Naming Strategies in Newspaper Discourse : Means of Communicating Identity of the Participants to the Reader (2010)
Cross-Examination Strategies (2010)
En torno a un fantasma académico: chislama "muchacha" (2010)
Setkání hispanistů - Encuentro de Hispanistas (Brno, 9-10 de octubre de 2009) (2010)
Los medios de comunicación en Alicia detrás de la pantalla y Superhéroes de la aldea global de Luis Mario Moncada Gil (2010)
La historia de los gitanismos en espaňol (2010)
Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner 2009 (2009)
De marionetas espanolas a robots centroeuropeos: la traducción y la puesta en escena de El senor de Pigmalión en Praga (2010)
Torrens Álvarez, M. Jesús: Evolución e historia de la lengua espaňola. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 2007, 309 pp. (2010)
Deconstructing Sexual Identities in Daniel MacIvor ’s ‘A Beautiful View’ (2010)
La imagen del gitano en la lexicografía espaňola (2010)
Tabloidization in modern British press (2010)
Historia, sociedad y mujer en el último teatro de Emilio Carballido (2010)
The secret life of implicitation: (in translation of fiction) (2010)
Simulation of Spoken Interaction in Written Online Media Texts (2009)
Discourse As Function: Introduction (2009)
Ludmila Urbanová: An Appreciation (2009)
Cross-Examination Strategies (2010)
Lay People as Cross-Examiners: A Linguistic Analysis of the Libel Cas Mc Donald's Corporation v. Helen Steel and David Morris (2010)
El Vocabulario del dialecto jitano de Augusto Jiménez (1846) y su posición en la historia de la lexicografía gitano-espaňola (2010)
Humour in quasi-conversations: Constructing fun in online sports journalism (2011)
Humour in the Media: Voicing Agendas, Communicating Laughter (seminar at 10th ESSE 2010) (2010)
Making fun to pass the time: Conversational humour in live text commentary (2010)
Online quasi-interactions: Male bonding in live text commentary (2010)
Making fun to pass the time: Conversational humour in live text commentary (abstract) (2010)
Crime news in British press: Expressing positive and negative status of core participants (2010)
"The Unbearable (Im)Possibility of Belonging: Andrew McGahans The White Earth" (2010)
"Rev. of Moore-Gilbert, Bart: Postcolonial Life-Writing: Culture, Politics and Self-Representation. London: Routledge, 2009." (2010)
CALL z minulého století (2006)
Determining salience of extralinguistic events (2006)
K (ne)působení kontextu jako signálu aktuálního členění v novinových titulcích (2008)
Reinterpreting the Functional Perspective: Are Reporting Clauses Non–Thematic? (2009)
Innovation in Teaching ‘Reálie’ (History and Culture) at the University of South Bohemia (2009)
The Non-Observance of Grice’s Maxims in Political Interviews (2010)
Silesian Studies in English 2006 - International Conference of English and American Studies (Proceedings) (2006)
Aspects of Functional Sentence Perspective in Contemporary English News and Academic Prose (2008)
Practical Language - 2nd year, combined lectors (A2BK_PJ2A) (2010)
English Grammar (ZS1BK_AG3A and ZS1BP_AG3A) - 3rd year full-time and combined Ss (2010)
Crime news: Conveying Social Views and Attitudes via the Victim/Criminal Dichotomy (2010)
Crime news: Conveying Social Views and Attitudes via the Victim/Criminal Dichotomy (2010)
Apaviadanni (2010)
Notas al primer diccionario bidireccional del caló: Gitanos y castellanos de Tineo Rebolledo (1909) (2010)
Entrevista con Martina Cerna (2010)
Lad's Love: An Anthology of Uranian Poetry and Prose, Vol. 1 (2010)
Lad's Love: An Anthology of Uranian Poetry and Prose, Vol. 2 (2010)
Practical English - ZS1MK_A4A (2010)
Expressivité des "mots identitaires" dans l'argot des jeunes (2010)
Poststructuralist models for polysemic signs – The example of ‘love’ (2011)
Fletcherian Dramatic Achievement: A Study in the Mature Plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625) (2010)
Na troskách struktury: stati o divadelní sémiotice a strukturalismu roku 2008 (2010)
Articulating National Identity in Online Interactions (2010)
Victim/Criminal Dichotomy in Crime News in the British press (2010)
Moderní vzdělávací teorie a e-learning 2.0 (2010)
Google jako nástroj ve výuce (2010)
E-learning 2.0 : Teoretická východiska a praktická řešení (2011)
Using Online Corpora - Corpus Query Language Explained [workshop] (2010)
A Three-Level ESP Analysis for Educational Purposes [poster] (2010)
Nástroje moderních technologií pro podporu výuky [workshop] (2010)
Kačeři a georobátka: Jazyk českého geocachingu (2010)
Águila Escobar, Gonzalo: Los diccionarios electrónicos del espaňol. Madrid: Arco/Libros 2009, 95 pp. (2010)
Hedging in Research Articles: Humanities and Social Sciences Compared (2010)
Hedging in Research Articles: A Comparative Study (2010)
Hedging in Academic Writing: The Outline of a New Perspective (2010)
Hedging in Research Articles: A Comparison (2010)
Ancora su "tiranteria" (con qualche osservazione di metodo) (2012)
Fenomenologia degli 'errori guida' (2011)
Sally Johnson and Astrid Ensslin (eds.) Language in the Media (a review) (2010)
Conjunctive Adverbials in English Academic Prose - Their Features and Use by Men and Women Authors (2009)
Pierre BOURDIEU, Pravidla umění. Vznik a struktura literárního pole (Les Regles de l'Art. Genese et structure du champ littéraire) (2011)
Leonard Cohen e i cantautori italiani : i casi di Fabrizio De André e Francesco De Gregori (2012)
Stříbrný, Zdeněk and Zdeněk Beran (eds.): Tušivá rozpomnění: Jezerní básníci [Shadowy Recollections: The Lake Poets] (2011)
Utopie sociale et altérité dans les romans de colonisation d'Alexandre Huot et Gérard Bouchard (2010)
Madridské povídky; Cuentos de Madrid (2011)
Dynamic and Static Semantics of the English Verb in Motion Events: An Attempt at an Integrated Approach (2010)
Deux chronotopes qui different a une lettre pres: La disparition et Les revenentes de Georges Perec (2010)
Segunda edición del Festival Transteatral en Praga (2010)
On Factors which License the Formation of Secondary Agent Constructions (2010)
On How English and Czech Differ in the Pragmatic Anchorage of Caused Motion Situations: The Case of Secondary Agent Constructions (2010)
On How English and Czech Differ in the Pragmatic Anchorage of Caused Motion Situations: The Case of Secondary Agent Constructions (2010)
On Factors which License the Formation of Secondary Agent Constructions (2010)
On Pragmatic and Cognitive Processes in Meaning Variation (2010)
On Factors Barring the Causativization of Path Verbs (2010)
On Some Aspects of the Quantization of Action in the Progressive (2010)
Semantics of the Short Passive Form in the English Language (2010)
Sebastian M. Herrmann, Katja Kanzler, Anne Koenen, Zoe A. Kusmierz, Leonard Schmieding, eds.,Ambivalent Americanizations Popular and Consumer Culture in Central and Eastern Europe. American Studies - A Monograph Series 165 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2008) (2010)
Weapon of Ms Destruction: The Subversive Role of Linguistic Creativity (2011)
On Expressing the Participants' Status in Crime Reports in the British Press (2011)
Dekonštrukcia genderovej identity v dramatickom dialógu: diskurzívna analýza hry Sarah Kane "Túžim" (2010)
Několik poznámek ke třetímu vydání The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (2011)
Matchmaking Advertisements and Societal Values (2010)
Clemens W.A. Fritz: From English in Australia to Australian English (2010)
Cobley, Paul (ed.): the Routledge Companion to Semiotics (review) (2010)
Barbara Caine: Biography and History (review) (2010)
Hedging devices in literary criticism articles (2010)
Argot des jeunes et français contemporain des cités en didactique du FLE/S : motivations des jeunes et limites des dictionnaires pour une étude des divergences socioculturelles (2010)
Étude contrastive de la circulation des néologismes identitaires pour les jeunes dans l’espace médiatique (2010)
Využití InterCorpu ve vysokoškolských kurzech francouzské filologie (motivace a cíle meziuniverzitní spolupráce romanistů při využití InterCorpu ve výuce) (2010)
Expressivité et identité dans les langues : IVe colloque d'argotologie (2010)
Word order and linear modification in English (2009)
Discourse Markers in Czech and English Conversation (2010)
Communicative perspectives in the Theory of FSP (2010)
Pragmatic Principles in Advertising Discourse (2010)
Grammar 1B (2011)
New Practical Language 2B (2011)
Les étrangers de Gabrielle Roy (2011)
Angličtí kočovní komedianti a jejich klaun(i) (2010)
Hamlet či non-Hamlet? Tak trochu jiná bratrovražda (2010)
TRAGÉDIE. Potrestaná bratrovražda aneb Princ Hamlet Dánska (2010)
Poznámka překladatelky (2010)
Ztraceno v překladech. Translatologický exkurz do Postdramatického divadla Hanse-Thiese Lehmanna (2010)
K problematice jednoho užití pojmu "záměr" (1989)
Sur quelques notions de l'américanité: étude de l'influence américaine sur le roman québécois contemporain (2010)
?Cuál es mi papel? Los personajes en el teatro de Luis Enrique Gutiérrez Ortiz Monasterio (2011)
Vzpomínka na jedno výjimečně dynamické téma (2011)
Now as a discourse marker (2010)
Direct cohesive chains in scientific articles (2009)
The Power of Questioning: A Case Study of Courtroom Discourse (2010)
Lay people as cross-examiners: a linguistic analysis of the libel case McDonald’s Corporation v. Helen Steel and David Morris (2010)
Les Pays Tcheques (2011)
Humour in the Media: Voicing Agendas, Communicating Laughter (2011)
The Ambiguous in Contemporary British Prose (2011)
Transgressive (Auto)Biography as Genre and Method (2010)
An Aesthete's Lost War: Lyotard and the Un-Sublime Art of New Europe (2006)
José Luis Bellón Aguilera (2009), La mirada pijoapartesca (Lecturas de Marsé), Ostrava (2010)
Kde se bere převleková komedie (2011)
Visée interprétative — Lecture de deux descriptions de Amerika par F. Kafka (2011)
Simplification in the modern press: Binary oppositions in crime reports (2011)
La traduction en lexicographie bilingue - Des marques de catégorisation implicites ? (2011)
BAZERMAN: Učme se lépe psát, budeme lépe myslet (2011)
Defining Expert Writing Skills in the ELF Context: A Comparative Study of Academic Abstracts [presentation] (2011)
Mahara – New Ways of Learning and Teaching [workshop] (2011)
Virtuální vzdělávací prostředí 2.0 [poster] (2011)
Leo Spitzer (redi)vivus (2011)
Kontrastivní analýza studentských překladů a aktuální členění větné z hlediska didaktiky překladu (2011)
Les métaphores du quotidien en sémantique cognitive. Quel héritage localiste ? (2011)
Soudní překlad a tlumočení (2011)
Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume One (1951–1967) (2010)
Aktuální členění stále aktuální, zejména zásluhou významného brněnského anglisty (2011)
Quelques réflexions sur le theme de l'absurde d'apres Le buisson ardent de F. Kafka (2011)
Review of Joanne Rochester, Staging Spectatorship in the Plays of Philip Massinger (2011)
Implicit meanings and racism in political advertising (2012)
Interactive syllabus for the subject Practical and Professional English 2 (2011)
Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner (2011) (2011)
De vuelta a los gitanismos en el Diccionario manual de la Real Academia Espaňola (2011)
Adjectifs et synesthésie. Comment le virtuel et l'actuel se conditionnent mutuellement (2011)
Early Seventeenth Century Tragicomedy in Early Twenty-First Century Editions (2011)
Simplification in the modern press: Binary oppositions in crime reports (2011)
I am bound to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people: Why global issues matter. (2011)
Text Activator: A tool to prepare language courses for easy import into Moodle (2011)
Teaching Translation Theory: The Challenges of Theory Framing (2011)
Introduction: The Significance of Scenography in a Czech Context (2011)
O některých úskalích a možnostech začlenění rámce funkční větné perspektivy do elektronických korpusů (2011)
Multi-Functionality of Metaphor in Newspaper Discourse (2011)
Aux marges de la langue: argots, style et dynamique lexicale (2011)
Helping Medical Students Write: Genre Analysis of Medical Case Reports (2011)
Orgány Evropské Unie (2011)
Termíny a spojení užívané v soudní praxi. Všeobecný česko-anglický glosář (2011)
Accurate and Effective: Mapping Usability of Terminology Extraction Tools (2011)
La poétique baroquisante de Marie-Claire Blais (2011)
Opravna 14 (2011)
Renata Povolná: Interactive Discourse Markers in Spoken English. Brno: Spisy Pedagogické fakulty MU, Sv. 134, 2010, 192 s., Review. (2011)
Conversational Humour and Joint Fantisizing in Online Journalism (2012)
The dream of a perfect body come true : Multimodality in cosmetic surgery advertising (2012)
Global Issues in the ELT Classroom (2011)
Stefan Ruhstaller, María Dolores Gordón (eds.), Diccionario y aprendizaje del espaňol, Bern, Peter Lang, 2010, 355p. (2011)
Francisco M. Carriscondo Esquivel, La épica del diccionario. Hitos lexicográficos del XVIII, Madrid, Calambur, Biblioteca Litterae 2010, 252 p. (2011)
Susana Rodríguez Barcia, La realidad relativa. Evolución ideológica en el trabajo lexicográfico de la Real Academia Espaňola (1726-2006), Vigo, Universidade de Vigo, Servizo de Publicacións 2008, 296 p. (2011)
Interpersonal and Crosscultural Communication: Australian Aborigines and Central European Romanies (2011)
Quand la grosse femme d'a côté voyageait. Les Traversées de Michel Tremblay (2011)
Les créations de Réjean Ducharme (2010)
Laisse de Jean-François Chassay (2011)
Jean-François Chassay: professeur, romancier ou scientifique? (2010)
Sur quelques potentialités de la littérature virtuelle (2011)
Hybridation des discours et jeux littéraires dans les romans de Jean-François Chassay (2010)
The Permanent Psychodrama of A.L. Kennedy's Narrative (2011)
Jane Gardam's Variations of the Bildungsroman (2011)
Leto Had to Leave Home: Across Europe from Mythology to the Third Millennium (2011)
Mahara – netradiční přístupy k učení a vyučování [workshop] (2011)
Statistics and Memories: Czech Literary Translation 1945-1989 [presentation] (2011)
Argot: historia documentada de un término en la lingüística espaňola (2011)
English Linguistics, Christian Mair, Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen (2008) (2012)
La littérature française en République Tcheque (2011)
De la subjectivité dans la recherche des marques identitaires pour les jeunes (2011)
Argot commun des jeunes et français contemporain des cités dans le cinéma français depuis 1995 : pratiques des jeunes, reprises cinématographiques et enjeux pour la francophonie (2011)
Approximations perceptives des locuteurs et éclaircissements stylistiques des auteurs : les arabismes a la lumiere de l’argot des jeunes (des cités) (2011)
Neologie a dynamika šíření identitárních neologismů mezi mládeží (2011)
K nedožitým devadesátinám profesora Jana Firbase (2011)
Aspects of Functional Sentence Perspective in Contemporary English News and Academic Prose (2011)
An analysis of a children´s narrative applying the Problem-Solution and matching Patterns (1996)
Anglické texty a konverzační cvičení pro posluchače pedagogické fakulty (1990)
Materials Development for Lawyers with Special Focus on Self-Access Worksheets (1998)
Listening activities - Grading the task in listening to the BBC News (1994)
Jak znázornit literární vývoj? (2011)
The Red Queen: Margaret Drabble's (Auto)Biographical Pastiche (2011)
Language and Humour in the Media (2012)
Some Notes on the Degrees of Explicitness of Pragmatic Meaning in One Type of Caused Motion Construction: An English-Czech Comparison (2011)
"What governs life": Švankmajer's Faust in Prague (2011)
Thomas Middleton in Context (review) (2011)
International Seminar on Early Modern Theatre in Europe (2011)
Torontská disertace o českém divadle (2011)
Tendence v našem myšlení o divadle (2011)
Příspěvek k provázkovské mytologii (2011)
Náruč Shakespeara (2011)
Syntactic Structures and Their Sequencing as Defamiliarization Device (2011)
Strukturalistický slet v Brně čili Prague Semiotic Stage Revisited (2011)
Kdo je tady divák? (2011)
Launching a Structuralist Assembly: Convening the Scattered Structures (2011)
“Einen grünen Hering in der Hand”: Mixed Response in Itinerant Plays of Seventeenth-Century Germany (2011)
9th World Shakespeare Congress (2011)
Shakespearean Actors in Early Modern Europe (2011)
"Engelische Auffzüge... nach Beliebung": the Itinerant Actors' English Comedy as a Style (2011)
Shipwrecks on the Czech Sea: Tempest in Five Fits (2011)
Pavel Haas's Šarlatán as a piece of music theatre (2011)
Shakespearean Tempests on the Czech See (2011)
“With mirth in Funerall, and with Dirge in Marriage”: Shakespeare and Early Modern Frivolous Drama (2010)
Many-headed Multitude of Shakespeare’s Language (2010)
Shakespeare's Heteroglossia (2010)
České pokusy o Shakespeara (2010)
On the Principled Connections between the Semantic Structure of Verbs of Locomotion in English and their Syntactic Behaviour (2011)
Verbs in Secondary Agent Constructions: An English - Czech Comparison (2011)
Verbs in Secondary Agent Constructions: An English - Czech Comparison (2011)
Summary (2011)
The Unergative vs. the Unaccusative Status of English Verbs of Locomotion. (2011)
Verbs and Times. (2011)
The Tom Barber Trilogy - Uncle Stephen, The Retreat, and Young Tom, by Forrest Reid: Vol. 1: The Trilogy (2011)
The Tom Barber Trilogy - Uncle Stephen, The Retreat, and Young Tom, by Forrest Reid: Vol. 2: A Study of Forrest Reid and Explanatory Notes (2011)
Počátky německé divadelní vědy: dílo Maxe Herrmanna (2011)
Literární biografie jako křižovatka žánrů (2011)
Max Herrmann: Prožívání divadelního prostoru (2011)
Kotte scén(olog)ický (2011)
Kultivujme psaní - pomůže nám vědecky myslet: rozhovor s prof. Charlesem Bazermanem (2011)
"Where did all the Water Come From?: How Water Crosses Boundaries in Thomas King's Green Grass, Running Water" (2011)
"Erasing the Binary Oppositions (?): The Position of Women Characters in Ishmael Reed's Japanese by Spring" (2011)
Hybridization in American TV Commercials (2011)
Hedges in undergraduate writing: A comparative study (2011)
Hedges in undergraduate writing: Czech and German students compared (2011)
Hedges in Academic Writing: Comparing Linguistics and Literary Research Articles. (2011)
Hedging in research articles: Humanities and social sciences compared. (2011)
Goin' Down the Road for the Red Violin: A Certain Tendency in Recent Canadian Cinema (2011)
Helping Medical Students Write: Genre Analysis of Medical Case Reports (2011)
Beckett Country: Irish Motifs in Belarusian Landscape (2011)
Kubuś Puchatek w tłumaczeniach na języki słowiańskie (2011)
Уяўнае ўбоства беларускай драматургіі (2012)
Integrazioni al censimento dei codici italiani di Brunetto Latini (2013)
Švankmajer's Faust in Prague (2011)
Morbidita hudby a opery (1) (2012)
Morbidita hudby a opery (2) (2012)
Language, Humour, and the Media (2012)
Medical Writing for Real Purposes: Health Information Leaflets for International Students at Masaryk University (2012)
Rev. of The Racial Politics of Bodies, Nations and Knowledges, edited by Barbara Baird and Damien Riggs (2011)
La situation linguistique dans l'Etat de Goa en Inde : réminiscences d'un passé colonial (2012)
A co když je to světec?: Massingerův Římský herec jako krypto-Genesius (2011)
Test Your English (2012)
Project teaching as a part of Practical Language classes at university level (2011)
Cross-cultural differences in undergraduate academic writing (2011)
Hedges in undergraduate writing: A Cross-cultural perspective (2011)
The Concept of Path in Telic Events with Verbs of Manner of Motion (2011)
Socio-Pragmatic Aspects of Phatic Communion A Study of phatic devices in fictuional dialogues (2010)
Translating Beyond English and Czech : W. Golding's The Inheritors in a Czech Translation (2012)
Ostatni zajazd na Litwie jako punkt zwrotny w białorusko-polskim dialogu (2012)
Čtení světla. Překlad Renata Kamenická (2011)
Země. Překlad Renata Kamenická (2011)
On the structure and use of compliments in dramatic discourse (2011)
A Socio-pragmatic Approach to Dramatic Discourse Analysis (2011)
1000 japonských slovíček : ilustrovaný slovník (2012)
On the Interplay between Syntax and Semantics: Secondary Agent Constructions (2010)
Classification of Verbs Based on Temporal Schemata (2010)
The Simple vs. the Progressive with Verbs Denoting Body Part Movements (2010)
On Factors that License the Formation of Induced Action Constructions (2009)
On the Non-incrementality of the Building of Verbal Meanings (2008)
La notion de «petite erreur» chez Daniil Harms et ses correspondances dans l’oeuvre de Georges Perec (2011)
Grammar of news texts from the perspective of the interpersonal metafunction (2011)
Academic Writing in English: Writing Essays at KAA (2011)
Discursive practices and emerging discourse communities: The case of Czech geocaching (2011)
Integrating Legal ESP Content in Linguistics Courses for Students of English (2007)
Negative Media Presentation of ‘Others’: Stereotyping Jacque Le Worm Chirac as an Opponent to Military Action (2007)
Online Minute-by-Minute Sports Commentaries: Towards a New Genre of Infotainment (2007)
Integration of Multiple Thematic Threads in Online Sports Commentaries (2007)
Integrační tendence v jazyce internetového sportovního zpravodajství v angličtině (2007)
Označování aktérů jako součást komunikační strategie anglického bulvárního tisku (2008)
American Judicial Discourse from a Linguistic Perspective (2008)
Humour in online sports commentaries (2008)
Narrative structures in online sports commentaries (2008)
Cohesion and coherence in minute-by-minute sports reports (2008)
"A sad Tale's best for Winter" : William Shakespeare's The Winters Tale (2012)
English Travelling Players on the Continent: European theatre culture of the 17th century (2012)
Transforming Bodies (2011)
Pandrogyny: Deconstructing Bodies, Genders, Identities (2011)
Aktuální členění větné z pohledu překladatele věcných textů (2010)
Překladatelská manipulace explicitnosti (v překladech pro EU a v souvislostech) (2010)
Textové projevy osobnosti překladatele – impulzy z výzkumu v konfrontaci s praxí (2011)
Překladatelská manipulace explicitnosti v literárních textech (v souvislostech a ve vlastním výzkumu) (2011)
“Going Cognitive” and the Translation Classroom (2011)
Zooming in on What Tymoczko Has Enlarged: English-to-Czech Literary Translation and the Holistic approach to Translating Culture (2011)
Academic Abstracts in English, Czech and English Translation from Czech – Tracing Convergences (2010)
Philip Swallow, Morris Zapp – Czech and Slovak (2009)
Teaching Translation Theory: The Challenges of Theory Framing (2010)
On Right and Wrong Uses of Translation Theory: a case study and implications for research (2009)
Translating beyond English and Czech: W. Golding's The Inheritors in a Czech translation (2009)
The Secret Life of Implicitation (in Translation of Fiction) (2010)
Activating Student Autonomy in Translation Training: In-class and Online (2011)
Interindividuální aspekty explicitace a implicitace v literárním překladu: první vhled (2008)
Explicitly on Implicitation: Two Tendencies in the Use of Experiential Implicitation (2009)
Kontrastivní analýza studentských překladů a aktuální členění větné z hlediska didaktiky překladu (2010)
The as-if game and literary translation (2007)
Integrační jevy v jazyce internetového sportovního zpravodajství v angličtině (2008)
Reforma anglického právního jazyka a hnutí "plain English" (2008)
Facing the jokes. Face threat and joking in live text commentaries (2009)
Integrating Legal ESP within a Tertiary Level Linguistics Syllabus (2009)
Multilingualism in Football Teams (2009)
The Pragmatics of Courtroom Discourse: Saving One’s Face in the Witness Box (2009)
Verbal and Visual Representation of 'US' and 'THEM': British Front-Page News on the Iraq War (2009)
Multimodální analýza a vizuální rétorika titulních stran britského tisku (2009)
Multi-layer participant frameworks in live text commentary (2010)
Conversational joking in online quasi-interactions (2010)
“Poe’s Genre-Crossing: From Domesticity to Detection.” (2011)
“Woolf’s Gothic Modernism: Spirited Feminism in To the Lighthouse.” (2011)
4th Nitra Conference on Discourse Studies: Discourse Analysis in a Digital World (2011)
Science news and research articles: focus on structural similarity and links beyond genres (2011)
Coherence Relations and Coherent Reactions. 2nd Nitra Conference on Discourse Studies: Politeness and Interaction (2007)
But now we know: contrastive coherence relations in popular science (2008)
Palpated, phonendoscoped, x-rayed and tomographed: the structure of science news in good shape (2010)
Palpated, phonendoscoped, x-rayed and tomographed: the structure of science news in good shape (2010)
Living twice as long but half the size: Structure, contrasts and evaluations in science news (2011)
Living twice as long but half the size: Structure, contrasts and evaluations in science news (2011)
Palpated, phonendoscoped, x-rayed and tomographed: the structure of science news in good shape (2010)
But now we know: contrastive coherence relations in popular science (2008)
Science news and research articles: focus on structural similarity and links beyond genres (2011)
Historia crítica de la lexicografía gitano-espaňola (2011)
En finir avec les faux sujets syntaxiques? : le cas des pronoms personnels en français (2011)
Metaphoric Representation of Natural Catastrophes in Newspaper Discourse (2010)
Multi-functionality of Metaphor in Newspaper Discourse (2010)
Stereotypical Representation of Natural Catastrophes in Newspaper Discourse as Hindrance to Constructive Action (2010)
Western Enlightenment Ideology in Newspaper Discourse on Natural Catastrophes (2010)
Metaphorical Representation of a Natural Phenomenon in Newspaper Discourse on Natural Catastrophes (2012)
The Style of Live Sportscasting in Online Newspapers (2012)
Tradiční přístupy a nové tendence ve zkoumání českého a francouzského slangu a argotu (2011)
Member (2010)
Chci studovat angličtinu (2012)
Perceived interactivity in Children Internet Advertising (2011)
Search for an Authentic Expression in the Expatriate Novels by Samuel Selvon. (2011)
Solidarity with the Community or its Degradation? – V.S. Naipaul’s The Middle Passage: The Caribbean Revisited and his Use of Victorian Authors. (2011)
The Pederasty of William S. Burroughs (2011)
The 2011 František Chudoba Prize (2011)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2011)
Místopředseda oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině (2011)
As Crippled as it Gets : Dalton Trumbo's Johny Got His Gun and the Transformations of American Society (2012)
Blackness in the New Millenium (2011)
(Myth)ology and Realism - the Unlikely Fusion in Marina Warner's Novels (2011)
Approaches to Transgressive Auto/Biography: Introduction (2011)
Living Between the Lines: Transgressive (Auto)Biography as Genre and Method (2010)
Autorské osobnosti kanadského hraného filmu (2009)
American Identity: What is it? Paul Haggis' "Crash" and the Crisis of American Multicultural Experience. (2008)
False Friends (To Be) Revisited (2011)
Otto, Eliot and Aliens (2010)
The Black Body as a Guinea Pig: The Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment and its Cinematic Representation (2007)
Angličtina - Konverzace pro pokročilé - dril (2012)
Člen oborové rady oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2012)
Místopředseda oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině v roce 2012 (2012)
Czech adaptations of children’s literature written in English (2010)
Angličtina: Konverzace pro pokročilé. (2008)
For Better Life – Inferencing from Implied Advertising Claims (2011)
Identity and City in the Works of Virginia Woolf (2012)
Czech Literary Translation Histories 1918 – 2010: A Quantitative Perspective [presentation] (2012)
Teacher training in ICT for ELT (2011)
British Council teacher training course: 4 weeks Hefei China (2012)
Full day teacher training workshop in ICT in ELT (2011)
Four teacher training workshops in a weekend training course (2011)
Erasmus teacher exchange: presented using web-based tools in vocabulary development. (2011)
Co-presenter of all day workshop at Eurocall annual conference on corpus use in language teaching. (2011)
SCO Presentation of software Text Activator, a tool to prepare language courses for easy import into Moodle (2011)
British Council/NILE: teacher training course (2011)
Incorporating corpora into English language teaching (2011)
Corpus CALL SIG committee member (2011)
TALC Committee member (2011)
Erasmus teaching exchange (2010)
TALC conference (2010)
One day workshops for the Paedagogische Hochschule. (2010)
Presentation on Global Issues book at national teachers conference (2010)
Teacher training in ICT for ELT – blended learning course (2010)
Teacher training in ICT (2010)
PALC Conference: Concordancing as a Subversive Activity (2009)
Teacher training workshop: Global Issues (2009)
EUROCALL conference – corpus workshop presentation (2008)
3 week ICT teacher training for Shandong University (2008)
Teacher training workshops: Global Issues (2008)
TALC: corpora in language education research and teaching (2008)
Teacher training in ICT for ELT Norwich (2008)
Teacher training (2007)
Invited presentation on Corpus use at teacher workshop (2007)
British Council: teacher training course (2008)
Teacher training in ICT for ELT – blended course (2009)
Teacher training in ICT Norwich (2009)
Personal and preferred partner characteristics in personal advertisements: With regard to appearance (2010)
Dílo Jana Firbase v českém a mezinárodním kontextu (2011)
Za Alešem Svobodou (2010)
Written academic discourse: Anglo-American traditions in the European context (Seminar no. 71 at 10th ESSE Conference) [workshop] (2010)
Communities, Conventions, and the Conception of Medicine 2.0 in the Development of the Medical Case Report: Genre Analysis (2009)
Information structure of discourse (Thematic Session no. 11 at 9th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies - Diversification and its Discontents) [workshop] (2010)
Introducing New Information into the Context of Discourse (2010)
Introducing New Information into the Context of Discourse (2010)
The syntactic structure of English academic texts (2010)
Integrating Research in Translation Studies (Thematic Session no. 11 at 9th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies - Diversification and its Discontents) [workshop] (2010)
K analýze informační struktury jazyka (2010)
An FSP view of discourse markers (2009)
The position of discourse markers in the information structure of a sentence (2009)
The information structure of discourse (2009)
Beckett Country: Irish Motifs in Belarusian Landscape (2012)
Frictions in the City: Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing vs. Paul Haggis's Crash (2009)
How Come You're not a Criminal? Immigrant Stereotyping and Ethnic Profiling in the Press (2013)
Volgarizzamento della Disciplina clericalis di Pietro Alfonsi (2012)
“Indigenous Collaborative Life Writing : Narrative Transgression in Auntie Rita and Kayang and Me" (2011)
From Stage to Cage: The First Staging of Waiting for Godot in Belarus (2012)
Circularity in Samuel Beckett's Writing (2012)
Notas al primer diccionario bidireccional del caló : Gitanos y castellanos de Tineo Rebolledo (1909) (2012)
Alternatives in Biography : Writing Lives in Diverse English-language Contexts (2011)
Perfecting the Imperfect: Tendency of Page-Oriented Translations to “Improve” on Classics (2010)
Hlavní rozdíly v české překladatelské praxi před rokem 1989 a po něm (2011)
Literature versus Theatre: Basic Approaches to Drama Translation (2010)
Bohumil Štěpánek and His Place among Czech Shakespearean Translators (2010)
Drama as an Ordinary Talk (2012)
"A Štěstěna, ta povstalecká děvka, se na něj zubila" : shakespearovské překlady Milana Lukeše (2012)
Control through Language in Politics (2010)
Hidden Bias in the 2008 American Presidential Debates (2010)
"This comment is not funny" : Metacomments and humour in live blogs (2012)
Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora (2012)
Where did all the Water Come from? How Water Crosses Boundaries in Thomas King’s Green Grass, Running Water (2012)
Don DeLillo: Prašivý pes (2012)
Michael D. Bristol ed., Shakespeare and Moral Agency. Shakespeare Continuum Studies. London: Continuum Books, 2010 (2012)
„Indiánský Orfeus“ u Leonarda Cohena (Beautiful Losers) a Jacquesa Ferrona (Le Ciel de Québec) (2012)
Une vision fragmentée de la guerre (2012)
Kešonymické hrátky: Motivační typy pojmenování keší v českém geocachingu (2012)
"Inscribing Difference in Personal Non-Fiction by Lee Maracle and Beth Brant" (2012)
El teatro de Emilio Carballido : la teatralización de la realidad como enfoque ético (2012)
Stíny jednorožce (2011)
E-learning : učení (se) s online technologiemi (2012)
La notion d'"argot commun des jeunes" : approches lexicographique et socio-didactique dans les cours de FLE (2011)
Vliv vztahu mezi centrem a periferií na označení literárních směrů - případ francouzsko-kanadské literatury (2012)
Multi-party interactions in modern mass media discourse : Recipients as active participants (2012)
Linguistic Interaction and Participation in Media Discourses (seminar S47 at ESSE 2012) (2012)
Esperando a Robert Capa (2011)
Marina (2012)
Malinche (2012)
Ontologický důkaz potenciálu strukturalistické teorie aneb Funkční reformulace (2012)
Theatre into prose into theatre : reflections on the adaptation processes (2012)
La sémantique contemporaine : du seme au theme (2012)
Jiří Adámek : Théâtre musical. Divadlo poutané hudbou (2012)
Literatura en tiempos de globalización (2012)
The Amazing Emperor Heliogabalus (2012)
México y el vecino del Norte en el teatro de Emilio Carballido (2012)
Michel de Ghelderode a jeho překladatel Jiří Konůpek (2012)
Román a romance (nejen) v anglické terminologii (2012)
Dystopian Transformations: Post-Cold War Dystopian Writing by Women (2012)
FIFTH BRNO CONFERENCE ON LINGUISTICS STUDIES IN ENGLISH 2012 English as the Lingua Franca of the Modern World: New Challenges for Academia (2012)
Launching a Structuralist Assembly : Convening the Scattered Structures (2012)
John Russell Brown. Studying Shakespeare in performance (2012)
John Russell Brown (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Actors' Shakespeare (2012)
Alice Dubská. The Travels of the Puppeteers Brát and Pratte Through Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (2012)
Zora Neale Hurston’s Experiments: Tracing the Portrayal of Romantic Relationships in “Under the Bridge,” “Muttsy,” and “Monkey Junk” (2012)
Zlá hodinka o Ensemblu Opera Diversa (2012) Wiki (a Wikipedie) (2012)
Design and Compilation of a Corpus of Non-Native Legal Texts (2012)
The Social Function of Postcolonial Literature in the 1960s and Now (2012)
Is Postcolonial Theory Still Relevant? (2012)
Tradice a modernita v románech Amose Tutuoly, ChinuyAchebe a Cypriana Ekwensiho (2012)
Overcoming the Constraints of Narrative Traditions (2012)
Language as a Mirror of Cultural Syncretism and Hybridity (2012)
7.2 Kurzy využívající wiki a Wikipedii (2012)
Cohesive Means in Research Articles: Linguistics and Computer Science Compared (2012)
Marina Warner : Mythology, Fairy Tale and Realism (2012)
Midwife of the New Negro: The Pedagogic Aspect of Jessie Fauset’s Poetry in and Editorship of The Brownies’ Book (2012)
Direct and Indirect Speech Acts in the Dramatic Discourse (2012)
A Pragmatic Approach of Dramatic Discourse (2012)
Directness and Indirectness in Drama: Speech Act Analysis (2012)
Functional sentence perspective (2012)
On the suggestive semantic clue in functional sentence perspective (2012)
Figement de séquences défigées : un commerce devenu inéquitable (2012)
Presence of Gypsy origin vocabulary in Latin American Spanish varieties:the case of Mexican Spanish and its caló (2012)
El tratamiento del léxico de origen gitano en el Diccionario de americanismos de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Espanola (2012)
Erika Fischer-Lichte. Estetika performativity (2011)
Clash of Desires: Detective vs. Femme Fatale (2012)
Some Thoughts on the Information Structure of Traffic Signs (2012)
‘...but there were no broken legs’: The emerging genre of football match reports in The Times in the 1860s (2014)
Henry James and the Plunder of Sentiment: Building the House of Modernism from The Spoils of Poynton (2012)
Investigating Academic Writing in the ELF Context: A Comparative Study of Dissertation Abstracts [presentation] (2012)
Activating Student Autonomy in Translation Training : In-Class and Online (2012)
As Cripples As It Gets : Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got His Gun (1939; 1971) (2012)
The Man Who Wasn't There? Larry Kent and his Early Vancouver Films (2012)
Verbal Meaning as Semantic Potential (2012)
On Perceptual and Cognitive Processes in Verbal Polysemy (2012)
On the Principled Connections between the Semantic Structure of Verbs of Locomotion in English and Their Syntactic Behaviour. (2012)
The Incurable Heathcliff: The Language of Medicine in Wuthering Heights (2012)
Madness and Identity Crisis in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire (2012)
Portrayal of the Criminal in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood (2012)
Private/Public Dialectic in the Writings of Virginia Woolf (2012)
Identity and City in Virginia Woolf’s Private and Public Writings (2012)
White Characters Speaking Black English in Two Novels by Ishmael Reed (2012)
Subjectivity and Its Representation in The Waves (2012)
Subjectivity and Its Representation in The Journals of Sylvia Plath (2012)
Hledání pravdy ve změti příběhů (2012)
False Friends (To Be) Revisited (2012)
Jarmila Emmerová (2012)
The Power of Language in American Hard-boiled Detective Fiction (2012)
Mike Hammer – Hard-Boiled Outcast or Superhero? (2012)
Women Are Necessary Evils – (Mis)Representation of Chandler’s Women by Hollywood (2012)
Clash of Desires: Detective vs. Femme Fatale (2012)
Houellebecq, Michel: Mapa a území (2012)
Miroslav Jindra (2012)
Eva Kondrysová (2012)
Eva Masnerová (2012)
Radoslav Nenadál (2012)
Rudolf Pellar (2012)
An International Symposium for Doctoral Students "A Culture of Language" (2012)
Speaking vs. Writing in Asynchronous Computer-mediated Communication (2011)
La présence de la littérature canadienne française et québécoise en milieu tcheque (2012)
Od Wůdce Šottského Wogska k Štěstěně, která se zubila: stručné dějiny českého překládání Macbetha (2012)
Mixing the High and the Low in Ishmael Reed's Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down: the Use of the Western Genre as a Medium for Serious Content (2012)
Cuando el sur se convierte en Norte (2012)
Review of Carol Berkenkotter, Vijay K. Bhatia and Maurizio Gotti (eds.): Insights into Academic Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 2012 (2012)
La circulation des innovations lexicales dans un espace territorialement circonscrit : le cas des jeunes dits « des quartiers » et du rap dans le Val-de-Marne (2012)
Le rap en tant que vecteur des innovations lexicales : circulation médiatique et comportement des locuteurs (2013)
Pas de bleme! : slovník slangu a hovorové francouzštiny (2012)
Růžena Ostrá vzpomíná... (2012)
Matchmaking Advertisements and Societal Values (2010)
Disciplinary Writing for Publication in English: Empowering and Equipping EFL Doctoral Students with Writing Skills and Tools (2012)
České pokusy o Shakespeara : dějiny českých překladů Shakespeara doplněné antologií neznámých a vzácných textů z let 1782-1922 (2012)
El divorcio del personaje y el actor. La reconfiguración de la noción de personaje en el teatro de Luis Enrique Gutiérrez Ortiz Monasterio (2012)
De/konstrukce genderové identity v dramatickém diskurzu. Poststrukturálná analýza divadelní hry Douga Wrighta Svou vlastní ženou. (2010)
République Tcheque (2012)
El componente gitano en el espaňol mexicano (2012)
El caló a comienzos del siglo XXI (2012)
Válka a smilstvo : bezútěšné světy Troila a Kressidy (2012)
Vernisáž knihy České pokusy o Shakespeara (2012)
Worlds-in-Between and their Inhabitants (2012)
Dýňový démon ve vegetariánské restauraci: dušičková opera (2010)
Emprunts et équivalents : étude de leurs diffusions respectives dans plusieurs langues (2012)
O podvratné literatuře a jiných běsech (2012)
Students' Narratives: A Case Study of Stylistic Analysis of Written Narrative Structure and Focalization (2012)
Information and Interpretation in Media Discourse (2013)
Na koho ta tíha padne (2012)
Descriptive Clashes : Between Standardization and Dynamization of Translated Description (2012)
A Sociopragmatic Approach to Indirect Speech Acts: Dramatic Discourse Analysis (2012)
A SOCIOPRAGMATIC APPROACH TO DRAMATIC DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (based on the analysis of Harold Pinter’s dramatic texts) (2012)
Linguistic Diversity in Europe. Current Trends and Discourses (2013)
The degree of spokenness in two modes of CMC (2012)
Néologie et structuration de l'espace social. Naissance et circulation du terme "bolos" (2011)
Hellen Keller and the Authorship of Her Works (2012)
Shakespeare Bohumila Štěpánka (2012)
English-Czech Comparative Studies (2012)
Beyond the classroom (2012)
Alive and kicking or dead and buried? (2012)
DVDs, Culture, & YLs - all in one classroom (2012)
Untangling the web: Choosing and Integrating web tools into our teaching. (2012)
O současném francouzském slangu a slangové lexikografii (2012)
Sous-titrage de films et compétences socio-pragmatiques en classe de FLE (2012)
Hedges in Academic Writing: Linguistics and Literary Criticism Research Articles Compared (2012)
The Role of Hedging in Reader – Writer Interaction in Research Articles (2012)
The Role of Hedging in Reader – Writer Interaction in Research Articles (2012)
Using language learning portfolios with the first year students of English (2012)
Online discussions in EFL courses : From preparation to assessment (2012)
ELTE and reflection on the implementation of structured programmes in the Czech Republic (with emphasis on the bachelor level) (2012)
K trendům ve výzkumu v didaktice cizích jazyků: tematická analýza významných zahraničních studií za posledních 20 let (2012)
Overcoming the Constraints of Narrative Traditions (2012)
Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume Two (1968–1978) (2013)
An International Symposium for Doctoral Students "A Culture of Language" (2012)
Hidden Bias in the Discourse of American Presidential Candidates (2012)
The Use of Euphemisms as the Highest Form of Doublespeak in American Presidential Debates (2012)
The Use of Purr and Snarl Words as a Means of Manipulation in the American Presidential Debates (2012)
British Council trainer training course: 10 days Yueyang China (2012)
Technology Assisted Language Learning: 10 day teacher training workshop (2012)
Board member of Teaching and Language Corpora conference committee (2012)
Committee member of CorpusCALL (2012)
Let's Marry: a call for corpus and language acquisition researchers to co-operate (2012)
Stealing a March on Collocations (2012)
Word Sketches – the structured company that words keep (2012)
Using and creating corpora for language teaching and learning (Ful day workshop) (2012)
Give me one good reason why I should use corpora and then tell me how (2012)
Methodentrainings und Materialentwicklung für den Nachbarsprachen-unterricht (2012)
Mike Hammer – Outcast or Superhero? (2012)
You Have to Believe This, Simon, Your Father Was a Killer": History, Diversity and Identity in Atom Eoyan’s Recent Works (2012)
Technological Intimacy: A Look at Canadian Feature Film (2012)
You Have to Believe This, Simon, Your Father Was a Killer": History, Diversity and Identity in Atom Eoyan’s Recent Works (2012)
Introduction Patterns in Ian McEwan (2012)
Technological Intimacy: A Look at Canadian Feature Film (2012)
"Reclaiming the Region in Eden Robinson's Monkey Beach" (2012)
"Framing Indigenous Lives in Dual Voice : Kim Scott's and Hazel Brown's Kayang and Me" (2012)
Cohesive Devices in Research Articles (2012)
Vachek´s View of the Functional Hierarchy of Spoken and Written Utterances (2013)
Co-referential Chains in Research Articles: A comparative study (2012)
The Power of Language in American Hard-boiled Detective Fiction (2012)
Women Are Necessary Evils – (Mis)Representation of Chandler’s Women by Hollywood (2012)
Mike Hammer – Hard-Boiled Outcast or Superhero? (2012)
Clash of Desires: Detective vs. Femme Fatale (2012)
Chandler’s Spider Women – Female Criminality from Page to Screen (2012)
Chandler’s Spider Women – Female Criminality from Page to Screen (2012)
Cohesive Means in Scientific Articles: A Comparative Study of Computer Science and Linguistics (2011)
Cohesive Chains in Scientific Articles (2011)
A Comparison of Cohesive Devices in Research Articles (2012)
Cohesive Chains in Research Articles: A Comparative Study (2012)
Cohesive Means Carrying a Keyword Notion through the Text (2010)
Now as a Discourse Marker in Spoken English (2010)
Now as a Discourse Marker (2010)
Keyword Notion in the Text (2010)
Language as a Mirror of Cultural Syncretism and Hybridity (2012)
Overcoming the Constraints of Narrative Traditions (2012)
Cultural Difference and Social Solidarity: Conference Programme (2012)
My, oni, já : hledání identity v kanadské literatuře a filmu (2009)
Us-them-me : the search for identity in Canadian literature and film = Nous-eux-moi : la quete de l'identité dans la littérature et le cinéma canadiens (2009)
The Double-Edged Sword of RP: the contrasting roles of a pronunciation model in both native and non-native environments (2012)
Innovations in RP: social and regional approaches (2012)
The Double-Edged Sword of RP: the contrasting roles of a pronunciation model in both native and non-native environments (2011)
Developing a Hunger Course: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2013)
La famille et la communauté comme métaphore d´un projet culturel (2013)
Úvodem (2012)
Embedded interactions and media frames in live journalism (2013)
Hedges as writer protective devices in applied linguistics and literary criticism research articles (2012)
The Dream of a Perfect Body Come True: Multimodality in Cosmetic Surgery Advertising (2013)
Les amours cyniques de Roger Nimier (2012)
Enhancing Student Collaboration and Teamwork: Theoretical and Practical Issues of Virtual Project-based Collaborative Learning [presentation] (2013)
Enhancing Student Collaboration and Teamwork: Theoretical and Practical Issues of Virtual Project-based Collaborative Learning (2013)
Enhancing Student Collaboration and Teamwork: Theoretical and Practical Issues of Virtual Project-based Collaborative Learning (2013)
Students as E-teacher Assistants: Promoting Innovation and Effectivity of E-learning Solutions among the Faculty [poster] (2013)
Students as E-teacher Assistants: Promoting Innovation and Effectivity of E-learning Solutions among the Faculty (2013)
La France et nous (2013)
Students as E-teacher Assistants: Promoting Innovation and Effectivity of E-learning Solutions among the Faculty (2013)
Zapněte si mobilní telefony – online nástroje pro okamžitou zpětnou vazbu v prezenční výuce [presentation] (2013)
Zapněte si mobilní telefony – online nástroje pro okamžitou zpětnou vazbu v prezenční výuce (2013)
Zapněte si mobilní telefony – online nástroje pro okamžitou zpětnou vazbu v prezenční výuce (2013)
Online nástroje pro okamžitou zpětnou vazbu v prezenční výuce [workshop] (2013)
Online nástroje pro okamžitou zpětnou vazbu v prezenční výuce (2013)
Written Academic Discourse: Anglo-American Traditions in the European Context (2012)
“Writing without Tradition?: Emergence and Development of the West Indian literature.” (2013)
Writing without Tradition?: Emergence and Development of the West Indian Literature. (2013)
Written Academic Discourse in English: From Local Traditions to Global Outreach (2012)
La historia de los perdedores en el teatro de Luis Enrique Gutiérrez Ortiz Monasterio (2013)
Reassessments - Literary and Cultural Canons (2013)
Erasing the Binary Oppositions (?) : The Position of Women Characters in Ishmael Reed’s Japanese by Spring (2012)
En busca de una voz propia: entre la exacerbación y la rebeldía (2012)
La literatura en los tiempos de la Globalización (2013)
El tremendismo en las novelas de Camilo José Cela: el sabor amargo de la vida (2013)
La metamorfosis de Catalina de Erauso (2013)
Contar la historia a través de las imágenes : un acercamiento a los protagonistas de Esperando a Robert Capa de Susana Fortes (2012)
Mickey Spillane’s Violent Crusade from Pages to Screen (2013)
Mickey Spillane’s Violent Crusade from Pages to Screen (2013)
Země zaslíbená? (2013)
Una tarde con campanas (2013)
And All the Pieces Matter: HBO'sThe Wire and the Complexity of Representation (2013)
The nature of expertise in the teaching profession (in FLT perspective) (2013)
Difficulties of Cross-gender Solidarity in the Colonized Community: A Literary Perspective of English Speaking West Indies. Societies (2013)
Difficulties of Cross-gender Solidarity in the Colonized Community: A Literary Perspective of English Speaking West Indies. (2013)
"Contemporary Life Writing: Inscribing Double Voice in Intergenerational Collaborative Life-Writing Projects" (2013)
Recontextualization of broadcast talk in online journalism (2013)
Wordplay and football : Humour in the discourse of written sports reporting (2017)
Encuentro de hispanistas: Brno 2012 (2012)
Verbal Aggressiveness as an Argumentative Strategy in US Presidential Election E-Forum Debate (2013)
Verbal aggressiveness as an argumentative strategy in US presidential election e-forum debate (2013)
Verbal and Visual Narrativity: Reconstructing Where The Wild Things Are (2013)
Verbal and visual narativity: a case study of students' narratives inspired by Sendak’s visual images from Where the Wild Things Are (2013)
The Practical Joke as a News Category in Victorian Newspapers (2013)
The Practical Joke as a News Category in Victorian Newspapers (2013)
Naipaul’s A-political Passage – V.S. Naipaul’s The Middle Passage: The Caribbean Revisited (1962) and the difficulty of accepting both socio-political as well as aesthetic implications of the book. (2013)
Ishmael Reed's Juice! as a Critique of the Post-race Dream (2013)
Using E-Learning in Humanities Education: A New Moodle Module for Scaffolding the Development of Student Writing Skills (2013)
Using E-Learning in Humanities Education: A New Moodle Module for Scaffolding the Development of Student Writing Skills [presentation] (2013)
Using E-Learning in Humanities Education: A New Moodle Module for Scaffolding the Development of Student Writing Skills (2013)
Heads in the Cloud: Pros and Cons of Online Learning (2013)
Problematika ICT ve vzdělávání na stránkách českých odborných pedagogických časopisů v letech 1990-2012 (2013)
ICT in education from the perspective of Czech educational journals (1990-2012) (2013)
Walking the Thin On-line: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using E-learning Solutions from Three Different Points of View [presentation] (2013)
The discourse management of topic threads in online text commentaries (2013)
Presencia del léxico de origen gitano en las variedades latinoamericanas del espaňol : el caso del espaňol de México y su caló (2012)
Verbal Polysemy: The Case of ´Walk´and ´Run´. (2013)
Caló: una marca polifacética en la historia de la lexicografía académica (2013)
Total Object Inclusion in Locomotion Events (2013)
L’accentazione dei numerali nei prezzi in lire italiane (2013)
The Implications of Transtextuality in V.S. Naipaul’s The Middle Passage: The Caribbean Revisited (2013)
SILF 2013 : XXXVe Colloque international de linguistique fonctionelle (2013)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého. Info (2013)
Místopředseda oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině, 2013 (2013)
The Voice of Uncle Sam, the Image of Steve Jobs: The Changing Meaning and Reception of American Media and Cultural Products in the Czech Lands from 1960s to the Present (2013)
Mecanismos de comunión autor-público en la dramaturgia mexicana contemporánea (2013)
Littérature québécoise – littérature nationale ou communautaire? Quelles perspectives? (2013)
Los diccionarios de Carlos Gagini como fuentes de estudio de gitanismos en el espaňol de Costa Rica a finales el siglo XIX y a comienzos del siglo XX (2013)
“Make It up to Me Now” Hard-Boiled Mike Hammer and Seductive Babes (2013)
“Hammer, the Jury” (2013)
Chandler's Spider Women: Female Criminality from Page to Screen (2013)
Postmoderní bravura A. S. Byattové (2012)
Sánchez, Juan Antonio. La tesitura de La Celestina: (una aproximación) (2013)
Hladová hostina (2013)
De La Nuit aux Confitures de coings : traverser la Crise d'Octobre avec Jacques Ferron (2013)
Ou la machinerie de l’ascenseur conduit-elle dans La Vie mode d’emploi ? (2013)
Heads in the Cloud: Pros and Cons of Online Learning [presentation] (2013)
Echo-Assignment: A New Module for Tutored Text Production and Work Revision (2013)
Echo-Assignment: A New Module for Tutored Text Production and Work Revision [online presentation] (2013)
Barrientos José-Luis García Análisis de la dramaturgia cubana actual (Analysis of Contemporary Cuban Dramaturgy) Havana: Editorial Alarcos, 2011. 444 p. 20. ISBN: 978-959-305-014-2. doi:10.1017/S0266464X1300081x (2013)
Gallica - Pléiada: une décennie déja? (2013)
New Messengers: Short Narratives in Plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson (2013)
Questionnement identitaire dans Passages d'Émile Ollivier (2013)
Secondary Agent Constructions from a Diachronic Perspective (2013)
Caused Motion: Secondary Agent Constructions (2013)
A Reading of Wordsworth’s Preface : After Auschwitz (2013)
The Language of Romanticism : After the Holocaust (2013)
The Vietnam War as Video Game (2013)
A Lesson to Be Learned: Reclaiming the Region in Eden Robinson's *Monkey Beach* (2013)
Josef Vachek´s View of the Functional Hierarchy of Spoken and Written Utterances. Spoken vs written: worlds apart or diverse in unity? (2013)
Beckett Country: Irish Motifs in a Belarusian Landscape (2014)
Změny na fonetické úrovni mateřského jazyka při pobytu v zahraničí a jak je zkoumat (2013)
Výzkum změn na fonetické úrovni mateřského jazyka při pobytu v zahraničí (2013)
ICT ve výuce zeměpisu na základní škole (2013)
Classroom communication in expert performance in foreign language teaching: a review of Czech educational research and its implications (2013)
Rozvoj komunikační kompetence studentů angličtiny jako cizího jazyka pomocí online diskusních úkolů: Vybrané výsledky. (2013)
Členka oborové rady a členka zkušební komise doktorského studijního programu (2013)
Le reve communautaire de Marie-Claire Blais. Eschatologie et agapé dans le cycle de Soifs (2013)
Domestic Renaissance (2013)
Crimes of Literacy in the Gothic Imagination: Dracula and the Secretary (2013)
Two Worlds Collide (2013)
Phonetic changes in the speech of Anglophone expatriates living in the Czech Republic : Acquisition of Czech accent? (2013)
Phonetic changes in the speech of Anglophone expatriates living in the Czech Republic: Acquisition of Czech accent? (2013)
Indirectness as a creative skill in pragmatic research: Corpus-based analysis of the language of American TV series (2013)
The Blond Satan and the White Knight in Temptation: Sex and Sexuality in The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing [presentation] (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing (2013)
Putting the Pencil Down: Selected Issues of Web-based Language Testing (2013)
The Collected Works and Commissioned Biography of Edward Perry Warren, Volume 1 (2013)
The Collected Works and Commissioned Biography of Edward Perry Warren, Volume 2 (2013)
"Connoisseurs of Mr Forrest Reid's novels will know" : The Ending of Brian Westby (2012)
Dystopian Transformations: Post-Cold War Dystopian Writing by Women (2013)
Zooming in on what Tymoczko has enlarged: English-to-Czech literary translation and the holistic approach to translation culture (2012)
Using video to explore professional vision of prospective teachers of English as a foreign language (2013)
Sbírka textů k předmětu Topics in Linguistics (Syntax) (2013)
Renaissance et baroque : textes choisis (2013)
Littérature du 19e siecle : textes choisis (2013)
Moyen Age : textes choisis (2013)
Point of View Management in Translation: A Case Study on The Republic of Wine (2013)
Use of Parallel Texts as a Methodology in Viewpoint Study: A Case Study on Vertical Terms in The Old Man and the Sea (2013)
Mixing Viewpoints Through Culturally Evolved Tools: Evidence from Parallel Texts (2013)
Cognitive Rhetoric: A New Way to Governance Discourse (2013)
A Cognitive Rhetoric Approach to National Identity: The Case of Taiwan (the ROC) (2013)
Why We COME in One Language but Have to GO in Another: A Cognitive Linguistic View on Point of View Management in Translations of Literature (2013)
From Space to Cognition: The Case of English Up (2013)
Language, Culture and Cognition: Language in Your Daily Life (2013)
What Learning a Second Language Can Give You (2013)
What Is the Most Difficult-- On Idiomaticity in Language (2013)
Between Grammar and Stylistics: The Case of Mandarin and English Deictic Verbs (2013)
Practical Use of Linguistics: From Translation to Second Language Learning (2013)
Pragmatics of Tense and Time in News. From Canonical Headlines to Online News Texts (2014)
Repetition as a dramatic tool in Samuel Beckett's writing (2013)
Testing Semantic Homogeneity of the Rhematic Track Through Parallel Annotation of Information Structure (A Case Study in FSP Potentiality) (2013)
Grammaire descriptive du français. Tome 1 – Pronoms (2013)
Sobre el caló a comienzos del siglo XXI : el componente gitano en el espaňol mexicano a través de la lexicografía (2013)
"What Works": Instrumentalism, Ideology, and Nostalgia in Post-Cold War Culture (2013)
The Chosen and The Choice: Race, Religion, and The 2012 US Presidential Campaign (2013)
El cazador cazado: la imagen del héroe en el teatro de Alejandro Ricaňo y Legom (2013)
Trends in foreign language didactics research: a thematic analysis of Ph.D. dissertations from the Czech Republic and abroad (2006-2012) (2013)
EFL learners’ interaction in online discussion tasks: A conversation analysis perspective (2013)
Setkání hispanistů / Encuentro de hispanistas: Brno 2012 (2013)
"The Poetics of Ambivalence: A Postcolonial Reading of Kim Mahood's Craft for a Dry Lake" (2013)
Hammer, the Jury (2013)
“Make It up to Me Now” Hard-Boiled Mike Hammer and Seductive Babes (2013)
The Blond Satan and the White Knight in Temptation: Sex and Sexuality in The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep (2013)
The 2013 František Chudoba Prize (2013)
Histoires de familles dans La vie et demie de Sony Labou Tansiho (2013)
Flattening Tebowmania: Czech Newspapers on Tim Tebow (2013)
Subjectivity and Its Form of Representation in The Waves (2012)
Comparing lexical data in native and learner corpora to raise teacher trainees’ awareness of lexico-semantic phenomena (2013)
Curriculum, Syllabus and Course Design (2013)
Using Corpora in the Process of Academic Writing (2013)
Using the Sketch Engine for Linguistic Research (2013)
Using Corpora in Language Teaching (2013)
Using Corpora for Writing Academic Prose (2013)
Using Corpora in Language Education (2013)
Just a Native Speaker (2013)
Methodentrainings und Materialentwicklung für den Nachbarsprachen-unterricht (2014)
Expert teacher: the nature of expertise in the teaching profession (in FLT perspective) (2013)
The nature of expertise in the teaching profession (2013)
Expert teacher: the nature of expertise in the teaching profession (in FLT perspective) (2013)
Ces huttérites, mennonites et autres sudetes de Gabrielle Roy (2013)
Orfeo e la potenza dell’arte. La rinascita del teatro e della musica tra Poliziano, Rinuccini e Striggio-Monteverdi (2013)
Les Hussards et François Mauriac (2013)
Pour une famille « liquide » : le cas de Nikolski de Nicolas Dickner (2013)
García Barrientos, José Luis (director). Análisis de la dramaturgia cubana actual. La Habana: Editorial Alarcos, 2011: 444 pp. (2013)
CFPs: A comparative study of intercultural communication (2013)
CFPs: A Comparative Study in Pragmatics of Intercultural Communication (2013)
Exploring translations of phrasal verbs in corpora and dictionaries (2013)
"Tracking Precarious Lives in Stephen Kinnane's Shadow Lines" (2013)
Fremdsprachenlehrkräfte als Experten: Teilergebnisse einer introspektiven Studie (2013)
Zounek, J., & Sudický, P. (2012). E-learning: učení (se) s online technologiemi. (recenze) (2013)
Prostorovost Brna (2011)
Cesty k variační sociolingvistice (2014)
Profily jako nástroje hledání individuálních charakteristik učitelů cizích jazyků - expertů (2013)
Vybrané aspekty lingvistické teorie a metodologie ve výzkumu v didaktice cizích jazyků (2013)
Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae. Tomi VII fasciculus sextus inde ab a. MCCLXXXIII usque ad a. MCCCVI sigilla continens (2013)
Language as a Mirror of Cultural Syncretism (2013)
O některých úskalích a možnostech začlenění rámce funkční větné perspektivy do elektronických korpusů (2011)
On the suggestive semantic clue in functional sentence perspective (2011)
Filmic Influences on Vietnam War Video Games (2013)
Calque Idioms Translated from English: Degrees of Acceptability Explored (2012)
Shifts-based Evidence on the Specifics of EU Translation (2013)
New Literatures in English: a study into lay readers' acculturation (2013)
Participant roles and embedded interactions in online sports broadcasts (2015)
Researching interactional forms and participant structures in public and social media (2015)
The Social Function of Postcolonial Literary Theories (2014)
The Incurable Heathcliff : Language and Medicine in Wuthering Heights (2013)
Workshop 7: And Justice for All: The Representation of American Law and Justice in American Film (2014)
Trauma "Made in Hollywood": The Representation of Trauma and Healing in Selected Hollywood Films (2014)
Traditional Native American Cultures: Past and Present (2014)
Context is crucial: Ludmila Urbanová turns 70 (2014)
Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions (2015)
'Nice try, loser' : Participation and embedded frames of interaction in online sports commentaries (2022)
Proměna funkce posla v dramatu (2014)
Organizace soutěže pro studenty AGD+M FI MU o vytvoření značky a grafického manuálu projektu E-learning na FF (2014)
Pátrání po Shakespearovi (ztraceném v lese) (2013)
"Otto, Eliot and Aliens: Interpreting Youth in Spielberg’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Alex Cox’s Repo Man" (2014)
Chapters from the History of Czech Functional Linguistics (2014)
Throwing Up as a Philosophic Concept (2014)
Writing from 'Within' as well as 'Without' the Tradition (2014)
Writing from 'Within' as well as 'Without' the Tradition (2014)
"Dracula and the Secretary," Gothic Literacy Special Session, MLA Convention 2014 (2014)
A View from Elsewhere within Baltimore: the Representation of Urban Spaces in The Wire (2014)
Gender Specifics in Matchmaking Advertisements (2014)
O českém překladu slavných knížek Alenka v kraji divů a Za zrcadlem, a s čím se tam Alenka setkala (2013)
Calque Idioms Translated from English: Degrees of Acceptability Explored (2013)
Throwing Up as a Philosophic Concept (2014)
Ellipsis and sentence fragments in Ian McEwan’s Amsterdam : their effect on meaning (2014)
Creating a System of Annotation for FSP (2014)
Creating a System of Annotation for FSP (2014)
Topic orientation markers in asynchronous Internet discussions (2014)
iPad in Academic Settings : A Pilot Project (2014)
"Then draw the Curtaines againe": The Strange Case of Good Duke Humphrey (of William Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part Two) (2013)
Slavic aspects of Winnie-the-Pooh's translations in the context of universal tendencies (2013)
The Presence of Augustinian Thought in Beowulf (2013)
Digital Tagging and Discourse Theory (2014)
The Beat Generation and the Politicization of the Academia (2014)
The Pederasty of William S. Buroughs (2014)
The Five Senses of Canadian Cinema: Introduction (2013)
Brno Studies in English Special Issue - The Five Senses of Canadian Cinema (2014)
The Chaotic Freedom-Fighter: Anonymous as the Trickster of Cyberculture (2014)
Being, Place and Abjection (2014)
Being, Place and Abjection (2014)
“Wilson Harris’s Imaginative Strategies for Dissolving Boundaries.” (2014)
“Wilson Harris’s Imaginative Strategies for Dissolving Boundaries.” (2014)
“Memory of the Landscape: Resurrection of Past and Community in Works of Wilson Harris.” (2014)
“Memory of the Landscape: Resurrection of Past and Community in Works of Wilson Harris.” (2014)
A Cultural Difference and Social Solidarity Network Workshop – Crossing Boundaries: Inclusion, Exclusion, Marginalization and the Hegemonic Making of Societies of Difference (2014)
A Rebellion of the Mother of God (2014)
A bibliography of functional sentence perspective, 1956-2011. Czech and Slovak autors, Firbasian approach oriented (2015)
A Rebellion of the Mother of God (2014)
Prague Semiotic Stage Revisited II (2014)
Machin, David and Andrea Mayr. How to do Critical Discourse Analysis. A Multimodal Introduction. London: Sage, 2012 (review) (2015)
(Re)creating the Past : Moon Tiger by Penelope Lively (2014)
(Re)creating the Past : Moon Tiger by Penelope Lively (2014)
Shift of Perspective in Jacobean Comedies (2014)
“Born i’ the Heart of London”—London as an Element of Comicality in Comedies by Thomas Middleton (2014)
“Born i’ the Heart of London”—London as an Element of Comicality in Comedies by Thomas Middleton (2014)
A Socio-pragmatic Account of Dramatic Discourse (2014)
“Most Strange of All”—Going Beyond Typicality in The Puritan Widow (2014)
Reading Oneself Onto the Screen: The Role of Personal Situation in the Process of Adaptation (2014)
“Most Strange of All”—Going Beyond Typicality in The Puritan Widow (2014)
Ellipsis Marks in Interaction on Discussion Forums: The Case of Czech Pre-intermediate EFL Learners (2014)
Dialogismus a výzkum interakce ve třídě: přehledová studie (1990-2012) (2014)
Problematika ICT ve vzdělávání v českých pedagogických časopisech (1990–2012) (2014)
Linton Kwesi Johnson and Benjamin Zephaniah - Art and Politics (2014)
Učitel expert: jeho charakteristiky a determinanty profesního rozvoje (na pozadí výuky cizích jazyků) (2013)
Romantic Appropriations (2014)
Posmodernism in Novels by A.S. Byatt (2014)
Participating with media : exploring online media activity (2017)
Expert teachers’ interactive cognition: An analysis of stimulated recall. (2014)
Jarkovská, L. (2013). Gender před tabulí [recenze] (2014)
Barakuda (orig. Barracuda, by Christos Tsiolkas) (2014)
Achilleova píseň (orig. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller) (2014)
Esej o typografii (orig. An Essay on Typography by Eric Gill) (2014)
“Writing without Tradition?: Emergence and Development of the West Indian literature.” (2014)
Problematic Consequences of the Theoretical Evolution of Postcolonial Studies (2014)
Používáte správně emotikony? :-) (2014)
Different conceptualizations of “language” in measuring EFL learners’ accuracy development: Reflection on research findings. (2014)
Výzkum interakce ve třídě (1990-2012) (2014)
Mickey Spillane's Violent Crusade from Pages to Screen (2014)
Digital Tagging and Discourse Theory (2014)
Theatralia 2014/2 (2014)
Rural Gwent and Fin-de-Siecle London in the Work of Arthur Machen (2014)
Design and compilation of a parallel corpus of Czech-English legal texts (2014)
Findings from Teaching Legal Translation to Graduate Students (2014)
A Concise History of English (2014)
Bibliography of Professor Aleš Svoboda (2014)
The FSP Bibliography (2015)
Tablet v práci učitele (2014)
Priming as a mechanism behind the temporary adoption of foreign phonetic features into one's first language : an experimental study (2014)
Priming as a mechanism behind the temporary adoption of foreign phonetic features into one's first language : an experimental study (2014)
Representations of (New) Europeans in Private, Mediated and Public Discourses (2014)
The representation of Eastern Europeans in British internet debates (2014)
“This is a boiling pot ready to explode”: Anti-immigrant discourse in British and Czech news discussion forums (2014)
The Epic Split: Intertextual Humour and YouTube Videos (2014)
Broadcasting oneself: Staging authenticity in YouTube viral videos (2014)
Patterns of linguistic interaction in live news blogs (2014)
Early sports match announcements in The Times in the 1860s (2014)
Creating, Shaping, Signifying : Abstracts (2015)
Transitive causative constructions with verbs of self-agentive locomotion (2014)
Verbs of locomotion at the syntax-semantics interface (2014)
On the Divided Selves in Transitive Autocausative Motion Events (2014)
Explicitation of Causality in Periphrastic Constructions with Human Causees: The Case of "Make" and "Cause" (2014)
Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume Three (1979–1986) (2014)
Information Structure of Discourse (2014)
Is the hired Pooh still the same silly old bear? Comparison of A. A. Milne’soriginal Pooh with Benjamin Hoff’s Pooh in The Tao of Pooh (2014)
'All-natural, irresistibly crispy flatbread crackers’ - the colourful structure of noun phrases in print advertising (2014)
Panel 4 Persuasion in Public Discourse: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives (2014)
Vernacular Narratives: A Case Study of Stylistic Analysis of Students’ Written Stories (2014)
Change happens when (2014)
Change happens when (2014)
Reflections on ICT Innovations of an Online Literature Course (2015)
You know what you can do with your microphone? (2014)
Introducing Word Templates and their semi-automatic derivation from Word Sketches (2014)
“This is a boiling pot ready to explode”: Anti-immigrant discourse in British and Czech news discussion forums (2014)
Broadcasting oneself: Staging authenticity in YouTube viral videos (2014)
Early sports match announcements in The Times in the 1860s (2014)
Patterns of linguistic interaction in live news blogs (2014)
The Epic Split: Intertextual Humour and YouTube Videos (2014)
Teacher Trainees Create and Exploit a Graded Reader Corpus (2014)
Discovering English with the Sketch Engine (2014)
The representation of Eastern Europeans in British internet debates (2014)
Místopředseda oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině, 2014 (2014)
All Foreigners Beep : Dubravka Ugrešić and the Unfixity of an Exile (2014)
Beyond Mooing : Poetry, Music and Humour as Means Towards Collective Unity in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts (2014)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého, 2014 (2014)
Teaching those that can, and those that can eventually (2013)
Function in English (2014)
Something Old Something New... (2014)
Culture Vulture - Teens (2014)
Contextual disengagement in Functional Sentence Perspective (2014)
Contextual disengagement in Functional Sentence Perspective (2014)
Contextual Disengagement in FSP in Fiction and Academic Prose (2014)
Dialogism and classroom interaction in English language teaching: A review of Czech research. (2014)
Beware the bulging brains (2014)
British Council teacher training course: 15 days Suzhou, China (2014)
British Council trainer training course (2014)
From adverts to letters to the editor : External voicing in early sports match announcements (2017)
Contextual Disengagement in FSP in Fiction and Academic Prose (2014)
Brno Linguistic Landscape (2014)
The Triumph of Pan : Hermaphroditism and Sexual Inversion in Victor Benjamin Neuburg's Poetry (2015)
Congratulations, Commiserations and Good Wishes : Positive Politeness Strategies Promoting Mutuality in an Online Community (2015)
Učitel expert: jeho charakteristiky a determinanty profesního rozvoje (na pozadí výuky cizích jazyků) (2013)
Creating, Shaping, Signifying : 10th Brno Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2015)
Multimodal pragmatics and semiotic chaining in YouTube videos (2015)
Multimodal pragmatics and semiotic chaining in YouTube videos (2015)
Intertextuality in A.S. Byatt's Possession (2015)
Intertextuality in A.S. Byatt's Possession (2015)
"I think this ending is much better": Four Film Adaptations of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet for Children (2014)
"You dream by the book": Shakespeare's Dreams and Dream Interpretation Manuals (2015)
"For þat þou lestez watz bot a rose": Elements of Courtly Dream-Vision in the Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine and the Pearl-Maiden (2014)
Shaping the Text, Shaping the Mind: Wilson Harris’s Employment of Creative Imagination as a Technique to Recreate Perception (2015)
Shaping the Text, Shaping the Mind: Wilson Harris’s Employment of Creative Imagination as a Technique to Recreate Perception (2015)
Towards a structure-oriented evaluative profile of a genre (2012)
Overheated Pigs and Bugs in The Sun: Warming up the Science News Reader through Evaluation (2012)
All’s Well that Shapes L: Evaluative Organization in Science News and its Display (2012)
Plotting the Slots and Clotting the Blots: Capturing Evaluation in Science News (2012)
Contrastive relations, generic structure and evaluation in science news (2014)
Dva pohledy, z části od jinud: Andrea Levyová, Bernardine Evaristová (2014)
Sbírka textů k předmětu Úvod do syntaxe (2014)
A Concise History of English (2014)
Chapters from the History of Czech Functional Linguistics (2014)
Exploring Legitimation-seeking Text-building Strategies in Book Back-cover Description in the Context of Translativity (2013)
Cohesion and Coherence Issues in Student Translations of Heritage Promotion Texts (2014)
Descriptive clashes: Between standardisation and dynamisation of translated description (2014)
Dialogismus a dialogické přístupy k výzkumu interakce ve třídě (2014)
Ellipsis Marks in Interaction on Discussion Forums: The Case of Czech Pre-intermediate EFL Learners (2014)
Hans C. Boas (eds.). 2010. Contrastive Studies in Construction Grammar (2014)
Andrew Goatly, The Language of Metaphors (2nd ed). London: Routledge, 2011. Pp. xxii + 378. (ISBN 0 415 58638 2). (2014)
Cog Ling in Brno 2014: From Function to Cognition (2014)
The Language of Crisis: the Role of Conceptual Metaphors, Metonymies, and Frames (2014)
Human Mind as the Creator of Meaning of a Shift of Perspective (2015)
Human Mind as the Creator of Meaning of a Shift of Perspective (2015)
Alternative Framing as a Source of Persuasiveness: JOURNEY in Presidential Rhetoric (2014)
How Repetition and the Structuring of Information Co-contribute to Persuasiveness: A Case Study on I Have a Dream (2014)
Use of Parallel Texts as a New Methodology in Cognitive Poetics (2014)
Mixing viewpoint in English-Chinese parallel texts (2014)
Use of Parallel Texts as a New Approach to Spatial Cognition : The Case of English and Czech (2014)
Translations as a Window to the Chinese Mind : Use of Parallel Texts as a New Methodology in Chinese Linguistics (2014)
A constructional approach to conceptual metaphor: A case study on COMPLETION IS UP in Mandarin (2014)
Metaphor in Terminology A Cognitive Linguistics View of BLEED as a Technical Term (2014)
Metaphor as a Persuasive Device in Professional Discourse : A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Winton Churchill’s Rhetoric (2014)
Use of Parallel Texts as a New Approach to Spatial Cognition : The Case of English and Czech (2014)
The Metaphor “MACHINE IS A HUMAN BEING” in Language of Agricultural and Automotive Technology (2014)
A Cognitive Approach to the Semantics of Spatial Particles: The Case of Shang (2014)
From Corpus to Cognition: Lexical Patterns in (Mono-lingual Corpora) as a Window to the Mind (2014)
Pronouncing the Dreams by Foregrounding the Rhemes (2014)
Vanishing into Visibility. Národy, které nezmizely (2014)
Czech Reception of Postcolonial Fiction: Reading New Literatures in English in a Post-socialist Situation (2014)
Psycholingvistika a sociolingvistika ztráty mateřského jazyka : Anglofonní imigranti v Česku (2014)
Jak se mění zrádná slova? (2014)
Mimsy borogoves, or, the craft of word de/formation (2014)
Jak se mění zrádná slova? (2014)
Marta Chromá: Právní překlad v teorii a praxi. Nový občanský zákoník (recenze) (2014)
A Brief Survey of Jan Firbas's FSP Analyses (2013)
The Charm of the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up : Peter Pan and Canonicity (2015)
Migrant minorities in the EU : Discursive construction of the immigrant 'other' in the media (2015)
Semi-public Discourses and Ethnic Minorities in the EU: A Comparative Analysis of Discursive Representation of Roma (2015)
Puppetry in Detective fiction (2013)
Wives and Daughters : Dinner As a Symbol of Superiority (2014)
Jane Austen and the Criminals (2014)
"By My Troth, She's a Whore" : Sexually Available Women in the City Comedies of Thomas Middleton (2015)
On Correlations between Range in Verb Descriptivity and Syntactic Applicability (2015)
On Correlations between Range in Verb Descriptivity and Syntactic Applicability (2015)
A Cognitive Linguistic approach to teaching spatial particles : From contrastive constructional analyses to material design (2015)
Contextualization and Blending: A Cognitive Linguistics approach to the semantics of in (2014)
Use of translation corpora as a new method in Chinese language research and its pedagogical implications : The case of viewpoint in narratives (2015)
Cognitive Miniworkshop (2015)
The Cognitive Week (2015)
Cog Ling in Brno 2015 (2015)
Use of Parallel Texts in Cognitive Linguistics Research (2015)
Cognitive-Pragmatic Aspects of Information Structure and Information Flow (2015)
Young Scholar Award (2015)
Translations as a Window to the Mind: How Use of Parallel Texts Tells Us About Viewpoint in Language (2015)
Parallel Texts as a Methodology in Second Language Teaching (2015)
Eye-tracking as an empirical method for cognitive-functional research (2015)
What's in a Name? The Interplay of Metaphor and Synonymy in Lee Teng-hui’s Presidential Rhetoric (2015)
What's in a Name?A Corpus-Cognitive Analysis of Metaphor and Synonymy in Context (2015)
On Dynamic Construal in Cognitive Linguistics : Cognitive Simulations of Movement as Instances of Mental Imagery in Fictive Motion Processing, an Eye-Tracking Study (2015)
Indigenous American Cultures and History (2015)
Martin Adam : Presentation Sentences (2015)
Infringing conversational maxims : The case of humorous road signs (2015)
Infringing conversational maxims : The case of humorous road signs (2015)
Patterns of Intertextuality in Online Video Ad Clusters (2015)
Patterns of Intertextuality in Online Video Ad Clusters (2015)
Islamophobia (2015)
Originality : New Names? Names Anew? (2015)
Originality: New Names? Names Anew? (2015)
Cognitive and Cross-linguistic Approaches to Lexical Blends (2015)
Signifying Abjection (2015)
The Byronic Orient and Faith in Don Juan (2015)
Losing One's Body : Byronism and the Problem of Authenticity (2015)
Martin Procházka and Ondřej Pilný (eds.) Prague English Studies and the Transformation of Philologies (2014)
Mysteries of Makavejev: Eros, Ideology, Montage (2015)
"An Aesthete's Lost War." Abolishing Prague: Essays and Interventions (2014)
Between 'reliving' and 'replaying' history : The shifting formats of time travel reality shows (2015)
Thomas Middleton : A Humanist (2015)
The Mundane and the Mystical : London and Love in Arthur Machen's "A Fragment of Life" (2015)
"But Honest and Pure Love to Thee" — True Love in the City Comedies of Thomas Middleton (2015)
Juncture points and verbo-visual asynchronicity in televised sports broadcasts (2015)
A Multiple-Parallel-Text Approach for Viewpoint Research Across Languages: The Case of Demonstratives in English and Chinese (2018)
Americký Prospero bez šťastného konce? Proč Philip Roth není držitelem Nobelovy ceny za literaturu (2015)
Writing for Multiculturalism : Argument-based Satire of Ishmael Reed against the New Racism (2015)
From Deflection to Deconstruction : The Transformation of Ishmael Reed's Satire in Juice! (2015)
Re-constructions of Difference through Redefinition of the Single-feature Identity and the Stereotypical Ascription of Value to Non-qualitative Characteristics (2015)
Re-constructions of Difference through Redefinition of the Single-feature Identity and the Stereotypical Ascription of Value to Non-qualitative Characteristics (2015)
Cognitive Poetics : What is it? (2015)
Live online news : From content presentation to interactive co-participation (2015)
Live online news : From content presentation to interactive co-participation (2015)
"Girl": Quadruply Oppressed (2015)
Introducing FSPML 2.0M : A Markup Language for Multilevel Tagging of Functional Sentence Perspective (2015)
Libuše Dušková’s birthday : four score years and five (2015)
The Appropriation of Media in Everyday Life. Ayass, Ruth and Gerhardt, Cornelia, eds. 2012, Amsterdam: John Benjamins (review) (2016)
ForkShoP2015 (A 2015 Workshop on Functional Sentence Perspective and its Forks) (2015)
Ways of Postcolonial Belonging : Writing Spatial History as a Personal Journey (2014)
Narrating Women : Indigenous Feminism through Life Writing (2015)
Spletitá situace na vysokých školách [recenze] (2015)
Uzavřené otázky ve výuce: proč ano? (2015)
Pozice ideálního dialogu ve výukové interakci (2015)
Display questions in expert teachers’ EFL classes (2015)
EFL learners‘ interaction on a discussion forum: A conversation analysis perspective (2015)
Použití konverzační analýzy při zkoumání interakce ve výuce (2015)
The Chaotic Freedom Fighter : Anonymous as the Trickster of Cyberculture (2015)
Collaborative teaching and learning in an interdisciplinary problem-based language course (2015)
Creating a System of Annotation for FSP (2015)
Ocenění za pozoruhodnou výzkumně zaměřenou publikaci v kategorii monografie (2013 -2014) (2015)
“What is the date today?”: A dialogist perspective on expert EFL teachers’ classroom interaction (2015)
Interpersonal Aspects of Printed News Discourse: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Woodward Case Reporting in the Electronic Telegraph (2000)
Referential Importance and the Scale of Phonological Size (2015)
"Anglicist Women's and Gender Studies in the Czech Republic : An Uncertain Discipline" (2015)
Topos of Journeying across Australian Outback : Re-reading Robyn Davidson's Tracks as a Master Narrative (2015)
Geography of Violence and Homecoming : North(e)scapes of Eden Robinson (2015)
Double-Edged Files : Writing Back to the Colonial Archive in Stephen Kinnane’s Shadow Lines (2013)
การวิเคราะห์การแปลชื่อเฉพาะและชื่อสถานที่ของบทบรรยายภาพยนต์จากภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาอังกฤษของภาพยนต์แนวตลก "กวนมึนโฮ" (2015)
The Dreams of Three Emperors : The Journey of Achmet's Oneirocriticon from Byzantium to Bohemia (2015)
"I think this ending is much better." Two Recent Film Adaptations of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet for Younger Audiences (2015)
Where Translation Meets Law : Common Mistakes Caused by Ignorance of Law (2015)
Shift of Perspective in Jacobean Comedies (2014)
"Daleko a přece blízko : stručný vhled do australské literatury" (2015)
'Beat It' : The Beat Generation and Mainstream Acceptance (2015)
Dion Boucicault's The Octoroon as a case for stirring up the debate over abolition of slavery (2015)
Theatre Avant-Garde : A Late Invention in the US? (2015)
Tři romány o výjimečnosti australské průměrnosti (2015)
Transcultural Approach to (Self)identification: Quantum Physics as a Strategy Challenging West Indian Placelessness and Historylessness (2015)
Transcultural Approach to (Self)identification: Quantum Physics as a Strategy Challenging West Indian Placelessness and Historylessness (2015)
The Role of Personal Situation in the Process of Film Adaptation : Ragtime (1975) by E.L. Doctorow and Ragtime (1981) by Miloš Forman (2015)
Who the F... Was I Chasing: The Representation of the other in HBO's The Wire (2015)
The Voice of Uncle Sam, the Image of Steve Jobs: The Changing Meaning and Reception of American Media and Cultural Products in the Czech Lands from the 1960s to the Present (2015)
Metempsihoze Irene Savić (2015)
Creative and Conventional Hyperbolic Expressions in the Language of American Television Series (2015)
Dion Boucicault’s The Octoroon as a Case for Stirring up the Debate over the Abolition of Slavery (2015)
Bednarek, Monika and Helen Caple. News Discourse, 2012. Review (2015)
On the Holistic Status of Direct Object Participants (2015)
Verbs of Locomotion and the Semantics of the Unaccusative/Unergative Differentiation (2015)
Using conversation analysis in classroom interaction research (2015)
Sentence structures of Czech and English legal texts (2015)
Information flow of legislative sentences from the viewpoint of a cognitive 2-move structure (2015)
Anglophone expatriates in the Czech Republic : Pride, jokes, worries, and politeness (2015)
Anglophone expatriates in the Czech Republic : Pride, jokes, worries, and politeness (2015)
The Voice of Uncle Sam, the Image of Steve Jobs : The Changing Meaning and Reception of American Media and Cultural Products in the Czech Lands from the 1960s to the Present (2015)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2015)
Místopředseda oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině (2015)
Člen oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině (2014)
Brno Studies in English; člen redakční rady (2015)
člen redakční rady (2014)
člen redakční rady (2015)
člen redakční rady (2014)
člen redakční rady (2013)
člen redakční rady (2014)
člen redakční rady (2015)
Use of Parallel Texts as a New Approach to Spatial Cognition : The Case of English and Czech (2015)
Corpora and Language Learning with the Sketch Engine and SKELL (2015)
Discovering English with Sketch Engine (2015)
Stealing a march on collocation : Deriving extended collocations from full text for student analysis and synthesis (2015)
Correcting and Analysing Errors in Second Language Writing using Hypal (2015)
Some Challenges in Using Corpora in Language Teaching (2015)
Training teachers to train students to use corpora. (2015)
Correcting and Analysing Errors in Second Language Writing use Hypal (2015)
These Desponding Days : Emerson and America's Crisis of Textual Authority (2014)
Iris Murdoch : Decapitating as Spiritual Exercise in A Severed Head (2014)
The Discourse of Online Sportscasting : Constructing Meaning and Interaction on Live Text Commentary (Habilitation thesis) (2015)
Orlando : Virginia Woolf (2015)
Portrayal of London in the Private Writings of Virginia Woolf (2015)
Representation of Sylvia Plath : The Reconstruction of Sylvia Plath's Self in Media and Autobiographical Writings (2014)
Eavesdropping on media talk : Microphone gaffes and unintended humour in sports broadcasts (2016)
Now, Now : Dimitrije Mitrinović in London and His Practical Approach to World Peace in the 1930s (2015)
Member of editorial board (Interactions) (2015)
Member of editorial board (European Journal of Humour) (2015)
Editor-in-chief (Brno Studies in English) (2015)
J.G. Ballard's Crash and the Pornographization of the Ordinary (2015)
Member of advisory and reviewing board (Discourse and Interaction) (2015)
'The Passion of My Life' : Virginia Woolf and Her London (2015)
Media discourse analysis of live news (2015)
Media discourse analysis in the digital world : Liveness and co-participation (2015)
Aus den Fehlern anderer lernen. Zur Entwicklung von annotierten Übersetzungslernerkorpora (2015)
Translation error typology for quality feedback : Czeching MeLLANGE through HYPAL (2014)
'It's quite simple, really' : Shifting forms of expertise in TV documentaries (2016)
Plodna strana ljuske (2015)
Czech Translations of Carroll's Alice (2015)
Dvije tišine (2015)
Czech [1904]. Czech 1901. Back-translation and notes (2015)
Czech. Translations and Adaptations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking-Glass (2015)
Figurative Language and Imagery as Tools of Persuasion in Destination Advertising : Conceptual Discourse Analysis (2015)
Figurative Language and Imagery as Tools of Persuasion in Destination Advertising : Conceptual Discourse Analysis (2015)
Studying in Moravia (SCU) (2015)
Experiencing the very heart of Europe-- Studying in Masaryk University (NCCU) (2015)
cong ping xing wenben kan yuyan yu renzhi (FJU) (2015)
Language and thinking (NCCU) (2015)
Use of Parallel Texts as a New Methodology in Cognitive Linguistics (NTU) (2015)
Internationalization and cross-cultural communication (NCYU) (2015)
Translation and thinking (UTaipei) (2015)
Coming soon to a classroom near you. (2015)
Teacher's toolbox (2015)
Bringing Online Speaking into the Classroom (2015)
An App(etite) for construction (2015)
Navigate your learners to success (2015)
Solutions for Teaching Culture (2015)
Coming soon to a classroom near you (2015)
Developing speaking inside and out of the classroom (2015)
Teaching those that can, and those that can eventually (2015) (2015)
Navigate your learners to success (2015)
Navigate your learners to success (2015)
IWBs and iTools (2016)
Domestic Abuse and Violence in the Works of Nora Roberts (2015)
Making Digital Sense (2015)
Romance and the Material Culture in Nora Roberts' Bride Quartet Series (2015)
Shakespearův divadelní jazyk (2015)
Developing ‘Glacial Time’ in the Informational Era : Poetics and Politics of Post-War Neopastoral (2015)
Signifying Brno – Creating Urban Space, Shaping the City (2015)
Hurston's "Real Negro Theatre" : Participation Observation of African American Folk (2015)
Persuasion strategies in environmental discourse from a Translation-Studies and comparative perspective (2015)
Figurativeness Foregrounded or Forfeited? Descriptions by Dickens and Company in Translation (2015)
Transediting and transcreation as translation pedagogy tools (2015)
"Memoirs of (Postcolonial) Belonging: Peter Read's Belonging and Mark McKenna's Looking for Blackfella's Point" (2015)
Are Students and Teachers Ready for Computer-based Language Exams? A Comparison of Test Mode Delivery (2015)
A tale of two paradigms: a comparison of test mode delivery on either side of the Atlantic (2014)
Introduction and Identification Chains in Ian McEwan's Novels (2015)
On Translating Collocations : A Corpus-Based Approach (2015)
Aus den Fehlern anderer lernen. Zur Entwicklung von annotierten Übersetzungslernerkorpora (2014)
On Translating Collocations : A Corpus-based Approach (2015)
Angličtina: konverzace pro pokročilé (2015)
A Chapter from Academic Oracy : Oral Presentations in English (2015)
Dialogismus a konverzační analýza ve výzkumu interakce ve třídě (2015)
Referential Importance and the Scale of Phonological Size (2015)
Image and discourse: the rhetoric of virtue and vice in early 18th century England (2013)
Contextual Disengagement in the FSP Theory (2015)
Contextual Disengagement in the FSP Theory (2015)
Subjectivity and Its Form of Representation in "The Collected Poems" (2012)
The Construction of "I" in Sylvia Plath's Autobiographical Writings (2013)
Evropské dokumentační středisko: Efektivita vs. Reprezentativnost (2015)
Seminář - Práce se Souborným katalogem MU (2015)
Seminář - Elektronické informační zdroje pro práci doktorandů (2015)
Seminář - Elektronické informační zdroje pro seminární a diplomové práce (2015)
Přednáška MUST week (2015)
Summer school - Milan 2015 (2015)
Elektronické informační zdroje pro studenty programu ERASMUS (2015)
Používání mateřštiny ve výuce cizího jazyka: co (ne)ukazuje výzkum (2016)
Aktuální témata výzkumu učení a vyučování cizím jazykům IV (2015)
Firbas Jan (2014)
Conference programme committee member (2015)
Member of the scientific committee (2015)
Discovering English with Sketch Engine (2016)
The role of linear modification in information structure (2015)
Elektronické informační zdroje pro studenty programu ERASMUS (2016)
Zjednodušte si citování s Citace PRO (2016)
Cena děkana (2015)
Surveying and Assessing Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes to Roma Students: The First Step in Improving (2015)
Proč a jak publikovat pro RIV (2016)
Evropské dokumentační středisko - Pro a proti? (Euroskepticismus) (2016)
Backstage talk on air : Incidental humour and media broadcast discourse (2016)
Heteroglossia, pragmatics and historical news analysis : External voicing in early sports match announcements (2016)
Live reporting and audience participation in online sports commentaries (2016)
The Triumph of Pan : Hermaphroditism and Sexual Inversion in Victor Benjamin Neuburg's Poetry (2015)
U.S. Presidential Elections (2016)
The Clash of Two Worlds : Birth of Monstrous Doubles (2016)
It's All about Data: Students of Science Meet Language as Data and Gain a Skill for Life. (2016)
Women in Crime, Politics and the Law in HBO's The Wire (2016)
Moravian Americana : A Guided Tour (2016)
Mirroring Hamlet in Iris Murdoch's The Black Prince (2016)
The othering of Roma migrants in British and Czech online news discussion forums (2017)
Media representations of the ‘other’ Europeans : Common themes and points of divergence (2017)
Representing the Other in European Media Discourses (2017)
Hurston's 'Real Negro Theatre' : Participation Observation of African American Folk (2015)
3rd IDEAS English Students' Conference (2016)
Soldier, Beauty and the Bird : Fragmentation of Gender Identity in the Popular Franchise The Hunger Games (2016)
Aktuální témata výzkumu učení a vyučování cizím jazykům IV (2015)
Reflections on ICT Innovations of an Online Literature Course (2015)
Sports commentator talk at half-time : Switching from stylization to authenticity (2016)
The Betwixt-and-Between : Peter Pan as Trickster Figure (2016)
Blurring the Lines : Irish Mythology and Symbolism in Nora Roberts’ The Cousin O’Dwyer’s Trilogy' (2016)
"V svém loži mrtev" : spící oběti a váhaví vrazi v alzbětinských historiích (2016)
Big Ben as an Uncanny Omen of Death in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway (2016)
The Greek God Pan and Decadence (2016)
Střídání kódů v hodinách angličtiny u učitelů expertů pohledem konverzační analýzy (2016)
Code-switching in EFL Classrooms in the Czech Republic: A Conversation Analysis Perspective (2016)
Constructing the self and the other in modern news discussion forums (2016)
Multimodal storytelling in the media : The visual representation of the Roma in the Daily Mail (2016)
The threat of the other : The discursive management of ‘toxic guests’ in political debates (2016)
Investigating the dynamics of humor : Towards a theory of interactional humor (2018)
Laughter and non-humorous situations in TV documentaries (2018)
The Dynamics of Interactional Humor : Creating and negotiating humor in everyday encounters (2018)
Práce se záznamem a transkriptem v konverzační analýze (2016)
Stinné stránky síťování ve vysokém školství: citační bratrstva a inbreeding (2016)
Analyzing evaluation in broadcast news (2016)
Multimodal rhetoric of football on the front pages of British newspapers (2016)
Language as a tool of animal oppression : Exploring agency in the representation of farm animals (2016)
"Utrpení" versus "Trampoty" : Haškova humoristická povídka z Veselé Prahy (2016)
Seminář - Práce se Souborným katalogem MU (2016)
Seminář - Zdroje pro seminární a diplomové práce (2016)
Konverzační analýza a interakce ve třídě: východiska a metodologické aspekty (2016)
Current Trends in Theatre Theory and Meta-theory (2016)
Editorial (2016)
Not Profound, but Purposeful: On Ishmael Reed‘s Voluntary Restriction by Race in Post-Black America (2016)
Katherine Mansfield - Izbor iz poezije (2016)
Death-as-Sleep Metaphor and Its Dramatic Roles in Shakespeare’s Plays (2016)
Přízrak tmavovlásky v životě a díle Philipa K. Dicka (2016)
Gil-Salom, Luz and Carmen Soler-Monreal (eds.), Dialogicity in Written Specialised Genres (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2014) (review) (2017)
Early Development of the "Stage Indian" : From the Paxton Boys to the Wild West Show (2016)
Thomas Middleton and the King (2016)
Thomas Middleton a král (2016)
Misli o miru tokom zračnog napada : Virginia Woolf (2016)
Memory of a Landscape: Resurrection of the Past and a Community in the Works of Wilson Harris (2016)
Use of translation as a research method in contrastive cognitive poetics: Word formation in Jabberwocky and its Ukrainian translations (2016)
Cognitive Linguistics in Brno (2016)
Teaching specialized translation (2016)
Teaching specialized translation (2016)
Teaching Specialized Translation Error-tagged Translation Learner Corpora (2017)
Making Connections : Psychology and the Environment in two Iris Murdoch's Novels (2016)
Survey : Perception of the changing linguistic landscape by the Purkyně University students and its implications (2016)
Language and identity : English as a part of students’ language identity construction (2016)
Spiritual searching as spatial exploration : studying cultural conceptualizations through an English-Czech parallel corpus (2016)
Co popisy prozradí o překladateli (2016)
This is mind-blowing! : Introducing Showbiz Vlog News (2016)
“So eager to get into the food chain” : Exploring agency in the representation of farm animals (2016)
Teaching teens - a box of chocolates? (2016)
Changing the paradigm : A very practical MA (2016)
Off the Shelf but Tailor-made (2016)
Whaddaya Say? (2016)
On Books, Films, Records and Lifestyles: American Popular Culture in the Czech Republic (2016)
On Books, Films, Records and Lifestyles: American Popular Culture in the Czech Republic (2016)
Brno Studies in English; člen redakční rady (2016)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2016)
člen redakční rady Moravian Journal of Literature and Film (2016)
člen redakční rady Ostrava Journal of English Philology (2016)
Člen oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině (2016)
Role učitele odborné angličtiny v terciárním vzdělávání (2016)
Negation as a means of face management in online discussions (2016)
Metaphoric structuring of ANGER in Czech, Polish and Russian. A descriptive case study in usage-based semantics (2016)
Turn-taking in discussions after student presentations: A conversation analytic perspective (2016)
„Nejstarší nejvíc nes’“ : Stáří Shakespearova krále Leara v českých obrozeneckých překladech (2016)
Stoppard Shakespearovým redaktorem (2016)
Organizace cyklu přednášek "Shakespearovské jeviště od renesance po současnost" pořádaném u příležitosti Týdne humanitních věd FF MU, 2016 (2016)
Shakespeare: byl, či nebyl? (2016)
A Woman’s Body, an Athlete’s Heart : A Comparative Reading of Althea Gibson's and Wilma Rudolph's Memoirs (2016)
A Woman’s Body, an Athlete’s Heart (2016)
Frankenstein is a YouTuber : On the Originality, Interactivity, and Contemporariness of Modern Adaptations of Classics (2016)
He Will Most Certainly Not Be Fine : Please Like Me as a Millennial's Adaptation of Contemporary Australia (2016)
Complex referencing : Means of signalling, retrievability span, and idea limit (2016)
Quality bearers, phenomena, and referential importance : A comparative study (2015) (2015)
Quality bearers, phenomena, and referential importance: A comparative study (2015)
Pronominal summarizing : The means of signalling, retrievability span, and idea constraint (2016)
English verbs of locomotion at the syntax-semantics interface (2016)
On Correlations between Range in Verb Descriptivity and Syntactic Applicability (2016)
Petr Chalupský : A Horror and a Beauty : The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels (2016)
Modern RP(s): the sources of innovation in the British standard pronunciation accent (2012)
Conducting research into a pronunciation standard: the case of RP in the Czech Republic (2013)
Ain't Posh Enuff to Be RP: a sociolinguistic study of Received Pronunciation in native and non-native environments (2016)
Positive Interference: expressing your identity through L1 traces (2016)
Ain't Posh Enuff to Be RP: a sociolinguistic study of Received Pronunciation in native and non-native environments (2017)
Positive Interference: expressing your identity through L1 traces (2017)
Desdemona & Co. : Sleeping Beauties on the Jacobean Stage (2016)
Formal, semantic, and pragmatic features of hyperbolic expressions (2016)
Jelínková, Ema (ed.). Scottish Women Writers of Hybrid Identity (2016)
Review : Matthew Hall : On Violence in the Work of J. H. Prynne (2016)
Teaching Soft Skills: Small Talk in Business Communication (2015)
What’s (Wrong) with TV News : Changes in Media Discourse (2016)
Role učitele odborné angličtiny v terciárním vzdělávání (2016)
Another Frontier: Religion of Star Trek (2015)
Ways of Construal of a Motion Event : Go vs Walk (2016)
Language as a tool of animal oppression : The role of grammar in representing farm animals (2016)
The Effects of Figurative Language and Imagery on Creating a Culturally Distinct Image of a Destination : Conceptual Discourse Analysis of English and French Parallel Texts (2016)
"Liminal Spaces in Madeleine Thien's Simple Recipes (2016)
The position of function words in FSP (2016)
New advances in the study of the information structure of discourse (13th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English, Galway) (2016)
Editor-in-chief (Brno Studies in English) (2016)
Member of the scientific committee (1st International Conference on Sociolinguistics: Insights from Superdiversity, Complexity and Multimodality) (2016)
Member of the scientific committee/reviewing board (1st RMUTT International Conference on English Language Teaching (RtICELT)) (2016)
Member of editorial board (European Journal of Humour) (2016)
Member of advisory and reviewing board (Discourse and Interaction) (2016)
Member of editorial board (Interactions) (2016)
Online testovani v ELFu: Metodika a prakticke postupy (2016)
Cambridge Let's Speak (2016)
Voice-over and presenter narration in TV documentaries (2020)
Translations Illustrated (2016)
Aspects of the Theory of Functional Sentence Perspective (Lecture at Central China Normal University in Wuhan) (2016)
Aspects of the Theory of Functional Sentence Perspective - promoting English Studies at Qufu University in Rizhao (2016)
What Does Donald Trump Mean for Americanists? (2016)
Macbeth, or "The Scottish Play" : Legends, Lore, and Performance (2016)
The American Counterculture in Context (2015)
Rhetoric and Ethics in Film and Literature (2015)
Prophecies of Race War in American Popular Literature (2014)
Séminaire Doctoral International Francophone, Rennes (France) / Brno (République Tcheque). Sociolinguistique urbaine et pratiques francophones (deuxieme session) (2013)
Séminaire Doctoral International Francophone, Rennes (France) / Brno (République Tcheque). Sociolinguistique urbaine et pratiques francophones (premiere session) (2012)
Interactional humour and spontaneity in TV documentaries (2017)
Recenzní posudek na knihu Zounek et al. (2016) "Učení (se) s digitálními technologiemi" (2016)
Člen recenzního kolegia (2012)
Text sex with Becks : Football celebrities, tabloid news and the spectacle of language (2018)
An Authentic Exhibition : Authentic and Fictional Native American Representations in the Wild West (2017)
Výzkum učení a vyučování cizích jazyků (2016)
Recenze publikace Markee, N. (ed.). (2015). The handbook of classroom discourse and interaction. (2016)
Nahrávání, přepisování a analyzování interakce pomocí konverzační analýzy (2017)
Theatre Theory Reader : Prague School Writings (2016)
Introduction (2016)
Irony as counter positioning : Reader comments on the EU migrant crisis (2018)
Soldier, Beauty, and the Bird : Fragmentation of Gender Identity in The Hunger Games (2017)
Reflections on ICT Innovations of an Online Literatura Course (2016)
Individuální rozdíly v učení se cizím jazykům: specifická situace neslyšících (2017)
Universal Design for One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest in the Czech Republic (2016)
The Power Dynamics in Die Walküre : Recognition of Female Power (2017)
Laughing at Robots : Ironic Portrayals of Artificial Intelligence Across Western Cultures (2017)
The DQMD Tag : A system of direct quotation meta-data tagging for EAP corpora (2017)
The contestation of category labels in online discussion forums (2017)
The contestation of category labels in online discussion forums (2017)
Seminář - Zdroje pro seminární a diplomové práce (2017)
Seminář - Zdroje pro seminární a diplomové práce (2017)
Seminář - Elektronické informační zdroje pro práci doktorandů (2017)
Visions of Unity / Visions of Unification : Past, Present and Future Aspects Thereof as Expressed in the Works of Virginia Woolf and Dimitrije Mitrinović between the Two World Wars (2016)
How important or unimportant : Analyzing evaluation in the news (2017)
Anagnorisis as a Guide to Morals (2017)
4th IDEAS Students' Conference (2017)
Inscribing Difference and Resistance. Indigenous Women’s Personal Non-fiction and Life Writing in Australia and North America (2017)
Fanart Activism : Fan Participation as a Tool for Representation and Diversity Awareness (2017)
Inscribing Difference and Resistance : Indigenous Women's Personal Non-fiction and Life Writing in Australia and North America (2017)
How America Buried Paul : A Sociocultural Phenomenon that Emerged out of Mystification and Paranoia in 1960s USA (2017)
The 2016 František Chudoba Prize (2016)
Metaphor in terminology : A case study of human body terms in the domain of heavy machinery (2017)
How important or unimportant : Analyzing evaluation in the news (2017)
Is It Still The Ring? Theatre and opera semiotics : a space for avant-garde productions (2017)
"Forget now. Live." The Centrality of Female Characters in Early Plays by Arthur Miller (2017)
Reader's Recognition of Reality and Overlapping Worlds in the Literary Realms of Magical Realism (2017)
The discursive articulation of Canadian identity through Don Cherry’s Coach’s Corner (2017)
The discursive articulation of Canadian identity through Don Cherry’s Coach’s Corner (2017)
Laughing at Robots : Ironic Portrayals of Artificial Intelligence Across Western Cultures (2017)
Life on Social Media : Instagirls and the Rise of Micro-celebrity (2017)
Virginia Woolf : O bolesti (2017)
Constructing media counter-narratives in online sportscasting (2017)
Creating illusions : The media coverage of the Syrian armed opposition forces (2017)
Creating illusions : The media coverage of the Syrian armed opposition forces (2017)
Is this English or Czenglish? (2016)
Otázky jazykové normy ve výuce angličtiny (2017)
The Discourse of Online Sportscasting : Constructing Meaning and Interaction in Live Text Commentary (2018)
Conjunctive Adverbials in Academic Written Discourse: A Corpus Analysis Based on a Sociolinguistic Approach (2011)
Place and Space in The Wire (2017)
Metaphoric Structure of ANGER – Developing Usage-Based Methods for Contrastive Linguistics (2017)
The Sea, the Sea : Traumatic Encounter with a Monster (2017)
A Shadow of Truth : Honor Klein in Iris Murdoch's A Severed Head (2017)
Signifying Brno – creating urban space, shaping the city (2017)
Dreaming in Fire and Working in Clay : The Problem of Translating Ideas into Words in Arthur Machen’s "The Great God Pan" (2017)
Women Novelists's Essays for the Twenty-first Century (2017)
Directed Motion at the Syntax-Semantics Interface (2017)
Intonation in English and Czech Dialogues (2017)
Cliché (2021)
České mapování australské literární krajiny (2016)
Documentary news photographs as narrative scripts of othering (2017)
Elektronické informační zdroje pro studenty programu ERASMUS (2017)
Elektronické informační zdroje pro studenty programu ERASMUS (2017)
Seminář - Zdroje pro seminární a diplomové práce (2017)
Tvorba odborné rešerše (Týden informačního vzdělávání MU) (2017)
Střídání kódů ve výuce angličtiny u učitelů-expertů pohledem konverzační analýzy (2017)
Code-switching in Teaching Vocabulary: A Conversation Analysis Perspective (2017)
Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus in Three Czech Translations (2016)
Geoffrey Chaucer : The Parliament of Fowls / Ptačí sněm (2017)
Editor-in-chief (Brno Studies in English) (2017)
Member of advisory and reviewing board (Discourse and Interaction) (2017)
Member of editorial board (European Journal of Humour) (2017)
Member of editorial board (Interactions) (2017)
Member of the international scientific committee (2nd International Conference on Sociolinguistics ICS-2, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 6-8 September 2018) (2018)
Member of the scientific committee (#DN20 - Exploring Fuzzy Boundaries in Discourse Studies, 17-19 May 2018, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest) (2018)
Doing being spontaneous : The role of laughter in TV documentaries (2017)
Soccer, language and rhetoric (panel discussion) (2017)
Live online soccer : Towards a new media genre (2017)
Irony and counter positioning: Reader comments on the EU migrant crisis (2017)
Laughing at the 'other' : Critical pragmatic insights into the humorous construction of opposing groups (2017)
Laughing at the 'other ': Critical pragmatic insights into the humorous construction of opposing groups (2017)
The Melancholy of Urban Childhood : Liminality in Madeleine Thien’s Simple Recipes (2017)
Pocta Jiřímu Levému - Ad translationem (2017)
Translating the translator : Modern renditions of Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls (2017)
Insincerity Overboard : Sincerity and Nausea in Byron’s Don Juan (2017)
General editor of JEASA (Journal of the European Association for the Studies of Australia) (2016)
"Resilience and Healing in the Non-fiction of Indigenous Public Intellectuals" (2017)
"Memoirs of Settler Belonging in the Wake of Mabo" (2017)
Současná indiánská a inuitská literatura v Kanadě (2017)
JEASA general issue, vol 8, no 1 (2017) (2017)
Directed Motion at the Syntax-Semantics Interface (2017)
Michaela Martinková, Markéta Janebová, Jaroslav Macháček and Irena Pauková (eds) ´Ivan Poldauf : Collected Works, Volume I (1940-1969)´ (2017)
Music Appropriatations of Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita (2017)
The North-American Division of Settlement, Frontier, and Wilderness, as depicted in Horror Film (2017)
The Image of the Latina Woman in Hispanic-American Theater (2017)
Changing The Paradigm : A Very Practical MA (2017) (2017)
On Fire or Burnt Out? (2017)
Freakish Characters in the Works of Robert Browning (2017)
Freakish Characters in the Works of Robert Browning (2017)
Through the Keyhole : Teacher development through observation (2017)
Critical pragmatic insights into (mis)translation in the news (2019)
Labels and Beyond : On Queer Liminality and Fuzzy Edges of Identification (2017)
Fighting for the "Right" Version of America : Timeless Review & Analysis (2017)
Co nového ukázal výzkum interakce ve třídě? (2017)
Akademický inbreeding: existenční nutnost nebo rakovina vysokého školství? (2017)
Speaking In EFL Classes From The Perspective Of Conversation Analysis: How Do Teachers Elicit Answers And How Do Students Respond? (2017)
Classroom interaction in student presentations and follow-up discussions in a university EFL course (2017)
Zkoumání interakce ve třídě pomocí konverzační analýzy: východiska, postupy a vybraná zjištění (2017)
Beginning University Teachers and Their Approaches to Teaching and Professional Self-Perception (2018)
Explicitation, implicitation and literary translation excellence : a case study of A. Přidal's translations from English to Czech (2017)
Trapnost and embarrassment as cultural conceptualizations (Czech, British, American) (2017)
Action nomination peculiarities in English fiction : intensified quantity of action (2016)
The Criticism of the Church in Robert Browning's Poetry (2016)
The Criticism of the Church in Robert Browning's Poetry (2016)
Sublime and Love : Victimization of Heroines in Hamlet and Othello (2016)
Členka oborové komise, doktorský studijní program P7310 Filologie (2017)
Narrative Strategies in Behan’s Borstal Boy (2017)
How No Foucault : Decomposing the Asylum in Malone Dies (2017)
Beckett’s Closed Spaces (2017)
Beckett’s Stages of Confinement (2017)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2017)
Členství v oborové radě doktorského studijního programu P7310 - Filologie - Anglická a americká literatura, Ostravská univerzita (2017)
We definitely blew it! Dennis Hopper's Easy Rider, Larry Kent's High and the Failure of North American Counterculture (2017)
Brno Studies in English; člen redakční rady (2017)
Moravian Journal of Literature and Film, člen redakční rady (2017)
Ostrava Journal of English Philology, člen redakční rady (2017)
Western novels in Czech : translations and pseudo-translations (2017)
Multimodal Iconicity in Print Advertising (2017)
Multimodal Iconicity in Print Advertising (2017)
Flying High : Black Aviators’ Global Ambitions before the Tuskegee Airmen (2018)
Flying High : Black Aviators’ Global Ambitions before the Tuskegee Airmen (2018)
Member of scientific committee (AMPRA-4) (2018)
The Future of Meisner Instruction : America's Most Popular Acting Technique (2017)
Cultural Themes and Literary Inovation in Recent American TV Programming (2017)
Meisner Instruction as Applied to On-Screen Performance (2017)
Kondrysová, Eva (2017)
Flying Haiti : The Black Press, Haiti, and Early Black Aviation (2018)
Problematika jazykové normy ve výuce angličtiny (2017)
The Use of Mobile Devices in English Language Teaching and Learning with a Focus on the Development of Language Skills: Pilot Study (2017)
Interakce ve výuce anglického jazyka na vysoké škole pohledem konverzační analýzy (2017)
Entering the Realms of the Unspoken : Angela Carter’s Narrative Innovation and a New Type of Feminism (2018)
New faces of Czech populism: Populist politicians' Facebook videos (2018)
Transgressing the law : The criminal ‘other’ in populist discourse (2018)
Interakce ve výuce anglického jazyka na vysoké škole pohledem konverzační analýzy (2017)
Interakce ve výuce anglického jazyka na vysoké škole pohledem konverzační analýzy (2017)
One Path Taken : Lapland, Language and Law (2018)
The Betwixt and Between : Peter Pan as a Trickster Figure (2018)
Idiosyncracy, Innovation, Outrage in William Blake’s Art (2018)
5th IDEAS English Students' Conference (2018)
Innovation on Broadway : Highbrow meets Lowbrow (2018)
Early Titanic Jokes : A disaster for the theory of disaster jokes? (2018)
Intertextuality and Targeting the Other in Online News Reader Comments (2018)
Humor and Intertextuality : Looking for Humor in Between Texts and Targets (2018)
Humour across cultures? The case of Saturnin, a (not very) Czech comic novel and its mirrorings in translation and rewriting (2018)
Humour across cultures? The case of Saturnin, a (not very) Czech comic novel and its mirrorings in translation and rewriting (2018)
Ostracism on Film : Visualizing "Social Death" (2018)
Shakespeare according to Early American Actor Dynasties (2017)
Česká shakespearovská scénografie na pouti po USA (2018)
The Heavier the Borscht, the Lighter the Burden : Inaccuracies in Czech Representation on American Screens (2018)
Early Titanic jokes : A disaster for the theory of disaster jokes? (2019)
Enabling audience participation and stimulating discussion after student presentations in English as a foreign language seminars (2018)
Translating Mannerism : Translator as Dramaturg in Adapting Generic Specifics (2018)
Translating Mannerism : Translator as Dramaturg in Adapting Generic Specifics (2018)
A Constant Replay? American Avant-garde Theatre in the Context of 21st Century Post-dramaticality (2018)
A Constant Replay? American Avant-garde Theatre in the Context of 21st Century Post-dramaticality (2018)
Tragedy According to Arthur Miller (2018)
Social media trespassing : The analysis of news articles reporting on the 2017's most liked Instagram post (2018)
The Language and Communicative Practices of 'Instagirls' (2018)
'Meaning you have been known to act rashly.' How Mrs. Weasley negotiates her identity in conflicts in Harry Potter series (2018)
Persuasion in public discourse : Cognitive and functional perspectives (2018)
‘God Damn This War’ : Virginia Woolf’s Struggle for Peace between the Wars (2018)
Multimodal storytelling in the news : Sequenced images as ideological scripts of othering (2019)
Persuasion across times, domains and modalities. Theoretical considerations and emerging themes (2018)
Iconicity in independent noun phrases in print advertising : A multimodal perspective (2018)
Advertising food narratives (2018)
Hidden in your cosy den : You'll be my donut, I your jam. Poetics in Brno street signage. (2018)
Peer interaction in EFL classes in Czech upper-secondary schools (2018)
Managing discussions after student presentations in English as a foreign language seminars (2018)
Mezioborová povaha výzkumu interakce ve třídě (2018)
Investigating interaction among peers in English as a foreign language using conversation analysis (2018)
How Teachers and Students in EFL Classes Correct Mistakes : Insights from Conversation Analysis (2018)
Vysokoškolský učitel znovu studentem: Kurzy rozvoje pedagogických kompetencí v České a Slovenské republice (2018)
Špalek Beckettova života (2018)
New Pathways in North American Studies : Paradigms, Strategies, Developments (2018)
Představení a vyhodnocení vzdělávacího programu CERPEK (2018)
Mimicking the Other : The Aftermath of First Contact in Mid-20th Century Science Fiction Novels (2018)
American Avant-garde Theatre's Offspring : Sticking to Tradition and/or Breaking New Ground? (2018)
Academic mobilities of students with hearing impairment: Welcoming the challenges with specialized online course of written English (2018)
Laughing at Robots : Synthesising Humour and Cyber-paranoia in Portrayals of Artificial Intelligence in Welcome to Night Vale (2018)
Deactivating the Flash : Surveillance and Humor in American Paranoid Fiction (2018)
And Now the Weather : Welcome to Night Vale and the Employment of Nostalgia in Radio Remediation (2018)
Viewers and Screenwriters in the Streaming TV Era : Uses and Gratifications Analysis (2018)
The Significance of Cities in Woody Allen’s Feature Films (2018)
Teaching University Teachers to Teach Better: Program, Prospects and Challenges (2018)
Úloha chyb, korektivní zpětné vazby a normy v cizojazyčné výuce s důrazem na výuku angličtiny (2018)
Posouzení vlivu intervence na přesnost řečové produkce pokročilých studentů angličtiny (2018)
L1 Interference Related Errors in Advanced Czech Students of English (2018)
Přesnost ústního a písemného projevu v produkci pokročilých studentů: vybrané výsledky analýzy (2017)
Nostalgic Revisions of Land and Nature in Cherríe Moraga’s Heroes and Saints (2018)
Between Cuba and New York : Maria Irene Fornes’s Sarita and Letters from Cuba (2018)
False cognates in translation (2018)
14th ESSE Conference Abstracts (2018)
ESSE 2018 Conference Seminar "Lexis in Contrast : Empirical Approaches" (2018)
ESSE 2018 Conference Seminar "Advances in Cognitive-Linguistic Approaches to Grammar" (2018)
Human locomotion in a cross-linguistic perspective : The case of "walk" (2018)
Human locomotion in a cross-linguistic perspective : The case of "walk" (2018)
Verbal Meaning and Constructional Meaning (2018)
Changing the Paradigm : A very practical MA (2018)
Na křižovatce mezi světy. Středověká Arménie (2018)
Trump vs Trudeau : Articulation of National Identity on Twitter (2018)
Trump's Twitter Time (2018)
Beckett's 'Mongrel Mime': Politics and Poetics (2018)
Performing Representation : Living the Lockout and Beckett’s Fizzles (2018)
Reimagining Carceral Tradition in Brendan Behan’s Borstal Boy (2018)
Beckett's Breakdowns : Not I, That Time, Footfalls (2018)
Metaphor as a (de-)legitimizing strategy in leadership discourse : The language of crisis in Winston Churchill’s Cold War speeches (2018)
Review of Yu, Ning (2009) From Body to Meaning in Culture: Papers on cognitive semantic studies of Chinese (2018)
Souls, Comrades and Puppets: A Critical Metaphor Analysis of Chiang Kai-shek’s Early Wartime Rhetoric (2018)
Translating, Rendering and Re-constructing Updike’s Stream of Consciousness: The Case of A&P’s Translations into Mandarin (2018)
Intra-language Generalizations and Variations of Narrative Viewpoint: A Multiple-Parallel-Text Approach to “Tense Shifting” in a Tenseless Language (2018)
Metaphor and cultural conceptualization of death: A study of eulogistic expressions in Christians’ and non-believers’ funerals in Taiwan (2018)
Free Indirect Style Across Languages: The Case of John Updike’s Writing and Its Mandarin Renderings (2018)
Intra-language Generalizations and Variations of Narrative Viewpoint: A Multiple-Parallel-Text Approach to “Tense Shifting” in a Tenseless Language (2018)
Time and Space in Jeanette Winterson's Work (2018)
Medieval Heroine with a Restoratoin Image : The Restoration Revival of "The Virgin Martyr" (2018)
Euphemisms and non-proximal manipulation of discourse space : The case of blue-on-blue (2019)
Millerův zápas o lidstvo (2018)
Analyzing the Language and Communicative Practices of ‘the Instafamous’ (2018)
Editor-in-chief (Brno Studies in English) (2018)
Online news : from providing content to enabling interaction (2018)
A Spectacle of Language : The Poetics of Football, Language and the Media (parallel plenary lecture) (2018)
The Influence of Friedrich Nietzsche on Virginia Woolf's Oeuvre (2018)
Transgression in William Blake's Art (2018)
Blake’s Altruistic Plate (2018)
The Door of St. Sabina : Unravelling a Memory (2018)
Reincarnated (2018)
The Adventures of Mogla (2018)
Identities on Twitter : National Identity (2018)
Fast and Furious : The Accelerationist Attempt to Help Zombie Bite Again (2018)
Sexual Devouring : The Desiring-Production of the Subversive Undead in David Cronenberg’s Shivers (2018)
Medieval Performance in the Twenty-First Century? : The Case of Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls and Its Translation for Modern Audiences (2018)
Writing (Divine) Love : Blending the Sacred and the Secular in the Mystical Marriages of St Katherine and the Pearl-Maiden (2018)
Mirrors of/for the times : Shakespeare in Central European theatre (2018)
Restored and Un-restored : King Lear on the 18th-Century London Stage (2018)
Harry Potter : The Boy Whose Story We Have Always Heard (2018)
Czenglish memes about this divný národ : Kavárna strikes back (or does it?) (2018)
First language attrition on the phonetic level : The case of Anglophone expatriates in the Czech Republic (2018)
First language attrition and maintenance in the accents of native speakers of English living in the Czech Republic (2018)
First language attrition on the phonetic level : The case of Anglophone expatriates in the Czech Republic (2018)
Czenglish memes about this divný národ : Kavárna strikes back (or does it?) (2018)
First language attrition and maintenance in the accents of native speakers of English living in the Czech Republic (2018)
1st International Wroclaw-Brno PhD Linguistic Workshop (2018)
Othering in Media and Post-media Discourses (2018)
The Transformation of News in the Age of Social Media (Panel S12 at the 14th ESSE Conference) (2018)
Constructing Identities across Media Discourses (2018)
Humour below the line : Reader comments on the migrant crisis (2018)
New faces of populism : Political self-presentation on Facebook (2018)
Discussing the other in online news comments : A cross-cultural perspective (2018)
„už končíme? ještě ne? mhm. em. yes.“ : jak studenti angličtiny koordinují ukončení aktuální výměny během mluvení ve dvojicích (2018)
Já, my nebo ono? K vyjádření autorství u odborných textů psaných jedním autorem [úvodník] (2018)
Gender Identity Construction in American and Czech YouTube Vlogs (2018)
Hegemonic and Inclusive Masculinities in American and Czech YouTube Vlogs (2018)
Soňa Šnircová : Girlhood in British Coming-of-Age Novels. The Bildungsroman Heroine Revisited (2018)
Memoirs of Settler (National) Belonging : Tim Winton's Island Home and Kim Mahood's Position Doubtful (2018)
A Balancing Act : Rhetorical Strategies and Cultural Precarity in Indigenous Non-fiction (2018)
Rhetorical Strategies in Thomson Highway’s Henry Kreisel Lecture (2018)
The First American 'Superspy' : Secret Agency and the Black Nation in Martin R. Delany's Blake (2018)
The Black, White, and Invisible Empires of Sutton E. Griggs and Thomas Dixon Jr. (2018)
Lexis creating a human dimension of a destination : Comparative discourse analysis of English and French parallel texts (2018)
Lexis creating a human dimension of a destination : Comparative discourse analysis of English and French parallel texts (2018)
Odrazy kultury v jazyce reklamy : srovnávací analýza anglických a francouzských nadpisů a podnadpisů propagačních textů (2018)
Discourse Analysis of the U.S. Foreign Policy Strategic Rhetoric in the Middle East (2018)
Embedded narratives in the self-help and guide genre : a comparative study of English and Czech (2018)
Embedded narratives in the self-help and guide genre : a comparative study of English and Czech (2018)
Advertising food narratives (2018)
Language variation, performance and the media (2018)
Standards of textuality and cohesion in news texts (2018)
Early Titanic Jokes : A disaster for the theory of disaster jokes? (2018)
Trump's Twitter Time (2018)
Medieval Performance in the Twenty-First Century? : The Case of Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls and Its Translation for Modern Audiences (2018)
Writing (Divine) Love : Blending the Sacred and the Secular in the Mystical Marriages of St Katherine and the Pearl-Maiden (2018)
Blake’s Altruistic Plate (2018)
Gender Identity Construction in American and Czech YouTube Vlogs (2018)
14th ESSE Conference (2018)
Masculinity Studies : The Old and the New (2018)
The Undefeated Monster of Hegemonic Masculinity in Hunter's Run (2018)
The Undefeated Monster of Hegemonic Masculinity in Hunter's Run (2018)
From Toxic to Politically Correct : Masculinities in American Psycho and Darkly Dreaming Dexter (2018)
Restored and Un-restored : King Lear on the 18th-Century London Stage (2018)
Defying the System: Counterhegemonic Masculinities in Sense8 (2018)
Attributive relative clauses in the hierarchy of communicative units and distributional fields within the theory of FSP (2018)
ESSE 2018 Conference Seminar "Writing (about) Women in Medieval England" (2018)
Attributive relative clauses in the hierarchy of communicative units and distributional fields within the theory of FSP (2018)
From Toxic to Politically Correct : Masculinities in American Psycho and Darkly Dreaming Dexter (2019)
Aporia Undecidable and Undecided in Richard Wagner, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, and #MeToo Culprits (2018)
Social media trespassing : The analysis of news articles reporting on the 2017's most liked Instagram post (2018)
‘God Damn This War’ : Virginia Woolf’s Struggle for Peace between the Wars (2018)
Directed Motion at the Syntax-Semantics Interface (2018)
Intonation in English and Czech Dialogues (2018)
On (Film) Bodies and their Senses : Rereading Two African-American Independent Classics (2018)
Aporia Undecidable and Undecided in Richard Wagner, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, and #metoo Culprits - abstract (2018)
Fast and Furious: The Accelerationist Attempt to Help Zombie Bite Again - abstract (2018)
The Desiring Production of the Subversive Undead in David Cronenberg’s Shivers (2018)
The Desiring Production of the Subversive Undead in David Cronenberg’s Shivers (2018)
Historiographic Metafiction as a Link between Literature and History in Peter Ackroyd’s The House of Doctor Dee (2018)
Vzdělávání a technologie: Současné trendy [presentation] (2011)
Moderní vzdělávací teorie a e-learning 2.0 [presentation] (2010)
Google jako nástroj ve výuce [workshop] (2010)
Accurate and Effective: Mapping Usability of Terminology Extraction Tools [presentation] (2011)
Novinky a trendy v oblasti e-learningových technologií a přístupů [presentation] (2012)
Mahara - krátké představení systému [presentation] (2012)
False cognates in translation (2018)
The Counterculture, Social Fear, and a Rationale for a Theory of Narrative Movements (2018)
ELF: E-learning na FF MU (2003-2014) [presentation] (2014)
iPady a mobilní aplikace [workshop] (2014)
Výuková videa [workshop] (2014)
Tablet v práci učitele [presentation] (2014)
Tvoříme výuková videa a tutoriály rychle a jednoduše pomocí iPadu [workshop] (2014)
Introducing a New Gallery Module: Store, Edit and Display Images Easily in Your Courses [online presentation] (2014)
Tvoříme netradiční výukové materiály pomocí iPadu [presentation] (2014)
E-learning na FF MU: 2005-2013 [presentation] (2014)
ทบทวนหนังสือ: สหายการวัดผลทางภาษา (2015)
Perceptions of Thai and European Student-Teachers toward their Teaching Styles (2016)
A Corpus-based Study of Metadiscoursal Boosters in the Abstracts of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Theses Written in Thailand and in Inner-circle Countries (2017)
Thematic Inferences and Linguistic Strategies in Commercial Advertisements : A Case Study of Thai Life Insurance Company’s Commercial Series (2018)
A corpus-based study of metadiscoursal boosters in applied linguistics dissertations written in Thailand and in the United States (2020)
การศึกษาการเเสดงตัวตนที่ชัดเจนเเละไม่ชัดเจนของผู้เขียนที่ปรากฎในบทคัดย่อวิทยานิพนธ์ทางด้านภาษาศาสตร์ประยุกต์และด้านวรรณคดีที่เขียนในประเทศไทยเเละประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา (2019)
iPad in Academic Settings: A Pilot Project [presentation] (2014)
Galerie FF MU: Modul pro správu a prezentaci obrazových a video materiálů v kurzech [presentation] (2014)
Google nástroje ve výuce zeměpisu [workshop] (2014)
iPad v praxi učitele/geografa [workshop] (2014)
Webináře a virtuální spolupráce [workshop] (2014)
iPad v jazykovém vzdělávání - výukové klipy a tutoriály [workshop] (2014)
Online nástroje pro okamžitou zpětnou vazbu v prezenční výuce [workshop] (2014)
Explain Everything: How to Create Effective and Engaging Study Materials for Second Language Learning [demo session] (2014)
Engaging Students As E-learning Content Creators [special interest group] (2014)
Kancelář e-learningu FF MU [presentation] (2015)
Od interaktivních materiálů k interaktivním učebnám [presentation] (2015)
The Ogilvie Cook Book, Canadian Cuisine And a Trip Down Memory Lane (2018)
The Ogilvie Cook Book, Canadian Cuisine And a Trip Down Memory Lane (2018)
Vzdělávání, technologie, prostor: Od teorie k praxi [presentation] (2015)
Online testování v ELFu: Metodika a praktické postupy [workshop] (2016)
48. Sally Morgan : My Place (1987) (2019)
Migrating Art Historians : A full-body learning experience [presentation] (2018)
Migrating Art Historians: A full-body learning experience (2018)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2018) (2018)
Členství v oborové radě doktorského studijního programu P7310 - Filologie - Anglická a americká literatura (2018)
Člen oborové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině (2018)
Brno Studies in English; člen redakční rady (2018)
Ostrava Journal of English Philology, člen redakční rady (2018)
Moravian Journal of Literature and Film, člen redakční rady (2018)
Současné a budoucí možnosti e-learningu na FF MU (2011)
E-learning na FF MU: Setkání a prezentace kurzů (2012)
ELFday0214: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Motivace v e-learningu) (2014)
ELFday0914: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Spolupráce a kritické myšlení) (2014)
ELFday0215: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Samostatnost a kreativita) (2015)
ELFday0915: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Mobilní technologie v akademickém prostředí) (2015)
ELFday0216: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Jak lépe poznat své studenty) (2016)
Moodle: Standardní studijní činnosti (2012)
Member of editorial board - Studies about Languages (2018)
A Corpus-based Study of Metadiscoursal Boosters in Applied Linguistic Theses and Dissertations Written in Thailand and in the United States (2017)
USA za mřížemi (2019)
Scientific board member - Fourth International Communication Styles Conference (Communication Styles 4 – Radical Thought – Radical Language - Radical Communication Style (ICS4), 12-13 November 2019, Krosno, Poland (2019)
Scientific board member - Transatlantic Dreams : Understanding Central European Emigration to Canada, Halifax (2019)
“You should get it, too!” : A multimodal analysis of promotional posts on Instagram (2019)
L1 Interference Related Errors in Advanced Czech Students of English (2018)
Akademický inbreeding jako rakovina vysokého školství, nebo nezbytnost? Přehled zahraničních výzkumů a implikace pro českou vysokoškolskou politiku (2019)
Dramatic Methods in Robert Browning's Dramatic Monologues (2018)
Vysokoškolský učitel bez učitelského vzdělání: Nástin problematiky a možností řešení (2019)
Center for Teaching Excellence: Origins and Future Potential (2019)
Monster to Monster : Masculinity as an Invisible Major Theme in Hunter’s Run (2019)
Harry Potter Film in Translation : Language Variety in the Flemish Dubbing of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2019)
Influence of Friedrich Nietzsche on Virginia Woolf's Oeuvre (2019)
Style in context : Performing populism in the media (2019)
Informality on social media : Instagram influencers and their linguistic accommodation (2019)
Deep Dives into Big Data : Best Practices for Synthesis of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Cognitive Linguistics (2019)
Corpus Approaches to Language, Thought and Communication (2019)
From Technologies to Full-Body Experience : Lessons Learnt on a cross-France Study Pilgrimage (2018)
(Un)burying the Stars : The Hysterical Realism of Celebrity Deaths in Popular Culture (2019)
Neoliberalism, NAFTA, and Dehumanization : The case of femicides in Ciudad Juárez (2019)
Becoming #Instafamous : Analyzing Informality on Instagram from the Perspective of Communication Accommodation Theory (2019)
The Problem of Ridicule in Henry Fielding´s Joseph Andrews (2018)
The Significance of the Female Reader (2015)
Henry Fielding between Reason and Sentiment (2016)
The Rhetoric of Sensibility in Henry Fielding (2016)
Puppets, Compatriots, and Souls in Heaven: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Chiang Kai-shek’s Early Wartime Rhetoric (2018)
"Making a Mockery of Horror" : The Double-Crossing Paranoia of E. A. Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat" (2019)
The Foresight in Hindsight : The New Pathways in North American Studies Conference Report (2019)
14th ESSE Conference 29 August – 2 September, 2018, Brno, Czech Republic (2019)
The Truth about Academic Publishing : A Journal Editor's Experience with Authors and Reviewers (2019)
Communicative Contexts and Hate in Online News Comments (2019)
The Reception of Iris Murdoch's Work by Czech Readers and Academia (2019)
Book review. Lindvall, Terry et al.(2016). Divine Film Comedies : Biblical Narratives, Film Sub-Genres, and the Comic Spirit. New York: Routledge (2019)
iPad in Academic Settings: A Pilot Project (2014)
"Doomed" from the Start : The Role of "Cultural Pollutants" in the "Cultural Death" of Late Victorian Bestsellers (2019)
Translation of Language Varieties in the Flemish Dubbing of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2019)
1952 a 1956 v Spolu "alejí Evropy" Spoločně "alejou Európy" 100 let nizozemsko-česko-slovenských vztahů 100 rokov holandsko-česko-slovenských vzťahov (2019)
Výzkum interakce mezi spolužáky : přehled konverzačněanalytických studií (2019)
Úvodní konference ke vzniku Centra rozvoje pedagogických kompetencí Masarykovy univerzity (CERPEK) (2017)
Best practices ve vysokoškolské výuce na Masarykově univerzitě (2019)
Hashtagging on Instagram : Functions of Hashtags as Employed by #Instagirls (2019)
Od ústních příbehů k literárnímu kánonu (2019)
Nationalism Old and New : Australia, Europe, South Africa (2018)
"Secret Female Jokes" : Self-Conscious Paranoia and the Female Postmodern Condition in Diane Johnson's The Shadow Knows (2019)
A corpus-based study of advanced Czech learners of English (2019)
Overcoming Boundaries by Translating Mirth : Harlequin, Pickelhering, Hanswurst (2019)
Massinger and Dekker's "The Virgin Martyr" in the Hands of German 'Comödianten' (2019)
Metamorphosis of the West Coast Cities : Gentrification, Displacement, Homelessness, and Racial Discrimination (2019)
A Tribute to Michael Halliday (2019)
The Virtuous Spy : From Major John André (1798) to Captain Thorne in Secret Service (1895) (2019)
The Virtuous Spy : From Major John André (1798) to Captain Thorne in Secret Service (1895) (2019)
Jazykové nuance v anglickém a francouzském reklamním sdělení (2019)
Kamila Vránková (2019) : Metamorphoses of the Sublime : From Ballads and Gothic Novels to Anglo-American Children’s Literature (recenze) (2019)
Předmluva : Malé příběhy velkých dějin (2019)
#influencer : Celebrity sociálních médií a jejich jazykový projev (2019)
A Shadow of Truth : Honor Klein in Iris Murdoch’s A Severed Head (2019)
A Scholar : Becoming the Process, Becoming the Work (2019)
Contrastive semantics of human locomotion verbs : English ´walk´ vs. Czech ´jít´ and ´kráčet´ (2019)
Videoclubs as a Form of Professional Development: The Research-based Benefits and the Experience-based Pitfalls (2019)
Idiom Variability across Different Varieties of English (2019)
Towards Inclusive Heritage : Thoughts on Wain, a collection of LGBT themed poetry by Rachel Plummer (2019)
“Let Them Love Language”: Interview with Poet Rachel Plummer (2018)
Strange Days in the Anthropocene : The Inhuman in "The Colour out of Space" and Annihilation (2019)
Variability of Idioms for Expressing Emotions in World Englishes (2019)
Het beeld van Nederland in de contemporaine Britse roman (2019)
Iconicity in mutlimodal texts of print advertisements (2019)
The 2019 Charles Gordone Award for Creative Writing (Graduate Poetry) (2019)
Unintended humour, face threat and the media (2019)
Novice Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in the Czech Republic and their Drop-Out Intentions (2019)
Týden výtvarné kultury jako průzkumná zóna galerijní pedagogiky (2019)
The Power of Love in Jeanette Winterson's Work (2019)
Cyklus přednášek pro veřejnost Filover (2019)
6th IDEAS English Students' Conference, English Students' Club, 10 May 2019, The Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, 2019 (2019)
b jako brno aneb rozprávky v ulicích města Brna (2019)
William Shakespeare jako filmová a televizní postava (2019)
Relativizing Reality: Transgressing Boundaries of the Ordinary in British Magical Realism (2018)
Metatheatricality in A Game at Chess (2019)
Always to be Passed Along : Aporias of Wagner, Heidegger, and #MeToo (2019)
Theory and Practice in English Studies, vol. 6., nr. 1 (2019)
Encountering Difference in the Australian Outback : Kim Mahood's Landscape Memoirs (2020)
Dvořáková, Klára (2017) : Ty jo, to seš dobrá! : jak se skládají komplimenty v češtině [Wow, you’re good! : How compliments are expressed in Czech]. Praha: Academia. 177 pp. (2019)
Word-search sequences in peer interaction in monolingual foreign language classes (2019)
Learning grammar in English as a foreign language speaking activities (2019)
Achieving transitions from one item to another in pairwork speaking activities (2019)
Jak studenti (ne)spolupracují při hledání slov během párové práce v hodinách angličtiny (2019)
Dvousetletá pustina. Dějiny starší americké dramatiky (2019)
Theatres of Mind : On the American Modernist Tradition of Psychological Drama (2019)
Early Performances of the American Nation (2019)
Canada Consumed: The Impact of Canadian Writing in Central Europe (1990–2017) / Le Canada à la carte : influence des écrits canadiens en Europe centrale (1990–2017) (2019)
English equivalents for a new Czech Civil Code terminology (2014)
Prezentace překladu: Spolu alejí Evropy v rámci Týdne humanitních věd 2019 (2019)
“The battle fever’s on” : Phrasal routines and multilingual play in sports commentary (2023)
“Those are not my words”: Evasion and metalingual accountability in political scandal talk (2020)
Language in Contrast : Analysing Texts, Genres and Discourses (2019)
Scientific committee member of a conference (ADDA 2 – Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis, 23–25 May 2019) (2019)
I’m not who I seem to be’: Coming out of frontstage stylization on YouTube (2019)
Sports commentary as a form of online entertainment (2019)
Creating and Sharing Public Humour across the Media, a panel at the 16th IPrA conference (2019)
Saving one’s face from humour : Mediatized reactions to unintended humour (2019)
Jazyk a styl českého politického populismu (2019)
Romeo and Juliet in the Midst of Early 18th-Century English Party Politics (2019)
Romeo a Julie a noc (2019)
Sonetová mánie v shakespearovské Anglii (2019)
An Interview with Olivia Lomenech Gill (and Elzéard Lomenech Gill) About Stories, Art, and (Not Only) Fantastic Beasts (2019)
The Future Woman Warriors : Problematics of Asian-American Women's Novels' Canonization (2019)
The Woman Warrior Archetype in Novels by Asian American Female Authors (2019)
Christianization of Asian Americans As a Part of the American Culture Acquisition (2019)
The Power of Love in Jeanette Winterson's Work (2019)
Love, the Clock Keeper : The Elusive Nature of Time in Jeanette Winterson’s Work (2019)
Translating the Translator : On Rendering Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls into Modern Languages (2017)
Restoring Shakespeare, Adapting Tate, Killing off Garrick : Staging King Lear on the Post-Restoration London Stages (2019)
“I hope we shall grow wiser in the End” : Romeo and Juliet in the midst of Restoration Party Politics (2019)
Alžbětinské divadlo a Shakespearův divadelní jazyk (2019)
Anglické divadlo a drama období restaurace (2019)
Elizabethan Theatre in the Context of English Literature and Culture (2019)
Romeo and Juliet in the Context of Elizabethan Theatre (2019)
Restoration Theatre and Drama and Their Place in the History of English Literature (2019)
“Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous, / By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams” : Political Dreams in Shakespeare’s History Plays (2019)
Theatres of Mind : Staging Psychological Science in Modernist American Theatre (2019)
Editor-in-chief (Theory and Practice in English Studies) (2019)
Virgin or Wife? St Dorothy's Legend on the Late Restoration Stage (2019)
Attitude and Graduation as Masculinity Construction Resources (2019)
Hegemonic and Inclusive Masculinities in American and Czech YouTube Vlogs (2019)
The Memory of Land in Cherríe Moraga's Heroes and Saints (2019)
Introduction (2019)
Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui (2019)
‘Not There’ : Tracing ‘Dark Matter’ in Samuel Beckett’s Footfalls (2019)
Z anglické renesance do německého baroka : Cesta hry o sv. Dorotě z Anglie přes Český Krumlov do Švýcarska (2019)
The construction of celebrity on social media platforms : Instagirls and the (im)politeness of self-praise (2019)
Editorial board member (2019)
Current Trends in Linguistics : The Second International Wrocław - Brno PhD Linguistic Workshop, 22 November, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic (2019)
Advisory board member (Internet Pragmatics) (2018)
Advisory board member (Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses) (2019)
Editor-in-chief (Brno Studies in English) (2019)
Advisory board member (2017)
Advisory board member (Interactions: Ege Journal of British and American Studies) (2018)
Advisory board member (2016)
Advisory board member (2015)
Advisory board member (2014)
Advisory board member (Interactions: Ege Journal of British and American Studies) (2013)
Discourse Analysis of the United States Foreign Policy Rhetoric towards Middle East (2019)
Atom Egoyan : The Search for Identity at the Time of Cultural Conflict and New Media (2019)
Brno Studies in English; člen redakční rady (2019)
Moravian Journal of Literature and Film, člen redakční rady (2019)
Ostrava Journal of English Philology, člen redakční rady (2019)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2019)
Předseda oborové rady doktorského studijního programu Literatury v angličtině (2019)
Členství v oborové radě doktorského programu Anglická filologie - Ostravská univerzita (2019)
#WeTheNorth : Hashtag as a Facilitator of National Identity on Twitter (2019)
Carrollova Alenka : kraj divů nejen pro děti (2019)
Down-to-Earth Training Tools for Translators (2019)
Alenka pro nejmenší (orig. Nursery Alice, by Lewis Carroll) (2019)
The Jesus Industry (2019)
Visitors' Perception of overtourism Impacts in a small destination (2022)
'Re-educating the Roma? You must be joking...': Racism and prejudice in online discussion forums (2021)
“Vast, Even Endless” : The Role of the Paranoid Aesthetics of the American Desert Town in Welcome to Night Vale (2020)
Korpusová analýza přesnosti mluveného a psaného žákovského jazyka (2019)
Breaking the Fourth Wall : Metatheatricality in Thomas Middleton and William Rowley’s The World Tossed at Tennis (2020)
How Does Translation Reflect Language Stratification? : The Case of Common Czech (2020)
Deaf learners' processing of English textbook material : An eye-tracking study (2020)
Member of editorial board - Studies about Languages (2019)
Across the English Channel : 17th-Century Netherlands in the English Novel (2020)
Canada Consumed: The Impact of Canadian Writing in Central Europe (1990–2017) / Le Canada à la carte : influence des écrits canadiens en Europe centrale (1990–2017) (2019)
Omniscient Narrative Revisited by Ali Smith and Kate Atkinson (2019)
Performing populist style in context (2020)
Harry Potter : The Boy Whose Story We Have Always Heard (2019)
In/visible Gender Violence in Desert Blood : The Juárez Murders by Alicia Gaspar de Alba (2019)
Anarcha-Indigenism : Indigenous Knowledge as the Key to Survival (2019)
First Nations and Water Security : An Ecofeminist Analysis of the Role of Indigenous Women Water Protectors (2019)
Breaking the Stereotypes : Gendered Violence in Katherena Vermette’s The Break (2020)
Foreign Language Learning Experiences of Deaf and Severely Hard-of-Hearing Czech University Students (2019)
Leah Purcell’s The Drover’s Wife as Alter/Native Canon (2019)
A Crisis of Settler Belonging?: Landscape Memoirs by Tim Winton, Kim Mahood, and Don Watson (2019)
Online reader comments: The contexts of hate speech (2019)
Unintended humour in mediatized sports interviews (2020)
A Scientific Turn in the Genre of How-to Fiction Writing Manuals? (2020)
Story Time on Instagram : Exploring the Narrative Potential of Instagram Posts and Their Role in the Identity Performance of Lifestyle Influencers (2020)
Setkání s Dougem Wrightem - moderovaná přednáška a diskuse s Americkým dramatikem (2019)
Fall : Revisiting Tragedy by Arthur Miller (2019)
Americká literární válka o nezávislost - přednáška pro veřejnost (2020)
Etnometodologická konference v Mannheimu (2020)
Saving one’s face from unintended humour: Impression management in follow-up sports interviews (2021)
Otakar Zich and a Structural Approach to Art (2020)
Editorial (2020)
Interview with Emil Volek and Andrés Pérez-Simón (2020)
(Re-)Translating Zich's Aesthetics into English : a work in progress (2020)
“God Damn This War” : Virginia Woolf's Struggle for Peace between the Wars (2020)
Beauty or a Beast? Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus Transgressing Seemingly Established Concepts of Beauty, Good, and Evil (2020)
Michele Zappavigna. 2018. Searchable talk : Hashtags and social media metadiscourse (Review) (2020)
Decolonization in Chiapas : Zapatistas, Co-operatives, Autonomous Education, Artivism (2020)
Variability of Proper-Noun Idioms in Different Varieties of English (2020)
The Sounds of Struggle - Territoriality in I am Legend (2020)
"Enemy to the Muses!" : The Generic Challenge of the Early 18th-Century Ballad Opera (2020)
From Landscape to Country : Writing Settler Belonging in Post-Mabo Australia (2022)
Discursive strategies in American foreign policy (2020)
A Fence or A Door : Perception of Christianity in Earlier Asian American Female (2020)
14th ESSE Conference Abstracts (2018)
14th ESSE Conference Abstracts (2018)
“Meaning you have been known to act rashly” : How Molly Weasley negotiates her identity as a moral authority in conflicts in the Harry Potter series (2020)
A Contrastive Approach to Idioms for Expressing Emotions in English and Czech from the Cognitive and Cultural Linguistic Perspective (2020)
Stepní vlk z Chicaga. Tracy Letts v rozkročení mezi autorstvím a herectvím (2020)
Eroding trust in teacher professionalism : An ethnomethodological analysis of radio interviews with Czech experts on education (2020)
Waste of Pills : The Hidden Bin (2019)
We All Inhale and Not Only Asthmatics : Recycling Inhalers (2020)
Health, illness and disability and Margaret Mead (2020)
The Future of Medicine : The Voice of Medical Writers (2019)
Crisis and Transformation : The Aftermath of First Contact in Three Mid-20th Century Science Fiction Novels (2020)
Trump vs Trudeau : Articulation of National Identity on Twitter (2021)
Becoming #Instafamous : The analysis of (in)formality in self-presentation on Instagram (2022)
“I am bloody amazing and so are you!” : The (im)politeness of self-praise in the Instagram posts of fashion and lifestyle influencers (2022)
How the Imagined Audience Is Involved and Represented in TV News Broadcasts (2020)
Blake’s Heterodox Genesis : Transgressing Time, Flesh and Contexts (2020)
Emphatic italics and the information structure of a prose text (2020)
The flow and structure of information in cognitive linguistics : Discourse, functional and cross-linguistic dimensions (2020)
Review of Chiapas Maya Awakening : Contemporary Poems and Short Stories ed. by Sean S. Sell and Nicolás Huet Bautista (2020)
Where Translation Studies and Fictional Worlds Theories Intertwine : The Naming Function Revisited (2020)
Citační etika v pedagogickém výzkumu : k vynucování citací a zakládání citačních kartelů (2020)
‘he ain’t never gonna be shit’ : Cancel culture and the role of hashtags #IsCanceled and #IsOverParty (2020)
Douglas Mark Ponton. Understanding Political Persuasion: Linguistic and Rhetorical Analysis. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2020 (2020)
Weak Negative Correlation between the Present Day Popularity and the Mean Emotional Valence of Late Victorian Novels (2020)
British Dramas of Totalitarianism : Brenton and Bartlett (2020)
Early 18th-Century Ballad Operas and Their Role in the Theatrical Public Sphere (2020)
Navigating "Extremistan" : Tracing the Factors behind the Divergent Cultural Longevity of Dracula and The Beetle (2020)
In and Outside of the Netherlands in the Contemporary Historical Novel : Guinevere Glasfurd’s The Words in My Hand (2020)
Places and Spaces in Post-apocalyptic Literature : The Road Not Taken (2020)
Verbal Meaning Meets Construction Meaning : The English Verb ´Walk´and Its Nearest Czech Equivalents in the Locative Inversion Construction (2020)
Verbal Meaning Meets Construction Meaning : The English Verb ´Walk´and Its Nearest Czech Equivalents in the Locative Inversion Construction (2020)
Investigating the Intralingual : insights for methodology from popularization of science (2020)
Contrastive gramar of Czech and English for translators (2019)
From the Early History of the American Dramatic Discourse (2020)
Journal of Pragmatics - Editorial board member (2020)
Lincoln's Miniature Bible : Performing Sacred History in the Gettysburg Address (2019)
The First American "Superspy" : Secret Agency and the Black Nation in Martin R. Delany's Blake (2019)
An Authentic Exhibition: Authentic and Fictional Native American Representations in the Wild West (2017)
Realismus v Americe? Podoby divadelního realismu v 19. století v USA (2020)
Confidential Councils : Secrecy, Authority and Legitimacy in Early American Black Nationalism (2019)
Weak Negative Correlation between the Present Day Popularity and the Mean Emotional Valence of Late Victorian Novels (2020)
The Relevance of Margaret Mead's Concepts in Health and Illness to the Era of COVID-19 (2020)
The Role of Context in the Travel of Metaphorical Idioms (2020)
Recepční studie českého vydání Auerovy Jazykové interakce (2020)
Multimodální konverzační analýza a některé metodologické otázky výzkumu mezilidské interakce (2020)
Sentiment Analysis of Late Victorian Novels : Opportunities and Challenges (2020)
Transitioning from one item to another in EFL speaking activities : A multimodal conversation analysis perspective (2020)
“I’ll google it.” : Using online dictionary for conducting repair during pair and group work in upper-secondary EFL classrooms (2020)
Analysing errors in English learners´ spoken corpus : Insights from a pilot study (2020)
“What’s pavement? – Chodník.” Code-switching in EFL Classrooms (2020)
“I know you got it right” : How novice EFL teachers secure learners’ participation during fronted whole-class activities (2020)
Sick Land, Sick Animals, Sick People, Sick Planet : Intersectional Analysis of Distance as the Foundation of Exploitative Capitalism (2020)
Imagining the Stage as a Painting : Beckett and Fornes (2020)
Cena děkana Pedagogické fakulty MU - Cena za významný tvůrčí čin studentů. (2020)
Attitude and Graduation as resources of masculinity construction in YouTube vlogs (in press) (2021)
Bringing Empathy Home : Teaching Indigenous Life Writing in Central Europe (2020)
Unique Items : Challenges and Prospects (2019)
Cognitive Linguistic Aspects of Information Structure and Flow (2020)
Jay Treaty : Indigenous Right of Free Cross-Border Passage between Canada and USA (2020)
"Taken Bad" : Conspiracism and/as Sickness in Diane Johnson’s The Shadow Knows (2020)
The Old, the New, and the Queerly Magical World of Dickinson (2020)
Navigating Ireland's theatre archive : Theory, practice, performance [Book Review] (2020)
The Making of volumes for L'Innommable / The Unnamable, Molloy, Malone meurt / Malone Dies, En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot, Fin de partie / Endgame (2020)
The Umwelt of Beckett’s Late Theatre: Play and 'Kilcool' (2020)
Digitising Bilingual Beckett : Footfalls / Pas (2020)
Acerbi, Alberto (2020). Cultural Evolution in the Digital Age. Oxford : Oxford University Press (Book review) (2020)
'Another Clue For You All' : The Hysterical Realism of the 'Paul Is Dead' Conspiracy Theory in the Golden Age of Paranoia (2020)
Introduction (2020)
Hyponymic Relationships between Concepts in Economic Discourse (2020)
The Relevance of Margaret Mead's Concepts in Health and Illness to the Era of Covid-19 (2020)
Mirror, Mirror : Framing the Modern Adaptations of Little Snow White by Emma Donoghue and Theodora Goss (2020)
Tracing the Figure of Snow-White in the Works of Neil Gaiman (2020)
A Self-Inflicted Wound : Isolation in The Lighthouse (2019) (2020)
Opportunities in the Eye of a Storm : New Pathways in Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies in Pandemic Times Conference Report (2020)
Anarcha-Indigenism : Toward a Decolonial Nonhierarchical Future (2021)
New Pathways in Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies in Pandemic Times, November 20-21, 2020, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno (2020)
Metodologické aspekty multimodální konverzační analýzy a její relevance pro výzkum interakce ve třídě (2020)
Doing exposed correction in the language classroom : A conversation analysis perspective (2020)
Online English for International Mobilities: A course for students (2020)
Fostering autonomy in learners with special needs: a specialized e-learning course (2020)
Seminář pro učitele angličtiny pracující s neslyšícími a nedoslýchavými studenty (2020)
Reflections of Margaret Atwood’s Dystopias in the Pandemic of 2020 (2020)
Academia’s Ivory Tower within the Worlds of New Media and Popular Culture (2019)
In the World, Outside the Limits : Comparison of Approaches to Cosmopolitanism in Patricia Park and Mira Jacob (2020)
“I’d Like to Just Ask the Chinese for a Formal Apology” : The Situation of Asian Americans in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)
How the Imagined Audience Is Involved and Represented in TV News Broadcasts (2020)
Wallace Chafe : A Visionary Pariah among Linguists (2020)
FILOVER : Public Lectures at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno (2020)
Zpupný krákal – Shakespeara pro naši dobu (2020)
Obraz dvou světů a jedné lásky (2020)
O první lidské neposlušnosti, věčné prozřetelnosti a cestách Božích... : John Milton a Ztracený ráj (2020)
11th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies : "Breaking the Boundaries : In Between Texts, Cultures and Conventions", 12–14 February, 2020, Brno, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (2020)
Matthew Medbourne’s St. Cecily : or, The Converted Twins : The Medieval Saint as a Restoration Papist (2020)
On the Issue of Adaptation in Restoration Theatre : Some Theoretical and Methodological Observations (2020)
Between vulnerability and resistance : Rhetorical strategies in Indigenous Canadian nonfiction (2021)
Fighting Heresy with Facts : The Spiritual Journalism of Harriet Beecher Stowe (2020)
Jack in the Churchyard : News and the Making of Walt Whitman’s Poetry (2020)
Love Letters (2018)
Editorial board member (2020)
Between Rolfe and Corvo : Life in the Margins of Make-Believe (2020)
Secrets, Codes, and Puzzles, & Isolation, Solitude, Distance and Communication in Times of Epidemic (2020)
Through the Lenses of Frederick Rolfe : “History as It Ought to Have Been and Very Well Might Have Been, but Wasn’t” (2020)
'Chance Romances' With Evidence : The (Mis)treatment of the Holden Letters in the Biographies of Frederick Rolfe (2020)
The Reluctant Advocate : Political Essays of E.M. Forster (2020)
The Reluctant Advocate : Political Essays of E.M. Forster (2020)
Reaching Beyond the Literary : Dystopias and Political Activism (2019)
Dystopia and its Relation to the Past, Present, and Future (2018)
Academia’s Ivory Tower within the Worlds of New Media : Approachability, Popularity, Identity (2018)
Book of Abstracts: Breaking the Boundaries (2020)
Intertextuality and Humour: A special issue of The European Journal of Humour Research (2020)
Revisiting intertextuality and humour: Fresh perspectives on a classic topic (2020)
Reflections of Margaret Atwood’s Dystopias in the Pandemic of 2020 (2020)
Editorial board member (2019)
Cyklus přednášek pro veřejnost Filover (2020)
Editor-in-chief (Theory and Practice in English Studies) (2020)
Editorial board member (2019)
Conventional and Creative Hyperbolic Expressions in the Language of an American Television Series (2016)
Editorial board member (2020)
Member of editorial board - Studies about Languages (2020)
„Už tu má úvazek, známe ho.“ Kvůli takovému myšlení inbreeding bují, říká expert (2020)
Cena děkana za významný tvůrčí čin studentů za rok 2020 (2020)
“‘Hip hip, hurá! Za republikánskou prostotu!‘: Koloniální a republikánské počátky amerického divadla od politických dialogů po romantismus (2021)
Conceptualisations of ANGER in English and German Idioms (2021)
Deutsche nomina instrumenti auf -er und ihre Äquivalente im Tschechischen (2021)
Deutsche nomina instrumenti auf -er und ihre Äquivalente im Tschechischen (2021)
Neurovědy a současná britská dramatika (2021)
Creating and sharing public humour across traditional and new media (2021)
Dramatik poetického jazyka a brutální reality. Připomínáme si 110. výročí narození Tennesseeho Williamse (2021)
Zpráva o projektu FILOVER : Přednášky pro veřejnost na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2020)
Restoration Stage on (Screens and) Stages of Today (2020)
Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation. Native and Non-Native Environments (2021)
Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation. Native and Non-Native Environments (2021)
Motivation of ANGER Idioms in English (2021)
Things Appearing, Every Day: Walt Whitman and the Ubiquity of News (2020)
Dramatik, který nebyl doma prorokem (2021)
Rozprávkové stereotypy a moderné verzie rozprávok (2021)
Adventure learning: Poutní cesta studentů dějin umění (2018)
A definition of hyperbole (2021)
Neo-Victorian Heroine, Victorian Murderess (2021)
Introducing Speakers in TV News Broadcasts (2021)
Tom Stoppard’s Science Plays : Metaphor and Experiment (2021)
Gender-Related Use of Idioms : An Unexplored Area of Phraseology? (2021)
Variability of Idioms for Expressing Emotions in World Englishes (2019)
Idiom Variability across Different Varieties of English (2019)
Fictional Worlds Theories in Translation : The Case of the Custom-built Corpora (2021)
Decomposing the asylum in Samuel Beckett’s Malone Dies: Genetic criticism and the author (2021)
Meziobecní spolupráce (nejen) v Brněnské metropolitní oblasti I (2021)
Glitch estetika v éře informačního kapitalismu (2021)
Editorial board member - Discourse, Context & Media (2021)
Czechoslovakia (2021)
Nejangličtější dramatik - až na pár "drobností" (2021)
In the Pursuit of Truth : María Irene Fornés’s Visual Non-Illusionism (2021)
“Wow, just look at that!”: Performing affect in YouTube reaction videos (2021)
Transforming Genres in the Online World: Live news on the internet (2021)
Testování vrací úder (2021)
Investigating peer interaction in English as a foreign language using conversation analysis (2019)
Social media influencers and #DigitalDetoxDay : A multimodal discourse analysis of an Instagram anti-stigma mental health campaign (2021)
(De)colonizing Turtle Island : Indigenous Veganism and Gender Activism (2021)
Criticism and Prejudice : The Issue of Canonicity and Neo-Victorian Works (2021)
Performing Political Persuasion in the United States in the Early Years of the Republic (2021)
Implicating environments. The Earlier Work of Paul Carter and J.H. Prynne in the Context of Related Aspects of Later Modern Neo-Pastoral (2021)
“With Several Entertainments of Dancing” : Interview with Dance Historian Moira Goff about Dancing on the London Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Stage (2021)
Theatre and Popular Culture in the English Restoration and Eighteenth Century (2021)
Joseph P. Laycock (2020). Speak of the Devil : How the Satanic Temple Is Changing the Way We Talk about Religion (Book Review) (2021)
Presentation of vox pop in public media broadcasts (2021)
Negotiating hate and conflict in online comments: Between affirmation and dissent (2021)
The discursive management of conflict in interpersonal interactions (2021)
The Image of the Netherlands in British Crime Fiction (2021)
Textual Gardening : Some Aspects of Authorship and Editing on the Example of Dimitrije Mitrinović's 1920-1921 “World Affairs” (2021)
‘There are two gaps, so’: teaching materials as resources for correction in pre-service teachers’ EFL classes (2021)
Surveying Learning Styles of English Language Learners with Hearing Loss: A Case of Four Students (2021)
Approaches to experience co-creation: Insights from the Czech UNESCO heritage destination (2021)
Crossdressing Nuns and Hotheaded Mice : Navigating Hard-Boiled Trickster Behavior in Chester B. Himes' A Rage in Harlem and Walter Mosley's Devil in a Blue Dress (2021)
"The form of Faustus' fortunes, good or bad" : Doctor Faustus and the Multi-Genre Theatre of the Long English Restoration (2021)
Displaying emotion in video-based social media (2021)
Czech coronavirus humour: Laughing at the other (2021)
Ovo je priča o nama (2020)
Tom Stoppard´s Leopoldstadt (2020) as “Encyclopedia” of the Author´s Œuvre (2021)
The Anatomy of “The Little Mermaid” (2021)
“Don’t be so Dutch” : 1960s and the Netherlands of Van der Valk (2021)
Výzkumné sympozium: Etnografie diverzity v pregraduální přípravě učitelů (2021)
So what exactly is transcreation? An attempt at unification. (2021)
So what exactly is transcreation? An attempt at unification (2021)
The Liberating Power of Imagination in Jeanette Winterson's Fiction (2021)
"And My Screen Wouldn't Share" : Student-Teachers' Perceptions of ICT in Online Teaching Practice and Online Teaching (2021)
Deceitful Journals in Neo-Victorian Fiction (2021)
“And you, which kind of music you listening?” : Learning to take turns by asking the same question in paired EFL speaking tasks (2021)
Multimodalita a výzkum interakce ve výuce : metodologické aspekty (2021)
Fantasy vs Reality : A comparison of recommendations for classroom practice and conversation-analytic findings (2021)
“There are two gaps, so”: Materials as resources for correction in pre-service teachers’ classes (2021)
Ninth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English: Patterns and variation in English language discourse (2021)
Once Upon a Modern Time : Fairy Tales as a Way to Address Modern Issues (2021)
Etnografie přesvědčení a praktik studentů učitelství zaměřených na práci s žákovskou diverzitou (2021)
Jak studenti učitelství opravují odpovědi žáků při výuce na praxi: od zaměření na učební materiál k zaměření na žáka (2021)
Fictional Worlds in Translation (2021)
Výuka angličtiny v kolaborativním imerzivním virtuálním prostředí (2021)
Analyzing Digital Discourses: Between Convergence and Controversy (2021)
Creating and sharing public humour across traditional and new media (2021)
Idioms and Gender : Can Language Corpora Tell Us Something about the Gendered Use of Idioms? (2021)
‘Here, There and Everywhere’ : Local and Global Identities in Contemporary British Crime Thriller (2021)
Showing Through the Known : Problematizing Gender Identity in “Snow White & The Seven Microaggressions” (2021)
“Our National Taste” : English Early Eighteenth-Century Stage as a Part of English National Identity (2021)
The Politics of New Weird Britain : Different Representations of Liberal Views in Contemporary Alternative Music (2021)
Visiting the Culture Capital : Carl Van Vechten’s Role in Promoting 1920s Harlem as a Vogue Destination (2021)
Degrees of referential importance : Intuitive, lexicogrammatical, and text frequency approaches (2021)
The Cost of Suburbanisation: Spending on Environmental Protection (2022)
Life Writing Contribution to the Health of Indigenous Groups (2021)
From Debate to Dialogue : A Case of a Czech TV Discussion Programme where Dialogue Fails (2021)
Arthur Miller’s Spaces of (In)Sanity (2021)
I’ll google it.“ : Používání online slovníku v opravných sekvencích během párové a skupinové práce ve výuce angličtiny jako cizího jazyka na střední škole (2021)
The Emperor of the Zoom : Aphra Behn and the Many Challenges of Zoom Productions (2021)
Fostering autonomy in learners with special needs : a specialized e-learning course (2021)
The Role of Context in the Production and Usage of Idioms (2021)
Conceptualizations of ANGER in English idioms. An analysis based on the Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory (2021)
Fairy-tale Stereotypes and Modern Rewritings of Fairy Tales (2021)
Is America in the Heart? : The Analysis of American Culture Perception in Three Recent Asian American Female Novels (2021)
Language as a Personal Culture Indicator in Recent Asian American Novelists (2021)
“Issues Are Color-Blind” : Cosmopolitanism as a Cultural Identity in Lisa Ko’s The Leavers (2021)
"I know you got it right" : jak učitelé angličtiny vzdělávající se při zaměstnání zajišťují zapojení žáků během frontální výuky (2021)
Analysing microblogging data from a linguist’s perspective (2021)
“What’s pavement? – Chodník.” Střídání kódů ve výuce angličtiny jako cizího jazyka na středních školách (2021)
Constrains of the Language : The Identity Narrative in the Nonbinary Memoir (2021)
The Role of Physicality and Clothing in Nonbinary Memoir (2021)
The Image of the United States in Meredith Talusan’s Fairest (2021)
Korekční postupy ve virtuální a kontaktní výuce : představení výzkumného projektu (2021)
Thick description as an aid in medical investigation (2021)
Mirror, Mirror : Framing the Story of Snow White (2021)
“What Is an Author Made of” : Dubravka Ugrešić and Literary Production in the Age of Uncertainty (2021)
ESSE 2021 Conference Seminar "Contrastive Approaches to Lexis and Grammar" (2021)
Walking in English and Czech : Degrees of manner salience and the event construal (2021)
Corpus Approaches to Language, Thought and Communication (2021)
Deep Dives into Big Data : Best Practices for Synthesis of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Cognitive Linguistics (2021)
Contrastive semantics of human locomotion verbs : English ´walk´ vs. Czech ´jít´ and ´kráčet´ (2021)
Meziobecní spolupráce (nejen) v Brněnské metropolitní oblasti II (2021)
Salience effects on translation choices : The case of jako (2021)
Exploring Rhetorical Function Tagging in Corpora of L2 Bachelor EAP (Literary Analysis) (2021)
Trust and confidence in the Academia : Trust in academic publishing (2021)
Humour, art and national stereotypes (2021)
Regional cooking on regional television : Downscaling the gourmet experience (2021)
The Relation between Perception and Production of the Phonological Inventory of English through Computer Assisted Training (2021)
Humour, art and controversy: Deconstructing national stereotypes (2021)
Slovakia for Slovaks : Multilingual word play and delegitimization of anti-other sentiments (2021)
Brno Studies in English 47(1) (2021)
Practices of Convergence and Controversy in Digital Discourses (2021)
Brno Studies in English 46(2) (2020)
Subverting national stereotypes through art and humour : The case of Czech Entropa (2021)
Targets in Covid-related humorous text (2021)
‘Are we laughing at the same?’ A contrastive analysis of Covid-related memes in Czech, Chinese and Spanish (2021)
Sometimes, life can be a little…overwhelming. Stance-taking markers indexing maternal identity in the advertising discourse (2021)
Transcreation : Beyond translating the words (2021)
In-service EFL Teachers' Management of Participation during Teacher-fronted Whole-class Activities (2021)
“I’ll google it.” : Using an Online Dictionary for Conducting Repair during Pair and Group Work Activities in Upper-Secondary EFL Classrooms (2021)
Implicating environments. The Earlier Work of Paul Carter and J. H. Prynne in the Context of Related Aspects of Later Modern Neo-Pastoral (2021)
“The world is in Amsterdam” : Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and the Dutch in Guinevere Glasfurd’s The Words in My Hand (2021)
Collaborative talk in EFL speaking tasks (2021)
Size matters: Development and cooperation of municipalities in the Brno metropolitan area (Czech Republic) (2021)
The Making of Samuel Beckett's Not I / Pas moi, That Time / Cette fois and Footfalls / Pas (2021)
‘Tracing Intertextuality in the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project (BDMP) edition of Pas moi’ (2021)
Decomposing the Asylum in Samuel Beckett’s Malone Dies : Genetic Criticism and the Author’ (2021)
‘“Not There” : “Dark Matter” in Samuel Beckett’s Footfalls’ (2021)
Thomas C. Messerli. (2021). Repetition in Telecinematic Humour. How US American sitcoms employ formal and semantic repetition in the construction of multimodal humour.Freiburg: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.NIHIN (New Ideas in Human Interaction) series. ISBN 978-3-928969-83-3, 452 pp. (2022)
(De)colonizing Turtle Island : Decolonial Animal Ethic in Indigenous Artivist Narratives (2021)
The 2021 František Chudoba Prize (2021)
Etat des lieux du théâtre libanais contemporain : Le monodrame et le collectif (2021)
Prerequisites for Contemporary Literary Journalism in the Middle East (2018)
Storytelling as a Cognitive System of Resistance to Cultural Maladaptations (2018)
Contemporary Beckett (2021)
Staging the Subject–Object Breakdown : Not I, That Time, Footfalls (2021)
From the Petit Odéon to Pas moi to Pas : Translation, Actor-Network Theory and the Compagnie Renaud-Barrault (2021)
Implicating environments. The Earlier Work of Paul Carter and J.H. Prynne in the Context of Related Aspects of Later Modern Neo-Pastoral (2021)
Recruiting help in word searches in L2 peer interaction : A multimodal conversation-analytic study (2022)
Jak se vysokoškolští studenti naučili anglicky? Výsledky pilotní studie chyb v mluveném projevu (2021)
Aspects of American Identity Shaping U.S. Foreign Policy towards the Middle East (2021)
The “Literary Delinquency” Debate in Nineteenth-Century America (2021)
We Too Must Write Bibles : The Search for American Prophets and Sacred Scriptures in the EarIy United States (2021)
(Un)Belonging : In Search of New Representations, Negotiations, Entanglements, An Australian Studies Symposium, 19-20 November, 2021, Brno, Czech Republic (2021)
Anxiety and Hope of Imagining the ‘Country’ : Writing Women’s Belonging in the 21st Century (2021)
‘Kin-fused’ Revenge : Alter/Native Canon in Leah Purcell’s The Drover’s Wife (2021)
The Tracker Strikes B(l)ack : The Uses of ‘Black Tracker’ in Australian Film (2021)
Murdering Sleep on the Early Modern English Stage (2021)
Restored and De-restored : Killing Off Garrick in John Philip Kemble's King Lear (2021)
Haunted Purgatory : Boccaccio's Decameron 3.8 as an Eighteenth-Century Afterpiece (2021)
"Their hour will be his hour" : Margaret Atwood's Hag-Seed and the Conventions of Renaissance Revenge Plays (2021)
English Theatre Culture 1660-1737 Online Symposium #2 : Theatre, Society and Politics, 19 and 21 October 2021, Brno, Masaryk University (2021)
Revisiting Restoration Performance Culture for the Second Time : Restoration Online Symposium #2, "Theatre, Society and Politics" (2021)
The Ghost of Boccaccio in Early-Modern English Theatre (2021)
Sonnet-Mania in Shakespeare's England: Traditions, Conventions and Clichés of Renaissance English Sonnets (2021)
Spirituality and Anxiety in Songs by Queen (2021)
Converting a Saul into a Paul in Matthew Medbourne's St Cecily, or, The Converted Twins (1666) - 19 .10. 2021, online conference (2021)
St Cecily as a Pro-Catholic Advocate in Matthew Medbourne's Tragedy Converted Twins (1666) (2021)
“What’s pavement? — Chodník.” Code-switching in Upper-Secondary EFL Classrooms (2021)
The analysis of self-praise and politeness in the Instagram posts of fashion and lifestyle bloggers (2021)
Towards the Olympics on the Moon (2021)
Příprava testů na VŠ (2021)
A book review: DVOŘÁČKOVÁ, Veronika, Dita HOCHMANOVÁ a Dita TRČKOVÁ. Anglická terminologie pro učitele Praktický průvodce. Praha: Grada, 2021. 223 s. ISBN 978-80-271-2470-1. (2021)
Collected works of Jan Firbas. Volume Four (1987–1993) (2021)
Collected works of Jan Firbas. Volume Five (1994–2000) (2021)
English or Czenglish. Avoiding Czechism in English (2021)
Od Elišky k Alence : Čtyři české překlady Alenky v říši divů Lewise Carrolla (2020)
Vladimir Nabokov : Between Inspiration and Coincidence (2021)
English or Czenglish. Avoiding Czechisms in English (2021)
Doing exposed correction in the language classroom : A conversation analysis perspective (2020)
การวิเคราะห์คำเเสดงความมั่นใจระหว่างนักวิชาการที่เป็นเจ้าของภาษาเเละนักเรียนเอเชีย (2021)
Jazykem k asimilaci i osvobození, Julia Alvarez, How the Garcia Words Lost Their Accents (2021)
Česká databáze koronavirálního humoru (2021)
Media discourses of public participation (2023)
Cena děkana za významný tvůrčí čin studentů (2010)
Brno Studies in English 47(2) (2021)
Member of editorial board - Studies about Languages (2021)
Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation. Native and Non-Native Environments (2021)
Collected works of Jan Firbas. Volume Four (1987–1993) (2021)
Collected works of Jan Firbas. Volume Five (1994–2000) (2021)
Anarcha-Indigenism in Canada : Colonial Gender Violence and Environmental Exploitation (2022)
NeMLA Graduate Student Caucus Travel Award (2022)
Reading Shylock's Dream : A Pathological Miser or an Anxious Dream Interpreter? (2021)
The ‘stage Indian’ in early American theatre culture (2021)
Kryštof Kozák. České probuzení z amerického snu. Proč a jak se v České republice zabývat Spojenými státy, Praha: Karolinum, 2019 (2021)
On Translatability of an Intensional Function within Computer-Assisted Literary Translation (2021)
Presentation of vox pop in public media broadcasts (2022)
Outside In. A Personal History of the Brno Department of English Narrated by Don Sparling (2022)
‘Bigger than football’ : Racist talk on and off the soccer pitch (2023)
Outside In. A Personal History of the Brno Department of English Narrated by Don Sparling (2022)
Geography Education in a Collaborative Virtual Environment : A Qualitative Study on Geography Teachers (2022)
The Case of Misogynoir : How Black Amateur Detectives Fight Police Brutality and Indifference (2022)
"The girl is on fire!" : Interactional humour in YouTube comments on the Notre Dame disaster (2023)
'Decolonize Your Diet' : Decolonial Animal Ethic in Eden Robinson’s Trickster Trilogy (2022)
The African American Femme Fatale : How Black Hard-Boiled Fiction Encourages Misogynoir (2022)
The Queen’s Unnatural Desire(s) (2022)
Women Taking Care of Women : Modern Fairy Tales and the Changes in Women’s Agency (2022)
Dysfunctional Community in Contemporary Re-writing of “The Beauty and the Beast” (2022)
“A House I Could Point To” : Identity and Emancipation in Sandra Cisneros´s The House on Mango Street and A House of My Own (2022)
Some ethical aspects of collecting and analysing interactional and ethnographic data (2022)
Investigating Interaction : Correction Practices in Virtual and Face-to-Face Classrooms (2022)
Multilingualism in Contemporary Queer Postcolonial Life Writing (2022)
Covid-related humour and telecinematic art: Culture, intertextuality and humorous recycling (2022)
The Pragmatic Functions of Tense in News Headlines and Beyond (2022)
Czech translations and receptions of contemporary Australian fiction (2022)
“Kin-fused” revenge : Rewriting the canon and settler belonging in Leah Purcell’s The Drover’s Wife (2022)
A žili šťastne, až kým nepomreli : Kritika svadby ako šťastného konca rozprávok v „Under Nobody’s Thumb“ (2022)
Transmasculinities in Contemporary Nonbinary Life Writing (2022)
Neo-Victorian Re-Visitation of the Peripheries (2022)
‘Are we laughing at the same?’ A contrastive analysis of Covid-related memes in Czech, Chinese and Spanish. (2022)
The Power of Naming : Definite Descriptions Lost and Found in Translation (2022)
Nonhuman Animals in the Anthropocene : Decolonial Animal Ethic in Eden Robinson's The Trickster Trilogy (2022)
“Silence Without Borders” : Cross-Border Maya Resistance in Chiapas Maya Awakening : Contemporary Poems and Short Stories (2022)
Nonhuman Animals in the Anthropocene : Decolonial Animal Ethic in Eden Robinson's The Trickster Trilogy (2022)
“Keep reaching out your hand” : Accepting death and trauma in A Court of Silver Flames and Under the Whispering Door (2022)
Inclusive mobility – It ain't easy but it ain't impossible either (2022)
Narrating Maturation in a Nonbinary Memoir (2022)
Health, Illness and Disability in Margaret Mead’s Autobiography Blackberry Winter : My Earlier Years (2022)
Performing branded affect in micro-celebrity YouTube reaction videos (2024)
The language of sports between the serious and the humourous (2022)
Artivism in Latinx Communities : Reappropriation of Spaces Via Art (2022)
Spatial aspects of overtourism in selected destinations (2022)
Swiping left for more details : The construction of newsworthiness in the Instagram carousel posts of news organizations (2022)
Salience effects on equative and similative markers in translation from English into Czech (2022)
Ambiguity of the Trickster : Conflicting Identities of Women Characters in Black Hard-Boiled Fiction (2022)
The African American Femme Fatale : How Black Hard-Boiled Fiction Encourages Misogynoir (2021)
The Girl Who Wanted to Be Feminist : Female Characters in Marnie Riches' George McKenzie Series (2022)
Semantic Maps – A Way Out of the Equivalence Conundrum? (2021)
And She Lived Happily Ever After : Finding Agency in Modern Adaptations of Cinderella (2022)
Targets in Czech Digital Covid-related Humour (2022)
Escaping the Women's Sphere in Neo-Victorian Literature (2022)
Between Life Writing and Nature Writing : Australian Landscape and Eco-Memoir (2022)
The Past, Present and Future in Contemporary Australian Eco-memoir (2022)
Home is Where the Heart Is : Moving to the Netherlands in Post-War British Crime Fiction (2022)
Contamination of the Past : The Blend of Fact and Fiction in Neo-Victorian Literature (2022)
Aware and autonomous : Raising learner autonomy in deaf and hard of hearing learners (2022)
“Decolonize your Diet” : Politics of Consumption and Indigenous Veganism in Eden Robinson’s The Trickster Trilogy (2024)
The Bad Taste of the Town? : The Popular Shift in Early Eighteenth-Century English Theatrical Culture (2022)
Confinement and the Transnational in Emma Donoghue’s Room (2022)
Paula Meehan’s Pubs : From Pub Counter to Counter-Public Sphere (2022)
Samuel Beckett in Confinement (2022)
Waiting for Godot (1953) by Samuel Beckett (2022)
“Okay, so, moving on to question two” : Achieving transitions from one item to another in paired EFL speaking tasks (2022)
Many Ghosts of Hamlet (2022)
Tragický příběh o Hamletovi, dánském princi (2022)
An Interview with Kareen Seidler on Early Modern German Hamlet, Its Importance for Hamlet Studies, and Its New Translation into English (2022)
The Issue of Perspective in Margaret Mead’s Autobiography (2022)
Soužením k proslulosti (2022)
Terrorists on stage : Documenting criminal voices in verbatim theatre (2022)
It makes sense to deliver the truths. Frida Mom and its advertising message to empowered mothers (2022)
Characterization by Means of Verbal and Visual Transitivity in Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are (1963) (2022)
Examination of British Modernist Patronage (2022)
Modernist Lionhunting : An Exploration of Patronage in the Cultural Imaginary (2022)
Representation of Women with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Novels by Helen Hoang (2022)
English Early Eighteenth-Century Afterpiece – A Turn to the Popular (2022)
Teaching English to DHH in Inclusive Secondary School Classroom : Teacher Experience (2022)
Towards understanding one's talk : student teachers' perceptions of a CA-informed course in classroom interaction (2022)
“Sky-High, Matte Black Faux Snakeskin Heals” : Construction of Femininity through Clothing in Jacob Tobia’s Sissy (2022)
Representation of different cultures through dialogic interaction in broadcast news (2022)
Metal and Religion, 7-8 September, Brno, Czech Republic (2022)
Jak studenti při mluvení v hodinách angličtiny spolupracují : používání „and“ na začátku replik (2022)
Transcreation : Can creativity be taught? (2022)
Cartoons and memes: Images from childhood used as expressions in adulthood (2022)
276 Shades of Czenglish (2022)
Does Accuracy Really Matter? Interpreting the Results of a Corpus-based Analysis of Advanced English in Czech Tertiary Education (2022)
The “ordinary citizen” and the image of minorities and other nationalities in broadcast news’ sound-bites (2022)
An experimental use of the ‘default translation’ concept to compare output of professional translators, translation trainees and neural machine translation (2022)
Team up: Lessons from moving an academic writing course for University teachers in Slovakia and Czechia online. (2022)
The Sociopragmatics of Humor (2024)
Authenticity and input A comment on Gilquin 2022 (2022)
Input and Competing Grammars in L2 Syntax (2023)
Towards Horizontal Relationships : Anarcha Indigenism, Decolonial Animal Ethic, and Indigenous Veganism (2022)
Highlining as Outdoor Artivism : Building Bridges to Sustainable Futures (2022)
Po víc než staletí násilné asimilace se původní obyvatelstvo Severní Ameriky zotavuje, věří amerikanistka (2022)
Nálezy hrobů šokovaly Kanaďany. Země stojí na genocidě, říká expertka (2021)
Papežova návštěva v Kanadě : Omluva domorodým přeživším rezidenčních škol (2022)
Poohlédnutí za papežovou návštěvou v Kanadě, kde se omluvil domorodým přeživším rezidenčních škol (2022)
Církev a kolonialismus (2022)
Transformation of News Reporting in the Internet Era: A Genre Perspective (2022)
La résistance à l’oubli dans la littérature d’exil de Darwich et de Kundera (2021)
Evolving Nowness and Quantum Theory as New Explanations of Nonlinear Temporality in Kerouac's Duluoz Legend (2022)
Brno Studies in English 48(1) (2022)
Contouring the Essence of Nothingness in Beckett’s Texts for Nothing (2022)
Constructing the identity of an “ordinary” person in TV news broadcasts (2022)
‘Are we laughing at the same?’ : A contrastive analysis of Covid-related memes in Czech, Chinese and Spanish (2023)
Happily Ever After? (2022)
Animals in Czech Lullabies (2022)
Animals as Real Animals or Animals as Absent Referents? A comparative Study of Folk English and Persian Lullabies (2022)
Absent Fathers, Religion, and Maternal Whispers in Selected English, Persian, and Azari Lullabies (2022)
Mentoring : What's in it for me? (2022)
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teachers from Someone Who's Spent 21 Years Trying to Adopt Them (2022)
You know what you can do with your coursebook? (2022)
Genderové restrikce v anglické frazeologii (2022)
BOOK REVIEW : Zoltán, KÖVECSES : Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2020. (2021)
The Landscape as a Place of Entrapment and Liberation in Margaret Laurence's Manawaka Cycle (2022)
Negotiating hate and conflict in online comments : Evidence from the NetLang corpus (2023)
Restoring Balance : Highlining as Collaborative Outdoor Artivism (2022)
30 Jahre Grenze und Nachbarschaft in Zentraleuropa- Literatur, Kultur und Geschichte (2022)
DEAFinitely English. Online materials for teachers of English as a Foreign Language for Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students (2022)
DEAFinitely English. Online materials for teachers of English as a Foreign Language for Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students. (2022)
L’engagement sociopolitique du théâtre libanais contemporain : Le cas du collectif et du monodrame (2022)
Memetic humour during wartime (2022)
Interaction at the Centre of Reflection : Insights from Implementing Self-Evaluation of Teacher Talk (SETT) as a Reflective Tool (2022)
Researching interaction in small groups : What does multimodal conversation analysis have to offer? (2022)
Rámec profesních kvalit učitele cizího jazyka (2019)
October 17 and Beyond : Crisis Reportage and the Birth of Literary and Experimental Journalism in Lebanon (2022)
Cartoons in memes: Recycling popular art forms as a humorous response to the Covid-19 pandemic (2024)
Michaela Martinková, Markéta Janebová, Jaroslav Macháček, Irena Pauková (Eds.) : Ivan Poldauf : Sebrané spisy. Svazek II (1961-1977), Svazek III (English Papers) (2022)
Animal Colonialism in North America : Milk Colonialism, Environmental Racism, and Indigenous Veganism (2022)
Racist discourses about Roma migrants in British and Czech discussion forums (2022)
Negotiating hate and conflict in online comments: Evidence from the NetLang corpus (2022)
Humour, art and controversy: Deconstructing national stereotypes (2022)
Analysing Errors in a Spoken Corpus of Czech Learners of English : Insights from a Pilot Study (2022)
Accuracy of the use of English prepositions in the speech of Czech university learners of English (2022)
‘The little miracle’ : The use of manipulative language in the promotion of CBD products on Instagram (2022)
Podmínky a motivace obcí ke spolupráci v metropolitních oblastech: Případová studie Brněnské metropolitní oblasti (BMO) (2022)
Community in Peril : From Individual Identities to Global Citizenship, The Graduate Studies Conference, Masaryk University, 25-26 November 2022, Brno, Czech Republic (2022)
"Crime is terribly revealing" : Society, Identity and the Development of Crime Fiction (2022)
The Angry Old Woman in Anakana Schofield's Malarky (2022)
Self-narration and Place-making : Narrative Strategies in Australian White Women’s Life Writing (2022)
Developing Beginner University Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies Through a Professional Development Program (2022)
Women on the Intersection of Two Spectrums : Autism and Asexuality in Helen Hoang’s The Kiss Quotient and The Heart Principle (2022)
Global goes local : The discursive construction of identities in translation of news media (2022)
“Comprehending Canada” : Learning from Canadian Studies in the Heart of Europe (2022)
Highlining as Outdoor Counternarrative : Building Bridges to AlterNative Futures and Creating Transcultural Networks of Solidarity through “Slacklife” (2022)
Imagining Decolonial Futurities : Anarcha Indigenism, Decolonial Animal Ethic, and Indigenous Veganism (2022)
Member of Scientific Committee for AMPRA-5 Conference (2022)
Martin Crimp jako autor a překladatel (2022)
Enjoying Sports through Humour: Communication in Online Fan Discussion Forums (2022)
So you're a transcreator! A quest to define the job and the training needed (2022)
Demythicising motherhood – empowering maternal narratives in contemporary Anglo-American TV commercials (2022)
Empowering mothers in Czech public discourse : A case study of Czech Public TV show Annoying Vulgar Mothers (2022)
Presenting “public opinion” in TV news broadcasts with(out) compromising the objectivity of the reporter (2022)
Breaking Silence through Storytelling : When You Trap a Tiger (2022)
“...I’m not guilty of anything but being born with this face” : Yellow Peril, Modern Minority, and Anti-Asian violence in We are Not Free (2022)
Analysis of Elon Musk’s Memetic Post on Twitter (2022)
Transmasculinities in Nonbinary Autobiographical Writing (2022)
University ranking (2022)
Jak způsob zkoušení ovlivňuje studium? Velký závěrečný test je zbytečný stres a naučí méně (2022)
What’s Hot and What’s Not in Testing : Testing and Assessment of University Students (2022)
Ruin and Renewal : Association for Asian American Studies' 2022 Conference (2022)
“I Get Out and Start Walking“ : Rebuilding One’s Life in Severance by Ling Ma (2022)
The War against Animals in Guadalupe Nettel's Natural Histories : Speciesism, Sexism, and Classism (2023)
Animal Colonialism in North America : Towards Indigenous Decolonial Veganism (2023)
Teaching the Rhetorical Functions of Direct Quotation in Academic Writing (2022)
Showing through the Known : Problematizing Gender Identity in “Snow White & The Seven Microaggressions” (2022)
And They Lived Happily Ever After : Challenging Marriage as the Only Option for a Happy Ending in “Under Nobody’s Thumb” (2022)
Her Majesty's Shakespeare : Shakespearean Echoes in Songs by Queen (2022)
Shakespeare at Four Castles : Summer Shakespeare Festival in Prague, Brno, Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Bratislava (Slovakia) (2022)
The Translator as Author : The Case of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls (2022)
Svár rozumu a emoce v Shakespearově Hamletovi (2022)
Shakespeare and Co. "Quite Undone" : English Renaissance Plays as Late Restoration Popular Entertainments (2022)
Sonnets on the Stage : Performing Shakespeare’s Sonnets on Czech Stages after the Year 2000 (2022)
Review of Approaches to Internet Pragmatics. Chaoqun Xie, Francisco Yus and Hartmut Haberland (eds.) John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2021 (hardback). Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, vol. 318. ISBN: 978-90-272-0807-1 (2023)
“Cinematic Landscapes of Pain, Memory, and Revenge : Remember vs. Old-Timers” (2022)
Americké křižovatky : Rozpojené státy americké (2022)
Current Research Issues in Linguistics (2022)
‘Russian warship, go fuck yourself’: War-related humour in the European linguistic landscape (2022)
Editorial Board Member Brno Studies in English (2022)
Humour, art and controversy: Deconstructing national stereotypes (Session 1: Humor in the Public Sphere 1: Showcasing the UnaEuropa website) (2022)
Editorial Board Member - Ostrava Journal of English Philology (2022)
Member of Scientific Committee for ADDA 3 Conference (2022)
Člen habilitační komise - Mgr. Tomáš Kačer, Ph.D. (2022)
Member of Scientific Committee for Braga Online Hate Conference (2022)
Člen habilitační komise FF UK - Mgr. Kamila Vránková, Ph.D. (2022)
Člen vědecké rady Filozofické fakulty MU, Brno (2022)
Member of Scientific Committe for ICS3 Conference (2022)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého (2022)
Editorial board member - Journal of Pragmatics (Elsevier) (2022)
Editorial board member - Discourse, Context & Media (Elsevier) (2022)
Editorial board member - Internet Pragmatics (John Benjamins) (2022)
Předseda programové komise postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině, Masarykova univerzita (2022)
Editor-in-chief - Brno Studies in English (Masaryk University) (2022)
Členství v oborové radě doktorského programu Anglická filologie - Ostravská univerzita (2022)
Member of Advisory Board - Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (University of Alicante) (2022)
Brno Studies in English 48(2) (2022)
Moravian Journal of Literature and Film, editoral board member (2022)
Czech responses to Carroll’s Alice (2022)
What to watch when translating historical terms : a case study (2022)
Post-editing in the classroom : responding to research (2022)
Language learning pathways : reflective practice to support self-regulation in language learning (2022)
Finding a way. Language learning strategies of deaf and hard of hearing English learners (2022)
Slavic accents in English (2022)
Sdílení průběhu i výsledků pedagogického výzkumu : zkušenosti členů ČAPV (2022)
Inspirace pro výzkum : nahlédnutí do metodologie pedagogiky (2022)
‘MGTOW is not a movement’ : Anti-Feminist Victimhood Narratives in American, French, and Italian Virtual Spaces (2022)
Editorial (2022)
Outside In. A Personal History of the Brno Department of English Narrated by Don Sparling (2022)
Member of editorial board - Studies about Languages (2022)
"Tak mám, nebo ne?" : O překládání Hamleta pro čtení i hraní (2022)
"Jednání uzpůsobte slovu a slovo jednání" : Překlad Shakespearova Hamleta ve 21. století (2022)
Before the Bard : Shakespeare and Popular English Theatre Culture of the Early 18th Century (2022)
Dramaturgical Translation as a Means of Training a Young Generation of Translators for the Theatre (2022)
Gothic or Anti-Gothic? The Naturalist Monster in Richard Wright’s Native Son (1940) (2023)
Duchové anglických jevišť (2022)
Hans Sauer and Monika Kirner-Ludwig. Evolution of English: Studying the Past, Understanding the Present. Tübingen: Staufenburg Verlag, 2021, 541 pp. (2022)
Flow : Outdoor Counternarratives by Women from Rivers, Rock, and Sky (2023)
Fictional worlds theories in translation : (Re)creating equivalence of stylistic effect (2023)
Growing Old in the Pages : Aging in Contemporary Canadian Fiction (2023)
“Where Genius dies” : The Debate over “Literary Deliquency” in the Early United States (2023)
"Perpetual Scriptures" in Nineteenth-Century America : Literary, Religious and Political Quests for Textual Authority. (2023)
“Just Folks?” : Jack Downing, The West Wing, and the Yankee Struggle for “Real America.” (2023)
Multilingualism in Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater and Zahra Patterson’s Chronology (2023)
Tom Stoppard’s Leopoldstadt (2020) as Encyclopedia (2023)
Liminality of the London Underground as a Tool for Social Criticism in British Urban Fantasy (2023)
Identity and Representation Practices on Twitter via Multimodality (2023)
Conflict talk in online discussion forums: Between verbal aggression and hate speech (2023)
The Pragmatics of Mediated Humour (2023)
“What Vanishes and What Remains” : Blue Portugal & Other Essays (2023)
The Poetics of the Ordinary : William Carlos Williams and Jim Jarmusch’s Paterson (2023)
Member of Scientific Committee for Pragmatics of #Cringe Humour conference (2023)
Member of Scientific Committee for Fifth International Communication Styles Conference: Communication in Times of Permacrisis (2023)
From political commentary to semiotic play: Humour and the Královec/Kaliningrad meme (2023)
Member of Scientific Committee for ADDA 4 Conference (2023)
Wolf as a Sexual Predator in “Little Red Riding Hood & the Big Bad Wolfcaller” (2023)
Člen Odborného orgánu hodnotitelů - poradního orgánu Rady pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace (2022)
Censorship crisis : Analysis of multimodal posts on Twitter and their reception (2023)
Vocabulary Acquisition through Computer Science Modeling: A Comparative Study on Visual and Textual Vocabulary Instruction (2023)
Aware and autonomous : Raising learner autonomy in deaf and hard of hearing learners (2023)
Zpráva z mezinárodní letní školy pro N/neslyšící a nedoslýchavé studenty a jejich učitele v Telči (2022)
Zpráva z mezinárodní letní školy pro N/neslyšící a nedoslýchavé studenty a jejich učitele v Telči (2022)
Gender as a Relevant Category in Idiom Research (2022)
No Longer a ‘Guy’, But a ‘Flaming-Hot Mess of a Queen’ : The Role of Language in Contemporary Nonbinary Autobiographical Life Writing (2024)
"The Priestess, The Medium, The Prophetess" : Identity in British Modernist Literary Patronage (2023)
Analyzing reception of censorship crisis on Twitter in multimodal posts (2023)
Modernist Lionhunting : An Exploration of Patronage in the Cultural Imaginary (2022)
Transitioning between Task Prompts during EFL Oral Proficiency Exams (2023)
Effects of cognitive entrenchment on translation (2023)
Lest the jokes fail: Trans-cultural transfer in humour fan-subtitling (2024)
Changes in orientations among pre-service EFL teachers’ correction practices: From teaching materials to underlying knowledge structures (2023)
Criticism and Prejudice : The Issue of Canonicity and Neo-Victorian Works (2023)
Escaping the Women’s Sphere in Neo-Victorian Fiction (2023)
Representation and Spectatorship in an Age of Excessive Visuality (2021)
Suk, Jan. Performing Immanence : Forced Entertainment. CDE Studies, vol. 29. Walter deGruyter, 2021, (194 pp). ISBN: 9783110710953. (2021)
Introduction : Representation and Spectatorship in an Age of Excessive Visuality (2021)
The Virtuous Spy: From Major André to Captain Thorne (2019)
Words that matter : Yindyamarra, Wiradjuri resilience and the settler-colonial project in Tara June Winch’s The Yield (2023)
“What will you do with yourself when you grasp that your mind is only different, not deranged?” : Madness, Isolation and Neurodivergent Heroes in Historical Romance Novels (2023)
Folklore, Trauma and Healing in The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal and Spectred Isle by KJ Charles (2023)
Corrective practice : a multimodal conversation-analytic perspective (2023)
Online 7th IDEAS English Students' Conference (2021)
Devils and Monsters : Unveiling the Dark Side of Marriages in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) and Sarah Perry’s The Essex Serpent (2016) (2023)
Debate or dialogue? : A case of a Czech TV discussion program where dialogue fails (2023)
Book review : Straßburger, Lena (2022). Humour and Horror : Different Emotions, Similar Linguistic Processing Strategies. Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton. (2023)
Task openings during EFL oral proficiency exams : a focus on topic organisation (2023)
A Constant Struggle for Freedom : Edward Albee in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic (2023)
Cannamommies and the redefinition of motherhood in online press (2023)
Celebrating Mothers. An Analysis of Cultural Codes of Motherhood in 2022 Mother’s Day Advertisements (2023)
Green mothers. Discourse analysis of ‘green parenting’ articles in (2023)
Stance-taking as an identity construction in advertising targeted at mothers : A comparative analysis (2023)
‘A guru of an apocalypse’ : Environmental discourse in translation of news media (2023)
Untranslatability as a universal property of narrative texts (2023)
Investigating L2 English preposition use by Czech university students : A learner corpus study (2023)
‘Seeing is believing’: The semiotics of online news photographs (2023)
"The form of Faustus' fortunes, good or bad" : Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and the Multi-Genre Theatre of the Long English Restoration (2023)
The Post-War Netherlands of Inspector Van der Valk (2023)
The acquisition of the negative polarity item any in L2 English by L1 German speakers (2023)
Promises and challenges of differentiated instruction as pre-service teachers learn to address pupil diversity (2024)
Accuracy Matters: Exploring the Accuracy of Advanced Learner English in Czech Tertiary Education (2022)
(Re)creating Equivalence of Stylistic Effect : A Corpus-Aided Methodology (2024)
University Language Examinations Ante, Interim, and Post COVID-19 : Trapped in the Culture of Trust? (2023)
Prosody, Philosophy, Mentality and Psychology : British vs. American Suprasegmentals (2020)
Opportunities for Growth : the world 2100 (2023)
Commenting as a live performance in YouTube response videos (2023)
Humour and conflict in public discourse (2023)
Associate editor of Discourse, Context & Media (2023)
Tenth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English: Looking beyond the Surface of the Text (BCLSE 2023) (2023)
Pragmatic study of interruptive elements in US courtroom discourse (2023)
“Sky-high, matte black faux snakeskin heals” : Femininity, clothes, and humor in Jacob Tobia’s Sissy (2024)
Australian Artivism from the Heart (2023)
Explicit and Implicit Knowledge of Pre-service EFL Teachers (2023)
Negative Inversion in L2 English (2023)
#MeToo and the Need for Vegetarian-Feminist Approaches in the Czech Republic (2023)
“Our National Taste” : English Early Eighteenth-Century Stage as a Part of English National Identity (2023)
Writing Effective Test Questions (2023)
Computer or Paper? A Comparison of Two Modes of Test Administration (2023)
Styles and strategies of learning foreign languages for hard of hearing students (2023)
Interior Ghosts : The Double Bind Confinement in Richard Wright’s Native Son (2023)
Russian Formalism and its tradition in literary criticism (2023)
Eugene O'Neill's Haunted Land- and Seascapes (2023)
Brno-Chemnitz Linguistic Symposium (2023)
Cooperation over 20 Years : Interpreting Information Structure – the Brno Approach (2023)
The Past and the Legacy : Hawthorne’s Fiction and the Myth of New England (2023)
Jan Firbas and his approach to FSP (2023)
Digital humour as a discursive response: Drifting memes and chronotopes (2023)
The Image of the United States in Meredith Talusan’s Fairest (2023)
Computer or Paper? A Comparison of Two Modes of Test Administration (2023)
Deutsche Nomina Instrumenti auf -er als Beispiel für Wortbildungskonvergenzen und -divergenzen zwischen dem Deutschen und Tschechischen (2023)
Deceitful Journals in Neo-Victorian Fiction (2023)
Performing Freedom : Transcending the Nineteenth Century on the Stage (2023)
Playing the Poems : Five Faces of Shakespeare’s Sonnets on Czech Stages (2023)
Aging and the Reconfiguration of Identity in Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel and Margaret Atwood’s "Alphinland" (2023)
Computer or Paper? A Comparison of Two Modes of Test Administration (2023)
Metal and Transgression : Scenes, Politics, and Religion, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia 6-7 September 2023 (2023)
Shepard’s Native Americans and their Spiritual Connection to the Natural World (2023)
Accuracy Matters: Exploring the Accuracy of Advanced Learner English in Czech Tertiary Education (2022)
“I agree but” : performing less than agreement during L2 oral proficiency tests (2023)
L2 grammar-for-interaction : Functions of “and”-prefaced turns in L2 students’ collaborative talk (2023)
Accuracy Matters: Exploring the Accuracy of Advanced Learner English in Czech Tertiary Education (2022)
Censorship Crisis : Analysis of Memes on Twitter and Their Reception (2023)
Claiming insufficient knowledge in pairwork and groupwork classroom activities (2023)
The (Un)happiness of Urban Indigeneity in Tommy Orange’s There There (2024)
Memetic (r)evolution - A momentary trend or the way of the future? (2023)
Next step in communication? Memes and evolution of language (2023)
Transitioning between Task Prompts during EFL Oral Proficiency Exams (2023)
Converting a Saul into a Paul in St. Cecily: or, The Converted Twins (1666) : Pro-Catholic Polemics on the Early Restoration English Stage (2022)
Netradiční král v netradiční hře od netradičního autora (2023)
The Role of Phonology and Sociolinguistics in Loanword Adaptation (2023)
The Essential Implausible : Implied Settings and Requisite Characters in Narrative Construction (2023)
When Environmentalists Go Bad : The Racist Implications of Anti-Industrial Philosophy (2023)
Exploring Language Learning Histories of EFL Student Teachers (2023)
The foreign language instruction of DHH students in inclusive settings : teachers‘ perspective (2023)
Americký sen v románu Velký Gatsby (2023)
We Own This City : Corruption, Bureaucracy, and Reform in the American City (2023)
Člen oborové rady postgraduálního oboru Literatury v angličtině, Masarykova univerzita (2023)
Člen vědecké rady Masarykovy univerzity (2023)
Co-editor-in-Chief of Discourse, Context & Media (April 2024) (2024)
Brno Studies in English 49(1) (2023)
Contouring the Essence of Nothingness in Beckett's Texts for Nothing (2023)
On the interaction between verbal semantics and constructional semantics : the case of self-agentive manner of motion verbs (2023)
Provázanost reflektivních seminářů s praxí (2023)
Jak se daří inovovat kurzy a vytvářet e-learningovou podporu pro studující (2023)
Hodnotitel NAÚ - pro oblasti mediální a komunikační studia a filologie (2023)
Člen oborové rady DSP oboru Anglická a americká literatura Univerzity Palackého. (2023)
Členství v oborové radě doktorského programu Anglická filologie - Ostravská univerzita (2023)
Moravian Journal of Literature and Film, člen redakční rady (2023)
Ostrava Journal of English Philology, člen redakční rady (2023)
Posthumanist linguistic environmentalism : A legitimate concern in the era of digitalized translation and language production? (2023)
Corrupted Society in the 17th-Century Jeremiads : Winthrop and Comenius (2022)
Celebrating motherhood. Face-work analysis of Mother’s Day advertisements (2023)
F. Scott Fitzgerald, autor dvojího vidění (2023)
Editorial board member (2019)
Telecinematic culture and memetic recycling in pandemic times: Spanning the fictional - non-fictional divide (2023)
Editor in chief, Brno Studies in English (2023)
Editorial board member - Internet Pragmatics (John Benjamins) (2023)
Editorial board member - Discourse, Context & Media (Elsevier) (2023)
Editorial board member - Journal of Pragmatics (Elsevier) (2023)
Člen vědecké rady Filozofické fakulty MU, Brno (2023)
(Not) Beyond the Shoe : Shakespeare and Theatre Rivalries in the Augustan Period (2023)
Book review of Isani, Shaeda and Michel Van der Yeught (eds.) (2023) English for Specific Purposes and Humour. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2024)
Empower your learning through vision boards (2023)
Shakespeare in His Country’s Service : Two Early-18th-Century Adaptations of The Taming of the Shrew (2023)
On Nuns, Husbands and Purgatories : Aphra Behn’s The History of the Nun and 18th-Century Actors’ Adaptation for the Theatre (2023)
P. Peréz Sobrino & J. Littlemore Ford. Unpacking creativity. The power of figurative communication in advertising. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021. ISBN 978-1-108-47353-8 £ 85 (2023)
Locher, M. A. and Jucker, A. H. (2021) The Pragmatics of Fiction : Literature, Stage and Screen Discourse. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (2023)
Doris Lessing uvnitř času (2023)
Sociolect of Czech mothers on Facebook (2024)
The 2023 Department Chair's Prize (2023)
“I usually just rely on my intuition and go from there.” Pedagogical rules and metalinguistic awareness of pre-service EFL teachers (2024)
Word Order Variation in L2 English: Acceptability Judgements of L1 Czech and German Speakers (2024)
Voice, justice and repopulation of history in queer historical romance novels (2024)
Review: 1960s Gay Pulp Fiction: The Misplaced Heritage, ed. by Drewey Wayne Gunn and Jaime Harker (2024)
Learning and Teaching in Virtual Reality. Possibilities and Limits of Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environments (2023)
Wolf as a Sexual Predator in “Little Red Riding Hood & the big bad wolfcaller” (2023)
Christopher Marlowe : Neklidná vláda a žalostná smrt Edvarda Druhého, krále anglického (2023)
The Poetics of the Ordinary: William Carlos Williams and Jim Jarmusch’s Paterson (2023)
Memetics across generations: Demographics and meme usage (2024)
Ambiguity of a Woman Trickster in Walter Mosley’s Devil in a Blue Dress (2024)
Representing time in live blogs: From liveness to non-liveness (2024)
Phonology and Attrition: Sociolinguistics of (Ukrainian) Sound Perception (2024)
Phonetic (un)consciousness of Ukrainian speakers: A Twitter discourse analysis (2024)
Individual differences in deaf learners' second language acquisition (2021)
“Ain't No Law against It” : Anatomy of Chester Himes’s Tricksters (2024)
Autizmus ako forma neurodivergencie (2024)
Čestné uznání : VXIII. ročník překladatelské soutěže Filozofické fakulty OU (2023)
Learning and Teaching in Virtual Reality. Possibilities and Limits of Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environments (2023)
Atypický (2024)
Finding Agency in Modern Adaptations of Cinderella (2024)
How to Befriend a Dragon: Depiction of Female Characters in Damsel (2024)
Towards Inclusive Understandings: Analysing Czech Autism Organisations' Discourse (2024)
From Earthly Bonds to Rural Revival: Aging Narratives in Elizabeth Hay’s Snow Road Station and Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days (2024)
Online news: A changing format in a changing mediascape (2024)
Memetic suggestions: A comparative sentiment analysis of multimodal and textual posts (2024)
False Summit: Gender in Mountaineering Nonfiction by Julie Rak (review) (2023)
Gendered Colonial Violence against Indigenous Women in Canada (2023)
Kanada: přetrvávající dopad kolonizace na domorodé ženy (2023)
Comically Tragic, Tragically Comic: Exploring Family Dynamics in Angela Carter's Wise Children (2024)
Topic as a resource for action: Candidates' embodied orientations to task prompts during EFL oral proficiency tests (2024)
Implementing Didactic Principles in VR for Language Education (2023)
“How much change is too much change?”: Vivek Shraya’s mediated selves (2024)
Interactional humour in YouTube comments section: The construction of joking threads (2024)
Formatting liveness in live journalistic blogs (2024)
Regretting Motherhood in Czech Media and Social Networks (2024)
Witches, Jews and Asylum Patients: Constructing a Cultural History of Neurodiversity (2024)
Brno’s LCM legacy—Jakobson and Firbas (2024)
Jazyk a sociální interakce v přirozeném světě: o Goodwinově teorii ko-operativního jednání (2024)
Passion and Politics in Diego de Brea and Jakub Čermák’s "Edward II" : Marlowe’s Controversial History on Czech Stages (2023)
Research Notes : Animal Colonialism in North America : Decolonial Animal Ethic and Indigenous Veganism in Canada and Mexico and Ecofeminist Analysis of Eden Robinson’s The Trickster Trilogy and Guadalupe Nettle’s Natural Histories (2023)
"Anything Was Possible:" Gaps, Hypotheses, and Multiple Meanings in Alice Munro's "The Bear Came Over the Mountain" (2024)
Computer-Assisted Literary Translation: Intensional Functions as Vehicles of Style (2024)
Translation as Transduction: The Balancing Act of a Literary Translator (2024)
“Oh, my friend, those weren’t angels”: Trauma, Recovery and Folklore in The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal and Spectred Isle by KJ Charles (2024)
Exploring the Concept of Fear in English and Persian Folk Lullabies (2024)
“Stereotypical Presentation of Femininity in English and Persian Lullabies.” (2023)
Reflexe na základě Language Learning Biografies (jazykové biografie) a její využití ve vzdělávání budoucích učitelů (2024)
Multimodal Creativity on Social Networks (2024)
An interview on humour scandals in the public sphere ( Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) – Estonian Public Broadcasting) (2024)
The interactional construction of joking threads in YouTube comments (2024)
'I don't really know how to deal with that': The use of lesson videos and visual analytics in collaborative advice-giving sequences during post-observation conferences (2024)
Old Tropes, New Stories: Residential School Narrative and Urban Indigeneity in Michelle Good’s Five Little Indians (2024)
Lights, Camera, Literature: The Cinematic World of "Glamorama" (2024)
Jak studenti při ústních zkouškách z angličtiny zařazují výrazy z tištěných materiálů do probíhající interakce (2024)
Strategies of Indigenous Healing in Tanya Tagaq’s Split Tooth (2018) (2024)
Second Language Teacher Education (2024)
Language effect: Exploring language learning biographies of student teachers of English, German and Russian (2024)
Learning styles and strategies of deaf and hard of hearing learners. What we know and what we do not (2024)
YouTube reaction videos and the performance of branded affect (2024)
The Folklore of Devon (2024)
Rozhovor před představením Cesty dlouhým dnem do noci E. O'Neilla (2024)
The Resonance of Manawaka: Landscapes of Reconciliation in Margaret Laurence's Manawaka Series (2024)
Negative Fronting and Negative Inversion in L2 English (2024)
Member of scientific committee (2024)
Digital humour as a form of grassroots political commentary (invited keynote lecture) (2024)
Doing Discourse Digitally: Self-presentation in YouTube Reaction Videos (2024)
Death of a Salesman at 75 in Czechia (and Czechoslovakia) (2024)
Courtroom discourse: A linguistic perspective (2024)
Crafting Closures: Multimodality and Confession in The Death of Cock Robin (2024)
An Ocean of Becoming: Routed Motherhood in Lisa Ko's The Leavers (2023)
Fifty volumes of Brno Studies in English (2024)
Brno Studies in English 50(1) (2024)
Scientific board member (2024)
Memetics across Generations: Demographics and Meme Usage (2024)
‘Love me in London & leave me alone in France’: On Keeping Distance in British Modernist Patronage (2024)
Syntactic choreographies in English-Czech machine-aided translation (2024)
Teorie relevance ve výuce překladu dnes - cost-benefit analysis (2024)
Evolving Portrayals: From Freak Shows to Autism Representation in Popular Romance Novels (2024)
Effects of input frequency and microvariation on knowledge of negative inversion in L2 English (2024)
Braiding Indigenous Women’s Environmental Knowledge (2025)
Diskusia s klientami organizácie Paspoint (2024)
Diskusia so zamestnancami organizácie Paspoint (2024)
Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art. Theoretical Dramaturgy by Otakar Zich (2024)
Deep Down in the Darkness: The London Underground in British Urban Fantasy (2024)
Licensing NPIs in L2 English (2024)
’Who’ll be the clerk?’: Repainted, rerhymed and vaguely personal in the death of Cock Robin (2024)
Phonetics and phonology of sound perception in a changing system (2024)
How Art Reimagines Factory Farming (2024)
Language, Culture and Mind X (2024)
The Palamas Archaeological Project 2023. A preliminary report of the Greek–Swedish collaboration in the municipality of Palamas, region of Karditsa, Thessaly (2024)
Shakespeare and Beyond on the 21st-Century Czech Page and Stage (2024)
Playing for the Merry Monarch: English Theatre after the Restoration of the Monarchy (2024)
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