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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Fyziologická cvičení (2004)
Intracerebrally recorded ERPs in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in visual oddball paradigm (2004)
Intracerebral records of the bereitschaftspotential demonstrate non-homogenity of its early and late components (2004)
Variability of peak amplitude latencies of the visual P3 wave obtained in averaging the sweeps with equal stimulus-response intervals (2004)
Stages of change, decisional balance, and temptation for smoking in school-based population of Czech adolescents (2004)
Fyziologická cvičení (2004)
Kouření u adolescentů: ověřování základních teoretických konstruktů transteoretického modelu behaviorálních změn (2005)
Smokers self-monitoring scale (2005)
Prefrontal depth-recorded potentials during processing a salient auditory stimulus in humans (2005)
Intracerebral P3-like waveforms and the length of the stimulus-response interval in a visual oddball paradigm. (2005)
Psychobiology of dissociation and relationship between epilepsy and mental illness (2005)
Epilepsie, mozek a vědomí (2005)
Traumatic dissociation, epileptic-like phenomena and schizophrenia (2005)
Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens. (2005)
Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens (2005)
Electrophysiological response to target and frequent stimuli in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in a visual oddball paradigm (2005)
Early sensory ERPs in oddball paradigm (SEEG study) (2005)
Traumatic dissociation, epileptic-like phenomena and schizophrenia (2005)
Psychobiologické reakce na stres a trauma (2005)
Depression, traumatic dissociation and epileptic-like phenomena (2005)
Přínos fúze obrazu MRI a CT pro optimalizaci intervencí na mozku (2006)
Pros and cons of smoking evaluated in Czech adolescents (2006)
Smokers´ self-monitoring scale: a pilot study of possibilities of a graphic form (2006)
Event-related desynchronization and synchronization in a visual oddball task (a stereoelectroencephalic study) (2006)
A possibility of dentinal pain control by application of dentine adhesives (2006)
Chaotic EEG patterns during recall of stressful memory related to panic attack (2006)
Limbic irritability and chaotic neural response during conflicting stroop task in the patients with unipolar depression (2006)
Prefrontal depth-recorded potentials during processing a salient auditory stimulus (2006)
Synchrozation of ECoG activity during response to non-target stimuli in oddball task: An exploration in epileptic patients (2006)
Changes of oscillatory activity in a visual oddball task (sEEG study) (2006)
Correlation between stimulus-response intervals and peak amplitude latencies of visual P3 Waves (2006)
Possibility of dentinal pain control by the application of dentine adhesives (2006)
Kouření u adolescentů: ověřování metodiky a základních teoretických předpokladů transteoretického modelu (2007)
Neuroendoscopic treatment of arachnoid cysts in children. (2006)
Neurochirurgická problematika stenosy mokovodu (2006)
Poúrazový hydrocefalus (2006)
The treatment of pathophysiologically exceptional symptoms of lipoma located beneath the mamillary bodies (2006)
Physiological significance of cerebral ventricles dynamics (2006)
Subthalamic nucleus stimulation - surgical problems (2006)
Možnosti histologické verifikace nádorového onemocnění mozku a význam pro další léčebné postupy (2006)
Extratemporální epilepsie nádorového původu (2006)
Neuroendoscopic treatment of arachnoid cysts in children (2006)
Application of telemedicine for pregraduate student training and postgraduate education in neurosciences (2006)
Endoskopické řešení subependymálního hematomu s AVM po otevřeném kardiochirurgickém zákroku (2006)
Multiple partial seizure-like symptoms in smokers (2007)
Praktická cvičení z Fyziologie (2007)
Physiology Practicals (2007)
3 roky zkušeností s využitím telemedicíny ve výuce neurochirurgie (2007)
Možnosti a limitace neuroendoskopie při komplexní léčbě kraniopharyngiomů (2007)
Význam vyšetřování žilního systému mozku před neurochirurgickým výkonem (2007)
Atlas of endoscopic neurosurgery (2007)
Role kyfoplastiky v léčbě nádorového onemocnění páteře (2007)
Neuroendoscopic treatment of craniopharyngiomas (2007)
The possibilities and limits of neuroendoscopy in the treatment of hypothalamic tumors (2007)
Possibilities and limits of neuroendoscopy in posttraumatic hydrocephalus (2007)
Hydrocephalus after spinal cord injury . Report of 2 cases . (2007)
Endoscopic treatment of hypothalamic tumors (2007)
Syringomyelia after spinal cord injury (2007)
Geometry of third ventricle: radiological measurements supported by neuroendoscopic observation (2007)
Possibilities and limits of neuroendoscopy in posttraumatic hydrocephalus (2007)
Neuroendoscopy in the treatment of hypothalamic tumors (2007)
Mapování řečového a motorického kortexu funkční magnetickou rezonancí a kortikální stimulací (2007)
Surgical aspects of subthalamic stimulation (2007)
Mapování řečového a motorického kortexu funkční magnetickou rezonancí a kortikální stimulací (2007)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie v léčbě tumorů oblasti III.mozkové komory (2007)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie u cévních lézí v zadní jámě lební (2007)
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Possible Target for Modulating Dyskinesias in Parkinson's Disease by repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. (2008)
Repetitive Transcranial Stimulation for Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease (2007)
3 roky zkušeností s využitím telemedicíny ve výuce neurochirurgie (2007)
The possibilities and limits of neuroendoscopy in the treatment of hypothalamic tumors. (2007)
Význam vyšetřování žilního systému před neurochirurgickým výkonem (2007)
Praktické využití telekonferenčních a zobrazovacích technik při výuce neurochirurgie (2007)
A possibility of the dentinal pain control by the application of dentine adhesives (2006)
Mapování řečového a motorického kortexu fMRI a KS u pacientů s mozkovými nádory (2008)
Okamžik rozchodu event-related potenciálů v terčové a neterčové odpovědi visuálního oddball paradigmatu (2008)
Neuronální komplexita během Stroopova testu u kuřáků a její vztah k limbické iritabilitě a psychopatologii (2008)
Vliv psychického stresu na zdravotní stav obviněného v průběhu trestního řízení (2008)
Vliv psychického stresu na zdravotní stav obviněného v průběhu trestního řízení (2008)
Preoperative Functional MR Imaging in Patients with Brain Tumors (2008)
"Awake Surgery" for Low-Grade Glioma Resection (2008)
Evoked and induced EEG responses in a visual oddball task (SEEG study) (2008)
The divergence points of target and non- target event - related potentials exhibiting identical initial course in visual oddball task (2008)
Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task (2008)
EEG oscillations in panic disorder (2008)
Dissociation, limbic irritability and chaos in autonomic response in patients with unipolar depression (2008)
Dissociation and Neurobiological Consequences of Traumatic Stress (2008)
Limbic irritability , neuronal complexity and smoking (2008)
Complex partial seizure-like symptom inventory: psychometric, statistical, non-interpretative analyses (2008)
The relationship between neural complexity and autonomic excitability: nonlinear and statistical analysis-based evidence (2008)
Complex partial seizure-like symptoms in patients with anxiety disorders: preliminary clinical study (2008)
Chaos, brain and cognition (2008)
Traumatic stress, anxiety and epilepsy (2007)
Lateralized lectrodermal dysfunction and complexity in patients with schizophrenia and depression (2007)
Hypnotic abreaction releases chaotic patterns of electrodermal activity during dissociation (2007)
Dissociation, forced normalization and dynamic multi-stability of the brain (2007)
Neural complexity, dissociation, and schizophrenia (2007)
Neural chaos and schizophrenia (2007)
Depression, prolactin and dissociated mind (2007)
Melatonin, consciousness, and traumatic stress (2007)
Alcohol craving, limbic irritability, and stress (2007)
Consciousness and co-consciousness, binding problem and schizophernia (2007)
Pain, dissociation and subliminal self-representations (2007)
Dissociation, epileptic-like activity and lateralized electrodermal dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia and depression (2007)
Juxtafacetární cysty bederní páteře (2008)
Changes of oscillatory activity during visual oddball task (SEEG study) (2008)
Depression, cortisol and somatoform dissociative symtoms (2008)
Electrodermal dimensional complexity and dissociation (2008)
Historie celotělového stereotaktického systému (2008)
Zkušenosti s radiofrekvenční termoablací mozkových nádorů (2008)
Minimally invasive treatment of posterior fossa craniopharyngioma by means of navigated endoscopy (2008)
Anatomická studie spodiny III.komory ve vztahu k neuroendoskopickým operacím (2008)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie v komplexní terapii kraniopharyngeomů (2008)
Stereotaktická neurostimulace v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie - historie a současnost (2008)
Neuroendoscopy (2008)
Geometrická studie rozměrů III.komory a její spodiny z pohledu neuroendoskopie (2008)
Problematika neurochirurgického řešení tumoru mozku s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2008)
Disturbance of cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics after spinal cord injury - 3 case reports (2008)
Posttraumatic hydrocephalus (2008)
Modern teleconference techniques in neurosurgical education (2008)
Enhancing visualization in neuroendoscopic surgery (2008)
Neuroendoscopic treatment of posterior fossa arachnoid cyst (2008)
Surgical complications of DBS (2008)
Intraoperační monitoring u resekčních výkonů pro epilepsii (2008)
Předoperační zobrazovací vyšetření u farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2008)
Poúrazová hydrocefalus - možnosti neuroendoskopie (2008)
Změny komorového systému mozku po neuroendoskopických operacích pro hydrocefalus (2008)
Neuroendoskopická problematika stenozy mokovodu (2008)
The role of neuroendoscopy in the treatment of intraventricular tumors (2008)
Brain tumor as a cause of pharmacoresistant epilepsy (2008)
Nové trendy ve výuce neurochirurgie, užití FULL HD endoskopického systému a miniPACS (2008)
Praktické využití telekonferenčních a zobrazovacích technik při výuce neurochirurgie (2008)
Treatment possibilities in the cases of Tarlov cyst and the role of neuroendoscopy (2008)
Úloha stereoencefalografie v diagnostice a terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2008)
Význam ventrikuloskopie pro diagnostiku postižení komorového systému (2008)
Chirurgické komplikace systémů hluboké mozkové stimulace - příčiny a možnosti řešení (2008)
Nízkostupňové difúzní astrocytomy - progresivní nádorové onemocnění (2008)
Neuralgie trigeminu - možnosti perkutánní termoterapie s teplotním gradientem (2008)
Možnosti spinothalamické chordotomie jako destrukční techniky v terapii nezvladatelné bolesti (2008)
Pain, dissociation and subliminal self-representation (2008)
Melatonin, consciousness and traumatic stress (2008)
Lateralized brain and neuroendocrine dysregulation as response to traumatic stress (2008)
Dissociative symtoms and neuroendocrine dysregulation in depression (2008)
EEG phase synchronization in patients with paranoid schizophrenia (2008)
Fyziologie temporálního laloku (2006)
Brain and dissociated mind (2008)
Depression, senzitization and chaos in autonomic response: Implications for anticonvulsant treamtent. (2008)
Chaotic neural response reflecting stroop incongruent task is related to serum cortisol levels in patients with umpolar depression (2008)
Neuroendocrine response to traumatic dissociation in patients with unipolar depression (2008)
Depresion and perspectives of chaos theory for understandling of stress-related sensitization (2008)
Možnosti telekonference a telekonzultací v neurochirurgii (2008)
Graphic analysis of endoscopic third ventriculostomy morphological results in hydrocephalic patients (2008)
Modern teleconference techniques in neurosurgical education (2008)
Zkušenosti s endoskopickým kamerovým systémem FULL HD Aesculap B Braun (2008)
Využití "awake resekce" při operacích low-grade gliomů (2008)
Electrodermal dimensional complexity and smoking (2009)
Intracerebral P3 wave in relation to the movement in a visual oddball task (2009)
Nové trendy ve výuce neurochirurgie, užití FULL HD endoskopického systému a miniPACS (2009)
Temporal charakteristics of intracerebral P3 wave in a visual oddball task (2009)
Electrodermal dimensional complexity - non-linear and statistical analysis-based evidence (2009)
Cognitive load during a visual oddball task displays differential impact on beta 2-band phase synchrony (2009)
Intracerebral visual P3-like potential of the human brain is a heterogeneous phenomenon (2009)
Diferences in synchronization between various brain regions in the beta-2 band EEG frequencies (2009)
Component N400 can be demonstrated in the event-related potential from a simple auditory reaction time paradigm (2009)
Cognitive network interactions and beta 2 coherence in processing non-target stimuli in visual oddball task (2009)
Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task (2009)
Experience with childhood epilepsy surgery in adult epileptological center (2009)
Neuromodulace z pohledu neurochirurga - minulost , současnost a náhled budoucnosti (2009)
Chirurgické aspekty hluboké mozkové stimulace (2009)
Paliativní enedoskopická ventrikulostomie u nemocných s obstrukčním hydrocefalem při nitrokomorové diseminaci tumoru mozku (2009)
Bolesti hlavy u nemocných s tumorem mozku (2009)
Bolesti hlavy u nemocných s aneurysmatem mozkové cévy (2009)
Graphic results of endoscopic third ventriculostomy in hydrocephalic patients (2009)
Neuroendoscopic surgery of intracranial arachnoid cysts (2009)
Radiodiagnostické možnosti diagnostiky a terapie při krvácení z GIT (2009)
Efficacy of baloon dilations of rectosigmoid stenoses (2009)
Využití funkční MR v předoperačním mapování řečových funkcí (2009)
Chaotic patterns of autonomic activity during hypnotic recall (2009)
Předoperační mapování elokventního kortexu funkční magnetickou rezonancí (2008)
Quantum science and the nature of mind (2009)
Úloha neurochirurga v komplexní terapii lymfomu mozku (2009)
DNET jako příčina farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2009)
Minimálně invazivní řešení pozdní hemoragické komplikace po aktinoterapii pro anaplastický oligodendrogliom (2009)
Dissociation, cognitive conflict and nonlinear patterns of heart rate dynamics in patients with unipolar depression (2009)
Computer aided neuroendoscopic surgery of intracranial arachnoid cysts - surgical planning and outcome (2009)
Lezionální stereotaktické operace v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2009)
Chaos in schizophrenia associations, reality or metaphor (2009)
Epileptochirurgie - minulost, současný stav a vyhlídky do budoucnosti (2009)
Méně obvyklé indikace hluboké mozkové stimulace a vagové stimulace (2009)
Možnosti epileptochirurgie u nemocných po mozkové hypotermii (2009)
Selektivní neuroendoskopické odběry komorového moku - technické možnosti a fyziologické poznatky (2009)
Možnosti neuroendoskopické terapie arachnoidálních cyst (2009)
Měření CBF pomocí systému HEMEDEX - první klinické zkušenosti (2009)
Možnosti léčby poúrazové syringomyelie (2009)
Primární epidurální spinální empyem (2009)
Přínos neuroendoskopie pro histologickou verifikaci a terapii nádorů mozku (2009)
Současné možnosti vagové stimulace - literární přehled a vlastní zkušenosti (2009)
Úloha stereoencefalografie v diagnostice a terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2009)
Využití "Awake Surgery" v neuroonkologii (2009)
Pain, dissociation and posttraumatic growth (2009)
Nové pohledy na patofyziologii difuzního axonálního poškození (2009)
Syndrom třeseného dítěte - nové poznatky (2009)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie v komplexní terapii kraniofaryngeomů (2009)
Primární tumor mozku jako vzácná příčina akutního subdurálního hematomu (2009)
Endoskopická problematika jednokomorového hydrocefalu (2009)
Neurotrauma u geriatrické populace (2009)
7-Hydroxylated derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone in the human ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (2009)
Možnosti interdisciplinární spolupráce při řešení procesů na bazi lební s možností výuky studentů (2009)
Prevence hemoragických komplikací a komplikací hojení operační rány v epileptochirurgii (2009)
7-Hydroxylated derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone in the human ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (2009)
Možnosti dlouhodobého sledování vývoje hydrocefalu a cyst s využitím 3D zobrazení v korelaci s klinickými daty (2009)
Electrodermal complexity during the Stroop Colour Word Test (2010)
Practical use of telekonference and imaging techniques for neurosurgical education (2009)
Peripheral neuroactive steroids may be as good as the steroids in the cerebrospinal fluid for the diagnostics of CNS disturbances (2010)
Neurosurgery for Medical Students (2010)
Electrodermal dimensional complexity and smoking (2010)
Complex partial seizure-like symptoms and smoking in university students (2010)
Preoperative functional MR imaging in patients with brain tumors and epilepsy (2010)
Akutní břicho - kazuistiky (2010)
Mental couting is reflected in the event related brain potentials of the temporal lobe (2010)
Very early EEG responses to a meaningful auditory stimulus in the frontal lobes: an intracerebral study in humans (2010)
The level of frontal-temporal beta-2 band EEG synchronization distinguishes anterior cingulate cortex from other frontal regions (2010)
Interictal high-frequency oscillations indicate seizure onset zone in patients with focal cortical dysplasia. (2010)
Raritní multiplicita život ohrožujících expanzivních procesů (2010)
Přínos stereotaktické biopsie pro diagnostiku tumoru mozku (2010)
Využití neuroendoskopie pro diagnostiku a léčbu pseudocyst po komplexní terapii tumoru mozku (2010)
Přínos FULL HD techniky pro zvýraznění morfologického obrazu ve výuce neurochirurgie (2010)
Deep brain stimulation - computer planning correlated with electrophysiological monitoring (2010)
Volumetric study of cerebrospinal fluid expanzions after neuroendoscopic surgery (2010)
Depression, traumatic stress and interleukin-6 (2010)
Dissociative symptoms and interregional EEG cross-correlations in paranoid schizophrenia (2010)
Traumatic stress, dissociation and limbic irritability in patients with unipolar depression being treated with SSRIs (2010)
Senitization, epileptic-like symptoms and local synchronization in patients with paranoid schizophrenia (2010)
Physiology Practicals (2010)
Radioterapí indukované meningeomy (2010)
Radioterapií indukované meningeomy (2010)
Dynamika morfologických změn spinálních kořenů při experimentální kompresivní radikulopatii a následné dekompresi v korelaci s klinickou praxí (2010)
Meningiomy s postižením kostních struktur lebky (2006)
Clinical experience with dynamic interspinous U fixation (2010)
Dynamická interspinosní fixace (2010)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie pro histologickou verifikaci nádoru mozku (2010)
Úloha stereotaktické biopsie pro diagnózu tumoru mozku (2010)
Nové trendy ve výuce neurochirurgie, užití Full HD endoskopického systému a miniPACS (2010)
Kraniocerebrální poranění u nemocného s expanzí mokového prostoru (2010)
Kraniocerebrální poranění a úmrtí u nemocných s epilepsií (2010)
Possibilities of Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Treatment Resistant Depression - Preliminary Report (2010)
Dynamická interspinosní U fixace Coflex (2010)
Spongioplastika u tumoru páteře (2010)
Vertebroplastika u tumorů páteře (2010)
Dynamická interspinosní U fixace Coflex (2010)
Naše zkušenosti s léčbou juxtafacetární cysty bederní páteře (2010)
Úskalí stereotaxe a neuronavigace (2010)
Stereotaktická operace traumatických intracerebrálních hematomů (2010)
13 let zkušeností s navigovanou neuroendoskopií (2010)
Využití vagové stimulace v terapii funkčních poruch (2010)
Naše zkušenosti s diagnosou a terapií primárního epidurálního spinálního empyému (2010)
Úloha stereotaktické biopsie v diagnostice tumoru mozku (2011)
Stručný přehled fyziologie člověka pro bakalářské studijní programy (2010)
Jeden rok po hluboké mozkové stimulaci pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí - neuropsychologické výsledky (2010)
Dissociative states and neural complexity (2011)
Depression as a prominent cause of sexual dysfunction in women with epilepsy (2011)
The executive functions in frontal and in temporal cortices. A flanker task intracerebral recording study (2011)
Komplikace cévních implantátů - 3 kazuistiky (2011)
Cerebrovaskulární patologie přispívá k mortalitě pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2010)
White matter abnormalities of the motor network in schizophrenia (2011)
Abnormality bílé hmoty motorické sítě u pacientů se schizofrenií (2011)
Neuropsychiatrické projevy v iniciálních stádiích RS a jejich korelát v neurozobrazovacích metodách (2011)
Klinické využití fMRI v Brně (2010)
Fyziologické a fyzikální principy fMRI (2010)
Klinické využití fMRI (2010)
Maximum-uncertainty linear discrimination analysis of first-episode schizophrenia subjects (2011)
Průběh a závěry mezioborového setkání „Winter GLIO TRACK Meeting“ 2011 (2011)
Kvalita života po hluboké mozkové stimulaci u pacientů s pokročilou Parkinsonovou nemocí (2011)
Involvement of the subthalamic nucleus in cognitive functions — A concept (2011)
Prefrontální stimulace a její neuronální koreláty u schizofrenie. (2011)
Vzdálený syndrom zraněného gliomu po stereotaktické biopsii – kazuistika (2011)
Změny rozměrů III. komory po endoskopické operaci (2011)
Neuroendoskopická biopsie tumoru mozku (2011)
Is the Cerebellum a Potential Target for Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease? Results of 1-Hz rTMS on Upper Limb Motor Tasks (2011)
Konektivita mozku u schizofrenie (2011)
Integrita traktů bílé hmoty a sekvencování pohybů u schizofrenie (2011)
Konektivita mozku a schizofrenie (2011)
Kortiko-cerebelární funkční konektivita a řazení pohybů u schizofrenie (2011)
Functional Connectivity in Remission after the First Episode of Schizophrenia (2011)
Abnormality bílé hmoty motorické sítě u pacientů se schizofrenií (2011)
Úloha stereotaktické biopsie v diagnostice mozkových metastáz (2011)
Oportunní infekce mozku u pacientů po komplexní terapii nádorového onemocnění (2011)
Radioterapií indukované meningeomy (2011)
Oportunní infekce jako součást diferenciální diagnostiky mozkových expanzí (2011)
Tupá poranění v soudním lékařství (2011)
Hippocampal P300 recorded during a simple auditory reaction time task (intracerebral study). (2011)
Komplikace spojené s radioterapií karcinomu prostaty, jejich prevence a léčba (2011)
Průběh a závěry mezioborového setkání „Winter GLIO TRACK Meeting“ 2011 (2011)
Průběh a závěry mezioborového setkání „Winter GLIO TRACK Meeting“ 2011 (2011)
Dissociation and immune dysregulation: a preliminary report (2011)
Vertebroplastika u tumorů páteře (2011)
Intrakraniální krvácení jako neobvyklá komplikace tumoru mozku (2011)
Brain Substratum of Pathogenic Neurotic Belief in Panic Disorder: A Single Case Study (2011)
Neurální komponenty motivačních a rozhodovacích procesů v lidském mozku (2011)
Efektivnost VNS u fokálních epilepsií v dětském věku. (2011)
Dlouhodobá účinnost chirurgické léčby u pacientů s extratemporální epilepsií (2011)
Laboratorní testy pro diagnostiku neuropatické bolesti (2011)
Hodnocení algické percepce a její centrální modulace u zdravých (2011)
Hodnocení autonomní dysfunkce u pacientů v počátečních stádiích sclerosis multiplex (2011)
Exprese GAP-43 v kožní biopsii u pacientů s diabetem mellitem 2. typu (2011)
Subclinical epileptiform process in patients with unipolar depression and its indirect psychophysiological manifestations. (2011)
Epileptiform activity in alcohol dependent patients and possibilities of its indirect measurement (2011)
Schizophrenia, dissociation and consciousness (2011)
Stress, disociation and schizophrenia (2011)
Melatonin and traumatic stress (2011)
Cerebrospinal fluid IL-8 levels reflect symptoms of alexithymia in patients with non-inflammatory neurological disorders (2011)
Resekční epileptochirurgie u pacientů s perirolandickou epilepsií (2011)
Iktální bradykardie a asystolie u pacientů s fokální epilepsií - retrospektivní studie (2011)
“MRI-negative PET-positive” temporal lobe epilepsy: Invasive EEG findings, histopathology, and postoperative outcomes (2011)
Peri-ictal bed leaving in temporal lobe epilepsy: Incidence and lateralizing value (2011)
Farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2011)
Eslikarbazepin (2011)
Význam A-vln v predikci rozvoje širších elektrofyziologických abnormit (2011)
Výskyt a lokalizace A-vln u nejčastějších diagnostických jednotekvyšetřovaných v elektrofyziologické laboratoři (2011)
Ictal and peri-ictal oscillations in the human basal ganglia in temporal lobe epilepsy (2011)
Talairach's technique of stereoencephalography with planning software (2011)
Možnosti vagové stimulace v terapii bolestí hlavy - patofyziologický podklad a klinická data. Přehledový článek (2011)
Akutní stavy v neurochirurgii (2011)
Balizmus (2011)
Myoklonus (2011)
Involvement of the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus internus in attention (2011)
Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Patients With Cervical Spondylotic Spinal Cord Compression Correlations Between Clinical and Electrophysiological Findings (2012)
Škála MDS-UPDRS u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2011)
Does repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation have a positive effect on working memory and neuronal activation in treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia? (2012)
The Role of the Inferior Frontal Gyri in Cognitive Processing of Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Pilot rTMS Study (2011)
Dementia after DBS Surgery: A Case Report and Literature Review (2011)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie (2011)
Does WOQ-9 help to recognize symptoms of non-motor wearing-off in Parkinson’s disease? (2012)
Spinal Lymphoma - Indication for Spinal Cord Decompression and Vertebroplasty? (2011)
Elokventní oblasti mozku (2011)
Možnosti neurochirurgické intervence v chronickém stavu cévních mozkových příhod (2011)
Hydrocefalus po cévních mozkových příhodách - možnosti neuroendoskopické intervence (2011)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie u nemocných s poúrazovým hydrocefalem (2011)
Stereotaktická operace traumatických intracerebrálních hematomů (2011)
Psychochirurgie - lekce z minulosti a ponaučení pro budoucnost (2011)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie u pseudocyst (2011)
Neurochirurgická cerebrovaskulární problematika po kardiochirurgických operacích (2011)
Chirurgické komplikace systémů hluboké mozkové stimulace (2011)
Využití techniky awake craniotomy u lézí v elokventních oblastech mozku (2011)
Identifikace cílových struktur pro funkční stereotaktické výkony (2011)
Cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and sequencing of movements in schizophrenia (2012)
Unveiling the mystery of déja vu: The structural anatomy of déja vu (2012)
Postictal psychosis and its electrophysiological correlates in invasive EEG: A case report study and literature review (2012)
Intracerebral recordings of the Bereitschaftspotential demonstrate the heterogeneity of its components (2012)
Možnosti vagové stimulace mimo epileptochirurgii (2012)
Farmakorezistentní epilepsie po kraniocerebrálním poranění (2012)
Analytické zpracování MR obrazů v diagnostice farmakorezistentní epilepsie (2012)
Late divergence of target and nontarget ERPs in a visual oddball task (2012)
The role of voxel-based morphometry in the detection of cortical dysplasia within the temporal pole in patients with intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2012)
MR traktografie jako předoperační vyšetření u pacientů s mozkovým nádorem (2012)
Multimodální neurozobrazování pomocí simultánního EEG-fMR (2012)
Sulcus temporalis superior a jeho funkční význam (2012)
Epilepsie a úzkostné poruchy (2012)
Teleangiectasia hereditaria haemorrhagica – syndrom Osler-Weber-Rendu. Popis případu a zkušeností s léčbou (2012)
Towards a predictive model for post-stroke delirium (2012)
Estimation of neuronal responses from fMRI data (2011)
Cognitive effects of long-term treatment with waking-hour subcutaneous apomorphine infusions in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (2011)
Hluboká mozková stimulace u rezistentní obsedantně kompulzivní poruchy (2012)
Neurologické komplikace spojené s asistovanou reprodukcí - kazuistika (2012)
Přínos stereotaktické biopsie pro diagnostiku expanzí zadní jámy lební (2012)
P-3 like wave occurs in diverse contexts of the target and nontarget ERPs elicited in human brain during visual oddball task (2012)
Cooperation of remote brain regions during target variant of visual oddball task (2012)
Synchronized activation of frontal and temporal regions during target variant of visual oddball task (2012)
Anaplastický astrogliální tumor s rysy glioblastomu míchy – kazuistika (2012)
Rameno (2012)
MR artrografie (2012)
Difůzně vážené obrazy – základní principy a jejich využití v jednotlivých oblastech MR zobrazování. (2012)
Iowa Gambling Task in patients with early-onset Parkinson's disease: strategy analysis (2012)
Normotenzní hydrocefalus – komplikace z předrénování a jejich závislost na použitém ventilu (2013)
The Neurocognitive Networks of the Executive Functions (2012)
POEMS syndrom – kazuistika (2012)
Grey-white matter abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis: Inter-observer analysis, histopathological findings, and correlation with clinical variables (2012)
Problems of indications of operative treatment in intramedullary lesions (2012)
Papilární nádor pineální oblasti u dítěte - kazuistika (2012)
Opakovaná pseudoprogrese mozkové metastázy karcinomu prsu - kazuistika (2012)
Krvácení pod měkkou plenu mozkovou po minimálním násilí do oblasti obličeje - kazuistika a rozbor příčin (2012)
2012 ArgoSpine Best Poster Award: Minimally invasive treatment of Chiari malformation complex (2012)
Rozhodující úloha stereotaktické biopsie pro diagnózu mozečkové expanze-kasuistika (2012)
Validita výsledků minimálně invazivních technik biopsie mozkového tumoru (2012)
Mozkové arachnoidální cysty u dospělých - retrospektivní analýza výsledků chirurgické terapie (2012)
Minimally invasive treatment of Chiari malformation complex (2012)
Možnosti neuroendoskopie u nitrokomorového krvácení dospělých (2012)
Stav po CMP a možnosti neurochirurgického řešení (2012)
Arachnoid cysts in children - potentials of neuroendoscopic treatment (2012)
Vagus nerve stimulation in children - surgical outcomes (2012)
Subthalamic electrode implantation using MicroDrive system and microrecording data (2012)
The mesiotemporal lession pathology findings of temporal epileptic patients excluded mesiotemporal sclerosis (2012)
Komplikace minimálně invazivních výkonů v neurochirurgii - prevence a možnosti řešení (2012)
Analýza bodného poranění míchy s pomocí stereotaktického míšního atlasu (2012)
Problematika neurotraumat u nemocných vyššího věku (2012)
Neurotrauma u geriatrické populace (2012)
Diagnostické metody ve funkční neurochirurgii (2012)
Funkční diagnostika epilepsie (2012)
Role neuroendoskopie u nehydrocefalických lézí (2012)
Dynamická interspinosní U fixace Coflex (2012)
Lewisův-Sumnerův syndrom - Kazuistika (2012)
Diagnostické možnosti zobrazovacích metod v hodnocení morfologického korelátu kognitivních změn u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2012)
Brain Functional Connectivity of Male Patients in Remission After the First Episode of Schizophrenia (2013)
Neparaneoplastická limbická encefalitida s pozitivitou anit-LGI1 protilátek (2012)
Intracranial EEG seizure-onset patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy and their association with outcome, localization and histopathology (2012)
Anaplastický astrogliální tumor s rysy glioblastomu míchy – kazuistika (2012)
MR traktografie jako předoperační vyšetření u pacientů s mozkovým nádorem (2012)
Akromegalie, kazuistika komplikovaného případu (2012)
Long-term outcome of surgery in patiens with extratemporal epilepsy (2012)
Dlouhodobá účinnost a ekonomická efektivnost terapie VNS u dětí s farmakorezistentní fokální epilepsií (2012)
Long term efficacy and hospitalization rate in children with refractory focal epilepsy treated by vagus nerve stimulation (2012)
Long-term vagus nerve stimulation in children with focal epilepsy (2013)
Neurologie pro nelékařské obory (2012)
Tolerability and safety of perampanel: two randomized dose-escalation studies (2012)
Do the basal ganglia inhibit seizure activity in temporal lobe epilepsy? (2012)
Impairment of Brain Vessels May Contribute to Mortality in Patients With Parkinson's Disease (2012)
Conscious Experience of Motor Intentions and its Experimental Investigation (2013)
Epileptic-like symptoms and stress conditions in adolescents. (2012)
The role of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the Tower of London task performance: repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study in patients with Parkinson's disease (2012)
Default Mode Network and Extrastriate Visual Resting State Network in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Dementia (2012)
The default mode network integrity in patients with Parkinson's disease is levodopa equivalent dose-dependent (2012)
Ultrazvukové vyšetření a magnetická rezonance čelistních kloubů (2012)
The posterior medial cortex is involved in visual but not in verbal memory encoding processing: an intracerebral recording study (2013)
Kurativní radioterapie lokalizovaného karcinomu prostaty (2012)
Human studies of functional MRS at 7T with semi-LASER (2013)
Akcelerovaná hypofrakcionovaná radioterapie lokalizovaného karcinomu prostaty technikou RapidArc – první zkušenosti (2012)
Emoční reakce vyvolaná textovými zdravotními varováními na obalech tabákových výrobků u dětí staršího školního věku a adolescentů (2013)
On the Time Course of Synchronization Patterns of Neuronal Discharges in the Human Brain during Cognitive Tasks (2013)
Intracerebrally recorded high frequency oscillations: Simple visual assessment versus automated detection (2013)
Functional anatomy of outcome evaluation during Iowa Gambling Task performance in patients with Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study (2013)
Dissociative Disorders in Outpatients with Paranoid Schizophrenia in the Czech Republic – preliminary study. (2013)
Prevalence spondylogenní komprese krční míchy (2012)
Functional neuroanatomy of vocalization in patients with Parkinson's disease (2012)
Akutní neuropsychiatrické symptomy Wilsonovy nemoci, léčba a problematika non-compliance: kazuistika mladého pacienta (2012)
Vliv věku, alkoholové intoxikace a charakteru poranění mozku na prognózu operovaných zraněných s kraniocerebrálním poraněním (2013)
Stereotaktická operační technika v terapii bolesti - historie a současné možnosti (2013)
Effect of BOLD signal properties on accuracy of DCM estimation (2013)
Simulace efektivní konektivity v BOLD datech (2013)
Superior temporal sulcus and social cognition in dangerous drivers (2013)
Hippocampal negative event-related potential recorded in humans during a simple sensorimotor task occurs independently of motor execution (2013)
Searching for effective connectivity underlying the evoked response in SEEG (2013)
Acoustic evaluation of short-term effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on motor aspects of speech in Parkinson's disease (2013)
Epilepsy, cognition, and neuropsychiatry (Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind, part 2) (2013)
Hippocampal metabolism in subjects with type 1 diabetes and hypoglycemia unawareness (2013)
Použití transcerebelárního přístupu s obrácenou montáží stereotaktického rámu pro biopsii lézí zadní jámy lební (2013)
Subthalamic electrode implantation using the MicroDrive system and the importance of microrecording data (2013)
Intracranial EEG seizure onset patterns in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy and their relationship to other variables (2013)
Rhythmic ictal nonclonic hand (RINCH) motions in temporal lobe epilepsy: Invasive EEG findings, incidence, and lateralizing value (2013)
Association Between the Basal Ganglia and Large-Scale Brain Networks in Epilepsy (2013)
Hot Topics:fMRS (2013)
Similar circuits but different connectivity patterns between the cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and supplementary motor area in early Parkinson's disease patients and controls during predictive motor timing (2013)
Brain MRI abnormalities in Mucopolysacharidosis Type I: Cross-sectional Study (2014)
Perampanel, a novel, non-competitive, selective AMPA receptor antagonist as adjunctive therapy for treatment-resistant partial-onset seizures (2013)
DBS amplitude setting can improve aspects of quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease (2013)
Oscillatory changes in cognitive networks activated during a three-stimulus visual paradigm: An intracerebral study (2013)
Adjunctive brivaracetam for uncontrolled focal and generalized epilepsies: Results of a phase III, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose trial (2014)
Arachnoid cysts (2013)
Význam MR zobrazení difuze míchy v diferenciální diagnostice míšních lézí (2013)
MR zobrazení difuze a perfuze v neuroonkologii (2013)
Spondylogenní komprese krční míchy: prevalence a analýza dat MR-DTI zobrazení (2013)
Cervical spinal cord compression: prevalence and diffusion tensor imaging data analysis (2013)
MR vyšetření kolene, ramene, kyčle (2013)
Copying You Copying Me: Interpersonal Motor Co- Ordination Influences Automatic Imitation (2013)
Tumors in the 18th and 19th centuries at Brno, Czech Republic (2013)
Stress-Induced Alterations of Left-Right Electrodermal Activity Coupling Indexed by Pointwise Transinformation (2013)
Response to: Conclusions should be supported by the data presented (2013)
The role of brain shift, patient age, and Parkinson's disease duration in the difference between anatomical and electrophysiological targets for subthalamic stimulation (2013)
Porucha řazení pohybů u schizofrenie projevem narušené konektivity mozku (2013)
Diffusion tensor imaging detects dopaminergic neuronal degeneration in methamphetamine animal model of Parkinson's disease. (2014)
Zkratové operace u dospělých pacientů s posttraumatickým hydrocefalem (2013)
Recidivující pseudoprogrese mozkové metastázy karcinomu prsu - kazuistika (2013)
Correlations between BOLD and neurochemical responses measured in the human visual cortex at 7T (2014)
Feasibility and reproducibility of neurochemical profile quantification in the human hippocampus at 3T (2014)
Koincidence diabetes mellitus 1 typu a roztroušené sklerózy – kazuistika (2013)
POEMS syndrom – kazuistika (2013)
Psychosis effect on hippocampal reduction in schizophrenia (2014)
The boundaries of epilepsy: Where is the limit? A reply to Labate and Gambardella (2013)
Neuropsychiatric aspects of the on/off phenomen (2013)
Statistical significance of task related deep brain EEG dynamic changes in the time-frequency domain (2013)
Analysis of Evoked Deep Brain Connectivity (2013)
Syncope with atypical trunk convulsions in a patient with malignant arrhythmia (2013)
Hluboká mozková stimulace u Parkinsonovy nemoci (2013)
Epilepsy, behavior, and art (Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind, part 1) (2013)
Post-movement ERPs elicited during target variant of visual oddball task (2013)
Tumoriformní varianta roztroušené sklerózy - dvě kazuistiky (2013)
Koincidence diabetes mellitus 1. typu a roztroušené sklerózy - kazuistika (2013)
Hippocampal Neurochemical Profile of Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) as Measured by ¹H - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) (2014)
Comparing fMRI data processing methods with respect to possible inaccuracy (2012)
Involvement of region-specific HRF in classical analysis of event-related fMRI data (2012)
Dataset exploration tool for fMRI group analysis (2012)
Evokované potenciály vyvolané po správné odpovědi ve vizuálním oddball úkolu (2014)
Influence of cerebellar stereotactic stimulation on left-right electrodermal information transference in a patient with cerebral palsy (2013)
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex and symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children (2013)
Persisting primitive reflexes in medication-naive girls with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (2013)
Neuropathic Pain, Depressive Symptoms, and C-Reactive Protein in Sciatica Patients (2013)
Principle of dissolution and primitive reflexes in ADHD (2013)
Cerebrospinal fluid S100B levels reflect symptoms of depression in patients with non-inflammatory neurological disorders (2012)
mask_explorer_1 - Matlab Tool for Dataset Exploration Suitable for fMRI Group Analysis (2012)
Test 3F Dysartrický profil – normativní hodnoty řeči v češtině (2013)
Hippocampal Neurochemical Profile of Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) as Measured by ¹H - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) (2014)
Comparison of the Methods for Brain Parcellation (2013)
Analýza sítí pacientů s Alzheimerovou nemocí pomocí teorie grafů: vliv výběru parcelačního atlasu (2014)
Perampanel Study 207: long-term open-label evaluation in patients with epilepsy (2012)
Abnormalities in Myelination of the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle in Patients with Schizophrenia and Deficits in Movement Sequencing (2014)
Long-term outcome and predictors of resective surgery prognosis in patients with refractory extratemporal epilepsy (2014)
Vliv antikoagulační a antiagregační terapie na rozsah, vývoj a prognózu kraniocerebrálního poranění (2014)
Symmetry of the Fornix Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (2014)
Difuzně vážené obrazy při celotělovém zobrazování magnetickou rezonancí (DWIBS) v diagnostice mnohočetného myelomu (2014)
Méně obvyklé indikace hluboké mozkové stimulace (2014)
Long-term seizure outcome in patients with juvenile absence epilepsy; a retrospective study in a tertiary referral center (2014)
Tractography of Meyer´s Loop asymmetries (2014)
Complex Motor-Cognitive Factors Processed in the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus: An Intracerebral Recording Study (2015)
Subthalamic nucleus involvement in executive functions with increased cognitive load: a subthalamic nucleus and anterior cingulate cortex depth recording study (2014)
Diagnostic Value of Brain Tumor Neuroendoscopic Biopsy and Correlation with Open Tumor Resection (2014)
Non-invasive brain stimulation of the right inferior frontal gyrus may improve attention in early Alzheimer’s disease: A pilot study (2014)
Influence of levodopa on brain network: graph theory study based on expert knowledge and AAL atlas (2014)
Prevalence asymptomatické a symptomaticvké spondylotické komprese krční míchy (2013)
Prevalence asymptomatické a symptomaticvké spondylotické komprese krční míchy (2013)
Prevalence asymptomatické a symptomatické spondylotické komprese krční míchy (2013)
Prevalence and imaging characteristics of asymptomatic andsymptomatic spondylotic cervical spinal cord compression (2014)
Prevalence of asymptomatic and symptomatic spondylotic cervical spinal cord compression (2013)
Functional Imaging of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia During Predictive Motor Timing in Early Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Transaction network analysis for studying Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS): Research potentials and limitations (2014)
An evaluation of traffic-awareness campaign videos: empathy induction is associated with brain function within superior temporal sulcus (2014)
Neurofyziologie obranného chování (2014)
Jak se cítíte „teď a tady“? Neuronální pozadí emočního uvědomění (2014)
Zařízení pro odezvu pacienta vyšetřovaného magnetickou rezonancí (2014)
Importance of weak connections in functional network analysis of left TLE (2014)
Graph theory in brain connectivity: still not clear methodology (2014)
Sigmoid function parameter stability in anatomically informed priors for dynamic causal models (2014)
Recurrence analysis of SEEG recordings of cognitive responses (2014)
Parallel solvers for mean field models (2014)
Influence of underlying network structure on accuracy of DCM estimation (2014)
Gravidita a porod u pacientek s implantovaným shuntem pro hydrocefalus (2014)
Multimodální přístup k funkčnímu zobrazení mozku (2014)
Motor cortex plasticity and excitability in Parkinson's disease (2014)
Mismatch negativity-like potential (MMN-like) in the subthalamic nuclei in Parkinson’s disease patients (2014)
Elektrofyziologie (2014)
Comments on Knake S, et al. Status epilepticus: A critical review. Epilepsy & Behavior 2009;15:10-14 (2014)
The modulatory role of subthalamic nucleus in cognitive functions - A viewpoint. (2015)
Default Mode Network Connectivity Patterns associated with Visual Processing at Different Stages of Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Disruption of Resting Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer's Patients and At-Risk Subjects (2014)
Disturbed Default Mode Network Connectivity Patterns in Alzheimer's Disease Associated with Visual Processing (2014)
Grey Matter Changes in Cognitively Impaired Parkinson's Disease Patients (2014)
Ictal and postictal semiology in patients with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (2014)
Vztah antikoagulační a antigregační terapie u nemocných s chronickým subdurálním hematomem k závažnosti předoperačního stavu a výsledku chirurgické léčby (2014)
Česká verze Autonomic Scale for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease (CSOPA-AUT) - dotazníku k hodnocení přítomnosti a závažnosti příznaků autonomních dysfunkcí u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2014)
A novel cognitive fMRI task to assess brain mechanisms underlying visual processing and attention (2014)
Effect of L-Dopa on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease (2014)
Dlouhodobá terapie intraduodenální levodopou - kazuistika tří pacientů (2014)
Příčiny změn morfologie hipokampu u schizofrenie (2015)
Structural and behavioural changes in a rodent developmental disruption model of schizophrenia (2014)
Neurochemical and BOLD Responses in Activated Blob and Interblob Neuronal Populations Measured in the Human Visual Cortex at 7T (2015)
Ultrazvuk měkkotkáňových nádorů muskuloskeletárního systému (2014)
Cerebrovaskulární komplikace v časném období po kardiochirurgických výkonech (2014)
Endovascular brain intervention and mapping in a dog experimental model using magnetically-guided micro-catheter technology (2014)
Neurosurgical Treatment of Cerebrovascular Complications of Heart Surgeries and Interventions (2014)
Pathophysiological view of the possible restoration of movement after spinal cord transverse injury (2014)
Study of spinal cord in multiple sclerosis by MRI (2014)
Preictal Dynamics of EEG Complexity in Intracranially Recorded Epileptic Seizure A Case Report (2014)
Přehled zobrazovacích metod v chirurgické onkologii (2014)
MR zobrazení tenzorů difuze centrálního nervového systému (2014)
Hippocampal Volume in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (2015)
Hippocampal glucose transport kinetics in subjects with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH) (2015)
Balance deficits and ADHD symptoms in medication-naive school-aged boys (2014)
Neuroscience of synesthesia and cross-modal associations (2014)
Dissociation in schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder (2014)
Splitting in Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder (2014)
Sensory disturbances, inhibitory deficits, and the P50 wave in schizophrenia (2014)
mask_explorer_2 - Nástroj v Matlabu pro exploraci datasetů při skupinové fMRI analýze (2015)
Movement sequencing abnormalities in schizophrenia: Changes in cortical activity during finger-tapping task (2015)
Pacienti s Parkinsonovou nemocí a „Test 3F Dysartrický profil“ (2014)
Gray matter atrophy influences cognitive after-effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (2015)
Modern Techniques of Epileptic Focus Localization (2014)
Exploring task-related variability in fMRI data using fluctuations in power spectrum of simultaneously acquired EEG (2015)
Feasibility and reproducibility of neurochemical profile quantification in the human hippocampus at 3T (2015)
Neurochemical and BOLD responses during neuronal activation measured in the human visual cortex at 7 Tesla (2015)
Pathology of Vessels Supplying the Brain in Patients with Parkinson's Disease (2011)
Neuroonkologické aspekty u nemocných s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2015)
Mentální procesy následující po provedení volního pohybu během vizuálního oddball úkolu - intracerebrální studie (2015)
Effects of exercise therapy on white matter integrity in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls – a longitudinal DTI study (2014)
Effects of exercise on white matter integrity in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls (2014)
Physical exercise keeps the brain connected (2014)
Customizing Individual Needs of Accessing Text Information for Users with Dyslexia (2015)
Distinct Pattern of Gray Matter Atrophy in Mild Alzheimer’s Disease Impacts on Cognitive Outcomes of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation (2015)
Long-term outcomes in patients after epilepsy surgery failure (2015)
Optimizing CUDA code by kernel fusion: application on BLAS (2015)
Dynamics of functional brain networks: modularity and switching behavior (2015)
The non-target stimuli of the oddball task activate loci in the primary motor cortex: a case study of a patient with depth electrodes (2014)
Sensitivity of PPI analysis to differences in noise reduction strategies (2015)
Defining Formal Letter Similarity for Purposes of Accessing Web Information by Users with Dyslexia and Other Reading Disorders (2016)
Glioblastoma Multiforme in a Patient with Isolated Hemimegalencephaly (2015)
Význam magnetické rezonance v diagnostice epilepsie (2015)
Using high-gamma oscillations to track the neural dynamics of volitional action (2015)
Functional connectivity alterations and their relation to pathophysiological changes in mild cognitive impairment (2015)
The contribution of white matter lesions (WML) to Parkinson's disease cognitive impairment symptoms: A critical review of the literature (2016)
The contribution of white matter lesions to Parkinson's disease motor and gait symptoms: a critical review of the literature (2016)
Patofyziológia vzniku motorických nežiaducich účinkov dlhodobej dopaminergnej liečby Parkinsonovej choroby (2015)
Microstructural changes is gray matter of alpha synuclein overexpressing transgenic mouse model of Parkinson's disease: a diffusion weighted imaging study (2014)
Response to "Failed epilepsy surgery: It is not too late" (2015)
Inter-areal frontal lobe communication during rest: A depth eeg connectivity study (2015)
Devectorization of Array Expressions for Selective Just in Time Specialization of Neural Ensamble Simulations (2015)
Využití velkoplošné vizualizace v neurovědách (2015)
Networked History (2015)
An fMRI investigation into the effect of preceding stimuli during visual oddball tasks (2015)
Impact of cognitive stimulation on ripples within human epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampus (2015)
Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Radiation-Induced Myelopathy (2015)
Riziko spondylogenní komprese krční míchy u pacientů s lumbální spinální stenózou (2015)
Interleukin-6 May Contribute to Mortality in Parkinson's Disease Patients: A 4-Year Prospective Study (2015)
Third International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind: Part 1 (2015)
Third International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain, and Mind: Part 2 (2015)
The Role of Anterior Nuclei of the Thalamus: A Subcortical Gate in Memory Processing: An Intracerebral Recording Study (2015)
Prof. MUDr. Miloslav Kukleta, CSc. (2015)
Vzpomínka na významného brněnského neurofyziologa profesora Miloslava Kukletu (2015)
Prevalence a zobrazovací charakteristiky asymptomatické a symptomatické spondylogenní komprese krční míchy v populaci (2015)
Kraniocervikální pneumatizace provázená neurologickou symptomatikou - kazuistika (2015)
Connectivity of Superior Temporal Sulcus During Target Detection (2016)
Impact of Parkinson's disease and levodopa on resting state functional connectivity related to speech prosody control (2016)
The clinical phenomenology and associations of trick maneuvers in cervical dystonia (2016)
Connecting to Nature in the Lab through “Earth Song” : The Malleability of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards Nature (2015)
Does lumbar spinal stenosis increase the risk of spondylotic cervical spinal cord compression? (2015)
Local field potential power of subthalamic nucleus in human brain is not related to scalp EEG topography dynamics in rest (2015)
Structural covariance mapping delineates medial and medio-lateral temporal networks in déja vu (2016)
Co-ordinated structural and functional covariance in the adolescent brain underlies face processing performance (2016)
White matter alterations in Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) in the human brain (2016)
Studium struktury míchy u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou pomocí zobrazení tenzorů difuze (2015)
Christianization of the Roman Empire: Diffusion on a Settlement Network (2015)
Functional MRS at 7T and long TE (2016)
Metabolic changes in activated human visual cortex during mild hypoxia (2016)
Long-Term Treatment of Focal Dystonias (Cervical and Writer’s Cramp): Clinical and Quality of Life Impact (2015)
Chirurgická léčba difuzních nízkostupňových gliomů (2015)
Kranionazální komunikace u frontobazálního poranění, naše zkušenosti, kazuistika (2015)
Rotating frame MRI in human subjects with Multiple Sclerosis (2016)
A critical review on Vascular parkinsonism literature since 2006 Branislav Vesely, Czech Republic (2015)
Trade Network of Ancient Mediterranean and Christianity (2016)
Post-movement processing in visual oddball task - Evidence from intracerebral recording (2016)
The primary motor cortex is involved in the control of a non-motor cognitive action (2016)
Neuropsychologické vyšetření (2011)
Jeden rok po hluboké mozkové stimulaci u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí - neuropsychologické výsledky. (2010)
Is the risk of postsurgery memory decline after temporal lobe surgery age dependent? (2013)
Asymptomatická spondylogenní komprese krční míchy (2015)
White matter alterations in type 1 diabetes (T1D) as revealed by T1w/T2w ratio (2016)
Comprehensive white matter assessment in Mucopolysaccharidosis type I – a DTI study (2016)
Preoperative Visual Memory Performance as a Predictive Factor of Cognitive Changes after Deep Brain Stimulation of Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson's Disease (2016)
Altered corticostriatal connectivity in Parkinson’s disease is related to cognitive impairment (2016)
Altered corticostriatal connectivity in Parkinson’s disease and its relation to cognitive impairment (2016)
Emerging Technology Enabling Dyslexia Users To Read and Perceive Written Text Correctly (2016)
Emerging Technology Enabling Dyslexia Users To Read and Perceive Written Text Correctly (2016)
Penalised Reduction & Classification Toolbox (2016)
Dissociative states in dreams and brain chaos: implications for creative awareness (2015)
CZU - fMRI studie (2015)
Combining network and partial least square analyses: epilepsy case study (2016)
Using Supporting Visual Elements in Text for People with Dyslexia (2016)
Primární motorická kůra je aktivována během nemotorické kognitivní úlohy: kazuistika pacienta vyšetřeného intracerebrálními elektrodami (2016)
Dyslexia Assistive Tool for Users Speaking Czech (2016)
Late-stage alpha-synuclein accumulation in TNWT-61 mouse model of Parkinson's disease detected by diffusion kurtosis imaging (2016)
Dynamics of Local Field Potential Power of Subthalamic Nucleus in Relation to Scalp Recorded Electrical Activity of Resting Human Brain (2016)
What You Have Is Not What You See (2016)
Artificial Neural Networks for First-episode Schizophrenia Classification Based on MRI Data (2016)
Brivaracetam for the treatment of epilepsy (2016)
Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Chromosome 8 Aberrations in Patients With Multiple Myeloma Examined in 2 Different Stages, at Diagnosis and at Progression/Relapse (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii – zhodnocení iniciálních zkušeností (2016)
Effect of Different Preprocessing Options on Functional Connectivity Studied by Network Analysis (2016)
Impact of ROI coverage on representative signals in atlas based parcellations (2016)
Effect of Preprocessing Pipeline on Functional Connectivity Analysis (2016)
The MITHORIG project: Challenges and future prospects (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii – zhodnocení našich iniciálních zkušeností (2016)
Hybridní výkony v léčbě CLI (2016)
Mask_explorer: A tool for exploring brain masks in fMRI group analysis (2016)
Elektrofyziologické koreláty impulzivity v Go/NoGo úkolu (2016)
Abnormal movement sequencing in schizophrenia and related cortical activation patterns (2015)
Need for Cognitive Closure and Processing of Emotionally Ambiguous Interpersonal Stimuli: An fMRI Pilot Study (2016)
Distinguishing impulsivity phenotypes and their neural correlates (2016)
What's the meaning of this? A behavioral and neurophysiological investigation into the principles behind the classification of visual emotional stimuli (2016)
Komunitní struktura a předzpracování v sítích funkční konektivity (2016)
Elektrofyziologické koreláty teorie mysli evokované Tematickým apercepčním testem (2016)
Dynamic connectivity (2016)
Random Subspace Ensemble Artificial Neural Networks for Firstepisode Schizophrenia Classification (2016)
Evokovaná odpověď v Go/NoGo úkolu ve vztahu k impulzivitě (2016)
Token Test – česká normativní studie pro seniory a pacienty s neurodegenerativním onemocněním mozku (2016)
Long-term approach to patients with postsurgical seizures (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii - zhodnocení našich zkušeností (2016)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii - zhodnocení našich zkušeností (2016)
What can be found in scalp EEG spectrum beyond common frequency bands. EEG-fMRI study (2016)
Měření elektrofyziologických korelátů behaviorální inhibice (2016)
fMRI studie behaviorální inhibice u zdravých lidí: metodologie a výsledky (2016)
Supervised, Multivariate, Whole-Brain Reduction Did Not Help to Achieve High Classification Performance in Schizophrenia Research (2016)
High-Frequency Oscillations in the Human Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus (2016)
Speech prosody impairment predicts cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease (2016)
Semiautomatická segmentace MR obrazu krční míchy a její aplikace při analýze parametrůtenzoru difúze u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou (2016)
Predictive Motor Timing and the Cerebellar Vermis in Schizophrenia: An fMRI Study (2016)
Differences between mesial and neocortical magnetic-resonance-imaging-negative temporal lobe epilepsy (2016)
MR vyšetření skafolunátního vazu ve vysokém rozlišení s použitím mikroskopické cívky: srovnání s přímou MR artrografií a artroskopickými nálezy (2016)
NBIA – neurodegenerace s akumulací železa (2016)
Jsou nemotorické projevy Parkinsonovy nemoci indikací k léčbě pomocí hluboké mozkové stimulace subthalamických jader? NE (2016)
Factors responsible for early postoperative mental alterations after bilateral implantation of subthalamic electrodes (2017)
Test-Retest Reproducibility of Neurochemical Profiles with Short-Echo, Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy at 3T and 7T (2016)
Motion and emotion: anxiety-axial connections in Parkinson's disease (2017)
Frequency-independent characteristics of high-frequency oscillations in epileptic and non-epileptic regions (2017)
Agent-Based Modelling And Simulation For The Geospatial Network Model Of The Roman World (2016)
The effects of different preprocessing pipelines on network measures of functional connectivity (2016)
Large-scale cortico-subcortical functional networks in focal epilepsies: The role of the basal ganglia (2017)
Extending transportation network of the Roman Empire by means of demographic and economic proxies (2016)
Feasibility and Reproducibility of Neurochemical Profiling in the Human Hippocampus at 7T. (2017)
The effect of sex on neurochemical profile quantified from the human brain at 7T (2017)
Neurochemical Responses to Chromatic and Achromatic Stimuli in the Human Visual Cortex (2018)
White matter alterations in mucopolysaccharidosis type I assessed by automated DTI analysis (2017)
Splitting, impulsivity, and intimate partnerships in young obese women seeking bariatric treatment (2016)
Traumatic stress, neural self and the spiritual mind (2016)
Conscious brain, metacognition and schizophrenia (2016)
The increase of whole-cortex blood flow during hypoglycemia is greater in patients with type 1 diabetes than in non-diabetic subjects, irrespective of the patient awareness of hypoglycemia (2017)
The influence of theta burst stimulation on cognitive functions as assessed by fMRI Stroop task (2017)
K-space trajectory mapping and its application for ultrashort Echo time imaging (2017)
Fuzzy Model of Dyslexic Users Built with Linguistic Pattern Categories (2017)
Overview of data of CML patients in Infinity registry (2016)
HARDI dMRI imaging of cervical spinal cord (2017)
Early and progressive microstructural brain changes in mice overexpressing human alpha-Synuclein detected by diffusion kurtosis imaging (2017)
The long-term development of public attitudes towards people with epilepsy in the Czech Republic: 1981, 1984, 1998 and 2009 studies (2017)
Neurozobrazovací kazuistika (2017)
Token test - validační studie české verze u osob vyššího věku a pacientů s neurodegenerativním onemocněním mozku (2017)
Application of fuzzy logic in dyslexia user modelling to design customizing assistive technology (2017)
Designing Fuzzy Apparatus to Model Dyslexic Individual Symptoms for Clinical Use (2017)
Designing Fuzzy Apparatus to Model Dyslexic Individual Symptoms for Clinical Use (2017)
Evaluation of community detection algorithms applied to time-series connectivity networks with dynamical structure (2017)
Oscillatory reactivity to effortful cognitive processing in the subthalamic nucleus and internal pallidum: a depth electrode EEG study (2017)
Robert J. Gordon – The Rise and Fall of American Growth (2018)
Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Shaken Hearts and Confused Minds: Effect of Interoceptive Feedback Manipulation on Sense of Agency (2017)
Deceptions of the Heart: The Influence of False Cardiac Feedback on Autonomic Markers of Arousal (2017)
Stable Scalp EEG Spatiospectral Patterns Across Paradigms Estimated by Group ICA (2018)
Neurological and Neuropsychological Investigation in Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Defects (2017)
Emotion processing abnormalities in eating disorders: An fMRI pilot study (2017)
Zobrazování a psychodiagnostika: Funkční neuroanatomie Tematického apercepčního testu (2017)
The Impact of Diverse Preprocessing Pipelines on Brain Functional Connectivity (2017)
From raw data to data-analysis for magnetic resonance spectroscopy - the missing link: jMRUI2XML (2015)
jMRUI plugin software ({jMRUI2XML}) to allow automated {MRS} processing and {XML}-based standardized output (2015)
Connection Between Mithraism and Roman Army Garrisons (2017)
Relating the Spread of Early Christianity to the Transportation Network of Ancient Mediterranean (2017)
Intrathecal enzyme replacement therapy reverses cognitive decline in mucopolysaccharidosis type I. (2017)
Arterial spin labelling detects posterior cortical hypoperfusion in non-demented patients with Parkinson's disease (2017)
Neural correlates of Behavioral inhibition in healthy people and in patients with borderline personality disorder and ADHD (2017)
Neuroimaging of behavioral inhibition: methodology and an fMRI study in healthy people (2017)
Prevalence asymptomatické a symptomatické spondylotické komprese krční míchy (2013)
Investigating Community Detection Algorithms and their Capacity as Markers of Brain Diseases (2017)
Neurozobrazovací kazuistika (2016)
Primární progresivní apraxie řeči (2017)
Evoked potentials in final epoch of self-initiated hand movement: A study in patients with depth electrodes (2017)
Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease: Overview and Complications (2017)
Anti-NMDAR protilátky u demyelinizačních onemocnění (2017)
Determining Dyslexic User Model Membership Using Fuzzy Approach (2018)
Neural evidence for defective top-down control of visual processing in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease (2017)
Changes in connectivity of the posterior default network node during visual processing in mild cognitive impairment: staged decline between normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (2017)
Současné možnosti léčby akutních dystonií a tardivních dyskinezí (2017)
Event-Related Potentials as Biomarkers of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (2017)
Temporal lobe epilepsy? Things are not always what they seem (2017)
Akutní a tardivní dystonie a dyskineze (2017)
Multi-moral Brain MRI in subjects with PD and iRBD (2017)
Disruption in Cerebellar and Basal Ganglia Networks During a Visuospatial Task in Cervical Dystonia (2017)
Efficient sparse matrix-delayed vector multiplication for discretized neural field model (2018)
Chromosome 6q deletion correlates with poor prognosis and low relative expression of FOXO3 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2017)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény v periferní infrainguinální cévní chirurgii - zhodnocení našich zkušeností (2017)
Intensive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation changes EEG microstates in schizophrenia: A pilot study (2018)
Atypical handedness in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2017)
Very High-Frequency Oscillations: Novel Biomarkers of the Epileptogenic Zone (2017)
Evokované potenciály vyvolané kontaktním teplem – normativní data pro českou populaci (2017)
Detekce časných mikrostrukturálních změn u myšího modelu Parkinsonovy nemoci pomocí difuzního MR (2017)
Mozková konektivita hodnocená pomocí grafové teorie (2017)
Dynamic connectivity (2017)
Theta Burst Stimulation Induces Changes In Dorsal Attentional Network (2017)
Predictive value of preoperative statistical parametric mapping of regional glucose metabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2018)
Intenzivní RTMS (I-RTMS) v léčbě negativních přiznaků schizofrenie a změna EEG mikrostavů (2017)
Evokované potenciály vyvolané kontaktním teplem jako nová diagnostická metoda diabetické polyneuropatie (2017)
Hodnocení rohovkové inervace pomocí korneální konfokální mikroskopie u pacientů s diabetickou polyneuropatií (2017)
Evokované potenciály vyvolané kontaktním teplem - normativní data pro českou populaci (2017)
Neural processes involved in cognitive and affective Theory of mind: validation of verbal task (2017)
Zobrazování domén sociální kognice a jejích poruch u schizofrenie (2017)
Investigating Modularity and Its Capacity As a Marker of Neurodegenerative Diseases (2017)
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in patients with cystic fibrosis (2018)
Rotating Frame MRI Contrasts For Assessment of White Matter Alteration in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (2018)
Type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycemia are associated with reduced brain gray matter volumes (2017)
Principles of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging and its Role in Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders (2018)
One world in schools : an evaluation of the human rights education programme in the Republic of Georgia (2018)
Electrophysiological correlates of functional brain abnormities in major depressive disorder: microstate analysis on high-density EEG in resting conditions (2017)
Electrophysiological brain abnormities in major depressive disorder: microstate analysis on high-density EEG in resting condition (2018)
Multiway Array Decomposition of EEG Spectrum: Implications of Its Stability for the Exploration of Large-Scale Brain Networks (2017)
Praktická cvičení z fyziologie a neurověd (2017)
DysHelper – The Dyslexia Assistive Approach User Study (2018)
DysHelper – The Dyslexia Assistive User Experience (2018)
Theta burst stimulation enhances connectivity of the dorsal attention network in young healthysubjects: An exploratory study (2018)
Impact of stress induced by life threating situation on the brain of holocaust survivors and their offspring. A neuroimaging study. (2017)
A high volume, batch mode Xe-129 polarizer (2017)
Penalized Models to Detect Subtle Multiple Sclerosis Abnormalities in White and Grey Matter Using Functional Data Analysis of Multiple Non-Conventional MRI Contrasts (2018)
Fast in-vivo high-resolution diffusion MRI of the human cervical spinal cord microstructure (2018)
Detection of hypokinetic dysarthria in patients with Parkinson´s disease with 3F test (2018)
fMRI neurofeedback (2018)
Speciální den otevřených dvěří pro veřejnost (2016)
ÚOCHB student retreat - CEITEC MAFIL Core Facility (2017)
Den otevřených dveří pro veřejnost 15.9.2016 (2016)
High school students excursion (2017)
Integrated Use of fMRI and Eye tracking, Katerina Lukasova (2017)
Exkurze pro členy Menzy (2017)
Den otevřených dveří neurovědní laboratoře MAFIL (2017)
Day of National Research Infrastructures - visit of CF MAFIL (2017)
Návštěva emeritních profesorů LF (2017)
Vzdělávací workshop - Innovations in mapping of brain function and structure: benefits and pitfalls (2016)
Neuroimaging educational course: Mapping the function and structure of brain (2016)
Kurz zpracování dat pomocí SPM (2017)
Kurz zpracování dat pomocí SPM II (2017)
Workshop: Experiments in neuroimaging (2017)
Educational course: NeuroImaging (2017)
The influence of EEG-detected nocturnal centrotemporal discharges on the expression of core symptoms of ADHD in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS): A prospective study in a tertiary referral center (2018)
Analysis of diffusion tensor measurements of the human cervical spinal cord based on semiautomatic segmentation of the white and gray matter (2018)
White matter measures correlate with essential tremor severity - a pilot diffusion tensor imaging study (2018)
Perinatal stress and human hippocampal volume: Findings from typically developing young adults (2018)
Learning Curve in Anatomo-Electrophysiological Correlations in Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation (2018)
The course of experimental giardiasis in Mongolian gerbil (2018)
A dual-fMRI investigation of the iterated Ultimatum Game reveals that reciprocal behaviour is associated with neural alignment. (2018)
Diffusion kurtosis imaging detects early microstructural changes in dorsal motor nucleus of vagus in intragastric rotenone mouse model of Parkinson’s disease (2018)
Interleukin 6 and complement serum level study in Parkinson's disease (2018)
Morphological changes of cerebellar substructures in temporal lobe epilepsy: A complex phenomenon, not mere atrophy (2018)
Treatment Outcomes in Patients Treated with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in "Slovak Registry of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia" (CAMELIA SK) (2016)
The utility of ultra-high resolution MRSI on detectability of neurochemical changes in multiple sclerosis-related brain lesions (2018)
How do voxel size and shape in whole-brain MRSI affect spectral quality? A simulation study on 1.5T, 3T, 7T and 9.4T (2018)
Influence of k-space trajectory corrections on proton density mapping with ultrashort echo time imaging: Application for imaging of short T2 components in white matter (2018)
An updated diagnostic approach to subtype definition of vascular parkinsonism - Recommendations from an expert working group (2018)
Šíření křesťanství v antickém Středomoří (2018)
Impact of 123 i-ioflupane spect on real-life clinical decision making - follow up of 99 patients (2017)
CLLEAR český registr pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií – kompletní analýza dat (2018)
7 T Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: How Does Spatial Resolution Affect the Detectability of Metabolic Changes in Brain Lesions? (2018)
MR imaging of tissue near aneurysm clips using short- and zero time MR sequences (2018)
Deep brain stimulation targets for treating depression (2019)
Social decision-making in the brain: Input-state-output modelling reveals patterns of effective connectivity underlying reciprocal choices. (2019)
Hidden Languages in Brain: a Case fMRI Study (2018)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény pro periferní bypass (2018)
Použití metody endoskopického odběru velké safény pro periferní bypass (2018)
Insulin resistance is an underlying mechanism of impaired glucose metabolism during nilotinib therapy (2018)
Šíření „orientálních kultů“ po cestách starověkého Středomoří : Případové studie egyptských kultů a Mithraismu (2018)
Lynn White a Max Oelschlaeger – dva pohledy na roli křesťanství v environmentální krizi (2018)
Základy speciální neurologie pro studenty bakalářského studia ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence (2018)
Spatial constraints on the diffusion of religious innovations : The case of early Christianity in the Roman Empire (2018)
Disruption of Multiple Distinctive Neural Networks Associated With Impulse Control Disorder in Parkinson's Disease (2018)
White matter alterations in Parkinson's disease with normal cognition precede grey matter atrophy (2018)
Hippocampal involvement in nonpathological deja vu: Subfield vulnerability rather than temporal lobe epilepsy equivalent (2018)
Innovative real-time fMRI neurofeedback protocol for management of emotion regulation impairment in patients with borderline personality disorder (2018)
Mikrostrukturální parametry odvozené z difuzního MR pro časnou diagnostiku cervikální myelopatie (2018)
In-vivo zobrazování mikrostrukturálních parametrů lidské krční míchy ve vysokém úhlovém a prostorovém rozlišení (2018)
Real-time rMRI neurofeedback u pacientů s poruchami regulace emocí (2018)
Evaluation of different cerebrospinal fluid and white matter fMRI filtering strategies—Quantifying noise removal and neural signal preservation (2019)
Nová definice status epilepticus a možnosti jeho farmakologické léčby (2018)
Insight and cortisol responses in women with first episode psychosis (2018)
Conceptual disorganization and dissociative symptoms in women with first episode psychosis (2018)
Dissociative states in borderline personality disorder and their relationships to psychotropic medication (2018)
Oncological markers CA-125, CA 19-9 and endometriosis (2018)
European trends in epilepsy surgery (2018)
Spatial-temporal-spectral EEG patterns of BOLD functional network connectivity dynamics (2018)
Robustness of Representative Signals Relative to Data Loss Using Atlas-Based Parcellations (2018)
Změny šíře optického nervu v MR obraze v závislosti na věku a pohlaví (2018)
Subtype definition of vascular parkinsonism (2018)
Is Font Type and General Recommendation Really Playing Role in Dyslexic Comfortable Reading? (2019)
Workshop - Multi-centric studies, meta-analysis and data comparison (2018)
Open Day MUNI 2018 (2018)
MAFIL open day (2018)
Educational course: Neuroimaging (2018)
Patterns of Grey Matter Atrophy at Different Stages of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases and Relation to Cognition (2019)
Perampanel as monotherapy and adjunctive therapy for focal onset seizures, focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures and as adjunctive therapy of generalized onset tonic-clonic seizures (2019)
Diminished N1/P2 Suppression after Delayed Cardiac Feedback (2018)
Non-invasive stimulation of the auditory feedback area for improved articulation in Parkinson's disease (2019)
Compliance with ethical rules for scientific publishing in biomedical Open Access journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports (2019)
Diffusion kurtosis imaging detects brain microstructural alterations in three mouse models of Parkinson’s disease (2019)
Impaired Self-Other Distinction and Subcortical Gray-Matter Alterations Characterize Socio-Cognitive Disturbances in Multiple Sclerosis (2019)
Autosomal dominant temporal lobe epilepsy associated with heterozygous reelin mutation: 3 T brain MRI study with advanced neuroimaging methods (2019)
Abnormalities in brain electric microstates in depression: microstate analysis on high-density EEG in resting conditions (2018)
EEG Microstates in patients treated by STN DBS (2018)
Evokovaná odpověď v Go/NoGo úkolu u hraničního typu emočně-nestabilní poruchy osobnosti (2018)
Elektrofyziologie klidového stavu u depresivní poruchy: analýza mozkových mikrostavů (2018)
Analýza EEG mikrostavů u pacientů s hlubokou mozkovou stimulací subthalamického jádra (2018)
Asymmetric effective brain connectivity in depression during rest: analysis of high-density electroencephalography (2019)
Electrophysiological brain abnormalities in depression: microstate analysis on resting high-density EEG (2019)
Asymmetry of effective connectivity during resting conditions in major depressive disorder:analysis on high-density EEG (2019)
EEG Reactivity Predicts Individual Efficacy of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Intractable Epileptics (2019)
Connectivity Between Brain Networks Dynamically Reflects Cognitive Status of Parkinson's Disease: A Longitudinal Study (2019)
Učebnice speciální neurologie (2019)
EEG Resting-State Large-Scale Brain Network Dynamics Are Related to Depressive Symptoms (2019)
The Influence of False Cardiac Feedback on Autonomic Markers of Arousal (2019)
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Detects Microstructural Changes in a Methamphetamine-Induced Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease. (2019)
Holocaust history is not reflected in telomere homeostasis in survivors and their offspring (2019)
Processing of Emotions in Functional Movement Disorder: An Exploratory fMRI Study (2019)
Cortical excitability and visual discomfort in epilepsy: SEEG study (2019)
Analýza chůze a stability u různě léčených pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2019)
Zpráva z výzkumného pobytu ve Švýcarsku (2019)
Cognitive effects of dance-movement intervention in a mixed group of seniors are not dependent on hippocampal atrophy (2019)
Výskyt Parkinsonovy nemoci v České republice – epidemiologická analýza (2019)
Gait Analysis of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Relation to Apposite Data Selection (2019)
Altered Electroencephalographic Resting-State Large-Scale Brain Network Dynamics in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder Patients (2019)
Test Vyšetření fatických funkcí (VFF-R) (2019)
Perampanel – kam s ním II? (2019)
PERAMPANEL – kam s ním? (2017)
Novinky ve farmakologické léčbě epilepsie (2015)
Increasing procoagulant activity of circulating microparticles in patients living with HIV (2020)
EEG spatiospectral patterns and their link to fMRI BOLD signal via variable hemodynamic response functions (2019)
fMRI neurofeedback in emotion regulation (2019)
Soothing the emotional brain: modulation of neural activity to personal emotional stimulation by social touch (2019)
Social support modulates subjective and neural responses to sad mental imagery (2020)
Electrophysiological correlates of proactive and reactive inhibitions in a modified go/nogo task (2019)
Funkční stereotaktická neurochirurgie (2019)
Parkinsonova nemoc (2019)
Theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation induced cognitive task-related decrease in activity of default mode network: An exploratory study (2020)
Dynamics of tumor-specific cfDNA in response to therapy in multiple myeloma patients (2020)
Deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus: EEG microstates analysis (2019)
STN DBS in Parkinson’s disease: EEG microstates analysis (2019)
Electrophysiological correlates of proactive and reactive inhibitions in a modified go/nogo task (2019)
Eeg klidová dynamika rozsáhlých mozkových sítí koreluje s depresivní symptomatologií (2019)
Diversity of motor-cognitive performance in patients treated by STN DBS (2018)
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Using Focused Linear Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwaves: Single-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial (2020)
The contribution of cerebrovascular risk factors, metabolic and inflammatory changes to cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease: preliminary observations (2019)
Getting into sync: Data-driven analyses reveal patterns of neural coupling that distinguish among different social exchanges (2020)
Život zachraňující léčba dystonického statu – kazuistika (2019)
Differences in right-to-left vs left-to-right interventricular conduction times in patients indicated to cardiac resynchronization therapy (2020)
Contribution of white matter lesions to cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease (2019)
MR Fully Compatible and Safe FBG Breathing Sensor: A Practical Solution for Respiratory Triggering (2019)
Microstructural changes of normal-appearing white matter in Vascular Parkinsonism (2019)
Impairment of brain functions in Parkinson's disease reflected by alterations in neural connectivity in EEG studies: A viewpoint (2019)
Burnout Syndrome, Mental Splitting and Depression in Female Health Care Professionals (2019)
Burnout Syndrome and Logotherapy: Logotherapy as Useful Conceptual Framework for Explanation and Prevention of Burnout (2019)
Roadmap for a competency-based educational curriculum in epileptology: report of the Epilepsy Education Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy (2019)
A Low-Cost System for Seismocardiography-Based Cardiac Triggering: A Practical Solution for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3 Tesla (2019)
Are Migraine With and Without Aura Really Different Entities? (2019)
Altered Resting State Functional Activity and Microstructure of the White Matter in Migraine With Aura (2019)
Fast In Vivo High-Resolution Diffusion MRI of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord Microstructure (2019)
The Experimental Setup for T-2* Mapping in Achilles tendon and Enthesis (2019)
Stable EEG Spatiospectral Sources Using Relative Power as Group-ICA Input (2019)
COVID-19: Přehled aktuální situace v ČR (Onemocnění aktuálně MZČR) (2020)
Advanced NeuroImaging Workshop - Neurofeedback and virtual reality (2019)
Anterior thalamic deep brain stimulation in epilepsy and persistent psychiatric side effects following discontinuation (2019)
Den otevřených dveří MAFIL (2019)
Educational course: Neuroimaging 2019 (2019)
The role of the striatum in visuomotor integration during handwriting: an fMRI study (2020)
Life-long effects of extreme stress on brain structures - a holocaust survivor MRI study (2019)
Music Information Retrieval Techniques for Determining the Place of Origin of a Music Interpretation (2018)
K-space Trajectory Calibration for Improved Precision of Quantitative Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging (2017)
Altered directed functional connectivity of the right amygdala in depression: high-density EEG study (2020)
Activation of the Nitric Oxide Pathway and Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Acute Kidney Injury (2020)
Oncologic outcome after completing or abandoning (radical) hysterectomy in patients with cervical cancer and intraoperative detection of lymph node positivity; ABRAX (ABandoning RAd hyst in cerviX cancer) (2020)
Complex Reporting of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Czech Republic: Use of an Interactive Web-Based App in Practice (2020)
Imagery-induced negative affect, social touch and frontal EEG power band activity (2020)
Human brain connectivity: Clinical applications for clinical neurophysiology (2020)
Impact of sentinel lymph node frozen section evaluation to avoid combined treatment in early-stage cervical cancer (2020)
Central Pathology Review in SENTIX, a Prospective Observational International Study on Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients with Early-Stage Cervical Cancer (ENGOT-CX2) (2020)
Micrometastases in Sentinel Lymph Nodes Represent a Significant Negative Prognostic Factor in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: A Single-Institutional Retrospective Cohort Study (2020)
Left Atrial Appendage Closure Versus Direct Oral Anticoagulants in High-Risk Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (2020)
Anti-Mullerian hormone as an ovarian reserve marker in women with the most frequent muscular dystrophies (2020)
Heart rate as an independent predictor of long term mortality of acute heart failure patients in sinus rhythm according to their ejection fraction: data from the AHEAD registry (2020)
No Evidence of Persistence or Inheritance of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants (2020)
Cerebrocerebellar structural covariance in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2020)
Paroxysmal dystonia due to cervical spinal cord tumor (2020)
Socioeconomic characteristics, family structure and trajectories of children's psychosocial problems in a period of social transition (2020)
The Effect of Diabetes on Prognosis Following Myocardial Infarction Treated with Primary Angioplasty and Potent Antiplatelet Therapy (2020)
Simple compensation method for improved half-pulse excitation profile with rephasing gradient (2020)
Context of learning as a potential factor in successful language maintenance – A case study (2020)
HARDI-ZOOMit protocol improves specificity to microstructural changes in presymptomatic myelopathy (2020)
The Czech COPD mortality rate declining, but total deaths increasing (2020)
Examining Endothelial Dysfunction and The Effect of Topical Treatment with Prostaglandin E1 In Diabetics Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (2020)
Real-time fMRI neurofeedback v léčbě emoční dysregulace (2020)
The association between MMP-9 and Choroid plexus volume in schizophrenia (2020)
Cognitive task-related functional connectivity alterations in temporal lobe epilepsy (2020)
Registr FAR NHL a humorální aktivace (2020)
Preskripce a dávkování diuretik u pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním v registru FAR NHL (2020)
Association of triple positivity with prognostic parameters and overall survival in a population-based study of 6,122 HER2-positive breast cancer patients: analysis of real-world clinical practice based on a research database (2020)
Maternal Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy and Brain Age in Young Adult Offspring: Findings from a Prenatal Birth Cohort (2020)
Vliv synbiotika ColonFit na symptomy pacientů se syndromem dráždivého tračníku, funkční zácpou a funkčním průjmem (2020)
Morfologie Corpus Callosum a klinický stav u pacientů s depresivní poruchou (2020)
Differential diagnosis of tremor syndromes using MRI relaxometry (2020)
Kazuistika pacienta se spinální metastázou glioblastomu (2021)
Unidimensionality of the personality inventory for DSM-5 facets: Evidence from two Czech-speaking samples (2018)
Psychometric properties of the Czech version of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5: internal consistency, validity and discrimination capacity of the measure (2017)
The Outcomes-based Risk Sharing Model for Targeted Drugs Based on the Czech National Register of Reimbursed Health Services (2020)
Resting-State Phase-Amplitude Coupling Between the Human Subthalamic Nucleus and Cortical Activity: A Simultaneous Intracranial and Scalp EEG Study (2021)
Processing of emotionally ambiguous stimuli in eating disorders: an fMRI pilot study (2021)
A Novel FBG-Based Triggering System for Cardiac MR Imaging at 3 Tesla: A Pilot Pre-Clinical Study (2020)
Brittle Biballism-Dystonia in a Pediatric Patient with GNAO1 Mutation Managed Using Pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation (2021)
Suboptimal response to STN-DBS in Parkinson's disease can be identified via reaction times in a motor cognitive paradigm (2020)
Alterace efektivní konektivity pravé amygdaly u deprese (2021)
Funkční mozkové mikrostavy jako biomarker v elektrokonvulzivní léčbě afektivních poruch (2021)
Základní epidemiologická analýza pacientů s dekubity v Národním zdravotnickém informačním systému (2021)
A Comparison Between Novel FPGA-Based Pad Monitoring System Using Ballistocardiography and the Conventional Systems for Synchronization and Gating of CMRI at 3 Tesla: A Pilot Study (2020)
Alexithymia, traumatic stress symptoms and burnout in female healthcare professionals (2020)
Assessment of the long-term efficacy and safety of adjunctive perampanel in tonic-clonic seizures: Analysis of four open-label extension studies (2020)
Brain structure changes in nondemented seniors after six-month dance-exercise intervention (2020)
Emotional Awareness in Schizophrenia Is Associated With Gray Matter Volume of Right Precuneus (2021)
Representation of Parkinson's disease and atypical Parkinson's syndromes in the Czech Republic-A nationwide retrospective study (2021)
Covidogram as a simple tool for predicting severe course of COVID-19: population-based study (2021)
You took the words right out of my mouth: Dual-fMRI reveals intra- and inter-personal neural processes supporting verbal interaction (2021)
Imitation or Polarity Correspondence? Behavioural and Neurophysiological Evidence for the Confounding Influence of Orthogonal Spatial Compatibility on Measures of Automatic Imitation (2021)
Successful asymmetrical deep brain stimulation using right subthalamic and left pallidal electrodes in a patient with Parkinson's disease (2024)
Memory outcomes of temporal lobe surgery in adults aged over 45 years (2021)
Automated fusion of multimodal imaging data for identifying epileptogenic lesions in patients with inconclusive magnetic resonance imaging (2021)
A Novel Statistical Model for Predicting the Efficacy of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Patients With Epilepsy (Pre-X-Stim) Is Applicable to Different EEG Systems (2021)
The benefit of the diffusion kurtosis imaging in presurgical evaluation in patients with focal MR-negative epilepsy (2021)
Can the color red trick you into drinking less? A replication study (2021)
Geodesic fiber tracking in white matter using activation function (2021)
Directly Measured Adherence to Treatment in Chronic Heart Failure: LEVEL-CHF Registry (2021)
Differences in risk profiles and long-term outcomes in acute heart failure patients with preserved and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction in the Czech Republic: The AHEAD registry sub-analysis (2021)
Funkční mozkové mikrostavy jako biomarker v léčbě afektivních poruch (2021)
Inferior parietal lobule involved in representation of "what" in a delayed-action Libet task (2021)
IMPACTECH_CZ - interaktivní model socioekonomických dopadů energetické transformace (2021)
Prognostic value of oxidative stress in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: A prospective cohort study (2021)
Prognostic value of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I in heart failure patients with mid-range and reduced ejection fraction (2021)
Ictal connectivity changes induced by pulvinar stimulation correlate with improvement of awareness (2021)
Cognitive Aftereffects of Acute tDCS Coupled with Cognitive Training: An fMRI Study in Healthy Seniors. (2021)
Modulation of Working Memory and Resting-State fMRI by tDCS of the Right Frontoparietal Network (2021)
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Signifies the Joint Impact of Dance Intervention and Cognitive Reserve (2021)
Pregnancy Outcomes in Refractory Epilepsy Patients with Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Long-Term Single-Center Experience (2022)
Funkční mozkové mikrostavy jako biomarker při farmakoterapii deprese (2021)
Neural correlates of social exclusion in borderline personality disorder (2021)
Mezifrekvenční vazba mezi elektrofyziologickou aktivitou lidského subthalamického jádra a mozkové kůry v exekutivně náročném oddball úkolu (2021)
The annual recurrence risk model for tailored surveillance strategy in patients with cervical cancer (2021)
Brain activity in the idiopathic Parkinson's disease (2021)
The effect of left atrial appendage closure on heart failure biomarkers: A PRAGUE-17 trial subanalysis (2021)
Trends in the treatment and survival of heart failure patients: a nationwide population-based study in the Czech Republic (2021)
Electrophysiological biomarkers for deep brain stimulation outcomes in movement disorders: state of the art and future challenges (2021)
Altered Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Resting Brain in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies (2021)
Memory retrieval in temporal lobe epilepsy is related to functional segregation of the mesiotemporal structures (2021)
Epileptogenic zone detection in MRI negative epilepsy using adaptive thresholding of arterial spin labeling data (2021)
Arterial Spin Labeling is a Useful MRI Method for Presurgical Evaluation in MRI-Negative Focal Epilepsy (2021)
Thalamic oscillatory activity may predict response to deep brain stimulation of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (2021)
Mozart effect in epilepsy: Why is Mozart better than Haydn? Acoustic qualities-based analysis of stereoelectroencephalography (2021)
Bidirectional Association Between Sleep and Brain Atrophy in Aging (2021)
K méně známým počátkům hluboké mozkové stimulace (2021)
Insights into deja vu: Associations between the frequency of experience and amplitudes of low-frequency oscillations in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (2022)
Alterations in Sensorimotor and Mesiotemporal Cortices and Diffuse White Matter Changes in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Detected by Adiabatic Relaxometry (2021)
Dance Intervention Impact on Brain Plasticity: A Randomized 6-Month fMRI Study in Non-expert Older Adults (2021)
Cortical network organization reflects clinical response to subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease (2021)
Polymorphous low-grade neuroepithelial tumor of the young (2021)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in borderline personality disorder: clinical and brain connectivity changes (2021)
Transduction profiles in minipig following MRI guided delivery of AAV-5 into thalamic and corona radiata areas (2022)
Pre-implant Heart Activity Differs in Responders and Non-responders to Vagal Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Epileptic Patients (2021)
Zkušenosti s radiofrekvenční termokoagulací předpokládané epileptogenní zóny pomocí diagnostických SEEG elektrod (2021)
Predikce efektu vagové stimulace u nemocných s farmakorezistentní epilepsií (2021)
Cílové struktury pro hlubokou mozkovou stimulaci - historický vývoj a možná budoucnost (2021)
Brain Connectivity and Symptom Changes After Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder (2022)
Brain connectivity changes after prefrontal rTMS in patients with borderline personality disorder (2021)
Změny mozkové konektivity po prefrontální rTMS u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti (2021)
Is the vertex a good control stimulation site? Theta burst stimulation in healthy controls (2022)
Kinematic Relations during Double Support Phase in Parkinsonian Gait (2022)
Target-Specific Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Prostate Adenocarcinoma Using NaDyF4-NaGdF4 Core Shell Nanoparticles (2021)
The role of central autonomic nervous system dysfunction in Takotsubo syndrome: a systematic review (2022)
Lifelong impact of extreme stress on the human brain: Holocaust survivors study (2021)
Contribution of the multi-echo approach in accelerated functional magnetic resonance imaging multiband acquisition (2022)
Colloidally Stable Monodisperse Fe Nanoparticles as T-2 Contrast Agents for High-Field Clinical and Preclinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2021)
Protrahovaná intoxikace paroxetinem - kazuistika (2022)
Impact of Prenatal Stress on Amygdala Anatomy in Young Adulthood: Timing and Location Matter (2022)
Neuroimaging: Mapping the function and structure of brain (2021)
Business Research Forum (2021)
CF Day (2021)
Open Week (2021)
The network(s) of Mithraism : discussing the role of the Roman army in the spread of Mithraism and the question of interregional communication (2021)
Modulating neural reactivity to visual reminders of a deceased close person by tactile social support (2019)
A brain atlas of axonal and synaptic delays based on modelling of cortico-cortical evoked potentials (2022)
Funkční mozkové mikrostavy u pacientů s hraniční poruchou osobnosti (2022)
A high-density EEG investigation into the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying differences between personality profiles in social information processing (2022)
The reduction of hippocampal volume in Parkinson's disease (2022)
Actions of a shaken heart: Interoception interacts with action processing (2022)
Twenty-five years of epilepsy surgery at a Central European Center – trends in intervention delay and outcomes (2022)
Prediction of Vagal Nerve Stimulation Efficacy in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy (PRECISE): Prospective Study for Pre-implantation Prediction/Study Design (2022)
Next-generation sequencing in children with epilepsy: The importance of precise genotype–phenotype correlation (2022)
Modification of Brain Functional Connectivity in Adolescent Thoracic Idiopathic Scoliosis by Lower Extremities Position (2022)
Osteocalcin levels decrease during the treatment of an acute depressive episode (2022)
High frequency ripple oscillations in human memory encoding and recall (2022)
Inter-individual differences in baseline dynamic functional connectivity are linked to cognitive aftereffects of tDCS (2022)
Endoscopic versus open saphenous vein harvest for lower extremity femoro-popliteal bypass (2019)
Multimodal combination of neuroimaging methods for localizing the epileptogenic zone in MR-negative epilepsy (2022)
Differential spatial distribution of white matter lesions in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and cognitive sequelae (2022)
Registrace a změny kortikální a subkortikální aktivity u idiopatické Parkinsonovy nemoci (2021)
Klinické doporučené postupy v léčbě Parkinsonovy nemoci v ČR (2022)
White matter alterations in MR-negative temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy using fixel-based analysis (2023)
Microstructural changes of normal-appearing white matter in Vascular Parkinsonism (2019)
Functional brain microstates in patients with borderline personality disorder (2022)
Funkční mozkové mikrostavy jako biomarker při léčbě deprese (2022)
Subkortiko-kortikální funkční vztahy lidského mozku během kognitivní zátěže (2022)
EEG u afektivních poruch (2022)
DEtection of abnormalities uncovering signs of early STAge stress (DESTA project) (2022)
Spinal Metastasis in a Patient with Supratentorial Glioblastoma with Primitive Neuronal Component: A Case Report with Clinical and Molecular Evaluation (2023)
Tremor associated with similar structural networks in Parkinson's disease and essential tremor (2022)
Deep brain stimulation of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus in focal epilepsy (2022)
Deep Brain Stimulation during Pregnancy and Delivery: Review of Current Literature (2023)
Vagus nerve stimulation outcome prediction: from simple parameters to advanced models (2022)
Posttraumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth in Three Generations of Czech and Slovak Holocaust Survivors. (2022)
Noc vědců: Všemi smysly (2022)
CF Day Meeting (2022)
Language impairment in Parkinson’s disease: fMRI study of sentence reading comprehension (2023)
Wellbeing and national identity in three generations of Czech and Slovak Holocaust survivors (2022)
Predicting responsiveness to deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease (2023)
Are there differences in EEG between epileptic patients with vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) and healthy controls? (2022)
Functional connectivity alterations and their relation to pathophysiological changes in MCI with suspected non-AD pathology (2018)
Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Functional Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease (2023)
Analytic and Holistic Cognitive Style as a Set of Independent Manifests : Evidence from a Validation Study of Six Measurement Instruments (2023)
Single-center long-term results of vagus nerve stimulation for pediatric epilepsy: a 10-17-year follow-up study (2023)
Twenty-five years of epilepsy surgery at a Central European comprehensive epilepsy center-Trends in intervention delay and outcomes (2023)
Intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring determines the final electrode position for pallidal stimulation in dystonia patients (2023)
Poruchy kardiovaskulárního systému u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2023)
Facial emotion processing in borderline personality disorder: neural correlates and heart rate variability (2023)
Lifelong effects of prenatal and early postnatal stress on the hippocampus, amygdala, and psychological states of Holocaust survivors. (2023)
Longitudinal study of epigenetic aging and its relationship with brain aging and cognitive skills in young adulthood (2023)
Infekční komplikace u hluboké mozkové stimulace pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (2023)
Hodnocení využitelnosti Klinického doporučeného postupu – diagnostika a léčby Parkinsonovy nemoci v klinické praxi (2023)
Parkinson´s disease cardiovascular symptoms: A new complex functional and structural insight (2024)
EEG microstates in affective disorders (2023)
Study of human brain functions using intracerebral and high-density scalp electroencephalography (2023)
Fyziologický smutek versus deprese (2023)
EEG-Meta-Microstates: Towards a more objective use of resting-state EEG microstate findings across studies (2024)
EEG Microstates in Mood and Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-analysis (2024)
Editorial: The new frontier in brain network physiology: from temporal dynamics to the principles of integration in physiological brain networks (2023)
Levodopa may modulate specific speech impairment in Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study (2024)
Utility of quantitative MRI metrics in brain ageing research (2023)
Genetic algorithm designed for optimization of neural network architectures for intracranial EEG recordings analysis (2023)
Eslicarbazepine-induced hyponatremia: A retrospective single-center real clinical practice study (2024)
Shadows of very high-frequency oscillations can be detected in lower frequency bands of routine stereoelectroencephalography (2023)
Utilization of temporal autoencoder for semi-supervised intracranial EEG clustering and classification (2023)
Interictal high-frequency oscillations, spikes, and connectivity profiles: A fingerprint of epileptogenic brain pathologies (2023)
Brain Areas Predisposing to the Stroke-Related Epilepsy Development (2023)
Resting state networks in prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies (2023)
Entropy in scalp EEG can be used as a preimplantation marker for VNS efficacy (2023)
The effect of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease reflected in EEG microstates (2023)
Association of Maternal Depression During Pregnancy and Recent Stress With Brain Age Among Adult Offspring (2023)
Exploring the impact of intensified multiple session tDCS over the left DLPFC on brain function in MCI: a randomized control trial. (2024)
Evaluating the random matrix theory in brain functional communities (2023)
Functional neuroanatomy of reading in Czech: Evidence of a dual-route processing architecture in a shallow orthography (2023)
Neural correlates of social exclusion and overinclusion in patients with borderline personality disorder: an fMRI study (2023)
Neurodynamics of "cognitive conflict": Theory and illustrative case study (2023)
Neuroimaging-based classification of PTSD using data-driven computational approaches: A multisite big data study from the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD consortium (2023)
Interictal invasive very high-frequency oscillations in resting awake state and sleep (2023)
Metabolic connectivity as a predictor of surgical outcome in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2024)
Vaskulární koridor pro implantaci stimulační elektrody do nucleus anterior thalami – experimentální studie (2023)
Cenobamát v léčbě farmakorezistentní fokální epilepsie (2023)
Bariatric surgery and its impact on depressive symptoms, cognition, brain and inflammation (2023)
Molecular Biomarkers of Neuronal Injury in Epilepsy Shared with Neurodegenerative Diseases (2023)
The interacting brain: Dynamic functional connectivity among canonical brain networks dissociates cooperative from competitive social interactions (2023)
Distance from main arteries influences microstructural and functional brain tissue characteristics (2024)
CF Day 2023 (2024)
Examining the association between posttraumatic stress disorder and disruptions in cortical networks identified using data-driven methods (2024)
Analýza výjezdů ZZS u pacientů s podezřením na cévní mozkovou příhodu (2024)
Mapping the burden on caregivers of people with epilepsy during the COVID-19 pandemic - pilot study (2024)
Striato-cortical functional connectivity changes in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies (2024)
FAIR data /Open data pro uživatele CF MAFIL (2023)
Workshop on Brain Microstates (2023)
Educational course: Neuroimaging 2023 (2023)
Educational course: Processing of neuroimaging data in SPM12 and Matlab software (2023)
Lost and found? (2024)
Low prevalence of neural autoantibodies in perioperative cerebrospinal fluid samples of epilepsy surgery patients: A multicenter prospective study (2024)
Changes in dynamic functional connectivity in prodromal dementia with Lewy body (2023)
Facial emotion processing in patients with borderline personality disorder as compared with healthy controls: an fMRI and ECG study (2024)
Topological network analysis across brain diseases (2024)
Topological network analysis of human brain function (2024)
Využití fast eigenvector centrality ke sledování dynamiky fMRI dat v prodromálním stádiu demence s Lewyho tělísky (2023)
Klidové sítě v prodromálním stadiu demence s Lewyho tělísky (2023)
Detekce prodromálního stádia demence s Lewyho tělísky pomocí kombinace metod dynamické funkční konektivity (2023)
State analysis of fMRI in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (2023)
Coupling between beta band and high frequency oscillations as a clinically useful biomarker for DBS (2024)
Case report: Susac syndrome-two ends of the spectrum, single center case reports and review of the literature (2024)
Case report: Insulinoma masquerades as epilepsy - quantitative EEG analysis (2024)
Coactivation pattern analysis in prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (2024)
Dynamic functional connectivity in prodromal dementia with Lewy body (2022)
fMRI dynamická funkční konektivita v prodromálním stádiu demence s Lewyho tělísky (2022)
Dynamics of brain activity can reflect early signs of neurodegeneration (2022)
Dynamics of fMRI connectivity associated with attention in patients with Parkinson’s disease (2022)
fMRI dynamická funkční konektivita u pacientů s Parkinsonovou chorobou (2021)
Timing matters for accurate identification of the epileptogenic zone (2024)
Fullerene-Filtered Light Spectrum and Fullerenes Modulate Emotional and Pain Processing in Mice (2021)
Prenatal exposure to alcohol and its impact on reward processing and substance use in adulthood (2024)
Prenatal exposure to air pollution and maternal depression: Combined effects on brain aging and mental health in young adulthood (2024)
Variants of NAV3, a neuronal morphogenesis protein, cause intellectual disability, developmental delay, and microcephaly (2024)
Bradykinesia in dystonic hand tremor: kinematic analysis and clinical rating (2024)
EEG microstate-based classification model for assessment of the state anxiety in healthy humans (2024)
Interictal stereo-electroencephalography features below 45 Hz are sufficient for correct localization of the epileptogenic zone and postsurgical outcome prediction (2024)
Physiology-Inspired Bifocal Fronto-Parietal tACS for Working Memory Enhancement. (2024)
Case report: Therapeutic drug monitoring and CYP2D6 phenoconversion in a protracted paroxetine intoxication (2024)
Prognostic value of the 5-SENSE Score to predict focality of the seizure-onset zone as assessed by stereoelectroencephalography: a prospective international multicentre validation study (2024)
Subjective visual sensitivity in neurotypical adults: insights from a magnetic resonance spectroscopy study (2024)
Data Management and FAIRification in MAFIL (2024)
Correlating plasma protein profiles with symptomatology and treatment response in acute phase and early remission of major depressive disorder (2024)
Bilateral thalamic glioblastoma presenting as parkinsonism: A case report (2024)
Development of white matter in young adulthood: The speed of brain aging and its relationship with changes in fractional anisotropy (2024)
Development of a stereo-EEG based seizure matching system for clinical decision making in epilepsy surgery (2024)
Early Changes in the Locus Coeruleus in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies (2024)
Epidemiologická studie u farmakorezistentních epileptiků – pilotní studie (2024)
Několik rad navrhovatelům grantových projektů v oblasti neurověd a duševního zdraví (2023)
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