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Analytická geometrie (1997)
Člověk - umění - matematika (1996)
Matematika v 19. století (1996)
Metody řešení matematických úloh I (1996)
Mathematics throughout the Ages (2001)
Logika a teorie množin (Úvod do oboru) (1978)
Metrické prostory [Fuchs, 1990] (1990)
Teorie pravděpodobnosti a matematická statistika : sbírka příkladů [Budíková, 1996] (1996)
Kubický splajn s požadovanými geometrickými vlastnostmi Sborník "Algoritmy 95" (1995)
Programový systém MATLAB jako nástroj pro vědeckotechnické výpočty a jeho použití ve výukovém procesu (1995)
K problematice distančního studia (1997)
The Least Squares Problem with Linear Equality Constraints (1997)
The Algorithm for Cubic Spline of the Preseribed Shape for the Given Data (1997)
Relational structures and dependence spaces. (1997)
Relation structures and dependence spaces (1997)
Diferenciální počet v R (1997)
Metody řešení matematických úloh II (1997)
Asymptotic Properties of Oscillatory Solutions of Differential Equations of the n-th Order (1993)
Asymptotic Properties of Oscillatory Solutions of Differential Equations of the n-th Order (1993)
Conjugacy criteria for second order differential equations (1993)
Principal solutions and transformations of linear Hamiltonian systems (1993)
On the Equivalence of Variation Problems I (1993)
On the Equivalence of Variation Problems II (1993)
On the Equivalence of Variation Problems I (1993)
On the Equivalence of Variation Problems II (1993)
Asymptotic Properties of Dynamical Systems in the Plane (1993)
Torsions of connections on some natural bundles (1993)
Natural affinors on the extended r-th order tangent bundles (1993)
Gauge-natural forms of Chern-Weil type (1993)
An abstract characterization of the jet spaces (1993)
On the natural operators transforming vector fields to the r-th tensor power (1993)
Natural operators related with the variational calculus (1993)
Natural Operations in Differential Geometry (1993)
The mathematical legacy of Eduard Čech (1993)
On Z-continuous tolerances of Z-distributive lattices (1993)
On equalizers in the category of frames with weakly open homomorphisms (1993)
On frame congruences generated by frame tolerances (1993)
Products in the category of locales: which properties are preserved? (1993)
Boolean algebras and ultraparacompactness (1993)
T2-frames and almost compact frames (1993)
A multiplication on the lattice of varieties of *-regular semigroups (1993)
On orthogonal subcategories of locally presentable categories (1992)
On injectivity in locally presentable categories (1993)
On the equational theory of C*-algebras (1993)
Infinitesimally natural operators are natural (1993)
On invariant operations on a manifolds with connection or metric (1993)
Invariant operators on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds (1993)
Natural operators a conformal manifolds (1993)
Fluctuation of maximum and minimum temperatures in the Czech and Slovak Republics (1993)
A Note on Bernstein Polynomials over Triangles (1993)
Metody odhadu trendu časové řady na příkladu středoevropských teplotních řad (1993)
Fermat's last theorem and the Fermat quotients (1993)
Some bases of the Stickelberger ideal (1993)
Some algebraic aspects of the ring transform (1993)
On the Structure of Solutions of a System of Three Differential Equations (1994)
On Solutions of a Third Order Nonlinear Differential Equations (1994)
On the Structure of Solutions of a System of Three Differential Equations (1994)
On Solutions of a Third Order Nonlinear Differential Equations (1994)
Oscillation criteria for self-adjoint linear differential equations (1994)
Nehari-type oscillation criteria for self-adjoint linear differential equations (1994)
Oscillation theory of self-adjoint equations and some its applications (1994)
On the Equivalence of Variation Problems III (1994)
Solution of the Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations (1994)
On the Equivalence of Variation Problems III (1994)
Solution of the Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations (1994)
Bounded Solutions of Dynamical Systems in the Plane under the Conditions of Instability (1994)
On a Monotonicity Property for Differential Systems and Higher Order Differential Equations (1994)
On one Approach to the Study of the Asymptotic Behaviour of the Riccati Equation with Complex-valued Coefficients (1994)
On cotangent bundles of some natural bundles (1994)
A direct proof of the Hofmann-Mislove theorem (1994)
Note on dense covers in the category of locales (1994)
Locally presentable and accessible categories (1994)
Models of Horn theories revisited (1994)
More on directed colimits of models (1994)
Weakly locally presentable categories (1994)
Climate variation in Central Europe - facts or inhomogeneities? (1994)
Kolísání vybraných charakteristik vzduchu v České republice a ve Slovenské republice (1994)
Odhad trendu teplotních řad pomocí robustní vážené lokální metody nejmenších čtverců (1994)
Climate variation in Central Europe - fact or inhomogeneties? (1994)
Kolísání vybraných charakteristik teploty vzduchu v České republice a ve Slovenské republice (1994)
Jednoduché exponencionální vyrovnávání časové řady pomocí systému MATLAB (1994)
Numerické integrování (1994)
Linear Models and MATLAB (1994)
Summer School MATLAB 93, Proceedings, Folia Fac. Sc. N. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis, Math. 4 (1994)
Funkce matic v MATLABu (1994)
The orders of solutions of the Kummer system of congruences (1994)
Pseudoinverzní matice a její použití (1994)
Agoh's bases of the Stickelberger ideal (1994)
Majorants of matrix norms and spectrum localization (1994)
Arbitrarily reliable systems with two dual modes of failure (1994)
MATLAB Operators of Left/Right Division and Generalized Inverse (1994)
Bernštejnovy polynomy na trojúhelníku (1994)
Programování v MATLABu (1994)
Different groups of circular units of a compositum of real quadratic fields (1994)
On Structure of Solutions of a System of Four Differential Inequalities (1995)
Remark on Kneser Problem (1995)
On Structure of Solutions of a System of Four Differential Inequalities (1995)
Remark on Kneser Problem (1995)
Kneser-type oscillation criteria for self-adjoint two term differential equations (1995)
Generalized reciprocity of self-adjoint linear differential equations (1995)
Singular quadratic functionals of one dependent variable (1995)
Transformations of linear Hamiltonian difference systems and some of their applications (1995)
Conjugacy criteria and principal solutions of self-adjoint differential equations (1995)
Obyčejné diferenciální rovnice (1995)
On Realizations of Ternary Structures (1995)
Prolongation of tangent valued forms to Weil bundles (1995)
Connections on some functional bundles (1995)
Boolean and distributive ordered sets: characterization and representation by sets (1995)
Characterizing spatial quantales (1995)
Accessibility and the solution set condition (1995)
Finitary sketches and finitely accessible categories (1995)
On preaccessible categories (1995)
On multilinear operators commuting with Lie derivatives (1995)
Fluctuation of maximum and minimum air temperatures in the Czech and the Slovak Republics (1995)
A note on D. D. Stancu operators (1995)
A new criterion for the first case of Fermat's last theorem (1995)
On the parity of the class number of a biquadratic field (1995)
Cyclotomic units in Zp-extensions (1995)
Remarks on symplectic and contact 2-forms in relativistic theories (1995)
Natural quantum Lagrangians in Galilei quantum mechanics (1995)
On Existence of Unbounded Oscillatory Solutions of the n-th Order Differential Equations (1996)
On Existence of Unbounded Oscillatory Solutions of the n-th Order Differential Equations (1996)
Ternary Structures and Partial Semigroups (1996)
Cyclically ordered sets as partial algebras (1996)
On 2-distributions in 8-dimensional vector bundles over 8-complexes (1996)
On some existence varieties of locally inverse semigroups (1996)
Torsion-free connections on higher order frame bundles (1996)
An infinite dimensional motivation in higher order geometry (1996)
Natural operations on higher order tangent bundles (1996)
Connections in first principal prolongations (1996)
Linear finitely separated objects of subcategories of domains (1996)
On hyperassociativity (1996)
On geometric and finitary sketches (1996)
An algebraic description of locally multipresentable categories (1996)
The Principal Prolongations of First Order G-structures (1996)
On the Geometry of Almost Hermitian Symmetric Structures (1996)
Principal prolongations and geometries modeled on homogeneous spaces (1996)
Kummer type congruences and Stickelberg subideals (1996)
The Least Squares Problem with Linear Equality Constraints (1996)
Trends of maximum and minimum daily temperatures in central Europe (1996)
On a Special ideal contained in the Stickelberg Ideal (1996)
On the Stickelberger ideal and circular units of a compositum of quadratic fields (1996)
Natural symplectic stuctures on the tangent bundle of a space time (1996)
Classical particle phase space in general relativity (1996)
Relations between linear connections on the tangent bundle and connections on the jet bundle of a fibred manifold (1996)
Galilei general relativistic quantum mechanics revisited (1998)
On the structure of oscillatory solutions of a third order differential equations (1997)
Asymtotic behaviour of oscillatory solutions of the n-th order differential equations with quasiderivatives (1997)
Nonlinear limit-point type solutions of N-th order differential equations (1997)
On the limit-point/limit-circle problem for nonlinear third order differential equations (1997)
Oscillation and spectral properties of a class of singular self-adjoint differential operators (1997)
A remark on polyconvex envelopes of radially symmetric functions in dimension 2 x 2 (1997)
Reciprocity principle for Sturm-Liouville difference equations and some of its applications (1997)
Linear Hamiltonian systems - continuous versus discrete (1997)
Oscillation and spectral properties of self-adjoint differential operators (1997)
Disconjugacy and transfomations for symplectic systems (1997)
Convexity of certain integrals of the calculus of variations III (1997)
Spectral properties of fourth order differential operators (1997)
Stability and asymptotic properties of a 2
- dimensional system of differential equations (1997)
General nonuniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations (1997)
Teoremy tipa Conti Opiala dlja nelinejnykh funkcionalno differencialnykh uravnenij (1997)
On a singular 2-point boundary value problem for nonlinear differential equations of the n-th order with deviating arguments (1997)
On the solvability of boundary value problems for systems ofnonlinear differential equations with deviating arguments (1997)
On the Vallée-Poussin problem for singular differential equations with deviating arguments (1997)
On boundary value problems for functional differential equations (1997)
On Sp(2) and Sp(2).Sp(1)-structures in 8-dimensional vector bundles (1997)
On some existence varieties of locally orthodox semigroups (1997)
On the iterated absolute differentiation on some functional bundles (1997)
Simple quantales (1997)
A semidirect product for locally inverse semigroups (1997)
Finitary sketches (1997)
Finite models of sketches (1997)
Simple involutive quantales (1997)
Accessible categories, saturation and categoricity (1997)
Semiholonomic Verma modules (1997)
Invariant operators on structures with almost Hermitian symmetric structures. I. Invariant differentiation. (1997)
Invariant operators on structures with almost Hermitian symmmetric structures. II. Normal Cartan connections. (1997)
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of third order delay differential equations (1997)
Limit-point type results for nonlinear fourth order differential equations (1997)
Some properties of third order differential operators (1997)
On nonlinear oscillation for equations associated to disconjugate operators (1997)
Quadratic functionals with general boundary conditions (1997)
Modern mathematics - the loss of certainty? (1997)
A note on Sinnott's definition of circular units of an abelian field (1997)
Inversions on complete lattices and Girard quantales (1997)
On solutions of differential equations with "common zero" atinfinity (1997)
Confidence intervals for kernel estimators of regression function in stochastic design model (1997)
Boundary kernels (1997)
Multivariate kernel estimators (1997)
Application of kernel smoothing to additive models (1997)
Kernel smoothing with variable bandwidth (1997)
Shape preserving C1 cubic splines (1997)
The algorithm for cubic spline of the prescribed shape for he given data (1997)
Application of generalized inverses in linear models (1997)
Involutions of matrices and generalized least-squares solution (1997)
Inclusion among special Stickelberger subideals (1997)
Fermat quotients for composite moduli (1997)
Wilson quotients for composite moduli (1997)
Wavelety - úvod do teorie a aplikace (1997)
Kernel smoothing as a regularization of a singular distribution (1997)
Wavelety a jejich použití při filtraci dat (1997)
Fast Algorithms of Fourier and Hartley transform and their implementation in MATLAB (1998)
Boundary kernels - usage and results (1997)
Multivariate density estimation (1997)
On the Parity of the Class Number of the Field $Q(\sqrt p,\sqrt q,\sqrt r)$ (1998)
On the Parity of the Class Number of the Field $Q(\sqrt p,\sqrt q,\sqrt r)$ (1998)
Nekonečné řady (1998)
A generalization of a unit index of Greither (1998)
A useful fixpoint theorem (1998)
On automorphism groups of planar lattices (1998)
Left adjoint for booleanization (1998)
Semimodularity and irreducible elements (1998)
Vznik a vývoj teorie grafů (1998)
Matematika na německé technice v Brně (1999)
Výuka deskriptivní geometrie na německé technice v Brně (1999)
*-Median (1996)
Polarities on algebraic structures (1994)
Matematická biologie (1998)
Oscillatory criteria for nonlinear third order differential equations with quasiderivatives (1995)
On asymptotic behavior of solutions of second order linear differential equations (1995)
On third order differential equations with property A and B (1999)
Oscillation of linear differential equations associated to disconjugate operators (1998)
On vanishing at infinity solutions of second order linear differential equations with advanced arguments (1998)
An equivalence theorem on properties A,B for third order differential equations (1997)
On the qualitative behavior of solutions of third order differential equations (1996)
Comparison theorems for third order differential equations (1996)
K~problematice využívání výpočetní techniky ve výuce matematiky na školách nematematického směru (1998)
Nonuniqueness results for ordinary differential equations (1998)
Stereotactic Virtual CT Navigation of Endoscopic Ventriculostomy (1998)
Stability of Dynamical Systems in the Plane (1990)
Contributions to the asymptotic behaviour of the equation
with a complex-valued function
Statistické vzorce a věty (1999)
Asymptotic behaviour of the equation of the equation
Some results on the asymptotic behaviour of the equation
with a complex-valued function
Asymptotic nature of solutions of the equation
with a complex-valued function
On a "Liapunov-like" function for an equation
with a complex-valued function
Asymptotic behaviour of the equations
Asymptotic properties of the solutions of the equation
with a complex-valued function
On certain asymptoptic properties of the solutions of the equation
with a complex-valued function
On the asymptotic behaviour of the equation
with a complex-valued function
Asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the equation
with a complex-valued function
Nonuniqueness for the solutions of ordinary differential equations (1979)
Covers in generalized frames (1994)
On some duality for orthoposets (1998)
Remark on the Dissipativity of an N Prey - One Predator System (1996)
O jednom využití počítače ve výuce matematické analýzy : Lokální extrémy funkcí dvou proměnných (1997)
INTERNET pro učitele matematiky (1997)
Export Mapleovských zápisníků do TeXu (1998)
Limita funkce dvou proměnných s programem Maple V (1998)
Množství mononukleárních buněk není spolehlivé pro ohodnocení kvality transplantátu periferních kmenových buněk (1998)
On local flatness of manifolds with AHS-structures (1996)
Invariant operators and semi-holonomic Verma modules (1998)
Víno a roztoči (o jednom ekologickém modelu) (1998)
Kinetical Systems - Local Analysis (1998)
On 4-fields and 4-distributions in 8-dimensional vector bundles over 8-complexes (1998)
Elektronické diskusní skupiny a matematika (1996)
Informační technologie v matematice (1996)
Internet a matematika (1996)
Internet a střední školy (1) (1996)
Internet a střední školy (2) (1997)
Almost quaternionic structures on eight-manifolds (1998)
On complex structures in 8-dimensional vector bundles (1998)
A theory of enriched sketches (1998)
A topological Banach space model of linear logic (1996)
What are locally generated categories? (1991)
Internet a střední školy (3) (1997)
Internet a střední školy (4) : (Matematika a historie matematiky na Internetu) (1997)
Příklady z matematické analýzy : Diferenciální rovnice (1995)
The cohomology rings of BO(n) and BSO(n) with Z/2^mZ coefficients (1995)
On the existence of 2-fields in 8-dimensional vector bundles over 8-complexes (1995)
On the classification of oriented vector bundles over 9-complexes (1994)
Various structures in 8-dimensional vector bundles over 8-manifolds (1998)
Classification of oriented vector bundles over 5-complexes (1993)
On generalized parallelisms (1998)
The Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket on some functional spaces (1998)
Gauge-natural transformations of some cotangent bundles (1997)
On holonomocity criteria in second order geometry (1998)
The Universal Connection of an Arbitrary System (1998)
On the second order absolute differentiation (1999)
On the jets of fibered manifold morphisms (1999)
Involutions for matrices and generalized inverse (1998)
Recent results and new ideas on Weil bundles (1996)
Natural Lagrangians for quantum structures over 4-dimensional space-time (1998)
Wilson quotients for composite moduli (1998)
Generalized multivariate normal distribution (1998)
Různé přístupy k jádrovému odhadu regresní funkce (1994)
Elementární matematika (1995)
Bernstein Polynomials over Simplices (1995)
Jádrové vyhlazování (1995)
Gegenbauer Polynomials, Optimal Kernels and Stancu Operators (1995)
Linear Smoothers and Additive Models (1998)
Some Remarks on Kernels (2000)
On the graded Lie algebra of quantisable forms (1999)
Návrh evaluačních standardů z matematiky pro základní a střední školy (1994)
Standardy a testové úlohy z matematiky pro čtyřletá gymnázia (1998)
Standardy a testové úlohy z matematiky pro střední odborné školy (1998)
Einstein - Godel - Bach - Escher (1996)
Některé vlastnosti prvočísel (1998)
Od dokonalých čísel k Fermatovým prvočíslům (1999)
O hledání velkých prvočísel (1999)
Některé slavné hypotézy (1999)
Přehled vývoje matematiky (1994)
Co ještě nevíme o prvočíslech (1994)
Od měření obsahů a objemů k infinitesimálnímu počtu (1994)
Kurt Godel (1906-1978) (1996)
Detekce periodicity v hydrologických datech (1998)
On quantum vector fields in general relativistic quantum mechanics (1997)
Matching Modulo Associativity and Idempotency is NP-Complete (2000)
Počítačová podpora výuky matematické analýzy (1997)
Systém Famulus ve výuce matematické analýzy (1998)
Popisná statistika (1995)
Popisná statistika (1996)
Popisná statistika (1998)
Teorie pravděpodobnosti a matematická statistika. Sbírka příkladů. (1996)
Teorie pravděpodobnosti a matematická statistika. Sbírka příkladů. (1998)
Výuka matematiky pro optometry na Lékařské fakultě MU v Brně (1999)
Some cardinal characteristics of orddered sets (1998)
Vývoj vzorců chování (1999)
Identities in ordered sets (1999)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. Díl 1, Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných. (1999)
Pattern Equations and Equations with Stuttering (1999)
On existence varieties of E-solid semigroups (1999)
Moznosti vyuziti biometrik pri zabezpeceni elektronickych transakci (1999)
The cohomology rings of BO(n) with twisted integer coefficients (1999)
An urban bias in air temperature fluctuations at the Klementinum, Prague, The Czech Republic (1999)
All solid varieties of semigroups (1999)
Hilbert Q-modules and Nuclear Ideals (1999)
On equivalence relations in ordered sets (1999)
Jádrové odhady - implementace, ilustrativní příklady, aplikace (1994)
Významní matematikové 16. a 17. století (1999)
Wavelety a časově-frekvenční analýza dat (1995)
Kernel and Wavelet smoothing: Basic theory and examples of practical data analysis (1996)
Waveletová analýza dat (1996)
Invariant local twistor calculus for quaternionic structures and related geometries (1999)
On the fiber product preserving bundle functors (1999)
Cartesian closed exact completions (1999)
On essentially algebraic theories and their generalizations (1999)
Comparing coequalizer and exact completions (1999)
Additive models and kernel smoothing (1999)
Numerické metody (1999)
Production of Anti-Sperm Antibodies Associated with Genital Chlamydia Infection (2000)
Evaluation of the Size Distribution of Starch Granules in Wheat and Artifical Genotypes (1999)
Distribuovana duvera (1999)
Minimax estimates of linear parameter function in regression model under restrictions on parameters and variance-covariance matrix (1997)
Minimax estimates in regression model with restrictions on parameters and with variance matrix belonging to a special class of variance matrices (1998)
Modely časových řad ve finančnictví (1999)
Development and Role of Women in Engineering in Botswana (1997)
Pseudodimension of relational structures. (1999)
Minimax approach to spatial data (1998)
Úvod do lineární algebry [Horák, 1978] (1976)
Poznámky k výuce matematiky pro nematematické obory (1999)
Použití MATLABU ve výuce matematiky na vysokých školách (1999)
Estimation of local water budgets in Zimbabwe based on additive models. (1996)
Semantic Inference in the Human-Machine Communication (1999)
Using TIL for Semantic Analysis of Text (1998)
Polynomy (1978)
Note on Category of Spaces of Parallelism (1980)
Geometrie. I, Pro učitelské studium (1982)
Recurring Sequences with Certain Divisibility Properties (1983)
Algebra a teoretická aritmetika. I [Horák, 1987] (1985)
A Note on the Third-Order Strong Divisibility Sequences (1988)
Algebra a teoretická aritmetika. II [Horák, 1988] (1988)
Linear Recurrences and Divisibility (1989)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple. Díl 1, Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných. (1999)
Complexity Issues of the Pattern Equations in Idempotent Semigroups (1999)
On the Pattern Equations (1999)
Cvičení z algebry a teoretické aritmetiky I. (1991)
Algebra a teoretická aritmetika. 1 [Horák] (1991)
Strong Divisibility Sequences of the Third Order (1992)
Anketa k výuce matematiky na středních školách (1992)
Algebra a teoretická aritmetika. 2 [Horák, 1993] (1993)
Algebra a teoretická aritmetika ve výuce učitelství matematiky (1995)
Závěr studia učitelství matematiky na PřF MU (1997)
On local convexifiability of type four domains in C^2 (1999)
Rovnice a jejich soustavy (1999)
Kinetika obnovy krvetvorby po vysokodávkové chemoterapii a autologní transplantaci periferních kmenových buněk (1999)
Žáci se ptají (2000)
On the permanence of non-autonomous competitive system (1999)
On kinetics of reactions in HV circuit breakers (1999)
Kinetic-diffusion systems (2000)
Independence in l-groups (1999)
Professor O. Borůvka and the use of the of Lyapunov functions in uniqueness theorems (1999)
On existence of oscillatory solutions of n-th order differential equations with quasiderivatives (1999)
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of a third order nonlinear differential equations (1999)
The nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle problem for higher order equations (1999)
Symptomatická parenterální antipyretická léčba u onkologicky nemocných - srovnání metamizolu, diclofenacu a propacetamolu (1999)
On unbounded oscillatory solutions of n-th order differential equations with quasiderivatives (1997)
Oscillatory criteria for nonlinear n-th order differential equations with quasiderivatives (1996)
Limit-point type results for nonlinear fourth order differential equations (1997)
On L2 and limit-point solutions of fourth order differential equations (1996)
On oscillation and nonoscillation of second order half-linear equations (2000)
Disconjugacy and disfocality criteria for second order singular half-linear differential equations (1999)
Oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for a second order linear equations (1999)
Oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for two-dimensional system of first order linear ordinary differential equations (1999)
On zeros of solutions of a second order singular half-linear equation (1999)
On a nonlocal boundary value problem for second order singular equations (2000)
Oscillation and nonoscillation of Emden-Fowler type equation of secon order (1996)
K historii výuky analytické geometrie na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze a Vysokém učení technickém v Brně (2000)
Certification (1998)
Equations and Inequalities: Elementary Problems and Theorems in Algebra and Number Theory (2000)
Cryptography and Biometrics in Banking (2000)
Biometrics Won't Be the Silver Bullet (Or Will They?) (2000)
Uncountably many varieties of semigroups satisfying x^2y = xy (2000)
Písemné přijímací zkoušky a testy z matematiky (2000)
"Spirituální bytosti" a matematika (2000)
Biometrics (2000)
Historie systémů počítačové algebry (2000)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple (2000)
Některé chyby při studentském řešení jedné úlohy z analytické geometrie (2000)
Quantisable functions in general relativity (2000)
Embeddings of quantales into simple quantales (2000)
Algebra, grupy a okruhy (2000)
Quantales (2000)
A note on Girard bimodules (2000)
Hermitian kernels, Hilbert $Q$-modules and Ando dilation (2000)
On the solvability of equations in semigroups with $x^r=x$ (2000)
Školní družiny ve městě a na venkově (2000)
Nonuniqueness theorem for a singular Cauchy problem (2000)
0n oscillatory solutions of third order differential equation with quasiderivatives (2000)
Biometricke autentizacni systemy (2000)
Inner product in l-groups (2000)
Free partially commutative semigroups in band varieties (2000)
Invariant operators on manifolds with almost Hermitian symmetric structures, III. Standard operators (2000)
The geometry of hyperbolic and elliptic CR-manifolds of codimension two (2000)
Parabolic geometries and Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences (2000)
Non-standard invariant operators for quaternionic geometries (2000)
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences (2000)
First order invariant differential operators for parabolic geometries (2000)
Optimization problems connected with kernel estimates (2000)
Základy a aplikace jádrových odhadů (2000)
Being a proper trapezoid ordered set is a comparability invariant (2000)
Methods of oscillation theory of half-linear second order differential equations (2000)
Trigonometric transformation of symplectic difference systems (2000)
A remark on conjugacy of half-linear second order differential equations (2000)
Linear Hamiltonian difference systems: Transformations, recessive solutions, generalized reciprocity (1999)
Transformations of linear Hamiltonian systems - continuous versus discrete (1998)
Knihovna programů TSA-M pro analýzu časových řad (2000)
Nadstavba jazyka C++ syntakticky podobná MATLABu (2000)
On the Stickelberger ideal and circular units of some genus fields (2000)
On the dynamics of the generalized Emden-Fowler equation (2000)
Disconjugate operators and related differential equations (2000)
On square integrable solutions of the third order linear differential equations (2000)
On boundedness and stability of solutions of second order linear differential equaitons with advanced arguments (1999)
Asymptotic behaviour and zeros of solutions of n-th order linear differential equations (2000)
Algebraic aspects of transformations with an application to differential equations (2000)
Qualitative properties of equivalent linear differential equations (2000)
Discrete Reid roundabout theorems (1999)
Sturmian theorem for recessive solutions of linear Hamiltonian difference systems (1999)
A remark on half-linear extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem (2000)
Principal solution of symplectic dynamic systems on time scales (2000)
Conjugacy criteria for second order linear difference equations (1998)
Positivity of block tridiagonal matrices (1998)
Trigonometric transformation and oscillation properties of second order difference equations (2000)
Sturm-Liouville dynamic equations on time scales - a unified approach to continuous and discrete oscillation theory (1998)
Oscillation criteria for half-linear second order differential equations (1998)
Conjugacy of half-linear second order differential equations (2000)
Inequalities for Riccati matrix difference operators (1998)
Factorization of disconjugate higher order Sturm-Liouville difference operators (1998)
Oscillation criteria for higher order Sturm-Liouville difference equations (1998)
On oscillation of the third order linear equations. (2000)
Nonexistence of positive solutions of PDE's with p-Laplacian (2001)
The p-Laplacian and connected pairs of functions (2000)
Conjugacy and disconjugacy criteria fir second order linear ordinary deifferential equations (2000)
On oscillation of third order linear differential equation (1996)
Nonlocal boundary value problem for second order linear ordinary differential equations (1996)
Chemoradioterapie u lokálně pokročilého neresekabilního nádoru pankreatu (2000)
Richard von Mises (1883-1953) (2000)
Početnice a matematické texty raného novověku (1999)
Historie matematiky, Schmochtitz 1999 (1999)
Some two-poit boundary value problems for second order functional differential equations (2000)
Conjugacy criteria for second order linear difference equation (1998)
Neparametrická diskriminační analýza (2000)
On nonoscillatory solutions of third order nonlinear differential equations (2001)
On L2 Solutions of Third Order Nonlinear Differential Equations (2000)
Popisná statistika (2001)
A note on the theorem on differential inequalities (2000)
Generalized Additive Models (2000)
Peak functions on convex domains (2000)
Linear extensions of orderings (2000)
Localizations of varieties and quasivarieties (2000)
On sifted colimits and generalized varieties (2001)
A solution of the word problem for free *-regular semigroups (2001)
Unification in varieties of completely simple semigroups (2000)
Affine structure on Weil bundles (2000)
Natural transformations of separated jets (2000)
Second order connections on some functional bundles (1999)
Natural lifting of connections to vertical bundles (2000)
Bundle functors of the jet type (1999)
Gen.multivariate normal distribution and Kelker's classes of distributions (2000)
On boundary value problems for linear systems of functional differential equations (1997)
O periodicheskikh riesheniakh lineinykh differencialnykh system s otkloniaiushchimisia argumentami (1995)
On periodic solutions of linear functional-differential equations systems (1997)
On a certain singular boundary value problem for linear differential equations with deviating argument (1997)
Conti-Opial types theorems for nonlinear functional differencial equations (1997)
On the solvability of boundary value problems for functional differential equations (1998)
On periodic solutions of nonlinear functional differential equations (1999)
On a Two-point Boundary Value Problem for the Evolutions Equations (1999)
On periodic solutions of differential equations with deviating arguments (2000)
Upper and lawer solutions of boundary value problems for functional differential equations and theorems on functional differential inequalities (2000)
On a weighted boundary value problem for a system of singular functional differential equations (2000)
On boundary value problems for functional differential equations (1997)
On periodic solutions of nonlinear functional - differential equations (1997)
On periodic solutions of functional differetial equations (1998)
On some boundary value problems for first order functional differential equations (2000)
Boundary value problems for functional differential equations (Foundation of theory and some aplications) (2000)
Racines d'unités cyclotomiques et divisibilité du nombre de classes d'un corps abélien réel (2001)
Analytická teorie kuželoseček a kvadrik (1996)
Vybrané kapitoly z kombinatoriky a teorie grafů (1987)
Mnohostěny [Sekanina, 1977] (1977)
Teorie pravděpodobnosti a matematická statistika.Sbírka příkladů. (2001)
On quadratically integrable solutions of the second order linear equation (2001)
Školní družina ve městě a na venkově z pohledu dětí (2001)
A remark on natural quantum Lagrangians and natural generalized Schroedinger operators in Galilei quantum mechanics (2001)
Analytic geometry at Brno University of Technology (historical remark) (2001)
Neobvyklá aplikace skalárního součinu (2001)
Učebnice "Základy analytické geometrie" Eduarda Čecha (2001)
Výuka teorie pravděpodobosti a matematické statistiky se SPSS (2001)
Sjednocení spojité a diskrétní analýzy (2001)
Bůh a hry, matematické (2001)
Workflow správnych procesov v odpadovom hospodárstve Slovenskej republiky (2001)
Oscillation theory of linear difference equations (2000)
Half-linear oscillation theory (2001)
Natural vector fields and 2-vector fields on the tangent bundle of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold (2001)
Matematika v obrazech (2001)
Symbolická matematika (2001)
The category of non-indexed algebras and weak homomorphisms (1979)
Tolerances of frames (1991)
Natural generalization of some lattice theory concepts to partially ordered sets (1991)
Některé problémy školní družiny na prahu nového tisíciletí (2000)
On Asymptotic Properties of a Strongly Nonlinear Differential Equation (2001)
Integral characterization of principal solution of half-linear second order differential equations (2000)
The discrete Prufer transformation (2001)
The trace coding problem is undecidable (extended abstract) (2001)
Disconjugacy, transformations and quadratic functionals for symplectic dynamic systems on time scales (2001)
Nonoscillation criteria for half-linear second order difference equations (2001)
Aplikace XML pro Internet (2001)
Linear Hamiltonian dynamic systems on time scales: Sturmian property of principal solution (2001)
Matematici na německé technice v Brně (2001)
Workflow správních procesů v odpadovém hospodářství (2001)
Využití informační technologie Maple ve výuce matematiky a ekonometrie (2001)
Standard MathML v systému Maple 7 (2001)
Hyperbolic sine and cosine functions on measure chains (2001)
Spojité modely v biologii (2001)
On nonnegative solutions of first order scalar functional differential equations (2001)
Odběr transplantátů periferních kmenových buněk krvetvorby u dobrovolných dárců -sourozenců nemocných (2001)
Analysis of requirements and design of workflow and document flow for waste management administration (2001)
Uslovia koleblemosti linejnogo uravnenija tretjego porjadka. (2001)
Aplikace shlukové analýzy v ekologii (2001)
On singular solutions of third order differential equations (2001)
On Kneser solutions of nonlinear third order differential equations (2001)
On existence of singular solutions of n-th order differential equations (2001)
Biometrický podpis? (2001)
Biometriky a jejich problémy (2000)
Dvě zastavení u elektronického podpisu (2001)
Kam kracela a bude kracet informacni bezpecnost v Ceske a Slovenske republice aneb informacni bezpecnost na prelomu století (2001)
Biometric Authentication Systems in Practice (2001)
Markov Attention Model with Discrete Time (2001)
Internet pro učitele matematiky (2001)
Formulae for the relative class number of an imaginary abelian field in the form of a determinant (2001)
On nonoscillatory solutions of fourth-order differential equations (2001)
Počítače ve výuce geometrie (2001)
The First Czech Textbook On The Differential Geometry (2001)
Kam se nám zaběhla deskriptivní geometrie (2000)
On multivarieties and multialgebraic categories (2001)
Syntactic characterizations of various classes of locally presentable categories (2001)
Exact completion and representations in abelian categories (2001)
Varieties without minimal generators (2001)
More on orthogonality in locally presentable categories (2001)
On algebraically exact categories and essential localizations of varieties (2001)
How algebraic is algebra? (2001)
Quantaloids for concurrency (2001)
On pseudocomplemented and Stone ordered sets (2001)
The use of Lyapunov functions in uniqueness and nonuniqueness theorems (2000)
Metoda komplexifikace a možnosti jejího použití (2001)
Obyčejné diferenciální rovnice (2001)
Stability and asymptotic behaviour of a two-dimensional differential system with delay (2002)
Analytická teorie kuželoseček a kvadrik (2001)
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences (2001)
Jádrové odhady derivace regresní funkce (2001)
Faktory ovlivňující vznik lokální recidivy a vzdálené diseminace '...'. (2001)
Prolongation of second order connections to vertical Weil bundles (2001)
Statistické vyhodnocení změn srážko-odtokových vztahů vybraných povodí řeky Moravy (2001)
Otakar Borůvka and French Mathematics (2001)
Standardy a testové úlohy z matematiky pro základní školy a nižší ročníky víceletých gymnázií (2000)
Hyperbolic Transformation and Hyperbolic Difference Systems (2001)
Analysis of requirements and design of workflow for waste management administration (2001)
Isomorphismus der Kardinalpotenzen (1965)
Projective and injective complete lattices (1975)
On partitions with limited summands (1979)
On the o-category of finite chains (1982)
Partitions, compositions and cyclomatic number of function lattices (1984)
Teorie množin pro učitele (1999)
Diskrétní matematika pro učitele (2001)
Diskrétní matematika a Teorie množin pro učitele (CD-ROM) (2000)
Standardy a testové úlohy z matematiky pro čtyřletá gymnázia (2001)
Standardy a testové úlohy z matematiky pro střední odborné školy (2000)
Interior tensor product of Hilbert modules (2001)
Syntactic Semiring of a Language (2001)
Kernel frame smoothing operators (2001)
Equivalency for disconjugate operators (2001)
On decaying solutions for functional differential equations with p-Laplacian (2001)
Teaching Geometry at the University of Coimbra (2001)
Automatizace správních procesů v oblasti životního prostředí (2001)
Neparametrická diskriminační analýza (2001)
Finite Sums Decompositions in Mathematical Analysis (1994)
Approximations of two-place functions by finite sums of terms with separable variables (1994)
Lineární regresní model a vážená metoda nejmenších čtverců (2000)
Dělitelnost. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1994)
Analysis of Gender Dfferences in Education for Engineering Career (Gaborone Case Study) (2000)
Osová a středová souměrnost. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1994)
Racionální čísla. Procenta. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1994)
Trojúhelníky a čtyřúhelníky. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1995)
Hranoly. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1995)
Výrazy 1. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1995)
The minimax approach to kriging (2001)
Výrazy 2. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1995)
Geometrické konstrukce. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (1998)
Funkce. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (2000)
Podobnost a funkce úhlu. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (2000)
Jehlany a kužely. Matematika pro nižší třídy víceletých gymnázií (2001)
Dvě poznámky o metodě kriging (2001)
Potenciální energie a rovnováha sil v geometrii (2000)
K rozkladu mnohočlenů bez reálných kořenů (2001)
Markov Model of Active Attention (2001)
On the definitions of the nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle properties (2001)
On nonoscillatory solutions of fourth-order differential equations (2001)
O nekatorykh kraevykh zadachakh dlia nelineinykh funkcionalno-differencialnykh uravnenij (2001)
On singular boundary value problems for functional differential equations of higher order (2001)
Theorems of Conti-Opial type for nonlinear functional-differential equations (1997)
Natural Poisson and Jacobi structures on the tangent bundle of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold (2001)
Arabská matematika (2001)
Historické ohlédnutí za výukou matematiky na vysokých školách technických (2001)
Historické matematické texty na Internetu (2001)
Uncountable orthogonality is a closure property (2001)
Algebra a geometrie (2001)
Pseudoinverzní matice a analýza metod jejich numerických výpočtů (2001)
Iteration of Fiber Product Preserving Bundle Functors (2001)
Some remarks on iterative methods for systems of linear equations (2001)
Positive decreasing solutions of quasi-linear difference equations (2001)
Spatial Quantales (2002)
Diferenciální počet v Maple 7 (2001)
Integrální počet v Maple 7 (2001)
Možnosti částečného financování portálu veřejné správy z prostředků mezinárodních programů (2001)
Morita equivalence in the context of Hilbert modules (2002)
Geometrie a počítač (1) (2002)
Cassiniho ovál na počítači (2002)
More on injectivity in locally presentable categories (2002)
On existence of singular solutions (2002)
A note on the Cauchy problem for first order linear differential equations with deviating argument (2002)
On periodic solutions of first order linear functional differential equations (2002)
On constant sign solutions of a periodic type boundary value problems for first order functional differential equations (2002)
Analytic Geometry During the Bilingual Period of the Czech Technical University in Prague (Historical Remark) (2002)
A note on nuclei of quantale modules (2002)
A necessary and sufficient condition for oscillation of the Sturm-Liouville dynamic equation on time scales (2002)
On abstract data types presented by multiequations (2002)
Zkušenosti s výukou statistiky na FI MU podporovanou systémem STATISTICA (2002)
Školní družina ve městě a na venkově očima vychovatelů (2002)
Obnovené studium deskriptivní geometrie na Přírodovědecké fakultě MU v Brně (2002)
Constants in oscillation theory of higher order Sturm-Liouville differential equations (2002)
Analytická geometrie na pražské univerzitě v letech 1871 - 1903 (2002)
Weak factorization systems and topological functors (2002)
On an antiperiodic type boundary value problem for first order linear functional differential equations (2002)
Algebras over variable theories (2002)
Qualitative theory of half-linear second order differential equations (2002)
Uniqueness results by covariance in covariant quantum mechanics (2002)
Introduction to biometrics (2002)
Biometric Signature? (2001)
Biometrická autentizace - trendy a vize (2002)
Biometrická identifikace a verifikace II - Základní kritéria měření výkonnosti biometrických metod (2002)
On a periodic-type boundary value problem for first order nonlinear functional differential equations (2002)
Mýty a omyly elektronického podpisu (2002)
Teorie pravděpodobnosti a matematická statistika.Sbírka příkladů. (2002)
Matematika a její lidé (2002)
Diskrétní matematika ve 20. století (2002)
Využití počítače ve výuce matematiky (2002)
Některé chyby a omyly v matematice (2002)
Logistic equation on measure chain (2002)
Jak vyprávět biologům o matematice (2002)
Solvability and uniqie solvability of a periodic type boundary value problem for first order scalar functional differential equations (2002)
On a generalization of the Dirichlet integral (2002)
Oscillatory properties of fourth order Sturm-Liouville differential equations (2002)
On a generalized small-object argument for the injective subcategory problem (2002)
Flat covers and factorizations (2002)
Modal predicates and coequations (2002)
On simple and semisimple quantales (2002)
Asymptotic behaviour of oscillatory solutions of a fourth-order nonlinear differential equation (2002)
Biometric Authentication - Security and Usability (2002)
Covariant Schroedinger operator (2002)
Optimal conditions for unique solvability of the Cauchy problem for first order linear functional differential equations (2002)
New optimal conditions for unique solvability of the Cauchy problem for first order linear functional differential equations (2002)
Riemann-Stieltjesův integrál (2001)
Několik slov o spojitosti (2002)
Funkce - od hodnot v bodech k distribucím (2002)
Zajímavé geometrické úlohy (2002)
Sbírka testových úloh k maturitě z matematiky (2002)
A partial generalization of Diliberto's theorem for certain DEs of higher dimension. (2002)
On Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Linear Functional Differential Equations with a Small Parameter (2002)
Necessary conditions for local convexifiability of pseudoconvex domains in C^2 (2002)
Covariant pre-quantum operators (2002)
Covariant quantum mechanics and quantum symmetries (2002)
Jednotné důkazy "kvadratických" vět o trojúhelníku (2002)
Class Number Parity of a Compositum of Five Quadratic Fields (2002)
The Picone identity for a class of partial differential equations (2002)
The lifted root number conjecture for fields of prime degree over the rationals: an approach via trees and Euler systems (2002)
Formulae for the relative class number of an imaginary abelian field in the form of a product of determinants (2002)
Counting and Configurations: Problems in Combinatorics, Arithmetic, and Geometry (2003)
On a boundary-value problem of periodic type for first-order linear functional differential equations (2002)
Biometric-Based Authentication for Mobile Devices (2003)
Recessive solution of half-linear second order difference equations (2003)
Lax factorization algebras (2002)
Matematika v proměnách věků. II (2001)
VI. seminář o filozofických otázkách matematiky a fyziky : Jevíčko, 24.-27. srpna 1992 (1992)
Kryptografie a její aplikace (2001)
Hilbert-space techniques for spectral representation in terms of overcomplete bases (2002)
On periodic solutions of first order nonlinear functional differential equations of non-Volterra's type (2001)
Oscillation theory of linear differential and difference equations (2002)
Symplectic dynamic systems (2003)
On a two-point boundary value problem for second order ordinary differential equations with singularities (2003)
Prolongation of projectable tangent valued forms (2002)
On the geometry of fiber product preserving bundle functors (2002)
On the covariant exterior differentiation on Weil bundles (2002)
On Cauchy problem for the first order nonlinear functional differential equations of non-Volterra's type (2002)
Unification Modulo Associativity and Idempotency Is NP-complete (2002)
Operators on classes of regular languages (2002)
Syntactic semiring and language equations (2002)
Oscillation and nonoscillation of higher order self-adjoint differential equations (2002)
Sixty years of professor Frantisek Neuman (1998)
A finitely generated variety of combinatorial inverse semigroups having uncountably many subvarieties (2002)
A classification of accessible categories (2002)
Popisná statistika (2002)
Density estimate and its application to analysis of temperature series (2003)
Optimal Choice of Nonparametric Estimates of a Density and of its Derivatives (2002)
Metoda zúplnění matematických struktur (2002)
Malá Fermatova věta (2002)
Matematika na německé technice v Brně (2002)
Georg Hamel and Richard von Mises in Brno (2002)
Viennese Mathematicians at the German Technical University in Brno (2002)
Functional approximations using overcomplete base systems (2002)
Treatment of uterine sarcoma (2002)
Lokální recidivy a vzdálená diseminace u pacientek s karcinomem prsu I. a II. klinického stádia léčených konzervativním chirurgickým výkonem a radioterapií (2002)
Ověření prediktivní validity subtestu nové české verze testu WISC-III UK (2002)
Multivitamin supplementation durig pregnancy and birth weight (2002)
Measure of the Invertibility of Matrix Involution (2002)
The effect of cataract surgery in patients with chronic eye diseases, Abstract (1999)
Analytická geometrie (2002)
Zobecněný lineární model - aplikace v biometrice. (2002)
Geometrie a počítač (2) (2002)
Některé netradiční úlohy o křivkách (2002)
Symptomatic Intravenous Antipyretic Therapy: Efficacy of Metamizol, Diclofenac, and Propacetamol (2002)
Maple a JavaView (2002)
Algebra a geometrie (2002)
Jak matematika popsala chaos (2003)
Some limit-point/limit-circle results for third order differential equations (2002)
On Existence of Singular Solutions (2002)
A Comparison of Some Parametric and Nonparametric Discrimination Procedures (2002)
Oscillatory properties of higher order Sturm-Liouville differential equation (2002)
Biometrická identifikace a verifikace V - Biometriky oka (2003)
Algorithmic computations of Lie algebra cohomologies (2003)
Injective hulls are not natural (2002)
On the duality between varieties and algebraic theories (2003)
Diagonalizovatelné matice a matice f-hermitovské (2003)
Číselné obory (1998)
On a two-point boundary value problem for second order singular equations (2003)
Some boundary value problems for first order scalar functional differential equations (2002)
On a boundary value problem for first-order scalar functional differential equations (2003)
Matyáš Lerch (2003)
Matematické modely v biologii s programem Maple (2003)
Continuous categories revisited (2003)
Vliv předozáření na některé biochemické parametry maligních nádorů mléčné žlázy: receptory steroidních hormonů (2001)
Lineární a kvadratická diskriminace (2003)
On Unique Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Linear Functional Differential Equations (2001)
Conti-Opial Type Existence and Uniqueness Theorems for Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value Problems (2002)
Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Linear Functional Differential Equations (2003)
On nonoscillatory solutions of differential equations with p-Laplacian (2001)
Nekonečné řady (2002)
On bases of odd and even universal ordinary distributions (1992)
On bases of the Stickelberger ideal and of the group of circular units of a cyclotomic field (1992)
Forced oscillation of second order linear and half-linear difference equations (2003)
A class of Sturm-Liouville difference equations: (non)oscillation constants and property BD (2003)
Toward Reliable User Authentication through Biometrics (2003)
Odhad parametrů logistické rovnice (2002)
Síťový přístup do Encyklopedie matematiky pro VŠ v ČR (2001)
The application of Picone-type identity for some nonlinear ellipric partial differential equations (2003)
Prognostic outcome of local recurrence in breast cancer after conserving surgery and mastectomy (2003)
Diferenciální rovnice druhého a vyšších řádů v Maple 7 - řešené příklady (2001)
Disconjugacy of symplectic systems and positive definiteness of block tridiagonal matrices (1999)
Linear Hamiltonian systems on time scales: transformations (1999)
Nonnegativity of a discrete quadratic functional in terms of the (strengthened) Legendre and Jacobi conditions (2003)
Symplectic difference systems: variable stepsize discretization and discrete quadratic functionals (2003)
Riccati inequality, disconjugacy, and reciprocity principle for linear Hamiltonian dynamic systems (2003)
The cohomology rings of Stiefel manifolds with integer coefficients (2003)
A note on circular units in Zp-extensions (2003)
Weyl structures for parabolic geometries (2003)
Mikulášská kryptobesídka (2001)
Velikonoční kryptologie (2002)
Mikulášská kryptobesídka (2002)
Diagonalization approach to discrete quadratic functionals (2003)
Metody řešení obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic (1998)
Geometrie geometrických posloupností (2002)
O spravedlivém krájení pizzy (2003)
Nonnegativity of discrete quadratic functionals corresponding to symplectic difference systems (2003)
Nonuniqueness Theorem for a Singular Cauchy-Nicoletti problem (2004)
Jak řešit systémy lineárních diferenciálních rovnic (2003)
Asymptotic behaviour of a difference equation with complex-valued coefficients (2005)
On the periodic boundary value problem for first-order functional-differential equations (2003)
Transformations and global properties of differential equations (2003)
Smoothness versus discreteness (2003)
Discretization of smooth systems (2003)
Algebraic analogues of differential equations for nondifferentiable functions (2003)
Differential and discrete representations of objects in Ehresmann groupoids (2003)
Mathematical model of peripheral blood stem cell harvest kinetics (2003)
Left-determined model categories and universal homotopy theories (2003)
Regular half-linear second order differential equations (2003)
Undecidability of the trace coding problem and some decidable cases (2004)
Sázíme v LaTeXu diplomovou práci z matematiky (2003)
Zkušenosti s počitačově podporovanou výukou předmětu "Pravděpodobnost a statistika" (2003)
Coupled intervals in the discrete optimal control (2004)
Ottova všeobecná encyklopedie (2003)
Functional and differential equations (2001)
d'Alembert equation for finite sum decompositions (2001)
Solutions of Abel's equation in relation to asymptotic behaviour of linear DEs (1998)
Positive semidefiniteness of discrete quadratic functionals (2003)
Calculus of variations on time scales: weak local piecewise C1rd solutions with variable endpoints (2004)
Distributive quantales (2003)
A singular version of Leighton's comparison theorem for forced quasilinear second order differential equations (2003)
Equational description of pseudovarieties of homomorphisms (2003)
Oscillation and nonoscillation of solutions to even order self-adjoint differential equations (2003)
On quantales and spectra of C*-algebras (2003)
An oscillation theorem for discrete eigenvalue problem (2003)
The nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle problem (2006)
Diferenciální počet funkcí jedné proměnné (2003)
Unbounded solutios of quasi-linear difference equations (2003)
Phases of linear difference equations and symplectic systems (2003)
Between group variance component interval estimation for the unbalanced heteroscedastic one-way random effects model (2003)
A Contribution to Word Length Theory (2003)
Úvod do analýzy textov (2003)
On Kenward-Roger Confidence Intervals for Common Mean in Interlaboratory Trials (2003)
Štatistika - študijný odbor (2003)
A Contribution to Calibration Problem (2003)
A Lawlike Hypothesis in Music (2003)
A Note on the Fundamental Matrix of Variational Equations in $R^3$. (2003)
Discrete analysis of a certain parametrized family of quadratic functions based on conjugacy of those (2003)
Syntactic semiring and language equations (2003)
Syntactic semiring and universal automaton (2003)
On the flow prolongation of vector fields (2003)
On projectivity in locally presentable categories (2004)
Toward a characterization of algebraic exactness (2004)
On the torsion of linear higher order connections (2003)
A remark on discrete quadratic functionals with separable endpoints (2003)
Equivalent conditions to the nonnegativity of a quadratic functional in discrete optimal control (2004)
A general point of view to nonholonomic jet bundles (2003)
On the Helmholtz operator for Euler morphisms (2003)
Contact elements on fibered manifolds (2003)
Matematická analýza s programem Maple (2004)
Výuka pravděpodobnosti a statistiky v učitelském studiu matematiky podporovaná systémem STATISTICA (2004)
Teorie pravděpodobnosti a matematická statistika. Sbírka příkladů. (2004)
A real analog of Kostant's version of the Bott-Borel-Weil theorem (2004)
Oscillation Conditions for a Third-Order Linear Equation. (2003)
Hydrothermal mineralization in the Moravian Karst near Býčí skála cave: Post-Variscan deformation history? (2003)
Annihilators for the class group of a cyclic field of prime power degree (2004)
Algebra (2002)
Úvod do globální analýzy (2003)
Reduction theorems for general linear connections (2004)
Teorie chaosu - multimediální text (2003)
Discrete quadratic functionals and symplectic difference systems (2004)
Half-linear second order differential equations: oscillation theory and principal solution (2003)
Mikulášská kryptobesídka 2003 (2003)
On the curvature of tensor product connections and covariant differentials (2004)
Essential Kummer's Vectors (2003)
On bases of identities of finite inverse semigroups with solvable subgroups (2003)
Finite orthodox locally idempotent semigroups having no finite basis of biidentities (2003)
Uncountably many existence varieties of orthodox locally idempotent semigroups (2004)
Multiplier Algebras of Involutive Quantales (2004)
Symplectic difference systems: oscillation theory and hyperbolic Pruefer transformation (2004)
Studium na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v Brně z hlediska analýzy přežití (2004)
Implementace temporálních databází v Caché (2004)
On distinguished curves in parabolic geometries (2004)
Poincarého hypotéza jinak - Jak (ne)popularizovat vědu (2004)
Diagnostika populací s rozdělením gama pomocí ROC křivek (2004)
Počítačově podporovaná výuka vybraných statistických předmětů (2003)
O jednom netradičním využití počítačů ve výuce matematiky (2003)
Markov Atlention Model with Coutinuous Time (2003)
KMMATB-Matematika B-část 1 (2004)
KMMATB-Matematika B-část 2 (2004)
Regular solutions of language inequalities and well quasi-orders (2004)
Oscillation of symplectic dynamic systems (2004)
On pseudovarieties of semiring homomorphisms (2004)
Minimalization of NFA using the universal automaton (2004)
Multimediální podpora výuky matematiky (2004)
Magické čtverce aneb od knihy I-ťing k internetové současnosti (2004)
Animations in pdfTeX-generated PDF (2004)
Animations in pdfTeX-generated PDF (2004)
Positive solutions for singular discrete boundary value problems (2004)
On recessive and dominant solutions for half-linear difference equations (2004)
On an extension of the Fubini theorem and its applications in ODEs (2004)
Discrete quadratic functionals with jointly varying endpoints via separable endpoints (2004)
Half-Linear Differential Equations (2004)
Oscillation and spectral properties of self-adjoint even order differential operators with middle terms (2004)
Verification Results in Liberouter Project (2004)
Principal solutions and minimal sets of quasilinear differential equations (2004)
Minimal sets for quasilinear difference equations (2003)
Oscillation theory of a class of higher order Sturm-Liouville difference equations (2004)
On Usability (and Security) of Biometric Authentication Systems (2004)
How to Formalize FPGA Hardware Design (2004)
Standardy a testové úlohy z matematiky pro střední odborná učiliště (2004)
A Remark on Matrix Equation $x^{\Delta}=A(t)x$ on Small Time Scales. (2004)
Dynamické systémy ve výuce pro studenty ekonomie (2004)
On the limit-point/limit-circle problem for second order nonlinear equations (2006)
Solvability of a periodic type boubdary value problem for first order scalar functional differential equations (2004)
On a boundary value problem for scalar functional differential equations (2004)
On nonnegative solutions of second order linear functional differential equations (2004)
On sign constant and monotone solutions of second order linear functional differential equations tions (2004)
On nonnegative solutions of a periodic type boundary value problem for first order scalar functional differential equations (2004)
On nonnegative solutions of a certain boundary value problem for first order scalar functional differential equations (2004)
A characterization of locally D-presentable categories (2004)
O jednom multimediálním textu (2004)
On pure subobjects and pure quotients (2004)
Diferenciální rovnice se zpožděním a program R-language (2004)
Gompertzian survivor function. A simulation study. (2004)
Verification Process of Hardware Design in Liberouter Project (2004)
Asymptotic behaviour and existence of a limit cycle of cubic autonomous systems (2001)
Asymptotic behaviour and Hopf bifurcation of a three-dimensional nonlinear autonomous system (2002)
Models of Collective Decision Making (2002)
Kernel Estimation of the Regression Function - Bandwidth Selection (2002)
Selecting the Bandwidth in Kernel Density Estimation (2002)
Power of the Test in One-way ANOVA Type Model with Poisson Distributed Variables (2004)
Use of Fourier Transformation for Bandwidth Selection (2004)
A Comparative Study of Several Methods in Kernel Density Estimation (2004)
Problems of automatic data-driven bandwidth selectors for nonparametric regression (2002)
Some stabilized bandwidth selectors for nonparametric regression (2003)
The Reference Density Method for Higher-Order Kernels (2002)
Maximal Smoothing (2003)
Hazard function. A deterministic point of view. (2004)
Comparative study of two kernel smoothing techniques (2004)
Non-local Linear Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Functional Differential Equations (2003)
The Bicategory of m-regular Involutive Quantales (2004)
Scott-open distributive filters and prime elements of quantales (2004)
Addendum to `The geometry of hyperbolic and elliptic CR-manifolds of codimension two' (2003)
Oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for two-dimensional systems of linear ordinary differential equations (2004)
On nonnegative solutions of a certain nonlocal boundary value problem for second order linear functional differential equations (2004)
Special reflexive graphs in modular varieties (2004)
Semi-abelian monadic categories (2004)
On von Neumann varieties (2004)
Důkazy beze slov (2004)
Huygensovo vylepšení Archimedovy metody (2004)
Tvorba úloh pro Matematickou olympiádu (2003)
KMMATA-Matematika A (2004)
ROC křivky a jejich využití při konstrukci klasifikačních a regresních stromů (2004)
.: Faktorová analýza - geometrická interpretace, metody a příklady použití (2004)
Nové výskyty minerálů na polymetalických žilách Nízkého Jeseníku (2003)
Úvod do obecné teorie prostoru (2004)
A classification of rational languages by semilattice-ordered monoids (2004)
On small sample inference for common mean in heteroscedastic one-way model (2003)
Consensus mean and interval estimators for the common mean (2003)
Interval estimators for the between laboratory variance component (2003)
Confidence region for parameters in replicated errors in variables model (2004)
The Regime of Total and Biological Effective Ultraviolet Radiation at Vernadsky Station (Argentine Islands, Antarctica) and the Impact of Ozone and Cloudiness in 2002 and 2003. (2004)
Ottova všeobecná encyklopedie A-Ž (2004)
Distinguished curves on 6-dimensional CR-manifolds of codimension 2 (2004)
An Oscillation Criterion for a Dynamic Sturm-Liouville Equation (2004)
Některé otevřené problémy z elementární teorie čísel (2004)
Global asymtotic properties of third-order difference equations (2004)
ISCAM 2004 --- Conference in Applied Mathematics for undergraduate and graduate students (2004)
Rep Mutace (2004)
Preferred parametrizations on homogeneous curves (2004)
Mikulášská kryptobesídka 2004 (2004)
Powers of Anova Tests for Variables with General Distribution from Exponential Class (2004)
Výuka předmětu "Základní statistické metody" na PřF MU s podporou systému Statistica (2005)
Gompertzian hazard function (2005)
On Washington group of circular units of some composita of quadratic fields (2005)
Completeness of cocompletions (2005)
Adjuvantní radioterapie v léčbě karcinomu děložního těla 1. klinického stadia (2004)
Klasifikační pravidla pro elipticky vrstevnicová rozdělení (2004)
Diskriminační analýza pro vícerozměrná binární data (2004)
On pseudocomplemented and Stone ordered sets, addendum (2003)
Parametric and Nonparametric Discrimination for Categorical Variables (2004)
A Study of Parametric and Nonparametric Kernel Density Discrimination (poster presentation) (2004)
Numerické metody (2004)
Processing of environmental data - comparing of two methods (2004)
A Study of Parametric and Nonparametric Kernel Density Discrimination (2004)
Perspectives in Modern Statistical Inference II (2002)
DATASTAT03 (2004)
Estimates of Hazard Functions for Carcinoma Data (2004)
The power of commuting with finite sets of words (2005)
Simple language equations (2005)
Biometriky ve spojení s kryptografií (2005)
Global monotonicity and oscillation for second order differential equation (2005)
A note on a generalization of Diliberto's theorem for certain differential equations of higher dimension (2005)
Higher order valued reduction theorems for classical connections (2005)
O jednom netradičním využití počítačů ve výuce matematiky (2004)
Deset rad pro zabezpečení MS Windows 2000/XP (2004)
Functorial prolongation of some functional bundles (2004)
Interaktivní spojení a příprava učitelů matematiky (2004)
Užití mnohorozměrného zobecněného lineárního modelu ke klasifikaci objektů (2005)
A Note on the Matrix Solution of the Problem $X^{\Delta}=AX, X(t_{0})=I$. (2004)
A remark on Liouville's formula on small time scales. (2005)
Asymptotic behaviour of a two-dimensional differential system with delay under the conditions of instability (2005)
Kvalitativní teorie diferenciálních rovnic pro studenty ekonomie (2005)
On varieties, generalized varieties and pseudovarieties of homomorphisms (2005)
Weak factorizations, fractions and homotopies (2005)
Aplikace pro podporu hledání soukromého ubytování studentů MU (2005)
Rieffel induction and strong Morita equivalence in the context of Hilbert modules (2005)
Morita equivalence for m-regular quantales (2005)
On language inequalities XK ⊆ LX (2005)
A comparison of two parametric ROC curves estimators in binormal model (2005)
Výpočet čísla pi z obvodů pravidelných mnohoúhelníků (1. část) (2005)
Výpočet čísla pi z obvodů pravidelných mnohoúhelníků (2. část) (2005)
Remarks on development of curves (2005)
A parametric estimation of hazard function for cancer patients (2005)
Half-Linear Differential Equations (2005)
Half-linear dynamic equations with mixed derivatives (2005)
The Bohl transformation and its applications (2005)
Trivial constraint variational problem (2006)
When is flatness coherent? (2005)
An eigenvalue problem for linear Hamiltonian dynamic systems (2005)
On Two-point Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Singular Functional Differential Equations (2005)
On the Well-posedness of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems for Functional Differential Equations (2005)
On Some Boundary Value Problems for Fourth Order Functional Differential Equations (2005)
Operations and equations for coalgebras (2005)
H - planar curves (2005)
Nonnegativity and positivity of quadratic functionals in the discrete calculus of variations: Survey (2005)
René Descartes a pojem křivka z pohledu 21. století. (2003)
CICADA: Parallelization and Related Problems (2005)
Use of Fourier transformation for kernel smoothing (2004)
On the reactions of chlorodithiophosphoric acid pyridiniumbetaine with polyfunctional nucleophiles. Part III: Reactions with monoalkylderivatives of thiosemicarbazide (2005)
Tajemství přirozených čísel aneb Proč hledáme velká prvočísla (2005)
Connection induced geometrical concepts (2006)
Nové dusíkofosforečné heterocykly (2005)
Faktorová analýza testu S. Harterové (2005)
A linearization method in oscillation theory of half-linear second-order differential equations (2005)
Mutagenesis of PA-IIL lectin from human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its effect on the saccharide specificity (2005)
Dynamics of human CDK2 and CDK5 studied by computer simulations (2005)
Dynamika regulačních enzymů buněčných procesů CDK2 a CDK5 studovaná molekulovou dynamikou (2005)
Charakteristické znaky kresby lidské postavy u adolescentů (2005)
Estimation of ROC Curves from Grouped Data and Their Application to Educational Data (2005)
Remarks on multiple entry deterministic finite automata (2005)
Statistical Inference about ROC Curves based on GLM (2005)
On sign constant solutions of certain boundary value problems for second-order functional differential equations (2005)
On sign constant and monotone solutions of second order linear functional differential equations (2005)
A note on involutory automorphisms of C and the use of algebraically independent numbers for the construction of diagonable matrices (2004)
A Categorical Contribution to the Kummer Theory of Ideal Numbers (2003)
Some Results from the Tables of Irregularity Index of a Prime (2000)
Simple Floquet Theory on Time Scales (2005)
Generalized Brown representability in homotopy categories (2005)
Characterization of Morita Equivalence Pairs of Quantales (2005)
Natural connections given by general linear and classical connections (2005)
Úlohy pro MO - objevné nápady, nebo rutinní manipulace? (2005)
Solvability of the discrete LQR-problem under minimal assumptions (2005)
Local convexifiability of some rigid domains (2005)
Normal forms for hypersurfaces of finite type in C^2 (2005)
On varieties of semilattice-ordered semigroups (2005)
Minimalizations of NFA using the universal automaton (2005)
On the torsion-free connections on higher order frame bundles (2005)
Unified derivation of some linguistic laws (2005)
The type-token relation (2005)
Ein musikalisches Randordnungsgesetz (2005)
Towards a unified derivation of some linguistic laws (2006)
Rootkit (2005)
Local invariants of weakly pseudoconvex manifolds in C^2 (2005)
Multivitamíny v těhotenství a makrosomie plodu (2005)
Technický slovník naučný A - Č (2001)
Technický slovník naučný D - F (2002)
Technický slovník naučný G - J (2002)
Technický slovník naučný K - L (2003)
Technický slovník naučný M - O (2003)
Technický slovník naučný P-Q (2004)
Technický slovník naučný R - Š (2004)
Technický slovník naučný T - Ž (2005)
Regular solutions of language inequalities and well quasi-orders (2005)
Largest solutions of left-linear language inequalities (2005)
Equations and symmetries of generalized geodesics (2005)
On infinitely distributive ordered sets (2005)
ISCAM 2005 --- Conference in Applied Mathematics for undergraduate and graduate students (2005)
Počátky technického školství v Brně (2003)
Učitelé na německé technice v Brně 1849-1945 (2004)
Le début des ralations mathématiques franco-tchécoslovaques vu a travers la correspondance Hostinský-Fréchet (2005)
Powers of Test in Two-way ANOVA Type Model with General Distribtuion from the Exponential Class (2005)
The Nonlinear Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Problem for Second Order Equations with P-Laplacian (2006)
Kótované promítání, modul 4 (2004)
Výuka deskriptivní geometrie na přelomu 19. a 20. století (2004)
Výuka deskriptivní geometrie na přelomu 19. a 20. století (2004)
Výuka deskriptivní geometrie na VUT v Brně (2005)
Podpora výuky deskriptivní geometrie pro denní i dálkové studium (2005)
Výuka deskriptivní geometrie na VUT v Brně (2005)
26. mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky (2005)
Perspectives in Modern Statistical Inference III, Workshop 2005 (2005)
Aplikace FDR a FWER testovacích procedur na data ze studie kolorektálního karcinomu (2005)
Damping forces - a friend or a foe in explaining mechanical motion? (2006)
Počítačové modelování a simulace - nové technologie při vývoji prostředkůproti chemickým bojovým látkám (2005)
Analýza úspěšnosti magisterského studia na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2006)
Structure and dynamics of sarin-inhibited acetylcholinesterase (2005)
Summation inequalities and half-linear difference equations (2005)
Half-linear equations and characteristic properties of principal solution (2005)
Integral conditions for nonoscillation of second order nonlinear differential equations (2006)
Nonoscillatory solutions of third-order difference equations (2005)
Corrigendum to ``Half-linear equations and characteristic properties of the principal solution'' (2006)
Structure and dynamics of sarin-inhibited acetylcholinesterase (2005)
Pseudoconjugacy criteria for half-linear second order differential equations (2005)
On the existence of unbounded noncontinuable solutions (2006)
Comparison of the power of the tests in one-way ANOVA type model with Poisson distributed variables (2006)
Základní statistické metody (2005)
Využití systémů počítačové algebry ve výuce matematiky (2005)
Historie matematiky a humanizace vzdělávání (2006)
Výběry monotónních posloupností (2006)
On Generalized Gauge-Fixing in the Field-Antifield Formalism (2006)
A Note on Semidensities in Antisymplectic Geometry (2006)
Faktorová analýza testu S. Harterové (2005)
Connections on fibered squares (2005)
Functorial prolongations of Lie algebroids (2005)
Circular units and class groups of abelian fields (2005)
Semiparametric estimation of hazard function for cancer patients (2005)
Computing by commuting (2006)
Ricci-flat supertwistor spaces. (2006)
Different approaches to ROC curve fitting for a continuous -scale diagnostic test (2005)
Fourierovy řady s programem Maple (2005)
Fourierovy řady s programem Maple (2005)
A Comparative Study of Boundary Effects for Kernel Smoothing (2006)
Jádrové odhady regresní funkce (2005)
Plug-in method for nonparametric regression (2008)
Volba optimální šířky okna při jádrových odhadech regresní funkce (2006)
Bandwidth selection for nonparametric regression - plug-in method (2005)
Nonoscillatory half-linear difference equations and recessive solutions (2005)
Half-linear differential equations with oscillating coefficient (2005)
Effect of Residence in Various Drinking Environments (2006)
Diferenciální rovnice v biologii a medicíně (2006)
Decaying solutions for difference equations with deviating argument (2005)
On quantales that classify C*-algebras (2004)
On third order linear difference equations involving quasidifferences (2006)
Factorization systems and classification problems (2006)
Graded Lie algebra of Hermitian tangent valued forms (2006)
Some limit-point and limit-circle results for second order Emden-Fowler equations (2006)
Singular solutions for the differential equation with p-Laplacian. (2006)
Annihilators for the class group of a cyclic field of prime power degree II (2006)
Geometric structures on the tangent bundle of the Einstein spacetime (2006)
Kernel estimates of hazard funcions for carcinoma data sets (2006)
Výpočet matice
Factor ordering in standard quantum cosmology (2006)
Věčný problém radioterapeuta - vyhodnotit výsledky své léčby. Karcinom prsu: statistické zhodnocení stupně I a II po totální a po parciální mastektomii očima radioterapeuta (2006)
Postavení matematiky ve školním vzdělávacím programu. Základní školství (2006)
On singular solutions of a second order differential equation (2006)
Integrální počet s programem Maple (2006)
Hermitian vector fields and special phase functions (2006)
Hille-Wintner type comparison criteria for half-linear second order differential equations (2006)
The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution by Suspended Particulate Matter in Brno (2006)
Regulární rozdělení exponenciálního typu (2006)
Prediction of risk of sepsis based on deviance in MGLM (2006)
Oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for half-linear second order differential equations (2006)
Trigonometric recurrence relations and tridiagonal trigonometric matrices (2006)
Algebraic characterization of the finite power property (2006)
Pure morphisms in pro-categories (2006)
On a boundary value problem for a system of ordinary differential equations. (2004)
Asymptotic properties of a three-dimensional dynamical system governing an inflation model (2002)
G-structures on spheres (2006)
Riccati inequality and other results for discrete symplectic systems (2006)
Perturbations of half-linear Euler-Weber type differential equations (2006)
TESTY z matematiky 2005 (pro žáky 9.tříd ZŠ) (2004)
TESTY z matematiky 2005 (pro žáky 5. a 7.tříd ZŠ) (2004)
TESTY všeobecné 2005 (pro žáky 9.tříd) (2004)
TESTY všeobecné 2005 (pro žáky 5. a 7.tříd ZŠ) (2004)
Informační gramotnost (2004)
Communication of two stacks and rewriting (2006)
Matematika ve Školních vzdělávacích programech (2006)
Postavení matematiky ve školním vzdělávacím programu. Čtyřletá gymnázia (2006)
Higher order Utiyama-like theorem (2006)
Boundary effects in kernel estimation of ROC curves (2006)
Asymptotic properties of an unstable two-dimensional differential system with delay (2006)
On the geometry of variational calculus on some functional bundles (2006)
Time scale symplectic systems without normality (2006)
An age-structured model of cannibalism (2006)
Analýza v komplexním oboru (2006)
Postavení matematiky ve školním vzdělávacím programu. Střední odborná učiliště (2006)
Postavení matematiky ve školním vzdělávacím programu. Střední odborné školy (2006)
Edice "Dějiny matematiky" (2006)
Coupled intervals for discrete symplectic systems (2006)
The strength of Engeler's lemma (2006)
A remark on the linearization technique in half-linear oscillation theory (2006)
Matematika pro porozumění i praxi I (2006)
Generalized planar curves and quaternionic geometry (2006)
A Sturmian separation theorem for symplectic difference systems (2007)
Historický vývoj matematiky ve vyučování matematice na ZŠ (2006)
Zamyšlení nad Školními vzdělávacími programy (2006)
Mathematics at the German Technical University in Brno (2006)
Implicit Riccati equations and quadratic functionals for discrete symplectic systems (2006)
Comparative Study of the Estimation of the Area Under the ROC Curves (2006)
On classes of regular languages (2006)
Systems of Equations over Finite Semigroups and the #CSP Dichotomy Conjecture (2006)
Fiber product preserving bundle functors on all morphisms of fibered manifolds (2006)
Kernel Estimates of Hazard Functions for Biomedical Data Sets (2006)
On oscillatory solutions of quasilinear differential equations (2006)
Asymptotic properties of solutions of a forced second order differential equation with p-Laplacian (2006)
The Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution by Suspended Particulate Matter in Brno based on MGLM (2006)
Mnohorozměrné zobecněné lineární modely (2006)
Užití síly testů k plánování experimentů (2006)
Užití klasifikačních metod při analýze genů ovlivňujících průběh sepse (2006)
Statistická analýza dat s negativně binomickým rozdělením (2006)
Comparison results for solutions of time scale matrix Riccati equations and inequalities (2006)
Matematické modelování dynamiky populací (2006)
Matematický model procesu osvojení si návyku konzumace alkoholických nápojů (2006)
Ekonomická aplikace statistických klasifikačních metod (2006)
Embedding of Linear Hamiltonian Systems on Small Time Scales. (2006)
A Theorem of Wa\.zewski and Dynamic Equations on Time Scales (2007)
Quantum operators and Hermitian vector fields (2006)
Small conjunctive varieties of regular languages (2006)
On varieties of literally idempotent languages (2006)
Asymptotic properties for half-linear difference equations (2006)
Uncountably many varieties of completely simple semigroups with metabelian subgroups (2006)
Využití ROC křivek při klasifikaci (2006)
Current Algebra of the Pure Spinor Superstring in AdS(5) x S(5) (2006)
Hamiltonian Analysis of Non-Linear Sigma Model on Supercoset Target. (2006)
D1-brane with over critical electric field in AdS(3) and S-brane. (2006)
Dynamics of probe brane in the background of intersecting fivebranes. (2006)
D-brane dynamics in a plane wave background. (2006)
Note about static D1-brane in I-brane background. (2006)
The axiomatic melting pot: teaching probabilities in Prague in 1930s (2006)
Ideals in ordered sets, a unifying approach (2006)
Metody odhadu ROC křivky (2006)
On the functorial prolongations of principal bundles (2006)
Integrální počet s programem Maple (2006)
Pětileté sledování gravidních astmatiček (2006)
A comparative study of false discovery rate procedures in R (2006)
Statistické metody v analýze dat z DNA mikročipů (2006)
Estimation Procedures for the False Discovery Rate: A Systematic Comparison for Microarray Data (2006)
Integrální počet v R s programem Maple (2006)
Zellerův výpočet dne v týdnu (2006)
trans-2,6-Dichloro-2,4,4,6-tetrakis[methyl-(trimethylsilyl)amino]-1,3,5,2k5,4k5,6k5-triazatriphosphorine (2007)
Boundary effects for densities and distribution functions (2007)
Higher order Utiyama's invariant interaction (2007)
Local symmetries of finite type hypersurfaces in C^2. (2006)
Canonical and Non-Canonical DSR (2006)
The strong nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle properties for sub-half-linear equations (2007)
Distributive ordered sets and relative pseudocomplements (2006)
Interactive access to and internet presentation of work made in Maple (2007)
Mocninné řady s programem Maple (2006)
Inteligentní sbírka úloh z euklidovské geometrie (2006)
Fuss' problem of the chord-tangent quadrilateral (2005)
Kosinová věta pro čtyřúhelník (2006)
Sbírka úloh v elektronické podobě (2006)
Dvojstředové čtyřúhelníky a Fussův problém (2007)
Otakar Borůvka, grafové algoritmy a teorie matroidů (2006)
An outline of covariant quantum mechanics (2006)
Colloquium on Differential and Difference Equations (2006)
Differential Geometry and its Applications, 10-th International Conference (2006)
ISCAM 2006 --- Conference in Applied Mathematics for undergraduate and graduate students (2006)
Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets (2006)
DATASTAT06 (2006)
Niektoré matematicko-štatistické modely kalibrácie (2006)
Eurostring workshop II, young reserchers workshop (2006)
Faktorová analýza testu studijních předpokladů na Masarykově univerzitě (2007)
Chaos a jeho zákonitosti (2007)
Contribution to the bandwidth choice for kernel density estimates (2007)
Even order linear dynamic equations with mixed derivatives (2007)
Sebepojetí rozumově nadaných dětí (2007)
Purity in algebra (2007)
Elektronické matematické testy v IS MU (2007)
Detekce prognosticky významných cytogenetických markerů u meduloblastomu s využitím metod CGH a I-FISH (2007)
Oscillation theorems for symplectic difference systems (2007)
Srovnání odhadů ROC křivek pro výběry z negativně binomického rozdělení (2005)
Interaktivní prezentace matematické grafiky na webu a v PDF dokumentech (2007)
Technological Challenges of Teaching Mathematics in a Blended Learning Environment (2007)
Functorial Prolongations of Lie Groupoids (2007)
In Hospital Costs and Length-of-Stay in Patients with Acute Heart Failure (2007)
Univariate linear calibration via replicated errors-in-variables model (2007)
Scheffé-type Confidence Region for the Calibration Line (2006)
Literal varieties and pseudovarieties of homomorphisms onto abelian groups (2007)
On boundary correction in kernel estimation of ROC curves (2007)
Smooth Estimates of Distribution Functions with Application in Environmental Studies (2007)
Half-linear differential equations: Linearization technique and its application (2007)
Asymptotic properties of a two-dimensional differential system with delay (2007)
Legendre, Jacobi, and Riccati type conditions for time scale variational problem with application (2007)
The power of commuting with finite sets of words (2007)
O školních vzdělávacích programech v ČR (2007)
Matematika 6. Aritmetika. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2007)
Geometrie 6. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2007)
On homotopy varieties (2007)
Matematika 6. Aritmetika. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2007)
Matematika 6. Geometrie. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2007)
On oscillation and nonoscillation for differential equations with p-Laplacian (2007)
A Comparison of Linear, Quadratic and Kernel Discriminant Rules for ECD Distributions Via ROC Analysis (2007)
On boundary correction in kernel estimation of ROC curves (2009)
Perturbation of nonnegative time scale quadratic functionals (2007)
Tvorba elektronické sbírky úloh (2007)
Elektronická sbírka úloh a její využití v praxi (2007)
On existence of noncontinuable solutions. (2007)
On existence of proper solutions of quasilinear second order differential equations (2007)
What do we know about language equations? (2007)
The simplest language where equivalence of finite substitutions is undecidable (2007)
gem-2,2-diamino-4,4,6,6-tetraphenoxy-1,3,5-cyclotriaza-lambda-5-phosphorine (2007)
Reactions of P4S10 and pyPS2Cl with N,N-diphenylurea and N,N-diphenylthiourea (2007)
On intermediate solutions and the Wronskian for half-linear differential equations (2007)
Conjugacy and phases for second order linear difference equation (2007)
Estimation of Erythemally Effective UVB Radiation at Two Antarctic Stations (2007)
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of a differential equation with p-Laplacian and a forcing term. (2007)
The strong limit-point property for Emden-Fowler equations (2007)
Nonparametric and parametric methods in diagnostics and classification of biological processes (2007)
Annihilators of minus class groups of imaginary abelian fields (2007)
Strengthened fixed point property and products in ordered sets (2007)
Deskriptivní geometrie na Vysokém učení technickém v Brně - minulost a budoucnost (2006)
Ohlédnutí za profesorem Rábem (2007)
Oscillation and nonoscillation of perturbed half-linear Euler differential equations (2007)
Historie pravidelných mnohostěnů (2007)
Trojrozměrná geometrie v praxi (2006)
Užití Maple při práci s mnohostěny (2005)
Three-dimensional imagination of secondary school students (2005)
Reciprocity principle for even-order dynamic equations with mixed derivatives (2007)
Elliptically Contoured Models in Classification (2007)
Historie matematiky I (1994)
Comparison of total UV and erythemally effective UVB radiation at the Mendel and Vernadsky stations, Antarctica (2007)
Global UV and biologically effective UVB radiation at Vernadsky Station, Galindez Island, Antarctica (2005)
Steady-State Properties of Coding of Odor Intensity in Olfactory Sensory Neurons (2007)
Stimulus-Response Curves in Sensory Neurons: How to Find the Stimulus Measurable with the Highest Precision (2007)
Maple, JavaViewLib a JavaView - nástroje k tvorbě, exportu a prezentaci interaktivní 3D grafiky (2007)
Linearization techniques and oscillation of half-linear differential equations (2006)
Náklady a délka hospitalizace u pacientů s akutním srdečním selháním (2007)
Srovnání výběrů z NB-rozdělení (2007)
Příprava výuky matematiky v angličtině na FEM UO v Brně (2007)
Matematika 6. Aritmetika - Geometrie. Příručka učitele pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2007)
Izogonální a ortogonální trajektorie s programem Maple (2007)
Colloquium on Differential and Difference Equations, CDDE 2006, Proceedings (2007)
The Goldblatt-Thomason theorem for coalgebras (2007)
Dichotomies in the Complexity of Solving Systems of Equations over Finite Semigroups (2007)
On the (im)possibility of a predator-prey model identification (2007)
Biological protection of plants - a model and its parameters (2007)
Dynamické systémy a systémová dynamika (2007)
Utiyama's reduction method and infinitesimal symmetries of invariant Lagrangians (2007)
Asymptotic Properties of Solutions of Real Two-Dimensional Differential Systems with a Finite Number of Constant Delays (2007)
Estimation of Parameters for a Predator-Prey Community (2007)
Stability of the trivial solution of real two-dimensional differential system with nonconstant delay (2007)
On the reaction of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene with heptamethydisidilazane. Crystal structure of P3N3Cl5{N(CH3)3[Si(CH3)3]} (2007)
On Transition Mapping of $n$-dimensional Systems with Constraints. (2007)
On a periodic boundary value problem for cyclic feedback type linear functional differential systems (2007)
On a PeriodicBoundary Value Problem for 3-th Order Linear Functional Differential Equations, (2007)
On the Solvability of a Linear Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Ordinary differential Equations on R+ (2007)
On Linear Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Integro-Differential Equations (2007)
O periodicheskoi kraievoi zadache dlia nelineinykh differencialnykh yravnenii s otkloniaiushchimisia argumentami, 43 (2007), No. 11, 1578-1579 (2007)
Galerie interaktivní grafiky pro podporu výuky matematické analýzy (2007)
Interaktivní tabule ano či ne? (2007)
Ordinary differential equations. Methods of integration (2007)
Technological Challenges of Teaching Mathematics in a Blended Learning Environment (2008)
O počtu vlnitých čísel (2007)
Geometrický model obecné kubické rovnice (2007)
Exprese izoforem proteinu p73 u meduloblastomu a její prognostický význam (2007)
Mathematics throughout The Ages (2001)
Leonhard Euler (2007)
New Scientific Relations in Europe at the End of World War I: The example of mathematics through Frechet in Strasbourg and Hostinsky in Brno (2007)
Facing a new international configuration after WW1 (2007)
Unambiguous coherent state identification: Searching quantum database (2007)
Národní onkologický registr ČR jako zdroj referenčních standardů pro hodnocení výsledků léčebné péče (2007)
Analýza přežití v hodnocení výsledků onkologické péče: možnosti a limity. (2007)
A new concept for modelling the number of cancer patients potentially treated in the Czech Republic (2007)
Esenciální tormbocytémie - přehled s hodnocením registru dat (2007)
Applications of time scale symplectic systems without normality (2008)
Extension of discrete LQR-problem to symplectic systems (2007)
Perturbation of time scale quadratic functionals with variable endpoints (2007)
Factorization, fibration and torsion (2007)
Rituximab Senzitizes B-CLL Cells with Inactived p53 to fludarabine (2006)
Gliomy nízkého stupně u dětí - (ne)jenom chirurgické řešení? Retrospektivní analýza dat souboru KDO FN Brno (2007)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí na KDO FN Brno (2007)
Meduloblastom: Současný management léčby. Léčebné výsledky na Klinice dětské onkologie LF MU a FN Brno v letech 2000 - 2006 (2007)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí na KDO FN Brno (2007)
Optimal signal in ligand-receptor models (2006)
Optimal signal in ligand-receptor models (2006)
Optimal odor intensity in simple olfactory neuronal models (2007)
Bezpečnost léčby alergické rýmy v těhotenství (2007)
Epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů varlat v České republice - detailní analýza dat NOR 1977 - 2004 (2007)
Populační a environmentální rizikové faktory zhoubných nádorů varlat u současné populace českých mužů (2007)
Populační standardy relativního přežití onkologických pacientů v ČR kalkulované z dat NOR - dokumentováno na příkladu karcinomu prsu (2007)
Epidemiologie nádorů ledvin v České republice – výsledky auditu dat dostupných za období 1977–2004 (2007)
Weil bundles as generalized jet spaces (2008)
ISCAM 2007 --- Conference in Applied Mathematics for undergraduate and graduate students (2007)
Populační standardy relativního přežití onkologických pacientů v ČR kalkulované z dat NOR - reakce na výsledky publikované ve studii EUROCARE 4. (2007)
Analýza dat v neurologii I. Introduction (2007)
Correlation structure of gene expression data. (2007)
Safety rhinitis treatment during pregnancy. (2007)
Perinatal outcomes (PO), potencial pregnancy variables (PPV), comorbidity occurence (CO) and asthma severity in two successive pregnancies (2SP) (2007)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí na KDO FN Brno. (2007)
Assessment of Microarray Data Correlation Structure Influence on False Discovery Rate Procedures in R. (2007)
Projective sup-algebras: a general view (2008)
Robustní metody hodnocení genových expresních dat. (2007)
Periodic problem involving quasilinear differential operator and weak singularity (2007)
On a Nonlocal Boundary Value Problem for First Order Linear Functional Differential Equations (2007)
On Solvability of a Three-Point Boundary Value Problem for Second Order Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations (2007)
Linear comparative calibration with correlated measurements (2007)
The weighted mid-P confidence interval for the difference of independent binomial proportions (2007)
Key Comparison Reference Value and its Expanded Uncertainty under Normally, Uniformly and Triangularly Distributed Laboratory Biases (2007)
Method for Evaluation of the Key Comparison Reference Value and its Expanded Uncertainty Based on Metrological Approach (2007)
Rozdelenie usporiadaných frekvencií výskytov entít v hudbe (2007)
Teória pravdepodobnosti (2007)
Pamětní medaile University Palackého v Olomouci jako ocenění jeho podílu na rozvoji oboru diferenciální geometrie ve světě i v České republice (2007)
Modelling of Annual Maximum Day Precipitation by Three-parametric Lognormal Distribution with Further Transformation (2007)
Accessible categories and homotopy theory. (2007)
Natural and gauge-natural bundles and natural Lagrangian structures (2009)
The local equivalence problem in CR geometry (2007)
On local geometry of finite multitype hypersurfaces (2007)
Combinatorial model categories (2007)
Projective Quantales: A General View (2007)
Extensions of Bi-normal ROC Analysis to Bi-ECD Case (2007)
TIES2007, 18th annual meeting of the International Environmetrics Society (2007)
Analýza dat v neurologii II. Frekvenční analýza jako první vhled do dat (2007)
Analýza dat v neurologii III. Medián a robustní statistiky (2007)
Přežití dosahované u onkologických pacientů v ČR (2007)
Data mining ve výuce klinických a zdravotnických oborů. (2007)
Prostor pro nový vědní obor matematická biologie v biomedicínském výzkumu. (2007)
Prostor pro nový vědní obor matematická biologie v analýze dat molekulárně genetického výzkumu. (2007)
Předseda OK2 GAČR (2009)
Editor-in-Chief Differential Geometry and its Applications (2008)
Connections on principal prolongations of principal bundles (2008)
On the formal bracket of Lie algebroids (2007)
10th International Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications (2007)
Smooth Estimates of Distribution Functions with Application in Environmental Studies (2008)
Kernel estimates of hazard function: iterative method for bandwidth selection (2007)
On classes of meet automata (2007)
Literal varieties of languages induced by homomorphisms onto nilpotent groups (2008)
Splitting conditions for classes of meet automata (2007)
Hierarchies of piecewise testable languages (2007)
Robust Statistical Methods with R (2006)
Remark on extreme regression quantile (2007)
Shapiro-Wilk type test of normality under nuisance regression and scale (2007)
Robust and nonparametric inference (2007)
Člen podoborové komise GAČR (2007)
Editor zvláštního čísla Applications of Mathematics (2008)
Book of Abstracts TIES 2007 (2007)
Hazard function for cancer patients and cancer cells dynamics (2007)
Smooth estimates of density and distribution function with application to hydrological data (2007)
Connections on higher order frame bundles and their gauge analogies (2009)
An identification of a predator-prey model. A simulation study. (2008)
Člen vědecké rady Slezské univerzity v Opavě (2007)
Panelist in Section Statistics of NSF, USA, Arlington, January 2007 (2007)
Plenary lecture "Ranks and quantiles in regression and autoregression models" (2007)
Asociate Editor (2007)
Associate Editor (2007)
Time scale embedding theorem and coercivity of quadratic functionals (2008)
Riccati equations for abnormal time scale quadratic functionals (2008)
Detection of molecular relapse of AML by very frequent quantitative monitoring of different molecular markers (Fusion transcripts and WTI) in different compartments (peripheral blood, bone marrow, and selected CD34+bone marrow cells) and its treatment... (2006)
Cardiac function and cardiopulmonary performance in patients after treatment for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (2006)
Esenciální trombocytemie a další myeloproliferace s trombocytemií v údajích registru pacientů léčených Thromboreductinem do konce roku 2006 (2007)
Věda a příroda (2007)
Aplikace diferenciálních rovnic v biologii (2007)
Nad žákovskými protokoly jedné úlohy MO (2007)
Výuka statistiky na VOŠ. (2006)
Využití jazyka PHP při výuce statistiky (2007)
Izogonální a ortogonální trajektorie s programem Maple (2007)
On nonnegative solutions of singular boundary-value problems for Emden-Fowler-type differential systems (2007)
Limit and integral properties of principal solutions for half-linear differential equations (2007)
Linearized Riccati technique and (non)oscillation criteria for half-linear difference equations (2008)
On minimal residuated bounded mappings in atomistic lattices (2008)
Forbidden retracts for finite ordered sets of width at most four (2008)
Existence of global solutions for systems of second-order differential equations with p-Laplacian (2007)
Popisná statistika (2007)
Existence of global solutions for systems of second-order functional-differential equations with p-Laplacian (2008)
Postoje českých učitelů ke vzdělávání mimořádně nadaných žáků (2008)
Strong nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle properties for forced Thomas-Fermi equations with p-Laplacian. (2008)
On a conjecture concerning minus parts in the style of Gross (2008)
Optimal odor intensity in simple olfactory neuronal models (2007)
On the locality of the pseudovariety DG (2008)
Terminal value problems for first and second order nonlinear equations on time scales (2008)
More on the Strength of Engelers Lemma (2008)
Super-relational fixed point property and products in ordered sets (2008)
Algebraic and Categorical Aspects of Quantales (2008)
On flat covers in varieties (2008)
Meteorologie jako integrující učivo na základní škole (2007)
A convenient category for directed homotopy (2008)
Modelling of erythemally effective UVB radiation in dependence on the atmospheric factors (2008)
On the index of circular units in the full group of units of a compositum of quadratic fields (2008)
SCO 2008, Sharable Content Objects, sborník 5. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky, Brno, Česká republika (2008)
Classification of input signals based on input-output curves (2008)
Ramseyova čísla a jejich uplatnění v geometrii (2008)
Adaptive integration over a triangle (2007)
Principal solution of half-linear differential equation: Limit and integral characterization (2008)
Oscillatory properties for three-dimensional dynamic systems (2008)
Flow prolongation of some tangent valued forms (2008)
The conformal Killing equation on forms; prolongations and applications (2008)
Commuting linear operators and algebraic decompositions (2007)
Portál pro učitele a studenty matematiky s využitím produktu webMathematica (2007)
Holonomy groups of Lorentzian manifolds: classification, examples, and applications (2008)
Statistical approach in search for optimal signal in simple olfactory neuronal models (2008)
Classification of stimuli based on stimulus-response curves and their variability (2008)
Semiparametric Estimation of Hazard Function for Cancer Patients (2007)
Generalized models and local invariants of Kohn-Nirenberg domains (2008)
The correct name for Pulsatilla scherfelii (P. alba auct.) at subspecific level within P. alpina (2008)
Soldanella rugosa is synonym to real S. marmarossiensis (2007)
Literally idempotent languages and their varieties - two letter case (2008)
On varieties of literally idempotent languages (2008)
Remarks on multiple entry deterministic finite automata (2007)
Analýza modelu dravec-kořist s klimaxovou populací kořisti (2008)
Knihovna FourierSeries pro manipulaci s trigonometrickými řadami v programu Maple (2007)
Dynamic Phenotype Method - Analysis of Child and Adolescent Longitudinal Growth Data (2008)
A remark on power comparison theorem for half-linear differential equations (2008)
Strong nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle properties for a class of fourth order equations (2008)
Automated Processing of TeX-Typeset Articles for a~Digital Library (2008)
Conditionally oscillatory half-linear differential equations (2008)
Analýza profilu výkonu v testu WISC-III u mimořádně rozumově nadaných dětí s dyslexií (2008)
Asymptotic properties of a two-dimensional differential system with a bounded nonconstant delay under the conditions of instability (2008)
Interaktivní 3D grafika v HTML a PDF dokumentech (2008)
Matematika 7. Aritmetika. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2008)
Matematika 7. Geometrie. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2008)
Matematika 7. Aritmetika. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2008)
Matematika 7. Geometrie. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2008)
The strong nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle properties for a class of even order equations (2008)
Maplety v diferenciální geometrii křivek a ploch (2007)
Výsledky léčby gliomů nízkého stupně malignity u dětí (retrospektivní analýza dat) (2008)
Geometric structures of the classical general relativistic phase space (2008)
Remarks on the genus
L. in the West Carpathians (2003)
On special types of nonholonomic jets (2007)
Conditional oscillation of half-linear differential equations with periodic coefficients (2008)
Obstruction theory on 8-manifolds (2008)
Dynamic replicator equation and its transformation (2008)
Replicator equation on time scale (2008)
An Interactive Presentation of Maple 3D Graphics in PDF Documents (2008)
Užití Jensenovy nerovnosti (2008)
Geometrické aplikace diferenciálních rovnic (2008)
The impact of PET with 18FDG in radiotherapy treatment planning and in the prediction in patients with cervix carcinoma - results of pilot study (2008)
Matematika všedních situací (2008)
Matematická analýza 3 (2008)
Od trojúhelníků ke kvadratické funkci (2008)
Order convergence,order and interval topologies on posets and lattice effect algebras (2008)
A note on convergence of Sn-maps (2008)
Mal'cev conditions revisited (2008)
On varieties of meet automata (2008)
Clinical characteristics, medication and costs in acute heart failure patients in the Czech Republic (2008)
Remarks on symmetries of parabolic geometries (2006)
Symmetries of almost Grassmannian geometries (2008)
q-regular variation and q-difference equations (2008)
Využití mapletů ve výuce diferenciální geometrie křivek (2007)
Výuka diferenciální geometrie ploch s využitím programu Maple (2006)
Obálky rovinných křivek s programem Maple (2005)
Pojem křivost v teorii diferenciální geometrie ploch s použitím Maplu (2004)
28. konference o geometrii a grafice (2008)
Využití Maplu při výuce teorie kuželoseček a kvadrik (2003)
Robust Statistical Methods with R (2006)
On the class number of a compositum of real quadratic fields: an approach via circular units (2008)
Nonnegative solutions of the characteristic initial value problem for linear partial functional-differential equations of hyperbolic type (2008)
Diferenciální geometrie křivek a ploch (2008)
Morphisms of almost product projective geometries (2008)
Asymptotic behaviour of real two-dimensional differential system with a finite number of constant delays (2008)
Hazard function for cancer patients and cancer cell dynamics (2009)
Publikování z jednoho zdroje v odlišných formátech pro různá výstupní zařízení (2008)
Current status of Japanese HIV-infected patients with coagulation disorders : coinfection with both HIV and HCV (2008)
Kernel Estimates of ROC Curves (2008)
Bandwidth Choice for Kernel Density Estimates. (2008)
Sborník příspěvků 28. konference o geometrii a grafice (2008)
One-way ANOVA type model with negative binomial distribution.. (2007)
Value of [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the management of follicular lymphoma: The end of a dilemma? (2008)
Dyslipidemie indukovaná antiretrovirovými léčivy (2008)
Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphic variants predispose to the development of bronchopulmonary complications but have no influence on other clinical and laboratory symptoms or signs of common variable immunodeficiency (2008)
Multivariate analysis of risk factors for testicular cancer: a hospital-based case-control study in the Czech Republic (2008)
Současný stav testování chemorezistence nádorů ex vivo v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu v Brně (2008)
Epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů varlat v České republice (2008)
Referenční data pro hodnocení léčebné péče u zhoubných nádorů varlat (2008)
False Discovery Rate-Controlled Gene Selection under Variance Heterogeneity and Correlated Expression Measurements (2008)
Projekt Avastin - tříleté zkušenosti s léčbou Avastinem v České republice (2008)
Projekt Herceptin - výsledky léčby karcinomu prsu Herceptinem v ČR (2008)
Postavení a budoucnost klinických registrů v rámci Národního Onkologického Programu České republiky (2008)
Intermediate solutions of Emden-Fowler type equations: continuous versus discrete (2008)
On the growth of nonoscillatory solutions for difference equations with deviating argument (2008)
Monotone solutions of two-dimensional nonlinear functional differential systems (2008)
Remarks on special symplectic connections (2008)
Remarks on Grassmannian symmetric spaces (2008)
On filtered weighted colimits of presheaves (2008)
Weakly irreducible subgroups of Sp(1,n+1) (2008)
Classification of principal connections naturally induced on $W^2PE$ (2008)
Classification of principal connections on $W^rPE$ (2008)
Parametrické, neparametrické a semiparametrické metody diskriminační analýzy pro elipticky vrstevnicová rozdělení (2005)
Parametrické a neparametrické přístupy k vytváření ROC křivek (2006)
Marketingové řízení komerční pojišťovny (2009)
The profile and prognosis of patients hospitalised with heart failure. The value of discharge blood pressure and cholesterol (2008)
Vliv transkraniální magnetické stimulace cerebella na motoriku horní končetiny a depresi u pacientů v časném stadiu Parkinsonovy nemoci - pilotní studie (2008)
Výsledky pilotní studie metronomické a anti-angiogenní terapie (COMBAT) u dětí s refrakterními či recidivujícími nádory CNS (2008)
The profil and prognosis of patients hospitalised eith heart failure.The Value of Discharge Blood Pressure and Cholesterol (2008)
Rizikové faktory nádorů varlat v České populaci: vícerozměrná srovnávací analýza dat pacientů a zdravých kontrol (2008)
Cesta k predikcím počtu léčených onkologických pacientů v ČR z populačních a klinických dat (2008)
Traumatické poranění mozku a zlomeniny obličejového skeletu (2008)
Generalized geometrical structures of odd dimensional manifolds (2009)
Weilian prolongations of actions of smooth categories (2008)
Treatment results of low-grade gliomas in children ( a retrospective data analysis). (2008)
Detection and treatment of molecular relapse in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with frequent quantitative monitoring of molecular markersin different comprartments (2008)
Diagnostika esenciální trombocytemie. Definice esenciální trombocytemie (ET) a trombocytemie provázející další Ph negativní myeloproliferativní choroby (MPO). (2008)
Jak2 mutation and an additional thrombophilic state are major prothrombotic risk factors in myeloproliferations with thrombocythemia - data from a registry of anagrelide-treated patients (2008)
Role of Genetic Markers in the Prediction of Classification of Czech Large White Gilts to a Hyperprolific Line (2009)
Detection and treatment of molecular relapse in acute myeloid leukemia with RUNXa, CBFB, MLL gene translocations, or NPMI mutation. Frequent quantitative monitoring of molecular markers in different compartments and correlation with WT1 gene expression. (2008)
JAK2 Mutation and Additional Thrombophilic Markers Predispose to Thrombosis in Myeloproliferative Diseases with Thrombocythemia (2008)
New Characteristics of Liver Gvhd: Kinetics and the Serum Levels of Enzymes Linked to Cholestasis (2008)
Characterization of the DMD/BMD patient population in Czech Republic and Slovakia using an innovative registry approach (2009)
Sturmian and spectral theory for discrete symplectic systems (2009)
Oscillation theory of symplectic difference systems (2009)
Intermediate solutions for nonlinear difference equations with p-Laplacian (2009)
Základy konvexní analýzy a optimalizace v R^n (2005)
Multimediální sbírka příkladů z Integrálního počtu funkcí více proměnných (2008)
Weak maximum principle and accessory problem for control problems on time scales (2009)
Friedrichs extension of operators defined by symmetric banded matrices (2009)
Na jaké škole bych nechtěl učit (2009)
Neparametrické odhady ROC křivky (2009)
Monitoring prediktivního modelu - indexy stability populace (2009)
Matematická analýza 3 (2009)
Alemtuzumab v terapii chronické lymfatické leukemie (CLL) - retrospektivní multicentrická analýza a léčebná odpověď podle cytogenetického rizika (2008)
Kontakt s nadáním jako jedna z důležitých proměnných ovlivňujících postoj pedagogů a rodičů k mimořádně nadaným žáků a k jejich vzdělávání (2009)
Nonprincipal solutions of half-linear second order differential equations (2009)
Stochastické modelování jednorozměrných časových řad (2009)
Girard couples of quantales (2008)
Oscillation results for time scale symplectic systems (2009)
Erlotinib v léčbě nemalobuněčného bronchogenního karcinomu (přehled a vlastní výsledky) (2009)
Aplikace regresního modelu UVB záření na data ze stanice J. G. Mendela v Antarktidě (2009)
A note on the time scale calculus of variations problems (2009)
Datové zázemí a metodika korektního hodnocení přežití onkologických pacientů v ČR (2009)
Referenční hodnoty přežití onkologických pacientů v ČR - analýza dat Národního onkologického registru (2009)
Odmocniny z přirozených čísel (2009)
Holonomy of supermanifolds (2009)
Degenerate hypersurfaces with a two-parametric family of automorphisms (2009)
Commuting Linear Operators and Decompositions; Applications to Einstein Manifolds (2008)
Spectrum generating on twistor bundle (2006)
O golonomii supermnogoobrazij (rus) (2007)
Lagrangian reductive structures on gauge-natural bundles (2008)
On combinatorial model categories (2009)
Canonical connections in gauge-natural field theories (2008)
Strachy rozumově nadaných dětí jako indikátor jejich pokročilého rozumového vývoje (2009)
Nekonečné řady (2007)
Seminář ze středoškolské matematiky (2007)
Matematika pro chemiky (2007)
Diferenciální počet funkcí jedné proměnné (2008)
Dynamic replicator equation and its transformation (2009)
Confidence Interval for Common Mean in Interlaboratory Comparisons with Systematic Laboratory Biases (2007)
Gabriel Altmann - bridge between linguistics and mathematics (2008)
Matematické modelovanie v jazykovede (2008)
Estimation of the commom mean and determination of the comparison reference value (2008)
Determining the Confidence Interval for the Center and Width of a Structure in Fitting Measured Data by the Regression Line (2009)
Hierarchies of piecewise testable languages (2008)
Enlargement of the group of circular units of a bicyclic field (2009)
Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných – interaktivní sbírka příkladů a testových otázek (2008)
Podpora výuky matematické analýzy interaktivní 3D grafikou v PDF dokumentech (2009)
Mathematical Model of Child and Adolescent Growth. Parameters Identification from Longitudinal Data. (2009)
On the estimation of refractory period (2008)
Successful treatment of steroid-refractory hepatitic variant of liver graft-vs-host disease with pulse cyclophosphamide (2009)
Isomorphism theorems on generalized effect algebras based on atoms (2009)
Special issue - Quantum structures: Theory and applications Preface (2009)
Detection and treatment of molecular relapse in acute myeloid leukemia with RUNX1 (AML1), CBFB, or MLL gene translocations: Frequent quantitative monitoring of molecular markers in different compartments and correlation with WT1 gene expression (2009)
Solvability conditions for a nonlocal boundary value problem for linear functional differential equations (2009)
Prediction of erythemally effective UVB radiation by means of nonlinear regression model (2009)
Generalized Brown representability in homotopy categories:Erratum (2008)
Analysis of erythemally effective UV radiation at the Mendel Station, James Ross Island in the period of 2006-2007 (2009)
Estimation of solar UV radiation in maritime Antarctica using nonlinear model including cloud effects (2009)
Účinnost a bezpečnost léčby erlotinibem (Tarcevou) u nemocných s pokročilým nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (SCLC) (2009)
Vliv klinických prediktorů na účinnost léčby erlotinibem (Tarceva). (2009)
Quality indexes of predictive models in risk and portfolio management (2009)
On periodic solutions of higher order functional differential equations (2008)
Stabilization of system with pure delay in linear part (2007)
A generalization of Thom's transversality theorem (2008)
Measuring success in examination of mathematics using quality indexes of predictive models (2009)
Credit Scoring models and indexes of their quality (2009)
Indexy kvality normálně rozložených skóre (2009)
A whole population study of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2009)
Epidemiologie a léčba kolorektálního karcinomu v českých populačních datech (2009)
The Minus Conjecture revisited (2009)
International Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications (Equadiff 12) (2009)
Eigenvalue, oscillation, and variational results for time scale symplectic systems (2009)
Erlotinib therapy in non small cell lung cancer patients - survival of patients on reduced erlotinib doses (2009)
Erlotinib therapy in non small cell lung cancer patients-survival of "poor prognosis patients" (2009)
Erlotinib (Tarceva) in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)): results on 394 patients from Tarceva Registr of Czech Republic (2009)
The influence of clinical predictors on the results of treatment with erlotinib in patients with advanced NSCLC (2009)
Interactive PDF Documents in Math Education, Focused on Tests for Differential Equations (2009)
Differentiation of solutions of dynamic equations on time scales with respect to parameters (2009)
Multiplicities of focal points for discrete symplectic systems: revisited (2009)
Definiteness of quadratic functionals for Hamiltonian and symplectic systems: A survey (2009)
Successful treatment of steroid-refractory hepatitic variant of liver graft-vs host disease with pulse cyclophosphamide (2009)
Trigonometric and hyperbolic systems on time scales (2009)
Matematika 8. Aritmetika. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2009)
Geometrie 8. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2009)
O páté úloze MMO 2007 (2008)
Measuring the Quality of Credit Scoring Models (2009)
Sledování nákladné protinádorové terapie Českou onkologickou společností ČLS JEP a sítí komplexních onkologických center ČR (2009)
Epidemiologie urologických nádorů v České republice (2008)
Epidemiologie ne-hodgkinových lymfomů v České republice, Evropě a Severní Americe (2009)
Bio-diversity in vineyards with conventional, biological and integrated treatment (2009)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2009)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2009)
On the group of circular units of any compositum of quadratic fields (2009)
Parabolic Geometries I, Background and General Theory (2009)
Úlohy analytické geometrie trojúhelníka (2007)
Matematika 8. Aritmetika. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2009)
Matematika 8. Geometrie. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2009)
Matematika 7. Aritmetika - Geometrie. Příručka učitele pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2008)
Matematika 8. Aritmetika - Geometrie. Příručka učitele pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2009)
Pellova rovnice pro úlohu o součtu 11 čtverců (2009)
Analysis of treatment effects of erlotinib in non small cell lung cancer patients (2009)
Irreducible complex skew-Berger algebras (2009)
Computational power of two stacks with restricted communication (2010)
Cones over pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and their holonomy (2009)
Mercatorův přínos pro matematickou kartografii (2006)
Mercator´s asset in mathematical cartography (2006)
Mercatorův přínos pro matematickou kartografii (2007)
Eulerovy zásluhy o reformu goniometrie (2007)
Efficacious but insidious: A retrospective analysis of fludarabine induced myelotoxicity using long term culture initiating cells in 100 follicular lymphoma patients (2009)
Eulerovy zásluhy o reformu goniometrie (2007)
Mercatorův přínos pro matematickou kartografii (2007)
Čtyři trigonometrické nerovnosti (2008)
Z historie goniometrických funkcí - Ptolemaiovy výpočty (2008)
Z historie goniometrických funkcí - Ptolemaiovy výpočty (2009)
Středověký zrod trigonometrických veličin (2009)
Trigonometrie v Evropě v 15. - 17. století (2009)
Středověký zrod trigonometrických veličin (2009)
Řízení rizika v pojišťovně (2009)
Newton and analytic geometry (2008)
Dynamic Replicator Equation as a Gradient System (2009)
Nonprincipal solutions in oscillation criteria for half-linear differential equations (2010)
On Orthogonal and Unitary Almost Periodic Homogeneous Linear Difference Systems (2007)
Faktory ovlivňující léčbu a výsledky léčby erlotinibem u nemocných s nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic na Klinice nemocí plicních a tbc FN Brno a LF MU (2009)
Construction of almost periodic sequences with given properties (2008)
Principal and nonprincipal solutions in the oscillation theory of half-linear differential equations (2009)
A remark on focal points of recessive solutions of discrete symplectic systems (2010)
Picone type identities and definiteness of quadratic functionals on time scales (2009)
On noncontinuable solutions of differential equations with delay (2009)
Bargmann-type inequality for half-linear differential operators (2009)
Summation characterization of the recessive solution of half-linear difference equations (2009)
Projective Biframes: A General View (2009)
Perturbation principle in discrete half-linear oscillation theory (2009)
Porovnání dvou binárních znaků - simulační studie (2009)
Ověřování účinnosti léčby (simulační studie) (2008)
A counterexample to a conjecture concerning concatenation hierarchies (2009)
Complexity issues of checking identities in finite monoids (2009)
Regular variation on measure chains (2010)
V. letní škola s didaktikou matematiky 2009 (2009)
Johann Radon (K stému výročí narození) (1988)
Polynomial Operators on Classes of Regular Languages (2009)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2009)
Multimediální sbírka řešených úloh a testů z integrálního počtu funkcí více proměnných (2009)
Maple jako asistent při výuce matematiky (2007)
Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných – interaktivní sbírka příkladů a testových otázek (2009)
Algebry golonomii lorencevyh mnogoobrazij Jejnshtejna (Rus) (2009)
Výsledky retrospektivní analýzy cílené léčby metastatického karcinomu prsu trastuzumabem v MOÚ. Identifikace prediktivních faktorů. (2009)
Discrete trigonometric and hyperbolic systems: An overview (2009)
Numerické metody (2008)
Otakar Borůvka a francouzská matematika (2009)
Modelování heterogenity ročních příjmů českých domácností (2009)
Absolute contact differentiation on submanifolds of Cartan space (2010)
On the gauge version of exponential map (2009)
Induced connections on total spaces of fiber bundles (2010)
Semiholonomic jets and contact elements, higher order connections (2009)
Porovnání indexů kvality normálně rozložených skóre s ruzným rozptylem (2009)
Optimalizace čistého zisku marketingové kampaně (2009)
Lillieforsův test normality kredit skóringových dat (2009)
The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the cerebellum on the upper limb performance and depressive symptoms in early Parkinson´s disease patients, pilot study (2009)
Recessive solutions for half-linear dynamic equations (2009)
On oscillation and nonoscillation properties of Emden-Fowler difference equations (2009)
On the jets of foliation respecting maps (2010)
Výsledky léčby nemocných s esenciální trombocytémií a dalšími myeloproliferacemi provázenými trombocytémií-zpráva z registru pacientů léčených Thromboreductinem (2009)
Eulerova reforma goniometrie (2009)
The Plateau of BCR-ABL Transcript Level ≥ 0.1% May Select CML Patients in Complete Cytogenetic Remission for Mutation Analysis (2009)
Kernel Regression Toolbox for Matlab (2009)
Rizikové faktory uroinfekcí po gynekologických operacích (2008)
Různé přístupy k odhadům parametrů NB-rozdělení (2008)
ROC curves as an aspect of classification (2009)
On positivity of the three term 2n-order difference operators (2009)
Natural principal connections on the principal gauge prolongation of a principal bundle (2009)
Quality Indexes of Predictive Models in Risk and Portfolio Management (2010)
Piecewise Testable Languages via Combinatorics on Words (2009)
Přehled epidemiologie urologických malignit v České republice (2009)
Populační odhady počtu nemocných s kolorektálním karcinomem - jeden z nástrojů včasné diagnostiky časných stadií a rekurence onemocnění (2009)
Nový informační systém umožňující predikce epidemiologické a léčebné zátěže u urologických malignit v České republice (2009)
Nový informační systém pro prediktivní hodnocení onkologické zátěže: spolupráce Slovenské a České republiky (2009)
Odhady počtu léčených pacientů v onkologii (2009)
Number of cancer patients in the Czech Republic: predictive statistical models for cancer incidence and survival (2009)
Modelling excess mortality associated with most prevalent cancers in the Czech Republic: time trends and the role of anticancer treatment (2009)
Modelling number of cancer patients potentially treated with targeted pharmacotherapy in the czech republic (2009)
National Information System for Cancer Control in the Czech Republic (2009)
Nonpositive solutions to a certain functional differential inequality (2009)
On a boundary-value problem of antiperiodic type for first-order nonlinear functional differential equations of non-Volterra type (2003)
Klinický registr - zdroj pro nová doporučení v léčbě peripartálního krvácení (2009)
Klinický registr - zdroj pro nová doporučení v léčbě peripartálního krvácení (2009)
Information System for Predictive Evaluation of Cancer Epidemiology and the Number of Cancer Patients in the Czech Republic (2009)
Five Year Survival Rates of Cancer Patients in the Czech Republic (2009)
Predicting non-sentinel lymph node status after positive sentinel biopsy in breast cancer: what model performs the best in a czech population? (2009)
Comparing recommended doses of angiotensin receptor blockers and ACE inhibitors (CORD Study) (2009)
Analýza dat v neurologii. Díl XV. Vyzkoušejte zvláštní typ neparametrického testování hypotéz: permutační testy: obecné aplikace (2009)
Viditelnost na ultrasonografii jako nejsilnější prediktor invazivity u duktálních karcinomů in situ v retrospektivní studii (2009)
CORD: COmparsion of Recommended Doses of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers. (2009)
Constant BCR-ABL transcript level >or=0.1% (IS) in patients with CML responding to imatinib with complete cytogenetic remission may indicate mutation analysis. (2010)
Bullous pemphigoid and internal diseases: A case-control study. (2010)
Moderní řešení mezioborové komunikace urologů a onkologů a jeho implementace na příkladu hormonálně refrakterního karcinomu prostaty (2009) Program kolorektálního screeningu v České republice (2009)
Bronchial asthma treatment during pregnancy and perinatal outcomes (2009)
CORD: Comparison of Recommended Doses of ace inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (2009)
Výjezdní zasedání Centra Jaroslava Hájka pro teoretickou a aplikovanou statistiku. Sborník rozšířených abstraktů. (2009)
Workshop of the Jaroslav Hájek Center, Book of short papers (2010)
Technologie ve výuce matematiky - pomoc i úskalí (2009)
ANTROPOLOGICKÝ SLOVNÍK (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění) aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk (2009)
Počítač, trojúhelník a kvadratická funkce (2010)
Mixture Model Clustering for Household Incomes (2010)
A Confidence Interval for the Overall Treatment Effect (2009)
The Solow-Swan growth model with bounded population (2010)
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of real two-dimensional differential system with nonconstant delay. (2009)
Oscillation for third-order nonlinear differential equations with deviating argument. (2010)
A telescoping principle for oscillation of the second order half-linear dynamic equations on time scales (2009)
Historie deskriptivní geometrie na Masarykově universitě v Brně (2006)
Výuka deskriptivní geometrie na MU v Brně (2006)
Úlohy o přímkových plochách (2006)
Úlohy v kosoúhlém promítání (2006)
Sbírka řešených příkladů z deskriptivní geometrie pro I. ročník Fakulty stavební VUT v Brně (2007)
Deskriptivní geometrie v Rakousku-Uhersku na přelomu 19. a 20. století (2007)
Oscillatory properties of second order nonlinear differential equations (2009)
Asymptotic problems for differential equations with bounded Phi-Laplacian (2009)
Nonoscillatory solutions for Emden-Fowler type difference equations (2007)
Nakrytí grup SO(3) a SO(4) spinorovými grupami (2005)
Vektorová pole na sférách (2005)
Spherical Trigonometry with Quaternions (2006)
Projektivní rovina nad algebrou oktáv (2007)
Projektivní rovina nad oktávami (2007)
Mfpic Previewer (2007)
Valení kulových ploch a kvaterniony (2009)
Effects of ELF-EMF on Brain Proteins in Mice (2009)
Interval Estimation of the Mean of a Normal Distribution Based on Quantized Obseravtions (2009)
Interval Estimators of the Centre and Width of a Two-Dimensional Microstructure (2009)
Konfidenčné intervaly založené na digitalizovaných meraniach (2009)
Analýza dat v Neurologii. Díl XIII. Úvod do statistického usuzování, postupy a terminologie. (2009)
Analýza dat v Neurologii. Díl XIV. Vyzkoušejte zvláštní typ neparametrického testování hypotéz, permutační testy a Fisherův exaktní test. (2009)
Analýza dat v neurologii. Díl XVI. Zlatý standard statistického testování, t test. (2009)
Analýza dat v neurologii. Díl XVII. Neparametrické testy jako alternativa t testu. (2009)
Analýza dat v neurologii. Díl XVIII. O t testu jsme ještě nenapsali vše. (2009)
Holonomy of Einstein Lorentzian manifolds (2010)
International Journal of Cardiology (2009)
CORD: COmparison Of Recommended Doses of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptors blockers (2009)
CORD:Comparison of recommended Doses of ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor blockers (2009)
Sravnenie rekomendovanych blokatorov receptorov angiotenzina i ingibitorov angiotenzin-prevraščauščego fermenta (issledovanie CORD) (2009)
Porovnání doporučených dávek ACE inhibitorů a antagonistů receptoru angiotenzinu II (2009)
Atomicity of lattice effect algebras and their sub-lattice effect algebras (2009)
Snižování následků rizika a jeho finančního krytí (2010)
Projekt "Umíme chránit děti před úrazy?" (2009)
Modularity, Atomicity and States in Archimedean Lattice Effect Algebras (2010)
Local equivalence of symmetric hypersurfaces in C^2 (2010)
Higher Order invariants of Levi Degenerate Hypersurfaces (2010)
Kdo káže vodu a pije víno - Kardiovaskulární riziko v medicínské populaci v projektu (2009)
COmparison Of Recommended Doses of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (2009)
Subtalar stabilization of pes equinovaigus by conventional open surgery using bicortical iliac crest bone graft (mid-term results) (2007)
Statistical approach in search for optimal signal in simple olfactory neuronal models (2009)
Optimal odor intensity in olfactory neuronal models (2009)
Simple stochastic neuronal models and their parameters (2009)
Optimal Odor Intenisty in Simple Olfactory Neuronal Models (2009)
Optimal odor intensity in simple olfactory neuronal models (2009)
Estimation of solar UV radiation in maritime Antarctica using nonlinear model including cloud effects (2010)
On introduction of quadratic function by computers at school (2010)
On the torsion on gauge-like prolongations of principal bundles (2009)
Parabolic symmetric spaces (2010)
Symmetries of parabolic geometries (2009)
Bochner-Kähler metrics and connections of Ricci type (2008)
Vliv repetitivní transkraniální magnetické stimulace cerebella na motoriku horní končetiny u pacientů v iniciálním stadiu Parkinsonovy nemoci- pilotní studie (2010)
Intensity models for randomly censored data (2009)
ROC Curve: A Tool for Describing and Comparing Continuous Diagnostic Ttests (2008)
Workshop of Jaroslav Hajek Center (2009)
Výjezdní zasedání Centra Jaroslava Hájka (2008)
Decomposition and Projectivity of Quantale Modules (2010)
Hodnocení kvality credit scoringových modelů (2010)
Automatické skórování segmentované klientské báze (2010)
Nabla time scale symplectic systems and related quadratic functionals (2010)
Podpora zájmu nadané mládeže o přírodní vědy, matematiku a informatiku na Masarykově univerzitě (2008)
Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných (2010)
Přednášky MB101 Matematika I. (2006)
Přednášky MB102 Matematika II. (2007)
Are all cofibrantly generated model categories combinatorial? (2009)
One component of the curvature tensor of a Lorentzian manifold (2010)
An algebraic approach to physical scales (2010)
Equivariant quantizations for AHS-structures (2010)
Friedrichs extension of operators defined by linear Hamiltonian systems on unbounded interval (2010)
Užitečná podoba Caychyho-Schwarzovy nerovnosti (2010)
O jedné vlastnosti stran a úhlů v trojúhelníku (2010)
Analýza obtížnosti logických úloh na základě modelů lidského chování (2010)
On the existence of bounded noncontinuable solutions (2010)
Oscillation and spectral theory for symplectic difference systems with separated boundary conditions (2010)
Postoje českých pedagogů k typickým charakteristikám nadaných žáků s dyslexií, k jejich identifikaci a vzdělávání (2010)
Fisher information as the measure of signal optimality in olfactory neuronal neurons (2010)
Asymptotic behaviour of a two-dimensional differential system with nonconstant delay (2010)
What are sifted colimits? (2010)
Alternativní indexy predikční síly credit scoringových modelů (2010)
Epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů v české populaci - současné trendy (2010)
Nedostupnost komplexních klinických dat limituje hodnocení léčebné péče v ČR - návrhy řešení na příkladu onkologických informačních systémů (2010)
Epidemiologie solidních nádorů v ČR podle dat Národního onkologického registru za období 1977-2007 (2010)
Intergenerationale Unterstützung unter Lehrern (2010)
Předvídání a analýza očekávaných reakcí lidí na změnu. (2010)
A remark on an oscillation constant in the half-linear oscillation theory (2010)
On Annihilators of the Class Group of an Imaginary Compositum of Quadratic Fields (2010)
A Confidence Interval for the Probability Difference of Overall Treatment Effects - Simulation Study (2010)
Difficulty Rating of Sokoban Puzzle (2010)
Aplications of Hyperbolic Geometry: Gyrovector Spaces (2007)
Hyperbolická geometrie a gyrovektorové prostory (2007)
Mathematical Assistant on Web (2008)
Tessellations of hyperbolic plane (2006)
Pojďte pane, budeme si hrát (.. s PDF) (2008)
Systém pro online výpočty v prostředí WWW (2008)
Teorie automorfních funkcí (2009)
Symplectic structure of Jacobi systems on time scales (2010)
Symmetric three-term recurrence equations and their symplectic structure (2010)
Change in Referral Diagnoses and Diagnostic Delay in Hypogammaglobulinaemic Patients during 28 Years in a Single Referral Centre (2010)
The differences in the isoelectric points of biofilm-positive and biofilm-negative Candida parapsilosis strains (2010)
E-learningový portál (2006)
Úvod do matematického modelování s využitím Maple (2010)
Co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk (2010)
Bandwidth Matrix Choice for Bivariate Kernel Density Derivative (2010)
TRAM: Bandwidth Choice for Kernel Density Derivative (2010)
Comparison of several smoothing methods in bivariate kernel density estimation (2009)
Kernel choosing with respect to the bandwidth in kernel density estimates (2010)
Analýza srážkoměrných dat (2010)
Matematika Geometrie 9. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2010)
Matematika Algebra 9. Učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2010)
Matematika Algebra 9. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2010)
Matematika Geometrie 9. Pracovní sešit pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2010)
Change points detection of a smooth estimate of a hazard function (2010)
Exaktní vědy a humanizace vzdělávání (1997)
Random effects in drug dissolution (2010)
Half-linear oscillation criteria: Perturbation in term involving derivative (2010)
Matematika pro chemiky, 1.díl (2010)
Mezigenerační pomoc učitelů (2010)
Rofe-Beketov's formula on time scales (2010)
Deterministic models of natural selection and their relation to ecology (2010)
Jaroslav Šedivý, zakladatel letních škol z historie matematiky (1996)
Analysis of the Predator-Prey Model with Climax Prey Population (2009)
Reid roundabout theorems for time scale symplectic systems (2010)
Průvodce základními statistickými metodami (2010)
Zapomenuté práce Otakara Borůvky (2010)
Colloquium on Differential Equations and Integration Theory (2010)
Abstract Book of CDEIT 2010 (2010)
Sbírka řešených příkladů z matematické analýzy I (2010)
Lineární algebra a geometrie I (2010)
On the local structure of Lorentzian Einstein manifolds with parallel distribution of null lines (2010)
Holonomy algebras of pseudo-quaternionic-Kählerian manifolds of signature (4,4) (2010)
On a Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for discrete symplectic systems on a half line (2010)
Quaternionic structures (2010)
Learning Environments in the Context of the Schools Needs (2010)
Štefan Schwabik and the history of mathematics (2010)
Optimal Path Planning under Temporal Logic Contstraints (2010)
A Symbolic Approach to Controlling Piecewise Affine Systems (2010)
Formal Analysis of Piecewise Affine Systems through Formula-Guided Refinement (2010)
Inclusions between parabolic geometries (2010)
Nestandardní úlohy s počítačem v 9. třídě (2010)
Interaktivní hry k oživení výuky dvojných a trojných integrálů (2010)
Investiční činnost pojišťoven (2010)
Aberrant EEG responses to gamma-frequency visual stimulation in schizophrenia (2010)
On the Einstein equation on Lorentzian manifolds with parallel distributions of isotropic lines (2010)
Mentoring jako forma kolegiální podpory a strategie dobré školy (2010)
Natural maps depending on reductions of frame bundles (2011)
On special types of nonholonomic contact elements (2011)
Some properties of fiber product preserving bundle functors (2011)
The Ecotherapeutic Potential of Nature and Taking Care of One´s Health (2010)
Školní psycholog a procesy autoevaluace ve škole (2010)
Holonomy groups of pseudo-quaternionic-Kählerian manifolds of non-zero scalar curvature (2011)
Sbírka řešených příkladů z matematické analýzy I (2010)
Algebraic theories (2010)
Analýza dat v neurologii. XIX. Statistické testy pro četnosti kategorií, binomické a Poissonovo rozdělení. (2010)
Analýza dat v neurologii. XX. Statistické testy pro četnosti kategorií, test dobré shody. (2010)
Analýza dat v neurologii. XXI. Kontingenční tabulky, test nezávislosti kategoriálních znaků. (2010)
Analýza dat v neurologii. XXII. Rozbor složitějších kontingenčních tabulek je účinným nástrojem pro studium vztahů kategoriálních znaků. (2010)
Analýza dat v neurologii. XXIII. Kontingenční tabulky neslouží jen pro testy hypotézy o nezávislosti znaků. (2010)
Analýza dat v neurologii. XXIV. Vybrané příklady hodnocení kategoriálních dat. (2010)
Intergenerationale Zusammenarbeit von Lehrern (2010)
CORD: COmparison of Recommended Doses of ace inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers. (2010)
Prognostic factors and treatment outcome in 1,516 adult patients with de novo and secondary acute myeloid leukemia in 1999-2009 in 5 hematology intensive care centers in the Czech Republic (2010)
Gender differences in motor and non-motor clinical manifestation of Parkinson's disease-analysis of the EWO study (2010)
Esenciální trombocytemie a jiné myeloproliferace s trombocytemií léčené Thromboreductinem. Výstupy z databáze Registru k 1. čtvrtletí roku 2010 (2010)
Eigenvalue and oscillation theorems for time scale symplectic systems (2011)
On second-order differential equations with nonhomogeneous Phi-Laplacian, (2010)
Oscillatory properties of second order nonlinear differential equations. (2010)
Clustering of Czech Household Incomes Over Very Short Time Period (2010)
Nová data pro plánování a optimalizaci léčebné péče o pacientky s karcinomem prsu v České republice v období 2010–2011 (2010)
Přínos kontrastního ultrazvukového vyšetření v diferenciální diagnostice ložiskových procesů jater (2010)
Studie CORD - analýza nemocných starších 80 let a nemocných s izolovanou systolickou hypertenzí (2010)
Limity statistické interpretace dat z observačních studií na příkladu inzulinu glargin (2010)
Léčba erlotinibem nemocných s nemalobuněčnými karcinomy plic - efekt snížené dávky při závažných nežádoucích účincích (2010)
Gliomy optické dráhy u dětí (2010)
Specifika studijní a profesní orientace u žáků s poruchami učení a chování (2010)
Modelling of Cancer Dynamics and Comparison of Methods for Survival Time Estimation (2010)
VI. letní škola s didaktikou matematiky 2010 (2010)
Antropologický slovník aneb Co by měl o člověku vědět každý člověk (2010)
80th birthday anniversary of Yuri\ui{} Aleksandrovich Klokov. (English) (2009)
Estimation of solution of the system with switching consisting of nonlinear regulatin equatins (2010)
An optimal condition for the uniqueness of a periodic solution for sytems of higher order linear functional differential equations (2010)
Využití systému Maple ve výuce Matematické analýzy (2011)
Teaching Mathematical Modelling in Biology using Maple (2010)
Rezonansnaia periodicheskaia zadacha dlia differencialnykh ureavnenij s otkloniaiushchimisia argumentami (2010)
The Perception of Threat to Health Arising from Environmental Issues by Students of PFD MU Brno (2010)
Sturmian theory for linear Hamiltonian systems without controllability (2011)
Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for time scale symplectic systems on half line (2011)
Porovnání regionální monetární chudoby v Čechách a na Slovensku (2010)
On definition of skew frames (2010)
Which O-commutative Basic Algebras Are Effect Algebras (2010)
Compactly Generated de Morgan Lattices, Basic Algebras and Effect Algebras (2010)
Active Leisure for Health in Context of Environmental Care (2010)
On Aspects of Quality Indexes for Scoring Models (2010)
Chemie; Úvod do obecné a anorganické chemie (2010)
Sharply Orthocomplete Effect Algebras (2010)
Chemie; Úvod do obecné a anorganické chemie - pracovní sešit (2010)
Multimediální interaktivní učebnice - Chemie 8 (2010)
Assessment of Scoring Models Using Information Value (2010)
Kernel Quality Indexes Toolbox for Matlab (2010)
A remark on a paper of van Alten (2010)
Predictive Power Measures for Scoring Models (2010)
Looking for the Identification Signs of Organizational Learning in Schools (2011)
2 cm inching u fokální neuropatie nervus ulnaris v oblasti lokte. (2010)
1 Hz cerebellum rTMS can modify the voluntary movements of the upper limb in early Parkinson’s disease patients. (2010)
Non-motor symptoms in 217 patients with Parkinson's disease as measured by MOCA and MADRS - analysis of the EWO study (2010)
Dynamika neurofilamenta pNF-H jako prediktor mortality u dětí s poraněním mozku (2010)
Stochastic modelling of signal transduction in olfactory neurons (2010)
The relationship of potential variables to asthma control during pregnancy (2010)
Epidemiologie zhoubného novotvaru průdušky a plíce (C34) v ČR (2009)
Health Technology Assessment (2010)
Epidemiologie zhoubných nádorů ledvin v ČR: dlouhodobé trendy a predikce pro rok 2010 (2010)
Školní psycholog a procesy autoevaluace ve škole (2010)
Vztahové proměny očima učitelů 50 plus. Vybraná data z výzkumu Učitelé v pozdní fázi kariéry. (2010)
Expression of immune-modulatory molecules HLA-G and HLA-E by tumor cells in glioblastomas: An unexpected prognostic significance? (2011)
Krein-von Neumann and Friedrichs extensions for second order operators on time scales (2011)
O základním výzkumu aneb od řešení rovnic ke strukturální antropologii (2010)
Matematika 9. Algebra - Geometrie. Příručka učitele pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia (2010)
Monitoring of the results and quality of cancer care in the Czech Republic (2009)
Učitelské otázky ve výukovém dialogu na druhém stupni základní školy (2011)
The ratio of eigenvalues of the Dirichlet eigenvalue problem for equations with one-dimensional p-Laplacian (2010)
Generalized zeros of 2 × 2 symplectic difference system and of its reciprocal system (2011)
Výpočty trojúhelníků v hodinách analytické geometrie (2010)
Výuka matematiky pro sluchově postižené studenty na Masarykově univerzitě (2010)
Variational technique and principal solution in half-linear oscillation criteria (2011)
On the Weilian prolongations of natural bundles (2012)
Rayleigh principle for linear Hamiltonian systems without controllability (2012)
On general Sturmian theory for abnormal linear Hamiltonian systems (2011)
New decidable upper bound of the second level in the Straubing-Thérien concatenation hierarchy of star-free languages (2010)
Literally idempotent languages and their varieties - two letter case (2010)
Hierarchies of piecewise testable languages (2010)
On Schützenberger products of semirings (2010)
Descriptional Complexity of the Languages KaL: Automata, Monoids and Varieties (2010)
Two-parametric conditionally oscillatory half-linear differential equations (2011)
Řízení lidských zdrojů :nejnovější trendy a postupy (2007)
Řízení lidských zdrojů : nejnovější trendy a postupy (2007)
O výchově učitelů v Čechách (a samozřejmě i na Moravě) (2010)
Modelování a simulace komplexních systémů. Jak lépe porozumět světu (2011)
Mathematical Models of Dissolution: Stochastic models and the Fisher information concept in searching for optimal times to measure (2010)
Tvorba interaktivních testů pomocí systému AcroTeX (2010)
Career Choice in Pupils with Special Education Needs - Comparison of Case Studies (2011)
Obecná onkologie (2011)
Trigonometrie v Evropě 15.-17. století (2010)
Mediální obraz našeho školství (2011)
Učitelé a faktor času: o proměnách pracovního sebepojetí (2010)
Vliv pojistného sektoru na regionální rozvoj České republiky (2010)
Lineární algebra a geometrie I (2010)
Ke vztahu kultury školy a individuálního a organizačního učení (2010)
Mosty mezi pedagogickou a psychologickou diagnostikou (2010)
Úvod do matematického modelování s využitím Maple (2011)
Dlouhodobý vývoj obsahu prioritních a dalších nebezpečných látek (2010)
Construction of almost periodic functions with given properties (2011)
Somatoform Dissociation and Symptoms of Traumatic Stress in Adolescents (2010)
A routhe to Routh -- the classical setting (2011)
Statistical Evaluation of a Set of Geochemical Data from a Large Collection of Moldavites Measured by INAA and IPAA (2010)
Užití matematiky ve fyzikální optice (2011)
Almost periodic sequences and functions with given values (2011)
Význam ekologického vinohradnictví pro ochranu přírody a krajiny (2011)
Matematika pro chemiky, 2. díl (2011)
Dialogické struktury ve výukové komunikaci na druhém stupni základní školy (2011)
Model Based Determination of Detection Limits for Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer (Invited paper) (2010)
Comparison theorems for Riccati inequalities arising in the theory of PDE's with p-Laplacian (2011)
Kernel Density Estimation Toolbox for Matlab (2011)
Censored Survival Data: Simulation and Kernel Estimates (2010)
Společná práce velkého matematika s velkým biologem (2011)
Periodic solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations (2010)
Critical second order operators on time scales (2011)
Comparison of antibacterial effect of seven 1-monoglycerides on food-borne pathogens or spoilage bacteria (2011)
The Catlin multitype and biholomorphic equivalence of models (2010)
ProbDiVinE 2.0 (2010)
Resonance Periodic Problem for Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments (2010)
Kolik dětí se rodí small for gestational age? Analýza populace 7341 dětí ze studie ELSPAC (2011)
General covariant derivatives for general connections (2011)
Detection of metastatic spread to lymph nodes in colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles in primary tumors. (2011)
Irreducible Holonomy Algebras of Odd Riemannian Supermanifolds (2011)
A Note on Continuous Dependence of Solutions of Dynamic Equations on Time Scales. (2011)
Imatinib as the first-line treatment of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia diagnosed in the chronic phase: can we compare real life data to the results from clinical trials? (2011)
Strong nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle properties for second order differential equations with delay (2010)
Inovace výuky statistiky na Přírodovědecké fakultě MU (2011)
Překvapivé důkazy obtížných nerovností (2011)
Vedení procesů organizačního učení ve škole : první kroky realizace výzkumného projektu (2010)
Asymptotic behaviour of a two-dimensional differential system with a nonconstant delay under the conditions of instability (2011)
Pravděpodobnostní shluková analýza pomocí směsí GLM modelů s využitím jazyka R (2011)
The Solow-Swan model generalization with non-constant labor growth rate (2011)
Difficulty Rating of Sudoku Puzzles by a Computational Model (2011)
What Determines Difficulty of Transport Puzzles? (2011)
Positive solutions of third order damped nonlinear differential equations (2011)
Unbounded solutions of third order delayed differential equations with damping term.Central (2011)
Tvorba standardů z matematiky pro ZŠ (2011)
Quality Measures for Predictive Scoring Models (2011)
A generalized reflection method for kernel distribution and hazard functions estimation (2011)
New Results in Theory of Symplectic Systems on Time Scales (2011)
Kernel Density Gradient Estimate (2011)
Lorentzian holonomy algebras and their applications (2011)
Modular System for Haptic Interaction with Multi-contact Collision Detection (2011)
Human Health and Road Transport (2011)
Simulační studie metod pro posouzení účinnosti léčby (2010)
Statistical Properties of an Overall Treatment Effect Point Estimator (2010)
A Confidence Interval for the Probability Difference of Overall Treatment Effect – Simulation Study (2011)
Point Estimator of the Probability Difference of Overall Treatment Effect - Simulation Study (2011)
Disease-free survival: (non-)parametric estimation (2011)
Výdaje obcí na ochranu životního prostředí a jejich efektivnost (2011)
Zapomenuté práce Otakara Borůvky (2011)
Mathematical Literature and Digitization (2011)
Homogeneous diffusion layer model of dissolution incorporating the initial transient phase (2011)
Half-linear Euler differential equations in the critical case (2011)
Methodology for the Efficiency Evaluation of the Municipal Environmental Protection Expenditure (2011)
Běžné výdaje obcí na nakládání s odpady a jejich nákladová efektivnost – případová studie pro Jihomoravský kraj (2011)
An asymptotic formula for solutions of nonoscillatory half-linear differential equations (2011)
Psychosociální dopad nezaměstnanosti na životní situaci rodiny (2011)
Využití interaktivních metod při výuce předmětu Aplikovaná statistika I (2011)
Modern and conventional prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the everyday haematological practice (2011)
Combinatorial differential geometry and ideal Bianchi–Ricci identities (2011)
Dobrá škola. Metoda pro stanovení priorit školy. (2011)
Adjusted Empirical Estimate of Information Value for Credit Scoring Models (2011)
Measuring Quality of Scoring Models Using Information Value (2011)
Advanced empirical estimate of information value for credit scoring models (2011)
Estimating Information Value for Credit Scoring Models (2011)
Matematika 1 (2003)
Matematika 2 (2003)
Matematické modely ve financích (2009)
Statistika I (2010)
Data Mining I (2011)
Procesy stárnutí a jejich možné důsledky pro učitelství (2011)
Mentoring jako podpora mezigenerační spolupráce ve škole (2011)
Učitelé v pozdní fázi kariéry - z výzkumných dat. (2011)
Starší učitelé (konečně) v centru pozornosti (2011)
Zkušenostně reflektivní učení ve vzdělávání (nejen) sociálních pedagogů (2011)
Opravdu se učitelé zlobí na testování tříd? (2011)
Visualization and Bandwidth Matrix Choice (2012)
Příprava studijních materiálů pomocí programového systému R (2011)
Critical oscillation constant for half-linear differential equations with periodic coefficients (2011)
Comparison of Time Series Decomposition Methods (2011)
Kernel Convolutions and their Application (2011)
Dlouhodobý vývoj obsahu těžkých kovů v sedimentech řeky Moravy (2011)
Aktuální problémy řízení rizik v pojišťovnictví (2011)
Pojistný podvod (2011)
Corporate Performance Evaluation and Reporting (2011)
Two-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds (2011)
Výdaje obcí na nakládání s komunálním odpadem v okrese Vyškov a jejich efektivnost (2011)
Examples of Einstein spacetimes with recurrent null vector fields (2011)
Critical higher order Sturm-Liouville difference operators (2011)
First order conditions for generalized variational problems over time scales (2011)
Funkce učitelských otázek ve výukové komunikaci na druhém stupni základní školy (2011)
Overview of Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for second order Sturm-Liouville equations on time scales (2011)
Problem Response Theory and its Application for Tutoring (2011)
Může počítač rozvíjet kreativitu žáků? (2011)
Predicting non-sentinel lymph node status after positive sentinel biopsy in breast cancer: what model performs the best in a czech population? (2009)
Průběh a závěry mezioborového setkání „Winter GLIO TRACK Meeting“ 2011 (2011)
Editorial (2011)
Hamilton-Jacobi theory over time scales and applications to linear-quadratic problems (2012)
Interaktivní hry a testy k procvičení integrálního počtu funkcí více proměnných (2011)
Bayesian Estimation of a Comprehensive Small Open Economy Model on the Czech Data (2011)
Bayesian estimation of model with financial frictions on Czech data (2011)
Crucial Determinants Affecting the Attitude of Czech Educators toward the Education of Extraordinarily Gifted Learners (2011)
Vliv věku na výkon profese (2011)
On definition characteristics of organizational learning in schools (2011)
Reduction theorem for general connections (2011)
Podmínky využití age managementu očima účastníků školení Age Management Training (2011)
Teachers in the late phase of their career (2011)
Age management - strategie řízení zohledňující věk pracovníků (2011)
Oscillation and spectral theory for linear Hamiltonian systems with nonlinear dependence on the spectral parameter (2012)
Limit-point/limit-circle properties for delay equations of the second order. (2011)
The Ho-Lee Short Interest Rate Model (2011)
Zlomové události při vytváření profesní identity učitele (2011)
Influence of teachers’ beliefs on communication with pupils (2011)
Rayleigh principle for time scale symplectic systems and applications (2011)
New results for time reversed symplectic dynamic systems and quadratic functionals (2012)
A remark on the Morita theorem for operads (2011)
Professional choice of Pupils with Special Education Needs (2011)
Matematická analýza 3 (2011)
Parabolický let aneb Internet a fyzikální myšlení (2011)
How to Measure the Quality of Credit Scoring Models (2011)
Šestero řešení úlohy z 60. ročníku MO (2011)
MiR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 expression levels and O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase methylation status are associated with clinical outcome in glioblastoma patients (2011)
Výsledky multimodální léčby glioblastoma multiforme: konsekutivní série 86 pacientů diagnostikovaných v letech 2003–2009 (2011)
Vysoce maligní (high grade) gliomy (2011)
Metodika CEA na příkladu temozolomidu a intratékálně aplikovaného karmustinu u pacientů s glioblastoma multiforme (2011)
Estimation of current cumulative incidence of leukaemia-free patients and current leukaemia-free survival in chronic myeloid leukaemia in the era of modern pharmacotherapy (2011)
Model of cost and price relationships for municipal waste management of the Czech Republic (2011)
Efficiency of the current municipal waste expenditure - methodology approach and its application (2011)
Ekonomika životního prostředí (2011)
Piecewise Testable Languages via Combinatorics on Words (2011)
Rewriting in Varieties of Idempotent Semigroups (2011)
Identity Problems, Solvability of Equations and Unification in Varieties of Semigroups Related to Varieties of Groups (2011)
On Biautomata (2011)
Škola jako učící se profesní komunita (2011)
Parameter Drifting in a DSGE Model Estimated on Czech Data (2011)
Mikropolitika školy (2011)
Bandwidth matrix choice for bivariate kernel density estimates (2009)
Contribution to bandwidth matrix choice for multivariate kernel density estimate (2011)
Výběr jádrové funkce u jádrových odhadů derivace dvourozměrné hustoty (2011)
Kernel choice with respect to the bandwidth in kernel density estimates (2011)
Subhierarchies of the Second Level in the Straubing-Thrien Hierarchy (2011)
State complexity of union and intersection for two-way nondeterministic finite automata (2011)
Poradenské týmy ve školách a jejich význam pro rozvoj školního kariérového poradenství (2011)
Tři různé podoby volby: vliv emocí a školy v případových studiích (2011)
K profesní orientaci a technickému vzdělávání v základních školách (2011)
Možnosti využití mentoringu ve školách (2011)
Describing periodicity in two-way deterministic finite automata using transformation semigroups (2011)
State complexity of operations on two-way deterministic finite automata over a unary alphabet (2011)
Limit-point/limit-circle problem for sub-half-linear second order delay differential equations (2011)
Monetary Policy Implications of Financial Frictions in the Czech Republic (2011)
Parameter drifting in the second order approximated model (2011)
Vlastnosti testů autokorelace 1. řádu (2011)
Příprava na změnu. Metoda pro předjímání reakcí lidí. (2011)
Kernel Bivariate Density Toolbox (2011)
Investigation of the Nature of Epidemiological Cancer Data Using Surrogte Data Tests (2011)
Economic model of municipal biowaste management (2011)
Osobnostně sociální rozvoj - o významu pojmu optikou pedagogického diskursu (2011)
Zkušenostně reflektivní učení v přípravě studentů pomáhajících profesí (2011)
Problem Solving Tutor (2011)
Subjektivní teorie učitelů o výukové komunikaci (2011)
Struktura a obsah komunikace mezi učitelem a žáky (2011)
Od pseudodialogu k dialogickému vyučování (2011)
Mocenské konstelace ve výukové komunikaci (2011)
A boundary value problem on a half-line for differential equations with indefinite weight (2011)
Plošné testování matematických znalostí žáků 5. a 9. tříd začíná (2012)
Conjugacy and principal solution of generalized half-linear second order differential equations (2012)
Vnitřní lékařství (2011)
Habitual residence in Brussels II bis (2011)
Power and communication processes in the classroom (2011)
Osoby se zdravotním postižením a jejich kompetence potřebné pro trh práce (2011)
Osoby se zdravotním postižením a jejich kompetence potřebné pro trh práce (2011)
Připravenost osob se zdravotním postižením pro uplatnění na trhu práce jako nástroj sociální inkluze (2011)
Připravenost osob se zdravotním postižením pro uplatnění na trhu práce jako nástroj sociální inkluze (2011)
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of real two-dimensional differential system with nonconstant delay in an unstable case (2012)
The inheritance of BDE-property in sharply dominating lattice effect algebras and (o)-continuous states (2011)
PT-Symmetry in (Generalized) Effect Algebras (2011)
Sharply Dominating MV-Effect Algebras (2011)
State smearing theorems and the existence of states on some atomic lattice effect algebras (2011)
Considerable Sets of Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces as Operator Generalized Effect Algebras (2011)
More on PT-Symmetry in (Generalized) Effect Algebras and Partial Groups (2011)
Variability measures of positive random variables (2011)
Intravenous (IF) Aflibercept versus placebo in combination with irinotecan/5-FU (FOLFIRI) for second-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (MCC): Results of a multinational phase III trial (EFC10262-VELOUR) (2011)
Results from VELOUR, a phase 3 study of Aflibercept versus placebo in combination with FOLFIRI for the treatment of patients with previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (2011)
Studium metylačního stavu promotoru genu pro MGMT metodou high-resolution melting u pacientů s glioblastomem (2011)
MikroRNA jako nové prognostické markery časného metastazování po nefrektomii (2011)
Exprese imunomodulatorních neklasických molekul HLA-G a HLA-E nádorovými buňkami u glioblastomu: neočekávaný prognostický význam? (2011)
Notions of Lawvere theory (2011)
Integration of economic, environmental, social and corporate governance performance and reporting in enterprises (2011)
Oscillation theorems and Rayleigh principle for linear Hamiltonian and symplectic systems with general boundary conditions (2012)
Ideálni model vyučování v didaktických materiálech pro učitele aneb Návod ke stavebnici (2011)
Výdaje obcí do oblasti ochrany vod a faktory pro měření jejich efektivnosti (2011)
Radioterapie (2011)
Pokus o teorii nepořádku: rozhovor se Stephenem J. Ballem (2011)
Deterministic models and identification of their parameters. (2011)
Průběh a závěry mezioborového setkání „Winter GLIO TRACK Meeting“ 2011 (2011)
Průběh a závěry mezioborového setkání „Winter GLIO TRACK Meeting“ 2011 (2011)
Řízení rizik v pojišťovnictví (2011)
Full bandwidth matrix selectors for gradient kernel density estimate (2013)
Kernel Smoothing in MATLAB: Theory and Practice of Kernel Smoothing (2012)
Interaktivní dávky v jazyce R (2011)
Jak pracovat s jazykem R (2011)
Matematika II pro ESF (1994)
Výsledky chirurgické léčby glioblastoma multiforme ve FN Brno (2011)
Výsledky multimodální léčby a zhodnocení prognostických faktorů u 86 pacientů s glioblastoma multiforme léčených v letech 2003 – 2009 (2011)
Prediktivní faktory v terapii HGG (2011)
Exprese imunomodulatorních neklasických molekul HLA-G a HLA-E u gliobastomů: prognostický význam (2011)
Recent developments in pseudo-Riemannian holonomy theory (2010)
Credit Scoring Models and their Quality (2011)
Computation of Information Value for Credit Scoring Models (2011)
Nové prognostické biomarkery v terapii multiformního glioblastomu (2011)
Znalosti budoucích učitelů z oblasti speciální pedagogiky jako předpoklad úspěšného inkluzivního vzdělávání (2011)
Nové trendy v terapii HGG (2011)
The Use of Simulated Random Samples for Teaching Statistics (2012)
Computing maps into a sphere (2012)
Úrazovost a chronická nemocnost rodičovských párů s malými dětmi – epidemiologická studie. (2011)
Úrazovost dětí do 11 let podle porodní velikosti a gestačního věku dle longitudinální studie (2011)
Komunikace ve školní třídě (2012)
Rizikové faktory úrazovosti otců 0-5 letých dětí. Prospektivně kohortová studie. (2011)
Psaní matematického textu v kurzu Finanční matematika v LMS Moodle. (2011)
Psaní matematického textu na LMS webových stránkách (2011)
Subjektivní teorie učitelů o výukové komunikaci (2011)
Struktura a obsah výukové komunikace mezi učitelem a žáky (2011)
Škola jako komunita profesního učení (2011)
On singular solutions for second order delayed differential equations (2012)
Experimenty pro výuku meteorologie (2011)
Výuka meteorologie na gymnáziu včetně jednoduchých pokusů (2011)
Podpora výuky matematické analýzy interaktivní 3D grafikou v PDF dokumentech (2009)
Asymptotics for higher order differential equations with a middle term. (2012)
Význam kvalitativních metod v pilotní studii kvantitativního výzkumu (2011)
Analýzy expresních profilů mikroRNA za účelem diagnostiky metastatického postižení lymfatických uzlin u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem. (2011)
Studium mikroRNA u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem: identifikace biomarkerů a nových terapeutických cílů. (2011)
Detection of lymph node involvement in colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles. (2011)
Detection of metastatic spread to lymph nodes in primary tumors of colorectal cancer patients by analysis of microRNA expression profiles. (2011)
Sledování zátěže sedimentů významných vodních toků v povodí řek Moravy a Dyje nebezpečnými látkami (2011)
I starší lidé firmě prospívají (2012)
Modules of ordered multiplicative structures (2006)
Vedení procesů organizačního učení ve škole: případové studie (2011)
O pseudodialogu k dialogickému vyučování (2011)
Aktivity vzájemného učení očima expertů (2012)
Oscillation criterion for half-linear differential equations with periodic coefficients (2012)
Integrální počet v R (2011)
More about sharp and meager elements in Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebras (2012)
Proč a jak zkoumat výukovou komunikaci. (2012)
Weakly ordered partial commutative group of self-adjoint linear operators densely defined on Hilbert space (2011)
Úlohy MO pro patnáctileté v Polsku (2012)
Methods for Determining the Efficiency of the Treatment: Simulation Study (2011)
A Point Estimator of the Probability Difference of Overall Treatment Effect - Simulation Study (2011)
Vařím s láskou : bez lepku, mléka, vajec. (2011)
Vařím s láskou : pečivo, moučníky, cukroví – bez lepku, mléka, vajec (2011)
PřF MU nabízí mezioborový předmět KLIMATICKÉ ZMĚNY (2012)
Příběh a jeho využití ve výuce. Jak učit pomocí příběhu? Snadno! (2011)
Population dynamics - a source of diversity (2011)
Age management: Komparativní analýza podmínek a přístupů využívaných v České republice a ve Finsku (2011)
Fourth-order differential equation with deviating argument (2012)
A Conservative Approach to Assessment of Discriminatory Models (2011)
Feedback in educational communication in Czech secondary schools (2012)
Oscillation and conjugacy criteria for two-dimensional symplectic difference systems (2012)
Note on a Calibration Problem: Selected Results and Extensions of Professor Kubáček's Research (2011)
Mathematical Model of Hematopoiesis by Michael C. Mackey and its Modications (2012)
Investigation of the Nature of Epidemiological Cancer Data (2012)
The Vasicek Model and Estimation of its Parameters (2012)
Size-biased Partial-sums Distributions (2012)
Modelování a simulace komplexních systémů. Jak lépe porozumět světu (2012)
Dynamic Consistency of Discretization (2012)
Mocenské konstelace ve výukové komunikaci (2011)
Fenomén zvaný škola (2011)
Modeling and Predicting Students Problem Solving Times (2012)
Talented Learner (2013)
Confidence interval for the distance of two micro/nano structures and its applications in dimensional metrology (2011)
Invariant prolongation of overdetermined PDEs in projective, conformal, and Grassmannian geometry (2012)
Higher symmetries of the conformal powers of the Laplacian on conformally flat manifolds (2012)
Identifikace parametrů deterministických modelů - užití metod kvadratického programování (2011)
On infinitesimal deformations of the regular part of a complex cone singularity (2011)
Infinitesimal CR automorphisms of hypersurfaces of finite type in ${\mathbb{C}}^2$ (2011)
Remembering Štefan Schwabik (2011)
Chern-Moser operators and weighted jet determination problems (2011)
Differentiation and Dynamics of Household Incomes in the Czech EU-SILC Survey in the Years 2005-2008 (2011)
Exploring the Regional Czech Household Income Dynamics Regression Mixtures (2011)
Matlab Toolbox for Kernel Estiamtes of Distribution Function (2012)
Jádrový odhad hustoty, volba řádu nejbližšího souseda (2011)
Jakob Steiner a jeho přínos k poznatkům o kružnici (2011)
Method of estimating solar UV radiation in high-latitude locations based on satellite ozne retrieval with an improved algorithm (2011)
The Black-Scholes equation for barrier options (2011)
Wiener process and applications (2010)
Deterministické populační modely a software k identifikaci jejich parametrů (2011)
Almost periodic transformable difference systems (2012)
Metody řešení matematických úloh I (2011)
A note on the equivalence between even order Sturm-Liouville equations and symplectic systems on time scales (2013)
Almost orthogonality and Hausdorff interval topologies of atomic lattice effect algebras (2010)
Friedrichs extension of operators defined by even order Sturm-Liouville equations on time scales (2012)
Combinatorial differential geometry and ideal Bianchi–Ricci identities II - the torsion case (2012)
Sbírka řešených příkladů z matematické analýzy I (2012)
Konec pedagogiky (2012)
Růst a pubertální vývoj u dětí s intrauterinní růstovou retardací v moravské větvi studie ELSPAC (2012)
Remake: Od hollywoodské produkce ke strategiím postprodukce (2012)
Výuka logiky pro smyslově postižené (2011)
TIM ezin. TIMe 4 REMAKE! (2012)
Irreducible holonomy algebras of Riemannian supermanifolds (2012)
Poznámka k deterministickým modelom dynamiky populácií (2011)
A note on deterministic population dynamics models (2011)
Optimization of deterministic population dynamics models (2012)
On some properties of trigonometric matrices (1987)
Spectral and oscillation theory for general second order Sturm-Liouville difference equations (2012)
Class-locally presentable and class-accessible categories (2012)
Enriched weakness (2012)
Criticality of one term 2n-order self-adjoined differential equations (2012)
MikroRNA jako nové prognostické markery časného metastazování po nefrektomii. (2011)
Identifikace a funkční analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s renálním karcinomem. (2011)
MicroRNA in renal cell carcinoma – potential marker for prediction of early metastasis after nephrectomy. (2011)
Class-combinatorial model categories (2012)
Oscillation theorems for discrete symplectic systems with nonlinear dependence in spectral parameter (2012)
MicroRNAs in Colorectal Cancer (2011)
MiR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 expression levels and MGMT methylation status are associated with clinical outcome in glioblastoma patients. (2011)
Stanovení polymorfizmů v genech pro gluthathion-S-transferázy v souvislosti s chemoprotektivním účinkem fytochemikálií zeleniny rodu Brassica a jejich vliv na riziko kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Stanovení jednonukleotidových polymorfizmů (SNP) v miR-196-a2, miR-27a a miR-146a a jejich vliv na riziko kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Význam mikroRNA-21 u kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Nekódující RNA u nádorových onemocnění. (2011)
Exprese miR-195, miR-196b, miR-181c, miR-21 a metylační status MGMT promotoru koreluje s klinickou odpovědí u pacientů s multiformním glioblastomem. (2011)
Studium vybraných transkribovaných ultrakonzervovaných regionů (T-UCR) u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem (2011)
Identifikace a funkční analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s renálním karcinomem. (2011)
Polymorfismy v genech pro glutathion S-transferázy (GSST1, GSTM1, GSTP1 a GSTA1) a riziko kolorektálního karcinomu v české populaci. (2011)
Studium metylačního stavu promotoru genu pro MGMT metodou high-resolution melting u pacientů s glioblastomem. (2011)
Vliv anti-miR-21 na glioblastomové buněčné linie A172 a T98G (2011)
Nové prognostické biomarkery v terapii multiformního glioblastomu. (2011)
MiRNA-181b and miRNA-181c expression levels may predict survival and response to concomitant chemoradiotherapy with temozolomide in glioblastoma patients. (2011)
Epidemiological, genetic, histological and clinical aspects of triple-negative breast cancers in population of Czech women. (2011)
Podmíněný přístup k činnostem a materiálům v prostředí LMS Moodle (2012)
Rofe-Beketov formula for symplectic systems (2012)
Úloha komerčních pojišťoven při řešení dopadů živelních událostí v regionech České republiky (2012)
Základy poisťovníctva (2012)
The school: On organisational, interpersonal and individual dimensions of organisational learning (2012)
A route to Routh—the parametric problem. (2012)
Lift-Based Quality Indexes for Credit Scoring Models as an Alternative to Gini and KS (2012)
Jak správně měřit kvalitu credit scoringových modelů? (2012)
Influence of variable interactions versus segmentation in credit scoring: a case study (2012)
Organizační učení v odborných diskurzech (2012)
Special phase functions and phase infinitesimal symmetries in classical general relativity (2012)
Nelineární dynamika a její aplikace (2012)
Analýza přežití s využitím transformovaného exponenciálního rozdělení (2011)
Integrální počet funkcí více proměnných (2012)
Transformed Exponential and Weibull Distribution in Survival Analysis (2012)
Linear Modelling of Cardiovascular Parameter Dynamics during Stress-Test in Horses (2012)
Linear Modelling of Cardiovascular Parameter Dynamics during Stress-Test in Horses (2012)
Transformed Weibull Distribution in Survival Analysis (2012)
Faktory ovlivňující experimentování s kouřením: výsledky studie ELSPAC (2012)
Eigenvalue theory for time scale symplectic systems depending nonlinearly on spectral parameter (2012)
Život a dílo Otakara Borůvky (2012)
Kernel Regression Model for Total Ozone Data (2013)
Abstract elementary classes and accessible categories (2012)
The Structure of Teacher’s Nonverbal Communication in a Classroom (2012)
Triple-negativní karcinom prsu: analýza souboru pacientek diagnostikovaných a/nebo léčených v Masarykově onkologickém ústavu v letech 2004 až 2009 (2012)
Iterative bandwidth selector - extension to kernel regression (2012)
Identity checking problem for transformation monoids (2012)
On Biautomata (2012)
Descriptional Complexity of Biautomata (2012)
Biautomata for k-Piecewise Testable Languages (2012)
Nonparametric estimation of information-based measures of statistical dispersion (2012)
Giusto Bellavitis a jeho přínos geometrii (2012)
Circular Inversion (2012)
Mocnost bodu ke kružnici (2012)
Almost periodic skew-symmetric differential systems (2012)
On the Routh reduction of variational integrals. Part 1: The classical theory. (2012)
Rozhovor o státní maturitě (2012)
Sentinelová biopsie u mamárních intraduktálních karcinomů. (2012)
Estimating individual firing frequencies in a multiple spike train record (2012)
The impact of the financial and debt crises on the investment activities of insurance companies (2012)
Kinetics of bilirubin and liver enzymes is useful for predicting of liver graft-versus-host disease (2012)
Some applications of the Lorentzian holonomy algebras (2012)
On the Einstein equation on Lorentzian manifolds with parallel distributions of isotropic lines (2011)
Continuous-Time Models in Portfolio Theory (2012)
Detection of non-affine shape outliers for matched-pair shape data (2012)
Reliability of measurements in geometric and traditional morphometrics of human skull (2011)
A Prospective Study in Children With a Severe Form of Atopic Dermatitis: Clinical Outcome in Relation to Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms (2012)
Comparison of dental measurement systems for taxonomic assignment of first molars (2011)
Quantitative assessment of interproximal wear facet outlines for the association of isolated molars (2011)
Horizontal distribution of moisture and Tardigrada in a single moss cushion (2011)
Platelet-derived chemokines, PF-4 and RANTES, are significantly increased in hemodynamically significant degenerative aortic stenosis (2011)
Slovakian arthroplasty register review of the annual report of the Slovakian Arthroplasty Register - 2010 (2011)
Size factor as one of the problems in the sex estimation of skulls: Upper Palaeolithic sample from Předmostí (Czech Republic) as an example (2011)
A late upper palaeolithic skull from Moca (The Slovak Republic) in the context of central Europe (2011)
Covariation between dental development and mandibular form changes: a study combining additive conjoint measurement and geometric morphometrics (2010)
Reconstruction of dietary habits on the basis of dental microwear and trace elements analysis of individuals from Gáň cemetery (district Galanta, Slovakia) (2010)
Platelet glycoprotein GP VI 13254C allele is an independent risk factor of premature myocardial infarction (2010)
Morphometry of non-native black bullhead Ameiurus melas from Slovakia (2010)
Age and growth of non-native monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis (Teleostei, Gobiidae) in the River Ipel, Slovakia (2010)
Induced EEG alpha oscillations are related to mental rotation skill: the evidence for neural efficiency and serial processing (2010)
Age and growth in a newly established invasive population of topmouth gudgeon (2010)
Almost periodic homogeneous linear difference systems without almost periodic solutions (2012)
Tvorba standardů pro vzdělávací obor Matematika a její aplikace (2012)
Interaktivní hry a testy k procvičení Integrálního počtu funkcí více proměnných (2012)
Strongly complete logics for coalgebras (2012)
Picone-type identity for pseudo $p$-Laplacian with variable power (2012)
Příspěvek profesora Rába k teorii nelineárních diferenciálních rovnic (2012)
Analysis of a simple model of problem solving times (2012)
Perturbations of half-linear Euler differential equation and transformations of modified Riccati equation (2012)
Geometrická zobrazení (2020)
Učitelé matematiky v doktorském studiu na PřF MU v Brně (2012)
Professor M. Ráb and His Contribution to the Theory of the Oscillatory Properties of the Solutions of Second and Third Order Linear Differential Equations (2012)
Critical oscillation constant for difference equations with almost periodic coefficients (2012)
Nonoscillatory solutions of four-dimensional difference system (2012)
Regular and extremal solutions for difference equations with generalized phi-Laplacian (2012)
Oscillation of a class of the fourth-order nonlinear difference equations (2012)
Almost oscillatory three-dimensional dynamical system (2012)
On oscillation of difference equations with bounded phi-Laplacian (2012)
On some boundary value problems for second order nonlinear differential equations (2012)
Birkhoff's Variety Theorem in Many Sorts (2012)
Moral Dilemmas in the Leadership of Organizational Learning in Schools (2012)
General construction of symmetric parabolic structures (2012)
Úmluva OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží - ano či ne? (2012)
Zkušenostně reflektivní učení (2012)
Iterační metoda pro jádrové odhady hustoty - vlastnosti malých výběrů (2012)
Pojišťovnictví (2011)
"Tragická" situace Ateliéru je náš sen (2012)
Information Value estimator for Credit Scoring Models (2012)
J-divergence estimator for scoring models (2012)
Bias and MSE of J-divergence Estimators for Scoring Models (2013)
Výuka (nejen) Data Miningu v SAS na ÚMS PřF MU v Brně – proč, jak a co dál. (2012)
Finanční matematika v praxi II (2012)
Matematika hrou - interaktivní výukové materiály v PDF formátu (2012)
ICCHP Summer University - letní škola matematiky pro studenty se zrakovým postižením (2012)
On the characterization of infinitesimal symmetries of the relativistic phase space (2012)
Význam váhové funkce v linearizovatelných regresních modelech (2012)
State complexity of operations on two-way finite automata over a unary alphabet (2012)
Encyclopedia of Environmetrics : Kernel Density Estimation (2012)
Prognostické faktory konvenčního osteosarkomu dospělých pacientů (2012)
Persistence of conduct disorders and their relation to early initiation of smoking and alcohol drinking in a prospective ELSPAC Study (2012)
Intervals on weakly ordered partial commutative groups of linear operators (2012)
Chemistry Education at Elementary Schools in the Czech Republic: Target Skills and Popularity of the Subject (2012)
Vlastnosti odhadů J-divergence credit scoringových modelů při Beta rozloženém score (2012)
A Web-Based Problem Solving Tool for Introductory Computer Science (2012)
The specific features of professional aspirations of pupils with special educational needs in Czech basic schools (2012)
Matematika pro chemiky, 1. díl (2012)
Continuous-Time Models in Portfolio Theory (2012)
On special types of nonholonomic 3-jets (2012)
Software studying TIM ezin inspiruje: Jak trénovat soft skills podstatné pro tvorbu a online publikování odborných textů? (2012)
Rozhovor s prof. Jiřím Rosickým, ředitelem Ústavu matematiky a statistiky PřF MU (2012)
O ekologii půdních bezobratlých a mravenčí práci v akademickém senátu fakulty: Rozhovor s předsedou akademického senátu, zoologem Jiřím Schlaghamerským (2012)
„Brzy chceme studentům nabídnout nové, prakticky zaměřené studijní programy,“ říká Jaromír Leichmann, děkan PřF MU. (2012)
Jaké aktivity nabízí naše fakulta ve školním roce 2012/2013 žákům a studentům středních i základních škol? (2012)
Oslavte s Botanickou zahradou Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity 90. výročí jejího založení (2012)
O čem se dočtete v novém čísle časopisu Učitel matematiky – číslo 4 (84)? (2012)
Postavení učitele ve společnosti se změnilo, naším úkolem je na to studenty učitelství připravit,“ říká Zuzana Došlá (2012)
ROZHOVOR: „Státní maturita by měla zajistit základní úroveň středoškolského vzdělání,“ říká Eduard Fuchs (2012)
Ohlédnutí za konferencí Soft skills – Aktuální otázky metodologie (umění) nových médií (2012)
ROZHOVOR o státní maturitě s Eduardrm Fuchsem (2012)
Limit-point/limit-circle results for equations with damping (2012)
A generalized index theorem for monotone matrix-valued functions with applications to discrete oscillation theory (2013)
Efficacy of rituximab in primary immune thrombocytopenia: an analysis of adult pretreated patients from everyday hematological practice (2012)
Free CR distributions (2012)
Optimalizace investičního portfolia s využitím simplexové metody (2012)
The autonomous system derived from Van der Pol-Mathieu equation (2012)
Geometric structures invariant to symmetries (2012)
Estimation of the current disease-free survival function (2012)
An upper bound for the power pseudovariety PCS (2012)
Replikátorová rovnice - příklad užití matematiky v biologii (2012)
Power comparison theorems in half-linear oscillation theory (2013)
Specifika profesní orientace žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami (2012)
Okolnosti volby studijní/profesní cesty u žáků se sociálním znevýhodněním (2012)
O kvaternionových algebrách (2012)
Iterative bandwidth method for kernel regression (2012)
Homogeneous orthocomplete effect algebras are covered by MV-algebras (2013)
Triple Representation Theorem for homogeneous effect algebras (2012)
Dynamic effect algebras and their representations (2012)
MacNeille completion of centers and centers of MacNeille completions of lattice effect algebras: Generic scheme behind (2012)
A Dynamic Effect Algebras with dual operation (2012)
Zapomenuté hodnoty a sny ve výchově : rozhovor s Christophem Wulfem (2012)
Local reflexion spaces (2012)
Organizační učení v realitě života školy: impulzy, témata, strategie řízení (2012)
Podmínky pro vzdělávání žáků se sluchovým postižením v běžných školách (2012)
Informovanost žáků a studentů o dobrovolnické činnosti (2012)
Statistika II (2013)
Corpuscularia gracillima is the correct binomial for the illegitimate C. gracilis. (2012)
Jméno pro nuggetoid (2012)
Černohorský rozchodník (2012)
Jméno pro Diamantové doly 3000 m (2012)
Ještě Malotigena (2012)
Strategie vzdělávání žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na střední škole (2012)
Když se školy učí (2013)
On the integral characterization of principal solutions for half-linear ODE (2013)
Monounary algebras and functional graphs in upper secondary school mathematics (2012)
Základy radiační onkologie (2012)
Oscillation and spectral theory of Sturm-Liouville differential equations with nonlinear dependence in spectral parameter (2013)
Výsledky léčby mozkových tumorů stereotaktickou radioterapií a radiochirurgií (2012)
Triple Representation Theorem for orthocomplete homogeneous effect algebras (2012)
Estimating the standard uncertainty contribution of the straight-line fit algorithm used to determine the position and width of a graduation line (2012)
New integrated view at partial-sums distributions (2012)
Two calibration models (2012)
Age management pro práci s cílovou skupinou 50+ : metodická příručka (2012)
Teaching partial differential equations with Maple (2013)
Teaching partial differential equations with Maple (2013)
The autonomous system derived from Van der Pol-Mathieu equation (2012)
Subjektivní hodnocení vlastního zdraví a jeho souvislosti. Populační studie gravidních žen v Brně. (2012)
Cues to fertility: perceived attractiveness and facial shape predict reproductive success. (2012)
Technical note: A novel Geometric Morphometric approach to the study of long bone shape variation. (2012)
Isosceles Triangles on Vertices of a Regular Polygon (2012)
Shape analysis in the light of simplicial depth estimators (2010)
Motivační role nestandardních matematických úloh (2012)
Conditional oscillation and principal solution of generalized half-linear differential equation (2013)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for multivariate kernel density estimation (2012)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for multivariate kernel density estimation (2012)
Kernel regression model for total ozone data (2012)
Jádrová regrese pro model s korelovanými pozorováními (2012)
Czech Republic (2012)
Nařízení Řím I a pojistná smlouva (2012)
An extended Stickelberger ideal of the compositum of a bicyclic field and an imaginary quadratic field (2013)
Vizuální akty ve výukové komunikaci (2013)
Symmetries of finite Heisenberg groups for multipartite systems (2012)
On a new normalization for tractor covariant derivatives (2012)
Morphological variability of black bullhead Ameiurus melas in four non-native European populations (2013)
The power is in detail - Structural analysis of an Aleuria aurantia lectin mutant (2013)
Matematika pro všechny (2012)
On the functorial prolongations of fiber bundles (2013)
Analýza exponenciálního regresního modelu simulačními metodami (2013)
On special types of semiholonomic 3-jets (2013)
Asset-Pricing Models in Portfolio Theory (2013)
Effective chain complexes for twisted products (2012)
Finite type hypersurfaces with divergent normal form (2012)
Analysis of solar UV radiation at the Mendel Station, Antarctica, based on satellite ozone retrieval and cloudiness variation (2012)
The Aggregate Claim amount (2013)
GLMM Model of At-Risk-of-Poverty Czech Households Depending on the Age and Sex of the Householder (EU-SILC 2005-2009) (2012)
Studie distribuce monetární chudoby v EU v závislosti na pohlaví a věkové kategorii jedince (2012)
Programátorská cvičebnice: algoritmy v příkladech (2012)
Symplectic difference systems with periodic coefficients: Krein's traffic rules for multipliers (2013)
Exploring the Nature of Carbohydrate-Aromatic Dispersion Interactions via Sophisticated Computational Chemistry Tools (2012)
Theoretical Description of Carbohydrate-Aromatic CH-pi Interactions Additive Properties via DFT and Ab Initio Calculations (2012)
CH-pi Interaction between Carbohydrates and Aromatic Moieties: Electron Density Issue (2013)
Measures of statistical dispersion based on Shannon and Fisher information concepts (2013)
Optical structures, algebraically special spacetimes, and the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in five dimensions (2011)
The complex Goldberg-Sachs theorem in higher dimensions (2012)
Conformal field theories in six-dimensional twistor space (2012)
R/Bioconductor package for identification of triplex-forming sequences (2013)
Temperature-dependent growth rate and photosynthetic performance of Antarctic symbiotic alga Trebouxia sp. cultivated in a bioreactor (2013)
Detection of the change in intensity in the flow of events (2013)
Holonomy algebras of pseudo-hyper-Kählerian manifolds of index 4 (2013)
Tactile Graphics Production and its Principles (2012)
Tactile Math Function Graph Perception (2012)
Typical Mathematical Problems in University Studies (2012)
Teorie a principy kvalitativního výzkumu (2013)
On a modification of the group of circular units of a real abelian field (2013)
Selected aspects of physical structures vulnerability – state-of-the-art (2012)
Triplex: an R/Bioconductor package for identification and visualization of potential intramolecular triplex patterns in DNA sequences (2013)
Variational method and conjugacy criteria for half-linear differential equations (2013)
Factors influencing the use of weighting function (2013)
Qualitative Research Summer School (2013)
Nemíchejme politiky, výzkumníky a praktiky: rozhovor s Lejfem Moosem (2013)
Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for discrete symplectic systems with general linear dependence on spectral parameter (2014)
Humor ve škole (2013)
Comparison theorems for self-adjoint linear Hamiltonian eigenvalue problems (2014)
Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003-2011 (2013)
Optimization of deterministic population dynamics models (2012)
Optimization of Deterministic Population Dynamics Models (2012)
Note on the Holonomy Groups of Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds (2013)
Epidemiologická a klinicko-patologická charakteristika pacientů s renálním karcinomem: Analýza 544 případů z jednoho centra (2013)
Oscillation of half-linear differential equations with asymptotically almost periodic coefficients (2013)
Oscillation and non-oscillation of asymptotically almost periodic half-linear difference equations (2013)
Asymptotic problems for fourth-order nonlinear differential equations (2013)
Maple and Partial Differential Equations (2013)
Colimits of accessible categories (2013)
Pokusy na zdi a na okně (2012)
Kvaternionové algebry s programem SAGE (2013)
Kernel Regression Model with Correlated Errors (2014)
Conditional Density Estimations (2014)
Extensions of Ordering Sets of States from Effect Algebras onto Their MacNeille Completions (2013)
Weakly ordered a-commutative partial groups of linear operators densely defined on Hilbert space (2013)
Kernel and ESIS estimates of J-divergence (2013)
Determining the Target Variable in Credit Scoring Models (2013)
Dialogic Teaching: How to Situate Dialogue Back in Classrooms (2013)
Extending Continuous Maps: Polynomiality and Undecibility (2013)
Weyl disks and square summable solutions for discrete symplectic systems with jointly varying endpoints (2013)
Two models for linear comparative calibration (2012)
Slowly growing solutions of singular linear functional differential systems (2012)
On a singular Cauchy problem for functional differential equations with non-increasing non-linearities. (2010)
Singular Sturmian theory for linear Hamiltonian differential systems (2013)
Visual image retention does not contribute to modulation of event-related potentials by mental rotation (2013)
Dietary reconstruction from trace element analysis and dental microwear in an Early Medieval population from Gán (Galanta district, Slovakia) (2013)
Konec pedagogiky: kritický esej (2013)
O hledání začátku a nalézání nejednoznačnosti (2013)
Beta distributed credit score - Estimation of its J-divergence (2013)
Parametric estimates of J-divergence for credit scoring models (2013)
Indeterminate values of target variable in development of credit scoring models (2013)
Labour Market Modelling within a DSGE Approach (2013)
Historie Cauchyovy funkcionální rovnice (2013)
Outsourcing in Insurance (2013)
Credibility Theory and Its Using In Insurance Practice (2013)
Zlo neoliberalismu (2013)
Matematika drsně a svižně (2013)
Editorial: Qualitative Analysis of Differential Equations (2013)
Akční výzkum výukové komunikace (2013)
Zpátky ke kořenům etnografické práce (2013)
Reversibility of computations in graph-walking automata (2013)
Organizational learning in Czech schools explored (2013)
Half-linear eigenvalue problem: Limit behavior of the first eigenvalue for shrinking interval (2013)
Euler type half-linear differential equation with periodic coefficients (2013)
Oscillation of a class of differential equations with generalized phi-Laplacian (2013)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for multivariate kernel density estimation (2014)
Selection of bandwidth for kernel regression (2016)
Data Mining I (2013)
Data Mining I - cvičení (2013)
Data Mining II (2013)
Finanční matematika v praxi III (2013)
Whole brain radiotherapy: Consequences for personalized medicine (2013)
On the natural transformations of Weil bundles (2013)
Two-term perturbations in half-linear oscillation theory (2013)
Ontogenetická podmíněnost nezaměstnanosti (2014)
Jak psát kvalitativně orientované výzkumné studie. Kvalita v kvalitativním výzkumu (2013)
Financial Mathematics in Practice II, Book of short papers (2013)
On Bilinear Forms from the Point of View of Generalized Effect Algebras (2013)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for primary advanced ovarian cancer (2013)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for primary advanced ovarian cancer (2013)
Symplectic difference systems: Natural dependence on a parameter (2013)
Prostor pro „Cut-up“ softwarových studií (2013)
Techniky nostalgie : ohlédnutí za přednáškami Andrease Böhna a Tomáše Dvořáka (2013)
On bases of Washington’s group of circular units of some real cyclic number fields (2014)
Akademické psaní a jeho proměny pod vlivem informačních technologií (2013)
Pupils’ humour directed at teachers: its types and functions (2013)
Sedm pravidel kognitivně náročné výuky (2013)
Limit-point/limit-circle results for super-linear damped equations. (2013)
Problémy při interpretaci Vídeňské úmluvy (2012)
Na pomoc pedagogické praxi (2013)
Pravděpodobnost, statistika a operační výzkum (2005)
Vliv perikoncepční expozice kouření na mužskou reprodukci: poměr pohlaví a nástup puberty (2013)
Automatic Detection of Concepts from Problem Solving Times (2013)
Are all localizing subcategories of a stable homotopy category coreflective? (2014)
Anterior gradient 2 and mucin 4 expression mirrors tumor cell differentiation in pancreatic adenocarcinomas, but aberrant anterior gradient 2 expression predicts worse patient outcome in poorly differentiated tumors (2014)
Asymptotic properties of second order differential equations with delay. (2013)
Slovenský artroplatický register 2003–2011: Analýza prežívania aloplastických operácií bedrového a kolenného kĺbu (2013)
Pravděpodobnost a statistika I (2013)
Pravděpodobnost a statistika II (2013)
Conformally flat Lorentzian manifolds with special holonomy groups (2013)
The specific features of professional aspirations of pupils with special educational needs in Czech basic schools (2013)
Support for organizational learning in Czech basic schools (2013)
Monotonicity properties of oscillatory solutions of differential equation (a(t)|y'|^(p-1)y'+f(t,y,y')=0 (2013)
Realities of inclusive education in Czech basic schools: new challenges for psychologists (2013)
Maximal Subsets of Pairwise Summable Elements in Generalized Effect Algebras (2013)
Modeling of RR intervals (2013)
Linear modelling of the RR interval length sequence (2013)
New Approach to a Parametric Regression in Survival Analysis (2013)
How to design a parametric survival model (2013)
Minimal principal solution at infinity for nonoscillatory linear Hamiltonian systems (2014)
Three-way ROC analysis using SAS Software (2013)
Modelovanie rizika v leasingu automobilov (2013)
Shape of a Travelling Wave in a Time-Discrete Reaction-Diffusion Equation (2013)
On the geometry of Weil bundles (2014)
Application of Special Parametric Methods to Model Survival Data (2013)
AR versus ARX Modeling of Heart Rate Sequences Recorded during Stress-Tests (2013)
Limit point and limit circle classification for symplectic systems on time scales (2014)
Credit scoringové modely - vývoj, implementace, praxe (2013)
Properties of Quasi-Hermitian Operators Inherited from Self-Adjoint Operators (2013)
On Realization of Partially Ordered Abelian Groups (2013)
Almost Orthogonality and Hausdorff Interval Topologies of de Morgan Lattices and Lattice Effect Algebras (2013)
Musings about the Triple Representation Theorem for Effect Algebras (2013)
Inherited Properties of Effect Algebras Preserved by Isomorphisms (2013)
Preface (2013)
The phenomenon of festive humor as an invisible part of school culture (2013)
Náměty z kombinatorické geometrie pro středoškoláky (2013)
Tense Operators and Dynamic De Morgan algebras (2013)
Operators on MV-algebras and their representations (2013)
Manipulativní činnosti rozvíjející matematickou gramotnost (2013)
TIMe 4 Software Studies (2013)
Kernel Estimation of Conditional Hazard Function for Cancer Data (2014)
Klíčové kompetence ve školním vzdělávání (2013)
On a fat small object argument (2014)
Matematické poznatky jako pomůcky ve výtvarném umění (2009)
Matematické poznatky jako pomůcky ve výtvarném umění (2010)
Matematické poznatky jako pomůcky ve výtvarném umění (2014)
Matematické poznatky jako pomůcky ve výtvarném umění (2010)
Setkání s Aspergerovým syndromem (2012)
Očekávané a skutečné znalosti matematiky studentů přicházejících na gymnázia (2014)
Plody ’06 (2006)
Meeting with Asperger syndrome (2013)
Člověk a svět práce - rýsování (2012)
Tvorba metodických materiálů pro zavádění výuky angličtiny formou CLIL do matematiky na nižším stupni víceletého gymnázia (2012)
Zkušenosti ze zavádění prvků CLIL do předmětu matematika (2012)
Oleamid, jeho vliv na metabolickou aktivitu cytochromu P450 a lokomoci u potkana (2014)
Extendability of Continuous Maps Is Undecidable (2014)
Internal setting and organizational learning in schools (2013)
Inkluze ve vzdělávání optikou mezinárodních dokumentů (2013)
Podpora učitelů matematiky a jejich žáků se zrakovým postižením (2012)
Alternative Automata Characterization of Piecewise Testable Languages (2013)
Význam komunikace v rámci inkluze žáka se sluchovým postižením (2013)
Operační výzkum (2014)
How to teach mono-unary algebras and functional graphs with the use of computers in secondary schools (2014)
Způsoby odhadu směrodatné odchylky odhadu parametrů v exponenciálním regresním modelu (2013)
Matematika pro střední školy - 3. díl, PLANIMETRIE (2013)
Mathematical model for cancer prevalence and cancer mortality (2013)
TILE: "Průvodce inkluzivním vzděláváním žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na střední škole" (2013)
Models with Selective Interaction and their Applications (2014)
Survival Analysis of Patients with Brain Tumour (2014)
Kongresy EFPA, ISPA a AFPEN - místa setkání stálé komise EFPA Psychology in Education v roce 2013 (2013)
Zpráva z konference: Diagnostika a intervenční postupy ve školní psychologii (2013)
Equilibrium Models for Portfolio Selection (2014)
Proměny úpravy přístupu na trh s neživotním pojištěním (2013)
Elektronická podpora výuky popisné statistiky (2013)
Two-dimensional monadicity (2014)
A colimit decomposition for homotopy algebras in Cat (2014)
Two-dimensional regularity and exactness (2014)
On semiflexible, flexible and pie algebras (2013)
Mezioborové studium matematiky a fyziky (2013)
Comparación de localizaciones a través de adjunciones (2013)
Intervals in generalized effect algebras (2014)
Efficacy and Safety of Imatinib in the First Line Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Treatment. An Analysis of a Comprehensive Population-Based Database. (2009)
Formal aspects of Gray's tensor products of 2-categories (2013)
A Model Category Structure on the Category of Simplicial Multicategories (2014)
Symmetries of finite Heisenberg groups for k-partite systems (2012)
Actuarial Approaches to Vehicle Insurance (2014)
Stereotaktická radioterapie a radiochirurgie primárních tumorů mozku (2013)
Generalized Lagrange identity for discrete symplectic systems and applications in Weyl-Titchmarsh theory (2014)
Normal Forms and Symmetries of Real Hypersurfaces of Finite Type in C-2 (2013)
Classification of invariant AHS-structures on semisimple locally symmetric spaces (2013)
Conformal Operators on Weighted Forms; Their Decomposition and Null Space on Einstein Manifolds. (2014)
Conformally invariant quantization – towards the complete classification. (2014)
Second Order Symmetries of the Conformal Laplacian (2014)
Poverty Rate in Czech Households Depending on the Age, Sex and Educational Level. (2013)
Modelling of the risk of monetary poverty in the Czech regions (2012)
Quantitative Study of Monetary Poverty in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2011)
Using the GLM Approach for Comparing ROC Curves (2013)
Interaktivní 3D grafika v PDF dokumentech (2013)
The classification of homogeneous Einstein metrics on flag manifolds with b2(M)=1 (2013)
Homogeneous Einstein metrics on generalized flag manifolds with five isotropy summands (2013)
Dynamic selection system and replicator equation (2013)
Homogeneous Einstein Metrics on Generalized Flag Manifolds with G(2)-type T-Roots (2013)
Travelling wave in a time-discrete reaction-diffusion equation (2013)
Computing the abelian heap of unpointed stable homotopy classes of maps (2013)
Conification of K\"ahler and hyperK\"ahler manifolds, (2013)
Monge-Ampère Equations on (Para-)Kähler Manifolds: from Characteristic Subspaces to Special Lagrangian Submanifolds (2012)
Využití kvantitativních metod pro analýzu veřejných rozpočtů na příkladu výdajů obcí na opravy. (2014)
Spectral Density Estimation via Autoregressive Modeling (2014)
Linear forms on Sinnott's module (2014)
On fuzzification of topological categories (2014)
Lattice-valued soft algebras (2013)
Categorically algebraic topology versus universal topology (2013)
Lattice-valued topological systems as a framework for lattice-valued Formal Concept Analysis (2013)
Hazard rate functions driven by finite-state and continuous-state stochastic processes (2013)
Nonparametric Conditional Density Estimation (2013)
Iterative Method for Conditional Density Estimations (2014)
Manipulativní činnosti rozvíjející matematickou gramotnost (2014)
Corrigendum to "On homotopy varieties" [Adv. Math. 214 (2007) 525-550] (2014)
Principal solutions at infinity of given ranks for nonoscillatory linear Hamiltonian systems (2015)
Longitudinální studie hodnocení schopností spojených se školním výkonem u žáků s dyslexií a bez dyslexie jejich učiteli. (2014)
Two methods of quadratic calibration (2014)
Quadratic calibration (2014)
Interval censored data (2013)
Eighty fifth anniversary of birthday and scientific legacy of Professor Miloš Ráb (2014)
Periodic solutions of a generalized Van der Pol-Mathieu differential equation (2014)
Professor Ráb's Contribution to the Theory of Differential Equations with Complex-valued Coefficients (2013)
On the structure of special classes of uninorms (2014)
On elementary extensions of finite negative commutative tomonoids (2014)
Web-geometric view on uninorms (2012)
Web-geometric view on uninorms and structure of some special classes (2012)
On Mulholland Inequality and Dominance of Strict Triangular Norms (2013)
On functions that solve Mulholland inequality and on compositions of such functions (2013)
Web-geometric view on positively cancellative triangular subnorms (2014)
Privacy-Preserving Distance Computation and Proximity Testing on Earth, Done Right (2014)
Generalized Linear Models in Vehicle Insurance (2014)
A generalization of Ohkawa's theorem (2014)
Cellular categories (2014)
Limit periodic linear difference systems with coefficient matrices from commutative groups (2014)
Limit circle invariance for two differential systems on time scales (2015)
Oscillation of fourth order sub-linear differential equations (2014)
On the category of lattice-valued bornological vector spaces (2014)
Výskyt zárodečných mutací BRCA1 a BRCA2 genu v konsekutivní kohortě pacientek s triple-negativním karcinomem prsu léčených v MOÚ (2014)
Technologie pro zpřístupnění výuky matematiky zrakově postiženým na Masarykově univerzitě (2012)
Computing All Maps into a Sphere (2014)
Conditional oscillation of half-linear differential equations with coefficients having mean values (2014)
On discrete symplectic systems: associated maximal and minimal linear relations and nonhomogeneous problems (2015)
Singular comparison theorems for symplectic difference systems (2014)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for multivariate kernel density estimation (2013)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for multivariate kernel regression (2014)
Credit Scoring Models and their Quality (2011)
Quality Measures for Predictive Scoring Models (2011)
Assessment of scoring models using information value (2010)
An Improved Estimator for Removing Boundary Bias in Kernel CDF Estimation (2008)
Smooth Estimates of Distribution Functions with Application in Environmental Studies (2007)
On boundary correction in kernel estimation of ROC curves (2007)
Boundary effects in kernel estimation of ROC curves (2006)
Plug-in method for nonparametric regression (2005)
Use of Fourier transformation for kernel smoothing (2004)
Some stabilized bandwidth selectors for non-parametric regression (2003)
Problems of automatic data-driven bandwidth selectors for nonparametric regression (2002)
Focal points and recessive solutions of discrete symplectic systems (2014)
Estimating latency from inhibitory input (2014)
Blocks in Pairwise Summable Generalized Effect Algebras (2014)
Predator interference and stability of predator-prey dynamics (2015)
Role of trade-off between sexual and vertical routes for evolution of pathogen transmission (2015)
Charles Babbage a jeho přínos v teorii funkcionálních rovnic (2014)
Introducing Elementary Functions by Functional Equations (2014)
Special bracket versus Jacobi bracket on the classical phase space of general relativistic test particle (2014)
Decentralization vs economies of scale: expenditure on maintenance of municipalities’ property (2014)
Conditional oscillation of Riemann-Weber half-linear differential equations with asymptotically almost periodic coefficients (2014)
Engine residual technical life estimation based on tribo data (2014)
Contribution to system failure occurrence prediction and to system remaining useful life estimation based on oil field data (2015)
Privacy-Preserving Population-Enhanced Biometric Key Generation from Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics (2014)
O Pascalově větě (2014)
The factors important for transmission of T. gondii infection on rabbit farms and risk of human infection from consumation of rabbit meat in northenrn Italy (2014)
Počet odebíraných axilárních sentinelových uzlin a jeho vliv na diagnostickou přesnost sentinelové biopsie u karcinomu prsu (2013)
Economies of Scale – Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic (2014)
Stereotaktická radioterapie a radiochirurgie v léčbě recidivujícího gliobastoma multiforme (2013)
A Simple Model to Assess the Probability of Invasion in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast Diagnosed by Needle Biopsy (2014)
Karcinom tlustého střeva – zhodnocení komplikací a rizik plánovaných resekčních výkonů (2014)
Interaktivní matematická grafika v PDF dokumentech (2013)
Matematika pro všechny. Projekt JČMF (2014)
Jak učit matematice žáky ve věku 10-16 let (2014)
Boundary effects in kernel CDF estimation. (2008)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for multivariate kernel density estimation (2013)
Kernel Regression Model with Correlated Errors (2013)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for multivariate kernel regression (2014)
Polynomial-Time Computation of Homotopy Groups and Postnikov Systems in Fixed Dimension (2014)
Oscillation constants for second-order ordinary differential equations related to elliptic equations with p-Laplacian (2015)
How to Produce S-Tense Operators on Lattice Effect Algebras (2014)
Representations of zero-cancellative pomonoids (2014)
Dynamic Selection Systems and Replicator Equations (2014)
Dokazuje matematika existenci Boha? (2014)
Ecological and evolutionary time scales (2014)
Wavefronts in Time-Discrete Space-Continuous Fisher-Kolmogorov Equation (2014)
Relative premium in vehicle insurance (2014)
Algebraic Methods in Quantum Logic (2014)
Efficiency of bonus-malus system (2014)
Bonus-Malus Systems in Vehicle Insurance (2015)
Minimizing Running Costs in Consumption Systems (2014)
Secure Outsourced Biometric Authentication with Performance Evaluation on Smartphones (2015)
Slovní úlohy - kritické místo ve výuce na ZŠ (2014)
Myths about Gifted Learners from the Perspective of Teachers (2014)
Recessive solutions for nonoscillatory discrete symplectic systems (2015)
De la Vallee Poussin type inequality and eigenvalue problem for generalized half-linear differential equation (2014)
Eigenspaces of the ideal class group (2014)
Time scale symplectic systems with analytic dependence on spectral parameter (2015)
Hidden symmetries of the gravitational contact structure of the classical phase space of general relativistic test particle (2014)
Symplektické diferenční systémy (2007)
Doplnění vlastního omezení do matematického modelu úlohy LP při ručním výpočtu celočíselného řešení metodou větvení a mezí (2014)
Gini coefficient for beta distributed scores (2014)
Comparison Theorems for Second-Order Functional Differential Equations (2014)
On super-linear Emden–Fowler type differential equations (2014)
Asymptotic and oscillatory properties of the fourth-order nonlinear difference equations (2014)
Oscillation for higher order differential equations with a middle term (2014)
Toxicity and survival outcomes of adjuvant chemoradiation for gastric and gastroesophageal junction cancer patients treated in period 2006-2009: an institutional experience (2014)
The impact of PET/CT scanning on the size of target volumes, radiation exposure of organs at risk, TCP and NTCP, in the radiotherapy planning of non-small cell lung cancer (2014)
Discrete oscillation theorems and weighted focal points for Hamiltonian difference systems with nonlinear dependence on a spectral parameter (2015)
Solving linear operation research optimization problems in MS Office 2010 Excel spreadsheet (2014)
Využití vícerozměrné analýzy rozptylu v psychologii (2014)
Non-almost periodic solutions of limit periodic and almost periodic homogeneous linear difference systems (2014)
Rank tests in heteroscedastic linear model with nuisance parameters (2014)
Distal Part of the Human Hand: Study of Form Variability and Sexual Dimorphism Using Geometric Morphometrics (2014)
Effective homology for homotopy colimit and cofibrant replacement (2014)
Topological systems versus attachment relations (2014)
Variable-basis categorically-algebraic dualities (2014)
Lattice-valued bornological systems (2015)
Non-oscillation of half-linear differential equations with periodic coefficients (2015)
Operační výzkum - pracovní listy (2015)
Rozvoj předmatematických představ dětí předškolního věku (2015)
Anatomical curve identification (2015)
Craniofacial Dysmorphology in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome by 3D Laser Surface Imaging and Geometric Morphometrics: Illuminating the Developmental Relationship to Risk for Psychosis (2015)
Conditional oscillation of half-linear Euler-type dynamic equations on time scales (2015)
Matematika pro střední školy - 6. díl, STEREOMETRIE (2014)
Truncated tau deregulates synaptic markers in rat model for human tauopathy (2015)
Rigidification of algebras over essentially algebraic theories (2015)
Classification of Principal Connections on (W)over-tilde(2)PE (2014)
Natural transformations of connections on the first principal prolongation (2014)
Předpoklady vzniku odpovědnosti za škodu pohledem Vídeňské úmluvy, Principů UNIDROIT, PECL a nového občanského zákoníku (2014)
Příslušnost ve věcech pojištění (2014)
On Varieties of Automata Enriched with an Algebraic Structure (Extended Abstract) (2014)
Effect of dehydration on spectral reflectance and photosynthetic efficiency in Umbilicaria arctica and U. hyperborea (2015)
A study of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii antibody seroprevalence in healthy cattle in the Czech Republic (2015)
Nonoscillation of higher order half-linear differential equations (2015)
Chern-Moser operators and polynomial models in CR geometry (2014)
On Hyperbolicity of Domains with Strictly Pseudoconvex Ends (2014)
Definable orthogonality classes in accessible categories are small (2015)
Aplikovaná štatistická inferencia I. Biologická antropológia očami matematickej štatistiky (2015)
Positive solutions of nonlocal continuous second order BVP's (2014)
Oscillatory solutions of nonlinear fourth order differential equations with a middle term (2014)
Constructing homotopy equivalences of chain complexes of free ZG-modules (2014)
Heaps and unpointed stable homotopy theory (2014)
Vzdělávání žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami ve středním školství. Texty k distančnímu vzdělávání. (2013)
System Condition Estimation Based on Selected Tribodiagnostic Data (2016)
Failure prediction of diesel engine based on occurrence of selected wear particles in oil (2015)
New Integrated View at Partial-sums Distributions (2012)
Two models for linear comparative calibration (2012)
Evaluating goodness-of-fit of discrete distribution models in quantitative linguistics (2013)
Tail Probability Calculator by Characteristic Function Inversion (2013)
New Procedure for Calculating the Uncertainty of One Output Quantity in Calibration Certificates (2013)
Alternative methods of goodness-of-fit evaluation applied to word length data (2013)
Nový postup výpočtu neistoty výstupnej veličiny pre kalibračné certifikáty (2013)
A measure of lexical text compactness (2014)
Ellipse fitting by nonlinear constraints to demodulate quadrature homodyne interferometer signals and to determine the statistical uncertainty of the interferometric phase (2014)
Logarithmic Lambert W x F random variables for the family of chi-squared distributions and their applications (2015)
Rozhodování Soudního dvora EU ve věcech příslušnosti (analýza rozhodnutí dle Nařízení Brusel Ibis) (2014)
Analýza neúspěšnosti bakalářského studia matematiky (2015)
Oscillation and non-oscillation of Euler type half-linear differential equations (2015)
Aplikovaná štatistická inferencia I. Biologická antropológia očami matematickej štatistiky (2015)
Co se učitelům líbí (2015)
Tvorba předmatematických představ a mateřská škola (2015)
Konzumace ovoce a zeleniny v populaci města Brna; průřezová studie „Kardiovize Brno 2030“. (2015)
Trefoil factor 3 as a marker of intestinal cell damage during sepsis (2015)
Prevalence návykového chování u dětí v 11 a 15 letech v rámci studie ELSPAC (2012)
Vliv vybraných charakteristik rodinného prostředí na rizikové chování 15tiletých adolescentů (2012)
The accessibility rank of weak equivalences (2015)
How Does the Methodology of 3D Structure Preparation Influence the Quality of pK(a) Prediction? (2015)
Classification of third-order symmetric Lorentzian manifolds (2015)
Annihilators for the class group of a cyclic field of prime power degree III (2015)
Transformations for Parametric Modeling of Censored Data in Survival Analysis (2015)
Prospektivní srovnávací studie nalbuphinu a alfentanilu při adenotomii u dětí. (2015)
DDoSaaS: DDoS jako služba (2015)
Principal and antiprincipal solutions at infinity of linear Hamiltonian systems (2015)
Linear AR Models for Description of a Stress-Test Heart Rate in Horses (2015)
Political Business Cycle in Local Government. Case Study of Czech Municipalities (2015)
Řešení problému polynomické kalibrace metodou maximální věrohodnosti (2014)
Limit periodic homogeneous linear difference systems (2015)
Non-oscillation of perturbed half-linear differential equations with sums of periodic coefficients (2015)
Altered intensity coding in the salicylate-overdose animal model of tinnitus (2015)
The Paradigm Change in STEM Education–Has It Happened Already? (2015)
Individualized on-line Education in STEM (2015)
Remarks on infinitesimal symmetries of geometrical structures of the classical phase space of general relativistic test particle (2015)
Oscillation constants for half-linear difference equations with coefficients having mean values (2015)
Stein's neuronal model with pooled renewal input (2015)
On the Cramér-Rao bound applicability and the role of Fisher information in computational neuroscience (2015)
On fixed points of the lower set operator (2015)
Positive decaying solutions for differential equations with phi-Laplacian (2015)
Oscillation of third order differential equation with damping term (2015)
Asymptotic properties of solutions of Riccati matrix equations and inequalities for discrete symplectic systems (2015)
Iterative bandwidth method for bivariate kernel regression and its gradient (2015)
Minimal and maximal solutions of fourth-order nonlinear difference equations (2015)
Reid's construction of minimal principal solution at infinity for linear Hamiltonian systems (2016)
A review of the methods for neuronal response latency estimation (2015)
Oscillation constant for modified Euler type half-linear equations (2015)
Theory and Practice of Kernel Smoothing - habilitation thesis (2015)
Co je harmonického na harmonické čtveřici? (2014)
Coaxal pencil of circles (2015)
Kruhová inverze v Newtonově Optice (2015)
Seroprevalence of antibodies of Neospora spp. and Toxoplasma gondii in horses from southern Italy (2015)
Contribution to bandwidth matrix choice for bivariate kernel regression (2015)
A cocategorical obstruction to tensor products of Gray-categories. (2015)
Building Sustainable R&D Centers in Emerging Technology Regions (2015)
Rozhovory se studenty a vědci Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (2015)
Building Sustainable R&D Centers in Emerging Technology Regions (2015)
Sepse u dětí (2015)
Assessment of severity and progression of canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome using the CAnine DEmentia Scale (CADES) (2015)
Evolution of early male-killing in horizontally transmitted parasites (2015)
On reflective subcategories of locally presentable categories (2015)
Relations between constants of motion and conserved functions (2015)
Eigenvalue comparison for discrete symplectic systems (2015)
On decidability of intermediate levels of concatenation hierarchies (2015)
Deterministické modely (2015)
HMOG: New Behavioral Biometric Features for Continuous Authentication of Smartphone Users (2016)
On the Structure of Closed Right Ideals of a C*-Algebra (2015)
Behavior of Rank Tests and R-Estimates in Measurement Error Models (2015)
Regular Gleason Measures and Generalized Effect Algebras (2015)
Statistika a pravděpodobnost (2016)
A Comparison of Several Bonus Malus Systems (2015)
Service in denial – clouds going with the winds (2015)
Algebraic weak factorisation systems I:accessible awfs (2016)
Algebraic weak factorisation systems II: categories of weak maps (2016)
Methods for Estimating of Smoothing Parameters in Local-Linear Estimations of Conditional Density (2015)
Zkušenosti s výukou předmětu Zpracování reálných dat (2015)
Survey of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in meat juice of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in several districts of the Czech Republic (2015)
Volba vyhlazovacích parametrů při jádrové regresi (2015)
Analysis of Photovoltaic Energy Using Kernel Smoothing (2015)
Cross-sectional Analysis of Short Sale Determinants in the US Market Sectors (2015)
Prognostic markers of sarcoidosis: an analysis of patients from everyday pneumological practice (2015)
Středoškolská matematika s iPadem (2013)
Matematika pro všechny (2013)
Sampling times influence the estimate of parameters in the Weibull dissolution model (2015)
Limits of abstract elementary classes (2015)
Rank tests in regression model based on minimum distance estimates (2015)
Bandwidth matrix selectors for kernel regression (2017)
Political Business Cycle in the Czech Republic: Case of Municipalities (2015)
Hyperbarická oxygenoterapie u pediatrických pacientů v Centru hyperbarické medicíny Ostrava v letech 2007–2011 (2015)
Dynamic Order Algebras as an Axiomatization of Modal and Tense Logics (2015)
A Hilbert Space Operator Representation of Abelian Po-Groups of Bilinear Forms (2015)
Filters on Some Classes of Quantum B-Algebras (2015)
Tense operators in fuzzy logic (2015)
Another proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms and of the extensions of Di Nola's Theorem (2015)
On tense MV-algebras (2015)
Oscillation criterion for discrete trigonometric systems (2015)
Ministerial staff of the Czech republic. (2015)
Corporate key performance indicators for environmental management and reporting (2011)
Risk factors involved in transmission of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infection in rabbit farms in Northern Italy (2015)
Manipulativní činnosti a modelování rozvíjející matematickou gramotnost (2014)
Předškolní vzdělávání očima praxe (2015)
Rozvoj předmatematických představ dětí předškolního věku. Předškolní vzdělávání očima praxe (2015)
Metodické komentáře ke Standardům pro základní vzdělávání. Matematika (2015)
Interactive Teaching Materials in PDF Format (2015)
Exacerbation of Substrate Toxicity by IPTG in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) Carrying a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway (2015)
The most species-rich plant communities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with new world records) (2015)
Cellular objects and Shelah's singular compactness theorem (2016)
Statistické modelování (2015)
Prevalence patogenů Coxiella burnetii, Francisella tularensis a Hantaan virus (Dobrava) , způsobujících zoonotická onemocnění, se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras) v roce 2014 (2015)
Monitoring prevalence patogenů Leptospira grippotyphosa a Leptospira pomona, Coxiella burnetii a Francisella tularensis se zaměřením na volně žijící hlodavce na vybraných lokalitách ČR (Poodří, Moravský kras, Mohelno) v letech 2012 a 2013 (2015)
Generalized zeros and nonpositivity of energy functionals associated with half-linear even order difference equations (2015)
Rank tests in regression model based on minimum distance estimates (2015)
Výpočetní matematické systémy (2015)
Genera of conjoined bases of linear Hamiltonian systems and limit characterization of principal solutions at infinity (2016)
Impact of nucleic acid self-alignment in a strong magnetic field on the interpretation of indirect spin–spin interactions (2016)
České školství? Není všechno negativní (2016)
Matematika v médiích. Využití slovních úloh při kooperativní výuce na základních a středních školách (2015)
Diskrétní deterministické modely (2015)
Maticové populační modely (2015)
Circular units of an abelian field ramified at three primes (2016)
Effect of spontaneous activity on stimulus detection in a simple neuronal model (2016)
Flux footprints in different ecosystems (2015)
Ecosystem stations - a tool for global change observations (2016)
Aligned rank tests in measurement error model (2016)
Jewish and Non-Jewish Networks in the Spread of Early Christianity : A Case of the Marcionite and Lukan Christianity (2015)
Limit point criteria for second order Sturm-Liouville equations on time scales (2016)
Behavior of R-estimators under measurement errors (2016)
Využití presepsinu při diagnostice rozvoje septického stavu u dětí (2016)
Analgosedace u dětí - naše postupy a zkušenosti (2016)
Doporučení pro tekutinovou resuscitaci u dětí (2016)
Hemofagocytární lymfohistiocytóza s multiorgánovým selháním (2016)
Vaskulitida CNS na podkladě infekce Varicella-Zoster (2016)
Asymptotically almost periodic solutions of limit and almost periodic linear difference systems (2015)
Discrete reaction-diffusion equation: An application (2015)
Discrete Diffusion Equations: An Abstract Model of Spreading of Anything (2015)
Procalcitonin Biomarker Kinetics to Predict Multiorgan Dysfunction Syndrome in Children with Sepsis and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (2015)
The definitions of three-dimensional landmarks on the human face: an interdisciplinary view (2016)
Survival of Patients with Primary Brain Tumors: Comparison of Two Statistical Approaches (2016)
Spojité deterministické modely I (2015)
On Automorphisms with Natural Tangent Actions on Homogeneous Parabolic Geometries (2015)
Notes on symmetric conformal geometries (2015)
Risk factors for canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome in Slovakia (2016)
Perioperační monitorování glykémie u dětských pacientů (2016)
Characterization of self-adjoint extensions for discrete symplectic systems (2016)
On the irreducibility of pseudovarieties of semigroups (2016)
Body surface area and body weight of Czech adult cancer population (2015)
Perspective analysis outcomes of selected tribodiagnostic data used as input for condition based maintenance (2016)
How regular is neuronal activity (2012)
Application of selected diffusion processes on system state assessment (2015)
Estimation of system residual useful life based on selected tribo data (2015)
Estimation of residual life based on vehicle tribo data (2014)
Enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase DmxA from Marinobacter sp. ELB17 purified to homogeneity (2015)
Shot-noise Fano factor (2015)
A Goldberg-Sachs theorem in dimension three (2015)
Classification theory for accessible categories (2016)
The statistical uncertainty of the Heydemann correction: a practical limit of optical quadrature homodyne interferometry (2015)
On statistical methods for common mean and reference confidence intervals in interlaboratory comparisons for temperature (2015)
EllipseFit4HC: A Matlab Algorithm for Demodulation and Uncertainty Evaluation of the Quadrature Interferometer Signals (2015)
Least-squares method and type B evaluation of of standard uncertainty (2015)
Vyhodnotenie kalibrácie meradiel: Štatistické metódy pre analýzu neistôt v metrológii (2015)
An Algorithm for Demodulation of Correlated Quadrature Interferometer Signals (2015)
Discordant identification of pediatric severe sepsis by research and clinical definitions in the SPROUT international point prevalence study (2015)
Skew structures in 2-category theory and homotopy theory (2017)
Algebraic Approach to Tense Operators (2015)
Vybrané kapitoly z matematického modelování (2015)
Matematické modely v biologii (2015)
Conditional oscillation of Euler type half-linear differential equations with unbounded coefficients (2016)
Holomorphic Equivalence and Nonlinear Symmetries of Ruled Hypersurfaces in C-2 (2015)
Testy statistických hypotéz za přítomnosti chyb měření (2016)
Monotonicity properties of oscillatory solutions of two-dimensional systems of differential equations (2015)
Limit-point/limit-circle results for forced second order differential equations. (2015)
Variability in solar irradiance observed at two contrasting Antarctic sites (2016)
Values of limit periodic sequences and functions (2016)
Převody jednotek (2016)
Desetinná čísla (2016)
Slovní úlohy III (2016)
Seroprevalence and risk factors of infections with Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in hunting dogs from Campania region, southern Italy (2016)
Statistika a pravděpodobnost (2016)
$\mu$-abstract elementary classes and other generalizations (2016)
Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Novotný, DrSc. (11. 5. 1922 - 9.4. 2015) (2016)
The J-Curve in HIV: Low and Moderate Alcohol Intake Predicts Mortality but Not the Occurrence of Major Cardiovascular Events (2016)
Slovní úlohy inspirované texty v médiích (2016)
Metodické komentáře ke standardům pro základní vzdělávání - Matematika (2016)
Nonoscillation criteria and energy functional for even-order half-linear two-term differential equations (2016)
Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in wild small mammals: seroprevalence, DNA detection and genotyping (2016)
Kurt Gödel a filozofické problémy moderní matematiky (1992)
O některých názorech fakult vychovávajících učitele matematiky v České republice (1992)
Non-oscillation of periodic half-linear equations in the critical case (2016)
Analytické funkce (1972)
Teorie množin (1974)
Metrické prostory (1974)
Logika a teorie množijn (Úvod do oboru) (1978)
Logika a teorie množin (Úvod do oboru) (1978)
Matematika pro reaprobační studium (1981)
Metrické prostory (1984)
Spatial heterogeneity of CO2 efflux and optimization of the number of measurement position (2016)
Zkušenosti s výukou předmětu Zpracování reálných dat (2016)
Principal solutions at infinity for time scale symplectic systems without controllability condition (2016)
Oscillation and non-oscillation criterion for Riemann-Weber type half-linear differential equations (2016)
Využití hydrologických dat v předmětu Zpracování reálných dat (2015)
The circular units and the Stickelberger ideal of a cyclotomic field revisited (2016)
Homotopy locally presentable enriched categories (2016)
Matematika na čtečkách e-knih (2015)
Generalized Prüfer angle and oscillation of half-linear differential equations (2017)
Half-linear Euler differential equation and its perturbations (2016)
China and EU as trade competitors: different methodological approaches (2016)
Sturm-Liouville matrix differential systems with singular leading coefficient (2017)
The sophistication of Chinese exports and its impact on EU15: the case of the high-tech goods (2016)
Česko-polsko-slovenská MO juniorů (2016)
Fiscal Policy for the 21st Century: Does Barack Obama Effect the Real Economic Policy? (2016)
Presynaptic Spontaneous Activity Enhances the Accuracy of Latency Coding (2016)
Convolutions of polynomial kernels (2016)
Comparative index and Sturmian theory for linear Hamiltonian systems (2017)
Predikce pravděpodobnosti výskytu patogenů vybraných zoonóz v populacích hlodavců (2015)
The influence of a low interest rate on life insurance companies (2016)
The influence of interest rate on insurance companies (2017)
Quaternionic contact Einstein structures and the quaternionic contact Yamabe problem (2014)
Sensitivity of photosynthetic processes to freezing temperature in extremophilic lichens evaluated by linear cooling and chlorophyll fluorescence (2016)
Two parametric bifurcation in LPA model (2015)
Two parametric bifurcation in LPA model (2015)
Principal solution in Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for second order Sturm-Liouville equation on time scales (2017)
Semináře "Matematika pro život" pro učitele základních a středních škol (2016)
Semináře "Matematika pro život" pro učitele základních a středních škol (2016)
Jednoduchá špatná řešení (2016)
Centralized and Decentralized Networks in the Spread of Early Christianity: Mathematical Modeling of the Lukan and Marcionite Christianities (2016)
Markionovské and lukášovské křesťanství: Matematický model (2016)
On a theorem of Thaine (2017)
Reducibility vs. definability for pseudovarieties of semigroups (2016)
Generalized Nonlinear Yule Models (2016)
Dominant and recessive solutions at infinity and genera of conjoined bases for discrete symplectic systems (2017)
Safety and immunogenicity of the tau vaccine AADvac1 in patients with Alzheimer's disease: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 trial (2016)
Sbírka řešených příkladů z matematické analýzy II (2016)
Foraging facilitation among predators and its impact on the stability of predator–prey dynamics (2017)
Law of inertia for the factorization of cubic polynomials - the case of discriminants divisible by three (2016)
Testy a odhady založené na minimalizaci vzdálenosti (2016)
Behavior of rank tests and estimates in measurement error models (2016)
Accessible images revisited (2017)
On Lie algebras of generators of infinitesimal symmetries of almost-cosymplectic-contact structures (2016)
Matematika I. a II. (2017)
Galois connections and tense operators on q-effect algebras (2016)
Set Representation of Partial Dynamic De Morgan algebras (2016)
On a topological universe of L-bornological spaces (2016)
Categorical foundations of variety-based bornology (2016)
Komentované standardy - Matematika (2016)
Slovní úlohy pro žáky druhého stupně základní školy inspirované texty v médiích (2016)
Neuronal response latency in the presence of spontaneous activity (2016)
Signal-enhancing effect of spontaneous activity in latency coding (2016)
Maximum likelihood method for bandwidth detection of kernel conditional density estimation (2016)
Maximum likelihood method for bandwidth detection of kernel conditional density estimation (2016)
Metoda maximální věrohodnosti pro volbu vyhlazovacích parametrů jádrových odhadů podmíněné hustoty. (2016)
Zhoubné nádory hrtanu (2016)
Application of Hedging on Natural Gas Prices (2017)
Application of Hedging on Natural Gas Prices (2017)
Spádový lymfatický systém na krku, metastázy a jejich léčba (2016)
Periodic solutions of Liénard-Mathieu differential equation with a small parameter (2017)
Geometric properties of homogeneous parabolic geometries with generalized symmetries (2016)
Accuracy of rate coding: When shorter time window and higher spontaneous activity help (2017)
Opravdu je maturita zbytečný strašák? (2017)
Estimation of inhibitory response latency: the problem of detecting non-spikes (2015)
Inhibitory response latency and its estimation (2015)
Implementation of Bayesian methods to geographic profiling (2016)
Implementation of Bayesian methods to geographic profiling (2016)
What factors can influence the failure rate of students? (2016)
What factors can influence the failure rate of students? (2016)
Rekonstrukční operace POP - je mladší věk výhoda? (2014)
Note on the construction of globular weak omega-groupoids from types, topological space etc (2017)
The Gray tensor product via factorisation (2017)
Sexually transmitted infections and mate-finding Allee effects (2017)
Impacts of disease avoidance for populations affected by sexually transmitted diseases (2016)
Two parametric bifurcations in LPA model (2017)
Sterilization does not always harm: reproduction-survival trade-off and dynamics of infectious diseases. (2016)
Between Luke and Marcion: Mathematical Model in the History of Christian Origins (2016)
Statistika a pravděpodobnost. (2016)
Funkcionální rovnice z MMO 2015 (2016)
Oscillation and non-oscillation criteria for linear and half-linear difference equations (2017)
Quo Vadis, Biomacromolecular Structure Quality (2017)
Neparametrická funkcionálna regresia (2016)
Matematika v médiích (2017)
Komentované standardy pro základní vzdělávání (2017)
Jak učit matematice žáky ve věku 10-16 let (2017)
On some basic constructions in categories of quantale-valued sup-lattices (2016)
Flat (2,3,5)-Distributions and Chazy's Equations (2016)
Quaternionic contact Einstein manifolds (2016)
Divergent CR-equivalences and meromorphic differential equations (2016)
Sphericity of a real hypersurface via projective geometry (2016)
New extension phenomena for solutions of tangential Cauchy-Riemann equations (2016)
Twistor Geometry of Null Foliations in Complex Euclidean Space (2017)
Pure spinors, intrinsic torsion and curvature in odd dimensions (2017)
Pure spinors, intrinsic torsion and curvature in even dimensions (2016)
World Tax Index: Methodology for 2017 (2016)
Pushouts of Categories, Derived Limits, and Colimits (2016)
Decidability of the Extension Problem for Maps into Odd-Dimensional Spheres (2017)
Decaying solutions for discrete boundary value problems on the half line (2016)
Comparison theorems for third-order neutral differential equations (2016)
Asymptotic behaviour of neutral differential equations of third-order with negative term (2016)
Oscillation of third-order nonlinear neutral differential equations (2016)
Monotonicity conditions in oscillation to superlinear differential equations (2016)
Shadow Economy in the Czech Republic: MIMIC Approach (2016)
Law of inertia for the factorization of cubic polynomials - the case of primes 2 and 3 (2017)
Mezinárodní konference MITAV (Matematika, Informační Technologie a Aplikované Vědy); 2015 (2015)
Mezinárodní konference MITAV (Matematika, Informační Technologie a Aplikované Vědy); 2016 (2016)
Secure, Fast, and Energy-Efficient Outsourced Authentication for Smartphones (2016)
Accessible model categories (2017)
Covers, envelopes, and cotorsion theories in locally presentable abelian categories and contramodule categories (2017)
Estimating latency in the case of inhibitory response (2012)
Estimation of inhibitory response latency (2013)
Biomacromolecular structure quality – improvement or stagnation? (2017)
Law of inertia for the factorization of cubic polynomials - the real case (2017)
Killing and twistor spinors with torsion (2016)
Male-killing bacteria as agents of insect pest control (2016)
Invariant Connections with Skew-Torsion and Nabla-Einstein Manifolds (2016)
Third order differential equations with delay (2015)
Covariant Approach to Weil Bundles (2016)
Metrické prostory. Teorie a příklady (2016)
The impact of mild induced hypothermia on the rate of transfusion and the mortality in severely injured patients: a retrospective multi-centre study (2016)
Trends in biomacromolecular structure quality (2017)
Placebo by Proxy in Neonatal Randomized Controlled Trials: Does It Matter? (2017)
Law of inertia for the factorization of cubic polynomials - the imaginary case (2017)
Seroprevalence and risk factors of Neospora spp. and Toxoplasma gondii infections among horses and donkeys in Nigeria, West Africa (2017)
Porovnání dvou metod polynomické kalibrace (2017)
Obyčejné difernciální rovnice (2012)
On square integrable solutions and principal and antiprincipal solutions for linear Hamiltonian systems (2018)
Do trends in biomacromolecular structure quality inspire optimism? (2017)
Reducing the number of mean-square deviation calculations with floating close structure in metadynamics (2017)
Modelling Counterparty Credit Risk in Czech Interest Rate Swaps (2017)
Talented Learner (2013)
Methods for bandwidth detection in kernel conditional density estimations (2017)
Ethnicity predicts viral rebound after travel to the tropics in HIV-infected travelers to the tropics in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2017)
Baseline peripheral blood biomarkers predict clinical outcome ofadvanced melanoma patients treated with ipilimumab: singleinstitution real-life data experience (2016)
Gröbner Basis Method in Bifurcation Analysis (2017)
Matematika drsně a svižně (2013)
Quantum potential in covariant quantum mechanics (2017)
Research, Development and Higher Education-questions related to public governance (2015)
Trends in quality and properties of biomacromolecular complexes (2017)
What Counts More: Rules or Intuition? (2002)
De Morgan Algebras with Tense Operators (2017)
Solution spaces of homogeneous linear difference systems with coefficient matrices from commutative groups (2017)
Algorithmic Solvability of the Lifting Extension Problem (2017)
Matematika pro střední školy - 7. díl A, Analytická geometrie v rovině (2016)
Matematika pro střední školy - 7. díl B, Analytická geometrie v prostoru (2016)
Metric abstract elementary classes as accessible categories (2017)
Bandwidth Selection Problem in Nonparametric Functional Regression (2017)
Functional data analysis of single-trial auditory evoked potentials recorded in the awake rat (2017)
Changes of Cerebrospinal Fluid Peptides due to Tauopathy (2017)
Perspective approach in using anti-oxidation and anti-wear particles from oil to estimate residual technical life of a system (2018)
Ergodicity and parameter estimates in auditory neural circuits (2018)
Circular units of real abelian fields with four ramified primes (2017)
O porovnání mocnin a^b a b^a (2017)
Cox proportional hazard model: A tool for evaluation of knee implant survival conditional on patient reported outcome measures (2017)
Empirický zákon velkých čísel ve výuce pravděpodobnosti (2017)
Sufficiency and sensitivity for nonlinear optimal control problems on time scales via coercivity (2018)
Methods for bandwidth detection in kernel conditional density estimations (2017)
The Strong nonlinear limit-point/limit-circle problem (2017)
On the equivalence of quaternionic contact structures (2018)
The generalized rank of trace languages (2017)
Exploring Trends in Quality of Biomacromolecular Structure Data (2017)
Three approaches in functional data analysis of event-related potentials in time domain (2017)
Functional data analysis of event-related potentials in assessing neural processing underlying mental rotation in time domain (2017)
Analysis of patient's health condition after total knee replacement surgery and its development through time (2017)
Effect of denoising on longitudinal volumetric measurements of brain atrophy measurements based on MRI for Alzheimer’s disease (2017)
The Impact of Cold Spells on the Incidence of Infectious Gastroenteritis and Relapse Rates of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Retrospective Controlled Observational Study (2017)
Topological analysis of nuclear pasta phases (2017)
Triple Regge exchange mechanisms of four-pion continuum production in the pp -> pp pi(+) pi(-) pi(+) pi(-) reaction (2017)
A Projective-to-Conformal Fefferman-Type Construction (2017)
Comparison of Two Polynomial Calibration Methods (2017)
Priestley-Chao Estimator of Conditional Density (2017)
Focal points and principal solutions of linear Hamiltonian systems revisited (2018)
Remarks on local Lie algebras of pairs of functions (2018)
Dynamic Logic Assigned to Automata (2017)
Partial tense MV-algebras and related functions (2017)
The Groupoid-Based Logic for Lattice Effect Algebras (2017)
Random Functional Variable and Fourier Series (2017)
Local bandwidth selectors for functional kernel regression (2017)
Definable categories (2018)
Algebra and Local Presentability: how Algebraic are They? (A survey) (2017)
Oscillatory and non-oscillatory solutions of dynamic equations with bounded coefficients (2018)
Revealing two cubic non-residues in a quadratic field locally (2018)
Higher energy intake variability as predisposition to obesity: novel approach using Interquartile range (2017)
Bounded solutions to systems of nonlinear functional differential equations (2018)
Adjustment of serum HE4 to reduced glomerular filtration and its use in biomarker-based prediction of deep myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer (2017)
Ve světě matematických aplikací (2017)
Analytická geometrie: Kuželosečky (2012)
Analytická geometrie v rovině (2013)
Analytická geometrie v prostoru (2014)
Turing-like phenomenon on a discrete space-time (2017)
Instability of a discrete reaction-diffusion equation (2017)
Prognostic value of c-MET in head and neck cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregate data (2017)
Sepsis In Children (2016)
A novel liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry method for determination of neurotransmitters in brain tissue: Application to human tauopathies (2018)
Cox proportional hazard model and its application to data analysis of failure of endodontic equipment (2017)
Slovenská adaptácia dotazníka na hodnotenie schizotypových čŕt osobnosti Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (2017)
Translational Genetic Modelling of 3D Craniofacial Dysmorphology: Elaborating the Facial Phenotype of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Through the “Prism” of Schizophrenia (2017)
Infinitesimal CR automorphisms for a class of polynomial models (2017)
Normal forms in Cauchy-Riemann geometry (2017)
Norm Approximation for Many-Body Quantum Dynamics and Bogoliubov Theory (2017)
Small presentations of model categories and Vopěnka's principle (2018)
Worldwide Protein Data Bank validation information: usage and trends (2018)
Validation of ligands in macromolecular structures determined by X-ray crystallography (2018)
Teaching Process of an Applied Statistics Course for Students of the Antropology Study Programme at Masaryk University (2018)
Václav Hlavatý (1894–1969). Cesta k jednotě (2017)
Základy matematiky: Učební text (2006)
Základy matematiky: Učební text (2007)
Unbounded solutions for differential equations with p-Laplacian and mixed nonlinearities (2017)
A Dirichlet problem on the half-line for nonlinear equations with indefinite weight (2017)
Fractional differential equations with a constant delay: statiblity and asymptotics of solutions (2017)
Adapted Riccati technique and non-oscillation of linear and half-linear equations (2018)
Oscillation and non-oscillation results for solutions of perturbed half-linear equations (2018)
Benefits of functional PCA in the analysis of single-trial auditory evoked potentials (2019)
Positive decaying solutions to BVPs with mean curvature operator (2017)
Korelačná analýza v systéme STATISTICA (2018)
Poznámky k úplnosti reálných čísel (2017)
Vězeň to má spočítané (2018)
Oscillation and non-oscillation of half-linear differential equations with coefficients determined by functions having mean values (2018)
Ptolemaic military operations were a dominant factor in the spread of Egyptian cults across the early Hellenistic Aegean Sea (2018)
Mezinárodní konference MITAV (Matematika, Informační Technologie a Aplikované Vědy) 2017. (2017)
Nearly locally presentable categories (2018)
Bringing validation information closer to the user (2018)
Host-pathogen dynamics under sterilizing pathogens and fecundity-longevity trade-off in hosts (2018)
On the analyticity of CR-diffeomorphisms (2018)
On the embeddability of real hypersurfaces into hyperquadrics (2018)
Exploratory analysis options for functional data (2018)
A Framework for On-line Calibration of LINAC Devices (2018)
Relativistic Voigt profile for unstable particles in high energy physics (2018)
A framework for alignment of on-board imagers of medical linear accelerators (2018)
The omega-inequality problem for concatenation hierarchies of star-free languages (2018)
Elementary equivalences and accessible functors (2018)
Biomonitoring práce s genotoxickými látkami a faktory v onkologickém zdravotnickém zařízení (2018)
On the word problem for free completely regular semigroups (1986)
Validation information in the Protein Data Bank: What is it and why should you care? (2018)
A Framework for Assumption-Free Assessment of Imperfect Geometry of a Linac C-Arms (2018)
Mezinárodní konference MITAV (Matematika, Informační Technologie a Aplikované Vědy) 2018 (2018)
Bifurcations of one-dimensional one-parametric maps revisited (2019)
Gröbner Basis Method in the FitzHugh-Nagumo Model (2018)
DTI Segmentation Using Anisotropy Preserving Quaternion Based Distance Measure (2018)
Hanf numbers via accessible images (2017)
Konfidenčné oblasti pre koeficienty kalibračnej funkcie (2018)
Faktory úspěšnosti studentů v předmětech matematicko-statistického základu (2018)
Regime shifts caused by adaptive dynamics in prey–predator models and their relationship with intraspecific competition (2018)
Impacts of infection avoidance for populations affected by sexually transmitted infections (2018)
Approximate injectivity (2018)
Vězeň to má spočítané. Lekce z teorie her (2018)
Discrete oscillation theorems for symplectic eigenvalue problems with general boundary conditions depending nonlinearly on spectral parameter (2018)
Association between genetic variability of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and sensorimotor gating in humans (2018)
Approximating Solution of Distributed Delay Differential Equation Using Gamma Series of Delay Density Function (2018)
Jak učit matematice žáky ve věku 10-16 let (2018)
Epizootological study on Toxoplasma gondii in zoo animals in the Czech Republic (2018)
Václav Hlavatý (1894–1969). Cesta k jednotě (2017)
Bayesian Geographical Profiling in Terrorism Revealing (2018)
Categoric simulation of production flows (2018)
A representation theorem for quantale valued sup-algebras (2018)
Infinitesimal Symmetries in Covariant Quantum Mechanics (2018)
Spokojenost onkologických pacientek s okamžitou dvoudobou aloplastickou rekonstrukcí prsu (2014)
Šíření křesťanství v antickém Středomoří (2018)
Boundary singularities of solutions to semilinear fractional equations (2018)
Onsager's conjecture on the energy conservation for solutions of Euler equations in bounded domains (2019)
Schrödinger equations with singular potentials: linear and nonlinear boundary value problems (2019)
Fully Automated Attractor Analysis of Cyanobacteria Models (2018)
Kernel estimation of regression function gradient (2020)
Rank Theory Approach to Ridge, LASSO,Preliminary Test and Stein-type Estimators: A Comparative Study (2018)
Modeling the spread of religion : The spread of Egyptian cults in the Agean Sea throughout the early Hellenistic period (323-167 BCE) (2018)
Existence and Multiplicity of Periodic Solutions to Indefinite Singular Equations Having a Non-monotone Term with Two Singularities (2018)
Periodic solutions of an indefinite singular equation arising from the Kepler problem on the sphere (2018)
On the dimension of the solution set to the homogeneous linear functional differential equation of the first order (2012)
Upper and lower solutions of boundary value problems for functional differential equations and theorems on functional differential inequalities (2000)
Biological and physiological phenomena in view of applied bifurcation theory (2018)
FUNDAMANT: an interventional 72-week phase 1 follow-up study of AADvac1, an active immunotherapy against tau protein pathology in Alzheimer’s disease (2018)
Assessing the outcome of orthognathic surgery by three-dimensional soft tissue analysis (2018)
Singular Sturmian separation theorems for nonoscillatory symplectic difference systems (2018)
Functional analysis of patient's health condition after TKR and its development throughout time (2018)
3D visualisation of spatially smoothed biological signal recorded on landmarks or shapes characterised by (semi)landmarks (2018)
Visualisation of EEG signal related to ERPs in assessing neural processing underlying mental rotation (2018)
Prognostic impact of combined immunoprofiles in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients with respect to AJCC 8th edition (2018)
Classification of functional fragments by regularized linear classifiers with domain selection (2019)
Fefferman-Graham ambient metrics of Patterson-Walker metrics (2018)
O křivkách a křivostech (2018)
Geografická profilace s využitím bayesovských metod (2018)
Geografická profilace s využitím bayesovských metod (2018)
Čestné uznání, soutěž studentských prací Robust 2018 (2018)
Terorismus, kriminalistika - aplikace bayesovských metod (2018)
Constant curvature models in sub-Riemannian geometry (2019)
Invariant connections and Nabla-Einstein structures on isotropy irreducible spaces (2019)
Confidence Region for Calibration Function Coefficients (2018)
Singular Sturmian separation theorems on unbounded intervals for linear Hamiltonian systems (2019)
Influence of circadian clocks on optimal regime of central C-N metabolism of cyanobacteria (2018)
Annihilators of the ideal class group of a cyclic extension of an imaginary quadratic field (2019)
Využití podobnosti trojúhelníků pro měření výšek (2018)
Šíření „orientálních kultů“ po cestách starověkého Středomoří : Případové studie egyptských kultů a Mithraismu (2018)
Generative Historiography of Ancient Religions : How to Model the Spread of Religions in the Ancient Mediterranean (2018)
ValTrendsDB: Viewing structure quality from macro and micro perspective (2018)
Efektivita jednostranné kochleární implantace u dospělých pacientů s těžkou poruchou sluchu (2018)
Universal abstract elementary classes and locally multipresentable categories, (2019)
Stress entropic load: New stress measurement method? (2018)
Control of the Modified Chaotic Chua’s Circuit Using Threshold Method (2018)
Uniquely Complemented Posets (2018)
Prüfer angle and non-oscillation of linear equations with quasiperiodic data (2019)
Asymptotically almost periodic solutions of limit periodic difference systems with coefficients from commutative groups (2019)
Oscillation result for half-linear dynamic equations on timescales and its consequences (2019)
Averaging technique and oscillation criterion for linear and half-linear equations (2019)
Svět matematických aplikací (2018)
Jádrové odhady gradientu regresní funkce (2018)
Jádrové odhady gradientu regresní funkce (2018)
Jádrový odhad regresní funkce a jejího gradientu (2018)
Modeling Cultural Transmission of Rituals in Silico : The Advantages and Pitfalls of Agent-Based vs. System Dynamics Models (2018)
Biomonitoring práce s genotoxickými látkami a faktory ve zdravotnickém zařízení (2018)
A model replication with an extension of students´perception of prospective employer attractiveness (2019)
Detekce protilátek proti Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. u volně žijících drobných savců a porovnání citlivosti přímých metod (PCR a kultivace) (2018)
Detection of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in wild-type small mammals and comparison of susceptibility of direct methods (PCR and cultivation) (2018)
Occurence of parasitic microsporidia Encephalitozoon spp. in wild rodents in ZOO Brno (2018)
Landauer's Principle as a Special Case of Galois Connection (2018)
GenEx: A Simple Generator Structure for Exclusive Processes in High Energy Collisions (2018)
The Adaptive Monte Carlo Toolbox for Phase Space Integration and Generation (2019)
Where Do You Want to Go Skiing? The Effect of the Reference Point and Loss Aversion (2019)
Non-oscillation of half-linear difference equations with asymptotically periodic coefficients (2019)
Expression of CD44, EGFR, p16, and their mutual combinations in patients with head and neck cancer: Impact on outcomes of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (2019)
Ablative dose stereotactic body radiation therapy for oligometastatic disease: a prospective single institution study (2019)
Similarities within a multi-model ensemble: functional data analysis framework (2019)
Pullback crossed modules in the category of racks (2019)
Follistatin-Like 1 Is Downregulated in Morbidly and Super Obese Central-European Population (2018)
Forking independence from the categorical point of view (2019)
Náhodné nálezy na kefalometrickém snímku (2018)
On a locality-like property of the pseudovariety J (2018)
On finite completely simple semigroups having no finite basis of identities (2018)
Towards a pseudoequational proof theory (2018)
Riccati equations for linear Hamiltonian systems without controllability condition (2019)
Behavior of rank tests and estimates in measurement error models (2016)
Testy a odhady založené na minimalizaci vzdálenosti (2016)
Minimum distance tests and estimates based on ranks (2017)
Testy statistických hypotéz za přítomnosti chyb měření (2016)
How do we use SAS at Masaryk University Brno? (2018)
Data mining - jak z dat získat užitečné informace (2018)
Data mining - co to je a co všechno s jeho pomocí můžeme dělat (2018)
Analýza nákupního košíku - historie a současnost (2018)
Flow charts application in education (2019)
The Poset-based Logics for the De Morgan Negation and Set Representation of Partial Dynamic De Morgan Algebras (2018)
Normal form for second order differential equations (2018)
Rigid Embeddings of Sasakian Hyperquadrics in C^n+1 (2018)
Global Kneser solutions to nonlinear equations with indefinite weight (2018)
On the existence of weak solutions of semilinear elliptic equations and systems with Hardy potentials (2019)
The generalized rank of trace languages (2019)
Bifurcation manifolds in predator–prey models computed by Gröbner basis method (2019)
Gröbner Basis Method in FitzHugh-Nagumo Model (2019)
Václav Hlavatý (1894–1969). Cesta k jednotě (2017) A Web-based Platform for Systems Biology of Cyanobacteria (2018)
System failure estimation based on field data and semi-parametric modeling (2019)
Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HIV/HBV-coinfected Patients on Tenofovir therapy: Relevance for Screening Strategies (2019)
Algebraické výrazy (2019)
Číselné obory. Množiny (2019)
Conformally Fedosov manifolds (2019)
Calculus on symplectic manifolds (2018)
Internal sizes in mu-abstract elementary classes (2019)
Lectures on Geometry of Monge–Ampere Equations with Maple (2019)
Inferential procedures for partially observed functional data (2019)
Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Encephalitozoon cuniculi in Animals from Captivity (Zoo and Circus Animals) (2019)
Advanced Course of Applied Statistics for Anthropology Students: The Teaching Process (2019)
kernhaz: Kernel Estimation of Hazard Function in Survival Analysis (2018)
Cross-Correlations in ERP Analysis of Processes Underlying Mental Rotation (2019)
Oral administration of BDNF and/or GDNF normalizes serum BDNF level in the olfactory bulbectomized rats: A proof of concept study (2019)
Comparism of different statistical models used in shape index calculation (2019)
Estimating Mean and Covariance Function in Principal Component Analysis through Conditional Expectation (2019)
I want to break square-free: The 4p - 1 factorization method and its RSA backdoor viability (2019)
Modeling the cross-sectional shape of the long bones using the superellipse (2019)
Modified Prüfer angle and conditional oscillation of perturbed linear and half-linear differential equations (2019)
Two parametric bifurcation in LPA model (2015)
Gröbner Basis Method in the FitzHugh-Nagumo Model (2018)
Gröbner Basis Method in Bifurcation Analysis (2017)
Convergent normal form for real hypersurfaces at a generic Levi-degeneracy (2019)
Factorization and local presentability in topological and uniform spaces (2019)
ValTrendsDB: bringing Protein Data Bank validation information closer to the user (2019)
Interactive exploration of trends in biomacromolecule structure quality with ValTrendsDB (2019)
ValTrendsDB: bringing Protein Data Bank validation information closer to the user (2019)
ValTrendsDB: Database of biomacromolecular structure validation trends (2019)
Performance of principal component analysis through conditional expectation on longitudinal data (2019)
Rozklad zlomků na zlomky kmenné pomocí Geogebry a softwaru SAS/STAT (2019)
Symplectic Difference Systems: Oscillation and Spectral Theory (2019)
Limit–point/limit–circle problem: continuous vs. discrete (2019)
Symmetry Breaking for GATA-1/PU.1 Model (2019)
Euler type linear and half-linear differential equations and their non-oscillation in the critical oscillation case (2019)
Male mortality rates mirror mortality rates of older females (2019)
On the uniqueness of cellular injectives (2019)
A Non-asymptotic Automobile Bonus-malus System with Varying Transition Rules (2019)
Innovation of University Subjects in Data Science Area within IT Academy Project (2018)
Rank theory approach to ridge, LASSO, preliminary test and Stein-type estimators: Comparative study (2018)
Kernhaz for MATLAB (2019)
Maximum likelihood method for bandwidth selection in kernel conditional density estimate (2019)
The Early Spread of the Isiac Cults in the West Coast of Hellenistic Asia Mino r: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Ptolemaic Political Influence (2019)
Exploring trends in quality and features of biomacromolecular complexes with ValTrendsDB (2019)
ValTrendsDB: Enabling comparison of quality and features of biomacromolecular complexes to the global trend (2019)
Mezinárodní konference MITAV (Matematika, Informační Technologie a Aplikované Vědy) 2019 (2019)
A hierarchical curve-based approach to the analysis of manifold data (2019)
Remarks on natural differential operators with tensor fields (2019)
The spread of early Christianity in its formative phases : primary and secondary centers of the Christian dissemination (2019)
Sbírka příkladů o nekonečných řadách (2019)
Collection of examples about infinite series (2019)
Modelling of degradation and a soft failure moment during the operation of a supercapacitor applying selected diffusion processes (2017)
Constructing equivariant homotopy equivalences via extension of scalars (2018)
Homotopical algebra is not concrete (2018)
Conformal theory of curves with tractors (2019)
On injective constructions of S-semigroups (2019)
Evolution of objects and concepts (2019)
The Logic of Lattice Effect Algebras Based on Induced Groupoids (2019)
On the Coextension of Cut-Continuous Pomonoids (2019)
A simplified probabilistic validation of production flows (2019)
Vliv velikosti nádorové masy a stavu p16 na léčebné výsledky - dosažení kompletní remise u prospektivně sledovaných pacientů s nádory orofaryngu (2019)
Identification of a Diagnostic Set of Endomyocardial Biopsy microRNAs for Acute Cellular Rejection Diagnostics in Patients after Heart Transplantation Using Next-Generation Sequencing (2019)
The role of miR-409-3p in regulation of HPV16/18-E6 mRNA in human cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (2019)
Catalan Home Bias With the Rest of Spain: Does It Still Exist? (2020)
Standard Embeddings of Smooth Schubert Varieties in Rational Homogeneous Manifolds of Picard Number 1 (2018)
Coxiella burnetii and Francisella tularensis in wild small mammals from the Czech Republic (2020)
Colimit-dense subcategories (2019)
Adaptivní testování matematiky (2019)
MiR-21 binding site SNP within ITGAM associated with psoriasis susceptibility in women (2019)
Bialternate matrix products and its application in bifurcation theory (2019)
Center manifolds for three-dimensional systems of differential equations (2019)
Center manifolds for two-dimensional systems of differential equations (2019)
Superelipsa a superformule (2020)
Singular Sturmian comparison theorems for linear Hamiltonian systems (2020)
Annihilators of the ideal class group of an imaginary cyclic field (2020)
Different chromosome damage in lymphocytes of newly diagnosed gastrointestinal and breast cancer patients (2020)
Riccati technique and oscillation constant for modified Euler type half-linear equations (2020)
Riccati transformation and non-oscillation criterion for linear difference equations (2020)
How nice are free completions of categories? (2020)
On the estimate of the rate constant in the homogeneous dissolution model (2013)
Sturmian comparison theorems for completely controllable linear Hamiltonian systems in singular case (2020)
On singleton kernel classes in the lattice of varieties of completely regular semigroups (2019)
Jacob Bernoulli: Umění odhadu (část čtvrtá, pojednávající o aplikaci předchozího učení v záležitostech občanských, mravních a ekonomických) [český překlad a komentáře] (2020)
Spor o nekonečno (2020)
Nuclei and conuclei on Girard posets (2019)
Syntactic structures of regular languages (2019)
On Symmetric CR Geometries of Hypersurface Type (2019)
Late side effects of 3T MRI-guided 3D high-dose rate brachytherapy of cervical cancer Institutional experiences (2019)
Energy equalities for compressible Navier-Stokes equations (2019)
HARDI Segmentation via Fourth-Order Tensors and Anisotropy Preserving Similarity Measures (2019)
Vplyv techniky zavedenia ventu počas náhrady aortálnej chlopne na incidenciu pooperačnej fi brilácie predsiení (2019)
Nonlinear CR automorphisms of Levi degenerate hypersurfaces and a new gap phenomenon (2019)
On the insertion of n-powers (2019)
Infinitary first-order categorical logic (2019)
Asymptotic problems for functional differential equations via linearization method (2019)
Monads and theories (2019)
Nonlinear fractional elliptic systems with boundary measure data: Existence and a priori estimates (2019)
Ground state solutions to nonlinear equations with p-Laplacian (2019)
C-projective symmetries of submanifolds in quaternionic geometry (2019)
On the generalized principal eigenvalue of quasilinear operator: definitions and qualitative properties (2019)
Pseudovarieties of Ordered Completely Regular Semigroups (2019)
Parameter estimation for discretely-observed linear birth-and-death processes (2021)
Interactions between para-quaternionic and Grassmannian geometry (2020)
On Varieties of Ordered Automata (2019)
Deterministic Biautomata and Subclasses of Deterministic Linear Languages (2019)
Subriemannian Metrics and the Metrizability of Parabolic Geometries (2021)
Perturbed Lane-Emden Equations as a Boundary Value Problem with Singular Endpoints (2020)
Nonlinear PDEs, their geometry, and applications : proceedings of the Wisla 18 Summer School (2019)
Integrability of geodesics of totally geodesic metrics (2019)
Use of statistical approaches to improve the quality control of the dose delivery in radiotherapy (2019)
Pseudovarieties of Ordered Completely Regular Semigroups (vol 74, 78, 2019) (2019)
Discrete Reaction-Dispersion Equation (2020)
Modeling Cultural Transmission of Rituals in Silico: The Advantages and Pitfalls of Agent-Based vs. System Dynamics Models (vol 18, pg 483, 2018) (2019)
On Orbits of Action of 5-Dimensional Non-Solvable Lie Algebras in Three-Dimensional Complex Space (2019)
Design, modeling and research of the new non-autonomous chaotic generator (2019)
Meditation's impact on cognitive functions in mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study (2017)
An Experiment to Assess the Response of the Human Organism to Changes in Low-level Magnetic Fields (2017)
Ridge reconstruction of partially observed functional data is asymptotically optimal (2020)
The Strong Nonlinear Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Problem Preface (2018)
Role of trade-off between sexual and vertical routes for evolution of pathogen transmission (vol 8, pg 23, 2015) (2016)
Analytická geometrie v rovině (2020)
Významné parametry ovlivňující dynamiku epidemie - model ZSEIAR (2020)
Modeling Scenario 1-124-S-WorldPopulation (2020)
Conformal Patterson-Walker metrics (2019)
Ptolemaic political activities on the west coast of Hellenistic Asia Minor had a significant impact on the local spread of the Isiac cults : A spatial network analysis (2020)
Gielisova transformace logaritmické spirály (2020)
Zipfův zákon a další mocninné zákony (2020)
Comparison of various methods of parameters estimation of MLN5 distribution using simulation study (2020)
Sbírka příkladů o nekonečných řadách (2020)
Linear operators associated with differential and difference systems: What is different? (2020)
On a periodic problem for higher-order differential equations with a deviating argument (2011)
Hledání nových repelentů proti klíšťatům (2020)
Modeling the Shape of Tusks of Wild Boars (Sus scropha L.) (2020)
Antiprincipal solutions at infinity for symplectic systems on time scales (2020)
Cofibrant generation of pure monomorphisms (2020)
Geometrically Closed Positive Varieties of Star-Free Languages (2020)
Combinatorial homotopy categories (2020)
Linear even order homogenous difference equation with delay in coefficient (2020)
Study of Distribution of Monetary Poverty in EU Depending on Sex and Age Category of Individual (2012)
TLR induced IL-1beta production in monocytes and dendritic cells in T1D patients (2016)
Some applications of the Mangiarotti-Modugno formula for tangent-valued forms (2014)
Suitability of Wiener Process Based Model for Prediction of Temperature Dependent Super Capacitor Availability (2015)
Second order symmetries of the conformal laplacian and R-separation (2015)
Od řetězovky k číslu π (2020)
The tumor immune microenvironment and its implications for clinical outcome in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (2020)
Non-oscillation of linear and half-linear differential equations with unbounded coefficients (2021)
Real-World Evidence in Glioblastoma: Stupp's Regimen After a Decade (2020)
Svět matematických aplikací (2020)
Jak učit matematice žáky ve věku 10-16 let (2020)
Reprodukční potenciál aneb když se hraboš přemnoží (2020)
Some remarks on MCI crossed modules (2020)
Preparation of Study Materials Using the R Software (2011)
On morphisms of crossed polymodules (2020)
Colimits of crossed modules in modified categories of interest (2020)
Graphical calculus of Hopf crossed modules (2020)
Trends in One Month and One Year Hemorrhagic Stroke Case Fatality Rates in the Czech Republic between 1998 and 2015 (2020)
New conditionally oscillatory class of equations with coefficients containing slowly varying and periodic functions (2021)
Genera of Conjoined Bases for (Non)oscillatory Linear Hamiltonian Systems: Extended Theory (2020)
M9BCF Teorie bifurkací, chaos a fraktály (2020)
Socioeconomic characteristics, family structure and trajectories of children's psychosocial problems in a period of social transition (2020)
Sizes and filtrations in accessible categories (2020)
On the existence of local quaternionic contact geometries (2020)
Washington units, semispecial units, and annihilation of class groups (2021)
Benfordův zákon (2020)
Dietary pattern longitudinality during 8 years in children: results from the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ) (2021)
Model epidemie COVID-19 (2020)
Riemann-Liouville derivative over the space of integrable distributions (2020)
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and serum 1,3-beta-d-glucan testing for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis diagnosis in hematological patients: the role of factors affecting assay performance (2020)
The Poincare Lemma, Antiexact Forms, and Fermionic Quantum Harmonic Oscillator (2020)
Elliptic Equations with Hardy Potential and Gradient-Dependent Nonlinearity (2020)
Interacting effects of the MAM model of schizophrenia and antipsychotic treatment: Untargeted proteomics approach in adipose tissue (2021)
Státní maturita z chemie – chemický úhel pohledu (2012)
On fractional multi-singular Schrodinger operators: Positivity and localization of binding (2020)
Chromosome aberrations detected by FISH in newly diagnosed cancer patients (2018)
Algebraic Aspects of Relatively Pseudocomplemented Posets (2020)
Equipping weak equivalences with algebraic structure (2020)
Local Geometric Control of a Certain Mechanism with the Growth Vector (4,7) (2020)
Asymptotic problems for nonlinear ordinary differential equations with phi-Laplacian (2020)
Representations of relatively free profinite semigroups, irreducibility, and order primitivity (2020)
Semilinear elliptic equations with Hardy potential and gradient nonlinearity (2020)
On the existence and multiplicity of solutions to fractional Lane-Emden elliptic systems involving measures (2020)
Obstruction theory on 7-manifolds (2020)
Higher symmetries of symplectic Dirac operator (2020)
O mincích a invariantech (2020)
Accessible aspects of 2-category theory (2021)
On the compositum of orthogonal cyclic fields of the same odd prime degree (2021)
Singular solutions of nonlinear differential equations with p(t)-Laplacian (2020)
Submaximally symmetric quaternion Hermitian structures (2020)
Capturing the shape of tusks of wild boars (Sus scropha L.) using different types of curves (2020)
Distribution and number of focal points for linear Hamiltonian systems (2021)
Regularity of CR-mappings between Fuchsian type hypersurfaces in C2 (2020)
Quantifying colour difference in animals with variable patterning (2020)
Blue Sky Catastrophe and FOLD-HOPF Bifuraction in Gavrilov-Shilnikov System (2020)
Julia set (2020)
n-fold bifurcation on Mandelbrot set and complex logistic equation fractal (2020)
Normal form for the Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf Bifurcation and the Neimark-Sacker Torus Bifurcation (2020)
Transformations of phase portraits for linear systems (2020)
Iterated algebraic injectivity and the faithfulness conjecture (2020)
Braided skew monoidal categories (2020)
Forbidden patterns for ordered automata (2020)
Pre-Radiotherapy Progression after Surgery of Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Corroboration of New Prognostic Variable (2020)
Problémy z matematické analýzy (2020)
Comparism of different statistical models used in shape index calculation on human face (2020)
Minimum distance tests and estimates based on ranks (2020)
Reversibility of computations in graph-walking automata (2020)
Residuated Operators and Dedekind–MacNeille Completion (2021)
Fleischer po-semigroups and quantum B-algebras (2020)
On ordinal sums of t-norms and t-conorms on bounded posets (2020)
Refining the resolution of craniofacial dysmorphology in bipolar disorder as an index of brain dysmorphogenesis (2020)
A Novel UHPLC-MS Method Targeting Urinary Metabolomic Markers for Autism Spectrum Disorder (2020)
Evaluation of Abiotic Controls on Windthrow Disturbance Using a Generalized Additive Model: A Case Study of the Tatra National Park, Slovakia (2020)
Phenotypic diversity of skulls in the Merovingian population (Norroy-le-Veneur cemetery, 7th century AD, Moselle, France) in the context of Early Medieval Europe (2020)
From simplicial homotopy to crossed module homotopy in modified categories of interest (2020)
Retrospektivní analýza pacientů s glioblastomem se zaměřením na velmi časnou progresi před zahájením adjuvantní léčby (2020)
Are Two Given Maps Homotopic? An Algorithmic Viewpoint (2020)
Lax Familial Representability and Lax Generic Factorizations (2020)
Remark on bilinear operations on tensor fields (2020)
Continuability of solutions to fractional differential equations (2020)
Decaying positive global solutions of second order difference equations with mean curvature operator (2020)
Is the Slovakian pension system prepared for the next decades? (2021)
HERMES - A Software Tool for the Prediction and Analysis of Magnetic-Field-Induced Residual Dipolar Couplings in Nucleic Acids (2020)
The tumour immune microenvironment and its implicationsfor clinical outcome in patients with oropharyngeal squamouscell carcinoma (2020)
C-projective geometry (2020)
Projective geometry of Sasaki-Einstein structures and their compactification (2019)
Some differential complexes within and beyond parabolic geometry (2019)
Model of sexually transmitted disease with Allee-effect-driven mating function (2014)
Reprodukce a přenos sexuálně přenosné nemoci (2013)
Fourier Analysis with Generalized Integration (2020)
Energy conservation for inhomogeneous incompressible and compressible Euler equations (2020)
Green's formulas and Poisson's equation for bosonic Laplacians (2020)
On semidirectly closed non-aperiodic pseudovarieties of finite monoids (2020)
Geometric Aspects of the Isentropic Liquid Dynamics and Vorticity Invariants (2020)
Information and physics (2020)
Optimalizace aneb když méně je více (2021)
Sbírka řešených příkladů z matematického programování (2021)
A fixed-point approach for decaying solutions of difference equations: A fixed point approach to discrete BVPs (2021)
An Explanation of the Landauer bound and its ineffectiveness with regard to multivalued logic (2020)
Attribute Exploration in Formal Concept Analysis and Measuring of Pupils’ Computational Thinking (2021)
Sledování prognózy HPV pozitivních a negativních orofaryngeálních karcinomů v závislosti na léčebné modalitě (2019)
Eigenfunctions expansion for discrete symplectic systems with general linear dependence on spectral parameter (2021)
Numerical Computation of the Small Balls Probability for Random Functions with Normal Components (2020)
Kovové průměry a úhly v uspořádáních bodů na spirálách (2021)
Remarks on combinatorial and accessible model categories (2021)
Otakar Borůvka and His Successors in the Field of Differential Equations (2020)
Regularity of CR-mappings of codimension one into Levi-degenerate hypersurfaces (2021)
Exaktní myšlení a místo matematiky ve vzdělávání (2021)
MAMES – Monitoring, analýza a management epidemických situací: Popis algoritmizace a implementace epidemických modelů a mapování kapacit (2020)
MAMES – Monitoring, analýza a management epidemických situací (2021)
Nelineární dynamika (2021)
4th order tensors for multi-fiber resolution and segmentation in white matter (2020)
Effects of low-dose alcohol exposure in adolescence on subsequent alcohol drinking in adulthood in a rat model of depression (2021)
Infinitary generalizations of Deligne's completeness theorem (2020)
Notes on Tractor Calculi (2021)
Comparison of parametric and semiparametric survival regression models with kernel estimation (2021)
Comparative index and Lidskii angles for symplectic matrices (2021)
Robustness of regularity for the 3D convective Brinkman-Forchheimer equations (2021)
Positivity of solutions of adapted generalized Riccati equation with consequences in oscillation theory (2021)
Effect of Acupuncture in Pain Management of Head and Neck Cancer Radiotherapy: Prospective Randomized Unicentric Study (2021)
Circulating microparticles in patients with chronic hepatitis C and changes during direct-acting antiviral therapy (2021)
Sectionally Pseudocomplemented Posets (2021)
Functional Data Analysis and Visualisation of Three-dimensional Surface Shape (2021)
Minimal accessible categories (2021)
Biosurveillance of Selected Pathogens with Zoonotic Potential in a Zoo (2021)
On holonomy of Weyl connections in Lorentzian signature (2021)
Seroprevalence of Theileria equi, Babesia caballi, and Trichinella spp. infections in horses and donkeys from Nigeria, West Africa (2021)
Jednotková parabola, zlatý řez a parabolické π (2021)
On Kovács–Newman ordered semigroups (2021)
The MacNeille Completions for Residuated S-Posets (2021)
Coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo Type Neurons Driven by External Voltage Stimulation (2022)
SEIAR model with ascertainment rate estimate (2021)
Model ZSEIAR (2021)
Forced van der Pol oscillator - synchronization from the bifurcation theory point of view (2021)
Archaeological Proxies in the Modeling of the Spread of Early Christianity in Its Formative Phases (2021)
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lymph Node Oligometastases: Real-World Evidence From 90 Consecutive Patients (2021)
ADAMANT: a placebo-controlled randomized phase 2 study of AADvac1, an active immunotherapy against pathological tau in Alzheimer’s disease (2021)
Uniqueness of ground state and minimal-mass blow-up solutions for focusing NLS with Hardy potential (2021)
Gielis transformation of the Archimedean spiral (2021)
COVID-19's natural course among ambulatory monitored outpatients (2021)
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Evaluation of Early Clinical Response, Pathological Complete Response Rates, and Addition of Platinum Salts Benefit Based on Real-World Evidence (2021)
Evaluation of a novel immunoassay to detect p-tau Thr217 in the CSF to distinguish Alzheimer disease from other dementias (2020)
Kurt Gödel Day 2021 (KGD2021) with Czech Gathering of Logicians 2021 (CGL2021) (2021)
Experimentuj s Máťou (2021)
Lidskii angles and Sturmian theory for linear Hamiltonian systems on compact interval (2021)
Transformation preserving controllability for nonlinear optimal control problems with joint boundary conditions (2021)
On bases of identities of finite central locally orthodox completely regular semigroups (2021)
No need for secondary Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia prophylaxis in adult people living with HIV from Europe on ART with suppressed viraemia and a CD4 cell count greater than 100 cells/µL (2021)
Regularity results for a class of nonlinear fractional Laplacian and singular problems (2021)
Sada nástrojů pro validaci a verifikaci metod (2019)
Positive solutions of 1-D half Laplacian equation with singular and exponential nonlinearity (2020)
Symmetry of solutions to singular fractional elliptic equations and applications (2020)
Potential biomarkers from positive definite 4th order tensors in hardi (2021)
Geodesic fiber tracking in white matter using activation function (2021)
COVID-19-free pracoviště: Vyšetření protilátek proti koronaviru jako základ testovací strategie ve firmách (2021)
Nonoscillation of half-linear dynamic equations on time scales (2021)
Critical linear difference equations (2021)
The Moore Complex of a Simplicial Cocommutative Hopf Algebra (2021)
Dependent products and 1-inaccessible universes (2021)
Oscillatory solutions of Emden-Fowler type differential equation (2021)
Analytická teorie kuželoseček a kvadrik (2021)
Symmetries in geometric control theory using Maple (2021)
Linear orthogonality spaces as a new approach to quantum logic (2021)
Decrease in salivary lysozyme may not be paralleled by a decrease in salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA) after prolonged intense sports load in adolescent male gymnasts. A pilot study (2021)
Wild Small Mammals and Ticks in Zoos—Reservoir of Agents with Zoonotic Potential? (2021)
Properties of critical and subcritical second order self-adjoint linear equations (2021)
Birth weight rather than birth length is associated with childhood behavioural problems in a Czech ELSPAC cohort (2021)
Homeostatic model of human thermoregulation with bi-stability (2021)
Special cases of critical linear difference equations (2021)
Oscillation of third-order neutral damped differential equations (2021)
Serological and molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii in farm-reared ostriches (Struthio camelus) in the Czech Republic (2021)
Antibodies Related to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Coxiella burnetii, and Francisella tularensis Detected in Serum and Heart Rinses of Wild Small Mammals in the Czech Republic (2021)
DECAY: A Monte Carlo Library for the Decay of a Particle with ROOT Compatibility (2021)
Chemometric approach to characterization of the selected grape seed oils based on their fatty acids composition and FTIR spectroscopy (2021)
Entropy in thermodynamics: from foliation to categorization (2021)
Towards the global vision of engagement of generation Z at the workplace: mathematical modeling (2021)
Non-holonomic equations for the normal extremals in geometric control theory (2022)
Lower bound on the size of a quasirandom forcing set of permutations (2022)
Teorie bifurkací, chaos a fraktály (2021)
Quantile Based Summation of Random Variables (2021)
Multiplicity and uniqueness for Lane-Emden equations and systems with Hardy potential and measure data (2021)
Categories of orthogonality spaces (2022)
An upper bound of a generalized upper Hamiltonian number of a graph (2021)
Homologia we włoskiej kuchni i astrofizyce (2020)
Which Categories Are Varieties? (2021)
Erratum to “Small presentations of model categories and Vopěnka’s principle” (2021)
Resolvent and spectrum for discrete symplectic systems in the limit point case (2022)
Riccati technique and oscillation of linear second-order difference equations (2021)
Approximate injectivity and smallness in metric-enriched categories (2022)
Coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo Type Neurons Driven by External Voltage Stimulation (2021)
Martin kernel of Schrödinger operators with singular potentials and applications to B.V.P. for linear elliptic equations (2022)
Binary patterns in the Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence (2021)
Normal orthogonality spaces (2022)
Oxidační stres u pacientů s HIV. (2019)
Interpretive discrepancies caused by target values inter-batch variations in chemiluminescence immunoassay for SARS-CoV-2 IgM/IgG by MAGLUMI (2021)
Language equations (2021)
Extremální úlohy (2021)
Perinatologické výsledky u těhotenství komplikovaných eklampsií - analýza případů z let 2008-2018 (2021)
Aplikovaná nelineární dynamika (2022)
Proteomic Signatures of Human Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipocytes (2022)
Ve světě matematických aplikací 2016-2020 (2021)
Matematika v dějinách lidstva (2021)
Ve světě matematických aplikací. Soustředění 2020 (2021)
PET/CT-tailored treatment of locally advanced oesophago-gastric junction adenocarcinoma: a report on the feasibility of the multicenter GastroPET study (2021)
Are Chain-Complete Posets Co-wellpowered? (2022)
Parallel spinors on Lorentzian Weyl spaces (2021)
Variations in count and width of the human middle phalangeal hair: A microscopic study (2021)
Ascertainment rate estimate from hospital data used in modelling COVID-19 epidemics (2021)
Kurt und Nekonečno (2022)
The impact of centralised care of younger AML patients on treatment results: a retrospective analysis of real-world data from a national population-based registry (2021)
Cone structures and parabolic geometries (2022)
Terénní výuka matematiky. Sbírka návrhů včetně pracovních listů pro 5.-9. ročník ZŠ (2022)
On Completions of Posets with Operators (2022)
Synchronization from mathematician’s perspective (2022)
Karel Feuerbach a jeho věta o dotyku kružnic (2014)
Are Banach spaces monadic? (2022)
Sbírka příkladů o nekonečných řadách (2020)
Smooth and F-smooth systems with applications to Covariant Quantum Mechanics (2022)
Metric monads (2021)
Smooth and F-smooth systems with applications to Covariant Quantum Mechanics (2022)
Information and brain (2021)
Equivalence of three-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann manifolds and multisummability theory (2022)
The equivalence theory for infinite type hypersurfaces in C^2 (2022)
Oscillation of fourth-order neutral differential equations with damping term (2021)
Asymptotic behavior of solutions to differential equations with p(t)-Laplacian (2022)
Sledování hladin celkových protilátek proti proteinu S a nukleokapsidovému antigenu viru SARS-CoV-2 u onkologických pacientů očkovaných vakcínou Pfizer/BioNTech (2021)
(−2)proPSA a phi v diagnostice karcinomu prostaty (2021)
Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma Modified by PET/CT: Results of Virtual Planning Study (2021)
Drug interaction profile of TKI alectinib allows effective and safe treatment of ALK plus lung cancer in the kidney transplant recipient (2021)
Smooth and F-smooth systems with applications to Covariant Quantum Mechanics (2022)
Weighted Cauchy problem: fractional versus integer order (2021)
On linear languages recognized by deterministic biautomata (2022)
Oscillation of linear and half-linear differential equations via generalized Riccati technique (2022)
Sbírám psí ho.. aneb pečuji o životní prostředí (Nakolik je účinná environmentální výchova?) (2011)
Weak disconjugacy, weak controllability, and genera of conjoined bases for linear Hamiltonian systems (2022)
Geometrically closed positive varieties of languages (2022)
OBITUARY Libor Polák (1950-2020) (2021)
Distanční výuka vysokoškolské matematiky badatelsky? (2021)
Advanced mathematical and statistical methods in evaluating instrumented indentation measurements (2021)
Multiplicity results for nonhomogeneous elliptic equations with singular nonlinearities (2022)
Optimal Estimation of Function Parameters by Iterated Linearization (OEFPIL) (2021)
Pregnancy outcome prediction after embryo transfer based on serum human chorionic gonadotrophin concentrations (2022)
On functional data analysis and related topics (2022)
About the power pseudovariety PCS (2021)
Infinitesimal symmetries of weakly pseudoconvex manifolds (2022)
Enriched Locally Generated Categories (2022)
Optimal Estimation of Function Parameters by Iterated Linearization (OEFPIL) in C (2021)
Experimentuj s Máťou 2 (2022)
An Introduction to Covariant Quantum Mechanics (2022)
Induced and higher-dimensional stable independence (2022)
Non-oscillation of modified Euler type linear and half-linear differential equations (2022)
Conditionally oscillatory linear differential equations with coefficients containing powers of natural logarithm (2022)
The c-map as a functor on certain variations of Hodge structure (2022)
Stanovení extracelulárních vezikul fotometricky a průtokovou cytometrií a jejich vztah k virologickým, imunologickým a metabolickým parametrům u lidí žijící s HIV (2022)
Non-oscillation criterion for Euler type half-linear difference equations with consequences in linear case (2022)
Oscillation Numbers for Continuous Lagrangian Paths and Maslov Index (2023)
Canine Distemper Virus in Wild Carnivore Populations from the Czech Republic (2012-2020): Occurrence, Geographical Distribution, and Phylogenetic Analysis (2022)
Extremal solutions at infinity for symplectic systems on time scales I – Genera of conjoined bases (2022)
Influence of the Allee effect on extreme events in coupled three-species systems (2022)
On critical double phase Kirchhoff problems with singular nonlinearity (2022)
Sunitinib-Induced Elevation of Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)-Exploring Its Possible Clinical Relevance in Cancer Patients (2022)
Association of Picky Eating with Weight and Height-The European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ) (2022)
Almost oscillatory fractional differential equations (2022)
EQUADIFF 15. History, Personalities, Plenary and Invited Abstracts, and Program (2022)
Poznámky o výchově budoucích učitelů (2022)
Matematika pro život (2022)
Well Quasi-Orders Arising from Finite Ordered Semigroups (2022)
Transformation of master-slave systems with harmonic terms for improved stability in numerical continuation (2022)
Effects of frustrated coupling, node degree and load distribution on synchronicity in electrical power grids (2022)
Asymptotic proximity to higher order nonlinear differential equations (2022)
Stručná historie matematické populační dynamiky (2022)
Protection by Vaccines and Previous Infection Against the Omicron Variant of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (2022)
Forced van der Pol Oscillator—Synchronization from the Bifurcation Theory Point of View (2022)
O jednom typu maturitních )loh (2018)
Život a dílo Bernarda Bolzana (2022)
Postscriptum: Matematické modelování covid-19 v Evropě (2022)
Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States (2022)
Differential geometry of SO*(2n)-type structures-integrability (2022)
Oscillation of modified Euler type half-linear differential equations via averaging technique (2022)
Discrete symplectic systems, boundary triplets, and self-adjoint extensions (2022)
Protection provided by vaccination, booster doses and previous infection against covid-19 infection, hospitalisation or death over time in Czechia (2022)
Langmuir probe without RF compensation (2022)
On some notions related to locally compactness for frames (1988)
Conjunctivity in quantales (1988)
A note on the Prime Ideal Theorem (1989)
Semiregular frames (1990)
A note on extremally disconnected frames (1990)
Morita contexts and their lattices of relations (2005)
Rieffel induction and strong Morita equivalence in the context of Hilbert modules (2006)
Compact convex sets, quantales and C∗-algebras (1988)
Geometrické algoritmy, Multimediální elektronický výukový materiál (2018)
Enriched environment ameliorates propagation of tau pathology and improves cognition in rat model of tauopathy (2022)
How to Overbridge the Lack of Material Evidence in the Early Christian Spreading (2022)
Geodesic ray-tracing in white matter fiber crossing region using decomposition of 4th order tensor (2021)
Leptospira interrogans Sensu Lato in Wild Small Mammals in Three Moravian Localities of the Czech Republic (2022)
Dobrodružství environmentální výchovy na brněnské škole (2012)
On semidirectly closed pseudovarieties of finite semigroups and monoids (2022)
Teorie bifurkací, chaos a fraktály. Multimediální elektronický výukový materiál (2021)
Nelineární dynamika. Multimediální elektronický výukový materiál (2021)
Identification of AGR2 Gene-Specific Expression Patterns Associated with Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (2022)
Ticks and wild small mammals in Zoological garden Brno, Czech Republic – reservoir of agents with zoonotic potential? (2022)
Leptospira interrogans sensu lato u volně žijících drobných savců z České republiky (2022)
Monadic forgetful functors and (non-)presentability for C⁎- and W⁎-algebras (2023)
The bicategory of groupoid correspondences (2022)
Extracelulární vezikuly u lidí žijících s HIV (2022)
Embedding nonlinear systems with two or more harmonic phase terms near the Hopf–Hopf bifurcation (2023)
Analýza nepravidelně pozorovaných funkcionálních dat (2022)
Solutions with prescribed numbers of focal points of nonoscillatory linear Hamiltonian systems (2023)
Biomarker Dynamics and Long-Term Treatment Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients with Residual Cancer Burden after Neoadjuvant Therapy (2022)
Searching Proxies for the Earliest Christian Spreading (2022)
Differential geometry of SO*(2n)-type structures (2022)
Podporujeme nadané prvňáčky (2022)
The Poincare Lemma for Codifferential, Anticoexact Forms, and Applications to Physics (2022)
Dark Type Dynamical Systems: The Integrability Algorithm and Applications (2022)
Entropy and Ergodicity of Boole-Type Transformations (2021)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Od Máti k matematickým aplikacím (2022)
Special metrics and scales in parabolic geometry (2022)
Recent results in the theory of p-critical linear even-order difference equations (2022)
Closed-form solutions of second-order linear difference equations close to the self-adjoint Euler type (2023)
Dynamika středního objemu erytrocytů (MCV) jako potenciálního biomarkeru compliance a terapeutické toxicity sunitinibu u onkologických pacientů (2022)
Graph neural network inspired algorithm for unsupervised network community detection (2022)
On symmetries of a sub-Riemannian structure with growth vector (4,7) (2023)
Symmetry algebras of polynomial models in complex dimension three (2022)
Remarks on the Symmetries of a Model Hypersurface (2022)
Hilbert spaces and C*-algebras are not finitely concrete (2023)
Sugeno Integral over Generalized Semi-quantales (2022)
Algebraic Properties of Paraorthomodular Posets (2022)
On ordinal sums of partially ordered monoids: A unified approach to ordinal sum constructions of t-norms, t-conorms and uninorms (2022)
Learning mitigates genetic drift (2022)
A complete normal form for everywhere Levi-degenerate hypersurfaces in C-3 (2022)
Another look on tense and related operators (2022)
2-Quasi Crossed Modules of Commutative Algebras (2022)
Constructions of Kleene lattices (2022)
Oscillation of higher order fractional differential equations (2023)
Imunitní odpověď na vakcinaci proti covid-19 -průběžné výsledky studie CoVigi (2022)
An algebraic analysis of implication in non-distributive logics (2023)
EQUADIFF 15. History, Personalities, Plenary and Invited Abstracts, and Program (2022)
Oscillation of third-order neutral differential equations with oscillatory operator (2022)
Functional analysis of temporal data about patient’s health condition after total knee replacement (2021)
An orthogonal approach to algebraic weak factorisation systems (2023)
Accessible infinity-cosmoi (2023)
Reflectors to quantales (2023)
Network Size Reduction Preserving Optimal Modularity and Clique Partition (2022)
Metody odhadu parametrů normálního rozdělení v přítomnosti dat pod měřitelným limitem (2022)
On exotic symmetries of finite type models (2022)
Kardiovaskulární systém u pacientek s triple negativním karcinomem prsu před zahájením antracyklinové léčby (2023)
Bousfield–Segal spaces (2022)
Managing Generation Z: Motivation, Engagement and Loyalty (2023)
Current research methods in mathematical and computer modelling of motivation management (2023)
The analysis of engagement at the workplace of Generation Z – machine learning in management (2023)
Non-limit-circle and limit-point criteria for symplectic and linear Hamiltonian systems (2023)
Pathogenesis of Alzheimer´s disease: Involvement of the choroid plexus (2023)
Zevní akcelerované ozáření lůžka časného karcinomu prsu s využitím stereotaktických technik – metodologie, technické aspekty a předběžné výsledky prospektivní randomizované studie (2022)
Polynomial null solutions to bosonic Laplacians, bosonic bergman and hardy spaces (2022)
Varieties of ordered algebras as categories (2023)
Classification of homogeneous strictly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in C^3 (2022)
Semilinear fractional elliptic equations with source term and boundary measure data (2022)
Semilinear nonlocal elliptic equations with source term and measure data (2023)
Existence and Multiplicity Results for Nonlocal Lane-Emden Systems (2023)
City services provision assessment algorithm (2022)
Detecting a citizens' activity profile of an urban territory through natural language processing of social media data (2022)
Extraction of hidden topics in urban context based on the Internet publications analysis (2022)
Adjoint functor theorems for homotopically enriched categories (2023)
O nekonečných radoch na strednej škole (2022)
Comparative index and Hörmander index in finite dimension and their connections (2023)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Tameness in generalized metric structures (2023)
Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 across European nations (2023)
Modification of adapted Riccati equation and oscillation of linear and half-linear difference equations (2023)
Geometry of solutions to the c-projective metrizability equation (2023)
AGR2 and TGF-β associated changes in transcriptome and proteome of cancer cell lines (2023)
Kurt Gödel a Brno (1) (2022)
Kurt Gödel a Brno (2) (2023)
On geometry of 2-nondegenerate CR structures of hypersurface type and flag structures on leaf spaces of Levi foliations (2023)
Reductive homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds (2022)
Zkušenosti s objektivním vyšetřením schopnosti polykání pomocí flexibilní endoskopie v letech 2014–2021 (2023)
Decomposable (5, 6)-solutions in eleven-dimensional supergravity (2023)
Real-analytic coordinates for smooth strictly pseudoconvex CR-structures (2022)
Methods of Estimating Parameters of Skewed or Truncated Normal Distribution in the Presence of Observations Outside of Measurable Range (2023)
On the teaching of the infinite series in high school (2023)
Period-Doubling Bifurcation of Cycles in Retarded Functional Differential Equations (2023)
Effects of Frustrated Interactions on Synchronicity in Electrical Power Grids (2023)
Transformation of Master-Slave Systems with Harmonic Terms for Improved Stability in Numerical Continuation (2023)
Using real-time ascertainment rate estimate from infection and hospitalization dataset for modeling the spread of infectious disease: COVID-19 case study in the Czech Republic (2023)
Formal Setting for Period Doubling Bifurcation of Limit Cycles (2023)
Automatic tractography and segmentation using finsler geometry based on higher-order tensor fields (2023)
Limit periodic perturbations of difference systems with coefficients from commutative groups (2023)
Antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato in Clinically Healthy and Sick Horses: First Report from the Czech Republic (2023)
Oscillation and nonoscillation of perturbed nonlinear equations with p-Laplacian (2023)
Oscillation of linear and half-linear difference equations via modified Riccati transformation (2023)
Generalized focal points and local Sturmian theory for linear Hamiltonian systems (2023)
What makes a Stone topological algebra Profinite (2023)
First BGG operators on homogeneous conformal geometries (2023)
Q2 (Quantum Square): Quantum Questions for Social Sciences & Humanities (2023)
Asymptotic properties for solutions of differential equations with singular p(t)-Laplacian (2023)
Sbírka digiúloh pro každého (2023)
Comparative Analysis of Community Detection and Transformer-Based Approaches for Topic Clustering of Scientific Papers (2023)
A sharp characterization of the Willmore invariant (2023)
Minimal coupling of gravitational and electromagnetic fields in General Relativity (2023)
Prediction and self-evaluation of word problem solving as an opportunity to develop the metacognitive potential of primary school students (2023)
Linear Orthosets and Orthogeometries (2023)
Subnetwork constraints for tighter upper bounds and exact solution of the clique partitioning problem (2023)
Methods of dealing with attrition bias due to non-random dropout in models with binary outcome (2023)
Extremal solutions at infinity for symplectic systems on time scales II - Existence theory and limit properties (2023)
A short basis of the Stickelberger ideal of a cyclotomic field (2024)
Annihilators of the Ideal Class Group of an Imaginary Abelian Number Field (2024)
Destabilization of a seasonal synchronization in a population model with a seasonally varying Allee effect (2024)
Toward a classification of conformal hypersurface invariants (2023)
A Borel-Weil theorem for the quantum Grassmannians (2023)
Structured multi-criteria model of self-managed motivation in organizations based on happiness at work: pandemic related study (2023)
Comprehensive Study on Reliability, Deterioration, and Ageing of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric-Powered Aircraft Assessed after a Storage Period Using Functional Data Analysis and Non-Parametric Back up (2023)
Exploring Synchronization Mechanisms via Bifurcation Analysis - A Unified Approach Across Neuronal, Ecological and Physical Realms (2023)
An adaptive method for bandwidth selection in circular kernel density estimation (2024)
DSTLS SINDy Optimizer and regression of Hodgkin-Huxley model onto FitzHugh-Nagumo model (2023)
Recent Advances in Functional Data Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques (2023)
Molecular Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. (Borreliella) and Chlamydia-Like Organism DNA in Early Developmental Stages of Arthropod Vector Species (2023)
Enriched purity and presentability in Banach spaces (2023)
Nekonečno (2023)
Matematika a víra (2019)
PharmAround / CZECRIN workshop (2023)
CoVigi phase IV multicentric trial evaluating COVID-19 vaccination effectiveness, safety, and immune response dynamics: SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody and T-cell response focused on patients with gastrointestinal tumors (2023)
Stimulation of soy seeds using environmentally friendly magnetic and electric fields (2023)
Dag Hrubý ocenén českou Učenou společností (2023)
Metodika výuky středoškolské matematiky (2023)
New Dubrovin-type integrability theory applications of differential rings (2023)
Smallness in topology (2023)
Kardiovaskulární farmakoterapie u pacientek s triple negativním karcinomem prsu před a po léčbě antracykliny (2023)
Kardiovaskulární farmakoterapie u pacientek s triple negativním karcinomem prsu před a po léčbě antracykliny (2023)
Aplikační úlohy na SŠ z oblasti lodní navigace (2023)
Gender differences and worse metastatic survival outcomes in young adult patients with oesophagogastric cancer: 12-year data from a Czech comprehensive cancer center (2023)
Nonlinearizable CR Automorphisms for Polynomial Models in C^N (2023)
Category-colored operads, internal operads, and Markl O-operads (2023)
Zkušenost s podporou ve studiu pro studenty učitelství matematiky na PřF MU (2023)
Bundles of Weyl structures and invariant calculus for parabolic geometries (2023)
Podpora studentů učitelství matematiky - zkušenosti z pilotáže (2023)
Zkušenost s podporou ve studiu pro studenty učitelství matematiky na PřF MU (2023)
Rozhovory s učiteli o výuce Pythagorovy věty (2023)
Ohromující prezentace snadno a rychle - PREZI (2023)
Jak pracovat s týmovými soutěžemi v matematice? (2023)
Wstęp do równań fizyki matematycznej (2023)
Biological factors and self-perception of stress in relation to freeze-like response in humans (2023)
Jewish Networks in the Spread of Early Christianity : A Mathematical Model of Marcionite and Lukan Christianities (2023)
A skew approach to enrichment for Gray-categories (2023)
Weak coupling of neurons enables very high-frequency and ultra-fast oscillations through the interplay of synchronized phase-shifts (2024)
A curvature obstruction to integrability (2023)
Exploring Synchronization Mechanisms via Bifurcation Analysis – A Unified Approach Across Neuronal, Ecological and Physical Realms (2023)
Journal metrics and structures: A dynamic interplay (2023)
Exploring the relationship between structural quality and journal impact factor (2023)
Analýza VEGF -D v séru pacientek s benigními a maligními adnextumory - potenciální přínos pro diferenciální diagnostiku, predikci a screening (2023)
Management tool for epidemic monitoring, analysis, and visualisation (2023)
A note on geometric algebras and control problems with SO(3)-symmetries (2024)
Dysfunkce trupových svalů a chronická bolest dolní části zad u pacientů s myotonickou dystrofií typu 2 (2023)
Kurt na furt! (Sedmikrásky online | 114) (2023)
Finitary Prelinear and Linear Orthosets (2023)
Computing Homotopy Classes for Diagrams (2023)
Losik classes for codimension one foliations (2022)
Non-diffeomorphic Reeb foliations and modified Godbillon-Vey class (2022)
Holonomy groups of Lorentzian manifolds (2015)
How to Find the Holonomy Algebra of a Lorentzian Manifold (2015)
On the de Rham-Wu decomposition for Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds (2014)
About the classification of the holonomy algebras of lorentzian manifolds (2013)
Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with recurrent spinor fields (2013)
Monitoring Encephalitozoon spp. u zvířat ze zoologických zahrad v České republice. Jsou volně žijící hlodavci rezervoárem Encephalitozoon spp.? (2023)
Distance deterrence comparison in urban commute among different socioeconomic groups: A normalized linear piece-wise gravity model (2023)
Poisson problems involving fractional Hardy operators and measures (2023)
Matematické soutěže pohledem učitelů (2023)
Přehled matematických soutěží pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ (2023)
Modelling of Lithium-ion Batteries’ Reliability in Electric-Powered Aircraft (2023)
Modified conformal extensions (2023)
Comparison of 3 Different Systems for Non-wire Localization of Lesions in Breast Cancer Surgery (2023)
Oscillation criterion for linear equations with coefficients containing powers of natural logarithm (2024)
Semilinear elliptic Schrödinger equations involving singular potentials and source terms (2024)
New framework for nanoindentation curve fitting and measurement uncertainty estimation (2024)
Some Remarks on Multisymplectic and Variational Nature of Monge-Ampère Equations in Dimension Four (2023)
Lectures on Poisson Algebras (2023)
Are two H-spaces homotopy equivalent? An algorithmic view point (2023)
Configuration space of a 3-link snake robot model (2024)
Geometric decomposition and its applications (2024)
Are two finite H-spaces homotopy equivalent? (2023)
Curvature in almost-complex and complex geometry (2023)
Geometric structure of a variation of the 3-link snake robot model (2023)
How to solve parallel transport equation on associated vector bundle (2023)
Towers and (rational) homotopy equivalence (an algorithmic viewpoint) (2023)
Enriched purity: towards enriched model theory (2023)
The nature of adjoint functor theorems (2023)
Operadic Grothendieck Construction and Fibrations (2024)
Formal Setting for Period Doubling Bifurcation of Limit Cycles (2022)
Mobility Networks as a Predictor of Socioeconomic Status in Urban Systems (2023)
Prediction of Urban Population-Facilities Interactions with Graph Neural Network (2023)
Urban Zoning Using Intraday Mobile Phone-Based Commuter Patterns in the City of Brno (2023)
Rozvíjíme nadání s Máťou a Vesmou (2023)
Discrete equational theories (2024)
Sensitivity of Individual and Composite Test Scores from the Cogstate Brief Battery to Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Due to Alzheimer's Disease (2023)
Compactifications of indefinite 3-Sasaki structures and their quaternionic Kähler quotients (2024)
Exploring Synchronization Mechanisms via Bifurcation Analysis – A Unified Approach Across Neuronal, Ecological and Physical Realms (2024)
Emergency medicine pharmacotherapy compromises accuracy of plasma creatinine determination by enzyme-based methods: real-world clinical evidence and implications for clinical practice (2024)
Pythagorean triples for linear approximations of probabilistic production streams (2023)
Kalmbach implication in orthomodular posets (2023)
Esenciální olej z kurkumovníku jako repelent (2024)
Porovnání prevalence patogenních mikroorganismů způsobujících nejčastější zoonózy Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., Coxiella burnetii, Erhlichia sp. a Francisella tularensis u volně žijících drobných savců na třech rozdílných lokalitách (okolí skládky, obec a CHKO) (2024)
On Lorentzian connections with parallel skew torsion (2022)
Lorentzian connections with parallel twistor-free torsion (2023)
Metodika výuky středoškolské matematiky. Multimediální elektronický výukový materiál (2023)
A Probabilistic Simulation Framework to Assess the Impacts of Ridesharing and Congestion Charging in New York City (2023)
Oscillation criterion for Euler type half-linear difference equations (2024)
The United States COVID-19 Forecast Hub dataset (2022)
Generalized Willmore energies, Q-curvatures, extrinsic Paneitz operators, and extrinsic Laplacian powers (2024)
Integrální počet v R (2024)
Conformal Fundamental Forms and the Asymptotically Poincare-Einstein Condition (2023)
Semilinear elliptic equations involving power nonlinearities and Hardy potentials with boundary singularities (2023)
Semilinear elliptic Schrödinger equations with singular potentials and absorption terms (2024)
Numerical Modeling of Potential Large Wood Entrainment in Rivers: Application of Hybrid Modeling in the Inter-Dam Reach of the Dyje River, Czechia (2024)
Implication in Sharply Paraorthomodular and Relatively Paraorthomodular Posets (2024)
Urban delineation through a prism of intraday commute patterns (2024)
Kurt Gödel a Brno (3) (2024)
Kurt Gödel Day 2024 (KGD2024) with Czech Gathering of Logicians 2024 (CGL2024) (2024)
Note on singular Sturm comparison theorem and strict majorant condition (2024)
Flag manifolds, symmetric t-triples and Einstein metrics (2012)
Proving isometry for homogeneous Einstein metrics on flag manifolds by symbolic computation (2013)
Different Approaches in the Shape Index Calculation on a Human Face (2023)
Does mutual interference stabilize prey–predator model with Bazykin–Crowley–Martin trophic function? (2024)
Existence of groupoid models for diagrams of groupoid correspondences (2024)
Neuronal network simulation (2024)
Hippocampal subfield volumetric changes after radiotherapy for brain metastases (2024)
High Energy Solutions for p-Kirchhoff Elliptic Problems with Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev Nonlinearity (2024)
Léčba metastatického kolorektálního karcinomu. (2011)
Characterization of modern plastic scintillators containing large stokes-shift luminophores (2023)
Principy protinádorové chemoterapie. (2011)
Metastázy nádorů neznámé primární lokalizace. (2011)
Věta, definice, důkaz na ZŠ? Postřehy z rozhovorů s učiteli o výuce Pythagorovy věty (2024)
Ohromující prezentace ve výuce matematiky – Prezi (2023)
Treatment and Prognosis of Male Breast Cancer: A Multicentric, Retrospective Study Over 11 Years in the Czech Republic (2024)
Different models for estimation of contact area function in instrumented indentation measurements (2019)
Seasonal Photosynthetic Activity in the Crown Compartments of European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) (2024)
Challenges with hippocampal MR spectroscopy as a surrogate for pre-radiotherapy assessment of neurocognitive impairment in patients with brain metastasis (2024)
Toxicity of external beam accelerated partial-breast irradiation (APBI) in adjuvant therapy of early-stage breast cancer: prospective randomized study (2024)
Adjuvant radiotherapy after brain metastasectomy: analysis of consecutive cohort of 118 patients from real world practice (2024)
On 2-categorical infinity-cosmoi (2024)
Factorization systems and double categories (2024)
Destructive nanoindentation techniques to study biological membranes (2024)
Kurkumovník dlouhý: přírodní ochrana proti klíšťatům a jejich patogenům (2024)
Matematika 8 pro každého osmáka a osmačku (2024)
Quasi-neutral dynamics in a coinfection system with N strains and asymmetries along multiple traits (2023)
Complex dynamics in prey-predator systems with cross-coupling: Exploring nonlinear interactions and population oscillations (2024)
Non-oscillation of linear differential equations with coefficients containing powers of natural logarithm (2024)
11C-methionine in the diagnostics and management of glioblastoma patients with rapid early progression: nonrandomized, open label, prospective clinical trial (GlioMET) (2024)
Characterization of Ordered Semigroups Generating Well Quasi-Orders of Words (2024)
Sbírka úloh z elementární geometrie pro studium učitelství 1. stupně základní školy (2024)
Riccati Transformation and Non-Oscillation Criterion for Half-Linear Difference Equations (2024)
Horizons that gyre and gimble: a differential characterization of null hypersurfaces (2024)
The dressing field method for diffeomorphisms: a relational framework (2024)
Profinite Congruences and Unary Algebras (2024)
Střední hodnota v úlohách na střední škole (2024)
Flexible learning and teaching: Thematic Peer Group Report (2024)
Note on the group of vertical diffeomorphisms of a principal bundle & its relation to the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket (2024)
Sbírka úloh z elementární geometrie pro studium učitelství 1. stupně základní školy (2024)
Post-vaccination, post-infection and hybrid immunity against severe cases of COVID-19 and long COVID after infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants, Czechia, December 2021 to August 2023 (2024)
Fibrantly generated weak factorization systems (2024)
How We Perceive Places: Measuring Biomarkers of Stress in Urban Environments Using Personal Exposure Sensors, Deep Learning and Functional Data Analysis (2024)
Matematika pro nematematické obory s aplikacemi v přírodních a technických vědách (2014)
Akademik jako vzdělavatel (2022)
Oscillation of Third-order Nonlinear Neutral Dierential Equations (2017)
Asymptotic problems for functional differential equations via linearization method (2018)
Third Order Differential Equations with Delay (2014)
Third Order Differential Equations with Delay: Property A and Property B (2015)
Decaying Solutions of Delay Differential Equations (2019)
Dvojný a trojný integrál (2022)
Trends in the treatment of human papillomavirus-associated oropharyngeal carcinoma in Slovakia (2024)
Matematika pro ekonomy (2024)
Note on oscillation of neutral differential equations with multiple delays (2024)
Cwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum type inequalities for Hardy-Schrödinger operator (2024)
Loss of normal facial asymmetry in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: Implications for development of brain asymmetry in psychotic illness (2024)
Perspective modelling and measuring discharge voltage on truncated data of long-term stored Li-ion batteries based on functional state space model (2025)
Wildlife as Reservoirs of Encephalitozoon Cuniculi and Encephalitozoon Hellem and Molecular Genotyping of Encephalitozoon spp. in Small Mammals in the Czech Republic (2024)
Semiclassical Moser–Trudinger inequalities (2024)
Boundary value problems for semilinear Schrödinger equations with singular potentials and measure data (2024)
Boundary value problems in Euclidean space for bosonic Laplacians (2024)
TLR4-mediated chronic neuroinflammation has no effect on tangle pathology in a tauopathy mouse model (2024)
Contributions to Generalized Oscillation Theory of Linear Hamiltonian Systems (2024)
Přehled matematických soutěží pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ i studenty SŠ (2024)
Correlating plasma protein profiles with symptomatology and treatment response in acute phase and early remission of major depressive disorder (2024)
Prediction intervals and bands with improved coverage for functional data under noisy discrete observation (2024)
HIV replication and tuberculosis risk among people living with HIV in Europe: A multicohort analysis, 1983–2015 (2024)
Towards Urban Accessibility: Modeling Trip Distribution to Assess the Provision of Social Facilities (2024)
A Perspective on Foundation Models for the Electric Power Grid (2024)
Deep Learning Attention Model for Supervised and Unsupervised Network Community Detection (2023)
METS-R SIM: A simulator for Multi-modal Energy-optimal Trip Scheduling in Real-time with shared autonomous electric vehicles (2024)
A Scalable Spatio-Temporal Analytics Framework for Urban Networks (2023)
Ridership prediction and anomaly detection in transportation hubs: an application to New York City (2022)
Estimating parameters of truncated and skew normal distribution with observations below limit of quantitation (2024)
Methods of estimating parameters of skewed or truncated normal distribution in the presence of observations outside of measurable range (2024)
Aggregated evaluation of production flows in SMEs production systems (2024)
Jak přírodní látky odpuzují klíšťata? (2024)
The gap phenomenon for conformally related Einstein metrics (2024)
"Harry Potter and the Multitudinous Maladies": a retrospective population-based observational study of morbidity and mortality among witches and wizards (2022)
Current real-world evidence on characteristics and treatment patterns of lung cancer in the single cancer center in the Czech Republic - data from Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute registry in 2018-2022 (2024)
Oscillation criterion for generalized Euler difference equations (2024)
Přehled matematických soutěží pro studenty SŠ (2024)
Ochutnávka z matematických kroužků (2024)
New existence results for conjoined bases of singular linear Hamiltonian systems with given Sturmian properties (2025)
Digitální úlohy ve výuce matematiky (2024)
Jsou ucitelé matematiky připraveni využšívat digitalní technologie v hodinách matematiky? (2024)
Úlohy s logickými obvody na střední škole (2024)
Relevance implication and orthomodular posets (2024)
KZ-PSEUDOMONADS AND KAN INJECTIVITY Dedicated to the memory of Marta Bunge (1938-2022) (2024)
On the utility of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in canine neurological disorders (2024)
Weakly Increasing Solutions of Equations with p-Mean Curvature Operator (2024)
Algebraic Reasoning over Relational Structures (2024)
Rozšíření WGCNA pro skupinové porovnávání (2024)
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