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Vybrané publikace/výsledky
Streuwiesengesellschaften des Gebirges Hostýnské vrchy und ihre synchorologischen Beziehungen im Bereich der mahrischen Karpaten (2000)
Poznámky k výskytu a cenológii dvoch druhov rodu Montia na Slovensku (2000)
Nové nálezy Eleocharis quinqueflora (Hartmann) O. Schwarz na moravskoslovenském pomezí (2000)
Prameništní fytocenózy s převahou mechorostů ve Strážovských vrších (2000)
Měření fyzikálně-chemických vlastností vody přenosnými přístroji (2000)
Rašeliniště a slatiniště moravskoslovenského pomezí: shrnutí dosavadních poznatků (2000)
Malý výkladový slovník rašelinářský (2000)
Scale-dependent biases in species counts in a grassland (2001)
Prameniště (2001)
Slatinná a přechodová rašeliniště (2001)
Vrchoviště (2001)
Rašelinné lesy (2001)
Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (2001)
Oxycocco-Sphagnetea (2001)
Vzácné a zajímavé mechorosty rašelinišť a pramenišť moravskoslovenského pomezí (2001)
Nelesní mokřadní vegetace Strážovských vrchů (2001)
Pěnovcová prameniště karpatských pohoří (2002)
Několik fytocenologických zápisů rašelinné vegetace z přírodních rezervací Borkovická blata a Kozohlůdky (2001)
The class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae in the Western Carpathians: indirect gradient analysis, species groups and their relation to phytosociological classification (2002)
Vegetation composition, main gradient and subatlantic elements in spring fens of the northwestern Carpathian borders (2002)
Spring fen vegetation and water chemistry in the Western Carpathian flysch zone (2002)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během jarního setkání bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v Hajnici u Mirochova (CHKO Třeboňsko) (2002)
Ohrožená beskydská rašeliniště (2003)
Composition and species richness of molluscan communities in relation to vegetation and water chemistry in the Western Carpathian spring fens: the poor-rich gradient (2003)
Species richness and above-ground biomass of poor and calcareous spring fens in the flysch West Carpathians, and their relationships to water and soil chemistry (2003)
Entstehung und Gefährdung von Quell-mooren in den Flysch-Karpaten durch menschlichen Einfluß (2003)
Zaujímavé nálezy machorastov vlhkých lúk a rašelinísk Muránskej planiny a susediacich orografických celkov stredného Slovenska (2003)
Epiphytic diatoms of the spring fens in the flysh area of the Western Carpathians (2003)
Sphagnum-mediated successional pattern in the mixed mire in the Muránska planina Mts (Western Carpathians, Slovakia) (2004)
Hrachovka kulovitá (Pisidium globulare) - dobrým druhem až po více než 120 letech (2004)
Environmental determinants of variation in Czech Calthion wet meadows: a synthesis of phytosociological data (2004)
Can seasonal variation in fen water chemistry influence the reliability of vegetation-environment analyses? (2004)
Malý výkladový slovník rašelinářský (2004)
Distribution of diatoms and bryophytes on linear transects through spring fens (2004)
Nutritional constraints in ombrotrophic Sphagnum plants under increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe (2004)
Environmental factors and Carpathian spring fen vegetation: the importance of scale and temporal variation (2004)
Bryophyte and vascular plant responses to base-richness and water level gradients in Western Carpathian Sphagnum-rich mires (2004)
Desmids (Zygnematophyceae) of the spring fens of a part of West Carpathians (2004)
Nitrogen concentration and delta 15N signature of ombrotrophic Sphagnum mosses at different N deposition levels in Europe (2005)
Slimák pestrý - rarita v blízkosti lidských sídel (2004)
Greenhouse gastropods of the Czech Republic: current stage of research (2004)
Distribution of Pisidium globulare Clessin, 1873 (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with notes to its ecology and morphological characters (2004)
Prehľad rastlinných spoločenstiev uvádzaných z Muránskej planiny a bezprostredne súsediacich území (2004)
Vegetation of lowland wet meadows along a climatic continentality gradient in Central Europe (2005)
Recording relative water table depth using PVC tape discolouration: Advantages and constraints in fens (2005)
Rastlinné spoločenstvá s druhom Carex lasiocarpa v severnej časti Slovenska (2004)
Ecology and palaeoecology of spring fens of the West Carpathians (2005)
The list of Western Carpathian fens under detailed study (2005)
The study area and its geochemical characteristics (2005)
The origin and development of spring fen vegetation and ecosystems - palaeogeobotanical results (2005)
The historical development of the White Carpathian spring fens based on palaeomalacological data (2005)
Present vegetation of spring fens and its relation to water chemistry (2005)
Vascular plants (2005)
Bryophytes (2005)
Molluscs (2005)
Notes on the Bulgarian wetland flora, including new national and regional records (2005)
Plant communities of the subalpine mires and springs in the Vitosha Mt. (2005)
Habitat requirements and distribution of Vertigo geyeri (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Western Carpathian rich fens (2005)
Mollusc fauna of the Rychlebské hory (Czech Republic) (2005)
Fenomén prameništních slatinišť a malakologické konsekvence (2005)
First record of Chondrina clienta (Westerlund, 1883) from Bohemia (2005)
Mollusc community patterns and species response curves along a mineral richness gradient: a case study in fens (2006)
Diversity of Calthion wet meadows in the western part of flysch Carpathians: regional classification based on national formal definitions (2005)
Rastlinné spoločenstvá nelesných rašelinísk v oblasti Oravíc (Podtatranská brázda) (2005)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 12. (2006)
Ohrožená pestrost života na karpatských lučních prameništích (2005)
Měkkýši PR Peliny u Chocně (2006)
Prales NPR Mionší - malakozoologický ráj v Beskydech (2006)
The variation of testacean assemblages (Rhizopoda) along the complete base-richness gradient in fens: a case study from the Western Carpathians (2006)
Diversity of wetland vegetation in the Bulgarian high mountains, main gradients and context-dependence of the pH role (2006)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 13. (2006)
Habitat variability and classification of Utricularia communities: comparison of peat depressions in Slovakia and the Třeboň basin (2006)
Two new molluscs (Gastropoda: Euconulidae, Bivalvia: Sphaeridae) from Bulgaria (2006)
Habitat diversity of central European fens in relation to environmental gradients and an effort to standardise fen terminology in ecological studies (2006)
Report 49-52 (In.: New floristic records in the Balkans: 2) (2006)
Měkkýši Moravského krasu (2006)
New wetland vascular plants for Bulgaria (2006)
Habitat requirements of the Czech Pisidium species (Mollusca: Bivalvia) and possible application to bioindication (2006)
Relationships between environmental factors and vegetation in nutrient-enriched fens at fishpond margins (2006)
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition promotes carbon loss from peat bogs. (2006)
Arion alpinus Pollonera, 1887 in the Czech Republic (Gastropoda: Arionidae) (2006)
Nedotčená malakofauna NPR Razula (Vsetínské vrchy, Česká republika) (2005)
Modern pollen spectra versus vegetation diversity along a continental gradient in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia (2005)
Diversity of vegetation types and modern pollen spektra in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia (2006)
PVC tape discololoration method of recording relative water-table depth: advantages and constraints in fens (2005)
Princip hnízdovitosti (nestedness) druhového složení: výpočet a ekologické interpretace (2006)
Fauna (2006)
Distribution of the alien freshwater snail Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in the Czech Republic (2007)
Mollusca (měkkýši) (2005)
Lesní vegetace Bošácké doliny v CHKO Biele Karpaty (2007)
Sphagnum distribution patterns along environmental gradients in Bulgaria (2007)
Modern distribution patterns of snails and plants in the Western Carpathian spring fens: is it a result of historical development? (2007)
Woodland mollusc communities along environmental gradients in the East Carpathians (2007)
Sampling design in large-scale vegetation studies: Do not sacrifice ecological thinking to statistical purism! (2007)
A contribution to the Bulgarian bryoflora (2007)
Testing the Species pool hypothesis for mire vegetation: exploring the influence of pH specialists and habitat history (2007)
Records 1-32. In Natcheva R. (compiler). New bryophyte records in the Balkans: 2 (2007)
News from Bulgaria: Most important spring fen complex under threat (2007)
Formal definitions of Slovakian mire plant associations and their application in regional research (2007)
Louky a mezofilní pastviny (2007)
A brief insight into the species-area relationships of spring fen mollusc communities (2007)
Land snail faunas in Polish forests: history, geography and ecology (2007)
Anatomy, distribution, and ecology of the slug Arion alpinus Pollonera, 1887 (Gastropoda: Arionidae) (2007)
Pupilloidea (Pupiliidae, Vertiginidae, Valloniidae, Gastrocoptinae) of the Altay - a travel in space and time (2007)
Minerotrofné rašeliniská (Trieda Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae) v tatranskej oblasti (2006)
Structure and species richness of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Western Carpathian spring fens (2007)
Druhová skladba a struktura společenstva makrozoobentosu flyšových pramenišť (2006)
The Diptera taxocoenoses in the Western Carpathian spring fens: preliminary results (2007)
Plant indicator values as a tool for land mollusc autecology assessment (2007)
Molluscs of the Bukovské vrchy Mts in the Slovakian part of the Východné Karpaty Biosphere Reserve (2006)
Měkkýši svahové kaskády pěnovců, slínů a almů u Liptovské Lužné v Nízkých Tatrách (2007)
Subfosilní měkkýši ložiska slatin u Spišské Bielé východně od Vysokých Tater (2007)
Reports 51-57 (In.: New floristic records in the Balkans: 6) (2007)
Hlavní typy rašelinišť ve střední Evropě z botanického hlediska (2007)
The role of base saturation and altitude in habitat differentiation within Philonotis in springs and mires of three different European regions (2007)
Měkkýši (2007)
A new genus and two new species of Hygromiidae (Pulmonata) from southern Siberia (2007)
Shifts in the ecological behaviour of plant species between two distant regions: evidence from the base richness gradient in mires (2008)
Plant species richness in continental southern Siberia: effects of pH and climate in the context of the species pool hypothesis. (2007)
Vegetace České republiky 1. Travinná a keříčková společenstva (2007)
Cecilioides petitiana in Slovakia - a second record after more than 60 years (2008)
Checklist of the molluscs (Mollusca) of the Slovak Republic (2007)
The composition and richness of Danubian floodplain forest land snail faunas in relation to forest type and flood frequency (2008)
Land snail distribution patterns within a site: the role of different calcium sources (2008)
Reports 7-11 (In New bryophyte records in the Balkans: 3) (2007)
Bezobratlí (2008)
Recent distribution of Sphaerium nucleus (Studer, 1820) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) in the Czech Republic (2008)
Mire vegetation of the Muránska Planina Mts: formalised classification, ecology, main environmental gradient and influence of geographical position (2008)
The Balkan wet grassland vegetation: a prerequisite to better understanding of European habitat diversity (2008)
Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia (2008)
The first records of Aegopinella ressmanni (Westerlund, 1883) in the Czech Republic extends its distribution range northwards (2008)
Mollusc diversity patterns in Central European fens: hotspots and conservation priorities (2008)
Changes in nutrient limitation of spring fen vegetation along environmental gradients in the West Carpathians (2008)
Letnění rybníka Nesyt v roce 2007 (2008)
Comparison of habitat requirements of the mosses Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Scorpidium cossonii and Warnstorfia exannulata in different parts of temperate Europe (2008)
Calthion palustris Tüxen 1937 (2007)
Deschampsion cespitosae Horvatić 1930 (2007)
Nested patterns in hyporheic meta-communities: the role of body morphology and penetrability of sediment (2008)
Diatom Assemblages of Western Carpathian Spring Fens along poor-rich (pH/calcium) gradient (2008)
Vliv změny režimu kosení na druhové složení mokřadních luk (2008)
Údržba travních porostů (2008)
Vybrané vzácné rostliny (2008)
Vegetace (2008)
Plzák alpský a sítovka dravá - nejnovější přírůstky české malakofauny (2008)
17. Měkkýši (2008)
Měkkýši (Mollusca) Žďárských vrchů (2008)
15. Zoogeografie (2008)
What are the main drivers of species richness in European steppes? (2008)
New plant associations from Bulgarian mires (2008)
How can we effectively restore species richness and natural composition of a Molinia-invaded fen? (2009)
Chironomid larvae in two types of Western Carpathian spring fens differing in mineral richness (2009)
Diversity of Diptera larvae in the Western Carpathian spring fens (2009)
Impact of reservoirs and channelization on lowland river macroinvertebrates: A case study from Central Europe (2009)
Contrasting patterns of variation in urban populations of Cepaea (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): a tale of two cities (2009)
Jak se vede vřetenci horskému - z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2009)
Distribution of Bithynia leachii (Sheppard, 1823) and Bithynia troschelii (Paasch, 1842) (Gastropoda: Bithyniidae) in the Czech Republic (2009)
Occurrence of Lucilla scintilla (R. T. Lowe, 1852) and Lucilla singleyana (Pilsbry, 1890) in the Czech and Slovak Republics - with remarks how to distinguish these two non-native minute snails (2009)
Snail faunas in the Southern Ural forests and their relations to vegetation: an analogue of the Early Holocene assemblages of Central Europe? (2010)
A European warm waters neophyte Shinnersia rivularis - new alien species to the Slovak flora (2009)
Diversity of subalpine and alpine vegetation of the eastern part of the Nízke Tatry Mts in Slovakia: major types and environmental gradients (2009)
Comparison of clitellate assemblages (Annelida: Clitellata) in two different mineral types of spring fens: the response in permanent fauna abundance and species richness (2009)
Ecology, distribution and conservation of Vertigo species of the European Importance in Slovakia (2009)
The structure and species richness of the diatom assemblages of the Western Carpathian spring fens along the gradient of mineral richness (2009)
Variabilita vodních organismů v závislosti na minerální bohatosti západokarpatských slatinišť (2009)
Patterns of land snail diversity over a gradient of habitat degradation: a comparison of three Czech cities (2009)
Prostorová distribuce makrozoobentosu na malé škále: srovnání dvou minerálně odlišných slatinišť (2009)
Dvě významné lokality pleistocénních slínů při severovýchodním okraji Prahy (2009)
Mollusc communities in the Western Carpathian fens: ecological and paleoecological patterns (2009)
Disjunct occurrences of plant species in the refugial mires of Bulgaria (2009)
Holocene history of West-Carpathian calcareous fen vegetation (2009)
Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace (2009)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 22. podzimních bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Železných horách (2009)
Bythinella hansboetersi Glöer et Pešić, 2006 (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) in Bulgaria: its morphology, molecular distinctness and phylogeography (2009)
Imputation of environmental variables for vegetation plots based on compositional similarity (2010)
ANTROPOLOGICKÝ SLOVNÍK (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění) aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk (2009)
Travinnobylinná vegetácia Slovenska - elektronický expertný systém na identifikáciu syntaxónov (2007)
Faktory ovlivňující druhovou bohatost a strukturu taxocenóz dvoukřídlých na slatiništích Západních Karpat (2010)
Nová bryologická literatura XVIII (2007)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 20. podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v NP Šumava (2007)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 14. jarního setkání Bryologickolichenologické sekce v Ruprechtově na Drahanské vrchovině (2007)
Land snail species richness and abundance at small scales: the effects of distinguishing between live individuals and empty shells (2010)
Can tissue element concentration patterns at the individual-species level indicate the factors underlying vegetation gradients in wetlands? (2010)
The origin and vegetation development of the Rejvíz pine bog and the history of the surrounding landscape during the Holocene (2010)
Deterministic assembly of land snail communities according to species size and diet (2010)
Habitats of relict terrestrial snails in southern Siberia: lessons for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironments of full-glacial Europe (2010)
Modern analogues from the Southern Urals provide insights into biodiversity change in the early Holocene forests of Central Europe (2010)
Sphagnum rubellum, extrémně vzácný druh na jesenických vrchovištích: výsledky terénního průzkumu a revize herbářových položek (2010)
Vegetation diversity of mesic meadows and pastures in the West Carpathians (2010)
The insecure future of Bulgarian refugial mires: economic progress versus Natura 2000 (2010)
Vertigo botanicorum sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Vertiginidae) - a new whorl-snail from the Russian Altai Mountains (2010)
Krajiny zamrzlé v čase I. Jižní Sibiř - současná analogie střední Evropy v době ledové (2010)
Krajiny zamrzlé v čase II. Jižní Ural - současná analogie střední Evropy ve starém a středním holocénu (2010)
Endemická vřetenovka opavská v kritickém ohrožení – z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2010)
Komentovaný seznam měkkýšů zjištěných ve volné přírodě České a Slovenské republiky (2010)
Pupilla pratensis in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and its distinction from P. muscorum and P. alpicola based on multidimensional analysis of shell measurements (Gastropoda: Pupillidae) (2010)
Land snail faunas in Polish forests: patterns of richness and composition in a post-glacial landscape (2010)
Specimen identification from time-series photographs using plastron morphometry in Testudo graeca ibera (2010)
Variabilita opaskovců (Annelida: Clitellata) na minerálně-trofickém gradientu prameništních slatinišť: srovnání velké a malé prostorové škály (2010)
The alliances Arrhenatherion, Cynosurion and Trifolion medii in western Bulgaria - environmental gradients and ecological limitations (2010)
Floristic diversity of an eastern Mediterranean dwarf shrubland: the importance of soil pH (2010)
Nutrient stoichiometry in Sphagnum along a nitrogen deposition gradient in highly polluted region of Central-East Europe (2011)
Kde dnes znamená včera. Jihosibiřské refugium doby ledové (2010)
OptimClass: Using species-to-cluster fidelity to determine the optimal partition in classification of ecological communities (2010)
Katalog biotopů České republiky. Druhé vydání (2010)
The distribution of arctic-alpine elements within high-altitude vegetation of the Western Carpathians in relation to environmental factors, life forms and phytogeography (2010)
Biogeografie (2010)
The West-Carpathian tufa fens – a 17-thousand-year-old history (2010)
Nová bryologická literatura XX (2008)
Nová bryologická literatura XXII (2010)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 16. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS ve Svatošských skalách na Karlovarsku (2009)
Pupilla pratensis (Gastropoda: Pupillidae) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - its known distribution, ecology and conchometrical distinction from P. muscorum and P. alpicola (2010)
Mollusc assemblages in fens of southern Scandinavia: variation along the gradient of mineral richness (2010)
Nutrient concentrations in Sphagnum capitula as indicators of nutrient availability to bog plants (2010)
Alpine wetlands in the West Carpathians: vegetation survey and vegetation–environment relationships (2011)
Distribution and habitat requirements of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs in the Bohemian Forest. (2010)
Occurrence of the vegetative propagules in the moss Orthotrichum stramineum Hornsch. - a new piece of knowledge. (2007)
Vývoj rozšíření neofytického mechu Campylopus introflexus v České republice. (2006)
Interesting records of Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. (Metzgeriales) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. (2006)
Na velikosti záleží – trpasličí plži na otevřených slatiništích (2011)
Zrnovka slatinná (Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871), Gastropoda) - staronový druh našich mokřadů (2010)
Ekologie zrnovky alpské (Pupilla alpicola) v Západních Karpatech (2011)
Společenstva měkkýšů na slatiništích jižní Skandinávie: změny podél gradientu minerální bohatosti (2010)
Ochrana a ekologie reliktního plže Vertigo geyeri v Západních Karpatech a Polsku (2011)
Predictive power of vegetation and environmental factors for explaining variation of meadow snail communities (2008)
Meadow snail communities : influence of environmental factors and relation to vegetation (2009)
Společenstva plžů a rostlin lučních stanovišť: analýza vzájemných vztahů a vlivu vybraných faktorů prostředí (2010)
Využití vegetace a Ellenbergových indikačních hodnot při studiu ekologie suchozemských plžů (2010)
The role of the river and its floodplain in land mollusc distribution in a fragmented landscape (2010)
Karpatská bazická slatiniště v historickém přehledu – příběh dlouhý 17 tisíc let (2011)
Disentangling the effects of water chemistry and substratum structure on moss-dwelling unicellular and multicellular micro-organisms in spring-fens (2011)
Testing a relict distributional pattern of fen plant and terrestrial snail species at the Holocene scale: a null model approach (2011)
Species richness and composition patterns of clitellate (Annelida) assemblages in the treeless spring fens: the effect of water chemistry and substrate (2011)
Floodplain corridor and slope effects on land mollusc distribution patterns in a riverine valley (2011)
Freshwater diatoms of Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean) (2011)
Diversity of Central European urban biota: effects of human-made habitat types on plants and land snails (2011)
Small-Scale Distribution of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Two Spring Fens with Different Groundwater Chemistry (2011)
Prehistoric origin of extremely species-rich semi-dry grasslands in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. (2011)
The relationships between the bog vegetation and water chemistry: difference between single samples and long-term averages (2011)
The composition of Diptera assemblages along the gradient of mineral richness in the spring fens (2011)
Taxocenózy jepic (Ephemeroptera), pošvatek (Plecoptera) a chrostíků (Trichoptera) pramenných stružek Západních Karpat (2010)
Testing community assembly predictions for nominal and continuous plant traits in species-rich grasslands (2011)
Paludella squarrosa (Hedw.) Brid. in the Slovak Republic (2011)
Is species richness and composition of spring fen vegetation dependent on contact communities? (2008)
EIV in zoological research: an example of mollusc assemblages along a moisture gradient from fens to grasslands (2010)
Potentilla turkestanica, a rare species new to the flora of Russia (2011)
Macroinvertebrate assemblages of fen streamlets in the Outer Western Carpathian Mts (2011)
Is species richness of small spring fens influenced by the spatial mass effect? (2011)
Environmental and spatial controls of biotic assemblages in a discrete semi-terrestrial habitat: comparison of organisms with different dispersal ability sampled in the same plots (2011)
Long-term vegetation changes in bogs exposed to high amospheric deposition, aerial liming and climate fluctuation (2011)
Subaerial cyanobacteria and algae across Central European cities (2011)
Freshwater diatoms of Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean) (2011)
Mollusc communities in Bulgarian fens: predictive power of the environment, vegetation, and spatial structure in an isolated habitat (2011)
Mollusc assemblages in palaeoecological reconstructions: an investigation of their predictive power using transfer function models (2011)
Ecological and historical determinants of Western Carpathian populations of Pupilla alpicola (Charpentier, 1837) in relation to its present range and conservation (2011)
Forest snail faunas from Transylvania (Romania), and their relationship to the faunas of Central and Northern Europe (2011)
Habitat requirements and distribution of Gyraulus rosmaessleri (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in northwestern Bohemia (2011)
Trpasličí plži na slatiništích - proč je dobré být malý (2011)
Central European fens: isolated mollusc communities in space and time (2011)
Ecology of Arachnida alien to Europe (2011)
At the north-eastern extremity: variation in Cepaea nemoralis around Gdańsk, northern Poland (2011)
Dvoukřídlí (Diptera) prameništních slatinišť: vliv minerálně-trofického gradientu (2011)
Vegetace České republiky 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace (2011)
Atlas rozšíření suchozemských plžů v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2011)
Biotic homogenization of Central European urban floras depends on residence time of alien species and habitat types (2012)
Vodní režim a vegetační skladba jizerskohorských vrchovišť (2011)
Jak měnící se živinové poměry vrchovišť Jizerských hor a Jeseníků ovlivňují dekompozici: transplantační experiment (2011)
Habitat preferences and conservation of Vertigo geyeri (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Slovakia and Poland (2012)
Reliktný druh Catoscopium nigritum (Bryophyta) na slatinných rašeliniskách Západných Karpát (Slovensko) (2011)
Makrozoobentos pramenných stružek na slatiništích moravsko-slovenského pomezí (2012)
The effect of different DNA isolation protocols and AFLP fingerprinting optimizations on error rate estimates in the bryophyte Campylopus introflexus (2012)
The second site of Pupilla alpicola (Charpentier, 1837) and the first recent record of Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871) in Poland (2012)
Radiation in Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissooidea) in the Balkans (2012)
Západokarpatská pěnovcová slatiniště – příběh dlouhý 17 tisíc let (2012)
Pomalí nebo rychlí? Šíření suchozemských plžů (2012)
Malakofauna polských slatinišť – velká neznámá (2012)
Prostorové uspořádání suchozemských (2012)
Rozšíření suchozemských plžů v CHKO Bílé Karpaty – výsledek patnáctiletého snažení (2012)
Mechorosty a cévnaté rostliny mokřadní lokality Kolo na Předních loukách v Bílých Karpatech (2011)
The genus Pinnularia (Bacillariophyta) on Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, Southern Indian Ocean) (2012)
Native and alien floras in urban habitats: a comparison across 32 cities of central Europe (2012)
XXII. Kurs a minisymposium pro mladé české a slovenské algology, CHANTRANSIA 2011 (2011)
The species richness–productivity relationship in the herb layer of European deciduous forests (2012)
The age of island-like habitats impacts habitat specialist species richness (2012)
Dispersal limitation is stronger in communities of microorganisms than macroorganisms across Central European cities (2012)
Variation in the shell colour and banding polymorphism of Cepaea nemoralis (L.) in rular areas around Wrocław (2012)
Co ovlivňuje distribuci larev vodního hmyzu izolovaných slatinišť? Jejich disperze nebo ekologické nároky – úvod do výzkumu. (2012)
Differences in decomposition among Sphagnum species in high N polluted summit bogs in the Czech Republic (2012)
Diverzita mikro- a meiofauny na prameništních slatiništích (2012)
High species richness in hemiboreal forests of the northern Russian Altai, southern Siberia (2012)
Variation of snail assemblages in hay meadows: disentangling predictive power of abiotic environment and vegetation (2012)
Jedna špatná a jedna dobrá zpráva o vrkoči Geyerově (Vertigo geyeri) - z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2012)
S ptáky se mohou stěhovat i plži – pěnice hnědokřídlá přenášela skleněnku průsvitnou (2012)
Slatiny Západních Karpat v prostoru a čase: ekologie a paleoekologie nejen společenstev měkkýšů (2012)
Středoevropské populace reliktního plže vrkoče Geyerova (Vertigo geyeri) – nové nálezy, ekologie a ochrana (2012)
Ekologický kontrast ostrovních stanovišť – změny v zastoupení specialistů a generalistů chrostíků (Trichoptera) na slatiništích rozdílné minerální bohatosti (2012)
Patterns of bryophyte and vascular plant richness in European subalpine springs (2012)
Origin and contrasting succession pathways of the Western Carpathian calcareous fens revealed by plant and mollusc macrofossils (2012)
How a Sphagnum fuscum-dominated bog changed into a calcareous fen: the unique Holocene history of a Slovak spring-fed mire (2012)
Species richness, community specialization and soil-vegetation relationships of managed grasslands in a geologically heterogeneous landscape (2012)
Invasion of central-European habitats by the moss Campylopus introflexus (2012)
Do we need soil moisture measurements in the vegetation–environment studies in wetlands? (2013)
Estimation of herbaceous biomass from species composition and cover (2012)
Prey-race drives differentiation of biotypes in ant-eating spiders (2012)
Na jih za severskými rašeliništi (2012)
Zajímavé nálezy vzácných mechorostů ve starých sedimentech (2012)
Late-Glacial and Holocene history of the Western Carpathian calcareous fens (2012)
Formation, succession and landscape history of Central-European summit raised bogs: A multiproxy study from the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (2013)
Plant species richness-productivity relationships in a low-productive boreal region (2013)
Terénní exkurze bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS – důležitý zdroj poznatků o bryo- a lichenoflóře ČR a SR (2012)
Prostorová diverzita společenstev vodních bezobratlých na prameništních slatiništích v Západních Karpatech (2013)
Microorganism assemblages in the spring fens: the effect of groundwater chemistry (2013)
Exceptionally poor land snail fauna of central Yakutia (NE Russia): climatic and habitat determinants of species richness (2013)
The role of species sorting and dispersal on structuring the aquatic invertebrate assemblages of isolated spring fens (2013)
A preliminary study on diversity and ecology of soil diatoms in urban habitats (2013)
Rozsivky jako indikátor kvality vody v řece Rokytné (2013)
Změny společenstev fytobentosu řeky Dřevnice – hodnocení ekologického stavu v prostoru a čase (2013)
Snail’s perspective and palaeoreferences (2013)
Vrkoč rašelinný – další z glaciálních reliktů – z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2013)
Tracing decadal environmental change in ombrotrophic bogs using diatoms from herbarium collections and transfer functions (2013)
Plant seedlings in a species-rich meadow: effect of management, vegetation type and functional traits (2013)
Small-scale distribution of terrestrial snails: patterns of species richness and abundance related to area (2013)
Dipteran assemblages of spring fens closely follow the gradient of groundwater mineral richness (2013)
Populační ekologie živočichů v příkladech (2013)
Distribution of habitat specialists in semi-natural grasslands (2013)
Small-scale diversity patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates in spring fens: the importance of species replacement and richness differences in various taxonomic groups (2013)
Land snail richness and abundance along a sharp ecological gradient at two sampling scales: disentangling relationships (2013)
Refugial populations of glacial relict Vertigo species in Central Europe (2013)
Comparison of plant and snail diversity patterns in the White Carpathian Mts. (Czech Republic) across forest and grassland habitats (2013)
Patterns of land snail succession in Central Europe over the last 15.000 years: main changes along environmental, spatial and temporal gradients (2013)
Forest snail faunas from Crimea (Ukraine), an isolated and incomplete Pleistocene refugium (2013)
Holocenní sukcese měkkýšů na bělokarpatských slatiništích (2013)
Changes in species richness and species composition of vascular plants and bryophytes along a moisture gradient (2013)
Diversity and biotic homogenization of urban land-snail faunas in relation to habitat types and macroclimate in 32 Central European cities (2013)
Refugial populations of Vertigo lilljeborgi and V. genesii (Vertiginidae): new isolated occurrences in central Europe, ecology and distribution (2013)
Environmental determinants of leech assemblage patterns in lotic and lenitic habitats (2013)
Slatiniště jako refugia glaciálních reliktů – nové izolované nálezy suchozemských plžů rodu vrkoč (Vertigo) (2013)
Beiträge zur bryofloristichen Erforschung der Schweiz - Folge 8 (2013)
The occurrence of the relict plant, Trichophorum pumilum, in the Western Carpathians in the context of its distribution and ecology in Eurasia (2013)
Holocene history of a Cladium mariscus-dominated calcareous fen in Slovakia: vegetation stability and landscape development (2013)
Šúr, a former late-glacial and Holocene lake at the westernmost margin of the Carpathians (2013)
History, recent variability and restoration of oligotrophic wetlands: editorial (2013)
Vegetation diversity of salt-rich grasslands in Southeast Europe (2013)
Diversity and assemblage patterns of microorganisms structured by the groundwater chemistry gradient in spring fens (2013)
Long-term and contemporary environmental conditions as determinants of the species composition of bog organisms (2013)
Impoverishment of recent floodplain forest mollusc fauna in the lower Ohře River (Czech Republic) as a result of prehistoric human impact (2013)
Ecological contrast of spring fens for caddisflies: changes in specialists/generalists ratio along the mineral richness gradient (2013)
Vegetation–environment relationships in alpine mires of the West Carpathians and the Alps (2013)
Effects of changes in management on resistance and resilience in three grassland communities (2013)
Functional traits in a species-rich grassland and a short-term change in management: Is there a competition-colonisation trade-off? (2013)
Nové poznatky o ekologii společenstev měkkýšů a rostlin ze slatinišť východního Polska (2013)
Phenotypic integration in a series of trophic traits: tracing the evolution of myrmecophagy in spiders (Araneae) (2013)
Molluscs of the Czech and Slovak Republics (2013)
Měkkýši (Mollusca) (2013)
At the Central European - Balkan transition: forest land snail faunas of the Banat contrasted with those of the Carpathian chain (2013)
Unique calcareous fens in the Western Carpathians: how the millennial-scale age and history affects recent species richness and composition (2013)
The whole Holocene development of vegetation of the Inner West Carpathians - Pannonian borderland: spreading of mesophilous trees, continuity of open grasslands and human impact (2013)
Měkkýši na slatiništích - otázka reliktů a srovnání s vegetací (2013)
Vývoj vegetace východního Slovenska v pozdním glaciálu a holocénu (2013)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 25. podzimních Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Novohradských horách (2013)
Mechorosty mokřadních biotopů na vybraných lučních enklávách Krkonoš (2013)
Patterns of land snail assemblages along a fine-scale moisture gradient (2013)
Results of the bryofloristic courses of the Department of Botany, University of South Bohemia, in 2012 and 2013 (2013)
Doplněk k rozšíření druhu Paludella squarrosa na Českomoravské vrchovině (2013)
Nové nálezy vrkoče Geyerova potvrzují jeho ohroženost – z červené knihy našich měkkýšů (2013)
Predatory versatility enhances local trophic specialisation in a cosmopolitan carnivorous predator (2011)
Functional response type 4 of myrmecophagous spiders (2012)
Functional response type 4 of myrmecophagous spiders (2013)
Physiological efficiency and trade-offs in adaptations of the ant-eating Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2013)
Stridulation in araneophagic spiders prevents cannibalism (2012)
Funkční odpověď typu 4 u pavouků (2011)
Lokální specializace a kondiční strategie v lovu kořisti u pavouka Oecobius navus (2011)
Stridulation in araneophagic spiders prevents cannibalism (2013)
Fyziologická efektivita zpracování kořisti u myrmekofágního pavouka druhu Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2013)
Fyziologická efektivita zpracování kořisti u myrmekofágního pavouka druhu Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2014)
Lokální specializace a kondiční strategie v lovu kořisti u pavouka Oecobius navus (2011)
Stridulation in araneophagic spiders prevents cannibalism (2013)
Význam vlivu prostředí a schopnosti šíření na utváření společenstev vodních bezobratlých na prameništních slatiništích (2014)
Diversity of the Western Carpathian flysch grasslands: Do extremely species-rich plant communities coincide with a high diversity of snails? (2014)
Fossil records of Marstoniopsis insubrica (Küster, 1853) suggest its wide distribution in Central Europe during the Early Holocene (2013)
Diverzita a biotická homogenizace suchozemských plžů ve vztahu k typům stanovišť a klimatu 32 středoevropských měst (2014)
Sukcese suchozemských měkkýšů České republiky a Slovenska za posledních 15 000 let (2014)
Prvý nález živej populácie ulitníka Vertigo moulinsiana (Dupuy, 1849) na Podunajskej nížine (2014)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 37 (2013)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 36 (2013)
Dangerous prey is associated with a type 4 functional response in spiders (2013)
Local trophic specialisation in a cosmopolitan spider (Araneae) (2013)
Picky spiders (2014)
Physiological efficiency and trade-offs in adaptations of the ant-eating Euryopis episinoides (Theridiidae) (2014)
Medieval Horse Stable; The Results of Multi Proxy Interdisciplinary Research (2014)
Mollusc and plant assemblages controlled by different ecological gradients at Eastern European fens (2014)
The role of environment and dispersal mode in metacommunity structuring of aquatic invertebrates at isolated spring fens. (2014)
Patterns of land-snail succession in Central Europe over the last 15,000 years: main changes along environmental, spatial and temporal gradients (2014)
Land snail diversity and composition in relation to ecological variations in Central European floodplain forests and their history (2014)
Biodiversity surrogate effectiveness in two habitat types of contrasting gradient complexity (2014)
Dipteran fauna of the Western Carpathian spring fens (2014)
The importance of species replacement and richness differences in small-scale diversity patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates in spring fens (2014)
Reconstruction of ecological changes during the Late glacial in small filled lake in Western Carpathians, Slovakia (2014)
Archeologický průzkum terénních reliktů karpatského bojiště na východním Slovensku, teoreticko-metodologický úvod (2014)
Epifytické mechorosty údolí Černé Ostravice (2013)
Epifytické mechorosty údolí Černé Ostravice (2013)
Chironomidae of spring fens: mechanisms driving compositional changes on local and regional spatial scale. (2014)
Ekologický kontrast pramenišť pro chrostíky: změny v poměru specialistů a generalistů podél gradientu minerální bohatosti (2014)
Unimodal Latitudinal Pattern of Land-Snail Species Richness across Northern Eurasian Lowlands (2014)
Land snail richness and abundance along a sharp ecological gradient at two sampling scales: disentangling relationships (2014)
Landscape history, calcareous fen development and historical events in the Slovak Eastern Carpathians (2014)
Cepaea nemoralis (l.) in Göteborg, S.W. Sweden: variation in a recent urban invader (2014)
David and Goliath: potent venom of an ant-eating spider (Araneae) enables capture of a giant prey (2014)
The effect of individual relatedness on colony performance in group-living Cyrtophora citricola (2014)
Diversity patterns of Chironomidae in the Western Carpathian spring fens. (2014)
Patterns in moss element concentrations in fens across species, habitats, and regions (2014)
Holocene history and environmental reconstruction of a Hercynian mire and surrounding mountain landscape based on multiple proxies (2014)
Biogeographic patterns of base-rich fen vegetation across Europe (2014)
Small ones and big ones: cross-taxon congruence reflects organism body size in ombrotrophic bogs (2014)
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R.Tx. 1937 (2014)
Rostlinná společenstva pěnovců v údolí Kaviny na Poličsku (2014)
The role of dispersal mode and habitat specialisation in metacommunity structuring of aquatic macroinvertebrates in isolated spring fens (2014)
Vodní hmyz a další pozoruhodná fauna západokarpatských slatinišť (2014)
Testing floristic and environmental differentiation of rich fens on the Bohemian Massif (2014)
European fen vegetation - synthesis and classification (2014)
High vegetation and environmental diversity during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene on the example of lowlands in the Czech Republic (2014)
Pflanzenreste aus den hochmittelalterlichen Bergbaustandorten im Ertzbebirge (2014)
Utricularia vulgaris v Hodonínské Dúbravě (2014)
The effect of individual relatedness on colony performance in group-living Cyrtophora citricola (2014)
The effect of individual relatedness on colony performance in group-living Cyrtophora citricola (2014)
Centrální Českomoravská vrchovina na prahu vrcholného středověku. Archeologie, geochemie a rozbory sedimentárních výplní niv (2014)
Centrální Českomoravská vrchovina na prahu vrcholného středověku. Archeologie, geochemie a rozbory sedimentárních výplní niv (2014)
Early occurrence of temperate oak-dominated forest in the northern part of the Little Hungarian Plain, SW Slovakia (2014)
Hmyz prameništních slatinišť: individuální odpovědi druhů na hlavní gradienty prostředí (2015)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během podzimních 26. bryologicko-lichenologických dní (2013) v Beskydech (2014)
Máloštětinatí opaskovci a jejich odezva na podmínky prostředí na prameništních slatiništích (2015)
Vztah vegetace pramenišť západočeské zřídelní oblasti k chemismu prostředí (2014)
Druhová pestrost západokarpatských slatinišť očima hydro biologa (2015)
Invazní druhy vodních měkkýšů v České republice (2015)
Diverzita a složení společenstev dvoukřídlých na pramenných slatiništích Západních Karpat (2015)
Pakomáři západokarpatských slatinišť (2015)
Central European fen mollusc and plant assemblages in modern and quaternary perspective (2015)
Endangered molluscs of European fens: current data and conservation of glacial relicts (2015)
Molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Rickettsia vini’ in Ixodes arboricola from the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2015)
Freshwater diatom communities from Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, southern Indian Ocean) (2014)
Reflections of Prehistoric and Medieval human activities in floodplain deposits of the Únanovka Stream, South Moravia, Czech Republic (2015)
Species assignment in Pupilla (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupillidae): integration of DNA-sequence data and conchology (2015)
Interstadial inland dune slacks in south-west Slovakia: a multi-proxy vegetation and landscape reconstruction (2015)
Mollusc assemblages of Scandinavian fens: species composition in relation to environmental gradients and vegetation (2015)
Vodné mäkkýše ochranársky významných lokalít na Podunajskej nížine (2015)
Významné mechorosty rašelinišť na Českomoravské vrchovině na prahu 21. století (2014)
Local adaptations in bryophytes revisited: the genetic structure of the calcium-tolerant peatmoss Sphagnum warnstorfii along geographic and pH gradients (2015)
Investigation of structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems at James Ross Island, Antarctica (2015)
How does air pollution affect communities of epiphytic bryophytes on oaks? (2015)
Botanical Excursions in Moravia (2015)
Trophic niche of Oecobius maculatus (Araneae: Oecobiidae): evidence based on natural diet, prey capture success, and prey handling (2015)
The harpacticoid assemblages (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) in the Western Carpathian spring fens in relation to environmental variables and habitat age (2015)
Aquatic insects of spring fens: individual species responses to the main environmental gradients (2015)
Comparison of plant and snail diversity patterns in the White Carpathian Mts (Czech Republic) across forest and grassland habitats (2015)
Using multi-proxy palaeoecology to test a relict status of refugial populations of calcareous-fen species in the Western Carpathians (2015)
Botanical Excursions in Moravia (2015)
Changes in the moss layer in Czech fens indicate early succession triggered by nutrient enrichment (2015)
European glacial relict snails and plants: environmental context of their modern refugial occurrence in southern Siberia (2015)
Decomposition patterns, nutrient availability, species identities and vegetation changes in central-European summit bogs (2015)
Nález ostřice Davallovy (Carex davalliana) v Lubenském lese na Litomyšlsku a poznámky k vegetaci nové lokality a jejího okolí (2015)
Habitat contrast among spring patches, spring brooks and nearby streams: changes in trichoptera assemblages along the gradient of mineral richness (2015)
Nález kapradě hřebenité (Dryopteris cristata) ve Žďárských vrších (2014)
Biological control in winter: Novel evidence for importance of generalist predators (2015)
Is increased efficiency in handling of preferred prey innate or gained by experience? (2015)
David and the Goliath: potent venom of a ant-eating spider (Araneae) enables capture of a giant prey (2015)
Discovery of a monophagous true predator, a termite-eating spider specialist (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) (2015)
Drivers of aquatic macroinvertebrate richness in spring fens in relation to habitat specialization and dispersal mode (2015)
Předneolitické osídlení horního Pojihlaví. K nálezovému potenciálu Českomoravské vrchoviny (2015)
Biodiversity of freshwater autotrophs in selected wet places in northern coastal ecosystems of James Ross Island (2015)
The Lateglacial and Holocene in Central Europe: a multi-proxy environmental record from the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic (2015)
Historie a současnost výzkumu bezobratlých živočichů na Ústavu botaniky a zoologie Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (2015)
Small herbivores suppress algal accumulation on Agatti atol (2015)
Malakozoologův průbodce makro(ekologií) (2015)
Variabilita společenstev vodních brouků (Coleoptera) v prameništních systémech (2015)
Diverzita vodních bezobratlých svahových slatinišť: vliv lokálních faktorů a biogeografických aspektů ve vztahu k stanovištní specializaci a disperzi (2015)
Botanical survey and successional changes of vegetation in pools after restoration project in wetland near the Cisarska cave, Moravian Karst (2015)
European Mire Vegetation Database: a gap-oriented database for European fens and bogs (2015)
The effect of sample size and resolution on palaeomalacological interpretations: a case study from calcareous-fen deposits (2015)
Diversity and ecology of European fen mollusc fauna: state of the art (2015)
Calcium intolerance of fen mosses: physiological evidence, effects of nutrient availability and successional drivers (2015)
Climatic gradients within temperate Europe and small-scale species composition of lichen-rich dry acidophilous Scots pine forests (2015)
Suchozemské ploštěnky naší fauny (2015)
Validations of high-rank syntaxa in Potamogetonetea and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (2015)
Nová lokalita páperca alpínskeho (Trichophorum alpinum) na Slovensku (2015)
Contrasting Holocene environmental histories may explain patterns of species richness and rarity in a Central European landscape (2016)
Historický a prehistorický management luk a jeho případné dnešní aplikace (2015)
Soil thermal buffer and regeneration niche may favour calcareous fen resilience to climate change (2015)
The most species-rich plant communities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with new world records) (2015)
58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science: Understanding broad-scale vegetation patterns. 19–24 July 2015, Brno, Czech Republic. Abstracts (2015)
Reliktní vegetace na mezických stanovištích (2015)
Ecology of testate amoebae in mires of the Western Carpathians and development of a transfer functions for paleoecological reconstructions (2014)
Carex vaginata – new relict species in the Romanian flora (2015)
Liší se společenstva epifytických mechorostů na dubech v oblastech s různou mírou imisní zátěže? (2015)
Vliv imisní zátěže na druhové složení společenstev epifytických mechorostů (2015)
Discovery of a monophagous true predator, a specialist termite-eating spider (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) (2015)
Testing inter-regional variation in pH niches of fen mosses (2016)
The response of Clitellata (Annelida) to environmental gradients in spring fens (2016)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během exkurzí Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Podyjí (duben 2011) (2015)
Invasion of Freshwater Molluscs in the Czech Republic: Time Course and Environmental Predictors (2015)
Šíření nepůvodních druhů vodních měkkýšů v České republice (2015)
European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots (2016)
Vliv velikosti vzorku a členění vrstev na paleomalakologickou interpretaci: případová studie sedimentů pěnovcových slatinišť (2016)
A first chironomid-based summer temperature reconstruction (13-5 ka BP) around 49 degrees N in inland Europe compared with local lake development (2016)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXV. (2016)
Diversity patterns of aquatic specialists and generalists: contrasts among two spring-fen mesohabitats and nearby streams (2016)
Spring fen mollusc and plant communities of the western Carpathian Mts: ecology and paleoecology (2016)
Endangered molluscs of European fens: current data and conservation of glacial relicts (2016)
The diversity of aquatic invertebrates in helocrenes: regional and local perspective of the Western Carpathian springs (2016)
Ecological research of James Ross Island. Ecosystem components-based approach to study structure and function of Antarctic vegetation oases. (2016)
Educational outreaches of the CzechPolar project and associated activities within the Czech Antarctic Programme (2016)
Medium-sized forest snails survive passage through birds’ digestive tract and adhere strongly to birds’ legs: more evidence for passive dispersal mechanisms (2016)
Meesia triquetra, a new relict moss for the Republic of Macedonia (2016)
Mechorosty na borce stromů v údolí Černé Ostravice (CHKO Beskydy) (2016)
Exposure-related forest-steppe: a diverse landscape type determined by topography and climate (2016)
What is a fen? (2016)
Origin of a boreal birch bog woodland and landscape development on a warm low mountain summit at the Carpathian-Panonnian interface. (2016)
Drivers of Central European urban land snail faunas: the role of climate and local species pool in the representation of native and non-native species (2016)
Paleoekologický záznam středověkého a novověkého osídlení v nivních sedimentech na pomezí Jevišovické pahorkatiny a Dyjsko-svrateckého úvalu (2016)
Biotic interactions of meiofaunal metacommunities in isolated spring fens (Central Europe): an insight from large scale (2016)
Zaniklý středověký rybník u Střítěže v kontextu osídlení severovýchodní části Českomoravské vrchoviny ve vrcholném středověku (2016)
Comment on Altaba (2015): a case of species misidentification? (2016)
At the Central European–Balkan transition: forest land snail faunas of the Banat contrasted with those of the Carpathian chain (2016)
Ověření výskytu suchopýru štíhlého (Eriophrum gracile) ve Žďárských vrších (2016)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVI. (2016)
Suitability of woodlice prey for generalist and specialist spider predators: a comparative study (2016)
Metabolic specialisation on preferred prey and constraints in the utilization of alternative prey in an ant-eating spider (2016)
Vztah aluvia Dyje a ranně středověkého osídlení na Pohansku u Břeclavi: paleoekologie a geoarcheologie (2015)
Species richness of European fen biota: The effects of water pH and reginal settings in relation to habitat specialization (2016)
The relationship between plant species richness and soil pH vanishes with increasing aridity across Eurasian dry grasslands. (2017)
Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities (2016)
Formalized classification of European fen vegetation at the alliance level (2017)
Ekologie krytenek na karpatských rašeliništích: zhodnocení trénovacího souboru dat a modelů přenosových funkcí pro paleohydrologické rekonstrukce (2017)
New National and Regional Bryophyte Records, 49 (2016)
Testate amoebae communities of a minerotrophic mire: contrasting Sphagnum and brown-moss dominated patches in relation to shell counts (2014)
Pupilla alluvionica Meng & Hoffmann, 2008: a land snail extant in the Altai refugium recognised for the first time in Central European Early-Middle Pleistocene glacials (2016)
Měkkýši přírodní rezervace U Nového hradu a přilehlé zříceniny (Česká republika) (2016)
Holocenní příběh bělokarpatského pěnovcového prameniště z pohledu malakologů (2017)
Příběh glaciálních reliktů: z lopaty až do sekvenátoru (2017)
Nečekané osudy dvou glaciálních zrnovek: Pupilla loessica a Pupilla alluvionica (2017)
Zoologické dny Brno 2017, Brno, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta MU (2017)
Zoologické dny Brno 2017. Sborník abstraktů z konference 9 .-1 0 . února 2017. (2017)
A pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of the Holocene vegetation updates a perspective on the natural vegetation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (2016)
Paleolimnologické lokality Západních Karpat a jejich význam pro rekonstrukci životního prostředí pozdního glaciálu a holocénu (2017)
European Red List of Habitats - Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats (2016)
Vertikální distribuce vodních kroužkovců na slatiništích Západních Karpat (2017)
Elemental analysis of soils and Salix polaris in the town of Pyramiden and its surroundings (Svalbard) (2016)
Sphagnum establishment in alkaline fens: Importance of weather and water chemistry (2017)
Middle- and upper-Holocene woodland history in central Moravia (Czech Republic) reveals biases of pollen and anthracological analysis (2017)
Disruption of the chemical communication of the European agrobiont ground-dwelling spider Pardosa agrestis by pesticides (2016)
Arcto-alpine species at their niche margin: The Western Carpathian refugia of Juncus castaneus and J. triglumis in Slovakia (2017)
Pollen and macrofossil evidence of Holocene vegetation changes in a former small lake in the Male Karpaty Mts (SW Slovakia) (2013)
Contrasting diversity of testate amoebae communities in Sphagnum and brown-moss dominated patches in relation to shell counts (2017)
A Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm and pedoanthracological data reveal Late Holocene woodland history in the lowlands of the NE Czech Republic (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVII. (2017)
Testate amoebae inhabiting minerotrophic mires: exploring diversity patterns on a small spatial scale (2017)
Aquatic annelids of the subsurface interstitial zone in the Western Carpathians spring fens (2017)
Liší se společenstva epifytických mechorostů na dubech v oblastech s různou mírou imisní zátěže? (2017)
The Late-Glacial and Holocene history of vegetation in the Slovakian West Carpathians: introducing ongoing multi-proxy project and first results (2013)
Post-mining calcareous seepages as surrogate habitats for aquatic macroinvertebrate biota of vanishing calcareous spring fens (2017)
Aquatic macroinvertebrates of spring-fen helocrenes: species-rich communities structured by environmental filtering (2017)
Calcareous forest seepages acting as biodiversity hotspots and refugia for woodland snail faunas (2017)
Environmental filtering of aquatic insects in spring fens: patterns of species-specific responses related to specialist-generalist categorization (2017)
Pilotní průzkum Rakousko-Uherské zákopové linie na vrchu Staviská (Severovýchodní Slovensko) (2017)
Pozoruhodné nálezy Sphagnum affine a ďalších rašelinníkov v severnej časti západných Karpát na Slovensku (2017)
The role of predators in shaping macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Western Carpathian spring fens (2017)
Rybník jako součást hospodářství vrchnostenského panství a indikátor podoby krajiny jižního Valašska v 15. až 17. století (2017)
Nedestruktivní průzkum bojiště první světové války na kótě Kobyla (okres Medzilaborce) (2017)
Post-mining calcareous seepages as surrogate habitats for aquatic macroinvertebrate biota of vanishing calcareous spring fens (2017)
Refugial occurrence and ecology of the land snail Vertigo lilljeborgi in fen habitats in temperate mainland Europe (2017)
Associate editor (2015)
Associate editor (2015)
Associate editor (2014)
Mollusca (měkkýši) (2017)
Vrkoči – malí, ale vyjímeční (2017)
Kam se točí ulity (2017)
Pod svícnem bývá tma - identita záhadné fosilní zrnovky z Brna odhalena (2017)
Microsatellite variation in three calcium-tolerant species of peat moss detected specific genotypes of Sphagnum warnstorfii on magnesium-rich bedrock (2017)
Long-lasting imprint of former glassworks on vegetation pattern in an extremely species-rich grassland: a battle of species pools on mesic soils (2017)
Pollen-inferred millennial changes in landscape patterns at a major biogeographical interface within Europe (2017)
Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of the palaeoecological record in a large temperate palaeolake, Šúr, southwest Slovakia: Comparison of pollen, macrofossil and geochemical data (2018)
Middle Pleniglacial pedogenesis on the northwestern edge of the Carpathian basin: A multidisciplinary investigation of the Bíňa pedo-sedimentary section, SW Slovakia (2017)
Keltové z močálů? Aluviální krajina na Pohansku u Břeclavi v době železné (2017)
Soil protistology rebooted: 30 fundamental questions to start with (2017)
Convergence and impoverishment of fen communities in a eutrophicated agricultural landscape of the Czech Republic (2017)
Refugial ecosystems in central Asia as indicators of biodiversity change during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (2017)
Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides, a new bryophyte species for Montenegro (2017)
Modern and quaternary perspective of European fen biota: importance of species specialization and habitat age (2017)
Vývoj holocenní bioty mírného pásu: kombinace metod a prostorových škál (představení řešeného projektu) (2017)
Boděnka Ložkova a vrkoč Chytrého – dvě velká jména pro malé plže (2017)
S Lucií Juřičkovou o tom, jaké je to učit se od klasiků a proč studovat plže (2017)
Bryophytes on river gravel bars in the Balkan mountains: new records and insights into ecology (2017)
Late Holocene environmental changes revealed in sedimentary cores from two infilled lakes in the Kobbefjord area, southwestern Greenland (2017)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVIII (2017)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání na Pálavě v roce 2017 (2017)
Effect of sample size and resolution on palaeomalacological interpretation: a case study from Holocene calcareous-fen deposits (2018)
Jak sklárna na Hutích ovlivnila dnešní louky (2016)
Zajímavé nálezy vzácných mechorostů ve starých sedimentech 2 (2017)
Shell decomposition rates in relation to shell size and habitat conditions in contrasting types of Central European forests (2018)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu podzimních bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Českém ráji (Sedmihorky) v roce 2015 (2017)
Rozšíření podkornice Aradus obtectus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) a kornatce Peltis grossa (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae) v České republice a jejich první nálezy v Bílých Karpatech (2017)
The genus Luticola (Bacillariophyta) on Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (Southern Indian Ocean) with the description of two new species (2017)
Ferocia gen. Nov., A new centric diatom genus (bacillariophyceae) from the sub-Antarctic region (2017)
Environmental correlates of the Late Quaternary regional extinctions of large and small Palaearctic mammals (2018)
Field fortifications of Austro-Hungarian and Russian army from winter 1915 (examples from Northeastern Slovakia) (2018)
Isolated populations of Ixodes lividus ticks in the Czech Republic and Belgium host genetically homogeneous Rickettsia vini (2018)
Early and middle Holocene ecosystem changes at the Western Carpathian/Pannonian border driven by climate and Neolithic impact (2018)
Disruption in an alluvial landscape: settlement and environment dynamics in the Alluvium of the river Dyje at the Pohansko archaeological site (Czech Republic) (2019)
Punctum lozeki n. sp. – a new minute land-snail species (Gastropoda: Punctidae) from Siberia and Alaska (2018)
A phylogenetic overview of the genus Vertigo O. F. Müller, 1773 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupillidae: Vertigininae) (2018)
Spring-fen habitat islands in a warming climate: partitioning the effects of mesoclimate air and water temperature on aquatic and terrestrial biota (2018)
Forest snail diversity and its environmental predictors along a sharp climatic gradient in southern Siberia (2018)
Principal factors controlling the species richness of European fens differ between habitat specialists and matrix-derived species (2018)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIX (2018)
Late Holocene sedimentary record from two infilled lakes, southwestern Greenland (2018)
Jsou pramenná slatiniště ohrožená změnami klimatu? Vliv klimatických podmínek a teploty vody na společenstva vodních bezobratlých (2018)
The influence of air and water temperature on spring fen macroinvertebrates: are they threatened by climate changes? (2018)
Vliv klimatických podmínek na opaskovce (Clitellata) prameništních slatinišť Západních Karpat (2018)
Variation of Clitellata (Annelida) assemblages related to water saturation in groundwater-dependent wetlands (2018)
Makrozoobentos postindustriálních pěnovcových potoků: srovnání s přirozenými stružkami pěnovcových slatinišť (2018)
Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges (2018)
Non-native freshwater Molluscs in the Czech Republic: time course and environmental predictor. (2017)
Faktory utvářející společenstva měkkýšů nížinných stojatých vod (2018)
Environmental drivers of mollusc assemblage diversity in a system of lowland standing water habitats (2018)
Persistence of a vegetation mosaic in a peripheral region: could turbulent medieval history disrupt Holocene continuity of extremely species-rich grasslands? (2018)
Holocene vegetation history of the Jeseniky Mts: Deepening elevational contrast in pollen assemblages since late prehistory (2018)
Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction in the Mining Town of Freiberg (Lkr. Mittelsachsen) in Saxony, from the 12th Century Onwards (2018)
Reconstruction of hydrological changes over the last 4000 years in the Puścizna Wielka bog (Southern Poland) based on testate amoebae (2018)
Testing randomized sampling strategy and effect of empty shell exclusion at two contrasting fen sites (2018)
Predátoři suchozemských plžů a specifická poškození ulit jako doklady predace (2018)
The case of two calcareous spring fens at the Carpathianpannonian interface in the North West of Slovakia (2018)
Rybník Demalka, příspěvek k osídlení severovýchodní části Českomoravské vrchoviny ve středověku (2018)
Blešivec potoční (Gammarus fossarum) v roli predátora (2018)
Stridulation can suppress cannibalism in a specialised araneophagous predator (2018)
Neglected aspects of tick-borne rickettsioses (2018)
Odkud a kdy k nám přišly nepůvodní druhy měkkýšů (2018)
Vrkoč Geyerův a vrkoč útlý – první nálezy celoevropsky ohrožených plžů ve Slavkovském lese (2018)
Relict occurrences of boreal brown-moss quaking rich fens in the Carpathians and adjacent territories (2018)
Relationship between pollen and floristic diversity in the recent lake sediments and moss polsters in Central Europe (2018)
Holocene development of two calcareous spring fens at the Carpathian-Pannonian interface controlled by climate and human impact (2018)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXX (2018)
The disturbance regime of an Early Holocene swamp forest in the Czech Republic, as revealed by dendroecological, pollen and macrofossil data (2018)
Modelling the distribution and compositional variation of plant communities at the continental scale (2018)
Introduction to this special issue on the ecology and evolution of the Carpathian flora (2018)
Pre-industrial composition of woodlands and modern deforestation events in the southern part of the Western Carpathians (2019)
GrassPlot - a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands (2018)
Glacial-relict symptoms in the Western Carpathian flora (2018)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 3 (2018)
Drivers of mollusc assemblage diversity in a system of lowland lentic habitats (2018)
Effects of Climate Conditions on Aquatic Clitellata in Western Carpathian Spring Fens (2018)
Zaniklý meandr u Severního předhradí archeologické lokality Pohansko u Břeclavi (2018)
La Chaume (Intervention 894) (2018)
Venom of prey-specialized spiders is more toxic to their preferred prey: A result of prey-specific toxins (2018)
Using a new database of plant macrofossils of the Czech and Slovak Republics to compare past and present distribution of hypothetically relict fen mosses. (2018)
A modern analogue of the Pleistocene steppe-tundra ecosystem in southern Siberia (2019)
Holocenní vývoj rašeliniště Kotelnice (Slezské Beskydy, Česká republika) rekonstruovaný nejen pomocí krytenek (2019)
Co nám půda říká o minulosti naší krajiny (2018)
The first record of Corbicula fluminea (O. F. Müller, 1774) in Moravia (SE Czech Republic) (2018)
When is a “cryptic” species not a cryptic species: A consideration from the Holarctic micro-landsnail genus Euconulus (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) (2019)
Kritický pohled na kryptické druhy: příběh kuželíků (Euconulus; Gastropoda) (2019)
Specific damages recognized at land-snail shells can document the rate of predation: differences among predators and habitat types (2018)
Local extinctions of threatened species of Pedicularis L. in agriculture landscape of southeastern Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (2018)
Morphological and taxonomical analysis of the terrestrial diatom genus Humidophila (Bacillariophyta) on Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (Southern Indian Ocean) (2018)
Atlas sinic a řas ČR 1 (2018)
Atlas sinic a řas ČR 2 (2018)
Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) associated with lichens from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula) (2018)
Genetic and morphological variation in the circumpolar distribution range of Sphagnum warnstorfii: indications of vicariant divergence in a common peatmoss. (2019)
Fortifying the Carpathians : Austro-Hungarian defences in contemporary eastern Slovakia (2019)
Fortification, mining, and charcoal production: landscape history at the abandoned medieval settlement of Hohenwalde at the Faule Pfutze (Saxony, Eastern Ore Mountains) (2019)
Geoarchaeology of empty spaces: Bibracte case studies (2019)
Étude paléo-environnementale d’un fond de vallon sur le versant oriental du mont Beuvray (2018)
Freshwater mollusc metacommunity structuring in lowland lentic habitats (2019)
Environmental drivers of mollusc assemblage diversity in a system of lowland lentic habitats (2019)
What can one ditch tell : multi-proxy analysis at oppidum Bibracte (2019)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXI (2019)
Macroinvertebrate assemblages of the post-mining calcareous stream habitats: Are they similar to those inhabiting the natural calcareous springs? (2019)
The importance of the spatial heterogeneity for the structuring of macroinvertebrates in spring fens (2019)
Macroinvertebrates of the post-mining calcareous brooks: comparison with the natural calcareous spring brooks (2019)
Holocene succession patterns of land snails across temperate Europe: East to west variation related to glacial refugia, climate and human impact (2019)
Small-scale Variation of Testate Amoeba Assemblages: the Effect of Site Heterogeneity and Empty Shell Inclusion (2019)
A complete Holocene climate and environment record for the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) derived from a tufa deposit (2019)
First evidence for long-term stasis in wet-tropics land snail community composition (2019)
Cut and covered : Subfossil trees in buried soils reflect medieval forest composition and exploitation of the central European uplands (2020)
Landslides increased Holocene habitat diversity on a flysch bedrock in the Western Carpathians (2019)
Palynology research of water reservoirs of later mediaeval and post-mediaeval deserted villages in West Bohemia, Czech Republic (2019)
Aquatic mollusc metacommunity structuring in lentic habitats of two regions differing in trophy level (2019)
Farmakoekonomické hodnocení cetuximabu a panitumumabu v 1. linii léčby mCRC v reálné klinické praxi ČR (2019)
Evidence for Bronze Age and Medieval tin placer mining in the Erzgebirge mountains, Saxony (Germany) (2020)
Environmental stability of Western Carpathian spring-fens and its influence on Ostracod assemblages (2019)
Influence of environmental stability on microcrustacean assemblages in Western Carpathian spring-fens (2019)
Unique Epigenetic Features of Ribosomal RNA Genes (rDNA) in Early Diverging Plants (Bryophytes) (2019)
Drivers of small-scale Diptera distribution in aquatic-terrestrial transition zones of spring fens (2020)
Predátoři suchozemských plžů aneb Co prozradí prázdné ulity o osudu svých bývalých majitelů (2019)
Specific damage recognised on land snail shells as a tool for studying predation intensity: differences related to habitat and predator types (2019)
Freshwater mollusc metacommunities of small ponds in two agricultural regions (2019)
First steps in dating of Celtic fields in the Czech Republic (2019)
Factors explaining community contrast of Trichoptera assemblages at insular Western Carpathian spring fens to the adjacent headwaters (2020)
Vliv faktorů prostředí a prostorového uspořádání na diverzitu lesních plžů na jemné prostorové škále (2019)
Remnants of spring fens in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands: the occurrence and coexistence of (not only) molluscan glacial relicts (2018)
Slatiniště na Českomoravské vrchovině: výskyt a koexistence (nejen) měkkýších glaciálních reliktů (2018)
Cepaea nemoralis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Poland: patterns of variation in a range-expanding species (2019)
First records of Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) from the Czech Republic outside its native range (2019)
Systematický přehled živočichů a počty druhů v ČR (2019)
Directly Sequenced Genomes of Contemporary Strains of Syphilis Reveal Recombination-Driven Diversity in Genes Encoding Predicted Surface-Exposed Antigens (2019)
First report of hare treponematosis seroprevalence of European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) in the Czech Republic: seroprevalence negatively correlates with altitude of sampling areas (2019)
On the Distribution of Rare Moss Helodium blandowii in Slovakia, with Some Remarks on Its Ecology and Conservation (2018)
Caveat consumptor notitia museo: Let the museum data user beware (2019)
The type of nutrient limitation affects the plant species richness-productivity relationship: Evidence from dry grasslands across Eurasia (2019)
Silk versus venom: alternative capture strategies employed by closely related myrmecophagous spiders (2019)
The ratio between bryophyte functional groups impacts vascular plants in rich fens (2019)
Spruce representation in zonal woodlands may be overestimated when using pollen spectra from peatlands (2019)
Vegetation and ecological characteristics of the northernmost salt marshes of the European continent (2019)
The Last Glacial and Holocene history of mountain woodlands in the southern part of the Western Carpathians, with emphasis on the spread of Fagus sylvatica (2020)
Měkkýši (2019)
Plži (2019)
Mlži (2019)
Ploštěnci a strunovci (2019)
Climatically induced temperature instability of groundwater dependent habitats will suppress cold adapted Clitellata species (2020)
Soil charcoal elucidates the role of humans in the development of landscape of extreme biodiversity (2019)
Gradients, species richness and biogeographical links of steppe grasslands in Western Podolia (Ukraine) (2019)
Relative pollen productivity estimates for vegetation reconstruction in central-eastern Europe inferred at local and regional scales (2019)
Report of new maxima of fine-scale vascular plant species richness recorded in East-Central European semi-dry grasslands (2019)
Comeback středoevropské lesostepi (2019)
Trophic niche and capture efficacy of an ant-eating spider, Euryopis episinoides (Araneae: Theridiidae) (2019)
Characteristics, Main Impacts, and Stewardship of Natural and Artificial Freshwater Environments: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation (2020)
Red List of Habitats of the Czech Republic (2019)
Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases (2019)
Stabilita prostředí na prameništních slatiništích a její vliv na společenstva mikrokorýšů (2019)
Poznámky k rozšíření a ekologii mokrýše vstřícnolistého (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium) na východním okraji areálu (2019)
BIODROUGHT: a macroinvertebrate-based index to identify antecedent drying (2020)
Dynamics of IRES communities (2020)
Jak se to dnes má s včelínkou ozdobnou (Pagodulina pagodula) (Pagodulinidae; Gastropoda) (2020)
Co podmiňuje diverzitu měkkýšů v izolovaných krasových vodách střední Albánie? (2020)
sPlot - A new tool for global vegetation analyses (2019)
TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access (2020)
Abrupt vegetation and environmental change since the MIS 2: A unique paleorecord from Slovakia (Central Europe) (2020)
Holocene matters: Landscape history accounts for current species richness of vascular plants in forests and grasslands of eastern Central Europe (2020)
Caractérisation des espaces non-construits de l’oppidum (La Terrasse, Les Grandes Portes, Le Champlain) (2020)
GrassPlot v. 2.00 – first update on the database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands (2019)
Slovakia (2017)
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records (2020)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS na Horažďovicku (duben 2018) (2019)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 26. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS na Zlatohorsku v dubnu 2019 (2019)
Investigating the complex story of one ditch — A multidisciplinary study of ditch infill provides insight into the spatial organisation within the oppidum of Bibracte (Burgundy, France) (2020)
The impact of Miocene orogeny for the diversification of Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) (2020)
Does predator abundance influence species diversity of equilibrium macroinvertebrate assemblages in spring fens? (2020)
Integrative taxonomic consideration of the Holarctic Euconulus fulvus group of land snails (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) (2020)
Long-term changes of steppe-associated wild bees differ between shell-nesting and ground-nesting species (2020)
Can relict-rich communities be of an anthropogenic origin? Palaeoecological insight into conservation strategy for endangered Carpathian travertine fens (2020)
Habitat extremity and conservation management stabilise endangered calcareous fens in a changing world (2020)
Native Gammarus fossarum affects species composition of macroinvertebrate communities: evidence from laboratory, field enclosures, and natural habitat (2020)
Nest structure, pollen utilization and parasites associated with two west-Mediterranean bees Hymenoptera, Apiformes, Megachilidae) nesting in empty snail shells (2020)
The history of a Pannonian oak woodland - palaeoecological evidence from south-eastern Slovakia (2020)
Caenidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Iran, with new records and re-description of the nymph of Caenis kopetdagi Kluge, 1985 (2020)
An evaluation of field and noninvasive genetic methods for estimating Eurasian otter population size (2009)
Past human impact in a mountain forest: geoarchaeology of a medieval glass production and charcoal hearth site in the Erzgebirge, Germany (2020)
Identification and age-dependence of pteridines in bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and bat bugs (C. pipistrelli) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2020)
Linking Plant Functional Ecology to Island Biogeography (2020)
Whole genome sequence of the Treponema pallidum subsp. endemicum strain Iraq B: A subpopulation of bejel treponemes contains full-length tprF and tprG genes similar to those present in T. p. subsp. pertenue strains (2020)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIII (2020)
Is variable plot size a serious constraint in broad–scale vegetation studies? A case study on fens (2020)
Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick-borne bacterial pathogen (2020)
Complete Chromosomal Sequences of Two Borrelia miyamotoi Samples Obtained from Ixodes ricinus Eggs in Czechia (2020)
Meiofauna as a model to test paradigms of ecological metacommunity theory (2020)
Towards the pan-European bioindication system: Assessing and testing updated hydrological indicator values for vascular plants and bryophytes in mires (2020)
Tracing the Neolithic transition through the first pottery (NeoPot) (2020)
Diversity and distribution of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) in Iran, with descriptions of three new species (2020)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 9 (2020)
Využití stabilních izotopů pro studium potravní ekologie suchozemských plžů: případová studie (2020)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 4 (2020)
Wooden Well at the First Farmers’ Settlement Area in Uničov, Czech Republic (2020)
Vegetation affinity of the moss species Meesia triquetra, Paludella squarrosa, Pseudocalliergon trifarium and Scorpidium scorpioides across European regions (2020)
Littoral vegetation predicts mollusc distribution in a network of unconnected small karstic lakes in the Mediterranean zone of Albania. (2021)
Paropeas achatinaceum (Pfeiffer, 1846) and other alien subulinine and opeatine land snails in European greenhouses (Gastropoda, Achatinidae) (2020)
Nouvelle étude paléoenvironnementale de la « Forêt de Quintefeuille » d’après les cortèges malacologiques holocènes : du passé à l’actuel (Graye-sur-mer, Calvados, Normandie) (2020)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2015–2019 (2020)
Kryptické druhy a příběh kuželíků (2020)
Kdo nebo co vyhubilo mamuty? (2020)
Blešivec potoční – neškodný vegetarián, nebo skrytý predátor? (2020)
Morphometric traits of shells determine external attack and internal utilization marks in the Roman snail in eastern Germany (2020)
Očekávané dopady vybraných typů opatření na hydrologii, hydromorfologii a biotu vodních toků (2020)
Soil moisture and a legacy of prehistoric human activities have contributed to the extraordinary plant species diversity of grasslands in the White Carpathians (2020)
Western-Carpathian mountain spruce woodlands at their southern margin: natural or anthropogenic origin? (2020)
Weather fluctuations drive short-term dynamics and long-term stability in plant communities: A 25-year study in a Central European dry grassland (2020)
Native parasitic plants: Biological control for plant invasions? (2020)
Červený seznam biotopů České republiky (2020)
Does predation by the omnivorous Gammarus fossarum affect small-scale distribution of macroinvertebrates? A case study from a calcareous spring fen (2020)
Environmental pressures on stomatal size may drive plant genome size evolution: evidence from a natural experiment with Cape geophytes (2020)
Endopolyploidy is a common response to UV-B stress in natural plant populations, but its magnitude may be affected by chromosome type. (2020)
Elevation-dependent endopolyploid response suggests that plants with holocentric chromosomes are less stressed by UV-B (2021)
Estimation of trophic niches in myrmecophagous spider predators (2020)
Identification guide to larvae of Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) (2020)
Conservation targets from the perspective of a palaeoecological reconstruction: the case study of Dářko peat bog in the Czech Republic. (2020)
Colonisation dynamic and diversity patterns of Holocene forest snail fauna across temperate Europe: The imprint of palaeoclimate changes (2020)
DISPERSE: a trait database to assess the dispersal potential of European aquatic macroinvertebrates (2020)
Holocene palaeoenvironments from the Direndall tufa (Luxembourg) reconstructed from the molluscan succession and stable isotope records (2020)
Warming erodes individual-level variability in life history responses to predation risk in larvae of the mayflyCloeon dipterum (2020)
Some parasitological features of Paradiplozoon bliccae (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) infestation in Pseudophoxinus burduricus - an endemic fish species from Doganbaba Creek (Lake Salda, Turkey) (2020)
Contrasting Environmental Drivers Determine Biodiversity Patterns in Epiphytic Lichen Communities along a European Gradient (2020)
59. Floristický kurz České botanické společnosti (2020)
A novel dataset of permanent plots in extremely species-rich temperate grasslands (2020)
Environmental drivers of Sphagnum growth in peatlands across the Holarctic region (2021)
EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats (2020)
Poloparazitické rostliny ve středoevropské krajině: indikátory biodiverzity a ekologičtí inženýři (2020)
Shallow depositional basins as potential archives of palaeoenvironmental changes in southwestern Greenland over the last 800 years (2021)
Physical and geochemical proxy data and diatom stratigraphy in ~800-year sedimentary sequences from two shallow Arctic pond basins, Kobbefjord, SW Greenland (2020)
Macroevolutionary patterns in European vegetation (2021)
Drying in newly intermittent rivers leads to higher variability of invertebrate communities (2021)
Degradation of fens and wet meadows of southeastern Bohemian-Moravian Highlands after 20 years (2019)
High fungal substrate specificity limits the utility of environmental DNA to detect fungal diversity in bogs (2021)
Poorly Vetted Conservation Ranks Can Be More Wrong Than Right: Lessons from Texas Land Snails (2020)
High-resolution mollusc record from the Mituchovci tufa (western Slovakia): a reference for the Holocene succession of Western Carpathian mid-elevation forests (2021)
Vigour-related traits and immunity in hybrids of evolutionary divergent cyprinoid species: advantages of hybrid heterosis? (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIV (2020)
Recreation as a threat and an opportunity for endangered plant species of wet meadows (2020)
Plži přírodní rezervace Draplavý v CHKO Beskydy (2020)
Plži přírodní rezervace U Výpustku v CHKO Moravský kras (2020)
Diversity and phylogeny of Paradiplozoon species (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) parasitising endemic cyprinoids in the peri-Mediterranean area, with a description of three new Paradiplozoon species (2021)
Liliová hora u Lulče na Vyškovsku – významná lokalita teplomilné flóry a vegetace (2020)
Étude de l’habitat et des exigences écologiques du Vertigo geyeri Lindholm, 1925 dans le Massif jurassien (2021)
Tracking parallel adaptation of shell morphology through geological times in the land snail genus Pupilla (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Pupillidae) (2021)
Interesting records of rare bryophytes in old fen deposits 3 (2020)
A European map of groundwater pH and calcium (2021)
Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation (2021)
High syphilis seropositivity in European brown hares (Lepus europaeus), Lower Saxony, Germany (2020)
Holocentric Chromosomes Probably Do Not Prevent Centromere Drive in Cyperaceae (2021)
Stable isotope analysis suggests low trophic niche partitioning among co-occurring land snail species in a floodplain forest (2021)
Myxobdella socotrensis sp. nov., a new parasitic leech from Socotra Island, with comments on the phylogeny of Praobdellidae (Hirudinida: Arhynchobdellida) (2021)
Macroinvertebrate seedbank survival in pristine and nutrient-enriched intermittent streams and its contribution to flow phase communities (2021)
Parasites on parasites: hyper-, epi-, and autoparasitism among flowering plants (2021)
Neophyte invasions in European grasslands (2021)
Ecology and Genetics of Cyperus fuscus in Central Europe—A Model for Ephemeral Wetland Plant Research and Conservation (2021)
Živá suchá voda (2021)
Vysychání toků v povodí Veličky (2021)
Man and a river in the Middle Ages: a unique sequence of floods, human habitation and soil formation on the floodplain of the river Morava (2021)
Landscape evolution around the oppidum of Bibracte (Northern Massif Central, France) from the Late Iron Age to the Post-Mediaeval period (2022)
What determines the mollusc diversity in the isolated karstic lakes of central Albania? (2021)
Land snail community patterns related to regional habitat conservation status of European spring fens (2021)
Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe's alien and native floras (2021)
Mapping species richness of plant families in European vegetation (2021)
Alien plant invasion hotspots and invasion debt in European woodlands (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXV (2021)
Historické a současné rozšíření plešivky fialové (Calvatia fragilis) v České republice a poznámky k její ekologii (2021)
Residual pools and dry streambed as refugia for macroinvertebrates of intermittent streams (2021)
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 10 (2021)
The oldest millet herbal beer in the Europe? The ninthcentury BCE bronze luxury bucket from Kladina,Czech Republic (2022)
DISKUZNÍ SEMINÁŘ k projektu: TITSMZP703, Vysychání toků a biodiverzita tekoucích vod: vliv přírodních podmínek a antropogenních zásahů (2020)
Freshwater snails Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817) and G. laevis (Alder, 1838): a story of the invasion at the population level (2021)
Stream drying bioindication in Central Europe: A Biodrought Index accuracy assessment (2021)
Invasion at the population level: a story of the freshwater snails Gyraulus parvus and G. laevis (2021)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 5 (2021)
Attacking strategies of malacophagous shell-breaking carabid beetles in laboratory experiments (2021)
Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats (2021)
Diversity and species composition of diatom communities of Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands (2021)
What defines insularity for plants in edaphic islands? (2021)
sPlotOpen - An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots (2021)
Spring water table depth mediates within-site variation of soil temperature in groundwater-fed mires (2021)
Ecological values of intermittent rivers for terrestrial vertebrate fauna (2022)
Disentangling responses to natural stressor and human impact gradients in river ecosystems across Europe (2022)
Holocene plant diversity dynamics show a distinct biogeographical pattern in temperate Europe (2021)
Diversity of MHC IIB genes and parasitism in hybrids of evolutionarily divergent cyprinoid species indicate heterosis advantage (2021)
Remarks on spring vegetation (the Montio-Cardaminetea class) in the Republic of North Macedonia (2021)
Drepanocladus lycopodioides rediscovered in the Czech Republic: Abandoned quarries as refugia for endangered fen species (2021)
Update on maxima of fine-scale vascular plant species richness in a Transylvanian steppe meadow (2021)
Restoration of rare bryophytes in degraded rich fens: The effect of sod-and-moss removal (2021)
Colluvial sediments originating from past land-use activities in the Erzgebirge Mountains, Central Europe: occurrence, properties, and historic environmental implications (2021)
Penicillin Treatment Failure in Rabbit Syphilis Due to the Persistence of Treponemes (Treponema paraluisleporidarum Ecovar Cuniculus) in the Focus of Infection (2021)
Gradients, species richness and communities in eastern Finnish sloping fens (2021)
A new species of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) from Azerbaijan and Iran (2021)
Land snail assemblages as indicators of regional habitat conservation status of European spring fens. (2021)
Syntaxonomy and biogeography of the Irano-Turanian mires and springs (2021)
Heterosis versus breakdown in fish hybrids revealed by one-parental species-associated viral infection (2022)
Variability and classification of Carpathian calcium-rich fens: breaking the state borders (2021)
The vegetation of rich fens (Sphagno warnstorfii-Tomentypnion nitentis) at the southeastern margins of their European range (2021)
Rapid decreasing of a selected plant species distribution within recent decades as an illustration of gradual local extinction of low-productive wet meadow species in Central Europe (2021)
Moss-inhabiting diatom communities from Ile Amsterdam (TAAF, southern Indian Ocean) (2021)
Oxygen isotopes in terrestrial gastropod shells track Quaternary climate change in the American Southwest (2021)
Securing Biodiversity, Functional Integrity, and Ecosystem Services in Drying River Networks (DRYvER) (2021)
The bright side of parasitic plants: what are they good for? (2021)
Linking insect herbivory with plant traits: Phylogenetically structured trait syndromes matter (2021)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVI (2021)
Rising temperature modulates pH niches of fen species (2022)
Scale dependence of species-area relationships is widespread but generally weak in Palaearctic grasslands (2021)
Měkkýši přírodní rezervace Hutě a jejího okolí v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2021)
Plži přírodní rezervace Poledňana v CHKO Beskydy (2021)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2020 (2021)
Tracing the Neolithic through the first pottery (NeoPot) (2021)
The role of the pottery in the Neolithisation of Central Europe (2021)
Rybník Demalka, příspěvek k osídlení severovýchodní části Českomoravské vrchoviny ve středověku (2021)
Biotic homogenization or riparian refugia? Urban and wild land snail assemblages along a subtropical precipitation gradient (2021)
Vyhodnotenie sprašového profilu s paleolitickými nálezmi z lokality Santovka - Malinovec (2018)
Archeologický výzkum rýžoviště v Nové Vésce (místní část obce Staré Město, okres Bruntál) (2021)
The distribution of lagomorph syphilis caused by Treponema paraluisleporidarum in Europe (2021)
The long history of rich fens supports persistence of plant and snail habitat specialists (2022)
The annual excursion of the Nordic Bryological Society (NBS) and the Finnish Bryophyte Expert Group to Finnish Lapland in 2019 (2022)
The World Spider Trait database: a centralized global open repository for curated data on spider traits (2021)
Complex effects of acidification, habitat properties and fish stock on littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages in montane standing waters (2022)
Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 32. podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Brdech (2021)
Insularity promotes plant persistence strategies in edaphic island systems (2022)
Severoamerický kružník malý v Evropě – příběh s nečekaným koncem (2022)
Měkkýši přírodních památek Kalábová a Kalábová 2 v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (2022)
The impact of empirically unverified taxonomic concepts on ecological assemblage patterns across multiple spatial scales (2022)
Ecological niche divergence between extant and glacial land snail populations explained (2022)
Adult Triops cancriformis (Pancrustacea: Notostraca) mediates the hatching rate of its resting eggs (2022)
Environmental stressors alter multiple determinants of individual reproductive output in the acid-tolerant mayfly Leptophlebia vespertina (2022)
Závěrečná výzkumná zpráva projektu TITSMZP707 - Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma (2022)
Výsledek projektu TITSMZP707 –Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma: Hkonc - výsledky promítnuté do schválených strategických a koncepčních dokumentů VaVaI orgánů státní nebo veřejné správy (2021)
Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma - metodický pokyn (2022)
Niche and geographical expansions of North American trees and tall shrubs in Europe (2022)
New testate amoeba-based transfer functions for palaeoecological reconstructions in East-Central Europe (2022)
Závěrečný diskuzní seminář projektu TITSMZP707 programu BETA II na téma Vliv technického zasněžování na biologické složky přírodního prostředí na území Krkonošského národního parku a jeho ochranného pásma (2021)
Tall herb-rich steppe in the peri-Carpathian region of Ukraine and Romania (2022)
Holocene history of the landscape at the biogeographical and cultural crossroads between Central and Eastern Europe (Western Podillia, Ukraine) (2022)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVII (2022)
Diversity, ecology, and community structure of the terrestrial diatom flora from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula) (2022)
Význam makrozoobentosu vysychajících koryt pro přetrvání společenstva v neznečištěných a živinami obohacených intermitentních tocích (2022)
DRYRivERS - mobilní aplikace pro monitoring vysychavých toků určená široké veřejnosti (2022)
Úvod do projektu DRYvER: Ochrana biodiverzity, funkční integrity a ekosystémových služeb ve vysychavých říčních sítích (2022)
Vliv hydromorfologické kvality na biodiverzitu vysychavých toků (2022)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 69 (2022)
Evaluating the biological validity of European river typology systems with least disturbed benthic macroinvertebrate communities (2022)
Dry phase duration and periodicity alter clitellate communities in central European intermittent streams (2022)
Biodiverzita očima taxonomů. Když názor představuje problém (2022)
Conservation and restoration of Central European fens by mowing: A consensus from 20 years of experimental work (2022)
Environmental heterogeneity, dispersal mode and habitat specialisation modify within-site beta diversity of spring macroinvertebrates (2022)
Ecology of testate amoebae along an environmental gradient from bogs to calcareous fens in East-Central Europe: development of transfer functions for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions (2022)
Co přináší a odnáší vysychavé řeky aneb průvodce suchozemské hydrobiologie (2022)
Závěrečná výzkumná zpráva projektu TITSMZP703 –Vysychání toků a biodiverzita tekoucích vod: vliv přírodních podmínek a antropogenních zásahů (2022)
Metodika hodnocení vlivu vysychání toků na biodiverzitu tekoucích vod pro cílené navrhování zásahů a opatření k omezení negativních dopadů vysychání toků na biodiverzitu (2022)
Hodnocení biodiverzity mokřadních společenstev po realizaci alternativních managementových opatření na stanovištích lučních mokřadů (2022)
Managementová opatření a hodnocení jejich dopadu na biodiverzitu lučního mokřadu (2022)
A remarkable finding of Centroptilum Eaton, 1869 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in Georgia, Turkey and Iran: one new species evidenced by morphology and DNA (2022)
Halophytic flora and vegetation in southern Moravia and northern Lower Austria: past and present (2022)
AgriWeedClim database: A repository of vegetation plot data from Central European arable habitats over 100 years (2022)
The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications (2022)
Central European forest-steppe: An ecosystem shaped by climate, topography and disturbances (2022)
Substrate associated biogeographical patterns in the north-western Pannonian forest-steppe (2022)
Classification of European bog vegetation of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class (2022)
Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe (2022)
Deciphering “cryptic” nature of European rock-dwelling Pyramidula snails (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) (2022)
Závěrečný workshop projektu TITSMZP703 programu TAČR BETA II (2021)
Marine Protected Areas of Sri Lanka: Strengths, Shortcomings and Suggestions for Improvement (2022)
Difference in pollen specialisation in spring bees Andrena vaga (Andrenidae) and Colletes cunicularius (Colletidae) during their nesting season (2022)
Resistance and resilience traits to drying from rivers in Europe (2022)
Comprehensive research of drying resistance and resilience traits by different biota in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (2022)
Comprehensive research of drying resistance and resilience traits by different biota in intermittent rives and ephemeral streams (2022)
Diversification in Caucasian Epeorus (Caucasiron) mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) follows topographic deformation along the Greater Caucasus range (2022)
Co nabízejí koryta vysychavých toků vodní i suchozemské fauně (2022)
Identification of sex chromosomes using genomic and cytogenetic methods in a range-expanding spider, Argiope bruennichi (Araneae: Araneidae) (2022)
Historical and contemporary endangered wetland species of the southeastern part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (2021)
Ruderals naturalize, competitors invade: Varying roles of plant adaptive strategies along the invasion continuum (2022)
Ecotones in Central European forest-steppe: Edge effect occurs on hard rocks but not on loess (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Úsvit suchozemské hydrobiologie aneb „Vzpomínky na budoucnost českých řek II.“ (2022)
Technology and origin of grass-tempered ceramics preceding the Neolithic period in the northern Pannonian Basin (Slovakia) (2022)
Tracing the provenance of the earliest pottery with Sr and Nd isotopes (2022)
Dawn of the Neolithic north of Danube in light of multiproxy analysis of pottery (2022)
Neopot, Tracing the Neolithic transition through the first pottery in Central Europe (2022)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 6 (2022)
Rapid macroinvertebrate colonisation in restored channelised streams contiguous with natural stream reaches (2022)
Spatial scaling of pollen-plant diversity relationship in landscapes with contrasting diversity patterns (2022)
Climatic filtering and temporal instability shape the phylogenetic diversity of European alpine floras (2022)
Mayfly Ephemera glaucops (Ephemeroptera, Ephemeridae) recorded in the Czech Republic after almost a century (2022)
Water temperature stability modulates insect thermal responses at spring fens (2022)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2021 (2022)
Suchozemští plži přírodní rezervace Plané loučky a přírodních památek Častava, Hvězda a Kurfürstovo rameno v CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví [Terrestrial gastropods of Plané loučky Nature Reserve and Častava, Hvězda, and Kurfürstovo rameno Nature Monuments in Litovelské Pomoraví PLA] (2022)
Příspěvek k poznání měkkýšů (Mollusca) Národního parku Podyjí [On molluscs (Mollusca) of Podyjí National Park] (2021)
Stáří vybraných rašelinišť na Českomoravské vrchovině (2022)
The nature of dispersal barriers and their impact on regional species pool richness and turnover (2022)
Origin of the central European steppe flora: insights from palaeodistribution modelling and migration simulations (2022)
Medium-term changes of vegetation composition on fens of the rural landscape, tested using fixed permanent plots (2022)
Ako pokračuje zotavovanie šumavských jazier z acidifikácie (2022)
Co připlouvá a mizí s vysychavými řekami aneb průvodce suchozemské hydrobiologie (2022)
Can Sphagnum removal reverse the undesired succession of rich fens under different alkalinity and fertility levels? (2022)
Water beetles (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, Hydraenidae, Elmidae, Psephenidae, Scirtidae) of the Slavíč river basin, Czech Republic (2022)
Revitalizace lučního mokřadu a její vliv na vodní bezobratlé živočichy (2022)
Compositional variation of endangered spring fen biota reflects within-site variation in soil temperature (2023)
Oxygen isotopes of land snail shells in high latitude regions (2022)
Unravelling morphological overlap of the rock-dwelling snails Pyramidula saxatilis (Hartmann, 1842) and P. pusilla (Vallot, 1801) (2022)
Patterns and drivers of Nothobranchius killifish diversity in lowland Tanzania (2022)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXVIII (2022)
Výskyt mechu Meesia uliginosa s. str. v glaciálním sedimentu na Českomoravské vrchovině (2022)
Moss inhabiting diatoms of Galindez Island, Argentine Islands (the maritime Antarctica) exhibit low diversity and pronounced differentiation (2022)
Suzdalevo Lake (Central Siberia, Russia)-A Tunguska Event-Related Impact Crater? (2022)
Perloočky a veslonôžky v neprodukčných biotopech na južnej Morave: porovnanie poľných rozlivov a novovybudovaných mokradí. (2022)
Společenstva vodních bezobratlých v ohrožených biotopech vysychavých polních rozlivů a jejich dynamika (2022)
Vysychavé polní mokřady na jižní Moravě: jedinečné ostrovy života v zemědělské krajině (2022)
Mechorosty zaznamenané během 27. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Bílých Karpatech (2022)
Priorities for synthesis research in ecologyand environmental science (2023)
Znovu o pozoruhodné bryologické lokalitě Ondrášova skála v Moravskoslezských Beskydech (2022)
Historie zoologie - malakozoologie na PřF MU (2022)
Ekologie rašelinišť (2006-2022) (2022)
Historie zoologie - hydrobiologie na PřF MU (2022)
The Wapsipinicon: A Gentle Refuge. Rare Plants in Her Realm. (2021)
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (3rd edition): species richness, status, distributions, habitats, regional invasion levels, introduction pathways and impacts (2022)
Three species new to the moss flora of Alaska (2022)
Trophic niche size and overlap in temperate forest land snails are affected by their lifestyle and body size (2023)
Lake trophic status and hydrological connectivity modify mechanisms underlying mollusc assemblage structuring (2023)
Vznik středověkých měst v palynologickém záznamu (2023)
Nelehká situace chráněných mořských oblastí Šrí Lanky (2023)
Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species (2023)
Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus - a new member of the bryoflora of Georgia (South Caucasus) (2022)
Transformation of West-Carpathian primeval woodlands into high-altitude grasslands from as early as the Bronze Age (2023)
Effects of thermal stability on microcrustacean assemblages in spring fens (2023)
Dermacentor reticulatus - a tick on its way from glacial refugia to a panmictic Eurasian population (2023)
The Ecological Integrity of Spring Ecosystems: A Global Review (2022)
Dějiny psané přírodovědci : Vývoj vědních oborů na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (2022)
Subalpine vegetation changes in the Eastern Sudetes (1973-2021): Effects of abandonment, conservation management and avalanches (2023)
ELAV Intron 8: a single-copy sequence marker for shallow to deep phylogeny in Eupulmonata Hasprunar & Huber, 1990 and Hygrophila Ferussac, 1822 (Gastropoda: Mollusca) (2023)
First Study of Ascaris lumbricoides from the Semiwild Population of the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii in the Context of Morphological Description and Molecular Phylogeny (2023)
Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0 (2023)
Radiocarbon dating of grass-tempered ceramic reveals the earliest pottery from Slovakia predates the arrival of farming (2023)
Sri Lankan Marine Protected Areas demonstrate low levels of protection and establishment efficiency (2023)
Měřítko, rozsah, zrno a ryby jako lesní rostliny (2023)
Neophyte invasions in European heathlands and scrub (2023)
Land cover and use‑history of large empty spaces at fortified Iron Age hilltop sites; a case study from La Terrasse, Bibracte oppidum (2024)
The class Adiantetea in Georgia: a rare relict fern community in the South Caucasus (2024)
Climatically promoted taxonomic homogenization of macroinvertebrates in unaffected streams varies along the river continuum (2023)
The future of carbon storage in calcareous fens depends on the balance between groundwater discharge and air temperature (2023)
Střevlíci jako predátoři plžů: nečekané způsoby rozlamování ulit (2023)
Transcriptome Profile Analyses of Head Kidney in Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Common Bream (Abramis brama) and Their Hybrids: Does Infection by Monogenean Parasites in Freshwater Fish Reveal Differences in Fish Vigour among Parental Species and Their Hybrids? (2023)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 7 (2023)
East-Central Europe. Central Europe - Poland to Carpathian Ukraine (2023)
Bulgaria (2023)
Effect of air pollution on species composition of communities of epiphytic bryophytes with respect to bark chemistry (2019)
Short and dynamic: succession of invertebrate communities over a hydroperiod in ephemeral wetlands on arable land (2023)
Heterosis versus breakdown in cyprinid hybrids associated with SVCV infection revealed by transcriptome profile analysis of head kidney (2024)
The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome – the poorly known sister species of Capsella (2023)
Mechový herbář Kamila Rybníčka: ztracený a znovunalezený pramen k bryoflóře bývalého Československa. 1. Reliktní hnědé mechy (2023)
The relationship between spectral and plant diversity: Disentangling the influence of metrics and habitat types at the landscape scale (2023)
Habitat-based biodiversity responses to macroclimate and edaphic factors in European fen ecosystems (2023)
Formalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe: towards a consistent typology of spring vegetation (2023)
A complex insight into the Late Quaternary history of Bohemian‑Moravian Highlands summit (2023)
EXPERT - een algoritme om vegetatieopnamen toe te delen aan plantengemeenschappen (2023)
High prevalence and genetic diversity of Treponema paraluisleporidarum isolates in European lagomorphs (2024)
Dehtářský a textilní výrobní areál v zázemí středověkého městečka Lukavce – příklad vrcholně středověké kolonizace na Vysočině (2023)
Importance of spider prey for development of a specialized araneophagous predator (Araneae: Palpimanidae) (2023)
Next-generation sequencing reveals hidden genomic diversity in glacial relicts: A case study of Meesia triquetra (2024)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XL (2023)
Škálování pod hladinou: Vliv měřítka pozorování na biodiverzitu ryb na korálových útesech (2024)
Nástroj pro exploraci vlivu měřítka pozorování na druhovou bohatost (2024)
Zooplankton polních mokřadů: unikátní společenstva ovlivněná historií krajiny. (2024)
Decoupled phylogenetic and functional diversity in European grasslands (2023)
Hydnellum gracilipes: nový druh pro Českou republiku (2024)
Regionální směsi osiv jako nástroj pro podporu druhové pestrosti v krajině (2023)
Vyhodnocení fluviálních sedimentů a paleoekologická rekonstrukce prostoru ulice Křenová v Brně (2023)
Ecology and Current Distribution of Three Habitat-Specialized Land Snail Species of the Genus <i>Vertigo</i> (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata) in Europe (2024)
Měkkýši NPR Špraněk: 140 let bádání v Javoříčském krasu (střední Morava, Česká republika) (2023)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2022. (2023)
Flora of the city of Brno, Czech Republic (2024)
Časová dynamika spoločenstva vodných bezstavovcov v poľných mokradiach (2023)
Structural, ecological and biogeographical attributes of European vegetation alliances (2024)
Intercontinental dispersal and niche fidelity drive 50 million years of global diversification in Vertigo; land snails (2024)
Silver mining and landscape changes in medieval Central Europe: Reconstructing ore processing in a buried fir forest on the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Koječín, Czech Republic) (2024)
Populační ekologie živočichů v příkladech (2024)
Kapitoly z lékařské etiky. Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů. (2023)
Fluctuating nature of prehistoric settlement and land use preserved in sedimentary record of vanished gully (2024)
Fluctuating nature of prehistoric settlement and land use preserved in sedimentary record of vanished gully (2024)
In the Footsteps of the Silk Road: Czech-Kyrgyz Geo-environmental Project (2024)
Scaling below the Surface: The Influence of Observation Scale on Fish Biodiversity on Coral Reefs (2024)
Diversification over deep and shallow temporal scales in the Holarctic genus Perpolita (Gastropoda: Gastrodontidae) (2024)
Microhabitat diversity - A crucial factor shaping macrofungal communities and morphological trait expression in dead wood (2024)
Reproduction-associated pathways in females of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) shed light on the molecular mechanisms of the coexistence of asexual and sexual reproduction (2024)
Alpine travellers in the Carpathians: The story of two rock-dwelling snails told by genes and fossils (2024)
Trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum inducing differential immune gene expression in sexual and gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): parasites facilitating the coexistence of two reproductive forms of the invasive species (2024)
Technology and provenience of the oldest pottery in the northern Pannonian Basin indicates its affiliation to hunter-gatherers (2024)
Weak phylogenetic effect on specialist plant assemblages and their persistence on habitat islands (2024)
Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2023 (2024)
Osobine imunosti i otpornosti organizama na presušivanje diljem povremenih rijeka i bujičnih potoka Europe (2022)
Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 8 (2024)
Italian peninsula as a hybridization zone of Ixodes inopinatus and I. ricinus and the prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in I. inopinatus, I. ricinus, and their hybrids (2024)
Predikcia rozšírenia veľkých lupeňonôžok (Branchiopoda, Pancrustacea) v severnej Panónii. (2024)
Veľké lupeňonôžky v severnej Panónií: predikcia ich rozšírenia (2024)
East Asian Parakaliella harimensis is in fact Euconulus of a remarkable genetic diversity (2024)
Generalist carabid beetles are more malacophagous than previously recognized and cause diversified types of shell damage (2024)
Geofyzikální průzkum zaniklé sklářské hutě na Žítkové (2024)
Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XLI (2024)
Floristic classification of <i>Geranion sanguinei</i> in South Moravia (Czech Republic) (2024)
ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe (2024)
Proposal (36) to conserve the name Philonotidion seriatae Hinterlang 1992 for the species-poor, bryophyte-dominated, non-calcareous arcticalpine spring vegetation of Europe (2024)
A novel method to estimate the response of habitat types to nitrogen deposition (2024)
FloraVeg.EU - An online database of European vegetation, habitats and flora (2024)
Water conductivity mediates differences in clitellate assemblages in spring fens and adjacent streams (2024)
The ghost of ice ages past: Impact of Last Glacial Maximum landscapes on modern biodiversity (2024)
Diversity and distribution of Raunkiær's life forms in European vegetation (2024)
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