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Effect of procathepsin D activation peptide on gene expression of breast cancer cells (2006)
Role of p53 Gene Mutation Type in B-CLL Prognosis (2006)
Inaktivace p53 u B-CLL pacientů ve vztahu k mutačnímu stavu IgVH a léčbě (2006)
Senzitivizace B-CLL vzorků in vitro na fludarabin a chlorambucil pomocí monoklonální protilátky rituximab (2007)
Predikce klinického projevu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně s využitím proteomických přístupů (2007)
Prediction of Graft versus Host Disease after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Using Proteomic Approaches (2007)
Predikce klinického projevu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po allogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně s využitím proteomických přístupů (2006)
Expression Analysis of B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells with Different Chromosomal Aberrations (2006)
Specific Silencing of Mutant Antioncogene p53 by RNA Interference (2006)
Gene Expression Changes Induced by Myocardial Infarction (2006)
Analýza genové exprese B-CLL buněk s různými chromosomálními aberacemi (2006)
Využití genomiky a proteomiky při analýze antionkogenu p53 v nádorových buňkách (2006)
Od genomu k proteomu - využití proteinových čipů v onkologii (2006)
Definition and Validation of Novel Prognostic Markers in B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2007)
A family with multiple members affected by late-onset Pompe disease due to the R224W (670>T) mutation: Potential candidates for enzyme replacement therapy (abstract). (2007)
Predikce klinického projevu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně s využitím proteomických přístupů (2007)
Profily genové exprese u dětské ALL (2007)
Význam stanovení statusu obou alel genu TP53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chrnickou lymfocytární leukémií - vztah k prognóze a léčbě (2007)
Definice a validace nových prognostických markerů u B-buněčné lymfocytární leukémie (2007)
Co nám dnes v každodenní hematologické praxi říkají nové prognostické znaky u chronické lymfatické leukemie? (2007)
Senzitivizace B-CLL buněk rituximabem na běžná chemoterapeutika ve vztahu k proteinu p53 (2006)
Rituximab Senzitizes B-CLL Cells with Inactived p53 to fludarabine (2006)
Inactivation of p53 and deletion of ATM in B-CLL patients in relation to IgVH mutation (2006)
Inaktivace p53 u B-CLL pacientů ve vztahu k mutačnímu stavu IgVH a léčbě (2006)
What can we currently learn from new prognostic markers og chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in the everyday haematological practise? (2007)
What we can currently learn from new prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in the everyday haematological practise? (2007)
Chimerism status as a possible marker of incipient disease relapse in patients with AML (2007)
Chlorambucil and fludarabine as a new pre-transplant conditioning for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of in vitro and in vivo experiments (2007)
Prognostic markers and risk stratification (2007)
Senzitivizace B-CLL vzorků in vitro na fludarabin a chlorambucil pomocí monoklonální protilátky rituximab (2007)
Analýza genové exprese u folikulárního lymfomu pomocí oligonukleotidových microarrays (2007)
The use of long-oligonucleotide microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization in prediction of clinical outcome of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2007)
Využití long-oligonucleotide arrayCGH v diagnostice leukémií (2006)
Analýza genomu B-CLL pacientů pomocí array CGH (2007)
Význam stanovení statusu obou alel genu TP53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukémií – vztah k prognóze a léčbě (2007)
Prognostický význam mutačního stavu genu TP53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukémií – význam monitorování obou alel (2007)
Monitoring of the Status of Both P53 Alleles in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia – Relevance to Prognosis and Treatment, (2007)
Importance of Monitoring of Both TP53 Alleles in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2007)
Identification of somatic hypermutations in the TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2007)
Identification of somatic hypermutations in the TP53 gene in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2008)
Autocrine and intracrine activities of FGF-2 in the maintenance of human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and culture adaptation. (2007)
Efficient gene transfer into in-vitro cultures using the Amaxa nucleofection system and fluorescence-activated cell sorting of EGFP+ cells. (2007)
Moderní metody molekulární biologie - genomické a proteomické přístupy a jejich využití v onkologii (2007)
Využití DNA microarrays v diagnostice lymfocytárních leukémií (2007)
Genomická analýza reakce štěpu proti hostiteli u leukemických pacientů po alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných buněk (2007)
Definice a validace nových prognostických markerů u B-buněčné lymfocytární leukémie. (2007)
Profily genové exprese u dětské ALL (2007)
Influence of Sample Purity on Gene Expression: Different Types of Separation of B-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells (2007)
Sledování exprese vybraných genů u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukémií – záchyt změny dominantního leukemického klonu vlivem terapie. (2007)
Rituximab senzitizes some B-CLL samples to fludarabine and chlorambucil in vitro, regardless of p53/ATM status (2007)
Monitoring of the Status of Both P53 Alleles in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia – Relevance to Prognosis and Treatment, (2007)
Srovnání kontinuální infuse a bolusové aplikace mononukleárních buněk kostní dřeně do koronárních arterií při infarktu myokardu. (2006)
Gene expression changes induced by myocardial infarction. (2006)
Přítomnost heterozygotní delece ATM nedeterminuje odpověď CLL buněk na fludarabin (2008)
Human embryonic stem cells: stable or vulnerable? (2008)
Human embryonic stem cells can active checkpoint control pathways (2008)
Decrease in base excision repair during prolonged in vitro propagation of human embryonic stem cells (2008)
Presence of heterozygous ATM deletion may not be critical for the response of CLL cells to fludarabine (2008)
Využití DNA čipů v diagnostice a výzkumu leukémií a lymfomů (2008)
Zvýšení citlivosti stanovení mutačního statutu genu pro IgVH vhodnou separací B-CLL buněk (2008)
Aberantní somatická hypermutace u chronické lymfocytární leukemie: jak (asi) vzniká a k čemu vede (2008)
Presence of heterozygous ATM deletion may not be critical in the primary response of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to fludarabine (2009)
Inactivation of p53 and amplification of MYCN gene in a terminal lymphoblastic relapse in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient (2009)
Zařazení genetického vyšetření a reprodukční historie u párů s poruchou reprodukce (2008)
MicroRNA-malé molekuly s velkým významem (nejen) u hematologických malignit (2008)
DNA mikročipy (microarrays) v diagnostice folikulárního lymfomu: cesta k terapii "šité na míru" nebo slepá ulička? (2008)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities (2009)
Detekce genomických aberací u B-CLL pacientů metodou array CGH (2008)
Detekce chromozomálních aberací pomocí array-CGH u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2008)
Analýza exprese microRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfatickou leukemií a abnormalitami v genu TP53. (2008)
Úloha micro-RNA v regulaci genové exprese u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2008)
Analýza exprese microRNA u B-chronické lymfatické leukemie. (2008)
High expression of LAG3, LPL and ZAP-70 genes in B-CLL strongly correlates with unmutated IgVH and early therapy requirement. (2008)
Potential bimarkers for early detection of graft-versus-host disease. (2008)
MicroRNA-34a is a significantly down-regulated in B-CLL patients with p53 abnormalities. (2008)
Zařazení genetického vyšetření a reprodukční historie párů s poruchou reprodukce (2008)
The Factors Contributing to Genomic Instability of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2008)
How do hESC Sense and Respond to Damage to their DNA? (2008)
MicroRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia pathogenesis and disease subtype. (2009)
Analýza exprese a funkce microRNA u chronické lymfatické leukémie. (2009)
MicroRNAs expression pattern in aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with p53 abnormalities (2009)
Co nám v každodenní praxi skutečně říkají tzv. moderní prognostické faktory u chronické lymfatické leukemie? (2007)
RNA interferencia - nový nástroj génovej terapie. (2006)
Odběr a zpracování vzorků pro expresní DNA čipy (2006)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients is dependent on p53 functionality (2009)
Relationship between therapy and clonal evolution of TP53 abnormalities in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
Characterization of 22Q11 deletion in CLL patients. (2009)
Sensitization of leukemic cells to fludarabine by monoclonal antibody rituximab - identification of responsible genes (2009)
Focused microarray for lymphoma diagnostics. (2009)
MicroRNAs expression pattern in aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
miR-34a, miR-29c and miR-17-5p are downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 abnormalities. (2009)
Klonální evoluce u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2009)
Sekvenování lidského genomu - technologie nové generace aneb budeme rutinně sekvenovat lidské genomy? (2009)
Senzitivizace CLL buněk na fludarabin monoklonální protilátkou rituximab - identifikace zodpovědných genů (2009)
A complex role for FGF-2 in self renewal, survival, and adhesion of human embryonic stem cells (2009)
Monoclonal antibody rituximab sensitizes a proportion of CLL samples to fludarabine - searching for responsible genes (2009)
Impact of monoallelic TP53 deffects on survival and DNA damage response in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2009)
What do we know about the real incidence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and where and how are the patients with CLL treated? (2009)
Intracoronary delivery of bone marrow cells to the acutely infarcted myocardium (2009)
Proteomická analýza nádorových buněk (2009)
MicroRNA isolation and stability in stored RNA samples (2009)
Analýza lehkého řetězce imunoglobulinu lambda u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2009)
Moderní metody analýzy lidského genomu a jejich uplatnění v medicíně (2009)
Moderní metody analýzy lidského geonomu a jejich uplatnění v humánní genetice (2009)
Moderní metody analýzy lidského genomu a jejich uplatnění v humánní genetice (2009)
Human embryonic stem cells suffer from abnormalities of centrosomal metabolism (2009)
Gene-expression profiling of graft-versus-host disease by oligonucleotide microarrays (2009)
p53 inactivation and genomic abberations in chronic myeloid leukemia (2009)
Charakterizace delece 22q11 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2009)
New prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the everyday hematological practice. A multicenter analysis. (2009)
Nové prognostické faktory chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) v každodenní hematologické praxi Multicentrická analýza. (2009)
Monoallelic and biallelic inactivation of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: selection, impact on survival, and response to DNA damage. (2009)
Changes to cell cycle regulating proteins and microRNAs in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2009)
Stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukemie: možnosti a vývoj metodických přístupů založených na PCR a RQ-PCR (2009)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and mir-650 role in CLL patients. (2009)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia with stereotyped IGVH4-59/IGKV3 B-cell receptors: Another manifestation of hepatitis C virus-associated B-cell lymphoproliferation? (2009)
Gain of 1q21 Is an Unfavorable Genetic Prognostic Factor for Multiple Myeloma Patients Treated with High-Dose Chemotherapy (2010)
Využití high resolution melt (HRM) analýzy pro detekci a identifikaci zygomycet v klinických vzorcích (2009)
Rapid detection and identification of zygomycetes in clinical samples using high-resolution melt analysis (2009)
Analýza genového profilu reakce štěpu proti hostiteli (GVHD) s využitím čipové technologie. (2009)
When Size is Not Important: Role of microRNAs in DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2010)
Molecular changes to p53 occurring in undifferentiated and differentiating human embryonic stem cell (2010)
MicroRNA isolation and stability in stored RNA samples (2009)
Electrochemical methods in dentistry. (2009)
Selekce mutací v genu TP53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukemií - stěžejní vliv léčby (2008)
Molekulární cytogenetika ve službách pacientů s psychomotorickou retardací (2009)
Analysis of the DNA-binding activity of p53 mutants using functional protein microarrays and its relationship to transcriptional activation (2010)
TP53 abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukemia exhibit a disease specific profile: meta-analysis of 270 mutations. (2008)
Microarray-based detection of novel prognostic markers for chronic lymhocytic leukemia. (2007)
Expression of lymphocyte activation gene 3 predicts IgVH mutational status with 100% sensitivity. (2007)
Reakce štěpu proti hostiteli po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně a její predikce proteomickými přístupy. (2007)
Continuous infusion instead of repeated boluses of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells into the coronary arteries. (2006)
FGF-2 signaling pathway-related gene expression profilling in human embryonic stem cells. (2006)
Genomic and proteomic approaches to analysis of p53 activity in tumor cells. (2006)
Importance of p53 status detection in patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia - relevance to prognosis and treatment (2006)
Specific silencing of mutant antioncogene p53 by RNA interference. (2006)
Application of functional protein microarrays for detection of p53 mutation activity. (2006)
Komplexní analýza statusu p53 u pacientů s B-buněčnou chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (B-CLL). (2006)
Genová exprese a subtypy dětské akutní lymfoblastické leukémie. (2006)
Molekulárně - genetická diagnostika hematoonkologických onemocnění (2010)
Analýza imunoglobulinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2010)
High Expression of Lymphocyte-Activation Gene 3 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells is Associated with Unmutated IGHV and Reduced Treatment-Free Survival. (2010)
An unusual loss of EGFR gene copy in glioblastoma multiforme in a child: a case report and analysis of a successfully derived HGG-02 cell line (2010)
Způsob stanovení prognózy B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2010)
Analýza p53 mutací in vitro a in vivo (2010)
Molekulární patogeneze chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2010)
Význam nádorového supresoru p53 u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2010)
MicroRNA v patogenezi chronické lymfocytární leukemie a jejich prognostický význam (2010)
In vivo model chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2010)
Activation of G1/S checkpoint is induced by UV-C irradiation of human embryonic stem cells (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
LC-MS/MS Monitoring Human Plasma Proteins Potentionally related to Graft-versus-Host Disease (2010)
Resekvenační mikročipy: nástroj pro výzkum a diagnostiku chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2010)
The origin of 22q11 deletion and microRNA-650 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). (2010)
Subklasifikace ne-Hodgkinských lymfomů pomocí cílených DNA čipů (2010)
Multiplex long-range PCR pro detekci t(11;14) u lymfomu z plášťových buněk (2010)
Translocation is a frequent mechanism for 17p deletion in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
B-lymphocytes genomic analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2010)
Analysis of microRNAs associated with aggressive subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia harbouring inactivated p53 (2010)
Selection and clinical relevance of monoallelic and biallelic TP53 defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
PCR detection of non-mtc T(11;14) translocations in mantle cell lymphoma (2010)
Non-hodgkin lymphoma subtypes classification using focused microarray (2010)
T(14;18) in follicular lymphoma: a real-time (PCR) for a real life...? (2010)
Targeting integrin/CD49D/VLA-4 with natalizumab can inhibit adhesion of malignant B cells and sensitize them to chemoimmunotherapy (2010)
Changes to cell cycle regulating proteins and microRNAs in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neural lineage (2010)
Changes to Cell Cycle Regulating Proteins and microRNAs in Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Neural Lineage (2010)
Rapid detection and identification of mucormycetes from culture and tissue samples by use of high-resolution melt analysis (2010)
Databáze DECIPHER a její využití u pacientů s psychomotorickou retardací vyšetřovaných pomocí array CGH (2010)
Human embryonic stem cells are capable of executing G1/S checkpoint activation. (2010)
NON SCID GAMMA Mouse as a Model for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2010)
Custom microarray for non-hodgkin lymphoma classification (2010)
Application of genomic approaches in hematooncological research and diagnostics (2010)
CLL-specific resequencing microarray as a tool for CLL research and diagnostics (2010)
Detail characterization of 22q11 deletion and miR-650 role in CLL patients (2010)
Manipulation of gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in vitro (2010)
Inhibition of DNA-PK as a tool to sensitize chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to chemotherapy-induced DNA-damage (2010)
Význam analýzy lidského genomu pro medicínu (2010)
Alteration of CLL clones during course of the disease accelerated by therapy: teo cases with VH1-69 selection (2010)
The composition of the B cell receptor repertoire in 7428 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: one third stereotyped, two thirds heterogeneous - what does this mean? (2010)
In vivo model chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2010)
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Are Capable of Executing G1/S Checkpoint Activation (2010)
Nejnovější přístupy celogenomových sekvenací jako prostředek k poznání molekulární komplexity AML: IDH1 jako příklad. (2010)
Low-level copy number changes of MYC genes have a prognostic impact in medulloblastoma (2011)
Akutní lymfoblastická leukémie dospělých (2010)
Myeloproliferativní choroby vyjma chronické myeloidní leukémie (2010)
The mystery of FDG-PET avidity in follicular lymphoma. Does microenvironment play the key role? (2010)
Clonal evolution of malignant populations in potentially biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. (2010)
Gene-expression profile of steroid-refractory acute Graft-versus-host disease. (2010)
Interactions with the microenvironment protect lymphoma B-cells from rituximab induced apoptosis and could represent a therapeutic target. (2010)
TP53 mutation profile in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: evidence for a disease specific profile from a comprehensive analysis of 268 mutations (2010)
Gene expression profiling in follicular lymphoma and its implication for clinical practise (2011)
Klinická charakteristika 3 českých rodin s katecholaminergní polymorfní komorovou tachykardií a pilotní výsledky mutační analýzy genu RyR2 (2010)
Prognostic and predictive impact of cytogenetic changes in relapsed multiple myeloma patients treated with bortezomib or thalidomid based regiments: a Czech group experience (2010)
Klinická charakteristika čtyř českých rodin s katecholaminergní polymorfní komorovou tachykardií a pilotní výsledky mutační analýzy genu RyR (2010)
Clinical characteristic of 4 Czech families with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and pilot results of mutational analysis of RyR gene (2010)
Ztráta kopie genu pro EGFR u pacienta s multiformním glioblastomem: případová studie a analýza derivované linie. (2010)
Synchronní výskyt Anaplastického Ependymomu a difúzního Astrocytomu u dítěte. (2010)
Současný výskyt anaplastického ependymomu a difúzního astrocytomu u dítěte (2010)
Electrochemical methods usable in dentistry. (2010)
Adsorption of human plasma fibrinogene on differently treated titanium samples. (2010)
Role of microRNAs in regulation of UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Lymfoproliferativní onemocnění u pacientů s autoimunitními a infekčními onemocněními: význam antigenní stimulace a zánětlivých procesů (2011)
The role of p53, p21 and microRNAs in the regulation of human embryonic stem cells response to UVC-induced DNA damage (2011)
MicroRNA-650 expression is coupled with the regulation of immunoglobulin lambda light chain in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Alogenní transplantace krvetvorných buněk po režimu s redukovanou intenzitou ve složení busulfan, fludarabin a antithymocytární globulin (ATG Fresenius): dlouhodobé výsledky (2011)
Role microRNA v regulaci odpovědi na poškození DNA u lidských embryonálních kmenových buněk (2011)
Inhibice integrinů a adheze b-lymfocytů v kostní dřeni a lymfatických uzlinách jako nový přístup v terapii lymfonů a leukémií (2011)
Regulatory role of microRNAs in response to UVC-induced DNA damage in human embryonic stem cells (2011)
Missense mutations located in structural p53 DNA-binding motifs are associated with extremely poor survival in Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
MYB transcriptionally regulates the miR-155 host gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Modern and conventional prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the everyday haematological practice (2011)
Familiální výskyt balancované a nebalancované formy translokace t(1;12) v rodině se dvěma postižnými dětmi (2011)
Rare Constitutional Chromosomal Rearrangements Found In Three Probands (2011)
Chromosomal analysis of anaplastic ependymoma and diffuse astrocytoma presenting as synchronous primary brain tumors in a child (case report) (2011)
A novel method for detection of NON-MTC breakpoints in mantle cell lymphoma patients. (2011)
Stromální buňky chrání maligní B-lymfocyty před rituximabem indukovanou apoptózou a inhibice integrinu alfa-4-beta-1 (VLA-4) umožňuje překonat tuto rezistenci (2011)
Technické aspekty stanovení minimální zbytkové nemoci u lymfomů. (2011)
Sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií po alogenní transplantaci kostní dřeně. (2011)
Klinický význam Bcl2/IgH ve sledování minimální zbytkové nemoci u folikulárního lymfomu. (2011)
Regulation of miR-155 host gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2011)
Analýza biklonálních /bifenotypických případů chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2011)
Současné trendy v molekulárně-biologické analýze genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a příklady aplikace v praxi. (2011)
Whole genome analysis of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2011)
Monitoring of minimal residual disease in mantle cell lymphoma (2011)
Inactivation of p53 pathways in CLL patients. (2011)
Analysis of potentially biclonal CLL patients with two or three productive IGH rearrangements. (2011)
Prognosis of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) after combined fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) treatment. (2011)
NON/SCID IL2RGAMMA(-/-) xenograft model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Evaluation of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using resequencing microarray platforms (2011)
Rearrangement of lambda immunoglobulin light chain in CLL is coupled with miRNA-650 expression (2011)
Post-translational modifications regulate signalling by Ror1 (2011)
Mutační analýza genu ATM u pacientů s CLL pomocí resekvenačních čipů (2011)
Mutační analýza mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfoctární leukemií (2011)
Gene expression based classification of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (2011)
Detection of clonal evolution and subclonal heterogeneity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using deep sequencing of antioncogene TP53 (2011)
Long-term results of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after reduced-intensity conditioning with busulfan, fludarabine, and antithymocyte globulin (2011)
The regulation, targets, and clinical relevance of microRNA mir-650 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2011)
Mutational analysis of mir-29 family members in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Využití denaturační vysokotlaké kapalinové chromatografie pro screening změn genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2011)
Bone marrow stromal cells protect lymphoma B-cells from rituximab-induced apoptosis and targeting integrin alfa-4-beta-1 (VLA4) with natalizumab can overcome this resistance (2011)
Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using multicolor flow cytometry versus quantitative real time PCR (2011)
Výsledky recentních velkých randomizovaných studií léčby CLL. (2011)
Patogeneze CLL - pohled v roce 2011 (2011)
New molecular prognostic markers in CLL (2011)
Léčebná studie Relapsed AML 2001/01, 02 pro děti s relapsem akutní myeloidní leukemie nebo primárně rezistentní nemocí zlepšila jejich nadeji na vyléčení. (2011)
Genově-expresní profil leukemických pacientů s akutní reakcí štěpu proti hostiteli s využitím microarray analýzy (2011)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2011)
Double/Triple productive immunoglobulin rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
Sensitization of high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to fludarabine using inhibition of DNA-dependent protein kinase (2011)
Identification of minor proportion p53 mutations selected later by therapy (2011)
The impact of specific mutations in TP53 gene on the results of alemtuzumab therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2011)
MicroRNA mutational analysis in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Wnt/PCP pathway regulates B-cell migration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2011)
Význam PCR detekce a kvantifikace herpetických virů v bronchoalveolární laváži imunokompromitovaných pacientů. (2011)
Unique Combination of 22q11 and 14qter Microdeletion Syndromes Detected Using Oligonucleotide Array-CGH (2012)
The initial experiences with detection of hTERC and MYCC genes in HPV positive cells in cervical carcinoma and cervical intraepithelial dysplasia using Vysis Cervical FISH Probe Kit (2011)
Analysis of HGG-02 cell line with loss of EGFR gene copy derived from childhood glioblastoma multirme. (2011)
Hematologie a transfuzní lékařství I (2011)
p53 dysfunction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2010)
Mikroprostředí kostní dřeně a jeho role v patogenezi leukemií (2011)
Způsob detekce chromozomální translokace t(11;14)(q13;q32) a oligonukleotidy pro použití při tomto způsobu (2011)
Způsob diagnostiky invazivní aspergilózy a oligonukleotidy pro použití při tomto způsobu (2011)
Molekulární diagnostika genu RB1 u dětí s Retinoblastomeme. (2011)
Optical sensing of protein adsorption on titanium implants (2011)
Detection and measurement of fungal burden in a guinea pig model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis by novel quantitative nested real-time PCR compared with galactomannan and (1,3)-beta-D-glucan detection. (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
"ULTRA-DEEP" sekvenování identifikuje TP53 mutace před jejich klonální selekcí léčbou u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Analýza bodového polymorfismu SNP3 v genu MDM2 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Molekulárně-biologické přístupy mutační analýzy genu TP53 u onkologických pacientů. (2012)
MicroRNA-650 expression is influenced by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and affects the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2012)
MikroRNA v onkologii (2012)
MicroRNAs Regulate p21(Waf1/Cip1) Protein Expression and the DNA Damage Response in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2012)
MicroRNAs regulate P21WAF1 / CIP 1 protein expression and the DNA damage response in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) (2012)
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Fetal Tissues from a Family Affected by Myotonic Dystrophy (2012)
A real-time (PCR) for a real life ...? Quantitative evaluation of BCL2/IGH in follicular lymphoma and its implications for clinical practice (2012)
ERIC recommendations on TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Two years experience with CF newborn screening in University Hospital Brno (2012)
Detection of the mutation D1152H in the CFTR gene in University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic (2012)
Molekulární vlastnosti imunoglobulinů a jejich význam v klonální evoluci chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2012)
Mutation status of ATM gene in CLL patients harboring deletion 11Q or TP53 defect (2012)
Inhibice kinázy Chk1 senzitivuje buňky leukemií a lymfomů s mutacemi p53 na chemoterapeutika (2012)
Mutační stav genu ATM u CLL pacientů nesoucích deleci 11q nebo defekty v genu TP53 (2012)
Detailed mutational analysis of TP53 gene reveals high INCI-dence of additional minor proportion mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2012)
P53 mutations affecting DNA-binding have prominent impact on survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Přenesení t(11;14) pozitivních buněk alogenní transplantací kostní dřeně: 10-letá cesta k mantle cell lymfomu (2012)
Dynamika BCL2/IGH a vztah molekulární a klinické aktivity u folikulárního lymfomu (2012)
Prediktivní a prognostický význam mutací v genechTP53 a ATM u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Complex karyotype and translocation t(4;14) define patients with high-risk newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: results of CMG2002 trial (2012)
Inhibice adheze závislé na integrinech jako přístup pro překonání rezistence k rituximabu u b-buněčných lymfomů. (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2012)
Mutace T315I je nejvýznamnějším faktorem pro regresi onemocnění u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukémií rezistentních na terapii tyrozin kinázovými inhibitory (2012)
Molekulárně genetické aspekty klonální evoluce chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Úloha microRNA v regulaci signalizace přes b-buněčný receptor a jejich vztah k patogenezi chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2012)
Detekce klonální selekce u CLL pacientů pomocí ultra-deep sekvenování (2012)
Tumor dynamics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with multiple productive IGHV-IGHD-IGHJ rearrangement (2012)
Analýza mutací v genech pro mikroRNA u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2012)
Clonal selection of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia detected by ultra-deep pyrosequencing (2012)
Genomic copy number alternations in high-risk CLL patients harboring TP53 defects: insights from consecutive investigations (2012)
Potential biomarkers for early detection of acute graft-versus-host disease (2012)
A familial case of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins supports paternal imprinting of FOXF1 in human (2013)
Specific p53 mutations do not impact results of alemtuzumab therapy among patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
T315I mutations are clustered with advanced phases contrary to other aberrations in CML patients resistant to TKI therapy (2012)
Deep sequencing identifies TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Defects of ATM gene involving mutation lead to complete elimination of ATM function in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Gene expression profiling of acute graft-vs-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (2012)
Sperm meiotic segregation, aneuploidy and high risk of delivering an affected offspring in carriers of non-Robertsonian translocation t(13;15) (2012)
Význam mutací v genech ATM a TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie - implikace pro terapii (2012)
Stereotyped B-cell receptors in one-third of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a molecular classification with implications for targeted therapies (2012)
Fludarabine with cytarabine followed by reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with poor-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Mesalamine modulates intercellular adhesion intercellular adhesion through inhibition of p-21 activated kinase-1 (2013)
MicroRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: from causality to associations and back (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays; an ERIC-wide approach (2012)
Mutational analysis of TP53 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different methodological approaches (2012)
Inhibition of Chk1 kinase sensitizes leukemia and lymphoma cell lines with TP53 mutations to chemotherapy (2012)
The target genes and prognostic significance of Mir-150 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays, an ERIC-wide approach (2012)
Microrna-34a as a marker for fludarabine resistance and impairment of p53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Defects of ATM gene involving mutation lead to complete elimination of ATM function in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
A reappraisal of the biological and clinical implications of chromosomal translocations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Sequence variations in miRNA genes are common and may affect their expression in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2012)
Antigen receptor stereotypy across B-cell lymphoproliferations: the case of IGHV4-59/IGKV3-20 receptors with rheumatoid factor activity (2012)
Program sledování mutací TP53 - spolupráce s vídeňskou akademií věd. (2012)
Korelace prognostických markerů LAG3, LPL a ZAP70 s mutačním stavem IGHV pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2012)
Assessment of p53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by different assays; an eric-wide approach (2012)
Identifikace patogeneticky významných mutací u chronické lymfocytární leukemie pomocí "sekvenování nové generace" (2012)
Jak a kdy vyšetřovat p53 u CLL? (2012)
Centrum molekulární biologie a genové terapie IHOK LF MU a FN Brno - představení pracoviště (2012)
The Planar Cell Polarity Pathway Drives Pathogenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by the Regulation of B-Lymphocyte Migration (2013)
Způsob stanovení závažnosti a prognózy B-buněčné chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2012)
Mutation analysis of RyR2 gene in patients after arrhythmic storm (2012)
Molekulárně biologická diagnostika mutací genu KRAS a BRAF u pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem - zkušenosti laboratorního pracoviště (2013)
The outcome of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients who relapsed after fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (2013)
Vyhledávání a sledování klonů s mutací TP53 v chronické fázi myeloproliferativních neoplazií (MPN) (2013)
Metodou RT-qPCR k predikci vývoje chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) (2013)
Wnt-PCP pathway driving pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia participates on normal B-cell development (2013)
Dráha Wnt/PCP ovlivňuje kromě patogeneze chronické lymfocytární leukemie i vývoj B-lymfocytů (2013)
Reaktivace vybraných p53 mutantů u B-buněčných nádorových linií prostřednictvím malých cílených molekul (2013)
Mutace genu ATM narušují aktivaci p53 dráhy po poškození DNA doxorubicinem u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií: využití pro funkční test (2013)
Aktualizovaná doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukémie České CLL skupiny (2013)
Molekulární biologie CLL - význam molekulárních prognostických faktorů (2013)
The origin of deletion 22q11 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is related to the rearrangement of immunoglobulin lambda light chain locus (2013)
Distinct frequency and profiles of TP53 gene mutations in CLL subgroups with distinct antigen receptors: Evidence for antigen-driven selection of genomci aberrations. (2013)
Synthetic lethality in p53 mutated B-cell mylignancies: Chk-1 inhibition and DNA-PK inhibition effect in cell lines and primary CLL cells (2013)
Role of Wnt-5A and non-canonical Wnt signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational safety study of ofatumumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a european research initiative on CLL (EIRC) study (2013)
ATM inactivation disturbs ATM-p53 pathway in response to DNA damage induced by doxorubicin but not fludarabine in CLL cells (2013)
B cell receptor stereotypy makes a clinical difference in CLL: revelations from a multi-institutional series of 4615 cases (2013)
Reactivation of selected p53 mutants in B-cell tumor cell lines using targeted small molecules (2013)
TP53 mutations but not ATM mutations associate with higher in vitro resistance of CLL cells to rituximab (2013)
The expression of a single microRNA -miR-34a - is a reliable marker for impairment of TP53-pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
CLL: Different ages, dfferent antigen receptor profiles (2013)
Novel FOXF1 Mutations in Sporadic and Familial Cases of Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia with Misaligned Pulmonary Veins Imply a Role for its DNA Binding Domain (2013)
Recommendations on TP53 mutational analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2013)
ATM mutations uniformly lead to ATM dysfunction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: application of functional test using doxorubicin (2013)
Towards Clinical Molecular Diagnosis of Inherited Cardiac Conditions: A Comparison of Bench-Top Genome DNA Sequencers (2013)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) (2013)
Overview of available p53 function tests in relation to TP53 and ATM gene alterations and chemoresistance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Combination of fludarabine, amsacrine, and cytarabine followed by reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia (2013)
Mutace v genu TP53 jsou spojeny s vyšší rezistencí CLL buněk na ofatumumab a rituximab in vitro (2013)
The expression of micrRNA-34a is a highly reliable for impairment of p53-pathway in CLL: development of clinically applicable assay (2013)
Využití moderních genomických přístupů v diagnostice a léčbě lekémií (2013)
The role of two ROR1 ligands - Wnt5a and Wnt5b - in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Analysis of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients harboring TP53 gene aberrations (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational study of ofatumumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a European research initiative on CLL (ERIC) study (2013)
ATM mutations are mutually exclusive with NOTCH1 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2013)
TP53 mutations associate with higher in vitro resistance of CLL cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2013)
Detecting minimal residual disease in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia using 8-color flow cytometry protocol in routine hematological practice. (2014)
SF3B1 mutations frequently occur with both ATM mutations and TP53 mutations in CLL patients (2013)
A systematic search into the role of IGVH gene replacement in shaping the immunoglobulin repertoire of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2013)
Differential distribution of recurrent gene mutations in subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with stereotyped B-cell receptros: results from a multicenter project of the european research initiative on CLL in a series of 2482 cases (2013)
Ofatumumab added to dexamethasone in patients with relapsed of refractory chronic lymphocytc leukemia. Results from a phase II study of the czech leukemia study group for life (2013)
A multicenter, phase IV observational study of ofatumumab in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia (CLL): a european research initiative on CLL (ERIC) study (2013)
The interlaboratory robustness of next-generation sequencing (IRON) study phase II: deep-sequencing analyses of hematological malignancies performed in 8,867 cases by an international network involving 27 laboratories (2013)
Stanovení prognózy pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (CLL) (2013)
Distinct patterns of novel gene mutations in poor-prognostic stereotyped subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: the case of SF3B1 and subset #2. (2013)
Clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization and conventional cytogenetics after stimulation with CpG oligonucleotides and interleukin-2: A prospective analysis. (2014)
Cytogenetické vyšetření lymfocytů periferní krve po stimulaci IL 2 a CpG oligonukleotidem DSP30 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemiíridization and conventional cytogenetics after stimulation with CpG oligonucleotides and interleukin-2: A prospective analysis. (2013)
Klonální evoluce a selekce mutací TP53 v relapsu chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2013)
Mutační analýza genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2013)
Klonální evoluce u myeloproliferativních neoplazií a role genu TP53 (2013)
Alveolární kapilární dysplazie - familiární výskyt (2013)
Transmission of t(11;14)-positive cells by allogeneic stem cell transplant: 10-year journey to mantle cell lymphoma (2014)
Chromosomal aberration in cervical cancer: FISH or chips? (2012)
The BCR-ABL1 T315I mutation and additional genomic aberrations are dominant genetic lesions associated with disease progression in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia resistant to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. (2013)
Molekulární hematologie (2013)
Wnt5a and Wnt5b control pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Biological and clinical relevance of mirnas induced in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells during administration of therapy in vivo and in vitro (2014)
Binding of histone H1 to DNA is differentially modulated by redox state of HMGB1 (2014)
TaqMan based real time PCR assay targeting EML4-ALK fusion transcripts in NSCLC (2014)
Instrumentální technika. Obor zdravotní laborant (2014)
Multiple productive immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia are mostly derived from independent clones (2014)
TP53 Mutation Analysis in Clinical Practice: Lessons From Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2014)
Chromosomal translocations and karyotype complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A systematic reappraisal of classic cytogenetic data (2014)
Identification of novel sequence variations in microRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Assessment of TP53 functionality in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia by different assays; an ERIC-wide approach (2014)
Targeted next-generation sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a high-throughput yet tailored approach will facilitate implementation within a clinical setting (2015)
TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison of different detection methods (2015)
The frequency of TP53 gene defects differs between chronic lymphocytic leukaemia subgroups harbouring distinct antigen receptors (2014)
Recurrent mutations refine prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2015)
MDM2 promotor polymorphism and disease characteristics in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of an individual patient data-based meta-analysis (2014)
Distinct in vitro sensitivity of p53-mutated and ATM-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to ofatumumab and rituximab (2014)
Detailed analysis of therapy-driven clonal evolution of TP53 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
The impact of SF3B1 mutations in CLL on the DNA-damage response (2015)
Towards error-free profiling of immune repertoires (2014)
High level of COBLL1, a novel ROR1 binding partner, identifies chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients with mutated IghV (2014)
Analysis of merkel cell polyomavirus prognostic significance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
SF3B1 mutations in CLL are associated with a defective DNA damage response (2014)
Targeted next-generation sequencing for mutational screening in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a high-throughput yet tailored approach will facilitate implementation within a clinical setting (2014)
NOD/SCID gamma xenograft model of B-cell malignancies using TP53- and/or ATM-deficient cell lines (2014)
Incorporation of next-generation sequencing into ATM gene analysis in patients with CLL and MCL. (2014)
Immunoglobulin heavy variable genes and alleles: new entities, new names and implications for research and prognostication in CLL (2014)
Not ALL IghV3-21 CLL are equal: subset 2 displays a distinctive clinicobiological profile with remarkable similarities to subset 169, its close immunogenetic relative (2014)
Amyloid precursor proteins (APPS) as potential modulators of WNT/PCP pathway in CLL (2014)
13Q deletion as the most frequently gained abrration during CLL course (2014)
Deep sequencing for detailed analysis of TP53 mutations clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Reactivation of mutated p53 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells using prima-1 met. (2014)
BAP1 mutation in a family with malignant mesothelioma and uveal melanoma (2014)
TP53 mutations in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasias (2014)
Blood sample processing significantly affects occurence of alternatively spliced transcripts of TP53 gene (2014)
Wnt3 levels predict time to first treatment in CLL patients (2014)
Significance of genomic abnormalities in evolution of biclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Subset-Specific spectra of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with stereotyped B-cell receptors (2014)
Charting unique signatures of somatic hypermutation amongst chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients expressing IGHV4-34 clonotypic B cell receptors (2014)
Clinical impact of stereotyped antigen receptors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a význam sekvenování nové generace při studiu patogeneze onemocnění (2014)
Mutace genu TP53 u pacientů s myeloproliferativními neoplasiemi (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Význam mutační analýzy prognostických markerů u chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím přístupů další generace sekvenováním (2014)
Wnt/PCP dráha ovlivňuje migraci buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie - uplatňuje se také u nemaligních B-lymfocytů? (2014)
Co všechno nám mohou napovědět imunoglobulinové geny u chronické lymfatické leukémie (2014)
Molekulární biologie u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2014)
Is checkpoint kinase 1 a suitable molecular target for combination with cancer chemotherapeutics? (2014)
Identification of microRNAs involved in DNA damage response in malignant B cells and their biological and clinical relevance (2014)
Identifikace MicroRNAs zapojených do reakce na poškození DNA v maligních B lymfocytech a jejich biologická a klinická relevance (2014)
BAP1 syndrom s maligním mesotheliomem a uveálním melanomem (2014)
Prognostic impact of NOTCH1 hotspot mutation in TP53-mutated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2014)
Is checkpoint kinase 1 a suitable molecular target for sensitization of TP53-mutated leukemia and lymphoma cells to chemotherapy? (2014)
Deep sequencing for identification of minor-clone TP53 mutations before their clonal selection by therapy in chronic lmyphocytic leukemia (2014)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2015)
Clinical effect of stereotyped B-cell receptor immunoglobulins in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: A retrospective multicentre study (2014)
Immunoglobulin heavy variable (IGHV) genes and alleles: new entities, new names and implications for research and prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2015)
Sada pro stanovení prognózy chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2015)
Ofatumumab added to dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Results from a phase II study (2015)
Ofatumumab in poor-prognosis chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a Phase IV, non-interventional, observational study from the European Research Initiative on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2015)
NOD/SCID IL2R gamma-null mouse xenograft model of human p53-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia and ATM-mutated mantle cell lymphoma using permanent cell lines (2015)
Functional loss of I kappa B epsilon leads to NF-kappa B deregulation in aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Monogenní dědičné choroby. In Ondřej Slabý et al.: Molekulární medicína. (2015)
Analysis of Prognostic Significance of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2015)
Sequencing analysis of PAX9 and MSX1 genes in the Czech population (2015)
Týden lékařské genetiky v Brně : odborné akce, které se konají u příležitosti 150. výročí uveřejnění výsledků Mendelových výzkumů. Sborník abstraktů. Brno 21.–25. září 2015 (2015)
Higher-order immunoglobulin sequence relations for major subsets of chronic lymophocytic leukemia: uniqueness versus equivalence (2015)
Additional trisomies amongst patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia carving trisomy 12: the partner chromosome makes a diference. (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Prognostický význam NOTCH1 murací u chronické lymfocytární leukemie. (2015)
NOTCH mutace u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show features of somatic hypermutation process with prominent difference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2015)
Prognostický význam hot spot mutace genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií a souvislosti s molekulárně biologickými markery onemocnění (2015)
Molekulární prognostické markery chronické lymfocytární leukemie a jejich klinický význam (2015)
Novel PAX9 gene mutation in Czech monozygotic twins with oligodontia (2015)
Refining prognosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with somatically hypermutated B-cell receptors: a novel prognostic index on behalf of the European research initiative on CLL (ERIC) (2015)
Upregulated COBLL1 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients with unmutated IGHV identifies a cohort with inferior prognosis (2015)
Mutační a funkční analýza genu ATM u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2015)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2015)
MicroRNA involvement in DNA damage response and BCR signaling in malignant B cells (2015)
Průkaz oligoklonální chronické lymfocytární leukémie u případů s jedinou fenotypově homogenní populací dle průtokové cytometrie - studie na úrovni jednotlivých buněk (2015)
MicroRNA-150 influences microenvironmental interactions and prognosis of B cell malignancies (2015)
Prognostic relevance of MYD88 mutations in CLL: the jury is still out (2015)
Molecular Evidence for Antigen Drive in the Natural History of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (2015)
Not all IGHV3-21 chronic lymphocytic leukemias are equal: prognostic considerations (2015)
Oxidative stress as a therapeutic perspective for ATM-deficient chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2015)
Histone H1 Differentially Inhibits DNA Bending by Reduced and Oxidized HMGB1 Protein (2015)
Microenvironmental interactions up-regulate CD20 expressionin CLL B cells, but confer resistance to rituximab (2015)
EGR2 mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia - a new bad player? (2015)
Porous hydrogels as 3D cell scaffolds mimic the anatomy of bone marrow extracellular matrix. (2015)
Novel PAX9 gene polymorphisms and mutations and susceptibility to tooth agenesis in the Czech population (2015)
Single cell analysis proves the coexistence of NOTCH1 and TP53 mutations within the same cancer cells in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Single cell analysis of IG genes in CLL: Cases with multiple IGH rearrangements are constituted of several independent clones even when indistinguishable by flow cytometry. (2015)
ATM mutations in major stereotyped CLL subsets: enrichment in subset #2 is associated with unfavourable outcome (2015)
Microenvironmental interactions up-regulate CD20 expression in CLL B cells through the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis: implications for CD20-targeting antibodies and the use of BCR-inhibitors in combination. (2015)
Vplyv terapie monoklonálnými protilátkami u chronickej lymfocytovej leukémie a B-lymfómov na expresiu antigénu CD20 (2015)
CLL with mutated IGHV4-34 antigen receptors is clinically heterogeneous: Antigen receptor stereotypy makes the difference. (2015)
Mutations in the TP53 gene show feature sof somatic hypermutation process with prominent diference between IGHV mutated and unmutated chronci lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
COBLL1 as a survival predictor in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients. (2015)
Separation of residual malignant cells from peripheral blood of treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2015)
Method of Determination of Diagnosis and Prognosis in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia and oligonucleotides for use in this method (2015)
Autocrine Signaling by Wnt-5a Deregulates Chemotaxis of Leukemic Cells and Predicts Clinical Outcome in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. (2016)
ROR1-based immunomagnetic protocol allows efficient separation of CLL and healthy B cells (2016)
External performance evaluation study report: Clarigo (2015)
Srovnání nejčastěji využívaných metod detekce hotspot mutace genu NOTCH1 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2016)
Clonal cytogenetics changes in progression of multiple myeloma to extramedullary relapse and plasmocellular leukemia: a case report (2016)
Způsob absolutní kvantifikace exprese miRNA, zejména miR-34a a/nebo miR-150, a jeho použití v diagnostice a prognostice B-buněčných malignit (2016)
Detection of oncogenic mutations in cervical carcinoma using method "High Resolution Melting" (HRM). (2016)
Whole-exome sequencing in relapsing chronic lymphocytic leukemia: clinical impact of recurrent RPS15 mutations (2016)
A complementary role of multiparameter flow cytometry and high-throughput sequencing for minimal residual disease detection in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an European Research Initiative on CLL study (2016)
Epigenetic silencing of miR-26A1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma: Impact on EZH2 expression (2016)
Additional trisomies amongst patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia carrying trisomy 12: the accompanying chromosome makes a difference (2016)
Innovation In the prognostication of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: how far beyond TP53 gene analysis can we go? (2016)
Different spectra of recurrent gene mutations in subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia harboring stereotyped B-cell receptors (2016)
Identification of miRNA expression profiles in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (2016)
Whole miRNome Sequencing of Human Epileptic Brain Tissue (2016)
Mutace T309I jako možná „founder„ mutace syndromu dlouhého intervalu QT typu I (2016)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) České skupiny pro chronickou lymfocytární leukemii, sekce České hematologické společnosti ČLS JEP (2016)
Studium funkčních vlastností sestřihových variant aktivací indukované deaminázy exprimovaných u B buněčných malignit (2016)
Po stopách oligoklonality u chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
High-quality full-length immunoglobulin profiling with unique molecular barcoding (2016)
ATM mutations in major stereotyped subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Enrichment in subset 2 is associated with markedly short telomeres (2016)
Studium selekce genomických abnormalit v průběhu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
An Immunogenetic Signature of Ongoing Antigen Interactions in Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma Expressing IGHV1-2*04 Receptors (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 upregulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis (2016)
MicroRNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of B cell leukemias. (2016)
The expression of CD20 on malignant B cells is regulated by chemokine signaling through the CXCR4/SDF1 axis: implications for targeting the microenvironmental interactions. (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 axis. (2016)
ATM gene mutations represent a hallmark of mantle cell lymphoma but do not impact patients survival. (2016)
Mutations in SF3B1 gene are selected independently on ATM/TP53 status and reduce the time to first treatment in CLL patients. (2016)
Decreased expression of WNT3, a canonical Wnt pathway ligand is frequent in chronic lymphocytic leukemia progression and identifies patients with short treatment-free survival in mutated IGHV (2016)
Activation induced deaminase splice variants expressed in B cell leukemia and lymphoma do not retain their catalytic activity. (2016)
Molecular activity in follicular lymphoma monitored by BCL2/IGH in the peripheral blood. The old story in a new light? (2016)
Využití celoexomového sekvenování (2016)
Aktualizovaná doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lympfocytární leukémie (CLL) české CLL skupiny. (2016)
Ibrutinib inhibits CD20 up-regulation on CLL B cells mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1 AXIS. (2016)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor P27KIP1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with fuctional ATM/p53 signaling pathway. (2016)
Interakce B lymfocytů s mikroprostředím vedou ke zvýšené expresi CD20 přes aktivaci dráhy CXCR4/SDF-1: význam pro léčbu pacientů s B buněčnou leukémií. (2016)
Studium funkce sestřihových variant aktivací indukované deaminázy. (2016)
Studium selekce nepříznivých genomických abnormalit v relapsu chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2016)
Studium klonální kompozice chronické lymfocytární leukemie s vícečetnými imunoglobulinovými přestavbami na úrovni jednotlivých buněk. (2016)
Detailed analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with single TP53 mutation (2016)
When and how to analyse TP53 status (both mutations and 17p deletions) in CLL patients: the ERIC experience. (2016)
Monoallelic TP53 abnormalities in CLL: do they really exist? The frequency and clinical impact of copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (2016)
Cellular mechanisms regulating CD20 as a target of monoclonal antibody therapy in B-lymphoid malignancies. (2016)
Single cell analysis of clonality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with multiple immunoglobulin gene rearrangement. (2016)
Rituximab preferentially eliminates BCR signaling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells In Vivo (2016)
The role of microRNA-150 in the prognosis and transformation of follicular lymphoma. (2016)
Porous hydrogels as 3D cell scaffolds mimic the anatomy of bone marrow extracellular matrix. (2016)
Detekce mutací asociovaných s Ph negativními chronickými myeloproliferativními neoplasiemi. (2016)
Význam a metodika stanovení mutací v genu TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2016)
Zisk abnormalit genu TP53 je asociován se změněnou signalizací B-buněčným receptorem (2016)
Analýza exprese ROR1 proteinu u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2016)
Vyřazení genu CD20 pomocí CRISPR/Cas9 knockoutu nezpůsobí žádný defekt v BCR signalizaci u B-lymfoidních malignit (2016)
Příprava linií rezistentních k působení anti-CD20 monoklonálních protilátek a analýza signálních drah u B-lymfoidních malignit (2016)
Cancer clonal evolution and mutational patterns in leukemia patients and development of software for variant calling. (2016)
Neinvazivní testování prenatální diagnostika - zkušenosti s testem Clarigo (2016)
Zkušenosti s analýzou genů BRCA1 a BRCA2 pomocí NGS. (2016)
Analýza genových aberací spojených s Ph-like ALL. (2016)
Analýza jednotlivých buněk CLL pacientů se souběžnými mutacemi p53 a NOTCH1. (2016)
Jumping translokace u hematologických malignit (kazuistiky FN Brno) (2016)
Low-Burden TP53 mutations occur in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms regardless of hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 status (2016)
Clinical and pathogenic features of ETV6-related thrombocytopenia with predisposition to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2016)
Decreased WNT3 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is a hallmark of disease progression and identifies patients with worse prognosis in the subgroup with mutated IGHV (2016)
Analysis of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia from inactive to symptomatic disease prior treatment using whole-exome sequencing. (2016)
A prognostic model comprising only two biomarkers (IGHV mutational status and FISH-cytogenetics) separates patients with different prognosis and simplifies the CLL-IPI (2016)
Tailored approaches for refined prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with mutated versus unmutated immunoglobulin receptors (2016)
miRNA profile of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2017)
CALR mutační profil pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
Využití porózního hydrogelu jako 3D scaffoldu pro růst leukemických B lymfocytů (2017)
Encyclopedia of CLL subsets – nový bioinformatický nástroj a unikátní databáze pro výzkum a klinické využití subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů chronické lymfocytární leukemie (2017)
B cell receptor signaling actvity is associated with genomic defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Dopad rekurentních mutací na dobu do progrese po terapiích zahrnujících rituximab v 1. linii u pacientů s CLL. (2017)
CD20 knockout cell lines obtained using CRISPR/Cas9 have no significant defect in BCR signaling in B-lymphoid malignancies (2017)
p53 and DNA damage response pathway in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
ToTem – automated software solution for program selection and parameter optimization (2017)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal models (2017)
EGR2 mutations define a new clinically aggressive subgroup of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with functional ATM/p53 signaling pathway (2017)
Recommended Guidelines for Validation, Quality Control, and Reporting of TP53 Variants in Clinical Practice (2017)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A prognostic model comprising only two biomarkers (IGHV mutational status and FISH cytogenetics) separates patients with different outcome and simplifies the CLL-IPI (2017)
COBLL1, LPL and ZAP70 expression defines prognostic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with high accuracy and correlates with IGHV mutational status (2017)
Restrictions in the T-cell repertoire of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: high-throughput immunoprofiling supports selection by shared antigenic elements (2017)
Immunoglobulin genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: key to understanding the disease and improving risk stratification (2017)
Molecular variability in adult and childhood epileptogenesis: differences in miRNA profile of adult and infantile rats (2017)
miRNA sequencing shows different gene expression in adult and infantile epilepsy (2017)
Zkušenosti s neinvazivní prenatální diagnostiku – test Clarigo (2017)
Prognostic factors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: When, which and how? (2017)
Využití porózního hydrogelu jako 3D scaffoldu pro růst leukemických B lymfocytů (2017)
Single cell analysis revealed a coexistence of NOTCH1 and TP53 mutations within the same cancer cells in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients (2017)
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with Mutated IGHV4-34 Receptors: Shared and Distinct Immunogenetic Features and Clinical Outcomes (2017)
Comparative analysis of miRNA profiles in human patients with epilepsy and animal model (2017)
MicroRNA and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: Whole miRNome profiling of human hippocampus (2017)
Exomové sekvenování v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií (2017)
Somatické mutace v genu CALR u pacientů se suspektní Ph-negativní myeloproliferací (2017)
BCR signalling proficient chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells are prone to rituximab mediated elimination in vivo. (2017)
Differential expression of microRNAs in transformation of follicular lymphoma to diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2017)
Význam a využití NGS v diagnostice dědičných trombocytopenií. (2017)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulate the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
The level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 Kip1 after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (2017)
Analýza genetických změn CLL nemocných s vývojem resistence k léčbě inhibitorem BTK (2017)
Fragment analysis represents a suitable approach for the detection of hotspot c.7541_7542delCT NOTCH1 mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Multiple productive IGH rearrangements denote oligoclonality even in immunophenotypically monoclonal CLL (2018)
Next-generation sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: recent findings and new horizons (2017)
MicroRNA induced by DNA damage response regulates the expression of FOXP1 and therapy response in CLL (2017)
T309I-Kv7.1 mutation as a feasible founder LQT1 mutation: clinical, genetic and biophysical analysis (2017)
„Founder“ mutace asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT: Česká republika versus svět (2017)
Klinické a genetické charakteristiky mutace T309I-Kv7.1 asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT (2017)
mTLE v dospělosti a dětství – rozdíly v miRNA profilech dospělých a novorozených potkanů (2017)
GLASS: assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data (2017)
Role of miRNAs in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2017)
GLASS:assisted and standardized assessment of gene variations from Sanger sequence trace data. (2017)
Bioinformatical analysis of chromosomal rearrangement in chromothripsis event using whole transcriptome sequencing data (2017)
ToTem – a tool for automated optimization of variant calling pipelines (2017)
B cell receptor signaling actvity is associated with genomic defects in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
A new quantitative method for minimal residual disease monitoring based on next generation dequencing and digital PCR principal (2017)
Promoter methylation of ROR ligand WNTA associates with its expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
DNA methylation profiling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients carrying stereotyped B-cell receptors: a different cellular origin for subset #2? (2017)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Definitions, associations with other biomarkers and clinical impact, a retrospective study on behalf of ERIC (2017)
Treatment with BCR inhibitors increases ROR1 expression in CLL cells (2017)
Biallelic TP53 gene mutations due to copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity and monoallelic mutations in absence of 17p deletion occur in CLL with comparable frequency (2017)
The Barcelona-Brno biomarkers-only (IGHV mutational status and FISH cytogenetics) prognostic model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
ERIC TP53 Network – activities and outcomes (2017)
Concluding remarks. (2017)
Impact of recurrent mutations on progression-free survival in CLL patients treated with front line rituximab-based regimens. (2017)
Chromothripsis is associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2017)
Complex genome rearrangements are associated with altered gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibition blocks CLL chemotaxis and delays leukemia onset in the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2017)
Tracking Low-Burden TP53-mutated subclones during CLL treatment and remission using ROR1 separation (2017)
Transcriptome sequencing provides novel insights into the biology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Focus on major stereotyped subsets (2017)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Definitions, associations with other biomarkers, and clinical impact (2017)
B cells resistant to CD20 monoclonal antibodies display specific alterations in gene expression profile. (2017)
CEITEC research overview (2017)
CEITEC laboratories tour (2017)
Low-burden TP53 mutations in chronic phase of myeloproliferative neoplasms: association with age, hydroxyurea administration, disease type and JAK2 mutational status (2018)
Expression of COBLL1 encoding novel ROR1 binding partner is robust predictor of survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
The clinical impact of targeted „next-generation“ sequencing in molecular diagnostics of intellectual disabilities and multiple congenital abnormalities (2017)
Case report: rapid and durable response to PDGFR targeted therapy in a child with refractory multiple infantile myofibromatosis and a heterozygous germline mutation of the PDGFRB gene (2017)
Cellular mechanisms regulating CD20 as a target of monoclonal antibody therapy in B-lymphoid malignancies (2017)
An anaplastic cardiac large cell lymphoma: A case report and analysis of cardiac involvement in newly diagnosed nonHodgkin’s lymphoma from the Czech Lymphoma Study Group (CLSG) database (2017)
The clinical utility of array-CGH and targeted NGS in idiopathic intellectual disabilities and developmental delays: a case report of SCN2A p.Ala263Val variant (2017)
Transcription factor YY1 can control AID-mediated mutagenesis in mice (2018)
Epigenetické změny jako nový nástroj pro prognostickou stratifikaci pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií (2017)
GLASS (2017)
Reproducible diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia by flow cytometry: An European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC) & European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis (ESCCA) Harmonisation project (2018)
The Role of Oncogenic Tyrosine Kinase NPM-ALK in Genomic Instability (2018)
Casein kinase 1 is a therapeutic target in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
MicroRNA-210 expression during childbirth and postpartum as potential biomarker of acute fetal hypoxia (2018)
Tracking minor clones in chronic lymphocytic leukemia using high-throughput immunoprofiling (2018)
Towards long-term 3D culture of leukemic B cells (2018)
Evolution of genomic abnormalities during leukemia disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2018)
Overview – TP53 aberrations (2018)
Nová doporučení ERIC pro analýzu TP53 mutací u CLL (2018)
Transposable elements in hematological malignancies (2018)
Next generation sequencing reveals a novel nonsense mutation in MSX1 gene related to oligodontia (2018)
No improvement in long-term survival over time for chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients in stereotyped subsets 1 and 2 treated with chemo(immuno)therapy (2018)
ToTem: a tool for variant calling pipeline optimization (2018)
ERIC recommendations for TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia-update on methodological approaches and results interpretation (2018)
Dědičné trombocytopenie (2018)
CD20 supports BCR signaling in an intra clonal aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation of cells and rituximab primarily targets these BCR proficient B cells in vivo (2018)
CD20 reguluje signalizaci přes B-buněčný receptor v mikroprostředí chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
CD20 is a direct regulator of B-cell receptor signaling in the microenvironment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Genetické aberace a doba do progrese onemocnění u pacientů s CLL léčených režimy FCR nebo BR v 1. linii (2018)
Ph-like genové aberace u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní ALL v České republice. (2018)
Detekce minoritních klonů oligoklonální chronické lymfocytární leukemie s využitím metod sekvenování nové generace (2018)
Epigenetický screening buněk rezistentních k rituximabu odhalil možnou roli inhibitorů Aurora kináz v regulaci exprese CD20 (2018)
CLLEAR český registr pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií – kompletní analýza dat (2018)
Stanovení kauzálních variant u dědičných trombocytopenií (2018)
Bioinformatická platforma pro rutinní využití v diagnostice pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2018)
Changes in telomere length associate with to evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course (2018)
Evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2018)
Tracking the minor clones in oligoclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia using high-throughput immunoprofiling (2018)
Genetic aberrations and progression-free survival in CLL patients treated with front line rituximab-based chemoimmunotherapy (FCR/BR): clinical practice experience (2018)
Detection of circulating miRNAs in the blood plasma of patients with mTLE+HS (2018)
miRNA screening of infantile and adult rat hippocampal tissues in acute phase of epilepsy (2018)
C-terminal RUNX1 mutation in familial platelet disorder with predisposition to myeloid malignancies (2018)
Rituximab primarily targets an intra-clonal BCR signaling proficient CLL subpopulation characterized by high CD20 levels (2018)
Klinický význam nejčastěji mutovaných genů v buňkách chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
Epigenetic drug screen on resistant CLL cells reveals Aurora kinase inhibitors as enhancers of CD20 expression and sensitizers to treatment with CD20 monoclonal antibodies (2018)
Analýza rozsáhlých přestaveb genomu u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2018)
Epigenetic drug screen on rituximab-resistant cells revealed in unexpected role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression (2018)
Epigenetic drug screen of rituximab resistant cell line revealed possible treatment targets (2018)
Ph-like genové aberace u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní ALL v České republice. (2018)
Gene aberrations in adult patients with Ph-like ALL in the Czech Republic. (2018)
Synthetic 3D materials as a tool for long-term culture of leukemic B cells (2018)
Unexpected role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression (2018)
Perspektivy rozvoje genomiky – projekt sekvenace statisíce českých genomů a milionu evropských genomů (2018)
Detekce patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičného onemocnění metodou celoexomového sekvenování – kazuistiky (2018)
Somatické mutace TP53 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie: na cestě od malých klonů k chemorezistentnímu onemocnění (2018)
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout of TP53 and ATM in HG3 cell line: models for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnsotics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Gene aberrations in adult patients with Ph-negative ALL in the Czech Republic (2018)
Determination of causal variants in iherited thrombocytopenias (2018)
ERIC mission: improving CLL patient care: Setting standards: ERIC harmonization activities (2018)
Dynamics of microRNA expression during early onset epileptogenesis (2018)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukémie (CLL) - 2018 (2018)
Základní bioinformatické pojmy a postupy využívané pro analýzu DNA pomocí sekvenování nové generace (2018)
MicroRNA miR-34a downregulates FOXP1 during DNA damage response to limit BCR signalling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia B cells (2019)
CLL cells cumulate genetic aberrations prior to the first therapy even in outwardly inactive disease phase (2019)
Development of selective casein kinase 1 delta/epsilon inhibitors for cancer (2018)
Targeted next generation sequencing in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2018)
Encyclopedia of CLL Subsets: An Online Knowledgebase forSubsets of CLL Cases with Stereotyped B Cell Receptors (2018)
Bioinformatics platform for routine diagnostics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (2018)
Promoter methylation of ROR1 ligand WNT5A associates with its expression in CLL (2018)
Cytogenetické změny a jejich klinický význam u relabujících a refrakterních CLL nemocných (2018)
Častý výskyt dicentrických chromosomů u CLL nemocných s komplexním karyotypem (2018)
Vrozené predispozice k hematologickým malignitám existují: přehled poznatků a vlastní nálezy (2018)
Chronická lymfatická leukémie: převratné novinky v patogenezi a terapii z poslední doby (2018)
Dystrophin Deficiency Leads to Genomic Instability in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells via NO Synthase-Induced Oxidative Stress (2019)
A novel germline mutation in GP1BA gene N-terminal domain in monoallelic Bernard-Soulier syndrome (2018)
Activation-induced deaminase and its splice variants associate with trisomy 12 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Tuberózní skleróza - od diagnostiky dítěte k terapii rodiče (2018)
TP53 aberrations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an overview of the clinical implications of improved diagnostics (2018)
Impact of gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations on progression-free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with front-line chemoimmunotherapy: Clinical practice experience (2019)
Disease-biased and shared characteristics of the immunoglobulin gene repertoires in marginal zone B cell lymphoproliferations (2019)
Tailored approaches grounded on immunogenetic features for refined prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Integrated epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals TP63 as a novel player in clinically aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Different time-dependent changes of risk for evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with mutated or unmutated antigen B cell receptors (2019)
Novel de novo frameshift variant in the ASXL3 gene in a child with microcephaly and global developmental delay (2019)
A novel germline mutation of the SFTPA1 gene in familial interstitial pneumonia (2019)
Cytogenetic complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: definitions, associations, and clinical impact (2019)
"Two hit" model as an explanation of variable expressivity of recurrent submicroscopic chromosomal rearrangements in children with intellectual disability and developmental delay (2019)
Detection of a deletion at 22q11 locus involving ZNF280A/ZNF280B/PRAME/GGTLC2 in B-cell malignancies: simply a consequence of an immunoglobulin lambda light chain rearrangement (2019)
Bioinformatic pipelines for whole transcriptome sequencing data exploitation in leukemia patients with complex structural variants (2019)
MicroRNA-210 expression during childbirth and postpartum as a potential biomarker of acute fetal hypoxia (2019)
Novel SAMD9 Mutation in a Patient With Immunodeficiency, Neutropenia, Impaired Anti-CMV Response, and Severe Gastrointestinal Involvement (2019)
Novel genetic variant of HPS1 gene in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome with fulminant progression of pulmonary fibrosis: a case report (2019)
The importance of complex karyotype in prognostication and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a comprehensive review of the literature (2019)
Identifikace nových prognostických subtypů chronické lymfocytární leukemie použitím dráhového mutačního skóre a strojového učení (2019)
Vyšetření dědičných predispozic k nádorovým onemocněním metodou NGS – dosavadní výsledky a nejasné případy. (2019)
Detekce fúzních genů u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií s komplexními chromozomálními přestavbami. (2019)
Mutation R591C associated with long QT syndrome type 1: clinical, genetic, and functional analysis (2019)
Mutace T309I asociovaná se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1: akumulace IKs jako mechanismus ochrany srdce proti arytmii (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk of seizure induction in developing brain (2019)
Inhibition of miRNA-129-2-3p increases risk and severity of seizures developing brain (2019)
Generation of two Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell lines DMD02 and DMD03 (MUNIi001-A and MUNIi003-A) (2019)
Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B buněčných lymfoproliferací. (2019)
Encyklopedie subsetů CLL – unikátní bioinformatický nástroj a databáze pro analýzu subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů u CLL (2019)
Charakterizace genových aberací u dospělých pacientů s Ph-negativní akutní lymfoblastickou leukemií (2019)
Novorozenecký screening cystické fibrózy a diagnostika CFSPID. (2019)
Deficiency and haploinsufficiency of histone macroH2A1.1 in mice recapitulate hematopoietic defects of human myelodysplastic syndrome (2019)
Molecular analysis confirmed common ancestor of 10 Czech families with long QT syndrome carrying C926T-KCNQ1 variant (2019)
Association of rare non-coding SNVs in the lung-specific FOXF1 enhancer with a mitigation of the lethal ACDMPV phenotype (2019)
Development of 3D drug-testing platform for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2019)
Complex structural variants lead to gene inactivation rather than expression of de novo fusion genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Complex structural variants and de novo fusion gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Characterization of causal variants associated with hereditary thrombocytopenias. (2019)
A rare diagnosis: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis, oculocutaneous albinism and thrombocytopathy (2019)
Identification of novel chronic lymphocytic leukemia subtypes using pathway mutation scores and consensus clustering (2019)
Performance of α-CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells in genetically defined classes of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2019)
Comparison of In-house real-time assay and MucorGenius assay performance for testing of clinical samples from immunocompromised patients. (2019)
Epigenetic drug screen on CD20 immunotherapy resistant cells revealed possible role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression regulation. (2019)
Elucidation of factors enhancing the expression of CD20 and thereby efficiency of CD20 monoclonal antibodies through epigenetic drug screening of resistant CLL cells (2020)
Nádorová cytogenetika 20 a 21.století: Od konvenční cytogenetiky k „next-generation“ cytogenetice hematologických malignit (2019)
Biologická a klinická analýza souboru nemocných s refrakterní a relabující chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2019)
Cytogenetická a molekulárně biologická analýza genu a proteinu Myc u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2019)
Přestavba chromosomové oblasti 3q26 (MECOM) a její klinický význam u myeloidních malignit. (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky (2019)
Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoproliferací (2019)
Studium abnormální genové exprese spojené s chromothripsí u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií (2019)
Novel methodology for seeding leukemic B cells into porous scaffolds and for their DNA isolation (2019)
Srovnání počtu a alelické četnosti mutací genu TP53 u pacientů před první terapií a pacientů s relabující/refrakterní chronickou lymfocytární leukemií. (2019)
Srovnání počtu a alelické četnosti mutací genu TP53 u pacientů před první terapií a pacientů s relabující/refrakterní chronickou lymfocytární leukemií. (2019)
Complex structural variants and formation of de novo fusion genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2019)
Diagnostika pacientů s podezřením na Ph-negativní myeloproliferativní neoplázii. (2019)
Charakterizace patogenních variant u rodin s výskytem dědičné trombocytopenie – kazuistiky. (2019)
Vyšetření dědičných predispozic k nádorovým onemocněním metodou NGS – dosavadní výsledky a nejasné případy. (2019)
Molekulárně – genetická diagnostika mastocytózy. (2019)
Detekce somatických variant u myelodysplastického syndromu: srovnání tří odlišných postupů při přípravě sekvenačních knihoven pro vyšetření panelu genů. (2019)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoprolyferací. (2019)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární keukémií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2019)
Cílená inhibice kasein kinázy 1 v léčbě chronické lymfoidní leukémie. (2019)
Searching for transposable elements in hematological malignancies (2019)
LYNX: LYmphoid NGS panel analysis tool. (2019)
Epigenetic drug screen of a CD20-low expressing cell line revealed an unexpected role of Aurora kinase inhibitors in CD20 expression. (2019)
T cell receptor repertoire in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. (2019)
Epigenetic drug screen of CD20-low expressing cell line revealed possible treatment target. (2019)
Minor-clone TP53 mutations in CLL patients entering first-line treatment: clonal evolution and clinical impact. (2020)
B Cell Receptor Signalling Regulation by Non-coding RNAs. (2019)
Identification of transposable elements in hematological malignancies. (2019)
CD20 in the context of microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells: Implications for targeted therapy. (2019)
TP53 a nové molekulární prognostické markery u CLL. (2019)
Cytogenetika u CLL a role komplexního karyotypu. (2019)
Assessing suitability of various DNA sources for monitoring leukemia aktivity with WGS. (2019)
Telomere dynamics in adult hematological malignancies (2019)
Chromotripse - rozsáhlé chromozomové přestavby a jejich význam u onkologických onemocnění (2019)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie – současné využití moderních prognostických a prediktivních faktorů v diagnostice (2019)
Encyklopedie subsetů CLL – Unikátní bio informatický nástroj a databáze pro analýzu subsetů stereotypních B buněčných receptorů u CLL (2019)
Undetectable expression of WNT5A, a gene encoding a ROR1 ligand, defines memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2019)
Promoter Methylation of ROR1 Ligand WNT5A associates with Its Expression in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2019)
Analysis of Mutational Landscape in Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Identifies Novel Prognostic Markers. (2019)
DNA methylation profiles in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with chemoimmunotherapy (2019)
Syndrom DICER1 (2019)
A novel germline mutation in GP1BA gene in family with hereditary macrothrombocytopenia (2019)
Targeted resequencing of genes associated with long QT syndrome in Czech patients: two newly identified likely pathogenic variants in previously investigated patient with negative results (2019)
GPD1 Deficiency - Underdiagnosed Cause of Liver Disease (2021)
CD20 is dispensable for B-cell receptor signaling but is required for proper actin polymerization, adhesion and migration of malignant B cells (2020)
Performance of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells in genetically defined classes of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
High activation of STAT5A drives peripheral T-cell lymphoma and leukemia (2020)
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Due to Ventricular Fibrillation in a 5-Year-Old Pediatric Patient (2020)
Diagnosis of Bloom Syndrome in a Patient with Short Stature, Recurrence of Malignant Lymphoma, and Consanguineous Origin (2020)
Real-world data on efficacy and safety of obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil, rituximab plus chlorambucil, and rituximab plus bendamustine in the frontline treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: TheGO-CLLEARStudy by the CzechCLLStudy Group (2020)
Organoids as a personalized medicine tool for ultra-rare mutations in cystic fibrosis: The case of S955P and 1717-2A > G (2020)
High-throughput sequencing of T-cell receptor alpha chain clonal rearrangements at the DNA level in lymphoid malignancies (2020)
Nuclear inclusions of pathogenic ataxin-1 induce oxidative stress and perturb the protein synthesis machinery (2020)
Next generation sequencing in newborn screening for cystic fibrosis (2020)
mir-29 influences CD40 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (2020)
Capture-based NGS panel for detection of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangements in DNA samples from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2020)
Combination of epigenetic drug screen and CRISPR knockout screen revealed involvement of aurora kinases and Cullin 3 in CD20 regulation (2020)
Interlaboratory comparison of NGS methods for detection of TP53 variants ˂10% VAF: The first phase of an ERIC multicenter study on the clinical impact of low-frequent TP53 variants in CLL (2020)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): a versatile NGS panel for comprehensive analysis of molecular markers with clinical relevance in lymphoproliferative disorders (2020)
High throughput T cell receptor profiling in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma provides a novel deeper insight into the characteristics of the malignant population (2020)
The clinical utility of targeted NGS in neurodevelopmental disorders: a case of a girl with pontocerebellar hypoplasia caused by TSEN54 gene pathogenic variants (2020)
Jak a kde přispět svým genomem do nově vznikající české databáze (2020)
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lympfoproliferací (2020)
Analysis mutational landscape in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma identifies novel prognostic markers (2020)
Characterization of pathogenic variants associated with hereditary thrombocytopenias in families from the Czech republic. (2020)
Dynamika vývoje mutací TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií během léčby BCR inhibitory. (2020)
Functional testing of gene variants in inherited thrombocytopenias. (2020)
Profiling of biological and environmental risk factors in immunogenetic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Epilepsy miRNA Profile Depends on the Age of Onset in Humans and Rats (2020)
Panel sond pro detekci prognostických a prediktivních markerů lymfoproliferativních onemocnění (2020)
miR-29 Modulates CD40 Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by Targeting TRAF4: an Axis Affected by BCR inhibitors (2021)
Cytogenetické a molekulárně genetické nálezy u pacientky s ICF2 syndromem - kazuistika (2020)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (CLL) (2020)
Identification and functional characterization of new missense SNPs in the coding region of the TP53 gene (2021)
International prognostic score for asymptomatic early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
High throughput sequencing data analysis of IG/TR rearranged genes in leukemie clinical research. (2020)
Mutational landscape analysis in systematic anaplastic large cell lymphoma identifies novel prognostic markers. (2020)
The impact of transposable elements in hematological malignances. (2020)
Uncovering rare hematological entities: Shwachman-Diamond syndrome in a pair of siblings with neutropenia and recurrent infections. (2020)
Double-hit mutace u pacientky s karcinomem ovaria a neurofibromatózou. (2020)
LYNX – modulární bioinformatický nástroj s uživatelským rozhraním pro analýzu NGS da u pacientů s hematologickými malignitami (2020)
Dědičná trombocytopenie na podkladě patogenní varianty genu MYH9 diagnostikovaná u dospělé ženy. (2020)
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course (2021)
Genomic arrays identify high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia with genomic complexity: a multicenter study (2021)
Sada pro detekci mutací asociovaných s myelodysplastickým syndromem a chronickou myelomonocytární leukemií (2020)
Impact of genetics on the performance of anti-CD 19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2020)
Combination of epigenetic drug screen and CRISPR knockout screen as an unbiased approach to reveal possible CD20 therapy improvement (2020)
Research Activities in Dentistry (2021)
Familiární schwanomatóza na podkladě mutace v SMARCB1 genu- nové možnosti terapie. (2020)
Etiology of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL): Current Directions in Research (2020)
IL10RA modulates crizotinib sensitivity in NPM1-ALK(+) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2020)
Prognostic Factors in Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Long Term Results of the International ALCL99 Trial (2020)
CEITEC PhD Conference (2020)
Second primary malignancies in colorectal cancer patients (2021)
The Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on the Second Primary Malignancies in Colorectal Cancer Patients (2021)
Functional analysis of germlineETV6 W380Rmutation causing inherited thrombocytopenia and secondary acute lymphoblastic leukemia or essential thrombocythemia (2021)
Long-QT founder variant T309I-Kv7.1 with dominant negative pattern may predispose delayed afterdepolarizations under β-adrenergic stimulation (2021)
Neurovývojová porucha s mentální retardací spojená s genem PPP2R5D - první případ v České republice (2021)
Impact of Antibiotics Associated with the Development of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis on Early and Late-Onset Infectious Complications (2021)
A SNaPshot Assay for Determination of the Mannose-Binding Lectin Gene Variants and an Algorithm for Calculation of Haplogenotype Combinations (2021)
Bioinformatic strategies for the analysis of genomic aberrations detected by targeted NGS panels with clinical application (2021)
Two Novel Mutations in the JAG1 Gene in Pediatric Patients with Alagille Syndrome: The First Case Series in Czech Republic (2021)
Výživa dětí (2021)
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Evaluation of Early Clinical Response, Pathological Complete Response Rates, and Addition of Platinum Salts Benefit Based on Real-World Evidence (2021)
Dynamic miRNA changes during the process of epileptogenesis in an infantile and adult-onset model (2021)
Thyroid and androgen receptor signaling are antagonized by mu-Crystallin in prostate cancer (2021)
Cytogenetic and molecular aberrations and worse outcome for male patients in systemic mastocytosis (2021)
Comparative analysis of targeted next-generation sequencing panels for the detection of gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an ERIC multi-center study (2021)
STAT3 and TP53 mutations associate with poor prognosis in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2021)
Genomic landscape of B-other acute lymphoblastic leukemia in an adult retrospective cohort with a focus on BCR-ABL1-like subtype (2021)
The Effect of SF3B1 Mutation on the DNA Damage Response and Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay in Cancer (2021)
Whole exome sequencing reveals NOTCH1 mutations in anaplastic large cell lymphoma and points to Notch both as a key pathway and a potential therapeutic target (2021)
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition and microRNA expression are associated with spindle and apocrine cell morphology in triple-negative breast cancer (2021)
Extremely low birthweight neonates with phenylketonuria require special dietary management (2021)
Hereditární tyrosinémie typ II, první případ v České republice (2021)
Klinická onkologie pro mediky. Solidní nádory, nádory dětského věku a hematologické malignity (2021)
Plicní eozinofilní infiltráty (2021)
Human Infections by Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica: A Mini-Review and the First Report of a Burn Wound Infection after Accidental Myiasis in Central Europe (2021)
Syndrom mentalniho postižení související s DYRK1A: kazuistika (2021)
Videolaryngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy for airway management in paediatric patients: randomized controlled trial (2021)
Tetanus in 3-years old child (2021)
Unusual case of paediatric ARDS (2021)
Genetická varianta genu CTC1 u idiopatické plicní fibrózy a myelodysplastického syndromu: kazuistická sdělení (2021)
Vzácná onemocnění: hereditární tyrozinémie typ II (2021)
Pediatric Patient with Ischemic Stroke: Initial Approach and Early Management (2021)
Videolaryngoscopy vs. Direct Laryngoscopy for Elective Airway Management in Paediatric Anaesthesia A prospective randomised controlled trial (2021)
Dysfunkce na podkladě mutace R562S asociované se syndromem dlouhého QT typu 1 (2021)
Clinical, genetic and functional analysis of R562S-Kv7.1 mutation associated with long QT syndrome type 1 (2021)
Tazemetostat jako součást terapie AT/RT – naše první zkušenosti (2021)
Case Report: Contiguous Xq22.3 Deletion Associated with ATS-ID Syndrome: From Genotype to Further Delineation of the Phenotype (2021)
Extensive Parapharyngeal Abscess in a 4-Month-Old Infant (2024)
DSP rs2076295 variants influence nintedanib and pirfenidone outcomes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a pilot study (2021)
Novel de novo pathogenic variant in the GNAI1 gene as a cause of severe disorders of intellectual development (2022)
GAB1 Regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: novel therapeutic target (2021)
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of genomic instability of HEK293 cell line derivatives. (2021)
Alelická kompozícia génu BCOR u pacientov s myelodysplastickým syndrómom. (2021)
PI3KD inhibitor idelalisib snižuje hladiny CD20 u chronické lymfocytární leukémie inhibicí IL4-STAT6 signální dráhy. (2021)
Dynamika mutací a chromozomálních aberací v závislosti na aktivitě CLL u neléčených pacientů. (2021)
Přímá mutační analýza genu TP53 bez nutnosti izolace DNA u vzorků periferní krve a kostní dřeně hematoonkologických pacientů. (2021)
Molekulárně-genetická diagnostika hereditární hemoragické teleangiektázie. (2021)
Duplikace 8q24 v chronické lymfocytární leukémii: Cytogentická a molekulárně-biologická analýza aberací genu MYC. (2021)
In vivo antigen-negative escape to CART-19 caused by CD19 promotor hypermethylation. (2021)
Ex vivo fenotypizace a monitoring CD19 CAR-T lymfocytů: zkušenosti jednoho centra. (2021)
Klonální evoluce CLL – význam BCR receptoru a abnormalit genu TP53. (2021)
Pacient-specifické systémy jako cesta ke sledování minimální zbytkové choroby u dalších pacientů s akutní myeloidní leukémií. (2021)
Využití funkční analýzy jako doplňkového nástroje při analýze genu TP53 u pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií. (2021)
Klonální evoluce v průběhu Ph negativních myeloproliferativních onemocnění. (2021)
Detekce kauzálních variant u hereditárních nádorových sysndromů kombinací metod NGS a DigiMLPA. (2021)
LYNX: an interactive bioinformatic tool for capture-based next-generation sequencing data analysis in lymphoid malignancies. (2021)
Exploring clonal evolution and causes of therapy failure in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Exploring clonal evolution and genetic causes of therapy failure in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Genetické aberace u dospělých pacientů s B-other akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií v České republice se zaměřením na BCR-ABL1-like akutní lymfoblastickou leukémii. (2021)
Detekce transpozibilních elementů u hematologických malignit. (2021)
Fosforylace proteinu p53: vliv na aktivitu dráhy p53 po poškození DNA u chronické lymfocytární leukémie. (2021)
LYNX (Lymphoid next-generation sequencing): NGS panel a bioinformatický nástroj pro integrativní analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoproliferací. (2021)
Klinický dopad a evoluce minoritních TP53-mutovaných klonů v kontextu různých terapeutických režimů u CLL. (2021)
CLLEAR – Český registr pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií: analýza dat 2021. (2021)
GAB1 reguluje tonickou AKT signalizaci a migraci buněk chronické lymfatické leukémie: implikace pro kombinační léčbu s BCR inhibitory. (2021)
Klonální evoluce CLL podmíněná léčbou: analýza pomocí celoexomového sekvenování. (2021)
Diferenciální diagnostika eozinofilií v letech 2015-2020 na IHOK FN Brno. (2021)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby. (2021)
3D in vitro modely pro studium hematologických malignit. (2021)
Maskovaná hypodiploidie u pacientů s akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií (2021)
Neobvyklý cytogenetický nález u probanda s retardací psychomotorického vývoje a stigmatizací – kazuistika. (2021)
Cytogenetická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií rezistentních k léčbě inhibitory BTK. (2021)
Komplexní cytogenetická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu nemocných s akutní myeloidní leukémií. (2021)
T-buněčný lymfoblastický lymfom (T-LBL) dětského věku s kazuistikou geneticky zajímavého případu (2021)
Functional analysis of new variant GP1BA gene in inherited macrotrombocytopenia. (2021)
Super-enhancer-based identification of a BATF3/IL-2R-module reveals vulnerabilities in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2021)
Doporučení pro diagnostiku a léčbu chronické lymfocytární leukemie 2021 (2021)
Hypermethylation of CD19 promoter enables antigen-negative escape to CART-19 in vivo and in vitro (2021)
Nutriční péče v onkologii, Žilní přístupy a komplikace periferních a centrálních kanyl a portů a léčba těchto komplikací (2021)
IL4-STAT6 signaling induces CD20 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and this axis is repressed by PI3K delta inhibitor idelalisib (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 axis regulates homing capacity and tonic AKT activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
RPS15 mutations rewire RNA translation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
RGDS-Modified Superporous Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)-Based Scaffolds as 3D In Vitro Leukemia Model (2021)
Higher-order connections between stereotyped subsets: implications for improved patient classification in CLL (2021)
Identification of Clinically Relevant Subgroups of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Through Discovery of Abnormal Molecular Pathways (2021)
Increased TRPV1 gene expression in the tissues of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma (2021)
ALG3-CDG: a patient with novel variants and review of the genetic and ophthalmic findings (2021)
Effectivity of whole-exome sequencing in copy number variant detection in children with neurodevelopmental disorders (2021)
Whole-exome sequencing as an effective tool for the detection of DNA sequence and structural variants in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders (2021)
Kongenitální neutropenie u dětí a dospělých (2021)
Integrative Genomic Analysis of Pediatric Myeloid-Related Acute Leukemias Identifies Novel Subtypes and Prognostic Indicators (2021)
COVID-19 severity and mortality in patients with CLL: an update of the international ERIC and Campus CLL study (2021)
Low levels of minimal residual disease after induction chemotherapy for BCR-ABL1-negative acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in adults are clinically relevant (2022)
Genetika familiární hypercholesterolemie: aktualizovaná kritéria pro interpretaci variant v genu LDLR (2021)
Clinical impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a retrospective, multi-center cohort study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL, in Harmony. (2021)
Real-world evidence on therapeutic strategies and treatment-sequencing in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: An international study of ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL (2021)
Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in IGHV-mutated and IGHV-unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a retrospective, multi-center cohort study by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in harmony. (2021)
Clinical impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a retrospective, multi-center cohort study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL, in harmony. (2021)
Other malignancies in the history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia – a retrospective, multicenter cohort study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL, in harmony. (2021)
Phosphorylation patterns of tumor suppressor P53 and their impact on the P53 pathway activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Detailed analysis of treatment-related clonal evolution in CLL through the identification of abnormal molecular pathways. (2021)
CLLEAR – Czech national registry of CLL patients: complete data analysis 2021. (2021)
FoxO1-GAB1 Axis Regulates Homing Capacity and Tonic AKT Activity in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Novel Therapeutic Target. (2021)
IL4-STAT6 Signaling Induces CD20 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and This Axis Is Repressed by PI3Kδ Inhibitor Idelalisib. (2021)
GAB1 – novel regulator of migration capacity and tonic AKT activity in CLL: Implications for combinatorial therapy with BCR inhibitors. (2021)
Ibrutinib Blocks CD40 Signalling in CLL in Vivo by Reducing TRAF4 Levels. (2021)
miR-29-TRAF4 axis is a novel regulator of CD40 signaling in malignant B cells. (2021)
miR-29 influences CD40 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): and axis affected by BCR inhibitors. (2021)
Three-dimensional biomaterials as a tool for in vitro culture of leukemic B cells. (2021)
Novel strategies for three-dimensional culture of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. (2021)
LYNX (Lymphoid next-generation sequencing): NGS panel a bioinformatic tool for integrative analysis of prognostic and predictive markers in B-cell malignancies. (2021)
Data mining of publicly available scRNA-seq datasets: application of machine learning to interrogate normal cellular counterparts of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2021)
Dynamika mutací a chromozomálních aberací v závislosti na aktivitě CLL u neléčených pacientů. (2021)
Význam použitia panelového NGS testovania u myelodysplastického syndrómu. (2021)
Direct co-culture model for the analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia to bone marrow stromal cells. (2021)
B cell developmental trajectory modeling – Using complex immunophenotype to identify pre-malignant CLL B cell subsets in peripheral blood of healthy donors. (2021)
Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in the Czech Republic, Analysis of Data from the First Year of the Pandemic (2021)
Chromothripsis in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Driving Force of Genome Instability (2021)
Rok 2021 v přehledu - Anestezie a intenzivní péče v pediatrii (2021)
Duration of inhalation versus intravenous anaesthesia induction in paediatric patients: prospective observational trial (2021)
Incidence of emergence delirium in the PACU: prospective observational trial (2021)
Retroelement activity in hematological malignancies (2021)
Exploring transposone activity in hematological malignances. (2021)
Refined diagnostic criteria for bone marrow mastocytosis: a proposal of the European competence network on mastocytosis (2022)
Aggressive systemic mastocytosis with diffuse bone marrow (18) F-FDG uptake (2022)
UK Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Expert Advisory Group (PRASEAG) (2021)
UK Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Expert Advisory Group (PRASEAG) (2021)
The Role of Autophagy and lncRNAs in the Maintenance of Cancer Stem Cells (2021)
The Contribution of Autophagy and LncRNAs to MYC-Driven Gene Regulatory Networks in Cancers (2021)
Sequential inverse dysregulation of the RNA helicases DDX3X and DDX3Y facilitates MYC-driven lymphomagenesis (2021)
Resistance to Targeted Agents Used to Treat Paediatric ALK-Positive ALCL (2021)
Primary post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder of the central nervous system: characteristics, management and outcome in 25 paediatric patients (2021)
Phylogenetic Reassessment, Taxonomy, and Biogeography of Codinaea and Similar Fungi (2021)
Low-burden TP53 mutations in CLL: clinical impact and clonal evolution within the context of different treatment options (2021)
Higher-order immunoglobulin repertoire restrictions in CLL: the illustrative case of stereotyped subsets 2 and 169 (2021)
LYmphoid NeXt-Generation Sequencing (LYNX) Panel A Comprehensive Capture-Based Sequencing Tool for the Analysis of Prognostic and Predictive Markers in Lymphoid Malignancies (2021)
Rituximab induces rapid blood repopulation by CLL cells mediated through their release from immune niches and complement exhaustion (2021)
Deep analysis of neuroblastoma core regulatory circuitries using online databases and integrated bioinformatics shows their pan-cancer roles as prognostic predictors (2021)
Elevated epidermal growth factor receptor levels in Barrett’s esophagus (2021)
Izolovaná infiltrace ledviny suspektními leukemickými buňkami - kazuistika s komplexní diferenciální diagnostikou neobvyklého stavu (2022)
Lyn Phosphorylates and Controls ROR1 Surface Dynamics During Chemotaxis of CLL Cells (2022)
B cell developmental trajectory modeling based on complex immunophenotype using CyTOF (2021)
Use of Hypolipidemic Drugs and the Risk of Second Primary Malignancy in Colorectal Cancer Patients (2022)
大腸癌の診断方法 (2021)
Bioinformatický nástroj pro zpracování NGS dat a uživatelské rozhraní - LYNX (2021)
Paediatric Burkitt lymphoma patient-derived xenografts capture disease characteristics over time and are a model for therapy (2021)
UK Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Expert Advisory Group (2021)
Does Pathological Complete Response after Neoadjuvant Therapy Influence Postoperative Morbidity in Rectal Cancer after Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision? (2023)
Přídatné cytogenetické abnormality prokázané při diagnóze CML a jejich vliv na prognózu – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2022)
Vliv přídatných cytogenetických abnormalit zjištěných při diagnóze chronické myeloidní leukemie na prognózu – analýza z databáze INFINITY (2021)
Central venous catheters in pediatric anesthesia and intensive care: prospective observational trial (2022)
A GP1BA Variant in a Czech Family with Monoallelic Bernard-Soulier Syndrome (2022)
Paediatric Deep Neck Infection - The Risk of Needing Intensive Care (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
Klinický benefit celoexomového sekvenování pro detekci vzácných genetických variant u dětských pacientů s neurovývojovými poruchami a vzácnými onemocněními (2022)
Rok 2020 pohledem mladého anesteziologa - intenzivisty (2021)
Cytogenetics in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: ERIC Perspectives and Recommendations (2022)
The EHA Research Roadmap: Malignant Lymphoid Diseases (2022)
Clonal haematopoiesis as a risk factor for therapy-related myeloid neoplasms in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia treated with chemo-(immuno)therapy (2022)
Duplication of 8q24 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Cytogenetic and Molecular Biologic Analysis of MYC Aberrations (2022)
Syndrom intelektuálního postižení související s DYRK1A (2022)
Lessons learned from MyPal digital health intervention: capitalizing on the patient reported outcomes (PRO) paradigm towards a participatory healthcare for patients with hematological malignancies (2022)
Analysis of ANKRD26 gene 5´UTR variant in a cohort of Czech patients with suspected hereditary hematological disorder (2022)
Disease-specific U1 spliceosomal RNA mutations in mature B-cell neoplasms. (2022)
Dynamics of genomic aberrations in relation to disease activity in untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage (2022)
Subclonal architectureof chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL (2022)
Ways to the Genome of Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Genetic background of leukemia in the context of clinical practice (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel´s skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of the founder of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel - a case study (2022)
Reconstructing of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel using state-of-the-art molecular and bioinformatics tools (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Molecular genetic diagnostics of neuromuscular diseases (2022)
Very rare near-haploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia resistant to immunotherapy and CAR-T therapy in 19-year-old male patient (2022)
Analysis of Czech genomes for theranostics (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity inEIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings (2022)
LYNX: A web-based bioinformatic tool for targeted next-generation sequencing data analysis and visualization in lymphoid malignancies. (2022)
Long-read whole genomes sequencing used to detect complex chromosomal rearrangements (2022)
Comparison of DNA and RNA-based approaches for the genetic characterization and stratification of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2022)
Long read targeted sequencing enables genomic analysis of translocation hotspots in lymphoproliferative diseases (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage (2022)
Vzácný případ mozkového abscesu odontogenního původu u dítěte (2022)
KMT2C methyltransferase domain regulated INK4A expression suppresses prostate cancer metastasis (2022)
RNA kink-turns are highly anisotropic with respect to lateral displacement of the flanking stems (2022)
BRG1 and NPM-ALK Are Co-Regulated in Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma; BRG1 Is a Potential Therapeutic Target in ALCL (2022)
The Absence of Retroelement Activity Is Characteristic for Childhood Acute Leukemias and Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (2022)
The clinical benefit of trio-based whole-exome sequencing for the detection of rare pathogenic sequence variants in paediatric patients with undiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders (2022)
“Low-level parental somatic mosaicism detected by exome sequencing in cohort of patients with neurodevelopmental disorders (2022)
Single and multiple point NRAS mutations in acute myeloid leukemia: a study of 327 well molecularly characterized patients. (2022)
Analýza inaktivace chromozomu X u dětí s neurovývojovými onemocněními s X-vázanými chromozomovými abnormalitami (2022)
Exómové sekvenovanie ako účinný nástroj pre detekciu intragénových variantov v počte kópií u detských pacientov s neurovývojovými ochoreniami (2022)
Next-generation sequencing in children with epilepsy: The importance of precise genotype–phenotype correlation (2022)
Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy Associated With Autoimmune Hepatitis – Case Report (2022)
Případ chlapce s glykogenózou IXa způsobenou mutací v genu PHKA2 (2022)
Biomarker Dynamics and Long-Term Treatment Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients with Residual Cancer Burden after Neoadjuvant Therapy (2022)
Primární poruchy neurotransmiterů a jejich klinický obraz (2022)
Chromosomal damage in occupationally exposed health professionals assessed by two cytogenetic methods (2022)
Molekulárně biologická analýza zubního kamene a mumifikované tkáně Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
2022-RA-1304-ESGO Molecular testing of endometrial carcinoma brings growing opportunity to identify patients with inherited risk of cancer (2022)
Inherited arrhythmias: from gene variants to ionic channel dysfunctions (2022)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation as an inherited channelopathy? (2022)
Změny v elektrické aktivitě varianty Y4734C-RYR2 asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor. (2022)
Action potential characteristics in derived cardiomyocytes of a patient carrying RYR2 variant (2022)
Genetické varianty asociované s idiopatickou fibrilací komor: role dysfunkce RYR2 kanálu (2022)
Translational research in the field of inherited arrhythmias (2022)
Tisíc českých a milion evropských genomů (2022)
Titin - ukázka komplexního hodnocení významnosti variant (2022)
IL4-STAT6 signaling induces CD20 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and this axis is repressed by PI3Kδ inhibitor idelalisib. (2022)
Novel strategies for three-dimensional culture of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. (2022)
Common rearrangements of the LDLR gene in the Czech population likely arise from one mutational event. (2022)
Retroelement activity in hematological malignances. (2022)
Interrogating the molecular heterogeneity of chronic lymphocytic leukemia through computational approaches. (2022)
The role of long non-coding RNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells. (2022)
CLLue: an interactive bioinformatic tool for data exploration, segregation, and important variables selection. (2022)
Gene expression analysis on single cell level uncovers the subclonal architecture of chromosomes in a leukemia patient with multiple chromosomal aberrations. (2022)
In-frame deletions and insertions in the TP53 gene identified in leukemia patients result in p53 protein inactivation. (2022)
Driver genes for chronic lymphocytic leukemia can be affected not only by mutations but also by complex genomic rearrangements. (2022)
Pathogenic germline variants of TP53 gene are rare in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
Exploring clonal evolution in CLL: Analysis by whole exome sequencing. (2022)
Současná role cytogenomiky v diagnostice a prognostické stratifikaci hematologických malignit. (2022)
Cesty ke genomu Gregora Johanna Mendela. (2022)
Detekce rozsáhlých delecí a duplikací v genech spojených s neuromuskulárním onemocněním. (2022)
Kazuistiky pacientů s neuromuskulárním onemocněním a neobvyklým typem dědičnosti. (2022)
Komplexní cytogenomická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu pacientů s myeloidními malignitami se zaměřením na cílenou analýzu genu MECOM. (2022)
Komplexní analýza nádorového genomu pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem. (2022)
Moderní léčba chronické lymfocytární leukemie – příklad personalizované hematologické léčby. (2022)
Impact of additional mutations in ISM and SSM on OS and PFS (PR37) (2022)
Genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby a stanovení jejich funkčního dopadu. (2022)
Delece 22q12 u pacienta s bilaterálním schwannomem zachycená kombinací metod NGS, MLPA a array-CGH. (2022)
Korelácia chromozomálnych aberácií zistených metodou aCGH s expresiou vybraných génov u pacientov s difúznym vel´kobunkovým B-lymfómom. (2022)
Realita zapojení molekulárně biologických metod do diagnostiky a stratifikace lymfoproliferativních onemocnění. (2022)
Přínos a úskalí sekvenačních metod v diagnostice hematologických malignit. (2022)
Adaptace buněk chronické lymfocytární leukémie na cílenou léčbu BCR inhibitory. (2022)
Complex genomic analysis in myelodysplastic syndrome using combination of molecular cytogenomics and next-generation sequencing approaches. (2022)
Involvement of Small Non-Coding RNA and Cell Antigens in Pathogenesis of Extramedullary Multiple Myeloma (2022)
Secondary malignancies and survival of FCR-treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Central Europe (2023)
Sekvenční varianty v genu TTN a jejich asociace s neuromuskulárními onemocněními. (2022)
RYR1 variants in Czech patients with neuromuscular disorders and malignant hyperthermia (2022)
Integrated NGS testing and cfDNA analysis as an approach for aggregate tumor characterization and monitoring in a patient with aggressive lymphoma invading the central neural system. (2022)
Identification of genetic aberrations in multiple myeloma patients with low tumour burden using comprehensive NGS testing. (2022)
CLLue: an interactive bioinformatic tool for data exploration, segregation, and important variables selection. (2022)
Exploring different aspects of clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2022)
.: Scaffold- and gel-based culture systems for in vitro studies of leukemic B cells. (2022)
Léčebné postupy v hematologii - aktualizace 2022 (2022)
Distinct p53 phosphorylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in the activation of circumjacent pathways upon DNA damage (2023)
Impact of the Types and Relative Quantities of IGHV Gene Mutations in Predicting Prognosis of Patients With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (2022)
Malignant hyperthermia in Czechia and Slovakia (2022)
GAB1 as novel therapeutic target in B lymphoid and myeloid malignancies (2022)
Loss of heterozygosity in EIF3F gene leading to intellectual disability in two siblings. (2022)
Pan-Stakeholder core outcome set (COS) definition for hematological malignancies within the framework of harmony and harmony PLUS projects (2022)
A comprehensive DNA methylome analysis of stereotyped and non-stereotyped CLL reveals an epigenetic signature with strong clinical impact encompassing IGHV status, stereotypes and IGLV3-21R110 (2022)
Chromatin organization by the SMC5/6 complex. (2022)
Sekvenování mikroRNA v mozkových metastázách jako nový diagnostický nástroj (2022)
Nutrition in Pediatric Intensive Care: A Narrative Review (2022)
Incidence of Emergence Delirium in the Pediatric PACU: Prospective Observational Trial (2022)
Airway Management in Pediatric Patients: Cuff-Solved Problem? (2022)
Central Venous Catheter Cannulation in Pediatric Anesthesia and Intensive Care: A Prospective Observational Trial (2022)
Malignant Hyperthermia in PICU-From Diagnosis to Treatment in the Light of Up-to-Date Knowledge (2022)
Critically Ill Pediatric Patient and SARS-CoV-2 Infection (2022)
Diferenciální diagnostika leukocytózy a leukopenie (2022)
Rok 2022 v přehledu - Anestezie a intenzivní péče v pediatrii (2022)
I přes úspěchy české onkologie není cesta pacienta systémem vždy přímá. Národní onkologický program a peníze z plánu obnovy by to mohly změnit (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
Digitalizace a multidisciplinární týmy. To je podle onkologů cesta, jak dostat pacienta co nejrychleji ke správné diagnóze a péči (2022)
Na nejmodernější terapie současné platební modely nestačí. Ty nové se neobejdou bez dat z klinické praxe, ale kde je vzít? (2022)
Memory B-cell like chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is associated with specific methylation profile of WNT5A promoter and undetectable expression of WNT5A gene (2022)
Evolution of TP53 abnormalities during CLL disease course is associated with telomere length changes (2022)
Tyrosine phosphatases regulate resistance to ALK inhibitors in ALK(+) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2022)
A co děti… Máme se jich bát? (2022)
A description of the largest Slavonic group of patients investigated for risk of malignant hyperthermia. A retrospective observational national cohort study. (2022)
Comparison of tidal volume between paediatric anaesthesia and paediatric intensive care patients(TIVAC): retrospective cohort trial (2022)
Duration of inhalation versus intravenous anaesthesia induction in paediatric patients: prospective observational trial (2022)
Hloubka anestezie u pediatrických pacientů: prospektivní observační studie (2022)
Jak nám pomáhá BIS (2022)
Malignant hyperthermia in Czechia and Slovakia:a description of the largest Slavonic groupof patients investigated for risk of malignanthyperthermia. A retrospective observationalnational cohort study (2022)
Příprava na atestaci ČR vs. příprava na EDAIC (2022)
Srovnání dechových objemů u pediatrických pacientů během celkové anestezie a pediatrických pacientů v intenzivní péči: retrospektivní kohortová studie (2022)
Trombóza venózního řečiště u pediatrického pacienta s PIMS (2022)
Vliv polohy hlavy na výkonnost laryngeální masky u pediatrických pacientů: prospektivní randomizovaná studie (2022)
Výživa u pacientů na PICU - máme co zlepšovat? (2022)
Primární neurotransmiterové choroby – jak je můžeme vidět v praxi (2022)
Different patterns of immune system activation in hereditary angioedema based on disease severity (2022)
Distinct p53 phospohrylation patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients are reflected in circumjacent pathways activation upon DNA damage. (2022)
Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of T helper cell differentiation and heterogeneity (2022)
Procalcitonin kinetics following abdominal aortic surgery and its value for postoperative intestinal ischaemia detection (2023)
Proteomic analysis of the bone marrow microenvironment in extramedullary multiple myeloma patients (2022)
Imunitní odpověď na vakcinaci proti covid-19 -průběžné výsledky studie CoVigi (2022)
Cerebral organoids in disease modeling. (2022)
Výsledky celoexomového sekvenování germinální DNA u dětských pacientů se solidními tumory (2022)
Genová léčba SMA (2022)
Thrombotic and bleeding complications in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and severe COVID-19: a study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL (2022)
Funkční efekt nově identifikované varianty v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4. (2023)
Analýza variant genu ANKRD 26 v 5´ nepřekládané oblasti u kohorty pacientů s podezřením na dědičné hematologické onemocnění. (2023)
Komplexní cytogenomická a molekulárně biologická analýza nádorového genomu pacientů s myeloidními malignitami pacientů s myeloidními malignitami se zaměřením na cílenou analýzu genu MECOM. (2023)
Scaffold- and gel-based culture systems for in vitro studies of leukemic B cells. (2023)
Subclonal architecture of chromosomes revealed by single-cell analysis of gene expression in a patient with clonal evolution of relapsing/refractory CLL. (2023)
Dynamics of genomic aberrations in relation to disease activity in untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Comprehensive NGS testing allows integrated assessment of individual patient prognosis in multiple myeloma. (2023)
CLL ASH 2022 (2023)
Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics (2022)
PDGFR beta promotes oncogenic progression via STAT3/STAT5 hyperactivation in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2022)
Multidisciplinary approach to identification of Gregor Johann Mendel's skeletal remains (2022)
Body remains of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
Metagenomic and proteomic analysis of dental calculus of abbot Gregor Johann Mendel (2022)
G.J. Mendel Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky (2022)
G.J. Mendel pohledem antropologie a genetiky (2022)
Genomic abnormalities of TP53 define distinct risk groups of paediatric B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (2022)
DNVI Den národních vědeckých infrastruktur MŠMT (2022)
Noc vědců: Všemi smysly (2022)
Tekutiny v pediatrické intenzivní péči (2022)
An international plan for education, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the July 2022 Bicentennial of Gregor Mendel's Birth in Brno Czechia (2022)
Celebrating and commemorating the 2022 bicentennial of Mendel 's birth, the exhumation of Mendel's body for archeologic, anthropologic, and genomic research (2022)
CF Day Meeting (2022)
Dosavadní zkušenosti s léčbou ropeginterferonem alfa-2b u pacientů s Ph negativními myeloproliferacemi na Interní hematologické a onkologické klinice LF MU a FN Brno (2022)
Syndrom Dravetové a COVID-19: může být Covid-19 pro „Draveta“ fatální? (2022)
Sexually dimorphic microRNAs dysregulation in neonatal recurrent seizure models (2022)
Primary Lymphomas of the Breast: A Review (2022)
The risk of second primary malignancies in colorectal cancer patients using calcium channel blockers (2023)
Kinetics of D-lactate and ischemia-modified albumin after abdominal aortic surgery and their ability to predict intestinal ischemia (2023)
WNT10A variants: following the pattern of inheritance in tooth agenesis and self-reported family history of cancer (2022)
Etické zásady pro používání a sdílení genomických dat z výzkumu (2022)
Deficit lyzosomální kyselé lipázy - diferenciální diagnostika a možnosti léčby v roce 2022 (2022)
Rizikové faktory krvácení po adenotomii u dětí - prospektivní studie. 9. česko-slovenský kongres otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krkuRizikové faktory krvácení po adenotomii u dětí - prospektivní studie (2022)
RYR1 variants in Czech patients with neuromuscular disorders and malignant hyperthermia (2022)
První český pacient s deficitem aminoacylázy 1 (2023)
Two sisters with cardiac-urogenital syndrome secondary to pathogenic splicing variant in the MYRF gene with unaffected parents: A case of gonadal mosaicism? (2023)
Genetická identifikace kosterních pozůstatků Gregora Johanna Mendela (2022)
Update on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Critically Ill Patients—A Narrative Review (2023)
The Biomania Student Scientific Meeting 2022. Book of Abstracts (2022)
Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in relation to natural infection and vaccination between October 2020 and September 2021 in the Czech Republic: a prospective national cohort study (2023)
Případ chlapce s glykogenózou IXa (2023)
Deficit aminoacylázy 1: kazuistika (2023)
Využitelnost celoexomového sekvenování v diagnostice a léčbě vzácných a dříve nediagnostikovaných onemocnění: naše první zkušenosti (2023)
The effectiveness of three mobile-based psychological interventions in reducing psychological distress and preventing stress-related changes in the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network in breast cancer survivors: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2023)
A unique case of Bloom syndrome with a combination of genetic hits: A lesson from trio-based exome sequencing: A case report (2023)
Inovace exomového sekvenování v molekulární diagnostice dětských neurovývojových onemocnění (2023)
U jakého pacienta s CLL indikovat terapii novými léky? (2023)
Jak klinicky interpretovat výsledky TP53 analýz u chronické lymfocytární leukemie v kontextu dostupných terapeutických režimů (2023)
Analysis of rare driving events in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (2023)
COVID-19-Associated Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS) in Intensive Care: A Retrospective Cohort Trial (PIMS-TS INT) (2023)
Final analysis. Final results of the ERIC project on minor TP53 mutation study. (2023)
FOXO1-RICTOR AXIS induces adaptive increase in AKT activity during BCR inhibitor therapy in CLL: Implications for combination therapy. (2023)
IKZF1 alterations have a negative impact on early molecular response and survival of adult patients with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated treated with GMALL 07/2003 protocol in Czechia. (2023)
Humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-COV-2 natural infection or vaccination in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): A study by ERIC, The European research initiative on CLL. (2023)
The final analysis of the international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, in Harmony. (2023)
Single-cell RNA-sequencing enables tracking and characterization of rare CLL cells with the potential to cause refractoriness. (2023)
RNA sekvenovanie jednotlivých buniek umožňuje charakterizáciu a sledovanie zriedkavých CLL buniek s potenciálom navodiť refraktérne ochorenie. (2023)
Charakteristika a výsledky léčby Ropegenterferonem ALFA2B u pacientů s Ph negativními myeloproliferacemi. (2023)
Alterace IKZF1 mají negativní vliv na dosažení časné molekulární odpovědi a celkové přežití u dospělých pacientů s BCP-ALL léčených podle protokolu GMALL 07/. (2023)
Hodnocení minimální zbytkové choroby u nemocných s De Novo akutní myeloidní leukemií léčených kombinovanou terapií Azacitidine a Venetoclax. (2023)
Small RNA Sequencing Identifies a Six-MicroRNA Signature Enabling Classification of Brain Metastases According to their Origin (2023)
Molekulární testování karcinomu endometria - analýza prvních zkušeností z klinické praxe (2023)
The elucidation of the intrafamilial phenotypic heterogeneity of neurodevelopmental disorders by trio-based exome sequencing (2023)
Different strategies for the detection of copy number variations from exome sequencing data (2023)
Germline variant of CTC1 gene in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis and myelodysplastic syndrome (2023)
Současný stav chirurgické léčby chronické (2023)
Using real-time ascertainment rate estimate from infection and hospitalization dataset for modeling the spread of infectious disease: COVID-19 case study in the Czech Republic (2023)
Integrativní diagnostika u pacienta s agresivním lymfomem postihujícím centrální nervový systém: využití komplexního NGS panelu a analýzy cfDNA (2023)
Mezinárodní sdílení genomických dat - co nás čeká a co nás nemine? (2023)
Myeloidní neoplázie spojeny s cytotoxickou léčbou a jejich souvislost s klonálnou hematopoesou – kazuistika. (2023)
Inovace exomového sekvenování v molekulární diagnostice dětských neurovývojových onemocnění. (2023)
Nově identifikovaná varianta v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4 a její funkční dopad. (2023)
Analýza genetického pozadia transformácie do sekundárnej akútnej myeloidnej leukémie u pacientov s Ph-negatívnymi myeloproliferáciami. (2023)
FOX01-rictor AXIS induces AKT phosporylation during CLL cell adaptation to BCR inhibitors: Implications for combinatorial therapy. (2023)
CCL2/MCP-1, interleukin-8, and fractalkine/CXC3CL1: Potential biomarkers of epileptogenesis and pharmacoresistance in childhood epilepsy (2023)
Myeloid lineage cells evince distinct steady-state level of certain gene groups in dependence on hereditary angioedema severity (2023)
COVID-19 associated Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS) in intensive care: retrospective cohort trial (PIMS-TS INT) (2023)
Depth of anesthesia in pediatric patients: a prospective observational trial (2023)
The association between duration of and indications for proton pump inhibitor use and risk of gastric polyps (2023)
Mast cell leukemia: clinical and molecular features and survival outcomes of patients in the ECNM Registry (2023)
European Competence Network on Mastocytosis (ECNM): 20-Year Jubilee, Updates, and Future Perspectives (2023)
Aminoacylase 1 deficiency: the first Czech patient (2023)
Perturbance of B cell subsets in MBL and CLL patients (2023)
Direct co-culture model of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: CK1 inhibition counteracts the protective effect of bone marrow stromal cells. (2023)
The role of casein kinase 1 inhibition in treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Rozsáhlá delece 22q12 u pacienta s oboustranným Schwannomem, mentální retardací, percepční sluchovou poruchou a epilepsií. (2023)
Evropská iniciativa 1+ Milion genomů – mezinárodní projekt zaměřený na sdílení genomických dat. (2023)
Výsledky celoexomového sekvenování germinální DNA u dětských pacientů se solidními tumory (2023)
Chronická lymfocytární leukemie (2023)
Prolymfocytární leukemie (2023)
Leukemie z vlasatých buněk (2023)
Deciphering cellular and molecular principles of Choroid Plexus (ChP) branching morphogenesis (2023)
Chromatin conformation analysis reveals genome structural and functional complexity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Application of long-read sequencing for detection of complex chromosomal rearrangements. (2023)
Clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Sotosův syndrom (2023)
One year follow up comparison of two advanced hybrid closed loop systems in adolescent patients with type 1 diabetes (2023)
Cerebral organoids derived from patients with Alzheimer´s disease with PSEN1/2 mutations have defective tissue patterning and altered development (2023)
Změny spontánní aktivity derivovaných kardiomyocytů s variantou Y4734C-RYR2 za vybraných arytmogenních podmínek (2023)
Spontaneous electrical activity of cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs of a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and RYR2 variant: impact of isoprenaline and varying concentrations of Ca2+ (2023)
Possible proarrhythmic stimuli in Y4734C-RYR2 variant associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (2023)
Extensive, 3.8 Mb-Sized Deletion of 22q12 in a Patient with Bilateral Schwannoma, Intellectual Disability, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Epilepsy (2023)
Targeting CCR7-PI3Kγ overcomes resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in ALK-rearranged lymphoma (2023)
Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depending on IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status: a study by ERIC in HARMONY (2023)
Tazemetostat in the therapy of pediatric INI1-negative malignant rhabdoid tumors (2023)
Péče o pacienty po ukončení kurativní onkologické léčby (2023)
Management tool for epidemic monitoring, analysis, and visualisation (2023)
Delirium a spánek v intenzivní péči I - epidemiologie, rizikové faktory a důsledky (2023)
Delirium a spánek v intenzivní péči II - možnosti monitorace a diagnostiky (2023)
Genetic findings in Czech patients with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (2023)
Resolving chromatin organization in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Web-based bioinformatic tool LYNX: LYmphoid NeXt-generation sequencing data analysis and visualization in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Enhanced in vitro culture of leukemic cells: Insights from collagen scaffolds and carboxymethyl cellulose-polyethylene glycol gel. (2023)
Application of long-read sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases with complex karyotype. (2023)
Hide and seek retroelement activity in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Genetická diagnostika familiárních onemocnění krvetvorby. (2023)
Komplexní diagnostika hereditárních nádorových syndromů pomocí NGS panelu Bronco a dalších molekulárních metod. (2023)
Nové trendy v sekvenování nové generace a jejich aplikace v onkologické diagnostice. (2023)
Korelace fenotypu a genotypu u dvou rodin s hereditární sférocytózou. (2023)
Genetické pozadie progresie Ph-negatívnych myeloproliferácií do sekundárnej akútnej myeloidnej leukémie - kazuistika. (2023)
Cytogenetický screening pacientů s chronickou lymfocytární leukémií léčených inhibitorem Brutonovy tyrozinkinázy. (2023)
Analýza genomu nemocných s akutní myeloidní leukémií (AML) metodou optického mapování (OGM). (2023)
Evaluace bioinformatických algoritmů pro detekci variant počtu kopií (CNVs) z exomových dat. (2023)
Intronová varianta v RAD50 způsobující neefektivní rozpoznávání místa větvení a neočekávaný aberantní sestřih. (2023)
Transcription factor FoxO1 Mediates Adaptive Increase in Akt Activity and Cell Survival During BCR Inhibitor Therapy in CLL. (2023)
Complex cytogenomic and molecular biological analysis of the tumor genome of patients with myeloid mylignancies with a focus on targeted analysis of the MECOM gene. (2023)
The role of clonal hematopoiesis variants in the development of myeloid neoplasms post cytotoxic therapy - case series. (2023)
The role of clonal hematopoiesis in the development of myeloid neoplasms post cytotoxic therapy - prospective study. (2023)
Genomic aberrations detected in circulating tumor DNA from cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of patients with primary and secondary CNS lymphomas with negative flowcytometry. (2023)
Varianta v genu CYCS způsobující trombocytopenii 4 zvyšuje kaspázovou aktivitu. (2023)
A web-based bioinformatic tool LYNX for targeted LYmphoid NeXt- generation sequencing data analysis and visualization for hematooncology. (2023)
Tracking CLL cells with aberrations in the TP53 gene using scRNA-seq in relapsed/refractory patients. (2023)
The interplay between BcR signaling and the p53 pathway upon DNA damage in primary CLL cells. (2023)
Distinct p53 Phosphorylation Patterns in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Where They Come from and How They Affect p53 Function. (2023)
Laboratories Can Reliably Detect Clinically Relevant Variants in the TP53 Gene below 10 % Allelic Frequency: A Multicenter Study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL. (2023)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted Therapy (2023)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
CLLue: Searching for connections among clinical, biological, and molecular features in the dataset of leukemia patients. (2023)
Exploring patterns in clinical, biological, and molecular data of leukemia patients with CLLue. (2023)
Uncovering retroelement activity in hematological malignancies. (2023)
Detection of multiexon deletions and duplications in genes associated with neuromuscular disorders (2023)
Foxo1-Rictor axis mediates adaptive increase in Akt activity and cell survival during BCR inhibitor therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Genetic background of Czech myopathy patients. (2024)
The role of long non-coding RNAs in the microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells. (2023)
Coculture model with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 for study chronic lymphocytic leukemia proliferation. (2023)
Nekódující RNA v biologii maligních B lymfocytů. (2023)
Transkripční faktor FoxO1 v adaptaci chronické lymfocytární leukémie na cílenou léčbu. (2023)
Impact of an intronic variant in RAD50 on RNA splicing due to inefficient branch point recognition. (2023)
Phenotype-genotype corellation in two families with hereditary spherocytosis. (2023)
Optické mapování genomu – nová éra klinické cytogenetiky? (2023)
Solving complex karyotypes in leukemia samples using long-read sequencing. (2023)
Nové sekvenační přístupy pro diagnostiku CLL. (2023)
Risk stratification – How to assess TP53 aberrations and IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status (2023)
Volná cirkulující DNA a její potenciál v diagnostice a léčbě maligních lymfomů (2023)
20 let diagnostiky maligní hypertermie v České a Slovenské republice. (2023)
Mimicking Tumor Cell Heterogeneity of Colorectal Cancer in a Patient-derived Organoid-Fibroblast Model (2023)
The evolving landscape of COVID-19 and post-COVID condition in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL (2023)
Prognostic Impact of Organomegaly in Mastocytosis: An Analysis of the European Competence Network on Mastocytosis (2023)
Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in HARMONY (2023)
Prevence a léčba kardiovaskulárních a krvácivých komplikací u nemocných s chronickou lymfocytární leukemií léčených inhibitory Brutonovy kinázy (2023)
Major iatrogenic bile duct injury during elective cholecystectomy: a Czech population register-based study (2023)
Běžná variabilní imunodeficience a granulomatózní/lymfocytární intersticiální plicní nemoc (2023)
Therapy of adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia based on pediatricinspired protocols in the Czech republic in 2007-2020 (2023)
Outcomes in patients with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia receiving hematopoietic cell transplantation using real-world data from harmony. (2023)
Loss of IκBε accelerates disease development in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2023)
Rok 2023 v přehledu - Anestezie a intenzivní péče v pediatrii (2023)
Impact of Immunotherapy on Real-World Survival Outcomes in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (2023)
The Pioneer platform: A novel approach for selection of selective anti-cancer cytotoxic activity in bacteria through co-culturing with engineered human cells (2023)
Patient-derived xenograft models of ALK plus ALCL reveal preclinical promise for therapy with brigatinib (2023)
Syndrom toxického šoku u dětí na PICU (2024)
Nutrice v dětské intenzivní péči: review+local protocol (2024)
Zajištění dýchacích cest u dětí (2024)
Challenges of <i>in situ</i> hybridization in miRNA analysis of triple-negative breast cancer morphological diversity (2023)
Přicházíš k lůžku pacienta a na ventilátoru vidíš.... (2023)
Specifika zajištění dýchacích cest v dětském věku (2023)
Nastavení a monitorace ventilace u obstrukční ventilační poruchy (2023)
Syndrom toxického šoku na PICU (2023)
Pooperační péče v pediatrii (sledování, pain service, pooperační nauzea a zvracení, dospávací pokoj) (2023)
Akutální pohled na zajištění dýchacích cest u dětí (2023)
Pooperační péče v pediatrii (2023)
Život ohrožující krvácení u dětí (2022)
Waste-Free Blood Sampling na PICU - jaké jsou možnosti v ČR? (2022)
Biopathology of childhood, adolescent and young adult non-Hodgkin lymphoma (2023)
Integrative NGS testing reveals clonal dynamics of adverse genomic defects contributing to a natural progression in treatment-naïve CLL patients (2024)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela (2023)
Cell Tree Rings: the structure of somatic evolution as a human aging timer (2024)
LDLR gene rearrangements in Czech FH patients likely arise from one mutational event (2024)
STAT3/LKB1 controls metastatic prostate cancer by regulating mTORC1/CREB pathway (2023)
CF Day 2023 (2024)
De novo accelerated phase of chronic myeloid leukemia should be recognized even in the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (2024)
EGFR stimulation enables IL-6 trans-signalling via iRhom2-dependent ADAM17 activation in mammary epithelial cells (2023)
Improving outcomes of childhood and young adult non-Hodgkin lymphoma: 25 years of research and collaboration within the framework of the European Intergroup for Childhood Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (2023)
Jak jsme zkoumali Gregora Johanna Mendela. Lekce z historické antropologie a paleogenetiky (2023)
Functional analysis of LDLR variants using flow cytometry (2023)
Functional analysis of LDLR variants using flow cytometry and western blot (2023)
The impact of the head position on the laryngeal mask airway leak in paediatric patients: prospective randomized control trial. (2023)
Vliv HFNO na periintubační desaturace novorozenců a malých dětí - pilotní randomizovaná studie. (2023)
Implementation of Clinical Data warehousing Information System (CLADE-IS) for improvement of workflow and counselling in Academic Centre for Malignant Hyperthermia Masaryk University (ACMH MU) – new encrypted electronic national Malignant Hyperthermia Registry (2023)
Lung Cancer in the Czech Republic (2023)
Business Research Forum 2023 (2023)
Immune surveillance and carcinogenesis - the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress (2023)
The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress on immune surveillance and the effectiveness of immunotherapy in treatment of ovarian and renal cell carcinoma (2023)
Optimalizace přípravy syngenních myších modelů pro účely studia procesů souvisejících se stresem endoplazmatického retikula (2023)
Vliv stresu endoplazmatického retikula na imunitní dohled u ovariálního a renálního karcinomu (2023)
Role stresu endoplazmatického retikula v imunoeditaci u HER2+ karcinomu prsu (2023)
Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Immune Surveillance and Immunotherapy of Ovarian and Renal Cell Carcinoma (2023)
Immune surveillance and carcinogenesis - the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in ovarian and renal cancers (2023)
The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in immunoediting in HER2+ breast cancer (2023)
Využití syngenních myších modelů ke zkoumání vlivu stresu endoplazmatického retikula na karcinom ovaria a ledviny (2023)
Role stresu endoplazmatického retikula v imunoeditaci u HER2+ karcinomu prsu (2023)
Use of Syngeneic Mouse Models to Study the Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Ovarian and Renal Cell Carcinoma (2023)
To Waste or Not to Waste: Questioning Potential Health Risks of Micro- and Nanoplastics with a Focus on Their Ingestion and Potential Carcinogenicity (2023)
Piwi-interacting RNAs in blood serum detected by small RNA sequencing as potential diagnostic biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma (2024)
Organizace péče o nemocné se vzácnými nádory. (2021)
Péče o pacienty po ukončení kurativní onkologické léčby (2023)
Nádory neznámé primární lokalizace. (2021)
Targeting NRAS via miR-1304-5p or farnesyltransferase inhibition confers sensitivity to ALK inhibitors in ALK-mutant neuroblastoma (2024)
Unveiling the dynamics and molecular landscape of a rare chronic lymphocytic leukemia subpopulation driving refractoriness: insights from single-cell RNA sequencing (2024)
The 1+Million Genomes Minimal Dataset for Cancer (2024)
Splicing analysis of STAT3 tandem donor suggests non-canonical binding registers for U1 and U6 snRNAs (2024)
STAT3 couples activated tyrosine kinase signaling to the oncogenic core transcriptional regulatory circuitry of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2024)
Real-world data on diagnostics, treatment and outcomes of patients with hairy cell leukemia: The HCL-CLLEAR study (2024)
IκBε deficiency accelerates disease development in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
Precision immuno-oncology approach for four malignant tumors in siblings with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (2024)
ERIC recommendations for TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia-2024 update (2024)
Stromal cells engineered to express T cell factors induce robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations allowing the identification of RAF inhibitors as anti-proliferative drug (2024)
Incidental Germline Findings During Comprehensive Genomic Profiling of Pancreatic and Colorectal Cancer: Single-center, Molecular Tumor Board Experience (2024)
Péče o pacienty po ukončení kurativní onkologické léčby (2023)
Variants in the hERG channel associated with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: clinical, genetic, and functional analysis (2024)
Analysis of calcium transients in cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs: the variant p. Y4734C in RYR2 vs. unrelated healthy controls (2024)
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation: a role of variants in the hERG gene (2024)
Effect of isoprenaline and arrhythmogenic conditions on the spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM with Y4734C-RYR2 variant (2024)
Two unusual unbalanced X chromosome rearrangements: a case report (2014)
Serum chemistry profiling and prognostication in systemic mastocytosis: a registry-based study of the ECNM and GREM (2024)
Consolidation of <i>Chloridium</i>: new classification into eight sections with 37 species and reinstatement of the genera <i>Gongromeriza</i> and <i>Psilobotrys</i> (2022)
Intelligent Ecosystem to improve the governance, the sharing and the re-use of health Data for Rare Patients (2021)
The yield of a comprehensive investigation protocol for the diagnosis of true idiopathic ventricular fibrillation in a real-life clinical setting (2024)
Syndrom toxického šoku jako důsledek kombinované infekce Streptococcus pyogenes, Covid-19 a Influenza B se závažným ischemickým postižením všech končetin u teenagera - management plasticko-chirurgické péče (2024)
Realizing precision medicine in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Remaining challenges and potential opportunities (2024)
Minimálně invazivní chirurgie karcinomu pankreatu na Chirurgické klinice Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy Univerzity a Fakultní nemocnice Brno (2024)
VEXAS syndrom - nově popsané autoinflamatorní onemocnění s hematologickými symptomy. Popis případu a přehled literatury (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous disease (2024)
Post-vaccination, post-infection and hybrid immunity against severe cases of COVID-19 and long COVID after infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants, Czechia, December 2021 to August 2023 (2024)
A novel thrombocytopenia-4-causing CYCS gene variant decreases caspase activity: Three-generation study (2024)
Efficacy of ixazomib, lenalidomide, dexamethasone regimen in daratumumab-exposed relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients: A retrospective analysis (2024)
JUN mediates the senescence associated secretory phenotype and immune cell recruitment to prevent prostate cancer progression (2024)
Impact of thrombocytopenia-associated c.-118C>T and c.-140C>G ANKRD26 5’UTR variants in three-generational pedigree (2024)
The Genomic Landscape of Lymphomas Invading the Central Nervous System Inferred from Cell-Free DNA by Integrative NGS Analysis and the Diagnostic Benefit Compared to Flow Cytometry (2024)
Detecting familial hypercholesterolemia: An observational study leveraging mandatory universal pediatric total cholesterol screening in Slovakia (2024)
57. Výroční cytogenomická konference. Sborník abstraktů (2024)
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from patients with a RYR2 gene variant c.14201A>G (p.Y4734C): Implications for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (2024)
Novorozenecký screening těžké kombinované imunodeficience (SCID) v České republice (2024)
Dysregulation of microRNA among multiple myeloma, extramedullary disease, and plasma cell leukemia patients (2023)
Gamma-delta T cells in newly diagnosed patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2024)
Innate effector gamma-delta T cells in newly diagnosed patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2024)
Large TRAPPC11 gene deletions as a cause of muscular dystrophy and their estimated genesis (2024)
Therapeutic strategies and treatment sequencing in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: An international study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL (2024)
Idiopatická fibrilace komor a její možný genetický podklad (2024)
Pacient-specifické kardiomyocyty s variantou Y4734C-RYR2: Ca2+ přechody v kontrole a po aplikaci kofeinu (2024)
Analýza variability délky cyklu u pacient-specifických hiPSC kardiomyocytů (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of hiPSC-CM from a patient with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation under possibly arrhythmogenic conditions (2024)
FoxO1/Rictor axis induces a non-genetic adaptation to Ibrutinib via Akt activation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
The non-canonical BAF chromatin remodeling complex is a novel target of spliceosome dysregulation in SF3B1-mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2024)
Dysregulation of microRNA in Waldenström macroglobulinemia (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
Refining genotype-phenotype correlation in complex chromosomal rearrangements using optical genome mapping - case report (2024)
Optické mapování genomu a sekvenování s dlouhým čtením - mají místo v klinické cytogenetice? (2024)
Objasnenie komplexnej chromozomálnej prestavby pomocou optického genómového mapovania (2024)
Metódy detekcie metylačných zmien pri diagnostike syndrómov spôsobených poruchou imprintingu (2024)
Circulating plasma cells in multiple myeloma (2024)
Recurrent somatic mutations of FAT family cadherins induce an aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (2024)
Cell-autonomous IL6ST activation suppresses prostate cancer development via STAT3/ARF/p53-driven senescence and confers an immune-active tumor microenvironment (2024)
Are del(17p) with concurrent TP53 mutation, and isolated TP53 mutation really equivalent? (2024)
Functional impact of ANKRD26 variant c.-140>G in inherited thrombocytopenia (2024)
Spektrum genetických nálezů v pilotním novorozeneckém screeningu těžké kombinované imunodeficience (2024)
Sekvenátor Aviti v portfoliu CF Genomika - praktické zkušenosti s přístrojem (2024)
Záchyt patogenních variant u pacientů Intern, hematologické a onkologické kliniky s podezřením na dědičnou formu nádorového onemocnění (2024)
Klonální kompetice a alterace molekulárních drah u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika epilepsií a epileptických syndromů (2024)
Detekce klinicky významné varianty genu MYD88 ve volné DNA získané z tekutých biopsií pacientů s lymfomy postihujícími centrální nervovou soustavu: likvor nebo plazma? (2024)
Analýza repetic u myotonické dystrofie 1 pomocí nanopórového sekvenování (2024)
Genetické pozadí pacientů s idiopatickou fibrilací komor (2024)
Objasnenie komplexnej chromozomálnej prestavby pomocou optického genómového mapovania (2024)
Potenciál pokročilých genomických metod pro analýzu komplexního karyotypu: příklad využití u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
In-frame varianty genu TP53 nalezené v leukemických buňkách dospělých pacientů vedou ke ztrátě proteinu: mezinárodní studie (2024)
Molekulárně genetická diagnostika nesyndromatických ichtyóz (2024)
Odhalme neviditelná místa genomu s technologií optického mapování - naše zkušenosti na Moravě (2024)
TP53-related clonal competition and disrupted molecular processes in CLL (2024)
Optické mapování genomu a sekvenování s dlouhým čtením - mají místo v klinické cytogenetice? (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in relapsed multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous plasmacytomas (2024)
Co-culture with CD40L, IL4 and IL21 expressing stromal cells induces robust CLL cell proliferation in vitro and in PDX co-transplantations (2024)
Proteogenomic Classification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer for Prognosis and Targeted therapy (2024)
Cytogenomika dětských pacientů s Wilmsovým tumorem ve FN Brno (2024)
Optické mapování genomu a jeho přínos v diagnostice mnohočetného myelomu (2024)
Vysokokapacitní cytogenomické metody pro analýzu komplexního karyotypu u chronické lymfocytární leukémie (2024)
Retrospektivní vyšetření přestaveb genů IGL, IGK a MYC u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem (2024)
Cytogenomická a molekulárně biologická analýzanádorového genomu pacientů s myeloidními malignitami se zaměřením na akutní myeloidní leukémii s komplexními změnami a na analýzu genu MECOM (2024)
Del(1p32) is an early and high-risk event in relapsed multiple myeloma patients with extraosseous plasmacytomas (2024)
Léčba dospělých pacientů s akutní lymfoblastovou leukemií v České republice v letech 2007–2020 (2024)
Additional booster doses in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia induce humoral and cellular immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 similar to natural infection regardless ongoing treatments: A study by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL (2024)
Spontaneous electrical activity of patient-specific cardiomyocytes with a variant in the RYR2 gene recorded by multielectrode array technique (2024)
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