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Association of DNA polymorphism within the renin-angiotensin system with pregnancy - induced hypertension (1997)
Genetic polymorphism of RAGE and diabetic late skin complications (1998)
Novel mutations in gene for receptor of advanced glycation end products (RAGE) and diabetic late skin complications (1998)
Frequency of the Leiden mutation and variant 4G/5G PAI-1 among women with pregnancy-induced hypertension (1998)
Frequency of the Leiden mutation and the promotor variant 4G/5G of PAI-1 gene among woman with pregnancy-induced hypertension. (1998)
Interaction of genetic variability of the genes for angiotensinogen and endothelin-1 at the onset of essential hypertension (1998)
Novel polymorphisms in the gene encoding RAGE associated with diabetic microangiopathy (1999)
Association of G82S Polymorphism in the RAGE gene With Skin Complications in Type 2 Diabetes (1999)
Interaction of five gene polymorphism at psoriasis (1999)
Lack of association between pregnancy-induced hypertension and familial thrombophilia in a Czech population (2000)
Polymorphisms 1704G/T, 2184A/G and 2245G/A in the RAGE gene influence antioxidant status in NIDDM (2000)
Identification of novel common polymorphisms in the promoter region of the TIMP-3 gene in Czech population (2000)
Factor V Leiden in Patients with recurrent Fetal Loss (2000)
Podíl glykoxidace na progresi diabetických komplikací (2000)
Polymorphisms in the RAGE gene influence susceptibility to diabetes-associated microvascular dermatoses in NIDDM (2001)
Transkripční faktory Rel/NF-kB a jejich biologické funkce (2001)
Polymorphisms in inflammation genes(angiotensinogen, TAP1 and TNF-beta) in psoriasis (2000)
Duration of NIDDM and the TNFb NcoI genotype as predictive factors in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2001)
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism, type II diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease and essential hypertension in Czech population (2001)
Lack of an Association of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Promoter of the Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Gene in Czech Women with Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension. (2001)
New Monoclonal Antibodies Recognizing p53 Protein Phosphorylated by Casein Kinase II at Serine 392 (2001)
Polymorphisms 1704G/T and 2184A/G in the RAGE gene are associated with antioxidant status (2001)
Distribution of the RAGE gene polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis: a preliminary study (2001)
Polymorphisms 1704G/T, 2184A/G and 2245G/A in the RAGE gene are not associated with diabetic retinopathy in NIDDM - Pilot study (2002)
Activation of p53 protein to sequence-specific DNA binding by its phosphorylation (2001)
Antioxidative status correlates with the severity of diabetes-associated dermatoses in NIDDM (2001)
Effect of glycooxidation on the development of late skin diabetic complications in NIDDM (2001)
Polymorphism NcoI in tumor necrosis factor b is associated with fasting glycemia and lipid parameters in healthy non-obese Caucasian subjects: Preliminary report (2002)
Polymorphism R25P in the gene encoding Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-b1) is a newly identified risk factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2002)
Relations among serum ferritin, C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Czech population (2002)
Gene polymorphisms (G82S,1704G/T, 2184A/G and 2245G/A) in the receptor of advanced glycation end products (RAGE) with plaque psoriasis (2002)
Polymorphism R25P in the gene encoding Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-b1) is a newly identified risk factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2002)
Polymorphism 2184A/G in the gene encoding Receptor of Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE) is a newly identified risk factor for diabetic nephropathy (2002)
Polymorphisms in the von Willebrand factor gene are not associated with proliferative retinopathy in NIDDM (2002)
Genetic variation in the promoter region of the basic Fibroblast Growth Factor gene (bFGF) (2002)
Three novel polymorphisms in the promoter region of the TIMP-3 gene are not associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus (2003)
Relationship between genetic polymorphism of antioxidant enzymes and diabetic complications (2003)
Relationship between genetic polymorphisms within the pro-oxidant/antioxidant systems and diabetic nephropathy - preliminary results (2003)
Role of genetic variability in systems of receptor-mediated and enzymatic defence against glycation in long-term consequences of diabetes mellitus (2003)
Patologická fyziologie pro bakalářské studijní programy (2003)
Molekulární patofyziologie pozdních komplikací diabetu mellitus - hyperglykemií indukované změny (2004)
Novější poznatky o metabolizmu železa a jeho poruchách (2004)
Migration Stimulating Factor (MSF/FN70): a genetically truncated fibronectin expressed by carcinoma and tumor-associated stromal cells (2003)
Mapování vazebné nerovnováhy SNP v RAGE a GLY1 genech a identifikace haplotypového markeru diabetické nefropatie u T2DM v České populaci (2004)
Molekulární patofyziologie pozdních komplikací diabetu mellitus - genetická predispozice k rozvoji diabetických komplikaci (2005)
Multilocus approach to the identification of genetic risk factors for diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes (2004)
Patogenetická role přetížení železem u jaterních onemocnění (2004)
Haplotype analysis of the RAGE gene: identification of a haplotype marker for diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus (2005)
Genetic variability in the RAGE gene: Possible implications for nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and understanding the susceptibility to diabetic complications (2005)
Identifikace genetických rizikových faktor diabetické nefropatie u T2DM v genech pro EDN1, LTA, RAGE a NOS3 pomocí multilokusové analýzy (2005)
Association of the Cluster of Genetic Risk Factors in Loci Related to Glycoxidation with Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (2005)
Vybrané kapitoly z patologické fyziologie: Poruchy metabolizmu a výživy (2005)
Activities of antioxidative enzymes and lipoperoxidation in patients after tracheotomy (2005)
Functional polymorphism in the manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) gene in patients with asthma (2006)
Relationship between genetic polymorphisms in the GPx1, MnSOD and CAT genes and clinical manifestation of increased oxidative stress following tracheotomy - preliminary results (2005)
Antioxidative Enzymes Polymorphisms and Membranous Tracheobronchitis as Serious Complication after Tracheotomy (2004)
A keratinocyte-produced inhibitor is differentially active against two isoforms of MSF (2006)
Role genetické variability vybraných antioxidačních enzymů u diabetické nefropatie - pilotní výsledky (2006)
Relationship between circulating levels of soluble RAGE (sRAGE) and genetic variability in the AGER gene in subjects with diabetic nephropathy (2006)
Korelace zvýšeného oxidativního stresu s negativní prognózou u spinocelulárního karcinomu hlavy a krku (2006)
Oxidativní stres a spinocelulární karcinom hlavy a krku (2006)
Increased level of malondialdehyde as negative prognostic factor for recurrent HNSCC (2006)
Increased plasma levels of sRAGE in patients with diabetic nephropathy (2006)
Role of genetic variability in antioxidant and DNA reparation enzymes in diabetic nephropathy (2006)
Antioxidant and DNA reparation enzyme genetic polymorphism as a pathogenic factor of diabetic nephropathy (2006)
Evaluation of migration-stimulating factor expression for breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis (2006)
Genetic risk factors for diabetic nephropathy on chromosomes 6p and 7q identified by the set-association approach (2007)
Haplotype analysis of the region of 6p chromosome spanning the AGER – TNFA – LTA – NFKBIL1 – BAT1 loci: Preliminary results of association study with diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy (2006)
Praktikum z patologické fyziologie (2007)
HFE C282Y gene variant is a risk factor for the progression to decompensated liver disease in chronic viral hepatitis C subjects in Czech population (2007)
Genetická variabilita transketolázy a diabetická nefropatie - pilotní studie (2007)
SNPs in adipokines - adiponectin and leptin - as risk factors for diabetic complications: evidence for a "double-hit" mechanism? (2007)
Two common polymorphisms in leptin and adiponectin genes are not associated with preeclampsia in the Czech population (2007)
Transketolase (TKT) gene variability as a potencial susceptibility factor for diabetic nephropathy (2007)
Haplotype-based association study between the region of 6p chromosome spanning the AGER - TNFA - LTA - NFKBIL1 - BAT1 and diabetic nephropathy (2007)
Haplotype analysis of NADPH oxidase p22phox gene in Czech patients with bronchial asthma (2007)
Nutrient-gene interactions in diabetes - advanced glycation end products (AGEs) (2007)
Increased activity of superoxid dismutase in advanced stages of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma with locoregional metastases (2007)
Co-Expression by Keratinocytes of Migration Stimulating Factor (MSF) and a Functional Inhibitor of its Bioactivity (MSFI) (2007)
Vybrané přednášky z prediktivní genetiky (2007)
Diabetic threesome (hyperglycemia, renal function and nutrition) and advanced glycation end products: evidence for the multiple-hit agent? (2008)
HFE C282Y gene variant is a risk factor for the progression to decompensated liver diseases in chronic viral hepatitis C subjects in the Czech population. (2007)
Genetic variation and plasma level of the basic fibroblast growth factor in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2007)
Soluble RAGE, diabetic nephropathy and genetic variability in the AGER gene (2008)
Genetic variations and plasma levels of the Gelatinase A (matrix metalloproteinase-2) and Gelatinase B (matrix metalloproteinase-9) in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2008)
Polymorphism in the pentose phosphate cycle enzymes as a modifier of hyperglycemia toxicity in diabetic nephropathy (2008)
Variabilita antioxidačních a reparačních enzymů a parametry oxidačního stresu a reparace DNA u diabetu mellitus (2008)
Haplotype analysis of the NADPH oxidase p22phox gene in patients with bronchial asthma (2009)
Diabetická nefropatie, solubilní RAGE a genetická variabilita AGER genu (2008)
Genetic variability in the pentose phosphate cycle enzymes as a treatment-independent modifier of hyperglycemia toxicity in diabetic nephropathy (2008)
Thiamine Status and Genetic Variability in the Pentose Phosphate Cycle Enzymes as Risk Factors for Diabetic Nephropathy (2008)
RAGE gene variants and disease activity in young and adult patients with Crohn disease (2008)
Is there any link between severe pre-eclampsia and defined polymorphisms in leptin and adiponectin genes? (2008)
Cena prof. Ježka za nejlepší publikaci v oboru virových hepatitid v roce 2007 udělená Českou hepatologickou společností a firmou Schering-Plough . (2008)
Cena České diabetologické společnosti a společnosti Servier za nejlepší originální práci v oblasti diabetologie za rok 2007 (2008)
Malondialdehyde as a prognostic parameter in squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity and oropharynx (2008)
Functional analysis of the susceptibility haplotype in the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products gene and its role in the hyperglycemia-driven pathology (2008)
Promotor and intron variants in the RAGE gene influence its transcriptional activity (2008)
Diabetická nefropatie- renální funkce a hladina sRAGE, genet. variabilita AGER genu (2008)
Praktikum z patologické fyziologie (2000)
Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses (2008)
Laureátka “Stipendia pro ženy ve vědě 2006 L’Oréal/UNESCO/Akademie věd ČR” (2007)
The role of the Receptor of Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE) in the progression of diabetic microangiopathy (2002)
Perioperační hladina malondialdehydu jako prognostický onkologický marker časné recidivy u orofaryngeálních karcinomů (2008)
Parameters of oxidative stress predicting outcome of oncotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity and oropharynx (2008)
Prediktivní hodnota hladiny oxidativního stresu u spinocelulárních karcinomů dutiny ústní a orofaryngu (2008)
Identification and role of migration stimulating factor isoforms in breast carcinomas (2008)
Cena České diabetologické společnosti a společnosti Servier za nejlepší originální práci v oblasti diabetologie za rok 2008 (2009)
Vztah mezi hladinami methylovaných argininů (ADMA a SDMA), genetickou variabilitou v reninangiotenzinovém systému a postižením ledvin u diabetes mellitus 2. typu (2009)
Relationships between levels of methylated arginine (ADMA), genetic variability of the reninangiontensin system and diabetic kidney disease (2009)
Functional analysis of the common haplotype in the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products gene previously identified as a susceptibility factor for diabetic nephropathy (2010)
HPLC Measurement of Thiamine and its Phosphorylated Forms in Whole Blood and Plasma: Thiamine Status Assessment (2009)
Thiamine levels and transketolase genetic variants as modifiers of progression of diabetic nephropathy (2009)
Progression of diabetic nephropathy vs. cross-talk between genetic variability in the RAAS system and its pharmacologic blockade: Results of 7-years observational pharmacogenetic study (2009)
Elevated Malondialdehyde Correlates with the Extent of Primary Tumor and Predicts Poor Prognosis of Oropharyngeal Cancer (2009)
Does perioperative level of oxidative stress predict early recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity? (2009)
Matrix metalloproteinase-2 promoter variability in psoriasis (2009)
Funkční deficit pentózového cyklu jako důsledek abnormálního metabolizmu thiaminu ve vztahu k progresi diabetické nefropatie a k mortalitě (2010)
Role genetické variability genu pro fruktosamin-3-kinázu v progresi diabetické nefropatie a mortalitě diabetiků (2010)
Cena České diabetologické společnosti a společnosti Servier za nejlepší originální práci v oblasti diabetologie za rok 2009 (2010)
Crohn's disease activity versus extent of DNA damage/repair and variability in the RAGE gene (2010)
High perioperative level of oxidative stress as a prognostic tool for identifying patients with a high risk of recurrence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (2010)
Three novel polymorphisms in the promoter region of the TIMP 3 gene are not associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus (2003)
Role of thiamine status and genetic variability in transketolase and other pentose phosphate cycle enzymes in the progression of diabetic nephropathy (2010)
Does genetic variability in the fructosamine-3-kinase play a role in the progression of diabetic nephropathy, morbidity and mortality of diabetics? (2010)
Role of thiamine status and genetic variability in transketolase and other pentose phosphate cycle enzymes in the progression of diabetic nephropathy (2010)
Vztah progrese diabetické nefropatie a mortality k funkčnímu deficitu pentózového jako důsledku abnormálního metabolizmu thiaminu u DM (2010)
Progrese diabetické nefropatie a role abnormálního metabolizmu thiaminu při funkčním deficitu pentózového cyklu u diabetu (2010)
Abnormální metabolizmus thiaminu u DM jako důsledek funkčního deficitu pentózového cyklu a vztah k progresi diabetické nefropatie a mortalitě (2010)
Parameters of oxidative stress, DNA damage and DNA repair in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (2011)
The asociation of diabetic nephropathy, progression and mortality to functional pentose cycle deficiency as a result of abnormal metabolism od thiamine in DM (2010)
Genetická determinace věku diagnózy diabetes mellitus 2. typu? Revidovaná koncepce "střádavého genotypu" - editorial (2011)
Genetická asociační a funkční analýza kandidátních genů pro rozvoj diabetu a diabetické nefropatie MRAS a HNF1A (2011)
Poměr L-arginin/ADMA jako prediktor progrese diabetické nefropatie (2011)
Predictive role of un-/methylated arginine balance (L-arginine/ADMA ratio) in the progression of diabetic nephropathy (2011)
Pilot application of multi-locus and time-to-event analysis to ascertain genetic risk factors for diabetic nephropathy and related adverse outcomes of diabetes mellitus (2011)
Pharmacogenetics of diabetic nephropathy (2011)
Diabetic nephropathy - Pharmacogenomics and variability in genes of renin-angiotensin-aledosterone system (2011)
Association of Interleukin-8 Gene Polymorphisms with Periodontitis and Subgingival Bacterial Colonization in the Czech Population (2011)
Význam RAGE polymorfizmov v progresii diabetickej nefropatie (2012)
L-arginin a jeho methylované formy ve vztahu k diabetické nefropatii (2011)
Association of Interleukin-1 Gene Polymorphisms with Chronic Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus (2012)
Vztah hypertenze a hladiny sRAGE u pacientnů s diabetickou nefropatií a genetická variabilita AGER genu (2011)
Účinok hyperglykémie na aktivitu pentózového cyklu in vitro (2012)
Farmakogenetické aspekty progrese diabetické nefropatie ve vztahu k renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronovému systému (2012)
Určení rizikových genetických faktorů u diabetické nefropatie kombinací multilokusové analýzy a analýzy přežívání – výsledky pilotní studie (2012)
Vliv kandidátních genů IGF2BP2 a IGF2 na rozvoj diabetu a diabetické nefropatie (2012)
Farmakogenetické aspekty progrese diabetické nefropatie ve vztahu k renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronovému systému u pacientů s diabetem 1. a 2. typu (2012)
The effect of hyperglycaemia on parameters affecting activity of pentose phosphate pathway in vitro (2012)
Association between three single nucleotide polymorphisms in eotaxin (CCL 11) gene, hexanucleotide repetition upstream and severity of coronary atherosclerosis (2012)
Association between three single nucleotide polymorphisms in eotaxin (CCL 11) gene, hexanucleotide repetition upstream, severity and course of coronary atherosclerosis (2012)
ADMA, SDMA and L-arginine/ADMA ratio but not DDAH genetic polymorphisms are reliable predictors of diabetic nephropathy progression as identified by competing risk analysis (2012)
Progression of diabetic nephropathy and genetic variability in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system: evidence for pharmacogenetic effects? (2012)
Genetic variability in the RAGE gene and sRAGE levels do not predict diabetes-related morbidity and mortality (2012)
Metalothionein a jeho role v detoxikaci těžkých kovů a predispozici k chorobám (2012)
Genetic and Functional Analyses of MRAS and HNF1A Genes in Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy (2012)
Determination of oxidative stress and activities of antioxidant enzymes in guinea pigs treated with haloperidol (2013)
Cancer as a metabolic disease and diabetes as a cancer risk? (2012)
Genetic variability in enzymes of metabolic pathways conferring protection against non-enzymatic glycation versus diabetes-related morbidity and mortality (2014)
Časná poporodní konverze gestačního diabetes mellitus do permanentního diabetu či prediabetu v České republice: epidemiologická studie (2013)
Assessment of risk factors for early post-partum conversion of gestational diabetes mellitus to permanent diabetes mellitus or persistent impaired glucose tolerance in Czech Republic (2013)
Predikce rizika konverze gestačního diabetes mellitus do permanentního post partum diabetu/prediabetu pomocí běžných parametrů stanovovaných v 2. trimestru gravidity (2013)
Hladiny těžkých kovů a jejich vazebných proteinů u diabetiků 2. typu s postižením ledvin (2013)
Blood levels of heavy metals and metallothionein in type 2 diabetics with kidney disease (2013)
Variation in the genes for thiamine transporters is not a risk factor for diabetes-related morbidity and mortality (2013)
Vztah polymorfizmů v genu pro interleukin-1 k onemocnění chronickou parodontitidou a diabetes mellitus (2013)
NOS3 polymorphisms are associated with progression of kidney and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetic patients (2013)
Lack of prognostic value of resting heart rate on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in T2DM patients (2013)
Estimation of the postpartum glucose intolerance risk in women with gestational diabetes mellitus using routine glycemic indices assessed in the mid-trimester of pregnancy (2013)
The degree of glucose intolerance assessed in the mid-trimester of pregnancy is predictive of early postpartum glucose abnormality (2013)
Plasma thiamine levels are decreased in gestational diabetes mellitus (2013)
Arg72Pro polymorphism in TP53 is associated with all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetics (2013)
Determination of Plasma Thiamine and Its Phosphorylated Esters - Study of Gestational Diabetes (2014)
NOS3 894G > T Polymorphism is Associated With Progression of Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Morbidity in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: NOS3 as a Modifier Gene for Diabetic Nephropathy? (2014)
Plazmatické hladiny thiaminu v těhotenství jsou snížené u žen s gestačním diabetem (2014)
Abnormality thiaminového metabolismu přispívají k progresi diabetické nefropatie (2014)
Association of the Arg72Pro Polymorphism in p53 with Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in T2DM Subjects (2014)
Hypoglycemia increases expression of several genes upregulated by hyperglycemia (2014)
Evidence for altered thiamine metabolism in diabetes: Is there a potential to oppose gluco- and lipotoxicity by rational supplementation? (2014)
Association of polymorphisms in the endocannabinoid system genes with myocardial infarction and plasma cholesterol levels (2015)
Vliv hyperglykemie na metylaci promotoru a transkripci genu RAGE in vitro a in vivo (2014)
Thiamine Metabolism Alterations in Gestational Diabetes Complicated Pregnancy (2014)
Association of interleukin-1 gene polymorphisms with chronic periodontitis and diabetes mellitus in Czech population (2014)
Vliv hypoglykemie na vybrané geny, jejichž expresi zvyšuje hyperglykemie (2014)
Vliv glykemické variability na expresi genů uplatňujících se v patogenezi tkáňového poškození vyvolaného hyperglykemií (2014)
The effect of hypoglycaemia and glycaemic variability on expression of genes involved in the development of hyperglycaemia induced tissue damage (2014)
Thiamine metabolism abnormalities contribute to the progression of diabetic nephropathy (2014)
The effect of glycaemic variability on expression of genes involved in the development of hyperglycaemia induced tissue damage (2014)
Thiamine metabolism abnormalities contribute to the progression of diabetic nephropathy (2014)
Vitamin D Status in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus during Pregnancy and Postpartum (2015)
Hyperurikémie přispívá k rychlejší progresi diabetické choroby ledvin a k vyššímu výskytu závažné kardiovaskulární události u pacientů s diabetem 2. typu (2015)
Exprese a aktivita glyoxalázy 1 za podmínek glukotoxicity, lipotoxicity a urémie: je dikarbonylový stres zásadním patogenetickým faktorem rozvoje pozdních komplikací u diabetu? (2015)
Hladiny vitaminu D u žen s gestačním diabetem v průběhu těhotenství a postpartum (2015)
Hyperuricaemia contributes to the faster progression of diabetic kidney disease and all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetes (2015)
Analýza haplotypů polymorfizmů v promotoru genu pro interleukin-6 u pacientů s chronickou parodontitidou a diabetem mellitem (2015)
Haplotype analysis of interleukin-6 gene promoter polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis and diabetes mellitus (2015)
Possibility to predict early postpartum glucose abnormality following gestational diabetes mellitus based on the results of routine mid-gestational screening (2015)
Differences in food intake and genetic variability in taste receptors between pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus (2015)
Interleukin-17 gene variability and IL-17 plasma levels in patients with chronic periodontitis (2015)
Serum carboxymethyl-lysine, a dominant advanced glycation end product, is increased in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (2016)
Uric acid metabolism in gestational diabetes mellitus and postpartum (2015)
Periodontal status and genetic variability in pro-inflammatory cytokines in patients with diabetes mellitus (2015)
Resting heart rate does not predict cardiovascular and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients (2016)
Interleukin-17A Gene Variability in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Periodontitis: Its Correlation with IL-17 Levels and the Occurrence of Periodontopathic Bacteria (2016)
Exprese a aktivita glyoxalázy 1 za podmínek glukokotoxicity, lipotoxicity a urémie: je dikarbonylový stres zásadním patogenetickým faktorem rozvoje pozdních komplikací u diabetu? (2015)
Polymorphisms in the gene for vitamin D receptor in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (2015)
The effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d on gene and protein expression of enzymes protecting from glucolipotoxicity in vitro (2015)
Uric acid contributes to the faster progression of diabetic kidney disease and higher incidence of major cardiovascular event in type 2 diabetic patients (2015)
Glyoxalase system in clinically relevant metabolic stresses in diabetes: hyperglycemia, high glucose variability, lipotoxicity and uremia (2015)
The effect of type 2 diabetes on selected clinical parameters and disease outcome in patients with colorectal cancer (2015)
Hladiny kyseliny močové v průběhu těhotenství a po porodu u žen s těhotenstvím komplikovaným gestačním diabetem (2016)
Rozdíly v příjmu potravy a genetická variabilita v chuťových receptorech mezi ženami s a bez gestačního diabetu (2016)
Vyšší glykémie nalačno a obezita u žen s gestačním diabetem vyžadují zvýšenou pozornost porodníků (2016)
Effect of glucose variability on pathways associated with glucotoxicity in diabetes: Evaluation of a novel in vitro experimental approach (2016)
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D increases the gene expression of enzymes protecting from glucolipotoxicity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and human primary endothelial cells (2016)
Development and validation of fast and simple HPLC for the determination of uric acid, xanthine and hypoxanthine in human plasma and serum (2016)
Dysfunctional protection against advanced glycation due to thiamine metabolism abnormalities in gestational diabetes (2016)
Hyperuricemia contributes to the faster progression of diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus (2016)
Simultaneous Determination of Uric Acid, Xanthine and Hypoxanthine in Human Plasma and Serum by HPLC–UV: Uric Acid Metabolism Tracking (2017)
Analysis of amino acids in various biological samples by means of CE-MS (2016)
Adiponectin gene variability in relation to body mass index and lipid profile in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and chronic periodontitis (2017)
Pacientky s obezitou, hypertenzí a nutností aplikace inzulínu při diagnóze gestační diabetes mellitus vyžadují zvýšenou porodnickou péči. (2017)
Rizikové faktory přetrvání poruchy glukózové tolerance po porodu u žen s GDM (2017)
Změny metabolismu lipidů a aminokyselin v průběhu těhotenství a časně po porodu u žen s těhotenstvím komplikovaným gestačním diabetem (2017)
Rizikové faktory přetrvání poruchy glukózové tolerance po porodu u žen s GDM (2017)
Differences in food intake and genetic variability in taste receptors between Czech pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus (2018)
Analysis of amino acids profile by capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry (2017)
Levels of heavy metals and their binding protein metallothionein in type 2 diabetics with kidney disease (2017)
The effect of type 2 diabetes on selected clinical parameters and disease outcome in patients with colorectal cancer (2017)
Pathophysiological link between diabetes and colorectal cancer: effect of diabetic microenvironment, metformin and 5-fluorouracil on AMPK activation, apoptosis and autophagy (2017)
Vliv diabetického mikroprostředí, metforminu a 5-fluorouracilu na aktivaci AMPK v buňkách kolorektálního karcinomu in vitro (2017)
Rizikové faktory přetrvání poruchy glukózové tolerance po porodu u žen s GDM (2017)
Changes in lipid and amino acid levels during pregnancy and early postpartum period in pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (2017)
Vliv diabetického mikroprostředí na vznik a rozvoj nádorů (2017)
Transketolase Activity but not Thiamine Membrane Transport Change in Response to Hyperglycaemia and Kidney Dysfunction (2018)
Vliv hemodialýzy na parametry metabolismu thiaminu a aktivitu glyoxalázy I in vivo u diabetických a nediabetických pacientů se selháním ledvin (2018)
Plasmatické hladiny aminokyselin ve třetím trimestru gravidity jsou zvýšené u žen s GDM (2018)
Pathophysiological link between diabetes and colorectal cancer: effect of diabetic microenvironment, metformin and 5-fluorouracil on glyoxalase 1 protein level (2018)
Altered levels of plasma amino acids in late pregnancy in women with gestational diabetes compared to lean and obese controls (2018)
Asociace vybraných polymorfismů rizikových pro T2DM u gestačního diabetu (2018)
Deleterious Effect of Advanced CKD on Glyoxalase System Activity not Limited to Diabetes Aetiology (2018)
Uric Acid and Xanthine Levels in Pregnancy Complicated by Gestational Diabetes MellitusThe Effect on Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (2018)
Interleukin-1 Gene Variability and Plasma Levels in Czech Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus (2019)
Děti matek s gestačním diabetem - prospektivní studie sledování do tří let věku (2019)
Genetické rizikové skóre a progrese diabetického onemocnění ledvin (2019)
Vliv pregestačního BMI na hladiny vyšších mastných kyselin u žen s gestačním diabetem S GESTAČNÍM DIABETEM (2019)
Hyperglykemie, 5-fluorouracil, a delece p53 ovlivňují proteinovou hladinu GLO1 u buněčné linie HCT116 a Dld1 (2018)
T2DM genetic risk score and morbidity and mortality associated with diabetic kidney disease (2019)
Type 2 diabetes genetic risk variants and gestational diabetes (2019)
Offspring of women with gestational diabetes – a prospective study with 3 year follow-up (2019)
T2DM genetic risk score and morbidity and mortality associated with diabetic kidney disease (2019)
Děti matek s gestačním diabetem: sledování do tří let věku (2019)
AGR2 silencing contributes to metformin-dependent sensitization of colorectal cancer cells to chemotherapy (2019)
C-peptid ovlivňuje hladinu glyoxalázy 1 v proximálních tubulárních buňkách in vitro (2020)
Vývoj dětí matek s gestačním diabetem - prospektivní studie do 5 let věku (2020)
Offspring of women with gestational diabetes: a 5 year follow-up (2020)
Vztah mezi genetickým rizikovým skóre pro funkci ledvin a progresí diabetického onemocnění ledvin (2020)
Gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes genetic risk score (2020)
Development of a New Risk Score for Stratification of Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus at High Risk of Persisting Postpartum Glucose Intolerance Using Routinely Assessed Parameters (2021)
Type 2 diabetes genetic risk score and morbidity and mortality associated with diabetic kidney disease (2019)
C-peptide affects glyoxalase 1 level in proximal tubular cells in vitro (2020)
Pathophysiological Implication of Vitamin D in Diabetic Kidney Disease (2021)
The APOE4 allele is associated with a decreased risk of retinopathy in type 2 diabetics (2021)
Relationship between genetic risk score for kidney function and diabetic kidney disease progression (2020)
Migration Stimulating Factor (MSF): Its Role in the Tumour Microenvironment (2021)
Metabolický syndrom u GDM (2022)
Morbidity and psychomotor development of offspring of women with gestational diabetes: a 5-year follow-up (2022)
Metabolic syndrome prevalence in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (2022)
Metabolic syndrome in women with GDM (2022)
Polymorphism rs7079 in miR-31/-584 Binding Site in Angiotensinogen Gene Associates with Earlier Onset of Coronary Artery Disease in Central European Population (2022)
Chronic Pancreatitis and Diabetes of Exocrine Pancreas / Type 3c Diabetes Mellitus / Post-pancreatitis Diabetes Mellitus (2022)
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury and its contemporary prevention (2022)
Genetic risk score is associated with T2DM and diabetes complications risks (2023)
Identification of plasmatic microRNAs and piRNAs associated with pulmonary embolism in patients with acute-onset dyspnea (2022)
Identification of plasmatic microRNAs associated with pulmonary embolism in patients with acute-onset dyspnea – pilot results (2022)
Metals and Trace Elements in Calcified Valves in Patiens with Acquired Severe Aortic Valve Stenosisi: Is There a Connction with the Degeneration Process ? (2023)
Metabolic syndrome prevalence in women with gestational diabetes mellitus in the second trimester of gravidity (2023)
Preeklampsie sdružená s GDM (2023)
Association of anthropometric and body composition parameters with the presence of hypertension in the Central European population: results from KardioVize 2030 study (2023)
Diabetes mellitus 2. typu (2022)
Pankreatogenní diabetes mellitus (2023)
Pacient s kolísajícími glykemiemi (2023)
Pacient s nově diagnostikovaným diabetem v ordinaci praktického lékaře (2023)
Inzulin icodeg (2023)
Genetics of T2DM and Its Chronic Complications: Are We Any Closer to the Individual Prediction of Genetic Risk? (2022)
Revisiting treatment-related cardiotoxicity in patients with malignant lymphoma-a review and prospects for the future (2023)
Těhotenství komplikované gestačním diabetem a preeklampsií – společný patofyziologický mechanismus? (2023)
Hodnocení sarkopenie pomocí umělé inteligence predikuje celkové přežívání pacientů po katetrizační náhradě aortální chlopně (2023)
Empagliflozin and metformin synergy in proximal tubular epithelial cells: does the combination alleviates hyperglycaemia-induced metabolic stress? (2023)
Changes in Segmental Impedances and Selected Body Composition Parameters Assessed by Multi-Frequency Bioimpedance Analysis after Fluid Consumption in Healthy Young Population (2023)
Plazmatické hladiny FSTL1 a FSLT5 predikují obnovu funkce levé komory u pacientů s nově zjištěnou dilatační kardiomyopatií (2023)
Otoky a bolest obou dolních končetin jako následek trombózy dolní duté žíly při vrozené anomálii: kazuistika (2023)
Možnosti využití tomografické a 3D/4D sonografie v angiologii:první zkušenosti (2023)
Identification of Plasmatic microRNA-206 as New Predictor of Early Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation after Catheter Ablation Using Next-generation Sequencing (2024)
Diabetická cystopatie a léčba glifloziny (2023)
Sotagliflozin (2023)
Komplexní přístup k pacientovi s diabetem (2023)
Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the Second Trimester of Gravidity (2024)
Vývoj syndromu spánkové apnoe u pacienta se srdečním selháním před ortotopickou transplantací srdce a po ní (2023)
Moderní terapie chronického žilního onemocnění - co je nového? (2023)
Adverse Effects of Meditation : Autonomic Nervous System Activation and Individual Nauseous Responses During Samadhi Meditation in the Czech Republic (2024)
Sarcopenia and adipose tissue evaluation by artificial intelligence predicts the overall survival after TAVI (2024)
Lifestyle Walking Intervention for Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction: The WATCHFUL Trial (2024)
Advancements in risk stratification and management strategies in primary cardiovascular prevention (2024)
T2DM/CKD genetic risk scores and the progression of diabetic kidney disease in T2DM subjects (2024)
Možnosti prenatální diagnostiky při stanovení prognózy sakrokokcygeálního teratomu (2024)
Parametry lipidového spektra u pacientek s GDM a zdravých těhotných (2024)
Empagliflozin and metformin synergy in proximal tubular epithelial cells: does the combination alleviates hyperglycaemia-induced metabolic stress? (2023)
CT-derived fat density as a predictor of cause-specific mortality in patients undergoing TAVI: Findings from a large registry subanalysis (2024)
Společný účinek metforminu a empagliflozinu na buňky proximálního tubulu: ovlivňuje kombinace těchto léčiv stres způsobený hyperglykémií? (2023)
Teoretické základy praktických cvičení z fyziologie člověka (2024)
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