Special Education (doktorský kombinovaný)

1. ročník
1. semestr
Žádné údaje k dispozici.
2. semestr
PdF:SPDA015 Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities • 100 %
PdF:SPDA016 Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities • 100 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Careers • 100 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Careers • 100 %
2. ročník
3. semestr
PdF:SPDA008 Professional Orientation in the Field of Study • 100 %
PdF:SPDA009 Dissertation Preparation • 100 %
PdF:SPDA011 Specialization - wider scientific basis – Special Andragogy • 100 %

Údaje byly předpočítány: 21. 12. 2024 11:31

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