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Vliv formy 3D zobrazení geografické informace na její kognitivní zpracování (2016)
Cartographic Design and Usability of Visual Variables for Linear Features (2017)
Look up and kneel down before your God: why the position matters (2015)
Presentation of HUME lab (2015)
Anatomie náboženství (2015)
Learning to Swim in a Digital Ocean (2016)
Eyetribe Tracker Data Accuracy Evaluation and Its Interconnection with Hypothesis Software for Cartographic Purposes (2016)
Embodied Cognition and Religious behaviour (2016)
Interactive 3D visualiation and geospatial data depiction (2016)
Když je více méně : Význam lidské chyby při interakci s 3D virtuálním geografickým prostředím (2016)
Experimental study of prosocial behavior in cross-religious settings on Mauritius (2015)
Cognitive Aspects of Collaboration in 3D Virtual Environments (2016)
Generating various composite human faces from real 3D facial images (2017)
Is More Less? How 3D visualization affects cognition (2016)
Prehľadová štúdia: Technológia eye-tracking v pedagogickom výskume. (2016)
Prehľadová štúdia: Technológia eye-tracking v pedagogickom výskume. (2016)
An Eye Movement Study of Visual Word Recognition - Lowercase Mirror Letters "b" and "d". (2016)
Embodied Morality : The influence of body on moral judgement (2016)
Když je více méně: Význam lidské chyby při interakci s 3D virtuálním geografickým prostředím (2016)
Eye-tracking analýza interaktivních 3D modelů (2016)
Location, location, location : Effects of cross-religious primes on prosocial behaviour (2016)
Religious statues and personhood: testing the role of materiality, book review (2016)
Implicitní sociální priming a formy prosociálního jednání (2016)
Paragliding Navigation with Augmented Reality (2016)
Paragliding : Augmented Reality Solution (2016)
Kneeling to Feel Small: Effects of Submissive Position on Perception and Behaviour (2016)
Mutace SW Hypothesis pro diagnostiku a REPORTOVACI aplikace pro tabulku score (2016)
Vliv metody kartografické vizualizace na zapamatování a přesnost prostorové lokalizace cílových objektů: empirická studie ověřující možnost užití smíšeného výzkumného designu (2016)
With or without Automaticity: Interference and Negative Priming Effects as Indicators of (Lacking) Convergent Validity in Two Computerized Stroop-like Tasks (2017)
Big Gods in small places : the Random Allocation Game in Mauritius (2018)
When the Display Matters : A Multifaceted Perspective on 3D Geovisualizations (2017)
Non-formal Learning within Learning Mobility Area : Adult Learning and Educational Perspective (2016)
Primitiva virtuální interakce : základní stavební kameny pro vývoj a výzkum interaktivních virtuálních prostředí (2017)
Visual cognitive styles in virtual environments : Constructing and evaluating adequate task (2017)
Primitiva virtuální interakce: základní stavební kameny pro vývoj a výzkum interaktivních virtuálních prostředí (2017)
Visual cognitive styles in virtual environments: Constructing and evaluating adequate task (2017)
Information Availability : The Influence of the User Interface on Spatial Awareness in Virtual Geovisualizations (2017)
The Complex Tasks with 3D Cartographic Visualization – The Role of Immersion and Interactivity (2017)
Visualization of Environment-related Information in Augmented Reality : Analysis of User Needs (2017)
Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists. (2017)
Teacher working in a whole class setting in English as a foreign language lessons: insights from an eye-tracking study (2017)
Teacher monitoring pair and group work in English as a foreign language lessons: insights from an eye-tracking study (2017)
Virtuální realita v kartografii - použitelnost, interaktivita a jejich testování (2017)
Vybrané uživatelské aspekty trojrozměrné vizualizace (2017)
Teacher monitoring pair and group work in English as a foreign language lessons: insights from an eye-tracking study (2017)
Využití eye-trackingu ve výzkumu učitele: Proč a jak (2017)
Využití eye-trackingu ve výzkumu učitele: Proč a jak (2017)
Interakční primitiva pro 3D geovizualizaci (2017)
Utilization of virtual reality for teaching 3D tasks in geography (2017)
Využití technologie virtuální reality v psychologickém výzkumu (2017)
Technologické perspektivy a výzkumné výzvy ve virtuální realitě (2017)
Výzkum prostorových schopností v prostředí virtuální reality (2017)
Virtuální realita v psychologickém výzkumu : možnosti, limity, aplikace (2017)
The Hypothesis Platform : An Online Tool for Experimental Research into Work with Maps and Behavior in Electronic Environments (2017)
To obey or to atone: the role of kneeling in religious ritual (2017)
CERC II: Mauritius - Point aux Piments (2017)
Moral foundations and religious prosociality in Mauritius (2017)
The Boundaries of Trust : Cross-Religious and Cross-Ethnic Field Experiments in Mauritius (2018)
Flagtest: manuál psychodiagnostické metody verze 1.0 (2017)
Test verbálního uvažování: manuál psychodiagnostické metody TVU 1.0 (2017)
Uživatelské úlohy a 3D vizualizace (2018)
Interfereční polohový test: manuál diagnostické metody IPT verze 1.0 (2017)
Interaction Primitives in 3D Geovisualizations (2018)
The use of VR technologies in psychological research: perception, interaction and cognition (2018)
Interakce s virtuálním 3D prostředím : od senzomotoriky ke kognici (2018)
Behavior Analysis in Virtual Geovisualizations : Towards Ecological Validity (2018)
Interakce s virtuálním 3D prostředím : od senzomotoriky ke kognici (2018)
Eye-tracking v prostredí školskej triedy (2018)
English teachers’ professional vision in/on action in communicative activities from the perspective of eye-tracking (2018)
Výskum s využitím eye-tracking glasses (2018)
Kognice a umělý život 2018 (2018)
Behavior Analysis in Virtual Geovisualizations : Towards Ecological Validity (2018)
Using eye tracking to investigate student teachers’ monitoring of complex pair work in English as a foreign language lessons (2018)
Using eye tracking to investigate student teachers’ monitoring of complex pair work in English as a foreign language lessons (2018)
User aspects of navigation in virtual environments (2018)
Analytic atheism : A cross-culturally weak and fickle phenomenon? (2018)
Úžas, náboženství a prosociální chování (2018)
Evaluation of User Performance in Interactive and Static 3D Maps (2018)
Effect of Size, Shape and Map Background in Cartographic Visualization: Experimental Study on Czech and Chinese Populations (2018)
Experimenting with Cognitive Historiography (2018)
Historical Network Research Conference 2018 (2018)
Ritual and Embodied Cognition (2018)
Presentation of HUME Lab (2018)
Kneeling: communication of morality or power asymmetry? (2018)
Kneeling and the Expression of Moral Emotions in Religious Ritual (2018)
ETG or eye-tracking glasses and their use in educational research (2018)
Effects of extreme ritual practices on health (2018)
Profesní vidění studentů učitelství anglického jazyka perspektivou eye-trackingu: práce s celou třídou (2018)
Monitoring pair work activities in English language teaching video sequences: What do student teachers pay attention to? (2018)
Jak učitelé a studenti učitelství monitorují práci ve dvojicích v hodinách angličtiny? Pohled eye-trackingu (2018)
Demonstrace technologie Motion Capture systém pro měření pohybu člověka v prostoru, experimentálního virtuálního prostředí a možností využití mobilního eye-trackeru (2018)
Moralizing gods, impartiality and religious parochialism across 15 societies (2019)
Gaze patterns reveal how situation models and text representations contribute to episodic text memory (2018)
Threats to the validity of eye-movement research in psychology (2018)
Eye-tracking in VR setting : implementation for cross-cultural research (2019)
Professional vision in and on action: Two sides of the same coin? (2019)
Using eye-tracking to investigate differences in teachers’ professional vision IN action and ON action (2019)
Effects of Extreme Ritual Practices on Psychophysiological Well-Being (2019)
The evolution of global religions (2019)
Awe’s effects on prosociality require analysis over time (2019)
Does culture change understanding of kneeling display in religious ritual? (2019)
Mediální mini teorie (2018)
Teachers' gaze over space and time in a real-world classroom (2020)
Rohan Kapitany : Open science (pre-registration; pre-prints; open data; open code) and how to gather data online meaningfully (tips for MTurk) (2020)
Eleanor Power : Introduction to Social Network Analysis (2020)
Geovizualizace ve virtuální realitě – role interakce (2018)
Japonské hry pod mikroskopem (2020)
Jonathan H. Turner, Alexandra Maryanski, Anders Klostergaard Petersen, and Armin W. Geertz, The Emergence and Evolution of Religion: By Means of Natural Selection. (2020)
FILOVER : Public Lectures at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno (2020)
11th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies : "Breaking the Boundaries : In Between Texts, Cultures and Conventions", 12–14 February, 2020, Brno, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (2020)
Editor-in-chief (Theory and Practice in English Studies) (2020)
Náboženství, rituály a skupinová soudržnost (2020)
Zpráva o projektu FILOVER : Přednášky pro veřejnost na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2020)
Improving functional vision through training based on principles of behaviour analysis (2021)
Tracking Eye Movements in Dyslexic Readers: A Review (2021)
Syndrom počítačového vidění – projevy a možnosti předcházení (2021)
Metoda oční kamery ve vzdělávání (2021)
Eye-tracking in Educational Research (2021)
The awe-prosociality relationship : evidence for the role of context (2021)
Effects of sorcery beliefs on parochial prosociality in Mauritius (2021)
Kognice a umělý život 2018: sborník příspěvků (2018)
Social inequality and signaling in a costly ritual (2021)
Umění persvaze (2021)
Joseph P. Laycock (2020). Speak of the Devil : How the Satanic Temple Is Changing the Way We Talk about Religion (Book Review) (2021)
Oční pohyby u dyslektických žáků při řešení verbálních a neverbálních úloh (2021)
Výuka zeměpisu v kolaborativním imerzivním virtuálním prostředí (2021)
Teachers' Professional Vision: Teachers' Gaze During the Act of Teaching and After the Event (2021)
Japanese Digital Games in Czech Media Discourse (2021)
Rituals for nam : ancestor and sorcery beliefs and their effect on parochial prosociality in Mauritius (2021)
Bohové, magie a spolupráce (2021)
Marking 10 years of LEVYNA : Shifting topics and tools of CESR (2021)
Výzkumná infrastruktura HUME Lab (2021)
HUME Lab : Výzkumná infrastruktura pro podporu experimentálního výzkumu v sociálních a humanitních vědách (2021)
Náboženské rituály a praktiky jako komunikační platforma lidské sociality (2021)
Eye-Tracking in Interactive Virtual Environments: Implementation and Evaluation (2022)
Eye-tracking ve výzkumu školní třídy (2021)
Passes and fails in technology-based methods in educational research (2019)
Cigarettes for the dead : effects of sorcery beliefs on parochial prosociality in Mauritius (2022)
The religiosity gender gap in 14 diverse societies (2022)
Material insecurity predicts greater commitment to moralistic and less commitment to local deities : a cross-cultural investigation (2022)
The moralization bias of gods’ minds : a cross-cultural test (2022)
Použitie imerzívnej virtuálnej reality v humanitných vedách (2018)
How Cognitive Is the Cognitive Science of Religion? (2022)
Changes in ritualized behavior during the menstrual cycle (2022)
O čtení a očních pohybech (2021)
Paganism and its Others, 13-14 June 2022, Brno, Czech Republic (2022)
Perceived Changes in Political Attitudes among Religious Converts in the Czech Republic (2022)
Metal and Religion, 7-8 September, Brno, Czech Republic (2022)
Rituals as signals of mate quality (2022)
What do nonreligious nonbelievers believe in? Secular worldviews around the world (2023)
Do ritualized behaviors fluctuate depending on the menstrual cycle phase? (2022)
Behavioral fluctuation during the menstrual cycle (2022)
Searching for patterns, making predictions, finding freedom : cross-cultural research in religion (2022)
Japanese Digital Games in Czech Media Discourse (2022)
Kolovrat and Kalashnikov : The Role of Paganism in the War in Ukraine (2022)
Historie 20 let vydávání časopisu Sacra očima jeho šéfredaktorek a šéfredaktorů (2022)
Representation of national game productions in Czech gaming press: Japanese games in global context (2022)
On the Language of Student Teachers’ Professional Vision: How Do Pre-Service EFL Teachers Comment on Classroom Videos of Pupil Engagement? (2021)
Appeasing the (minds of) gods (2023)
Gender gap in parental leave intentions : Evidence from 37 countries (2023)
Gods are watching and so what? Moralistic supernatural punishment across 15 cultures (2023)
Ovulatory shift, hormonal changes, and no effects on incentivized decision-making (2023)
Introduction : Paganism and its others (2023)
Religio 1/2023 : Special feature "Paganism and its others" (2023)
Metal and Transgression : Scenes, Politics, and Religion, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia 6-7 September 2023 (2023)
Are Japanese Games Really Special?: A comparison of representation of Japanese and Western games in Czech gaming press (2023)
Den panelových diskuzí (o minulosti a budoucnosti české religionistiky) (2023)
Simultaneity and classroom videos: What do pre-service and in-service teachers pay attention to when observing a two-angle classroom video? (2023)
Did Descriptive and Prescriptive Norms About Gender Equality at Home Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Cross-National Investigation. (2024)
Exploring the Effects of Metacognitive Prompts on Learning Outcomes in Multimedia Learning (2023)
Studying Metacognitive Learning Processes with the Use of Eye-tracking Technology (2024)
Studying Metacognitive Learning Processes with the Use of Eye-tracking Technology (2024)
Eurasianist Approach to the Concepts of Russian Formalism in Selected Works of N. S. Trubetzkoy and P. N. Savitsky (2024)
Exploring the Relation between Reading Style and Cognitive Style: an Eye-Tracking Approach (2024)
Towards the Intervention of Dyslexia: a Complex Concept of Dyslexia Intervention System using Eye-Tracking (2024)
Introductory Workshop: Introduction to the current state of dyslexia intervention, the possibility of eye-tracking technology and the needs of target users (2024)
Cognition and Artificial Life (2024)
Cognition and Artificial Life 2024. Peer-reviewed proceedings. (2024)
Enhancing Diagnostic Precision in Dyslexia: Introducing the DYSLEX Platform (2024)
Introductory Workshop: Introduction to the current state of dyslexia intervention, the possibility of eye-tracking technology and the needs of target users (2024)
Eye movements when reading pseudo-text in dyslexic children: Evidence from eye-tracking (2024)
Advancing dyslexia intervention with gaze-based interactions in DeveLex software (2024)
ETDD70: Eye-Tracking Dataset for Classification of Dyslexia using AI-based Methods (2024)
Mauricijský Thaipusam kavadi: bolest a utrpení jako součást náboženského života (2024)
ETDD70: Eye-Tracking Dyslexia Dataset (2024)
Breaking the Wall of Cold War Eurasianism (2024)
Development and Transformation of Eurasianism during the Cold War : Research of Archival Documents (2024)
Policy as normative influence? On the relationship between parental leave policy and social norms in gender division of childcare across 48 countries (2023)
Biased cost and benefit estimations facilitate the effectiveness of cooperative costly signals in humans (2024)
Atonement and appeasement rituals as a platform for intra-group reconciliation (2024)
IACESR 2024 (International Association for the Cognitive and Evolutionary Sciences of Religion) (2024)
Ritual Explained? Some Issues and Challenges for the Cognitive and Evolutionary Study of Rituals (2024)
Cena prorektorky za excelentní výsledky v doktorském studiu (2024)
Poster : Development and transformation of Eurasianism during the Cold War – Eurasianism in the Soviet intellectual milieu (2024)
Video presentation : Development and transformation of Eurasianism during the Cold War – Eurasianism in the Soviet intellectual milieu (2024)
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