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Distributed Tracking, Storage, and Re-use of Job State Information on the Grid (2004)
Practical approaches to Grid workload and resource management in the EGEE project (2004)
Bezpečnost v distribuovaném prostředí (2005)
Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms for Multi-Domain Grid Environments (2005)
Bezpečnostní infrastruktura METACentra (2005)
Správa soukromých klíčů pomocí hardwarových tokenů (2005)
The VOCE (VO Central Europe) Environment (2005)
A Credential Renewal Service for Long-Running Jobs (2005)
Do Gridu snadno a rychle - prostředí VOCE (2006)
VOCE---A Grid Environment for Central Europe (2006)
VOCE - Central European Production Grid Service (2006)
Zkušenosti s nasazováním HW tokenů pro uživatele METACentra (2006)
Kerberos and PKI Cooperation (2006)
Grid 2005 - 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (2005)
Improving Security in Grids Using the Smart Card Technology (2006)
Zdokonalení autentizace použitím jednorázových hesel (2006)
Autentizační hardwarový token nové generace (2006)
Bezpečnost v gridech: autentizace uživatelů (2006)
MyProxy and EGEE (2006)
Usage of TPM under Xen (2007)
Identity Management in the Grid Environment (2007)
Kerberos and Grid systems (2007)
Message Level Security For Grid Services Using S/MIME (2007)
A Robust and Efficient Mechanism to Distribute Certificate Revocation Information Using the Grid Monitoring Architecture (2007)
Sealed Grid with Downloadable Services (2007)
Použití jednorázových hesel pro autentizaci v gridovém prostředí (2007)
Zkušenosti s nasazením PKI v distribuovaném prostředí (2007)
Experience with PKI in a Large-scale Distributed Environment (2007)
Central European Grid Infrastructure for Generic Applications (2007)
Trusted Distribution and Utilization of Virtual Machines (2007)
Nasazení federací ve velkém distribuovaném prostředí: systém pro správu interakcí léků (2007)
On Distribution Certificate Revocation Information in Grids (2007)
Transparent Security for Collaborative Environments (2007)
IPv6 in METACenter (2007)
Using CRL Push Delivery for Efficient Certificate Revocation Information Distribution in Grids (2007)
Federace identit aneb spolčení totožností (2007)
A federated framework for secure videoconference (2008)
IPv6 in METACenter (2008)
A Federated Framework for Secure Collaborative Systems (2008)
Survey of Authentication Mechanisms for Grids (2008)
Integrovaná správa pověření pro e-learningové systémy (2008)
Easing access to Grids using identity federations (2008)
Úskalí PKI v praxi - část II (2009)
Úskalí PKI v praxi - část I (2009)
Experiences with Massive PKI Deployment and Usage (2009)
Grid-enabled Desktop (2009)
Framework for non-Web application integration - CAT (2009)
Kerberos Authentication in Apache (2009)
Network Identity Manager Providers (2009)
Správa dat v gridových systémech (2009)
DiProNN: Distributed Programmable Network Node (2009)
Enhanced UDP Packet Reflector -- Erum (2009)
Robust Audio Tool (RAT) Supporting Separate Recording and Playback Audio Devices Selection (2009)
Fault-tolerant Access Control in Distributed Environment the MetaCentrum Authorization Infrastructure (2009)
Catch-All Virtual Organizations - Solution for Heterogeneous and Disperse Grid Users Communities (2010)
Testy softwarových VoIP klientů (2010)
User Centric Authentication for Web Applications (2010)
Something you may have wanted to know about L&B (2010)
Grid Security Developments (2010)
A Race for Security: Identifying Vulnerabilities on 50 000 Hosts Faster than Attackers (2011)
Intelligent logging server (2010)
Jak sledovat zranitelnosti na 50 000 strojích (2011)
Federated Access to Grids (2011)
Easing Access to Grids Using Moonshot (2011)
Reputation Based Trust Management System Supporting Collaboration in a Medical Application (2011)
EGI Security challenge 5: Lehce na cvičišti . . . (2011)
3.5 Million Smartmeters in the Cloud (2013)
Fully-automated Occlusion-insensitive Norway Spruce Tree Reconstructions from 3D Point Cloud Data [poster] (2013)
Automatic Tree Reconstruction from its Laser Scan [poster] (2013)
Automatic reconstruction of Norway spruce tree models from LiDAR data (2013)
Three-dimensional Tree Reconstructions from Terrestrial LiDAR Scans (2013)
RemSig - Bezpečné úložiště digitálních certifikátů (2013)
Cloud-based Testbed for Simulation of Cyber Attacks (2014)
Vulnerability analysis methods for road networks (2014)
Using PKI to Provide Credential Delegation in non Web-based Federations (2015)
Monitoring Virtualized Infrastructure in the Context of Grid Job Execution (2013)
KYPO - Kybernetický polygon (2015)
Software pro konfiguraci a monitorování virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
Ruby Benchmark Suite using Docker (2015)
První návrh cílové infrastruktury pro provoz systému IRIS (2015)
Iterative Optimization of a Multi-compartmental Air Quality Modelling System (2015)
Numerical and experimental investigation of three-dimensional cavitating flow around the straight NACA2412 hydrofoil (2016)
A deterministic approach for rapid identification of the critical links in networks (2019)
Multi-phase ELAStic Aggregates (MELASA) software tool for modeling anisotropic elastic properties of lamellar composites (2020)
Big Data - overview, basic concepts and practical use in research (2019)
Software pro simulaci obecných i kritických informačních infrastruktur (2019)
Software pro detekci a analýzu napadení KII (2019)
Nástroje pro ověřování bezpečnosti SW/HW a simulaci útoků na prvky kritické informační infrastruktury (2019)
Exploratory Analysis of File System Metadata for Rapid Investigation of Security Incidents (2020)
ANALYZA – Datový sklad (2020)
ANALYZA – Výpočetní a orchestrační subsystém (2020)
ANALYZA – Vizualizační komponenta – Visilant (2020)
Virtualizované prostředí pro trénink CSIRT týmu (2021)
Detection of Malicious Code in SSH programs. (2022)
CopAS: A Big Data Forensic Analytics System (2023)
Text-to-Motion Retrieval: Towards Joint Understanding of Human Motion Data and Natural Language (2023)
Reproducible experiments with Learned Metric Index Framework (2023)
CoPAS: the Modular Data Analytics Tool (2023)
SISAP 2023 Indexing Challenge – Learned Metric Index (2023)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome (2024)
AlphaFind: discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
Scaling Learned Metric Index to 100M Datasets (2024)
Quantum Chemistry-Based Prediction of Electron Ionization Mass Spectra for Environmental Chemicals (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of ESM Atlas (2024)
Learned Metric Index (2024)
LMI-10: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
GraSR: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
LMI-30: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind — discover structure similarity across the proteome in AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind (2024)
Fast, structure-based searching in a large-scale protein data repository (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB v4 (2024)
3D-af-Surfer: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome – data and model (2024)
Speech production under stress for machine learning: multimodal dataset of 79 cases and 8 signals (2024)
RBP-Tar – a searchable database for experimental RBP binding sites (2024)
A dataset of hyperspectral Look-Up Tables for 3.5 million traits and structural combinations of Central European temperate broadleaf forests (2024)
Simulated trait and spectroscopy data to support retrieval of forest biophysical parameters from spaceborne imaging spectroscopy (2024)
High spatial and spectral resolution dataset of hyperspectral look-up tables for 3.5 million traits and structural combinations of Central European temperate broadleaf forests (2024)
Analysis of metadynamics simulations by (2024)
Scientific Dataset Management System for the Research Institute Based on Onedata (2024)
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