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Integrative NGS testing reveals clonal dynamics of adverse genomic defects contributing to a natural progression in treatment-naïve CLL patients (2024)
Unveiling the dynamics and molecular landscape of a rare chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation driving refractoriness: insights from single-cell RNA sequencing (2024)
The 1+Million Genomes Minimal Dataset for Cancer (2024)
The Genomic Landscape of Lymphomas Invading the Central Nervous System Inferred from Cell-Free DNA by Integrative NGS Analysis and the Diagnostic Benefit Compared to Flow Cytometry (2024)
FoxO1/Rictor axis induces a non-genetic adaptation to Ibrutinib via Akt activation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
TP53-related clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in CLL (2024)
Klonální kompetice a alterace molekulárních drah u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
Detekce klinicky významné varianty genu MYD88 ve volné DNA získané z tekutých biopsií pacientů s lymfomy postihujícími centrální nervovou soustavu: likvor nebo plazma? (2024)
Potenciál pokročilých genomických metod pro analýzu komplexního karyotypu: příklad využití u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
Chromatin complexity in cancer: Unraveling the impact of complex structural variations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
The non-canonical BAF chromatin remodeling complex is a novel target of spliceosome dysregulation in SF3B1-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
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