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Návody do praktických cvičení z histologie (1988)
Základy embryologie člověka (1991)
A contribution to histochemical localization of activities of succinate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in cleaving mouse ova (1997)
Histotopochemistry of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in bovine lenses (1997)
Model skin defects in rat for the composite skin graft evalvation (1997)
Non-functional microvascular posthetic grafts (1997)
Practical lessons in histology (1997)
Regional differences in expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in bovine lenses (1997)
Submicroscopic distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium during postnatal development of the mouse (1997)
Ultrastructural localization of peroxidatic activity of catalase in the mouse cumulus-oocyte complex (1997)
Ultrastructural localization of peroxidatic activity of catalase in the mouse cumulus-oocyte complex (1997)
Ultrastructural visualization of glycogen in the corneal epithelium by means of the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate method (1997)
Ultrastructure of cultured human embryonic and/or fetal ker tinocytes (1997)
Ultrastrukturní vizualizace a distribuce glykogenu v rohovkovém epitelu savců (1997)
Vliv ultrastruktury spermií na výsledek fertilizace in vitro (1997)
Vliv ultrastruktury spermií na výsledek fertilizace in vitro (1997)
Vzhled a ultrastruktura kultivovaných chondrocytů (1997)
Základy embryologie člověka (1997)
Human fetal keratinocytes: Ultrastructure after cultivation (1996)
Ultrastructure of cultivated human embryonic and/or fetal k ratinocytes (1996)
Ultrastructure of cultivated human fetal keratinocytes (1996)
Apoptosis of cumulus oophorus cells in IVF program: occurrence and possible prognostic value (1996)
Differences in submicroscopic structure of nucleoli in mouse blastocysts developed in vivo and in vitro in various culture media (1996)
Submicroscopical localization of arylsulfatase activity in the human cumulus-oocyte complex (1996)
Submicroscopic visualisation and distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviductal epithelium of the mouse before sexual maturity (1996)
Regional differences of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in bovine lens epithelium (1996)
Ultrastructural distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium of sexual immature mouse females (1996)
Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of the blood red cell in the intraoperative autotransfusion (1996)
Histotopochemie nespecifických a specifických fosfatáz v tubárním epitelu myši (Mus musculus var. alba) (1995)
Založení a meziválečná historie Ústavu histologie a embryologie lékařské fakulty (1995)
Ultrastructure of feline articular cartilage in the postnatal period (1995)
Differentiation of the olfactory epithelium in sheep in ontogenesis using scanning elecon microscopy (1995)
Ultrastruktura in vitro kultivovaných lidských embryonálních a fetálních keratinocytů (1995)
Ultrastruktura kloubní chrupavky a synoviální membrány (1995)
Ultrastruktura stěny nativních a hluboce zmrazených cév (1995)
Vliv zvýšeného příjmu kadmia na zdravotní stav skotu a studium interakcí kadmia se zinkem, mědí, selenem, vápníkem a hořčíkemčíkem (1995)
Ultrastruktura buněk tubárního epitelu pohlavně nezralých myší v průběhu postnatálního vývoje (1995)
Vztahy mezi buňkami cumulus oophorus a časným embryem při kultivaci in vitro (1995)
Distribuce kadmia v organismu prasete domácího při chronické perorální expozici (1995)
Rozdíly v submikroskopické stavbě periimplantačních blastocyst vyvinutých in vivo a in vitro (1995)
Metody získávání a zpracování myších gonocytů (1995)
Obecná histologie (1995)
Feline articular cartilage in the prenatal and early postnatal periods. A scanning electron microscopic study (1994)
The submicroscopic structure of caprine articular cartilage in ontogeny (1994)
Morphologic changes of red blood cells during IAT in patients undergoing spinal surgery (1995)
Vzpomínka na prof. MUDr. Karla Mazance, DrSc. (1997)
Embryolog prof. MUDr. Jan Florian (1997)
Významné osobnosti brněnské morfologie (1997)
Koncetrace kadmia ve folikulární tekutině a seminální plasmě u neplodných dvojic při in vitro fertilizaci (1998)
Cytochalasin D interferes with contractile actin ring and septum formation in Schizosaccharomyces japonicus var. versatilis (1998)
Poor function of microvascular prosthetic grafts (1998)
Distribution of heavy metals and their ultrahistochemical determination in the organs of calves (1998)
Distribution of heavy metals in calf organs (1998)
A comparison of cadmium concentrations in tissues of different categories of cattle (1998)
Effects of chronic exposure to cadmium on state of health and cumulation in tissues of calves (1998)
K rozložení glykogenu v savčích rohovkách (1998)
Ultrastructural visualization of glycogen in the corneal epithelium by means of the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate method (1998)
Ultrastrukturní topochemie glykogenu v rohovkovém epitelu některých savců (1998)
Slavnostní zasedání u příležitosti sedmdesátých narozenin prof. MUDr. M. Dokládala, CSc., z Anatomického ústavu LF MU (1998)
Vliv estrogenu a progesteronu na ultrastrukturu epitelových buněk vejcovodů pohlavně nezralých my�í (1998)
Histologická praktika a metody vyšetřování tkání a orgánů (1998)
Slavnostní zasedání u příležitosti sedmdesátých narozenin prof. MUDr. Milana Dokládala, CSc., z Anatomického ústavu LF. (1998)
Histologická praktika a metody vyšetřování tkání a orgánů (1998)
Differences in ultrastructural distribution pattern of glycogen in the corneal epithelium of the mouse and pig (1998)
Rozhovor s prof. MUDr. RNDr. Svatoplukem Čechem, DrSc., zástupcem přednosty Ústavu histologie a embryologie LF MU v Brně (1998)
Aleš Mareček, Antonín Růžička: Laboratorní technika pro nechemické obory. Masarykova univerzita ve spolupráci s Chemickou fakultou VUT, Brno, s.44, ISBN 80-210-1653-1. (1998)
Břetislava Černá: Školní laboratoř. Vybavení, technika, bezpečnost a hygiena práce. Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, 1997, s. 93, ISBN 80-210-1657-4 (1998)
The occurrence of peroxisomes in the mouse cumulus-oocyte complex (1998)
Kvalita rozmrazených lidských embryí studovaná v TEM (1998)
Ultrastructural localization of peroxidatic activity of catalase in the mouse cumulus-oocyte complex (abstract) (1998)
Histologická praktika a metody vyšetřování tkání a orgánů (1998)
Submicroscopic distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium during postnatal development of the mouse (1996)
Regional differences in expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in bovine lenses (1996)
František Karel Studnička (25.11.1870 - 2.8. 1953) (1995)
37. sjezd České anatomické společnosti (1996)
37th Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society with International Participation (1996)
Obecná histologie (1995)
Základy embryologie člověka (1995)
Practical lessons in histology (1994)
The elastic-fibre system of the human uterine tube (1996)
Wie verteilen sich Mastzellen in der menschlichen Tuba uterina? (1996)
Ultrastructural distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium of sexual immature mouse females (1996)
Regionální rozdíly glukózo-6-fosfát dehydrogenázové aktivity v epitelu čočky skotu (1996)
Světelná a elektronově mikroskopická detekce glukózo-6-fosfatázové aktivity v tubárním epitelu myši (1995)
Ueber das Verteilungsmuster der sauren und alkalischen Phosphasen im Eileiterepithel der Maus (1995)
Lokalisation und Verteilung von Mastzellen in der menschlichen Tuba uterina (1995)
Ueber das Verteilungsmuster der Glucose-6-Phosphatase im Eileiterepithel bei geschlechtsreifen Mäusen (1995)
Histotopochemie alkalické a kyselé fosfatázy v epitelu savčích vejcovodů (1994)
A morphometric analysis of cell compartments in mouse oviduct epithelium during the estrous cycle (1994)
Distribution pattern of alkaline phosphatase activity in the oviductal epithelium of mammals (1994)
On the connective tissue of the human uterine tube: Collagen and glycoproteins (1994)
Histotopochemie glukózo-6-fosfatázy v epitelu myších vejcovodů (1994)
Ultrastructural changes in the oviduct epithelium of sexually immature mouse during postnatal development (1996)
Influence of estrogen and progesterone on ultrastructural indices of oviductal epithelium in sexually immature mice (1999)
Ultrastructural distribution pattern of glycogen in mammalian corneae (1999)
Významné osobnosti brněnské morfologie. (1997)
Electron histochemical study of glycogen in mammalian corneae (1999)
Vrodená myofibrilárna hypoplázia u prasiat: Morfologická diagnostika (1999)
Příspěvek ke studiu histo- a ultrahistochemické heterogenity buněk tubárního epitelu (1999)
Některé doklady o histo- a ultrahistochemické heterogenitě buněk tubárního epitelu (1999)
Prof. MUDr. Drahomír Horký, DrSc., šedesátníkem (1999)
Profesor MUDr. Drahomír Horký, DrSc. (1999)
The influence of prolonged co-culture of human cumulus cells with spermatozoa on their ultrastructure and viability (1999)
Ultracytochemical demonstration of peroxidatic activity of catalase in the cumulus cells of mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes (1999)
Ultrastructural detection of the H2O2 produced by human cumulus cells and its possible significance for the IVF procedure (1999)
Ultracytochemický průkaz peroxidu vodíku v lidském kumulu a jeho možný vliv na IVF (1999)
Cytochemical detection of the sites of the hydrogen peroxide generation in cumulus cells of the mouse cumulus-oocyte-complexes (1999)
Cytochemistry of hydrogen peroxide production by cumulus cells of the human cumulus-oocyte-complex (1999)
Význam produkce reaktivních forem kyslíku v lidském kumulu pro IVF (1999)
1. morfologický den: vědecké setkání uspořádané k 80. výročí Masarykovy univerzity na Lékařské fakultě MU. (1999)
Vliv steroidních hormonů ovaria na ultrastrukturu tubárního epitelu pohlavně nezralých my�í. (1999)
Sensitivity of oviduct epithelium in sexually immature mice to exogenous ovarian steroids. (1999)
Mikroskopická anatomie (1999)
Obecná histologie (1999)
Struktura in vitro kultivovaného chondrograftu při léčbě defektu artikulární chrupavky u prasete (1999)
Vzhled a struktura allo- a autochondrograftu při reparaci arteficiálních defektů artikulární chrupavky u prasete (1999)
The use of environmental scanning electron microscopy in histology (1999)
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy in Surgery - First Results (1999)
Kryokonzervace spermatu před onkologickou léčbou (1999)
1.Moravský morfologický den:vědecké setkání uspořádané k 80.výročí Masarykovy univerzity na Lékařské fakultě (1999)
Nuclear topography of the c-myc gene in human leukemic cells (2000)
The structure of microvascular prostheses implanted in pigs (1999)
Influence of the chemotherapy on the morphology of erythrocytes. (2000)
Vliv chemoterapie - Fotemustinu - na morfologii erytrocytu (2000)
UV induced DNA damage and repair in cultured corneal endothelial cells as assessed by the comet assay technique (1996)
Volume Preface (2000)
Topochemistry of glycogen in oviducts of sexually immature mice under normal and experimental conditions (2000)
Influence of exogenous glucose on glycogen topochemistry in mouse blastocysts developed in vitro (2000)
II. Moravský morfologický den v Olomouci (2000)
Závěrečná zpráva o řešení grantu IGA MZ ČR - 4078 - 3: Vliv xenobiotik na fertilizaci lidských gamet a výsledky IVF. (2000)
Analysis of male and female smoking in women pregnant after IVF/ET. (2000)
Ultracytochemical identification of hydrogen peroxide producing spermatozoa and cumulus cells in inseminated human cumuli oophori (2000)
Cytochemická detekce buněk produkujících peroxid vodíku v lidském cumulus oophorus (2000)
Cytochemický průkaz peroxidu vodíku produkovaného buňkami cumulus oophorus myši. (2000)
Ultracytochemical detection of the hydrogen peroxide sources in inseminated human cumuli oophori (2000)
Produkce peroxidu vodíku v průběhu inseminace lidského komplexu cumulus oophorus-oocyt (2000)
Morfologie a funkční aktivity kumulárních buněk v průběhu humánní fertilizace in vitro (2000)
Ultracytochemical identification of hydrogen peroxide in inseminated human cumuli oophori (2000)
Hydrogen peroxide production and cell death in the postovulatory cumulus oophorus-oocyte complex of the mouse (2000)
Histologie. Cytologie a obecná histologie. (2000)
Two-step grafting of the full thicknes skin defects in pigs using the composite of atelocollagen and hyaluronic acid. (2000)
Studies of biological specimens by environmental scanning electron microscopy. (2000)
Laser Assisted Necrectomy of Burn Wound (2000)
Cultured Epidermal Allografts Strongly Stimulate Reepitelisation of Deep Dermal Burns. (2000)
Submicroscopic Structure of Equine Articular Cartilage (2000)
The mammalian cornea and its glycogen content (2000)
Topochemistry of glycogen in the mouse oviduct during sexual maturation and influence of ovarian steroid (2000)
Influence of exogenous glucose on glycogen topochemistry in mouse blastocysts developed in vitro (2000)
Influence of the chemotherapy on the morphology of erythrocytes (2000)
Does transfer of embryos at the blastocyst stage increase the risk of multiple pregnancy? (2000)
Spatial arrangement of genes, centromeres and chromosomes in human blood cell nuclei and its changes during the cell cycle, differentiation and after irradiation (2000)
Topography of genetic loci in tissue samples: towards new diagnostic tool using interphase FISH and high-resolution image analysis techniques (2000)
Gametotoxické účinky cigaretového kouře (2000)
Hydrogen peroxide production and cell death in the postovulatory cumulus oophorus-oocyte complex of the mouse (2000)
Topochemistry of glycogen in oviducts of sexually immature mice under normal conditions and after administration of exogenous steroids (2000)
Surface structure of biological specimens by ESEM (2000)
Cytochemistry of hydrogen peroxide production by cumulus cells of the human cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) (2000)
Cytochemical detection of the sites of hydrogen peroxide generation in cumulus cells of the mouse cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COC) (2000)
Vztah koncentrace kadmia v seminální plasmě a kouření k hodnotám spermiogramu a fertilizaci oocytů (2000)
Vliv vybraných životních podmínek na výsledky IVF (2000)
An attempt to the histo- and ultrahistochemical heterogeneity of oviduct epithelial cells (2001)
Ještě k členskému příspěvku (2000)
Suplementace hořčíku u onkologicky nemocných v průběhu chemoterapie. (2001)
Benign osteoblastomas of the Jaws. (1985)
Gratulace prof. MUDr. Liboru Páčovi, CSc. (2001)
Spatial distribution of selected genetic loci in nuclei of human leukemia cells after irradiation (2001)
Exchange aberrations among 11 chromosomes of human lymphocytes induced by gamma-rays (2001)
Combined confocal and wide-field high-resolution cytometry of FISH-stained cells (2001)
Topochemie glykogenu v tubárním epitelu pohlavně nezralých myší v normě a po stimulaci exogenním estradiolem a progesteronem (2001)
Význam buněk cumulus oophorus pro fertilizaci lidských oocytů in vitro (2001)
Cytochemická detekce peroxidu vodíku v čerstvých a zmrazených vzorcích lidského spermatu (2001)
Differences in the occurrence of peroxisomes in human and mouse oocytes and their cumuli oophori (2001)
Higher-order chromatin structure of human granulocytes (2001)
Zdroje peroxidu vodíku v kultivačním systému v průběhu fertilizace in vitro (2001)
Výskyt peroxisomů v lidských a myších oocytech a jejich kumulech (2001)
Magnesium loading test in oncologically ill patients before therapy (2001)
Cow's milk-specific cellular and humoral immune responses and atopy skin symptoms in infants from atopic families fed a partially (pHF) or extensively (eHF) hydrolyzed infant formula (2001)
Alergie na kravské mléko v kojeneckém věku - nové pohledy na její vznik a prevenci (2001)
Ohlédnutí za III. Moravským morfologickým dnem (2001)
Vztahy mezi klinickým výsledkem fertilizace in vitro a sumikroskopickou stavbou cumulus oophorus lidského oocytu (2001)
Submicroscopic changes in the production of hydrogen peroxide in necrotic and apoptotic cells of the mouse postovulatory cumulus oophorus (2001)
Ultracytochemical identification of hydrogen peroxide in inseminated human cumuli oophori (2001)
Hydrogen peroxide production and cell death in the postovulatory cumulus oophorus-oocyte complex of the mouse (2001)
Influence of exogenous estradiole and progesterone on glycogen topochemistry in the oviductal epithelium of sexually immature mice (2001)
Advances in high-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (2000)
Advances in high-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei (2000)
Vliv chemoterapie na morfologii erytrocytů. (2001)
Ultracytochemical detection of sources of hydrogen peroxide in inseminated human cumuli oophori (2001)
Influence of exogenous glucose on glycogen topochemistry in mouse blastocysts developed in vitro (2001)
Topochemistry of glycogen in the mouse oviduct during sexual maturation and its affection by ovarian steroids (2001)
The mammalian cornea and its glycogen content (2001)
The mouse oviduct epithelium: Ultrastructural picture and glycogen distribution during the postnatal period and estrous cycle. An affection of ovarian steroids (2002)
Histochemical and ultrahistochemical localization of heavy metals in calf organs (2002)
Distribution of exogenous heavy metals in the hepatocytes of calves: a morphometric study (2002)
Možnosti profylaxe mykotických infekcí u onkologicky nemocných s přihlédnutím k toxicitě antimykotických léků. (2002)
Bezpečné dlouhodobé podávání konvenčního Amfotericinu B u onkologicky nemocných (2002)
Cytochemická detekce zdrojů peroxidu vodíku v kultivačním systému v průběhu fertilizace in vitro u člověka (2001)
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models (2002)
Nuclear topography and gene activity (2002)
Peroxisomes in human and mouse oocyte-cumulus complexes (2002)
Submicroscopic structure of equine articular cartilage (2002)
Reduced nephrotoxicity of conventional amphotericin B therapy after minimal nephroprotective measures: animal experiments and clinical study (2002)
An attempt at the ultrastructure and ultrahistochemistry of the mammalian ciliary body (2002)
The mouse oviduct epithelium and ovarian steroids (2002)
3D Structure of the human genome: Order in randomness (2002)
Nuclear structure and gene activity in human differentiated cells (2002)
Reduced Nephrotoxicity od Conventional Amphotericin B Therapy after Minimal Nephroprotective Measures: Animal Experiments and Clinical Study. (2002)
Biological Sciences, Volume I (2000)
Programme and Abstract Book of the 39th Symposium with International Participation of the Czech Society for Histo- and Cytochemistry (2002)
Morfologie erytrocytu a mikrocirkulace (2002)
SEM and AquaSEM studies of S. cerevisiae and C. moggii colonies (2002)
Ultracytochemical detection of peroxisomes in human and mouse oocyte-cumulus complexes (2002)
Korelace mezi klinicky stanovenou kvalitou blastocyst a jejich submikroskopickou stavbou (2002)
Failure of the in vitro fertilisation and production of hydrogen peroxide (2002)
In situ nízkovakuová rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie suchých semen borovice černé (Pinus nigra Arn.) a borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris L.) (2002)
In situ low vacuum scanning electron microscopy of pine megagametophyte cell organelles (2002)
Changes in erythrocyte morphology in cancer patients (2003)
Lékařská fakulta MU v letech 1997-2002 (2003)
Obecná histologie (2002)
Změna tvaru erytrocytu jako možná příčina poruch mikrocirkulace u onkologicky nemocných (2003)
Ultrastructure and ultrahistochemistry of ciliary processes in mammals. A comparative study. (2003)
Histologická praktika a metody vyšetřování tkání a orgánů (2002)
Mikroskopická anatomie (2003)
Differences in the occurrence of peroxisomes in human and mouse oocytes and their cumuli oophori (2002)
TE-Econom: morphological evaluation and clinical experiences. (2002)
SEM study on the adhesive system Excite-Tetric Ceram HB. (2001)
Vědecké dědictví brněnské embryologie (2003)
Cytogenetics and cytology of retinoblastomas (2003)
Prof. Žlábek a poválečná obnova Histologicko-embryologického ústavu LF MU (2003)
Čím Jan Florian a Karel Mazanec přispěli k rozvoji časné embryologie? (2003)
Submicroscopic structure of in vitro developed human blastocysts (2003)
Moravský morfologický den po čtvrté (2003)
Ultrastructural parameters and developmental potential of human embryos after cryopreservation, thawing and culture (2003)
Submikroskopická stavba a vývojový potenciál dlouhodobě kryokonzervovaných embryí (2003)
Vědecké dědictví brněnské embryologie (od dítěte ve zkumavce k J. Florianovi) (2003)
Corneae of mammals and their glycogen content. A comparative study (2004)
Failure of the in vitro fertilisation and production of hydrogen peroxide (2003)
Mikroskopická anatomie. Učební text a atlas (2003)
Kuhmilchspezifische humorale und zelluläre Immunantwort bei Säuglingen mit hohem Atopierisiko unter Ernährung mit einer Molke-Hydrolysatnahrung (2003)
Endogenous sources of hydrogen peroxide and in vitro development of human embryo (2004)
Sources of H2O2 in cryostoraged and then cultured human embryos (2004)
Histologie a mikroskopická anatomie pro bakaláře (2004)
Slavnostní schůze Brněnské pobočky věnovaná památce profesora MUDr. Vladislava Kruty, DrSc. (2004)
In memoriam antropologa profesora MUDr. Milana Dokládala, CSc. (2004)
Vědecké dědictví brněnské embryologie (od dítěte ve zkumavce k J. Florianovi) (2004)
Gene expression in colorectal carcinoma determined by cDNA microarrays using a combination of several evaluation approaches. (2004)
Clustering of genes with similar regulation patterns during monocyte and granulocyte differentiation of HL-60 cells (2004)
Morphology of erythrocytes of patients with ovarian cancer (2004)
Endogenní zdroje oxidativního stresu během preimplantačního vývoje lidských embryí (2004)
Production of H2O2 in human embryos after long-lasting cryopreservation and subsequent culture (2004)
Nové možnosti v diagnostice kolorektálního karcinomu s využitím technologie cDNA mikročipů (2004)
Člen Oborové komise A FRVŠ (2004)
Vliv konvenčního amfotericinu B deoxycholátu a jeho koloidní disperze na ultrastrukturu epitelu renálních tubulů v ledvině laboratorního potkana - morfometrická analýza (2004)
Morfologické změny ledvinné tkáně laboratorního potkana po podání amfotericinu B deoxycholátu a amfotericinu B koloidní disperze. (2004)
Ultrastructural Morphometry of Renal Tubule Epithelium in Rat Treated with Conventional Amphotericin B deoxycholate B or Amphotericin B Colloidal Dispersion. (2004)
Secretory cells and morphological manifestation of secretion in the mouse oviduct. (2003)
Secretory cells and morphological signs of secretion in mouse oviduct. (2003)
Struktural changes of mitochondria and reactive oxygen species production in human gametes, early embryos, and somatic cells (2003)
Changes of rat kidneys after administration of Amphotericin B colloidal dispersion and conventional Amphotericin B deoxycholate. Morphological observation. (2003)
An attempt to describe the ultrastructure and ultrahistochemistry of ciliary processes in mammals (2004)
Ultrastructural Morphometry of renal Tubule Epithelium in Rats Treated with Conventional Amphotericin B Deoxycholate or Amphotericin B Colloidal Dispersion (2004)
Influence of Amphotericin B Deoxycholate or Amphotericin B Colloidal Dispersion on Renal Tubule Epithelium in Rat (2004)
Ultrastructural morphometry of renal tubule epithelium in rats treated with conventional amphotericin B deoxycholate or amphotericin B colloidal dispersion (2004)
Submicroscopic structure of canine articular cartilage (2004)
Vliv konvenčního amfotericinu B deoxicholátu a jeho koloidní disperze na ultrastrukturu epitelu renálních tubulů v ledvině laboratorního potkana - morfometrická analýza (2004)
On the structure of intraglomerular vessels in the vicinity of vascular pole of renal corpuscle in rat kidneys (2005)
Influence of amphotericin B deoxycholate or amphotericin B colloidal dispersion on renal tubules epithelium in rat. (2004)
Cyclic changes in oviduct epithelial cells of mammals observed by light and electron histochemistry (2005)
Influence of amphotericin B deoxycholate or amphotericin B colloidal dispersion on renal tubule epithelium in rat. (2005)
Comparison of the effect of amphotericin B desoxycholate and amphotericin B colloidal dispersion on renal functions and renal morphology in rats. (2005)
cDNA Microarray Technology as a Tool for Better Understanding of Progress of Malignant Diseases (2005)
On the structure of intraglomerular vessels in the vicinity of vascular pole of renal corpuscles in rat kidneys (2005)
Programme and Abstracts. 43rd Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society an 42nd Lojda Symposium "Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry" (2005)
Effects of Voltage Sensitive Dye di-4-ANEPPS on Guinea Pig Myocardium (2005)
50 let od smrti profesora Františka Karla Studničky (2005)
Mikroskopická anatomie (2005)
Adhezívní systémy v morfologickém obraze. I. Tetric Ceram HB (2005)
SEM in the studies on dentine adhesives (2005)
Problematika přípravy zubů pro vyšetření v SEM (2005)
Retinoic acid-induced neural differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells is potentiated by leukemia inhibitory factor (2005)
Neural differentiation of pluripotent mouse embryonal carcinoma cells by retinoic acid - inhibitory effect of serum (2005)
Přehled obecné histologie (2005)
Basic fibroblast growth factor and its receptors in human embryonic stem cells (2005)
Expression and potential role of fibroblast growth factor 2 and its receptors in human embryonic stem cells (2005)
Abnormal development of mouse embryoid bodies lacking p27Kip1 cell cycle regulator. (2005)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Activating Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Their Hydroxylated Metabolites Induce Cell Proliferation in Contact-Inhibited Rat Liver Epithelial Cells (2005)
Induction of the cell death by the ROS during fertilization in mouse and human (2005)
Ultrastructural parameters and developmental potential of human embryos after cryopreservation, thawing and culture (2004)
Obecná histologie. Učební text a atlas (2005)
New practical tools for microarray data analysis (2005)
Combination of cDNA microarray technology and fluorescence leads to better understanding of relationships between gene expression and epigenetic regulation (2005)
Normalizační metody ve zpracování dat z DNA Microarrays (2005)
Transcriptional profiling of human CD34+ cells during in vitro differentiation (2005)
Analýza obrazů získaných snímáním microarrays (2005)
Důkaz klastrování genů na chromosomových doménách studiem diferenciací buněčných nádorových linií (2005)
Sledování změn genové exprese u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem pomocí cDNA microarrays technologie a jejich diagnostika pomocí transkripčních map (2005)
Comparative transcriptome maps: a new approach to the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma patients using cDNA microarrays (2006)
Předseda podkomise molekulární biologie (2005)
Člen komise programu EUIRYI (2005)
Vliv paclitaxelu na ultrastrukturu ledviny při současném příjmu Mg 2+ (2006)
Appearance of iron - labeled blood mononuclear cells in electron microscopy (2006)
Overexpression and purification of Pyrococcus abyssi phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase from and optimized synthetic gene for NMR studies (2005)
NMR Study of Protein CD69 (2005)
Fibroblast growth factor signaling in embryonic and cancer stem cells (2006)
Vzpomínka na doc. MUDr. Svatopluka Doležela, CSc.(1921 - 1996) (2006)
Evaluation of CD34+ - and Lin- -selected cells from peripheral blood stem cell grafts of patients with lymphoma during differentiation in culture ex vivo using a cDNA microarray technique (2006)
Vybrané aplikace technologie cDNA microarrays v onkologickém výzkumu (2006)
New insights into gene positional clustering and its properties supported by large-scale analysis of various differentiation pathways (2007)
The influence of paclitaxel on the kidney ultrastructure in magnesium supplemented rats (2006)
Interakce oocytu a jeho kumulu v průběhu maturace a fertilizace in vitro (2006)
Přednáškové večery Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2006 (2006)
Transcription density map as a new tool for evaluation of various expression profiles: Ex vivo differentiation of CD34+ cells (2006)
Looking for the Role of Metallothioneins in Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Lines (2006)
c-Jun induces apoptosis of starved BM2 monoblasts by activating cyclin A-CDK2 (2007)
Selective priming of cord blood mononuclear cells with food allergens (2001)
Specific reactivity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to food antigens, and immunological factors of human colostra (report in Czech) (2001)
SEM in the Studies on dentine Adhesives (2006)
ESTOOLS First Annual Consortium Meeting (2007)
Vliv paclitaxelu na změnu obsahu minerálů ve tkáních při současném příjmu Mg (2007)
K historii Histologicko-embryologického ústavu Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (2007)
K historii Histologicko-embryologického ústavu Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (2007)
Large-scale Microarray Analysis of Protein and mRNA Level Changes in HL-60 Cells (2007)
The effect of magnesium on the changes of concentration in tissues after application of paclitaxel in rats (2007)
Distribution of heavy metals in liver foetus laboratory mice after their feed in pregnant females (2007)
Distribution of heavy metals in mouse embryo - electronmicroscopic study of selected tissues (2006)
Distribution of heavy metals in mouse embryo - morphology study (2005)
Changes of nephron of laboratory rat after administration of Amphotericin B colloidal dispersion and conventional Amphotericin B deoxycholate -morphology and morphometry study (2004)
The morphology changes in rats kidney after administration of Amphotericin B colloidal dispersion and conventional Amphotericin B deoxycholate (2003)
Anniversaries of Brno embryologists Jan Florian and Karel Mazanec. (2007)
Histologická praktika a laboratorní technika. Učební text a atlas (2006)
Základy histologické techniky pro zdravotní laboranty (2007)
Výročí embryologů Jana Floriana a Karla Mazance (2007)
Antipsychotic Haloperidol as a Ligand of Sigma Receptors and its Cardiotoxicity (2007)
Ohlédnutí za vědeckými schůzemi Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2007 (2007)
Interactive Transcription Maps Over Microarray Data (2007)
Expression Profiling of CD34+ of Peripheral Blood of Patients with Lymphoma During ex vivo Granulocytic Differentiation (2007)
Seminiferous epithelium of azoospermic men (2007)
Stav zárodečného epitelu mužů s azoospermií (2007)
What is the role of autonomic nerve system in etiology of idiopathic scoliosis? - a prospective electronmicroscophic and morphometric study. (2007)
Chlorambucil and fludarabine as a new pre-transplant conditioning for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of in vitro and in vivo experiments (2007)
Slovník pro studenty antropologie II. M - Ž (2007)
Neural Differentiation Potentiated by the Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor through Stat3 Signalling in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells (2007)
Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the International Stem Cell Initiative (2007)
Autocrine and intracrine activities of FGF-2 in the maintenance of human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and culture adaptation. (2007)
Centrosomal abnormalities in human embryonic stem cells. (2007)
Molecular mechanisms underlying reaction of human embryonic stem cells to DNA damage. (2007)
Contribution of cell cycle regulators to the biology of mouse and human ES cells. (2007)
Toxiny sinic v ČR: Nové poznatky o vlivech na lidské zdraví a ekosystémy (celkem 6 přednášek, schůze Československé Společnosti Biologické, pobočka Brno, 17. ledna 2007) (2007)
Reaction of human embryonic stem cells to UVC-induced DNA damage. (2008)
Analýza efektu inhibice cyklin dependentních kináz na diferenciaci lidských embyonálních kmenových buněk (2008)
Development of a new culture medium for human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Culture of human embryonic stem cells on fibroblast-like cells derived from themselves (2008)
TransMap Viewer (2007)
Slovník pro studenty antropologie I. A - L (2007)
Srovnání metod CD34+ a Lin– selekce buněk ze štěpu periferních kmenových buněk pacientů s lymfomy a vyhodnocení jejich ex vivo diferenciace pomocí cDNA microarrays. (2007)
Srovnání dvou metod imunomagnetické separace hematopoetických kmenových buněk (CD34+ a Lin) z transplantátů PBSC pomocí cDNA microarrays během ex vivo kultivace. (2007)
Comparison of two methods of hematopoietic stem cell isolation and evaluation of the ex vivo cultured and differentiated cells with cDNA microarrays. (2007)
Effects of voltage sensitive dye di-4-ANEPPS on guinea pig and rabbit myocardium (2008)
Human embryonic stem cells: stable or vulnerable? (2008)
Overamplification of Centrosomes in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2008)
Role for FGF-2 in Suvirval of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2008)
Human embryonic stem cells can active checkpoint control pathways (2008)
Chemical inhibiition of CDKs drives human embryonic stem cells into differentiation (2008)
siRNA mediated knockdown of FGF2 in undifferenciated SSEA3 positive human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Derivation and characterization of feeder cell lines from human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Cultivation of human ES cells in the chemically defined medium containing plant hydrolysate (2008)
Decrease in base excision repair during prolonged in vitro propagation of human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Genomová nestabilita buněk: Od stárnoucích zárodečných buněk k embryonálním kmenovým buňkám (2008)
Comparative study of mouse and human feeder cells for human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Exprese CD34 a CD117 v nádoru z juxtaglomerulárních buněk ledviny (2008)
Přínos rychlého stanovení sérového estradiolu pro určení doby aplikace hCG v programu fertilizace in vitro. [Contribution of rapid estimation of serum oestradiol to assess the time of hCG administration in the programme of in vitro fertilization] (1987)
Slovník pro studenty antropologie II. M - Ž (2007)
The role of the autonomic nervous system in the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis: prospective electron microscopic and morphometric study (2008)
The meaning of the autonomic nerve system in etiology of AIS - prospective electronmicroscopic and morphomrtric study. (2007)
Human embryonic stem cells possess centrosomal abnormalities (2008)
Genomická nestabilita - umí si sní lidské embryonální kmenové buňky poradit? (2008)
Embryonální kmenové buňky - naděje či chiméra? (2008)
How do hESC sense and respond to damage to their DNA? (2008)
Proteomic profiling of hESC-derived microvesicles revealed a risk of culture contamination (2008)
Poučí nás lidské embryonální kmenové buňky o mechanismech vzniku nádoru? (2008)
Chlorambucil and fludarabine as a new pre-transplant conditioning for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of in vivo experiments. (2008)
Scientific heritage of Brno embryologists Jan Florian and Karel Mazanec (2007)
Combination of mRNA and protein microarray analysis in complex cell profiling (2009)
Gene Expression Profiling During Ex Vivo Granulopoiesis: a Possible Tool for Quality Assessment of CD34+ Cells from Lymphoma Patients (2008)
cDNA Microarray: Gene Expression Profiling of Small Cell Populations (2008)
Hodnocení dentálních materiálů v dětském zubním lékařství. Průkaz mikroorganismů u dětí postižených ECC. (2008)
Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells growing in colonies and intact blastocysts (2008)
Submikroskopická stavba kolonií kultivovaných lidských kmenových buněk a vnitřních buněk blastocyst (2008)
Heavy metals and their distribution in chosen organs of foetus of laboratory mice (2008)
Microarray analysis using limited amount of cells (2009)
Bone marrow stem cells in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. (2008)
Gene Expression differences in bone marrow hematoietic stem cell subpopulation (2008)
Lineage specific composition of cyclin D-CDK4/CDK6-p27 complexes reveals distinct functions of CDK4, CDK6 and individual D-type cyclins in differentiating cells of embryonic origin (2008)
In vitro labelling of mouse embryonic stem cells with SPIO nanoparticles (2008)
Proteomic profiling of human embryonic stem cell-derived microvesicles reveals a risk of transfer of proteins of bovine and mouse origin (2009)
NMR study of a single-stranded DNA binding to the C-terminal domain of the protease from murine intracisternal A-type particle (2008)
The Factors Contributing to Genomic Instability of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2008)
How do hESC Sense and Respond to Damage to their DNA? (2008)
Role for FGF-2 in survival of human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Chemicky definované medium pro lidské embryonální kmenové buňky. (2009)
Characterization of changes to cell cycle regulators that are coupled to differentiation pathways in human embryonic stem cells. (2009)
Kmenové buňky stokrát jinak (2009)
Centrosomální abnormality – potenciální zdroj genetické nestability lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2009)
Lidské embryonální kmenové buňky aktivují molekulární mechanismy, které jsou zapojeny do signálních drah při poškození DNA (2009)
Komplexná úloha FGF-2 u ľudských embryonálnych kmeňových buniek (2009)
Molekulární změny charakterizující vstup lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk do diferenciační dráhy (2009)
Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells growing in colonies and in intact blastocysts (2008)
Submikroskopická stavba kolonií kultivovaných lidských kmenových buněk a vnitřních buněk blastocyst. (2008)
Založení Československé biologické společnosti a Masarykova univerzita (2009)
Asistovaný hatching - přínosná mikromanipulační technika pro ženy s opakovaně neúspěšným embryotransferem. (1996)
Vliv ultrastruktury spermií na výsledek fertilizace in vitro (1997)
Závěrečná zpráva grantu IGA MZ ČR č. 5164-3: Identifikace peroxisomů a jejich úloha v eliminaci poškození lidských zárodečných buněk kyslíkovými radijály při in vitro fertilizaci. (1999)
Factors influencing effectiveness of cryopreserved/thawed embryo transfer (1998)
Correlation of the spermatozoa survival test and fertilization in vitro (1992)
Development of defined animal protein-free culture system for human embryonic stem cells (2009)
Decrease in abundance of APE-1/Ref-1 causes failure of BER in human embryonic stem cells in culture (2009)
Multiple defects in negative regulation of the PKB/Akt pathway sensitise human cancer cells to the antiproliferative effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (2009)
Cracking the egg: molecular dynamics and evolutionary aspects of the transition from the fully grown oocyte to embryo. (2006)
Seminiferous epithelium of azoospermic men (2009)
Chemically defined medium for human embryonic stem cells (2009)
Morphological analysis and biological significance of human embryonic stem cell-derived microvesicles (2009)
Human embryonic stem cells are capable of executing reaction to DNA damage (2009)
Characterization of changes to cell cycle regulators that are coupled to differentiation pathways in human embryonic stem cells (2009)
Antipsychotic Haloperidol as a Ligand of Sigma Receptors and its Cardiotoxicity (2009)
Extra centrosomes allow for assembly of aberrant mitotic spindels in human embryonic stem cells (2009)
A complex role for FGF-2 in self renewal, survival, and adhesion of human embryonic stem cells (2009)
The in vitro proliferation potential and proportion of CD133+ versus CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (2009)
Representation of T-cell receptor V beta families detected by reverse transcription PCR and capillary electrophoresis (2009)
Insulin Decreases Transcription of Three Proteins Associated with Lung Surfactant (2009)
Time-lapse living cells microscopy of cell line K562 for study of CML-associated proteins dynamics - immobilization of suspension cultured cells (2009)
Characterization of changes to cell cycle regulators that are coupled to differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2009)
Abnormal metabolism of centrosomes in human Embryonic Stem Cells. Insight into cancerogenesis? (2009)
Embryonální kmenové buňky: Naděje či chimera? (2009)
Human embryonic stem cells are capable of rapid reaction to DNA damage (2009)
Ultrastructural changes of primordial and primary human ovarian follicles after frozen-thawed procedure (2009)
Hematopoietic cells CD133+ and CD34+ selected and cultivated from bone marrow of leukemic patients. (2009)
Histologie a mikroskopická anatomie pro bakaláře (2009)
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR assignment for the inactive form of the retroviral protease of the murine intracisternal A-type particle, inMIA-14 PR (2009)
Submikroskopické změny primordiálních a primárních folikulů po rozmrazení ovariální tkáně (2009)
Neurodiferenciace lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk a okolním prostředím (2009)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from abnormalities of centrosomal metabolism (2009)
Abnormal Metabolism of Centrosomes - Risk to Genomic Stability of Human Embryonic Stem Cells? (2009)
Centrosomal abnormalities in human embryonic stem cells - dynamics and sources (2009)
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Suffer from Centrosomal Overamplification (2009)
Distribution of heavy metals in the kidney of foetus and mouse females after peroral administration during pregnancy - a histochemical study (2009)
Changes to cell cycle regulating proteins and microRNAs in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2009)
Effects of sex hormones on behaviour of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells maintained in culture (2009)
Exprese p53 v lidských embryonálních kmenových buňkách (2009)
How do human embryonic stem cells respond to DNA damage? (2009)
Retention of nanoparticules-labeled bone marrow mononuclear cells in the isolated ex vivo perfused heart after myocardial infarction in animal model (2009)
Consensus guidance for banking and supply of human embryonic stem cell lines for research purposes (2009)
Analysis of in vitro and in vivo characteristics of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursors (2010)
Multiple defects in negative regulation of the PKB/Akt pathway sensitise human cancer cells to the antiproliferative effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (2009)
ANTROPOLOGICKÝ SLOVNÍK (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění) aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk (2009)
MEK inhibition enhances BMS-214662-induced apoptosis in primitive CD34+ CML stem/progenitor cells. (2009)
High-speed train: How do human embryonic stem cells drive their cell cycle? (2010)
When Size is Not Important: Role of microRNAs in DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2010)
Divide or not to divide? How to deal with extra centrosomes? (2010)
Artificial brain in collagen? (2010)
Can embryonic stem cells help us to regain the lost teeth? (2010)
Death receptors, their ligands, and signaling pathways (2010)
Molecular changes to p53 occurring in undifferentiated and differentiating human embryonic stem cell (2010)
Životní jubileum profesora Drahomíra Horkého (2009)
Přednáškové večery Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2009 (2009)
Přehled embryologie člověka. Učební text a atlas (2009)
Susy Safe projekt - cizí tělesa u dětí (2009)
Od fyziologie k medicíně. Aktuální výzkum kmenových buněk: ze zkumavky k terapeutickému využití (2010)
Characterization of a specific 3'- end RNA modification and specific RNA- binding proteins (2009)
Inhibition of Notch Signaling in Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Neural Stem Cells Delays G1/S Phase Transition and Accelerates Neuronal Differentiation In Vitro and In Vivo (2010)
Modulation of gp130 Signalling by Inhibitors of Reactive Oxygen Species Formation in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2009)
Human embryonic stem cells - when unwanted genetic modifications occur (2010)
FGF-2 signaling pathway-related gene expression profilling in human embryonic stem cells. (2006)
To divide or not to divide? How human embryonic stem cells deal with extra chromosomes? (2010)
Cooperativity between subunits is essential for high affinity binding of N-acetylhexosamines to dimeric soluble and dimeric cellular forms of human CD69 (2010)
Synthetic N-acetylglucosamine based fully branched tetrasaccharide, a mimetic of the endogenous ligand for CD69, activates CD69+ NK cells and killer lymphocytes upon dimerization via a hydrophilic flexible linker (2010)
Effect of Cytoskeleton Inhibitors on Conidiogenesis and Capsule in the Long Neck Yeast Fellomyces Examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (2010)
Feeder-free monolayer culture of human embryonic stem cells: Does it support stem cell phenotype? (2010)
Heterogeneity in human embryonic stem cells maintained in monolayer feeder-free culture. (2010)
In vivo model chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2010)
Activation of G1/S checkpoint is induced by UV-C irradiation of human embryonic stem cells (2010)
Stanovení intracelulární koncentrace imatinibu u CML pacientů (2010)
Dasatinib suppresses MEK/ERK pathway activity without sustained BCR-ABL inhibition and promotes BIM dependent apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukaemia cells. (2010)
Interactive embryonic atlas (2010)
The role of chromatin condensation during granulopoiesis in the regulation of gene cluster expression (2010)
Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Liver of Foetuses and Female Mice after Oral Administration during Pregnancy, a Histochemical Study (2010)
Histology - cytology (2010)
Human embryonic stem cells CCTL14 line - comparison of low and high number passage (2009)
Human embryonic stem cells - signs of an adaptation as a response to long term in vitro cultivation (2010)
Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor Inhibits Cardiomyogenesis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells via STAT3 Activation (2010)
Changes to cell cycle regulating proteins and microRNAs in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2010)
DNA damage response in human embryonic stem cells: Impact of long-term propagation (2010)
Changes to Cell Cycle Regulating Proteins and microRNAs in Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Neural Lineage (2010)
Cytotoxic activities of several geranylated flavanones (2010)
Effect of tomentodiplacone B isolated from Paulownia tomentosa on cell cycle in human leukaemic monocytes (2010)
Human embryonic stem cells are capable of executing G1/S checkpoint activation. (2010)
Negative regulation of Wnt signaling mediated by CK1- phosphorylated Dishevelled via Ror2 (2010)
NON SCID GAMMA Mouse as a Model for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2010)
In vivo model chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2010)
ABC transporters in mES cells - possible role of p38 MAPK (2010)
Lidské embryonální kmenové buňky aktivují molekulárními mechanismy, které jsou zapojeny do signálních drah při poškození DNA (2009)
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Are Capable of Executing G1/S Checkpoint Activation (2010)
Multiple myeloma patients at peripheral blood stem cell harvest: restricted usage of TCR beta variable families (2011)
Application of reverse transcription PCR and capillary electrophoresis in the analysis of T-cell receptor beta variable repertoire (2010)
Time lapse living cells microscopy for studying CML: Preparation of Abl1- and Bcr/Abl - fluorescent protein vectors using Gateway technology (2010)
A novel approach to evaluation of the spatial relationship of fluorescent signals in ImunnoFISH analysis of different kind. (2010)
Determination of pCrkL level in chronic myeloid leukaemia cells using flow cytometry (2010)
Dexamethasone and Insulin Affecting SFTPA1 and SFTPA2 mRNA Levels (2010)
Proliferation and differentiation potential of CD133+ and CD34+ populations from the bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood (2011)
Comparison of gene expression profiling between amplified clinical samples using cDNA microarrays (2010)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from centrosomal amplification (2010)
Growth/differentiation factor-15 is an abundant cytokine in human seminal plasma (2010)
Historické milníky Československé biologické společnosti (Milestones of the Czechoslovak Biological Society) (2010)
A set of multimedia text books for support of teaching of histology and embryology (2010)
Development of humanized culture medium with plant-derived serum replacement for human pluripotent stem cells (2010)
Use of a virtual microscope in histology courses (2010)
Dasatinib Promotes BIM Dependent Apoptosis Via MEK/ERK without Need for Permanent BCR-ABL Inhibition (2010)
Vědecké schůze Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2010 (2010)
Isolation of granulocytes: Which transcriptome do we analyze neutrophils or eosinophils? (2010)
Small molecule inhibitors of cellular stress response pathways can modulate viability of malignant melanoma cells (2010)
Crosstalk between base damage and DSB’s signaling in human embryonic stem cells (2010)
3D Collagen Scaffolds As Supports For Neural Cell Expansion (2010)
Expanze neurálních buněk v 3D kolagenových materiálech (2010)
"Click and seed" approach to the biomimetic modification of polymers (2010)
Click and seed approach to the biomimetic modification of polymers (2010)
Performance of high-density poly(ethylene glycol) brush anchored -to- dopamine-melanine layer (2010)
Poly(ethylene glycol) anchored to poly(dopamine) layers: highly versatile and simple way of suppressing protein adsorption and cell adhesion (2010)
Long-term performance of high-desity poly(ethylene glycol) grafted -to- poly(DOPAmine) layers (2010)
Long-term performance of high-density poly(ethylene glycol) brush grafted-to- poly(dopamine) anchor layer (2010)
Long-term cultivation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) - signs of an adaptation to in vitro culture conditions at 3 cell lines (2010)
Inhibition of notch signaling in human ES cell-derived neural stem cells delays G1/S phase transition and accelerates neuronal differentiation (2010)
hESCs with decreased level of APE endonuclease show slower release of IR induced double strand breaks (2010)
Characteristic of molecular changes coupled to differentiation pathways in human embryonic stem cells (2010)
Toward understanding the role of FGF-2 in maintenance of plurpotency: importance of energy homeostasis (2010)
Genomic stability of stem cells - why should we care (2010)
Histochemický průkaz těžkých kovů po perorální aplikaci v játrech samic a jejich fétů u laboratorní myši (Mus musculus var. alba) (2010)
Průkaz těžkých kovů v ledvinách fétů po perorálním podávání olova, rtuti a kadmia březím myším samicím (2010)
DNA damage response pathways in human embryonic stem cells (2010)
Too much of a good thing can harm: deregulation of centrosome number in human embryonic stem cells (2010)
The role of Cdk5 in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2010)
Expression of immune-modulatory molecules HLA-G and HLA-E by tumor cells in glioblastomas: An unexpected prognostic significance? (2011)
The effect of insulin intake during lung resections - first results (2010)
Vliv intravenózně podávaného inzulínu na hodnoty krevních plynů při resekci plic- první výsledky (2010)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from centrosomal amplification (2011)
Breast cancer-specific mutations in CK1epsilon inhibit Wnt/beta-catenin and activate the Wnt/Rac1/JNK and NFAT pathways to decrease cell adhesion and promote cell migration. (2010)
Sequential activation and inactivation of dishevelled in the Wnt/{beta}-catenin pathway by casein kinases. (2011)
Geranylated flavanone tomentodiplacone B inhibits proliferation of human monocytic leukaemia (THP-1) cells. (2011)
The role of complex CDK2/cyclinB1 in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Role of microRNAs in regulation of UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Teratoma formation by human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Long-term cultivation-induced downregulation of APE1 influences the response of hESCs to acquired DNA damage (2011)
Consequences of base excision repair shortage in adapted human embryonic stem cells on genome integrity (2011)
Lymfoproliferativní onemocnění u pacientů s autoimunitními a infekčními onemocněními: význam antigenní stimulace a zánětlivých procesů (2011)
Death receptors in undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells and its differentiated derivatives (2011)
Complex CDK2/cyclinB1 and its role in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Roles of Paired-box gene 9 in embryogenesis (2011)
The role of p53, p21 and microRNAs in the regulation of human embryonic stem cells response to UVC-induced DNA damage (2011)
Human embryonic stem cell-derived lung epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo (2011)
Stimulation of cell adhesion and proliferation by "Click&Seed" system (2011)
Characterization of resistance of human embryonic stem cells and neural precursor cells to mechanisms of activation of programmed cell death induced by death receptors (2011)
Expression of death receptors in human embryonic stem cells and their differentiated derivatives (2011)
Komplex CDK2/Cyklin B a jeho možná úloha v lidských embryonálních kmenových buňkách (2011)
MicroRNA-650 expression is coupled with the regulation of immunoglobulin lambda light chain in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Interaktivní embryologický atlas člověka (2011)
Modifikace povrchů unikátním systémem "Click&Seed" za účelem stimulace chování adherentních buněk (2011)
In Vitro Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Neurons of the Dorsal Forebrain (2011)
Role microRNA v regulaci odpovědi na poškození DNA u lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2011)
Teratoma formation by feeder-dependent and -independent human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Pentapeptide-modified poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide) hydrogel scaffolds for tissue engineering (2011)
Regulatory role of microRNAs in response to UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Complex CDK2/cyclinB1 and its role in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Death receptors expression and resistance to trail-induced apoptosis in human embryonic stem cells and their differentiated derivatives. (2011)
Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation for the Treatment of Articular Defects of the Knee (2003)
Terapie hlubokých chondrálních defektů kolene pomocí autologně kultivovaných chondrocytů na nosiči – příprava chondrograftu (2003)
Electron microscopic study on hybrid layer in primary teeth (2011)
Základy obecné a speciální embryologie pro klinické embryology (2011)
Přehled embryologie člověka (2011)
Histologie a mikroskopická anatomie pro bakaláře (2011)
Přehled obecné histologie (2011)
The MEK inhibitor PD184352 enhances BMS-214662-induced apoptosis in CD34+ CML stem/progenitor cells (2011)
Mikroskopická anatomie (2011)
NON/SCID IL2RGAMMA(-/-) xenograft model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Rearrangement of lambda immunoglobulin light chain in CLL is coupled with miRNA-650 expression (2011)
Effect of high phosphorus diet on tooth microstructure of rodent incisors (2011)
Effect of improper dietary mineral content on incisor microstructure of degus (2011)
Ultrastructural characteristics and variability of vegetative reproduction in Fellomyces penicillatus (2012)
The interplay of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and beta-catenin alters both AhR-dependent transcription and Wnt/beta catenin signaling in liver progenitors. (2011)
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition enables retinoic acid-induced neurogenesis in monolayer culture of embryonic stem cells. (2012)
ABC transporters affect the detection of intracellular oxidants by fluorescent probes. (2011)
Zpráva o vědeckých schůzích Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2011 (2011)
The regulation, targets, and clinical relevance of microRNA mir-650 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2011)
Scalable high-density monolayer culture of human pluripotent stem cells increases rate of teratoma formation (2011)
Complex CDK2/cyclin B1 and its role in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Mutant frequency increases with the length of cultivation in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
The role of endogenous FGF-2 in heterogeneity and pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Mutant frequency increases with the length of cultivation in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Efficient and reversible high-density monolayer culture of human pluripotent stem cells increases rate of teratoma formation (2011)
Stem Cells in the Light of Nanoworld (2011)
Can we learn about cancerogenesis from embryonic stem cells? (2011)
Can we learn about cancerogenesis from embryonic stem cells? (2011)
"Click & Seed" System - Biomimetic Modification of 2D and 3D Surfaces to Control the Cell Behaviour (2011)
Interiors and exteriors of human embryonic stem cells. (2011)
Morphological manifestations of heavy metals toxicity (2011)
Morphologic signs of cell-to-cell communication in hESC colonies (2011)
Human embryonic stem cells preparation for scanning electron microscopy (2011)
Influence of short time urea intake on the ultrastructure of 16-cell stage embryos in dairy heifers (2011)
The use of virtual microscope in histology teaching (2011)
Light and scanning electron microscopy of the developing lingual papillae in the green iguana, Iguana iguana (2011)
Screening ethnically diverse human embryonic stem cells identifies a chromosome 20 minimal amplicon conferring growth advantage (2011)
CD133 expression and identification of CD133/nestin positive cells in rhabdomyosarcomas and rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines (2011)
Exprese imunomodulatorních neklasických molekul HLA-G a HLA-E u gliobastomů: prognostický význam (2011)
Ziskavani a analyza obrazove informace (2012)
Prediction of significant cruciform structures from sequence in topologically constrained DNA - a probabilistic modelling approach (2012)
Bacterial Growth on Chitosan-Coated Polypropylene Textile (2012)
Localization of the STAT3 binding site in the MDR1 enhanceosom (2011)
Commonly used ROS-sensitive fluorescent probes are substrates of ABC transporters (2011)
Multiple defects in negative regulation of the PKB/Akt pathway sensitise human cancer cells to the antiproliferative effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (2009)
Neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells - the role of LIF signaling (2009)
Embryonic and induced stem cells express TRAIL receptors but are resistant to TRAIL induced apoptosis. (2012)
BCR-ABL activity measured by 50% inhibitory concentration for imatinib, p-CrkL/CrkL ratio or p-CrkL ratio in CD34+ cells of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia does not predict treatment response. (2012)
Methods for preserving fertility in young women suffering from cancer: some aspects of ovarian tissue cryopreservation (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Relative expression of gammadelta T-cell receptor gene families detected by RT–PCR and capillary electrophoresis (2012)
Analýza bodového polymorfismu SNP3 v genu MDM2 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2012)
Ultrasound and Cisplatin Combined Treatment of Human Melanoma Cells A375—the Study of Sonodynamic Therapy (2012)
MicroRNAs Regulate p21(Waf1/Cip1) Protein Expression and the DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2012)
Activin type I receptor (ALK4) is a switch for the dual action of the activin/ALK4 pathway: promoting mesodermal lineage and inhibiting neural fate (2012)
The role of fibroblast growth factor receptor1 in human ESC adhesion signalling and proliferation (2012)
Robust expansion in monolayer reversibly elevates viability of human embryonic stem cells (2012)
MicroRNAs regulate P21WAF1 / CIP 1 protein expression and the DNA damage response in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) (2012)
Exchange aberrations among 11 chromosomes of human lymphocytes induced by gamma-rays. (2001)
Induction of chronic myeloid leukemia by ionizing radiation: experimental basis for risk estimation. (2001)
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models. (2001)
Repeated fluorescence in situ hybridization and its applications in human genome studies. (2002)
Dietary supplementation of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids and their wound healing effect in rats (2012)
A combined approach for the study of histone deacetylase inhibitors (2012)
Přehled embryologie člověka (2012)
Economic analysis of recombinant activated factor VII versus plasma-derived activated prothrombin complex concentrate in mild to moderate bleeds: Haemophilia registry data from the Czech Republic (2012)
Growth/differentiation factor-15: prostate cancer suppressor or promoter? (2012)
Výsledky antropologické analýzy pohřebiště z Hoštic I (2012)
Dietary supplementation of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids and their wound healing effect in rats (2012)
Apoptosis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells Transiently Treated with Imatinib or Dasatinib Is Caused by Residual BCR-ABL Kinase Inhibition (2012)
Analyses of recombinant activated factor VII treatments from clinical practice for rapid bleeding and acute pain control in haemophilia patients with inhibitors (2012)
Understanding cell-to-cell communication in hESCs - creating basis for the move to 3D culture. (2012)
Decrease in Abundance of apurinic/apyrimidinic Endonuclease Causes Failure of Base Excision Repair in Culture-Adapted Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2013)
Adaptation to robust monolayer expansion produces human pluripotent stem cells with improved viability (2013)
"Click & Seed" Approach to the Biomimetic Modification of Material Surfaces (2012)
Artificial neural networks in medical diagnosis (2013)
Výsledky léčby AL-amyloidózy léčebnými režimy obsahujícími bortezomib, dexametazon a dále cyklofosfamid anebo doxorubucin (2012)
SEM and ESEM Observation of Stem Cells. Comparative Study of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Morphology. (2012)
Exprese a funkce trailových receptorů v lidských embryonálních kmenových buňkách a indukovaných pluripotentních kmenových buňkách (2012)
Human embryonic stem cells are equipped to receive and transmit TRAIL delivered death signal but do not undergo apoptosis after TRAIL (2012)
Human embryonic stem cells are equipped to receive and transmit TRAIL delivered death signal but do not undergo apoptosis after TRAIL (2012)
Human embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells are shielded from TRAIL induced apoptosis by C-flip (2012)
Sedmdesát let od popravy profesora Jana Floriana (2012)
Embryolog Karel Mazanec (1922-1967) (2012)
Ohlédnutí za historií a současností Československé biologické společnosti v Brně (2012)
Prof. František Karel Studnička. Vědecké dílo a odkaz lékaře a biologa (1870-1955) (2012)
Život a dílo embryologa profesora MUDr. Jana Floriana (1897-1942) (2012)
Mutual cytokine crosstalk between colon cancer cells and microenvironment initiates development of distant metastases (2013)
Understanding cell-to-cell communication in hESCs - creating basis for the move to 3D culture. (2012)
Informace o vědeckých schůzích Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2012 (2012)
Loss of the oligosaccharyl transferase subunit TUSC3 promotes proliferation and migration of ovarian cancer cells (2013)
Specifics of Specialized Science and Medical Programs Terminology Development in Czech Sign Language (2012)
Flow Cytometry Analysis of Intracelular Protein (2012)
The Planar Cell Polarity Pathway Drives Pathogenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by the Regulation of B-Lymphocyte Migration (2013)
Pluripotent stem cells and gene therapy (2013)
Apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia cells transiently treated with imatinib or dasatinib is caused by residual BCR-ABL kinase inhibition. (2013)
Flavonoids inhibit the respiratory burst of neutrophils in mammals (2012)
The Interplay of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and β-Catenin Alters Both AhR-Dependent Transcription and Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Liver Progenitors (2011)
Formation of Secretory Senescent Cells in Prostate Tumors: The Role of Androgen Receptor Activity and Cell Cycle Regulation (2013)
Driven hematopoietic differentiation of embryonic stem cells: Epigenetic perspectives (2014)
Differential effects of insulin and dexamethasone on pulmonary surfactant-associated genes and proteins in A549 and H441 cells and lung tissue (2013)
Specifics of the Specialized Science and Medical Programs Terminology Development in the Czech Sign Language (2012)
Boar sperm head membrane damage during cryopreservation evaluated by electron microscopy (2012)
Methylation status of TUSC3 is a prognostic factor in ovarian cancer (2013)
hVps37A Status Affects Prognosis and Cetuximab Sensitivity in Ovarian Cancer (2011)
Interaktivní embryologický atlas člověka (2013)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated disruption of contact inhibition is associated with connexin43 downregulation and inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication (2013)
Cell cycle regulation in human embryonic stem cells: links to adaptation to cell culture (2013)
Myeloperoxidase induces the priming of platelets (2013)
The potentiation of myeloperoxidase activity by the glycosaminoglycan-dependent binding of myeloperoxidase to proteins of the extracellular matrix (2013)
Whole-cell mass spectrometry profiling combined with artificial intelligence as a novel tool for fingerprinting of hESCs (2013)
C-flip protects human pluripotent stem cells from trail induced apoptosis (2013)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Negatively Regulates Expression of the Plakoglobin Gene (Jup) (2013)
Asymmetric dimethylarginine regulates the lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in macrophages by suppressing the activation of NF-kappaB and iNOS expression (2013)
Nitro-oleic acid regulates the classical and alternative activation of macrophages. (2013)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Role HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis (2013)
Non-invasive analysis of beating parameters in in vitro cardiomyocyte culture (2013)
Využití softwarového hodnocení aglutinačních reakcí v medicínské laboratorní praxi (2013)
c-MYB in the mouse incisor and hair follicle stem cell niches and surroundIng tissues – correlation with proliferation and apoptosis (2012)
MSC and lipomodelling - techniques of ADSC isolation for plastic surgery (2013)
The influence of bioactive molecules on adhesion and proliferation of human embryonic stem cells (2013)
Study The Effectiveness Of vitamin D (1α,25(OH)2D3) in The Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Hamsters. (2013)
Kinetic High Content Screenning Assay for Late Endosome Movement (2013)
Differentiation of neural crest cells from human embryonic stem cells and their odontogenic induction (2013)
Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells towards distal lung epithelial cells (2013)
Involvement of proteins of extrinsic apoptotic pathway in DNA damage induced apoptosis in hESC (2013)
Differentiation of neural crest cells from human embryonic stem cells and their odontogenic induction (2013)
Histochemický průkaz těžkých kovů v lidské placentě (2013)
Prenylated Flavonoids from Morus alba L. Cause Inhibition of G1/S Transition in THP-1 Human Leukemia Cells and Prevent the Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Response (2013)
Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Express TRAIL Receptors and Can Be Sensitized to TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis (2013)
Cell cycle dependent changes of H3K56ac levels in cancer and hES cells (2013)
In vitro developmental potential of human embryonic stem cell lines evaluated by gene expression analysis of a new set of differentiation markers (2013)
Modulation of human colon epithelial cell lipid pattern by dietary fatty acids (2013)
Combined treatment of PPARgamma ligand with oxaliplatin affect the cell cycle and death in colon cell line both sensitive and resistant to oxaliplatin (2013)
Základy molekulární biologie buňky (2013)
Interaction of Notch and gp130 Signaling in the Maintenance of Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells (2014)
Úloha hypoxie v regulaci exprese ABC-transportérů asociovaných s MDR u (embryonálních) kmenových buněk (2012)
The role of ATP-binding transporters associated with multi-drug resistance in stem cells (2013)
Oxaliplatin with PPARg ligand modulate regulation of the cell cycle and cell death of colon tumors (2013)
An induced pluripotent stem cell model of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) reveals multiple expression and functional differences in HLHS derived cardiac myocytes (2014)
Nejlepší publikace z oblasti asistované reprodukce za rok 2012 (2013)
Teoretická a praktická náplň oboru klinická embryologie (2013)
Studie možnosti mapování vybraných léčiv v mozkové tkáni myší pomocí MALDI MS (2013)
PTP1B Is an Effector of Activin Signaling and Regulates Neural Specification of Embryonic Stem Cells (2013)
Rosiglitazone efficiently sensitizes human colon cancer cells to LA-12-induced apoptosis (2013)
Rosiglitazone-mediated stimulation of LA-12-induced apoptosis is accompanied by changes in colon cancer cell cycle progression. (2013)
Rosiglitazone acts as an efficient modulator of LA-12-induced cytotoxic and cytostatic response of colon cancer cells. (2013)
The novel combination of rosiglitazone and platinum (IV) compound LA-12 exerts cooperative cytotoxic effects in colon cancer cells associated with activation of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. (2013)
Artificial neural networks in online semiautomated pest discriminability: an applied case with 2 Thrips species (2014)
QT Interval Analysis in Electrograms of Isolated Guinea Pig Hearts Treated with Haloperidol (2013)
Role of HIF-1α in selfrenew and differentiation of neurospheres derived from embryonic stem cells (2013)
Role of HIF-1α in selfrenewal capacity of neural stem cells (2013)
Role of HIF-1α in formation and maintenance of neural stem cells using embryonic stem cell in vitro model (2013)
The role of ABC transporters associated with multidrug resistance in stem cells (2013)
The role of hypoxia in expression of MDR-associated ABC transporters in embryonic stem cells (2012)
Hypoxia dependent control of fetal gene program in heart (2013)
Hypoxia dependent control of myosine heavy chain switch in heart (2013)
Sphingobium czechense sp nov., isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane dump site (2013)
Novosphingobium barchaimii sp nov., isolated from hexachlorocyclohexane-contaminated soil (2013)
Sphingobium baderi sp nov., isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane dump site (2013)
Myeloperoxidase deficiency attenuates the cell death of neutrophils induced by oxidative burst (2013)
Myeloperoxidase modulates phagocyte cell death induced by oxidative burst (2013)
Differentiation of neural crest cells from human embryonic stem cells and their odontogenic induction (2013)
Differentiation of neural crest cells from human embryonic stem cells and their odontogenic induction. (2013)
Activity of the tick Ixodes ricinus monitored in a suburban park in Brno, Czech Republic, in association with evaluation of selected repellents (2013)
Vědecké schůze Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2013 (2013)
Laser ablation synthesis of new gold carbides. From gold-diamond nano-composite as a precursor to gold-doped diamonds. Time-of-flight mass spectrometric study (2014)
Účinnost léčby anagrelidem u nemocných s Ph-negativními myeloproliferativními chorobami: Ovlivnění výskytu trombózy ve výstupech Registru pacientů s diagnozou esencialni trombocytemie a trombocytemie provazejici jine myeloproliferativni onemocneni lecenych Thromboreductinem® ke konci roku 2012 (2013)
Tissue profiling by nanogold-mediated mass spectrometry and artificial neural networks in the mouse model of human primary hyperoxaluria 1 (2014)
Laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry of atomic switch memory Ge2Sb2Te5 bulk materials and its thin films (2014)
Laser ablation synthesis of new gold arsenides using nano-gold and arsenic as precursors. Laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry and spectrophotometry (2014)
Zpracování tukové tkáně k lipomodelaci – porovnání technik sedimentace, centrifugace a filtrace přes membránu s ohledem na koncentraci kmenových buněk a na viabilitu a morfologii přenášené tkáně (2013)
Morphology of lung epithelial cells derived from human embryonic stem cells in air-liquid culture (2013)
Biological activities of selected polyphenol-1 rich fruits related to immunity and gastrointestinal health (2014)
Role of histamine receptors in the effects of histamine on the production of reactive oxygen species by whole blood phagocytes (2014)
Histamine H4 Receptor: A Novel Drug Target in Immunoregulation and Inflammation (2013)
Histamin and its H4 receptor agonists decrease the reactive oxygen species production in human leukocytes and act as chemoattractants (2013)
Histamin and its H2/H4 receptor agonists decrease the reactive oxygen species production in human leukocytes and may act as a chemoattractant (2013)
Quantificatio of active caspases in stem cells: single cell analysis at femtogram level (2013)
Use of nanomaterials for TOF mass spectrometry of complex biomolecules and for tissue profiling (2014)
Study of amorphous thin films of Ge-As-Se system using laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2014)
Tissue visualization mediated by nanoparticles: from tissue staining to mass spectrometry tissue profiling and imaging (2014)
Generation of AupAgqTer clusters via laser ablation synthesis using Au-Ag- Te nano-composite as precursor: Laser desorption ionisation with quadrupole ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2014)
Laser ablation synthesis of new arsenic tellurides. LDI Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry (2014)
Huwe1-mediated ubiquitylation of dishevelled defines a negative feedback loop in the wnt signaling pathway. (2014)
Laser ablation synthesis of new arsenic phosphides from elemental arsenic and red phosphorus. LDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry (2014)
Problematika těhotných žen s BCR/ABL negativními myeloproliferativními neoplaziemi (2013)
Přehled obecné histologie (2014)
From Endothelial Progenitor Cells to Tissue Engineering: How Far Have We Come? (2014)
Economic evaluation of rFVIIa high initial dose compared to rFVIIa standard initial dose in patients with haemophilia with inhibitors using the Czech HemoRec registry (2014)
Kompozice pro přípravu modifikovaných želatinových nanovláken a nanovlákna (2014)
Mutation frequency dynamics in HPRT locus in culture adapted hESCs and iPSCs correspond to their differentiated counterparts (2014)
TUSC3 Loss Alters the ER Stress Response and Accelerates Prostate Cancer Growth in vivo (2014)
Determination of Imatinib in the Blood Cells of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Patients by Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometry (2014)
Second Malignancies in Philadelphia-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms–Single-center Experience (2014)
Combined effect of silver nanoparticles and therapeutical ultrasound on ovarian carcinoma cells A2780 (2014)
Functionalisation and pore size control of electrospun PA6 nanofibres using a microwave jet plasma (2014)
Mikroskopická anatomie (2014)
Vybrané kapitoly z teratologie pro stomatology (1989)
Návody do praktických cvičení z histologie a základy histologické techniky (1993)
The frequency of precocious segregation of sister chromatids in mouse female meiosis I is affected by genetic background (2014)
The effect of in vitro culture on spindle assembly and maintenance in mammalian oocytes (2014)
Functional Characterization of Spindle Assembly Checkpoint in Oocytes (2014)
Changes of meiosis II spindle introduced by in vitro culture (2014)
Znalost rizik a preventivních opatření ve vztahu k nákazám přenášených klíšťaty: srovnání českých a polských studentů (2014)
Generation of mixed AgpTeq clusters via laser ablation synthesis using novel Ag-Te nano-composite as precursor. Time-of-flight mass spectrometric study (2014)
Generation of novel AumSen clusters via laser ablation synthesis. Laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2014)
Antioxidant, antimicrobial and neutrophil-modulating activities of herb extracts (2014)
Způsob přípravy anorganicko-organických kompozic a kompozitů (2014)
The effects of biologically active substances in medicinal plants on the metabolic activity of neutrophils (2014)
The role of HIF-1α in the regulation of cardiomyogenesis in vitro (2014)
Effect of anti-TNF-α therapy on neutrophil activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (2014)
Surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) between two liquid electrodes (2014)
B-Myb/c-Myb expression and proliferation in stem cell niche of mouse incisor and hair follicle (2012)
Mouse incisor stem cell niches-a quest for new markers (2012)
Responses of moss and lichen vegetation to manipulated warming: Long-term study exploiting OTC approach at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2014)
Porovnání technik zpracování tukové tkáně pro fat grafting in vitro (2014)
How can the in vitro culture affect the spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in mammalian oocytes? (2014)
The effect of in vitro culture on spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in mammalian oocytes (2014)
Oocyte Spindle Assembly Checkpoint in Space and Time (2014)
Surface dielectric barier discharge generated by the liquid electrodes for material treatment (2014)
Red blood cells serve as intravascular carriers of myeloperoxidase (2014)
Permanent hydrophilization of outer and inner surfaces of polytetrafluoroethylene tubes using ambient air plasma generated by surface dielectric barrier discharges (2014)
DNA methylation levels of selected genes in human pluripotent stem cell lines intended for hematopoietic differentiation. (2014)
Haematopoietic developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cell lines (2014)
Intravenous insulin therapy during lung resection does not affect lung function or surfactant proteins (2014)
Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Genome Integrating or Non-integrating Methods (2014)
Mysterious Role of H3K56ac in Embryonic Stem Cells (2014)
H3K56ac distribution in cancer and embryonic cell lines during cell cycle (2014)
Regulation of H3K56ac during cell cycle in mammalian cells (2014)
Hematopoietic differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (2014)
Historie a současnost morfologie na LF MU v Brně (2014)
Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Genome Integrating or Non-integrating Methods (2014)
Many faces of embryonic stem cells (2014)
The effect of inhaled nano-sized particles of lead oxide on mouse lungs (2014)
Evaluation of adipose-derived stem cell isolation techniques (decantation, centrifugation, and membrane-based tissue filtration) for application in plastic surgery (2014)
Effects of bioactive molecules on biological activities of stem cells (2014)
Spermatogenesis in porcine model of Huntington's disease (2014)
Phenotypic plasticity of human embryonic stem cells induced by culture microenvironment (2014)
Generation of new Agm Ten clusters via laser ablation synthesis using Ag-Te nano-composite as precursor. Quadrupole ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2014)
Využití plazmochemických metod přípravy nanopovlaků k hydrofobní a oleofobní úpravě textilních materiálů pro filtrační ochranný oděv (2014)
Functional Analysis of Dishevelled-3 Phosphorylation Identifies Distinct Mechanisms Driven by Casein Kinase 1 epsilon and Frizzled5 (2014)
Plasma-chemical modifications of cellulose for biomedical applications (2014)
Léčba rekombinantním faktorem VIII nevede u předtím neléčených pacientů s hemofilií A v České republice ke zvýšení rizika výskytu inhibitoru (2014)
Safety and efficacy of recombinant activated factor VII in nonhemophilia children with severe or life-threatening bleeding: a report from the SeveNBleeP registry (2014)
Increased mean platelet volume and immature platelet fraction as potential predictors of thrombotic complications in BCR/ABL-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (2014)
The potential evasion of immune surveillance in mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma by DcR2-mediated up-regulation of nuclear factor-kappa B (2015)
Development of a Kinetic Assay for Late Endosome Movement (2014)
New Supported Catalytic Binary System for the Green and Sustainable Production of Cyanogen Fumigant Optimization Using Artificial Neural Network (2014)
Properties of Neural Crest-Like Cells Differentiated from Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2014)
Umělá inteligence a taxonomie: jsou entomologové ohroženým druhem? (2014)
Přehled embryologie člověka (2014)
Microscopic Monitoring Provides Information on Structure and Properties During Biocatalyst Immobilisation. (2014)
Návody do praktických cvičení z histologie (1987)
Návody do praktických cvičení z histologie (1985)
Histologická a elektronově mikroskopická technika (1985)
Histologie pro stomatology. Učebnice pro lékařské fakulty (1988)
Úvod do praktických cvičení z histologie (1969)
Úvod do praktických cvičení z histologie (1971)
Dodatek ke skriptům z histologie pro stomatology (1972)
Histologie pro posluchače stomatologického směru l. Textová část (1976)
Histologie pro posluchače stomatologického směru II. Obrazová část (1976)
Histologie pro posluchače stomatologického směru (1979)
Praktická cvičení z histologie (1983)
Histologie pro posluchače lékařské fakulty (1984)
Utilization of an Automated Pipetting System in the Cell Line-Based Screening of the Activity of a DNA-Damaging Anti-Tumour Drug (2014)
Generation of novel AupAgqTer clusters via laser ablation synthesis using Au-Ag-Te nano-composite as precursor: Laser desorption ionisation with quadrupole ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2014)
Remotely sensed soil data analysis using artificial neural networks. A case study of El-Fayoum depression, Egypt (2014)
MALDI-TOF fingerprinting of the whole mammalian cell-lines (2014)
Fragmentation pattern of shape-persistent macrocycles: a mass spectrometric study (2014)
Identification of key regulatory metabolites in hESCs by MALDI-TOF-MS (2014)
Image analysis in remote sensing of soils (2014)
A high-throughput siRNA screen identifies genes that regulate mannose 6-phosphate receptor trafficking (2014)
Recent Approaches in Tooth Engineering Research (2014)
Mouse Incisor Stem Cell Niche and Myb Transcription Factors (2015)
Přednáškové večery Brněnské pobočky Čs. biologické společnosti v roce 2014 (2014)
In memoriam profesora Ludvíka Nováka (1925 – 2014) (2014)
Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to lung epithelial cells, application of air-liquid and 3D organotypic culture (2014)
Interactive effects of inflammatory cytokine and abundant low-molecular-weight PAHs on inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication, disruption of cell proliferation control, and the AhR-dependent transcription (2015)
Amyloid precursor proteins (APPS) as potential modulators of WNT/PCP pathway in CLL (2014)
The role of high cell density in the promotion of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation of prostate cancer cells (2014)
Reprogramming of somatic cells: possible methods to derive safe, clinical-grade human induced pluripotent stem cells (2014)
Blind Deconvolution in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Ultrasound (2014)
A simple microviscometric approach based on Brownian motion tracking (2015)
MicroRNAs in Embryonic Stem Cells (2015)
Localized movement and morphology of UBF1-positive nucleolar regions are changed by gamma-irradiation in G2 phase of the cell cycle (2015)
Ovarian carcinoma CDK12 mutations misregulate expression of DNA repair genes via deficient formation and function of the Cdk12/CycK complex. (2015)
Simplified protocol for flow cytometry analysis of fluorescently labeled exosomes and microvesicles using dedicated flow cytometer (2015)
Pluripotent stem cell lines display variable hematopoietic developmental potential (2015)
Single-cell analysis of long-range interactions of POU5F1 foci in hESC cells (2015)
Histologie (2014)
Fibroblast growth factor and canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling cooperate in suppression of chondrocyte differentiation in experimental models of FGFR signaling in cartilage (2015)
The use of flower-like gold nanoparticles in time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2015)
Retinoic acid analysis by mass spectrometry (2015)
Endocyted gold-nanoparticles in intact-cell mass spectrometry (2015)
Increasing procoagulant activity of circulating microparticles in patients with Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms: a single-centre experience (2015)
Analytický report databáze VILP: přípravek JEVTANA (kabazitaxel) (2014)
Use of flower-like gold nanoparticles in time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2015)
Myeloperoxidase deficiency attenuates the cell death of neutrophils induced by oxidative burst (2015)
Tumor suppressor candidate 3 (TUSC3) prevents the epithelialto- mesenchymal transition and inhibits tumor growth by modulating the endoplasmic reticulum stress response in ovarian cancer cells (2015)
The effect of reprogramming method, source cell type and long-term cell culture on genomic stability of human induced pluripotent stem cells (2015)
Onemocnění imunitního systému. In Ondřej Slabý et al.: Molekulární medicína. (2015)
Fate of the Molar Dental Lamina in the Monophyodont Mouse (2015)
Instability restricts signaling of multiple fibroblast growth factors (2015)
A novel variant of FGFR3 causes proportionate short stature (2015)
Intact-cell MALDI TOF MS for mammalian cell identification and authentication (2015)
Optimalization of cultivation conditions for production of farmaceutic compounds by nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (2015)
Mikroskopická anatomie (2014)
Přehled obecné histologie (2014)
TUSC3 loss enhances ovarian cancer malignancy by promoting the ER stress response (2015)
Impact of cadmium, cobalt and nickel on sequence-specific DNA binding of p63 and p73 in vitro and in cells (2015)
Metal-organic frameworks as matrices for mass spectrometry of biomolecules (2015)
Interaktivní embryologický atlas člověka (2015)
Role of TUSC3 gene in ovarian cancer cells (2015)
Derivation of human induced pluripotent stem cells and Advanced Methods of Image Processing (2015)
Zona pellucida resistance to sperm penetration before the completion of human oocyte maturation (1988)
Biodistribution of non-coated gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles in stem cells (2015)
Modelování odpovědi pluripotentních kmenových buněk na poruchy homeostázy endoplazmatického retikula inhibicí N-glykosylace (2015)
Mechanism of human embryonic stem cells response to alterations of endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis (2015)
Mechanism of human embryonic stem cells response to alterations of endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis (2015)
Lamellar structures in rat ova and their chemical composition (1974)
Determination of intracytoplasmic filaments in the chondrocytes of articular cartilage (1993)
Oocyte removal in conjunction with pelvic microsurgery (1990)
Fusion of hamster and pig zona-free eggs stimulated by boar and guinea pig sperm at fertilization in vitro (1982)
Incidence and localization of lipids in the mouse oocyte and cleaving ovum (1980)
The important role of mitochondria in LA-12-mediated enhancement of TRAIL-induced prostate cancer cell apoptosis (2015)
Novel molecular mechanisms of the LA-12-mediated sensitisation of prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis (2015)
The role of PTEN protein in regulation of cytotoxic effects of platinum complex LA-12 and its combination with rosiglitazone (2015)
Comparison of preparation techniques for lipomodelling (2014)
Spatial arrangement and angular motion of human embryonic stem cells during three-dimensional morphogenesis (2014)
Droplet generating with using microfluidic systems (2014)
Nanostructured surface modifications for stem cell studie (2014)
Whole-cell mass spectrometry clusters morphologically uniform, yet differentiating hESCs. (2014)
Mitotic divisions with supernumerary centrosomes in human embryonic stem cells. (2014)
Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to lung epithelial cells in air-liquid and 3D organotypic culture. (2014)
Regulation of mammary stem cells by receptor tyrosine kinase signalling. (2014)
TUSC3 alters UPR response and prevents EMT in ovarian cancer. (2014)
Multimodal Holographic Microscopy: Distinction between Apoptosis and Oncosis (2015)
The role of TROP-2 in proliferation, survival and clonogenity of breast cancer cells (2015)
Prokoagulační aktivita cirkulujících mikropartikulí a trombotické komplikace BCR/ABL negativních myeloproliferací (2015)
Vliv kardiovaskulárních rizikových faktorů na výskyt trombotických komplikací BCR/ABL negativních myeloproliferativních onemocnění (2015)
Výskyt trombózy u myeloproliferativních chorob v závislosti na přítomnosti CALR nebo JAK2 mutace (2015)
Upregulated COBLL1 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients with unmutated IGHV identifies a cohort with inferior prognosis (2015)
MicroRNA-150 influences microenvironmental interactions and prognosis of follicular lymphoma (2015)
MicroRNA-150 influences microenvironmental interactions and prognosis of B cell malignancies. (2015)
MicroRNAs in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells. (2015)
MicroRNA involvement in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells (2015)
MicroRNA-150 influences microenvironmental interactions and prognosis of B cell malignancies (2015)
The effect of ZAP-70 on adaptor molecule involved in microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells (2015)
Focal adhesion kinase regulation and expression in malignant B cells (2015)
Time Course of Spinal Doublecortin Expression in Developing Rat and Porcine Spinal Cord: Implication in In Vivo Neural Precursor Grafting Studies (2015)
Toward Structured Macroporous Hydrogel Composites: Electron Beam-Initiated Polymerization of Layered Cryogels (2015)
Flavonoid 4 '-O-Methylkuwanon E from Morus alba Induces the Differentiation of THP-1 Human Leukemia Cells (2015)
N-(2-Hydroxypropyl) Methacrylamide Based Cryogels – Synthesis and Biomimetic Modification for Stem Cell Applications (2015)
Brief Report: Inhibition of miR-145 Enhances Reprogramming of Human Dermal Fibroblasts to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (2016)
Coordination compounds in cancer: Past, present and perspectives (2015)
Atypical nuclear localization of CD133 plasma membrane glycoprotein in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines (2015)
Histologické mezinárodní názvosloví : latinsko-anglicko-české s mezinárodními číselnými kódy (2014)
The E3 ubiquitin ligase Mib1 regulates Plk4 and centriole biogenesis (2015)
The erratic antibiotic susceptibility patterns of bacterial pathogens causing urinary tract infections (2015)
Three-dimensional Imaging Reveals New Compartments and Structural Adaptations in Odontoblasts (2015)
Apocynin and Diphenyleneiodonium Induce Oxidative Stress and Modulate PI3K/Akt and MAPK/Erk Activity in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2016)
Microenvironmental interactions up-regulate CD20 expressionin CLL B cells, but confer resistance to rituximab (2015)
Interakce buněk CLL s mikroprostředím vede ke zvýšené expresi CD20 přes chemokinovou dráhu CXCR4/SDF-1: Implikace pro léčbu anti-CD20 protilátkami a BCR-inhibitory. (2015)
Význam stanovení faktoru XIII u nemocných s nespecifickými střevními záněty, první zkušenosti specializovaného centra (2015)
Exacerbation of Substrate Toxicity by IPTG in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) Carrying a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway (2015)
Cell cycle-dependent changes in H3K56ac in human cells. (2015)
Microfluidic systems for establishment of stem cell niche (2015)
Macroporous hydrogels prepared by the electron-beam initiated cryopolymerization: the tailoring of the porosity and elasticity (2015)
Nanostructured surfaces for studying the cellular interactions (2015)
Biocompatible polymeric nanofibers modified with silk sericin (2015)
Comparison of cell colonies and single cells using image analysis methods and high content screening (2015)
Segmentation and 3D imaging of cartilage tissues in mouse embryo head (2015)
Nanostrukturovaný povrch pro studium mezibuněčných interakcí kmenových buněk (2015)
Nanostructured surfaces as a promising tool for studying the cellular interactions (2015)
Novel approach for studying of cell interactions via nanostructured surfaces (2015)
Preparation of nanostructured molecular lawn as tool for studying the cellular interactions (2015)
Diagnostics of surface dielectric barrier discharges generated above solid or liquid surfaces (2014)
Dystrophin mutation causes higher DNA damage in pluripotent cells and depletion of cardiac progenitors in the heart. World Conference on Regenerative Medicine 2015, Leipzig, Germany, October 21–23 2015 (2015)
Multivariate Calibration Approach for Quantitative Determination of Cell-Line Cross Contamination by Intact Cell Mass Spectrometry and Artificial Neural Networks (2016)
Významné baktericidní účinky želatinových nanovláken modifikovaných oxidovanou celulózou (2014)
Gelatin Nanofibers Modified with Oxidized Cellulose with Significant Bactericidal Effects (2014)
How many species of whipworms do we share? Whipworms from man and other primates form two phylogenetic lineages (2015)
Isolation and characterization of stem cells in the adult mouse lung (2015)
3D Cell Culture of Mouse Lung Stem/Progenitor Cells (2015)
3D Cell Culture of Mouse Lung Stem/Progenitor Cells (2015)
A Balance between Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Volumes Controls Spindle Length (2016)
Analytický report databáze VILP: přípravek PERJETA (pertuzumab) (2015)
Alkaline phosphatase in stem cells (2015)
Stable Gelatin Nanofibers Modified with Oxidized Cellulose for Soft Tissue Engineering (2015)
Gelatin Nanofibers Modified with Oxidized Cellulose with Significant Bactericidal Effects (2014)
Catalytic nanocrystalline coordination polymers as an efficient peroxidase mimic for labeling and optical immunoassays (2016)
Elektronově mikroskopický atlas tkání a orgánů (2016)
Microenvironmental interactions up-regulate CD20 expression in CLL B cells through the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis: implications for CD20-targeting antibodies and the use of BCR-inhibitors in combination. (2015)
COBLL1 as a survival predictor in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients. (2015)
Sodium butyrate and benzo[a]pyrene synergistically increase production of reactive oxygen species in colon cancer cells (2015)
Modulation of mitochondrial cardiolipin profile during differentiation/apoptotic response of colon cancer cells to dietary fatty acids (2015)
Regulation of spindle length in early embryo (2014)
Transition from meiosis into mitosis in early mouse embryo (2014)
Spindle aparatus during transition from meiosis into mitosis (2014)
Hematopoietic developmental potential is variable in pluripotent stem cell lines (2015)
Rare cause of non-healing foot wound - acral lentiginous melanoma (2016)
Novel electrospun gelatin/oxycellulose nanofibers as a suitable platform for lung disease modeling (2016)
The role of HIF-1alpha in cardiomyogenesis in vitro (2015)
Mutated Huntingtin Causes Testicular Pathology in Transgenic Minipig Boars (2016)
The Tools Used for Study of Meiotic Control Mechanism and Spindle Length Control System in Early Mammalian Embryos (2016)
Biokompatibilní polykaprolaktonová nanovlákna modifikovaná sericinem (2016)
FGF2 indukuje migráciu fibroblastov mliečnej žľazy v 3D extracelulárnej matrix (2016)
Nanostrukturování povrchů jako slibný nástroj pro studium buněčných interakcí kmenových buněk (2016)
Izolace lidských endoteliálních buněk z lipoaspirátu (2016)
Centrozomální abnormality a multipolární dělení u lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2016)
The role of microRNA in cell cycle regulation and differetiation of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells (2015)
An insight into the role of HMGB proteins in human pluripotent and multipotent cells (2015)
3D models of mammary branching morphogenesis reveal a pleiotropic role for FGF signaling in mammary stroma (2015)
3D electron and confocal microscopy reveals new structure of odontoblasts during development (2015)
Centrosomal abnormalities and multipolar divisions in human embryonic stem cells (2015)
Novel non-toxic bactericidal electrospun gelatin/oxycellulose nanofibers for medical applications (2015)
Inhibition of miR-145 in primary human fibroblasts facilities reprogramming to induced pluripotent stem cells (2015)
Comparison of cell colonies and singel cells using image analysis methods and high content screening (2015)
OrganoNET 2014 Conference : book of abstracts : June 19-20, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic (2014)
In Vitro Maturation of Mouse Oocytes Increases the Level of Kif11/Eg5 on Meiosis II Spindles (2016)
Use of micro computed-tomography and 3D printing for reverse engineering of mouse embryo nasal capsule (2016)
Nano-gold in time-of-flight mass spectrometry of biological samples (2016)
In situ generation of high Aum clusters ions for mass calibration (2016)
Vascular Network Formation in Silico Using the Extended Cellular Potts Model (2016)
Beech transcriptome data: “I am stressed!” (2016)
The Aberrant DNA Methylation Profile of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Is Connected to the Reprogramming Process and Is Normalized During In Vitro Culture (2016)
The role of the endoplasmic reticulum stress in stemness, pluripotency and development (2016)
DNA double strand breaks detection in pluripotent stem cells with regard to cell cycle stages (2016)
Genomic Stability of the Cells during hiPSC Reprogramming and Endothelial Differentiation (2016)
ER Stress Modulates Senescence and EMT in Ovarian Surface Epithelium (2016)
Cell cycle regulation and microRNA in clinically-relevant human embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells (2016)
Integration-free reprogramming of primary human fibroblasts into neural stem cells using brief exposure to pluripotency factors (2016)
Enrichment of human pluripotent stem cells populations in particular cell cycle stage by synchronization reveals novel G2/M-specific CDK2-cyclinB1 interaction (2014)
New insight into development and structure of odontoblasts revealed by 3D microscopy techniques (2015)
The role of microRNA molecules in cell reprogramming (2016)
Role of centrosome in cell proliferation and differentiation in hESC (2015)
Vliv ztráty TUSC3 na růst a invazivitu ovariálního karcinomu (2015)
Centrozomální abnormality a multipolární mitózy u lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2015)
Centrosome an Embryonic Events: An Insight from Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2016)
Clinically-relevant Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Neural Stem Cells: Role of Cell Cycle and MicroRNAs in Shaping Cell Identity (2016)
Deciphering the roles of fibroblasts during pubertal mammary gland development (2016)
Generation and Testing of MicroRNA Sponge Constructs (2016)
The Role and Regulation of p16/INK4A in Cell Cycle of Human Pluripotent and Neural Stem Cells (2016)
Nanostructured Surfaces for Studying the Cellular Interactions (2016)
The role of microRNA and HMGB proteins in cell cycle regulation and differentiation of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells (2015)
Úloha microRNA v řízení buněčného dělení a diferenciace lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk do neurálních kmenových buněk (2015)
Centrosome functions in differentiating cells: an insight into biology of the centrosome using human embryonic stem cells (2015)
Inhibition of miR-145 in primary human fibroblasts facilitates reprogramming to induced pluripotent stem cells (2015)
Overexpression of c-Myb is associated with suppression of distant metastases in colorectal carcinoma (2016)
Vícenásobné nádorové onemocnění plic – kazuistika a přehled literatury (2016)
HIF-1alpha Deficiency Attenuates the Cardiomyogenesis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2016)
Nanostructured molecular lawn-powerful tool for studying cellular interactions (2016)
Cancer stem cell markers in pediatric sarcomas: Sox2 is associated with tumorigenicity in immunodeficient mice (2016)
Bone marrow-derived macrophages exclusively expressed caveolin-2: The role of inflammatory activators and hypoxia (2015)
Increased frequency of chromosome congression defects and aneuploidy in mouse oocytes cultured at lower temperature (2017)
Možnosti video-mediastinoskopie v diagnostice a léčbě (2016)
Impaired mitophagy in Fanconi anemia is dependent on mitochondrial fission (2016)
Stage-specific roles of FGF2 signaling in human neural development (2016)
A new panel of proteins associated with metastasis in low-grade breast cancer: a role in cell migration and invasiveness (2016)
X.Interaktivní kongres Hojení Ran 2016 (2016)
Decubitus as a Cause of Death even in the 21st Century (2016)
Přehled obecné histologie (2016)
Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Exosomes in Transmission Electron Microscopy (2016)
An inactivating mutation in intestinal cell kinase, ICK, impairs hedgehog signalling and causes short rib-polydactyly syndrome (2016)
A 3D Fibroblast-Epithelium Co-culture Model for Understanding Microenvironmental Role in Branching Morphogenesis of the Mammary Gland (2017)
Kmenové buňky a možnosti jejich medicínského využití (2015)
SPRY1 regulates mammary epithelial morphogenesis by modulating EGFR-dependent stromal paracrine signaling and ECM remodeling (2016)
Inhaled Cadmium Oxide Nanoparticles: Their in Vivo Fate and Effect on Target Organs (2016)
Paramagnetic nanoparticles in stem cell therapy (2016)
Self-organization of lung epithelial cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (2015)
Parametrické sledování kvality totální mezorektální excize a chirurgické léčby karcinomu rekta - výsledky multicentrické studie (2016)
miRNAsong: a web-based tool for generation and testing of miRNA sponge constructs in silico (2016)
A robust vitronectin-derived peptide for the scalable long-term expansion and neuronal differentiation of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) (2017)
Proč potřebujeme databázy v hojeni ran (2016)
Observační kohortní studie apikálních perivaskulárních pleurálních defektů (PPD) ve vztahu k lokalizaci subpleurálních bul a etiologii spontánního pneumotoraxu v dvoudimenzionálním (2D) a třídimenzionálním (3D) torakoskopickém zobrazení (2016)
Chirurgická diagnostika a léčba karcinomu plic (2016)
Peroperační imunohistochemická diferenciace adenokarcinomů v plicních lézích pomocí TTF -1 a její význam pro „konvenční“ a VATS lobektomie, Sborník abstrakt. Bratislava:, 70. Chirurgický deň Kostlivého (2016)
Protective effects of 10-nitro-oleic acid in a hypoxia-induced murine model of pulmonary hypertension (2014)
On the molecular pharmacology of resveratrol on oxidative burst inhibition in professional phagocytes (2014)
The effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine on nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 and bone marrow-derived macrophages (2014)
Uric acid modulates vascular endothelial function through the down regulation of nitric oxide production. (2013)
Role NPWT v uzávěru rány (2017)
Identifying patients at high risk of colonic diverticular haemorrhage (2016)
Hemoroidy: možnosti a hranice konzervativní léčby (2016)
Our Preliminary Experience with a New Method of DIEAP Flap Dissection (2016)
Properties of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Their Differentiated Derivatives Depend on Nonhistone DNA-Binding HMGB1 and HMGB2 Proteins (2017)
Dishevelled is a NEK2 kinase substrate controlling dynamics of centrosomal linker proteins (2016)
Functions and interactions of basal body components. (2016)
Hammanův syndrom (2016)
Impact of acute and chronic inhalation exposure to CdO nanoparticles on mice (2016)
Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Neural Stem Cells: Role of Cell Cycle and MicroRNAs in Shaping Cell Identity (2016)
Klinicky využitelné neurální kmenové buňky derivované z lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk: Role buněčného cyklu a microRNA při vytváření buněčné identity (2016)
The role of microRNA in cell cycle regulation and differentiation of human embryonic stem cell – derived neural stem cells (2016)
miRNAsong: microRNA SpONge Generator and tester - high-throughput approach for miRNA sponge design and testing (2016)
Mikroskopická anatomie (2017)
Přehled embryologie člověka (2017)
Přestavby chromosomů u onkologických pacientů a u pracovníků v riziku expozice cytostatiky a ionizujícím zářením. (2016)
Clusters of Monoisotopic Elements for Calibration in (TOF) Mass Spectrometry (2017)
Targeting cancer cells through antibiotics-induced mitochondrial dysfunction requires autophagy inhibition (2017)
Guide to General Histology and Microscopic Anatomy (2017)
The acceleration of cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells in vitro by serum depletion does not increase the number of developed cardiomyocytes (2017)
3D ultrastructural characterization of stem cell spheroids by SBF-SEM (2016)
3D ultrastructure and morphology of stem cell spheroids by SBF-SEM (2016)
Novel Temperate Phages of Salmonella enterica subsp salamae and subsp diarizonae and Their Activity against Pathogenic S-enterica subsp enterica Isolates (2017)
DNA double-strand breaks in human induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming and long-term in vitro culturing (2017)
True Nondisjunction of Whole Bivalents in Oocytes with Attachment and Congression Defects (2017)
Biocompatible nanofibers from polycaprolactone modified with silk sericin (2016)
Nanovlákenné buněčné nosiče z poly-ε-kaprolaktonu modifikovaného sericinem (2017)
Oriented clonal cell dynamics enables accurate growth and shaping of vertebrate cartilage (2017)
Přehled obecné histologie (2017)
Histologie a mikroskopická anatomie pro bakaláře (2017)
Fibroblastový růstový faktor jako dynamický regulátor morfogeneze mléčné žlázy (2017)
3D cell culture of mouse lung stem/progenitor cells (2017)
Modifikace nanovlákenných nosičů pomocí fosfazenu podporuje rozprostření a růst buněk (2017)
Functions and interactions of basal body components (2017)
Quantitative mapping of microtubule-associated protein 2c (MAP2c) phosphorylation and regulatory protein 14-3-3 zeta-binding sites reveals key differences between MAP2c and its homolog Tau (2017)
Different mechanisms of p16/INK4A regulation in human embryonic and neural stem cells (2017)
Silk sericin-modified nanofibers for the development of in vitro models of lung (2017)
Deciphering the roles of fibroblasts during pubertal mammary gland development (2017)
The role of microRNA molecules in cell plasticity regulation (2017)
The role of microRNA-145 in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells-derived neural stem cells (2017)
Direct nanopatterning of biomolecules by electron beam lithography for studying of cellular interaction (2017)
3D cell culture of mouse lung stem/progenitor cells (2017)
Nanofibers modified with hexaamino-cyclo-triphosphazene for tissue engineering applications (2017)
Dissecting the roles of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling in mammary branching morphogenesis using hyperstable FGF2 variants (2017)
Základní specializační kurz virtuální laparoskopické chirurgie (2017)
A Novel Role for the BMP Antagonist Noggin in Sensitizing Cells to Non-canonical Wnt-5a/Ror2/Disheveled Pathway Activation (2017)
Association of the postoperative white blood cells (WBC) count in peripheral blood after radical surgical treatment of left upper lobe non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with overall survival - single center results (2017)
Uniportal VATS v diagnostice a terapii onemocnění plic a mezihrudí – naše iniciální zkušenosti (2017)
Hematopoietic developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cell lines is accompanied by the morphology of embryoid bodies and the expression of endodermal and hematopoietic markers (2017)
A Comprehensive In Vitro Comparison of Preparation Techniques for Fat Grafting (2017)
Dekubity jsou pro mne stále noční můrou (2017)
Synthesis and Profiling of a Novel Potent Selective Inhibitor of CHK1 Kinase Possessing Unusual N-trifluoromethylpyrazole Pharmacophore Resistant to Metabolic N-dealkylation (2017)
Comparison of anti-inflammatory potential of pterostilbene and pinosylvin in vitro and in vivo (2015)
The N-Terminal Part of the Dishevelled DEP Domain Is Required for Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling in Mammalian Cells (2017)
Self-Renewing Early Lung Epithelial Progenitor Cells Differentiated From Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2017)
Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Neural Stem Cells: Role Of Microrna And Cell Cycle In Shaping Stem Cell Identity (2017)
Regulation of B-cell receptor signalling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) microenvironment via modulation of GAB1 protein levels. (2017)
Different mechanisms of p16/INK4A regulation in human embryonic and neural stem cells (2017)
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) as a dynamic regulator of mammary gland branching morphogenesis (2017)
Novel cytotoxic anticancer drugs (1,10-phenantroline)2Cu(II) complexes induce cell death by modulation of unfolded protein response in ovarian cancer cells (2017)
Modeling Alzheimer’s disease in 3D cerebral organoids using human pluripotent stem cells (2017)
Isolation and Characterization of Mouse Lung Stem/Progenitor Cells (LSPCs) (2017)
Optimization of 3D bioprinting for stem cell organization (2017)
Protein p53 regulates the differentiation of cerebral organoids from human pluripotent stem cells (2017)
Changes in regulatory mechanisms of p16/INK4A upon differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural stem cells (2017)
Diferenciace lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk do neurálních kmenových buněk - molekulární mechanismy a aplikace (2017)
3D neural stem cells models in neurodegenerative diseases (2017)
In vivo study of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad accumulation in secondary target organs (2017)
The effect of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles on target organs (2017)
In vivo study of subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad accumulation in secondary target organs (2017)
Expression of Fas, FasL, caspase-8 and other factors of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway during the onset of interdigital tissue elimination (2017)
Activation of pro-apoptotic caspases in tooth and alveolar bone (2017)
Onset of osteogenic gene expression and calciotropic regulation during mandibular/alveolar bone formation (2017)
Caspase-8 in mandibular bone development (2016)
Novel cytotoxic anticancer drugs (1,10-phenantroline)2Cu(II) complexes induce cell death by modulation of unfolded protein response in ovarian cancer cells (2017)
Generation of a Close-to-Native In Vitro System to Study Lung Cells-Extracellular Matrix Crosstalk (2018)
Nanostructure and bioactivity of mouse lung extracellular matrix scaffolds (2017)
Lungosphere Assay: 3D Culture of Lung Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells (2017)
Kurz simulačních laparoskopických technik (2017)
Infiltrace horní hrudní apertury - superior sulcus tumor - chirurgický přístup (2017)
3D Cell Culture: An Introduction (2017)
3D coculture of mammary organoids with fibrospheres: A model for studying epithelial–stromal interactions during mammary branching morphogenesis (2017)
Revealing 3D Ultrastructure and Morphology of Stem Cell Spheroids by Electron Microscopy (2017)
The connections of Wnt pathway components with cell cycle and centrosome: side effects or a hidden logic? (2017)
TUSC3: functional duality of a cancer gene (2018)
An Efficient Method for Generation of Knockout Human Embryonic Stem Cells Using CRISPR/Cas9 System (2017)
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) hypersignalling leads to hyperplasia of mammary epithelium through a stronger erk pathway activation (2017)
Cell cycle regulator p16/INK4A control in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural stem cells (2017)
Tumor suppressor p53 directs the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into cerebral organoids (2017)
Novel promising antitumor agents (1,10-phenantroline)2Cu(II) complexes induce cell death in ovarian cancer cells via UPR modulation (2017)
Centrosomal abnormalities and multipolar divisions in human embryonic stem cells (2017)
Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Hematopoietic Progenitors Are Unable to Downregulate Key Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition-Associated miRNAs (2018)
Disruption of contact inhibition induced by AhR ligands is linked with induction of survivin, but not with inhibition of apoptosis, in rat liver progenitor cell model. (2015)
Deregulation of AhR-dependent CYP1 expression under conditions modulating contact inhibition or cell density in liver cell models (2015)
Tau tubulin kinase 2 phosphorylations in cilia initiation (2017)
BCR signalling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells are prone to rituximab mediated elimination in vivo. (2017)
Differential expression of microRNAs in transformation of follicular lymphoma to diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2017)
Down-regulation of miR-150 and up-regulation of its target FOXP1 is associated with transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2017)
The role of microenvironment in the regulation of B-cell receptor signalling via modulation of GAB1 protein levels (2017)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulate the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
Histologická a histochemická analýza retrakční kapsy pars tensa ušního bubínku u dětí (2017)
Progress in human pluripotent stem cell-based modeling systems for neurological diseases (2017)
Nanovlákna v tkáňovém inženýrství (2017)
Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma by Mass Spectrometry of Peripheral Blood Plasma and Artificial Intelligence (2017)
Intact Cell Mass Spectrometry as a Quality Control Tool for Revealing Minute Phenotypic Changes of Cultured Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2018)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulates the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
Sub-chronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles revealed their broad distribution and tissue-specific subcellular localization in target organs (2017)
Reprogramming of Adult Peripheral Blood Cells into Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Safe and Accessible Source of Endothelial Cells. (2018)
The tyrosine Y250 2.39 in Frizzled 4 defines a conserved motif important for structural integrity of the receptor and recruitment of Disheveled. (2017)
Standardized hiPSCs culture – vitronectin coating for cGMP compliant protocol (2017)
Casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibition blocks CLL chemotaxis and delays leukemia onset in the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Hodnocení epikardiálního tuku ve vztahu k obezitě a pohlaví (2017)
X. Podlahovy chirurgické dny a XI. interaktivní kongres hojení ran (2017)
Soluble collagen dissolution and assembling in pressurized carbon dioxide water solutions (2018)
Cripto-1 Induces Multicentrosomal Mitoses in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2017)
The role of p53 in neural differentiation (2018)
Stem cell models of Alzheimer’s disease (2018)
microRNA molecules in cell fate specification (2018)
Egg maturity assessment for optimal timing of in vitro fertilization (2018)
Effect of synthetic surface modifications on behavior of pluripotent stem cells (2018)
Microfludic designs for 3D cell culture (2018)
Nanofibers and cellular elements for the development of in vitro models of lung (2018)
Regulation of mammary epithelial morphogenesis by FGF signalling in mammary fibroblasts (2018)
The role of microRNA molecules in cell plasticity induction (2018)
Cripto – 1 is associated with centrosomal amplifications in human embryonic stem cells (2018)
Preparation of nanostructured surfaces to influence hPSC behavior (2018)
3D bioprinting - spatial organization of stem cells (2018)
FGF2 hypersignalling as a tool to study mammary epithelial branched pattern formation (2018)
Histone MacroH2A1: A Chromatin Point of Intersection between Fasting, Senescence and Cellular Regeneration (2017)
Reprogramming of peripheral blood cells into hiPSCs as a source of endothelial cells (2018)
Mikroskopická anatomie (2018)
Přehled embryologie člověka (2018)
Intraoperative fat grafting into the pectoralis and latissimus dorsi muscles – Novel modification of autologous breast reconstruction with extended latissimus dorsi flap (2017)
Způsob přípravy nanovláken s reaktivními látkami elektrospinningem a zařízení k provádění tohoto způsobu a způsob přípravy tohoto roztoku/suspenze zvlákňovaného polymeru a zařízení k provádění tohoto způsobu (2017)
Cost-effective spinning disc microscopy – hands-on workshop (2016)
Workshop Live cell to model organisms: high speed imaging platform for all Veneu: Brno, Campus of Masaryk University (2016)
From Macro to Micro (2017)
Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy from Zeiss (2017)
Computer-assisted engineering of hyperstable fibroblast growth factor 2 (2018)
Survival of syngeneic and allogeneic iPSC–derived neural precursors after spinal grafting in minipigs (2018)
Impact of acute and subchronic inhalation exposure to PbO nanoparticles on mice (2018)
Soluble Cripto-1 Induces Accumulation of Supernumerary Centrosomes and Formation of Aberrant Mitoses in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2018)
Casein kinase 1 is a therapeutic target in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells with Growing and Branching Filopodia (2018)
Histologický atlas LF MU (2018)
Tubular Network Formation Process Using 3D Cellular Potts Model (2018)
Guide to General Histology and Microscopic Anatomy (2018)
Duchenne muscular dystrophy leads to compromised genomic stability in stem cells and depletion of cardiac progenitors in failing heart (2018)
Red/Black Phosphorus and Phosphorene as Matrices and Calibrants in MALDI TOF Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules (2018)
Low intrapatient variability of histomorphological findings in periprosthetic tissues from revised metal/ceramic on polyethylene joint arthroplasties. (2018)
Is speckle tracking strongly dependent on the experience level of the evaluator? (2018)
The accumulation of Liposomal Doxorubicin in tissues treated by radiofrequency ablation and irreversible electroporation in liver – in vivo experimental study on porcine models (2018)
Enhanced bioactivity of electrospun PCL and PLLA scaffolds blended with amino-phosphazene (2018)
Calcium signaling mediates five types of cell morphological changes to form neural rosettes (2018)
Association of Cardiovascular Health with Epicardial Adipose Tissue and Intima Media Thickness: The Kardiovize Study (2018)
Molecular characterization of plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamase- and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae among corvids (Corvus brachyrhynchos and Corvus corax) roosting in Canada (2018)
Presence of growth/differentiation factor-15 cytokine in human follicular fluid, granulosa cells, and oocytes (2018)
Preparation of Nanofibers by electrospinning process and the treatment by electrical plasma discharges (2018)
ADAR RNA editing in innate immune response phasing, in circadian clocks and in sleep (2019)
Diferenciální diagnostika a hodnocení mnohočetných plicních uzlů (nodularit) z pohledu radiologa a hrudního chirurga. Naše zkušenosti se značením plicních ložisek pod CT s následnou VTS klínovitou resekcí. (dvojpřednáška – spolupráce intervenčního radiologa a hrudního chirurga). (2018)
Generation of human iPSCs from human prostate cancer-associated fibroblasts IBPi002-A (2018)
NPWT, kdy jak a proč (2018)
Předcházení dekubitům je lepší než řešení jejich důsledků (2018)
Inactivation of PLK4-STIL Module Prevents Self-Renewal and Triggers p53-Dependent Differentiation in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (2018)
Hematological Findings in Non-Treated and gamma-Irradiated Mice Deficient for MIC-1/GDF15 (2018)
Pressure injuries prevention is better than solving of their complications (2018)
Wound healing effects after application of polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat (2018)
Alleviation of endoplasmic reticulum stress by tauroursodeoxycholic acid delays senescence of mouse ovarian surface epithelium (2018)
European Network of Breast Development and Cancer turned 10 years: a growing family of mammary gland researchers (2018)
Analysis of Cep164 interactome identifies KIF14 as novel regulator of ciliogenesis (2018)
Investigation of Detergent-Modified Enzymomimetic Activities of TEMED-Templated Nanoceria Towards Fluorescent Detection of Their Cellular Uptake (2018)
Cryopreserved Cells Regeneration Monitored by Atomic Force Microscopy and Correlated With State of Cytoskeleton and Nuclear Membrane (2018)
Venom gland size and venom complexity-essential trophic adaptations of venomous predators: A case study using spiders (2018)
Venom of prey-specialized spiders is more toxic to their preferred prey: A result of prey-specific toxins (2018)
Elektronově mikroskopický atlas tkání a orgánů (2019)
The PTH/PTHrP-SIK3 pathway affects skeletogenesis through altered mTOR signaling (2018)
The role of RNA Polymerase II contiguity and long-range interactions in the regulation of gene expression in human pluripotent stem cells. (2019)
Význam bioimpedančnej pulzovej krivky u diabetikov (2018)
MicroRNA miR-34a downregulates FOXP1 during DNA damage response to limit BCR signalling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia B cells (2019)
3D bioprinting and micropatterning as a tool for stem cells organization (2018)
3D bioprinting of stem cells and their microenvironment (2018)
Expansion and response of human pluripotent stem cells in synthetic cell culture environment (2018)
Neuroendokrinní karcinom jako vzácná příčina jejuno-ileální intususcepce (2018)
Dietary antioxidant intake decreases carotid intima media thickness in women but not in men: A cross-sectional assessment in the Kardiovize study (2019)
Přehled embryologie člověka (2019)
The role of microRNA in cell cycle regulation and differentiation of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells (2018)
The role of p53 in neural differentiation (2018)
p53 is involved in neural differentiation of pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebral organoids (2018)
Tumor suppressor p53 directs the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into cerebral organoids (2018)
p16/INK4A and cell cycle regulation in human embryonic and neural stem cell (2018)
p16/INK4A and cell cycle regulation in human embryonic and neural stem cells (2018)
Expression and Regulations of p16/INK4A in Human Embryonic and Neural Stem Cells (2018)
Laser ablation synthesis of carbon-phosphides from graphene/nanodiamond-phosphorus composite precursors: Laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2019)
Senolytic Cocktail Dasatinib+Quercetin (D+Q) Does Not Enhance the Efficacy of Senescence-Inducing Chemotherapy in Liver Cancer (2018)
Dystrophin Deficiency Leads to Genomic Instability in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells via NO Synthase-Induced Oxidative Stress (2019)
Vysokoenergetické dopravní úrazy v chirurgii (2018)
Moderní principy rekonstrukce nosu (2018)
Možnosti řešení inkontinence stolice - srovnání výsledků (2018)
Transabdominální a transperineální výkony při řešení dysfunkce pánevního dna (2018)
Peroperační laserové měření perfuse tkání - naše první zkušenosti (2018)
Transabdominální a transperineální výkony při řešení dysfunkce pánevního dna (2018)
Peroperační laserové měření perfuse tkání - naše první zkušenosti (2018)
Předcházení dekubitům je lepší než řešení jejich důsledků (2018)
Možnosti řešení inkontinence stolice - srovnání výsledků (2018)
Neovascularization after ischemic conditioning of the stomach and the influence of follow-up neoadjuvant chemotherapy thereon (2018)
Vysokoenergetické dopravní úrazy v chirurgii (2018)
Co s hemoroidy, jak dál při nálezu (2018)
Synthesizing phosphazene derivates as additives to polymer nanofibres (2014)
Torakoskopické (VATS) lobektomie - indikace, postupy a naše zkušenosti (2018)
High c-Myb Expression Associates with Good Prognosis in Colorectal Carcinoma (2019)
Study of lectins from opportunistic pathogens and their interaction with normal human cells. (2019)
Dishevelled enables casein kinase 1-mediated phosphorylation of Frizzled 6 required for cell membrane localization (2018)
Independent Effects of Hypertension and Obesity on Left Ventricular Mass and Geometry: Evidence from the Cardiovision 2030 Study (2019)
Activation of innate immunity by mitochondrial dsRNA in mouse cells lacking p53 protein (2019)
Holographic and Tomographic Label Free Microscopy Workshop (2018)
From Cell Counting to Tissue Imaging: Tools and Tech by Logos Biosystems (2018)
Celldiscover 7: Your Automated Platform for Live Cell Imaging (2018)
Komplexní chirurgická léčba obrny lícního nervu po onkologických resekcích (2019)
Diagnostika a léčba spontánního pneumothoraxu (2019)
Empyém hrudníku - spolupráce chirurga a radiologa (2019)
Dishevelled-3 conformation dynamics analyzed by FRET-based biosensors reveals a key role of casein kinase 1 (2019)
Fibroblast growth factor receptor influences primary cilium length through an interaction with intestinal cell kinase (2019)
The Accumulation and Effects of Liposomal Doxorubicin in Tissues Treated by Radiofrequency Ablation and Irreversible Electroporation in Liver: In Vivo Experimental Study on Porcine Models (2019)
Open abdomen - challenge for surgeon (2019)
Pressure injuries prevention is better than solving of their complication (2019)
NPWT: use, but not abuse.. (2019)
TEM ExosomeAnalyzer: a computer-assisted software tool for quantitative evaluation of extracellular vesicles in transmission electron microscopy images (2019)
Modification of alginate-based bioinks for 3D printing and stem cell cultivation (2019)
Microfluidic chip as a tool for uniform spheroid generation (2019)
Cell segmentation methods for label-free contrast microscopy: review and comprehensive comparison (2019)
Macro Histone Variants: Emerging Rheostats of Gastrointestinal Cancers (2019)
Detergent-modified catalytic and enzymomimetic activity of silver and palladium nanoparticles biotemplated by Pyrococcus furiosus ferritin (2019)
Cylindrospermopsin induces cellular stress and activation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways in adult human liver stem cells (2019)
Rapid discrimination of multiple myeloma patients by artificial neural networks coupled with mass spectrometry of peripheral blood plasma (2019)
A scalable solution for isolating human multipotent clinical-grade neural stem cells from ES precursors (2019)
Options for modeling the respiratory system: inserts, scaffolds and microfluidic chips (2019)
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Acquire Responsiveness to TRAIL upon Exposure to Cisplatin (2019)
Mixed copper(ii)-phenanthroline complexes induce cell death of ovarian cancer cells by evoking the unfolded protein response (2019)
Egg maturity assessment prior to ICSI prevents premature fertilization of late-maturing oocytes (2019)
Need for novel detection targets in tuberculosis diagnostics of historical specimens - bioinformatic analysis (2019)
Microbial Contamination of Ancient Human Dental Calculus Studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Metagenomic Approach (2019)
Differentiation of neural rosettes from human pluripotent stem cells in vitro is sequentially regulated on a molecular level and accomplished by the mechanism reminiscent of secondary neurulation (2019)
Distinct regulatory mechanisms of tumor supressor protein p16/INK4A in self-renewing human pluripotent and neural stem cells (2019)
The Eleventh ENBDC Workshop: Advances in Technology Help to Unveil Mechanisms of Mammary Gland Development and Cancerogenesis (2019)
Venous free flaps in digital and hand soft tissue defects reconstruction (2019)
A metabolic switch in proteasome inhibitor-resistant multiple myeloma ensures higher mitochondrial metabolism, protein folding and sphingomyelin synthesis (2019)
Mass spectrometric discrimination of phospholipid patterns in cisplatin-resistant and -sensitive cancer cells (2019)
Study of domestication via human dental calculus in the Early Middle Ages (2019)
The Effect of Uncoated SPIONs on hiPSC-Differentiated Endothelial Cells (2019)
Looking at the health of past populations through the lens of human dental calculus (2019)
Virtuální chirurgie – naše zkušenosti - Simulace (2019)
XI. Podlahovy chirurgické dny a XII. Interaktivní kongres hojení ran (2019)
NPWt v čislech (2019)
Sutura v chirurgických oborech (2019)
NPWT v čase (2019)
Vliv různého poměru n-3 a n-6 PUFA na hojení rány v experimentu (2019)
HMGB2 is a negative regulator of telomerase activity in human embryonic stem and progenitor cells (2019)
Oct4-mediated reprogramming induces embryonic-like microRNA expression signatures in human fibroblasts (2019)
Key factors for the development of pressure ulcers in surgical practice (2019)
Labio-lingual asymmetry of cervical loop underlays acrodont tooth development (2019)
Výsledky analýzy nemocných léčených NPWT (2019)
Faktory ovlivňujúci výskyt dekubitu na chirurgickém pracovišti (2019)
Novel CHK1 inhibitor MU380 exhibits significant single-agent activity in TP53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2019)
Podtlaková terapie v prevenci pooperačních komplikací (2019)
Laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry of erbium-doped Ga-Ge-Sb-S glasses (2014)
Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in a hydrogel system based on an enzymatically crosslinked tyramine derivative of hyaluronan (2014)
KIF14 controls ciliogenesis (2019)
KIF14 is involved in ciliogenesis via regulation of Aurora A (2019)
Proximity interactome of CEP164 revealed KIF14 as novel ciliogenesis regulator (2018)
Clinical grade human embryonic stem cells: derivation and characterization (2019)
Novel synergistic culturing approach for efficient and robust differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into endothelial progenitors. (2019)
Different Modes of Action of Genetic and Chemical Downregulation of Histone Deacetylases with Respect to Plant Development and Histone Modifications (2019)
Chondrocyte Cultivationi in Hyaluronan-Tyramine Cross-Linked Hydrogel (2015)
Ligase 3-mediated end-joining maintains genome stability of human embryonic stem cells (2019)
Freshwater Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin Has Detrimental Stage-specific Effects on Hepatic Differentiation From Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
Another case of coincidental Giardia infection and pancreatic cancer (2019)
Pathologies of Oral Patterning - Odontogenic Tumors and Cysts (2019)
Effect of human adipose-derived regenerative cells on temporomandibular joint healing in immunodeficient rabbits (2019)
Obesity-induced nucleosome release predicts poor cardio-metabolic health (2019)
Deficiency and haploinsufficiency of histone macroH2A1.1 in mice recapitulate hematopoietic defects of human myelodysplastic syndrome (2019)
Generation and characterization of DSPP-Cerulean/DMP1-Cherry reporter mice (2019)
Okamžitá rekonstrukce prsu technique fat grafting (2019)
Plicní resekce za použítí extrakorporální membránové oxygenace u pacientky po předchozí pneumonektomii (2019)
Specification of Sprouty2 functions in osteogenesis in in vivo context (2019)
Human retinal organoids as a tool for investigation of circadian rhythms. (2019)
Biphasic calcium phosphate scaffolds with controlled pore size distribution prepared by in-situ foaming (2019)
Synthetic cell culture environment for propagation and differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (2019)
3D bioprinting of stem cells for creating tissue models (2019)
Nanopatterning Glass Surface For Localization Of Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
Microfluidic chip as a tool for uniform generation of spheroids (2019)
3D-bioprinting and cell culture with modified alginate bioinks (2019)
Interaction of black phosphorus (phosphorene) with small molecules and peptides in MALDI TOF MS (2019)
How dietary patterns affect left ventricular structure, function and remodelling: evidence from the Kardiovize Brno 2030 study (2019)
Follicle-stimulating hormone administration affects amino acid metabolism in mammalian oocytes (2019)
Human Egg Maturity Assessment and Its Clinical Application (2019)
Blind deconvolution estimation of an arterial input function for small animal DCE-MRI (2019)
FGF signaling in mammary gland fibroblasts regulates multiple fibroblast functions and mammary epithelial morphogenesis (2019)
The frequency and consequences of multipolar mitoses in undifferentiated embryonic stem cells (2019)
Generation of human iPSCs from fetal prostate fibroblasts HPrF (2019)
Comparative phosphorylation map of Dishevelled 3 links phospho-signatures to biological outputs (2019)
Virtuální chirurgie aneb "poučení z chyb v bezpečném prostředí" (2019)
Zlomeniny distálního radia - 10 leté zhodnocení (2019)
Možnosti řešení inkontinence stolice – srovnání výsledků(dysfunkce pánevního dna) (2019)
Staplerové operace při řešení hemoroidální nemoci (2019)
Chirurgické řešení prolapsu rekta (2019)
Možnosti léčby prolapsu anu a rekta (2019)
ERAS (2019)
Transabdominální či transperineální výkony při řešení dysfunkce pánevního dna? (2019)
Naše zkušenosti s transanálními výkony v therapii syndromu obstruktívní defekace (staplerové operace při řešení hemoroidální nemoci) (2019)
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Protein Stability Provides Decreased Dependence on Heparin for Induction of FGFR Signaling and Alters ERK Signaling Dynamics (2019)
Transgenic minipig model of Huntington's disease exhibiting gradually progressing neurodegeneration (2020)
Přehled embryologie člověka (2020)
Morphogenesis of Olfactory Organ of Bushymouth Catfish Ancistrus dolichopterus (Teleostei: Loricariidae) Before Switching to Exogenous Feeding (2020)
Phosphorylation of multiple proteins involved in ciliogenesis by Tau Tubulin Kinase 2 (2020)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Endocrine Disruption: Role of Testicular Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication and Connexins (2019)
Bi-allelic ADARB1 Variants Associated with Microcephaly, Intellectual Disability, and Seizures (2020)
ProTAME Arrest in Mammalian Oocytes and Embryos Does Not Require Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Activity (2019)
The effects of nano-sized PbO on biomarkers of membrane disruption and DNA damage in a sub-chronic inhalation study on mice (2020)
Clinical-Grade Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for Cell Therapy: Characterization Strategy (2020)
Bone Pedicle Development and its Association to the Tooth Germ in Acrodont Chameleons (2019)
Is the Enamel Knot Present in Reptiles? (2019)
The depletion of p38alpha kinase upregulates NADPH oxidase 2/NOX2/gp91 expression and the production of superoxide in mouse embryonic stem cells (2019)
Hypoxia/Hif1 Alpha prevents premature neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells through the activation of Hes1 (2020)
Virus-free production of CAR T-cells for the treatment of solid tumors (2020)
Cytologický a embryologický atlas (2020)
KIF14 controls ciliogenesis via regulation of Aurora A and is important for Hedgehog signaling (2020)
A role of the Nse4 kleisin and Nse1/Nse3 KITE subunits in the ATPase cycle of SMC5/6 (2020)
Osteogenic impact of pro-apoptotic caspase inhibitors in MC3T3-E1 cells (2020)
Perfect date-the review of current research into molecular bases of mammalian fertilization (2020)
Endothelial Progenitor Cells Produced From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells by a Synergistic Combination of Cytokines, Small Compounds, and Serum-Free Medium (2020)
Loss of macroH2A1 decreases mitochondrial metabolism and reduces the aggressiveness of uveal melanoma cells (2020)
Diagnostický algoritmus a chirurgické možnosti terapie presakrálních rezistencí (2019)
Cystický hamartom v presakrální oblasti (2019)
Komplikace po ventral mesh rectopexy (2019)
Uskřinutí střeva jako komplikace laparoskopie - kazuistika (2019)
Dual Targeting of BRAF and mTOR Signaling in Melanoma Cells with Pyridinyl Imidazole Compounds (2020)
Primary Mammary Organoid Model of Lactation and Involution (2020)
Biallelic variants in ADARB1, encoding a dsRNA-specific adenosine deaminase, cause a severe developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (2021)
Loss of histone macroH2A1 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells promotes paracrine-mediated chemoresistance and CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells activation (2020)
Redox and Epigenetics in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Differentiation (2021)
Dishevelled at the Crossroads of Pathways (2014)
Monitoring of embryonic stem cell differentiation trajectories by intact cell mass spectrometry (2020)
Geranylated flavanone tomentodiplacone B inhibits proliferation of human monocytic leukaemia (THP-1) cells (2011)
3D Cell Culture Models Demonstrate a Role for FGF and WNT Signaling in Regulation of Lung Epithelial Cell Fate and Morphogenesis (2020)
Senescence-like phenotype in post-mitotic cells of mice entering middle age (2020)
Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Are Able to Use bFGF Treatment and Represent a Superb Tool for Immunosuppressive Clinical Applications (2020)
miR-183/96/182 cluster is an important morphogenetic factor targetingPAX6expression in differentiating human retinal organoids (2020)
Editorial: Perspectives in Mammary Gland Development and Breast Cancer Research (2020)
The CHK1 inhibitor MU380 significantly increases the sensitivity of human docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cells to gemcitabine through the induction of mitotic catastrophe (2020)
Dental cell type atlas reveals stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth (2020)
Intact cell mass spectrometry for revealing single gene changes in mammalian cells. Biostatistics and artificial intelligence data evaluation (2020)
Hledání skrytých změn fenotypu - embryonální kmenové buňky na cestě k bezpečné aplikaci (2020)
CDK9 activity is critical for maintaining MDM4 overexpression in tumor cells (2020)
The first copper(II) complex with 1,10-phenanthroline and salubrinal with interesting biochemical properties. (2020)
Mutations in GRK2 cause Jeune syndrome by impairing Hedgehog and canonical Wnt signaling (2020)
Development of a 3D bone model for biomedical research (2020)
Variability in the Clearance of Lead Oxide Nanoparticles Is Associated with Alteration of Specific Membrane Transporters (2020)
NANOG/NANOGP8 Localizes at the Centrosome and is Spatiotemporally Associated with Centriole Maturation (2020)
A Clearance Period after Soluble Lead Nanoparticle Inhalation Did Not Ameliorate the Negative Effects on Target Tissues Due to Decreased Immune Response (2020)
A play on cilia beating (2020)
Polarized Sonic Hedgehog Protein Localization and a Shift in the Expression of Region-Specific Molecules Is Associated With the Secondary Palate Development in the Veiled Chameleon (2020)
Developmental mechanisms driving complex tooth shape in reptiles (2020)
AC Pulsed Field Ablation Is Feasible and Safe in Atrial and Ventricular Settings: A Proof-of-Concept Chronic Animal Study (2020)
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals rapidly affect intercellular signaling in Leydig cells (2020)
Structure-Dependent Effects of Phthalates on Intercellular and Intracellular Communication in Liver Oval Cells (2020)
miR-29 Modulates CD40 Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by Targeting TRAF4: an Axis Affected by BCR inhibitors (2021)
Conducting composite films based on chitosan or sodium hyaluronate. Properties and cytocompatibility with human induced pluripotent stem cells (2021)
A Lipidomic Signature Complements Stemness Features Acquisition in Liver Cancer Cells (2020)
Coordinated labio-lingual asymmetries in dental and bone development create a symmetrical acrodont dentition (2020)
Intact Cell Mass Spectrometry for Embryonic Stem Cell Biotyping (2021)
Mammary Organoids and 3D Cell Cultures: Old Dogs with New Tricks (2020)
Activity of Smurf2 Ubiquitin Ligase Is Regulated by the Wnt Pathway Protein Dishevelled (2020)
TGF-beta regulates Sca-1 expression and plasticity of pre-neoplastic mammary epithelial stem cells (2020)
Slug-expressing mouse prostate epithelial cells have increased stem cell potential (2020)
Novel Thiosemicarbazones Sensitize Pediatric Solid Tumor Cell-Types to Conventional Chemotherapeutics through Multiple Molecular Mechanisms (2020)
Cytoplasmic maturation in human oocytes: an ultrastructural study (2021)
Výběr a příprava embryí pro vznik lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk určených k humánní terapii. (2020)
Benchmarking of additive manufacturing technologies for commerciallypure-titanium bone-tissue-engineering scaffolds: processing-microstructureproperty relationship (2020)
Vědecká příprava pro Zubní lékařství (2020)
Myeloperoxidase mediated alteration of endothelial function is dependent on its cationic charge (2021)
Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Activity of 3'-Deoxy-3'Fluoroadenosine against Emerging Flaviviruses (2021)
Regulation of the cell cycle in early mammalian embryos and its clinical implications (2019)
Cyclin A1 in Oocytes Prevents Chromosome Segregation And Anaphase Entry (2020)
Aneuploidy during the onset of mouse embryo development (2020)
Monitoring of embryonic stem cell differentiation trajectories by intact cell mass spectrometry. (2020)
Microfluidic device – little helper for big science (2020)
New way of looking for cellular interactions study: Nanostructures (2020)
Live birth achieved despite the absence of ejaculated spermatozoa and mature oocytes retrieved: a case report (2021)
Research Activities in Dentistry (2021)
Epstein-Barr virus may contribute to the pathogenesis of adult-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: A preliminary study (2020)
Reawakening of Ancestral Dental Potential as a Mechanism to Explain Dental Pathologies (2020)
YAP-TEAD1 control of cytoskeleton dynamics and intracellular tension guides human pluripotent stem cell mesoderm specification (2021)
Black phosphorus enriched matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) matrices for increased sensitivity of mass spectrometric detection of biomolecules: Spectrophotometric, fluorimetric, and mass spectrometric study (2021)
Creating lung tissue structures by 3D bioprinting of human progenitor cells (2020)
Leveling up 3D bioprinting of stem cells with modified alginates (2021)
Aspekty výběru embryí a jejich příprava pro vznik lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk určených k humánní terapii (2021)
Surface modification of nanoparticles for sustaining sensitivity of surface-enhanced raman spectrometric measurements in salinated environment (2020)
Pathogenesis of Retraction Pocket of the Tympanic Membrane - A Narrative Review (2021)
DUCT reveals architectural mechanisms contributing to bile duct recovery in a mouse model for Alagille syndrome (2021)
Primary Cilia Formation Does Not Rely on WNT/β-Catenin Signaling (2021)
Unraveling the Breast: Advances in Mammary Biology and Cancer Methods (2020)
CAR T-Cell Production Using Nonviral Approaches (2021)
Nanovlákna, hydrogely a decelularizované nosiče v tkáňovém inženýrství kůže (2020)
3D Bioprinted Cardiac Tissues and Devices for Tissue Maturation (2022)
Generation of lung organoids in co-culture with endothelial cells (2021)
ADAR RNA Modifications, the Epitranscriptome and Innate Immunity (2021)
Timing of spermatogonial stem cell transplantation affects the spermatogenic recovery outcome in mice (2021)
Both Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 and MAPK Signaling Pathway Attenuate PI3K/AKT via Suppression of Reactive Oxygen Species in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (2021)
Direct and Indirect Biomimetic Peptide Modification of Alginate: Efficiency, Side Reactions, and Cell Response (2021)
Cryopreserved buffy-coat-derived platelets reconstituted in platelet additive solution: A safe and available product with sufficient haemostatic effectiveness (2021)
Fibroblasts: The grey eminence of mammary gland development (2021)
A Robust Mammary Organoid System to Model Lactation and Involution-like Processes (2021)
Connecting the Dots: Mammary Gland and Breast Cancer at Single Cell Resolution (2021)
Guide to General Histology and Microscopic Anatomy (2020)
A single-cell analytical approach to quantify activated caspase-3/7 during osteoblast proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis (2021)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum: morphofunctional adaptations of diplozoid monogeneans for confronting their host (2021)
T-Cell Activation: Post-Infection Diagnostic Tool for COVID-19 (2021)
Oxygen Is an Ambivalent Factor for the Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in Cardiac 2D Monolayer and 3D Cardiac Spheroids (2021)
The use of a battery of examination methods for detection of cervical metastases in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (2021)
Dose escalation in advanced floor of the mouth cancer: a pilot study using a combination of IMRT and stereotactic boost (2021)
Diagnosis of Laryngeal Pemphigus Vulgaris Can Be Facilitated Using Advanced Endoscopic Methods (2021)
Bioarteficiální 3D štěp pro meziobratlovou fúzi páteře (2021)
MUES 6 - Linie lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2021)
Anatomie, histologie a fyziologie pankreatu (2021)
3D Bioprinting of Engineered Tissue Flaps with Hierarchical Vessel Networks (VesselNet) for Direct Host-To-Implant Perfusion (2021)
Klinická pankreatologie (2021)
Derivation and characterization of clinical-grade human embryonic stem cells (2021)
Loss of Sprouty Produces a Ciliopathic Skeletal Phenotype in Mice Through Upregulation of Hedgehog Signaling (2021)
Xeno- and feeder-free derivation of two sex-discordant sibling lines of human embryonic stem cells (2021)
Generation of six human iPSC lines from patients with a familial Alzheimer's disease (n=3) and sex- and age-matched healthy controls (n=3) (2021)
Advantages of nanofibrous membranes for culturing of primary RPE cells compared to commercial scaffolds (2022)
Evolution and Self-renewal of the Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia (2021)
Derivace lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk za definovaných podmínek (2021)
RNF43 inhibits WNT5A-driven signaling and suppresses melanoma invasion and resistance to the targeted therapy (2021)
High-Resolution 3D Reconstruction of Human Oocytes Using Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (2021)
Generation of three human iPSC lines from patients with a spontaneous late-onset Alzheimer's disease and three sex- and age-matched healthy controls (2021)
Exploring clonal evolution and causes of therapy failure in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Exploring clonal evolution and genetic causes of therapy failure in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Fosforylace proteinu p53: vliv na aktivitu dráhy p53 po poškození DNA u chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2021)
Klonální evoluce CLL podmíněná léčbou: analýza pomocí celoexomového sekvenování. (2021)
IL4-STAT6 signaling induces CD20 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and this axis is repressed by PI3K delta inhibitor idelalisib (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 axis regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
Soluble protein Cripto-1 promotes aberrant cell divisions in human embryonic cells (2020)
Molecular mechanisms underlying the role of the centriolar CEP164-TTBK2 complex in ciliopathies (2022)
Trimethylacetic Anhydride-Based Derivatization Facilitates Quantification of Histone Marks at the MS1 Level (2021)
Role of oxygen exposure on the differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells in 2D and 3D cardiac organoids (2021)
Derivation and Molecular Characterization of a Morphological Subpopulation of Human iPSC Astrocytes Reveal a Potential Role in Schizophrenia and Clozapine Response (2022)
cGMP-compliant production of human induced pluripotent stem cells (2021)
Combined Methylglyoxal Scavenger and Collagen Hydrogel Therapy Prevents Adverse Remodeling and Improves Cardiac Function Post-Myocardial Infarction (2022)
Building new cardiac vasculature and myocardium: where are we at? (2021)
Tvorba plicních organoidů a kokultivace s endotelovými buňkami (2021)
Increasing complexity of lung organoids as tissue models (2021)
Microfluidic system for easy and uniform generation of 3D cerebral organoids (2021)
Phosphorylation patterns of tumor suppressor P53 and their impact on the P53 pathway activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Detailed analysis of treatment-related clonal evolution in CLL through the identification of abnormal molecular pathways. (2021)
Ibrutinib Blocks CD40 Signalling in CLL in Vivo by Reducing TRAF4 Levels. (2021)
miR-29 influences CD40 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): and axis affected by BCR inhibitors. (2021)
The biology of miRNAs in B cell malignancies and their use as biomarkers. (2021)
Data mining of publicly available scRNA-seq datasets: application of machine learning to interrogate normal cellular counterparts of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Automation of experimental data processing (2021)
The Development of Dentin Microstructure Is Controlled by the Type of Adjacent Epithelium (2022)
Rapid Isolation of Single Cells from Mouse and Human Teeth (2021)
Targeted mass spectrometry for monitoring of neural differentiation (2021)
The Effects of Bilirubin and Lumirubin on the Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Cell-Derived Neural Stem Cells (2021)
Dystrophin Deficiency Causes Progressive Depletion of Cardiovascular Progenitor Cells in the Heart (2021)
Název: The role of microRNA and protein-coding genes in the biology of neural stem cells. (2021)
Glioblastom a cerebrální organoidy: zavedení a analýza in vitro modelu. (2021)
Human iPSC-Derived Neural Models for Studying Alzheimer’s Disease: from Neural Stem Cells to Cerebral Organoids (2022)
Self-renewal in induced pluripotent stem cells (2021)
The comprehensive interactomes of human adenosine RNA methyltransferases and demethylases reveal distinct functional and regulatory features (2021)
Copper(II) Phenanthroline-Based Complexes as Potential AntiCancer Drugs: A Walkthrough on the Mechanisms of Action (2022)
Super-resolution microscopy of chromatin fibers and quantitative DNA methylation analysis of DNA fiber preparations (2021)
Volumetric imaging provides insight into the 3D ultrastructural organization of maturing human oocytes (2021)
Matrix enrichment by black phosphorus improves ionization and reproducibility of mass spectrometry of intact cells, peptides, and amino acids (2022)
Cytomegalovirus and other herpesviruses after hematopoietic cell and solid organ transplantation: From antiviral drugs to virus-specific T cells (2022)
Characterization of Clinical-Grade Stem Cells: Microscopic, Cellular, Molecular, and Functional Characterization of Stem Cells and Their Products According to Regulatory Requirements for FDA Approval (2022)
Unique stem cell subpopulation which ensures mesenchymal regeneration of continuously growing teeth contributes to various tissue organogenesis (2021)
Loss of Sprouty produces a ciliopathic skeletal phenotype in mice through elongation of primary cilia and upregulation of Hedgehog signaling (2021)
The Role of Ciliophaty Protein Tmem107 in the Vertebrate Eye Development (2021)
PORCN inhibition stimulates hypertrophic cartilage through IHH activation (2021)
Cytoskeletal changes and reparative processes in brain exposed to metal nanoparticles (2021)
The Role of Ciliophaty Protein Tmem107 in the Vertebrate Eye Development (2021)
Fate of mesenchymal LGR5-positive cells during craniofacial development (2021)
Ztráta Sprouty2/4 u myší vede k ciliopatickému fenotypu (2021)
Buněčné populace na rozhraní zubní a kostní tkáně a jejich role při dynamickém formování akrodontní ankylózy (2021)
Role proteinu Wnt1 ve formování choroidního plexu (2021)
Klastry nanozlata jako nosiče antialzheimerika Huperzinu A, Aum(Hup A)n (2021)
Inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles leads to degenerative changes in mouse brains (2021)
Towards vascularized organoids with and without 3D bioprinting (2022)
LuminoCell: a versatile and affordable platform for real-time monitoring of luciferase-based reporters (2022)
Establishment of human embryonic stem cells for stem-cell therapies (2022)
Historie a vědecké dědictví brněnské embryologie: od prof. Floriana k embryonálním kmenovým buňkám (2021)
Osobnost a dílo prof. MUDr. Františka Karla Studničky (2021)
Bioanalytical quality control in stem cell cultures (2022)
Combined efficacy of Cinnamomum zeylanicum and doxorubicin against leukemia through regulation of TRAIL and NF-kappa B pathways in rat model. (2022)
Fatty Acid Supplementation Affects Skin Wound Healing in a Rat Model (2022)
Recombinant Human Collagen Hydrogel Rapidly Reduces Methylglyoxal Adducts within Cardiomyocytes and Improves Borderzone Contractility after Myocardial Infarction in Mice (2022)
Expandable Lung Epithelium Differentiated from Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2022)
TACSTD2 upregulation is an early reaction to lung infection (2022)
Telomere length in human pluripotent stem cells (2022)
Mapping lineage-traced epithelial stem cells in the process of amelogenesis (2022)
Deciphering enamel decussation patterns by mapping of lineage-traced epithelial stem cells (2021)
The first cleavage plane in human embryos is dictated by the topology of pronuclei, not by the polar body position (2022)
Histiocytic Sarcoma with an Unusual Clinical Manifestation Imitating Malignant Vascular Tumor: A Case Report (2022)
Unique expression patterns of the embryonal stem cell marker SOX2 and hormone receptors suggest the existence of a subpopulation of epithelial stem/progenitor cells in porcine and bovine endometrium (2022)
Accidental finding of intracardiac tumor in a patient with dextrocardia after hysterectoma for leiomysarcoma (2021)
Single institutional morphological study of HNSCC focused on perinerual invasion (2021)
Perineural invasion of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck - ten years of experience (2020)
Desmoplastic small round cell tumour of paratesticular region (2020)
Case report: aggressive malignant tumour from small blue cells - when electron microscopy helps (2018)
Dentin structure is determined by presence or absence of enamel (2020)
The development of dentin microstructure is controlled by the type of adjacent epithelium (2021)
Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells using odontoblasts-specific transcription factors (2021)
Vývoj mikrostruktury dentinu je kontrolován typem přiléhajícího epitelu (2021)
Macrophage-mediated tissue response evoked by subchronic inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles is associated with the alteration of phospholipases C and cholesterol transporters (2022)
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals affect Sertoli TM4 cell functionality through dysregulation of gap junctional intercellular communication in vitro (2022)
Clozapine Reverses Dysfunction of Glutamatergic Neurons Derived From Clozapine-Responsive Schizophrenia Patients (2022)
Electrochemical DNA biosensor coupled to LAMP reaction for early diagnostics of cervical precancerous lesions (2022)
Macroporous bioceramic scaffolds based on tricalcium phosphates reinforced with silica: microstructural, mechanical, and biological evaluation (2022)
Segmentation and Tracking of Mammary Epithelial Organoids in Brightfield Microscopy (2023)
Modelling of a rare mutation in the GALNT3 gene found in patient with teeth and bone defects using genetically engineered mice (2022)
Alginate hydrogels for in vitro tissue models (2022)
CDK11 regulates pre-mRNA splicing by phosphorylation ofSF3B1 (2022)
The Manufacture of Xeno- and Feeder-Free Clinical-Grade Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines: First Step for Cell Therapy (2022)
Inherited arrhythmias: from gene variants to ionic channel dysfunctions (2022)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation as an inherited channelopathy? (2022)
Změny v elektrické aktivitě varianty Y4734C-RYR2 asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor. (2022)
Action potential characteristics in derived cardiomyocytes of a patient carrying RYR2 variant (2022)
Translational research in the field of inherited arrhythmias (2022)
Geometric Control of Cell Behavior by Biomolecule Nanodistribution (2022)
Epigenetic Regulations of Perineural Invasion in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2022)
Alteration of primary cilia morphology and associated signalling in ameloblastoma (2022)
"Molecular" resection margins in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity - report of the first results of the multidisciplinary view (2022)
Rare localizations of metastatic lobular carcinoma - twenty years of experience of two institutions (2022)
Rare localisations of metastatic renal clear cell carcinoma - twenty years of experience of two institutions (2022)
Versatile coculture systém to study chronic lymhocytic leukemia proliferation. (2022)
Identification of molecular heterogeneity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by multivariate profiling of unfolded protein response (2022)
100leté výročí Česko-slovenské biologické společnosti, z. s. v Brně (2022)
Adaptace buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie na cílenou léčbu BCR inhibitory. (2022)
RGDT alginate allows bioprinting and 3D culture of various cell types (2022)
Od regenerace dermis k regeneraci kůže (2022)
Modelling chronic lymphocytic leukaemia microenvironment. (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in the activation of circumjacent pathways upon DNA damage (2023)
Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Stimulate the Immune Response and Decrease Antioxidant Defense in Mice After Six-Week Inhalation (2022)
MUNI-BLAST: In vitro system for embryotoxicity testing (2022)
Pathological SORLA protein variant in Alzheimer's disease development (2022)
Schwann cell precursors represent a neural crest-like state with biased multipotency (2022)
Dental Stem Cells: Developmental Aspects (2022)
Dental cell type atlas reveals new stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth (2019)
Kolaterálna cirkulácia zlepšuje rekanalizáciu pôsobením alteplázy: in vitro štúdia (2022)
Histone Variant macroH2A1.1 Enhances Nonhomologous End Joining-dependent DNA Double-strand-break Repair and Reprogramming Efficiency of Human iPSCs (2022)
Engineering of capillary networks in soft hydrogels utilized for 3D bioprinting (2022)
HUVECs and DPSCs in Matrigel as a 3D model for in vitro vascular research (2022)
Cerebral organoids in disease modeling. (2022)
Microfluidic systems for easy and uniform generation of cerebral organoids (2022)
Microfluidic systems for easy and uniform generation of cerebral organoids (2022)
Thirteenth Annual ENBDC Workshop: Methods in Mammary Gland Biology and Breast Cancer (2022)
ADAR2 enzymes: efficient site-specific RNA editors with gene therapy aspirations (2022)
Artificial Neural Networks Coupled with MALDI-TOF MS Serum Fingerprinting To Classify and Diagnose Pathological Pain Subtypes in Preclinical Models (2023)
A protocol for generation and live-cell imaging analysis of primary cilia reporter cell lines (2022)
MAIA; Fc receptor-like 3; supersedes JUNO as IZUMO1 receptor during human fertilization (2022)
Quantitative Acetylomics Uncover Acetylation-Mediated Pathway Changes Following Histone Deacetylase Inhibition in Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (2022)
Dentin Structure Is Determined by Presence or Absence of Enamel (2020)
Unique stem cell subpopulation ensures mesenchymal regeneration of continuously growing teeth (2021)
Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells using odontoblasts-specific transcription factors. (2022)
Workshop: Single cell transcriptomics (2022)
The development of dentin microstructure is controlled by the type of adjacent epithelium (2022)
Tracing the migration of epithelial stem cells to uncover enamel decussation patterns (2022)
Development of dentin microstructure is controlled by the type of adjacent epithelium (2022)
Development of dentin microstructure is controlled by the type of adjacent epithelium (2022)
Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells using odontoblast-specific transcription factors (2022)
Novel Reconstruction With Inter-Frame Motion Compensation For Fast Super-Resolution Live Cell Imaging (2022)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Limits the Inflammatory Responses in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma A549 Cells via Interference with NF-kappa B Signaling (2022)
An Organotypic Assay to Study Epithelial-Fibroblast Interactions in Human Breast (2022)
Single organoid droplet-based staining method for high-end 3D imaging of mammary organoids (2022)
Single Cerebral Organoid Mass Spectrometry of Cell-Specific Protein and Glycosphingolipid Traits (2023)
Effects of all-trans and 9-cis retinoic acid on differentiating human neural stem cells in vitro (2023)
Making the head: Caspases in life and death (2023)
Glioblastoma and cerebral organoids: development and analysis of an in vitro model for glioblastoma migration (2023)
Molecular etiopathogenesis of cystic lesions in oral cavity (2022)
Expression of cellular and neurodevelopmental markers in cerebral organoids (2019)
Mass spectrometry-based targeted assay for profiling cell-specific and neurodegeneration protein markers in a single cerebral organoid (2021)
Profiling cell-specific, developmental and neurodegenerative protein markers in cerebral organoids (2021)
Mass Spectrometry-Based Targeted Assay for Profiling Cell-Specific, Developmental and Neurodegeneration Protein Markers in a Single Cerebral Organoid (2021)
Characterization of Gangliosides in Cerebral Organoids: A New Avenue to Study Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Cerebral Changes (2021)
Profiling cell-specific, developmental, and neurodegeneration protein markers in a single cerebral organoid (2021)
Single cerebral organoid mass spectrometry analysis: Towards neurodegenerative diseases (2022)
Characterization of membrane lipids in cerebral organoids (2021)
Metoda s ověřenými vlastnostmi (2022)
MicroRNA Profiling of Self-Renewing Human Neural Stem Cells Reveals Novel Sets of Differentially Expressed microRNAs During Neural Differentiation In Vitro (2023)
HPV and RAD51 as Prognostic Factors for Survival in Inoperable Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer in Patients Unfit for Chemotherapy Treated with Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy (2023)
Quality control of clinical-grade human embryonic stem cells (2023)
Bioprinting vascularized constructs using RGDT-alginate and gelMA bioinks (2023)
The contribution of donated human embryos suitable for the production of embryonic stem cells to increase the quality of life: Selection and preparation of embryos in the Czech Republic (2023)
Domino-like effect of C112R mutation on ApoE4 aggregation and its reduction by Alzheimer’s Disease drug candidate (2023)
Decellularization of pig lung to yield three-dimensional scaffold for lung tissue engineering (2023)
Skeletal diseases caused by mutations in PTH1R show aberrant differentiation of skeletal progenitors due to dysregulation of DEPTOR (2023)
Plasticity of Dental Cell Types in Development, Regeneration, and Evolution (2023)
Wnt signaling from Gli1-expressing apical stem/progenitor cells is essential for the coordination of tooth root development (2023)
A novel heteroleptic Cu(II)-phenanthroline-UDCA complex as lipoxygenase inhibitor and ER-stress inducer in cancer cell lines (2023)
Imagine beyond: recent breakthroughs and next challenges in mammary gland biology and breast cancer research (2023)
Mechanical-induced bone remodeling does not depend on Piezo1 in dentoalveolar hard tissue (2023)
Separase and Roads to Disengage Sister Chromatids during Anaphase (2023)
Candidate genes for obstructive sleep apnea in non-syndromic children with craniofacial dysmorphisms - a narrative review (2023)
A novel biological wound dressing based on perinatal tissues: in vivo experiment on porcine animal model. (2023)
Primary cilia and hypoxia-associated signaling in developmental odontogenic cysts in relation to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease-A novel insight (2023)
Light-responsive microRNA molecules in human retinal organoids are differentially regulated by distinct wavelengths of light (2023)
Vitronectin is a xeno-free and defined surface for the derivation of human embryonic stem cells (2023)
How E-, L-, and P-Selectins Bind to sLe(x) and PSGL-1: A Quantification of Critical Residue Interactions (2023)
Laser ablation synthesis of tellurium carbides using tellurium with nanodiamond nanocomposite (2023)
Determination of selected antiepileptics in saliva and the potential of LC-MS mehod for quantification (2023)
BEE-ST Method: 4D-Monitoring of biomineralization dynamics in bones and teeth (2023)
Reparative processes and elimination of lead from lung tissue exposed to lead nanoparticles (2023)
Modelling genetically linked arrhythmias in vitro (2023)
Spatiotemporal monitoring of hard tissue development reveals unknown features of tooth and bone development (2023)
Studying mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease development using cerebral organoids (2023)
Using a human pluripotent stem cell-based model to study the Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis in vitro (2022)
Clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Dispersal and invasive stages of Urospora eugregarines (Apicomplexa) from brown bodies of a polychaete host (2023)
Truncated vitronectin with E-cadherin enables the xeno-free derivation of human embryonic stem cells (2023)
Segmented Hair Cortisol Analysis By Online Solid Phase Extraction Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Towards the xeno-free and chemically defined conditions for 3D vascular network formation in vitro (2023)
Tau tubulin kinase 1 and 2 regulate ciliogenesis and human pluripotent stem cells-derived neural rosettes (2023)
Stable Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 and its role in research from dermal regeneration to total skin substitute (2023)
Cerebral organoids derived from patients with Alzheimer´s disease with PSEN1/2 mutations have defective tissue patterning and altered development (2023)
Kardiomyocyty diferencované z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk: Výhody a úskalí jejich využití při studiu dědičných arytmií (2023)
Změny spontánní aktivity derivovaných kardiomyocytů s variantou Y4734C-RYR2 za vybraných arytmogenních podmínek (2023)
Nástrahy hodnocení křivky elektrické aktivity u pacient-specifických kardiomyocytů diferencovaných z lidských indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (2023)
Spontaneous electrical activity of cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs of a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and RYR2 variant: impact of isoprenaline and varying concentrations of Ca2+ (2023)
Role of ciliopathy protein TMEM107 in eye development: insights from a mouse model and retinal organoid (2023)
Possible proarrhythmic stimuli in Y4734C-RYR2 variant associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (2023)
Mass spectrometry for monitoring and quality control of differentiation of pluripotent stem cells to lung progenitors using biostatistical models (2023)
Biostatistics and data evaluation of intact cell MS application in stem cells and progenitors biotyping (2021)
Využití metod strojového učení a hmotnostní spektrometrie pro klinické aplikace v nádorové biologii (2023)
Serum spectral fingerprints reveal different forms of advanced multiple myeloma disease (2021)
ER-stress induce epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in expandable lung epithelia derived from pluripotent stem cells (2023)
AI in cancer research: from histology to personalized medicine (2023)
Endoplasmic reticulum stress response of patient-derived pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells (2023)
Improved Screening of Monoclonal Gammopathy Patients by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry (2023)
Biostatistic and machine learning in MALDI mass spectrometry research (2023)
SorCS2 binds progranulin to regulate motor neuron development (2023)
Standard Operating Procedure: Mass spectrometry biotyping of peripheral blood plasma of monoclonal gammopathy patients (2023)
Standard Operating Procedure: Bioanalytical quality control of cGMP/ATMP-grade stem cells and progenitors (2023)
A scoring system for histological evaluation of skin during Staphylococcus aureus infections (2024)
Ternary copper(ii) complexes of 1,10-phenanthroline and coumarin-based oxylacetates as pro-apoptotic UPR CHOP inducers (2023)
In vitro model of alveolar capillary barrier (2019)
By leaps and bounds: From in vitro lung tissue models to fostering collaboration in science (2023)
By leaps and bounds: From in vitro lung tissue models to fostering collaboration in science (2023)
On Dental Cell Types and Cell Populations, Also in Light of Evolution (2023)
Vývoj ex-vivo buněčných modelů pro studium heterogenity adenokarcinomu pankreatu (2023)
Guide to General Histology and Microscopic Anatomy (2023)
Nový cíl specifické protinádorové léčby mnohočetného myelomu - endoplazmatické retikulum a jeho signální dráhy (2023)
Distinct p53 Phosphorylation Patterns in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Where They Come from and How They Affect p53 Function. (2023)
The ultrastructural nature of human oocytes' cytoplasmic abnormalities and the role of cytoskeleton dysfunction (2023)
Luminal Surface Plasma Treatment of Closed Cylindrical Microchannels: A Tool toward the Creation of On-Chip Vascular Endothelium (2023)
Phenotype and oxidative burst of low-density neutrophil subpopulations are altered in common variable immunodeficiency patients (2024)
In vivo expression of dental pulp stem cells markers in the forming dental pulp (2022)
Hypoxia inducible factors and dentition related stem cells (2023)
Expression dynamics of dental pulp stem cell markers during dental pulp formation in vivo (2023)
Developmental expression dynamics of stem cell markers and hypoxia-inducible factors in forming dental pulp (2023)
Coculture model with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 for study chronic lymphocytic leukemia proliferation. (2023)
How is the renewal rate of ever-growing teeth controlled? Integrating concepts of regeneration and repair (2023)
BEE-ST: a new approach for monitoring spatiotemporal hard tissue dynamics growth and healing across the species (2023)
Mouse molar development and the role of mechanosensation in the root formation (2022)
Revealing the complexity of mesenchymal stem cell niche of continuously growing teeth (2022)
Potenciál FGF10 v regeneraci kožních a slizničních defektů (2024)
Illuminating the mechanism and allosteric behavior of NanoLuc luciferase (2023)
Enhancing oral squamous cell carcinoma prediction: the prognostic power of the worst pattern of invasion and the limited impact of molecular resection margins (2023)
Plazmatické hladiny FSTL1 a FSLT5 predikují obnovu funkce levé komory u pacientů s nově zjištěnou dilatační kardiomyopatií (2023)
MIR204 n.37C>T variant as a cause of chorioretinal dystrophy variably associated with iris coloboma, early-onset cataracts and congenital glaucoma (2023)
Metastasising ameloblastoma or ameloblastic carcinoma? A case report with mutation analyses (2023)
Integrative CUT&Tag-RNA-Seq analysis of histone variant macroH2A1-dependent orchestration of human induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming (2023)
Fibroblast-induced mammary epithelial branching depends on fibroblast contractility (2024)
A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology (2023)
Early Enzymatic Burn Debridement: Results of the DETECT Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (2024)
Rekonštrukcia Limbergovým lalokom po excízii bazocelulárneho karcinómu. (2024)
Možnosti farmakologickej a chirurgickej liečby hidradenitis suppurativa (2024)
Decellularization of lung to yield three-dimensional scaffold for pulmonary tissue engineering (2023)
Introduction of RNAscope method for detection of selected bacteria associated with apical periodontitis (2023)
EOSC CZ: Towards the development of Czech national ecosystem for FAIR research data (2024)
Generation of the Human iPSC Line from Spontaneous Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Patient with ApoE3/3 Genotype and Sex-, Age-, and ApoE-Matched Healthy Control (2024)
Cyanobacterial anatoxin-a does not induce in vitro developmental neurotoxicity, but changes gene expression patterns in co-exposure with all-trans retinoic acid (2024)
Telomere Length In Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (2023)
Markers of dental pulp stem cells in in vivo developmental context (2023)
Computer-aided engineering of stabilized fibroblast growth factor 21 (2024)
Immune surveillance and carcinogenesis - the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress (2023)
The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress on immune surveillance and the effectiveness of immunotherapy in treatment of ovarian and renal cell carcinoma (2023)
Optimalizace přípravy syngenních myších modelů pro účely studia procesů souvisejících se stresem endoplazmatického retikula (2023)
Vliv stresu endoplazmatického retikula na imunitní dohled u ovariálního a renálního karcinomu (2023)
Role stresu endoplazmatického retikula v imunoeditaci u HER2+ karcinomu prsu (2023)
Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Immune Surveillance and Immunotherapy of Ovarian and Renal Cell Carcinoma (2023)
Immune surveillance and carcinogenesis - the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in ovarian and renal cancers (2023)
The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in immunoediting in HER2+ breast cancer (2023)
Využití syngenních myších modelů ke zkoumání vlivu stresu endoplazmatického retikula na karcinom ovaria a ledviny (2023)
Role stresu endoplazmatického retikula v imunoeditaci u HER2+ karcinomu prsu (2023)
Use of Syngeneic Mouse Models to Study the Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Ovarian and Renal Cell Carcinoma (2023)
Chromosome Division in Early Embryos-Is Everything under Control? And Is the Cell Size Important? (2024)
Early onset of APC/C activity renders SAC inefficient in mouse embryos (2024)
Přehled difuzních gliomů dle klasifikace WHO 2021, 2. část - difuzní gliomy dětského typu (2024)
Laser ablation synthesis of tellurium clusters (2022)
Experimental Setup for Laser Ablation Synthesis of Nanoparticles (2023)
Quality Control of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells for Regenerative Therapy (2024)
Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Immune Surveillance and Effectiveness of Immunotherapy in Renal and Ovarian Carcinoma (2024)
Persisting IL-18 levels after COVID-19 correlate with markers of cardiovascular inflammation reflecting potential risk of CVDs development (2024)
Cross sectional study on exposure to BPA and its analogues and semen parameters in Czech men (2024)
Plectin plays a role in the migration and volume regulation of astrocytes: a potential biomarker of glioblastoma (2024)
Hyaline Cartilage Tissue Engineering: 3D Culture of Autologous Chondrocytes in Biodegradable Hydrogels (2024)
Intact cell mass spectrometry coupled with machine learning reveals minute changes induced by single gene silencing. (2024)
Development of a Multilayered 4th Generation Scaffold for Advanced Total Skin Substitutes (2024)
Multilayered cellular skin substitute with biomimetic collagen-chitosan scaffold (2024)
AlphaFind: discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Pazopanib in Renal Cell Carcinoma and Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Systematic Review (2024)
Biomaterials for direct cardiac repair-A rapid scoping review 2012-2022 (2024)
Decellularization of Pig Lung to Yield Three-Dimensional Scaffold for Lung Tissue Engineering (2024)
Truncated vitronectin with e-cadherin enables the xeno-free derivation ofhuman embryonic stem cells (2024)
Pulsed laser ablation synthesis of fresh Te nanoparticles for matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) applications (2024)
Cell-mediated multilayered 4th generation biomimetic scaffold for single-step total skin substitute: from laboratory to clinical application (2024)
Laser ablation synthesis of fresh Te nanoparticles for MALDI MS applications (2023)
The Use Of Maldi Tof Mass Spectrometers As A Kind Of Synthesizer For Laser Ablation Synthesis Of Tellurium Nanoparticles, Various Mixed Clusters And Their Simultaneous Characterization And Analysis (2023)
Laser Ablation Synthesis Of Te Nanoparticles And Their Characterization (2023)
New Gene Markers Regulating the Process of Vascularization in Pig Preovulatory Oocytes during Growth and Maturation (2024)
Inhibition of Chk1 stimulates cytotoxic action of platinum-based drugs and TRAIL combination in human prostate cancer cells (2024)
Critical view on antimicrobial, antibiofilm and cytotoxic activities of quinazolin-4(3H)-one derived schiff bases and their Cu(II) complexes (2024)
A model of human neural networks reveals NPTX2 pathology in ALS and FTLD (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
Stromal cells engineered to express T cell factors induce robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations allowing the identification of RAF inhibitors as anti-proliferative drug (2024)
Epidemiological Insights into Burn Injuries: Contrasting Patterns Across Pediatric and Adult Populations (2024)
Antimikrobiální polysacharidový transparentní film pro léčbu raných infekcí (2024)
Injektovatelný gel z přírodní pryskyřice s bakteriofágy pro hojení infikovaných ran (2024)
Neurodegenerácia a elektrická aktivita: analýza metódou multielectrode array (2024)
Analysis of calcium transients in cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs: the variant p. Y4734C in RYR2 vs. unrelated healthy controls (2024)
Effect of isoprenaline and arrhythmogenic conditions on the spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM with Y4734C-RYR2 variant (2024)
The impact of neurodegeneration on the electrical activity of brain tissue: multielectrode array analysis (2024)
A pilot study of seminal plasma analysis in cystic fibrosis patients compared to a healthy population reveals significant changes in its composition. (2024)
Immunosurveillance in HER2+ Breast Cancer - Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress (2024)
Evaluation of viscoelastic parameters and photo-based assessment of newly developed dermal substitutes modified with thermostabilized fibroblast growth factor 2 (2024)
Phage therapy combined with Gum Karaya injectable hydrogels for treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus deep wound infection in a porcine model (2024)
An animal model of cleft palate for simulating healing processes after cleft palate surgery (2024)
Ex-vivo 3D cellular models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: from embryonic development to precision oncology (2024)
Long circulating liposomal platform utilizing hydrophilic polymer-based surface modification: preparation, characterisation, and biological evaluation (2024)
Porous silica-doped calcium phosphate scaffolds prepared via in-situ foaming method (2024)
Hypoxia-inducible factors in postnatal mouse molar dental pulp development: insights into expression patterns, localisation and metabolic pathways (2024)
Rare multi-fungal sepsis: a case of triple-impact immunoparalysis (2024)
Zygotic spindle orientation defines cleavage pattern and nuclear status of human embryos (2024)
Porcine model of a complicated skin and soft tissue infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2024)
The immunogenicity of p24 protein from HIV-1 virus is strongly supported and modulated by coupling with liposomes and mannan (2024)
Umělá aktivace pohybu spermií in vitro (2024)
Liquid biopsy of peripheral blood using mass spectrometry detects primary extramedullary disease in multiple myeloma patients (2024)
Inhalation injury in context of current research topics and beyond (2024)
Vplyv enzybiotík na hojenie Staphylococcus aureus infikovaných kožných rán na modeli prasiat (2024)
Investigation of the role of fibroblasts in the morphogenesis of mammary gland (2022)
Investigation of the role of fibroblasts in the morphogenesis of branched organs (2022)
The role of FSP1+ stromal cells in mammary gland development (2023)
Depletion of FSP1+ stromal cells results in nursing failure caused by dramatic nipple underdevelopment (2024)
From mammary gland to the nipple: An attractive story of FSP1+ mesenchymal cells (2024)
Utilization of Acellular Dermal Matrix in Primary Cleft Palate Surgery - Animal Study and Clinical Application (2024)
Scaling Learned Metric Index to 100M Datasets (2024)
Současné trendy v terapii bolesti u popálených pacientů. Opioidní, neopiodní a nefarmakologické ovlivnění bolesti´ (2024)
Unveiling vertebrate development dynamics in frog Xenopus laevis using micro-CT imaging (2024)
Cells, biomaterials, infrastructure; and the value of the data (2024)
Organotypic 3D Cell Culture of the Embryonic Lacrimal Gland (2024)
Differentiation of Fibroblasts to Adipocytes in 3D for a Co-culture with Mammary Organoids and Immunohistological Analysis (2024)
2. Offsite Meeting of the Department of Histology and Embryology (ÚHE): Advancing Science and Collaboration (2024)
EKAREV-NLS biosensor impacts murine mammary gland development (2024)
Examining the impact of ERK biosensor EKAREV-NLS on murine mammary gland development (2024)
ERK signalling patterns in mammary gland morphogenesis (2022)
ERK signalling patterns in mammary gland morphogenesis and cancer (2022)
Decoding ERK signalling patterns in a 3D model of mammary gland morphogenesis (2022)
Developing specialized mounting system for longitudinal live cell imaging with multiview SPIM (2024)
Optimisation of EKAREV-NLS mouse strain for investigation of ERK signaling patterns during mammary gland development (2023)
A closed 3D printed microfluidic device for automated growth and differentiation of cerebral organoids from single-cell suspension (2024)
Revealing Alzheimer's Disease Development Mechanisms via iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoids (2023)
Unraveling Alzheimer's Disease Mechanisms Using 3D Cerebral Organoids Derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (2024)
Extracellular metabolomics from in vitro fertilization cultivation media (2024)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their metabolites in bronchoalveolar lavage and urine samples from patients with inhalation injury throughout their hospitalization: A prospective pilot study (2024)
High-voltage electrotrauma: Unmasking the threat of early anaerobic infection. (2024)
Biomateriály a biotechnologie v postantibiotické éře (2024)
Metabolism of primary high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) cells under limited glutamine or glucose availability (2024)
Armed with PRICKLE(3)s: PCP complexes protection against RNF43 (2024)
Two faces of the antimicrobial peptides and their relevance to burn wound infection (2024)
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from patients with a RYR2 gene variant c.14201A>G (p.Y4734C): Implications for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of ESM Atlas (2024)
CDK11, a splicing-associated kinase regulating gene expression (2024)
LMI-10: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
GraSR: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
LMI-30: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
Současné možnosti (ne)chirurgického odstranění devitalizované tkáně nejen u popálených pacientů (2024)
Factors influencing the efficacy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Implications for ischemic stroke treatment (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB v4 (2024)
3D-af-Surfer: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
Ultrasonographic and histological evaluation of fibroblast growth factor 2 enriched fat graft: animal study (2024)
Pacient-specifické kardiomyocyty s variantou Y4734C-RYR2: Ca2+ přechody v kontrole a po aplikaci kofeinu (2024)
Analýza variability délky cyklu u pacient-specifických hiPSC kardiomyocytů (2024)
Využití metody multielectrode array pro studium dopadu neurodegenerace na elektrickou aktivitu cerebrálních organoidů (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM from a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation under possibly arrhythmogenic conditions (2024)
Female-age-dependent changes in the lipid fingerprint of the mammalian oocytes (2024)
Activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling is critical for the tumorigenesis of choroid plexus (2024)
Innovative approach to total skin substitute with 4th generation biomaterials (2024)
Using Polycaprolactone Nanofibers for the Proof-of-Concept Construction of the Alveolar-Capillary Interface (2024)
Two faces of the antimicrobial peptides and their relevance to burn wound infection (2024)
Phage Therapy Combined with Gum Karaya Hydrogels for Treatment of Multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Deep Wound Infection in a Porcine Model (2024)
Porcinní model komplikované infekce kůže a měkkých tkání (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
Neurodegeneration and hyperexcitability of the brain tissue (2024)
The SORL1 p.Y1816C variant causes impaired endosomal dimerization and autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease (2024)
Development of a porcine model of skin and soft-tissue infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant strains suitable for testing topical antimicrobial agents (2024)
Transcriptional and phenotypical alterations associated with a gradual benzo[a]pyrene-induced transition of human bronchial epithelial cells into mesenchymal-like cells (2024)
Efficient cloning of linear DNA inserts (ECOLI) into plasmids using site-directed mutagenesis (2024)
Mimicking brain-tumor interactions using cerebral organoids and glioblastoma spheroids to study the migration of glioblastoma cells (2024)
Co-cultures of cerebral organoids with Glioblastoma cell line spheroids and Patient-derived tumoroids for investigating crosstalk with tumor microenvironment ex vivo (2024)
Visualizing the effects of SORLA mutation in Alzheimer’s disease progression (2024)
Genetické pozadí pacientů s idiopatickou fibrilací komor (2024)
A collateral circulation in ischemic stroke accelerates recanalization due to lower clot compaction (2024)
Discriminating fingerprints of chronic neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury using artificial neural networks and mass spectrometry analysis of female mice serum (2024)
Retinal organoids in microfluidic systems – formation and early-stage differentiation (2021)
Retinal Organoids on chip: A microfluidic device for formation of retinal organoids (2022)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
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