Access rights administrators
The access to individual applications and functions of the MU IS is managed by an access rights management system and the rights settings are maintained by local rights administrators. These administrators also assign the initial password for logging-in to the authenticated part of the MU IS (i.e. the primary MU password).
Faculty of Medicine
Ing. Ivana Janáčková
549 49 5730
Kamenice 5, building A15/327, Personnel Office
RNDr. Pavel Kříž, Ph.D.
Kamenice 5, building A22/306, Centre for Information Technologies SUKB
Assigning passwords to students:
Office for Studies during office hours:
- Monday: 13:00 – 14:30
- Wednesday: 9:30 – 11:00 and 13:00 – 14:30
Students of Czech study programmes should contact their study officer.
Students of English study programmes contact:
The password will be ready for you to claim within three days.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Bc. Lucie Coufalová
541 562 803
Palackého třída 1946/1, 61200 Brno, building 45 — 1. nadzemní podlaží
Lucie Bednaříková
541 562 801
Palackého třída 1946/1, 61200 Brno, building 45 — 1. nadzemní podlaží
Assigning passwords to students:
Office for Studies in person during office hours

Faculty of Arts
Password recovery for MU Information System:
Ing. Zdeněk Kubík
549 49 4475
777 356 057
777 356 057
Centre for Information Technologies, Arna Nováka 1, building B1, room B1.306
Assigning passwords for new employees:
The password is assigned by the given HR assistant when signing the employment contract. If necessary, please contact the human resources department:
Arna Nováka 1, building C, 3rd floor
Faculty of Law
Mgr. Jaroslav Pavliňák
549 49 6249
Veveří 70, building PrF – Office for Studies, room 113
Assigning passwords to students:
Mgr. Jaroslav Pavliňák – Office for Studies, room 113, Office for Studies officials during office hours
Faculty of Social Studies
Mgr. Ing. Libor Caha
Matters relating to the
assignation of passwords are dealt with by the Study and Personnel Departments.
Joštova 10, Centre for Information Technologies FSS MU, room 2.27
Faculty of Science
Mgr. Jiří Ledvinka
549 49 1407
Office for Computer Science, Kotlářská 2, building 1 (Dean's Office), ground floor
Faculty of Informatics
Assigning passwords to students:
Office for Studies, in person during office hours
Assigning passwords to doctoral students:
Office for Doctoral and International Studies
Assigning passwords to employees:
Faculty of Education
PaedDr. Otto Kryzan
549 49 1607
Poříčí 31, Centre for Information Technologies PdF MU, room 1010 (CVIDOS)
Assigning passwords to employees:
Assigning passwords to students:
Office for Studies officials during office hours. Please use email as your main contact method; in person only during office or consultation hours.
Faculty of Sports Studies
Mgr. Markéta Sedláčková
Assigning passwords to students:
Assigning passwords to employees:
Mgr. Ivana Klašková
Department head
549 49 2003
Kamenice 753/5, building D33/207
Faculty of Economics and Administration
Ing. Bronislav Kolek
549 49 5225
Lipová 41a, building ESF - Centre for Information Technologies
Institute of Computer Science
Language Centre
Centre for International Cooperation
Assigning passwords to employees CZS:
Bc. Hana Nesvadbová, DiS.
549 49 6317
Žerotínovo náměstí 9, room 272
Assigning passwords to employees CTT:
Ing. Jana Vyskočilová
549 49 5185
Žerotínovo náměstí 9, room 272
Assigning passwords to employees UCT:
Bc. Hana Nesvadbová, DiS.
549 49 6317
Žerotínovo náměstí 9, room 272
Support Centre for Students with Special Needs
Accommodation and Catering Services
Management of the University Campus at Bohunice
Assigning passwords to employees SUKB:
Ing. Martina Fňukalová
549 49 5504
Kamenice 5, building A17, room 116
Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses
RNDr. Martin Komenda, Ph.D.
549 49 4469
Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Kamenice 126/3, room 612a
Central European Institute of Technology
Mgr. Aneta Štefanová
Administrativa, Kancelář ředitele (HS 719*, 718*), VS Ondřeje Slabého (HS 713009), VS ERA Chair – VS Mary O'Connell (HS 713012), VS Marka Mráze (HS 713013)
549 49 8240
Mgr. Lenka Divinová
VS Martina Lysáka (HS 712002), VS Helene Robert Boisivon (HS 712004), VS Zbyňka Zdráhala (HS 712006), VS Tomasze Nodzynskieho (HS 712007), VS Jiřího Fajkuse (HS 712008), CL Proteomika (HS 712021)
549 49 3519
Mgr. Klára Pavelková
Centrum neurověd (HS 714*), VS Šárky Pospíšilové (HS 713003), CL Genomika (HS 713004), VS Michala Šmídy (HS 713014)
549 49 5063
Markéta Bariaková
VS Jana Hejátka (HS 712003), VS Karla Říhy (HS 712009), Buněčné zobrazování (HS 712022), Lab.rostlinného výzkumu (HS 712023), VS Dalibora Blažka (HS 713006), Bioinformatika pro sekven.nové generace (HS 713016)
549 49 3497
Rector's Office
Assigning passwords to employees RMU:
Bc. Hana Nesvadbová, DiS.
(RMU, Nakladatelství, Archiv, Mendlovo muzeum)
549 49 6317
Žerotínovo náměstí 9, room 272
Ing. Jana Vyskočilová
(RMU, Kariérní centrum, CERPEK)
549 49 5185
Žerotínovo náměstí 9, room 272