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Extension of the Shared Regional PACS CenterMeDiMed to Smaller Healthcare Institutions (2012)
Weak randomness completely trounces the security of QKD (2012)
Encryption with weakly random keys using a quantum ciphertext (2012)
Improving the Hadamard extractor (2012)
Weak randomness seriously limits the security of quantum key distribution (2012)
Sharing of knowledge and resources in regional medical imaging (2012)
ICT Systems Monitoring (2012)
Comment on “Quantum Szilard Engine” (2013)
Kalman filter improvement for gyroscopic mouse movement smoothing (2013)
MEDIMED Shared Regional PACS Center (2013)
Specializovaná mapa s odborným obsahem - Klady listů vybraných mapových děl na území ČR (2015)
Analýza vývoje telekomunikací pro ČEZ Distribuční služby, s.r.o. (2013)
Integration Concept in Regional Medical Imaging (2013)
Cloud-based Testbed for Simulation of Cyber Attacks (2014)
Cloud-based Security Research Testbed: A DDoS Use Case (2014)
Enhancing Network Security: Host Trustworthiness Estimation (2014)
Flow Monitoring Explained: From Packet Capture to Data Analysis With NetFlow and IPFIX (2014)
Next Generation Application-Aware Flow Monitoring (2014)
Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection by Correlation of Modularly Hashed Sketches (2014)
Similarity as a central approach to flow-based anomaly detection (2014)
Device-independent randomness amplification with a single device (2014)
Device-independent randomness extraction from an arbitrarily weak min-entropy source (2014)
Detection of DNS Traffic Anomalies in Large Networks (2014)
Uspořádání vícecestného dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému (2015)
Toward Natural Multi-User Interaction in Advanced Collaborative Display Environments (2016)
DWY Time Series Decomposition Model (2014)
Zálohovací a dohledový systém pro InstantPACS (2014)
Certifikovaná metodika pro tvorbu metadat pro indexy mapových děl (2015)
Device-independent randomness extraction for arbitrarily weak min-entropy source (2014)
Using PKI to Provide Credential Delegation in non Web-based Federations (2015)
Maxwell's Daemon: Information versus Particle Statistics (2014)
Device Independent Random Number Generation (2014)
Deploying Honeypots and Honeynets: Issue of Privacy (2015)
Network-based HTTPS Client Identification Using SSL/TLS Fingerprinting (2015)
Lessons Learned from KYPO – Cyber Exercise & Research Platform Project (2015)
Security Monitoring of HTTP Traffic Using Extended Flows (2015)
High-Density Network Flow Monitoring (2015)
Hardware Accelerated Flow Measurement of 100G Ethernet (2015)
A Survey of Methods for Encrypted Traffic Classification and Analysis (2015)
Optimizing CUDA code by kernel fusion: application on BLAS (2015)
Nonlinear vs. linear biasing in Trp-cage folding simulations (2015)
Accurate Fitting SAXS Curves with NMR Structure Ensembles (2015)
MUSE framework 2.0 (2015)
Právní aspekty interních směrnic – část I. (2015)
Multicast Routing for High-Quality Multimedia Environments: Deployment and New Problems (2015)
Tor-based Malware and Tor Connection Detection (2014)
Právní aspekty interních instrukcí – část II. (2015)
KYPO - Kybernetický polygon (2015)
Software pro konfiguraci a monitorování virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
Software pro vizualizaci virtuálního prostředí KYPO (2015)
High-quality and universal empirical atomic charges for chemoinformatics applications (2015)
Ruby Benchmark Suite using Docker (2015)
KYPO – A Platform for Cyber Defence Exercises (2015)
HTTPS Traffic Analysis and Client Identification Using Passive SSL/TLS Fingerprinting (2016)
A Performance Benchmark of NetFlow Data Analysis on Distributed Stream Processing Systems (2016)
Mapa bibliografických informací tradiční lidové kultury (2015)
High-performance forward error correction: Enabling multi-gigabit flows and beyond on commodity GPU and CPU hardware in presence of packet loss (2016)
Videokonferenční prostředí pro komunikaci vzdálených skupin a způsob komunikace vzdálených skupin v systému videokonferenčního prostředí (2015)
GIS of Traditional Folk Culture (2015)
Závěrečná zpráva STORK e-Academia pilot (2015)
Real-time Analysis of NetFlow Data for Generating Network Traffic Statistics using Apache Spark (2016)
BBMRI-ERIC: the novel gateway to biobanks (2016)
Towards Global Biobank Integration by Implementation of the Minimum Information About Biobank data Sharing (MIABIS 2.0 Core) (2016)
Patient-Specific Biomechanical Modeling for Guidance During Minimally-Invasive Hepatic Surgery (2016)
Preoperative trajectory planning for percutaneous procedures in deformable environments (2016)
Výzkum a vývoj integrace kamerových systémů do medicínského prostředí (C-MED) (2015)
The Challenge of Increasing Safe Response of Antivirus Software Users (2016)
Watermarking in Regional Medical Imaging (2015)
Systém pro distribuci dotazníků v počítačových učebnách (2015)
Optický vláknový inklinometr s Braggovými mřížkami (2015)
Detekce zranitelností a útoků pomocí NetFlow dat, validace zranitelností na systému FlowMon (2015)
Detecting Advanced Network Threats Using a Similarity Search (2016)
RONI Size and another Attributes of Representative Sample of Medical Images in Common Hospital Operation, Related to Securing by Watermarking Methods (2016)
Break your network. Responsibly. (2015)
CoUnSiL: Collaborative Universe for Remote Interpreting of Sign Language in Higher Education (2016)
Výzkum a vývoj integrace kamerových systémů do medicínského prostředí (C-MED) (2015)
První návrh cílové infrastruktury pro provoz systému IRIS (2015)
Iterative Optimization of a Multi-compartmental Air Quality Modelling System (2015)
Network Traffic Characterisation Using Flow-Based Statistics (2016)
Univerzitní systém pro správu osobních digitálních certifikátů (2016)
Combining network and partial least square analyses: epilepsy case study (2016)
Math Indexer and Searcher under the Hood: Fine-Tuning Query Expansion and Unification Strategies (2016)
Vývoj postoje k vědeckým informacím a modelu otevřeného přístupu (2016)
A new approach to fully-reversible watermarking in medical imaging with breakthrough visibility parameters (2016)
Memento – cestování časem na webu (2016)
Network Defence Using Attacker-Defender Interaction Modelling (2016)
NEEMP – nástroj pro parametrizaci EEM (2016)
CoUnSiL: Videoconferencing Environment for Remote Interpreting of Sign Language in Higher Education (2016)
EventFlow: Network Flow Aggregation Based on User Actions (2016)
Uchování digitálního dědictví a systém Archivematica (2016)
Projekt ArcLib – budování systému pro dlouhodobou archivaci digitálních dat v českých knihovnách (2016)
Numerical and experimental investigation of three-dimensional cavitating flow around the straight NACA2412 hydrofoil (2016)
Parametrizace ekvalizace elektronegativity metodou diferenciální evoluce (2016)
On the Design of Security Games: From Frustrating to Engaging Learning (2016)
Impact of ROI coverage on representative signals in atlas based parcellations (2016)
Effect of Preprocessing Pipeline on Functional Connectivity Analysis (2016)
An explicit classical strategy for winning a CHSHq game (2016)
Tight bound on the classical value of generalized Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt games (2016)
AMM and Legal Implications for the Electricity Market (2016)
Zajištění a uchování dat (2016)
On Information Value of Top N Statistics (2016)
Analýza datového provozu jako prevence kybernetických bezpečnostních incidentů (2016)
Practical Multi-pattern Matching Approach for Fast and Scalable Log Abstraction (2016)
Pojetí počítačového systému v trestním právu a jeho důsledky pro zajišťování elektronických důkazů (2016)
NEEMP: software for validation, accurate calculation and fast parameterization of EEM charges (2016)
Informace a data v právu (2016)
Práva k datům spravovaným veřejnými knihovnami ve světle změn informačního zákona (2016)
Komunitní struktura a předzpracování v sítích funkční konektivity (2016)
Guided Optimization Method for Fast and Accurate Atomic Charges Computation (2016)
Accelerated RMSD Calculation for Molecular Metadynamics (2016)
Dynamic connectivity (2016)
Study of attack using honeypots and honeynets lessons learned from time-oriented visualization (2015)
Exchanging Security Events: Which And How Many Alerts Can We Aggregate? (2017)
ScaleText: The Design of a Scalable, Adaptable and User-Friendly Document System for Similarity Searches : Digging for Nuggets of Wisdom in Text (2016)
Access to Telecommunication Data in Criminal Justice in Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
European ICT Law 2016: Texts, Cases, Materials (2016)
Kybernetická bezpečnost a ochrana kritických energetických infrastruktur (2016)
Právní aspekty sledování využití výpočetní techniky zaměstnancem (2016)
Finding Exercise Equilibrium: How to Support the Game Balance at the Very Beginning? (2017)
Bezpečnost ICT ve vnitřních předpisech a školení zaměstnanců (2016)
Non-rigid Contour-Based Registration of Cell Nuclei in 2-D Live Cell Microscopy Images Using a Dynamic Elasticity Model (2018)
Agent-Based Modelling And Simulation For The Geospatial Network Model Of The Roman World (2016)
The effects of different preprocessing pipelines on network measures of functional connectivity (2016)
Large-scale cortico-subcortical functional networks in focal epilepsies: The role of the basal ganglia (2017)
Nejdůležitější dopady všeobecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů (GDPR) (2016)
Stream4Flow: Software for mining and analysis of the large volumes of network traffic (2016)
Česko-slovenské symposium Ochranné známky a průmyslové vzory (2016)
Honeypots and honeynets: issues of privacy (2017)
Jednotka pro vyhodnocování optického inklinometru (2016)
Systém orientace antény satelitního terminálu (2016)
Systém detekce polohy (2016)
Prototyp virtualizovatelné řídící platformy (2016)
Interception of electronic communications in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
Právní problémy kybernetické bezpečnosti (2016)
Tests of Hypotheses in a Set of Spectral Courses Alias Marker Statistics (2016)
Tests of Hypotheses in a Set of LC-MS Profiles (2016)
Model-Based Generation of Synthetic 3D Time-Lapse Sequences of Motile Cells with Growing Filopodia (2017)
Studie pro bezpečné poskytování dat z elektroměru zákazníkovi v místě spotřeby (2016)
A Graph-based Representation of Relations in Network Security Alert Sharing Platforms (2017)
Honeypot Testbed for Network Defence Strategy Evaluation (2017)
Network Defence Strategy Evaluation: Simulation vs. Live Network (2017)
Interception of electronic communications in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
Poskytnout nebo chránit? (2017)
Analyzing an Off-the-Shelf Surveillance Software: Hacking Team Case Study (2017)
Is the Definition of Personal Data Flawed? Hyperlink as Personal Data (Processing) (2017)
On the Sequential Pattern and Rule Mining in the Analysis of Cyber Security Alerts (2017)
Protection of personal data in security alert sharing platforms (2017)
Fialová E. Bezkontaktní čipy a ochrana soukromí (2017)
Rozměry citací v právu a anotační konvence (2017)
Přehled aktuální judikatury I/2017 (2017)
Právní problémy kybernetické bezpečnosti (2016)
Big Data Sanitization and Cyber Situational Awareness: A Network Telescope Perspective (2019)
Situational Awareness: Detecting Critical Dependencies and Devices in a Network (2017)
Flow-Based Detection of IPv6-specific Network Layer Attacks (2017)
Toward Stream-Based IP Flow Analysis (2017)
Fast reconstruction of image deformation field using radial basis function (2017)
Reducing the number of mean-square deviation calculations with floating close structure in metadynamics (2017)
Evaluation of community detection algorithms applied to time-series connectivity networks with dynamical structure (2017)
Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search Using Fulltext Search Engines (2017)
KYPO Cyber Range: Design and Use Cases (2017)
Mathematics Index and Search in DSpace (2017)
Direct SAXS Curve Fitting with an Ensable of Conformations (2016)
Threats and Surprises behind IPv6 Extension Headers (2017)
Nařízení GDPR a jeho implementace na vysokých školách v ČR – jak na to (2017)
Towards a Common Logging and Monitoring Framework for Critical Infrastructures (2017)
Information Sovereignty - Data Privacy, Sovereign Powers and the Rule of Law (2017)
Lessons Learned From Complex Hands-on Defence Exercises in a Cyber Range (2017)
Timely Feedback in Unstructured Cybersecurity Exercises (2018)
Challenges Arising from Prerequisite Testing in Cybersecurity Games (2018)
Flexible Similarity Search of Semantic Vectors Using Fulltext Search Engines (2017)
The Impact of Diverse Preprocessing Pipelines on Brain Functional Connectivity (2017)
Identification of "BRAF-Positive" Cases Based on Whole-Slide Image Analysis (2017)
Information Society Between Orwell and Zapata: A Czech Perspective on Safe Harbours (2017)
Image-driven Stochastic Identification of Boundary Conditions for Predictive Simulation (2017)
Poskytování otevřených dat z rejstříků osob (2017)
Investigating Community Detection Algorithms and their Capacity as Markers of Brain Diseases (2017)
Stock Exchange Interconnections and Legal Issues in Data Exchange (2017)
CaverDock 1.0 (2017)
Autotuning of OpenCL Kernels with Global Optimizations (2017)
Kernel Tuning Toolkit (2018)
Open data v. Personal data protection in Czechia (2017)
European ICT Law 2017: Texts, Cases, Materials (2017)
Dokumenty ke studiu práva informačních a komunikačních technologií (2017)
Reversible Watermarking in Medical Imaging with Zero Distortion in ROI (2017)
Acceleration of Mean Square Distance Calculations with Floating Close Structure in Metadynamics Simulations (2018)
Designing Coherent Gesture Sets for Multi-scale Navigation on Tabletops (2018)
A Decentralized IT Architecture for Locating and Negotiating Access to Biobank Samples (2017)
Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software (2017)
Math Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries (2017)
Passive OS Fingerprinting Methods in the Jungle of Wireless Networks (2018)
Systém pro sběr, uchování a analýzu síťových dat velkého rozsahu (2017)
Conference ARGUMENTATION 2017 (2017)
Přehled aktuální judikatury II/2017 (2017)
Estimating Parameters of Target's Detection Methods (2017)
1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer using a flawed bit-string quantum protocol (2017)
Loss of information in quantum guessing game (2018)
Passive OS Fingerprinting Prototype Demonstration (2018)
Community Based Platform for Vulnerability Categorization (2018)
Physics of the mechanical toy Gee-Haw Whammy Diddle (2018)
MESH satelitní terminál (2017)
Dohledový systém satelitní MESH sítě (2017)
Layered quantum key distribution (2018)
Mapová knihovna munimap (2016)
Telefonní síť MU (2016)
Enhancing Cybersecurity Skills by Creating Serious Games (2018)
Overview and Evaluation of Methods and Tools for Complex Event Processing (2017)
Computation of Kovanic's Expectedness Distributions with the Help of Parallel Computing - Basic Version (with Special References of Health and Environment) (2017)
Towards Predicting Cyber Attacks Using Information Exchange and Data Mining (2018)
Assessing Internet-wide Cyber Situational Awareness of Critical Sectors (2018)
Výzkumná data a výzkumné databáze. Právní rámec zpracování a sdílení vědeckých poznatků (2017)
Machine Learning Fingerprinting Methods in Cyber Security Domain: Which one to Use? (2018)
CRUSOE: Data Model for Cyber Situation Awareness (2018)
Improving Network Flow Definition: Formalization and Applicability (2018)
Rapid Prototyping of Flow-Based Detection Methods Using Complex Event Processing (2018)
Towards Provable Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis via Semi-Labeled Trace Datasets (2018)
Toward Real-time Network-wide Cyber Situational Awareness (2018)
Stream4Flow: Real-time IP Flow Host Monitoring using Apache Spark (2018)
FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells with Growing and Branching Filopodia (2018)
Otevřená data: Současný stav a doporučení pro otevírání (2018)
Evaluation of Cyber Defense Exercises Using Visual Analytics Process (2018)
Přehled aktuální judikatury I/2018 (2018)
Privacy in Public Space: Conceptual and Regulatory Challenges. Timan, T.; Newell, B. C.; Koops, B.-J. (eds.) (2018)
Gathering Insights from Teenagers' Hacking Experience with Authentic Cybersecurity Tools (2018)
INDIGO-DataCloud: A platform to facilitate seamless access to e-infrastructures (2018)
Model-Based Generation of Synthetic 3D Time-Lapse Sequences of Multiple Mutually Interacting Motile Cells with Filopodia (2018)
Scheduling Challenges in a Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure (2017)
MIaS: Math-Aware Retrieval in Digital Mathematical Libraries (2018)
Data-Driven Intelligence for Characterizing Internet-scale IoT Exploitations (2018)
Survey of Attack Projection, Prediction, and Forecasting in Cyber Security (2019)
Annotated Corpus of Czech Case Law for Reference Recognition Tasks (2018)
European ICT Law 2018: Texts, Cases, Materials (2018)
cuFFTAdvisor (2018)
Odpovědnost umělé inteligence a budoucnost průmyslu 4.0 (2018)
Measurements in two bases are sufficient for certifying high-dimensional entanglement (2018)
Zvláštní práva pořizovatele databáze a výjimka úředního díla (2018)
Otevřená data a jejich licencování v České republice (2018)
Právo informačních technologií (2018)
Common ELIXIR Service for Researcher Authentication and Authorisation (2018)
Odpovědnost umělé inteligence a informační útvary bez právní subjektivity (2018)
Kitsch in Legal Argumentation (2017)
Sui generis database right: Internal and External exceptions and limitations (2018)
Privacy risks of internet advertising and how they are and should be addressed by GDPR and ePrivacy (2018)
Towards Learning Analytics in Cybersecurity Capture the Flag Games (2019)
Indexování a vyhledávání matematických formulí (2018)
Intellectual Property On-Line - Exceptions and Limitations (2018)
Real-time Pattern Detection in IP Flow Data using Apache Spark (2019)
Computation of Identification of a Gnostical Regression Model, Robust to Both Input and Output Disturbances with the Help of Parallel Computing–Basic Version (2018)
Quality of Service Forecasting with LSTM Neural Network (2019)
Time Series Analyzer: Software for analysis of performance time series (2018)
Virtualizace právních vztahů a nové regulatorní metody v pozitivním právu (2019)
Přehled aktuální judikatury II/2018 (2018)
Threat Detection Through Correlation of Network Flows and Logs (2018)
Mapa audiovizuálního pole v České republice z hlediska digitalizace a strategie pro jednotný digitální trh (2018)
Current Issues of Malicious Domains Blocking (2019)
DNS Firewall Data Visualization (2019)
Legislativní aspekty dalšího rozvoje v oblasti telemedicíny (2015)
Právní limity nakládání s údaji o zdravotním stavu (2017)
Zpracování osobních údajů v justici (2018)
Performance analysis and autotuning setup of the cuFFT library (2018)
A GPU acceleration of 3-D Fourier reconstruction in cryo-EM (2019)
Metodika bitové ochrany digitálních dat (2019)
The Biobanking Research Infrastructure BBMRI-CZ as a Critical Tool to Enhance Translational Cancer Research (2019)
West-Life: A Virtual Research Environment for structural biology (2019)
CaverDock: A Novel Method for the Fast Analysis of Ligand Transport (2020)
Enabling SSH Protocol Visibility in Flow Monitoring (2019)
Application-Aware Flow Monitoring (2019)
IT Operations Analytics: Root Cause Analysis via Complex Event Processing (2019)
Normalization of Unstructured Log Data into Streams of Structured Event Objects (2019)
Towards an active, autonomous and intelligent cyber defense of military systems: The NATO AICA reference architecture (2018)
Initial Reference Architecture of an Intelligent Autonomous Agent for Cyber Defense (2018)
Datenschutz - Tschechien (2019)
AIDA Framework: Real-Time Correlation and Prediction of Intrusion Detection Alerts (2019)
GDPR Compliance in Cybersecurity Software: A Case Study of DPIA in Information Sharing Platform (2019)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Cyber Defence (2019)
The Future of Network Flow Monitoring (2019)
Trace-Share: Towards Provable Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis (2019)
CaverDock: a molecular docking-based tool to analyse ligand transport through protein tunnels and channels (2019)
Caver Web 1.0: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
A deterministic approach for rapid identification of the critical links in networks (2019)
Procesní aspekty elektronické identifikace dle nařízení eIDAS (2019)
Software pro inteligentní analýzu bezpečnostních událostí (iABU) (2019)
Multi-phase ELAStic Aggregates (MELASA) software tool for modeling anisotropic elastic properties of lamellar composites (2020)
Visual Feedback for Players of Multi-Level Capture the Flag Games: Field Usability Study (2019)
Behavior-Aware Network Segmentation using IP Flows (2019)
Exploiting historical data: pruning autotuning spaces and estimating the number of tuning steps (2019)
Metodika aplikace GDPR na výzkumná data v prostředí vysokých škol v ČR (2018)
An Algorithm for Message Type Discovery in Unstructured Log Data (2019)
Big Data - overview, basic concepts and practical use in research (2019)
KYPO4INDUSTRY: A Testbed for Teaching Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems (2020)
What Are Cybersecurity Education Papers About? A Systematic Literature Review of SIGCSE and ITiCSE Conferences (2020)
Systém pro sdílení a analýzu bezpečnostních událostí (2019)
Benefits and Pitfalls of Using Capture The Flag Games in University Courses (2020)
The Digitization of czech Cultural Heritage amd New Forms of Information Exclusivity (2019)
Procedural and Institutional Backing of Transparency in Algorithmic Processing of Rights (2019)
ltl3tela: LTL to Small Deterministic or Nondeterministic Emerson-Lei Automata (2019)
Value Gap (2019)
Fast Screening of Inhibitor Binding/Unbinding using Novel Software Tool CaverDock (2019)
Procesní aspekty elektronické identifikace dle nařízení eIDAS (2019)
Using TLS Fingerprints for OS Identification in Encrypted Traffic (2020)
Network Monitoring and Enumerating Vulnerabilities in Large Heterogeneous Networks (2020)
Software pro simulaci obecných i kritických informačních infrastruktur (2019)
Software pro detekci a analýzu napadení KII (2019)
Nástroje pro ověřování bezpečnosti SW/HW a simulaci útoků na prvky kritické informační infrastruktury (2019)
Nástroj pro zmírňování a potlačování útoků na kritickou informační infrastrukturu (2019)
Software pro provádění bezpečnostních cvičení a školení (2019)
CEP-Server: Software pro vyhodnocování a dotazování komplexních událostí v doméně ITOA (2019)
Ensuring security of a telemedicine project in compliance with GDPR (2019)
Czech Republic (2018)
European ICT law - thirteenth edition (2019)
Pozvání do kurzu Úvod do library advocacy pro veřejné knihovny (2019)
Library advocacy– efektivní prosazování zájmů knihoven : představení e-learningového kurzu „Úvod do library advocacy pro veřejné knihovny" (2019)
Seminář Open Science (2020)
Úvod do library advocacy pro veřejné knihovny : e-learningový kurz (2020)
Flexibilita známá a neznámá (2019)
Uplatnění agregované flexibility pro PpS a na trzích s energiemi bez negativního vlivu na provozní parametry sítí (2019)
Predictions of Network Attacks in Collaborative Environment (2020)
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Network Security Management (2020)
Conceptual Model of Visual Analytics for Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
A benchmark set of highly-efficient CUDA and OpenCL kernels and its dynamic autotuning with Kernel Tuning Toolkit (2020)
Predictive Cyber Situational Awareness and Personalized Blacklisting: A Sequential Rule Mining Approach (2020)
Defensive perimeter detection by polarization change of the fibre optic signal. In SPIE Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments (2019)
Sensor system for measuring temperature changes using alternative detection of polarization changes (2019)
Měřící modul pro testování závislosti spektrální citlivosti fotodetektoru na prostředí (2019)
Modul pro měření závislosti optickcýh vlastností infračervené diody na prostředí (2019)
Reference Architecture of an Autonomous Agent for Cyber Defense of Complex Military Systems (2020)
The taming of Masaryk University websites (2019)
Cooperation between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement: interaction with the Judiciary (2018)
Quantum-mechanical study of Fe-Al-based intermetallic compounds (2019)
Caver web: identification of tunnels and channels in proteins and analysis of ligand transport (2019)
On the Impact of Flow Monitoring Configuration (2020)
Cyber Situation Awareness via IP Flow Monitoring (2020)
Real-life Experience with Private Cloud hosting Heterogeneous Scientific Workloads (2018)
Graph-based models in prediction and projection of cyber attacks (2020)
MeDiMed (2019)
Legitimita automatizovaného zpracování judikatury (2019)
Traffic and Log Data Captured During a Cyber Defense Exercise (2020)
BBMRI-ERIC’s contributions to research and knowledge exchange on COVID-19 (2020)
Library advocacy ve vysokoškolské knihovně (2020)
SoK: Contemporary Issues and Challenges to Enable Cyber Situational Awareness for Network Security (2020)
Non-repudiable provenance for clinical decision support systems (2021)
Exploiting historical data: Pruning autotuning spaces and estimating the number of tuning steps (2020)
FlexAlign: An Accurate and Fast Algorithm for Movie Alignment in Cryo-Electron Microscopy (2020)
Exploratory Analysis of File System Metadata for Rapid Investigation of Security Incidents (2020)
Session-level Adversary Intent-Driven Cyberattack Simulator (2020)
Prolomení internetové anonymity aneb Vím, kdo jsi a co máš rád (2018)
Právní teorie a praxe cookies (2018)
Cookies nowadays situation (2018)
Exploring Protein Folding Space with Neural Network Guided Simulations (2020)
Dataset of intrusion detection alerts from a sharing platform (2020)
Experimental creation of multi-photon high-dimensional layered quantum states (2020)
The IYPT and the 'Ring Oiler' problem (2020)
Cybersecurity Knowledge and Skills Taught in Capture the Flag Challenges (2021)
Software pro evidenci zranitelností v počítačové síti (2020)
Webová aplikace pro vizualizaci bezpečnostní situace v počítačové síti (2020)
Software pro podporu rozhodování při řešení bezpečnostního incidentu (2020)
Software pro aplikaci reaktivních opatření na prvcích aktivní obrany počítačové sítě (2020)
Host Behavior in Computer Network: One-Year Study (2021)
Zero Watermarking: Critical Analysis of Its Role in Current Medical Imaging (2021)
ANALYZA – Datový sklad (2020)
ANALYZA – Výpočetní a orchestrační subsystém (2020)
ANALYZA – Vizualizační komponenta – Visilant (2020)
High-Dimensional Pixel Entanglement: Efficient Generation and Certification (2020)
Právní aspekty sdílení dat v rámci informačních technologií konceptu Smart City v dopravě a jejich dopady do práva veřejných zakázek (2020)
4D-GRAPHS (2021)
Semi-device-independent random number generation with flexible assumptions (2021)
DeepAlign, a 3D Alignment Method based on Regionalized Deep Learning for Cryo-EM (2021)
Simulation of Ligand Transport in Receptors Using CaverDock (2021)
Learned metric index - proposition of learned indexing for unstructured data (2021)
Nettmap2 - Interaktivní nástroj pro zobrazení síťové topologie vizualizující data z Flowmon řešení (2020)
Quantum Key Distribution Overcoming Extreme Noise: Simultaneous Subspace Coding Using High-Dimensional Entanglement (2021)
Choice of mutually unbiased bases and outcome labeling affecting measurement outcome secrecy (2021)
Software pro generování IP toků v cloudovém prostředí (2020)
Adaptér pro systém pro správu zdrojů (2020)
Software pro sběr dat z vestavěných monitorovacích služeb cloudových platforem (2020)
Simulační prostředí pro testování průmyslových aplikací (2020)
Nástroj pro simulaci chování průmyslových komponent (2020)
An introductory preview of Autonomous Intelligent Cyber-defense Agent reference architecture, release 2.0 (2020)
Stream-Based IP Flow Analysis (2021)
ARCLib (2020)
Projekt ARCLib – vývoj open-source řešení pro dlouhodobou archivaci digitálních dokumentů pro knihovny a další paměťové instituce – aktuální stav (2019)
Enriching DNS Flows with Host-Based Events to Bypass Future Protocol Encryption (2021)
Metric hull as similarity-aware operator for representing unstructured data (2021)
BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator: Implementing Efficient Access to Biobanks (2021)
Device-independent bounds from Cabello's nonlocality argument (2021)
Toolset for Collecting Shell Commands and Its Application in Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
Reinforcing Cybersecurity Hands-on Training With Adaptive Learning (2021)
Scalable Learning Environments for Teaching Cybersecurity Hands-on (2021)
Enabling Trustworthy and Traceable Research by Non-Repudiable Opaque Provenance in a Distributed Environment (2021)
ISO 23494: Biotechnology – Provenance Information Model for Biological Specimen And Data (2021)
Even if users do not read security directives, their behavior is not so catastrophic (2022)
System for Continuous Collection of Contextual Information for Network Security Management and Incident Handling (2021)
Graph-Based CPE Matching for Identification of Vulnerable Asset Configurations (2021)
Model for optimizing quantum key distribution with continuous-wave pumped entangled-photon sources (2021)
Current Challenges in the Educational Usage of 3D Printing in Primary and Secondary Schools (2021)
Data-driven Learned Metric Index: an Unsupervised Approach (2021)
Kernel Tuning Toolkit 2.0 (2021)
Image Processing in Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Single Particles: The Power of Combining Methods (2021)
ASNM Datasets: A Collection of Network Attacks for Testing of Adversarial Classifiers and Intrusion Detectors (2020)
Security and Encryption at Modern Databases (2020)
Birefringence influence on polarization changes and frequency on optical fiber (2020)
Dataset of Shell Commands Used by Participants of Hands-on Cybersecurity Training (2021)
The Current State of The Art and Future of European Cyber Range Ecosystem (2021)
Screening of world approved drugs against highly dynamical spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 using CaverDock and machine learning (2021)
Evaluating Two Approaches to Assessing Student Progress in Cybersecurity Exercises (2022)
MeteoRead: Client Software for Inserting Observed Atmospheric Data into MySQL Database and Downloading them into Different File Format (2021)
Using hardware performance counters to speed up autotuning convergence on GPUs (2022)
Similarity Search for an Extreme Application: Experience and Implementation (2021)
Implementace komunikačních rozhraní v monitorovacích systémech přenosových soustav (2021)
Automated annotations of epithelial cells and stroma in hematoxylin–eosin-stained whole-slide images using cytokeratin re-staining (2022)
Pathways for Entanglement-Based Quantum Communication in the Face of High Noise (2021)
Cloud Native Data Platform for Network Telemetry and Analytics (2021)
Searching CUDA code autotuning spaces with hardware performance counters: data from benchmarks running on various GPU architectures (2021)
Představení BBMRI-CZ jako partnera pro výzkum v oblasti translační medicíny (2020)
BBMRI-CZ as a Partner for Personalized Medicine and Translational Medical Research (2020)
Frequency Changes Due to Birefringence in the Optical Polarization Maintaining Fibre Sensor (2020)
Expanding the BBMRI-ERIC Directory into a Global Catalogue of COVID-19–Ready Collections: A Joint Initiative of BBMRI-ERIC and ISBER (2020)
Preventing Cheating in Hands-on Lab Assignments (2022)
HTTPS Event-Flow Correlation: Improving Situational Awareness in Encrypted Web Traffic (2022)
CRUSOE: A Toolset for Cyber Situational Awareness and Decision Support in Incident Handling (2022)
Vizualizace dat jako informační bariéra u nevidomých uživatelů (2021)
Software pro měření a vyhodnocení výkonnostních parametrů (2021)
Student Assessment in Cybersecurity Training Automated by Pattern Mining and Clustering (2022)
E-Banking Security Study — 10 Years Later (2022)
Usable Security from IT Professional's Perspective (2021)
The EurOPDX Data Portal: an open platform for patient-derived cancer xenograft data sharing and visualization (2022)
Complex simulation workflows in containerized high-performance environment (2021)
Property Map Collective Variable as a Useful Tool for a Force Field Correction (2022)
Prototyp IoT senzoru koncentrace CO2 (2021)
The Cost of Improving the Precision of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Quantum Chemistry (2022)
The Long Fiber Optic Paths to Power the Thermal Field Disturbance Sensor (2021)
3D tisk a jeho uplatnění na základních a středních školách (2021)
Identification of Attack Paths Using Kill Chain and Attack Graphs (2022)
Software pro správu a řízení měření v cloudovém prostředí (2021)
Integrovaný aktivní monitorovací systém pro pacienty s externími kardiostimulátory (2021)
Framework a postupy pro vzdělávání CSIRT týmů (2021)
Kyberbezpečnost lékařských přístrojů (2021)
Virtualizované prostředí pro trénink CSIRT týmu (2021)
Software pro generování datového provozu pro monitorovací a řídicí systémy TSO na protokolech ICCP-TASE.2 a IEC 60870-5-101 (2021)
Dílčí projekt „CovidCareShare – Bezpečné sdílení medicínských dat v období pandemie Covid19“ Výsledek V2 – Studie proveditelnosti (2021)
Dílčí projekt „CovidCareShare – Bezpečné sdílení medicínských dat v období pandemie Covid19“ Výsledek V1 – Architektura systému pro bezpečné sdílení medicínských dat (2021)
Encrypted Web Traffic Dataset: Event Logs and Packet Traces (2022)
Handling Internet Activism during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: A Campus Network Perspective (2022)
Applications of Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics on Data From Cybersecurity Training (2022)
Implementation of quantum compression on IBM quantum computers (2022)
Improving ligand transport trajectory within flexible receptor in CaverDock (2022)
Mission-centric Decision Support in Cybersecurity via Bayesian Privilege Attack Graph (2022)
Best-Practice Aspects of Quantum-Computer Calculations: A Case Study of the Hydrogen Molecule (2022)
Finite-Function-Encoding Quantum States (2022)
Self-testing quantum states via nonmaximal violation in Hardy's test of nonlocality (2022)
SoK: Applications and Challenges of using Recommender Systems in Cybersecurity Incident Handling and Response (2022)
Current Challenges of Cyber Threat and Vulnerability Identification Using Public Enumerations (2022)
ObservableDB: An Inverted Index for Graph-Based Traversal of Cyber Threat Intelligence (2022)
Effective Teaching through Multidisciplinary Lessons Adopting 3D Print – Preliminary Study (2022)
Reconstructing of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel using state-of-the-art molecular and bioinformatics tools (2022)
The Common Provenance Model: Capturing Distributed Provenance in Life Sciences Processes (2022)
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Extended Work on Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques (2022)
Learned Indexing in Proteins: Substituting Complex Distance Calculations with Embedding and Clustering Techniques (2022)
Prediction of QM-like partial atomic charges for alphafold (2022)
Collective Variable for Metadynamics Derived From AlphaFold Output (2022)
Creation and detection of malicious synthetic media - a preliminary survey on deepfakes (2022)
Practical lessons of (deep)faking human speech (2022)
The dawn of a text-dependent society: deepfakes as a threat to speech verification systems (2022)
E-Banking Authentication - Dynamic Password Generators and Hardware Tokens (2022)
Simulations of DAG-based Blockchain Protocols and Attacks on the PHANTOM Protocol via Transaction Selection Strategies (2022)
Deepfakes - zábava, nebo hrozba? (2022)
Using Kubernetes in Academic Environment : Problems and Approaches (2023)
Designing Adaptive Cybersecurity Hands-on Training (2022)
Podporujeme nadané prvňáčky (2022)
Výtvaření výukových modelů pomocí technologie 3D tisku (2022)
Vytváření výukových modelů pomocí technologie 3D tisku (2022)
3D tisk jako příležitost pro vytváření výukových modelů pro výuku přírodopisu a biologie (2022)
Detection of Malicious Code in SSH programs. (2022)
Nextflow in Bioinformatics: Executors Performance Comparison Using Genomics Data (2023)
3D tisk jako příležitost pro vytváření výukových modelů pro výuku přírodopisu a biologie (2022)
Dohledové centrum pro monitorování výrobních informačních systémů (2022)
Software pro integrovaný datový pohled na chráněnou infrastrukturu (2022)
Software pro podporu orchestrace bezpečnosti a řízení životního cyklu hrozeb (2022)
Kolaborativní prostředí pro členy bezpečnostních týmů (2022)
Software pro přípravu a realizaci bezpečnostních her (2022)
Metodika programu odpovědného hlášení kyberbezpečnostních zranitelností (2022)
Sada metodických, organizačních a právních nástrojů pro realizaci procedur odpovědného hlášení kyberbezpečnostních zranitelností a poskytnutí relevantních vzorových dokumentů (pravidla a podmínky RVDP, poskytnutí detailních vzorových podkladů, dokumentů atp. se zaměřením na soukromou i veřejnou správu vč. popisu relevantních parametrů) (2022)
Capability Assessment Methodology and Comparative Analysis of Cybersecurity Training Platforms (2023)
AI for Life: Trends in Artificial Intelligence for Biotechnology (2023)
Event-Flow Correlation for Anomaly Detection in HTTP/3 Web Traffic (2023)
Automatic storing, sharing and archiving datasets with Onedata (2022)
Automating scientific dataset management and processing using Onedata (2022)
Managed Kubernetes — Next Gen Academic Infrastructure? (2022)
Security Operations Center (SOC) aneb nepřeceňujte jeden článek systému (část I.) (2022)
Security Operations Center (SOC) aneb nepřeceňujte jeden článek systému (část II.) (2022)
Security Operations Center (SOC) aneb nepřeceňujte jeden článek systému (část III.) (2022)
Kombinovaná jednotka postavená na PM vláknovém senzoru a FGB (2022)
Vyhodnocovací elektronika včetně řídícího SW (2022)
Kaskádní zapojení sady PM vláknových senzorů v DWDM rastru 50GHz (2022)
Fiber optic polarization temperature sensor for biomedical and military security systems (2022)
Want to Raise Cybersecurity Awareness? Start with Future IT Professionals. (2023)
How can network traffic lie? (2023)
Alphacharges - a web service for calculating QM-like partial atomic charges for AlphaFold proteins (2022)
Analýza systému pro podporu efektivní spolupráce distribuovaných zdravotnických týmů (2022)
Organizační, technický a právní model sdíleného SOC (2022)
Software pro sběr a vyhodnocení dat z bezpečnostních her (2022)
Software inteligentního asistenta pro hraní bezpečnostních her (2022)
Analytická studie rozvoje a nasazení SOC (2022)
Platforma pro realizaci kyberbezpečnostních kurzů (2022)
Toward a common standard for data and specimen provenance in life sciences (2024)
Passive Operating System Fingerprinting Revisited: Evaluation and Current Challenges (2023)
Integrace technologie 3D tisku do výuky na základních a středních školách. Ověřená metodika (2022)
Privacy risks of whole-slide image sharing in digital pathology (2023)
αCharges: partial atomic charges for AlphaFold structures in high quality (2023)
Integrace technologie 3D tisku do výuky na základních a středních školách. Ověřená metodika (2022)
3D tisk a jeho uplatnění na základních a středních školách (2023)
Integrace technologie 3D tisku do výuky na základních a středních školách. Ověřená metodika (2022)
A survey of the European Open Science Cloud services for expanding the capacity and capabilities of multidisciplinary scientific applications (2023)
xOpat: eXplainable Open Pathology Analysis Tool (2023)
An Evaluation of EDAM Coverage in the Tools Ecosystem and Prototype Integration of Galaxy and Workflowhub Systems. (2023)
Building OpenStack Cloud with Kubernetes as Undercloud (2023)
Easy Deployment of Dask and Jupyter Notebooks on Managed Kubernetes (2023)
A Case Study on the Impact of Forensic-Ready Information Systems on the Security Posture (2023)
Cloudification of scientific experimental data using Onedata (2023)
Reproducible experiments with Learned Metric Index Framework (2023)
CICM'21 Systems Entries (2021)
"Be Sustainable Recommendations" for FAIR Resources in Life Sciences research: EOSC-Life's Lessons (2023)
Zpracování dat na CEITECu (2023)
BIBBOX, a FAIR toolbox and App Store for Life Science Research (2023)
Provenance of specimen and data – A prerequisite for AI development in computational pathology (2023)
Integration of 3D printing technology into teaching in primary and secondary schools. Certified Methodology (2023)
Enhancing Data Accessibility: Strategies and Tools for Effective Metadata Management (2023)
Shedding light on the black box of a neural network used to detect prostate cancer in whole slide images by occlusion-based explainability (2023)
SISAP 2023 Indexing Challenge – Learned Metric Index (2023)
Beskar Cloud: OpenStack Deployment on Top of Kubernetes (2023)
Onedata4Sci: Life-science experimental datasets management system (2023)
Public (Health) Sector and Academia (2023)
Umbrella Data Management Plans to Integrate FAIR Data: Lessons From the ISIDORe and BY-COVID Consortia for Pandemic Preparedness (2023)
By leaps and bounds: From in vitro lung tissue models to fostering collaboration in science (2023)
Introduction to Onedata at CEITEC MU and in Czech National Repository Platform (2023)
Acceleration of Molecular Simulations by Parametric Time-Lagged tSNE Metadynamics (2024)
Integration of 3D printing technology into teaching in primary and secondary schools. Certified Methodology (2023)
Výuková pomůcka - soubor výukových pomůcek pro integraci technologie 3D tisku do výuky na základních a středních školách (2023)
Enhancing Cybersecurity Education in Europe: The REWIRE's Course Selection Methodology (2023)
Getting your DUCs in a row - standardising the representation of Digital Use Conditions (2024)
Leveraging BBMRI-ERIC for XAI Research in Digital Pathology (2024)
Proposal for a framework of contextual metadata in selected research infrastructures of the life sciences and the social sciences & humanities (2024)
Quantum Chemistry-Based Prediction of Electron Ionization Mass Spectra for Environmental Chemicals (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of ESM Atlas (2024)
LMI-10: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
GraSR: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
LMI-30: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
Fast, structure-based searching in a large-scale protein data repository (2024)
3DZD: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB v4 (2024)
3D-af-Surfer: Protein structural embeddings of AlphaFold DB (2024)
AlphaFind: Discover structure similarity across the entire known proteome – data and model (2024)
Interpreting convolutional neural network classifiers applied to laser-induced breakdown optical emission spectra (2024)
Analysis of metadynamics simulations by (2024)
Scientific Dataset Management System for the Research Institute Based on Onedata (2024)
Beyond Metadata: Leveraging Similarity Search in Molecular Dynamics Data (2024)
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