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Lectins of Aspergillus fumigatus - possible anchor for opportunistic fungal pathogen (2013)
A Soluble Fucose-Specific Lectin from Aspergillus fumigatus Conidia - Structure, Specificity and Possible Role in Fungal Pathogenicity (2013)
Piezoelectric biosensors for detection of microorganisms (2014)
Detection of Aerosolized Biological Agents Using the Piezoelectric Immunosensor (2014)
Piezoelectric Immunosensor for Detection of Aerosolized Microorganisms (2014)
Use of artificial neural networks for optimization of biogenic amines derivatization (2014)
Expression of mycobacterial glycosyltransferase GlfT1 in fusion with MBP (2014)
Rapid Detection of Microorganisms Based on Active and Passive Modes of QCM (2015)
Crystallization and functional studies of trimeric lectin RS20L from bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum (2014)
Structural studies of mycobacterial glycosyltransferase GlfT1 (2014)
Chromosomal association of the SMC5-6 complex is dependent on interaction of its Nse1-Nse3-Nse4 subcomplex with DNA (2014)
Gelatin templated gold nanostructured electrodes for sensitive glucose detection (2015)
Klonovanie génu domnelej hydrolázy tmpE bakteriofága 812 a jeho expresia pre 3D štruktúrnu analýzu (2015)
Quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for rapid detection of aerosolized microorganisms (2015)
Detection of glucose using gel-templated gold nanostructured electrodes (2015)
Nanostructured gold electrodes for determination of glucose in blood (2015)
Právní aspekty interních směrnic – část I. (2015)
Atomic force microscopy for characterization of biomolecules, affinity complexes and cells (2015)
Právní aspekty interních instrukcí – část II. (2015)
Kybernetická bezpečnost jako aktuální fenomén českého práva (2015)
Digitisation, Cultural Institutions and Intellectual Property (2015)
The European obession with food indications (2015)
Revealing the virion structure of staphylococcal phage 812: Analysis of putative tail hydrolase (2015)
šéfredaktor a člen Redakční rady časopisu Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology (2015)
Implementing Creativity in Language Learning: A Practical Guide (2015)
Using creative teaching to develop learner autonomy (2015)
CASALC Review, č. 1, roč. 2015/2016 (2015)
The Magic of Creativity: From Robust Theories to Delicate Use (2015)
Human Rap1 modulates TRF2 attraction to telomeric DNA (2015)
Elektronické důkazy v trestním řízení (2015)
Elektronické důkazy v trestním řízení (2015)
AFM for characterization of biomolecules, affinity complexes and cells (2015)
Informace a data v právu (2016)
Práva k datům spravovaným veřejnými knihovnami ve světle změn informačního zákona (2016)
Access to Telecommunication Data in Criminal Justice in Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
European ICT Law 2016: Texts, Cases, Materials (2016)
Nejdůležitější dopady všeobecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů (GDPR) (2016)
Česko-slovenské symposium Ochranné známky a průmyslové vzory (2016)
Interception of electronic communications in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
Právní problémy kybernetické bezpečnosti (2016)
Creativity: When Activity, Autonomy and Autenticity Meet (2016)
Humanising Language Teaching (2016)
A creative approach to language teaching: a way to recognise, encourage and appreciate students´ contributions to language classes (2015)
Interception of electronic communications in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
Poskytnout nebo chránit? (2017)
Právní problémy kybernetické bezpečnosti (2016)
Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Shaken Hearts and Confused Minds: Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Deceptions of the Heart: The Influence of False Cardiac Feedback on Autonomic Markers of Arousal (2017)
Information Sovereignty - Data Privacy, Sovereign Powers and the Rule of Law (2017)
Information Society Between Orwell and Zapata: A Czech Perspective on Safe Harbours (2017)
Stock Exchange Interconnections and Legal Issues in Data Exchange (2017)
Deep coverage of the beer proteome (2017)
European ICT Law 2017: Texts, Cases, Materials (2017)
Dokumenty ke studiu práva informačních a komunikačních technologií (2017)
Creative Teachers, Creative Kids: How to introduce creativity to English classrooms (2017)
Drama and Theatre for Language Learning (2017)
Creativity and Education: Creative Thinking for (Language) Learning (2017)
Creative Thinking for Language Teaching (2017)
Výzkumná data a výzkumné databáze. Právní rámec zpracování a sdílení vědeckých poznatků (2017)
Právo informačních technologií (2018)
Odpovědnost umělé inteligence a informační útvary bez právní subjektivity (2018)
Videoconferencing in University Language Education (2018)
Videoconferencing in University Language Education (2018)
Mapa audiovizuálního pole v České republice z hlediska digitalizace a strategie pro jednotný digitální trh (2018)
Zpracování osobních údajů v justici (2018)
Student Voices (2018)
Academic English - Akademická angličtina: Průvodce anglickým jazykem pro studenty, akademiky a vědce (2018)
Management of Videoconferencing Challenges and Strategies (2018)
Curious, Confident and Creative: Autonomous Teachers for Autonomous Times (2018)
Drama Tools in Language Classes (2018)
Intro Labs Day (2018)
ORION National Stakeholder workshop (2018)
Diminished N1/P2 Suppression after Delayed Cardiac Feedback (2018)
Open Science na CEITEC MU a projekt ORION (2019)
Breast Cancer Classification Based on Proteotypes Obtained by SWATH Mass Spectrometry (2019)
Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes (2019)
Business Research Forum 2019 - CTT MUNI (2019)
Studenti se specifickými nároky ve výuce (2020)
Online English for International Mobilities: A course for students (2020)
Seminář pro učitele angličtiny pracující s neslyšícími a nedoslýchavými studenty (2020)
PDBe: improved findability of macromolecular structure data in the PDB (2020)
PDBe and PDBe-KB: Providing high-quality, up-to-date and integrated resources of macromolecular structures to support basic and applied research and education (2022)
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