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Microcystin production and toxicity of picocyanobacteria as a risk factor for drinking water treatment plants (1999)
Cyanotoxiny v nádrži Jordán (1999)
Strategie využití in vitro testů v analýze environmentálních rizik (2000)
Cyanotoxiny - zdraví obyvatel nebo zdraví ekosystémů ? (2000)
Modelový in vitro systém pro studium polutantů vyvolávajících oxidativní stres (2000)
Srovnání citlivosti 17 ekotoxikologických biotestů pro detekci cyanotoxinů (2000)
Estrogenní aktivita environmentálních vzorků a vybraných organických kontaminantů (2000)
Stimulation of nonspecific immunity, haemopoiesis and protection of mice against radiation injury by 1-adamntylamide-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine incorporated in liposomes (2001)
Methods for detection and quantification of cyanobacterial toxins - a review (2000)
Microbiotests for cyanobacterial toxins prescreening (2000)
Epigenetické mechanismy působení polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků (2000)
Review of toxicity of cyanobacteria in Slovakia (2000)
Highly mutagenic PAHs occuring in the environment are potent inducers of Ah receptor mediated responses in vitro (2000)
Cyanobacterie a hepatotoxické microcystiny ve vodárenských nádržích v ČR (2000)
Microcystiny v surové a upravené vodě a jejich odstranitelnost na vybraných úpravnách (2000)
Inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism potentiate tumour necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells (2001)
Optimisation of porcine hepatocyte cryopreservation by comparison of viability and enzymatic activity of fresh and cryopreserved cells (2001)
Multiple oxidative stress parametetrs are modulated in vitro by oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons identified in river sediments (2001)
Inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication by environmentally occuring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (2002)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediated activity of mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons determined using in vitro reporter gene assay (2001)
Monitoring river sediments contaminated predominantly with polyaromatic hydrocarbons by chemical and in vitro bioassay techniques (2001)
Aromatase (CYP19) and 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (CYP1A1) activities in human placental samples collected in two Czech Areas Differing in Pollution Rates (2001)
Biochemický monitoring in vitro organických kontaminantů přítomných v ovzduší (2001)
Tumor-promoční aktivita polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků a reálných extraktů vzorků vzduchu (2001)
Biologicky aktivní látky produkované v biofilmech vodárenských systémů (2001)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated and estrogenic activities of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and azaarenes originally identified in extracts of river sediments (2001)
Microcystin-LR and total microcystin in cyanobacterial blooms in the Czech Republic 1993-1998 (2001)
Dissolved microcystins in raw and treated drinking water in the Czech Republic (2001)
In vitro assessment of non-genotoxic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (2001)
Toxické metabolity produkované mikrobiálními biofilmy vodárenských systémů (2001)
Project IDRIS II - The development of expert system for ecological risk assessment (2001)
The results of eight year monitoring (1993-1998) of cell-bound and dissolved microcystins LR, RR and YR in the waterbodies of the Czech Republic (2001)
Microcystin content and toxicity of bloom forming, benthic and small unicellular picocyanobacteria in the Czech Republic (2001)
Combined chemical and bioassay methods for screening of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental samples (2001)
Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substance - European Regional Report (2002)
Effects of cyanobacterial biomass and purified microcystins on malformations in Xenopus laevis: teratogenesis assay (FETAX) (2002)
Comparison of relative toxic potencies of hydroxylated PCBs and quinones in hepatic and mammary cell lines (2002)
Human health risks of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins) in Brno reservoir (2002)
Relative potencies of oxygenated polychlorinated biphenyls to inhibit gap-junctional intercellular communication in WB-F344 cells (2002)
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques (2002)
Non-genotoxic effects of hydroxy-PCBs and PCB-quinones in liver and mammary in vitro models (2002)
Vliv nově syntetizovaných chalkonů na epigenetické faktory karcinogeneze (2002)
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase by PCBs depends on substitution of chlorine ortho-position (2002)
Screening of the health risks of biofilms using a battery of in vitro toxicity assays (2002)
Nongenotoxic modes of action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relative potencies in rat liver cellular models. Ecotoxicological significance of individual compounds in abiotic samples (2002)
Acute inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by polychlorinated biphenyls and their metabolites - relative inhibitory potencies, structure-activity relationship and intracellular singnalling (2002)
Ekotoxikologické Biotesty v expertním systému komplexního hodnocení ekologických rizik - Projekt IDRIS II (2002)
In vitro biotesty pro detekci negenotoxických procesů - studie efektů PAHs a hydroxyderivátů PCBs (2002)
Screening of the health risks of biofilms using a battery of in vitro toxicity assays (2002)
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques (2002)
Inhibition of GJIC by polychlorinated biphenyls: inhibitory potencies and screening for potential mode(s) of action (2002)
Chemical profile and contribution of PAHs to in vitro toxic potencies of urban particulate matter samples (2002)
Nongenotoxic modes of action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relative potencies in rat liver cellular models. Ecotoxicological significance of individual compounds in abiotic samples (2002)
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase by PCBs depends on substitution of chlorine ortho-position (2002)
Vliv nově syntetizovaných chalkonù na epigenetické faktory karcinogeneze (2002)
Materiály k přednáškám (*.PDF) - Ekotoxikologie Poikilotermů ( (2003)
Contamination of drinking water in the Czech Republic by microcystins. (2003)
Analyses of microcystins in the biomass of Pseudanabaena limnetica collected in Znojmo reservoir. (2003)
Inhibition of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication by Noncoplanar Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Inhibitory Potencies and Screening for Potential Mode(s) of Action (2003)
Toxicity of crude extract of cyanobacteria for embryos and larvae of carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) (2003)
Toxicita a biodegradabilita látek a odpadů významných ve vodním prostředí (2003)
Odstraňování cyanotoxinů nárostovými společenstvy: modelová studie v mikrokosmech. (2003)
Sublethal effects of short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) identified with frog embryo assay FETAX. Persistent Toxic Substances Contamination of the European Region (2003)
Novel retinoid-specific luciferase reporter gene bioassay for screening of embryotoxic potential. Persistent Toxic Substances Contamination of the European Region (2003)
In vitro inhibition of GJIC in WB-F344 cells by polar derivatives of PAHs. (2003)
Applications of in vitro assays for characterization of non-acute toxic effects of organic environmental pollutants. (2003)
Mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenicity of POPs - characterization with in vitro techniques. (2003)
Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay Xenopus (FETAX) - Metodické aspekty a možnosti využití. (2003)
Assessment of dioxin-like toxicities of water-exposed SPMDs by in vitro reporter gene bioassay. (2003)
Studium mechanismů embryotoxicity - vliv organických polutantů na signálování kyselinou retinovou in vitro. (2003)
Toxic modes of action of polychlorinated biphenyls in liver cells (2003)
Toxicity increases in ice upon containing monochlorophenols upon photolysis: environmental consequences (2004)
Geosmin occurrence in riverine cyanobacterial mats: is it causing a significant health hazard? (2004)
Comparison of 17 biotests for detection of cyanobacterial toxicity (2004)
Oxidative stress biomarkers are modulated in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) exposed to microcystin producing cyanobacterial water blooms. (2004)
Toxicity of hydroxylated and quinoid PCB metabolites: inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and activation of aryl hydrocarbon and estrogen receptors in hepatic and mammary cells (2004)
Induction of arylhydrocarbon receptor-mediated and estrogen receptor-mediated activitites, and modulation of cell proliferation by dinaphthofurans (2004)
Histopathology of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) larvae exposed to cyanobacteria extract (2004)
Outcomes of Repeated Exposure of the Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Cyanobacteria Extract (2004)
RECETOX (Brno, Czech Republic) - history, aims and activities (2004)
Datest - verze 2.0 - výukový interaktivní systém pro ekotoxikologické testy a jeho aplikace (2004)
Effects of waste coal-polluted sediments - dioxine-activity, alteration of mammalian steroidogenesis and probable impact on intersex occurrence in freshwater crayfish (2004)
In vitro dioxin-like potencies of N-heterocyclic PAHs (2004)
Podkladové materiály (PDF) k výuce obecné ekotoxikologie (2005)
Czech Republic - Management and regulation of the cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins (2005)
Environmental xenobiotics and nuclear receptors-Interactions, effects and in vitro assessment (2005)
Activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by berberine in HepG2 and H4IIE cells: Biphasic effect on CYP1A1 (2005)
Removal of microcystins by biofilms. A microcosm study (2005)
Exploring the natural role of microcystins - a review of effects on photoautotrophic organisms (2005)
Exploring the natural role of cyanobacterial toxin microcystin: evidences on allelopathy ? (2005)
Pharmaceuticals as potential toxic compounds in the environment (2004)
Biochemical responses in Xenopus laevis embryos to N-heterocyclic derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [poster]Biochemical responses in Xenopus laevis embryos to N-heterocyclic derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [poster] (2005)
Ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of cytostatic pharmaceuticals (2005)
Biochemical changes in Daphia magna in response to PAHs and their N-heterocyclic derivatives (2005)
Humic Acids as Potential Activators of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (2004)
Toxicity of some endocrine disruptors on Daphnia magna. (2005)
The use of classical ecotoxicological biotests for testing of special (hospital) waste waters (2005)
(Eko)toxikologické vlastnosti huminových látek a jejich další neočekávané efekty (2004)
Effect of Humic Substances on Intracellular Receptors (2005)
Disruption of retinoid signalling by 2,3,7,8-TCDD and phthalates on P19/A15 cell line (2005)
Activation of Ah-receptor by humic substances (2005)
Activation of AH-receptor by humic substances (2005)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on planktonic photoautotrophs - evidences on allelopathy? (2005)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on planktonic photoautotrophs (2005)
Sublethal toxic effects of SCCP on early development of Xenopus laevis. (2004)
FETAX, modelový test embryotoxicity, malformací a teratogenity vodních obratlovců (2004)
Embryotoxické efekty vodních květů sinic - experimenty s drápatkou vodní (Xenopus laevis) (2004)
Chlorované parafíny (SCCPs) - nebezpečené polutanty životního prostředí s chronickou toxicitou: studie s embryi drápatky Xenopus laevis. (2004)
Natalita a reprodukční toxicita micorcystinů a komplexního vodního květu pro Daphnia magna (chronický 21denní test) (2004)
Toxicity and malformations induced by chlorinated paraffins and non-chlorinated alkanes in Xenopus laevis embryos (2004)
Effects of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass fractions on reproduction and developmental processes in aquatic organisms (2004)
Cyanobacterial blooms change the structure of aquatic communities (2004)
Mechanismy toxicity cyanotoxinů a jejich vliv na zdraví obyvatel a vodní ekosystémy (2004)
Hodnocení zdravotních rizik pro člověka (2004)
Metody detekce a kvantifikace cyanotoxinů (2004)
Microcystins regulation in the Czech Republic (2004)
Effects of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass fractions on reproduction and developmental processes in aquatic organisms (2004)
Removal of microcystins by phototrophic biofilms model microcosm study (2004)
Osud cyanobakteriálního toxinu microcystinu v modelovém mikrokosmu a efekty na fytoplankton (2003)
Concentrations of dissolved microcystins in drinking waters in the Czech republic (2000)
Toxicity and biochemical responses og higher plants after exposure to N-heterocyclic PAHs and their unsubstituted analogues (2005)
Effects of waste coal-poluted sediments and possible causes of intersex occurrence in freshwater crayfish (2005)
Effects of sediments contaminated by waste coal in two freshwater invertebrate species - laboratory coexposure with the mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum and the amphipod Gammarus fossarum (2005)
Interactive Information System for Ecotoxicological Tests DATEST 2.0. (2005)
Hodnocení chronických efektů ve vodním prostředí v modelech s měkkýši (2004)
Toxiny sinic v pitných vodách (2005)
Effects and Induction of Glutathione S-transferase by Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) and C-12 alkane (dodecane) in Xenopus laevis Frog Embryo (2006)
Bioakumulace microcystinu-LR v rybí tkáni (2006)
Bioaccumulation of microcystin-LR in fish tissue (2006)
Separation of microcystins by capillary electrochromatography in monolithic columns (2006)
Bioakumulace microcystinu-LR v rybí tkáni spojená s účinky na biochemické úrovni (2006)
Koncentrace microcystinů v ČR - dlouhodobé trendy a sezónní variabilita (2006)
Microcystiny v pitných vodách ČR (2006)
Age dependency and mutual relations in T- and B- lymphocyte abnormalities in CVID patients (2006)
Microcystin bioaccumulation and biomarker responses in fish exposed to cyanobacterial blooms (2006)
Mechanism of toxicity and biological methods for detection of cyanotoxins (2006)
The system for complex monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in the czech republic reservoirs (2006)
Toxicity of complex cyanobacterial samples and their fractions in Xenopus laevis embryos and the role of microcystins (2006)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
Web Portal for Management of Bioindication Methods and Ecotoxicological Tests in Ecological Risk Assessment (2006)
Exploring the natural role of microcystins - a review of effects on photoautotrophic organisms (2006)
Evaluation of extraction approaches linked with HPLC and ELISA for analyses of microcystin-LR, -RR and -YR in freshwater sediments with variable organic material content. (2006)
Activation of Ah receptor by pure humic acids. (2006)
Alteration of steroidogenesis in H295R cells by organic sediment contaminants and relationships to other endocrine disrupting effects. (2006)
Toxicity and modulations of biomarkers in Xenopus laevis embryos exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their N-heterocyclic derivatives. (2006)
Quaternary benzo[c]phenathridine alkaloids sanguinarine and chelerythrine do not affect transcriptional activity of aryl hydrocarbon receptor: Analyses in rat hepatoma cell line H4IIE.luc. (2006)
Effects of N-heterocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbons on survival, reproduction, and biochemical parameters in Daphnia magna. (2006)
Cytotoxicity and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Activity of N-heterocyclic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Structure-Activity Relationships. (2006)
Assessment of retinoic toxicity in several types of complex environmental samples using P19/A15 cell line (2006)
Assessment of retinoic activity in fly ash and air samples from polluted areas using P19/A15 cell line (2007)
Role of oxidative stress in embryotoxicity and teratogenesis in FETAX test (2007)
Effect of different cyanobacterial biomasses and their fractions with variable microcystin content on embryonal development of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). (2007)
Effects of dissolved microcystins on growth of planctonic photoautotrophs (2007)
AhR-mediated and antiestrogenic activity of humic substances (2007)
Bioassays as an important tool for evalution of specific toxicity mechanisms of complex environmental mixtures (2006)
Modulations of sex determination and reproduction in daphnia magna exposed to endocrine disruptive contaminants (2006)
Extraction efficacy and analyses of multiple cyanobacterial toxins in environmental samples and drinking waters (2006)
The tools for complex analytical and toxicological assessment af cyanobacterial toxins in contaminated waters (2006)
Interference of N-heterocyclic PAHs with signaling of retinoids (2007)
Decrease of humic acids AhR mediated activity after irradiation (2006)
Evaluation of ecotoxicological risk of sediment contaminated with waste coal using the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum as test organism (2006)
Ecotoxicological evaluation of sediments contaminated by waste coal by in vivo end in vitro bioassays (2006)
Assessment of endocrine disrupto chemicals in contaminated sediments: integrations of in vitro, in vivo and in situ studies (2006)
Can microcystins affect growth and antioxidative and detoxification mechanism of green algae? (2007)
Cyanobacterial toxins in the reservoirs of the czech Republic:concentrations, trends and risk assessment (2007)
Comparative assessment of reproductive toxicity of contaminated freshwater sediments by in vitro biotests and in vivo assays with invertebrate species (2007)
Intersex occurrence in freshwater crustacean Pontastacus leptodactylus in the Czech Republic - biology and environmental factors (2004)
Reprodukční toxicita uhelných kalů z Ostravsko-Karvinska: chronická expozice sedimentů s písečníkem novozélandským (Prosobranchia, Gastropoda, Mollusca) (2007)
Comparative asessment of reproductive toxicity of contaminated freshwater sediments by in vivo biotests with Potamopyrgus antipodarum and in vitro assays (2007)
Allelopathy of Planktonic Cyanobacteria (2006)
Outcomes of Repeated Exposure of the Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) to Cyanobacteria Extract (2004)
Influence of hydrodynamics on sediment ecotoxicity (2007)
Multiple Stressors for the Environment: Present and Future Challenges and Perspectives (2007)
Isolation and endotoxin activities of lipopolysaccharides from cyanobacterial cultures and complex water blooms and comparison with effects of heterotrophic bacteria and green alga (2008)
Concentrations and seasonal trends of extracellular microcystins in freshwaters of the Czech Republic - results of the national monitoring program (2007)
Effects of Different Oxygen Saturation on Activity of Complex Biomass and Aqueous Crude Extract of Cyanobacteria During Embryonal Development in Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) (2007)
Chromosomal Aberrations in Early Embryos of Weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis L.) Exposed to Crude Cyanobacterial Extract and Semipurified Compound of Microcystins, a Pilot Study (2007)
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase by tumor-promoting organic Peroxides and protection by resveratrol (2007)
Ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of cytostatic pharmaceuticals (2007)
Cena akademie věd ČR pro mladé vědecké pracovníky za vynikající výsledky vědecké práce "Vodní květy sinic a cyanotoxiny v nádržích ČR - trendy a nové mechanismy toxicity" (2007)
Publikace biografie v "Who is Who v České republice". (2007)
Identifikace a výskyt cyanobacteriálního toxinu cylindrospermopsinu ve vodách v ČR (2007)
Akumulace microcystinu v rybách a hodnocení souvisejících zdravotních rizik (2007)
Workshop on EU 7th Framework Programme Projects related to air contamination, modelling and toxicology (2007)
Pracovní workshop ke koordinaci Národního monitoringu Toxických Sinic v ČR (2007)
3rd Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2007 (2007)
"From field to lab" and "from lab to field": chemical analyses, in vitro and in vivo bioassays in the study of endocrine disruptive effects observed in situ (2007)
Toxiny sinic v ČR: Nové poznatky o vlivech na lidské zdraví a ekosystémy (celkem 6 přednášek, schůze Československé Společnosti Biologické, pobočka Brno, 17. ledna 2007) (2007)
Microcystin kinetics (bioaccumulation and elimination) and biochemical responses in common carp (cyprinus carpio) and silver carp (hypophthalmichthys molitrix) exposed to toxic cyanobacterial blooms (2007)
Microcystin kinetics (bioaccumulation, elimination) and biochemical responses in common carp and silver carp exposed to toxic cyanobacterial blooms (2007)
Ovlivnění nutriční hodnoty svaloviny kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio) a tolstolobika bílého (Hyphophthalmichthys molitrix) cyanobakteriemi (2007)
Akumulace a eliminace microcystinů v rybách (Cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) a hodnocení biomarkerů po expozici sinicovou biomasou (2007)
Ekotoxicita a genotoxicita vybraných protinádorových léčiv (2007)
Hodnocení zdravotních rizik spojených s přípravou cytostatik - propustnost ochranných rukavic pro vybraná léčiva (2007)
Selected Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (Vinclozolin, Flutamide, Ketoconazole and Dicofol): Effects on Survival, Occurrence of Males, Growth, Molting and Reproduction of Daphnia magna (2007)
Endocrine regulation of the reproduction in crustaceans: Identification of potential targets for toxicants and environmental contaminants (2008)
Kinetics of biomarkers, bioaccumulation and elimination of peptide toxins microcystions in different freshwater fish species (2008)
Award of Excellence - Best Poster Presentation, in: 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment - ISTA12, 12-17/6/2005, Greece, Skiathos Island (2005)
Workshop on Humic substances (2007)
Pracovní workshop - koordinace Národního monitoringu Toxických Sinic v ČR (2007)
Analyses of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins, cylindrospermopsins) in the reservoirs of the Czech Republic and evaluation of health risks (2008)
Analytické stanovení významných "tradičních" i "nových" cyanotoxinů. (2008)
"Tradiční" a "nové" cyanotoxiny ve vodách Č.R. (2008)
Lipopolysacharidy sinic, jejich stanovení a související toxicita (2008)
Cylindrospermopsin-nový alkaloidní toxin produkovaný sinicemi v ČR - toxikologie a analýzy (2008)
Monitoring toxických sinic ve vodárenských nádržích ČR - tradiční a nové toxiny sinic (výsledky sledování z let 1993 - 2008) (2009)
Výsledky mezilaboratorních porovnávacích zkoušek pro stanovení microcystinů (2009)
The first occurrence of the cyanobacterial alkaloid toxin cylindrospermopsin in the Czech Republic as determined by immunochemical and LC/MS methods (2009)
Endocrine effects of contaminated sediments on the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum in vivo and in the cell bioassays in vitro (2008)
Interference of PAHs and their N-heterocyclic analogs with signaling of retinoids. (2008)
A novel approach for monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins: development and evaluation of the passive sampler for microcystins (2008)
Akumulace microcystinů v rybách a potravních řetězcích (2008)
Nový přístup ke sledování microcystinů ve vodě - vývoj a optimalizace pasivního vzorkovače (2008)
Vliv toxinů sinic - microcystinů - na růst a biomarkery u fytoplanktonních organismů (2007)
Microcystin toxicity in green alga-oxidative stress and the role of komplex mixtures in cyanobacterial cells (2008)
A Japanese quail model of single and combined exposure to cyanotoxins, lead and Newcastle virus (2009)
Kinetics of biomarkers, bioaccumulation and elimination of peptide toxins microcystins in different freshwater fish species (2008)
Effects of water-bloom on survival and reproduction of springtail Folsomia candida (2008)
Polychlorinated naphthalenes and other dioxin-like compounds in Elbe River sediments (2008)
Tumor promoting properties of a cigarette smoke prevalent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as indicated by the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication via phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (2008)
Nové přístupy k hodnocení ekotoxicity tuhých odpadů (2007)
Monitoring povrchové kontaminace cytotoxickými léčivy v nemocničních lékárnách České republiky (2009)
Studium kontaminace pracovišť a profesní expozice zdravotnických pracovníků zajišťujících přípravu a aplikaci protinádorových léčiv (2009)
Studie evaporace vybraných cytostatik a propustnosti ochranných rukavic v rámci výzkumu profesní zátěže zdravotnických pracovníků exponovaných cytotoxickým protinádorovým léčivům (projekt CYTO) (2009)
Moderní metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promoční účinkem (2009)
Assessment of cytotoxicity and specific effects of complex pollutant mixtures in passive and active samples from waste waters and river ecosystem of large city agglomeration (2009)
Látky narušující hormonální rovnováhu organismů a celková toxicita odpadní vody - Roční studie na ČOV v Brně Modřicích (2010)
Hodnocení vlivu čistíren odpadních vod na kvalitu říční vody s využitím in vitro testů (2009)
Biochemical parameters of blood plasma and content of microcystins in tissues of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) from hypertrophic pond with cyanobacterial water bloom (2009)
Inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases by cyanobacterial extracts - Indications of novel tumor-promoting cyanotoxins? (2010)
Toxins produced in cyanobacterial water blooms - toxicity and risks (2009)
Toxiny sinic a jejich účinky na vodní ekosystémy (2009)
Kinetic bacterial bioluminescence assay for the contact sediment toxicity testing - relationships with the matrix composition and contamination (2010)
Chronic toxicity of contaminated sediments on reproduction and histopathology of the crustacean Gammarus fossarum and relationship with the chemical contamination and in vitro effects (2010)
Mitochondrial Toxicity of Microcystin-LR on Cultured Cells: Application to the Analysis of Contaminated Water Samples (2010)
Degradation of natural toxins by phthalocyanines, example of cyanobacterial toxin, microcystin (2010)
Inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication and activation of MAPKs by cyanobacterial extracts (2010)
Signalling mechanisms involved in the inhibition of gap-junctional intercellular communication by cyanobacterial extracts (2010)
Neznámé metabolity sinic s potenciálním nádorově promočním účinkem (2009)
Disruption of retinoid signalling and differentiation process by PAHs and N-PAHs in vitro (2010)
Combined exposure to cyanobacterial biomass, lead and the Newcastle virus enhances avian toxicity (2010)
Teratogenicity and Embryotoxicity in Aquatic Organisms After Pesticide Exposure and the Role of Oxidative Stress (2011)
Evidence of synergistic toxicity in birds: experimental co-exposures to cyanobacteria and toxic metal (lead) causes immunosuppressions in Japanese quail (2010)
Effects of algal and cyanobacterial cultures and their fractions on the Xenopus laevis development (2010)
Seasonal variability of contaminants with specific modes of action in polluted river-basin (2010)
Pan-European survey on the occurrence of selected polar organic persistent pollutants in ground water (2010)
LC-MS analyses of microcystins in fish tissues overestimate toxin levels - critical comparison with LC-MS/MS (2010)
Temporal and spatial variability of cyanobacterial toxins microcystins in three interconnected freshwater reservoirs (2010)
Evaluation of the novel passive sampler for cyanobacterial toxins microcystins under various conditions including field sampling. (2010)
Ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of cytotoxic antineoplastic drugs and their metabolites (2010)
Kontaminace chemoterapeutického stacionáře v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu - hodnocení účinnosti zavedených nápravných opatření (2010)
Sledování přítomnosti cyklofosfamidu ve vnitřním ovzduší a na povrchu materiálního vybavení Masarykova onkologického ústavu (2011)
Utilization of the solid sorbent media in monitoring of airborne cyclophosphamide concentrations and the implications for occupational hygiene (2011)
The effects of PAHs and N-PAHs on retinoid signalling and Oct-4 expression in vitro. (2011)
Wastewater canal Vojlovica, industrial complex Pančevo, Serbia - preliminary ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated sediment (2011)
Accumulation of Microcystins in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., and Effects of a Complex Cyanobacterial Bloom on the Dietetic Quality of Muscles. (2011)
Can cyanobacterial biomass applied to soil affect survival and reproduction of springtail Folsomia candida? (2011)
Identifying the Research and Infrastructure Needs for the Global Assessment of Hazardous Chemicals Ten Years after Establishing the Stockholm Convention (2011)
Modulation of gap-junctional intercellular communication by a series of cyanobacterial samples from nature and laboratory cultures. (2011)
Complex evaluation of ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of antimicrobials oxytetracycline and flumequine used in aquaculture. (2011)
Determination of atrazine in surface waters by combination of POCIS passive sampling and ELISA detection. (2011)
CETOCOEN project: From the Laboratory to the Field and Beyond (2011)
Effects of Microcystin and Complex Cyanobacterial Samples on the Growth and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Comparison with the Model Oxidative Stressor-Herbicide Paraquat. (2011)
In vitro modulation of intracellular receptor signaling and cytotoxicity induced by extracts of cyanobacteria, complex water blooms and their fractions. (2011)
POCIS sampling in combination with ELISA: Screening of sulfonamide residues in surface and waste waters (2012)
Enantioselective effects of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers on androgen receptor activity in vitro. (2012)
Screening assessment of cyanobacterial embryotoxicity to Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes (Actinopterygii: Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae). (2011)
Estrogenic activity in extracts and exudates of cyanobacteria and green algae. (2012)
The effect of peroral administration of toxic cyanobacteria on laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba). (2011)
Epigenetická toxicita komplexních vzorků cyanobakterií - vliv ozonace a chlorace. (2011)
Porovnání citlivosti protilátek užívaných k detekci sinicových toxinů v přirodních vodách. (2011)
Distribuce citlivosti druhů (Species Sensitivity Distribution – SSD) – využití pro hodnocení rizik pesticidů v evropských řekách. (2011)
Embryonální test s Danio rerio pro výzkum endokrinní disrupce ve vodním prostředí. (2011)
Changes in concentrations of hydrophilic organic contaminants and of endocrine-disrupting potential downstream of small communities located adjacent to headwaters. (2012)
Tumor promoting effects of cyanobacterial extracts are potentiated by anthropogenic contaminants - Evidence from in vitro study. (2012)
Oxidative stress and detoxification biomarker responses in aquatic freshwatervertebrates exposed to microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass. (2012)
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Additional Measures Introduced for the Protection of Healthcare Personnel Handling Antineoplastic Drugs (2013)
Validation of the species sensitivity distribution in retrospective risk assessment of herbicides at the river basin scale-the Scheldt river basin case study (2013)
In vivo effects of microcystins and complex cyanobacterial biomass on rats (Rattus norvegicus var. alba): Changes in immunological and haematological parameters (2013)
Estrogen-, androgen- and aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediated activities in passive and composite samples from municipal waste and surface waters (2013)
Association of Surface Contamination by Antineoplastic Drugs With Different Working Conditions in Hospital Pharmacies (2014)
Concentrations of microcystins in tissues of several fish species from freshwater reservoirs and ponds (2013)
EU-wide monitoring survey on emerging polar organic contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents (2013)
A European perspective on alternatives to animal testing for environmental hazard identification and risk assessment (2013)
The isolation and characterization of lipopolysaccharides from Microcystis aeruginosa, a prominent toxic water bloom forming cyanobacteria (2013)
Expert opinion on toxicity profiling – report from a NORMAN expert group meeting. (2013)
Combined exposure of carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) to cyanobacterial biomass and white spot disease. (2012)
"SchussenAktivplus: reduction of micropollutants and of potentially pathogenic bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake Constance, Germany." (2013)
NORMAN Prioritisation framework for emerging substances - Passive sampling interlaboratory study - data evaluation (2013)
Novel metabolites in cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii with potencies to inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication (2013)
Fish tapeworm Khawia sinensis: an indicator of environmental microcystins? (2013)
Biochemical and histopathological responses of Wistar rats to oral intake of microcystins and cyanobacterial biomass (2013)
Do cyanobacteria produce estrogenic compounds? (2012)
Ecotoxicity of complex cyanobacterial blooms - The role of traditional toxins and newly identified bioactive compounds: estrogens and retinoids. (2013)
SchussenAktiv - Eine Modellstudie zur Effizienz der Reduktion der Gehalte an anthropogenen Spurenstoffen durch Aktivkohle in Kläranlagen: Expositions- und Effektmonitoring vor Inbetriebnahme der Adsorptionsstufe auf der Kläranlage Langwiese des AZV Mariatal, Ravensburg (2013)
Acute, chronic and reproductive toxicity of complex cyanobacterial blooms in Daphnia magna and the role of microcystins (2014)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: Dálnice D1 v úseku Hubová-Ivachnová, celoroční monitoring bioty 2012 (05/11/18S ) (2013)
Průběžná zpráva k projektu: "Dálnice D1 v úseku Dubná Skala-Turany, roční monitoring bioty 2013 (07/11/22/S ) (2013)
Analyses of endocrine- and dioxin-like effects using a series of in vitro reporter gene assays. (2013)
EU Wide Monitoring Survey on Waste Water Treatment Plant Effluents (2012)
Provedení chemických analýz na obsah cyklofosfamidu a platiny (2013)
Simultaneous determination of reduced and oxidized glutathione in tissues by a novel liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method: application in an inhalation study of Cd nanoparticles (2014)
What level of estrogenic activity determined by in vitro assays in municipal waste waters can be considered as safe? (2014)
Do predictions from Species Sensitivity Distributions match with field data? (2014)
Europe-wide survey of estrogenicity in wastewater treatment plant effluents: the need for the effect-based monitoring (2014)
Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants at European Legislation Safety Concentrations: How Safe Are They? (2014)
Novel rapid in vitro cytotoxicity test on mammalian cells based on an electrochemical measuring method (2014)
Endocrine, teratogenic and neurotoxic effects of cyanobacteria detected by cellular in vitro and zebrafish embryos assays (2015)
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in composts and digestates from European countries as determined by the in vitro bioassay and chemical analysis (2015)
Effects of enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and trimethoprim on two generations of Daphnia magna (2015)
Can zero-valent iron nanoparticles remove waterborne estrogens? (2015)
Are In Vitro Methods for the Detection of Endocrine Potentials in the Aquatic Environment Predictive for In Vivo Effects? Outcomes of the Projects SchussenAktiv and SchussenAktiv plus in the Lake Constance Area, Germany (2014)
Směsi pesticidů v prostředí a hodnocení jejich účinků (2014)
Výzkum transformačních produktů degradace toxických léčiv novými technologiemi (2014)
Toxic effects of metals on two euryhaline ciliate species adapted to variable salinities (2015)
Phytoestrogens and mycoestrogens in surface waters - Their sources, occurrence, and potential contribution to estrogenic activity (2015)
Retinoid compounds associated with water blooms dominated by Microcystis species (2015)
Assessment of silver nanoparticle toxicity for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish embryos using a novel method controlling the agglomeration in the aquatic media (2015)
Immunomodulatory Potency of Microcystin, an Important Water-Polluting Cyanobacterial Toxin (2015)
Effect of arsenic and cyanobacterial co-exposure on pathological, haematological and immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2015)
Hladiny a rizika cytostatik v prostředí nemocnice České Budějovice (2015)
Simultánní stanovení cyklofosfamidu a 5-fluorouracilu v extraktech/roztocích (2015)
Stanovení vybraných cytostatik ve stěrech pracovního prostředí (2015)
A Collaborative Evaluation of LC-MS/MS Based Methods for BMAA Analysis: Soluble Bound BMAA Found to Be an Important Fraction (2016)
Antifoulingové účinky fotokatalytických vrstev na řasy r. Klebsormidium (2016)
Immunomodulatory Potency of Microcystin, an Important Water-Polluting Cyanobacterial Toxin (2015)
Bioluminescent Vibrio fischeri Assays in the Assessment of Seasonal and Spatial Patterns in Toxicity of Contaminated River Sediments (2016)
Metallothionein modulation in relation to cadmium bioaccumulation and age-dependent sensitivity of Chironomus riparius larvae (2016)
Yeast Biosensors for Detection of Environmental Pollutants: Current State and Limitations (2016)
Impact of acute and chronic inhalation exposure to CdO nanoparticles on mice (2016)
Phytoestrogens in milk: Overestimations caused by contamination of the hydrolytic enzyme used during sample extraction (2016)
Teratogenic effects of five anticancer drugs on Xenopus laevis embryo (2016)
Drinking water contaminants from epoxy resin-coated pipes: A field study (2016)
Reduction of dioxin-like toxicity in effluents by additional wastewater treatment and related effects in fish (2016)
First inter-laboratory comparison exercise for the determination of anticancer drugs in aqueous samples (2016)
Biological plausibility as a tool to associate analytical data for micropollutants and effect potentials in wastewater, surface water, and sediments with effects in fishes (2015)
Rapid in situ toxicity testing with luminescent bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens and Vibrio fischeri adapted to a small portable luminometer (2017)
Critical assessment of the research outcomes of European birth cohorts: linking environmental factors with non-communicable diseases (2017)
Phytoestrogens and sterols in waters with cyanobacterial blooms - Analytical methods and estrogenic potencies (2017)
Assessment of non-derivatized beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) neurotoxin in free form in urine of patients with nonspecific neurological symptoms (2017)
European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters (2017)
Toxicity of clomazone and its formulations to zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) (2017)
Chlorination and ozonation differentially reduced the microcystin content and tumour promoting activity of a complex cyanobacterial extract (2017)
Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in European waters – recent progress achieved through the CYANOCOST Action and challenges for further research (2017)
Weitergehende Abwasserreinigung: Ein wirksames und bezahlbares Instrument zur Verminderung von Spurenstoffen und Keimen im Wasserkreislauf (2017)
Extraction of Microcystins From Animal Tissues (2017)
Bioassay Use in the Field of Toxic Cyanobacteria (2017)
Extraction, Purification, and Testing of LPS from Cyanobacterial Samples (2017)
Extraction of Cyanotoxins from Cyanobacterial Biomass (2017)
Other Cyanobacterial Bioactive Substances (2017)
Analysis of Microcystins in Animal Tissues Using LC-MS/MS (2017)
Lipopolysaccharide Endotoxin (2017)
In vitro assessment of sex steroids and related compounds in water and sediments - a critical review (2018)
Impact of acute and subchronic inhalation exposure to PbO nanoparticles on mice (2018)
Tumor-promoting cyanotoxin microcystin-LR does not induce procarcinogenic events in adult human liver stem cells (2018)
Immunomodulatory effects of selected cyanobacterial peptides in vitro (2018)
Identification of algal growth inhibitors in treated waste water using effect-directed analysis based on non-target screening techniques (2018)
Acute and (sub)chronic toxicity of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid on Chironomus riparius (2018)
Assessment of Hepatotoxic Potential of Cyanobacterial Toxins Using 3D In Vitro Model of Adult Human Liver Stem Cells (2018)
Analytical and bioanalytical assessments of organic micropollutants in the Bosna River using a combination of passive sampling, bioassays and multi-residue analysis (2019)
The gut microbiome and aquatic toxicology: An emerging concept for environmental health (2018)
Analysis of binding interfaces of the human scaffold protein AXIN1 by peptide microarrays (2018)
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins (2018)
Data Descriptor: A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins (2018)
Branched Poly(ethylene imine)s as Anti-algal and Anti-cyanobacterial Agents with Selective Flocculation Behavior to Cyanobacteria over Algae (2018)
Linking past uses of legacy SVOCs with today's indoor levels and human exposure (2019)
Prioritization of hazards of novel flame retardants using the mechanistic toxicology information from ToxCast and Adverse Outcome Pathways (2019)
Exposure of Canadian electronic waste dismantlers to flame retardants (2019)
Developmental toxicity of the fungicide ziram in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2019)
Biological effects of the benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers UV-234 and UV-320 in early-staged zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2019)
Immunomodulatory effects of cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin on innate immune cells (2019)
Cylindrospermopsin induces cellular stress and activation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways in adult human liver stem cells (2019)
The Effect of Butyrate-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition on Intestinal Defence Mechanisms and the Parenteral Nutrition-Induced Shift in the Gut Microbiota in the Rat Model (2019)
Climate finance and green growth: reconsidering climate-related institutions, investments, and priorities in Nepal (2019)
Freshwater Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin Has Detrimental Stage-specific Effects on Hepatic Differentiation From Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2019)
Superhydrofobní vrstva proti zanášení povrchů biologickým materiálem (2019)
Vysoce hydrofobní vrstva s biocidním účinkem (2019)
Repeatability and Reproducibility of the RTgill-W1 Cell Line Assay for Predicting Fish Acute Toxicity (2019)
Stable-isotope dilution LC-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of microcystin conjugates with cysteine and glutathione in biotic matrices (2019)
Field cyanobacterial blooms producing retinoid compounds cause teratogenicity in zebrafish embryos (2020)
Freshwater ecosystems profit from activated carbon-based wastewater treatment across various levels of biological organisation in a short timeframe (2019)
The effects of nano-sized PbO on biomarkers of membrane disruption and DNA damage in a sub-chronic inhalation study on mice (2020)
Resazurin assay for assessment of antimicrobial properties of electrospun nanofiber filtration membranes (2019)
Cell-based data to predict the toxicity of chemicals to fish. Commentary on the manuscript by Rodrigues et al., 2019. Cell-based assays seem not to accurately predict fish short-term toxicity of pesticides. Environmental Pollution 252:476-482 (2019)
Functional polymer with antifouling effect (2019)
European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters (vol 601, pg 1849, 2017) (2018)
Vinuté filtrační moduly na bázi přízí modifikovanými vodivými polymery s odolností proti růstu biofilmu (2019)
Environmentally relevant mixture of S-metolachlor and its two metabolites affects thyroid metabolism in zebrafish embryos (2020)
Evaluation of Microbiome-Host Relationships in the Zebrafish Gastrointestinal System Reveals Adaptive Immunity Is a Target of Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Exposure (2020)
Elucidating mechanisms of immunotoxicity by benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Implication of the AHR-IL17/IL22 immune pathway (2020)
Hospitals and Pharmacies as Sources of Contamination by Cytostatic Pharmaceuticals: Long-Term Monitoring in the Czech Republic (2020)
Ecotoxicology of Environmental Pollutants (2020)
Dietary Intake of Acrylamide and Risk of Breast, Endometrial, and Ovarian Cancers: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis (2020)
Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of cyanobacterial toxins from drinking water (2020)
Cyanobacterial lipopeptides puwainaphycins and minutissamides induce disruptive and pro-inflammatory processes in Caco-2 human intestinal barrier model (2020)
Cylindrospermopsin is effectively degraded in water by pulsed corona-like and dielectric barrier discharges (2020)
Antifouling performance of photocatalytic superhydrophobic coatings against Klebsormidium alga (2020)
Ready to go 3D? A semi-automated protocol for microwell spheroid arrays to increase scalability and throughput of 3D cell culture testing (2020)
Spatial and Temporal Trends in Contamination of the Czech Part of the Elbe River by Mercury Between 1991 and 2016 (2020)
Neurobehavioral effects of cyanobacterial biomass field extracts on zebrafish embryos and potential role of retinoids (2020)
Adsorption of epoxiconazole and tebuconazole in twenty different agricultural soils in relation to their properties (2020)
Conazole fungicides epoxiconazole and tebuconazole in biochar amended soils: Degradation and bioaccumulation in earthworms (2021)
Plant-based and immunostimulant-enhanced diets modulate oxidative stress, immune and haematological indices in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2021)
Challenges of using blooms of Microcystis spp. in animal feeds: A comprehensive review of nutritional, toxicological and microbial health evaluation (2021)
Microbiome analysis and predicted relative metabolomic turnover suggest bacterial heme and selenium metabolism are altered in the gastrointestinal system of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to the organochlorine dieldrin (2021)
Neither microcystin, nor nodularin, nor cylindrospermopsin directly interact with human toll-like receptors (2021)
Microbiome Composition and Function in Aquatic Vertebrates: Small Organisms Making Big Impacts on Aquatic Animal Health (2021)
Comparison of imidacloprid, propiconazole, and nanopropiconazole effects on the development, behavior, and gene expression biomarkers of the Pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) (2021)
Synthetic Biomimetic Polymethacrylates: Promising Platform for the Design of Anti-Cyanobacterial and Anti-Algal Agents (2021)
Endocrine disrupting potential of replacement flame retardants-Review of current knowledge for nuclear receptors associated with reproductive outcomes (2021)
Flame Retardants-Mediated Interferon Signaling in the Pathogenesis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2021)
Estrogenicity of chemical mixtures revealed by a panel of bioassays (2021)
The efficiency of antineoplastic drug contamination removal by widely used disinfectants-laboratory and hospital studies (2021)
Levels and risks of antineoplastic drugs in households of oncology patients, hospices and retirement homes (2021)
Plastics in our water: Fish microbiomes at risk? (2021)
Mitochondrial and transcriptome responses in rat dopaminergic neuronal cells following exposure to the insecticide fipronil (2021)
Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa Contributes to the Severity of Fish Diseases: A Study on Spring Viraemia of Carp (2021)
Disease network data for the pesticide fipronil in rat dopamine cells (2021)
An adverse outcome pathway based in vitro characterization of novel flame retardants-induced hepatic steatosis (2021)
Levels and risks of surface contamination by thirteen antineoplastic drugs in the Czech and Slovak hospitals and pharmacies (2022)
Kontaminace cytostatiky v českých a slovenských nemocnicích a lékárnách – monitoring 13 často používaných léčiv (2021)
Effects of biochar on the fate of conazole fungicides in soils and their bioavailability to earthworms and plants (2022)
Pesticide mixture toxicity assessment through in situ and laboratory approaches using embryo-larval stages of the pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) (2021)
Occurrence of cylindrospermopsin, anatoxin-a and their homologs in the southern Czech Republic-Taxonomical, analytical, and molecular approaches (2021)
Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer (2021)
Innovative electrochemical biosensor for toxicological investigations on algae and cyanobacteria (2022)
Treatment of cylindrospermopsin by hydroxyl and sulfate radicals: Does degradation equal detoxification (2022)
Instrumental and bioanalytical assessment of pharmaceuticals and hormone-like compounds in a major drinking water source-wastewater receiving Zayandeh Rood river, Iran (2022)
AOP-helpFinder webserver: a tool for comprehensive analysis of the literature to support adverse outcome pathways development (2022)
Insights into the molecular targets and emerging pharmacotherapeutic interventions for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (2022)
Recent insights from comparative animal microbiomics (2021)
Laboratory analysis of cyanobacterial toxins and bioassays (2021)
Providing Biological Plausibility for Exposure-Health Relationships for the Mycotoxins Deoxynivalenol (DON) and Fumonisin B1 (FB1) in Humans Using the AOP Framework (2022)
Occupational risks of health care personnel administering antineoplastic drugs. Results of the large-scale monitoring in Czech and Slovak hospitals (2020)
Antineoplastic drugs in households of oncology patients (2021)
The Exposome and Toxicology: A Win-Win Collaboration (2022)
Sex-dependent host-microbiome dynamics in zebrafish: Implications for toxicology and gastrointestinal physiology (2022)
Interpreting support vector machines applied in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (2022)
Effect of mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on gut bacteriome of newborns in the first days of their life: a case-control study (2022)
Pyrethroids and developmental neurotoxicity-A critical review of epidemiological studies and supporting mechanistic evidence (2022)
The Origin of Teratogenic Retinoids in Cyanobacteria (2022)
Associations between Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Cardiometabolic Biomarkers in Adults of Czechia: The Kardiovize Study (2022)
CaviPlasma: A large-throughput technology for plasma treatment of contaminated water using peroxide chemistry (2022)
CaviPlasma: A large-throughput technology for plasma treatment of contaminated water using peroxide chemistry (2022)
Current Advances, Research Needs and Gaps in Mycotoxins Biomonitoring under the HBM4EU-Lessons Learned and Future Trends (2022)
Replacement Flame-Retardant 2-Ethylhexyldiphenyl Phosphate (EHDPP) Disrupts Hepatic Lipidome: Evidence from Human 3D Hepatospheroid Cell Culture (2023)
Effects of pesticide exposure on oxidative stress and DNA methylation urinary biomarkers in Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort (2023)
Application of AOPs to assist regulatory assessment of chemical risks - Case studies, needs and recommendations (2023)
Implementation of effect biomarkers in human biomonitoring studies: A systematic approach synergizing toxicological and epidemiological knowledge (2023)
Rapid extraction and analysis of oxidative stress and DNA damage biomarker 8-hydroxy-2 '-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in urine: Application to a study with pregnant women (2023)
Cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins and lipopolysaccharides in aerosols from inland freshwater bodies and their effects on human bronchial cells (2023)
Impact of PFAS exposure on prevalence of immune-mediated diseases in adults in the Czech Republic (2023)
Vzorkování vnitřních prostor zdravotnických zařízení a domácností onkologických pacientů za účelem sledování hladin kontaminace cytotoxickými léčivy a omezování souvisejících rizik (2023)
Multi-detekční analytická metoda pro stanovení markerů cytostatických léčiv v pracovním prostředí nemocnic (2023)
Proposals of guidance values for surface contamination by antineoplastic drugs based on long term monitoring in Czech and Slovak hospitals and pharmacies (2023)
Experimental review of different plasma technologies for the degradation of cylindrospermopsin as model water pollutant (2023)
Anti-androgenic activity of novel flame retardants in mixtures: Newly identified contribution from tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate (TDBP-TAZTO) (2023)
ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] (2023)
Altered Transcriptome Response in PBMCs of Czech Adults Linked to Multiple PFAS Exposure: B Cell Development as a Target of PFAS Immunotoxicity (2024)
Exposure to benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles in Czech male population and its associations with biomarkers of liver function, serum lipids and oxidative stress (2024)
Exploring BPA alternatives - Environmental levels and toxicity review (2024)
Gene expression patterns associated with PFOA exposure in Czech young men and women (2024)
Effects of novel flame retardants tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCIPP) and triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) on function and homeostasis in human and rat pancreatic beta-cell lines (2024)
Triphenyl Phosphate Alters Methyltransferase Expression and Induces Genome-Wide Aberrant DNA Methylation in Zebrafish Larvae (2024)
Is environmental risk assessment possible with the alternatives to acute fish toxicity test? Case study with pharmaceuticals (2024)
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