Financial Law and Financial Sciences (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DO1FIP01 Theory of financial law • 100 %
PrF:DO1FIP02 Economic aspects of dissertation • 100 %
PrF:DO1FIP03 Administrative aspects of dissertation • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DO5FIPA Area studies V • 100 %
PrF:DO5FIPS Financial law seminar V • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 100 %
PrF:DPVP13 European Tax Law • 100 %

The information was preprocessed: 14/9/2024 11:33

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